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punch999 23-08-2007 01:37 AM

Well I play

Guitar (Electric and classical)

I just learned how to play brainstew by greenday on the drums and guitar today. So I am happy!.

Which leads to the question. What can you play?

Icewolf 23-08-2007 07:39 AM

Piano and cause the claviature is the same, I can operate xylophone and a keyboard as well.

I know some chords on the guitar and some really basic rhythms on the drums.

In primary school we had to play recorder... LOL I think I remember how to play C and B... :hysterical:

EDIT: Forget to mention electric bass.

Reup 23-08-2007 07:53 AM

I play the piano.

For proof of this, check this topic

Mighty Midget 23-08-2007 08:33 AM

I played the guitar for years (and bass when needed). Anyway, I quit playing, but my fingers are still "itchy" :)

Tulac 23-08-2007 09:11 AM

I can play guitar and blues harp (a type of mouth harmonica). I don't really learn songs to play but mostly improvise solo's or make my own chord progressions. I can't say that I'm an expert in those instruments but I'm not a beginner either.

chumloofah 23-08-2007 09:55 AM

I play the dambusters.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Tulac")</div>

a type of mouth harmonica[/b]
You just forced me to imagine other ways to get a note out of a harmonica

Tulac 23-08-2007 10:00 AM

Harmonica -

Mouth Harmonica -

chumloofah 23-08-2007 10:03 AM

That's an accordion :D

Mighty Midget 23-08-2007 10:06 AM


Originally posted by Wikipedia
the similarities between harmonicas and so-called "diatonic" accordions or melodeons is such that in German the name for the former is "Mundharmonika" and the later "Handharmonika", translated simply as "mouth harmonica" and "hand harmonica"

chumloofah 23-08-2007 10:08 AM

Ah, ok.
You foreign devils have some funny concepts. ;)

Tulac 23-08-2007 10:14 AM

Well the Germans sort of invented it, so they win. :D

Icewolf 23-08-2007 10:23 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tulac @ Aug 23 2007, 12:14 PM) [snapback]306182[/snapback]</div>

Well the Germans sort of invented it, so they win. :D[/b]
Yay, that's rare! :brain:

Except from the Wembley game yesterday... :sneaky:

:offtopic: sorry... :tomato:

chumloofah 23-08-2007 10:37 AM

Is it just me, or do "mouth harmonica" and "hand harmonica" sound like euphemisms?

Mighty Midget 23-08-2007 10:39 AM

I believe it's just you :P LOL

I did try an accordion, but I couldn't figure it out in the 10 minutes my sis allowed me to try. I like to check out new instruments and their sounds, but I can't say I actually know how to play them.

Tito 26-08-2007 10:39 PM

Piano - Studied it for many years, then stopped playing it, and now I've recovered it (well, a few years ago).

Guitar (classical and electric) - Self teaching resulting in a quite personal way of playing it.

Flute - Just a bit of this one, I never had a decent instrument.

Ocarina - Well, I found one while traveling abroad and couldn't help buying it.

I started playing bassoon, but some problems involving the renting of the instrument spoiled it. Now I'm planning on buying a sax as soon as I get some money.

Lulu_Jane 27-08-2007 08:13 AM

Ok, there are going to be some embarrassing revelations in this post...

*braces herself*

Clarinet, I used to play it well, but that was pre-black lung days, so I'm a bit scared to pick it up now. It home in its case in my mothers house in Australia, although I do miss it.

Guitar, but nothing special, I just like to play it so I have an excuse to sing.

Ok, here's the dorky bit....


Originally posted by Icewolf
In primary school we had to play recorder... laughing.gif I think I remember how to play C and B... hysterical.gif
I played bass, tenor and treble recorder in a medieval and renaissance consort that once represented our town for some musical thing. The bass recorder is nearly as tall as me, and looks more like a bassoon.

Ultra music-nerd comment - I think it's a shame they give those plastic pieces of crap to let children pipe away on, it's destroyed the reputation of an instrument that can be beautiful when played properly.

I will now go and hide.

Tito 27-08-2007 12:22 PM

Why being ashamed? I like to learn how to play any kind of intrument I get my hands on, be it a basson, a bagpipe, a banjo or anything. And I would love to lay my hands on some weird and imaginative instruments. As the ones created by this group of comics: Les Luthiers. They have some crazy and brilliant inventions.

chumloofah 27-08-2007 12:42 PM


Ultra music-nerd comment - I think it's a shame they give those plastic pieces of crap to let children pipe away on, it's destroyed the reputation of an instrument that can be beautiful when played properly.[/b]
I actually took up the bagpipes at school to get out of playing the recorder in assemblies.
The price of talent is to be made to play shitty tunes on shitty instruments in public where I come from. :D

Blood-Pigggy 27-08-2007 05:21 PM

I've never seen such an excess of the word muck.

I play the organ, electric that is, probably one of the most expensive and annoying instruments to assemble, but it has the best damn sound ever.

Hammonds are awesome, unfortunately I haven't been able to find any of those old junky models, I just have the newer one Hammond is selling which is underwhelming since I used to play the old big one at my grandmother's home, stool and all, with the countless keys and levers, I used to make all the weirdest sounds for playing songs and it was great.

chumloofah 27-08-2007 05:58 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Aug 27 2007, 06:21 PM) [snapback]307110[/snapback]</div>

I play the organ, electric that is, probably one of the most expensive and annoying instruments to assemble, but it has the best damn sound ever.
Very cool instrument.
Pipe organs have a better sound though, if you can fit one in your house.
You can literally feel the music.

wq15 06-09-2007 09:17 PM

I play the guitar it is a fun thing to play it is a lot of fun I like it a lot it is good.

Gary_Oak 07-09-2007 05:26 PM

I liek to play drums, seems to be the only thing I have talent with. ^_^

Himmler 08-09-2007 11:20 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wq15 @ Sep 6 2007, 09:17 PM) [snapback]309346[/snapback]</div>

I play the guitar it is a fun thing to play it is a lot of fun I like it a lot it is good.
man, what did you try to say? here, have some dots


_r.u.s.s. 08-09-2007 11:21 AM


Dave 08-09-2007 12:20 PM


20 post spammers detected

chumloofah 08-09-2007 12:48 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Himmler @ Sep 8 2007, 12:20 PM) [snapback]309685[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wq15 @ Sep 6 2007, 09:17 PM) [snapback]309346[/snapback]

I play the guitar it is a fun thing to play it is a lot of fun I like it a lot it is good.
man, what did you try to say? here, have some dots


PrejudiceSucks 08-09-2007 07:16 PM

I can sing a bit, and can play the keyboard. I was the one-time lead singer of a ska-punk kind of band. Extremely fun when it lasted, sadly this wasn't too long.

fogofavalon 09-09-2007 10:14 PM

Clarinet, bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, bari sax, guitar, bass, bassoon (haven't played in a long time. How I hated that thing), a bit of flute, a bit of trombone, a little piano. I have the same outlook as Tito.

Lulu_Jane 10-09-2007 02:19 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fogofavalon @ Sep 9 2007, 10:14 PM) [snapback]309933[/snapback]</div>

Clarinet, bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, bari sax, guitar, bass, bassoon (haven't played in a long time. How I hated that thing), a bit of flute, a bit of trombone, a little piano. I have the same outlook as Tito.
Geeze, as a fellow wind player, all I can say is that you must have an embouchure of titanium :blink:

wordscankill 13-09-2007 01:32 PM

Ska-punk? Awesome! One day, I wanna be the keyboardist / vocalist in a band that mixes ska with dance. I intend to call it a skance band :tomato: So you may have guessed that I can play keyboard / piano and I am also (very, very, very, very slowly) picking up guitar.

Morrin 21-09-2007 09:07 AM


Mighty Midget 21-09-2007 09:12 AM

Ooh, nice one, Morrin. Those can actually be pretty cool when you know how to play more than the usual duurrrrr-hummmm-poink.

Kain Doomed 20-02-2008 01:01 AM

Uhm... I play the guitar... but i learned the hard way xD
Progressive Rock mainly...

***Looking for a recorder to "improve" my songs :laugh:***

Halindir 20-02-2008 12:00 PM

I play guitar, and im trying to learn how to play synth 8D

Grinder 25-02-2008 09:40 PM

I used to play keyboard, but I was never any good at it.

Infinitenoodles 05-03-2008 07:40 PM

I play guitar and violin. Playing rock band has gotten me midly interested in playing drums, but they're a bit pricey to get into, not to mention the space requirement (very small apartment).

marco11 07-03-2008 07:16 AM

I was playing flute for 10 years, electric guitar 4 years. Now i am playing on bassguitar for few months and have bought drums last week...

defyinggravity728 23-04-2008 05:39 PM

I play the trumpet and piano, though I haven't really touched either instrument in a while.

Headswirler 22-07-2008 04:12 PM

I play pretty much anything I can get my hands on. I'm always open to learn to play new instruments.

Mostly though I play guitar (electric and classic, both), bass (without plectrum of course :amused: ), synth and drums. I can also sing a bit. I have never taken any lessons, I think it's more creative to learn by yourself and develop your own style of playing.

I also compose music, so knowing how different instruments work helps a lot. :)

powdernsky 07-08-2008 02:55 AM

I'm pretty much in the same area as Headswirler. But I'd really like to play in a 'Nu Metal' band. That's more the style that I tend to lean toward.

But, I have to say that 'Blues/Jazz' are genres that I really like to listen to and play, as well. Guitar is my forté, as far as I know. :laugh:

einstein999999 14-09-2008 04:32 PM

I used to play the piano and trumpet, but I haven't had access to either instrument in over a year. I miss playing them...

r3tr0g4m3r 20-04-2009 11:48 AM

I play on recorder, keyboard and saxophone:max:.


cjk1995 30-04-2009 09:18 AM

Only piano. And I want to learn how to play the guitar.

Danny252 04-05-2009 10:06 PM

Piano and Classical Guitar (cos I'm just awesome)

ShiverMeSideways 26-08-2009 05:51 PM

Hello there. I've been playing guitar now for almost two years and I'm still crap at it! :thumbs:

I also want to play the keyboards and the bass, hopefully when I'll have money to buy those things (which is probably when I'm 40). However, I still prefer the guitar. To me, it's the ultimate instrument. It screams, it squeals, it brings the freakin' house down, and it allows for a wide artistic expression. Of course, keyboards allows for even broader sounds, but to me, it just doesn't seem as rewarding as playing the guitar.

I usually go for the classic heavy metal guitar sound and style (although more towards thrash metal) but I also enjoy playing clean and then I employ more David Gilmourian style.

I've been trying for the last couple months to put up a heavy metal band, and of course, I have trouble with drummers and bass players. They're the hardest people to find and yet they stay the shortest time periods. Need just the drummer now, but I don't think you guys can help me out there :laugh: .

Saccade 26-08-2009 10:31 PM

Dave Gilmore?!

I used to have him for Live Performance Workshop with this guy called Guthry who, having sayed inside for so long as a child (he taught us how to play the theme from bagpuss instead of ripping and stuff - more fun) and practicing guitar, had totally neglected his teeth.
They were so rotten...
But he knew his phrygian from his dorian.

Dave used to turn up about 30 mins late with a runny nose saying things like "don't do drugs - they'll screw your career".
He was going out with the other bird from Buck's Fizz (not Cheryll Baker) who taught music business studies.
Coming from her, that wasn't great as she'd been fucked over by her manager for quite a lot of money...
She was quite bitter sometimes.

But the real let-down wasn't that we'd get visits from crap bands like Skunk Anansie, who'd _possibly_ be trying to teach us something, but I'm damned if I know what the hell it was...
The real let-down, and I should've known that no good would come of this from the very start, was that Bruce Dickinson was one of the chief instructors.
I took my Iron Maiden Vinyls along to the audition to get into the school, I was so excited about it.

Then he wasn't from Iron Maiden... He was from Little Angels (toured with Guns 'n' Roses) and he was a bit of a prick...

Keep practicing! Even if it's just to rock out to the track of the day and fuck up (also known as playing in harmony / busking / winging it / taking the monkey for a spank / while having it re-enact tea-parties and ride miniature bikes) the solo.
I may not be in a band any more, but I do love a good guitar battle...

[I'm not inbred, btw, but I do love the banjo]

I'm thinking of starting a new band, for fun, at some point. I will try to stay away from the drugs and sex (maybe a bit of sex, actually) and focus on the rock and roll this time around.
I think I'd like to play bass - it's more fun laying down the roots, pounding out some belly-ripping riffs; letting the grass grow itself and just enjoy the sun and the dirt.
Man - what I wouldn't give to be that age again...

I've got a grade 5 in the clarinet. (merit)

I just had this really weird dream that made me think something and I spilled water all over my notepad, but the laptop's here.
It's kinda related.

I dreamed that Gordon Giltrap was smashing me over the head with a Washburn 12 string (how do I remember that detail..?) and just wouldn't stop...
Eventually it woke me up and I found that my hand was caught in my hair and I'd been pulling it.
But as my vision slowly focussed on the silhouette of my hand, I recalled that I felt and experienced something very similar when I got a little tooooo wasted one (or two) evenings. It was quite scary...

If Martial Art, Computer Games and Work are good expression of violence, then music is 10x more...
Right now, I reckon: exercise, games, doing stuff < loud music - probably not good for tinnitus, but wtf...
Put all of them together and you've got sex (helps to have a steady partner. or several if you don't mind regular trips to the STD clinic) and violence sublimated through expression.

Total euphoria.

Take drugs and drink too much and that euphoria is replaced with this daemon that makes you believe that you're having a good time, when really you're just destroying everything. Anti-Midas-Touch style... Everything turns to shit.

Then you make clouded judgement calls, stupid mistakes, that lead you into the fog and - before you know it - you're in the fucking military.

Military & Drugs = bad shit.
Music & Games = good shit.

I am going to have to be extra careful if I dabble with the dark arts again...
Killswitch Engage are awesome at mega-volume. I don't know any new music at all :(
Very Pantera...

        |  D
        |  |  R.I.P
        |  |  Dimebag
        \___|            _
          ||  _______  -( (-
          |_'(-------)  '-'
            |      /

          Dead, but loving it.
    Being a Cowboy from Hell n all.

Think I will go and join the LastFM group, even though I rarely play music on computers (maybe I should start, because I can have it much louder...:mhh:).
It'd be good to see what everyone else listens to. Learn some new bands and stuff, since the cycles of music are due to come into alignment again and spawn a new innovation. Not really had one since manufactured bands...
Yeah, I reckon I have much to learn from you people with your strange customs and even stranger music and ideas of cutting-edge facial hair fashion.
That's touching... It's like First Contact with an alien life, but without the anal probe.

Hopefully, anyway...

So go join Abandonia's LastFM channel so I can steal your music.

I just remembered - I don't remember if his name was Gilmore or not. But I think it was. I think the post explains that bit...

The Bard 27-08-2009 09:21 AM

Wait, ok, you totally lost me here. So do you actually know David Gilmour of the Pink Floyd or is it some other Dave Gilmour?
And do you have some tracks of your band or sth?

I play the guitar, for 10 years now, started off with classical, as a kid, finished 6 years of music school and then switched to rock. I mostly jam on my own, don't have a band, but I got a couple of friends that I play with, occasionally.

ShiverMeSideways 27-08-2009 10:53 AM

Nah, sorry, Bard, but no recordings. I do have my solo stuff on display, but we haven't even got our original songs yet. We're still in the cover stages, 'cos they won't play the songs I compose for them :wall: even though they're fairly straightforward metal songs or ballads. Anyhoo, wish me luck in gettin' a drummer...

Saccade 28-08-2009 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by The Bard (Post 380981)
Wait, ok, you totally lost me here. So do you actually know David Gilmour of the Pink Floyd or is it some other Dave Gilmour?

That's what Picard's saying, Bard - It's not Gimour, it's Gilmore...
I can't remember what band he was in, but I know he did a lot of solo stuff.

Saccade 28-08-2009 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by ShiverMeSideways (Post 380995)
Anyhoo, wish me luck in gettin' a drummer...

Here - have a drum kit. They make good bait in drummer traps.


.-.,      ,--. ,--.
`/|~\    \__/T`--'    .      Snap your fingers;
x |`' __  ,-~^~-.___ ==I==    Snap your neck.
  |  |--| /      \__}  |
  |  |  |{  /~\  }    |
 /|\ \__/ \  \_/  /|  /|\
/ | \|  | /`~-_-~'X.\ //| \


Originally Posted by ShiverMeSideways (Post 380995)
'cos they won't play the songs I compose for them :wall: even though they're fairly straightforward metal songs or ballads.

One of the simplest ways to encourage your band members to move past playing other people's songs is to make them think that the original material you've written is the result of a Jamming Session.

Just drop it in there and let the bassist write the bass part (encouraging and directing so that it's what you wanted - often better), the drummer whack out their own rhythm (they work better that way)...
Rhythm guitar needs to back you up and follow the chord progression of the bass in some way - you can help influence their modes and harmonic progression.

The singer, however, is usually some kinda primadonna.
:mhh: That makes them, often, pretty mentally unstable - especially if they play an instrument as well. Expect them to receive all the credit for everything when you start approaching gig organisers and label rats.
It's easier to get them to sing lyrics they've written, unless it's a collaboration, and they don't really have a choice about what key or mode they sing in.

Yeah - Jamming's the way forward.

Good luck in your hunt for a Drummer. If you find a good one, it can make a world of difference to your songs and to your band, because of the steady beat and the amazing fills.

kendricktamis 27-03-2010 05:11 AM

Currently i am playing Guitar. I am playing a "show me the meaning" song in my guitar. Well this is my favourite song that i want to play on my guitar.

The_Lemming 30-03-2010 11:42 PM

Piano and computer keyboard.

angry axe 31-03-2010 11:45 AM

this one :guitar:

UnicornMagic 01-07-2010 06:19 AM

Drums. Used to play Saxaphone... wish I played piano... would love to learn guitar. |D Oh but I have no time. :c

RIPclass 12-09-2010 04:33 PM

I play drums and bass,those are my favourite instruments.
But I also play guitar (classical and acoustic) and sometimes I sing in my band....(Singin' while playing a drum sat is faar more simple....:hihihi:)

Xaromir 27-10-2010 09:04 AM

Daddy of 4.

My first contact was with my mums 60's/70's framus, it's on my to be fixed list.
My first own was a 1983~ aria pro2 zz custom in blood paint.
I got a 1920's parlour guitar which i'm currently restoring.
Got myself a 2010 PRS SE Custom 24 25th anniversary.

It's called GAS. :ouch:
I always wanted to play the piano but it was to expansive. :suspicious:
Pictures anyone?

Frostfell 25-11-2010 07:07 AM

I've been playing bass for the past ten years in a band writing our own songs (in the style of U2, Placebo, The Cure). Would love to learn to play the piano someday.

saibot216 12-04-2011 09:37 PM

I play synth, guitar, and percussion.
My guitar is a black Roland G-707, LOVE IT!
My synths are a Roland SH-201, a Korg Kaossilator, and a Korg Monotron.
Percussion is whatever is around to hit :D

RIPclass 12-10-2011 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by saibot216 (Post 426044)
I play synth, guitar, and percussion.
My guitar is a black Roland G-707, LOVE IT!
My synths are a Roland SH-201, a Korg Kaossilator, and a Korg Monotron.
Percussion is whatever is around to hit :D

I think that's the way where all percussionists begins with :D can you PLAY, one of those "things"? :omg:

saibot216 14-10-2011 06:43 AM

Play it standing up, that's easier. But you see that black piece on the right side of the body? Rest that on your knee. Play it like a normal guitar. Mine does not have the whammy bar though.

holydiver95 17-10-2011 04:54 PM

I play Keyboards for a longer time, started playing Acoustic Guitar in April and now I start playing Electric Guitar

BeastMaster 06-11-2011 07:15 PM

I play classical and electric guitars...and i want to learn how to play mouth harmonica :)

Alboury 27-12-2011 03:52 PM

My arsenal consists of bass, guitar (very much with a slide, both acoustic and electric), harmonica, flute, recorder, tin whistle, ocarina, balalaika, banjo and djembe. All of it started with my grandfather buying me a harmonica when I was four or five. As a kid, I used to play keyboards, too, but I have forgotten everything about those things by now. Which is kinda sad, actually.

gloriashern 20-03-2012 04:35 AM

i just love to play guitar , whenever i get tired of my work or free at home , i just pick up my guitar and stars laying with it.

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