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PrincessCasey 18-01-2013 07:01 PM

Hiya :)
Hi there!

My name is Casey, I'm a 24 year old IT student in Britain. My brother used to own a very old computer and I used to use it when he wasn't looking to play lemmings hehehe

He also had this game where you play as a corsair in deserts and cast magic spells, that was a lot of fun! Although it was tough for me at the would be nice to take that on again!

I'm learning how to use dosbox, its starting to come back to me now...

Nice to meet you all!

RRS 18-01-2013 10:28 PM

It's heartwarming to see younger people going back to old games, so it's not that only we, old geezers *cough*, are stuck in 1980-90s.

We have a nice thread with DOSBOX tutorial, in case you need it.

Tracker 19-01-2013 03:23 AM

Welcome among fellow Abandonians, Casey! :)

DarthHelmet86 19-01-2013 05:33 AM

Welcome to the forum.

PrincessCasey 19-01-2013 11:58 AM

Thank you all for such a warm welcome!

I'm sick of "new" games, requiring you to buy new parts and get a man in to fit them every 6 months, I remember you could buy any game from back then and you knew it would just work. If it could run kings quest 1 it could probably run kings quest 6 as well, try doing that with halo!

Thanks for the tutorial, I did manage to get all set up last night with the help of the people on the IRC, I had no idea they made a sequel to lemmings, let alone 3 or 4, I've never seen 3 hours disappear that quickly before in my life!

Is that a picture of Elvira? Gosh more nostalgia! Scrummy isn't she :blush: Oh and while I'm at it, thats the critter from the dark stone muppets thingy isn't it? I always thought myst drew a lot of inspiration from that movie :)

Lulu_Jane 19-01-2013 04:32 PM

Lovely to have you with us! I think we've even got an Elvira game hanging around if you're a fan :)

RRS 19-01-2013 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by PrincessCasey (Post 448834)
I had no idea they made a sequel to lemmings, let alone 3 or 4

There is another...
Stay away from that website! It will suck you in! :D

PrincessCasey 19-01-2013 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Lulu_Jane (Post 448842)
Lovely to have you with us! I think we've even got an Elvira game hanging around if you're a fan :)

Oooh I'd better not, I start questioning my sexuality if I think about her for too long hehehe

And wow, now I feel dim! There's that many squeals? I hope they never made the transition to 3d, I can see that being quite damaging!

Scatty 19-01-2013 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by PrincessCasey (Post 448852)
I hope they never made the transition to 3d, I can see that being quite damaging!

They actually did, back then in 1995 yet, it's one of the games on the list in the link above.
Welcome to the forum btw. :)

PrincessCasey 19-01-2013 11:19 PM

Haha wow so they did, and you could get a lemmings eye view!

Thanks for the welcome :) lovely to meet you!

Dave 22-01-2013 09:12 AM

Welcome Casey :hello:

PrincessCasey 22-01-2013 11:58 AM

Thank you Dave :) Nice to meet you!

Just a general update, I'm getting much better at DOS now, I wrote myself a little cheat sheet and keep finding out about new commands, I was playing with mkdir last night hehehe.

RRS 22-01-2013 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by PrincessCasey (Post 448834)
I remember you could buy any game from back then and you knew it would just work

I assure you that new games were always demanding in terms of hardware, in the case of evolving platform as PC. 18 years ago I was struggling to free few kilobytes of RAM in order to run Doom (what a joy it was when I succeeded!).

It's different today because... let me just say, that in 1990s a 10-year-old game would be primitive, with clunky interface. Today 10-year-old games still have good controls, CD-audio quality positional sound, tooltips etc. That's why they age slower than titles from pioneer times of squeaky sounds and eye-gouging video palettes.
Compare movies: a film from 1910s is difficult to watch today, while a talkie comedy from 1930s still retains its charm, yet each are over 70 years old so the relative time gap between them seems irrelevant today. When a medium gets to a certain point of maturity, its works better resist time.

Some will say I complain about new games because I got old. Yet I did this over a decade ago while still a teen! Some changes are simply unwelcome and I have my own taste, thank you.
You've mentioned Lemmings, I'll nod to you by adding Worms. Sometimes gameplay changes so much when moved to 3D that this elusive something (playability) no longer clicks with the gamers.

PrincessCasey 22-01-2013 10:02 PM

I remember we got our DOS computer second hand, it was from a friend in exchange for a few pints of real ale. I think it must have been 1993 and it was old for the time, but I remember it having 8mb of ram which was something its previous owner was very excited about, it had cost him £50 per mb and he had upgraded from 4. It must have been a colossal amount of memory for the time as the hard drive was only 100mb!

Growing up I remember the game that you had to upgrade your computer for great expense for, the 2 I remember the most are half life 2 and then later crysis. Do you remember any games that you had to upgrade specifically for/were just impossible to run on anything but the bleeding edge? You mentioned Doom, I can see that being one :)

Scatty 22-01-2013 10:35 PM

I think it was actually a bit more of a run earlier to upgrade the computers for newer, better games than it is today. Of course there's still a bit of that now, too, just not as much as the hardware is pretty much on it's peaks and there's getting less PC games - the market is getting exhausted.

The 486DX2-66MHz I got in 1995 had also only 4MB memory which I upgraded only a bit less than a year later to 8MB. Half a year later I upgraded it to 24MB RAM and an AMD X5, which was approximately on a level of 486DX4-100MHz, because Quake 1 wouldn't run smooth enough on a DX2. Still didn't on the 100MHz one, so few months later I changed the motherboard and put a Pentium-100 onto it which was a big improvement in speed, only after which Quake ran like a charm, together with few other demanding (at the time) games like Duke Nukem 3D.

Compared to now, that Pentium 100 was replaced only in 2001 with a Pentium4 2400Mhz with 256MB RAM (few months later 512MB), because I couldn't play Diablo II on the former. That P4 lasted me for 6 years up to 2007 when I got a Dell Latitude D600 notebook, and 2 years later a Dell Inspiron 9300, for it's time (around 2005) a very strong gamer notebook with Pentium Centrino which serves me very good even now.
Sure, I can't play the newer games like The Witcher, Drakensang or Fallout 3, just Gothic III and the like which is old by now, but that's ok since I don't have that much time for that anymore, anyway.

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