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Iowa 04-09-2006 09:39 PM

Every true gamer has one, through the relatively short history of video games there have been ten that have moulded it and shaped it to perfection, only to leave it's players with mouths agape in awe and astonishment. These are the best of the best.

I'll post my list, but i'd also like you to. Please post a description of why you believe that game deserves to be on the list and in that order. Any game system ever made is eligible.

Edit: You are also encouraged to name Honorable Mentions, and explain why you like them, your favorite games shouldn't just be limited to ten, right?


10. Burnout: Revenge Playstation 2
The fastest, sleekest, most destructive racing game ever created. A must for anyone who loves major car crashes.
9. Goldeneye 007 N64
The one that started it all, a phenomenal single player game, complete with detail and enough objectives and challenge to keep even the most hardcore First Person Shooter fans at the edge of their seat.
8. Driver Playstation
Without a doubt one of the most satisfying racing games ever created. A white-knuckle challenge kept you trying for hours and hours to deliver that hitman to the theater.
7. Star Fox 64 N64
Simply astonishing, the world's greatest flight-based game, in my opinion. Playing as Fox McCloud, you navigate your way through a mult-path galaxy to ultimately end up at your goal: the almighty Andross.
6. Spyro The Dragon Playstation
An absolutely addictive platformer, almost everything about this game is programmed with care, delivering some of the greatest times of your life.
5. Perfect Dark N64
"Perfect" just about describes this one-of-a-kind FPS, playing as Joana Dark, you creep your way through the campaign mode only to arrive at *gasp* the greatest multiplayer mode in any game, ever concieved. I don't care about Halo, Masterchief owes all his fragging prowess to Joana Dark.
4. Quake PC
The one. The greatest FPS ever made...that's it, it just is. Everything about this game is perfect, fantastic level design, horrifying monsters, gruesome weaponry, terrifying atmosphere, this game is Id's finest work.
3. Metal Gear Solid Playstation
Oh, where to begin? Let's start with "Oh my god!"...this game has the best-concieved storyline portrayal and composure of anything on the market, it even beats out most movies! Essentially addiction in a case, I played this one for fourteen hours straight and never once got tired of it.
2. Conker's Bad Fur Day N64
Ah, much bad language, so much inuendo, and yet everything about you is perfect...actually the only thing even slightly wrong is the camera, but it can be overlooked. This game still has some of the best voice-acting ever done, second only to Hideo Kojima's masterpiece. Conker's BFD also has a great plot, and above all, it is absolutely hilarious! The player actually prays for another cutscene, just to hear more of the gut-busting dialogue. A masterpiece, only beaten out by...
1. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
That's right, Zelda. This game is perfect. Don't even argue with me, I won't give up: THIS GAME IS PERFECT. Everything about it is magnificent, the graphics (for the time), the gameplay (best i've ever seen), and the level design (again, best i've ever seen). There isn't one thing wrong with this game anywhere.

Shigeru is the master when it comes to game-making, ALL HAIL THE HYRULIAN KING!


Blood-Pigggy 04-09-2006 10:03 PM

10. Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater Playstation 2 - Probably the best entry in the MGS saga, it had an amazing cinematic quality, some of the most exciting and vigorous action sequences, and one of the most touching endings and well developed characters ever.

9. Tetris Any System Conceivable - Just because it's so damn fun.

8. Ultima: The Black Gate PC and SNES - If you were looking for a freeform RPG with an unequaled amount of available interactions in the world, screw Daggerfall, The Black Gate was your best choice. An excellent storyline just made it so much better, and the detail placed into the world was unsurpassed.

7. Half-Life PC and Playstation 2 - Not only did it change the way FPS games are played today with its amazing cinematic presentation, and incredible immersion, but it also brought the mod community that Doom birthed to its full potential, never before had there been so many mods and third party additions released for a game as there was for Half-Life.

6. Sanitarium PC - Probably one of the best adventure games ever made, Sanitarium's storyline was the best to be found in ANY videogame, with no visible plotholes, unbelievable situations, or lingering doubts of any kind. Along with a touching and deep underlying theme, Sanitarium just blew me away with its A list movie writing.

5. Starcraft PC and N64 - This was the game that revitilized the strategy genre, while most games being pumped out were either Warcraft II clones, or C&C clones, Starcraft finally changed the formulas that so many games had been using before, and set up its own, that while it was copied just as much as Warcraft II left a lasting impression on many gamers.

4. Wasteland C64 and PC - Considered to have been the inspiration for its spiritual successor Fallout, Wasteland had done what many industry types were predicting to be possible only in the late future. By combining an incredibly involving world, some fascinating quests and locales, and some of the most eerily creepy plotlines ever conceived, Wasteland was finally released as the RPG that many people had been searching for for years.

3. Silent Hill 2 Playstation 2 - While its gameplay was considered only "good" by most, this game left such a lasting impression on most gamers, that it's now considered one of the most unforgettable and memorable gaming experiences ever. While its story played upon the themes of marital woes, it delivered a shocking look into the life of a man who was far more troubled than initial impressions could ever have perceived.

2. Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver Playstation - Considered to be Sony's answer to Zelda, the Legacy of Kain series had an excellent run on the original Playstation, before its decent into basic action game mediocrity on the current gen consoles. Soul Reaver, provided an intense and graphicly beautiful world that was so eerily empty and epic, that it dwarfed games developed on much more powerful hardware. With an compelling story (exception towards the lackluster ending) and a fantastic combat system. Soul Reaver was the best the original Playstation had to offer.

1. Super Mario Bros. NES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color - It had no real storyline, it was the most repetitive thing ever, it had the dumbest gaming concept of just jumping around and running, and it had a main character with the personality of a blank sheet of paper. Yet it was the most insidously addictive and expansive game ever to be released in the NES era, or any era for that matter. Even seven years after its released, gamers were still finding undiscovered secrets in the depth of this classic, and although it's grown stale and old by the standards of most games today, it still has that little bit of personality that turned it into the greatest platformer ever to be released.

Iowa 05-09-2006 02:50 AM

Well, you certainly have great gaming taste! I've never tried Sanitarium before, but I will look into it now.

Treewyrm 05-09-2006 10:53 AM

Considering the fact that I don't have any consoles and never had (I dislike them for a specific reasons) here is the list of my favourite games, all of which are PC:

1. Unreal
You might ask "what's so special about it? just another fps". Well, that is true, it is fps but not "just another one", for it was a turning point in my understanding of games in general, specifically the visual part. There aren't many good sci-fi games around, but Unreal stands high and shows how really beautiful alien worlds can be, and when you came out of Vortex Rikers debris you just starting to realise that. Unlike player I would not leave the planet. So I did not and started learning UnrealEd, the map editor for Unreal. :-)

2. Dune 2
What much to say about it other than it's here and that IS a history. Ordos 4tw...

3. Albion
A little german-based development team makes a game people barely know of, but I simply love it. Another good example of well-made sci-fi game with a great story. Someone should make a modern remake (assuming the one done right, not "just a remake").

4. Descent
First real 3D FPS. Other than that it was first to deliver 3dof. I hated those mazes, I hated those robots, I hated it so much that I started to love it more than any other FPS game! Quite an unusual experience, never in my life I had a game which I started to like after so much hate. Now I play it sometimes, it's always fun, straight-forward and very addictive.

5. Planescape: Torment
Some spent all to become immortal. Here is the chance to be one, turns out it is extremely boring to be immortal. PS:T is a great game with a great story. Dark and eerie, yet sometimes feels so home, a strange game but a brilliant one nonetheless.

6. Duke Nukem 3D
Aahh, here is something that everyone knows. No need explanation for this title. Execpt that I have to mention that I spent more hours in it's map editor (BUILD) than any other games combined. Incredible, eh?

That's just 6... 6 most important games to me. Others have great value to me too but they're just not on the top of my mountain, so that's it.

p.s. Freespace 2 should have special mention. Sathanas coming out of subspace just in front of you in the nebula... that's something you will not forget.

p.p.s. I had ZX spectrum as well, but it's hard to remember certain game there, many were cool but so many years passed... saboteur perhaps, r-type (yea, it was on zx too), survivor, rex 1/2 (awesome game, platformer but very detailed) just to name a few...

Horoma 05-09-2006 01:44 PM

Hard to pick just 10. Here are the first 10 I could think of, in no particular order, except number 1. Only PC-games, as I don't have any consoles.

1) UFO Enemy Unknown / Terror From The Deep : Need I say more, the ultimate classics, these games still have me addicted after such a long time. The X-com turn-based tactical combat is simply great.

2) Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines : Be it with storytelling, card games or video games, I've always been fond of the World of Darkness. Based on the Halflife 2 engine (not the definitive one), this game surely enhanced that experience, despite it's bugs. Many quests with different solutions provide for a non-linear storyline, where using your brains is as important as using your fists/weapons.

3) King's Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, Larry, ... : When I was a kid, these Sierra adventures sure kept my behind my computer for a long time. I always loved humor in games.

4) Carmageddon : Never thought I'd enjoy driving into pedestrians with my car in an artistic way. Fun +

5) Star Wars - Rogue Squadron / Battle For Naboo : Perhaps not the most obvious Star Wars games, but these 2 were really so much fun to play.

6) Sid Meier's Civilization : Again, a game that got me hooked for a long time. No introduction needed I suppose.

7) Soulbringer : Not very well known, this RPG. No multiplayer, a few bugs, game controls that sometimes got me crazy, I can see why this title wasn't a big success. But somehow this game's atmosphere left a strong impression on me. I would definitely encourage a remake of this game, thought I seriously doubt it will ever happen.

8) Loderunner : So addictive, this classic game

9) The Mind's Eye : Very strange game. I still remember that sweet woman's voice at the start "At twice midnight, I give you light". In the same category, I could also have mentioned classics like 7th Guest, Myst or Atlantis.

10) Star Trek - Birth Of The Federation : Civilization in a Star Trek universe, but very well done, safe a few bugs. Play as Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians or Ferengi for a different gaming experience (specific structures and ships, but also different layout and music). I can't wait till any of the 2 fan-made sequels is completed.

Iowa 06-09-2006 12:22 AM

Honorable Mentions:

Duke Nukem 3D PC...we'll just ignore the 64 version...
Combining pulse-pounding action with gut-busting humor and a B-horror movie plot, Duke still stands out today as...well, I think i'll let him do the talking: "Hail to the king, baby!"...'nough said.

Max Payne PC and Playstation 2
You. Yes you, the one with the keyboard and the Playstation 2, stop what you're doing. Go out to your local video-game outlet and look for this game in the bargain bin, it should only cost you eight dollars tops...what will you get for those five to eight measly dollars? One of the most unforgettable action-game experiences you'll ever have in your life. This game comes from both the creators of Grand Theft Auto and Duke Nukem, really. And as if that weren't enough, they threw in the Matrix while they were at it...the result? Diving down a flight of stairs in slow-motion with two Berettas blazing, nailing your enemies through the head and listening to them scream in agony as they fall to their knees...i'd pay eight dollars for that. For the record, this is the first "Bullet Time" game, it invented the slo-mo in games, neat eh?

More comin' at ya later...

Oh, and I edited the first post, take a look.

STFM 06-09-2006 04:06 AM

Might as well be an extension of my top 3!

1. Fallout
I just love the atomic 50's style

2. Diablo (ps version)
Endless multiplayer fun

3. Eye of the Beholder 2

4. Streets of Rage 2 (genesis/MD)
Colourful, well proportioned graphics, good combat engine, cool special moves, balanced difficulty, 2 player simultaneous - loved it!

5. Shadowrun (genesis/MD)
It was more loyal to the FASA creation than the snes version. A bit difficult to control at times but was interesting to play.

6. Mega lo mania (atari st)
"The designs ready" From the strange lads at sensible software... Mine strange elements, get advanced, get numbers, kill the other guys on the little island (or "epoch"). Frantic and brilliant!

7. Killer Instinct (snes)
Good arcade conversion with a brilliant combo system which was easy to use but also enabled you to learn challenging "hack" combos

8. Speedball (Atari ST/Amiga)
I broke over 10 joysticks playing this game.

9. European Air War
Apart from my obsession with all things WW2, this game had a pretty good physics and ai engine combined with a large, talented mod scene.

10. Mechwarrior 2
I just liked running around in a big metal thing shooting other big metal things!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 6 2006, 10:22 AM) [snapback]253009[/snapback]</div>

For the record, this is the first "Bullet Time" game, it invented the slo-mo in games, neat eh?
Prince of Persia :whistling:

TheChosen 07-09-2006 06:50 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 6 2006, 12:22 AM) [snapback]253009[/snapback]</div>

Honorable Mentions:

Duke Nukem 3D PC...we'll just ignore the 64 version...

What do you mean "ignore"??? 64 version was great! And it had multiplayer option against bots!

Blood-Pigggy 07-09-2006 07:04 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(STFM @ Sep 6 2006, 12:06 AM) [snapback]253030[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 6 2006, 10:22 AM) [snapback]253009[/snapback]

For the record, this is the first "Bullet Time" game, it invented the slo-mo in games, neat eh?
Prince of Persia :whistling:

Prince of Persia had bulletime? :P

Iowa 08-09-2006 03:45 AM

Actually STFM, Max Payne came out before PoP...I believe...

And TheChosen, Duke Nukem 64 wasn't was just mediocre...crappy save system, censorship, washed-out graphics, no auto-aim, censorship, passable multiplayer...censorship.

I had fun with it for a little bit...then I bought the PC version and never went back.

Extremely Honorable Mention:

Wolfenstein 3D just about every single one...

Well, I need not say too much, as the crowd i'm talking to already knows the drill: navigate maze, shoot people/things, find key, beat boss, repeat. However, Wolf3D is spectacular (like everything Id publishes), it just has this engaging factor that pulls you in and keeps you enlessly navigating trying to find that damned last key! A thoroughly enjoyable time by any standards, Kosta gave this game a 3...I believe our master is insane, guys.

TheChosen 08-09-2006 08:32 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 8 2006, 03:45 AM) [snapback]253589[/snapback]</div>

Actually STFM, Max Payne came out before PoP...I believe...

And TheChosen, Duke Nukem 64 wasn't was just mediocre...crappy save system, censorship, washed-out graphics, no auto-aim, censorship, passable multiplayer...censorship.

Censorship? Yes, but so what! Its a frikking shooting game, not a porn game!
Crappy save system? Aye, but you can always use cheats.
No auto-aim? Who needs auto-aim??
Washed-out graphics? I dont think so.
Passable multiplayer? Right, whatever.

Mighty Midget 08-09-2006 08:47 AM

In no particular order:

Ultima Underworld The Stygian Abyss: It was the first 1st person I played that was more than decent. Add the exporing the unknown bit, magic (some of it pretty neat), exellent atmosphere and sounds, and that game is a timeless gem.

TIE Fighter: A space sim with a plot! How about that, eh! Hot graphics (seriously), wingmen for you to command (the first I played with that feature). Beside, it's STAR WARS and you get to play the other side. :brain: :kosta:

Le Mans (C64): A real arcade hall fiesta. Nothing more and nothing less. Just because I'm sentimental :)

Hitman CN 47: Taking out 3-4 guys with a single head shot makes this game a blast. And I really like the concept of sneaking rather than all out assault. Of course, the graphics were the best I had seen at that time.

Panzer General 2: It adressed some issues with the 1st, and with leaders' abilities it is a really fun strategy game to play. When you find and exploit the errors/bugs/glitches it's a downright riot.

Sudden Strike: RTS where you can give orders in pause mode. No reason except it's great fun to play. I usually go nerdy with this game and collect artillery pieces just to see how much the enemy can take of his own scrap metal.

Steel Panthers MBT ->: A strategy game that is just about nerdy/complex enough for me. It's fairly challenging and one of the few strategy games where I have to plan the next 3 rounds constantly: Usually with other TBS games I just go trigger happy and see what happens.

Frontier First Encounter: The freedom....... Ah!

Fort Apocalypse (C64): Another arcade hall kind of game that is rather addictive in it's simpleness.

Daggerfall: Freedom to chose. BIG TIME! Really neat magic and some pretty heavy duty dungeons.

Worth mentioning:

Morrowind. Not as great as DF, but much more fun magic, some of them custom combos are just awesome. AND you get to create your own magical equipment. Mucho important.

Baldur's Gate: To me, this is THE classic RPG. The simple rules, the great story/plot, the locations... the tactical bit.... Just an awesome game

Iowa 09-09-2006 12:04 AM

I've always wondered about that "Tie Fighter" looked fun enough on TV.


washed out graphics? I don't think so.
It's a frikking shooting game, not a porn game![/b]
Umm, are you entirely sure you have normal eyesight? If you compare the versions side-by-side, the PC version kicks the living crap out of the 64 version, in the latter you can barely read signs and stuff on the wall...

And about it not being a porn game, well that wasn't really what I was getting at, I was more reffering to Duke's quotes (you know, the ones that actually sold the game), and the level design...Duke Burger on the second level? Excuse me? I thought I wouldn't be seeing Duke's face on a fast-food chain until the fourth chapter...

However I will give the 64 credit where credit is due:

-Multiplayer is fun by yourself for a while, as the levels are huge, but with a friend, not so much...
-I like dual SMGs better than the Chain Cannon
-Two words: Plasma Gun.
-The voice acting's a bit better...but I still say he doesn't swear enough and therefore must be a clone of Duke.
-You can kick carcasses until they disentigrate, coaxing Duke to say something cool.
-The pistol looks better
-It has a Grenade Laucher...mmm, grenade launcher...*drools*
-The explosions are exponentially bigger.

There ya go, if you put both of my tallies together, it'll sound unbiased!

I win! :brain:

Blood-Pigggy 09-09-2006 01:14 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Sep 8 2006, 04:47 AM) [snapback]253624[/snapback]</div>

Daggerfall: Freedom to chose. BIG TIME! Really neat magic and some pretty heavy duty dungeons.

Just my opinion, but I think Daggerfall is an overrated buggy hash. :D

Iowa 09-09-2006 01:52 AM

Never heard of it...

Mighty Midget 09-09-2006 11:55 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 9 2006, 03:14 AM) [snapback]253818[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Sep 8 2006, 04:47 AM) [snapback]253624[/snapback]

Daggerfall: Freedom to chose. BIG TIME! Really neat magic and some pretty heavy duty dungeons.

Just my opinion, but I think Daggerfall is an overrated buggy hash. :D

Ok, so it is buggy. But you'll see people that are ugly, repulsive, revolting or downright disturbingly awful still get married LOL . See my point? :sneaky:

Treewyrm 09-09-2006 12:05 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Sep 9 2006, 03:55 PM) [snapback]253888[/snapback]</div>

Ok, so it is buggy. But you'll see people that are ugly, repulsive, revolting or downright disturbingly awful still get married LOL . See my point? :sneaky:
Ahaha, yea, there is certain point at which you don't care for bugs the game might have. Buggerfall was full of bugs but my patience saved the day. I still keep it in my collection, although I doubt I'll want to go through that hell again. :-)

Vendermarch 09-09-2006 01:01 PM

OK just for the record: I value story in games (in newer ones that is) the most. Second comes the gameplay and other. So my top ten would be:

1: Baldur's Gate 2 + Throne of Bhaal
2: Baldurs Gate 1
3: Metal Gear Solid 3
4: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
5: UFO: Enemy Unknown
6: Fallout 2
7: Fallout 1
8: GTA: San Andreas
9: Theme Park
10: Metal Gear Solid

Blood-Pigggy 09-09-2006 04:08 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Sep 9 2006, 07:55 AM) [snapback]253888[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 9 2006, 03:14 AM) [snapback]253818[/snapback]

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Sep 8 2006, 04:47 AM) [snapback]253624[/snapback]

Daggerfall: Freedom to chose. BIG TIME! Really neat magic and some pretty heavy duty dungeons.

Just my opinion, but I think Daggerfall is an overrated buggy hash. :D

Ok, so it is buggy. But you'll see people that are ugly, repulsive, revolting or downright disturbingly awful still get married LOL . See my point? :sneaky:

Yeah, but this is a video game, it's not going to get married to something, besides, it was utterly devoid of personality, after you play it for awhile, the randomization really gets to you after you realize that despite the geography, everything is the same.

Iowa 09-09-2006 06:06 PM

Funny how popular Halo is...yet I haven't even seen an honorable mention for it yet...

Blood-Pigggy 10-09-2006 12:16 AM

Halo is a fantastic game, but it didn't do anything spectacular.
I'd play it over a ton of FPS games in the market right now (including Doom 3 or Quake 4) but it won't replace Half-Life anytime soon.

Treewyrm 10-09-2006 03:26 PM

Halo despite having some sort of nice sci-fi story is just a mediocre shooter in terms of gameplay. Perhaps that is because the game was made for consoles in mind. Nice ideas, nice scenes sometimes but overall it's not impressive at all. Good game but lacks a lot to be great game. Especially for PC platform.

enidra 10-09-2006 03:47 PM

my list:

1. World of Warcraft - its so damn addictive
2. Guildwars - wow without lag + better questline imo
3. Diablo - the game that made me a real computer player
4. monkey island - a great game then and now
+ several other games, but these are my favourites

Iowa 10-09-2006 03:57 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Treewyrm @ Sep 10 2006, 08:26 AM) [snapback]254191[/snapback]</div>

Halo despite having some sort of nice sci-fi story is just a mediocre shooter in terms of gameplay. Perhaps that is because the game was made for consoles in mind. Nice ideas, nice scenes sometimes but overall it's not impressive at all. Good game but lacks a lot to be great game. Especially for PC platform.
I don't believe anyone knows why Halo is so popular...I actually think it's a great and special game because, while it plays off of every cliche and brings almost nothing new, it brings out the true beauty in game mechanics we've already seen and reminds us just how much fun we've had with them. Not only that, but the multiplayer in both Halos is only second to Perfect Dark, in my opinion of course.

The story, while I admit that it wasn't very innovative, it really wasn't emphasised all that much, now if it had been a story-based game like Final Fantasy (which we've also not seen a mention), then I would completely demerit the game. Overall, I just think Halo is very fun, although it might just be because I don't own the game and only get to play it about twice a year, making every play fresh and new...and I admit it, it does get a bit tiring.

Overall, i'd give Halo a good 8/10, the combined multiplayer score: 9/10.

Never played Half-Life, and I swear i'm going to get it...but I have a question: what is it about HL that sets it apart from every other shooter (such as the aforemention Halo)? When I watch people play it on TV, it looks extremely fun...but nothing special. However, I have noticed some original qualities in HL2.

And on a side note, MMORPGs entertain me for an extremely little amount of time, then I walk away, then I go back, rinse and repeat. I don't see why people are so addicted to looks like an awful waste of time to me. (Note: i'm speaking from a point with absolutely no WoW experience, and these are just my opinions on gameplay snippets i've seen).

Blood-Pigggy 10-09-2006 04:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Treewyrm @ Sep 10 2006, 11:26 AM) [snapback]254191[/snapback]</div>

Halo despite having some sort of nice sci-fi story is just a mediocre shooter in terms of gameplay. Perhaps that is because the game was made for consoles in mind. Nice ideas, nice scenes sometimes but overall it's not impressive at all. Good game but lacks a lot to be great game. Especially for PC platform.
Lies, it's far from mediocre, it's fun as hell.

@Iowa: It doesn't look like anything special now, but back when it was released the only FPS games you were EVER going to find were the ones with the little "mission" screens, there were hardly any scripted events, structured stories, or such, almost all of them were just split into seperate little "episodes" with a small text prompt at the beggining, Half-Life was the first game ever to utlilize scripting everywhere to tell the story, not only that, but it didn't have a single cinemtic (unlike Quake II for example) and the player was ALWAYS playing the game, level design was amazing, since everything was put together seemlessly, unlike the earlier FPS games which just had a punch of levels connected together with an entrance and exit, Half-Life made sense, you'd go into one section of the facility, only to see through a window a section you were just in.

Half-Life also let you interact with NPCs like no other FPS game had done before, people would talk, respond to monsters, and etc.

To be frank, it did a about 500 million things never seen in a game before in just one 14 hour game.

Iowa 10-09-2006 05:43 PM

Well that just about makes me want to buy it...I saw it at Hastings for 16$, but it was bundled with about three or four expansions...

Blood-Pigggy 10-09-2006 05:53 PM

Don't buy that. Try to find a used one with the CD key, then you can get all the expansions, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, and several other mods that you would reguraly need to pay for, for free, via Steam.

TheChosen 11-09-2006 06:47 AM

@Iowa= Im not saying that N64 version was better than PC. Im saying that it's not bad.

Anyway, lets not argue about this anymore. Now to other topics....

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 9 2006, 01:14 AM) [snapback]253818[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Sep 8 2006, 04:47 AM) [snapback]253624[/snapback]

Daggerfall: Freedom to chose. BIG TIME! Really neat magic and some pretty heavy duty dungeons.

Just my opinion, but I think Daggerfall is an overrated buggy hash. :D

Buggy? I would say crashy.

I got Daggerfall this summer (thanks to my friend) and i almost sold my soul to it. It had great athmosphere and the world was HUUUGE.

However, after I played it two weeks in a row, I't started to be a bit boring.

Mighty Midget 11-09-2006 09:49 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 9 2006, 01:14 AM) [snapback]253818[/snapback]</div>

Just my opinion, but I think Daggerfall is an overrated buggy hash. :D
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TheChosen @ Sep 11 2006, 08:47 AM) [snapback]254319[/snapback]</div>

Buggy? I would say crashy.

I got Daggerfall this summer (thanks to my friend) and i almost sold my soul to it. It had great athmosphere and the world was HUUUGE.

However, after I played it two weeks in a row, I't started to be a bit boring.
Until I patched it with fixmaps (I think it's called), it was unplayable, crashing in the starter dungeon after less than 2 minutes. True, there still were crashes, but not as many as I hear others have. I played it under win98se and it's a version meant to run under win (!). Also, it has the latest patch.

Sidenote: I have never seen a game with as many patches as this one. Patches were released to patch the previous patches... It's madness.

I also get a bit bored when playing it for 'ages', but then I quit playing for a while and then return. Only problem is that I then need to do some heavy reading of notes to catch up on the plot and status.

Iowa 12-09-2006 01:02 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 10 2006, 10:53 AM) [snapback]254218[/snapback]</div>

Don't buy that. Try to find a used one with the CD key, then you can get all the expansions, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, and several other mods that you would reguraly need to pay for, for free, via Steam.
Umm, are these expansions downloadable via 28.8k modem?

Oh, and i've come to the conclusion that Max Payne has the best-presented storyline i've ever seen in a game.

Treewyrm 12-09-2006 08:27 PM

Max Payne... Yes, but it's more like reading a book. A good example of how linear game should be "told".

I also think of Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance from the Legacy of Kain series are good at that, the story wraps around you as you progress the game and while you cannot affect it you still go on to learn more, to "read" more about it.

Blood-Pigggy 12-09-2006 09:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 11 2006, 09:02 PM) [snapback]254520[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 10 2006, 10:53 AM) [snapback]254218[/snapback]

Don't buy that. Try to find a used one with the CD key, then you can get all the expansions, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, and several other mods that you would reguraly need to pay for, for free, via Steam.
Umm, are these expansions downloadable via 28.8k modem?

Oh, and i've come to the conclusion that Max Payne has the best-presented storyline i've ever seen in a game.

I doubt that, Max Payne has a good method with its comic book style scenes, but unfortunatly, they take a lot of the intimacy out of the experience, I find Half-Life's never ceasing involvement of yourself in everything going on a much better game of actually telling a story in a game, I really believe all games should be like Half-Life, there need to be more stories told by PLAYING the game, not just watching cinematics, unless of course, it's something incredible like Metal Gear Solid.

Iron_Scarecrow 15-09-2006 11:37 AM

I wont go through the hassle and stress it would be to pick 10 but Suikoden 2, Golden Sun 1 & 2, UT series and Battlefront series would be in there. Possibly Tales of Eternia and Tales of Symphonia too.

EDIT: LOL That's actually 10 games right there.

chainsoar 15-09-2006 02:21 PM

Seeing Pigggy talk about immersive storylines has left me with one name stuck in the forefront of my brain - Metal Gear Solid 2. At the end of that game, your brain hurts. Definitely the most in-depth and monumentally complex storyline I've ever encountered in a game.

Iowa 15-09-2006 07:39 PM

I have Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, and i've almost beaten number 1 with my friend (can't kill the damned Metal Gear)...unfortunately, my Playstation broke about two days after I got MGS3 and I got really stuck in number two...

But the first one...oh, god, there was an experience...I have never, and still to this day haven't, seen a better storyline in any game created.

Oh, and you still didn't answer my dial-up question! :tomato:

Honorable Mention:

Star Fox: Adventures
Zelda, but you play as a fox...what more could you possibly ask 'bout a hot girl and a whole bunch of magical powers? Check.

Blood-Pigggy 16-09-2006 06:30 PM

Star Fox: Adventures was a mediocre Zelda rip off in my opinion.
Assault was the game they should've made instead of Adventures.

Iowa 17-09-2006 08:15 PM

LOL LOL You're so contrary to my opinion, it's hilarious...

Assault was pure, unadulterated mediocrity. I really like Adventures, actually, because it's so much like Zelda, but puts in it's own elements...

I wanna play Command...stupid non-having portable game system!

Blood-Pigggy 17-09-2006 09:00 PM

I more or less enjoyed Assault far more than Adventures because it had its own formula, and unlike Adventures, it only got better, it didn't go downhill like Adventures the instant you beat the first dungeon for example.

It was also the REAL Starfox game, it had Starfox gameplay, and it capitilized on that by expanding it.

troop18546 17-09-2006 09:15 PM

In no particular order:

Max Payne,
Vivisector: Beast Within,
Arcanum (not to mention all other games from Troika),
Diablo (series),
The Suffering (series),
M.A.X.2 (best strategy ever???),
HOMM (from IV it's downhill),
Hitman (series),

And others, many of them here by me.

Coming up are to be the best of 2006-2007:

Cryotasis: Sleep of Reason,

Blood-Pigggy 17-09-2006 10:06 PM

Arcanum was FANTASTIC!

But a few game killing bugs (buying a ship, all Arcanum fans know this one, hehe) and the freaking annoying random encounters and its retarded AI kinda made me refrain from putting it on my list.

And I thought HOMM V was a MASSIVE improvement, I think they lost their pace with IV but came back up strong with number five.
And M.A.X. I won't really comment on that, but all I will say is massive unbalance between the different factions, it can't hold a candle to Starcraft or Dominions.

PS - The best game of 2005 was God of War :P

Iowa 18-09-2006 01:17 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 17 2006, 02:00 PM) [snapback]255658[/snapback]</div>

I more or less enjoyed Assault far more than Adventures because it had its own formula, and unlike Adventures, it only got better, it didn't go downhill like Adventures the instant you beat the first dungeon for example.

It was also the REAL Starfox game, it had Starfox gameplay, and it capitilized on that by expanding it.
The first "real" Starfox game...oh my god, dude, you're fighting over the dead carcass of a two-star game!

Let me try to name the good and bad points of Assault:


-flight sequences


-on foot combat
-repetetive gameplay
-mediocre voiceovers
-horribly unbalanced multiplayer

And while I admit that Adventures isn't the greatest thing in the world, I do like it alot, and think it's more of a SF game than Assault will ever be.

Are we going to stop arguing now, or shall we continue?

PS- I want to play Painkiller very badly...but I don't think my poor computer is up to the task...

Blood-Pigggy 18-09-2006 01:32 AM

Assault was twenty million times more entertaining than Adventures.

Mediocre voice overs? Did you know how many times I abused Prince Tricky just because of his horrible voice?

STFM 18-09-2006 06:36 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 8 2006, 01:45 PM) [snapback]253589[/snapback]</div>

Actually STFM, Max Payne came out before PoP...I believe...
Um... no, I meant the original Prince of Persia - where you would drink the green potion and time would slow down and you could 'float' off platforms but still move freely left and right!
Even Bubble bobble and some versions of pacman had a "freeze time" mode!

However if you define this bullet time as 'slowing down the game environment while retaining the character movement ability in a first person 3d shooter game involving the use of guns' then yes, Max Payne was the first to use bullet time. ^_^

troop18546 18-09-2006 11:29 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 18 2006, 01:06 AM) [snapback]255674[/snapback]</div>

Arcanum was FANTASTIC!

But a few game killing bugs (buying a ship, all Arcanum fans know this one, hehe) and the freaking annoying random encounters and its retarded AI kinda made me refrain from putting it on my list.

And I thought HOMM V was a MASSIVE improvement, I think they lost their pace with IV but came back up strong with number five.
And M.A.X. I won't really comment on that, but all I will say is massive unbalance between the different factions, it can't hold a candle to Starcraft or Dominions.

PS - The best game of 2005 was God of War :P
Arcanum (despite bugs; I didn't encounter annoying ones) is the RPG GOD-GAME, absolutely everything is intriguening (spelling??), even the diary reading was fun for me.
About HOMM series. I just said that, because the graphic change was an annoying one (I like 2D more than 3D, unless it's and engine of ToEE - that ruled. ToEE was the best looking RPG EVER. It features perfect graphics (although the game is tough for me :tomato: ).

And finally M.A.X.2 - the whole atmosphere and the super AI + never seen actions available made it my #1 strategy game. I even have a book on it's story in developement (started in 2003 end or early 2004 I think). Like I said - the game which would've achieved the best prizes, but had very dated graphics.

EDIT: Sorry, BP, forgot the 2 on M.A.X.2. I was talking about M.A.X.2


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 18 2006, 04:17 AM) [snapback]255693[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 17 2006, 02:00 PM) [snapback]255658[/snapback]

I more or less enjoyed Assault far more than Adventures because it had its own formula, and unlike Adventures, it only got better, it didn't go downhill like Adventures the instant you beat the first dungeon for example.

It was also the REAL Starfox game, it had Starfox gameplay, and it capitilized on that by expanding it.
The first "real" Starfox game...oh my god, dude, you're fighting over the dead carcass of a two-star game!

Let me try to name the good and bad points of Assault:


-flight sequences


-on foot combat
-repetetive gameplay
-mediocre voiceovers
-horribly unbalanced multiplayer

And while I admit that Adventures isn't the greatest thing in the world, I do like it alot, and think it's more of a SF game than Assault will ever be.

Are we going to stop arguing now, or shall we continue?

PS- I want to play Painkiller very badly...but I don't think my poor computer is up to the task...

Painkiller - best game of 2004 (IMO, phuck HL2), you really gotta get it.
On x64 systems it works x2 :D :D :D

Morrin 18-09-2006 04:39 PM

Aight, here comes.

1. Deus Ex
The most brilliant game ever made and will remain the most brilliant to the destruction of human kind. I hope aliens after thousands of years find this when we are dead, and remember us as maker of the best game in the universe. End of discussion. :)

2. System Shock 2
Pretty much same than with Deus Ex. Creepy, scary, eerie, heart attack. Elite of the elite.

3. Rome: total realism (mod of vanilla rome: total war)
Strategy simply haven't been better since this game. Every crappy rush rush strategygame haven't appealed to me after this. Also, I happen to be fanatic reader of antique history so the theme is close to me. Original was distrubingly false in historical matter (fantasy units for example: hail roman ninja assassins!)

4. Civilizations (CivNet, windows port)
I haven't ever liked any civilization as much as the first one. Everything just fits together in this version.

5. Pirates! Live the life (newest version)
You just gotta love this game. Gives a nice alternative to the darkness that surrounds most gaming industry today.

7. Stunts
The best racing game ever made. I cannot even say why it is so good.. because it just is!

8. Etc etc
It is REALLY hard to make these games in order (except for first three) and there are lot of good games and I mean a lot. I propably have some games even better than those in the list, but as I said, it is impossible to make perfect absolute list.

Blood-Pigggy 18-09-2006 10:45 PM

M.A.X. 2? Jeeze, the first one was decent, but number two was just bad.

Dark Reign had much better AI interactions that M.A.X. 2.

Iowa 19-09-2006 12:32 AM

I didn't say Adventures had good voiceovers, in fact, that is certainly a flaw in the game (I too hit Tricky repeatedly with the staff about every time I play).

Morrin: Is Deus Ex for the PC? And if so, will it work with a 98, 16MB graphics card, and a 330MHZ proccessor?

Oh, damn it! I forgot RE4!

In fact, that actually is in my top ten...ah damn! I forgot Guitar Hero also!

Well, you can read my review that i've already assembled for the latter: GH Review

I'll write one for Resident Evil 4 in a bit, but now I have to go...i'll give you a preview: it gets a ten out of ten!

TheGiantMidgit 19-09-2006 06:18 AM

I've been plugging a few hours into Command, and it's quite well done, but it lacks the whole Starfox dramatic versatile scrolling levels. Everything is in all range mode, but the whole strategic Risk-esque factor is pretty well implemented.

And I know Nintendo isn't the most well looked upon platform around here, but dammit, Orcarina of Time #1.

Morrin 19-09-2006 09:30 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 19 2006, 12:32 AM) [snapback]255951[/snapback]</div>

Morrin: Is Deus Ex for the PC? And if so, will it work with a 98, 16MB graphics card, and a 330MHZ proccessor?

Yes, it's for pc. There's also PS2 version but I take absolutely no repsonsibility upon my words on that version. It looked pretty crappy to me.. no offense, PS2 users.

When I got it days back, I had computer something like this:

Intel Celeron 400MHz
Voodoo 3 2000 16Mb
16 Mb (I think it was)

And it ran just nicely. The engine and the game was designed for voodoo cards (unreal engine) and I remember hearing lot's of complaints of lagginess in non-voodo machines in those days. So I think it could work, maybe little performance problems in bigger areas.

troop18546 19-09-2006 02:15 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 19 2006, 01:45 AM) [snapback]255931[/snapback]</div>

M.A.X. 2? Jeeze, the first one was decent, but number two was just bad.

Dark Reign had much better AI interactions that M.A.X. 2.
IMO... :whistling:

Iowa 20-09-2006 01:53 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TheGiantMidgit @ Sep 18 2006, 11:18 PM) [snapback]255976[/snapback]</div>

I've been plugging a few hours into Command, and it's quite well done, but it lacks the whole Starfox dramatic versatile scrolling levels. Everything is in all range mode, but the whole strategic Risk-esque factor is pretty well implemented.

And I know Nintendo isn't the most well looked upon platform around here, but dammit, Orcarina of Time #1.
Well, I want to play Command even more now...

And you're 100% correct, OoT is certainly the greatest game there ever was, or will ever be.

P.S.: IMO means what?

Morrin 20-09-2006 05:15 AM

IMO = I my opinion
IMHO = In my honest opinion

So hes's not honest now?

gregor 20-09-2006 10:27 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 12 2006, 01:02 AM) [snapback]254520[/snapback]</div>

Umm, are these expansions downloadable via 28.8k modem?
the stuff he mentioned are not expensions you get when you buy the bundle. When you buy those you get (aside from Half-life) counter strike (with a second CD KEY to use), opposing force (single player new story&weapons) and blue shift (single player game, same weapons but only those security guard would know how to use). you also get team fortress on it...

you can later download day of defeat (the older version had a great bot) and many other mods such as firearms, thenn one mod about American civil war... but those are multiplayer mods.

If you have 28.8kb Modem it will take a loooooong time to download the mods. when i still had that modem i just bought the bundle then i downloaded bots (only 1 or 2MB) and enjoyed in multiplayer mode on my own (LAN). plus i have 2 CD keys and i can now use both for play (or since i have a brother we could both play online).

If you can download the mods somewhere else later you can play it quite decently over the net (especially some mods) since half life had the network code well done. and with a few tweaks you can get quite low pings with normal modem.

bottom line i went for the package. and i would do it again if i "had to".

troop18546 20-09-2006 11:50 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Morrin @ Sep 20 2006, 08:15 AM) [snapback]256189[/snapback]</div>

IMO = I my opinion
IMHO = In my honest opinion

So hes's not honest now?
It's he's, not "hes's", btw, I am honest. :whistling:

gregor 20-09-2006 12:05 PM

My list. So hard to decide which ones... i am sure i forgot some.

10. Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of destiny
9. Civilisation(s)
8. Doom 2
7. XCOM: Terror from the deep
6. Ultima underworld 1 (&2)
5. Heroes of Might & Magic
4. Settlers 3
3. Unreal (& UT)
2. Morrowind
1. Half-life and its mods&expansions

I also liked the sword fighting and effects in Jedi Knight 2: Jedi outcast especially the effect of force speed.

Medal of honour had a lot of potential, but too much of the story was deja vu.

Ah yes space empires 3 get's to be mentioned here as a good & fun strategy game. Probably takes up the 11th place.

I haven't tried yet the Half-life 2, Settlers 4 and i have system shock (1&2) on standby (i hear it's great). Hmm offtopic - is system shock fun in coop play?

Morrin 20-09-2006 05:21 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(troop18546 @ Sep 20 2006, 11:50 AM) [snapback]256253[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Morrin @ Sep 20 2006, 08:15 AM) [snapback]256189[/snapback]

IMO = I my opinion
IMHO = In my honest opinion

So hes's not honest now?
It's he's, not "hes's", btw, I am honest. :whistling:

Yeah, typo

Blood-Pigggy 20-09-2006 08:30 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 20 2006, 06:27 AM) [snapback]256235[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 12 2006, 01:02 AM) [snapback]254520[/snapback]

Umm, are these expansions downloadable via 28.8k modem?
the stuff he mentioned are not expensions you get when you buy the bundle. When you buy those you get (aside from Half-life) counter strike (with a second CD KEY to use), opposing force (single player new story&weapons) and blue shift (single player game, same weapons but only those security guard would know how to use). you also get team fortress on it...

you can later download day of defeat (the older version had a great bot) and many other mods such as firearms, thenn one mod about American civil war... but those are multiplayer mods.

If you have 28.8kb Modem it will take a loooooong time to download the mods. when i still had that modem i just bought the bundle then i downloaded bots (only 1 or 2MB) and enjoyed in multiplayer mode on my own (LAN). plus i have 2 CD keys and i can now use both for play (or since i have a brother we could both play online).

If you can download the mods somewhere else later you can play it quite decently over the net (especially some mods) since half life had the network code well done. and with a few tweaks you can get quite low pings with normal modem.

bottom line i went for the package. and i would do it again if i "had to".

You forgot the game that's better than all the other games you get on Steam, Day of Defeat, SOOO much better than Counter-strike and any of the other mods.

Iowa 21-09-2006 12:24 AM

IMO Splinter Cell is a great game, but the third one, "Chaos Theory" is the get a knife... :drool:

Blood-Pigggy 21-09-2006 01:00 AM

And the co-op is awesome.

gregor 21-09-2006 05:35 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 20 2006, 08:30 PM) [snapback]256339[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 20 2006, 06:27 AM) [snapback]256235[/snapback]

you can later download day of defeat (the older version had a great bot) and many other mods such as firearms, thenn one mod about American civil war... but those are multiplayer mods.
You forgot the game that's better than all the other games you get on Steam, Day of Defeat, SOOO much better than Counter-strike and any of the other mods.

no i didn't. :-P

Iowa 21-09-2006 11:46 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 20 2006, 06:00 PM) [snapback]256361[/snapback]</div>

And the co-op is awesome.
Hmm, I haven't delved into the co-op that much at friend and I spent about a half-hour trying to figure out the damned tutorials (I have it on Gamecube).

Blood-Pigggy 22-09-2006 12:18 AM

I played it on the X-Box, and we got through the tutorial pretty easily, maybe the controls are just easier.

Iowa 22-09-2006 01:14 AM

Yeah, you know that little D-pad on the GC controller? That's used for pretty much everything...*shudders*

gregor 22-09-2006 07:11 AM

I FORGOT! Arx Fatalis - it is a great tribute to Ultima underworld and those that played UW and liked it a lot should try out Arx Fatalis.

Mighty Midget 22-09-2006 02:42 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 22 2006, 09:11 AM) [snapback]256605[/snapback]</div>

I FORGOT! Arx Fatalis - it is a great tribute to Ultima underworld and those that played UW and liked it a lot should try out Arx Fatalis.
Thanks! Being a huge UW fan, I think I'll do just that.

Hamster of Doom 22-09-2006 03:41 PM

But don´t even think about starting the game before installing the final patch.
The game has a high rank on my list of favorites too, but without the patches it is really bug-infested (and the chances are high that the player is unable to finish it due to a bug).

snake289 22-09-2006 08:35 PM

doom,pc,snes,ps1,gba,sega saturn and more consoles
a classic game which basic made what some shooters are today plus
it had the best graphics back then

great single player game which did change games forever plus a great
mod commuty has anybody heard of counter-strike?

command & conquer,pc,ps1,saturn
well this is the best rts series of games ever made dune 2 was a great game but
this did change rts games to turn into great games like warhammer dawn of war

quake,pc,N64,sega saturn
this is what i call a fully 3D version of doom it had a pretty cool single player plus
the multiplayer was a blast online

well those are of my fav games DAMN I FORGOT ABOUT METAL GEAR SOLID>:(

gregor 23-09-2006 08:20 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Hamster of Doom @ Sep 22 2006, 03:41 PM) [snapback]256724[/snapback]</div>

But don´t even think about starting the game before installing the final patch.
The game has a high rank on my list of favorites too, but without the patches it is really bug-infested (and the chances are high that the player is unable to finish it due to a bug).
played it without the latest patches, finished normally. in fact i dont' recall seing any bugs except a few easter eggs that were sort of "locked" but they are not important for game play anyway....

Blood-Pigggy 23-09-2006 03:20 PM

Mine froze at times and I couldn't finish a few quests, like the troll that wanted a present in the beggining of the game.

Iowa 23-09-2006 10:26 PM

Doom I find to be quite boring, actually...Doom II's better, but i've played much more engrossing things.

Blood-Pigggy 24-09-2006 12:50 AM

Dude, those games were released twelve years ago, at that time they were considered technological marvels. Not much today.

Iowa 24-09-2006 04:33 AM

Yeah, but like I said, Doom II is fun...the first just leaves something to be desired...

Morrin 24-09-2006 09:40 AM

More marvelous games:

I loved this game so much that I instantly bought the addon for it without even reading any reviews about it. This is good game when you wan't to let off some steam.

Vampire the masquerade: bloodlines
I felt in love with this game instantly. Moody, atmospheric, intresting characters, excellent dialogue. This game made me to read world of darkness rulebooks and also joined a one forum to discuss abou it. True classic.

Condemned: criminal origins
When I readed about this game and saw the screenshots I thinked: I WAN'T THIS GAME! I tested the demo, and ran instantly to buy it. :) This is a example of game that cannot get any more darker.

Max Payne series
More noir. I don't know why, but I always have loved revengestories. Adrenaline shooting at it's best. And it's finnish! YAY!


Quite a dark list. But Im so dark anyway! :whip: :)

Horoma 25-09-2006 07:36 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Morrin @ Sep 24 2006, 11:40 AM) [snapback]257067[/snapback]</div>

Vampire the masquerade: bloodlines
I felt in love with this game instantly. Moody, atmospheric, intresting characters, excellent dialogue. This game made me to read world of darkness rulebooks and also joined a one forum to discuss abou it. True classic.
At least someone who appreciates this great game ! :ok:

Hope you tried playing with Malkavian clan. If you didn't, I strongly advice you to do so. Their weird but funny dialogue options make the game much more interesting, like convincing the food critic he's eating maggots. :hysterical:

In case you don't know, there's also an older game called Vampire The Masquerade : Redemption. It's an RPG-type game where you control a party of up to 4 vampires. The story starts in the middle ages (Prague & Vienna), and continues into modern day (London & New York). You can actually get burnt by sunlight and multiplayer is also possible, though mostly used for storytelling purposes. Definitely a different kind of game, and inferior to Bloodlines (older too of course), but if you like the setting in the World of Darkness, I'd still recommend it.

Edit: A game I forgot to mention : Blade Runner, great atmosphere and story. I even liked the game more than the movie.

Morrin 25-09-2006 10:22 AM

I have finished with malkavian, brujah, gangrel, nosferatu, tremere, ventrue.. Actually I think the only clan I haven't finished is Toreador. Not just my style. I think I have finished it about fifteen times or so. :D I love nosferatu. They just kick behind.

Yes, I know redemption. I tried it once for little time but I don't own it or didn't even fancy it much. I know it's not very smart to judge game by just trying it a bit so I won't say more. There is actually the original on sold still and maybe I'll buy it some day.

I wish they made the game a little complex. I would have definetly liked to play as tzimisce on sabbat side. There's a mod to play all the PnP clans, but still lacking sabbat quests (and it's not that fancy mod anyway).

troop18546 25-09-2006 11:01 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Morrin @ Sep 24 2006, 12:40 PM) [snapback]257067[/snapback]</div>

More marvelous games:

I loved this game so much that I instantly bought the addon for it without even reading any reviews about it. This is good game when you wan't to let off some steam.

Vampire the masquerade: bloodlines
I felt in love with this game instantly. Moody, atmospheric, intresting characters, excellent dialogue. This game made me to read world of darkness rulebooks and also joined a one forum to discuss abou it. True classic.

Condemned: criminal origins
When I readed about this game and saw the screenshots I thinked: I WAN'T THIS GAME! I tested the demo, and ran instantly to buy it. :) This is a example of game that cannot get any more darker.

Max Payne series
More noir. I don't know why, but I always have loved revengestories. Adrenaline shooting at it's best. And it's finnish! YAY!


Quite a dark list. But Im so dark anyway! :whip: :)
All are the truly marvelous games, but Condemned suxxx due to the "hey, YOU gotta go do this that, while we wait for the cops and etc." It's boring...

BTW, who said I wasn't a fan of Bloodlines??? :butcher: I'm waiting to buy the original, when I find it. Troika Games has made the best RPG's in the world (IMHO).

Morrin 25-09-2006 11:47 AM

Could you explain what you mean by "you must do this and that"? Ofcourse it's linear game, but that is exactly what makes it so intense. I like to play games where you don't have to wander around aimlessly, looking for some puzzle that is under your nose but you cannot find it anyway because the gamedesigner had some weird twist in his head when he designed it. I think I haven't ever played as intense game as condemned.

Heh, I cannot change your mind if you think it sucks. :) I just love the mood, the theme and everything. Actually all of the games I listed are quite linear in end. You have quite few options in them, with little exeption with bloodlines.

Or if you disagree, how does max payne series or painkiller series give you options?

peace, just protecting my fav games. :)

gregor 25-09-2006 12:05 PM

Well in Morrowind you can get "infected" by a vampire and then you can come out only at night anyway... so the whole setting becomes darker i guess.

Mighty Midget 25-09-2006 03:41 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 25 2006, 02:05 PM) [snapback]257266[/snapback]</div>

Well in Morrowind you can get "infected" by a vampire and then you can come out only at night anyway... so the whole setting becomes darker i guess.
Hey, in Daggerfall I became a werewolf, one minute walking down the street minding my own lupine business, the next I was a raving, howling beast. I didn't even know it was coming LOL and neither did the townspeople.
Oh, and that cure ritual is rather nasty ^_^

But someone mentioned Blade Runner: That is an exellent game :w00t: . The same thing goes for the Tex Murphys UaKM, PD and OS. The way they mix noir and future is quite nice. Like Humphrey Bogart 2010 AD

Blood-Pigggy 25-09-2006 04:09 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(troop18546 @ Sep 25 2006, 07:01 AM) [snapback]257248[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Morrin @ Sep 24 2006, 12:40 PM) [snapback]257067[/snapback]

More marvelous games:

I loved this game so much that I instantly bought the addon for it without even reading any reviews about it. This is good game when you wan't to let off some steam.

Vampire the masquerade: bloodlines
I felt in love with this game instantly. Moody, atmospheric, intresting characters, excellent dialogue. This game made me to read world of darkness rulebooks and also joined a one forum to discuss abou it. True classic.

Condemned: criminal origins
When I readed about this game and saw the screenshots I thinked: I WAN'T THIS GAME! I tested the demo, and ran instantly to buy it. :) This is a example of game that cannot get any more darker.

Max Payne series
More noir. I don't know why, but I always have loved revengestories. Adrenaline shooting at it's best. And it's finnish! YAY!


Quite a dark list. But Im so dark anyway! :whip: :)
All are the truly marvelous games, but Condemned suxxx due to the "hey, YOU gotta go do this that, while we wait for the cops and etc." It's boring...

BTW, who said I wasn't a fan of Bloodlines??? :butcher: I'm waiting to buy the original, when I find it. Troika Games has made the best RPG's in the world (IMHO).

Both games are incredibly buggy, which is probably why they got bad scores, download the patches before you play.

Morrin 25-09-2006 04:50 PM

Hey, thanks for the newsflash! :ok:

troop18546 25-09-2006 05:47 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Morrin @ Sep 25 2006, 02:47 PM) [snapback]257258[/snapback]</div>

Could you explain what you mean by "you must do this and that"? Ofcourse it's linear game, but that is exactly what makes it so intense. I like to play games where you don't have to wander around aimlessly, looking for some puzzle that is under your nose but you cannot find it anyway because the gamedesigner had some weird twist in his head when he designed it. I think I haven't ever played as intense game as condemned.

Heh, I cannot change your mind if you think it sucks. :) I just love the mood, the theme and everything. Actually all of the games I listed are quite linear in end. You have quite few options in them, with little exeption with bloodlines.

Or if you disagree, how does max payne series or painkiller series give you options?

peace, just protecting my fav games. :)
It's just that in Condemned (and in F.E.A.R.) you are always (ALWAYS) ordered to do something without back-up. Why the hell is there a police department if one guy (you) has to complete every *dirty word* task?
It's like MOHAA, why the army? You can kill all nazis single-handed.

Max Payne and Painkiller fearture a story where you (only you) are only involved in the muck that you must fix (i.e. kill all just for the heck of it).


Don't get on my nerves. :tai: The same games can be appreciated without (yes, without) the friggin' "game suxxorz bcuz no patch makes m3 bleed". I play all games in original condition and only a few are really pushy on the updates. Lay off the games.

Blood-Pigggy 25-09-2006 06:15 PM

Wait, so the game sucks just because you don't get any backup?

No, the story makes perfect sense, in F.E.A.R. your squad is either off doing other things (if you had played the entire singeplayer, you'd remember the parts where they'd do things that'd affect the area you're in) or they're dead.

In Condemned, you're a DETECTIVE, a solo operative meant to investigate these things, it just so happens that stuff doesn't go down like you'd think it would.

And even if those are just excuses, they don't make either game bad, it's one of the reasons F.E.A.R. was so great, because you were always by yourself, its stressful and intense. Condemned just scares the hell out of me.

@Troop: I have all the right to complain about the buggy state of games, it PISSES me off, do you realize, that three quarters into Bloodlines, the whole god damn game wiped my saves when I told it to overwrite a game before? Not only that, but characters would constantly freeze, clip through things, and the game would crash uncountable times.

If it's that bad, it's deserving of some good old broiling.

troop18546 25-09-2006 07:27 PM


it PISSES me off[/b]
The single line where you are right. No, I don't mind the team-work being kicked out from some games, but in F.E.A.R. atleast - why the *meep*, would anyone need to make a team when all the squad but you is *dirty word* jerking-off in the next room and 5K enemies run at only you. It's like a *dirty word* invitation to a tea party - the rest of the team comes in to "help" you by sitting in the next room to wait for you while you clear the next area. It isn't scary at all, you know that the enemies are human and the only reason I like playing it at a friends house, is that you can use you feet to kill enemies. Noone has incorporated that in a game + the slow-mo kicks behind, because you can see that in slow-mo. A truly scary game doesn't have regenerating slow-mo, that would just *meep*-up the whole scaryness.
On another "BUG" note - your experience doesn't affect other players' experience with bugs, no use in complaining all the time.

Blood-Pigggy 25-09-2006 08:09 PM

It doesn't matter about someone's "experience" all that matters is that the bugs exist and the developers are retards for leaving them in there, it degrades the quality of the game.

Morrin 26-09-2006 05:25 AM


As mentioned, in condemned you are private investigator who gets separated from other polices AND afterwards hunted by the police itself. How do you except backup? :D

Iowa 27-09-2006 01:37 AM

Look at all the people talking about games my computer will never be able to get to the start menu

I wanna play FEAR and Painkiller extremely badly but...I don't have a grand and a half.

gregor 27-09-2006 05:52 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 25 2006, 08:09 PM) [snapback]257346[/snapback]</div>

It doesn't matter about someone's "experience" all that matters is that the bugs exist and the developers are retards for leaving them in there, it degrades the quality of the game.

Not developers, the publishers are the retards...

Mighty Midget 27-09-2006 08:22 AM

^True. Braben went ballistic when the publisher released Frontier at the state it was in at that time. Also, Smart was seriously pissed off when Battlecruiser was released too soon.

"One man's trash is another man's gold", meaning someone could value a game even if it's clogged up with bugs while others will hate the game for the very same bugs. There's no "all that matters to everyone" or anything along that line. Obviously, we all look for different things in games.

gregor 27-09-2006 09:01 AM

I think the problem is because there is a certain dedlline after which the investors expect their money to start retuning back to them. Some games are made in time and are almost completelly bug free, but most today are sent out unfinished. well the bugs were probably ment to be minor but weren't.

I just finished playing hitman (the first one) and the game seems to have a lot of bugs. but it's not so much bugs as it is strange things like enemies seing through the uniform and through wall (!?), unfinished stories (like everyone is perfectly happy with limmo without the driver, no one is missing him when they take off???!!?!), then strange things in training level almost as if somehting was missing etc.
it didn't take long to find these strange stuff. but as i read many things have been later corrected. and also it seems obvious that the game was put out before it was completelly polished.

Porbaby because of publishers pressing to start producing the money.
If you noticed some games came out long overdue (it took them long to develope). it could happen that when they came out they were already obsolete. that's what the publishers are afraid of. so they take a few bugs as lesser evil they can later repair with patches.

Morrin 27-09-2006 09:21 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 27 2006, 01:37 AM) [snapback]257616[/snapback]</div>

Look at all the people talking about games my computer will never be able to get to the start menu

I wanna play FEAR and Painkiller extremely badly but...I don't have a grand and a half.
That's why you have to bleed for it. Save money no matter how low your income is.

gregor 27-09-2006 12:01 PM

nah... plenty of good games out there that would work on his computer. maybe osme a bit slower but they work.

troop18546 27-09-2006 12:06 PM

My friend got an ultra, high-end blah blah blah PC (the box, without the monitor) for a measly 800$ I think.
I'm getting a 5 times better one next year. Like 1500$ will guarantee that.
He plays Quake4 and FEAR on ULTRA quality with absolutely no lag whatsoever. I want one too :D.

Morrin 27-09-2006 02:51 PM

Has anyone of you tried shadowgrounds by the way? What a wonderful game. Retrogamer could like that game.

Blood-Pigggy 27-09-2006 07:48 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Sep 27 2006, 04:22 AM) [snapback]257646[/snapback]</div>

^True. Braben went ballistic when the publisher released Frontier at the state it was in at that time. Also, Smart was seriously pissed off when Battlecruiser was released too soon.

"One man's trash is another man's gold", meaning someone could value a game even if it's clogged up with bugs while others will hate the game for the very same bugs. There's no "all that matters to everyone" or anything along that line. Obviously, we all look for different things in games.
That might be true for some games, but no one appreciate game killing bugs that Arcanum and Vampire the Masquerade Redemption had.

Mighty Midget 27-09-2006 07:53 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 27 2006, 09:48 PM) [snapback]257835[/snapback]</div>

That might be true for some games, but no one appreciate game killing bugs that Arcanum and Vampire the Masquerade Redemption had.
I never played those, but I will grant you that Buggerfall was annoying before the fixmap patch, simply because it wouldn't run at all after 1-2 minutes. But after that patch, even the savegames killer bug wasn't that much of a head ache. But to me, it greatly depends on the game: The nicer it is, the more I will ignore the bugs.

Horoma 27-09-2006 07:55 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 27 2006, 09:48 PM) [snapback]257835[/snapback]</div>

That might be true for some games, but no one appreciate game killing bugs that Arcanum and Vampire the Masquerade Redemption had.
What game-killing bugs in VTM Redemption are you talking about ? I finished this game several times on different computers, and though the game wasn't entirely bug-free, I never encountered any game-killing bugs.

Blood-Pigggy 27-09-2006 08:17 PM

One example could be during the last boss (forgot his name) my copy would constantly have the game freeze whenever he tried to eat one of my party members, not only that, but ALL he would ever do is try to eat one of my guys, every time a battle started, he would swallow one up and then the game would freeze, that pissed me off so much, and it has been mentioned in reviews, so I know I'm not the only one.

(A few havens wouldn't let you use them either for some inexplicable reason).

troop18546 27-09-2006 08:22 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 27 2006, 10:48 PM) [snapback]257835[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Sep 27 2006, 04:22 AM) [snapback]257646[/snapback]

^True. Braben went ballistic when the publisher released Frontier at the state it was in at that time. Also, Smart was seriously pissed off when Battlecruiser was released too soon.

"One man's trash is another man's gold", meaning someone could value a game even if it's clogged up with bugs while others will hate the game for the very same bugs. There's no "all that matters to everyone" or anything along that line. Obviously, we all look for different things in games.
That might be true for some games, but no one appreciate game killing bugs that Arcanum and Vampire the Masquerade Redemption had.

I haven't played Bloodlines yet, but there's nothing to complain about so much if you get the patch first and then play the damned games. BTW, Arcanum WASN'T infested by game killing bugs - just learn to play, dude. No bug encounters in Arcanum whatsoever, unlike TOEE - that game is unfixed even with the newest patch.

BTW, MM - "One man's trash is another man's gold":
So WTF was that? You say that my games are trash if anyone agrees? It's REALLY not the line to use, dude.

Mighty Midget 27-09-2006 08:25 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(troop18546 @ Sep 27 2006, 10:22 PM) [snapback]257850[/snapback]</div>

BTW, MM - "One man's trash is another man's gold":
So WTF was that? You say that my games are trash if anyone agrees? It's REALLY not the line to use, dude.
No, that is not what I said. The saying is quite known, and simply means that everybody will not agree on what is good or bad. I really don't understand how you could reach your concusion. I thought I made it clear: One man (i.e. you) can value a game that someone else despise. What's the big deal in that?


Blood-Pigggy 27-09-2006 08:28 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(troop18546 @ Sep 27 2006, 04:22 PM) [snapback]257850[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 27 2006, 10:48 PM) [snapback]257835[/snapback]

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Sep 27 2006, 04:22 AM) [snapback]257646[/snapback]

^True. Braben went ballistic when the publisher released Frontier at the state it was in at that time. Also, Smart was seriously pissed off when Battlecruiser was released too soon.

"One man's trash is another man's gold", meaning someone could value a game even if it's clogged up with bugs while others will hate the game for the very same bugs. There's no "all that matters to everyone" or anything along that line. Obviously, we all look for different things in games.
That might be true for some games, but no one appreciate game killing bugs that Arcanum and Vampire the Masquerade Redemption had.

I haven't played Bloodlines yet, but there's nothing to complain about so much if you get the patch first and then play the damned games. BTW, Arcanum WASN'T infested by game killing bugs - just learn to play, dude. No bug encounters in Arcanum whatsoever, unlike TOEE - that game is unfixed even with the newest patch.

BTW, MM - "One man's trash is another man's gold":
So WTF was that? You say that my games are trash if anyone agrees? It's REALLY not the line to use, dude.

Yes there are, and gamers shouldn't have to wait for patches, that's just ridiculous, especially for someone like me, who bought Arcanum on the launch day.

Arcanum had a massive bug near the end where you had to get a ship, and all the different quest lines in order to get one wouldn't work no matter what, the ship builder would completely ignore you, and you couldn't even start the other two quests.
Everyone on the Arcanum boards were pissed about this because it was actually a fairly common problem.

AND NEVER EVER MENTION PATCHES, EVER. No gamer, absolutely NONE of them, can give a damn about patches, patches are just what a game should have been in the first place.

gregor 29-09-2006 08:29 AM

hmm anyone mentioned Tomb Rider series?

Blood-Pigggy 29-09-2006 04:50 PM

The first two were awesome, not to mention Legends as well.

Iowa 29-09-2006 07:56 PM

The only Tomb Raider game i've played is The Last isn't very fun...

And while we're just leaving the topic of bugs in games, has anyone played The World Is Not Enough for the N64? Those are some annoying bugs.

I also just got Grand Theft Auto is soooo fun...albeit extremely hard.

flue 01-10-2006 12:18 AM

Top ten eeh.
Well it must be
1. SNES Zelda: A link to the past
lovely graphics, compelling story and totaly addictive.

2 PC LBA 1,2 (littel big adventure 1,2)
Great series of a very cute and at first look a childrens game but after a wile it geets to u, nice controls
also a good story and a I must complete this problem before dinner syndrome.

3 PC Grim Fandango
Not mutch to say, one of the greates adventure games ever made.

4 PC Halflife
Never been so completly ameced by a game, totaly revulotionary. Change my way of looking on a FPS for ever.

5 PC Resident Evil 2
Well I have alveys been a fan of horror movies, and RE2 was the first game who gave me the same experience on a PC.

6 PC Theif
A very nice change from all the running around killing every thing that move FPS. I just love sneeking around and kill from the shadows.

7 NES Super Mario Bros 3
A great old classic that fetured the best graphics ever sen on the NES.

8 DC Skies of Arcedia
A FF look alike that was one of the best games ever released on the SEGA Dreamcast.

9 PC Starcraft
Ok, it wasent the best singelplayer game but in multiplayer it was just so fun that 8h felt like 1h

10 NES Mega Man
A very good action game that I never get tierd playing. Great level design, Great controls and Great extra powers.

Well there is my list, first of all I have to exuces myself for my bad spelling but I think u will get it. Second there is many more games that I woude like to include in the list but I base it mostly on play time so newer games like F.E.A.R and Elderscrolls of MW (great games) is not included. And last offtopic I just love the PC for all the great games and emulators for it, you can play PC games dooh ^_^ but also all the old classic like NES, SNES, SEGA, PSX and a very loong list of diffrent consoles on it.

Potatoe 01-10-2006 12:43 AM

My list:

1. X-Com UFO: Enemy Unkown:
Played it, loved it.

2.Silent Storm:
UFO Enemy unkown+World War 2=Silent storm.

3.Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time:
*sniff* Very fine, my second favorite game ever, very memorable.

4.Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask:
No matter what people say about this it's still one of my favorites. I just loved playing with the masks and finding them. :D

5. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 and Mysteries of the Sith expansion:
I haven't got Dark Forces, but if it's better than this I'll cry. :D

6.Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine:
A 3D action adventure. It was fun. And the bazooka with monkey island cheat. :P

7.Warcraft 3+Expansion:
197 hours of gameplay should be enough. Very fun online.

8.Hercules the action game:
Best.. Licence game.. Ever.. It's fun, features reasonable graphics to todays standards and never gets boring.. Classic.

9.Neverwinter Nights+Expansions:
D&D on PC with great graphics and easily expandable, veeery fun.:D

10. Guild Wars:
Very nice MMO with no monthly fees. Very fun.

Honorable mentions:

Battle for middle earth 1 & 2.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

Elder scrolls Arena

Shadow Grounds

Iowa 01-10-2006 01:05 AM

Hmm, never heard of Xcom...but it couldn't possibly beat out Ocarina of Time... :whistling:

Potatoe 01-10-2006 01:31 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Oct 1 2006, 04:05 AM) [snapback]258512[/snapback]</div>

Hmm, never heard of Xcom...but it couldn't possibly beat out Ocarina of Time... :whistling:
It's Ufo: Enemy Unkown or UFO defense.. Sorry for the mix up. D:

And if you haven't heard of it, well, simply put it's the greatest game ever made.

Blood-Pigggy 01-10-2006 02:11 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 30 2006, 09:05 PM) [snapback]258512[/snapback]</div>

Hmm, never heard of Xcom...but it couldn't possibly beat out Ocarina of Time... :whistling:
No way that X-Com can beat out Ocarina.
I didn't put it on my list, but Ocarina is still awesome.

Potatoe 01-10-2006 11:57 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Oct 1 2006, 05:11 AM) [snapback]258517[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Sep 30 2006, 09:05 PM) [snapback]258512[/snapback]

Hmm, never heard of Xcom...but it couldn't possibly beat out Ocarina of Time... :whistling:
No way that X-Com can beat out Ocarina.
I didn't put it on my list, but Ocarina is still awesome.
But silent storm beats Ocarina of Time... Easily.

Blood-Pigggy 01-10-2006 04:30 PM

Silent Storm isn't even as good as X-Com, lawl.

nace 01-10-2006 08:28 PM

Man, I can`t believe that I forgot about Half-Life in my top5 some days ago.... OK, here we go:

10. Ghost Recon - PC -
Tom Claney`s masterpiece of army games. Nowadays the army games are too darn easy. In this first person shooter you play with a squad of 5-6 men (It was a long time ago, I cant remember it correctly). If you get hit-you die, or you get wounded (leg, arm etc.). The atmosphere in the game is great, the weather... When it rains in the game, you feel like it rains in your room.

9. Serious Sam - PC-
Soot, shoot, shoot.... reload. Shoot, shoot, Shoot... reload. Shoot at an army of 1000 (literally) stampedo-like aliens and kill`em all :kosta: Serious Sam gets serious, and kills everything weird on his way :D The action is non - stop and you will upgrade yopur reflexes playing the game. It will also make you laugh a lot :D

8. Deep Sea Fishing -PC-
You are a fisherman on a yaht (if i spelled it correctly) and you catch, sharks and other monstrous fishes. When the bate is in the water you can look at it (inside the water) along with the fishes. There are some tiny litlle fishes, and some HUGE, I mean HUGE, great white sharks. A great game if you just want to relax... Untill a great white bites the bate. Trust me, they realy are HUGE and heavy. :ok:

7. Double Dragon 2 - Arcade Mashine
I was the youngest player who managed to play the game all the way with a single coin >:) In the end the owner of the ...errr... complex, wouldn`t let me play it anymore <_<

6. Half-Life 1.5 -PC
I don`t have to talk alot about this one. It made me loose weight, I played it day and night.

5. Crash Team Racing - Playstation
Hilarious :kosta: It`s much more interesting when you play it with another player. >:)

4. Twisted Metal 2 - Playstation
Uffff... It`s hard to begin. I was playing with "Thumper" and I wanted to burn stuff >:) Again, It`s more interesting when you play it with another person (co-operative). The music was great, The levels were awesome, the storyline was fantastish...
"I AM CALIPSOOO! And I thank you for playing Twisted Metal..." Yes, I have said that before :whistling:

3. Top Gear - Sega Mega (Also known as Sega Genesis)
A racing masterpiece. Great music. This is one of the first games when you get to upgrade your car. You drive around the world, and you have to finish in the top 10 to continue the championship. It brings back a lot of memories of sleapless nights , driving. The feeling is better when you drive it with someone else. Again...

2. NBA In The Zone 2 - Playstation
...Because I love this game (basketball) . It is the best basketball game ever. If you are a 90`s NBA fan this is the game for you. Shawn Kemp, Glen Rice, Dennis Rodman, Tony Kukoc, Steve Kerr, David Robinson, Scottie Pippen, reggie Miller.... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Nowadays NBA had lost it`s charm. When the Bulls era finished, so did the american basketball.

1. Silent Hill 4-The Room - PC
I had nightmares :titan: The game freaked me out, especially the apartment. Sorry, I can`t describe it - I`ll ruind it. :)
You realy have to see this for you`r self.

Blood-Pigggy 01-10-2006 08:33 PM

I go gaga at your #1, have you even played the other SH games?

nace 01-10-2006 09:02 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Oct 1 2006, 08:33 PM) [snapback]258680[/snapback]</div>

I go gaga at your #1, have you even played the other SH games?
Each one, except for Silent Hill 3.

Why the gaga :blink:

The others were fatal as well, but this sequel impressed me the most.
The thing that differs Silent Hill 4 from every other horror - adventure game is the apartment, and the sound that the ghosts made...

Blood-Pigggy 01-10-2006 09:42 PM

Well it's just that SH 4 had almost no atmosphere, story, characters, or as much fun as the other games in the series had.

Fawfulhasfury 01-10-2006 10:21 PM

I just played Silent hill 4, and BP, your crazy. What do you mean no atmosphere? I loved what I played of the game. My only objection is that I knew what was going to happen before it did. That sort of made it less entertaining. Except in the tunnel. Seeing static in a tunnel was new to me. But then again I haven't played SH 2 or 3 yet, so.

I'm not listing this as my favorite games, as I like different games for different reasons, so in my mind instead of favorite, I'm listing what I think deserves to be the greatest games of all time.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (n64) [action]
I played this for the first time on my cousins n64. this was one of the only nintendo games he liked and the only game in this genre he liked, but I immediately loved it. I hated Ganondorf and couldn't be happier when I finally kicked his arse, so I went back and kicked his arse again 5 more times. Hardest boss for me: Bongo Bongo
Hated lvl: Water temple

2. Monkey Island series (DOS,Windows) [adventure]
The fantastic Monkey Island series has always kept me entertained and laughing throughout. My favorite of the series, #3, had an art style inspired by my favorite artist Edward Gorey.

3. Clive Barker's Undying (Windows) [FPS]
Extremely fun, extremely scary, and extremely atmospheric. The monsters were incredibly inventive, and the levels dark and evil. Mixed with fantastic enemy AI, you can't go wrong with this FPS. Plus, the main character wheres boots! :tomato:

4. Super Mario brothers series (every Nintendo platform) [adventure, action, platform, RPG]
This speaks for itself.

5. Secret of Mana 3 (DS, SNES) [RPG]
A large cast of playable characters, large sets of storylines interweaving into a larger overarching storyline.
It doesn't get much better than that. Plus an extremely hard difficulty. I've never actually been able to finish this game.

6. Silent Hill series (Playstation, Playstation 2, Windows) [adventure]
Scariest games on the face of the earth. I've never actually jumped in a game before. I've been slowly scared in games bit by bit, especially in these of course, but this was the first game to make me jump. From the sirens after a boss battle to the shaky headed freaks you find throughout, I can't say a game is scarier than these. Especially when you can't find a map.

7. Full throttle (Windows) [adventure]
Not my favorite adventure game, but probably one of the best Lucasarts ever made. The storyline is quite funny at first, but gets darker as the game progresses. It makes you feel like your playing a pg-13 rated cartoon. Honorable mention to my favorite voice actress, Pat Musick, a veteran of Don Bluth films who brought a hilarious personality to Miranda the reporter. That made the game for me.

8. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (XBOX, PC) [adventure, FPS]
all right, some might say, argh, how can he pick that. Well its true, the latter half of the game isn't all that great. Since we've pretty much been there seen that. But the first one fourth of the game is amazing beyond belief. How the stage is set and you slowly start to realize this town ain't letting you leave. the characters are wonderfully portrayed in a more faithful manner than I've ever seen before. The levels are grungy and perfectly portray the dingyness of the port town of Innsmouth. Together with an incredible story, wonderful voice acting, and inventive levels and enemies, I just couldn't put the game down. It's only cons are the facts that it didn't set the stage for more than a normal sneak and shoot sort of game, leaving its wonderfully built adventure game elements for more buggy and uninventive gameplay. All in all, a VERY underrated game.

9. Fallout
Though I couldn't enjoy this game myself just due to the fact I found it boring as heck, it has been hailed as wonderful and inventive by the many people who have played it more than me. So I have to give this one an honorable mention, even if I can't say I found it that honorable.

10. American McGee's Alice
Another underrated game in my opinion. the characters, levels, bosses, and storyline are all A+ in my opinion. But the gameplay itself is normal platforming, which is something McGee could've really rememdied with more inventive ideas. I can't say I didn't enjoy this game though, because I REALLY did. So there ya go.

Honorable mentions:

Resident Evil series especially 4
Duke Nukem
Doom 1 and 2
Clock Tower

nace 01-10-2006 10:35 PM

Come on piggy, SH4 has a nice story there, and it was somewhat connected with SH2...
Do you remember the article of Walter Sullivan in SH2? In the Newspaper?

A brave litlle kid is traumatisised (if I spelled it correctly) by the olders in his lonesome world, and it becomes what it becomes.... It`s a sad story... It shows how closely love and hate are related...

That`s a fine story...
Not to mention the tunnel and everything.

But the apartment... Your first impression is that this is your safe-house. That you`ll be safe there. Than litlle by are not safe anymore. It`s art.

Blood-Pigggy 01-10-2006 11:40 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Fawfulhasfury @ Oct 1 2006, 06:21 PM) [snapback]258716[/snapback]</div>

I just played Silent hill 4, and BP, your crazy. What do you mean no atmosphere? I loved what I played of the game. My only objection is that I knew what was going to happen before it did. That sort of made it less entertaining. Except in the tunnel. Seeing static in a tunnel was new to me. But then again I haven't played SH 2 or 3 yet, so.

It's just that when you play SH2 and 3 it's like taking a huge step downward, it forsakes the massive atmosphere, bizarre twisting plotlines and dual layered characters for a simpler action focused game, and the apartment is kinda spooky at first, but it just gets to be gimmicky, and the different areas aren't as well designed or interesting.

Besides, some of the things like the stupid ghosts you have to fight are just ridiculous.

nace 01-10-2006 11:57 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Oct 1 2006, 11:40 PM) [snapback]258745[/snapback]</div>

Besides, some of the things like the stupid ghosts you have to fight are just ridiculous.
The ghost thing was a good idea I think...

Instead of the cliche-zombies, there were ghosts, who made some noises like they were crying....

It`s a matter of taste.

Blood-Pigggy 02-10-2006 12:24 AM

The ghosts themselves were fine, but the game was a lot like Alice, it had nice elements, but they fall flat, if you just look at things closely, it kinda looks like they were trying to much.

And the ghosts were just dumb because some of them were nearly impossible to pin.

nace 02-10-2006 03:05 PM

I haven`t played "Alice"...

Is it any good?

Blood-Pigggy 02-10-2006 05:46 PM

It's pretty, has nice characters, environments and etc. but it's a very basic shooter, gets boring once you get to the mirror house, which is around 3/5ths into the game, so it doesn't have the best gameplay.

Iowa 03-10-2006 12:57 AM


Serious Sam[/b]
Ugh...I bought the second one for fifteen dollars...and I am absolutely outraged that this piece of monotonous crap could have set me back so much money. As you said before, shoot, reload, shoot, reload, break disk, go insane, kill somebody, kill yourself. What? I do not exaggerate! :whistling:


1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (n64) [action]
I played this for the first time on my cousins n64. this was one of the only nintendo games he liked and the only game in this genre he liked, but I immediately loved it. I hated Ganondorf and couldn't be happier when I finally kicked his arse, so I went back and kicked his arse again 5 more times. Hardest boss for me: Bongo Bongo
Hated lvl: Water temple
While, I agree with you about hating the Water Temple ( :wallbash: ), but Bongo Bongo as your hardest boss? Dude, i've defeated this guy without arrows when I was ten...I actually think he's the easiest boss (after Queen Gohma).

Blood-Pigggy 03-10-2006 01:03 AM

Bongo Bongo is tough when you come unprepared, and considering what a pain it is to get to the Boss Room in the Shadow Temple, it's not very fun to run all the way back out of the dungeon to stock up and to run all the way back again.

Serious Sam is an acquired taste, personally, I enjoyed it just as I do Painkiller, because it capitilizes on what FPS games do best, shooting, without any added frills.

Iowa 03-10-2006 01:06 AM

Hmm, I think the Shadow Temple's easy also, but it might have to do with the fact that i've beaten OOT six times.

Fawfulhasfury 03-10-2006 01:48 AM

I was smart enough to use that teleport spell thingy right before Bongos room. My easiest boss was actually the Water Temple boss. I just sat in a corner and shot it til it died. I just hated the level because, A. it was too hard. B. the enemies were stinky and C. the level stank. My favorite boss was either Ganondorf because kicking his arse was so much fun for me, or Volvagia for sheer pwnage. Phantom Ganon deserves an honorable mention for ripping his own face off.

Blood-Pigggy 03-10-2006 01:09 PM

Yeah, you could beat that Water Boss waaaay too easily (as you said, just stand in a corner) they fixed it in Master Quest though.

Iowa 03-10-2006 11:04 PM

Is Masterquest harder than the original? Because if so, then i'm all over it! :w00t:

Blood-Pigggy 03-10-2006 11:34 PM

Not really harder, they changed some stuff.

Iowa 04-10-2006 02:45 AM

Hmm, well I still want to try it, you know, it being based on the greatest game ever created and all...

Xikarita 04-10-2006 10:29 AM

I think I already replied to a similar topic, a long time ago...anyway, and in no particular order:

- Baldur's Gate II: Shadows Of Amn
- Prince Of Persia (the first one from 1991)
- Jade Empire
- Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic
- Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker
- The Elder Scrolls: Arena
- AD&D Eye Of The Beholder II: The Legend Of Darkmoon
- Ultima Underworld
- King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

The list keeps changing because there's a LOT of games that I like :w00t:

Blood-Pigggy 04-10-2006 04:44 PM

Arena? That's not the usual choice :P

Xikarita 04-10-2006 07:02 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Oct 4 2006, 05:44 PM) [snapback]259387[/snapback]</div>

Arena? That's not the usual choice :P

Yeah, I know :D But for me, it's the only ''pure'' Elder Scrolls.

My top ''far-too-underrated'' games:

- Planescape: Torment
- Arx Fatalis
- Another War
- Brutal Sports Football
- Al Qadim: The Genie's Curse
- Shadowcaster
- Ignition
- Alley Cat
- Budokan

And the freakin' old ''far-too-underrated'' game #1 is:

----Wizard's Lair!-----Ta-da!!!! :brain:

Treewyrm 04-10-2006 10:32 PM

Al-Quadim... yes, interesting concept and environment but way too simplified gameplay, feels like pre-Diablo or something like that (or to be more specific it's like Zeliard but with top-down view). Anyway it's a good game in it's own right.

Shadowcaster. Damn, can't find it, the CD version which I'm after is quite rare it seems, it's nowhere to be found. I just want to play it for the fact it was developed by Raven before Heretic and Hexen (which I like a lot), although I hate games made after, shame that they apparently have abandoned Heretic/Hexen series, those were of great artistic value of me personally.

Planescape: Torment is way unusual game. Whole setting, characters and etc. I don't know for others but for me this one will remain as one of the best RPG games ever, not the top but second nonetheless (like I mentioned before - first one is Albion).

I might add Sanitaruim to the list of underrated games. Unfortunately full of bugs but apart of that it's a great psycho game, just too short imo.

Iowa 04-10-2006 11:29 PM

Is Hexen better than Heretic? Because i'm really not a Heretic fan, it bores me...

Blood-Pigggy 05-10-2006 12:00 AM

First Hexen was better than the first Heretic, but Heretic 2 was a fantastic game.

Treewyrm 05-10-2006 12:25 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Oct 5 2006, 03:29 AM) [snapback]259466[/snapback]</div>

Is Hexen better than Heretic? Because i'm really not a Heretic fan, it bores me...
It'll bore you to death with it's puzzles. You might even break your keyboard in anger and loose your mind trying to figure out what-the-hell-that-switch-does (and it might do something waaay far away from it, heck it may even open the hidden door on the other map!). In Hexen patience is the key. You _will_ hate it. But if you manage to beat this game you'll love it. It's a game not for everyone, it's a sort of game I call hardcore. If you're looking for mindless non-stop action doom clone then you're looking wrong.

Heretic games are much simplier, they don't have those crazy puzzles Hexen does (Heretic II does have some but they aren't that insane). They are are mostly run-and-shoot sort of games, direct clones/descendants of Doom, while Hexen (and of course Hexen II) adds those sort-of adventure elements with multi-level hubs. To make your life even better they took map from you at Hexen II. Are you into it?

Blood-Pigggy 05-10-2006 12:50 AM

I personally suggest you just ignore the Hexens and Heretic I and just buy Heretic II, it's just better than all of them, although it is a third person action game.

duckpatch 05-10-2006 06:03 AM

10. Warcraft II (PC)
9. Super Mario Brothers 3 (NES)
8. Arcanum (PC)
7. Final Fantasy VII (PSX)
6. Underworld I (PC)
5. Theme Park (PC)
4. X-COM: Apocalypse (PC)

and my top three are...

3. Albion (PC)
2. Settlers II (PC)
1. Suikoden II (PSX)
Simply my favourite game. The only game which has made me cry when I've completed it. That sums up how much I love Suikoden. Visually more appealing than the first Suikoden, too.

velik_m 05-10-2006 03:54 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Oct 5 2006, 12:50 AM) [snapback]259477[/snapback]</div>

I personally suggest you just ignore the Hexens and Heretic I and just buy Heretic II, it's just better than all of them, although it is a third person action game.
I disagree! Hexen is teh haxxor!!1!

Blood-Pigggy 05-10-2006 08:41 PM

Actually, it was butchered by the critics.

Treewyrm 05-10-2006 10:11 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Oct 6 2006, 12:41 AM) [snapback]259655[/snapback]</div>

Actually, it was butchered by the critics.
Critics? Critics?! Dude, a good gamer doesn't give a damn about critics (IMHO). /sigh Oh yea, I suppose they had to write review for the game they weren't able to finish and *bam* the obvious review conclusion: Hexen sucks! Well, we all have seen examples of games receive low rating just for the fact of being difficult to complete, however for me and lots of other hexen fans it means nothing. The game is good, much like it's predecesor it brought innovating ideas into the genre, all in all it's a high quality game. Frustrating for generic gamer but an interesting one.

Blood-Pigggy 05-10-2006 10:22 PM

Not really, it was just a rehash of old game concepts that had been done before and that had been done better, the RPG stuff could easily be found in System Shock or Ultima Underworld, and you could get Doom if you wanted a shooter.

It did lots of things, but it wasn't very good, and the level design was poor, which is probably one of the largest reasons as to why it was so difficult, there's a difference between tough puzzles and not knowing which switch opened which door.

Treewyrm 05-10-2006 10:40 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Oct 6 2006, 02:22 AM) [snapback]259670[/snapback]</div>

Not really, it was just a rehash of old game concepts that had been done before and that had been done better, the RPG stuff could easily be found in System Shock or Ultima Underworld, and you could get Doom if you wanted a shooter.

It did lots of things, but it wasn't very good, and the level design was poor, which is probably one of the largest reasons as to why it was so difficult, there's a difference between tough puzzles and not knowing which switch opened which door.
And why is it poor? Because of frustrating puzzles again. Eeh. Well, Hexen does have a good level design considering it's just a doom engine, it's detailed and complex, what else could ask for the game of that time? Sure it doesn't tell you what every switch does and where (except for a few hints) or did you expect every one of them to have a tablet above describing what it does or better off just put a magical imba map marker telling you where to go next? Hexen requires patience and attention to every little detail on the map, it's a well-known fact. Many of it's puzzles are easily solved when observed carefully, hidden switches are often found when you open the map and find symmetry in rooms. Some puzzles are based on architecture, look for the strange walls, signs and etc. If you just pay attention to those things you'll find that the game isn't that frustrating and diffucult, it's just that we don't expect such things from a doom clone. If you expect to open doors just by pushing all the buttons you can find then you'll soon find yourself stuck, no wonder some people can't complete it. Also I wasn't saying a word about RPG, it's a typical FPS with elements borrowed off from many other games and I don't see problem here, it's how the genres evolve. And those were innovating to the genre which it's based on. Why ignoring it then?

Let's just end this, I think I have explained enough. Like I said to the rest: try and play it, and if you feel it's too diffuclt for you - shift-delete it and play something else - it's ok, the game isn't just for everyone, but don't just ignore it for the fact of being frustrating sometimes. Walk around, pay attention to the details and you'll solve the puzzles, they aren't difficult really. You can't complete it if you just run around crazy killing monsters, the game expects player to act differently and that's what people often fail to see especially when they're only seeing "doom clone" stamp on it. And for the record: I love watching people killing themselves when Heresiarch boss casts the reflecting spheres. He should be in WoW, I can imagine raids blow themselves up fighting him.

p.s. I used to make maps for FPS games I like, when I saw Hexen I was blown away with it's amount of those little tiny details designers put into it, the effect was so strong that I still see those old Raven games as an example of how level designers shoud make their maps.

Iowa 08-10-2006 07:25 PM

Hey, you know what? I just realised that i've disliked almost every game made with the doom engine (including the first Doom itself). Before you even say anything though, Duke 3D was made from the Build Engine, a deviation of the Doom engine, and therefore securing me with a loophole! :sneaky:

Is it too simple to ask for another Blood?...All I want is to be able to paint a level red with the entrails of my enemies, is that too much, is it Monolith? Is it Id?

Arrgh...ranting over...

By the way, so I can put it to scale, compared to Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition, about how hard is Hexen? Because i've beaten Duke...

Treewyrm 08-10-2006 07:42 PM

Hexen is a different game although it's too a FPS. What is difficulty? Difficulty to beat monsters? To solve puzzles? To find an exit in a really weird and illogical maze? I don't know how to compare those games really. Try and see it for yourself, I can't rate difficulty of a game because it's more or less quite a personal characteristic. One would find it's easy to kill tons of monsters in Serious Sam on highest difficulty while someone else thinks that puzzles in 11th Hour are quite easy to solve, but when you swap games both players find them extremely difficult.

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