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Kosta 11-03-2004 10:55 AM

Civilization 2
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and download (if available)

Ioncannon 12-03-2004 08:09 AM

lol I got that game on a cd! Got for $10. Yea if you are a person likee me who puts all the old games on a dos comp, this game runs in win 3.1

LotharGR 26-03-2004 04:20 PM

council :P
Anyone remembers the crazy "council" ? The elvis-like luxories advisor and the general who played the military advisor? :) I wonder if those fellows were actors working for microprose, or were members of the programmers who made the game :P

The Niles 26-03-2004 07:24 PM

They where hired actors, they made a big fuss about hiring actors for the civ2 game. It was a big hype.

LotharGR 26-03-2004 10:47 PM

I thought so, they were very funny :) And also the wonder movies were very good... The best movies in any Civ game. ( In Civ III there are no wonder movies at all ).

Kosta 26-03-2004 11:15 PM


I thought so, they were very funny :) And also the wonder movies were very good... The best movies in any Civ game. ( In Civ III there are no wonder movies at all ).
And a BIIIIG minus because of that.... the movies added a lot to the overall atmosphere of the game, and just kept you pushing further and further. I remember playing civ2 numerous times, always trying to build all wonders, or at least those for which I haven't seen the movie for yet... so, yes, its a shame

LotharGR 26-03-2004 11:34 PM

At the time of CivII i had a 486dx4/120 and i remember inviting friends here at my home to see the computer playing the movies of Civ II through the media player of Win 3.11 .... :)

Titan 27-03-2004 01:14 AM

I REALY like the movie for the Manhattan Project ;) muhahaha.. NUKE EM ALL!

The Niles 28-03-2004 07:53 PM

The movies where nice but I understand why they where dropped. Movies take up a lot of space on a cd and I would rather they used that space to give more animation to units or add more detail to the landmap. I generally liked Civ3 and think it's a great improvement over civ2 in all areas save one. The combat system. Civ3's combat system is only marginally better then the civ1 version and that was laughable. The combat system in civ3 is the only reason I never played it as much as I did civ and civ2. They got away with it in those games but in 2001 they should have been able to do better. Civ and civ2 where revolutionairy. Civ3 is just a good game.

LotharGR 29-03-2004 02:48 PM

The biggest problem of the compat system of Civ 1 was the fact that even a battleship could lose a battle against a pikeman or a militia... In Civ2 with the "firepower" factor that was impossible. In Civ3 They have raised the attack and defence values of modern units ( i believe ), but sometimes a modern tank can lose a battle against a hoplite, or a pikeman. ( or if it is almost destroyed, and gets attacked from a cavalry, it can lose the battle also ). Also, combat damage does not affect attack strength, something that is very wrong, to my opinion. And there are other things that are not good. Where is the scenario editor? When Civ3 came out there was nowhere, and it has been added with patches ( something that shows that the game was not still completed at the time of its debut ). I don't say that i don't like Civ3, its still a great game, it adds some features to the game that are very good. Like the resource system, but even that sometimes turns to be very annoying. For instance, it isn't logical, a whole continent to do not have iron, or coal at all :P In real earth at least those things can be found everywhere. ... Sorry for my big message, i just expected more from a game with the title "civilization III" and i got a bit dissapointed :)

Stroggy 29-03-2004 03:10 PM

well it would be possible for a pikeman to destroy a WW2 tank
after all Soviet soldiers destroyed quite a few german tanks with their bare hands :wink:

LotharGR 29-03-2004 03:20 PM

Well, Ok, maybe a WW2 german Tiger tank could be destroyed ( with a can opener maybe? :P ), a modern M1 tank or a Leopard 2 ? :P

Stroggy 29-03-2004 03:26 PM

well i know a veteran militia kept killing all of my regular modern-day soldiers
which isn't exactly realistic

LotharGR 29-03-2004 04:01 PM

No it isn't realistic at all. And as i said above, that is not the only problem of the game. Also, the company that produced Civ III ( Firaxis ) had imported some very good ideas in their previous game, Alfa Centauri, and they didn't put them in Civ III. I didn't expected to see custom units like in A.Centauri ( that would be very difficult and somewhat unrealistic ) but at least i would like to see cities in the water ( of course in very technologicaly advanced civilizations ), or the very nice landscape that A.Centauri had ( in a more "earthly" version of course :P ) ...For me, CiV II still holds the title of the best Civilization style game ever :)

LotharGR 10-04-2004 08:30 PM

I had build a scenario for CIV2 ... a war between Greece and Turkey, taking place in 1999. It was very detailed with over 200 cities on the map, very detailed map of Greece, turkey, and the Aegean sea, and all the units were placed according to military catalogs etc... I never posted it on any civ-site :(

The Niles 11-04-2004 02:25 PM

You don't by any chance still have that scenario anywhere? It would be cool to upload that as an extra.

LotharGR 11-04-2004 09:43 PM

i had written it on a CD a long time ago, and if i search in my old CD's i suppose i could find it... but the truth is that i never posted because it had two major problems. First, when the computer was playing the turks, it played completely wrong... instead of landing troops on the greek islands ( that should have been its first move ) it was always transfering them back to mainland... and i could not find a way to play properly. And also, i had put a civ named "NATO forces" ( the US 6th fleet of the meditteranean ). Whenever it was its turn to play the game hanged! The only solution was to completely erase them, and when i did that the turks always played 2 rounds at once before the greeks! So i got bored with it and never finished working on it.... :( The sad thing is that i had builted it down to the last detail ( all the units, cities, etc were placed at their exact position according to military maps etc ) and so i was very dissapointed :(

The Niles 12-04-2004 09:37 PM

Well if you ever get the spirit again Abandonia is a place to put it. It sound like fun.

Omuletzu 26-04-2004 02:26 PM

Heh, i downloaded civ 2(from abandonia of course) and i played it a little.To be honest, i think civ1 is better than civ2, but maybe that opinion will change during the next couple of months(wich will be spent playing this game :wink: )

BTW a resourceful site about the civ series(yes this means ALL of the civ games) : .Check it out it's pretty cool :D

The Niles 26-04-2004 05:58 PM

Yeah they have some cool stuff. Including mods if you are into that sort of thing.
BTW I know that forums have been slow for some time now but you really only have to press submit once :wink: .

Omuletzu 27-04-2004 11:18 AM

I apologised for that once but if needed i will do so again...I don't know why the message appeared two times.I only clicked once the "submit" button.

Again i'm sorry :oops: :oops: :oops:

Dream 13-05-2004 04:02 PM

Thank you costa, picard, and whoever is working on this site update's, Civ 2 is one of my favourite games, I played sequels, I played the first one but never this, I played Free civ so I was pretty sceptical (Freeciv sucks!) but now I love this game.

So a question for you: Are partisans ever useful?

The Niles 14-05-2004 06:58 AM

Partizans can be usefull. They can stop reinforcements from entering the city you just lost and they can also be used to soften up the defence of a city you are ready to retake. But don't keep them around after you have retaken the city since they are not as good as regular units.

LotharGR 09-07-2004 08:32 AM

Civ2 must be the most popular game on the site :P

Titan 09-07-2004 08:44 AM

Actualy, it's NOT..... yet atleast...
1. UFO - Enemy Unknown
2. SimCity 2000
3. Settlers 2 Gold
4. Civilization 2 <-

This is the top DOWNLOADS... but civ2 is growing the fastest, and WILL outrun nr 2 and 3..
But.. UFO has a HUGE lead on the others.. ;)

Lord Grave 18-09-2004 04:00 PM

Does this Gold version of Civilization 2 include the Scenarios expansion? There are some great scenarios at but the best of them require the expansion. If it is not included in the Gold version, does anyone know where it may be found for download?

Also, does anyone know where Test of Time and Call to Power may be found? For those who don't know, those two games are versions of Civilization that appeared just after Microprose went bankrupt(or whatever happened to them). Test of Time is graphically improved Civ2 but also features Fantasy and SF games in which you can lead different fantasy and SF civilizations, each with their own unique units and buildings. Fantasy version is great because it also has some minor quests, like freeing the princess from the dragon, and instead of building a spaceship you are building a giant siege engine to destroy the "evil guy". Call to Power has slightly better graphics than Test of Time and features improved combat and trade/piracy system and also has great scenarios with special events when you conquer certain cities or explore certain areas. I'd really like to play those games again but I lost/damaged my old CDs :-(

Eagle of Fire 22-09-2004 04:14 AM

Civilization II is only a pale copy of it's predecessor... Civ III is much better, tough a slight notch under Civilization. What is great in Civ III is not the concept or the gameplay, but all those interesting options added in that Civ II lacked and made it a very boring game. Take whatever you like about Civ II, and Civ III have it. And it has it better, and probably have more overall than Civ II.

Anyways, about the movies; they are great the first few times, but after that they are really bothersome. I don't understand why someone would want to see them all the time, really...

Rogue 12-11-2004 02:37 PM

Civ2 is really best in the series. Still remember long wait to get my copy, start to play it and then watch movies which were amazing at the time. There is a lot of stuff (scenarios, mods…) to load on CivFanatics web site. Worth checking it out, and this makes this game immortal. :ok:

Should we add this link to the review and download section?

Yamcha 12-11-2004 02:59 PM

Civilization 2 is the reason why i know abandonia.Civfanatics have made some patch to make a multiolayer version of civ2(or to update) but this wasn't working so I found here Civ 2.A great game :ok:

Rogue 12-11-2004 03:32 PM

I used these pathes to make TOT in to Civ2 Gold. (I had all other civilizations except Civ2 gold)

Element 24-11-2004 05:46 PM

Civ II is a great game and it beat Civ III in all respects. The combats on Civ III are sissy and stupid, and it take the fun out of the combat, and also the graphics are to puffy and if they wanted to improve them should have made it like Alpha Centuri. They came up with some really stupid ideas for Civ III too, e.g. the comabt mistake (what you've never heard of bullet/bomb/shell/grenade proof chainmail before?) and they way you have to get certain resorces before you can build more advanced units.
The only problem with Civ II is that when global warming gets past the stage when the whole world turns inton swamp :D, the land doesnt stard to disappear like on Alpha Centuri.
Sorry ablut the long letter, and all the bitching, but i rreally had to complain about it to somebody. :)

danron1376 26-11-2004 07:38 AM

The Civilization series has got to be one of the best games of all time! I remember doing 8 hour blocks on Civ 1. That didn't really change for Civ 2. Not too many games has made me play that long in one sitting.

G Death 03-12-2004 04:07 AM

Hi :)

Well if not the best a rival of none, civ 2 wins hands down.
as no diff from civ 3, i fell civ 2, or 3 comes down to how you play.
graphics only comes to confusion in civ 3. having play aginst my friend
civ 3, must come to game time and the lack of catching from behind,
is the short fall. where spys need more work if civ 3 is to come around.
but here i say civ 2 democracy is way to good and needs pulling back.
in this account for winning battles. if you loss with a battleship in civ 2,
you're not very good, or care like napoleon. were he said; I don't care for a
thousand horses, way do care for a thousand men. if you're lossing in
battles try veteran units.
tip for civ 2, battleships asleep in cities with city walls, coast forters,
and air defence, do very well.

bye :)

Proudwolf 06-12-2004 10:09 PM

My best firends Dad loves the first one that came out game. Though I haven't seen or heard much of this game.

Unknown Hero 07-12-2004 08:56 PM


Originally posted by Proudwolf@Dec 7 2004, 12:09 AM
My best firends Dad loves the first one that came out game. Though I haven't seen or heard much of this game.
If you like good strategy games (especially turn based) then you must download this jewel and play it! I assure you, you will like it! If not kill me! :tomato:

Guest 18-12-2004 11:21 AM

Hi, I like this game alot, and I'm interested in making scenarios. Are there any guides around about how to make good scenarios, including how to pick the tribes you need for the scenario, how to place cities, units, and things like irregation? Thanks for your time.

Sebatianos 18-12-2004 11:30 AM

Well those are just a few scenario pages that poped up in Google. If nothing else works - play a few scenarios and you'll get an idea what's good, then try and make one yourself. Keep working and playing it untill you're satisfied.

Blanco[Ad1] 25-12-2004 08:22 PM

Yo! ;) Civ2 is my favourite game and im playin it in mge by adone clan ( ;D i like playin on emperor difficult level cuz on deity its too many disorder, so its very harder to fight ;)

achinz 26-12-2004 02:35 AM

Actually the most important Civ2 site is not civfanatics but the older Apolyton:

The Great Library in the Strategy forum ( ) has an incredible amount of information undocumented data and successful strategies. It will give an idea of the depth of Civ2 and its ongoing appeal to TBS fans who want the challenges rather than eye candy exemplified by Civ3.

Kon-Tiki 26-12-2004 03:00 AM

Strategy that works best for me, is at the very start of the game, make a colony, then let it make a settler before making anything else, which you take out to make a colony nearby, which won't make anything else but a settler too. One of your more settled colonies can make another settler to improve surrounding land of the colonies and lay roads. I noticed that, with this technique and finding an occasional new town from those barbarian huts, I quickly got a lint of colonies wrapped around the world, impossible for the other players to pass through, unless I want them to.

Kon-Tiki 07-01-2005 04:47 PM

Without the movie-clips, it lacks its main sweetness. The rest's the old Civ, in Windows-form, with better graphics and some new wonders. Still a great game, although it became repetitive after my second game (got a strategy then that made me crush all, killing the entire challenge)

Intellivison 23-01-2005 04:21 AM

Heh this game reminds me of my highschool days. We had this game on the computers in the drafting lab. Got sent to the deans more than once cause I was caught playing this instead of practicing the cad systems.

Thanks alot for this one.....ahh such memories LOL

Like the time I climbed up on a desk and turned the clock ahead 15 minutes, got out of drafting early for a week. LOL

Mardi-Gras 05-02-2005 05:57 AM

Maybe i just fear change, but I still think Civ2 is better than Civ3. And I'm a big fan of Colonization also. My idea of perfection would be a Settlers 2 game with the research tree capability of Civ2 and the micromanagement (and piracy) of Colonization. Umm... now I'm trying to ork out a way of adding elements of UFO:EU into it. That'd be too cool. I'm gonna go lie down.

goblins 05-02-2005 09:20 AM

you know ive got both (just brought civ 3 and to be honest they are both good = civ 3 because it has additional elements but civ 2 also had its share of advantages _ the main thing with civ 3 is the ease at which bombers and fighters can be rebased without moving them over several turns) and also another thing with civ 3 is the AI wasnt quite as good as it could have been with a complex game)

Evilzealot 08-02-2005 07:10 AM

I remember I played this game when i was 9. I remeber that i could play this for hours and that my parents would force me to go out when i was playing this game. And I also like This more than Civ III.

bill jones 17-02-2005 07:18 AM


Originally posted by LotharGR@Mar 29 2004, 04:01 PM
No it isn't realistic at all. And as i said above, that is not the only problem of the game. Also, the company that produced Civ III ( Firaxis ) had imported some very good ideas in their previous game, Alfa Centauri, and they didn't put them in Civ III. I didn't expected to see custom units like in A.Centauri ( that would be very difficult and somewhat unrealistic ) but at least i would like to see cities in the water ( of course in very technologicaly advanced civilizations ), or the very nice landscape that A.Centauri had ( in a more "earthly" version of course :P ) ...For me, CiV II still holds the title of the best Civilization style game ever :)
I've played all three of Civ games and they all follow the same trend:

"STRUGGLE IN BEGINNING as rivals are just as powerful as you.
YOu reach a point where you're the strongest in the world and it's a cakewalk."

Seriulsy, the AI is too stupid to coompletely conquer you after you are a superpower.

Of the three, Civ 2 is the best in my opinion. Because you can customize it! Edit the rules.txt and the units.gif files and you can have a complately different game.

I would play Civ 1 again before I will ever play Civ 3 again. Civ 3 is nice and all but it's too slow and complex. I believe the series are about conquering the world and Civ 3 doesn't do that too well.

Gimpy 17-02-2005 04:52 PM

Civ 4 is in the works, it is not being made by fraxis, The Sid Company has steped in and plan on makeing it.

So Far what has been said is they are keeping to the formula so there will be very few changes form the other games, the one change people will notice is that Era combat will be more real...Modern troops will distroy bronze age troops and such...

you can read the full article in "Computer Games" magazine March issue i beleive (cant find it atm, has a dark elf from World of warcraft on the cover

Hanzo 18-03-2005 11:59 PM

This is by far the game I have wasted my time on the most. Civ 3 on the other had was just to slow and ugly. It didn't flow nearly as smooth as this jewel, sort of why Heroes of Might and Magic 2 and 3 are wayyyy better than the fourth game.
They put in encumbering graphics when they should put in more gameplay.

Civ 1 on the other hand had two things that i miss in civ 2, those being the castelbuilding part, instead of a ugly throneroom, and at the end when you could sit back and enjoy a nice view of the worldmap and see just how smart you really were;)

(P.S My best result was that one time when I beat it on diety, I got well
over 200% in the end raiting :D )

Beldar 01-04-2005 09:43 AM

I just love this game, and I love it even more when playing against other human players. Reason is because the AI is incredibly stupid and cheats a lot.

Some examples :
I spotted 2 AI triremes full of units in a 2 square lake... :blink:
They make too many suicide fights, like attacking my tank with a legion...
They are free to cancel a peace treaty by attacking one of your units WITHOUT suffering diplomatic relations with others.
2 AI civilization that I have NEVER met agreed to make an alliance war against me.
I heard that it is impossible to win in Deity difficulty.
And many, many more... is a great site about the Civilization series, and you can see that they say the same thing about the AI in Civ 2.

lethe 01-04-2005 10:39 AM

Civ II was the best of civ's for me just cause you couldn't start in fixed positions in the 3rd. Diplomacy and pretty much everything else was developed in the 3rd, but the fact I could start americans in australia or india, and the poor graphics of units in the 3rd (they all looked alike) make me play civ II whenever I feel like playing one of them.

And gotta love the little extras like the high council and the palace room. :ok:

Nosferrath 03-04-2005 02:49 PM

CIV II is indeed the best game in the series. I just adore this game. Can't get enough of it ! :D

Microprose Veteran 04-04-2005 08:03 AM

Me, I prefer Civ III because of its complexity. Plus the fact that you *must* make war to get the raw materials you need (iron, rubber, oil). :Titan:

Civ 2 was fun, but the spy unit was a bit too strong: I never built any big nukes, I just loaded up transports full of spies. I shipped my spies to enemy coastal cities, infiltrate and plant nuclear device! Repeat that 4 or 5 times (every time the AI reacts by moving more units back into the empty city). :rifle:

It was about the only way to fight a Fundamentalist power. They have too many units, so waging nuclear war through spies worked okay. Just don't ask about the pollution...

Guest 10-04-2005 11:25 PM

I was also dissappointed with civ 3. When it first came out, i expected it to be a huge, and i emaphisize huge, because i heard that civ 2 was a huge improvement to the original.

I liked the mandatory resources for units, but the wimpy part is that you only need one of each to support as many of the units as possible. (I build like like 50 swordmen out of an iron hill which unreasonable). also i miss the movies too and especially the funny advisor conflicts. Graphics were great, but I dont think they should have put a great deal of work in this part. The game was mostly played because of its addicting gameplay and i think the producers let us down (as I think someone said b4 me).

What i do like about civ 3 is that it adds leaders and when you have a stack of units and its another person's turn to attk, they destroy one of the units in that stack and the entire column is gone (or wait is that just a flaw in civ 2?).

I would rate civ 2 5/5 for its time, but civ 3 4/5 for its time since it still adds some new concepts but not as much as you would expect from a sequel.

Christian IV 07-05-2005 04:55 AM

:blink: :bye:
Hello Experienced Civ II masters, I need some timely
assistance if possible. I have been assembling resources
for Civ II and have found there are remarkable mods and
scenarios available. Can you tell me where to put these
files and how to use them in a game? I did find MOD managers
available, but would like to know how to install and play
using a single senario or MOD if possible. Any help would
be much appreciated. Thsi simply an amazing game, and
series of games.!!

Thank you in advance for any help :bye:

Tulac 07-05-2005 10:42 AM

I'm not sure If I remember it correctly, but if scenario uses civ2 default graphics and rules(meaning it's not a mod), you can just copy that scenario to the folder where scenarios are kept, and you just load them from the game like those scenarios that already came with Civ2...
If you wat to use a mod then, you have to replace files which you got with the mod(mostly civ2.ini, and some .jpg pictures were unit and city graphics are kept), but be sure to safely backup those files somewhere, or you'll be using that mod rules forever...

Also if you want to make your own maps, you can do it by entering the cheat mode, where you can edit the whole world, you can also tamper with civ2.ini file where you can modify a lot of parameters that affect rules(like unit strength, defence etc.), and in the end for the ultimate modding you can make your own graphics, it's not that hard, but modding in Civ3 is much less complicated...

Christian IV 07-05-2005 03:11 PM

:D :D :D :bye: :bye:
Thanks a million Tulac, much apprecaited, that was just the
sort of indication i needed, i have used mods woth other
games, but not with Civ, and there are such interesting ones,
and great scenarios from all sorts of historic periods which
interest me, actually the scenario library makes a living history
laboratory all by itself!! What an amazing game. I hear there is
a Civ IV in development with many new technologies, new buildings,
units, and even wonder movies coming back......
and hear good things about Civ III, and some people love Civ I for
its special style: I have not had a chance to try Civ II
but the graphics and images are so intriguing. I am still doing
research and have not had a chance to actualy play the game yet,
I like to prepare and get everything in place first. Thanks so much
for your help and suggestions. :kosta:

I will be sure to keep master copies of the main files, yes indeed.
I noted that there appear to be four versions of Civ II, the classic or
original, then what appears to be called FW or Fantastic Worlds, Test of
Time and Gold Version. I am assuming that if you have Gold Version,
the scenarios will play for it that also play for FW and TOT, am i wrong?
I did see that there are patches that update a basic game to Gold, but
can one go backwards, and down size the game to earlier versions from Gold
that you know of? I am glad we have the Gold version on the site. I did
see that the Gold version requires that the player have a Civ CD in the
CD drive to play the game, but found a patch that bypasses this requirement.
Do you know if our Admins loaded the patch already? I can look for it
later but just wondered if you or anyone reading this know about this. :blink:

What are the maps i see availble used for,can they be used for
making new scenarios, or are they created for use in the regular
game and can they be selected by menu?

It will be fun to try the edit and creation features, but AFTER i get
somewhat competent with the game. :bye:

Thanks so much for your help. I found a great library of files on this and
both other Civs, I and III at civilization fanatics site, including a full manual
for Civ II if anyone needs one. Hope it is ok to mention this in the forum,
but i noted someone was looking for a manual i think.

Thanks agian for your help , i am reassured and hoepful of being able to
enter into this remarkalble game soon.
:cheers: :cheers: :kosta: :ok:

Tulac 07-05-2005 04:11 PM


Originally posted by Christian IV@May 7 2005, 04:11 PM
I will be sure to keep master copies of the main files, yes indeed.
I noted that there appear to be four versions of Civ II, the classic or
original, then what appears to be called FW or Fantastic Worlds, Test of
Time and Gold Version. I am assuming that if you have Gold Version,
the scenarios will play for it that also play for FW and TOT, am i wrong?
I did see that there are patches that update a basic game to Gold, but
can one go backwards, and down size the game to earlier versions from Gold
that you know of? I am glad we have the Gold version on the site. I did
see that the Gold version requires that the player have a Civ CD in the
CD drive to play the game, but found a patch that bypasses this requirement.
Do you know if our Admins loaded the patch already? I can look for it
later but just wondered if you or anyone reading this know about this. :blink:

Well I think that FW and ToT are not included in the gold version(not sure though) because if it's the same as those patches from civfanatics than I'm sure it hasn't.
You see I had normal Civ2 and upgraded it to gold, it was the same as normal Civ2 but with multiplayer :D , which includes hot seat too, maybe it has other stuff that I don't remember(I played it last 3-4 years ago)...
I think that for running Civ2 gold from abandonia you don't need anykind of CD, because that Multiplayer Gold Edition patch from civfanatics is useful only to those people that have the civ2 normal version, and it would would be logical that for abandonia version is already standalone...


What are the maps i see availble used for,can they be used for
making new scenarios, or are they created for use in the regular
game and can they be selected by menu?

The maps that you already have, you can use them to play a normal game, OR you can edit them in Civ2 cheat mode...
More answers are on where I too found out all this stuff, and I recommend that site for every fan of Civ I,II,III and the upcoming IV... :D

Christian IV 07-05-2005 05:52 PM

:ok: :D :D :ok:
Thanks Tulac, immensly, very helpful ......
I will dig in to the universe of Civ...what amazing
possibliites. Much appreciated indeed.

I like your avatar BTW. great colors.......


Quint 24-05-2005 08:14 AM


First there was CivII
Then CivII Fantastic Worlds
Then CivII Multiplayer Gold Edition (which in Europe was just called CivII Gold)
Then they made a upgraded CivII with Test of Time.

Fantastic Worlds in contained within CivII Multiplayer Gold Edition. Nothing from any versions of CivII is compatible with the ToT version, as it is the latest in the II series. is a better CivII site than Civfanatics, IMHO.

Diety level is not impossible to beat. There are master players on Apolyton that win the game by spaceship victory in like 1,000 AD. These players are mathematical and precise. There are also other players who win the game (spaceship victory) by only having one city throughout the entire game!

I am an old community member of CivII and there are a zillion really well done scenarios with gorgeous artwork and well put together historical references. Some of my favourites were in the WWII era. Do a web search for "CivII Captain Nemo" and you will be in awe of what Civilization II can do.

Doc Adrian 24-05-2005 12:08 PM

They also had Historys greatest battles, the fantastic worlds and greatest battles combined to make Civ Gold.

My favorite Scenario has to be the World War 1978 one. :)

Guest 03-06-2005 10:35 PM

Civ II really is the best game ever, its the reason i bought a PC in the first place (after playing it on a mates) but i can't get the multiplayer to work, It keeps saying "cannot conect to game machine" anyone any ides on how to sort this out???

apicella 04-07-2005 01:49 PM

Greetings to all, I have just downloaded this fantastic game to play it on my Windows XP laptop.
With some searching on the net I've also found the Wonders videos, but I still have little problems:
when loading a saved games I cannot get any sound (even if the sound .wav files are in the correct "sound" directory).
I cannot get the Wonders video to start, even if the video council and the introduction files work fine and I put all of them in the same "video" directory.

many thanks to anybody who has an advice to spare!! :kosta:

blastradius14 05-07-2005 05:13 AM

The videos won't start if you are playing the scenarios. Also, music won't play if you aren't using the cd of either the Multiplayer Gold Edition, the Fantastic Worlds, or a compatible Civ2 Cd. It will only play music on one of the cd drives if you have more than one. Also, sound files may not play if you turned the "heralds" off.

Hope this helps

Edit: the movies for wonders probably wont play unless you have the cd. Just another wonderful part of the game to go without...

apicella 05-07-2005 07:22 AM


Originally posted by blastradius14@Jul 5 2005, 05:13 AM
The videos won't start if you are playing the scenarios. . Also, sound files may not play if you turned the "heralds" off.

Hope this helps

thanks a lot for taking the time to answer me, blastradius14

OK, so much for the videos, I guess I will keep playing and decide if I want to get a CD to see the videos...

concerning sound, what actually happens is that if I start a game from scratch all sounds are there, but if I load a saved game all sounds disappear, except for when I consult the council, there I can voices of all ministers......really odd, isn't it? :wall:
heralds are turned on at all times...

Could it be some problems with the way XP saves the .sav saved game file? :help:

thanks again!!

Doc Adrian 05-07-2005 11:21 AM

Just got my Civ 2 Gold Edition cd out of the case again and playing the scenarios again :)

Its fun but man...I can get addicted and it will kill my work scheduale

Do most people prefer the scenarios or the build from scratch in here?

blastradius14 05-07-2005 09:46 PM

I play lots of scenarios. I make many, but sometimes the maps are off-balence due to time allotment, and what-not.

Did you know you can play as the barbarians?
Only you can't take over the world as them. The last normal computer standing (or person) will win. Also, barbarians cannot discover techs, so don't set the science rate to anything. You can't make money, so set your luxuries to max. Barbarians can build various types of military units, such as what ever nil and none provide in the science tree. They have an advantage in the beginning, as if you click "auto" after selecting the barracks, they will build LEGIONS. This will upgrade as other people in the world get smarter. Eventually you will be able to build knights, then musketeers, then riflemen.
My tip? Build on an island (if you cheat yourself a settler) or if you conquer a city and plan to keep it, keep an island city. This way you can transport units when you can't build anymore. (another barbarian problem)
The barbarians are weaker than any person, at any difficulty. Humans have a 300% bonus at chieftan against them, and the computer always seems to have an awesome defense against them in cities at no matter what difficulty.

If anyone has anymore questions about barbarians, email me and I'm sure I can answer them :max:

way 23-07-2005 12:16 AM

this was one of my first more complex games. i loved it and i played it to the limit :D
on a self created map i managed to get
first future technologie in 2880 b.c.
all wonders finished 2900 b.c.
the great in 2980 b.c.
and the throne finished in 3180 b.c. :Brain:
no cheating. never thought to come this far. after this record i suffered some lack of interest. :whistle:
the most important thing is to build pretty fast many cities on good terrain.

blastradius14 23-07-2005 06:04 PM

I would call that cheating. Making your own map, then setting back the time, right?
Of course, you probably played with less than 7 competitors.

Guest 23-07-2005 08:26 PM

it was no cheating. it was just a test where the limit is.
and there was no time setting (how can you set times??). it starts automatically at 4001 b.c.. today i found the save (every yearstep is saved) :D
i can send it to you, if you dont believe :ok:
and even if you create your own map, you dont reach my times, because you have to create a very special map with the right amount of enemys, special resources on the best spots and you have to know many details how to get all the advancements and so forth. :bleh:

blastradius14 27-07-2005 03:37 PM

Yeah, I have made uber maps before. The fact that you can set a resource seed in the map editor only makes it easier. Then, you can cover your perfect area with river and make it even more perfect. Then, make your own scenario and start with 15 settlers, and 5 engineers from no where. Now, set the amount of turns to as high as it goes with out becoming negative. (This is the equivalent to setting back time in Civ1)

Now, put yourself in a "lake", surrounding the outer shore with mountains, and later build your self a fortress to be the landing point. To make it easier, in game make a railroad under the drop-point of the ship. (do this by first changing the sea into some land tile. you can also do this to fortify ships somewhere)

Now not only can you achieve future tech with uber terrain and a slight starting advantage, you can't die unless you suck.

Personally, I like to be fundamentalist once I reach environmentalism.

way 28-07-2005 05:17 AM

i did not start with a scenario, no kind of cheating whatsoever. i started with 1 (one) settler as usual, and 4 enemies, nothing else. no time or turn setting, no "lake", just the terrain was premade :)

blastradius14 28-07-2005 03:57 PM

Hehe. How much river though? Did you use lots of wine and gold squares intelligently?

WAY 28-07-2005 06:49 PM

much river :D
water is the basic of life :D
i didnt use wine (drunken workers dont do their job *g)
and no gold (it brings many shields, but no food)
city growth is the keypoint. every resource is connected to a certain terrain, but most terrains have low food, therefore not that useful. and you cannot set the resource where you want to, that makes it harder.
basically i built marketplace and aqueduct (in many cities there is simply not enough time to build more LOL )
it´s funny, when i started with this "test" i used an ordinary random map and my first figures were:
1st future technologie: 1530 ad
throne finished: 1625 ad
spaceship launched: 1700 ad (i skipped this one, because you cannot launch spaceship before christ :D )
all wonders: ? i didnt watch it on my first try
the wise: ? i didnt watch it on my first try
there was much time to build any kind of cityimprovements, but when time became less and less i had to reduce to the real essential improvements. this aspect i liked most, to find out what is really necessary, and it ended up in basically two improvements as you can read above.

no, you can use every windows from 95 on (maybe even win 3.0, i am not sure)

blastradius14 28-07-2005 09:33 PM

I would use a fixed seed, then make a map from scratch. Only use wine hill squares for trade as it has the best food/production/trade output. If you only build cities where you can get all 4 resources, then you should have either wine or gold for moneys. the other squares should have like 1 or 2 hills, then all grassland. Fill all squares with river and your trade will be uber with democracy, or republic. More so with democracy, no corruption :ok:

lethe 03-08-2005 03:38 PM


Originally posted by WAY@Jul 28 2005, 06:49 PM
basically i built marketplace and aqueduct (in many cities there is simply not enough time to build more* LOL )
Try another level? I can't remember lower levels that well, but I think it's on prince or king level that if you don't build temple/colosseum or cathedrals (better Michelangelo's Chapel) you'll need either:

a) very high luxury tax, not allowing your science to go up like that
b ) many entertainers, basically rendering aqueduct useless since there won't be enough farmers to get enough food to sustain a bigger city.

Edit: Oh you mean after Christ. Sorry, in my language AD is before christ, confused me.
What's so amazing with it then? I'm very expansionist and perfeccionist and I manage to have perfect cities all over the world and still have future technologies around 1800. If I cut on some buildings (which I build only to complete the town - like my last lines would ever need fortresses all around, sdi defenses, and having coastal fortresses and port facilities on lake cities :whistle: ) I think I could get it around 1500. (Europe and World map only - Emperor level).

Tip: Sahara desert and engineers create perfect cities that computer doesn't ocupy, no matter how long you take to get there :ok:

blastradius14 03-08-2005 04:27 PM

Yeah, them people get REALLY unhappy without those buildings. Unless, of course, your government is Fundamentalism. At that size, it doesn't matter because your science will be good anyway.

gregor 06-08-2005 08:13 AM

I just went through th egame and the most dissapointing thing is in the end. there is no log or that cool nice map which shows how things developed over time. i think they fixed this in CIV 3 along with some other things.

I also didn't like the way some computer players treat you - keep breaking the peace, so i did the same to them. suckers!!!

One thing i am still not clear (and this goes way back to firct version fo this great game ) is i am not sure if you can stop or reverse the process of global warming. Well can it be stopped or reversed??? because it prevents you from continuing the game a bit longer and have some fun with it.

i tried once in original CIV to build forests and recycling centers along with mass trasit werte buit before any factories. it didn't help though.

Is Alpha Centauri abandoned? i guess not but i am hoping it is. so is it?

Guest 07-08-2005 09:14 AM


Originally posted by blastradius14@Jul 28 2005, 09:33 PM
I would use a fixed seed, then make a map from scratch. Only use wine hill squares for trade as it has the best food/production/trade output. If you only build cities where you can get all 4 resources, then you should have either wine or gold for moneys. the other squares should have like 1 or 2 hills, then all grassland. Fill all squares with river and your trade will be uber with democracy, or republic. More so with democracy, no corruption* :ok:
wine is a good idea regarding trade. i used buffaloes, it gives more shields, and wheat for more food. probably the best is a mixture of all three. the rest is grassland with river everywhere :-). the most important thing is to get as many and big cities as possible. yes i used democracy, i think its the best for this try.

in my country we use the following:
ad = anno domini (latin) = in the year of the lord, means after christ was born
v. chr. = vor christus (german) = before christ was born (i think its b.c. in english, isnt it?)

i dont exactly know what you want to say with your post.
i just wanted to make a fun game. my goal was to reach 1st future technology, throne finished, all wonders, the great as soon as possible. this can best be done on chieftain level. on other levels the time goes too fast. i posted my first try. for my best results look some posts earlier :-)

blastradius14 09-08-2005 10:19 PM

Can't wait till Civ4 comes out, can you?

You can't be the barbarians on a LAN game.

Gamefreak 10-08-2005 01:42 AM

If you mean in Civilization II, no. You can be them through the cheat menu, though. Not that it makes the game any interesting... ;)

blastradius14 10-08-2005 03:21 PM


Originally posted by Gamefreak@Aug 9 2005, 08:42 PM
If you mean in Civilization II, no. You can be them through the cheat menu, though. Not that it makes the game any interesting... ;)
And which during an actual LAN game, you cannot cheat. Not even through various loop holes that I have found with hotseat.

You cannot die as the barbarians. You start off with the ability to produce better units, and the ability to produce even better units as the game progresses. The only problem is you can only produce 26 or so units out of one city (or all of your cities, so have one) thats attached to some landmass...Loophole? Use the boats that you find to attack from an island.

Guest 21-08-2005 07:53 PM

hmm.. what about the dipllomacy AI of the game? and c ould someone suggest me some good diplomacy games?

blastradius14 24-08-2005 02:38 AM

Diplomacy? All games of conquest have a form of diplomacy. Some just have one that is less... flexible than others :D

Call to Powers I and II are good, most Sid Meier Civ style games are good for diplomacy too.

Guest 31-08-2005 10:53 AM

Hi, Total Noob to Civ 2 Multiplayer and, indeed, this forum, so subsequently probably posting in the completely wrong place; Just having issues starting an Internet Multiplayer game. Am operating behind a firewall BUT to the best of my knowledge have sidestepped the surrounding problems in this regard - Nevertheless every time my opponent attempts to connect to my hosting or vice versa, Failiure occurs within 30 seconds. YArF!
Jay Pee

blastradius14 03-09-2005 02:10 AM

Just LAN? or across the internet?

If you were behind a firewall and trying to challege someone over the net, the firewall may prohibit you from playing a game.

If it's lan, try both IPX and TCPIP. Make sure you have the network protocal installed that you are trying to use or it will fail.

blastradius14 13-09-2005 04:44 PM

If you have 2 units on a square, the enemy cannot bribe/sabotage it.

The best non-war government for supporting a military out side of cities is republic.
The best government for pure science is Democracy.
The best war goverment is Fundamentalism.
The best combo (war/science) government for large empires is Communism.

Guest_Djurre 25-10-2005 08:53 AM

I've been trying to get a scenario running on this version.

i took it from

it seems however it requires the fantastic worlds version, or the msg version. (the what ?, indeed). appearently this version does not support the scenario's, because carthage had a garrison of carries and a howitzer. annyone knows how to deal with this ?
if i install the patches fro it asks me for the cd.

laiocfar 25-10-2005 11:38 AM

All the scenarios from say what do u need for run it, anyway not all scenarios works as the denveloper wants or directly doesn´t works. Many of them also request to backup your game beacause u need to change the unit.gif, the flag.gif, yhe rules, etc. So don´t get mad if an scenario described as wonderfull didn´t work.

aldo 28-11-2005 12:18 PM

I'm a Civ addict, I've played Civ I for years, then Civ III for years, and now that I've got Civ II some more years of my life will be wasted... I hate Sid Meyer for that... Anyway, Civ II is in some aspects even better than Civ III!!! I miss a little bit the resource system, even if it was a bit too strict (in fact, resources are too difficult to obtain... and why can one build the same number of units with 1 mine of iron as with 5?! it's not very realistic...), but some good things get lost in Civ III (one for all, the possibility to use caravans to build wonders: in this way one can use all his cities for the purpose, even if he has not a big, very productive one). Anyway, have fun!!

laiocfar 28-11-2005 12:55 PM


one for all, the possibility to use caravans to build wonders: in this way one can use all his cities for the purpose, even if he has not a big, very productive one)
It´s also in the civ 2 :ok:
I find civ 2 quicker and easiest to play and multiplay. Civ 3, civ 4 or civ CTP are just another game.

Sharp 28-11-2005 06:54 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Nov 28 2005, 01:55 PM

But some good things get lost in Civ III

(one for all, the possibility to use caravans to build wonders: in this way one can use all his cities for the purpose, even if he has not a big, very productive one)[/b]
It´s also in the civ 2 :ok:
I find civ 2 quicker and easiest to play and multiplay. Civ 3, civ 4 or civ CTP are just another game. [/b]
Erm think you missed a bit on the quote. I think aldo means that in Civ III you cannot use caravans/freights to help build wonders as in Civ II.

Just wondering though, whats your gameplans when you play people.

I tend to go for technology and more on defense and building up cities then going on major expansion. When I want to expand I let my armies do it for me and capture all those nice luvly cities without having to spend time building them up.

Also I use fast units to scout around and when they find a good place to build up they defend the area. When attacking cities, if it is an annoying city (bad production area but tactically well placed such as chokepoints) I use the siege tactic, surrond with troops and then pillage and fortify outside the city (assuming they have strong defense) until they starve. If it is a city I want to capture I wont bother pillaging as that will mean more work for my engineers later.

Also, if Civ 2 is abandonware does that mean Fantastic Worlds is as well??? That would be great to have on the extras and I have the CD of it.

Tulac 28-11-2005 06:59 PM

In civ2 I use the spam city tactics, meaning that I build many small cities on an area, and go for the republic tech and the system which gives me a nice science/trade boost...
After I research enough technologies, I switch to fundamentalism and switch every city to military production or capitalism or whatever the improvement that gives you money is(I'm mixing it with freeciv), so I can built my military might in just a few turns, and conquer the world that way...

laiocfar 28-11-2005 11:40 PM


Erm think you missed a bit on the quote. I think aldo means that in Civ III you cannot use caravans/freights to help build wonders as in Civ II.

About gameplay in the net it changes with the rules and the map. But in a normal production and continental map.... quick exploration/colonization with targeting key techs and wonders, monarchy with 2 move troops, always attack if can win something and sneaky diplomacy (in some versions of multiplay u got the option when trading maps of give a single terrain map and get a map with all the units and cities, most of players didn´t take care) The big risk of this, its that if u get with someone stronger... well u can get the picture.

Micromachiner 29-11-2005 10:20 AM

I see that you treasure the classic pieces (Civ2 and Alfa Centauri) and I can agree with you that they rock. Nevertheless, I think you are forgetting Call to power I&II. I have played the sequel so I know that it has wonder movies, decent background music and improved combat system (Pikeman beats a tank? Not in this game (if it's not completely broken already)). You can have 12+12 units (own+enemy's) fighting at the same time and, usually, the most balanced army wins (flanker/defender/artillery...). However, the system doesn't always work perfectly but it's still better than the one in Civ2.
Only thing that CTPII lacks that Civ2 has, is the "magic" and that's why playing CTPII starts to get boring before long. But that game possesses a curse that that makes me try it just this once, time after time. I mean, CTP-games are terribly undervalued. They are not that bad as the reviews say. They are really worth of trying out.

Sharp 29-11-2005 05:21 PM

Well there might be someway a pikemen might beat tanks, just hide in the woods and charge the tank commander when the turret is open, then start stabbing inside, you want unrealistic try losing a fighter plane to a warrior.

I dont like spamming cities, they rarely get defended well so once you break through the outside the inner ones are quite weak and ripe for plunder, the only way to save lots of cities is if you are rich and have good technology so you can buy defensive units everywhere.

One fun but very mean tactic is once you have spies and nuclear weapons you just start infiltrating key cities and nuking them. Also early on in the game if you go to war early and have some horsemen, send them to enemy territory and start pillaging, get rid of the mines to slow productions and then irrigation to starve, then stay on thier most productive square so they cant get resources from it, but try not to stay too close to the city so they counter-attack and you cant run.

I think the best unit in the game in modern times is the helicopter, can capture cities, can fly forever, although fairly weak in terms of attack and defence compared to other units they are great for getting behind enemy lines, paratroopers are good as well for sneak attacks but they are not that strong either.

SupSuper 30-11-2005 02:23 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Nov 29 2005, 06:21 PM
Well there might be someway a pikemen might beat tanks, just hide in the woods and charge the tank commander when the turret is open, then start stabbing inside, you want unrealistic try losing a fighter plane to a warrior.
I found it funnier when my Settlers won against a Mech. Inf. LOL

blastradius14 30-11-2005 11:12 PM

Call to Power is made by Activision, so it is never going to match up to the other Civ games, all in one fashion or another under the eyes of Sid Meier. The Call to power series has different things to it, and it is much easier to forge some invincible government for yourself. The battle setting of having ranged flanking units displaces the true combat style of Civ, 10 Knights are not supposed to beat 6 pikemen. Then you get tanks, and the much better Fusion tanks. I do like that you can be the barbarians in CTP II, though.

Civ2: Probably the most awesome government for war is Fundamentalism. Build like 10 fanatics per city, and use tanks and mech infs to occupy other cities until they get thier own "Militia" of fanatics. There is no corruption, no capital distance, no unhappiness, the food and production qualities are that of republic and so forth, each city gets 8 units (depending on settings of a scn) free, and unlimited fanatics... and spy failures are easily forgiven! Who cares if you become a scientifical dumbass, you will kill those who oppose you, and steal thier technologies!

blastradius14 11-12-2005 08:20 AM

You can edit units, and to a very small extent buildings. You can make your own techs, but the won't be too special. If you are not playing a scenario, or if you are doing this in multiplayer, you are cheating and it is possible you will nerf your game until you revert it back. I remember taking the Midgard tree animation and putting it on a fanatic out side of a scenario... Next thing I knew every Fanatic was always a tree LOL

Tulac 11-12-2005 11:17 AM

Well civ2 (and every civ after that) has great modding capabilites...

laiocfar 12-12-2005 12:24 AM

Its true u can edit units but if u touch the damm graphics it will ruin the game.... i like to edit and the unit.gif its the enemy of all civ2´s editors. And the menssage from Gerson Aita was portugues chingao :D

Basil White 21-12-2005 01:35 AM


Originally posted by The Niles@Mar 26 2004, 08:24 PM
They where hired actors, they made a big fuss about hiring actors for the civ2 game. It was a big hype.
I knew the "Trade Advisor", Spencer Humm. I played ComedySportz DC with him in the 90's. He was Slash of the MD Ren Fest Show Hack and Slash; HAck was the Military Advisor.

Tulac 21-12-2005 09:13 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Dec 20 2005, 05:23 PM
where can i find scenarios of this game??

Check the scenario part ;)

Guest 28-12-2005 08:44 PM

A problem. My spies will not go in enemy cities. Anyone with the idea why is that the case? I can bribe enemy units but can't touch the cities :angry: .

IHateSeph 07-01-2006 02:02 AM

AI does get boring after a while. They become amazingly predictable. So ofcourse Multiplayer games are much more worthwhile. I personally have my own style of playing the game. I start by jacking up the science rates to maximum while in the despot government, and try to get as many technology advances as possible. I first work towards getting the important governments, leading up to Democracy.

Then I work on being able to build the Great Wall/United Nations, so enemies hesitate to declare war. From there it's smooth sailing. Don't give any of the enemies any technologies unless it's a good trade, build as many wonders as possible, and raise the tax rate moderately to cover the cost of the cities. Ofcourse... If you go ballistic and build tons of cities, you'll get a pretty nice return on your tax rates. From there, either just kill everyone, if theres not that many players, or simply do the Space Race thing.

I don't know if anyone else plays this way though.

To answer some questions...

"A problem. My spies will not go in enemy cities. Anyone with the idea why is that the case? I can bribe enemy units but can't touch the cities ."

You need to be quick. Whenever a Spy or Diplomat gets close enough to a city, sometimes the target will send a unit out to engage the Spy/Diplomat indoing so your unit is sent back to the nearest city for being caught. The key is getting just two squares away from the city, and then rushing for it before the units turn is completely over. From there a list of items is avaliable to do with the city as you wish. Hope thats the problem.

"I have tried to download and play this game on my work and private PC, which both run XP. I had to download XDaemon.dll from an external source as the one in the zip file was incomplete. Now when trying to run the game both PC's now tell me Civ2 had to close and sorry for the inconveinence.
I really want to be able to play this game again can anyone help?"

Thats more a hardware issue. I have XP, and Civ 2 runs perfectly for me. I suggest just doing some fixing like removing any Spyware, Viruses, and junk. Re-downloading Civ 2, as I have downloaded it recently and the files work. Extract and then just run the Registry entries (titled Vfwfix) and run the Civ 2 exe. If that doesn't solve the problem I don't know what will.

Edit by punch: compiled I hate sephs double post into one post

Cockroach 07-01-2006 02:57 AM

I used to play this game several years ago. I would play as Republic most of the time and build up tech. Then when I got into serious fighting I would go Fundamentalist for morale and money advantages.

IHateSeph 07-01-2006 11:37 AM

Thats the beauty of a Fundamentalist government. I personally whenever I just want to go to war, I send a spy to sabatage the city, and hope I get caught... Thus creating an international incident. Then my government crumbles, and I quickly switch to Fundamentalism. Thats when I go Dynasty Warriors on my dim-witted AI opponents. But other than that. Though the game lacking difficulty, can also be mindless fun while using a bit of thought process. So yeah... I thoroughly recommend it.

laiocfar 09-01-2006 04:27 AM


AI does get boring after a while. They become amazingly predictable.
Well, try a higher difficult level. This will not give u a best AI but the AI will get techs, units and everything at a lower price by level making the game pretty hard.
The best strategy its to be expansionist, only by aving a huge empire u can beat the AI in techs.

Hades 24-01-2006 07:39 AM

It´s incredible all this time and you still posting about CIV2

No es hermoso ke la gente se quiera, son, digo somos unos FREAKS

I am making a WH4000 Scenario with the miniatures from the page if anyone want it post here :Titan:

Xalo 24-01-2006 10:18 AM

civ series are quite cool, true masterpiece, but i have a problem with this civ2.
in my case, all text is written in greek font. quite easy to decode, but it's annoying to "decode" all the time as you are meant to rule an empire, not to act a translator!

P.S. civ is great, my dad plays it last ten years. but not for me

Gamefreak 25-01-2006 06:58 AM

If you mess around with scenario.gif you can't load it in the game anymore as it's designed on the strictest dimension and border rules so install the game anew and better don't touch the gif-file again.

laiocfar 26-01-2006 03:51 AM

By luck, i do always backup without learning by the hard way.
Anyway, to change the units.gif, u can check it quickly but when making big changes to the rules.txt.... :sick:

Guest 04-03-2006 08:10 AM

I'm another one who thinks that 'II' (with or without the movies etc.) has a magic about it that 'III' doesn't recreate. Maybe thats because I grew up on I & II and III's graphics come across a little bit cartoonish?.

I first got the game in Dec '96 in a limited edition package, which contained the game disc, the first scenarios cd, and the offical stratergy guide in a huge purple box. Problem is even though i have both cd's still, there scratched up and unreadable. I can't believe it's going on 10yrs since i first got it!?

Guest 04-03-2006 08:35 AM

Forgot to add that I miss the ability to cause civil wars and dividing nations in III, like you could in II.

blastradius14 06-03-2006 03:36 AM

Civ 3 has cartoonish units? You must never had played the various scenarios that come with gold edition hehehe...

But yeah, I miss the Civil Wars. I've caused them to revolt into a different, already existing country though LOL

Post with questions people... I need something to scratch my brain with :bleh:

Guest 06-03-2006 11:17 AM

Maybe cartoonish is a poor description! But I just don't feel or consider the graphics to be 'serious'.. if that makes sense?! There kind of 'watered down' and 'pastel coloured' :P I can't really describe what I mean!

I know theres a lot of add ons and mod packs about that change terrain and unit sets etc. but i've never been bothered to try any of them. I didn't however know there was a gold edition? I've got play the world and conquests. Is there anything else in that pack that make it worth purchasing?

Guest 07-03-2006 08:35 PM

In my oppinion the most problem with the newer versions is the neverending game. When I was playin 6 hours for a large map in Civ II, it'll last 6 days in Civ III. The next reason I guess is the totally overdone complexity of Civ III.


Scatty 07-03-2006 09:30 PM

I have no problems with neverending games^^
CivII ended always too soon for my taste. The only problem was in CivII just that the longer you played the slower the time between your turns passed due to many, many units of the other nations and the AI making decisions.

blastradius14 08-03-2006 03:45 PM

A civ 3 game can only last for 1000 turns. It is likely that you will reach the max score before that happens.

Oh no, did they clean the bloodstains and sand off the sides of the tanks for you? Ok, lets sit you in the middle of a real battle field in 3rd person, so you have to watch the carnage and death, the running of blood, and the true feeling of loss that either side may have friends of yours in it.

Perhaps cartoonish may be a good thing?

Besides, go make your OWN animations and put them in, replace ALL the units and then say they are cartoonish. Lets see your realistic work :D

On a real world map, I always preferred being the romans... then they made japan bigger LOL

Guest 15-03-2006 10:28 PM

My reference to the cartoonish look of the units and terrain had nothing to do with a desire to see 'blood stains' and the like rolling off tanks. A more grown up, sharper less toy like style is what i was getting at.

blastradius14 17-03-2006 03:27 AM

Well, you can go find a game and take its animation files and use them, you know. It is not that difficult, as long as you have animations of the right size parameters...

Maybe you should make your tanks look like rubber duckies? Or would that be too silly? Besides that all is :ot:

World War AI is the only function that will permanently prevent a computer player from reaching a diplomatic cease fire with another computer player without the use of triggers.

Guest 17-03-2006 02:20 PM

As I've said before, i'm aware that you can change the graphic sets! Rubber ducks? silly? Maybe as silly as your sarcastic comments.

My opinion on the graphics was only that, an opinion. If you don't like it... :bleh:

blastradius14 17-03-2006 02:27 PM

Well, at least they move, right? :ok:

Oh, you might want to become a forum member if you have a tentative posting situation like this :D Its even free too :w00t:

With triggers you can make it so the computers cannot even speak with each other, and then another trigger that every turn will change the diplomacy between them to war.

To do this, set the "turn" or "Turns" setting of the trigger to -1.

blastradius14 22-03-2006 06:50 PM

Uhhh, all the Civ2 games use the same "engine", the Civ2 game LOL

So its not random, like a map made with the scenario, or a "Fast start" game where the game gives you 2-4 cities to start with, improved terrain, and improvements? :sneaky:

But yeah, there are so many things you can do to make the game run slightly differently than normal.

Hades 26-03-2006 09:24 AM

Well laiocfar for editing units.gif folder you have to use the paint shop pro 4, it's old but dont messes the colors. and the units.gif from the original civ 2 and the units.bmp of the
MPG for scenarios have a different palette.
for more information send me a E-Mail, beacuse "no se como carajo" upload an image

Guest 15-04-2006 12:25 AM


well i know a veteran militia kept killing all of my regular modern-day soldiers
which isn't exactly realistic

Ever seen that movie rambo? :P

Japo 15-04-2006 02:31 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Apr 15 2006, 02:25 AM

well i know a veteran militia kept killing all of my regular modern-day soldiers
which isn't exactly realistic

Ever seen that movie rambo? :P


Geenimetsuri 23-04-2006 12:00 AM

Probably the most overrated game. Ever.

Civilization 1 rocked, Master of Magic rocked....Civilization 2 was just isometric revamp of civ 1 and most definitely didn't rock.

Master MC 23-04-2006 12:12 AM

I must admit CIV 1 had more style (windows-layout was kinda a turn-off) but CIV 2 helped me understand the game and the contents. CIV 1 remains my favourite.

Eliniver 24-04-2006 09:36 PM

I have Civ3 (and am considering buying Civ4)...Civ2 was excellent! Had no trouble running it on my WinXP - still quite fun to play.

Sid Meier and the Civ team sure enjoy reminiscing about the series. :P

The Legacy
The Legacy...Again

Master MC 24-04-2006 09:40 PM

I must warn you on 4 though... it consumes your pc. You really need an ultramachine for that.

Titan 25-04-2006 02:35 AM

And it consumes your life... especially if you visit CivFanatics and get new mods for it :)

LotharGR 26-04-2006 01:55 PM

The "Civlization" is my most favorite game series of all time. I havent still played the 4th, but i want to... :ok:

But the most classic of the series ( even more than the 1st one ) is Civ 2. I remember playing the game sometimes until ... 4-5 in the morning LOL I havent devoted so much time to any other game.

And also the game has a great scenario and map editor. Many times better than the editor of civ 3. For civ 4 i dont know ... but i hope it is as good as it was in civ 2

Icewolf 26-04-2006 01:59 PM

I never made up an own scenario but I remember when you started to play it you were just addicted! You couldn't stop... Save and stop was no solution you had to play from stone age to 2000!
Incredible! :blink: :ok:

laiocfar 27-04-2006 12:44 AM


I remember playing the game sometimes until ... 4-5 in the morning* I havent devoted so much time to any other game.
And who from here dont? :D

GeometriX 06-05-2006 09:08 AM

Well guys, I got Civ 4 a couple of days ago, and all I can say is WOW :w00t: If you played and enjoyed any of the other Civs, you sure are gonna enjoy this one. It's got all the charm and whatnot that made the first 3 so good, plus adds a whole lot more and some pretty decent graphics to boot. And the soundtrack is absolutely awesome!

blastradius14 06-05-2006 03:00 PM

The box charm alone was calling me. Then my wallet said, oh crap, you only got 5 bucks in here LOL

Japo 07-05-2006 12:10 AM

Loved Civ and Civ2, but Civ3 not so. :yawn:

laiocfar 07-05-2006 10:05 AM


* Loved Civ and Civ2, but Civ3 not so.
There are many of us.

Japo 07-05-2006 05:06 PM


Originally posted by velik_m@May 7 2006, 01:46 PM
civ 3 > civ 2

Many will disagree, but I think there were many bad new ideas implemented in Civ3. There were also good new ideas, but then these were implemented poorly, in my opinion. And the combats became way too random: if you attacked a company of spearmen with a modern cavalry armed with rifles, you ended up beaten a great deal of the times (!). :sick:

laiocfar 07-05-2006 09:56 PM

Civ 3 and Civ CTP got a real big problem with horde tactics like 9 musketeers outnumbering and killing a leviathan (CTP) or a modern army outnumbered and defeated by basics unit´s hordes (3)

vivian_evelina 29-05-2006 10:42 PM


Japo 30-05-2006 02:05 AM

Vivian, I agree with you about Civ3, Civ is the breakthrough and Civ2 is the peak.

I didn't notice that. A typical programmer's easter egg. :)

blastradius14 07-06-2006 04:46 AM

They are placeables, I bet. I'll look at it again, but you can set up the specific tiles to do something or other with accordance to a trigger, or other such nonsense.

Maybe its a lost fantastic worlds' Tree unit from Midgard....

Red XIII 07-06-2006 07:28 AM

I agree, CivII is the one and only. I never got used to CivIII and CivIV even lies around right next to me without me touching it. It has become just too complex. Sometimes simple games can be much more fascinating than complex ones. Probably I'm just too lazy to find out good strategies in CivIV. :D

laiocfar 08-06-2006 12:51 AM

I think that both games Civ III should have be better, it is too similar to Civ II and new features arent so new. It is most like an update of graphics and sound. There are some big changes as strategic resources but they didnt build a new game from these good ideas, they pasted them in this better Civ II and they final product lacks of internal armony. Example: it ends beign better to build mines in plains ar start of games or the game turned more complex in diplomacy and the AI acts as always or the war should become more strategic but we always end fighting against the hordes of the AI.

blastradius14 09-06-2006 02:22 AM

Could always make a game exactly the same as a civ2 game, if you want to play civ 2 with new immersing graphics. Make all resources bonus, make the resource req. of things nothing, so that only the tech lets you do it, and remove the unit update thing. Don't know what to do about Leonardo's Workshop though, they kinda messed that one up :bleh:

You can do other stuff too, like remove armies; and the newer scientific leaders.

Guest 03-07-2006 11:06 PM

the best strategy game i ever played

Guest 05-09-2006 04:22 AM

has the download been taken off the game?

The Fifth Horseman 05-09-2006 01:52 PM

Yes, it has, and for a good reason.

manan_force 06-09-2006 12:42 PM

it was my first TBA. and i like it so much. :brain:

Guest 17-10-2006 07:29 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(togs @ Sep 6 2006, 12:42 PM) [snapback]253097[/snapback]</div>

it was my first TBA. and i like it so much. :brain:
can someone tell me how to automate my settlers and engineers?

gregor 17-10-2006 08:54 AM

press "a"?

or you can search for the shortcut in the menu.

Guest 23-10-2006 06:14 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Oct 17 2006, 07:29 AM) [snapback]261667[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(togs @ Sep 6 2006, 12:42 PM) [snapback]253097[/snapback]

it was my first TBA. and i like it so much. :brain:
can someone tell me how to automate my settlers and engineers?
on civ 2 it is k on civ three it is a

Guest 24-10-2006 02:04 PM

HEy, everybody, my name is Rodrigo and I´m from Brazil, I would like to know if someone haves the code a have to put to unblock my civilization 2, please, anyone! Help a Sul american friend! I love this game and I can´t play because I dont have the code!!!
If someone can help me, please do this!

The Fifth Horseman 24-10-2006 02:25 PM

Umm... what code? I'm pretty sure this game had no copy-protection implemented.

narkooegle 24-10-2006 05:07 PM

Half of the time I used on this game, I played the WW2-scenario.
Do anyone know if there is a place where i can get more legally-downloadeable scenarios??
Preferable the Vietnam-war, American-civilwar or WW1??

laiocfar 25-10-2006 03:01 AM

just open google and search for civfanatics, there are plenty of scenarios and many of them will need to change your rules and units files.

Guest 25-10-2006 11:27 AM

Thanks for answer!!!
Dude, I don´t understand too! But I´ve downloaded the game and the site says: "1 hour for test" OK, I´ve played and now the game doesn´t works, it asks me to put my code and other thing I don´t understand so well! Better!! Can you write for me a site to download the game for free the game complete and not a trial version? Or, if you have Windows Messenger, give me, then I add you and you send to me the files of the game! (I prfer the site because is faster even the conexion here is 56-100kbps)
Thanks, from a Sulamerican friend!!!!!!
(please, I´ve writed correct Sulamerican????)

The Fifth Horseman 25-10-2006 02:32 PM

So the version you downloaded is a demo.

This game is under protection of ESA (entertainment software association) and it CAN NOT BE DOWNLOADED! We also can't provide you with information on where or how to get it. [/b]
Any user who attempts to give such information on the forum would end up with a warn increase from the admins.

Your only way to get the game is to find a store that's still selling it or look up a second-hand copy on eBay (or your local equivalent).

Guest 26-10-2006 11:23 AM

So OK!
Thanks for the information!
Like we say in Brazil "god pay you"!

Guest 26-10-2006 10:14 PM

anyone know where i can get the advisor movies for this game?

laiocfar 27-10-2006 05:09 AM

only with original cd. The advisor and herald are pretty dull and slow the game a lot so most of people just turn them off if got cd or rip it when uploading.

Marzen 07-01-2007 01:25 AM

its a good thing i got this a year ago from here. I just noticed they took it off the downloading shelves <_<... Thats now some precious cargo i got on my hard drive.

Xavier 03-03-2007 02:35 AM

One of the all-time great games. I've spent uncountable hours playing this, the gameplay is almost unrivled, it's remarkable that this game never really got the number of gamers it deserved; but then there are allways more people who value graphics over gameplay.

If it wasn't for Championship Manager 97/98 and 2001/02 then this game would be by far the best game I've ever played. It still rates number 1 though, only just.

I remember I got this back in 97 and played it until well into 2002, I only started to lose interest when the online comunity completely fell apart for Civ 2. Hackers started knocking off all the best scenerio pages, the great sconerio makers (minor celebrities in the world of Civ 2) started to switch to Civ 3, internet games dissapeard etc. etc. and alot of users went to Civ 3.

Unfortuantly Civ 3 was a big let down and I think I spent a sum total of less than 10 hours playing that since I bought it.

Sid's Civ 2 still stands up unbelievably well, if only the online comunity had held up.

Cosmonaut_Roger 03-03-2007 01:04 PM

I feel lucky in that I never played Civ2 when it came out. I was in high school, and I was too occupied with "flashy" action games and RTS games. Now that I'm older and replaying some old games I missed, I've only recently started playing the Civ games. And I'm amazed. I've sunk so many hours into Civ 2 already, not to mention Alpha Centauri as well. It's amazing, its like no matter how long you play, there's always more to do and NOW is never a good stopping time, its always "in just a few more turns." Good stuff, I look forward to many more nights of going to be ad 3AM.

Addison 03-03-2007 07:05 PM

Um, so yeah, is there any way or something that could be done to have this run in DosBox?

And yes, I'm being serious. :unsure:

Tulac 03-03-2007 08:30 PM

You can't run a windows based game in DOSBox.

Guest 03-03-2007 08:48 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Smothermunchie @ Mar 3 2007, 08:05 PM) [snapback]281766[/snapback]</div>

Um, so yeah, is there any way or something that could be done to have this run in DosBox?

And yes, I'm being serious. :unsure:
Only if you succeed in installing Window through DOSBox (and yes, I'm being serious too).

The Fifth Horseman 05-03-2007 03:23 PM


Um, so yeah, is there any way or something that could be done to have this run in DosBox?[/b]
As Tulac said, it just can't be done. The closest you can get is set up Virtual PC 2004 on your machine and install Windows 9x on it.

Japo 05-03-2007 07:54 PM

Not necessary since this game works 100% okay on WinXP.

ChekeGR 07-03-2007 03:32 AM

Does the game still operates in Internet? it seems the game spots are empty & no1 is entering my games

Tulac 07-03-2007 07:48 AM

You can always set up the game between friends, or ask on one of civ fan sites if someone is willing to play.

laiocfar 13-04-2007 05:16 AM

Better to look for a Civ2 player´s community, last time they were a few but you can get 4-5 ppl games in weekends or late fridays.

Guest 01-10-2007 06:38 PM

Hi all :). I was wondering how do you play multiplayer civ 2 games over the net? Do I have to 'setup' a friend in real life to play against or am i automatically entered into a multiplayer game or is there a list of people waiting to play a multiplayer civ 2 game?

The Fifth Horseman 02-10-2007 12:43 PM

The first one, AFAIK.

zimmah 12-10-2007 06:36 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LotharGR @ Apr 11 2004, 10:43 PM) [snapback]1075[/snapback]</div>

i had written it on a CD a long time ago, and if i search in my old CD's i suppose i could find it... but the truth is that i never posted because it had two major problems. First, when the computer was playing the turks, it played completely wrong... instead of landing troops on the greek islands ( that should have been its first move ) it was always transfering them back to mainland... and i could not find a way to play properly. And also, i had put a civ named "NATO forces" ( the US 6th fleet of the meditteranean ). Whenever it was its turn to play the game hanged! The only solution was to completely erase them, and when i did that the turks always played 2 rounds at once before the greeks! So i got bored with it and never finished working on it.... :( The sad thing is that i had builted it down to the last detail ( all the units, cities, etc were placed at their exact position according to military maps etc ) and so i was very dissapointed :(

if you can find it, and if it's not 'proteted' i'd be glad to help you finish it. pm me and ask for my email. and we can work it out. i'm kinda good with AI and triggers/scripting i'm planning to study it even.

i'm not very good in 'map making' as i'm not patient enough to do like you, making exact copies of maps and such. i even made maps with only some kind of water, while all units (even land units) could just walk on it (like jesus) :whistling: i'm much more into the AI and such. so i guess we could work it out together if you like.

btw i'm looking for a place where i can download civ 2. my causin has it on cd and i always used to play it, i bought civ 3 a while ago but really i like civ 2 much better. so i hope i can dl it somewhere.

and i also hope i can play it online with someone, sounds like fun

Scatty 13-10-2007 01:02 AM

I'm afraid he's not active already since long time, mate, so don't expect an answer from him soon.
As for where you could download Civilization II, it seems it's not abandoned yet and still sold, so the only legal way to get it is to buy it. I especially recommend Civilization II - Test of Time which features some improvements over the original Civilization II and few new campaigns with many new and interesting units.

Blood-Pigggy 13-10-2007 01:21 AM

I wouldn't recommend it though because they took liberties with the system itself and some of the additions are rather iffy.

They did more than just add some extras, and some of the revisions aren't for the best. I think Civ 2 is considered so great because of its perfect balance and integration of features, Test of Time messed with that system a bit and made it rather unstable.

andy_h_84 09-12-2007 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Ioncannon (Post 360)
lol I got that game on a cd! Got for $10. Yea if you are a person likee me who puts all the old games on a dos comp, this game runs in win 3.1

:(Can I get Civ 2 somewhere for free?? I had it, 10 years ago, but the CD is broken

Mighty Midget 09-12-2007 07:08 PM

The game is protected, so the only answer to that is:

Only if you know someone who wants to give it to you, but we can't give you any links to sites that offer this game for free. Guess you'll have to buy it. Try eBay or Amazon or any other online store.

fluxx 22-02-2008 12:32 PM

does Civ2 work okay on XP?

I read once that it doesn't really, so even though I have the game lying around the house someplace, I've never bothered trying to install it.

Though i see someone here has said it works on XP, so I shouldn't have any problems with it?


Japo 22-02-2008 02:05 PM

It works all right.

kevwenno 01-04-2008 03:12 AM

Civ II download?
My friends told me to get a life but i cant find where to download one so i thought i would go for Civ II but i can't seem to download it, does that mean it's not available here? If so, does anyone know where it is available? Free i mean:o)

Mike_B20 01-04-2008 05:04 AM

Every time I play one of these old Sid Meier games I come away feeling utterly exhausted; a bit like the head sorter in a screw factory must feel after a double shift :wacko:
So much tedious micro-management.

The Fifth Horseman 01-04-2008 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by kevwenno (Post 322439)
My friends told me to get a life but i cant find where to download one so i thought i would go for Civ II but i can't seem to download it, does that mean it's not available here?


If so, does anyone know where it is available? Free i mean:o)
Do you know where the forum rules are? Read them...

Ironlion 03-04-2008 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by kevwenno (Post 322439)
My friends told me to get a life but i cant find where to download one so i thought i would go for Civ II but i can't seem to download it, does that mean it's not available here? If so, does anyone know where it is available? Free i mean:o)

Nothing is EVER free. Just ask the owners of this sight how much it costs to keep it up and running!

CivII is a game well worth paying for, it sucked up so much of my life for a long time. (/me looks lovingly at his copy of CivII and all of its expansions.)

But if you want to try out the Genre, go over to your local store and pick up a copy of Civilization IV. It is in every way the best game of the series, the designers truly outdid themselves. It manages to keep the old magic of CivI and II, and still add lots of new content and features that only make it MORE addictive ;)

Oh, and be warned. Civ withdrawls are quite fatal. Its like the Spice; once you've grown accustomed to it you will never again be able to be without it for long.

Soon you too will be telling yourself yourself the famous old lie: Just one more turn.

Rogue 03-04-2008 05:14 PM

I agree that Civ4 is most advanced and most user friendly civilization game, but for some reason I played it only once to the end?! :confused:


Jlarson 21-04-2008 12:34 AM

why can't i download it... is it because of some law?

Mighty Midget 21-04-2008 06:56 AM

Yes. The game is protected. We don't offer protected games for download. Don't ask where to get it for free.

ronanp 22-04-2008 04:49 PM

talking to a friend about this last week and dug out my old copy. Loaded it onto my vista laptop. The game drops every now and again but played well enough for me to fall in love all over again.

Is there anything I can do to get it running better on vista?

In my ideal world I would get it up and runing better and be able to patch it to network play and play on a lan with a mate?

Scatty 22-04-2008 05:06 PM

If you're playing it on a dual-core processor (and you probably are since you're using Vista), there's something that might help you.
While Civilization II is running, press CTRL+ALT+DEL to invoke the Task Manager, go to the Processes TAB, select the Civlization process (not sure what it's called but you should be able to find it easily) and right-click on it. There should be some option to disable one of the CPU's so this process runs only on a single CPU. That might help the dropping problem.

ronanp 23-04-2008 11:34 AM

I never knew you could switch off one of the processer like that, thanks

Will try that I see if that helps. I am getting the videos and sound playing fine along with the auto save feature all of which seam to be having problems for other people.

Japo 25-07-2008 02:31 PM

You should not really download and play these scenarios:

Because I don't know how many hours I've been playing... And I'm not done yet making the Persians regret being themselves... Urgh I need fresh air, but I'm not having it...

Everything's tweaked, the units, infraestructures, technologies, even the terrain. It's a different game, and it's MUCH better than the original Civ2, makes lots more sense. And I did like the original...

lacura11 20-11-2008 11:05 PM

how do i download it?

Luchsen 20-11-2008 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by the FAQ
If instead of on the game page, you see this icon:
It means that this game is either still sold or actively protected by copyright holder or an anti-piracy organisation the copyright holder is a member of (such as ESA).


tiagofm 11-04-2009 12:10 AM

No Sound when I load a Game

I'm running Civilization II in Windows XP. Everything works great, BUT when i Load a previously saved game, i have no Sound.

I tried turning off and on again, saving with no sound and turning it on after loading. Nothing works. No "small musics", unit moves, nothing.

When I select Retire / Quit Game and get back to the start menu of the game, I have sound. And it all works well if I Start a New Game...

Any guesses...? Thanks!

coco13 06-07-2009 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by lacura11 (Post 342759)
how do i download it?

yeah ! how do you download the game...??? or do you play it online...? and HOW?

The Fifth Horseman 06-07-2009 09:36 AM

You read the goddamn FAQ before asking questions like that.

justkc 12-10-2009 07:29 PM

Too bad it's protected. I'd like to vote that Civ 2 might be the best in the franchise, excluding Alpha Centauri.

If you can find a copy, it's worth it. Unless you're into graphics. In which case, maybe you're at the wrong website.

Dragom 18-03-2010 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Kosta (Post 340)
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and download (if available)

Manual doesn't work... corrupted?

Paco 18-03-2010 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Dragom (Post 400224)
Manual doesn't work... corrupted?

Download and unzipping works. opening PDF-File works. try to download it again.

JBaillie 11-12-2010 05:30 PM

Mac Version ??
CIV II is my favorite game of all time. I currently have an Apple running OS 10. So my old CD doesn't run. Any ideas?

The Fifth Horseman 11-12-2010 06:25 PM

Boot Camp or WINE.

Rogue 26-06-2018 12:13 PM

Civ 2 buy link does not work anymore. Civ 2 and Civ 1 are not available on Steam or

Blake00 18-11-2019 05:51 AM

Doesn't make sense that such a hugly sucessful game is not avaiable on GoG or Steam, especially considering there are 64bit compatibility patches for it now too.

I've returned to playing Civ2 after like 20 years and have been having a blast. Via a XP VM with an iso of my old MGE cd I've been playing it in HD on a big screen allowing me to see so much of the world! Have been getting into modding it again too.

If its of interest to anyone this is the first dev diary of a Civ2 Heroes of Might & Magic 2 scenario I'm working with someone on that's 20 years too late but we're doing it anyway lol! XD XD

HoMM2 Dev Diary 01 - Creating Cities For The Civilization 2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In the first dev diary we look at importing HoMM2 castle/city graphics into Civ2.

WIP shot (no units added yet)

Mystvan 18-11-2019 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Blake00 (Post 484295)

Doesn't make sense that such a hugly sucessful game is not avaiable on GoG or Steam, especially considering there are 64bit compatibility patches for it now too.

I've returned to playing Civ2 after like 20 years and have been having a blast. Via a XP VM with an iso of my old MGE cd I've been playing it in HD on a big screen allowing me to see so much of the world! Have been getting into modding it again too.

If its of interest to anyone this is the first dev diary of a Civ2 Heroes of Might & Magic 2 scenario I'm working with someone on that's 20 years too late but we're doing it anyway lol! XD XD

WIP shot (no units added yet)

Wow! Nostalgia! :o

Nice screenshot! :OK:

Let’s hope makes Civilization II available in addition to other games such as Reunion, Rome, and other memorable games!

By the way, I wish you success in your project! :OK:

Blake00 21-12-2019 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Mystvan (Post 484304)
Wow! Nostalgia! :o

Nice screenshot! :OK:

Let’s hope makes Civilization II available in addition to other games such as Reunion, Rome, and other memorable games!

By the way, I wish you success in your project! :OK:

Yes Reunion is another great game that should be on there! But the Civ2 missing thing is just ridiculous!

Thanks Mystvan! Work continues so here's a couple more dev diaries if its of interest to anyone!

HoMM2 Dev Diary 02 - Creating Nice Backgrounds For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In this second dev diary we look at ‘HoMMafying’ all those Civ 2 advisor, city and event screens.


HoMM2 Dev Diary 03 - Creating Custom Leaders & Wonder Vids For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In the third dev diary we look at changing Civ2’s leader portraits used for diplomacy with HoMM2 heroes and make a bold attempt at replacing Civ2’s original wonder videos.


DrWho42 04-01-2020 02:29 AM

i love civ 2 as well as civ 1 but i'm afraid i haven't played either in ages.

Blake00 08-02-2020 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by DrWho42 (Post 484453)
i love civ 2 as well as civ 1 but i'm afraid i haven't played either in ages.

I'd say most people would say that. Until recently I hadn't touched them in 20 years either lol! Now that I have I'm an addict again lol.

In fact while I'm here.. Does anyone know of Command & Conquer or Red Alert scenarios/graphics pack for Civ2 MGE or ToT?

Been thinking about making a dark and moody one heavily based on C&C2 Tiberian Sun just for fun. But there's no point in me wasting my time if someone else has done it haha.

The only Civ2 C&C scenario I can find is this one by wonx2150:

He converted in a number of units and buildings but didn't really do much with the terrain. I can't be stuffed making a whole scenario so I'm thinking I might do a C&C graphics update for his instead heh. I could release a separate graphics modpack too for those not interested in the scenario.

Would be easier making a ToT graphics conversion due to the increase colours however his scenario is MGE so I guess I'll be putting my pallet conversion hat on lol as I'm too scared to even bother touching the MGE to ToT scenario converter lol.

Blake00 14-03-2020 02:40 PM

Been a while so here's a couple more dev diaries if its of interest to anyone!

HoMM2 Dev Diary 04 – New Throne Room, Intro, Dip & Wonder Videos For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In the fourth dev diary we look at changing Civ2’s throne room with a HoMM2 castle jigsaw while completely replacing the title screen plus intro, diplomacy herald and wonder videos with cool HoMM2 content.


HoMM2 Dev Diary 05 – Creating Victory/Death & City Backgrounds For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In the fifth dev diary we look at adding new HoMM2 themed victory and death sequences plus custom city screen backgrounds.


DrWho42 14-03-2020 05:28 PM

kudos on the dev diaries! :D

Tanker55A 15-04-2020 07:55 AM

Yeah, they're really great! I was thinking of trying to come up with little mods based on Civ2, and these dev diaries are really going to help me a lot!

DrWho42 16-04-2020 07:26 PM

what's the best place for civ 2 mods?

Blake00 10-05-2020 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by DrWho42 (Post 484672)
kudos on the dev diaries! :D


Originally Posted by Tanker55A (Post 484817)
Yeah, they're really great! I was thinking of trying to come up with little mods based on Civ2, and these dev diaries are really going to help me a lot!

Thanks guys! :)

Well then I guess I better post some new ones lol!

HoMM2 Dev Diary 06 – Heroes, Units & City Buildings In The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In the sixth dev diary we answer fan demands to show units while also showing off all city buildings and some small touch-ups to the city sky view.

Well I guess this makes a fitting time to post about my C&C project lol! As after months working on the huge Heroes of Might & Magic 2 Civ2 scenario I decided to turn my attention over to one of my other favourite franchises for some more fun Civ2 scenarios, the Command & Conquer and Red Alert universe! I started coming up with some pretty crazy ideas for huge Red Alert 2 Siege of New York scenario where you’ll be battling it out in city streets between huge sky scrapers however despite learning a lot from working on the HoMM2 scenario I wasn’t quite game enough to start that just yet. I’d also been thinking about a dark and moody scenario set in the C&C Tiberium universe and noticed that a fellow named Wonx2150 had already made a scenario in that universe but just hadn’t really done any proper graphics for it so I decided to take the easier route and remaster his scenario first to build up more experience before taking on the big Red Alert 2 scenario.

I created a ModDB page for the C&C project and have made a few dev diaries covering stages of development similar to the HoMM2 mod ones. Stay tuned for dev diaries for the Red Alert 2 scenario here in the future too!

C&C Dev Diary 01 - New terrain & units for the Civilization 2 - Command & Conquer Scenario
In this first dev diary I look at changing Civ2’s terrain and cities to look like C&C2 as well as importing some cool new units.


C&C Dev Diary 02 – Finishing all terrain & units for the Civilization 2 – Command & Conquer Scenario:
In the second dev diary I ask for some fan input and finish off importing all the new C&C unit graphics.



Originally Posted by DrWho42 (Post 484821)
what's the best place for civ 2 mods?

A question that has been foremost on my mind lately as I've been doing some serious scenario/mod hunting myself! Eg I've got a massive post at CivFinatics about stuff I'm looking for.

The best places for Civ2 mods I know of are:
CivFinatics Downloads and their Scenario Forums for Civ2
The amazing Civ2 Scenario League site
The long dead Atomic Network site's Civ scenario collection was thankfully backed up to It's a 6gig download but my god.. I opened the file there's over 500 Civ2 scenarios & mods in it, and some civ3 stuff too.
The 20yr old Cradle of Civ scenario site is backed up and still works thanks to CivFinatics, I found a few rare gems there.
Storm Over Civilization was a famous Civ scenario site that is sadly gone.. apparently the German folks at have a full backup but keep it under lock and key. They have a pretty good Civ2 scenario forum too and no ones told me off for speaking English there thankfully.

I'm on the hunt for more!


Strelok5590 30-06-2020 06:28 PM

Wait, what? A Civilizations II x Command&Conquer mod? I have to try that RIGHT. NOW. I've grown up with these games, the nostalgia is kicking in hard...

Blake00 19-09-2020 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Strelok5590 (Post 484994)
Wait, what? A Civilizations II x Command&Conquer mod? I have to try that RIGHT. NOW. I've grown up with these games, the nostalgia is kicking in hard...

Hahaha thanks but not out just yet sorry. However I'm getting very close to finishing now! You can play Wonx's original C&C Africa scenario if you wish but it's graphics are pretty darn bad hence me making the remaster lol.

If your love of C&C includes Red Alert then you'll love what I'm about to post as all the skills I've learned making the Heroes of Might & Magic and Command & Conquer scenarios is now being put into the hardest craziest scenario I (and probably most Civ2 modders) have ever attempted! A Red Alert 2 Siege of New York scenario where you'll be battling it out in city streets between huge sky scrapers.. yes I know I'm crazy as that's totally something the Civ2 engine wasn't built for hahaha!

Here are the first 3 dev diaries on the Red Alert 2 Siege of New York scenario. Disclaimer - Hopefully the final product will be waaaaay better than all these WIP test shots but I gotta start somewhere haha.

RA2 Dev Diary 01 - Liberty Island, Bridges & Buildings in the Civilization 2 - Red Alert 2 Scenario
In this first dev diary we look at experimenting with Civ2's terrain limits & using some sneaky tricks to begin creating a Red Alert 2 style city map with Liberty island, bridges and buildings.


RA2 Dev Diary 02 - Bigger Buildings & More Decoration in the Civilization 2 - Red Alert 2 Scenario
In the second dev diary we look at adding bigger buildings, Command centers with walls, and lots of other nice decoration trying to push Civ2's terrain limits.


RA2 Dev Diary 03 - McBurger Kong & Better Quality Buildings in the Civilization 2 - Red Alert 2 Scenario
In the third dev diary we look at adding special fun buildings like the McBurger Kong and Petrol Station, while overhauling all previously made small buildings to much better quality.


Blake00 24-01-2021 09:31 AM

Sorry for the delay.. busy times! Here's another 2 new dev diaries from my big Civilization 2 Red Alert 2 scenario. :)

RA2 Dev Diary 04 - Final Super Buildings in the Civilization 2 - Red Alert 2 Scenario
In this fourth dev diary we hit our stride and finish off all building types - big ones, little ones, and the biiiig difficult 3x3 super skyscrapers!


RA2 Dev Diary 05 – Finishing Bases & the Map for the Civilization 2 – Red Alert 2 Scenario
In the fifth dev diary we finally finished all city buildings and base buildings allowing us to finalise the design of the map.


Blake00 30-01-2021 09:06 AM

For anyone who's ever wished there was a opensource rebuild of Civilization 2, it turns out there is one! A talented member of the Civ community named Axx has worked on and off over the years on a Civ2 clone build and has recently been answering questions and posting links and pictures from his project here:

Before anyone says it yes there's FreeCiv and C-Evo but they're not 1:1 Civ2 clones (that attempt to replicate everything Civ2 does). They're their own Civ games that have a bit of Civ2 feel to them but are written completely differently and contain bits from multiple Civ games as well as using their own unique features & ideas.

Civ2's original source files were apparently lost in the downfall of Microprose, so it would be interesting to see what the fan community could do with an opensource Civ2 rebuild.

Screenshots from his project:


Blake00 09-01-2022 11:37 AM

Sorry it's been so long since my last projects update guys. I took a bit of a break from all my Civilization 2 modding projects to work on preserving other peoples Civ2 scenarios & mods across multiple sites (CivFanatics, ModDB & Internet Archive) as it became pretty apparent that so much great work had been lost over the last 20+ years and someone needed to do something to stop the rot. It's taken me most of 2021 but I've rescued collections containing thousands of old scenarios so hopefully most of what was lost is safe now! There's still plenty more out there I'm trying to find and rescue though.

Because it was recently the 30th anniversary celebration of Sid Meier's Civilization 1 I also took some time to release my Civilization 1 mods to the world along with some videos that show people how they can play Civ1 in HD with mods & scenarios on modern machines using a VM. These Civ1 videos kick off a huge video series I've been working on for years that will show fans how they can play all the classic Civ1-2-3etc/Col/MoM/CtP/AlphaC games in HD with some of the best mods and scenarios out there.

I didn't create dev diaries for these mods as they're pretty simple compared to my big Civ2 ones I've been posting about in this thread but I have done some info & release articles on ModDB. I very much look forward to the day this year I do my final release posts for all the Civ2 stuff in this thread haha.

Civilization 1 For Windows - Soundtrack Overhaul Mod Release!

Civilization 1 – Play As Barbarians Scenario release!

Blake00 21-08-2022 01:21 PM

Well after so long since the last project update I guess it's time to post some new ones! Yes I'm finally back working on my mod projects again. :)

RA2 Dev Diary 06 – Units & Other Final Graphics for the Civilization 2 – Red Alert 2 Scenario
In this sixth dev diary for the Civ2 Red Alert 2 scenario we’re in the home stretch as the title loading screen plus all units, technologies, & base improvements are completed. .


HoMM2 Dev Diary 07 - New Diplomacy, Dragon Launch & Animating High Council For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In this seventh dev diary for the Civ2 HoMM2 mod we take on the 3 final frontiers of Civ2 editing and change the diplomacy screen background, spaceship construction sequence, and grand council video advisors with cool HoMM2 content. In the case of the council I had to create animating versions of HoMM2 hero portraits! . .


Blake00 19-05-2023 02:30 PM

Finally got some more dev diaries done. Not long now till the release of the Civ2 HoMM2 mod below and then the others after it! :)

HoMM2 Dev Diary 08 - Custom Font Colours & Better Backgrounds For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In this eighth dev diary we add custom font colours into Civ2 and completely overhaul all the ugly old GUI backgrounds.


HoMM2 Dev Diary 09 - New Azure Dragon, Neutral City & H1 Addon For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
In this ninth dev diary we replace Matt's dragon with a mighty HoMM3 Azure dragon, add a 7th neutral faction city, and do some preliminary work on a future HoMM1 addon.

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