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Dave 27-10-2007 02:17 PM

Several gamers in the world are waiting this title since more than a year, finally after some postponements the Demo is out! (There are several servers and links where you can download it, and sure with several languages supported)

I've played FarCry and I was really impressed about the potential of the CryEngine 1, well there were some bugs and issues and maybe the gameplay was slow, but I think it had great and realistic ambients and I really enjoyed it.
I hope this title won't disappoint me like some of the last FPS I've played.

I'm still downloading it and if I'm lucky I'll play it soon...have fun! :)
Feel free to add your comments and suggestions and remember to read System Requirements first!!

dosraider 27-10-2007 02:45 PM

Think that's gonna be an awesome one (or better said: I hope).
But I will need a new vidcard first, a 128Mb one won't do it. :/
And if I have to try it out with all good stuffies disabled .... naaaaah, won't.

Burger Meister 27-10-2007 02:55 PM

I wonder how well it will run on my pc...

Pentium D 2.66GHZ (Dual-Core)
1gb ram
XFX Geforce 8600GT XXX 256mb

I'm guessing medium settings.

jg007 27-10-2007 03:15 PM

looks quite nice although at the risk of sounding hypocritcal when looking at my recent posts the videos that I saw don't look that different but it is certainly something to look at and ( eventually :) ) play

Pietafon 27-10-2007 05:53 PM

Thanks for the info Dave!

Now I have to brake my money-box - 512 MB of RAM is not enough in these days... ;)

Blood-Pigggy 27-10-2007 09:34 PM

Where's the "I played this game back in 1998 with negative low settings when Half-Life came out" option?

Because that's the universal option for the other five gazillion shooters I've played in the past five years.

DeathDude 27-10-2007 10:54 PM

I might try this out, when I update my drivers, even on my 256 meg card I still imagine its going to lag, but yeah, I really am a bit skeptical about the game, way too much hype for my taste as they are trying to make it out to be, but we shall see I suppose.

Blood-Pigggy 27-10-2007 11:22 PM

I doubt it will on DX9, which I played it on with full settings, but I have no clue how it runs on a Vista machine with DX10, very poorly if you don't have a godly machine I imagine.

Although that's rather stupid, I doubt %90 of the people that buy this game based on the graphics alone are going to be able to play it on the best settings, let alone with DX10 enabled, which voids the main draw of the game to the mainstream crowd.

DeathDude 27-10-2007 11:43 PM

Yeah the fact that you essentially have to go out and buy a new pc with vista just to enjoy the game at full settings is way overkill. I mean going overboard for one of the flagship titles that you want to show gamers, this is the power of direct x 10 and basically saying to them, except cough cough you have to ya know upgrade to see the full benefits, just won't whitewash with gamers who are already skeptical enough about the game as it is.

ianfreddie07 27-10-2007 11:57 PM

Ran the GameSpot System Requirements test, said I needed a 2.2 GHz Core 2 Duo.


Intel Core 2 Duo E6320, 1.86 GHz
2x Kingston 1GB RAM
Inno3D GeForce 8500 GT, 512 MB

Darn. That tree is so realistic. :D

jg007 28-10-2007 06:47 AM

I have seen severl posts that say microsoft will release DX 10 for XP eventually but even if this is rubbish abd they don't there are already several projects who have released early beta versions of DX 10 that will run on XP

Alky Project

Dave 28-10-2007 11:26 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DeathDude @ Oct 28 2007, 12:43 AM) [snapback]317505[/snapback]</div>

Yeah the fact that you essentially have to go out and buy a new pc with vista just to enjoy the game at full settings is way overkill.
They want you to do it <_<
Behind this game there's more, it's a step forward...and they want us to change our systems and to pass into "Vista age".
Microsoft, Nvidia and many other spent lot of money into Crysis project...
Personally I have to say that the game is amazing, but I can't change my system everytime a new game comes out...

Pietafon 28-10-2007 11:49 AM

Ehhh, where are thoose times, when You buy games for hardware instead hardware for games... :(

Dave 28-10-2007 12:15 PM

We are able to stop the time here at Abandonia ;)

_r.u.s.s. 28-10-2007 12:16 PM

yeah? make a dos 256 colours port for the crysis game :P

Dave 28-10-2007 12:20 PM

ehy ehy c'mon don't misunderstand me on purpose! :whistling:

dosraider 28-10-2007 01:01 PM

I look at those latest games that way:
By the time I've upgraded -(or willing to do so)- my hardware those demanding games will be in the bargain bins.
T'll then I'll enjoy FarCry.
I can wait.

Blood-Pigggy 28-10-2007 02:15 PM

Well the gameplay isn't very unique, so you're just paying for better graphics, not advancements in gaming itself.

Dave 28-10-2007 05:13 PM

I played Crysis Demo about 2 hours and I can finally talk about good and bad points:

Well, you're right BP, it's really similar to FarCry so nothing new about gameplay (even vehicles are pratically the same), but seems they increased game speed and that's a good point. It remembers me the fast Quake 3 Engine.

The game is really easy (the demo of course), with that Hi-Tech suit, really Cool of course, you move and act like a God, you can slash about 15 soldiers in a can be invisible, jump on buildings and run faster than a Jeep (FarCry was HARDER!)...moreover enemies aren't so smart as I expected, AI could be better IMO.

I really like how you can interact with objects (throw them away or destroy them all >:)) and it's nice to see prints on the sand and trees that fall down under your bullets :)

About's incredible and really well done, but we all know that a game can't have only a good engine.
Let's hope for a good story :)

Hatsen 05-11-2007 10:31 AM

I have just play'd on one of my friends computer! It was REALLY awesome! :D
But David86 is right, you have a feeling like your god, and it is a bit sad sometimes.
But i WILL buy the game, when it get's released! :D
Sadly my computer can't run it:

300 GB space.
512 MB ram.
6600GT :/

Pietafon 05-11-2007 11:33 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Hatsen @ Nov 5 2007, 12:31 PM) [snapback]318295[/snapback]</div>

Sadly my computer can't run it:

300 GB space.
512 MB ram.
6600GT :/
Don't worry man ;)
On my Celeron 2,4 Ghz, 512 MB RAM (DDR 1) and GF 7600GT AGP Crysis runs smooth in medium settings :D

gregor 05-11-2007 02:18 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David86 @ Oct 28 2007, 07:13 PM) [snapback]317601[/snapback]</div>

trees that fall down under your bullets :)

OMG a Delta force feature :D

I am glad it handles nicely even on slower computers. It has to if they want to selll it a lot.

let's see how the story will go and lets see how Farcry 2 will do (also destructable stuff & trees).

So Far cry was super hard while Crysis will be super easy for 5 year olds? Well actually far cry only hgad a couple of levels that were hard.. but with the others the most annoying part was that if you want to pass them easilly you had to move fast & zoom through the levels quickly and there was actually no time for exploring (exploring was too dangerous). luckilly there is a devmode, but still it's not the same. i mean look at stalker. even without cheats you can explore, yet it can be chalenging enough to keep you on your toes while you are doing that. you never know when a hoard of mutatns will attack...

Dave 05-11-2007 04:11 PM

I said that Far Cry seems harder than Crysis, not that it is the hardest game I have ever played. :)

If I'm not wrong the game will be released near the 16th of this month, but guys pay attention, you don't need Vista or DirectX10 to run it with high quality, some mad official programmers have hidden "Very high detail levels" under XP, normally you can enable them only under Vista...but there's a way to apply them under XP :sneaky: .
A friend of mine did this (with a better machine obviously)...graphically speaking it's another game...really :w00t:

Blood-Pigggy 05-11-2007 07:18 PM

Well the developer doesn't know squat about game balance. Far Cry's difficulty turned it into crap and if Crysis is really this easy it's going to be crap too.

Hatsen 06-11-2007 08:32 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(J@nek @ Nov 5 2007, 01:33 PM) [snapback]318303[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Hatsen @ Nov 5 2007, 12:31 PM) [snapback]318295[/snapback]

Sadly my computer can't run it:

300 GB space.
512 MB ram.
6600GT :/
Don't worry man ;)
On my Celeron 2,4 Ghz, 512 MB RAM (DDR 1) and GF 7600GT AGP Crysis runs smooth in medium settings :D
Cool, maybe i should upgrade my computer a bit? :D

(It's cheaper, to just buy a new one! :ph34r:)

The Punisher 07-11-2007 07:08 PM

I run it on high, no lag. :)
The game rocks.

Burger Meister 07-11-2007 09:01 PM

so you are saying it could run at least on low using my

Pentium D 2.66GHZ @ Dual Core
1gb ram
XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX 256mb

Everybody was saying how crazy this game was, I assumed I couldn't run it?

Dave 08-11-2007 09:59 AM

You can run it without problems, but with low/medium details it's similar to FarCry.
Like I said if you can run it on "very high" you see another game...incredible.

Burger Meister 08-11-2007 11:04 AM

I didn't mind far cry's graphics, so I guess I'll enjoy it then. Though I have a problem... what to buy... Call of Duty 4 or Crisis? I have no clue!

EDIT: I also need another gb of ram, so I am really stumped on what to buy...

Dave 08-11-2007 11:22 AM

Did you try Call of Duty 4 demo? You should before buy it ;)
The Engine is pratically the same of CoD2 and the gameplay is really if you liked it you'll enjoy this ;)...but nothing new. You won't have problems running it, because graphically is not so "heavy".
About gameplay you'll see new things because this is a modern war game (In CoD2 you play the WWII).

Maybe The new Medal of Honor is better...

I can't compare Crysis with CoD4, it's two steps forward...

Burger Meister 08-11-2007 08:13 PM

I liked COD 2, COD 4 got a pretty high ranking on all review sites and I may end up getting it on the 360 because my friends have bought it on the 360. Don't want to be a "loner" playing with random strangers instead on pc!

Dave 08-11-2007 09:35 PM

You are free to do what you want ^_^
And sure, play with friends is funnier.

Probably on XBox will be better, games like that are optimized for consolles, btw I'm a foreign about this argument and I still don't understand how you can play a FPS without mouse & Keyboard LOL.

JJXB 09-11-2007 04:49 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David86 @ Nov 8 2007, 10:35 PM) [snapback]318709[/snapback]</div>

Probably on XBox will be better, games like that are optimized for consolles, btw I'm a foreign about this argument and I still don't understand how you can play a FPS without mouse & Keyboard LOL.
quite easily. I can adapt between consoles and pc though so it's a moot point apart from if the FPS has bad controls.

BjørnHåvard 11-11-2007 11:06 AM

Tried Crysis demo yesterday and really enjoyed the options you could take for accomplishing checkpoints. Also its been a long time since I played a fps with mouse and keyboard. I'ts quite amazing how much more control you have with that combo. Anyways, graphics were of course very good, got that far cry feeling also, but still there was more too it. I don't have a new machine so it lagged and I had too play on low details and 800 x 600 windowed:D Can just imagine how it works on a fast pc. In short, I Like.

Dave 18-11-2007 03:30 PM

Finally it's out :D

Link at Electronic Arts
Link at Amazon
(With Screenshots and videos ;) )

_r.u.s.s. 18-11-2007 04:09 PM

"finaly"? :whistling:

Blood-Pigggy 18-11-2007 10:55 PM

This looks the same as all the CoD4 hogwash, I bet all of these reviews are based off initial impressions.
As more reviews are released I guarantee you that the scores will steadily drop from the 9.5 range into the 8 ranges.

Kearnsy 05-12-2007 02:20 AM

I like the whole look of the game and gameplay but my computer is just far to bad to run it let alone do it justice.
I think this could be a major down fall for it (on the PC anyway)

Jerry123 28-12-2007 08:20 PM

I think it is a good game. However, I am still waiting for the first patch :)
Tried it out a few days ago and thought it could run a little bit better. But it is more than a graphics demo. The AI is quite good, actually. I dont understand why some people criticize it for bad reactions. The enemy soldiers react in an intelligent way, use flanking strategies and such... it may be that this is also performance-related (if you dont have enough mhz, it turns down ai behavior, perhaps)

levethian 20-01-2008 12:39 PM

Crysis is beautiful, but otherwise.. very dull. The Orange Box and STALKER are superior.
I don't like BioShock either (nothing to SS2) :)

Dave 20-01-2008 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by levethian (Post 316920)
...and STALKER are superior.

You're right...I'm waiting "Clear Sky"!!! :nuts:

Blood-Pigggy 21-01-2008 02:35 AM

I quite honestly found STALKER just as disappointing as Crysis, they shouldn't have toned it down as much as they did, especially when you consider that the original concept wasn't even that incredibly ambitious.

FarCry 2 on the other hands, looks like it might deliver the technical and epic feeling that Crysis was supposed to, while at the same time providing a truly open ended world where you can accomplish objectives in any order and in any manner you want, with no half-assed radiation filled crap holes in your way to stop you.

gregor 21-01-2008 08:17 AM

well at leats it wont be "lost in the Jungle" (again).

Doubler 21-01-2008 12:02 PM


STALKER just as disappointing as Crysis
I'd say I was more disappointed in Stalker then in Crysis. With Crysis I expected a very mediocre game and 'got' (never got the full thing myself) a sub-par game. With Stalker I expected the game to end all games and got a brilliant game.

Quite the step down, true :amused:

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