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RRS 21-10-2011 05:35 PM

Facebook mania
OK, I understand that Facebook is now considered another tool in PR department ("let people themselves spread the word") and it generates more visitors, but c'mon, a "Like" button would be enough, why a whole script displaying a dozen of random avatars? Am I supposed to talk to these people because they too like abandonia or what? Can someone explain to me the reasoning behind this?

Eagle of Fire 21-10-2011 05:36 PM

Funny you mention it. I just removed my like status on Facebook toward Abandonia since I noticed the same.

The Fifth Horseman 21-10-2011 05:54 PM

Site owners' idea. If you need to discuss it, you'll have to do it with them.

TheChosen 21-10-2011 09:15 PM

This is silly, so Im just gonna post something stupid

"What'cha gonna do when the Facebookmania runs wild on you brother!?"

Japo 21-10-2011 09:48 PM

My opinion is that it's good, but its current placement is too prioritized (above the quiz and everything else on the front page, even above the screenshots in every frigging review). I think everyone could be reasonably happy if it was taken down a little on the front page, and in my opinion removed from the review pages, or at least moved down below the review screenshots.

As for the tweet button actually, I think it would make more sense to have one on each game page, instead of the front page. Not sure about the Google +1, as I don't even know how that works.

We could even make a poll. But anyway keep in mind what Horseman said, this was done by Abovo, and they don't usually ask or answer questions, and anything they fancy for Abandonia can be considered final.

Eagle of Fire 21-10-2011 10:15 PM

You know, that's exactly why I would never use my real name or upload a photo of me on Facebook. You never know which site will ever use your personal stuff... It is only a question of when.

RRS 22-10-2011 12:41 AM

As I said, I know it's a free form of promotion, therefore useful to some extent, no matter if I like it or not.

...because I hate the Facebook craze. Was Abandonia on myspace 3 years ago? What's the difference then? It's a portal for "socializing", so finding new dates or small talk. If it stayed this way, I wouldn't care, just as I didn't for myspace.
But now even serious institutions have Facebook thing on their webpage. Take my city library. Do they seriously count on more people to borrow books if they create a Facebook profile?
And since everybody is jumping onto Facebook bandwagon, they abandon forums (remember case?) and instant messengers. This is just as handy as people changing constantly their cell phone numbers (I remember old times, when telephone number changed only if someone moved into a different flat).


TheChosen 22-10-2011 03:16 AM

EDIT: In case you didnt get it, you two are the old man

RRS 22-10-2011 05:39 AM

You already told us you find my views silly, so you're repeating yourself... like an old man. Perhaps you have no own opinion - that would also mean lack of independent thinking - and all you can do is "going with the flow", laughing up everyone who dares to disagree. This reminds me dumb kids in school who didn't tolerated anyone not following their dumb fads.
Note that you didn't even bring up the virtues of Facebook to counter my words...

Eagle of Fire 22-10-2011 06:07 AM

I might be shoveling clouds but at least my personal identification is safe.

Can you say the same?

That's what I thought.

TotalAnarchy 22-10-2011 09:36 AM

Imagine the world. In the world all people have jobs. Now realize that most of these people working on their jobs have absolutely no idea what they're doing, and just apply a standard stamp on everything. Abandonia case. Reality. Sucks.

The layout changes are so lame, it doesn't make sense.

Japo 22-10-2011 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by RRS (Post 435493)
And since everybody is jumping onto Facebook bandwagon, they abandon forums (remember case?) and instant messengers.

The forums have always been used by a very small minority among the users of the website, even before AB had a Facebook profile. :/

arete 22-10-2011 10:25 AM

I deliked it too. Unliked... Bugger these neologisms. Anyway, i like to keep my personal life private <_<

Lulu_Jane 22-10-2011 10:45 AM

RSS, the Abandonia FB group has provided us with effective real-time communication with users of the site, regarding site content and site events, but more importantly (for me anyway) it allows us to deal with user site issues etc. almost immediately. We have thousands more Abandonians off-site than those who are active on these forums, it (and twitter) are ideal ways to communicate with them, advertise our content and build awareness of what we are and what we do.

The changes with the site front page layout have only just been implemented, and will be evolving. It has already been mentioned that the staff you are addressing here do not have control over these changes, please use the "contact us" form via the navigation links or contact Abovo directly via their website to voice your concerns more effectively.

And finally, as always with the internet, if you don't like something, you are free to not participate as some of you have already chosen to do.

DarthHelmet86 22-10-2011 12:15 PM

I like it, not the placing but with time I am sure we can get it moved around. Getting our updates and news out to as many people as possible can only help the site. Also everything Lulu said.

Dave 22-10-2011 12:30 PM

The reasoning behind these changes are clearly an attempt to push the social networks in order to increase the traffic esponentially. Looking at our previous statistics the addition of the Facebook panel brought us lot of visibility even if it was added 2 days ago.
Moreover, in this occasion, Abovo employees managed to repair broken parts of the layout, so it's not just a matter o publicity.

The layout is still under developement though, luckily we can do little but significant changes, in fact during these days I've spent several hours repairing placements that covered functional pages of the site and I tried to adapt Drupal blocks to their modifications.

I've learned how this site works and technically speaking I can say without a doubt that the layout works better now.
However, talking about graphics it's impossible that everyone will appreciate the final result. It's always pretty subjective.

Speaking about privacy I find your critics out of place, Facebook is a personal page placed on the internet and your personal informations are always displayed in public. If you find this so irritating I suggest you to adjust your privacy settings because it's not a link on Abandonia that reveals your private details to the world.

Eagle of Fire 22-10-2011 09:24 PM


it's not a link on Abandonia that reveals your private details to the world.
This is the kind of innocent thoughts which lead you to wonder how those thieves got away with your credit card so easily.

Anybody can create an app in Facebook and get immediate access to your "so called private" informations. From there, they know your adress, your date of birth... Hell, most people even put their phone number(s) and very sensitive info there, not giving it the slightest shadow of a thought more.

Ever seen apps in which the only purpose is to look into your account and sort all your friends by ranks of whatever? Yeah, those apps are able to see the stupid user friend page just as if they were your own friend because they get access to it for their "review". So even if you are smart and cover your tracks, there is always a dumb one who don't know better who get the job done for you.

Welcome to the real world.

Lulu_Jane 22-10-2011 09:32 PM

While that may be true, none of that is related to the "like this" link on Abandonia.

Caveat Emptor as always.

The Fifth Horseman 22-10-2011 10:16 PM



it's not a link on Abandonia that reveals your private details to the world.
This is the kind of innocent thoughts which lead you to wonder how those thieves got away with your credit card so easily.
EoF, calm down and think for a moment. It's Facebook who requested, stored and and is revealing those details. It's the Facebook users who willingly gave this information away. We don't have anything to do with it.
Abandonia had a Facebook page. Abandonia now also has a Facebook Like button on the front page. That's all we have to do with Facebook.

Eagle of Fire 23-10-2011 01:59 AM

I really fail to see how that invalid what I just said. Unless people want to hide their head in the sand, as always.

I'm really not angry or anything though. Only as always on a crusade against ignorance. Things like this are either ignored or discarded by a lot of people even though it is the plain truth.

Also, the simple fact that that app on the site shows the members images (or avatar) is enough for me to write this. It is only the tip of the iceberg but I don't see why it should go unheard nevertheless.

arete 23-10-2011 06:11 AM

I love our social networks for the very reasons lulu put out above. However, i don't want my public real life identity to associate with my private internet identity, simply because I can be myself on the internet. The consequences in this judgemental town of saying what I really think would probably be Shunning. XD Not that certain people don't shun me already, of course. But I just have to live with it.

The only thing that really worries me is a repeat of that scary-stalker event we had a year or so ago -- but now, with workplace, home and private contact details involved. That's my main (if somewhat paranoid) concern. I'm thinking of a second account to like abandonia from, with a cartoon avatar, for that very reason. *^_^

DarthHelmet86 23-10-2011 06:59 AM

Your Facebook account is not linked to your Abandonia account, the only way someone could know it is you is by knowing your real name anyway. They could guess by using your location. If someone already knows your real name they can already find you on Facebook. Using the privacy settings on Facebook can block people from seeing your page.

If people are really worried about Facebook and their identity they can do this one easy simple thing...don't have a Facebook account.

Also the like app thing has been moved down and the quiz is back at the top of the page.

Lulu_Jane 23-10-2011 07:53 AM

Darth hit the nail on the head there.

Just to conclude a little thing:

Get to know your FB privacy settings, check the page preview which other people will see. There is NO reason why anyone should see anything other than your name and profile image. Your contact details etc. should NOT be visible unless you have set them to be that way.

Dave 23-10-2011 10:05 PM

EoF, please stop acting like your are the only one with a brain on earth, you are offending other people's intelligence.

Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire

Originally Posted by Dave
it's not a link on Abandonia that reveals your private details to the world.

This is the kind of innocent thoughts which lead you to wonder how those thieves got away with your credit card so easily.

It looks like you misinterpreted my message on purpose.
What I wanted to say is the same thing that the other repeated you, that it's not a link on AB that reveals your private details, it's all there already because you have entrusted them to Facebook, if you are so scared than you shouldn't have a FB account at all.

Eagle of Fire 23-10-2011 11:29 PM

That's exactly why I don't have a Facebook account at all? At least not with my real name and whatnot.

Why do you think we use alternate names in forums such as this one? Why don't you use your own very name if you feel so confident that it is not a problem?

Also, I didn't misinterpret your message. What you just said prove to me that I interpreted it perfectly. And also, I do sometimes feel like not many people have common sense in the world, which I think you would be better to refer to instead of insulting other people intelligence, which I have not done myself.

The Fifth Horseman 24-10-2011 05:34 AM

Can we stop before this escalates into a flamewar over an effectively pointless tangent?

I really fail to see how that invalid what I just said. Unless people want to hide their head in the sand, as always.
The point is:
If you have problem with Facebook's privacy policies you have to take it up with them. Period.
If you have problem with Abandonia having a Facebook "Like!" block displayed, you have to take it up with Abovo. Period.
We have nothing to do with either.

arete 24-10-2011 05:37 AM

maybe we should close this silly, silly thread :mhh:

Lulu_Jane 24-10-2011 06:57 AM

My forum name is my facebook name. Who cares.

There are more lovely and important things in this world to bother about :)

Dave 27-10-2011 12:40 PM

The discussion about Social Networks has been moved:

You can continue the conversation there, thank you.

BostonGeorge 03-11-2011 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 435534)
The reasoning behind these changes are clearly an attempt to push the social networks in order to increase the traffic esponentially. Looking at our previous statistics the addition of the Facebook panel brought us lot of visibility even if it was added 2 days ago.
Moreover, in this occasion, Abovo employees managed to repair broken parts of the layout, so it's not just a matter o publicity.

The layout is still under developement though, luckily we can do little but significant changes, in fact during these days I've spent several hours repairing placements that covered functional pages of the site and I tried to adapt Drupal blocks to their modifications.

I've learned how this site works and technically speaking I can say without a doubt that the layout works better now.
However, talking about graphics it's impossible that everyone will appreciate the final result. It's always pretty subjective. [...]

Hey Dave :hello:

I was busy with work the last months but now I'm back to AB. The only thing that really shocked me was not the facebook banner itself but its position, especially in the reviews. Even though I'm not into facebook any more, I do not have any problem with these kind of crosslinks to increase one sites traffic.

And (really) you ARE my hero if you've managed to understand the site mechanics =) and I've noticed the very good changes you made.

Speaking as a Designer I absolutely agree that graphic/layout changes are always seen in a subjective way. But the facebook banner HAS to be on another position. Really. Really. Really. Really. ..... Really!
As it is for now, it messes up the whole concept of the review pages. I mean, you open a review and you read the headline of the title and than the first screenshot you see on your right is not a screenshot but instead a facebook 'ad'. This is especially a problem for lower resolutions (1024 etc.) as for most laptops or portable devices.

So, if the layout in general will change - be free, go nuts ;) but please, the facebook 'thing' has to change its position. Usually I try not to interfere with layout decisions (*) but I love AB to death and so here I have to.


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 435896)
The discussion about Social Networks has been moved:

You can continue the conversation there, thank you.

I had to post it here because it's just related to the Banner-Position-Topic and not to social facebooks in general.

Dave 03-11-2011 11:47 PM

Thanks for your kind words.
I agree with you, it shouldn't be displayed in gamepages, but unfortunately it's not up to us to decide.
Once they'll have done with the major changes we will try to find a deal.
However we are currently planning something interesting to solve these kinds of problems and improve site's functionality, there are many other widgets around that can do the job without ruining the layout.

I'll definitely document myself in the next days.

BostonGeorge 04-11-2011 11:44 AM

nice :)

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