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Kosta 11-03-2004 10:04 AM

Wacky Wheels
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review + buy link

wormpaul 30-09-2004 07:32 AM

When playing against a friend...You can cheat a little bit...when he wanna shoots you or is in a corner hold 4 or more buttons at the same time and he cant shoot or steer anymore...

It`s a funny trick when the other doesnt know it....can be very frustrating fotr him :twisted:

Unknown Hero 30-09-2004 07:40 AM

Yes, but in bios you can also enable 32keys pressed at the moment (if my memory still works), so that cheat wont work anymore!

If your friend doesn't know what's the cause of "keys not working" you can use this cheat until he finds out. :ph34r:

BTW this cheat can be used even in many other games.
BTW2 don't cheat, it's ilegal! :not_ok:

wormpaul 30-09-2004 07:58 AM


Originally posted by Unknown Hero@Sep 30 2004, 07:40 AM
BTW this cheat can be used even in many other games.
BTW2 don't cheat, it's ilegal! :not_ok:

Against a friend just for the fun: It`s not illegal :ok:

Unknown Hero 30-09-2004 08:12 AM

OK, OK!!!
I wont sue you! :lol:

I hate cheating, but against friend......I will think about offer! :twisted:

Guest 24-10-2004 05:26 PM

There is also a heap of amusing add-on modifiers you can use in the command line that allows you to replace the hedgehogs you fire with icecubes or single fireballs, increases the game speed to 2x, and a few others. I'll find em when I can.

wormpaul 24-10-2004 06:10 PM

THe codes for DOS (doing on plz dont be mad when it`s wrong)

ww ice jump turbo

Just as you do normal WW (for start up wacky wheels)

Now you do WW (space!!!) ice (space!!!) jump (space!!) turbo

It should work...

But can`t tested at the hopefully i`m correct...

:help: :help:

PS. In stead of ICE you can also do FIRE or HOG (not all togheter...only 1 a time from those)

scorch3000 25-10-2004 01:47 PM

Or you can just press F1 and all those other buttons to make the devil guy pop up. It's like Saddam from South Park Rally.

ultranewbie 24-01-2005 01:51 AM

OMG :w00t:

i totally did not know abandonware had this. score! i played the demo of this heaps as a kid. always wanted the full version.

Maftík 10-03-2005 07:55 AM

simply cool game and best game from apogee

UnHoly 14-03-2005 12:59 PM

This game is great. I remember I was playing it with my brother. When I went to his house he always turned on Wacky Wheels and we were playing it for long, long hours. I forget this game, but Abandonia brought it back to me. Thank you :kosta:

Guest 20-03-2005 04:43 AM

I grew up on Wacky Wheels and it was the best game we had. I remember hard fought battles in multiplayer racing and shoot out with my dad. You simply must try this wacky game where animals ride on souped up lawnmowers.

Talihintti 29-03-2005 08:24 AM

This game is so cool. BTW I have the demo-cd of this game still workin :)

Wacky Wacky Wheels Player 21-04-2005 06:15 AM

thus gimes rook me 'as bin playin dis gem since 1994 wen me brudda lost his secind pelvis

Fattica 28-04-2005 01:48 AM

You guys tried pressing F4 or one of the F keys while playing multipalayer? hehehe....

Ahh yes, i remember when i used to play this game, god, soo many freaking hours wasted playing with my friend...

This is a game ill always hold dear to my heart....

NrmMyth 28-04-2005 08:29 PM

I remember playing a lot with my friend too, great game for that.

migue 21-12-2005 09:52 PM

:ok: the best cars game ever done

Guest 06-05-2006 08:47 PM

I loved this game when I was young... I hand-drew maps of every single track...
Ahh, nostalgia...

Guest 18-07-2006 12:30 PM

hello.. can somebody write here a link for download the full version... thanks a lot

Guest 18-07-2006 12:36 PM

please help me..

its very important for me

Japo 18-07-2006 02:25 PM

Don't double-post, don't bump especially after only six minutes, and above all, don't ask for warez. As long as you don't break the rules, feel free to post here. :D

As you can see this game is still being sold, that's why we can't tell you where to illegally download it. If you want it you may buy it through the link provided.

lutijn 24-11-2006 09:15 AM

This was a great game for it's time,it was the pc game to play if you just had enough of mariokart.
i loved the mariokart battle rip off with the hedgehog troing :D

Sonicfan37 08-07-2007 10:05 PM

This game is great. I had the demo a long time ago...

then it mysteriously activated itself!

Anyone else encounter this phenomenon?

MarkKlem 15-05-2008 04:34 PM

Wacky Wheels is easily the best game ever made for the PC; hands down. There is no doubt about it. :amused:

MarkKlem 15-05-2008 04:45 PM

And BTW, the reviewer forgot to mention that the Wacky Wheels Music Soundtrack is totally HAWT.

Like Morgan Webb.

Maybe even hawter.

xSpeedFreakx 15-05-2008 04:59 PM

many people don't know but the soundtrack got ticketed by the FCC for excessive use of horns.

Doesn't get much HAWTER than MARKKLEM! :love:

skite2001 15-05-2008 05:09 PM

really liked the game in the "good old days"
i always like these mario-kart-style-games

DarthHelmet86 19-05-2010 05:55 AM

I liked this game alot when I was young, played it so much I had made names for the different hedgehogs on the tracks. I hadn't played Super Mario Kart at the time, and not for many years after so the only reason I knew this game was similar too it was from a tv showing Mario Kart. Even now that I know it is a copy I still find it to be an excclent game, even better then Mario Kart in its handling and weapon arsenal.

:OK: for anyone looking for a good Mario Kart style racing game on the computer.

CLA 11-12-2010 11:36 PM

Very funny game! Not as king as Mariokart, but also a cool one.
I like its music too. :rocks:

wackypanda 27-02-2011 09:12 AM

I still have the full version of this game. We used to have tournaments and ranked matches at my school. We even came up with plots for some of the drivers. Good times. XD

There was a glitch or an Easter egg or something where you could take control of the gameplay demo, i.e. play as Uno the panda in that particular track. It's interesting if you only have the demo version of the game. Can't remember how to do it though.

oldwackydriver 18-05-2011 03:52 PM

1st place in my memories
This brings back fun old times; me and my little brothers had countless hours of laughter with WW. Dad even bought the full version (a VERY rare occasion back then) after seeing how much we liked it. I still remember howling with glee as we discovered that hitting certain poles at high speed launched the driving animal into the screen, complete with fake cracks.

And yeah there was a glitch that let you drive as the panda in the demo version, we found it totally by accident.

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