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Omuletzu 20-03-2004 06:44 PM

Command and Conquer - Special Gold Edition
I'm not sure if C&C is abandonware, but if it is, i think adding it to the site would be an excellent idea.It's one of the greatest games ever made and i think many people feel the same.

Also please vote in the poll.I would like to see your impression of the game.

Stroggy 20-03-2004 08:02 PM

look at my avatar and guess

I know red alert isn't abandonware
I don't know about C&C
there probably is some tiny compnay that still sells it somewhere in the northern most tip of Siberia in a town populated by a whalesheppard, Stalin's Nice Twin and a woman called Bagnol

Ioncannon 21-03-2004 06:10 PM

hehehe If you need a upload I can give cnc gold to yea. But C&C Gold is win95. And its still being sold in packs and bundles like the CNC collection. How about the original dos version. That defenetly is abandon ware.

Stroggy 21-03-2004 07:04 PM

man I would love to play CnC again
does it contain the movies
because really CnC isn't anything without those cheesy movies... and Kane

Ioncannon 21-03-2004 10:31 PM

What I love about cnc is it goes way back to the bible!

Titan 21-03-2004 11:30 PM

I got the Original CD :lol:

But i can't make them go under XP :( not even with the XP-patch...

Ioncannon 21-03-2004 11:33 PM


I got the Original CD *:lol:

But i can't make them go under XP :( not even with the XP-patch...

if it cnc gold install the patch then right-click click properties. Click compatability tab. The choos win95 and change the reselution box. Hope it works :)

Titan 22-03-2004 11:24 AM

as i said... i can't make it work under XP..
and it's not the Gold vers.
It's the old good C&C (black cd's)

Anonymous 22-03-2004 12:08 PM

the dos version? like the ORIGINAL?? The FIRST ONE EVER to come out?

Omuletzu 22-03-2004 12:11 PM

Maybe you could upload it titan :wink:

Stroggy 22-03-2004 03:50 PM

PRETTY please with sugar on top?

anyway you could download dosbox and try running the old one in there
I'm pretty sure it will work

Titan 23-03-2004 02:05 AM


the dos version? like the ORIGINAL?? The FIRST ONE EVER to come out?


Maybe you could upload it titan

PRETTY please with sugar on top? *

anyway you could download dosbox and try running the old one in there *
I'm pretty sure it will work

If i can't run it in XP, i don't ;)
and no.... it's seriously 2 full CD's... it's more then the total space on the server..
Why don't you guys just BUY it like the rest of us? Doesn't the developers deserve some cash for theire hard work on this awsom title(s)?

I do like this... if there is a demo, i play it... if not, i try to download a full vers...
If i like it, i buy it, else i just delete it... may not be 100% legal, but that is what i think is fair deal...

Omuletzu 23-03-2004 09:00 AM


Why don't you guys just BUY it like the rest of us? Doesn't the developers deserve some cash for theire hard work on this awsom title(s)?
:lol: LOL You think that if i could buy this game i would have posted a new topic with this subject???In Romania we don't have stores that sell games that old.

Titan 23-03-2004 10:30 AM

Neither do we here in sweden.. but you can still ORDER it..

Omuletzu 23-03-2004 10:45 AM

hmmm , maybe i could if i were OLDER!!!

Stroggy 23-03-2004 04:34 PM

yes if only I had a credit card :roll:
my; dad is into tank games (still plays Panzer Elite if any of you heard of it) and HATES and I mean HATES strategy games like C&C
he hates 'em with a passion
so since C&C is NOT sold in Belgium, germany or the netherlands (believe me I've searched) and I can't order it from the web this is my last hope

The Niles 23-03-2004 09:01 PM

Why would you want to play C&C anyway? The game was not that good. I think Dune is on here somewhere and if it's not it sure is somewhere else. Try playing that. It's better.

Omuletzu 24-03-2004 10:59 AM

As gameplay the two games are incomparable(C&C is much better i think).Also graphics are much more better in the second game.Sound is better... so i really don't see your point Picard.Dune II is a classic , an exceptional game for it's time;but it's incomparable with C&C.

Stroggy 24-03-2004 11:57 AM


Why would you want to play C&C anyway? The game was not that good. I think Dune is on here somewhere and if it's not it sure is somewhere else. Try playing that. It's better.

Omuletzu 24-03-2004 01:55 PM


tank games
Heh, panzer general, now there's another great game :!: .This game would also make a nice addition to abandonia's data base.Too bad it's kinda large... :(

Ioncannon 25-03-2004 06:52 PM

C&C is the BEST strat game! PEACE THROUGH POWER!!!!

Stroggy 25-03-2004 08:50 PM


C&C is the BEST strat game! PEACE THROUGH POWER!!!!
the technology of peace!

The Niles 26-03-2004 07:25 AM


As gameplay the two games are incomparable(C&C is much better i think).Also graphics are much more better in the second game.Sound is better... so i really don't see your point Picard.Dune II is a classic , an exceptional game for it's time;but it's incomparable with C&C.

You are of course intiteled to your own opinions about what you like but to say Dune2 and C&C are incomparable is untrue. The are virually identical in many respects. C&C has better graphics yes and better sound maybe even more options but then it was released years after Dune2. The reason I said C&C was a bad game was partly just to tick people off which needs to be done every once in awhile. The other reason was that although in many respects C&C is better then Dune2, Dune2 had one quality that is, for me, an overriding factor to for considdering a game good. Dune2 kept me interrested. I played C&C and even enjoyed it for a time but once I got to mid game I had seen all the levels already and the new units I got could not entice me to keep playing. Dune2 however I played out until the bitter end more then once. It's no doubt a matter of taste but for me Dune2 will always be better then C&C. I did like C&C Red Alert however, funny thing that.

Omuletzu 26-03-2004 11:13 AM


The reason I said C&C was a bad game was partly just to tick people off
You sure did :evil:

which needs to be done every once in awhile
Not true.I respect your oppinion about C&C, but as you said above you were only trying to annoy me.Not nice... :x

It's no doubt a matter of taste but for me Dune2 will always be better then C&C. I did like C&C Red Alert however, funny thing that.
Your oppinion, and i respect it, but don't try to change mine...

The Niles 26-03-2004 11:21 AM


I respect your oppinion about C&C, but as you said above you were only trying to annoy me.Not nice... *:x *

This is untrue. I said it was one of the reasons not THE reason. And annoying people by questioning their beliefs keeps people from becomming complacent.

Stroggy 26-03-2004 12:08 PM

Red Alert has always been seen as the game that finally got everything right
Dune 2 wasn't that much fun
C&C didn't have strange missions like in Red Alert.
the great thing about Red Alert were the missions
I remember in one mission you had one spy and you had to get through an entire enemy base filled with gods without being noticed

Omuletzu 26-03-2004 12:31 PM

hey picard i hope you ain't mad or something , cus this is only a conversation about games... no offense right? :wink:

The Niles 26-03-2004 02:24 PM


hey picard i hope you ain't mad or something , cus this is only a conversation about games... no offense right? *:wink:
I'm not offended at all. Only a little tired. I need a vacation.

Omuletzu 26-03-2004 06:42 PM

huh ... :roll: ... me too

Almigo 04-11-2005 10:17 AM

Truely one of the greatest games made in it's time :Brain:
It really showed WarCraft, what realtime strategy gamming is all about... :ok:

I have several cd's with C&C + addon's and such. But I don't have any trouple
running the game in XP pro :w00t:
I don't have any servie packs installed, that could be the reason. But if not, then i don't know.

To Stroggy: I agree that RA has some special mission with Tanja and such,
but they where in C&C to. In fact I remember that in the demo of C&C there's three missions.
1. Landfall on beach, build base and barracks. :sniper:
2. Special mission with a man like Tanja, think he's named Jack. Blow up anti-air
3. Establish Base and attack enemy base which got the ion-tower. :Titan:

Seems that my memory is okey, after all.. hehe :angel:

Doubler 04-11-2005 11:09 AM

Uhm, this kind of necromancy is generally frowned uppon, Almigo.
You should really avoid reviving long-dead threads.

But at least you're right. Who can forget the mission where you control that one lone commando who has to destroy an unknown building to cripple the NOD base.

A. J. Raffles 04-11-2005 11:11 AM

Hmm, no offence, but did you look at the dates, Almigo? The last post in this thread before you resurrected it was more than one and a half years ago...:whistle:

Edit: Never mind. Doubler got there first.:)

Data 04-11-2005 11:23 AM


Dave 20-07-2007 09:35 AM

It's still rejected.

arete 08-07-2009 11:35 AM

Released as Freeware...

AlumiuN 10-07-2009 10:20 AM

But is the Covert Operations expansion abandonware? If it is, I can provide an ISO. :)

arete 03-08-2009 06:57 AM

Command and Conquer Gold [APPROVED]

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