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0gh3r 19-10-2008 04:07 AM

Diablo 1
It was in early 1997 when RPG gamers everywhere picked up the newly released Diablo 1. It was an outstanding and unprecedented hit for the PC and the RPG genre. The sales sky-rocketed, and within 10 years it hit the platinum mark at a million copies sold. Incredible.

When it first came out, there wasn't a game, on the market, like it. Sure, there were roguelikes that you could buy but nothing like Diablo. And, none of them boasted the same multiplayer experience that is keeping the game running hot to this very day. Thousands of people still play this game and for good reason; it's a classic.

So what exactly makes this game a classic? Why is it so good and for what reason? Well, let us look at the game-play itself.

You start out by picking your character class. You have the choice between a warrrior; a sorcerer, and a rogue. All of these classes have their strengths and weakness and you're given the freedom to develop these strengths or weaknesses any way you please. You can play a rogue who fights with the blade or even a warrior who fights with sorcery. The choice is up to you.

The character creation is fairly direct and also limiting. It's not extensive by any means and while you're given a lot of leeway in how to create your character; you're still stuck with three simple ways of creating your character and it can make replaying the game monotonous at times.

The quests that you're given are generally fun, and it's incredibly addicting to charge through enemy hordes or watch your enemies tumble by the flick of the finger. This game just doesn't let up! This can be a good or bad thing, but if you're into these sort of games, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

The storyline is actually quite good and the back-story is fairly expansive if you read the manual which IS canon. I and a few others often say that it's storyline is one of the best. The entire concept is pretty original. Yes, it utilizes the same old "good vs evil" plot but it does so in a very good and refreshing way.

I adore, like many of you, the music. It's fabulous and really conveys the dark and gloomy atmosphere of the game. I don't know anyone who doesn't like it except those who've played the game so many times that they have to turn off the music. But even so, it's great nonetheless. The dungeon tracks are equally great; they don't distract from the setting what-so-ever.

On a final note, I will always and forever call this game more of a Horror/Action-RPG than just plain Action-RPG. People tend to agree with me on this as well. It's not quite as scary as games in the Survival-Horror genre, but it's pretty darn creepy sometimes to safely add that to the beginning of the title. You have impaled bodies, echoing screams, blood all over the place, and all of this is being contrasted against a very dark and gray background. Even Tristram, which is outside, is pretty gloomy.

So overall I would give it an 85%

verek_22 19-10-2008 12:25 PM

Nice review! Diablo (And Diablo 2) were amazing games. Its a shame that Diablo 3 doesn't look quite as evil and scary as the old ones.

You have really made me want to dig out my Diablo CD and play the game again.

velik_m 21-10-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by 0gh3r (Post 340437)
So overall I would give it an 85%

85% of what?

Tomekk 21-10-2008 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by velik_m (Post 340644)
85% of what?

85% +(12%) of pure awesomeness!

Luchsen 22-10-2008 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by velik_m (Post 340644)
85% of what?

Fat in dry matter... How about 85% of 100% of the gameness a game can reach?

Patrunjelu 14-07-2009 03:46 PM

Diablo 1 was better than 2 in my opinion :D Especially after installing it's expansion (Hellfire). You just have to love the new items (especially the staff of the jester and the magic traps/bombs). Na'krul was too damn easy to beat. I had a harder time when I first entered the crypts. The defiler was hard though...
As for Diablo 1 classic, my favorite bosses are the Warlord of Blood because of it's voice and Archbishop Lazarus because of his overall coolness :D

Tomekk 14-07-2009 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Patrunjelu (Post 375866)
Diablo 1 was better than 2 in my opinion :D Especially after installing it's expansion (Hellfire). You just have to love the new items (especially the staff of the jester and the magic traps/bombs). Na'krul was too damn easy to beat. I had a harder time when I first entered the crypts. The defiler was hard though...
As for Diablo 1 classic, my favorite bosses are the Warlord of Blood because of it's voice and Archbishop Lazarus because of his overall coolness :D

Yeah, I agree. Diablo 1 had a much darker mood and it was far more simple. + Hellfire rocks :thumbs:

hunvagy 15-07-2009 07:37 AM

Halls of the blind, read by the rogue.. Best. Poem. Ever.

red_avatar 16-07-2009 04:40 AM

I preferred Diablo II for its range & diversity, Diablo I for its atmosphere & music.

Diablo III looks to be a bastard child of D2 and WoW though. The art team is obviously that of WoW - the same style of textures, green/blue hues everywhere, etc. It's like a kiddy version of Diablo at the moment.

Maxor127 16-07-2009 04:49 AM

I liked Diablo when it came out, but it also bored me. It had its unique features that made it fun, but I preferred games like Baldur's Gate instead. Dungeon crawls never really interest me. I like doing quests and interacting with NPCs and exploring cities.

Patrunjelu 16-07-2009 10:21 AM

I didn't enjoy D2 that much because of it's music that managed to pass by without being noticed, its stupid save and quit system and the respawning of the enemies.
But that doesn't mean that I didn't like D2 at all! Playing it with a few friends was really enjoyable...
The soundtrack of its addon though was extremely good (especially Fortress).

Gargantuan Orangutan 16-07-2009 11:35 PM

Hellfire was decent, but I really thought it was a defective and unfinished product overall. You had to start new characters to play it, and there was no no multiplayer on

The monk class wasn't particularly exciting either.

Compared to vanilla Diablo I never got much out of it overall.

Never completely warmed up to D2 either, but it has its moments. I prefer to play it with HC characters only, because it then captures a lot of the tension that D1 had. I still backup my character though (I'm not completely insane). However, there's a lot of incentive not to die.

Wolf Thug 17-07-2009 03:02 AM

I never really played diablo 1 but I always watched my brother play it and I watched it all the way to the end until he kill the huge diablo was a nice game but I think "The Lionheart : Legacy of the Crusader" was much better.

red_avatar 17-07-2009 05:48 AM

For everyone who said they didn't enjoy Diablo II: did you play it online? This WAS a multiplayer game. Single Player was never the main aspect of it. I first played SP as well and thought it was so so. It's only when you take trading and collecting into account, mule accounts, cow levels, etc. that the game really starts to shine.

_r.u.s.s. 17-07-2009 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by red_avatar (Post 376259)
This WAS a multiplayer game. Single Player was never the main aspect of it.


you know, i'm just going to pretend i didn't see it

skillz 18-07-2009 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 376285)

you know, i'm just going to pretend i didn't see it


chainsoar 18-07-2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Patrunjelu (Post 375866)
Diablo 1 was better than 2 in my opinion :D Especially after installing it's expansion (Hellfire). You just have to love the new items (especially the staff of the jester and the magic traps/bombs). Na'krul was too damn easy to beat. I had a harder time when I first entered the crypts. The defiler was hard though...
As for Diablo 1 classic, my favorite bosses are the Warlord of Blood because of it's voice and Archbishop Lazarus because of his overall coolness :D

Nuh uh, the Skeleton King was way cooler.

"the warmth of life has entered my tomb..."


AntGrant 19-07-2009 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Maxor127 (Post 376115)
I liked Diablo when it came out, but it also bored me. It had its unique features that made it fun, but I preferred games like Baldur's Gate instead. Dungeon crawls never really interest me. I like doing quests and interacting with NPCs and exploring cities.

I admit i did tire of relentless mouse bashing in diablo, the game is focused mainly around killing lots of different things with no breathing space for much dialogue or world exploration, once you've seen one level you've seen them all..

Tracker 28-07-2009 07:57 PM

True. I once tried D2 when I didn't have internet, and I tought it's boring, it's long, it's repetitive. But my first co-operative gameplay experience was provided by D2. Just imagine: we were sitting miles away with my friend from each other, but still could hear each other, and we didn't have to stand up to let the other play... yeah, netplay has it's magic. And the first day someone gave 20000 gold to each of us!:D

The one who flew 17-12-2010 07:20 PM

Diablo 1 is a classic. My fave was the warrior. With the skill shrines you could still get your spell levels up a bit, and armed with a King's sword of vampires you could make good use of teleport, stone curse and chain lightning.

Diablo 2 was good but couldn't match the atmosphere of the first. It also ruined Diablo 1 for me, just could never get back to no running in the first game.

KindaRigel 21-12-2010 05:15 AM

I still play Diablo 1 Hellfire until today.
With patches and patchfixes you can play up to v1.02 multiplayer with Warrior, Rogue, Sorcerer, Barbarian or Bard.
As far as I know, there are still a few private servers up for that game :)
(Only with hardcore mods)
Last year even Diablo1 bnet servers were online, dunno if they still are.

My favorite is the sorcerer, doesn't need much equipment (because he simply can't wear it) and Mana Shield turns him into a tank!
So if noone wants to play with you at the moment, a solo run is no problem with the sorcerer :D
Though, it's a shame there was no magic amplifier like Kings Staff with 150% extra magic damage or something.

That game is just great :)

The Fifth Horseman 21-12-2010 07:02 PM

They were earlier this year.

Kugerfang 22-12-2010 06:24 AM

Is the Diablo battlechest still worth getting today for $27?

RIPclass 26-12-2010 12:54 PM

Nice to see people that still play Diablo I, here in Italy I think the Hellfire expansion didn't arrive, but I'm just wandering.I think that Diablo I got that style that diablo 2 hasn't, don't know why, I think it's the power of vintage :D

Bejelith 01-01-2011 08:25 PM

Excellent game, even the sequel couldn't surpass it in terms of grittyness/dark atmosphere and background music. I wasn't disappointed by Diablo II at all though, it was a nice sequel.


Originally Posted by chainsoar (Post 376470)
Nuh uh, the Skeleton King was way cooler.

"the warmth of life has entered my tomb..."


Undoubtedly. I used to hear that line in my sleep.

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