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Smiling Spectre 03-10-2011 08:04 PM

Smiling Spectre's offers
Japo? I never did uploads for Abandonia. How can I made it?

Japo 03-10-2011 08:39 PM

Canned PM sent :)

Smiling Spectre 07-10-2011 10:07 PM

Now I uploaded both images (DOS German version and Windows Ger/Eng version) on FTP. I didn't made replacing of .GER files, so both games on German now. Windows version can be easy "Translated" to English as songbird described. DOS-version somewhat more tricky, as it doesn't install language files on HDD. If anyone need ENG, whole image need to be re-cooked. :(

But I can do it, uploading third, English CD, if it is needed. :)

Wow. Site in mess, it seems. :(

Dave 09-10-2011 11:00 PM

Ftp is back, you can try again :OK:

Smiling Spectre 10-10-2011 04:40 AM

I did it already. :) Upload seems quite alive, at least, it have right size. :)

But why such "orphaned" thread? It supposed to be part of "songbird" one. I was confused of it slightly... Well, if it is purposed, can it be at least named as "Smiling Spectre's offers"? :)

Also: what can I upload here? I have quite much of abandoned rips and ISOs, but I cannot choose... Is there some "wanted" list somewhere?

Dave 10-10-2011 12:12 PM

Ok renamed.
They probably decided to give you a personal topic for your contributions :)
Don't miss guidelines: Submitting Content to Abandonia: Here's How

We don't have a real "wanted" list, we have a list of Approved Requests (considered Abandoware):

There's a list of games we have inside FTP:

There's a list of content submitted by users:

That's all I guess :p
In any case if you want to Offer games just post the names here and wait for someone to check if they can be uploaded or not, or search inside requests forums to see if they have been Rejected or Approved.

Smiling Spectre 11-10-2011 04:13 AM

Ok. Thank you, Dave, I will study this... :)

Smiling Spectre 19-04-2012 12:01 PM

Smiling Spectre's humble gifts
I made review of Frontier - Elite 2 and put it on FTP. Not the best of texts, but I hope, it will be useful for someone.

Dave 28-04-2012 12:04 PM

Don't worry, the review has been corrected by Grammar team, did you also submitted screenshots?

Paco 28-04-2012 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 442002)
Don't worry, the review has been corrected by Grammar team, did you also submitted screenshots?

yes, along with other stuff like Manual and such.

Dave 28-04-2012 05:26 PM

Ok, found them :OK:

Smiling Spectre 07-10-2014 09:49 AM

Fighting Fantasy gamebooks
I stumbled over Fighting Fantasy gamebooks at the Steam, and made some search. Surprisingly enough, scanned PDFs was quite easy to acquire at torrents.

So - does Abandonia need them, or they are banned?

If the first - I also OCRed first FF, just from curiosity how hard it to implement. With keeping original formatting and setting links to the right parts. Well, it was indeed harder than I expected - it taken about two weeks of my free time. But I can upload this (FF1) too. :)

Japo 07-10-2014 07:13 PM

I honestly have no idea how the copyright status of the books we have was established. I've seen on the staff forum though that Abovo received a takedown request, and we complied with it.

It would make sense at least in theory to use the same rules as with games. They date apparently from the 80s.

But if you mean that they are for sale on Steam (?), then I'm afraid we shouldn't. Although that would sound strange. :P If they can't be found for sale from an accredited reseller according to AB rules, then we want them.

Smiling Spectre 08-10-2014 06:35 PM

Gamebooks itself are not on Steam, of course.

Still they are. :) Two of them: Appointment With FEAR and The Forest of Doom surfaced recently in bigger pack of the "interactive novels". Of course, it's not exactly the same as "real" books, but still...

I will upload it at the Abandonia anyway, and let you to choose what to do with that then. ;)

marko river 09-10-2014 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre (Post 461206)
I will upload it at the Abandonia anyway, and let you to choose what to do with that then. ;)

Now that's proper thinking :OK:

Smiling Spectre 11-10-2014 09:32 PM

Tell me, if site need any gaming material, Marco. :) I could fill at least half of "Requests", if someone would put it on site, write review and everything - as I am not very good with it. :)

Japo 12-10-2014 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre (Post 461251)
Tell me, if site need any gaming material, Marco. :) I could fill at least half of "Requests", if someone would put it on site, write review and everything - as I am not very good with it. :)

Maybe we can arrange the reviews from elsewhere, but you could volunteer to be an updater and put the material on site yourself ;-)

Smiling Spectre 12-10-2014 07:55 PM

Too much work, Japo. :( I believe, I need to tune game to run, get at least several screenshots, and somehow put it on site, right? Not counting uploading game files itself. Too loong. :( Sorry.

Japo 12-10-2014 08:50 PM

I understand, no worries, ;-) I'm not finding much time for it either... :-/

marko river 13-10-2014 02:33 PM

Well, obtaining archive is usually not the problem. I myself have a large number of games like yourself. But at least screenshots must be present if not review. And real life is really swamping me right now.

Smiling Spectre 14-10-2014 02:18 PM

*nods* I knew. But it worth to try, right? :)

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