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BlackMageJawa 29-10-2004 08:29 PM

I finally got around to downloading System Shock. I know that this is notoriously difficult to get to work under XP, but several sites have said that it's easy to get running under DOSbox, just not very quickly. Well, since I have a fairly fast PC and the supposedly much-improved db0.62, I thought I'd give it a go.

But it doesn't seem to work.

I have found at least two other methods, but they're both rather complicated and involve downloading lots of other programs, so if at all possible I'd prefer to use DOSbox. Can anyone help?

Unknown Hero 29-10-2004 10:07 PM

Hey, wait. I'll call someone!
DATA!!!!! :help:
No responde. Sorry. Maybe he will come by tomorrow. You are not in hurry, aren't you? :hairpull:

alienstookmybeer 30-10-2004 01:33 PM

Dosbox isn't exactly the easier option if you can't get it to work!

Actually, I tried that as well and gave up and tried one of those other options... :whistle: VDMSound, but had to do much referring back to the ttlg forum to get it to work. But I've done tougher installs (SS2)

Interesting, it looks like a group is creating an SS2 mod that is basically a recreation of SS1. That might be done next year... very cool. Just the ability to map keys would be awesome.

BlackMageJawa 30-10-2004 03:11 PM

*Does the Black Mage dance*

Well, I gave up on DOSbox and tried the simpler of the two alternative methods I came across. It turns out that the main problem with the game is that it requires a certain type of memory that any NT-based Windows OS just doesn't do. At all. Ever.

So I had to download a modified version of CDSHOCK.EXE, designed to get around the memory problems, and replace the original one with that. Now it works perfectly, with much better sound than I usually get in DOSbox (though still a little buggy on the speech).

I just hope it isn't really as scary as everyone makes it out to be... :unsure:

Data 30-10-2004 03:23 PM

hmm though that system shock worked in dosbox.

Hmm abandonia doesn't have the game. So can't really test it.

Morrin 16-11-2004 12:13 PM


Originally posted by Data@Oct 30 2004, 03:23 PM
hmm though that system shock worked in dosbox.

Hmm abandonia doesn't have the game. So can't really test it.

It worked in my DosBox thought I haven't played it much. Im just not too attracted to this kind of oldies. When it's oldies, it's old oldies. :) System Shock 2 however is a pearl (as we say in finland). I've completed it thousands of times, last time in couple weeks ago.

FreeFreddy 16-11-2004 03:00 PM

And System Shock 1 was at times even better. :ok:
So if you didn't give it a chance, you better do. ;)

comatosesquirrel 18-01-2005 11:17 PM

If you were interested, somewhere online Through The Looking Glass studios host the ISO of Sytem Shock 1 for download (e.g full version with speach and 640x480 graphics etc... I can't remember the exact site however, but if I find it would people like me to post a link?

Also the TTLG forums have an excellent guide to getting both SShock games rulling on all systems... EVERYONE SHOULD PLAY THESE GAMES...

(they fear you human, for you are my avatar..)

Hooba 19-01-2005 10:19 PM

How to Run System Shock 1 on Windows 2000/XP FAQ v 1.0

Try it out, it worked for me.
And it really doesn't take too long.

Hope it works for you!

peter tron 24-10-2012 12:33 AM


i just downloaded system shock. i double clicked the cdshock.exe and was promptly told:

this application does not run in fullscreen mode. click 'close' to terminate the application.
any ideas?



The Fifth Horseman 24-10-2012 08:06 AM

Use DOSBox to run it instead of trying to run it in Windows.

peter tron 25-10-2012 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 446851)
Use DOSBox to run it instead of trying to run it in Windows.

i have it. but i have no idea how to get dosbox to run it.

The Fifth Horseman 25-10-2012 06:36 AM

Here's a beginner's guide:

peter tron 25-10-2012 11:09 AM

cheers for the guide!
i couldn't locate the "DOSBox.conf." file under the dosbox shortcut in the start menu.
i looked for the config file within the main dosbox folder in my c drive.
i used the start menu search function.

i couldn't find it :(

if it help:

i'm running dosbox 0.74
vista 32

The Fifth Horseman 25-10-2012 11:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The config file location was changed since .72, IIRC. You can access the default config using Options -> DOSBox 0.74 Options in the Start menu. Here's a screenshot.

peter tron 25-10-2012 12:56 PM

done it!
there were some 'issues' with dox box. when using it to install norton commander, you are effectively 'locked' into dosbox, so you can't get out to the desktop to scroll down your web page guide to see what step to take next.
the only way i could do this was cntrl/alt/del, which gave me back control of the mouse to use the desktp!

i have heard that the cdshock exe is the best to run, as it has all the cut scenes etc.

one thing:
i was confused by the inst/initial.exe.
there was sound set-up options, so i made sure they were set as described in your guide. when i came to the option to 'save and quit', i was told i need to install it (strange, as the game runs fine from the exe of course..).

El Quia 25-10-2012 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by peter tron (Post 446899)
done it!
there were some 'issues' with dox box. when using it to install norton commander, you are effectively 'locked' into dosbox, so you can't get out to the desktop to scroll down your web page guide to see what step to take next.
the only way i could do this was cntrl/alt/del, which gave me back control of the mouse to use the desktp!

You could also alt+tab out of it... :p

There also an option in the config file to set the "mouse trap" feature off (although it is really helpful when playing mouse-driven games in windows mode). Look for "autolock=true" in DOSBox.conf, and change it to "autolock=false". But, again, I think it's better get used to alt+tab out of it, because autolock is really useful.

peter tron 25-10-2012 01:54 PM

ah, alt-tab!

thnx for that. i'll stick with that :)

peter tron 25-10-2012 08:24 PM

apparently the cdshock exe is supposed to be better than the shock.exe.
i tried them both and they look exactly the same.
i thought that the text was supposed to be clearer etc.?

i was watching this:

i realize he was using updated music files, but his version has an updated graphics.
is this a patch?
i always run the cdshock.exe from dosbox and it doesn't look the same at all.

any ideas?

dosraider 26-10-2012 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by peter tron (Post 446906)
......any ideas?

Seems to be running this:
SS1 SYSTEMSHOCK-Portable v1.2.2

The Fifth Horseman 26-10-2012 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by peter tron (Post 446906)
apparently the cdshock exe is supposed to be better than the shock.exe.
i tried them both and they look exactly the same.
i thought that the text was supposed to be clearer etc.?

IIRC, cdshock allows for higher ingame resolutions and uses higher resolution cutscene videos as well.

You need to look into the in-game options menu to change the settings. :)

hunvagy 26-10-2012 06:07 AM

Because one is the original floppy version, the other is the enhanced CD version. And yes, as dosraider pointed out, you are better off using the SSP.

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