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uchazu 09-06-2009 09:42 PM

The game whizz is actually this
but looking with worser quality, music differs and stuff since it's a port and all.

(To play this game you will need DOSBOX)
To start the game go into the whizz directory and typ in "GO"


When asked by the program to enter a word from the page-lined numbers given, use this sheet to find the required word.

If you get asked for words that aren't on this page, don't worry, you can exit the game and try again till it asks you a word on here.

Page line word
1 1 2 loading
1 2 3 disk
1 5 5 install
1 5 8 driver
1 8 4 lines
1 9 1 device
1 6 1 editor
2 2 1 amiga
2 2 5 button
2 5 2 preset (the manuel says so)
2 7 2 spin
2 9 5 played
3 2 5 screen
3 3 2 world
3 4 5 clock
3 5 2 picture
3 5 5 under

these are all the codes that were on my manuel , I don't even have the other ones!
contact me if you have them/if you have questions!

also I deleted gold.avi which was a video file (commercial) of 50mb
while the game itself is only 1-2 mb making it easier to download.
but you can watch the video here if you want :

F1 = break
F2 = resume game

space + any arrow key = tornado twist
any arrow key + space = jump
space + any arrow key + space = jump + tornado twist

if you can control this then you will able to beat the game easy!

the cheat "GO pulp fiction" does not work infact you could typ in "GO FUCK YOURSELF" to start the game, it will work aslong as it start with "GO"

_r.u.s.s. 09-06-2009 11:07 PM

pretty neat, thanks a bunch

you seem to know what's the deal with the game, don't you want to write a review for it?

uchazu 10-06-2009 12:17 AM

no problem :P
now I can put another game into favorites :max:
did you play/like the game :)?

uhm...I guess I could review it / give screenshots.
I'll work on it :)

_r.u.s.s. 10-06-2009 12:55 AM

yeah i did, must say that getting usede to controls with arrows in this isometric is pretty hard at start. but the game was kinda fun platformer

btw, if you want to do that review don't forget to make some screenshots too so people know how it looks like too=P but no hassle

uchazu 10-06-2009 01:10 AM

"The race between Whizz the bunny with hot air balloon against a rat with a zeppelin.

though the game doesn't really show the rat often, the first intro cut scene shows that the rat is cheating by shooting with his shotgun against the hot air balloon of whizz the bunny with the hat.
making him fall onto the ground.
he must find his way through out the land in search for another hot air balloon.

whizz has a mushroom as a health bar, collect flags and gems for points and gets another life if he gets 10000 points.
he has a spinning attack which can kill some of the enemies and transform them into mushrooms which can add in his mushroom health bar.
unfortually to perform such a spinning attack he uses health from the mushroom health bar and the enemy can drop a blue mushroom instead of a red one.
the blue mushrooms are bad for whizz as they do damage when he eats them.
not only that, but some enemies are even immune to his spinning attack!
his spinning attack can destroy walls if he has collected boxes that enable him to destroy certain walls, the more boxes he gets the more walls he can destroy with his spinning attack!

you can instantly lose your lives if you don't pay attention, when an enemy walks into you, it will drain away all your health until you either step aside or die.
the time limit to find the hot air balloon makes anyone worried who is stuck into a part of the level where he/she can't figure out how to advance and forced to take another way and luckily there are many ways to complete the level.
many alternative ways to find the hot air balloon, the levels are puzzles in many ways solvable, many ways have more bonuses then the other or some are just faster.
with some unexpected hidden passages & objects placing you near to the finish.
hidden areas that you will give you many points and extra time and objects that you stumbled upon that need a trough investigation to what it’s purpose is.
a platform puzzle game!

the game is quite generous when it comes to lives.
you have a total of 12 lives if I'm not mistaken which are mostly continues and because you also get lives by gaining 10000 points odds are you be able to beat the game if you have enough time.
unfortually there is no way to save the level you are in so if you quit the game you will have to do it al over again.

there are in total 8 levels which recycles 4 level designs twice.
the graphics are eye candy and well designed except for some minor details but it's forgivable.
the music is amazing for it's time, while other games had little to no music this game has a music theme for every level, so there's little reason to mute dosbox as the sound effects blend into the background music of the game.

The mysterious but slow gameplay (you will need to press ctrl+f12 to make sure the frame skip goes faster) enjoyable graphics, the puzzle that can be solved in many ways which would make replaying a satisfying experience for the curious gamer who wants to know every alternative way to end the level, enjoy!"

uchazu 10-06-2009 09:52 AM


_r.u.s.s. 10-06-2009 12:04 PM

awesome, going to put it on the website updates queue :kosta:

Batmanifestdestiny 10-06-2009 01:20 PM

this game has a sad lack of music...

uchazu 10-06-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 369272)
awesome, going to put it on the website updates queue :kosta:

:clap: great I hope you guys enjoy it

uchazu 10-06-2009 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Batmanifestdestiny (Post 369299)
this game has a sad lack of music...

did you pick "cd audio driver"?

Luchsen 10-06-2009 02:49 PM

Only in case nobody noticed: The screenshots are JPGs in 384x288 video resolution.

_r.u.s.s. 10-06-2009 02:51 PM

i did, i will scale it down fixing the aspect ratio
(although it makes me wonder how did uchazu manage to put this into this re-scaled version with different ratio=P)

uchazu 10-06-2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 369320)
i did, i will scale it down fixing the aspect ratio
(although it makes me wonder how did uchazu manage to put this into this re-scaled version with different ratio=P)

fixing the aspect ratio?, what do you mean with that xD?

I made the pictures in windows movie maker, my media player/VLC player bugged on me.
I made a video about the whole game till the ending
even there it bugs on me :(
anyways I think I fixed both players, would you want bigger resulution of the pics I made or?

Batmanifestdestiny 10-06-2009 05:02 PM

yes. And I chose soundblaster for regular sound.

The sounds work great, but after the intro there's no music :(

_r.u.s.s. 10-06-2009 05:13 PM

there is music, you are not suppsoed to select "CD audio". do you have the actual cd? i believe not

uchazu: send the pictures in the original resolution big as you made them, that would be awesome. then i will modify it. also, nice video there

btw by fixing aspect ratio i mean that when you scaled them down, vertical side got scaled less than the horizontal one, which produced a picture that is "stretched"

uchazu 10-06-2009 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 369320)
i did, i will scale it down fixing the aspect ratio
(although it makes me wonder how did uchazu manage to put this into this re-scaled version with different ratio=P)


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 369345)
there is music, you are not suppsoed to select "CD audio". do you have the actual cd? i believe not

uchazu: send the pictures in the original resolution big as you made them, that would be awesome. then i will modify it. also, nice video there

btw by fixing aspect ratio i mean that when you scaled them down, vertical side got scaled less than the horizontal one, which produced a picture that is "stretched"

I think you have a better chance of making pictures of the video, because that's the same thing I'm doing however I get a bug that unables me to get pictures from the's a weird bug...I don't know how to fix it...

_r.u.s.s. 10-06-2009 06:09 PM

ok no worries

Japo 10-06-2009 06:53 PM

Whizz (1999)

Not for sale first-hand.

Not supported by the owners Flair/Microvalue.

No ESA member involved.


Uchazu, I removed the download link from your post:


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 353038)
it's important to not post direct links, wait an approval from Admins/Updaters and we will give you FTP access.

The archive and the review are now uploaded to our server as it should. If you want access to upload more stuff, just say a word and I'll PM you.

I'm afraid we can't use those screenshots, nor any ones taken from video, we need original images. It's very easy to get them by pressing Ctrl+F5 in DOSBox

Anyway thanks for contributing an archive and a review in such a short time! :OK: We still need good screenshots.

_r.u.s.s. 10-06-2009 06:58 PM

i'm taking care of everything, even screenshots. uchazu, there's no need to pm anyone

also i see no reason why remove the link and reupload it to the server after it's been already uploaded in here. that's just being nazi there. the rule was made so users wouldn't post games that are protected, i would say if it were

are you bored? go play soccer

Chris 10-06-2009 11:08 PM

Nah, Japo is right. This rule was also made to help the offers mods with keeping this forum clean. It might be all be ok - no ESA, game approved and so on - in this case, but we shouldn't make excemptions from the rule, as this could soon become common behaviour if we did. That would really mess up this forum.

Nice job, anyway.. :)

uchazu 10-06-2009 11:12 PM

thanks :)

The search term "whizz" affected 0 results.
it still bothers me :( is it a bug or does it take time before it's uploaded?

_r.u.s.s. 10-06-2009 11:47 PM

wait, i haven't put it up yet, everything has it's time don't worry =P

uchazu 11-06-2009 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 369396)
wait, i haven't put it up yet, everything has it's time don't worry =P

:clap:yay it's up

rated it 5:embarassed:

uchazu 11-06-2009 03:40 PM

Astatin a game ported over from the amiga

I have the dos version

but after playing/recording it, I wonder if it is even abandonia worthy.
or in other words, who is even interested in this puzzle game q:

El Quia 11-06-2009 03:53 PM

Is more important to know if it is abandoned or no. MAybe it's crap, may not. But if it is abandoned, I think Abandonia has a place for it. Not only different people have different tastes, but Abandonia's ideal is to preserve abandoned games. I don't think that the quality (or lack of it) can determinate if it should be preserved or not

TotalAnarchy 11-06-2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by uchazu (Post 369522)
Astatin a game ported over from the amiga

I have the dos version

but after playing/recording it, I wonder if it is even abandonia worthy.
or in other words, who is even interested in this puzzle game q:

We had in the past a policy of prioritizing the uploading of high-quality games. This is not the case today. We accept every game without discrimination.

I actually want to specify some things first. In order to ease and organize the process of offering, in this forum there is one thread per user (this means we'll merge your threads). In that thread you can offer all the games you want to and we'll evaluate them, approve or disapprove them. Next is the actual contributing. The reviews, screens and archives are all uploaded on the FTP by the user himself. I'll send you a PM that will show you how. You write the review using a text editor like notepad or MSWord and upload it the same way as the archive. Screens are uploaded preferably in a zipped archive also.

Anyways Astatin is [APPROVED]

_r.u.s.s. 11-06-2009 05:05 PM

another thing, when you take screenshots, simply press CTRL+F5 in dosbox while playing the game. then your screenshots will appear in capture directory

uchazu 11-06-2009 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by TotalAnarchy (Post 369525)
We had in the past a policy of prioritizing the uploading of high-quality games. This is not the case today. We accept every game without discrimination.

I actually want to specify some things first. In order to ease and organize the process of offering, in this forum there is one thread per user (this means we'll merge your threads). In that thread you can offer all the games you want to and we'll evaluate them, approve or disapprove them. Next is the actual contributing. The reviews, screens and archives are all uploaded on the FTP by the user himself. I'll send you a PM that will show you how. You write the review using a text editor like notepad or MSWord and upload it the same way as the archive. Screens are uploaded preferably in a zipped archive also.

Anyways Astatin is [APPROVED]

yay:clap:, another thing, because I can't delete, can someone delete the ASTATIN FILE?
not the archive since that one is the actual game...

_r.u.s.s. thanks :3

uchazu 14-06-2009 09:31 PM

a problem

I made a video about this game, and I was offering it but reviewing this game is really hard for me, and I will try to explain why

to explain this game I will need to use pictures

the game itself is a puzzle game.
now this is the first level.
this might look weird but a simple explanation and you are all set.

the numbers indicate what their value are.
so replace the symbols with numbers and it becomes a whole lot easier.
take the brown symbol which means 1 which means it is the newest ting that has been put there.
unlike the blue symbol next to it which has a value of 2.
it became blue because another symbol got next to it within a 1 square range (+).
it would not have changed if it got diagonally to the older symbol that was already there.
now the game is to get the exact same screen as the right one.
by clicking on the left screen you get a symbol, if you click it again it disappears.
if you click next to it, the symbol that was already existing next to it gets a value+1 making it change symbol.

it’s not too hard when you understand it, in fact you could basically solve a lot because there’s a patron to it.
when you know this, it’s easy.
however there’s a problem.

Now I thought it was a bug until the game actually requested me to put an alone standing symbol with a value of 2.
this is something that makes the game almost impossible.
I know how to put such a symbol, but as you can see it takes 4 clicks.

this alone is very time consuming, the only way I can beat levels is to know what to do, the thinking time is just ridiculously short in comparison to the levels I beat before.
this is still basic but later on it only gets harder and you get less time to solve it.
now that I have 2 ways of psychics I’m confused and I don’t know how to solve it.
should I use this bug to complete the level, is it required for me to use it?
the bug itself is very confusing, while it’s not really a bug because it was programmed that way, I see it as a bug because there’s no logical explanation to how it’s psychics are…
at this point , it’s too hard for me, I can’t beat the game, too complicated for the wrong reasons.
the game doesn’t even give me enough time to solve it.
the only way you will beat this game is if you studied it’s psychics, figure out the bug thoroughly make a screenshot,…print it out, change the symbols into numbers.
solve the puzzle, make a patron of how you should click and then go play that level click as fast as you can because the time limit will be short.
this wouldn't be such a problem with dosbox having the option to lower cycles but damn!, not even with lowered cycles could I get to complete this game.
you have to take a screenshot of the level, print it out, change the symbols into numbers ,then , solve it THEN memorize it how to click and get back to that level and pray that you are done with the puzzle in time.

uchazu 25-06-2009 06:37 PM

About the game ASTATIN

There is no way to complete the game...well atleast not the logical way.
The game is bugged and I think it's a good idea to delete it from my files.
Though maybe it's because the files I have from the game aren't good.
or it's actually still abandonia worthy xD?
It could be that there's a version out there that is actually good.

anyways I could make a review of it and give dosbox shots, but is this al useless without the actual game or still welcome for if you guys find the better version?
that you guys use the bugged version and replace it once you get the better version?

TotalAnarchy 27-06-2009 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by uchazu (Post 372444)

There is no way to complete the game...well atleast not the logical way.
The game is bugged and I think it's a good idea to delete it from my files.
Though maybe it's because the files I have from the game aren't good.
or it's actually still abandonia worthy xD?
It could be that there's a version out there that is actually good.

anyways I could make a review of it and give dosbox shots, but is this al useless without the actual game or still welcome for if you guys find the better version?
that you guys use the bugged version and replace it once you get the better version?

Upload everything you have anyways. If the original game was from the beginning unfinishable, it will be uploaded as it is. But if there are problems only with your version, we can upload it for now and later find a working archive.

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