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Tom Henrik 30-04-2004 02:40 PM

Discworld Noir
I would like to see the Discworld series on Abandonia. I can't remember much from them, but I remember thinking they were fun to play, although they were extremely illogical. (Of course this is because the Discworld Series written by Terry Pratchett is the same). :D

I_Wanna_Be_A_Pirate 30-04-2004 02:47 PM

ive played the first one.. I dont like em , the solutions are stupid and sometimes impossible to get ( the only way i got through was with the help of my trusty walkthrough site) its just too much like some of the old text based sierra games TOO TRICKY... too tricky that its just not fun :evil:

Tom Henrik 30-04-2004 03:06 PM

You might be right. I seem to recall an incident where you need to get hold of a key that was on a table, but the man who owned it would not let you.

The answer to this was, of course, to get hold of a love potion. Then walk down to the beach, grab hold of an octupus. Give it the love potion. Put the love-sick creature in your inventory. After this you would have to find some way to get a laxative. When you have all this you head back to the man with the key, put the octopus in the poor fellow's toilet, then put the laxative in his drink. Wait for it to set in effect, then as the guy is occupied with the octopus in the restroom.... You nick the key.

Stroggy 30-04-2004 04:41 PM

I'd like to play the old discworld games just because I love the books so much :)

Tom Henrik 30-04-2004 06:35 PM

Me too! That is why I want to see them on this page!

(My icon is the picture of Cohen the Barbarian from the Discworld series, as some of you might have seen).

I_Wanna_Be_A_Pirate 01-05-2004 01:12 AM

Yeah i have the entire terry pratchet collection, discworld rules!

Stroggy 01-05-2004 09:38 AM

I have all of them (except for 1) and I've got the last 5 books in Hardback (oh and "the last hero" aswell... you know... the big book with pictures)
Too bad some idiot destroyed my cover of 'The Truth' :(

I do hope Terry pratchett's new books will centre around the original characters again (Vimes and the watch or Rincewind) because the latest two books ('Wee Free Men' and 'Monstrous Regiment') though they are great... the original characters only play a small role in these books.

I prefer Pratchett and his humour over any fantasy author any day.
I tried Tolkien but the characters there were just too... over the top.
The over-dramatical hobbits, the overly heroic Aragorn and sortlike.
Thats why i prefer Pratchett (and also Frank herbert): the characters are realistic and have real weaknesses. plus I love how Pratchett reflects modern-day affairs in his books like the liberal media that almost always takes the side of the underdog (right or wrong)

But I want to see some more Rincewind... thats why I'd love to play the original games

Tom Henrik 01-05-2004 01:04 PM

I don't know. Rincewind is, for me, a bit far out (even by Terry Pratchett standards)... My favourite characters are Cohen, Death & The Patrician, in that order.

I_Wanna_Be_A_Pirate 01-05-2004 01:32 PM

cohen the geratric barbarian is the coolest!

Titan 02-05-2004 02:16 AM

got two of the books as animated films... muhahaha....

Tom Henrik 02-05-2004 02:21 AM

I bought one of them on dvd, but I think it lost much of the feel. You just can't animate the Discworld. Still it was a good atempt.

Stroggy 02-05-2004 06:51 PM


I don't know. Rincewind is, for me, a bit far out (even by Terry Pratchett standards)... My favourite characters are Cohen, Death & The Patrician, in that order.
my favourite characters are: the Patrician, Vimes and Death.

Rincewind, the wizards (except for the Bursar) and the Witches of Lankre are my least favourite chracters.

xndr2181 05-08-2004 10:00 PM

I would love it if someone posted those games on this site, they're great fun!! :lol:

Havell 05-08-2004 10:39 PM

I like the wizards (apart from Rincewind) and the University, I also like the books with the Lancre witchs and the City watch/Samual Vimes in them. And about the games, Discworld 1 was very hard and illiogical while Discworld 2 was much easier, the best by far was Discworld Noir as it had a much more engrossing atmosphere and storyline than the others and the system of clues was genius and I am surprised no other games have taken inspiration from it, I would love to see them on the site.

Braindead 06-08-2004 07:43 AM

Discworld is great! It would fit nicely in Abandonia's adventure collection. It is rather large download though (100MB).

warning for visitors of hotu: whatever you do, don't download the game from there the sound file english.smp is corrupted and thus the game doesn't function... (also the file doesn't solve the problem)

Puffin 06-08-2004 10:00 AM

My school theater put up a Discworld play last year... But as I'm a freshman I missed it.This year they put um Alice in Wonderland :)
I tried to read a Discworld novel few years ago (don't remember which), but I didn't really speak that much english back then (don't do today, either...) so I didn't understand it and gave up... I'm thinking about trying again... :D

Maikel 06-08-2004 12:52 PM

I got this gothic alice in wonderland shooter from one of the designers of the quake series. It's an interesting take on the series I must say. Fighting a big monstrosity known as ''the red queen'' :twisted:

Havell 06-08-2004 01:28 PM

I have that Alice game, the gameplay is not very good but the graphics are brilliant, everything is so twisted and macabre, you find yourself enduring the gameplay just so so you can see the next breathtaking scene.

xndr2181 06-08-2004 07:10 PM


Discworld is great! It would fit nicely in Abandonia's adventure collection. It is rather large download though (100MB).

warning for visitors of hotu: whatever you do, don't download the game from there the sound file english.smp is corrupted and thus the game doesn't function... (also the file doesn't solve the problem)

Thanks for the warning, I was considering downloading it there :shock: . As for the stuff about the alice game, I work in a comic book store and we brought in some of those figures, they were really creepy but really cool!! I've never heard of the game though, who makes it?

Havell 06-08-2004 07:13 PM


who makes it?
Alice was published by EA games and developed by Rogue Entertainment.

xndr2181 06-08-2004 07:14 PM



who makes it?
Alice was published by EA games and developed by Rogue Entertainment.

Oh, ok, thanks. I'm not the biggest shooter fan for computer, although I will admit, I do so love the bond games on PS2!!

FreeFreddy 06-08-2004 08:20 PM


Alice was published by EA games and developed by Rogue Entertainment.
Rogue Entertainment? That company made Heretic, Hexen, Hexen II and Strife too! :D
Of these company I can say: if they do an 3D-shooter, it's most certainly good one.

xndr2181 07-08-2004 03:18 AM



Alice was published by EA games and developed by Rogue Entertainment.
Rogue Entertainment? That company made Heretic, Hexen, Hexen II and Strife too! :D
Of these company I can say: if they do an 3D-shooter, it's most certainly good one.

interesting, I might have to pick that one up...This is way off topic, I'm sorry, but since we're talking about shooters, have any of you played red faction 2 for PS2?

FreeFreddy 07-08-2004 06:48 AM


Rogue Entertainment? That company made Heretic, Hexen, Hexen II and Strife too! *:D *
Of these company I can say: if they do an 3D-shooter, it's most certainly good one.

Well, that's not quite right, sorry for the wrong notice - Rogue Entertainment only made Strife, but Strife is a very good game, I think. I for my part like it very much. As for Heretic, Hexen and Hexen II - they were made by Raven Software.

revgb 07-08-2004 07:13 AM

I think one of the best books from the discworld series is the last contenent, (or is it the lost contenet) i cant remember the first word or spell the second lol

anyways the name four ecks im sure everyone knows this but mabye if ur not from australia u dont notice, but anyways four ecks is XXXX which is the name of a popular beer. Reading this is seems totaly obvious to me but i thought id check to make sure everyone knew :D

Yeah that book was the best imo i dont know if its cause im australian or what but i found the whole book great with its comparason to aust

never played the games but from the sound of the diaretic octopus they sounds quite funny even if insanely difficult

Durak 07-08-2004 01:07 PM

The books are fantastic. I recommend everyone reads atleast one. I started from the first but it doesn't really matter.

Tom Henrik 07-08-2004 01:11 PM

The best introduction to Discworld would be Hogfather. This book samples some of the coolest characters from Terry Pratchett's mind.

Stroggy 07-08-2004 01:35 PM

I can't agree more!
Hogfather is one of my favourite discworldbooks (apart from those with the Watch)
I was known on a forum for some time as Mr Teatime.

there are quite a few hidden references to Australia in the last Continent.
Infact Pratchett's books are FILLED with references.
The Silicone Anti-Defamation League is, for example, a reference to the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.

anyway, you can find a long long list of all references on

But my favourite part in the Discworld series isn't the references but the brilliant characters.
Even the most unimportant character has a personality and background.
its quite amazing.
And with myb rother living in London I've got the hardcover version of all the latest books

Durak 07-08-2004 02:40 PM

Mort was a pretty good book too...heck they're all good.

FreeFreddy 07-08-2004 06:57 PM

And I never read anyone of them yet... :roll: :(
Time to go and buy some. :D

xndr2181 07-08-2004 07:09 PM

I'm in the same boat as free freddy when it comes to not having read the books. If any of you are really into discworld though, did you know they made a role playing game? I saw it in the store I work in awhile ago, it seemed pretty popular, if not very funny.

Stroggy 07-08-2004 08:28 PM

never heard of it
Last game about discworld was an adventure game called Discworld Noir

Malchior 07-08-2004 10:56 PM

Speaking of Discworld Noir...

Anyone played it? I've seen it available for download at HOTU but it's so bloody big that it'd take days on my connection.

Is it worth it?

Havell 07-08-2004 11:18 PM

In a word: YES. Discworld Noir is a beautiful game, from the witty dialogue to the dark and brooding atmosphere of the streets of Ankh-Morpork to the gripping storyline that will keep you going right until the end of the game. Added to the genius concept on combining and using clues to solve puzzles. I don't care if you have to rob your 90 year-old grandmother of her pension to buy broadband to download this game but GET IT.

Durak 08-08-2004 12:21 AM

I bought it.

Tom Henrik 08-08-2004 12:43 AM


I'm in the same boat as free freddy when it comes to not having read the books. If any of you are really into discworld though, did you know they made a role playing game? I saw it in the store I work in awhile ago, it seemed pretty popular, if not very funny.

The reason why this game (Not pc by the way...) is that they are fanatical fans of Discworld. They will buy anything written by Terry Pratchett or has the Discworld logo on it. The RPG is good fun IF you are Terry himself, but not for anyone else.

The reason? There is only 1 person in this world today who can use his mind to go THROUGH logic and out the other side! For the rest of the population, the game is just confusing and senseless.

xndr2181 08-08-2004 04:52 AM



I'm in the same boat as free freddy when it comes to not having read the books. If any of you are really into discworld though, did you know they made a role playing game? I saw it in the store I work in awhile ago, it seemed pretty popular, if not very funny.

The reason why this game (Not pc by the way...) is that they are fanatical fans of Discworld. They will buy anything written by Terry Pratchett or has the Discworld logo on it. The RPG is good fun IF you are Terry himself, but not for anyone else.

The reason? There is only 1 person in this world today who can use his mind to go THROUGH logic and out the other side! For the rest of the population, the game is just confusing and senseless.

Hehehe, so true. I'm glad you're the only one who caught that, I guess I gotta be more specific when I talk about "role-playing game" I meant like a book to role-play table top? Hope that clears things up,

Stroggy 08-08-2004 08:28 AM

never seen it.

i've got discworld Noit but I can't play it.
Its quite an amazing game.
If there is any game that, I feel, is underated: its discworld noir.
I have the game on cd's here but I can't seem to start it up :(
but I remember it has quite a long plot (from what I remember it was a bit confusing since it was a typical Noir plot mixed with discworld)
It wasn't written by Pratchett, but all the characters and enviroments were captured brilliantly.
Too bad we didn't see more of the Patrician (you only hear him talk during the game)
And just when you think its an average fantasygame set on the Discworld BANG
You die.
But its what happens afterwards thats unique I'm not going to spoil it for someone thinking of playing it, so i'll just say this: smells are clues too.

EDIT: oh and I don't recommend getting it off an abandonware site
It probably doesn't have any movies and voice files in it.
and without that...
well: without movies you won't understand a thing
and without voices and sounds it just loses A LOT of its charm

Tom Henrik 08-08-2004 11:56 AM

Smells are clues?

You mean Foul Ol' Ron? :lol:

Stroggy 08-08-2004 12:10 PM

No i'm talking about what happens after you die
you become like Angua

Tom Henrik 08-08-2004 01:20 PM

Nice! Angua rocks.

Allthough in the Truth... William de Worde suspects Nobby Nobbs as being the... umm... thing... that Angua is :D

Stroggy 08-08-2004 08:40 PM

In Discworld Noir some people will also say a few things about it.
I believe you cane ven ask Nobby about it, but I think he replies with some lame answer to avoid the question

Durak 09-08-2004 02:28 AM

A wizards staff has a nob on the end...

Scents have a lot to do with Diskworld Noir. If you can't smell, you'd better wear extra deodorant. :wink:

Malcontent 18-08-2004 01:05 PM


I can't agree more!
Hogfather is one of my favourite discworldbooks (apart from those with the Watch)
I was known on a forum for some time as Mr Teatime.

there are quite a few hidden references to Australia in the last Continent.
Infact Pratchett's books are FILLED with references.
The Silicone Anti-Defamation League is, for example, a reference to the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.

And the Campaign for Equal Heights always makes me smile in Discworld :)

As for the games, Discworld 1 is feindishly difficult but very satisfying to complete. Discworld 2 is easier and funnier, and Discworld Noir (Discworld 3) is reckoned by some to be one of the best adventure games ever made, but it never got it's recognition due to bugs and due to the fact Perfect Entertainment (the makers of Discworld games) went bankrupt shortly after it's release. The really sad thing is they didn;t go bankrupt because the Discworld games don't sell (they sold really well) but because they had a legal arguement with Psygnosis, the publishers of 1 and 2, over who would publish 3. So when 3 was released it wasn;t released in big numbers and was never patched, so alot of people have had problems and never been able to fully appreciate what a brilliant game it is. (It's now finally available on a budget label in the UK if anyone is interested, but there is still no patch so you'll have to be quite determined to make it work; it's easiest to get it to work in Win98 but even then it can be hard)

Edit: If you want to buy Discworld Noir you can get it from Amazon UK , but they only have 5 copies left! It may have come to the end of its budget run.

Also, has a brilliant page of tech support. Unfortunately it's huge (reflecting the numerous bugs in the game) but there is alot of useful advice in there that might help anyone havig trouble getting the game running.

Decalies 18-08-2004 01:15 PM


If any of you are really into discworld though, did you know they made a role playing game?

I have also seen it. It's based on the GURPS system. I never played it though. Anybody here ever tried it? I generally love RPG (both cRPG and tabletop) and the discworld series.

Stroggy 18-08-2004 01:47 PM

I never had any in-game problems with discworld noir myself.
I jsut can't make it work on windows xp anymore :(

xndr2181 18-08-2004 05:09 PM



If any of you are really into discworld though, did you know they made a role playing game?

I have also seen it. It's based on the GURPS system. I never played it though. Anybody here ever tried it? I generally love RPG (both cRPG and tabletop) and the discworld series.

Yeah, I heard it was very silly, and because of that hard to play... :wink:

Decalies 18-08-2004 05:35 PM

I can imagine that especially for the GameMaster it's very dificult to come up with a funny and entertaining story. Mmmmm, maybe I should buy it just to see how and what. Then I'll let you know.

JoA 25-08-2004 06:16 AM

Gee, I never had any problems playing Discworld Noir at all. So far as the other two are concerned I know that the Discworld 2 download at HOTU is a CD Rip version, so I've never bothered about downloading it (although I did with the Discworld 1). Does anyone know if there's anywhere you can get a download of Discworld 2 that is not a "rip" version?

Stroggy 25-08-2004 09:52 AM

I've tried one yesterday... but it didn't work.
so far i've never found a working discworld 2 version

TheVoid 25-08-2004 09:59 AM

The original game is on 2 CD's....hard to get a clean version on the Net, unless deeply ripped off.

Unknown Hero 25-08-2004 10:51 AM

I have at home original version of discworld II.

Stroggy 25-08-2004 11:45 AM

well this thread has been going on for some time now. Perhaps we should concider... uploading it? :wink:
I mean we've had all these strategy games, its time for some diversity.
How about some adventuregames (note the irony :wink: )

xndr2181 25-08-2004 08:40 PM

I agree, Discworld all the way!! But wait I thought it wasn't abondonware...?

DaneKarai 07-09-2004 09:01 AM

Hey guys... I was wondering if any of you have downloaded the discworld noir game from THOTU? It's just that I can't get it to run.. anyone got instructions on how to install it properly? It keeps asking me for the CD...

TheVoid 07-09-2004 09:49 AM

Check the "technical notes" section in HOTU...should be in the same page you downloaded the game.

Havell 07-09-2004 04:02 PM

The Underdogs' Discworld 2 worked fine for me, I just clicked on the .exe file in the directory. No CD rip crap, no asking me for the CD or anything.

TheVoid 07-09-2004 04:22 PM

Discworld or Discworld Noir? :huh:

Durak 07-09-2004 04:29 PM

If it is an abandoned game and it asks you for a CD, It would probably be legal to get a crack for it, or an .iso .

Iron_Scarecrow 10-09-2004 01:59 PM

I remember playing a demo of a discworld game about 5 or 6 years ago. It had something to do with a toilet and an octopus and was a point and click adventure game. And i also remember it being absolutly funny. This probably doesn't help but I thought I'd mention it.

Durak 10-09-2004 09:46 PM

Yup, Discworld is awesome. ^_^

Fawfulhasfury 12-09-2004 07:59 PM

add it! :D
add it! :D
I love discworld!

Iron_Scarecrow 13-09-2004 02:50 AM

I found a Discworld Game here CDos
It's 103 MB so there's no way im downloading it. But it looks pretty cool.
You'll have to make an account with the site to download it.

Iron_Scarecrow 13-09-2004 07:59 AM

I just found out 20 minutes ago that i was the proud owner of a Discworld 2 CD. :D
So I install it, restart my computer, open up the game, and what does it do. It changes my resolution to 800 x 600, and 8 bit colour, without even letting me play it for one second. :angry:

Oh I had a lovely time breaking the CD up into millions of pieces. :twisted:

The Niles 13-09-2004 10:35 AM

You could also have tried to solve the problem before destroying the game. There was a good change you could have solved the problem.

Tom Henrik 13-09-2004 11:55 AM

Or if you didn't want to solve the problem, you could've sold the game and made a nice profit :sneaky:

TheVoid 13-09-2004 12:30 PM

Mmmh....I don't think so.....Discworld 2 is actually made of 2 who would buy 1? :huh:
Hey.....maybe it's the reason why the game didn't requires 2 cd....

FreeFreddy 13-09-2004 12:31 PM


Originally posted by Iron_Scarecrow@Sep 13 2004, 09:59 AM
I just found out 20 minutes ago that i was the proud owner of a Discworld 2 CD. :D
So I install it, restart my computer, open up the game, and what does it do. It changes my resolution to 800 x 600, and 8 bit colour, without even letting me play it for one second. :angry:

Oh I had a lovely time breaking the CD up into millions of pieces. :twisted:

Patience is a virtue...

Iron_Scarecrow 14-09-2004 03:51 AM


Well they are all very good points. But I'm not the best with computers so I wouldn't know where to start trying to fix it. And when I put the CD it said Discworld 2 and during installation it didn't ask for a second CD. It may have been a copy, there was a picture on the front but it was pretty much just a blue blob of nothing.

Ababo 15-09-2004 10:45 PM

If anyone ever used the ZX Spectrum, I remember coming across a Discworld text adventure on it which was based on "The Colour of Magic". I can't remember much about it though. I think I may dig it out from my old Spectrum ROM CD. ;)

Unknown Hero 15-09-2004 10:49 PM

Or, ya know, you could try to play it with DOSBox, ya know. And, ya know, disc 2 is only for playing, ya know (a guy in DW2 speaks like this). :lol:

TheVoid 16-09-2004 09:42 AM

Who? I can't remember it.

Iron_Scarecrow 16-09-2004 11:02 AM

Well I obviously don't know. I've never played it. :lol:

Iron_Scarecrow 17-09-2004 11:25 AM

Ahahahaha :lol:

You wouldn't believe this, I found the second CD to discworld two, but now I don't have the first one. It might have worked as well.

Stroggy 17-09-2004 12:37 PM

and we're supposed to believe you? :rolleyes:

In the words of Pratchett: "pull the other one, its got bells on it"

Iron_Scarecrow 17-09-2004 01:28 PM

:blink: :huh: I don't get it.

MdaG 07-05-2005 12:43 PM

I read on a sourceforge forum connected to scummvm that the guys at scummvm has negotiated with Mr. Pratchett about helping them interpret the code and even release it as freeware...

The Fifth Horseman 09-05-2005 06:29 AM

Yeah! Definitelty a good idea! :ok:

ryan 23-06-2005 03:03 PM

Hi everyone! I need some help. There's this game on dos which i would really like to play but i just couldn't find it because i didn't know it's name. I'l write down a few facts and maybe you will know it.

It's a point and click adventure for MS-DOS.

Game is in a fantasy setting and it has humour.

Main character is a sorcerer that has an identical robe like the simon the sorcerer ( you know, red robe, one of those pointy hats that go with pijamas...) It's not simon the sorcerer because all characters were bigger than in simon the sorcerer games.

Game begins at some kind of a castle where a lot of other wizards live. Maybe it was a school or something.

Before you start at the castle, there's a cutsene of a grim reaper ( or something like that) who is bugged by a fly in some kinda of a middle-aged city.

That's most of it. If you know of some game like this, please reply it on forum in my topic. Thanks in advance. :help:

signed, Ryan

vendetta7 23-06-2005 03:45 PM

hmmm, maybe some part of diskworld?
i never got it to run though, so it's only a guess....

Doubler 23-06-2005 04:48 PM

The first Discworld, for sure! :D
Very, very nice game, but there are some reasons it has not been uploaded, if I remember correctly...

Drozdal 23-06-2005 09:31 PM


Originally posted by Doubler@Jun 23 2005, 04:48 PM
The first Discworld, for sure! :D
Very, very nice game, but there are some reasons it has not been uploaded, if I remember correctly...

Probaby because Discworld was released only on CD. :D

BeefontheBone 23-06-2005 09:48 PM

's definitely Discworld, and I reckon it would be far too big for the site too. The second one is equally great, and extremely funny. Discworld Noir's not as good, but holds some interest for fans.

ryan 24-06-2005 11:24 AM

Thanks guys!

signed, Ryan

Havell 24-06-2005 11:47 AM

Discworld Noir pwns all.

I've completed it 7 times and I still do every year. The story and characters are great as is the dark feel of Ankh-Morpork. The clues system was also genius.

Apocalypse Dude 24-06-2005 01:54 PM

All the discworld games are brilliant,
ps. Does anybody know were I can get Discworld Noir. It's the only one I don;t have original...

pps Does anyone know whether there is going to be a new discworld game anytime soon...

Flop 24-06-2005 02:32 PM


Originally posted by Apocalypse Dude@Jun 24 2005, 03:54 PM
All the discworld games are brilliant,
ps. Does anybody know were I can get Discworld Noir. It's the only one I don;t have original...

pps Does anyone know whether there is going to be a new discworld game anytime soon...

Dicsworld Noir is the best one, IMO, but I know many people who think disagree. Unfortunately it's notoriously difficult to get it to work properly in XP.

Anyway, the game was released in a budget edition, which shouldn't be too difficult to find. I just checked amazon and there was a couple of copies, but I'm sure you can find it elsewhere if you prefer.

And as far as I know there are no plans for a new Discworld game (which might be a good thing; I would hate it if they made a Discworld FPS or RTS).

BeefontheBone 24-06-2005 02:34 PM

I have it on budget, and yes it is hard to get going on XP - I've not managed it yet, which is annoying because I never got that far on it before.

ryan 25-06-2005 02:19 PM

If someone is interested, you can download discworld 1 on the underdogs webpage. But it has 106 MB. :wall:

ReamusLQ 20-09-2005 02:29 AM

Mr. Back Alley Ska reminded me of this series. Are these games abandoned/ESA protected? I heard they were pretty fun, and I've read all of Terry Pratchet's books. It would be fun to play the games.

MrBackAlleySka 20-09-2005 03:16 AM

I think it is...not sure. HOTU has it,


Discworld 2

Discworld Noir

ReamusLQ 20-09-2005 03:23 AM

thanks dude...I was too busy to go search for it myself, I was about to leave for my Madrigal Ensemble. <sigh> I guess HOTU will have to do. I suppose I can set it up to download over night because their connections are so slow.

BeefontheBone 20-09-2005 09:21 AM

They're not abandoned, though HotU might have some permissions. There's a possibility of DW becoming freeware though, apparently.

MrBackAlleySka 20-09-2005 12:40 PM

What I heard, mind you this is from rumors, that HoTU DID get permissions, and thats why they have the entire series for download, rather than one or two.

BlackMageJawa 23-09-2005 05:09 PM

Officially, they're not abandonware yet. However, there's supposedly a deal between the developers, Terry Pratchett and the ScummVM team so that ScummVM will be able to run DW1&2, and the games will then become freeware.

Dave 20-07-2007 12:03 PM

Discworld (1995) by Psygnosis, Ltd. [ON SITE]

Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! (1996) Psygnosis, Ltd.
Abandonware :brain:

Discworld Noir (1999) by GT Interactive Software
Still sold.

The Fifth Horseman 20-07-2007 01:54 PM

Actually, Discworld Noir is sold out.
So it's protected (until 2010 :(), not sold.

Dave 20-07-2007 09:50 PM

I've checked them recently in another topic:

Discworld (1995) by Psygnosis, Ltd. [ON SITE]

Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! 1996 Psygnosis, Ltd.
Abandonware [APPROVED]

Discworld Noir 1999 GT Interactive Software

Paco 16-01-2009 01:38 PM



Discworld 2 - Mortality Bytes!


Discworld Noir

[PROTECTED] until 2010

TotalAnarchy 16-11-2009 01:16 PM

Discworld Noir [APPROVED]

rincewinds 15-10-2010 03:22 PM

discworld noir
I'm pretty sure the third discworld, discworld noir is abandoned. any change we can get a download? :D

Paco 15-10-2010 04:26 PM

Next Time search for existing Thread first before creating new Thread.

Discworld Noir

Professor Oak 15-10-2010 06:14 PM

The thread(s) have been merged.

Lulu_Jane 16-10-2010 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by TotalAnarchy (Post 388520)
Discworld Noir [APPROVED]

I just wanted to say that this is THE BEST THING.

arete 05-07-2011 03:29 PM

Oh yeah, baby :clap:

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