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Tervez 28-11-2008 08:29 PM

UFO: Abandonia Unknown: The Resurrection
Most of you are familiar of the game Ufo: Enemy Unknown. And some of you might even remember SupSuper's topic Ufo: Abandonia Unknown, or the more recent Abandonia Apocalypse: Strikes Back! by Fifth Horseman.
As Fifth Horseman has succumbed to his sickness called "real life" (:p), I've decided to run a game of my own, only with the older game.


In AD 2101, war was beginning-

No, wait, that's the wrong script.

It is the beginning of the year 1998. In the past year, a contact was made with alien life... and it wasn't a nice one. They have been abducting cattle, and while there are no confirmed reports, the rumor is that they're doing it to people too...

While the aliens have not made an outright attack, there's little use denying their existence. The sighting of an UFO is not a daily thing, but reports are saying that approximately 36 % of the population of USA have positively witnessed an UFO at least once.

The countries of the world united, and decided to form a group to study and repel this menace.
The group's name is X-Com.
And you're in it.

So the premise of this game is that I'm playing UFO: Enemy Unknown, with the soldiers being named after you forumgoers. I'll post screenshots and reports of the battles your characters go through. Naturally, you are free to roleplay your character as you wish in the meantime. So how do I sign up? Just post the following information in this topic:

Backstory of character (optional)
Character's specialization (Is he a heavy weapons dude, medic etc.? )

The game will start when we have at least 8 applicants. I'll try to update the game at least once a week.

laiocfar 28-11-2008 10:57 PM

Dog tag: Laiofcar
Gender: Male
Battle role: sniper, grenade thrower

ianfreddie07 28-11-2008 11:17 PM

Name: ianfreddie07
Gender: Male
Role: Assault Trooper (medium weapons like rifles, or a heavy plasma :p)

Panthro 28-11-2008 11:57 PM

Name: Panthro
Gender: Male
Backstory of character: Scientist looking to study alien physiology, from the chunks that are left, anyway...
Character's specialization: rifleman/psi-ops

AlumiuN 29-11-2008 07:11 AM

Name: AlumiuN (funnily enough... :p)
Gender: Undefined (so, male :laugh:)
Specialization: Explosives and small weapons
Background: An experimental cyborg developed by an offshoot of X-COM similar to the cancelled Enforcer project that was originally handled by several small military research companies. :borg:

Paco 29-11-2008 01:59 PM

Name: Paco
Gender: Male
Role: Allrounder

Dave 29-11-2008 02:22 PM

Name: David86
Gender: Male
Character's specialization: Explosives / Artillery :mischief:

Capo 29-11-2008 04:04 PM

cut and paste


Male Human

The one that run aroud screaming with a medikit in the hands.

Tervez 30-11-2008 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Panthro (Post 343324)
Name: Panthro
Gender: Male
Backstory of character: Scientist looking to study alien physiology, from the chunks that are left, anyway...
Character's specialization: rifleman/psi-ops

It will take a long time before we get any psi-abilities, but when we get them, you'll get to be the first in line.

1 more soldier needed. Come on girls, this is really near of being an all-male squad!

Panthro 30-11-2008 07:35 PM

Can I just say "yay!" to being first in line!

I wonder what the male:female ratio is on abandonia anyways? I suspect the female of the species may be underepresented.

Tomekk 30-11-2008 08:45 PM

Real Name: L. Tomekk
Age, Gender: 21, Male

"Codename":Warlord (Name me like this :P)
Preferred weapons:Heavy Rocket Launchers, Miniguns.
Squad Role: Heavy Weapons Guy, Support Gunner.
Specialized in: Shoot first, ask questions later.

Tervez 01-12-2008 01:08 PM
Our first base is located in USA. This is because USA pays most of our bills, so they really had the upper hand in the negotiations.
The base's commander, a mysterious character called General Millere, was less than enthusiastic about the base's layout. The living quarters and stores are limited indeed, so his first order was to build more of them. He also commissioned the building of an alien-containment facility and a long-range radar.

Many days pass without much happening, other than the foodfights in the cafeteria. On the 8th day, an UFO is spotted!

Interceptor-1 quickly catches the UFO and shoots it down. The wreckage still remains though, meaning it's time for our heroes to fight their first battle!

The Skyranger arrives to the scene in a few hours: hopefully the aliens will be a little dazed by the crash and won't have much time to hide...

And fortunately this seems to happen. As the Skyranger's ramp opens, our team is greeted with it's first enemy... a levitating alien?

Laiofcar: How the hell is it doing that?!
ianfreddie07: It doesn't matter, shoot it!

The alien seems to be surprised by it's gravity defying abilities too, and Laiofcar quickly kills it.

Our team covers it's Skyranger's exit with a smoke grenade, and scatters to eliminate the other threats.

Panthro barely sees through the smoke obscuring his vision, and manages to down an another alien.

The other houses seem to be empty, so our team readies it's attack on the UFO itself.

Capo and AlumiuN position themselves beneath the Grav-lifts. Capo primes his grenade and gets ready.

He goes up, and sees an alien very near himself. He throws the grenade practically next to his feet, but manages to escape the explosion by doing down with the Grav-lift.

An alien scream is heard, followed by a quiet sobbing. Capo goes up to investigate, and finds an another alien lurking in the corner, staring at the wall. It seems that the shock was too much for him. Capo mercifully silences it with his rifle.

The team searches the rest of the UFO, but no more aliens are found.
General Millere: "Mission accomplished! Recovery team is on it's route."
Panthro: There would be more to recover if Capo hadn't blow up that alien.
Capo: Not really. There's still the same amount of material to recover. Just a little bit harder to study I admit.
David86: You're really sick, aren't you?
Capo: Does it pay more? If so, then yes.

Capo 01-12-2008 03:15 PM

Is a dirty job but someone has to do it :cigar:

Panthro 01-12-2008 04:57 PM

have to say I've never seen a UFO that looks like that... and I've played this game LOADS. May have to load it up yet again.

Oh and Hell Yeah! about my first kill!

Dave 01-12-2008 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Panthro (Post 343527)
have to say I've never seen a UFO that looks like that... and I've played this game LOADS. May have to load it up yet again.

Same for me! I have played this game for ages, is that a special edition of X-Com? O.o
I have never seen a flying sectoid, an UFO like that and a rookie promoted as Sergeant :omg:

Well done btw :thumbs:

Tervez 01-12-2008 06:40 PM

To speak the truth, this is the first time I've seen an UFO like that too. Perhaps it's one of those scout UFOs: it really rare to get one of those to leave a wreckage. And no, it's not a special version, just the one that was avaivable from Abandonia some time ago.
The flying sectoid was probably some weird bug, and a rookie being promoted to sergeant is new to me as well.

There are lots of coincidences here... maybe even too many...

Paco 01-12-2008 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tervez (Post 343542)
To speak the truth, this is the first time I've seen an UFO like that too. Perhaps it's one of those scout UFOs: it really rare to get one of those to leave a wreckage. And no, it's not a special version, just the one that was avaivable from Abandonia some time ago.
The flying sectoid was probably some weird bug, and a rookie being promoted to sergeant is new to me as well.

There are lots of coincidences here... maybe even too many...

Nope, Its not a Scout Ship. I too have never see something like this and i have played UFO for who know how many years.

*Put Capo on Kill-List* *evil grien*

Capo 01-12-2008 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Paco (Post 343550)
*Put Capo on Kill-List* *evil grien*

Put your pants on and wash your rifle rookie! :cigar:

laiocfar 02-12-2008 12:59 AM

WOW! That was a strange mission!

The alien vessel was almost intact for a wreckage site. Also the alien craft was a clumsy design that looks like taken from TFTD. I never saw nothing like that before, i can tell that it wasnt the normal small scout. Once in about a thousand ground missions, i found one intact, it looked like 3x3 balloon on level 2, with 4 legs and a single square under. Also the air combat report talked about an small ufo, small scouts are very small. So it must be a medium scout(most likely by the speed) or a large scout. So far it doesnt looks like a bug, the vessel was very well designed for a bug. Lets take on the good side, we capture elirium, alloys, a valuable power source and at least one plasma. I am looking forward to see more new ufos.

Just to known, which difficulty are we talking about?

gufu1992 02-12-2008 02:29 AM

Can I join, because someone has to die by the alien grenade.
Name:Borisov Dmitry
Specialty:Mid range laser weaponry. Well, before that is researched - a coward with an assault weapon.

Tervez 02-12-2008 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by laiocfar (Post 343559)
Just to known, which difficulty are we talking about?

Experienced, the second 'easiest'.

I did try some mods a looong time ago, but I deleted that game directory, and re-downloaded the whole thing. And the other game's I've with this one have been okay.


Originally Posted by gufu1992 (Post 343562)
Can I join, because someone has to die by the alien grenade.
Name:Borisov Dmitry
Specialty:Mid range laser weaponry. Well, before that is researched - a coward with an assault weapon.

I'll hire some new soldiers so that I can name one after you, but it'll take some time before they arrive.

I'll try to update today, but if I can't, then probably tomorrow.

Tomekk 02-12-2008 09:29 AM

Too bad I drew the shortest straw and ended up at the back of the line :whistling:

Paco 02-12-2008 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Capo (Post 343552)
Put your pants on and wash your rifle rookie! :cigar:

you got the Rang by cheating, so i will not acknowledge you. :protest:


Originally Posted by laiocfar (Post 343559)
WOW! That was a strange mission!

The alien vessel was almost intact for a wreckage site. Also the alien craft was a clumsy design that looks like taken from TFTD. I never saw nothing like that before, i can tell that it wasnt the normal small scout. Once in about a thousand ground missions, i found one intact, it looked like 3x3 balloon on level 2, with 4 legs and a single square under. Also the air combat report talked about an small ufo, small scouts are very small. So it must be a medium scout(most likely by the speed) or a large scout. So far it doesnt looks like a bug, the vessel was very well designed for a bug. Lets take on the good side, we capture elirium, alloys, a valuable power source and at least one plasma. I am looking forward to see more new ufos.

Just to known, which difficulty are we talking about?

Like this:

with a weak Weapon you can shot it down and with a strong Weapon destroyed it.

Dave 02-12-2008 11:45 AM

Yes, that's not a now I'm curious to see our next missions!
@Tervez: what is my equipment btw? Can we change it in a future?

May I suggest Heavy Cannon + Explosives Ammo and a grenade?
And if possible a rocket launcher for harder missions. :hypocrite:

Capo 02-12-2008 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Paco (Post 343587)
you got the Rank by cheating, so i will not acknowledge you. :protest:

Insubordination! Start running and dont stop until you collapse! :cigar:

Tervez 02-12-2008 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by David86 (Post 343589)
@Tervez: what is my equipment btw? Can we change it in a future?

May I suggest Heavy Cannon + Explosives Ammo and a grenade?
And if possible a rocket launcher for harder missions. :hypocrite:

Roger that.

Our base now has finished building the stores, living quarters and alien containment. We can now take alive aliens as prisoners: but given that the only way we can stun them is via a stun rod, it'll be some time before it will see any use.

We also have completed researching med-kits, and our engineers start assemble them. This will take 17 days, due to a shortage of engineers.

It's day 22, and quess what? We spot our second UFO! Interceptor-1 shoots it down without any difficulty, and our next mission shortly begins.

Our team is more confident this time, and comes straith out of the Skyranger without using smoke as cover. The team hears some doors opening in the farm house nearby: Panthro moves closer to investigate.

David86 gets there first though, as he sees an alien through an window opening the door. He shoots it in the chest with his heavy cannon: the poor beast doesn't stand a chance against the attack.

ianfreddie07: I spotted an alien!
Warlord: Way ahead of you! *readies his rocket launcher*
ianfreddie07: Wait! Wait! WAAAIIIT!

ianfreddie07 barely has the time to get out of the blast radius.

Our sergeant enters the UFO and spots an another of the aliens. He perforates it with his auto cannon.

The sounds indicate that there's still an alien left... but it's not in any of the farm houses.

It makes itself known soon though, as it attempts to shoot David86 and Capo! Both of the shots miss though, and so does David86 trying to return the gift.

Capo attempts to quickly kill it before it can cause any casualties, but this alien seems to be tough! It completely shrugs off the wound made by the auto cannon, grins, and starts to fire at Capo!

Or it would have done so, if Paco hadn't flanked the alien from behind. It still takes a total of 4 shots to take this beast down, and Paco shoots it a few times after it's down to make sure it's dead.

Mission accomplished!

Paco 02-12-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Capo (Post 343602)
Insubordination! Start running and dont stop until you collapse! :cigar:

Dont look on me down anymore, because i saved your stinky Ass. :max:

@Tervez another weird UFO you got there. You really sure you downloaded it from Abandonia? :omg: Maybe you got it from Alien on Mars?

Tomekk 02-12-2008 05:30 PM

I have a feeling that this game will be very interesting and filled with unpredictable events :)

Just like a real adventure :thumbs:

laiocfar 02-12-2008 05:53 PM

Yep, that alien vessel wasnt normal too!

Dave 02-12-2008 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Tomekk (Post 343607)
I have a feeling that this game will be very interesting and filled with unpredictable events :)

Just like a real adventure :thumbs:

Yes, another strange UFO :nuts:!
@Tervez: I suggest you to insert screenshoot using the thumbnail link, in this way you can add more images, and don't worry we can zoom clicking on them ;)

SKYRANGER-1: Mission complete.

David86: Porca troia Warlord! (Italian exclamation :P)

Tomekk aka Warlord: ehy Man? Language my friend language, I don't understand your Spaghetti words :oh:

David86: oh yes...I meant what the f*cking hell *BEEP BEEP BEEP*??!
Pay attention with those missles!! We are not playing a game :whops:

ianfreddie07: yeah! My face is still burning!

Tomekk: it wasn't my fault, I don't know who pulled the trigger XD

All Xcom team: :omg:

Tomekk 02-12-2008 06:44 PM

Did my rocket kill anything, or am I just gonna get 5 tons of ranting mail from the owner?

Panthro 02-12-2008 07:22 PM

Have to say I was pretty nervous about being sent to investigate a dark barn... I'm all in favour of blowing the bloody doors off first.

Capo 02-12-2008 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Paco (Post 343606)
Dont look on me down anymore, because i saved your stinky Ass. :max:

Good work Paco, i see that you have read my book "How to flank enemy in battle for dummies". Keep reading :cigar:


Originally Posted by David86 (Post 343612)
David86: Porca troia Warlord! (Italian exclamation :P)


gufu1992 02-12-2008 10:13 PM

Oh lawdy. I wonder if aliens even have a chance in those UFOs!

laiocfar 02-12-2008 10:44 PM

Paco: Next time use your rifle on auto mode so after you kill the alien and by accident shoot Capo.

Capo: Sir, I got the feeling like Paco is going to attempt to kill you, sir.

Tervez 03-12-2008 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Paco (Post 343606)
@Tervez another weird UFO you got there. You really sure you downloaded it from Abandonia? :omg: Maybe you got it from Alien on Mars?

Nah. Their version was incompatible with my OS.
I am quite sure that the game is not modded, as none of the mods I downloaded back then didn't modify the UFOs, but rather the equipment and aliens.


Originally Posted by David86 (Post 343612)
@Tervez: I suggest you to insert screenshoot using the thumbnail link, in this way you can add more images, and don't worry we can zoom clicking on them ;)



Originally Posted by Tomekk (Post 343615)
Did my rocket kill anything, or am I just gonna get 5 tons of ranting mail from the owner?

Yes, you killed that sectoid in that picture. To tiny little bits, to be precise.

AlumiuN 03-12-2008 06:30 AM

Wow. I am doing NOTHING. Additionally, I would like to request a laser rifle once you have researched it. :)

ianfreddie07 03-12-2008 10:31 AM


ianfreddie07 barely has the time to get out of the blast radius.
Why do I keep getting victimized? :cry:

Dave 03-12-2008 10:52 AM

Ehy, it's not your fault :)
These are the first missions, there is still time to become heroes or to die! :max:

Tervez 03-12-2008 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by David86 (Post 343696)
Ehy, it's not your fault :)
These are the first missions, there is still time to become heroes or to die! :max:

More probably the latter. You've been lucky so far.

Tomekk 03-12-2008 01:41 PM

Can I have a Silver Talon .45 Magnum as a secondary weapon? And I want 2 medkits aswell (In case someone gets in my rockets way :D)

Paco 03-12-2008 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Capo (Post 343648)
Good work Paco, i see that you have read my book "How to flank enemy in battle for dummies". Keep reading :cigar:


you need a new glasses, because i was reading a Manga with you as a Idiot Character. :bleh:


Originally Posted by laiocfar (Post 343654)
Paco: Next time use your rifle on auto mode so after you kill the alien and by accident shoot Capo.

Good Idea. i will do that next time. *fuhuhu*


Originally Posted by Tervez (Post 343673)
Nah. Their version was incompatible with my OS.
I am quite sure that the game is not modded, as none of the mods I downloaded back then didn't modify the UFOs, but rather the equipment and aliens.

Then where do you get the new UFO? has some Mods but no new UFO/Alien-Mods ;_;

Tomekk 03-12-2008 02:48 PM

As a 3rd person, I say you two should stop arguing for the sake of the team. But you can still have pillow fights in the living quaters if you want to :max:

Fortis 03-12-2008 04:02 PM

How did I miss this? Anyway, This looks like a different version of the game. Does it have the androids and hybrids? Or should I go ahead and make a human character?

Capo 03-12-2008 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by laiocfar (Post 343654)
Capo: Sir, I got the feeling like Paco is going to attempt to kill you, sir.

Soldier, when a rookie will kill a sergeant the hell will freeze and will rain frogs! :cigar:

Soldier Paco,I told you not to stop running, training is the key to become a decont soldier :cigar:

Paco 03-12-2008 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Fortis (Post 343718)
How did I miss this? Anyway, This looks like a different version of the game. Does it have the androids and hybrids? Or should I go ahead and make a human character?

In ancient Times, ony humans exist. In far Future (to be exact in Apocalypte) Androids and Hybrid will be available.


Originally Posted by Capo (Post 343722)
Soldier, when a rookie will kill a sergeant the hell will freeze and will rain frogs! :cigar:

Soldier Paco,I told you not to stop running, training is the key to become a decont soldier :cigar:

i already told you. you are no a sergeant but a Rookie, since you cheated. I will never follow your order you Demon! :notrust:

Tomekk 03-12-2008 04:25 PM

Thank God he's... I mean Sergeant Capo isin't picking on me :D Poor Paco XD

Fortis 03-12-2008 05:16 PM

Name: Fortis
Gender: Male
Role in squad: pyro assault (Just give him a flamethrower and any incendiary weaponry.)

The resident pyromaniac, Fortis says he joined just because he wanted the opportunity to start more fires without being accused of arson. However, it is rumored that he has a personal grudge against the aliens. His uncle’s farm had to be sold because of bankruptcy. His uncle claims all of his best cows and bulls were abducted by aliens. Either way, on the side, Fortis is currently trying to help his uncle earn enough cash to buy his farm back.

Tervez 03-12-2008 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Paco (Post 343710)
Then where do you get the new UFO?

To speak the truth, I have no idea. No, really. They just seem to appear now.


Originally Posted by Tomekk (Post 343708)
Can I have a Silver Talon .45 Magnum as a secondary weapon? And I want 2 medkits aswell (In case someone gets in my rockets way :D)

One medikit is enough, as it carries 10 doses of heal, painkillers and stimulants, and that is a lot.
There are no special pistols in the game, but I'll throw you a normal pistol which I will call a Magnum, okay?


Originally Posted by Fortis (Post 343729)
Name: Fortis
Gender: Male
Role in squad: pyro assault (Just give him a flamethrower and any incendiary weaponry.)

The resident pyromaniac, Fortis says he joined just because he wanted the opportunity to start more fires without being accused of arson. However, it is rumored that he has a personal grudge against the aliens. His uncle’s farm had to be sold because of bankruptcy. His uncle claims all of his best cows and bulls were abducted by aliens. Either way, on the side, Fortis is currently trying to help his uncle earn enough cash to buy his farm back.

Sorry, this game doesn't have flamethrowers. :(
I will get you a rocket launcher with incendiary rockets, okay?

Fortis 03-12-2008 06:41 PM

Anything that burns is good. I'm not picky.

laiocfar 04-12-2008 03:08 AM

The auto-cannon with the P load can be useful to light in night missions, also the P-rockets will light a lot more.

Paco 04-12-2008 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by laiocfar (Post 343782)
The auto-cannon with the P load can be useful to light in night missions, also the P-rockets will light a lot more.

Heavy Cannon have also Incendiary Ammo like the 2 other weapon laiofar mentioned.

laiocfar 04-12-2008 05:43 PM

@Tervez: can we ask for the mod-pack to use it in our own version?
Edited: yes. But remember guys...only the Mod, the game is not Abandoned.

Tomekk 04-12-2008 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tervez (Post 343744)
One medikit is enough, as it carries 10 doses of heal, painkillers and stimulants, and that is a lot.
There are no special pistols in the game, but I'll throw you a normal pistol which I will call a Magnum, okay?

Sounds fine to me, I'm not really experienced with UFO: Enemy Unknown (There's no Magnum :(, it looks to be an UFO2k exclusive.)

Paco 04-12-2008 10:31 PM

@Tervez Did you possible used XComUtil for the random UFO-Floorplans?

One of XComUtil Feature is this:

Do you want to randomize alien ship floorplans before each battle? (N)

This forces a new ship floorplan to be generated before every battle. The
random seed is taken from the time of this battle, so that every design is
unique. Since this option is only necessary for people who have played
the game for a long time, the default is No.

Tomekk 09-12-2008 10:07 AM

Anyone know where in the WORLD is Tervez?

Tervez 09-12-2008 04:09 PM

Sorry about the lack of update guys, been a bit busy recently.


Originally Posted by laiocfar (Post 343861)
@Tervez: can we ask for the mod-pack to use it in our own version?

Sorry, but as I said, I deleted the mod and everything back then. The only mods I used were from this site.

Originally Posted by Paco (Post 343898)
@Tervez Did you possible used XComUtil for the random UFO-Floorplans?

Nope. I have downloaded it, but haven't used it yet.

It has been quiet for the two days. Everyone has gathered in the dining hall to get something to eat.

AlumiuN: Damn. All so far in my missions I haven't seen any action at all!

Fortis: Don't whine. This thing doesn't seem to be end very soon. You'll get to your action one day.

AlumiuN: But it's been days since I've blown anything to bits!

Fortis: Why do you have such an obsession with blowing stuff up?

AlumiuN: When you've blown someone up, you've made an definite statement towards him. For better or worse, you've clarified your attitude to him. In a way, the next step is up to him.

Fortis: stole that quote from someone, didn't you?

AlumiuN: Might be so. My databanks haven't been defragmented in a long time.

Paco: Hey guys, the line is moving. We'd like to eat during this year.

Panthro: Why is AlumiuN in the line anyway? He doesn't eat, does he?

AlumiuN: No. I come here to socialize with you. Even though I doubt your inferior human brains can come even close to mine.

Capo: Hey maggot, show some respect in front of your superior!

David86: Pht. The only reason you got your promotion is because Millere seems to distribute them randomly. Yesterday, he promoted a janitor into a scientist!

All: What?!

David86: Trust me, it's true. When asked about it, he only said 'This man has to be in the right place at the right time. I intend to give him both.'

ianfreddie07: Hmm. I wonder what he meant by that?

Suddenly the intercom shouts: "Alert all XCom combat troops! Report at the mission room immediately!

Tomekk: Speak of the devil...

After a few minutes, everyone has gathered in the mission room.

Millere: Gentlemen. The situation is as follows: The aliens have now made an open attack, presumably as a response for downing two of their UFOs. They have landed in Rome, but they don't seem to have attacked the civilians yet. Your mission is simple: Get in there, protect the civilians and eliminate all of the aliens. Exercise caution! Killing civilians would result in unwanted publicity for our organization. You are dismissed.

Before anyone can ask any questions, he walks out of the door and disappears.

Panthro: That guy seriously makes me want to kill something...

Capo: Wish granted. Get in the Skyranger.

Paco: Capo, I know that you like that you're a sergeant, but at least stop smoking that damn cigar.

Capo: I'll stop smoking it when they take it from my cold, dead lips.

(Sorry, but the thumbnails don't seem to work. :( I'll have to upload the whole pictures.)
After a short period, our team notices an alien: a new kind of too!
ianfreddie07 quickly makes mincemeat out of it however.
Our team spreads out an they spot an another kind of alien: a gigantic furry beast on two legs!

Panthro: Holy ****!

Capo: Shoot it! SHOOT IT!

Paco shoots it, but despite 3 hits, the thing doesn't even slow down! It retreats back however: but the human scream coming few seconds later means it probably just found new prey.
Meanwhile, David86, AlumiuN and Paco start to scout the buildings north-east side.
A plasma shot is heard, and it hits ianfreddie07 in the chest, burning a hole through him. He goes down with a pained expression on his face.

Laiofcar: Man down! Man down!

Capo: Get in cover!

Tomekk: Stay clear of that area! They have a straight shot at it!
While getting to cover, Laiofcar notices something: These bugger really can levitate!

Laiofcar: These things can fly...

Paco: It's real interesting thing, but we can investigate it after we've killed them!
Tomekk notices another of the big aliens, and fires a rocket at it. This, at least, is enough to kill it. After that, Panthro kills the flying alien.
Despite all this, another sniper shot finds it target: this time it's David86. Badder still, he doesn't die immediatly: instead, he has the time to feel all the pain the shot brings.
AlumiuN, filled with rage, shouts "I've had ENOUGH!" and kills an alien that thought it would be a smart move try to surprise him.
The situation rolls onward: Paco and Capo both score a new kill, but these action are but to shame as AlumiuN pulls out an High Explosive pack and throws it at a goddamn alien.
To add to his triumph, he pulls out his pistol and charges towards an another alien and kills it too!
The gigantic beast proved a match against rifle bullets, but Paco's and Tomekk's grenades are a bit too for even them to bite.

Millere: Good work team. Shame on the two men dying: please take their corpses with you. That is all. *click*

Panthro: The heck? Why do we have to take them? Can't the recovery team do that?

Laiofcar: Do we really have a choice in here?

Capo: *Sigh* I guess we better do what he asks.

What will happen to the fallen? That will be revealed... next time I post.

Dave 09-12-2008 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Tervez (Post 344419)
(Sorry, but the thumbnails don't seem to work. :( I'll have to upload the whole pictures.)

Open Imageshack=> Upload the image => View the image => Click on Thumbnails => Take the first link (Forum) => Paste it here.
It should work :)

David86: ARGHHHH! Say to my wife Angelina Jolie that I won't come home! ARGHHH! :tai: (:perv:)

Tomekk 09-12-2008 04:53 PM

This is getting better and better :D A little question though, aren't we suppose to get promoted for killing so many off world-scum?
And why does my rocket launcher only carry 1 rocket???

Fortis 09-12-2008 05:08 PM


What will happen to the fallen? That will be revealed... next time I post.
I could give them a really good funeral pyre. Guaranteed to be seen even from space.

Capo 09-12-2008 05:47 PM

Well, only the strongest survive, this the law of the jungle and we are in the middle of it! :cigar:

Paco 09-12-2008 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by David86 (Post 344422)
David86: ARGHHHH! Say to my wife Angelina Jolie that I won't come home! ARGHHH! :tai: (:perv:)

Amen, my italian Friend. Fare thee well. ^_^
Until we see you again.


Originally Posted by Tomekk (Post 344423)
This is getting better and better :D A little question though, aren't we suppose to get promoted for killing so many off world-scum?
And why does my rocket launcher only carry 1 rocket???

Those who managed to killed at last 1 Alien or attacked a Alien are promoted to Squaddie. That will not shown in Game.

Since there are only 9 Soldier? only 1 Sergeant is promoted for 5 Soldier. Unless we get more Soldier, any Promotion is in the far Future.

Rocket Launcher can only fire 1 Rocket, but you can carry 3 more Rocketin Bag.

@Tervez Can you tell what we have researched so far and what we will researched from now on.

How much Kill have i?

AlumiuN 10-12-2008 07:37 AM


Also, my condolences to your widow, David. And your father, Ian. :D *cough*

Capo 10-12-2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Paco (Post 344435)
Since there are only 9 Soldier? only 1 Sergeant is promoted for 5 Soldier. Unless we get more Soldier, any Promotion is in the far Future.

As long as I am the head i assure you that your promotion is far as hell soldier Paco. :cigar:

gufu1992 10-12-2008 07:25 PM

Oh, you just wait till the commander actually gets more people!

laiocfar 10-12-2008 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Capo (Post 344495)
As long as I am the head i assure you that your promotion is far as hell soldier Paco. :cigar:

Or you can die and someone gets the promotion... there is very likely that you die: a reaper can eat you alive while you are still shooting at him, some of those flying aliens can hover our positions and leave a grenade that blows your cigar, any grey bug can do an aimed shoot to your head, someone can stab you from your back, or maybe you dont wake up next morning.

This is what happens when i have to bag death soldiers!

gufu1992 11-12-2008 01:27 AM

Why are you inventing names for the aliens? That is job for the scientists!

Capo 11-12-2008 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by laiocfar (Post 344514)
Or you can die and someone gets the promotion... there is very likely that you die: a reaper can eat you alive while you are still shooting at him, some of those flying aliens can hover our positions and leave a grenade that blows your cigar, any grey bug can do an aimed shoot to your head, someone can stab you from your back, or maybe you dont wake up next morning.
This is what happens when i have to bag death soldiers!

Who are you soldier ? I never saw you before,you are the bathroom man right ? It need a clean up in my opinion :cigar:

Panthro 11-12-2008 05:10 PM

I vote for keeping our fallen comrades heads in jars, and putting them in the cafeteria.

Or perhaps bringing them back as some sort of super-zombie attack machines?

Fortis 11-12-2008 05:53 PM


I vote for keeping our fallen comrades heads in jars, and putting them in the cafeteria.

Or perhaps bringing them back as some sort of super-zombie attack machines?
Erm, not in the cafeteria. I'd rather not look at that while eating.

However, I'm all for the super-zombie attack machines. With flamethrowers. Big ones. Something that can instantly char broil everything within a UFO all at once. And incendiary missiles too.

Though I get the feeling that we'll need to instal failsafes, or we might find Capo cooked medium well in the middle of the night.

Capo 18-12-2008 04:14 PM

This lack of aliens is making me crazy, one of this days i will shot soldier Paco :cigar:

Panthro 18-12-2008 04:42 PM

Are you sure its just the lack of aliens...?

I have a bad feeling about this...

Tomekk 18-12-2008 05:01 PM

My "trigger-finger" is getting so itchy. I wonder if Paco is good enough for target practice? :whistling:

AlumiuN 21-12-2008 09:48 PM

If you two are going to try and kill Paco...

...where did I put my minigun?

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