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The Fifth Horseman 22-07-2008 11:32 AM

Abandonia Apocalypse: Strikes Back!
Some of you might remember the old Abandonia Apocalypse
If not, let me outline it:
1. I'm running a game of X-Com Apocalypse.
2. Every player who registers in this topic becomes a recruit in the X-Com squad.
3. I post detailed reports of what is going in the game and the achievements of your characters, while you are free to roleplay any events taking place in the base. You can walk around, talk with others, etc - also visit the armoury and do crazy stuff like food fights in the mess and playing pranks on other X-Com employees and each other.

Each registering player needs to enter the following information:
1. Preferred species. Human, Hybrid, Android?
Hybrids are physically weaker then humans, but better psionics. Androids are tougher, stronger, immune to psionics and start with higher stats but do not gain any stat increases.
2. Gender.
Not applicable to Androids
3. Stats specialization. (optional)
Which particular statistics (max two) you want your character to be particularly good at to begin with?
Check this pic for a list of stats in the game.
4. Role in the squad. (optional, but recommended)
Are you a close assault berserker? Demolitions expert? Sniper? Heavy Weapons specialist? Just a line trooper (who's role is no less important)? Or perhaps you've got another specialization in mind?
If you like, you can include a short bio on your character. Who are you? How did you join X-Com? What kind of person are you? This is of course optional, but hey... whatever suits your fancy! :amused:

The game will only start when there's enough recruits to fill the squad, but that doesn't mean you can't already start RPing. Feel free to explore the base, pick your bunk in the living quarters (etc). Major Damage is there to answer all questions you might (or might not) have.

Paco 22-07-2008 11:51 AM


kicks the Alien around. :nuts:

TheChosen 22-07-2008 01:02 PM



Stat specialization: Accuracy & Reaction

Info: A former mercenary. Used to travel around the world selling his loyalty and skills to the highest bidders. Forced to sign the X-Com project, evading a life sentence in prison. The fact that he never enters the frontline has kept him alive for all these years: He prefers to stay out of the sight and take the enemy out at distance with either rifles or heavy artillery.

Behavior: Calm and team-player. However, in extreme situations, he usually prefers to save his own skin.

Tervez 22-07-2008 01:26 PM

Yay, another topic like this!

Mindkiller (Lots of Psi-Attack and Psi-Energy)

GTX2GvO 22-07-2008 02:26 PM

Interesting... :)

Name: GTX2GvO
Gender: Male
Species: Human (if possible I would actually like Alien :) )
Role: Mercenary.. (applicable for ALL I'm paid for, as long as I'm PAID!)

Stats specialization: HEAVILY increased Health and accuracy.

The extra info: After traveling most of the known and unknown space, the decision was made to do something different for a while. Although still a mercenary he decided to "help out" at the X-Com project. Being a mercenary means continuous payment that is also twice the cost a normal unit would need. If lack of payment is noticed he will locate the first exit possible or "hang out" at the lunch room/cafeteria until payment is made in full.. This is also the starting location of this unit.. :) But when this unit IS payed he can be used in ANY squad role..

Eagle of Fire 22-07-2008 10:46 PM

Eagle of Fire
No Gender
High Strenght and Accuracy
Heavy weapon specialist and grenade thrower

Personnal guard of a head executive of Marsec Corps, he lost his job when the first Alien attack destroyed the hover car of his employer before he could do anything to save it. Blamed for the incident and given a very bad reputation by the other head figures of Marsec Corp, he knew that the only other respectable employer who would ever accept him back on active duty would be the newly reformed Xcom organization. Thus, he applied... And been accepted.

Having a knack for entering the frey and going in the middle of the battlefield blasting every ennemy in his path. His weapon of choice is the heavy gun.

The Fifth Horseman 24-07-2008 10:36 AM

GTX: Are you sure about your choice? Hybrids get a boost to their Psi abilities, but lower Health is one of the disadvantages.

Kugerfang 24-07-2008 10:51 AM

Male Human
UN Peacekeeper.
I'm a peacekeeper you can't shoot me!

The Fifth Horseman 24-07-2008 10:55 AM

Peacekeeper? Can arrange this, I believe. There is non-lethal weaponry in the game.

Capo 24-07-2008 04:27 PM

Male Human

The one that run aroud screaming with a medikit in the hands.

dosraider 24-07-2008 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Kugerfang (Post 331660)
I'm a peacekeeper you can't shoot me!
*sound of a gunshot ..... yay heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadshot.

GTX2GvO 24-07-2008 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 331658)
GTX: Are you sure about your choice? Hybrids get a boost to their Psi abilities, but lower Health is one of the disadvantages.

OK.. Make me Human then... :notrust: (although Alien would really be the more interesting thing)

The rest remains the same....

I'll edit the info above by myself...

The Fifth Horseman 26-07-2008 09:02 AM

Capo: If you mean squad medic, that's not possible. The game is designed in such a way that the medkits only work on the soldier carrying them (dumb, I know).

We'll begin as soon as you're ready.

Capo 26-07-2008 05:23 PM


Well,chose you the role,it will be fine.

GTX2GvO 26-07-2008 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 331757)
Capo: If you mean squad medic, that's not possible. The game is designed in such a way that the medkits only work on the soldier carrying them (dumb, I know).

We'll begin as soon as you're ready.


Originally Posted by Capo (Post 331772)

Well,chose you the role,it will be fine.

What about Medkits being the only weapons Capo carries. (and can carry) ;)

The Fifth Horseman 31-07-2008 01:03 PM

It begins.

Somewhere in Mega-Primus...
Looks like a government-owned warehouse, doesn't it? Let's have a closer look, though...
It's actually the X-Com base, named by some long-past-expiry gamer geek after an early 21st Century abandonware site.

In the briefing room, the team is assembled for the first time.
Capo, the team's... er, line trooper? :huh:
GTX2GvO the universal mercenary! :cool:
Paco, the all-rounder whose main specialty is kicking the aliens around (and let's not forget shooting them apart, gangsta-style). :laugh:
Tervez, the hybrid mind-warrior! :nuts:

And of course the current X-Com commander (unfortunately permamently restricted to leading from behind a desk), major "Max" Damage. :mad:

Paco: What ere we still waiting for?
Mjr. Damage: You will adress me from now on as "Sir", soldier! As to why we're still here, the remaining three members of your team are about to report.
Paco: Yes... Sir!
GTX2GvO: Whatever you say, sir. I'd just like to remind you that my paycheck is counted by hour, not by day, and...

The door opens, interrupting whatever GTX was about to say next. It's precisely 12:00, down to a second as a metallic voice says #Greetings#.
That's none else but Eagle of Fire, our resident android and heavy weapons expert!? He's the man, or perhaps the android, when it comes to blowing things up, burning them down or doing both at the same time! :noworry:

It doesn't take long for the next arrival to march in: a tall man in orange prison uniform, cautiously watched by two Megapol security guards in full riot armor.

Mjr. Damage: Well, well, well - haven't seen you in a looong time. :notrust: What name are you going by now?
The Chosen: "The Chosen" will be fine, sir. I've had too many weird aliases over the years.
Mjr. Damage: (to the guards) That will be all, gentelmen. Uncuff him now.
The Chose: Oh, those things?

TC makes some anatomically impossible moves with wrists and suddenly the cuffs are hanging from his open palm. His guards cautiously move a step back, only to find out that the cuffs just clasped together around one arm of each. They withdraw behind the door.

Mjr. Damage: The Chosen will be our sniper and missile specialist. Do be careful when dealing with him, though - for him, "irritating" is synonymous with "about to find a live grenade in their underwear".

Suddenly, a peculiar sound can be heard from the corridor. Soon, words can be discerned among the screaming "Wooot! Wooot! A real secret base!"

All of a sudden, Major Damage seems to be torn between hanging himself or rushing into corridor with murder on his mind. This becomes apparent as a young punk enters the room.

"Whoa! Real soldiers!"

Paco: What is that and what the hell is it doing here?
Mjr Damage: The answer for the first question is Kugerfang. For the second... he's the kid of some big shot in the Senate. They practically threatened us to take him in.
GTX2GvO: !
Capo: ?
Tervez: ...

Mjr Damage: And since he couldn't shoot a gun to save his life, the armory system assigned him the squad's stun grapples instead.

Entire squad: ...groan...

Mjr Damage: That's it for the briefing. Pick your gear from the armory on your way to living quarters.

The entire squad (even Kugerfang, who seems to have calmed down a bit) walk out of the room, unaware that in less than two hours they'll be panically scrambling for their first encounter with the aliens.

Capo 31-07-2008 04:11 PM

I like that!

I hope im not in the first line or my life will be short :worried:

GTX2GvO 31-07-2008 04:18 PM

During the time the team Picks up their Gear.

GTX2GvO: Hmmm.. Sniper Right??
The Chosen: Yeah so?? :notrust:

GTX2GvO: Than YOU'RE that guy 5 years ago in Gamma Quadrant!!
The Chosen: Maybe.. (Looks for a way out)

GTX2GvO: Thanks or that legshot.. :amused:
The Chosen: !!!!

The Chosen: You were.....
GTX2GvO: Whatever pays best. ;)
The Chosen: You know I WAS aiming for our head...

GTX2GvO: That's why I thank you for that one time you missed.. :)
The Chosen: Keep in mind that was THE ONLY time I EVER missed. :mad:

GTX2GvO: Sure.. Was a one time gig anyway...
GTX2GvO: Although they DID pay all the cash.. They didn't even TRIED paying that other thing I demanded..
The Chosen: ????

GTX2GvO: Has to do with the reason Why I wasn't even in this Galaxy the last 5 years..
The Chosen: That fancy space ship of yours??

GTX2GvO: Perhaps...
And walks away whistling..

The Fifth Horseman 31-07-2008 10:02 PM

Short announcement: I intended to prepare the next episode for tomorrow, but I did not account for my PC acting up like it just happene. Nothing serious but it took me several hours to solve (not to mention a lot of nerves) - hence eating up the time I intended to devote to the matter, and thus what was supposed to be the tomorrow's episode will be delayed until Saturday.

Eagle of Fire 31-07-2008 10:48 PM

Looks great, but I really can't understand why you equiped my char with two weapons. Those are two handed weapons, you get a big accuracy hit when you have something in your off hand...

The Fifth Horseman 01-08-2008 06:23 AM

Incendiary and explosive rounds are lethal even without direct hits, and should extra accuracy is required one of them can always be stowed in the backpack.

Tervez 01-08-2008 11:14 AM

After equipping himself, you hear Tervez talking quietly to himself.

"At last... back to war."

Then he walks into his living quarters, hangs a "Enter only in case of an emergency" sign on the doorknob and locks the door.

*Mysterious music plays*

TheChosen 01-08-2008 12:20 PM

*TheChosen is lying on his bed, writing on his diary*

Dear Diary
My new assigment begun today. After tons of hassle and paperwork, I got finally transferred to X-Com base. I got to met the rest of the team and I got to be honest, I havent seen a squad like this since back in Zanzibar.

That Terminator-ripoff worries me a little. I dont feel like trusting my life on something which actions are based on calculations. However, he seems to be one of those berzerk bots and hopefully I dont have to deal with him from my sniping position

Another one that worries me is the punk-kid. He doesnt look too smart, nor tactical. Probably the only battles he had were in video games. How Ironic it would be If he would get a headshot in our first mission.

Then, there's the mercenary, who goes by the codename of GTX2GvO. Had a little chat in the armory, where he reminded me of the "funny" times I had in Gamma Guadrant. He's the one that got away back then and altough I managed to rescue ambassadors daughter, It has always been bugging me that he managed to escape. Now that fate has reunited us, I cant wait to see how our "team-work" goes.

Oh right, I almost forgot the Tervez, that weird-ass psychic. When we had a lunch-hour, he entertained everyone with floating and self-bending spoons. Bah. I could have arranged better entertaiment with those spoons, but my dear gun was at the armory at that time.

And finally, there's Paco & Capo. They seem to be only normal-soldiers around here, but that will probably change after I get change to talk with them. Another thing about those guys are their codenames; Are they brothers or something?

Alright. Enough writing. I better go and train.

*With a thud, TC closes his diary. He stands up, puts the diary on desk and walks to closet. He hangs up his prison uniform and instead dresses up in a black armor and some sort of red-scarf and huge red bandana.*

*Later, in the armory shooting range*

Offical: Yes? You wanna shoot?
TheChosen: With pleasure
Offical: Alright. Whats your poison?

*TC shows his personal sniper-gun*

TheChosen: Sniper rifle.

*looking closely at the gun, offical notices that the word "DOOM" has been engraved on it*

Kugerfang 01-08-2008 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by TC

Another one that worries me is the punk-kid. He doesnt look too smart, nor tactical. Probably the only battles he had were in video games. How Ironic it would be If he would get a headshot in our first mission.



Originally Posted by TC
When we had a lunch-hour, he entertained everyone with floating and self-bending spoons

Uri Geller started out by joining the army, getting shot, being transferred to a youth camp, and bending spoons in the canteen.

The Fifth Horseman 04-08-2008 07:57 AM

Last time we've left our heroes (altough I'm using this word only in the broadest sense), the team just met for the first time. Their initial equipment sets were assigned, and everyone was waiting for the first mission.

It's nearly two hours later.
GTX2GvO is hanging around the cafeteria, Kugerfang installed himself in the lounge and presently is going through the third level of Halo 16 on Ybox 180 and Tervez shut himself inside his quarters (for all we know he's watching Snakeman porn there; not that anyone is going to risk checking...).
Capo decided to take a nap inside his own quarters, Paco is going through an intense workout at the gym and The Chosen is presently the sole occupant of the shooting range, fine-tuning the scope of his sniper rifle.

Feeling little need and even less desire for such activities, Eagle of Fire took residence in the armoury and meticulously disassembled, cleaned then reassembled both of his guns, muttering something about Megapol's manufacturing standards.

Everyone's activities were brought to an abrupt halt as a series of warning klaxons went off throughout the base. A calm female voice announced over the comm system: "Warning! Live alien specimen located in the city! All X-Com personnel prepare for immediate departure! Repeat: Live alien located!"

Everyone rushes to the armoury. Unsurprisingly, Eagle of Fire is already there and finishes clasping the final clip of incendiary ammo onto his belt just as the first of your enters the room.

After exactly one and a half minutes of frantic scramble, all of you finish donning the armour (miraculously, nobody wore their helmet backwards) and enter the vehicle bay.
The Wolfhound APC has warmed up its engines and is ready to roll, when Kugerfang makes an unusual obervation.
Kugerfang: "Holy crap, this thing just needs black paint and fins to be called a Batmobile!"
Incidentally he's quite correct, as the latest Batman movie did use a modified Wolfhound for this purpose. Despite the overall ridiculousness of the idea - or perhaps thanks to it - the name sticks.

(Cue "Charge of the Batmobile")

The building we've got to clear is a Government-owned warehouse in the eastern part of the city. It takes our team two minutes to arrive, and less than 30 seconds to deploy from the vehicle.

Remember: Don't get hurt!

14:02:16 Okay, that's the warehouse. What it's like, everyone can see. Since there is no real command structure within the team yet, Paco takes the charge for the moment.

Paco: Eagle, watch the secondary lift! Chosen, cover us from the top level! Everyone else to the main lift - now!

The Chosen moves only a few meters before spotting the first alien strolling around the top level of the area.

He immediately enters firing stance, but the alien noticed him too!
As TC is busy sniping at the creature, the thing lifts a bizarre organic-looking weapon and fires something next to our sniper!

The Chosen: The grenade seems to be a dud. Lucky me...

TC is quickly proven wrong as the "grenade" unfurls itself revealing an incredibly ugly four-legged creature that immediately launches itself at him.

Fortunately Capo is quick on the draw and shoots the thing not a moment too late.

TC: Whoa, that was close! Thanks for the save, Capo.

Another alien emerges from the lift, almost exactly like the one which attacked TC a moment earlier, followed by the first alien we've seen 17 seconds earlier on the top level of the warehouse. The scuttling creature is blindingly quick, but GTX2GvO manages to nail it before the little monstrosity attacks anyone.

Seeing the amount of gunfire directed at it, the blue alien seems to decide discretion is the better part of valor and runs back into the lift.

Tervez mind-scans the creature. It seems this particular breed is called "Anthropod".

He then tries to mind control it, but before he manages to do it, someone else's bullet erupts through the creatures' cranium in a shower of splattered brain matter and bone fragments.

The troops search the warehouse for the next few minutes, but it seems those were all the aliens in the area.

Unfortunately, the eggheads in biochem research haven't yet worked out all the kinks from the Bio-Transport module, so we can't transport the dead aliens back to the base for dissection. To prevent contamination Eagle of Fire piles the dead creatures into an empty storage crate then fires several rounds of incendiary ammo inside, burning the carcasses to charred crisp.

As the team moves out, the APC's communicator bleeps with a message from Major Damage.

Mjr Damage: "There is some indication the Cult was connected with this attack. I suggest you search their temples before returning to base. Don't expect them to cooperate - in fact, don't even expect them to not try killing you."

GTX2GvO: No way... them again?
Kugerfang: Eh? What Cult?
Eagle of Fire: #He probably means Cult of Sirius.#
The Chosen: Yea. Those kooks who believe the Aliens are gods.
Paco: Human idiocy never ceases to amaze me.
Capo: What makes them so stupid to believe this bullshit, anyway?
Tervez: Probably something in the water.

See you tomorrow, same X-Time, same X-Channel!

PS. Sorry for dividing this into two posts, I'll have to remove the 10-image-per-post limit.
EDIT: Now it's 30-image-per-post. :D

Kugerfang 04-08-2008 09:38 AM


I haven't killed something yet.... :(

The Fifth Horseman 04-08-2008 09:52 AM

So you want guns, after all?
Can be done.

Paco 04-08-2008 11:19 AM

thinking "perhaps i should put The Chosen on Kill-List"

I hope the Cult make us a lot of gift. ^_^

Tervez 04-08-2008 02:16 PM

Oh guys, have you ever thought what it feels like being in someone else's mind and having that mind explode messily everywhere? It doesn't feel good. At all.

Paco 04-08-2008 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Tervez (Post 332489)
Oh guys, have you ever thought what it feels like being in someone else's mind and having that mind explode messily everywhere? It doesn't feel good. At all.

It was your Idea to invade the Aliens Mind when you know we kill Alien on sight.

Capo 04-08-2008 03:41 PM

Somebody has to offer me a coffee :amused:

P.S: Im still alive! Yupppyyy

Paco 04-08-2008 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Capo (Post 332494)
Somebody has to offer me a coffee :amused:

P.S: Im still alive! Yupppyyy

you're still a Noob. So no Extra for you. :laugh:

@Major Damage perhaps you can list who killed how many Alien in Daily Rapport?

The Fifth Horseman 05-08-2008 12:59 PM

Location: Temple of Sanity
The southernmost temple located in Mega-Primus, this will be the target of our first search.

GTX2GvO approaches a pair of guards at the temple door

GTX2GvO: Hello, Citizens. We have reasons your temple may be contaminated with illegal alien lifeforms. We'd like to conduct a search.

Well, they're certainly fast on the draw... but GTX is faster. He knocks out both thugs before they get a chance to fire.

GTX2GvO: That certainly looked like an admission of guilt to me...

The 2x2 area that is the temple building looks peaceful at first. Team Alpha (Chosen, Tervez, Paco) takes the norther corridor, Team Bravo (Capo, GTX2GvO,Eagle) takes the eastern one.

The first cultist enters the area, but TC quickly draws a bead on him and takes him down.

What happens next... all hell breaks loose. For a moment. Our teams respond with gunfire and kill off several of the Cultists.

Tervez manages to Mind-Control a Cultist briefly, but she suddenly slips out of his mental grasp and disappears into the adjoining section. Paco follows her and takes her out.

We wait in hiding for next few minutes, but it seems the Cultists are too scared of us to fight.

And finally we have some command structure. The Chosen will be your squad leader.

Location: Temple of Doom

Placed in the northeastern part of the city, this is the second temple we strike at.

The entrance guards find themselves a little tied up when Kugerfang employs his stealth and speed to sneak up on them and then web them using his Stun Grapples, allowing the rest of the team to enter the place without causing a general alert. Whaddadya know, the kid is actually good for something...

Kugerfang follows the team on this mission - let's hope he survives it.

Another 2x2 compound. The team quickly moves to best positions to intercept any Cultists coming their way.

And there are some! Unfortunately, one of them is smart enough to use a Smoke Grenade to cover their positions.

Tervez moves to assist Team Bravo, and GTX2GvO takes out his motion scanner. Suddenly, a cultist comes up running through the smoke. Capo is the first one to spot the object in the psycho's hand.


Everyone runs to avoid this one. And the next. And a third. Then they turn 180 and fire back at the Cultists.

The Chosen: Kuger, gas grenade at their position!

Kugerfang moves in and a cloud of stun gas covers the Cultists' main attack route.

GTX: Nice job, kid. As soon as the gas clears, grab a gun and hold on to it like your life depends on it. It just might.

The Cultists have stopped coming - but Tervez says he still can sense some presence nearby.

Paco takes out his own scanner and scouts the next rooms together with GTX - but without any apparent results. Paco goes down into the service tunnels, but there doesn't seem to be anything on the scanner. Of course, in places with a lot of false echoes like this one it's hard to tell for sure. A small victory for Paco - he managed to startle a Cultist...

Who flees right into The Chosen's lurking place! His remaining lifespan is exactly as long as it takes for TC to pull the trigger.

The last Cultist tries to sneak up on Tervez. Sneaking up... on a psychic? Are these morons for real?

Well, that was the last one. Time to count up the loot and soldier promotions.

Next thing to hit will be the Temple of the Visitors... but that will have to wait for the next installment of the X-Com saga. :D
See you tomorrow, same X-Time, same X-Channel!

Capo 05-08-2008 03:24 PM

I really need a promotion or Paco become my chief :wondering:

GTX2GvO 07-08-2008 01:46 PM

Back @ the base cafeteria.. (where else??)

GTX2GvO: Damn! Cultists!! Last time I met those fanatic fools was on Umbrius Delta..

Kugerfang: I know my galactic maps well, but I do not know anything about any Umbrius system..
The Chosen: That's a system just barely beyond this Galaxy. Only heard once about it myself.

The Chosen: But what bothers me most is. Isn't planet Delta of that system devoid of any breathable air..
GTX2GvO: Spaceship, my dear TC. Space Ship. ;)
The Chosen: Oh yeah that fancy get everywhere in no time thing of yours..

The Chosen: So, What were you doing on Umbrius Delta anyway.?
GTX2GvO: You know....
The Chosen: That's why I'm asking...

GTX2GvO: I heard about a very rewarding contract..
Kugerfang: *GASP!!!!* You??? Nooooo!!!!!

GTX2GvO: *Bang!* Knock it off kid!! You're a soldier.
Kugerfang: But..... But... And why did you hit me like that?

GTX2GvO: Well , MAYBE because although that contracts value was near perfect. The selected task wasn't..
The Chosen: What did they ask you to do?

GTX2GvO: Blow up Earth.... :notrust:
The Chosen: And what did you do??
GTX2GvO: Blew up their oxygen generator. :amused:

The Chosen: So, THAT'S why I heard about it 15 years ago...
Kugerfang: But who is even CAPABLE of blowing up an entire planet??

GTX2GvO: Maybe those 3 Ardnikan Warships I have in my secret base..
Capo: ArdniWHAT??
The Chosen: Now you even baffle me..
Kugerfang: You have a secret base!!!!

GTX2GvO: That was the contract reward for saving the Ardnikan home world in a galaxy thats around 225 billion light years away from here.
Kugerfang: *Gasp!* Aaaarrgg!! Don't hit me again!!
*Kugerfang Ducks*

The Chosen: So.. What about that secret base of yours?
GTX2GvO: It wouldn't be a secret if I told it's location to anyone.
GTX2GvO: Especially YOU... ;)

Major Damage: So.. I guess you can get some very fast ships I guess.?
GTX2GvO: Cost you Double..
Major Damage: ahem!! :mad:
GTX2GvO: .... Sir.

GTX2GvO: So what brings you here?
Major Damage: :mad:
GTX2GvO: *sigh* .. SIRRR.... :notrust:
Major Damage: I wondered why the hell you people weren't preparing for the next mission?

GTX2GvO: Got hungry. So I went here for diner.
GTX2GvO: And what are your excu..... ????
GTX2GvO: Where the hell did they all disappeared to?

Major Damage: Maybe to prepare for the next mission?
GTX2GvO *mumbled*: Sure.. Whatever.. Don't really know what to prepare for.

*GTX2GvO leaves the Cafeteria to do SOMETHING*

Major Damage: *Sigh* If it wasn't for the damn fact the aliens themselves are just offering 10% less off what we do, I'd personally kicked him off this frigging base.
Major Damage: Then again. He can get his hands to nearly ANY kind of resource.
Major Damage: I hate MY superiors for putting me through this..

Major Damage: And where the hell IS that secret base of his??
Major Damage: Damn.. now that they are preparing for the next mission, I have to prepare that next mission for them..

Major Damage: Well. Off to work then..

Kugerfang 08-08-2008 10:21 AM

What version of X-Com are you using?

Paco 08-08-2008 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Kugerfang (Post 332823)
What version of X-Com are you using?

X-Com 3 - Apocalypse. You should have know if you checked the Title and Pic.

The Fifth Horseman 08-08-2008 11:32 AM

@ Kuger: Yeah, it's Apocalypse. The gameplay is more focused on individual soldiers than on large groups, and the ingame physics are much better.
Location: Temple of Visitors

The third of our targets, this turns to be one of the easier ones.
The Cultists are concentrated in one part of the area, and as we take over the center of the map...
They walk right into our guns.
Just like that.
We advance on them...
And the survivors flee.

Here's the scoring:
Location: Temple of Humility

Fourth temple, which means we're past the halfway mark now.
Large place, aint it? Team Alpha advances into the hall, and finds an entrance to the underground, while Team Bravo takes watch over the corridor.

A quick look around the underground room shows that the area offers too much advantages to the defenders for us to rush headlong into, so the team withdraws and waits until the cultists come to them.

Tervez enters the door next to Team Bravo's location and finds himself in an apparently empty room - too late spotting the cultist with a Rocket Launcher.
Tervez runs around, trying to avoid the missiles. It's a very intense fifteen seconds, but the cultist soon runs of ammunition and Tervez can take him out safely. (sorry for not catching the whole thing, but like I said - short & extremely hectic)

And it seems the Sirians have backed out again.

Oh well, at least we've got some nice loot out of it, and Capo finally ranked up to Squaddie.

To Be Continued shortly...

GTX2GvO 08-08-2008 03:35 PM

In the equipment bay. (For a change)

Capo: Man. I'd love to see that "Batmobile" up close without rushing into it..
Paco: Same here..

*Sounds of a mechanic doing his job*

Paco: What the?? Do we Have a mechanic on this base?
Capo: No.. So WHO could it be.

Capo: Let's see..

Paco & Capo: Whoa!!! What.... A... Ship!!!!
Capo: ehhh.. Who is there??


Paco: Hello!! Who IS There!!!

GTX2GvO: $h1t.... F**k!! What the..
GTX2GvO: Oh hi guys.. What are you doing here?

Paco: We came to see the "Batmobile" up close and better..
GTX2GvO: Ahh.. I see.. It's over there..
*GTX2GvO points casually in the direction of the mentioned vehicle*

Capo: And what are you doing?
GTX2GvO: Doing some work on my Space Ship here.. :amused:
*pats ship*
Paco: Is that...? THAT ship??

GTX2GvO: Yes.. So...?
Capo: How fast is it?
GTX2GvO: Faster then anything YOU'VE ever been in.

Capo & Paco: *Gulp*
Paco: So how much does such a ship cost anyway.

GTX2GvO: Depends on how deep your pockets are..
Paco: Sure :suspicious: Judging you..

GTX2GvO: Hé!! Even the standard model cost you under NORMAL conditions several Millions of credits.
GTX2GvO: And even then you get nowhere in an eon..
GTX2GvO: Also.. These Customizations aren't cheap either.
GTX2GvO: It cost even me three times the original value of this ship to get the Legal Customizations and as you can see I'm STILL busy fine tuning it's specs..!!

Paco: Sorry to bust your bubble... *Geez*
GTX2GvO: Yeah, Yeah.. Whatever.. You guys wanted to see THAT thing there.. So Go there and stop bothering me..

Capo & Paco: Yeah sure. See ya...

*While Paco & Capo go and see the "Batmobile", GTX2GvO continues working on his Space Ship..*

Capo 08-08-2008 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 332829)
Oh well, at least we've got some nice loot out of it, and Capo finally ranked up to Squaddie.


That Space Ship looks good GTX2GvO !

The Fifth Horseman 10-08-2008 10:14 PM

Tomorrow: More fighting with the Cult, our first UFO incursion and a much more interesting battle with aliens.

Also: Kugerfang survives and starts to kick ass.

The Fifth Horseman 11-08-2008 01:00 PM
Location: Temple of the Millenium

So it's the fifth and almost last of the temples. On our way, a Sirius-owned civilian hovercar attempted to crash into the Batmobile. Some zealot Cultist apparently forgot who was running the heavily armored military vehicle with onboard anti-aircraft missile battery... :noworry:

The temple is pretty small, it seems. Good - less going around and chasing ghosts for us.

Team Bravo begins in center. They swiftly move to a suitable ambush position at anyone entering through the door - Kugerfang taking the position right next to the exit.

It worked just nicely. Until one of the cultists turned up with a rocket launcher and fired that at the incoming Team Alpha.

No fatalities, fortunately, but Capo's leg got badly mangled by the shrapnel. Capo takes out his medikit and rushes out of combat zone, certain his squadmates can handle the situation.

Kugerfang seems pretty annoyed he didn't get the cultist before the latter managed to fire, and rushes headlong into the next room catching two Cultists unaware of his entrance.

And that seems to conclude this mission, since our agents are the only things left alive in the building.
Here's the lowdown on the score:

By the way - Yay for Kugerfang! The crazy kid hasn't scored any kills before, but in this mission he got FIVE, and he seems to be the fastest-improving member of the team too.

Now it's time to clear the mother of all Sirius Cult Temples in the city - the Temple of Apocalypse!
Location: Temple of Apocalypse
So we've finally come to investigate the last of Cult's temples. The building is pretty sizeable, as you may see. Still, there's a few inherent design flaws that give us tactical advantage. Like those central choke points.
Some cultists get between the two teams and quickly find out that "crossfire" is more than just a way of setting up two graphics cards together.

Team Alpha is rushed by the cultists, one of them with a missile launcher.
Seems Capo still holds a grudge.

Capo: "No, this time you won't."

With blinding speed, he switches his auto cannon to rapid fire and plugs the Cult heavy weapon trooper - as well as the cultist next to him - full of large-caliber holes.
Seems they've stopped coming, so our team descends into the service tunnels, only to catch a glimpse of the last two remaining cultists high-tailing it out of the building.
Here's the score:

The money from selling off the confiscated Cult of Sirius weaponry net in at 104 000 $ - more than enough to upgrade our vehicles a bit and pay for six Hoverbikes. We've upgraded them with targeting modules, maxed-out engines and of course bigger guns. We'll use them as remote drones - should take the teeth out of any UFO infestation.

Oh, and... the Cult are a whiny bunch. They filed a complaint. Can you believe it? A complaint!!!
Major Damage has a good comment for this: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. We'll just show them they were lucky with their losses this time round..."

The Fifth Horseman 11-08-2008 01:06 PM

Next several hours are pretty peaceful. Everyone gets their well-deserved rest, but on 22:50 the alert flares up again.

"Warning! UFO detected! All X-Com personnel prepare for deployment! Repeat: UFO detected!"

All crafts scramble, but the UFOs bug out before we manage to intercept them.

It seems they've dropped something - make that somethings - in several buildings. A repurposed Valkyrie will serve as a combat transport.

Capo's still in the medbay, so we'll have to make do without him.
Location: The New Empire Tower
TheChosen: "We've got to sweep this place of any aliens dropped by the UFOs. Go!"

The building is pretty large, as you can see. Large, spacious rooms... and not much to hide in.

Tervez spots the first alien - a purple humanoid with a peculiar funnel instead of its head.

Two Anthropods come out from a nearby room, as three more of the new creatures descend on the grav-lift.

Paco's quick trigger finger and impeccable aim saves his teammates from those ugly head-things we've encountered last time.
Another purple alien tries to flank us. Kuger plugs its funnel with lead.
There seems to be some movement on the upper level. We move in to investigate.
Nope, not here either...
Finally, GTX2GvO notices two ugly worm-like things hiding among storage cabinets. The entire team joins him and eliminates the creatures, as well as one of those ugly orange things.

Surprise - they're living fragmentation rounds. As the first worm is killed, four smaller ones shoot out of its corpse. Our agents are fast on the draw, however - the creatures are put down almost immediately.
Yippee-yay! All clear!
This is it for today, but the sweep has only just begun - there are a few other buildings we've got to check, and fast!

GTX2GvO 11-08-2008 01:32 PM

Back @ the Base @ aprox. 22:45

Mjr Damage: What do you mean 30.000 for the Whole set!!!
GTX2GvO: That's what they cost... *eehhmm* SIR!

Mjr Damage: I could get these hoverbikes for less then HALF OF THAT price
GTX2GvO: Yes... But the without the upgrades these ones have..
Mjr Damage: So those 30.000. Does that include your Salary??
GTX2GvO: No..
*Mjr Damage curses almost unheard*

GTX2GvO: Well.. I'm off to the medbay..
Mjr Damage: But you didn't got hurt on the last mission..
GTX2GvO: Yea.. Well... I still have to talk to Capo about something..
*Mjr Damage Looks questioning @ GTX2GvO*

GTX2GvO: Don't worry. Nothing Illicit..
Mjr Damage: What's it about??
GTX2GvO: Have YOU even BEEN in the Equipment bay Sir??
Mjr Damage: Ohh.. Let me guess.. That Ship of yours..

GTX2GvO: Yeah... Sorta about that..

*Suddenly the com Shouts*
Com: Warning! UFO detected! All X-Com personnel prepare for deployment! Repeat: UFO detected!

GTX2GvO: Shit.. Sorry Capo. You have to wait..
GTX2GvO: Oh.. Sir.. Will he come??
Mjr Damage: He's in the MedBay.. :notrust:

GTX2GvO: Well.. I'm off to catch those Aliens..
Mjr Damage: Don't be late..


*Sound of soldiers running to where they are needed*

pieboblol 11-08-2008 01:34 PM

Name: Bob (not exactly a creative name but this guy is meant to be dumb)
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Specialisation: Specialising in health and to a lesser extent strength
Role: Dim-witted rambo wannabe. Only knows how to point and shoot. Uses dual machine guns (not the autocannons) with high explosive ammo, or a rocket launcher or whatever he can fire full-auto blow shit up with :p

BTW: I havn't played apoc in a while so correct me if I refer to anything that isn't actually in the game. Oh and feel free to use me as cannon fodder, just don't forget to let me go out with a bang! If you need an excuse for letting me in late I could be a fill-in for Capo.

TheChosen 11-08-2008 01:40 PM

*On the Valkyrie*

Everyone's sitting on their seats and preparing for the next alien encouter. TheChosen comes from the cockpit.

TheChosen: Heads up team. I just got a message from Major. It seems that there might be other buildings with alien infestations, so we will be taking a little scenic route.

Team lets out grunts and low voices. Everyone seemed to be ready.

TheChosen: Oh, right. I almost forgot...

TheChosen sits in the middle of GTX2GvO & Kugerfang and pulls out some sort of small footlocker from under his seat. He opens it and inside the locker there are lots of cans. TC picks them up and starts throwing one can for each (except Eagle of Fire).

TheChosen: Drinks on me boys.

GTX2GvO opens up the can and, after a brief hesitation, takes a drink.

GTX2GvO: My god! This is good! Reminds me of beer they serve at Nigel 12. What is it?
TheChosen: Coca-Cola

There's a sudden silence inside the vehicle.

Paco: Wait a minute....didnt they stopped producing it years ago?
Tervez: Yeah! After they found out that it contained illegal substances!
Eagle of Fire: #query: Where did you accuired this?#
TheChosen: Jupiter. I took a vacation to there once and found out it was legal to make and buy this from there. A friend of a friend supplies me a crate each month to keep my thirst extinquished.
Eagle of Fire: #Mr.Chosen, are you aware that youre purchasing and using illegal items that can be categorized at Narcotics?#
TheChosen: No

There was more silence.

Then the silence breaks. Kugerfang turned on his Playstation Hovertable.

*To be continued*

GTX2GvO 11-08-2008 02:01 PM

*Back on the base toward the equipment bay*

GTX2GvO: Yo TC.. You definitely sure this is Coca-Cola??
TheChosen: Yes.. I'm Damn sure.. :mad:

GTX2GvO: Damn!! Then my memory is starting to fail me...
The Chosen: What do you mean??

GTX2GvO: Last time I drank Coke was when it was still Legal AND popular..
The Chosen: ....... !
The Chosen: How old are you again??
GTX2GvO: Around...... *THUMP*

*Door swings open in GTX2GvO's Face*

Guy: Oh.. Sorry didn't saw you guys...
GTX2GvO: Next time make sure you DO!! :notrust:
GTX2GvO: Damn my nose.

The Chosen: Who are you? and what are you doing here??
Guy: Name is Bob an Heard registrations to X-Com project were still open..

GTX2GvO: They are??
GTX2GvO: So what's your specialty??
*Bob shows his dual machine guns*

The Chosen: hmm.. Don't know if those are allowed here.. Think we have to @ least inspect them..
The Chosen: What do you Think GTX??
GTX2GvO: Sure.. Was thinking just the same thing..

Bob: Me thinks I'm keeping this would be better..
GTX2GvO: What the.. Who hit the door here??
GTX2GvO: Yo.. Bob.. What's 2+2??

Bob: Ehh... What was that for question??
The Chosen: Never mind GTX, He's not worth it..
The Chosen: Registrations is that way..
*The Chosen Points straight @ Mjr Damage his office*

Which so luckily had a DO NOT DISTURB! sign on it..

*When Bob is out of sght*
GTX2GvO: Damn. Could have sold those for a nice price..
The Chosen: Would the Major approve??
GTX2GvO: *Sigh* Well. Of to some Alien Shooting then.

The Chosen: Why do you think I was interested in those guns.. ;)

The Fifth Horseman 11-08-2008 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by pieboblol (Post 333131)
Name: Bob (not exactly a creative name but this guy is meant to be dumb)
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Specialisation: Specialising in health and to a lesser extent strength
Role: Dim-witted rambo wannabe. Only knows how to point and shoot. Uses dual machine guns (not the autocannons) with high explosive ammo, or a rocket launcher or whatever he can fire full-auto blow shit up with :p

I'll add you as soon as there are new recruits in pool. :)


BTW: I havn't played apoc in a while so correct me if I refer to anything that isn't actually in the game. Oh and feel free to use me as cannon fodder, just don't forget to let me go out with a bang! If you need an excuse for letting me in late I could be a fill-in for Capo.
Well, the machine guns only fire regular bullets. Autocannons are the ones using explosive ammo. :amused:

Capo 11-08-2008 07:29 PM

That was close...


Originally Posted by pieboblol (Post 333131)
If you need an excuse for letting me in late I could be a fill-in for Capo.

Hey im still alive :notrust:

Paco 11-08-2008 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Capo (Post 333157)
That was close...

Hey im still alive :notrust:

yes, but your Leg hurt so you have to rest for a while before you can kills Alien again.

@Fifth where is the List "who killed how many Aliens"?

The Fifth Horseman 12-08-2008 07:12 AM

Paco: I'll make one after we finish clearing aliens from those buildings and the in-game day ends.

Data 12-08-2008 01:16 PM

feel free to add me as well.
everything should be fairly obvious

Role tactician

Tervez 12-08-2008 03:18 PM

*Tervez pulls closer to TheChosen and starts talking to him*

Tervez: This substance, Coca Cola...
TheChosen: What about it?
Tervez: You wouldn't be able to get some for me too? I'll pay double for the price you're paying your friend. Few cans should do for starters.
TheChosen: Heh, why not. But the price is triple. *Grins*
Tervez: Very well. I will pay in cash.
TheChosen: What the...
Tervez: When you have the Cola, knock on my door four times, and say "Pizza guy here."
TheChosen: But the price is...
Tervez: The price does not matter.
TheChosen: ...
Tervez: Pleasure to do business with you. Now, give me a controller for that Playstation.

GTX2GvO 15-08-2008 07:08 PM

*When re-entering the Valkyrie*

Paco: Yo dudes Why the hell did we had to reroute all the way back to base??
GTX2GvO: Forgot something to do...

Terves: What?
The Chosen: You do NOT want to know..
Terves: Ahem....
The Chosen: Ah.. Right.. :notrust: You already do..

Kugerfang: Ah Damn.. I lost. So what did he do??
The Chosen: Like.. Where practically in the midst of battle and the guy just HAD to stuff his face with croissants and milk!!

Paco: And Why did you went off the "Valkyrie"?
The Chosen: Had to see if that was ALL he did..
Paco: And??

The Chosen: He also retrieved an item from his room..
GTX2GvO: Oh!! Thanks for reminding me!!

*GTX2GvO pulls out a can from somewhere and trows it @ Eagle of Fire*

Eagle of Fire: #Remark: I do not need to drink any liquids#
GTX2GvO: Look a bit better ;)
Eagle of Fire: #Scan: "Dalduan High Grade Oil"#

Paco: Dude! MAN!! :nuts: That's like The Best Oil in the universe.. Worth fortunes..
The Chosen: A can that size would cost like what... 100.000 credits??
The Chosen: You surely didn't payed that much AND giving it for free like you do now..

GTX2GvO: Yeah.. You're right.. I got it for free.. :amused:

*Everyone gasps*

Paco: HOW!!!

GTX2GvO: Well Easy.. I introduced the manufacturer of this oil to an entire galaxy of resources AND costumers, where HE was the only Oil producer...
Paco: When was that?? It's all automated now??

GTX2GvO: Ohh.. I guess around 50 years ago.. :rolleyes:
The Chosen: WHA!!! You don't look that old!!

GTX2GvO: I've been in every nook and cranny of he WHOLE universe.
GTX2GvO: How could someone do THAT in a "normal" lifespan??
The Chosen: You got a point there..

GTX2GvO: Anyway.. The producer rewarded me with the full permission to get all the oil I needed When I need it..
GTX2GvO: For the rest of eternity...

Paco: Did HE know how old you would get??
GTX2GvO: How would I else KNOW he would be the only producer there...
Paco: And still he?? :weird:

GTX2GvO: It's an unnoticeable loss compared to how much he was able to earn of this new galaxy..
GTX2GvO: Even IF I'd used it for all possible uses.

The Chosen: Damn.. No wonder that ship of yours is well oiled.. :confused:

*The Chosen takes a seat next to Terves*

GTX2GvO: So Eagle.. How do you like it?
Eagle of Fire: #Remark: It lubricated my systems much and as you flesh beings say it, it was very refreshing#

GTX2GvO: Ah.. Nice to hear that :amused:

*GTX2GvO takes seat between Paco and Kugerfang*
*Tervez pulls closer to The Chosen and starts talking to him*

Tervez: This substance, Coca Cola......................

(You just love the lack of chronologies... :) )

The Fifth Horseman 16-08-2008 09:28 PM

I've put a lot of time into the game over last two days. Not to spoil anything, but there's a lot of missions, explosions and UFOs for you to see on Monday. :D

Oh, and one more thing - with over 150 screenshots, posting that update will take me a couple hours and several posts. Don't be surprised.

The Fifth Horseman 19-08-2008 10:50 AM

(note: some of the screenies I thought I took aren't there - don't know how that happened)

Location: The Lineage Foundation
First building to check after New Empire Tower...

...With negative result.
Boy, is Sanctuary Clinic pissed for that one...
Location: Utopia Mansions
Second SC building we check - and this time, we run into some aliens too!

First obvious problem: With only six troops we're awfully short on manpower when it comes to covering such large areas.
We're going into the first building. Paco acts as the scout... and scouts up some aliens! Yikes!
Fortunately, he has the rest of the squad to fall back on, and their combined firepower quickly wipes out the aliens.

Team Two secures the connection to the next building from the 1st floor, while Team one finishes a sweep of the current one and then leaves on the ground level to secure the other entrance.

On their way, they run out into a problem.

Make that a few problems...

A lucky alien manages to critically wound GTX2GvO, so the merc calls Eagle of Fire for fire support - of the literal kind.

Fourty-five seconds later, the aliens are still around - but as bits and pieces splattered all over the landscape.

GTX2GvO: I'm glad this guy's on our side...

And that concludes the mission.
Location: Galactic Central space port
The closest building to the dimension gate - and therefore, one very much likely to have been infiltrated.

Kugerfang: Room one - clear!

Let's go to the next one...

GTX2GvO: Room two - bugged!!!

It's just one of those orange balls, but The Chosen and Paco set up a trap here in case any further aliens enter.

Eagle: Room three - bugged!!!

And it's a major infestation. Eagle switches to High-Explosive and bombards the aliens to hell. Survivors run right into where The Chosen and Paco set up shop a moment ago... and that's all there was to this mission. Fortunately.
Location: Hypermart Zone
A shopping mall right next to the space port - and also in the area the aliens flew over.
A mall. Nightmare to clear those, I tell you.

First encounter with the aliens. Tervez manages to mindscan one: the purple creatures are called Spitters.

And it appears the ugly worm-things are called Multiworms. This one doesn't have long to live - Eagle pumps it with several explosive rounds and the alien disappears in a shower of purplish gore.
The Chosen notices a Spitter. Except the thing runs away on him, making him chase the alien through half the building before putting it down.

One last building to check - and that happens to be a Gravball League facility. Unlikely to hold any aliens...

Unfortunately, "unlikely" doesn't mean "certain to not".
Location: Dog Star Wanderers stadium
As soon as we enter, one of those orange creatures comes running at us - and no sooner than it appears, it's taken down by our marksmen - followed by a Spitter.
It seems those were the last two aliens left - good job, team!

The remaining hour till midnight passes peacefully - here's the score for today.
At 2:00 AM, Bob arrives at the base.

The Quantum Physics research team has finished compiling all we've got on Dimension Gates.

On 9:55, the Biology research team has worked out the final quirks from the Bio-Transport module.

Engineering immediately begins assembling one - it takes them until 19:00 to finish.

The remainder of the day passes peacefully, so most of the team leave to get drunk, break something and play laser tag with Megapol security.

Tomorrow, it's more of the same - at least until 14:00, when we receive several shipments of quite unremarkable storage boxes with no return adress.
What's inside is far from unremarkable - it looks like Major managed to convince GTX2GvO to use some of his insider connections, since a few pieces of this gear haven't even hit the market yet! We've got plenty of standard ammo for our current equipment, obviously, but also enough motion scanners to equip almost every soldier, two Marsec chestplates (you know, the ones that allow the user to fly), several missile launchers, a pair of Megapol plasma pistols that's almost immediately picked up by Capo, Power Swords... and three odd-looking devices that look a lot - but not quite - like Mind Benders. Paco picks up one apparatus.

Paco: "And what's that? Doesn't look like it's on the shipping manifest..."
GTX2GvO: "It's a Mind Shield. Marsec is still trying to perfect them, but for the moment they work better than intended".
Bob picks up another Mind Shield.
Bob: "So what does this... uh, Mind-thingamajig do?"
GTX2GvO: "Protects you from psionic attacks. It was supposed to be temporary, but somehow the effect permamently modifies the user's psionic resistance. However..."
Before GTX manages to finish the sentence, Bob proclaims
Bob: "Cool!"
activates the device.
Bob: "Whoa."
And stares at empty air several meters away, clearly puzzled by something.
GTX2GvO: "Now you've gone and done it... I was about to say that there is a side effect. You should stop seeing those blue flying Sectoids in a few hours or so."
General hilariousness ensues, as it seems every team member would like to see the flying Sectoids for himself. :p

The remainder of the day passes without any disturbances.

At 45 minutes past midnight, our ninth team member arrives - Mr Data, an android tactician-slash-demolitions-expert.

The day passes uneventfully, but that doesn't sit well with our guys - so they take the vehicles and move to a temporary lurking point near the center of the city.

The first UFO comes out at 18:10.
A frantic air battle ensues, concluding with two UFOs downed and the remainder utterly annihilated. Hovercar 2 got banged up, but that's nothing our repair technicians can't fix.

All UFOs were unmanned, it seems - and we've got them before they unleashed any aliens on the city, so we don't have to worry about infestations.Meanwhile, the guys and girls at the Quantum Physics lab eagerly jump to analyzing what's left of the alien vessels.

Our score thus far is 4655 points, and that's it for the fourth day.

At 11 AM next day, the Quantum lab has finished their report on UFO type 1 - aka Alien Probe - and started working on UFO type 2.
More scientists are being recruited - this has something to do with the new labs that will be ready for operation in 2 days.

Day Five passes uneventfully.

6:55, next day, the Quantum division completes the report on UFO type 2 - alias the Alien Scout.

We've taken in a shipment of missile launchers and a new Phoenix hovercar.

At 22:50, another UFO wave performs a raid on the city. Same composition as before. This time, four UFOs are crashed and the last one manages to retreat via a Dimension Gate.

Day Six ends.

This is the end of a week - due to our good score, we received a funding bonus.

We're taking advantage of that to purchase more ammunition, four more Hoverbikes for our swarm, several Marsec armors and a lot of gear for our aircraft.

Megapol has just contacted us - they suspect there might be alien infestation in one of their buildings. It seems the UFO which "escaped" actually completed its mission...

This is a prison block (surprised?). Pretty large, but should be an easy sweep.
(sorry, seems I forgot to take a screenshot of mission score)

It's short, brutal... but the Xenobiology crew are going to have a real party with the amount of dead aliens we've hauled in, and the Quantum Physicists have the new alien raygun to play with. :D

Results are soon in - the orange head-things are called Brainsuckers, by the way - and the Biochem guys start working on specs for a new lab, one suitable to develop some real nasty biological warfare stuff specifically tailored to kill off the aliens. :D

The day passes peacefully, and so does the following one.

We've received a word the Cult may be up to something nasty - like attacking our base. So it's time to pick up the gear and stomp the hell out of those Chryssalid lovers again!

Cue "Crush 'Em" by Megadeth.

Enter the arena and hit the lights

Step up now youre in for a ride

This is war, aint no fun and games

We get it up, you go down in flames

Party time, going down

You better not mess us around

The stakes are rich, take a hit or stay

The price is high, someones gonna pay

Heads I win, tails you lose

Out of my way Im coming through

Roll the dice dont think twice
And we crush, crush em

Looking for trouble, now youve found it

Youre a drum and were gonna pound it

Last one standing wins the fight

Hear us scream and shout all night

Down on the floor and eat the grit

This is gonna hurt a little bit

Heads I win,
tails you lose

Out of my way Im coming through

Roll the dice dont think twice

And we crush (crush 'em!)

Now we lay you down to rest

Youll never be more than second best

Step inside youre in for a ride

And we crush, crush em

Take note how Eagle of Fire cleared out that last map practically all by himself.:D

The specs for Advanced Biochemistry Lab are in at 8:55 AM - we're almost out of space in the current base, so the organisation has purchased a second facility to serve for research purposes. It won't take any less than eight days for that to be completed, however.

It also put quite a dent in our budget. Fortunately, we know quite well where to get more money - by having more laser-tag matches with the Marsec and Megapol security!

It gives us just under $50K this time round. Not bad, eh? A large chunk of this cash goes into expanding our Hoverbike fleet - with eighteen of them, there is little they won't be able to take out.

Something seems to be brewing, though... no a good thing, either.
Anyway... things get hectic when on 13:25 we find ourselves facing another UFO incursion - this time comprised of four UFOs, two each of two new types we haven't encountered yet.

We've downed the first two at te price of losing one of the Hoverbikes (glad they're drones, eh?) and heavy damage to one of the Hovercas. Unfortunately the other two manage to escape through the Dimension Gate, leaving us with the usual cleanup operation.

The first UFO assault goes quickly and quite furiously. The initial shootout at the entry results in Kugerfang knocking out most aliens with stun grenades.

The Chosen and Bob are wounded and have to evacuate.

Kugerfang storms the alien vehicle and despite being wounded manages to capture the remaining aliens with his stun grapple.
The Quantum Physics stops working on the alien raygun and begins analysis of the drive systems found in the newly recovered UFO. Biology also appreciates the new specimens - they can finally find better ways of killing the things! :idea:

And the team... have another UFO to storm.

The Fifth Horseman 19-08-2008 12:25 PM

Those are the current stats, scores and gear of our team (the extra stun grapples are for next mission only, mind you!)

Top three team members in different cathegories:

Most Missions:
31: GTX2GvO
30: Paco
28: Tervez & The Chosen (tie)

Most Kills:
48: Eagle of Fire
22: Paco
15: Tervez

Fastest improvement:
29%: Paco
28%: GTX2GvO
27%: Kugerfang

GTX2GvO 20-08-2008 02:37 PM

*@ The cafeteria*

GTX2GvO: Pfffewww.. Nice to eat something again.
The Chosen: You sound like it wasn't YOU who ate all those croissants just TWO hours ago.. :evil:
GTX2GvO: But that was TWO HOURS ago.. :(

Capo: GTX.. Ehhmm.. I have a question...
GTX2GvO: Will I like it??
Capo: Ehhmm.. May I fly your ship once....??
GTX2GvO: Ooohh.. That's simple. NO!
Capo: But.. :( I won't crash it!! :(

GTX2GvO: The ship Always flies itself.. :amused:
GTX2GvO: I only fly it myself on rare occasions.
Capo: Ohh... So.. Can I?? :worried:
GTX2GvO: Still No..
Capo: Please...?
GX2GvO: Na-ahh.. :noworry:
Capo: WHY!!??
GTX2GvO: My ship only trusts me.. And flies only me.
Capo: Oh..

GTX2GvO: I can, on the other hand, help you with finding the original developer of this ship..
Capo: Weren't the standard models going nowhere in eons??
GTX2GvO: They are good enough if you want to stay in this solar system.
GTX2GvO: And the maneuverability of those things is why I got one for myself. :amused:
Capo: So where Do I go then??

GTX2GvO: There are two places for you to visit then.
GTX2GvO: A station that has a lot of info on the specs of this ship. They only have like two in stock.

*GTX2GvO hand over a paper saying Archive Station*

Capo: Dang this station is in one of those Jupiter nodes!!
GTX2GvO: Then the next place will be a bit more difficult.
GTX2GvO: Cause a station at Aldebaran has the full stock.

*GTX2GvO hands over a paper saying Fortune City Station*

GTX2GvO: Also. The original Developer is named Kristijan Petrovik
Capo: Thanks ;)

*Suddenly Terves Runs into the Cafeteria*

Terves: GTX! Kugerfang just stole your Ship!!
GTX2GvO: Your joking...
Terves: I'm not!!

GTX2GvO: Capo.. What did I just told you??
Capo: Your ship only trusts you and only flies you..
GTX2GvO: And??
Capo: It FLIES ITSELF!!! :nuts:

GTX2GvO: See Terves. Nothing to worry about..
GTX2GvO: It's like the kid will be on "The Stomach Turner" that's @ Mars Amusement Park..
The Chosen: You mean that thing that got the park sued every two weeks..
GTX2GvO: Yeah.. :amused: But the Ship will be back unharmed..

Terves: Aren't you forgetting something??
GTX2GvO: My ship will not kill the kid..
Terves: Annd... :notrust:
GTX2GvO: Shit!! You're Right!! I'll have to clean up that mess!!!

Paco: What mess?
The Chosen: What, besides being the most sued coaster, it known about "The STOMACH Turner"?
Paco: No-one EVER kept his/her stomach content ins.... OOHHHH... I see..

Paco: When Will your ship be back then??
GTX2GvO: An our or two... Maybe three..

*GTX2GvO continues with his tablefull Dinner*

GTX2GvO: Pfffewww.. Nice to eat something again......:amused:

Capo 20-08-2008 05:33 PM

I know it! Steal the ship was not a good idea. :noworry:

arete 21-08-2008 01:17 PM

Sign me up...
Biggest gun you got
No stupid anti-girl jokes or else :mad:
No psi but lots of accuracy.
Resident correcter of punctuation and allround badass :nuts:

Okay, no, marks(wo)man and starship pilot (or similar).

The Fifth Horseman 21-08-2008 01:33 PM

"Walking like a man, hitting like a hammer", eh? Sure! :D

arete 21-08-2008 01:44 PM

I'm the thinking man's gunslinger...
Don't worry, in real life I'm very sweet :waves rifle: Honestly :laugh:

GTX2GvO 21-08-2008 03:52 PM

*@ The equipment bay*

GTX2GvO: There, there, Kuger.. That bad feeling will go away soon enough..
Kugerfang: *Barf*
GTX2GvO: Damn! You little punk! Those are my NICE boots!! :mad:
Kugerfang: *eeeewwww..*

The Chosen: How long will that kid remain that way?
GTX2GvO: Until we get him to the med bay and give him one of those hunger pills.
The Chosen: That will work?? :weird:
GTX2GvO: Maybe. Or he will contaminate that floor more badly than this one..

*After dragging Kugerfang beyond the bay doors*

The Chosen: Hé. Who's that at the majors office?
GTX2GvO: Even better. What's a girl doing on this base?
Kugerfang: *grmbl* Girl? *eeeewwww.....* Stomach
The Chosen: You sure?
GTX2GvO: Think so.. Oh well. We'll find out what she's doing here soon enough.

The Chosen: You sure we shouldn't find out what she is doing here?
GTX2GvO: We still have a package for the med bay.
Kugerfang: *Barf*
The Chosen: Oh no!! Not my shoes as well!!
The Chosen: You're right. We should drop this thing @ the med bay..

*GTX2GvO and The Chosen continue dragging Kugerfang in the direction of the med bay*

The Chosen: You know Why I'm helping you right?
GTX2GvO: Yeah, Yeah. You want 400 gallons of Dalduan High Grade Oil.
GTX2GvO: Where do you want it?
The Chosen: I will tell you were to bring it when I'm finished with this whole X-Com deal..
GTX2GvO: Sure. I'll give you a receipt for this, but YOU have to remind me about this when we're finished.

AlumiuN 21-08-2008 11:57 PM

Hmm. Looks cool. Sign me up.

Lets go for:
Sharpshooter with insane accuracy and a big gun

TheChosen 22-08-2008 08:49 AM

*On the roof of the base*

TheChosen is on the roof with his Sniper rifle, looking at the sunset.

TheChosen: There's nothing like a good sunset...

Silence is suddenly broked when Kugerfang coughs behind him. TC turns around and see's him with someone.

TheChosen: What do you want?
Kugerfang: Major sent me. This dude is a fresh member and someone has to show him the place.
TheChosen: So? Why cant you do it?
Kugerfang: Uh, like, were all busy and suchs, but youre just sitting here and watching sunset, so...
TheChosen: Oh, fine! Il do it then. Now bugger off!

Kugerfang runs away. TC takes a good look at the new guy.

TheChosen: Whats your callsign?
AlumiuN: AlumiuN
TheChosen: Hmm...I've heard better ones. Whats your specialization?
AlumiuN: Im a sharpshooter. And I like big guns!
TheChosen: Really? Im a sniper myself.
AlumiuN: Cool! Show me!

TC sighs and lies down on the ground with his sniper. Eagle of Fire walks in.
Eagle of Fire: #What is happening here?#
AlumiuN: Shhh! He's going to shoot something!
TheChosen: See that bottle on that window?
AlumiuN: Noooo

TC lies still for a while. Then, he gets up.

AlumiuN: Did you even shot?
TheChosen: Yes. But Im a very good sniper. No one can see or hear me when I shoot.
AlumiuN: Cool!
TheChosen: Run along downstairs. Il exchange few words with Eagle first.

AlumiuN leaves.

Eagle of Fire: #Query: Why did you pretended that you shot something?#
TheChosen: Why should I waste bullets?

-Later on the cafeteria-

TheChosen: And that concludes our tour. Any questions?
AlumiuN: Yeah! Id like to know more about you guys!

TheChosen looks around. Tervez is the only one sitting in here. He's fooling around with spoons again.

TheChosen: What can I say. Where bunch of misfits, outcasts, criminals and wannabes who just want glory and money. Or something to do at least.
AlumiuN: What about you then?
TheChosen: Well, before this I was living a glamorous live of a mercenary. I travelled around the world serving the highest bidder. I fought in many hot places like Zanzibar, Iran, South Korea and Finland. I even had couple of intergalactic jobs, but I stopped doing them after a couple of misfortunes. Then, I was hired by this fat dictator to train his troops on the country of Linguan. However, the military raided the training camp and I was captured. The goverment gave me two choices: Either I get to rot in prison or I will join in the X-Com project.
AlumiuN: Sounds cool! Where you rich?
TheChosen: Not exactly. I earned a stable living with that. I got money to buy enough food to eat, enough coke to drink and enough games to play. I was happy and I couldnt ask more. Plus, I got to face many challenges and meet many interseting people...altough most of them got killed.
AlumiuN: What about him?

AlumiuN points at GTX2GvO, who just walked in. He sits at the same table with Tervez.

TheChosen: Thats GTX2GvO, our very own spaceman. He's a mercenary too, altough he's done more intergalactic gigs. I even had pleasure to work against him once.

TC takes out a coke can and pops it open.

TheChosen: About five years ago, I ran at him at the Gamma Guadrant. I was in charge of a team who was hired to rescue a daughter of an important ambassador. GTX2GvO was on the side of the kidnappers and his job was to fly their ship. My team managed to ambush them, but the kidnappers where damn crazy....


TC is wearing the same kind of clothes, but with a jungle camo. He's hiding in a strange jungle area with other soldiers.

TheChosen: Is the team ready?
Unknown Soldier: Were ready commander.
TheChosen: Alright. Give signal to Beta.

One of the soldiers shout something to the radio. There's a huge explosion.

TheChosen: GO GO GO!!

Everyone runs trough the jungled-area to a building, with a hole in it. TC leads everyone trough and starts shooting bad guys. However, one of the badguys, a big burly one. Is still standing. He's wearing a huge black leather coat.

TheChosen: Its over Breddel. Give us the girl and I will spare you from lead poisoning.
Breddel: Oh yeah?

Breddel pulls out ambassadors daughter from behind him. He then quickly pulls out another gun and tries to shoot TC, who quickly manages to dodge and shoot back. Breddel drops to the ground.

TheChosen: They never learn.

TC helps the girl to get up. When they try to leave the bulding, Breddel suddenly stands up.

Breddel: Ha! Think this is over yet!

Suddenly, a huge spaceship rams trough the wall. The whole building collapses, killing Breddel and soldiers on TC's command.

The hatch of the ship opens and we see GTX2GvO looking trough it.

GTX2GvO: Wooee! Damn! What a fine mess I managed to make.

He jumps out from the ship and starts surveying the scene.
TheChosen, who has luckily survived, rises from the ruins. They both notice each other and quickly draw their guns.
There's a moment of silence.

GTX2GvO: Where is the girl?
TheChosen: Somewhere safe. I teleported her to the ship. She's probably on her way to her father right now.
GTX2GvO: I see. Your mission is succesfull then.
TheChosen: Seems so. Now I only have to get out of here and claim my reward.
GTX2GvO: Think again. Im targeting at your head right now.
TheChosen: I got your head targeted too.

Another moment of silence.

Then, Breddel rises from the ruins. His jacket is now open, revealing a pack of explosives strapped on him.

GTX2GvO: What the hell is this Breddel??!
Breddel: You think I didnt know about your plans space cowboy!
TheChosen: What the

Breddel pulls the trigger and he explodes.
Later, we see GTX walking towards his spaceship. Appearantly, he managed to survive from the blast.

GTX2GvO: Damn! He knew everything! This is the last time I work for any goverment!

Then, we see TC hiding in a bushes not far away, with his sniper rifle. He shoots...

And hits GTX in leg.

TheChosen: Damn! The explosion must have messed up my aiming!

GTX manages to get in his ship and fly away.

-flashback ends-

TheChosen: And I got back to my ship. I managed to fly back and get the pay from ambassador.
AlumiuN: And GTX?
TheChosen: Hell. I never met him again, until this job. He told me he wasnt even on this galaxy.
AlumiuN: Thanks for the story.
TheChosen: Anytime.

*More later*

TC is knocking the door to Tervez's quarters.

Tervez: Who is it?
TheChosen: Pizzaguy here!

Tervez opens the door.

Tervez: You got it?
TheChosen: Yeah. Here's a whole box.
Tervez: Good! Here's the money!

Tervez closes the door. TC turns around and see's another rookie, Arete, standing behind him. She looks carefully at TC and the wad of money on his hand.

Arete: Youre a pizza guy?
TheChosen: Hey! It pays the rent!

TC walks away, leaving Arete with a confused look on her face.

GTX2GvO 22-08-2008 12:42 PM

*In the cafeteria*

GTX2GvO: Do you mind if I counted some stuff.
Terves: Go ahead.. I'm thirsty anyway.

*Terves walks towards his quarters*

GTX2GvO: Eeehh.. Isn't the bar in the other direction??
GTX2GvO: Must be his Cola deal then..

GTX2GvO: 100, 200, 300..........
AlumiuN: Hi there!!

GTX2GvO: Whoa!! God.. Damn!! WHAT!! :mad:
AlumiuN: Heard you met TC in Gamma Guadrant 5 years ago..
GTX2GvO: Guadrant?? I think you mean Quadrant.. You know. with a Q..
AlumiuN: Oh.. So.. What did you do in the 5 years after?
GTX2GvO: None of your damn busyness.. Who ARE you anyway?
AlumiuN: AlumiuN.

GTX2GvO: Oh.. That new recruit the major just told me about.
GTX2GvO: Now bugger off. I have stuff to do..


GTX2GvO: 2300, 2400, 2500.......
Arete: You carry more money than that pizza guy!!
GTX2GvO: Geez!! Damn! Now WHAT!!

*GTX2GvO Looks up and sees the new girl*

GTX2GvO: Let me guess. Your a new recruit and want to meet everyone else? :notrust:
Arete: Ehhh.. Yes..
GTX2GvO: Name.. ?
Arete: Arete.
GTX2GvO: Oh.. Right.. GTX2GvO's the name.. Now leave.
GTX2GvO: Go bugger him. He's new as well..

*GTX2GvO point in the direction of AlumiuN. Who sits a few tables further*

GTX2GvO: Hmm.. Pizza guy?? Must be TC.

*A few moments further*

GTX2GvO: 3100, 3200, 3250, 3270, 3275, 3277.. And 3277 and hmmm. 45 cents.!
The Chosen: Holy Shit! how did YOU get so much money!!
GTX2GvO: AAARRGG!! What's with you People!!
GTX2GvO: Oh.. Hi TC... Thank god not another newb..

The Chosen: How the hell are you payed THAT MUCH!
The Chosen: I've looked at the payment registers and your payment is just as much as ours!!
GTX2GvO: That's just what I get through the X-Com budget.
GTX2GvO: The rest comes straight from the senate..

The Chosen: Wait, I thought you'd never work for governments again??
GTX2GvO: That was 5 years ago. Plus. This is a government funded organization.
The Chosen: Yeah. Your right..
The Chosen: But how did you manage to get THIS MUCH from them.

GTX2GvO: 2 reasons.
GTX2GvO: Reason 1. If they payed me everything to keep me from switching to ANY enemy out of the X-Com budget, they'd had no money left for those newbs..

*GTX2GvO points to the 2 new recruits who are talking to each other*

GTX2GvO: Reason 2. If the father of that little punk didn't payed the cleaning bill, I would have killed both that damned senator AND his little brat..

*GTX2GvO slips 145,25 credits towards TC*

GTX2GvO: Believe that's the price for those ruined shoes..
The Chosen: Man! I can buy TWO pairs for this money.. Thanks.
GTX2GvO: Yeah, yeah.. Made the guy pay for all the bills and since you are STILL wearing those shoes, I gotten to the understanding the major didn't wanted to pay for a new pair That soon..
The Chosen: I just didn't got to him.. But now I see why he is SO helpful towards you.
GTX2GvO: Hmmm...?
The Chosen: Like. If he doesn't. You'll kill this project from the other side!! :laugh:

GTX2GvO: What's so funny about that?
The Chosen: You can probably take all the others out by yourself.
GTX2GvO: Depends..
The Chosen: On what?
GTX2GvO: On whether your targeting an alien or figuring out that someONE else is killing our mates.. ;)

The Chosen: I see.. I improved the sight of my rifle..
GTX2GvO: Don't worry... With the payment from the senate I'm getting Twice what the aliens are offering..
GTX2GvO: Also. This place it's equipment bay has all the tools necessary to do a lot of things to my ship I otherwise just couldn't.
GTX2GvO: That and the beds here are actually rather good.
The Chosen: Ah. Yes. You noticed that too. :amused:

*The Chosen and GTX2GvO continues talking about all the types of beds they slept in on all the missions they had*

Tervez 22-08-2008 01:48 PM

*Tervez slowly opens the box containing the Coke*

Tervez: So, after so many years, we find stuff like this in the hands of some brute mercenary. If they only knew what we can do with this...

*He takes out a can, pours some of the liquid into a glass, and stares at it intently*

Tervez: And at last, the circle is closing... We'll drink this and... well, who knows for sure what will happen?

*He takes a sip from the glass, savoring it's taste*

Tervez: Yes... this is the why he was in That War, fighting against those who killed-

There is a knock on his door, and he quickly hides the box under his bed, and with great disgust pours the rest of the Coke into the sink.

He opens the door, and finds someone standing in the corridor.

Tervez: Yes, what is it?
AlumiuN: Is this the bathroom?

Awkward silence.

Tervez: I can tell that if you try to use this as one, there will be consequences.
AlumiuN: I was just wondering, the door has a Do-not-disturb sign and all...
Tervez: The closest bathroom can be found if you go straight there and turn right.
AlumiuN: Thanks.

The Chosen walks by.

The Chosen: Did you just direct the newbie to go into the experimental weapons testing facility?
Tervez: Why not? They do have good bathrooms there.
The Chosen: Well, they do have, but that's because they're used mostly to dispose of the "test subjects" they use.
Tervez: Well, as I say, no pain, no gain.
The Chosen: In his case, I'd say he's gonna be in pain and lose something.

Fortis 24-08-2008 05:09 PM

Why not?

Name: Fortis
Species: Hybrid
Gender: Male
Role in squad: Primary: Mental Assault Secondary: Fire support

Fortis has long been fascinated with aliens; he suspects he might have some of their DNA in his blood. He signed up with X-com for the sole reason of being able to to investigate aliens further, either on the field or back in the biology labs at base. He'd prefer to see live ones, but has no qualms about pumping a few rounds through whatever they use for vital organs. Dead aliens are almost as interesting anyway.

The Fifth Horseman 24-08-2008 09:24 PM

Report is ready. We've beaten the UFO assault (in no small part thanks to the new recruits) and several tactical missions that followed.

More are brewing, since we didn't manage to intercept the latest batch of UFOs on time.

Fortis 25-08-2008 01:18 AM

*Fortis enters the lounge.*

Fortis: Hello there.

Kugerfang: Wha? Oh, another new guy?

Fortis: That’s right. I’m Fortis. Arrived on base last night.

Kugerfang: Well, what do you think?

Fortis: Impressive. I spent quite a while at the biology labs earlier. At least until the scientists got irritated with me and kicked me out.

Kugerfang: Went to see the aliens? Those are some ugly sonova-----s we captured. I was the one who brought in the live ones.

Fortis: I also went to the vehicle bay. That was a most impressive starship you have here.

Kugerfang: The big one? That’s not ours. It belongs to GTX2GvO.

Fortis: GTX here? How the hell did X-Com afford his rates?

Kugerfang: I dunno. A word of advice, rookie: Don’t go near it.

Fortis: Oh?

Kugerfang: Yeah, he has the autopilot rigged to take any…unauthorized passengers on quite a wild ride.

Fortis: How would you know?

Kugerfang: …I saw someone else try to take it for a joyride.

Fortis: Quite a nasty joke for any of his squad mates. But at least you got his good boots.

Kugerfang: Yeah, the punk deserved- Wait! How did you know that!?

Fortis: Heh…

Kugerfang: Oh, jeez! Don’t tell me you’re another one of those annoying psychics!

Fortis: Naw, I’m just messing with you. The Chosen told me about it.

Kugerfang: I’d knew he’d talk. I’ll never go on joyrides again.

Fortis: At least you'll never eat so much pasta and meatballs before you do.

Kugerfang: You’re telling me. That was quite a mess I left in- ARGH! How are you doing that!? TC couldn’t have known that!

GTX2GvO 25-08-2008 07:55 AM

*Lounge Door opens*

Kugerfang: Oh. GTX!! Ehhm hi.. and ehh. BY!!

*Kugerfang runs out of the lounge*

GTX2GvO: Guess he got traumatized due to that ride..
Fortis: Nah.. I scared the hell out of him.. :amused:
GTX2GvO: Huh.. Who are.. Wait!! Don't I know you from somewhere??

Fortis: Saturn Station 5..
GTX2GvO: Ah.. yes.. You're that guy who wanted to know more about his heritage..
Fortis: I see you managed to get your Ship's AI up to Super Intelligent state...
GTX2GvO: Did you get that from what Kuger told you or did you got that from MY mind?? :notrust:

Fortis: Does that Matter? :wondering:
GTX2GvO: Actually.... Yes!
Fortis: Ehhm.. !!!! *Gulp* :confused: Judging by what your thinking now I better have to confess I Got that from your mind.
GTX2GvO: Then you also know what I'll do to you if I find you poking in my mind again.. :mad::mad:

Fortis: I see.. Won't happen again..
GTX2GvO: Fine! I'll probably see you on the next mission we have.
Fortis: Ehh.. I'm the mind reader here.. :worried:
GTX2GvO: Just came from a little chat with the Major. :amused:
Fortis: Oh. Right.. :notrust:

GTX2GvO: See ya on the next mission.. :amused:

*GTX2GvO Walks out of the lounge*

Fortis: I still don't get it on HOW he even manages to keep the location of his secret base a secret for me..
Fortis: I bet No-one knows it's Somewhere in the asteroid belt.. But where?
Fortis: Guess the only one who REALLY knows that location must be his ship..
Fortis: Damn..! If I could only read the mind of machines..

AlumiuN 25-08-2008 08:24 AM

*AlumiuN stands in 'bathroom'*

AlumiuN: Nice toilet. Bit roomy though. *echoes back* And I'm not sure what that suspicious looking vent labeled 'Biohazardous gas' must be for. I bet Tervez put it there to scare me. Oh well.

*Door opens about 50 metres away*
*Door closes*

AlumiuN: Hmmm?

*turns around, sees dilapodated, phaser burned body*

AlumiuN: Gaaargh!

*runs out the door, down the corridor and through the lounge*

AlumiuN: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Fortis: Let me guess.

*Tervez looks up from another spoon*

Tervez: Yep.
GTX2GvO: What's with him?
Tervez: You know how the weapons testing facility have nice bathrooms?
GTX2GvO: I see.

*AlumiuN runs back across lounge and straight into a carefully launched spoon*

AlumiuN: Aaaaaaaahhhhhh - ow!
Tervez: Got him again.

*AlumiuN sulks off*

*Random scientist walks in carrying a big, weird looking device*

Random: What the hell was that about?
Tervez: Go ask him. And find him a real callsign while you're at it.

*Scientist leaves. Tervez walks over, picks up spoon, and examines it carefully for a very long time*

Tervez: He can't really be made of metal. There's not a scratch on it.
GTX2GvO: You just keep on thinking that. *walks out shaking head slowly* This place is freakin' crazy.

The Fifth Horseman 25-08-2008 09:54 AM

Major Damage stared at the team. They might have succesfully captured their first alien craft, but the way they did it was a total disaster - nearly half of the troops will be confined to the medbay for a while.
He considered abandoning the assault on the remaining UFO, when a beep out of one of his uniform pockets interrupted his thoughts.

He quickly took out his omniphone to answer the call.
Phone: *unintelligible gibberish*
Mjr Damage: "Really?"
Phone: *more gibberish*
Mjr Damage: Excellent. Send them right in."
Phone: *gibberish*

Mjr Damage: You're lucky - our newest reinforcements have just arrived. I hope you'll manage the next UFO better than this one...

Three figures walk through the door into the briefing room.

The first one marches in at a brisk pace - obviously picked up in the military. What nobody was expecting is that the first soldier... is a woman.

She stops in front of Major Damage and throws a professional salute.
Arete: Recruit Arete, reporting in! Sir!

The Major nods.
Mjr Damage (to Arete): At ease, soldier.
Mjr Damage: Arete is your team's new heavy gunner. I'm sure you'll get along just fine...

Mjr Damage (to Arete): But I'd appreciate if you never again do what you did to your last commanding officer.
Arete (to Major): The slime deserved it, sir.
Mjr Damage (to Arete): I'm sure he did, but there are proper... procedures for this... sort of thing.
Mjr Damage (to Arete): If one of my men tries anything like that, just report it to me. I don't want any of them ending up... like that.
Arete (grinning innocently): Yes, Sir!

The second recruit stands next to Arete.
AlumiuN: Recruit AlumiuN standing by, Sir.
Mjr Damage: Another Autocannon operator. May not look like much, but he's a decent guy.
The third recruit is a bald-headed Hybrid.
Fortis: Recruit Fortis here. Just point me at whatever you want brain-dead. :D
Mjr Damage: Fortis was just transferred from Psi-Corps. They see him as some sort of wonder-boy there, apparently. Guess it's time to see how much all this vaunted psionic power will actually be of use in combat.

Mjr Damage: As of now, you're going after the second UFO. And when I say "going", I mean "like the devil himself was after you". Got it?
Mjr Damage: Frag those aliens. Dismissed.

Mission: Another UFO clearance

The area is pretty large.

We split to cover both entrances to the craft.

Capo storms in first and gasses the aliens.

And then gasses them some more.

We storm the upper level

There is a shootout, Tervez is injured.

More gas. Team Charlie (Arete, Fortis, Data) flanks the aliens and together all three teams mop up the surviving aliens.

That's it for the mission.

Remainder of the day passes out calmly, mostly because majority of the team is too messed up to do anything crazy.

Around midnight, we receive a request from Sanctuary Clinic to check one of their buildings for a suspected infestation.

Location: Utopia Mansions (again)

The squad starts spread out. Team Alpha switches to Stun Grapples to capture any possible live specimens.

First alien contact spotted by AlumiuN

We close in, and Anthropods come out of hiding.

Team Alpha gets both of them...

...which concludes our mission.

Here's the score.

According to Eagle of Fire, who just reviewed the video logs of the alien incursion, the UFO which escaped hovered briefly over one of Megapol rescue stations. Who's going to bet a dollar it wasn't for sightseeing?

So off we go... again.
Location: Rescue Three

The area we enter is the station's vehicle bay - pretty spacious, so clearing out the aliens shouldn't pose a problem.

Team Alpha Secures the entrance to the central tower, while Team Bravo combs the ground floor for any aliens. They notice a Spitter on the tower, but leave it intact for the moment.

Suddenly a series of energy bolts erupts from somewhere between the parked vehicles, missing the leading soldier by mere inches. Someone should tell that alien about the difference between bad and suicidally bad ideas. The lead soldier is Arete, and when someone messes with her she's all too eager to mess them up in return.

Alpha terminates several advancing Spitters and Hyperworms.

Bravo joins in. When the aliens stop coming, both teams move in to the tower and switch to stunners

Just in time, because a blue chicken-like freak we've seen on our recent missions approaches from the top floor.

We stun it, then Arete enters the control room and wipes out the aliens still remaining in there. This ends the mission.


The biotech guys thank us for the new specimens, but mumble something about lack of a live Spitter in the "freakshow" (as the base's alien containment unit is informally known).
I'm sure we'll be able to fulfill their wish soon - we've encountered plenty of these things!

Brainsucker research completes on 9:00.

The other xenobiology team finishes their analysis of the Alien genetic structure two hours later.

Things pass smoothly until 18:15, when we have... yes, ladies and gentlemen... A NEW UFO ALERT!

Unfortunately, we only manage to down one of the UFOs - an unmanned scout. The other two outrun out vehicles and make it back through the Dimension Gates relatively unharmed. Sigh.

We recover the Scout and prepare to make a round through all buildings the UFOs may have dropped aliens in. The Xenobiology wants us to find a live Spitter and an intact Hyperworm Egg, so this might be our chance to bag both critters.

pieboblol 25-08-2008 02:03 PM

*Meanwhile, in the medbay*

Bob is lying in a Medbay bed back at base, completely covered in bandages when Kugerfang limps over to Bob's bed, supported by a pair of crutches.

Kugerfang: Damn it's boring here! I should be out with everyone else, but no!! I'm stuck here with TC who spends all day in the shooting range... and you, the dumbest man alive... *sigh* I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't count to ten.

*Bob slowly attempts to count when Kugerfang notices something isn't quite right*

Kugerfang: Hey... are you... missing a leg?!:weird:
Bob: Doctor says he give me new leg.
Kugerfang: Wow, you kill one alien then you go and get your leg blown off. :notrust:
Bob: Bitten off...
Kugerfang: Ouch! How did you end up here anyway?

*Bob stares vaguely at the wall*

Kugerfang: Hello? Did you hear me? HELLO?!

*TC walks in with some bandages around his waist*

TC: Yea he ain't real bright is he? Major says he's a government experiment gone wrong. What he gained in muscle he lost in brains, or something like that.
Kugerfang: So the government just dumps him with us? But he's useless!
TC: He knows who to shoot at and how to pull the trigger, that's good enough for me. Besides, he makes for a good distraction. :amused:
Kugerfang: Obviously not good enough... he didn't distract the aliens from getting to you.
TC: I got hit trying to keep you from getting yourself killed! What were you thinking charging inside the UFO like that?
Kugerfang: It got the job done...
TC: Whatever, you got lucky kid. Maybe I'll let you end up like Bob next time.

*Kugerfang looks nervously at the stump that was Bob's leg*

TC: Anyway I'm getting out of here. It still wreaks from the mess you made last time.

*The Chosen gestured at the chunks of Pasta and Meatballs all over the floor*

Kugerfang: Don't remind me...

EDIT: I don't RP much so sorry if this isn't very good :( just thought I had to contribute something

Fortis 25-08-2008 03:59 PM

Fortis: So that’s what X Com is all about.
Terves: Good to see you survived your first missions.
Fortis: I need to do better though. I didn’t get to control one of those aliens before Arete blasted the ugly things.
Terves: She’s quite a soldier.
Fortis: The biologists were complaining about the state of the dead aliens we brought in. Something about grossly excessive amounts of bullet holes.
Terves:…I was just thinking that. Don’t pull you mind reading on me.
Fortis: I wasn’t. I talked with the biologists earlier.
Terves: Oh.
Fortis: Yeah, I’m going to be working with everyone here. I decided I’d better not creep them out too much.


Terves: GTX threatened to kill you, didn’t he?
Fortis: Worse.
Terves: You mean…?
Fortis: His exact thoughts were “Making Kugerfang’s little trip seem like a @#$%-ing merry-go-round”
Terves: You must have pissed him off pretty bad.
Fortis: He promised me I’d be barfing up things I planned on eating for breakfast the next day.
Terves: He can be very convincing.
Fortis: So, I’m going to save most of the mental stuff for the aliens. Speaking of which, the biologists needed some help getting the new live specimens to talk, and I figured I could use the practice. Care to come?
Terves, No, I’ve got other…plans. Now, if you’ll excuse me.

*Terves departs for his room, hanging a Do-Not-Disturb sign on the handle. Fortis hears the pop and fizzle of a fizzy dring being opened.*

Fortis: Huh. I wonder…Oh, never mind. Time to go screw with alien minds.

TheChosen 25-08-2008 04:22 PM

@pieboblol: In the words of Space Harrier: "Youre doing great!"

Paco's walking down the stairs, heading to the cellar to see the new collection of freaks. At the stairs, he notice's TheChosen sitting on the last step. He seems to be sleeping.

Paco look arounds, but there's no one else near. Just as he's about to scare the hell out of him, TC's rifle was pointing at his nose.

TheChosen: Dont even think about it
Paco: Damn! How did you know I was here.
TheChosen: Sixth sense
Paco: What? Is that telepathic stuff?
TheChosen: No. Its natural evolution.

There's a little akward silence. Then TC continues.

TheChosen: Do you know how many battles I have fought?
Paco: More than me at least
TheChosen: Exactly. Soldiers and mercenaries like me who have fought in tons of battles, wars, conflicts, firefights and bar brawls tend to be tired and exhausted all the time. Me and many others tend to take naps whenever and where-ever we can.
Paco: You tired?
TheChosen: Hell yeah. I havent had a decent vacation in years. Most of my days I spent with military stuff or weapons. Sometimes maybe a little spying mission. I do relax every now and then like a normal working people, but still, If I got nothing better to do, Il take a nap. Even in a middle of a mission.

TC takes out a coke can from somewhere and pops it open.

TheChosen: Altough we take naps, were still alive and ready for combat. All the experience has made us restless and If there's danger near, we sense it, even if were sleeping.
Paco: I see. Is that why you drink coke?
TheChosen: No. I know it has caffeine, but that doesnt help much. Sometimes, If its very cold, I'l stay wide awake for few hours. I just drink this because its good.

TC finishes his drink and throws the can away.

TheChosen: By the way, I hope you arent down here just because you want to hear mercenary wisdom.
Paco: What? Oh, right. Nope. Sorry. I was going for somewhere. Later.
TheChosen: Yeah. Later.

TC watches as Paco disappears downstairs. Then, he closes his eyes and continues his dream.

GTX2GvO 25-08-2008 07:59 PM

@pieboblol: You did very fine.. ;)

@Fortis: Ahhw You held back on the amount of threats you managed to get from my mind :)
Or did I scare ya so much with that part you didn't even wanted to read the rest :)
Anyway.. Roughly good description of it..

*@ the top of the stairs to the cellar*

GTX2GvO (whisper): So TC.. In the need of a powernap I see..
GTX2GvO (whisper): I would love to know what you're dreaming, but I have stuff to do..

*GTX2GvO Walks to the equipment bay*

GTX2GvO: Ahh.. My lovely ship.. Took some hours to clean you.. :notrust:

*GTX2GvO jumps into the cockpit as if it was nothing*

GTX2GvO: G'day there..
Ship: #Now What..?#
GTX2GvO: Any reports?
Ship: #Managed to take those scans you requested while hauling that punk kid I had to take for a ride as a cover up for this.. :suspicious: #

GTX2GvO: So you got full scans of T.R.'s base of operations?
Ship: #So. When ARE you gonna call him?#
GTX2GvO: In due time. In due time.
GTX2GvO: So.. Got the confirmation??
Ship: #DNA Scans indicate full family like relationship between that sample you gave me and T.R. Antula.#
Ship: #They are most likely brothers#

GTX2GvO: So T.R. It seems you really are Billy Damage..
Ship: #Wait!! That was a sample of the MAJOR'S DNA?? #
GTX2GvO: I know you can do enough with a string of hair. Was fairly easy..
Ship: #What Made you wonder about the family ties between T.R. And the Major?#
GTX2GvO: Same face and Look in their eyes when getting pissed about me.

Ship: #Will you tell the major that his little brother is the boss of the Webben Pirate Clan??#
GTX2GvO: No.. Why would I.. I first have to use that knowledge against T.R.
GTX2GvO: I might do a lot of jobs in their favor, but that does not make me a member of that clan.
Ship: #Does the fact that he knows where to look for your base has anything to do with it?#
GTX2GvO: I'm just glad he doesn't know the exact location..

GTX2GvO: Well.. I'm off to the Med bay.. Bob managed to forget to bring a part of his leg back to base and now those medics demand I will share my knowledge, and technology, to grow it back on..
Ship: #How much will it cost those Medics for that request?#
GTX2GvO: Ohh.. Around 2000 or 3000 credits
Ship: #Aren't you overdoing it this time?#

GTX2GvO: They are going to borrow the damn thing for the rest of my stay here.

*GTX2GvO jumps out of the cockpit and opens a storage door on the ship and picks a rather large box out of it*

GTX2GvO: Damn this is heavy..

*After closing the storage door GTX2GvO walks towards the medbay*

Ship: #Finally that's a good 50 Kg I don't have to carry around anymore.. :notrust: #

Fortis 03-09-2008 02:21 AM

Fortis: And now, this ugly purple thing believes that you are the alien Grand Poobah, or whatever their equivalent is.
Alien <Command me, revered one.>
Scientist: Ahc, excellent, dat vill help our efforts greatly. Vat about dat one in cell…Ah, Major! Vat can I do for you?
Fortis: Sir! *salutes* (uh oh…)
Major Damage: At ease, Fortis. I wanted to discuss your performance on the last few missions. You got some kills, more than I thought you would. That was good, but I was disappointed with your performance on the mental front.
Fortis: I was too, to tell the truth.
Major Damage: Care to explain?
Fortis: Bluntly, I need to be faster. I was taking to long to get into the alien’s mind before it was shot full of holes. I came down here specifically to practice breaking into alien minds.
Major Damage: Good initiative. How is your progress?
Fortis: Tell them, Albert.
Scientist: Fortis hadt been a goodt help to us. Vatch! You dere!

*Scientist Albert opens a viewing port to one of the cells.*
*The alien inside jumps to attention*

Alien: <How may I aid you, revered one?>
Scientist: Vat are you?
Alien: <A Wentrodfeash derr’ak. What you call a spitter, revered one.>
Scientist: How many oder spitters or aliens vere in your group?
Alien: <4 spitters, 8 other species, revered one.>
Scientist: Hmmm. Sing dat song I vas playing earlier.
Alien: <Gladly Revered one! Deutschland, Deutschland über alles!
Über alles in der Welt…>

*Scientist Albert closes the viewing port, while the alien inside begans dancing a jig to it’s boisterous singing*

Major Damage: Well, you’re thorough, that for sure, but what about speed?
Fortis: I’m getting faster, sir.
Major Damage: Good, I expect you to do better on your next assignment.
Scientist: Lets see how number six is doing.
Fortis: No! Wait!

*Scientist Albert opens a viewing port to another one of the cells.*

Scientist: Vat the heck!?

*Scientist Albert slams the viewing port shut. Major Damage blinks. Fortis looks to the side.*

Major Damage: Care to explain that?!
Fortis: I uh…went too fast on that one. I damaged a few thing while breaking into it’s mind…

* Scientist Albert peeks into the viewing port*

Scientist: Now vere didt it pick dat one up?
Fortis: I honestly have no idea…
Major Damage: Just out of curiosity, how long did that one take you?
Fortis: From contact to…uh…what you saw there, about six seconds.
Major Damage: That’s the kind of speed you need on the battlefield. Don’t try to be subtle. Just crash through the barriers. Your first priority is taking down the aliens and protecting your squad mates. Preserving the aliens in good condition is secondary.
Fortis: Yes sir.
Major Damage: Oh, and restrict your speed training to the psy gyms from now on. Dismissed.

Alien 1: < Von der Maas bis an die Memel! Von der Etsch bis an den Belt!>

Major Damage: And get that thing to shut up.
Scientist: Vat is vrong vid de “Das Lied der Deutschen”?
Major Damage: You’re in San Francisco, not Berlin!
Scientist: You Americans should learn to appreciate goodt-
Scientist: Fortis! You made dat mess, you shut dem up!

AlumiuN 03-09-2008 08:08 AM

*AlumiuN sits in quarters*
Alien *muffled*: Deutschland, Deutschland über alles!
AlumiuN :God damnit. I've heard that one too many times. *bangs on wall* Shut the hell up! *singing stops* Huh. Looks like Fortis messed up that one a bit. Who the hell wants to hear that coming from anywhere, let alone there?
Scientist *walks in*: Vat vas dat about?
AlumiuN: Why does that alien know Das Lied der Deutschen?
Scientist: I taught him it.
AlumiuN: Why, of all songs, would you teach him that?
Scientist: You do not like it? Vat is wrong mit it?
AlumiuN: Let me tell you about what happened two years ago.

AlumiuN: I was in Munich on a holiday with my parents, who hadn't been on a holiday for about 10 years. Long story very short, a German extremist group detonated a large bomb near where we were staying - near enough that the blast killed my mother instantly and put my father in a critical condition. _Then_ the hospital he was staying in was raided by the same group. He was killed by a .45 caliber bullet. Both times, I heard Das Lied der Deutschen about 10 seconds before the crap hit the wall. The media covered the whole thing up, and everyone who saw it was payed to keep quiet by the government. But by that time, I had already left, but I wondered why the government covered it up. Three weeks of intensive research later, and I had discovered that not only had the government paid the group to do it, but a group of aliens had infiltrated the government and set the whole damn thing up.

Scientist: Ach. Scheisst. I see. Vell, ve Germans aren't all sellouts. I guess dats vhy you're here.
AlumiuN: Bingo. I would prefer it if you told no-one else about this.
Scientist: OK. I tink I can keep it qviet. *walks out*
*AlumiuN puts head in hands*

GTX2GvO 03-09-2008 08:47 AM

*The medbay*

*! SLAM !*

GTX2GvO: There's the device. Happy now?
Doctor: ehhmm.. That's a crate..
GTX2GvO: And guess what's IN the crate.... :notrust:

*GTX2GvO kicks the crate making it fold open*

Doctor: Ehh how are we gonna use it?? :confused:
GTX2GvO: Don't tell me they didn't handled this device in med school.. :oh:
Doctor: Well actually.. :worried:
GTX2GvO: Ohh. Dammit... :mad:

*After several hours of explaining*

GTX2GvO: And this is the way you grow someones limb back on..
Bob: Thanks man.. I can walk again.. :amused:
Doctor: What if I'd actually grow an arm where a leg should be??
GTX2GvO: !!!!!

*A few more hour later*

GTX2GvO: Understood?
Doctor: Guess so..
GTX2GvO: *sigh* Well that's 3254,85 credits.. 3000 for the renting and the rest is for explaining how this thing works..
Doctor: Sure... Wait up..

*The Doctor searches in his desk*

Doctor: Here it is.. 3000, 200, 50, uhhmm. 1, 2, 3, 4 and *shuffles* ,85 credits..
GTX2GvO: You Always have that much in there??
Doctor: Nahh.. The major warned me about your prices.. :amused:
GTX2GvO: Figures..

Bob: Dude. Your pocket is making noise..
GTX2GvO: Hmmm.. Must be my ship..
GTX2GvO: Yep. It's my ship.. Gotta go..

*in the equipment bay*

GTX2GvO: What ya want?
Ship: #There's a call for ya.#
GTX2GvO: Location ID?
Ship: #Webben Pirate Clan main base.#
GTX2GvO: Ohh.. Caller ID..?
Ship: #T.R. Antula.#
Ship: #Guess he wants to know what I did around his base.. :amused: #
GTX2GvO: Yeah.. Connect him..

T.R.: >Hé. G... What's up.. :amused: <
GTX2GvO: We both know why you are calling.. So you can cut the fun stuff.
T.R.: >Ok. Then what the Hell was your ship doing here recently. <
GTX2GvO: The usual.. :amused:
T.R.: >What have you against me now..:suspicious: <

GTX2GvO: Details on your DNA... :amused:
T.R.: >No way!! Your lying!! <
GTX2GvO: Does the name Maximilian Damage says anything to ya... :)
T.R.: >How did you find HIM!!<
GTX2GvO: He's the X-Com major..

T.R.: >Damn.. :mad: So what do you want?<
GTX2GvO: Supplies for this base.. For FREE..
T.R.: And How am I gonna do that?
GTX2GvO: Well. For starters. Your dearest brother still thinks your a junior engineer @ Marsec..
GTX2GvO: So if you send the stuff under those pretenses, it will be all fine.

T.R.: >Fine.. Have it your way.. I'll see what my brother wants from me in those pretenses.<
GTX2GvO: Smart choice.. Well.. I have stuff to do. So we'll talk later..
T.R.: >Yeah. Whatever.. :notrust: <

Ship: #Connection has been closed..#
Ship: #So.. Whats that stuff you have to do?#
GTX2GvO: I'm hungry. So what do you think..
Ship: #Figures :suspicious: #

The Fifth Horseman 03-09-2008 09:45 AM

As the last episode ended, the team was about to embark on investigation of several buildings the UFOs may have deployed aliens into.
Unfortunately, most of our team is more or less out of the fight - it's all up to GTX2GvO, Paco, AlumiuN, Fortis and Data now.

Location: Rescue Three
We've been here. Twice. What the hell do the Aliens find so attractive in this place?

GTX: I've got some readings. Right under us.
We go, and find a Brainsucker.

GTX: Another reading.

Following the light on the scanner display, the team finds themselves facing a Multiworm.

Easily dispatched, altough Data is wounded in the process.

Seems those were the only two aliens here.

Searches in Utopia Mansions and Galactic Central yield no results. In Hypermart Zone, however...

Location: Hypermart Zone

We spot an alien creature right away... it's one of those damned eggs!

GTX: Watch out, people! We're supposed to bring this one alive!

From the lift, a Brainsucker and Hyperworm come at us... unfortunately for them. Then, another sight we've been expecting - a Spitter!

The team switches to Stun Grapples immediately, and the creature is overwhelmed as soon as it walks through the door.

GTX: Okay, I'll take care of that egg.

The egg is doused in stun gas, and almost instantly stops firing. But a commotion elsewhere in the mall tells our team their job is not quite done yet...

Anthropods - two of them. No match for our firepower.

Well, tell you what - we managed to bad both specimens our R&D boys asked for!
(and where the hell did the score screenshot go!?)

No aliens found in New Empire Tower, but there is a bunch at Lineage Foundation.

Locations: Lineage Foundation
Now, that's some comfy interior... pity we don't have such rich furnishings at the base.

We run in into a Popper, and... well, "pop" it. There is a Spitter, but it quickly loses us in the maze of corridors.

The team move to the park on the upper level of the building...

...and like if on cue, runs into trouble.

Facing no less than three Anthropods, Data decides to let caution and precision slip for the moment and switches to his Mini-launcher. This pretty much means the alien creatures are staring at the end of their short, brutal and ugly lives.

A Brainsucker jumps out on us, but is quickly shot down, missing one of the troops by mere inches.

Two aliens move in from two opposite sides - a Multiworm and a Spitter. AlumiuN is wounded. I believe his skull is made from titanium steel or something - that's second head wound in just as many days.
We kill the Spitter, and pursue the Multiworm which has slithered off somewhere.
Finally, we get it and pound the alien to death with bullets. This ends the mission.

Since we've sure we checked all buildings, and the team is not in the shape for any more missions at the time, we return to the base.

This is the score for today:

At 4 AM next day, we receive report on the Popper specimen.

Ten minutes later, we've got another alert - it seems the Scout we downed has managed to deploy some aliens. The infiltration graphs also prove it, so we'll have to run a shakedown operation later.

For now, we've got to clean up at a certain police station. Luckily, except for Eagle of Fire and Data, the team is in top fighting condition.

The Fifth Horseman 03-09-2008 09:50 AM
Location: Enforcer Academy
The interior of the station is cramped, with plenty of narrow corridors.
As soon as Capo turns on his motion sensor, multiple contacts show up.
Capo (roars): INCOMING!!!

The team assumes defensive positions, as angry hissing sounds approach. A group of Hyperworms is the first wave.

Then an Anthropod and a Multiworm,
And another Multiworm.

No more aliens show up, but there are some in the building - GTX goes hunting and nails two Spitters.
He roasts the first one with incendiary munitions, but the other manages to wound him.
The merc withdraws behind the corner, patches himself up with his medikit... and goes to roast the other Spitter.

On 15:55, the lab techs finish their research on the Anthropod. One hour later, the autopsy results on Multiworm are in as well.

The Quantum Physics lab has just finished their research of the alien propulsion system.

Score for today:

Next day, after checking the infiltration graphs - which have taken really worrying values - we're called to a Megapol arms factory in the Eastern area of the city.

Fortis 06-09-2008 01:13 AM

(((Let's get a little action going, shall we?)))

*A small device on Fortis’s belt beeps. Fortis grabs it a clicks a button on it.*

Fortis: Fortis here.
Scientist: (Over device) Ah, Fortis. Ve have recievedt fresh specimens. I couldt use some help taming dem.
Fortis: Not now, why don’t you pester Terves.
Scientist: I triedt, he is busy vid his carbonatedt beverages.
Fortis: Oh, fine.
Scientist: Vonderful! Albert out.
Fortis: Grumble Grumble.

*A short walk through the base later, Fortis arrived at the biological labs.*

Fortis: Very well, where are the new saps I need to lobotomize?
Scientist: Vell, you are in quite a moodt, Fortis.
Fortis: Where, Albert?
Scientist: Back in de new containment cells. Dis vay.

*Seconds later.*

Fortis: More anthropods? These aliens are none to bright are they.
Scientist: Actually, from initial scans, dese ones vere exhibiting advanced nervous systems, as vell as some previously unseen organs.
Fortis: New organs? What for.
Scientist: Ah, ve vill findt out soon, von’t ve. Anyvay, dese fellows have been rather silent.
Fortis: Heh, I’ll change that. Bring the first one to…Wait…
Scientist: Vat? Vat is-
Fortis: Shhh!
???: …sssssss…
Fortis: GET DOWN!!

*Fortis tackles Albert to the floor. The side of the containment cell glows a cherry red, the yellow, then white for a second before blowing out. A klaxon peals out through the lab.*

Fortis: Damn! They’re loose! Seal off the lab!
Alien: <Pitiful earthling.>

*Albert and Fortis dash for the alarm, but a huge anthropod leaps and slams down in front of them. Fortis knocks Albert down, draws his pistol and pumps several rounds into the anthropod. As Fortis turns to gun down another alien, another anthropod lands nearby and knocks Fortis across the room with a clawed fist.

Anthropod: <We will not be stopped by the likes of- ARRGGHH!>

*The Anthropod cluches at its head as Fortis turned his mind on the alien, tearing haphazardly through the Anthropod’s brain.*

Alien 3: <Stop! Or the old one dies!> *A second alien holds Albert by his coat in one hand, holding the claws of his other hand close to the scientist’s throat. A few seconds passed, then the Anthropod, stopped bellowing in pain as Fortis backed off. The anthropod collapsed, moaning and twitching. Several more aliens began began emerging from the ruined containment cell.*

Alien 3: <Release our brothers! Find all the weaponry you can!>

*At that moment, several members of the base received a telepathic message. Aliens loose in biology lab alpha. They’re advancing on level 1.

GTX2GvO 06-09-2008 09:26 AM


GTX2GvO: Hmm.. Nice just me and the food..
GTX2GvO: Guess either everyone else is still training or sleeping the last mission out.

Fortis: $Aliens loose in biology lab alpha. They’re advancing on level 1.$

GTX2GvO: Oh.. Shit!!
GTX2GvO (very hard thinking): $Shoot to kill??$
Fortis: $YES!!! Shoot to kill!!!$

*GTX2GvO Runs to he equipment bay. (closer then weapons bay AND bio lab)

GTX2GvO: Good thing I got some off the record weapons in my ship.
Ship: #What's the rush??#
GTX2GvO: Shoot ANY alien that comes IN this room!!
Ship: #??!!.. Then I'd suggest you'd get Weapon ISX23.9T.#
GTX2GvO: Already grabbing it.

*GTX2GvO grabs a pistol sized weapon out of a cabinet in the cockpit.*

GTX2GvO: Hmm... Guess the highest setting might blow up more then the aliens..

*GTX2GVO moves a slider on the gun to almost the front position*

Ship: #I scan that you want the aliens to be vaporised??#
GTX2GvO: Shoot to kill.. Period.

*GTX2GvO runs in the direction of the Bio lab*

Ship: #Ahh.. Finally.. I can test some of my weapons again..#
Ship: #Come on aliens.. Come to daddy..

TheChosen 06-09-2008 10:05 AM

*Bottom of the stairway*

TheChosen is once again having a nap. This time, we see that he's dreaming about being on a Hawaii. He's sitting on a lounge chair, sipping coke when suddenly Fortis appears right next to him.

Fortis: Aliens loose in biology lab alpha. They’re advancing on level 1.
TheChosen: What?
Fortis: Wake up TC! We got a situation over here!
TheChosen: Give me a break. Im dreaming!
Fortis: Im serious! WAKE UP NOW!

TC snaps back in reality. He quickly pulls out his rifle, turns around and gives Anthropod a lead poisoning. The alien has a slight look of confusion on his face before he drops on the ground.

Fortis: $See! I told you!$
TheChosen: Hmm...

TC loads up his rifle and runs up in the stairs to first floor. He runs up with GTX2GvO and Kugerfang.

TheChosen: What the hell is going on?
GTX2GvO: Some aliens have broke loose on the lab. Theyre all around the base now! There's even some on the ventilation shafts.

Kugerfang lifts up his right arm. His hand seems to be missing. There's only a small stub covered in bloody white cloth.

Kugerfang: One of the bastards took my hand! This sucks!

Suddenly, there's a sound of large explosion coming from downstairs.

TheChosen: Holy hell! Lets go!

Trio runs quickly to the downstairs and to the lab. At the entrance door, they ran up with Fortis and the german scientist.

GTX2GvO: Whats going on in there?
Fortis: The prisoners have broke loose. Someone managed to create some sort of explosives. Me and dr here managed to escape.
TheChosen: What about the hostiles?
Fortis: Theyre still alive. About 10 of them are in the room.
TheChosen: In my math, 1 soldier, one punk with balls-of-steel and two mercenaries are powerful that 10 E.T's. I say we go in.
GTX2GvO: Agreed.
Kugerfang: Hey! How the hell am I supposed to shoot?!
TheChosen: Use your left arm! You'l figure out how to use it soon enough.

There's a short silent moment (minus the grunts and sounds coming from behind the door). Everyone looks at each other. Then there's some nodding. Fortis then opens the door and quartet runs in.

Only to find out that the hostiles have seemingly increased in numbers. There's also a huge glowing green energy source behind them. There's a very loud and unknown voice going trough the room.

Kugerfang: Holy shit! I've seen that thing before!
TheChosen: What?
Kugerfang: Yeah! From Half-Life! Its some sort of portal!
GTX2GvO: What he's saying?
TheChosen: We should retreat!
GTX2GvO: What?!
TheChosen: RETREAT!!
Fortis: Mother....

Tervez 06-09-2008 06:17 PM

Tervez hears a bunch of people running down the corridor, shouting. He doesn't pay attention to this, and continues to drink his Cola. Then, he hears a bunch of people running in the corridor again, shouting and screaming, and decides he's had it. He opens the door and goes into the corridor.

Tervez: Will you shut up?! The sign says do-not-disturb, and it means not coming in or making a hell of a racket...

He is interrupted by plasma bolt nearly hitting his back, and he turns around to see a bunch of aliens advancing towards him.

Tervez: Holy... he manages to say, before another bolt flies, but he manages to jump into his room, and he locks the door.

Tervez: Okay, it may not have been a good idea to disable the intercom after all... damn, I don't have any weapons here.

There are loud thumping noises on the door, and he looks around his room, looking for an escape route. He manages to find one: the air ducts that are very large.

Tervez: Good thing this base was designed by the same guy who did the airducts for Aliens...

He grabs a crowbar, and starts to bend the grates with it. As he is doing it, the thumping stops, and he hears someone fire a plasma bolt into the door: after just one shot, the door is turning cherry red from heat.

Using the power of adrenaline, he twist the last grate from place, and crawls into the ducts, turning from the first bend so that the aliens can't shoot him.

Tervez: Enemy inside own base, no weapons allowed inside private quarters... If I get out of this one alive, X-Com will have to make a whole new department for complaints...

GTX2GvO 06-09-2008 07:09 PM

*@ the end of the corridors*

GTX2GvO: Guess Terves got their attention. What's the situation?
The Chosen: You think he's still in there?
Kugerfang: I'm almost out of ammo.
Fortis: He's above us.

GTX2GvO: So Terves is in the air ducks?
Fortis: Yeah can pick out his mind just around there.

*Fortis points somewhere @ the ceiling*

GTX2GvO: Good enough for me..
GTX2GvO: Just a minor settings adjustment and I'm set.

*GTX2GvO Shoots a hole in the ceiling making Terves drop down and the corridor blocked for the aliens.*

The Chosen: Ready to assist us Terves?
Terves: How am I bloody *cough* *cough* do that without weapons?

GTX2GvO: Ehh.. Hello!! Experimental weapons testing facility!!

*GTX2GvO opens the door next to him while everyone else either curses for not thinking about this or sighs out of relieve*

The Chosen: And now Let's see how good these weapons really are..

*The Chosen, Fortis, GTX2GvO, Kugerfang And Terves enter the experimental weapons testing facility*

AlumiuN: Ah.. There you are..
Arete: Finally.. :notrust:

GTX2GvO: What the..... Whatever! Guys Grab anything you can carry that can kill aliens!

The Chosen: Shit! Your little roadblock wasn't enough! There here!

*The Chosen shoots the firsts alien with a shot from his sniper rifle*

Kugerfang: I can only hold one gun.. :(
Terves: Then make it a big one. *While slamming a large rifle in kugerfangs left hand and strapping loads of weapons onto his body*

GTX2GvO: Guy's I hate to say this...
Fortis: Do we want to know?
GTX2GvO: We have to drive them to the Equipment bay!!
GTX2GvO: My Ship has enough firepower to nail All of them.

The Chosen: The Equipment bay!! Are you nuts!! Thats the other side of this base!!
GTX2GvO: I Know! But it's our only chance to nail all of them.
The Chosen: Then so be it..

Fortis 06-09-2008 09:24 PM

*Fortis grabs a particularly menacing looking weapon, from the experimental weapons testing facility.*

Fortis: Time to field test this thing.

*Fortis aims at an anthropod and pulls the trigger. An electrical arc flashes in between the gun and the anthropod for a split second, and a gaping hole appears where the anthropod’s chest once was.*

Fortis: I’ve got to get myself one of these.
Scientist: Be careful, dat veapon vill overheat if you fire too rapidly.
Fortis: What the? What the heck are you doing here, Albert?!
Scientist: No one vrecks my lab vidout getting avay vid it.
The Chosen: You crazy old man! You’ll get yourself killed.
Scientist: I know my vay aroundt a gun.
The Chosen: No. If you want to help, find some way to shut down that portal that those aliens are coming from.
Scientist: Very vell. Give me some time to bring the gamma ray projector online. I can control it remotely from de veapon room. If dat doesn’t disrupt de portal, it vill disrupt de alien’s cellular structure.
The Chosen: We’ll hold them off for that long.

*Albert runs into a nearby room, and the lights in the base dim briefly as something huge is powered up. An alarm sounds as radiation shields began closing around the lab. Fortis uses his electrical rifle to vaporize the head of a spitter.*

Scientist: Ahem. Begin recording: Scientific log Albert 23. The effects of concentrated high end radiation on inter-dimensional portals and alien physiology. Begin testing.
Fortis: Will you be alright?
Scientist: Fine, fine. De shields vill protect me and keep de radiation contained to de biology lab. Try to bring back some fresh test subjects.
Fortis: No promises doc.
Scientist: Hmph, very vell. (mumble) Beginning procedure vid 10 Sv of radiation.

*The lights dim briefly and a dull zap is heard*

Scientist: Portal fluctuated, but remains stable. Alien subjects exhibit severe nausea, burns, disorientation, and bleeding. Increasing pover to 20 Sv.
Fortis: You’re sure that the radiation will be contained?
Scientist: Yes, de base personnel vill not get even a mild sunburn. My lab vill be ruined however.
Fortis: You’ll get a new one, I’m sure. Do me a favor and contact Data and Eagle of Fire and tell them to herd the aliens to the Equipment Bay. I couldn’t reach them telepathically.
Scientist: *Sigh* very vell.

*Fortis leaves Albert, and a armored door closes over the experimental weapon testing facility.*

GTX2GvO 07-09-2008 03:00 PM

*Equipment bay*

Ship: # 45*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#
Ship: # 45*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You shoot one down, it splatters around.#
Ship: # 46*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#

Ship: # 46*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#
Ship: # 46*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You shoot one down, it splatters around.#
Ship: # 47*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#

Major Damage: Will you please shut up!! :notrust:
Capo: I find it an amusing tune
Paco: Only if we'd had anything to shoot @.

Major: Have you two cleared the equipment bay of damageable vehicles.
Paco & Capo: Yes, Sir! And we put that specific one on it's side as requested.
Major: Good.. Insurance will cover damage on that one.
Major: And it will insure that those aliens come where WE want them..

Paco: So now we have to wait?
Major: According to Fortis, those aliens will be driven here.
Major: Straight to the only ground exit.
Capo: We have another Exit??

Major: Yes, the roof.
Major: But I've ordered so many megapoll guards to it that there is no space left for aliens.

Major: And according to this flying sing-a-long over here.. :suspicious:
Major: IT can take on any number of aliens before they make it to the main door.
Bob: *Gasp* The door is closed and locked sir.. *Gasp*
Capo: Why are you gasping?
Bob: The main lock is ALL the way there..

*Bob points to the top of the main door*

Paco: Yikes.. Hope you took those stairs..
Bob: What stairs??
Major: Stop chit chatting and get behind this ship's main guns..

Ship: #May I??#
Major: Whatever.. :notrust:

Ship: # 47*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#
Ship: # 47*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You shoot one down, it splatters around.#
Ship: # 48*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#

Ship: # 48*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#
Ship: # 48*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You shoot one down, it splatters around.#
Ship: # 49*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#


(MHmm... Did we miss anyone??)
(The Chosen, Fortis, GTX2GvO, Kugerfang, Arete, AlumiuN And Terves are exiting the experimental weapons testing facility. Driving aliens)
(Major "Max" Damage, Capo, Paco & Bob are in the Equipment bay waiting for those aliens)
(The androids Data & Eagle of Fire are somewhere on this base soon to be contacted by 'Scientist Albert' to drive aliens to the Equipment bay.)

TheChosen 08-09-2008 08:12 AM

In a Metal Gear-style, the team led by GTX2GvO & TheChosen run trough the hallway, shooting everything that moves.
TheChosen: Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fortis: What?
TheChosen: Its a japanese thing. Something cheerleaders would say.
GTX2GvO: So now youre a cheerleader (launches a grenade). I tough you were a cold-hearted mercenary.
TheChosen: SpeaBOOOM!self. I never allied with the space pirates.

Kugerfang screams for a while when he empties a room full of nasties. Lots of blood flying everywhere.

TheChosen: Where now?
Tervez: Grenade!

Everyone runs for cover. There's an explosion and junk flying around.

Tervez: Clear!
TheChosen: Okay, where now?
GTX2GvO: We'll take a shortcut!

GTX2GvO fiddles with his gun and shoots a hole trough wall.

More running-n-gunning. Team advances further. And then....they encouter a locked steel door.

GTX2GvO: Shit...does anyone got keys?

There's a moment of silence. It breaks out when Kugerfang starts to shoot. Whole team turns around and starts to shoot too.

TheChosen: What do you mean "does anyone got keys?". I tough this was going to be your escape-plan.
GTX2GvO: Okay, maybe I was relying on luck. I just expected that someone might have keys for this one friggin door!
Arete: Cant we just blast trough that thing. *Arete gives a mighty kick to one of the Anthropods.*
GTX2GvO: No. This is one of those doors that cant be destroyed.
Arete: Brilliant! Whats behind it?
GTX2GvO: More hallway I belive.
Tervez: Dammit! Everyone, follow me!

Tervez jumps up, like Michael Jordan, and manages to move one of the ceiling tiles, revealing a way to ventilation shaft. After few minutes, the team is crawling in the shafts with Tervez leading the way.

Tervez: Were going to the hangar, right?
GTX2GvO: Yeah? Is this the right way?
Tervez: Judging by the smell, were near the cafeteria right now, so yes, were almost there.

Suddenly, Tervez is face-to-face with an Anthropod. Tervez quickly responces with his gun, making the rest of the trip little messier.

Then, after crawling a while, someone tries to shoot the shaft from below.

Fortis: Aaach! Now were dead!
Eagle of Fire: #Oh. It seems that I almost made an error#

Tervez kicks the panel away, showing the face of the teams lovely android. Team exits the shaft and find themself's in the hagnar. GTX2GvO immediatly runs towards his ship.

Eagle of Fire: #Reporting for duty Commander. Whats the situation?#
TheChosen: Were being cut off. It appears that there are tons of hostiles at the base. Right now, we can just regroup and plan for our final assault.
Eagle of Fire: #Is the situation hopeless?#
TheChosen: Not really. Albert, one of the scientists, it shutting down their portal, so now we just have to....

Suddenly, the whole building rumbles.
Arete: Oh god! An earthquake?
Eagle of Fire: #No. Its something else. Something big is moving right at this base.#

After that, all hell breaks loose. Ground opens and a gigantic alien with thousands of tentacles comes trough.

Team regroups together. Everyone readies their weapons.

TheChosen: said your ship has tons of firepower. I think its time to use that now, right?
GTX2GvO: We have to battle withouth it. The last quake damaged it targeting system.
TheChosen: Cant you fix it?
GTX2GvO: Takes too much time!
TheChosen: Very well then...everyon...
Major Damage: Excuse me. I belive Im the one giving orders here!
TheChosen: Well excuuuuse me Major, I...

One of the tentacles hits right in the middle of the team, splitting the formation in half and crushing TheChosen under its weight.

GTX2GvO 08-09-2008 09:04 AM

Major: GTX!! Too much time isn't an option!! Fix it NOW!!
GTX2GvO: Ohh. Man!! That's gonna be though..

Ship: #I Just need to target them! the gun is fine!#
GTX2GvO: Just the... I get it!! Eagle! Get over here!!

Eagle of fire: #What do I have to do#
GTX2GvO: Don't get your Sensors of the aliens and don't look @ friendlies.

GTX2GvO: Ship.. Connection line!

*The Ship opens a small port and a USB cable becomes visible..*

Major: That's it??
GTX2GvO: What did you expect? A bigger cable?

The Chosen: ohhh.. That hurts.....
GTX2GvO: !!! Capo Help him!!
Capo: Consider it's.....
Major: Just DO IT!!

*GTX2GvO Connects the USB to Eagle's input port*

Ship: #Connection made... Installing drivers.#
Ship: #Drivers installed.. Device ready.#
Eagle of Fire: #I might be an android, but that hurts my feelings#

Ship: #Sorry.. Preparing fire in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..............#

ianfreddie07 08-09-2008 09:20 AM

Well rounded in all aspects but mainly a killer.

Accuracy and Speed are the main attributes.

Combat Behavior: Strikes fast and can strike hard (all rounder), excellent in hit-and-run. Assists allies when needed.
Role: Assaulter and Support fire.
Weapons: Any weapon that has a balance of damage and accuracy. For melee (If needed) maybe some sort of plasma blade or anything related.
Attitude: Has a heart of gold and will risk his life for his allies and defeating the aliens.

Tomekk 08-09-2008 10:52 AM



Specialised in: Strength and Bravery
Squad Role: Heavy Gunner, Support Gunner
Skilled in: Heavy Weapons, Laying down covering fire, Close-Combat

Primary: Dual Megapol Auto-cannons; (all 3 ammo types in inventory)
Secondary: Heavy Launcher;
Other equipment: Dual Powerblades, Medkit;

Character: Story:
Attitude, hobbies, whatever: His hobbies are collecting old games and PC's and old guns, which he likes to customize/upgrade, and firing them of course, which is why he spends most of his time at the shooting range.
In combat he usually likes to be in front (getting the opportunity to kill most of the aliens :D) to spot and decimate any potential threat. When out of ammo, he draws his powerblades and goes melee. If a spitter or some other alien manages to "hit" him, he can get very angry and just go and fight them with his bare hands.

AlumiuN 08-09-2008 08:40 PM

AlumiuN: I should never have let myself slip behind. Dammit!
AlumiuN: What the hell was that?
AlumiuN *falling over*: Uh oh. That's not good.
AlumiuN: Oh. I know what you are. *pulls small, blue metallic device out of his pocket* We meet again.
*rushes down more anonymous hallways and out to a large hole in the hallway*
GTX2GvO: AlumiuN! Get out of the damn way!
AlumiuN: Not likely! This one's mine!
*twists device, which begins glowing, before throwing it at the alien and running off behind a corner and finding an alternate way to the ship and ducks down beside GTX*
GTX2GvO: What was that?
AlumiuN: You'll see soon enough...

Fortis 09-09-2008 01:14 AM

*Several aliens dash into the hangar, with guns blazing. However, before they get far, GTX’s ship open’s fire. Several aliens are vaporized instantly by huge bolts of energy. There is a large explosion in the middle of the mess of tentacles as AlumiN’s device goes off, filling the air with the scent of burnt flesh. Arete and Bob dash out and quickly drag The Chosen back behind GTX’s ship.*
*In the middle of this chaos, Major Damage kneels and puts a small device to his ear.*
Major Damage: Report Data.
Data: (Over Device) #Several aliens are attempting to bypass the security lockout to the medical bay. I need assistance.#
Major Damage: Understood. Fortis, Capo, get to it.
Fortis: Yessir.
Capo: On it.
Major Damage: Alright, give those two some cover!

*Fortis and Capo dash out of the room, as Major Damage and the others lay down some withering fire on the advancing aliens. Running down the halls to the medical bay, Capo opens fire, filling one alien full of lead, as Fortis disintegrates the chest of another.*

Fortis: Damn! The security door’s been opened already!
Capo: Are we too late?
Data: #Over here!#

*Fortis and Capo run in the direction of Data’s voice. They enter the medical bay, and find that the staff had erected a barricade out of supply crates.*

Data: #It is good that you have come. My ammunition is nearly depleted.#
Fortis: Is there any way we can get that security door closed again?
Data: #The primary controls are offline. However, it may be possible to hotwire the remains of the controls. I can transmit the necessary code to seal the door.#
Capo: I’ll take care of that.

*Capo kneels and begins to work with the wires, as Fortis and Data take up defensive positions near the doorway, firing repeatedly at the advancing aliens. The aliens fall back for a moment, then surge forward again.*

Data: #Incoming!#
Capo: Hold them off for just a second! Data, get over here!

*Capo hooks up a cable to a port on Data.*

*The power goes out over the base (and a good portion of the surrounding city), plunging the medical bay into darkness. Fortis feels something hit him over the head, and a scream echoes though the medical bay. The power and lights come back on, and the security door slams shut, neatly bisecting an alien that tried to rush in.*

Data: #One of the nurses is missing.#
Fortis: She’s in the intensive care unit. Along with an alien. I’ll take care of this.

*Fortis runs into the intensive care unit. Ahead, an anthropod is searching for a way out, dragging along a terrified nurse. Before Fortis can fire, the anthropod spots him and holds up the nurse as a human shield.*

Alien: <You! You X Com filth are most irritating obstacle.>
Fortis: Show me your face, freak, and I’ll end all your problems.
Alien: <I think not. I saw you in the lab. You yielded once in a hostage situation. You will do so again.>
Fortis: Don’t bet on it.
Alien: <Defy me, and the earthling female will die. Lower your weapon.>
Fortis: …No. But I promise you, harm her, and you won’t live to see another day.
Alien: <Such sudden courage. But perhaps I should have expected it. You do have some of our DNA in you.>
Fortis: What?
Alien: <Fool! Do you think that you hybrids arose here on earth naturally! Nothing of the kind has ever been seen here before. No, you are the result of a merge of our two kinds.>
Alien: <I know you. You search for the answers to your heritage. Your search is in vain on this primitive planet. Only we can give you these answers! And more besides! We can-AARRRGGGHHH!>
Fortis: I don’t buy it.

*In it’s surprise, the anthropod drops the nurse, who scrambles out of the room. The alien collapses to it’s knees, and clutches at it’s head reeling in pain from Fortis’ mental assault.*

Alien: <Nooo! You-you are making-ing a mistake!>
Fortis: Wouldn’t be the first.
Alien: <Why-y? you-ou aren’t-t even-n h-half hu-human-an!>
Fortis: If you knew me, you’d know that I’m human enough.

*Fortis levels his gun and fires, vaporizing the alien.*

Fortis: Fortis to Major Damage. The medical bay is secure.

Scientist: (Over intercom): Ah, sorry about de lights. But I’m pleased to say dat de portal vill collapse on itself vidin de hour. Unstable as de portal is, any aliens trying to pass drough vill not survive.

GTX2GvO 09-09-2008 10:29 AM

*After the gunfights*

Major: Everything is secure?
Bob: Yes, sir. *Gasp* I personally ran through the entire base. *Gasp* No more aliens left.

Major: Arete, Capo, Paco & AlumiuN!
"Mentioned people": Yes, Sir!
Major: Get TheChosen And Kugerfang to the medbay
Major: And tell the Doctor to be quick on TC.
Major: Bob. You go to your quarters, If they are still there, And rest for the remainder of the day.
Major: Data, Eagle.. Repair yourselves.

Major: And for the rest... Clean this F***ing mess! Now! :mad:

GTX2GvO, Terves & Fortis: Ahhw man!! :(
Major: Don't worry.. TheChosen will join you guys soon..

Ship: # 99*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#
Ship: # 99*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You take a sponge, you wipe the floor.#
Ship: # 98*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#

Ship: # 98*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#
Ship: # 98*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You take a sponge, you wipe the floor.#
Ship: # 97*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#

GTX2GvO, Terves & Fortis: SHUT UP!!!!
Major: No.. Please continue.. :amused:
Ship: #Thank you Major :amused: #

Ship: # 97*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#
Ship: # 97*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You take a sponge, you wipe the floor.#
Ship: # 96*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#

Ship: # 96*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#
Ship: # 96*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You take a sponge, you wipe the floor.#
Ship: # 95*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#

GTX2GvO: Hmmm. Maybe I should call some people...
Fortis: Stop talking and start cleaning..

Ship: # 95*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#
Ship: # 95*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You take a sponge, you wipe the floor.#
Ship: # 94*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#

Ship: # 94*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#
Ship: # 94*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You take a sponge, you wipe the floor.#
Ship: # 93*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#


TheChosen 10-09-2008 11:20 AM

*medical bay*

TheChosen is lying on the bed, heavily bandaged. He's slowly opening his eyes.

TheChosen: Hrmrmr....I was caught of guard again. Must be getting little careless.

TC looks around. There are several people receiving medical care, mostly base personnel. However, Kugerfang is lying on bed next to him. He appearantly has a somekind of puppet stucked in his arm.

TheChosen: Hey kid. Glad to see youre okay.
Kugerfang: Yo Chosen! Yeah, Im okay. I feel better than ever.
TheChosen: Whats that on your arm?
Kugerfang: This? He's my new friend. Say hello to Mr. Hat.

Kugerfang brings his puppet closer to TC. He then continues to speak with his puppet.

Mr. Hat: Its very nice to meet you Mr. Chosen. Im Mr. Hat.
TheChosen: Uuuh...hello there.
Mr. Hat: I think we can be friends.
TheChosen: Dont mind If we do. I have enough enemies already.
Kugerfang: Me and hat are gonna go. There's free pudding at the cafeteria.

Kugerfang leaves the medbay. Later, GTX2GvO & Fortis enter the room.

GTX2GvO: Tc! Youre okay?
TheChosen: Of course. I've been crushed under heavy stuff before remember.
GTX2GvO: Of course you have.
Fortis: Can you stand commander? You have been assigned a special mission with us.
TheChosen: Yeah. I think so. Are there still aliens on the run?
Fortis: No. All the hostiles on the base have been eliminated or captured. The giant tentacle-creature was also vaporized and the portal was closed. GTX2GvO: And now, there's a huge mess to be cleaned. As we were leading a squadron trough the base, we caused most of the mess, so were going to have to clean it.
TheChosen: Doesnt X-Com have any cleaning bots?
GTX2GvO: Not anymore. Major had to do few cuts in the budget so he could afford me.....uh, I mean us!
TheChosen: Just great.
Fortis: So....will you be joining us soon?
TheChosen: Looks like I have to. Could you wait outside for a moment? I have to change clothes first.

Fortis and GTX2GvO go outside the medbay. They close the door.

GTX2GvO: He's going to escape?
Fortis: Yeah.
GTX2GvO: How?
Fortis: He's planning to open the window and climb....wait, no. He cant open it.........ah. He's going to use the ventilation shaft.
GTX2GvO: Rooftop?
Fortis: Thats what is on his mind. You sure youre not a psychic yourself?
GTX2GvO: Just shut up and help me carry these buckets.

GTX2GvO 10-09-2008 12:05 PM

*On the rooftop*

Officer 1: How long do you think he'll do to get here?
Officer 2: According to what Fortis told me.. Any second now..
The Chosen: Ahhww.. Shit.. It's still crawling with officers up here. :(
Officer 2: Holy!!! You should have @ least put something USEFUL on before taking your escape!

The Chosen: *Grrmmbl* :notrust:
The Chosen: And now what?

Officer 3: You report to the MAJOR..
Officer 3: After you put on something else then med bay garments..

The Chosen: Sure.. I'll go..

*The Chosen takes the stairs down*
*Equipment bay*

GTX2GvO: Damn.. I can understand we have to clean up the goo..
GTX2GvO: But the damage??

*GTX2GvO looks @ the huge hole in the floor where the tentacle Thing came out of*

Fortis: Isn't there someone who still owes you so much he or she would gladly help out??
GTX2GvO: Hmmm... Maybe.. Hang on..

*GTX2GvO grabs a device from his pocket and starts pressing on it*

GTX2GvO: Yes, Hello.. It's m.....
GTX2GvO: Yes, I have NOT forgo........
GTX2GVO: I'm actually calling for a fav....
GTX2GvO: Will you stop interrupting me!!!
GTX2GvO: Yes. That's why I'm calling..
GTX2GvO: Judging by the damage... Yes. Your dept will be fully repaid with it.. :amused:
GTX2GvO: You'll be here by tomorrow? Good.. See ya then.

*GTX2GvO presses on the device again*

Major: Look who I'm bringing in.. :)
The Chosen: Hi guys..
Terves: Ah!! There you are!!

*Terves slams a mop and a bucket in TC's Hands*

Terves: You can start over there.. *While pointing @ a huge puddle of goo*
The Chosen: Eww.. Eh. Wait. Who's gonna fix the damage?
GTX2GvO: I already called someone..
GTX2GvO: He'll be here with a 100 droid crew by Tomorrow.
GTX2GvO: Goes by the name "MixMac" Don't know why really.

Major: MixMac?? What did he own you??
GTX2GvO: I helped him build up his droid operated construction company..
Major: And this is his repayment? *looks around*
GTX2GvO: Just the fixing of the base.. You can't expect US to do that..
Major: Well then.. What are you guys waiting for..?
Major: I can't expect MixMac to arrive in THIS MESS tomorrow..

AlumiuN: You wanted to see me sir?
Major: Yeah.. You made That mess. *points @ the Goo in the Huge hole*
Major: Now Clean it!!
Major: I'm in my office to give those two recruits a room that ISN'T wrecked! :mad:

*Major Damage walks to his office. Of which the door has been blown off it's hinges*

The Chosen: He's still watching. Right.
Fortis: Damn sure he is..

Ship: # 45*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#
Ship: # 45*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You take a sponge, you wipe the floor.#
Ship: # 44*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#

Ship: # 44*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#
Ship: # 44*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You take a sponge, you wipe the floor.#
Ship: # 43*10^3 alien blood splatters to clean.#

The Chosen: ?? Do we have to keep up with that??
GTX2GvO: The major relayed the ships com through the base's com system.
GTX2GvO: So basically.. Yes.. We have to..
The Chosen: Ohh. Damn.. :(

arete 10-09-2008 02:46 PM

A knocking without...
*knock knock*

Arete opens her door: Yes?
Doctor "Strange": Och, ja, it'z ze onkly girl in ze skvad!

A: *sigh* Don't play around. We all know you're from Kentucky and you went to Harvard.
Dr: Ve haf to keep up appearances, no?
A: Whatever. Can I help you?

Dr: I see *ahem* I zee you haf a functioning door? Und all your furniture iz ... how you say ... "o.k."?
A: Did you want something? It's just that I'm kinda busy... And it's people like you who caused that Large Hadron Collider disaster ages ago and now there's no more Switzerland, which makes me kinda mad, because I know I would've loved Toblerone and ...

Dr: I vas not involved. I klaim no responsibility.
A: Hmmmf. You wanted to borrow some furniture?

Dr: May I komm in?
A: Ja. I mean yes (aaagh).

Dr: Ooh, ze latest szpanking new couch vis ze mental interface to ze internetz! Vis cupholderz und everyting! Und iz zat...
A: Sshh! You'll disturb my 2 o'clock. Come in, and don't touch anything with your disgusting LHC-tainted hands.

A: Shnookums! Get down! You know you're not allowed in here!

*patient on table moans in terror*
A: She's a big softy really. She'd never hurt a fly. Well ... maybe a fly.

Dr: How the hell did you get a fully-grown tiger in here?
A: Easy, really. And Eagle of Fire baby-sits her on occasion, which is great, because Major Damage wouldn't allow her in here otherwise. But most of the time I take her on my ship to a forest-world hereabouts. Unfortunately, "Ship" is on holiday. I guess she had to take leave sometime... And that damn ship of GTX's kept me up last night with it's tuneless singing that doesn't even rhyme.

Dr: It's a big ... bloody ... tiger!
*mmrroar* *snifff*

A: Out, Shnookums! Leave the nice men alone.
[to Dr] I came in here yesterday and she was eating a Brainsucker! Just ... tucking into it. I could still hear it screaming, after it was dead for three hours. (Wasn't expecting *you*, was he, baby?) It's playing merry hob with her digestion, though.

Tiger: *burp*
[Arete closes the door behind the tiger.]

A [to patient]: Juuust a bad dream. Go to sleep, now, and we'll have your new implants connected up and interfaced in a jiffy.

Dr: *ahem, gasp* I zought zeese brain implants vere illegal in most systems?
A: Illegal to *insert* in most systems. Except, curiously, Earth. And once you have them irrevocably wired into your neural system, who's gonna try take 'em out?

Dr: I vould like to azk...
A: I see your accent's returned.
Dr: Hmmf. Not every day do I zee a bloody gzeat big tiger standink on szombody's bed like zat...

A: I'll be frank with you, Doctor, this base has me wired.
Dr: Vell, wot vis ze attack und now all zese dzoids runnink around banging sings, I agree zere vill be a bit of upzet...

A: Haven't you noticed? The place is full of kids! There's a mercenary who *claims* to have conquered half the universe but looks a lot like some Wanted posters I've seen, a fourteen-year-old in a terrible mental state after he lost his hand, and the garden is now a complete mess. (I mean, it is an underground base and everything, but there should be standards!) My bosses are quite freaked out...
Dr: Who are you vorking for?

A: That is classified.
A: So don't ask again. Besides which, who is this mysterious "Fifth Horseman" who gives us all our orders?

Dr: Er, interestink ...
Dr: Lisssen, can I borrow your szpatchula?
A: :oh: o.k. Why didn't you ask straight away?

BeefontheBone 10-09-2008 06:36 PM


Besides which, who is this mysterious "Fifth Horseman" who gives us all our orders?
Why, Mr Soak of course.

<Wow, first post in forever. Welcome back(ish), me!>

arete 11-09-2008 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by BeefontheBone (Post 336232)
Why, Mr Soak of course.

Well, as long as he brings yoghurt for everyone :amused:

GTX2GvO 11-09-2008 08:56 AM

*in a badly damaged part of the base*

MixMac: You! place that there! You Weld! there!!
MixMac: Arrgg!! What are you doing!! Fix that!! over there!!
Droid: #bleep.. Grrzzzz.. Beep..#

GTX2GvO: And how are th......
MixMac: Just fine just fine.. You made quite a mess here..
GTX2GvO: Yeah, well It started in th....
MixMac: Just why did it have to be such a mess?
GTX2GvO: Well, Maybe becaus.....
MixMac: Common! You place that thing over there!!
GTX2GvO: *Sigh*


Major: How many complete sentences where you able to say to him?
GTX2GvO: Not a single one.. He always interrupts me..
The Chosen: Is he always like that..
Major & GTX2GvO: Yes, Always..

*Later Again in the equipment bay*

MixMac: When I arrived here I heard you "sing" something that resembled a drinking song..
Ship: #Yeah, but after several complaints to the major, he disconnected the base com system..:( #
Ship: #So after that the fun was over..#

MixMac: Hmmm... Can you play HyperCD's?
Ship: #Yes.. Why?#
MixMac: Got something for ya.. Ad I think GTX would like it too.
Ship: #Well I'm flashing some lights around the CD port.#
MixMac: Ahh.. That one :amused:

Ship: #Ohh my.. The All eternity Rock Collection!!#
Ship: #Wow.. I count over 5 billion numbers!!#
MixMac: Ehh.. I don't see any decent speakers.. How are ya gonna rock the house?

Ship: #See my exhaust ports? :) #
MixMac: Yes??
Ship: #No need for base com systems with that.. :) #
MixMac: I see.....

*@ this point GTX2GvO comes walking in*

GTX2GvO: I see your droids did a heck of a job..
MixMac: Oh.. You're here.. They finished?
GTX2GvO: Ye.......
MixMac: Great!.. Then I can go..
GTX2GvO: ...... *Sigh*

*MixMac takes a device out of his pocket and starts pressing on it*
*Right after that exactly 100 droids come to the equipment bay*

MixMac: Well job you guys.. Let's get out of here..
MixMac: Oh.. GTX.. Don't you dare to save my life again t get me in debt with you again..
GTX2GvO: Whatever.. See ya..

*MixMac Leaves the base with his 100 droids*

Major: Wow.. Those things fixed like EVERYTHING..
GTX2GvO: Yeah.. He's good @ that..
Ship: #Yo, Guy's. Listen to what he gave me!! :nuts: #

*And with that the entire base is filled with rock "music" *

Tomekk 11-09-2008 09:25 AM

*Meanwhile, at the entrance of the base*

Droid: Welcome to X-Com! To get access to the base, please identify yourself at the computer.

Droid:If you wish to enter the base as a guest please proceed to door 2.

Droid:If you wish to join X-....

Big guy:Cut it out already, I already applied...

Droid:Ohh, sorry for taking you time sir, but...

Big Guy:*yawns*

Droid:If you have already applied then please proceed through door 3.

*The new recruit enters door 3, into a large empty area*

Droid 2:Scanning...

Droid 2:Identified, Name : C. Tomekk,Gender: Male, Age: 27 ; New recruit, applied 2 weeks ago. Scanning cargo.

Droid 2:Weapons detected please identify.

Tomekk:What can't i have some weapons with me? After all we're being invaded by outer-dimensional assholes.

Droid 2:I'm picking multiple weapons, why do you carry this much?

Tomekk:Uhm...just. Do you want me to test them on you?

Droid 2:Eheh... You have passed. I'm contacting the major. Please head to Living quaters 4, just follow the yellow line on the floor.


*Walks really slow and relaxed*

Tomekk:Hmm, I'm guessing I missed the party.

Someone from the ship: The party your thinking of was a 2 day clean-up and base repairs.

Tomekk: I see.

*Someone steps out of the ship* *Hold his hand out*

GTX: Hi, i'm GTX. I don't know you, are you new?

Tomekk:Hey, I'm Tomekk. Just got here, glad to meet you.

*Tomekk hears some good old rock*

Tomekk:Wow, is this the ALL-ETERNITY-ROCK collection? :nuts:

GTX:Yep :amused:

Tomekk: Can you put some Iron Maiden? :)

Ship:#Searching for band/song/album: Iron Maiden. 376 results#

Tomekk: Fear of the Dark?

*Ship starts playing Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark*

Tomekk: Thanks.

Ship:#No problem, enjoy your stay :amused:!#

*Few minutes later, at the living quaters. Tomekk and the Major salute eachother.*

Tomekk: Major!

Major: Ahh, Tomekk. Glad to have you aboard. I see you have bought your arsenal with you.

Tomekk: Yes sir!

Major: You have room 27 at your disposal, no get some rest soldier!Glad to have you with us.

Tomekk: Sir, yes sir!

*Tomekk heads in to his room. Throws away all his stuff, locks the door, and immediatly jumps into bed*

Tomekk:Finally, I can get some sleep.... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

Tervez 12-09-2008 11:28 AM

*Meanwhile, in a completely different place*

*Pointing at the small metal box attached to the door of his office*
Major: What the heck is this thing?

Janitor: Well, it says it's for complaints...

Major: Where did it come from?

Janitor: One of 'em hybrids put that there some time ago. Then he opened the lid and put a paper in there.

Major: What kind of paper?

Janitor: I dunno. Perhaps a complaint?

*Major opens the box and starts to read the paper*

I would like to file a formal complaint regarding numerous things about the X-Com base. I do not wish to waste your time with petty matters, so I will mention only the utmost critical things here.

First, given the current security measures of the base, I find it absolutely horrifying that we cannot have guns in our private quarters without a special permission, which, I might add, is quite hard to get. While this may indeed be against the stantard, the current spirit of the base suggests that the chance of hostilities happening between the personnel is minimal.

*By now, the handwriting starts to get a bit shaky*

Also, I would like to MeNtion that the sOUNDPROOfing of mY roOm is apparentlY SUBPAR. PLEASE FIX IMMEDIATLY. or make the MUSIC stOP. OR i will stop IT myself.


The Fifth Horseman 12-09-2008 12:30 PM
Location: Arms Two
The factory block is small - very small, in fact.

We run into a Popper right away. Fortunately, we shoot it down right away too!

Capo's motion scanner has detected movement in the other half of the building, we move in...

And find aliens.

Tervez immediately mind-controls one of the Anthropods, making it drop its weird weaponry, and Fortis does the same to another. Disarmed, both creatures shortly die of fatal lead poisoning, and the same fate meets their still-armed compatriot.

Ze score.

Big bonus - we've captured one of those shield devices the aliens have been recently using! Let's hope our techs can replicate it...

As you might remember, thr graphs have shown a high infiltration in the ranks of the Osiron gang. We'll check their facilities right now.

Location: Warehouse Four

The Chosen covers the walkways at the top area, Arete and Paco enter the basement and the rest of the guys watch the entrance to other half of the building.

Arete: "No creepy-crawlies here, boss."

TC, Arete and Paco storm the top room of the second warehouse block. Tervez and Fortis back them up, and find themselves facing two Anthropods.

Our "brainfuck division" outdoes themselves again. Both creatures panic in an instant and drop their weapons.

Kugerfang finds a Popper... or rather, the latter finds him. Contrary to common sense, the lucky kid survives just with minor bruises.

Having secured the upper levels, we descend into the basement, and right into a shootout with three Spitters and yet another Anthropod.

Here's the score:

At 5:20, a new wave of UFOs appear. Three of them, and we only manage to destroy one of the Scouts. Worse, one of the vessels has managed to deploy aliens in Temple of Sanity. We know the cultists won't cooperate, so we're going to stomp them.

The Fifth Horseman 12-09-2008 12:30 PM
Location: Temple of Sanity

Oh yeah, we looove burning up those places...

The battle is fast, furious and several squad members come a hair's breadth to losing their lives (Bob is fast to evacuate, fortunately)... but in the end we're victorious.

At 8:55, the research on alien control systems finally bears fruit. Once we figure out their power source, we'll be able to pay them a visit at home - and bring a lot of explosive gifts.

At 19:55, the research on Multiworm Egg is complete.

Our score for today:

55 minutes after midnight, the analysis of the live Multiworm we hauled in a while back is complete.

One hour later, we get the specs for Advanced Quantum Physics labolatory. We'll need at least one of these, and soon!

AlumiuN 13-09-2008 11:01 AM

Why can't I see any pics? :cry:

The Fifth Horseman 13-09-2008 11:53 AM

Because I didn't have time to add them. They're here, ATM:

AlumiuN 14-09-2008 02:03 AM

That might explain it. :doh:

The Fifth Horseman 14-09-2008 08:56 PM

I've got tomorrow's update ready. It's one of those big ones - half a dozen tactical missions plus two UFO assaults, about a week of game-time total.

The Fifth Horseman 15-09-2008 07:56 AM

Several more games of laser tag against Marsec security dudes gets us all cash we need for the new labs and to equip the newest team members. In fact, we almost have enough money for a Hawk Air Warrior.

New arrivals:
Team AB: Ianfreddie
(Sorry, Tomekk, there simply weren't any more human recruits in the pool. I'll add you as soon as there is one.
Team AR: Beefonthebone

The UFO alert flares up at 14:25. We scramble our craft immediately.
One "saucer" and two Scouts. Unfortunately, all UFOs outrun our craft and make it back to Alien Dimension unharmed.

The Hyperworm research is completed some time later.

And it's tome to check the infiltration graphs.

The aliens have infiltrated the buildings belonging to General Metro, Evonet and Technocrats. This is going to be easy.

Under orders of Major Damage, Team AB will not deploy, instead leaving the operation fully in hands of Team AR - and given that Team AR is armed to the teeth, the op is guaranteed to be very short... and very brutal.
Location: Cityclean Two
A sewage treatment facility belonging to Evonet. Beef and Doubler give silent thanks to their armor's internal air supply...

The area is small, so it's easy to locate the aliens using Doubler's standard issue motion scanner.

And how do the alien freaks manage against Team AR's firepower?

Frankly, they don't.


The Fifth Horseman 15-09-2008 07:56 AM
Location: Car Two
General Metro has two buildings in the city. And of the two, only one was anywhere close to flight trajectories of recent UFOs. It's really a no-brainer.

Doubler stops a bunch of Hyperworms from getting to the top floor, and as soon as that is secured we descend to the garage below.

Bingo! Three Multiworms charge right at the destructive duo, but hey... how does a giant worm cope with incendiary ammunition?

Answer: it doesn't.

Location: Cityclean Three
Another Evonet sewage treatment facility, right on the trajectory between the Dimension Gate and Car Two. It might be just a hunch, but best if we check the place anyway.

First we see a Hyperworm, but then a Popper comes into vision. Dumb critter can't understand it doesn't have the ability to fly, and is promptly dispatched.

More worms and an Anthropod. Not much of a match for us, as they all die in explosions shortly thereafter.

The Fifth Horseman 15-09-2008 07:56 AM
Location: New Empire Tower

Hurrying to secure the building entrance, we come upon the first Anthropod.

The entrance itself is guarded by a pair of Multiworms, and inside the building we fight three Spitters.

It seems there were kind of fewer creatures than normally... oh well.

(sorry, forgot to take a screenshot of the scoring for the mission)

At 22:55, the Chrysalis research concludes and the biochem division takes on the analysis of our Popper specimen.

This concludes the second week of our operation within the city.

Time for upgrades and and ammo - Team AB finally can equip with a shiny new Hawk Air Warrior, which means Team AR takes over their Valkyrie (with its extra passenger module replaced with AI targeting systems for better combat effectiveness).

Tomekk joins Team AB.

Popper autopsy report completes on 11:55, and the one on Chrysalis just an hour later.

On 14:55, the Quantum Physics team finishes their research on the power sources used by Alien crafts, and jumps to designing a probe to enter the Alien Dimension.

21:55 brings the conclusion of Hyperworm autopsy research.

That's it for the day.

Autopsy of the Anthropod specimen is complete at 7 AM next day.

On 16:55, the quantum physics research team produces specs for an interdimensional probe we could use to travel to the Alien dimension. Problem is, our Workshop facilities are inadequate to construct it.

Spitter autopsy concludes three hours later.

Score for today.

The Fifth Horseman 15-09-2008 07:56 AM

At 9:50 a glaring klaxon signals the end of our all-too-brief respite from alien incursions - and with a never-seen-before type of an UFO.

After a frantic aerial battle, two UFOs are downed, while the remaining three make good their escape.

Since several cars owned by Cult of Sirius just rolled out, the Hawk Carrier tries to down them... and accidentally destroys an appliance factory owned by Superdynamics. Awk.

Anyway. The Hawk moves to Abandonia Prime to pick up Beef and Doubler - we need all the manpower we can muster, since there's no telling what gribblies are waiting inside the alien vessel.

The UFO is... well, "huge" only begins to cover it.

No aliens outside, but Kugerfang's motion scanner shows a s**tload of blips inside the craft. We set up at the only entrance and wait.

The aliens appear quickly - and guess what? A new species!

Plus Anthropods and several Poppers.

We fight off their counterattack... and wait.

When the aliens stop coming, it's time for us to come in.
Only one way into the UFO equals only one way out of it - the trick is to draw them to us instead of the other way round.

Eagle throws the explosive pack on the upper floor of the UFO. This seems to inspire a few Anthropods into walking right into our position.

Then, the "big guns" of our teams group together and mop up the few surviving Spitters on the ship. This seems to have concluded the mission.

Time to deal with the other UFO.

Surprise - they were waiting for us.

During the shootout, Bob was hit with some weird alien "missile". The thing didn't explode, but covered his armor and weapons with some acidic goop that dissolved them into sludge in mere seconds. Fortunately, he had enough common sense to drop the guns, tear off what was left of his armor and run like hell out of the combat zone.

Once the dust settles, Paco leads an assault into the craft... that is, he would if there was anything left to assault. All he finds is a lone Anthropod which doesn't react fast enough to prevent sizzling plasma from ripping its hide to pieces.


At 14:55, the research team finishes their report on Disruptor Guns. Nice toy, that.

At 16:00, the analysis is complete on live Spitter.

This concludes the day.

The Fifth Horseman 15-09-2008 07:56 AM

At midnight, the construction of Advanced Biochemistry Lab is completed at Abandonia Prime. With the combined abilities of all our biochemists, it takes mere hours to finish analysis of Brainsucker Pods and then the materials on Alien Life Cycle. After that, the lab starts research on biochemical warfare.

At 16:05, we have a new alert - seems someone found aliens at an Osiron warehouse in the eastern part of the city. Team AB will answer the alert, but Team AR will comb through other Osiron-owned real estate to look for any other alien gribblies.

The aliens are encountered almost immediately, and at the same time any careful strategies we might have had turn into one huge cluster****.

Arete shoots some Anthropods and a Popper with explosive rounds - dunno what the aliens were carrying, but the resulting explosion causes heavy damage to the building. ^_^

Eagle and Arete were incredibly lucky, both surviving the explosion (which took out a huge chunk of the building) unhurt!

The crossfire resolves quickly - and it wasn't aliens who were still standing when the dust settled!


At 18:55, the specs are ready for Advanced Workshop. By selling off most of our Disruptor Guns, we have the funds to start building it right away - the problem? It'll take 9 days to complete.

End of the day.

Meet you in 7!

GTX2GvO 15-09-2008 08:45 AM

*The Quantum Physics Lab*

GTX2GvO: Hi there guy's..
Researcher: Quick hide the stuff!!
GTX2GvO: Ohh. Come on! I'm not that bad.. *Lifts a cloth up to look under it.*
GTX2GvO: Hmmm.. Interesting....

Researcher: What do you want?
GTX2GvO: The schematics for a Dimensional Drive..
Researcher: What??
GTX2GvO: Ohh. Don't play an tricks will ya..
Researcher: No. Really.. What do you want?

GTX2GvO: You know.. Looks like a Quantum Spacial Drive, only it will get you quick in another dimension instead of another Galaxy..
Researcher: Quantum What Drive??
GTX2GvO: Don't tel me you guy's still haven't tried to analise my ship??
Researcher: Maybe if you'd get us the specs for that Quantum thingy, we might assist you with your request.. :sneaky:

GTX2GvO: Sure.. Here are the BASE schematics for it..
Researcher: Wow.. This is advanced stuff!!
GTX2GvO: And to think mine is vastly upgraded..
Researcher: I'll contact you when we have analyzed this..

*GTX2GvO leaves the Quantum Physics Lab*

Researcher 2: So, when are we gonna tell him we have full details of both his ship and the Dimensional Drive technology??
Researcher: When the probe comes back from it's investigation..
Researcher 2: Wouldn't that piss him off??
Researcher: We can always hide behind the major..

Researcher 2: Don't say you mean that literally..
Researcher: uhhhmm...

*The researchers continue with their work. Not willing to know what might happen next.*

Capo 15-09-2008 04:53 PM

That Spitter looks ugly! :violent5:

The Fifth Horseman 21-09-2008 10:52 AM

No update this week, sorry folks. I need to finish something for Monday and simply can't spare the time right now. Will try to provide a mini-update around Thursday.

Fortis 24-09-2008 09:19 PM

In the vehicle bay, GXT’s ship is still blasting out the heavy metal music.

The Chosen: @#$%...If that ship doesn’t shut up, I’m going to rip out it’s generator.
Fortis: *Entering* The music? I forgot about it.
The Chosen: How can you not notice that! The walls are vibrating!
Fortis: I’ve got a trick for that. *After a moment, the music abruptly stops.*
The Chosen: Did you control the ship? GXT will kill you if he finds out.
Fortis: No, the music’s still playing. You brain s filtering it out and ignoring it unconsciously. Comes in handy with heavy machinery, distractions in combat, and droning mission briefings.
The Chosen: …Sounds useful. So what are you doing down here anyway?
Fortis: This week’s been brutal, I need to get off base for a little bit.
The Chosen: This week? That’s nothing, you should have seen the siege of Taurus Epsilon. That battle took months. This week’s been a walk in the park in comparison.
Fortis: Well, that’s a matter of perspective. Not everyone has the mercenary background that you do.
The Chosen: Things must not be very tough over in the Psi-Corps.
Fortis: Not very tough physically. The mental combat routines would leave you gibbering nonsense.
The Chosen: Heh, I doubt that.
Fortis: Whatever. I’m gonna take one of the hoverbikes out into the city before my off hours are all used up.
The Chosen: Actually, the major said we need to stay on base for a while.
Fortis: *Opening the bay doors* What? Why?

*Outside, there is a mob of cultists waving signs, shouting, and struggling against a line of police. Upon seeing Fortis and The Chosen, they began throwing whatever came to hand at the two. Fortis and The Chosen duck behind either side of the wall.*

The Chosen: THAT’S why!
Fortis: What the heck?! There’s no way that the cultists could get so much support.
The Chosen: Only some are the cultists, some are angry over the Superdynamics factory incident, some have taken it into their own hands to shut GXT’s ship up.
Bob: *Dashing into the vehicle bay* AUGH! Help me! It’s loose!

*Arete’s tiger comes bounding in, playfully chasing Bob. Bob quickly scales up on top of a pile of crates.*

Fortis: Phew, for a moment, I thought it was the aliens again.
The Chosen: I wish she’d keep that tiger from roaming around the base.
Fortis: Hmm.

*The tiger stops climbing after Bob, and looks out at the gathered mob. It jumps down to the floor, then bounds out over the heads of the policemen. The gathered mob screams and scatters, and the tiger leaps back into the base before the policemen can respond. The crowd vanishes, and the tiger calmly walks into the hall and heads back to Arete’s room.*

Fortis: Two birds, one stone.
The Chosen: Nice, bring back some chips when you return, will you?
Fortis: Sure thing, later.
Bob: Uhh, could you help me down from here?

GTX2GvO 25-09-2008 08:07 AM

*Entering the Equipment bay..*

GTX2GvO: :yawn: What's this damn noise!!
Fortis: Your ship maybe??

*GTX2GvO Looks @ his ship..*

GTX2GvO: No. That's not it. Sounds more like a mob.. :yawn:
Fortis: Oh.. Those.. Some are cultist, but the most are complaining that their houses are about to collapse due to the noise from your ship..
GTX2GvO: Oh..!! I forgot about that.. :doh:
GTX2GvO: YO! Kendaru! Shut Up! You're causing damage with it!
Ship: #Ahhww man! Not fair. :( #

The Chosen: That thing Has a Name!! :omg:
GTX2GvO: Ehhmm yes..

*The wall stop vibrating when the ship stops producing noise*
*Terves Runs into the equipment bay*

Terves: Who did it!! Who Killed the ship!! :nuts:
Fortis: No one.. It just stopped playing.. :notrust:
Terves: Oh.. Whatever.. *And he leaves the equipment bay again*

GTX2GvO: So. TC.. Any plans for this stuck on base free time?
The Chosen: I think I'm gonna do some Target Practice @ the shooting range.
GTX2GvO: Hmm.. Yeah.. Think I can do that too..

*GTX2GvO Walks to his ship*

The Chosen: Don't tell me you're gonna use that hand gun for the practice..
GTX2GvO: No, No!.. *Gets a rifle out of a compartment behind the seat*
GTX2GvO: I'm gonna use the Rifle version of it..
The Chosen. Wait. Is that??
GTX2GvO: The same rifle as 5 years ago?? Yes..
The Chosen: Cool! He Can I try it out on the shooting range?
GTX2GvO: Sure. But don't set it too high.. According to the bases blueprints there are water lines behind the shooting range..
The Chosen: So That's why there are blast doors @ the Do Not Cross line.
GTX2GvO: And the door switch is @ the info console.

*The Chosen and GTX2GvO walk toward the Shooting Range while talking about how GTX's Rifle works and about the security measures that prevent possible flooding.

Bob: PLEASE!! Will anybody get me off here?!?!

Tomekk 22-10-2008 10:59 AM

*At the shooting range*

GTX2GvO: So about that rifle...

TheChosen: Don't worry I can handle it. *Starts messing around with the rifle*


*Spots a huge, modified Minigun*

TheChosen: Wow!!!! :omg: What the hell is this? :drool:

GTX2GvO: Someone sure knows how to modify an AutoCannon...

TheChosen: Is anyone around? I want to try it. :D :nuts:

GTX2GvO: I've got a bad feeling about this... :noworry:

*TC takes the minigun and starts "discovering" it's functions*

TheChosen: Interesting, I wonder who made this?

GTX2GvO: Don't know....
*TC starts switching everything on the gun*
Maybe you should just fire my rifle and don't mess around with that.

TheChosen: Why? :bleh:

*TheChosen pulls the trigger...And the AutoCannon starts firing...and the gun eventually falls out of TCs hand.*

GTX2GvO: TC....what have you just done? :omg:

TheChosen: Maybe I should just put it back where it was... :ph34r:

*Few minutes later, Tomekk comes in the shooting range with a can of soda, and goes to pick-up his gun.*

Tomekk: Hey guys.

GTX2GvO: Hi Tom.

TheChosen:*scared voice* Uhm...Hi....:ph34r:..My name's TheChosen, can just call me TC. :ph34r:

Tomekk: Nice to meet you. :) *Burp*

*Tomekk checks his gun and...*

Tomekk: Ohh no, who touched Sasha?

TC:Your gun has a name?! :omg: People give names to everything these days...

*Tomekk starts checking the gun, and see all the bullets.*

Tomekk: WHO TOUCHED MY GUN?! :ghostrider:


TC:Uhm...Me? :ph34r: *^_^

Tomekk: YOU DID WHAT?! *Grabs TC by the neck*

GTX2GvO: Hey, clam down.

Tomekk:*Throws TC away and walks toward the Cargo-bay* You'll still have to pay for the bullets. :whistling:

*Tomekk walks into the cargo-bay, looking for some extra-bullets.*

Bob: Help?

Tomekk: What the hell are you doing up there?

Bob: Arete's tiger chased me up here...

Tomekk: A TIGER IN THE BASE? :omg:

Bob: Yes...

Tomekk: Ohh well, I guess i'll help you get down... *Kicks the boxes.*

*Bob jumps off, but remains unscratched.*

Tomekk: Was that so hard?

Bob: Yes...

Fortis 05-11-2008 06:08 PM

Fortis: You know what we need?

Paco: Bigger guns?
Terves: Better sound dampeners in the base…
Bob: A cage for Arete’s tiger.

Fortis: Yeah, all of those, but that wasn’t what I was thinking of.

Paco: What then?

Fortis: We could use better PR.

Paco: Public Relations? What made you think of that?

TervesL That recent riot might have something to do with it.

Paco: Okay, next question. Why do you care in particular?

Fortis: I’m just getting annoyed at the image the media keeps painting us in. We’re portrayed, at best, as incompetent and bumbling, while traitors like that Cult of Sirius are seen as victims.

Terves: That does get irritating.

Fortis: We need to show those people we’re the ones standing in between them and whatever the aliens have planned for us.

Bob: But what exactly do the aliens have planned for us?

Fortis: Don’t know exactly, but that doesn’t matter. We can make up something. Assimilation, slavery, extermination, stealing children’s candy, the works. It’s not like the aliens can defend themselves here.

Paco: What good will this do us?

Fortis: Heh, when the aliens come calling, the people will practically beg us to come in and start blowing crap up.

Paco: I can get behind that.

Fortis: They’ll call us heroes when we accidentally level a city block in pursuit of those freaks.

Terves: That might be a good idea, you know. You should start that later.

Fortis: Later? Why not now?

Terves: Cause you’re about to have other concerns in just a second.

Fortis: Wha…oh !@#$%.

Arete: *Bursts into the room* YOU! Care to explain this!? *Arete turns on the news, showing a recording of her tiger jumping among the rioters.*

Terves: Fortis.
Paco: Fortis.
Bob: Fortis.

Fortis: Uh…bye!*Bolts for the door and dashes out of the room*

Arete: Oh no you don’t! *Pursues Fortis with a machete.*

Terves: Well, we could record our next mission, and play the good bits for them.

Bob: Maybe tours of the base would help.

Paco: We should convince GTX to give the biggest detractors a ride in his ship.

Arete: I’ll teach you to mess with my tiger! Get back here!

AlumiuN 05-11-2008 08:34 PM

*Sounds of slashing on walls*

*Fortis runs down hallway screaming, AlumiuN ducks out of the way*

AlumiuN: What the?

*Arete runs after Fortis wielding a machete*

AlumiuN: JESUS! *throws self against wall to avoid slicing and trips Arete in the process, knife embeds itself in floor*

Arete: *muffled* Motfff fffckffg Fortff...

AlumiuN: I think the knife may have been a bit much, Arete.

Fortis: *whimper*

Arete: *gets up and pulls machete from wall* Did you see what he did? DID YOU!?

AlumiuN: Yes, I did. And you should be pleased. Your tiger got a special snack, and we got rid of the damn rioters.

Arete: *mumblemumblemumble*

*AlumiuN walks off looking smug*

*Arete walks off looking defeated*

*Fortis crawls off looking scared out of his mind*

GTX2GvO 06-11-2008 07:38 AM

*While exiting the shooting Range*

GTX2GvO: You don't say a word about it. Right..?
TheChosen: Indeed. That's one mess I'd rather NOT want to clean up..

*Behind TC and GTX in the shooting range a large metal blast door is closed*

GTX2GvO: But if you hadn't fumbled with my rifle it wouldn't have been Both in Wide spread AND max blast setting..
TheChosen: Well.. YOU shot!
TheChosen: Will anyone notice we flooded the shooting range?

GTX2GvO: We Caused a Major Water pipe to burst! Hell Yes they find out!
TheChosen: Crap.

Fortis: *Gasp* Hi there guy's *Gasp*
TheChosen: What Happened to you??
GTX2GvO: Arete tried to cut him to pieces, cause he used her tiger on that mob.
Fortis And TheChosen: What?! :omg: How do You know?! You're no psychic!?

*GTX2GvO points to the machete cuts in the walls*

GTX2GvO: Only arete owns a machete.
TheChosen: ohh.. :oh: Right.
Fortis: Hmm.. I don't know.. You were rather quick with that answer..

GTX2GvO: Whatever. Got anything Else you want to tell us?
Fortis: :omg:
Fortis: Well Actually.. We need better PR for the team.
Fortis: Cause this mob and that Alien incident is making us look like fools.
Fortis: anything else might just cause even more troubles.

TheChosen: Anything?! :worried:
Fortis: ...... Oh! My! You two just flooded the shooting Range!
GTX2GvO: Shhhht!.. Not so load..

GTX2GvO: Anyway. I think I know someone who can help us in this PR issue.
TheChosen: And of course you know someone who can help.. You Always do!
TheChosen: How do you do that?

GTX2GvO: TC.. It surprises me that YOU don't have as many connections as I do..
TheChosen: That's because I've been trying to stay out of the hands of the law all that time..
GTX2GvO: I see..

GTX2GvO: Oh. Fortis..
Fortis: Yes?
GTX2GvO: Don't you even DARE to tell anyone about the shooting range.
Fortis: Or else... ?
GTX2GvO: You Already know the Or Else. Get it.
Fortis: *Gulp* I see..

*GTX And TC quickly go to the cafeteria, while Fortis hurries to his own room to lock himself in so that arete can't reach him and also thinking about that terrible thing GTX might do to him*

ianfreddie07 06-11-2008 08:10 AM

*While wandering around, Ian bumps into the tiger*

Ian: (terrified) What do I do now?

*Ian searches for the special whistle*
*arete's tiger rubs his fur on Ian, and Ian feels relieved*

Ian: I must be a tiger magnet. :p
Arete: Hey Iany! I see you've met my tiger.
Ian: The tiger actually likes me.
Arete: I suppose so.
Ian: Pets always remind me of my deceased pet beagle. He was awesome!

*Ian pets the tiger some more, then leaves*

GTX2GvO: Hey Ian!
Ian: What?
GTX2GvO: Can you clean the mess on the shooting range?
Ian: Sure. Whatever...

*Ian grabs a mop and starts cleaning*

*After 5-10 minutes*

Ian: Done.
GTX2GvO: Lemme see... OH MY GOODNESS! It's cleaner than before!
TheChosen: I can see myself in those floors :D
Ian: Wasn't really that hard.
GTX2GvO: How about the waterpipe?
Ian: Fixed it, made it sturdier than before. :D
GTX2GvO: *sigh of relief* And I thought we were gonna be in serious trouble.
Ian: Don't worry about that now.

*GTX buys Ian a beer at the cafeteria*

ianfreddie07 06-11-2008 10:26 AM

Oh wha.

I think it's time for a change.

I've decided to remove my machinegun, trade it for 2 plasma pistols and stow my powersword in the backpack.

And maybe change my Megapol Armor into a full suit of Marsec. For lighter weight and mobility (I think?)

Tervez 06-11-2008 02:13 PM


Janitor: "Oh hey, Major, thought I'd tell you that the hybrid made another complaint and dropped it in the complaint box."

Major: "I thought I ordered you to remove that box."

Janitor: " I did. Today, another one was found on your offices door..."

Major: "And...?"

Janitor: "...he left a note that says "If this box is removed, complaints will thereafter be transferred directly into the Major's head."

Major: "Do you think he was serious?"

Janitor: "I think so."

Major:*Sigh* "Does this guy have a problem or something?"

Janitor: "Well, given that he is leaving complaints, I'd say so."

Major: "Shut up."

Janitor: "Yes sir."

Major opens the complaint box, takes the complaint, enters his office and starts to read it.

While your base has stopped producing what I like to call "Hellishly abyssal infernal loud music", the sounds that I continue to hear still distract me from doing my job to the fullest.

For example, today a hellish racket was heard from the firing range. Mind you, my room is exactly on the other side, so normally I wouldn't complain about the sound, bu today the sound literally sounded like the wall was collapsing. After that, I couldn't get any water to my quarters for some time. While this was fixed quite quickly, and I commend you for that, my water seems to be in poor quality: it seems to have some odd powder or sorts in it. The other quarters seem to share the same problem, but for some reason, they don't seem to care about it.
Nevertheless, my requests are as follows. Please soundproof my room, and fix the water problem.

Signed, Tervez.

Capo 11-11-2008 05:19 PM

Capo: We are still alive ?
Paco: I dont fucking know! :mad:
GTX2GvO: Where the hell is my spaceship??:ranting:

esgmaster 12-11-2008 05:24 AM

Dr. Eyuil Sratas Gpwak
Ninja (Uses Plasma-sword or Law-Pistols weapons.)
Has a lot of Psi and Speed

Bio:A ninja who worked for S.E.L.F. and Mutant Alliance, and has a T.V. station, and is a collecter of pre-first-alien-invasion firearms, has a collection of Japanese swords, sells many old T.V. shows since 2062, and is a psychiatrist.

Behavior: Sarcastic and easy-going unless something bad happens, and watches old 60s-90s T.V. Often quotes the same shows, and gets highly upset over insult to androids or hybrids, and complants if he can get into someone's mind easily, and talks about whats on their mind, literally.

GTX2GvO 12-11-2008 08:34 AM

*Equipment bay.. GTX2GvO Stares @ the empty spot where he expected to see his space ship*

GTX2GvO: Where the hell is my spaceship!! :rant:

*TheChosen walks in the Equipment bay*

TheChosen: Where did your ship go to?
GTX2GvO: If I find out someone took it. Then that person will DIE!! :mad:
TheChosen: Maybe the major knows what happened.

*And thus GTX and TC go to the Majors office*

GTX2GvO: Major! Do you know where my Ship is?
Major Damage: Your Ship?? Let me think...

Major: Ah.. Yes. Heard it say something about a rendezvous in the Canobean System.
GTX2GvO: Canobean?? !! When did it leave?
Major: Think just a few hours ago..
Major: What is that rendezvous actually about?

GTX2GvO: Well.. just before I applied here I sent my biggest Transporter ship on a transport task quite a distant away.
GTX2GvO: But due to that distance it's jumpdrive could only lock on a very limited amount of coordinates when it would return back.
GTX2GvO: The Canobean system is the closest and safest system.
GTX2GvO: From there it would need a nav-update to get to it's home base.
GTX2GvO: Which means Kendaru has to visit him and upload the data.

TheChosen: What if your Transport ship isn't in that system?
GTX2GvO: All my ships have ELCS. So Kendaru probably got a message of arrival or near arrival before he embarked.
TheChosen: ELCS??
GTX2GvO: *sigh* Extended Long-range Communication System.
TheChosen: So when will your ship be back?
GTX2GvO: Depends on the communications between the ships.
GTX2GvO: Maybe he'll be back in a week OR he will only return to pick me up after we defeated the aliens.

Major: Why don't you call the Captain of that transporter?
GTX2GvO: Captain?? :weird: I'll ask you a question..
GTX2GvO: Did Kendaru leave with a pilot?
Major: No..
GTX2GvO: So. Do you think my transporter needs a Pilot?
TheChosen: It went on a long distant mission on AUTOPILOT!?!?
GTX2GvO: Why not? The base it had to go to is fully automated itself..
GTX2GvO: It's even forbidden to exit your ship while cargo procedures are in place.
GTX2GvO: And since those procedures take a week or two.. *sigh*
GTX2GvO: Let's just say that that base advises the use of ships like the ones I own.

TheChosen: So. When will you know whether or not your ship will return?
GTX2GvO: In a day or two. When the Transporter is fully unloaded again.
Major: And how are you going to hear that?

*GTX2GvO pulls a device out of his pocket*

GTX2GvO: I got an ELC-Pad right here.
GTX2GvO: Although this thing is usually referred as a Com-Pad.
GTX2GvO: It's probably that I will only get a text message.

TheChosen: But where are you going to leave your Gun and Rifle then?
GTX2GvO: I have a weapon container in my room. I'll put it there.
Major: Ahem.. Weapons aren't allowed in.....
GTX2GvO: Better in MY room then where anyone could use them..
Major: Oh.. I see.

*GTX2GvO leaves the major's office and goes to his room to put away his personal weapons*

Major: And. Do you have anything to say??
TheChosen: eeehhmm...


GTX2GvO 01-12-2008 08:32 AM

*GTX2GvO's Private quarters*

GTX2GvO: I'd better put these guns in a safe spot

*GTX taps @ a spot in his room and a rather large box appears. He places his gun and rifle in it and taps on it again to make it disappear*

GTX2GvO: I just love quantum displace able storage units.. Can't get storage to be any safer.. :amused:

*GTX looks @ his bed and sits on it*

GTX2GvO: Hmmm... Looks Like I haven't wrote a log for quite some time..

*GTX picks up a notepad and pencil*

GTX2GvO: Ahh. Just love the god old paper and pen, can't get changed, deleted or copied.

*GTX2GvO Starts writing*


Log note: 21065783

It's been quite a while since I applied to this X-Com gig and although it was
quite appealing at the start it's being a massive drag right now.

It feels like weeks have past without a single mission and from the sight of
it it will take a long time before the next one commences.

It's that my payments are still met, cause if they weren't.....
I think the other merc on the base, TheChosen, probably feels the same here,
Although he's here to stay out of jail.

I don't know how all the others feel about the current lack of events, but I
assume it's pretty much all the same.

On a side note.
My ship has bailed. He went to the Canobean rendezvous and as it currently
looks like it, he won't be back soon.
Which means I'm quite stuck around here.

End of log 21065783

Signed: GTX2GvO

GTX2GvO: *Sigh*

Device: #Beep, Beep#

GTX2GvO: Let's see what Kendaru sent me


Package Item 546-43B present.
You know what that means.

GTX2GvO: Looks like he won't come back.
GTX2GvO: *Beeep*

*GTX lies down on his bed and goes to sleep*

ianfreddie07 01-12-2008 09:16 AM

*While walking, Ian steps on something*

Ian: What's this..? It looks like a machete of some sort.
*Ian picks up the machete*
Ian: Hmmm... it says... "Spare", so somebody owns a machete around here. But since I dunno who owns it...
*Ian brings machete into his quarters*
Ian: I haven't practiced my swordsmanship much. Better train on this dummy...
*slash, slash, slash then dummy is split in half after a spinning slice*
Ian: Rusty it may look, this machete cuts pretty well. It's a good thing I'm good with bladed weapons.
*Ian gets a soda and bumps into TheChosen*
Ian: Oh, hi TC.
TC: Hey Ian. Have you seen a machete around here?
Ian: Yeah, it's in my room. I picked it up somewhere.
TC: Oh thank heavens. Arete's been looking for that.
TC: She's the only one that has a machete. Two in fact.
Ian: Then I'll go get it.
TC: Do it quickly Ian. If Arete gets furious about losing one of her machetes, she's gonna slice everyone except the Major to bits.
*Ian rushes off to get machete*
Ian: *running* I got it... *trips* Oh no!
*TC evades the flying machete*
*machete sticks to wall*
TC: Hey! Careful with those!

Story may continue...

GTX2GvO 11-01-2009 02:29 PM

*GTX2GvO's Private quarters*

GTX2GvO: :yawn: Guess I slept for a while.

*GTX2GvO looks @ his clock*

GTX2GvO: WHAT! Just two damn minutes! I thought it was several weeks!

*Sound of knocking on the door*

GTX2GvO: Who is there?
TheChosen: Me.
GTX2GvO: What do you want?
TheChosen: For You to open the damn door.

*GTX2GvO opens the door*

TheChosen: I know how we can have some fun here. :mischief:
GTX2GvO: How?
TheChosen: Remember those nice aliens who escaped.
GTX2GvO: What are you planning. :suspicious:

TheChosen: I've spoken also to some of those security guys here on the base.
TheChosen: And they are pretty much bored stiff as well.
GTX2GvO: We always CAN do some laser tag games. Also earns some money for the base.

TheChosen: Nah. Too boring.
TheChosen: I'm thinking about something else.
GTX2GvO: O.o What are you thinking about and do we like it?
TheChosen: Two things actually.
TheChosen: One. I heard we got a whole shipment of stunguns in the experimental weapons testing facility.
TheChosen: Two. The experimental weapons testing facility also has holographic morphers in their assortment.
GTX2GvO: And... ?
TheChosen: Oh! Come ON! We the Stunguns. The security using the Morphers.
GTX2GvO: I see. :sneaky:
GTX2GvO: So the security guys will Play as if they are aliens?
TheChosen: Yep. ;)
GTX2GvO: So. How long will it take to get this going?

*TheChosen places a stungun in GTX his hand*

TheChosen: Now! ;)

*Suddenly a Spitter walks in the corridor*
TheChosen: Remember. Stunguns only. They are the security guys.
GTX2GvO: Great! :nuts: Let's get this going.

*GTX2GvO Shoots the Spitter and runs into the corridor*

TheChosen: HE!! Wait for me! Leave some For me too!!

*All around the base*

Tomekk: WhooHoo!! Let's have some fun!
Terves: Get over Here!
Arete: Here Tigy wigy.
Guard-Spitter: Get this Tiger of me!
Tiger: Prrrr.
Bob: OHH NOO!! Aliens are Loose again!
Fortis: They aren't real Dork.

Major Damage: When did I approved this again?

ianfreddie07 11-01-2009 03:26 PM

*Ian wanders around*

Ian: Hey look! I found a hidden room. Or maybe the door was just too rusty and blended with the wall...

*Ian opens the door*

Ian: I have a bad feeling about this... *clicks light switch on* Hey! It's a basketball court!

Ian: Aha! I could use this solid hologram making thingie I picked up somewhere and create virtual players.

*Ian conjures up 9 virtual players and starts playing*

*Later* Ian: Ian shoots for the win...


Ian: Ian scores! All right, time to call back the "players"

Ian: But first, I'll see if I can dunk this ball...

*Ian tries a basic slam dunk, and succeeds but...*

Ian: Ow! I think I hurt my knee. At least I can still walk, so I'm outta here.

*As Ian exits, a loud rumble is heard*

Guard-Spitter: *running* Help!
Guard-Spitter 2: *running* Help us!

Ian: WTF?

*Ian hears a lot of footsteps and sees GTX, Chosen, Arete and her Tiger, Tomekk, Fortis (who finally steps outta his room), Bob and Terves all wielding stunguns *


Tomekk: Ha! I got a 1 UP from shooting Ian! :p
GTX2GvO: Whatever. Let's just get those "guards"
The rest: Yeah! Come on! *running off*

*Ian gets up*

Ian: Well, I certainly know the Major ISN'T going to approve of this.

Tomekk 11-01-2009 04:15 PM

*After 60 minutes of non-stop running around and shooting everyone is taking a break in the Cafeteria.TheChosen, GTX2GvO are chatting while Tomekk is "modding" his minigun.*

Tomekk: I'll be right back, don't you dare to touch my gun again *Looks at TC*.

TheChosen: Fine, I won't mess around with your little water-gun. :amused:

*Tomekk approaches a rather-frightened Bob.*

Tomekk: Hey Bob, could I lend your stun-gun?

Bob: Why?:omg:

Tomekk: Ahh c'mon, you can have this pack of bubble-gum for it.*Shows
Bob a big-pack of mint-flavoured gum.* ;)

Bob: O..OK!!!! :drool: :nuts: *immediately takes the bubble-gum and hands his Stun-Gun to Tomekk.*

*Tomekk goes back to his seat and checks his mini-gun.*

TheChosen: What are you up to TK?

Tomekk: You'll see, I'm making a weapon of Mass-Destruction :mischief:
*A few minutes of assembling later, Tomekk raises his new Mini-Gun.*

Tomekk:Hey guys, let's go try this baby out! :D

TheChosen: Hehe.

GTX2GvO: Allright!

*The trio heads to the Shooting range where Tomekk anxiously pulls the Trigger. Suddenly a whole barrage of Stun rays start flying in every direction.*
Tomekk: Needs a little calibration, but I co... Ohh nevermind, try it out for yourselves. *Hands the Mini-gun to TheChosen and GTX.*

*After a few minutes of shooting:*
Tomekk: I have an Idea! :max:

TheChosen: Shoot!

Tomekk: HEADSHOT!!! :nuts:

TheChosen: :notrust:

GTX2GvO: :notrust:

Tomekk: :amused: Ok, so, how about playing a game of Capture-The-Flag? You know when people split up in 2 teams and try to steal&capture the enemy's flag!

TheChosen: You've played too much Unreal Tournament, Tomekk. :p But nevermind, count me in!

GTX2GvO: Good idea! I'll go configure some Holo-Morphers to act like flags, meet you guys in the cafeteria! :)

TheChosen: Ok, I'll go with TK and we'll get some players.

*10 minutes later, in Major Damage's office.*
Major: Finally, these little kids have stopped shooting eachother.
I wonder where they are? Maybe the cafeteria?

*Major Damage walks towards the cafeteria and sees 2 teams, (One dressed in red, one in blue) carrying stun-guns and some harmless grenades, walking out of the cafeteria. They walk past Major and say "hi" as if he we're not a superior officer.*

Tomekk: Hey Max!
TheChosen: Good day, Sir!
GTX2GvO: Hello!
Security Guard 1: Sup', boss?
Janitor: Hey chief!
Etc, etc, etc.

*When suddenly...*

Security Guard 2: TIGER-ALERT!!!

*In a few moments, 3 people come running out of the cafeteria, with Arete's Tiger in hot-pursuit.*


ianfreddie07 12-01-2009 02:11 AM

*What the people don't know is Ian is riding the tiger*

Ian: Whoa Tigy! What's got you so angry?! *Tiger pushes Ian off* Whoa!


Ian: WILD TIGER! RUN FOR YOUR... Oh, wait. I remember I still have that special whistle... *whistle rings and tiger quiets down*

Ian: Now that he's silenced... Where's Arete?

Everybody: Dunno...
GTX2GvO: Wait, I think I saw her sharpening her machete somewhere.
Ian: Oh, okay.

TheChosen: Hey Ian! Do you wanna play Capture-the-Flag with us? We're one guy short.

Ian: I'll just get this tiger to Arete and then I'll think about it. *rides on tiger again*

*Ian hears grinding sounds*

Ian: Here you are Arete! You don't look so happy, though...

Arete: How can I not be? Their stupid stungunning warped my machete, dented my room and scared my tiger and now it's going on a rampage!

Ian: You mean THIS tiger?

Arete: Ian! How'd you... Oh, right. That special whistle. Works like a charm. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll sharpen and reshape my machete then go out into a killing frenzy just like what I did to Fortis. :D

Ian: w-w-wait! You mean... You controlled your rage when you almost slashed Fortis?

Arete: Yeah! I just did the killing frenzy speeches to drive him nuts and make him act like a baby.

Ian: *chuckle* Okay then. I have to return to the cafeteria. See ya!

Arete: See ya Ian. :)

*Ian dashes to the cafeteria, but stops instantly to greet the Major*

Ian: Good day, Major!
Major: Good day, Ian. Could you kindly explain what they're doing? *points at the CTF game by Tomekk and the rest*
Ian: I have no idea, sir. *Gives the Major earplugs*
Major: Thank you. Now they can carry on shooting while I do some sleeping.
Ian: All right. Now to play some CTF-ing... Chosen!
TheChosen: You coming to join us?
Ian: Ah what the heck. Gimme a stun gun and let's re-start this!


Fortis 12-01-2009 06:41 PM

Fortis: Alright, we’ve got TC and Bob coming down the east corridor, and Ian and Capo coming from the south.

GTXGvO: Not that I particularly care, but isn’t using your mental abilities cheating?

Fortis: All is fair in love and war, and to a lesser extent capture the flag

GTXGvO: Whatever, just get ready to defend our flag.

Fortis: I’ve got that covered. I got a auto-targeting stun turret from R&D. They’ll never get past that.

Paco: With Albert’s permission, I presume?



Scientist: Vhere ze heck didt zat prototype go?


Fortis: Er, of course.

GTXGvO: Now that’s definitely cheating. I like your style.

Fortis: And it leaves us free to--

Tomekk: They’ve got our flag! They’ve got our- *is stunned*

Paco: Aw nuts.

GTXGvO: It looks like your turret didn’t work.

Fortis: Impossible! *Dashes of to the turret*


The Chosen: Oh, hey Fortis. Albert says not to borrow his projects without permission. I believed he reprogrammed it to only stun you.

Fortis: (telepathically) Oh No!

The Chosen: You don’t mind if I take this do you? *Waves the flag, then runs off*

*GTXGvO and Paco run in*

Fortis: They got our flag! TC just left with it!

Paco: I’ll get them! *Runs after TC*

*GTXGvO stays*

Fortis:What are you waiting for?

GTCGvO: Wait for it.

Fortis: Fine, I’ll get it myself *Get’s to his feet, and is promptly stunned again.*

*Ten minutes later*

Paco: *panting* I finally got our flag back…um, what are you doing GTX?

GTXGvO: Just watch.

*Fortis tries to get up but is stunned again*

Paco: How long has he been doing that?

GTXGvO: Dunno, but he’s been stunned about seventy three times now.


Paco: Wait a minute, I want to see that again.

Fortis:*Gets up* *ZAP*If I could move my fingers, I would flip you all off!

GTXGVO: Come on, Paco. Let’s go rush TC’s base.

Paco: You’ll watch out for our flag, won’t you Fortis?

*GTX and Paco leave*

Fortis:*Gets up* *ZAP*!@#$ YOOOOOOOOU!

GTX2GvO 17-01-2009 03:45 PM

*One corridor after leaving Fortis*

GTX2GvO: Wait I got a Splendid Idea! :nuts:
Paco: What?

*GTX runs back to fortis*

Fortis :Oh Thank you.
GTX2GvO: Shut up and lie still.
Fortis: What?

*GTX2GvO shoves the Flag under Fortis*

GTX2GvO: Now if they want the flag they have to pick you up first and thus get stunned with you. :D
Fortis: Why You. Son of a...
GTX2GvO: Hé! @ Least I found a way we can use that thing now!
Paco: Wouldn't it be easier If that thing stunned anyone who comes near fortis or the flag?

GTX2GvO: :oh:
GTX2GvO: Let's try it out. :max:

*GTX goes to the machine and starts fiddling*

Fortis: Please turn it off!
GTX2GvO: Paco please step away from Fortis. He's a hardwired target for this thing.
Paco: Sure.... *ZAP*

GTX2GvO: Sorry. But you can crawl away.
Paco: Now that's set. Can we NOW rush TC's base?
GTX2GvO: Sure.

*Paco stands up @ a safe distance from Fortis and the flag and moved toward TC's base together with GTX2GvO*

Fortis: Damn You two!! DAMN YOU!!! *ZAP*
Fortis: Maybe I should stay down.

Fubb 17-01-2009 07:01 PM

Fifth, you still accepting entries? If so i'd lie kto be a sniper. Better to keep yourself safe, eh?

Male Human
Skills: Accuracy and reaction

Bio: Born the son of a farmer, when he wasn't working on the fields he was shooting small furry animals that cam across his path with any scoped weaponry he could find. First chance he got, he signed up in the X-com project, hoping to join in the "Adventure". Likes the thought of himself being a live, and will do anytihng to keep it that way.

(look into his HD) I gotta brush up on my skills a bit.... :p

ianfreddie07 19-01-2009 03:28 AM

*Ian muffles his laughter*

Ian: Oh man! This is awesome! Fortis just keeps zapping himself LOL

Capo: The problem with that is... we can't capture the flag... or can we?

Ian: Hold on... *checks out magic toolbox* Aha! I found it!

*Ian finds 2 pairs of rubber gloves*

Capo: GLOVES? YOU think that WE can get the flag safely from Fortis using GLOVES?

Ian: What's wrong with that? Stunguns emit electric discharges to... well, stun. I'll see what I can do.

*Ian rushes to Fortis head-on*

Fortis: Hey y-*ZAP* Oww... Nevermind, I know the flag ISN'T with me! *ZAP*

Ian: O RLY?? Can you tell me where you hid it?

Fortis: Why should I? It's our flag, not yours! *ZAP* Ouch. I can't feel my legs...

Ian: I'll dismantle the turret and set you free from your suffering.

Fortis: Deal. They put the flag under me. Now can you dismantle this thing already? I've already been stunned for-*ZAP* 200 times now.

Ian: *Dismantling* How did the turret get here anyways?

Fortis: I uh... stole it.

Ian: There we go. Now you're free and we get your flag. *Fortis stands up and gives Ian the flag*

Capo: *In disbelief* H-How'd you do it?

Ian: Diplomacy, my friend. Now let's sneak the flag in. *Runs to capture point*

Fortis: *coming to his senses* W-wait a minute... Oh no! I just gave them the freaking flag! GTX isn't gonna be happy about this...

Announcer: Team Chosen captures Team GTX's Flag! It's now 1-0!

GTX2GvO: Huh? How did they...

GTX2GvO, Tomekk and Paco: Fortis!

GTX2GvO 21-01-2009 05:39 PM

*Start of round 2 and GTX knocks Fortis on the head*

GTX2GvO: There will be NO next time! :notrust:
Fortis: *Gulp*
TheChosen: Hé want to keep the teams as they are or should we pick the members again.

GTX2GvO: :notrust:
GTX2GvO: Know what. I'll Trade Tomekk and Fortis in for Capo and Bob.
Everyone Else: Bob!?? :omg: Why him?

*GTX picks his stun gun and Zaps Bob*

GTX2GvO: See. Nothing happened. He's Too stupid to know.
GTX2GvO: And.. I have good use for him. :sneaky:
TheChosen: Hmm.. I don't know.. You seem to get a solid team that way.

*TheChosen looks at Fortis. And after some hesitation to Tomekk*

TheChosen: Sure. It's a deal.
GTX2GvO: I see Fortis told you my strategy of the last round.
Everyone Else: What! How? Huh? :huh:
TheChosen: Let me guess. That knowledge is useless now?
GTX2GvO: Remember the Obitan4 incident?
TheChosen: yes
GTX2GvO: My doing. All of it.
TheChosen: :omg: I see.

Tomekk: Oh. Come ON! Let's start the next match!
Everyone Else: Yeah. Yeah. In a minute.

*a little later*

TheChosen: Can you get the current strategy from GTX now?
Fortis: Ehmm.. Ehh...... There a problem.
TheChosen: What? Ethics? Headache? What?
Fortis: He's blocking me.
TheChosen: ....... O.o how the... And the rest?
Fortis: Bob is too stupid and Capo and Paco are in the cafetaria.... Waiting. For something obvious.
TheChosen: So it's us against GTX?
Ian: That's GREAT. He Doesn't stands a chance!

TheChosen: On the contrary Ian. We need to worry more.
Tomekk: The FLAG!!!! It's Gone!!

*TC, Fortis and Ian Look toward Tomekk and the flags now empty position*

Fortis: I See Bob running toward the cafeteria!
TheChosen: Get after him. He's Going toward Capo an Paco!

*TC, Fortis Ian and Tomekk run after Bob toward the Cafeteria*
*GTX2GvO uncloaks near the flags position*

GTX2GvO: I just LOVE cloaking devices.

*GTX presses in the thin air and the flag reappears*

GTX2GvO: I REALLY love Cloaking Devices. :sneaky:

*GTX picks the flag and gently walks toward the capture point*

GTX2GvO: By the time anyone notices what's going on it will be 1-1 by a long shot.

*Bob reaches the cafeteria and finally faints due to the many MANY Zaps*

Tomekk: I never knew he could withstand THAT many Zaps
Capo: There they are!
Paco: Should we tell them?
TheChosen: Tell what?

Paco & Capo: 1-1 :D
Ian: What? But Bob isn't holding the flag and the capture point is on the other side of the base!
Paco & Capo: That's what GTX told us to tell you.
TheChosen: :rant:
TheChosen: I HATE Cloaking devices!!!!!!

Bob: Did Bob get the frag?

*Bob holds up a dismantled Frag grenade*

Everyone in the cafetaria: :laugh::laugh::laugh:
TheChosen: Oh yeah. Bob was of Good use to GTX.
TheChosen: Come on. Let's get to the capture point. He's waiting.

ianfreddie07 29-01-2009 05:14 AM

*Ian pulls out something from his magic toolbox*

Ian: Hey, I'm not going to let this turn into a 1-2 situation that easily.

TheChosen: I know that. If you did let turn 1-2, i'd be knockin' your head silly. :notrust:

Ian: A-ha! Here it is! :D *pulls out a shovel*

TheChosen: A SHOVEL? :ranting:

Ian: Relax! Jeez, it's just a cloaking device.


*TC rants about the cloaking device while Ian puts on earplugs and starts digging*

Ian: *radio* This is Ian to Tomekk, can you read me?

Tomekk: Loud and clear.

Ian: Since TC's too busy ranting, can you help me out?

Tomekk: Sure. *turning to Fortis* Guard this spot well.

Fortis: Okay.

Tomekk: *goes down the hole* Why'd you call me here Ian?

Ian: We're gonna do some sort of scare tactic.

Tomekk: I see.

Ian: Since GTX is slowly but surely going to grab our flag again, I dig to a place near the capture point and scare GTX so he tosses the flag. Then you catch our flag and quickly return to the base. Here, use my cloaking device. I got it from my magic toolbox.

Tomekk: How are you gonna scare GTX?

Ian: I have my ways. :D

*Ian tunnels near Team TC's flag and waits...*

Ian: Tomekk, dig another hole behind GTX.

Tomekk: All right. *digs*

GTX2GvO: Hey, why is there a hole near THEIR flag? Hmm... Might as well grab it *GTX grabs the flag*

Ian: *quickly emerging from the hole* Boo!

GTX2GvO: AAAAAAHH! *GTX tosses the flag going backwards*

*Ian quickly zaps GTX*

Tomekk: Got it! *returns the flag*

*Ian uses his cloaking device to knock both Paco and Capo's heads together*

Ian: Oh yeah. I REALLY REALLY love cloaking devices. :3:

*Ian runs to get team GTX's flag*

*30 seconds later...*

Announcer: Team Chosen captures the flag. It's now 2-1!

TheChosen: Wait, how'd you do it Ian?

Ian: Well, we kinda went down under. Right, Tomekk?

Tomekk: Right, Ian. :thumbs:

GTX2GvO 25-02-2009 01:51 PM

*@ the start of round 4*

GTX2GvO: Darn it. They got our flag again. :rant:
GTX2GvO: We really need to teach.........

*Suddenly the base alert lights are lit, but without a voice announcement*

Everyone: Are we getting a new mission!! :nuts:

*The whole team dashes towards the briefing room where Major Damage waits*

Mjr Damage: There you are. :mischief:
TheChosen: What's the mission boss?
Mjr Damage: There isn't any..... Yet.
Tomekk: Then why call us over? And why use the emergency system?

Mjr Damage: Cause there are two thing to tell you guys.
Ian: Oh. The Old Good news, Bad News situation. ^_^
Mjr Damage: More like Bad News, Worse News Situation.
Team: ehhmm.. :unsure:

Mjr Damage: First the bad news.
Mjr Damage: You're all confined to your quarters till the next mission.
Mjr Damage: And if you do NOT have a valid reason of eating or other important stuff, you'll be cleaning the latrines with standard issue X-Com toothbrushes.

Capo: But that's Terrible news!! :omg: There's nothing worse then that!
Mjr Damage: Actually there IS.
GTX2GvO & TheChosen: :mhh:
Paco: But WHAT is worse then that?
Mjr Damage: The Senator Called. He's threatening to pull the plug on the project. Unless I send you on a mission ASAP.
Kugerfang: But Dad is STILL funding this Right?

Mjr Damage: No Kuger. He's threatening to stop all financing and support.
Ian: But we can still get enough cash with all the development patents right?
Mjr Damage: For the Project perhaps, but not to keep certain crew members.

*TheChosen and GTX2GvO look @ each other, knowing what that means*

GTX2GvO: You don't have the cash to keep paying me, nor the governmental support to keep Him *points to TC* out of jail.
Mjr Damage: Heck! I won't even get the support to get him back IN the jail if the plug is pulled.

*The Team Gasps*

Mjr Damage: So unless I send you on a mission soon, those two arses *point's to TC & GTX* will be leaving as if they didn't even existed @ ALL!!
Ian: OK. That IS worse news.
Mjr Damage: Now DISMISSED! I have People To call!

*GTX turns to TC*

GTX2GvO: So where are you going to if this blows up?
TheChosen: Beats me. Probably getting caught in some Cola-bar or something sooner or later.
TheChosen: But HOW did you stay away from the law for all this time, while you have a nastier track record?
GTX2GvO: I have my own secret base and I am careful @ where I drink what. ;)
TheChosen: I see. So you never needed to spend the night in some sleazy motel or something similar?
GTX2GvO: Nope. And If I needed to stay somewhere else for a longer period of time, I actually sleep in one of my space ships.

GTX2GvO: And Now Spit that question.
TheChosen: ???
TheChosen: How did you?
GTX2GvO: Easy. You're facing more jail time if you go your old way. I have a secret base AND I've NEVER been caught before.
GTX2GvO: So counting that together. You need a place to stay. :whistling:
TheChosen: Got a spare bed?
GTX2GvO: More like a spare wing.
TheChosen: oh. That's generous.

GTX2GvO: Now I'm Going to the cafeteria to eat something and make the necessary preparations to get back to my base.
TheChosen: Preparations?
GTX2GvO: My ship is @ the Base You know. :notrust: I need to call it.
TheChosen: OK. And good luck stuffing your face with croissants and milk.

*GTX goes to the cafeteria while TC goes to his quarters*

TheChosen: Hopefully this will turn out better then the last time I managed to get out of jail.
TheChosen: Damn. The only thing I managed back then was getting a decent stash of Cola.
TheChosen: Speaking of which. I feel thirsty.

*TC speeds up his walking toward his quarters*

Fortis 25-02-2009 07:43 PM

*Fortis is using the base’s com unit to make a call*

Fortis: That’s right. The entire X-Com organization.

Fortis: They can keep going for a while, using royalties from their patents. But it won’t be enough.

Fortis: No, it must continue. I have been in the minds of these aliens. I’ve seen their plans for us. It’s nothing good, I’ll tell you that. This bureaucratic meddling will ruin us. X-Com is the best line of defense we have against them.

Fortis: I know that. It’s GTX and The Chosen I’m talking about. With funding pulled, we can’t afford their pay.

Fortis: Not an option. It’s no secret that the aliens have been looking to hire human mercenaries.

Fortis: Bluntly, I don’t want to be on the opposite side of them. These two are good. Yes, that good. Besides, they know way too much about our organization to let them be hired by the aliens.

Fortis: Thank you sir.

Fortis: Perhaps the Psi-Corps could take over the X-Com operation?

Fortis: Just think it over. At the very least, send us any information you have regarding the aliens movements. We need to do more missions to convince the senate to continue funding us.

Fortis: Thank you admiral.
*Fortis ends the call.*

Paco: So, who was that?

Fortis: An old friend. GTX isn’t the only one who has contacts. I just don’t flaunt mine around.
Fortis: Hopefully, he’ll be able to bail us out.

Paco: Well, good luck with that.
Paco: What is with the alien inactivity here anyway?

Fortis: Quite frankly, it may be that X-Com has made earth too difficult a target.
Fortis: My friend said that they have been active elsewhere though.

Paco: Elsewhere?

Fortis: The other human colonies in the Sol system and other systems.

Paco: So, why don’t we go and smash them there?

Fortis: Well, X-Com was specifically established to defend earth. But the other systems have been clamoring for help with the aliens.

Paco: If we start doing missions for them, do you think that they can pressure the senate enough to keep X-Com running?

Fortis: …It’s worth a shot.
Fortis: Paco, find some way to keep GTX and TC from leaving! I’ve got some more calls to make.

*Some time later*
Fortis: *Dashes into the Major’s office.* I’ve got it! The Psi-Corps just told me! A force of the aliens has descended on the human colony on Europa.

Major: We have yet to be authorized to operate outside of Earth.

Fortis: They haven’t forbade us either.

Major: Do you realize what the senate’s reaction will be? They’re looking for an excuse to pull funding.

Fortis: What about the colonies reaction? When X-Com swoops in to save one of their settlements, we’ll be seen as heroes. With their combined influence, even the senate will be forced to yield and continue funding. Heck, If we do this, the colonies would be willing to fund us out of their own pocket! They’re desperate for our protection.

Major: And I suppose you’ve already solved the interplanetary transport issue?

Fortis: The Psi-Corps are sending transports for us and our equipment.

Major: …
Major: *Presses a button*

*The base Alert lights light up again.*
Major: *Over the base’s intercoms* All X-Com soldiers, prepare for an interplanetary mission to the moon Europa. Transports will arrive at 0900 hours.

Fortis: HA! Yes! Finally some action!

GTX2GvO 08-05-2009 09:42 AM

*@ The Cafetaria*

*TC Walks in with a Cola

TheChosen: So. You heard the base alert why didn't you jumped up?
GTX2GvO: Cause I'm not going to Europa. Yet.
TheChosen: Why?
GTX2GvO: You'll see. I mean it, cause I can use your help.
TheChosen: .....
GTX2GvO: But first. Do you have anything ELSE then X-Com clothes?
TheChosen: That orange Jumpsuit. :notrust:
GTX2GvO: Try find something else.

*GTX walks to the major's office while TC goes finding something to wear*

Mjr. Damage: Decided to come along?
GTX2GvO: Actually I wanted to know how many ships that PsiCorp is sending for transport.
Mjr. Damage: Two. Why?
GTX2GvO: You'll find out soon enough. It's almost 0900 and PsiCorp's Always on time.

*Later @ The Equipment bay*

Mjr. Damage: Everyone here?

*Fortis, Kugerfang, Tomekk, Ian, Arete, AlumiuN, Terves, Capo, Paco, Bob, Data & Eagle of Fire acknowledge*

Tomekk: Where are GTX and TC?
Ian: Why are there SO MANY PsiCorp Soldiers?
Data: #Sir. May I remind you that my electrical system can malfunction if I'd leave earths magnetic field.#
Mjr. Damage: Ah. Yes. So you'll be staying @ the Base?
Arete: I'd really Love to come, but Tigers aren't allowed on Europa. :(
Mjr. Damage: Anyone else that want to stay on the base and keep things secure here?

*EOF Raises his hand*

Eagle of Fire: #Found out some of the Megapol guards are into illegal activities.Want to check that out.#
Mjr. Damage: Sure
Mjr. Damage: So Fortis, Kugerfang, Tomekk, Ian, AlumiuN, Terves, Capo, Paco & Bob will be on the away team for sure.

*@ That moment GTX And TC walk in*
*GTX is wearing a spacesuit with yellow accents, Helmet in the hand, while TC wears a black overcoat and a red scarf around

his neck*

Away Team: ehmm..... :unsure:
GTX2GvO: Who's the PsiCorp Captain?
Captain: I am. *And he walks up to GTX*
Captain: What do YOU want?!
GTX2GvO: One of the ships and I decide who of those noobs *point's to the PsiCorp soldiers* will join the away team.
Captain: ........ ehm... OK.

Terves To Fortis: $GTX just sended a threat to our hybrid Captin with some serious stuff.$

*GTX walks to the line of Psicorp soldiers*

GTX2GvO: You, You and You. To the Team.
GTX2GvO: You there. If you think your here due to your skills. Ask your Dad again. Now SCRAM!
GTX2GvO: And you should really be with your family now.
GTX2GvO: The rest... Hmm.. You and You. Join. The rest. No space.
Soldier: But there's enough space in BOTH ships for ALL of us.
GTX2GvO: :notrust: *Stares @ the soldier*
Soldier: OH!! Sorry.

Mjr. Damage: Ahem..
GTX2GvO: Ah. Right. Sir.
Mjr. Damage: You joining or what?
GTX2GvO: Nope, but I'd like to ask for a leave of absence for me and TC.
Mjr. Damage: Paid leave?
GTX2GvO: On the house.

*Major Damage visibly Cheers when he hears that*

Mjr. Damage: For how long?
GTX2GvO: How long will this Europa gig endure?
Mjr. Damage: It takes 3 days to get there, possibly a few days to solve the issue and then 3 days to get back.
Mjr. Damage: So. A week. Maybe longer.

*The away team prepares for the Europa mission while GTX and TC go to one of the ships*

Soldier2: Ehhmm. Do you need a pilot?
GTX2GvO: Nope. I can fly these ships myself.
GTX2GvO: Don't worry. I'll return it.
Soldier2: OK.

*The "teams" get into the ships and start their way*

In one ship: Major Damage, Fortis, Kugerfang, Tomekk, Ian, AlumiuN, Terves, Capo, Paco & 5 PsiCorp Soldiers
In the Other: TheChosen And GTX2GvO.

*While Breaking Earth Orbit through the Radio*

Mjr. Damage: Will you be going off straight away or what?
GTX2GvO: It's best if we continue to fly together till "Half Station" before we go our separate ways.
Mjr. Damage: Ok. That's Fine
Bob: WAIT!! We are NOT going to Europa?!?!
Everyone: Bob is (t)here!!! :omg:
TheChosen: So what to do with him?
GTX2GvO: Guess we are stuck with him.
GTX2GvO: These bricks have no way of sending someone from one ship to another WHILE in space.
Mjr. Damage: Half station is near. See you three in a week or so?
GTX2GvO: Sure. Breaking radio.

*GTX turns of the Radio and the two ships go their separate way*

GTX2GvO: Hmm.. It Takes @ least a full day to reach the asteroid belt on Autopilot.
GTX2GvO: Guess we should make the best of for this day.
TheChosen: so you're off to this ships canteen?
GTX2GvO: Yep. I sure like a roomy ship once in a while. :)
TheChosen: You ain't returning the ship, Right?
GTX2GvO: I return it when I'M done with it. :sneaky:
TheChosen: what happens when we reach the asteroid belt?
GTX2GvO: You'll see that tomorrow.
GTX2GvO: Now we have a full day with not much to do.
TheChosen: Do these things have a weapons facility? I brought my Rifle for practice.
GTX2GvO: There is one yes. *GTX tells TC where he should go*

Bob: What should I do?
GTX2GvO And TheChosen: Stay out of the Way and DO NOT touch anything!

*On the other Ship*

Capo: Will we see TC and GTX again sir?
Mjr. Damage: I actually think we will see them again BEFORE we finish this mission.
Tomekk: Don't say they would.....?
Mjr. Damage: No. Not that. But i got a funny feeling about GTX asking for an unpaid leave.
Mjr. Damage: He's UP TO SOMETHING. and it involves Europa.
Paco: How can you be so sure?
Mjr. Damage: Why else would he pick out which PsiCorp Soldiers would be coming with us?
*Major Damage point's to the 4 soldiers and the Pilot*
Mjr. Damage: I'm not sure about that pilot, but those Soldiers are simply the best of the best.

*While pondering in himself*

Mjr. Damage: What the Hell is that guy up too?
Mjr. Damage: And for WHAT does he need TC for?
Mjr. Damage: Guess we'll find out soon enough...

ianfreddie07 14-05-2009 11:44 AM

*As everyone makes themselves comfortable on the ship...*

Ian: Hey, isn't it great to reminisce about really great games? :)

AlumiuN: I agree. MechWarrior rocks my socks.

Ian: Yeah... Those gauss rifles can really kill. Those laz0rz are also awesome.

Kugerfang: Hmmm... Diablo is another one of those great titles. Pure hack&slash awesomeness. :)

Ian: Yeah. Hey, have you heard of the debate of whether Diablo was an RPG or not?

Tomekk: Oh, I remember that one. It's definitely an action RPG.

Ian, AlumiuN, Kugerfang: Agreed.

Ian: I'd definitely zap someone who would say it's not an RPG. Heck, even if there's little RPG elements, they're there to stay. *pulls out something*

Tomekk: Is that... a... STUNGUN? :omg:

Ian: Yeah. Surprised? :p


Ian: Toolbox holds anything, and everything. :D

AlumiuN: May I borrow that?

Ian: Sure, I think I have 10 in here, all from that CTF.

*Fortis, Terves, Capo and Paco gather*

Ian: Hey, now it's a party. WE NEEDS BEER!

Fortis: I got it... *grabs beer*

*20 minutes later...*

Tomekk: I tells you, Diablo was a truly awesome game.

AlumiuN: Ditto.

Kugerfang: Agreed.

Ian: Oh yes.

Fortis: Hmm... In my opinion it's not an RPG becau-*ZAP*

Ian: Shut it, Fortis. It's still an RPG either way.

Everyone else: :oh:

Fortis: Well, that's the 201st zap. :notrust:

*A small moment of silence*

Everyone except Fortis: LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL

nextinline 16-03-2010 05:53 PM

can i be in

Lewis (as a reference to L4D 1)
Bravery, Reaction

(this is how i want it to begin: While the team was looking around, they opened a door, and found me fighting the hostiles while critically injured and someone helps heal me)

Tomekk 16-03-2010 06:23 PM

14-05-2009, 02:44 PM..... you're a wee bit late.

The Fifth Horseman 16-03-2010 07:23 PM

There is no point in resuming this... most of the original players lost interest, I think.
You're welcome to join the next one (if there is one)

Panthro 16-03-2010 09:12 PM

Perhaps someone with the appropriate access should lock this thread?

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