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Kosta 11-03-2004 10:41 AM

Battletech - the Crescent Hawks Inception
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!


Anonymous 25-05-2004 08:53 PM

Battletech TCHI
a fun game with strategy and roleplaying aspects... kept me entertained for a few minutes when i found an old copy in my grandpa's house. the graphics are crap, but the real-time interface keeps it bearable. gets a little repetitive after you see the same outtake five hundred times and go in different buildings that are actually the same, but anybody that likes mechwarrior or roleplaying games is sure to have some fun with this game.

J 04-07-2004 12:28 PM

Battletech is one of the pioneer for rpg/strategy in the old days....yes graphic does sucks....gameplay is pretty good where u r playing in a role of an mercenary going around exploring n finding the truth, is also where its leads to the birth of Mechwarrior nowdays known as.
Nice game though.


Seraphim13 04-07-2004 02:48 PM

Hi J, another singaporean :D
Actually quite an entertaining game....a worthy predecessor to the Mechwarrior series....

The Niles 04-07-2004 07:33 PM

Re: agreed

Battletech is one of the pioneer for rpg/strategy in the old days....yes graphic does sucks....gameplay is pretty good where u r playing in a role of an mercenary going around exploring n finding the truth, is also where its leads to the birth of Mechwarrior nowdays known as.
Nice game though.

8) *

You are thinking of Mechwarrior not Battletech. They are different games and quite dissimilar.

J 05-07-2004 06:05 AM

Hi Picard,

U taking a holiday on earth? No need to explore in space? :P just joking....., Yah i know mechwarrior n battletech are different, but battletech really leads to the birth of battletech2, then to mech commander then to mechwarrior...nowadays...but I dun like mechwarriors...damn, Is there any rpg game that deals in mechs? They should make these, If i'm a programmer i will make it.......blah......


The Niles 05-07-2004 06:19 AM

I am in space. That's the nice thing about the internet. It doesn't matter where you are as long as you have a (subspace bassed) internet connection you can be online anywhere. :wink:

Seraphim13 05-07-2004 03:10 PM


Hi Picard,

* * * * * * *U taking a holiday on earth? No need to explore in space? :P just joking....., Yah i know mechwarrior n battletech are different, but battletech really leads to the birth of battletech2, then to mech commander then to mechwarrior...nowadays...but I dun like mechwarriors...damn, Is there any rpg game that deals in mechs? They should make these, If i'm a programmer i will make it.......blah......


???? tot Mechwarrior came out first before Mech Commander??? Hmmm talking about Mechwarrior, any idea if that game is abandonware??? Sure like to take good old BattleMaster out for a spin again....

The Niles 05-07-2004 09:10 PM

It is abadoneware and I have it but it will not be on the server anytime soon. Be patient is my advice.

FreeFreddy 05-07-2004 09:34 PM

I have Mechwarrior 2, but it isn't running either on Win XP nor on Win 98... ?_?
On my old machine with Windows 95 I was able to play it perfectly though...

The Niles 05-07-2004 09:40 PM

Mech2 work just fine for me on either Win98 or WinME so it must be something in your machine.

FreeFreddy 06-07-2004 06:38 AM

Yes, but my Mechwarrior 2 is a Windows version, it doesn't run under Dos at all. The Dos version would run without problems...
Perhaps it's just the new Directx 9 that the game isn't able to recognize :roll:

The Niles 06-07-2004 07:18 AM

Mine is as well.

droid 02-09-2004 01:59 PM

Hello to all of you !
I've been tired of all those bright and shiny games that need a PC with more than 500Watts power supply to run, not to mention the noise. Don't need to say tha I don't have the time for it anymore.
So, the last few months I found out "abandonia" (and abandonware ring in general) and have been VERY happy ever since. And after the last aesthetic face-lift this site is one of the most delicate of its kind.

Now Mechwarrior... you have reminded me of the time when even 386/40 was a very fast machine for this game....
To all of you MW lovers, I think I have Mechwarrior (yes, yes, Gideon Braver and so on...) in my old archives but I will not be able to search before October (now I realise the use of an external disk), since I am far away from home.

So if anybody finds Mechwarrior before me please upload it.
Thank you all !!!

The Niles 02-09-2004 02:57 PM

I have the game but I do not have time to do a review for it if you want the game badly now then you can find it here http:\\

droid 04-09-2004 06:35 AM

Thanks a lot !!!!

I am not actually dying to play the game, because I am taking some final exams at the moment. However since you 've uploaded the link, I 'll give it a try.

Thanks again !!!

Xpatriot 16-12-2004 03:46 AM

The games not bad, the only problem is when playing online you might as well just not use ANY of the close range weapons at all considering that all of the servers have restricted them so people can play sniper.. also forget ever being on board other than Alpine.. or maybe some other wide open space board. not that theres anything wrong with sniping mind you but some of us would like to not only use the other weapons in the game but possibly would kick a snipers behind running around in a 90 tp 120 mph light mech fitted with machine guns and a few flamers.. Also they dont like it if you shoot them in the leggs.. they get all bitchy and whiny about it. hell if im a 30 ton fighting a 100 ton.. im gonna shoot the fucker in the leggs. So if they do indeed make a 5th mech warrior.. which i hope is better than mech assault, then maybe they could have online options other than some power mad 15 year old ejaculating kid running all the damn servers. one more thing.. notice when you repop on multiplayer is spawns you to your apponents face right in target range of.. well anything, so a big sniper mech can fit what 3 to 4 big ppc or gauss weapon.. wait for you to repop and blam dead blam dead.. that was great microsoft.. i appreciate that a whole lot. :ranting: :ranting:

Mercenaire 19-12-2004 07:40 PM

I love this game! I played when I was 14 and I was able to finish it, now I`m 28 and finally I found it again :ok:

Here are my hints: You can get laser weapons for the foot soldiers by helping out the weapon`s clerk when he is being robbed(town south west) the jail pen and killing all the guards hich is pretty tough unless you have inferno`s.

I was also able to get Jenner mech during combat.

Oh yeah when you are attacked at the Citadel on the 7th or 8th mission, yeah thats right 8th!! I chose the Chameleon and fleed off with it. The best way to flee is to go up about18 spaces up and west through the citadel. If you are fast enough you won`t get hit a single time.

I wish they would of made a sequel of the same type...

OmniRush 20-12-2004 06:04 AM

hmm .. really missed this game ...

have u tried Battletech : the Crescent Hawk's Revenge ??

BubbaHoTep 09-03-2005 05:36 AM

Thanks for the tip Mercenaire! I used to play this game over and over when I was 14, havent seen it again until now. Many thanks whoever uploaded this piece of nostalgia. By the way-- I had to go 27 steps north *running* to get away. Thanks again!

Guest 20-03-2005 06:07 PM


Battletech: the Crescent Hawk’s Inception (CHI) is the first of many computer games set in the Battletech universe. Based on the, now discontinued, Battletech pen and paper table top game from FASA...
I would like to point out that the table top miniature game is not discontinued, it is still in production by FanPro under the name "Classic Battletech".

Classic Battletech

Guest_Joker 26-03-2005 08:53 AM

Hi i just wanna say damn nice site you guys have here. And now for my quistion how do you get the correct password when your in the map room in the hidden mech place ?? i have been looking at the map like the game tells me to do but i cant figure it out :( hope you guys can help me out

The Fifth Horseman 29-03-2005 12:48 PM

It's the second copy protection in the game.

Ramak 31-03-2005 02:41 PM

I loved this game back in the day. And, to clarify. This game was the first of the Battletech games. This was followed by the Crescent Hawk's Revenge (really fun, but mad hard). THEN came the first Mechwarrior, which was a stellar game. I recommend all three games. Part of my childhood.

piyoimut 06-04-2005 05:18 PM

:) I love this game... back in the days..
same.. played when I was 12, now I'm 28....
somehow this game just fill my mind and days back then..

now, not a single game make me feel that way, even PS2 or XBOX..
I guess it's got to do with the age... hehe..

warzog 24-04-2005 07:49 AM


Originally posted by Guest_Joker@Mar 26 2005, 09:53 AM
Hi i just wanna say damn nice site you guys have here. And now for my quistion how do you get the correct password when your in the map room in the hidden mech place ?? i have been looking at the map like the game tells me to do but i cant figure it out :( hope you guys can help me out
Press the "Space Bar" and then select "Show Overhead Map."

Guest 27-05-2005 08:04 AM


Originally posted by droid@Sep 2 2004, 01:59 PM
To all of you MW lovers, I think I have Mechwarrior (yes, yes, Gideon Braver and so on...) in my old archives but I will not be able to search before October (now I realise the use of an external disk), since I am far away from home.

So if anybody finds Mechwarrior before me please upload it.
Thank you all !!!

I have the collection yes thats true the Entire Early Mechwarrior PC collection! BattleTech the cresent Hawks Inception, BattleTech the Cresent Hawks Revenge <AWSOME> and the FIRST 3D Mechwarrior title yes "Gideon Braver" and BTW I fought the last mission of that in a Locust Hahahaa, and I won to on my first try! Of course the rest of my team had BattleMasters and I was a Rear Torso and head shooting fiend!

Anyways i think the three games are protected or I would upload them if someone would tell me how...
BattleTech Cresent Hawks Revenge is an Awsome RPGish Top down Strategy game in REAL TIME not turn based! You simply pause the Live action, Issue orders and multiple waypoints to all of your Units, call in Airstrikes or Sat-Recon then unpause and modify the plan as the battle unfolds! It's sooo sweet! Especially the bandoned Kell hound base, my oh Gosh! There is also mutliple ways to end a mission that could net you diffrent results that are so wonderful that I cannot even Spoil them for you!!! Just remember something as small as the path you choose to take can have an effect on your next mission and even earn you bonus missions!

The Fifth Horseman 30-05-2005 02:57 PM

Powerhits: Battletech. Yeah.

Note: Crescent Hawks Revenge has been uploaded by me a while back. I think somebody reviewed it too.

BTW, would you like a savegame editor / mech editor for it? I did something like that, oh, about a year or two back.

stoince 31-05-2005 10:45 AM

how do u download it :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:

The Fifth Horseman 31-05-2005 01:38 PM

[ explains everything.

And if you are in a real hurry - check this.

Guest 20-06-2005 11:46 PM

I loved the hell out of this game when I was a kid, and now I want to (now that I got a hold of it agian, for which my thank's go to open it up (programming-wise) and add in new mech's, cheat a little, so on. how can you open these files' though?

The Fifth Horseman 21-06-2005 09:14 AM

You want to do that? Really? :w00t:

Finally someone like myself!

Register an account here first and PM me, then I'll PM you all materials on altering BT1 that I managed to find over the net. :ok:

Oh, yes, you'll need a hexeditor too. Hex Workshop will do just right (used it myself)

PS. I had some serious fun there. The game has a few limitations, though. First the name length of mechs (you cannot alter them beyond original ones), second - you only can have 10 weapons total. No more.

Kithkin 23-06-2005 01:48 AM

I used to play Battletech with friends in middle school. The first game I got for the first computer we owned with a cdrom was Mechwarrior 2.

So of course, when I saw Powerhits I jumped on it.

I remember the first copy protection thing, it was like a quiz naming the parts on a stinger or wasp.

I made it to the starmap at the end but didn't have a clue what to do. The book that came with powerhits was no help.

rj 25-07-2005 01:18 AM

can anyone tell me how come the game doesn't run under windows xp? is there something i can do to make it run? thank you for your help.

Guest 25-07-2005 01:19 AM

by "the game" i meant mechwarrior 2....

A. J. Raffles 25-07-2005 10:06 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Jul 25 2005, 01:19 AM
by "the game" i meant mechwarrior 2....
That's a game which is not featured on the site, so you should post in the troubleshooting forum. Somebody there should be able to help you (or at least tell you that it's definitely impossible to run the game in XP). It will probably also be helpful if you try to make your post as detailed as possible, i.e. don't just say "it doesn't work in Windows XP", state what error messages (if any) you get and what exactly happens when you try to run the game in XP. If you've unsuccessfully tried running it in DOSBox, describe what errors you get there.

The Fifth Horseman 25-07-2005 11:28 AM

Mechwarrior 2 does not run under Windows XP, even the Titanium Trilogy version. Try Microsoft Virtual PC with Windows 98 installed, should do the trick.

Rockfan 07-04-2006 02:34 AM


I have a problem with this game.It's about the exam,I have no idea about mech parts(i have a instruction from net but it's not working).Og and one more thing i'm playing on WinUAE.
Can you help me?

The Fifth Horseman 07-04-2006 01:22 PM

HOTU used to have that, IIRC, but... they're gone.
But here is a site on old Battletech games that has this and the other copy protection solutions (there is another copy protection at the end of game):

nealarnett 04-11-2006 02:38 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(The Niles @ Jul 4 2004, 07:33 PM) [snapback]4887[/snapback]</div>


Battletech is one of the pioneer for rpg/strategy in the old days....yes graphic does sucks....gameplay is pretty good where u r playing in a role of an mercenary going around exploring n finding the truth, is also where its leads to the birth of Mechwarrior nowdays known as.
Nice game though.

You are thinking of Mechwarrior not Battletech. They are different games and quite dissimilar.
umm dude they are the same game they use same weapons with same size and slot reuirements and same mechs duhhh...

The Fifth Horseman 07-11-2006 11:54 AM

Battletech: the wargame.
Mechwarrior: the RPG system.

Both are set in the same universe.

Guest 30-11-2006 01:58 AM

Point of interest. Fallout is not based on a PnP RPG, it just seems that way. Interplay were real good at that. *Sigh* And I STILL can't find a copy of Fallout: Tactics anywhere.

Ver 27-01-2007 08:45 AM

This was probably the second or third computer game i ever owned.

One thing about it though - the box it came in had a picture depicting something like 3 mechs and 6 allied humans in a place (from the energy barriers) that im sure didnt exist. It drove me nuts trying to find these extra allies, always figured there was something up with the prison - or one of the npc's that says so youve never been to the starport - well if you ever end up there... nothing came of that.

Pointless tidbit, its possible to win the first mission (with any mech) theres a position in one of the lakes nw of where you enter the arena. The jenners all get stuck in an alley and you can hit them without being hit.

laiocfar 12-03-2007 12:53 AM

I dont find how to save. Any idea?

The Fifth Horseman 12-03-2007 01:41 PM

Press Escape to bring up the menu.

Zwischy 25-03-2007 12:51 AM

ABout the final puzzle at the end of the game...

With the original documentation came a map of the planets which is exactly the same as the planets which you see on the floor of the large room in the final area (after you've used all the colored keycards to gain access).

On the documentation, there is a green line which runs through the planets on a map of the Inner Sphere somewhere in the booklet. See, the manual was meant to be used with the game more than most people expect - not only for copyright protection on the Wasp diagram. Only by RTFM would you be able to solve the final puzzle.

Before I ever beat CHI, I one day was flipping somewhat randomly through the manual trying to figure out a legend or description that defined the significance of that green line - but there was absolutely nothing that I could find. I initially decided it was just background, so I gave up and decided I'd figure it out another day. After playing CHI some time later I finally made it to the end of the game and I was lucky enough that day to remember the green line through the map. That is the key to the final pattern. I don't remember it offhand, so I can't tell you the final code for sure (and I do have the Powerhits CD as well as the entire booklet that came with it, but at the moment I don't have them on hand since I'm at my parents' comp as I write this... :P).

Thomas 04-07-2007 10:08 PM

Hey guys! I can't believe I found this game. I too used to play this when i was like 10 or something, loved it. Now I'm 24 and am trying to play it again...however when I run it in DOSBox I choose the graphics and the drives, but then I just get a message saying "Insert Disk 2". Anyone know how to get around this?

The Fifth Horseman 05-07-2007 11:16 AM

You need to choose the option of running the game from HDD. It should work.

TSchellhous 05-07-2007 06:56 PM

Hey thanks for the reply...yeah that was the problem, I was choosing the disk drive by habit from way back when, choosing the hard drive fixed it...except now the colors aren't right, I've tried running in 256 color mode, compatibility mode, but for some reason the colors won't come out right. If anyone has a suggestion I'd be glad to hear it :) By the way, since finding this site yesterday I've downloaded a half dozen games including Mechwarrior and Battletech 2 :D This is awesome!

The Fifth Horseman 06-07-2007 04:18 AM

"Won't come out right"? Not sure what you mean by that.

You need to choose VGA graphics when you run the game... this _should_ work.

If it doesn't, run the game in DOSBox but experiment with changing the machine setting in DOSBox.conf. The possible settings are described in the config file itself.

I'll run CHI later today and see if there are any problems on my copy of DOSBox.

TSchellhous 06-07-2007 06:53 AM

Dude I apologize for my noobness...of course that was the problem :wallbash: I was choosing the wrong display setting. Thanks for the help!

lewdtenant 03-12-2007 09:44 PM

I had this game when it first came out. At one point in the game I could not take 2-3 steps without getting into a battle. It made the game unplayable. I went back to the game one day and was checking around and found out why. Man was that lame. LOL!

One of the handful of games I finished with my bro in the 80s.

omikron48 13-01-2008 12:44 PM

wow. this game takes me back. used to play this around th time i was still using lotus123 for word processing.

can anyone help point out the money locations in the game? or are they random per game restart?

or better yet, how to hex edit money in the game?

Luchsen 13-01-2008 03:52 PM

Random, yes. File GAME#, offset 0D5D, 4-byte. 7777 7777 doesn't look random, is easy to type and gives a nice amount of C-Bills near to the limit but not to near (so you don't go negative by earning even a little more).

The Fifth Horseman 13-01-2008 07:57 PM

You can also edit mechs in the game. See for more information - while the offsets there apply to the amiga version of the game, their relative layout remains the same.

johnnypeebles 11-02-2008 07:46 PM

anybody have a full control list for this game?

The Fifth Horseman 12-02-2008 11:43 AM

The cursor keys, escape, spacebar and enter.

Bugger 29-03-2008 10:39 PM

Crescent Hawks Inception
can't down load game it go's to next link then says forbidden

_r.u.s.s. 29-03-2008 10:55 PM

fixed ____

RANDOMMATE 17-02-2009 10:39 AM

Yeah, i remember playing this aged 14 and that mission and realising the walls shut down so you could escape.. brilliant little game advancer.. problem was when the techs wouldn't upgrade nor repair damaged actuators.. so i found two things..

1) you could easily "upgrade" by hacking the save game (make a copy first).. (i had no idea of programming but did have pctools-original) if you are still playing try it.. open using any hex/ascii editor and look for your mech name - the only thing you will recognise (can change BRING ON THE ATLAS!!) ... weapon codes are all numbers in the range 01-20something from memory.. internal/external armour codes are there to.. body parts all deliniated by 0000 OR FFFF or something for layout.. just watch out as the armour tends to go nuts in the visual layout and actual use senses - funny thing is Infocom built in suport for ALL the battletech weapons.. including PPCs and LRMs .. it makes it very fun.. till the techs wont replace ammo anyway..

2) with the original disk version (and i guess if you could virtual disk it somehow) i made two copies of each disk.. each time you entered a "insert other disk map" you could do the event (and gain weapons etc) multiple times by swapping which disk you used.

oh and theres a 3) but this is just abusing the game play - when you find the comstar trading building invest 1/2 your c-bills into the risky shares, half into the safe shares and then go back to the world map, walk to a remote spot and go mow the lawn or something.. when you get back you are either a millionaire or broke in the risky and relatively wealthy in the safe shares.. repeat.. the share values seem alter every 3 minutes or so (on an cga, Amstrad 512, 4mhz 086 beast (unfortunately no turbo button...))

haha the memories.. thats it.. im going back... wheres my vibroblade for when i wake up in that kurita invasion?

(just found this so good -

gumpy 17-06-2009 06:40 PM

I'll have to play this one soon.

Mydnyt Bomber 09-07-2009 11:39 AM

Everyones ignoring me....
I seem to have a problem with getting any attention at any mechit-lube, armour shop or weapon shop... they all ignore me or call me a traitor... how do I fix this, and what did i do to deserve this treatment??? :unsure:

The Fifth Horseman 09-07-2009 12:39 PM

Which point in the game are you at?

Mydnyt Bomber 09-07-2009 01:06 PM

Nevermind... I figured it out... I had a Kuritan double agent on my team... obviously, no one want to know you when he's with you.
So obviously, if no one want to talk to you, you have a spy in your midst.

Acero 14-12-2009 12:53 AM

Anyone else who played this having issues with the first training mission where you have to get to the south east corner of the training yard? No matter how fast I get over there and back I always fail the exam...

The Fifth Horseman 14-12-2009 06:21 AM

Been a while since I played this game, but I don't recall having any problems with the first training mission.

Acero 14-12-2009 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 390889)
Been a while since I played this game, but I don't recall having any problems with the first training mission.

Yeah, same here. I tried eight times without managing to pass the first one, I gave up after that. The first mission can't be THAT hard so something has to be funny since I'm running the game through DOS box, perhaps I'll try again later. Thanks for the reply.

The Fifth Horseman 14-12-2009 10:22 PM

Something is funny, because I just started it again to check and found myself facing the exact same issue. :mhh:

Acero 15-12-2009 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 390970)
Something is funny, because I just started it again to check and found myself facing the exact same issue. :mhh:

I fired it up again when I got home today and passed it the first try. What the heck? :wall: :hypno:

muppet122 12-06-2010 01:01 AM

Enjoyable enuff with a walkthru

Originally Posted by Acero (Post 390975)
I fired it up again when I got home today and passed it the first try. What the heck? :wall: :hypno:

I also had the hardest time with the first training mission. I thought it counted your movements therefor I tried to avoid the forest but that was a waste of time just bolt to the bottom corner.

This game would have been near impossible in its time. I recommend using a walkthru, it will keep you entertained. Enjoyed the story. Unfortunately the combat scenes are crap but you can automate them so all good.

Not bad 3.5/5

Hoolser 11-10-2010 07:42 PM

Hi :)
I'm not sure is this the right place for my problems :D
As in title: spacebar problem. Game is going quite well but the spacebar menu don't want to listen ;P so, no Main Menu, no Settings, no saving, no loading, etc. Can you help me?? What is going on?? What is wrong??
PS. Sorry for my english ;D

The Fifth Horseman 11-10-2010 07:49 PM

Which version of DOSBox are you using?
What is your keyboard configuration?

Hoolser 12-10-2010 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 415173)
Which version of DOSBox are you using?
What is your keyboard configuration?

DOSBox v 0.74
and... keyboard configuration?? Where is it??

The Fifth Horseman 12-10-2010 08:40 PM

a) setting keyboardlayout=PL in DOSBox config
b) pressing CTRL+F1 while in DOSBox and adding a new key binding for the virtual space bar (setting it to your keyboard's space bar or whatever else you like)

flameg0d 15-06-2011 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Mydnyt Bomber (Post 375004)
I seem to have a problem with getting any attention at any mechit-lube, armour shop or weapon shop... they all ignore me or call me a traitor... how do I fix this, and what did i do to deserve this treatment??? :unsure:

U're using a Kuritan's mech salvaged on one of your battle, try to destroy that mech on one of the battle then the mechit would talk to you again.

as for the 1st training problem try using locust and walk straight to the corner but still avoid the forest. bush or water as much as U can

Idicus 14-09-2012 03:13 AM

jenner mech
if this is the game i remember ive got a good "cheat" for you. at start of game when the base gets attacked you can KEEP the Jenner Mech by running to the south west or south east, look for a break in the fence, walk thru it and you escaped ...with a mech you shouldnt have. :OK:

sean1978 14-09-2015 05:43 AM

RESURRECTION! 2015 edition!

Guys I'm revisiting this game (and the others in the series)

I recently got myself an old IBM PS/2 like I had in high school back in the 90's, this is one of the original games that got me into computers:

Here's a shot of my battlestation running Crescent Hawk's Revenge:

I bought a physical copy of the Battletech: Powerhits compilation from EBAY!

Anyway I'm doing a super-replay of this game. I want to attempt all of the most difficult things to do in it.

I remembered how to get the Chameleon and made a video of it:

So I have TWO (maybe 3) other things I'd really like to do, and I have not ever seen either one of them actually done:

- Rent an Urbanmech at the arena and steal it. I have heard people say they have done this, but I'm pretty sure most of them were remembering playing on the C64 version (it's different)

- Defeat ALL FOUR Jenners during the kurita invasion. Some have claimed to have done it, but the details on how are pretty sparse. I'm guessing if it's possible it will involve trapping the AI behind something you can shoot past and picking them off from long range with the Chameleons Large Laser. Maybe it's possible some other way? Anyone know how?

- Salvage a Jenner? I had heard that it may be possible by (a) defeating at least one of the jenners in the Kurita invasion, and (b) returning to the area that they were defeated and (c) winning a skirmish in the area of the wreckage, and then being able to salvage them after.

Any other super rare or difficult things in the game you guys can think of?

marko river 15-09-2015 09:56 PM

Hehehe, that's awesome. I know the feeling when yuo start the actual machine, not just some emulator. Can't share any experience about the game, but thx for the pic :)

The Fifth Horseman 17-09-2015 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by sean1978 (Post 463930)
- Rent an Urbanmech at the arena and steal it. I have heard people say they have done this, but I'm pretty sure most of them were remembering playing on the C64 version (it's different)

I've done that on the PC version before, it's not hard - rent the urbanmech, shoot the tribunes, run. Thing is, if you do it, you get blocked from entering the spaceport ever again.


- Defeat ALL FOUR Jenners during the kurita invasion. Some have claimed to have done it, but the details on how are pretty sparse. I'm guessing if it's possible it will involve trapping the AI behind something you can shoot past and picking them off from long range with the Chameleons Large Laser. Maybe it's possible some other way? Anyone know how?
Trapping the AI seems to be the answer - the enemy mechs seem to have difficulty navigating into this alley:

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