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Kosta 11-03-2004 10:19 AM

UFO - Enemy Unknown
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

Titan 04-05-2004 11:04 PM

hehe... got my 20 man army beaten by ONE etherial once...
equiped a Lightning with laser-canon to be able to take down crafts unhamed... took down a small-scout, but forgott to chk the race... wen't... and the etherial mindcontroled my ONLY man with blaster-launcher...

*exit, then load saved game*

Later, as in when you have caught an etherial ALIVE or a Sectoid Leader/Commander... you get to research PSI-powers.. this is a turningpoint in the game...

Petter1979 05-05-2004 03:19 PM

priximity grenades
I use alot of proximity grenades, when im on missions. hehe thats fun, also if they are not killed, i know where a alien are when they make a mistake and walk on it :)

Titan 05-05-2004 11:51 PM

*L* Large scouts where sooooooo easy to over-run with Proxy-nades at the right door.. just place it 1 square outside... the second the alien steps throu the door, it blows up, and kills any other aliens also standing behind :)

Titan 24-05-2004 10:59 PM

Hmmm... odd... since i just tried arming a crysalis with a blaster just to try if i was wrong ;)

I works.. just place the Crys. ontop of a blaster, go to a random soldier, click his properties, select next char. util you come to the Crys, pick the blaster up from the ground, and BANZAI! perfect suecide-squad... usualy have 1 with Heavy plasma och one with blaster in backpack (no reaction-fire here ;) infront of my storm-squad when taking on bases..

Regarding heavy plasma... i also recall sometime the walls gave after to a hit, but it's not common.. Blaster is the prefered way...

Anonymous 02-06-2004 03:53 AM

It's not a new game, it's a remake of X-Com1 by fans all around the world. Most of them a full-time software engineers or full-time engineering Uni students.

Work is still underway, but the graphics are breathtaking. Just looking at the geoscope (the earth) you can see extreme 3D mountiain ridges interacting with the lighting effects, the weather changes and clouds, the bright lights of major cities at night ............

wanna see the clouds?
or the lights?
or a movie clip of gameplay?

Tom Henrik 02-06-2004 05:27 AM

:shock: :shock: :shock:

I was secretly dreaming of a remake of UFO-enemy unknown!
And now I see it has come through!! (How I love fans who dedicate their sparetime to improve games for the rest of us).

You say that work is still being done. Does that mean that the game is in progress, and not yet playable? Or is it a playable beta-version?

gregor 13-07-2004 06:17 PM

you've been playing it since 95 and never used a grenade? no wonder you don't get far.
ok here are some tips:
1. when you prime the grenade you prime it for 0 turns. that way it will explode at the end of turn. killing alien close to it. later on it's better to do research and dicsover more powerfull alien greandes.

2. psi enemies are a real trouble. well at least untuill you do enough research to develope psi laboratory where you soldiers can train to defend against those attacks. but what thes elabs actually do is that they give you a number that shows which soldier is a liability and which one will repulse the attack. so if you see soldiers that are often targeted by enemy then they are probably weak in psi defence. you can fire them
alos enemy usualyl cant use teh psi unless he sees you. since they have an eyesight bigger then humans you have to search for them and eliminate them soon.

to do that you have to save your game often and on different slots. that way you can return to previous turn after you already found the alien that is doing the scounting for psi attackers. and don't worry abotu it after a while oyu will reseach alien technology to the level when you could do psi atacks. oh one thing that might have stopped you in your effort: BE SURE TO GET LIVE ALIENS (at least one from each spieces) TO YOUR BASE!!! they will porvide you with much need info for psi defence.

3. lasers are nto enough. you will have to do research to get alien vessels. you will have to get a live alien commander and navigator (commonly found in colonies control centers). they will give you info so you can buld better and stronger ship. with it you will be able to knock down battle ships in no time. they will also provide you with torpedo weapon that is the most powerful and a couple of shots will tear the battleship appart. untill you do all the research i suggest you just follow the battleship and then attack the aliens when they land. if the build a colony even better. you can killeveryone in colony (though at first you will just want to get in and get out fast) and get high score like that and increase funding.

gregor 14-07-2004 03:12 PM

yes launchers are very good in start. however in X-com you can't use them outside of water (only grenades and STUN grenade launchers). also rocket launchers are useless against mayn aliens (like Tasoth in X-com). for those oyu need to develope new launchers from alien technology, but that takes time.
my advice would be use launcher as much as you can in begining but be also sure to develope alien weapons like ion cannon (in x-com)/plasma cannon (in UFO) which are more powerfull then earth based technology and are also more accurate. come to think of it there is no point in using scientists on earth based wepoan tech.

one more word about grenades (or better use alien pulse grenades which have much bigger power). in early part of the game they are vital in colony attack missions because colonies have aliens that are best killed with combination of grenade throw and a shot from weapon (i use explosive ammo only on early weapons).

don't foget to do aliebn reasearch to get new armour which will also help a lot (even the most common armour one can save a soldiers life)

later on with all tech developed the soldiers become a real one man army. i still have a savegame where i played and played the X-com because i didnt' know i need to click on Leviathan and select T'leth to go on final mission. i also for some reason wasn't able to research the mind control weapon (must have been some bug) because i didn't research in proper order ( did have molecular control labs for soldiers to train in so i could kick evryone that was weak). so the seamen have really buffed up. they had crazy accuracies and thowing range/accuracy. they just went out of the ship and killed everyone without moving away from the ship. the vehicle idd reconaiscense and men did the shooting. some had amn accuracy of almoust 200% whatever that means. in any case they never missed. it was simmilar with grenade throwing. the aliens panicked because i kiled a few on beginning and i just threw a few greandes in the movement area. BOOM! AAAAAAARGH! and they are history.

anyway the point is research research. and let the vehicles explore the map because if alien sees them they can't be taken under control.

good luck with the game. i know it's hard to play if you don't know at least a few tricks (like what to prioritize in research, or capturing live aliens in begining to do research on them, or how to find and deal with colony/terror site - thes eprovide the most points/money/technology in the game, or to have a really large number of scientists in beginning - 100 and more- to do the much needed research). oh and feel free to ask for any additional advice. this goes especially for "month32".

Anonymous 16-07-2004 09:07 AM

Firstly, I have to apologize because of my poor English, but I must say some word about this game.

I haven't played it for a lot of years now, but I remember that this was one of my favourite games. Somebody asked about in which difficulty level we play? In the beginning I played in the easiest of course, but later I tried the hardest and with my lot of experiences it wasn't really hard. Maybe it was beacause of the fact that in the original game (without any patch) there aren't difficulty levels, because all are the same.

My most frequent eguipments were laser rifle and medi-kit. After I developed psi-laboratory, I always brought some tools for psionic attack (I don't remember its name). Is used granade or other alien techs relative rarely.

The best armour is also very important for every squad-member, it can save their life in many situations! Usually I sent 8 XCOM-soldiers to every battle (except terrorized cities, where I sent 10 or 12 men). At the place my ship landed, I made 4 groups with 2-2 members - if it was possible, one experienced officer and one rookie or less experienced soldier - and with these mini-groups I tried to go far away from all the other groups as soon as possible - because of the alien grenades. Then the very important thing is to hide your soldiers at the end of all turn, because even a tree can save them against enemy shots. When one of my soldiers being controlled by aliens, I tried to hide my other teammembers from him/her - not to shoot him/her! After some time usually the enemy lost the control above him/her, at this moment I thrown all his/her weapons, from that time this soldier wasn't dangerous. Then I tried to go with this teammember back to the ship, where the aliens can't get the control above him/her.

Researching is very important thing, you never can't buy enough scientist. After succesful battles you can sell a lot of things you don't need, so you have money to buy important things (scientists and tech advances).

I hope I could help for the guys who needed it.

Bye and have a good time playing UFO!

gregor 18-07-2004 10:03 AM

keeping men alive is simple. you have 10 save slots. here is how i use them by saving games:
1 - on surface

2 - touch down near the ship

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - saving each combat turn under different saveslot. if an alien kills my soldier i load the save game and because i know where the shot came from i look up for the alien or try to outflank him. example: lets say i am in turn 4 and everytime i move i get killed no matter what, i can always load previous turn (turn 3) and either move my men differently or dont' move them at all and rather make them duck and wait for the ailien to come out of cover.

9, 10 - these slots i use to save in the middle (not beggining of turn) - example i sucessfully killed an alien i immediatelly save gameunder one of these slots. that way when i move forward and if an alien suddely shoots one of my men i can always load previous position in the turn. if i can't resolve situation i can load begining of the turn from slots above and if that desent help i still have slots from previous turns and i can load one of them. important notice here is that aliens are like your men. they are set in their starting positions across the map and then move arround just like your squad. so if you knwo where the shot came from you can load previous turn and spam the area where alien might be with grenades.

if everyhting else fails you still have the save you made on surface (save slot 1) and you load that one and continue form there on. by avoiding getting you men killed you will train them into officers tha will do the job mostly on their own later in game (high accuracy and reaction time). you will need that as you can't save games in your last mission (in x-com it's consisted of 3 submissions and you can save in the last submission).

this tactics will help you make through the game no matter how crazy your other startegy is. just remember to have enough scientists (100 or more), start with one base and try not to loose any of your men (they bring negative points which will reduce the ending points resulting in funding decrease), and be sure to chek graphs for laien activities. if they show highactivity it means it's a big chance they have a colony near that country and it must be destroyed. to find a colony send ships on patrol arround the country area.

Since i see you had problems with large ship tell me what game you are playing? X-COM or UFO? there are places in those ships where almost always aliens are. like command centers (who have commanders - if you already captured live ones kill them to make others panic) or they also like engines a lot. the larger missions (lie big ships, terrorsites etc) usualyl have from 12-15 aliens. so my guess is in your case you had only one more kill to make. still it's was a bad mission since you lost all men.

If you have problem on the entrance to the ship post men at the entrance turning them towards the door. and just pass a turn or two before opening the door. that way the aliens waiting to snap you in ship (or house, room) will either move arround a bit or maybe they will even try to exit and your men will shoot them with reaction shot.

once you use the save tactics you should do fine. the biggest problem are colonies but with slow movement (reserve time units for snapshot) and using men to cover eachother you should also do fine.

Titan 19-07-2004 01:21 AM

ALL ships in UFO can be shot down with Plasma-cannon from an Interceptor w/o exposing the fighter to enemy fire... besides from the battle-shit..

2 different tactics regarding them...

either you "swarm" them with 3-4 interceptores, armed with plasma or even better, fusion-balls
you only take on the ships when they have landed or attack them with Firestorm/Avenger-crafts armed with fussionballs/plasma..

nr 1 WILL ressult in many/all crafts are lost.
nr 2 often ressults in 1 or more craft beeing grounded for a looooong time repairing (we'r talking up to 20 days here)

Funnies thing ever done: Shooting down a Battle-shi with CANNON..
Was bored.. armed 6 Avengers with cannons, and sent em up..
After empteing over 2.000 shells into the poor Ufo, it crashed.. :)

Also.. if you'r beeing plauged by base-assult attempts.. here is a hint..
Arm the base to it's teeth with your best men, and JUST the equipment they need.. sell your Gravsheild and save 4 fussion-defences..
Next attack minght get throu.. kill them in the base..
Now.. for this to work, you should have a mind-shield in the base up and running..
After the attack, the aliens seems to "forgett" the location of the base..
They start over searching for it (small scout, large scout, battle-ships; all tagged Alien retalliation)
Take them down nice and calm.. this will keep the base clean, and free up space for better buildings then defence.. just keep minimal defence (5 fussion and 1 gravshield will repell 19 of 20 attacks).

Hellblade 27-07-2004 10:32 AM

I'M BACK!!!!
Wow, I'm back from my vacation, and see a lot of unread posts ^_^
I'll do my best to answer all your queries.

1. Someone asked if equipping two weapons (one on each hand) reduces firing accuracy. The answer is YES, from memory it's a -50% penalty so unless you have 90+ Firing Accuracy, don't give them two weapons. Note that this does not affect pistols of any kind.

2. Someone asked how to take on large UFOs once they're downed at the beginning of the game. The answer is you DON'T. If you have shit soldiers and shit weapons then here is the SOLUTION - bring your Skyranger over. Lift off on the first turn.
The reason being is that you get 0 score for the mission but the game does not consider this as IGNORING a downed UFO site.
Ignoring downed UFOs actually incur a huge penalty on your score.

3. Someone mentioned using fusion balls launchers. My advice is, don't bother. Plasma is far better at shooting down UFOs considering the costs of Fusion Ball ammos.

4. R Havell said, "One important tihng to remember during battles is that your troops are VERY expendable." Good call Havell!!! I couldn't have said better.

5. Another suggestion for Harcore players. I always have an Elite force of soldiers on an Avenger for emergencies. Their basic requirements are 90+ Firing Acc, 50+ Bravery and 80+ Psionic Defense. Besides grenades Medikits etc., each of them are armed with (Heavy Plasma+Heavy Cannon w/HE ammo) or (Heavy Laser+Autocannon w/Inc ammo). These two combinations are the most powerful and effective at taking out anything in the way.

6. Tanks are good for one thing, wasting valuable space on your crafts. They costs too much in terms of space and money. A soldier is always more cost efficient. E.g. a soldier with Rocket Launcher and Power Armour costs 1/5 of a Tank w/Rocket. A soldier with Flying Suit and Blaster Launcher costs 1/5 of a Hovertank w/Fusion.
Having said this, tanks are useful in base defenses and the final Cydonia mission.

Petter1979 07-08-2004 10:57 AM

some tactics i use.
In the start i try to research laser rifles, because they are cheap to research/manufacture, and have more accuracy then normal ammo rifles.

Then lots of grenades, and proximity grenades, i found them to be lot of fun. Grenades and proximity grenades are the best to use in the start of game since the soldiers cant hit for shit.

I usual dont use all the time points a soldier have, i try to hide behind building ect, so if a alien steps out infront of my soldier, my soldier have a chance to shoot and kill the alien before it can retalitate. And also use proximity grenades if i know a direction that the aliens come from. Even if the proximity grenades dont kill the alien its morale/health/accuracy is reduced, and i know exactly where the alien is. They might even panick/beserk next round.

If i have landed at a ufo with 2 entrances(ie supply ship/terror ship/ect) , i usual mine 1 of the entrances up with a proximity grenade, and hide one of my soldier around the corner, if the grenade goes off i can usual kill it with my soldier next run, or place a new proximity grenade. Some of this tactics also work inside ufo's, Large scout and up, just dont cut your own pathway with a proximity grenade :)

Aliens take control over a soldier inside our transport ship:
Well this had happend a few times for me, when i have soldiers i dont currently use, i found out that get the soldiers down on their knees help a good way, it rarely one of them get attacked by a mind attack.

Eagle of Fire 26-09-2004 06:09 PM

OK, here are the most common advices that I can give you. I'll try not to give any spoiler, and if I do without realizing it I give permission to the admins to censor me.

First, you need to build your base. That's the first thing you do in this game, and thus you need to do it from the start even before thinking about battles. The thing is, the first base supplied to you is a big free base, and is kind of nice for the eye. However, it would be more than a pain in the ... to defend would the Aliens decide to attack it, because it has hangars from both the bottom and the top of the base and the access lift if in the middle with other adjacent rooms.

In the best of worlds, all your base layout should generally be the same: your hangars at the very top or the very bottom of the base, then the access lift completely alone somewhere on the third line (the one directly above or under your hangars) then you begin to build your base on the fourth line after the access lift. That way, if the base get attacked, you will be able to defend it with ease with only a handfull of squaddies and a lot of grenades since the Aliens always come in the base from the access lift and the hangars. The third "free" line will act as a "chokepoint" preventing Aliens to invade the base too fast. If one or two aliens managed to get out from the access lift before you get there, kill them. You can be sure all the others will be ahead.

Battle and squaddies: obviously, you need to always try to keep your men alive. Moreover, you need to give your squaddies the best chances to overcome their target. The key points on this in tactical battle is visibility, speed and protection.

Visibility: I personnaly always go out with 12 squaddies and then break them down in three squads of four. The purpose of the squads is to always have at least two squaddies at "key" point when they advance in the black area so you have a good chance of seeing the alien before he do (or most of the time, at the same time he do so he don't have time to fire at will on your men) while the other two squad members advance faster (always keep enough time for a snap shot) and then they switch turn. Once an Alien is spotted, turn your four squaddie attention to it but do not forget to "scout" around for other Aliens, be in front, on the flanks or even in the back if that particular squad did not clear out the area behind them.
In night missions, you will have a very hard time trying to spot the Aliens because it's dark, while the Aliens will have a easy time spotting you because they have a way better vision at night. In that case, you need to use flares. I always bring in my Skyranger at least one flare per squaddie, just in case I run into a night mission. When you send your Skyranger, follow it and look at the map when it lands. If the map is at night (dark), then you'll need to equip the flares to your men. Would you forget, it is very important that you make them all take one flare before exiting the Skyranger (all the weapon you don't assign to your men before a mission are stockpilled at the entrance of the Skyranger).
To use a flare efficiently you only need to throw them far enough so the fartest visible spots are light. That way you will be able to spot aliens around the light just like if it was a day mission.
Use the flares liberally. They will save a lot of your men lives. And don't forget they can be reused; pick them back up and throw them away again.

Speed: never ever overload your men! It seems to be a very common newbie mistake. Your men need all the time units they can spare! I personnaly think that any squaddie under 60 TU is in danger because they lack mobility should they fall into an unexpected trap or need to clear out from an area quickly instead of keeping TU for their snap shot reaction time (like when spotting two aliens near him at end of his movement). If you start a mission and you notice one of your squaddie with less than 100% of his TU, then he's overloaded. Remove as much equipment from his inventory as you can spare, and you'll notice that next turn he'll have more TU to spare (if he did not recover them all). I also advise you to only take riffles (and/or handgun if you feel suicidal or want a challenge) in the first few missions until one of your men have enough strenght to take the bigger weapons without losing any or not too much TU. Most of the Aliens are easy to kill with a riffle anyways.

Endurance: research armors ASAP! I won't spoil the tech route to the first armor, but I'll tell you it's very easy to produce them by the end of the second month, should you know what you are doing. Once you have some armor, research the MediKit tech ASAP. The MediKits will allow the men who did not fall in one hit but are grievely wounded to survive the day and become stronger with time. It's always utterly annoying as a Commander (you) to lose men only because he had a fatal wound of 3 and dyied from blood loss after X turns because you had no medical support on the field... Especially if the man in question is your best soldier! <_< Before having all your men outfitted with armor, the chance of having a squaddie alive after he get hit will be extremely short, but with armor this will happen most of the time. I always equip all of my soldiers with one MediKit at the start of every battle but can part with one if the soldier is not strong enough to carry one and his equipment without TU loss.

I feel this is the biggest lines of the game. If you follow this to the letter you should have an easy time defeating Aliens... But it probably doesn't follow every style of play. I know some people love grenades, other use only Alien technology... I'll leave all those details and the leading of your squaddies to you. :)

Eagle of Fire 26-09-2004 07:12 PM

Yes, I also use Commandos by the end of the game. At the start I feel like casualties can't be brought down to zero and then if I need to select a frech recruit to fill the ranks they can't keep up with the older men. My style of play being mainly based on teamwork, this often lead to even more deaths... :angry: So I keep the squad full at 12.
Another thing is that Psy Aliens are a pain in the late game. It's always a hard blow when you realise your star soldiers are not Psy resistant and turn around on your men at the wrong moment... <_< Thus the reason I try to get a broad army at the beginning and keep only the PSI resistant men by the end. At the beginning they are still usefull, when they begin to turn on me (and survive) I sack them.

I also do the same; sell any Alien tech (but not alloys and Elerium, for obvious reasons) and keep one for future reseach of each item. My post may be misleading, but I only use the riffles by the very start of the game..! As soon as stronger weapons get out from research, I use them. :ok:

I did know that a lot of people would have different oppinions and strategy than me, so those few points were very general. If you notice, I never got into a very specific point unless it has an obvious tactical advantage.

Guest 17-10-2004 06:47 AM

Home of the Underdogs carries the fixed version of the game (and the sequel). It's a fanmade patch that makes UFO work on Windows ME, 2000, and XP. I tried it on my XP-ridden laptop and it worked fine. Have a look.

Keep in mind you'll have to run XCOM1FIX.EXE to apply the patch.

Eagle of Fire 01-11-2004 12:22 AM

Sure thing. You could always try Laser Squad Nemesis which is in the same style, but multiplayer.

If you need help devising strategy or tactics for UFO, just ask. I'm here for that. :angel:

Havell 07-12-2004 06:22 PM

Actually, the aliens see in the dark as well as your own men do, it's just that the aliens are cleverer than your men, here's what they do (shown from the side):


@ - Alien
% - Your soldier
{ - Your line of sight
> - Alien's movement
_ - Ground surface
* - Plasma beam

It starts off like this:


Then the alien moves into your line of sight, sees you and shoots at you:


Then the alien moves just out of your line of sight:


Here the turn ends, with your being shot at but never seeing the alien.

(It took me ages to do this :D)

Eagle of Fire 26-12-2004 07:23 AM

Sonicfish: yes you should research heavy plasma as well because new research options will become available when you have researched everything in that branch.

For the Plasma Rifles, I beleive they are the best workaround weapon in the game. They pack quite a punch and their aiming and TU pourcentage are good too. Heavy plasma is only usefull when you need that little extra firepower... But it's way too costly on the TU usage to consider equiping it on all your soldiers.

Laurrriz 03-01-2005 03:19 PM

Does any1 know what to do? I played this game in the past, but I came to the point where I have everything I researched everything an so on. Sometimes a UFO passes me and I destroy it. I destroyed a couple of them bases on earth, and I heard thet there is one on mars. How can I reach it? PLZ HELP :help:

Eagle of Fire 03-01-2005 04:17 PM

You need to research the Alien Origins and build an Avenger. The mission to Mars will become available after that.

ultranewbie 03-01-2005 08:26 PM

did you capture live aliens?

the research tree shouldn't have been empty if you didn't have all the technology. not capturing live aliens is the only thing that i can think of that might have caused that...

Sectiods are girls 04-01-2005 05:15 AM


Originally posted by berkie1234@Dec 30 2004, 07:16 AM
I like ufo-enamy unknown.BUT I STINK!!! :help:

The aliens just wait outside my ship,i send 1 man out and thier forces just snipe me
from out of my range



There are worse things than snipers. Mind control's been mentioned, but I've been sniped iinside my skyranger before disembarking, with blasters. That sux. Big time.
I think the proximity of the aliens to your landing zone may have something to do with your difficulty level. So if you keep getting wasted, try starting a new game on gumby mode.
Other advice just boils down to keeping your men in little groups that allow each group to cover different areas and moving slowly with the "reserve snap-shot" (or autoshot, or whatever) button selected.
Two to three teams of four work well. And if everyone has an auto-shot of time spare, when them nasties leap out from behind the shrubbery, four guys unloading autofire into the sucker will probably make the sucker think twice before doing it again.

Eagle of Fire 04-01-2005 07:28 PM

Ufo: Ennemy Unknown Aliens AI is not that good, so if you actually managed to get a grenade thrown at you by them... Well, you so extremely obviously packed up that even the AI managed to see that you could be hit by a grenade..! :blink:

I don't remember having a single casualty due to grenade in all... Around 25 campains... (My own grenades excluded :whistle:)

I would say that if you have a problem with grenades, you need to rethink your squad strategy... Especially if you were planning to play TFTD after ending UFO! You'll see what a really good grenade AI can do... I still feel the pain of my first TFTD campain 10 years ago... :ranting:

Also, I really don't understand what the race of the Alien change. Would it be a mutant, a big tank or whatever... You'll get hit if you stay in the way. Yes, I lost at least two or three Squaddie still in the Skyranger in every game too, but then I never lost as much as you guys seems to be talking about. Being creamed? Never happened to me, at least not inside my own ship! I guess equiping the first squaddies with armor help with that...

I also don't recall losing more than half my own team in any given mission, and last time that happened it was in one of my first campains ever and I was retreating back to base... Having bad equipment and be low on ammo usually don't help much on the winning part... :whistle:

All in all, I would say that you need to expect a very high death ratio in your first two games, then it will settle up for good and you'll wonder how you managed to get the money to get all those new fresh recruits in the first place... Happened to me, happened to about every Xcom veteran, will happen to you too. ;)

xcom freak 08-01-2005 07:27 AM


Originally posted by berkie1234@Dec 30 2004, 07:16 AM
I like ufo-enamy unknown.BUT I STINK!!! :help:

The aliens just wait outside my ship,i send 1 man out and thier forces just snipe me
from out of my range

I only last a couple of ufos on the eaisiest mode.



Purchase tanks, you can use them to clear out the way for your squad believe me, this will make the game a lot easier!

Wischi 12-01-2005 02:20 PM

Hey fellas.

I downloaded XCOMUTIL, but I'm having troubles installing it. First, when I run xcusetup for the first time, it only gets to the question whether I want to enable fodder's loader. After that it tells me to create a shortcut for runxcom, but the other questions (as stated in the readme) are not asked.

And when I try to run it again, it says "Version 1.0 detected" but then "read failure on geoscape.exe".

I am using the UFO-Version I downloaded here on Abandonia. What is the problem? I'd really love to play a more advanced difficulty level; not to mention random ships etc.

Help would really be appreciated!

Eagle of Fire 12-01-2005 02:57 PM

The version on abadonnia is the "new" Windows version. It may not be compatible with a cheat program which is most probably designed to work with the DOS version of the game.

ultranewbie 13-01-2005 02:37 AM


I have about 5 avengers, and have researched alien origins
Have you captured the commander of an enemy base on earth? From what I hear, that is the way to get to Mars and complete the game... :bannana:

Guest 14-01-2005 08:43 AM

Seeing as we are talking about bugs.

How does one fix the bug where the game will crash if you click on a fighter tab (thats following a space ship)
i found if i went back to a previous mission, and completed it, the bug was still there.

infact the only way i found to get around this was to reload the game before any craft were chasing any UFOs but that sucks cause i usually am tight by keeping 3 save games but i dont wanna reverse 28 days, or more again.

anyone know how to fix this. I dont care if i have to edit the x-com craft out of the game, i just want the game to contunue.

Eagle of Fire 14-01-2005 11:28 AM

I never encountered this kind of bug, and I run the original version supposedly full of bugs.

So sorry, I can't help you much here.

ultranewbie 14-01-2005 09:46 PM



Maybe backup savegames, reinstall XCOM and make sure you have the latest version of DOSbox or Windows drivers or whatever.

But, I dunno. XCOM has a funny way of crashing in weird places. One reason why the game has so many posts. Why don't you scroll through the pages and find how other people have resolved their issues.

Guest 15-01-2005 09:40 AM

Its wierd that you all have not experienced it. Years ago i brought it when it was first released and i played it on my 486 and got the bug but back then the earth would zoom out then i would see a heap of code come up and the pc would reboot.

now in XP it just says the program has crashed but same thing.

just annoying.

Eagle of Fire 15-01-2005 10:05 AM

Well, I seem to remember a weird bug right now. If you entered a mission while one of your fighter was still chasing an UFO, the game would crash.

Answer to this bug was easy: never chase UFO when you are about to enter a mission. Either disengage and go back to base or just fly near them until you finish the mission.

Another idea would be to send the Skyranger next to the mission without selecting it, down the UFO (or get killed) and then enter the mission.

Anyways, I never experimented such a bug because I never entered a battle with crafts still engaged in battle. I usually tend to wait for all UFO's to be downed before sending my team so I go get the biggest fish. I also tend to change my squaddies equipment depending of the type of mission before sending them to fight, especially when I'm currently building a new kind of set of armor for my troops and I want them to be equiped with the latest stuff, so waiting is a must.

Guest 16-01-2005 03:55 PM

Yeah i found a small solution which was to sell the plane (while it was chasing the ship) just DO NOT touch the plane button. it will stay in the earth screen for a while like a month i think then it just dissapeard.

I always have a Skyranger with crew at my first 3 bases. I make sure i can get every UFO that Preferably lands :)

ahh well finished it again now. Maybe i will go complete Fallout... again.

Rogue 18-01-2005 05:30 PM

You can use this site (on the left menu select what interest you) to get more answers.

After you done with all research, you don't need scientist any more.

To get position of Mars base, you need to capture one of aliens’ officers, and again, they are in big ships.

Havell 18-01-2005 05:55 PM

Smoke grenades work well to knock out aliens and when you get the small launchers and stun bombs later then it gets much easier.

ultranewbie 18-01-2005 06:21 PM

First, there is only one way to get elerium 115 - UFOs. It's much better with those very large ships to follow them with a team of soldiers, but not attack. Eventually it will land or terrorise a city. Either way, you will need a team to kill em. (You should get over 1000 points per mission for a Battleship)

The best way to get aliens is to use their Small Launcher. It fires very powerful stun grenades.

If you haven't researched it yet, then you will have to use the stun rod. The stun rod doesn't always work frist time. So if you find yourself wanting to attack an alien with a weapon, be very sneeky.

This may pay dividends however. Usually the aliens at the end are just medics or soldiers, it will be unlikely that you can capture a commander this way.

If anyone disagrees with what I have said, please correct me! I always like to learn different ways of getting the job done.

ultranewbie 18-01-2005 06:34 PM

Grenades are easy, especially proximity grenades.

The TU thing is easy, it's the green bar at the bottom of the screen. If it's full, your TUs are at 100%.

If you set the timer on a grenade (haven't tested proximity grenades) to Zero, and then keep a hold of it, it will not explode. I use grenades to kill aliens hiding behind corners. I get one of my soldiers in the rear to get a grenade primed on one turn. On the next, I make sure that the "Save TUs for Autoshot" is on. Then just go for a walk, and throw the grenade.

In regards to the aliens' reaction shooting, I have stopped throwing a grenades at aliens I can see unless I am behind a wall or something. When there are a group of soldiers who can see the alien, all except one fires upon the enemy. If the alien is not dead by the last soldier, then I use a grenade.

Proximity grenades are an excellent tool. If you know an alien is behind a door, I much prefer lobbing a grenade outside it and waiting for the alien to come out. Quite often you can surround the door with 4 soliders, and as soon as the alien pops out of thedoor and walks a step, the alien is blasted with explosive and 12 rounds (4 x autoshot) on the enemy turn. Fun fun fun.

The reason I like to make sure everyone in my team fires their weapon, is simply for the improvent in skill that it brings. One time I relied heavily on four soldiers to do pretty much all the work for me. When one got killed and the other two turned out to have useless psi resistance, the game was pretty much over..

Eagle of Fire 19-01-2005 11:41 AM

Another nifty trick is the ability to rename your squaddies. I always rename mine based on their rank and I add, in brackets, their accuracy rating.

So it would go like this: Rookie (59), 2nd Class (57), Captain (67), etc.

Pretty usefull when you want to know if the selected squaddie stands a chance at hitting his target, depending on range... :ok:

ultranewbie 19-01-2005 07:48 PM

I like to keep the names the same, just for the sake of humanity. I think it's neat having people with names of people from all over the world. I get to know my team members pretty well anyway, so I teand to know who will hit and who will miss.

Mats 21-01-2005 09:13 AM


Originally posted by ultranewbie@Jan 21 2005, 09:25 AM
Ya. Had that problem too. Just open it in Windows and hope for compatibility!
I don't have any problems when using the XP patch from this site to play UFO, but I can get kicked out a few times. There is a patch for TFTD to that can be found at (nice adress btw), but I haven't taken me the time to try and get it to work since I think that UFO is better than TFTD.


Jman4117 22-01-2005 07:55 PM

For my troops I keep their original names and add letters on the end for strengths/weaknesses.

S: Sniper
G: Grenadier
P: Strong psi
p: Weak psi
B: Very brave
b: Decent bravery
c: Coward
H: High strength
R: Reactions

So my optimal super soldiers in late game would have PBRSGH on their names for easy reference. :Titan:

P.S. - As for sorting your troops: there is a program called X-com Utilities that allows your troops to be sorted (never really played enough with that feature enabled though to see exactly how it works). It also allows for the intercept craft to be used as small transports and comes with the the f0dder display patch if you have a really squished display.

Drake Pendragon 23-01-2005 12:05 PM

If you find yourself faced with those chrisalids, make sure all you soldiers have a PRIMED (alien) grenade in their hand. If they get attacked by a chrisalid they drop it and it thewn explodes, thus killing the first chrisalid. Be carefull though since this might cause some friendly-fire.

Jman4117 23-01-2005 07:25 PM

From my experience with them, I'd say the best defense against them would be to get as many troops as possible in flying suits. They can't attack what they cannot reach. As for the primed grenade, if the zombie drops it, it will likely hatch the Chrysalid and mearly wound the other one, leaving you with two of them to deal with.

Note: The zombies only actually start to hatch if they are "injured". Leave them alone until you wipe the Snakemen and Chrysalids out before you go after them.

Eagle of Fire 23-01-2005 07:58 PM

What about the Chrysalids then, they are about the easiest of them all to kill? :blink:

I usually get them with long range shots... If I'm on close quarters I move next to him and I autoshot until he's dead. I don't remember having a Chrysalid one hit kill one of my soldiers, so even if he reacts and "spit" at you just retreat the squaddie after you killed the Chrysalid... At blank range you really need an extremely poor squaddie to miss an autoshot, and if he miss I say he deserves to die! :P

Don't forget that they are also vulnerable to fire. Fire them a fire bullet and watch them catch fire. ;)

Jman4117 23-01-2005 08:05 PM

You may be thinking of the Cetalid...the gaint kidney that spits acid. A Chrysalid is the black crablike terror unit that comes with Snakemen and can impregnate your entire squad Xenomorph style. :cry: They have uber stats and a hand to hand attack that can take you in one hit and turn you into a zombie. I believe they have around 120 time units, 90 reactions, and around 100 health. Quite a mean customer if you are on the ground with them. Heavy plasmas are almost a must on higher difficulties.

Eagle of Fire 23-01-2005 08:10 PM

No, I was talking about the black terror unit. I always considered that unit as a kind of Ninja. :D

As said earlier, never got much problem with them. The AI is usually very dumb with that unit anyways unless you really get in his way.

Jman4117 23-01-2005 09:00 PM

A lot of times the things will walk up, fail their attack a few times then run away. Other times they just stand there and do nothing before running back. What is scary is when you are leaving the ship and have about 4 guys sitting by the ramp and end up with low reaction scores against them and they attack unapposed killing half your squad. I think the AI may be programed to go after the low reaction troopers (reaction score taking TU% into consideration too). Move a lot or have a low reaction stat, and you get ambushed.

Eagle of Fire 23-01-2005 09:14 PM

This could be an explanation because I very hardly ever have squaddies with less TU than required to snap shot at end of turn. And they kneel most of the time too.

Bewildered 25-01-2005 01:40 PM

Hi all,

just for anybody´s information. After some work into troubleshooting (including several downloads from different sites with and without fixes, trying each combination of options in different compatibility settings and developing a new strategy to avoid the problem ingame), here is something nice to know for all us gamers enjoying this great game in german language:

Using different systems (P4m 2,4GHz system, onboard graphics as well as a standard P4 3.0 GHz Northwood with card) under WINXP, it´s always the same.
If you encounter the game crashing while leaving the Transfer-Screen, the only working solution until now is playing it in English (haven´t tried French as this would be some kind of "Memory"-game for me). Besides it´s comparable stable in both, so you might increase your vocabulary along the way using this alternative (might be helpful to know what a "Fusion Missile Launcher" is standing in front of this attracting red button :D) or just switch to this in the case of transfering.

Hope, this avoids some work for somebody.

Jman4117 27-01-2005 03:45 AM

The Windows version of X-com does not work with DOSBox. If you have have the Windows version it should run on 95/98 with no problems, and 2000/xp with a video patch called f0dder if you have display problems. Also with this version, get a slow down program if it runs too fast.

If you have the DOS version and are running Win2k/XP, Mac, or Linux get DOSBox to emulate DOS. A 1Ghz or so machine should run at around the 486 speeds that the game is designed for. If you have DOS/95/98 you can run it from the DOS prompt.

Canadianmonk3y 28-01-2005 05:48 PM

The game works fine after being downloaded from here just in my XP. My only problem is that it runs too fast. (Like leaving it in 5min setting on my 486 when set at 5sec, and 1day setting gets ridiculous.) What is a good slowdown program to use for this, as I tried moslo, which didn't work as it runs dos while the X-Com is windows, so I need some sort of windows based slowdown program. Thanks ahead of time.

Eagle of Fire 28-01-2005 06:58 PM

The problem with the version from this site is that it's a Windows version. If you get the original DOS version you could use DOSBox like me, and it works fine then.

johneh 28-01-2005 08:04 PM

I am trying to run the DOS version on windows XP using Dosbox but when I hit the Dosbox button combo to maximize it I have the following problem:
My monitor clicks, the screen goes black for a split second, and then I am back at my desktop and everythign is minized. If I click on X-com nothing happens. If I right click on the X-com box and select Restore or Maximize it just does the process again (montior clicks, goes black for a second, back at desktop w/everything minimized)

Guest 29-01-2005 01:26 AM


Originally posted by Guest+Jan 29 2005, 02:15 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Guest @ Jan 29 2005, 02:15 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Eagle of Fire@Jan 28 2005, 09:57 PM
Try starting the game with the screen already maximized.
It does it no matter when I try to go to full screen - either before the game starts or after I start the game.

I actually have the same problem with Madden 2004 - but I was able to right click on the madden button and choose restore and it would work [/b][/quote]
I found the solution on another site. If anyone else is having the same problem I was just hold ALT & TAB down when you first start the program and keep them held down for the 1st few seconds and the screen will stay maximized.


Guest 29-01-2005 01:37 AM

Also Pressing

ALT + SPACE + X right after switching to full screen will keep it maximized too !

Ethan 30-01-2005 03:49 AM

:rifle: The secret to this game is to conserve some of your TUs so you will reaction fire, and to have your rear units act as :sniper: when your forward units spot an enemy. Also, USE THE CROUCH FUNCTION! This will make a big difference as it not only improves you accuracy considerably, but makes you a smaller target and allows you to have one soldier supporting your crouched one. Crouching then auto firing will give you by far the best odds to hit your target, and the laser rifle's unlimited ammo makes this no problem even in long battles or if you feel the need to blind-fire into the darkness [this actually works rather well, you just need to find a solid object, like a tree or wall, to fire at]. Also, to help negate the inaccuracy of the blaster launcher, have the bombs drop down on the aliens from above. That's about everything I have to share, and I can beat the game on Superhuman without much difficulty :whistle: . I absolutely love this game and think it is certainly one of the 10 or so best games ever made. Try Bubble Bobble.

Student 02-02-2005 09:07 AM


Originally posted by BugMeNot@Feb 2 2005, 04:01 AM
I've gamed for quite many hours now.. just shooting ufos, exploring crash sites and landing sites and keeping battleships off my base... what happens now? I've been doing the same thing for a very long time - with no researches pending and I'm able to manufacture the Avenger and all..

Ive read stuff about mars, getting Alien leaders, alien bases.. where do i find this?

Catch an commander from an battleship (stun him) and let the sientists talk with him for a while.

Eagle of Fire 02-02-2005 06:15 PM


QUOTE (Jman4117 @ Feb 1 2005, 04:54 PM)
Well, It's the aliens command center. And besides, Commanders and Leaders are the toughest aliens to fight, so they belong on the final mission.*

Yes i know but a general is a general for gods sake!
Thats a litle unrealistic.*
At least the gameplay is superb.*
(Sory im from Poland so my spelling is not so good.)

General rank for your squaddies is only a rank based on how many squaddies total you have in your command. It doesn't add anything to your squaddie other than tell your how good he his in comparison to the others.

If you were going to make an incredibly important attack as a Commander of your army force, you would probably wish to attack only with skilled officers instead of fresh recruit even tough you very well know that most of them won't return. The result of the battle is what count, not who goes and die there...


Originally posted by BugMeNot Posted on Feb 2 2005@ 06:36 PM
How will I know who's the commander?
You won't know for sure on the battlefield but as soon as you captured a live one (live is the key word here) it will show on your scientific research list. :)

Eagle of Fire 02-02-2005 06:58 PM

I always equip 4 stun rods to my squad of 12 squaddies (I always attack with 12 squaddies) just in case get the opportunity to stun an alien once in a while. The 4 squaddies equiped with the stun rods are usually the "crack team" who enter and storm the ship first. This way I always have a nice chance to get a live Alien on every mission, and live Aliens are worth more in points if I remember well.

Once you have stun bombs then I advise you to use them since they are extremely effective on physically weak Aliens and they can be lauched safely from a distance.

Smoke can stun Aliens as well as your squaddies, and here's why: neither does your squaddies or the Aliens have breathing equipment, so if you enter a smoke heavy square the unit will be forced to breath the smoke. Just like smoke can disable someone in a building fire and render him/her uncouncious, a white line will begin to appear and grow higher and higher on the HP bar of the unit each turn. If the white bar manage for a reason or another to go beyong the current HP of the unit then he/she/it will become disabled (or stunned) until the white bar get lower than the HP again.

This is why sometimes you can see your squaddies get stunned by a very weak hit and stand up again one or two turns later if the white bar is near the max HP of the squaddies.

Stunning Aliens works exactly the same with stun rods and stun bombs. When hit, the weapon will bring the white bar up by a certain amount and the unit will be stunned when the white bar go higher than the current HP of said unit. This is also why wounded units are way easier to stun this way.

BugMeNot 02-02-2005 07:15 PM

Wow, didn't know that.

But i cant seem to stun robotics (obviously I guess) - so how do you get live speciments of the cyberdisk and that reaper-looking robot? Since the scientist talk about needing a undamaged speciement to look at.

And have I understood right, that the only way to go on from where I am, is to locate a large or very large ufo and stun left and right at the control center? :)

Eagle of Fire 02-02-2005 07:33 PM

You got it BugMeNot. You need live specimens to complete the game.

I don't remember about the "robotics" Aliens, but I do know that sometimes an heavy hit can stun ennemies. If you are lucky you could hit an ennemy and not kill him but manage to stun him. If he's one of the last Aliens downed in the mission then he won't have time to wake up and he'll show up as a live specimen in your mission debriefing.

Don't worry about it tough, you don't need all the tech to finish the mission. And most of the autopsy and live Aliens study add more flavour to the game than anything else. Only a few actually get the game forward and are critical.

DonCorleone 06-02-2005 12:10 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Feb 1 2005, 09:46 PM

Whenever I want to examine a wrecked UFO by sending those... troopships (sorry, am new to the game) and I click the OK button when the game warns me that I might encounter aliens now and have to fight, the game crashes!

I´ve got the same problem and I really don´t know what it could be. For example there are two exe files, but only one working properly.
Is there a possibility to get the dos-version so thst I could play this fantastic one again?
Or any suggestions on how to solve the crashing prob?

I´m running ufo on WinXP AMD Duron 750



Jman4117 06-02-2005 06:07 PM

You shouldn't have two .exe's in the WIndows version unless you are using Xcomutil. If you've used that on the game, you have to use runxcomw.bat to start it. Geoscape.exe and Tactical.exe are files that you shouldn't use to start the game. Either use xcom.bat or the .exe with the alien head icon if you have not modified the game with xcomutil.

DonCorleone 06-02-2005 06:10 PM

For some weired reason HOTU`s version runs fine, although there are still problems with several missions.
So everytime there is a mission in Africa´s "green-lands" the game breaks up. Does anyone know of some tweaking progs fitting to this prob?

Jman4117 06-02-2005 06:20 PM

A problem in the map files perhaps?

Where exactly does it crash? Does it repeat if you try it again from a reboot?

DonCorleone 06-02-2005 06:31 PM

It crashe after I equipped my marines and confirmed by pushing "ok". Then the screen turns black. And that´s it.
And yes he did it several times. You mean a system reboot could do?

Jman4117 06-02-2005 06:34 PM

All your troops are standing in a black void? Reboot, and if that doesn't work, try a reinstall (get the game_xx directories out before deleting of course).

DonCorleone 06-02-2005 06:38 PM

Pardon me, the screen turns black and returns to desktop. No troops, no aliens, anything ;) .
But I think I will try the re-installation you adviced...

DonCorleone 06-02-2005 11:10 PM


reinstalling didn´t make anything. Which version are you using? I had the idea that it might have something to do to with the language selection. My native language is German. So I chose this of course.
Is it possible that there are diifferences in interpreting in the program?

Bensch 07-02-2005 09:24 AM

Personally, I already solved the problem (the guest with the strage situation was me). I wasn't able to locate the fault, so I just downloaded another version from another Retro-DOS-Game-Site. Works fine for me now. Am not quite sure if I infringe upon some kind of Codex if I'd post the URL right here, so better send me a PN if you want to know ;)

PS: Am German as well.

chris 07-02-2005 04:46 PM


Originally posted by Kosta@Mar 11 2004, 11:19 AM
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

were is the download button

Havell 07-02-2005 04:47 PM

Just underneath the extras secrion and to the right of the rating buttons, where it says "Get it!" ;)

sm0kiE 07-02-2005 07:33 PM

I agree, PSI weapons aren't thaaat good...

Just blow em up with rocket tanks, blaster launchers, and heavy plasma =)

And flying suits...

another_guest 08-02-2005 11:52 AM


Originally posted by cod@Feb 5 2005, 04:44 PM
The game will crash if u have any other aircrafts on the map.

So just allow all crafts that are out on a mission to return to their bases before sending in your elite to kick alien behind :cheers:

For me it doesn't, though I'm maybe using a different version than the one available here.

DonCorleone 08-02-2005 03:25 PM

I solved my problem by using Win95 compatiblity mode :whistle:
Sometimes it´s easier than one would think...

Boddah 08-02-2005 03:55 PM

Heya, Im in Mission 125 and January 2000 with all researchs done and I wonder... When the game ends??

I already did the Moscow mission, killed a lot of allien, I have 5 bases and deal with ALL meneaces...

ahhaa I just want to know where is the over

quatroking 08-02-2005 04:04 PM

know some cheats for this game?
(becouse i don't don't get enough weapons)

Havell 08-02-2005 04:06 PM

I found a save game editor, that worked for chesting, I made myself 8 huge bases and an army of perfect soldiers :whistle:

Jman4117 08-02-2005 04:09 PM


Originally posted by Boddah@Feb 8 2005, 04:55 PM
Heya, Im in Mission 125 and January 2000 with all researchs done and I wonder... When the game ends??

I already did the Moscow mission, killed a lot of allien, I have 5 bases and deal with ALL meneaces...

ahhaa I just want to know where is the over

Have you gotta alien leaders and commanders yet? and do you have 3 advanced craft types? (Firestorm, Lightning, Avenger)

Jman4117 08-02-2005 04:11 PM


Originally posted by quatroking@Feb 8 2005, 05:04 PM
know some cheats for this game?
(becouse i don't don't get enough weapons)

How far have you gotten with weapons research? The alien guns that you start getting from missions in the first few months can cut down about anything in a couple of shots.

Boddah 08-02-2005 04:21 PM

Well, I have all the three Aircrafts... but hey... didn't got the Commanders...

I read here that I have to stun them... whow... lot of work to do

Jman4117 08-02-2005 04:26 PM

Just take small launchers into the command center at a base and stun everything that even so much as moves. Should get all the aliens you need to finish the game. ^^

Edit: Provided they aren't Mutons of course (no leadership in that race)
Edit2: And the Commander is the one packing a plasma in most cases, the Leaders have blaster launchers.

Boddah 08-02-2005 05:00 PM

Ahhh.. thnx a lot! :D

Well, in Moscow (command center) mission, I've killed every single life that I encoutered... I'll have more oportunitys to stun them?

Jman4117 08-02-2005 05:09 PM

Provided you use the small launcher, yes. Go for the one up top with the heavy plasma and try to duck in and out of the room to avoid the ones with blasters until you can take them down. With luck they'll be panicing and you'll have an easier time going in.

Canadianmonk3y 08-02-2005 05:37 PM

Yes, I generally move on the interior of the command center last, until I clear the rest of the base. Usually at least one leader/commander will panic.

another_guest 08-02-2005 05:43 PM

There's a huge list of cheats, you can alter virtually anything you have in stock.
If you still need any in a week time, post again (I have such a list typed out at home, haven't got it with me here)

About the commanders & leaders: in most cases -though not always- they'll be at the second floor of a specific room. I'll try to describe it: it's "encased" by walls and a narrow passage around it, accessible by a broad door (at least 3 squares wide, it might even be more as far as I remember). The entrance to the room itself is at the opposite side of the broad door you've first went through. In the center of the room there's a large "elevator". Mind you, they're not always there, but usually I've encountered them there.
If you need to find more alien bases to get a second chance of stunning a commander, you can spot some by flying and patrolling for some hours over the right area. The bases are always on the same locations, every game, there's no random factor included.
The ones I remember: north pole; north africa, somewhere about Tunis I believe, maybe a little more southeast; there's another one somewhere near the Russian-Chinese border. But given enough time, you'll automatically find them all, as the game will provide you with an alien base location every now and then. And you don't need to find all of them to complete the game.

another_guest 08-02-2005 05:46 PM

Oh, and before I forget, once you've researched the subject of "Cydonia or bust", your Avengers will be capable of flying to a different location than just anywhere on earth, you'll see this choice when you want to send an Avenger to a certain location; that extra-terrestrial location is called Cydonia.

Boddah 09-02-2005 03:44 AM

Hey... how can I research this "Cydonia or burst"?

sm0kiE 09-02-2005 04:19 AM

You need to capture and research a live sectoid, which will give you research for Alien Origins, then you research another live sectoid leader to unlock The Martian Solution.

After you research that, you need to capture a sectiod commander from a base, and finally you can research Cydonia or Bust.

Canadianmonk3y 09-02-2005 04:33 AM


Originally posted by sm0kiE@Feb 9 2005, 05:19 AM
You need to capture and research a live sectoid, which will give you research for Alien Origins, then you research another live sectoid leader to unlock The Martian Solution.

After you research that, you need to capture a sectiod commander from a base, and finally you can research Cydonia or Bust.


You need to capture an ethereal, or any other race's leader to research "the Martian Solution" and you need to capture a commander after that to research "Cydonia or Bust."

DonCorleone 09-02-2005 06:28 PM

Can anyone tell me how the drop button in the soldier equip menu works?
Doesn´t seem to work in my version...
And how to unload a weapon?

Canadianmonk3y 09-02-2005 08:00 PM


Originally posted by DonCorleone@Feb 9 2005, 07:28 PM
Can anyone tell me how the drop button in the soldier equip menu works?
Doesn´t seem to work in my version...
And how to unload a weapon?

To drop something put it on the huge grid below your soldier in the inventory screen.
-Or just put it in your hand and throw it.

To unload a weapon, click a weapon to hold it with the cursor in the inventory screen, and then click on the eject magazine button at the top right of the screen near the left and right arrow buttons.

another_guest 09-02-2005 08:07 PM


Originally posted by Canadianmonk3y@Feb 9 2005, 05:33 AM
You need to capture an ethereal, or any other race's leader to research "the Martian Solution" and you need to capture a commander after that to research "Cydonia or Bust."
Yes, the race doesn't really matter, only the rank does.
The "hardest" part is to capture such a commander alive as these are quite limited in numbers, only one per alien base.

As for dropping weapons: if the space at the soldier's feet is too full (the large grid mentioned is filled with equipment), try clicking the scroll button at the right, just above the grid. Sometimes it's a bit tricky when clicking that button doesn't work, then you might need to shove some grenades or other small equipment around to make space for whatever you want to get rid of.

Canadianmonk3y 09-02-2005 09:32 PM


Originally posted by another_guest+Feb 9 2005, 09:07 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (another_guest @ Feb 9 2005, 09:07 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Canadianmonk3y@Feb 9 2005, 05:33 AM
You need to capture an ethereal, or any other race's leader to research "the Martian Solution" and you need to capture a commander after that to research "Cydonia or Bust."
Yes, the race doesn't really matter, only the rank does.
The "hardest" part is to capture such a commander alive as these are quite limited in numbers, only one per alien base. [/b][/quote]

ANY Ethereal, OR a leader for the martian solution.
ANY commander for cydonia or bust.

There can also be two leaders in an alien base, and I think there can be two in a battleship as well.

another_guest 09-02-2005 09:40 PM


Originally posted by Canadianmonk3y@Feb 9 2005, 10:32 PM

ANY Ethereal, OR a leader for the martian solution.
ANY commander for cydonia or bust.

There can also be two leaders in an alien base, and I think there can be two in a battleship as well.


I said only one COMMANDER, I didn't say anything about the possible number of leaders. There are plenty of those indeed.

I didn't know though that any ethereal would do :ok:

DonCorleone 09-02-2005 09:42 PM

Uhhm, did anyone recognize that the Ufo version offered here doesn´t and won´t work?
This is for a simple reason: the archive MISSDAT is missing. Without mission data, no game. Or am I wrong :bye:

BTW the button to unload weapon doesn´t work with version from hotu or with abandonia´s fixed version(by me ;) )

Havell 09-02-2005 09:52 PM

My copy (from here) does and will work, including the missions. I don't know about the unload button though, never used it.

DonCorleone 09-02-2005 10:02 PM

Hmm ridiculous... :blink:
My copy definately has a loss of this folder and therefore crashes when starting a mission...
I´ll check out again. Sry so far... thought that might be the solution.

Boddah 09-02-2005 11:12 PM

Heya, Here again.

And SO SORRY to discuss this, but I really need help

I have some problems in X-COM Apocalypse - in the Apoc's forum they take too long to reply, so...
Ah! Well... I just give up to play in DOsBOx cause it really slow my machine... and I downloaded the VSDM driver and a lot of other things... but the game can't get sound!

How can I fix it?

Yobor 09-02-2005 11:58 PM

Hi guys. I owned this game since when it came out. When the old games stopped working on new machines :ranting: I threw out my copy. However, a few years back, PC Gamer did a revival. But all of this was before abandonia! Now I can play on my new machine. My favorite weapon :evil: has to be the blaster launcher. That baby can fly! :rifle:

ultranewbie 10-02-2005 07:52 AM

hehe... at the start, i really like the autocannon.. i just load that baby up with HE and INC ammo and let everything die!

(a little sadistic, but it's fun nevertheless)

Havell 10-02-2005 06:02 PM

It seems there is a problem with the game (or mine at least) I can't start any missions in Northen Europe.

*Downloads again*

DonCorleone 10-02-2005 09:48 PM

Can´t pass first terror camp :blink:
I remember that it was hard when I played this for the first time years ago. But I´m playing the beginner level and at the camp is nearly no chance getting out of the plane to take position at strategic points. They will shoot at once. Thought I should leave that first camp out and spend more money in science to get stronger weapons and shields. But I think I want to kill em all :evil: in that first one. Possible?

DonCorleone 10-02-2005 09:51 PM

BTW @ ravel: had problems with abandonia´s version, too. Try using the win95 compatiblity mode and turn off visual designs in the same window. If this doesn´t work either try the same with HOTU´s version. Works fine on my system ( with just small failures) ;)

Havell 10-02-2005 09:54 PM

What guns do you have? You don't have much chance with conventional earth weapons but laser rifles are quite adaquate for terror missions (provided it isn't a night mission or anything) if you can throw grenades at or shoot all the aliens outside of your craft then you should be alright at the start, it might take a bit of saving and reloading. After you're out the best thing you can be is cautious, moving in groups (get your men to watch each other backs) but don't travel too close together (grenades...) and be careful around corners (aliens are good at reflex shots). Also, don't make the mistake I used to make and only send a few of your men out, try to get as many of your men out of the craft as possible, the more ground you can cover the better and they don't gain any stats just hanging around in the craft.

DonCorleone 10-02-2005 10:03 PM

Just have eart weapons with HE ammo thought that would do. So I have to do some science before kicking some alien behind out of Paris :sneaky:

I shot all that were in sight. But some UFO-like aliens are next to my plane where I cna´t see them. And if I got marines out though, they took control of the others in the plane and shot all men down.... so I think leaving that out wouldn´t be that bad? :tomato:

BTW:Did you try the tweakin I mentioned above?

&gt;sKy&lt; 10-02-2005 10:07 PM


Try using the win95 compatiblity mode and turn off visual designs in the same window.
I'd like to try this...but I don't know how. :help:

DonCorleone 10-02-2005 10:11 PM

Press with right mouse button on the ufo.exe. Choose last point in menu ( Thin that´s "properties"). After that choose the tab "compatbility". and there you make the modifications I mentioned above....

&gt;sKy&lt; 10-02-2005 10:21 PM

Ah. Thanks much. :ok:

DonCorleone 10-02-2005 10:45 PM

You´re welcome :D

Jman4117 11-02-2005 01:13 AM

Use a smoke grenade at the base of the ramp the first turn and don't move out. Not only does this give you cover, it also allows the aliens to move during their turn so they aren't all at max TUs to mow you down with reaction fire. As for weapons; HE rounds and laser rifles are your best bet for anything up to Snakemen.

Canadianmonk3y 11-02-2005 02:14 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Feb 11 2005, 02:13 AM
Use a smoke grenade at the base of the ramp the first turn and don't move out. Not only does this give you cover, it also allows the aliens to move during their turn so they aren't all at max TUs to mow you down with reaction fire. As for weapons; HE rounds and laser rifles are your best bet for anything up to Snakemen.
Laser rifles kill anything except mutons and terrorists in one hit unless you get unlucky.

Jman4117 11-02-2005 02:44 AM

I play on superhuman, so it's different. ;)

Havell 11-02-2005 10:44 AM

No it's not ;)

another_guest 11-02-2005 10:45 AM

Superhuman... yikes :blink:

Anyway, if anyone else would follow your advice on using smoke grenades, don't leave your soldiers in the smoke for too long, you'll see their health decreasing soon enough... I always prefered those HE grenades (the red and white ones, however they were called) to anything smoky, but then again I have no experience with superhuman level :D

Havell 11-02-2005 10:47 AM

Superhuman is exactly the same as beginner, and all the other levels, it's a bug. Read the rest of the thread if you like, it's mentioned many times ;)

Jman4117 11-02-2005 06:04 PM

It was fixed. Windows versions and using Xcomutil on the DOS version fixes it.

Canadianmonk3y 11-02-2005 08:29 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Feb 11 2005, 07:04 PM
It was fixed. Windows versions and using Xcomutil on the DOS version fixes it.
I haven't had the chance to beat superhuman once it was fixed. (yet)

&gt;sKy&lt; 11-02-2005 08:51 PM


There's no "Compatability" tab when I go to the Properties menu of the UFO.exe icon. And YES, I know I'm doing everything the way you told me.


DonCorleone 12-02-2005 04:48 PM

THX @Jman :D
Helped much although I didn´t have laser weapons, yet.

Guest 12-02-2005 04:52 PM

I love laser weapons, especially laser rifles since I prefer auto shots.
In most cases I even use them partially when I have access to plasma weapons, because I tend to run out of elerium to make ammo for those plasma guns.
I never cared much for heavy lasers though.

DonCorleone 12-02-2005 11:28 PM

Nooo! I can´t understand. It seems that there is really a problem with the maps of South Africa in my copy of EU. Thought I solved the problem with that win95 compatibility thing. Does anyone know how to solve this disturbing prob?
I´m taking advance in science and weapon development for the first time. Step by step. And now this again.... :angry:

Jman4117 13-02-2005 01:20 AM

Download from HotU and try their's?

Canadianmonk3y 13-02-2005 06:55 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Feb 12 2005, 05:52 PM
I love laser weapons, especially laser rifles since I prefer auto shots.
In most cases I even use them partially when I have access to plasma weapons, because I tend to run out of elerium to make ammo for those plasma guns.
I never cared much for heavy lasers though.

Laser rifles are statistically better than heavy lasers.

Ultralisk 13-02-2005 11:27 AM

Hey I wanna editor that will prove so much useful in gameplay esspecially an armor and exp trainer will be useful by the way I can't research any good flying units just Interceptors but in your screenshots a saw one that looks powerful in one base I keep 100 Scientists and researches are going always good or excellent I need to know whether I need to research for a good Interceptor

so angry 13-02-2005 01:18 PM

dudes... i just found this game... i was so uber happy, but like everytime i enter a battle scene or whatever, the game tells me the mission objectives and it crashes

im running it from windows xp, i tried dosbox but it wont run from there...

HELP ME PLEASE! ur all speaking about the game i love so, i crave to take down some alien scum, but please... dont make me play terror from the deep

Guest 13-02-2005 03:02 PM

hey is xenocide out yet if not when will it be out

Jman4117 13-02-2005 06:00 PM

I believe they have had a geoscape demo out for about a year now. Not sure when the next release will be.

Guest 14-02-2005 07:49 AM

ACK! I'm having a big issue in X-Com. :( :( :(

Can anyone help me?

The first time I played, I did terrible, scored negative monthly ratings every time, and eventually lost the USA to the aliens.

Second time around, complete opposite, 1000+ monthly ratings every month, taking down every sighted UFO and/or defeating their forces at land.

April 1999 comes around...suddenly the USA is buzzing with UFOs. I take down 2 larges and various smalls, but allow two very larges to conduct their business in Canada and USA untouched, big mistake. An infiltration mission succeeds and I lose USA. So I reload my save and redo April, this time I take out both battleships as soon as I can (after they land on the USA), and a large abductor as well. Another large ship manages to slip away before I can get it. This is on the 14th. So I fast forward to the end of the month to see what happens, skipping through completed research notifications and spottings of small craft (no terrorism site comes up, though it does if I don't fast forward). At the end of the month...


What the hell is up? If I play too poorly I lose them? If I play too well I lose them? This wouldn't be such an issue if my base wasn't /IN/ USA.

...what do I do? =(

another_guest 14-02-2005 10:44 AM

Are you sure it's only because of what happened in April? Usually a country/territory is only gradually won over by the aliens, at least that's been my experience. Usually the ratings you got by a particular government started dropping, and after 3 or more months like that, they changed sides.
Mind you, I'm not sure whether this is always the case, but couldn't that be the reason?
Because from your description it looks like you couldn't do much more -except also cleaning up the small landing sites at the end of April.

Guest 14-02-2005 11:18 AM


Originally posted by another_guest@Feb 14 2005, 11:44 AM
Are you sure it's only because of what happened in April? Usually a country/territory is only gradually won over by the aliens, at least that's been my experience. Usually the ratings you got by a particular government started dropping, and after 3 or more months like that, they changed sides.
Mind you, I'm not sure whether this is always the case, but couldn't that be the reason?
Because from your description it looks like you couldn't do much more -except also cleaning up the small landing sites at the end of April.

I tried finishing off the month. Got a rating of 3,000 and still lost USA.

How implausible would it be to sack my base and move over to the radar base in Eurasia?

Guest 14-02-2005 11:23 AM

By the way...on my April save, I found a base in the USA on the 20th, it could of been there longer ... it could of been there in January. However I had still been kicking a lot of behind and the USA had been raising my funds every month until April when they suddenly left me.

I checked the graphis, it shows alien activity in the USA spiked in April, but X-Com activity in the USA also spiked in April accordingly.

All in all I just don't see what I was doing wrong.

Guest 14-02-2005 11:26 AM

Oh and destroying the base on the 20th did not stop them alien loving Americans from converting...

Havell 14-02-2005 11:29 AM

Sometimes this game does that to you, bad things happen and there's nothing you can do but carry on and try to do the best you can (just like real life). Remember that funding from countries isn't the only way to get money (selling alien weapons/equipment will get you rich very fast).
The alien base is the most likely cause of their infiltration. When you invade it make sure you bring stun rods/small launchers to stun the alien commander (everyone in the command centre) and don't interrogate him until you need to.

Guest 14-02-2005 11:34 AM


Originally posted by R Havell@Feb 14 2005, 12:29 PM
Sometimes this game does that to you, bad things happen and there's nothing you can do but carry on and try to do the best you can (just like real life). Remember that funding from countries isn't the only way to get money (selling alien weapons/equipment will get you rich very fast).
The alien base is the most likely cause of their infiltration. When you invade it make sure you bring stun rods/small launchers to stun the alien commander (everyone in the command centre) and don't interrogate him until you need to.

I destroyed all the battleships...albeit not until after they landed. Shouldn't that prevent the success of the infiltration? :-/

Also, it's not about the funds. It's about the fact that my base is in the USA. It's a huge waste of opportunity to have your base in a country that doesn't support you. And I'm only 4 months into the game.

That said I really don't want to restart, again, because of something silly like this that probably shouldn't have happened.

But it looks like I might have to.

PrejudiceSucks 14-02-2005 03:06 PM


Originally posted by R Havell@Feb 14 2005, 12:29 PM
When you invade it make sure you bring stun rods/small launchers to stun the alien commander (everyone in the command centre) and don't interrogate him until you need to.
Something also handy to remember, what you could do is totally fill the command room with smoke from smoke grenades - I captured not only a sectoid commander doing this, but a medic and navigator too - and I got info on Etherials! Woohoo - M.C labs!

So don't forget the smoke (from grenades or explosions) can also stun aliens. Just remember that it might take a while.

XIthTalon 14-02-2005 05:36 PM

Hey guys this is my first post in these forums so please be nice LOL...

I have just brought a copy of X-Com UFO Enemy unknown off e-bay for ?15 :wall: PC Rom version "DONT SAY A WORD!" and when i try to run it the Graphics are over sizes in a big way.

I am working off Windows XP, i think i need some sort of patch but cant seem to find it :cry:.

Can any of you kind people please point me in some sort of direction for this patch to make this beautiful and legendary game work on my L-Top.

I used to play this on the Playstation and loved it to bits when i was a lot younger and have been looking for it ever since...

So Please Help!!! LOL

Thanks Guys

Talon AkA N00B!

xcom freak 14-02-2005 05:46 PM

:blink: Xcom :blink: Playstation :eeeeeh:

XIthTalon 14-02-2005 05:55 PM


Originally posted by xcom freak@Feb 14 2005, 06:46 PM
:blink: Xcom* :blink: Playstation* :eeeeeh:
oh hell yeah man, i used to play it for days on end.

Didn't even know you could get it for PC till a couple of years ago LOL...

check it out bud...

And my question still stands does anyone know of a Windows XP patch coz the graphics are still way to big to play the game :cry:

:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:

xcom freak 14-02-2005 06:03 PM

Did you try downloading it from this site coz i have XP and 0 problem running the game?

Guest 14-02-2005 06:30 PM


Originally posted by xcom freak@Feb 14 2005, 07:03 PM
Did you try downloading it from this site coz i have XP and 0 problem running the game?
I did i have tried both and still am having no luck :cry: and i was so , i have no idea what the problem could be its just not the correct size on the screen for some reason and the pictures that i do get like the intro and the Micro Probe logo look blocky to say the least, :wall:

david brain 14-02-2005 06:36 PM

this is probably a really stupid question but i am not great with computers.
i have downloaded ufo but don't know how to unzip and play it. please could someone tell me the process to go through step by step. I would be eternally grateful

xcom freak 14-02-2005 06:40 PM

Do you have an unzipping program (pkunzip,winrar winzip...)?

Guest 14-02-2005 06:44 PM


Originally posted by david brain@Feb 14 2005, 07:36 PM
this is probably a really stupid question but i am not great with computers.
i have downloaded ufo but don't know how to unzip and play it. please could someone tell me the process to go through step by step. I would be eternally grateful

Not a problem bud its quite simple, just double click on the icon on your desk top 'UFO - Enemy unknown' once you are in the unzip files left click the mouse and you'll get a window with 'Extract All' second from bottom click that and you will start the extraction process and just follow what it says bro...

DonCorleone 14-02-2005 07:36 PM


Not a problem bud its quite simple, just double click on the icon on your desk top 'UFO - Enemy unknown' once you are in the unzip files left click the mouse and you'll get a window with 'Extract All' second from bottom click that and you will start the extraction process and just follow what it says bro...

Right. But as far as I´m concerned this only works with winXP...
So if you own another windows version just do a google search on winrar or winzip...

Guest 14-02-2005 11:33 PM

Hi there guys, i have a question,

I was well on a roll with 4 basses, 2 big ones in europe and usa, small ones in indonesia and africa.

Problem is : Ethereals.
Now, i remembered from the old days that certain sectiod aliens can activate the psy research option as well. i looked it up in the famous staregy guide bij kasey, and found out this was only the case with the leader/commander

is it true? as for the leader i mean.

And the second question: Where do i find sectiod leaders ? are they in large scouts ? cuz thats the biggest thing with sectoids ive seen flying around in quite some time

Jman4117 15-02-2005 03:25 AM

XIthTalon: you probably need the f0dder patch get it here along with the the difficulty patch and a few mods to make it harder if you get bored... :D

Guest's USA pact problem: If they land they can take the counrty. Just cut your loses and take the battleships on the ground to get 200 elerium each. Killing on the ground doesn't stop the pacts.

KillerBee256 15-02-2005 10:44 PM

I came to learn of this game from the web comic sluggy freelance, it's great but I have a problem the game crashes every time I'm about to start a mission, I have Win98

xcom freak 15-02-2005 11:08 PM


Originally posted by KillerBee256@Feb 15 2005, 11:44 PM
I came to learn of this game from the web comic sluggy freelance, it's great but I have a problem the game crashes every time I'm about to start a mission, I have Win98
I had that problem too on XP but i really forgot how i fixed it
sorry no help here!!!

jareth_chong 16-02-2005 02:48 AM

You guys should know that not everyone would enjoy X-COM. I have just posted a message on the Jagged Alliance forum:


Originally posted by jareth_chong@Feb 15 2005, 03:50 AM
I have just started playing Jagged Alliance. I had missed out the Jagged Alliance series because of X-COM, a game I truly despise. Some ten years ago, when people and reviews described Jagged Alliance as a "game that is like X-COM", I immediately decided that I was not going to try Jagged Alliance.

I bought X-COM when it first came to the US because of all the rave reviews and praises. I played it, and I really really hated it. Its gameplay involved too much number crunching, and its unintuitive interface was overcrowded with too many buttons. I played it for a couple days and gave up on it.

A few years later, after I had upgraded my computer, I tried playing X-COM again. There was still too much micromanagement of statistics and numbers. The X-COM soldiers lacked any sort of personality or individuality--they are just vanilla plain. In fact, the whole game just does not have any unique "personality" or "flavor". X-COM was really just a "spreadsheet" gameplay. I still did not like the game at all.

Then, a few more years later again, at the turn of the millenium, I bought another new computer and gave X-COM the third and one last chance. I ended up hating it even more because its graphics and sound was already badly outdated by then, plus I had never liked its gameplay in the first place.

I had known Jagged Alliance, like X-COM, also had fund management, map overviews, personnel management, and many seemingly similar elements. I had always imagined the two games offered very much the same sort of gameplay. So I had never bothered giving Jagged Alliance a try.

A couple weeks ago, I was looking online for the old classic Ultima (VI-VII) and Quest for Glory series to download when I came across Jagged Alliance and Deadly Games. The games were free, so I decided to give them a try. Wow! Jagged Alliance is so not like X-COM at all. I really enjoy Jagged Alliance although it is over ten years old.

Unfortunately, the free "abandonware" versions of Jagged Alliance and Deadly Games do not have speech. So I ended up buying used copies of Jagged Alliance and Deadly Games because I wanted to play the games with full sound and voiceovers. I am going to start playing Jagged Alliance 2 after I am done with the first two games.

Now that I know X-COM had made me missed out Jagged Alliance for ten years, I hated X-COM even more. X-COM was truly a burden for Jagged Alliance. I have read that many X-COM fans have never tried Jagged Alliance because the two games came out at around the same time, and Jagged Alliance was generally regarded as a X-COM "clone". X-COM had overshadowed Jagged Alliance. On the other hand, people who hated X-COM (like myself) would have never tried Jagged Alliance because, well, if we already hated X-COM, why would we even bother with some game that was "just like X-COM"?

Anyway, that is just what I have to say on this matter.

TwoHedWlf 16-02-2005 03:17 AM

Of course we realize there will be people that like X-com and the few dumbasses like that guy that don't.:)

another_guest 16-02-2005 10:16 AM

"people who hated X-COM (like myself) would have never tried Jagged Alliance because, well, if we already hated X-COM, why would we even bother with some game that was "just like X-COM"?"

Sometimes, for things involving taste or opinion, it doesn't hurt to think for yourself :bye:

Eagle of Fire 16-02-2005 01:32 PM

If you don't like a game then just don't play it. I am personally completely against your opinion of the game and I do find Jagged Alliance to be like X-Com. The only real difference is the theme and you don't need to do research in Jagged Alliance.

As for the graphics I don't consider them outdated right now for X-Com. I like isometric graphic games and I never had a problem with graphics being "pixelated". In fact if I have a choice I often turn down auto-aliasing on my graphic card because I find it to "blurr" the graphics way too much. I like sharp graphics.

&gt;sKy&lt; 16-02-2005 09:50 PM

To anyone, like me, who has problems beginning missions, download the f0dder patch from the link that Jman posted, and launch X-Com from the "geoscape.exe" icon. Works like a charm.

Lancelot 18-02-2005 07:07 PM

in english? ok .-)

i played UFO a while an i noticed, that i cant transfer item from one base to another. i can klick the button "transfer", it shows me the cost, i accept and then iam on the first screen where i only can escape when i press "exit" (dont know the english word, exit, break up, something like this... the right button).

BUT then the games closed and all is away.

so i never can send units or items to other bases and now ich just found out, that the avenger takes elerium 115 as fuel and my storage of nearly 400 is down to 9 :-)

is there a patch to fix the problem with the transfer between bases?

another_guest 19-02-2005 02:23 PM

That's plain weird :blink:
Are you sure there's enough space in the base you're transferring to? Not that the game hangs up if there isn't enough room, but I can't think of another reason.
Also, have you checked that the file transfer.dat (or transfers.dat) is NOT read-only? The game uses this file for transfers between bases, so it should be able to change that file.

Lancelot 19-02-2005 11:23 PM

i ve found out, that when i play it in english all works... only the german version has this mistake. funny :-(
so ich play in english, when i ve samething to transfer...

Rayearth 20-02-2005 08:58 AM

Hello I am new in this forum, abandonia is the best page of classic games i visited. thanks.

i research the blaster launcher is a powerfull weapon destroy all, i hate the ethereals and the crysalids. bye

i really bad in english sorry :cry:

Mr. Barman 20-02-2005 09:25 AM

atleast its readable :ok:

and personally i hate the Mutons, etherals are nothing once you get the psy training going and cryssalids only run around in circles anyway. Mutons are the bastards with the super strong natural armour :hammer:

TwoHedWlf 20-02-2005 11:25 AM

Chrysalids are definitely the worst enemies, I HATE THEM! Not only do they come out of nowhere, usually take a couple hits to kill, get your guys regardless of their armor they don't just kill your guys they turn in into ANOTHER *dirty word* CHRYSALID! Talk about adding insult to injury...

troop18546 20-02-2005 11:51 AM

I have to say that when I saw this games begining I thought:
- Woah, this is gonna be interesting!
But all of it lost since it didnt appeal enough. :(

PrejudiceSucks 20-02-2005 07:31 PM

I totally agree with the guy who said that Mutons are the hardest - those guys are totally impossible to kill in the first couple of months (no lasers/alien grenades)

Oh and to the guy who had the problem with the crysallids - there is a really easy although quite dangerous way to solve your problem - keep proximity grenades (primed) in all of your soldiers pockets :ok:

If the Crysallid survives then you run up to them and taser them - once they drop, pick up the corpse and run back to your ship.

Then fly away before it wakes up!

(I think that getting a live crysallid gives you M.C something, but I'm not sure what)

Karn Shiroshi 20-02-2005 07:35 PM

The game is great. It takes a little to get used to, but when you do you'll be forging your own tactics in no time. I know I have.

Lizard 20-02-2005 07:41 PM

I finished this game few times but what actually does reaper.
(that big alien thing that comes with aliens which can float.I dunno their names,Floaters? :D )

Karn Shiroshi 20-02-2005 07:46 PM

Yeah that's it. Reapers, the big hulky aliens? Looks like something from Star Wars to me. *shrug* I never paid that much attention to them, they were just fodder.

another_guest 20-02-2005 08:02 PM

Reapers... usually they just hang around (well, not literally hanging), but they have some type of attack. It included those typical orange flashes you also get when ethereals try mind controlling your units. But I *think* it just dealt damage, nothing more.

I've finished the game without ever taking a live crysalid, so apparently it's not necessary taking the risks. Though that's a personal choice :D
It's also a good idea to let soldiers spread in groups of three: if one runs into a crysalid, the two others can still try to take it down in time.

As for mutons early in the game: don't heavy rockets damage them a decent bit (not enough though to take them out in a single shot)? Also, I prefer using auto cannons over rifles (I mean rifles, not laser rifles!) as a few hits with those still have more effect than rifles. A friend of mine once set out with 8 soldiers using only rifles. They all ended up dead while he didn't take out a single muton :whistle: Not me though, me likes heavy rockets early in the game...

Yobor 20-02-2005 10:35 PM

Since the whole thread is really long, I cannot read it all. So I apologize if my question has been answered a million times.

In the review it says there is a patch that stops the graphics problems. But I can't find it! When I try to run the game the screen flashes black and says "Input not Accepted"
Please Help! I have an Athlon 2600 with a Radeon 9600 Video Card. I have a Flat-screen Monitor (don't know if that makes a difference)

Jman4117 21-02-2005 03:16 AM

f0dder <---- :P

As for Reapers, they have a rather weak "hand to hand" attack. I've lost like....2 soldiers in 8 years of playing. :yawn:

Eagle of Fire 21-02-2005 05:49 AM

I don't understand the deal with the Mutons. When I fight those I usually already have access to the best guns from a long time, so I don't really have a problem fighting them.

Fighting anything else than the Grey and Floaters with rifle is almost suicidal...

Mr. Barman 21-02-2005 06:48 AM

i usually give my men laser rifles with 2 or 4 heavy lasers, it just means that when it comes to the Avenger i can take 2 HWP - Plasma and 14 men with all the other equipment (psy amps, grenades, medikits and so on)

Lizard 21-02-2005 12:52 PM

Huh?I actually never used another weapon than laser rifle...I never had problems kill something with these,

PrejudiceSucks 21-02-2005 06:12 PM

Heavy Lasers defy conventional wisdom by both sucking and blowing!

Laser rifles are better, but when you get enough, heavy plasma destroys all (it can even go through UFO walls!)

Blaster launchers are pretty good, but if you want heavy weapons then rocket launchers + incendiary rounds are da bomb. (pun intended)

Also, I have never been attacked by reapers, they usually get blown up by proxy grenades or High Explosive (another weapon of choice), on the other hand Crysallids actually have some of the best armour in the game against high explosive, and easily the worst against incendiary shots.

And whilst the three man team idea is nice, the guy in the front pretty much always gets zombified, so killing him makes the problem worse. You should always try to knock them out if possible with Tasers or Small Launchers, but not kill them or else there will be one more crysallid.

Which can be really, really annoying, especially if the zombie gets in the dropship (happened to me, lost 6 guys with power armour. Needless to say, the high explosive lobbed in solved the problem (although it took 3 packs on different timers , at 0, 1 and 2!)

Lizard 21-02-2005 06:20 PM

I have finished Ufo few times on diferent dificulties,and always just with laser rifles(plus explosives and few blaster launchers of course).I think that laser rifles are best weapons in Ufo.(solid damage,solid accuracy,unlimited ammo..).
I want to know what Reapers do becouse I never saw that they are making something diferent that walking(and dying :D ).

PrejudiceSucks 21-02-2005 06:26 PM

LOL same here. I think they have some kind of melee attack, but I am in no way sure. They're not too hard to kill though.

I have a really cool Unofficial Strategy Guide, that I got when I searched "X-Com Guides" on Alltheweb.

it lists all kinds of things and is quite a good read. There is also an X-Com2 guide but it is (surprisingly enough) pretty much the same.

Malligant 21-02-2005 07:43 PM

I played this game when it first came out, loved it then, it wasn't until I was looking for a different game I came across this site! thanks!

Started playing it again, and just watched my free time zip down to zero..

One thing though, how the hell do you turn off the music??

LittleDude 21-02-2005 07:45 PM

use tanks if you ask me strong cost 420 000 but hell they're worth it

Jman4117 22-02-2005 03:44 AM


Originally posted by Malligant@Feb 21 2005, 08:43 PM
I played this game when it first came out, loved it then, it wasn't until I was looking for a different game I came across this site! thanks!

Started playing it again, and just watched my free time zip down to zero..

One thing though, how the hell do you turn off the music??

If it's the Windows version mute your MIDI (FM Synth)

PrejudiceSucks 22-02-2005 12:16 PM

Actually, as soon as you can get power armour (or even at the start, really) I stop using tanks completely.

The main reason why I don't like tanks is that their ammo takes up loads of space and also that they can't pick anything up.

When you attack supply ships after shooting them down, tanks become awful, as they can't go through the doors without using expensive blaster ammo, or wasting heavy plasma rounds that should be used elsewhere.

And another thing, if you land at night (especially on terror missions) with tanks and blind-fire the walls to get cheap alien kills you will more often than not kill a load of civilians, which is bad.

All in all, they are not worth it, even at the start.

Be controversial and use the Lightning! It's great!

TwoHedWlf 22-02-2005 12:23 PM

Hmmm, I love the tanks, they're cheap, disposable, good firepower and if they are damaged don't take a month to heal. I usually put 2-3 on each transport. I send them out first so if they do get destroyed, who cares? Buy another one, they're cheap. They're great for just shooting in the general direction of an alien because their rockets are reasonably powerful and they're faster than most soldiers. So if I'm attacking a large ship I send the tanks circling around the map with 1 soldier each following it, the others go straight for the doors to the ship. You can also have one of your soldiers open the UFO's door, drive the tank up and launch a rocket or two inside.

Lizard 22-02-2005 12:34 PM


Originally posted by TwoHedWlf@Feb 22 2005, 01:23 PM
Hmmm, I love the tanks, they're cheap, disposable, good firepower and if they are damaged don't take a month to heal. I usually put 2-3 on each transport. I send them out first so if they do get destroyed, who cares? Buy another one, they're cheap. They're great for just shooting in the general direction of an alien because their rockets are reasonably powerful and they're faster than most soldiers. So if I'm attacking a large ship I send the tanks circling around the map with 1 soldier each following it, the others go straight for the doors to the ship. You can also have one of your soldiers open the UFO's door, drive the tank up and launch a rocket or two inside.
Well I dont thing that tanks were so good.In fact one trooper in flying suit with heavy plasma is almost as good as plasma tank AND:deplete a less space,can go in smaller Ufo without depleting a lot of ammo,will get better through the game,and is a LOT cheaper than tank.New soldier costs 60 000(plus some weapons that you have so or so on stock anyway).And btw you must build tanks in workshops anyway, which take time that could be used on much important things.As you can guess I am not big fan of tanks.

another_guest 22-02-2005 04:52 PM

I'm not so fond of tanks either, but I usually send one out first, especially on terror sites. I hate it when I have trouble getting my soldiers out...
But unless I've got plenty of elerium, I simply use one of the initial rocket launchers: no manufacturing needed and they don't consume elerium.

However, my experience with tanks is that they get killed about as easily as any soldier wearing some kind of suit.

Jman4117 22-02-2005 11:51 PM

The only tank I hardly ever use is the rocket tank (perhaps plasma on those Muton missions). Cost more than a Rookie, yes...but if you have a few Captains and Colonels yeah. Takes months of combat to turn them into top notch guys, easily worth $500k a piece. Where the tanks really come in handy is when you need to move a big gun around quickly. The average rookie will take over a month to get up to 70+ TUs and is also vulnerable to psi, which a tank is not.

xcom freak 22-02-2005 11:59 PM

I use tanks coz i dont get sad when i lose one i know thats :crazy:

A tank IS the best way to go in UFO they can take more damage they dont get wounded they dont panic they dont turn into monsters and if u use ur research wisely ull c that at evey stage of the game ull have a tank that can take out an alien in asingle shot + high time units and good reaction.

TO let a rookie become a colonel which i prefer over a tank ull need to sacrifice tanks and not crew to get there.

Titan 23-02-2005 12:44 AM

I agree with Lightning is a good craft.
Arm it with laser-gun and you have a perfect elerium-hunter, hunting down small crafts, and jumping them on impact.

Regarding tanks.. one of the most evil ways of killing the aliens "tanks" is to MC one of the 4 squars of a cyber-disc, and either move it one square so it reaction-fire on itself, or use it to kill aliens.

Blaster-launcher is en EXELENT way to deal with Secoid craft where only the leaders have psi-powers.
On battle-ships, Terror and surply-ships the leaders is ALWAYS at the same starting-room for theire class, so you only need to bring 2-3 guys with 1 blaster and 1 round loaded.
Send out a scout, locate the UFO, use one blaster-round to open the roof from above, next right down, and yet one more to be sertain that you got them all :)
Or use the same tactic if you have flying suite, to equpits 2-3 of your men with stun-launchers.
just place them at level 4, if the roof is level 2-3, blast the roof open, and have them fire down at different angels, and then drop a prox-nade down... if they are not stunned, they will die if they move :)
On all missions beside terror-sites, brute force is usualy the best way.
Aliens also Panic due to low moral if you manage to knock some leaders pretty fast, and keep the kill-count at a decent rate.

A Large-scout site shouldn't take more then 10 turns.
Use Prox-nades and laser-rifles at the start, and switch to heavy P and prox-nades later.
If you are trapping a door to KILL, place the nade 1 square outside.
If you wanna get the alien alive, and just wanna use it as detection-device, place it right next to the door or wall you wanna cover, or right around a corner, where the blast won't reach the targeted alien.

I ONLY use high-explosives to take out buildings, never inside ufo's, since the blast-radius is too greate, and will destroy too much stuff and put your own men at risk.

If you wanna REALY learn how to use nades, try and start a game @ easy, with all rookie soldiers, and at your first large-scout mission, arm your men ONLY with Proxy and smokers, along with Pistols for close combat.

Realy.. the ONLY aliens you need alive is; 1 navigator ONCE, 1 leader and commander ONCE.. and then TONES of Medics :)
I always try to take every harvester/abductor with blasting the leader if it's sectoid, and hit the medics with stunners, and then place a smoke-nade with 8 turns delay.. seems like it keeps them down longer.. smoke stuns :)

Guest 23-02-2005 01:12 AM

ha for real..... i never noticed that! :guns:


dragonLancer 23-02-2005 01:13 AM

sry that last post was me (i forgot to login)

another_guest 23-02-2005 09:34 AM

For small ufos I've shot down, I do use high explosives inside them: if there's a large hole in the roof already (caused by intercepting the ufo), there's no power source inside anymore. So I pop in a few high explosives through the roof, rather than going in and getting shot in the doorway :)

Sometimes you will have killed all aliens inside the ufo, and there's still one out somewhere. The last time I played UFO, I posted a soldier over any stunned aliens (usually only a few); this prevents them from getting up again. I don't know if stunned aliens that awake ever pick up their weapons again, but if I have to leave them alone, I take no risks: take the ammo, including that in their weapon.
Also, if their plasmas (or heavy plasmas) have been fired already, you'll lose all of the ammo in the gun at the end of the mission. So you could as well use it up instead of firing your own full rounds.

PrejudiceSucks 23-02-2005 11:31 AM

Actually, you do not lose all of the ammo if you unload the weapon.

What you do is, on the last turn, if your guys have (for example) laser rifles and have picked up plasmas or whatever, go to their inventory and click the weapon on the 'unload' button. (a gun with a clip dropping out of the bottom)

This way, you don't have to waste your precious elerium to make more clips.

PrejudiceSucks 23-02-2005 11:34 AM

Oh and another thing, regarding the guy who talked abot proxy nades 1 square away from the door, what you should do if you really need to finish off that one last alien is to save before you throw the grenade, that way if it misses the target, you can load and try again!

:ok: That's my top tip for the day.

another_guest 23-02-2005 02:16 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Feb 23 2005, 12:31 PM
Actually, you do not lose all of the ammo if you unload the weapon.
Good to know, I didn't know that :ok:

PrejudiceSucks 23-02-2005 03:47 PM

By any chance is there a hint of sarcasm in those words? :crazy:

another_guest 23-02-2005 05:03 PM

No, on the contrary!
I used to play UFO a lot, so it's only seldom that someone comes up with something useful that I didn't know about :)

PrejudiceSucks 23-02-2005 06:12 PM


I am usually a source of not-so-handy advice!

Another thing regarding unloading weapons - you cannot, I repeat cannot unload them at the pre-battle setup screen!

Whenever this is attempted, it skips right to the mission, meaning the only way to make sure (for example) your Missile Launchers start off with incediary rounds is to take only them along, which is a bit lame really.

And one more thing - on the original - again, I repeat original UFO : Enemy Unknown without any patches (and not X-COM - UFO Defence) if a battleship attacks your base (this is a good reason to not defend bases using missile/plasma defences etc. when you have a lot of tanks / soldiers free inside) and you kill all of the aliens who come you can get upwards of 500 elerium! That's enough for about 90 Firestorm flights!

Eagle of Fire 23-02-2005 06:18 PM


Also another thing - you cannot, under any circumstances Taser your own soldiers (and believe me, I've tried), to knock them out (for example when they keep getting mind-controlled and have large amounts of explosives) you will have to either throw a lot of smoke grenades or fire a small launcher at them - annoying it may be, but it is sometimes the best alternitive to killing them.
This is completely false, I used to do it all the time. I think armor give a certain degree of protection against tasers tough but you can stun one of your teamate just as well as any other units.

I never try to stun a mind controled unit anyways. I either run away and immediatly make him throw all his stuff at me when he stop being controlled or kill him on the spot when this happen.

PrejudiceSucks 23-02-2005 06:24 PM

Oh! Well I didn't know that! I tried it about 10 minutes ago and it didn't work!

Maybe it is just on UFO Defence that it doesn't work! (I have both)

Hmm... well there I am. Thanks for the heads up, it really did help, especially on those pesky terror missions (which I very rarely actually do - I land and then whoosh! Right off again, until I have power suits)

*retracts previous comment*

Guest 24-02-2005 12:58 PM

Hi there, i ve taken a look at your discussion and you might be just the ones to help me out:

I just researched the psi lab and built one in every base i have...but how can i send my soldiers to train?

i really have no idea, how to do this

TwoHedWlf 24-02-2005 01:01 PM

At the end of every month it pops up a screen asking which soldiers you want in training. Kind of a pain in the behind that it only goes monthly though. So if you build the lab near the beginning of the month you have to wait almost a whole month to start training.:(

Guest 24-02-2005 03:04 PM

hey there.

I have an question, how do I take screenshots (in battle to more precise) while using the windows version? Everytime I hit Print Screen, and paste the image on Paint the screen is all f*cked up.
Is there any software that can help me?

PrejudiceSucks 24-02-2005 04:47 PM

Yes, Hypersnap DX is quite good look for that.

Lizard 24-02-2005 05:21 PM

WOW!!!35 "pages" of UFO... :kosta:
Is Hypersnap DX downloadable?And if yes can you provide a link(and please not to google :D )

Dreadlord 24-02-2005 05:25 PM

Hypersnap DX

Free trial is there, enjoy :ok: .

Lizard 24-02-2005 05:29 PM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Feb 24 2005, 07:25 PM
Hypersnap DX

Free trial is there, enjoy :ok: .

And once again.Thanks almighty dreadlord :kosta: :kosta: :Brain:

Dreadlord 24-02-2005 05:30 PM

LOL, it's nothing really. :angel:

Now I need some help, how in god's name do you slow the game down? It travels at the speed of light on my PC...

Edit: Wait, nevermind, I just set the priority to lowest.

Lizard 24-02-2005 05:33 PM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Feb 24 2005, 07:30 PM
LOL, it's nothing really. :angel:

Now I need some help, how in god's name do you slow the game down? It travels at the speed of light on my PC...

Edit: Wait, nevermind, I just set the priority to lowest.

Yup...Or you can just slowdown Dosbox with Ctrl plus F11 :D

PrejudiceSucks 24-02-2005 08:21 PM


No thanks to the old PrejudiceSucks for the Hypersnap DX note in the first place? Oh well *cries and falls asleep in a pool of his own tears*

Lizard 24-02-2005 08:41 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Feb 24 2005, 10:21 PM

No thanks to the old PrejudiceSucks for the Hypersnap DX note in the first place? Oh well *cries and falls asleep in a pool of his own tears*

Ok,Ok thanks.You are best.... :kosta: :kosta: LOL

Guest 24-02-2005 08:47 PM

well all seems fine except when i take out pictures on geoscape mode. the earth is ok, but the space get´s green and I need to change any special seetings before starting using it?

PrejudiceSucks 25-02-2005 12:04 PM

Thanks for the gratitude! :Brain:

I have no idea what is going wrong with Hypersnap DX. I know of it but not really how it works. I've only used it a couple of times, but I don't think that it ever went green.

So sorry. :crazy:

Lizard 25-02-2005 12:08 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Feb 24 2005, 10:47 PM
well all seems fine except when i take out pictures on geoscape mode. the earth is ok, but the space get´s green and I need to change any special seetings before starting using it?
Actually it work flawlessly here. :blink: Althougth I didnt took pictures of geospace mode in Ufo... LOL Advice:In Dosbox you can take pictures with ctrl plus F5.Try it with this...

PrejudiceSucks 25-02-2005 05:33 PM

Well thank your lucky cans of soup this one isn't as hard as TfTD!

Phhew I must look like a total n00b, but I just completed this game for the first time! Woohoo!

Unlucky, you alien suckers, I just kissed your Cydonian arses goodbye! WOOOOO!

Sorry... ummm....

Tip for the day : Get plasma cannons... yeah... inspiring advice once again from the man himself, PrejudiceSucks.

You may cheer now.

Lizard 25-02-2005 08:21 PM

Actually I saw that there is Ufo music download on this site.Has anybody tried it?It is worth?(always played Ufo without music...)

PrejudiceSucks 26-02-2005 08:36 AM

I have the HOTU version (with music) as well as the Abandonia version without. It doesn't really add very much and is used mainly for the dogfights in the air, but is also used in the Geoscape (again, it doesn't add much) and some of the missions.

It's not an essential download, but it is quite good just to 'brighten up' the game.

zombie 26-02-2005 09:54 PM

i downloaded the file. i click on it. winZip say its a screensaver!!! aaaaaaahhrg!! :eeeeeh: :ranting: :ranting: :wall: :rifle: :rifle: :rifle: :angry: :angry: :angry: *angry!!* please help!

PrejudiceSucks 27-02-2005 10:03 AM

Hmm... if you're using XP then I suggest you download Winzip and try again, otherwise, I have no idea.

Just extract all of the stuff to a folder on your hard drive and see what happens.

Jman4117 27-02-2005 10:10 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Feb 24 2005, 04:04 PM
hey there.

I have an question, how do I take screenshots (in battle to more precise) while using the windows version? Everytime I hit Print Screen, and paste the image on Paint the screen is all f*cked up.
Is there any software that can help me?

F12 in Windows gives you a .tga file

PrejudiceSucks 28-02-2005 04:42 AM

Yeah, that and the Hypersnap DX method. Try both! Enjoy capturing screens... or something. Yes...

X-Com tip for the day (number 1) : On the last hour of every month, transfer all of your scientists and technicians - you won't pay them a penny whilst they're in transit!

Lizard 28-02-2005 06:07 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Feb 28 2005, 06:42 AM
Yeah, that and the Hypersnap DX method. Try both! Enjoy capturing screens... or something. Yes...

X-Com tip for the day (number 1) : On the last hour of every month, transfer all of your scientists and technicians - you won't pay them a penny whilst they're in transit!

Work it also in Terror from the Deep?I started to play it again...But I guess I am in bad topic.... :whistle:

soldier1024 28-02-2005 07:05 PM


I also played with this awesome game years ago, and installed it last month again. This game is really a hard one, even after so many years :) The first time I could only finish it (an old dos version of the game) by hexaediting my saved game which resulted extra 400 million dollars. With the help of this, everything went smoother :D

I couldnt read all the 36 pages of comments but i'd like to advise you something:

Create a wiki-forum for ufo1! Everyone can make additions, or modify incorrect statements in it.

Some of you have a very high knowledge in the game, dont let these hints go away, or dissapear in forums! I also wrote a complete game-guide about ufo1 in a booklet about 10 years ago (ehh, how old am i :D ) it was about 30 pages (and it wasnt even complete) but i borrowed it to someone i forgot.
I havent ever seen the original manual of the game, but as a base of the WIKI it would be perfect. Only additions and corrections should be written to it.

For example: -mentioning that xcomutil (i've never heard about it)
-to warn users about crashing at landing missions (it happened with me manly at terror sites) OR one can use the DOS-version in pure DOS environment (no windows, see it later)
-i never knew, why can i see the picture of the ufo during aircraft-attack?
-why do fundings change, as they do? i havent seen any ufo in europe, but at the end of the month european countries decrease the money. Is it possible i didnt detect ufos in front of my base in europe? (building more short/long radar would detect more ufos? both type of radars are required?)
-when and why do they do base-attacks?
-and maybe the most important: what kind of versions are available. Since i wasnt able to extract version-number from the executable, i dont know the one i owned is the latest (bug fixes), and now there is even a windows version (which bugs still exist in it)
-and these interesting facts, as: difficulty level doesnt change anything etc.

These are some of my questions, which could be a godd additions to that community site.


Ps. i found this one: but thats just a joke. Even my old gameguide was 10 times longer, than this.
ps2: sorry for my poor english, i am a fun from hungary :)

Dreadlord 28-02-2005 07:08 PM

Can anyone give me tips on this thing? I always die when I land down with my troops.

Lizard 28-02-2005 07:15 PM


Originally posted by soldier1024@Feb 28 2005, 09:05 PM

I also played with this awesome game years ago, and installed it last month again. This game is really a hard one, even after so many years :) The first time I could only finish it (an old dos version of the game) by hexaediting my saved game which resulted extra 400 million dollars. With the help of this, everything went smoother :D

I couldnt read all the 36 pages of comments but i'd like to advise you something:

Create a wiki-forum for ufo1! Everyone can make additions, or modify incorrect statements in it.

Some of you have a very high knowledge in the game, dont let these hints go away, or dissapear in forums! I also wrote a complete game-guide about ufo1 in a booklet about 10 years ago (ehh, how old am i :D ) it was about 30 pages (and it wasnt even complete) but i borrowed it to someone i forgot.
I havent ever seen the original manual of the game, but as a base of the WIKI it would be perfect. Only additions and corrections should be written to it.

For example: -mentioning that xcomutil (i've never heard about it)
-to warn users about crashing at landing missions (it happened with me manly at terror sites) OR one can use the DOS-version in pure DOS environment (no windows, see it later)
-i never knew, why can i see the picture of the ufo during aircraft-attack?
-why do fundings change, as they do? i havent seen any ufo in europe, but at the end of the month european countries decrease the money. Is it possible i didnt detect ufos in front of my base in europe? (building more short/long radar would detect more ufos? both type of radars are required?)
-when and why do they do base-attacks?
-and maybe the most important: what kind of versions are available. Since i wasnt able to extract version-number from the executable, i dont know the one i owned is the latest (bug fixes), and now there is even a windows version (which bugs still exist in it)
-and these interesting facts, as: difficulty level doesnt change anything etc.

These are some of my questions, which could be a godd additions to that community site.


Ps. i found this one: but thats just a joke. Even my old gameguide was 10 times longer, than this.
ps2: sorry for my poor english, i am a fun from hungary :)

Well some of them were already posted here,but a little conclussion
-Yes if someone decrase your funds it is becouse there was an Ufo that you dont detected.They will be also more likely to decrese funding when-You ignore landed Ufos or even worse terror sites
-When you have missions with rating terrible
-If you detect some Ufos but they flee
- :blink: Why can you see the picture of the Ufo during airattacks?Never think about it becouse it is pretty??? :D
-Your bases are often attacked in late phases of game,probobly when it become a thorn ín eyes of aliens or something like that.
-There was a bug in original Ufo that causes that all dificults in Ufo were more or less the same.It was repaired by patch.
And there is surely many that I forgot or even didnt know so correct me if I wrote some bullsh*ts... :max:

Eagle of Fire 28-02-2005 07:30 PM

Here is a rundown of most of the tips and trick I posted on this thread since I began to post here. Please take note that since I might have been talking to someone at the time some part may or not be really revellant. You should have enough to read for a while tough.

And yes, I posted something on Christmas day. I have no life and had nothing better to do at that moment. ;).


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire Posted @ Sep 26 2004@ 06:09 PM
OK, here are the most common advices that I can give you. I'll try not to give any spoiler, and if I do without realizing it I give permission to the admins to censor me.

First, you need to build your base. That's the first thing you do in this game, and thus you need to do it from the start even before thinking about battles. The thing is, the first base supplied to you is a big free base, and is kind of nice for the eye. However, it would be more than a pain in the ... to defend would the Aliens decide to attack it, because it has hangars from both the bottom and the top of the base and the access lift if in the middle with other adjacent rooms.

In the best of worlds, all your base layout should generally be the same: your hangars at the very top or the very bottom of the base, then the access lift completely alone somewhere on the third line (the one directly above or under your hangars) then you begin to build your base on the fourth line after the access lift. That way, if the base get attacked, you will be able to defend it with ease with only a handfull of squaddies and a lot of grenades since the Aliens always come in the base from the access lift and the hangars. The third "free" line will act as a "chokepoint" preventing Aliens to invade the base too fast. If one or two aliens managed to get out from the access lift before you get there, kill them. You can be sure all the others will be ahead.

Battle and squaddies: obviously, you need to always try to keep your men alive. Moreover, you need to give your squaddies the best chances to overcome their target. The key points on this in tactical battle is visibility, speed and protection.

Visibility: I personnaly always go out with 12 squaddies and then break them down in three squads of four. The purpose of the squads is to always have at least two squaddies at "key" point when they advance in the black area so you have a good chance of seeing the alien before he do (or most of the time, at the same time he do so he don't have time to fire at will on your men) while the other two squad members advance faster (always keep enough time for a snap shot) and then they switch turn. Once an Alien is spotted, turn your four squaddie attention to it but do not forget to "scout" around for other Aliens, be in front, on the flanks or even in the back if that particular squad did not clear out the area behind them.
In night missions, you will have a very hard time trying to spot the Aliens because it's dark, while the Aliens will have a easy time spotting you because they have a way better vision at night. In that case, you need to use flares. I always bring in my Skyranger at least one flare per squaddie, just in case I run into a night mission. When you send your Skyranger, follow it and look at the map when it lands. If the map is at night (dark), then you'll need to equip the flares to your men. Would you forget, it is very important that you make them all take one flare before exiting the Skyranger (all the weapon you don't assign to your men before a mission are stockpilled at the entrance of the Skyranger).
To use a flare efficiently you only need to throw them far enough so the fartest visible spots are light. That way you will be able to spot aliens around the light just like if it was a day mission.
Use the flares liberally. They will save a lot of your men lives. And don't forget they can be reused; pick them back up and throw them away again.

Speed: never ever overload your men! It seems to be a very common newbie mistake. Your men need all the time units they can spare! I personnaly think that any squaddie under 60 TU is in danger because they lack mobility should they fall into an unexpected trap or need to clear out from an area quickly instead of keeping TU for their snap shot reaction time (like when spotting two aliens near him at end of his movement). If you start a mission and you notice one of your squaddie with less than 100% of his TU, then he's overloaded. Remove as much equipment from his inventory as you can spare, and you'll notice that next turn he'll have more TU to spare (if he did not recover them all). I also advise you to only take riffles (and/or handgun if you feel suicidal or want a challenge) in the first few missions until one of your men have enough strenght to take the bigger weapons without losing any or not too much TU. Most of the Aliens are easy to kill with a riffle anyways.

Endurance: research armors ASAP! I won't spoil the tech route to the first armor, but I'll tell you it's very easy to produce them by the end of the second month, should you know what you are doing. Once you have some armor, research the MediKit tech ASAP. The MediKits will allow the men who did not fall in one hit but are grievely wounded to survive the day and become stronger with time. It's always utterly annoying as a Commander (you) to lose men only because he had a fatal wound of 3 and dyied from blood loss after X turns because you had no medical support on the field... Especially if the man in question is your best soldier!* Before having all your men outfitted with armor, the chance of having a squaddie alive after he get hit will be extremely short, but with armor this will happen most of the time. I always equip all of my soldiers with one MediKit at the start of every battle but can part with one if the soldier is not strong enough to carry one and his equipment without TU loss.

I feel this is the biggest lines of the game. If you follow this to the letter you should have an easy time defeating Aliens... But it probably doesn't follow every style of play. I know some people love grenades, other use only Alien technology... I'll leave all those details and the leading of your squaddies to you.


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire Posted @ Sep 26 2004+ 07:12 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Eagle of Fire Posted @ Sep 26 2004 @ 07:12 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Yes, I also use Commandos by the end of the game. At the start I feel like casualties can't be brought down to zero and then if I need to select a frech recruit to fill the ranks they can't keep up with the older men. My style of play being mainly based on teamwork, this often lead to even more deaths...* So I keep the squad full at 12.
Another thing is that Psy Aliens are a pain in the late game. It's always a hard blow when you realise your star soldiers are not Psy resistant and turn around on your men at the wrong moment...* Thus the reason I try to get a broad army at the beginning and keep only the PSI resistant men by the end. At the beginning they are still usefull, when they begin to turn on me (and survive) I sack them.

I also do the same; sell any Alien tech (but not alloys and Elerium, for obvious reasons) and keep one for future reseach of each item. My post may be misleading, but I only use the riffles by the very start of the game..! As soon as stronger weapons get out from research, I use them.*

I did know that a lot of people would have different oppinions and strategy than me, so those few points were very general. If you notice, I never got into a very specific point unless it has an obvious tactical advantage.[/b]


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire Posted @ Dec 8 2004@ 03:06 AM

Once you get going the best advice is to never do a night mission. They can see in the dark and you cant. just hover over a crash site til the sun comes up. you might lose the crash site sometimes, but you wont lose your squad.
Completely wrong. Apart from the flare wich aready been mentioned by Anubis, night missions can be even easier to win than normal mission because altough the Aliens do see better at night than your own men, they are not intelligent enough (in term of AI) to use or counter the use of flares. This mean that you can get even nearer before spotting and shooting at the Aliens. And when this happen, they are 90% of the time caught with their back turned at you.

If that's not an advantage I don't know what it is.

<!--QuoteBegin-Eagle of Fire Posted @ Dec 24 2004
@ 10:26 PM
I'm not sure what you mean about the "floaters", but if you can't win a mission then just pack up and leave. Try to keep your Squaddies alive and take those expensive equipment from the dead ones while retreating to your Skyranger.

Remember that you will lose anything which is not in the skyranger when you depart. This mean all the Aliens guns, the armors, the equipment of your dead Squaddies laying around etc.

You will also lose score equal to the number of civilians since they'll all die. But then you'll lose way less points that way than if you only ingnored the mission altogether. And you'll still have the + points you gathered in the mission thus far (like killing for killing ennemies). If you have enough it may even out.

I'm wondering how you could lose at the 3rd month tough? Having trouble fighting the Aliens?

Originally posted by Eagle of Fire Posted @ Dec 25 2004@ 12:03 AM

Your don't have "experience" in Xcom. Your men gain attributes point by doing anything. I remember that they are very more likely to gain attributes when they actually kill an Alien tough, but I've had Squaddies gain attributes only by firing a million times and always miss... Also, those who are low on strenght and who carry a lot usually get strenght first of all then the other attributes.

I don't remember seeing Squaddies gaining attribute on things they never did. Like my own soldiers usually get TU, Aiming Accuracy and Throwing Accuracy most of everything else. I always try to train strenght when it's too low, but that's hardly necessary since it usually get up all alone after a little while.


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire Posted @ Jan 4 2005+ 08:28 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Eagle of Fire Posted @ Jan 4 2005 @ 08:28 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Ufo: Ennemy Unknown Aliens AI is not that good, so if you actually managed to get a grenade thrown at you by them... Well, you so extremely obviously packed up that even the AI managed to see that you could be hit by a grenade..!* :blink:

I don't remember having a single casualty due to grenade in all... Around 25 campains... (My own grenades excluded* :whistle: )

I would say that if you have a problem with grenades, you need to rethink your squad strategy... Especially if you were planning to play TFTD after ending UFO! You'll see what a really good grenade AI can do... I still feel the pain of my first TFTD campain 10 years ago...* :ranting:

Also, I really don't understand what the race of the Alien change. Would it be a mutant, a big tank or whatever... You'll get hit if you stay in the way. Yes, I lost at least two or three Squaddie still in the Skyranger in every game too, but then I never lost as much as you guys seems to be talking about. Being creamed? Never happened to me, at least not inside my own ship! I guess equiping the first squaddies with armor help with that...

I also don't recall losing more than half my own team in any given mission, and last time that happened it was in one of my first campains ever and I was retreating back to base... Having bad equipment and be low on ammo usually don't help much on the winning part...* :whistle:

All in all, I would say that you need to expect a very high death ratio in your first two games, then it will settle up for good and you'll wonder how you managed to get the money to get all those new fresh recruits in the first place... Happened to me, happened to about every Xcom veteran, will happen to you too. ;)[/b]


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire Posted @ Jan 15 2005@ 11:05 AM
Well, I seem to remember a weird bug right now. If you entered a mission while one of your fighter was still chasing an UFO, the game would crash.

Answer to this bug was easy: never chase UFO when you are about to enter a mission. Either disengage and go back to base or just fly near them until you finish the mission.

Another idea would be to send the Skyranger next to the mission without selecting it, down the UFO (or get killed) and then enter the mission.

Anyways, I never experimented such a bug because I never entered a battle with crafts still engaged in battle. I usually tend to wait for all UFO's to be downed before sending my team so I go get the biggest fish. I also tend to change my squaddies equipment depending of the type of mission before sending them to fight, especially when I'm currently building a new kind of set of armor for my troops and I want them to be equiped with the latest stuff, so waiting is a must.


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire Posted @ Jan 19 2005@ 12:41 PM
Another nifty trick is the ability to rename your squaddies. I always rename mine based on their rank and I add, in brackets, their accuracy rating.

So it would go like this: Rookie (59), 2nd Class (57), Captain (67), etc.

Pretty usefull when you want to know if the selected squaddie stands a chance at hitting his target, depending on range...

<!--QuoteBegin-Eagle of Fire Posted @ Feb 2 2005
@ 07:58 PM
I always equip 4 stun rods to my squad of 12 squaddies (I always attack with 12 squaddies) just in case get the opportunity to stun an alien once in a while. The 4 squaddies equiped with the stun rods are usually the "crack team" who enter and storm the ship first. This way I always have a nice chance to get a live Alien on every mission, and live Aliens are worth more in points if I remember well.

Once you have stun bombs then I advise you to use them since they are extremely effective on physically weak Aliens and they can be lauched safely from a distance.

Smoke can stun Aliens as well as your squaddies, and here's why: neither does your squaddies or the Aliens have breathing equipment, so if you enter a smoke heavy square the unit will be forced to breath the smoke. Just like smoke can disable someone in a building fire and render him/her uncouncious, a white line will begin to appear and grow higher and higher on the HP bar of the unit each turn. If the white bar manage for a reason or another to go beyong the current HP of the unit then he/she/it will become disabled (or stunned) until the white bar get lower than the HP again.

This is why sometimes you can see your squaddies get stunned by a very weak hit and stand up again one or two turns later if the white bar is near the max HP of the squaddies.

Stunning Aliens works exactly the same with stun rods and stun bombs. When hit, the weapon will bring the white bar up by a certain amount and the unit will be stunned when the white bar go higher than the current HP of said unit. This is also why wounded units are way easier to stun this way.

soldier1024 28-02-2005 08:25 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Feb 28 2005, 08:15 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Feb 28 2005, 08:15 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-soldier1024@Feb 28 2005, 09:05 PM

I also played with this awesome game years ago, and installed it last month again. This game is really a hard one, even after so many years :) The first time I could only finish it (an old dos version of the game) by hexaediting* my saved game which resulted extra 400 million dollars. With the help of this, everything went smoother :D

I couldnt read all the 36 pages of comments but i'd like to advise you something:

Create a wiki-forum for ufo1! Everyone can make additions, or modify incorrect statements in it.

Some of you have a very high knowledge in the game, dont let these hints go away, or dissapear in forums! I also wrote a complete game-guide about ufo1 in a booklet about 10 years ago (ehh, how old am i :D ) it was about 30 pages (and it wasnt even complete) but i borrowed it to someone i forgot.
I havent ever seen the original manual of the game, but as a base of the WIKI it would be perfect. Only additions and corrections should be written to it.

For example: -mentioning that xcomutil (i've never heard about it)
-to warn users about crashing at landing missions (it happened with me manly at terror sites) OR one can use the DOS-version in pure DOS environment (no windows, see it later)
-i never knew, why can i see the picture of the ufo during aircraft-attack?
-why do fundings change, as they do? i havent seen any ufo in europe, but at the end of the month european countries decrease the money. Is it possible i didnt detect ufos in front of my base in europe? (building more short/long radar would detect more ufos? both type of radars are required?)
-when and why do they do base-attacks?
-and maybe the most important: what kind of versions are available. Since i wasnt able to extract version-number from the executable, i dont know the one i owned is the latest (bug fixes), and now there is even a windows version (which bugs still exist in it)
-and these interesting facts, as: difficulty level doesnt change anything etc.

These are some of my questions, which could be a godd additions to that community site.


Ps. i found this one: but thats just a joke. Even my old gameguide was 10 times longer, than this.
ps2: sorry for my poor english, i am a fun from hungary :)

Well some of them were already posted here,but a little conclussion
-Yes if someone decrase your funds it is becouse there was an Ufo that you dont detected.They will be also more likely to decrese funding when-You ignore landed Ufos or even worse terror sites
-When you have missions with rating terrible
-If you detect some Ufos but they flee
- :blink: Why can you see the picture of the Ufo during airattacks?Never think about it becouse it is pretty??? :D
-Your bases are often attacked in late phases of game,probobly when it become a thorn ín eyes of aliens or something like that.
-There was a bug in original Ufo that causes that all dificults in Ufo were more or less the same.It was repaired by patch.
And there is surely many that I forgot or even didnt know so correct me if I wrote some bullsh*ts... :max: [/b][/quote]
Ok, i just think many of the forums visitor have the knowledge to share these not so trivial "features" like the same-difficulty problem :(

Well, if i'll have the spare time (maybe summer) i'll make a web-page. But strictly for hungarian users :D

soldier1024 28-02-2005 08:28 PM

About the ufo picture during aircraft-attack: there are several icons there, normal attack, aggressive attack, etc. And there is a button, which shows me the shape of the ufo. Anything useful can be done here?

xcom freak 28-02-2005 08:46 PM

the attack formations are useful when u outrange ur opponent with plasma or fusion.U use cautious attack and receive 0 damage.if u are still on the machine guns Recruit more researchers!!! :ok:

The Shape of the UFO helps when u want to land ur troops near it.u know how many doors there are .I didnt find any more uses fot it

Jman4117 28-02-2005 09:13 PM

The pic lets you know what kind of ship it is beyond small, medium, large, etc. After you get the Hyperwave Decoder, it's pretty pointless since you are then told in the popup what it is.

soldier1024 01-03-2005 12:08 PM

I dont need hyperwave decoder, because I get the info about their size right after the beginning...

Ufo-1 detected
size: small
speed=xyz etc.

So it seems to me, that it is there just for fun :) Earlyer i thought i can select where to shoot with the interceptor (if i target the left/right side of the ufo, it will likely to crash land and dont damage the elerium-engine)

soldier1024 01-03-2005 12:10 PM

Ok, i see, beyond the main categories i can figure which shape it actually has. Well, thx :)

spitfirejohn 01-03-2005 01:05 PM

the hyperwave decoder will also tell you what race of alien is in the ufo. some races are harder to kill than others, so it makes it easier to decide if you want to send men down there after shooting it down.
also on the larger sectoid ships they try to use mind control thingys on your men. if your men arent well trained its best to avoid them for the moment, cos just end up getting killed
later on in the game there are so many ufos that its better to be able to choose which missions you want to do, which soldiers to send etc.

the different styles of attack always seemed pointless to me. though if youre attacking a small ship, you will probably destroy it if you use aggressive style.

Privateer 01-03-2005 01:24 PM

Yup, what spitfirejohn said about the wave decoder. It's very useful to know if the ship you are going against is more or less normal, full of crazy mind-controlling super-race aliens (forgot the name), or those armor badasses that take something like five shots with the laser rifle to kill.

Besides this, it tells you (if I remember correctly) what mission the whip is on. It's very important, at least for me. If I see "infiltration", that's a priority target. So is "terror mission", but somthing like supply ships I can let pass if I have more important things to do. This sure beats downing one supply ship and then losing an important country afterwards.

As far as psy warfare goes. Even while you don't have it, it's fairly easy to avoid too serious consequences from simple sectoids (who only get one MC guy per ship - the leader). What I do is equip everyone with power armor (useful in any case). For weapons I go with laser rifles. They are usually enough to kill most low-level aliens with, but it DOES NOT usually have the punch to pierce your own guys' power armor. So, even if one guy gets MC'ed, he usually can't hurt his buddies. After the battle, you weed out those guys who got MC'ed easily, because you know they are weak in the mind. Oh, and don't bring alien grenades. :) If you do, drop them all the second you realize you are facing MC.

Attack modes matter! If you go distant and have Avalanche missiles equipped, you outrange almost all UFOs' weapons, which means you can take them down with a single Interceptor and not so much as get scratched in the process. Lovely.

Jman4117 01-03-2005 03:22 PM

And after discovering that psi f0dder, arm them with standard rifles and no grenades. They can't harm your other guys, and serve as bait for most psi attacks so the rest aren't psi attacked.

PrejudiceSucks 01-03-2005 03:42 PM

Yeah, the Hyperwave decoder is really, really handy. If you know that there will be something/someone really hard to kill (such as Mutons, the armoured ones) then you should still land at the site, but take off straight away, so that you still get some points for your hard work of landing.

Also remember that in the original X-COM (not TfTD) that the same squad can be redirected in their skyranger.

For example, if you are on your way to attack a 'very small' ship (I don't know why you would) but on the way find a base full of sectoids then you could go to the 'very small' ship, kill the aliens and make sure no-one dies (which could even promote someone) and then on your way back stop off at the enemy base and take it down, hopefully capturing a lot of aliens.

You get loads of points for runs like that.

PrejudiceSucks 01-03-2005 03:46 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Feb 28 2005, 07:07 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Feb 28 2005, 07:07 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-PrejudiceSucks@Feb 28 2005, 06:42 AM
Yeah, that and the Hypersnap DX method. Try both! Enjoy capturing screens... or something. Yes...

X-Com tip for the day (number 1) : On the last hour of every month, transfer all of your scientists and technicians - you won't pay them a penny whilst they're in transit!

Work it also in Terror from the Deep?I started to play it again...But I guess I am in bad topic.... :whistle: [/b][/quote]
Yes Lizard it does. Hope that help you in the future, and you are right, this is the wrong topic.

In fact, it even works with Soldiers which are more useful to transfer, because with scientists, they lose their research they were doing for that month.

On the other hand, you do get them for free for another month.

P.S it does not affect items you are making, just research.

X-COM tip for the day - Cautious attacks often do not blow up the target's engines, so you might still gain elerium!

Zach 01-03-2005 09:06 PM


Originally posted by Tom Henrik@May 6 2004, 07:59 PM
I always give my warriors the name of people I know, including myself.

The result is that one of my girlfriends is a Commander, and I am still a Squaddie. :?

ROFL! You said "one of my girlfriends"! LOL!


ImpNemo 01-03-2005 10:59 PM

Anyone have a problem with tryign to use the med kits, its in their hands as they bleed to death over 4 rounds and no matter how many times I try "Use med kit 10 TU" it doesnt bring up med kit window? :ranting: It kinda helps to be able to heal yourself while your assualting one of their bases.

Havell 01-03-2005 11:01 PM

I think you need to get another soldier and get them to use the medikit while facing the injured soldier, after all, it's quite hard to carry out first aid on yourself :)

Eagle of Fire 02-03-2005 12:19 AM

If I rememer well the soldiers in UFO do first aid on themselves. The trick tough is that your soldier need an open wound injury. If you don't have one then you can't "heal" yourself per se. You should get some health back if you heal an open wound but that's it. There is no work around for this.

Wounded soldiers can only recover over time by resting at the base in the medical bay.

Jman4117 02-03-2005 02:05 AM

You have to have another soldier use it.

ImpNemo 02-03-2005 02:24 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Mar 2 2005, 01:19 AM
If I rememer well the soldiers in UFO do first aid on themselves. The trick tough is that your soldier need an open wound injury. If you don't have one then you can't "heal" yourself per se. You should get some health back if you heal an open wound but that's it. There is no work around for this.

Wounded soldiers can only recover over time by resting at the base in the medical bay.

Bah theyre right I forgot it has to be done to the fataly wounded soilder by another soilder. Kept giving the med kits to my point-men so they could keep themselves from bleeding to death :whistle:

Eagle of Fire 02-03-2005 02:49 AM

Perhaps I'm mixing up UFO, TFTD and Apocalypse. But one of those games definitly let your squaddies heal themselves. Must be Apocalypse...

_Chris 02-03-2005 10:13 AM

Ahh, i used to play this on the Amiga and then the PS1. It was a cool game, but very frustrating at times. I remember getting to the alien planet, cant remember the name of it though, very hard place anyway.

Eagle of Fire 02-03-2005 10:40 AM

You are probably refering to Cydonia.

_Chris 02-03-2005 10:44 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Mar 2 2005, 11:40 AM
You are probably refering to Cydonia.
That would be it, thanks for the reminder.

Guest_Chris 02-03-2005 12:03 PM

I think most of u know it anyway but for the other guys around....

1 month ago I bought UFO AFTERMATH. It's like Xcom only with better graphics.

You will enjoy it for sure.


Eagle of Fire 02-03-2005 12:15 PM

It must be hidden behind a lot of pages since then but I already gave my oppinion about that game and I would give Aftermath 65% as a review.

Really a bad game.

_Chris 02-03-2005 01:45 PM

I didn't enjoy Aftermath either. Taking away the option to build your base was a bad move, and the way you did research was poor compared to Enemy Unknown. The graphics where good though.

spitfirejohn 02-03-2005 10:08 PM

ive never been a fan of med kits. they just use up time units purely from carrying them.
i always found it best to keep many save games of a various mission, so if anyone got killed you could go back and reply a move.

hadnt played the game in ages, then found it on here and became obsessed with it again.

anyway ive completed now. im the MAN!

xcom freak 02-03-2005 10:15 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Mar 2 2005, 01:15 PM
It must be hidden behind a lot of pages since then but I already gave my oppinion about that game and I would give Aftermath 65% as a review.

Really a bad game.

Couldnt agree more .

@spitfirejon NEVER used a med kit,everytime i finished the game the only research i had left was medi-kit.

Sharp 02-03-2005 11:30 PM

I only use the medi-kit once I have personal armour. If you dont have personal armour or better then there is no point in having a medi-kit because whatever shoots you, you die. It is really rare for a soldier wearing no armour to survive.

Also when you start the game check the bravery of all your soldiers and only give the really good weapons to people with high bravery.

Why you might ask...

People with the lowest bravery are most supcestible to Mind Control, Panic and going Beserk.

So it is definitly not a good idea to give the rocket launcher to the guy with the lowest bravery who then decides to go beserk and kill half my team, including the three sergeants I had, so the survivng half decide to panic. They all get turned into reaper food as I helplessly watch. The only amusement I had was when a floater killed two of his own reapers.

Also whoever says Chyrsalids are easy are completly mad. However tanks rule against Chyrsalids, because they do not turn into evil Zombies and they can survive a hit as well.
The best tactic against a chysalid when you spot one is to get at least 3 people to autofire it or rocket launcher it while simutanelusly throwing at least 3 primed to zero grendades at it.
Sounds like overkill and it is, because the bas***s should die extremly quickly.

Also im sure someone said to ignore the zombies as they hatch into Chrysalids after the Zombie dies. True yes, but ignoring a zombie who they attacks one of your men then leads that man to become a chrysalid-hatching zombie. However Zombies are slower and Cyrsalids are the highest priority to attack.

Also a great tactic to use. If you see civillians about to get zombified then you should stun em real quickly. Chyrsalids only attack unstunned people so then the civs wont turn into zombies. However if they wake up then you have to kill them as they become hostile towards you (and you cant complete the mission unless you kill them). You could alternativly try to stun them again but ive never been in that situation.

Also for loads of people who are having trouble with the Download here try getting one from Home of The Underdog as that seems to work great on my comp, the only problem I get is the occasional crashing before a mission but that is nullified by saving before every mission.

Also I notice that on my download that i got from Abandonia did not contain any save game files. That might have been a big problem to many people for who it doesnt work.

UFO Gold Download

Titan 02-03-2005 11:58 PM

If you have a designated storm-trooper (i usualy had 3-4 soldiers) who are the first ppl inside a UFO or if you know you are facing extreamy tough resistance, here is a special trick for you.
Bring a few rookies you've just requited.
Arm them with the heaviest weapon they can carry, preferebly blaster-launcher and a single round for it, along with a proxy-nade.

At the start of the battle, have them all start with proxy-nades in theire hand, and arm it the first thing you do..
Now, put the nade in theire belt, and storm the controle-room.
If the lone soldier survived the entering, fire the blaster.
If he doesn't, well.. you've just placed a trap, since the proxy-nade activetes one it's on the ground, eg the soldier dies... same goes for the regulare explosives (nade, alien nade, smoker and so on..)

BANZAIII!!!!! :rifle:

If you MC an alien that is "useless". Just have it pick up one of it's nades, prime it @ 0, and go back to inventory and take it from its hands and place it on the ground.

It's fun when you've managed to MC one, and he spots another, and another, and another.. and you do this with all of them...
had several mission where i annihilated the crew before they got to move the first time. LOL

xcom freak 03-03-2005 12:07 AM

Thats sadistic !!!! LOL LOL

I never lost a recruit,loaded A LOT but never lost a single man.
I d never let that happen and do u want to sacrifice one??????????
I only send 2 / 3 troopers per mission but i recruit a lot coz if u do have a lot ull 2/3 troopers gain ranks easier.

Wait i just thought about it! could be fun seeing these bad reaction bad time units bad accuracy chiken rookies die :evil: Its only a game after all

Jman4117 03-03-2005 03:47 AM

Why not train up a reaction fire team and never have to worry about having to suicide rookies? 10 guys with laser pistols camping a door...w3rd..... :D

PrejudiceSucks 03-03-2005 07:03 AM

LOL those are the totally different tactics to the ones I use.

I just send 8 guys in a lightning with power armour (flying is a total waste of Elerium) all with laser rifles, a HE pack each, 2 proxy nades and one normal hand grenade.

I send them out separately, in teams of 2.

And Crysallids are quite easy if you use incendiary weapons instead of any thing HE. You are basically wasting grenads on them.

Use lasers and IC rockets on them. That makes it easy.

And Etherials are quite easy to kill once you have found them. Just throw as many grenades (especially HE packs) at them as possible at any point. If you let them live, your best commandos can easily get killed by stupid rookies.

So either give rookies basic rifles, or send them on really easy missions like small or very small UFOs (don't waste good ships on them, use a Skyranger).

Eagle of Fire 03-03-2005 09:02 AM


And Crysallids are quite easy if you use incendiary weapons instead of any thing HE. You are basically wasting grenads on them.
Finnaly someone who seem to actually read the Alien autopsy text... :ok:

Subs 03-03-2005 11:51 AM

This game has always been great. Love it as I did with Laser Squad. However...if you ever get time to complete it the ending is lame. ... Comes close being to worst ending ever for the time you have to put in. But it still a great game.

PrejudiceSucks 03-03-2005 11:59 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Mar 3 2005, 10:02 AM

And Crysallids are quite easy if you use incendiary weapons instead of any thing HE. You are basically wasting grenads on them.
Finnaly someone who seem to actually read the Alien autopsy text... :ok:

Yeah. Surprising that most people don't.

And that's a hint for you all - read the alien autopsy things! They are stunningly useful!

And for the love of all things potato like - look at the weapon stats - read how much damage they do and what type or you will be looking like a real fool when you presume what weapons do and get it wrong!

And also, if you can only see one alien, please, save the lives of your soldiers and use aimed shots when crouching - especially with rocket launchers! If you are going to need to reload it, use an aimed shot, you won't get another anyway!

another_guest 03-03-2005 12:32 PM


Originally posted by Titan@Mar 3 2005, 12:58 AM
At the start of the battle, have them all start with proxy-nades in theire hand, and arm it the first thing you do..
Now, put the nade in theire belt, and storm the controle-room.
If the lone soldier survived the entering, fire the blaster.
If he doesn't, well.. you've just placed a trap, since the proxy-nade activetes one it's on the ground, eg the soldier dies... same goes for the regulare explosives (nade, alien nade, smoker and so on..)

Hm, sounds a bit risky to me: what happens if your soldier dies in front of the door (so while he's still outside), dropping his proxy grenade?
It could take ages before our green or grey friends decide to go for a little walk to catch some fresh air.

Something I always do, it to leave 2 soldiers wearing flying suits behind in my plane. It happens sometimes that you enter a house, fire at an alien, and damage the staircase in the process. It's hateful if there's still one alien upstairs and you don't have flying suits at your disposal. Of course you could start stripping the building, especially with laser rifles, but still...

Also, the same thing goes for your own bases: quite often some aliens will stay at the top floor of the entrance shaft. It's mightily annoying if you can't see it, while you know it's up there somewhere. Of course there are plenty of ways to work around this, but I prefer being able to send someone up.

My-Q 03-03-2005 03:29 PM

I always play the game using 6 soldiers, 2 with blaster and heavy plasma, the other 4 with heavy plasma and psi-amps.. why bother wasting our soldiers if we can waste those aliens? LOL

As for the armors, flying suit is obviously the best choice as reapers, silacoids, and chryssalids won't be able to attack anything that flies.. so, i'd rather leave those losers run around while i killed their other races (floaters, mutons, snakeman) and leave them run around looking stupid LOL

PrejudiceSucks 03-03-2005 04:17 PM


Originally posted by My-Q@Mar 3 2005, 04:29 PM
I always play the game using 6 soldiers, 2 with blaster and heavy plasma, the other 4 with heavy plasma and psi-amps.. why bother wasting our soldiers if we can waste those aliens? LOL

As for the armors, flying suit is obviously the best choice as reapers, silacoids, and chryssalids won't be able to attack anything that flies.. so, i'd rather leave those losers run around while i killed their other races (floaters, mutons, snakeman) and leave them run around looking stupid LOL

Actually, if you get just above the ground level, any HTH aliens can still kill you. And if you think that flying makes you invincible to alien grenades/blaster bombs, you are totally wrong.

All of the explosions in the game are 3-D, which is handy for bases (throw HE onto access lift and run!)

And another thing - Flying suits - a total waste of elerium.

If you attack the small ships (you can do this in personal/no armour) then you will only get enough Elerium for 3 suits of it and attacking anything larger without much armour is incredibly stupid.

Power armour is way more useful, as they only need 5 elerium and are nearly as good in terms of protection. You could make 10 of those suits from one very small/small alien ship, and with that get a couple of elite squads suitable for base assaults or any other dangerous work.

Another thing is that with Power Suits, you do not get some of the bugs in the game that make your soldiers dissappear and also you keep enough Elerium to use for Firestorm/Lightning flights

In my opinion, Avengers are only good as the way to get the last mission. If you use it as a fighter jet with large amounts of health, ignore it and get Firestorms. If you want a large transport, use a Lightning. And if you really care that much about tanks, stick to a Skyranger.

The Avenger takes way too much Elerium per flight and as I said, is only useful because it is the only way to get to the last mission.

If you add a single Plasma Cannon to a Lightning, it can still take down supply ships and even terror ships and carry a large group of good soldiers, which is what I use them for, and they move very quickly, which helps with Terror missions which are going to be at night within around 3 hours. A Lightning can arrive in time and carry well armed and trained soldiers which can easily beat off the Crysallids and Etherials that usually arrive.

If you want a straight fighter, the Firestorm doesn't need too much Elerium and is a good fighter with two Plasma Cannons.

If you want to take tanks as a way to help Rookies, then just use a Skyranger, as this way you won't waste any of your precious Elerium and you can still take on any ship up to a medium size.

Oh yeah, and Psi-amps are not that useful. Fine, you can panic your enemies, but why waste the Elerium and time instead of just making or buying grenades, which are far more useful?

Jman4117 03-03-2005 05:20 PM


Actually, if you get just above the ground level, any HTH aliens can still kill you. And if you think that flying makes you invincible to alien grenades/blaster bombs, you are totally wrong.

All of the explosions in the game are 3-D, which is handy for bases (throw HE onto access lift and run!)

Wrong... I routinely use a few flying suits for this purpose. I nearly 10 years of playing this game I have YET to be attacked hand to hand on a different level. Also I enter the bridges on large ships a lot using a blaster bomb with a guy hovering directly over the impact point. The only damage it ever does is to the floor tile on the next level.

Havell 03-03-2005 05:28 PM

Explosions are 3-D, try throwing a grenade in the middle story of a 3 storey biulding, it blows away the floor above and below it.

PrejudiceSucks 03-03-2005 05:29 PM

Hmmm... I thought that you could get HTH attacked in the air.

Oh no! Now I remember! It was windows!

Especially against Reavers!

Yes! Windows!

Sorry about the error. The rest of it was pretty accurate though.


QUOTE (Titan @ Mar 3 2005, 12:58 AM)
At the start of the battle, have them all start with proxy-nades in theire hand, and arm it the first thing you do..
Now, put the nade in theire belt, and storm the controle-room.
If the lone soldier survived the entering, fire the blaster.
If he doesn't, well.. you've just placed a trap, since the proxy-nade activetes one it's on the ground, eg the soldier dies... same goes for the regulare explosives (nade, alien nade, smoker and so on..)*

Hm, sounds a bit risky to me: what happens if your soldier dies in front of the door (so while he's still outside), dropping his proxy grenade?
It could take ages before our green or grey friends decide to go for a little walk to catch some fresh air.

Something I always do, it to leave 2 soldiers wearing flying suits behind in my plane. It happens sometimes that you enter a house, fire at an alien, and damage the staircase in the process. It's hateful if there's still one alien upstairs and you don't have flying suits at your disposal. Of course you could start stripping the building, especially with laser rifles, but still...

Also, the same thing goes for your own bases: quite often some aliens will stay at the top floor of the entrance shaft. It's mightily annoying if you can't see it, while you know it's up there somewhere. Of course there are plenty of ways to work around this, but I prefer being able to send someone up.

Yeah... the thing about the proxy nades can be bad too - if the soldier dies outside of the door (as in right outside) then you won't do any damage to them at all. You really need to throw a proxy nade 1 square (or better 2 squares) away from a door.

2 Squares, what a fool! I hear you all cry, but no. Actually, instead of making it impossible to win the mission (without reloading, which is tedious in the extreme), it actually makes it easier.

Try to imagine where you would go out of the UFO and sometimes it does the same. And if it walks through the gap, you should really have some kind of sharpshooter ready for that.

That way, you can get into the UFO and they cannot get out easily. Problem solved.

ImpNemo 03-03-2005 06:01 PM

Explosions dont hurt soilders flying in the level above. Ive tried taking screens but they wont come out right. Go try it yourself toss a nade under your guy while your in the air. Also wont detenate proxys by flying over them. Flying Suits > Power armor for that, the h2h advantage, and the added mobility and armor (every little bit helps). Dont forget the rooms in the alien bases that are two story. Its worth vrs elerium use depends on how desperately you need elerium for other things, but I think its worth it. :ok:

I have the windows version, dont know if it differs from the dos version about the nades.

Sharp 03-03-2005 06:12 PM

Well a really good tactic i like is when you use flying suits to enter through the roof of a UFO, its great to surround and pin in the aliens by splitting your force into two, after securing perimeter of course, nothing sucks as much as being shot from a place you thought youve already checked, sending in one team through the door while another goes through the roof is really usefull in pinning down aliens, especially if it aliens who are ready to blast your men coming in from one side and you simply blow them up from the other side.

Also if your having trouble finding alien commanders/leaders then you should use a mind probe. The Commander/Leader generally has better stats then other members of the race.

And I think someone said somewhere that they dont like to use smoke grenades because it hurts thier own troops more then the aliens. Well thats slightly wrong, if you use power/flying suits then smoke doesnt actually affect you (except for vision) as they are environmental suits and have internal breathing apparatus. Its also a great tactic to panic an alien first and then simply smoke it out while its hiding in a room.

Jman4117 03-03-2005 06:13 PM

As I said, only the floor tiles are affected, even with blaster bombs.

tomorrowisnomore 04-03-2005 01:45 AM

I was wondering if someone could help me out. I downloaded XCom from this site and I can't find where the game puts the save files. I recently stumbled across some game editors and I wanted to try them out. This game has been kicking my behind since I first bought it for the PS1. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sharp 04-03-2005 06:18 AM

Yeh, the download I tried from here also didnt have any save files, plus it kept crashing everytime at the inventory screen right before a battle.

However I downloaded UFO Gold from Home of the Underdog (HOTU) and that worked great, (except of the occasional crashing before battles)


Jman4117 04-03-2005 06:50 AM

The saved games go in the Game_xx directories.

TheChosen 04-03-2005 08:42 AM

I found a great tactic.
The best weapons for interceptors, firestorms and so on....are plasma beams. Even battles against Large ufos will be over in seconds.

PrejudiceSucks 04-03-2005 11:53 AM


Originally posted by tomorrowisnomore@Mar 4 2005, 02:45 AM
I was wondering if someone could help me out. I downloaded XCom from this site and I can't find where the game puts the save files. I recently stumbled across some game editors and I wanted to try them out. This game has been kicking my behind since I first bought it for the PS1. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hmm look at my posts they're all pretty much hints based.

Here are some extras

With Interceptors try and get the long-range missiles as soon as possible on them all, this means that they can take on medium-sized UFOs or below.

And don't forget that you lose points for ignoring UFOs in the air, so attack them, but straight away disengage.

They usually don't bother following you.

When you get Plasma Cannons, your Interceptors become really handy, able to take on anything below Very Large UFOs and survive unhurt.

With Very Large UFOs, until you get Firestorm craft, and quite a few of them, don't attack them at all, your Interceptors will die straight away. If you attack with a few Firestorms (cautious is best) then you should be OK.

And as I just said, cautious attacks are the best, because the engines of UFOs are very, very fragile, so anything above Cautious will probably blow them up and lose you Elerium, which is the single most useful resource in the game.

For weapons for soldiers, Laser Rifles are just about the best. Some would say Blaster Bombs or Heavy Plasma, but Laser weapons have infinite ammo and you don't ever need to reload them. They are also accurate enough to be used as a Sniper's Rifle and a Laser Pistol is a great sidearm for a heavy weapons soldier.

For heavy weapons, take Auto-Cannons with Incendiary Ammo, as it is very good against pretty much all of the aliens, especially Cryssalids (those horrible black aliens). If you really want something with serious firepower, take Heavy Plasmas, as Blaster Bombs are a massive waste of Elerium and early in the game there is not much ammo for them. If you choose Heavy Plasma then you can stock up on them very quickly and have all of the clips you need.

Armour, as you can see is a very, very dividing issue. I like Power Suits, as they are reasonably cheap in Elerium terms, although for officers or scouts, Flying Suits are very useful, especially when you want to attack a downed supply ship or battleship.

As for grenades and other equipment, I like Proximity grenades and HE packs, mainly because proxy nades are great for trapping and HE packs are very, very powerful. Motion detectors are handy for finding that one last alien that you need to kill, but remember that on Terror Missions, the civilians will move as well. Medi-Packs are OK, I don't use them much, but some people like them. They are good for reviving people who have been knocked out by aliens with Small Launchers.

For Capturing aliens, I usually use small launchers and Tazers, but smoke grenades can be very useful once you get Power Armour and Flying Armour which are smoke-proof, so aliens can be knocked out with smoke without rick to your soldiers. A flying soldier running off with a Sectoid Commander, Medic or Navigator is a pretty funny sight if nothing else!

And if you are really stuck, or arrive at a Terror Site without armour, then I suggest just flying away. Fine, you will lose some points for letting the Civilians die, but nowhere near as many as simply ignoring the site.

And that is my set of hints for today.

Lizard 04-03-2005 11:58 AM

It is funny,but I dont remember I EVER had a problems with elerium when I played Ufo.I used aggressive attack,alway equip Avengers and troopers with flying suit plus blaster launchers for some of them and I always had enought of it.Beginners Luck? :blink:

PrejudiceSucks 04-03-2005 12:10 PM

Maybe it's just me, but I liked to keep some saved up just in case something bad happened to my Elerium powered ships / armoured soldiers.

It's handy to have about 200 spare all of the time, just in case a whole lot of Battleships or bases show up, so that you can sort them out very quickly.

Guest 04-03-2005 12:23 PM

Here is a little advice on the very early game - i.e. before you have discovered laser rifles and produced them. You usually get a terror site and several ships before that point, even if you research really aggressively, and if you try to take on them using projectile rifles as your main weapons, you're gonna be up for a disappointment.

So, here's how. Forget rifles - take pistols instead. Pistols are about as good as rifles if you use snap shots, but they let you hold a grenade in your free hand. Grenades are great early on because most aliens die if you toss it anywhere near them, which most rookies can do with no problems.

Also, take rocket tanks - they are incredible machines, especially when you are out in the country with no civvies but still quite a few obstacles and buildings. Why go into a building when you can blow out its wall? :D

Advance with tanks - they have the armor to oftentimes take a shot from the heavy plasma even and survive, which is more than you can say for your rookies. As soon as the tank spots an alien, have the three soldiers that are trailing it fire at it. Doesn't matter if they can't see it, they'll still have the same accuracy.

Use 2 tanks and 6 soldiers, and you'll have two teams of armor+troops. With it you can usually take out an early terror site or downed ship pretty easily.

soldier1024 04-03-2005 01:43 PM

A question again:

do i have to spare 1 from each alien item to research it, or is it enough that "i had once 1 on my base" and THAT triggered the research menu to show it?
Another releated one: if i have more from the same items, research is faster, or it only depends on the number of scientist?

another_guest 04-03-2005 02:24 PM

I think it's never enough that you once had such an item, as far as I know you still need to have it at the time when you want to start researching it. Also, it has to be at the base where your scientists are.

Speed of research only depends on the number of scientists you allocate to it.

newguy 04-03-2005 04:06 PM

hi guys, does anyone know how to slow down the game? my computer runs it way too fast!
thx in advance

another_guest 04-03-2005 04:27 PM

Have you tried running it in Dosbox, that should do the trick.

PrejudiceSucks 04-03-2005 07:13 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Mar 4 2005, 03:24 PM
I think it's never enough that you once had such an item, as far as I know you still need to have it at the time when you want to start researching it. Also, it has to be at the base where your scientists are.

Speed of research only depends on the number of scientists you allocate to it.

Yeah, he's right.

For research purposes, try to keep one of everything, sell all but one if necessary.

So if you had 6 Heavy Plasmas (not that unlikely) and needed to research one, you could sell the other 5.

So you could do research and get about 900k!

Just remember to keep all of your alien clips so you don't have to waste any Elerium to make more.

Dreadlord 04-03-2005 07:37 PM

Why do the X-Com units right straight towards the Aliens when panicked? You kinda expect them to go the other direction.

Lizard 04-03-2005 08:29 PM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Mar 4 2005, 09:37 PM
Why do the X-Com units right straight towards the Aliens when panicked? You kinda expect them to go the other direction.
Becouse they all want to commit suicude?

Eagle of Fire 04-03-2005 08:45 PM


Why do the X-Com units right straight towards the Aliens when panicked? You kinda expect them to go the other direction.
As far as I am concerned it's random. But it's more likely that it happen if you are surrounded... ;)

Dreadlord 04-03-2005 09:12 PM

I had one run onto a grenade, a Alien horse lookin thingy closed in to kill him, next round he moved ran far away, and the grenade exploded in the Alien's face, so it worked for the better.

Lizard 04-03-2005 09:30 PM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Mar 4 2005, 11:12 PM
I had one run onto a grenade, a Alien horse lookin thingy closed in to kill him, next round he moved ran far away, and the grenade exploded in the Alien's face, so it worked for the better.
You had luck.Once my captain gone berseker and with three well aimed shots killed my squadies that stand before him and one civiliand.Then he get himself promptly killed by a chrysalid... :ranting:

Privateer 04-03-2005 11:38 PM

Question for those who know the ins and out of this game.

All things considered, is it profitable to manufacture things for sale? I have this master plan to run a fairly long game without taking over the Mars base, and I want to ensure myself an abundance of cash by building bases dedicated heavily to manufacture (specificly Laser Cannons, as they seem to pay the msot and not need Elerium). So, would it be possible to make money this way and not have to depend on pesky handouts from nations that start moaning the moment you let anything fly over them without frying said 'anything' thoroughly into one big crash-and-burn?

xcom freak 04-03-2005 11:54 PM

I used this tactic to get me some extra money but never to totaly rely on it .
I dont advise it coz if u build more bases and more workshops and have more engineers ur maintenance costs will go sky high.
If u need cash just sell ur heavy plasmas i always had 10 unused hanging around and they bring a LOT of money.

Jman4117 05-03-2005 12:13 AM

For raising funds, I'd advise building a strike base near an existing alien base. Attack the supply ships that land and "raid" the base for kills and loot (don't destroy, repeatedly assault). It gets you money and uber soldiers in a hurry, not to mention a massive score. :P

xcom freak 05-03-2005 01:10 AM

Never thought of that !!

and i have the nickname!!!
But if u dont destroy the base u lose funding of the country the base is in,

Jman4117 05-03-2005 01:44 AM


Originally posted by xcom freak@Mar 5 2005, 02:10 AM
Never thought of that !!

and i have the nickname!!!
But if u dont destroy the base u lose funding of the country the base is in,

not if you have a higher score than you enemy. :D

another_guest 05-03-2005 07:17 AM

Even if you make money through manufacture, you'll still be at the mercy of all the nations: if they all convert to the aliens' side, it's game over, no matter how rich you are.
As an additional way to make money, it might work, but not as your main objective.

PrejudiceSucks 05-03-2005 08:45 AM


QUOTE (xcom freak @ Mar 5 2005, 02:10 AM)
Never thought of that !!

and i have the nickname!!!
But if u dont destroy the base u lose funding of the country the base is in,*

not if you have a higher score than you enemy.*

Actually, your plan is very dangerous. You may well confuse the Supply Ships for Infiltration ships (I think they are both large) and then you do lose the country.

Once a country has been infiltrated, it is impossible to get back (I think, I have never got one back)

Manufacture is a very good way to make money, as if you have 2 workshops full of Mechanics (I think they are called that) and you make Craft Laser Cannons all month you can actually make 4 million dollars.

That plus selling alien equipment = :D

On other notes, woohoo I got 500th posting :cheers: also 600th!

Sharp 05-03-2005 10:52 AM

I usually manufacture Heavy Plasma rifles because they sell for loads and only need all the excess alien alloys you get. I think blaster launchers sell for more but they take longer to make.

And get a hyperwave decoder as soon as possible. That will detect any aliens in its range and you can find data on the the UFO such as the race in it, the mission it is doing (i.e on a supply run or an infiltration or a terror etc....)

Supply ships are the best to kill as they are lightly armed so interceptors can attack them (one plasma beam is good enough) and there are not that many aliens in there.

By the way Jman nice tip on the alien base, ive got one alien base in the antartic so I dont lose much funding :bleh: and there are regular supply ships as well.

The only downside is that my interceptor base is regularly attacked. But i turn my frown upside down :D . My strike base has the best defence against an alien assualt. Nice plasma and fusion ball launcher, grav shield, that takes out most ships, and also my access lift only has two exits, one to the hangers and the other to living quarters.

Aliens only come in through hangars and living quarters so a few well placed proxy grenades and a few hovertanks and a small well equipped security team easily take the alien force with minimal losses (mainly tanks) and lots of dead aliens which leave behind supplies which are more then useful for keeping the base well equipped.

Sharp 05-03-2005 10:53 AM



Aliens only come in through hangars and living quarters
Meant access lift there instead of living quarters.

Geordy 05-03-2005 03:24 PM

I play the windows version of XCOM 1 brought to me by Abandonia ;) and everything runs smoothly.

But there is one little annoying thing: the FX are much louder than the music. Especially the confirmation sound of buttons is extremely out of place. Simply lowering the volume doesnt help because by doing so the music will no longer be audible - and thats a shame!

Is there a chance to correct this?

Jman4117 05-03-2005 07:23 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 5 2005, 09:45 AM

QUOTE (xcom freak @ Mar 5 2005, 02:10 AM)
Never thought of that !!

and i have the nickname!!!
But if u dont destroy the base u lose funding of the country the base is in,*

not if you have a higher score than you enemy.*

Actually, your plan is very dangerous. You may well confuse the Supply Ships for Infiltration ships (I think they are both large) and then you do lose the country.

Once a country has been infiltrated, it is impossible to get back (I think, I have never got one back)

Manufacture is a very good way to make money, as if you have 2 workshops full of Mechanics (I think they are called that) and you make Craft Laser Cannons all month you can actually make 4 million dollars.

That plus selling alien equipment = :D

On other notes, woohoo I got 400th posting :cheers: also 500th :cheers:

If there are infiltration ships, they wouldn't land at a base, and if you have the hyperwave decoder (generally first month research) you should be able to determine mission.

PrejudiceSucks 05-03-2005 07:59 PM

True as that may be, sometimes it is hard to get a technician in the first couple of months, at least a live one.

Although I got one last time on the first terror mission because of tasers.

Hyperwave decoders are pretty handy indeed, but sometimes even then it is quite hard to get all of the info you need out of them, especially where they are going (I think, I might be wrong)

And for all of you, beginners or not, try XcomUtil, you can make it easier or harder for your self :ok:

Tip for the day = take tasers to every mission, however pointless it may seem. If you want to get psi powers, taser a Crysallid (if possible) and you will get them in no time.

ImpNemo 05-03-2005 09:21 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 5 2005, 08:59 PM
True as that may be, sometimes it is hard to get a technician in the first couple of months, at least a live one. ~need a navigator for hyperwave, easy enough to grab~

Although I got one last time on the first terror mission because of tasers.

Hyperwave decoders are pretty handy indeed, but sometimes even then it is quite hard to get all of the info you need out of them, especially where they are going (I think, I might be wrong) ~info includes destination zone, type of ship, race, mission etc etc~

And for all of you, beginners or not, try XcomUtil, you can make it easier or harder for your self :ok:

Tip for the day = take tasers to every mission, however pointless it may seem. If you want to get psi powers, taser a Crysallid (if possible) and you will get them in no time. ~crys = shoot on sight :rifle: with HE weapons if possible, look for Sectoid leaders (you can get these in first month or two easily, just make sure youve already built alien containment :ranting: ) or any etherial~


another_guest 05-03-2005 09:53 PM

Something that I think happened to me several times, was that I got the message "alien dies because of no containment", even if I had several alien containment facilities at that base.
Also, when I tried dismantling such a facility, while I had no live aliens anymore (all had been researched), I got the message it was still in use.
I'm not completely certain about this, but it would be interesting to check whether that could actually happen, as obviously it's mightily annoying to return from an alien base and still lose all stunned aliens.

BeefontheBone 05-03-2005 10:42 PM


Originally posted by Geordy@Mar 5 2005, 04:24 PM
I play the windows version of XCOM 1 brought to me by Abandonia ;) and everything runs smoothly.

But there is one little annoying thing: the FX are much louder than the music. Especially the confirmation sound of buttons is extremely out of place. Simply lowering the volume doesnt help because by doing so the music will no longer be audible - and thats a shame!

Is there a chance to correct this?

Try the + and - keys for the music volume - they certainly had that feature in TFTD. I've not got UFO running yet, my TFT monitor doesn't like it :(

Sharp 05-03-2005 10:53 PM

Capturing a chyrsalid gives you psi powers????

Do you mean it allows you to research the psi thingy to get psi-labs or it just improves your psi-stregnth or something????

What you want is to capture a sectoid engineer to get the hyperwave decoder and you can get that in the first few missions with a few well placed stuns. Much easier once you have the mind probe to see who is the engineer.

However the hardest part of the hyperwave decoder is affording it. I think it costs over 1mill which is a pretty steep figure early on.

If you want psi research youll want a sectoid leader/normal etheral.

Sectoid leaders can normally be found in downed Abductor UFO's in the top floor. They will either mind control or panic your troops so give your lowest bravery troops stun launchers/rods, mind probes or lots of medical kits.

In the downed abductor ships you can also get the whole range of sectoids there (except for commander). Which is usefull if you have a lot of stun launchers.

As for the alien containment thingy, ive never had that and I only had one facility. Try selling corpses mabye, but i dont think that will do anything.

PrejudiceSucks 06-03-2005 08:48 AM

Yeah, capturing any Terrorist live will bag you Psi powers, so just capture anything you can (I usually assign 3 people in power suits with tasers to do this - to do this they need hugely high bravery and psi resistance, though) at a terror site apart from floaters/reavers.

Not to say you shouldn't capture floaters, though. I got a live technician on the first turn of a terror mission, and just ran away (I had no armour/tanks at the time) by hopping out of my Skyranger and stunning the first thing I saw, which excellently turned out to be a floater technician... :w00t:

So the moral is - blind luck will often win when tactics will not :D

Oh, when you have a hyperwave decoder, fly a skyranger over the area which the ships seem to be coming from. This is amazingly important, as it reveals an alien base, which can then be assaulted whenever it seems useful.

And for the love of whipped cream, don't attack muton ships until you have craploads of armour and good weapons/tasers. Laser tanks are good if you have any, but the best type would be a tank with a fusion launcher.

So remember kids, tasers are very, very useful, especially on small type ships. And if you feel a fool because you blocked a door you want to get into with a proximity grenade, then throw a norma grenade at it to get rid of it. Then storm it with crack troops with tasers, with a sniper with a laser rifle outside of the door, with high reactions and shooting skill. Remember that soldiers never reaction fire with grenades (although this is very useful) but remember that soldiers do react with HE ammo, so be very careful about that kind of thing.

The new version of XcomUtil is great, as it makes HE powerful enough to open holes in UFO roofs and blow through walls, which is how it should be.

X-Com tip of the day : Research Mind Probes ASAP, so that you can identify aliens and their rank and decide whether to kill or capture them.

PrejudiceSucks 06-03-2005 08:55 AM


Originally posted by ImpNemo+Mar 5 2005, 10:21 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (ImpNemo @ Mar 5 2005, 10:21 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-PrejudiceSucks@Mar 5 2005, 08:59 PM
True as that may be, sometimes it is hard to get a technician in the first couple of months, at least a live one. ~need a navigator for hyperwave, easy enough to grab~

Although I got one last time on the first terror mission because of tasers.

Hyperwave decoders are pretty handy indeed, but sometimes even then it is quite hard to get all of the info you need out of them, especially where they are going (I think, I might be wrong) ~info includes destination zone, type of ship, race, mission etc etc~

And for all of you, beginners or not, try XcomUtil, you can make it easier or harder for your self* :ok:

Tip for the day = take tasers to every mission, however pointless it may seem. If you want to get psi powers, taser a Crysallid (if possible) and you will get them in no time. ~crys = shoot on sight :rifle: with HE weapons if possible, look for Sectoid leaders (you can get these in first month or two easily, just make sure youve already built alien containment :ranting: ) or any etherial~

^^ [/b][/quote]
You, sir are a fool. Crysallids should be, under no circumstances be shot with HE weapons. As I previously stated, you are wasting ammo. HE is awful against Crysallids. :wall:

To be honest Crysallids are easy to take down with tasers by anyone with armour. Surround them with tanks (no really) but don't shoot, then move a couple of guys to taser it. If one get turned into a zombie, kill it and the other crysallid with tanks before making the capture. You could try stun launchers, but Crysallids have quite a lot of health, I use small launchers on Sectoids, who have weedy amounts of health.

And it's technicians, not navigators who give you Hyperwave Detectors. Navigators give you UFO information, not Hyperwave Detectors.

Unlucky mate, but you are wrong.

Sharp 06-03-2005 09:05 AM

Erm you might be wrong about those psi-power thingys. Unless there is some bug in your game because I just wnet out zapped a few chrysalids here a snakeman there, pretty much stunned all the aliens in the map and only lost two guys,

Researched everything...... and nothing, nada nope. No Psi-Powers there. :not_ok:

However stunning everyone on the top floor in an Abuductor UFO i managed to find a sectoid leader which allowed me to get psi-powers as well as research the martian solution. :ok:

Also if you blocked a door with a proxy grenade, dont fret. Simply take either a rocket launcher or a bomb and simply make a new door, Works great against aliens all sights on one door and then they get blown up from behind.

Now reading back I see many people dont like building a lot of flying suits. I understand why as they are not only expensive in elerium they are annoying to move into the proper position and when in mid-air you dont get a lot of cover.

However there are plus points in being in the air. When equipped with a rocket launcher or any other high explosive when you fire from the air if you miss you usually hit the ground near the alien instead of a rocket swooshing by the alien and exploding far off into the distance.

Also in Base Attacks flying suits rule as there are loads of little places where you can use your suit to fly up and sneak up behind enemies. Especially usefull in hit and run tactics I use in bases now (Thanx Jman) to just sneak in and stun a few aliens, steal thier weapons and escape. I usually leave one alien alive so the base is still there for the next assault.

Flying suits are especially good in snakeman bases as chrysalids roam round the corridors and if your flying your quite safe while you can proceed to blow them up or stun em.

So whenever I assualt a base i give most of my troops flying armour but in normal missions I just give a few flying armour.

Hower if you know there is going to be a chrysalid in a terrorist attack then everyone gets flying armour just to be on the safe side.

PrejudiceSucks 06-03-2005 09:40 AM

Hmm... that's odd... I thought all types of Terrorist gave you psi powers.

Well, I was wrong... sorry all.

This might seem like cheating, but I use XcomUtil, and just disable psi powers.

This is because to begin with it makes the game extremely difficult, and near the end it makes the game very easy, so I just disabled them. The thing about flying is that whilst it is good against melee aliens, when the aliens all start to get heavy plasmas, Power Armour is a better bet, as you can hide behind all of the obstacles in the game.

Oh and when you are inside a UFO, try not to use grenades/HE (especially in small UFOs as you can easily accidently blow out the Navigation/Power sources), due to the large risk of dying and blowing up the rest of your comrades. No really, it might seem obvious, but it is easy enough to do by reaction, and once you prime a grenade you should really throw it , before something extremely bad happens. (Crysallid turning soldiers into zombies etc, as if you drop a grenade, you have 2 of them to take on)

Sharp 06-03-2005 03:54 PM

Er prejeduce you might be a little bit wrong about the HE thing.


UFOpeadia, Alien Life Forms, Chryssalid Autopsy
The exo-skeleton of this creature is extremly tough, but suprisingly vulnerable to Explosive Ammunition.

So er HE does sorta work well against them. Incedinary works best against the reapers (although they never get close enough for that). You want to take on chrysallids, then pack grenades, HE rounds, and lotsa rockets.

Also not a good idea tasering them either. Running to a chrsalid and finding that you dont have enough TU's to stun it or the stun simply doesnt work, you find yourself in a lot of trouble and one soldier less. A much more effective way is blasting it sky-high with a rocket or simply using a combination of stun bombs and conventional fire.

If you are facing a Chrsalid you should use lots of weapons just incase. Prime a grenade and throw it at the chrsalid and then start shooting. It is very unlucky if all your troops miss or only get grazing shots.

Although the most fun way to deal with chyrsalids (not advisable to do in terror missions) is simply hover above them with a laser pistol and annoying them.

Ooh and btw, dont sell all your laser weapons. Once you get etherals doing terror missions they bring along your friendly playful sectapods who are beasts to kill and are almost immune to plasma attacks, however laser weapons work quite well.

ImpNemo 06-03-2005 05:58 PM

Foolish me doesnt lose people to crys because I read the autopsies. Crys also have something like 120 TU, messy trying to catch one for a taser, try a small launcher. Crys are hand to hand so flying works wonders too.

Sharp and I use pretty much the same tactics for them and bases, but I just use a full set of flying, dont waste elerium on power suits that way. As it is I dont have problems with elerium because I rely heavily on finding weapons and ammo off the bodies of the fallen foes from afar. Current game I have nearly 700-800 units or so scattered between my bases. (late game)

The creature you capture and research has to have psi powers to learn them from it aka sectoid leaders commanders? ( i assume so, but Ive always had psi before I capture commanders) and etherials.

And it should have read that you can also use navigators as well as technicians, either gives the HD. Doubt it? Boot a game up and try it. Like Ive said before I run the windows version and it MAY have changed from the DOS version (cant tell if I cant play it) But I find Navis in the small scouts and such early on camping the door, so i stack on the door equip a taser to my high reactions TU guy AFTER poking in and out to see how many are hiding in there and try to rushem and takem down (if theres only one left, ie toss nades in corners and hope you guess which one is navi correctly and try to not get him in the blast, open the door auto shot and back out untill theres only one left hard to do early because of lack of armor though >_<) Because the smaller craft are only a few tiles wide so even early on my guy has enough TU for two maaaaaaybe three shots depending on where the badie is.

O, and sectopods are teh devil. I walked out not expecting them on a terror mission once four of them were camping the door.... it hurt.... laser tanks = good. :sneaky:

Jman4117 06-03-2005 07:12 PM


Ooh and btw, dont sell all your laser weapons. Once you get etherals doing terror missions they bring along your friendly playful sectapods who are beasts to kill and are almost immune to plasma attacks, however laser weapons work quite well.
Oh yes....about 70% damage from plasma, 150% damage from laser.... :max:

And even if something has a modifier to negate HE, it is likely very effective since it is dealt against the unit's "under" armour, which is generally the weakest.

PrejudiceSucks 06-03-2005 07:47 PM

Nononono did any of you read what I said?

To get one with a taser, surround it with tanks. At this point, send 2/3 soldiers to stun it. That way, it is quite easy to get. If it breaks lose, blow it to pieces (hopefully with Laser tanks)

And you do realise that Plasma with 70% damage kicks 150% Laser Rifle behind and hands it back on a silver platter?

Jman4117 06-03-2005 09:05 PM

Laser Rifle: 60avg (7 shots per turn)
Heavy Laser: 85avg (2 shots per turn)
Heavy Plasma: 115avg (7 shots with no movement whatsoever)


Taking into account the massive armour on a Sectopod (142 front, and around 90 rear), the Heavy plasma doesn't even do damage most hits, with the Laser rifle being slightly better (10 more beyond armour). The Heavy laser actually has a use here. Shoot it in the back from a distance with a sniper and possibly oneshot it. :bye:

My-Q 07-03-2005 03:35 AM

Well, i don't know whether i'm wasting elerium or not, but i seemed to have endless supply of elerium whenever i play this game. So, i'll always go with the best equipment there is.. I only care about elerium early on in the game when you get only about 50 of them.. but once you have the larger UFOs coming, then there should be no problem about elerium.

As for the psi amps, i rarely (almost never) use it for panic attacks.. i'd rather MC them, and let those aliens "throw" their weapons, and use them as scouts.

And terrorist don't give out psi-lab/amps research. Any race (here it's just sectoids & ethereals) which have in their stats "psionic strength/skill" will give out psi reseach. In this case, sectoid leader/commander and ANY ethereal will do the trick.

Well, the first time all of us face ethereals in terror sites, i believe we all suffer lots of casualties from their psionic attacks :D

PrejudiceSucks 07-03-2005 12:05 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Mar 6 2005, 10:05 PM
Laser Rifle: 60avg (7 shots per turn)
Heavy Laser: 85avg (2 shots per turn)
Heavy Plasma: 115avg (7 shots with no movement whatsoever)


Taking into account the massive armour on a Sectopod (142 front, and around 90 rear), the Heavy plasma doesn't even do damage most hits, with the Laser rifle being slightly better (10 more beyond armour). The Heavy laser actually has a use here. Shoot it in the back from a distance with a sniper and possibly oneshot it. :bye:

Hmmm... while you do make quite a good point, you miss out on the fact that if there are going to be sectopoids then there are gonna be aliens that will probably kill you if you somehow manage to get behind it on the tiny maps.

I suppose that flying suits would help, but they will leave you horribly exposed if you try and fly behind a sectopoid. The aliens using it will probably have heavy plasmas and you will be getting shot in the back by them, and trust me, that is very, very bad.

So snipers are not the best plan with sectopods, the best idea is to stun launcher it. Whilst I would usually go for my Taser and Pray tactics, those things are a bitch in combat. A stun launcher would probably do the trick, and if it misses, on a terror mission it will probably sort out a few aliens that will inevitably surround it.

Just hope you don't hit any civilians with it.

X-Com tip for the day : Rookies can be used as effective 'bullet shields' by commanders etc. once given power suits. Captains or whatever can throw hand grenades from behind the rookies and still get a kill pretty much all the time. Plus a rookie with a laser pistol can always finish the job.

Sharp 07-03-2005 06:19 PM

Sorry to find faults in your post again Prej, but its not always the best idea to send rookies as bullet shields for commanders.

It can work well but when your rookie gets mind-controlled/beserk its not hard to miss a target right next to you. Therefore later on in the game when i lost a few elite members i simply get rookies only using mind-probes and stun launchers. (laser pistol in belt just incase) until they get a bit of exp under thier belt.

Although rookies are less likely to go beserk when a Officer is nearby they may still get Mind-Controlled and shoot your team.

Oh and an absolutely great tactic for stunning aliens in a UFO, especially a small one is to simply chuck in a few smoke grenades and camp near the door. Also whats really great is if you get a unit who is amazingly fast, give him a power/flying suit and a stun rod and stun the aliens one-by-one as the smoke grenade gives you cover from thier attacks, (helps to chuck in about 3 and wait a turn first) but you have to try and guess where the aliens are as they are in slight cover also (i think).

And the heavy laser rifle is actually still really really useful later in the game if you manage to train a unit to be an excellent sniper, the heavy lasers power actually beats the plasma but does not have auto-fire although both have the same accuracy and same TU cost and similar damage with the laser narrowly beating the heavy plasma. However the laser negates its disadvantages by requiring no ammo, which means no reloads and you can take a shot whenever you want.

A sniper in a power suit makes a great unit, especially in terror attacks as you just put him on a high building and take pot-shots at any enemy. However you can also use a heavy plasma rifle just as equally as you usually get loads of em along with clips. Once I had a dude shoot through 2 windows and hit a snakeman on the other side with a plasma rifle, the snakeman was about to decimate two troopers who both missed (yeh they almost deserved to die). But it was just a nice aimed shot, missed two civillians as well who were one hex away from the aimed shot.

He's now my favourite sniper. Picks off targets he cant even see. Not only that when theres a fence or something blocking the way he simply shoots it so my other team-members can pass without wasting ammo.

My all-time favourite HWP is the Plasma HoverTank. You dont need to buy ammo for it as it automatically reloads 255 ammo everytime and its got great movement. Fusion Tank is good as well but not enough ammo for the big battles.

Now heres a great tip. Ever been stuck in that situation where one of your team-members misses an alien and doesnt have enough time units to move away properly or they are blocking the door/window so none of your other teammates can shoot or fire through to the alien?? Well there are two simple tactics, one is to try and throw a grenade over the team-mate (never tried so dont know if it works), all you do is what you do to units near chyrsalids...... stun em, stun em real gooood. All they do is fall down and you can either simply move and fire at the alien or just wait another turn in a safer position until you get more TU's. And if you need your unconcious person back into the battle just stim em back to full health.

I always keep around 6 stun rods to the strongest people in my team so there is never a case where an alien kills a person in a bad position or has to kill a mind-controlled team-mate/beserked or paniked.

Also My-Q, I hardly ever use psi-amps for Mind-Controlling, its far easier to make em panic and when they panic they can drop thier weapons. Also if you stun a mind-controlled unit then you wont get it at the end of a mission so it is easier to panic them and then stun-em.

But now as a final tip. Always have one unit in the team with a demo charge at least. They come in usefull everywhere, whether it be blowing up walls or blowing up aliens. Its so fun dropping a demo charge through the hole of a UFO Roof. (Note you might have to use a demo-charge to make a hole in the roof in the first place).

Grenades work well through holes as they are lighter and can be chucked further but a demo-charge just has that nice feeling of, mmmm overkill........

Sharp 07-03-2005 06:35 PM

Also Prejeduce, when you block a chyrs with tanks im sure the tanks get damaged as well. But also its far easier to use a stun bomb through the tanks which wont affect the tanks but will stun the chrys.

Lizard 07-03-2005 06:53 PM

The tank is going to be VERY damaged when attacked by chrysalids.It destroyed me plasma hover tank just in one turn.I couldnt believed my eyes :blink:
So block chrysalids with tanks isnt such a good idea... :rolleyes:
to sharp:Excellent idea,that with stunning your troops that would be killed by aliens next turn.I am going to use it in Terror from the deep :D .Congratulations :ok:

PrejudiceSucks 07-03-2005 07:13 PM

All of you should read my earlier posts - I use XcomUtil and turn the Psi powers off.

To start with the game is just too hard and by the end it is piss easy to just Psi everything and win. Hence it goes off.

Also, XcomUtil makes tanks better, so Laser tanks = good armour + TUs.

If that makes me a noob then whatever, but I think it improves the game quite a bit.

The stunning thing might look useful, but if you really want to do that you need added security to wake people up and keep them alive.

By this I mean 2 med-kits.

And I have to say that whilst making holes in the roof of UFOs and throwing in HE packs might seem good, but you'll be kicking yourself when you take out all of the Power Sources/UFO Navigation + kill anyone useful.

Smoke grenades can work, and I like the idea about flying suits + taser.

Mmmm hit + run... :w00t:

Eagle of Fire 07-03-2005 07:49 PM

Yeah, that's called cheating by my book... Not something I would do... :blink:

another_guest 07-03-2005 10:24 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 7 2005, 08:13 PM
And I have to say that whilst making holes in the roof of UFOs and throwing in HE packs might seem good, but you'll be kicking yourself when you take out all of the Power Sources/UFO Navigation + kill anyone useful.
It's one of my favourite tactics for the smaller ufo's (size 9, in whatever these were measured). If there's a 3 by 3 squares hole in the roof, in most cases the power source was gone long before you arrived at the site anyway. And a little later in the game, ufo's of that size don't carry anyone important enough to keep alive.

And speaking of cheating: half a year ago, I decided to replay UFO. But since I didn't have enough time for a normal campaign, I speeded things up by boosting my soldiers. I must admit I've never enjoyed invading alien bases that much :D
Mind you, I wouldn't do this if I'd never played the game before, I always want to see whether I can beat the game honestly.
But it was fun... only 3 casualties in the whole game :sneaky:

Havell 07-03-2005 10:34 PM

LOL I boosted my soldier once is was fun. I liked watching my men taking 3 direct hits from blaster bombs and then staying in hospital for about 200 days :D

Sharp 08-03-2005 05:03 PM

Er one thing to be careful with the stunning thing, stunnig and being unconcious are pretty much the same thing i think, one of my soldiers had a primed grenade ready to blow up alien scum but he just ran out ot TU's (my fault, really wasnt thinking straight).

Anyway 3 dam sectoids take pot shots at him (in an Abducotor UFO which had the whole of the NW wall gone). Luckily he only was knocked unconcious, however the grenade went off.

The body actually disapperaed although i could actually find the guns (they seemed to fly off onto 3 hexes away).

End of the mission it came up as no losses on soldiers but he simply disapperad. Not even an MIA. (Also one really big bug in the game, Mind Controlled units at the end of a mission are lost wheter your mind-controlling or being mind-controlled.)

Also, when using democharges against UFO's, i like to do it against the big ones as they dont have power sources on the top floor, dont use it on aliens you havent discovered yet or anything as it can easily kill leaders and other good units.

elrafaargentino 08-03-2005 05:50 PM

I love this game. I really love this game. Its amazing.

axident 08-03-2005 10:08 PM

Hi folks, I'm back playing UFO, but the Abandonia version doesn't work for me because it has no savegame slots. I think someone said you can get it to work by creating the ten saveslots like "GAME_1" through "GAME_10" as subdirectories to the main XCOM directory.

Anyway, I have one thing that bugs me: I don't know how to open doors without actually moving INTO the room!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone have suggestions?

There is an okay Strategy guide at:

My two cents:
1. BUILD STRATEGY: Since bases take forever to build up, I expand ASAP. It's top priority, before anything else; you can't afford to let many UFOs slip past you and infiltrate countries to knock out your funding. Usually I start in Europe (and build like 4 large radars to increase my UFO detection rate to 20% plus alien containment just in case I get lucky with stun rods) and start another base in USA in the first month. The next month, China and Africa, then Australia and Brazil in the third month. Get to 50 scientists and engineers while you wait to build more workshop and lab space. In your first base, 4 living quarters, 100 sci and 70 engineers is about right (they need 30 workshop space to build firestorms, and the last 30 living quarter spaces go towards soldiers and the massive amounts of them you’ll be buying later, like buying 20 and sacking 18 of them and keeping the two good ones).
2. MONEY: get heavy laser, then laser cannon so you can have your engineers make and sell the very profitable laser cannons that don’t require any special materials to build. Never worry too much about money because any decently large UFO will net you a few million bucks after you sell off equipment. Remember to eject ammo clips at the penultimate round of combat, because any clip with less than full ammo that’s still in a weapon by the end of combat disappears. Meanwhile, even a clip with one shot in it, if it’s out of a weapon, counts as “full.” This only applies to plasma weapons, I think. It’s a stupid rule, but I didn’t make the game.
3. Your headquarters (HQ) should have the skyranger and one or two interceptors; the other bases should ONLY have interceptors, storage (for elerium fuel for your firestorms, and missiles if you still use them), and a few workshops and living quarters to make laser cannons. Don’t bother to build defenses until much later on when you're rolling in dough; if you have a couple of plasma-equipped firestorms at each base, and have them double-team battleships, the battleships can’t even reach their targets.
4. SOLDIER HIRING: You only need a max of 10 soldiers in the beginning. Having more than 10 in any base with more than 1 psi lab sucks, too, because they refuse to change psi labs… so if you have 11 soldiers and 2 labs, then sack the bad-psi ones, you’re stuck with two psi labs in all likelihood because some of the good-psi soldiers are in one lab and some are in the other. Once you have enough money, hire another 10 soldiers in your second base, and another 10 in your third base. More than 10 soldiers is optional, because a skyranger can reach any point on the planet, and you usually won’t have to make it fly back-to-back missions. Plus UFO crash sites usually last at least a couple of days.
5. SOLDIER STRATEGY: Always try to keep your BEST soldiers alive; I'd much rather have one crack team of 4 supersoldiers than loads of cannon fodder. Losing a bad soldier is no big deal, but I’d still rather sack them than have them giving me negative scores for dying. Fire the ones that have low bravery to begin with. Fire the ones that panic/get mind-controlled.. you'll find out when you go against psi-attacking aliens. (Meanwhile, when they snap out of it, tell them to toss all of their weapons down and run back to the Skyranger and stay there till your more psi-resistant soldiers finish the mission. Then fire the psi-weaklings after the mission.) STUN Sectoid leaders/commanders or any Ethereals and research them ASAP to get psi-lab. Once you get a psi-lab up and running and lots of cash (probably from arms sales where you tell your engineers to make and sell as many laser cannons as you can--laser cannons are VERY profitable), order tons of soldiers and fire all but the very best, then wait a while till you find out their psi scores and fire the psi-weaklings.
6. BATTLE STRATEGY: I like soldiers getting inflated Reactions scores, so try to close in on the UFO door ASAP. Then have a few soldiers watch your back while some of your soldiers kneel down on either side of a UFO door. Don’t just have your soldiers right up at the door. Make sure that they are positioned such that if an alien exits, he has to turn a FULL 90 degrees just to see your soldier. That usually means he gets pasted before he can do anything. Sometimes aliens refuse to come out, even after you click “next turn” 20 times in a row. Then have a rookie open the door and take one (or more shots) for the team, then walk in with your less-expendable soldiers guns blazing and hope for the best. Else you can use explosives to throw down holes in the UFO, or make your own “door” with a blaster launcher. Note that kneeling increases accuracy by something like 10-20% and not having something in your other hand when you are using a two-handed (i.e., non-pistol) weapon allows you to fire at full accuracy. I never walk my soldiers around with rifles + something in hand if I can help it.
7. RESEARCH: I research in this order: laser weapons, laser pistol (make and use a couple of these while you're waiting for laser rifles to get researched), laser rifle, heavy laser, laser cannon (to get the all-important, profitable laser cannon tech to make your workshops into profit centers), heavy plasma, plasma cannon. Things vary from there:
8. PSI: From there, if I have a captive ethereal or sectoid leader/commander, I try to research psi-stuff ASAP. Getting a psi lab in place means that you’ll have a much easier time identifying the good-psi soldiers and sacking the deadweight. Since I almost never research Small launcher + Stun bomb as a high priority, usually I end up chasing after a Sectoid leader with a stun rod or something. =)
9. FIRESTORMS: If I can't, I research alien navigator to get Hyperwave (just get one hyperwave in each base and sell off all the radars), then alloy + alien elerium-115 + ufo power source + ufo navigation to get UFO-building tech. To get Hyperwave, STUN at least one navigator of any race and research it. Use Mind Probe to conserve your Stun Launcher shots, or if you're a cheapskate like me, use stun rods on panicked engineers/navigators, or on one that got too close to the other side of a door so you open it and zap them before they can shoot you.
10. After getting both PSI and Firestorms (the latter to blow up battleships, since only one or two or MAYBE three of your bases have any soldiers in them at all, and none of your bases have any defenses or shields), get alloy + personal armor + power suit + flying suit and build flying suits for your troops to make them stun- and smoke-resistant. The armor doesn’t help so much, a head shot to any of your soldiers is a lethal head shot, regardless of how much armor they are packing.
11. BUFFING UP SOLDIERS FOR THE FINAL ATTACK: Just play lots of missions and they “learn by doing.” Want more strength? Get Medi-Kit tech and load up the skyranger with tons of them; soldiers will pack up to five apiece (three in each backpack, 2 in each belt) and the weight will slow them down for a few missions before they get buff from having to lug around so much weight all of the time. Kneel on either side of UFO doors to increase reaction and accuracy. Sack psi-weaklings. There’s not much you can do to improve psi strength or bravery (at least for bravery it’s possible to increase, but very difficult to do in practice), so just don’t hire those soldiers in the first place and sack them ASAP so they won’t go berserk on you and shoot up your good soldiers.
12. A NOTE ON BIG UFOS: You can't really take the Very Large ships or the big supply ships with interceptors at first (maybe if you gang up with three or four, but even then it's a pain). So just see where they land and assault the UFO on the ground, instead. (You may have to take them on at night before they fly off, that's the bad part. Generally, never fight at night if you can cycle through another 12 hours and land during daytime. Electroflares do work, but it's a pain to have to keep throwing them around, which eats up real-life time even if it doesn't eat up game time.) Some big or small UFOs are sometimes on Infiltration missions, you must stop them by killing them or assaulting them on the ground, unless you want to lose an entire country's funding source. This is why Hyperwave is so important; regular radar misses too many infiltration UFOs unless you have like 6 per base which is too expensive.
13. ALIEN BASES: You need to let the aliens have at least one base to get the Commander to beat the game, but generally don't let them have any. Check the UFO Activity graphs and if you see a big spike, send a skyranger to that area and fly to a few spots, patrolling for a few hours per spot. Its onboard radar can detect nearby alien bases.

P.S. One last thing: Psi-amps are hard to use; you basically never want an alien to kill another alien, not when your soldiers can get experience for shooting aliens. So I don't really care for them. Same thing with grenades; every soldier has pretty good throwing accuracy, even rookies, so I want to get a kill by shooting, not a kill by throwing, if possible.

Parkingtigers 09-03-2005 12:29 AM

What a smashing game this is, it's great to be back at it. I originally owned it as X-COM on the Playstation. Had to sell the PS when I moved away, so this game never got the attention it deserved at the time.

I hunted around yesterday, and eventually found the Dos version of the game so I could play it in Dosbox. Why would I want to do that you ask? Well, the Windows version is no good to me. It plays fullscreen and on a 19" monitor the graphics are too pixellated to be even thought about. Worse, is that my monitor is a pile of dog's arse and is just too damn dark. In Windows, I can crank up the gamma, but in the game those settings don't apply. So you know how dark things are in night missions? Imagine it being like that during day missions then ... or not knowing if the UFO you are chasing is over water or land ... oy! In Dosbox, I can run it windowed which means the gamma boost works and I can see what I am doing. Woo yay! A bit small, but it is all good. An added bonus is that the speed is correct too. Alright, so I would rather just have a Windows fullscreen copy with bright and non-pixellated graphics but that isn't going to happen. Anyone with a dark monitor like me is highly advised to go the route that I did.

I'm bidding on a copy of X-COM on eBay at the moment for Playstation. I figure that I might as well give my PS2 something to other than GTA: San Andreas. I guess that I recognise that a game like this takes a few hours of your life at a time, and I'd rather get cosy on the sofa rather than sitting in the back room staring at small window on a massive monitor. All that would be missing is the beer, which thankfully won't be a problem. Are there any fundamental flaws that would make X-COM on the PS not worth getting? I found an interview online with one of the developers that said they fixed the level difficulty flaw, and obviously there are the added FMV scenes which are nice. The only downside I can see is the price, there is already a copy going for up to ?22 so that shows how much people want this game. (Like I need to explain its appeal to anyone here!)

I'm certainly a novice when it comes to playing this game, I'm currently pootling along on "beginner" and seeing how it goes. I do remember getting my arse kicked several times over way back when. There's been a lot of good advice on this thread, and I'll certainly be using it in action. I'll stop there, as I only have time for another 4 hours' gaming before bedtime. Eat hot lead alien scum!

Jman4117 09-03-2005 01:12 AM


Anyway, I have one thing that bugs me: I don't know how to open doors without actually moving INTO the room!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone have suggestions?
Can't do it in the first game. You can do it in the 2nd by right clicking behind the door. I've heard it is possible on the PS version, but I don't have a PS to verfy it.

Guest 09-03-2005 03:35 AM

ive never heard of being able to open doors without actually walking through them, thats why i always have atleast 4 people per door when entering a UFO

Mr. Barman 09-03-2005 03:38 AM

woops, forgot to login :whistle:

xcom freak 09-03-2005 04:35 AM

Does the Ps version differ a lot from the Pc's???

My-Q 09-03-2005 08:42 AM

Well, I always liked using the MC function to make the alien work as scout. I never use the alien puppet to kill other aliens, since the point is.. why improve something you'd kill afterwards? :D
I like grouping the puppets in one corner, and blow 'em up to smithereens in the next turn using the blaster.. the scream of pain is so loud LOL

And i don't think that bravery factor can be increased. The same thing applies with psionic strength, which can't improve.

Also, i never knew that holding something else in the other hand while one hand is holding a gun will affect the accuracy.. that's new.. i guess there's no telling that we know EVERYTHING about this game huh? :D

Sharp 09-03-2005 05:11 PM

Well actually when you use a pistol then you dont lost accuracy by only holding it in one hand. What would really be great to see is a person firing dual pistols though, that would be nice.

Well I think the bravery can be increased because its jumped by 20 on one of my soldiers, i dont know how it improved but i dont care as before it was a shoddy 30 and now its a respectable 50.

Also i dont like expanding to much. I hate micro-managing. I usually have mabye 4 or 5 bases, one on each continent.

The one in Europe and the one in America are the only ones with Skyrangers.

Also I only use psi-amps for paniking aliens, easier to do and makes them easy to stun.

For improving my soldiers though I just send around 8 at a time to the alien base in the antartic which i never fully destroy. Just kill a few aliens, try and snatch a few bodies and ammo if i can and then get the hell out. Whenever a soldier successfully hits an alien from a decent range their accuracy improves.

This is the best time to use aimed shots on aliens as your soldiers accuracy will soar by miles. In one mission a soldier gained 2 increase in shooting by hitting an alien which was quite far away. He already had a 66 accuracy but a nice aimed shot with a heavy laser decimated the muton and boosted him to 68.

By the way axident, whats your definition of crap soldiers?? I fire anyone below 30 bravery and thats about it. Between 29-50 they are fodder, no Heavy Weapons, last pick on armour and mainly using stun guns.
I dont bother firing for other stuff unless its all really bad.

However i have got a grenadier with 80 accuracy with grenades, he lobs em through windows and holes. Absolutley great when crouched and blows up an enemy on the otherside of the window. Can also throw through for miles as well, though that might be affected by str as well as he has over 50 str i think.

Eagle of Fire 09-03-2005 07:01 PM

I always fire those lower than 50 accuracy and with a low bravery. All the other stats can be trained easily, the 50 accuracy is only because I hate to have squaddies dying because they can't hit an elephant in blank range with auto fire... :not_ok:

Sharp 09-03-2005 07:20 PM

For me close range firing doesnt seem to improve accuracy that much. Ive got a commander whos got 20 kills and started with 60 acc but now has 62, all his kills were pretty much auto ones against a person right infront of him.

And then there is my sniper who increased 2 points after 1 kill with an aimed shot against a target he couldne see.

another_guest 09-03-2005 08:09 PM

How far soldiers can throw grenades, indeed depends on more than throwing accuracy: when I boosted my soldiers, they couldn't even throw to the adjacent square, very likely because their throwing accuracy was so high. Though I don't know how it works exactly.

Eagle of Fire 09-03-2005 08:14 PM

Throwing accuracy only matter to calculate if the grenade will land on the spot you asked for or not, and if not by how far. I beleive strenght is the stat you should look at if you want to be able to throw further.

Also, sometimes you can't throw further because there is something blocking your throw arc. For example you'll notice that you can't throw far in a house because the above floor will block your throw arc...

Kneeling when throwing can allow you to throw further or in a way you could not before. Such an example would be to throw a grenade in a window while kneeling. I never tryied such a tactic myself tough.

Jman4117 10-03-2005 03:54 AM


And i don't think that bravery factor can be increased.
Getting paniced a lot usually does it.


For me close range firing doesnt seem to improve accuracy that much. Ive got a commander whos got 20 kills and started with 60 acc but now has 62, all his kills were pretty much auto ones against a person right infront of him.
From my experience it is a random amount from 1-5 with it leaning toward the high side if you get a lot of hits on aliens. Laser pistols at point blank own at this.


How far soldiers can throw grenades, indeed depends on more than throwing accuracy: when I boosted my soldiers, they couldn't even throw to the adjacent square, very likely because their throwing accuracy was so high. Though I don't know how it works exactly.
Maybe you upped strength so much that a value looped back to negative?

axident 10-03-2005 04:06 AM


Originally posted by My-Q@Mar 9 2005, 09:42 AM
Well, I always liked using the MC function to make the alien work as scout. I never use the alien puppet to kill other aliens, since the point is.. why improve something you'd kill afterwards? :D
I like grouping the puppets in one corner, and blow 'em up to smithereens in the next turn using the blaster.. the scream of pain is so loud LOL

And i don't think that bravery factor can be increased. The same thing applies with psionic strength, which can't improve.

Also, i never knew that holding something else in the other hand while one hand is holding a gun will affect the accuracy.. that's new.. i guess there's no telling that we know EVERYTHING about this game huh? :D

I don't even like mind-controlling aliens to scout. Maybe to drop weapons (by using the "next soldier" inventory trick; click on inventory of a regular soldier and keep clicking next soldier while in the inventory screen) and run towards my guys who flatten them, but that's about it. The problem is that I don't want ANY aliens to die by anyone other than a living, breathing soldier. Sending them as scouts may mean that they die against other aliens.

That said, I do agree that MC is a lot of fun sometimes, esp. on the last mission when I don't care about improving soldier stats.

It IS possible to improve EVERY stat EXCEPT Psi Strength. I know of no way to increase Psi Strength, only Psi Skill, which is not important to me since I almost never use mind control anyway.

When I buy 100 soldiers and sack 90 or 95 of them, I look for the stats that are most difficult to improve: Bravery (very hard to improve) and Reactions. Everything else like time units, health, strength, firing accuracy, throwing, etc. is easier to improve. I think bravery goes up if someone panics a lot but survives a battle anyway.

Reactions is hard to improve because
1) if it's too low (I don't hire anyone less than 50 unless they have gonzo stats elsewhere), the soldier may not react in time to safe his or her own life = no improvement, only a dead soldier

2) usually your soldiers have some variation in reaction time. Say you have three soldiers parked next to a door, one with 40, one with 50, and one with 60 reactions. An alien pops his ugly head out the door. Your 60-soldier pops him. At the end of battle, they have 40/50/61. If this keeps happening, you'll soon have something like 40/52/67. (The 50 guy will probably get a few kills in, because Mr. 60 sometimes misses.) The fast get faster and the slow stay slow. You can try to fix it by sending Mr. 50 and 60 somewhere else, but then if Mr. 40 MISSES the alien or is too slow to shoot him in the first place, Mr. 40 probably ends up dead. Moral of the story: Reactions is one of the hardest stats to improve easily, so when picking your soldiers, focus on Psi strength, Bravery, and Reactions, which are the top three hardest stats to improve. Everything else you want good stats too, and if you can afford to hire 100's of soldiers try to get at least 40 bravery and 50 reactions with 60+ accuracy. Of course, many of those soldiers you will find out in a month have crappy Psi strength, but it's hard to get around that without cheating.

axident 10-03-2005 04:31 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 9 2005, 06:11 PM
Well actually when you use a pistol then you dont lost accuracy by only holding it in one hand. What would really be great to see is a person firing dual pistols though, that would be nice.

Well I think the bravery can be increased because its jumped by 20 on one of my soldiers, i dont know how it improved but i dont care as before it was a shoddy 30 and now its a respectable 50.

Also i dont like expanding to much. I hate micro-managing. I usually have mabye 4 or 5 bases, one on each continent.

The one in Europe and the one in America are the only ones with Skyrangers.

Also I only use psi-amps for paniking aliens, easier to do and makes them easy to stun.

For improving my soldiers though I just send around 8 at a time to the alien base in the antartic which i never fully destroy. Just kill a few aliens, try and snatch a few bodies and ammo if i can and then get the hell out. Whenever a soldier successfully hits an alien from a decent range their accuracy improves.

This is the best time to use aimed shots on aliens as your soldiers accuracy will soar by miles. In one mission a soldier gained 2 increase in shooting by hitting an alien which was quite far away. He already had a 66 accuracy but a nice aimed shot with a heavy laser decimated the muton and boosted him to 68.

By the way axident, whats your definition of crap soldiers?? I fire anyone below 30 bravery and thats about it. Between 29-50 they are fodder, no Heavy Weapons, last pick on armour and mainly using stun guns.
I dont bother firing for other stuff unless its all really bad.

However i have got a grenadier with 80 accuracy with grenades, he lobs em through windows and holes. Absolutley great when crouched and blows up an enemy on the otherside of the window. Can also throw through for miles as well, though that might be affected by str as well as he has over 50 str i think.

Yes, that's what I was saying about weapons; you're right that pistols, being the only one-handed weapons, don't get accuracy penalties if you hold a grenade or something else in the other hand. I'd like to see a two-pistoled soldier John Woo style, too :)

Please see the post right before this one on why I care so much about Reactions, but anyway, you asked for my def of a crap soldier.

Crap: any soldier who has less than 75 psi OR less than 40 Reactions.

When I have tons of cash to burn, I usually sack everyone with bravery 40 or less to start with. Among the remainder:

soldiers with reactions 57+ AND accuracy 60+ I ALWAYS hire so long as they are bravery 40 or more, like I said above.

soldiers with reactions 50-60 plus accuracy 55-65 (reactions 50 with accuracy 66+ and I'd hire that soldier automatically). These are "maybe" soldiers. I'll hire them if I'm low on cash, else it's back to hiring another crop. A 40 bravery, 50 reactions, 55 accuracy soldier is the absolute minimum I'd consider even if I were dirt poor.

soldiers below those get sacked.

You can get "good" soldiers one by one if you want to cheat. The stats are set at time of hire, not time of arrival. So you can save just before you hire. Then hire and save, then fast forward and see what kind of soldier you get. If he's good, go back to your savegame where you had just hired him, then hire another soldier. Save it in a third slot, fast forward, etc. But that's kind of cheap and also unnecessary once you get your Laser Cannon riches, anyway.

I didn't know that range and shot selection (Aimed shots) matter when improving accuracy; maybe that's why I sometimes end up with soldiers with 90 Reactions but only 80 accuracy, because most of the time they are parked next to a door at close range waiting to shoot the next alien that steps out.

Nice tip on alien base raids that you leave alone after getting a few kills, I may have to do that with the Floater base that I let survive in Africa. I let it survive because it's a Supply Ship magnet, and I get tons of goodies from its downed supply ships.

By the way, I'll have to eat my words a bit on strength not mattering. My USA base was down to three rookie soldiers after I sacked the other 7 that were psi-wimps (which I found out on the previous mission against Ethereals). Why couldn't psi strengths be displayed at purchase? Argh. Anyway, with only three soldiers I took on a downed Muton battleship and survived, but it was rough since my time units were cut to almost half. If I were smarter I would have told them to drop those 5 medikits + 6 grenades they were each carrying, but I didn't, and it took me about 10 turns just to walk over and set up my ambush configuration next to the main elevator. I had to reload a few times because I got hit by a blaster bomb right as I got there.. if I were smarter I would have told them to drop stuff early, like I said before. Ugh.

The bottom line is, do what is fun for you. Some people like sending in masses of rookies with grenades (since even rookies have good throwing aim), others like the small super-soldier squads, some like rocket launchers, others use blaster bombs to tear open doors, some like MC. At the end of the day, we all beat the game and [edited out]. :) (I do think it's funny that when you blow it up, the ending says that you shoot plasma at it, even if you did it by some other way like a blaster bomb or grenade.)

P.S. Another way to overload your soldiers is with High Explosives. Lots of them. Yeah, your soldiers will be slooooooooow for a while, but if they get a few kills (the game rarely increases the stats for soldiers that don't get kills), their strength will increase by a lot. Try doing this with half of your soldiers weighed down and the rest unencumbered, to provide cover fire for your slowed-down soldiers.

another_guest 10-03-2005 06:43 AM

Pst, don't spoil the ending by telling everyone too much :D

You're right about the ending though, I noticed that too. I guess they were too lazy to take that into account, it would be a lot more complicated that way.

Speaking of crappy soldiers, I also used to sack soldiers with very low TU, like 50 or so. While it doesn't matter for firing (that takes up a fixed portion of a unit's TU), it makes quite a difference when walking.
And if you're using units with low TU, let them be followed by one or more with very high TU: that way, if the first runs into an alien, the other(s) can still take a shot at it.

Rubberband 10-03-2005 10:02 AM

Bravery can actually be increase. I am not sure about being panicked, but one way I know of to train bravery is to let morale drop below 50 and NOT panick.

I never sack people with low bravery, as I usually get enough kills to keep morale near 100. The only occassions I have problem with low bravery is with panic attacks(which depends a lot more on psi strengh) and when most of my soldiers, especially officers, being wipe up in a single turn(but when that happens, I am most likely going to lose anyway and bravery is not going to help).

But I think one of the reasons that make this game so good is the many different possible ways to play(and win).

My-Q 10-03-2005 03:03 PM

Well, maybe we can step the challenge on this game up by NOT using any alien tech (except craft & craft weapons) when playing. Let's say.. using only the rifle/pistol, heavy cannon, auto-cannon, rocket launchers, etc (a.k.a traditional weaponry). Not even lasers allowed. What do you guys think huh? Oh right.. no ARMORS as well.. medikits & movement sensor (i forgot the name haha) is okay :max:

TwoHedWlf 10-03-2005 03:06 PM

Nah, make it only strictly human technology is allowed. So that would allow lasers. All the standard rifles and autocannons end up totally useless after a few months. I once took control of a muton and emptied an entire clip into him from a rifle and he was barely injured. It's insane. That was about 7-8 months into the game though because all the aliens stats slowly go up as time passes.

My-Q 10-03-2005 03:15 PM

Well.. :whistle:

Maybe lasers are allowed JUST for the sake of facing mutons.. but i think grenades (HE pack) will kill 'em easily right?

Jman4117 10-03-2005 03:28 PM

Something I just remembered:

Use grenades to raise firing accuracy. Each alien in the blast gets you a "hit".

another_guest 10-03-2005 03:49 PM

I think lasers should be allowed... Not just because of mutons, but because of some of the other tougher aliens as well. Also, mutons can easily have some 80 Tus, so it's hard to get close enough to throw any HE packs...
After all, lasers are human technology, so why not use them to toast some aliens?
Interesting idea!!
Though I don't know at which level you'd try that; I myself have no experience with other difficulty levels, I've always used one of the old versions (with the bug that all difficulty levels were the same).

Lizard 10-03-2005 04:09 PM

Heh when are the lasers allowed,it wouldnt be very diferent from my ordinary game.I always play only with laser rifles,laser cannons and sometimes blaster launchers...(and of course armors...)The true challange would be JUST human "normal" weapons...It is interesting idea.Btw can I use manufacture/sell strategy???

Jman4117 10-03-2005 05:59 PM

It would be nearly impossible to kill the Sectopods though... :cry:

Lizard 10-03-2005 07:12 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Mar 10 2005, 07:59 PM
It would be nearly impossible to kill the Sectopods though... :cry:
I dunno.I think it would be possible but damn hard.It is a reason to finally use Earth heavy weapons...I love them but they become too fast obsolete :cry:
I think in the end of the game(in this challenge) you would use only them...

Guest 10-03-2005 08:05 PM

hey guys, I'm having some trouble here...
i read the first 6-9 pages and others had the same problem, but no solution was really discussed

i run the game in windows xp(i try to run it in dosbox but it says dosbox cannot run this game)

everything is fine until i try and land my troops. the game crashes. i have no other programs running in windows aside from xcom

any ideas?

Sharp 10-03-2005 08:31 PM

If you mean you cant land your troops as in it crashes as soon as you press the accept mission button when your skyranger is parked there the I have a solution.

Try downloading UFO from Home of the Underdog (link is around between 2-6 pages back i think). It should work fine but just with a few randon errors which cause the gane to shut down, but they seem to occur less as you play more.

Otherwise i dont really know the problem that much, it only seems to affect some users (me :cry: ).

And Lizard, earth's heavy weapons dont become obsolete quick, i mean late in the game i still use the autocannon with HE/AP rounds and they rocket launcher with large rockets.

I know the blaster bomb makes rockets pretty obsolete with thier improved range and firepower, but its great to just fire from A-B with a large rocket, also useful in terror misions when its not the best idea to blow up the whole building justincase civs are there.

The HE autocannon is usefull in base assaults and defence, they have a good explosive radius to blow up lots of enemies in the small corridors. Especially usefull against chyrsalids who seem to die in one hit.

What is really good though as ive said before are heavy lasers, they are cheap to produce and maintain, great accuracy and high damage, just give one to your best shot and you will reap the rewards of one hit-one kill.

axident 11-03-2005 03:31 AM


Originally posted by another_guest@Mar 10 2005, 07:43 AM
Pst, don't spoil the ending by telling everyone too much* :D

You're right about the ending though, I noticed that too. I guess they were too lazy to take that into account, it would be a lot more complicated that way.

Speaking of crappy soldiers, I also used to sack soldiers with very low TU, like 50 or so. While it doesn't matter for firing (that takes up a fixed portion of a unit's TU), it makes quite a difference when walking.
And if you're using units with low TU, let them be followed by one or more with very high TU: that way, if the first runs into an alien, the other(s) can still take a shot at it.

Okay I edited it out. :)

Jman is right about the Sectopods, esp. at higher difficulties several months into the game. Lately I've been loading up my soldiers with tons of medikits and High Explosives (everyone on my primary team has 70+ strength thanks to my forcing them to bodybuild :)), so I don't have room on my Skyranger for weapons with ammo. This means laser rifles as main weapons. My soldiers all have great accuracy, so an auto-fire means 2+ hits many times.

Even so, and even though Sectopods are weak (150% damage) against lasers, I had to score something like 8 or 9 hits per 'pod in a recent mission. Regular rifles would do nothing. Grenades would do nothing. Autocannon, Heavy Cannon might scratch the thing sometimes. High Explosive maybe, but it's hard to get close with those--they are meant to be demolitions packages and not to be thrown. Even with strength 75, a soldier can chuck High Explosives about 5 squares max. Rocket launchers could injure Sectopods once in a while, but by the time you kill two or three, you have no ammo left.

So maybe the suggestion of only earthling tech, including lasers, is okay. Or lasers only when going up against Mutons and Sectopods.

What about base defenses? Earthling missile defenses are a joke. And craft weapons? You HAVE to have more than just cannons (even laser cannons) and missiles after a couple of months. So exceptions for plasma beams and fusion ball launchers should be considered unless you want your Firestorm to be sitting in repairs for months at a time because it was downing supply ships with Laser Cannons. :)

Also, what happens if the other side's alien dies and drops a plasma rifle or something? Do you get to use alien weapons for that combat only?

axident 11-03-2005 03:37 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Mar 10 2005, 04:28 PM
Something I just remembered:

Use grenades to raise firing accuracy. Each alien in the blast gets you a "hit".

Are you sure about this? If that's true, I might just start sending people in chucking Earthling grenades, one after another, and slowly injure aliens and get like 6 grenade hits on one before it dies.

Jman4117 11-03-2005 04:22 AM

It ups nearly all of the stats that are normally raised in battle. Firing, throwing, strength, TUs, stamina and health. Not to mention being able to attack from complete cover and through walls (to a certain extent). HE and Stun weapons can also be used the same way, just no arcing.


Even with strength 75, a soldier can chuck High Explosives about 5 squares max.
Not really...I've thrown over 20 tiles. Just get in a place with a clear ceiling and you should be able to get max range.

And while on the subject of HE. It does 4x damage to the large units. Not sure if it registers as 4 hits in your mission experience that is added up though... :wall:

axident 11-03-2005 04:37 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Mar 11 2005, 05:22 AM
It ups nearly all of the stats that are normally raised in battle. Firing, throwing, strength, TUs, stamina and health. Not to mention being able to attack from complete cover and through walls (to a certain extent). HE and Stun weapons can also be used the same way, just no arcing.


Even with strength 75, a soldier can chuck High Explosives about 5 squares max.
Not really...I've thrown over 20 tiles. Just get in a place with a clear ceiling and you should be able to get max range.

And while on the subject of HE. It does 4x damage to the large units. Not sure if it registers as 4 hits in your mission experience that is added up though... :wall:

Wow, if that's true, I'm going to start throwing lots of grenades to increase my firing accuracy. How odd. "Jim, you should pitch for the major leagues with the arm you have." "Nah, boss, throwing these grenades like fastballs helps my aim with rifles just as much as it improves my throwing accuracy."

As for explosions, you know, I always wondered if it was a 4x thing. I thought not, because once I tossed three alien grenades at a cyberdisk and ran for it, and the disk didn't die. But then, they have armor, so maybe that's it.

Actually, I was outdoors. Then again, the soldier in question was carrying a huge load of junk (for strength training), so maybe that had something to do with her throwing only 5 tiles. I also hear that crouching improves distance.

Jman4117 11-03-2005 04:43 AM


As for explosions, you know, I always wondered if it was a 4x thing. I thought not, because once I tossed three alien grenades at a cyberdisk and ran for it, and the disk didn't die. But then, they have armor, so maybe that's it.
It that case the first nade to blow takes out the rest of them. Meaning only one nade works vs the target. It was fixed in TFTD (more than 0 armour for objects on the ground). An alien grenade or HE pak should be able to do it though.

PrejudiceSucks 12-03-2005 07:43 PM

Does this 'human only' stuff also include Hyperwave Decoders, because if so it is gonna be a bit tricky to win the game.

:bye: Wooo I am back from Belgium. You all missed me, right?

Lizard 12-03-2005 07:57 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 12 2005, 09:43 PM
Does this 'human only' stuff also include Hyperwave Decoders, because if so it is gonna be a bit tricky to win the game.

:bye: Wooo I am back from Belgium. You all missed me, right?

Of course... :whistle:
I think that you could use all "alien" buildings ,crafts and craft weapons...

Sharp 12-03-2005 09:41 PM

Well if you want hard try goin through the game without saving.

Only save when ya finished playing for the time being. So even if you lose your skyranger with all your best troops you still cant reload your previous save.

Then try completing the game.

another_guest 12-03-2005 10:58 PM

That's a nasty one... Remember that annoying error several people get, with the game crashing just before a mission? :D

By the way (and more than a little off-topic), PrejudiceSucks, why did you visit Belgium?

BeefontheBone 12-03-2005 11:20 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Mar 12 2005, 11:58 PM
That's a nasty one... Remember that annoying error several people get, with the game crashing just before a mission? :D

By the way (and more than a little off-topic), PrejudiceSucks, why did you visit Belgium?

Are you implying Belgium's not worth visiting?

There was a mode in Alpha Centauri which forced the smae rule you're suggesting on you, called IronMan, so you could only save on exit. It was useful - I always have difficulty forcing myself to do the same thing on Civ 3

Yobor 12-03-2005 11:22 PM

The worst thing ever that happened in the this game to me was that I was only just starting and right away a full shipload of guys assaults my base. Needless to say, I lost.

another_guest 13-03-2005 07:29 AM


Originally posted by BeefontheBone@Mar 13 2005, 12:20 AM
Are you implying Belgium's not worth visiting?
Certainly not! I happen to be from Belgium.

Probably the worst thing that happened to me in UFO, was that somehow I ended up with too little Elerium to fly my Avenger... and I didn't have any Skyrangers left. I have to add that was one of the first times I played UFO :whistle:

goblins 13-03-2005 07:50 AM

I only save Civ 3 on exit as well - getting that space race is very difficult even on easy level

Parkingtigers 13-03-2005 07:57 AM

I consider saving the game too often to be a form of cheating. Save after a mission, sure, save on exit, fine, but multiple saves and restores during a tactical mission is highly dubious. I don't do that in any game that I play on any system, if I get my arse kicked (but the game can still continue), then I take the loss and try and get back into it. If it is impossible to do, so be it, that was my fault for poor preparation.

Sharp 13-03-2005 08:55 AM

So just wondering, which alien do you hate most in the game??

Is it the chyrsallid which can decimate squads in seconds?
Is it the mutons and thier friend blaster launcher?
Is is the sectapods, the tanks which just wont die?
Or the etherials and there uber psi powers which make your men break down and cry?

Personally i hate all of em. Though Chyrsalids more then others. If i see one i will use all available firepower, even if there are civs nearby. Im just saving them from being zombies.

goblins 13-03-2005 09:06 AM

With any game if im getting my behind whooped i fight it out until the end UFO - enemy unknown - civ 3 etc even space empires 4.

Jman4117 13-03-2005 09:19 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 13 2005, 09:55 AM
So just wondering, which alien do you hate most in the game??

Is it the chyrsallid which can decimate squads in seconds?
Is it the mutons and thier friend blaster launcher?
Is is the sectapods, the tanks which just wont die?
Or the etherials and there uber psi powers which make your men break down and cry?

Personally i hate all of em. Though Chyrsalids more then others. If i see one i will use all available firepower, even if there are civs nearby. Im just saving them from being zombies.

Sectopod without question. Heavy armour and resistance to plasma makes them just devastating if you don't have enough blasters and stun bombs to go around.... >.>

Sharp 13-03-2005 09:27 AM

Stun bombs work on sectapods??? Never tried that, always lazed them with my snipers.

another_guest 13-03-2005 09:30 AM


Originally posted by Parkingtigers@Mar 13 2005, 08:57 AM
I consider saving the game too often to be a form of cheating.
I save quite often, but just in case the game would feel like crashing.
Even if a mission turns out to be disastrous, I usually don't want to go through the past few missions which went well, redo all the research, etc... Just too much trouble. And indeed it would be cheating.

I hate crysallids, sectopods and ethereals the most. Though I've had more trouble with crysallids than with sectopods, maybe because I don't shun overkill, together with my usual tactic of letting several soldiers stick together. Not too close of course (did someone mention blaster launchers there? :D ), just positioned so that they can cover each other.

Lizard 13-03-2005 11:20 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 13 2005, 10:55 AM
So just wondering, which alien do you hate most in the game??

Is it the chyrsallid which can decimate squads in seconds?
Is it the mutons and thier friend blaster launcher?
Is is the sectapods, the tanks which just wont die?
Or the etherials and there uber psi powers which make your men break down and cry?

Personally i hate all of em. Though Chyrsalids more then others. If i see one i will use all available firepower, even if there are civs nearby. Im just saving them from being zombies.

The worst are chrysalids....But personally I hate floaters at most.Not becouse they were very dangerous but one floater sniper had once killed 9 soldiers.It was really frustrating...I killed all others floaters and ran around the map like insane, and mysteriously my soldiers died one after another and I STILL cant locate this motherf*cker.He was on the roof of UFO in the middle where you cant see him and after each shots he go back there :wall: .I never got problems with sectopods and mutons :max: and ethereals are random-sometimes they take mc from half team and panic other half and sometimes I kill them without problem...

PrejudiceSucks 13-03-2005 11:39 AM

:ot: I visited Belgium with my school, we went to the battlefields of World War One. I saw the graves of about 200,000 people, it was most tragic. Also, I stepped off a duckboard in the trenches at Hill 62 and half of my leg got covered in mud.

Belgium was pretty good and I learned a (very) small amount of Flemish while I was there. Tekkere = Turkey I think and Kattekwaad = Steak?

I stayed in Nieuwpoort which was quite nice, but most of the time I was in Ieper/Ypres. :ot:

Now that's done, I have to say that Mutons are really, really hard to kill, even when you get plasma. The first time I played, I looked at them in the intro and thought 'ha it will be piss-easy to kill them' so I took rifles to fight them. Big mistake.

My Skyranger touched down and I saw one, so my Sargeant, who was nearest the edge fired and Auto Shot at the bugger, hit him all of the times it shot.

Mind probed it and it had lost about 10 health. So I fired another 6 Auto shots at it for it to only be at half health. At this point it decided that enough was enough, so it climbed into my Skyranger and took down four soldiers before the alien turn. At this point it decided to stay where it was and kill the other 6 soldiers in the craft.

And that's when I learned to respect all of my foes. (apart from Sectoids, of course, and also Reavers, both of who are weak in the extreme)

So Mutons are hard, yeah. Sectopods are also very, very hard to fight.

Crysallids are ok to fight once you start to use laser tanks + laser rifles/pistols and Floaters are not too hard to kill with any weapon. Etherials get owned by tanks once you learn to crouch your soldiers inside the transport and just send your tanks out.

X-Com tip of the day = Always, always reserve time units for a reaction shot. You never know what could climb into your transport.

Eagle of Fire 13-03-2005 12:05 PM

I really don't understand why you would want to keep units in your transport. I always (cautiously) disembark all soldiers except 4 from the Skyranger at turn one. I would be way more cautious in TFTD because of ennemy grenade toss, but in UFO you don't have to fear from those.

The 4 remaining soldiers are usually those who carry the 4 tasers I put in the Skyranger, and those 4 soldiers disembark at turn 2 and aim directly for the UFO. It's my "assault team" which enter the UFO first. If there is no UFO then it simply become my 3rd squad of 4...

PrejudiceSucks 13-03-2005 05:03 PM

Yeah, I don't keep my men in transports either. If you read the post you would see that it was my first go at UFO and I had watched the Mutons get blown to pieces, so I got a bit cocky.

And even on TFTD the aliens are not so harsh as to throw grenades onto a transport on the first turn.

TaloN 13-03-2005 07:03 PM

i could never get the hang of XCOM games. always get shot to pieces LOL

troop18546 13-03-2005 07:41 PM

This game isnt so interesting to me... the intro movie looks as if the game will be played in another way or smth, and that end when I see it... :whistle:
Well, still the soundtrack is quite nice... LOL

Guest_Joe 13-03-2005 08:05 PM

I cannot get this game to work in the mac version of dosbox is this a win only game?

PrejudiceSucks 13-03-2005 08:15 PM

I think it is win-only, yeah. Sorry.

Oh and the thing about getting shot to pieces?

Start off fighting only the small/very small craft you shoot down. It might feel bad, but taking off as soon as you try to handle a Large craft at the beginning of your X-Com career may be a better idea. Learn to play a trading sort of game, with research to get the points you need.

Don't fight at Terror sites unless you know how to fight properly or else it will go even worse than if you just left (you would lose the points for all of the Civilians + any you accidently kill + 200 points for the ship + all of the points for the dead soldiers + tanks)

*edits post :ok: *

Tom Henrik 13-03-2005 08:17 PM

Anything related to the game is welcome in this topic.

After all this is the topic visitors will come to if they want information on the game ;)

And the compatibility for the game is one of the most asked questions.

My-Q 14-03-2005 06:16 AM

Well, i think using only earth weapons and "any CRAFT techs" is quite a challenge.. i know it's hard fighting mutons and sectopods without plasma, but hey, that's a challenge right? :D
It won't be called a "challenge" if we used the best available weaponry.. and blaster included as alien tech right? so, no blaster allowed as well :)
I think i'll play the game using only earth weapons in beginner level 1st.. it'd be suicidal playing superhuman LOL

PrejudiceSucks 14-03-2005 07:09 AM

Hey, it would stay quite easy if we used Lasers, which are sort of human technology. Do they count or not?

another_guest 14-03-2005 07:54 AM

I vote in favour of using lasers... After all some of our green/orange/... friends are tough enough to require a few hits from a laser rifle.
And I'd rather not fight Mutons with some pea-shooter like an auto cannon. It should be a challenge, not a suicide mission :)

PrejudiceSucks 14-03-2005 03:48 PM

LOL yeah. Hey, can someone reserve the 700th post for me? That would be sorta cool (500th, 600th and 700th then!)

I tried with just rifles etc. no lasers and it was near-impossible.

Especially the fights against the Mutons. In the end I just tasered them, as this took them down quickly. The final mission was incredibly difficult, even with X-ComUtil for easy access through the walls in the alien base ( pretty handy, I know),
so I vote in favour of lasers.

Lizard 14-03-2005 05:26 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 14 2005, 05:48 PM
LOL yeah. Hey, can someone reserve the 700th post for me? That would be sorta cool (500th, 600th and 700th then!)

I tried with just rifles etc. no lasers and it was near-impossible.

Especially the fights against the Mutons. In the end I just tasered them, as this took them down quickly. The final mission was incredibly difficult, even with X-ComUtil for easy access through the walls in the alien base ( pretty handy, I know),
so I vote in favour of lasers.

I vote against lasers.Damn I after first time I finished UFO, I played ALWAYS just with lasers and it was easy enought...It would be very interesting to see how I will stand against mutons,chrysalids and sectopods just with autocannons and rocket launchers :evil:

Btw:PrejudiceSucks, I will reserve you 700th post when you reserve me 1000th post :evil:
Btw2:When we finally agree on rules,would we make thread in Challenge forum? :huh:

PrejudiceSucks 14-03-2005 06:10 PM

LOL in the end I just started to run away from Terror Sites after the Sectopods arrived. They are basically untouchable by any of the human weapons, even Rocket Launchers + Autocannons, doesn't matter what ammo you use, you will lose whole squads.

Crysallids are OK once you learn to use pistols instead of rifles, (as this can knock them unconscious as well as kill them) but mutons just own whole squads alone.

Trust me, I tried it and I tried quite hard!

Lizard 14-03-2005 06:20 PM

Yeah I am really curious... :evil:
691 posts.... :whistle:
I think it should be a challange like TT deluxe that was here some time ago...

Eagle of Fire 14-03-2005 06:24 PM

The TTD deluxe is still there. ;)

I think it's a good idea. Hard to judge who is better by a screenshot tough.

Havell 14-03-2005 06:45 PM


Originally posted by Lizard
Btw2:When we finally agree on rules,would we make thread in Challenge forum?
That's a good idea, just to lets everyone know what's going on and to keep diccussion of this challenge separate from diccussion about the rest of the gamr. Oh, and I vote for laser weapons. Btw, are all types of armour allowed (since you need alien alloys to research personal armour).

soldier1024 14-03-2005 06:53 PM

Hi again! I read a huge part of this topic (but not the whole :whistle: )

And i have some new questions, which will be pushed into my giga-mega walkthrough:

-do i need small AND large radars to increase the number of succesfull detections, or is it enough to buy ONLY some large ones?
-if stunning isnt succesfull at once, the stunned-ratio is seen in a grreyish bar inside health bar?
-if one sees the target, but i shoot with an other man/tank, accuracy is affected?
-is there always a commander on the base? even on fresh/newly created base?
-i read that cautious attack is the most "engine-friendly" way of attacking. But does the altitude of the ufo affects the damages of the wreckage when it crashes land?

-and a special problem of mine: i attacked even 2 bases in the late of '99, both had 1 sectoid commander. I stunned them, killed everyone else, but after finishing, i didnt see live alines captured in stat, and at home there was no researchable commander. Is it a bug? I can send my savegame, if anybody is interested.
(i used win version with the modified executable of Collectors Edition Musix fix that has 1 time unit change/sec on geoscape)

Thx to all!

Ps. 12 years ago, when i first played the game as a kid, never thought that it is a so complex and amazing startegy game. Maybe, thatswhy i couldnt finish it without cheating :) I'd glad to see an IRC chat with the makers of the game, about tricks/interesting facts that nobody discovered till today :cheers:

Eagle of Fire 14-03-2005 07:28 PM

Large Radar are more efficient. If you can replace small radar with large one then it's better. Once you have the hyperwave decoder then you don't need any radar.

You got it. The grey bar over your HP bar is the stun bar. You can see it if one of your own soldier is being stunned or is trying to breath in a smoke square.

You can shoot a target even if your squaddie don't see it if he have clear line of fire. I don't think there is extra innacuracy involved apart for the obvious part that you do fire from further than normal range.

For the commander thing, make sure you don't already have 10 Aliens in your alien prison. If you are the kind of people who never do autopsy then it could happen that you don't have space in your alien prison and the commander is then killed before reaching base because you don't have space for him. I'd suggest launching an attack from a different base with a new prison or perhaps building a new prison at your main base and try again.

PrejudiceSucks 14-03-2005 07:34 PM

Yeah, Careful is the most engine-friendly way to fight, and I think that all combats take place at the lowest altitude possible.

With UFO1 you really do need to do Careful attacks, as the engines get blown up really quickly.

Sharp 14-03-2005 07:38 PM

1, You dont need small and large radars.

I think the specs are that small radar has a 5% chance of detecting a UFO every minute in 160 nautical miles (approximations)

And large radar has a 5% chance of detecting a UFO every min in 320 nautical miles (also approximations)

so basicalls you dont need small radars. By increasing the number of radars you have all you do is simply increase chance you have of detecting a UFO, not the range.

2, Er im not too sure about the stunning thing, if the stun doesnt work first time then posibly the greyish bar, i think the greyish bar however can only go as high as the health left so a damaged alien is easier to stun

3, Accuracy is affected by range (i think). It is possible to shoot with a solder who cant see any aliens but stilll has a direct fire to an alien (ie out of the soldiers vision and no obstacles blocking the way).

4, There is always a commander, in the room above the room with a huge grav-lift. Alwyas a commander there, usually with a few other aliens as well.

5, Cautious is only engine-friendly when going against UFO's who cant shoot as far as your interceptor, i.e. a plasma beam interceptor can take down a large scout from cautious range without getting damaged. However when facing battleships i think it works best to attack using aggresive as the battleship can fire even out of your range, use multiple craft however when engaging and disengage the weaker dying ones, also only use firestorms, interceptors die in one hit against battleships.

As for the altitude thingy, ive never actually tried that, it may be a factor but if you use a cautous attack less damage is done to the UFO.

Dunno about your bug thingy, mabye the commanders died if you shot them before and bled to death or you didnt have enough storage space in alien containment, research the aliens to free up space.

PrejudiceSucks 14-03-2005 07:41 PM

If you Agressively assualt a small or very small UFO with good weapons (Plasma Cannons) then there is a chance that all of the aliens will die.

This means none of the danger or hassle of attacking a downed UFO, which is always dangerous.

Lizard 14-03-2005 07:44 PM

Yeah,even to destroy the Ufo...Which isnt very good.
:ot: PrejudiceSucks I got 699th post,go! go! go! :D

PrejudiceSucks 14-03-2005 07:45 PM

Although power + flying suits are smoke-proof

X-Com Hint of the day: Get Flying and Power armour quickly!

:cheers: WooooHOOOOO

Lizard 14-03-2005 07:57 PM

Ok...I am going to create a challenge Ufo thread...
R.Havell and Eagle of Fire are right.Let this thread for Ufo troubleshooting and Tips & Tricks... :max:

Jman4117 15-03-2005 02:52 AM

Pistols only!....yar... ^^

Guest 15-03-2005 08:10 AM

Is there a way to play UFO gold windowed? I tried the usual -window in the target line of a shortcut, no dice.

My-Q 15-03-2005 09:18 AM

I can't imagine how many soldiers will die a honorable death using only pistols and rifles against the mighty aliens LOL
And to imagine soldiers in flying suits and holding a rifle or pistol LOL

PrejudiceSucks 15-03-2005 11:57 AM

LOL yeah. Flying suits with pistols + Stun Rods (I keep calling them tasers) is a bit of a piss-take.

To make it really playable like this, you need XComUtil so that High Explosive can blow hole into a UFO roof and also blow through the walls. Very handy, or else it would be even more difficult.

X-Com tip of the day: If you need to take out an alien base quicky, get XComUtil and bring along loads of HE packs. You can blow up walls, roofs, anything you can imagine with an explosive that does 150 damage :sneaky:

Kral Palafox 15-03-2005 11:59 AM

It's one of the B E S T Games I've ever playd!!! And sometimes I'l play it still yet - if i could run it :whistle:

Rogue 15-03-2005 01:39 PM

Why can't you run it?? :blink:

Guest 15-03-2005 03:49 PM

Hi everyone. Saw this game in 1996 for the first time. I was only 8 back then. :)

Anyway, I think the difficulty of UFO is a bit more balanced than Terror. UFO starts out pretty hard, but then it adds more dangers.

Terror starts out a good bit harder but becomes easier and easier and when you get psi ability, all your troubles are over.

"Enemy spotted. *molecular control, throw away oscillator, make alien walk to melee range of agent, kill alien* and repeat until done. :)

PrejudiceSucks 15-03-2005 07:15 PM

You could always try posting in the TFTD forum as well. It hit as sort of bottleneck when I last posted, you should try and restart it.

soldier1024 15-03-2005 08:35 PM

Replying to the alien commander subject:

1)I have plenty of free space in alien containments (no research is avaible, i assume because there are no living aliens on the base) and after the status screen, it says that captured alien died because ther is no free room in alien containment

2) i am sure the commander didnt die, because i shot it with stun launcher, and inspected with my soldier (placing it to the backpack :D )

Maybe i'll transfer my avenger to anothr base (with built alien containment) and start affack from there.

Thx for the other answers!

another_guest 15-03-2005 10:24 PM

This reminds me of something I posted earlier, a similar situation which I *think* I've experienced:
plenty of alien containment, normally no live aliens inside them, and still stunned aliens that die after a mission due to "lack of containment". I then proceeded to destroy some containment facilities, built new ones instead, thus solving the problem. But it's been a few years since I played it, so I'm not certain anymore that this really happened (there's a small possibility that there were live aliens, but of a type I'd already researched, I have no idea whether these are kept alive at your base???)

Havell 15-03-2005 10:46 PM

Yes, all live aliens are kept at your base, regardless of whether they have already been researched.

My-Q 16-03-2005 01:32 AM

I think that live aliens that has been researched will go as "corpse".. at least that's what happened to my games all this time..

PrejudiceSucks 16-03-2005 06:14 AM

Also remember that aliens and their stuff miraculously goes at the speed of light towards your base instead of being taken back in the transport, so before you clear out space keep that in mind.

axident 16-03-2005 07:18 AM

Base Design

For some reason my games crash sometimes when there are base defense battles, so I intentionally shoot down everything that moves ASAP. Unfortunately, a single interceptor with Avalanche missiles can't take down a battleship that is closing in quickly.

That said, in my latest Superhuman game (I think I have the patched-up version where the difficulty really is higher, because Snakemen shrug off a lot of my laser rifle hits), in April 1999, I got my USA base hit by an alien battleship with snakemen and chryssalids(sp?).

All I can say is, good thing that the battleship hit my USA base, because I intentionally build my expansions with an access lift all the way on one side, a hangar below, and a long hallway leading to the rest of my base. So aliens have to go through hangars and then to the access lift and then face a three-section-long corridor.

[6][ ][ ] E
[ ] E [ ] E
[ ] E [ ] E
[A] E E E
[H][H] E E
[H][H] E E

A = access lift
H = hangar
6 = six rookies
E = empty space

I had about 14 rookies with laser rifles and some prox grenades.

I immediately tried to throw some prox grenades as mines to stuff up the access lift area, then I placed my soldiers off to either side of the main hallway to go into hiding (and prime prox grenades in their hands while they were waiting for aliens to walk by). My last six rookies I placed at the end of the corridor, so far away from the access lift that the aliens AND humans can't see each other. (Three soldiers kneeling, three standing right behind the kneeling soldiers.)

A snakeman shot a soldier that I messed up on (I thought I had enough TU to run around a corner, but he stopped just short and got shot.) A chryssalid ate another soldier, but my six shooters down the hall mopped him and the zombie up.

Every so often, one of my rookies midway down the corridor would poke his head out and look at the access lift, usually spotting 2-3 aliens. He then went back into hiding in his little nook while my six rookies down the hall blasted the aliens. Since the hallway is narrow, even misses sometimes kill the aliens standing on either side of the intended target.

With those few rookies all along the hallway being able to "spot" for my shooters down the hall, and with the shooters being so far away from the access lift/hangars that aliens couldn't see where my lasers were coming from, it was only a matter of time before all the rest of the aliens died one or two steps outside of the access lift.

Casualties: 2
Kills: 22

I didn't even need the prox grenades, and in hindsight I probably should not have mined the corridor because the prox grenades destroyed a ton of valuable Heavy Plasma and Alien Grenades in the process. :not_ok:

Moral of the story: build your base so that there is a long corridor that aliens from the lift/hangars have to go through to do anything, and then it's like shooting fish in a barrel. (That, and I lucked out that I wasn't fighting Ethereals or Sectoids, since it was only April 1999, a lot of the soldiers had low bravery, and I had no psi labs yet to weed out the psi-weaklings.)

dunkellic 16-03-2005 01:53 PM

hi, i just wanted to play x-com too
hadn´t played it for a loooong long time
but now my problem is:

a) it doenst work with dosbox
(well, ufo doenst, terror does but is awfully slow and the window is very small)
B) if i cant use dosbox wich other programm can i use to limit the frames??

Sharp 16-03-2005 04:50 PM

Ive said this loads of times before, try Home of The Underdog and get UFO:Gold. It doesnt require dosbox and plays fine, just sometimes crashes before a mission so its best to save frequently, (you can usually do 2 missions in a row before it crashes).

I tried the download from here but no save_game folders and it crashed on the equipment screen everytime.

Also dos-box doesnt seem to work on my comp, that or its cuz im too lazy to get the proper version.

Hey Axident.

I found something really cool for stopping battleships with a single firestorm, thats right a single firestorm. Simply just take one firestorm that has two plasma beams and engage the battleship, once your Firestorm gets 3/4 damged tell it to dis-engage. Hopefully if you did enough damage you might force the battleship to crash/land. And when you send a skyranger it is usually intact, but nonetheless very usefull for Base Defense, however i dont think the UFO will land if you fight overseas.

Heh, in one of my games its 2001 and I still havent had to do a singe base defense, not even a missile defence. Although I have had several ships with Alien Retaliation on the HWD screen. Must be me being amazing and killing all UFO's in my Black Forest base.

Rogue 16-03-2005 05:07 PM

I also said this millions of time. THere is a pure dos version of UFO, should we upload it?

Why wait for game to crash, when you can play it nice in DOSBox???

(Versio of UFO at Abandonia is patched, same as so called 'gold' version.

Guest 16-03-2005 05:46 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 16 2005, 05:50 PM
Ive said this loads of times before, try Home of The Underdog and get UFO:Gold. It doesnt require dosbox and plays fine, just sometimes crashes before a mission so its best to save frequently, (you can usually do 2 missions in a row before it crashes).

I tried the download from here but no save_game folders and it crashed on the equipment screen everytime.

Also dos-box doesnt seem to work on my comp, that or its cuz im too lazy to get the proper version.

Hey Axident.

I found something really cool for stopping battleships with a single firestorm, thats right a single firestorm. Simply just take one firestorm that has two plasma beams and engage the battleship, once your Firestorm gets 3/4 damged tell it to dis-engage. Hopefully if you did enough damage you might force the battleship to crash/land. And when you send a skyranger it is usually intact, but nonetheless very usefull for Base Defense, however i dont think the UFO will land if you fight overseas.

Heh, in one of my games its 2001 and I still havent had to do a singe base defense, not even a missile defence. Although I have had several ships with Alien Retaliation on the HWD screen. Must be me being amazing and killing all UFO's in my Black Forest base.

thats not the problem, i can play it on xp without any errors or crashes.
the only thing that bugs me is when the mouse "touches" the edge of the screen my pc (2.4 amd xp) scrolles to the end of nowhere (and the scrolling didn´t even work on a 468 because it was too fast there too)

PrejudiceSucks 16-03-2005 05:53 PM

Try to set the scroll rate a lot slower? Would that work, or is it a technical fault not a game one?

axident 16-03-2005 09:06 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 16 2005, 05:50 PM
Ive said this loads of times before, try Home of The Underdog and get UFO:Gold. It doesnt require dosbox and plays fine, just sometimes crashes before a mission so its best to save frequently, (you can usually do 2 missions in a row before it crashes).

I tried the download from here but no save_game folders and it crashed on the equipment screen everytime.

Also dos-box doesnt seem to work on my comp, that or its cuz im too lazy to get the proper version.

Hey Axident.

I found something really cool for stopping battleships with a single firestorm, thats right a single firestorm. Simply just take one firestorm that has two plasma beams and engage the battleship, once your Firestorm gets 3/4 damged tell it to dis-engage. Hopefully if you did enough damage you might force the battleship to crash/land. And when you send a skyranger it is usually intact, but nonetheless very usefull for Base Defense, however i dont think the UFO will land if you fight overseas.

Heh, in one of my games its 2001 and I still havent had to do a singe base defense, not even a missile defence. Although I have had several ships with Alien Retaliation on the HWD screen. Must be me being amazing and killing all UFO's in my Black Forest base.

Yeah usually I have one or two Firestorms per base and Hyperwave, so a wolf pack of firestorms blow up any battleships before they can get to their targets. But April 1999 is early on and I was nowhere near getting firestorms.. a plasma-beamed interceptor can barely get a shot off before the battleship blows it up.

So you're saying that even if you don't blow up a battleship, the damage 'counts' anyway and the battleship might crash AFTER you disengage?? Without ever firing that last, killing shot at it? I'll try this out when I actually GET firestorms w/ plasma beams. Right now I have a severe cash shortage (I expanded too far too fast) because I had expected to get more UFO activity in May but my radars are hardly picking up any UFO activity... stupid Hyperwave is still being constructed at my bases. :wall:

Sharp 16-03-2005 10:03 PM

Well thats what happened to me on my games, saw an alien attack gonna happen on my base so sent out my lone firestorm to deal with it. Put it on aggressive mode to get more hits in. When my craft was close to dying i disengaged.

Thought my base was gonna get fried but found out that the UFO er crashed, it has a white cross anyway. Sent a sky-ranger and found that the Battleship was fairly untouched. Then proceeded to eliminate all the aliens and get nice tech.

It may have been possible that as I was disengaging my firestorm pulled off a last lucky shot to down the UFO, but ive done this 3 times now. And also its hard for a lone firestorm to take on a Battleship. It might be some bug but whatever it is im happy it does it.

My-Q 17-03-2005 06:55 AM

Other way to hit battleship safely with firestorms is with 2 fusion missiles. Hit it until all missiles (4 in this matter) run out, then pull back. Well, fusion missiles cost elerium, I know, it's expensive. But you don't really need 500 eleriums in your base right? I think the safe number is 100. Oh yeah, don't even think about using it on interceptors, they're too slow to chase battleships :max:

PrejudiceSucks 17-03-2005 11:58 AM

No way is that a good idea!

Battleships have a range equal to that of a Fusion Ball launcher and they have very few shots inside them!

Plasma cannons are way better and you don't need to waste a lot of elerium on them. If you use Fusion Balls, you them for defense, where they are great, not on your ships.

another_guest 17-03-2005 12:50 PM

In addition, if you're unlucky, one of the fusion balls can miss its target, leaving you with too little fire power to take on a battleship.
That's a matter of how much risk you're willing to take.

Guest 17-03-2005 01:14 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 16 2005, 06:53 PM
Try to set the scroll rate a lot slower? Would that work, or is it a technical fault not a game one?
already done but it still scrolls to the end of nowhere when i touch a screenedge with the mouse cursor

another_guest 17-03-2005 04:03 PM

In case of the DOS version: play UFO through Dosbox, this solves the speed / scroll problem.
In case of the Windows version: there are quite a few programs that allow you to slow your pc down (and thus any of the programs you're running) by using up a considerable amount of your CPU time. I couldn't name any from the top of my head though, I believe one of them was called Turbo. But most free software sites will feature a few of these programs. There are more complicated ways to slow down your pc temporarily, but those include messing with your BIOS.

Jman4117 17-03-2005 04:28 PM

The trick with the fusion ball launcher is to put 2-3 firestorms on aggressive, get both shots off then retreat. But I just use plasma and hit the battleships on the ground... :P

PrejudiceSucks 17-03-2005 06:20 PM

Yeah, that's way easier, do that.

X-Com tip of the day: Take a mind probe or two with you so that it is easier to know who to kill and who not to kill. Never pass up the chance to get an alien technician or navigator, or even more especially, a sectoid medic.

axident 17-03-2005 08:31 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 17 2005, 07:20 PM
Yeah, that's way easier, do that.

X-Com tip of the day: Take a mind probe or two with you so that it is easier to know who to kill and who not to kill. Never pass up the chance to get an alien technician or navigator, or even more especially, a sectoid medic.

What does a Sectoid medic do? Do you mean a Sectoid leader, which gives you the psi-amp? Or creature information, like Sectopods being strong against plasma?

PrejudiceSucks 18-03-2005 07:36 AM

Medics give info on any species as well as their own, so by pure chace you might get info on Etherials or Reavers or whatever.

They are very useful to get hold of and fly off with!

martycooluk 18-03-2005 10:09 AM

Hi there,

I cant wait to get into this game again, i originally played it back in 96 - and had many sleepless nights over it - only for a friend of mine to acciedently erase my saved game data! arrrgg!!! after that i just could'nt face going through it all again.

But now i am truely excited to have rediscovered it!

I have a question - maybe someone can help? - the game seems to work fine after i have unzipped it - but the screen resolution is not very good - the graphics are a lot more simple than i seem to remember them being, i am using it on an XP laptop, when i play it on my desktop (CRT screen, also XP) the graphics seem to be slightly improved but not what i remember them being.....

Is there any way i can improve the resolution?

Can any one help?

Thanks guys!


PrejudiceSucks 18-03-2005 11:35 AM

I don't think there is a way to improve the resolution, but if you're playing on XP there is a thing called F0dder's Loader the comes with XComUtil, which can help with the graphics (or so I hear), so pick that up.

Hope that helps you enjoy a fine game

The Fifth Horseman 18-03-2005 12:40 PM


the graphics are a lot more simple than i seem to remember them being
It's no hardware problem. You are suffering from "reality crash", in other words the idealised image of the game you built up long ago and improved for all these years crashed against the painful truth. I experienced this with Warcraft 1 some time ago.

My-Q 18-03-2005 12:41 PM

Hey guys, are you sure that battleships have the same range as fusion balls? In my games my fusion balls ALWAYS outrange them, so my firestorms NEVER get damaged.. So, i always attack battleships with 2 firestorms.. one has 2 fusion balls, and 1 have 2 plasma cannons.. after the fusion balls are up, they plasma just finish the job.. actually, i once attack battleships with just 1 firestorm and 2 plasma cannons, and the firestorm only damaged about 25%.. and the battleship is down.. i guess it's just lucky LOL

PrejudiceSucks 18-03-2005 02:50 PM

Yeah, each of them has a 62km range, nerd-fact folks.

And plasma cannons are 10km short of that, which is dangerous in the extreme.

axident 18-03-2005 04:43 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 18 2005, 08:36 AM
Medics give info on any species as well as their own, so by pure chace you might get info on Etherials or Reavers or whatever.

They are very useful to get hold of and fly off with!

Wait, so you're telling me that in theory you can get Ethereal info --> psi-amp all from a stupid Sectoid medic?! If that's the case, I feel really dumb for recently having wasted 13 of 14 guys hunting a Sectoid leader. (And that last guy barely finished the job, bleeding from a fatal wound even though he had a medikit--that he couldn't use by himself.) :wall: But at least he was resisting MC, because I lost a ton of guys to mind control and them shooting each other up.

On an unrelated topic:

Does anyone know if altitude of an UFO has anything to do with how much stuff you can salvage from a crash site? I'm thinking maybe if you shoot down UFOs at lower altitudes, they keep more of their goodies, especially E115 and UFO Power Sources.

Sharp 18-03-2005 07:14 PM

You cant get any tech benefits from capturing a medic except species info. Only usefull when you first play the game.

You can get ethereal info (easier then capturing a live one) but you cant get any psi things etc.... only the live info. Good when you first play it and want to know about some aliens.

PrejudiceSucks 19-03-2005 07:51 AM

I thought that you got research for Psi-labs etc. by getting info on an Etherial from a medic, but there you are. Proves me wrong again.

Btw I suggest that you capture technicians rather than navigatorsr where possible, simply because whilst they both give you the Hyperwave decoder, Technicians also give you info on alien ships, which is very very useful.

Look out for both of them at the first terror site probably unless you captured one on a small UFO (not impossible, especially with a Mind Probe)

Sharp 19-03-2005 09:05 AM

Generally on a crash site, most of the aliens outside a UFO are just soldiers. They arent all that usefull so you can just kill em.

Inside the UFO there is the leader, the navigator, and the medic. And there are also some soldiers. Instead of wasting time mind-probing simply stun all the enemies inside a UFO. You will at least get one useful alien.

However i think the technican hangs around outside the UFO, all the technicians i capture are outside the UFO so all ive mainly got is alien info on why they do terror attacks and supply bases etc... not actual info about a UFO.

Generally the technician and medic are on the bottom floor of a UFO nearest to the door. (Technican usually outside the door).

Now I dont know why everyone here is so obsessed with elerium. I mean i know its really usefull and it cant be produced but i never seem to have storage trouble with elerium.

Now a really usefull idea for all of your bases, build lots of general stores. They are extremly useful for holding all the goodies you get from the crashed UFO's, if you dont get elerium from a UFO you either blew up the engine or you simply dont have enough storage space back at base. Too many a time have i done a really good supply ship attack and gonna get millions worth of goodies but i dont have enough storage space.

another_guest 19-03-2005 11:44 AM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Mar 18 2005, 01:40 PM

the graphics are a lot more simple than i seem to remember them being
It's no hardware problem. You are suffering from "reality crash", in other words the idealised image of the game you built up long ago and improved for all these years crashed against the painful truth. I experienced this with Warcraft 1 some time ago.

Often it's also got to do with nowadays' screens being larger; this will also make the "game's pixels" (as opposed to screen pixels) larger. Unless you're resizing the window of course.

dunkellic 19-03-2005 12:44 PM

a it works :D
found that programm "turbo", thx for the advice people.
can someone tell me what i have to research to build better aircrafts?
because the standart interceptors already get damaged if they attack a big (not the really big ones) one (even though the two plasmacannons bring the down quickly).

and i have a second problem. it´s a bug, wich causes the game to crash.
when i want to leave the transfer window, the game crashes, always. that sucks pretty much because i cant transfer anything to another base

axident 19-03-2005 02:15 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 19 2005, 08:51 AM
I thought that you got research for Psi-labs etc. by getting info on an Etherial from a medic, but there you are. Proves me wrong again.

Btw I suggest that you capture technicians rather than navigatorsr where possible, simply because whilst they both give you the Hyperwave decoder, Technicians also give you info on alien ships, which is very very useful.

Look out for both of them at the first terror site probably unless you captured one on a small UFO (not impossible, especially with a Mind Probe)

Hmm, I didn't know that engineers give you Hyperwave too.

Engineers are all over the place, not just terror sites, and sometimes they clutch stun bomb launchers. One way to get one early on is if you see an alien holding a small (stun bomb) launcher, run right next to it in a way where its reaction fire will stun both the soldier and itself. If it misses, or if it doesn't fire, well, I hope you are in an enclosed space and it tries to shoot you again. :D

I know it sounds silly, but at the beginning you have no choice except stun rods, which are also short-range, and smoke grenades, which take forever and are difficult to use (if the alien can, it'll simply walk out a door eventually).

axident 19-03-2005 02:19 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 19 2005, 10:05 AM
Generally on a crash site, most of the aliens outside a UFO are just soldiers. They arent all that usefull so you can just kill em.

Inside the UFO there is the leader, the navigator, and the medic. And there are also some soldiers. Instead of wasting time mind-probing simply stun all the enemies inside a UFO. You will at least get one useful alien.

However i think the technican hangs around outside the UFO, all the technicians i capture are outside the UFO so all ive mainly got is alien info on why they do terror attacks and supply bases etc... not actual info about a UFO.

Generally the technician and medic are on the bottom floor of a UFO nearest to the door. (Technican usually outside the door).

Now I dont know why everyone here is so obsessed with elerium. I mean i know its really usefull and it cant be produced but i never seem to have storage trouble with elerium.

Now a really usefull idea for all of your bases, build lots of general stores. They are extremly useful for holding all the goodies you get from the crashed UFO's, if you dont get elerium from a UFO you either blew up the engine or you simply dont have enough storage space back at base. Too many a time have i done a really good supply ship attack and gonna get millions worth of goodies but i dont have enough storage space.

I don't know if it's just a bug in my version of the game, but in my version the storage space can be exceeded temporarily by anything your engineers manufacture, or any UFO goodies you bring back. So after a mission I might be at 180 storage out of 150, but it shows up as 150/150. I can actually just keep ignoring the storage space limit until a time when I need to either buy something (e.g., Avalanche missiles) or transfer something off a Skyranger into the base.

another_guest 19-03-2005 04:32 PM


Originally posted by dunkellic@Mar 19 2005, 01:44 PM
and i have a second problem. it´s a bug, wich causes the game to crash.
when i want to leave the transfer window, the game crashes, always. that sucks pretty much because i cant transfer anything to another base

No idea why that is...
I guess in that situation you could use the cheats for editing the number of any resources, weapons, whatever you've got in store. You could of course do this without really cheating, by decreasing those numbers in your other base's stores.

I suppose those cheats can be found on the net, I've only got a paper copy of them. They require a hexeditor to edit the appropriate files.

dunkellic 19-03-2005 05:17 PM

hm, i just tried it with tftd. there the transfer works fine.

and well i just tried it with the dos version (i downloaded the patch 1.2 and executed the included .exe file = geoscape.exe). there it also works fine but i have no sound and the performance is quite poor (LOL).

but i tried it with another x-com "gold" version exe, and theres the same error. i always get kicked to windows.

but well, i guess i just have to start the dos version if i want to transfer somethin^^

dunkellic 20-03-2005 05:40 PM

question: how much am i *meep*ed if two nations retreat from the x-com project?

it´s already august and it looks like the usa is a bit pissed (hey come on i destroyed a *dirty word* alien base in their territory) and that they are going to cancel their financing (like south afrika did a few months before)

Spookyfish 20-03-2005 08:20 PM

You're not really (bleep) just because a country ceases to fund you. I find the funding a bit meager, so I rely on sales of alien alloys and plasma rifles (heavy plasmas are the only weapon you encounter after a while) to finance me. But to keep them from doing it, send an Interceptor to patrol over the country who's pissed once in a while and kill off any UFO's who flies over, NEVER ignore terror sites, be a major pain in the behind to the aliens, they'll attack your base, someone'll die, you make an Avenger, your soldiers are mindblasted, and Earth is lost.

Now, if only my best soldiers DIDN'T suck at psychic, I'd be on Easy street...

Thank you for permission to rant. Go ahead with whatever you might have been discussing :D.

PrejudiceSucks 21-03-2005 07:00 AM

Hmmm I think that both of you have grasped the wrong end of the stick.

What you actually need to do is ASAP and I mean ASAP attack any ships flying anywhere with a mission description of 'Infiltration'.

It doesn't matter how many craft get shot down or how many soldiers are killed, because the easiest way to lose the game is by losing too many nations.

The game doesn't take into account your production facilities that can make you millions a month, it just says 'oh crap, oto many sponsors have gone. No more X-Com.'

And another little thing - Heavy plasma is nowhere near as easy to produce or profitable as Laser Cannons for craft. With two workshops (full) making those you can make over 4.4 million a month PER BASE. And you don't have to worry about running out of Alien Alloys and having to produce loads of them AGAIN, you just make the cannons and sell for easy money.

They're also good on 'Elerium Hunter' Lightnings, which have a laser cannon and take on Small ships for an easy sourse of Elerium. Carefully attacking with a Laser Cannon pretty much always leave a ship's engines intact and you don't have to bother to keep buying ammo for them. Plus they recharge their cannons at a base very quickly, so it's actually worth doing.

Sorry for the lecture.

another_guest 21-03-2005 07:45 AM

Also, if you have some money to spare and only few bases, try to build your new ones in countries whose funding has been decreasing in the past months.
Setting up a base there will increase your chances of spotting alien activity there, and maybe you'll be able to keep that country on your side.

Guest 21-03-2005 11:11 AM

well, it isnt so that i never done anything in america.
the month before they "left" they´ve even encreased their money.
i also send often fighters to patrol but i just didn´t catch anything (well, not too much because the fighters ran out of fuel too soon.)
and now i´ve build a base in america (about five days before the month had ended) and they´re still pissed^^.

the money isn´t actually the problem, i even have too much of it^^.

looks like the aliens are now going for russia. well....i won´t let them ;)

so, still one question left^^: it is now august and there wans´t a terror site for months (perhaps because i took down some of these "terror" ships?) and my base hasn´t (none of my four bases) been attacked unil now, is that normal?

another_guest 21-03-2005 11:28 AM

Taking down terror ships will indeed decrease the chances of having any terror sites.

Don't worry that your bases haven't been attacked, in your case I'd be glad :D

Jman4117 21-03-2005 07:10 PM

Speaking of manufacturing, Alien alloys are the next best thing to laser cannons and medkits to produce, and need them to produce other things, so why not make a lot and sell when you have a large amount

Sharp 21-03-2005 08:58 PM

Because you get too much from UFO's.

Who needs cash from countries when you dont pay your scientists and engineers :bleh: .

Im pretty sure countries leave if thier pissed with you, regardless of Infiltration Ships or not, either that or Infilitration ships dont solely garuntee that the country they land in stops paying you.

What annoys me now however is the incompetance of X-Com Soldiers. You would think they would be able to fire over a person who is ducking, but nooooooo they have to be difficult and kill the person instead.

However aliens are also equally incompetant. One of my soldiers was saved by a snakeman as he killed a chyrsalid who was just about to attack my soon to be a zombie-soldier. I thanked him by only stunning him. Also a chyrsalid decided to weave inbetween 3 of my soldiers and hide underneath the skyranger, he was promtly exploded.

Also apart from my starting initial base i like getting my bases attacked. So much more easier when you have the home advantage and know where the aliens are instead of vice-versa.

Best thing to produce apparently are fusion launchers, however you need a fair amount of capital to start making money quick soon.

Lizard 21-03-2005 09:03 PM

The best fun is when you shot auto-shot with first shot kill alien you aimed to, and with other two shots kill another alien in darkness.Happened once to me,I must have my lucky socks or something LOL
Another thing I like is when your soldier(with 80 accuracy) has full TU and DONT hit chrysalidis standing RIGHT BEFORE him with his 2 autoshots :wall:

xcom freak 21-03-2005 09:07 PM


Originally posted by Lizard@Mar 21 2005, 10:03 PM
The best fun is when you shot auto-shot with first shot kill alien you aimed to, and with other two shots kill another alien in darkness.Happened once to me,I must have my lucky socks or something LOL
Another thing I like is when your soldier(with 80 accuracy) has full TU and DONT hit chrysalidis standing RIGHT BEFORE him with his 2 autoshots :wall:

i once killed three of my crew with an autoshot.. that was really funny...i changed my basic formation/strategy after that duh. Now I only send in one man at a time.

Lizard 21-03-2005 09:13 PM

Yeah.One time I was in storm formation(all soldiers covering themselfes) and last one gone berseker and amazingly he hit almost with every shot one of my troopers.But that dont bothers me much.I play a challenge, and you wont get there very fast without realizing that everyone is EXPENDABLE :twisted:

dunkellic 21-03-2005 09:31 PM

heh, just played a mission.
before i´ve even had left the skyranger four aliens were already dead :D

looks like im going to mars soon, just have to build the avenger.

funny things in x-com: once there was a chrysaild. he was about five steps away from my soldier (who has missed als his shots...) but instead of attacking the chrysalid goes three steps towards the soldier, turns around walks away and then decides that attacking would be probably better than running away, tooo bad his TU didn´t last to get to my solider :twisted:

xcom freak 21-03-2005 09:46 PM


Originally posted by dunkellic@Mar 21 2005, 10:31 PM
turns around walks away and then decides that attacking would be probably better than running away, tooo bad his TU didn´t last to get to my solider :twisted:
Or could just be a bug LOL ... Chryssalid mvt is really badly AIed in this game....

My-Q 22-03-2005 02:21 AM

Well, that's good to know that aliens ARE stupid (unless those smart ethereals) :D
If the chryssalids are smart, we're history LOL

axident 22-03-2005 04:18 AM


Originally posted by dunkellic@Mar 20 2005, 06:40 PM
question: how much am i *meep*ed if two nations retreat from the x-com project?

it´s already august and it looks like the usa is a bit pissed (hey come on i destroyed a *dirty word* alien base in their territory) and* that they are going to cancel their financing (like south afrika did a few months before)

Don't sweat losing a country or two, just don't lose so many that the game automatically shuts you down. Three workshops per base cranking out laser cannons and selling them will give you more than enough money.

Get Hyperwave and install one per base, selling off all radars in bases with Hyperwave. Radar misses a lot of UFOs. (To get Hyperwave, stun a Navigator from any alien race and research it. I hear that Engineers also work, but I haven't tried that.)

Alien Infiltration missions are the ones to watch out for. It doesn't matter if you kill 99% of the UFOs over USA if that last 1% was Alien Infiltration and got through.

You could produce Medikits for sale as well, if you don't have Laser Cannon tech researched. The other profitable one is Fusion Ball Launcher, but that takes special materials, so you may as well sell Medikits or Laser Cannons instead.

Anyway, I have Hyperwave and I STILL managed to lose the USA somehow.. that was before I set up my last two bases in the polar regions.. I bet some stupid UFO managed to sneak from the Arctic circle down to the USA before my Hyperwave could pick it up. To have blanket coverage, make sure you build 8 bases and cover the globe with Hyperwave detectors. One in Europe, one in USA, one in China, one in South Africa, one in Australia, one in Brazil, and one at each pole should do it.

But you know what, I don't care about losing the USA anymore, not ever since I got over 600 engineers making and selling laser cannons for me. :D

As an aside, I discovered a pretty cheap way to take out an alien base (but watch out for Mind Controllers): make sure that you are spotted by someone, then run back to the green room and stay there. Send all your soldiers crouching and facing the gravlift, so any alien that steps into the green room gets blasted. This works in regular missions too by camping anywhere on the map, including on either side of the UFO doors so any aliens that step out have their arms blown off. It's not as fun, but it sure jacks up the Reactions of the soldiers involved. :D And I'm playing on Superhuman without reloading (except in special situations like misclicks), so I'm playing very cautiously.

Sometimes you will have to hunt down the last alien or two, though, because they refuse to come out and play.

PrejudiceSucks 22-03-2005 07:04 AM

I really dunno what you guys are talking about with the America thing.

I always used to lose China after the first 4/5 months to a 'secret alien pact' which was annoying. I don't generally build my bases in the USA, because once you build a base somewhere not only do you need to keep a strike team or two there, you also really need to keep the base defended from UFO attack.

As soon as you build an even reasonably good base up and kill a few aliens per month, after a while they come looking for you.

For this reason I have a 'specialist' research and manufacture base on the polar ice caps and I have about 200 spaces in my stores, so that I can transfer alein goodies to that base.

It has a guard of about 20 soldiers with Laser Rifles and proximity grenades, recruited from my best soldiers.

You might think that this is a bit over the top, but on the other hand, it makes me an absolute shedload of money every month (I generally have about 5/6 workshops there, it varies) and also a hell of a lot of researching power. I can literally put 100 people onto 3 projects and have about 50 spare, for any new alien gadgets that come along (or those sodding Mutons).

X-COM hilarious moment - I blow a hole in the side of a small UFO wall, about halfway on the left flank. I throw in a proximity grenade. An alien (I think they must have been sectoids) walks over it and dies. Next turn. I throw in a proximity grenade. Two (it would seem, although I wasn't watching that spot, just nading it) aliens go down. Next turn another two. And then one more.

So for 4 proximity grenades in one place, on a small UFO - 6 aliens dead. Although sadly, I lost about a million dollars' worth of heavy plasmas.

X-COM Tip for the day (I'm starting these again. For a bit at least.) - Don't all camp on the same access lift as some are suggesting. Reason 1 - If people are kneeling then someone is bound to die. Reason 2 - Whenever it is most important to keep a particular person alive, the person opposite inevitably misses and kills them. Reason 3 - Mind Control, or even worse Blaster launchers. Don't ask me how I know this, but if you do insist on putting more than 2 people together, no matter what the circumstances, they probably will get MCed. HE Packs + about 10 of your soldiers = mission lost.

ziambell 22-03-2005 09:06 AM

how can I make my sensitivity lower ? It's so fast that I can do nothing on the map : /

another_guest 22-03-2005 09:47 AM


Originally posted by ziambell@Mar 22 2005, 10:06 AM
how can I make my sensitivity lower ? It's so fast that I can do nothing on the map : /
Run the game through Dosbox.
If your pc is so fast that changing the mouse sensitivity in the options menu (during combat) isn't enough, it will be fast enough to keep a decent speed when using Dosbox.

download Dosbox from Abandonia

dunkellic 22-03-2005 11:47 AM

for the goldversion users:

download "turbo".
you will have to try out wich setting suits you best, i use it with 30% (with a 2.4ghz amd xp) and the game runs fine.
make shure that you don´t have too many programms open in the background, because the programm slows down the whole computer

eddit: aaargh, just had a little meeting with some snakemen and some chrysalids.
a terrorship landet (not on a terrorsite) and my team followed.
on arrival the first one of my men who left was shot by 4 snakeman, luckily none of them has hit him. okay, first thing to do then, is to fire a blaster into that building where to of the shots came out *whom*.
next round and two dead snakeman later, all have disembarked and some of my men spotted another to snakeman (and killed them).
after securing the terrain i wanted to storm the terror ship.
okay, standart tactic: place two soldiers at every entrance and then get in and cover each other.
check: the entrance area is clear, proceding a bit further, but alway spare enough tu for a reaction shot. (pushes the next round button)
suddenly 3 chrysalis appear from nowhere, slaughtering to of my best man and one rookie. i tried to rescue the remaining soldiers but they hadn´t enough timeunits to flee, because of throwing nades.
so it happened like it should happen, another two fallen soldiers....
that sucked an so i decided to load a game (right before entering the damned ship).

i positioned 4 of my men at every entrance flying about 4 feet away from the entrance and just hit the next round button and waited till the aliens decided that staying inside the ship is boring.
man, it´s funny when a snakeman (there were two left inside the sip) or a chrysalid steps out only to be greeted by the reaction fire of 4 men, all fitted with heavy plasmas :D

(ignore the spelling^^)

My-Q 22-03-2005 01:25 PM

I usually don't have more than 3 bases around the world.. and i had once played that alien bases are literally EVERYWHERE !! that's nuts.. sure, i like destroying alien base coz it cranks my points, but if it's the same layout over and over again (not to mention same enemies sometimes).. well.. :blink:

Eplekake 22-03-2005 10:42 PM

Awww iv looked for this game for ages... and now i FOUND ALL :)
well not tacktics but heey :D

i totaly love this site ... :cheers: :w00t: :D :Titan: :Brain: LOL

Guest_Black 22-03-2005 11:04 PM

I've got the game, and it's size is 13 MB. Even if you remove music and movies, game CAN'T be 3.24 MB. Unless it is compressed REALLY good in ZIP or RAR... Which I haven't tried, but is quite possible... I'll download the game and see what have you done to it...

Guest_Black 22-03-2005 11:25 PM

Interesting... Good compression, indeed. Movies still in the game. To tell the truth, I have Russian version. I think I'm going to pass the whole game again - in english version...

PrejudiceSucks 23-03-2005 07:28 AM

Welcome to the newcomers at this game, then.

Hope you like the forum, although we usually talk about the same things -

How to run the game

How the game is played and tips on how to win it.

Still, that is what is forum is for, so I won't complain.

I have these little things called X-Com tips of the day, which I've just started again, as it was getting hard to make new ones and also I give out information on the game, most of which proves to be wrong.

Oh and also, I try to get all of the 100's past 500. So 800 is coming soon, I will give you all some flowers in the post if you let me have it :angel:

Oh I'm not some kind of admin, I just usually talk on this forum and not much else.

irrelevantjet 23-03-2005 07:58 AM


i remember playing this game so long ago and sucking at it....

and yep... i still suck at it now!!!

i lose pretty much all my people on crash site and terror missions, the most i've come back with from a 10 man team is 4....

i got up to a large ship.. i intercepted it and my ships were shot down in one shot!!!!

:cry: :cry: :cry:

is there some kind of beginners guide? i'm sure i'm missing something here :blink:

another_guest 23-03-2005 09:16 AM

It's quite a job to read through all the previous posts, but there are some really valuable hints in there...

A few tips for early in the game:
- Weapons: I don't bother with rifles or pistols, but use auto cannons, stun rods and a few rocket launchers instead. Try to get laser rifles as early as possible.
- On missions, try to let soldiers cover each other: if one spots an alien, you should have a few soldiers capable of shooting it. Use any forms of cover as much as possible (hedges, walls,...) Keep time units available at the end of your turn for reaction fire (especially for soldiers with high reaction).
- When sweeping through a site, make sure you've checked out any buildings or such completely, before turning your back on them. Nothing more annoying than get shot from an unknown direction.
- Read autopsy reports to learn each race's weakness. Some will be vulnerable to HE, others to laser,...
- Don't bother with large ships until you've got decent weaponry for your interceptors. See previous posts for a discussion about which weapons are best.
- Terror missions are hard, especially early in the game. It's quite a thing to get out alive. But don't ignore them, as that would have a dramatic effect on the way that country views your activities.

That's something to begin with, I'm sure other users will come up with a lot more tips & tricks...

irrelevantjet 23-03-2005 09:31 AM

excellent thanks dude, every mission i did i ended up fighting a newer and harder enemy.... and my soldiers were still plain old soldiers, i think i'm just a bit slow to get off the mark :D

dunkellic 23-03-2005 11:34 AM

also what i often do at the beginning at the game: loading savegames

i make shure that most (in the best case all) of my soldiers survive the first missions and terrorsites. so later you have a quite good troop and the missions get a whole lot easier (like when most of your soldiers have 81 timeunits)

PrejudiceSucks 23-03-2005 01:27 PM

Save every turn is my advice and also, until you get armour and also laser weapons (most of all rifles) don't bother with terror sites.

Just land and run straight away, as you still get some credit for landing, as ignoring a terror site is the worst thing you can do.

As for normal alien ships, to begin with you should only face Sectoids, which are very easy and can be killed with even Rifles in one shot.

When you start facing Mutons, it's time to get out the Heavy Plasma guns.

And never forget to take a couple of Stun Rods and/or Small launchers.

Stunned aliens are worth more in both points terms and also in research terms.

vck 23-03-2005 07:07 PM

I can't play it in ground mission becaus game roll too fast... Can somebody help how i can fix that?

I have AMD Serpron 2600+ and 3D Prophet 9800SE-AIW

vck 23-03-2005 07:12 PM

and of course win xp

BeefontheBone 23-03-2005 07:31 PM

*sigh* as always, use DOSBox since this is a DOS game, or possibly the Turbo utility mentioned about 3 posts above yours. Or you could DO A SEARCH before asking everyone - the forum must have the words "how do i slow it down?" "use DOSBox" about 6 million times in it by now...

Havell 23-03-2005 07:35 PM

Er, actually, stunned aliens aren't worth anything in points terms.

another_guest 23-03-2005 07:44 PM


Originally posted by R Havell@Mar 23 2005, 08:35 PM
Er, actually, stunned aliens aren't worth anything in points terms.
But captured live aliens get you 100 points each...

Havell 23-03-2005 07:56 PM

Not in my experience, I always get a big fat zero for my points for captured aliens.

Lizard 23-03-2005 08:07 PM


Originally posted by R Havell@Mar 23 2005, 09:35 PM
Er, actually, stunned aliens aren't worth anything in points terms.
Nope,they ARE worth double points than dead aliens in points costs... :whistle:

Havell 23-03-2005 08:09 PM

OK then, my mistake, I just always seems to get 0 points from my stunned aliens.

Lizard 23-03-2005 08:14 PM

I just dont know what happens to your stunned soldiers in the end of combat:They arent count as dead,they arent count as MIA but they never return to base.I lose 1 colonel and 3 captains this way. :cry:

Havell 23-03-2005 08:16 PM

Nasty, I'd imagine that is one of UFO's many bugs, I don't get that since my soldiers seem to either be alive or dead at the end, nowhere in between.

dunkellic 23-03-2005 08:49 PM

so, now i am at mars, but i didn´t played the mission, just landed and then left the game.

what bugs me, you can´t shoot out of the avenger. at least not with a blaster lauchner....

what kinds of enemeys will i meet inside that complex? (i gues everything...well, i didn´t took those five blasterlaunchers with me for nothing)

Havell 23-03-2005 08:52 PM

Your objective is to destroy the brain, nothing else matters, it doesn't matter if your squad is wiped out as you're not going to be using them again.

PrejudiceSucks 23-03-2005 09:13 PM

Yeah, and don't bother taking any aliens or anything, your only target is to kill the big brain.

I suggest you carefully blaster launcher it... such subtle tactics have always worked in the past...

And you can expect to meet a crapload of Cyberdisks but worst of all 2 Etherial Commanders. Those guys are incredibly hard, so only take guys who you know can withstand MC, or you WILL lose soldiers there.

Don't take too many Blaster Launchers, just take maybe two, not more. I suggest taking 2 plasma hovertanks and maybe a Laser tank (I think there is a sectopod at some point).

And spare no expense on your soldier's armour - Give them all the best armour you can get - attack small ships to get all of the alloys you need and give them Flying Suits, as cost in elerium and alloys is not at all an issue. Arm all of your soldiers as well as possible, I suggest taking Laser Pistols with you in case your ammo runs out, but don't take any stun weapons, just go for the kill.

And stunned soldiers survive as long as you win the combat. If yours keep dying for some reason then firstly patch your game and secondly make everyone take at least one Med-Kit with them (2 would give you double the amount of stimulant).

X-Com tip for the day: Research Laser Rifles as soon as possible, these are your best friend when it comes to any mission, especially Cydonia. They take no ammo to fire, making them the best and cheapest weapon in the game. Heavy Plasmas may do more damage, but Laser Rifles are reliable and free in ammo terms.

P.S. 800th post is mine, don't forget it.

another_guest 23-03-2005 09:49 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 23 2005, 10:13 PM
I suggest you carefully blaster launcher it... such subtle tactics have always worked in the past...
Though heavy plasmas also work fine. But I remember it took quite a few shots to take it out. I hit it a few times, but that only removed a very precize quarter of the thing.

Omnipotent Deity 23-03-2005 11:29 PM

Has anyone else encountered the problem with this game where it will repeatedly minimize itself?? Its done this since i downloaded it about a week ago...although there was a brief period in there where it was stable, but then i had to reboot the comp eventually and it started this minimizing crap again. Its not a very bad problem, just frustrating as hell, as sometime it will refuse to unminimize for a good 7 or 8 attempts at restoring it.

Any ideas?

another_guest 24-03-2005 08:35 AM

That's never happened to me. :blink:
But have you tried the following ways to maximize UFO again?
1) alt+tab to leave it, then alt+tab to enter it again
2) (windowsbutton)+shift+M (=restore format of all minimized windows)

PrejudiceSucks 24-03-2005 10:43 AM

Why not patch the game?

If that doesn't work then I have no idea. If you are running it in Windows 98 (like me) then try it in the MS-DOS prompt.

I have literally no experience of DOSBOX, so don't askl me about that.

However Another Guest might know.

another_guest 24-03-2005 11:11 AM

I use D-Fend as a front end to Dosbox, it makes things so much easier:

In a few seconds you can change any setting without having to type any commands.

But I've have no clue as to whether Dosbox will be the solution to this problem. I've never had something like that happening to me :blink:

Guest 24-03-2005 01:09 PM

jsut a question from a rookie...can you shut up the game completely including pc speaker?!

PrejudiceSucks 24-03-2005 01:45 PM

PC Speaker? Wow! I just use my outer speakers and turn them down, but try changing the .bat files to turn sound off completely.

TwoHedWlf 24-03-2005 04:44 PM

Hmmm, lots of hits to kill the brain? Last time I played I had my last soldier surviving, badly injured, bleeding to death only 1-2 turns left until he'd die, managed to get up the elevator to the brain room and fire off an auto shot with a heavy plasma at the brain, only one hit knocked a section out and I won.

I don't see ammo as really being much of a problem with heavy plasmas. Other than near the beginning I don't come even close to running out and each clip holds 30 shots anyway. I don't think I've EVER used anywhere near that.

PrejudiceSucks 24-03-2005 05:59 PM

Hmm I dunno. It's quite easy to get carried away sometimes.

That's why I like Lasers

Lizard 24-03-2005 06:24 PM

The big part of ammo shortage has an ugly UFO bug(or maybe purpose) that when you shot at least one shot from your clip in the end of mission you automatically lose it.It dont matter if you fire 1 shot or 29 you will STILL lose that clip. :ranting:
Unlimited shots from lasers are simple,pretty,economical and ecological.I never used plasma weapons after first two plays of UFO :max:

Omnipotent Deity 24-03-2005 09:35 PM

I've never heard of windows+shift+m before so i pressed it a bunch of times and the game seemed pretty stable today... then it crashed, LOL, but i had just saved so i hold no grudge. Is there a list of windows shortcut keys, i keep learning new ones...

As for only using lasers instead of plasma.....OH GOD! Lazers are so weeaak, and plasma ammo is free as far as i'm concerned, use 3 shots to kill an alien get 2 free clips, that's win win. I have designated preferred shooters tho, so i don't end up wasting full clips of ammo on everyone for each taking 1 far i haven't had any problems.

Here's something odd i realized today, the less you research, the more alien artifacts you'll recover after each fight and therefore the more points you'll earn. So if you don't use certain alien equipment, don't research them.

God i love this game.

Havell 24-03-2005 09:36 PM

800th POST!!!!!

:evil: :evil: :evil:

Ummm... yeah, great game UFO. :whistle:

I'm actully doing the best I have ever done in my last game. I've never actully completed the game but I am doing well on this game, I just used my 8 man team to take a landed battleship (landed, so all aliens still alive and no holes) and didn't lose anyone! :Brain:

Dreadlord 24-03-2005 09:38 PM

What the hell was that? Spam?

Lizard 24-03-2005 09:38 PM


Originally posted by R Havell@Mar 24 2005, 11:36 PM
800th POST!!!!!

:evil: :evil: :evil:

Ummm... yeah, great game UFO. :whistle:

I'm actully doing the best I have ever done in my last game.* I've never actully completed the game but I am doing well on this game, I just used my 8 man team to take a landed UFO (landed, so all aliens still alive and no holes) and didn't lose anyone! :Brain:

You are a really really evil and mean person.Poor PrejudiceSucks.She must wait till 900th.And 1000th is MINE :evil: :evil: :evil:

another_guest 25-03-2005 01:51 AM


Originally posted by Omnipotent Deity@Mar 24 2005, 10:35 PM
I've never heard of windows+shift+m before so i pressed it a bunch of times and the game seemed pretty stable today... then it crashed, LOL, but i had just saved so i hold no grudge. Is there a list of windows shortcut keys, i keep learning new ones...
That was the combination to restore all windows to their previous size, not meant to do any harm.
If you want a list of the windows shortcut keys, search in the windows help, you'll find a list there.

PrejudiceSucks 25-03-2005 07:54 AM

R Havell you have just insulted the name of Manny Calavera. Would he do that to people? Probably not.

And if all you captured grounded was a small/very small ship then you should be embarassed really, they're extremely easy to take.

Boohoo my sweet, sweet post...

And Omnipotent_Deity, why not get a member's account? That would probably help. I hope that in the end UFO turns out OK for you.

Strobe 25-03-2005 09:50 AM

r havell, you are surely aware, that it is not the purpose of threads to nominate
those who get to the "xxxth post". however if you want to play such a "game"
it's ok as long as no spamming and most of all NO FLAMING is involved!!

so please, just be nice, keep on exchanging information about this thread's
topic and mind your language!

Havell 25-03-2005 10:08 AM

OK, sorry about that last one. I managed to resist making a double post to get it eariler.

And it wasn't a small ship, it was a battleship.

dunkellic 25-03-2005 11:31 AM

is the inner level at cydonia built the same way the normal alienbases are built?

and will i encounter chrysalids??
i found that the easiest way to deal with a chrysalid/snakeman base is, to position your soldiers in the "beam down room" (you know, the one with the green floor), aiming at the red fields and hope your reactionfire works. oh, and now and then you could check if theres someone "downstairs" and throw a nade (or more) down.

that worked pretty well, but your soldiers need good reaction and should be armed with heavy plasmas in order to kill an chrysalid as fast as possible.

btw, i´ve managed it to read the whole thread :D

PrejudiceSucks 25-03-2005 01:18 PM

Yeah, it's a lot like a real base. That's another reason to take blaster launchers + high explosive - You can 'cheat' through this bit by 'tunneling' through the walls to get to the other side - very handy.

X-Com tip for the day: Prioritise your targets. First take out those with Blaster Launchers, then Stun Launchers and then plasma weapons. I can't help but point out that being unconscious is about as handy as being dead. So don't hesitate to kill those with Small Launchers.

another_guest 25-03-2005 02:12 PM


Originally posted by dunkellic@Mar 25 2005, 12:31 PM
is the inner level at cydonia built the same way the normal alienbases are built?

and will i encounter chrysalids??

I don't think I've met any chrysalids there, as far as I remember.

PrejudiceSucks 25-03-2005 02:27 PM

I'm not sure that there are any Crysallids on Cydonia, I just found a lot of Etherials, and a couple of Etherial Commanders (very annoying).

I just ran my way through and took the brain out, to be honest.

P.S. Does anyone know if you can stun the brain or not?

dunkellic 25-03-2005 03:34 PM

well...there were chrysalids -_-

man, the chrysalids took out 4 of my men, my best one was ripped by two sectopods (but he was able to finish one of them hrhr). in the end there were three soldiers left.
all had paniced, than one was under alien control
he nearly reached the one of my men who was at the brain (one level under it) and
both (not alien controlled) stopped to panic. i send the other one to the guy who was under alien control (hoping that he will be the first target) and the guy standing on that lift was ordered to grab his heavy plasma. then i send him up, 30 tu left, enough for autofire.
*BAMM*, the last shot hit the brain (and luckily none of the reaction shots of those 3 ethereals did).


even though the outro is a bit...lame

PrejudiceSucks 25-03-2005 03:36 PM

Sorry about giving you crap info... still, if you though that was hard - TfTD has like the world's hardest last mission (other than Syndicate)!

Juan Rayo 25-03-2005 06:56 PM

Hello all.

I don't even remember how I got to Abandonia in the first place. Must have been one of those "Il click in this link for the hell of it" moments. Never been into "retro" gaming, and I myself only started gaming for real back in 1997. Starcraft got me back then, and held my attention for a long time. Eer since, I kept my PC upgraded and got some of the most graphically beautiful games to play, having a very fast pc and a very powerfull video card. So I got here entirely by accident. What's important is, once in the main page, I started browsing the games, out of curiosity.

So I go to the "most popular" list, and see XCOM Ufo Defense. Now, I KNOW I read about this game somewhere... maybe someone mentioned it in a forum or something. "ah, let's dowload it and at least have some fun at it's expense", I thought. After all, what's an oldie like that gonna have on the latest, graphically magnificent games?

7 Hour later I was still playing. Mind you, I didnt even read the manual. I just started the game and got pulled right into it. Of course, that first campaign ended when my troops where being regulary massacred in EVERY.SINGLE.MISSION due to lack of laser rifles and armor.

And yet, I wasn't discouraged. I read thru this whole thread, AND OTHER threads in other sites, and got me a couple of strategy guides. I have taken to heart much of the advice the veteran soldiers give out to us newbies, and when I play, I plan ahead my missions with the utmost care. All my soldiers have the names of people I know, (I myself am a commander now!) and I don't want to loose any of them. It's gotten to the point that, If i have a strong enough man, he will carry the body of a fallen comrade, so as not to leave any of our own behind, and being able to give them a proper burial as a hero, the way it should be.

This means not just that I became a bit obssesed by the game (a tiny, little bit, yeah) but it goes to show another, much more important point: I AM HAVING GREAT, GREAT FUN playing XCOM.

So, as it turns out, I also got to Abandonia by luck. I have always thought that gameplay is much more important than having the latest graphics tec in a game, but never had such a perfectly clear and undisputable example of that as X COM. It's addictive, it's deep, it has a TON of strategic and tactical posibilities, your soldiers grow with the game, and lets not forget, you can name them :D

Of course, I make a lot of mistakes in my missions, but try to loose as few men as posible. My latest campaign came to a painfull stop when all my interceptors where being shot down by the lasgest UFO's, and my men in the ground were no match for the bastards with the green uniforms that take a LOT of shots (those the Muttons I read about here?). Also, the USA after being the one country that steadily increased my fundings, suddenly had a change of heart and made a pact with the other side. SO I am starting a new campaign, trying to get MORE scientist for more research.

ANy other game I would be real pissed to have to start for a fourth time. Not this one. I found a real gem, I think. So to stop ranting, just wanted to say, great site, and great game. Lotsa thanks!

another_guest 25-03-2005 07:13 PM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Mar 25 2005, 07:56 PM
... my men in the ground were no match for the bastards with the green uniforms that take a LOT of shots (those the Muttons I read about here?).
Drop one 'T' and you're right :) Though muttons sounds like a nice name for them as well...
They're indeed quite hard to kill. Avoid using rifles but go for something heavier. Even laser rifles do quite fine against them, at least compared to (ordinary = non-laser) rifles.
Good luck!

Game Phre&#124;&lt; 25-03-2005 07:15 PM

Wow that was one hell of a rant! Glad you like the site. I have to agree that some of the newest games can not match the playability and originality or the "old Skool" games. :ok:

PrejudiceSucks 25-03-2005 07:24 PM

Yeah, good look with that. It's quite hard to take them down, though, and also watch out for their blaster-launchers.

Lizard 25-03-2005 07:39 PM

Beware from Etherals(Aliens in orange robes),Chrysalids(gray hybrids between crab and chickens :D ) and Mutons.
Also for some reason,only thing that aliens did with their blasters to me was,that they killed themselfes and/or some of his fellows.I lose maybe 5 soldiers to alien(I say alien,becouse etherals have ugly habbit MC soldiers with Blaster Launchers...) Blaster Launchers for my entire gameplay... :blink:

axident 25-03-2005 07:55 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 25 2005, 04:36 PM
Sorry about giving you crap info... still, if you though that was hard - TfTD has like the world's hardest last mission (other than Syndicate)!
Are you referring to the Atlantic Accelerator mission? That was a piece of cake relative to most of the American Revolt missions. The Syndicate Wars missions are also a pain in the behind...

another_guest 25-03-2005 09:40 PM


Originally posted by axident+Mar 25 2005, 08:55 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (axident @ Mar 25 2005, 08:55 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-PrejudiceSucks@Mar 25 2005, 04:36 PM
Sorry about giving you crap info... still, if you though that was hard - TfTD has like the world's hardest last mission (other than Syndicate)!
Are you referring to the Atlantic Accelerator mission? That was a piece of cake relative to most of the American Revolt missions. The Syndicate Wars missions are also a pain in the behind... [/b][/quote]
I second that...

To keep on topic, I was wondering whether mind-controlled soldiers (I mean your men that are now under control of the aliens) reload their ammo? I've never really paid attention to it.

Game Phre&#124;&lt; 26-03-2005 01:04 AM

:wall: :wall: :wall: I am loving this game, however When I run this bad boy :D everything works flawlessly until I do a ground mission, then I get that monitor click :cry: and it boots me out to the desktop like I was never playing :cry: :cry: :cry: I am using Win 2k with 256MB RAM and I am clicking on the Sun Icon for the game (as I read in another post.) HELP!


irrelevantjet 26-03-2005 01:24 AM

i get that problem too.... but not all the time... and it only happens when i click on my front person in the lander and i click to walk him/her out...

sometimes it closes the game but the majority of the time it runs fine

Ramidel 26-03-2005 02:18 AM

This has probably been answered somewhere in the miles of pages, but where can I get the DOS version?

The windows version runs -way- too fast on my computer.

PrejudiceSucks 26-03-2005 07:52 AM

Yeah, I sometimes have a problem with the ramp too, mostly with tanks. It's really odd and doesn't happen anywhere in particular, which makes it very annoying.

And the DOS version comes with this game. If you want to slow it down then get a program called 'Turbo' which uses a lot of CPU energy, or even better, join the Abandonia Help Squad and get the United Devices number cruncher (it has another name, but it's what it does) which does the same, but helps research into cancer too.

dunkellic 26-03-2005 09:38 AM


Originally posted by Ramidel@Mar 26 2005, 03:18 AM
This has probably been answered somewhere in the miles of pages, but where can I get the DOS version?

The windows version runs -way- too fast on my computer.

page 52 first post

Juan Rayo 27-03-2005 12:24 AM

All is quiet in the American front... UNTIL...

man this game has a way of kicking the difficulty up in a second. My latest campaign is going pretty well, I have a well organized weapons/corpses traffiking ring that keeps my bases well equiped, my people ALL have personal armour and the great Laser Rifles, and I usually keep a rocket tank in every Sky Rangers to "flush out" the aliens. In the latest terror attacks I lost no soldiers. Why, I have even captured a leader allready! (with a Stunrod, too. Floater drooped like a ton of bricks, heh).

And SUDDENLY, China surrenders to the Alien menace, and 4 VERY LARGE crafts come out of nowhere and ALL LAND in USA! My 3 bases are scrambling their Sky Rangers to the sites as I write this (leaving Europe and Asia unprotected), while my suddenly diminished air force (lost 2 interceptors, bravely trying to oppose the monster's ships) patrol overhead, I can only imagine the pilots frustration, knowing that there is a full scale invasion going on and their interceptors can't to a damn thing about it.

So this is time to ask for some strategic help. I am only starting to build the, uh, thingy that lets me know what the alien missions are, so I am in the dark. All i know is 4 very large (battleships?) crafts have landed in my biggest contributor backyard! there is no way I can hit all of them, having only 3 Sky Rangers. I saved just before it happened, too, seeing as it was all pretty quiet.. Could they ALL or more than one be infiltrators? if so, I am very much screwed I think. What to do, what to do....

axident 27-03-2005 01:07 AM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Mar 27 2005, 01:24 AM
All is quiet in the American front... UNTIL...

man this game has a way of kicking the difficulty up in a second. My latest campaign is going pretty well, I have a well organized weapons/corpses traffiking ring that keeps my bases well equiped, my people ALL have personal armour and the great Laser Rifles, and I usually keep a rocket tank in every Sky Rangers to "flush out" the aliens. In the latest terror attacks I lost no soldiers. Why, I have even captured a leader allready! (with a Stunrod, too. Floater drooped like a ton of bricks, heh).

And SUDDENLY, China surrenders to the Alien menace, and 4 VERY LARGE crafts come out of nowhere and ALL LAND in USA! My 3 bases are scrambling their Sky Rangers to the sites as I write this (leaving Europe and Asia unprotected), while my suddenly diminished air force (lost 2 interceptors, bravely trying to oppose the monster's ships) patrol overhead, I can only imagine the pilots frustration, knowing that there is a full scale invasion going on and their interceptors can't to a damn thing about it.

So this is time to ask for some strategic help. I am only starting to build the, uh, thingy that lets me know what the alien missions are, so I am in the dark. All i know is 4 very large (battleships?) crafts have landed in my biggest contributor backyard! there is no way I can hit all of them, having only 3 Sky Rangers. I saved just before it happened, too, seeing as it was all pretty quiet.. Could they ALL or more than one be infiltrators? if so, I am very much screwed I think. What to do, what to do....

That stuff happens every once in a while.. in my last Superhuman game, I lost three countries even WITH Hyperwave. I'm still not sure what happened; I guess a craft slipped by the cracks of my 8 Hyperwaves.

My advice: don't sweat losing countries.

Try not to lose too many countries, but I lost USA, UK, and one other one that I forgot.. France or something, but I had so many engineers cranking out so many laser cannons for sale that I hardly noticed. You can't let too many countries turn on you, or the XCOM project will shut down no matter how many tens or hundreds of millions you have generated from your legion of engineers. But you CAN win despite losing several XCOM sponsors.

Try to gang up on battleships with at least two Firestorms+Plasma Beams. Don't attack battleships with anything less than a Firestorm. Four Firestorms can quickly rip apart a Battleship and suffer only a few days' worth of repairs. You could take out a Battleship with one Firestorm if need be, but it'll probably be in the repair shop for a couple of weeks.

As for the interim missions, it's not that bad to fight Battleships that were not shot down. Just camp the gravlift and there will soon be a pile of alien bodies just outside the UFO doors. The goodies you get from those undamaged-battleship missions should ease the pain if you really do lose a country's funding.

Anyway, get Hyperwave ASAP. Run around a corner right into the chest of a navigator holding a stun bomb launcher and hopefully it stuns both of you with reaction fire. Use stun rods to beat up Panicked aliens. Do whatever. Just get it.

What you want to do is to have at least one (preferably two) Firestorm(s) per base armed with 2 Plasma Beams. For your third hangar, either have a Skyranger (or Avenger if you have tons of Elerium) or have another Firestorm (or even an interceptor for local patrols, if you're running low on Elerium) with laser cannons to chase down smaller UFOs without destroying their Elerium-containing engines; that will allow you to get more Elerium 115 to convert to more power/flying suits and plasma beams, as well as ensure that you have enough fuel for your fleet of Firestorms.

Juan Rayo 27-03-2005 05:11 AM

Thanks, I guess I really shouldn't worry too much about loosing countries... it just feels... wrong. After all, my second base is in there!

I am actually building the Hyperwaves in every base, but they are still some 20 days from completing them. Odly enough, the fact that it STILL happened to someone even with 8 Hyperwaves kinda makes me feel better :whistle:

I guess you are right, there are enough med students in the world to buy alien corpses it seems (at $20,000 each) and enough demand for my very finely made Laser Rifles to keep me going, even if I loose the USA. and If they get a base there, well, it would be close enough to AmeriCOM so I can shoot down their suply ships! So I can maybe turn this to my favor...

another_guest 27-03-2005 08:04 AM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Mar 27 2005, 05:11 AM
... even if I loose the USA. and If they get a base there, well, it would be close enough to AmeriCOM so I can shoot down their suply ships! So I can maybe turn this to my favor...
I've always had the impression the alien bases are always (meaning: even if you start a new game) at the same locations.
What I don't know is how many alien bases there are at the start, whether they're building more in the course of time, or if they just stick to the bases they started with?
What I mean is, I wouldn't know if they build any bases in countries they've "conquered".

PrejudiceSucks 27-03-2005 09:22 AM

Alien bases are always in the same place, but appear at different times. If you know where one usually is, fly an empty Skyranger into the area and sometimes the purple square will come up. At this point, get a strike team together, because the aliens will get many points from having a base on earth.

I can only remember where a couple are and that is - Madagaskar (Island to the east of the African mainland) and one very close to the Russian border, about 800 km east of it and on the north tip.

Another tactic is to let the base stay and shoot down the Supply Ships carefully with an interceptor with 2 plasma cannons (damageless to the interceptor and no elerium needed to power it - works on Terror Ships too) and then kill off all of the aliens for a lot of Elerium + Alloys + Corpses and Weapons.

I personally do that a couple of times so that I get loads of Elerium, and then just attack the base before it starts sending out Terror Ships etc.

axident 27-03-2005 09:38 AM


Originally posted by another_guest+Mar 27 2005, 08:04 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (another_guest @ Mar 27 2005, 08:04 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Juan Rayo@Mar 27 2005, 05:11 AM
... even if I loose the USA.* and If they get a base there, well, it would be close enough to AmeriCOM so I can shoot down their suply ships! So I can maybe turn this to my favor...
I've always had the impression the alien bases are always (meaning: even if you start a new game) at the same locations.
What I don't know is how many alien bases there are at the start, whether they're building more in the course of time, or if they just stick to the bases they started with?
What I mean is, I wouldn't know if they build any bases in countries they've "conquered". [/b][/quote]
I don't know if they're static or not, but in my last game, it took me a while to get Psi Labs without which I refused to assault several Sectoid bases: one in the Arctic circle, one on Cuba or one of those islands nearby, one in Siberia north of China, and one on an island south of New Zealand or something. There have also been bases in Europe and in the USA before. I shot down and assaulted so many supply UFOs and took out some Snakeman bases that despite the large number of alien bases, I still got extremely positive scores each month. You get points just for shooting down UFOs, and I think you get penalized for not visiting crash sites, so sometimes I would shoot down an Ethereal UFO, send a crew over, then take off immediately to get zero points.

Anyway, like I posted a while back, alien bases aren't hard if you just gather your troops in the green rooms and camp the grav lift, waiting for aliens to go to you. This doesn't work if you don't have psi-resistant soldiers and they are fighting Sectoids and Ethereals, hence my avoidance of those Sectoid bases until I could assemble a large squad of psi-resistant soldiers.

Periodically check the UFO Activity graphs to see if there are any spikes; if there are spikes in a region, send a Skyranger to patrol that region for several hours to find the alien base(s).

But so what if you lose some points for alien bases? XCOM sponsors only pay something like 6 million at first, and even if they keep raising it by a million per month, selling alien alloys, corpses, etc. nets you way more in all but the first month or two. And once you get a few hundred engineers and sell laser cannons (or laser rifles or medikits if you haven't gotten laser cannon tech), the cash flow from XCOM sponsors will be almost irrelevant.

Plus, you need to stun an alien Commander at some point, so you HAVE to let the aliens have at least one base.

another_guest 27-03-2005 10:09 AM

** Warning: contains spoiler **

Two other locations of alien bases I remember: North Pole, North Africa (not sure which country, maybe Lybia)

lethe 27-03-2005 10:42 AM

Heck, I don't even bother doing base raids, unless I need elerium. Will only cause retaliation. You can easily compensate it by doing some missions (both points and elerium) on large or if you're lucky very large ship missions, as long as your team is well trained and equipped (laser rifles are not good equipment Juan). Make sure you have heavy plasmas, medikits for the whole team, flying suits, alien grenades, proximity grenades, small launchers, psi-amps and even a tank will be helpful.

Don't bother about losing countries too, get 2 bases manufacturing alien alloys and medikits at high scale and money won't be a problem. As long as you have at least 1 country running, it's all good.

Tip for very large ships: make a hole at the top level of the ufo in the corridor zone with the launcher and get half your crew in there, while the other half is watching the lift and making sure no one is outside.

exception for the tip: if you try this with a poorly trained team and the ship has ethereals, say bye bye to half of your crew.

another_guest 27-03-2005 11:42 AM

Oh well, laser rifles are just fine. Against some alien types, they'll maybe even work better than heavy plasmas.
In addition, you've got infinite ammo (makes quite a difference if you rely much on auto shots, like I did) and they don't require any elerium. Just a matter of taste and much discussion among the addicts :D

As for losing countries: it's indeed enough to have a single allied country, but that's too much of a risk. In other words, each time you loose a country, you'll getting a little closer to the edge. As long as it's only a handful, no need to worry. But it shouldn't become a trend.

lethe 27-03-2005 11:48 AM

Just let the very large ships land, there's plenty of elerium on them. In the game I'm playing right now, I have nearly 4000 stored.

Besides, most aliens carry plasmas, so you really only need to make a few right in the beggining of the game, when you research it.

PrejudiceSucks 27-03-2005 01:42 PM

No, Laser Rifles are pretty much always better than plasmas. Heavy Plasma is OK, but the others are useless in comparison with Lasers, simply because they are reasonably powerful and have infinite ammo, so you don't waste any TUs on reloads.

Laser Pistols are good for those 'Crack Snipers' who have Heavy Plasmas (the only time I use them) when they need to get a shot off and run. Laser weapons are reliable and completely free to maintain, and sell for a lot more money proportionaly than plasma weapons, and there is not need to stockpile resources such as Alien Alloys to make them.

A Laser pistol sells for 2.5x the money you make it for, Laser Rifles sell for a similar kind of profit.

A Heavy Plasma sells for about 30k more than you make it for and needs Alien Alloys to make it, and if needed, Elerium for the clips. This makes the whole process very annoying, as you need to work out how much Elerium / Alloys to get to use etc.

Also, for a Heavy Plasma to be worthwhile your soldiers need to be quite adept at shooting. You can give a Laser weapon to anyone and they won't waste ammo and on the off-chance that they hit they will still do serious damage.

Also, Plasma weapons never get bonuses against any enemy, only penalties. Lasers are the opposite. A Sectopod (pretty much the most dangerous thing in the game) will get absolutely hammered by a Heavy Laser, whilst it can shrug off Heavy Plasma hits.

Base Defence missions are easy enough if you prepare a good team there. You only have 80 items at your disposal, so what I recommend is about 20 soldiers (you'll thank me if you get attacked by a battleship in your main base) with Laser Rifles (20 items, no need for clips), a med-kit each (another 20) a proximity grenade (20 again) and High Explosive (again 20). So each of those soldiers has very good killpower + enough health packs to remain safe.

On the other hand, try this with Heavy Plasma. 20 Heavy Plasma (20 items) a clip minimum each (another 20) and a med-kit (20). Now you have to have a toss-up between Proximity Grenades, additional clips or High Explosive (I think that stun weapons are not a great idea in base defense). If you choose Proximity Grenades you probably won't have all the killpower you need on the larger creatures. If you choose High Explosive you can't have 'minefields' and if you have 2 clips per soldier you won't have any explosive power.

If you choose to ditch the med-kits, then as soon as anyone gets wounded, they are gonna be useless for a very long time. If you want to cancel this out with armour, then fair enough, but you are still going to be vulnerable to those Heavy Plasma shots.

By the way before you all attack me and go 'What about blaster launchers j00 n00b?!!11!!' or whatever think about this - Power Armour is Laser-Proof, so if a soldier goes berserk or gets MCed, you should be OK. Power Armour is not really Heavy Plasma proof on the sides/rear, which is where you will probably be getting shot from. Absolutely nothing is Blaster Launcher proof and due to their enormous blast radius, no-one is safe. Hence, Laser Rifles are the way to go.

P.S. Sorry about the enormous post.

dunkellic 27-03-2005 03:24 PM

well, i only use laser rifles at the beginning.
then i switch as fast as possible to plasma rifles and a bit later i equip every soldier with heavy plasmas.

i don´t get it why everyone always says: OH NO, safe the elerium, instead of producing plasma clips use laser rifles

i mean, at the beginning you get more than enough plasmarifles + ammoclips from dead aliens at the end of the mission.
and some months later the only thing that aliens drop are heavy plasmas + clips.
i always have my soldier carrying two clips around and until now i never needed to reload. even if you use autofire, at the point where your men use heavyplasmas they should already be enough skilled to hit at least with one of the three autoshots.

i never build any clips during a campaing simply because i get enough from alien crash sites/landing sites/terror sites.
i even have a "emergency"storage at my mainbase with about 120 clips.

the standart equipment for any of my men/women is: amor (as soon as possible flying) heavy plasma + 2 clips and two alien grenades.
of course, at the beginning i switch to laserweapons first then to plasma rifles and then to heavy plasmas

ps: the only enemy where plasma weapons get penalties is the sectopod (and thats the only one as far as i can remember)

ps2: yesterday i tested the lasergun (for aircrafts), it´s pretty useless with that range^^

PrejudiceSucks 27-03-2005 03:54 PM

Actually, the Laser Cannon is really handy against the smaller ships (try it with a lightning).

Craft weapons weren't involved, anyone who has played this game will know that plasma cannons really are the best weapon. By a lot.

And Sectopods are the only thing that is worse, but on the other hand, it is very, very dangerous to let them live.

The Laser never has any penalties against anything and is actually better vs a sectopod even than a Heavy Plasma.

axident 27-03-2005 04:21 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Mar 27 2005, 10:09 AM
** Warning: contains spoiler **

Two other locations of alien bases I remember: North Pole, North Africa (not sure which country, maybe Lybia)

Nigeria has one too

axident 27-03-2005 04:40 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 27 2005, 01:42 PM
No, Laser Rifles are pretty much always better than plasmas. Heavy Plasma is OK, but the others are useless in comparison with Lasers, simply because they are reasonably powerful and have infinite ammo, so you don't waste any TUs on reloads.

Laser Pistols are good for those 'Crack Snipers' who have Heavy Plasmas (the only time I use them) when they need to get a shot off and run. Laser weapons are reliable and completely free to maintain, and sell for a lot more money proportionaly than plasma weapons, and there is not need to stockpile resources such as Alien Alloys to make them.

A Laser pistol sells for 2.5x the money you make it for, Laser Rifles sell for a similar kind of profit.

A Heavy Plasma sells for about 30k more than you make it for and needs Alien Alloys to make it, and if needed, Elerium for the clips. This makes the whole process very annoying, as you need to work out how much Elerium / Alloys to get to use etc.

Also, for a Heavy Plasma to be worthwhile your soldiers need to be quite adept at shooting. You can give a Laser weapon to anyone and they won't waste ammo and on the off-chance that they hit they will still do serious damage.

Also, Plasma weapons never get bonuses against any enemy, only penalties. Lasers are the opposite. A Sectopod (pretty much the most dangerous thing in the game) will get absolutely hammered by a Heavy Laser, whilst it can shrug off Heavy Plasma hits.

Base Defence missions are easy enough if you prepare a good team there. You only have 80 items at your disposal, so what I recommend is about 20 soldiers (you'll thank me if you get attacked by a battleship in your main base) with Laser Rifles (20 items, no need for clips), a med-kit each (another 20) a proximity grenade (20 again) and High Explosive (again 20). So each of those soldiers has very good killpower + enough health packs to remain safe.

On the other hand, try this with Heavy Plasma. 20 Heavy Plasma (20 items) a clip minimum each (another 20) and a med-kit (20). Now you have to have a toss-up between Proximity Grenades, additional clips or* High Explosive (I think that stun weapons are not a great idea in base defense). If you choose Proximity Grenades you probably won't have all the killpower you need on the larger creatures. If you choose High Explosive you can't have 'minefields' and if you have 2 clips per soldier you won't have any explosive power.

If you choose to ditch the med-kits, then as soon as anyone gets wounded, they are gonna be useless for a very long time. If you want to cancel this out with armour, then fair enough, but you are still going to be vulnerable to those Heavy Plasma shots.

By the way before you all attack me and go 'What about blaster launchers j00 n00b?!!11!!' or whatever think about this - Power Armour is Laser-Proof, so if a soldier goes berserk or gets MCed, you should be OK. Power Armour is not really Heavy Plasma proof on the sides/rear, which is where you will probably be getting shot from. Absolutely nothing is Blaster Launcher proof and due to their enormous blast radius, no-one is safe. Hence, Laser Rifles are the way to go.

P.S. Sorry about the enormous post.

I think this is a matter of personal preference, but I had to give up the laser rifles in my last campaign after I started encountering Ethereals and Mutons, which have enough armor to survive a direct laser hit with alarming frequency.

IIRC, Heavy Plasma is more accurate (110% Aimed or something like that; I think laser rifles are only 100% aimed? But who are we kidding, we all use Auto anyway, and I think HP is more accurate there, too.), and one shot is usually enough to kill. It sucks when you go autofire with a laser rifle on an alien only to have it miss, miss, hit--then the alien turns around and reaction fires you to death. (And don't try to NOT autofire, because if you Aimed and hit, the alien might survive it just the same and kill you. At least with auto sometimes you get two or three hits in, preventing such a scenario.)

Also, who the heck reloads Heavy Plasma? I've never had to do that, EVER. It's such a strong weapon that it only needs one hit most of the time to get the job done. Sure you get more shots off with a laser rifle, but it's less accurate and you run a higher risk of the "miss, miss, hit, alien turns around and kills" you scenario.

There is NO NEED to manufacture ANYTHING in the game that requires special materials except: Plasma Beam, armor, Firestorm (many), Avenger (1 at the very end), and maybe Psi-Amp. Just pick up alien grenades, alien Heavy Plasma, etc. after winning missions. Eject Heavy Plasma clips right before a mission is over so that it'll count as a "full" clip and not disappear from inventory. Save your E115 to manufacture armor, plasma beams, and serve as fuel for Firestorms and Avengers.

Someone did an "arms sales" calculation once (look for the XCOM unofficial strategy guide). Laser cannons are more profitable to make than anything other than Fusion Ball launchers, but those require special materials and are barely more profitable, so don't bother. Medikits are a decent second choice. The reason why laser cannons are so profitable: short manufacture time. You don't earn that much per cannon, but you can make a LOT of them in a short amount of time.

Against for Sectopods, I tried everything. Heavy plasma, Heavy Laser (sucks against anything else--no autofire!), Laser Rifles, High Explosives, Alien Grenades, etc. At the Beginner level, you can get away with using any of those and kill a 'pod after a few direct hits, but at the Superhuman level, I've come to this conclusion: if you are fighting in an alien base, let Ethereals and Sectopods come to you by getting all of your soldiers in a small ring around the gravlift. That way you can hit them with as many shots as you need when they get close. If you are fighting them out in the open at a fallen UFO, don't bother with any of the weapons I just mentioned. *Blaster Launchers* are the way to go. It cuts through the insane amount of armor (like what, 70 frontside or something) like butter. Just make sure to give the Launchers to your most mind-control-resistant guys. =) If you are fighting them in your OWN base, see below.

A note about base defense: I posted something a few pages ago about base layout. You don't need prox grenades at all; they just destroy valuable equipment. Use a few "spotters" midway down a long hall and have a firing squad as far away from the access lift as possible. You get to shoot aliens, they can't even see you except your spotters, who only poke their heads around the corner before running back into hiding. A blaster launcher isn't necessary and only destroys equipment. Even Sectopods can't stand six soldiers' firing into the damned thing with either laser rifles or Heavy Plasma.

Lastly, just sack all your psi-weakling soldiers. That takes care of the backstabbing problem, and you can more safely use Heavy Plasma. Oh, and, you CAN cut through Flying Armor with a laser rifle; it takes much more effort, true, but once upon a time, I had a soldier shoot the soldier next to him six times (2 autofires), and the other soldier died.

addseale2 27-03-2005 06:15 PM

Ahaaa X-Com. Oh, for the olden days...

Anyway, Here's a few tips.

Heavy plasma wins. Get it.

Tech to laser rifles for a good alternative to HP Until you can get a steady income of ammo.

Get armor. Wub the armor. Give your best soldiers your best armor.

Don't bother with HWPs later on, They're useful at the start, and midpoint as scouts, but later on, your best soldiers are just as good, if not more. And as for scouting... that's what rookies are for, right? :whistle:

Pistols. Don't underestimate 'em. A heavy weapons soldier with no ammo is useless, But one with a good pistol on em can STILL kick some arse.

Go straight from the firestorm to avenger. Use IT just as a tech link, It's useless, and can't even carry HWPs..

Even though I never finished it, I tried like hell and built a few tatics up. :wall:

PrejudiceSucks 27-03-2005 06:36 PM

Actually, the Lightning craft is great for Alien Base attacks. So what, it can't carry HWPs, on the other hand it delivers 12 crack soldiers just where I need them. Like bases.

Also, the Avenger takes ages to build, far too many raw materials and if you start using it as a combat craft you put masses of equiptment at risk.

HWPs are utter cattle crap. Just no. 4 spaces for a piece of technology that can't even pick an alien corpse up and has trouble stunning it? THE ANSWER MUST BE NO!

HP does not win. It loses. A lot. As said earlier today, it just punches through your own armour. Laser Weapons are better for a reason. Laser Pistols are not bad at all, especially as sidearms for snipers with HP and heavy weapons troopers, who should be armed with Heavy Cannons.

Before anyone complains about that one, if you load up an auto-cannon with HE ammo and take it within a square mile of an etherial/sectoid commander then you know what will happen. Heavy Cannons are slow, but that doesn't really matter if you're hitting every time.

X-Com tip for the day: Anything that's on the interior of your landing craft (Skyranger/Lightning etc.) will be taken away, so dump alien stuff in there early on to save TUs for later turns. You'll thank me after turn 5.

Lizard 27-03-2005 07:15 PM

Funny.20 or 30 pages backwards I was only one who said that laser rifles are far better than plasma, and now there is a LOT another defenders.... :w00t:
Laser rules!!! :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:

Zarkumo 27-03-2005 07:51 PM

Uhm... I hope you don't mind me not searching through the whole 56 pages of ingame tips but asking my technical prob question here:

The game works fine until I order my skyranger to land at an ufo site. Then the game just shuts down and returns me to the desktop. (Win XP Professional SP 2) Common problem? What can I do?

Actually I DID find another post now of someone describing the same problem. I'll try the suggested solution (closing all other programs and savong often...)

So sorry for interrupting...

lethe 27-03-2005 10:47 PM

Do you actually manage to finish anything with laser weapons? I mean, what's with the unlimited ammo and wasting 20 tu's reloading? I have a very careful way to play, I hardly lose man (except the damn novices proving me wrong when I think they're ready to join the main squad, and mainly only to mind-playing ethereals). At most, you'll have 20/25 opponents, if you have 12 in a squad, that's 35x12= 420 shots. Get yourself a good squad (aka very good reflexes, somewhat good accurancy, very brave and with a long training in psi labs), and you'll hardly need to reload one single weapon during the entire game. Besides, after occupying a few strategic positions in battle, most of the team will be stranded, and the ones advancing can always switch places when/if they need to reload.
Heavy plasma and psi amps are without doubt, the ones to blame for me finishing the game in all levels except superhuman (They start off way too fast, if someone can finish this one, I'll bow to you :D ). It's hard enough with it after veteran, can't imagine how to play without them. :blink:

Lightning and firestorms are worthless. Go straight to avenger. With 100 scientists working on it, you'll take less time completing research on the avenger than building up a lightning in 2 workshops.

Lizard 27-03-2005 11:26 PM


Originally posted by lethe@Mar 27 2005, 11:47 PM
Do you actually manage to finish anything with laser weapons? I mean, what's with the unlimited ammo and wasting 20 tu's reloading? I have a very careful way to play, I hardly lose man (except the damn novices proving me wrong when I think they're ready to join the main squad, and mainly only to mind-playing ethereals). At most, you'll have 20/25 opponents, if you have 12 in a squad, that's 35x12= 420 shots. Get yourself a good squad (aka very good reflexes, somewhat good accurancy, very brave and with a long training in psi labs), and you'll hardly need to reload one single weapon during the entire game. Besides, after occupying a few strategic positions in battle, most of the team will be stranded, and the ones advancing can always switch places when/if they need to reload.
Heavy plasma and psi amps are without doubt, the ones to blame for me finishing the game in all levels except superhuman (They start off way too fast, if someone can finish this one, I'll bow to you :D ). It's hard enough with it after veteran, can't imagine how to play without them. :blink:

Lightning and firestorms are worthless. Go straight to avenger. With 100 scientists working on it, you'll take less time completing research on the avenger than building up a lightning in 2 workshops.

Duh....I finished Ufo in first four difficulties and then as the Superhuman JUST with laser weapons(and Blasters).I really dont see what you all have on heavy plasmas :blink: There is only one thing in they are better than lasers-you can made holes in Ufo more easily with them :bleh: :tomato:
Really,I never had a problem to kill something with them :blink:
But well,diferent persons,diferent opinions... :rolleyes:

lethe 27-03-2005 11:37 PM

Thing is, laser weapons are so frustrating. Hitting a muton with 3 auto shots, just to see it turn around and kill your esteemed commander that just had scratched him. Even with heavy plasma this happens sometimes.

Oh and.. :kosta: Give me tips how to end superhuman level. I always end up too far behind on research (a thing I'm pretty good at all other levels) and end up getting my new bases destroyed, until I either quit for being totally pointless, or end up just running out of money (My 3rd base is usually the one to make the big profit, most of the times I don't even get to build it). Just seems AI develops too fast, not funny to fight very large ethereal missions with a poorly trained squad, rather a suicide. :crazy:

Lizard 28-03-2005 12:01 AM


Originally posted by lethe@Mar 28 2005, 12:37 AM
Thing is, laser weapons are so frustrating. Hitting a muton with 3 auto shots, just to see it turn around and kill your esteemed commander that just had scratched him. Even with heavy plasma this happens sometimes.

Oh and..* :kosta:* Give me tips how to end superhuman level. I always end up too far behind on research (a thing I'm pretty good at all other levels) and end up getting my new bases destroyed, until I either quit for being totally pointless, or end up just running out of money (My 3rd base is usually the one to make the big profit, most of the times I don't even get to build it). Just seems AI develops too fast, not funny to fight very large ethereal missions with a poorly trained squad, rather a suicide.* :crazy:

Just a few tips:
-Use Avalanches.They are :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: .With 3 or 4 interceptors each with 2 avalanches you can shot down even Very Large Ufo...
-Buy a LOT of scientists.And when I mean a LOT I mean a LOT.It would be good to have around 200-300 hundred in the end of March(tip-resreach just laser weapons and armors :bleh: .Maybe the point that I didnt even bother to resreach plasma weapons(I had laser-avalanche combo on my crafts ,I resreached laser weapons,armors and Ufo Construction(and psy labs)
-Btw nevermind to not having very much money.Sell EVERYTHING from Ufos that you dont need for your resreach (even aa and elerium,in smart numbers) and again you should stuck with lighting-firestorms(avenger just cost too much material to build/maintain)
-becouse you will be generally technicaly overpowered,try to switch and play ufo wihtout alien techs on low difficult first, you should learn few tactics -how-to-kill-mutons-with-heavy-plasmas-just-with-autocannons-or-lasers...... :max:
-When you dont want,or cant afforod your crafts damged,just follow ufo till it land and then do a tactical mission.If you get rating good-excelent for it,you will even be in get plus points,regadless the fact that you ignored the Ufo and allowed it to land...
And so on...And so on.....

lethe 28-03-2005 01:03 AM

First base is always crowded with scientists, still the advance it's substantially slower than the advance at genius level.

I never take down very large ships, they're the main source of elerium, at least the first ones without the damned ethereals (getting tired of saying this). What's more annoying in these is that they start appearing when I don't have a fast transporter yet, and the skyranger just makes me throw the computer through the window, by the time it arrives at the location, the ufo already landed and lifted off a few hundred times.

Never got crafts damaged (mainly cause I don't take down very large ships)

I'll think about the lasers, but I think I'll give it a try at the hardest level again using plasmas. It's been quite some years since I played this one (exception made this last week, but playing in 4th level), maybe other strategy games sharpened some areas :D

On a personal note, I expect nothing else but to be humilliated, any other result will be a victory, such as managing to build and mantain a 3rd base for the very first time :bleh:

ImpNemo 28-03-2005 02:06 AM

Ehh, I dont get it.

Laser Rifle___________Heavy Plasma

46%____34%___Auto ___50%_____35%
65%_____25%__Snap____75%___ 30%


Ignoring that the HP has greater accuracy... and the degree that difference is depends greatly on the soilder (the more accurate the soilder the greater that accuracy gap)

Fire Auto twice.. Laser has 360 dmg potential vrs. HP 690

If you use Snap lets assume your soilder is at 75% TU, Fire Laser x3 180 vrs. HP x2 for 230

Worse for 100% TU, 240 vrs 345 (plus 10% TU for HP soilder to move, kneel, or turn to fire)

Laser gets the nod on aimed assuming full TU AND you discount movement that turn for HP, 120 potential vrs 115, otherwise again the HP has more potential

Reloading has never been a problem for me, I just never use up the clip already loaded. I can count on one hand the number of times I can remember HAVING to reload, much less a HP. Ima big fan of snap shot, so lets assume about 50% accuracy on 35 rounds, normaly higher but, anyway, 50% hit rate gets me 17 hits and on most enemies, 17 kills. From one soilder. Anything bigger, and not sectopod, gets auto fire, assume i fire twice at 50% again for simplicity, thats 3 hits for 345 dmg. I can do that for 5 anda half rounds before im low on ammo, 2 left. My problem is Im running out of things to kill at this point.

Elerium certainly isnt a problem in the late stages your talking about... even IF for some reason the baddies stop droping lots and lots of HP clips. (2 per alien most times, if not all never made certain)

Certainly have a few laser rifles on your transport for sectopods, if your people are strong enough just equip them regardless. And ofc as has been said over and over and yet again laser pistols for your BL/psi amp boys...

But lasers greater than HP? :yawn:

Well... only for a challenge :max:

Speaking of which... superhuman? with lasers?? on the non bugged version??? :kosta:

axident 28-03-2005 02:58 AM


Originally posted by ImpNemo@Mar 28 2005, 02:06 AM
Ehh, I dont get it.

Laser Rifle___________Heavy Plasma

46%____34%___Auto ___50%_____35%
65%_____25%__Snap____75%___ 30%


Ignoring that the HP has greater accuracy... and the degree that difference is depends greatly on the soilder (the more accurate the soilder the greater that accuracy gap)

Fire Auto twice.. Laser has 360 dmg potential vrs. HP 690

If you use Snap lets assume your soilder is at 75% TU, Fire Laser x3 180 vrs. HP x2 for 230

Worse for 100% TU, 240 vrs 345 (plus 10% TU for HP soilder to move, kneel, or turn to fire)

Laser gets the nod on aimed assuming full TU AND you discount movement that turn for HP, 120 potential vrs 115, otherwise again the HP has more potential

Reloading has never been a problem for me, I just never use up the clip already loaded. I can count on one hand the number of times I can remember HAVING to reload, much less a HP. Ima big fan of snap shot, so lets assume about 50% accuracy on 35 rounds, normaly higher but, anyway, 50% hit rate gets me 17 hits and on most enemies, 17 kills. From one soilder. Anything bigger, and not sectopod, gets auto fire, assume i fire twice at 50% again for simplicity, thats 3 hits for 345 dmg. I can do that for 5 anda half rounds before im low on ammo, 2 left. My problem is Im running out of things to kill at this point.

Elerium certainly isnt a problem in the late stages your talking about... even IF for some reason the baddies stop droping lots and lots of HP clips. (2 per alien most times, if not all never made certain)

Certainly have a few laser rifles on your transport for sectopods, if your people are strong enough just equip them regardless. And ofc as has been said over and over and yet again* laser pistols for your BL/psi amp boys...

But lasers greater than HP?* :yawn:

Well... only for a challenge* :max:

Speaking of which... superhuman? with lasers?? on the non bugged version???* :kosta:

Your analysis is incomplete because you don't take into account alien armor factors. From the unofficial strat guide:

9.1 Average Alien Stats (on easiest level!)
------ Armor ------
TUs Ene Hea Bra Rea Fir Thr Str PSt PSk Fro Lft Rgt Rer Und
Sectoid 55 90 30 80 65 30 60 30 40 * 2 1 1 1 1
Reaper 60 90 145 80 60 0 0 90 35 - 14 14 14 14 2
Floater 50 90 35 80 50 25 60 40 - - 4 3 3 2 6
Cyberdisc 60 90 120 110 65 30 0 90 - - 17 17 17 17 17
Snakeman 40 80 45 80 45 30 65 50 - - 10 9 9 8 6
Cryssalid 110 140 95 100 70 0 0 110 - - 17 17 17 17 17
Zombie 40 110 85 110 40 0 0 85 - - 4 4 4 4 4
Ethereal 70 100 60 80 75 40 80 50 50 40 17 17 17 17 16
Sectopod 60 90 95 110 65 30 0 90 - - 70 65 65 50 45
Muton 58 90 90 80 60 30 60 70 - - 10 10 10 10 5
Celatid 70 90 70 90 40 50 0 70 60 - 10 10 10 10 10
Silacoid 40 80 115 100 40 0 0 70 - - 25 25 25 25 5

TUs = time units Ene = energy/stamina Hea = health
Bra = bravery Rea = reaction Fir = firing accuracy
Thr = throwing accuracy Str = strength PSt = Psi Strength
PSk = Psi Skill Armor = front/left/right/rear/under

* Only Sectoid leaders and commander have Psi Skill, with avg of 55.

NOTE 1: you can get info on particular alien stats by using a mind probe
on them. Leaders and commanders are 10 to 20% higher, and there
appears to be random modifiers, depending on rank and position.
Stats are also higher on higher difficulty levels

NOTE 2: higher rank aliens also have higher "intelligence", which means
they will remember your location longer. Some alien species are
also more intelligent than others. For example, Ethereals and
Sectoids have higher intelligence than Mutons and Reapers.

Let's take a soldier with 50 accuracy, no weapon in the other hand, but not kneeling, either. Autofire with a laser rifle = 9 shots per round, max. .46 x 50 = 23% of autofire shots hit the target. Let's say the soldier fires at a sectopod's front side with all 9 shots. On average, .23 x 9 = 2.07 shots will hit the 'pod causing an average of (60 x 1.5) - 70 = 20 points of damage each (since lasers get 1.5 x damage against 'pods). That means that a 50 accuracy soldier with a laser rifle, shooting all 9 shots at the 'pod, will do about 2.07 x 20 = 41.4 damage to the 'pod per turn, assuming that the soldier doesn't die from return fire.

Now let's look at Heavy Plasma with the same soldier. You get 2 autofires and a snap snot per turn out of a HP. .5 x 50 = 25% of the autofire shots hit, or an average of 1.5 hits for that portion. Snap shot is 75% accuracy for an average of .75 x 50 = .375 hits for that portion. That totals to 1.875 hits. Plasma does only 70% as much damage against 'pods. So each hit does (.70 x 115) - 70 = 10.5 damage. 1.875 x 10.5 = 19.7 damage to the 'pod per turn.

This is an imperfect analysis because I don't know the variance of damage dealt. You sometimes do more or less than average damage (e.g., hit an alien in the head = almost certainly a kill; shoot it in the foot and it might not die, even if it has little health and almost no armor).

Anyway, I play on Superhuman, so Sectopods have even more than 70 front armor and 95 health! I try to hit the sides and back of 'pods, but that's not always possible. Against Sectopods AND ONLY SECTOPODS, laser rifles are superior to Heavy Plasma. And they BOTH suck compared to a Blaster Launcher, which does 200 damage and kills any unit in the game with a direct hit.. because I doubt that Sectopods have more than 105 armor even at the highest difficulty settings.

If you did the same analysis with, say, Ethereal, you'd find that laser rifles can't dig deep enough through Ethereal armor to reliably kill in one hit. That exposes the soldier to retaliatory Reaction fire. For instance, say you shoot a laser rifle against an Ethereal at lowest difficulty setting. 60 - 17 = 43 damage on average, against the average Ethereal's 60 health points. Not good! So if you go autofire against an Ethereal, you better hope that you get a head shot or get multiple hits, else the Ethereal will return fire if it has enough spare TUs. A Heavy Plasma that hits an Ethereal has a better chance of killing it, doing 115 - 17 = 98 damage against 60 health. So unless you get a bad damage roll (hit its foot or something), the Ethereal will die in one hit without having a chance of returning fire.

For the other guy asking for advice on beating the game on Superhuman: I just did it, with a minimum of reloads. My general advice: make an alien containment facility, start in Europe, expand to USA immediately, research laser pistol, rifle, cannon immediately. Get 50 scientists and 50 engineers, start making and selling laser cannons when you are done making laser rifles for your infantry. By February, all interceptors should have dual Avalanche launchers.

By the end of the second month, start construction on a China base. After that, try to start more bases in S Africa, Australia, and Brazil by April. Top it off with the polar bases by May. All this time, stick with 100 scientists and as many money-producing engineers as you can get. You do NOT need more than one Skyranger until March or so; as money permits, get three Skyrangers in USA, Europe, and one other base. Don't waste resources on Avengers or Lightning troop transports.

Your first critical priority is to get Firestorms with Plasma Beam. I recommend researching Heavy Plasma, then Plasma Beam, then arming interceptors with Plasma Beams. Give laser cannons or something crappy to interceptors so that they can shoot down small UFOs without destroying their valuable E-115 cargo. You also want to be able to knock down a small Ethereal UFO later in the game to stun its occupants; fighting 2-3 Ethereals is a piece of cake compared to fighting 6-7.

To finish reseach on Firestorms, get E-115, UFO Navigation, UFO Power source, UFO construction, New Fighter, etc. Make at least one Firestorm per base, and give them all 2 Plasma beams apiece. At some point you will have enough Elerium to fuel some Firestorms that only have crappy laser cannons to knock down small UFOs. That's okay. Make sure you rearm interceptors with crappy weapons before you sell them and replace them with Firestorms, else the interceptors take their plasma beams with them!!!

100 scientists is enough for the whole game as long as you don't research the silly stuff until last. Keep adding engineers and making/selling laser cannons to buy even more workshops and engineers. Stop after you get to, say, 1000 or more engineers, because quite frankly it's a pain in the behind to periodically click on each base and sell laser cannons.

While you are trying to get Firestorms, get Hyperwave by stunning a navigator. Do it with stun rods or run around the corner into an alien holding a stun bomb launcher & hope for reaction fire.

After or concurrently with Hyperwave, get psi lab ASAP to determine which soldiers you should sack; get rid of all psi-weaklings. A dangerous way to research psi lab is to capture a Sectoid leader; I prefer finding a tiny Ethereal UFO, shooting it down with laser cannons, and then charging the handful of Ethereals with stun bomb launchers.

While this is all happening, research whatever you want, like Medikits, Armor types and Avenger. At some point you will have to raid an alien base and stun a Base Commander for researching the Cydonia solution. See other posts in this thread about combat tactics inside and outside of UFOs, alien bases, and your own base.

You should have hundreds of engineers making millions of dollars per day by fall of 1999. Now you're in business. Hire 100s of soldiers at a time and sack the crappy ones. The rest, shovel them through Psi training and sack the psi-weaklings. Make Power Armor (or Flying if you have the E-115 for it), one Avenger whose first and last mission is to Mars.

As a general hint: if a mission is too tough, then just land and take off right away. You get crap for points, but you get penalized for ignoring crash sites, I think. You may have to land and immeidately take off a lot during the first few months because your rookies with inferior weapons would get roasted in some Terror missions. I hate Terror missions, because you usually have to fight at night, whereas you almost always can wait until daytime before going to any other mission.

Good luck! I finished in August, but I bet I could do July if I were willing to reload a lot, but that makes the game less fun.

xcom freak 28-03-2005 05:03 AM

Wow even I havent thought so much about the game and i have the nickname....

Spookyfish 28-03-2005 06:14 AM

Yeah, shame on you. And I thought you were cool (shakes head)...

Hehehe, just fooling around :D...

The last terror site I played was awesome... I was testing out my new flying suits against some Mutons, and I kicked their asses thoroughly! My two best soldiers found about six Mutons cleaning a two-story building of civies, and so began throwing grenades and shooting into the smoke while my lesser troops surrounded the building... It was levelled to the ground, I killed two civilians myself :whistle:, but it was over in two turns following encirclement. Awesome :D.

Me wuvs me sum flying suits :cheers:.

PrejudiceSucks 28-03-2005 07:54 AM

Actually I have just realised that we are wasting time comparing HP and Laser Rifles.

It should really be Plasma Rifles and Laser Rifles.

Heavy Plasma vs Heavy Laser.

Fine, Heavy Plasma has Auto Shot, on the other hand, two soldiers working together will beat pretty much anything with a Heavy Laser. This 'aliens turning around' rubbish is completely negated by a Heavy Laser soldier in Power Armour (who should also carry a Stun Rod) and their comrade equiped in the same way. This way if the Heavy Laser somehow doesn't kill and the creature turns around (rare as that may be) then the other soldier can snipe them down.

Pretty much nothing can take on two Heavy Laser troops. Sectopods now seem weedy and easy to kill.

Laser Rifles are not too bad when you think about it, especially compared to Plasma Rifles. They are great for 'cutting' through the walls of houses etc. in town for no cost. That is another reason why I use them over Plasma Weapons.

That's not to say that if I see a Heavy Plasma on a mission I won't at the very least drop it off in the Skyranger/Lightning so that I keep it, it's just that they are quite annoying to maintain, and as I said in my last post they are not very good for base defence.

X-Com tip for the day: If an alien looks too tough to shoot and you have TUs spare, rush it with a Stun Rod.

Lizard 28-03-2005 11:21 AM

Ok.For first time I have a question:Can stun rod stun any alien with one hit?I am playing challange,and I think I spend enought time amusing on Earth and I should make friendly visit on Cydonia :evil: :rifle:
But (becouse I generally used small launchers before) I am not so experienced with stun rods as I should be... :(

another_guest 28-03-2005 11:34 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 28 2005, 07:54 AM
Actually I have just realised that we are wasting time comparing HP and Laser Rifles.

It should really be Plasma Rifles and Laser Rifles.

Heavy Plasma vs Heavy Laser.

We certainly are wasting time, that's true :D

The comparison between laser rifles and heavy plasmas was quite logical because both have auto shot capability. And in the end it comes down to this: what weapons are you taking, out of the whole range?

I only finished the old version (so 1 difficulty level), but then I used a mix of both, approximately like this:
1/3 laser rifles to cut holes through buildings, plus stun rods (I've got the impression laser rifles are a lot lighter to carry than heavy plasmas)
1/3 heavy plasmas in those cases where lasers don't deal enough damage
1/3 stun launchers
Plus of course some additional grenades, even HE packs, 2 mind probes, psi amps.

But since I usually divided my soldiers into groups of 2 or 3, I always had some backup if I met an alien type that was resistant to a particular weapon.
Diversity :)

Spookyfish 28-03-2005 11:34 AM

:blink:! I've always the heavy laser to be obselete once you get your hands on heavy plasmas, or any weapon for that matter. But, I don't really see any difference between heavy plasma and laser rifle other than slightly higher accuracy.

Anyhow... Concentrated mass-fire is my key to victory. Amen for 60% accuracy auto mode :D. But, I can always try some heavy laser pairs and see how it turns out...

Lizard, no. The tougher aliens can usually take a few hits with the stun rod before they go down, so if I'm going for H2H combat, I make sure to pick on the ones that have already taken a hit. I've never had really good use for any stunning weapons though... Usually the things I shoot at drop to the ground unconscious so I have to shoot them again. Freaks me out :crazy:.

:rifle: :eeeeeh:


dunkellic 28-03-2005 01:19 PM

one last word to the laser rifle vs. heavy plasma thing^^

yesterday a snakeman/chrysalid ship attacked my mainbase where i just finished ti manufacture about 30 laser rifles. the game automatically equiped my soldiers with them instead of the heavy plasmas wich i normally use (and with a psy amp).

well, it was pretty hard to kill chrysalids with laserrifles (because my soldiers carried the rifle and the amp in both hands so say good bye to accuracy).
i normally prefer to MC the enemy, try to kill (while using him) some other alien, than drop the weapon and run straight to my people. (of course, controlling a chrysalid you can´t attack him without first giving him equiptment first).

normally a chrysalid won´t live long if a soldier fires in autoshotmode at him with a heavy plasma. well....this won´t work with a laser rifle...

so: if it ins´t a sectopod heavy plasma s are superior to heavy laser (autoshot, more accuracy, more damage)

PrejudiceSucks 28-03-2005 01:20 PM

Basically, the Stun Rod knocks down most aliens in one shot. Some take 2, and if you were super-determined I guess that you could probably take down a Sectopod given enough time.

On the other hand, that would be very foolish, you should Heavy Laser the suckers or hit them with a blaster bomb. Or run away after you throw HE packs at it. That always helps. Heavy Lasers I take to Terror Sites and bases, but not anywhere else.

Another_Guest, Heavy Plasma weighs the same amount as a standard earth rifle and I think that a Laser Rifle only weighs about the same. Heavy Cannons are heavy, but nowhere near as heavy as Auto Cannons. Missile Launchers and Blaster Launchers weigh slightly more than Rifles, but not much, it's really the ammunition for them that is very heavy.

And if you're stuck with having to use sucky equipment then it's your fault. Don't keep stuff in bases that you know you won't want to use. And if you were in a base you only need one or two MC guys, and they should be behind the lines anyway. It would have been better to drop the Psi-Amps and go with the improved accuracy.
Crysallids are dangerous no matter what weapon you are using, but you should always keep a row of soldiers with Stun Rods ready for such things.

another_guest 28-03-2005 01:21 PM

Always take the weapons away from stunned aliens. I don't know if they pick up any other weapons lying around though I strongly doubt it.
But usually stunning only comes in at the end of a mission, once you've reached the inner chambers of the ufo or alien base. So I haven't had much trouble with aliens awaking before the end of the mission.

PrejudiceSucks 28-03-2005 01:26 PM

The easiest way to sort out stunned aliens is to keep them in your landing craft with a guard or two with a pistol. Surprisingly enough, though, you may want something larger if you anticipate Crysallids and you might want soldiers skilled in Psi if you're trying to keep Etherials in your craft.

another_guest 28-03-2005 02:07 PM

If it's only one or two stunned aliens that could really cause trouble, place a soldier on the same spot (soldier standing on the tile where the unconscious alien is lying). I have only tried that a handful of times, but as far as I know, it prevents them from getting up.

dunkellic 28-03-2005 05:00 PM

@PrejudiceSucks: it would be far more intelligent to use only <insertyourweaponofchoice> or a psi amp - but:

i already have done cydonia and loaded a savegame that was before i went there.
i just want to play a bit further and my squad is already pretty good and well i just play for fun...and MC is pretty funny^^

ImpNemo 28-03-2005 05:05 PM

Thxs for armor statistics, didnt havem, didnt feel like finding them. :ok:

Are you sure LR can auto fire 3 times? Thats 102% TU Ill go make some and try it later today...

Heavy Laser______________Heavy Plasma

__50%__33%___Snap______75%_____ 30%


Laser Rifle___________Plasma Rifle

46%____34%___Auto ___55%___36%


When you set it up this way... you really cant ignore the accuracy differances anymore... especially not if your tactic is to sit back with a sniper with a heavy laser. The HL just takes too long to have a greater chance to miss for less dmg anyway. And the HL potential yield vrs ANY of the other 3 is abismal because of auto fire and the lack thereof, it only has 255 max potential dmg a round. The closest setup is aimed on PR vrs LR, your again looking at shooting twice with the LR being better assuming you dont have to move at all to aim and the targets armor doesnt negate a shot.

If you compare them just on dmg AND ignoring auto fire the HL and the PR are closest but the accuracy on the PR is just too superior. Id rather have that 36% increased chance to hit than 5 extra dmg.

Lets add those armor stats axident brought us, and shudder, as the HP cuts through it all (again barring the sectopod) much more easily than anything else.

The sectopod was designed to keep you from being able to do what.... simple, carry only one weapon type late game... the HP. Ive tried taking down pods with HP... 12+shots later it wasted 3 experienced soilders in flying suits. :w00t: On the other hand I have gotten lucky and gotten them from behind and killed them with HP auto fire with ease, and sometimes not... The game designers intention is to force to you make tactical decisions regarding weapons loadout to add some variety to late game missions. Now if you want to argue HL > LR for taking out sectopods... I might see it I havent played enough with that setup to run an experiment against one but I could see the HLs 25 extra dmg coming in handy against the pods armor.

lethe 28-03-2005 05:19 PM

If you're a HP fan, take a small launcher with you all the time for sectopods. Never had any problem with them.

Thanks for the tips, I'll try to introduce some of them in my gameplay, but changing it completely would be starting over and would be kind of prejudicial :D

About stunning aliens, never do that in the beggining of a mission. My lesson was in the early days, stunning the first I could find thinking "good, I have what I want", then going to the ship. After killing everything, I spent twenty minutes searching through the ship to find the survivor that won't let me finish the mission, to find out that it was the one who had been stunned outside.

dunkellic 28-03-2005 07:46 PM

i just tried to MC a sectopod....well, my last soldier made it :D

they got really nice stats, but no autofire.
AND i found the ULTIMATE WAY to deal with sectopods!!
they only have 250 shots and no clips to reload, so just get a good cover and wait until they run out of ammo ;)

Game Phre&#124;&lt; 28-03-2005 11:34 PM

:ok: I agree that I would love to start discussing the weapons with everyone if....
:wall: :Titan: :sniper: I could get the thing to let me go to the UFO crash site! Everytime I start a ground mission it gives me the button to click to begin the mission then my monitor goes, click, and the game shuts down and dumps me into the desktop. HELP!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

axident 28-03-2005 11:55 PM


Originally posted by ImpNemo@Mar 28 2005, 05:05 PM
Thxs for armor statistics, didnt havem, didnt feel like finding them. :ok:

Are you sure LR can auto fire 3 times? Thats 102% TU Ill go make some and try it later today...

Heavy Laser______________Heavy Plasma

__50%__33%___Snap______75%_____ 30%


Laser Rifle___________Plasma Rifle

46%____34%___Auto ___55%___36%


When you set it up this way... you really cant ignore the accuracy differances anymore... especially not if your tactic is to sit back with a sniper with a heavy laser. The HL just takes too long to have a greater chance to miss for less dmg anyway. And the HL potential yield vrs ANY of the other 3 is abismal because of auto fire and the lack thereof, it only has 255 max potential dmg a round. The closest setup is aimed on PR vrs LR, your again looking at shooting twice with the LR being better assuming you dont have to move at all to aim and the targets armor doesnt negate a shot.

If you compare them just on dmg AND ignoring auto fire the HL and the PR are closest but the accuracy on the PR is just too superior. Id rather have that 36% increased chance to hit than 5 extra dmg.

Lets add those armor stats axident brought us, and shudder, as the HP cuts through it all (again barring the sectopod) much more easily than anything else.

The sectopod was designed to keep you from being able to do what.... simple, carry only one weapon type late game... the HP. Ive tried taking down pods with HP... 12+shots later it wasted 3 experienced soilders in flying suits. :w00t: On the other hand I have gotten lucky and gotten them from behind and killed them with HP auto fire with ease, and sometimes not... The game designers intention is to force to you make tactical decisions regarding weapons loadout to add some variety to late game missions. Now if you want to argue HL > LR for taking out sectopods... I might see it I havent played enough with that setup to run an experiment against one but I could see the HLs 25 extra dmg coming in handy against the pods armor.

You're right; I haven't used Laser Rifles in so long that I forgot. Still, some of your soldiers have the ability to fire 9 shots because the game rounds to the nearest TU. For instance, if the soldier has 33 TUs, then each shot takes 11.22, or 11 TUs.

If anything, this just proves that Laser Rifles are worse than Heavy Plasma except against 'pods.

Sharp 29-03-2005 01:14 AM

Hmm, everyone does seem to prefer Heavy Plasmas, no arguments for all its advantages.

Lotsa damage
Fairly good accurcay

Now i dont give heavy lasers to everyone, just 2-4 snipers in my squad.

They fire from off-screen and kickass while safely hidden from the aliens.

Also the heavy laser is not weak at all. If you mange to hit all 3 in a HP then yes it does more damage but the Heavy Laser is not for close combat. Its for long range fire support.

The heavy laser can kill any alien you want if the person who fires it is that accurate. One of my best snipers is 83 firing accuracy. Im assuming that the 110% accuracy of the heavy laser aimed shot gives an overall accuracy of 93%, which means if crouched as well should make it almost impossible to miss. My sniper kills anything in her line of fire, and i mean anything. Generally she hits headshots as well so she kills people in one hit.

Adv. Of Heavy Lasers
No Ammo
Good Accuracy
Good damage

My other 3 snipers are +70 firing accuracy and all equipped with heavy lasers, it is really a one-shot one kill. Also when theres those annoying obstacles in the way i can use my snipers to blow them up without wasting ammo and be sure of not killing any of my troops because there soooo accurate.

Somewhere b4 someone said that power armour is resistant to laser, well mabye laser rifles, not heavy lasers, there also good against plasma rifles as well but not totally resistant.

Newayz i luvs my lasers, cheap, effective, accurate and efficent.

Also one more thing, a heavy plasma can only fire 12(last one only 2 times i think) times of autofire before reloading, a heavy laser can fire forever without reloading. Ok so you fire less shots, but your shots are more accurate. My sniper doesnt even have to use the aimed shot, just a few snap shots, she can usually fire 2 while moving a bit, and 3 if practically motionless (i think).

So basically what you should do is give your best shots a heavy laser and the rest of em plasmas.

axident 29-03-2005 02:14 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 29 2005, 01:14 AM
Hmm, everyone does seem to prefer Heavy Plasmas, no arguments for all its advantages.

Lotsa damage
Fairly good accurcay

Now i dont give heavy lasers to everyone, just 2-4 snipers in my squad.

They fire from off-screen and kickass while safely hidden from the aliens.

Also the heavy laser is not weak at all. If you mange to hit all 3 in a HP then yes it does more damage but the Heavy Laser is not for close combat. Its for long range fire support.

The heavy laser can kill any alien you want if the person who fires it is that accurate. One of my best snipers is 83 firing accuracy. Im assuming that the 110% accuracy of the heavy laser aimed shot gives an overall accuracy of 93%, which means if crouched as well should make it almost impossible to miss. My sniper kills anything in her line of fire, and i mean anything. Generally she hits headshots as well so she kills people in one hit.

Adv. Of Heavy Lasers
No Ammo
Good Accuracy
Good damage

My other 3 snipers are +70 firing accuracy and all equipped with heavy lasers, it is really a one-shot one kill. Also when theres those annoying obstacles in the way i can use my snipers to blow them up without wasting ammo and be sure of not killing any of my troops because there soooo accurate.

Somewhere b4 someone said that power armour is resistant to laser, well mabye laser rifles, not heavy lasers, there also good against plasma rifles as well but not totally resistant.

Newayz i luvs my lasers, cheap, effective, accurate and efficent.

Also one more thing, a heavy plasma can only fire 12(last one only 2 times i think) times of autofire before reloading, a heavy laser can fire forever without reloading. Ok so you fire less shots, but your shots are more accurate. My sniper doesnt even have to use the aimed shot, just a few snap shots, she can usually fire 2 while moving a bit, and 3 if practically motionless (i think).

So basically what you should do is give your best shots a heavy laser and the rest of em plasmas.

I don't know why you'd want to use Heavy Laser for sniping when, for less TU and more accuracy AND damage, you can use Heavy Plasma. HP weighs only the same as a regular plasma rifle. So the only advantages that Heavy Laser has over Heavy Plasma are: 1) better against Sectopod and 2) no ammo.

But just eject your plasma clips right before the end of a mission and you wipe out almost all of advantage (2). If you have more than a few soldiers in a squad, they will have enough ammo among them to finish almost any mission, so there goes the rest of (2).

Since Blaster Bombs are best against 'pods, it doesnt make sense to use Heavy Laser OR Heavy Plasma or any other weapon, so HL is worthless after you get Plasma and Heavy Plasma unless you are really, really, really concerned about lack of ammo and really don't want to use Blaster Bombs against Sectopods.

Guest 29-03-2005 04:12 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 29 2005, 01:14 AM
Hmm, everyone does seem to prefer Heavy Plasmas, no arguments for all its advantages.

Lotsa damage
Fairly good accurcay

Now i dont give heavy lasers to everyone, just 2-4 snipers in my squad.

They fire from off-screen and kickass while safely hidden from the aliens.

Also the heavy laser is not weak at all. If you mange to hit all 3 in a HP then yes it does more damage but the Heavy Laser is not for close combat. Its for long range fire support.

The heavy laser can kill any alien you want if the person who fires it is that accurate. One of my best snipers is 83 firing accuracy. Im assuming that the 110% accuracy of the heavy laser aimed shot gives an overall accuracy of 93%, which means if crouched as well should make it almost impossible to miss. My sniper kills anything in her line of fire, and i mean anything. Generally she hits headshots as well so she kills people in one hit.

Adv. Of Heavy Lasers
No Ammo
Good Accuracy
Good damage

My other 3 snipers are +70 firing accuracy and all equipped with heavy lasers, it is really a one-shot one kill. Also when theres those annoying obstacles in the way i can use my snipers to blow them up without wasting ammo and be sure of not killing any of my troops because there soooo accurate.

Somewhere b4 someone said that power armour is resistant to laser, well mabye laser rifles, not heavy lasers, there also good against plasma rifles as well but not totally resistant.

Newayz i luvs my lasers, cheap, effective, accurate and efficent.

Also one more thing, a heavy plasma can only fire 12(last one only 2 times i think) times of autofire before reloading, a heavy laser can fire forever without reloading. Ok so you fire less shots, but your shots are more accurate. My sniper doesnt even have to use the aimed shot, just a few snap shots, she can usually fire 2 while moving a bit, and 3 if practically motionless (i think).

So basically what you should do is give your best shots a heavy laser and the rest of em plasmas.

Maybe my table isnt clear, the 110% Aimed is for Heavy Plasma, not Heavy Laser. Also the snap on HL is only 50%. so your 83 firing sniper is at 41.5with a HL vrs with a HP at 75% means 62.25. Aimed is 69.2 for HL vrs 91.3 for HP. HP has 30 more dmg and as I disscussed before I never run out of ammo on its 35 round clip so reloading isnt an issue.

But if your guy can kill like that anyway... go for it :ok:

Remember, there is no right answer in this

except mine :sneaky:

ImpNemo 29-03-2005 04:14 AM

^ thats me ^

PrejudiceSucks 29-03-2005 09:18 AM

Right, I'll help that other guy out - Nobody here knows how to sort out that bug, but try downloading it from HoTU if you got it here, or here if you got it from HoTU.

Oh guys, as a (semi) final statement I would like to say that I play with X-ComUtil and I choose the 'improved lasers' thing. It only improves the Heavy Laser, though, and also means that you need Elerium and/or Alloys for your laser weapons that are better than Laser Pistols.

It adds to the HL damage and accuracy, but they cost 1A and 5E each, so you can't just make loads at the beginning. Even Laser Rifles are 1E and Laser Tanks are 10E 5A, at the same price as before for the same tank.

It balances the game a lot more and all of you should download the latest version of X-ComUtil (not the beta) as it makes the game easier to start off with and much harder to end with. One of the features I like the most is the 'High-Explosives' option that allows them to blow through a UFO's outer wall (although it takes a few). Very rewarding. And handy on Battleship missions.

Like you know all the times you wanted to go through the roof without blaster launchers (maybe the first battleship you meet, where you don't have the tech)?

Well now you can, you just throw some HE onto the roof to make holes of 1 square (so 4 packs = hovertanks!) and let the fun start. Especially since you can always throw more in and it goes right through the inner walls of a UFO in no time.

But that's just me.

dunkellic 29-03-2005 10:42 AM

doesn´t this destroy the gamebalance?
i mean the thing with the HE´s wasn´t made for fun.
it shurley has its reasons that the only weapon wich can blow a hole into an ufo is the blasterlauncher/heaveplasma (heavyplasma does only work inside, doens´t it?)

and also i find it useless to power up the heavy lasers. they weren´t made weaker than the heavy plasma wihtout purpose.
AND if you need elerium for heavy lasers this would be another reason for me not to use them.
heck, i don´t ever needed elerium for plasmaweapons (only for aircraft weapons) because you will find them (in mid-game stage) at any ufo site and after a mission you will have even enough to sell them for about 1 or two millions.

laser weapons are only usefull (in my opinion) at the beginning of the game, where you only have rifles and not enough scientists to research plasmaweapons fast enough

Gnorkha 29-03-2005 11:23 AM

Hi everyone,
i´m new here, but i love x-com. I would like to play it, but i´ve several problems. :help: First i can´t load my saved games, they´re not shown in the loading list. The second prob is discussed earlier but it´s solution doesn´t work for me.
I´ve windows xp sp2 and everytime i wanna start a mission the game crushes down. It doesn´t work when i shut down every other program. Has anyone here an idea how i can solve my probs? :cry:

I´m desperate, :ranting: I WANNA PLAY

PrejudiceSucks 29-03-2005 12:01 PM

Actually, the inner walls of a UFO are weaker than the outer walls. A HP could easily go through the inner walls. Even a Heavy Laser would probably do the trick. Blaster Bombs are always goin to work on anything.

No-one knows how to fix UFO, or people would have been replied to. For the saved games thing I have no idea. Try copying them and pasting them back into the saves folder, overwriting the originals, that could work.

another_guest 29-03-2005 12:59 PM


Originally posted by Gnorkha@Mar 29 2005, 11:23 AM
I´ve windows xp sp2 and everytime i wanna start a mission the game crushes down. It doesn´t work when i shut down every other program. Has anyone here an idea how i can solve my probs? :cry:
I take it from the review that this is the windows version.
To the abandonia crew: is there a reason not to upload the DOS version?
This runs quite flawlessly in Dosbox.

Jman4117 29-03-2005 01:20 PM

DOS version has the fixable difficulty bug and crashes a lot less (ok...DOS crashes less than Windows probably ;) ). The Windows version added a blaster bug; not fixable to my knoweledge.

As for my weapons combos:

6 Heavy Plasma
4 Laser Rifle
2 Blaster/Rocket /w Laser/Plasma sidearm
2 Heavy Laser/Plasma Rifle/Stun Launcher /w Laser/Plasma sidearm

Sharp 29-03-2005 01:28 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Mar 29 2005, 04:12 AM
Maybe my table isnt clear, the 110% Aimed is for Heavy Plasma, not Heavy Laser. Also the snap on HL is only 50%. so your 83 firing sniper is at 41.5with a HL vrs with a HP at 75% means 62.25. Aimed is 69.2 for HL vrs 91.3 for HP. HP has 30 more dmg and as I disscussed before I never run out of ammo on its 35 round clip so reloading isnt an issue.

But if your guy can kill like that anyway... go for it :ok:

Remember, there is no right answer in this

except mine :sneaky:

Erm..... your table must be incorrect as well if you dont have the Heavy Laser on 110% accuracy.

Heavy Laser Stats
120-dmg (highest conventional weapon damage in game)
Snap Shot - 75% accuracy 33% TU Cost
Aimed - 110% accuracy 60% TU Cost

Other: No ammunition required, extra-effective against sectapods, can blow holes in inner walls of UFO's

Heavy Plasma Stats
Auto-Shot - 50% accuracy 35% TU Cost
Snap Shot - 75% accuracy 30% TU Cost
Aimed - 110% accuracy 60% TU Cost

Other: Weak against sectapods, can blow holes in inner walls, clip size of 35

As you can plainly see the Heavy Plasma is very effective for your gruntwork soldiers as it has a high damage combined with the ability of the Auto-Shot so in enclosed areas.

However when sniping that extra 5 damage that the heavy laser does can make a lot of difference. Also as no ammunition is needed you dont have to even put the tiniest amounts of effort into ammo conservation. The laser can efficently and effectivly blow holes in many obstacles for fire teams to go through. As I stated before, I only give lasers to my snipers, hence they only use aimed/snap shots hence the extra 5 damage the laser does is extremly usefull when fighting.

Also you can see that the snap on the laser and plasma are exactly the same only differing in TU's by 3%. I dont know if you use XCOM Util or something which changes weapons stats but the heavy laser is the ultimate Sniper weapon.

I give the grunts the heavy plasmas and make them go into close combat, however if you can afford to (as in you wont die) then try and fire aimed shots as this increases your soldiers firing accuracy greatly.

Sniping Tactic:
My best sniping tactic is similar to what those darn aliens do all the time, I give my snipers flying suits, they fly ontop of buildings. They stay in the centre of the roof and move to edge to spot n' shoot an alien and then move back into the centre, makes the soldier immune to being MC'ed and no return fire as well.

Heavy Weapons Platforms are extremly usefull in every stage of the game in my opinion. In base defence they effectivly boost it. They cannot get mindcontrolled, get panicked or go beserk. They move extremly fast and the weapons they can carry are suprisinlgy effective. The Plasma/Laser Cannons practically dont have ammunition problems as the Plasma can fire 255 rounds and it automatically gets replenished after each battle. The Cannon is the only useless one, it is only good for the first few missions, I first get the Rocket Launcher, it has a large firepower, lots of ammo, and unlike soldiers wont accidently blow up your troops.

Im not too sure of the accuracy of the HWP's but im sure that it is fairly high, although not as high as experienced soldiers. A Cannon HWP on the first few missions can kill far more then your newbie soldiers.

The HWP is also much better then losing 4 valuable members of your squad (generally the first people in your sky-ranger are the most experienced due to killing more aliens etc... unless of course your next 4 people are the best as the first 4 die)

Only in Base Assaults do tanks truly suck. They clog up hallways and cannot fire around corners and then peek back effectivly. On the otherhand using a tank as cover means that you can chuck grenades over the tank while being safe against return fire, but that is a very expensive tactic. Tanks can also effectivly clear out the same corridors they clog up and let your soldiers mop up the leftovers.

Lizard 29-03-2005 01:41 PM

Heavy laser stats(from Ufo)
snap shot 50%
aimed shot 75%

Really strange.But lasers are better anyway :Titan:

Endop 29-03-2005 02:25 PM

Does anyone here use the XComUtil addition, that fixes bugs (difficulty bug, and uses f0dders graph fix) and can do all kinds of nifty stuff. As an example, it modified normal Pistols so that they have Autofire, made Tanks (those you can buy) better so that they have some use, made Heavy Explosive able to blast open UFO walls... :D Fun stuff.

home page:

EDIT: okay, so someone had already written about it to this same page... :tomato:

ImpNemo 29-03-2005 05:24 PM

Really very strange indeed, Heavy Laser stats copy/pasted from xcom strat guide instead of my game version (abandonia version) this time
( section 4.2)

______(Accuracy / TU% needed)
Heavy Laser 84/75___50/33

85 dmg

It agrees with mine and lizards game versions. No I dont run xcom util, feels too much like cheating :tomato:

For whatever reasons your HL stats are increased, I would use it precisely as you described if the HL was that way in my game. Maybe Prej can tell us if those stats you have are the enhanced laser stats from xcom util or something.

Doesnt matter, Plasmas are better anyway :Titan:

Lizard 29-03-2005 05:55 PM

It is possible that laser stats get downgraded in Ufo Defense.I actually REMEBER from my old Dos Ufo that it was DEFINETLY accurate than heavy plasma.
Plasma weapons are green,ugly and alien,Lasers are yellow pretty and human :bleh:
Lasers... :wub:

axident 29-03-2005 06:00 PM


Originally posted by Sharp+Mar 29 2005, 01:28 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sharp @ Mar 29 2005, 01:28 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Guest@Mar 29 2005, 04:12 AM
Maybe my table isnt clear, the 110% Aimed is for Heavy Plasma, not Heavy Laser. Also the snap* on HL is only 50%. so your 83 firing sniper is at 41.5with a HL vrs with a HP at 75% means 62.25. Aimed is 69.2 for HL vrs 91.3 for HP. HP has 30 more dmg and as I disscussed before I never run out of ammo on its 35 round clip so reloading isnt an issue.

But if your guy can kill like that anyway... go for it* :ok:*

Remember, there is no right answer in this

except mine :sneaky:

Erm..... your table must be incorrect as well if you dont have the Heavy Laser on 110% accuracy.

Heavy Laser Stats
120-dmg (highest conventional weapon damage in game)
Snap Shot - 75% accuracy 33% TU Cost
Aimed - 110% accuracy 60% TU Cost

Other: No ammunition required, extra-effective against sectapods, can blow holes in inner walls of UFO's

Heavy Plasma Stats
Auto-Shot - 50% accuracy 35% TU Cost
Snap Shot - 75% accuracy 30% TU Cost
Aimed - 110% accuracy 60% TU Cost

Other: Weak against sectapods, can blow holes in inner walls, clip size of 35

As you can plainly see the Heavy Plasma is very effective for your gruntwork soldiers as it has a high damage combined with the ability of the Auto-Shot so in enclosed areas.

However when sniping that extra 5 damage that the heavy laser does can make a lot of difference. Also as no ammunition is needed you dont have to even put the tiniest amounts of effort into ammo conservation. The laser can efficently and effectivly blow holes in many obstacles for fire teams to go through. As I stated before, I only give lasers to my snipers, hence they only use aimed/snap shots hence the extra 5 damage the laser does is extremly usefull when fighting.

Also you can see that the snap on the laser and plasma are exactly the same only differing in TU's by 3%. I dont know if you use XCOM Util or something which changes weapons stats but the heavy laser is the ultimate Sniper weapon.

I give the grunts the heavy plasmas and make them go into close combat, however if you can afford to (as in you wont die) then try and fire aimed shots as this increases your soldiers firing accuracy greatly.

Sniping Tactic:
My best sniping tactic is similar to what those darn aliens do all the time, I give my snipers flying suits, they fly ontop of buildings. They stay in the centre of the roof and move to edge to spot n' shoot an alien and then move back into the centre, makes the soldier immune to being MC'ed and no return fire as well.

Heavy Weapons Platforms are extremly usefull in every stage of the game in my opinion. In base defence they effectivly boost it. They cannot get mindcontrolled, get panicked or go beserk. They move extremly fast and the weapons they can carry are suprisinlgy effective. The Plasma/Laser Cannons practically dont have ammunition problems as the Plasma can fire 255 rounds and it automatically gets replenished after each battle. The Cannon is the only useless one, it is only good for the first few missions, I first get the Rocket Launcher, it has a large firepower, lots of ammo, and unlike soldiers wont accidently blow up your troops.

Im not too sure of the accuracy of the HWP's but im sure that it is fairly high, although not as high as experienced soldiers. A Cannon HWP on the first few missions can kill far more then your newbie soldiers.

The HWP is also much better then losing 4 valuable members of your squad (generally the first people in your sky-ranger are the most experienced due to killing more aliens etc... unless of course your next 4 people are the best as the first 4 die)

Only in Base Assaults do tanks truly suck. They clog up hallways and cannot fire around corners and then peek back effectivly. On the otherhand using a tank as cover means that you can chuck grenades over the tank while being safe against return fire, but that is a very expensive tactic. Tanks can also effectivly clear out the same corridors they clog up and let your soldiers mop up the leftovers. [/b][/quote]
I agree that HWP are good to absorb the damage that would otherwise kill your four most experienced soldiers, but you really only need one laser tank for that. I think as long as one doesn't let the tank get kills that ought to go towards soldiers' experience, the strategy works fine.

I think you have a modified version there, because everyone else's version has Heavy laser as being much weaker. 120 damage??? Mine version has it at 85 damage, and it seems like the unofficial strat guide and many other people concur. Maybe you have a version of XCOM that was pre-hacked with XCOM Util to make lasers stronger?

Jman4117 29-03-2005 06:18 PM

XcomUtil ups the Heavy Laser to 120 if you choose improved lasers at setup. Quite nice if you set the difficulty to something like lvl 20 with it...but otherwise cheating.. :P

Endop 29-03-2005 06:39 PM

Nice to know that the Laser fix goes over the top. I quessed it would be better to play with the original weapons first, so I don't have to start over.

In my current game, I'm using Laser Rifles and trying to research lots of things. Heavy Lasers and Plasma Weapons are not on that list. I might even research that pesky Movement Detector, so that I'm not just as paranoid when advancing through the corridors of a ship where few last Floaters reside. This might not be the most effective way, but I have survived well against the easy enemies I have had. Only Floaters and gray alien psions, and thanks to that Navigator caught in the first battle I already have Hyperwave Detector. I have caught almost too many aliens: Reaper Terrorist, two Leaders, few Navigators, Medic...

Great game!

Dreadlord 29-03-2005 06:47 PM

I stun my own men then throw them on the floor in the alien ship, run out, then throw in a grenade then run back in, pick up the dead bodies, then run back to the ship, put the dead bodies in the ship, then go back to my base.

Lizard 29-03-2005 06:48 PM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Mar 29 2005, 07:47 PM
I stun my own men then throw them on the floor in the alien ship, run out, then throw in a grenade then run back in, pick up the dead bodies, then run back to the ship, put the dead bodies in the ship, then go back to my base.
And why? :blink:

Jman4117 29-03-2005 06:52 PM

um....can't research a human commander... :P

Dreadlord 29-03-2005 06:57 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Mar 29 2005, 06:48 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Mar 29 2005, 06:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Dreadlord@Mar 29 2005, 07:47 PM
I stun my own men then throw them on the floor in the alien ship, run out, then throw in a grenade then run back in, pick up the dead bodies, then run back to the ship, put the dead bodies in the ship, then go back to my base.
And why? :blink: [/b][/quote]
Because I can.

Sharp 29-03-2005 08:40 PM

Whoops, yeh sorry bout that, noticed that I am wrong. In the original version of UFO the laser is far crapper then the heavy plasma. So er sorry.

However still keep the lasers when you know theres an etherial terror happening, the lasers own sectapods.

Also ImpNemo, i went to and noticed that they have a UFOpedia which actually shows that the heavy laser stats that I orignallly stated were true :bleh: .

However that wont be good here as this is for the Abandonia XCOM:UFO in which the lasers sucks. So in my advice, still keep designated Snipers but instead of being tempted to fire the full-auto try using snaps or aimed shots instead. This will increase accuracy of your troops and when you do fire auto you might even be able to kill those nasty sectapods by hitting it 3 times.

Dreadlord 29-03-2005 08:43 PM

I use grenades, alot.

Sharp 29-03-2005 08:45 PM

Hah grenades, n00b. Get Demo Packs......

another_guest 29-03-2005 09:31 PM

I use grenades more often than demolition packs. Grenades fly further and are more precise (especially handy on terror sites, or when things are getting crowded). They do lack some punch though, so it depends on the type of alien I'm facing.

Dreadlord 29-03-2005 09:32 PM

No, no, you see I use grenades because I LIKE grenades, I don't care how good they are, just give me GRENADES.

P.S. When you called me a n00b I rolled my eyes.

Spookyfish 29-03-2005 11:05 PM

Grenades are awesome. I tried sending a bunch of rookies armed only with alien grenades to a terror site featuring etherals. It was fun. They all primed their grenades, and as soon as one dropped dead, he blew up, the others blew up, then someone got mind-controlled, and everyone blew up. I think one lone guy survived. I sent him back to the ship with a lot of fatal wounds and giggled myself half-dead :D.

I recommend that you try it sometime :ok:.

Dreadlord 29-03-2005 11:07 PM

Grenades are useful, I do what I call a "trip mine" and wait for aliens to appear, then the corpse I place the grenade on is shot by my troops killing nearby aliens.

Spookyfish 29-03-2005 11:11 PM

Tricksy :D. But shouldn't that work with demolition packs as well?

Dreadlord 29-03-2005 11:12 PM

Bah, demopacks are for the boring.

Spookyfish 29-03-2005 11:17 PM

Yeah... Agreements there. I think they're superior; far more accurate. It's a pain in the behind when a demo pack misses that second-story window and falls down on the ground to blast your own people instead of that annoying alien sniper. There went a commander...

Dreadlord 29-03-2005 11:19 PM

I shoot rockets at alien snipers.

ImpNemo 30-03-2005 12:47 AM

Ahhhhh, you smell that rookie? Thats the beautiful stench of overkill in the morning. :evil:

Juan Rayo 30-03-2005 06:29 AM



So there I was, commander in Chief of the XCOM iniciative, pretty satisfied with the way things were going. 8 bases around the world pick up ALMOST every UFO, and our plasma beam / avalanche misile equipped interceptors are doing short work of them all, with the exception of those nasty battle ships. In any case, research for a new kind of craft is already under way, and I figured any time now, I would be able to stand up to those as well.

Yup, It was a good job to be a soldier defending earth from the alien scum.

That is, of course, until SurafriCOM came under attack.

My misile defenses, all 6 of them, turn out to be really pitifull, as only ONE actually conected with the invading ship. Alarms blaring, troops hastily picking up some armor and weapons ran to face the until now unthinked off menace.

First blood was mine. Positioning my troops at the end of a rather LONG corridor, I ordered the way in to be literally bathed in proximity mines. The GRAYS that came close enough were blasted to goo by a couple of Heavy plasma wielding sharpshooters positioned at the end of the corridor. It was a killing zone. For a minute there, I actually thought it was easy.

Too easy. All of a sudden, 3 of my BELOVED CRACK TEAM members came under alien attack, turing on their mates and killing at least a cuople of them. At the same time, the dreaded sound of a blaster bomb being launch ended my hopes: by the time the dust settled, I had just ONE defender left.

The rookie went out with style, by all acounts. He ran back, threw a couple of grenades (disposing of a couple of traitors AND some greys) and with but a laser rifle and tattered personal armor digged himself in a corner.

But the base was already lost, and he was surrounded. After some fire exchange, fighting off their mind control, he got at least two other grays (sectoids!) until I heard, again, the coming death that is the sound of a blaster bomb.

SurafriCOM was lost.

I figured they managed to set free the couple of mutons and the snake alien that I kept as, prisioners since waaayyy back into the game. Bastards. As I speak, 6 Skyrangers full of powerarmored troops are on the way to kick behind, and NONE of them have any GUM left!

ok, rant over. Couple of questions. Well, just one actually> WHAT IS the best way to defend my base against alien invasion? SurafriCOM I figure I could have defended with some judicius repositioning of my troops, and the base layout works in my favor, but my very first base, New Albion in England, I SHUDDER to think what would happen if it was hit: Hangars in the corners and access hatch smack in the middle of it.

Any help will be greaty appreciated. The brave fighting men and women lost in SurafriCOM will be avenged.


axident 30-03-2005 07:44 AM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Mar 30 2005, 06:29 AM


So there I was, commander in Chief of the XCOM iniciative, pretty satisfied with the way things were going. 8 bases around the world pick up ALMOST every UFO, and our plasma beam / avalanche misile equipped interceptors are doing short work of them all, with the exception of those nasty battle ships. In any case, research for a new kind of craft is already under way, and I figured any time now, I would be able to stand up to those as well.

Yup, It was a good job to be a soldier defending earth from the alien scum.

That is, of course, until SurafriCOM came under attack.

My misile defenses, all 6 of them, turn out to be really pitifull, as only ONE actually conected with the invading ship. Alarms blaring, troops hastily picking up some armor and weapons ran to face the until now unthinked off menace.

First blood was mine. Positioning my troops at the end of a rather LONG corridor, I ordered the way in to be literally bathed in proximity mines. The GRAYS that came close enough were blasted to goo by a couple of Heavy plasma wielding sharpshooters positioned at the end of the corridor.* It was a killing zone. For a minute there, I actually thought it was easy.

Too easy.* All of a sudden, 3 of my BELOVED CRACK TEAM members came under alien attack, turing on their mates and killing at least a cuople of them. At the same time, the dreaded sound of a blaster bomb being launch ended my hopes: by the time the dust settled, I had just ONE defender left.

The rookie went out with style, by all acounts. He ran back, threw a couple of grenades (disposing of a couple of traitors AND some greys) and with but a laser rifle and tattered personal armor digged himself in a corner.

But the base was already lost, and he was surrounded. After some fire exchange, fighting off their mind control, he got at least two other grays (sectoids!) until I heard, again, the coming death that is the sound of a blaster bomb.

SurafriCOM was lost.

I figured they managed to set free the couple of mutons and the snake alien that I kept as, prisioners since waaayyy back into the game. Bastards. As I speak, 6 Skyrangers full of powerarmored troops are on the way to kick behind, and NONE of them have any GUM left!

ok, rant over. Couple of questions. Well, just one actually> WHAT IS the best way to defend my base against alien invasion? SurafriCOM I figure I could have defended with some judicius repositioning of my troops, and the base layout works in my favor, but my very first base, New Albion in England, I SHUDDER to think what would happen if it was hit: Hangars in the corners and access hatch smack in the middle of it.

Any help will be greaty appreciated. The brave fighting men and women lost in SurafriCOM will be avenged.


The first base is terrible in layout, so what I try to do when I have the money is to relocate the bottom two hangars to the top left and top right:

[Rest of my base here.....]
[.....more of the base......]
[.....more of the base......]

AL = access lift
X = empty space

That way, I don't get a long hallway but at least I get to surround the access lift's southern border. You can also sell off the stuff diagonal-and-down from the access lift to make a short hallway for yourself:

[blahblahblahblahrest of base blah.]
[more of your base blah blah blah]

Mind control is hard to defend against, even with the long hallway (see my previous post, but I think you know what I mean since it's common practice among veterans). I wrote several pages ago my easy-as-pie situation using "spotters" and laser rifles, but you have to keep the aliens so far away that they can't see your soldiers to mind control them. They should be so far away that they can't see anyone to Blaster Launch, either. So use those spotters!

Missile defenses are worthless; you want to either have soldiers for base defense or at least 4 Fusion Ball Launchers with 1 Grav Shield. Either that or just Mind Shield the whole base.

PrejudiceSucks 30-03-2005 07:47 AM

Ack! Folied again!

You have the right kind of idea with your base, though.

Bases are 6x6 I think and this is how to arrange them. Key= H=Hangar A=Access Lift O=Other. Remember that Hangars are 2 spaces wide+long.

A . . . . .
O . . . . .
O . . . . .

This provides excellent defence, as the aliens can only use the access lift and the hangars to attack from. Your first base is a complete bitch to defend, I wouldn't try too hard with that one, make a new base ASAP.

This base also gives space to improve with. As you can probably see, there is a 2x2 sqare of dots to use, you could even use 2 of those, but that would severely limit space for other upgrades. Just remember the golden rule - no more than 1 structure, the first, should ever have to touch the access lift and no structures other than other hangars should touch hangars. If you use this base layout then you will only have one place to defend.

Missile Defences are an absolutely awful way to defend a base and you shouldn't bother. Laser defences are OK, Plasma Defences are good, but Fusion Defences are easily the best. 3 of them + Grav shield = about 9/10 battleships won't get to land :w00t: . That'll teach em.

Oh and by the way, you get SERIOUS amounts of equipment if you fight off an alien invasion of your base. I mean absolutely LOADS.

Juan Rayo 30-03-2005 08:02 AM

hmm, that would mean rebuilding my first base (Nueva Albion) from scratch? don't see how.

Thanks for the imput. I have tried to build my other bases so I get a long hallway and can wait for them at the bottom. My first experience using this layout has been a bust. I could also try to bring out the launchers to play BEFORE the aliens do.

As for the equipment. Hmmmm... so.. one could actually WANT to let them invade in order to get the goods? I can see that happening.. UNLESS, as someone mentioned in a prior post, base invasions would become TOO common, that would just be annoying...

Anyway, I reloaded the game, and discovered a Scout that I had previously ignored. Took him out with interceptors and the base invasion didn't happened. Now I ALMOST wish it did. Hard to explain, but they kicked my behind so clearly last time, I am itching for a re-match!

Fussion ball launchers? err... how do you get those?


Guest 30-03-2005 08:08 AM

Axident, sorry but my english is not that good and, while I did read your post about the "spotters" (read the whole 60 odd pages, THAT's how much I am liking this game), I didn't really understand how is it that you put this tactic to use.

Let's see, you get some soldiers (as I did) at the "bottom" of the hallway and some others halfway thru? so the second group can take a quick look and see the aliens for the snipers to shoot? wouldn't that subject the "spotting" group to all kinds of alien induced hurting?

Sorry, but I would appreciate it if you could explain it a bit further. I know it's a bother, but the help is appreciated!


Juan Rayo 30-03-2005 08:08 AM

Err, previous post was mine.

The Fifth Horseman 30-03-2005 08:50 AM


hmm, that would mean rebuilding my first base (Nueva Albion) from scratch? don't see how.
You can dismantle base structures - at least as long as they are unused. Transfer (almost)everything to antoher base, then dismantle the structures that are against your planned layout and build all anew the way you want it.


Fussion ball launchers? err... how do you get those?
As all alien tech. You need to obtain a working Blaster Launcher first and then research. They're kickass. Intelligent missiles with programmable trajectory. :evil: Ultimate weapon.

This will give you access to Fusion Ball armed HWP's (absolutely worth that) and craft-mounted version (can smack down a battleship!)

Altough sending one into a puny earthling house does not destroy it completely. :angry:

Spookyfish 30-03-2005 09:35 AM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Mar 29 2005, 11:19 PM
I shoot rockets at alien snipers.
I think someone likes explosives :D.


I love terror sites. Blowing up unnecessary amounts of houses instead of peeking though the window to check for aliens is sooo much fun... Tends to kill a civilian or two though :whistle:.

:rifle: :cry:

PrejudiceSucks 30-03-2005 01:35 PM

Battleships have the same range as a fusion ball launcher, this has been discussed before. Plasma cannons are a better bet against any ship, especially due to the fact that they are a one-off payment, as opposed to the Fusion Balls which are 4E each (I think), which can get quite expensive.

Also, with Fusion Balls, the most shots you will ever get is 4. Plasma cannons x2 = 200 shots, so you can take down over 10 craft on one flight. Handy, that. Works especially nicely with an Avenger with about 12 people and 2 Plasma Cannon Hovertanks, due to the fact that they can land at more than one site. So as soon as you shoot something down you land, take off and shoot down another craft, land etc. and then maybe take out a base if your soldiers are OK.

Very nice...

Your thing about spotters is correct, but you have to watch out for alien reaction shots as you come out of cover, although you could give a Blaster Launcher waypoints towards the aliens you can see. That works nearly every time.

another_guest 30-03-2005 01:36 PM

By the way, standing over stunned aliens won't prevent them from getting up again. I still think though that they don't pick up any weapons, once they've dropped them.

PrejudiceSucks 30-03-2005 01:38 PM

Correct, but if they were carrying 2 weapons you are screwed. You really want to stun something and put it in your transport and guard them with normal pistols (stun instead of kill).

*edits* I'm not even sure if they can swap weapons, but they can't pick them back up.

axident 30-03-2005 01:54 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Mar 30 2005, 08:08 AM
Axident, sorry but my english is not that good and, while I did read your post about the "spotters" (read the whole 60 odd pages, THAT's how much I am liking this game), I didn't really understand how is it that you put this tactic to use.

Let's see, you get some soldiers (as I did) at the "bottom" of the hallway and some others halfway thru? so the second group can take a quick look and see the aliens for the snipers to shoot? wouldn't that subject the "spotting" group to all kinds of alien induced hurting?

Sorry, but I would appreciate it if you could explain it a bit further. I know it's a bother, but the help is appreciated!


Your soldiers automatically start all over the place; a few will be in the long hallway to begin with. That's fine, they can hurl prox mines down the hall if you want to do that (I don't; it destroys equipment). They are better used as spotters to look at aliens, then run back behind the wall; don't do ANYTHING other than look at the alien for a split second before running back and crouching, so they can reaction fire on aliens that walk past them. For the rest of the turn, you know where the aliens are because of the spotters. If you do anything other than step into the hallway, turn 90 degrees, and run back into hiding, that soldier may get shot at by aliens' reaction fire.

Oh yeah, I forgot... [b]you MAY want to use smoke grenades[b]. That will further reduce the range of alien vision. The way I had my one and only base defense mission go, I had used some prox grenades (I didn't realize that I didn't need them until it was too late), so there was a LOT of smoke coming off the access lift.

Then your snipers shoot.

Then click next turn. The aliens should not be able to see your spotters during their turn, since your one soldier (use only one spotter per turn; no need to expose more than one to possible reaction fire) only momentarily poked his or her head around the corner before running back behind the wall.

However, a fast-moving alien might walk so far down the hall that it DOES see your spotter. Try not to have this happen by placing your soldiers as far away from the hallway, but as close to the wall, as possible, so that aliens have to not only walk to your soldier but turn 90 degrees to the left and right to see your spotters:

This is a diagram of half of the hallway; pretend the other half (right side) also exists.

S = spotting soldier





axident 30-03-2005 01:57 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 30 2005, 01:38 PM
Correct, but if they were carrying 2 weapons you are screwed. You really want to stun something and put it in your transport and guard them with normal pistols (stun instead of kill).

*edits* I'm not even sure if they can swap weapons, but they can't pick them back up.

Stunned aliens are generally harmless unless they are Chryssalids or something, which can get back up and eat you. Otherwise, aliens don't know how to pick up their weapons.

another_guest 30-03-2005 02:45 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 30 2005, 01:38 PM
Correct, but if they were carrying 2 weapons you are screwed. You really want to stun something and put it in your transport and guard them with normal pistols (stun instead of kill).

*edits* I'm not even sure if they can swap weapons, but they can't pick them back up.

I usually don't carry them all the way back to my transport. I put a guard next to them, after I've checked their weapons. And I've noticed most soldiers can carry 2 heavy plasmas in their back pack, plus a laser rifle and stun rod in their hands, without losing any time units. Of course I drop the laser rifle once they're only guarding stunned aliens.

The Fifth Horseman 30-03-2005 02:54 PM

Actually I think that the Plasma Cannon _uses_ Elerium _as_its_ammo_.

dunkellic 30-03-2005 03:35 PM

i think the minimal base defense should be:
three plasma defences + grav shield, but i would built at least 4 plasmas + a grav shield.

strange thing: one time i was just bored and pressed the "one day" button, so time flew by. well, suddenly: alien attack. plasma one shots...and on and on, (actually later they managed to brake in^^).
what bugs me is, that i have a mind shield but the aliens simply remember my position

Lizard 30-03-2005 03:53 PM

It depends of your strenght.The lower strenght you have,the greater TU and Vitality penalty will you get for having heavy weapons...
Btw,Dirty but effective tactic is save game in beginning of tactical battle, and when you lose reload and send few rockets/grenades in places where were aliens in previous game.Aliens NEVER change their positions in reloading....
A dirty,cheating and shameful tactic but when you playing on Superhuman.... :whistle: (or without resreach :whistle: :whistle: )

another_guest 30-03-2005 04:00 PM

About the strenght thing: exactly! But apparently most soldiers are strong enough to carry all that.

I can imagine such nasty tricks come in handy at superhuman level :)
I never noticed the aliens started in the same positions.
The most annoying thing is still that your first soldiers get shot when they just walk out of your aircraft. Only for that reason, it's worth taking a single tank.

Dreadlord 30-03-2005 04:02 PM

The first thing you do is not care, the second thing you do is give all your guys automatic weapons and rush them into battle.

PrejudiceSucks 30-03-2005 04:43 PM

No, the plasma cannon is cheap as free after you have made it. No costs to give it all of its ammo back. So for 30E you could have 7 Fusion Balls (boo!) or 2 Plasma Cannons (Children of the world rejoice!).

Another scummy tactic that I've found is handy when you realise that you've just layed your own trap with Proximity Grenades - I have the solution! Just save and re-load your game and they magically disappear!

Dreadlord, I used to have those tactics. Problem was, most of my soldiers died every mission, which was lame. But the ones who surviced were OK until they also expired.

Spookyfish 30-03-2005 05:23 PM

I don't know if you could call this a tactic or not, but I tend to do the following...

1. Equip all troopers with a decent auto-weapon, an extra clip, power armor/flying suits and an alien grenade.
2. Secure the landing zone (that sounds so dramatic), and make sure there are no aliens with launchers or stunbombs in the surrounding area.
3. Form groups of three and three; two shooters and one runner. The shooters acts as snipers, the runner as a Rambo/scout. If not fighting psykers, one shooter and two runners.
4. Kill all.

Most of my people tend to survive... I find this way of playing very useful in terror sites, especially with flying runners who throw grenades from rooftops :D.

May not be the that good later on... Any advice?

another_guest 30-03-2005 05:29 PM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Mar 30 2005, 04:02 PM
The first thing you do is not care, the second thing you do is give all your guys automatic weapons and rush them into battle.
The drawback of this is that you'll end up with an army of only freshly-recruited rookies. Plus, two soldiers killed early during a terror mission or when attacking a large ufo, can make quite a difference, especially if you only have a skyranger for troop transport at that point.

Tip of the day: while most aliens don't strike us as the particularly religious type, some tend to rise from the grave. Especially floaters seem to be good at this.

Juan Rayo 30-03-2005 06:17 PM

Allright Axident, thanksfor taking the time man, I will try the spotters sistem wich my base commanders will call "The Axident gambit" :ok: and will let you know how it goes.

As things stand, I am building plasma defenses and mindshields in my base, BUT, I WANT a couple of ships to get by my defenses and invade. I WANT a REMATCH!!! arghhh. One of the things that killed my in the SurafriCOM battle was the fact that my people start the battle SCATTERED all ove the base, taking their sweet time to get to the Hallway. OH! and another, VERY important thing> I only had my Heavy Plasmas to equip my troops, a couple of grenades, AMMO for the blaster launcher but NO blaster launcher. The 80 item thing?

A question on plasma beam and Avalanche missiles> you guys figure its ok to have both on every interceptor? or makes more sense to switch all the way to plasma beams?


PrejudiceSucks 30-03-2005 06:38 PM

Plasma beams all the way, but to begin with that can get expensive. Still, Plasma Beams are one of those things which it is the most important to have. More important than armour for your troops even.

Oh and make sure you have actually good stuff in your 80-items limit. If necessary sell everything over 80 items of fighting equipment.

another_guest 30-03-2005 07:25 PM

And keep enough soldiers at your base at all times, as it may come under attack while your troops are returning from a mission.

Juan Rayo 30-03-2005 07:28 PM

Well, thanks Prejudice Sucks, gotta say though, that 80 items limit sucks. So I should keep my bases empty, regardless of how many general stores I build? I am a pack rat, so I build a lot of stores to keep LOTS of stuff.

Hmm, or does it only take into consideration combat equipment? let me see what my troops carry>

Sky Ranger loadout

8 troops, 1 tank (with 8 misiles). Tank works as a spotter! Troops do the killing.
6 Laser rifles
4 Heavy Plasma
12 Heavy Plasma clips (by the way, micromanaging the HP clips its annoying, a mission sudenly ends and I loose every clip that was used, even if only fired once? sheesh)
8 proximity grenades
2 flares (just in case night missions)
4 medkits
1 Blaster Launcher, 6 bombs

Hmm, I think that's it. A question> the 80 item limit, does it count what you have equipped in the Sky Ranger, or ANYTHING in your stores?

Juan Rayo 30-03-2005 07:29 PM

Anothe guest, that IS a problem for me, as I NEVER keep more than 10 fighting troops in any base, and 2 of them end up as perennial rookies while the other 8 go on missions and gain experience. If my base is attacked while the troops are out.... ouch....

PrejudiceSucks 30-03-2005 07:42 PM

Build lots of space in your stores, you will need it for storing the items you manufacture. I personally have 2/3 at every base. By the way, the 80 items limit is only for fighting equipment as I said, so keep enough space for that + all of the alloys/elerium you take from ships and also all of the other stuff that isn't weapons.

Your troops do not armour themselves up, though, you need to give them armour pre-battle (just go to the 'Armour' bit of your Skyranger or whatever and give it out).

There is a reason I like lasers in base defense and your last post showed it perfectly. Why waste all of that space with Heavy Plasma and HP Clips? I send those to bases I probably won't defend (like my first) or sell them pretty quicky.

For the limit, it's stuff in your base, so keep spares of good equipment. TfTD changed this though, so you can't pull that trick off any more. Oh, remember that a tank only counts as one item. Yes, that means if you made 79 tanks and kept one laser rifle in the base you could swamp the aliens with tanks (you must have a soldier in the base, the tanks CANNOT defend by themselves for some reason), although this would be a waste of millions.

I say that if a base is doing well keep 10 spare troops in it and arm them with Laser Rifles. Keep your Heavy Plasmas on the Skyranger, that way you won't waste equipment space on them on a base defense. Think about it, 1 Laser Rifle per soldier = 10 spaces (heavy lasers would do nicely as well). 1 Heavy Plasma + 3 clips as you have it = 40 spaces.

I'd rather have 70 spare, wouldn't you?

Oh and Juan Rayo, you should get yourself an account here, that would be good.

Rogue 30-03-2005 08:02 PM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Mar 30 2005, 02:29 PM
Anothe guest, that IS a problem for me, as I NEVER keep more than 10 fighting troops in any base, and 2 of them end up as perennial rookies while the other 8 go on missions and gain experience. If my base is attacked while the troops are out.... ouch....
Save often and before you sent your troops. If there is attack before they are back (how unlikely is that), reload from save point and send fewer soldiers.
Also, at the time you lend at UFO, first save, and then progress. Do not allow them to shoot your people. Use tactics described before with 2 soldiers, One advancing and discovering the alien, and other one (or two) shooting it, and then exchange the soldiers, so that other ones can gain better characteristics. (aliens are using similar strategy)
Any base should consist of more then 2 stores. Sell stuff you don’t need as soon as you got it at base.
Laser weapons are great as they don’t require any ammunition. Use it as much as you can.

PrejudiceSucks 30-03-2005 08:12 PM

Hey! Finally someone agrees with me!

Heavy Plasma can kiss my rectum, Lasers are the way forward!

axident 30-03-2005 08:21 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 30 2005, 08:12 PM
Hey! Finally someone agrees with me!

Heavy Plasma can kiss my rectum, Lasers are the way forward!

Lasers are good for base D and sectopods. Okay against Floaters and Sectoids. For everything else, there's Mastercard. I mean, Heavy Plasma. The ammo thing is just not good enough of a reason for me to stick with lasers, not when I have hundreds and hundreds of spare clips of Heavy Plasma that I nicked from fallen aliens. But to each his own.

Juan Rayo 30-03-2005 08:34 PM


Here's how I usually asault downed or landed UFOs.

Troops near the Sky Ranger cockpit take a look around. They CAN see a good amount of terrain!

Tanks goes out first, checks every direction, moves ahead.
Next four troops go out, take positions behind wheels and each other, try to cover every direction.

Last four troops move ahead in the Sky Ranger, ready to go out.

First "strike team" follows tank lead, all the way to UFO, second team secures houses, barns, takes position on rooftops and second floor windows.

Usually, only my first team will end up going INTO the alien craft. Until now, it is VERY rare when some critter gets my first team from behind. Strategy seems to be working so far, not accounting for mind controllers, those cheating bastards always put my team in disarray.

When one of my troops goes berserk or panicks or is mind controlled, next turn, if he is "feeling better" I disarm him/her and send him back into the Sky Ranger, pending a future Court Martial back at the base :sneaky:

As for the 80 Item limit. Sighs. IT sucks.

Lizard 30-03-2005 09:22 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 30 2005, 09:12 PM
Hey! Finally someone agrees with me!

Heavy Plasma can kiss my rectum, Lasers are the way forward!

What about me? :huh:
Heavy Plasmas are in all ways better than Laser Rifle(to be objective) but I hate it anyway.Honestly I NEVER got problems to kill anything with Laser weapons.
Anyway I checked my old DOS Ufo. Lasers get VERY downgraded in Ufo Defense.Heavy laser had indeed damage of 120 and 110% of accuracy in aimed shot.
I began to hate person who played with stats in Ufo Defense :angry: :angry: :angry:

axident 30-03-2005 09:30 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Mar 30 2005, 09:22 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Mar 30 2005, 09:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-PrejudiceSucks@Mar 30 2005, 09:12 PM
Hey! Finally someone agrees with me!

Heavy Plasma can kiss my rectum, Lasers are the way forward!

What about me? :huh:
Heavy Plasmas are in all ways better than Laser Rifle(to be objective) but I hate it anyway.Honestly I NEVER got problems to kill anything with Laser weapons.
Anyway I checked my old DOS Ufo. Lasers get VERY downgraded in Ufo Defense.Heavy laser had indeed damage of 120 and 110% of accuracy in aimed shot.
I began to hate person who played with stats in Ufo Defense :angry: :angry: :angry: [/b][/quote]
I think you're right, but it also makes sense to tone down the Heavy Laser, else everyone would use that and Blaster Launchers. At least with UFO Defense, you have a reason to switch away from Heavy Plasma/Blaster Launchers sometimes. It would be pointless to switch away from Heavy Laser/Blaster Launchers if HL did 120 damage (and a whopping 180 damage against Sectopods).

Lizard 30-03-2005 09:34 PM

It wasnt reason to switch on HP for me. Lasers are old reliable for me and I would NEVER change them. And also I personally hate HPs.
Actually I began to wonder how many things get actually little changed in Ufo:Defense :butcher:

axident 30-03-2005 09:36 PM


Originally posted by Lizard@Mar 30 2005, 09:34 PM
It wasnt reason to switch on HP for me. Lasers are old reliable for me and I would NEVER change it. And also I personally hate HPs.
Actually I began to wonder how many things get actually little changed in Ufo:Defense :butcher:

I think human grenades used to do 50 pts of dmg and in UFO Defense they do 60 pts.

Juan Rayo 30-03-2005 09:46 PM

A tipical day in the lives of an XCOM squad:

Captain Rayo> all right people, tank's blasted to bits, fan out!!! Sargent Slaughter! keep the rookie safe and watch our backs!
Sargent Slaughter: uh-oh, I know where THIS is going...

Troops fan out, kneel.

Rookie: (gets mind controlled) Aliens are our best friends! They bring peace!
Sargent Slaughter: Huh? (gets shot in the back by rookie) arghhh… accursed... Jedi… mind… control… trick! (falls unconscious)
Captain Rayo: right. We have trouble in the rear people! And its more than 70 TU’s away! who volunteers to go back and heal Sargent Slaughter in 2 turns?
Troops: ….
Captain Rayo: Right. He has the Blaster Launcher you know…
Rookie: oh my god, it’s full of stars (goes berserk, shoots everything on sight, nicks captain Rayo’s power armor)
Captain Rayo: Right. (shoots rookie full of plasma)
Rookie: egad! ET come home…! (dies)
Troops: (cheer)
Captain Rayo: allright then, any volunteers now? (waves heavy plasma around)
Sargent Divx: Sir! I will go SIR!
Sargent Slaughter: (dies of fatal wounds)
Captain Rayo: right. THIS is why I HATE rookies (reload game).


Rogue 30-03-2005 09:54 PM



I always wondered what the movie of this game would look like. :)


axident 30-03-2005 09:56 PM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Mar 30 2005, 09:46 PM
A tipical day in the lives of an XCOM squad:

Captain Rayo> all right people, tank's blasted to bits, fan out!!! Sargent Slaughter! keep the rookie safe and watch our backs!
Sargent Slaughter: uh-oh, I know where THIS is going...

Troops fan out, kneel.

Rookie: (gets mind controlled) Aliens are our best friends! They bring peace!
Sargent Slaughter: Huh? (gets shot in the back by rookie) arghhh… accursed... Jedi… mind… control… trick! (falls unconscious)
Captain Rayo: right. We have trouble in the rear people! And its more than 70 TU’s away! who volunteers to go back and heal Sargent Slaughter in 2 turns?
Troops: ….
Captain Rayo: Right. He has the Blaster Launcher you know…
Rookie: oh my god, it’s full of stars (goes berserk, shoots everything on sight, nicks captain Rayo’s power armor)
Captain Rayo: Right. (shoots rookie full of plasma)
Rookie: egad! ET come home…! (dies)
Troops: (cheer)
Captain Rayo: allright then, any volunteers now? (waves heavy plasma around)
Sargent Divx: Sir! I will go SIR!
Sargent Slaughter: (dies of fatal wounds)
Captain Rayo: right. THIS is why I HATE rookies (reload game).


Try not to reload, it's more fun that way. Of course, there was a period of several (game time)weeks when I couldn't do anything about 3 Sectoid bases, or the larger Ethereal and Sectoid crash sites for fear of mind control. I kept having to land-and-take-off. But once I got my psi labs working and could weed out the psi-weaklings, I wiped out those three bases and beat Cydonia with only a few casualties (stupid Cyberdiscs...). 20+ troops packing Flying Armor, HP, Blaster Launchers, a few electro-flares, and 42 blaster bombs makes the last mission pretty easy. :D

another_guest 30-03-2005 10:05 PM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Mar 30 2005, 07:28 PM
Sky Ranger loadout

... 4 Heavy Plasma
12 Heavy Plasma clips ...

I'd only take 2 clips per heavy plasma. That's still 23 auto shots per soldier...
And then add some stun rods. I've had entire large ufos cleaned out using little more than stun rods and laser rifles. Imagine walking into an alien just around a corner. Turn to face him, stun. Makes a nice souvenir, and scientists love it.

Juan Rayo 30-03-2005 10:22 PM

A tipical day in the lives of an Xcom squad (II) first meeting with Chrissallis

Captain Rayo: allright men! Tanks been blasted to bits! (Sighs). Sargent Slaughter! You take point! The rest of you fan out! Come on you apes!!! You wanna live forever?

Squaddie Lopez: actually…

Captain Rayo: Shut up you Hudson wanna be!

Sargent Slaugther: ok, move slowly, kneel. Hmm, enough TU’s to look around that corner… (moves again to look around corner, uses ALL of his TU’s, runs face first into Chrisallis)

Chrisallis: ?am, ?am.

Sargent Slaugther: uh-oh (gets turned into zombie) Brains! …Brains!....

Captain Rayo: Right. (shoots zombie full of plasma, another Crisallis appears!!)

Sargent Divx: didn’t the sarge always carry with him a PRIMED grenade?

Captain Rayo: Right (runs for cover)

(Grenade goes off, kills everyone BUT squaddie Lopez, Sargent Slaugther Crissyi version and original Crissy)

Squaddie Lopez: Game OVER man! Game OVER!!!

Captain Rayo: (Mortally wounded) Right. (shoots squaddie Lopez full of plasma)
Reload game.


Hmm, I had forgotten about the stun rods. Actually, I do carry a couple of them in each craft, and I LOVE to stun aliens (haven't tried it con Chrissys though) so my scientist can play around... er, observe them. :D

Axident> I dunno about the no reloading policy... Surely it's more fun, but to loose and have to train another batch of rookies, AND then finding out some are psi-weaklings... gonna try though, and see how it goes. It will make me MUCH MORE carefull, thats for sure.

SonOfSamus 31-03-2005 12:36 AM

Stupid g-d damn alien scum! I'll make them sorry they ever came to earth!

lethe 31-03-2005 02:34 AM

All this hate... Gotta love it :D

Just wiped out a ship of mutons with 11 psi amps and one HP. Brought them all in front of my ship, made a line and then... well colonel... fire away. :rifle:

Jman4117 31-03-2005 05:47 AM

Two words.....Smoke Grenade....

Bring two, chuck one at the base of the ramp and drop the other one on the equipment pile. End turn. Leave the transport in relative safety.

Not only does it give you cover, it also gets those peskie aliens off of their maxed TUs. :P

HappyHeady 31-03-2005 08:07 AM

I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! :kosta: :kosta: :kosta: :kosta: :kosta: :kosta: :kosta:

THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PrejudiceSucks 31-03-2005 08:32 AM

Indeed it's not a bad game at all.

Just going back to the ongoing HP argument - Another reason I don't use HP is this - they sound really lame when they fire. I'm sorry if that's just me, but aesthaetics come first on my Skyranger.

Still you wouldn't want to mess with The Banshees, my crack team (all made of women, you see), as they fly around in their Lightning with laser rifles and power suits. They're all sergeant or above (sergeant is the lowest, I only have 1 of those and she's getting promoted on the next landing we have). They can take out Battleships that have landed for no casualties, thanks to the leader's mighty stats.

On the other hand, I save every battle I have with these gals to make sure that they all live. When they're not fighting, they're protecting my Arctic Base (200 scientists + 300 engineers :D) or training their Psi abilities.

Smoke Grenades work really, really nicely when you have power armour, you can just cover the whole map in smoke so that the aliens run around like headless chickens/collapse from the smoke fumes while your soldiers walk around in Power/Flying Armour (best tactic = cover map in smoke and hide in the skies where they won't find you, on top of Battleships is always nice).

That way, pretty much every alien is stunned, unless they get cheeky and get mowed down by Reaction Fire.

Sharp 31-03-2005 10:42 AM

Gah I hate sectoids........

Ok so ya know the story with the whole, aliens dont have longer vision, they just "remember where you were" and then fire out of range. Then howcome first turn tank goes out, blasted away, then 1st soldier comes out, carefully on the otherside from the shot, peaks around, blam.

Turns out that the aliens were halfway across the map. Not even on elevation and boom they just snipe like that. Well whoever said aliens dont have a longer vision and that night time battles are easier can kiss my laser rifle behind.

Spookyfish 31-03-2005 12:07 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 31 2005, 08:32 AM
When they're not fighting, they're protecting my Arctic Base (200 scientists + 300 engineers :D) or training their Psi abilities.
There was something very Pokemon about that statement LOL.

another_guest 31-03-2005 03:29 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 31 2005, 10:42 AM
Well whoever said aliens dont have a longer vision and that night time battles are easier can kiss my laser rifle behind.
Of course they have better vision than our soldiers. What's even more annoying though, is that they know precisely where to stand so they are out of visual range.
Night time battles are a lot harder since you won't see a thing, while your soldiers walk around lighting up like christmas trees.

PrejudiceSucks 31-03-2005 03:32 PM

LOL I'm a big fan of animé, but I didn't think it sounded too Japanese-esque. Maybe I am wrong, though.

Only 50 posts to go until 1000! *bites 'nails*

I find it annoying too, that the aliens remember where you are. Oh well, it balances out in the end I guess.

axident 31-03-2005 03:40 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Mar 31 2005, 05:47 AM
Two words.....Smoke Grenade....

Bring two, chuck one at the base of the ramp and drop the other one on the equipment pile. End turn. Leave the transport in relative safety.

Not only does it give you cover, it also gets those peskie aliens off of their maxed TUs. :P

Hmm, good idea, I guess the drawback is that you can't see THEM, either, and if they're close enough, then they can see you before you can get clear of the smoke cloud. I'm rich enough to just send a tank out first, but I can see how smokes are good if you don't want to make tanks for scouting duties.

axident 31-03-2005 03:43 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 31 2005, 10:42 AM
Gah I hate sectoids........

Ok so ya know the story with the whole, aliens dont have longer vision, they just "remember where you were" and then fire out of range. Then howcome first turn tank goes out, blasted away, then 1st soldier comes out, carefully on the otherside from the shot, peaks around, blam.

Turns out that the aliens were halfway across the map. Not even on elevation and boom they just snipe like that. Well whoever said aliens dont have a longer vision and that night time battles are easier can kiss my laser rifle behind.

maybe there was a closer alien somewhere else that "spotted" for that sniper, just like you can do against them.

Spookyfish 31-03-2005 03:47 PM

Can't see why they shouldn't. They can be some sneaky bastards...

Rogue 31-03-2005 04:25 PM

Last night I started new game, great feeling. After small edit of the base, sell and purchase, I monitored UFO activity (very important to do, in the order to spot UFO base) and most of it was far away from my first base, which was stationed in Europe.

Later they spotted UFO near base so I send my troops to their first mission.

Soon as they exited spacecraft, first alien walked in the front of them, unaware of their presence. He was wounded, but later killed as he tried to hide. Another one of them got what he deserves in local bard, while rest of them hide inside they space craft.

Great opportunity to sneak behind their back, throw grenade and have them all killed.

And this is where it all begun!

My soldier was holding grenade in one hand when he opened the door. Hi spotted 4 sectoids, 3 turned back to him and one watching him. Breave as he was, he throw grenade between them, which triggers first one to shoot, but instead in to the soldier, he shot his friend in the front of him. While my soldier tried to escape, another shoot, and again it killed another alien.
As soon as my soldier was out of the spacecraft, he run away far as he can run. :)

Explosion killed rest of other 2 sectoids, but navigation and alien energy source were intact.


I love this game. :D

PrejudiceSucks 31-03-2005 04:31 PM

Yep, the sheer replayability is what I like the most about this game!

There is a problem though - You nearly never fight in the mountains (but they are fun to fight in) and also Harvesters + Abductors are very hard to find. Still, a single Interceptor with 2 Avalanches can take down either of those craft.

Dreadlord 31-03-2005 06:26 PM

I also tell my ships to attack aggressively, I guess I"m a bit reckless.

axident 31-03-2005 06:27 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 31 2005, 08:32 AM
Indeed it's not a bad game at all.

Just going back to the ongoing HP argument - Another reason I don't use HP is this - they sound really lame when they fire. I'm sorry if that's just me, but aesthaetics come first on my Skyranger.

Still you wouldn't want to mess with The Banshees, my crack team (all made of women, you see), as they fly around in their Lightning with laser rifles and power suits. They're all sergeant or above (sergeant is the lowest, I only have 1 of those and she's getting promoted on the next landing we have). They can take out Battleships that have landed for no casualties, thanks to the leader's mighty stats.

On the other hand, I save every battle I have with these gals to make sure that they all live. When they're not fighting, they're protecting my Arctic Base (200 scientists + 300 engineers :D) or training their Psi abilities.

Smoke Grenades work really, really nicely when you have power armour, you can just cover the whole map in smoke so that the aliens run around like headless chickens/collapse from the smoke fumes while your soldiers walk around in Power/Flying Armour (best tactic = cover map in smoke and hide in the skies where they won't find you, on top of Battleships is always nice).

That way, pretty much every alien is stunned, unless they get cheeky and get mowed down by Reaction Fire.

I changed to laser rifles for my 18-man high-psi hit team (I left my most senior guys at home; they don't need any more stats) for an Ethereal base assault. There was a huge lightshow when a sectopod came up; almost every soldier fired off several laser shots at the thing before it finally went down. I also shot some Ethereals that had walked into the first level of the gravlift. Straight down, into the head.

The next turn, an alien fired a blaster launcher at me but it hit one of the many, MANY aliens that were right below the green room, so about 10 aliens died (including at least one sectopod). As you can imagine, the next turn, the remaining Ethereals panicked and went berserk.

I shot some weaponless Ethereals with laser rifles, and one Ethereal took about five shots to bring down. Most of the time it took 2-3 laser shots to bring down an Ethereal.

Now I KNOW that on Superhuman, laser rifles are useless on the field, except against Sectopods. They're fine for base camping, though. Aliens have too much health and armor on Superhuman for laser rifles to reliably kill in one hit. I couldn't even reliably kill an Ethereal with a single head shot with a laser, whereas HP can kill in one hit even if it hits the alien's leg or chest or something less critical than the head.

Nevertheless, my soldiers got quite the Reactions boost from having to fire so many lasers in Reaction. =)

Rogue 31-03-2005 07:13 PM

But don't forget that trained soldier is more likely to take it down with less hits, so at the end with trained you'll end up with 2-3 hits to get it down.

Lizard 31-03-2005 07:17 PM

I saw that my soldier with NO armor survived directly hit from HP to head without losing more than 5 health...I just reacted like WTF???? OMG
There must be really GREAT random damage modifiers that works with damge/armor/accuracy. I have seen how my large rocket from RL hit the interior of small Ufo with sectopoids,exploded and Killed 1(!!!!) from 4 of them.
Btw: This is longest thread,longest non-spam thread,longest game thread, most active thread and most discussed game thread in Abandodia :eeeeeh:
I dont know what it say about Ufo.... :whistle:

Spookyfish 31-03-2005 07:51 PM

It's the best DOS game ever. How's that :D?


I also tell my ships to attack aggressively, I guess I"m a bit reckless.
I don't really see the point in being cautious or afraid of a UFO... Battleships can shoot you almost no matter what, and the smaller UFO's are nothing to a pair of plasma cannons / fusion ball launchers... So hell, why not. The meaning of life is to die anyway, so why not do it gloriously :D.

Dreadlord 31-03-2005 07:53 PM

I send one trooper to an infested area to kill the aliens.

Spookyfish 31-03-2005 08:05 PM

A lone trooper without any backup of any kind :blink:?

Dreadlord 31-03-2005 08:05 PM

Yes, then he goes back into the ship the instant it lands and I go back to base.

Lizard 31-03-2005 08:11 PM

Not THAT hard... :whistle:
I use to do it some times.
It is fun :w00t:

Dreadlord 31-03-2005 08:13 PM

I once armed a trooper with only a pistol and a backpack of grenades and ammo and actually cleared out the crashed UFO.

Lizard 31-03-2005 08:14 PM

I MPed a Muton with blaster launcher and blasted my avanger full of my best troops :w00t:

Dreadlord 31-03-2005 08:15 PM

Oh yes? I sent 6 troopers into a room then shot the wall with a rocket leaving everyone dead, then I sent the other troopers to the corpses, picked up the grenades, & detonated them all.

PrejudiceSucks 31-03-2005 08:23 PM

My favourite thing about this game is the sheer overkill you can do. For example on a Very Small UFO I got bored once and fired 2 blaster bombs into it.

It worked though.

X-Com hint of the day: Keep your soldiers alive and they get more likely to hit the aliens' torsos and heads. No really, do. You don't want a horde of Rookies when you could have a small team of Commandos at all. Nope.

P.S. I'm gonna be away for 4 days - see if you can get to 1050 posts, ok?

Rogue 31-03-2005 08:23 PM

I played with save state, and all of my soldiers had everything on incredibly 255.

I use only one soldier to clear every crash sites, and in final mission I did not loose any of soldiers. :)

I finished whole game for one afternoon.

But playing like that makes game less interesting.

another_guest 31-03-2005 08:40 PM


Originally posted by Anubis@Mar 31 2005, 08:23 PM
I played with save state, and all of my soldiers had everything on incredibly 255.

I use only one soldier to clear every crash sites, and in final mission I did not loose any of soldiers. :)

I finished whole game for one afternoon.

But playing like that makes game less interesting.

You mean editing the saved games?

I did that last year, as I wanted to finish the game as quickly as possible to see the (disappointing) end again.
But I never went above 230 or so. Otherwise the stats went negative if your soldiers gained too much from experience.

In the whole course I lost 2 soldiers though. One to a Cryssalid, the other I don't remember. But also none in the final mission. With such soldiers, you can really waltz through everything. It's fun to do after you've played the game without cheating :)

Rogue 31-03-2005 08:51 PM

Yes, that's what I meant.

I still have somewhere editor for save game. :)

You can change almost anything, like money, base buidlings etc.

Nice thing indeed.

WIll try to find it and upload it, as some people might be interested to play with it. :)

Lizard 31-03-2005 08:56 PM

It would be nice addition to Ufo.
But it is nothing for me,becouse I generally hate modifing/cheating in games to make it less difficult

another_guest 31-03-2005 09:05 PM

Ah, I never heard of an external editor. I just hex-edited the right figures.
Something I found out: stocking more elerium and such than your stores' capacity could result in a total necessary storage space that was negative. In other words, unlimited storage area :blink:

And the hard part is then not to lose a single soldier. It's just for when you're bored or fed up with the original UFO :)

Rogue 31-03-2005 09:17 PM

Try this.

Not sure if is the same (can't try it now, I'm at work), but those two are editors.

dunkellic 31-03-2005 09:52 PM

all my men/women have only 81 TUs max.
why this, can´t it be more or do i have to give them more equipment so they carry more things around??

funny thing: just cleaned out a landed muton battleship through MC
i only shootet the last muton myself (cause they can´t kill themselves). the remaining ones killed each other in muton vs muton battle :D

another_guest 31-03-2005 10:58 PM


Originally posted by dunkellic@Mar 31 2005, 09:52 PM
all my men/women have only 81 TUs max.
why this, can´t it be more or do i have to give them more equipment so they carry more things around??

This was an early patch of UFO: in the first versions, stats could increase over 255, which caused them to drop back to 0 again. Therefor they limited the soldiers' stats to 81. Indeed it would be nice if the limit had been 120 or so...

lethe 01-04-2005 06:57 AM

Actually, I think only Tu's are limited to 81. The rest are limited to 120.

axident 01-04-2005 09:50 AM


Originally posted by lethe@Apr 1 2005, 06:57 AM
Actually, I think only Tu's are limited to 81. The rest are limited to 120.
Then how come strength seems to come to a standstill at 71, health at 60, etc.? They probably have varying caps. Accuracy seems to stop at about 120, Stamina at 101.

lethe 01-04-2005 10:32 AM

Hmm yes now that I think of it, some other stats seem to be caped at lower levels.

Spookyfish 01-04-2005 03:08 PM

I think every soldier has his/hers of potential, or personal maximum that is automaticly determined when you recruit them. This trooper I had, veteran from thirty missions, had less accuracy than a veteran from twenty. Think there were more stats the younger veteran was better in as well... Can't remember.

lethe 01-04-2005 03:22 PM

They evolve in different speed yes, but the statcaps are probably equal to all.

Jman4117 01-04-2005 06:28 PM

They all have the same caps with the values increasing a random ammount between 1 and 6, I believe, depending on use. Very possible to hit 125 or so accuracy on a lucky roll, though it is very rare.

axident 01-04-2005 07:38 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Mar 31 2005, 10:42 AM
Gah I hate sectoids........

Ok so ya know the story with the whole, aliens dont have longer vision, they just "remember where you were" and then fire out of range. Then howcome first turn tank goes out, blasted away, then 1st soldier comes out, carefully on the otherside from the shot, peaks around, blam.

Turns out that the aliens were halfway across the map. Not even on elevation and boom they just snipe like that. Well whoever said aliens dont have a longer vision and that night time battles are easier can kiss my laser rifle behind.

By the way, the spotting system works outdoors, too. If you are running a soldier into the blackness and she stops because she saw an alien, don't have her shoot! Have another soldier shoot the newly-spotted alien from farther away.

The reason is that if the alien is facing you, if you miss, it might return fire. If it isn't facing you and your first soldier hits but doesn't kill, the alien might return fire. But aliens (and humans) can't return fire against what they can't see. So if your second soldier misses, or hits but doesn't kill, the alien can't do anything about it because it's out of visual range. Basically, you never want to fire at an alien if it can see you.

Jman4117 01-04-2005 08:27 PM

As for the visiblity thing. Aliens and Xcom both have the same range in daylight. At night, however, your range drops while the aliens' stays at daylight range. Also, when an alien knows you are there, it has a tendancy to move one space into range, spot you, move back, then fire at you from out of your range. It's not very likely that you can reaction fire in this situation (barring a 60+ guy... ;) ), as the alien is near maxed TUs in your visual range then leaves out immediately (best case senario to boot.. >.>).
Defenately bring flares to even it out at night. :crazy:

Juan Rayo 01-04-2005 08:42 PM

Ok, so, here's my plan

Two of my soldiers will try to break into a base, steal a ship (a small scout will do), pilot the ship into space, go to mars, plug the computer with an alien pc (we ALL know they us USB) and INFECT the whole MARS civilization or base with a cleverly deviced computer virus!

ER.,.. or not.

Ok, seriously now, I have NEW CRAFTS! What do you guys recommend I spend my hard earned HE in? Lightning? Firestorm?

Greys invaded my base again, but this time, I was ready. Got rid of a large number of things so as not to be bothered by the 80 item thing, and my soldiers all came with their HP and Laser rifles. I got two snipers and a couple of "Spotters" ahead, it works LIKE A CHARM. Sure, you are subject to some reaction fire, but this time they were so far away in the corridor it hardly matter, while my snipers took them out. BAM! One shot, one kill!

Then, it was just a matter of cleaning up the house. One thing though... what about the LOADS of equipment I was promised? LOL, I got only 15 bodies and 9 "alien artifacts" and THAT was IT. :ranting:

I have disposed of my missile defenses as well and switched to plasma. Things are looking bright againg, indeed. Ah, its good to be the commander of the XCOM defense. (plus, the GALA uniform its a killer!) :D

axident 01-04-2005 08:51 PM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 1 2005, 08:42 PM
Ok, so, here's my plan

Two of my soldiers will try to break into a base, steal a ship (a small scout will do), pilot the ship into space, go to mars, plug the computer with an alien pc (we ALL know they us USB) and INFECT the whole MARS civilization or base with a cleverly deviced computer virus!

ER.,.. or not.

Ok, seriously now, I have NEW CRAFTS! What do* you guys recommend I spend my hard earned HE in? Lightning? Firestorm?

Greys invaded my base again, but this time, I was ready. Got rid of a large number of things so as not to be bothered by the 80 item thing, and my soldiers all came with their HP and Laser rifles. I got two snipers and a couple of "Spotters" ahead,* it works LIKE A CHARM. Sure, you are subject to some reaction fire, but this time they were so far away in the corridor it hardly matter, while my snipers took them out. BAM! One shot, one kill!

Then, it was just a matter of cleaning up the house. One thing though... what about the LOADS of equipment I was promised? LOL, I got only 15 bodies and 9 "alien artifacts" and THAT was IT.* :ranting:

I have disposed of my missile defenses as well and switched to plasma. Things are looking bright againg, indeed. Ah, its good to be the commander of the XCOM defense.* (plus, the GALA uniform its a killer!)* :D

Lightnings suck. They're more expensive than Firestorms and slower, so they aren't as good fighters. As troop transports, Lightnings don't carry HWPs and are basically faster Skyrangers that eat Elerium (noooooo!!!).

Stick with a few Skyrangers for troops and lots and lots of Firestorms with 2 plasma beams each. When you can afford it, replace the Skyrangers with Avengers with 2 plasma beams each (and a few with laser cannons to bring down the smaller UFOs without hurting them so much). But don't build what you can't fuel, because Firestorms eat Elerium... so for a while, you might have to make do with only a few Firestorms.

Glad the spotting system worked for you, too! Maybe you got less equipment because a grenade blew up some of it, or something like that. That's why I don't recommend littering your base with prox mines; it destroys equipment, plus it's less efficient than the spotter-sniper system.

As an aside, if you build zero flying suits with zero engineers, click ok, then increase the number of engineers, and build exactly one suit. You don't have to pay for it. This trick can save you 100s of units of E-115, and I wish I knew about it earlier, but oh well, I can say I passed the game w/o much cheating if any. Now I'm in overkill mode and trying to get 80 top-flight soldiers with flying armor, all-Avengers, $1 billion, etc. just because I can.

Juan Rayo 01-04-2005 09:02 PM

How much HE you think is enough to fuel a number of Firestorms? I tried a Firestorm, it catched and downed a Suply ship, wich previously used to outrun my interceptors and got coky, but the firestorm also ATE my HE at base 1. I have some 2600 units between all my bases I think...

Jman4117 01-04-2005 09:07 PM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 1 2005, 08:42 PM
Ok, so, here's my plan

Two of my soldiers will try to break into a base, steal a ship (a small scout will do), pilot the ship into space, go to mars, plug the computer with an alien pc (we ALL know they us USB) and INFECT the whole MARS civilization or base with a cleverly deviced computer virus!

ER.,.. or not.

Ok, seriously now, I have NEW CRAFTS! What do you guys recommend I spend my hard earned HE in? Lightning? Firestorm?

Greys invaded my base again, but this time, I was ready. Got rid of a large number of things so as not to be bothered by the 80 item thing, and my soldiers all came with their HP and Laser rifles. I got two snipers and a couple of "Spotters" ahead, it works LIKE A CHARM. Sure, you are subject to some reaction fire, but this time they were so far away in the corridor it hardly matter, while my snipers took them out. BAM! One shot, one kill!

Then, it was just a matter of cleaning up the house. One thing though... what about the LOADS of equipment I was promised? LOL, I got only 15 bodies and 9 "alien artifacts" and THAT was IT. :ranting:

I have disposed of my missile defenses as well and switched to plasma. Things are looking bright againg, indeed. Ah, its good to be the commander of the XCOM defense. (plus, the GALA uniform its a killer!) :D

For crafts go for mostly Firestorms and maybe a Lightning for a crack squad. No HWPs but you can deploy troops through the walls rather quickly.

For the base defense tactic: Put your guys at the end of the hall around a corner just like the spotters. With a high reaction spotter and the snipers out of a line of fire you are basically invulerable to all but blaster launchers.

Jman4117 01-04-2005 09:09 PM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 1 2005, 09:02 PM
How much HE you think is enough to fuel a number of Firestorms? I tried a Firestorm, it catched and downed a Suply ship, wich previously used to outrun my interceptors and got coky, but the firestorm also ATE my HE at base 1. I have some 2600 units between all my bases I think...
If you mean E-115..2600 is way more than enough to play the entire game.

Juan Rayo 01-04-2005 09:11 PM

ahhh good then. I am set. I also asked this because lately I have neglected going after small scouts that have been crash landed by my scouts, a bit tired of cleaning up for just a couple of grays or floaters, and the latest one didn't even had any HE. Thanks.

Juan Rayo 01-04-2005 09:14 PM

E-115 right. Don't even know WHY I put HE, pif. Thanks anyway. Sorry all for the bad english. :ok:

Jman4117 01-04-2005 09:18 PM

no problem :ok:

Rogue 01-04-2005 09:23 PM

I just started new game, will play without cheating. :karate:

Well, done 4 missions so far, and had one terror site (high alien activity on the other side of the globe :angry: ) Need more time to build a base, as I'm building it in secure way. (only one building has contact with hangar)

This going to be a long play, as I will not allow any of my soldiers to die. :sneaky:

axident 01-04-2005 09:35 PM


Originally posted by Anubis@Apr 1 2005, 09:23 PM
I just started new game, will play without cheating. :karate:

Well, done 4 missions so far, and had one terror site (high alien activity on the other side of the globe :angry: ) Need more time to build a base, as I'm building it in secure way. (only one building has contact with hangar)

This going to be a long play, as I will not allow any of my soldiers to die. :sneaky:

Death is part of the game; the only way your soldiers never die is either though unbelievable luck or reloading a lot, which is cheating. In my previous campaign, I got hammered hard in my first couple of months, sometimes walking away from a Terror Site victory with only 2 troops left. I gave up trying to kamikaze and even spotter-sniping teams aren't going to survive all the time.. hence my boring habit to simply find a nice spot to camp. Like just outside a UFO door on either side of it, or in the green rooms of alien bases. =)

Jman4117 01-04-2005 09:40 PM


Originally posted by Anubis@Apr 1 2005, 09:23 PM
I just started new game, will play without cheating.* :karate:

Well, done 4 missions so far, and had one terror site (high alien activity on the other side of the globe* :angry: ) Need more time to build a base, as I'm building it in secure way. (only one building has contact with hangar)

This going to be a long play, as I will not allow any of my soldiers to die.* :sneaky:

Try something like this to start up quickly:


H = Hanger
G = Stores
A = Lift
L = Living Quarters
R = Radar/Hyperwave

Take out the stores and living quarters as you build back.

In 26 days you should have this:


Rogue 01-04-2005 09:42 PM

SO far I did not have to reload. But as game progress it will require so.

Interesting part on last night terror site. First alien was looking othe way, so my soldier came to one space away and shoot at him from close. After that I was able to spot all of them, and kill them from far away. They killed 2 humans. :(

I just don't like to train new soldiers over and over. After I'm done with this, I might start another one, without saving.

Rogue 01-04-2005 09:51 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Apr 1 2005, 04:40 PM
Try something like this to start up quickly:


H = Hanger
G = Stores
A = Lift
L = Living Quarters
R = Radar/Hyperwave

Take out the stores and living quarters as you build back.

In 26 days you should have this:


I like this:


There is only one one connection between Hangar and Access lift, and first after it I build General Store, as it takes only 10 days. Soon as it's done I add 2 more buildings. This way I can add 2 more hangers if I have to, and I can expend base more then if I start close to the side.

Lizard 01-04-2005 10:10 PM

Myself I prefer build my base so 3 hangars in a line (on the bottom of space),then acesslift and then base...

Lizard 01-04-2005 10:12 PM

My first double post and spam post together.
But it is worth it becouse
:Brain: 1000th post in Ufo Thread!!!!! :Brain:
:w00t: :party: :band: :party: :w00t:
Ok now I must figure just something smart about Ufo...erm....I like plastic armours,and I use them often.They look really cool.Ok this was stupid :whistle:

I would do something about this but that would look really cheap after my 800th post. - Havell

axident 01-04-2005 10:24 PM


Originally posted by Anubis+Apr 1 2005, 09:51 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Anubis @ Apr 1 2005, 09:51 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Jman4117@Apr 1 2005, 04:40 PM
Try something like this to start up quickly:


H = Hanger
G = Stores
A = Lift
L = Living Quarters
R = Radar/Hyperwave

Take out the stores and living quarters as you build back.

In 26 days you should have this:


I like this:


There is only one one connection between Hangar and Access lift, and first after it I build General Store, as it takes only 10 days. Soon as it's done I add 2 more buildings. This way I can add 2 more hangers if I have to, and I can expend base more then if I start close to the side. [/b][/quote]
This config, with its long hallway, is awesome for spotting-sniping:


A = access lift
H = hangar
M = miscellaneous.. .whatever you want
X = nothing

If you don't need three hangars, then:


For some reason planes like to go from top down, so I am forced to make my original base have the hangar above, stuff below:


No long hallway, but I don't care about base assaults, not when I have 20 high-psi, high-experience guys in flying armor wielding HP and Blaster Launchers :D

Guest 01-04-2005 11:36 PM

Like stated above, aliens attacking your base won't really give you that many spoils. And I certainly wouldn't advise "inviting" them for that purpose.
Also, often people will tell you to land at a terror site and take off right away. I don't know what the score is if you don't land at all, but just touching down and leaving will still result in a -200 to -300 score: the game considers all civilians at the terror site as killed.

Something which happened to me once when one of my bases were under attack: even though the invaders were mutons and a single silacoid, ALL of my soldiers except one panicked or went berserk after the 1st round. I still don't know how that was possible, I didn't think mutons had any psy abilities? And even if they had, causing 15 soldiers with decent psy training to panick in a single turn seems a bit extreme :blink:

Jman4117 02-04-2005 12:02 AM

One thing I forgot to mention:
During the debriefing screen where it says alien artifacts recovered; those are things that you haven't researched yet. Weapons, clips, etc that you normally make money from, just don't score if you have researched then. They still end up in your stores though.

Spookyfish 02-04-2005 12:08 AM


Something which happened to me once when one of my bases were under attack: even though the invaders were mutons and a single silacoid, ALL of my soldiers except one panicked or went berserk after the 1st round. I still don't know how that was possible, I didn't think mutons had any psy abilities? And even if they had, causing 15 soldiers with decent psy training to panick in a single turn seems a bit extreme
Whoa :blink:. That's crazy. I'd say it's a bug, but then again, I'm just a forum hobbit :D.

Jman4117 02-04-2005 12:14 AM

Or you may have just gotten decimated the first round and the survivors panicked.......

Sean 02-04-2005 12:39 AM

68 Pages.. 1005 replies.. must be a good game ill have 2 check it out!

Juan Rayo 02-04-2005 01:18 AM

Jman! I think that pretty much explains why I thought there wasn't all that much loot. I have probably research all the other stuff and for that it didn't register, makes sense.

As for the Muton attack on your base, man thats crazy. I mean, I have had people go berserk, even a couple, but EVERYONE? hmm, maybe THIS time, the aliens put something in your base's water suply


Jman4117 02-04-2005 02:57 AM

Like a blaster bomb? :twisted:

Dreadlord 02-04-2005 02:57 AM

No, use grenades.

Juan Rayo 02-04-2005 05:10 AM

LOL, a blaster bomb would do the trick, yes, heh./ LOL

another_guest 02-04-2005 09:36 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Apr 2 2005, 12:14 AM
Or you may have just gotten decimated the first round and the survivors panicked.......
That "guest" was me (must have lost my cookies)...

That wasn't the problem, I think I only lost one or two soldiers at that point. But I guess it was something fishy: when I reloaded (don't blame me for this one :)) just before the attack, things went exactly the same, except for the whole mass panic thing.

Spookyfish 02-04-2005 10:39 AM

:blink:! I'd go for saying that it was a bug... Or, some weak-minded soldier saw his fellow(s) die, berserked, then the others saw him berserk, thought "What the hell", started berserking themselves. Or maybe they were all drunk :D.

another_guest 02-04-2005 11:09 AM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 2 2005, 10:39 AM
Or maybe they were all drunk :D.
My secret has been revealed :D

As for aliens attacking one's base, I still think that doesn't yield as much as say a large or very large ufo, both in terms of score and loot. Especially if they come in with blaster launchers, blowing up half of the loot.

skadi 02-04-2005 11:42 AM

hehe I played ufo a few years long without going to mars... huahaha. How many kills my men had.. it's a pity that everything is deleted :(
i think i'll get ufo a next time.. haha! :D

TaloN 02-04-2005 11:53 AM

something i played with the other day was having LOTS of small bases with no defences. you can abandonthem when they get attacked and not lose too much and still stay very functional.

it was just a 30min piss about, would be interesting to see if you could finish the game without defeind any of your bases.

dunkellic 02-04-2005 12:23 PM


Originally posted by TaloN@Apr 2 2005, 11:53 AM
something i played with the other day was having LOTS of small bases with no defences. you can abandonthem when they get attacked and not lose too much and still stay very functional.

it was just a 30min piss about, would be interesting to see if you could finish the game without defeind any of your bases.

if no soldiers are stationed in a base and the base gets under attack you instantly lose the base

UFO Booster 02-04-2005 12:40 PM

Sorry to interupt you, guys. I was wondering if there's a kind of UFO #2 ? Even if the first one is the best game i ever played i would like to find the following episode !!

another_guest 02-04-2005 01:54 PM


Originally posted by UFO Booster@Apr 2 2005, 12:40 PM
Sorry to interupt you, guys. I was wondering if there's a kind of UFO #2 ? Even if the first one is the best game i ever played i would like to find the following episode !!
Terror from the Deep (also available here on Abandonia). Though it didn't feature much new, apart from different names and graphics for weapons and such.
And UFO 3 would then be X-COM Apocalypse (also available here).

Jman4117 02-04-2005 03:37 PM


Originally posted by TaloN@Apr 2 2005, 11:53 AM
something i played with the other day was having LOTS of small bases with no defences. you can abandonthem when they get attacked and not lose too much and still stay very functional.

it was just a 30min piss about, would be interesting to see if you could finish the game without defeind any of your bases.

Sounds like my picket approach: 1 hanger, 1 living quaters, 2 stores, and a radar :P

Why waste time on defenses when you can have 18 free heavy plasmas and boosted stats every time they attack you? :rifle:

axident 02-04-2005 04:45 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117+Apr 2 2005, 03:37 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jman4117 @ Apr 2 2005, 03:37 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-TaloN@Apr 2 2005, 11:53 AM
something i played with the other day was having LOTS of small bases with no defences. you can abandonthem when they get attacked and not lose too much and still stay very functional.

it was just a 30min piss about, would be interesting to see if you could finish the game without defeind any of your bases.

Sounds like my picket approach: 1 hanger, 1 living quaters, 2 stores, and a radar :P

Why waste time on defenses when you can have 18 free heavy plasmas and boosted stats every time they attack you? :rifle: [/b][/quote]
I took the loss once when a battleship squashed a nascent expansion base a month or two into the game, but after that I had enough troops stationed around that I rolled out the welcome mat for more battleships... that never came. I mean, wtf, I never attack battleships headed towards my staffed bases anymore, but they never land. :cry:

Jman4117 02-04-2005 06:09 PM

<3 Laser pistols ^^

Spookyfish 02-04-2005 09:00 PM

Whoa :blink:! Impressive! You took a battleship on the ground there, didn't you? You wicked person you :D.

axident 02-04-2005 09:25 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Apr 2 2005, 06:09 PM

<3 Laser pistols ^^

Liar. You had a tank, too. ;) Seriously though, good job, that 200 E-115 looks delicious....

another_guest 02-04-2005 10:17 PM

That's VERY impressive indeed!

Lizard 02-04-2005 11:35 PM

Really nice.Good work! :ok:

Fama 03-04-2005 01:30 AM

Meh. Read up to something like, page 12... I'll see if I have time to read the rest. But anyway. I guess it's because I play the easist difficulty and I cheat by saving very often (^^), but I very rarely, if ever lose troops... Psi being a different thing. I would advice you to go to and read the strategy guide... It's very good. That is, if you don't want to play the game without any help.

Ps. Just to make this clear:
X-Com: UFO Defense is the US title
UFO: Enemy Unknown is the European title
X-Com: Terror From The Deep(s?) is the sequel
X-Com: Apocalypse is the third game.
But I guess you knew this.

Spookyfish 03-04-2005 02:24 AM

We kinda did :D. Thanks anyway.

Juan Rayo 03-04-2005 07:47 AM

Capturar a un comandante

Hi all... need some help.

Xcom has the pinches aliens on the defensive. We take down their ships, there is not a single base of their operatin on Earth now (at least, not that I know of) and their missions are generally a total bust.

My science team tells me we need to capture a Commander to interrogate and be able to go look for them in mars and finish this once and for all. With that in mind, I took out 3 bases that I was allowing on Earth for just that reason.

Commander Rayo is a great PSI, and as such, he mind controled every muton and grey we came upon in every base. Trouble is, when I check the dominated aliens, all I see is "muton soldier" or engenier, or navigator, even a couple of medics totin Blaster launchers (dirty bastards!). Not once a commander. Same happened with the grays. I can't believe that in EVERY BASE the commander happened to be the one alien I shot on sight instead of dominating. Any ideas? Can I find these guys in any base or only in battleships as they land? where do they usually hang out?

Thanks for the help

lethe 03-04-2005 07:58 AM

Ethereal battleships usually have 1. "Alien base" ethereal scout ships are full of them.

Juan Rayo 03-04-2005 08:52 AM

Ethereal huh? thanks. I actually have not met those guys in battle. From what I read in some posts, they are trouble. Mind control? blaster launchers? heavy armor? or just all around tough guys?

In a mission, I caught a glimpse of one, orange cape I think? (yeah, I know, alien fashion sense...) but then the game crashed and when I continued never again faced them.

Thanks for the info.

axident 03-04-2005 09:20 AM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 3 2005, 08:52 AM
Ethereal huh? thanks. I actually have not met those guys in battle. From what I read in some posts, they are trouble. Mind control? blaster launchers? heavy armor? or just all around tough guys?

In a mission, I caught a glimpse of one, orange cape I think? (yeah, I know, alien fashion sense...) but then the game crashed and when I continued never again faced them.

Thanks for the info.

I'm not sure but I think you need a commander from a base--not from a UFO. So let a weaker species build a base and then go in with some Mind Probes and stun launchers in addition to the regular Heavy Plasma/Blaster Launcher combo. Mind probe every alien before you shoot it; if it's a Commander, shoot it with the stun launcher instead of a killing weapon. Try to protect the body.. carry it away or something if you have to; don't let a stray grenade land on it or anything. Hope that helps!

another_guest 03-04-2005 09:30 AM

Yes, I think you're right that it needs to be a commander taken from an alien base. In most cases they will be found at the top floor of the room with the big grav lift; there's a corridor all around that room, accessible only by a 5-or-so tiles wide door. I hope you can gather from this description what I mean...

As for ethereals, those are indeed the orange caped ones. They're dangerous (understatement) because of their psi abilities. Be glad that you haven't met them often yet. :)

dunkellic 03-04-2005 11:09 AM


Originally posted by another_guest@Apr 3 2005, 09:30 AM
Yes, I think you're right that it needs to be a commander taken from an alien base. In most cases they will be found at the top floor of the room with the big grav lift; there's a corridor all around that room, accessible only by a 5-or-so tiles wide door. I hope you can gather from this description what I mean...

As for ethereals, those are indeed the orange caped ones. They're dangerous (understatement) because of their psi abilities. Be glad that you haven't met them often yet. :)

but once they´re dead they are much much friendlier....

sad thing that a MCed ethereal can´t MC others by your command...(perhaps if i equipt him with a psi-amp XD)

Spookyfish 03-04-2005 11:36 AM

Yeah, why won't someone try that for fun? Have two soldiers with good psychic abilities carry a spare psi-amp, MC an etheral, then throw the new etheral slave the spare psi-amp.

another_guest 03-04-2005 12:26 PM

Can you make mind controlled aliens pick up things? I've read once that you need to cycle through your soldiers until you're on the MC'ed alien to do so. But I haven't tried it yet.

Lizard 03-04-2005 12:27 PM

Yea,. You cant do it directly. But I think that cycling throught soldiers to get alien is bug and it could be already in Ufo:Defense :unsure:

dunkellic 03-04-2005 02:21 PM


Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 3 2005, 12:27 PM
Yea,. You cant do it directly. But I think that cycling throught soldiers to get alien is bug and it could be already in Ufo:Defense :unsure:
it works with the goldversion
but i wouldn´t consider it as a bug (as far as you dont use it with chrysalids).
why shouldn´t you be able to equip MCed aliens, that doens´t make much sense

another_guest 03-04-2005 03:06 PM


Originally posted by dunkellic@Apr 3 2005, 02:21 PM
why shouldn´t you be able to equip MCed aliens, that doens´t make much sense
Of course, but then again you can't use their inherent abilities (hand-to-hand attack,...) either.

Juan Rayo 03-04-2005 03:58 PM

Thanks, I WOULD like to battle the Ethereals so I can see how my soldiers do against them, specially considering I could end up meeting a whole bunch of them in Mars. I think it's a good idea to wait then, for the snakes or floaters to build their own pretty little base and then come in and exterminate them, heh.

And I have never used stun bombs, always rods, oh, well. Thanks for the info guys.

And now, MORE questions!

1. Allien food? any good or can I go ahead and sell it? I have already researched it...

2. Allien enterteinment/ Likewise.

3. Examination room. Got 3 or 4 of those, already researched them as well.

Can I sell all this stuff? No need for it at all?

As usual, all info greatly appreciated.

TwoHedWlf 03-04-2005 04:15 PM

All of them, research it, sell it.

Be nice if you could breed and use your own aliens if you had all the proper equipment...Hmmm...X-com 2!:)

axident 03-04-2005 04:21 PM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 3 2005, 03:58 PM
Thanks, I WOULD like to battle the Ethereals so I can see how my soldiers do against them, specially considering I could end up meeting a whole bunch of them in Mars. I think it's a good idea to wait then, for the snakes or floaters to build their own pretty little base and then come in and exterminate them, heh.

And I have never used stun bombs, always rods, oh, well. Thanks for the info guys.

And now, MORE questions!

1. Allien food? any good or can I go ahead and sell it? I have already researched it...

2. Allien enterteinment/ Likewise.

3. Examination room. Got 3 or 4 of those, already researched them as well.

Can I sell all this stuff? No need for it at all?

As usual, all info greatly appreciated.

If your soldiers have never been psi-tested, they won't stand a chance at a Sectoid or Ethereal base. I recommend letting Floaters make a base and camping the green rooms. The Snakeman bases are easy, too, if you have enough soldiers to gun down Chryssalids as they come. Usually you can kill 90% of the troops by camping and then walk over to the Command room to stun the commander. But sometimes the commander leaves the command room and comes to you, so try not to kill stuff once there are only a few aliens left.. as long as it keeps saying "Floater Commander Panics" you're doing fine.

You can have an alien pick up stuff and drop stuff by Mind Controlling an alien, then going to one of your soldiers and clicking inventory. Once in inventory screen, click the "next soldier" arrow until you arrive at the alien's inventory screen.

Alien food, entertainment, surgery, examination room all give flavor to the game but have no gameplay effect. Save one of each to research when you have nothing better to research, and sell the rest.

Spookyfish 03-04-2005 04:48 PM


Originally posted by TwoHedWlf@Apr 3 2005, 04:15 PM
Be nice if you could breed and use your own aliens if you had all the proper equipment...Hmmm...X-com 2!:)
Hah LOL! Would be an interesting approach to the game indeed... Or a reversion of the roles... An option to play as X-COM or the Aliens! Sure, the Aliens would be radicatly different from humans, no need for money, funding, or whatever, so someone creative ought to plan that...

Man, being a writer is terrible. You get all these crazy ideas all of a sudden :D.

Dreadlord 03-04-2005 04:51 PM

They should allow you to use alien corpses as punching bags, then your men gain experience in unarmed combat, or maybe you should add a zipper and make Halloween costume.

I would make miso soup with the entrails.

EDIT: Any way to run this game windowed?

BeefontheBone 03-04-2005 07:31 PM

well you should be able to run DOSBox windowed by hitting alt+enter, but I'm not sure how easy it'd be to play. no idea about the windows version.

70 pages of UFO guys. that's a lot of UFO.

Lizard 03-04-2005 07:34 PM


Originally posted by BeefontheBone@Apr 3 2005, 08:31 PM
well you should be able to run DOSBox windowed by hitting alt+enter, but I'm not sure how easy it'd be to play. no idea about the windows version.

70 pages of UFO guys. that's a lot of UFO.

Unfortunetly Ufo:defense is for win....
I am still confused why UFO?
Why not,I dunno Civilization? :blink:

BeefontheBone 03-04-2005 07:48 PM

why UFO what?

Lizard 03-04-2005 07:52 PM


Originally posted by BeefontheBone@Apr 3 2005, 08:48 PM
why UFO what?
why ufo had biggest,1000 post worth topic?? :blink:

axident 03-04-2005 08:00 PM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Apr 3 2005, 04:51 PM
They should allow you to use alien corpses as punching bags, then your men gain experience in unarmed combat, or maybe you should add a zipper and make Halloween costume.

I would make miso soup with the entrails.

EDIT: Any way to run this game windowed?

Holy cow I just finished an intense mission. I'm playing for overkill now (maxing out all soldiers worldwide), so I have a squad of guys with good psi strength and skill, psi amps, medikits, and pistols. The idea is to MC aliens into dropping their weapons and dueling me with weak-a$$ pistols, which can't penetrate Flying Armor even on the best of days. This would normally mean that the squad improves its Reactions by leaps and bounds against strongly-armored opponents.

So an Ethereal terror ship flys by, no doubt laden with Sectopods to terrorize the local population. I figure that I'll need a blaster launcher with as many bombs as a soldier can carry (seven; one in the launcher, one in hand, two on belt, three in backpack) in addition to the crapload of pistols and medikits. And since I'm collecting alien stats, I relish the idea of MC'ing a Sectopod and seeing its stats.

So I send out the Avenger, quickly learn that a soldier with 93 Psi strength and 50 psi skill (which is typical for the squad) can MC ethereals but not Sectopods. So for the first seven turns, I blow up one Sectopod per turn with the designated blaster launcher wielder.

I thought it was odd that there would be seven 'pods, and it sucked that I kept blowing up the equipment that I had meant to salvage (not that I needed the money from arms sales, but still).

I pooped my pants when I saw an EIGHTH Sectopod. :blink: I guess there are more terror units per ship the greater the difficulty level or something. Even so, I don't ever recall fighting 8 'pods from one terror ship before.

So: Status report: eighth turn, I am out of blaster bombs, but I have plenty of pistols and pistol ammo, psi amps (useless against sectopods at my soldiers' psi skill levels), and medikits. There are only two Heavy Plasma on the entire board, one of which is around the corner of the UFO from the UFO door that the Sectopod just stepped out of. The other is in the field near the Sectopod, thank God.

................[main body of UFO]...............HP................................. ..
[subbody] [main body of UFO][subbody]........................................
......SP.......[main body of UFO]....................2 soldiers here.............
.................................................. ................................................
....................HP............................ ..............................................
.................................................. ................................................
.........................10 of 13 soldiers here............1 soldier here

SP = sectopod

So after surveying the situation, I come up with a desperate plan: I reload (I don't care about not-reloading anymore; I already beat the game with this squad and am just going to for maxing out soldiers) the seventh turn so that my soldiers are all clustered around the HP in the field, with three others too far away to get to that HP.

Replaying the eighth turn, I have the first guy to reach the HP in the field fire off several shots at the Sectopod, then drop the HP and walk away. A second soldier picks up the HP and fires, then walks away. Repeat until I am out of soldiers (I only had 13 for that mission, and 3 were too far away; the rest I kept at base because their reactions were already so high).

The sectopod, after taking a 31 shots (but not all of them hit) from the field HP (damned strong front armor!!), is still standing. The three soldiers too far away from the field HP then work together: One runs to the HP around the corner, throws to the second. The second soldier tosses the HP to the third soldier, which had been busy guarding a disarmed Ethereal leader in my Avenger. (I was going to arm the Leader and have a pistol duel later). That last, third soldier, picks up the HP and has only enough time left to squeeze off an Auto.

HIT! Sectopod goes down without a sound, so I "stunned" it apparently.

Not that I cared by then, because I had no usable TU left in any soldier.

The rest of the mission was pretty easy; I just disarmed Ethereals, gave them pistols, and after lots of pathetic pistol shot exchanges, the Ethereals keeled over.

For those of you who think that laser rifles will get you anywhere on Superhuman, I am adamant that HP + Blaster Launchers is the way to go. HP for everything but Sectopods, and blaster bombs for 'pods. Lasers doing 0-120 damage (average = 60) are going to have a very hard time killing Ethereals and Mutons in one hit, let alone Sectopods. Unless you always do spotting-sniping, you WILL receive return fire from aliens that you hit-but-did-not-kill, if you use laser rifles against the tougher aliens.

NOTE: I realized that if you damage something, it also eats away at the armor. For instance, if you strike an Ethereal in the right side and cause more than zero damage to its health, it also damages the right-side armor. So you DO wear down Sectopods after a while.. the first shot is hardest to cause damage with. But once you do any damage at all, the armor in that area is weakened, making it easier to do more damage, which weakens the armor some more, etc.

Also, laser pistols work better for Reactions training, but I hadn't manufactured enough of them yet for this mission.

SPOILER WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

Here are some stats of a few alien races that I saw after mind controlling lots of them, at Superhuman difficulty (edited to include more species):

SECTOID soldier, medic, navigator, engineer, leaders, and commanders all have the same stats (but leaders have 58 psi strength and 58 psi skill, while commanders have 58 psi strength and 69 psi skill): 4/3/3/2/2 armor (front, sides, rear, bottom), 62 TU, 104 stamina, 30 health, 80 bravery, 78 react, 64 firing, 58 throwing, 32 STR.

CYBERDISC terrorist: 34/34/34/34/34 armor; 71 TU, 104 stamina, 120 health, 110 bravery, 79 react, 74 fire, 97 STR

FLOATER soldier, medic, navigator, etc.: 8/6/6/4/12 58 TU, 104 stam, 35 health, 80 bravery, 62 react, 62 fire, 58 throw, 43 STR

REAPER terrorist: 28/28/28/28/28 71 TU, 104 energy, 148 health, 90 bravery, 79 react, 97 STR

SNAKEMAN soldier: 20/18/18/16/12 46 TU, 92 stam, 45 health, 55 react, 71 fire, 65 throw, 50 STR

ETHEREAL soldier: 35/35/35/35/35 78 TU, 111 stam, 55 health, 80 bravery, 93 react, 91 fire, 80 throw, 51 STR, 58 psi STR, 46 psi skill

ETHEREAL LEADER: 40/40/40/40/40 69 psi STR, 52 psi skill, all other stats like Ethereal soldier

ETHEREAL COMMANDER: 45/45/45/45/45 armor, 75 psi STR, 58 psi skill, otherwise like Ethereal soldier

SECTOPOD terrorist: 145/130/130/100/90; 71 TU, 104 Stam, 96 Health, 110 bravery, 79 Reaction, 74 Firing Accuracy, 97 STR

MUTON soldier: 20/20/20/20/10 64 TU, 104 stam, 125 health, 80 bravery, 74 reactions, 66 fire, 62 throw, 75 STR.

MUTON NAVIGATORs are like soldiers, but they get 24/24/24/24/15 armor.

SILACOID terrorist: 50/50/50/50/10 armor; 46 TU, 92 stam, 114 health, 49 reactions, 75 STR

CELATID terrorist: 20/20/20/20/20 armor; 81 TU, 104 stam, 68 health, 90 bravery, 49 reactions, 124 fire accu, 75 STR

For some reason I haven't met any Chryssalids in ages, else I'd find out their stats, too.

Sharp 03-04-2005 08:03 PM

Because everyone loves UFO. It absolutely kicks behind. Also you can continually get loads of strategies and and other quirky bits in UFO. I mean Civ2 is a great game, not much to talk about though, except asking people to play MP.

However UFO. You can make stories out of the game. Try different stuff. Civ 2 is pretty er.... samey, build up cities, get huge army, press cheat button, crush middle age England with WWII Russia.

Lizard 03-04-2005 08:08 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Apr 3 2005, 09:03 PM
Because everyone loves UFO. It absolutely kicks behind. Also you can continually get loads of strategies and and other quirky bits in UFO. I mean Civ2 is a great game, not much to talk about though, except asking people to play MP.

However UFO. You can make stories out of the game. Try different stuff. Civ 2 is pretty er.... samey, build up cities, get huge army, press cheat button, crush middle age England with WWII Russia.

When talking about Ufo can someone give me an advice how to kill mutons without alien techs....I have no problems with other alien(not even with etherals) but I after first bitter experience I just keep fleeing before them.But now they have a base right in my behind and I MUST care for them...

To axident: It happens often.I have terror missions with two sectoids and about 10 cyberdiscs and also one where there was a LOADS of chrysalids and I couldnt find one snakeman(chrysalids also massacred most of really HORDES of them)

axident 03-04-2005 08:43 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 3 2005, 08:08 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 3 2005, 08:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Sharp@Apr 3 2005, 09:03 PM
Because everyone loves UFO. It absolutely kicks behind. Also you can continually get loads of strategies and and other quirky bits in UFO. I mean Civ2 is a great game, not much to talk about though, except asking people to play MP.

However UFO. You can make stories out of the game. Try different stuff. Civ 2 is pretty er.... samey, build up cities, get huge army, press cheat button, crush middle age England with WWII Russia.

When talking about Ufo can someone give me an advice how to kill mutons without alien techs....I have no problems with other alien(not even with etherals) but I after first bitter experience I just keep fleeing before them.But now they have a base right in my behind and I MUST care for them...

To axident: It happens often.I have terror missions with two sectoids and about 10 cyberdiscs and also one where there was a LOADS of chrysalids and I couldnt find one snakeman(chrysalids also massacred most of really HORDES of them) [/b][/quote]
Try camping the green room with lots of Autocannons and whatever ammo is good against them (aren't mutons supposed to be extra good against armor piercing or something?). Just circle the gravlifts and shoot down into their heads, where there isn't any armor. They have tons of health, though.. see my previous post. You can also drop lots of high explosives down the gravlift.

Best of all is to let the base sit there until you get Heavy Plasma or something.

axident 03-04-2005 08:45 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Apr 3 2005, 08:03 PM
Because everyone loves UFO. It absolutely kicks behind. Also you can continually get loads of strategies and and other quirky bits in UFO. I mean Civ2 is a great game, not much to talk about though, except asking people to play MP.

However UFO. You can make stories out of the game. Try different stuff. Civ 2 is pretty er.... samey, build up cities, get huge army, press cheat button, crush middle age England with WWII Russia.

Civ2 is probably as or more complicated than UFO. It has a TON of quirks as well, including how trade gives you tech as well as gold, many complex ways it determines trade amount = you can get 2-3 techs per turn with 100% taxation rate. Or how cities grow by 1 per turn when in celebration mode + democracy or republic. Civ2 is at least UFO's equal, and I personally don't cheat or anything.. it also has lots of scenarios that people make, like WWII scenarios, etc. Too bad UFO doesn't have widely-available scenario editors.

Lizard 03-04-2005 08:50 PM


Originally posted by axident+Apr 3 2005, 09:43 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (axident @ Apr 3 2005, 09:43 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 3 2005, 08:08 PM

@Apr 3 2005, 09:03 PM
Because everyone loves UFO. It absolutely kicks behind. Also you can continually get loads of strategies and and other quirky bits in UFO. I mean Civ2 is a great game, not much to talk about though, except asking people to play MP.

However UFO. You can make stories out of the game. Try different stuff. Civ 2 is pretty er.... samey, build up cities, get huge army, press cheat button, crush middle age England with WWII Russia.

When talking about Ufo can someone give me an advice how to kill mutons without alien techs....I have no problems with other alien(not even with etherals) but I after first bitter experience I just keep fleeing before them.But now they have a base right in my behind and I MUST care for them...

To axident: It happens often.I have terror missions with two sectoids and about 10 cyberdiscs and also one where there was a LOADS of chrysalids and I couldnt find one snakeman(chrysalids also massacred most of really HORDES of them)

Try camping the green room with lots of Autocannons and whatever ammo is good against them (aren't mutons supposed to be extra good against armor piercing or something?). Just circle the gravlifts and shoot down into their heads, where there isn't any armor. They have tons of health, though.. see my previous post. You can also drop lots of high explosives down the gravlift.

Best of all is to let the base sit there until you get Heavy Plasma or something. [/b][/quote]
I play without any things you can resreach...(except avanger for finall mission)
Personal challange to maintain my interests to Ufo...
I will try it...
It is really only alien type that makes me problems...Even etherals are OK when compared to mutons :angry:

axident 03-04-2005 09:01 PM


Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 3 2005, 08:50 PM
I play without any things you can resreach...(except avanger for finall mission)
Personal challange to maintain my interests to Ufo...
I will try it...
It is really only alien type that makes me problems...Even etherals are OK when compared to mutons :angry:

I'm pretty sure that Mutons are anti-AP ammo, and that could be your problem, because Ethereal armor is as thick or thicker than Muton armor, making them badasses even though they have 70 less health. In that case, I stand by the autocannons and high explosives packs (drop one per turn or something). I also hope you have high-psi guys... that's tough, to forego all alien tech, esp. the armor and HP. I assume you make an exception for Firestorms and Plasma Beams, else it'll take forever to chase down UFOs and you won't be able to bring down the big ones. I also don't know what you expect to do against Sectopods with only earthling technology. Lots of lasers could do it, but they're a pain in the behind without blaster bombs.

Lizard 03-04-2005 09:07 PM


Originally posted by axident+Apr 3 2005, 10:01 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (axident @ Apr 3 2005, 10:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Lizard@Apr 3 2005, 08:50 PM
I play without any things you can resreach...(except avanger for finall mission)
Personal challange to maintain my interests to Ufo...
I will try it...
It is really only alien type that makes me problems...Even etherals are OK when compared to mutons :angry:

I'm pretty sure that Mutons are anti-AP ammo, and that could be your problem, because Ethereal armor is as thick or thicker than Muton armor, making them badasses even though they have 70 less health. In that case, I stand by the autocannons and high explosives packs (drop one per turn or something). I also hope you have high-psi guys... that's tough, to forego all alien tech, esp. the armor and HP. I assume you make an exception for Firestorms and Plasma Beams, else it'll take forever to chase down UFOs and you won't be able to bring down the big ones. I also don't know what you expect to do against Sectopods with only earthling technology. Lots of lasers could do it, but they're a pain in the behind without blaster bombs. [/b][/quote]
Just interceptors with avalanches :max:
I know it is suicidal but....
Etherals arent that big problem.They have too less health to withstand against grenades or big firepower.
I use kámikadze action against sectopods (a guy with four primed HE :evil: )But if I used it against mutons I will run out of people really fast.
It is playable

another_guest 03-04-2005 09:49 PM

Lizard: I usually dealt with mutons using only laser rifles. Takes several hits though, normally about 4. But that was on the UFO version with only 1 difficulty level, so it could be nearly impossible on superhuman.
Since mutons are so resistant to AP ammo, what about trying rocket launchers for a change?

Lizard 03-04-2005 09:54 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Apr 3 2005, 10:49 PM
Lizard: I usually dealt with mutons using only laser rifles. Takes several hits though, normally about 4. But that was on the UFO version with only 1 difficulty level, so it could be nearly impossible on superhuman.
Since mutons are so resistant to AP ammo, what about trying rocket launchers for a change?

I use always autocannon one hand-rocket launchers in other...My soldiers have usually boosted strenght :D
The problem with RL is one shot,and fact that if you wont hit mutton directly,he will simply ignore the explosion.Anyway,only thing(for earth tech) that killed mutton in one hit was HE...

Jman4117 03-04-2005 11:49 PM

Laser rifle autofire to the back, HE ammo in autocannons, large rokets, HE paks, and stun bombs. HE damage is dealt to the weak armour underneith giving it an edge.

Juan Rayo 04-04-2005 07:06 AM

Whatever happened to Avenger 2?

“New Albion” complex. X-COM central Command. January 03, 2000. 1100 hours.
Aide: sir? Commander Rayo sir?

Commander Rayo: hey, what is it soldier?

Aide: well, it’s the damnest thing sir, begging you pardon, but we haven’t heard from the “Santa María” in a couple of hours…

Commander Rayo: the “Santa María”? that’s Coronel Ruhskin’s ship. (scratches chin) I dunno, why is this a problem? That’s a very capable crew he has, and the ship is a brand new AVENGER class craft, pride of the force.

Aide: well, that’s just the thing sir, they were called upon Nairobi to stop an ATerror operation in progress, they downed an alien craft and decided to land and mope up. Last we heard, they were in site and ready to proceed, and then we just lost them…

C, Rayo: (Menacingly) “Lost” them?

Aide: (gulp) er, well, yes sir. No radio contact, no static, nada. But our scanners don’t pick up any residual earth treated E-115 radiation, so we don’t think it was destroyed.

C. Rayo: hmmmm. Call SurafriCOM, get them on alert, tell them to send a couple of Firestorms, do some air recon. It IS strange… right now, we can handle pretty much ANYTHING those sneaky bastards can throw at us, even the Mutons are no match for a high ranked psi officer like Rushkin… so what could be the hold up? *shrugs)
Well, you have your orders (starts walking away).

Aide: yes sir!

C. Rayo: (turns around) one more thing kid. If you have no news in an hour, let me know… and tell the chief down in engineering to start prepping the “Batavia”, we might want to take her out ourselves and visit Nairobi…

Aide: yes sir.

C. Rayo: hmm, odd indeed. Whatever happened to Avenger 2?

I'll tell you guys what happened. ETHEREALS and Sectopoids happened :wall:
I finally got a signal from an Ethereal ship, attempting to carry out a terror mission in Africa. Dispatched and Avenger with some troops, I dunno, not as good as my "elite" forces but pretty good anyway, psi trained and experienced soldiers them all. They didn't have a chance.

First Sectopoids went down fast, couple of plasma and laser shots mixed brought them down, and I even mind controlled one of them (plus an Ethereal) and brought them right in front of my troops to be shot at short range. Then, all of a sudden, my people were being shot from every direction, and 3 of them got mind controlled (in the same turn, mind you) so they killed most of my surviving crew. It was over in a turn. ARGHHH!!! (bangs head against wall some more).

I'll be sendind in my elite team this time, see how THEY fare. Any tips on how to best fight these critters are, as always, welcomed. Thanks.

axident 04-04-2005 07:16 AM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 4 2005, 07:06 AM
Whatever happened to Avenger 2?

“New Albion” complex. X-COM central Command. January 03, 2000.* 1100 hours.
Aide: sir? Commander Rayo sir?

Commander Rayo:* hey, what is it soldier?

Aide: well, it’s the damnest thing sir, begging you pardon, but we haven’t heard from the “Santa María” in a couple of hours…

Commander Rayo: the “Santa María”? that’s Coronel Ruhskin’s ship. (scratches chin) I dunno, why is this a problem? That’s a very capable crew he has, and the ship is a brand new AVENGER class craft, pride of the force.

Aide: well, that’s just the thing sir, they were called upon Nairobi to stop an ATerror operation in progress, they downed an alien craft and decided to land and mope up. Last we heard, they were in site and ready to proceed, and then we just lost them…

C, Rayo: (Menacingly) “Lost” them?

Aide: (gulp) er, well, yes sir. No radio contact, no static, nada. But our scanners don’t pick up any residual earth treated E-115 radiation, so we don’t think it was destroyed.

C. Rayo: hmmmm. Call SurafriCOM, get them on alert, tell them to send a couple of Firestorms, do some air recon. It IS strange… right now, we can handle pretty much ANYTHING those sneaky bastards can throw at us, even the Mutons are no match for a high ranked psi officer like Rushkin… so what could be the hold up? *shrugs)
Well, you have your orders (starts walking away).

Aide: yes sir!

C. Rayo: (turns around) one more thing kid. If you have no news in an hour, let me know… and tell the chief down in engineering to start prepping the “Batavia”, we might want to take her out ourselves and visit Nairobi…

Aide: yes sir.

C. Rayo: hmm, odd indeed. Whatever happened to Avenger 2?

I'll tell you guys what happened. ETHEREALS and Sectopoids happened* :wall:
I finally got a signal from an Ethereal ship, attempting to carry out a terror mission in Africa. Dispatched and Avenger with some troops, I dunno, not as good as my "elite" forces but pretty good anyway, psi trained and experienced soldiers them all. They didn't have a chance.

First Sectopoids went down fast, couple of plasma and laser shots mixed brought them down, and I even mind controlled one of them (plus an Ethereal) and brought them right in front of my troops to be shot at short range. Then, all of a sudden, my people were being shot from every direction, and 3 of them got mind controlled (in the same turn, mind you) so they killed most of my surviving crew. It was over in a turn. ARGHHH!!! (bangs head against wall some more).

I'll be sendind in my elite team this time, see how THEY fare.* Any tips on how to best fight these critters are, as always, welcomed. Thanks.

Sectopods: 145 front armor (on Superhuman difficulty, anyway). Use blaster bombs, don't bother with anything else except Mind Control, if you happen to have a high-psi strength soldier with 80+ psi skill.

Ethereals aren't that hard if you have high-psi soldiers (and by that, I mean soldiers with at least 80 psi strength; psi skill is irrelevant and only good when you want to MC/panic aliens with psi-amps), so just buy hundreds of soldiers at a time, sack the guys with low stats (especially if they have less than 40 or 50 bravery), and stuff the rest into a lot of psi labs. After a month, sack the ones that were low-psi. Repeat this process until you have a lots of high-psi guys. Don't mix the high-psi guys with low-psi guys at first.. separate them so one Avenger is full of high-psi soldiers with HP and blaster bombs. That is your anti-MC crew. 6 high-psi soldiers is way better than 26 mixed high-psi and low-psi soldiers, because the moment a low-psi soldier gets MC, he or she'll start killing off all of the other soldiers--including the high-psi soldiers.

The other Skyrangers and Avengers can carry general-purpose soldiers who may or may not have high psi; they are for everything else.

another_guest 04-04-2005 09:20 AM

A more radical method: if you know you don't stand a chance against ethereals, just take blaster launchers, and some laser rifles or such but equip everyone with the launchers. Fire as much as possible from within your skyranger/avenger, targeting buildings. Don't reload any of the launchers until the next turn, then shoot again. Pick up laser rifles to shoot any MC'ed soldiers at close range, then drop the rifles. Or leave the MC'ed soldiers momentarily, since they won't reload their launchers anyway.
Every civilian in the city will probably die, but that would have happened anyway if you lost the battle. You'll randomly hit some aliens, evening the negative scores from your own soldiers that died. And you won't suffer the penalty of having ignored the terror site.
Not a great tactic, but it works in extreme situations. Even with only rookies. Just make sure to take off before you've lost all your soldiers.

Jman4117 04-04-2005 10:04 AM

could also just touch down and take a -300 or so, instead of the -1000 for ignoring

Sharp 04-04-2005 10:41 AM

-300 still affects your rating pretty bad. Only thing you can really do is use heavy firepower. And definitly get a tank out, it can spot for you and cant get mind-controlled. I think an avenger can hold 4 tanks so make use of it against Etherals.

In the terror missions mabye bring a laser one as well, i still think the lasertanks damage is over 100 making it extremly effective against sectapods with the 150% damage modifier.

Etherals on the other hand are hard to take down, my advise would try and snipe em. A nice HP to the head should deal with any etherals you see. Although its the ones you cant see which are the problem, bring a few stun launchers, they are extremly effective against etherals and have a nice splash damage so accuracy isnt too much of a factor.

Although the best thing to do is shoot down the terror ships, I havent had many etheral terror missions, just a lot of dead terrorships :evil:

Also Lizard, I can only think that the best way to deal with mutons is to snipe em, chuck a grenade, then snipe, should work. You cant really chuck more then 1 because 1 grenade will destroy the other one, same with HE Packs(i think).

Luckily though those lil blobs which accompany mutons are easily taken care of. In terror missions you could try and guide the mutons to the petrol station, then fire a rocket at him and pray.

another_guest 04-04-2005 12:02 PM

I'm not so confident in using a single grenade to take out a muton. I've always found grenades (even alien grenades) to be rather weak, particularly proximity grenades. It's nearly never happened that aliens stepping on a proximity grenade were blown up. Another annoying thing is that many soldiers can't throw a grenade that far. I mean, in real life, who couldn't throw a grenade over a distance of 10 meters? :blink:
I would have increased the throwing distance by a lot, while lowering the throwing accuracy. And while I'm at it, I would have increased all firing accuracies as well. It's ridiculous that soldiers (or aliens) could miss someone standing next to them.

Rogue 04-04-2005 02:11 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Apr 4 2005, 07:02 AM
I'm not so confident in using a single grenade to take out a muton. I've always found grenades (even alien grenades) to be rather weak, particularly proximity grenades. It's nearly never happened that aliens stepping on a proximity grenade were blown up. Another annoying thing is that many soldiers can't throw a grenade that far. I mean, in real life, who couldn't throw a grenade over a distance of 10 meters? :blink:
I would have increased the throwing distance by a lot, while lowering the throwing accuracy. And while I'm at it, I would have increased all firing accuracies as well. It's ridiculous that soldiers (or aliens) could miss someone standing next to them.

Ever been in the war or training?

Spookyfish 04-04-2005 02:47 PM


Originally posted by Anubis+Apr 4 2005, 02:11 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Anubis @ Apr 4 2005, 02:11 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-another_guest@Apr 4 2005, 07:02 AM
I'm not so confident in using a single grenade to take out a muton. I've always found grenades (even alien grenades) to be rather weak, particularly proximity grenades. It's nearly never happened that aliens stepping on a proximity grenade were blown up. Another annoying thing is that many soldiers can't throw a grenade that far. I mean, in real life, who couldn't throw a grenade over a distance of 10 meters?* :blink:
I would have increased the throwing distance by a lot, while lowering the throwing accuracy. And while I'm at it, I would have increased all firing accuracies as well. It's ridiculous that soldiers (or aliens) could miss someone standing next to them.

Ever been in the war or training? [/b][/quote]
I agree, it's not ridiculous at all. Adrenaline pumps through your body, you're afraid, and suddenly this THING stands in front of you pointing its weapon at you. Of course there's a good chance for missing.

:rifle: :tomato:

TwoHedWlf 04-04-2005 02:56 PM

What I would have done is give the rifles something like a 100% accuracy(For the gun itself) for aimed shots or a bit better. At least for the rifle, laser rifle, plasma, heavy plasma. They should be very accurate at least for aimed shops, I think it's safe to assume they'd have good scopes and sites on them. Snap shots and auto shots are about right. Though, hoooorrrrriiibbbllleeeee for noobs. They couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at point blank.

Or maybe it would have been nice to have a sniper rifle. :sniper: Like whatever the .50 caliber sniper rifle is. Does only aimed shots and only like a 5 round clip, but very high accuracy and damage.

another_guest 04-04-2005 03:50 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish+Apr 4 2005, 02:47 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Spookyfish @ Apr 4 2005, 02:47 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Anubis@Apr 4 2005, 02:11 PM

@Apr 4 2005, 07:02 AM
It's ridiculous that soldiers (or aliens) could miss someone standing next to them.

Ever been in the war or training?

I agree, it's not ridiculous at all. Adrenaline pumps through your body, you're afraid, and suddenly this THING stands in front of you pointing its weapon at you. Of course there's a good chance for missing.

:rifle: :tomato: [/b][/quote]
I'm not talking killing shots here, just hitting somebody standing right in front of you. While missing 1 or 2 snap shots should be possible, it's hard to believe 2 auto shots of 3 shots each miss the target.
If an amateur like me can hit targets of a few centimeters at some distance, then trained soldiers should at least hit a full body next to them most of the time :D

axident 04-04-2005 04:07 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Apr 4 2005, 09:20 AM
A more radical method: if you know you don't stand a chance against ethereals, just take blaster launchers, and some laser rifles or such but equip everyone with the launchers. Fire as much as possible from within your skyranger/avenger, targeting buildings. Don't reload any of the launchers until the next turn, then shoot again. Pick up laser rifles to shoot any MC'ed soldiers at close range, then drop the rifles. Or leave the MC'ed soldiers momentarily, since they won't reload their launchers anyway.
Every civilian in the city will probably die, but that would have happened anyway if you lost the battle. You'll randomly hit some aliens, evening the negative scores from your own soldiers that died. And you won't suffer the penalty of having ignored the terror site.
Not a great tactic, but it works in extreme situations. Even with only rookies. Just make sure to take off before you've lost all your soldiers.

Hey that's pretty innovative. I use it with experienced troops sometimes when I feel lazy.. usually I don't have max soldiers on a troop transport, so I scoot people back a space or two and then have the front two kneel and the next to standing, waiting for aliens to just walk by.

To other posters:
Yeah I think grenades blow each other up, so it's pointless to use more than one grenade at a time against an alien. You can also touch down and lift off a terror site, though it's pretty bad either way. Not sure if you get a penalty for ignoring crash sites, but to be safe, sometimes I intentionally down UFOs over water if I know I can't deal with the crash site anyway (e.g., I have no hi-psi troops against a crashing Ethereal battleship).

another_guest 04-04-2005 04:18 PM


Originally posted by axident@Apr 4 2005, 04:07 PM
Yeah I think grenades blow each other up, so it's pointless to use more than one grenade at a time against an alien. You can also touch down and lift off a terror site, though it's pretty bad either way. Not sure if you get a penalty for ignoring crash sites, but to be safe, sometimes I intentionally down UFOs over water if I know I can't deal with the crash site anyway (e.g., I have no hi-psi troops against a crashing Ethereal battleship).
I think you're right about the grenades, at least I've often tried multiple proximity grenades, either on the same tile or adjacent ones. And I didn't see any difference compared to the damage a single grenade would have done.

I don't know either about ignoring crash sites, but I've also used the same method as you, trying to shoot ethereal ufos above water.
What I didn't know until recently (thanks to the unofficial strategy guide), is that the aliens also get a monthly score, and it's only the net difference between yours and theirs that is displayed at the end of the month. I believe they said ignoring a terror site would give the aliens 1000 points, whereas touching down and leaving would only cost you -300 to -400, and perhaps give the aliens the same score positive.

PrejudiceSucks 04-04-2005 04:21 PM

If you leave a downed battleship I still think that it is -1000 points, OTOH, if you touch down and run away ASAP then you get 0 points. Which is fine by me, to be honest. I don't want to lose my best soldiers (The Banshees) to Etherials, especially early on in the game.

And remember, kids, if you are facing psi-aliens then crouch in your landing craft. It might sound cray, but you never, ever get MCed.

Oh and you exceeded what I hoped for. Well done, over 1050 posts in the time I was away.

So hello again.

TwoHedWlf 04-04-2005 04:37 PM

man, it'd be so much fun being the aliens. Load up battleships with dozens of sectopods and mutons with blaster launchers. Wholesale slaughter at terror sites, wipe out entire towns...:)

Spookyfish 04-04-2005 04:56 PM


man, it'd be so much fun being the aliens. Load up battleships with dozens of sectopods and mutons with blaster launchers. Wholesale slaughter at terror sites, wipe out entire towns...

Yeah, and imagine buildings toppling over with some polished graphics :D.


I'm not talking killing shots here, just hitting somebody standing right in front of you. While missing 1 or 2 snap shots should be possible, it's hard to believe 2 auto shots of 3 shots each miss the target.
If an amateur like me can hit targets of a few centimeters at some distance, then trained soldiers should at least hit a full body next to them most of the time :D

Agree, though I haven't ever missed an alien standing face-to-face with my soldier. My policy with distances in hex/square-based games is that one square is one meter. So, with that in mind, I still think it's possible to miss at such meager distances, even though it shouldn't really apply to veterans. Veterans learn that a policy of war is "Shoot, then scream; not opposite". I figure rookies would scream first :D.

The rookie: :blink: :eeeeeh:
The veteran: :rifle: :eeeeeh:

Lizard 04-04-2005 05:10 PM

what is penalty for ignoring alien base? I have particulary just one muton base,other is without problem(I can win against small ships and large ships/terror sites I just use land/flee tactic)
It is pointless using AC or immolation munition against them(I killed one muton with 15 HITS from AP autocannon.I dont have even enought munition for killing 12 of them,not talking about time.... LOL )
Fire is nice,but you need to immolate HUGE area, and find way how keep muton there for few turns.And how keep them there without killing your troops.
You still need 4 HE shots to kill them and one or two(depends on luck) Large Rockets.
Best way I found is HE under they feet...

TwoHedWlf 04-04-2005 05:14 PM

I've found the best way to kill them is auto heavy plasma.:)

Spookyfish 04-04-2005 05:37 PM

Hm, maybe I should start being afraid of Mutons instead of Etherals when I start my 3rd difficulty game soon :D.

PrejudiceSucks 04-04-2005 05:38 PM

Yes, but Lizard is talking about beating the Aliens without their own weapons. I reckon that Incendiary Rockets might work, but you would need to have an ambush set up really well for it to work.

Oh and you can play as the Aliens if you play UFO 2000 which is basically a UFO skirmish game. You 'buy' soldiers and different weapons and it is multi-player.

I don't know what the penalty for ignoring an alien base is, but I bet that it is really high. Nothing you can't make up for by shooting down supply ships, though.

axident 04-04-2005 05:50 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 4 2005, 05:37 PM
Hm, maybe I should start being afraid of Mutons instead of Etherals when I start my 3rd difficulty game soon :D.
Ethereals will always be king; the makers of the game wanted it that way--it's no accident that the final mission is against Sectoid vassals on the surface and all the terror units + Ethereals down below. Mutons are only "good" in that they have lots of health. But Ethereals are the mind-controlling, well-armored masters. Oh, and Ethereals have Sectopods, which have unholy amounts of armor.

axident 04-04-2005 05:51 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Apr 4 2005, 05:38 PM
Yes, but Lizard is talking about beating the Aliens without their own weapons. I reckon that Incendiary Rockets might work, but you would need to have an ambush set up really well for it to work.

Oh and you can play as the Aliens if you play UFO 2000 which is basically a UFO skirmish game. You 'buy' soldiers and different weapons and it is multi-player.

I don't know what the penalty for ignoring an alien base is, but I bet that it is really high. Nothing you can't make up for by shooting down supply ships, though.

I realized why it was taking me so long to max out troops: I have a bad habit of shooting down ships. Now I just let them land first, to save E-115 and have more live alien targets. :D

Rogue 04-04-2005 06:15 PM

Yesterday I had at the same time 2 ships down, and 2 that lended by them self. It took me a while to clear everything. (Of course, first one that lended, and then other 2 that were shouted down. :blink:

So far I got one advanced crew - to take big ships, while I'm building another one on second base. It's 3rd month, and I was surprised of this high UFO activity seen thanks to large radar.

While my crew was cleaning one of lendings, they discovered an alien base, which my advanced crew whiped without loosing a single man.

It is important to not allow aliens to see you first. If that's happen, all of them will try to midn-control you.

So far got 4 guys with 8 kills.

Spookyfish 04-04-2005 06:25 PM


Ethereals will always be king; the makers of the game wanted it that way--it's no accident that the final mission is against Sectoid vassals on the surface and all the terror units + Ethereals down below. Mutons are only "good" in that they have lots of health. But Ethereals are the mind-controlling, well-armored masters. Oh, and Ethereals have Sectopods, which have unholy amounts of armor.
Hm, true. I like gamemakers who do that, actually. Rather than making some ULTIMATE weapon and ULTIMATE equipment for humans, you have the ULTIMATE alien species. Wish more folks would do that :Tom:.

Juan Rayo 04-04-2005 07:01 PM

Thanks for the tips guys. I haven't had time to load my game again (accursed work!!!) and give it another try fighting the Ethereals and sectopoids.. will try in a couple of hours though... gonna carry LOTS of blaster launchers :ok:

axident 04-04-2005 07:09 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 4 2005, 06:25 PM

Ethereals will always be king; the makers of the game wanted it that way--it's no accident that the final mission is against Sectoid vassals on the surface and all the terror units + Ethereals down below. Mutons are only "good" in that they have lots of health. But Ethereals are the mind-controlling, well-armored masters. Oh, and Ethereals have Sectopods, which have unholy amounts of armor.
Hm, true. I like gamemakers who do that, actually. Rather than making some ULTIMATE weapon and ULTIMATE equipment for humans, you have the ULTIMATE alien species. Wish more folks would do that :Tom:.

Oh yeah and if you look at Ethereal stats, they have great firing accuracy and reactions and stuff.. very dangerous beasts.

PrejudiceSucks 04-04-2005 07:36 PM

What are you guy's verdicts on Sectalids etc?

I think they are craptastic, but some say that they are good. A good stun rodding will always take them down though.

Dreadlord 04-04-2005 07:38 PM

I shoot things with rockets.

If I am correct, since I am not a X-Com geek, "Sectalids" are aliens, and since I've met every alien in the game, and shot each and everyone one of those aliens with rockets, I must say most things die quickly.

Lizard 04-04-2005 07:42 PM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Apr 4 2005, 08:38 PM
I shoot things with rockets.

If I am correct, since I am not a X-Com geek, "Sectalids" are aliens, and since I've met every alien in the game, and shot each and everyone one of those aliens with rockets, I must say most things die quickly.

so you are rocket girl? :whistle:

Dreadlord 04-04-2005 07:44 PM

You could say that yes, but I don't want to start spewing one liners.
I have a phobia of super heroes with bad acting.

Psst, Rockets + Aliens = Dead.

Lizard 04-04-2005 07:47 PM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Apr 4 2005, 08:44 PM
You could say that yes, but I don't want to start spewing one liners.
I have a phobia of super heroes with bad acting.

Psst, Rockets + Aliens = Dead.

This is longest not-spam thread,that isnt aimed to have 1000,10000 or 100000 posts I have ever seen
Anyway I dont like rockets that much.As alternative weapon,sure...But you need some autofire to backup things.
Btw If I hold RL in one hand, and AC in other,do I have lower accuracy? :blink:

Spookyfish 04-04-2005 07:48 PM

Dreadlord, you've just inspired me. I'm going to try both of the following things:

1. Only use troops equipped with rocket launchers/blaster launchers.
2. Only use troops armed with grenades and pistols.

Banzai. Terror-site, prepare to be leveled :Titan:.

Dreadlord 04-04-2005 07:48 PM

I like rockets, not because I'm thinking of playing the game well, but because I like them.

So far as I know, no. But I'm not the magic expert as most scary people in this thread are.

@SpookyFish: EDIT : That's the spirit, remember to use grenades, especially those alien ones.

Lizard 04-04-2005 07:51 PM


Originally posted by Dreadlord@Apr 4 2005, 08:48 PM
I like rockets, not because I'm thinking of playing the game well, but because I like them.

So far as I know, no. But I'm not the magic expert as most scary people in this thread are.

@SpookyFish: EDIT : That's the spirit, remember to use grenades, especially those alien ones.

I am quite good in practil site of Ufo. I am just not sure about all stats and what change what when you do that things....
From my experience if you will play Ufo sucessfully without great losses,you will have good stats... :whistle:

axident 04-04-2005 07:51 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 4 2005, 07:47 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 4 2005, 07:47 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Dreadlord@Apr 4 2005, 08:44 PM
You could say that yes, but I don't want to start spewing one liners.
I have a phobia of super heroes with bad acting.

Psst, Rockets + Aliens = Dead.

This is longest not-spam thread,that isnt aimed to have 1000,10000 or 100000 posts I have ever seen
Anyway I dont like rockets that much.As alternative weapon,sure...But you need some autofire to backup things.
Btw If I hold RL in one hand, and AC in other,do I have lower accuracy? :blink: [/b][/quote]
Your accuracy with two-handed weapons (I can't think of anything other than the three types of pistols that are one-handed) is reduced 10-15% or so if you are holding something in both hands. Rockets are very bulky, and you don't want to be caught without ammo, otherwise they are okay.

Dreadlord 04-04-2005 07:52 PM

That's common sense right there, usually I send one troop out at a time and act sneaky, I'm good enough now to take out entire squads of aliens with just one guy.

I'm sure yer all better than that though.

PrejudiceSucks 04-04-2005 08:04 PM

Indeed I once sent an empty Skyranger to a Terror Site and they were so scared of the logo that they buggered off.

Holding two 2-handed weapons only mean 20% off both. If you hold a grenade in one hand and a Rocket Launcher in the other the Rakettenwerfer is going to have 20% less accuracy while the Granate has normal accuracy (100%).

Dreadlord 04-04-2005 08:06 PM

Bad translation there? LOL

I usually hold rockets in one hand and grenades in the inventory.

Lizard 04-04-2005 08:11 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Apr 4 2005, 09:04 PM
Indeed I once sent an empty Skyranger to a Terror Site and they were so scared of the logo that they buggered off.

Holding two 2-handed weapons only mean 20% off both. If you hold a grenade in one hand and a Rocket Launcher in the other the Rakettenwerfer is going to have 20% less accuracy while the Granate has normal accuracy (100%).

Heh.Aliens try to flight away even with crashed Ufos when I send one of my crafts towars them! :Titan:

No wonder I didnt hit anything.Holly J!!!And that in scenario when I must have as much headshots as possible! :wall:

Dreadlord 04-04-2005 08:12 PM

I'll put up a screenshot of a game where I filled the entire geoscope with bases, it's funny.

Spookyfish 04-04-2005 08:16 PM

Yeah, I remember that my brother convinced me that I should always keep a grenade at hand, and prime it before I headed out of the ship. I stopped the priming after one catastrophic terror-site for obvious reasons :whistle:, but I kept a grenade at hand even though I never used them. It became a natural reflex in a way. Then, for once, I got tired of equipping every single soldier with their grenade, so I just sent them out. Then I realized they shot more like US Marines than Al Quida terrorists without the grenade. One big :not_ok: at my brother it is... Boy, thinking of all those dead troops gives me the creeps...

I know it now. My brother is an alien in disguise.

Dreadlord 04-04-2005 08:20 PM

I go up to aliens and shoot rockets in their face while my troop dies, it's funny.

Grenades should be kept IN the inventory then taken out at the appropriate time.

another_guest 04-04-2005 08:33 PM

I used to make the same mistake of keeping a grenade at hand, though I only primed them when sending rookies into ufos :)
It was the unofficial strategy guide that taught me of the lower accuracy. PrejudiceSucks is right, the penalty is 20%.

A nice tactic I remembered with all the talk about blaster launchers, at least when you don't need to capture any live aliens: blow a hole into the third floor of large ufos, at the "north-east" corner. This will usually (or even always) destroy the walls of the command room. Then send another blaster bomb inside, let it explode in the command room. Fireworks guaranteed. Though quite a few alien leaders have a tendency to be outside the room at that time and survive anyway.

A note I've just come across: even shooting down terror ships above the sea will gain you a net 500 points.

Dreadlord 04-04-2005 08:37 PM

I used to play the game without giving my troopers anything better than the weapons you start out with. It actually turned out okay, because I had trained them so well, the only thing is that firefights were excruciatingly long.

Eagle of Fire 04-04-2005 08:39 PM

The 20% accuracy only apply on two handed weapons. Pistols are not affected by this.

PrejudiceSucks 04-04-2005 08:55 PM

Hmm I see... long firefights, eh?

Oh here's a nice trick I learned - if you want your rookies to shoot way better, save all of the time and just arm them with grenades. If they blow 2 aliens up at once then they get 200% of the shooting accuracy % bonus. Woot or some other such announcement of victory.

And I know that my German is not that great. I are English and all of that. Guv'nor.

PrejudiceSucks 04-04-2005 09:23 PM

Oh, by the way, have any of you guys tried my unique and javelinesque style of ammo feeding? For weapons such as Rocket Launchers carrying around that many rockets is a complete pain in the arse!

Here's my method in some easy steps (at least two) :

Give rookie (or lowest available soldier) a whole backpack + one hand full of rockets of your preferred type. Also give him a Stun Rod.

When your better soldier fires off a rocket (he should carry two in his backpack + stun rod) he reloads.

Alien advances towards him. Good soldier thinks 'Oh bloody crap there's an alien coming!'. Said rookie lobs him a rocket! 'Cheers mate' he says as he blows up said alien. If he misses, the rookie merely chucks him another.

Possible happening 2 - Etherials/Good sectoids decide to MC either soldier.

If rookie is possessed by evil spirits (and/or mind controlled by an alien) - Rocket soldier can just rely on his own ammunition and if worst comes to worst, a 'commissar' (I take one, shoots the fleeing and/or MCed and not recovering) can blow the crap out of the Rookie (Commissar is armed with the only Heavy Plasma in the squad and only 1 clip. Also takes a laser pistol).

If Rocket Soldier is possessed by evil spirits (and/or MCed by an alien) -
The rookie simply walks up to him and stuns him. End of story. If the Rocket Soldier fires off a rocket then he will run out of ammo very quickly.

Oh and my research shows that you can improve the shooting skills of your soldiers on your 'friends' in the landing craft! Yes, that is correct! Merely take along a medic or two (each carries 3 med-kits) and shoot someone with a crappy starter pistol. Then knock them out with a stun rod and revive and heal them, whilst netting some valuable shooting XP and I believe strength. Woohoo.

X-Com Tip for the day: Luck and High Explosives will always prevail over skill and Blaster Launchers.

Lizard 04-04-2005 09:26 PM


Luck and High Explosives will always prevail over skill and Blaster Launchers
But it is true..... :sneaky:

PrejudiceSucks 04-04-2005 09:33 PM

Hehey yeah, especially in Terror sites.

axident 04-04-2005 11:36 PM


Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 4 2005, 09:26 PM

Luck and High Explosives will always prevail over skill and Blaster Launchers
But it is true..... :sneaky:

But there's something that's just so cool when you finish a mission without ever having moved a step or even moved your head... blaster launcher in one hand, tons of blaster bombs at your feet, and a psi-amp to get some passing aliens to scout out targets for you before you thank them with a blaster bomb to the back. Shooting around corners, tearing apart UFOs, ah, the possibilities are endless with blaster bombs. Until you run out of ammo. ;)

Jman4117 05-04-2005 03:52 AM

Store nades on the shoulder slots. Only takes 3 TUs to get them in hand. And only prime proxies; they don't have a timer. ;)

Another nade tactic is relaying them to the front. Prime the nade and throw to the advance scout. He uses 25% + the TUs to pick it up. Much better than 75%+ TUs gone for your front line guys.

Large rocket = poor man's blaster bomb. Bring at least 8. :Titan:

Juan Rayo 05-04-2005 04:35 AM

The end off all things

Well, it's funny when one doesn't want to reveal any spoilers from a game that came out in 1993... BUT what you gonna do? So I stuffed all the boring stuff I was gonna write and will just let you know that I finished the game. The Cidonia mission was pretty intense in the surface, but once we went into the base proper it was too easy. Only one soldier explored the base, the others kept MControlling all and any oposition. Then I met the big bad guy and just "blasted" him to hell, heh


Great game. One of the few I feel like playing again INMEDIATLY after I finish it.

axident 05-04-2005 05:10 AM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 5 2005, 04:35 AM
The end off all things

Well, it's funny when one doesn't want to reveal any spoilers from a game that came out in 1993... BUT what you gonna do? So I stuffed all the boring stuff I was gonna write and will just let you know that I finished the game. The Cidonia mission was pretty intense in the surface, but once we went into the base proper it was too easy. Only one soldier explored the base, the others kept MControlling all and any oposition. Then I met the big bad guy and just "blasted" him to hell, heh


Great game. One of the few I feel like playing again INMEDIATLY after I finish it.

Congrats! Yeah, the surface is nasty; after that, it was a camping festival and I launched almost all of the 42 blaster bombs that I took with me, just blasting random hallways hoping to score hits... I got almost all of the aliens that way. Then I rushed one blaster bomber to the brain room and fired.

Try the "low tech" challenge, using only Earthling tech except for the Avenger. Or the "no reloads" challenge--on Superhuman! :sneaky:

Juan Rayo 05-04-2005 05:42 AM

heh, I was thinking of the no-reloads challenge... but in SUPERHUMAN? jajajja, I dunno.

What are the main differences in difficulty? more aliens? harder? bigger UFO's early on?

As for finishing the game, thanks man. I actually did enjoy the end "sequence" such as it is, but that's juts cause my imagination was already running wild with scenarios, heh.

Ok, Superhuman, here I go.

Jman4117 05-04-2005 06:58 AM

More aliens, stronger AI, ships come out sooner, etc.

PrejudiceSucks 05-04-2005 07:08 AM

Yeah, but the easiest level of TfTD is as hard as/harder than UFO even on Superhuman. It's very, very difficult, especially since the first weapon you design need clips (eep) and the starting weapons are a piss-take.

axident 05-04-2005 07:23 AM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 5 2005, 05:42 AM
heh, I was thinking of the no-reloads challenge... but in SUPERHUMAN? jajajja, I dunno.

What are the main differences in difficulty? more aliens? harder? bigger UFO's early on?

As for finishing the game, thanks man. I actually did enjoy the end "sequence" such as it is, but that's juts cause my imagination was already running wild with scenarios, heh.

Ok, Superhuman, here I go.

What Jman said, plus armor and alien stats go up.. Sectopods at 95 front armor at Beginner --> 145 front armor at Superhuman = big difference.

I hear that TftD isn't that bad once you get the hang of it and survive for a while. Then again, most games are like that, because computer AI generally isn't as good as human intelligence, so game designers give computers starting bonuses and production bonuses that you can't easily overcome at first but can overcome after using your noggin, something the computer doesn't do well. Master of Orion is a classic example. I wish someone would make a remake of Master of Magic, though, that game kicked so much behind, even if it did crash a lot...

Guest 05-04-2005 10:58 AM

Check this out!

Game Boy Advance game Rebelstar Tactical Command from the makers of X-Com!
Some screenshots:


Guest_Endop 05-04-2005 11:03 AM

was Endop, and here is the homepage:

So, how many of you have a gameboy advance? :D

Rogue 05-04-2005 12:04 PM

Thanks for the links!!!

I have GBA, and will get this game as soon as they release it here (USA).

Great! :)

dunkellic 05-04-2005 02:28 PM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 5 2005, 04:35 AM
The end off all things

Well, it's funny when one doesn't want to reveal any spoilers from a game that came out in 1993... BUT what you gonna do? So I stuffed all the boring stuff I was gonna write and will just let you know that I finished the game. The Cidonia mission was pretty intense in the surface, but once we went into the base proper it was too easy. Only one soldier explored the base, the others kept MControlling all and any oposition. Then I met the big bad guy and just "blasted" him to hell, heh


Great game. One of the few I feel like playing again INMEDIATLY after I finish it.

trie it without mc.
the first time i was there my soldiers had only one month of psi training and no pis-amp.

that makes things much more difficult (i think that MC is too powerfull anyway)

another_guest 05-04-2005 02:41 PM


Originally posted by dunkellic@Apr 5 2005, 02:28 PM
trie it without mc.
the first time i was there my soldiers had only one month of psi training and no psi-amp.

that makes things much more difficult (i think that MC is too powerfull anyway)

Yes, it makes a rather unstable balance: whoever starts succesfully MC'ing first is suddenly in a much better position.
I've also noticed there's a rather large random factor, just as for damage dealing.

efthimios 05-04-2005 03:53 PM

Hello guys.

I am playing this game again after a long time and I am having a problem with the speed. If I play the game normaly then it is too quick, especialy the earth map and the battle map. Even with reducing the scroll speed to 1. If I use a program to reduce the speed of my pc (PIV 1.7) then I get weird pauses, like bumps in time where everything is frozen for a second or two every few seconds. While the game is still playable it is very annoying and I would rather not have this problem.
Any ideas how to fix it?

And another question, back in 1992-3 (don't remember exactly anymore) I preordered the game for my Atari ST, only to cancel it a bit later cause I had some problems (RL). AFter that I never managed to see any mention of the game for the ST. Which feels a bit weird. Was it actualy ever released for it? (I got the PC version (3? floppies back in 1994)

I do not like doing the MC, it feels like cheating, though it isn't. I like the eh, hmm, I forgot what I was about to say :wall:

Rogue 05-04-2005 04:07 PM

I don't think it was ever released on Atari.

Only DOS, Windows and Amiga and later PlayStation, as far as I know.

Guest 05-04-2005 06:09 PM

I have a very curious problem with this game. I changed the monitor to a flat LCD one, and every time I start the game, the following message appears:

Non optimal mode. Recommended mode 1280x1024 60 HZ.

So I change the screen to 1280x1024, and the frequency to 60 HZ, but the problem still continues. It doesn´t happen with any other program, even other old abandonwares.

(notes: I still use windows 98 and the screen is a samsung syncmaster 210V, if that matters)

Jman4117 05-04-2005 07:23 PM

try the f0dder loader.

Fama 05-04-2005 07:31 PM

Woohoo! Finally read the whole thread. Nifty. I really don't have anything to say, just that Xcomutil w/ improved lasers rocks (Mmm... Heavy laser... <3)

Jman4117 05-04-2005 07:39 PM


Originally posted by Fama@Apr 5 2005, 07:31 PM
Woohoo! Finally read the whole thread. Nifty. I really don't have anything to say, just that Xcomutil w/ improved lasers rocks (Mmm... Heavy laser... <3)
Now try a battle on difficulty level 20 with a 6 man interceptor squad! :P

BeefontheBone 05-04-2005 07:47 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Apr 5 2005, 06:09 PM
I have a very curious problem with this game. I changed the monitor to a flat LCD one, and every time I start the game, the following message appears:

Non optimal mode. Recommended mode 1280x1024 60 HZ.

So I change the screen to 1280x1024, and the frequency to 60 HZ, but the problem still continues. It doesn´t happen with any other program, even other old abandonwares.

(notes: I still use windows 98 and the screen is a samsung syncmaster 210V, if that matters)

I have a similar problem with my TFT, only it "reccomends" a really odd resolution. Haven't bothered to work it out yet - you may be pleased to hear that TftD works fine, so you can still play some XCOM.

Fama 05-04-2005 08:36 PM

Something just happened... Not fun in a way, but in a way still fun :blink:
Ok. So. Some random crash place... Didn't pay any attention. I'm still kinda noobish so I sent 1/2 of my skyrangers there... Gave a blaster launcher to a girl with x (bad psi strength), but I thought it wouldn't hurt... You can just see it coming, can't ya? LOL

Well, not exactly that.

But anyway.

I sent 1 guy off to left of the ramp, looking around. Spotted an ethereal. Heavy laser aimed shot... miss. Then I remember the blaster launcher girl... So I thought I'll unload the BL. Well, it wasn't loaded, so I loaded it and shot the ethereal. Almost, that is. I guess is was the unaccyracy of the BL, but it was supposed to go like this: BL shot out of Skyranger, around it, landing on ethereal.

It went like this: BL shot flies clean out of the skyranger and... flies back in. Killing 5 out of my 6 guys. Fun. Kinda. Not. Anyway, I guess it's because of the inaccuracy of the BL? Can't be anything else now can it? Oh well. I guess I'll finish the mission later. Just don't wanna do it right now :wall:

another_guest 05-04-2005 08:46 PM


Originally posted by Fama@Apr 5 2005, 08:36 PM
It went like this: BL shot flies clean out of the skyranger and... flies back in. Killing 5 out of my 6 guys. Fun. Kinda. Not. Anyway, I guess it's because of the inaccuracy of the BL? Can't be anything else now can it? Oh well. I guess I'll finish the mission later. Just don't wanna do it right now :wall:

Blaster launchers have nearly perfect accuracy, so if you choose your waypoints carefully, no accidents will ever happen. Just watch out for narrow paths (only 1 space wide) and don't forget to take trees and such objects into account. But nearly always it's possible to direct the bomb into a hole that's only a single tile wide.

Jman4117 05-04-2005 08:57 PM

You probably made the bomb move vertical. They put a bug into the Windows version that makes the bomb go back south if you set the points for it to go straight up. But....if you are sneaky with it, you can make the bomb fly off of the screen then it will reappear at the next waypoint. :P

axident 05-04-2005 10:31 PM


Originally posted by Fama@Apr 5 2005, 08:36 PM
Something just happened... Not fun in a way, but in a way still fun* :blink:
Ok. So. Some random crash place... Didn't pay any attention. I'm still kinda noobish so I sent 1/2 of my skyrangers there... Gave a blaster launcher to a girl with x (bad psi strength), but I thought it wouldn't hurt... You can just see it coming, can't ya?* LOL

Well, not exactly that.

But anyway.

I sent 1 guy off to left of the ramp, looking around. Spotted an ethereal. Heavy laser aimed shot... miss. Then I remember the blaster launcher girl... So I thought I'll unload the BL. Well, it wasn't loaded, so I loaded it and shot the ethereal. Almost, that is. I guess is was the unaccyracy of the BL, but it was supposed to go like this: BL shot out of Skyranger, around it, landing on ethereal.

It went like this: BL shot flies clean out of the skyranger and... flies back in. Killing 5 out of my 6 guys. Fun. Kinda. Not. Anyway, I guess it's because of the inaccuracy of the BL? Can't be anything else now can it? Oh well. I guess I'll finish the mission later. Just don't wanna do it right now* :wall:

I think Jman is right; you were probably trying to tell the bomb to go from right over the head of the target to the ground the target was standing on, but the game doesn't allow that vertical-style movement. It's annoying, but just try to move diagonally-down (or up, for that matter), and don't aim for the target, set one waypoint in front of the target, another behind the target, etc.:

[6][4][2]target[1] [3][5] = five chances to hit the target.

The guy with the LCD problem. 06-04-2005 02:05 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Apr 5 2005, 07:23 PM
try the f0dder loader.
I´m sorry, but what does that mean?

I would ignore the bug, but the message comes every minute or so, and I have to switch back towindows and enter the game again. It´s really tedious after a while.

efthimios 06-04-2005 07:13 AM

It appears to be some kind of a front end with editing of the game. I haven't tried it but I did download it after the recommendation. (thanks)

I am in the process of solving the problem I mentioned earlier, I will post here if I manage to.

another_guest 06-04-2005 09:18 AM

By the way, it is possible to reclaim countries that signed a pact with the aliens. Though it looks like you need to destroy an alien base in that country; one is enough, even if there are more alien bases in the same country.

Spookyfish 06-04-2005 11:46 AM


By the way, it is possible to reclaim countries that signed a pact with the aliens. Though it looks like you need to destroy an alien base in that country; one is enough, even if there are more alien bases in the same country.
But... If there aren't any bases in the country of interest... Then what :blink:?

Guest 06-04-2005 11:50 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Apr 5 2005, 08:57 PM
You probably made the bomb move vertical. They put a bug into the Windows version that makes the bomb go back south if you set the points for it to go straight up. But....if you are sneaky with it, you can make the bomb fly off of the screen then it will reappear at the next waypoint. :P
Hmm. I think I did, but not at that point. It went like this:

2 2

E 2

If I remember it correctly. S is the skyranger, E the ethereal and 1 & 2 are waypoints for the corresponding altitude. Or something.

another_guest 06-04-2005 01:42 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 6 2005, 11:46 AM
But... If there aren't any bases in the country of interest... Then what :blink:?
Apparently such countries can be reclaimed as well. Though it happened to me after I built an own base there, I'm not sure if that has any influence or not...

Rogue 06-04-2005 02:25 PM

You don't have to have a base in the country to have high revenue.

Just shoot down all UFOs and don't allow to destroy them, as that brings negative points. (Not sure, but I believe that if you shoot UFO over watter, it will bring also negative points)

Also make sure you got all landed UFOs and all Terror sites.

another_guest 06-04-2005 02:32 PM

I don't know for all ufo types, but shooting terror ships over water will still get you a net +500 points.
Shooting down small ufos doesn't get you anything (or at least hardly noticeable, certainly less than 100 each, maybe 50).
Letting your base's defenses blow up a ufo doesn't influence your score either, whereas I got a few hundred points from shooting it down on its way to my base.

And indeed having a base in a country doesn't get you any points, but I wondered whether it helped reclaiming a country. I remember I'd built a base there, still without any detectors, radars or hangars, and kept attacking ufos like I'd always done... Surprisingly enough the next month that country started paying me again.

Rogue 06-04-2005 02:56 PM

I got points too, but country stoped with paying me. Not sure if there is any connection between those two, but I've read somewhere that they programmed so that country is not happy with destroyed UFO, and they cut support. BUt as I already said, it might be not wrong...

lethe 06-04-2005 03:02 PM


Never got one country back. Not playing UFO lately, but just last time I did, had a excellent month, the game is so controlled, destroyed 4 alien bases, yet by the end of the month, the very own country which hosts my main base signed out. And no, there isn't any base in this country, I didn't leave any UFO land or do anything in the country. Blah

efthimios 06-04-2005 03:04 PM

Damn it, I lost the game!

For like a month or two after having India abandoning me the xcom project was cancelled! Damn it I could have funded it on my own LOL.

another_guest 06-04-2005 06:20 PM


Originally posted by lethe@Apr 6 2005, 03:02 PM
Never got one country back. Not playing UFO lately, but just last time I did, had a excellent month, the game is so controlled, destroyed 4 alien bases, yet by the end of the month, the very own country which hosts my main base signed out. And no, there isn't any base in this country, I didn't leave any UFO land or do anything in the country. Blah
I just started all over again, after about 10 years... All this discussion about ufo made me want to play it again.
I've been shooting virtually every ufo for a few months in a row now, landing at all the large or very large ones, etc. Monthly scores above 12000, and still every now and then some country decides to quit. I'll see if I can win them over again :)

And efthimios: it's not enough being able to finance the whole project, I think your income from sponsoring countries must exceed your monthly costs (I believe I've read that somewhere). And of course the overall score at the end of the month should be positive. It probably doesn't hurt if one month isn't that bad, but 2 months in a row could be too much.

Rogue 06-04-2005 06:27 PM

If I remember correctly, your account is measure. If is negative two months in the row, you loose the game.

I also started the game couple days ago. 16. March, 1999 - all countries still paying, and most of them raised pay.

Country can be won again.

It is important to check graphs, and make sure you cover first areas where UFO activity is high. So when you start the game, check from the time to time graphs, and make sure next base is located in place of high ufo activities.

lethe 06-04-2005 06:42 PM

Most countries after a while raise their funding until they give up. I have 3 countries left now :D Spain, South Africa and and Brazil, each one paying me nearly 1 million. Not that it matters, but they all raise funding until they randomly quit.

12.000 is kinda a piece of cake. As I mentioned, 4 alien bases destroyed last month, all very large missions, supply and terror ships crashed, small ships destroyed, and one country which is totally peaceful decides to step out. Go figure...

efthimios 06-04-2005 07:09 PM

Well, those two months were like -15xx something. I don't know why though since I had no fights. There was a base near the chinese indian border that I left it till I had my team equiped with flying suits but I didn't expect that much of a problem out of it.
It is a pitty since just a while ago I managed to stun my first crysalis. I lost 2 men in the process but oh well :sneaky:

another_guest 06-04-2005 07:31 PM


Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 6 2005, 07:09 PM
Well, those two months were like -15xx something. I don't know why though since I had no fights.
Sounds like that's the problem: no fights means you've missed quite some alien activity. And for everything they can pull off, they gain points as well. At the end of the month, your net score is the sum of your mission scores minus their total score.
Maybe you could build more bases -> more area covered?
And of course, no fights also means no opportunity to raise your own score.

For the moment I can't get more than about 20000 a month: three quarters of all very large ships head straight for my fusion ball launchers... I mean my bases. So unless I meet them with Avengers, I won't get any points for each of them. But I'm going to add more aircraft to carry out missions with, to include the medium ufos. For the moment I'm leaving the alien bases alone. Every time I head home with stunned aliens, I get the old "no alien containment" error, even if I just built a new one :blink:

Matthias 06-04-2005 07:58 PM

Somehow transfers from base to another doesn't work! Everything gets back to the original base ... ???

axident 06-04-2005 09:08 PM


Originally posted by Matthias@Apr 6 2005, 07:58 PM
Somehow transfers from base to another doesn't work! Everything gets back to the original base ... ???
When you have too much stuff in transit at any one time, no further things may be transfered, even though sometimes it doesn't TELL you that.

Tulac 06-04-2005 09:37 PM

I've only played X-com, but judging by the length of this topic, which one is better X-com ot UFO:Enemy Unknown(so that I can play it first)?

Danny252 06-04-2005 09:42 PM

xcom/ufo:enemy unknown are the same game but under different names.

Dino 06-04-2005 09:44 PM

Yeah, full titles would be:

UFO: Enemy Unknown and
X-COM: Ufo Defense

Same game!

Tulac 06-04-2005 09:47 PM

Really? I thought X-com was like the next part of the series :blink:
But this is the one I have, quite sure that its not this game:
XCOM : Terror from the Deep

Dino 06-04-2005 09:49 PM

It is the sequel to before-mentioned game...

Dino 06-04-2005 09:53 PM

Oh yeah, guys, check this one out:

UFO remake

It's project xenocide remake of UFO, it's some early project release, 22Mb of download... Since I have 56k modem, I don't want to wait that long to download it, so please, try it out and let us know how does it look...

Danny252 06-04-2005 09:54 PM

ahh yes, 2 or 3 of those ufopaedia things are by me..

Tulac 06-04-2005 09:55 PM

I saw it on Abandonia- UFO was the name for the first game(this one) and XCOM for the second, so those were my confusing conclusions, thanks for clearing that up though, so which one is better the first or the second?

Dino 06-04-2005 09:57 PM

General opinion is that first one is better... But I like them both!

Juan Rayo 07-04-2005 12:04 AM

The million dollar bug.

Something weird> wanted to put a Hangar in my second base, but misplaced the position (mouse calamis). So I had to dismantle it right away, loosing the 200 grand.

Ok, at the same time, the avalanche launchers I had orderd arrived.

All 25,000 of them.

I dunno, I had ordered 2. All of a sudden, I had 25 thousands of those. By the time I finished selling, I had a LOT of money :D

Of course, reloaded the game (so there went the "no reload" challenge) but that's only because I din't wanna cheat. Odd, odd bug.

axident 07-04-2005 01:14 AM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 7 2005, 12:04 AM
The million dollar bug.

Something weird> wanted to put a Hangar in my second base, but misplaced the position (mouse calamis). So I had to dismantle it right away, loosing the 200 grand.

Ok, at the same time, the avalanche launchers I had orderd arrived.

All 25,000 of them.

I dunno, I had ordered 2. All of a sudden, I had 25 thousands of those. By the time I finished selling, I had a LOT of money :D

Of course, reloaded the game (so there went the "no reload" challenge) but that's only because I din't wanna cheat. Odd, odd bug.

You can reload if you genuinely misclicked or some weird bug came up or whatever, and that's not cheating. Saving and reloading in the middle of battle would be, though.

Titan 07-04-2005 02:04 AM

About blaster:
I have a rule that never make the missile do too sharp turns.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- --3,2<2,1- ----- ----- -----
----- /---- ----- \---- ----- -----
-4,2- ----- ----- -1,1- ----- -----
BuildBuildBuild --|-- ----- -----
BuildBuildBuild --|-- ----- -----
BuildBuildBuild --B-- ----- -----
-5,2-BuildBuild ----- ----- -----
--|-- BuildBuild ----- ----- -----
X6,1XBuildBuild ----- ----- -----

(Waypoint number , Hight)

Jman4117 07-04-2005 02:51 AM


Originally posted by Tulac@Apr 6 2005, 09:55 PM
I saw it on Abandonia- UFO was the name for the first game(this one) and XCOM for the second, so those were my confusing conclusions, thanks for clearing that up though, so which one is better the first or the second?
UFO = Europe
Xcom = America
Xcom = UFO
TFTD = Xcom 2

axident 07-04-2005 03:10 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117+Apr 7 2005, 02:51 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jman4117 @ Apr 7 2005, 02:51 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Tulac@Apr 6 2005, 09:55 PM
I saw it on Abandonia- UFO was the name for the first game(this one) and XCOM for the second, so those were my confusing conclusions, thanks for clearing that up though, so which one is better the first or the second?
UFO = Europe
Xcom = America
Xcom = UFO
TFTD = Xcom 2 [/b][/quote]
TFTD = Terror from the Deep

efthimios 07-04-2005 04:43 AM

Yes, not shootin down enemy ships could be part of why I lost LOL.

Also don't forget that there is another xcom game, Apocalypse, which is a bit different than the previous ones but also very good and cool.

As for saving/loading, I save the game every turn in battles and every 2-3 weeks in geoscape. Not to reload if I lost soldiers/battle or something, but because I have in the past experienced crashes that I do not want them to ruin my game. :ranting:
I wish it had an auto save or it wouldn't crash at all. BTW, I have found a way to make it crash almost always during battle, if i have a tank, I click on it and instead of moving it I click on it again, guaranteed crash. :crazy:

Jman4117 07-04-2005 05:00 AM

The soldiers standing in empty space at alien bases his quite amusing also.... >.>

another_guest 07-04-2005 06:53 AM

Another thing to be careful with: let an MC'ed alien put down his grenades and such which he was carrying in his leg pockets. If you've got the misfortune of lacking the TU's to drop one of these items to the ground, you're stuck: you can't return the item to the alien's pockets where it came from.
Returning weapons to their hands seems to be working fine however.

efthimios 07-04-2005 09:22 AM

An update on the pauses I am having in the game.
I don't know how I missed it before.
The pause always happens right before the music starts the loop.
Perhaps I should disable the music or change the audio driver but I don't see any setup anywhere, anyone?

BeefontheBone 07-04-2005 10:14 AM


Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 7 2005, 04:43 AM
Also don't forget that there is another xcom game, Apocalypse, which is a bit different than the previous ones but also very good and cool.
And UFO:Aftermath, which the purists tend not to like so much, but I quite like.

Seems like a good idea to try killing the music. There should be an "install" or maybe setup program in the UFO directory where you can setup the music/audio. If you're running it in DOSBox it might be worth making sure you're using the exact same settings it's emulating before you disable the music altogether.

efthimios 07-04-2005 11:51 AM

I don't use dosbox. I have the gold edition, and there is no setup or anything close to that, unless it is hidden in like 5th subdirectory of graphics or something. :-(
I can't see any .ini or anything else either. :-(

As for UFO:Aftermant, I can't comment on that. I have a problem with the graphics of that game, well, the demo anyway, that apear strange, with strange graphics and fonts and occasional crash, so there is no way I am going to buy the full game. Not that I have the money for it now, but...

The Fifth Horseman 07-04-2005 11:59 AM

I also had the gold edition and same thing seems to happen. So I said to myself "Screw that.", got the DOS version and fired it up in DosBox. Smooth and nice since then.

YaoiLover 07-04-2005 12:19 PM

o.o;;; Umm, where is the DOS version? I downloaded the one in Abanonia and it gave me problem.. I shot a ufo down and I sent a skyranger there but when I clicked on ok, the game just kicked me off and told me something about error... I use windows XP and I tried using DOSBox for it and it just tells me to use Windows. X.x;

Yaoilover 07-04-2005 12:21 PM

Oh yeah, one more thing... I tried saving but when I got back on the game after the error.. the save disappeared.

efthimios 07-04-2005 01:11 PM

hmm, any idea where I could find that?

The Fifth Horseman 07-04-2005 01:14 PM

For pete's sake... GOOGLE!!! LOL

I got mine way back, but it's full DOS version. Kickass. It was worth making these HDD backups every now and then. :whistle:

Jman4117 07-04-2005 03:55 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Apr 7 2005, 01:14 PM
For pete's sake... GOOGLE!!! LOL

Yar... :ok:

glam 07-04-2005 08:36 PM

it periodically crashes out to desktop!
how can i make this stop!!!!!

efthimios 08-04-2005 02:50 AM

But, if the DOS is an older version than the gold version, wouldn't it have more bugs? (apart perhaps from this particular problem).

glam, it depends, is there a pattern to the crashes? Are you using the DOS or some other version? How do you run the game? What is your graphics card, what is your operating system? Of course the game is also not completely bug free...but I doubt we will see any patch soon LOL

Lexandro 08-04-2005 05:09 AM

I downloaded the CD version off this great site, but when I double-click UFO defense.exe or UFO.exe, I just get a black screen for about 3 seconds and then get dropped back to windows (xp).

Anyone encountered the same problem?
thx in advance

another_guest 08-04-2005 09:10 AM


Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 8 2005, 02:50 AM
But, if the DOS is an older version than the gold version, wouldn't it have more bugs? (apart perhaps from this particular problem).
I've just started playing UFO again, still using my age-old dos version. Of course this means I only have 1 difficulty level, but on the other hand it has never crashed (on Win XP + Dosbox). The only problem I have is that I can't reload some games saved during combat, and of course the "can't put item back in alien's pocket" thing.

Another difference with later versions is the price of some items, though the most profitable item to manufacture (laser cannon) hasn't changed in price, and it's the best choice to make money in all versions.

But I've heard about a patch for the Dos version that might solve the problem of having only 1 difficulty level.

Rogue 08-04-2005 09:49 AM

I don't think that was official patch.

I'm pkaying allo my original CD version of the game. Everything is the same as above.

I have also Gold Version that came with special issue of PC Gamer long time ago.

efthimios 08-04-2005 11:47 AM

Thanks for the info. Hmm, it looks then that I am better of with keeping the gold edition than getting the dos one. I am sure there is a patch for xcom though, that it updates it to 1.4 or something. Having no idea how to check what version the game already is doesn't help though LOL.

another_guest 08-04-2005 11:54 AM

There's indeed an update to version 1.4 (or perhaps more?) but it's said to ruin the game's sound and music.

The guy with the LCD problem 08-04-2005 05:58 PM

I finally found a cure for the problems with the flat monitors. Here you can find a patch for that (and other things); it makes the game run slower, also.

PrejudiceSucks 08-04-2005 07:47 PM

So has anyone else other than Lizard done the human-tech only challenge?

I had a go, but got totally owned by the Mutons and Etherials. Sectopods were also a complete pain in the arse.

Does anyone know if fleeing aliens count as dead for if a mission ends?

Jman4117 08-04-2005 08:32 PM

Flee? how do they "flee"? O.o

Lizard 08-04-2005 08:34 PM

Yeah.What do you mean with "fleeing aliens?" :blink:

axident 08-04-2005 09:32 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Apr 8 2005, 07:47 PM
So has anyone else other than Lizard done the human-tech only challenge?

I had a go, but got totally owned by the Mutons and Etherials. Sectopods were also a complete pain in the arse.

Does anyone know if fleeing aliens count as dead for if a mission ends?

Flee ...? Do you mean an alien who is in Panic or Berserk (or MC) mode?

Spookyfish 08-04-2005 10:00 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Apr 8 2005, 08:32 PM
Flee? how do they "flee"? O.o
They panic, and they run :D.

No, I don't think they count. Only dead / captured ones.

A question... Has anyone actually attacked an alien base in the way you're "supposed" to do it? That is, blowing up the base's control room? Or have you all just gunned the aliens down like any sane being would do LOL?

Juan Rayo 08-04-2005 11:07 PM

Step one: go into base

Step two: say in a VERY soft voice, a murmur really: "surrender or else"

Final Step: Allright you alien scum! you had yer chance!

Gun every single last one of them down :D

I tried the only human technology challenge and got owned as well. Right now am going for the "no reloads" challenge... hard, have lost a number of VERY good people to reaction fire or blaster launchers...


Jman4117 08-04-2005 11:15 PM

In Ethereal bases I tend to find the command center, nuke it with blasters, and abort. 3 bombs or so should wipe out the 4 tables. One to get into the inner room and the other two on each end of the command center.

Spookyfish 08-04-2005 11:26 PM

I secure the starting rooms, post two goons at every corridor, and send proceed cleaning out anyone who doesn't jump out in a lame attempt to shoot me. It's when I notice a blaster launcher, a sectoid, or an etheral that I pull up my skirt and run like crazy, usually with some grenade throwing, suicidal runs with demolition charges, and lots of things that go boom. I love suicidal rookies with primed demolition charges :D.

Rookie: For mankind!
Alien 1: What the hell is that guy doing?
Alien 2: Screaming and running at us with a thing that looks dangerous I would say.
Alien 1: Really?
Rookie: Curses! Two TU's short for throwing it at you! DIE!
Alien 2: Is that a swagger stick?
Alien 1: I think it's a stun prod.
Rookie: Eat electricution, SCUM!
Alien 2: Gah!
Alien 1: To hell with this...
Rookie: Gaaah!
Alien 1: Dude, you okay?
Alien 2: Look, gingerbreadmen!

... being sleepy kicks behind LOL.

axident 09-04-2005 02:37 AM


Originally posted by Spookyfish+Apr 8 2005, 10:00 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Spookyfish @ Apr 8 2005, 10:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Jman4117@Apr 8 2005, 08:32 PM
Flee? how do they "flee"? O.o
They panic, and they run :D.

No, I don't think they count. Only dead / captured ones.

A question... Has anyone actually attacked an alien base in the way you're "supposed" to do it? That is, blowing up the base's control room? Or have you all just gunned the aliens down like any sane being would do LOL? [/b][/quote]
Even though it's more fun to run around the hallways, I'm lazy (and cautious.. played No Reloads for so long that it's my playing style now) so I just camp the green rooms until most aliens are dead. Then I send a couple of guys to the command center to mop up. It worked well without MC, but it's easy as pie with MC.

PrejudiceSucks 09-04-2005 06:12 AM

Ah, if only you could use Stun Rods as stunning javelins... mmm... that would be good. Apart from that if you wanted to pass it onto someone upfield, you would be screwed.

Maybe two throw commands like 'Throw' and 'Stun Throw' with more TUs for Stun Throw. LOL

efthimios 09-04-2005 07:41 AM

I did win a mission like this by destroying the centre, I think. I had covered most of the base with my soldiers and killed a large number of aliens. I had a single rocket tank in the centre of the base. I opened the large door, proceeded like 1 tile forward and it saw aliens upstairs. I shot them with the rocket tank and there were several explosion in a cyclical pattern, mission ended there. I am not 100% sure though if it ended because of destroying the centre or if those were the last aliens in the base. :crazy:

One question guys, how do you know in advance that a spaceship or a base belongs to certain alien species? Is it something obvious that I haven't noticed or is it that you know after you have attacked them with ground forces?

I always play without reloads now and I find it very exciting and you are truly worried as to what might happen to your soldiers. Also you tend to follow better tactics and covering behind anything, from trees, to bins to furniture etc. It feels so realistic! :rifle:

PrejudiceSucks 09-04-2005 08:55 AM

There is a technology called the Hyperwave Decoder that you get from capturing a live navigator or technician (either will do) that beulids a facility in your base that has a 100% success rate on detecting UFOs and tells you who is flying them, where they are going and where thet came from. Very handy, but takes a long time to build.

another_guest 09-04-2005 09:13 AM

But you still don't know what alien race the bases belong to.

I've never finished cleaning up an alien base by blowing up the control room, I didn't know you were supposed to do that. Of course if I didn't need to capture anyone alive, I blew the thing up anyway, but probably not all 4 tables, since the missions just continued.

Panicking aliens still have to be shot.

Something I've just remembered (though too late to save my rookies): Crysalids will walk through holes you've just blown into a wall at the 2nd or 3rd storey. Though I still don't know if they'd "step" from the roof as well.

Sharp 09-04-2005 01:21 PM

Generally you can tell who a base belongs to once you have an HPG by scanning the UFO's around the area of the base and if they have base as thier mission and they are supply then the race in the UFO is most likely the race of the base.

Titan 09-04-2005 01:54 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Apr 9 2005, 09:55 AM
There is a technology called the Hyperwave Decoder that you get from capturing a live navigator or technician (either will do) that beulids a facility in your base that has a 100% success rate on detecting UFOs and tells you who is flying them, where they are going and where thet came from. Very handy, but takes a long time to build.
HyperWaveDecoder has the same detection-rate as Large Radar.
That's why ppl here whine over loosing countries when no UFO landed.

An infilration-mission ALWAYS consists of 2 Battleships
A Base-mission ALWAYS consists of 1 Large scout, 2 Surply-ships, 1 Terror-ship and 1 Battleship
An Abduction-mission ALWAYS concists of 2 Abdutors

If you notice any of the larger ships with those types of missions, there are more to come...

axident 09-04-2005 03:18 PM


Originally posted by Titan+Apr 9 2005, 01:54 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Titan @ Apr 9 2005, 01:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-PrejudiceSucks@Apr 9 2005, 09:55 AM
There is a technology called the Hyperwave Decoder that you get from capturing a live navigator or technician (either will do) that beulids a facility in your base that has a 100% success rate on detecting UFOs and tells you who is flying them, where they are going and where thet came from. Very handy, but takes a long time to build.
HyperWaveDecoder has the same detection-rate as Large Radar.
That's why ppl here whine over loosing countries when no UFO landed.

An infilration-mission ALWAYS consists of 2 Battleships
A Base-mission ALWAYS consists of 1 Large scout, 2 Surply-ships, 1 Terror-ship and 1 Battleship
An Abduction-mission ALWAYS concists of 2 Abdutors

If you notice any of the larger ships with those types of missions, there are more to come... [/b][/quote]
Are you sure? I do sometimes get defecting countries without seeing any Infiltration missions, which is consistent with what you said. But:

seems to think that hyperwave has a 100% detection rate.

another_guest 09-04-2005 03:32 PM

It looks like Titan is right, and that a hyperwave decoder doesn't have a 100% detection rate. I've sometimes lost countries in which my base was positioned in the middle, and I intercepted every single UFO that was detected.

On the other hand, I've started playing ufo again since a few days, and so far countries never defect for more than 1 month, I always get them back the next month.

Fama 09-04-2005 03:43 PM

Is it just me, or do the scientists, soldiers & engineers only require only half of the buying cost each mont? Like, 20k for soldiers, 30k for scientists etc.? I think interceptors and skyrangers need the full prize tho. Might depend on version too. But that's what I saw in Base statistics -> Monthly cost. Or something.

axident 09-04-2005 06:25 PM


Originally posted by Fama@Apr 9 2005, 03:43 PM
Is it just me, or do the scientists, soldiers & engineers only require only half of the buying cost each mont? Like, 20k for soldiers, 30k for scientists etc.? I think interceptors and skyrangers need the full prize tho. Might depend on version too. But that's what I saw in Base statistics -> Monthly cost. Or something.
New hires get a "one month bonus." So a soldier takes 40k to hire, but afterwards costs 20k a month. Etc. for the other types of personnel.

axident 09-04-2005 06:26 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Apr 9 2005, 03:32 PM
It looks like Titan is right, and that a hyperwave decoder doesn't have a 100% detection rate. I've sometimes lost countries in which my base was positioned in the middle, and I intercepted every single UFO that was detected.

On the other hand, I've started playing ufo again since a few days, and so far countries never defect for more than 1 month, I always get them back the next month.

How do you get countries back? I've never seen it happen before.

Spookyfish 09-04-2005 06:40 PM

You destroy a base in the country in question, supposedly.

Yobor 09-04-2005 07:05 PM

I would just like to say, here here for the longest thread in existence!

I think that the worst possible scenario in this game is a Terror Night mission, with Sectoids, Mutons, or Ethereals. The Snake dudes are bad cause they have Chryssalis friends.

Jman4117 09-04-2005 07:11 PM

Another Guest: What version are you playing? Cause I have yet to see that happen in either 1.2 or 1.4.....

Juan Rayo 09-04-2005 07:38 PM

yeah, I am REALLY interested in knowing how do you get countries back? It was my understanding, both from this amazing thread and from a couple of strategy guides that you CAN'T get countries back once they have deserted (the despicable cowards!).

How do you do it?

Aide> erm, mister president? you know that alien base we decided to allow?

President: It was only last month man, of course I remember. hmm, why?

Aide> well, those pesky folks at XCOM just landed and totally, utterly destroyed it.

President: well gosh darn! that is good news. Why the grim look?

Aide> well, they also shot 4 civilians and said that you BETTER start PAYING AGAIN, or ELSE.

President: outta the frying pan...

another_guest 09-04-2005 07:47 PM

Ah yes, I'm still playing v 1.2

But I'll have a better look when I get another monthly report. Those countries which I presumed went over to the aliens, were listed seperately, and funds dropped to zero. The next month they start paying again. I'll take some time to actually read whether they are really siding with the aliens. It's not that they've just lowered their funding (it was way too high to drop to zero just by a change in funding), but is there a state inbetween, no funding but no pact with the aliens either?

efthimios 09-04-2005 07:57 PM

How do you know the version you have?

Jman4117 09-04-2005 08:26 PM

If you have copy protection, you have 1.2 or earlier.

If you have the Windows version it is 1.4.

Can you take some screenshots of it Another Guest?

another_guest 09-04-2005 08:31 PM

A txt file explaining what the patch for v 1.2 did.

I can tell the difference between 1.0 (?) and 1.2: if your units' stats are limited to a certain fixed value (like 81 TU's or something, though the text file mentions 80), you've got 1.2
Also, without the patch for v 1.2, you'd get an error about Y-axis when entering alien bases.

Screenshot of funding is available at
(it turned out quite big, but well...)

BeefontheBone 09-04-2005 08:48 PM

maybe they're penalising you for killing some of their civilians (or allowing them to get killed) rather than it being anything to do with alien influence

Spookyfish 09-04-2005 08:53 PM

I think the only things that prevents me from taking the "no reload" challenge are moments like these:

- My überveteran from untold missions exits the landing craft prior to a Terror Mission. He/she is shot after the first step he/she takes out of the craft. She/he dies.

- Five troops prepare to storm a UFO. One run in, and is shot. The second is shot down as well from unintended auto-fire. The third is knocked uncounscious from the third auto shot. The fourth primes a grenade, runs to the door opening to throw it. Pow. The fifth trooper and the uncounscious third trooper are blown up by the primed grenade.

I hate those moments... And believe me, they have happened by some strange twists of fate :blink:.

axident 09-04-2005 08:56 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 9 2005, 06:40 PM
You destroy a base in the country in question, supposedly.
I've had situations before where a base in Germany --> French defection. Or maybe it was coincidence. But I blew up the base.. and the French remained at zero funding.

another_guest 09-04-2005 08:59 PM


Originally posted by BeefontheBone@Apr 9 2005, 08:48 PM
maybe they're penalising you for killing some of their civilians (or allowing them to get killed) rather than it being anything to do with alien influence
Couldn't be, I've taken down any terror ships getting near most of these countries (except Canada, I'm not sure if I had enough spotting range at that time), and I haven't had any terror sites in several months because of that.
Still it's weird. I really have to pay attention the next time my monthly report comes up and some country has ceased its funding.

Sharp 10-04-2005 02:53 AM

Well the most likely scenario is that a for a country halting funding and then restarting is that they are not infiltrated but just feel for them youve done a crappy job i.e. few terrors and abductions and flyovers etc....

They do not collaborate with the aliens but simply increase the funding of thier own forces to battle the aliens, realise that they cannot handle aliens themselves and find that X-COM have been doing a better job, they reinstate funding.

However ive never really had a case where ive had an infiltrated country come and rejoin. Although on one of my games which has extensive reloading I dont have any countries that have quit and everyone loves me and aliens sux0r :bleh:

Mabye it is possible for an infiltrated country to come back if you are really that good but im not that sure, more confirmation would be nice, and another_guest, if you could get a screenie showing the alien activity and XCOM activity in countries it might explain things a bit more.

Rockhoppa 10-04-2005 04:34 AM


Originally posted by The guy with the LCD problem@Apr 8 2005, 05:58 PM
I finally found a cure for the problems with the flat monitors. Here you can find a patch for that (and other things); it makes the game run slower, also.
I had that issue as well.
Cheers for the link! It's working for me now. Although there's no music, and there's a black gap at the bottom of the screen in-game, I'm generally pleased with the results otherwise.

Guest 10-04-2005 06:32 AM


Originally posted by Spookyfish+Apr 8 2005, 10:00 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Spookyfish @ Apr 8 2005, 10:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Jman4117@Apr 8 2005, 08:32 PM
Flee? how do they "flee"? O.o
They panic, and they run :D.

No, I don't think they count. Only dead / captured ones.

A question... Has anyone actually attacked an alien base in the way you're "supposed" to do it? That is, blowing up the base's control room? Or have you all just gunned the aliens down like any sane being would do LOL? [/b][/quote]
Well, another way to take bases is when the aliens just suicide. It happened when I invaded a base. When the squad just found the command center (was outside the exterior central ring) a huge explosion happens - a blaster launcher. Quickly check squad. Everyone´s ok, not a scratch, and now there´s a hole leading directly to the command room. Cool. I prepare everyone to storm the place, the guy with the stun launcher first, and then another series of huge explosions - the alien blaster launcher gunner fumbled again, and killed himself, the leader, and destroyed the control room. The last sectoid panics.

Fastest base assault ever. The only bad thing, I couldn´t leave a note on the sectoid´s corpse saying "ho ho ho, now I have a blaster launcher"

Guest 10-04-2005 06:39 AM


Originally posted by Rockhoppa+Apr 10 2005, 04:34 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rockhoppa @ Apr 10 2005, 04:34 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-The guy with the LCD problem@Apr 8 2005, 05:58 PM
I finally found a cure for the problems with the flat monitors. Here you can find a patch for that (and other things); it makes the game run slower, also.
I had that issue as well.
Cheers for the link! It's working for me now. Although there's no music, and there's a black gap at the bottom of the screen in-game, I'm generally pleased with the results otherwise. [/b][/quote]
Music works fine to me, though I have the gap at the bottom, too.Notice the patch has other features:

-Engineers not doing anything help constructing new base facilities, cutting time needed.
-You can set the maximum number of scientist and engineers for a proyect simply setting the number below zero -that is, simply click once in the down arrow and it´s set for the maximum number of men available.
-You can set the number of items to produce to below 0, as well. It then shows the number 1111. What the game does now is to sell the items as soon they are produced, a good way to make money.

axident 10-04-2005 08:29 AM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 9 2005, 08:53 PM
I think the only things that prevents me from taking the "no reload" challenge are moments like these:

- My überveteran from untold missions exits the landing craft prior to a Terror Mission. He/she is shot after the first step he/she takes out of the craft. She/he dies.

- Five troops prepare to storm a UFO. One run in, and is shot. The second is shot down as well from unintended auto-fire. The third is knocked uncounscious from the third auto shot. The fourth primes a grenade, runs to the door opening to throw it. Pow. The fifth trooper and the uncounscious third trooper are blown up by the primed grenade.

I hate those moments... And believe me, they have happened by some strange twists of fate :blink:.

1. that's what tanks are for

2. that's what rookies are for (or blow open the UFO with a blaster launcher.. or if you have MC, then have someone with high reactions walk in and do nothing else (lest they attract reaction fire), then use the other soldiers to MC all of the alien occupants

another_guest 10-04-2005 08:43 AM

Or MC an alien who's outside, and use him to enter the ufo first. Unless it's ethereals in a terror or battle ship, I always use this method, making myself a chain of MC'ed aliens until I've found all of them.

axident 10-04-2005 09:04 AM


Originally posted by another_guest@Apr 10 2005, 08:43 AM
Or MC an alien who's outside, and use him to enter the ufo first. Unless it's ethereals in a terror or battle ship, I always use this method, making myself a chain of MC'ed aliens until I've found all of them.
Good point; I tend to do the same thing, now that I have a huge number of very high psi-str/psi-skill soldiers.

Also, try tossing a grenade through the top of an UFO, if it already has a hole in the roof. It destroys equipment, but better that than to lose an experienced soldier.

efthimios 10-04-2005 10:04 AM

The whole MC thing finds me neutral, I can't like it no matter how much I try. I prefer the old fashion way :rifle:

Spookyfish, what others said about tanks and rookies are the best ways. Also throwing smoke grenades is good.
But, no matter what, even if in one small battle you manage due to bad luck or bad tactics to lose an entire squad, that is part of life, or realistic game or you know what I mean. There is always a risk you will lose everyone or the best from coincidences, so accept it, and no emotional attachments with the troops, that helps.

Spookyfish 10-04-2005 10:41 AM


Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 10 2005, 10:04 AM
There is always a risk you will lose everyone or the best from coincidences, so accept it, and no emotional attachments with the troops, that helps.
But... But... They have NAMES :cry:!

Seriously though, from now on, I'll bring four rookies or a tank on every mission. Cannonfodder was always a good thing. Thanks for the advice :ok:.

Lizard 10-04-2005 11:28 AM

I finally beat Cydonia!!!!! :Brain: :Brain: :Brain:
Man I am GO(O)D :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
I try some other challenge now....Hmm this no reload one looks fine :max:

Spookyfish 10-04-2005 11:33 AM

:D :D :D

Congrats your way!

Fama 10-04-2005 12:17 PM

Why do I feel that all these "modern Xcom" projects have appeared lately? Or is it that they've been in development but I just found them? Anyway, I know these:

UFO: Alien Invasion
Playable, 2 demos, I think you can play multiplayer but you have to do it manually. Uses Quake 2's engine. Looks good to me. New (third) demo should be out soon, featuring akimbo wielding :Titan:

Project Xenocide
Not playable (?), only a demo showing the geoscape and other stuff is ready.

Earth Defense Force (EDF)
Not playable yet, just found it.

UFO: Extraterrestials
Not playable(?), release date September 2005.

Xcom: Last Hope
A first person shooter based on Xcom.

X-Force: Fight For Destiny
A germanese (multilingual actually) remake of Xcom 1 & 2, I think. Haven't tried it yet.

UFO 2000
Not really Xcom remake, but I'll add it anyway. Multiplayer Xcom, and it is on this site.

That's all I know. 6 of 'em :Brain: Gotta love it.

Guest 10-04-2005 12:52 PM

is there anyway of making it run slower, the missions run fine but the scroll speed and the alien movement speed are waaay too quick even on level 1 setting.

Dino 10-04-2005 01:03 PM

I have one maybe silly, but frustrating problem... I ran out of Elerium in both of my bases and none of my 3 avengers can't refuel... I know that you can get Elerium by clearing the crash sites, but is there any other way since I'm helpless now because I can't send any of my avengers on a mission?! Damn Elerium!!!

efthimios 10-04-2005 01:07 PM

Hmm, you can always have a spare or two planes that do not need E. If you don't, just buy one or two.

Dino 10-04-2005 01:10 PM

But those are too weak to shoot anything but small UFO down! :ranting: guess I'll have to do that... Thanx for the advice!

Lizard 10-04-2005 02:44 PM

Ah C´mon,it isnt THAT dificult....Interceptors with plasma cannon/fussion balls will do the job,if you send 2/3 on one UFO...(btw do you have elerium to reload these :blink: )
If you REALLY run out of elerium try arm them with avalanches and send them in swarm of 4-5 in one UFO(they will down it,but it will destroy at least 3 of them...)
Btw I used Skyranger even at the end of the game...They are REALLY wondeful crafts.... :wub:

Spookyfish 10-04-2005 02:58 PM


Originally posted by Fama@Apr 10 2005, 12:17 PM
Why do I feel that all these "modern Xcom" projects have appeared lately? Or is it that they've been in development but I just found them? Anyway, I know these:

UFO: Alien Invasion
Playable, 2 demos, I think you can play multiplayer but you have to do it manually. Uses Quake 2's engine. Looks good to me. New (third) demo should be out soon, featuring akimbo wielding :Titan:

Project Xenocide
Not playable (?), only a demo showing the geoscape and other stuff is ready.

Earth Defense Force (EDF)
Not playable yet, just found it.

UFO: Extraterrestials
Not playable(?), release date September 2005.

Xcom: Last Hope
A first person shooter based on Xcom.

X-Force: Fight For Destiny
A germanese (multilingual actually) remake of Xcom 1 & 2, I think. Haven't tried it yet.

UFO 2000
Not really Xcom remake, but I'll add it anyway. Multiplayer Xcom, and it is on this site.

That's all I know. 6 of 'em :Brain: Gotta love it.

EDF looked ridiculous.


Btw I used Skyranger even at the end of the game...They are REALLY wondeful crafts....
Agree :D. The only downside is that they are slooow...

axident 10-04-2005 04:30 PM


Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 10 2005, 11:28 AM
I finally beat Cydonia!!!!! :Brain: :Brain: :Brain:
Man I am GO(O)D :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
I try some other challenge now....Hmm this no reload one looks fine :max:

You beat the game using nothing but Avalanched-equipped Interceptors, Skyrangers, radar (no Hyperwave), no psi labs, no armor, and not even lasers or anything, but autocannons and high explosives?? Wow. Just... wow. Congrats. Somehow I think that you at least build psi labs (although no psi amps), else it would have taken you ages. But even so, not having anything better than autocannons must have totally sucked.

Jman4117 10-04-2005 04:32 PM


Agree biggrin.gif. The only downside is that they are slooow...

Get about 6 of them then... :P

Lizard 10-04-2005 04:57 PM


Originally posted by axident+Apr 10 2005, 05:30 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (axident @ Apr 10 2005, 05:30 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Lizard@Apr 10 2005, 11:28 AM
I finally beat Cydonia!!!!!* :Brain:* :Brain:* :Brain:
Man I am GO(O)D* :w00t:* :w00t:* :w00t:
I try some other challenge now....Hmm this no reload one looks fine :max:

You beat the game using nothing but Avalanched-equipped Interceptors, Skyrangers, radar (no Hyperwave), no psi labs, no armor, and not even lasers or anything, but autocannons and high explosives?? Wow. Just... wow. Congrats. Somehow I think that you at least build psi labs (although no psi amps), else it would have taken you ages. But even so, not having anything better than autocannons must have totally sucked. [/b][/quote]
I used hyperwave detectors and PSI labs...I didnt used anything that you couldnt "buy" and becouse you "buy" buildings,I decided that it is O.K to have them... LOL
In the end I didnt used practically nothing else than Rocket Launchers,Stun Rods and HE...Even Autocannon completly suck against mutons......(You can kill etherals pretty easy with them,I dont understand why,thought :blink: )

axident 10-04-2005 05:39 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 10 2005, 04:57 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 10 2005, 04:57 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by axident@Apr 10 2005, 05:30 PM

@Apr 10 2005, 11:28 AM
I finally beat Cydonia!!!!!* :Brain:* :Brain:* :Brain:
Man I am GO(O)D* :w00t:* :w00t:* :w00t:
I try some other challenge now....Hmm this no reload one looks fine :max:

You beat the game using nothing but Avalanched-equipped Interceptors, Skyrangers, radar (no Hyperwave), no psi labs, no armor, and not even lasers or anything, but autocannons and high explosives?? Wow. Just... wow. Congrats. Somehow I think that you at least build psi labs (although no psi amps), else it would have taken you ages. But even so, not having anything better than autocannons must have totally sucked.

I used hyperwave detectors and PSI labs...I didnt used anything that you couldnt "buy" and becouse you "buy" buildings,I decided that it is O.K to have them... LOL
In the end I didnt used practically nothing else than Rocket Launchers,Stun Rods and HE...Even Autocannon completly suck against mutons......(You can kill etherals pretty easy with them,I dont understand why,thought :blink: ) [/b][/quote]
Yeah Hyperwave just makes life easier rather than building a ton of radars.. psi lab just to figure out whom to sack. Ethereals aren't good against HE ammo, unlike Mutons, and Ethereals don't have as much health as Mutons. Sheesh, now I'll have to try the Earthling-Tech challenge. :crazy:

Lizard 10-04-2005 05:45 PM

Duh Hyperwaves were sometimes even greater problem that advantage....I have monthly revenue something about 1000 dollars(Monthly earns-monthly costs....)...Then I destroyed that three alien bases, and dismmised some scientists and It was OK again.... LOL

TwoHedWlf 10-04-2005 05:50 PM

I've been playing my own variation. My variation is if I can get it from the aliens, I'm not allowed to use it(Except ship ship components and elerium) everything else is ok. So that allows armor.:)

Lizard 10-04-2005 05:52 PM


Originally posted by TwoHedWlf@Apr 10 2005, 06:50 PM
I've been playing my own variation. My variation is if I can get it from the aliens, I'm not allowed to use it(Except ship ship components and elerium) everything else is ok. So that allows armor.:)
Hmmm....Armor?You have to use ALIEN alloys.... :rolleyes: LOL

Spookyfish 11-04-2005 06:23 AM

Hm, going to Cydonia to face cyberdisks, chryssalids, etherals, and sectoids WITHOUT armor... Hey, they have armor. It's 12AC in front as opposed to the 100AC of power armor :D.

PrejudiceSucks 11-04-2005 06:48 AM

No need for armour there, just take 24 soldiers (rookies are good cannon fodder) arm most of them just with Laser Rifles, but give a couple of them Rocket Launchers with incendiary ammo.

Nothing on Cydonia is good vs Incendiary ammo.

Even Cyberdisks get killed by it pretty swiftly.

Also, Plasma Cannons are a one-off payment, no reloads needed.

The Fifth Horseman 11-04-2005 09:45 AM

Got back to playing it again... reminds me of days long past...

Are there any modding tools for UFO / TFTD???

Lizard 11-04-2005 09:47 AM

X-com Util....I dont know if it is for TFTD but you can change pretty much with them in Ufo...I didnt tried it myself,I like UFO the way it is... :whistle:

The Fifth Horseman 11-04-2005 10:26 AM

I thought more along lines of altering/replacing graphics and the like...

TwoHedWlf 11-04-2005 11:54 AM


Hmmm....Armor?You have to use ALIEN alloys....*
Yeah, but that goes under the same category as the ship components and elerium. So, I'm allowing it.:)

PrejudiceSucks 11-04-2005 07:15 PM

The new beta version of XcomUtil has a map editor on it, which you can select as the place that you want to fight on.

I think I might make a really cool city map to fight all of my Terror missions on with skyscrapers and stuff. That will be nice when it's done.

Fama 12-04-2005 11:48 AM

Skyscrapers :w00t:

I want it! Do it quickly so I can use it! I want to drop the chrysalids 5 floors down straight into my heavy plasma toting guys :Titan:

And yes, I said heavy plasma. Tho I might use heavy laser. I like the improved (original?) one. 'tis good at sniping :sniper:

PrejudiceSucks 12-04-2005 11:59 AM

Definately is. Costs Elerium, though, and Alloys.

Still, a kick-a$$ weapon now, and the tanks are cool too.

I especially like blowing through the outer walls of a UFO with HE packs :D

The Fifth Horseman 12-04-2005 12:07 PM

:blink: I thought there is 3-floor limit in Ufo: EU. Is there not?

Spookyfish 12-04-2005 12:13 PM

I think it's four, but if you have a four-story building, you can't stand on top of it as the roof doesn't really exist :blink:. I think.

Lizard 12-04-2005 02:17 PM

Three floors(four if you add "unexisting roof" of the third ones...)
I wonder if it would be possible to extend number of floors...Throught X-Com Util for example....Would be cool

Spookyfish 12-04-2005 03:43 PM

And edit ships. You could have this colossal army assaulting this skyscraper from the ground and the air, and plenty of blaster launcher-wielding aliens inside to ensure mayhem :D.

That would be AWESOME :Brain:!

Sigh, I feel like a ten-year old again...

Jman4117 12-04-2005 04:17 PM

Might could do it in stages like the TFTD terror missions.

Nemesis 12-04-2005 04:35 PM

This thread is still going strong! Last time I post here was in page 12 or something

Spookyfish 12-04-2005 04:44 PM

We kick behind!

(high-fives everyone)


Might could do it in stages like the TFTD terror missions.
Agree. But if we had the possibility to do otherwise, wouldn't we do it?

PrejudiceSucks 12-04-2005 09:30 PM

Umm you can edit the ships. That's the whole point.

You can also select where you want to fight against what ships. This is really, really cool, although a total piss-take if you attack 1 alien from a very small UFO inside a whole battleship. You still get all of the stuff from the battleship, though :D.

As in as much alien entertainment as you can be bothered to ignore, and cows also.

Fama 13-04-2005 03:26 PM

Ok ok. 3 floors then :cry:

Xcom fan 14-04-2005 12:39 PM

I still remember good times playing this game. One thing is that I didn't know how to go to the lift :D , so I let some of my soldiers have flying suits just to go up and downstairs. Or how to open the UFO door :D I was just waiting outside, running back and forth hoped for some aliens to come out.
An experience to fight the terror site at night! A TERRIBLE nightmare is to defend base against sectoid with psi or snake/chrysalid - they just wrecked the whole base with blaster bombs.
I started many games but not able to finish them. When you have about 3-5 avengers you spend most of your time shooting UFOs, only go to medium and large UFOs, and the wonderful battle time become repetitive. :D But it happened only after you spent 20 hours at the game! No other game hold the player's attention for that long.

PrejudiceSucks 15-04-2005 07:37 AM

To go up or down a lift you just get on the green squares, select the height level above or below where the lift is and click on the lift sqare below it.

To open a door you just move into it.

Watch out for reaction fire from the aliens when you do that, though.

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 09:01 AM

I hate reaction fire from aliens :angry:. Many of my best troopers has been lost that way, so I now send rookies first into whatever it may be; doors, elevators, stairs. Once the rookie spots the aliens, the veterans open fire in pure Full Metal Jacket style; tear down entire buildings to destroy their enemy. Works every time :D.

another_guest 15-04-2005 11:17 AM

To go up or down in a lift, you can also use the two buttons on the far left (representing a person next to an arrow pointing up or down).

I prefer using MC'ed aliens (carefully disarmed of course, including any grenades they were carrying, and don't try this with aliens with psi abilities) to draw reaction fire.
To strip buildings, I always use laser rifles. If the soldier's firing accuracy is good, snap shots work fine. If his/her firing accuracy is only so-so, auto shots can sometimes be a much faster way to strip away an entire wall.
Also, there are typical places in barns where most aliens can be found (just at the top of the stairs, in the top-right corner of the top floor,...) Sometimes I even shoot those spots with lasers, even if I can't see anyone inside from a distance. You will notice the alien however if you manage to kill him that way.

Tearing down walls should be used with great care if there are Crysalids on the site, sometimes a hole in a wall on the second or third floor will work as a shortcut for them.

Lizard 15-04-2005 11:19 AM

I am just curious:
Survived one of your soldiers EVER chrysaldis attack?
(I mean it attacked and your soldier didnt turned into zombie...)

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 11:54 AM

I don't think it's possible. The damn bastard injects an egg into you right away :angry:.

another_guest 15-04-2005 02:12 PM

Yes, I also think its attack always works from the first time.

I've also noticed that it has hand-to-hand combat that can damage tanks :wall:
Zombies have a similar attack, but probably not as strong (one of my men once survived 4 consecutive zombie attacks without sustaining any damage. the 5th attack however killed him instantly)

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 02:17 PM

Since no zombie has ever survived getting within ten squares of my troopers... Does their attacks turn humies into zombies as well?

another_guest 15-04-2005 03:19 PM

It just killed my soldier, apparently.
Sue me... since the first attack didn't do any damage, I let my soldier focus on shooting the remaining aliens first... until the zombie killed him :whistle:

PrejudiceSucks 15-04-2005 07:16 PM

It is not impossible to survive a Crysallid attack, I have done it.

Just put your soldiers ON THE FLOOR with Flying Armour, it's so strong that sometimes they don't get through it.

Note: This is not as easy as surviving a Lobsterman HTH attack in TFTD, though. That you can do with no armour (you can also stun the aliens easily using that).

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 08:03 PM

Well, a hint for survival against chryssalids.

:rifle: them before they :Titan: you.

Lizard 15-04-2005 08:06 PM

Why?I stunned two of them with stun rods... :angel:

Hey I got idea for REAL CHALLENGE
Finish TFTD just with starting human weapons... :evil:

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 08:17 PM

Harpoons? Oh God :D. Is it even possible to do anything at all with those pesky crap-things? My whole squad was swiped by two aliens. The last time I played TFTD. The graphics were horrible.

Lizard 15-04-2005 08:23 PM

Yea... :blink:
I cant imagine I am figthing lobsterman with them...Well but I also couldnt imagine I fight mutons with standart rifles..... :whistle:
Hmm....I might try it :angel:

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 08:25 PM

The ultimate UFO challenge:

- No research allowed at all, not even laser/medikit/motion scanner

Good luck :bye:

Lizard 15-04-2005 08:26 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 15 2005, 09:25 PM
The ultimate UFO challenge:

- No research allowed at all, not even laser/medikit/motion scanner

Good luck :bye:

Actually I finished this one :whistle:

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 08:30 PM

You what :blink:!? With no research at all? And I specify, no research at all? Whoa. You're my new God :D.

Lizard 15-04-2005 08:32 PM

I even started a challange....
Finished it ummm, about ten pages backwards.... :blink:

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 08:35 PM


That's pretty impressive you know :D. Guess it all ended up in rocket launchers and high explosives near the end?

Lizard 15-04-2005 08:37 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 15 2005, 09:35 PM

That's pretty impressive you know :D. Guess it all ended up in rocket launchers and high explosives near the end?

And stun rods and smoke granades...
You can make WONDERS with stun rods, hight amount of TU and smoke granades :evil:

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 08:40 PM

Hm... Just for the sake of statistics, of about fifty new recruits, how many were became veterans (sergeants and over), after the obligatory stat-check?

Lizard 15-04-2005 08:43 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 15 2005, 09:40 PM
Hm... Just for the sake of statistics, of about fifty new recruits, how many were became veterans (sergeants and over), after the obligatory stat-check?
Well becouse I have aproximetly 200 soldiers all over the bases, I had about 3-5 advances after mission...And mostly, I was losing them also so fast....
Even soldiers stored in bases advanced sometimes :D

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 08:50 PM

You know that that means that there was too few people left after a mission to handle all the promotions :D? So those at the nearest base gets promoted instead. Figured it out after one of my bases almost was sacked by Etherals.

But think of the "Join XCOM!"-posters...

"Great pay! Few chances of making friends! Survival rate of standard-procedure missions lower than 50%!"

Oh boy. Guess your recruiters had to lie a lot :D.

But, how did you manage Cydonia? How many were left?

Lizard 15-04-2005 08:53 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 15 2005, 09:50 PM
You know that that means that there was too few people left after a mission to handle all the promotions :D? So those at the nearest base gets promoted instead. Figured it out after one of my bases almost was sacked by Etherals.

But think of the "Join XCOM!"-posters...

"Great pay! Few chances of making friends! Survival rate of standard-procedure missions lower than 50%!"

Oh boy. Guess your recruiters had to lie a lot :D.

But, how did you manage Cydonia? How many were left?

Well I finish it with my 2 troops...
But Cydonia werent SO bad...I could finally use Avanger so I took a lot of cannon fodder(=my best soldiers from normal mission, sorry guys!! :ph34r:)
The ugliest part of game was trying to capture muton base....Even etherals were less dificult....

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 08:58 PM

Can imagine that. It was their high armor, right? Nearly impossible to take one down on Superhuman. They look so easy to kill on the intro movie...

Lizard 15-04-2005 09:00 PM

They have also a LOT of HPs...Etherals have higher armour, but less HP...But Mutons ignore even Big Rocket that directly hit them... :eeeeeh:
Only way to kill them is a HE pack under feer, a LOT shots from autocannons, or one of my favorite tactics(and most suicidual) smoke nades and stun rods... LOL

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 09:03 PM

Heh, guess it's easier to kill them while they're stunned, or what LOL?

Lizard 15-04-2005 09:04 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 15 2005, 10:03 PM
Heh, guess it's easier to kill them while they're stunned, or what LOL?
Nope stun them and give into backpack.... LOL
The catch is that this "stunning" soldiers have ALWAYS primed HE pack in their belt :evil:
KAMIKADZE! :ph34r:

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 09:07 PM

Inspired by certain extremists, I see? Never mind humane rights, it works :D!

Lizard 15-04-2005 09:10 PM

Exactly... :w00t:
Anyway I would like to see number of my dead soldiers, I mean even when I reloaded quite often, 75% losses were in category "acceptable".
Btw have you ever have negative score from FINISHED mission? :whistle:

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 09:36 PM

No... The biggest negative is always the "XCOM craft lost" with a whopping -200 score. Why... Have you :ph34r:?

Is it possible to blaster-launch a Skyranger to rubble, by the way?

Lizard 15-04-2005 09:38 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 15 2005, 10:36 PM
No... The biggest negative is always the "XCOM craft lost" with a whopping -200 score. Why... Have you :ph34r:?

Is it possible to blaster-launch a Skyranger to rubble, by the way?

The biggest negative is 10 dead X-com soldiers and 10 civilians KILLED by X-com soldiers :whistle:
I think X-com craft are indestrucable

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 09:43 PM


So you've managed to get a negative on a successful mission?

Lizard 15-04-2005 09:47 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 15 2005, 10:43 PM

So you've managed to get a negative on a successful mission?

yea LOL
But I badly needed loot from dead aliens so I didnt reloaded it.... :whistle:
And it was again etherals...

Spookyfish 15-04-2005 11:32 PM

Ah, you're ruthless. Um... Was it a rather careless use of explosives that managed to take down so many civilians :whistle:?

PrejudiceSucks 16-04-2005 07:57 AM

This is a bit old, but to the people who said that you can't kill Lobstermen with harpoon-carrying people, you are wrong. What you do is GET CLOSE TO a Lobsterman and instead of killing you with his Sonic Cannon or whatever, he comes and tries to hit you.

They are stunned every time with one Stun Rod, even Lobstermen Commander are.

Sorry, that was off topic a bit.

Spookyfish 16-04-2005 10:21 PM

It was :D. But I'm getting a vague idea of what one of the badass-aliens in TftD is. The big bad ones in UFO are Mutons, Ethereals, and Chryssalids... Concur anyone?

Lizard 16-04-2005 10:23 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 16 2005, 12:32 AM
Ah, you're ruthless. Um... Was it a rather careless use of explosives that managed to take down so many civilians :whistle:?
Well try to kill them with something else....Stun rod tactics is fine, but there are certain places where it dont work...

Ah btw thanks for :ot: tip PrejudiceSucks....Might try it sometimes :ok:

axident 16-04-2005 10:28 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 16 2005, 10:21 PM
It was :D. But I'm getting a vague idea of what one of the badass-aliens in TftD is. The big bad ones in UFO are Mutons, Ethereals, and Chryssalids... Concur anyone?
Ethereals, Sectopods, and Chryssalids. Mutons maybe, but only on higher difficulty levels, when they have so much armor + health that HP can't reliably take them down in one hit.

Spookyfish 16-04-2005 10:30 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 16 2005, 10:23 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 16 2005, 10:23 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Spookyfish@Apr 16 2005, 12:32 AM
Ah, you're ruthless. Um... Was it a rather careless use of explosives that managed to take down so many civilians :whistle:?
Well try to kill them with something else....Stun rod tactics is fine, but there are certain places where it dont work... [/b][/quote]
As long as your soldiers survive, who cares? Everyone dies sometimes anyway :whistle:.

tuapuk 17-04-2005 04:49 AM

awesome game.. played this like 10yrs ago and it is still so great after all the years and all the doom3 & halflife hype we've fed with.

my 1st mission after 10yrs - 3 operatives killed.. haha :)

Jman4117 17-04-2005 05:00 AM

On the TFTD challenge:

Mutons vs earth tech:
Large Rocket + HE pack

PrejudiceSucks 17-04-2005 07:36 AM

*coughs* If you really want to take on Mutons, get XCcomUtil and turn on Enhanced Lasers. It doesn't actually improve any of them other than the Heavy Laser and makes anything better than a Laser Pistol cost Elerium, but it does bring the Heavy Laser into its rightful place.

Although it does cost 5E 1A (Laser Tanks are better too and cost 10E 5A).

Woohooo 1300th post.

Guest 18-04-2005 09:46 PM

My Ufo: Enemy Unknown always crashes before my second mission when I press "ok". What can I do about that? I downloaded the game yesterday...

Juan Rayo 18-04-2005 10:18 PM

Hey Guest, I don't know much about the technical stuff (ok, I know NOTHING) BUT I can tell you this... the 80 or something pages thread has a LOT of tek help, I am sure you will find what you need somewhere in there. Yes, I know, its a LONG thread, but the game is worht it...

Wich makes me wonder... could this be THE longest game related -spam free- thread EVER? heh.

ANyway, back to UFO... after givin it a couple of days rest, I came back to the game, this time nothing but earth technology.. found it difficult but playable. On the other hand, it occurs to me now that, once you know how to play it (what to research, how to build your bases, etc) the game IS rather short. Not a complaint, just an observation...

Lizard 18-04-2005 10:58 PM


Wich makes me wonder... could this be THE longest game related -spam free- thread EVER? heh.
That is right! :w00t: :Brain: :Brain:


ANyway, back to UFO... after givin it a couple of days rest, I came back to the game, this time nothing but earth technology.. found it difficult but playable.
You will think diferent when you met etherals and mutons :bleh: :evil:

PrejudiceSucks 19-04-2005 03:02 PM


Oh my lord, so that's what makes me cough all of the time!

Etherials and Mutons are very hard to kill with human tech, especially after 'beginner' difficulty. You will basically want a whole team kitted out with Large Rocksts. Otherwise, you will die. A lot.

bahman 19-04-2005 04:56 PM

Why there is such a long thread for a game like this? Is that really that good?

Jman4117 19-04-2005 05:00 PM

I know for sure it made the top 3 of all time, may have been #1 even. :ok:

Rogue 19-04-2005 05:34 PM

In two game magazines I used to read this game was number one, followed by civilization 2 at second place. Third magazine had them just switched.

So, yes, this game is that good! Replayable many, many times!

EDIT: Cool avatar, bahman! :ok: LOL

efthimios 19-04-2005 05:35 PM

This game is better than just good, it is on my list of top 10 games of all time. Not number one (Colonial Conquest) but still in the top 10! For many people it is the number one game...
It is actualy the first game ever that I saw in a dream, it is that good. :D

PrejudiceSucks 19-04-2005 06:09 PM

Yeah, you could replay it pretty much forever, it really is nice. Not too many mods, though, paart from XComUtil, but that's more a set of utilities than anything else.

Rogue 19-04-2005 06:14 PM

There is online version (UFO-2000 - available on this site too) that ads online capability to this game. I never tried it :(

Jman4117 19-04-2005 06:28 PM

quite fun playing it hotseat.... had the troops named like: Bill Clinton, Bobbie Dole, Billy Gates, etc XD

axident 20-04-2005 07:20 AM


Originally posted by bahman@Apr 19 2005, 04:56 PM
Why there is such a long thread for a game like this? Is that really that good?
I don't play video games much anymore, but my personal best-of-all-time list might go something like this:

1. Master of Magic (someone PLEASE do a remake of this!!)
2. Civ2
3. Star Control 2 (someone ported the 3DO version; even though it's listed as 0.3 Alpha, it works and I beat the game on 0.3)
3. StarCraft
3. X-Com/UFO Defense
6. Master of Orion
7. Half-Life (I haven't played HL2 yet)
7. Quake
9. Syndicate (someone ought to make a remake of this, too)
10. Wing Commander Privateer (someone DID make a remake of this)

iCezolation 20-04-2005 09:16 AM

'lo people!
I've download the game from your portal last weekend and was really happy that I finally found a working version of it, with sound, music and normal game speed! But there's a problem:
Sometimes in tactical battle I get kicked out by the game. By now it only happened after I clicked something with my mouse ( for example tell a soldier to move to a specific position ), but it also happened once I clicked on a button in the menu of my base.
I don't really know what to do, because the game has to be run under windows and I don't know how I could check a setup of the game. I'm using Windows XP Pro, sound is provided by an on-board soundsystem ( calls itself AC 97 ).

Sorry if this problem has been handled before, this thread contains so many pages and I didn't found help by searching through the forum :-/

Xcom fan 20-04-2005 12:56 PM


Originally posted by bahman@Apr 19 2005, 04:56 PM
Why there is such a long thread for a game like this? Is that really that good?
You must be under the rocks for years! This is the highest rated game here, just to be factual. It is also the world best game of the 1994 year. Download and try for yourself! You will not regret it, it is so terrific.

The game is still sold at ebay, just to prove its popularity (so that some people want it in original boxes). It is consisted of turn-based strategy game plus resource management.

If you want another go at this type of game, try Xcom2: Terror from the Deep and Jagged Alliance (best game of 1995, the next year after Xcom1).

The game sometimes quits right when you enter battle or at random times. No one knows why, you will just have to save your game often.

TheChosen 21-04-2005 11:39 AM


Why there is such a long thread for a game like this? Is that really that good?
Mother of all games?

Guest 22-04-2005 06:30 AM

Is Ronnie O' Sullivan good at snooker?

That's how good this game is. World Championship-level quality. It's addictive and replayable and will never let you down.

Crashes are quite annoying though.

iCezolation 22-04-2005 08:44 AM

Well really looks like you have no other chances than saving like hell - but the game is worth this procedure, definitely! But until today I never dared to play any other skill level than the first :cry:

Xcom fan 22-04-2005 12:09 PM

Try it at Superhuman level, the only difference is the aliens are 50-70% stronger than at the Beginner level, but it's still beatable.

Just make sure you have HP early :D I remember scratching my head when face Etherials. It got psi, and very hard to kill. And I want to look through that coat to see what's under :D

iCezolation 22-04-2005 12:51 PM

Mostly the fact is that aliens do a ground attack after I shot the third or fourth ufo down - arriving there, I kill about six or seven aliens and then suddenly the rest of 2 or 3 of them kill all my soldiers <_<
The other thing is that I never really know how to start right. The first steps I do are to build room for personell, then a chamber for aliens to keep 'em alive and another storage, followed by buying 20 scientiests. Then I let the first 10 scientists start to work on laserguns, during that time the first aliens were killed bringing more stuff to exlore - and that's where I already dunno what's the best to do next :-/

Lizard 22-04-2005 01:45 PM


Originally posted by iCezolation@Apr 22 2005, 01:51 PM
Mostly the fact is that aliens do a ground attack after I shot the third or fourth ufo down - arriving there, I kill about six or seven aliens and then suddenly the rest of 2 or 3 of them kill all my soldiers <_<
The other thing is that I never really know how to start right. The first steps I do are to build room for personell, then a chamber for aliens to keep 'em alive and another storage, followed by buying 20 scientiests. Then I let the first 10 scientists start to work on laserguns, during that time the first aliens were killed bringing more stuff to exlore - and that's where I already dunno what's the best to do next :-/

Buy Large Radar/Alien Contaiment followed by Personal Quarters and General Store.Also I recuit something around 10-20 scientist,4 soldiers and few engineers
My self I resreach plasma tech in the end,becouse I am fan of laser tech, but If you are newbie try to resreach plasma rifles first.
A little Resreach spoiler:
Alien Alloys=Personal Armor
UFO Navigation + UFO power source + Elerium + Alien Alloyes = UFO construction(better crafts and armors)
Navigator(Captured alien, on this rank)-Hyperspace Decoder(or something like that,best radar)
Etheral/Sectoid Commander(maybe also Sectoid medic...dunno)-PSI lab, and using PSI powers...
Etheral Commander= Location of Cydonia-Final Mission in the game
Also you can sell everything you can get from UFOs except elerium(selling this stuff would often mean suicide-it is fuel for better crafts and main component of better weapons...) alien alloyes(main component to craft any alien tech).I also dont sell Ufo power source/navigation so I dont need to build new one,when I want to build better craft.Keep only one exemplar of all other unresreached stuff.You will get pretty money from selling them.
Hope I helped :)

iCezolation 22-04-2005 01:52 PM

Yeah thanks, the selling-stuff sounds very helpful. My mainproblem is that I'm a perfectionist, and I have the feeling that isn't very good for a game like UFO :D But I'll follow your tips and try to beat the crap out of those coneheads ... uhh, I mean aliens! :Titan:

another_guest 22-04-2005 01:57 PM

After a while, I always end up with lots of alien alloys, so at that point it's wise to start selling that too. Otherwise it takes a lot of storage space; I don't think I've ever needed more than 2000 alien alloys, and the bigger ufos can easily yieldover 200 of it.

It's also good to research laser rifles as early as possible; except against some alien types, I even use laser rifles until the end of the game. Infinite ammo, no need for elerium, good accuracy and they do a decent amount of damage.

At the beginning, don't bother researching topics like alien food, alien entertainment. Researching alien corpses gives you some information on that particular race, but I'd suggest focusing on weapons first. Once your troops are decently equipped, you can look for the specific weaknesses of each alien race.

Filipsan 22-04-2005 02:01 PM


Originally posted by iCezolation@Apr 22 2005, 12:51 PM
...Then I let the first 10 scientists start to work on laserguns, during that time the first aliens were killed bringing more stuff to exlore - and that's where I already dunno what's the best to do next :-/
Try to research laser rifles (they are really good for start..) and then grenades :D

I'm sure that in TFTD using grenades meant quick strategy :)

And it's also great that aliens in UFO have smaller inteligence then their brothers in TFTD, so they don't use grenades that much, so you can get pretty large amount of these killers from them

Jman4117 22-04-2005 02:07 PM

Higher intelligence yet 65 million years less advanced... XD


Etheral/Sectoid Commander(maybe also Sectoid medic...dunno)-PSI lab, and using PSI powers...
It's any Ethereal and Sectiod Leaders/Commanders for psi.


Etheral Commander= Location of Cydonia-Final Mission in the game
Any Leader for the Martian Solution, then any Commander for Cydonia or Bust. (Commanders can be from a Battleship or Base.)

Kearnsy 22-04-2005 02:30 PM

I skipped laser all together. Researched Heavy plasma and I've never had any ammo problems. :whistle:

By the way is there a rank above commander?

Old Lou 22-04-2005 02:59 PM

use the rear wings of the skyranger at your advantage, you can snipe from there :sniper: (you need flying suit to go up there of course). This tactic gave me good results when dealing with large ships
Use flying to place your men in the rooftoop of the ship and close to the entry door, looking at it, you'll get a good splinter-cell tactic that usually works for me
And make holes in the walls... sometimes it helps.
To deal with the deeply entrenched alien who reacts to everything that moves: use a rookie with a couple of armed grenades, sometimes I use to carry a small suicide squad (2 or 3 men) in the transport to deal with those situations.
Hovertanks are bullcrap in my opinion, a big waste of time, money and resources. Tanks are good to recon
Don't get hurt, Bye!

Kearnsy 22-04-2005 03:14 PM

Another good tactic for those large ships is to clear the area and then line your guys up facing the door.
Use the reaction fire an some grenades to thin the alien numbers before moving in.
Just remember to spread out so that you dont get wiped out by an enemy grenade.
I found that I only use 1-2 men at the most and is great for rookies to improve. :ok:

bahman 22-04-2005 03:33 PM

Well I spent a couple of hours last night to play this game and didn't find it interesting at all. :blink: It is not attractive, you just wait for an UFO and after that folllow it then deploy your units and then bang bang... Is that all about this game...

another_guest 22-04-2005 03:44 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Apr 22 2005, 02:07 PM
Any Leader for the Martian Solution, then any Commander for Cydonia or Bust. (Commanders can be from a Battleship or Base.)
It needs to be a commander you captured at an alien base.

Kearnsy: there is no higher rank than commander.

Tip of the moment: Skyrangers won't protect your soldiers inside from blaster bomb explosions, at least a lot of the damage passes through. And apparently it's possible to steer such a bomb through a shed window.

Jman4117 22-04-2005 09:35 PM


Originally posted by another_guest+Apr 22 2005, 03:44 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (another_guest @ Apr 22 2005, 03:44 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Jman4117@Apr 22 2005, 02:07 PM
Any Leader for the Martian Solution, then any Commander for Cydonia or Bust. (Commanders can be from a Battleship or Base.)
It needs to be a commander you captured at an alien base.

Kearnsy: there is no higher rank than commander.

Tip of the moment: Skyrangers won't protect your soldiers inside from blaster bomb explosions, at least a lot of the damage passes through. And apparently it's possible to steer such a bomb through a shed window. [/b][/quote]
No...any will work. I get them from Battleships regularly...

Sharp 22-04-2005 09:38 PM

Heh, ive never had a blasterbomb fly into my skranger.

Also when attacking UFO's always bring at least 2 demo packs, if you can bring 10, hell bring 20 if ya really wanna.

Demo Packs are cheap yet extremly effective, you can blow walls in smaller UFO's and its amazingly useful when you have flying suits and you drop a demo-pack through holes. Demo Packs make very good room clearers, of course be sure that when you prime it always leave it 1 turn instead of 0, thatway justincase your dude goes unconcious another person can chuck the pack away.

And bahman, UFO is obviously a kick-behind game judging by this thread legnth alone, of course for some people it is not thier cup of tea. You might simply not prefer the finer details of UFO: Enemy Unknown.

axident 22-04-2005 11:07 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Apr 22 2005, 09:38 PM
Heh, ive never had a blasterbomb fly into my skranger.

Also when attacking UFO's always bring at least 2 demo packs, if you can bring 10, hell bring 20 if ya really wanna.

Demo Packs are cheap yet extremly effective, you can blow walls in smaller UFO's and its amazingly useful when you have flying suits and you drop a demo-pack through holes. Demo Packs make very good room clearers, of course be sure that when you prime it always leave it 1 turn instead of 0, thatway justincase your dude goes unconcious another person can chuck the pack away.

And bahman, UFO is obviously a kick-behind game judging by this thread legnth alone, of course for some people it is not thier cup of tea. You might simply not prefer the finer details of UFO: Enemy Unknown.

I don't think High Explosives ($1500 a pop) can punch through outer UFO walls without XCOMUTIL. But some UFOs come ready-made with holes in the ceilings thanks to your Firestorm/Interceptor/whatever's work in the Geoscape.

another_guest 22-04-2005 11:40 PM

Until now, I'd never had a blaster bomb hitting my skyranger either. But I hadn't counted on a window in a barn, I thought I was steering the bomb right into a wall :whistle:

Once there's a hole in the ufo's roof, you can indeed toss in HE packs without fear of damaging much: the engines (and all the elerium) is already gone, blown up.

LoL 23-04-2005 04:56 AM

man elerium 115 or what ever is called is sure a pain in the behind ... i only have like 56 of them and i have to wait for a UFO to land insted of intercept them so i can get elerium

Guest(1) 23-04-2005 07:45 AM

Actually, if you intercept UFOs with punyish weapons and attack on 'careful' mode their engines still usually survive.

I learned this after shooting down about 50 UFOs with Plasma cannons on 'normal' and only 1 alien ship still had a working engine (they were small, though).

UFOGuest 23-04-2005 07:47 AM

Yeah, same here, really.

I always use Laser Cannons on the smaller ships, plasma cannons on anything bigger then that. Prettty simple to take down anything as long as you are careful about it.

another_guest 23-04-2005 07:48 AM


Originally posted by LoL@Apr 23 2005, 04:56 AM
man elerium 115 or what ever is called is sure a pain in the behind ... i only have like 56 of them and i have to wait for a UFO to land insted of intercept them so i can get elerium
When shooting down ufo's, use the careful attack. That way you have the best chance that some of the ufo's engines will survive, especially when they have more than one. It makes a huge difference, so thanks to whoever mentioned that "trick" first in the thread!!
And the bigger the ufo, the more elerium it carries.

I must say this time I've got more elerium than I'll ever need. But then I only used some to build psi amps, some power suits for my best troops (the other get the lighter armour that doesn't need any elerium) and I've been using mostly laser rifles, even when I had enough heavy plasma clips. So basically I just need elerium to keep my Firestorms in the air.
And my Avengers, but those only come out to intercept the most dangerous ufo type. I still use Skyrangers for all missions except alien bases, as they don't require any elerium.

PrejudiceSucks 23-04-2005 07:50 AM

True. Avalanche Missiles will take down anything less good than a Terror Ship, though, like Supply Ships for example.

Supply Ships do have loads of armour, though, so you might want a couple of ships.

Did you know that Careful actually makes your weapons more accurate too. It's pretty handy when you really want to take down small ships, for whatever reason.

In other news I R TEH 1337th POSTZORX!!!12!!

*edit* : seems Another Guest is the 1337 poster. Oh well. :D

*extra edit* : Another_Guest, why are you using anything larger than a Skyranger on Alien base attacks? They can carry enough soldiers and equipment to get the job done, especially if it contains 14 people with Laser Rifles and Alien Grenades.

Another_Tip for you (see what I did there? Hehey) in cities or alien bases, if you see any red barrels and/or a petrol station, if you fire on it, it will blow itself up. Here is a tip I learned by accident, though. If you Auto Fire on them, then the barrels / petrol station will not be destroyed until all 3 shots have gone, however it will explode 3 times.

axident 23-04-2005 10:04 AM


Originally posted by another_guest+Apr 23 2005, 07:48 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (another_guest @ Apr 23 2005, 07:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-LOL@Apr 23 2005, 04:56 AM
man elerium 115 or what ever is called is sure a pain in the behind ... i only have like 56 of them and i have to wait for a UFO to land insted of intercept them so i can get elerium
When shooting down ufo's, use the careful attack. That way you have the best chance that some of the ufo's engines will survive, especially when they have more than one. It makes a huge difference, so thanks to whoever mentioned that "trick" first in the thread!!
And the bigger the ufo, the more elerium it carries.

I must say this time I've got more elerium than I'll ever need. But then I only used some to build psi amps, some power suits for my best troops (the other get the lighter armour that doesn't need any elerium) and I've been using mostly laser rifles, even when I had enough heavy plasma clips. So basically I just need elerium to keep my Firestorms in the air.
And my Avengers, but those only come out to intercept the most dangerous ufo type. I still use Skyrangers for all missions except alien bases, as they don't require any elerium. [/b][/quote]

Thanks to my overkill-game where I'm trying to get 100 top-notch soldiers with maximum stats, I've downed hundreds of UFOs (or waited for them to land first), and I have more E-115 than I'll ever realistically need, now. So I don't even bother with Skyrangers anymore... no point, when I have so much E-115 that I have to build extra general stores just to house it.

The setup I use for each base consists of one Avenger with only ONE Plasma beam, set to Cautious + attack smaller UFOs. The rest are Firestorms and Avengers with dual Plasmas. I used to have one of them with nothing but Laser Cannons, to try to down small UFOs with E-115 intact, but a single-Plasma-cautious attack works okay, plus I usually try to wait until a UFO lands so I have a 100% chance of nabbing the E-115.

***********WARNING: SPOILER/CHEAT METHOD***********

Another way to get around E-115 limits is to cheat on construction materials: Click to build something that uses lots of E-115, like Flying Armor. Have 0 engineers and build 0 armors. Then click on it again, increase the amount of armor to 1, and staff it with engineers. You get the armor for free. You have to have some alloys and 16 units of E-115 to even start building the armor in the first place, though.

another_guest 23-04-2005 11:15 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Apr 23 2005, 07:50 AM
Another_Guest, why are you using anything larger than a Skyranger on Alien base attacks? They can carry enough soldiers and equipment to get the job done, especially if it contains 14 people with Laser Rifles and Alien Grenades.
Tanks... For alien bases I use 3 laser tanks to spot, keeping most of my soldiers in the green rooms, ready to MC any alien I've found.
I started doing this after I once lost 2 soldiers and 3 stunned aliens (2 leaders, 1 commander) to a single blaster bomb :whistle:
Since these are my best psi soldiers, I'd rather not take too much risk...

Besides, I've got $80 million now, and tanks are about the only thing I can spend any money on :)

An4rchy 23-04-2005 12:55 PM


When I run the game in Windows XP it is just too fast. When I move my mouse pointer to one side the screen warps to the other side of the map!! :help:

Guest 23-04-2005 01:49 PM

Actually, seems that the chances of a downed ufo having the engines working does not depend on how do you intercep or shoot it, being a set percentage (supposedly 70% for each power unit)

For ufos with several power units together, like terror ships and supply ships, it´s all or nothing: each one must pass the 70% chance, and if one blows up, everyone is destroyed. For ufos with separate power units, like battleships or abductors, the explosion of one unit doesn´t afect the other/s.

Kearnsy 23-04-2005 02:21 PM

I just had something quite strange happen... Im watching the geoscape an suddenly the reseach compleated screen comes up saying that I researched a live alien. (First time a silicoid, then sectopod, etc.)
Only thing is I havent started research on any of them!! I dont even have most of them!! :eeeeeh: :w00t:

I dont really mind, but has anyone else incountered this?

An4rchy: have tried lowering the scroll speed on the options menu?

PrejudiceSucks 23-04-2005 02:23 PM

If you researched a Medic of any race then you can be sure to get an extra 'free' live race's info. It helps a lot, I tell you.

I got a Sectoid Medic, researched it, got Etherial info then Psi Powers.... Booya!

Old Lou 23-04-2005 02:49 PM

You need a medic to be able to research the alive lifeforms of the alien big races, for example disks and sectopods, also the same with hallucinoid in Xcom2. For any reason you cannot get those big brutes alive by stunning them in combat and you'll need the medics of the smaller races. Maybe they can't be kept alive in the containment cells of the base.
What I do to get amounts of elerium:
If you want elerium, concentrate on very large ships, they are not frequent, thats right, but they will appear sooner or later, and wait, they usually make multiple landings before desappearing so keep vigilant and send your skyranger over them, raid them in the ground and you'll get plenty of things to sell.
Another way is to raid the large supply ships when they are landed over the alien colony base.
Don't get hurt!
Bye, good hunting.

Old Lou 23-04-2005 03:11 PM



When I run the game in Windows XP it is just too fast. When I move my mouse pointer to one side the screen warps to the other side of the map!!*

You can go to options and select the minimun (1) scroll speed, also you can switch the xcom and alien movements to minimun, or both.
Another option that worked fine for me with xcom2 was running programs in the windows background, it slowed down the game speed enough to make it playable, you can try with big programs that need a lot of memory and cpu to work. My combination was Word+Photoshop(with pic loaded)+Music (mp3 player like Wmedia or winamp) and it worked really good.

Kearnsy 23-04-2005 03:14 PM

Clever thinking Old Lou!! :ok:

Jman4117 23-04-2005 05:34 PM

Simplist way would be to download a slowdown utility like Moslo or Turbo.

As for the weapon's power vs engine survival: It's completely random (provided the weapons doesn't destroy the craft). Just try repeatedly reloading and landing at the same UFO to test it. You'll probably come up with something around the 70% explosion rate that the Guest stated above.

PrejudiceSucks 23-04-2005 06:37 PM

Actually, I discovered earlier that you can capture those big aliens. Get 4 soldiers with Stun Rods, surround a Sectopod and have them all stun it twice. It should work.

The problem is that you can only collect it at the end of the mission, so you have to keep it stunned until then. At this point, it's yours.

I DO NOT recommend trying to stun a Cyberdisk with Flying Suits, as it explodes when it thinks it had died. This includes it being stunned, so watch out!

LoneWolf 23-04-2005 10:44 PM

OK. I am a member but forgot my info...

I have a question, can you capture and use alien ships thhat are undamaged and if so how???, I really like that tinny one this is 1 square big its looks cool and somehow held 5 aliens??? also I am doing good and got some good vetrins, niceshots, but I am at a big lack of Elleriam and $$$ my base is in the USA, your biggest finacial contibutor, and have attacked many undammaged ships, successfully but am still at a loss. One finall thing :ot: I AM SOOOO GLAD I HAVE A WIN 98,IT RUNS MOST FAILY RECIENT THINGS, LIKE SHOGUN TOTAL WAR LEVEL AND RUNS ALL DOS GAMES EASLY WITH NO OTHER APPS!!!! :ot:
:bleh: :bleh:

a1s 23-04-2005 11:33 PM

I don't know if this has been asked about yet (91 page! get real!!!), but I wanted to know if it was possible to attack a UFO with multiple fighters (at the same time) I think I did this once, but since it was only once I thought I sort of dreamed the whole experience. I've recently got inderect proof you can do it (in the chalenges part of the forum, allthough they might have meant one after another).
So... is it possible? and if yes, does it require mad skillz or is there an easy way?

Lizard 24-04-2005 12:05 AM


Originally posted by a1s@Apr 24 2005, 12:33 AM
I don't know if this has been asked about yet (91 page! get real!!!), but I wanted to know if it was possible to attack a UFO with multiple fighters (at the same time) I think I did this once, but since it was only once I thought I sort of dreamed the whole experience. I've recently got inderect proof you can do it (in the chalenges part of the forum, allthough they might have meant one after another).
So... is it possible? and if yes, does it require mad skillz or is there an easy way?

It is possible and not that difficult.Or it was possible in X-com:TFTD? :eeeeeh:
I am sure that in one,(or both) of X-Coms is possible to find with multiple crafts against Ufo

Btw it is in easy way.Just dont attack with your click on two squares that are in upper left corner in battle screen,and then send other crafts to Ufo...
I hope you understood,I have certain difficulties to explain something in english :wall:

another_guest 24-04-2005 12:34 AM


Originally posted by LoneWolf@Apr 23 2005, 10:44 PM
I have a question, can you capture and use alien ships thhat are undamaged and if so how???, I really like that tinny one this is 1 square big its looks cool and somehow held 5 aliens??? also I am doing good and got some good vetrins, niceshots, but I am at a big lack of Elleriam and $$$ my base is in the USA, your biggest finacial contibutor, and have attacked many undammaged ships, successfully but am still at a loss.
You can't use alien ships, even if they are undamaged.

You should never have any money problems... Recruit engineers, then build laser cannons in order to sell them. In my current game I've got 100-150 engineers, and I've always had more money than I could spend. Each engineer makes a net profit of some $44000 per month when building laser cannons, if I remember well.

There's been a lot of advise on elerium in the past few pages of this forum. Just to repeat some of the main points:
- If possible, focus on the largest ufos you can take on. Small ufos usually end up with destroyed engines if you shoot them, whereas larger ufos have multiple power sources. It's even better if the ufo has landed, so try to get there before the ufo takes off again.
- Use laser rifles until you've got enough heavy plasma clips you've captured from aliens. When disarming MC'ed aliens, remove the ammunition from their heavy plasma if it has been fired before: incomplete ammo clips are lost at the end of the battle, unless you've removed them from the weapon before.
Stick to skyrangers, they don't need any elerium.

@ Lizard: your method will work, but it's a bit risky if the ufo flies faster than your interceptor/firestorm: there's always a chance that the ufo will outrun your craft before the second one gets there.

Juan Rayo 24-04-2005 03:09 AM


When I first downloaded the game, installed it and started playing right away. No problemas at ALL. Lucky me, cause I am absolutely ignorant of all things computer and couldn't use DOSBOX if it came with a joystick.

Last time I loaded the game, though, for whatever reason it got SUPERFAST. Even if I set movement and firing and all to 1 (lowest speed I think) it STILL is superfast. Any ideas what could have caused this?

Jman4117 24-04-2005 03:30 AM

The trick with multiple interceptors is to get all of them after the ufo at standoff range. Then you get all the windows maximized and rapidly put all to aggressive. With luck, 4 interceptors with dual plasma can take down a battleship with one lost and three undamaged (Battleship oneshots interceptors).

Old Lou 24-04-2005 03:45 AM

You can use DosBox to run the game, but I only recommend it if you have a very fast computer. It's easy to use.
Other option is to use Mo'Slow but it didn't work when I tried to use it with Xcom.
So I reduced the game loading some aplications and running the game after that at the same time. And I was able to reduce the speed.
On the other hand, responding to some of you about chasing alien ships with multiple interceptors I'd say that is a highly recommendable tactic when you wanna shoot down medium/large ships at early stages of the game when you still don't have the tech to shoot em down with only one interceptor. You can try it with very large too but the thing becomes risky. The bad part of this tactic is that your interceptors will remain some days without hunting at the hangars for reparations.

lol 24-04-2005 06:01 AM

i have trouble whit the music it gets kinda cut is there a solution for this?

Guest 24-04-2005 06:04 AM


Originally posted by a1s@Apr 23 2005, 11:33 PM
I don't know if this has been asked about yet (91 page! get real!!!), but I wanted to know if it was possible to attack a UFO with multiple fighters (at the same time) I think I did this once, but since it was only once I thought I sort of dreamed the whole experience. I've recently got inderect proof you can do it (in the chalenges part of the forum, allthough they might have meant one after another).
So... is it possible? and if yes, does it require mad skillz or is there an easy way?

You can. send several interceptors against the craft. When one of the ufo and the interception window opens, push the minimize button that´s at the upper left corner of it; the window will dissapear and be replaced by a small icon of the craft. Then wait (you may have to put the game in a faster speed) until another interceptor joins the fray; you can do the same with this, until you have the maximum of 4 interceptors against the same ufo. Then click on the icons, and the interception windows will appear again, this time with all the crafts attacking at the same time.

Once you get the plasma beams, this is only neccesary with the battleships, since the plasma beams outrange all ufos but the ´ship and has enough ammo to bring a dozen of them down.

PrejudiceSucks 24-04-2005 08:08 AM

The music is cut if you are not a VIP. The version with music + videos is about 30 mb.

You might be thinking 'ha, 30mb, that's a piss-take' , but on the other hand thousands upon thousands have already downloaded this. There has to have been about at least 100gb worth of downloads, all of which costs a lot of money. If you times that by six, then the site would be bankrupt before you can say 'bandwith rent'.

Interceptors only make good fighters against anything less hard than a Battleship. I don't know what people are doing setting them all to Aggressive, you will cause as much damage without killing everyone onboard and blowing out all of the engines if you put your ships in 'careful'. Range between the Battleship and your craft gives no indication of the damage caused.

Firestorms (not Avengers) should be used against Battleships as they can take a hit from the battleship and survive. Three Firestorms with Plasma Cannons will down a Battleship with no trouble. You could send one Avenger in with crew as well as Plasma Cannons, but I seriously doubt it being a good idea. An Avenger full of good soldiers and 3 Plasma Cannon Hovertanks is just waiting to be shot down, losing you millions of dollar's worth of soldiers, experience, tanks, building materials and also a craft suitable for the Cydonia attack.

The real question is whether you can send more than one landing craft in to fight the UFOs on the ground or those that you have downed. I have never tried, due to the definate risk of a crash, but someone else could give it a go! :pimp:

Xcom fan 24-04-2005 08:56 AM


Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Apr 24 2005, 03:09 AM
Last time I loaded the game, though, for whatever reason it got SUPERFAST. Even if I set movement and firing and all to 1 (lowest speed I think) it STILL is superfast. Any ideas what could have caused this?

Try to run the small file along with the download (4KB), it's the loader that runs the main file. The loader set the speed to normal at XP

another_guest 24-04-2005 11:33 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Apr 24 2005, 08:08 AM
Firestorms (not Avengers) should be used against Battleships as they can take a hit from the battleship and survive...
I use empty Avengers with plasma cannons to shoot alien retaliation ufos heading for my bases. While my defenses would take care of them, this would yield me no points at all. Just shooting one of those is worth some 500 points, plus you can retrieve their elerium and other loot afterwards.
Firestorms are never fast enough to intercept those ufos, it's even a close call with an Avenger.
So far none of my Avengers has ever sustained more than 40% damage, but I'm playing at standard difficulty.

I don't know if there's a difference in fuel (elerium) costs between 1 Avenger or 3 Firestorms.

Filipsan 24-04-2005 03:02 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Apr 24 2005, 08:08 AM
The music is cut if you are not a VIP. The version with music + videos is about 30 mb.

Interceptors only make good fighters against anything less hard than a Battleship. I don't know what people are doing setting them all to Aggressive, you will cause as much damage without killing everyone onboard and blowing out all of the engines if you put your ships in 'careful'. Range between the Battleship and your craft gives no indication of the damage caused.

What music ?
I have all music in game, and i'm sure i've also intro.. hmm strange :D

To that second think.. well i can't understant wery well, but you are saying that using 'careful' will cause that ship will be downed withot damage (e.g. alee power sources will be alright) ??

Jman4117 24-04-2005 04:35 PM

I think he is talking about all the video that was put into the TFTD CE version.

As for the aggressive interceptor attacks: Aggressive attack = faster fire rate
and if you are despirate and have only interceptors to take it down at the want to drop it fast so you don't lose them all in the attack...

PrejudiceSucks 24-04-2005 07:20 PM

If you only have interceptors than your soldiers can't be that good. Down the smaller UFOs with Interceptors (with Avalanches until you get Plasma Cannons) and take their elerium. Once you have an OK amount (say 200) then start investing in Plasma Cannons and armour for your soldiers. Heavy Plasmas are handy for beginners, they kill in pretty much one shot (even Mutons are downed in one), but a lot of people prefer Laser Rifles, me included.

If you are getting really beaten, I suggest just running away. Don't give the enemy a chance to kill all of yor soldiers, you are given credit for even turning up, use it.

Oh for some of you veterans, here is a hint (that you may know, but whatever). There is no problem if you just intercept a ship (of any size) but do not attack it. You get points for not ignoring it, so just attack those battleships (even at the start) but run back to base.

Lizard 24-04-2005 09:49 PM

Just a question,I am not sure about this point:
You lose the game, when your monthly costs will be greater than your funding,or your monthly costs will be paid from your cash and you lose when you dont have cash anymore? :blink:
I never paid attention to my monthly costs before.... :whistle:

axident 24-04-2005 09:58 PM


Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 24 2005, 09:49 PM
Just a question,I am not sure about this point:
You lose the game, when your monthly costs will be greater than your funding,or your monthly costs will be paid from your cash and you lose when you dont have cash anymore? :blink:
I never paid attention to my monthly costs before.... :whistle:

All that matters is your monthly ending balance.

For instance, if you have 1000 Engineers in 8 full-fledged bases, that's a HUGE bill at the end of the month, way more than funding, probably. But as long as those engineers are making lots of laser cannons for sale, and you sell the cannons, then you'll be fine.

Funding $10 million/month
Expenses $50 million/month

Means that at the end of the month, right before the funding screen pops up, you need $40 million in the bank. If you have less, you begin the next month with a negative balance.

If you have two straight months of negative balance at the end of the month, game over.

Lizard 24-04-2005 10:00 PM

Ahhh....Fine I thought so...
I never looked into monthly costs before(and checked it with fundings.....)So I was little shocked when there was around 5mil salary for my scientists and engineers... :blink:

Sharp 25-04-2005 04:35 PM

heh, just a lil hint which some may consider cheating, others may call it...... good book-keeping.

Simply transfer all engineers/scienists to other bases just before the end of the month. They are in transit during the month change, they are not yet at any of your bases so do not count up to your base(s) monthly costs.

This can be done with soldiers (and skyrangers/interceptors i think) but they are best kept as you never know when you might need them.

This is probably the best way to keep you in the green.

efthimios 25-04-2005 04:55 PM

That is so real life LOL

Spookyfish 25-04-2005 06:16 PM

Heh. It's like you're telling them, "Sorry guys, the travelling expenses replace your salary for this month. Hey, stop complaining, you got free cookies!".

I found this rather neat site that covers pretty much everything on the game. The link seems to be broken now though... Damn. Anyone got any links to a decent UFO site with strategy and that lot?

another_guest 25-04-2005 07:18 PM

I think is a decent one. Topics here on abandonia have gone more in debt than probably any site, but this one covers quite a bit of the game and strategy.

Guest 25-04-2005 07:37 PM

Does anyone know exactly which version of UFO is available for download? Is it the latest? I've got X-Com (the US version) and I'm just wondering if figuring out how to install that and patching it would give me a more "pure" UFO experience. :blink: I'm a bit obsessive about my games...

Also, has anyone tried to use XComUtil with this version? How does it work?

X-Com was the first game I ever played, but I never finished it (got damn close though, and I was only 8 years old) I mean to remedy that now.

admanb 25-04-2005 07:38 PM

^ That's me. Forgot I had an account here. :tai:

SPAM 25-04-2005 10:19 PM

This game is real fun... UNTIL THE 100000000000000 TIME TO START A NEW GAME AND STILL CAN NOT GET A GOOD START!!! I once had a captian and 3 sarges andthe rest squadies on a full trans all laser rifles and nades and stun rodes. this was in the 1st month so it was pretty good. I had just captured a 2 engineers a navagator and 4 soldirs. ok all of the unconios ones were in my ship ready to leave in case of big problem. then one dumb alien i has hunting for pops out of nowhere shoots one guy, end of turn. My captian goes nuts an shoots my sarges and 2 squaddies. then the allien throws this weired granade and all my men run like headless chickens till the bomb blows up and kills all but the one in te ship. I get ready to take off with thease captives to find out that one has woken up and taken one of my own rifles and the one perfictly fine suaddie goes nuts instead of stunning the guy. eventually kills the allien in his madnes and i hit abort. Aw well i got a navagator engineer and soldire still right wrong i found ou my alien containment facility was 1 hour from being compleated. then the countries say screw you and forget the program!!!! Earth is in doodoo and i am dead!!! this is just one of my triles to most are not as bad but still the same end result. I have another where the rookies I hire by some stroke of luck can sniper real well and seldome miss but that file is about 15 days form program shutdown and I can not salvage it because I only have on fighter (the other got shot down) and a lighting with 1/2 a tank of fule which if I could get it to take off and fight with the interceptor could then take down a larger ship and have fule!!! I have read the tips about the game but can not seem to do squat, I have even had powered armor and lost every guy. manly because 1 guy was killed so the rest go insane while one allien kills them all, I just want to slap some since into my men!!! Please some one give some good help of the path to reserch in the begining or somthing!!!!!! I am so confused :eeeeeh: it is making me angry :ranting: and sad :cry: which mixed together over time make you sick :sick: I praise :kosta: any one who can stop me from hitting my head on the wall :wall:

Brought to you in part by----SPAM

Jman4117 26-04-2005 03:10 AM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Apr 25 2005, 06:16 PM
Heh. It's like you're telling them, "Sorry guys, the travelling expenses replace your salary for this month. Hey, stop complaining, you got free cookies!".

I found this rather neat site that covers pretty much everything on the game. The link seems to be broken now though... Damn. Anyone got any links to a decent UFO site with strategy and that lot?

Jman4117 26-04-2005 03:17 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Apr 25 2005, 07:37 PM
Does anyone know exactly which version of UFO is available for download? Is it the latest? I've got X-Com (the US version) and I'm just wondering if figuring out how to install that and patching it would give me a more "pure" UFO experience. :blink: I'm a bit obsessive about my games...

Also, has anyone tried to use XComUtil with this version? How does it work?

X-Com was the first game I ever played, but I never finished it (got damn close though, and I was only 8 years old) I mean to remedy that now.

The purest one would probably be 1.2 patched with xcomutil to fix the difficulty bug. 1.4 has a few sound bugs and the Collector's Edition has numerous bugs that can't be fixed (Vertical blaster bombs, proximity grenades, etc.)

And since you have "Xcom: UFO Defense" you probably have 1.2. If it doesn't have the thing where you enter a code from the manual, then it is 1.4

Jman4117 26-04-2005 04:02 AM


Originally posted by SPAM@Apr 25 2005, 10:19 PM
This game is real fun... UNTIL THE 100000000000000 TIME TO START A NEW GAME AND STILL CAN NOT GET A GOOD START!!! I once had a captian and 3 sarges andthe rest squadies on a full trans all laser rifles and nades and stun rodes. this was in the 1st month so it was pretty good. I had just captured a 2 engineers a* navagator and 4 soldirs. ok all of the unconios ones were in my ship ready to leave in case of big problem. then one dumb alien i has hunting for pops out of nowhere shoots one guy, end of turn.* My captian goes nuts an shoots my sarges and 2 squaddies.* then the allien throws this weired granade and all my men run like headless chickens till the bomb blows up and kills all but the one in te ship. I get ready to take off with thease captives to find out that one has woken up and taken one of my own rifles and the one perfictly fine suaddie goes nuts instead of stunning the guy.* eventually kills the allien in his madnes and i hit abort. Aw well i got a navagator engineer and soldire still right wrong i found ou my alien containment facility was 1 hour from being compleated. then the countries say screw you and forget the program!!!! Earth is in doodoo and i am dead!!! this is just one of my triles to most are not as bad but still the same end result.* I have another where the rookies I hire by some stroke of luck can sniper real well and seldome miss but that file is about 15 days form program shutdown and I can not salvage it because I only have on fighter (the other got shot down) and a lighting with 1/2 a tank of fule which if I could get it to take off and fight with the interceptor could then take down a larger ship and have fule!!!* I have read the tips about the game but can not seem to do squat, I have even had powered armor and lost every guy. manly because 1 guy was killed so the rest go insane while one allien kills them all, I just want to slap some since into my men!!!* Please some one give some good help of the path to reserch in the begining or somthing!!!!!!* I am so confused :eeeeeh:* it is making me angry :ranting:* and sad* :cry:* which mixed together over time make you sick :sick:* I praise :kosta:* any one who can stop me from hitting my head on the wall :wall:

Brought to you in part by----SPAM

If you are losing on month two then you are going over budget. Two months straight in debt = termination. Get up to 20 soldiers, 10 engineers, 20 scientists and 2 tanks in the first few months. Should keep you in the green moneywise.

As for research go with something like: laser pistol, laser rifle, alien alloys, personal armour, medkit, laser cannon, heavy plasma, plasma cannon, craft tech, power armour, crafts, mars.


Bring 10 soldiers and a rocket tank. Laser anything is better than the rifles and pistols you start with. Swap those out ASAP. If your troops have over 35 strength, give them autocannons. If they have decent accuracy on top of it, give them either heavy cannons or rocket launchers. The cannons should be firing HE rounds +90% of the time. Give these guys sidearms in case they run out of ammo or get in a close range battle. The weaker troops get your rifles and pistols along with a mix of proximity nades, standard nades, and HE packs (and bring two smoke grenades, they are nice for departure).

Turn 1: Prime both smoke grenades. Throw one at the top of the ramp and one at the base.

Turn 2: Send the tank and 4 guys out the back. Clear the immediate area.

Turn 3 ->: Scout with the tank and fire with the soldiers from the rear. Find the UFO then put a proximity nade 1 meter from the door. Clear the map on the exterior on the UFO. Move your remaining guys out as you clear the map.

Entry: After securing the various buildings, etc on the map, move you troops towards the UFO. If nothing came out and tripped the proxy while you where scouting, blow it with a standard nade. Move your highest reaction troops next to the door (Laser pistol rocks here vs sectiods/floaters). Send them straight into the door with maxed TUs. If there is more than one alien on a line of sight, move back out; if only one, shoot it and move out; otherwise find cover inside. Move more troops in over the next few turns. If the engine is intact don't use HE with your heavy weapons troops, use their sidearms. Work your way through the ship slowly, high reaction troopers first, until you wipe out the remaining crew. (And if the interior is gutted and there is no engine: Nuke the hell out of the place with HE..... :evil: )

another_guest 26-04-2005 06:04 AM

:ok: Nice explanation, Jman!!

Only 1 thing I could add at the moment: if you see holes in the roof of a small ufo (I mean one measuring 9 squares by 9 squares), you know that its engine has blown up, so you can toss HE packs through the hole in the roof. I usually try to throw at least one as far away from the ufo's door as possible, as there's much chance that there will be aliens at the back of the ufo. When there's smoke inside, it's hard to see them when entering, so it's nice if you can blow them up first :)

Student 26-04-2005 10:04 AM

Yeah that should do (ive tested it myself). :evil: :evil:
BTW why do i always have to send troops to cydonia? id rather nuke the place :evil: .

student 26-04-2005 10:14 AM

And theres an neat tactic to use on small ufos (but not tiny).
if the roof is holed throw in smoke grenades and wait until the alians choke in the smoke of run to the exit :D and place a tank near it :evil: .
This is an option for throwing grenades that can damage other worthy elements
navigation and so on. + you may get living aliens if they decide to stay in the smoke.

Spookyfish 26-04-2005 10:45 AM

I suppose it is because [deep_voice]THE BRAIN[/deep_voice] is deep underground.

THEEVILOFMEN 26-04-2005 12:36 PM

:ranting: :ranting:

I'll admit, I both love and hate this game. I love it because it is eqasy to learn the controls, but I HATE IT BECAUSE IT IS TO FREAKING HARD!!!! I thought this was the easier one of the two!

The Fifth Horseman 26-04-2005 12:55 PM


I thought this was the easier one of the two!

It is...

Microprose Veteran 26-04-2005 04:32 PM

HA, this game is Easy!

Okay, you'll have to play it a coupla times before you know what to research and what not. For instance, most aliens don't need to be researched, only the little greys and the floaters I think.

Once you have the PSI ability, the game turns into a walk over. When you are able to take over the aliens, let them walk outside (drop their weapons first) and let your new recruits have some target practice with them. :D

I got so good at it, that I restricted myself so the game would still be challenging. If you're ace at this game and getting bored, try this:

- only use human weapons, no alien technology (okay, lasers are allowed because rifles are just too light)
- only use the first basic armor (this should be fun)
- whatever you do, always have a rocket-firing tank with you
- don't worry about messing up the place (farms, houses, people...) after all, this is WAR

With these restrictions, try stopping a chrysalid with, say, heavy explosives LOL. Just keep those explosive runners away from the rest of the team or you'll end up blowing your own team.

When all looks desperate in a terror mission, when chrysalids are multiplying etc, don't hesitate to *shoot* the *civilians!* This will cost you penalty points, but at least those civilians won't be turned into zombies/chrysalids. After killing all civilians, extract your surviving team members, better try next time.

Jman4117 26-04-2005 05:05 PM

Just stun the civies. They turn alien if they wake up, but you don't lose points this way.

bahman 26-04-2005 05:22 PM

Well it is almost second week that I keep playing this game whole night and also all weekend, but I still don't like it.

admanb 26-04-2005 05:34 PM


Originally posted by bahman@Apr 26 2005, 05:22 PM
Well it is almost second week that I keep playing this game whole night and also all weekend, but I still don't like it.
You've been playing a game you don't like all weekend? Damn...

Does anyone know if the downloadable UFO here is the CE? It seems like it.

bahman 26-04-2005 05:39 PM


Originally posted by admanb+Apr 26 2005, 05:34 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (admanb @ Apr 26 2005, 05:34 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-bahman@Apr 26 2005, 05:22 PM
Well it is almost second week that I keep playing this game whole night and also all weekend, but I still don't like it.
You've been playing a game you don't like all weekend? Damn...

Does anyone know if the downloadable UFO here is the CE? It seems like it. [/b][/quote]
Well I don't sleep when I like a game...

By the way, what is CE? Is it a weopon...?

Jman4117 26-04-2005 05:50 PM

Collector's Edition, aka Windows version

SPAM 26-04-2005 08:19 PM

thanks guys for the tips. shortly after I posted that message though I started againg did real good troops never went insane and only lost 2 men by monthe 3 yeh good change. By the way i use tactics and damn good ones my men are just retarted or something they pee their pants when they see an allien :angry: but I was doing good till I attacked a large ufo with 3 interceptors with lasers and avalanches. Must not have been a supply ship. it invaded after that i had no fighters then because I just spent it on big base renovations and 2 laser tanks and the laser cannons for my fighters. aww well Ill go back to the save and stert saveing more often. :crazy: Thanx for the UFO capturing tricks usually i just bust in the front door and nade the place. and shoot everywhere. Blasted engeeiers in the engine :wall:

SPAM 26-04-2005 08:21 PM

eye now i kant spel gud

Lizard 26-04-2005 08:28 PM


Originally posted by SPAM@Apr 26 2005, 10:19 PM
thanks guys for the tips. shortly after I posted that message though I started againg did real good troops never went insane and only lost 2 men by monthe 3 yeh good change.* By the way i use tactics and damn good ones my men are just retarted or something they pee their pants when they see an allien* :angry:* but I was doing good till I attacked a large ufo with 3 interceptors with lasers and avalanches.* Must not have been a supply ship. it invaded after that i had no fighters then because I just spent it on big base renovations and 2 laser tanks and the laser cannons for my fighters. aww well Ill go back to the save and stert saveing more often. :crazy:* Thanx for the UFO capturing tricks usually i just bust in the front door and nade the place. and shoot everywhere. Blasted engeeiers in the engine :wall:
Ermm...Using Interceptors with laser cannons are pure suicide.When trying to down ufo bigger than "small" use two avalanches or plasma cannons(when you had researched it)

PrejudiceSucks 26-04-2005 08:36 PM

Laser Cannons are really handy on Lightnings that go 'Elerium Hunting' but very, very little else. They are handy at the beginning of the game for a good length of time but quickly start to let you down.

Interceptors with Avalanches are quite capable of taking down Terror UFOs to begin with, you should do this from the beginning if you are brave.

It gets your soldiers either very skilled or very dead. It's your call really.

Danny252 26-04-2005 08:36 PM

this is the collectors edition, yes.

Lizard 26-04-2005 09:08 PM


Originally posted by Student@Apr 26 2005, 12:04 PM
Yeah that should do (ive tested it myself). :evil: :evil:
BTW why do i always have to send troops to cydonia? id rather nuke the place :evil: .

Heh.Good point. :evil:
Btw can be nades destroyed by regular hit from regular weapons,or just from explosives
(The problem:Stunned enemy commander, and near him(my soldier fumbled :ranting: ) primed nade.Any explosion that would destroy nade will probably also kill a commander.And becouse I cleared etheral base just to get him I would be very unhappy if it happens.The question is:Can I destroy nade with nade with regular laser rifle/heavy plasma shot on floor where it lies?)

Jman4117 26-04-2005 10:20 PM

It has to be HE. Any strength will work as floor objects have 0 armor. Burning might also do it but I've never really tested.....

axident 26-04-2005 11:04 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 26 2005, 09:08 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 26 2005, 09:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Student@Apr 26 2005, 12:04 PM
Yeah that should do (ive tested it myself). :evil:* :evil:
BTW why do i always have to send troops to cydonia? id rather nuke the place :evil: .

Heh.Good point. :evil:
Btw can be nades destroyed by regular hit from regular weapons,or just from explosives
(The problem:Stunned enemy commander, and near him(my soldier fumbled :ranting: ) primed nade.Any explosion that would destroy nade will probably also kill a commander.And becouse I cleared etheral base just to get him I would be very unhappy if it happens.The question is:Can I destroy nade with nade with regular laser rifle/heavy plasma shot on floor where it lies?) [/b][/quote]
You can blow stuff on the ground up with:

alien grenade
High Explosives
Any explosive ammunition for weapons (e.g., rockets, blaster bombs)
dying Cyberdisks (treated as alien grenade)
not sure: smoke grenade

Sharp 26-04-2005 11:42 PM

If its only the alien commander thats there then just have one dude guarding him with a stun launcher w/bomb (just-incase he wakes up and doesnt move and set of the nade)

Then clear the rest of the base of all other alien scummies and take home your shiny new etherial commander all stunned up but undamaged. Now if you dont have a stun-launcher (possible) try and find one ASAP (i think a few aliens carry them sometimes) , throw a few smoke grenades or just wait there with one troop who should be carrying nothing in his hands (or mabye just a stun-rod) so he will get MC'ed but the commander hopefully wont move. Then clear out the area from other aliens and find a stun launcher.

Any other way you can screw that up then your royally buggered.

And if your still doing your human only tech, then smoke grenades is all you can use really. However if you throw a grenade just far away enough so it hits the first grenade in the blast radius but far away from the Alien Commander so it wont kill/seriously wound him then that should work fine. Destroyed grenades dont explode.

Here is a question though which is easy to find out yet im too lazy to be arsed to do it myself, if you drop a prox nade or primed grenade and it doesnt go off after the map ends, do you get the grenade back???

axident 27-04-2005 08:01 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Apr 26 2005, 11:42 PM
If its only the alien commander thats there then just have one dude guarding him with a stun launcher w/bomb (just-incase he wakes up and doesnt move and set of the nade)

Then clear the rest of the base of all other alien scummies and take home your shiny new etherial commander all stunned up but undamaged. Now if you dont have a stun-launcher (possible) try and find one ASAP (i think a few aliens carry them sometimes) , throw a few smoke grenades or just wait there with one troop who should be carrying nothing in his hands (or mabye just a stun-rod) so he will get MC'ed but the commander hopefully wont move. Then clear out the area from other aliens and find a stun launcher.

Any other way you can screw that up then your royally buggered.

And if your still doing your human only tech, then smoke grenades is all you can use really. However if you throw a grenade just far away enough so it hits the first grenade in the blast radius but far away from the Alien Commander so it wont kill/seriously wound him then that should work fine. Destroyed grenades dont explode.

Here is a question though which is easy to find out yet im too lazy to be arsed to do it myself, if you drop a prox nade or primed grenade and it doesnt go off after the map ends, do you get the grenade back???

I don't know about regular grenades, but I once littered my base with prox mines in an hour of desperation, and I got all the unexploded ones back in my inventory afterwards.

PrejudiceSucks 27-04-2005 11:54 AM

Dunno about that. What I really want is for Proximity nades to have some kind of safety switch on them.

It especially annoying with TFTD if you step on your own nade, it says '-soldier name- is stunned!' and then will not work. At all. It just dies.

Wow there are nearly 1.5k posts! That almost as many as the whole Multiplayer section of the forum!

bahman 27-04-2005 05:21 PM

I am tired of this crush. Do you have the same problem when you play under xp?

PrejudiceSucks 27-04-2005 07:58 PM

crush? You mean crash?

It happens on all of the systems of the world , ever. And they haven't stopped it.

bahman 27-04-2005 08:31 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Apr 27 2005, 07:58 PM
crush? You mean crash?

It happens on all of the systems of the world , ever. And they haven't stopped it.

Well I meant crash although I wrote crush. Anyway I feel I am crushed when the game crashes many times. By the way do you have this cursh or crash problem too for this specific game under windows XP, when play during night, after having a good dinner and before going to bed, between 9:31:20-11:31:21 and just forget to save the game for a while and find yourself in this situation that you have to redo everything again and again... it especially becomes ridicolous when it happes after finishing a terror mission...

another_guest 27-04-2005 09:26 PM

The only bit of a "solution" is to save often, very often.
And keep multiple saved games, so that if one is corrupted for some reason, you'll still have a backup.

Lizard 27-04-2005 09:29 PM


Originally posted by bahman+Apr 27 2005, 10:31 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (bahman @ Apr 27 2005, 10:31 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-PrejudiceSucks@Apr 27 2005, 07:58 PM
crush? You mean crash?

It happens on all of the systems of the world , ever. And they haven't stopped it.

Well I meant crash although I wrote crush. Anyway I feel I am crushed when the game crashes many times. By the way do you have this cursh or crash problem too for this specific game under windows XP, when play during night, after having a good dinner and before going to bed, between 9:31:20-11:31:21 and just forget to save the game for a while and find yourself in this situation that you have to redo everything again and again... it especially becomes ridicolous when it happes after finishing a terror mission... [/b][/quote]
And this is a reason why is no reload challenge so gigantic pain in a*s...
(btw to sharp) I already finished humans-tech challenge, and went directly on no reload challenge :D

bahman 27-04-2005 09:43 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 27 2005, 09:29 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 27 2005, 09:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by bahman@Apr 27 2005, 10:31 PM

@Apr 27 2005, 07:58 PM
crush? You mean crash?

It happens on all of the systems of the world , ever. And they haven't stopped it.

Well I meant crash although I wrote crush. Anyway I feel I am crushed when the game crashes many times. By the way do you have this cursh or crash problem too for this specific game under windows XP, when play during night, after having a good dinner and before going to bed, between 9:31:20-11:31:21 and just forget to save the game for a while and find yourself in this situation that you have to redo everything again and again... it especially becomes ridicolous when it happes after finishing a terror mission...

And this is a reason why is no reload challenge so gigantic pain in a*s...
(btw to sharp) I already finished humans-tech challenge, and went directly on no refreshing challenge :D [/b][/quote]
No you misunderstood my problem. I mean, I normally save every other second durng the game or battle once everything goes wrong. The problem is that sometimes everything goes find for half an hour or so, then you just get so busy with game that you forget to save and suddenly the game crashes :cry:.

Lizard 27-04-2005 09:45 PM


Originally posted by bahman+Apr 27 2005, 11:43 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (bahman @ Apr 27 2005, 11:43 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 27 2005, 09:29 PM

Originally posted by bahman@Apr 27 2005, 10:31 PM



@Apr 27 2005, 07:58 PM
crush? You mean crash?

It happens on all of the systems of the world , ever. And they haven't stopped it.

Well I meant crash although I wrote crush. Anyway I feel I am crushed when the game crashes many times. By the way do you have this cursh or crash problem too for this specific game under windows XP, when play during night, after having a good dinner and before going to bed, between 9:31:20-11:31:21 and just forget to save the game for a while and find yourself in this situation that you have to redo everything again and again... it especially becomes ridicolous when it happes after finishing a terror mission...

And this is a reason why is no reload challenge so gigantic pain in a*s...
(btw to sharp) I already finished humans-tech challenge, and went directly on no refreshing challenge :D

No you misunderstood my problem. I mean, I normally save every other second durng the game or battle once everything goes wrong. The problem is that sometimes everything goes find for half an hour or so, then you just get so busy with game that you forget to save and suddenly the game crashes :cry:. [/b][/quote]
I understood it perfectly. :blink:
It is VERY annoying part of UFO

PrejudiceSucks 28-04-2005 06:36 AM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 27 2005, 09:45 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 27 2005, 09:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by bahman@Apr 27 2005, 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 27 2005, 09:29 PM

Originally posted by bahman@Apr 27 2005, 10:31 PM




@Apr 27 2005, 07:58 PM
crush? You mean crash?

It happens on all of the systems of the world , ever. And they haven't stopped it.

Well I meant crash although I wrote crush. Anyway I feel I am crushed when the game crashes many times. By the way do you have this cursh or crash problem too for this specific game under windows XP, when play during night, after having a good dinner and before going to bed, between 9:31:20-11:31:21 and just forget to save the game for a while and find yourself in this situation that you have to redo everything again and again... it especially becomes ridicolous when it happes after finishing a terror mission...

And this is a reason why is no reload challenge so gigantic pain in a*s...
(btw to sharp) I already finished humans-tech challenge, and went directly on no refreshing challenge :D

No you misunderstood my problem. I mean, I normally save every other second durng the game or battle once everything goes wrong. The problem is that sometimes everything goes find for half an hour or so, then you just get so busy with game that you forget to save and suddenly the game crashes :cry:.

I understood it perfectly. :blink:
It is VERY annoying part of UFO [/b][/quote]
It certainly is. I have never really got over it. You just have to save pretty much all of the time, which breaks the flow of the game. I even save just before I send anyone out of the Skyranger or whatever and save twice on the first turn too.

If you lose your best squad to a corrupted save, trust me, you WILL be pissed off.

Also, what is the record for the highest amount of quotes used?

P.S. This issue may have been resolved already, but if there is a proxy nade ANYWHERE on the map, then save your game and load it. Every single proximity grenade will go.

Sadly, it also takes out all of the useful ones too (I scatter tham around my landing craft as soon as everyone has gotten out of it)

Student 28-04-2005 06:51 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks+Apr 28 2005, 06:36 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (PrejudiceSucks @ Apr 28 2005, 06:36 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 27 2005, 09:45 PM

Originally posted by bahman@Apr 27 2005, 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 27 2005, 09:29 PM

Originally posted by bahman@Apr 27 2005, 10:31 PM





@Apr 27 2005, 07:58 PM
crush? You mean crash?

It happens on all of the systems of the world , ever. And they haven't stopped it.

Well I meant crash although I wrote crush. Anyway I feel I am crushed when the game crashes many times. By the way do you have this cursh or crash problem too for this specific game under windows XP, when play during night, after having a good dinner and before going to bed, between 9:31:20-11:31:21 and just forget to save the game for a while and find yourself in this situation that you have to redo everything again and again... it especially becomes ridicolous when it happes after finishing a terror mission...

And this is a reason why is no reload challenge so gigantic pain in a*s...
(btw to sharp) I already finished humans-tech challenge, and went directly on no refreshing challenge :D

No you misunderstood my problem. I mean, I normally save every other second durng the game or battle once everything goes wrong. The problem is that sometimes everything goes find for half an hour or so, then you just get so busy with game that you forget to save and suddenly the game crashes :cry:.

I understood it perfectly. :blink:
It is VERY annoying part of UFO

It certainly is. I have never really got over it. You just have to save pretty much all of the time, which breaks the flow of the game. I even save just before I send anyone out of the Skyranger or whatever and save twice on the first turn too.

If you lose your best squad to a corrupted save, trust me, you WILL be pissed off.

Also, what is the record for the highest amount of quotes used?

P.S. This issue may have been resolved already, but if there is a proxy nade ANYWHERE on the map, then save your game and load it. Every single proximity grenade will go.

Sadly, it also takes out all of the useful ones too (I scatter tham around my landing craft as soon as everyone has gotten out of it) [/b][/quote]
Over quoted

Grand Dad 28-04-2005 10:23 AM

Gosh I didn't know you still play X-Com series...I beat them (2) a long, long time ago, still have them and will re-start soon as I install.

I believe all MPS games were great, pity they too packed up, even before Sierra.
In my opinion Civilization was (IS) the greatest strategy game ever and a precurser of all others: followed by MS's AOE and AOM series; didn't much like Sierra's EE! But the that's new topic, if it's not already there I'll start it :ok:

The Fifth Horseman 28-04-2005 10:32 AM

Yes, and as you can see they are quite popular here. Myself I have yet to finish TFTD - and return to Apocalypse.

bahman 28-04-2005 02:17 PM


Originally posted by Grand Dad@Apr 28 2005, 10:23 AM
Gosh I didn't know you still play X-Com series...I beat them (2) a long, long time ago, still have them and will re-start soon as I install.

I believe all MPS games were great, pity they too packed up, even before Sierra.
In my opinion Civilization was (IS) the greatest strategy game ever and a precurser of all others: followed by MS's AOE and AOM series; didn't much like Sierra's EE! But the that's new topic, if it's not already there I'll start it :ok:

Well XCOM is almost a tough game rather than a complicated or hard game. You are mainly faced with many aliens and killing them took very much time and caution. I have to say that killing them is always fun but not more than that. CIV and MOO are really complicated and they are much more attractive too. I still remeber playing CIV for months. By the way what are AOE and AOM series?

The Fifth Horseman 28-04-2005 02:24 PM

Age Of Empires, Age Of Mythology (not sure about that second one).

axident 28-04-2005 05:44 PM


Originally posted by Grand Dad@Apr 28 2005, 10:23 AM
Gosh I didn't know you still play X-Com series...I beat them (2) a long, long time ago, still have them and will re-start soon as I install.

I believe all MPS games were great, pity they too packed up, even before Sierra.
In my opinion Civilization was (IS) the greatest strategy game ever and a precurser of all others: followed by MS's AOE and AOM series; didn't much like Sierra's EE! But the that's new topic, if it's not already there I'll start it :ok:

You mentioned good games like MOO, Civ, and AOE, but have you tried Master of Magic? If they updated the graphics/sound, fixed the bugs, and kept everything else the same, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I'd pre-order it if they made it multiplayer. :)

admanb 28-04-2005 05:57 PM

There's a patch here that fixes a lot of crash problems as well as some other stuff. It works with this version of the game.

Microprose Veteran 29-04-2005 01:04 AM

If the ship is too large or dangerous or your team is still recovering, try to shoot it down over sea.

Any UFO downed over sea just sinks and disappears.

Also, night missions are unneccessary (unless terror zone). Just hover near the crash site with your troop ship untill day dawns.

Jman4117 29-04-2005 02:58 AM

You can avoid night terror sites too. Just be sure you have a ship targeting it at the end of each hour. You can prolong the wait for days if you like. :P

PrejudiceSucks 29-04-2005 11:15 AM

Or alternatively just land with flares...

Also, you should NEVER just shoot something down over the sea, even a Terror Ship. Try to land it, because if you just blow it up you have wasted a lot of time. If you even just land at a UFO site for a single turn then you will get a lot of points. Even better, if you start killing the aliens (even by luck) then you should start raking in the points.

By the way, a quick question - Does anyone know if leaders are present at a terror site?

I also discovered yesterday (although some may know this) that floaters have medics too. I stunned a floater and hoped for a Techician or preferably Navigator, but it turned out to be a medic!

another_guest 29-04-2005 11:41 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Apr 29 2005, 11:15 AM
Also, you should NEVER just shoot something down over the sea, even a Terror Ship. Try to land it, because if you just blow it up you have wasted a lot of time. If you even just land at a UFO site for a single turn then you will get a lot of points. Even better, if you start killing the aliens (even by luck) then you should start raking in the points.
I'm not sure whether it's also true for terror ships, but I certainly get 500 points for downing very large alien retaliation ufos over the sea. I only do this for this particular ufo type, as letting my bases' defenses shoot it won't give me any points at all.
Smal and medium sized ufos don't yield any significant points, or at least not enough to show on the graphs.

I seem to remember there is at least one alien leader present at terror ships, so I think there should also be one or more at terror sites. Though I've never had more than 1 terror site since I started playing again, now I just down intercept any terror ship before it reaches its destination.

Lizard 29-04-2005 11:48 AM

I looked for Sectoid leader recently,on terror site,but I couldnt find him there...I even reloaded that battles 3 times,to scan those aliens that were killed before I could scan them before(reflection fire...)I dont know if I oversaw him, but myslef I think that crew that will be in Terror mission is more or less random (I had 10 cyberdisc and 7 sectoids in one mission, and 15 sectoids and 2 cyberdiscs in other.... :eeeeeh: )

PrejudiceSucks 29-04-2005 11:50 AM

I think I'd like the one with 2 cyberdisks more!

Fama 29-04-2005 01:17 PM

I've had a few missions with lots of big creatures. The first one was reapers - no problem really. Just ran out of ammo :D

The second was with cyberdiscs :wall: The good thing was, that 2 out of ~6-7 were killed when a sectoid fired at me when unloading from the skyranger - hit a cyberdisc which blew up another cyberdisc. Lucky me :ok:

Filipsan 29-04-2005 01:20 PM


Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 29 2005, 11:48 AM
I looked for Sectoid leader recently,on terror site,but I couldnt find him there...I even reloaded that battles 3 times,to scan those aliens that were killed before I could scan them before(reflection fire...)I dont know if I oversaw him, but myslef I think that crew that will be in Terror mission is more or less random (I had 10 cyberdisc and 7 sectoids in one mission, and 15 sectoids and 2 cyberdiscs in other.... :eeeeeh: )
I had a miision with etherals (it was UFO with their robots - skelepods or something like that - they look like animals and they are shooting plasma..)
Normally, there are 1-2 of them, once there were 5 of them !
And I'm not playing on beginner, so take them down with plasma rrifles takes a LOT of time :)

Fama 29-04-2005 02:38 PM

Sectopods (IIRC), and they have resistance versus plasma. They're weak against laser, mind you.

The Fifth Horseman 29-04-2005 02:59 PM

(with a voice of TV wonder-gizmo advertiser)

So, you had a hard time against Sectopods, Commander? They are indeed extremely resistant to conventional and plasma weapons.

Fear not!
Solution is to always pack a laser weapon or two.
Unlike the filthy alien weapons, these are genuine Human technology, do not require you to burden yourself with extra clips as they never run out of ammo and are safe for the enviroment!

Only 2500$ apiece!
Order now and receive a free set of towels!

LOL (sorry, I could not resist)

Angel 29-04-2005 05:44 PM


I find this page because i need the codes to enter in this game. When i buy this game 5 years ago, i had a blue page to do that, but i lost it.

I need help.

If any person can give me this codes to continue playing, please, let me this to:


Jman4117 29-04-2005 05:50 PM

You can patch the game to version 1.4 and forget about the codes :P

Microprose Veteran 29-04-2005 06:18 PM

What the heck are you guys talking about "losing points?"

I say shoot them down over sea if you havde to, screw the points! I played this game with survival on my mind, not points! If you don't have sufficient fit team members, you can't deal with the aliens. So shoot them down over sea. :sniper:

Jman4117 29-04-2005 06:26 PM

Shoot it down anywhere! If you can't take it right then, maybe you can shift guys around and hit it in the 3 odd days before it disappears. :max:

Lizard 29-04-2005 06:30 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Apr 29 2005, 08:26 PM
Shoot it down anywhere! If you can't take it right then, maybe you can shift guys around and hit it in the 3 odd days before it disappears. :max:
Then go there with skyranger(even if you have 1 soldier...) accept mission and take off....You will get 0 points for mission,but you will still get 500(?) points for downing UFO and iniciating tactical mission.It was often-used tactic in Earth challenge.
Ah but dont try it in Terror site,civilians get automatically killed and you will recieve BIG pentalty....

Jman4117 29-04-2005 06:39 PM

With the terror sites, landing and taking off gets you just the negative score for the civilian deaths. Ignoring gets you a -1000 >.<

axident 29-04-2005 10:22 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Apr 29 2005, 02:59 PM
(with a voice of TV wonder-gizmo advertiser)

So, you had a hard time against Sectopods, Commander? They are indeed extremely resistant to conventional and plasma weapons.

Fear not!
Solution is to always pack a laser weapon or two.
Unlike the filthy alien weapons, these are genuine Human technology, do not require you to burden yourself with extra clips as they never run out of ammo and are safe for the enviroment!

Only 2500$ apiece!
Order now and receive a free set of towels!

LOL (sorry, I could not resist)

I just packed a couple of Blaster Launchers and about 14 blaster bombs. :guns:

I say "packed" and not "pack" because now I have the luxury of having a ton of highly skilled, high-psi soldiers and psi amps, so I just walk Sectopods around and eventually they shoot themselves. :whistle:

PrejudiceSucks 30-04-2005 07:45 AM

Or if you really need to take down Sectopods then get the two soldiers who you consider to be the best shooters and arm them with Heavy Lasers and HE packs.

You get into some good cover, hit the Sectopod a couple of times before the end of the turn and then if anyone tries to get close you can just blow the crap out of them.

It's not that hard to do and will net you very, very easy kills. Before anyone criticises this, I have to say that Lasers do 150% damage vs Sectopods and Plasma weapons do 70%. Just don't even try taking one out with a pistol. It's not worth it.

Unless you also carry a Stun Rod! Get 1 very, very fit person (about 80/90 TUs) to run AROUND the sectopod, stunning each side! If you get all four in one turn then it is going to be asleep for a while!

Sharp 30-04-2005 09:30 AM

TU's dont actually make a difference when your shooting/stunning/throwing. All weapons take a percentage of your TU so if its 50% then a person with 100 TU's takes 50 TU's to do the action and a person with 50 only needs 25 TU's to do the action.

I cant remeber the actual TU% cost for a stun but I highly doubt you could get one person to run around a sectapod stunning all four sides in one turn unless they are right next to the sectapod at the start, and usually there seems to be a nice clear area just containg dead bodies around the sectapods I face.

TU's are only really good for scouts, and mules (people who carry lots of stuff).

another_guest 30-04-2005 10:16 AM

I wouldn't know the exact TU% cost for stunning from the top of my head either, but I believe it's 25%. So with 2 soldiers it might be possible to stun all 4 sides in 1 turn.
TU does matter in this aspect that your soldiers can run a greater distance before stunning or shooting.

Grand Dad 30-04-2005 10:45 AM

I'll just have to re-install and play to keep up you guy's chatter :D

PrejudiceSucks 30-04-2005 01:08 PM

Hmm do you people know of any way to reduce the cost of Stun Rods?

Jman4117 30-04-2005 03:43 PM

You could hack the game, or get your soldiers TUs up so they can move more between jabs.

Lizard 30-04-2005 03:59 PM

Anyone observed that there is a LOT of randominess when determiting how much will hit from weapon damage target?
An example:Normally I kill muton with 2 hits from HP.BUT I must killed one Muton(soldier) with 4 hits from HP and I killed other muton with just 2 hits from LR(normally 3-6hits...)
Or:I get autoshot on sectoid,I hit him 3 times,he turned with SINGLE(from HP) shot killed mycolonel in Flying suit, and when I looked at his stats he STILL had 23 health(from 25..)
WTF? :blink:
When I played Earth challenge I also observed that my troops can surprisingly often survive hit from HP(with NO armor) let see 1-10(what is quite much?...)

Jman4117 30-04-2005 04:08 PM

The damage is a random number between 0 and 2x the weapon's damage, and armour is substracted from the number that is rolled to get the health taken away.

another_guest 30-04-2005 04:10 PM

Yes, the random factor in damage dealing is unbelievably high... most often it's more annoying than helpful :D

Lizard 30-04-2005 04:22 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Apr 30 2005, 06:10 PM
Yes, the random factor in damage dealing is unbelievably high... most often it's more annoying than helpful :D
Truth :ranting:
Ah,anyway best tactics is not allow being hit... :D
But....3 HP shots for sectoid! :ranting:

Axel 30-04-2005 07:01 PM

Hi, im running this game on laptop, win XP using dosbox with D-Fend. My problem is that the game crashes when im trying to atack alien base on earth. If anyone faced such problem and managed to solve it i would be greatful for help me with this. Sorry if it was mentioned before but its really hard to find anything among those 97 pages... thx

axident 30-04-2005 07:44 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 30 2005, 04:22 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 30 2005, 04:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-another_guest@Apr 30 2005, 06:10 PM
Yes, the random factor in damage dealing is unbelievably high... most often it's more annoying than helpful* :D
Truth :ranting:
Ah,anyway best tactics is not allow being hit... :D
But....3 HP shots for sectoid! :ranting: [/b][/quote]
You wouldn't be complaining if a Muton sneaked up behind one of your soldiers and shot that soldier 3 times, auto-HP, but your soldier survived. :tomato: I know I wouldn't be complaining! :)

Lizard 30-04-2005 07:55 PM


Originally posted by axident+Apr 30 2005, 09:44 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (axident @ Apr 30 2005, 09:44 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 04:22 PM

@Apr 30 2005, 06:10 PM
Yes, the random factor in damage dealing is unbelievably high... most often it's more annoying than helpful* :D

Truth :ranting:
Ah,anyway best tactics is not allow being hit... :D
But....3 HP shots for sectoid! :ranting:

You wouldn't be complaining if a Muton sneaked up behind one of your soldiers and shot that soldier 3 times, auto-HP, but your soldier survived. :tomato: I know I wouldn't be complaining! :) [/b][/quote]
Well,One of my soldier without armor survived 2 shots from HP with 5 health loss,so I shouldnt be really complaing.... :D
It is just strange.

efthimios 30-04-2005 07:57 PM

I don't think it is very strange. It was just a flesh wound.

Lizard 30-04-2005 08:08 PM


Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange. It was just a flesh wound.
With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

efthimios 30-04-2005 08:19 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.
With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky: [/b][/quote]
Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle:

Lizard 30-04-2005 08:28 PM


Originally posted by efthimios+Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (efthimios @ Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM

@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.

With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle: [/b][/quote]
I just waiting for the moment when some alien survive in epicentre of blaster bomb explosion.THAT will be freaky! :D
Btw:This thread has almost 1500 posts.... :blink:

bahman 30-04-2005 08:39 PM

what is the range of a base defence? 0?

Jman4117 30-04-2005 08:43 PM


Originally posted by bahman@Apr 30 2005, 08:39 PM
what is the range of a base defence? 0?

axident 30-04-2005 08:45 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 30 2005, 08:28 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 30 2005, 08:28 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM



@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.

With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle:

I just waiting for the moment when some alien survive in epicentre of blaster bomb explosion.THAT will be freaky! :D
Btw:This thread has almost 1500 posts.... :blink: [/b][/quote]
On Superhuman, I once shot a blaster bomb into the face of Sectopod--which survived it!

Lizard 30-04-2005 08:48 PM


Originally posted by axident+Apr 30 2005, 10:45 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (axident @ Apr 30 2005, 10:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:28 PM

Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM




@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.

With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle:

I just waiting for the moment when some alien survive in epicentre of blaster bomb explosion.THAT will be freaky! :D
Btw:This thread has almost 1500 posts.... :blink:

On Superhuman, I once shot a blaster bomb into the face of Sectopod--which survived it! [/b][/quote]
I was thinking of something like sectoid, or floater(or even muton...)
Sectopod surviving blaster bomb happens regulary on Superhuman

bahman 30-04-2005 08:49 PM


Originally posted by Jman4117+Apr 30 2005, 08:43 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jman4117 @ Apr 30 2005, 08:43 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-bahman@Apr 30 2005, 08:39 PM
what is the range of a base defence? 0?
??? [/b][/quote]
How I can ask it simpler!? Suppose you build few plamon defence in your base. Now question is that what is the range of this defence. Is it zero? I mean the defence is just usefull when a ufo lans on your base or you can shoot even any ufo in a certain range far from your base. Well I am writing a book for this simple question...

Danny252 30-04-2005 08:57 PM

they defend your base when aliens attack it.

another_guest 30-04-2005 10:31 PM


Originally posted by Axel@Apr 30 2005, 07:01 PM
Hi, im running this game on laptop, win XP using dosbox with D-Fend. My problem is that the game crashes when im trying to atack alien base on earth.
Did you get the game from abandonia?
Otherwise it's possible that you're still playing version 1.0, which had a bug causing the game to crash upon entering an alien base.
However, later versions of the game may or may not be able to load your old saved games, and the same is true when applying patches to upgrade your version of UFO.

another_guest 30-04-2005 10:35 PM


Originally posted by bahman@Apr 30 2005, 08:49 PM
How I can ask it simpler!? Suppose you build few plamon defence in your base. Now question is that what is the range of this defence. Is it zero? I mean the defence is just usefull when a ufo lans on your base or you can shoot even any ufo in a certain range far from your base. Well I am writing a book for this simple question...
Base defense will only work when a ufo is attacking your base, so the range is indeed zero. If your technology allows it, build fusion ball defenses. Three or four of those, plus a grav shield, should keep out virtually any ufo.

Sharp 30-04-2005 11:57 PM

Base Defense 101

You start out with your base defence that attack UFO's, these are the ones that hit your UFO's which try to attack your base (see them incoming via Hyperwave Decoder and they say Alien Retaliation).

come in several forms, from lowest to highest
  • Missile Defence - Conventional rockets, about as useful as throwing a pistol at a sectapod.
  • Laser Defence - Shoots laser beams at incoming UFO's, better then missiles.
  • Plasma Defence - Blow up alien ships with powerful plasma guns, extremly useful in Base Defence.
  • Fusion Ball Launcher - The Ultimate in base defense, a few of these and your base should be safe from any Alien attack
However Base Defence goes much much further then that,

Grav Shield - Every base should have one if you can afford it. This baby makes it so once all your base defences have finished firing it will bounce the UFO back up again and allow all your missiles/beams to fire the UFO's again, it effectivly doubles your base's firepower.

Mind Shield - This doesnt do anything in a direct attack to your base, but if you have a nice base which you dont want the aliens to find out about and attack then getting one of these mind shilelds lowers the chance of the aliens from discovering your base.


That is the basics of base defence in the terms of shooting down UFO's that try and attack your base, so what about the UFO's that might make it through???

Firstly the design of your base is one of the biggest factors in whether you can win a base defence or lose it.

A preffered base design is

X - Empty
H - Hanger
A- Acess Lift
R - Other room


Altrenativly you can have


Aliens only come in through the Acess Lift or Hangers, this method means that you can contain the aliens into a section of your base easily while then mining the hallways with prox grenades, or alternativly you might have some HWP's to kill the alien scum.


There is another factor that you have to take into account, your equipment. There is an 80- item limit and you automatically get the top 80 items in your base inventory that can be applied to combat, this means that if you have a lot of laser weapons then you will only have a few/no plasma rifles for your troops.

Also should make sure that all soldiers on a base should be wearing armour regardless of whether they are on a troop transporter or not.

There has been rumours that if you have lots and lots of HWP's in your base that they all get used so you can cause a lot of destruction right at the start of the attack, however you must have at least one soldier defending your base otherwise the aliens automatically win.

Just remeber the basic rule though, the best defence is attack, see an incoming alien battleship to your base, take it out with a firestorm.

efthimios 01-05-2005 12:28 AM

Hmm, in an alien invasion/attack of your base, do your troops in the transport planes use the weapons loaded there or those of the base? Do the ones in the planes count towards the 80 limit?

axident 01-05-2005 03:26 AM


Originally posted by Lizard+Apr 30 2005, 08:48 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ Apr 30 2005, 08:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by axident@Apr 30 2005, 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:28 PM

Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM





@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.

With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle:

I just waiting for the moment when some alien survive in epicentre of blaster bomb explosion.THAT will be freaky! :D
Btw:This thread has almost 1500 posts.... :blink:

On Superhuman, I once shot a blaster bomb into the face of Sectopod--which survived it!

I was thinking of something like sectoid, or floater(or even muton...)
Sectopod surviving blaster bomb happens regulary on Superhuman [/b][/quote]
If possible, I tell a bomb to circle and hit a Sectopod from behind (since there is less armor there). So usually one shot = one kill.

axident 01-05-2005 03:28 AM


Originally posted by efthimios@May 1 2005, 12:28 AM
Hmm, in an alien invasion/attack of your base, do your troops in the transport planes use the weapons loaded there or those of the base?* Do the ones in the planes count towards the 80 limit?
The planes are "unloaded" and then the top 80 items are used. So if you have no equipment in the base (if you don't count the stuff in the plane), you're still okay. Same goes for soldiers--those soldiers on the plane are automatically added to the soldiers who are not on the plane.

Jman4117 01-05-2005 03:31 AM


Originally posted by axident+May 1 2005, 03:26 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (axident @ May 1 2005, 03:26 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:48 PM

Originally posted by axident@Apr 30 2005, 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:28 PM

Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM






@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.

With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle:

I just waiting for the moment when some alien survive in epicentre of blaster bomb explosion.THAT will be freaky! :D
Btw:This thread has almost 1500 posts.... :blink:

On Superhuman, I once shot a blaster bomb into the face of Sectopod--which survived it!

I was thinking of something like sectoid, or floater(or even muton...)
Sectopod surviving blaster bomb happens regulary on Superhuman

If possible, I tell a bomb to circle and hit a Sectopod from behind (since there is less armor there). So usually one shot = one kill. [/b][/quote]
Actually it has no effect, since HE damage is dealt to under armour.

efthimios 01-05-2005 04:04 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117+May 1 2005, 03:31 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jman4117 @ May 1 2005, 03:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by axident@May 1 2005, 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:48 PM

Originally posted by axident@Apr 30 2005, 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:28 PM

Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM







@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.

With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle:

I just waiting for the moment when some alien survive in epicentre of blaster bomb explosion.THAT will be freaky! :D
Btw:This thread has almost 1500 posts.... :blink:

On Superhuman, I once shot a blaster bomb into the face of Sectopod--which survived it!

I was thinking of something like sectoid, or floater(or even muton...)
Sectopod surviving blaster bomb happens regulary on Superhuman

If possible, I tell a bomb to circle and hit a Sectopod from behind (since there is less armor there). So usually one shot = one kill.

Actually it has no effect, since HE damage is dealt to under armour. [/b][/quote]
Wow, that is the first time I hear this. I always thought that for all HE, even explosives, the damage was done to the side facing the explosion, not always under. Cool info.

axident 01-05-2005 04:31 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117+May 1 2005, 03:31 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jman4117 @ May 1 2005, 03:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by axident@May 1 2005, 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:48 PM

Originally posted by axident@Apr 30 2005, 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:28 PM

Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM







@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.

With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle:

I just waiting for the moment when some alien survive in epicentre of blaster bomb explosion.THAT will be freaky! :D
Btw:This thread has almost 1500 posts.... :blink:

On Superhuman, I once shot a blaster bomb into the face of Sectopod--which survived it!

I was thinking of something like sectoid, or floater(or even muton...)
Sectopod surviving blaster bomb happens regulary on Superhuman

If possible, I tell a bomb to circle and hit a Sectopod from behind (since there is less armor there). So usually one shot = one kill.

Actually it has no effect, since HE damage is dealt to under armour. [/b][/quote]
Under-armor is weaker.. so that's still one-shot-one-kill most of the time. :)

TheChosen 01-05-2005 08:31 AM

Keep talking about this game. Soon well have over 100 pages of these tips and tricks. :D

Lizard 01-05-2005 10:22 AM


Originally posted by axident+May 1 2005, 06:31 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (axident @ May 1 2005, 06:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Jman4117@May 1 2005, 03:31 AM

Originally posted by axident@May 1 2005, 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:48 PM

Originally posted by axident@Apr 30 2005, 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:28 PM

Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM








@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.

With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle:

I just waiting for the moment when some alien survive in epicentre of blaster bomb explosion.THAT will be freaky! :D
Btw:This thread has almost 1500 posts.... :blink:

On Superhuman, I once shot a blaster bomb into the face of Sectopod--which survived it!

I was thinking of something like sectoid, or floater(or even muton...)
Sectopod surviving blaster bomb happens regulary on Superhuman

If possible, I tell a bomb to circle and hit a Sectopod from behind (since there is less armor there). So usually one shot = one kill.

Actually it has no effect, since HE damage is dealt to under armour.

Under-armor is weaker.. so that's still one-shot-one-kill most of the time. :) [/b][/quote]
I foresaw long live to this quote.Please dont spoil it! :sneaky: LOL
I always thought that only explosion of grenade is only HE damage dealt to under armor.The launchers and HE ammo are dealt from the side you hit them no? :unsure:

PrejudiceSucks 01-05-2005 11:20 AM


Originally posted by Lizard+May 1 2005, 10:22 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ May 1 2005, 10:22 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by axident@May 1 2005, 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Jman4117@May 1 2005, 03:31 AM

Originally posted by axident@May 1 2005, 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:48 PM

Originally posted by axident@Apr 30 2005, 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:28 PM

Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM









@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.

With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle:

I just waiting for the moment when some alien survive in epicentre of blaster bomb explosion.THAT will be freaky! :D
Btw:This thread has almost 1500 posts.... :blink:

On Superhuman, I once shot a blaster bomb into the face of Sectopod--which survived it!

I was thinking of something like sectoid, or floater(or even muton...)
Sectopod surviving blaster bomb happens regulary on Superhuman

If possible, I tell a bomb to circle and hit a Sectopod from behind (since there is less armor there). So usually one shot = one kill.

Actually it has no effect, since HE damage is dealt to under armour.

Under-armor is weaker.. so that's still one-shot-one-kill most of the time. :)

I foresaw long live to this quote.Please dont spoil it! :sneaky: LOL
I always thought that only explosion of grenade is only HE damage dealt to under armor.The launchers and HE ammo are dealt from the side you hit them no? :unsure: [/b][/quote]
Nope, all HE damage is taken on your under-armour IF you are more than 1x1.

This means that Sectopods + reavers will be hit by HE a lot harder than Etherials, sadly.

shorbe 01-05-2005 11:35 AM

I have a few questions.

1. The trick of transferring scientists and engineers from one base to another and saving on salaries, does this work with soldiers, and also with the rental costs of aircraft? (I haven't got better aricraft yet.)

2. Speaking of better aircraft, what components and research do I need in order to get better aircraft? Which aliens do I need to capture for interrogation for this? Is the best way of determining these aliens to use a mind probe during a battle?

3. What do I need (components, research, captured aliens) to get psi capabilities?

3. There seem to be a lot of research projects available to me, but I'm sure many are useless. Does researching alien food or alien entertainment, for instance, lead to anything useful? Also, the autopsies generally seem fairly useless.

Lizard 01-05-2005 01:05 PM


Originally posted by shorbe@May 1 2005, 01:35 PM
I have a few questions.

1. The trick of transferring scientists and engineers from one base to another and saving on salaries, does this work with soldiers, and also with the rental costs of aircraft? (I haven't got better aricraft yet.)

2. Speaking of better aircraft, what components and research do I need in order to get better aircraft? Which aliens do I need to capture for interrogation for this? Is the best way of determining these aliens to use a mind probe during a battle?

3. What do I need (components, research, captured aliens) to get psi capabilities?

3. There seem to be a lot of research projects available to me, but I'm sure many are useless. Does researching alien food or alien entertainment, for instance, lead to anything useful? Also, the autopsies generally seem fairly useless.

1)Yes(at least I think,I never did it...) but you must have free hangar...
2)For better crafts:Alien Alloys,Ufo power source,Ufo Navigation,Elerium-115,Ufo Construction-better crafts and armors...(this was answered almost 20 times in this thread....)The mind probe is ONLY way to determite accurate rank/stats of alien.
3)For Psi you must resreach captured Sectoid leader or any Etheral
4)Alien food/entertaiment/etc....-useless.Autopsies are more-or less useless too,but if you read them,you can find some interesting facts about aliens...(snakeman-imunine to fire,etc....)However resreaching captured(live) aliens lead to many interesting things....

PrejudiceSucks 01-05-2005 01:53 PM

Yes, all of that is correct. The only reason to research alien food etc. is so that you get some (not that many) points for researching it.

Autopsies are helpful if you want to know how to kill something (especially Crysallids)...

Mind Probes are very, very useful and at least 3 people should have them per landing. Who knows what you might have accidentaly killed otherwise?

Jman4117 01-05-2005 05:13 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+May 1 2005, 10:22 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ May 1 2005, 10:22 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by axident@May 1 2005, 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Jman4117@May 1 2005, 03:31 AM

Originally posted by axident@May 1 2005, 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:48 PM

Originally posted by axident@Apr 30 2005, 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:28 PM

Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 30 2005, 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Lizard@Apr 30 2005, 08:08 PM









@Apr 30 2005, 09:57 PM
I don't think it is very strange.* It was just a flesh wound.

With heavy plasma?The weapon that can blow up the armor of UFO? :sneaky:

Well, it didn't touch him, but passed about I don't know, 20cm from the surface of the skin and created a flesh wound, but eh, well , ah, yes. :whistle:

I just waiting for the moment when some alien survive in epicentre of blaster bomb explosion.THAT will be freaky! :D
Btw:This thread has almost 1500 posts.... :blink:

On Superhuman, I once shot a blaster bomb into the face of Sectopod--which survived it!

I was thinking of something like sectoid, or floater(or even muton...)
Sectopod surviving blaster bomb happens regulary on Superhuman

If possible, I tell a bomb to circle and hit a Sectopod from behind (since there is less armor there). So usually one shot = one kill.

Actually it has no effect, since HE damage is dealt to under armour.

Under-armor is weaker.. so that's still one-shot-one-kill most of the time. :)

I foresaw long live to this quote.Please dont spoil it! :sneaky: LOL
I always thought that only explosion of grenade is only HE damage dealt to under armor.The launchers and HE ammo are dealt from the side you hit them no? :unsure: [/b][/quote]
HE is HE is HE. Remember, this was pushing the envelope in PC games when it can out and multiple HE effects would add even more load onto those 50mhz 8mb ram systems :P

Eagle of Fire 01-05-2005 05:15 PM

Please quit spamming those one sentence posts. If you want to talk about something like that try PM's or MSN.

This thread is really turning into a joke. It should be closed and a new thread should be reopenned.

efthimios 01-05-2005 05:37 PM

While the last few posts do look a bit like a joke, closing the thread and starting a new one sounds not the very best thing to do...

axident 01-05-2005 06:12 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@May 1 2005, 05:15 PM
Please quit spamming those one sentence posts. If you want to talk about something like that try PM's or MSN.

This thread is really turning into a joke. It should be closed and a new thread should be reopenned.

There have been some very informative posts in this thread about getting the game to work and in-game strategies, so a more on-the-point and less drastic alternative would be to delete the spam and keep the good stuff.

Lizard 01-05-2005 06:15 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@May 1 2005, 07:15 PM
Please quit spamming those one sentence posts. If you want to talk about something like that try PM's or MSN.

This thread is really turning into a joke. It should be closed and a new thread should be reopenned.

Why?There is no limit restrction for posts in one thread as far as I know.And althought I admit the few last "quoted" posts look quite like joke,they arent offtopic,or spam.If they werent quoted you wouldnt notice anything....
However I admit in 1500 post thread is quite difficult to find information you need(and it is almost sure that were answered somewhere) so reopening this thread would have at least some purpose.
But if you dont want to read throught whole topic to find the solution,you can still ask-there is almost alway 2-3 people here that will answer it...
(btw THIS was an offtopic post.One from few here)

Grand Dad 01-05-2005 06:36 PM

Permit me to be a little off-topic :D But it's a belated reply!

No friend axident I haven't played Master of Magic...but in that genre I have played Warcraft I to III and Diablo 2. I liked Diablo much better although I haven't killed him/it so far. :bye:

axident 01-05-2005 06:50 PM


Originally posted by Grand Dad@May 1 2005, 06:36 PM
Permit me to be a little off-topic* :D But it's a belated reply!

No friend axident I haven't played Master of Magic...but in that genre I have played Warcraft I to III and Diablo 2. I liked Diablo much better although I haven't killed him/it so far. :bye:

Master of Magic is more along the lines of Master of Orion and Civilizations II with tactical combat a la Master of Orion. NOT Warcraft or Diablo whatever, which are fine games but can't touch MoM in terms of variety and replay value. They ARE more interactive with multiplayer capacity, though. :)

shorbe 01-05-2005 10:50 PM

Lizard: Thanks. Just one more question. What do I have to do to get UFO Construction? Who do I have to capture and interrogate?

Sharp 02-05-2005 12:06 AM

As Lizard said before (albeit not too clear, but still explained all you need).

In no paticular order to get UFO Construction

Alien Alloys } Power Suits available to research
Elerium-115} from Alien Alloys and E-115.
Ufo power source
Ufo Navigation

then you can research UFO Construction.

This will then lead to being able to research the Firestorm n Flying Suits, then Lighting, then the Avenger.

You dont need to capture or interrogate anyone/thing.

Microprose Veteran 02-05-2005 01:11 AM

If you don't need to capture anyone, how will you know about Cydonia?

shorbe 02-05-2005 03:41 AM

Sharp: Ah, thanks. Obviously, I'm not that far into the game yet.

PrejudiceSucks 02-05-2005 06:10 AM

Also, if you research Plasma Cannons then as soon as you research 'new fighter craft' (The one after UFO Construction) you actually get Plasma Hovertanks, which are great.

But if you get Blaster Launchers too then you can get Fusion Hovertanks, which are just awesome.

Btw, please don't close this topic. It's like a friend to me. A friend with about 1500 posts. Don't kill him, or many of us will mourn for days.

BeefontheBone 02-05-2005 08:36 AM

There is a heck of a lot of duplication and some off-topic discussion in there too. If an admin was feeling mean it'd be quite funny to clear all that out just before the thread reaches 100 pages :evil: This is precisely why I suggested the FAQ thing, with this game in particular being the main offender - people have a problem, don't do a search and don't want to look through 1500 pposts for the answer, so they post it anew, which exacerbates the problem.

axident 02-05-2005 08:47 AM


Originally posted by shorbe@May 2 2005, 03:41 AM
Sharp: Ah, thanks. Obviously, I'm not that far into the game yet.
Your UFOs will be useless unless you have lots of expensive radars, or better yet, you captured/interrogated a navigator (this may also work with engineers? in any case, start the game by immediately building Alien Containment, among other critical structures) to get Hyperwave Decoder. After the initial rush to get laser rifles, Hyperwave should be your top priority, followed by getting plasma beam, then Firestorms. Then get Ethereals or Sectoid Leaders/Commanders for psi labs, and heavy plasma, in whichever order you want.

The reason why you want the navigator first is because it takes forever to build a Hyperwave Decoder, and mere Interceptors armed with just one plasma beam apiece can down any UFO without any possible danger to itself--except Battleships, which have weapons that outrange the plasma beam.

Guest 02-05-2005 04:04 PM


I read the first 80 or so pages, but wouldn't find a solution to this:

I am experiencing a weird bug: In base attacks and apparently at least once on a battleship, the aliens don't leave a corpse, if killed on base floor or ufo floor, ie. over those white alien metal floors. Also I was trying to capture a commander in the battleship, and he was the last guy since if I killed him the mission ended (got a save there), but every time I stunned him, everyone kept seing a red one even though he was stunned, and I couldn't walk to the square where he was lying, even though the graphics showed that he was stunned. I think both of these bugs might be the same problem. I'm playing the version downloaded from here.

Is there anything that can be done? I can't get a freaking commander captured because of this!

Btw imho there's no point to close this thread, but instead have someone read it through and write down the most common questions asked, then make a faq out of that. And a moderator could clean up all offtopic posts.

another_guest 02-05-2005 04:45 PM

Twice, but only twice, I've encountered a similar bug (in version 1.2): I couldn't walk on a certain square, but I saw nothing there, even if my soldiers were standing next to it, facing that particular square.
However those weren't aliens I had to stun, so I shot in the direction of that square, killing the "invisible" alien.

gregor 02-05-2005 05:04 PM


Originally posted by Guest@May 2 2005, 04:04 PM

Is there anything that can be done? I can't get a freaking commander captured because of this!

an odd bug indeed. How did you stun him? by stun rod or by grenades?
well anothe option if you really, really can't get him would be to discover molecular control and to take him over and lead him to your ship. then you kill one alien and stun the commander.

Guest 02-05-2005 05:51 PM


Originally posted by Microprose Veteran@May 2 2005, 01:11 AM
If you don't need to capture anyone, how will you know about Cydonia?
That´s easy. When you interrogate (and/or make an autopsy, I don´t remember if a dead one servest too) you can research Alien Origins. Then you need a live Leader; after interrogating him youu are able to research The Martian Solution. The last step is invading a base and getting a live commander (apparently, commanders present in battleships are not enough, it must be a commander from a base) After smoe questioning, you canr esearch Cydonia or Bust..

Then the only thing you need is an Avenger and some good, psi-resistant troops armed with blaster launchers to invade Mars.

PrejudiceSucks 02-05-2005 06:16 PM

It has to be a live alien. For extra brownie points, advance to Power Armour ASAP and attack an anemy base in the first 3 months, giving everyone Plasma Pistols and Stun Rods and stunning everything in the base (you have to have high TUs to keep running around, though) or alternatively take about 30 Smoke Grenades and give everyone Heavy Plasmas/Laser Rifles.

Then just Smoke Grenade the whole base, so that no-one gets back up again. If they do, they will get smacked down by your reaction fire.

Worked for me and I got to Cydonia within 6 months. I didn't actually both with Blaster Launchers, I IC-Rocketed the Brain and it burned to death. On another note, is it possible to stun the brain?

admanb 02-05-2005 06:27 PM

Does transferring scientists from a base screw up their research? i.e. if a project was on "excellent" when you transferred them will it still be "excellent" when you bring them back and add them back on the project.

(Whoops, I think I just answered my own question. Research is remembered by "projects" isn't it? That's why different bases can't share research, but different scientists can)

That'll save me some money come June...

another_guest 02-05-2005 06:39 PM

I don't think the brain can be stunned (or MC'ed), I think it's treated in the game as a piece of furniture rather than a living being. But I'm not completely sure... First player to return to Cydonia can answer the question :)

Filipsan 02-05-2005 06:40 PM

[quote]Originally posted by Guest@May 2 2005, 05:51 PM

The last step is invading a base and getting a live commander (apparently, commanders present in battleships are not enough, it must be a commander from a base) After smoe questioning, you canr esearch Cydonia or Bust..
I don't know why, but commander from battleship served well for this purpose..

PrejudiceSucks 02-05-2005 08:15 PM

All research is reset when you transfer scientists. You have to think about whether you want to spend a couple of million dollars or keep your research.

That's the way it is.

Eagle of Fire 03-05-2005 12:09 AM

The reason why I suggested this thread to be closed and another to be opened is because nobody is gonna dig up 100 pages to try to find a solution to their problem or if what they want to say been said already.

Thus, this thread can only artificially grow bigger and bigger. And at this point, it's as bad as spam IMHO.

shorbe 03-05-2005 06:27 AM

Thanks for the replies everyone. I didn't know about research resetting like that. :angry: Not to worry I guess. I can afford to keep some guys going at the end of the month rather than transferring them.

I now have three bases with about 70-90 scientists and engineers each, so the money and research is just rolling in. Manufacturing and selling laser cannons is too easy!

Juan Rayo 03-05-2005 06:52 AM

I have actually found the "invisible alien" bug but forgot to mentioned it, since I got real lucky and thus sufered no losses to them: in a number of misions, my people would suddenly open fire seemingly at nothing. To my surprise, I would hear the oh so sweet scream of a chrissalyd diyng. It happened mostly with those aliens in particular, no idea why.

TheChosen 03-05-2005 11:32 AM

100 pages!! Woohooo!!!!! :Brain: :Brain: :Brain: :Brain: :Brain: :Brain: :Brain:

LOL 03-05-2005 12:48 PM

100 pages!! Woohooo!!!!! :Brain: :Brain: :Brain: :Brain:

Guest 03-05-2005 01:09 PM

Indeed. Shame I won't be able to get the 1500th post, though.

Anyways, there we are.

PrejudiceSucks 03-05-2005 01:13 PM

Oh... it actually seems that I didn't log in. Ummm... oops. Well, the 1500th post is mine!

By the way, this does have a point, this post. I was just thinking - If you (in an X-COM Apoc style) take out the whole first floor of a building, does it make the rest of it crash down?

I hope that that hasn't been asked, but I have a feeling that it might have.

Anyways, cheers :cheers:

Teamy 03-05-2005 05:34 PM

I'm having trouble playing the game now... when I get to the action bit, the game scrolls waaay too fast, so I can't really move anywhere. It basically zooms everywhere, even though the game was fine yesterday.

I redownloaded it and everything, too... still the same. Turned the scrolling down, still the same. Turned my whole mouse movement speed down, still the same. :(

BeefontheBone 03-05-2005 07:30 PM

Read/search the thread - it's been mentioned many times previously. Are you runnning in DOSBox? If we ever get round to it (like in the summer when people like me have more free time) there should be a UFO FAQ coming along at some point.

PrejudiceSucks 03-05-2005 08:00 PM

I would definately contribute to that. Anyone want to start that thread tomorrow?

I have a fair bit of free time as I've just finished my year 10 exams and now have about a fortnight before they start giving us real work again, so I could put in a couple of hours a night to it if need be.

BeefontheBone 03-05-2005 08:02 PM

There's a thread in the suggestions forum about it that I started - you'd need to check with the people that have already volunteered and with Kosta.

Fama 04-05-2005 12:08 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@May 3 2005, 01:13 PM
By the way, this does have a point, this post. I was just thinking - If you (in an X-COM Apoc style) take out the whole first floor of a building, does it make the rest of it crash down?

I'm not sure, but I think that it doesn't work in UFO. Shame. I think, that at least when you shoot the lowest part of the lightpoles (you know what I mean) the upper part(s) don't fall down. But as I said, I'm not sure.

Lizard 04-05-2005 06:30 PM


Originally posted by Fama+May 4 2005, 02:08 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Fama @ May 4 2005, 02:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-PrejudiceSucks@May 3 2005, 01:13 PM
By the way, this does have a point, this post. I was just thinking - If you (in an X-COM Apoc style) take out the whole first floor of a building, does it make the rest of it crash down?

I'm not sure, but I think that it doesn't work in UFO. Shame. I think, that at least when you shoot the lowest part of the lightpoles (you know what I mean) the upper part(s) don't fall down. But as I said, I'm not sure. [/b][/quote]
No it dont work.You can destroy first floor and second one is still standing...(btw UFO has quite big problems when it goes to height levels.For example when there is an explosion nothing over and under that level isnt damaged...)

OK.I have quit playing Ufo today.I gived myself one condition:When I will see SECTOID which survive hit from Blaster Launcher, I quit playing Ufo.And you know what?It happened today. :eeeeeh:

Guest 04-05-2005 08:00 PM


Originally posted by Lizard+May 4 2005, 06:30 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lizard @ May 4 2005, 06:30 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Fama@May 4 2005, 02:08 PM

@May 3 2005, 01:13 PM
By the way, this does have a point, this post. I was just thinking - If you (in an X-COM Apoc style) take out the whole first floor of a building, does it make the rest of it crash down?

I'm not sure, but I think that it doesn't work in UFO. Shame. I think, that at least when you shoot the lowest part of the lightpoles (you know what I mean) the upper part(s) don't fall down. But as I said, I'm not sure.

No it dont work.You can destroy first floor and second one is still standing...(btw UFO has quite big problems when it goes to height levels.For example when there is an explosion nothing over and under that level isnt damaged...)

OK.I have quit playing Ufo today.I gived myself one condition:When I will see SECTOID which survive hit from Blaster Launcher, I quit playing Ufo.And you know what?It happened today. :eeeeeh: [/b][/quote]
Was that sectoid in a slope? the games has problems with explosions and slopes.

PrejudiceSucks 04-05-2005 08:01 PM

You may have been unlucky. I would start playing again :D

Oh by the way, to anyone who cares, my year 11 GCSE Graphic Products (*gasps*) project is going to be an X-COM themed board game! Woo!

BeefontheBone 04-05-2005 09:52 PM

more exciting than mine was - my exam question was about designing containers for the sydney olympics. yuck.

Otis Lee 05-05-2005 01:19 PM

Hey there,

I'm running the windows version of X-Com Ufo Defense, and it seems to have developed a knack for crashing on me, especially when I want to start a mission. Any help?

Otis_Lee 05-05-2005 01:20 PM

Oh yeah, I'm running Windows XP with SP2 installed.

Old Lou 05-05-2005 01:45 PM


Maybe admins could upload COllector's Edition in exchange of these Dos versions, people would have less problems with them as they come prepared to windows.
I think it would be a good idea, bye.

:sniper: good hunting

Old Lou 05-05-2005 01:57 PM


Hey there,

I'm running the windows version of X-Com Ufo Defense, and it seems to have developed a knack for crashing on me, especially when I want to start a mission. Any help?

right click on the exe file and go to compatibility tab, choose Win 95/Win 98 compatibility and maybe you can check other options such as running under 640x480 or under 256 colors. You can try it, and also save often. Hope it helps. Bye

PrejudiceSucks 05-05-2005 05:11 PM

The game breaks a lot. It doesn't matter what you are trying to use, it will not work. Sorry, but that's just a fact of life with this game.

admanb 05-05-2005 07:57 PM


Originally posted by Otis Lee@May 5 2005, 01:19 PM
Hey there,

I'm running the windows version of X-Com Ufo Defense, and it seems to have developed a knack for crashing on me, especially when I want to start a mission. Any help?

Go download the patch here. It fixed all my crashing problems. It also adds a few features; such as the ability to have your engineers manufacture and auto-sell an item until you tell them to stop.

The Unknown 06-05-2005 05:56 AM

Well, It didnt clear the crash on me... just let it go Bit further and then crash but it did add the features.. maybe i should re-install the game :wall: Damn! :angry:

PrejudiceSucks 06-05-2005 12:03 PM

No, the game just crashes sometimes. It's a bit annoying like that and since this is a hard-drive install not a CD install, there is not point re-installing it at all.

Guest 06-05-2005 01:13 PM

:wall: Just the problem is, that it Crashes every single time i try it... i lan on crash site push the ok button, i see mouse cursor about 0.5 secs and then crash! Maybe i cant play it then.... somehow i cant use the dosbox either.. i try to mount my drive it says doesent exist.... :angry:

The Unknown 06-05-2005 01:17 PM

I have installed the patch to the game directory too... still crashes... hmh.. problem with the TfTD was that i couldnt install it... :help:

The Unknown 06-05-2005 01:34 PM

here we go! :ok: I installed it again and somehow... it was missing some files but still thnx! :kosta: now! To kick some alien behind! :sniper:

PrejudiceSucks 06-05-2005 02:59 PM

You can try, but it's not very easy. Apart from with Sectoids, like.

Spookyfish 06-05-2005 09:43 PM

Just get laser rifles as quick as possible, and things should work out fine. It's one of those weapons you can use until the very end. Like an AK47 :D.

admanb 07-05-2005 06:01 AM

Hmm, is there something I'm missing about saving heavy plasma clips? I know the trick where you eject them at the end of the fight, but that doesn't seem to be working. I went into a base defense with 24 clips, killed about 15 mutons, ejected all my clips right before ending the last turn, and checked my inventory to see: 23 clips.

another_guest 07-05-2005 06:45 AM


Originally posted by admanb@May 7 2005, 06:01 AM
Hmm, is there something I'm missing about saving heavy plasma clips? I know the trick where you eject them at the end of the fight, but that doesn't seem to be working. I went into a base defense with 24 clips, killed about 15 mutons, ejected all my clips right before ending the last turn, and checked my inventory to see: 23 clips.
Could one of them have been blown up (by HE explosions, blaster bombs, exploding fuel drums, etc.)?

PrejudiceSucks 07-05-2005 08:00 AM

Yeah. I really hate it when that happens. But ont as badly as if I accidently walk over my own Proximity Grenade. That crashes the game quite badly.

You can't click, although it says 'whoever' has become unconscious. It is EXTREMELY annoying.

Anyway, you shouldn't fuss over losing a single clip. That's OK, it's when your soldiers can't hit an alien with a Small Launcher that can get annoying. This is because not only do you waste a lot of time (especially if they are just behind a window) but also, sometimes they run out of Stun Bombs.

This is possibly the worst thing that could happen, due to you spending a lot of time researching Small Launchers only to find out that they are completely useless until you go through another 5ish battles to pick a Stun Bomb up.

another_guest 07-05-2005 11:36 AM

On the other hand you don't need that many stunned aliens after all.
Only equip your soldiers with stun launchers if you know you'll be coming across aliens worth capturing.

Heavy plasma clips aren't much of a problem if you use laser rifles when possible. Also don't forget to make mind controlled aliens eject their clips before disarming them altogether.

PrejudiceSucks 07-05-2005 03:56 PM

True, but at the beginning of the game it is worth it. Even at the end of the game you will probably want to capture Siliacoids etc.

Worth it for points too.

admanb 07-05-2005 05:49 PM

Hmm, it probably was blown up. But shouldn't I be getting heavy plasma clips off aliens by now?

PrejudiceSucks 07-05-2005 07:03 PM

It entirely depends on what they were carrying - If it was a Plasma Pistol, you will get PP clips. It's clearly going to make a difference on what they were carrying.

I recommend taking Laser Pistols/Rifles to every battle. Laser Pistols are always handy for when you want to shoot a wall or whatever without wasting ammo and weigh almost nothing.

Laser Rifles are a different issue altogether. They weigh about the same as a Rifle and do a bit more damage, but with less Accuracy (I think). They also need no ammo and are very useful in shootouts with pretty much any alien, they can harm nearly all of them.

Heavy Plasmas will flatten a Muton in one shot, no doubt, but even if you know that you won't run out of ammo, the thought is always there. If you want to take any more clips, that also adds to the weight and inventory space used. For this reason amongst others (you don't need any Alien Alloys to make them either) I prefer a Laser Rifle.

On the other hand, 2 Marksmen/women with Heavy Plasmas can come in pretty handy, as Heavy Plasmas weigh the same as a Human Rifle so they are not hard to carry. On the other hand, the space for clips could be taken up with HE, one of the best items in the game (XcomUtil makes them do 200 damage :D).

Duarte Sanchez 09-05-2005 04:13 PM

Hi there

Firstly thanks to everyone involved in the site - I discovered it about a month ago, and I've become the most unproductive employee at work!

I'm struggling with PSI-labs. I've managed to build them, but I don't know how to send my soldier for training to assess their PSI-skills.

Could anyone help??

Thanks a stack :D

Spookyfish 09-05-2005 05:30 PM


Originally posted by Duarte Sanchez@May 9 2005, 04:13 PM
Hi there

Firstly thanks to everyone involved in the site - I discovered it about a month ago, and I've become the most unproductive employee at work!

I'm struggling with PSI-labs. I've managed to build them, but I don't know how to send my soldier for training to assess their PSI-skills.

Could anyone help??

Thanks a stack :D

Training starts at the end of the month. You then decide which soldiers (I think you can have ten) are to be trained. They're done training at the end of the month. Then you can just sack the ones with low psychic power. They'll get mindblasted a lot anyway. I think that's how it goes... Haven't played in a while actually. Too much to do :cry:

another_guest 10-05-2005 07:13 AM

That's indeed how it goes. And you're right, 10 soldiers can be trained per psi lab.

Psi strength tells you how resistant your soldiers are against mind controlling (or panicking because of psi attacks)
The other "psi" figure (I believe it's called psi skill) indicates how good they will be at mind controlling aliens. Once you reach 70 or more, they're getting good. Above 90 or so and you can MC about any alien with a single attempt.

Once you're making enough money (laser cannons :)) recruit loads of soldiers, send them to psi training at the start of the next month. After a month, sack those with bad psi abilities (mainly low psi strength, you really want them to be resistant to alien psi attacks).

Student 10-05-2005 09:42 AM

But before that (Reasearching Psi power) taking on etherals will require two things
1) Solider's should carry an stun rod and walk in pairs so when one get MC-ed the second one will stun him)
2) Use a heck of a lot of TANKS (at least the laser ones) and i mean it. coz the aliens are MEAN.

another_guest 10-05-2005 10:05 AM


Originally posted by Student@May 10 2005, 09:42 AM
But before that (Reasearching Psi power) taking on etherals will require two things
1) Solider's should carry an stun rod and walk in pairs so when one get MC-ed the second one will stun him)
2) Use a heck of a lot of TANKS (at least the laser ones) and i mean it. coz the aliens are MEAN.

True, that's good advise indeed.
And the same is true for large or very ufo's with sectoids (their leaders have some nasty psi abilities as well).

Last time I played I almost wanted to change from laser tanks to rocket launcher tanks. After a while it became so annoying of seeing my laser tanks miss so many shots (their accuracy is really low), while a rocket explosion might have taken out the alien even if it missed him by a little.

Lord_Scather 10-05-2005 03:49 PM

Ufo has a nice (but probably not intended) way to stall spoilers...

Back in the old days ( I was young then LOL) I hacked a savegame with a Hex-Editor.
Whopeee, I thought, Lots-o-Money. It worked, in a way.

Thing is, the aliens come far quicker and harder then. It happend on the Amiga as well as under DOS. The money didn't save the Earth from the Invasion... :butcher:

It did stall you that way when starting out with maxed-out Ufopedia too, i think.

I recognized that some abandon versions of the game come with Savegame10, which has a base in South America and maxed Ufopedia... prbly a bad download.

Or is it in the abandonia version, too? I'll go and check.
(and if the thing about the Ufopedia is true)

But who really cares about cheating? UFO is a great game and it did right when it hit me in the face then! :bleh:

Spookyfish 10-05-2005 04:35 PM


Originally posted by Lord_Scather@May 10 2005, 03:49 PM
I recognized that some abandon versions of the game come with Savegame10, which has a base in South America and maxed Ufopedia... prbly a bad download.

Or is it in the abandonia version, too? I'll go and check.
(and if the thing about the Ufopedia is true)

No, we're clean. The tenth save slot for me is called, "Can they do THAT!?" and is from the start of my first baseassault :D. I didn't know they could do that, and I was shocked the minute that blaster-launcher toting floater blasted nine of my troopers. I was in shock. My mass-concentration of fire tactic had failed for the first time.

sgdiaboli 10-05-2005 04:53 PM

im close to the end of my first year and i still havent got to research psi labs.
please help

Spookyfish 10-05-2005 04:57 PM

Capture a live Ethereal or a Sectoid Leader, and interrogate it. You should get the option of building the psi-lab.

sgdiaboli 10-05-2005 05:02 PM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@May 10 2005, 04:57 PM
Capture a live Ethereal or a Sectoid Leader, and interrogate it. You should get the option of building the psi-lab.
thanx ill go and try it now. :ph34r:

PrejudiceSucks 10-05-2005 05:04 PM

You could do that, or you could capture as many medics as possible and 'fluke' it to get Etherials. That is going to be a LOT easier at the start of the game (Floaters and Sectoids are the only aliens with medics and they are really weak).

sgdiaboli 10-05-2005 05:05 PM

which ones are the medics

sgdiaboli 10-05-2005 05:08 PM

whats the easy way to capture the aliens cause i just looked at my research
and in a period of a year i only captured sectoids alive

admanb 10-05-2005 05:30 PM

Easiest way: Hope they live through your laser/plasma/grenade and come back unconscious (I said easiest; not quickest)

Medium way: Research stun launchers and stun bombs, have fun.

Hardest way: Go crazy with stun rods.

efthimios 10-05-2005 05:43 PM

Heh, I must be the only one that has never used the stun lunchers. Always stun rods (or the lucky shot or smoke).

another_guest 10-05-2005 08:15 PM


Originally posted by admanb@May 10 2005, 05:30 PM
Easiest way: Hope they live through your laser/plasma/grenade and come back unconscious (I said easiest; not quickest)

Medium way: Research stun launchers and stun bombs, have fun.

Hardest way: Go crazy with stun rods.

About that "easiest way": I'd say this would only happen to 1 alien out of more than 100 (using laser rifles). In other words, simply not a good method.

Stun rods don't have to be that hard in some situations: if you're walking inside a ufo, make sure the aliens have used up all their time units already (for example when they've already reaction-fired). Then walk up to them and stun them. Early in the game you'll be mostly up against small or medium ufos anyway, so the fight inside won't happen over such a big range after all. Works fine when you spot an alien just behind the corner: (attempt to show what I mean: A is the alien, * the spot where you should move your soldier to. | and - are walls)
Turn towards him, then stun him. With some luck if he fires at you, he'll keep hitting the ufo wall.


Stun bombs have a tendency to be just not enough to stun an alien at once. Since stun bombs are pretty rare unless you spend elerium to build them, you'll usually use an aimed shot. Very annoying if that single shot wasn't enough.
Sometimes I'd rather gang up on an alien and use stun rods. Even late in the game, when I don't feel like MC-ing all aliens, most of my soldiers will have a stun rod in their back pack. Even if I've got loads of stun bombs. I only equip a few soldiers with stun launchers, the rest with laser rifle or heavy plasma, + stun rod in back pack.

admanb 10-05-2005 09:06 PM

Hmm, what are those weird little pink/purple alien blobs? I've only seen them in a couple of missions and all they did is run around a bit before being killed.

another_guest 10-05-2005 10:36 PM

There are two types; the rather harmless ones are silacoids. They are almost invulnerable to incendiary ammo. As far as I remember it's this type that leaves a trail on the floor when hovering around at your base. Don't know about alien bases though.

Similar in appearance but far more dangerous are celatids who also accompany mutons, just like silacoids. But celatids fire corrosive acid, that's fired like any alien weapon (I mean, it's a ranged attack, etc.). In any case it deals quite a bit of damage.

admanb 10-05-2005 10:44 PM

I knew I was forgetting to mention something; I've seen both the floaty ones and the crawly ones. I don't remember either of them leaving a trail in my base, but as I said, they didn't live long. ^_^

XWING 11-05-2005 03:39 AM

I enjoyed a lot of Xcom and recently got back into it. The fastest way to get the aliens I think is to tech with 100 scientists. Research time is no more than 3-4 days average and don't bother researching the low stuff. I go directly to plasma rifles and flying suits.

What I like most about the game is the base management/construction. I liked selling all the useless weapons (plasma rifles, grenades, corpses) for money as it was another way to get around the debt I was piling up from all those scientists. And also having engineers build things from the raw materials taken from missions to be sold for profit.

Microprose Veteran 11-05-2005 05:09 AM

Heh, who needs countries financing anyway?

Just keep producing alloys and body armor (basic) and you can start up your own armaments business!

Spookyfish 11-05-2005 06:55 AM


Originally posted by Microprose Veteran@May 11 2005, 05:09 AM
Heh, who needs countries financing anyway?

Just keep producing alloys and body armor (basic) and you can start up your own armaments business!

Well. If enough countries stop funding you, it's game over :whistle:.

another_guest 11-05-2005 10:18 AM


Originally posted by Microprose Veteran@May 11 2005, 05:09 AM
Heh, who needs countries financing anyway?

Just keep producing alloys and body armor (basic) and you can start up your own armaments business!

Laser cannons are the most profitable item one can build, the quickest way to make money (about $44400 net per month per engineer), regardless of the version you're playing -some prices were altered, I think between v 1.2 and 1.4

And like Spookyfish says, no matter how much money you're making, you still need the countries' support.
Though it isn't that hard to keep them satisfied, as long as you down enough ufos and get decent scores at each mission. Last time I was playing at standard difficulty, I never lost any country for more than a month.

The_Harlz 11-05-2005 10:35 AM

Damn, this game is good!! I only got into it recently. It really hasn't aged that much. It's got a lot in it, plus it's a real challenge! And by the looks of these posts, I've got a long way to go in the game...

Student 11-05-2005 11:04 AM


Originally posted by another_guest+May 10 2005, 10:05 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (another_guest @ May 10 2005, 10:05 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Student@May 10 2005, 09:42 AM
But before that (Reasearching Psi power) taking on etherals will require two things
1) Solider's should carry an stun rod and walk in pairs so when one get MC-ed the second one will stun him)
2) Use a heck of a lot of TANKS (at least the laser ones) and i mean it. coz the aliens are MEAN.

True, that's good advise indeed.
And the same is true for large or very ufo's with sectoids (their leaders have some nasty psi abilities as well).

Last time I played I almost wanted to change from laser tanks to rocket launcher tanks. After a while it became so annoying of seeing my laser tanks miss so many shots (their accuracy is really low), while a rocket explosion might have taken out the alien even if it missed him by a little. [/b][/quote]
Thats true but:
1) The rocket tanks carry litle ammo 8 or 10 shots (At least thats enough to take out the aliens in most encounters) :sniper: - - - - :Tom:
2) The laser tank shots are free and plentiful
(255 shots are more than enough) :rifle: :rifle: :rifle:
3) The laser tank is swiftly availble for production(laser weapons/laser pistol/rifle/hevy/cannon/tank)
4) It dosent needs any special materials ( like the hovertank).
5) If you have 10 laser tanks in your base no atacker will survive. :evil:
6) The rocket tank can hurt your troops. :tai:
7) And finaly you dont need to buy extra ammo for them (I used them a lot but once ive almost got bananas when i havent ammo to load the tank and i cant send it on the terror site) :ranting: .
Well it was dangerous to the civilians anyway :whistle: .
Soooo... i prefer the laser tanks. :max:

Fama 11-05-2005 12:05 PM


Originally posted by Student@May 11 2005, 11:04 AM
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE ("Student")</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>3) The laser tank is swiftly availble for production(laser weapons/laser pistol/rifle/hevy/cannon/tank)
4) It dosent needs any special materials ( like the hovertank).

Swiftly? Well, rocket tanks are available right from the start. No research. And it only needs money.

Microprose Veteran 11-05-2005 05:46 PM

Yeah, they rock! :ok:

They are messier, true. But also much more fun! Last time I set one of my team members on fire. And I was trying to save him...

Two rocket tanks plus support (4-6 troops) should be enough to defend your base. Just make sure you limit the number of entrances. Base 1 has a very poor lay-out in that regard.

PrejudiceSucks 11-05-2005 08:31 PM

No chance. Just get a 'firing squad' of 3 crack soldiers, 2 with Heavy Plasmas and 1 with a Heavy Laser, about 5 normal soldiers (Laser/Plasma rifles), give them all Power Armour and also have, as Tom said, about 10 Laser Tanks in your own base.

Two Rocket tanks can cause one hell of a mess in your own base, which is never a good thing. If you want raw killing power, get XComUtil and give all of your soldiers HE packs. They are bumped up to 200 damage, enough to kill any alien who thinks that they can sort you out.

Even a Sectopod is no match for this!

Also, Terror Sites are no place for blind-firing high explosives everywhere. You want to REDUCE civilian casualties, or at least let them all die and make an incredibly lethal crossfire with your soldiers that no alien could possibly live through after they come for you.

Microprose Veteran 11-05-2005 11:20 PM

Aw, come on. Where's the fun in absolutely accurate fire? :yawn:

When I started playing this game in the mid-90s, at first it was difficult and dreary. For some reason I thought we weren't allowed to destroy property. Then I learned, hey, play this game like a regular battle and it's much more fun! An alien hiding in a barn/house? Let loose with a few rockets and it will regret having hidden there.

Lasers: dull.

Rockets: Woohoo! And they also produce a lot of smoke (burning houses etc.) where your soldiers can hide in.

Like I said in another forum, I'm never playing for a perfect 'score.' I just want to blow up stuff in the name of good... :Titan:

Have you tried stopping Chrysalids with just heavy explosives? If you lose the terror site, you will start shooting civilians so they can't turn into zombies... :sniper:

bahman 12-05-2005 12:20 AM


Originally posted by Student+May 11 2005, 11:04 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Student @ May 11 2005, 11:04 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by another_guest@May 10 2005, 10:05 AM

@May 10 2005, 09:42 AM
But before that (Reasearching Psi power) taking on etherals will require two things
1) Solider's should carry an stun rod and walk in pairs so when one get MC-ed the second one will stun him)
2) Use a heck of a lot of TANKS (at least the laser ones) and i mean it. coz the aliens are MEAN.

True, that's good advise indeed.
And the same is true for large or very ufo's with sectoids (their leaders have some nasty psi abilities as well).

Last time I played I almost wanted to change from laser tanks to rocket launcher tanks. After a while it became so annoying of seeing my laser tanks miss so many shots (their accuracy is really low), while a rocket explosion might have taken out the alien even if it missed him by a little.

Thats true but:
1) The rocket tanks carry litle ammo 8 or 10 shots (At least thats enough to take out the aliens in most encounters) :sniper: - - - - :Tom:
2) The laser tank shots are free and plentiful
(255 shots are more than enough) :rifle: :rifle: :rifle:
3) The laser tank is swiftly availble for production(laser weapons/laser pistol/rifle/hevy/cannon/tank)
4) It dosent needs any special materials ( like the hovertank).
5) If you have 10 laser tanks in your base no atacker will survive. :evil:
6) The rocket tank can hurt your troops. :tai:
7) And finaly you dont need to buy extra ammo for them (I used them a lot but once ive almost got bananas when i havent ammo to load the tank and i cant send it on the terror site) :ranting: .
Well it was dangerous to the civilians anyway :whistle: .
Soooo... i prefer the laser tanks. :max: [/b][/quote]
Laser tank just sux. It has very low aromor, it is bigger which means it requires much space for transport and also they got hit very easy, finally they are very expensive. Two rookies (if they are not very dump) almost do the same job. Plasma and luncher tank instead are fine, they have good armoor and can stand on your front line for a while. I prefer the luncher much more because even if it misses a shoot the rocket will hit a wall or other thing and kill alien, obviously you have to choos a godd target otherwise you will lose expensve rocket and maybe kill your force or civilian.

Student 12-05-2005 06:45 AM

Thats true but i dint agree that laser tanks go down easly i use them until i get the plasma tanks and i never buy rocket tanks well okay at the begining i buy one tank (gun) to fend from sectoids but i sell it righ after i get my hands on laser tanks.Why? Theres an bug in the game that lets you hove in your stores more than they can fit in.If i recover an ufo (after the blasting) everything is thrpvn in the store.Thats true also if i produce something in the base.
The efect is that the store is that my base is ultradense and i can sell things but i can't buy (mistles for this prupose) and i cannot unload the transporters.
Who said i use the laser tanks to the end? When i get the resources i build the plasma tanks (once i sent my laser tanks on cydonia... i will remember this a looong time an chryslis ran out of somewhere the tank reaction fired hit it and IT came closer and ate the whole tank.) plasmas fly and are mutch harder to crack open. Its good to use plasmatanks and fluing armor and fly around one level higher obove ground. so the chrisslis can only go mad by running around :evil: .
Towards the end laser tanks are best used at recovering smaller UFO's, base defense and erly terror sites coz they can destroy the cyberdisks in 1 or 2 shots.
Later... they have litle use.

Onimaru 12-05-2005 08:03 AM

:ph34r: Hi guys I just downloaded this game last month but i have only recently played it and im having trouble with a bug. I have captured a lot a alien scums but after awhile i can't seem to capture anymore, does anyone having the same problem?. I used to think it was just because i may need more Alien Containment but after i've built 3 more Alien Containment Facilities I still can't seem to Capture more. When i finish a mission the score say ive captured 5 live aliens and have 11 corpse but when i look @ my Base the corpse are there but the medics & other live aliens i've capture aren't. But when i try to capture live aliens with my other team from my other Base there seems to be no problem the only problem is when i use my elite team to capture aliens and its very frustrating since i can't use my best soldiers to capture Commanders from enemy Bases and Battleships instead i have to use those rokies who almost always misses and dies quickly and now my elite squad now beacame a deathsquad litteraly.


:angel: Anyway this is a really great game i mean "WoW" :ok:

I was just wondering where do i download XcomUtil?

:sneaky: And Microprose Veteran if you really want Fun, Try to Equip all your Soldiers with Blaster Launcher and Just Have Fun rather than using Rockets and tanks Trust me It's really really FUN! I tried it Once but i didn't save it because i want to save my ammos for the final battle, But i was really FUN demolishing a Battleship w/out getting your hands dirty or your unit killed just Blast Every Part of the ship and "wala " Mision Successful (did i mention it was fun?). But i didn't get much score from that since ive almost blasted everything including their corpses and artifacts but it was worth the fun /heh :sneaky:


Pyros777 12-05-2005 05:24 PM

I love this game. Still play it through at least once every 6 months. :D

Onimaru 13-05-2005 01:34 AM

:ph34r: nevermind I'm already downloading XconUtil. :ph34r:


Damn i have not have enough sleep since i started playing this game :tai: anyway i have just discovered the joys off GRENADES i mean forget what i said about blaster luancher "cause HIGH EXPLOSIVES is way more fun i mean ive just demolish everything in my last mission when i intercepted a medium scout, anyway i want to try those high explosive so i used one on that mission and BOOM it flatened the whole floor in one of the houses and it was beautiful so i abort that mission and reload my saved game, i bought alot of high explosives and i do mean a LOT and intercepted the scout again(actually the medium scout already landed)i killed all aliens out side and scatter all my soldeirs in every house and outside the UFO an some inside then i drop all my weapons and put all my High Explosives on both my mens hands and sets it to 7 turns the next turn i planted all of my explosives and put my remaining High Explosives into my hands from my backpack end turn sets it to 5 plant it every where and so on and get the hell out of there then 3 2 1 Endturn B O O M !!! :ok: Man it was Beautiful I mean everything just go Boom the fields,houses,trees the outerwall has many holes and the inside was polvorize the roof looks like it was raining acid and the only thing that survive was the second floor of the big houses because i didn't have the time to put some on them but i did blast the roof, Funny that ive blown down the 1st floor but the second floor still float in mid air and so does those trees i mean ive blown down the trunks but the leaves are still there.

:cheers: That Was Owesome :cheers:

Student 13-05-2005 09:09 AM

You pulverized the whole skout ?! (!?) :blink:
And the whole surrounding !!?? :blink: :blink:
Man that had to be COOL :w00t:
And nasty. :evil:
Did you threw some inside ? :evil: :evil:
And most of all... did after the boom it was mission acomplished ?? :ok:

And my last talk bout rocket and laser tanks.
Rockets rule ive got an attack squad 4 troopers 3 plasma tanks atacking an medium UFO with etherels.
Every etherel have been blasted by the tanks but one.
he hid in an BARN so i gone inside there with tanks:
One was blasted by his reaction fire.
The second one missed and been shot in the next turn.
And the third one was ordered to stop and guard so the nasty alien wont get away.
by the time ive sent the asault troops and razed the place with Alien grenades.
And all that hould not hapened if i took at least one rocket tank... id change the barn in a crater.

another_guest 13-05-2005 10:07 AM

Once your soldiers have improved a little, tanks have definitely become inferior: bad accuracy, lame reaction,...
However they can be of some use against mind controlling aliens if your troops aren't too resistant, and they make great spotters to look for cryssalids. While the latter can destroy tanks, at least this won't create a zombie, and you won't lose any of your prized soldiers this way.

PrejudiceSucks 13-05-2005 12:14 PM

Yes, but tanks are by no means cheap. If you really want to take on Cysallids properly then just tech to Plasma Hovertanks ASAP (not too difficult), fly up !2! squares (IMPORTANT) and start raining hell on them.

Rocket tanks are too bloody dangerous. Get a soldier with good shooting accuracy (reactions can actually be BAD holding a missile-launching device) and take 6 rockets, making him hold 3 (1 in left hand, 2 in pack) and a rookie with both of his hands full of rockets (for throwing) and just 'feed' the RL soldier his or her rockets. They can take out obstacles and are MUCH cheaper and more efficient too.

Sharp 13-05-2005 06:08 PM

Ahh ive discovered the joys of throwing, if you want fun you should make your soldiers play catch.

I know keep a rookie at the skyranger and he throws out equipment when people need reloads or swap of weapons, and if the equipment cannot reach the desired person then there is usually an inbetween mule who carries and throws it.

Great fun when you start lobbing HE's so one person doesnt have to have a huge weight encumberance, ive managed to blow up a medium scout using the HE, easily the most fun tool in the game.

PrejudiceSucks 13-05-2005 06:53 PM

Especially with XComUtil, when HE does 200 damage :D

That's enough to crack open the exterior walls with HE, works especially well with roofs, just chuck some on top of a UFO and follow up with a couple more - a word of caution, his a Power Source and you will not only make a horrible mess out of whatever was inside, but also wreck ALL of the equipment inside, that includes alien corpses, weapons, UFO Nav, all of it.

Still, worth it for the killpower after a couple of months (casually take everything down on 'cautious' and the engines should be OK).

Goodhorn 14-05-2005 12:34 AM

Im having some problems with the game.

Ill start a game and i doing fine for a while then sometimes at the begining of a mission the game will quit for no apparent reason, doesnt even give me a error message.

Any ideas?

p.s. Veteran mode is freakin hard

bahman 14-05-2005 12:39 AM


Originally posted by Goodhorn@May 14 2005, 12:34 AM
Im having some problems with the game.

Ill start a game and i doing fine for a while then sometimes at the begining of a mission the game will quit for no apparent reason, doesnt even give me a error message.

Any ideas?

p.s. Veteran mode is freakin hard

Well people call tha crash. Sorry but there is nothing you can do about it. There are some patches which might resolve a part of problems. You can find the link in the starting of page of 102 of this thread. Save Save save save is easier solution...

Goodhorn 14-05-2005 01:57 AM

thanks for telling me about the patch, but i still have a problem.

In one of my games I invaded a alien base, but the screen is all messed up. The cursor leaves a trail, im not sure how to describe it, it looks like the screen isnt refresing or something.

Ill post a screenshot if someone will tell me how.

PrejudiceSucks 14-05-2005 08:14 AM

Hmmm I just got XP and I'm trying to use XComUtil, but it's not having any of it.

Anybody know how to make it work?

Onimaru 14-05-2005 09:48 AM


Originally posted by Student@May 13 2005, 09:09 AM
You pulverized the whole skout ?! (!?)* :blink:
And the whole surrounding !!??* :blink:* :blink:
Man that had to be COOL :w00t:
And nasty. :evil:
Did you threw some inside ?* :evil:* :evil:
And most of all... did after the boom it was mission acomplished ??* :ok:

:ph34r: yup that was pretty cool and 1 Yes i put some inside and 2 yup that killed all the eliens still inside and mission accomplished, although some of the explosives goes off before the grand finally and 1 of them blows the first floor in one of the houses(accidentally press the wrong timer) but it was weird that that second floor still floats, but the final turn still looks really cool i mean everything just go BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!! everywhere i mean the roofs, houses, the fields, all around the UFO, it's roof and inside and it looked rather like an air strike, just too bad i coudn't see all the carnage after that since it killed all the eliens in the control room but the explosions were great :Brain: and it was total chaos i mean there was smoke everywhere, the houses were polvorize their roof were blasted to smitherines,the fields were blownoff, the outer layer & the roof of the UFO has lots of hole and the inside was totaly polvorized oh and did i mention the explosions everywhere? :evil:

Also this gives me an idea for my next carnage im going to equip my Avenger with 26 soldiers and 27 High Explosives, first i'll kill everyone outside then i'll suround the UFO with my 26 my soldiers, then i'll equip one of my soldier with 2HE on each hand while the rest has 1 already primed anyway back to the soldier with the 2HE i simply acces the inventory and put one of the already primed HE on the ground and just watch, Hmmmmmn...... i wonder if it would be mision accomplished if all the aliens died or failed since all your soldiers dies also, which ones first i wonder (or maybe i shoul start from the craft to the last alien effect heh)

:evil: I Just Love Domino effects /gg!!! :evil: and maybe i should change my name from the Silent Assasin to Duo the Great Destroyer heh!!! :w00t:

and "PrejudiceSucks" have you tried DosBox?

efthimios 14-05-2005 10:59 AM


Originally posted by Goodhorn@May 14 2005, 01:57 AM
thanks for telling me about the patch, but i still have a problem.

In one of my games I invaded a alien base, but the screen is all messed up. The cursor leaves a trail, im not sure how to describe it, it looks like the screen isnt refresing or something.

Ill post a screenshot if someone will tell me how.

You have an unpatched version, that is the problem. Just follow the previous advice and patch the game.

PrejudiceSucks 14-05-2005 11:12 AM

I have the windows version of the game, could be to do with that. I'll get the Abandonia version.

Guest 14-05-2005 06:01 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@May 10 2005, 10:36 PM
There are two types; the rather harmless ones are silacoids. They are almost invulnerable to incendiary ammo. As far as I remember it's this type that leaves a trail on the floor when hovering around at your base. Don't know about alien bases though.

Similar in appearance but far more dangerous are celatids who also accompany mutons, just like silacoids. But celatids fire corrosive acid, that's fired like any alien weapon (I mean, it's a ranged attack, etc.). In any case it deals quite a bit of damage.

I'll contend to the Celatid damage. I managed to Mind Control one on Mars, and it only needed two shots to take out a Sectopod. A ****ing Sectopod. The only weapon that can do the job faster is a Heavy Laser, and they suck against anything else.

bahman 14-05-2005 07:09 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@May 14 2005, 11:12 AM
I have the windows version of the game, could be to do with that. I'll get the Abandonia version.
Are you talking with me!? Well if your question is about the patch, yes that is for windows. If your qustion is about another thing, then wait a bit more, maybe someone can guess better than me that what was your question about!

PrejudiceSucks 16-05-2005 06:12 PM

What? No! I was talking about XComUtil. Sorry to disappoint you.

Fama 16-05-2005 06:27 PM

From my experience with celatids and silacoids: Both are harmless. I guess celatids can do a lot of damage, but they never get even close... They go down so easily. I think that silacoids do a lot of damage too, but they never get close either, and I haven't seen it myself.

another_guest 16-05-2005 08:58 PM


Originally posted by Fama@May 16 2005, 06:27 PM
From my experience with celatids and silacoids: Both are harmless. I guess celatids can do a lot of damage, but they never get even close... They go down so easily. I think that silacoids do a lot of damage too, but they never get close either, and I haven't seen it myself.
Well, they die easily but celatids are decent shooters if it comes to accuracy.
I've never seen a silacoid do any damage...

Ufopaedia also said one of both types reads brain waves and therefor can spot your soldiers around corners and such. Probably why there's usually at least one present when your base is under attack from mutons.

bahman 16-05-2005 09:31 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@May 16 2005, 06:12 PM
What? No! I was talking about XComUtil. Sorry to disappoint you.
Are you talking with me this time? Oh sorry if not, but don't worry, I don't get disappointed easliy. By the way, your signature reminds me a joke I heared long time ago. It is a bout a guy who wanted to attend a conference and he had to fill out a form regarding if he wants to book a room in a hotel, etc and in a place he was asked about sex and he ansewred "YES".

Student 18-05-2005 09:41 AM

You not talking to me?
Any way...
Great joke
LOL :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: LOL

Student 18-05-2005 10:40 AM

In the celatid autopsy it was said that it has some organ that can rapidly grow in a new being so does that mean it can split like bacteria in combat or something like that :blink: ?
Ive never seen it.
And another question.
A loooong time ago i heard that not only blaster launchers crack the ufo outer shell.
I think it was hevy plasma i tried it to no efect.
I could blast the inner wals but not the shell. :cry:

The Fifth Horseman 18-05-2005 10:53 AM

Sometimes you can, sometimes you cant. This is odd to me as well.

another_guest 18-05-2005 11:03 AM

Yes, I've noticed that too about celatids. I've never seen them replicate either.

As for blasting ufo walls with heavy plasma: I've never been able to do that. I don't even think that XComUtil changes that.

Fama 18-05-2005 11:55 AM

Xcomutil makes it possible to crack the walls with heavy explosives. I think that without Xcomutil you can only blast the outer wall with blaster launcher, but I'm not sure if you can blast the inner walls with heavy plasma.

The Fifth Horseman 18-05-2005 12:30 PM

INNER walls can be punched by Blaster Launcher and Heavy Plasma. Been there, done that. Its OUTER walls that are problem. Like, 2 or even 3 Blaster hits in the exact same spot and no effect. What the heck are they built of, Adamantium?

another_guest 18-05-2005 12:40 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@May 18 2005, 12:30 PM
INNER walls can be punched by Blaster Launcher and Heavy Plasma. Been there, done that. Its OUTER walls that are problem. Like, 2 or even 3 Blaster hits in the exact same spot and no effect. What the heck are they built of, Adamantium?
Could it depend on the difficulty level?
I've never had any problem blowing a hole in the outer wall with a single blaster bomb. But I must add that I always target the same spot for very large ufo's: top level, top-right corner (close to where the control room is). Don't think that makes a difference though.

Guest 18-05-2005 01:02 PM

:ph34r: you might not have aimed it right, if you hit it straight into the outer wall it will always break :ph34r:

Fama 18-05-2005 02:16 PM

Oh yes, heavy plasma can break inner walls only. I, too, have always breached outer walls with only 1 blaster launcher shot.

The Fifth Horseman 18-05-2005 03:40 PM


Could it depend on the difficulty level?


you might not have aimed it right, if you hit it straight into the outer wall it will always break*
Square hit at 90* angle.

mcapaldo912 18-05-2005 11:45 PM

Problem with x-com

I cant seem to find this answer anywhere in the forum.

I have the abandonia version, but everytime i run it under windows xp/sp2 the visuals are all messed up. The screen is compressed up to the first 1/3 of the monitor, and theres a duplicate screen below it.

Any help would be appreciated.

bahman 19-05-2005 12:04 AM


Originally posted by mcapaldo912@May 18 2005, 11:45 PM
Problem with x-com

I cant seem to find this answer anywhere in the forum.

I have the abandonia version, but everytime i run it under windows xp/sp2 the visuals are all messed up. The screen is compressed up to the first 1/3 of the monitor, and theres a duplicate screen below it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Run "ufo.exe".

Student 19-05-2005 08:41 AM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@May 18 2005, 12:30 PM
What the heck are they built of, Adamantium?
No... ALIEN ALLOYS :bleh:

Student 19-05-2005 08:42 AM

Where can i get XCOMUTIL

efthimios 19-05-2005 09:37 AM


Originally posted by Student@May 19 2005, 08:42 AM
Where can i get XCOMUTIL
Havey you tried this one?

PrejudiceSucks 19-05-2005 03:28 PM

Very good tool is XcomUtil, but I can't get it to work with XP! Woe is me!

It crashes as soon as I get to a battle. Which is annyoing. To a high degree indeed.

Student 19-05-2005 05:03 PM

Thanks :Brain:

axident 20-05-2005 04:13 AM

Guys, I've been away from this forum for school (mostly) and another game (recently). If you like UFO, check out a tile-based, turn-based, multi-player online game by the name of Tactics Arena Online at: or

I play on the former URL on a lifetime membership, since the latter has 4 servers but requires 5 bucks a month. It has a free forum, though:

You need Flash 6 or higher to play:

Now for some X-COM Chat:

To get psi-labs, I used to try for Sectoid leaders/commanders, but they usually come in the bigger ships, and you have to fight through lots of aliens and probably lose most of your guys due to the MC, just to get at the sucker.

A far safer way is to wait until Ethereal craft show up. Knock down as many as you safely can. (An interceptor with one single plasma beam can do it.) If it's a big ship, just land and take off immediately. But if you down a small or tiny Ethereal UFO (probably with something weaker than a plasma beam.. try a laser cannon or something like that), send in your squad armed with only stun weapons and rush the small number of Ethereals. Research any Ethereal--they do not have to be leaders or commanders to give you psi. Voila.

I've also never seen a Celatid reproduce. Silacoids and Celatids both die very quickly, though I sometimes mind control them to scout around for me.

PrejudiceSucks is probably waiting to post no. 1600, so I'm doing him a favor by posting no. 1599. ;)

PrejudiceSucks 20-05-2005 07:33 AM

:D Cheers! You're right about the etherial stuff - another way to get them is to get mind probes + excess stun weapons (just in case) and fly off to the FIRST terror site. It will most likely be nothing dangerous, especially if only Floaters are involved. Just capture literally EVERY alien at the site of any importance (one soldier with a mind probe in your skyranger WILL be able to 'read' anything in the whole map) or just fire stun launchers and throw smoke grenades/use stun rods all over the map just to make sure.

I think that the 'reproduction' is used in that VERY nasty corrosive venow, not in the Battlescape.

*edit* Get loads of medics, navigators and engineers. Then you are given something handy no matter what.

Duarte Sanchez 20-05-2005 09:03 AM

I have a question about Scientists?

Does there rate of research increase exponentially with the number of scientists?? ie. would 100 scientists complete 2 projects faster than if 50 scientists each worked on 1 different project?


Malice Mizer 20-05-2005 11:54 PM

Does anyone happen to know why Xcom seems to run rather quickly? Even on 5seconds it's all very quick, much faster than on the original version, anyone tell mr how to slow it all down?

axident 21-05-2005 12:21 AM


Originally posted by Duarte Sanchez@May 20 2005, 09:03 AM
I have a question about Scientists?

Does there rate of research increase exponentially with the number of scientists?? ie. would 100 scientists complete 2 projects faster than if 50 scientists each worked on 1 different project?


nope, it's linear

Guest 21-05-2005 02:02 AM

each project has a set number of man-hours to complete (how many, i have no idea) so if a project takes 1200 man hours, it takes 10 scientists 120 days, 20 scientists 60 days, 40 scientists 30 days, 80 scientists 15 days, etc.

Aramazon 21-05-2005 03:35 AM

Hello, I lately started playing and its a great game. Cept i got one problem, all i ever get are floaters, so i cant get the psy abilities. Do i just have to wait or is there something i can do to get a greater variety of species?

Spookyfish 21-05-2005 10:25 AM


Originally posted by Aramazon@May 21 2005, 03:35 AM
Hello, I lately started playing and its a great game. Cept i got one problem, all i ever get are floaters, so i cant get the psy abilities. Do i just have to wait or is there something i can do to get a greater variety of species?
Nope. It's just some strange twist of faith. Soon those other crazies will pop up and start mindblasting your troops. But you should be happy. Floaters are relatively easy once you get lasers, so your troops will get the experience they need to take out etherals without dying five times first :D.

PrejudiceSucks 22-05-2005 11:51 AM

Yeah, once on my first terror site I went to, not only was it at night, which was bad because I forgot to pack my Flares, but also I was up against Etherials. And Crysallids.

I cannot describe in words how hard it is to fight them with a Rookie-level crew with a Captain and 2 Sergeants, at night, with nothing better than Rifles (I had totally forgotten about Lasers in my rush to get Plasma Cannons).

Needless to say, I got hammered, in total taking out one alien with 12 soldiers before the lone survivor ran back into the Skyranger and took off.

Still, those aliens b@stards didn't get my ship!

Fama 22-05-2005 07:15 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@May 22 2005, 11:51 AM
Yeah, once on my first terror site I went to, not only was it at night, which was bad because I forgot to pack my Flares, but also I was up against Etherials. And Crysallids.
Surely that must be wrond, since chrysalids come with snakemen and not ethereals, or I'm terribly wrond AND I will start having bad nightmares...

Malice Mizer 23-05-2005 12:48 AM

Are you people certain that XCOM is abandonware? I know you're all rather scrupulous in your checks but after a few discussions on some forums, regarding the games I've been informend by quite a few people that the current owners of the license (Atari if I remember correctly) are very, very bitchy about anything to do with it. They won't sell the license (one person i spoke to compared it to a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card from Monopoly, rarely used but seems to be traded around a lot as padding for other deals) and have been known to be very hostile towards fan projects like remakes and the like.

Anyway, i just though i'd let you know, unless you've spoken to them, in which case I can go back and sneer at everyone who told me i'm breaking the law... and then refuse to give them the links mwahahaha

PrejudiceSucks 23-05-2005 08:16 AM

I was playing on XcomUtil, the difficulty is upped a bit and also aliens don't always come as they should.

At least it wasn't Sectopods. Although XComUtil HE usually takes em down in one.

AsdMaster 23-05-2005 09:38 AM

I always get fired :angel:

Got any advice :D

Student 23-05-2005 12:27 PM

Dont get fired :twisted:
No advice.

The Fifth Horseman 23-05-2005 12:42 PM

Keep your budget up. If you have a debt for several continuing months, you're fired.
Watch alien activity graphs. If all countries are taken over, you're fired.

Student 23-05-2005 01:38 PM


Originally posted by Malice Mizer@May 23 2005, 12:48 AM
Are you people certain that XCOM is abandonware? I know you're all rather scrupulous in your checks but after a few discussions on some forums, regarding the games I've been informend by quite a few people that the current owners of the license (Atari if I remember correctly) are very, very bitchy about anything to do with it. They won't sell the license (one person i spoke to compared it to a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card from Monopoly, rarely used but seems to be traded around a lot as padding for other deals) and have been known to be very hostile towards fan projects like remakes and the like.

Anyway, i just though i'd let you know, unless you've spoken to them, in which case I can go back and sneer at everyone who told me i'm breaking the law... and then refuse to give them the links mwahahaha

If im corect a game is abandonware after 25 years from the time it was released after that time the maker of the game loses most of his rights regarding the game (MOST not ALL) and that means only "adventure" is true abandonware on this site.
Remember that's what i remember so im not sure its totaly true.

Fama 23-05-2005 03:00 PM

Hmm. I sure hope that's true, but I doubt it. But I hope you're right. Anyway, it isn't sold anymore -> abandonware. Well, that's the main idea. And places like eBay don't count.

another_guest 23-05-2005 07:28 PM


Originally posted by AsdMaster@May 23 2005, 09:38 AM
I always get fired :angel:

Got any advice :D

Like "the_fifth_horseman" said, use the graphs to see where the aliens are active, then try to get as many missions as possible there (down ufo's but also land after you've shot them!)
Don't ignore terror sites. Even just landing and taking off again is a lot better.
Above all, be active... Pursue any ufo's you can take on, play any mission you think you can win,...

PrejudiceSucks 23-05-2005 08:04 PM

If you've got nothing better to do then I also suggest doing any research possible which you know doesn't take long (autopsies are good for this) because you get quite a lot of points for research.

If you're quite new, just fight every battle you can to get some experience of how to fight. In little time you will probably get a lot better at identifying which aliens and weapons are very dangerous and which ones are not.

Also, above everything, don't worry. This game is really hard, so don't take it badly when you start losing, just start a new game :D.

Malice Mizer 23-05-2005 08:07 PM

You'll get to a point at which you just can't be arsed to go and land at crash sites anymore. When this happens save and switch off, don't just sit there letting the UFO's come and go whilst you mess around with research (as everyone seems to do) you could irrecoverably damage your funding and overall points.

Sharp 23-05-2005 08:44 PM

Go after every UFO you see except battleships.

Before your interceptor starts shooting the battleship see how big it is, if its 3 levels high and looks huge then run away very fast, they can down interceptors in one hit.

Now it all depends on how you are getting fired, if its due to all the nations allying with the aliens then as The Fitfth Horseman said use the activity graphs to see where to concentrate your efforts.

However if its the debt then you might want to use a more cost effective strategy. Get laser research ASAP, the ammos free and not to expensive. As another_guest said take any missions that you feel you can win, however if you come on a mission which you think is feasible but difficult then try and kill a few aliens, steal a few weapons and then dust-off, remeber rookies are cheap and expendable, vets are the ones who always get targeted first, dam aliens and darn Skyranger for making all the good troops go first.

If you somehow have found an alien base then send a squad in there and just kill a few aliens and steal the weps and ammo then run away with hopefully no casulties. You could alternativly send a whole rookie squad.

A ten man rookie squad equipped with laser rifles costs $600000
A ten man rookie squad equipped laser rifles n nades cost $603000 ($606000 for two grenades each)

Now assuming this is a snakeman/chrysalid base or a floater/reaper base then you should be able to take them on with laser rifles and grenades. Mutons/Sectiods/Etherial base, no chance.

If you manage to lose half a squad but manage to steal about 3 aliens equipments worth you should be able to get at least one million dollars, not only that you should get an improved squad in rank and skills making your rookies into squaddies/better.

Now thats just assuming you lose half a squad, just remember not to take out the whole base so you only have to kill the first few aliens you see and then run away after stealing there stuff. This is an easy way to make cash and improve skills.

For all people who manage to stay late in the game, alien bases make good sources of funds and training, just hope its a snakeman/floater one and its one of the arctic ones, or a country you dont care about.

Edit: I myself have an alien base in the arctic and have an interceptor and skyranger base nearby to down supply ships and provide a base for new recruits. It is a heavily guarded base and fairly expensive to run, but in those dull moments where theres no UFO's (that you can see) then its good for a nice training/fund run.

TheChosen 24-05-2005 07:53 AM


Got any advice?
You want some advice? Read the whole topic! :w00t:

Student 25-05-2005 01:23 PM

2 days ago i lost two tanks while defending the base.
They were hit from a blaster launcher from round the corner.
Here is the explanation.
My base were atacked by floaters
so i tried to block of all of the entrancesby my forces.
ose squadie threw Prox nades at the north corridor in a turn when he was ready to throw the second one two floaters emerged from the lift.
One triped on the nade and died.
The second one fired at the squaddie.
The bomb were suposed to hit an squadie.
the mistle missed and turned left to hit the guy.
It missed.
It blasted both tanks to bits.
My balistic study found it almost imposible.
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_____! . !____________
. S . T
. . . ' T

A- Alien (Floater)
S- Squadie
T- Tank (laser)

Student 25-05-2005 01:25 PM

My the map fizled sorry.
But i hope you understand what i meant.

PrejudiceSucks 25-05-2005 05:28 PM

I sort of understand. Maybe those were other waypoints that it took after missing your soldiers. Also remember that Blaster Lauchers are NOT 100% accurate.

Sharp 25-05-2005 07:47 PM

Well yeah, blaster launchers arent 100% accurate but it is possible, If im looking at your diagram right then your squaddie was in a corner between two corridors, one which had the alien and another with the tanks.

Now im assuming that the alien was slightly to the left of your guy (the alien's right), he fired the blaster launcher using two waypoints, one to go forwards and the other to turn and hit your guy.

(A)-Alien with blaster launcher
S - Squaddie
T - Tank
|........| Hallway


The aliens intended blaster bomb path was supposed to be

..|.. - Blaster bomb path
X - Explosion


However what happended was


There are many cases where this happens, when using a blaster launcher you should always first make it go up, and then have the next way point go down to the alien, that way it usually hits the floor and still kills the alien.

If you just have it on the same level as the alien then it does have tendancies to miss it, extremly hard to hit mid-air floaters using blaster launchers.

PrejudiceSucks 26-05-2005 07:47 AM

What you really should have done against the Floater with a Blaster Launcher is thrown a oack of HE around the corner and ran away.

Literally no chance that it would survive. Although its body would be gone and judging by its blaster launcher it would probably be someone useful like a Leader or Commander. Possibly a Technician, but they're still handy.

Sharp 26-05-2005 04:53 PM

Hmm ya know the erm 'oppurtunity fire', it seems to work weirdly for the aliens.

I landed an abductor and was looking for a sectoid leader. As per usual he was in the top command room, however I sent my guy in, he didnt fire straight away, usually once you move your guy around he tends to shoot, especially if your running away and show your back.

However since I kept a tight perimeter so none of my vets would die most of my squad was actually in the UFO, the person at the UFO front entrance happened to be the person holding the stun launcher.

I then proceed to pass the stun launcher by throwing it throughout the UFO and then passing it to the top floor, then throwing it to the next waiting squaddie, I then threw it to my dude who was looking at the Sectiod Leader and probably the Navigator and a soldier all nicely clumped together.

My dude picked up the stun launcher and then equipped it, still no alien fire, he then shot it at the aliens. And then the sectiod leader survived and er killed my dude.

Nonetheless the 'oppurtinity fire' is weird, youd think it would be an overall time, but If your dude has spotted an alien who you think has seen him, try and get another person to either chuck a grenade/HE pack (primed to 0) and end the turn or try and get another person to pincer the alien just dont move the dude who you think the alien spotted and you should be fine.

Havell 26-05-2005 05:13 PM


Originally posted by Student@May 25 2005, 02:25 PM
My the map fizled sorry.
But i hope you understand what i meant.

The forum gets rid of spaces it deosn't think are neccessary, however, if you click the quote button and look at the map in the little box below the main posting box then you can see the daigram in full, spaces and all (I hope that was understandable).

stonefisher 27-05-2005 05:42 PM

Hello i had a copy of the old dos version of ufo enemy unknown but a cousin borrowed it and its now broke. I have downloaded the one from this site and several others but its all the gold version. i cant run the dos version on it and the win 2000 loads but changes to a screen res my screen cant support. This is fine if i just want to listen to the game but i so want to play it again. ive looked around for a copy of the old dos version and the only one i can find isnt in english. Could someone plz direct me to an english one thats the origanel dos version plz.

Kearnsy 28-05-2005 11:22 AM

I showed the game to my friends, but they dnt seem to think its that great. :ranting:
Oh well... I guess its one of those games that you dont appreciate just by looking at it.
Dont worry I'll win them over yet!!! :Titan:

PrejudiceSucks 28-05-2005 12:19 PM

meh, that means less bandwidth for Abandonia to spend on!

Student 30-05-2005 10:45 AM

1) Just a sec ago i shot mu own solider with the launcher and it was beter than the alien trick with my tanks.
my solidier armed with a blaster launcher standing on an damaged building and an mutton on the ground
in 2D (side) it looked like that.


t - trooper
I - walls
" - ground
. - empty space
_ - floor
' - Mistle trace
w - way point
I set the launcher to go to the ground behind the alien and then turn and hit him.
like this


but at the waypoint the thing turned back and hit the floor under my guy.


how could that hapen.
I don't have a clue.

My XCOM Util is not working right
it usualy crashes when i go with the mouse pointer (cursor) on the edge of the screen.

When my frenfs seen that they said.
dont play that s**t its worthles
get yourself silent storm or sumfin.

Sharp 30-05-2005 03:37 PM

erm, that was interesting to say the least, what you should have done is put a waypoint above the muton, then told it to go straight down.

axident 30-05-2005 06:04 PM


Originally posted by Student@May 30 2005, 10:45 AM
1) Just a sec ago i shot mu own solider with the launcher and it was beter than the alien trick with my tanks.
my solidier armed with a blaster launcher standing on an damaged building and an mutton on the ground
in 2D (side) it looked like that.


t - trooper
I - walls
" - ground
. - empty space
_ - floor
' - Mistle trace
w - way point
I set the launcher to go to the ground behind the alien and then turn and hit him.
like this


but at the waypoint the thing turned back and hit the floor under my guy.


how could that hapen.
I don't have a clue.

My XCOM Util is not working right
it usualy crashes when i go with the mouse pointer (cursor) on the edge of the screen.

When my frenfs seen that they said.
dont play that s**t its worthles
get yourself silent storm or sumfin.

Telling a blaster bomb to go straight up or down is dangerous because of a bug that forces the missile to go south. The safest thing to do from above is to point the missile up and 1 square from the target, then in the square right behind the target at the target's level, then criss-cross the target a bunch of times to ensure that one of them will hit:

2-D side view for steps 1 to 9:

... = empty
-- = missile trail


8 chances to hit! You can also make waypoints overlap. I drew it without overlapping just so you could see what was going on.. else 2,4,6,8 would overlap and so would 3,5,7,9.

AsdMaster 31-05-2005 07:50 AM

How do I shoot those darn aliens when they are higher than me and I can't get that high :ranting:

PrejudiceSucks 31-05-2005 07:56 AM

If you can get close enough then throw packs of high explosive at them, it'll take out anything smaller than a Sectopod (normal X-Com) or indeed Sectopod and below (XComUtil).

By the way, is it just me or is this version of XComUtil totally broken. I can't even get to the Battlescape anymore.

Student 31-05-2005 08:43 AM

In some ships (the big ones) i find walkers (usualy one at a time) but i can't autopsy them.
Do anyone knows what are they.
Quite powerful

Havell 31-05-2005 08:54 AM

Press the button with a ladder and an arrow pointing upwards until you are on the same level as the alien, you can then shoot the alien provided your soldier can see him.

jimmy7512 31-05-2005 10:40 AM

Do I have to research Alien Alloy to gain X-COM armor ? and how many scientists do I need to complete the research ?

PrejudiceSucks 31-05-2005 10:52 AM

Aye, that you do. For all types. I recommend all of your scientists as it's quite an important one.

In the big ships the walkers will be Reavers if you come and hit you or Sectopods if they have cannons. Sectopods are one of the hardest enemies in the game, so be careful with them.

jimmy7512 31-05-2005 11:09 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@May 31 2005, 10:52 AM
Aye, that you do. For all types. I recommend all of your scientists as it's quite an important one.

In the big ships the walkers will be Reavers if you come and hit you or Sectopods if they have cannons. Sectopods are one of the hardest enemies in the game, so be careful with them.

:ok: Thanks for the tip, I'll do that right away.

PrejudiceSucks 31-05-2005 04:56 PM

No problem at all.

Sharp 31-05-2005 10:35 PM

Well, its been said before but you can find some really good advice if you read through the whole thread.

But if you do that then people like me and Prejudice will have no way of increasing our post count without spamming. So please, feel free to ask more questions, just make sure there specific, none of that any advice crap.

stonefisher 01-06-2005 02:17 AM

If you cant answear the question i asked last in this thread could you plz tell me how to either a. run the windows version in a window instead of fullscreen or b. tell me how to change its graphics settings so it will startup in a supported screen setting.

I cant believe ppl are willing to pay ?10 for this game second hand off ebay still.

PrejudiceSucks 01-06-2005 07:11 AM

ffs! That's one of the main points really.

All you have to do is load UFO.exe

It will still be 320 x 200 but over a full screen. IMO it still looks all right.

Sharp 01-06-2005 07:40 AM

If you run UFO.exe in dos-box it should run in a windowed mode. Not to sure about how to make it work for the graphics.

Also many people who buy it off ebay are collectors of types. They are the gamers who have collections of old games, to have nice nostalgia, mabye worth a fortune later on.... or mabye not. But there the ones who buy all the oldies(abandonware) of ebay.

jimmy7512 01-06-2005 10:03 AM

Ok I got personal Armor now and Alien alloy thanks to prejudice, Do laser weapons run out of ammo or need some kind of recharging ? What will happen if I research the floater corpse and sectoid corpse ?

Spookyfish 01-06-2005 10:12 AM

Laser weapons have unlimited ammo. As for the corpses, I don't think you'll learn anything besides any eventual weaknesses.

jimmy7512 01-06-2005 10:32 AM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Jun 1 2005, 10:12 AM
Laser weapons have unlimited ammo. As for the corpses, I don't think you'll learn anything besides any eventual weaknesses.
:ok: Thanks I have another question, which weapons are better the weapons that you get at the start of the game, Laser weapons or the Plasma weapons(alien weapons) ?

Spookyfish 01-06-2005 10:38 AM

I prefer laser weapons in the beginning. You can actually do with them for the rest of the game. But be careful with using plasma in the very beginning, as you can quickly run out of ammo. But later in the game, there's only heavy plasma guns and clips for them that the aliens use, so you can go over to those if you want to. There's a big argument over which of the two are best actually, so I think I'll shut up before some big brute shows up :whistle:.

jimmy7512 01-06-2005 10:43 AM


Originally posted by Spookyfish@Jun 1 2005, 10:38 AM
I prefer laser weapons in the beginning. You can actually do with them for the rest of the game. But be careful with using plasma in the very beginning, as you can quickly run out of ammo. But later in the game, there's only heavy plasma guns and clips for them that the aliens use, so you can go over to those if you want to. There's a big argument over which of the two are best actually, so I think I'll shut up before some big brute shows up :whistle:.
:ok: Thanks for the tip.

PrejudiceSucks 01-06-2005 02:03 PM


Laser Rifles are fine until the end of the game and Heavy Lasers are great, contrary to common opinion. No ammo needed, but even at the beginning of the game you will be fine with Plasma ammo.

Plasma weapons pack a hell of a lot of damage, but use clips. I actually don't mind this and they are accurate enough to only really need snap shots. The clips are only 1 elerium each and you should have plenty of that, really.

I prefer the more reliable Laser Rifles myself, but on the other hand a Heavy Plasma will flatten a Muton Warrior in one shot. It's your call really.

jimmy7512 01-06-2005 02:42 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Jun 1 2005, 02:03 PM

Laser Rifles are fine until the end of the game and Heavy Lasers are great, contrary to common opinion. No ammo needed, but even at the beginning of the game you will be fine with Plasma ammo.

Plasma weapons pack a hell of a lot of damage, but use clips. I actually don't mind this and they are accurate enough to only really need snap shots. The clips are only 1 elerium each and you should have plenty of that, really.

I prefer the more reliable Laser Rifles myself, but on the other hand a Heavy Plasma will flatten a Muton Warrior in one shot. It's your call really.

Maybe I should just use both to my advantage.

Guest 01-06-2005 03:38 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Jun 1 2005, 07:40 AM
If you run UFO.exe in dos-box it should run in a windowed mode. Not to sure about how to make it work for the graphics.

Iv already tried running it on dos box and it says it cant do that. The reason i want it in window mode is because it changes to a setting my screen cant support when i run the windows version.

PrejudiceSucks 01-06-2005 04:30 PM

If you are on XP (as I am) then put it in Win95 compatability first. Hope it helps.

Oh and Jimmy, yes, that is a good plan. I usually have, in an 8 man squad, 5 Laser Rifles, 2 Heavy Plasmas (for the snipers) and a Plasma Pistol/Motion Scanner person. The person with a Plasma Pistol acts as the support person and carries 3 med-kits and 2 Large Rockets. The rest all carry 2 Proxy Grenades and a HE pack.

Sharp 01-06-2005 11:03 PM

Hmm, ive never really used motion scanners that much, might have to try that soon. It can detect through walls and stuff right?

Motion Scanner and HE Pack/Nades, or mabye a laser pistol.

If you've downloaded UFO from here then you should be able to run it in windowed mode in dos-box. Try dragging the UFO.exe to Dosbox.exe that might make it work, otherwise im not too sure how it will work in windowed mode for you.

I find that when using either heavy lasers or heavy plasmas the damage doesnt make that much difference, you hit an etherial with a heavy plasma or with a heavy laser and it generally goes down in one hit, its only whether you hit the alien or not, give a heavy laser to a sniper and he can kick some serious behind, that is unless its mutons, mutons should only be dealt with rockets, grenades, High Explsoves, Blaster Launchers and auto-fire from heavy plasma, preferably all..... at the same time.

Either that or you can Mind Control them and make em shoot each other :sneaky:

jimmy7512 02-06-2005 07:16 AM

This has always bamboozled me, How many kills does a X-COM soldier have to kill in order to get a promotion ? What does the promotion do does it raise any of it's stats ?

The Fifth Horseman 02-06-2005 07:38 AM

I think it's partially based on missions, partially on kills and also depends on how many ranking soldiers are in the base.

PrejudiceSucks 02-06-2005 07:38 AM

It depends on how they are promoted (it's really on experience of shooting, throwing etc. but kills help) and also what aliens it is.

For example, kill two sectoids and you get to be a sergeant. Kill a Sectopod and you'll probably get a Captain. On the other hand you have to pay your better soldiers more money.

What you really want is a Lightning with a Plasma Cannon full of Commandos really. When soldiers get to Commando status they are like walking tanks, even more so if you give the Flying Suits.

Never underestimate 8 Commandos in Flying Suits with Heavy Plasma rifles (they do better with them rather than Laser Rifles) and HE Packs.

Proximity Grenades are always handy, but with reactions as high as these guys they should be fine without. A med-kit for them all is nice though. In fact, that's pretty much essential.

Sharp, yes Motion Scanners work anywhere, but only for 8 squares. They're still very nice to have around on Terror sites though, as you can tell if you're about to be attacked by Crysallids and hence can set up the mother of all ambushes by blowing out whole buildings and laying an enormous Proximity Grenade minefield.

Also helps when you have people with 130ish% shooting accuracy and high reactions, all with Heavy Plasma :D

jimmy7512 02-06-2005 08:08 AM


What you really want is a Lightning with a Plasma Cannon full of Commandos really. When soldiers get to Commando status they are like walking tanks, even more so if you give the Flying Suits.
What is a Lightning, HE Packs and flying suits ?

Sharp 02-06-2005 09:08 AM

Well jimmy, doesnt look like youve got that far yet.

A Lighting is a craft which can transport troops like a skyranger but also has one weapon pod on it. It can carry 12 men and moves fairly fast, useful for strike raids, especially on terror sites if you want to catch em before nightfall.

HE Packs are High Explosive Packs, they work like grenades but are heavier (so cant be thrown as far) but extremly powerful.

Flying Suits are an XCOM armour which is not only strong but allows the Soldier to fly, useful when going into UFO's from the top or getting snipers into position, especially useful against chyrsalids/reapers as chyrsalids/reapers only have a hand to hand attack.

Promotions are hard to figure out, I had one dude who only killed one alien but has done 5 missions who is a captain and another person whose killed around 5 aliens in two missions and is also a captain.

I think its a mix between alien kills, missions and the number of troops you have (mainly alien kills i think). Promoted troops do not have any bonuses such as skill gain nor are they promoted on how much skill they gain. The advantage of having promoted troops is that in battle they keep morale up, of course when the die morale plummets.

Commanders/Colonels are extremly valuable so you should always make sure you keep them well protected.

jimmy7512 02-06-2005 09:11 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Jun 2 2005, 09:08 AM
Well jimmy, doesnt look like youve got that far yet.

A Lighting is a craft which can transport troops like a skyranger but also has one weapon pod on it. It can carry 12 men and moves fairly fast, useful for strike raids, especially on terror sites if you want to catch em before nightfall.

HE Packs are High Explosive Packs, they work like grenades but are heavier (so cant be thrown as far) but extremly powerful.

Flying Suits are an XCOM armour which is not only strong but allows the Soldier to fly, useful when going into UFO's from the top or getting snipers into position, especially useful against chyrsalids/reapers as chyrsalids/reapers only have a hand to hand attack.

Promotions are hard to figure out, I had one dude who only killed one alien but has done 5 missions who is a captain and another person whose killed around 5 aliens in two missions and is also a captain.

I think its a mix between alien kills, missions and the number of troops you have (mainly alien kills i think). Promoted troops do not have any bonuses such as skill gain nor are they promoted on how much skill they gain. The advantage of having promoted troops is that in battle they keep morale up, of course when the die morale plummets.

Commanders/Colonels are extremly valuable so you should always make sure you keep them well protected.

Nope I haven't got that far yet, by thw way how do you get the lightning and flying suits ? I have researched everything in my research section and there isn't anyhting else for me to research.

efthimios 02-06-2005 09:29 AM

Unless you have reached some kind of a weird bug in the game, you are supposed to find, kill and capture alive aliens, alien technology etc. As you do this, more and more of research "topics" will appear for you to invest on.

jimmy7512 02-06-2005 10:32 AM


Originally posted by efthimios@Jun 2 2005, 09:29 AM
Unless you have reached some kind of a weird bug in the game, you are supposed to find, kill and capture alive aliens, alien technology etc. As you do this, more and more of research "topics" will appear for you to invest on.
No worries I have the Power Suit, Flying Suit, Firestorm and Lightning now.

PrejudiceSucks 02-06-2005 07:22 PM

Yeah, they're all not too hard to get. Still, well played.

Student 03-06-2005 07:39 AM

Ive atacked cydonia 2 times and never found a sectopod.
only those weird walkers is it a bug ?

PrejudiceSucks 03-06-2005 08:40 AM

I doubt it, I'm pretty sure that the monsters are fixed on Cydonia.

Might be though....

The Fifth Horseman 03-06-2005 09:19 AM

These "weird walkers" are Sectopods.

jimmy7512 03-06-2005 11:05 AM

:angry: These so called Etherals are getting on my nerves, I am in their base now and they are killing my people with 1 shot and my squad are equiped with FLYING SUITS Does anyone know how to handle them ? What weapon to use against them ?

PrejudiceSucks 03-06-2005 11:16 AM

HE packs, Blaster Launchers are handy, Heavy Lasers too.

Only use your mind-control resitant soldiers against them though, or you are going to be in for a shock.

Anything with incendiary ammo will be handy.

Student 03-06-2005 11:35 AM

Um hum so the walkers are sectopods?
I killed 4-5 of them and i never got an autopsy option in my reasearch tab.

There are no easy way to take down an etheral base.
Try to take some tanks to absorb fire.
Or hide around the corner walk out take your shoot and walk back in.

Try to take the best guns in the game (blaster,Hevy plasma,hevy laser).
If you still have problems use explosive ammo but remember that this can destroy most of the merchendise.
always take HE packs and alien nades.

If you use the skyranger pack it up with troopers, the same with the lightning.
Or you can use Avenger with one or two plasma tanks.

jimmy7512 03-06-2005 12:08 PM

I loaded it up again and now I have killed most of the etherals with Heavy Lasers, Alien Grenades, HE Packs and 1 Blaster launcher(not enough money to buy more)
and I have tried to find the central bit of the base that your supposed to destroy but I'm having difficulty any tips ?

Student 03-06-2005 12:40 PM

Just blast all of the aliens and dont bother bout the bit.

efthimios 03-06-2005 01:00 PM

In the very centre of the base there is a big room with a "lift" that goes up. Up there, is the equipment need to be destroyed. Though I guess if you kill everyone you will finish the mission anyway.

jimmy7512 03-06-2005 01:05 PM


Originally posted by efthimios@Jun 3 2005, 01:00 PM
In the very centre of the base there is a big room with a "lift" that goes up. Up there, is the equipment need to be destroyed. Though I guess if you kill everyone you will finish the mission anyway.
:ok: Thanks for the tip I found it now.

Sharp 03-06-2005 02:53 PM

Gah, hate etherial bases, them followed by mutons then sectoids are the hardest.

Best method is to get two plasma tanks, they cant be MC'ed and are good at fighting in smallish rooms, and they have a lot of ammo for just clearing rooms. Autocannons are extremly useful in bases as well due to the narrow hallways, the main room is not always in the centre. Its best to keep 2-3 soldiers guarding the entrance to the centre room and clearing out the whole base first, nothing sucks as much as getting shot in the back, not to mention the rear armour is next to useless.

For etherials though it is always the hardest to take out the last room, I was lucky once as when I fought the etherials I got to the last room and one of em managed to blow up the whole of the top floor using a blaster launcher.

However you dont neeed to destroy the equipment, you have to kill all the aliens to destroy a base, however if there is a base in say the Arctic/Antarctic or in a country which has been taken over by aliens then you might as well let the base survive and only go there to train up troops and to steal equipment.

jimmy7512 03-06-2005 03:19 PM

So judging from my posts do you think I have gotten far in the game ?

Sharp 03-06-2005 03:55 PM

Well, killing etherials in bases I would say yes, looks like the only thing you have left to do is capture a base commander and then fly off to Cydnonia. (Building an avenger and researching in the way of course).

another_guest 04-06-2005 01:18 PM

You're saying you don't have enough money to buy more equipment.
Apart from selling captured weapons and such (and the bit of funding you're getting every month), engineers are the best way to make lots of money: let them manufacture laser cannons and sell those. Each engineer will yield a net profit of about $44000 a month that way.
And as soon as you've got access to more advanced crafts, using those instead of interceptors will also make quite a difference (each interceptor has a montly cost of $600000 if I remember well).

jimmy7512 04-06-2005 01:53 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Jun 4 2005, 01:18 PM
You're saying you don't have enough money to buy more equipment.
Apart from selling captured weapons and such (and the bit of funding you're getting every month), engineers are the best way to make lots of money: let them manufacture laser cannons and sell those. Each engineer will yield a net profit of about $44000 a month that way.
And as soon as you've got access to more advanced crafts, using those instead of interceptors will also make quite a difference (each interceptor has a montly cost of $600000 if I remember well).

:blink: Wow, Is there a monthly cost for using avengers, Lightnings and Firestorms ?

another_guest 04-06-2005 10:23 PM


Originally posted by jimmy7512@Jun 4 2005, 01:53 PM
:blink: Wow, Is there a monthly cost for using avengers, Lightnings and Firestorms ?
No monthly costs I think. But of course they need elerium as fuel. If you've got a decent numbers of engineers, money shouldn't be a problem.

Personally I still keep some interceptors to take on the slower, smaller ufos, since I've got plenty of money after a few months. And I stick to skyrangers to transport my troops to missions, in order to save elerium, even if a skyranger has a monthly cost of $500000.

Sharp 04-06-2005 10:50 PM

Once I can get Firestorms, interceptors go bye bye. Skyrangers are keepers though, albeit they cost half a mil a month they do have an incredibly long range, they are the best way of finding alien bases, they can transport HWP's/More soldiers then the Lightning.

Engineers are an easy source of income, motion scanners are good first, then laser cannons, then fusion ball launchers, although laser cannons will be the majority as they are relativly low level research. Its good just to have a base consisting of a few workshops (and labs for research) just producing laser cannons to make cash, however nearing the end of the month dont forget to transfer the engineers and scientists to another base to save money by not paying thier salary :sneaky:

However selling Alien Artifacts will get you a lot of initial income, just be sure to keep one of every item until you have researched it, the only alien artifacts you should not sell should be Alien Alloys, Elerium-115, Alien Grenades, Heavy Plasma Clips, Heavy Plasma Rifles, Blaster Bomb's and Launchers, Stun Launchers and Bombs.

You might want to keep a Mind Probe or two but they sell for an incredibly amount of cash each (around 300k if I remember rightly). You can also sell excess Stun Launchers, mabye even Blaster Launchers, but you should not sell the ammo as that is expensive and can be hard to come by.

PrejudiceSucks 05-06-2005 10:27 AM

Yep, mind probes are totally excellent for selling, one engine of elerium (50 units) will net you around $15 million - Ker-ching!

jimmy7512 05-06-2005 01:02 PM

Does anyone know how to get a Excellent on the monthly report because most of the countries are signing pacts with the aliens even U.K. :blink: .

Kearnsy 05-06-2005 01:11 PM

There is no easy way. Just try to take out every alien you see and hope you dont mess anything up to bad.
If it all goes well, you should win them back in no time!

jimmy7512 05-06-2005 01:21 PM


Originally posted by Kearnsy@Jun 5 2005, 01:11 PM
There is no easy way. Just try to take out every alien you see and hope you dont mess anything up to bad.
If it all goes well, you should win them back in no time!

The problem is I don't see any even when I try to look for them I don't see any and end up getting a bad report and no funding. :cry:

Havell 05-06-2005 01:31 PM

Buy lots of radars and blow everything you see out of the sky, maybe build another base of the other side of the world to monitor alien activites there, just blast the UFOs and once you get down on the ground systematically kill everything in sight.

PrejudiceSucks 05-06-2005 02:55 PM

What you need is 5 bases. One on Antarctica for research and engineering (has a guard of 24 soldiers, I can't afford to lose it) and 4 dotted around the world. Mine are in:

South-east Russia

That way with a Hyperwave thingummy I can see pretty much the whole globe.

Kearnsy 05-06-2005 02:58 PM

Ive got mine in:
(extreamly)North Africa

and rather stupidly: South Africa

PrejudiceSucks 05-06-2005 04:22 PM

5 bases is hard enough to manage, 6 must be a total nightmare. Oh well, different strokes for different folks I guess.

Wibbler 05-06-2005 09:53 PM

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but isn't there a fairly major bug in X-Com that means after you shut down and re-load a game, it is re-set to the simplest difficulty level? I think I remember hearing about a patch for this, thought you might want to know about it (of course, I could just be a fistful of wrong on this!)

Guest 06-06-2005 09:40 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Jun 4 2005, 10:50 PM

Engineers are an easy source of income, motion scanners are good first, then laser cannons, then fusion ball launchers, although laser cannons will be the majority as they are relativly low level research.

Fusion balls ?
Ive never got that !
How can i reasearch the thing.
I only got the, laser weapons, med kit and, scanner (on the beginning).

another_guest 06-06-2005 10:41 AM

About the choice of base locations: my first picks are always Europe and USA. That way my radars cover most of the best paying countries. My third base should cover Japan, which is usually the second biggest sponsor after the USA.

I'm not sure (it's been a while since I played UFO) but I think researching heavy plasma and everything it leads to (like plasma defense and any new research items that show up after you've finished researching heavy plasma) should allow you to research Fusion balls.

And yes, build small and large radars in each base at first, then switch to hyperwave decoders once you've got access to those.

Last time I played I had "excellent" rating virtually every month (with the exception of perhaps the first two months), though that was at an easy level.
Like R Havell said, down every ufo you can take on, finish as many missions as possible. And don't ignore terror sites! It's been said 100 times here, but I'll still repeat it: even touching down and taking off again is a lot better than simply ignoring a terror site.

Student 06-06-2005 11:40 AM

I alwaus place my bases in

Central europe 1

East asia 3

North america 2

South america 5

Australia 4

Central africa 6

Guest 06-06-2005 11:42 AM

I'm having some trouble with the dos version of x-com running under
dosbox. The game runs a little laggy. When I'm on the geoscape and I
right-click to rotate it, there's a half second lag before it actually
rotates the globe. Also, during combat, my cursor lags and I end up
shooting the wrong things / moving people instead of selecting them /
other stupid things. The slowdown is really irritating. I would play the windows version of UFO defense, but I have two gripes about it:

1. AWFUL MIDI music compared to the awesome dos version's music (is there a fix for this? please say yes)
2. STUPID CRASHING PROBLEMS ON A TERROR MISSION! Magically the game just crashes as soon as I land. WTF?

As a solution, I'm trying to get the dos version of X-com to run under
windows XP without using dosbox. Do you know any way to fix the
stupid lag, or perhaps to get X-com running under xp?

I also have a question about the game itself. What item do you
reccomend manufacturing and selling for profits? I've found a nice
profit margin in medikits and motion scanners. What do you do

Thanks for the time.

Kearnsy 06-06-2005 12:06 PM

Your right another_guest 6 is pretty tough but Im not on the highest difficulty so that helps a lot.

The reason i dont have a base in Europe but in North Africa is that the radar coverage is almost exactlythe same but the cost of building it is quite a bit less. This i pretty useful at the start of the game when you are cash strapped.

PrejudiceSucks 06-06-2005 03:09 PM

Yeah, true, also it was actually me who said that.

@ Another_Guest

It is actually Blaster Launchers for Fusion Balls, which means that it takes quite a while to get them.

another_guest 06-06-2005 10:24 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Jun 6 2005, 11:42 AM
1) I'm having some trouble with the dos version of x-com running under
dosbox. The game runs a little laggy...

2) I also have a question about the game itself. What item do you
reccomend manufacturing and selling for profits? I've found a nice
profit margin in medikits and motion scanners. What do you do

1) Have you tried increasing the number of cpu cycles in Dosbox? You should increase it to the point that any further raise will cause the game to slow down again. If that isn't enough, try skipping frames. Here, increase to the point where it would start affecting the graphics.

2) Early in the game, med kits and motion scanners are a good choice. But as soon as you can, switch to laser cannons. They yield the biggest profit without requiring additional materials like elerium. I'm not sure how the comparison between laser rifles and motion scanners turns out, so once you can manufacture laser rifles but no laser cannons yet, you could look into that.
And to avoid any possible confusion, with "the biggest profit" I mean the highest net profit per hour, per engineer.

Alejobravo 07-06-2005 04:25 AM

Hi to every one!, Im having Problems during the game play, when i see a lab research it just take´s me out of the game. ( Windows XP Error review), What shall i do... where i can get the Gold X-Com??

Thanks For your atention

( Sorry for my English, i´m Colombian Nice to meet U! )

Sharp 07-06-2005 09:11 AM

you can get UFO Gold from Home of The Underdogs but be warned, extremly slow download, but it does have a wide collection.

My version of UFO is from there, you might get the occasional bug of when you land on a site it might crash and when you try to send your first unit out of a skyranger so frequent saves are advised, other then that it's just like the one from here (and you get a notepad guide of the USG of UFO from Kasey Chang).

Also motion scanners give a higher profit then laser pistols and rifles, also early out its better to produce laser pistols as they cost less to produce and are quicker to build so your cashflow is more stable.

lethe 07-06-2005 12:55 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Jun 6 2005, 10:24 PM
2) Early in the game, med kits and motion scanners are a good choice. But as soon as you can, switch to laser cannons. They yield the biggest profit without requiring additional materials like elerium. I'm not sure how the comparison between laser rifles and motion scanners turns out, so once you can manufacture laser rifles but no laser cannons yet, you could look into that.
And to avoid any possible confusion, with "the biggest profit" I mean the highest net profit per hour, per engineer.

Medikits are surely one of the best ways of income, not only in the beggining. Better than that, I think only alien alloys, but since I never bothered to compare exactly which pays off the hours better, I just produce them both, in different bases.

PrejudiceSucks 07-06-2005 06:22 PM

Alloys are pretty handy to have at any time really. They make a lot of money and you can make cool stuff out of them :D.

Guest 07-06-2005 07:33 PM


Originally posted by lethe@Jun 7 2005, 12:55 PM
Medikits are surely one of the best ways of income, not only in the beggining. Better than that, I think only alien alloys, but since I never bothered to compare exactly which pays off the hours better, I just produce them both, in different bases.
Some time ago I saw a strategy guide for UFO with a table of products that compared profit per engeneer hour.

The best was some kind of laser weapon, I think the heavy laser.

PrejudiceSucks 07-06-2005 07:39 PM

No, it will have been Laser Cannons, I used to have that guide.

If only they made the official strategy guide abandonware...

styer27 07-06-2005 07:53 PM

Im sure the best thing to sell is alloys, although i ran across a different thing not too long ago, i manufactures a few mind probes when i was short, they DID sell for alot more than purchased but i only tried it once and never really looked into it, alloys are just too handy to have on the side anyways.

Heres a Q i been thinking on for a while, never really tried it out much in play. The cyberdisks explode when killed as we all know, when i 1st played this game on playstation i remember taking a few of these things alive, but on this version even when hit with stun bombs they explode and when i tried a stun rod just for something differrent the damn thing blew in my face! :ph34r: So .... is it possible to capture a cyberdisk alive? or have i just been unlucky to not get one alive in the 300 odd battles ive fought?

Another Q: when aliens are on the interdict mission converting countries to go against X-com, when is the critical agreement between the two made? :cheers:

1. As soon as the enemy craft departs for its mission.
2. As the enemy craft lands at the destination country.
3. As the enemy craft sits in the destination country.
4. Before the enemy craft departs from the target country.
5. As soon as the enemy craft lands at base

My guess is 5 but im still not convinced, if i blast the craft down before it makes it to base, is the aliens agreement void? or is the agreement sealed before the craft takes off?

Another thing, does blasting the craft down cancel the agreement? or do i have to go down and kill every alien? AND if there are 3 enemy craft at the country all different sizes, and different races, do i make a certain race/size ship my priority? example .... will a small craft full of etherials with thier mind powers do more persausive damage than a very large ship full of snakemen? or are all ships equally damaging at interdiction?

Not sure if any of this info is even possible but im interested to see if anyone has some facts.

lethe 07-06-2005 10:07 PM

I don't remember capturating cyberdisks, but they are not essential to finish the game anyway.

If you target terrorist ships first, the chance of losing countries will reduce. Avoiding them to make bases also helps too. The way I see, all those 5 aren't how agreements are made, since I experienced all of those without losing the respective countries.

another_guest 07-06-2005 10:51 PM


Originally posted by styer27@Jun 7 2005, 07:53 PM
if there are 3 enemy craft at the country all different sizes, and different races, do i make a certain race/size ship my priority? example .... will a small craft full of etherials with thier mind powers do more persausive damage than a very large ship full of snakemen? or are all ships equally damaging at interdiction?
It's not the race that matters but the mission each ufo is carrying out (which can be seen among the info a hyperwave decoder gives -> alien infiltration). I'm not sure about the influence of the ufo size.
Ufo's only affect your score or any countries when they manage to land. It would simply be impossible to prevent them from departing for their mission, you always need some time before you can reach them.
But in any case, Lethe's advise is really sound, that should keep you out of trouble. Preventing terror ships from landing should be your first objective. If you can't down it, at least land at the site.

Personally I've never captured a cyberdisk.

Student 08-06-2005 06:26 AM

Ive got an cyberdisk... :whistle:
Threw an alien nade at its antigravity device.
the explosion nailed the thing io the ground my men blasted the few resisting sectoids and presto. :sneaky:
A few hours later the cyberdisc is in my ufopedia. :D
I think you can get the bastard by talking with alien medics. :evil: :Titan:

Sharp 08-06-2005 01:32 PM


Originally posted by Kearnsy@Jun 6 2005, 12:06 PM
The reason i dont have a base in Europe but in North Africa is that the radar coverage is almost exactlythe same but the cost of building it is quite a bit less. This i pretty useful at the start of the game when you are cash strapped.
Generally the first base I set down is in central Europe, the reason being is because it normally costs 1 million to set a base there, but because your 1st base is free its useful to plop it in Europe.

Its also nice and central as it is almost equidistant to America and Japan and is quite close to Africa so makes a good starting base, when buidling a new base I like to look at the alien activity to see where a new base is most needed (though generally once ive built the base there the aliens go to the other side of the world).

Usually though il build one either in Central Asia for 500k or Central America for 800k then a 4th base in South Africa and possibly a 5th Base either in Australia or South America. I dont like having a lot of bases as they require more time to manage them.

Also I generally tend to have two skyrangers, one in Europe one in America and a Lighting in China. Rest just have Firestorms or are simply radar/manufacturing bases.

PrejudiceSucks 08-06-2005 08:07 PM

Yes, that's true. I have one in Prague to cover a lot of Russia, most of Africa and the whole of Europe.

With a Hyperwave Decoder it's the best base around.

styer27 09-06-2005 12:36 AM


Originally posted by lethe@Jun 7 2005, 10:07 PM
If you target terrorist ships first, the chance of losing countries will reduce. Avoiding them to make bases also helps too. The way I see, all those 5 aren't how agreements are made, since I experienced all of those without losing the respective countries.
Yes that comes under common scense of course, what im talking about are certain situations, not overall tactics. If im in the early stages of the game with a hyper decoder and i detect 3 ships all with the same mission, interdiction. My Q is: how much time or activity must go on before the breaking point is reached and the freindly country signs with the aliens? We all know that X-com finds out at the end of the month in the report, but what is the actuall phisical game calculation that makes it tick over?

Ive had times when shooting them down and killing them all before reaching base has worked, but its not 100% effective, its like they get a radio signal off just in time or something, so that would lead someone to belive it must be the actuall landing in the country that causes it, but then i made it my priority to shoot them down without them landing and yet that was not 100% effective either, so maybe it has more to do with the ships actuall presence over the country. Yet the tide turns sometimes and a small crraft on interdict mission full of snakemen will land, negotiate and take off without me touching them, yet the country does not turn, but hardly ever will a very large craft full of etherial fail at turning the country.

So in all, there must be a certain limit that a country can "hold off" peace negotiations untill they finnaly give in, i wanna know the critical turning point, surely a circut-jockey out there has studied this games schematics and knows the info.

PrejudiceSucks 09-06-2005 07:01 PM

No, you have to wipe out all of the ships that are doing that. It doesn't matter how much effort you put in, shoot them down and then kill ABSOLUTELY EVERY ONE OF THE ALIENS AT THE SITES.

If you lose a ground battle then I think that they continue on with the mission. I might be wrong though.

Sharp 09-06-2005 10:21 PM

If you retreat from a ground battle the UFO if was crashed dis-appears, if it had landed then it should continue with its mission, though if you had an interceptor sitting on it then the interceptor would engage.

Im not too sure that alien infiltration works all the time, i think ive let a few infiltration UFO's get out of my reach but I still havent lost any sponsor countries. If you generally keep a good performance then you should be able to keep your countries safe, that and dont let too many infilitration ships past.

jimmy7512 12-06-2005 10:06 AM

I'm stuck, I have got approximately 5 alien battleships(Etherals) which have landed and they are terrorise ships, My avenger is on repairs for taking one of these already and my skyranger has engaged one of them and my squad panicked when I tried to go inside their ship. :help:

gregor 12-06-2005 11:30 AM


Originally posted by jimmy7512@Jun 12 2005, 10:06 AM
I'm stuck, I have got approximately 5 alien battleships(Etherals) which have landed and they are terrorise ships, My avenger is on repairs for taking one of these already and my skyranger has engaged one of them and my squad panicked when I tried to go inside their ship. :help:
they will stop panicing after a while. make sure you find the alien that is watching your troops and kill him. that way you will limit this psionic attacks they are making to your team.

jimmy7512 13-06-2005 03:32 PM

Well, I completed the ground invasion and used the tip from gregor(thanks) but it is now the 31st jan 2000 and the other etheral terrorise ships are gone and i have now lost china, germany and india :angry: because of the amount of etheral terrorise ships.

PrejudiceSucks 13-06-2005 06:50 PM

Ach, hard luck mate.

Kimbo 14-06-2005 08:49 PM

Well... When I last(several years) played UFO, I tried to capture the aliens ALIVE... and thats really hard but it pays of AFTER the research. I remember to specially go after the leaders (or navigaters) to get some good intel on the aliens. (The only alien I never got was the first "very small ship"... the one man ship... think it was a scout-ship..:ranting: if some one knows I would be happy to know about it)

Next thing to do is to establish a new base on the other side of the world.. to cover most of the world... (I normally starts in central-Europe, and second base somewhere in Asia)

Hope this ever helps!

Kim :ph34r:

PrejudiceSucks 15-06-2005 12:00 PM

yeah, getting navigators and engineers as soon as possible is a very, very useful thing to do. With luck, you'll have a hyperwave decoder in the first or second month and as soon as that happens you KNOW what you're going to come up against.

And that's always handy.

Christian 15-06-2005 06:59 PM

I'm really desperate in getting this to work so I'm writing here as well as in the Troubleshooting forum. Hopefully someone can help. I'm having trouble running UFO: EU correctly. I've tried running both .exe-files both naturally and in DOSBox but they don't work correctly. The yellow one has a speed issue (flows too fast) and the blue has a graphic issue (smuthered all over the screen). In DOSBox none of them runs since they "can't be run in DOS". I've tried running them in Win95 compatability mode but that didn't work either. I'm using WinXP.

PrejudiceSucks 18-06-2005 07:26 PM

With the yellow one, I sugggest you get Turbo. It's one of the problems that I am having, but it seems to work OK.

Also try running more than one UFO.exe, that can help.

Christian 19-06-2005 08:40 AM

Well I manage to get it working so-so. It has some small problems (such as names on the world map sometimes disappears) but it works pretty fine for now.

Have been playing the game a lot now lately and I always seem to lose at least 3 guys every mission. Am I just bad or are you supposed to lose guys?

PrejudiceSucks 19-06-2005 09:03 AM

It takes a lot of practise to not get too many casualties. I've gone through a battleship without any casualties before, but that was maily due to luck to be honest.

All battles will be dangerous, Plasma Weaponry kills pretty much anyone in a single shot unless they are in Power Armour or Flying Armour.

The key to success is to not be afraid to spend a lot of money on grenads to blow your enemies up.

You also need to remember this - A sectoid with a Heavy Plasma is worth around 200k, a soldier is 40k.

Your soldiers are disposible.

Christian 19-06-2005 10:08 AM

Hahahahaha! I encountered my first batch of chryssalids ever today... man, did I get an asswhooping :)
It started out like with me facing about a dozen of snakes which I disposed pretty easily. Then when I saw the first chryssalids I shot them down fairly easy UNTIL one of them snook up on my 5 men squad. Only one of the poor guys survived :P

It ended up with only 2 guys surviving the mission (out of 14!) and I'm still wondering if I should reload and play it again or lick my wounds and suffer the losses. Any tips on fighting chryssalids in general?

pedro0930 19-06-2005 10:25 AM

As for me, I always just send out 3 of the troops and a HWP
I let the rest of the team stay in the ship or around the ship
The 3 trooper will just go out (in flying suit if possible) and look for aliens and use the Heavy Plasma rifle to shoot them down, and if they use up all their time unit befor the alien dies, I will just let the troops behind them start firing at the alien without actually see them
If the scouts die then I will send out 3 other guy so I never get major loss from chryssalids

PrejudiceSucks 19-06-2005 10:29 AM


What you need is the mother of all ambushes, with a Proximity Grenade minefield and people crouched in windows/around corners so that any of those Crysallid bastards who isn't blown up is then fried to death by Laser Rifles. Have a couple of people on rooves with Heavy Plamsas if possible, but not too many.

I say reload it if you know where the aliens came from.

Sharp 19-06-2005 10:33 AM

Chrysalids arent to difficult if your careful. Try and keep something inbetween you and a chyrsalid, barricade yourself in buildlings, snipe from rooftops.

Try not to stay close to corners because a chrysalid might run round the corner and kill you easily.

Sometimes you can get very lucky when fighting against chysalids, once one of em decided to weave through 3 of my troops outside the skyranger and tried to hide behind the plane wheels instead of attacking any of them.

Also if you see a trooper/civ near a chrysalid who doesnt have enough TU's to get out of the way or kill the chrys then you should cut your losses by either stunning the trooper/civ or killing them, better then making a zombie/chrysalid.

another_guest 19-06-2005 11:12 AM

It's common practice to lose a few soldiers in most battles, at least until you're capable of mind controlling aliens.

Against chrysalids, I prefer to use heavy plasmas and I keep 2 or 3 soldiers with blaster launchers to take out any chrysallids I spot, after all other soldiers have failed shooting them.
Proximity grenades are a good idea but they may not be enough to kill those creatures. I've often had chrysalids leaving a ufo alive even though they walked over a proximity grenade.

Also, if it's a terror ship you're up against, try to get soldiers with excellent reaction and heavy plasmas to guard the ufo doors as quickly as possible while the others look out for the usually one or two chrysalids who are already outside. Then add some proximity grenades for extra damage.

Christian 19-06-2005 02:46 PM

Well, chryssalids are not that hard to beat I found out. Keep squads of ~4 ready with auto-shot, stay far away from corners and let them come to you. Works most of the time.

How many bases is sufficient? I have one now (located in Stockholm) and I've just started building one at Antarctica to be my research laboratory. The first one will later be a attackbase (lots of interceptors with one skyranger and a crew and some workshops so they'll manage) and probably the rest too.

another_guest 19-06-2005 03:44 PM

5 seems a nice number. That way you can cover practically the entire world (make sure to cover the USA, Western Europe and Japan as quickly as possible, since those are your biggest sponsors).
Some people say they find it hard to manage 6 bases at the same time, so 5 might be best.
After half a year or so, when you've got plenty of engineers, money is no objection to building more bases.

PrejudiceSucks 19-06-2005 03:45 PM

Yep. I recommend starting with a base near Prague, it covers the whole of Europe, a little of China and northern Africa with a HWD or LRA.

pedro0930 19-06-2005 11:33 PM

I recommand just 3 bases...
My first base in US, Second in China and the third in Europe
and only the US and China base got troops and carrier.
The base in Europe just got 1 hanger and a hyper-decoder and a storage room.
In this way you can save lots of money on maintance fee and cover most of the world, at least the rich part of the world...

I suggest you just finish the game in less than 6 month so you don't have to fight tons of Ethereals later.

Christian 20-06-2005 09:32 AM


Originally posted by pedro0930@Jun 19 2005, 11:33 PM
I recommand just 3 bases...
My first base in US, Second in China and the third in Europe
and only the US and China base got troops and carrier.
The base in Europe just got 1 hanger and a hyper-decoder and a storage room.
In this way you can save lots of money on maintance fee and cover most of the world, at least the rich part of the world...

I suggest you just finish the game in less than 6 month so you don't have to fight tons of Ethereals later.

Finish the game in 6 months? How would that be fun? :blink:
I want it ALL! :D

(I now have three bases BTW, one in Sweden for Europe, one at Chicago for the US, and one at Antarctica for researching)

Student 20-06-2005 11:35 AM

Bout chrisalids... ive found something funny.
i had one man with power armour who were ambushed by those freaks.
instead of shooting i filled both hands with HE and set them to 0.
he were ZOMBIFIED.And in the second turn he exploaded like a firecracker.
Boom one he turned it to a alien.
Doom 2 he was dead.

Mr. Barman 20-06-2005 12:39 PM

what i like to do is send out my tank(s) first to clear the immediate area around the Landing Craft and then use my soliders to create a perimeter keeping every direction covered. The great thing about this is that any cryssalids have to run to my men to get them which gives you a good chance of your men firing off a snap shot or two.

the problem with this is that etherals get free psy attacks on your men until you start moving out

Havell 20-06-2005 12:59 PM

Try crouching your men while they are inside your craft, I read somewhere that the aliens cannot use psy on your troops while they are like this.

PrejudiceSucks 20-06-2005 07:12 PM

Amazing but true...

Sharp 21-06-2005 12:35 PM

Wow, thats fricken trippy, no wonder the aliens always MC the troop standing next to my crouching sniper.

*hugs Harvell*

now Im happy, i can keep my superb sniper but terrible Psi soldier fighting against sectoids and etherials, just have to keep him crouching. (Hope it works againt panic attacks as well)

I always have my first base in Europe, first base is free and Europe is the most expensive area, of course late in the game as another_guest said, money is no problem. Generally have two-three transport craft, all other bases have one hanger with a firestorm. Also try and have two research/manufacture bases, that way near the end of the month you can use the salary trick and still keep production and reasearch efficent.

I dont like using blaster launchers against chyrsalids, generally i seem to kill more civillians then aliens when i use them in terror sites, also wasting a 52k blaster bomb on a 20k chyrs corpse seems a bit erm inefficent.

After completing UFO a few times ive tried to make a new goal by being more buisness orientated in playing, always look after key sponsers, and if a mission is looking more costly then financial rewards then it may be aborted. (never really used the dust-off mid-battle before) Its much harder financially, especially when you dont use the salary trick (angry lawyers start sueing).

PrejudiceSucks 21-06-2005 02:41 PM

I dunno. I played for a very long without knowing about the salary trick and I don't really use it.

Business orientated games are harder, yes, but a lot more rewarding by the end of the game.

You just think "not only have I won, but I've won really well "

Gary 21-06-2005 10:38 PM

Yeah.... This is the windows download of Enemy Unknown, and when I try to run it in windows, I get either the turbo action from one exe, or from the other one, the picture looks all scrambled as hell. What's going on?l

pedro0930 22-06-2005 12:01 AM

I never use the salary trick, because it's never needed.
I got a few billion dollars left before I went on to Mars
I can stay longer but I am out of the alien fuel thingy. So, got to finish the game
anyway, before I went on to Mars I have 2 month without going to any alien crashing/ landing site. Too lazy after fought my 100th battle :tomato:

Christian 22-06-2005 10:10 AM


Originally posted by Gary@Jun 21 2005, 10:38 PM
Yeah.... This is the windows download of Enemy Unknown, and when I try to run it in windows, I get either the turbo action from one exe, or from the other one, the picture looks all scrambled as hell. What's going on?l
The scrambled picture exe is the one made for Windows. To run that there's a patch you can download to it to make it work. Check through the UFO thread I created in the "Troubleshooting"-section and you'll find the link there.
The turbo action exe is supposed to be the DOS-version (but it doesn't work in DOSBox?). To make use of that you need to download some program that can slow down your computer enough to make it playable. Can't remember the names of the most popular programs in that section, someone else will have to fill me in on that one...

Havell 22-06-2005 02:17 PM

Check it out!

Abandonia is the first result in Google when you search for "UFO: Enemy Unknown".

PrejudiceSucks 22-06-2005 04:40 PM


Havell 22-06-2005 04:55 PM

I remember having to sift through pages and pages of crap before I found this site (more than a year ago, actually).

samuels 22-06-2005 05:39 PM

hey guys, i havn't played UFO in a long long time so i thought it would be a good idea to start again. But i can't get it to work!, the Ufo defence.exe file just shows a wierd smotherd out screen, the UFO.exe file works but it always crashes down when i'm about to launch an assault on the first ufo.. PLEASE help! I've tried many different versions from various sites but none of them works, im pretty desperate here! :wall:

Havell 22-06-2005 05:52 PM

For me the UFO.exe file (yellow icon) works fine in XP, but with the occasion graphics glitch (where all the colours go funny, I usually save and restart the application) the crashing at the start of missions happens sometimes as is irritating, I just save often so i can reload if it happens.

Guest 22-06-2005 06:35 PM

i found this game about a couple weeks ago and was excited to play. i had xcom:tftd and had never played the original. needless to say, i liked it but never could last cause them dern aliens decimated me too quick. i have been doing ok and it helps reading the first 40 or 50 pages of this thread, buuuuuut there's one problem i have been having. when i am in a supply ship i just keep getting slammed when they pop down the gravlifts, not a biggie except i cant figure out how to go up them. i stand on them and have no idea what to do. please tell me how stupid i am LOL

Havell 22-06-2005 07:41 PM

See the two icons with a picture of a man and an arrow pointing up or down? Use them (they're next to the buttons with ladders on them, used to shift viewpoint up and down, but not men). The same buttons are used to control your soldier's up and down movements when they are wearing flying suits.

PrejudiceSucks 22-06-2005 11:15 PM

By the way, those things are really, really helpful, but get quite draining on the Elerium when you make about 15 of them. I have a team called 'The Banshees' who are a load of Commandos tooled-up with Laser Rifles and HE Packs, not to mention stun rods, who all wear this armour.

They break into battleships and can literally kill everyone inside for no loss.

Kearnsy 23-06-2005 04:15 AM

A nice little trick for those 'elevators' is to stand outside of them at the end of your turn and then move under/over them and waste any aliens that are there.
For some reason they dont seem to be able to get you with reaction fire.
(or it has just never happened.) :crazy:

Guest 23-06-2005 11:23 AM

regarding the gravlifts.. i tried those icons. i mean they looked like thats what they were supposed to do. i did find some unofficial guides online that notes that some are down only so maybe thats it. i'll give em another shot. thanks.

another_guest 23-06-2005 12:57 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Jun 23 2005, 11:23 AM
regarding the gravlifts.. i tried those icons. i mean they looked like thats what they were supposed to do. i did find some unofficial guides online that notes that some are down only so maybe thats it. i'll give em another shot. thanks.
You can recognize down only grav lifts easily: they won't show vertical yellow lines, only a red square in the floor. The vertical lines mean there's also a way up from that level.

Kithkin 24-06-2005 04:55 AM


I have a psi lab. And I have soldiers. But their stat screen still doesn't show their psi strength or psi skill and I am at a loss for a way to send the soldiers to the psi lab for training.

Is there something else I need to do? Maybe take psi amps into battle once?

I've been playing X-com for years now, but have always had this problem. Please tell me I'm just being an idiot and the solution is right in front of me.

Student 24-06-2005 06:00 AM

At the end of the month the psi lab screen will show up letting you select troops for training.
their progress will be shown after an month so you will have realy have to wait to wage psi warfare at least an year.
You should keep in mind that some peaple are more talented and some less so remember that your best hevy gunner who is armored loke turtle but suspectable to psi can make some rage in your squad (unless you made everyone carry stun rods).

Student 24-06-2005 06:01 AM

And take PSI-amps.

Kithkin 24-06-2005 06:28 AM

Yep. Figured it would be something silly like that.

Thanks for the info.

another_guest 24-06-2005 10:03 AM

Also, once you have soldiers with more than about 50 psi skill, let them use psi amps often in battle as a sort of training. At 50 they won't be that good yet (mind controlling will usually fail) but it gains them experience.

Gary 24-06-2005 02:19 PM

Yeah, Christian, I couldn't find the thread you were talking about, could you possibly give me a link to that patch you were talking about?

Christian 24-06-2005 03:56 PM


Originally posted by Gary@Jun 24 2005, 02:19 PM
Yeah, Christian, I couldn't find the thread you were talking about, could you possibly give me a link to that patch you were talking about?
Hope it helps.

Christian 25-06-2005 05:49 PM

BTW... does the difficulty bug still exist in the version found here?

PrejudiceSucks 27-06-2005 07:33 PM


moogle 27-06-2005 07:44 PM

Fun game, hard but fun...only thing I can complain about is that if you skip a mission, they still advance and get harder, yet the troops stay the same ><

Kithkin 30-06-2005 05:11 AM

I got a character with 97 psi strength. She could mind control people at 19 skill. She and another character with 79/24 are both over 40 half way through the month.

PrejudiceSucks 30-06-2005 05:23 AM

Wow! Cool... I usually just get people's accuracy up and make them walking/flying tanks.

The Fifth Horseman 30-06-2005 10:12 AM

One thing I don't like is that you cannot increase PSI strength of your troops. Come on, training improves only skill and not strength? What sort of training is that?

PrejudiceSucks 30-06-2005 11:58 AM

Skill training :P

Havell 30-06-2005 12:21 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Jun 30 2005, 06:23 AM
Wow! Cool... I usually just get people's accuracy up and make them walking/flying tanks.
Me too, there's nothing like killing a snakeman on the other side of the map with a snap shot :P

PrejudiceSucks 30-06-2005 02:55 PM

Yeah... or an etherial :D

john20bsn 30-06-2005 08:20 PM

Just read a topic in a different forum about 'reaction training'. Does anyone else do that here?

Havell 30-06-2005 10:58 PM

It's kinda hard to single out troops to train reactions as you can't predict the movements of the aliens but i do end up with a couple of scouts that have good reactions due to constantly shooting aliens coming around corners.

another_guest 01-07-2005 01:23 AM

My reaction training basically consisted of letting the troops with the best reactions (50 or more I think for relatively unexperienced soldiers) camp outside ufo's, facing the doors. In the meantime the other cannon fodder would sweep the area outside. 2 or 3 soldiers covering each door should be enough (depending on the alien type you're facing and the weapons you've equipped your soldiers with).

PrejudiceSucks 01-07-2005 06:40 AM

Very, very easy to do with small/medium scout UFOs. Just take 2 or 3 people in a Lightning and laser-cannon the little suckers down, carefully.

The alien should be around and is easy training. It's also an extra 50 Elerium.

Guest 01-07-2005 08:03 AM

Well, the suggested way that i read was to go agains a Muton Battleship, mind control as many aliens as you can and arm them with pistols. Your guys in power armour just sit there with lasers and release them to do their worst.

another_guest 01-07-2005 04:00 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Jul 1 2005, 08:03 AM
Well, the suggested way that i read was to go agains a Muton Battleship, mind control as many aliens as you can and arm them with pistols. Your guys in power armour just sit there with lasers and release them to do their worst.
If I were you I wouldn't arm the aliens at all :blink:

Shawn 01-07-2005 04:57 PM

Hmm...why is everyone sooooo excited about this stupid game?

You wait around for aleins to show up... Then you send a combat ensues...if they land you can engage in turn based oblivion...soooo what?!


Havell 01-07-2005 04:59 PM

The "turn-based oblivion" is fun and tense, while tactical and skilled, and difficult balance to acheive. The fights between UFOs and your fighter's aren't text-based and you can change their tactics with the buttons on the right. The only text-based battles that happen are when UFOs attack your bases, which doesn't happen very often.

moogle 01-07-2005 06:37 PM

Yes, and it does require tactics and strategy like he said, for instance, one alien positioned in a hole in the wall took out 4 of my guys before I could hit him. Just because he was in the hole in the wall and my shots kept hitting the wall.

Microprose Veteran 01-07-2005 06:57 PM

If an alien ship lands on your base and defeats its defenses, you get a turn-based battle inside your own base! Don't know what text-battle you mean...

I never build anti-ufo defenses on my base because they take up space and those attacks rarely take place. And if they do, you will need a 3x or 4x defense because anything less, they will go right through it.

Wooh! My 90th post. :cheers:

Grant 01-07-2005 11:40 PM

I agree with the comments by R Havell above.:ok:

I would also add that UFO enemy unknown is a great game and even though its turn based it is really well implemented. One of my all time favourite games.

The research facilities and discovery of new technologies can really make it addictive.

If you have never played this game you really should check it out as you won't be disappointed.

I do think though that Terror of the Deep the sequel is not as much fun as this one. :not_ok:

Lonely Vazdru 02-07-2005 07:24 AM

UFO is THE game. Along with Daggerfall (for RPG), UFO is the most ambitious game of its type (namely turn based strategy). You can play it forever, by keeping the aliens in check but not whipping them out. Kind of tricking all the nations of the world into funding an organisation that has no use (you could finish the fight but you keep it going).Hey that sounds like NATO doesn't it ? Then you can capture all kinds of aliens untill your encyclopedia is full. Then you can decide that enough is enough and go for the final fight in many different ways. Like a couple of psi guys, or a lot of supertroopers with crappy gauss guns. I remember at the time i was amazed by the possibility of zooming in from a worldwide view of you bases to the content of one of your guys pockets. I am still amazed today. It is unsurpassed. If only someone could use the same dedication to bring the Warhammer 40000 universe alive... :kosta:
I'm glad to see that it is still a favorite, the number of posts on this game is impressive.

Microprose Veteran 02-07-2005 08:06 PM

The end battle is a total anti-climax.

Only the surface battle is deadly, after that you just use PSI on an alien or two and use them to exterminate the entire complex while your team watches from a safe distance. LOL When 'my' ethereal confronted the superbrain, the game text was a bit off because the designer had intended one of your team members to confront it.

Funding is only pro forma. Really big money can be made by producing former alien technology like first grade armor. Second grade armor shouldn't be sold because it requires Elerium.

Adam_Smith 04-07-2005 03:45 AM


Originally posted by Shawn@Jul 1 2005, 04:57 PM
Hmm...why is everyone sooooo excited about this stupid game?

You wait around for aleins to show up... Then you send a combat ensues...if they land you can engage in turn based oblivion...soooo what?!


1. Well, you don't just wait, you prepare for their arrival. You do research, you produce weapons and stuff, plan for expanding your base etc.

2. Text based combat??? R.Havel said it best. Or do you consider intercepting UFOs as text based?

3. Turn based oblivion? This where the fun begins! There's a lot of wonderful ways to kill an alien. Go experiment and figure it out. Unless you are too dumb to understand the gameplay mechanics, you will find that outmaneuvering and blasting aliens to be a worthwhile hobby.

pedro0930 04-07-2005 08:45 PM

I don't even think he play UFO for more than 5 minutes.

Microprose Veteran 04-07-2005 08:52 PM

And when you've beaten the aliens at the most difficult level, you can make the game fun again by limiting your troops to:

-light armor only
-Earth tech weapons only (lugging live heavy explosives without accidentally wiping out your entire team can be challenging)

If you try this, you will need to replenish your ranks of troopers after every mission. Better keep those sergeants and captains out of the line of fire...

PrejudiceSucks 05-07-2005 08:56 PM

Yeah, or try TFtD on Superhuman

Lonely Vazdru 05-07-2005 10:12 PM


Originally posted by Shawn@Jul 1 2005, 04:57 PM
Hmm...why is everyone sooooo excited about this stupid game?
Now this guy got balls. This is the most worshiped game on the site, the sheer amount of posts & votes account for it, yet it is a stupid game. I think i'll meditate on this one. Shawn you sure show some promise. But try to actually play it someday. Might change your opinion.

Note to UFO veterans : After all these years, is the enemy still unknown ?

Microprose Veteran 05-07-2005 10:15 PM

Tsk! It's a fantastic game. The only let down is the end confrontation which is a real anti-climax.

Just look up info on it at the time it was being sold in the early 90s.

PrejudiceSucks 05-07-2005 10:15 PM

Nah, you know that eventaully it's etherials and mutons.

Starts off on sectoids...


Bernardo 06-07-2005 09:11 PM

Sorry to ask without reading the whole thing but 100 pages of talking seems like a lot to me, I stoped on the 6th page...
Sometimes, when I'm in a mission, for some random reason, the game crashes... I'm using win xp. Is this a common thing? What could fix it? where can I find the xcom with those updates that some guy in the begging talked about?

The Fifth Horseman 07-07-2005 01:23 PM

HOTU has a Windows version, but it functions really crappy. My own advice = DOS version + DosBox. :ok:

Christian 07-07-2005 09:26 PM

Well, I started encountering Etherals yesterday. Luckily, 2 of the 4 had been killed in the crash (it was a very small UFO) and I got to move first so I could kill them before they got to do a move. But I've heard many scary stories here about them mind-controlling your guys...

I'm afraid :(

Lonely Vazdru 07-07-2005 09:45 PM


Originally posted by christian@Jul 7 2005, 09:26 PM
I'm afraid :(
And right you are. Etherals are mind controlling, levitating, sharpshooting nuisances. :guns:

me_lobo 08-07-2005 06:15 AM

I was trying to get thru all pages of this topic...I stopped after nine. Does anybody have any tip how to set the sound volume for this game?

PrejudiceSucks 08-07-2005 06:59 AM

Ffs there's a search button. And it's RIGHT IN THE OPTIONS MENU .

Have a look there before you ask a question like that.

Christian 08-07-2005 06:40 PM


Originally posted by Lonely Vazdru@Jul 7 2005, 09:45 PM
And right you are. Etherals are mind controlling, levitating, sharpshooting nuisances. :guns:
Wow... it feels like I really have a chance of surviving now :rolleyes:

PrejudiceSucks 08-07-2005 06:42 PM

Bleh... they're not too hard to kill... just pack a bit of HE, prime it for 0 turns and throw...

No more universe-controlling suckers....

Sharp 08-07-2005 07:07 PM

Until they mind-control your trooper and tell him/her to chuck the HE back into the skyranger/the rest of the squad.

PrejudiceSucks 08-07-2005 08:22 PM

Bleh... just try and avoid them as much as possible.

Christian 08-07-2005 08:55 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Jul 8 2005, 08:22 PM
Bleh... just try and avoid them as much as possible.
But how can I kill them with the constant avoiding? :crazy:

Also, how do you increase accuracy? My guys shoot like retards...

PrejudiceSucks 08-07-2005 08:59 PM

Get a hyperwave decoder, then you can see which kind of aliens are in a ship. Very handy.

Accuracy is increased by shooting at aliens and hitting them. That's the only way.

Get good weapons too, that helps.

Christian 08-07-2005 09:17 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Jul 8 2005, 08:59 PM
Get a hyperwave decoder, then you can see which kind of aliens are in a ship. Very handy.

Accuracy is increased by shooting at aliens and hitting them. That's the only way.

Get good weapons too, that helps.



Well, which weapons do you use then? My guys are currently equipped with heavy plasma (it's really awesome!), alien grenades, smoke grenades, night flares, medikits.

Havell 08-07-2005 09:19 PM

Pulling off good shots up your accuracy. Something like hitting an alien half the map away will increase it by 2.

EDIT: Heavy plasmas are the best guns later in the game, though you might want to think about equiping a couple of them with blaster launchers.

Lonely Vazdru 08-07-2005 10:42 PM


Originally posted by christian@Jul 8 2005, 08:55 PM
Also, how do you increase accuracy? My guys shoot like retards...
Like the others said. The answer is shoot and shoot and shoot. You might consider using aimed shots too. With heavy Plasma, one shot is often enough. :sniper:

PrejudiceSucks 09-07-2005 06:53 AM

My equipment for an 8-man squad (it's the kind I use mostly, but for small UFOs I only take 3 people on a Skyranger) in a Lightning will be as follows (most of the time) :-

5x Laser Rifle
2x Heavy Plasma
1x Heavy Laser
Sometimes a small launcher w/3 bombs instead of a Laser Rifle
2x Heavy Plasma clips
12x Medkits (if in armour) - 12 because they do run out, I have 3 medics who carry 2 each and no HE
10x HE Packs - 2 for all non-medics
8x Smoke Grenades
16x Proximity
2x Flares
8x Stun Rods

It'll take on anyone and win. I also have a commando squad who are only armed with Laser Rifles, but carry 3x Smoke Grenades each, 3 x HE each and all wear flying armour. They can wipe out a whole battleship with no loss. Woohoo!

another_guest 09-07-2005 12:18 PM

I usually add a laser tank as cannon fodder, particularly handy to enter access lifts to large ufos. Aliens seem to love firing blaster bombs down those lifts as soon as you show up :)

Bobbin Threadbare 09-07-2005 12:26 PM

Here's a good philosophy to live by in this game:
"Ya keeps firing at 'em till they falls down" ~ Rampaging Ramsack Newton

Quote from 'The Curse Of Monkey Island' manual.

Christian 09-07-2005 05:54 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Jul 9 2005, 06:53 AM
My equipment for an 8-man squad (it's the kind I use mostly, but for small UFOs I only take 3 people on a Skyranger) in a Lightning will be as follows (most of the time) :-

5x Laser Rifle
2x Heavy Plasma
1x Heavy Laser
Sometimes a small launcher w/3 bombs instead of a Laser Rifle
2x Heavy Plasma clips
12x Medkits (if in armour) - 12 because they do run out, I have 3 medics who carry 2 each and no HE
10x HE Packs - 2 for all non-medics
8x Smoke Grenades
16x Proximity
2x Flares
8x Stun Rods

It'll take on anyone and win. I also have a commando squad who are only armed with Laser Rifles, but carry 3x Smoke Grenades each, 3 x HE each and all wear flying armour. They can wipe out a whole battleship with no loss. Woohoo!

Why the lasers? Aren't plasma weapons much better? When you say HE, are referring to alien grenades, normal grenades or the big fat stationary HE's with 110 in damage?

PrejudiceSucks 09-07-2005 06:32 PM

Hehey the big HE Packs. I like Lasers a lot better, they're more reliable and you never waste a shot as they have no ammo.

Plasma Rifles are only marginally more powerful than Laser Rifles, so I take weapons that don't need clips.

Guest 14-07-2005 08:45 PM

Hi I'm new to UFO : Enemy Unknown. I download the Abandonia version but I have 2 very big problems, and I can't play the game at all.

1. The game is too fast, when I put the time on 5s, it goes more like 2 minutes a second, the scrolling is too fast, the action is too fast and I'm unable to follow anything. How do you fix it?

2. This is a major problem that I just can't seem to fix :cry: ALL my DOS games are extremly dark, they're unplayable. I remember playing Betrayal at Krondor, I went back to it recently and the day was so dark that I couldn't see anything. UFO is not a DOS game, so I can't use DosBox which fixes the brightness a bit, but it's still way to dark. The missions are again unplayable. The gamma correction in Windows 98E does not affect games that are full screen, pretty much every DOS game. I have tried so many gamma programs and none of them work for full screen/DOS games. Anyone has anything on this, please?

I just can't enjoy the game right now, I barely see the aliens and scrolling is impossible to pinpoint 1 enemy and things go too fast, please help . :crazy:

Spiritual boom 15-07-2005 10:05 AM

Hi i'm also new ,with a problem... every time i start a mission (abandonia version of the game), i get an error report from my windows XP pro (send//don't send).

If i load the game the i can't see any bases... and if i intercept something using the menu the ship appears on the other side of the earth...

How could i fix this ,or can it be fixed at all. :help:

PS: The last poster could try using a "cpu killer" program or slow things down... :wall:

Christian 15-07-2005 05:32 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Jul 14 2005, 08:45 PM
1. The game is too fast, when I put the time on 5s, it goes more like 2 minutes a second, the scrolling is too fast, the action is too fast and I'm unable to follow anything. How do you fix it?
You need one of those softwares to slow down your computer to run it. Dunno the name of any of those though...

Davius 15-07-2005 06:25 PM


Originally posted by Christian+Jul 15 2005, 05:32 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Christian @ Jul 15 2005, 05:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin-Guest@Jul 14 2005, 08:45 PM
1. The game is too fast, when I put the time on 5s, it goes more like 2 minutes a second, the scrolling is too fast, the action is too fast and I'm unable to follow anything. How do you fix it?
You need one of those softwares to slow down your computer to run it. Dunno the name of any of those though...[/b][/quote]
I discovered a few of these Slowdown Utilities a while ago when browsing some websites on old games. Here are a few that I bookmarked:

CPU Killer -
Mo'Slo -
Throttle -

There's also a list of Slowdown Utilities at Home of the Underdogs:

I haven't actually had to use any of these programs before to get a game to run properly, but it will be interesting to see if they do the trick.

Ethanerial 16-07-2005 03:10 PM

Thanks to Abandonia finally got my hands on this game after losing original in a house move.
3 weeks after installing I am now the proud owner of 12 fully powered mind controlling squad members.
I truly believe the funniest thing ever is to mind control an entire Ethereal base, have them all line up AND SHOOT EACH OTHER!!!!
Anyone want the save game?, mail me.
Question, why has this game not been updated by whoever owns it now?
On legend alone it would surely be profitable for them.

Jimbo the Legend 16-07-2005 03:14 PM

There is a freeware remake bein done by fans at the mo :cheers: time 2 celebrate me thinks

looks well gd, most things look almost identical except the graphics have had a major facelift, all fully 3d . not sure on release date tho. only people doin it in their spare time so could b a long wait!!


Sharp 16-07-2005 08:48 PM

projectxenocide has been known for quite a while, metiononed on this very thread..... somewhere...

It has been in the works for quite a while, still though something to look forward to, seems that time and money have been invested so they probably will finish it eventually.

Ethanerial 17-07-2005 08:41 AM

Sounds awesome... i will check it out!

The Fifth Horseman 18-07-2005 12:48 PM

I heard there was an X-Com mod for Doom, but all the links I found lead to the same page, filled with some utter crap and without even a word on X-Com.


Any help?

wmg 19-07-2005 01:39 PM

i've just played ufo. when i went down the platform of the shuttle i got banged! headshot, dead. it's the most excellent element in the game, really, it's very exciting! I see why this game has been so popular.

This time I abandoned my game in the very first December. 7 days later I must fight get a fightback.

:sniper: Alien :angel:

:wall: Corpse :angel:

Alien :sniper: (David Thompson something like that) :angel: ,
Now I want to cheat.

PrejudiceSucks 19-07-2005 03:09 PM

It's a Doom mod for X-COM, it's a bit odd and not entirely great...

There's a link on the XcomUtil home page.

The Fifth Horseman 19-07-2005 03:54 PM

None present there. All links to the mod (including on some Doom modding sites) lead to a stupid page that has nothing to do with UFO.

PrejudiceSucks 19-07-2005 04:56 PM

Have another look, seriously, it's on there.

Danny252 19-07-2005 05:36 PM

ack. I forgot about xenocide for 1 1/2 years.. better return to the project already..

The Fifth Horseman 20-07-2005 12:09 PM


Xenocide and XCOM
X-COM Tactical Command
UFO 2000

Neither of these.

And the link on XCommand,, leads to... well, check out yourself.

me_lobo 21-07-2005 12:02 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Jul 8 2005, 06:59 AM
Ffs there's a search button. And it's RIGHT IN THE OPTIONS MENU .

Have a look there before you ask a question like that.

Yeah, maybe I tried and didnt succeed, maybe I am too dull to find the right querry. maybe you can just tell me that you dont know. Why do you think I asked. So anyone knows how to adjust the sound volume for this game :-)

PrejudiceSucks 21-07-2005 12:41 PM

There is a button.. in the options menu... of the game....

Otherwise I have no idea - why not lower the volume on your speakers/headphones instead?

Amd112 22-07-2005 11:43 PM

Fellow Microprose fans,

In UFO was "Joe Bloggs is unconcious", how do i revive him before he dies? Ive tried using stimulant from the MediPac but it doesnt work as he doesnt show a wound. Help! javascript:emoticon(':wall:')

Sharp (cant be arsed to login) 23-07-2005 10:07 AM

erm, you go over the body with med-kit in one hand, use the medikit, repetadly click on stimulants (no need to select injury) repeatedly, once you exit the medikit screen, you should hopefully be able to see no body on the floor,where you medkit soldier was.

Next turn soldier revived (but all equipment dropped, just hope he had no primed weapons)

Guest_Alex 24-07-2005 11:44 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Jul 16 2005, 08:48 PM
projectxenocide has been known for quite a while, metiononed on this very thread..... somewhere...

It has been in the works for quite a while, still though something to look forward to, seems that time and money have been invested so they probably will finish it eventually.

Can you tell me guys how to start the game properly, i mean i've downloaded the game from this site, but when i start it the screen is devided horizontally into two parts and one of them is flashing ALL THE TIME, so that there is no possibility to play.

smalley 25-07-2005 04:51 AM

help!!!! i got win98 and dosbox.i try to run the game in dosbox and it sais that it cannot be run in dos mode, if i try to run the game in windows the screen flashes black for a second thennutin happens.also i downloaded REUNION and i cant get it to run.why is this.somebody help me please!!!!!!!!

PrejudiceSucks 25-07-2005 05:28 AM

Why are you using DOSBox in Win98? Use DOS prompt, either that or use the windows icon that looks like the sun.

And take any mods off, they can screw the game up a lot.

crusader1982 aka k'bool 26-07-2005 03:08 PM

[font=Courier][size=7][color=red] one word: PERFECT

Sqauddie_Anderson 26-07-2005 03:10 PM

Hello UFO: Enemy Unknown regulars. I've spent the last 4-5 days at work reading this entire thread. I am a huge XCom fan from way back when. I came across this site by chance when looking for something else, and started looking for my old favorites. Imagine my glee at finding Enemy Unknown and once again fueling my Avenger and charging my laser rifle. Time to smoke some martians! I have 2 games going right now, game one is on Vet difficulty and I use all my old tricks ~ currently I dominate the planet and nothing gets by while I attempt to train up a full platoon of 14 soldiers at 99-100 psi strength. In game two I am enforcing a strict no-reload (except for crashes) on Superhuman. This game is much more fun and challenging. Only a few months in but I went right for Hyperwave Decoder (got a sectoid engineer at Crash Site #1 :sneaky: ) and Plasma Cannons for my Interceptors. I suffered a serious blow when I got an unexpected visit to my European HQ from a sectoid/cyberdisk battleship a few days before finishing construction on my HWD. I came out with 2 wounded soldiers. All my flying armor and personal armor was killed along with my good troops. I have recovered somewhat and am ready to put the screws to the alien menace.

Here's my Tip of the Day:
You can change the names of your soldiers by clicking thier name in the soldier info display from the Base menu 'Soldiers'. This can be either 1) fun to make a platoon of people you know, suicide bombers named after exgirlfriends is a joy OR 2) useful. you can add a description of the soldiers usefulness at the end. Such as Uta Keller PSI (high psi soldier)or Andrea Blake HVY (heavy weapon trooper).

Ever notice how, while there are many name combos, there are really only a few families sending their young men and women to die for XCom?

Norrecv 27-07-2005 12:48 AM


This is a fun game, im encountering a small problem however. Sometimes for apparenlty no reason, the game will "lock up". The mouse wont work or anything. The screen also randomly "flicers" but this isint as big a problem, as its rare and dosen't seem to effect much.

Im running Windows XP. I tried doing a search(didn't read threw all 100 pages) but it only came up with this thread, not a specific post...

Thanks for any help

NorrecV 27-07-2005 03:43 AM

Sorry to double post, but I couldn't find a edit button, guess we guest don't get one...

The problem I was having apparenlty only happens on the first mission/setting first base, so i'll just save and keep going untill I get past it, then save again.

I found this site to be helpfull...

Justin Nelson 27-07-2005 06:05 PM

This game looks pretty good, I think I may make a 3d remake of it if I like it

Rob 28-07-2005 09:42 AM

I hate this game :ranting:

I am fed up of alien fire power that seems to come from no where. I lost a ten man team to one stupid alien, and could I find the thing?

Hate it hate it hate it

Going back to Worms. Far more enjoyable

The Fifth Horseman 28-07-2005 11:31 AM

Yeah, yeah... ever heard of such an elusive thing as tactics? I mean something more sophisticated then "lug your behind around the map and kill an alien when you spot one". I mean "carefully search the map using the cover of terrain and eliminate aliens when you spot one".

PrejudiceSucks 29-07-2005 08:54 AM

Try getting a good formation set up, with spotters looking around (a circle is good, then grenages won't do as much damage) and you will almost certainly win against only a single alien.

And only fight in the day!

The Fifth Horseman 29-07-2005 10:37 AM

Why? Flares easily negate any advantage the aliens might have.

Lonely Vazdru 29-07-2005 10:42 AM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Jul 29 2005, 10:37 AM
Why? Flares easily negate any advantage the aliens might have.
It doesn't cost action points to light the sun ! :D

Kearnsy 29-07-2005 01:15 PM

I tend to keep most of my men fairly close.
This means that when you spy a :eeeeeh: you can easily get most of your soldiers to have 1 or 2 :sniper: at it. As long as you go slow + stay in cover this works brilliantly.

@Sqauddie_Anderson: Congrats on sifting through the 100 and something pages.
I started reading when it was at about 60 and that almost killed me!

Sharp 30-07-2005 08:24 AM

And when you keep your men fairly close you run 3 risks.

1) Alien Grenade
2) Rampaging ever-growing chyrsalid army
3) Blaster Bomb

I tend to move my men around in squad of 2-3. Also if one squad is in real trouble i.e. shot aliens and missed, then il try and get another squad to snipe off the aliens.

Aimed is really really useful with Heavy Plasma, auto-shot should really just be used when you are close to the alien or have limited TU's.

zoloth 30-07-2005 10:46 AM

Geez I just finished reading this entire thread , It took me ages ! I've been playing this game for years and I'm a UFO addict !

Some of you keep refering to commandos , I've never seen this rank during all my years of playing the game , I've got a commander but you can only have one of those.

How do you get your troops to become commandos ? I've got a colonel who has 67 confirmed kills and monster stats but he hasn't been promoted to commando.

Squaddie_Anderson 31-07-2005 01:28 PM


Originally posted by zoloth
How do you get your troops to become commandos ?
I think they are refering to the Commander rank (highest rank in the game, afaik) or simply to the fact that after a long tour of duty in XCom, the soldiers with awesome stats are commandos in our heads, even if not labeled so by the game.

Sharp 01-08-2005 10:29 PM

Yes some use commando's differently. For most it is the Commander Rank, but obviously you only get so many of them.

Commando's are generally the best soldiers youve got. They tend to be highly experienced and have very good stats. Also it sucks and you feel like reloading the game everytime they die :bleh:

@Squaddie, must have taken you a long time to go through over 100 pages of UFO, although you must have found a lot of repeats. Luckily for me I only had to go through 30-odd pages, brings back memories looking through the posts.

gżegżółka 02-08-2005 08:12 AM

dla odmiany powiem coś w języku polskim:
kocham X-com! jest to chyba najlesza gra w jaką grałem! Jedyną która może jej dorównać jest Jagged Aliance 2 ale i tak troche jej brakuje. Ewentualnie Terror from the Deep jest jeszcze ciekawe ale czegoś jej brakuje... who knows Polish this will understand
:D :blink:

Guest 02-08-2005 08:32 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Aug 1 2005, 10:29 PM
Yes some use commando's differently. For most it is the Commander Rank, but obviously you only get so many of them.

Commando's are generally the best soldiers youve got. They tend to be highly experienced and have very good stats. Also it sucks and you feel like reloading the game everytime they die :bleh:

@Squaddie, must have taken you a long time to go through over 100 pages of UFO, although you must have found a lot of repeats. Luckily for me I only had to go through 30-odd pages, brings back memories looking through the posts.

You hit it right on the spot there,

I lost my most experienced trooper last night , A Colonel with 88tu and monster stats
the guy managed to whack 87 alien dirtbags before they got him , I thought about reloading the game but that would feel like cheating.

zoloth 02-08-2005 08:35 AM

Above post by Zoloth

guess I was to tired to bother login in :yawn:

zoloth 02-08-2005 03:41 PM

I love the blaster launcher !!

My team of 20 commandoes equipped with the weapon and psi amps wiped out an entire battleship in just one turn without cassualties !!!

Lonely Vazdru 02-08-2005 03:50 PM

Blaster kills ! And by the way, 20 commandos are far too many. 8 or 10 would be more than enough, particularly if you use blaster launcher. :whistle:

adamaster 02-08-2005 06:07 PM

with blasters? 5 is more than enough.

zoloth 02-08-2005 07:01 PM


Originally posted by adamaster@Aug 2 2005, 06:07 PM
with blasters? 5 is more than enough.
pffft ! you can never have to many blasters....

Why is 20 to much ? Is it bad sending that many men ?

The Fifth Horseman 03-08-2005 11:02 AM

Every man can at most carry 7 pieces of Blaster ammo. Including the Blaster itself, you can have only 10 soldiers equipped that way, because of the 80-item restriction.

Christian 03-08-2005 11:36 AM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Aug 3 2005, 11:02 AM
Every man can at most carry 7 pieces of Blaster ammo. Including the Blaster itself, you can have only 10 soldiers equipped that way, because of the 80-item restriction.
Not if you have the ultimate ship! :whistle:
(What is it called? The Avenger?)

zoloth 03-08-2005 12:12 PM

The Avenger or Ultimate craft is also effected by the 80item limit wich kinda sucks due to the fact that you can equip it with 26 troops.

The Fifth Horseman 03-08-2005 12:43 PM

All crafts are affected by this limit.

Lonely Vazdru 03-08-2005 03:40 PM


Originally posted by zoloth@Aug 2 2005, 07:01 PM
Why is 20 to much ? Is it bad sending that many men ?
It's not bad. It's up to you in fact. I just don't like to have turns that last for hours that's all. :whistle:

Squaddie_Anderson 04-08-2005 04:32 PM

Did you know that UFO: Enemy Unkown is actually not a game at all? It is a testing program for a secret quasi-government organization formed to fend off the alien menace. Distributed as a game, designed to poll the talent of young people without letting the public know of the coming alien invasion. It was intended to find a commander for the alien defence forces before the fleets arrived. Unfortunately, the series was abandoned and mankind will be doomed in the coming war. That is all.

Guest_Ryan 04-08-2005 06:23 PM

So far i only use laser weapons because u don't need ammo. Is this a good idea?

Sharp 04-08-2005 06:50 PM


Originally posted by Squaddie_Anderson@Aug 4 2005, 04:32 PM
Did you know that UFO: Enemy Unkown is actually not a game at all? It is a testing program for a secret quasi-government organization formed to fend off the alien menace. Distributed as a game, designed to poll the talent of young people without letting the public know of the coming alien invasion. It was intended to find a commander for the alien defence forces before the fleets arrived. Unfortunately, the series was abandoned and mankind will be doomed in the coming war. That is all.
Your not supposed to know that information.

*radios SpecOpsTeam*

"Go Go Go"

Erm, you just stay right where you are squaddie, and..... erm.... your wrong... yeh, silly boy, what a vivid imagination

Rogue 04-08-2005 06:56 PM

Red team go!

Blue team go!

Errm, wrong game.

Rainbow six is simillar to UFO except you are fighting human-looking aliens. :D

Lonely Vazdru 04-08-2005 08:05 PM


Originally posted by Squaddie_Anderson@Aug 4 2005, 04:32 PM
Did you know that UFO: Enemy Unkown is actually not a game at all? It is a testing program for a secret quasi-government organization formed to fend off the alien menace. Distributed as a game, designed to poll the talent of young people without letting the public know of the coming alien invasion. It was intended to find a commander for the alien defence forces before the fleets arrived. Unfortunately, the series was abandoned and mankind will be doomed in the coming war. That is all.
You just loved the movie "Starfighter" didn't you ? :D

Squaddie_Anderson 04-08-2005 09:03 PM


Originally posted by Guest_Ryan@Aug 4 2005, 06:23 PM
So far i only use laser weapons because u don't need ammo. Is this a good idea?
there is a big debate among UFO vets about Laser Rifles vs Heavy Plasma. Just to give you the gist of why one may pick one or the other. Laser Rifles = lower TUs needed to fire, lighter, no ammo needed, made-on-earth logo. Heavy Plasma = better accuracy, better damage, and of course the pride of spitting green colored oatmeal of burning doom upon the heads of aliens who say 'I dont know' (nevermind that last bit - if i explain it, it looses it's impact)

My own personal opinion:
Heavy Plasma is the superior weapon, hands down (except on Sectopods who resist plasma damage a bit). The accuracy and damage beat the slight TU advantage of the Laser Rifle. Who cares if you can fire off 3 more shots when I've already killed the alien in one snap shot? HOWEVER:::::::: due to the lame 80-item limit on any craft I believe that the laser rifle is a better weapon overall as a standard weapon on most troops. It means I can carry more flares, explosives, medi-kits - whatever I want. This is because a Laser Rifle is one and only one item while a Heavy Plasma is at least 2 and more if you want the possibility of extra shots if needed. The ammo itself is not a problem, plasma clips drop from aliens like skirts on prom night, but it takes up space, and if you don't want to waste clips you need to empty every gun before combat is over, a major pain.

Lonely Vazdru 04-08-2005 09:45 PM

I, too, am all for heavy plasma. And if your squad is not too big (mine are 6 max) it's not too troubling to remove the clips before the last turn. Laser are OK as a starting, and then replacement (in case you run out of I-15) weapon, but the dammage just sucks. And heavy laser are a major pain in the a$$ to drag around.

:ot: : Dropping like skirts on a prom night ! I'll remember that one, much cooler than dropping like flies ! :ok:

Squaddie_Anderson 05-08-2005 03:21 PM

Tip of the Day:

For those of us who love Mind Controlling the aliens - make sure you end the combat turn with the aliens facing away from your troops. Why? So they can't see you and reveal your position to the other aliens. Even though the particular aliens you control on your turn get no TUs on the alien's turn, they can still see - just like when your troops are mind controlled by aliens. And if the aliens know where your troops are they can attempt to Mind Control your troops.

Sharp 05-08-2005 05:11 PM

If youve got UFO: Enemy Unkown (not the abandonia one, the older version) then Heavy Laser rules, its got good accuracy and high damage as well as having no-ammo, only problem with it was the no autofire.

On XCOM: UFO Defense and the version of Enemy Unknown Abandonia has, the Heavy Laser does truly suck as damage and accuacy has been reduced, although you dont need alien alloys to manufacture it.

Laser Rifle aint that good, Heavy Plasma actually weighs the same (i think), I give that to fodder troops though, the ones that are just there as scouts or fodder. Even if I had an excess of heavy plasma i give my fodder laser rifles as it has no ammo, and if my fodder go beserk/Mind Controlled then they dont do a lot of damage to my troops in power armour.

Also a nice hint, if your soldier is repeatedly getting panic attacked by an alien (his bravery will increase :P) that means the alien will try to mind control that soldier, just drop the ammo/gun and grenades for that trooper until you kill the alien which is panic attacking the troop.

Aliens tend to only go for one soldier to mind-control (unless there are more mind-controlling aliens)

Ethanerial 06-08-2005 09:50 AM

:ph34r: If an ethereal spots you the chances are you will get MC'd or panicked. I firmly believe it depends on how many of your troops are seen as to how many will be MC'd. Although usually if an ethereal has snap shots to spare they will use those first. Tank/hover/comando to scout, then MC them b4 they MC you. Once they are all MC'd, get them to stand around some tnt or surprise them on the next round with a well placed nade :bleh: :evil: .
Do unto those as they would do unto you. God be praised !

Loved the Xcom being used as a training tool to find a commander for possible real Alien invasion. I actually believe this to be true, but there again i also believe that there are very small nanophillipino boys changing the pixel colours on my tft.

Lasers or Heavy plasmas? ..Once you got MC, use stun rod (or as i call em Cattle prods)

Sharp 06-08-2005 10:35 AM

Once a soldier gets a panick attack from an alien, then that alien will not stop attacking that soldier until the soldier goes under Mind Control or the Alien dies.

Once your soldier gets panicked then you should make that soldier drop his guns.
Its a good way of knowing the psi-weaklings at the start as they will get MC'ed. However they do tend to get braver, dont know if that provides any resistance against Mind Controlling but helps when most of a squad is dead and only a handful of soldiers are left

Guest 06-08-2005 11:09 AM

it crashed whan i to the ufo :ranting:

Ethanerial 06-08-2005 11:23 AM

It does that sometimes.....SAVE often!!!! :Titan:

Guest 06-08-2005 11:32 AM

i have not goten past it

Ethanerial 06-08-2005 12:28 PM

:tomato: Try starting a new game.

PirateGame 06-08-2005 01:25 PM

I think plasma rifles are much better they inflict many damge points to the aliens.

Christian 06-08-2005 06:04 PM


Originally posted by Ethanerial@Aug 6 2005, 09:50 AM
use stun rod (or as i call em Cattle prods)
Someone has been playing a lot of Fallout :D

Ethanerial 07-08-2005 09:29 AM

:ph34r: Ive been sussed!! I had better change my "Tactics". Slap the cuffs on guvnor and lead me to the cow shed. :sniper:
If I remember correctly (It was a long time ago!) I think Fallout Tactics was the second game i ever bought in the turn based genre. Hoping it would be as good as XCom.. Sadly not...close but no cigar! Pretty though!?
Be a good game to get on Abandonia though, as one of the better turn based, squad action, dead cows, ruined buildings, kill or make friends with the locals! :ot: etc

Squaddie_Anderson 07-08-2005 04:44 PM


Originally posted by Christian@Aug 6 2005, 06:04 PM
Someone has been playing a lot of Fallout :D
Oh man, if only I could give my troops the Action Boy Perk... or Sniper...

Christian 07-08-2005 09:49 PM


Originally posted by Ethanerial@Aug 7 2005, 09:29 AM
:ph34r: Ive been sussed!! I had better change my "Tactics". Slap the cuffs on guvnor and lead me to the cow shed. :sniper:
If I remember correctly (It was a long time ago!) I think Fallout Tactics was the second game i ever bought in the turn based genre. Hoping it would be as good as XCom.. Sadly not...close but no cigar! Pretty though!?
Be a good game to get on Abandonia though, as one of the better turn based, squad action, dead cows, ruined buildings, kill or make friends with the locals! :ot: etc

I actually enjoyed Tactics because of the graphics. Very pretty compared to the originals. However, it was badly programmed and could be screwed up when lots of things happened at once (laser wars against the robots comes in mind).

Tactics was it what is was named, a lot of tactics involved, instead of the RPG that the originals stood for. And I like strategy a lot more than RPG.

lordsolo 10-08-2005 08:54 AM


Why is it I'm kicked back to my Desktop everytime I'm going in on a mission ??!! The game keeps doing the same muck everytime !! I mean, this game was DA BOMB way back in the early 90's for me & it worked fine back then. I downloaded it from Abandonia for a flashback to my past, but the game just closes & I'm back on my Desktop. What gives ? Anyone able to help me out here ??

I'm loaded with an ancient Celeron 500 using Windows '98.

BTW, Terror From The Deep seems to work fine, though !!

Das Ei 10-08-2005 10:52 AM

I always lose to the aliens... I have this X-com only, what do you thnínk is the best one, and should I get them all? I love this game, but it's hard... BAck to practicing.. :D

gregor 10-08-2005 11:00 AM


Originally posted by lordsolo@Aug 10 2005, 08:54 AM

Why is it I'm kicked back to my Desktop everytime I'm going in on a mission ??!! The game keeps doing the same muck everytime !! I mean, this game was DA BOMB way back in the early 90's for me & it worked fine back then. I downloaded it from Abandonia for a flashback to my past, but the game just closes & I'm back on my Desktop. What gives ? Anyone able to help me out here ??

I'm loaded with an ancient Celeron 500 using Windows '98.

BTW, Terror From The Deep seems to work fine, though !!

it would be best if you use abandonia boot disk and run the game from DOS. that way it has to work. although i dont' see why it wouldn't work form windows as well.

gregor 10-08-2005 11:18 AM


Originally posted by Das Ei@Aug 10 2005, 10:52 AM
I always lose to the aliens... I have this X-com only, what do you thnínk is the best one, and should I get them all? I love this game, but it's hard... BAck to practicing.. :D
It was hard for me as well. But the trick is that if you save at the beginning of every turn in a different slot you can always later go back (load) and try again (because aliens would on same places).

Another thing is that you have to develope armor (2 dead Deep One and later, i think, ion beam accelerator for stronger armor) and sonic cannon as quickly as you can.

In short you need to develope rapidly: Sonic Cannon, Thermal shock launcher (it is needed to get live aliens) and armor.

Also vibro blade is good to be researched as it will become ultimate close combat weapons.

If you are still haveoing problems see the walkthrough and FAQ here: FAQ/Walkthrough

You can also find a tech tree there. But to me most importantly was to save each turn and sometimes you can let them attack your base (you will get lot's of goodies that way and corpses for research).

Sharp 10-08-2005 12:42 PM


Originally posted by gregor+Aug 10 2005, 11:18 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gregor @ Aug 10 2005, 11:18 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Das Ei@Aug 10 2005, 10:52 AM
I always lose to the aliens... I have this X-com only, what do you thnínk is the best one, and should I get them all? I love this game, but it's hard... BAck to practicing.. :D
It was hard for me as well. But the trick is that if you save at the beginning of every turn in a different slot you can always later go back (load) and try again (because aliens would on same places).

Another thing is that you have to develope armor (2 dead Deep One and later, i think, ion beam accelerator for stronger armor) and sonic cannon as quickly as you can.

In short you need to develope rapidly: Sonic Cannon, Thermal shock launcher (it is needed to get live aliens) and armor.

Also vibro blade is good to be researched as it will become ultimate close combat weapons.

If you are still haveoing problems see the walkthrough and FAQ here: FAQ/Walkthrough

You can also find a tech tree there. But to me most importantly was to save each turn and sometimes you can let them attack your base (you will get lot's of goodies that way and corpses for research). [/b][/quote]
erm, wrong game advice there gregor.

This is Enemy Unknown thread *glances at thread title* yes UFO: Enemy Unknown Thread, not Terror from the Deep.

At the start researching lasers is good, then medi-kits, there is not much point having medi-kits first when every shot that hits you gets you killed anyway, there best used once you have personal armour.

Buy stun rods immediatly, capturing live aliens is extremly important, most notably the navigator/engineer at the start to get the Hyperwave Decoder.

Also at the start, grenades are your friends, most sectoids die from a well placed grenade, also very good at clearing out rooms and making new doors in buildings.

Once you reseach lasers you should manufacture it for all your soldiers, pistols are extremly useful as they are good at clearing out obstacles and they dont waste any ammo.

However for tips, read through the whole thread, you will pick up a lot of UFO info that way.

Das Ei 10-08-2005 12:53 PM


Originally posted by Sharp+Aug 10 2005, 12:42 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sharp @ Aug 10 2005, 12:42 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by gregor@Aug 10 2005, 11:18 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-Das Ei

@Aug 10 2005, 10:52 AM
I always lose to the aliens... I have this X-com only, what do you thnínk is the best one, and should I get them all? I love this game, but it's hard... BAck to practicing.. :D

It was hard for me as well. But the trick is that if you save at the beginning of every turn in a different slot you can always later go back (load) and try again (because aliens would on same places).

Another thing is that you have to develope armor (2 dead Deep One and later, i think, ion beam accelerator for stronger armor) and sonic cannon as quickly as you can.

In short you need to develope rapidly: Sonic Cannon, Thermal shock launcher (it is needed to get live aliens) and armor.

Also vibro blade is good to be researched as it will become ultimate close combat weapons.

If you are still haveoing problems see the walkthrough and FAQ here: FAQ/Walkthrough

You can also find a tech tree there. But to me most importantly was to save each turn and sometimes you can let them attack your base (you will get lot's of goodies that way and corpses for research).

erm, wrong game advice there gregor.

This is Enemy Unknown thread *glances at thread title* yes UFO: Enemy Unknown Thread, not Terror from the Deep.

At the start researching lasers is good, then medi-kits, there is not much point having medi-kits first when every shot that hits you gets you killed anyway, there best used once you have personal armour.

Buy stun rods immediatly, capturing live aliens is extremly important, most notably the navigator/engineer at the start to get the Hyperwave Decoder.

Also at the start, grenades are your friends, most sectoids die from a well placed grenade, also very good at clearing out rooms and making new doors in buildings.

Once you reseach lasers you should manufacture it for all your soldiers, pistols are extremly useful as they are good at clearing out obstacles and they dont waste any ammo.

However for tips, read through the whole thread, you will pick up a lot of UFO info that way. [/b][/quote]
Thanks, I just figured out the tactic, and so far I've researched the sectoid corpse and I have both laser pistol and rifle... I'm doing well, and I just attacked a landing site in canada...

gregor 10-08-2005 03:06 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Aug 10 2005, 12:42 PM

erm, wrong game advice there gregor.

This is Enemy Unknown thread *glances at thread title* yes UFO: Enemy Unknown Thread, not Terror from the Deep.

He said he has X-Com.... :blink:

Oh and what's the big difference? They basically have same stuff only different names for them.

Das Ei 10-08-2005 03:07 PM


Originally posted by gregor+Aug 10 2005, 03:06 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gregor @ Aug 10 2005, 03:06 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Sharp@Aug 10 2005, 12:42 PM

erm, wrong game advice there gregor.

This is Enemy Unknown thread *glances at thread title* yes UFO: Enemy Unknown Thread, not Terror from the Deep.

He said he has X-Com.... :blink:

Oh and what's the big difference? They basically have same stuff only different names for them. [/b][/quote]
True, but I lost :(.. This game is HARD... Would be much easier if you had to protect only one country or continent...

Guest 11-08-2005 10:03 AM

No, X-COM : UFO Defence also has different prices for things, especially armour (or armor as it would say).

And yes, it is hard, but then it´s meant to be a challenge. You´ll get very good at it quite quickly though.

PrejudiceSucks 11-08-2005 10:04 AM

Whoops... that was me, sorry.

Ethanerial 11-08-2005 11:15 AM

:max: Cool megadeath part 2.
Mind control enemy cyberdisc (All 4 parts, to stop it from shooting itself). Then surround it with mind controlled aliens. On the next round only MC 1 part of the cyberdisc and make it look in different directions until it shoots itself. Thus taking out the onlooking aliens. I like to call it "The Cybersuicide squad" :ok:

PrejudiceSucks 11-08-2005 11:32 AM

Nah, what you really want to do is stun a cyberdisk with 4 people in Flying Armour.

In recent new, I´m doing a board-game adaptation of UFO : Enemy Unknown as my GCSE Graphic Projects coursework. My teacher says it´s OK too

By the way, I´m going to change a few elements of it and add a couple of armour types. Hope that´s not sacreligious or anything.

Oh and please tell me if there already is one.

geron 11-08-2005 12:53 PM


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Ethanerial 11-08-2005 01:50 PM

One has to ask oneself, when there are games like Rome Total war, Doom 3 etc around , with awsome graphics, massive maps, and massively multiplayer capabillityies. Why we are going back to play old dos games?
You think maybe that game developers somewhere along the line lost thier sense of fun?
Clever graphics will never beat truly great game play.
Xcom is definatley in the same league as my other favourite game of all time StarCraft/Broodwar, talk about value for money and longevity. I have now been playing SC for 6 years straight. Whereas Rome only lasted a couple of weeks (those that have the game know its short comings), Doom was completed and never touched again in a couple of days (swapped it for Warcraft compendium).
Your thoughts please!

Ethanerial 11-08-2005 01:53 PM

:sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: WE ALL LOVE UFO

Toxik 11-08-2005 03:20 PM

I dont think its about creators of the game,there are surely at least some of them that want to make good things.Its about the people who get money for producers,cause they want the x-th copy of AoE/Doom/Dune/Whatever to make money.When is something primary about making money is usualy stops being amusing

another_guest 11-08-2005 03:52 PM

We're going a little off-topic here, but my opinion is that they focus too much on technicalities like graphics, sounds, engines and so on, and not enough about the game itself and its background, the storyline,...

PrejudiceSucks 12-08-2005 10:08 AM

Urmm I thought that Rome : Total War was close to perfect... the only problem is that if you´re not the Romans there´s very little structure to the game, plus the Selucids are just beardy.

Anyway, the reason I play this game is because it´s incredibly addictive and can be finished in a single day (although you have to try quite hard)...

By the way, here´s a tip if you´re willing to sacrifice a few Rookies -

If you have just stunned an alien you REALLY NEED like a Sectoid Commander from a base or whatever, then here´s a useful way to get them out, with a few casualties.

If you´re willing to take a couple of turns about it, then everyone can be saved, but to be honest, with psychic aliens then it´s not worth the risk.

Well, I´m sure you´ve all noticed that stunned aliens can be picked up, but have you also realised that you can throw them?

What you need to do is to ´chain´ your throws so that your soldiers throw, for example, an Etherial to each other. If you create a chain that leads right back to your transport then you can easily make an Etherial travel the whole map in a single turn - very, very useful!

*edit* You can also knock out your own soldiers and throw them back to your transport, which is a lot faster than bothering to walk them - if you remember that knocked out soldiers stay alive at the end of a battle if you put them in your transport then you can very quickly evacuate your soldiers!

zoloth 13-08-2005 09:16 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Aug 12 2005, 10:08 AM

*edit* You can also knock out your own soldiers and throw them back to your transport, which is a lot faster than bothering to walk them - if you remember that knocked out soldiers stay alive at the end of a battle if you put them in your transport then you can very quickly evacuate your soldiers!

I do belive that stunned soldiers count as MIA.

Toxik 13-08-2005 09:52 AM

No they do not at least if you complete a mission,i think if you put them in transport then evacuate it should work

PrejudiceSucks 13-08-2005 03:35 PM

Yep. Very useful. Even if you just run away, anything at all in your skyranger gets kept.

Guest 16-08-2005 12:41 PM

For all of you who get kicked back every time to Windows when you intercepted your first UFO and start your first mission.. It did the same for me when I downloaded the game on abandonia, when you download the same but patched game at, this bug is fixed (at least for me)

don't be too happy however, now i just got kicked back to windows, not before but AFTER the mission. maybe this was a one-timer, but i fear the worst. i'll keep on trying though.

Guest 16-08-2005 02:40 PM

Wow, it sure says a lot for a game that it can keep a thread going for this long. :D
And this long after it's release even. :)

another_guest 16-08-2005 04:20 PM

Well, if all those problems persist, maybe the DOS version could be made available for download? Sure, you'd need Dosbox to get it to work properly, but it seems a lot more stable than the windows version.

Mindstorm 17-08-2005 12:13 AM


Originally posted by R Havell@Jul 16 2004, 12:59 PM
I think I've spotted my problem here, all of my people go into battle with either a rocket laucher or a heavy laser AND a laser rifle and they all only have 30-40 movement points! I guess I should stop giving them so much stuff!

A question: Are my soldiers less accurate if they have a rifle in their right hand and a pistol in their left (rather than just a rifle)?

As you can easily spot, a pistol is one-handed weapon, and a rifle - two-handed.
Try to check your chance to hit with/without a grenade in other hand.

Mindstorm 17-08-2005 12:37 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Sep 13 2004, 07:14 AM
After reading this lengthy thread, I have to admit I have no clue what some people around here says about UFO being hard. It's only hard if you fire yourself in the feet!

Just never overload your men, always keep time for a snapshot + kneeling everyturn and never rush your men into battle. I should say that deploying your men as a team which try to cover eachother while being spread enough to avoid heavy grenade casualty is good also, but really obvious IMHO.[...]

Having primed (0) Smoke Grenade in your pocket also helps! :) But not in TftD. :(
But in TftD you can use this tactic using grenades:
1 - one soldier sees an alien;
2 - backs up one square;
3 - another soldier primes Pulse Grenade to 0 turns;
4 - throws it under first one;
5 - which throws it under an alien;
6 - repeat steps 3 - 5 until you are sure alien will die.

Mindstorm 17-08-2005 02:26 AM


Originally posted by BugMeNot@Feb 2 2005, 08:15 PM
Wow, didn't know that.

But i cant seem to stun robotics (obviously I guess) - so how do you get live speciments of the cyberdisk and that reaper-looking robot? Since the scientist talk about needing a undamaged speciement to look at.

And have I understood right, that the only way to go on from where I am, is to locate a large or very large ufo and stun left and right at the control center? :)

Capture Sectoid Medics and obduct them. This gives autopsy on random unknown kind of alien, Cyberdisc and Sectopod too, eventually.

Mindstorm 17-08-2005 02:33 AM


Originally posted by Canadianmonk3y+Feb 2 2005, 11:25 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Canadianmonk3y @ Feb 2 2005, 11:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Autopsies are worthless besides giving you points for each month's score. Only waste your time on them if you have nothing better to research. (HIGHLY unlikely, but whatever)


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Feb 2 2005, 07:15 PM

QUOTE (Jman4117 @ Feb 1 2005, 04:54 PM)
Well, It's the aliens command center. And besides, Commanders and Leaders are the toughest aliens to fight, so they belong on the final mission.**

Yes i know but a general is a general for gods sake!
Thats a litle unrealistic.*
At least the gameplay is superb.*
(Sory im from Poland so my spelling is not so good.)

General rank for your squaddies is only a rank based on how many squaddies total you have in your command. It doesn't add anything to your squaddie other than tell your how good he his in comparison to the others.

If you were going to make an incredibly important attack as a Commander of your army force, you would probably wish to attack only with skilled officers instead of fresh recruit even tough you very well know that most of them won't return. The result of the battle is what count, not who goes and die there...

<!--QuoteBegin-BugMeNot Posted on Feb 2 2005


@ 06:36 PM
How will I know who's the commander?

You won't know for sure on the battlefield but as soon as you captured a live one (live is the key word here) it will show on your scientific research list. :)

Soldier rank also does affect soldier's abilities. Although I would have to check references, they gain small amounts of abilities with rank increase, along with their steady increases from using the abilities.
The other genuine affect of rank is with morale. If there is a high ranking soldier nearby, other members of the squad will keep their morale up more easily. The same applies to death, where high rank equals high morale hit but no one cares much if a squaddie dies.

Oh, and if you are really bored sometime, you can mind control a cyberdisc if you have a soldier good enough. If you want to move it though, you have to mind control all four sections, but if you only control one, you can have that section shoot other sections, effectively committing suicide. [/b][/quote]
To mind control a large alien i.e. a Cyberdisc in one go you should do it to its topmost square.

Mindstorm 17-08-2005 02:40 AM


Originally posted by cod+Feb 5 2005, 04:44 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (cod @ Feb 5 2005, 04:44 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Guest@Feb 1 2005, 09:46 PM
Hey there!

I didn't look through all the 24 pages so far (stone me to death ;)) so I'm asking it now despite the danger that somebody else might have already asked this question...

Whenever I want to examine a wrecked UFO by sending those... troopships (sorry, am new to the game) and I click the OK button when the game warns me that I might encounter aliens now and have to fight, the game crashes!

Is it necessary to have a successfully functioning graphics card in order to play those combats (for mine crashed about a month ago)? Strange then that everything else concerning the game works...

If it's the graphics card messing around I really think about buying a new one only for UFO Enemy Unknown... would be somehow odd, wouldn't it? LOL

The game will crash if u have any other aircrafts on the map.

So just allow all crafts that are out on a mission to return to their bases before sending in your elite to kick alien behind :cheers: [/b][/quote]
You don't have to return with all your crafts to base to avoid game crash. Make them patrol a nearby waypoint. Game crashed also (if I remember correctly - it was about 10 years ago), when you have EMS enabled and press both mouse buttons in tactical combat. It could be exploited as a cheat, because game returned to geoscape with results of a prior misssion.

X-COM High Command 17-08-2005 02:42 PM

Hi there,

I've recently downloaded UFO from abandonia and started playing again. It's a great game and I remember the good ol' times when I spent hour after hour to get my troops on Cydonia in the end :)

Now, the game tends to crash quite often which is a nuisance, though saving all the time helps. However, every time I want to transfer items from one base to another or start a specific scientific research (e.g. interrogation of live aliens) the game crashes. Since these things are vital for succeeding in the game I fear that I might never get to research a live alien leader or may equip all my interceptors with alien weapons.

If anyone knows what I could do about it: help is very much appreciated.

X-COM High Command (Germany)

minhtuan 18-08-2005 06:02 AM

For old DOS games like Xcom, I suggest you should use dual boot to get Win95 and run Xcom from there.

All XP Service Packs and Windows updates tend to make old DOS programs crashed coz XP has no real DOS.

Guest_Grace 20-08-2005 03:20 PM

hello guys, I don't know if you've discussed this problem before, but I had a little search and couldn't find any answers.
Ok the problem is when I run UFO:Enemy Unknown the intro plays fine, the menu comes up, I click new game, the earth screen then shows, but when I try to build my base the game crashes and goes back to windows, a little box pops up and says:-

The NTVDM has encountered an illegal instruction CS:0000 IP:0077 OP:f0 37 05 0c 02

and asks me if I want to close or ignore.

I have an origional copy of UFO on CD and I'm wondering if maybe there is some update patch I need to run it on lovely modern windows xp...

Or I might be completely wrong. If anyone could help me get this working I'd be really greatful :)


Guest 21-08-2005 04:59 PM

Never really liked this game.

Blood-Pigggy 21-08-2005 05:01 PM

I thought it was over-rated too.
But some people think it's the holy grail.

PrejudiceSucks 21-08-2005 06:41 PM

Download this version, it's XP compatible.

Also, if you have nothing to say, then piss off... sorry if that's blunt, but it's necessary.

Blood-Pigggy 21-08-2005 11:15 PM

You'll have to excuse me as the point of this thread is to DISCUSS the game, not a beacon for fans of a game.

I was expressing my opinion, and no matter how reserved you are that was rude.

The reason I didn't like X-Com is because it was slow and unbalanced. I had played Jagged Alliance, Fallout Tactics, and many other tactical games, but X-Com lacked a constant reason for you to keep playing.

Christian 22-08-2005 05:27 AM


Originally posted by Blood-Pigggy@Aug 21 2005, 11:15 PM
The reason I didn't like X-Com is because it was slow and unbalanced. I had played Jagged Alliance, Fallout Tactics, and many other tactical games, but X-Com lacked a constant reason for you to keep playing.
Really? I thought the Fallout Tactics was one game that was really unbalanced (kinda hard in the beginning and very easy later on) as well as very slow (when fighting beast lords).

Still, I loved the game because of the graphics :)

PrejudiceSucks 22-08-2005 02:44 PM

Hmm I like playing X-COM because it's a different challenge each time.

Fallout Tactics is brilliant, but Christian is right, it isn't very balanced. Jagged Alliance is the same, starting very easy and getting murderously difficult...

I like the pace of FT though.

Lonely Vazdru 22-08-2005 02:51 PM

Hey guys stop bickering, Jagged alliance, Fallout tactics and UFO are all great games. And they are all unbalanced. I mean, a simple computer limited A.I? against smart guys like us ? :D

PrejudiceSucks 22-08-2005 02:54 PM

What about smart gals :P

Lonely Vazdru 22-08-2005 02:56 PM

I researched hard but never could find any. Probably that same tech bug as in X-Com :evil:

Ratsalad 23-08-2005 12:56 PM

I do appologise if this has been asked and answered somewhere else in this quite large thread,

But how do you play this game on a LCD screen?
:help: :wall: :cry:

A black screen with "Input not Supported" is not how I remember the graphics of this classic.

Starting the program in windowed mode might do the trick but how would one do that?

The Fifth Horseman 23-08-2005 02:27 PM

Care to run a search in Troubleshooting section?

38yr old X-Com Addict 25-08-2005 03:00 AM

I've just got a hold of an old PS1 version of this game, as well as down loading it from here.

Back in '95 I played this game to death and I spent 8 months on one game, making sure each and every one of my squad members was a PSI expert. Went up to Mars without any weapons and won in two turns with mind control only.

This IS the best game ever

Just a guest. 26-08-2005 12:45 AM

Hi guys, I played this game since it came out on DOS and I was really happy to see it here, so I downloaded it, everything is running smooth, but I notice that for some reason the game's screen is cut at the top and the bottom, for once when im in Geoscape view the button that sais *intercept* is cut off, so I can't press it... Is there anyway for me to change the game's resolution or something? I'm really looking forward to play.

The Fifth Horseman 26-08-2005 09:40 AM

Try DosBox and messing with its settings.

another_guest 26-08-2005 10:38 AM

Running Dosbox in fullscreen should do the trick.

Rakhu 26-08-2005 02:44 PM


Originally posted by rossb@May 30 2004, 11:16 PM
I couldnt resist installing the game, I havent played it for nearly 10 years. I am having graphics problems on XP. The sound works, but the screen display is completely trashed. I am using an XP laptop. I saw a post earlier about dosbox. I cant get the game to run through dosbox, it just says "this program cannot be run in dos mode". Any ideas?
Wow, can't believe it's 10 years ago since i last played that game... and I can't believe I can be able to play it again! IF there were not some technical problems :wacko:

Unfortunately i have a similar problem like ross_b... in normal win xp mode, only "ufo defense.exe" works. [[[But it only shows very weird lines, the sound plays correctly and the mouse apparently works]]]. I then tried to use DosBox0.63, but neither exe can be executed there (This program cannot be run in DOS mode).

I'm using a Laptop with LCD screen and 1024x768 resolution under WinXP.

I'd be really glad if you could help me before i finish looking through all 129 pages, searching for "lcd" doesn't work (at least 4 chars) :help:


Oops, somethings a little strange here... i got an error when i first ran "ufo.exe", but now it starts - and i can see the image clearly, unlike when i run "ufo defense.exe". Problem that still remains is that i can see it twice now :S 1 version in the upper third of the screen, and the other in the middle third, but this one flickers. Sheesh, if someone tried to program that on purpose it would take him years... Still need help :(

shinfu 26-08-2005 04:18 PM


I have downloaded ufo and the ufo.exe (sun symbol) is working under xp pro sp1
with sound and everything (i am using a crt not lcd monitor). The only weirdness
is that it seems that some soundfiles were replaced. For example the sectoid
death cry sounds like a cow (like a nali war cow from unreal tournament).
I played the game back then and the sounds were kinda different.

Anyone noticed that?

PrejudiceSucks 26-08-2005 05:23 PM

Possibly lost in transferral from DOS to XP, possibly a different soundcard. Either will do as an explanation.

shinfu 27-08-2005 04:44 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Aug 26 2005, 05:23 PM
Possibly lost in transferral from DOS to XP, possibly a different soundcard. Either will do as an explanation.
especially the second explanation is just dumb. A wrong soundcard
can only change the sampling rate and the sound would be played
at double or half speed which is not the case.

if the files were "lost" something has to be changed afterwards
so that the programm would just use a replacement sound for
the lost one.

it seems more and more that some sound files were left out
and then remaped.
soemtimes the snakeman and crysalids make shooting (heavy
cannon) sounds when they are WALKING.
the sectoid death cry is the same as the floaters and reapers.

its sad that only to save some space the gaming expirience has to suffer

another_guest 27-08-2005 07:21 PM


Originally posted by shinfu@Aug 27 2005, 04:44 PM
its sad that only to save some space the gaming expirience has to suffer
Leaving out sounds or music is simply a practical necessity.
In the case of UFO, I don't think the gameplay suffers from a change of sounds. Usually I didn't play it with any sound at all, preferring some fitting music in the background. After all the sounds don't have a warning function or anything, you don't really need them.

shinfu 27-08-2005 08:28 PM

oh, sorry. You are right. I mixed gameplay with something like.. immersion or feeling.
The game feels more authentic and believable with the original sounds. Of course
its okay to slim it down but it would be nice to mention it somewhere.

Guest 28-08-2005 10:28 PM

guys, if you have graphical problems, try browsing this web a little, an unoficial patch or two are floating there that will prolly fix all these problems

Andrew 31-08-2005 06:42 PM

Hey fellas,

I just started playing this UFO Defense game for the first time... it's awesome.

I wanted to know something and I guess this is the place to ask.

How many of those alien artifacts do I need to keep? I see I can sell them for a good chunk of change. I could use the cash but I don't want to limit my ability to conduct the research on the artifacts. Is one of each enough, or should I keep more?

Thanks. Andrew

Abi79 31-08-2005 06:45 PM

One of each is enough, but if you capture alien guns and research them, you should not sell them because they are better then what the humans have.

Havell 31-08-2005 07:05 PM

You should keep good stocks of Elerium and Alien Alloys, Alloys can be manufactured but Elerium can only be captured from the aliens and as such is very valuble and should not be sold (unless you have thousands and haven't got any store space left).

Guest 31-08-2005 07:09 PM

The game is great, but it crashes a lot... is there a patch for it, because it becomes really frustrating.
Anyway I love the game ! :ok:

Christian 31-08-2005 08:38 PM

Started encountering Ethereals again. Damn, I am so getting my behind kicked by those.

Sharp 31-08-2005 10:53 PM

Its fun when youve got those terror missions and youve got chyrsalids zombifying people, got a whole resident evil feel to it, had a great moment when i cleared most of the map except a warehouse (its always the warehouse :ph34r: )

Send in a squad of 3, apparently there were 5 zombies and 2chyrsalids in there, that later turned into 6 chyrsalids and 2 zombies, extra zombies/chyrsalids being kindly donated by my men, however i did have a contingency plan.

I chucked in a few HE's then blaster bombed the buidling, i just wish falling rubble did damage. :sneaky:

(yes i know that you dont actually get any falling rubble, would be cool nonetheless)

newb482 01-09-2005 04:28 AM

whenever I try to run ufo in windows, the screen isnt centered, and ufo defense is completely garbled. also when I try to run both of those in dosbox it says "this program cannot be run in dos mode. I was thrilled to death to find this site with these excellent games, any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Abi79 01-09-2005 07:21 AM

Same thing here, but I found a solution: instead of starting "ufo defense.exe" start "ufo.exe". Oh, DOSBox says that thing because this is the collectors edition, I think, and it only works in windows. :ok:

newb482 01-09-2005 12:56 PM

I've run ufo.exe, and it works, the screen is just off center and its a pain because I cant see half the buttons, or see which soldier is which. Is there any way to get a version that will run in dosbox?

The Fifth Horseman 01-09-2005 12:59 PM

Just search around for a DOS version.

Vittek 02-09-2005 10:37 PM

What's the best way to train soldiers?

SupSuper 03-09-2005 12:21 AM


Originally posted by Vittek@Sep 2 2005, 11:37 PM
What's the best way to train soldiers?
You mean increase their stats? Well, it depends on how much you use them. For instance, the more a soldier fires, the more its firing accuracy increases when he's promoted. Or the more he throws, the more throwing accuracy he gets. Or the more he carries, the more strength he gets. Etc.

Basically, just overwork them on the skills they lack ;)

PrejudiceSucks 03-09-2005 11:19 AM

Yeah, and make sure they don't run so that they get better bravery, of course.

kakihara 03-09-2005 01:42 PM


Im trying to play xcom and it keeps crashing whenever I go to begin a mission after ive shot down a ufo, it happens every time, it just blacks out and comes up an error message about ufo encountering an error.

What can I do?

I really want to play but this is stopping me from doing anything, plus I save my game so I can load up again just before the error but when I go to load the game it isnt there, how comes I cant save either?

Please help me out.

Thanks. :D

PrejudiceSucks 03-09-2005 01:45 PM

I think that you have to be careful about your shortcuts etc. (although I might be wrong). Run X-COM from it's own directory, not of the desktop and you should be fine, and don't move the folder after you've unzipped it.

Hope it helps.

MrBackAlleySka 03-09-2005 05:10 PM

Maaan, all this talk of this game is giving me a the southern people say, a "hankering" for it. Heh, and I just got done installing Diablo (1) because I had a "hankering" for it too! Bah I hate wanting to play two diffrent games. I have a thing where I like to be focused on only one game at a time, I can't play two diffrent games at "once" (You know what I mean "at once", not at the same moment,, your smart, you understand.) If I start a new game, I have to quit my other game first. Ahh well. :D at least I have this game to look forward to when I get done with Diablo! (Unless my CD1 of Baldur's Gate 2 becomes magically uncracked heh)

SupSuper 03-09-2005 07:29 PM


Originally posted by kakihara@Sep 3 2005, 02:42 PM

Im trying to play xcom and it keeps crashing whenever I go to begin a mission after ive shot down a ufo, it happens every time, it just blacks out and comes up an error message about ufo encountering an error.

What can I do?

I really want to play but this is stopping me from doing anything, plus I save my game so I can load up again just before the error but when I go to load the game it isnt there, how comes I cant save either?

Please help me out.

Thanks. :D

For going into a mission, check if the folder MISSDAT exists inside the game directory. If not, create it.

For saving games, check if the folders GAME_1, GAME_2, GAME_3 ... GAME_10 exist inside the game directory. If not, create them.

Toxik 03-09-2005 07:32 PM

what I need to get Cydonia position?I checked alien base but i found no commanders.are they in every base?

SupSuper 03-09-2005 09:44 PM


Originally posted by Toxik@Sep 3 2005, 08:32 PM
what I need to get Cydonia position?I checked alien base but i found no commanders.are they in every base?
They should be. If you're lucky you can also get them from Very Large UFOs.

Danny252 03-09-2005 10:24 PM

I dont believe you can research commanders that you capture from ships for Cydonia. I may be wrong, just dont blame me.

Nightkin 03-09-2005 10:28 PM

As far as I remember, you have to capture alien commanders from the bases to research cydonie position.

Toxik 04-09-2005 07:53 AM

thats the problem.i stunned almost everybody in the base,and I made pretty sure i stunned everybody near the command center and all i got is two leaders.DOes it also depend on the race?cause that base was floater

Sharp 04-09-2005 08:49 AM

Erm, you did inerrogate them right? If you get base leaders and interrogate (research) them then you should get the Cydonia Position, assuming you have researched all the previous ones to get it (Alien Origins and Martian Solutions)

I dont think it matters about the race, I think I did it with snakemen commander.

Toxik 04-09-2005 10:48 AM

alright,sorry I repeated the mission and found him.the confusing thing is that he wasnt anywhere near the command center and he was equiped like soldier

Guest 04-09-2005 01:06 PM


Originally posted by SupSuper@Sep 3 2005, 12:21 AM
[You mean increase their stats? Well, it depends on how much you use them. For instance, the more a soldier fires, the more its firing accuracy increases when he's promoted. Or the more he throws, the more throwing accuracy he gets. Or the more he carries, the more strength he gets. Etc.

Basically, just overwork them on the skills they lack ;)

What about time units?

And if I want to train them, can I shoot to nothing? I mean, like when all the remaining aliens are "hiding" in the UFO, can I spend some time firing around? Does it work, or is it necessary to fire "towards the aliens"?

(sorry for my english - I'm italian - I really hope you understand me)

Sharp 04-09-2005 05:17 PM

Skill - How to Improve

TU's - Move around
Bravery - Get panicked
Stamina - Move around
Stregnth - Carry lots of stuff
Accuracy - Hit aliens (Aimed Shot and further distance of shot means greater improvement) throw grenades at aliens.
Rank - Kill Aliens, do lots of missions.
Morale - Kill Aliens, dont get hit, dont let higher ranking soldiers die, dont let any soldiers die.
Health - Get shot
Throwing - Throw objects, seems to improve as your accurcay does

I think thats about it.

Christian 04-09-2005 07:56 PM

... and a bunch of hugs to Sharp for that info :)

Vittek 04-09-2005 10:03 PM

Thank you very much!!

gregor 05-09-2005 08:55 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Sep 4 2005, 01:06 PM

What about time units?

And if I want to train them, can I shoot to nothing? I mean, like when all the remaining aliens are "hiding" in the UFO, can I spend some time firing around? Does it work, or is it necessary to fire "towards the aliens"?

(sorry for my english - I'm italian - I really hope you understand me).

best thing is to try and kill aliens (especially soldiers) and go to all terror sites and colonies.

yes yoou can. use snapshot to do that (usefull for destroying walls and then moving in through hole). if you want to shoot at wall really close to use you aim on yourself and use snapshot.

otherwise you train them by killing aliens. the more aliens they killed the higher their time units. they also get trained by doing successful missions.

Time units (and other "units") have their max rating.

Eagle of Fire 05-09-2005 09:13 AM

How to improve rank; Ranks in UFO are based not only on kills but also on the number of soldiers you have. It been proved on the UFO: Abandonia Unknown thread since a lot of early promoted soldiers kept being promoted even if they didn't even board the Skyranger. So, the more soldiers you have, the higher the number of highly ranked soldiers you'll have.

There is some points to note;
- You can only have one soldier of the highest rank in any given time (Commander).
- Once a rank is given, only death can destitute the soldier. If there is enough or too many high ranked soldiers, those rank will not advance no matter how many kills another soldier get. Only exception; second rank VS recruit.
- To advance, there must be at least an Alien killed somewhere. It doesn't always matter if the soldier in particular which advance kill the Alien, but you must have a kill.
- Ranks doesn't affect a soldier skill at all. The only noticable effect is the loss of Morale from the other soldiers if a highly ranked soldier die, which is exponential the higher the rank of the soldier get. High ranked soldiers also probably resist morale loss better than low ranked soldiers, but I'm not 100% sure on that one.

efthimios 05-09-2005 09:31 AM

There was a list somewhere about this. Basically the ranks depend on the amount of soldiers you have. So for example you cannnot have (random titles here) a general when you only have 6 soldiers. And that is per base.

Andrew 06-09-2005 03:26 AM

Thanks, guys, for the responses to my earlier question about selling alien artifacts.

I have another, related question. Do I need the power supplies or navigation equipment to build my own aircraft later on??


The Fifth Horseman 06-09-2005 08:49 AM

Yes, you do.

Sharp 06-09-2005 08:50 AM

To build your own UFO's, yes you need the power and the navigation as well as elerium for fuel. Though if your strapped for cash these sell well (except for elerium, not good to sell elerium)

newb482 06-09-2005 06:05 PM

does anyone know where I could find a DOS version of ufo defense?

JustycePayne 07-09-2005 02:54 PM

check out, they've got the old DOS version.

JustycePayne 07-09-2005 03:23 PM

Nevermind, it's not in english, however has the dos and amiga versions, both in english, yay!

PrejudiceSucks 07-09-2005 06:38 PM

You can sell Elerium if you have surfeit of it. You get 50 units per engine, that's enough for a fair few flights. Just use a Lightning for 'elerium hunting' or even a Skyranger and Interceptor combo.

newb482 07-09-2005 11:03 PM

thank you justyce, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. It worked perfectly.

Guest_Chris 09-09-2005 01:59 PM

My game would also crash when I went into combat mode. To get around this, I ran dxdiag.exe from the start->run prompt and turned off DirectDraw.

Game Freak 14-09-2005 03:06 PM

:help: thi s game owns i had it before but when i got a now computer it wont work!

the whole screen gets very small and lined so i dont see anything

plz help

PrejudiceSucks 14-09-2005 09:30 PM

Use the .exe that looks like a sun. That works.

MUTON 16-09-2005 03:01 PM

Why the hell the damn developers cant do just a very good REMAKE of THAT GREAT GAME??!! NO, they make stupid "sequels" anyone doesnt want. How sad, they're to dumb to see what UFO-FANS TRULY WANT TO PLAY!: The proved true STYLE of UFO ENEMY UNKNOWN! WILL THEY EVER GET IT????? I DOUBT THAT - poor idots. NO, THEY MAKE AFTERMATH AND SUCH CRAP. EVEN TFTD WAS CRAP compared to X-com EU.
I'll never understand such unlogical behaviour!

GREETS TO ALL TRUE X_COM 1 FANS. (sorry for caps but im really pissed off with that since 10 years...)

Christian 16-09-2005 04:17 PM


Originally posted by MUTON@Sep 16 2005, 03:01 PM
Why the hell the damn developers cant do just a very good REMAKE of THAT GREAT GAME??!! NO, they make stupid "sequels" anyone doesnt want. How sad, they're to dumb to see what UFO-FANS TRULY WANT TO PLAY!: The proved true STYLE of UFO ENEMY UNKNOWN! WILL THEY EVER GET IT????? I DOUBT THAT - poor idots. NO, THEY MAKE AFTERMATH AND SUCH CRAP. EVEN TFTD WAS CRAP compared to X-com EU.
I'll never understand such unlogical behaviour!

GREETS TO ALL TRUE X_COM 1 FANS. (sorry for caps but im really pissed off with that since 10 years...)

The original game makers to UFO: EU did NOT create Aftermath, that was done by a totally different company.
And TFTD and Apoc are not bad games, they're just not superior as EU (but I enjoy Apoc more than EU).

Kearnsy 16-09-2005 05:34 PM

Just got some psy labs :Brain:
Time to warp some minds!!!!!
.......In a few months

djurre 18-09-2005 02:12 PM

I remember that back in the old days, a friend of mine had a program that allowed you to actually play s the aliens.

het had this realy nasty terror site on a cruise ship (tftd), and a nice small sub full of dudes with guns. oh man that was awesome.

annyone know if there is stille something around that can do that ?

Sharp 18-09-2005 04:58 PM

I believe PrejudiceSucks can help you on that one, sounds an awful lot like Xcom Util. I think its on in the downloads section, or you can just google it.

Sapper8 20-09-2005 12:47 PM

BTW! there IS a remake of the original ufo(I'm not talking about ufo2000) It's still a beta, but it promises a lot and by what I have seen(I can't play it, my GFX card is really tiny) but i believe it's really good, If sum1 tries it, let me know, how good it is. :ok:

Sharp 20-09-2005 05:46 PM

If ye be talkin about xenocide then ye know.....too much.

Just Kiddin

Project Xenocide

looks like an amazing remake of UFO:Enemy Unknown as well as some improved gameplay, not to mention that the graphics are absolutely awesome. Anxiously awaiting it.

nemt 20-09-2005 08:32 PM

Does this downloadable version work with Windows XP (I believe an updated version was released and distributed for free with PC Gamer a while back)?

Doubler 20-09-2005 08:47 PM

(Nowadays) It does for me, allthough it crashes at times. And this:

Originally posted by from the review
This is the CD-ROM version that should be run from windows. It goes together with a patch that fixes graphic problems on Windows XP and some other system platforms.
Seems self-explanatory :)

But I guess you'll only find out if you try :angel:

shadowpanther 21-09-2005 01:04 AM

ive beeen in withdrawal since the dos version of this became unplayable due to the upgraded speed of moden pc's
now i find this little gem the win32 version

Yes! im complet once more now that i can psi dominate badies and waste the bystandars (by mistake of corse) mauhwww ha ha ha

lolo 21-09-2005 02:31 PM


Guest 23-09-2005 02:07 AM

I aint got the talent or the tools to upgrade this game for 2005. But some biatch needs to do it!

Completely and utterly addictive, atmospheric, adventurous, tactical, simple, longevity, FUN.
All the things games should be.
My debit card is more than ready to cough up for the next yours?
I already know there is an open source build going on...but the issue needs to be forced.
I cannot stay on pre cydonia forever.

Guest 23-09-2005 02:09 AM


Blackie Leone 26-09-2005 08:52 AM

I did not read all the over 1,000 postings, so please appoligize if that question has already been asked.

I got problems to transfer items to other bases.

I can transfer items from my first base in europe to my second base in the USA. But i can't transfer items back or from any base to my third and fourth base in China and Afrika. The game always crashes.
By the way, my operating system is Windows XP home.

Can anyone help me?
Perhaps per E-Mail cliff<dot>meissner(at)gmx[dot]de

Sapper8 26-09-2005 12:00 PM

I haven't ever hurd of a bug like that... my game crashed during the battlescape loading or during the battle itself... have u tried running both the exes the one with the sun and the one with the blue sectoid? And yes I was talking about xenocide... for some reason I forgot to mention its name... in it's FAQ it says, that it is not a remake, it's a whole diffrent thing, that should give u a whole new experience. why are u still waiting for it, u can download the 0.645 release.

Blackie Leone 26-09-2005 01:03 PM

I tried to use both exe, but it only runs with "ufo.exe". If I use "UFO Defense.exe" I have funny grafics. Perhaps there is a patch against that?

Olodum 27-09-2005 04:24 PM

Hi everybody,
I can't play with UFO, can someone help me please?
I have windows 2000, is this the problem?

Thank you very much!!!

Sharp 27-09-2005 05:35 PM


Originally posted by Sapper8@Sep 26 2005, 12:00 PM
why are u still waiting for it, u can download the 0.645 release.
because the release is currently just the geoscape and basescape, although a pretty geoscape, its mainly for bug testing right now, once they add the battlescape then il download it.

Swarog 27-09-2005 10:05 PM

Game begins crashing at around ufos 40-46, every damn time no matter if i reload older games or start it from scratch... i shoot down the ufo, but when the mission should begin it crashes.

Using XP.

It's worked PERFECTLY 'til now!

efthimios 27-09-2005 10:35 PM

Are you using an unpatched version?
You might have had a corrupted save game file (the earliest one) then all the games became corrupted after that. (speculation)

Blackie Leone 28-09-2005 07:18 AM


Originally posted by Blackie Leone@Sep 26 2005, 08:52 AM
I got problems to transfer items to other bases.
I found the solution in a faq, when you do not play in english language, bugs like that can appear. So everytime I want to transfer something, I have to switch from german to english now :)

Perhaps this can be helpful for other bugs too.

Blue Ztar 29-09-2005 03:13 AM

Wow, it's five o'clock in the morning. I just can't stop playing this. It is amazing!

........ 30-09-2005 11:15 AM

does anybody know where could i get the english dos version? this version in here won't work in my old computer which has win 3.1....
i have searched for it but i only found cesky and italian versions....
so any help would be appreciated :D

Kearnsy 30-09-2005 11:20 AM

Does anyone know if Fusion ball defences are worth having in the moderate difficulty levels???
Ive got laser for most bases but I want to know if at this difficulty( I havent played this level before) it is worth installing and manufacturing ammo for all bases.

SupSuper 30-09-2005 03:07 PM


Originally posted by ........@Sep 30 2005, 12:15 PM
does anybody know where could i get the english dos version? this version in here won't work in my old computer which has win 3.1....
i have searched for it but i only found cesky and italian versions....
so any help would be appreciated :D (Download link is on the bottom).

....... 30-09-2005 04:50 PM

thank you very much!!!

Sharp 30-09-2005 05:36 PM


Originally posted by Kearnsy@Sep 30 2005, 11:20 AM
Does anyone know if Fusion ball defences are worth having in the moderate difficulty levels???
Ive got laser for most bases but I want to know if at this difficulty( I havent played this level before) it is worth installing and manufacturing ammo for all bases.

You dont need to manufacture ammo for fusion ball defences, just build em and they shoot down aliens.

I advise getting them as they are extremly efficent at taking down the hardiest of UFO's and work extremly well when paired with a grav shield.

Of course if you have a good base layout and you feel you can defend your base easily against alien assault then you may want to downgrade/remove defences and get lots of loot from aliens.

Qualrath 01-10-2005 01:31 PM

Plz, i need some help with the game. In first missions my soldiers are extremely-exterminated(later too :D ) I need a help which reasrches to do next, which facilities, WHAT TO DO! Help me! :help: Please!

Hunter 01-10-2005 02:25 PM

i played enemy unknown to the end and i lost only three men in cydonia without using mindcontrol. my soldiers are not really good with that ability. they should practice a little bit more. i only played the easiest difficulty. is it worth to try a harder difficulty? A

And my opinion is that enemy unknown is much better than terror from the deep because all the mission in tftd are to long. In some missions everyone has to search after aliens in every hidden corner and then these 2 or 3 level missions. I'm really sorry that i complain so much about tftd but enemy unknown is much better.

my favorite weapon is the fusion rocketlauncher witch i use very often.
enemy unknown is still the best turn based strategy game ever developed.

SupSuper 01-10-2005 03:18 PM


Originally posted by Qualrath@Oct 1 2005, 02:31 PM
Plz, i need some help with the game. In first missions my soldiers are extremely-exterminated(later too :D ) I need a help which reasrches to do next, which facilities, WHAT TO DO! Help me! :help: Please!
For starters, I'd recommend researching Laser Weapons or Medikit (though soldiers have a tendency to die and not just get wounded :P ) and building Alien Containment and Large Radar Facility.

For keeping your soldiers from getting exterminated, there's not much tips more vital than "practice, practice, practice". At the start you should avoid night missions (wait for it to be day, intercept the site with Interceptors to keep it from disappearing). Always remember to have cover as much as possible. Keep your soldiers spread out but in small groups so they can help each other easily. Use smoke grenades for cover on open areas. Oh, and remember... ALIENS ARE MUCH BETTER THAN YOU. They have better skills, better weapons, usually know where you are and aren't affected by darkness.
If all else fails, load and try again until you get it right ;)

Originally posted by Hunter
i played enemy unknown to the end and i lost only three men in cydonia without using mindcontrol. my soldiers are not really good with that ability. they should practice a little bit more. i only played the easiest difficulty. is it worth to try a harder difficulty? A

And my opinion is that enemy unknown is much better than terror from the deep because all the mission in tftd are to long. In some missions everyone has to search after aliens in every hidden corner and then these 2 or 3 level missions. I'm really sorry that i complain so much about tftd but enemy unknown is much better.

my favorite weapon is the fusion rocketlauncher witch i use very often.
enemy unknown is still the best turn based strategy game ever developed.

I think Cydonia can be easier than the rest of the game, but yes, you should try harder difficulties.

Yeah, TFTD has annoyingly large and long missions, but much more variety than UFO: Crash sites with lots of random terrains, port terror site, island terror site, cargo / cruiser ship, alien base, alien artefact.

Mr Miau 01-10-2005 03:23 PM

Yeah, the laser rifles are great wepons! And its REALLY important to keep the soldiers in groups together. When I began to play it, I lost all the time, too. But with pracitce you recognise the behaviour of the aliens and can predict it a little, making the game much more easier.

Qualrath 01-10-2005 04:56 PM

Thanks guys :ok:

Hunter 01-10-2005 05:12 PM

then tell me... which difficulty shall i choose. i just need a new challenge :D but i fear to fail :tomato: please only usefull suggestions!

Mr Miau 01-10-2005 06:49 PM

@Hunter: 2 or 3 should be the right choice. I, myself, find the 1st difficulty challenging enough. ;)

And another question: Although I built my base in the territory of the US and defeated almost all encounters there, they made a contract with aliens and have stopped supporting me. Is that normal? All other countries spend more and more money, so I guess I can't be that bad.

PrejudiceSucks 01-10-2005 07:04 PM

You may have missed a single Infitration ship. And that's bad. You don't want that. Oh no.

SupSuper 01-10-2005 07:22 PM

Sharp 02-10-2005 11:33 AM

Get a hyperwave decoder ASAP

Without one UFO's may be able to sneak past your radar.

Hyperwave Decoders detect any UFO automatically in its range (same as large radar i think).

If you dont have the technology yet, build more large radars if you can afford it.

Krail 03-10-2005 12:04 PM

The game seems to run fine on my xp windows pc, till i get into missions. Is there anyway of significantly reducing the scroll speed in the missions? Even on the lowest setting i end up flicking from one side of the map to the other, it is most infuriating :wall:

Thanks in advance :bye:

The Fifth Horseman 03-10-2005 03:18 PM

Settings screen. One of the icons on the panel, just can't recall the exact one (I think it was the question mark).

Guest 03-10-2005 03:36 PM

I have put it to the lowest setting already but it makes no difference :cry: I was wondering if there is any file i can alter to effect scroll speed in game?

SupSuper 03-10-2005 03:53 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Oct 3 2005, 04:36 PM
I have put it to the lowest setting already but it makes no difference :cry: I was wondering if there is any file i can alter to effect scroll speed in game?
Nope. You could try getting a slowdown application or using the DOS version with DOSBox.

EvilChip 03-10-2005 07:01 PM

I neek help???
The game runs only in the worldmap,
but everytime that i try to start a mission
the game stop. Kick me out to windows and the
program ends. I don´t why this ocurrs.
I have a Pentium III 1.00 GHz, 128 RAM. I think
That my screen it´s set to 600 - 800 because my monitor
sucks. If anybody can help me. Please.

EvilChip 03-10-2005 07:11 PM

I forgot, I have windows millenium. :angry:

efthimios 03-10-2005 07:50 PM


Do you use the windows or the dos version?
If the dos, are you using dosbox or not?

Kearnsy 04-10-2005 02:14 AM


Originally posted by EvilChip@Oct 3 2005, 07:01 PM
I neek help???
The game runs only in the worldmap,
but everytime that i try to start a mission
the game stop. Kick me out to windows and the
program ends. I don´t why this ocurrs.
I have a Pentium III 1.00 GHz, 128 RAM. I think
That my screen it´s set to 600 - 800 because my monitor
sucks. If anybody can help me. Please.

I had this problem and it turned out that when I unzipped it it decided not to extract some of the save files (among others).
I just unzipped it again and it works fine.
Shouldn't have anything to do with the OS as I had the same problem and solution on 3 different OS.
Hope it helps :ok:

Guest 04-10-2005 02:14 PM


Originally posted by EvilChip@Oct 3 2005, 07:01 PM
I neek help???
The game runs only in the worldmap,
but everytime that i try to start a mission
the game stop. Kick me out to windows and the
program ends. I don´t why this ocurrs.
I have a Pentium III 1.00 GHz, 128 RAM. I think
That my screen it´s set to 600 - 800 because my monitor
sucks. If anybody can help me. Please.

I also had this problem... however, it didn't happen to the version I download from the Home of the Underdogs (which also contains a file xcom1fix.exe). So I suggest you download this game from that site.

Guest 04-10-2005 05:17 PM

Now you say it. When I was trying to check the problem, I save the game just before the mission start. Then I try to load it. And the list of saved games was blank. I think that could be a problem during the download. I gonna download it again and try.

Thanks for the ideas. They were useful.

Guest 04-10-2005 05:21 PM


Originally posted by efthimios@Oct 3 2005, 07:50 PM

Do you use the windows or the dos version?
If the dos, are you using dosbox or not?

Well. I download the game from this site. And the reviews said that this was the CD version that runs in windows. Where can i find a DOS version of the game.

PrejudiceSucks 04-10-2005 05:32 PM

HOTU I believe. I'm not sure though, so try putting 'UFO Defence X-COM DOS download' into a search engine.

dannycool75 07-10-2005 02:09 PM

when i load the game, it says out of range (aka. i can't view it cause my screens too good). what does the screen setting need to be?

Sapper8 08-10-2005 01:39 PM

I FINALLY completed the game for the first time... I've been playing it for like 5-7 years and this is the first time I actually completed the game :Brain:

TaloN 08-10-2005 05:54 PM

gratz man,

ive never finished this game, always get annihalted in the stupidest of ways and give up for another year, deinstall, resintall and try again

Sapper8 08-10-2005 07:22 PM

Yeah... I played the same way, but finally I finished cydonia. It's much easier to survive with 3 men than with a whole freaking army. (most of my squad got blasted in the middle of mars surface, cuz my guy with a blaster was mc-d and he blew the large group headed for the elevator up... :ranting: ) But only 2 women out of the 16 man squad +1 laser tank got out there alive :whistle:

Guest 08-10-2005 09:59 PM

hey there!
i have a strange problem, when ever i want to transfer Stuff from on COM to another, payed and want to leave the screen, the game brakes.
I play the Windows Version. Compability (don´t know if this is the proper word, english is not my mothertongue)

Guest 08-10-2005 10:00 PM

...dammit, sorry for doppelpost, i hit enter by mistake^^

...doesn´t work, i searched for a patch, but didn´t find any, do you maybe have some helpful links?

Sapper8 09-10-2005 08:39 AM

If ur usiong the one for download in abandonia, then u should try both the blue exe with that sectoid and the exe, that has a icon what makes it look like the sun. PS! there's another guy with the same problem a few pages ago...

Bobbin Threadbare 09-10-2005 01:16 PM

Holy crappers! This thread's popluar!

Open the alien dude icon executable. Like Sapper has typed.

Blood-Pigggy 09-10-2005 07:56 PM

I always thought this game was over-rated.
I give it cred for it's fun value once you get into it.
But ANY game that requires such a steep learning curve has severe balancing problems. This is a large hind-sight and a very negative impact to the game, they should at least have made it more accesible to newer players, as even the lowest difficulty is nearly impossible to new-comers.

So in theory, if the average X-Com fan gave this a 9.5, it'd give it something like a 8.9.

PrejudiceSucks 09-10-2005 08:12 PM

I learned it in a couple of weeks. I reckon it's fantastic. The learning curve is brutal, but that's the way it is.

Blood-Pigggy 09-10-2005 08:13 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Oct 9 2005, 03:12 PM
I learned it in a couple of weeks. I reckon it's fantastic. The learning curve is brutal, but that's the way it is.
Well I don't doubt it's quality when it comes to having fun, but some people will give up before they even get to the fun.
That and it's arsenal of bugs are about it's only faults.

Guest_adrian 09-10-2005 10:10 PM

i downloaded ufo defense from this site and attempted to run it in dos box since it was not working on my 2.6 ghz windows 2000 computer.

is this the windows version? because when i try to open the exe in dos box it says 'this program cannot be run in dos mode'

if it is the windows version, how do i run it?

sorry. this must certainly be redundant.

thanks in advance


Guest 09-10-2005 10:14 PM

o wait, nevermind

i had the same problem as a previous user!

my winzip decided not to unzip all the files!

thanks anyway :)

looking forward to playing again, even though i already beat this game i love it!!!

what are your opinions on apocalypse? i tried playing it once, many years ago, but i wasnt patient enough to get into it, but i will give it another shot after this one!

Guest_adrian 09-10-2005 10:25 PM

on a last note, THIS WEBSITE RULES!!!!

PrejudiceSucks 09-10-2005 10:28 PM

Cheers. All I can say is - read just up the page.

Use the blue Sectoid icon. If that doesn't work then use the one that looks like the sun.

GunshySlycat1 09-10-2005 10:39 PM


I didn't like this game at all. Why is there two different UFO's execution files in the file anyway?

dragonLancer 10-10-2005 02:36 AM

This game was ok i just think that It was really confusing at first and its hard to get into... idk im sure theres tons of ppl who love this game but i'd have to say that its not the best game ive ever played LOL!

Sapper8 10-10-2005 03:19 PM

To Blood-Piggy: Well, It has a quite difficulty learning step, no tutorials of any kind, but i never read the manual, cuz i didn't have one. But a friend of mine watched me play it for 15 mins, went home downloaded it and figured the game out allmsot immideatly. By the end of the first week he had allready Destroyed his first alien base. That's one week in real time.
To Sharp: It's useless to build more than one large radar, if you use a small and a large radar, then they combine, but 2 large radars don't give u any advantages.

Sharp 10-10-2005 05:28 PM

Actually each large radar has a 5% chance per 10minutes of detecting a UFO at 450 nautical miles. Multiple radars mean multiple chances so if you have two radars then you will get 10% at the same range, having a small radar is more useless as it will only increase the chance of detecting a UFO within 300miles by 5% so if you have a large radar and a small radar, within 300miles every ten minutes you get a 10% chance at detecting a UFO, with two large radars you get a 10% chance of detecting a UFO every ten minutes at 450 nautical miles, 4 large radars and you get a 20% chance etc...

Of course a Hyperwave Decoder beats them all and you can replace all your radar's with one of these which will detect any UFO in its range (same as large radar range) instantly.

It does take a while to get the hang of the game, if you have a manual you should be fine, when i first played the game i tried it with just finding out how to build a base and get troops to combat, needless to say aliens managed to get a stunning victory.

Apocalypse is an awesome game, although nothing much like UFO except it can be turnbased and has the same storyline, almost everything in Apocalypse was changed from the original UFO: Enemy Unknown. Honestly Apocalypse doesnt suit well to being a continuation of Enemy Unknown, but it is a pretty awesome game nonetheless. Much nicer then getting Terror from the Deep which is basically Enemy Unknown, but underwater.

Guest_adrian 10-10-2005 07:58 PM

i have just began a campaign on super human

what i do to succeed is save very often and restart if one of my crew members is killed...

cheating? perhaps. tedious? sometimes. but it pays off in the long run.

does anyone else do this?

Toxik 10-10-2005 08:30 PM

i did.But it was boring so halfway through the game i stopped

SupSuper 10-10-2005 09:42 PM


Originally posted by GunshySlycat1@Oct 9 2005, 11:39 PM

I didn't like this game at all. Why is there two different UFO's execution files in the file anyway?

The blue sectoid one is the original game EXE, the sun one is a patch that fixes issues with some graphic cards.

Lonely Vazdru 10-10-2005 09:44 PM


have just began a campaign on super human

what i do to succeed is save very often and restart if one of my crew members is killed...

cheating? perhaps. tedious? sometimes. but it pays off in the long run.

does anyone else do this?

I did too ! But only after beating the game on normal level. It's tedious at first, but you reach a point where it's kind of cool pretty fast. And in the end it's really cool to defend the whole world with 20 or 30 men (if you managed to keep most of your guys alive from the start they really pack quite some punch when the time for retribution arrives). :ok:

Guest 10-10-2005 11:14 PM

I'm having a problem: I can't load tank/cannon onto the skyranger. I have one Tank/Cannon in stores, and 20 HWP cannon shells. On the Equip screen, I can see the tank but not the shells, and attempting to load the tank gives a "no ammo for that HWP" (or similar) message.

Using the Win safe version from this site.

Any suggestions?

Guest_adrian 11-10-2005 03:12 AM

i will check it out

i wouldnt be surprised if this was a bug, my version crashes every so often

off topic: where is the best place to build your base?

also, superhuman is insane because the scientist maintenance cost is through the roof!

another_guest 11-10-2005 10:16 AM

I wouldn't worry too much about maintenance costs, as soon as you've got the opportunity to recruit some engineers. They're just money machines...

Best places to build bases: where you cover the best sponsoring countries/areas (USA, Japan, Europe are the top 3). If you distribute your bases according to this, your radars/hyperwave and aircraft will have a good coverage of pretty much the entire globe as well.

Sharp 11-10-2005 04:01 PM

I find the best place to lay your initial base is in Europe, this is becuase

1) It covers quite a lot of sponsor countries
2) Its the most expensive base area to buy
3) Your first base comes free :w00t:

Now when you have a HWP, you have to buy the ammo for that specific HWP, for example, you buy a Rocket Launcher HWP, but but 50 cannon shells, you cannot fire the cannon shells out of the rocket launcher. Of course it may be another problem but that may be a possible one.

I dont think it would be the 80-item limit as the tank just counts as 4 soldier seats and im pretty sure ive had 80 items with the tank, of course I may be wrong and the problem may be lack of space to put the shells.

Superhuman is fairly hard to play normally, without doing any type of cheating (except for regular saves incase of game crashes), you really have to be far more tactical in everything you do from buying soldiers, and which countries to bother to defend instead of wasting resources on failing missions.

Of course once you get some good stuff to engineer it supplements your income quite well but initially it is hard to make a profit while managing to get a high score as you still need engineers for your own stuff to make.

Sapper8 11-10-2005 05:28 PM

I've noticed, that the game has some set parameters of ufos showing up in certain locations i.e. i once built a base in hawaii I had a lot of medium and large scouts there landing allways

Guest 12-10-2005 01:22 PM

OK, I discovered the problem, and I think it goes down as a "feature". Turns out that you need a full load of cannon shells to be able to load the tank, and a full load is 30 shells. If you have less than 30, you can't load the tank.

Hmm. :not_ok:

another_guest 12-10-2005 02:47 PM

True, Hawa? is always an active region.
I *think* the same goes for terror sites, at least I usually got my first terror site in the same city (not sure anymore which one exactly). In addition, I've got the feeling the number of possible terror site locations is quite limited, in other words that there are only few cities implemented in the game. But since I'm avoiding terror sites as much as possible, I'm not completely sure either. But if this is true, this could affect the best base location early in the game, when you're using a Skyranger to transport troops to a terror site. If the terror site is too far away, you have no other choice than to land at night if you've got some bad luck.

In reply to the post above, I seem to remember that's true for ALL tanks that need shells, rockets or any other ammo to be brought separately: as long as you don't have a complete load of these, you won't be able to use the tank.

bgeorgalas 12-10-2005 04:20 PM

Hi everybody, i installed X-com 10 days ago and i think it's great! Can i ask you all smth? When a nation signs a pact with the aliens and stops paying money at the project.....Is there any way to make the nation change its's mind and rejoin the project? i've tried everything from destructing alien bases in their area to shooting down everything that flies over them but they seem preety convinced to continue with their treaty....'till now i've lost nigeria, egypt and australia while other nation keep up giving me more money at the end of every month....Thanx and sorry for my terrible english....

another_guest 12-10-2005 06:00 PM

As far as I know, people agree that it's impossible to win a country back once it has signed a pact with the aliens. However, I have had countries that stopped funding me for a month, but after that continued their funding once more. I don't think they signed a pact with the aliens, at least if it's possible that a country stops its funding while not making a pact with the aliens.

Petter1979 12-10-2005 06:27 PM

If i get countries that stops funding me, its likely that they have a alien base maybe in that country, i then send a free skyranger(no need to equip weapons or anything) to patrol in the area. I usual find a alien base. And destroy it, after a month or 2 i usual get funds form then again.

edit: btw, what is the most efficient to manufacture with engineers for funds?

SupSuper 12-10-2005 08:37 PM

Iirc, Laser Rifle or Laser Cannon are good money sources.

Danny252 12-10-2005 09:01 PM

I believe Laser Cannon is the most profitable.

Havell 12-10-2005 09:02 PM

Laser Cannons.

Sharp 12-10-2005 10:40 PM

Well once you manage to get the research fusion ball launchers (craft weapon) are the best in the profit/time ratio, though laser cannons are quite good as well.

Course the best way to make money instead of engineers is to visit your nearest alien base, kill lots of aliens, steal thier stuff and run away without blowing up the base, then simply rinse and repeat. Of course its best if the base is in somewhere secluded like Antartica so you dont lose any funding.

Also get a radar base nearby and shoot down and loot incoming supply ships for lotsa goodies.

another_guest 13-10-2005 07:08 AM

The downside of fusion ball launchers is that they require elerium to produce, whereas laser cannons don't. Having engineers manufacture laser cannons, will get you about $ 44000 per month net per engineer (i.e. sales profit minus monthly cost for an engineer). Keep in mind that laser cannons will need some storage space before you sell them.
Early in the game (before you've researched lasers) medikits are quite profitable as well.
But like Sharp said, missions can provide you with a LOT of money. Usually it doesn't take long to end up with more heavy plasmas than you'll ever need -> sell any new ones you loot for $ 171600 each... I usually don't sell any alien ammo, except maybe for plasma pistols and plasma rifles once I've got plenty of heavy plasma clips. Every downed ufo will also provide you with alien alloys and such, that pile up really quickly -> again, sell the rest.

Sharp 13-10-2005 04:15 PM

Actually Fusion Ball Launchers only require one alien alloy to build, and as you said, they pile up rather quickly.

Motion Scanners are the most profitable early on as they sell for around the same price as the medikit but are manufactured almost twice as fast (although being more expensive to produce)

For making money by engineers you only need to manufacture three things.

1, Motion Scanners
2, Laser Cannons
3, Fusion Ball Launchers

But in overall value, nothing beats a raid on a supply ship or a Alien base as both give you lots of valuables, and they also increase your soldiers stats which is invaluable.

Danny252 13-10-2005 08:18 PM

There is one rule, really, when selling: Don't sell the elerium!
A way to get a little money is to sell off some alien corpses. Once you get 30 sectoid corpses, you know you need to remove a few.

SupSuper 13-10-2005 11:23 PM


Originally posted by Danny252@Oct 13 2005, 09:18 PM
There is one rule, really, when selling: Don't sell the elerium!
A way to get a little money is to sell off some alien corpses. Once you get 30 sectoid corpses, you know you need to remove a few.

Actually most alien equipment is pretty valuable, as long as you always keep 1 for research, and don't sell the good weapons ;)

And even though everyone says "don't sell the Elerium" since it's not manufacturable, I often do. And as long as you keep nabbing those landed UFOs (specially supply ships), you'll have plenty.

Lonely Vazdru 13-10-2005 11:52 PM

Don't sell the Elerium, since it's not manufacturable ! :D
Sell all your equipment and go fight those aliens with your fists and your faith. If things get really desperate, you might consider throwing them a couple of flares ! :bleh:

Sharp 14-10-2005 04:36 PM

One fun thing to do, dont research plasma rifle and pistol and clips respectivly, then rack up the points in picking up alien artifacts from the battle, cant do it with anything else but the rifle and pistol, everything else should be researched, although you might be able to go without the mind probe, and that sells quite nicely as well.

Sapper8 14-10-2005 07:33 PM

I never realized that, but I never researched plasma weaps anyways, cuz I weren't gonna use them anyways. and I allways sell all corpse, but I allways leave one from any race. and by raiding enemys u constantly get heavy plasmas(I had quite a pile of them) and when u sell them one costs 161 000, so it's no probelm gettin 4 000 000 dollars when u have 40 plasma rifles.

Kearnsy 15-10-2005 01:29 PM

I always give my standard soldiers Heavy plasmas. It much better than hitting someone and then they dont die!!! Also the ammo is easy to get from missions so you dont have to waste time and stock making ammo. I sell the extra plasmas, alien bodies, and sometimes an engine or nav system (If I have to much) and manufacture some stuff (to sell).

I have 7 bases!!! and still have a big profit.
btw on harder difficulty the same sytem still works (just not as well)

another_guest 15-10-2005 02:43 PM

By the way, something commonly known that I'd like to drag up again since we seem to be exchanging weapon and ammo tips: unload the ammo from any weapon that has been fired in combat (preferably weapons you've taken from aliens, you might want to keep your own weapons loaded during combat :D ) and you won't lose the ammo clip after the battle. Otherwise, even a clip that still contains 34 out of 35 rounds will be lost.

soreros 17-10-2005 07:31 PM

Sorry if this has already been covered in the previous 137 pages of posts, but has anyone gotten this game to run in DOSXbox? Yes, the xbox dosbox...

Abi79 19-10-2005 07:10 PM

Wasn't this the Windows version ? (thus not needing DOSBox)

soreros 20-10-2005 07:25 PM

That's the confusion...

I think it's supposed to be the DOS version, but no one seems to be able to run it in DOS. I'm looking for the DOS version so I can play it on Xbox on my bigscreen (the PlayStation version is just way to buggy).

Guest 22-10-2005 06:07 PM

every time i run this game i go to a downed ufo the game crshis :cry: :help:

Ben 22-10-2005 11:38 PM

I am having trouble with running UFO Defense in Windows 2000. The error is exactly the same as what someone posted on page 3 of this thread. Here's what he/she said:

Hey guys, I need some help. I downloaded the game a couple of hours ago, unzipped it and got ready to play. I set up base and waited for UFo's, and one finally came along. I intercepted it, and then flew my crew over to check out the wreck, but when I clicked "OK" to start the mission, the game crashed, and I went back to windows.

I would really like to play this game, what can I do?

Tom Henrik replied with:

This could be due to programs running in the background. I would suggest you close such programs when playing the game.

Or you could just save often. 8)

I tried that, but the background programs make no difference. I was wondering if I must end every task in Windows 2000. That's probably not a wise thing to do. ;) Also, saving my game often doesn't help at all because when the game crashes when I click "OK" to start the mission, it doesn't remember previous saved games. I save a game, then start a mission, then it crashes, then I start the game over, and my saved game is gone. I haven't found any way around this. Does anyone have any tips or anything? I've never played anything but the demo of this game and from now seeing the base-building and ufo-investigating part on the globe map, I can guess that this must be an incredibly awesome game. It has definitely piqued my interest far more than any of the past 2,000 throw-away games I've downloaded from all over the net.

Again, any help would be extremely appreciated! :D


Ben 22-10-2005 11:39 PM

Ha, I didn't notice but the person who posted right before me is having the same problem.


Doubler 23-10-2005 09:38 AM

Would it help if I said I have the same problem periodicly?
If you haven't already, you might want to simply try again :)

Sharp 23-10-2005 10:19 AM

I had this problem as well, if you check your ufo folder there should be a bunch of folders labled GAME_1, GAME_2 ..... GAME_10. If you dont have these folders then create these 10 folders as these are the save games. Then try playing again.

If it still crashes in battles you can try downloading UFO:Gold from Home of the Underdogs (exactly the same except it seems to work better for some, but be warned, extremly slow download rate)

Click me-->> :bye: HOTU :bye: <<--Click me

blue123 23-10-2005 10:26 AM

I have the same problem, and where's underdogs?

Click the link at the end of Sharp's post. - Havell

The Unknown 26-10-2005 02:56 PM

My problem now is that My game is running too fast :blink: !

I remember that there were help for this kind of problem somewhere, but hell, theres so many pages!

So if anyone could give an advice? Im not sure but it was some kind of patch which cleared the problem? :bye:

Btw, If some1 is about to ask me to use Turbo, i've already tried it.

Student 27-10-2005 12:11 PM

When in battle select the "?" button and set the speed.

Guest 27-10-2005 02:11 PM

Yes, I know that... But its not the battles which are running too fast, its the whole game...

The Unknown 27-10-2005 02:13 PM

Sorry, It was me...

Guest 29-10-2005 07:46 PM

My x-com works just fine, i've tried the version from here and from HOTU and they work fine. Now. when i get x-comutil it starts just fine, and the x-comutil settings are working, i can get to combat and play it, but if i save in the middle of a combat and load it, it dosnt work anymore. for that matter. no combat works after i've played one combat over. i've tried reinstalling and different drivers and alot of different things. So i was curious if anyone has any ideas what would help.

A list of the different things i've tried.

Util with YEs to all. Util with No to all. Util with standards to all
Making a shortcut(bat) to the exe's a bat to the bats and so on. as instructed and starting the game from them.
No graphic acceleration. Full (no effect)

blue123 30-10-2005 10:10 AM

I've ran the game a few times, and it doesn't crash anymore.

mcbugge 31-10-2005 07:20 AM

I do not know if this has already been discussed, it was just too many damn posts :P I have been trying to capture an alien leader, but I just can't find one. I understand that they usually are inside battleships and alien bases, but I have shot down three battleships and I just can't find one. Any help on this would be nice ^_^

another_guest 31-10-2005 10:06 AM

It has been discussed quite a few times, and of course with all these repetitions this thread becomes even bigger ;)

It's been quite a while since I played UFO. I'm not sure about battleships, but alien bases certainly contain an alien leader. Most often he can be found in the control room with the huge "elevator" in the middle. Most of the time you'll manage to get there before the 3-or-so aliens in that room have left. Be careful though, one or more of them may wield a blaster launcher, and you don't want your precious alien leader to be blown up by his own troops by mistake :)

anders_ 31-10-2005 10:53 AM


I've read some posts not far from all in this huge thread.
I finally managed to get this game running but got a few questions.

1. Is the bug still in wich makes stats go all around if too high?
2. Any stats that are more important or useless? I recall Fire Accuracy and Time Units were very important.

I've dealt with the third ship, got unconsious alien all three times but the building for alien prisoners is not finished yet :(

another_guest 31-10-2005 01:03 PM

I'm not sure if there's been any update solving the stats bug, but I don't think the bug itself poses much of a problem... You'd need hundreds of missions to get your stats up that high, if you manage at all to keep anyone alive that long. I've finished the game twice, and I never got too close to the 255 limit.

Imo, fire accuracy is the most important stat. Time units comes in second because for several actions (like shooting), a soldier needs a fixed percentage of his TUs. So lots of TUs will just increase your soldier's walking range, quite useful for hit and run attacks but not as important in the end as accuracy.
Hugely important are the psy stats, but those come in later in the game. Even the best soldiers aren't of much use if they can't resist psy attacks... And once you've trained some soldiers in psy warfare, it's so easy to take control of these pesky aliens.
Hm yes, I forgot strenght. While I wouldn't sack soldiers for lack of strength, this stat is mainly important to decide the weapon distribution among soldiers.

About those scientists: if it's a money issue, hire engineers instead. These guys make you quite a bit of money (produce med-kits, laser rifles and later on laser cannons), enabling you to get out of the money-trouble-spiral. At least that's what I usually try, first get some engineers to make a profit, then use that money to support my research.

anders_ 31-10-2005 02:02 PM

Thanks, I got to page 35 this far and I realize I forgot to let the heavy weapons to the strongest soldiers.
Also believe I should up scientists atleast 10 more (got 30 almost at end of january).

I'd better do some trial and error to work the rest out.

Sharp 31-10-2005 09:25 PM

Reactions is a very important stat, and bravery is a decider one for me as well.

High Reactions are a must because if your soldier has low reactions, it will take him/her far longer to improve the reactions stat as the only way to increase the reactions stat is to use oppurtunity fire, and soldiers with low reactions do that less often.

Greymouse 01-11-2005 03:15 PM

I'm really sorry if this has been posted before, but I used the search and didn't come up with anything.

I run XP, 1920x1200. I run the modified start, and the game does work - *until* I go into the tactical combat screen, when it promptly asplodes into tiny bits.

Anyone have a clue why this would be happening, or suggest an alternative?

Thanks tons,


Greymouse 02-11-2005 10:11 AM

Sorry to add to the thread count here - but I wanted to let someone know that the possibility of the file being corrupted here on Abandonia. I redownloaded the file from HOTU, and it works fine now, no crashes in combat. It could also just have been a bad download as well. *shrug*

Just wanted to mention it. Thanks again.


anders_ 02-11-2005 02:11 PM

Weird, very weird.

I got the game running.
Next day it wont run, screen wont stay in game, ufo keeps minimizing itself.

(I played some other games instead, and also read something about an archive catalog missing.
I add an archive catalog and it finally works for that evening. I doubt this catalogue actually did anything tho...)

Back home from work yesterday its doin the minimizing again.

Anyoneelse experienced this?
I start from ufo.exe (the other .exe file make screen garble) with win95 compatibility, 256 colors and 640x480 mode.


soreros 04-11-2005 09:35 AM


Originally posted by soreros@Oct 17 2005, 07:31 PM
Sorry if this has already been covered in the previous 137 pages of posts, but has anyone gotten this game to run in DOSXbox? Yes, the xbox dosbox...
Sorry - bumping self...

Doubler 04-11-2005 09:41 AM

Well, this version of the game was optimized to be run under windows, and, as far as I know, doesn't run in Dos.
So, you'd better try running it in WinXbox, if such a thing exists, I guess :P

EDIT: You got the same answer back then too. Did you think it would change? :blink:

Harry 06-11-2005 07:28 PM

Then best way to kill ethereals is with plasma weapons, specially the heavy one, they just don`t resist them, my recor was one year playing, but it was so hard to manage it that I bankrupted, remember, use plasma!

Blackie Leone 06-11-2005 08:14 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Oct 8 2005, 09:59 PM
hey there!
i have a strange problem, when ever i want to transfer Stuff from on COM to another, payed and want to leave the screen, the game brakes.
I play the Windows Version. Compability (don´t know if this is the proper word, english is not my mothertongue)

I had that problem too, but I managed to solve it.
I guess you don't play the english version. The transfer-crash only appeared when I played in german. In the english version you can transfer everywhere you want. So just save your game, exit, start in english, transfer, save again, exit again and start in your prefered language again.

anders_ 07-11-2005 11:10 AM

Oh well, I got hold of the Dos version and it works splendid in dosbox, got both sound and music and thanks to dosbox speed is variable (ie 5secs don't rush).

If it's allowed and anyone want it I can post the link here.

Motion scanners, do these fill any funktion? either the range is extremely short or I'm doin something wrong. (Atleast they're the most profitable item I can produce atm.)

Large UFO, I shot one down with 2x interceptors (one shot down) but these are a real pain to shoot down w/o interceptor upgrades.
Just pray and hope they land until I can beat em?


The Fifth Horseman 07-11-2005 02:23 PM

Motion Scanners can be used (SCAN) to display nearby movement. Great for hunting down those last remaining UFO crewmen.

Equip your Interceptors with twin Avalanche launchers, these should work until you get some better weapons. IIRC, up to three Interceptors can be attacking a target at once.

SupSuper 07-11-2005 02:44 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Nov 7 2005, 03:23 PM
Equip your Interceptors with twin Avalanche launchers, these should work until you get some better weapons. IIRC, up to three Interceptors can be attacking a target at once.
Actually up to four can be attacking a target at once :)

another_guest 07-11-2005 03:00 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Nov 7 2005, 03:23 PM
Motion Scanners can be used (SCAN) to display nearby movement. Great for hunting down those last remaining UFO crewmen.
And on terror sites! I remember I lost quite a few soldiers early in the game on terror sites, mainly by aliens playing sniper... Quite annoying...

anders_ 07-11-2005 04:37 PM

I figure they're mostly good for scouting houses.
Seems the numbers displayed on the scanner is equal to number of squares.


Equip your Interceptors with twin Avalanche launchers, these should work until you get some better weapons.

Thanks, guess I need to rearm some interceptors today (and probably purchase som avalanche launchers).

Had a really annoying fight yesterday where the final leader of a large vessel were upstairs in the ufo, I was able to go up the elevator but the floor outside elevator room were blown up so I had to wait for the leader to visualize himself so I could toss up some grenades....

*Happy* 07-11-2005 06:35 PM

Just a quick tip: make sure you have plenty of store space when arming your Interceptors with Avalanche, as the missiles take up a little less than 2 store space each.

anders_ 07-11-2005 10:37 PM

Yeah I noticed that :P

If store space gets to 100% does that mean I wont get all loot back or does it only stop production?

another_guest 08-11-2005 06:46 AM


Originally posted by anders_@Nov 7 2005, 11:37 PM
If store space gets to 100% does that mean I wont get all loot back or does it only stop production?
You still get all loot, but you won't be able to buy or produce anything (that needs storage space).
That's usually time to get rid of all those alien bodies (except one per type if you still need to research it) and all stuff you'll never use anyway.

anders_ 08-11-2005 09:17 AM

Nice then I just need to get a little more hang of the game so I can turn up the difficulty setting if it matters in my version.

Any idea how to check version?
Anyone know from wich version difficulty settings work properly?

The Fifth Horseman 08-11-2005 10:29 AM


Actually up to four can be attacking a target at once
I've tried to do that a few times and it didn't work.

blazedestin 09-11-2005 02:43 AM


Originally posted by mcbugge@Oct 31 2005, 08:20 AM
I do not know if this has already been discussed, it was just too many damn posts :P I have been trying to capture an alien leader, but I just can't find one. I understand that they usually are inside battleships and alien bases, but I have shot down three battleships and I just can't find one. Any help on this would be nice ^_^
Equip your troops with mind probes and stun launchers. That should do the trick for that leader/commander hunting.

Remember, you need to get a commander from an alien base. Battle ship cmdrs don't work. Leaders are found on medium and larger ships, I think.

*Happy* 09-11-2005 09:56 AM


Originally posted by blazedestin@Nov 9 2005, 03:43 AM
Remember, you need to get a commander from an alien base. Battle ship cmdrs don't work. Leaders are found on medium and larger ships, I think.

Um... I completed the game at least 3 times and every time the Battleship Commander worked for me, but I've heard that he didn't work for some other people - maybe it depends on which version of the game you are playing?

One Leader can be found on all medium and large UFOs (he's usually in the room with the navigation controls). Battleships and bases have 2 leaders. There may be more on the higher difficulty levels. Remember, however, that Mutons have no Leaders or Commanders, and Ethereals get extra Leaders instead of Engineers and Navigators.

To anders_: the only way I know to check difficulty levels is to research Personal Armour (or any other type of armour) - the older version of the game doesn't have an UFOpedia article about it, while the newer one does.

*Happy* 09-11-2005 10:00 AM

Just remembered an easier way to check version - in a soldier's inventroy screen, the newer version has an arrow in the lower-right part of the screen, which allows you to see additional iems on the ground. The older version does not have this feature.

another_guest 09-11-2005 10:50 AM

In addition, there's a price difference when selling some items between v1.2 and v1.4
I've once heard that for the DOS version (even 1.4) the difficulty setting will return to normal after your first mission, but I have no idea whether that's true.

*Happy* 09-11-2005 11:29 AM


Originally posted by another_guest@Nov 9 2005, 11:50 AM
I've once heard that for the DOS version (even 1.4) the difficulty setting will return to normal after your first mission, but I have no idea whether that's true.
The difficulty would drop to beginner later in the game - I think it was the first time a soldier wearing a Flying Suit went to a mission, but I'm not 100% sure.

putra-qwe 09-11-2005 05:23 PM


I have downloaded UFO : Enemy Unknown after failing to find one in the stores for years :( I was so happy then suddenly something happened which really turns me off T_T

The grafic was in total chaos. Did the aliens succeed already in taking over the world before I can even play?

It was like...linesssss tying to force 5 pictures into this small monitor. Oh please reply ASAP I WANT TO PLAY CANT HOLD IT NO MORE hahehahaehehaheahhea


SupSuper 09-11-2005 06:36 PM

Another way to know which version you got is that older versions still have the copy protection screen.


Originally posted by putra-qwe@Nov 9 2005, 06:23 PM

I have downloaded UFO : Enemy Unknown after failing to find one in the stores for years :( I was so happy then suddenly something happened which really turns me off T_T

The grafic was in total chaos. Did the aliens succeed already in taking over the world before I can even play?

It was like...linesssss tying to force 5 pictures into this small monitor. Oh please reply ASAP I WANT TO PLAY CANT HOLD IT NO MORE hahehahaehehaheahhea


Make sure you run the file with the sun icon, NOT the one with the alien icon. That should fix your problem.

jb 09-11-2005 11:25 PM

My X-Com keeps crashing at seemingly random times - it crashes when I complete research on a Sectoid Medic (it'll show me a screen of another alien i haven't researched and then quit out) or something it'll just crash right after I land and am about to begin a mission

someone please help me - i love this game but i can't keep playing it with all these random crashes ;p

UFO-Junkie 10-11-2005 11:32 AM

Hi there,

finally got this great game back! Had it in 1996, played it 3 or 4 times till the end end got it deleted by formating my harddisk :wall:

It took me 8 years to get it back. Runs superior on my XP-Notebook, just one or two chrashes a day, never mind.

When I read these whole posts, (ok, not all 2000 and somewhat) I recognized that I have a quite different strategy which works out fine.

I just start of with a base in Italy or Croatia, sell off every heavy weapon and smoke-grenades etc.
The basic equipment for my soldiers: 1 Rifle, 1 extra clip, 1 or 2 grenades.

After 2 month: 1 Heavy plasma, 1 extra clip, 2 alien grenades.

The only other weapons of my choice are the blaster (this small H-Bomb :D ) , the stun-cannon and PSI-Amps.

By playing ALL missions with this crew and 2 soldiers more, I have quickly 8-10 super soldiers. 2 tanks are enough additional fire-power to clear EVERYTHING.

On missions agains PSI-aliens I just leave my PSI-weaklings inside the Avenger and take out the Ufo with max. 5 soldiers, but 3 are mainly enough if they are skilled. A tank (Plasma and big boom ball) is not nescessary but should bring more safety.

One hint: if you recognize, that psi-weaklings are getting to be mind controlled in the next move, just let them drop their weapons-one problem less...

Sometimes I'm building a second base in south america, but this is just for fun.

Getting cash should be a no-problem: Sell AFTER research every dead alien , sell the Ufo-equipment (Except of 115) and sell Plasma-weapons. (Yes, heavy plasma too, and clips for heavy plasma, you'll get it back from the aliens.) In my storage lie 30-40 heavy plasmas (you can never know, perhaps you want to build a third base, an aprox. 40-50 heavy plasma-clips. The rest is sold out. So, at the end of 1999. I have ~20.000.000 $ and 2 fully built out bases, 4 Avengers and 10-20 soldiers.

This should kick the aliens behind :bleh:

Hope there is nothing wrong with this strategy...

UFO-Junkie 10-11-2005 11:36 AM

To "jb":

Yes, you can, just save often, its just the way I handle this crashes.

SupSuper 10-11-2005 01:33 PM


Originally posted by jb@Nov 10 2005, 12:25 AM
My X-Com keeps crashing at seemingly random times - it crashes when I complete research on a Sectoid Medic (it'll show me a screen of another alien i haven't researched and then quit out) or something it'll just crash right after I land and am about to begin a mission

someone please help me - i love this game but i can't keep playing it with all these random crashes ;p

That's a known bug, there's no way around it. Just don't research a Sectoid Medic (set the research to 0 scientists) and you'll be fine, you don't need it anyways :P

Also, to all those that keep getting crashes or other problems and nobody here solves your problem, I'd really recommend you go find a solution here:
You have a much bigger and more X-Com-dedicated community there, and even fan-made patches to fix some problems. Also, most of your problems have already been posted there so you have a better chance of finding a solution there.

PrejudiceSucks 10-11-2005 02:02 PM

Actually, it happens with Floater medics too. It's really, really annoying.

Ashbringer 10-11-2005 03:44 PM

Running on a spanking new widscreen laptop, the game when first loaded and throughtout is stretched and pixelated accross my screen. I can't figure out why, I reset my Resolution to 800x600 to no avail. Can anyone help or am I just going to have to play on a normal monitor?



Greymouse 10-11-2005 04:42 PM

Running the wrong version. You need to have the patched one (Which is supplied here as well as HOTU) instead to run it on XP. I have a widescreen too, but running the patched .bat makes it run just fine.


Guest 10-11-2005 09:06 PM

This game is surely the best Microprose ever made.
The new version of this great game called UFO:Aftermath
cant be compared with this one.....too bad

Rocker 13-11-2005 02:56 AM

X-com STILL sits near the top of my list. Microprose was the best, man.

Privateer 13-11-2005 09:30 PM

UFO-junkie, I just don't get why you build your second base in South America. There is only Brasil there to protect and it's a fairly minor contributor to your budget. Meanwhile, you're leaving North America and the Far East open for the taking by aliens.

My first base goes to southern Germany; my second goes either in the North American praries in the middle of the US-Canada border or in China, depending on where there is more alien activity at the moment. I usually lose Australia, Brasil or South Africa to alien infiltration, but at least the core of my sponsors in Europe, America and Asia stay with me.

Guest 14-11-2005 09:51 AM


UFO-junkie, I just don't get why you build your second base in South America. There is only Brasil there to protect and it's a fairly minor contributor to your budget.
Money is not really the reason for building my base there hence NA has signed a contract with the aliens in the first month... Its `cause many Ufos are flying via South America and can be interceptet on their route now quite well.

My current money after one Year (in the game of course!) is about 50.000.000 $, so I could build bases all over the world.
Its just the ting that South America is nearly the exact counterpart for my first base on the worlds` other side.

another_guest 14-11-2005 10:36 AM

I always try to expand quite quickly, as soon as I've got enough engineers to make me a nice profit each month.
I remember on regular difficulty (I played the old bugged version back then, no idea to which difficulty level it corresponds) that I've managed to finish the game without losing a single country to the aliens. A few sometimes stopped funding me for a month, but they didn't sign a pact with the aliens. The next month their funding was back on track.
Of course it increases the chances of losing a base, if you haven't had time to build proper defenses yet.

Kearnsy 14-11-2005 10:43 AM

I find that if your base is well planned you should be able to defend the base as easily as a normal mission. i find terror missions harder than base defence. Even with my bad bases.

another_guest 14-11-2005 12:18 PM

I meant especially when they're attacking my new base before I've got a decent amount of soldiers and equipment in place :)
But I remember I usually wasn't that good at defending my bases, usually lost a couple of soldiers...

Fire-Warrior 15-11-2005 06:38 PM

Hey'all, I,ve got a toubleshooting problem, I haven't got any problem running the game until I start the first mission, the game crash as soon as the battlefield load, if anyone would help me make the game run, I expect it's a video configuration problem so if anyone would tell me the refresh rate and resolution supported, it would be great. If you find any solution, please wrtie me an e-mail at

The Fifth Horseman 16-11-2005 12:10 PM

From what I remember, this was answered in this very thread ten thousand times already.

Guest_Juha 17-11-2005 09:13 AM

Hi, i have a problem with my x-com when i am trying to start a mission my game goes of.... please help! :help:

Kearnsy 17-11-2005 09:15 AM

Have a looksy in the troubleshooting forum. there are about 10 tpics that will solve you're problem.

Guest_juha 17-11-2005 09:29 AM

can u pass me the link? plz i am not so good whit these new computers.... :kosta:

The Fifth Horseman 17-11-2005 10:35 AM

There is a magnifying glass next to link labeled "Search" on the top of the page. Would you mind using it? And would you mind checking the printable version of the thread ("Print this Topic", also top of the page) in addition? There were many instances of people having trouble
with the game, and all of them were solved.

Dikiminkeisari 17-11-2005 01:01 PM

:cry: :help: Do u guys know any other sites to download x-com enemy unknow?
:cry: please help :cry:
:ranting:i cant get this version working i cant save and game will go of every time when i start gombat :ranting:

The Fifth Horseman 17-11-2005 01:26 PM


Don't be such a crybaby. Read this goddamn thread. Search the Troubleshooting forum. These questions have been answered many times.

Dikiminkeisari 17-11-2005 01:39 PM

no omgis i have tryied them........

The Fifth Horseman 17-11-2005 02:54 PM

Do your homework next time. That's what you get from the printable version:

1) It didn't save - turns out that the GAME_N folders were missing. Adding them manually has made that work.
This seems to be the solution to your saving problem.


3. One guy/gal mentioned about X-Com crashing after the tactical mission. Don't bother downloading the game again, it's your savegame that's corrupted. Load a savegame BEFORE this tactical mission.

If I remember correctly there are two files. 1 for dos and 1 for Windows. The Windows file is the Blue Icon. Try opening that one by double-clicking. It should work.

This could be due to programs running in the background. I would suggest you close such programs when playing the game.

Home of the Underdogs carries the fixed version of the game (and the sequel). It's a fanmade patch that makes UFO work on Windows ME, 2000, and XP. I tried it on my XP-ridden laptop and it worked fine.
Keep in mind you'll have to run XCOM1FIX.EXE to apply the patch


When I tried to enter a battle the game would crash, and I would end up in desktop.
I solved the problem by turning on the compatibility option for windows 95/98!!


Well, I seem to remember a weird bug right now. If you entered a mission while one of your fighter was still chasing an UFO, the game would crash.
Answer to this bug was easy: never chase UFO when you are about to enter a mission. Either disengage and go back to base or just fly near them until you finish the mission.

Several different solutions to try out.

And finally, troubleshooting. Fifty or so threads on issues with this very game.
<a href=\' 0c5978e7dff0e01849f5dc&search_in=posts&result_type =topics&highlite=%22Enemy+Unknown%22\' target=\'_blank\'>Remember: Search function is your friend!</a>

PS. The printable version cuts the posts after half of January of this year. Maybe one of the admins could look into fixing this?

Mikers 17-11-2005 05:47 PM

Anyone Tell me how you USE the medi-kit? All the manual says is to Use it.

Danny252 17-11-2005 05:50 PM

Equip it in one of the soldier's hands and then use it like you would a gun.

SupSuper 18-11-2005 04:10 PM

Just like it says on the UFOpedia:

In order to use the medi-kit you must face towards the soldier requiring treatment. If the soldier is stunned you must stand over the body. Click on the medi-kit icon and select 'use medi-kit' from the menu.

Sharp 18-11-2005 05:05 PM

Someone else must use a medikit on the soldier requiring treatment unlike Apoc. You may either want to designate medics in your squads to treat other soldiers injuries or give everyone a medikit so everyone can heal each other. However packing a medikit per person gives you less choice for guns and other equipment.

I think its best to research laser weapons, personal armour and then medikits, before personal armour your soldiers will mainly die in one hit anyway.

SupSuper 18-11-2005 08:33 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Nov 18 2005, 06:05 PM
I think its best to research laser weapons, personal armour and then medikits, before personal armour your soldiers will mainly die in one hit anyway.
Even with flying suits they still die frequently with just one hit :bleh:

Master MC 18-11-2005 11:17 PM

Even on beginner level the game is very difficult. (which does not take away the fun, however)

Kruschevv 19-11-2005 07:38 AM

[color=purple][size=7]I don't know why but the game dosen't work. in fact, when i unzip it, Winzip tell me only about some kind of screensaver and i can't open nothing... :crazy: :blink: :angry:

Kearnsy 19-11-2005 11:26 AM

I'll save Horseman another heart attack by kindly asking you to observe the posts on this very page. If your question isnt answered in the library of the Troubleshoot forum. Start a topic and give more details and some one will be there to help you out shortly.
Have a nice day. :bye:

Viky Boy 19-11-2005 12:14 PM

Hey I m new around here and I just want to say that UFO defense is one of the best games I ever played.It realy amazes me!
Oh,and hi to everybody!

JoE2116 19-11-2005 12:56 PM

Hi, i recently downloaded UFO: enemy unknown. However i have a problem with the mouse speed. its insanely fast even on the lowest setting. plz heelp cheers.

another_guest 19-11-2005 03:15 PM


Originally posted by JoE2116@Nov 19 2005, 01:56 PM
Hi, i recently downloaded UFO: enemy unknown. However i have a problem with the mouse speed. its insanely fast even on the lowest setting. plz heelp cheers.
Here we go again :whistle:

Run it under Dos-Box. Problem solved.

rlbell 21-11-2005 01:00 AM

Engaging a UFO with multiple interceptors is rather dangerous. One of the worst known bugs of the game is that if a tactical mission starts while an interception is in progress (especially if it has been temporarily minimised), the game becomes corrupted-- the dreaded green text bug.

Basically, if you are going to pile on UFOs, you must ensure that no skyranger/lightning/avenger craft is going to reach any mission site before the interceptors head for home.

Four interceptors loaded with avalanche missiles do have a reasonable chance of bringing down an alien battleship. Loaded with plasma beams, the survivors will be able to engage other targets, but the missiles reach further, so fewer interceptors are shot down.

I have been playing this game, off and on, since it first came out. The best advice is to realize that there is a reason that your soldiers have stats. Heavy weapons should be given to troops with high strength and slow reactions (opp fired high explosives are dangerous). Doors should be opened by soldiers with high reactions, so they can get the drop on whatever is behind them. Use the electroflares on the night missions, as the aliens have superhuman night vision.

In the early missions, capturing aliens is a matter of luck. Not all aliens droped by your weapons are killed outright. Take along a stun rod, or two, and you can capture any alien that gets back up.

Keep around enough laser pistols to equip a squad, maybe even some rifles and rifle clips (Sell/Sack the rifles if the base might come under attack and you have better weapons). The reason being that these low power weapons are more than enough to deal with sectoids, but are much less of a threat to your own troops with powered armor, or flying suits. Armed only with these weapons, the squad can overrun a sectoid battleship, supply ship, or terror ship (okay, killing a cyberdisk with rifle fire requies it to be rather exposed, but they do succumb to laser pistols)..

The autocannon is not that great a weapon, but it is very good for illuminating dark areas with incendiary rounds, and hacking paths through the jungle with high explosive rounds, so I take one along, anyways.

Doctadeth 21-11-2005 12:17 PM

Big BIG BIG BIG! UFO enemy unknown fan here. I absolutely LOVE any game connected with aliens, so UFO enemy unknown was my first download. Only to find that my hard earnt experience had deserted me. So where do you guys start out first? my favourite locations is the meditarranian ocean (spelling I know) over in Italy OR in france.

Then the second base i establish will usually be in the USA, my Final base is in Asia, around either Japan, to enable tracking over the pacific, or in Australia to facilitate tracking at the poles.

My favourite mission - the first mission in the attack on mars. I love the face, It blends in so well to Mission to Mars.

Well anyway, good hunting.


schleppel 21-11-2005 02:04 PM

Does anyone know a mirror of the original DOS Version?
I don't use windows and the emulation of dos works much better than windows emulation.

PrejudiceSucks 21-11-2005 02:44 PM

Go to, they have it there, although their download rates are quite slow, sadly.

Mikers 21-11-2005 03:40 PM

To Dsanny252, Tewch Wizz and all
On using the medi kit.
Thank you!
Sheese, I shoulda figured that one out.
Sorry for the stew-pid question
Appreciate your help
BTW, if anyone's interested in reducing the TU - Time Units - required to fire a weapon, send me an email
Take care

Sharp 21-11-2005 05:18 PM

Best base as your first one to place IMO is in Europe as it is the most expensive to set up in, but you get your first base free so its cheaper overall then buying a base there later. Also it covers a large number of funding nations and I would rather have USA under alien control then Europe (if you lose lots of countries you lose the overall game regardless of funding/score).

2nd Base is either in Far East or in North America (whatever is more at risk by looking at the graphs).

Favourite mission type is terror-missions, they are great fun to play as you have to be cautious but there is a slight time-scale in the way that you have to try and save civillians quickly (Good stun does the trick for er... saving civillians, though if they turn hostile if you stun em, just stum em again).

My most frequent mission type though is raiding alien bases, its great to raid alien bases as you get loot and experience and as long as its snakeman/floater base its not that risky, just go in, kill a few aliens, steal some elerium and guns, odd corpse or two and run away.

What I want to know is what factors reaction/oppurtunity shot, is it just reaction of the shooter or say if the erm.... shootee, no erm the 'target' has higher reactions do they get to react first? Also aliens/Xcom wont react unless the target uses TU, a good tactic on multiple entrance areas is to send one person one way, other person the other way, whichever alien is looking at the person, dont move that person move the other one and shoot the alien in the back.

Guest 21-11-2005 06:21 PM

@PrejudiceSucks: hosts only the windows version. :(

rlbell 22-11-2005 12:27 AM

I have a copy of the DOS version, but I am limited by a 28.8 dial-up connection. Should I access a high speed connection, how might I upload it?

I had fun running the game on a P-III running DOSEMU over Win98SE. It was much slower than running it on my 486, but I could finally get sound.

Guest 22-11-2005 11:16 AM

Maybe you could talk to the abandonia staff so they can add it to their site.

rlbell 24-11-2005 10:10 PM

Any interest in a discussion of how various weapons are used, or have I already missed it?

How about various cheating philosophies?

In an attempt to get the ball rolling...

I seldom bother with weapons platforms, except for the hovertank/launcher. The reason is simply that soldiers are cheaper. The hovertank/launcher is the exception for me, because it is a blaster launcher and seven missiles that only occupies one slot in the avenger. It may take up the space of four troopers, but the avenger will still hold another eighteen men and equipping twenty-two men with only 80 items is difficult without skimping on something.

The only cheat that I will use is the money cheat. I feel that humanity should not be defended on a shoestring, but will otherwise let the chips fall as they may. If that means that a terror site goes unanswered because it happened before the replacement skyranger arrived, so be it. It is not that I accept high casualties, but feel that reloading after anything goes wrong is more trouble than it is worth. Besides, how else can you discover what happens if you lose, if you never lose.

A friend of mine played with a certain bloody-mindedness forced upon him by budgetary constraints. In order to make enough money to keep X-Com operational, he sent out squads with only enough weapons to arm a pair of troopers. All of the other troopers were armed by looting the dead. When they got back to base, everything except the ellirium was sold off. Two heavy plasmas can be sold for enough to replace eight soldiers, so he collected quite a pile of money this way. How he kept any troopers alive long enough to determine their psi strength is anybody's guess. He may have abandoned the strategy once his money troubles were over.

public bob 25-11-2005 04:24 AM


ooooh oooh!! yes yes please talk to the abandonia staff about uploading it.

I have found multiple windows versions scattered around on the net but i would much prefer the dos version as i can play it on a resolution set to my liking, making the graphics look nice instead of huge and chunky as they do at the moment.

Many thanks in advance

SupSuper 25-11-2005 10:28 AM


Originally posted by public bob@Nov 25 2005, 05:24 AM

ooooh oooh!! yes yes please talk to the abandonia staff about uploading it.

I have found multiple windows versions scattered around on the net but i would much prefer the dos version as i can play it on a resolution set to my liking, making the graphics look nice instead of huge and chunky as they do at the moment.

Many thanks in advance

Multiple Windows versions? :crazy:
Afaik there is only one Windows version, though multiple DOS versions (1.0, 1.2, 1.4).

If anyone wants the DOS version just mail me :)

Master MC 25-11-2005 10:18 PM

I always build my first base in the middle of the ocean - there is a small strip of land, large enough for the base. When shooting down UFOs, they 'crash land' into the ocean, so I don't have to send my men out there.
Now, is this smart or do I miss invaluable missions, equipment, corpses, live aliens etc ?

*Happy* 25-11-2005 11:16 PM


Originally posted by Master MC@Nov 25 2005, 11:18 PM
I always build my first base in the middle of the ocean - there is a small strip of land, large enough for the base. When shooting down UFOs, they 'crash land' into the ocean, so I don't have to send my men out there.
Now, is this smart or do I miss invaluable missions, equipment, corpses, live aliens etc ?

I take it you built a base on Hawaii? That's a very bad location for your first base. Try Europe pr maybe North America instead - that way you are protecting valuable X-com sponsor countries.
You should definately try to recover as many UFO as possible - they're the main way to get money and the only way for your soldiers to improve their abilities AND for you to get alien artefacts, live aliens etc. You don't HAVE to recover crashed UFOs. You get the same monthly score bonus if it crashes in the sea or if you just ignore the crash site - there's not much point in crashing UFOs into the sea.
The only ships you shouldn't always recover are Large and Very Large ships of the Ethereals - they have very powerful psychic powers and can easily destroy a poorly-equipped or inexperienced squad. Also later in the game if you have an experienced squad and money to burn you can ignore the small UFOs - but remember that combat experience is the only way to improve your soldiers, and experience is something no amount of money can buy.

Mikers 26-11-2005 12:55 AM

Those round, light purplish "Tables" found in a room on some spacecraft:

During one battle, with multiple "Hidden movement" messages, I blasted those tables. Unlike other things, they "exploded" and sent a shower of debris in the air. In the next turn Aliens appeared in that room.
Maybe a secret hiding place? Dunno. I'm a newby at the game.

dstick 26-11-2005 01:33 AM

Hi everyone, new here. Just found this great site last week and must say it brings
back a lot of great memories seeing these good ole dos games again.

A couple of questions. When using the blaster weapon, how do you create way points so the bombs will go to 3 or 4 points before it explodes. Everytime I left click the red target appears and if I keep clicking more red targets appears. But the missle will always explode at the first one.

Second, how do you slow down the cursor speed in the battle screen. I'm running dosbox under XP. Currently I have to use the center command so I can move around. I've also selected the lowest setting in scrolling option. Is everyone using some king of slowdown utility?

Seeing all these games again I wish I would have kept my old 486 computer.
Oh well. Thanks for you help.

rlbell 26-11-2005 05:00 AM


Originally posted by dstick@Nov 26 2005, 02:33 AM
A couple of questions.* When using the blaster weapon, how do you create way points so the bombs will go to 3 or 4 points before it explodes.* Everytime I left click the red target appears and if I keep clicking more red targets appears.* But the missle will always explode at the first one.

Second, how do you slow down the cursor speed in the battle screen.* I'm running dosbox under XP.* Currently I have to use the center command so I can move around.* I've also selected the lowest setting in scrolling option.* Is everyone using some king of slowdown utility?

Seeing all these games again I wish I would have kept my old 486 computer.
Oh well.* Thanks for you help.

Odd, the version I have only lets you click waypoints and you have to click a "launch missile" icon to actually fire it. One of the few times that I will save during a mission is blaster launches that must fly past my troops. I have had up to eleven waypoints.

I believe (but have never tried it) that you can switch off the autoscroll feature. If you do that, you can still move the center of your view from the map screen. Call up the map. The white X is where the center of the tactical view is located. Left clicking on the mouse will move the X. Right clicking will go back to the tactical view. I use the map screen to find out where my grenades have likely landed (It is always a joy to see the white cross of a dropped item superimposed on a blue square, after a toss).

As for hardware, I still have my 66MHz, 486SX2 doorstop with two hard drives with a total of 400 megabytes of storage and enough SIMMS for a whopping 20 megs of RAM! I can almost run Win95 on it, not that I would want to. I swapped out my 5.25" floppy drive for a x2 CD-ROM drive. Most importantly, it has one of the early Soundblaster cards. It has been languishing in storage for a few years, but I am itching to install the soundcard in my P160 system that has an early Win98 install that handles dos games well enough to run MOO, UFO, and TFTD straight off of the CD's.

Does any body time delay grenades? The only time that I considered it was for placing a grenade on a stunned chrysalid.

One other question: Does the demolition charge blow down walls or outer hull of a UFO? I keep meaning to try, but seldom have $1500 to spare on such needless experiments (or I just forget).

rlbell 26-11-2005 05:11 AM


Originally posted by dstick@Nov 26 2005, 02:33 AM
A couple of questions. When using the blaster weapon, how do you create way points so the bombs will go to 3 or 4 points before it explodes. Everytime I left click the red target appears and if I keep clicking more red targets appears. But the missle will always explode at the first one.


I forgot to mention that the blaster bomb may fly past its final waypoint. The simplest way to get it to detonate in the desired square (situation allowing) is to have it come down from above. Then if it misses the target, it will still detonate in its square.

dstick 26-11-2005 05:11 AM

You are right. I have to click on the "launch missle" icon to shoot the blaster but I can't create way points. It always hits the first red target.

JoE2116 26-11-2005 07:56 AM

Hi its me again, could you please tell me how to get ufo enemy unknown to work under dosbax, i tried for hours and couldnt get it to work.

another_guest 26-11-2005 09:38 AM


Originally posted by JoE2116@Nov 26 2005, 08:56 AM
Hi its me again, could you please tell me how to get ufo enemy unknown to work under dosbax, i tried for hours and couldnt get it to work.
First of all, make sure you're using the DOS version of UFO.
Secondly, D-Fend is an easy front end to Dosbox. Instead of typing all those commands, you'll just have to use a step-by-step wizard.

Sharp 26-11-2005 11:15 AM

Blaster bombs dont explode unless they actually hit something, what may be happening is that your first waypoint it actually hits something, they are slightly inaccurate so if you are firing from a height to floor level it may be slightly inaccurate and continue into the ground instead of flying just above the floor to the next waypoint.

Also you should use some slowdown utility if on geoscape when you scroll it starts moving really fast.

JimmyJ 26-11-2005 05:41 PM

If its too fast for ya, try dosbox, and lower cycles, if needed

*Happy* 26-11-2005 10:16 PM


Originally posted by rlbell@Nov 26 2005, 06:00 AM
Does any body time delay grenades? The only time that I considered it was for placing a grenade on a stunned chrysalid.

One other question: Does the demolition charge blow down walls or outer hull of a UFO? I keep meaning to try, but seldom have $1500 to spare on such needless experiments (or I just forget).

I see no point in time delaying grenades - if a grenade blast hits an unconscious alien, it will be automatically killed.

The demo charge can only destroy a ship's interior walls. Only blaster bombs can destroy the outer hull, and then only the square directly hit by the bomb.

Sharp 26-11-2005 10:53 PM

Time delay grenades are pretty much useless, time-delay prox and smoke are more useful but still are not very effective.

The only advantage of having time-delay is that aliens cannot react on the turn you launch the grenade, if you throw a grenade where you think/know an alien is going to be next turn and toss a grenade for 1 turn delay, and when an alien hopefully moves near where the grenade is then instead of tossing a 0 delay grenade and getting hit by reaction fire you can just end the turn/ move other troopers around and end the turn and the grenade goes boom and alien (hopefully) goes boom as well. :blink:

Like I said though, pretty much useless.

Sapper8 27-11-2005 05:06 PM

@Rbell: You can't use High Explosives to blow up UFO walls(At least I've never had any information about a successful attempt). Only heavy plasma and Blasters break the walls down.
I mostly never time grenades... neither use high explosives
@Dstick: As Sharp said before Blasters(and all other weapons too) don't blow up unless something gets in their way. If u placed new waypoints, did u mean, that the game still allowed it to happen or it just didn't place them(that would be an odd variant)? Assuming the first version is right, then U just have to be more carefull while placing them to make sure, that anything doesn't get in the way.

*Happy* 27-11-2005 10:51 PM

There is a use for High Explosives - prime a few of them and put them in some rookies inventory. Next, walk into a room full of aliens and let them shoot your rookie. Instant human bomb! :evil:

JimmyJ 28-11-2005 02:15 AM

Just like whats always on teh news, exept the news doesn't involve aliens :)

laiocfar 28-11-2005 01:06 PM

I need to know where it´s the alien control centre of the colony??? I attacked two of their colonies and i was always forced to killl all the defenders and it wasn´t cheaper(many loses in equipment and people)

Acolyte 28-11-2005 04:11 PM

Speaking bout bases... i play on the lowest dificulty and those bastards built at least 6 bases by now 1 in europe 3 in africa 1 on japan and 1 in the arctic.
ive already blasted the european one and arctic.

Anwser Its an 2x2 room with an large grav lift in the center.

Dark Piedone 28-11-2005 05:28 PM

How fun is to blow that Alien Centre, shoot with a Blaster (my favourite weapon) and BOOM ! How satisfied you are when you hear how those aliens fry in The command center...

Mikers 28-11-2005 06:07 PM

A Fix for the Problem of running X-COM on Windows XP
(May work on other versions of Windows)

First off, running X-COM downloaded from here in DosBox will not work. It's a

Windows version NOT a DOS version.
After searching far and wide, finally found something that will correct the problem.

It's not perfect, but it works. At least on my system.

Click your Start Menu/button and go to Run
Type dxdiag
(Or, make a shortcut to dxdiag.exe. It's in your Windows/system32 folder)
Click on the Display tab
You'll see a line "DirectDraw Acceleration" and an "Enabled" button to the right.
click it to "Disable."
Exit dxdiag
Play the game
(If it's Disabled, I *think* it'll only affect any newer graphic intensive games, so go back and Enable it after running X-COM)

Like I said, It's not the best way to do it: the Microsoft dxdiag utility - of course -

doesn't accept any command lines, so I don't know how to, let's say, write a batch

file to automate the process.

But it works.

Anybody out there have any ideas how to automate the enabling/disabling of the
DirectDraw Acceleration, please let me know.

laiocfar 28-11-2005 11:05 PM

I didn´t found the control center cuz i killed the last alien before. Anyway, i got another and bigger problem, the game closes when the aliens turn finish.... i can abort the mission but it´s a base defence so i will lost one of the most important base. Any idea? :help:

Doctadeth 29-11-2005 01:52 PM

Ok I did the DXdiag thing. It works fine. Except that when it goes into a battle it crashes onto windows.

laiocfar 01-12-2005 03:50 PM


Ok I did the DXdiag thing. It works fine. Except that when it goes into a battle it crashes onto windows.
The same problem but onlt crashes when attacking bases

another_guest 01-12-2005 05:28 PM

Could the DOS version load the savegames from the Windows version?
Otherwise you could give that a try...

SupSuper 01-12-2005 07:29 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Dec 1 2005, 06:28 PM
Could the DOS version load the savegames from the Windows version?
Otherwise you could give that a try...

Yeah it can. At least v1.4, since it's exactly the same as the Windows version. Minus the Windows support, that is :P

crus kabul 02-12-2005 11:37 AM


Kearnsy 02-12-2005 12:06 PM

Anyone played UFO aftershock?
Its not bad at all. I think even the X-com diehards will like it. (I am one and I do)

Acolyte 03-12-2005 08:09 AM

U meant aftermatch right?
Ive heard that its not too good coz there is onlt one height level and you cant enter buildings nor destroy them.

Oh i have an gameplay problem ive reasearched everything on earth (corpses guns live aliens even sectopods and celatids) and i want to blast away cydonia but i have an problen.
My whole squad gets blasted into oblivion before i enter the base and my best solidiers hawe 3-30 psi streangh.
Any tips?

Sharp 03-12-2005 08:32 AM

Get new best soldiers :D

Bring lots of blaster bombs with you and get troops with good psi-str.

another_guest 03-12-2005 11:11 AM


Originally posted by Acolyte@Dec 3 2005, 09:09 AM
My whole squad gets blasted into oblivion before i enter the base and my best solidiers hawe 3-30 psi streangh.
Any tips?

Give your troops psi training (which will improve their ability to mind control aliens, but I seem to remember it didn't help in terms of resistance against psi attacks), and keep recruiting new soldiers then discard those with too little psi strength. I'd rather have good psi guys than excellent shooters who get under alien control the moment they set foot on Cydonia.
It might take you a couple of months before your troops are ready for Cydonia...

*Happy* 03-12-2005 02:01 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Dec 3 2005, 12:11 PM
Give your troops psi training (which will improve their ability to mind control aliens, but I seem to remember it didn't help in terms of resistance against psi attacks)
You're right, Psy skill doesn't help against Psionic attacks. Psy strength helps vs. mind control and bravery helps vs. panicking attacks. Unfortunately, you can't raise Psy strength and it's very hard to raise Bravery - this means if your soldier is suspectable to psionic attacks when you hire him, he'll remain that way throught the game. I've noticed that Alien Psykers deliberately attack your most vulnerable soldiers.

When going to Mars, forget anyone with Psy strength less than 50 and maybe also anyone with Bravery less that 40. The greatest threat on Mars is being blown to bits by your own Blaster Launchers.

Kearnsy 03-12-2005 02:42 PM


Originally posted by Acolyte@Dec 3 2005, 09:09 AM
U meant aftermatch right?
Ive heard that its not too good coz there is onlt one height level and you cant enter buildings nor destroy them.

Oh i have an gameplay problem ive reasearched everything on earth (corpses guns live aliens even sectopods and celatids) and i want to blast away cydonia but i have an problen.
My whole squad gets blasted into oblivion before i enter the base and my best solidiers hawe 3-30 psi streangh.
Any tips?

No Aftershock is the squel to aftermath.
There are 4+ hieght levels and you can destroy tons of stuff. There are far more reasearch items and the concept is different as you are trying to take back the earth from the aliens, one country at a time.
I have taken most of Europe and am starting on the US (after about 25 hours!!!) ...yeah its bloody adictive!

...Anyhoo, my two cents:
You MUST have a very good Psi level. Blaster bombs go well and Heavy Plasmas are handy for more inclosed areas. Try to spread out but keep your individual soldiers close enough so that they can have a shot to help out the others.

If you rush it you will fail. patience, patience. :bye:

UFO-Junkie 05-12-2005 08:58 AM

OK, some words about getting mind-controlled:
1. As said above, PSI-Strength is an UNCHANGEABLE value. You can`t higher or lower it by no ways.
2. This is the value which defines if a soldier is mind controlled or not.
3. Aliens only mind-controll who they see! So there is no problem in taking PSI-weaklings in etheral bases or to Cyd. Just hide them carefully and let them sniper out of the Avenger. (That is actually the point why taking them with you, if they are no sharp-shooters with an aimed-shot percentage above 100 :sniper: just get rid of them.)
4. 2-4 good (and I mean very good!) psi-troopers who can mind control the aliens are far enough to make the largest UFO of any race completely clear, bases and Cyd as well. Just search for aliens with either a soldier with a high (80 +) Psi-Strength or a (hoover)-tank and controll the aliens. This brings their morale down very fast and you might witness a crazy Etheral who blows up a blaster bomb in his own battleship.
5. The most helpful rule again: Don`t show yourself, don`t get controlled - show yourself, get controlled.

another_guest 05-12-2005 12:25 PM


Originally posted by UFO-Junkie@Dec 5 2005, 09:58 AM
3. Aliens only mind-controll who they see! So there is no problem in taking PSI-weaklings in etheral bases or to Cyd. Just hide them carefully and let them sniper out of the Avenger. (That is actually the point why taking them with you, if they are no sharp-shooters with an aimed-shot percentage above 100 :sniper: just get rid of them.)
True, but that's quite risky imo... Some aliens have better sight than us poor humans, and on top they can play the same game: take a look at the arriving troops, go back into hiding, then mind control.

aaaaaaa2 05-12-2005 01:41 PM

Umm,When do you get armours??? cause i am really pissed at those 1 hit kills the enemies get..... :help: :sniper: :wall:

The Fifth Horseman 05-12-2005 03:40 PM

And of course there are two higher armours, but I don't recommend building any Power Suits as they quickly become obsolete and Flying Suits are so much better.

rlbell 05-12-2005 03:59 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Dec 5 2005, 04:40 PM
And of course there are two higher armours, but I don't recommend building any Power Suits as they quickly become obsolete and Flying Suits are so much better.

Power armor does have the nice feature that you can walk down ramps. Flying armor adds another 8TU's to the cost of going down stairs, a really annoying problem when exitting the skyranger.

On an unrelated noted, wouldn't side doors be nice for the skyranger and avenger craft?

That being said, I am thankful for the skyranger's side windows; even though, I usually forget to look out them.

Tomahawk 05-12-2005 05:14 PM

I....Don` :tomato:

Sharp 05-12-2005 05:47 PM


Originally posted by another_guest+Dec 5 2005, 01:25 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (another_guest @ Dec 5 2005, 01:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-UFO-Junkie@Dec 5 2005, 09:58 AM
3. Aliens only mind-controll who they see! So there is no problem in taking PSI-weaklings in etheral bases or to Cyd. Just hide them carefully and let them sniper out of the Avenger. (That is actually the point why taking them with you, if they are no sharp-shooters with an aimed-shot percentage above 100* :sniper: just get rid of them.)
True, but that's quite risky imo... Some aliens have better sight than us poor humans, and on top they can play the same game: take a look at the arriving troops, go back into hiding, then mind control. [/b][/quote]
Actually the aliens target your psi-weaklings first automatically. Ever wonder how that sectoid leader in the abductor manages to mindcontrol your weakest trooper while staying in the control room of the ship???

Once an alien spots one of your troops they know everything about all of your troops, dammned cheaters. Once your weakest trooper suffers a psi-attack you should drop all thier stuff (or just a stun rod which aliens dont use), the alien will continue to psi-attack until the unit is mindcontroled (if there are multiple sectoid leaders or against etherals then many of them will attempt to mindcontrol more of your troops starting from the psi-weakest)

SupSuper 06-12-2005 03:44 PM


Originally posted by Tomahawk@Dec 5 2005, 06:14 PM
I....Don` :tomato:
Read the manual ;)

laiocfar 07-12-2005 12:33 PM

I will ask again where is the bloody control room, it was easy to clean a colony of snakemans, sectoids or floaters but mutons its more difficult and i am still using the laser rifle

About mind control... :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: . If someone is about to get under MC, u can try to hide him with smoke granedes, isn´t easy cuz he will be moved.

another_guest 07-12-2005 02:44 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Dec 7 2005, 01:33 PM
I will ask again where is the bloody control room, it was easy to clean a colony of snakemans, sectoids or floaters but mutons its more difficult and i am still using the laser rifle

About mind control... :ranting:* :ranting:* :ranting: . If someone is about to get under MC, u can try to hide him with smoke granedes, isn´t easy cuz he will be moved.

I'll try to describe it as I don't have UFO installed here (so no chance of a screenshot):
there's a wall in the shape of a square with tiny squares taken out at the corners (see drawing below - ignore the dots, those were just needed for formatting). There are a couple of small windows, and a wide door (usually facing the top of your screen). Enter this door and you'll see there's an identical wall on the inside. Then you have to walk all the way round between those walls.
| |
| |
| |_
|_ . |_____
. . |_______

Stun every alien you encounter there rather than shooting it, as one of them might be the commander. Once you've reached the side opposite of the entry door, you'll see a door in the inner wall. Inside there's a large lift in the middle of the room; the control room is the level above. Most of the time the aliens you want to capture alive are on this level, but as I said they do walk around sometimes. Take care as some of these guys are armed with blaster launchers.
Also, it happens that you won't see all of the aliens in the top room at once when you enter, be careful that they might be hiding each other. If they haven't walked outside, there should be 3 of them.

Hope this helps...

By the way, I stun any of my soldiers that get MC'ed. And sack them after the mission...

rlbell 07-12-2005 02:45 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Dec 7 2005, 01:33 PM
I will ask again where is the bloody control room, it was easy to clean a colony of snakemans, sectoids or floaters but mutons its more difficult and i am still using the laser rifle

About mind control... :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: . If someone is about to get under MC, u can try to hide him with smoke granedes, isn´t easy cuz he will be moved.

If you have the luxury of not having to deal with the trooper right away, wait until they do not control him and drop all of his stuff. Usually, I do not have this luxury, so I accept the reduction of squad morale and gun him down. Mind controlled troopers, even a mind controllable commander, are not worth saving. The only reason that I would even consider not shooting them on the spot is the morale and score penalty for a trooper KIA.

Sharp 07-12-2005 04:39 PM

Some troopers arent that bad who get mind-controlled. The more they get panicked by aliens the more their bravery increases. Also you can have really good troopers who are psi-weaklings, ive got an awesome sniper but he always gets targeted first.

Handy solution, dont use those psi-weak soldiers against sectoids or etherials, when you have the Hyperwave Decoder if the enemy is not a sectoid or etherial then you can use your psi-weak troopers, either have a dedicated craft of psi-weaklings or just manually substitute troopers on a craft once you know who the enemy is.

The control room in an alien base is the metallic structure which is on the brown floor, all other metallic structures will be on the mettallic floor so it should be easy to spot, not to mention it is fairly large, the actual control room is on the 2nd floor and usually has a blaster-bomb wielding alien.

*Happy* 07-12-2005 09:34 PM

To clear up the thing about mind control: the aliens can mind control any soldier who they have seen at any time during the mission. If they never saw a particular soldier they cannot target him. However, there are 3 things that may make it seem they can:

1. If they mind contol one of your soldiers and he sees any other soldier while under mind control, the other soldier will be remembered by the aliens.

2. The design of some walls is rather strange and sometimes you can see through a wall corner but not shoot through it. Aliens can thus spot you through one of these wierd corners. Also, remember that it is possible to see through the cockpit of an avenger or skyranger.

3. The aliens can see farther than humans

laiocfar 07-12-2005 10:41 PM

I found it :ok: but a single high explosive can´t blow it :bleh: ..... or yes?

About MC,
1. Isn´t easy to send the right trooper to each mission, the skyranger are too slow compared to Tritons from xcom tfd. With only a base with skyrangers and troopers u will risk to: a) can´t choise if play at night or at day(i like more fight at night but loses can be too high, so normally chose to fight at day and a "elite" squad for make some missions for fun). B) At begining its cheaper and safer to defend a base with soldiers to risk the lost of undefended base or defended by missiles base. c) u will not have the chance of attend to all the ufos. So i got 3 bases with troopers and skyrangers around the world and sometimes a big interceptor´s base it´s protected by troopers without skyrangers.
2. Yes is hard to disarmd, stun or hide a mind controled soldiers....the game cahnges if u get the psi-lab and the psi-amp, u only got to explore with the tank and control all sppoted units for made them drop their weapons or use as futher scouts. Missions without MC are funniest (the dead members of x-com maybe didn´t like the word "funny" but i don´t care). And Missions where only u can be MC are hardest. SO know when attacking sectoids in a colony, defending a base or assaulting a ship bettewn large and very large that many members of your squad can be MC. In smaller craft mission no so many squad members can be MC, just one or twice.
3. RETREAT when u find an etthereal
4. I will found ethereals in Cyndonia?

Kearnsy 08-12-2005 12:33 AM

If your Psi levels are low (eg: early in the game) you can always carry a stun launcher around with you. They can put down a mc soldier easily and without to much harm.

...I havent played it in a while and I think I remember that if the mission ends while guys are mind controlled you lose them so watch that!
...Then again I may be wrong. :tomato:

*Happy* 08-12-2005 10:18 AM


Originally posted by Kearnsy@Dec 8 2005, 01:33 AM
...I havent played it in a while and I think I remember that if the mission ends while guys are mind controlled you lose them so watch that!
...Then again I may be wrong. :tomato:

You're absolutely right, any mind-controlled soldiers end up MIA if the mission ends while they are still under alien control.

@laicofar: i think it would be quite a spoiler to tell you what you'll find in Cydonia, so I'll just tell you to prepare for everything! :sneaky:

gregor 08-12-2005 10:36 AM

anyone noticed how alliens usually MC the troopers which have the lowest MC defense ability? how do they know who is the weakest?? how i found it out? well i just followed the soldier's developement and how much they go under MC. After i build a lab to trian them in protection their points showed the lowest defece against MC.

Must be some alien powers or something....

Kearnsy 08-12-2005 01:02 PM

We were just talkin' about that on the previous page, I sugest you check it out.

This also means that you know who will MC'ed first so in ver volitile missions you can keep that soldier within stun range or if he is expendable putr him up the front so he can at least give em hell first!!!

... but then I have a very harsh recruiting process, any rookie who can live through the first few missions at the front line is good enough to help out my good troops!! weel yeah its a bit: :evil:

gregor 08-12-2005 01:24 PM


Originally posted by Kearnsy@Dec 8 2005, 02:02 PM

This also means that you know who will MC'ed first so in ver volitile missions you can keep that soldier within stun range or if he is expendable putr him up the front so he can at least give em hell first!!!

ehm i actually prefer to strip them of all weapons but they are "armed" with flares and go on suicide mission doing everythign they can to light up the area, so that others may see where aliens are.

also very good soldiers of recoon mission. in case they find alien close to them who i just rocket them both ("firendly" fire...) :evil:

rlbell 08-12-2005 02:23 PM


Originally posted by gregor@Dec 8 2005, 11:36 AM
anyone noticed how alliens usually MC the troopers which have the lowest MC defense ability? how do they know who is the weakest?? how i found it out? well i just followed the soldier's developement and how much they go under MC. After i build a lab to trian them in protection their points showed the lowest defece against MC.

Must be some alien powers or something....

There are a number of things that seem to be ignored in this discussion topic. The first is that while we always know when an alien control attempt is successful, we do not always notice the failed attempts. Also, the aliens did invent the mind probe and mind probes have been found in close proximity to captured/killed aliens, so it is just possible that the aliens mind probe a potential victim to determine if the attempt is likely to succeed.

Any trooper with the good luck to survive a mission where he has been mind controlled is sacked as soon as the skyranger returns to base. The only exceptions are when I managed to forget the trooper's name.

laiocfar 08-12-2005 02:38 PM


ehm i actually prefer to strip them of all weapons but they are "armed" with flares and go on suicide mission doing everythign they can to light up the area, so that others may see where aliens are.
When assaulting med. scouts, who hasn´t send a rookie with bomb already set so when they shoot him(his first step inside the craft), the bomb activates BLOOOOOOOWWWW.


The only exceptions are when I managed to forget the trooper's name.
hahahaha. I never considered to sack nobody... i get many loses to kick out people by low MC. Anyway when the pc select who will be promoted to an officer post, it choses the best ranked soldier by their skills even the MC, even when u didn´t know his MC powers, so officers are always or at least mostly good at MC


@laicofar: i think it would be quite a spoiler to tell you what you'll find in Cydonia, so I'll just tell you to prepare for everything! sneaky.gif
Yep, a little surprise will be better, anyway i wanna to got the plama cannos(still using the laser rifle, it solves the space and ammo problem)

SupSuper 08-12-2005 03:54 PM


Originally posted by gregor@Dec 8 2005, 11:36 AM
anyone noticed how alliens usually MC the troopers which have the lowest MC defense ability? how do they know who is the weakest?? how i found it out? well i just followed the soldier's developement and how much they go under MC. After i build a lab to trian them in protection their points showed the lowest defece against MC.

Must be some alien powers or something....

Who tells you they only go for the weak ones? You only notice successful psi attacks, not failed ones (which is probably what happens on psi-strong soldiers).

Guest 09-12-2005 04:36 AM

Heh, the game seems to launch in some sort of widescreen mode, is there any way of remedying this?

Guest 09-12-2005 04:55 AM

Oh, and the game crashes when I finish a mission.
Ufodefence creates scrambled graphics. I run it on windows xp

Guest 09-12-2005 05:59 AM

And the game plays at 800% normal speed. All help appreciated. /end rant

The Fifth Horseman 09-12-2005 10:51 AM

(Horseman holds up a Missile Launcher and targets the Guest)
All of these questions were asked and answered five billion times already.
I suggest you read the previous posts in this thread. NOW.

blue123 09-12-2005 04:20 PM

Heh. Been playing for ages, failed every single mission...

Jordan 09-12-2005 04:23 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Dec 9 2005, 05:55 AM
Oh, and the game crashes when I finish a mission.
Ufodefence creates scrambled graphics. I run it on windows xp

Have you tried downloading DosBOX? Everything usually runs better with that..for me anyway ;)

I haven't downloaded this but I think DosBOX probably works with it...

Correct me if I'm wrong

Cheers :cheers:

SupSuper 09-12-2005 04:37 PM


Originally posted by Jordan+Dec 9 2005, 05:23 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jordan @ Dec 9 2005, 05:23 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Guest@Dec 9 2005, 05:55 AM
Oh, and the game crashes when I finish a mission.
Ufodefence creates scrambled graphics. I run it on windows xp

Have you tried downloading DosBOX? Everything usually runs better with that..for me anyway ;)

I haven't downloaded this but I think DosBOX probably works with it...

Correct me if I'm wrong

Cheers :cheers: [/b][/quote]
Well DOSBox certainly won't work with the Windows version, which is what's up on Abandonia :P

Jordan 09-12-2005 04:37 PM

I'm an idiot.

Guest 09-12-2005 08:33 PM

Actually, the problem was described earlier in the thread, with no sufficient answer. Running the patched version in windows xp, I now get sound and zero crashes, but the game speed is still approx. five times faster than normal, which results in insane scroll speeds, and "interesting" ufo interception battles.

Disabling directdraw does nothing gameplay wise.

Plus I get the added bonus of never being able to see where shots are coming from.

The game image is also stretched out into some sort of widescreen mode, which cause the "interception" tab at the geoscape to be off screen, so you just move the pointer and hope for the best.

Anything that can remedy this?

Guest 09-12-2005 08:35 PM

And I've tried to find the dos version of the game, but hotu doesn't have it.

SupSuper 09-12-2005 09:37 PM

- The patch already disables directdraw for you, so doing it yourself won't make a difference.
- To slow the game down you need a slow down utility like Moslo or something. Google it.
- DOS version: (just click the link next to the arrows pointing down)

Dicklas 09-12-2005 10:20 PM

Does anyone have some save games for later in the game? Been playing it for a few days now and the aliens eventually attacked my base and pretty much raped me. I really don't want to do all the boring research and rookie training again.


Guest 09-12-2005 11:13 PM

Hi, When I click on the UFO exe it loads the game in a screen scambled form. When I click on the UFO exe with the sun on it, it works fine but the screen is a bit big to see the intercept button. When you play its all super fast aswell:(

laiocfar 10-12-2005 02:33 AM

Many times the games start to crash in a point and if u reload it will crash again but 1 of each fo 100 it can works or not. So, try with using 2 saves slots saving in slot 1 for save before actions in the geoscape window and other for save before missions actions. So if fails in the geoscape mode u can go to your last mission and if fails inside the mission u can go before start the mission. WHY u hace to do this stuff? A: Really after years of studying computers and programing, i can say that the why it´s cuz the game has to rebuild the mission where it fails mostly. B: DO IT cuz i said u to DO IT

Doctadeth 10-12-2005 08:03 AM

I will try and help remedy the situation,
Download the patch for windows XP, go into the game, there SHOULD be a scroll speed control in the game. I think you have to go into a mission to actually get it. Oh and btw, I have had one occassion when I launched a rookie at the aliens with a hi-X pack on him, blew him up and nuked the alien vessel, I finished the mission in 2 turns because all the sectoids were inside the ship. I dunno why they didn't come out in the first turn.

Anyway, I also have the problem with speed, but not with the intercept button. Maybe changing the screen resolution and Alt entering to make UFO conform with the screen.

Fast speed = fun for all the family.

Oh and for TFTD, I have not had ANY problems at all.

Saved missions totally work for me, try downloading UFO gold from Underdogs, they have a patched version.

Kearnsy 10-12-2005 10:44 AM


Originally posted by blue123@Dec 9 2005, 05:20 PM
Heh. Been playing for ages, failed every single mission...
hmmm...I suggest a lower difficulty or a serious change in tactics.

There is some really good advice and stategies all though this giant thread if you care to read. (So lucky I started reading when it was about 50 pages long!!!!!)

Seriously most questions, advice, situations, tactics, spoilers, related news is somewhere in the thread. Its a great read dont be put off!!!

blue123 10-12-2005 12:32 PM

Yes! I did a crash landing mission! Hid behind walls and sent a suicide grenade in... but it's annoying, because most of the time the aliens don't come out of the UFO and when you send a soldier in, he gets shot from all angles. Ouch.

rlbell 10-12-2005 03:17 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Dec 9 2005, 05:20 PM
Heh. Been playing for ages, failed every single mission...
Failed every mission?

That takes some careful planning, or you always have the skyranger take off early.

Who is for slimmest success stories?

I managed to successfully finish off the commander of a sectoid battleship, before my last trooper succumbed to his fatal wounds (would it not be great if troopers could use medkits on themselves?). Despite nine KIA's and a destroyed tank, I still received a good mission rating! This was back in my "damn the torpedoes" attitude of leaving no UFO unlooted. After the incident with the etherial battleship, this attitude was subject to some adjustment.

Useful advice:

You can often throw a grenade to places where you cannot shoot. Alien grenades are more effective than yours, and they will throw them at large clumps of troopers (in TFTD they throw them at whatever they cannot shoot, and anywhere that they can catch two or three troopers). Use electroflares at night. Try to fight during the day. On night missions, the autocannon loaded with incindiary rounds can illuminate anything in your line of fire. If you have the luxury, have a trooper with fast reactions (50+) open doors (in TFTD, versus aquatoids, reactions must be 60+, good luck!).

rlbell 10-12-2005 03:46 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Dec 9 2005, 09:35 PM
And I've tried to find the dos version of the game, but hotu doesn't have it.
I uploaded the dos version of the game to the site and Kosta has added a link to the file in the UFO review.

On an unrelated note, there are editors that allow you to change the weapon stats. While I have never cared enough to bother, I would replace the pistol with a submachine gun by increasing the pistols' shots per clip and giving it an autofire option. Submachineguns are more suited to the typical kind of fighting X-com troopers do. The rifle is supposed to adapted from a snipers' weapon, so I would delete the autofire option and boost the aimed fire accuracy. The autocannon that you use in the game and the one in the intro are two very different pieces of kit. I would rather have the weapon fron the intro, so I would delete the aimed fire and snap fire options, reduce the accuracy of the autofire option a bit, reduce the TU cost of autofire by a lot, and increase the number of shots per clip (and change the size of the clip, depending on whether it was a thirty round box[1x2], 100 round belt[1x3], or a 255 round cassette [2x3]). The heavy cannon would just be renamed as a grenade launcher. The rocket launcher would be modelled after the M202A1 (seen in Arnold Schwarzennegger's first foray into comedy-- Commando). The real weapon is a shoulder-fired rocket launcher with four tubes that can be individually fired, or ripple-fired in rapid succession. The game version would have three tubes, and there would be an autofire option.

What would the rest of you do?

I heard of one fellow who made the TU cost for hvy plasmas only one, but forgot that they aliens were using the same weapon file-- things got rather desperate.

blue123 10-12-2005 05:05 PM

Where? Where? I WANT AN EDITOR!

Ps: I always send the Skyranger as soon as a UFO is detected on the ground. Should I wait? And if yes, how long? Does it matter how long I leave it before I respond?

Lord Aries 10-12-2005 05:59 PM

Hey Im very new to this site I just ran across it the other day and I downloaded UFO enemy unknowen...And well to be honest, I really like the game I thought it was a pretty cool game BUT...I have a problem with it...Seems when Im getting my behind whooped all is well and nothing happens but an old fashion behind whooping FROM the aliens..anyways...When I finaly have a good run where none of my men die in like 4 missions first time I move my tank off my skyranger.. POOF the game crashes. Just wondering if the aliens are sabatoging my computer from the inside or what the case may be..if anyone out there has any idea why this happens could you get back to me as I am not willing to give feed back on a game that I cannot play. Thank you very much for reading this and for any future comments or replies.

and remember, when someone is pissing you takes 42 muscles to smile...and only 2 to reach out and punch them :sneaky:

Ignite 10-12-2005 06:37 PM

Ill select the punch then...

Are you running the game in DosBOX or straight from the Desktop?

rlbell 10-12-2005 10:40 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Dec 10 2005, 06:05 PM
Where? Where? I WANT AN EDITOR!

Ps: I always send the Skyranger as soon as a UFO is detected on the ground. Should I wait? And if yes, how long? Does it matter how long I leave it before I respond?

If you enter xcomutil into a search engine, you should find many links to the toolkit. Oddly enough, the fellow who created the toolkit did it to make Enemy Unknown harder (he probably enjoyed TFTD).

The skyranger should be sent out as soon as possible. If you wait, the UFO could take off before it gets there. For small and medium ships (large ones only if the interceptors have plasma beams), I dispatch an interceptor to circle over the UFO. Sometimes, if the UFO takes off before the skyranger gets there, the interceptor can shoot it down and the skyranger can investigate a crash site. For crash sites, always delay the skyranger enough to arrive after sunrise.

laiocfar 11-12-2005 02:33 AM


Yes! I did a crash landing mission! Hid behind walls and sent a suicide grenade in... but it's annoying, because most of the time the aliens don't come out of the UFO and when you send a soldier in, he gets shot from all angles. Ouch.
It isn´t that bad, mostly they aren´t looking the ONLY door, i always found more than one of them looking to inside. Anyway, if u got troopers with good reflex camp each door by 5 turns, if there are many aliens in the other side, they will go out to see whats going on.


Ps: I always send the Skyranger as soon as a UFO is detected on the ground. Should I wait? And if yes, how long? Does it matter how long I leave it before I respond?
Wait a 20 hrs, cuz if u don´t it will take about a real day to made a day inside the game


I managed to successfully finish off the commander of a sectoid battleship, before my last trooper succumbed to his fatal wounds (would it not be great if troopers could use medkits on themselves?). Despite nine KIA's and a destroyed tank, I still received a good mission rating! This was back in my "damn the torpedoes" attitude of leaving no UFO unlooted. After the incident with the etherial battleship, this attitude was subject to some adjustment.
U didn´t know when to abort a mission?! if u lost an skyranger it will take days before u can go out to another mission.

Interesting rdition rbell and Aries try by next time use two saves slots one ifor save during mission at end of each turn and other for save before star a mission.

Kearnsy 11-12-2005 02:51 AM

The random crashing thing happens to a lot of us, me included. just save frequently and try to stay patient.

For those who are finding it hard:
*Always stay behind cover of some sort. . Hug the walls. (This has saved my men countless times)

*move slowly! and save time units for the enemy turn.

*Dont branch out and spread your self thin.

*Research laser or plasma weapons ASAP. +Armour

*When the whole level is clear except for a alien ship line your men up in front of the door and wait... It could take many turns but they WILL come out. (You should know what to do when they come out!

*Keep your soldiers stocked up and well equiped.

* Finally do ALL of the missions you can, expessially terror missions.

Hope some it helps. For more information consult pages 1 - 149! :D :bye:

laiocfar 11-12-2005 04:51 AM

Good tips kearnsy and i can add others

*use troopers for defence base

*intercept very large ship only with firestorms or avengers

*Save elirium!!!

rlbell 11-12-2005 05:19 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Dec 11 2005, 03:33 AM


I managed to successfully finish off the commander of a sectoid battleship, before my last trooper succumbed to his fatal wounds (would it not be great if troopers could use medkits on themselves?). Despite nine KIA's and a destroyed tank, I still received a good mission rating! This was back in my "damn the torpedoes" attitude of leaving no UFO unlooted. After the incident with the etherial battleship, this attitude was subject to some adjustment.
U didn´t know when to abort a mission?! if u lost an skyranger it will take days before u can go out to another mission.

Interesting rdition rbell and Aries try by next time use two saves slots one ifor save during mission at end of each turn and other for save before star a mission.

Aborting the mission would have been good idea, if I was certain that the trooper would live all of the way to the skyranger. The details of the mission are a little fuzzy, (it occured in the summer of 1994*) but it was some combination of MC'ed troopers, blaster bombs, and panicked troopers dropping live grenades. Things went pear-shaped rather quickly and going back to the skyranger seemed less practical than finishing the mission. Finally, if it a battleship landed for the purpose of alien infiltration, in the USA, you have to pull it off; unless, you are using some kind of money cheat.

I am not a big fan of saving and reloading. I accept the fact that stuff happens. I save more often than I used to, but I still tend to play ironman-style, and only save when I get off of the computer. Saving and reloading also breaks up the flow of the game. I would rather scarper back to the transport and abort than reload from a save in any situation where the transport returns home.

* The mission, one of several at that playing session, was not as memorable as getting home to my soon-to-be wife and finding out how upset she was that I was seven hours late for a meal that I had promised to cook. In my background, when you have done something bad, you accept the browbeating and apologise when the browbeating is finished. In her family, if you have been wronged, you berate the person, until they apologise. Thus was set the stage for comedy. Two hours after my return she is wondering what kind of insensitive clod she got engaged to and I am wondering if she is ever going to stop. She finally screamed at me "Why haven't you apologised?", and I meekly told her "I didn't want to interrupt.". She gave me this blank stare and we have been laughing about it ever since.

Ich 11-12-2005 12:42 PM

I Just found this Site today, and I am very glad, because I was searching UFO for 3 years, because i lost my codepage:-((

blue123 11-12-2005 04:44 PM

Got personal armour yesterday... my troops still die in one shot. :(

laiocfar 12-12-2005 03:29 AM

The problem with armor it´s that always there are a better weapon. Your troopers will die from a single shoot even with flying armors. In denveloped game the aliens always carry the heavy plasma that means enough firepower to kill a troopes with the best armor if the shoot is good. Anyway personal armor is too low protection, in power suits(next armor) u will got near the max armor possible. U will see the profit of denve?ope armor with the grenades, a grenade without armor kill near everyone in the range of explotion, with flying suit a grenade doesn´t be a real danger to a concius trooper.


QUOTE (laiocfar @ Dec 11 2005, 03:33 AM)

I managed to successfully finish off the commander of a sectoid battleship, before my last trooper succumbed to his fatal wounds (would it not be great if troopers could use medkits on themselves?). Despite nine KIA's and a destroyed tank, I still received a good mission rating! This was back in my "damn the torpedoes" attitude of leaving no UFO unlooted. After the incident with the etherial battleship, this attitude was subject to some adjustment.

U didn´t know when to abort a mission?! if u lost an skyranger it will take days before u can go out to another mission.

Interesting rdition rbell and Aries try by next time use two saves slots one ifor save during mission at end of each turn and other for save before star a mission.

Aborting the mission would have been good idea, if I was certain that the trooper would live all of the way to the skyranger. The details of the mission are a little fuzzy, (it occured in the summer of 1994*) but it was some combination of MC'ed troopers, blaster bombs, and panicked troopers dropping live grenades. Things went pear-shaped rather quickly and going back to the skyranger seemed less practical than finishing the mission. Finally, if it a battleship landed for the purpose of alien infiltration, in the USA, you have to pull it off; unless, you are using some kind of money cheat.

I am not a big fan of saving and reloading. I accept the fact that stuff happens. I save more often than I used to, but I still tend to play ironman-style, and only save when I get off of the computer. Saving and reloading also breaks up the flow of the game. I would rather scarper back to the transport and abort than reload from a save in any situation where the transport returns home.

* The mission, one of several at that playing session, was not as memorable as getting home to my soon-to-be wife and finding out how upset she was that I was seven hours late for a meal that I had promised to cook. In my background, when you have done something bad, you accept the browbeating and apologise when the browbeating is finished. In her family, if you have been wronged, you berate the person, until they apologise. Thus was set the stage for comedy. Two hours after my return she is wondering what kind of insensitive clod she got engaged to and I am wondering if she is ever going to stop. She finally screamed at me "Why haven't you apologised?", and I meekly told her "I didn't want to interrupt.". She gave me this blank stare and we have been laughing about it ever since.

What a funny way to avoid and solve a dispute!!!i admire u and i will implement it..

About funding at the begin of game the millon from USA is vital but in the end the 2.5M from USA its 0.5M less that the average mission profit.

My worst mission, it was in TFTD. Was a terror attack in Novorinsky, aquatoids with the telebrains. I got my squad in two groups of 4 men and 2 replacements, it was a top squad. The red group of Commander Leo and the blue group of Liutenant Tom Hagen. Each squad got an diamond deployment with the officer at the end as sniper. All people got GAUSS rifles but snipers got Sonic Cannons. It was a wonderfull mission, both squad cleared the port without losses against telebrains that was one of the best enemy units and well aquatoids haven´t a chance of mind control, i got to stun a guy but used a replacement and the mindcontroled guy was alive at end of mission. When ending the mission i got spotted a group of 5 aquatoids inside a building, group red was at south and blue at north. So, crossfire of autoshots killed 3 aliens and forced the other two inside the building. Leo got a clear shot during their turn and killed one trough a window. In my turn, team blue, opened a door a spottd the last alien again. I moved a side the trooper who opened the door to leave to Liutenant Tom Hagen a clear sight to an aimed shoot, he got 130%. Liutenant Tom Hagen fired :sniper:, the shot pass the door, miss the alien, pass the window and hit Commander Leo.... :pissed: . Commander Leo died to friendly fire even wearing an armor level 3, so i do the most natural thing to do :hairpull:. The troopers of red team rushed inside the building, the alien killed one of them, but the others started to fire to Liutenant Tom Hagen with autofire :rifle: .The results the trooper of blue team who opened the door was hitted several times and died, Liuteneat Tom Hagen was also hitted but not killed. A shot hitted the alien, he was to short to the south entrance of the building and the mission ended. Tom Hagen was sacked when the Triton arrived to the bas :banned: , many people says that x-com agents killed him :blow:
After taht i restarted the game in difficult 3, i was in 1 :angel:

Guest_Andy 14-12-2005 04:16 AM

Hi everybody i justed found this brilliant game a week ago and just can't stop playing it. But I have a problem i hope someone can help me with. I'm trying to catch a commander in a base so I can finish the game but i can't find one(using mind probe). I've red that he should be in the "command room" with the big gravity lift, which i think i found, but when i get there it empty every time. :wall: Do i really have to go around and mind probe every alien in the base so i don't kill the commander? Please tell me there is an easier way!!


gregor 14-12-2005 05:38 AM


Originally posted by Guest_Andy@Dec 14 2005, 05:16 AM
Hi everybody i justed found this brilliant game a week ago and just can't stop playing it. But I have a problem i hope someone can help me with. I'm trying to catch a commander in a base so I can finish the game but i can't find one(using mind probe). I've red that he should be in the "command room" with the big gravity lift, which i think i found, but when i get there it empty every time. :wall: Do i really have to go around and mind probe every alien in the base so i don't kill the commander? Please tell me there is an easier way!!


Well most likely you would have to. Or just stun everyone. Well maybe not everyone, but you might have to probe them to see what they are. IF they are not commander, just shoot them. There are usually about 12-14 aliens in base if i remember correctly. and base is not that big.

This finidng part is much easier in XCOM: terror from the deep when commander is always closed in that small command room. and you can just go in, stun him, destroy the controls and get out (together with the stunned aliens commander).

I can't remember how you do it in UFO, cause i didn't play ufo that much...

Sanjay 14-12-2005 07:57 AM


I first played this game years ago, and fell in love with it. I couldn't remember what it was called, so I did a Google search for "Old UFO game" or "Old UFO shareware game" and the first entry it came up with was X-Com.

Talk about fate, right?

Anyway, I've downloaded it, but I have display problems with the windows version--the game runs, but it constantly flashes "Display out of range" on the screen, and its proportions seem stretched. I can't see a good portion of the top part of the screen.

I've tried going to a patch site and downloading xcom1fix.exe and patch.dll but they won't work, gives me an error that says Couldn't Read Process Memory. The patch site says it gives that error if you're not using the Collector's Edition...

How do I fix my display mode? Anyone encounter this problem?

Any help would be much appreciated.

rlbell 14-12-2005 03:07 PM


Originally posted by Guest_Andy@Dec 14 2005, 05:16 AM
Hi everybody i justed found this brilliant game a week ago and just can't stop playing it. But I have a problem i hope someone can help me with. I'm trying to catch a commander in a base so I can finish the game but i can't find one(using mind probe). I've red that he should be in the "command room" with the big gravity lift, which i think i found, but when i get there it empty every time. :wall: Do i really have to go around and mind probe every alien in the base so i don't kill the commander? Please tell me there is an easier way!!


If you know what it looks like, the commander is one of the guys with a blaster launcher. The blaster launcher is a large, blue-black thing. Aliens with heavy plasma guns are carrying gray objects and plasma pistols are red-gray(?). The only weapon that the blaster launcher might be confused with is the plasma rifle.

rlbell 14-12-2005 03:17 PM


Originally posted by Sanjay@Dec 14 2005, 08:57 AM

Anyway, I've downloaded it, but I have display problems with the windows version--the game runs, but it constantly flashes "Display out of range" on the screen, and its proportions seem stretched. I can't see a good portion of the top part of the screen.

When I found out that I was one of the few people on the forum playing the dos version, I asked kosta if I could upload it to the site. There is now a link from the review to where you can download it.

Sanjay 15-12-2005 05:54 AM

Me again...I downloaded the DOS version, and got DOSBox to run it, and now DOSBox gives me issues...I do everything correctly, as per their instructions, but it gives me the following error:

DOS\4GW fatal error (1004): syntax is DOS4GW <>

I attempt to run the dos4gw.exe in the X-Com DOS folder, and it gives me that.

Not sure what to do...but still desperate to play some damn X-Com. >:(

SupSuper 15-12-2005 02:04 PM


Originally posted by Sanjay@Dec 15 2005, 06:54 AM
Me again...I downloaded the DOS version, and got DOSBox to run it, and now DOSBox gives me issues...I do everything correctly, as per their instructions, but it gives me the following error:

DOS\4GW fatal error (1004): syntax is DOS4GW <>

I attempt to run the dos4gw.exe in the X-Com DOS folder, and it gives me that.

Not sure what to do...but still desperate to play some damn X-Com. >:(

Afaik you're not supposed to run the DOS4GW.

Hmmm... I just got it and isn't the game missing some files? Specifically, the EXE to run the game? At least my DOS version has got a UFO.EXE on the game folder.

blue123 15-12-2005 03:05 PM

Eek! My base was attacked today! More defenses needed...

bahman 15-12-2005 03:34 PM

Can anyone open the zip file provided in this thread? Or it could post the good file in a post if this file is corrupted! That is a great patch!

rlbell 15-12-2005 05:01 PM


Originally posted by Sanjay@Dec 15 2005, 06:54 AM
Me again...I downloaded the DOS version, and got DOSBox to run it, and now DOSBox gives me issues...I do everything correctly, as per their instructions, but it gives me the following error:

DOS\4GW fatal error (1004): syntax is DOS4GW <>

I attempt to run the dos4gw.exe in the X-Com DOS folder, and it gives me that.

Not sure what to do...but still desperate to play some damn X-Com. >:(

This may have been my bad. The dos version on the abandonia site is a zip file of the dos CD. So unzip the files to a directory. Mount that directory in DOSbox as a drive letter (D:, E:, or whatever catches your fancy). Mount your standard dos game directory as C: (or whatever you call it). Run the install utility from the directory you uncompressed the cd files into, while running DOSbox (you will need to give the destination directory as a runtime argument [install C:\mps\ufo]. Everything should then be fine. Unlike the dos version of TFTD, there is no option to install Enemy Unknown completely onto the hard drive from the CD. For DOSbox users, this is not an issue, as the game looks for the drive letter, not the CD (running cdsetup tells the game which drive letter to use [cdsetup e:]).

gregor 15-12-2005 05:39 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Dec 15 2005, 04:05 PM
Eek! My base was attacked today! More defenses needed...
no, no! let them attack you. kill them all or capture them and collect the goodies for sale.

rlbell 15-12-2005 09:16 PM


Originally posted by gregor+Dec 15 2005, 06:39 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gregor @ Dec 15 2005, 06:39 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-blue123@Dec 15 2005, 04:05 PM
Eek! My base was attacked today! More defenses needed...
no, no! let them attack you. kill them all or capture them and collect the goodies for sale. [/b][/quote]
More defenses are needed, but make sure that you install the right kind. Do not build missile/laser/plasma/fusion defences, build more general stores and fill them with weapon platforms. Right now, Iam playing TFTD, but my main base was attacked (fortunately, this was early in the session, so I had a recent save) and all I had were the clips for alien weapons. I reloaded the game and transferred everything that was not useful to my other bases and ambushed the alien attackers. Motion detectors and proximity grenades are most useful when defending bases.

Kearnsy 16-12-2005 03:39 AM

Base attacks can be great... if your base is set up properly.
Build the Hangars and lefts down one side of the base. These are the only entry points so by doing this you arn't surrounded.
Use nades, blaster bombs in the hangers and lifts and dont move alone.
If all goes well you should have a bunch of stuff for sale. :Brain:

Sanjay 16-12-2005 05:50 AM


Originally posted by rlbell@Dec 15 2005, 06:01 PM
So unzip the files to a directory. Mount that directory in DOSbox as a drive letter (D:, E:, or whatever catches your fancy). Mount your standard dos game directory as C: (or whatever you call it). Run the install utility from the directory you uncompressed the cd files into, while running DOSbox (you will need to give the destination directory as a runtime argument [install C:\mps\ufo]. Everything should then be fine. Unlike the dos version of TFTD, there is no option to install Enemy Unknown completely onto the hard drive from the CD. For DOSbox users, this is not an issue, as the game looks for the drive letter, not the CD (running cdsetup tells the game which drive letter to use [cdsetup e:]).
I'd already unzipped all the files to my C drive, when I tried this. There's only a Setup and a dos4gw as far as .exe's go.

I think something might've been left out of what you have to Upload on the site.

Sanjay 16-12-2005 05:55 AM

Yeah, the only .exe's you have in that file are black, dos4gw, geoscape, sndend, sndstart, and tactical. Setup is the only "Install Application" file, as well.

Maybe there was a mistake made in the Uploaded version on the site?

laiocfar 16-12-2005 07:01 AM

The problem in TFTD its that aliens will record your base in the map so u will got an attack by month. I never think about the base desing but u are right i am always surrinded by the aliens, this last can be good to ambush or i can lose many people in few turns

blue123 16-12-2005 01:59 PM

Good points! But a bit too late, I've got 3 hangars at the bottom and 1 at the top of my base. But I've made them so all angles can be covered... so if an alien comes from 1 hangar and kills everyone, another one of my guys blasts them from behind.

rlbell 16-12-2005 04:43 PM


Originally posted by Sanjay@Dec 16 2005, 06:55 AM
Yeah, the only .exe's you have in that file are black, dos4gw, geoscape, sndend, sndstart, and tactical. Setup is the only "Install Application" file, as well.

Maybe there was a mistake made in the Uploaded version on the site?

The install is a BAT file, not an EXE file. I am trapped behind a dial-up connection, so I cannot easily verify the upload. However, late tonight, I can attempt to verify the download.

rlbell 16-12-2005 04:54 PM


Originally posted by Kearnsy@Dec 16 2005, 04:39 AM
Base attacks can be great... if your base is set up properly.
Build the Hangars and lefts down one side of the base. These are the only entry points so by doing this you arn't surrounded.
Use nades, blaster bombs in the hangers and lifts and dont move alone.
If all goes well you should have a bunch of stuff for sale. :Brain:

A tricky bit about building a chokepoint into your base is that you will also have to go through the chokepoint to attack the aliens, and the possible lines of fire make it very easy for the aliens to defend a hanger against attacks from the main lift. That aweful setup that everyone hates has the slight benefit of spreading out the aliens and allowing multiple avenues of attack for the hangars. Last night I defended one of my bases in TFTD. It was the correct design that blocked most ef the aliens in the access lock and sub pens (except for the ones that seem to always be placed in the living quarters). I lost four troopers and three SWS's fighting my way into the sub pens. Some of the losses were due to bad tactics, but they were mostly due to the aliens being able to all cover the one door that I had to come through.

blue123 16-12-2005 05:27 PM

I mostly sit around and wait for the aliens, this means you can chew them up as they come through all the doors.

Le Chevre 16-12-2005 09:36 PM

Anyone else have issues with the Windows version??

Anytime I try to run it the graphics are all screwed up and jumbled!!

rlbell 16-12-2005 10:51 PM

I would like to apologise to anyone who downloaded the ZIP file that claimed to be the dos version of Enemy Unknown. After downloading it, I quickly verified that it is incomplete. Should I figure out the ftp (f)utility with the inobvious user interface, I will upload a (hopefully) correct version. Failing that, I will get it uploaded at an unspecified later date (maybe in the next couple of days).

Guest 16-12-2005 11:38 PM

Wonderfull game, one of the best in history.

bahman 17-12-2005 01:01 AM


Originally posted by Le Chevre@Dec 16 2005, 10:36 PM
Anyone else have issues with the Windows version??

Anytime I try to run it the graphics are all screwed up and jumbled!!

Run another program.

rlbell 17-12-2005 03:43 AM

It is only taking about thirty minutes to upload the game, even through my phone line. Once I have ftp'd it to the site, I will (may?) ftp it back to make sure it was not lost in transit. Once the correct zip file is in place, my previous instructions will be correct

Sanjay 17-12-2005 05:23 AM


Well as soon as you get it working, I'll be playing the hell out of it.

At least you know the problem now, right?

Kearnsy 17-12-2005 11:46 AM


Originally posted by rlbell+Dec 16 2005, 05:54 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (rlbell @ Dec 16 2005, 05:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Kearnsy@Dec 16 2005, 04:39 AM
Base attacks can be great... if your base is set up properly.
Build the Hangars and lefts down one side of the base. These are the only entry points so by doing this you arn't surrounded.
Use nades, blaster bombs in the hangers and lifts and dont move alone.
If all goes well you should have a bunch of stuff for sale.* :Brain:

A tricky bit about building a chokepoint into your base is that you will also have to go through the chokepoint to attack the aliens, and the possible lines of fire make it very easy for the aliens to defend a hanger against attacks from the main lift. That aweful setup that everyone hates has the slight benefit of spreading out the aliens and allowing multiple avenues of attack for the hangars. Last night I defended one of my bases in TFTD. It was the correct design that blocked most ef the aliens in the access lock and sub pens (except for the ones that seem to always be placed in the living quarters). I lost four troopers and three SWS's fighting my way into the sub pens. Some of the losses were due to bad tactics, but they were mostly due to the aliens being able to all cover the one door that I had to come through. [/b][/quote]
Well the whole point is that you dont go into the highly concentrated area but you nuke it while they will all be close by. (remember its base DEFENCE.)

In these situations I always wait for the alien to come to me, and use reactions or superior time units to gain the advantage.

It certainly helps having all of your troops on one front rather than spread thin and under attack on all sides

rlbell 17-12-2005 05:09 PM


Originally posted by Kearnsy@Dec 17 2005, 12:46 PM

Well the whole point is that you dont go into the highly concentrated area but you nuke it while they will all be close by. (remember its base DEFENCE.)

In these situations I always wait for the alien to come to me, and use reactions or superior time units to gain the advantage.

It certainly helps having all of your troops on one front rather than spread thin and under attack on all sides

Remember, I was talking about TFTD. Against aquatoids, with reactions from the low sixties to low eighties (depending on difficulty level), no trooper has fast enough reactions to get the drop on them. You are also in a bit of a hurry to find the aquatoid commander before he finds your putty-brained troopers and MC's them into doing much mischief.

As with all other things, your milage may vary.

Heto 18-12-2005 01:33 AM

I've downloaded the dos version of the game but there is no exe to start the game :cry: what should i do?
edit: i've seen why... because is incomplete. :D

HS 18-12-2005 12:13 PM

Um, hey.. this may be a silly question but I have the download, and no matter which exe I try to run in DOSBox they both say "This program cannot be run in MS DOS mode". I can play the orange one in windows but its unplayably fast, does anyone know how I can make it run in DOSBox or fix the speed?

SupSuper 18-12-2005 05:53 PM


Originally posted by HS@Dec 18 2005, 01:13 PM
Um, hey.. this may be a silly question but I have the download, and no matter which exe I try to run in DOSBox they both say "This program cannot be run in MS DOS mode". I can play the orange one in windows but its unplayably fast, does anyone know how I can make it run in DOSBox or fix the speed?
The version up for download is the Windows version, the DOS one is on the Extras.
Maybe look for a slowdown utility?

rlbell 18-12-2005 06:17 PM


Originally posted by SupSuper+Dec 18 2005, 06:53 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (SupSuper @ Dec 18 2005, 06:53 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-HS@Dec 18 2005, 01:13 PM
Um, hey.. this may be a silly question but I have the download, and no matter which exe I* try to run in DOSBox they both say "This program cannot be run in MS DOS mode".* I can play the orange one in windows but its unplayably fast, does anyone know how I can make it run in DOSBox or fix the speed?
The version up for download is the Windows version, the DOS one is on the Extras.
Maybe look for a slowdown utility? [/b][/quote]
In the review, down at the bottom, is a link to the dos version that I uploaded. I was not able to get around to verifying it, myself, but Kosta has told me that it seems to be fine. Further back in this thread are the instructions for installing it. On a related note, people might be interested to check if the TFTD download now includes the animations(if it is over forty megabytes, it does), as I tried to upload that, too, and Kosta told me he was considering just using the larger, more complete zip (it the entire dos CD version).

Le Chevre 18-12-2005 09:19 PM

What do you mean by run another program?

bahman 19-12-2005 12:09 AM


Originally posted by Le Chevre@Dec 18 2005, 10:19 PM
What do you mean by run another program?
You should have two exe files, namely UFO.exe and UFO Defense.EXE , if you downloaded the game from this website, otherwise you have another exe file for UFO.exe which fixes the graphics problem for win32.

bahman 19-12-2005 04:26 PM


Originally posted by bahman@Dec 15 2005, 04:34 PM
Can anyone open the zip file provided in this thread? Or it could post the good file in a post if this file is corrupted! That is a great patch!

Why nobayd answer this post. THe patch is great. It resovle many problems, including frequent crashes, automodate many things, etc. Please help.

another_guest 19-12-2005 04:56 PM


Originally posted by bahman+Dec 19 2005, 05:26 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (bahman @ Dec 19 2005, 05:26 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-bahman@Dec 15 2005, 04:34 PM
Can anyone open the zip file provided in this thread? Or it could post the good file in a post if this file is corrupted! That is a great patch!

Why nobayd answer this post. THe patch is great. It resovle many problems, including frequent crashes, automodate many things, etc. Please help. [/b][/quote]
Personally I can't open it. So it seems it's an error due to the file itself. I've never had that file (in a good version) so I'm afraid I can't help you with that.

bahman 19-12-2005 05:47 PM

Once I downloaded it and it worked fine for me. I just deleted the game directroy plus the zip file for technical reasons but I had problem with the zip file since then. I was wondering if anybody else has a copy of the zip file.

gufu1992 20-12-2005 01:22 AM

Tips Tips Tips
1)DON'T use Ligthning
A:Ligthning takes lots of elerium(I think even more than avenger)

2)Natual Selection
A:Um he down-he down, if he won't fail this time-he will fail next one

3)Use weak psies as a cannonfodder!
A:Um - or they die or the half of squad after he get's Mind Controled

4)Save TU
A:Many guys loose guys because they forget to save TU's - they don't
have enough to kill the alien!

5)HE+rookie= :evil:
A:Yep-when rookie down HE go boom and alien... ...well that's one less corpse

6)Kill weak ones :butcher:
A:We don't need them aren't we

7)NEVER stun or Mind Control civilian
A:They turn evil...

8)Fly away from cryssalis using flying armor
A:Brains no more!

9)Shoot terror enemy's by lasers
A:Best guns of all!

10)Reapers are weak
A:rookie+rifle+auto shot+reaper=owned alien carnivore

11)DON'T double wield :guns:
A:Go play apocalipsys if you wanna duel wield!

12)Blast sectopods from the back
A:If not... :help:

I shall give more! :Titan:

SupSuper 20-12-2005 11:17 AM


Originally posted by bahman+Dec 19 2005, 05:26 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (bahman @ Dec 19 2005, 05:26 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-bahman@Dec 15 2005, 04:34 PM
Can anyone open the zip file provided in this thread? Or it could post the good file in a post if this file is corrupted! That is a great patch!

Why nobayd answer this post. THe patch is great. It resovle many problems, including frequent crashes, automodate many things, etc. Please help. [/b][/quote]
The zip file works fine for me. Also I would recommend making a backup of the original UFO exe before putting the patch, since the patch can create bugs of its own (read further down the thread)

rlbell 20-12-2005 02:50 PM


Originally posted by gufu1992@Dec 20 2005, 02:22 AM
Tips Tips Tips

2)Natual Selection
A:Um he down-he down, if he won't fail this time-he will fail next one

3)Use weak psies as a cannonfodder!
A:Um - or they die or the half of squad after he get's Mind Controled

5)HE+rookie= :evil:
A:Yep-when rookie down HE go boom and alien... ...well that's one less corpse

6)Kill weak ones :butcher:
A:We don't need them aren't we

Generally speaking, casualties cause morale loss. The safest way to deal with psi-weaklings is to sack them from XCOM. Troopers with armed grenades only mean that unconscious troopers become dead troopers. Short of editting the soldier file, the only way to increase a trooper's resistance to damage is to survive a hit (why it can be worth the wait and salary to retain an injured trooper).

The other reasons for not carrying armed grenades is that the aliens do not always shoot from point blank range and your troopers are not always alone when they go down.

Double wielding of pistols can actually be useful if neither weapon has a lot of shots left, as you do not have to reload. Otherwise, it is better for a heavy weapons trooper to keep a pistol holstered on his belt if a situation arises where the alien is too close for the area effect round.

Characteristics only improve if they get used. TU's go up if the trooper goes out on missions. Accuracy goes up if the trooper hits what he is aiming for. Energy goes up if you run around. Reaction go up if the trooper reacts to an enemy by shooting (this means that slow troopers stay that way, but fast troopers get really fast). Strength goes up if the trooper carries heavy stuff.

About sectopods, I never noticed that they were all that tough, but I tended to stick with laser rifles as my weapon of choice.

bahman 20-12-2005 03:29 PM


Originally posted by SupSuper+Dec 20 2005, 12:17 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (SupSuper @ Dec 20 2005, 12:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by bahman@Dec 19 2005, 05:26 PM

@Dec 15 2005, 04:34 PM
Can anyone open the zip file provided in this thread? Or it could post the good file in a post if this file is corrupted! That is a great patch!

Why nobayd answer this post. THe patch is great. It resovle many problems, including frequent crashes, automodate many things, etc. Please help.

The zip file works fine for me. Also I would recommend making a backup of the original UFO exe before putting the patch, since the patch can create bugs of its own (read further down the thread) [/b][/quote]
Oh good, can you please unzip the file and put the unzip file or zipped one (with other software or just zip it again) somewhere in the forume I can download. You can either e-mail it.

another_guest 20-12-2005 05:20 PM


Originally posted by rlbell@Dec 20 2005, 03:50 PM
1) The safest way to deal with psi-weaklings is to sack them from XCOM... Short of editting the soldier file, the only way to increase a trooper's resistance to damage is to survive a hit (why it can be worth the wait and salary to retain an injured trooper).

2) The other reasons for not carrying armed grenades is that the aliens do not always shoot from point blank range and your troopers are not always alone when they go down.

3) Double wielding of pistols can actually be useful if neither weapon has a lot of shots left, as you do not have to reload...

4) About sectopods, I never noticed that they were all that tough, but I tended to stick with laser rifles as my weapon of choice.

1) True! I think it's quite unfortunate that you have to send them to training first before you know who's a psi-weakling and who's not (correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember I only saw the psi stats after I gave them psi training). A month can be quite long in UFO...

2) The only times when I would let any soldier carry live grenades is either when there are crysalids around (and I haven't got access to flying suites) - not that this would be enough to kill the creature, but maybe your soldier would die instead of turning into a zombie - or in very limited cases when entering a ufo. But you're absolutely right that it happens very rarely that an alien shoots from point blank range.

3) I'd never opt for double wielding, especially because it decreases your firing accuracy. I either go for laser, or use heavy plasmas and I hardly run out of 35 shots, even if I use a lot of auto shots.

4) Probably because you use laser weapons. Sectopods are heavily armoured but relatively vulnerable to laser.

laiocfar 21-12-2005 06:26 AM

The sectopods are the robots that help the etherals???
If yes, only well done squads can fight them, its a top combination... i only hope don´t found them at cydonia

gregor 21-12-2005 06:45 AM


Originally posted by another_guest@Dec 20 2005, 06:20 PM
1) True! I think it's quite unfortunate that you have to send them to training first before you know who's a psi-weakling and who's not (correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember I only saw the psi stats after I gave them psi training). A month can be quite long in UFO...

Yup that's right. so what you want is your psi lab build a day or two before end of month then you save. and then you get guys into training. then you speed up the time and skipš all missions for one month. then after a month you will see how strong they are in psi. repeat if you have more soldiers.
you can then decide to kick the ones with weak PSI. although i usually didnt' kick them but use them in second base where they helped the rookies start (basically they were like support on attacking smaller vessels). or i used them as the ones that carry light with them. they get out of my ship and then start throwing chemical light arround.
i usually leave them unarmed or put the weapon on their back or waist. they will only use stuff they have in their hands if they get under alien control.

*Happy* 21-12-2005 02:20 PM

Two things:

1. Sectopods are the Ethereal's robots
2. Soldiers under alien control WILL take out a weapon or grenade if unarmed. However, they will not pick up any items from the ground. I'm not sure if they can reload weapons.

blue123 22-12-2005 10:21 AM

I HATE Ethereal's! Came across a few on my last terror mission and... you can guess the rest. I really need to find out how to build a Psi lab...

The Fifth Horseman 22-12-2005 10:59 AM

Capture a live Ethereal or a Sectoid with Psi abilities, then research it.

Kearnsy 22-12-2005 12:35 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Dec 22 2005, 11:21 AM
I HATE Ethereal's! Came across a few on my last terror mission and... you can guess the rest. I really need to find out how to build a Psi lab...
I take it this means you are no longer losing every mission!

Before Psi labs,I tend to move faster in Ethereal missons, so I can take them out before they can Mc you repeatedly. There weaker physically so you can move in smaller groups or on their own, this will cover ground faster... as for getting Psi labs, dont forget your stun launchers! :ok:

blue123 22-12-2005 12:57 PM


Originally posted by Kearnsy+Dec 22 2005, 01:35 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kearnsy @ Dec 22 2005, 01:35 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-blue123@Dec 22 2005, 11:21 AM
I HATE Ethereal's! Came across a few on my last terror mission and... you can guess the rest. I really need to find out how to build a Psi lab...
I take it this means you are no longer losing every mission!

Before Psi labs,I tend to move faster in Ethereal missons, so I can take them out before they can Mc you repeatedly. There weaker physically so you can move in smaller groups or on their own, this will cover ground faster... as for getting Psi labs, dont forget your stun launchers! :ok: [/b][/quote]
Yes, I am actually winning every mission. Except for the ones with MC...

rlbell 22-12-2005 02:38 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Dec 22 2005, 11:59 AM
Capture a live Ethereal or a Sectoid with Psi abilities, then research it.
Thats actually one of the interesting changes from UFO to TFTD. Transmission resolvers are easy to get in UFO (interrogate alien navigator) but getting the psi lab requires capturing an alien that can MC your troops. In TFTD, the MC lab can be researched after interrogating a captured terrorist, but the transmission resolver secret is known only to lobsterman navigators. Being able to mind control in TFTD still requires capturing an alien that can MC your troops, but you should be able to attack the likely target with troopers with high MC strength.

P.S.: Is there any way to crosspost? Normally that would not be an issue, but some of stuff in one of the UFO and TFTD threads might be of interest to the other.

The Fifth Horseman 22-12-2005 02:58 PM

No way to cross-post, you can only re-post it or post a link to this page here.

Flowbar 24-12-2005 03:15 AM

I've never used proxies much before, but I really start to enjoy them in my current game.
I'm using tbe Xenocide EU-ET version from 2005-03-28 :ok:, but it seems buggy with proxies, they often (but not always!) go off at random end of turns, just as if they were primed with some time too. I've never experienced this in the basic game before, is this a patch bug maybe?
It's simply not fun to put your two ambush squads a bit away to the left and right of the UFO door with a proxie two spaces from the door, just to see it go off, creating a smoke cloud, that serves as a base for hit-and-run attacks for aliens, nicking off my supposed-to-be ambushers one by one...
My tip-of-the-day:
If you want to give your mind controllers a lot of practice, make sure you save one or a few aliens at the end of a battle and then let all MC:ers get to attack say at least 5-6 times each. Up to 40-45 psi skill I just go for panic attacks, but around that switch to mind control. In this way they gain 1-6 (7?) skill points per battle. Works even against the small scouts with a single alien. Then practice reaction fire when you're satisfied. After one month of scout hunting, you should have all around 80+ psi skill, then go to Cydonia. Skip this if you want to role play, since it spoils the fun somewhat.

Cockroach 24-12-2005 04:06 AM


Originally posted by gufu1992@Dec 20 2005, 02:22 AM
Tips Tips Tips
1)DON'T use Ligthning
A:Ligthning takes lots of elerium(I think even more than avenger)

3)Use weak psies as a cannonfodder!
A:Um - or they die or the half of squad after he get's Mind Controled

4)Save TU
A:Many guys loose guys because they forget to save TU's - they don't
have enough to kill the alien!

5)HE+rookie= :evil:
A:Yep-when rookie down HE go boom and alien... ...well that's one less corpse

6)Kill weak ones* :butcher:
A:We don't need them aren't we

7)NEVER stun or Mind Control civilian
A:They turn evil...

9)Shoot terror enemy's by lasers
A:Best guns of all!

10)Reapers are weak
A:rookie+rifle+auto shot+reaper=owned alien carnivore

11)DON'T double wield* :guns:
A:Go play apocalipsys if you wanna duel wield!

12)Blast sectopods from the back
A:If not...* :help:

I shall give more! :Titan:

1. Lightning is an excellent craft for rapid troop deployment on the battlefield. Just try walking through the walls... ;)

3. It's far better to use them to draw psi attacks away from your other guys. Equip them with things like smoke grenades, flares, stun rods, or standard pistols if you have power armour.

4. Very much so. Also if you are low on TU, your reaction score goes down and you are less able to get opportunity shots.

5. It's a waste of $40k. Not to mention that you could take out other men if they are within 7-8 tiles.

6. Just sack them. It hurts your morale and makes other troops more likely to panic or go berserk.

7. If you stun them, they no longer exist as far as scoring goes. So if you can't save them, stun/mc and get a 0 instead of -30.

9. At least for sectopods, it's the way to go. Anything else, the heavy plasma owns all.

10. Erm...they have about 160hp I believe.. You'll be lucky to drop more than 1 per rifle clip.

11. Don't dual wield rifles. If you have pistols though, ALWAYS have that other hand doing something, be it holding a grenade or a different class of pistol that complements the other. I tend to prefer a laser in one hand and either a plasma or standard in the other (volume of fire stacked with either stopping power or accuracy).

12. Amen...if you can get there at least... >.>

laiocfar 24-12-2005 04:08 AM

When i found an ethereal i evacuate all troopers and send the tank in a suicide attack for cover the retreat.... sometimes the tank´s attack can give u enought points to accapt the fact of lose money and the mission. Once i was forced to assault an undamaged ethereal´s battleship(i was needing the income hardly and without seeing an alien in weeks). To enforce the mission i send mostly top officers(they tend to got good MC skills)....Well, MC, sectopods and the fact that both squads were ambushed to near the ship (sectopods at rear and the ethereals going out all the time) make a result of -451 even when i manage to avoid sectopods by moving into the ship killing many ethereals, even when a wounded trooper do it to one of the power source stations...

About ambush and being ambushed, only in base defence missions u can ambush them. In the others, it´s more likely u are going yo be ambushed cuz they are scatered in the whole map and all your people is in the Skyranger. Smoke is only usefull to get out of the Skyranger or to cover an already moved soldier that is in a huge need of cover.

another_guest 24-12-2005 02:43 PM

MC-ing aliens and alien sniper attacks especially when your troops are exiting your craft, are the reason why I always take 1 (in a skyranger) or 2 (in an avenger) laser tanks.
I don't need the money (just have some engineers producing goods for sale non-stop, like laser cannons -> net over $40000 per month profit, per engineer) and also in terms of score I don't care about lost tanks.

rlbell 24-12-2005 04:16 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Dec 24 2005, 05:08 AM
To enforce the mission i send mostly top officers(they tend to got good MC skills)....
Sadly; this is perhaps one of the most deeply held misconceptions in the game. Psi abilities have no bearing on a trooper's promotion prospects. Promotions go to troopers who have gone on many missions and been around a long time. No one gets promoted past another trooper's rank so trooper who makes it to ensign can be pushed up to a colonelcy, even if he goes out on no further missions (I use the money cheat, so I have about 150 troops and can see the inactive officers pushed forward [most of my troops never meet an alien, but I can always hit a terror site during the day and I can flush a lot of people through psi training every month]). As the only thing more dangerous* than an MC'd rookie is an MC'd trooper with twenty-five missions and forty kills under his belt, so I will sack the XCOM Commander if his psi strength is less than fifty. It was really sad to say goodbye to the commander who had enough TU's to fire a rocket launcher twice in one turn, and hit what he aimed at, each time, but a psi strength of 5.

On an unrelated (but funny) note, I once managed to spend what seemed an eternity to select the best mix of equipment to take to Cydonia, but forgot to take any armor.

*Okay, it is possible that there is nothing more dangerous than a trooper with high reactions and a rocket launcher; unless, you can reaction fire a blaster bomb. HE and fast reactions are a potential liability

laiocfar 25-12-2005 06:27 PM

yes tamks are very usefull to get out but sometimes happens that two right aimed plasma cannon´s shot destroy it and it can be 3 aliens "camping" the skyranger exit. SO if u use smoke grenades u will let them blind but your troopes can see them from the exit ramp, no shot at them from there, go to the ground and in the dense cloud of smoke make fire to avoid reactions.
About officers, u will found that they got their higher skills than they just jointed. Also, the promotions aren´t for more experienced troopers, they go to better skilled soldiers... so if u got a commander with low reactions, bad at aiming, not good strengh, stamina and health, he must be a to psi. I am not sure of this is the exact way that the game works; but in TFTD, where u use less soldiers cuz the Triton(skyranger) is faster enough to cover the whole globe with one base, i found that good at psi troopers get promotions faster than combat troopers without psi.
And don´t cheat, by that are difficult levels.

Cockroach 26-12-2005 08:10 PM


*Okay, it is possible that there is nothing more dangerous than a trooper with high reactions and a rocket launcher; unless, you can reaction fire a blaster bomb. HE and fast reactions are a potential liability
Blasters can be reaction fired. You just end up with a 0round clip in the gun that has to be reloaded. Really not a bad thing so long you aren't in the blast radius of whatever HE gun you fire....


yes tamks are very usefull to get out but sometimes happens that two right aimed plasma cannon´s shot destroy it and it can be 3 aliens "camping" the skyranger exit. SO if u use smoke grenades u will let them blind but your troopes can see them from the exit ramp, no shot at them from there, go to the ground and in the dense cloud of smoke make fire to avoid reactions.
About officers, u will found that they got their higher skills than they just jointed. Also, the promotions aren´t for more experienced troopers, they go to better skilled soldiers... so if u got a commander with low reactions, bad at aiming, not good strengh, stamina and health, he must be a to psi. I am not sure of this is the exact way that the game works; but in TFTD, where u use less soldiers cuz the Triton(skyranger) is faster enough to cover the whole globe with one base, i found that good at psi troopers get promotions faster than combat troopers without psi.
And don´t cheat, by that are difficult levels.

Promotions and stat gains are based on combat experience. Get a weapon hit or a sucessfully psi attack and you get a "combat exp point". This means that you TU, Health, Stamina and Strength will go up along with either your Psi Skill or Firing Accuracy (whichever you attacked with). More exp points means that you are more likely to get promoted over others in the same rank or get on the higher end of the 1-5 stat point gains.

PET 27-12-2005 03:23 AM

:help: :help: Sometimes when i start a mission, i get an windows error. The error with the 2 buttons, Send and Don't Send, i forghot that name. Any ideeas how to stop this ?

laiocfar 28-12-2005 05:55 AM


Promotions and stat gains are based on combat experience. Get a weapon hit or a sucessfully psi attack and you get a "combat exp point". This means that you TU, Health, Stamina and Strength will go up along with either your Psi Skill or Firing Accuracy (whichever you attacked with). More exp points means that you are more likely to get promoted over others in the same rank or get on the higher end of the 1-5 stat point gains.
I hold my position, experience make your troops gain skills but better skilled soldiers get the promotions. Only the first promotion from Rookie to Squadie is based in practical experience(had made one kill or survived two missions). Other promotions are only based in skills. Experinced soldier will gain skill level making got a better status to be promoted , but it didn´t change hoe the promotions goes. If a trooper come with very high skills, he go in two mission without improving none skill, and other comes with too low skills but killing several aliens gains many skills but not many as the first trooper; the first trooper will be promoted to sergeant.
The starting point of this dicuss was that i said that high rakend officers got better Psi skills. This is when u can´t see their Psi skill, if the best discovered skills trooper don´t the promotion, the promoted soldier must got good covered skills(Psi) making him better to promotion. And TFTD aka X-com II, it´s rare to got an top officier(more than sergeant) without MC skills. MC in Xcom 2 = Psi in Xcom 1.

blue123 31-12-2005 10:52 AM

Hmm, I'm on the martian solution at the moment. Bad news is, though, the aliens have 6 bases and I have 4. I'm also down to 6 funders and losing 2 every month!!!

I also found a bug: Build a new base, then dismantle the access lift. Load the nearest savegame. When you click bases, the base will still be there, but with nothing in it. When you go into bases next time, it will be gone. Load the game again, go into bases and the base will be full of lifts.

PS: To lose a funder, does an alien ship have to land in the capital of a country? Also, sometimes I can see the cities and everything if you zoom, and sometimes not. Know how to get it so I can when I can't?

another_guest 31-12-2005 12:30 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Dec 31 2005, 11:52 AM
Hmm, I'm on the martian solution at the moment. Bad news is, though, the aliens have 6 bases and I have 4. I'm also down to 6 funders and losing 2 every month!!!
What difficulty are you playing on? (I haven't tried the hardest one yet, so anything I say may not be applicable there)

Where did you build your bases, do they all have hyperwave decoders, and do you have interceptors or better crafts in each of them, allowing you to cover most of the earth's surface? Hunt down every single UFO you are aware of. Also, take out those alien bases... In most cases a country where an alien base has been built, will sign a pact with the aliens unless you're very succesful dealing with any UFO activity in that country.
It seems impossible to regain a country's support once it's signed a pact with the aliens, but at least you should try to prevent any further countries from doing so. At a rate of 2 countries/month, you won't be able to continue for long I'm afraid.
Focus on the countries with the most UFO activity (see "graphs").

A last question, what's your monthly score? This gives you an idea whether you should be more active overall, or if it's just a matter of focusing your attention elsewhere.

By the way, why do you want to see the cities when you zoom in?

blue123 31-12-2005 02:22 PM

I want to see cities when I zoom so I can see if any UFO's have landed in them.

gufu1992 31-12-2005 09:25 PM

No use what so ever!

SupSuper 31-12-2005 11:01 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Dec 31 2005, 03:22 PM
I want to see cities when I zoom so I can see if any UFO's have landed in them.
You have to be zoomed to a certain level to see this, and pressing any key enables/disables this.

bahman 01-01-2006 12:31 AM


Originally posted by PET@Dec 27 2005, 04:23 AM
:help:* :help: Sometimes when i start a mission, i get an windows error. The error with the 2 buttons, Send and Don't Send, i forghot that name. Any ideeas how to stop this ?
I think allien (bugs in the program) are trying to nullifies your computer. The only available soultion to the best of human knowledge is to save your game before any mission.

laiocfar 01-01-2006 05:30 AM


To lose a funder, does an alien ship have to land in the capital of a country? Also, sometimes I can see the cities and everything if you zoom, and sometimes not. Know how to get it so I can when I can't
Yes and no, aliens infiltrate funders by landing and remplacing leaders by clones, the obketive of this mission its to cut X-com funding and this tipe of missions doesn´t be in the early game. An inflitrated country its more likely to sign the secret pact but if u manage to make a wonderfull perfonmance, the funder will keep his status. Also no infiltrated countries that see that u are unable to stop aliens will firm the pact. Each mission has a level of alarm for the people(the are the funders). A terror mission generates the max of public alarm and an alien´s research mission does too little. An alien infiltration hijack the govern but does no public alarm. Always a mission need the an ufo lands or overflight the zone at low speed. But it can be that your radars didn´t detect the ufo. Also the aliens base generates a level alien activity without ufos. That means that an alien base can make inlitrations and other missions without give u the chance of stop them.

And blue, u are lost.... concentrate in the protection of at least 4(i am not sure about this number so try to make it a 5 or 6) funders beacause if u left too few u will be defeated. Make succesfull missions your finaces by solding their equipment. The key its against who are u fighting, floaters are weak at combat and weak at MC, snakemens are a little harder at combat and no MC, sectoid a worst than floaters at combat and some MC, mutons the harder opponent in normal combat and no MC, ethereals average at combat and all of them got MC. Avoid ethereals and be carefull against sectoids and mutons, use as train the other people. Select squad and equipment based on this last. Erradicate the bases to get points and make funder happier


You have to be zoomed to a certain level to see this, and pressing any key enables/disables this.
And where its the key "any"

another_guest 01-01-2006 08:57 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Jan 1 2006, 06:30 AM
Also the aliens base generates a level alien activity without ufos. That means that an alien base can make inlitrations and other missions without give u the chance of stop them.
Most of the time you can spot them quite easily because of the big number of supply ships landing at that base.
And if anyone is really desparate to find those alien bases, at least in the older versions of the game they always appeared in the same places :sneaky:
Plus, you've always got the graphs to tell you in which countries the aliens have been the most active.

laiocfar 01-01-2006 08:33 PM

Also, if the time pases the x-com agents will give u the location that u werent able to locate yourself.

Cockroach 01-01-2006 11:13 PM

From what I've seen from playing the game, is that infiltration has about a 25% chance of working and you sending an attack on the landed UFO has no effect on the outcome. You can have a score of +10,000 in that country and still lose it at the end of the month if the RNG gives you a bad roll.

As for bases. They tend to raise scores in practice, if you raid them for kills and weapons and also asault the supply ships. I've never seen a country that I had a presence in stop funding because of a base. Only to pittifully low scores or infilrations.


And where its the key "any"
press 'Enter' and you turn on/off the markings on the map.

blue123 02-01-2006 11:35 AM

In fact, any key (Like A, H, or P) works. I just started again, and I'm into My with 9 mill funding. I've noticed that you don't get attacked if you'vre only got one base.

another_guest 02-01-2006 01:07 PM

My experience is that a monthly score of 3000 and anything above that will work on difficulties below superhuman (never dared to try that one, so I have no idea if this still applies there) to keep countries allied. Every now and then they might cease their funding for a while, but at least they usually don't sign pacts with the aliens.

The side effect of alien bases is a very high alien activity. So if you're not present in such a country, you're bound to lose it.
But like Cockroach said, you could see alien bases as much as an opportunity (to improve your score + quite some "spoils of war") as a threat.

blue123 02-01-2006 04:57 PM

Yeah, I lost Japan because I didn't have a base there while the aliens did. Can you get back funders you've lost?

A TIP: Don't build a new base if you haven't researched armours and better weapons than rifles!

Guest 02-01-2006 06:38 PM

hmm..the game won't start anymore, something with a code or key...

can anyone help me with this?

blue123 02-01-2006 07:05 PM

More details, please.

Guest 02-01-2006 07:07 PM

Do you have an original version of the game?
In the original one you will have to enter a code from the manual.
There are probably sites where you will find the codes, but you must seek them yourself.
If it's from Abandonia, then maybe try downloading again?

VikyBoy69 02-01-2006 07:35 PM

I found A saved game in a Ufo Defense site
You already have the 8 bases and the best Armours and stuf!
If anybody can t reach far they can download this for free

punch999 02-01-2006 11:58 PM


laiocfar 03-01-2006 02:38 AM


can anyone help me with this?
There isn´t codes or keys in this site version


* Yeah, I lost Japan because I didn't have a base there while the aliens did. Can you get back funders you've lost?
And i prefer to got 4 or 5 bases before get a big workshop or even a big lab.

They should make a key called "any" like the keys "ecp", "ctrl" or "alt".
But the post: where its the any key? Its a joke from Simpsons

Cockroach 03-01-2006 02:58 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Jan 2 2006, 07:38 PM
hmm..the game won't start anymore, something with a code or key...

can anyone help me with this?

Sounds like you have an old DOS version, either 1.0 or 1.2. I think has the 1.4 patch or perhaps the codes. Be warned though, the patch messes up lots of the sounds.

Guest 03-01-2006 04:45 AM

This is the longest discussion of any game on this entire forum!!

Mr.Snuggles 03-01-2006 04:46 AM

That was me above.

Kearnsy 03-01-2006 09:20 AM

It sure is. :D

I wouldnt expect any less for such a great game. Its the reason that I can here in the first place.

This thread also makes any strategy guide quite usless. Im tellin' ya there is gaming gold in this here thread! GOLD!!

rlbell 03-01-2006 01:39 PM


Originally posted by Kearnsy@Jan 3 2006, 10:20 AM
It sure is. :D

This thread also makes any strategy guide quite usless. Im tellin' ya there is gaming gold in this here thread! GOLD!!

I have to disagree. The great bulk of this thread, 156 pages and counting, makes it a very poor strategy guide. Especially if some newbie's question is answered with a flippant "We already answered that question". It may be just me, actually reading all of the old posts is quite a challenge, but I am shackled to a 28.8 modem connection. If I had never played MOO on a 386, I wouldn't surf, at all. A proper strategy guide is a long page of text that loads quickly, or better yet prints nicely (I am a big fan of the dead tree filing system [DTFS]).

What it is good for is discussions about the game that would not be included in a strategy guide. An example is that a guide might mention that you should avoid shooting down UFO's in the mountains, as the terrain is worse than the jungle. I would suggest that you do it at least once, as you will never find a UFO landed there and the programmers did go through the trouble of putting it in the game. Surprise, surprise, the reason that mountainous terrain is worse than jungle terrain is that high explosives do not make it go away. Do make sure it is a small one, as it might escape before flying over mountains.

another_guest 03-01-2006 04:54 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Jan 2 2006, 07:38 PM
hmm..the game won't start anymore, something with a code or key...

can anyone help me with this?

As mentioned before, you could download the version available for download here. The advantage is that it's the "latest" version, meaning v1.4 that includes a few patches compared to 1.0 or so that asked the code questions.
However, since this game is considered as abandonware here, I suppose no one would mind if I tell you to have a look for the codes here:

(they're in the links "protection codes 1" and 2, no idea what's the difference between both)

Guest 03-01-2006 05:13 PM

thing is....i did download it from here :D

but when i restarted my pc, it worked again, until 5 minutes ago. it will probably work again when i restart my pc again.

bahman 03-01-2006 06:24 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Jan 3 2006, 05:45 AM
This is the longest discussion of any game on this entire forum!!
I have to say that I honestly don't understand why it is so! I played many strategic game, including this game, but I don't understand why this game has a such attraction. The main part of game is about beating aliens and you have to do many battle and all of them similar and each takes 5-10 minutes. I remeber those old days I was playing CIV or master of orion and I can not tell you how much those games captured my mind, during day and night. This game is nice but I just can not replay it many times, perhaps because the structure is very similar. Perhaps it is matter of taste too. Well just let me know what is so exciting in this game? Maybe I missed something!

punch999 03-01-2006 06:26 PM

It is a fun and complex game. So there is a lot of praise to it and questions. And the game has been on this site as long as the forums have.

Shadow_AUT 04-01-2006 06:58 AM


I got a Problem with the Windows Version I downloaded here...
It crashes very often, and it crashes ALWAYS when I am at Transfer Window and klick at Abort, so the game is not useable anymore with 10 crashes in 1 hour, have anyone Ideas what the problem could be ?!



laiocfar 04-01-2006 04:38 PM


I got a Problem with the Windows Version I downloaded here...
It crashes very often, and it crashes ALWAYS when I am at Transfer Window and klick at Abort, so the game is not useable anymore with 10 crashes in 1 hour, have anyone Ideas what the problem could be ?!

Hi Shadow,
This is a new bug(the crash inside the trasfer window), can u add under wich SO are u running the game and if u are using Dos Box or similar, the version? By the way, about crashes, the game didn´t crash randomly. It always fails at the same pont, for example it can fail in the X turn of a mission. To avoid mission crashes load before the start of the mission so it goes rebuilded and no crashes will affect it. Crashes outside missions are less common but not impossible, so load inside the last mission or restart the game :( :cry: There isn´t another solution. Anyway the game didn´t crash too much, it shouldn´t happens more that once a month. I don´t know another solution that use save slots as backup

Mrmot 07-01-2006 09:44 PM

Whoaaaa this is one BIG topic :D

Appropriate for such masterful game :)

NEways, when I played it for the first time somewhere in '96-'97 on my 386, I've tried to do something which brought me to something totally different :))

The thing is, I've played civ1 a lot then, and in civilisation 1, when you press ctrl+(1-9) you get the special symbols (coin, man, etc)...
Being a kid with nothing better to do, I've tried to enter CTRL+3 (or 2, I cannot remember) into the savegame name during a battle in UFO, and a strange thing happened...

...the mission ended, with the results of a previous mission! :D :D :D

So, I figured out I can use that glitch to my advantage:
-Finish the mission with, say, 150 elerium loot
-Intercept and down a small or large scout
-Start battle, do CTRL+number trick
-Get 150 elerium! YAY! :D
-goto 10 :)

I dunno if anyone has already found this trick, i cannot read the 150 something pages in two months time :)

...Hope it helps!

Patented by Mrmot :)

gufu1992 07-01-2006 10:59 PM

cheater! :not_ok:

another_guest 07-01-2006 11:55 PM

I've heard about that cheat/error before, but then people were saying ctrl+c was the combination. Never put it to the test though.

Kearnsy 08-01-2006 02:36 AM

Oh come on! Managing the Elierium is one of the only challenging elements to the geoscape mode! Dont take all the fun out of it.

gufu1992 08-01-2006 02:40 AM

Cheat dowsn't work at all!
CHEERS :cheers:

Cockroach 08-01-2006 04:26 AM

It's ctrl+c. It causes the tactical program to exit without overwriting the log files from the old mission and when geoscape comes back up and reads the unchanged files from the mission before.

another_guest 08-01-2006 10:17 AM


Originally posted by Kearnsy@Jan 8 2006, 03:36 AM
Oh come on! Managing the Elierium is one of the only challenging elements to the geoscape mode! Dont take all the fun out of it.
And not so challenging if you're a little careful :)

- Just use laser rifles or captured plasma / heavy plasma clips so you don't waste any elerium on ammo. The same with blaster bombs.
- Keep interceptors (if you have the money) to shoot down tiny ufo's. Sending an avenger to take down a small vessel is a waste of elerium. Either the lightning or the firestorm consumes less elerium than the avenger, so that's also an option if you want to avoid the $ 600 K cost every month from the interceptors.
- Missions with landed (as opposed to shot down) ufo's are the perfect elerium source. Just be careful inside that you don't blow up those precious reactors or however these are called.
- Never sell elerium.

blue123 08-01-2006 11:05 AM


Originally posted by Cockroach@Jan 8 2006, 05:26 AM
It's ctrl+c. It causes the tactical program to exit without overwriting the log files from the old mission and when geoscape comes back up and reads the unchanged files from the mission before.
It doesn't work in my version... I think. But it should be useful if you've been hunting one alien for 300 turns.

Sharp 08-01-2006 11:42 AM

Firestorm uses less elerium (I think) then avenger and lightning, lightning i think uses marginally less for a shorter distance, I don't understand how everyone has elerium troubles, :eeeeeh: just find an alien base (best if floater/snakeman/muton in that order so no psi) then wait for supply ships, they land, you attack them and boom you get 200 elerium and 4 power sources, no supply ships around, go and attack the base.

In some base maps there is a room containing power sources, instead of killing all the aliens, blow up the power source and manually pick up the elerium, then take whatever you can salvage without blowing up the command centre or killing all the aliens and escape, you get 50 elerium for every pod you pick up, don't forget to take the odd alien corpse and heavy plasma for some pocket money as well.

another_guest 08-01-2006 12:10 PM

Sharp: how do those elerium pods look like? Are those the red balloon like objects?

SupSuper 08-01-2006 02:22 PM

Be careful to not destroy the Elerium under it when blowing it up.

another_guest 08-01-2006 02:31 PM

Heh, I guess it's been too long since I played UFO, I can't remember seeing these in alien bases...

Sharp 08-01-2006 02:45 PM

You have to search around, and it is only in some base maps, not all base maps.

Cockroach 08-01-2006 05:55 PM


Originally posted by blue123+Jan 8 2006, 07:05 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (blue123 @ Jan 8 2006, 07:05 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Cockroach@Jan 8 2006, 05:26 AM
It's ctrl+c. It causes the tactical program to exit without overwriting the log files from the old mission and when geoscape comes back up and reads the unchanged files from the mission before.
It doesn't work in my version... I think. But it should be useful if you've been hunting one alien for 300 turns. [/b][/quote]
It has to be a DOS version for it to work.

As for the elerium reactors. Don't use HE rounds around them. That's what causes the pods to be destroyed. Take a heavy plasma (heavy laser might do it) into the 4 part 2nd level area and shoot out the power sources in the south room. Only one should be powered (little purple dot), unless there are two such rooms. In that case you have 2 in one and 1 in the other.

laiocfar 09-01-2006 04:17 AM

By blasting that i will got destroyed the base?

Cockroach 09-01-2006 05:38 AM

No. That's if you are raiding the base for supplies then leaving. If you want to blow up a base without killing the aliens, send blaster bombs into the command center. One in each end of the upstairs part should take out all of those tables and hence "destroy" the base. You would then get your men back to the green rooms and abort. Killing the aliens is generally best since you would get everything and not just what you could carry out.

blue123 10-01-2006 06:29 PM

I get very tempted to sell some of my elerium because it hogs my stores.

Mrmot 10-01-2006 11:32 PM

Hmm... yes, when playing it under dosbox 'my' ctrl+2 (or ctrl+c) cheat does not work... but no matter, I've just beaten my record and had flying suits in march, fair play and all :)

And, it seems i've screw3d something up because I had the whole tech tree in under a year, my men hadn't gone on many missions (and therefore have very poor stats) and the aliens are swarming everywhere and dispatching two battleships per day to destroy my base :(
Eh... when I played UFO for the first time (a looong time ago) I played it for about 6 or 7 game years... so my men had 250-300 TUs and maniacal accuracy...
I remember the thrill when after 4 years of playing I've seen ethereals for the first time... and developed psi tech afterwards... And till then I've thought I've researched all techs :)

Those were the times :))))

...gotta go register on the forum, dammit

gufu1992 10-01-2006 11:51 PM

Elerium is only usefull for selling...

laiocfar 11-01-2006 06:00 AM

I can blow the command center with other weapons (not the blaster) like R launchers or HE?

I found that the best way to save eliriun its to not sell the early in the game won elirium that fill to max the HQ capacity and send it to base in construction or base with only Interceptors that always can got one elirium dedicated store.

By the way, one of my bases come under ethereals and sectopods invasion :hairpull:
Its turn 12, my first ambush ended with the kill of two setopods ans some ethereals... 6 losses(4KIA and 2 MC that i still have to kill), one of the laser tanks(i still got one with 60 HP). Weaponary, i got jsut 2 HE and many grenades like 24 and still there are another sectopod at least; also 12 proximity grenades. All my people got laser rifles. There are alive a rambo like Captain, a medium skilled seargent , 4 squadies and 6 rokies, 5 of them are suitable for snipering. I just realize that some of their people carries plasma cannos and blaster launchers (weapons that i have already denveloped but i don´t use them). The got two hangars only linked by the acces lif and the store room to the rest of the base, i just come from lose control of the store room and the main hall. I shall continue woth the ambush strategy or i must attack to capture weapons and blow them off with their artillery(B launchers)? MC its also a problem in first turm of the ambush it goes very well even when i sacrifice some rokies carring already acivated HE for blow up setopods but when MC comes to play the battle end and my people dies without a chance of fight.

another_guest 11-01-2006 06:23 PM

@ the above posts:

1) If you really have that much elerium that it's taking up too much space, don't sell it but rather use it to build just about any high tech weapon / ammo you can use later on. And remember to keep enough elerium to keep your crafts airborne.
2) Mrmot: later versions of UFO limited the max. number of time units (to 80 or something around that, perhaps depending on the version) as well as the max. accuracy. And above 255 was never possible, then your men will end up with negative TU's, preventing them from doing anything at all.
3) Build base defenses: 1 gravity shield (by the way, is the effect of gravity shields cumulative?) and 1 of all defense types. Later in the game, replace 1 missile defense (too weak to be effective once you've got more potent weapons) by a second fusion defense.
This combination costs a LOT, but it keeps your base safe from ethereals and other vermin. Maybe they still have up to 10% of getting through, but I doubt it's even that high.

gufu1992 11-01-2006 07:56 PM

Fussion * 3=3600 defence=no more base atacks!

Guest 12-01-2006 07:22 AM

:ranting: Incredibly frustrating game: wayyyy too buggy. Is there a bug-free version at all? Would love the game, if it were playable...

gregor 12-01-2006 08:11 AM

mine works ok. no big bugs.

Guest 12-01-2006 01:49 PM

Bugs... just to mention a few:

UFO Report Graphs have a ridiculous scale (numbers in millions) making them useless.
Game crashes on particular date (went back to previous save game, went past this date fine but crashed again afterwards anyway).
Random crashes, usually in geoscape.
At the end of year 1, rewarded bonuses by all countries for an impossibly high score.

Tried on ME & XP. Giving up. Great game, so it's a shame...

IHateSeph 12-01-2006 01:50 PM

After scoping through this thread, it seems only the guests have bug problems. Maybe an Abandonia account would fix the problem. :P

blue123 12-01-2006 03:58 PM

The first few times you play it, it will crash quite a bit. it happened to me. But now I've been playing for ages, and there's hardly any crashes.

And for people who have just started playing, you're going to be killed in September if you haven't got any armour. or lasers.

Oldblue153 12-01-2006 04:59 PM

yup its incredibly buggy...BUT despite that its STILL got a massive following and is still played by people more than 10 years after it was created...whats that tell you about the game?

Oldblue153 12-01-2006 05:21 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Jan 2 2006, 12:35 PM
I've noticed that you don't get attacked if you'vre only got one base.
Nuh - Uh Grasshopper.

They will attack even with 1 base...ive been attacked in the very first month.

Ive even lost my only base to an attack cause all my soldiers were on the Skyranger returning from a successful mission when they attacked my base...GAME OVER

Sharp 12-01-2006 07:19 PM


Originally posted by another_guest@Jan 11 2006, 07:23 PM
3) Build base defenses: 1 gravity shield (by the way, is the effect of gravity shields cumulative?) and 1 of all defense types. Later in the game, replace 1 missile defense (too weak to be effective once you've got more potent weapons) by a second fusion defense.
This combination costs a LOT, but it keeps your base safe from ethereals and other vermin. Maybe they still have up to 10% of getting through, but I doubt it's even that high.

I believe grav-shields are cumulative in effect, however in effective to construct one grav-shield, also initially you shouldn't require missile defences, it is a waste of money and space, a missile defence barely scratches an enemy, fusion defences are the best and only defences you need and mind-shields are pretty useless but make good insurance for your Research/Manufacturing bases.

Two Fusion defences and a gravshield is all you really need, to show why no more gravshields are required il give you an example.

Example 1: Base has 1 Fusion Defence and 1 Gravshield, effectivly 2 fusion defences, convert that fusion defence to a gravshield and you get no defence silly.
Example 2: Base has 3 Fusion Defences and 1 Gravshield, effectivly 6 fusion defences, convert a fusion to a gravshield and you get 2 fusion defences, effectivly 6 still though just with higher maintanence and cost.
Example 3: Base has 2 Fusion Defences and 1 Gravshield, effectivly 4 fusion defences, build another gravshield and get effectivly 6 fusion defences, however simply build another fusion defence for cheaper instead and get 6 effectivly with one grav-shield.

Now this shows how it can be effective

Example 4: Base has 3 fusion and a grav, effectivly 6, build another fusion instead, 4 fusion effectivly 8 defence, build another grav instead and get 3 fusion defences effectivly 9.

Example 4 show how multiple gravshields are effective, however when you have 3 fusion defences and a gravshield, you really don't need anymore defences, so in conclusion, only one gravshield is needed per base as well as 2 or 3 fusion defences for an optimum defence depending on price and reliability respectivly(for 2 or 3 defences that is).

*Happy* 12-01-2006 09:49 PM

Grav-shields are not cumulative - just tried it. Otherwise, I agree 2 or 3 fusion defences are more than enough. It's not worth building any defences weaker than plasma.

You CAN get attacked if you have 1 base and it CAN happen in the first month of the game. I remeber I once captured a Sectoid Commander in the first month that way! :D

P.S. Are Battleships the only ships that can attack your base? In X-com 2 I've been attacked by both Dreadnoughts and Battleship (in X-com 2 the battleship is equivalent to the terror ship from x-com 1).

phyxius 12-01-2006 10:01 PM

Hi. I just found this site. UFO: Enemy Unknown was the first game I ever bought for my computer. I played it for months till finally the floppy discs it was loaded on became corrupt. I was really looking forward to playing it again but everytime I click to start a mission the game quits to the desktop. Also I cannot seem to save my game. The save game window comes up like normal but when I try to load a saved game, it is not there. I have read through a lot of the pages in the forum looking for an answer but there are a bunch of posts. If someone could save me a lot of time and just reply to this post I would be much obliged. AdThanksvance.


laiocfar 13-01-2006 02:36 AM

Yes, ius true that is too buggy but still is a top rated game, cuz its different game, there aren´t many more like this.
The Motion scanners are very usefull in base defence but unluckly i don´t got a single of it in the last base that i lost to ethereals and sectopods. I was asking about do or die attack or ambush in bases defence and i found that u reposnd me that i shoul got 3 fusion def and the grav shield. I DON´T GET THEM AND THEY ARE ALREADY INSIDE. Anyway, the base is lost.

Phyxius, i don´t know why your game doesn´t work but check the version of this site. Its good to me. About why it doesn´t save correctly, i got the same problem long ago and i fopund that the files were protected by win. U know, when u right click the file, u find that it is only read mode active. :bleh:

Guest 13-01-2006 05:06 AM

Ahh! I really really want to play this game, but I can't even start it up!
I extract the files to the folder, and there are 2 files there: UFO,
and UFO - Defense. (Along with all the other files that are in the zip folder)
I click on either of them, and it goes into a DOS screen like it's about to play the game, but then just automatically exits.

I'm running Windows 98. Is that a problem?

And is everyone using DOSbox to run this game? Because DOSBox was a little complicated for me to set, thats not true, I'm just lazy.
Would using DOSbox to run it help at all?

Sorry guys, my first post on your magnificent forums, and its a beg for help. :(

Cockroach 13-01-2006 05:12 AM

Defense is generally just a waste of money and building space. If the aliens start attacking, they keep coming until they eventually get through. It's much more effective to just fight them and get $3,000,000 in equipment instead of having to watch your defenses fire off every other day.

Oldblue153 13-01-2006 06:49 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Jan 13 2006, 06:06 AM
I extract the files to the folder, and there are 2 files there: UFO,
and UFO - Defense. (Along with all the other files that are in the zip folder)
I click on either of them, and it goes into a DOS screen like it's about to play the game, but then just automatically exits.

I'm running Windows 98. Is that a problem?

And is everyone using DOSbox to run this game? Because DOSBox was a little complicated for me to set, thats not true, I'm just lazy.
Would using DOSbox to run it help at all?

theres no INSTALL.EXE or anything?..if not i suggest you try downloading it again it seems to be there in the dl i just did.
Running in WIN98 shouldnt be a prob for a DOS game as win98 has DOS...DOSBox is for us poor buggers with WINXP.

Anyways look for the INSTALLE.EXE sounds to me like you havent installed it even yet.outside of that srry I donno

Guest 13-01-2006 06:55 AM


Originally posted by phyxius@Jan 12 2006, 11:01 PM
Also I cannot seem to save my game. The save game window comes up like normal but when I try to load a saved game, it is not there.
just a silly Question Phy are you playing on an XP operating system and if so have you DL and Installed DOSBox yet?

gregor 13-01-2006 06:58 AM

A question:

How many part does the last mission have? 2 or 3?

Guest 13-01-2006 07:23 AM

Would anyone say that the DOS version of the game is less bug/crash prone? If I ever see this in a shop, I'll buy it straight away. I'm lucky enough to have TFTD (box and all!)

Also, which patches are recommended? :bye:

Kearnsy 13-01-2006 09:56 AM

Well its Abandonware so it is buy definition not being sold by retail anymore...but you most likely find one on Ebay or maybe in a second hand shop.

I bought a copy for about $5 but it didn't work to well so I down loaded this one.

*Happy* 13-01-2006 10:22 PM


Originally posted by gregor@Jan 13 2006, 07:58 AM
A question:

How many part does the last mission have? 2 or 3?

Just two.

laiocfar 14-01-2006 04:27 AM


Defense is generally just a waste of money and building space. If the aliens start attacking, they keep coming until they eventually get through. It's much more effective to just fight them and get $3,000,000 in equipment instead of having to watch your defenses fire off every other day.
The little problem is that if they are ethereals, they will KICK U and blow the base...

Guest 14-01-2006 04:52 AM

well, In the DOS download of the game there is..but when I click on the batch file, it opens up a DOS screen and tells me its a bad command or file name. Im'a take it into wordpad and see if I can fix anything.

Sharp 14-01-2006 08:26 AM

To all these people with running problems. Do you have any savegame folders? If not then create them by creating empty folders called Game_1, Game_2 so on until Game_10.

Gehennah 14-01-2006 01:45 PM

I'm new to this forum but I've discovered this site since a couple of months now and I just wanted to say thank you to the ones running it for dedicating some space for those golden oldies!!

One of them is X-com or Ufo enemy unknown and I've played that game for countless hours and I still enjoy it. Too bad that my processor is too fast so it renders the game unplayable.... :angry:

I'll have to dust off my ancient computer and start playing it again!!

rlbell 14-01-2006 03:23 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Jan 14 2006, 05:52 AM
well, In the DOS download of the game there is..but when I click on the batch file, it opens up a DOS screen and tells me its a bad command or file name. Im'a take it into wordpad and see if I can fix anything.
The dos version of Enemy Unknown that is downloadable from this site is a zip file of the entire dos cd. I was the one who uploaded it to the site and one of my previous posts gives detailed instructions on how get it running in dosbox. If you are running it in a windows environment that supports dos, you will have to burn it onto a cd, as it has no "install to the hard drive" option (being written before the hard disk revolution, so around 4 megabytes was a lot of space). As I only registered on the 26 of november of last year, you will not have to go that far back to find the post. Running dosbox on a Win98 setup is easy, but my 633MHz PIII with 512MB of 133MHz memory can only be described as slow. The next time I can spend a few hundred dollars on something frivolous, I will get a box with a multi-GHz CPU and 533MHz FSB, assuming, of course, that I do not buy the LEGO Mindstorms NXT set, first.

Cockroach 14-01-2006 05:06 PM

The CD version can be run from the HDD. You just have to give the path to the folder on the HDD where the files are instead of the CD-Rom letter.

bitter_enigma 15-01-2006 05:02 AM

For those with difficulties due to bugginess...

I found that saving your game often (basically after any successful mission or big base development) will help with your woes. I also have a problem where the reporting graphs are useless... but you can make do without them, really. Just pretend the aliens are scrambling your intelligence. And let's face it, military intelligence? Oxymoron or what!

Sometimes the problem might be a corrupted save file. This tends to be the case if the game keeps crashing on a particular date. Just go to a previous save game and speed up time to check if that file is ok, then go with that one.

I play it under xp and, after a bit of early frustration, got it running pretty well. The game is definetely worth the bit of grief it may give you to begin with!

Happy huntin' :sniper:

Guest_Mark 15-01-2006 09:10 PM

Can anyone help me? I've got Windows 2000 and I cannot get UFO to work on it. I've tried several different downloads from various places, and I have an original copy I bought years ago, but the result is the same whichever one I use. It used to work fine on my old Win 95 computer. Basically I click to open the programme file, the screen then goes black, as if it's about to enter DOS mode and load the game, but it returns me to Windows with no explanation. The best result I have got is with the DOS version from this site. The glorious "Microprose" logo comes up, and everything looks encouraging. But then it goes wrong when I click start new game, and try to select a location for the first base. As soon as I click somewhere on the map, the game crashes and returns me to Windows. If anyone has any ideas for a fix please let me know, I seriously want to play this game!

laiocfar 15-01-2006 10:06 PM

This last problem is new? No?

Answer to problem: try Dosbox.

bitter_enigma 16-01-2006 09:19 AM

This site has posts and links which deal with every imaginable issue with XCOM:

Guest_Mark 16-01-2006 04:44 PM

Yes!!! I tried Dosbox and it all worked beautifully. Thank you so much! I can kill aliens to my heart's content now!

blue123 17-01-2006 03:39 PM

Interceptors cost a lot. I have ten, that's about 6mil/month, and with maintenance...

-1 942 355 MONTH!

Wolf Thug 17-01-2006 06:27 PM

Is there no manual for the game...

Frodo 17-01-2006 06:31 PM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Jan 17 2006, 07:27 PM
Is there no manual for the game...
The manual is in the Extras box.

Wolf Thug 17-01-2006 11:13 PM

oh...great !!

Supermot 18-01-2006 06:14 AM

Has anyone here managed to win the game on "superhuman"? The best I could win it on was the middle difficulty.

Oldblue153 18-01-2006 10:22 AM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Jan 17 2006, 07:27 PM
Is there no manual for the game...
ahhh Wolf welcome to the world of X-com,

Theres dozens of strategy guides & tip sheets around that are relativly simply to find. You will probably discover like many of us did that the game has a HUGE learning curve and continually learn small tricks that make missions easier.

I initially played this game on the PSX so no net help and before I played to completion I musta did 6-7 full restarts from the beggining, sometimes due to glitches and sometimes due to just not wanting the adventure to end each time armed with better tactics and strategys.
Still to this day more than 7 years later I learn a new trick now and then.

Enjoy it theres really nothing like X-com and if you have to play 4-5 months into the game to learn some good basics? oh well thats just part of the fun.

I envy you...your adventures just begun

rlbell 18-01-2006 04:13 PM


Originally posted by Supermot@Jan 18 2006, 07:14 AM
Has anyone here managed to win the game on "superhuman"? The best I could win it on was the middle difficulty.
I am not sure. I think I won the superhuman level, but that was probably before they fixed the difficulty bug (there were more aliens, but they were, individually, no tougher than easy level aliens).

I am now having fun(?) playing at the superhuman level, while cheating shamelessly about money. Combining the difficulty of the game with my disdain for reloading makes for apalling body counts. Assaults on medium ships with MC capable sectoids typically incurr 100% casualties and the loss of the transport. While successful (after 90% casualties, 24 dead, three wounded, out of thirty defenders), defending my main base, before I could manufacture my first laser pistol, was an experience that I am not keen to repeat. The crashed, sectoid terror ship where eight of the cyberdisks survived the forced landing makes me leery of repeating the exercise.

At superhuman level, the ideal base defence setup makes for a really long mission, or really high casualties. To get to the sectoid commander to halt MC attacks, you have to assault the aliens in the hangars, but the choke point of the access lift means that you must attack the aliens in a situation that gives them the upper hand.

I am currently in MC hell, as I do not have enough elerium to mass produce stun bombs and even if I had them, assaulting the likely locations of sectoid leaders/commanders is unlikely to succeed.

Out of curiosity, I downloaded the windows version. I have discovered that the game makes noises. The happy feeling of hearing an alien groan its last has been added to my emotional lexicon.

For those who thought invisible aliens are bad, try invisible cyberdisks. Because I seldom bother to save often enough to make reloading practical, I just grit my teeth and kill invisible aliens. Figuring out where the plasma fire is coming from is a pain, but reconnaisance by high explosives will often deal with the issue, and killing visible aliens usually reveals the invisible ones.

laiocfar 18-01-2006 05:01 PM


Has anyone here managed to win the game on "superhuman"? The best I could win it on was the middle difficulty.
I am still alife without any cheat, just avoiding ethereals.


really high casualties.
Yeah, by Mc ther half your men get killed by aliens and other half by yourself. In my main base i got near 40 solds + 3 lasertanks and any base with trasport got 25 people + 3 tanks. And i lost one of that bases recently to an ethereal´s attack
About sectoids MC, only a few of them can MC u so try to disarm the people how start to get problems. Use tanks well backuped but the tanks as scout. These are the harder missions avoiding ethereals.

blue123 19-01-2006 03:33 PM

Just a quick note guys...

How long does research into heavy plasma take? I've got a hundred scientists on it for a month already and it's still on poor.

*Happy* 19-01-2006 09:54 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Jan 19 2006, 04:33 PM
Just a quick note guys...

How long does research into heavy plasma take? I've got a hundred scientists on it for a month already and it's still on poor.

Wierd, 100 scientists should be enough for the whole game. When I had 100 scientists on Heavy Plasma it was average, and no research item was poor. :blink:

It does take some time to research, but definately not more than a month! Are you sure you allocated all the scientists from the moment you started research on it? Also, check if you have enough lab space (i.e. 2 labs).

laiocfar 20-01-2006 05:32 AM

U can´t alocate scientists if they didn´t got the space, maybe u are researching the plasma cannon...

oldblue153 20-01-2006 08:04 AM

Albeit its tedious but if you are having difficulties with MC then quite simply arm your soldiers with 1 weapon no gernades & click "save enough time units to kneel" this will leave you 4 time units then move out to assault the ship/terror/alien artfiact etc etc. At the end of each soldiers turn simply access his weapons screen and gently place the rifle etc on the ground (2 time units). Next turn pick up your rifle ...repeat prior instructions.

O.K. theres the disadvantage of losing opprtunity-fire and not having any gernades on hand but these are obviously replaced with not losing soldiers to MC controlled troops killing your own men. If your lucky enough to have a blaster launcher by this time then who even needs gernades 4 blaster boys back on the ship using this same approach are just what the Doc ordered and if your early on in the game and dont have blaster launchers then eventually you will gain control by either killing off a pile of aliens or taking out the bugger doing the MC then you can just pillage a body or if need be return to the craft for supplies.

Heck even if its the mighty ethereals and you don't have a blaster launcher eventually you get to know who they are "picking on" and can just use him/them as a decoy to make em spend thier MC points while you grab up a guy or two who seem immune to carry a couple gernades etc.

Oh don't carry gernades cause Aliens will access your belt for one...they wont pick up anything off the dirty nasty ground though...too many germ ya know.

oldblue153 20-01-2006 08:30 AM


Originally posted by blue123@Jan 17 2006, 04:39 PM
Interceptors cost a lot. I have ten, that's about 6mil/month, and with maintenance...

-1 942 355 MONTH!

Negative 2 million eh? easy enough to remedy without using a money cheat add 2 workshops 2 living quarters and 94 engineers to one of those bases..added costs will be under 3 million a month so now your app negative 5 million a month.

Have your Engineers manufacture and resell Lazer Cannons they will make app 7 a day for a profit of app 200k a day or 6 million a month.

There now you got an extra million.

PS don't get greedy if you go past the 255 limit of engineers (per base) you will have some nasty bugs creep into your game say you build 6 workshops in one base and buy 300 engineers well as soon as you buy your 256th engineer they turn into negative 254 engineers, each one bought afterwards will count towards reducing your defecit so another ten will be -244 etc.
I would assume that this goes for scientists and soldiers too but never bothered testing it, the old 256 limit had hit me before on other games crashing on 256th level of Galaga :)

Przemcio 20-01-2006 12:49 PM

Hey Boys i accidently came over this site and downladed UFO 1 but it craches sometimes during the mission i just don't know why some times when i begin to move some times during the UFO turn :ranting: :ranting: is there anything i can do about it??? any way i some time ago i lunched TfTD using VDMS and it crashes on terror missions why is that :ranting: :ranting: can some one help me :evil:

blue123 20-01-2006 03:29 PM


Originally posted by *Happy*+Jan 19 2006, 10:54 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (*Happy* @ Jan 19 2006, 10:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-blue123@Jan 19 2006, 04:33 PM
Just a quick note guys...

How long does research into heavy plasma take? I've got a hundred scientists on it for a month already and it's still on poor.

Wierd, 100 scientists should be enough for the whole game. When I had 100 scientists on Heavy Plasma it was average, and no research item was poor. :blink:

It does take some time to research, but definately not more than a month! Are you sure you allocated all the scientists from the moment you started research on it? Also, check if you have enough lab space (i.e. 2 labs). [/b][/quote]
I assigned all scientists on it, and I have 2 labs. I REALLY need the plasma cannon, you see... (Too many supply ships about)

Sharp 20-01-2006 06:04 PM

The labs are at the same bases right??

They probably are but thats still a possible reason, labs/workshops at seperate bases do not provide cumulative effects only when at the same base.

100 scientists should finish it fairly quickly, dunno what the problem could be.

gufu1992 21-01-2006 02:09 AM

100 scientist?
Wow-thats a crapload of supply ships to support them!

Cockroach 21-01-2006 02:24 AM


Originally posted by Supermot@Jan 18 2006, 02:14 AM
Has anyone here managed to win the game on "superhuman"? The best I could win it on was the middle difficulty.
It's the only way to play :D

laiocfar 21-01-2006 02:31 AM


it craches sometimes during the mission
Sectoids inflitred your computer too, save/lod its the only human weapon to fight back.


I REALLY need the plasma cannon
Plasma cannon take a litlle more than heavy plasma that takes a little more than plasma rifle. Anyway, it isn´t better than the Avalanche missile

Some spoiler down...

100 damage
100% accuracy
20 sec to reload
60 km range

Plasma Beam or Plasma cannon:
140 dam
140% acc
6 s reload
52 km range

Fusion balls got 65 km range but depleat your stores, they are very powerfull but too expensive in elirium, buil some super fighthers(they eat less elirium) and uses plasma beam cuz 6 avalanche dont shot down a supply ship or battle ship. Other probelm its that the interceptors aren´t fast enough to catch battleships or supply ships, best used against supply ships its super fighthers with plasma beam and also against battleship but a battleship could blow your craft too.

About fight against MC, avoid combat with ethereals and with sectoids change the 4 solds group by independig 2 solds minigroups with distant support. Only a few sectoids can MC so if one group its affected pull it out of conflict zone.

rlbell 21-01-2006 04:04 AM


Originally posted by Cockroach+Jan 21 2006, 03:24 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cockroach @ Jan 21 2006, 03:24 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Supermot@Jan 18 2006, 02:14 AM
Has anyone here managed to win the game on "superhuman"? The best I could win it on was the middle difficulty.
It's the only way to play :D [/b][/quote]
If I did not play at superhuman, I would never reload.

Things I will never do again:

Attack downed terror ships. Fourteen laser pistols versus 8 cyberdisks and other assorted sectoids is not fun, especially when some of the aliens, including cyberdisks, are not drawn to the screen. Now that I have the full panoplay of plasma weaponry, I may attack grounded floater terror ships.

Attack an etherial scoutship to get the etherial autopsy and etherial interrogation report for the ufopedia.

Odd observation: Too much money causes ellyrium troubles, as only the battleship can defend against interceptors loaded with avalanches, and lots of money means having enough avalanch missile to bring down everything else. However, very few craft brought down by avalanch missiles have salvageable power sources. In fact, if you bounce a battleship with four interceptors loaded with avalanches, simultaneously, there is little ellerium left on it, either; although, you will lose a couple of interceptors to do it (If you have unlimited funds, you can shoot down everything, but the swarms of battleships that sometimes show up to construct a base).

To dogpile on a UFO, you keep minimising the interception boxes, until all four interceptors show up, and then you open the other three interception boxes and QUICKLY select cautious attack four times. If you are too slow, an interceptor may be blasted away before the fourth interceptor gets the attack order. Avalanch missiles are better for these attacks than plasma beams, as they have longer range. The avalanch missile may do as much damage as the plasma beam, or be as accurate, but the avalanch armed interceptor spends less time in the deadly space where the battleship can fire and the interceptors cannot. Also, avalanch missiles and launchers require no ellyrium.

Another odd observation is that too much money allows enough bases to preempt most, if not all, terror missions. I am nearly to June, but no terror ships have ever reached their destination. I may have to change my cheating style to boosting the level of funding, instead of starting with an obscene lump sum.

Has anyone else seen the television series that may have inspired the game?

It was called UFO, and was produced by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson (who also did Supercar, Fireball XL5, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet, another supermarionation show that I forget the name of, and Space: 1999 [possibly others, but these are just the ones that I have seen]). It was a live action program with model and special effects that were better than any of their supermarionation series (which, by Captain Scarlet, were quite good). The world was being defended by SHADO, and SHADO had no end of expensive and interesting toys, including flying subs that could leap out of the ocean and combat the UFO's. The SHADO uniforms were designed by the then very famous Rudy Heinrich (better known for his one-piece swimsuit that made a point of not covering the wearer's breasts). The uniforms in Space:1999 were also designed by Rudi Heinrich, yet the women were much more sensibly dressed than their Starfleet counterparts.

Many of the elements of the game have counterparts in the television series. SHADO air forces would bring down a UFO and then an all-terrain crawler would carry a team of commandos into whatever wilderness the UFO crashed in. Recovered aliens would be studied, or infiltration attempts would be thwarted. The aliens in UFO were close enough to human to use human body parts as replacements for their own organs (one of their chief reasons for abducting people). I would go on, but the series does get that much syndication, so I have not seen it in a very long time.

Oldblue153 21-01-2006 04:11 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Jan 21 2006, 03:31 AM

Plasma cannon take a litlle more than heavy plasma that takes a little more than plasma rifle. Anyway, it isn´t better than the Avalanche missile

Some spoiler down...

100 damage
100% accuracy
20 sec to reload
60 km range

Plasma Beam or Plasma cannon:
140 dam
140% acc
6 s reload
52 km range

Are you positive that you're right on this?

I'm thinking either your figures are wrong or your UFOPedia has been captured by Sectiods and Modified to throw you off track.

Sharp 21-01-2006 06:36 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Jan 21 2006, 03:31 AM
100 damage
100% accuracy
20 sec to reload
60 km range

Plasma Beam or Plasma cannon:
140 dam
140% acc
6 s reload
52 km range

But you can only have 3 avalanche missiles per weapons pod while plasma cannon is unlimited, so an interceptor with two avalanche launchers has 6 missiles, thats a max 600 damage and due to reload speed thats 3 volleys every 20 seconds.

Plasma Cannon while it has a smaller range, it has unlimited ammo and fires every 6 seconds as well as doing 40 more damage and being far more accurate. When you have a plasma cannon the only UFO that out-ranges that is the Alien Battleship, and that has a range of 65km so it can hit avalanche wielding interceptors easily, if you use plasma cannons you have more chance of taking it down quicker, the only drawback is that plasma cannons are time consuming to make and can be expensive to replace while avalanches are cheap and able to buy in bulk.

blue123 21-01-2006 10:12 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Jan 20 2006, 07:04 PM
The labs are at the same bases right??

They probably are but thats still a possible reason, labs/workshops at seperate bases do not provide cumulative effects only when at the same base.

100 scientists should finish it fairly quickly, dunno what the problem could be.

Yep, at the same base. Only problem is, I had another base that was working on it, but it was so slow I stopped the research, transferred them to the main base and started again. Is that the problem?

First time I played the game, after I got the plasma cannon, I got rid of all my avalanche and stingrays, due to the fact that the plasma cannon is way better...

*Happy* 21-01-2006 02:38 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Jan 21 2006, 11:12 AM
Yep, at the same base. Only problem is, I had another base that was working on it, but it was so slow I stopped the research, transferred them to the main base and started again. Is that the problem?

First time I played the game, after I got the plasma cannon, I got rid of all my avalanche and stingrays, due to the fact that the plasma cannon is way better...

First, the plasma cannon is waaaay better than the avalanche, as many people here have pointed out. I'll add another advantage: it doesn't require store space for it's ammo (and avalanche requires a Lot of space). It does cost a lot of money and elerium, though. The Fusion Ball Launcher is not worth it - yes it's extremely powerful, but it has only 2 shots, is very expensive and still doesn't outrange the Alien Battleship's weapons.

Second, you should never research the same item in two different bases. The research isn't cumulative and it can cause errors to appear in the game. Are there more scientists researching in the main base than there were in the other base? If so, it could be that the game doesn't count the extra scientists for some reason. Just keep researching and hope for the best... Good Luck!

rlbell 22-01-2006 12:37 AM


Originally posted by *Happy*@Jan 21 2006, 03:38 PM

First, the plasma cannon is waaaay better than the avalanche, as many people here have pointed out. I'll add another advantage: it doesn't require store space for it's ammo (and avalanche requires a Lot of space). It does cost a lot of money and elerium, though.

The avalanche missiles have two advantages over the plasma beam. You start with the ability to purchase them, and they are easy to replace. In the special instance of attacking a battleship with four interceptors, the extra shots of the plasma beam are meaningless, as none of the interceptors will take a third shot. However, the longer range of the avalanches will mean that the battleship will get fewer shots at the interceptors, so attacking a battleship with avalanches will get fewer interceptors shot down, and each weapon system is easier to replace.

For all other purposes, plasma beams are the ultimate craft weapon.

laiocfar 22-01-2006 06:32 AM

rlbell, nice tips to shot down battleships but 4 interceptors but is a very expensive luxury. Firstly cuz i am not cheating with money and it would means a really harder expense to remplace lost interceptos. Sencond, most of my bases got just one interceptor, there is room for more but it will be more unkeep, but i some globe places i can send them from different bases. Third, the half of interceptors that faced a battleship get blowed off before launch a missile, the other half only lauch one with 4 interceptors and 20 sec to reload... only 8 hits maybe 10... a supply ship must get between 10-14 hits so not a chance to shot down a battleship in superhuman at least.

plasma beam its better cuz it takes no ammo. But interceptors are just too weak to face battleships and if fusion balls(i never used them) doesn´t outrange the battleship weapon, get firestorms to attack the battleshps.Plasma got only 52 km range and takes no ammo, Avalanche got 60 KM range and only 6 missiles per battle and watch out for the stores, i find that tha avalanche fits better the interceptor cuz it not let to get inrange of enemy ships. But for firestorms, the plasma cannon its better and don´t make a fleet of them got a mixed fleet of interceptors with plasma to easy ones and firestorms for harder.


Are you positive that you're right on this?
Oldblue, yes.

Sharp 22-01-2006 08:50 AM


Originally posted by rlbell@Jan 22 2006, 01:37 AM
the extra shots of the plasma beam are meaningless, as none of the interceptors will take a third shot. However, the longer range of the avalanches will mean that the battleship will get fewer shots at the interceptors
Battleships have a longer range then avalanche, battleships can kill interceptors in one hit before you even fire, avalanches take a long time to refire while plasma cannons fire every few seconds, your more likely to miss with an avalanche then with a plasma cannon and finally sending interceptors to battleships, dont expect to see many come back.

blue123 22-01-2006 11:38 AM

I never send interceptors to engage battleships- they never come back.

Oh yeah, does it matter how many heavy plasma I have in stores? I was just researching alien alloys, going nowhere, recovered 100 alloys and it suddenly went to average. Interesting... but just asking.

*Happy* 22-01-2006 02:59 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Jan 22 2006, 12:38 PM
I never send interceptors to engage battleships- they never come back.

Oh yeah, does it matter how many heavy plasma I have in stores? I was just researching alien alloys, going nowhere, recovered 100 alloys and it suddenly went to average. Interesting... but just asking.

It doesn't matter how much of an item you have in stores. I'm 100% sure of that. What I think is maybe if you assigned additional scientists at the main base, the game didn't update the research progress the same instant you assigned the scientists, but only after you finished a mission (notice that often the progress is showed as being "unknown" when you start a project, even if you assign 100 scientists to it, but this changes after a short while?)

Interceptors are no match for battleships, except if there's 3-4 of then, and even then you're likely to lose 1 or 2. Also, you must either have them all at the same base (very expensive and needs many hangars) or they'll likely be unable to get there in time or run out of fuel.

Sharp 22-01-2006 05:38 PM

Firestorms are much better, they are faster so they can actually catch up with battleships and the improved armour is good, they best hunt in pairs against battleships to reduce damage so there is less repair time.

Also as plasma cannon is unlimited you can go from UFO to UFO killing without reloading, if you use an avalanche you will need to go back to base and reload, then have to be forcibly fueled which means you have a long turn-around time when you use avalanches.

rlbell 22-01-2006 10:10 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Jan 22 2006, 12:38 PM
I never send interceptors to engage battleships- they never come back.

I never said that you have to attack battleships with interceptors. I just said that if you feel compelled to bring down battleships, for some reason (like you have been given ample funds to shot down every alien craft), avalanches are better weapons than plasma beams for interceptors. The only sane reason, and even that is a bit of a stretch, for hunting down a battleship in a limited funds scenario is to thwart an alien infiltration of an important funding nation. Another potential reason is to stop an eterial battleship from assaulting an important base.

I have never tried hunting down battleships with Firestorms. Firestorms have a number of deficiencies compared to interceptors: they are too difficult to replace (may not be a problem if they are not easily destroyed), they are too costly to fuel (consume elerium), and they are too short ranged. Interceptors fly further and can remain on station longer. If you have the sensor coverage, interceptors can fly nearly half-way round the world to shoot down a UFO. Firestorms have to return to base too soon and there is nothing more infuriating than finding out that the firestorm expended twenty elerium, only to fall short of blowing away the alien craft.

Generally speaking, the only way for two firestorms to attack the same battleship is for both of them to be operating from the same base.

Except for the low speed and fragility under fire, the interceptor is very good at what it does. The reason to switch from interceptors to firestorms is mostly economic. Firestorms are maintained with elerium and interceptors are maintained with money. You chose the craft that best fits your situation. If you have plenty of elerium (or can sacrifice such luxuries as flying armor), but little cash, firestorms are great. If you do not have plenty of elerium, there is no point building firestorms, as you cannot get them to fly.

rlbell 23-01-2006 05:12 AM

Firestorm vs. interceptor update:

I editted a saved game to allow me to really make use of firestorms. A single firestorm cautiously attacking a battleship with twin plasma beams will bring it down. Two hundred engineers, materials allowing, can produce ten firestorms per month. Firestorms are every bit as short ranged as I remember. As a full fuel tank is twenty elerium, you are looking at a cost of around ten elerium, each time it leaves the hangar. YMMV, but budget your elerium. The worst case scenario is to have completely replaced your original airforce with firestorms/lightnings/avengers, only to run out of elerium. I suspect that a mixed force is the best bet, as you still have some elerium hunting possibilities if you run out.

With firestorms, you cannot get four in any one place; unless, they come from the same base. However, the firestorm can take enough damage that you do not need have four in the same place.

The situation of which craft (firestorm/interceptor) is best when you are attacking several UFOs over the course of one flight is still unknown to me; however, the edge probably goes to the firestorm, as any major push by the aliens in a small region is for the establishment of a new base, and that always includes one or more battleships.

laiocfar 23-01-2006 06:15 AM

I don´t agree with rbell.
the elirium that a firestorm uses is residual with 100 elirium stock a firestorm could make regular flyes by many years. About the fuel capacity, its true that a firestorm can´t be on air by many time but they can make long trips cuz they are twice faster than an interceptor.

An interceptor with plasma beams can shot down everything but battleships and supply ships with the supply base mission. So the firestorms are for hunt battleships and supply missions. A single firestorm could shot down a battleship with 30-100 % damage, it changes if the lucky are u or the enemy.


Another potential reason is to stop an eterial battleship from assaulting an important base.
The interceptor speed its 2100 so it will never cacht the a fast moving battleship. U must remember that for bases attacks, the aliens first make recon and later send a battleship at max speed to your base.

Anyway i prefer the mixed fleet with most of interceptors in relation of 2 each 1.


Also as plasma cannon is unlimited you can go from UFO to UFO killing without reloading, if you use an avalanche you will need to go back to base and reload, then have to be forcibly fueled which means you have a long turn-around time when you use avalanches.
When u got most of the bases builded in most of situations between 2 and 4 interceptors could make in time. If all of they are armed with avalanches, u can stop every kind of opperation but a base building (1 battle ship + 2 supply ships). And most of the scouts got down with the first pair of avalanches. If there are any medium sized ship, they didnt come in waves of many but a full loaded interceptor could beat them. Considering that the interceptor 2100 speed and 3 acceleration, u only can cacht alien craft when they reduce thrir own speed so before you made full use of the plasma beam ammo(it got a max of 99 shots per take off) or at least the 3/4 parts of it, the interceptor will run out of fuel.

blue123 23-01-2006 02:48 PM

The first time I played, I always kept a mixed fleet. I never used lightning, for some reason.

rlbell, what was the editor you used? Can you give me a link?

Sharp 23-01-2006 04:19 PM

Avalanche vs Plasma-Beam

I think it is fair to say that plasma beam is far superior, mainly due to higher damage and unlimited ammo, the advantages of avalanches are that it has a longer range and is easier to aquire. For attacking UFO to UFO, an interceptor can ground those armadas that you sometimes get with a pair of plasma cannons, with avalanches they run out, the main problem is not in reloading, but being forced to refuel fully before you can launch another interception mission with the same craft.

Interceptor vs Firestorm

The main advantages of a firestorm are the faster speed and the much higher damage capacity. Interceptor advantage is that it has longer range and does not use elerium. A firestorm is very useful for catching UFO's as it is much faster then an interceptor, UFO's rarely outrun a firestorm, also as firestorms are faster they are useful for taking down multiple UFO's. Interceptors do have a longer range, but the slower speed means that it can be chasing after a UFO fruitlessly as it outruns you.

In money terms, if you are rich you can afford interceptors, interceptors have a rental fee of 600k per month(unlimited fuel included in price), so you better have a pretty big budget, firestorms on the other hand are free monthly but require elerium for fuel. If you are running out of money, on one hand you can use the interceptor and save on elerium, on the other hand you can use the firestorm and save on a 600k bill. Elerium is not hard to come by if you leave an alien base for raiding, scour through an alien base and you can find a power source, blow it up and you should be able to pick up elerium (looks like yellow crystal), it has to be an active power source, this gives you 50 elerium per pod you pick up which you can then run away with. Alternativly you can shoot down the many supply ships and get the elerium from the engines.

rlbell 23-01-2006 06:27 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Jan 23 2006, 07:15 AM
I don´t agree with rbell.
the elirium that a firestorm uses is residual with 100 elirium stock a firestorm could make regular flyes by many years. About the fuel capacity, its true that a firestorm can´t be on air by many time but they can make long trips* cuz they are twice faster than an interceptor.

It turns out that for substantive reasons, laiocfar and I are both wrong. I am wrong because one point of elerium is really worth five points of fuel. So when I thought that you should budget ten elerium for each flight, it is really only two. Laiocfar has got it wrong about the range. An interceptor based in New York can try to attack a UFO buzzing around Moscow. I have even done this when I have bases in Europe and North America, and I need to down a large ship. The nearer interceptor softens up the UFO for the one that must cross the ocean. As I had a base on the line between Montreal and Vancouver, I had a firestorm fly from the base to Montreal, then to Vancouver, and back to base. The whole trip required half of the fuel load, or two points of elerium. Firestorms do not have to cross a continent three times to catch up to a UFO, which is just as well, as it has nowhere near the fuel load.

In terms of the money paid to support the engineers, and materials that could be sold, each firestorm costs about $1,700,000, so it takes three months to pay for itself. If selling stuff that your engineers produce covers a significant amount of your maintenance, it costs even more.

I use the ClarkWeyrh (sp?) Enterprise' s editor. If you stick 'xcom editor' into google, it shows up on the first page. It only edits the saved game files, but it will edit both Enemy Unknown and TFTD saved game files. You can edit the contents of your base stores, what kind of aliens are in containment, what facilities are at each base, how much money you have and how much money each country gave last month (which will be the base for next month). I believe that it also edits soldiers' statistics, including gender and appearance. I only use it to give myself a lump sum to ensure that I do not have to save humanity on a shoestring budget, but it is very powerful.

gufu1992 23-01-2006 08:59 PM

Interseptor doesn't use elreium!

*Happy* 23-01-2006 09:22 PM

Even against battleships i'd rather take the plasma beam on my interceptors. Why? Because it has accuracy 140% and avalanche has only 100% - avalanche will fire sooner, but will miss much more and needs more time to reload.

Personally, I prefer an air force mainly of interceptors, with 2 firestorms, 1 lightning, 1 skyranger and 3 avengers (spread out over 8 bases). The Interceptors can handle anything except battleships and don't use elerium. The Firestorms are primarily active when I'm researching Avengers, while the Lightning is a secondary "mission craft" and battleship-interceptor. The Avenger is by far the best ship (fastest, lots of fuel, very tough, transports up to 26 soldiers) and that's why I build 3 of them.

laiocfar 24-01-2006 09:06 PM

If u got the Avengers why u sacrifice people in battles over the Earth and don´t go to Cydonia.....

gufu1992 24-01-2006 10:11 PM

I wsih there would be more than one cydonia mission!

Cockroach 25-01-2006 03:50 AM


I build 6 bases and on average I have 1 human craft and 1 alien craft per base.

4 Interceptors
2 Skyrangers
3 Firestorms
2 Lightnings
1-2 Avengers

I use my Interceptors for +80% of my fighting. The only time I send alien craft is when speed is needed. Like getting to a landed supply ship or shooting down a terror ship. I might also ram a Firestorm or two into an infiltration battleship. The Skyrangers are used to land at things that don't move, like downed ships and bases, while the Lightning is my rapid deployment elite ship. And of course the Cydonia mission needs an Avenger

laiocfar 25-01-2006 05:34 AM


I use my Interceptors for +80% of my fighting.
Very wise, i do as u.
Anyway, i don´t use the lighting and for me the avenger its at the end of the research tree. So avenger -> Cydonia -> Lose or win.

CanadaEQ 25-01-2006 06:29 AM

Hey all. Great thread, great game.

I didn't read through the whole thread so I'm not sure if this tip has been mentioned allready:

Save just before the end of the month, get your budget changes then load back and do this untill you get your maximum funding. It really is quite amazing how random funding can be.

blue123 25-01-2006 03:28 PM

Yep. I do that from time to time. Doesn't work with losing a nation, though.

rlbell 25-01-2006 04:24 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Jan 25 2006, 04:28 PM
Yep. I do that from time to time. Doesn't work with losing a nation, though.
For that, you have to really cheat!

I suspect that the CWE X-Com editor can just change the nation's status to 'happy'.

Guest 25-01-2006 06:34 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Jan 24 2006, 10:06 PM
If u got the Avengers why u sacrifice people in battles over the Earth and don´t go to Cydonia.....
Sometimes it's because I need to get an alien commander, sometimes I need my soldiers to gain more experience and sometimes I just like to fight ethereal battleships with my super-squad as a challenge!

blue123 26-01-2006 04:47 PM

Hmm. CWE doesn't work for some reason.

Sharp 26-01-2006 05:06 PM

try dragging a save game folder to CWE first, that usually works.

Griswold 26-01-2006 07:45 PM

Hi everyone . . . :bye: . . . I love UFO... it was hard for me at the begining, I didn't understand anything... (total n00b at strategies).. Hehe, it is a very nice game...

laiocfar 26-01-2006 11:24 PM

Griswold this is the best part, where u still got many tips for the game in darkness. The best tip for strategy, take cover and make cross fire (that means place your squad before start shooting).

guest G 27-01-2006 12:25 PM

is there any way to open a door without walking through it? I'd like to throw a grenade through a door without being in the same room and get shot, for once

*Happy* 27-01-2006 01:29 PM


Originally posted by guest G@Jan 27 2006, 01:25 PM
is there any way to open a door without walking through it? I'd like to throw a grenade through a door without being in the same room and get shot, for once
Nope. You can destroy the door by shooting at it or with explosives, though. They fixed this problem in x-com 2.

laiocfar 28-01-2006 07:48 AM

Nothing to do in X-com Ufo but as happy say in TFTD or x-com 2 u can double right click to open a door.

by the way, i just replled an ethereals base attack, i took me 18 lives of the 19 defenders and 2 tanks. The key was the small base size making more likely to ambush and the fact of capture a blaster launcher. I also found that best way to kill sectopods its whit short range laser fire. I could belive it with roockies, only having 20 laser rifles and 20 medikits and archived a win. Some months ago, the same base was destroyed by ethereals killing a trained squad of 20 veterans and best equipment and weapons.

blue123 28-01-2006 10:16 AM

If you use Xcomutil, you can change stats of the tanks. If you do choose to change the stats, your tanks will be near invincible! (Works very well on laser tanks) So in a base defence I always send a few tanks into the hangars to sort everything out. But in missions I use them for scouting becuase my soldiers need the experience...

rlbell 28-01-2006 02:56 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Jan 28 2006, 11:16 AM
If you use Xcomutil, you can change stats of the tanks. If you do choose to change the stats, your tanks will be near invincible! (Works very well on laser tanks) So in a base defence I always send a few tanks into the hangars to sort everything out. But in missions I use them for scouting becuase my soldiers need the experience...
And people call me a cheat!

I have a saved game where four interceptors are about to bounce a battleship. When I get around to it, I will play out the interception repeatedly to get a feel for which weapons produce the best results (with the CWE editor, I can edit what weapons the interceptors are carrying). I look forward to finding out how fusion balls blast battleships.

Interceptors have truly awesome range. The interception is over Australia. One of the interceptors is based in Australia, but the other three flew from Siberia (north and west of the Kamchatka Peninsula), North America, and South America. What really baffles me is why I did not send the interceptors from Hawaii.

Hawaian bases are only good for not losing contact with UFO's flying over the Pacific. A listening post is about all that you will ever need there.

rlbell 28-01-2006 06:43 PM

Oh how memory fails...

It turned out that the inerception was actually over South America, with interceptors coming from South America, Africa, North America, and Europe (which is still impressive, but explains why the Hawaian interceptors were not called in).

What I really forgot was that you cannot shoot down a battleship with avalanches, at all, if you do not select the aggressive attack. For that matter, even with fusion balls, cautious attacks fail. Interceptors making cautious attacks switch to shadow, after taking any damage (shadow: stay nearby, but out of the UFO's weapon range [the box that shows the craft facing the UFO, but not attacking]).

Cautious attacks do less damage than normal, or aggressive attacks. Aggressive attacks do the most damage, but leave the interceptor more vulnerable to return fire. The type of attack made also affects the hit probability. So it is possible, even likely, that aggressively attacking with avalanches is more accurate and more destructive than cautiously attacking with plasma beams.

I have to redo the avalanche test. For plasma beams, 20% of attacks had no losses, 40% had one loss, 30% had two losses, and 10% had three losses. For Fusion balls, 70% had no losses, 20% had one loss, and 10% had two losses.

laiocfar 29-01-2006 02:46 AM

But it isnt easy to make all interceptor in time, anyway they are usefull to combine forces to att medium ships. But for the BF, only one interceptor survived by depleting his 2 Fusion Balls, no other come by the 4 sent.
The BF... in the ground :Brain: But they were ethereals so i decided to avoid the battle :Tom:

CanadaEQ 29-01-2006 06:48 AM

Alright I think I'm losing my mind. I cannot figure out how to turn off the music/fx.

Anybody know?

cliffy 29-01-2006 11:15 AM

can some one help? istart the game and get to do up my base but as soon as i try to start a mission it comes up with<encounted problem> and the send error there any way to sort it!

gufu1992 01-02-2006 01:46 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Jan 29 2006, 03:46 AM
But it isnt easy to make all interceptor in time, anyway they are usefull to combine forces to att medium ships. But for the BF, only one interceptor survived by depleting his 2 Fusion Balls, no other come by the 4 sent.
The BF... in the ground :Brain: But they were ethereals so i decided to avoid the battle :Tom:

OMG! You haven't atack etherals?
Can you imagine whole battleship filled with those?

laiocfar 01-02-2006 03:20 AM

I fear ehtereals, so if i fear them my troops will panicked i no time....
10 troops without the MC tech, against a complete army of ethereals + sectopods.

CanadaEQ 01-02-2006 04:46 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Feb 1 2006, 04:20 AM
Alright I think I'm losing my mind. I cannot figure out how to turn off the music/fx.

Anybody know?


chrysalids lover 01-02-2006 10:49 PM

I love fighting chrysalids.

makes you get the feel from Alien II, except this time the civilians are still alive....well atleast to start with.

By moving your men in groups of 3 and making sure no chrysalids get behind your line (cause that sucs) you can go at them the "Starship Troopers" way, with no fancy weps but laser or plasma rifels. I like that way more than fighting anything with a gun. nothing si worse more than loosing your Champ Soldier because of a lucky snapshop.

So to all thoase who do not like terror missions with chrysalids GET OVER IT!
...ehh and do not worry too much about civilians, if they are in the way, gun them down

gufu1992 01-02-2006 11:02 PM

If soldier panics-shoot him! :sneaky:

Kearnsy 02-02-2006 12:01 AM

^ if a soldier panics stun him (or my favourite stun launcher) never leave base without one!

blue123 02-02-2006 03:24 PM

To turn off music, open up one of them in windows media player and set the volume to about 75. Works for me.

laiocfar 03-02-2006 04:15 AM


..ehh and do not worry too much about civilians, if they are in the way, gun them down
Last terror mission i was about end amd with 2 buldings to go, i hear many doors in a mini-market. Normally i will place troopers near doors and covered the area with snipers and if they dont come out in some turns make the assault. I dont know why but i started to carry Rocket Launchers, so this time i reduced to grass the minimarket and founded 3 civilians corposes... :angel:

gufu1992 03-02-2006 03:53 PM


Originally posted by Kearnsy@Feb 2 2006, 01:01 AM
^ if a soldier panics stun him (or my favourite stun launcher) never leave base without one!
...They are weak to MC! Weaklings must die!(Thats how my team only consisted of rookies.)

Nightwind 04-02-2006 03:27 AM

I attempt to load ufodefense.exe, a black screen comes up, changes to a fainter shade of black (dark grey? Heh.) then I get an error. Please help! I am running windows xp. I apologize if this was already covered, but I have only read the first 6 or so pages of this thread.

laiocfar 04-02-2006 06:44 AM

Nightwind, tryed dosbox?


...They are weak to MC! Weaklings must die!(Thats how my team only consisted of rookies.)
They are the weakers in the squad or the only spoten ones, maybe they could got a decent MC.

another_guest 04-02-2006 09:47 AM


Originally posted by cliffy@Jan 29 2006, 12:15 PM
can some one help? istart the game and get to do up my base but as soon as i try to start a mission it comes up with<encounted problem> and the send error there any way to sort it!
Are you using Dosbox and the DOS version ( then scroll down)?
While it's not always perfect, I've found it to be more reliable than the Windows version.

Kearnsy 04-02-2006 02:09 PM


Originally posted by gufu1992+Feb 3 2006, 04:53 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gufu1992 @ Feb 3 2006, 04:53 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Kearnsy@Feb 2 2006, 01:01 AM
^ if a soldier panics stun him (or my favourite stun launcher) never leave base without one!
...They are weak to MC! Weaklings must die!(Thats how my team only consisted of rookies.) [/b][/quote]
So what happens when all of your good soldiers die! Are you going to have a mass self kulling in every mission to eliminate the weaklings!!

treat them well let them learn and train and they will slaughter aliens for you! :evil:

gufu1992 04-02-2006 08:44 PM

Otherwise it's get boring!

laiocfar 04-02-2006 10:33 PM


Otherwise it's get boring!
What an answer!!!

dunkellic 05-02-2006 07:51 PM

ah, just "rerediscovered" the game (look some pages (probably 50 or so ;) ) behind and you can find some of my posts)
this game is just sooooo awesome...

Nightwind 06-02-2006 01:44 AM

To whomever asked me if I used dosbox, I have it on my computer, but am not sure how to utilize it. I appreciate the time.

laiocfar 06-02-2006 07:25 AM


To whomever asked me if I used dosbox, I have it on my computer, but am not sure how to utilize it. I appreciate the time.
run dosbox, its like a Dos menu inside windows.
u must type the following commands:
mount c: c:/games
cd game A
Each command line must be followed by an enter hit. The first C: of the first command could be any letter(its the mounted disk). The second C:/games its the folder where u got hte games that need dosbox. C:/games/gameA could be any game that need dosbox. if u can make the ":" with the normal keyboar use Alt + 58. Alt + enter to change size of window. Tipe Intro or help as dosbox´s command lines for more tips

Acolyte 06-02-2006 08:29 AM

PSI is great a few weeks ago ive raided an floater base ive had 4 good PSI troops in efect ive controled almost the whole base by PSI and the foes ran from my new zombie alien frends :sneaky: .

1 man standing still = 3 compelled aliens
4 men standing still = 12 compelled aliens

Just imagine leading an army of muttons :D .

Try placeing a controlled alien at the end of your mission in the transport plane unstunned at the base it changes in your solidier.

The Fifth Horseman 06-02-2006 02:07 PM


Try placeing a controlled alien at the end of your mission in the transport plane unstunned at the base it changes in your solidier.
Wow - must try that...

gufu1992 08-02-2006 01:01 AM

Well... does it work?

Acolyte 08-02-2006 07:14 AM

It worked for me.
Well it didnt work with 4 space aliens.
The aliens are just changed into human squaddies.

Geordy 08-02-2006 08:58 AM

I wondered how long is it possible to survive on earth without going to Cyd and without loosing?

dunkellic 08-02-2006 12:30 PM

i think as long as you manage not to loose any country and wipe out any alien you see, as long as you want

another_guest 08-02-2006 03:40 PM

True, and once you've got a good army (PSI!) you can keep going as long as you want -until you get bored-. It gets quite easy after a while, and your scores skyrocket.

Geordy 08-02-2006 04:52 PM

Tactical missions will become easy with good PSI, flying suits and blaster launchers thats true. My question aimed more at the geoscape action when ufos keep comming outnumbering the defence forces. I guess there is a point in the game where you cant get all the incomming ufos and so infiltration cant be prevented.

laiocfar 09-02-2006 02:19 AM

More aliens incoming... more funds to build defences.
U can get outnumbered if ya are doing all the missions.
Mostly with Plasma beam that takes no ammo and Firestorms that are quick as thinking and no maintenance if ya can capture enought elirium.

another_guest 09-02-2006 08:39 AM

My experience is that once you've got 5-6 bases all over the globe, you can intercept almost any ufo in time. At least I've done it a couple of times, waiting for a few years before going to Cydonia. But just shooting down ufo's isn't enough, you need to finish missions to have a sufficient score at the end of the month.

blue123 09-02-2006 03:48 PM

Remember to build decoders.

Kearnsy 10-02-2006 03:42 AM

^ most definetly. They are invaluable expescially late game. Simply a must for your bases.

PrejudiceSucks 10-02-2006 11:02 AM

I prefer them in the early game, I try to get one by March, but it's quite hard.

gufu1992 10-02-2006 06:34 PM

:tomato: easy to spot ufo's :not_ok:

laiocfar 10-02-2006 09:59 PM

Decoders in early game avoid u to take big losses by attacking ethereals.

gufu1992 10-02-2006 10:14 PM

Etherals can take out any useless men!
gotta love em! :D

PrejudiceSucks 11-02-2006 10:45 AM

Laiocfar - you should use Incendiary rockets against them, it works really well, just remember to only let someone with high PSI-power as the "gunner", otherwise you're basically screwed. (I use a gunner and a "loader", basically somebody who carries all of the rockets - it means that the rocket guy can move around more)

Kearnsy 11-02-2006 11:46 AM

As long as the time units on the two soldiers are similar. That sound pretty good. Incindiaries work really well on terror missions when you can afford some civilian casaulties, as well as when you're infiltrating a large enemy ship. (As the offen come in pairs or small groups.

PrejudiceSucks 11-02-2006 08:33 PM

Yeah, it works really well. The best bit is that you can let the loader be the most PSI-incapable weakling, it doesn't matter at all, as I have a policy of keeping them unarmed. The gunner can carry a back-up laser pistol, but I never arm the loader. Ever.


I've also used the "Gunner and loader" idea for med-evac purposes. Basically one soldier picks up the stunned and near dead body (if it's someone useful) and then they all throw the body to the dropship, in a chain. You can actually cover a huge distance per turn like this, one old method of evacuation I had was to knock everyone in an area out and then go and throw them into to the ship (they're counted as alive if anyone escapes) and then everyone ran back to the Skyranger.

Works really nicely until your two remaining soldiers get ambushed, at which point it all goes a bit pear-shaped, which is what lead me to stop.

laiocfar 12-02-2006 09:39 AM

I use rambo like troopers for use the rocket launcher, they need some training in easy mission like running when the last alien its fortified inside the ufo or carry unusefull stuff. I can defeat ethereals with the toughest squad avaible and normal tactics but it takeme some loses of veterans. The problem come in big ships, there are sectopods, they got a wondefull aiming and are very hard to take down. The best thing that i found to kill them its short range laser assault that takes near 3 troopers per sectopod and only if u managed to isloate one lefting him without backup. A Battleship can carry more than 4... Plus when fighting a big number of ethereals, the first line of them advance backuped by Psi power of the unsppoten ones. Maybe smoke (P rocket) can handle this last problem but what about sectopods?

Guest 15-02-2006 01:29 PM

Discovered this beautiful site recently. :)

Sadly, I have a little bug with UFO: I can't transfer equipment between my bases. Any help or fixes on that?

Sorry, if this question is already been answered, but I was too lazy reading 166 pages :whistle:

I play the XP version, btw.

Acolyte 16-02-2006 02:16 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Feb 12 2006, 10:39 AM
The best thing that i found to kill them its short range laser assault that takes near 3 troopers per sectopod and only if u managed to isloate one lefting him without backup. A Battleship can carry more than 4... Plus when fighting a big number of ethereals, the first line of them advance backuped by Psi power of the unsppoten ones. Maybe smoke (P rocket) can handle this last problem but what about sectopods?
Short range laser firwe is more efective than you wrote a while ago One or two hwp (laser) cannon shots ususly take them down and a close ramge laser rifle burst from one guy can smoke its sensor circuts.
I think that theres a hit box system in the larger aliens coz front laser fire seems more damaging to the robots than shoting at its back.

Fire beats etherals? If thats true the incendiary weaps have a use coz last time when i used them i had problems with burning a damn sectoid.

another_guest 16-02-2006 05:53 PM

Yes, armor usually depends on the side of the alien you're hitting.

Incendiary weapons certainly have their use, but only against a limited number of alien types (for example reapers are quite vulnerable to incendiary weapons).

laiocfar 16-02-2006 09:40 PM

I found fire weaponary usefull as support role, not as snipper or bazooker but as smoke to cover your people.

Yobor 16-02-2006 10:50 PM

The blaster bombs are too large of an explosion for just cover, and a lot of the early weapons end up ineffectual against later Aliens. Cover seems a little tedious when somehow the aliens can see through walls, and aren't YOU trying to find them?

rlbell 17-02-2006 03:08 AM


Originally posted by Acolyte@Feb 16 2006, 03:16 PM

Fire beats etherals? If thats true the incendiary weaps have a use coz last time when i used them i had problems with burning a damn sectoid.

I use fire weapons for nightime illumination. It has never occurred to me that it might actually kill something. It may have been a wierd bug, but I had the wierd experience of one of my troopers catching fire, so do not stand in flames.

laiocfar 17-02-2006 03:45 AM

It doesnt looks like a bug, soldiers and aliens inside fire will caught the fire as a wound until get stuned or die.

blue123 18-02-2006 12:00 PM

Well, if you're in a fire stuff does catch fire.

Mustang 24-02-2006 07:53 PM

haha good job grabbing the screens from the forum members in x-com game at

gufu1992 24-02-2006 07:58 PM

Thats no good!

Guest 26-02-2006 04:30 PM

can anybody help me? i dont know how i deploy tanks! it says i dont have enough ammo...even tough ive bought tons of ammo!
help me!?
-da pirate-

Guest 26-02-2006 06:25 PM


Kind off a weird question.. My base was under attack, which was no problem cuz I wiped out almost all the aliens. But I think one tiny alien is hiding but I have no idea where. Anyone know some kind of way of me NOT having to search my whole base? I tried that CTRL + C or G cheat, but it doesn't work..

Thanks for the help :)

blue123 26-02-2006 06:27 PM

Nope. Very annoying when that happens.

Guest 26-02-2006 06:36 PM

Argh, that sucks..

It's searching time then :(

another_guest 26-02-2006 06:46 PM

Quite often in the central lift, on the second floor. Very annoying indeed if it's hiding there and you haven't got any flying suits. They should at least have included a staircase to that level...

laiocfar 26-02-2006 11:10 PM

If the base is small 4hex aliens can got the half of their bodies in the wall, and many of them like to go to second stages to blow them base´s parts

Guest 27-02-2006 09:05 AM

(I've registered but by accident I pressed the button that I'm under 13, so that's why I am still typing under guest *heh*)

Well, I have the flying suits, etc.. Multiple hovercrafts, but I still can't find that little brat. I know one thing for sure: he went beserk somewhere, but he isn't really moving around apperently cuz I'm now on turn 66 (and I eliminated all his friends around turn 8 - long live blaster launchers).

Problem is that it's my main base, so all "squares" are filled.. And finding one alien is a hell of a job then.. But I'll check out all second floors.. Thanks for the tip.

Guest 27-02-2006 10:57 AM

hello everyone,
first off i'd just like to say awesome! :Brain: i havent played this game in a long time and it still feels so fresh. ABANDONIA RULES!

my problem, the game suddenly closes while im on a mission and im back on the WINDOWS desktop. i tried reloading and it keeps happening.

any help is duly appreciated :angel:

Shawn 01-03-2006 03:05 AM

Hello....N00B question. Is there an faq on how to get this game running on present day hardware and XP???

WaAn 01-03-2006 12:36 PM


Needed program

I hope it helps! :ok:

Guest 02-03-2006 07:24 AM

What is the tip to play this game in win xp?
when the game starts saws everything in twice
it works with xp?

Acolyte 02-03-2006 12:51 PM

Yes WaAn posted two links that can help you.

Guest 02-03-2006 01:44 PM


:help: :help: :help: do i deploy tanks?

Guest 02-03-2006 02:25 PM

can someone help me out here?when i run the game the graphic seem to go towards the right side of my screen and therefore i can't see the control button can someone help me out here i can't be bothered to read the posting as it is 166 page long

Kearnsy 03-03-2006 03:14 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Mar 2 2006, 02:44 PM

:help: :help: :help: do i deploy tanks?

Well you buy one put it on the skyranger like its equipment and it will be there for you to use as a normal soldier.

laiocfar 03-03-2006 05:54 AM

remember to got plenty of ammo to equip them

gufu1992 03-03-2006 11:59 PM

*hint* lasers

Hypersniper 04-03-2006 04:59 AM

Graphics to the right side of the screen. I had this same problem and found I needed to adjust the H-Center on my monitor to the left, to centre the screen. Use the control buttons on your monitor to do this. :max:

Roger 10-03-2006 08:34 AM

How do you exit out of the game....?

gregor 10-03-2006 09:35 AM


Originally posted by Roger@Mar 10 2006, 09:34 AM
How do you exit out of the game....?
one of the icons to the right (with arrow pointing to the ship) will give you savegame.

if you are in the combat you have to end mission first. you end it by either killing/stunning all the aliens or leaving the combat zone. once you see the earth again (geoscape) you can exit (i think) by using options menu.

EDIT: for more info on the game read the manual.

Guest 10-03-2006 09:34 PM

I have download this game, runs fine after my 3rd or 4th missions half way through the mission I get a windows error, which crashs the game windows asks me weather or not i should send a error report to them. whys this?

Hypersniper 10-03-2006 10:27 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Mar 10 2006, 10:34 PM
I have download this game, runs fine after my 3rd or 4th missions half way through the mission I get a windows error, which crashs the game windows asks me weather or not i should send a error report to them. whys this?
Could just be a random crash. Very annoying. :wall:

I,m running the game on Windows XP with SP1. I close all unnecessary windows tasks before loading the game and it has not crashed on me yet.
Window will allways ask to send an error report when a program crashes.

Great game though, keep trying. :ok:

Guest 13-03-2006 04:42 PM

OK. I know I probably sound like an idiot postng this, but here's a question.

I'm running DOSbox on Mac OSX Panther, and I cannot get the game to run (I am using the dos version). What file actually runs the game? Is there something I'm supposed to do after I download it?

The Fifth Horseman 13-03-2006 05:16 PM

IIRC, there was someone else with that problem a short time ago.

Check in the Troubleshooting forum.

Wolf Thug 20-03-2006 06:09 PM

my version is windows 95

I always give my men my own ranks according to their skills and add it next to their names so as not to forget like for example:

Captain : (usually the toughest)
Recon : (Most Time Units)
2nd Recon : (Assists Recon and carrys all types of grenades)
Sapper : (Deals With demolitions)
Mortor : (deals With all launchers)
Medic : (Medics should be the least bravest)
Heavy Weapons :(heavy cannon etc...)

Dont forget to arm them according to their assigned area of expertise...
good idea right!!!

rlbell 21-03-2006 12:27 AM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Mar 20 2006, 07:09 PM
my version is windows 95

I always give my men my own ranks according to their skills and add it next to their names so as not to forget like for example:

Captain : (usually the toughest)
Recon : (Most Time Units)
2nd Recon : (Assists Recon and carrys all types of grenades)
Sapper : (Deals With demolitions)
Mortor : (deals With all launchers)
Medic : (Medics should be the least bravest)
Heavy Weapons :(heavy cannon etc...)

Dont forget to arm them according to their assigned area of expertise...
good idea right!!!

For recon, the amount of TU's posessed by the trooper is less important than his Reactions. The recon trooper who gets too far ahead of his squadmates is in for a world of hurt, when the alien turns the corner.

I do not designate medics, I just equip about half of the squad with medikits so that any injured trooper is likely to be next to someone who has one, or can use the one carried by the injured trooper.

People with heavy weapons should not have high reaction ratings, if the weapons are loaded with HE.

There are very few troopers who cannot throw a grenade, at all, and most have a throwing accuracy of
more than 60. Unlike every other weapon, grenades can be thrown over things, so "MORTOR" ratings should be reserved for people that throw well (good Throwing) and far (high strength).

PrejudiceSucks 21-03-2006 02:43 AM

The Heavy Weapon troopers should really be given incendiary rounds whenever possible, unless you're up against those irritating rock-like aliens (totally forgotten their names), in which case everyone should have 1 AP clip.

laiocfar 22-03-2006 03:36 AM

U can change the clip if u got ammo left? Example for these people that dont understand my english from mountains: u got a Hv cannon with 4 HE ammo but u wanna change to AP ammo, u got a new clip of AP, u can change them? or u should fire the 4 shots left before get the AP?

I like two squads of 4 men in dyamand formation. An experieced officier as sniper at rear and the rest as high reaction or life or strenght or TU or rookies. In the Skyranger Psi spec or reemplacements. Tanks works as a third team, the kamikaze team.
Everybody is a potential medik and carry all grenades and a demotion equip. I only use laser rifles :tomato:

rlbell 22-03-2006 04:16 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Mar 22 2006, 04:36 AM
U can change the clip if u got ammo left? Example for these people that dont understand my english from mountains: u got a Hv cannon with 4 HE ammo but u wanna change to AP ammo, u got a new clip of AP, u can change them? or u should fire the 4 shots left before get the AP?

Yes, but it takes time. You pop out the clip in the weapon and insert the desired clip. Fortunately, the game does not force you to dispose of the clip in your hand, before reloading; although, you must have an empty hand to unload a weapon. You unload a weapon by clicking on the weapon and dragging it to the "eject clip" icon and clicking. The empty weapon appears in one hand and the clip is in the other. Empty clips just disappear.

laiocfar 22-03-2006 05:48 AM

I never used that icon before :w00t:

Wolf Thug 23-03-2006 05:08 PM

Does Carrying items efect the TU?

Glista 23-03-2006 06:18 PM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Mar 23 2006, 07:08 PM
Does Carrying items efect the TU?
If I recall correctly, yes. I think it's a sort of a movement penalty, the more you carry, the higher it gets.

Wolf Thug 23-03-2006 06:37 PM

oh and does this game have an ending or does it go on like darklands

Glista 23-03-2006 07:01 PM

Yes, this game does have an ending.

gufu1992 24-03-2006 01:24 AM

DEstroy cidonia!

gregor 24-03-2006 05:55 AM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Mar 23 2006, 07:37 PM
oh and does this game have an ending or does it go on like darklands
Explore alien origins, invent the large craft, destroy Cydonia --> the end.

By the way this is for everyone else here... I play in DOS and i have this problem when i am trying to equip the soldiers my equipment keeps jumping arround. ehm how to explain this... first it's like the computer is processing and then it moves. ah yes some sort of lag. very annoying ebcause it takes me most of time to equip the squad. is this due to processor speed? because i never had this problem in X-COM.

I know the game is speeded up due to processor, but that doesnt' bother me as much as this particular lag issue.

Ramidel 24-03-2006 08:19 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 21 2006, 03:43 AM
The Heavy Weapon troopers should really be given incendiary rounds whenever possible, unless you're up against those irritating rock-like aliens (totally forgotten their names), in which case everyone should have 1 AP clip.
...Why are you going after downed craft before you get laser rifles?

gregor 24-03-2006 09:13 AM

why not?

you get new alien technology, you get weapons you can sell and earn money, you can get new aliens to research...

rlbell 24-03-2006 01:45 PM


Originally posted by Ramidel+Mar 24 2006, 09:19 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Ramidel @ Mar 24 2006, 09:19 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-PrejudiceSucks@Mar 21 2006, 03:43 AM
The Heavy Weapon troopers should really be given incendiary rounds whenever possible, unless you're up against those irritating rock-like aliens (totally forgotten their names), in which case everyone should have 1 AP clip.
...Why are you going after downed craft before you get laser rifles? [/b][/quote]
Because bullets do kill sectoids. Even the lowly pistol can put down a sectoid. As sectoids are the first aliens to conduct mischief, you may as well take them for all that you can get. Do avoid the large ships, though. Cyberdisks will be a problem, but mind control will be even worse.

The only reason to not go after any downed craft is that you might lose the transport.

Wolf Thug 24-03-2006 05:26 PM

If you feel a bit too lazy to tackle crashed ufos then just shoot them down whilst they are over water...

Hypersniper 24-03-2006 10:14 PM

I don't shoot UFOs down early in the game, instead I follow them with my Skyranger and wait for them to land and then I pounce. :evil: When you win the mission you will always get Elerium-115 and maximum Alien Alloys. The only downside is you don't score for shooting UFOs down.If your gonna put your suad at risk, make it worth their while.

Hypersniper 24-03-2006 11:16 PM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Mar 23 2006, 06:08 PM
Does Carrying items efect the TU?
Yes it does. If you have soldier with a strenght of 30 and all the items he is carrying add up to 45 then 15 will be deducted from his time units each time you start your turn. I have the Xcom Ufo Defence Guide written by Dave Ellis and read about this in there.

laiocfar 25-03-2006 05:30 AM

Go after aliens with an unexperieced squad and normal rifles with, many grenades and some in ammo in a night mission, i found this last very amusant.

another_guest 25-03-2006 11:01 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Mar 25 2006, 06:30 AM
Go after aliens with an unexperieced squad and normal rifles with, many grenades and some in ammo in a night mission, i found this last very amusant.
Unless you come across mutons... You can empty all your rifle ammo into them and they still won't flinch :sneaky:

PrejudiceSucks 25-03-2006 02:23 PM

If you hit them in the head then you might be alright, but the best way to tackle them if all you have is rifles is to surround them (pretty much) and then shoot them so many times that they get stunned (as every shot stuns a creature a little bit).

Then you should just take them into your Skyranger and just run away unless you have any real desire to fight more than one of them :P.

Of course, to kill off Muton Commanders when you have rifles (God forbid!) then you need to utterly surround them, throw smokes grenades at them (when they're in a room) and then just fire wildly into it until you hear it drop.

Or you could always just throw explosives at them, or set them on fire before you get lasers.

okonenipica 25-03-2006 03:10 PM

UFO is my faworite game... But i never win that game :D :cheers:

Master MC 25-03-2006 07:05 PM

I never managed to win the game fair and square...

Hypersniper 26-03-2006 01:07 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 25 2006, 03:23 PM
If you hit them in the head then you might be alright, but the best way to tackle them if all you have is rifles is to surround them (pretty much) and then shoot them so many times that they get stunned (as every shot stuns a creature a little bit).

Then you should just take them into your Skyranger and just run away unless you have any real desire to fight more than one of them :P.

Of course, to kill off Muton Commanders when you have rifles (God forbid!) then you need to utterly surround them, throw smokes grenades at them (when they're in a room) and then just fire wildly into it until you hear it drop.

Or you could always just throw explosives at them, or set them on fire before you get lasers.

Surround them with Proximity Granades then shoot the living daylights out of them. :sniper:

laiocfar 26-03-2006 09:24 AM

To deal with muttons use the shock weapons anyway the funniest its to deplete your ammo in a mission, i feel beter when i have to send someones to the back cuz they are out of ammo. I got always a guy or a pair only to carry the heavy amunition in the middle of battle to the cannon. ....When a trooper without more rifle clips runs into the enemy fire to take the ammo of a dead one or when soldier isloated and without more ammo, runs with an activate HE inside the Ufo. This is the best part of game.

Ramidel 26-03-2006 01:06 PM


Originally posted by Hypersniper@Mar 24 2006, 11:14 PM
I don't shoot UFOs down early in the game, instead I follow them with my Skyranger and wait for them to land and then I pounce. :evil: When you win the mission you will always get Elerium-115 and maximum Alien Alloys. The only downside is you don't score for shooting UFOs down.If your gonna put your suad at risk, make it worth their while.
Ironically, early in the game I don't hit the UFOs with my Skyranger, just my Interceptor. This is when I've just got conventional weapons, mind.

Now, I may be the only one who's like this, but I -never-, -ever- use Heavy Cannons or Autocannon. Why? Too heavy. I like my troops to travel light.

Once I get Laser Rifles, though, I try to sneak one or two ground assaults on small craft, at most. I use Elerium for only a couple of purposes: Armor and Plasma Cannon. I don't -need- a huge stockpile of the stuff, since I don't use Blaster Launchers (okay, I do on occasion, but I never make my own blaster bombs), and Heavy Plasma Clips are strictly salvage.

As for score? I don't worry about it unless I'm on notice from the Funding Nations. The funds you get from them are insignificant, money is made by selling captured stuff and manufacturing, so just keep the XCom going.

Wolf Thug 26-03-2006 08:32 PM

But if they are displeased with you they will dicontinue sending funds and sign pacts with the aliens and you will eventually fail in your mission...

PrejudiceSucks 26-03-2006 09:07 PM

Not true.

Pacts are signed due to "Infiltration" missions being completed by the aliens. Top priority should go out to stop these, even at the loss of all of your fighter craft.

rlbell 27-03-2006 03:46 AM


Originally posted by Ramidel+Mar 26 2006, 01:06 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Ramidel @ Mar 26 2006, 01:06 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Hypersniper@Mar 24 2006, 11:14 PM
I don't shoot UFOs down early in the game, instead I follow them with my Skyranger and wait for them to land and then I pounce.* :evil: When you win the mission you will always get Elerium-115 and maximum Alien Alloys. The only downside is you don't score for shooting UFOs down.If your gonna put your suad at risk, make it worth their while.
Ironically, early in the game I don't hit the UFOs with my Skyranger, just my Interceptor. This is when I've just got conventional weapons, mind.

Now, I may be the only one who's like this, but I -never-, -ever- use Heavy Cannons or Autocannon. Why? Too heavy. I like my troops to travel light.

The rocket launcher is conspicuous by its absence, does that mean that you do use RL's?

I also see only limited use for the autocannon, as they do not pack enough HE power to blast open brick walls, but they are very useful for clearing obstacles in the jungle, or firing illumination/incindiary rounds at night. However, I may be biased by my fondness for the combination of HE and autofire.

The heavy cannon is a very useful weapon, even given its weight. Many aliens are killed by near misses and it does knock holes in walls. Blowing open buildings is among its uses, as it is difficult to kill an alien firing through a window, but the heavy cannon will make the window bigger for follow up shots. I only load HE into heavy cannons.

The TU loss for heavy equipment is only a problem for the first few missions, as carrying heavy loads is what improves a troopers strength.

Hypersniper 27-03-2006 10:08 AM


Originally posted by rlbell@Mar 27 2006, 03:46 AM
The heavy cannon is a very useful weapon, even given its weight. Many aliens are killed by near misses and it does knock holes in walls. Blowing open buildings is among its uses, as it is difficult to kill an alien firing through a window, but the heavy cannon will make the window bigger for follow up shots. I only load HE into heavy cannons.

I also see only limited use for the autocannon, as they do not pack enough HE power to blast open brick walls, but they are very useful for clearing obstacles in the jungle, or firing illumination/incindiary rounds at night. However, I may be biased by my fondness for the combination of HE and autofire.

I agree with your post on the heavy cannon. I use it for the same reason.
I find that an alien likes to linger on the top floor of a farm building just at the top of the stairs. It is to risky to send a squaddy up there as he won't make the first step. Instead I fire a couple of HE's through the windows to clear the room out. If the alien does'nt die he sometimes drops to the bottom level if the floor gives out from the explosion.

I tend to only use the auto cannon on terror missions as the HE ammo is less devastating than the heavy cannons. I try not to kill what I have gone in to protect.

Early in the game, these two weapons are your best friend and I will use them to their full advantage.

Hypersniper 27-03-2006 10:28 AM


Originally posted by Ramidel@Mar 26 2006, 01:06 PM
Ironically, early in the game I don't hit the UFOs with my Skyranger, just my Interceptor. This is when I've just got conventional weapons, mind.

Now, I may be the only one who's like this, but I -never-, -ever- use Heavy Cannons or Autocannon. Why? Too heavy. I like my troops to travel light.

Once I get Laser Rifles, though, I try to sneak one or two ground assaults on small craft, at most. I use Elerium for only a couple of purposes: Armor and Plasma Cannon. I don't -need- a huge stockpile of the stuff, since I don't use Blaster Launchers (okay, I do on occasion, but I never make my own blaster bombs), and Heavy Plasma Clips are strictly salvage.

As for score? I don't worry about it unless I'm on notice from the Funding Nations. The funds you get from them are insignificant, money is made by selling captured stuff and manufacturing, so just keep the XCom going.

Your methods seem all wrong to me. How are you selling stuff if your rarely collecting it. :blink:
You need to collect as much as you can early on until you have completed reasearch to take advantage of manufacturing. You will find you will expand more quickly.

Ramidel 27-03-2006 01:21 PM

Once I get Laser Rifles, though, I try to sneak one or two ground assaults on small craft, at most.

There's a difference between a ground assault and a recovery, I should have been more specific. I shoot the craft down to minimize risk.

I prefer a more reliable solution of shooting the stuff down first, -then- assaulting, since I'm never Elerium-starved. Elerium isn't as important as it seems, it just looks a lot more important because

You need to collect as much as you can early on until you have completed reasearch to take advantage of manufacturing.

Doesn't take that long to get laser cannon.

You will find you will expand more quickly.

Expand? ::blinks:: What's this expand thing? o.o

I don't even -try- to defend the whole world. I never build more than three or four bases: Europe as my first base (conventional), the Antarctica research-manufacturing base, and if I care to bother, strike bases in East Asia or North America.

Any action that doesn't in some way contribute to your goal is meaningless. Your goal is to smack down Cydonia. What do you want directly for that?
Cydonia or Bust
An Avenger
A squad of Rambos in powersuits, backed with a couple HWPs.

Indirectly, you want to keep your score survivable (not too difficult unless you waste too much time), you want to make enough money to get to this point, you want the tech to get to this point and you want to keep your bases from being raped (which, till you get a Grav Shield and at least Plasma Defense, involves more prayer than skill).

It doesn't take world-wide coverage with strike teams for every UFO.

The rocket launcher is conspicuous by its absence, does that mean that you do use RL's?
No. I don't normally use Earth-tech weapons except for special situations. (Stun rods, prox grenades, effects that I can't replicate with alien tech yet.) I've tried Rifles in the early game on shot-down (not grounded) UFOs with some success, but once you get the Laser Rifle they obviously go by the wayside.

Japo 27-03-2006 02:24 PM

My strategy involves covering the whole world, and goes as follows. First base in Europe, second in Eastern Asia and Third in North America. The order is dictated by the addition of the covered countries' contribution to X-Com. In the long term all of them get full operational facilities and personnel.

Among my soldiers I select one third of them with the greatest psionic strength, and put them in Europe, which is closest to the other two. When the mission is against Sectoids or Ethereals, I launch from Europe and my squad is then impervious to psionic attacks.

The rest of the world is covered by cheap radar-only bases in Africa, South America, Australia and the North Pole, which can include stores so that I can free some slots occupied by storage facilities in the operational bases.

Guest 28-03-2006 08:27 AM


Originally posted by Ramidel@Mar 26 2006, 01:06 PM
Ironically, early in the game I don't hit the UFOs with my Skyranger, just my Interceptor. This is when I've just got conventional weapons, mind.

I misunderstood what you meant by this. Your new post has made this all clear now. :ok:

Expand? ::blinks:: What's this expand thing? o.o

By expand I mean building bases. I aslo build no more than four bases. My first in Europe, second in USA, third in Austrailia and lastly in Siberia - I use the last one for storage only.

I'm only playing the game on experienced level, so I'll be interested to see if I will need to change my stratagy when I play on a higher level.

Hypersniper 28-03-2006 08:38 AM

The post above was by me. I forgot to log in. :wall:

Guest 28-03-2006 12:01 PM

Hi all

I've started playing this game recently, and when it came to the point of attacking an alien base I ran in to some problems.
Is it possible to use those red teleport things yourself?
When I start playing a base attack mission most of my men start in a room with green floor which I can't seem to be able to leave. Only one or two of my men are outside these rooms, and that of course makes it pretty hard to finish the mission.
The last one, for example, I had to finish with only one man. He got a rediculous amount of kills, which was pretty funny, but it was also very hard to do. Any suggestions?

laiocfar 28-03-2006 12:49 PM


I'm only playing the game on experienced level, so I'll be interested to see if I will need to change my stratagy when I play on a higher level.
I use 8 bases, 3 with troopers and the rest only for interceptors. Europe (small lab, small workshop, 25 troopers, 1 Interceptor and 1 Firestorm); SouthAmerica (big workshop, 20 troops, 1 I and 1 F); South East Asia (big lab, 20 T, 1 I and 1 F); North America (1 I); Africa (1 I); Australia (1 I); Siberia (1 I); Antartica (1 I). I only lost tracks when they go trought Pacific, i need a listening post on Hawai. I start first base in Europe where u got most of your income, and next build min facilities bases network and expand where aliens show more interest.


Is it possible to use those red teleport things yourself?
When I start playing a base attack mission most of my men start in a room with green floor which I can't seem to be able to leave. Only one or two of my men are outside these rooms, and that of course makes it pretty hard to finish the mission.
The last one, for example, I had to finish with only one man. He got a rediculous amount of kills, which was pretty funny, but it was also very hard to do. Any suggestions?

haha, u must know that the green floor and the red squares that u called teleport thing are just elevators, there are two buttons as a pawn and an arrow head next to use them. When the elevator goes to an upper level u will see some red lines coming from the floor. U need use them to attack some big ships where a 4 squares alien can be trapped in the upper hull :tomato:
Anyway avoid to have all your squad or most of it in the same place during an alien base attacks, move as max in groups of 2, all the groups should work as one but no more of 2 men by room or some fusion ball launcher will blow up any room with 3 squaddies. If they sppot a room with many people KABOOM. Better got rambo like heros than got a top squad dead.

Japo 28-03-2006 02:11 PM

The buttons Laiocfar talks about, which you need to go up and down in lifts, are the ones on the far left; most likely you haven't used them yet. Have fun. :cheers:

Wolf Thug 29-03-2006 07:40 PM

Motion Scanners suck im not too good at using them and is there any way my toops dont loose control ....example ,paniking,alien control or go beserk i know bravery plays a part so less brave soldiers are given jobs like Medic,Weapon carrier etc is this a good way to curb the control thing..

PrejudiceSucks 29-03-2006 10:43 PM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Mar 29 2006, 07:40 PM
Motion Scanners suck im not too good at using them and is there any way my toops dont loose control ....example ,paniking,alien control or go beserk i know bravery plays a part so less brave soldiers are given jobs like Medic,Weapon carrier etc is this a good way to curb the control thing..
Only Psychic training in the Psi-labs once you have Psychic technology.

Japo 30-03-2006 12:10 AM

I also think that MSs suck, they're of no help: even if you know that there's an alien in a room, it doesn't mean it's not going to shoot you, if you enter a room with an alien inside you're in no disadvantage compared to the situation in which you knew it was there beforehand. Plus MSs spend TUs when used, they keep one hand busy so that a puny one-handed gun (pistol) must be used, or the two-handed gun gets a worse aim.

I never use them, besides my strategy for combat involves that I don't have to search for the aliens. I comb the whole area with my squad forming an advancing "curtain": the soldiers aren't too close so that the aliens don't get an easy score, but still no alien can trespass the line and get into my secured area unnoticed.

As for the psionic attacks, according to the manual a soldier's resistance to them doesn't depend on his psionic skill, which can be trained, but rather on his psionic strength, which is innate and cannot change through training nor otherwise. But of course, you don't know each soldier's psionic strength until he gets at least a month of psionic training. But you can suppose it--I think the aliens target the mentally weakest soldiers first.

I've got a system that defens me against psionic attacks, I've talked about it in a previous post on this same page.

laiocfar 30-03-2006 02:59 AM

Psi defence cant be trained :bleh:

Japofran, use the line as formation its easy when u got a full squad and some open terrain where fire can be crossed, its the right formation to fight in the jungle. But in city scape or baes, it becomes unusefull and risky, u can be easyly ambushed and if some of they get in your rear, u are dead. There is were i started to use rombo like formation and a secure zone at the rear with guards, heavy weaponary and replacements.

MS are very usefull in city scape or base fighting particulary in base defences to set ambush. The trooper with the MS is only for MS, he must be used to move another soldiers or to know when the attacking aliens pass to attack next turn from their rear.
THe big fail of MS is that it no detect aliens that are waiting you to come in for shot and move.

Japo 30-03-2006 04:11 AM

That's what I said, psi defence (strength) cannot be trained. :bannana: That's why I create a team with the psi-strongest for missions against Sectoids and Ethereals.

My strategy is not a line formation, I said "curtain". Rigid formations are of no use in modern warfare, so the same happens in this game. What I do is advance the first soldier towards a safe position (actually I start with the HWPs); then advance the second towards a second position, etc. Each soldier's position is decided independently of the others' positions, BUT in a way that no alien is able to trespass the flexible curtain unnoticed and appear in the secured zone.

When there are buildings on the city or countryside or rooms, lifts, etc. in an alien base no problem. I dispatch a small taskforce of two or more soldiers to explore the building; and the whole combing goes on outside and inside.

The distribution of soldiers never resembles a line even remotely, and in a city it will be very different from the one in the desert.

Saludos amigo

Hypersniper 30-03-2006 11:21 AM


Originally posted by Japofran@Mar 30 2006, 04:11 PM

What I do is advance the first soldier towards a safe position (actually I start with the HWPs); then advance the second towards a second position, etc.

I,m not sure if there is a safe position. Troops are always in the line of fire from one direction or another. What I do is also move move my HWP(s) out first (actually I've got no choice) and scan as much of the area as I can for a couple of turns. If it spots an alien I will throw a smoke grenade out at the base of the ramp.Then I will slowly move my troops out in pairs. I keep them in pairs to cover each others backs (but not placed to close together, don't want an alien getting lucky). My HWP is always first to move each turn so I can asses the layout of the land then I will move my troops as per the situation. I have no formation as a whole for my troops, I move them as I see fit. I throw smoke granades into any buildings as this is the last place I will search for the aliens. My next objective is to find the entrance of the UFO, if I have'nt found it already. Then I will use one of my paired team which have got the best reactions of them all to cover the door from a reasonable distance. When I am happy there is no more aliens on the outside I will bring my attention to the ship and clear it out. If the mission deos not end after that, then there is only the buildings left. I do not take this for granted though in case some aliens have moved outside in the meantime. This is where I use the heavy cannon the most and fire some HE through the entrance and windows then i will go in if I really have to.

simple player 30-03-2006 12:07 PM

I have been searching the forum, but got no answer about the UFO exiting to windows when I send a party to intercept a crashed UFO, I have tried it in 98 (on a different computer) and under another computer with a win2k OS, still I get exited to windows everytime I go to a crashed UFO site. Im guessing its a soundcard problem, and not a "some programs running in the background" theory.

The Fifth Horseman 30-03-2006 01:32 PM

It's a bug in the Windows version of the game, IIRC.

Japo 30-03-2006 09:26 PM


Originally posted by Hypersniper@Mar 30 2006, 11:21 AM
I,m not sure if there is a safe position. [...] What I do is also move my HWP(s) out first (actually I've got no choice) [...]
Of course, no position is really safe, but I'm sure you also try to expose your soldiers as little as possible. For instance, if I'm going to cross a street but my soldier doesn't have enough TUs that turn to get to the next corner, the I wait until the next turn. I'm not going to leave a soldier in the middle of the street.

I also position HWPs in the vanguard, I already mentioned it, and this is favoured by the fact that they have plenty of TUs. (It's true that at the beginning you've got no choice, because they're always at the entrance of the transport ship, but I'm sure that the game is designed that way on purpose, for convenience.) And when I need a unit at a very exposed position, especially in the countryside, then I use HWPs; they're sturdier than soldiers, and a new one costs money, but you don't loose skills trained throughout years.

I think both our strategies are somewhat similar, we both move our units as we "see fit" without using a specific formation, but there are some differences. I'm not so cautious, although that's because I'm not so patient. Besides, I like to comb the area as I've explained. This way I know that there's a secured area from where I'm not going to be shot, and so my soldiers are looking the other way and can detect the enemy and get opportunity shots with better lkelihood and in greater amount. If there are no objects providing cover where I need it, so that there's a position in my amorphous curtain which is exposed to more than 180 degrees of non-secured territory, I like to use HWPs there.

But of course, strategies are very personal, and you seem quite seasoned at playing this... :ok:

evan3849 31-03-2006 02:47 AM

I am having some problem playing this game. Its running way too fast, and I cant slow it down. And I cant get it to work with DOSBox, because the game says it doesnt work in DOS mode. So, what do I do? :cry:

Please Help! :help:


laiocfar 31-03-2006 06:05 AM

Take it easy , is turn based i finished the game twice before i could know the real spped of the game.

HWPs and flying HWPs can end a mission alone. Open formations are usefull if all the mens in the line can fire to an alien spoted just by one of them. I dont like to deploy all my people if is not a line as above, so never used the "curtain", i secure zones by lefting proximity mines. There is a big difference of playstitles if u rush into building or just blow them. I like to enter, sometimes using grenades but do little damage in city warfare. Its stupid cuz the civilians always end dead, if i am on a rinforest, i lauch as many explosives as i can and use HE ammo; but in a city i check building by building and only if i see two or more of them in a house y torch it. I dont know why. And when going out of skyranger, always use smoke and set a secure are near to the sky. After that i start moving.

evan3849 31-03-2006 06:53 AM

You have mis-understood my problem...
I know its a turn-based game, because I have played it before. But I said its too fast now, its because the timer now runs like crazy even at the lowest speed (5 secs). :eeeeeh: And the Globe over-spin whenever I tried to click on the buttons. :ranting: The TFTD runs fine under DOS, with DOSBox set at 10000 cycles, and I cant see why XCOM1 has to run under Windows, or... where do I get the DOS version?

Help, please?


another_guest 31-03-2006 07:34 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Mar 31 2006, 06:05 AM
HWPs and flying HWPs can end a mission alone.
I doubt that, you couldn't enter most ufos and rooms within ufos with HWPs.
Of course you can crack them open with blaster bombs, but it's far from ideal...

Hypersniper 31-03-2006 10:22 AM


Originally posted by evan3849@Mar 31 2006, 06:53 PM
You have mis-understood my problem...
I know its a turn-based game, because I have played it before. But I said its too fast now, its because the timer now runs like crazy even at the lowest speed (5 secs). :eeeeeh: And the Globe over-spin whenever I tried to click on the buttons. :ranting: The TFTD runs fine under DOS, with DOSBox set at 10000 cycles, and I cant see why XCOM1 has to run under Windows, or... where do I get the DOS version?

Help, please?


Did you download the game from this web site. If you did use the ufo.exe and not the ufo defence.exe. the ufo.exe is the fix for the speed problem.
If you did not then download it.

Hypersniper 31-03-2006 11:20 AM


Originally posted by Japofran@Mar 31 2006, 09:26 AM
If there are no objects providing cover where I need it, so that there's a position in my amorphous curtain which is exposed to more than 180 degrees of non-secured territory, I like to use HWPs there.

What if you loose your HWPs, do you have a backup plan.
There was a situation where I was on a mission in the desert. I took 2 HWPs, as I always do on missions with very little cover and one was destroyed from the word go and the other a short time later. Lucky for me my soldiers had hardly moved from the ship, so I got them back on board and aborted as I was not prepared to loose any of them. They all had good stats and previous missions behind them.
Do you think I could have done something in this situation instead of aborting.

Japo 31-03-2006 02:30 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar+Mar 31 2006, 06:05 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (laiocfar @ Mar 31 2006, 06:05 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Open formations are usefull if all the men in the line can fire to an alien spoted just by one of them.[/b]

Yes I like to advance first with my most dispensable soldiers, it's cruel but that way it's them and not the experienced ones who get most exposed. And when I detect an alien I don't fire with the rookie if I don't have to, but with my expert marksmen at the rearguard. They can even try an aimed shot if they haven't moved and it seems advantageous.

@Mar 31 2006, 06:05 AM
I secure zones by lefting proximity mines. There is a big difference of playstitles if u rush into building or just blow them. I like to enter[/quote]
We agree on that, I also like to clear buildings so that an alien doesn't go out after I've passed and attacks me from behind. I find difficult to secure open terrain with prox. 'nades, but it seems to me a good idea to leave them at the entrance of a building if you really don't want to enter, it's only that you'll have a hard time entering afterwards if you have to. And I like to clear areas in an orderly way, after all it's not important how much time you spend in ending the mission--except for terror attacks. And in terror attacks you shouldn't leave proxies at the entrance of unexplored buildings, a civ could get out and step on his death!

Japo 31-03-2006 02:44 PM


Originally posted by Hypersniper@Mar 31 2006, 11:20 AM
What if you loose your HWPs, do you have a backup plan.
There was a situation where I was on a mission in the desert. [...]
Do you think I could have done something in this situation instead of aborting.

Well, one's got to work with what one's got at hand. If I lose my HWPs and really want to go on with the mission, maybe some of my soldiers will be more exposed. They should always be kneeled down. But of course you can always abort the mission. You can play either cautious or reckless, but if you were fixed by such heavy enemy fire even before getting out the transport, and you didn't want to lose your experienced soldiers, then I guess you did the right thing.

s0n!x 31-03-2006 05:59 PM

i have a problem... my game exits when it is on the ground mission... what shall i do??? :crazy:

s0nix 31-03-2006 06:25 PM

and also when i try to save my game there is no data and cause when i load it... back to the beginning. somebody help me!!! and where can i get te dos version? :crazy:

evan3849 01-04-2006 01:54 AM


Originally posted by Hypersniper@Mar 31 2006, 10:22 AM

Did you download the game from this web site. If you did use the ufo.exe and not the ufo defence.exe. the ufo.exe is the fix for the speed problem.
If you did not then download it.

Yes, I downloaded the game from this site, and yes, I think its still running a little too fast. Plus, the game isnt maximized right, some top part is cut off. TFTD, on the other hand, has been working perfectly for me. It still plays well like the old days. As for XCOM3, if the mouse isnt so choppy, I might even consider finishing it.

Hypersniper 01-04-2006 12:53 PM


Originally posted by evan3849@Mar 31 2006, 02:47 PM
I am having some problem playing this game. Its running way too fast, and I cant slow it down. And I cant get it to work with DOSBox, because the game says it doesnt work in DOS mode. So, what do I do? :cry:

Please Help! :help:


Down load the dos version and try that in DOSBox.

Hypersniper 01-04-2006 01:16 PM


Originally posted by Japofran@Apr 1 2006, 02:44 AM
Well, one's got to work with what one's got at hand. If I lose my HWPs and really want to go on with the mission, maybe some of my soldiers will be more exposed. They should always be kneeled down. But of course you can always abort the mission. You can play either cautious or reckless, but if you were fixed by such heavy enemy fire even before getting out the transport, and you didn't want to lose your experienced soldiers, then I guess you did the right thing.
I think I will take a mix of seasoned and unseasoned soldiers for these types of missions. I don't like to play reckless and I don't like to be forced to give up so easily. I can live with loosing tanks and rookies. :cheers:

Wolf Thug 01-04-2006 07:21 PM

I just wanna say that after reading these posts my personal stratergy has so greatly improved that my men now :sniper:cover each other and on terror missions the highest number of casualtys are never higher than 2.

It just shows that all the advice was excellent :monkey dance:

Tip:when arming my men at bigining of missions i give them all but 1st two of my men in left hands proximity grenades and prime it at the start... :sniper: :sniper:

Ferretus 01-04-2006 09:11 PM

UFO is fab. Looking forward to being able to play it again.

One problem though, despite having the original CD rom I cant get dosbox to run it! So I thought OK then I'll do what every other numpty out there does and Download it. Still no joy :-(

It will do one of 2 things. Either lock up, or start with scrambled graphics and then lock up. Suggestions?

Hypersniper 01-04-2006 11:45 PM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Apr 2 2006, 07:21 AM
Tip:when arming my men at bigining of missions i give them all but 1st two of my men in left hands proximity grenades and prime it at the start... :sniper: :sniper:
What if some of your men get MC controlled and drop their weapons while inside the ranger. You've just created a mine field.

Japo 02-04-2006 12:25 AM


Originally posted by Hypersniper@Apr 1 2006, 01:16 PM
I can live with loosing tanks and rookies. :cheers:
It's cruel to say this but losing a rookie is hardly a setback. :twisted: So you can include some of them in all your teams and dispatch them exposed up front. However you'll find that this will limit the movement of your whole team, because rookies will have few TUs. But this won't affect the mission result (except for civ deaths in terror missions), it's just that you'll spend more turns in ending each mission.

Japo 02-04-2006 12:32 AM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Apr 1 2006, 07:21 PM
Tip:when arming my men at bigining of missions i give them all but 1st two of my men in left hands proximity grenades and prime it at the start... :sniper: :sniper:
Besides, maybe you're not aware but according to the manual a soldier's accuracy is greatly impaired if he doesn't have his left hand free, you can check the percentages. This happens for 2-handed weapons, but 1-handed ones (pistols) are just worthless.
:guns: :apple:

Japo 02-04-2006 12:43 AM


Originally posted by Ferretus@Apr 1 2006, 09:11 PM
It will do one of 2 things. Either lock up, or start with scrambled graphics and then lock up. Suggestions?
I also had problems with a game I own (Syndicate+American Revolt) which prevented me from playing, and I fixed them completely replacing the DOS4GW.EXE file with a newer version of the same file from another game. I think this worked with another game as well. Some games include older versions of DOS4GW.EXE which are crappy.

However I'm not saying that this will solve your problem, I'm only trying, I've got no clue... :whistle:

xs0nIx 02-04-2006 03:09 PM

UFO1 is one of the best classic games...

Heres a tip on how to make money:
1.) Research laser weapons.
2.) If u can manufacture laser pistol already then go for it.
3.) I recommend you should have at least 50 engineers and two workshops.
4.) The math: 1LP cost 8,000 and sold at 20,000. So let say u produce 100 LP:
8,000X100=800,000, cost
200,00X100=2,000,000, total gain
1,200,000=your profit. :ok:
5.) A sure way to gain money.

Maybe now you wil think other things to produce, for me I choose LP cause it consumed less work space and a good money making from the start.

Enjoy the game...!

Japo 02-04-2006 09:40 PM


Originally posted by xs0nIx@Apr 2 2006, 03:09 PM
5.) A sure way to gain money.
Yes, you can make money this way, I did it but only when my engineers were not busy, and I didn't hire extra ones for this. You can make money with medikits or motion scanners as well as with laser pistols, or with any other item. (But you shouldn't spend eleruim just to make money unless you've got plenty of it.)

There's a way to learn the most profitable item to sell. When you select a new item for production, you're told the engineers·hours needed to manufacture each unit. What you must do is substract the manufacturing cost from the selling income as you mentioned (but for a single unit) to get the unitary profit. Then you divide this profit by the engineers·hours per unit you were told. The item with the greatest result of these operations is the most profitable, since you'll get more bucks for each hour your engineers are working.

Got it? :eeeeeh:

Wolf Thug 04-04-2006 06:27 PM

Well thats wat i do but i always save a mission frequenly so theres no way i can loose a battle no way just save in a seperate name for battles and your un touchable try it

laiocfar 06-04-2006 04:01 AM

Anyway money come from killing them and at end u got many millons, squads and equipment but u got too short time between missions to build the avenger.

another_guest 06-04-2006 07:43 AM


Originally posted by Japofran@Apr 2 2006, 09:40 PM
There's a way to learn the most profitable item to sell...
Someone's already done the maths for you :D

These are sort of the "top 3" excluding anything that needs elerium to manufacture; start with med-kits; as soon as you can produce the laser stuff, go for that.

3. Med-kits
2. Laser rifles
1. Laser cannons

Note that fusion ball launchers make you a slightly higher profit than laser cannons, but they need elerium, so I'd stick to the laser cannons.
Not sure about laser pistols, maybe they're a bit more profitable than med-kits, but in any case not as good as laser rifles.

And xs0nIx, you need to subtract the cost of your engineers + maintenance of your workshops in order to get the "real" profit ;)

PrejudiceSucks 06-04-2006 07:18 PM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Apr 4 2006, 06:27 PM
Well thats wat i do but i always save a mission frequenly so theres no way i can loose a battle no way just save in a seperate name for battles and your un touchable try it

That's cheating!

Cockroach 07-04-2006 06:48 AM


Originally posted by Japofran+Apr 1 2006, 07:32 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Japofran @ Apr 1 2006, 07:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Wolf Thug@Apr 1 2006, 07:21 PM
Tip:when arming my men at bigining of missions i give them all but 1st two of my men in left hands proximity grenades and prime it at the start... :sniper:* :sniper:
Besides, maybe you're not aware but according to the manual a soldier's accuracy is greatly impaired if he doesn't have his left hand free, you can check the percentages. This happens for 2-handed weapons, but 1-handed ones (pistols) are just worthless.
:guns: :apple: [/b][/quote]
Pistols rock! You get a higher rate of fire, a lighter weapon, and the ability to use grenades without an accuracy penalty.

another_guest 07-04-2006 07:29 AM


Originally posted by Cockroach@Apr 7 2006, 06:48 AM
Pistols rock! You get a higher rate of fire, a lighter weapon, and the ability to use grenades without an accuracy penalty.
How come, a higher rate of fire?

And personally I think pistols (incl. laser pistols) don't deliver enough damage compared to laser rifles, autocannons, etc.
Plasma pistols would make a decent choice I guess, but I still prefer heavy plasmas or laser rifles at that point.

Wolf Thug 07-04-2006 08:09 AM

@COCKROACH later on you get laser and plasma pistols which also rock

Pistols use up less TU so carrying a few of them could come handy

@PrejudiceSucks it cant be chaeating saving often is what all games reccomend why do you think its cheating...

Hypersniper 07-04-2006 10:04 AM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Apr 7 2006, 08:09 PM
PrejudiceSucks it cant be chaeating saving often is what all games reccomend why do you think its cheating...
Game manuals recommend you save often because computers have a tendancy to crash.
You are not saving to safeguard your progress, you are saving to manipulate the game to your advantage. In my book, that is cheating. :sneaky:

another_guest 07-04-2006 12:37 PM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Apr 7 2006, 08:09 AM
Pistols use up less TU so carrying a few of them could come handy
Strength is the key ;)
Most soldiers can easily carry heavy plasmas plus 1-2 grenades or so.
And why carry a few pistols instead of 1 pistol and a lot of ammo?

Wolf Thug 07-04-2006 01:59 PM

@ Another Guest

I meant as one in a few soildiers backpacks like those soldiers with low TU

@ Hypersniper but I cant stand loosing a very expierienced soldier so this way i rarely do but ill try playing without saving four the challenge of it

Cockroach 07-04-2006 11:56 PM


Originally posted by another_guest+Apr 7 2006, 02:29 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (another_guest @ Apr 7 2006, 02:29 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Cockroach@Apr 7 2006, 06:48 AM
Pistols rock! You get a higher rate of fire, a lighter weapon, and the ability to use grenades without an accuracy penalty.
How come, a higher rate of fire?

And personally I think pistols (incl. laser pistols) don't deliver enough damage compared to laser rifles, autocannons, etc.
Plasma pistols would make a decent choice I guess, but I still prefer heavy plasmas or laser rifles at that point. [/b][/quote]
With the laser pistol you can get 12 shots a turn vs about 6-7 with the laser rifle. Sure, you have like 46 dmg vs 60, but it's twice the shots.... Yeah, gotta give those reaction troopers those babies :P

With the standard pistol, you get faster snap shots and better accuracy than the rifle (nice for ranged attacks) and you can keep a grenade in the other hand without accuracy loss.

The plasma pistol rocks less as it doesn't excel in any one area over other guns. It's slow, decent accuracy, takes ammo, and only has stopping power going for it.

Master MC 08-04-2006 12:01 AM

Wasn't laser infinite?

Japo 08-04-2006 12:08 AM


Originally posted by Cockroach@Apr 7 2006, 08:48 AM
Pistols rock! You get a higher rate of fire, a lighter weapon, and the ability to use grenades without an accuracy penalty.
Bah. Even without penalty, a pistol is less accurate to start with. And don't compare its power with the rifle's, compare it with the heavy gun's. How many pistol shots do you need to take down a muton? A dozen or more?

Cockroach 08-04-2006 12:19 AM


Originally posted by Japofran+Apr 7 2006, 07:08 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Japofran @ Apr 7 2006, 07:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Cockroach@Apr 7 2006, 08:48 AM
Pistols rock! You get a higher rate of fire, a lighter weapon, and the ability to use grenades without an accuracy penalty.
Bah. Even without penalty, a pistol is less accurate to start with. And don't compare its power with the rifle's, compare it with the heavy gun's. How many pistol shots do you need to take down a muton? A dozen or more? [/b][/quote]
The standard pistol is about as accurate as it gets and the difference with the rifle in damage is insignificant. It only loses out at point-blank range, where the rifle can put all 3 shots on the target.

Japo 08-04-2006 12:33 AM


Originally posted by Cockroach@Apr 8 2006, 02:19 AM
The standard pistol is about as accurate as it gets and the difference with the rifle in damage is insignificant. It only loses out at point-blank range, where the rifle can put all 3 shots on the target.
But I've told you, compare the pistol's damage (AP, laser, plasma, whatever) not with the rifle, but rather with the heavy cannon (or heavy laser, heavy plasma, etc.). Some aliens take great amounts of damage before dying, and I feel I can't afford to use but the most powerful weapon available.

Cockroach 08-04-2006 01:46 AM

I'd take something like a laser pistol any day over any 'heavy' but the heavy plasma. They just don't lay down the volume of fire, and you end up with a low reaction score after firing it to boot.

Bad frontline weapons:
Heavy cannon: 6 shots, 2 per round
Rocket launcher: 1 shot, can't move to cover
Blaster launcher: 1 shot, precious ammo

Decent weapons:
Plasma Pistol: well balanced gun, doesn't excell at anything
Rifle: great for about 2 weeks, replaced with lasers
Pistol: #2 reaction gun, it's accurate, it's fast, it's a tad weak

Niech weapons:
Heavy Laser: slow, inaccurate, fairly weak, only useful against sectopods
Plasma Rifle: #1 sniper, outclassed by heavy plasma and laser rifle in assault rolls

Excellent frontline weapons:
Laser Pistol: #1 reaction weapon, 12 shots per turn, eats anything up to about chryssalids and ethereals
Laser Rifle: all around good rifle, good power, good accuracy, no ammo
Heavy Plasma: Muton killer, door breacher, a tad slow, ammo can be problematic at times
Small launcher: awesome area effect, drop sectopods like flies
Any grenade: don't need line of sight, cheap, don't trigger reaction fire as easily

Your best bet with the X-com games is a mixed squad. 2-4 heavy plasma, 6 or so laser rifles, 2 high reaction grenadiers with laser pistols, and either a tank or some guys with supporting weapons like autocannons or rocket/blaster launchers (with pistol backup). Going all heavy either gets expensive on your elerium or you end up with lots of dead troopers who were to weak to move under the load.

Guest_javaguy 10-04-2006 11:01 AM

hmm, this game looks fun, very fun.. but problems.
I rnu the game in windows using UFO. exe and build a base, some aliens come along so I go to intercept, i get there and click start the misison or whatever and it encounters a problem and needs to close :(

Wolf Thug 10-04-2006 07:25 PM

Good advice cockroach but plasma pistols are better than laser pistols?

The Fifth Horseman 10-04-2006 08:04 PM

But they also need Elerium and have a limited ammo supply.

Wolf Thug 10-04-2006 08:15 PM

they are still better

guesst 10-04-2006 09:40 PM

You know, this may be off topic, but 174 pages + of responces to this topic. It's a tribute to the sheer power of this game.

I wonder if there's a way to see what threads on this board has the most replys, etc.

Wolf Thug 10-04-2006 09:52 PM

Why dont we use ufo2000 for multiplayer?

PrejudiceSucks 10-04-2006 11:25 PM

There's a topic for that, keep this to UFO : EU.

And MasterMC, yes, Laser anything is infinite ammo.

rlbell 10-04-2006 11:43 PM


Originally posted by Cockroach@Apr 8 2006, 01:46 AM

Bad frontline weapons:
Heavy cannon: 6 shots, 2 per round
Rocket launcher: 1 shot, can't move to cover
Blaster launcher: 1 shot, precious ammo

These are not frontline weapons. They are support weapons and are used for support purposes. The blaster launcher is for making extra entrances in UFO's and for clumps of aliens. The rocket launcher is for clumps of aliens and four square sized terror critters, it is also good for clearing away the jungle and widening windows to allow your troopers to shoot into buildings. The heavy cannon is a trade off of extra rounds and higher rate of fire in exchange for reduced effectiveness. The autocannon adds more rounds and autofire, but lacks the punch to knock open brick walls.

Cockroach 11-04-2006 02:57 AM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Apr 10 2006, 02:25 PM
Good advice cockroach but plasma pistols are better than laser pistols?
It's a trade off really. A pistol made for stopping power vs one with twice the speed, and unlimited ammo at a small power loss vs one that is very accurate but weak. Wielding a laser pistol in one hand and a plasma/standard in the other is quite fun and I've grown quite attached to the setup in my current pistol only campaign. :D

laiocfar 11-04-2006 06:23 AM

and who not tryed to end a mission with the Commander with only one pistol and many clips..... u should take a race like floaters and a backup team with some real weapons and mediks

gufu1992 15-04-2006 02:34 AM

What do you mean?

Guest 15-04-2006 12:27 PM

My squad setup usually goes like this

When using a Skyranger (i.e. in the first few months of the game):

1 Tank Cannon - Cause how many times have you entered a battlefield and the first person to walk off the plane gets shot by 6 different aliens before you even see them?
8 Laser Rifle Troops - Because at the early stages you dont really have much alein technology researched and its a solid weapon at any stage of the game
2 Auto Cannons - For support, i usually send them ASAP to the roof of nearby buildings, especially handy at night with incenedary rounds, fire off a few auto shots into the distance and see the whole map get lit up

But later when using an Avenger and being able to carry around 16:

4 Laser Rifles - Work in conjunction with the 4 Heavy Plasmas
4 Heavy Plasmas - These and Laser rifles used for the general fighting and room clearing
4 Auto Cannons - Sent to rooftops and hills to secure the area and give support to the Assulat Troops. versatility of changing ammo is very helpful in this instance
1 Heavy plasma Tank - Again sent as a TU waster for the aliens at the start of the battle but floating allows it to help the Auto Cannons in the support phase or for scouting ahead and acting as a diversion before sending in the Assualt Troops

Sometimes ill have 2 soldiers with Laser and Plasma Pistols for Terror missions where the fighting can get really up close and personal :D

Mr. Barman 15-04-2006 12:28 PM

woops, that was me :D

Japo 15-04-2006 01:45 PM

I myself use:

- One or two (depending on transport ship available) HWPs. Plasma if available, if not the other non-explosive choice; I prefer the HWPs to be more versatile since they have plenty of HWP and can be anywhere, and I leave the fireworks to the men.

- The fireworks guy, with blaster launcher or the best technology available. Also a conventional weapon in the backpack. (With "conventional" I don't mean puny armor piercing, I mean anything which is neither explosive nor stunning; the heavy plasma is my favourite choice.)

- The two psi-strongest (and most trained) men get psi-amps in their left hands. If the blaster launcher is available then one of these is also the fireworks man, since the accuracy penalty for not having both hands free is irrelevant for this weapon, being automatically targeted as it is. If the BL is not available then on the contrary, since accuracy is most critical with these weapons if only one man is equiped.

- The two men with best shooting accuracy wield stun bomb launchers if available, and carry conventional weapons in their backpack. When I don't seek to capture new aliens alive, then they wield the conventional weapons and the launcher is now in the backpack. When the stun bomb launcher is not available then the two men with most TUs get stun rods.

- The two most worhless guys (poorest shooters) are equiped with medikits and so, so if I've got to use something that's not a weapon it's done by the guys who would do less good with one.

- All the men (there are up to ten men in a squad) wield conventional weapons except the fireworks guy, which nonetheless has one in the backpack and will use it if he runs out of explosive ammunition, and the two best shooters, who may wield conventional weapons or stun bomb launcher as explained above. The conventional weapons are the most powerful ones available, heavy plasma (which has in addition a very good snap shot accuracy rating) once available. I myself don't bother with human-developed weapons, they're less powerful, and after all the aliens don't either. :D

Strength must also be taken into account so that none of the specially equiped soldiers is too slowed down. If he's slowed down just a little then don't worry, he'll get stronger in no time.

Hope this helps, or at least doesn't misguide. I'm not saying it's the optimum configuration, it's just the one I use.

gregor 15-04-2006 05:20 PM

i noticed that aliens always go on the weakest squad member with their psi (somehow they know who the weakest is). yet i keep them in my squad and arm them with flares only. the receive some additional weapons but only on their backpack. later when aliens are the ones panacking these squad members grab their weapons and are involved in action.

Japo 15-04-2006 06:18 PM


Originally posted by gregor+Apr 15 2006, 07:20 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gregor @ Apr 15 2006, 07:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>i noticed that aliens always go on the weakest squad member with their psi (somehow they know who the weakest is).[/b]

Indeed I've noticed, somehow they know--and we can't. I discussed my strategy some pages ago and there was something about this:


Among my soldiers I select one third of them with the greatest psionic strength, and put them in Europe, which is closest to the other two [continents]. When the mission is against Sectoids or Ethereals, I launch from Europe and my squad is then impervious to psionic attacks.[/quote]

guesst 15-04-2006 06:36 PM

The makers of X-Com admited that they made the computer players cheat, but it was the only way they could make them a challange.

I don't know why they bothered. On a game that you can play 8 hours straight before you suddenly realize you've play all night long, that's the sun coming up, you're hungry, tired, you need to be to work in 4 hours, and what you though was your monitor going out was just because you've got to pee so bad you're seeing yellow.

laiocfar 16-04-2006 09:02 AM

Anyway, aliens doesnt psi your weakest trooper if it is unsee. Its true that many times the corners got "holes" (mistakes of programmer?). And if u left the troops in the Skyranger and dont move or the aliens are taking the lossing hand and cant launch a psi attack, THE WEAKEST psi soldier becomes sppoted and controled(turn 13).

I told you many times about my diamond of 4 teams, or the line for jungles, or the pairs for base combat; so you can imagine that i only divide the equipment by teams and a sniper per team + a PSI team of 3-4 when avaible.
Japofran, its clever to make a PSI squad but i found that u need to make some PSI training to get the psi strengh of a trooper + the psi squad can be decimate as a rookies squad by a big ethereals crew + i found better to make an squad with the best troopers from the first year an train it to Cydonia in easy mission and better equipment.
U carry too many equipment for a normal squad + i found that u deploy too many or too few people to a combat situation or u keep (as me :angel: ) the special loaded soldiers as backup of normal teams.

Some other thing that i do different is that any soldier is a potential medic since they all carry the medikits.


For support, i usually send them ASAP to the roof of nearby buildings, especially handy at night with incenedary rounds, fire off a few auto shots into the distance and see the whole map get lit up
I love that move, i do it myself but i dont like to destroy too much.
BTW, i never managed the smoke well, only to cover the exit from the skyranger or to save a soldier without TU in the middle of a combat zone.


I don't know why they bothered. On a game that you can play 8 hours straight before you suddenly realize you've play all night long, that's the sun coming up, you're hungry, tired, you need to be to work in 4 hours, and what you though was your monitor going out was just because you've got to pee so bad you're seeing yellow.

This last is a masterpiece, clap clap clap LOL

Mr. Barman 16-04-2006 10:19 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Apr 16 2006, 09:02 AM

For support, i usually send them ASAP to the roof of nearby buildings, especially handy at night with incenedary rounds, fire off a few auto shots into the distance and see the whole map get lit up
I love that move, i do it myself but i dont like to destroy too much.

Well if its a country battle then i dont worry about damage but if its a Terror site then i stick to electro flares or Aimed incendiary rounds into open areas

Japo 16-04-2006 11:34 AM


Originally posted by guesst@Apr 15 2006, 08:36 PM
The makers of X-Com admited that they made the computer players cheat

laiocfar 17-04-2006 03:05 AM


Originally posted by Mr. Barman+Apr 16 2006, 10:19 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Mr. Barman @ Apr 16 2006, 10:19 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-laiocfar@Apr 16 2006, 09:02 AM

For support, i usually send them ASAP to the roof of nearby buildings, especially handy at night with incenedary rounds, fire off a few auto shots into the distance and see the whole map get lit up
I love that move, i do it myself but i dont like to destroy too much.

Well if its a country battle then i dont worry about damage but if its a Terror site then i stick to electro flares or Aimed incendiary rounds into open areas [/b][/quote]
I dont care for civilian they will die by alien´s hand anyway, i care for have to stop and wait until the smoke is gone to continue advancing. Always that i tried to attack trough smoke, they killed my team so easly and without a chance to fight back =(

Hypersniper 17-04-2006 07:07 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Apr 17 2006, 03:05 PM
I dont care for civilian they will die by alien´s hand anyway, i care for have to stop and wait until the smoke is gone to continue advancing. Always that i tried to attack trough smoke, they killed my team so easly and without a chance to fight back =(
Better to die by their hand than ours, Points are lost for killing civilians. Anyway, the whole idea of a terror mission is to save those poor little fellers.
It true that smoke works to the aliens advantage as well as yours but it can be a life saver sometimes when your men are caught out in the open. Cloud them in smoke and they might survive long enough to run for cover. Trying to do a frontal attack through smoke is asking for trouble because their eye sight is better than your soldiers. :crazy: Put smoke between you and them and try to flank them.

laiocfar 17-04-2006 08:28 AM

I used smoke in all ways that i could imagine:
- To cover the exit of the skyranger. It worked, its pretty easy to do. Just launch some smoke front of the ramp and go on.
- To save a soldiers that isnt going to survive next turn cuz he is in the middle of an open zone with the enemy in some building next or he pass trough the alien´s lines and have 3 sectoids just at their rear. It works sometimes but its an emergency situation and is expected to got 100% of succes.
- To cover an assault to a building by making the smoke near to the door inside the building. I get some clue from where are they before attack but it always end with the assaulting team dead when moving out of the cloud and the aliens got their possition reinforced with smoke.
- To cover an assault to a building by making the smoke in the open front it. This got no use, my men aren´t safe from shoot from the buildings + i lose the chance of any reaction for the fire support guys + when i cross the door they already know where i am and i got no clue of where they are.
- To cover a direct attack in open. It doesnt work.
- To cover a flank attack. I found that my flanks get attacked from the cloud + the center is pushed back or killed by the cloud. Anyway if it works it will be of no use, why i wish to lose contact? the objetive is always to kill everybody. When fighting ethereals it could be of some use but they can flight.
- In TFTD, i used smoke really well in ship fighting in closed areas. To use an attack and hide technik.

xs0nIx 17-04-2006 10:28 AM

the question is why bring weak soldiers in the battlefield? as you progress your soldiers will get stronger(just don't let them die :whistle:) except of course the psi strenght. and the solution to this just recruit more soldiers and train them on the psi labs and select whos the best and bring them to battle... :evil:

Den 17-04-2006 01:58 PM

I don't know about you guys.. but i finished the game before without psi training... what i did in the last attack or any other attack was to bring LOTS of alien rocket tanks and plasma tanks since they're the best units in the game(immune to panic, mind control and they solve any problems you have about aliens hiding behind something. :) Just toast the entire area with a rocket... problem solved! :)

whenever I see aliens running around a certain room in there base... i just launch rockets into that room. or keep firing on that direction. :)

Of course there were a lot of panic n mind control going on... but as soon as i arrived all my equipment had to be on the floor so that they wouldn't shoot themselves. When going down to the lower levels of the alien base I separated my best troops from my fodder troops(soldiers who always panicked and got mind controlled). At the end of the day I'm left about 2-4 men(2 good troops and 2 useless ones who kept running around the elevators where I left them.) :)

Anyway that's how I beat the game. Mostly on rockets, tanks and a lot of LUCK & LOADING. :) What am I supposed to do when I'm about to lose all my funding?

Japo 17-04-2006 09:20 PM

There's a bug in the game (at least that's how I call it) so that any soldier who's mind-controlled during the last turn will be lost, regardless of whether you win or lose. And somtimes there's no way around it, because if you don't kill the mind-controlling alien it keeps controlling your man every turn, and if you do then you win the battle, it's over and you lose your man. :angry:

rlbell 18-04-2006 03:00 AM


Originally posted by Japofran@Apr 17 2006, 09:20 PM
There's a bug in the game (at least that's how I call it) so that any soldier who's mind-controlled during the last turn will be lost, regardless of whether you win or lose. And somtimes there's no way around it, because if you don't kill the mind-controlling alien it keeps controlling your man every turn, and if you do then you win the battle, it's over and you lose your man. :angry:
Its a feature, not a bug. While the MIA does lower your score, he will never attempt to kill his squadmates, again. It always annoyed me when I forgot which trooper was the putty-brained goober who nearly killed many of my stronger willed troops. Having him never return to the transport solved the problem sacking the right person. Often, if the MC'd trooper was too able to inflict casualties, he was shot by anyone close at hand. The MC'd troopers who were not summarily executed were ones that had previously panicked and dropped their weapons. Leaving them to wander around kept the psi-capable aliens from worse mischief.

laiocfar 18-04-2006 05:01 AM

I remember a mission where i made the impossible to save MC soldier cuz the mind controlling alien was the last one.

Mr. Barman 18-04-2006 06:23 AM


Originally posted by Japofran@Apr 17 2006, 09:20 PM
There's a bug in the game (at least that's how I call it) so that any soldier who's mind-controlled during the last turn will be lost, regardless of whether you win or lose. And somtimes there's no way around it, because if you don't kill the mind-controlling alien it keeps controlling your man every turn, and if you do then you win the battle, it's over and you lose your man. :angry:
I get around that by finding the last alien and surrounding it with as many troops as possible, eventually you will cause it to panic or go beserk meaning it wont be able to MC the trooper and means you can end the battle quickly.

Either that or throw a grenade off to one side and wound it causing it to panic

Personally i dont like having any troops killed psi-strong or not because by the time you start fighting aliens with real psi skill like the etherals you've already had the troops for about 6 months which means it'll take any replacement another 6 months to get to the same skill level.

Plus i name my troops and losing one feels personal :D

Den 18-04-2006 08:31 AM

Just recently downloaded the game again... Anyone got any ideas why this game won't work? I'm running XP pro SP2. Both ufo defence.exe and ufo.exe files don't work. I just get a black screen then it crashes back to windows.(UFO defence Gold has encountered a error and must close blah blah blah blah)

I have the original dos version but it crashes as soon as make my new base.(without Dosbox).

With dosbox the game would run ok but it is as slow as hell. :( try waiting 3-5 secs when you try to turn the globe :ranting: )

Can anyone help me?

another_guest 18-04-2006 10:30 AM


Originally posted by Den@Apr 18 2006, 08:31 AM
Just recently downloaded the game again... Anyone got any ideas why this game won't work? I'm running XP pro SP2. Both ufo defence.exe and ufo.exe files don't work. I just get a black screen then it crashes back to windows.(UFO defence Gold has encountered a error and must close blah blah blah blah)

I have the original dos version but it crashes as soon as make my new base.(without Dosbox).

With dosbox the game would run ok but it is as slow as hell. :( try waiting 3-5 secs when you try to turn the globe :ranting: )

Can anyone help me?

In my experience, the Dos version under Dosbox is quite stable, though not 100%.
Have you increased the number of cycles in Dosbox? However, at a certain point a further increase will drastically reduce the performance again.

Sharp 18-04-2006 11:20 AM


Originally posted by rlbell@Apr 18 2006, 03:00 AM
Its a feature, not a bug
I would definitly call this a bug, you lose your trooper, sure might be bad at psi but I like to keep a psi-crap squad who specifically go and attack non-psi aliens (quite a fair few as only sectiods and etherials use psi).

Also you lose the armour he/she was wearing, not really too big but waste not want not.

Also this bug affects stunned troopers as well, you might want to stun your own troopers for many reasons, one guy looks into an alleyway and see's some cyber-disks, doesn't kill them with weapons and most likely to die during alien turn, one person shoots your own guy with a stun bomb effectivly stunning your guys and aliens will not fire at him. However say you kill those last aliens and your guy is still stunned you automatically lose your guy.

Definitly a bug, not a feature.

Hypersniper 18-04-2006 11:53 AM


Originally posted by Den@Apr 18 2006, 08:31 PM
Just recently downloaded the game again... Anyone got any ideas why this game won't work? I'm running XP pro SP2. Both ufo defence.exe and ufo.exe files don't work. I just get a black screen then it crashes back to windows.(UFO defence Gold has encountered a error and must close blah blah blah blah)

I can't garantee this will work but it's worth a shot if you have not tried it already.

Right click on the ufo.exe and select properties.
Select the compatibilities tab.
Tick the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for" and select Windows 98/Windows Me. (you could also try Windows 95).
Also tick "Run in 256 colours" and "Run in 640x480 screen resolution"

Do the same for UFO Defence.exe

I'm running the game with SP1 so I can't give you much more help.

laiocfar 19-04-2006 04:38 AM


Also you lose the armour he/she was wearing, not really too big but waste not want not.

Also this bug affects stunned troopers as well, you might want to stun your own troopers for many reasons, one guy looks into an alleyway and see's some cyber-disks, doesn't kill them with weapons and most likely to die during alien turn, one person shoots your own guy with a stun bomb effectivly stunning your guys and aliens will not fire at him. However say you kill those last aliens and your guy is still stunned you automatically lose your guy.

Definitly a bug, not a feature.

When you lose the soldier by missing in action or killed always lose the armor... this is the expensiviness of the armors so my rookies team got some extra causalities.
Anyway, i am sure that when u kill last alien and a trooper is still MC, you lose the trooper but the stunned soldier should come alive at base with all their equipment.

Mr. Barman 19-04-2006 10:32 AM


Originally posted by Den@Apr 18 2006, 08:31 AM
Just recently downloaded the game again... Anyone got any ideas why this game won't work? I'm running XP pro SP2. Both ufo defence.exe and ufo.exe files don't work. I just get a black screen then it crashes back to windows.(UFO defence Gold has encountered a error and must close blah blah blah blah)

I have the original dos version but it crashes as soon as make my new base.(without Dosbox).

With dosbox the game would run ok but it is as slow as hell. :( try waiting 3-5 secs when you try to turn the globe :ranting: )

Can anyone help me?

try VDMSound, i run the UFO gold edition with that by the VDMS defaults and it works perfectly fine

Japo 19-04-2006 11:42 PM


Originally posted by rlbell@Apr 18 2006, 05:00 AM
Its a feature, not a bug.
It's still a bug for me, or a very ill-conceived feature if it was on purpose. Because if one of your men gets MC'ed but is later released you don't lose him, but if he's MC's during the last turn you do. As a matter of fact after the last turn your men are supposed to have as long as they wish to recover weapons, alien corpses, materials, etc. There's no reason to leave that man behind if he was to recover his senses after one more turn (a minute, seconds?). Therefore, a bug.

laiocfar 21-04-2006 06:51 AM


It's still a bug for me, or a very ill-conceived feature if it was on purpose. Because if one of your men gets MC'ed but is later released you don't lose him, but if he's MC's during the last turn you do. As a matter of fact after the last turn your men are supposed to have as long as they wish to recover weapons, alien corpses, materials, etc. There's no reason to leave that man behind if he was to recover his senses after one more turn (a minute, seconds?). Therefore, a bug.
I not make many sense cuz u dont got sensors to get alien presence(this is an improment of the new but unsupportted X-Force a free new x-com 4). In this freeware u are told an estimated and unaccurated number of aliens per zone. It can be a bug but it looks more to me like the pregrammer let it be cuz he drinked too much or he was without sleep.

gregor 21-04-2006 07:54 AM


Originally posted by Japofran@Apr 19 2006, 11:42 PM
Therefore, a bug.
Or they avoided more serious bug by doing that. In fact as i saw the UFO: Alien Invasion it works the same way. don't know about MC, but once all aliens are dead the mission ends. Since this is the same in Terror from the deep i believe this is done on purpose. Because if you noticed you get all the stuff from the field back with you.

The soldier is missing in action. Annoying, i admit, but as i said it must have been done on purpose, probably to eliminate some other problems that might occur if this was done in another way.

Bugs are usually not done on purpose, but are erros in the programe.

Actually i think that in TFTD you could wait in the end before killing the alien so you soldier regains concesioness.

laiocfar 22-04-2006 03:12 AM

UFO: Alien Invasion ? please, enlightme.

guesst 22-04-2006 03:37 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Apr 22 2006, 03:12 AM
UFO: Alien Invasion ? please, enlightme.
I felt the same way. But Google is your friend.

UFO: Alien Invasion

cheater in 10 years back on x-co 22-04-2006 04:01 PM

dear all,
i play UFO-enemy unknown in 10 years back... if u guys wanna a super fire spin in a turn , try this.. check on a file which contain all weapons ... then remember to hack the guns own only by x-com, if not ... :angel: is the only tema u have.... i make the mistake once.. ooops and all alien have a fine good time blasting all my people in one turn..

remember the % to take a snap shot, aim shot and 3-bullets shooting.. (ie auto cannon etc..) change the value of % to 1% for aim shot and /snap shot etc.. so u only need 1% of u action point for aimed shop/ auto shooting.. especially an auto canon with HE/incrediary.. the graphic is awesome..

i remember i hacked with PCTOOLS.. i dont know any windows programs that will do it....

from an old and retired serious x-com gamer... hope u all have funs with this..

DONT HACKED the ALIEN GGUNS if not arggghhhhh... u will see.. he he

Wolf Thug 22-04-2006 09:10 PM


Hypersniper 22-04-2006 11:33 PM

It's good that game creators want to take an original idea and build upon it but nothing will beat UFO Enemy Unknown. I have played UFO: Aftermath(lost interest very quickly :yawn: ) and UFO: Aftershock(big improvement over Aftermath but still not good enough), but when I feel the need to sit in front of my computer and play a deep involving strategy game UFO Enemy Unknown is what I will load.

Wolf Thug 24-04-2006 07:52 PM

Did you know that if you have flying suit you can land on your skyranger before you move out.BUT remember in night missions the enemy is more likely to kill you before you even see him so use those Inciniration ammo or flares around a building.

Wolf Thug 25-04-2006 08:54 PM

Am I the only one still playing?

Guest_Lich 25-04-2006 09:33 PM

I have a little problem with this game: when i was trying to launch windows version there was only 'input not supported" on screen. :help:

another_guest 26-04-2006 09:03 AM


Originally posted by Wolf Thug@Apr 25 2006, 08:54 PM
Am I the only one still playing?
Not likely. But after so many posts, would you expect people to react on 2 hints? :)

laiocfar 27-04-2006 12:53 AM


Am I the only one still playing?
Ehh... take it easy :bleh:
I dont use flying suits beacause the death rate dont allow me to replace them, flying suits are only to do terror missions where fly can save your troopers from terror troops.

j.silva.soares 27-04-2006 12:53 AM

hi all,
i love it. in my opinion it is the game.
ive been re-playing ufo for my first time in the last couple days.
i cannot remember how fast was the game when i played it as a kid.
i remember though i used to save and load a lot, but now i dont do that.

Guest_tito 27-04-2006 03:01 AM

I first tried playing this game recently and I love it. Thanks for making it available.

I recently got my hands on a copy of the Collector's Edition and somehow I feel like it's a lot harder than this version. I've played both for a short while and it seems like in this verison, the aliens don't use grenades as much. I am constantly getting my squad blown apart in the CE version. The added challenge is nice, but man, it's tough sometimes.

Oh well, maybe it's just my imagination.

gufu1992 27-04-2006 03:19 AM

I can't play it.... something is wrong.... I'lll wait for my old comp to play it again!

Wolf Thug 27-04-2006 05:48 PM

I hate flying suits but they are very important so quater the team has it especially mortor teams and captains

Guest_tito 28-04-2006 01:13 AM

Alright, in response to my own post, I've got to add that in the Collectors Edition, I feel like 70% of the time on terror missions, I can't even get out of the ship without losing the game right then and there. I had this problem too with abandonia's version, but I feel like it's much more common in the CE version. Has anyone else noticed this or am I just frustrated?

JimmyJ 28-04-2006 03:07 AM

Well, one time i started a new game, sent my skyranger to a crashed very small ufo, when i step outside the doors, the aliens instantly hurl grenades at me :( Needless to say that i died very fast :(

laiocfar 28-04-2006 03:19 AM

Never tryed CE =(
But use motion mines to avoid problems of low reactions teams.

I love to got flying suits but if i give one to each rookie for each mission it isnt a matter of money is to have so many engineers and move the FS to the bases and reequip the peole. To tell truth, i prefer to send them without any amor. Amors are for commander or hot prospects or Cydonianauts

Guest 29-04-2006 01:50 AM

I have a problem!
I can only play the game once after I quit and I reenter the game it say's Couldn't read procesed memory and I really don't know what to do and I really like this game! Please someone give me an advice!

Guest_Nick 29-04-2006 12:25 PM

I'm using windows xp.....i've downloaded the windows version in this website but can't seem to work. Can get the sound but the graphics are not there, just black, it says "out of range"

laiocfar 29-04-2006 06:49 PM

try by downloading the dos version and running it in dosbox, i never hear of some similar problem, maybe you should ask in the troubleshooting forums.

ShadowXIX 30-04-2006 04:11 AM

Im having some problems running this game :help: . I tried the Windows version on XP and it runs really fast the globe spins so fast its hard to get it too a location without over shooting it. It also crashes very often when I go to a land mission :cry:

So I tried the DOS version in DOSBOX since that works great for just about every DOS game for me and it allows me some control over the game speed. I cant even get it to run on DOSBOX though, I dont even see a UFO.exe file to drag and drop over dosbox too play it..

It has weird exe. like


none of which start the game.

When i try Install it gives me the message change directory to and then enter cdsetup followed by your cdrom drive letter. But when I type "cdsetup d:" nothing happens

Anyone know how to get this to run on Dosbox?

GunsGG 03-05-2006 12:19 AM


I first played this game 15? years ago? :Brain:

I remember beating it the first time I played it. Turned out to be a complete and total fluke! Oh those devious aliens!

Anyway, I have downloaded it on to my e-machine, with windows XP, and though it crashes often, I have been relearning the joys of X-COM. I enjoy that every alien cliche in history has been included, from the greys, mind-control, mutilated cows and morphing humans to aliens.

I read every one of the posts in these 178 pages! Wow...I need a life. :w00t:

I have managed to get almost a full year in game time, with no armor, armed entirely with laser rifles.....just so many things to research! I have enjoyed and used many of the tips I have found on the preceding pages...Thanks guys!

GunsGG 03-05-2006 12:42 AM


Originally posted by JimmyJ@Apr 28 2006, 03:07 AM
Well, one time i started a new game, sent my skyranger to a crashed very small ufo, when i step outside the doors, the aliens instantly hurl grenades at me :( Needless to say that i died very fast :(
I've had this happen, and there isn't too much you can do about it if your front rank isn't high reaction. If they are, then a couple grenades out the ramp usually turns the tables. Though I have had a plasma bomb come through the open ramp and wipe out my entire squad!

A much more devious trick that I hate having played on me, is an immmediate mind attack of a rookie in the back, who promptly goes beserk and autofires into his mates. Loosing five or six soldiers before the enemy is even seen promply causes a couple others to panic. A domino of damage, before the first enemy is even seen!

I have been able to survive a terror attack with a *ok* rating, with just two survivors, though it was a nervous time untill the replacements arrived.

Speaking of which, who in their right mind would sign up of their own volition to be an X-Com opperative? Shoot me now and get it over with! :help:

Drinkdrawers 03-05-2006 01:26 AM

Hi. Is there or is there not a way to get the music files to play in the correct place in the game? I mean, the original was on floppy disks, I believe, so there's no way the music played off CD.


JB 03-05-2006 02:17 AM

I am trying to run the DOS version but i just get spammed with a file not found error when i try to start it =(

Can anyone please help?

(trying to run the UFO.bat file)

Guest 04-05-2006 01:35 AM


Originally posted by JB@May 3 2006, 02:17 AM
I am trying to run the DOS version but i just get spammed with a file not found error when i try to start it =(

Can anyone please help?

(trying to run the UFO.bat file)

It's been years since I did anything with DOS, but I believe you need an .EXE file. A .BAT file usually contains shell instructions.

laiocfar 04-05-2006 05:04 AM


I have been able to survive a terror attack with a *ok* rating, with just two survivors, though it was a nervous time untill the replacements arrived.
Well it can be worst. But i dont get why nodoby abort a mission. Nobody accepts that two people isnt enough to fight and i suspecting than most only carry one medic and no pullback the woundeds. :tomato:

Raasted 04-05-2006 09:19 AM


I read every one of the posts in these 178 pages! Wow...I need a life.*

Indeed...... :cheers:


Well, one time i started a new game, sent my skyranger to a crashed very small ufo, when i step outside the doors, the aliens instantly hurl grenades at me* Needless to say that i died very fast*
Now I know I'm behaving like a "smart guy" :wall: but very small ufos you wont encounter "aliens" - just "alien" :ok:

Ok, just had to get that out of my system, sorry guys :tomato:


ShadowXIX 06-05-2006 04:24 AM

I got the game working :D Man is it a addicting game, they dont make them like this anymore IMHO.

I have bases AREA 51 in Nevada in its real location and a base in the Ural mountains in Russia "Yamantau" Both real life secret military bases.

Ive gotten increases in funding from pretty much every member nation every month but now Im comming across Ertheal (spelling?) Terror ships that are doing a number on my men with the Mind control even when I shoot them done before they land. Plus I just saw my first alien retaliation Battleship looking for my bases :omg:

another_guest 06-05-2006 09:16 AM

1) Until your men start having psi capabilities, you might want to ignore large ufos and terrorships with Ethereals, even if it hurts your monthly appraisal. Try to capture live Ethereals by attacking smaller ufos, then you stand a better chance of not getting slaughtered :P

2) Base defense... Particularly ethereals can be absolutely deadly if they attack your base. Go for at least plasma and fusion ball defenses, preferably more than one each + an anti-grav shield.
By the way, do multiple anti-grav shields have a cumulative effect?

Sharp 06-05-2006 11:55 AM

Grav Shield do not have a cumulative effect, you can only use one, any extras will just not work.


Originally posted by ShadowXIX
I have bases AREA 51 in Nevada in its real location and a base in the Ural mountains in Russia "Yamantau" Both real life secret military bases.
Not very "secret" then are they :D

ShadowXIX 06-05-2006 07:38 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@May 6 2006, 11:55 AM

Not very "secret" then are they* :D

They are still pretty secret in the case of Area 51 you cant hide the worlds largest runway in this day and age when anyone can rent time on civilian satellites. But daily operations of what goes on at the base are still highly secret. Most of the work is done at night and they know when every satellite is over head thanks to NORAD so you never going to catch a picture of a secret plane out of a hangar.

Yamantau Mountain on the other hand not much is really known about that site even in the CIA. All they really know is the Russian have moved a massive amount of material out of the mountain, By some estimation enough to build a 400 square mile structure underground :blink: Nobody even really knows its real name ("Yamantau" is just the mountain its under) or what goes on their. Some think its a nuclear super bunker which could take multiple direct hits and some think its a Nuclear weapon production site along with dozens of other theories.

This brings me too a interesting point concerning XCOM anyone eles notice the makers of the game knew a impressive amount of reak Ufology and conspiracy theories?

A few examples

Elerium - 115 Is clearly taken from Bob Lazars story of working at AREA-51 and S-4, where he claimed to work on UFO tech. He talked about Element-115 which was used in the power source for the alien crafts to create Anti-matter which powered the craft's reactor. Lazar also mentioned that it was not naturally found in our solar system but was created in a binary star system.

Interceptor Using Pulse detonation engines. Many believe a real craft is operated out of area51 which uses a advanced pulse detonation engines to achieve hyper sonic speeds. Some call it the Aurora, There is actually photo evidence to back up this claim

Sectoid Clearly based on the classic Grey Aliens, The tendancy of human abductions/ cattle mutilations, extarcting genetic material for cross breeding etc.. is all popular Ufology.

Theres many more examples and Im sure I will run into more as I get further into the game.

Man what a great game :ok:

Japo 06-05-2006 11:50 PM


This brings me too a interesting point concerning XCOM anyone eles notice the makers of the game knew a impressive amount of reak Ufology and conspiracy theories?
Indeed. That makes the game better, of course. :Tom:


Elerium - 115 Is clearly taken from Bob Lazars story of working at AREA-51 and S-4, where he claimed to work on UFO tech. He talked about Element-115 which was used in the power source for the alien crafts to create Anti-matter which powered the craft's reactor. Lazar also mentioned that it was not naturally found in our solar system but was created in a binary star system.
I don't know whether that Bob Lazar meant to be believed, but anyone with rudimentary knowledge of Chemistry knows that the element with an atomic number of 115, or any element with an atomic weight of 115 g/mol have nothing misterious about them: they can be found on Earth.

And "pulse detonation" are just two words, they should make clear what phisical principle they're supposed to describe.


Sectoid Clearly based on the classic Grey Aliens, The tendancy of human abductions/ cattle mutilations, extarcting genetic material for cross breeding etc.. is all popular Ufology.
Research "sectoid autopsy", and watch the photo. Cool, just like it was supposed to be in Roswell or Area 51 or whatever.


Man what a great game

EDIT: No, wait, silly me. :tai: No element with atomic number 115 occurs naturaly. But it will be synthesized some day and will have nothing in particular, except for being extremely unstable just like all those heavy elements. No element with an atomic weight of 115 g/mol would be special though, they are found on Earth. And this time I mean it. :tomato:

poof 07-05-2006 02:53 AM

I hope the first person who makes 115 calls it elerium, since they get to name it. Anyway, a lot of the names, (stingray, interceptor) are taken from the Old UK tv series, "ufo" (wikipedia it).

Japo 07-05-2006 04:15 AM


I hope the first person who makes 115 calls it elerium, since they get to name it.
That would be JUST cool, but no. :cry: There's a convention to name elements with atomic number 110 and higher with the first letters of the latin or greek for each digit of the atomic number. So it would be something like Uup, because Uuq is already the element with 114 protons.


Anyway, a lot of the names, (stingray, interceptor) are taken from the Old UK tv series, "ufo" (wikipedia it).
Thanks, I didn't know it! That series looks great! And the chicks are so hot!

ShadowXIX 07-05-2006 05:01 AM


Originally posted by Japofran@May 6 2006, 11:50 PM

EDIT: No, wait, silly me. :tai: No element with atomic number 115 occurs naturaly. But it will be synthesized some day and will have nothing in particular, except for being extremely unstable just like all those heavy elements. No element with an atomic weight of 115 g/mol would be special though, they are found on Earth. And this time I mean it. :tomato:

Well element 115 was created inlabs not too long ago but it has life time measured in seconds.

These superheavy elements dont exist naturally on earth or any place in the Universe from what we can tell.

Some physicist have predicted a "Island of Stability" in the superheavy element in which when they reach a certain number they would be stable and have a life time in years instead of seconds. I think it was thought to be in the 115-117 range

Thats pretty much what Lazar was talking about a stable superheavy element.

Japo 07-05-2006 06:02 AM


Well element 115 was created inlabs not too long ago but it has life time measured in seconds.
I didn't know, I googled for a periodic table and it didn't display that element -although it displayed elements with atomic numbers 114 and 116-, it must be outdated. I already knew and told about these superheavy elements' unstability, that's what makes it impossible for them to occur naturally anywhere.

Even if the "Island of Stability" hypothesis should be right, you've said yourself that the 115-protons element is not stable. And the 116-protons one (Uuh) mustn't be either. So if Lazar wished to make believable his claim of having used a stable superheavy element, he should have shot even higher in terms of atomic number. Science discredits him.

laiocfar 07-05-2006 10:31 AM

Quimics arent my strong point, to tell truth if i got a point in a quimic´s exam is the 1% of mistake. But as far as i know the periodic table could preditc any element in range and many of their caracterists. also by the periodic table you can search for an element with a short life spawn, another one who can turn it stable. Or a reactive one. Anyway this system is like a simple equation, so if dont got plenty research over the elements near the element "x" i can experiment too little over it.


2) Base defense... Particularly ethereals can be absolutely deadly if they attack your base. Go for at least plasma and fusion ball defenses, preferably more than one each + an anti-grav shield.
By the way, do multiple anti-grav shields have a cumulative effect?

I lost my base in Brasil to ethereals, it was before the defense system get build, and got a new base of ethereals in Peru.
I lost a veterans squad in the base defence, an elite squad in first attemp to remove the alien base, another veteran squad attacking the alien base, a rookies squad also attacking these base, another green squad in the base defence of the second base in Brasil(i won with one survivor who was a captain translate from Europe to America) and a third rookies squad in the last attemp to get them out of America. Right now two bases (alien and mine) coexist in Southamerica.

gregor 07-05-2006 02:00 PM

hmm... good that there is a save/load option.... not to meniton the option to reserve the time units.

Japo 07-05-2006 04:46 PM


But as far as i know the periodic table could preditc any element in range and many of their caracterists.
You're right. That's why we'd know that the element 115 could be synthesized, even if it hadn't been synthesized yet. That is theoretically, because the element 1,150 could also be *theoretically* synthesized--but no.


I lost my base in Brasil to ethereals, it was before the defense system get build, and got a new base of ethereals in Peru.
Jolly news, back onto the topic: UFO - Enemy Unknown. (Even though this scientific light talk was great, wasn't it?)

ShadowXIX 07-05-2006 05:55 PM

Argh I lost my first member nation in X-COM :tai: The UK signed a pact with the aliens! Ive had a base near Moscow with a Hyperwave decoder for many months which seemed to cover all the way too the UK in the past. I dont know what happened I didnt miss any alien inflitration missions that popped up. Must have snuck in from some angle I didnt have covered.

So is their any way to get a member nation back? Or are they gone for the rest of the game?

laiocfar 07-05-2006 09:39 PM


So is their any way to get a member nation back? Or are they gone for the rest of the game?
They are gone for ever. You need to make a good coverage of europe coz this is where there are the most of potential income and countries. Alien mission can be done withot ufos from alien bases so a base that lives a complete year is a lost country.

rlbell 07-05-2006 09:59 PM


Originally posted by Japofran@May 7 2006, 06:02 AM

Well element 115 was created inlabs not too long ago but it has life time measured in seconds.
I didn't know, I googled for a periodic table and it didn't display that element -although it displayed elements with atomic numbers 114 and 116-, it must be outdated. I already knew and told about these superheavy elements' unstability, that's what makes it impossible for them to occur naturally anywhere.

Even if the "Island of Stability" hypothesis should be right, you've said yourself that the 115-protons element is not stable. And the 116-protons one (Uuh) mustn't be either. So if Lazar wished to make believable his claim of having used a stable superheavy element, he should have shot even higher in terms of atomic number. Science discredits him.

It is times like this that I realise that I am closet masochist. As all this talk about superheavy elements makes me want to dig up my nuclear physics textbook and apply the semi-empirical mass formula and some calculus to find the longest lifetime isotope of element 115.

Fortunately, this fit of self-abusive madness will pass before I can find the book, and I have long since forgotten the formula (and I will convenently ignore the possibility of finding the formula online).

ShadowXIX 07-05-2006 10:40 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@May 7 2006, 09:39 PM

They are gone for ever. You need to make a good coverage of europe coz this is where there are the most of potential income and countries. Alien mission can be done withot ufos from alien bases so a base that lives a complete year is a lost country.

Ah man I think the UK was a good funding country too :tai:

Thanks for the info about the alien bases though, I didnt know a base that spent a year in a country would make you lose a country thats very well what could have happen because Im not sure exactly what happened.

Every month the UK was pleased with my progress and increasings its funding then all of a sudden Bam one month and it said they withdrew

Raasted 08-05-2006 11:02 AM

I would choose germany rather than UK - not that the difference is that big, but you will get a more central position in EU, while not being able to detect as much over the atlantic - nice tradeoff I think.....


laiocfar 08-05-2006 03:21 PM


Thanks for the info about the alien bases though, I didnt know a base that spent a year in a country would make you lose a country thats very well what could have happen because Im not sure exactly what happened.
It isnt something like one year of alien base = lost of founding nation.
The alien bases generates alien activity(missions) without ufo. So the aliens in the bases can carry on missions and you cant intercept them coz they are not flying in ufos.
The bigest founding nations are US and Japan. But u will found that in europe, you got many medium sized founding nation that are too close so you can got a good coverage of them with only one base. The starting founding can have some difference in each game. But change US from 1.6 M to 1.2, isnt the same that change UK or Germany from 400k to 800k. So first base should be on europe and no alien base can be built there.

another_guest 08-05-2006 04:32 PM

My preference has always been:
1) Europe, cover as much of western europe and part of central europe
2) USA
3) Asia, to cover in any case Japan
4) and sometimes 5) try to cover most of the remaining parts of the globe.

Don't alien bases have fixed locations where they can appear? I seem to remember spots where I've found alien bases in several different games.

laiocfar 08-05-2006 05:12 PM


Don't alien bases have fixed locations where they can appear? I seem to remember spots where I've found alien bases in several different games.
You are right, there is a number of fixed locations where the aliens bases can be build.

outa 11-05-2006 04:18 PM

i got a problem with this game. i have two bases and when i try to transfer things to another base, the game crashes. the transfer itself works but after it's done i click "cancel" in the transfer screen, and the game exits to windows.
anyone has the same problem or knows a solution for that or maybe a different download?
i'm sorry if this was already answered in this thread, i haven't read all the way through yet :)

another_guest 11-05-2006 05:04 PM

I know this issue has come up several times before. A simple attempt to solve it, is to download the other version (Dos vs Windows) and give that a try. Personally I've always found the Dos version to be less prone to errors.

outa 12-05-2006 10:46 AM

Okay I found a way :) ... i played the game in german. When I switch to english version, the bug doesn't occur. kinda strange :eeeeeh:

anyway, to anyone who also has problems with x-com, i can recommend you this site:
it lists some other bugs and how to avoid them.

yanman 19-05-2006 03:02 AM

180 pages!!

just joined the forums, i think i might be in trouble -> got back into X-Com after many many years the other night, ended up playing it for 3 hours at work!! o no's.. and i have lots of work to do too! but damn it's such an awesome game.

i'm hoping my soon to be purchased GP2X will be able to play it with the Dos emu, but i'm not getting my hopes too high. According to the wiki they reakon only late 80's level performance. If anyone's interested they're a sweet unit tho:

now.. moving onto important things... X-Com strategy!! :) I've totally lost it and am getting pwned by the *dirty word* aliens :/ Maybe I'm trying to do too much in the first few months. What sort of timeline would you guys make as a "things you should have by this time" kind of thing.. as in what amount of bases, research, equipment etc.

laiocfar 19-05-2006 05:12 AM

Where is the problem in the geoscape tactic war or in the turn base battle? :bleh:

another_guest 19-05-2006 10:26 AM


Originally posted by yanman@May 19 2006, 03:02 AM
What sort of timeline would you guys make as a "things you should have by this time" kind of thing.. as in what amount of bases, research, equipment etc.
First of all, what difficulty level are you playing at? It might be good to start with one of the easier levels, gives you more time to get "into the game" again.

As a sort of timeline (of course purely a personal preference that seems to work well for me, I guess everyone has his/her own strategy):

1) Buy better "standard" equipment (i.e. the items you can buy and don't need manufacturing) for your current troops: auto cannons, grenades, HE, proximity grenades, stun rods, an occasional rocket launcher, ...
2) Hire some more soldiers, both to defend your base in case of an attack and as spares in case you lose soldiers during missions + make sure there's enough weapons to defend your base: weapons loaded into the skyranger can't be used for base defense!
3) Hire some scientists (I seem to remember about 20 is a good number so early in the game) and research towards laser rifles asap
4) Build an additional storage space + an alien containment facility. If you've got the budget, also a large radar.
5) Always keep enough money on hand to be able to pay your monthly costs and such + buy equipment when needed. But with the money you can spare, hire more engineers (and make sure you've got enough workplace of course), then start making med kits, later laser rifles and laser cannons --> sell them for a great profit. This will allow you to boost your income hugely.

Only when I get my first base really going and cash is coming in faster than I could spend it, I expand building more bases.
Base locations have been discussed quite often, key locations to cover are: Europe, USA, Japan. Each with decent troops, interceptor(s), skyranger if you can spare the money for it. Plus an alien containment facility as soon as you can.

Once laser rifles (and cannons if you want to improve your money making engineering machine) have been researched, go for plasma weapons as soon as you can. Also useful to research are laser tanks, they serve well as a first unit to send out of the skyranger.
Stun launcher should also get priority, as capturing live aliens is essential in the game.

That's it for now, hope this helps a bit already :)

The Fifth Horseman 19-05-2006 11:26 AM

Personally, I ditch the few Engineers I start with - they aren't useful that early - and start building an extra living quaters facility to be able to use 50 scientists as soon as possible.

yanman 20-05-2006 03:19 AM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@May 19 2006, 11:26 AM
Personally, I ditch the few Engineers I start with - they aren't useful that early - and start building an extra living quaters facility to be able to use 50 scientists as soon as possible.
what's the score with how salaries are paid tho? if you have them at the start of the game and fire them straight away, do you save any money for that month?

someone mentioned firing and then hiring in the last hour of the month so that you start the month and they arrive. does that mean salaries are paid at the start of the month and that's all?

yanman 22-05-2006 02:50 AM

woohoo laser rifles :) what a difference they make!

Acolyte 23-05-2006 01:15 PM

Yep they make a huge difference. They are great against the feared sectopod and no alien is specialised in resisting it. Some gamers use them even on cydonia.

Laser tank and Hoover tank have the same firepower (110) but the hover can fly and has better armor on all sides.

I learned that HWP's are not futuristic at all. Did someone heard about the autonomic military robot known as the SWORD ? It can be armed with M256 MG or an six bareled 40mm grenade launcher. The thing can work 7 days in sleep mode and better power sources are in development. The manufacturing costs of 1 of the prototypes was about 260.000 dolars but the manufacturer claim that mass production will lover the price to about 160.000 $ per unit.
Looks like we will have toys to counter the aliens in the future.

Ive found sone X-COM gags in other games here they are:

Transport Tycoon - After year 2000 (only if you have disasters on) ufos land randomly near rails... and are blasted to smithereens by a black skyranger. :evil:

GTA San Andreas - In San Fierro at the street racing mod garage you get to chose betwen two parts Alien and X-FLOW.

ShadowXIX 23-05-2006 07:12 PM


Originally posted by Acolyte@May 23 2006, 01:15 PM
. Did someone heard about the autonomic military robot known as the SWORD ? It can be armed with M256 MG or an six bareled 40mm grenade launcher. The thing can work 7 days in sleep mode and better power sources are in development. The manufacturing costs of 1 of the prototypes was about 260.000 dolars but the manufacturer claim that mass production will lover the price to about 160.000 $ per unit.
Looks like we will have toys to counter the aliens in the future.

Ive heard of the SWORD robotic weapons platform it can also be equiped with a 4 barrel anti tank missile system or a .50 CAL sniper rifle. Its often billed as the first military robotic weapons platform but thats not really true the Pacbot clearly came first which can be equiped with machin guns or a single 40 mm grenade launcher.

That wasnt exactly the primary role of the pacbot so SWORDs would have that title as the first purpose built robotic weapons platform.

I have to ask did you mean to put a comma in "160.000 $ per unit." Its nearly impossible for them to produce such a robot for $160 dollars I build robots and even robots a fraction of that size without half those options can cost in the thousands with ease.

guesst 23-05-2006 08:46 PM


Originally posted by ShadowXIX@May 23 2006, 07:12 PM
I have to ask did you mean to put a comma in "160.000 $ per unit." Its nearly impossible for them to produce such a robot for $160 dollars I build robots and even robots a fraction of that size without half those options can cost in the thousands with ease.
In (at least) America 160,000.00 would be the ONLY convention, however internationally it's understood that three zeros after a decimal point implies "thousand", two implies "cents". $160.000 is the correct way anywhere but here in the US.

ShadowXIX 23-05-2006 09:14 PM

Ah ok thanks for the info :ok:

160K then really isnt that bad for a military weapon system. Also since SWORDS is not putting any US troops lives at risk I think its money well spent.

laiocfar 23-05-2006 11:57 PM


Transport Tycoon - After year 2000 (only if you have disasters on) ufos land randomly near rails... and are blasted to smithereens by a black skyranger.
Someone of the TT line got some X-Com base in the map. I dont remmeber what they demand and what they produce.

yavn70 24-05-2006 03:16 PM

I am a newbie to this game and I love it.
Somehow I do not manage to use stun rods. I get close to the alien, I have enough time units, but when I click on stun nothing happens: cursor returns to "movement" box mode. Any suggestions?

Raasted 24-05-2006 05:27 PM

The stun Rod simply didn't stun the alien - so you have to give it another shot - same as hitting an alien with a rifle, and watch as it is still standing...


Japo 24-05-2006 08:24 PM


Originally posted by yavn70@May 24 2006, 05:16 PM
I am a newbie to this game and I love it.
Somehow I do not manage to use stun rods. I get close to the alien, I have enough time units, but when I click on stun nothing happens: cursor returns to "movement" box mode. Any suggestions?

It's just like hit points. Every normal attack takes hit points down -they're indicated as a red bar- and once they reach 0 the target -alien, X-com operative- is dead. Well, in order to stun a target you've got to cause it as many hit points as it's got remaining, with a stunning weapon. When you hit a target with a stunning weapon, instead of decreasing its hit points -red bar- you fill the red bar with a white bar. Once the white color has filled the remaining red bar, the target is inconscious.

This way you can see how many hits you need to stun a target with the stun rod, and you can see as well whether any of your operatives is close to fainting -due to stunning attacks, smoke inhalation, etc.-. Later in the game you'll get to research more powerful, alien stunning weapons.

jarda 25-05-2006 04:21 PM

Do you can advise to me, how can I find the alien base????? Please, please, please.

Japo 25-05-2006 06:06 PM


Originally posted by jarda@May 25 2006, 06:21 PM
Do you can advise to me, how can I find the alien base????? Please, please, please.
The way to discover an alien base's location is dispatching an interceptor to PATROL near over it during a little time. That's easy, now the key is learning the approximate whereabouts of a base, because you can't scan the whole map of the world.

Once you've researched Hyperwave Decoder, you're told which mission each UFO is devoted to. If you let it land a UFO whose mission is "Alien Base", it will build a base where it landed. So if you dispatch an interceptor to patrol over that point afterwards, you'll discover the base. If you detect a UFO whose mission is "Alien Supply", it's going to re-supply an existing base, so let it land -you can take it down once it takes off again- and that's the area you must patrol later.

If you don't have Hyperwave Decoder, check out the locations where UFOs land and then take off again. They might be involved in merely "Alien Research" missions or others, but you should patrol that area in case they've just built a base.

another_guest 26-05-2006 08:31 AM


Originally posted by yavn70@May 24 2006, 03:16 PM
Somehow I do not manage to use stun rods. I get close to the alien, I have enough time units, but when I click on stun nothing happens: cursor returns to "movement" box mode.
Also keep in mind that you need to be on the tile next to the alien and face it before you can try stunning it.
And of course you'll need to see your soldier has lost time units after attempting to stun an alien, then at least you know he tried.

another_guest 26-05-2006 09:16 AM


Originally posted by jarda@May 25 2006, 04:21 PM
Do you can advise to me, how can I find the alien base????? Please, please, please.
In addition to Japofran's hints, every now and then you'll automatically be informed about the location of an alien base (a message stating X-Com agents have discovered the location of an alien base + a pink square on the globe view). That takes quite some time though...

gregor 26-05-2006 09:22 AM

another way is too look on graphs, see where activity is high, and then patrol that area with the interceptor.

Guest 29-05-2006 11:39 AM

Usualy masive amounts of ufos apear at the same time near one place batleships and at least one supply ship landing on the build site so its imposible to miss an alien built base (if you have the hypervave decoder)

Mostly in small ufos and rooms with one or two exits i like to choke the aliens with smoke nades.

Again bout those SWORDS

Training of a US army private costs aprox. 40k + the ammo he will fire example in Vietnam it usualy took 25000 shots to kill one guy the price of the ammo was something about 50k.
and it takes some time + one lucky shot may kill the investment.
While an SWORD is far more accurate than an average solidier (it can hit a coin from 300m while an decent shooter with an normal non scoped rifle can hit a basketball ball) can withstand mire hits has 360 degree vision can work solo (has no fear) and can be repaired by simple changing parts.
Stand alone complex here we come :bleh:

The Fifth Horseman 29-05-2006 12:50 PM

And next thing we'll see is that nth generation SWORDS will start asking "Commander, what is exactly this being you call God" "What does it mean to be alive?" and so on.
(he, he, he... Tachikomas rule!)

Japo 29-05-2006 09:23 PM

Next we'll need some central computer (called Skynet) to control all those drones, and then this Skynet goes


on-line on Monday, August 4th, 1997 and becomes self aware at 2:14 a.m. August 29th, 1997.[/b]
And next we're fried. :sos: LOL

laiocfar 29-05-2006 11:38 PM

bah.... the corruption will stop skynet.

Japo 30-05-2006 01:59 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ May 30 2006, 01:38 AM) [snapback]233121[/snapback]</div>

bah.... the corruption will stop skynet.
You're right, if it uses Windows XP (or even Vista! :hairpull: ) it will hang sooner than later. LOL

Guest 30-05-2006 08:42 AM

Hi guys, it's nice to see this topic is still active to this day. I'm sorry I didn't read the whole thread (I stopped at 14 when I saw there was 180 pages haha) so if my question has been asked already well sorry.

Is there a way to change the order your team will be in your transport vehicle (or even the soldiers list in your base)? I'd like to have my scouts in front and like heavy weapons in the's annoying to deploy them when they're all mixed up.

Also is there a way for the computer to remember what equipment I give to each soldier?

seeker_starkiller 30-05-2006 08:53 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ May 30 2006, 09:42 AM) [snapback]233182[/snapback]</div>

Hi guys, it's nice to see this topic is still active to this day. I'm sorry I didn't read the whole thread (I stopped at 14 when I saw there was 180 pages haha) so if my question has been asked already well sorry.

Is there a way to change the order your team will be in your transport vehicle (or even the soldiers list in your base)? I'd like to have my scouts in front and like heavy weapons in the's annoying to deploy them when they're all mixed up.

Also is there a way for the computer to remember what equipment I give to each soldier?
XcomUtil lets you do both things. It is not perfect but it's pretty good - there are certain limitations that the game imposes that XcomUtil has to work around.

XcomUtil remembers the equipment you gave the soldiers last time and tries to give it to them. However it can't allocate ammunition as the game forces that, and it can't leave any weapons free (laying on the ground).

XcomUtil puts your soldiers in a sensible order, and if you don't like that order, you can customise it using a configuration file, based on stats of soldiers or on tags you put at the end of their names.

Hope that helps!


Guest 30-05-2006 08:57 AM

Wow fast answer. I'll check that out thanks. Em can I get only those two options without chanching a bunch of stuff in the game? Or maybe the other things this program do are recommended anyway?

seeker_starkiller 30-05-2006 10:06 AM

Help please...

Ok, I tried. I got through 36 pages of posts but I couldn't manage the whole 180! Maybe a search feature? :whistling: [Oops would that be the button on the bottom left - tried it and found nothing - phew!]

So here's my question: how can I figure out load and encumbrance for my guys?

It's very frustrating because at the moment all I can do is this: guess the load, then at the start of the ground mission, before moving anyone, look at their TUs and see if they are under 100%. If they are too far under, I have to go in and use 'real' TUs to drop equipment. This costs me lots of TUs (due to encumbrance and due to having to drop stuff) at a crucial phase of the game, debussing. Sometimes it's so bad I just leave all my guys in the craft during the first turn, dropping stuff.

Apart from anything else it means the dropped equipment doesn't get used. My whole deployment is a mess.

Also, I like to give rookies heavy loads that make them SLIGHTLY below 100% TUs, as this seems to increase their strength. But it's hard to do sensibly without knowing the weight of anything.

I suppose most people will just stick to the same load-outs for each soldier on each mission. But - soldiers increase in strength, new weapons come along, and some missions require different mixes of weapons.

So it would BE GREAT to know how much stuff soldiers can carry, or at least how much the stuff weighs. I'd settle for that - I don't even know if a stun rod weighs more than a medi kit (I suspect it does), or if an AutoCannon is heavier than a HeavyCannon.

Now apparently this information (equipment weight) did not appear in the original manuals. It appeared in the Official Strategy Guide (OSG), but apparently that is now out of print. I have not been able to find weight info in any of the only FAQs and unofficial strategy guides.

Does anybody have this information? If so, please publish it here so it can be added to the Extras!

Many thanks in advance.


Hypersniper 30-05-2006 10:29 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seeker_starkiller @ May 30 2006, 10:06 PM) [snapback]233213[/snapback]</div>

Help please...

Does anybody have this information? If so, please publish it here so it can be added to the Extras!

Many thanks in advance.

I do have the OSG and I will post the info on the weekend when I have some free time. :ok:

seeker_starkiller 30-05-2006 10:41 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Hypersniper @ May 30 2006, 11:29 AM) [snapback]233225[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seeker_starkiller @ May 30 2006, 10:06 PM) [snapback]233213[/snapback]

Help please...

Does anybody have this information? If so, please publish it here so it can be added to the Extras!

I do have the OSG and I will post the info on the weekend when I have some free time. :ok:
Thanks mate, look forward to seeing it.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ May 30 2006, 09:57 AM) [snapback]233186[/snapback]</div>

Wow fast answer. I'll check that out thanks. Em can I get only those two options without chanching a bunch of stuff in the game? Or maybe the other things this program do are recommended anyway?
Yes when you run the setup script for Xcomutil you get the option to install or not install each modification. It's pretty safe to accept the defaults. If you only want the equipment 'memory' and the sorting of soldiers in the craft, you can just have those options.

Generally Xcomutil is designed to make things harder, not easier, but to remove annoying & stupid problems with the game. Beware, it fixes the bug that ignores Difficulty Level, so if you were playing on Superhuman and thinking it wasn't that hard, brace yourself.

gregor 30-05-2006 10:52 AM

and the ufopedia?
meh it seems they really odnt' have any weight anywhere...

here, maybe this will help:

8.1.6 Standard Loadout

Everybody plays differently, so everyone's loadout will be
different. Here are some suggested loadout though...

Regular trooper: best armor, best rifle, at least 2 reloads (4 if
possible), 3-5 grenades, medikit, any other equipment you like

Scout: best armor (flying if possible), one to two pistols, each
with 3 reloads, multiple grenades, medikit, motion detector
and/or mind probe

Heavy Weapons: best armor, rifle or pistol with 3 or more
reloads, heavy weapon in hand, loaded, with at least 3 reloads in
backpack, preferably more, some grenades and medikit. As these
guys do a LOT of damage, make sure they are psi-resistant! (i.e.
high psi-strength, high bravery, and high morale)

If you use designated medics, load him like a regular trooper
except he carries TWO medikits. You'll need one medic every three
to four soldiers. Then no one else will need medikits.
you can also see how much is the soldier's stregnth in the graphs, which BTW you can also get when you put stuff on him. so you can easilly see if he will still loose any TU or not. i think you can get the screen by some right clicking or something. bah... some expert form this forum will help you better on this one. haven't played it for a while

Guest 30-05-2006 11:12 AM

Ok it looked sweet and I chose some interesting features (equipment memory, troop order in transport, more logical setup of first base) but it kick me out of the game 80% of the time when I enter combat so...

And it looked too complicated to set the order so I'll probably stay with the normal version...oh well.

Elon Yariv 30-05-2006 02:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ May 30 2006, 11:12 AM) [snapback]233235[/snapback]</div>

Ok it looked sweet and I chose some interesting features (equipment memory, troop order in transport, more logical setup of first base) but it kick me out of the game 80% of the time when I enter combat so...

And it looked too complicated to set the order so I'll probably stay with the normal version...oh well.
It does that to me too, but it never happens on the first battle I enter that time I entered the game. My solution to this problem is simple- Save the game before and after any battle, this way if you get kicked out you can always return and finish it. If you know you are going to fight a long battle(terror/huge ship/alian base/cydonia) then I advice you to save the game exit the program entirely and reopen it.

I have another problem- Sometimes the game doesn't load and an error window shows up saying: "Patch code timed out". :sos:

seeker_starkiller 30-05-2006 04:40 PM

Oh boy.

Only my second Terror mission on Superhuman and I am getting *Killed*. Using XcomUtil so the aliens really are tougher.

The first run through, I fought to the bitter end, my last guy was killed by the last Sectoid (leader). I guess if I hadn't been trying to take him alive, I would have made it.

Second run through I was a bit more careless about civilian and alien lives and a bit more liberal with the old rocket launcher and HE auto cannon! Still got killed, lots of Psi activity, Sectoids taking 3(!) hits from a Laser Rifle to go down, unbelievable reactive fire from the baddies... ouch. I got out of there with 3 men walking and 3 men wounded, out of a squad of 14. But at least Moscow is safe!

I want Power Suits and Heavy Plasma and I want them now!!

Actually 15 days later my squad is mostly equipped with Power Suits, and the lab boys are working hard on figuring out which end of the Heavy Plasma to point, and which button to push. :sneaky:

(Talking about Xcomutil here...)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ May 30 2006, 11:12 AM) [snapback]233235[/snapback]</div>

Ok it looked sweet and I chose some interesting features (equipment memory, troop order in transport, more logical setup of first base) but it kick me out of the game 80% of the time when I enter combat so...

And it looked too complicated to set the order so I'll probably stay with the normal version...oh well.
Well every time you move between Geoscape and Battlescape, the game will 'kick you out', and you will see a black dos window (this is the XcomUtil loader). Quite often, this dos window hangs. You need to click in it, press enter, maybe press control C. Then you go back to the game! This happens to me all the time but it hardly ever gets stuck. Slightly weird but not too annoying.

If there is just one order of soldiers you want, all the time, in theory you could do this with a save game editor. Figure out the existing order of soldiers, and then edit all the soldiers stats, names, etc so that they are in the order you want.

Cockroach 31-05-2006 02:47 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seeker_starkiller @ May 30 2006, 06:06 AM) [snapback]233213[/snapback]</div>

Help please...

Ok, I tried. I got through 36 pages of posts but I couldn't manage the whole 180! Maybe a search feature? :whistling: [Oops would that be the button on the bottom left - tried it and found nothing - phew!]

So here's my question: how can I figure out load and encumbrance for my guys?

It's very frustrating because at the moment all I can do is this: guess the load, then at the start of the ground mission, before moving anyone, look at their TUs and see if they are under 100%. If they are too far under, I have to go in and use 'real' TUs to drop equipment. This costs me lots of TUs (due to encumbrance and due to having to drop stuff) at a crucial phase of the game, debussing. Sometimes it's so bad I just leave all my guys in the craft during the first turn, dropping stuff.

Apart from anything else it means the dropped equipment doesn't get used. My whole deployment is a mess.

Also, I like to give rookies heavy loads that make them SLIGHTLY below 100% TUs, as this seems to increase their strength. But it's hard to do sensibly without knowing the weight of anything.

I suppose most people will just stick to the same load-outs for each soldier on each mission. But - soldiers increase in strength, new weapons come along, and some missions require different mixes of weapons.

So it would BE GREAT to know how much stuff soldiers can carry, or at least how much the stuff weighs. I'd settle for that - I don't even know if a stun rod weighs more than a medi kit (I suspect it does), or if an AutoCannon is heavier than a HeavyCannon.

Now apparently this information (equipment weight) did not appear in the original manuals. It appeared in the Official Strategy Guide (OSG), but apparently that is now out of print. I have not been able to find weight info in any of the only FAQs and unofficial strategy guides.

Does anybody have this information? If so, please publish it here so it can be added to the Extras!

Many thanks in advance.

The wiki has most of it along with the stats, at least for the things that are classed as "weapons".

As for overloading your rookies, it does nothing but hurt them. Stats are handed out more or less randomly with the number of weapon hits skewing it to one end of the 5 point range or another. If you want to get the best stat gains, you should be doing major HE killing with the guys you want to train

Edit: Found this browsing the site a bit

seeker_starkiller 31-05-2006 10:07 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cockroach @ May 31 2006, 03:47 AM) [snapback]233388[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seeker_starkiller @ May 30 2006, 06:06 AM) [snapback]233213[/snapback]

Help please...

The wiki has most of it along with the stats, at least for the things that are classed as "weapons".

As for overloading your rookies, it does nothing but hurt them. Stats are handed out more or less randomly with the number of weapon hits skewing it to one end of the 5 point range or another. If you want to get the best stat gains, you should be doing major HE killing with the guys you want to train

Edit: Found this browsing the site a bit

Many thanks for that, it will make a huge difference in how I can play the game. Also useful tip that I'm wasting my time loading down rookies. It did seem to make them stronger, but in hindsight I suppose it was because they were killing aliens with big heavy rockets, rather than just from carrying the rockets.


Hypersniper 31-05-2006 11:48 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Hypersniper @ May 30 2006, 10:29 PM) [snapback]233225[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seeker_starkiller @ May 30 2006, 10:06 PM) [snapback]233213[/snapback]

Help please...

Does anybody have this information? If so, please publish it here so it can be added to the Extras!

Many thanks in advance.

I do have the OSG and I will post the info on the weekend when I have some free time. :ok:

Thanks Cockroach. :ok: I need not post it now. Looks like a good site too.

Guest 31-05-2006 01:16 PM

Yeah nice site. Is it true that it's pointless to have two radar of the same kind in one base??

gregor 31-05-2006 01:24 PM

and speaking of radar once you have long range do you still need the short range radar?

Guest 31-05-2006 01:30 PM

Well if two long range don't do more than one, then you better have a long range and one short range.

rlbell 31-05-2006 02:08 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cockroach @ May 31 2006, 02:47 AM) [snapback]233388[/snapback]</div>

As for overloading your rookies, it does nothing but hurt them. Stats are handed out more or less randomly with the number of weapon hits skewing it to one end of the 5 point range or another. If you want to get the best stat gains, you should be doing major HE killing with the guys you want to train

Edit: Found this browsing the site a bit
The fastest way to increase stats is to use them. Want to get better at throwing things? Throw stuff. Want to get more hit points?(the correct answer is no) Survive getting injured. Want to improve firing accuracy? Shoot at aliens-- hitting them really spikes this. Want to get braver? Resist panic attacks (given how the aliens select panic victims, this is very rare, but I have seen it). Want to improve your reactions? Find a good firing position and wait for Mister Alien (for some aliens this is as difficult as getting more hit points and only troopers who are already fast get faster). Carrying heavy stuff improves strength.

At about forty strength, a trooper can carry a pistol clip, pistol, rocket launcher (loaded), and three other rockets without penalty (gotta check this).

laiocfar 01-06-2006 04:28 AM

And for energy, run around like a fool ;)

Ahnassi 01-06-2006 05:25 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Titan @ May 5 2004, 10:04 AM) [snapback]1458[/snapback]</div>

hehe... got my 20 man army beaten by ONE etherial once...
equiped a Lightning with laser-canon to be able to take down crafts unhamed... took down a small-scout, but forgott to chk the race... wen't... and the etherial mindcontroled my ONLY man with blaster-launcher...

*exit, then load saved game*

Later, as in when you have caught an etherial ALIVE or a Sectoid Leader/Commander... you get to research PSI-powers.. this is a turningpoint in the game...
you should take about mind health of your squadearlier.

1) before etherials appears there is a sectoid commanders at very large UFOs.
2) use these commanders to check mind strength of your soldiers.
sectoid commanders usually the one and only person who can do Mind Control. So they can't take control all your squad but only one "betrayer"
If your soldier is mind controlled by sectiod commander then
a) write down betrayer name
b)load the game
c)fire this soldier or at least remove all weapons from him and leave a medikit(let him heal your solders until death :) )
d) hire another or better transfer from another base.

Mind controlling also means than mind strength of your soldier is less then 75. This is bad soldiers.
Also to mind control an etherial your soldier should have mind strength equal or higher than 90 and skill more than 50.
Usually I am using very large UFO mainly to reveal "betrayers". So when etherials come I am ready.
I have 2 bases with 20 soldiers on each. So I have a some reserve to replace betrayers.
Also a base attack is also good thing for revealing betrayers.

Blaster launcher is bad weapon. Killing enemies with blaster launcher does not train your soldiers.

Ahnassi 01-06-2006 05:41 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Jun 1 2006, 12:16 AM) [snapback]233451[/snapback]</div>

Yeah nice site. Is it true that it's pointless to have two radar of the same kind in one base??
I trying to have 1 large radar and 1 transmission resolver on all new bases.
only the first base having one short range radar.

According to ufopaedia : more radars more chances.

usually i am looking at the activity report. When there's no activity. It is Ok. When activity started.
I load the saved game and send an interceptor to that area. 100% of detection.

Acolyte 01-06-2006 07:31 AM

I guess that transmision resolver = Hyperwave decoder and that means you dont need all those extra radars

I think that ufos are created randomly each save so your technique would be based more on luck than farseeing (Isnt it a spoiler like saving each turn on battlescape ?)

Guest 01-06-2006 11:02 AM

Hey Seeker Starkiller, I tried control C and it works like a charm! Thanks.

I can't figure out how to use the troop order but the other options are still really nice.

seeker_starkiller 01-06-2006 02:36 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Jun 1 2006, 12:02 PM) [snapback]233609[/snapback]</div>

Hey Seeker Starkiller, I tried control C and it works like a charm! Thanks.

I can't figure out how to use the troop order but the other options are still really nice.
The default troop sort order (if turned on in XCSETUP when you installed XcomUtil) is:

# +R // Sort by Inc Rank
R R:4- // Move two highest Ranks to rear
# +f-r // Sort by Inc FireAcc, Dec Reactions
R k:40- // Move high PsiSkill to rear
R f:70- // Move marksmen to rear
F R:-0 p:-30 // Move weak-willed rookies to front

That's probably good enough - better than the random order from the normal game.


Ahnassi 02-06-2006 12:07 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Jun 1 2006, 10:02 PM) [snapback]233609[/snapback]</div>

Hey Seeker Starkiller, I tried control C and it works like a charm! Thanks.

I can't figure out how to use the troop order but the other options are still really nice.
Ctrl+C in dos version does a lot of good things

Situatuon 1
Your last mission was UFO-1 Large scout.Luckily it was brand "new" and have 50 elerium.
Suppose Next UFO-2 is a heavily damaged medium scout. Right after landing Press this magic keys.
and you get result screen of previous mission i.e. 50 elerium and all what you got in that mission(experience for soldiers, soldier wounds, kills, score). Crash site does not disappears and you can raid again. And one more effect - if you have a some jet patrolling during the UFO-1 raid sometimes you can get this plane to be endless patrol. Just never let him return to base.

Situation 2
UFO-1 was brand new very large. A lot of score, weapon,enemies, skill improvement.
UFO-2 is medium scout. Do Ctrl+C and you will get UFO-1 results.

BTW in 1996 I had a strange version of UFO-1 where soldiers can train their TU up to 255. After improving that 255 TU they have a 0 or 2 TU and the circle continues. The same was with other parameters. And when I started to play Xcom-2 I was disappointed with only 81 TU maximum. In 2002 I get a copy of UFO-1 and noticed that there is the same limit.

Ahnassi 02-06-2006 01:17 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ May 7 2006, 09:31 PM) [snapback]229124[/snapback]</div>

Quimics arent my strong point, to tell truth if i got a point in a quimic´s exam is the 1% of mistake. But as far as i know the periodic table could preditc any element in range and many of their caracterists. also by the periodic table you can search for an element with a short life spawn, another one who can turn it stable. Or a reactive one. Anyway this system is like a simple equation, so if dont got plenty research over the elements near the element "x" i can experiment too little over it.


2) Base defense... Particularly ethereals can be absolutely deadly if they attack your base. Go for at least plasma and fusion ball defenses, preferably more than one each + an anti-grav shield.
By the way, do multiple anti-grav shields have a cumulative effect?[/b]
I lost my base in Brasil to ethereals, it was before the defense system get build, and got a new base of ethereals in Peru.
I lost a veterans squad in the base defence, an elite squad in first attemp to remove the alien base, another veteran squad attacking the alien base, a rookies squad also attacking these base, another green squad in the base defence of the second base in Brasil(i won with one survivor who was a captain translate from Europe to America) and a third rookies squad in the last attemp to get them out of America. Right now two bases (alien and mine) coexist in Southamerica.
2 fusion ball defense + grav shield - destroys any alien battleship. 100%

Guys do not let aliens to found a base.
Intercept any BattleShips.
I am always shoot it. So during the game I have 1-2 alien bases founded by Sectoids in early game or midgame.

At start of the game to shoot a battleship you will need 2 interceptors armed with 2 stingray luanchers each and carrying full ammo. total 12 stingrays.
The rest is a load-shoot-and-save/load startegy till all of 12 missiles hit and you lost no interceptors and 1 interceptor is not damaged.
last pair of missiles should be fired in aggressive mode. First 2 pairs in cautious mode.
it takes 10 loads to achieve (1 your successful hit + 3 successful enemy misses[while you (1)engage+(2)shoot+(3)disengage to standoff position]) and 30 tries to shoot all missiles from 1 interceptor and 60 tries to shoot down a battle ship.
When you shoot a pair of rockets you cannot say does both rockets hit enemy or only one. So sometimes you should start a cycle again when 12 rocket hits a Battleship and not downed it.
Research a plasma canon as soon as possible or have 3 interceptors capable to reach Very Large.

Do you know- large and medium scouts can be found undamaged on crash site. Just save before landing , if you see that UFO damaged then load and land again. Each time you land your UFO will have a different condition so wait for brand new condition. And theese UFOs become a good suppliers of elerium and money.

laiocfar 02-06-2006 05:51 AM


2 fusion ball defense + grav shield - destroys any alien battleship. 100%

Guys do not let aliens to found a base.
Intercept any BattleShips.
I am always shoot it. So during the game I have 1-2 alien bases founded by Sectoids in early game or midgame.

Do you know- large and medium scouts can be found undamaged on crash site. Just save before landing , if you see that UFO damaged then load and land again. Each time you land your UFO will have a different condition so wait for brand new condition. And theese UFOs become a good suppliers of elerium and money. [/b]
First, save/load/load/load is to cheat. You should dont care coz if you use Ctrl + C.
But outside these dreamland of no challenge where you always win, interceptors even 4 armed with plasma or avalanches cant defeat battleships. The damage of the UFO is also a tactic factor, a medium scout completely open to the sky is a crucial advantage agaisnt sectoids, a constant danger against floater and a sure defeat against ethereals.
Aliens are capable of found bases coz they are capable to do it when: you dont got armed air forces in range, their ships are too big or just they made the right move and you the wrong one.
Battleships only attack bases or search them for attack when the bases was already sppoted or attacked by another ufo.
grav shield + 2 FB defence isnt enough most of time, better to got 3 FB but the cost of these tecno + the cost of the building make them privative in early and half of mid game.

severus 02-06-2006 10:12 AM

UFO: enemy unknown.. yeah I used to play this game... cool one :ok:

another_guest 02-06-2006 11:53 AM

The very first version(s?) of the game contained that bug.
But 81 TU (and similar limits on other characteristics) is quite low.

By the way, if your throwing accuracy gets too high in those early versions, your throwing range drops like a brick. In the end you can't even throw a simple grenade anymore :P

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ahnassi @ Jun 2 2006, 12:07 AM) [snapback]233699[/snapback]</div>

BTW in 1996 I had a strange version of UFO-1 where soldiers can train their TU up to 255. After improving that 255 TU they have a 0 or 2 TU and the circle continues. The same was with other parameters. And when I started to play Xcom-2 I was disappointed with only 81 TU maximum. In 2002 I get a copy of UFO-1 and noticed that there is the same limit.

Japo 02-06-2006 01:36 PM

I usually don't intercept battleships, they'll damage any craft. So I intercept everything else, and let battleships go, but send a transport if they land. Anything they may do is less harmful than damaging my planes so that they're useless for days.

Cockroach 02-06-2006 05:38 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rlbell @ May 31 2006, 10:08 AM) [snapback]233464[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cockroach @ May 31 2006, 02:47 AM) [snapback]233388[/snapback]

As for overloading your rookies, it does nothing but hurt them. Stats are handed out more or less randomly with the number of weapon hits skewing it to one end of the 5 point range or another. If you want to get the best stat gains, you should be doing major HE killing with the guys you want to train

Edit: Found this browsing the site a bit
The fastest way to increase stats is to use them. Want to get better at throwing things? Throw stuff. Want to get more hit points?(the correct answer is no) Survive getting injured. Want to improve firing accuracy? Shoot at aliens-- hitting them really spikes this. Want to get braver? Resist panic attacks (given how the aliens select panic victims, this is very rare, but I have seen it). Want to improve your reactions? Find a good firing position and wait for Mister Alien (for some aliens this is as difficult as getting more hit points and only troopers who are already fast get faster). Carrying heavy stuff improves strength.

At about forty strength, a trooper can carry a pistol clip, pistol, rocket launcher (loaded), and three other rockets without penalty (gotta check this).

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Jun 1 2006, 12:28 AM) [snapback]233576[/snapback]</div>

And for energy, run around like a fool ;)
Please actually test it...

You can load a rookie down as heavily as you like March him until he's coming up with about 17 energy a turn. Unload a few rifles. Wound him a few times. He gains nothing.

You have to either hit your enemy with a bullet, or get a successful psi attack in to boost anything other than reactions and throwing accuracy.

seeker_starkiller 02-06-2006 09:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cockroach @ Jun 2 2006, 06:38 PM) [snapback]233871[/snapback]</div>

Please actually test it...

You can load a rookie down as heavily as you like March him until he's coming up with about 17 energy a turn. Unload a few rifles. Wound him a few times. He gains nothing.

You have to either hit your enemy with a bullet, or get a successful psi attack in to boost anything other than reactions and throwing accuracy.
My impression was that you had to do both things: 1. get kills 2. use the abilities. So there is no experience without kills, but to try to 'allocate' that experience on to the right skills, get the troops doing the right things.

I thought my rookies were getting stronger because they were making kills and carrying heavy loads. You're saying they get stronger purely from making kills, plus a random selection that decides their strength will go up?

Anyway it's useful to know this as there is various different stories out there.

As you suggest, I will test it. For now I will stop overloading rookies. I only ever did it very slightly - by just a couple of TUs.

Raasted 03-06-2006 03:28 PM

Troops gain rank as you gain more troops - there is a formula for that one - like 10 troops = 1 sergant, 5 sergants = 1 cap and so on (not that the numbers are correct)....

Improving stats has something to do with, which abilities you use - fireacc. improves as you shoot, etc.


laiocfar 03-06-2006 06:24 PM

All of us got a little piece of right.
rookie got promoted to squadie by experience (2 missions or a kill), sergants and upped ranks comes when you got a number of troopers like 5 people = 1 sergant. But the sergant only will be promoted when he got the squadie rank. The upper ranks (anyone over squadie) are given to best trooper avaible with next low rank. So the first captain will be the best of your sergants, nobody skips ranks.
The skills are rised only when you kill aliens but the number and the way that they get up is connected as how you used them. So it usefull to run like fool to get energy, carry a complete arsenal for strengh, to trewh grenades to everywhere for get better at launch, etc.

Xeno 03-06-2006 10:39 PM


The skills are rised only when you kill aliens but the number and the way that they get up is connected as how you used them. So it usefull to run like fool to get energy, carry a complete arsenal for strengh, to trewh grenades to everywhere for get better at launch, etc.[/b]

You have a CHANCE to raise...
firing accuracy when you HIT an enemy with a ranged weapon or a grenade type weapon.
throwing accuracy when you throw something (throwing a gun I'm not sure though).
reaction when you make an opportunity attack.

time units, stamina, health, strength when you do anything of the above except throwing (though if you hurt an enemy with a grenade it does count).

Everything's explained in details on this site

laiocfar 04-06-2006 04:28 AM

agreed a chance of raising and failed shoot doesnt count but you mostly agree with me.

Xeno 04-06-2006 11:07 AM

Well no...killing an alien does nothing except raising your killing count for that soldier. And running like a fool and carrying heavy load doesn't help raising stamina and strength respectively.

Elon Yariv 04-06-2006 04:18 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(xeno @ Jun 4 2006, 11:07 AM) [snapback]234186[/snapback]</div>

Well no...killing an alien does nothing except raising your killing count for that soldier. And running like a fool and carrying heavy load doesn't help raising stamina and strength respectively.
Oh really? Then why do people that kill aliens all the time have such a good aim. And by that I mean guys that killed 128 aliens or more usally have +100 accurecy.

Japo 04-06-2006 04:41 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Elon Yariv @ Jun 4 2006, 06:18 PM) [snapback]234212[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(xeno @ Jun 4 2006, 11:07 AM) [snapback]234186[/snapback]

Well no...killing an alien does nothing except raising your killing count for that soldier. And running like a fool and carrying heavy load doesn't help raising stamina and strength respectively.
Oh really? Then why do people that kill aliens all the time have such a good aim. And by that I mean guys that killed 128 aliens or more usally have +100 accurecy.
He means that it's *hitting* aliens which may raise your accuracy, not *killing*. Of course killing implies hitting, and most likely the soldiers that hit most kill most, but theoretically that needn't be so.

laiocfar 04-06-2006 10:01 PM

You need both hits for get accuracy but the killing for get any improve.

Ahnassi 05-06-2006 01:24 AM


First, save/load/load/load is to cheat. You should dont care coz if you use Ctrl + C.
But outside these dreamland of no challenge where you always win, interceptors even 4 armed with plasma or avalanches cant defeat battleships.
When I get Firestorm and plasma canon I just send it to shoot battleship. Firestorm is tough enough to stay alive while shooting a battle ship. And because any damage done to Firestorm takes more than 3 days to repair I just rearm a damaged firestorm with punky cheap canons and sell it for 0$. Then I manufacture a new one and rearm it with those old plasma canons. 250 engineers produces Firestorm for 3 days.


grav shield + 2 FB defence isnt enough most of time, better to got 3 FB.
I played this game many times and 1GS+2FB was enough.
usually i got 2 scenarios
1) hit-hit-repels-hit and destroyed
2) hit-hit-repels-hit-hit and destroyed

But there's another problem. Aliens cannot detect my bases if I am prepared for attack and waiting for them to butcher :)

In UFO2 this is very important event coz they bring a Calcinite(creature that allows to research a vibro blades)

seeker_starkiller 05-06-2006 01:35 PM

I love this battle report, shame I couldn't get a screenshot.

Aliens Killed: 23
Live Aliens Captured: 1
X-Com Operatives Killed: 23
Rating: GOOD!

Well, I'd hate to see what a BAD mission looks like! :)

Tactical Notes:

1. Taking 28 operatives into a mission (using XcomUtil patched Lightning) is pointless, the troops can hardly carry a weapon each and almost no specialist equipment. (In hindsight, as it was a Floater/Reaper base, I could have gone in with Laser Rifles and had room for more stuff.)
2. When attacking an Alien Base, try to remember to bring a light source!
3. Must figure out how to deal with those pesky Blaster Launchers!

Still, all the survivors (all 5 of them who made it into the control room) got promoted. So that's ok then.

Zwischy 05-06-2006 02:34 PM

Tanks are great to use in alien bases. Flush out hardpoints and blaster launchers by letting the tanks take it on the chin. Heck, they'll bring Reapers, Cyberdiscs, and Sectopods into my bases if they raid me, so why shouldn't I return the favor?

Myself, I like to bring an Avenger with two tanks and 18 troopers.

seeker_starkiller 05-06-2006 05:30 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Zwischy @ Jun 5 2006, 03:34 PM) [snapback]234456[/snapback]</div>

Tanks are great to use in alien bases. Flush out hardpoints and blaster launchers by letting the tanks take it on the chin. Heck, they'll bring Reapers, Cyberdiscs, and Sectopods into my bases if they raid me, so why shouldn't I return the favor?

Myself, I like to bring an Avenger with two tanks and 18 troopers.
Good point!

I re-ran the mission, being a bit more careful this time. Still 28 guys only equipped with Heavy Plasma (well 2 with Stun Launcher) and still with no flares. This time I improved - I got out of there with 10 KIA and 2 WIA, for 24 Aliens Killed. The game said this was an Excellent result!

I think most of the casualties on both sides came from the Alien side's Blaster Launchers. Including the Commander I had captured - they killed him! Apart from throwing tanks at them - any other suggestions for how to deal with enemy Blaster Launchers?

Zwischy 05-06-2006 07:06 PM

Actually, yes. Obviously, given the Blaster's explosive range, spreading out doesn't help a lot, but it still isn't a bad policy. Myself, I tend to pair off my soldiers and have them move together as much as possible. On the initial entry into their base from the hangar elevators, I will set a pair of soldiers at each entrance (assuming the random troop placement allows me to do so - sometimes one soldier at an entrance will have to do).

The idea here is twofold: one soldier moves, the other one can take a shot if aliens are spotted. Having the troops paired like this generally leaves the corps less vulnerable to a single blaster bomb, but eventually your troops will overlap as you converge on the control center. Make sure you give yourself extra turns and plenty of time units to go through doors and up elevators, and I highly recommend not opening more than one door a turn with any one character, so as to ensure you have enough TUs to shoot when you discover an alien. Also remember you can ambush aliens from below by standing adjacent to an elevator and nailing them before they can come down (there always seems to be a few aliens in the upper floors of rooms, which also makes the two-man teams useful and less prone to overlap).

Aliens don't generally fire blaster bombs unless one of them has a line of sight to your troops, so often it's better to try to take out an alien rather than hide around a corner in the hopes of nailing it with reaction shots as it advances to you.

When actually advancing on the control center, I like to post four troopers around the 'windows' which give you a view of the passageway to the control center - two at each window, one looking through the window to the south, the other one through the window to the north. This is a great way to cut off any aliens trying to ambush you out the large sets of doors which lead inside.

It pays to bring your own blaster launcher if possible, to kill groups or particularly hard aliens (any terror weapon, or Chrysallids), or to create your own entrances and smoke where it can give you an advantage (most often, I would use this to blow a hole in the wall directly across from the innermost doors of the control center).

Lastly, I like laser pistols. A lot. Sure, they don't do a lot of damage, but they take tiny amounts of TUs to fire on auto, are very lightweight, and don't require ammo. They're especially useful if you constantly run yourself short on TUs because you tend to move your troops just a liiiittle too far, too often. A few heavy plasmas aren't a bad idea, either, if you need some punch.

laiocfar 05-06-2006 10:24 PM

I also recommend move troops by pair but the weak point are the terror weapons in bases where they can be waiting in next corner. Blasters are very dangerous at beginnig where your toops are packed and when there are many spotted aliens that cant be shooted by lacking of TU and many more uspotted ones.

2) hit-hit-repels-hit-fail and a base full of ethereals. Better got 3.

another_guest 06-06-2006 10:28 AM

I definitely agree on the point that 2 fusion defenses + a grav shield aren't always enough. I once ran the test of cycling through several months (more than 100 base attacks) and checking whether my base defenses held. 3 fusion defenses + grav shield seemed to be enough.

Never tried this, but how about equipping your soldiers with decent armour, then first flushing most of the alien base with smoke grenades, add a few stun bombs? Might work well for some races, if you ask me. Of course visibility would be terrible... So maybe blaster bomb your way to the control center :P

seeker_starkiller 06-06-2006 10:42 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Zwischy @ Jun 5 2006, 08:06 PM) [snapback]234536[/snapback]</div>

Actually, yes. Obviously, given the Blaster's explosive range, spreading out doesn't help a lot, but it still isn't a bad policy. Myself, I tend to pair off my soldiers and have them move together as much as possible. On the initial entry into their base from the hangar elevators, I will set a pair of soldiers at each entrance (assuming the random troop placement allows me to do so - sometimes one soldier at an entrance will have to do).

The idea here is twofold: one soldier moves, the other one can take a shot if aliens are spotted. Having the troops paired like this generally leaves the corps less vulnerable to a single blaster bomb, but eventually your troops will overlap as you converge on the control center.
Aliens don't generally fire blaster bombs unless one of them has a line of sight to your troops, so often it's better to try to take out an alien rather than hide around a corner in the hopes of nailing it with reaction shots as it advances to you.
It pays to bring your own blaster launcher if possible, to kill groups or particularly hard aliens (any terror weapon, or Chrysallids), or to create your own entrances and smoke where it can give you an advantage (most often, I would use this to blow a hole in the wall directly across from the innermost doors of the control center).

Lastly, I like laser pistols. A lot. Sure, they don't do a lot of damage, but they take tiny amounts of TUs to fire on auto, are very lightweight, and don't require ammo. They're especially useful if you constantly run yourself short on TUs because you tend to move your troops just a liiiittle too far, too often. A few heavy plasmas aren't a bad idea, either, if you need some punch.
Thanks for all this good advice. I too like laser pistols for their flexibility and rate of fire. I don't quite use the pairing procedure - I use small teams with one man out on 'point' to draw/spot aliens, and I do try and do the firing from the rear. Haven't quite settled down to a system with this yet, maybe I'll try the 'pairing' idea.

As my guys are all in Power Suits, even a little bit of spreading out can save lives.

Part of the problem in the alien base is that, with its tricky layout, often only the guy at the front has line of sight on the alien. You can maybe bring one or two guys up for a shot but they end up being exposed and congested in a vulnerable chokepoint. As you say, maybe I'm moving too fast and I need to slow down and have more TUs available.

But generally, I'm not having a problem reacting to alien fire. I think the basic problem is that the base is so dark that aliens are sniping me and I can't see them even if I'm looking straight at them. Of course, I should have brought flares with me, and some AC-IC (plus some AC-HE for clearing out the 'gardens'). In the absence of these, I guess I should try and make sure all my guys finish turns behind cover. Not a bad idea in any case.

At the moment I don't have my own Blaster Launchers - working on it. The newest thing out of the labs is the Stun Launcher. I brought 2 along as a combination of capture weapon and support weapon. With only 5 rounds of ammo though it wasn't great as a support weapon. Probably would have been better off trading one small launcher and 2 rounds for an AC with AC-HE and AC-IC.

If, when I came under unseen fire, I'd been able to return fire toward the enemy with area weapons - say AC-HE or Rocket Launchers, or even grenades - the combination of smoke and area-effect casualties might have stopped some of the aliens' Blaster Bomb attacks.

It's funny about the initial placement. I'd forgotten that last time I did an Alien Base my men were split across the 2 hangar lifts. This time around everyone was in the same hangar lift - the one furthest from the control room. Of course, advancing from one position is going to make me more bunched up and make it harder to outflank enemy strongpoints.

One thing I just have a really hard time with in this game is that you are not in a rush. Unlike many games there is no deadline to complete the level. There isn't even really a sense of needing to take the aliens off-balance, before they organise an effective defence (which is so true in games like Panzer Leader). This is counter-intuitive for me. But I really need to slow down, take it very slow and carefully. To be honest the main difference between my 23-KIA mission and my 10-KIA mission was patience. With more patience I'm sure I could get the KIAs down to just one or two.

I don't have the game saved before my Lightning took off so I can't re-equip my squad, but all Heavy Plasma was definitely wrong, given the lack of other equipment it gave me. I would have been better to have brought a couple of Rocket Launchers, and brought Large Rockets instead of grenades. I could have scavenged for personal weapons - Heavy Plasmas were littering the battlefield. In fact I could have brought some men in as unarmed - reserves, or medics. Not as motion scanner operators, they need to get to up close and personal with the aliens to be unarmed. An AC-IC would have been the best option for illumination, as it gives me 14 flares for an item count of only 2. And, as mentioned, on a 28-man squad it would not have hurt to give half the guys Laser Rifles. Though they would not thank me for that if it had turned out to be a Muton base instead of a Floater base.

UFO Defence is really such a great squad game. You really have to think about the combinations of weapons and tactics, "combined arms" almost, and you actually have to practice your tactics to get good at them. No wonder it's the #1 game on Abandonia!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(another_guest @ Jun 6 2006, 11:28 AM) [snapback]234716[/snapback]</div>

Never tried this, but how about equipping your soldiers with decent armour, then first flushing most of the alien base with smoke grenades, add a few stun bombs? Might work well for some races, if you ask me. Of course visibility would be terrible... So maybe blaster bomb your way to the control center :P
The low visibility would actually help because it would create even visibility with the aliens and deny them the advantage. But unfortunately you can't even come close to saturating the map with smoke. There is a built in limit that only supports a small number of smoke hexes - about 3 smoke grenades worth.

That's not to say there might not be 'invisible' smoke on the map. It's hard to tell. I guess the only way would be to stand in the hex in no armour and see if you start taking stun damage.

Xeno 06-06-2006 12:10 PM it normal that since I've been playing, when I attack an alien base they are always bright? I never got the "alien bases in darkness" everyone's talking about. Some rare times it's total darkness yes but my squad can't move at all so it seems more like a bug (I just reload, re-enter then it's fine, bright and I can move).

Anyway, yesterday I got my first psionics. Boy do they kick behind! It's a HUGE help against muton. Before that I got a huge battle with mutons. My hyper-wave detector spotted a Very Large muton ship so I send 15-16 guys in my Avenger (I usually only send 14 on most missions). But then once the Avenger left, a Large muton ship appears...then another Large...then a Small one :huh: . I send my 8 remaining guys in my Skyranger. Finally, my Avenger team was able to finish the Very Large mission, come back for fuel, go do One Large, come back for fuel, then do the other Large all before my Skyranger get to the small one LOL. I lost a total of 9 commando in those battles.

Commando being my "grunts", strong but expendable. At that time I had the money and living space to hire soldiers by group of 30-40. I kept only those with 50+ reaction (I can go as low as 47 if the firing accuracy is really high) and 50+ firing accuracy (I'm more loose on the accuracy because it raise faster than reaction). Then when a guy gets to about 42 strength and at least 60 firing accuracy, he gets promoted to "Death from Above". Those guys I give a flying suit and a rocket launcher. When a guy gets to 50+ strength and at least 70 throwing accuracy, he gets promoted to "Commando-thrower". Those I give a plasma rifle (heavy plasma now) like all commando but also 2 alien grenades, 2 high explosive, 1 smoke grenade, 1 proximity grenade and 4 electro-flare.

And now I have psionics. The results of my first training were pretty extreme...of the 15 trained, I got five 90+, then one 67 then all below 40. I just finished building 2 labs and 2 living quarters in my second base so I transfered all my 100 scientists there, dismantled my 2 labs and built two other psi-lab in my main base (total of 4). Also now I have two free living quarter so I can buy recruits by the hundreds :ok:

Sorry for the long post I got carried away hehe.

PS: In this game I got really lucky by getting a navigator and a sectoid leader in my first missions.

PPS: Arg! Something I just discovered..when you mind control an alien and make it throw his gun, you won't get the gun at the end of the mission :(. I thought you would because you retrieve the electro-flares you threw...

another_guest 06-06-2006 01:59 PM

Really? I always disarm mind-controlled aliens, and I never really noticed the lack of battle spoils afterwards.

Xeno 06-06-2006 02:58 PM

Hmm...actually it might be something else...I just battled a large ship of ethereal, didn't control anyone and didn't get any weapon :blink: . Not that I need any with the 70+ heavy plasma I already got but still.

The Fifth Horseman 06-06-2006 03:05 PM

Do you have enough storage space?

Also, weapons and other junk can be destroyed, remember.

Xeno 06-06-2006 03:25 PM

Yeah sometimes they get destroyed but that's not it. And for storage it doesn't seem to be a problem...there was a time when the artifacts I brought back ALWAYS fulled my storage yet I would still get all of them. And now when I come back I still have some storage left.

Anyway, I just fought some snakesmen and again, no artifacts LISTED. That's the thing, they're not listed anymore in the battle report but I still get them. I know because I always sell all the plasma rifle and clips and the last two missions I still got some after the missions eventhough the battle reports didn't say anything about "alien artifacts recovered".

Though I'll still have to verify if I still get them when I mind control/throw weapon.

another_guest 06-06-2006 03:46 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(xeno @ Jun 6 2006, 03:25 PM) [snapback]234795[/snapback]</div>

... I still got some after the missions eventhough the battle reports didn't say anything about "alien artifacts recovered".[/b]
Aha, but weren't alien artifacts in the battle reports just the "unknown" artifacts, i.e. those you didn't research yet?

Xeno 06-06-2006 04:20 PM

Oh really? I thought it was every weapons the enemy bad then :whistling:

seeker_starkiller 06-06-2006 07:14 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seeker_starkiller @ Jun 6 2006, 11:42 AM) [snapback]234718[/snapback]</div>

One thing I just have a really hard time with in this game is that you are not in a rush. Unlike many games there is no deadline to complete the level. There isn't even really a sense of needing to take the aliens off-balance, before they organise an effective defence (which is so true in games like Panzer Leader). This is counter-intuitive for me. But I really need to slow down, take it very slow and carefully. To be honest the main difference between my 23-KIA mission and my 10-KIA mission was patience. With more patience I'm sure I could get the KIAs down to just one or two.
Wahey! Did it with only 1 KIA! And using the same (lousy) weapons mix, all heavy plasmas, no support weapons (except 2 Stun Launchers and 3 rounds total), no light/flares/IC, no smoke, hardly any grenades - and I still captured the Commander.

Patience, as they say, is a virtue.

PS I still think half the alien casualties were from their own Blaster Bombs. And this is on Superhuman, so their reactions/accuracy is typical 60/60 - way better than all but my top 4-5 guys.

laiocfar 07-06-2006 04:32 AM


PS I still think half the alien casualties were from their own Blaster Bombs. And this is on Superhuman, so their reactions/accuracy is typical 60/60 - way better than all but my top 4-5 guys. [/b]
It isnt rare, you hear the explosion and see the destroyed area + the corposes.
For yeah that waiting, ambushing and only accpeting fight when you got the upper hand your loses will be low but PSI can change it.

Ahnassi 08-06-2006 05:35 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Jun 6 2006, 09:24 AM) [snapback]234584[/snapback]</div>

I also recommend move troops by pair but the weak point are the terror weapons in bases where they can be waiting in next corner. Blasters are very dangerous at beginnig where your toops are packed and when there are many spotted aliens that cant be shooted by lacking of TU and many more uspotted ones.

2) hit-hit-repels-hit-fail and a base full of ethereals. Better got 3.
So they are welcome :butcher: :D

As I mentioned above I don't have a betrayers on my bases by the time when etherials start to participate in raids.

While raiding alien bases I am splitting soldiers into trinities instead of pairs. The 1st one is a scout, the 2nd is a sniper, the 3rd is a rookie or inaccurate soldier.
Scout spots, rookie tries to kill, sniper finishes a work.

Sometimes I am using "relay race" . 1st soldier removes linchpin ,sets a timer for grenade, drops it under his legs and makes 1 step aside. 2nd soldier takes armed grenade from the floor and throws it to a target or to the next soldier and so on until the grenade reaches enemy.

etherials first appears at about 9th of may.
At this point I have Flying Suits,Heavy Plasma, Blaster Launcher, 10 faitful soldiers at <strike>each</strike> main base.

:devil: :butcher: >:)

laiocfar 08-06-2006 01:47 PM

I dont got such equiment when i meet them. When they come in play, the war changes 180 degrees, i try to avoid them and only stronger and better equiped squad try out on them. Anyway some little research and some lowering of their activity results in back to the normal situation.

Xeno 13-06-2006 05:28 PM

Hey is that normal that in my Experienced game Sectopods have 145 of front armor?? I thought it was for superhuman...

EDIT: Ok scratch that. Seems like there's an armor value for Beginner and another for the rest.

So the differences between Experienced and Superhuman would be:

- more aliens per ship
- more UFOs?
- better stats (TUs, reaction, accuracy (not health)) for aliens?
- more chance of retaliation missions?

Anything else?

Ahnassi 15-06-2006 02:45 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Jun 9 2006, 12:47 AM) [snapback]235198[/snapback]</div>

I dont got such equiment when i meet them. When they come in play, the war changes 180 degrees, i try to avoid them and only stronger and better equiped squad try out on them. Anyway some little research and some lowering of their activity results in back to the normal situation.
all you need is 10 soldiers with Psionic stregth higher then 90. The rest is not necessary. You can succefully play armed with only auto canons and with no armor. Once etherials become inefficient in you can act like they are mutons (thanks god it is not a LobsterMans :) )

Use every early Sectoid battleship to calculate out all betrayers(soldiers with psionic strength lower then 75)
Save three days before battleship. Shoot down a Battleship then send your rookies for test. Save mission here. Run around and shoot a bit. If you have some soldiers under control then remember their names, reload mission and shoot them. After you noticed that none of rest 2 or 5 soldiers was under control then reload the game(3 days before) and fire betrayers and hire a new squad.
EDIT: it takes 3 days for new rookies too arrive.
Wait again for the same Battleship ,shoot it again and go for test. Usually I have 2 bases with skyrangers for the time when 1st battleship arrives. So I can check 20 soldiers with 1 battleship and then merge the rest soldiers from both bases to make a good squad.
EDIT: Shooting down a battleship is a VERY VERY hard work so i prefer to check soldiers that i already have.
Remember: only Sectiod Commander can hypnotize so do not kill him occasionally.
Commander will not your soldiers at start you need to let him know "fresh meat arrived". You need to locate at least 1 Sectoid soldier and kill him. Or you need that Sectoids will see your units. And then Commander starts "working".

There's one more easy way. Use HEX Editor to view soldier's stats or use some UFO editors.

BTW, what is your research order?

Xeno 15-06-2006 11:25 PM

Any of you had their name appear on the recruit list?

Me close enough. I got a Samuel Crossett (2 times) and my name is Samuel Cossette :blink:

Ahnassi 16-06-2006 12:06 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(xeno @ Jun 16 2006, 10:25 AM) [snapback]237054[/snapback]</div>

Any of you had their name appear on the recruit list?

Me close enough. I got a Samuel Crossett (2 times) and my name is Samuel Cossette :blink:
Nope. I have not my name in recruit list. But I noticed(it is true for any game) that if you name
a soldier or a hero with your name then this soldier/hero dies very soon. Mystic!!!

Xeno 16-06-2006 12:28 AM

Maybe because you want him to do plenty of cool stuff.

newbee 1 16-06-2006 01:00 AM

Help! :sos: Dled u:eu both dos and windows and can't get either to work. Anyone know how I can get this to work? Loved this game when it came out originally but then upgraded and couldn't get it to work(late 90s, early 2000).
I'm running an amd athlon processor clocked at 2 gig with windows xp and I have a copy of dosbox .65.

It seems like there is a program missing from both files. The dos ver. the closest I could get was getting it to run dos4gw, then said GEO:: unable to locate program.

Any suggestions welcome! :wallbash:

Xeno 16-06-2006 01:53 AM

There've been tons of questions like this in this thread (I know, I read up to page 157). Maybe your answer's in there somewhere.

Guest 16-06-2006 09:27 PM

S'ok, figured it out. Now its alien behind kicking time! YAHOOOO!

Mr. Barman 17-06-2006 10:35 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ahnassi @ Jun 16 2006, 12:06 AM) [snapback]237057[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(xeno @ Jun 16 2006, 10:25 AM) [snapback]237054[/snapback]

Any of you had their name appear on the recruit list?

Me close enough. I got a Samuel Crossett (2 times) and my name is Samuel Cossette :blink:
Nope. I have not my name in recruit list. But I noticed(it is true for any game) that if you name
a soldier or a hero with your name then this soldier/hero dies very soon. Mystic!!!

Thats why i name all my troops, the mysticism doesnt know which one to kill! :D

southwolf 17-06-2006 10:43 PM

xeno has been up to some serious reading.

Xeno 17-06-2006 11:43 PM

Indeed I did. I just finished the whole 186 pages! I'm all knowing now :max:

Elon Yariv 17-06-2006 11:59 PM

The whole thread... Owch! How many years did it take you? :tomato:

I got stuck in the first page and immidietly moved on to the last. Nice game anyway... to bad I have a little problem with it. (hint hint: go to the troubleshooting forum and try to help me :sos: )

Xeno 18-06-2006 12:19 AM


The whole thread... Owch! How many years did it take you? [/b]
I registered 2 weeks ago... :unsure:

Gore 18-06-2006 08:11 PM

Today I've beaten the game! HELL YEAH!

:boxing: :cheers:

Xeno 18-06-2006 09:43 PM

On superhuman?

Gore 18-06-2006 10:26 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(xeno @ Jun 18 2006, 09:43 PM) [snapback]237633[/snapback]</div>

On superhuman?

No, at veteran skill. But I had to use the manufacturing bug at the end, to make some money, and I also saved under tactical missions. ( This game is soooooo hard. )

Xeno 18-06-2006 10:36 PM

Well I'm at superhuman (it got too easy too fast on experienced so I got bored). At first I lost many men on most missions (my first terror mission was a blood bath) and lost China and Japan in the first few months but now it's better. I haven't fought Ethereals yet in this game and have more money than I can spend without any cheat. I don't really use the save/reload, just to see if I can throw a grenade somewhere (nothing worse than taking a grenade, priming it then your guy goes " dude, I can't thrown there!").

laiocfar 19-06-2006 05:40 AM

You will fell even worst when your best squad get ambushed inside an enemy ship without tactical withdraw option. The harvasters are rare but the are really traps without flying armours or without remembering the ufo´s desing.

Xeno 19-06-2006 06:45 AM

Well that was of course only a matter of speaking. Indeed the harvesters are a pain. You think you cleared a room then the next turn an alien just walk out of there LOL (a door that makes you fall in the room below..who designed that?!)

me 19-06-2006 06:56 AM

wtf i cant downlaod help i dont wanna buy it i wanna donload it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Xeno 19-06-2006 08:00 AM

Hmm that's right the sign changed from "Get it" to "Buy it". What happened???

laiocfar 19-06-2006 11:45 PM

Somewhere in the galaxy, someone that i wanna hit is selling the game, so no long get it.

Xeno 19-06-2006 11:50 PM

So it's not abandonware anymore? :huh: we're all pirates? :unsure:

Ahnassi 20-06-2006 01:05 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(xeno @ Jun 20 2006, 10:50 AM) [snapback]237978[/snapback]</div>

So it's not abandonware anymore? :huh: we're all pirates? :unsure:
YEP! we are Microprose Pirates :) and because Microprose Pirates is a registered name we are Microprose Pirates Gold and because Microprose Pirates Gold is also registered .... I don't know who we are :)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Gore @ Jun 19 2006, 09:26 AM) [snapback]237642[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(xeno @ Jun 18 2006, 09:43 PM) [snapback]237633[/snapback]

On superhuman?

No, at veteran skill. But I had to use the manufacturing bug at the end, to make some money, and I also saved under tactical missions. ( This game is soooooo hard. )

Not so fast! Could you be more specific about "manufacturing bug"? What is it?

I am using the manufacturing to make make money. I just produce a lot Laser Cannons and sell it.

Xeno 20-06-2006 01:16 AM


"In the Workshop screen, choose an item to be manufactored, but assign no engineers to it. Also, make sure it's set to produce 0 of the item. Click OK, then go back and assign as many engineers as you want (preferably as many as possible). This time, change the quantity to 1. When the production is finished, you will have gotten one of the selected items--for free! "

Ahnassi 20-06-2006 02:02 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Canadianmonk3y @ Feb 9 2005, 04:33 PM) [snapback]63924[/snapback]</div>


Originally posted by sm0kiE@Feb 9 2005, 05:19 AM
You need to capture and research a live sectoid, which will give you research for Alien Origins, then you research another live sectoid leader to unlock The Martian Solution.

After you research that, you need to capture a sectiod commander from a base, and finally you can research Cydonia or Bust.


You need to capture an ethereal, or any other race's leader to research "the Martian Solution" and you need to capture a commander after that to research "Cydonia or Bust."

You can research it without Etherials. Just get a Sectoid Commander. It can be found at Very Large UFOs.
P.S. I am playing only on superhuman.

someguy 20-06-2006 02:36 AM
if the game is sold out then why the sign changed from "get it" to "buy it" ?

Ahnassi 20-06-2006 03:21 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(me @ Jun 19 2006, 05:56 PM) [snapback]237714[/snapback]</div>

wtf i cant downlaod help i dont wanna buy it i wanna donload it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:
Why can't we buy a download?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(xeno @ Jun 20 2006, 12:16 PM) [snapback]237988[/snapback]</div>


"In the Workshop screen, choose an item to be manufactored, but assign no engineers to it. Also, make sure it's set to produce 0 of the item. Click OK, then go back and assign as many engineers as you want (preferably as many as possible). This time, change the quantity to 1. When the production is finished, you will have gotten one of the selected items--for free! "
Laser Cannons produced in almost no time. Can you imagine how many actions you should do and how many your time you should spend doing this each time for only 1 unit?
I'd better use hex editor.

to ALL:
What is the month of the game date when you first meet etherials?

Leerok 20-06-2006 03:55 AM


I'm just wondering how alien infiltrations work.

Do they accomplish their mission just by landing? For some reason, although I storm their UFOs right after they land, they still succeed in infiltrating the countries I'm trying to protect. Must I shoot them out of the skies in order to prevent infiltration?

Xeno 20-06-2006 04:04 AM

Whoa I really can't go far without everyone posting!

Ahnassi, I hope you're not talking to me. I just explained what the bug/exploit is. I'm not doing this. Indeed it must be incredibly time consuming and with a good production line of laser cannons, there should be no need to cheat to get money.

I believe Ethereals become really active around september. Though I don't know if it's different for different difficulties. I'm in august at superhuman and had already 3-5 small ethereal ufo with retaliation missions but that's it.

Leerok, yes don't let them land! Killing them on the ground will change nothing. Though I don't think the small infiltration ufo can infiltrate...just the big ones but don't take any chances, make destroying them your first priority when you see one.

Xeno 20-06-2006 05:23 AM

This is an old message on page 149

On an unrelated note, there are editors that allow you to change the weapon stats. While I have never cared enough to bother, I would replace the pistol with a submachine gun by increasing the pistols' shots per clip and giving it an autofire option. Submachineguns are more suited to the typical kind of fighting X-com troopers do. The rifle is supposed to adapted from a snipers' weapon, so I would delete the autofire option and boost the aimed fire accuracy. The autocannon that you use in the game and the one in the intro are two very different pieces of kit. I would rather have the weapon fron the intro, so I would delete the aimed fire and snap fire options, reduce the accuracy of the autofire option a bit, reduce the TU cost of autofire by a lot, and increase the number of shots per clip (and change the size of the clip, depending on whether it was a thirty round box[1x2], 100 round belt[1x3], or a 255 round cassette [2x3]). The heavy cannon would just be renamed as a grenade launcher. The rocket launcher would be modelled after the M202A1 (seen in Arnold Schwarzennegger's first foray into comedy-- Commando). The real weapon is a shoulder-fired rocket launcher with four tubes that can be individually fired, or ripple-fired in rapid succession. The game version would have three tubes, and there would be an autofire option.

What would the rest of you do?

I heard of one fellow who made the TU cost for hvy plasmas only one, but forgot that they aliens were using the same weapon file-- things got rather desperate. [/b]
Well I don't know if you guys knew but someone did most of that. He replaced most human guns (stats, name, even pics (from doom I think). Here's the stats:

rifle became PSG-1 (german sniper rifle)
snap: acc 30%, TU 50%
aimed: acc 155%, tu 90%
ammo: AP 65, clips of 20

heavy cannon became shotgun
snap: acc 50%, TU 50%
aimed: acc 65%, TU 70%
ammo: AP 52, clips of 6

auto-cannon became chaingun (you know that big thing in doom, wolfenstein 3d and Predator)
auto: acc 15%, TU 20%
snap: acc 20%, TU 15%
aimed: acc 40%, TU 60%
ammo: AP 20, clips of 50 / HE 25, clips of 45

Rocket Launcher (same stats, new image, different ammo)
HE 71
Incendiary 98, pack of 3

Laser Rifle is an MP-5 (with a special laser storage system... :unsure: )
auto: acc 46, TU 34
snap: acc 65, TU 25
aimed: acc 100%, TU 50%
ammo: AP 43, clips of 14

Heavy Laser is DB Shotgun
auto: acc 29%, TU 32% (fires only two shot since the ammo comes in clip of two)
snap: acc 34%, TU 32%
aimed: acc 54%, TU 64%
ammo: AP 62 / HE 67

Changed High Explosive
Now does 190 HE damage. But takes 4 spaces (I don't know if the weight is changed, is so it can be thrown for (technically) half the distance.

stunning rod is now stunning chainsaw
didn't try this one but it's probably just a different animation...or maybe a chainsaw noise? :w00t:

blaster launcher is now PFG (plasma fierce gun)
Lost the remote control ability but does 220 HE damage instead of 200 (so it's now an uber rocket launcher). Oh and the ammo takes two spaces (don't know about the weight).

The plasma weapons damage have been downgraded (heavy 115-95, rifle 80-75, pistol 52-47).

Now...what I see is a nice attempt but flawed...

First of all, I'm all for giving the humans stronger weapons than they have because 1- Half of their weapons becomes obsolete when the laser pistol arrives, followed shortly by the laser rifle...that's what, less than a month into the game? :huh: 2- Aren't those weapons supposed to be "what earth has best to offer"....right. I'm sure we can do better than that, we do have great weapons so the potential is there. 3- Also, I don't like that it doesn't take long before I give heavy plasma to all my squad...I'd really like more good options..diversity.

Now, the new weapons. I haven't playtested any of those yet so I don't know anything about balance. I LOVE the idea of the sniper rifle. It was a big miss really to not have one. So highly accurate in aimed, one shot per turn, awfully bad in snap, big damage, the way it should be. The shotgun I don't get...same damage as heavy cannon but less shots and less accuracy...was it too good? :huh: . The chaingun is a gun we want (it's in the intro after all) but it's damage is just terrible (shouldn't bullets of this caliber deal at least more damage than a handgun? can't even destroy trees! While we all well know how good at it it was in Predator :P) so it's on the right track but need some modification. For the rocket launcher I don't see the point of having the rocket deal less damage than the small rocket...and the 3-pack of stronger incendiary..was it just to fit the image? :unsure: ).

I think I like the change for the blaster launcher...better balance. No more cheese of shooting for your transport. Same for the aliens but more alien who explode themselves 50% of the time because they can't deal with the change of elevation (or just can't aim haha). The lowering of the plasma weapons is just wrong. I'm all for stronger human weapons but don't change the alien ones!

Wow I really talk too much....unfortunately I'm not finished hehe. Thanks to xc1weap, I can easily edit the accuracy, TU cost, damage and clip size of weapons so most (if not all) of the things I complained about can be fixed. If I was better at editing, I'd love to have an incendiary grenade! Bye the way, the prices of the new weapons haven't's the same as the old's a shame really, if the power is increased, so should be the price. But I don't know how to change it. (a real life PSG-1 is worth around 10 800$)

Ok I'll shut up for now.

The Fifth Horseman 20-06-2006 12:02 PM

Interesting stuff. You don't happen to have a copy of the modded files somwhere?

Xeno 20-06-2006 07:53 PM

You can download it there

Just ctrl-f for xc1addon

laiocfar 20-06-2006 09:01 PM

manofacturing bug is to cheat. over

Ahnassi 21-06-2006 04:25 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Leerok the Lacerta @ Jun 20 2006, 02:55 PM) [snapback]238004[/snapback]</div>


I'm just wondering how alien infiltrations work.

Do they accomplish their mission just by landing? For some reason, although I storm their UFOs right after they land, they still succeed in infiltrating the countries I'm trying to protect. Must I shoot them out of the skies in order to prevent infiltration?
yep ! landing means alien success. So shoot them before.

laiocfar 21-06-2006 07:10 PM

bases means that they can carry on mission without flying ufos....

PrejudiceSucks 21-06-2006 08:33 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(xeno @ Jun 20 2006, 12:50 AM) [snapback]237978[/snapback]</div>

So it's not abandonware anymore? :huh: we're all pirates? :unsure:

That we be!

Guest 30-06-2006 10:14 PM

hello, i've downloaded xcom from this site but can't run it. i have downloaded both the windows version and the dos version. the windows version only gives me a black screen and a few background sounds, the dos version works but without sound and the earth rotates too fast making it impossible to play. i guess questions like this have been asked before, it's just that there are a few hundreds of posts and i don't want to start reading them all. can someone help me, please? thanks in advance.

Japo 30-06-2006 10:22 PM

For the DOS version try DOSBox, as for the Windows version I don't know but there's a search feature in the forum.

Guest 01-07-2006 09:51 AM

i tried to use dosbox, but it does not work at all. when i try to run the game through dosbox all i get is a black window with some words at the top changing really fast.

Japo 01-07-2006 10:36 AM

I think people here have voiced problems with both versions. Use the search feature, on the left of a bar below the last post, and see if you find the answer there.

another_guest 01-07-2006 11:11 AM

True, and both versions have a tendency to crash every now and then, so once you get it working, save VERY often.
Personally I've found the DOS version to be more reliable / stable (I'm running it through Dosbox, on a Win XP platform).

Guest 01-07-2006 11:53 AM

yes, im trying to find a helful post. but, as you can probably guess, it is not very easy.

kolikeos 02-07-2006 09:23 AM

thanks for trying to help. i found how to make it work. (found my salution at for anyone else with the same problem, what i did was run dxdiag.exe (from the start menu use run) go to 'more help' click 'override' select 'override value' and type 60. now the widows version works fine :):)

Dave 02-07-2006 01:34 PM

Oh God...This game really rocks!!!I've discover it only now... :kosta:
I'm using vdmsound to run it and sometimes it crashed..what can I do?

Cockroach 02-07-2006 06:32 PM

Save the game whenever it is going to switch between geoscape and battlescape. Reload if it fails.

laiocfar 03-07-2006 02:30 AM

Is a pain but the only solution at disposal. :ok:

Knare 04-07-2006 11:19 PM

Bah, I have the dos version but cannot find the windows one, anyone have any 'leads?'

The Fifth Horseman 05-07-2006 08:01 AM

Buy it.

Guest 05-07-2006 07:53 PM

Well, let me tell you. I 've played this game from 96. And, i'm still playing it!!! UFO is the best game ever!

Cockroach 05-07-2006 11:39 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Knare @ Jul 4 2006, 07:19 PM) [snapback]241576[/snapback]</div>

Bah, I have the dos version but cannot find the windows one, anyone have any 'leads?'
DOSBox, QEMU, XP in compatibility mode...

Behemoth 09-07-2006 06:12 PM

I have some serious problem with UFO Enemy Unknown (resp. UFO Defense). Whenever I want to transfer some items, the game stops and I get thrown back to Windows. I remember that I had the same problem a couple of years ago, with an original CD-version, but not with the very first Disc-version I had. A friend of mine has the same problem at the moment, so it seems to me to be some bug. I already installed the patch to 1.2 and maybe also 1.4 (but with that I am not very sure if I installed it correctly). The strange thing is, that I started two or three new games just to check if it is possible to transfer and it worked. But then in my actual game (I started a new one after installing the patches), after some months in the game passed by, it didn't work anymore.

Has anyone the same problem and/or some suggestions? I play in Windows XP with VDMSound (although it runs also without that, but a little bit more unstable).

The Fifth Horseman 10-07-2006 02:46 PM

Try the DOS version.

behemoth 10-07-2006 02:53 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 10 2006, 02:46 PM) [snapback]242500[/snapback]</div>

Try the DOS version.
Actually I found a better solution earlier in this thread, I just didn't want to read through almost 190 pages. The idea to use the search-function hit my mind too late, of course. So the slaughter can go on.

Guest 10-07-2006 08:50 PM

Is there a windows version I can download here??!

melthas 10-07-2006 08:56 PM

It's not abandonware anymore. There's the $ sign on the game review. This means you can't download, you can only buy it.

Eagle of Fire 11-07-2006 06:56 AM

Abandonware or not, there seems to be quite a few people who get annoyed to see the general public can't get access to this game anymore...

Including Julian C Gollops himself, creator of Ufo: Ennemy Unknown!


laiocfar 12-07-2006 10:37 PM

jaja, most of people already downloaded their version...

Velmwend 14-07-2006 08:30 PM

What's the fastest time you ever completed this game? A friend of mine got invaded in january and got all the sectoid leaders with stun-rods...went to Cydonia and did it by March 16.

Anyone better that??

The Fifth Horseman 17-07-2006 01:36 PM


Abandonware or not, there seems to be quite a few people who get annoyed to see the general public can't get access to this game anymore...

Including Julian C Gollops himself, creator of Ufo: Ennemy Unknown!

jeruzalem 25-07-2006 07:53 AM

hey i finish it at the end of april (superhuman)

laiocfar 26-07-2006 01:56 AM

the game is starting in jan of wich year?

The Fifth Horseman 26-07-2006 11:20 AM


Aubor 06-08-2006 07:46 AM

Not sure if it is a mistake or perhaps I misunderstood something but the page where you have the game description of UFO has a link to buy it but at the bottom is a link to download the dos version....without paying.

Is it just the windows version that is protected and not the Dos or was this simply a mistake?

Just thought I would say something as I would hate for this place to get into trouble.

Christian 08-08-2006 03:47 PM

Hello, trying to get this game up and running once again but it's been almost a year so I can't really recall... I have gotten a Windows version (the Collector's Edition one) but seem to run into to the usual problems that I seemed to run into last time.

The scrambled graphics is easily solved but the game runs to fast, I remember using a patch by some guy named 'Mok', but the thread that linked to is broken so does anyone have it?

Any other solutions? Neither the dos version or the Windows version seems to run efficiently in dosbox (crashes all the time). Any help of any slowing down programs (Turbo was not good, I had to slow it down to 5% to get any effect of the game but then the rest of the computer couldn't manage).

Any help is highly appreciated!

The Fifth Horseman 09-08-2006 02:01 PM

Try using a CPU Killer type utility.

The Stine 13-08-2006 09:56 AM

Ok Ive got a problem running the DOS version. I use dosbox, but I cant find the command to get the game to load. It should be something like ufo.exe, but I cant find any file thatll work. Please help. I love this game and have such a hankering to play it, and its killing me.

And yeah I have read the last 30 pages of posts looking for others that had this problem. Turns out 2 others had it too. They posted the same problem, but nobody answered them. Instead they posted later saying they got it running on their own.

Cockroach 13-08-2006 03:11 PM

In my dos version, you have to run a setup program first, stating the install directory. Then run a sound setup the same way. After that, switch to the install directory and run xcom.bat.

That's how 1.2 on CD works anyways

The Stine 04-09-2006 08:48 PM

Well I've given up on trying to get the dos version to work. So now I have the windows version. Its Xcom Gold edition I think. Anyway I cant seem to get this to work well either. The game loads and the sound works, and I believe the controlls do too. The graphics are all scrambled when I play. I dont know what to do.

Does this game not work on XP? Or is there some trick to doing so that anyone would care to share?

Elwood 05-09-2006 08:30 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(The Stine @ Sep 4 2006, 08:48 PM) [snapback]252774[/snapback]</div>

Well I've given up on trying to get the dos version to work. So now I have the windows version. Its Xcom Gold edition I think. Anyway I cant seem to get this to work well either. The game loads and the sound works, and I believe the controlls do too. The graphics are all scrambled when I play. I dont know what to do.

Does this game not work on XP? Or is there some trick to doing so that anyone would care to share?
Try running the executable in compatability mode. Right-click the game executable and head for the properties - go to the compatability tab, click the box for run this game in compatability mode for... and select win 95, if it isn't already selected. Then click run in 256 colours and click OK. Try running it then.

I haven't tried this, since I don't have the game (having owned it on both amiga and PC back in the day, tis very annoying not to be able to relive the glory days.), but it works for a lot of games around that age.

If that doesn't work, try running the executable through DOSBox - it may be a windows game but I suspect it relies on having DOS access.

melthas 05-09-2006 10:14 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Elwood @ Sep 5 2006, 11:30 AM) [snapback]252858[/snapback]</div>

Try running the executable in compatability mode. Right-click the game executable and head for the properties - go to the compatability tab, click the box for run this game in compatability mode for... and select win 95, if it isn't already selected. Then click run in 256 colours and click OK. Try running it then.

I haven't tried this, since I don't have the game (having owned it on both amiga and PC back in the day, tis very annoying not to be able to relive the glory days.), but it works for a lot of games around that age.

If that doesn't work, try running the executable through DOSBox - it may be a windows game but I suspect it relies on having DOS access.
I was well able to play it with my XP laptop so no compatibility mode should be necessary in fact. Anyway it could be useful to try the first advice but the latter won't work. Game exe file is a windows one. It tells that it can only be run under windows when you try to run it in dos or dosbox (I tried it before).

Horoma 05-09-2006 11:46 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(The Stine @ Sep 4 2006, 10:48 PM) [snapback]252774[/snapback]</div>

Well I've given up on trying to get the dos version to work. So now I have the windows version. Its Xcom Gold edition I think. Anyway I cant seem to get this to work well either. The game loads and the sound works, and I believe the controlls do too. The graphics are all scrambled when I play. I dont know what to do.

Does this game not work on XP? Or is there some trick to doing so that anyone would care to share?
Scrambled graphics are a known bug with the collector's edition of both UFO and TFTD. There is a patch to correct this, just click here. I personally use Xcomutil, which is a nice way to make the game more challenging again. It also features a loader to correct the graphics bug. :ok:

The Stine 06-09-2006 05:40 AM

Ok guys thanks to your help Ive got past the scrambled graphics problem. And another problem since where my game wouldnt save. Turns out I had to go into the Xcom folder and create folders for the save games called Game_1 and so on.

But as luck would have it, or maybe its some other higher being out there who just doesnt want me to play Xcom ever again, Ive run into yep you guessed it problem number 3.

The game crashes every time I start a mission. Ive tried several times and with the same results. Ive tried new saves which hasnt worked. Ive also tried running the program under win 95 compatibility, and turning down my hardware accelerator. I also read about looking for I forget the exact name, but some diag.exe file on my comp and turning that off, but apparently I dont have that file. And I also heard about deleting a miss.bat file in Xcom, but I cant find that either. Maybe that was just a Dos version thing.

Anyway Im out of ideas. And I am sorry for being a pest here, I just love Xcom and really want to play it again. Anyone have any ideas?

The Stine 06-09-2006 05:44 AM

Oh and I did try running the CE version in dosbox. It says this cannot be run in Dos.

Tom Henrik 12-09-2006 10:20 AM

This game is once again abandoned :)

Jedandjess 15-09-2006 12:52 AM

For anyone interested - here is a link to my savegames from XCOM 1 in a game I played about a year or so ago. It was the first time I'd played it to the end in a few years but I did everything by the book so well that the aliens just didn't even get a look in. Take a look and see - the saves work in any of the XCOM versions (I played the game with the DOS 1.44" floppy version but have tested the saves on the collectors edition also).

The XCOM 2 saves are of an unfinished game that I never went back to as work was taking up too much of my time.

Guest 18-09-2006 08:25 PM

I tried both with dosbox and win xp version, but no real success. In dos I got messed up graphics. In xp the game ok but too fast. I tried cpu killing, too, but no help. Also in XP the view is flattened: maybe my screen is too wide or something.

Guest 19-09-2006 01:28 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 18 2006, 08:25 PM) [snapback]255904[/snapback]</div>

I tried both with dosbox and win xp version, but no real success. In dos I got messed up graphics. In xp the game ok but too fast. I tried cpu killing, too, but no help. Also in XP the view is flattened: maybe my screen is too wide or something.

Generally speaking, if you have a modern pc with windows XP and a fast CPU, you should use the collectors edition which is availible for download from The Home Of The Underdogs. This is CPU limited so whatever speed your pc the game is playable, just turn down the movement/fire speeds in the options in-game. If you are getting messed up graphics with the collectors edition, there is a special .exe that is for windows 2000/xp only which should fix this. Don't try to run the collectors edition in DOS or with DOSbox. To get a smooth game in dos or windows 95 with the original, you need a pentium 75mhz or less. Not sure about DOSbox, but I would say keep increasing CPU cycles till you get a smooth game. Im guessing you would need a very fast PC to get UFO to run smooth in DOSbox as it's a DOS4GW game (probably about 3GHz+).

another_guest 19-09-2006 10:04 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 19 2006, 01:28 AM) [snapback]255958[/snapback]</div>

Not sure about DOSbox, but I would say keep increasing CPU cycles till you get a smooth game. Im guessing you would need a very fast PC to get UFO to run smooth in DOSbox as it's a DOS4GW game (probably about 3GHz+).
On the contrary, I've run UFO through Dosbox and the key was just in decreasing the cycles to maybe 5000 on a 2 GHz laptop, otherwise it ran too fast :)

Guest 20-09-2006 06:55 AM

Thanks for the tips, I tried The Underdogs version, but the Geoscape and all are too fast. The time goes really fast, the planet spins wildly when I turn it, and the battlescape is fast. I cannot properly move around in battlescape because when I move my mouse to the border of the screen, the zoom/locating goes around the battlefield too fast (almost instantly). And then there is the wide-screen problem.

another_guest 20-09-2006 08:40 AM

Did you run it through Dosbox or did you use any slowdown utilities like Turbo?

Guest 20-09-2006 10:27 PM

Yes, thanks, Turbo is a good slow down tool. Now I played a bit with superhuman. Died 2 times in first missions. This is third first mission and now rockets, grenades and autocannos are doing havoc. Looks like I win this round. But there is still an alien or two lurking somewhere in the darkness...

comegalletas 23-09-2006 12:34 AM

I have a very silly question.... Does it end ??? I mean does it actually have an ending and credits and all that ??

I like the game a lot, but I have been playing it for almost 2 days, and it starts to get repetitive.

Also another question ( im a newbie ) The sound is already included in the game as it is... or do I have to dowload it and copy the tracks on the sound Folder... ???

Thx a lot

Cockroach 23-09-2006 12:47 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(comegalletas @ Sep 22 2006, 08:34 PM) [snapback]256780[/snapback]</div>

I have a very silly question.... Does it end ??? I mean does it actually have an ending and credits and all that ??

I like the game a lot, but I have been playing it for almost 2 days, and it starts to get repetitive.

Also another question ( im a newbie ) The sound is already included in the game as it is... or do I have to dowload it and copy the tracks on the sound Folder... ???

Thx a lot
Yes, it has an ending. You have to build up the research tree to the point where you can attack the source of the alien invasion.

The sounds should be in the game.

comegalletas 23-09-2006 12:59 AM

Thx for replying, I noticed that the mp3s that are in the site are different from the sounds in the game... They are cooler... Can I add these sounds by any chance to actual game play ????
All that I hear ingame is midis...
Thx in advance once more

laiocfar 23-09-2006 03:06 AM

You can change the game´s music, it is pretty easy. Just rename the desired midi as any of the ones at sound folder. Copy it. Done.
Example, I hate the music of tactic combat so erased Gmtactic, copied Gmlose that i like most, renamed the copy file as Gmtactic and i can hear Gmlose when i am in tactical combat.

comegalletas 23-09-2006 03:24 AM

Im gonna try now.. lets see if it works with mp3s thou....

Guest 24-09-2006 07:58 AM

Is there any way to run this game on a modern CPU? I have the windows version and the dos version and it wont run is dosbox. I cant seem to figure out how to install in for dos or something. I can load up the windows version but its so fast you cant move the mouse and you flying around the screen....I cant slow down the processes like in Dosbox...

another_guest 24-09-2006 09:45 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 24 2006, 07:58 AM) [snapback]257046[/snapback]</div>

Is there any way to run this game on a modern CPU? ...I cant slow down the processes like in Dosbox...
Download Turbo or any other slowdown utility ( This allows you to slow down your CPU down to 1%, should be enough.
Otherwise, run the Dos version through Dosbox. If you have trouble working with Dosbox, there's a manual for it here on Abandonia. Besides that, you can always use D-Fend ( as an add-on to Dosbox. D-Fend allows you to tweak the settings of Dosbox with a few mouse clicks.

Guest 24-09-2006 04:58 PM

Ok thanks, I couldnt figure out if there was a special way to run the dos version or not. I can get in there and do like the sound configuration and such but I cant find the .exe to start the game. S oi figured there was an install procedure for the dos version.

Guest 24-09-2006 05:26 PM

Man the link to turbo is no good there another place to get it? I tried CPU killer but it was only a trial...It worked but everything was jumpy...almost like it was stopping and starting instead of just slowing down. Thats the best way I could describe it.

another_guest 25-09-2006 07:32 AM

Just google for "turbo + slowdown", that should bring up a few working links...

Guest 25-09-2006 05:16 PM

Anyone know if there is a any way to make the game play like x-com TFTD?

I don't play X-com anymore simply because of the opening doors thing. If UFO EU had the ability to open a closed door without charging in, I would play it.

Just wondering if anyone may have made a hack for UFO or made a mod for TFTD.

I like the UFO game better than TFTD except for the doors :)

laiocfar 26-09-2006 01:13 AM

You can blow it up. :D
No really, when fighting in farms whit laser weapons why to flank a building when you can make your way by them?

another_guest 26-09-2006 10:52 AM

Exactly, especially when the terrain is a farm I always stripped entire buildings using laser weapons. Besides, there are typical spots where the aliens tend to lurk (1st floor just at the end of the stairs, ......)

Even at terror sites I tended to strip buildings especially when I was up against Chrysalids. Of course I was slightly more careful because of the civilians around...

As for UFO doors, just advance towards the door in enough stages so that one opens the door and walks in (preferably a disposable unit) then others enter the UFO and have time units left to shoot and for reaction fire.

Cockroach 27-09-2006 10:24 PM

Use a high reaction trooper to open the doors. Only use men who are 50 or better. High TUs are also nice. Walk your guy up beside the door, end turn, enter. If more than one alien is facing you, walk back out. If only one, fire and kill it. Then bring in the rest of the entry squad. Repeat this at every door you come to, using the lower reaction units to cover the rear.

laiocfar 28-09-2006 03:25 AM

Is better to place two high reaction trooper at each flank of the door and send a rookie nearly unarmed but with an activated high explosive.

I dont like to complety clear an area as preventive meassure but for save an exposed veteran is good enough to make holes trough the buildings. Anyway i dont like the artillery play, but at night battles or when beeing outgunned and outclassed it can be the solution.

Potatoe 29-09-2006 03:14 PM

Having a problem running the game, the game actually runs just fine but the screen is really bloated.. Can you somehow smallen the screensize?

The Fifth Horseman 29-09-2006 03:41 PM

Yes, by using a set resolution in DosBox.

Potatoe 30-09-2006 07:46 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Sep 29 2006, 06:41 PM) [snapback]258182[/snapback]</div>

Yes, by using a set resolution in DosBox.
Yeah.. I'm having troubles running the Dos version of the game...

Maven 02-10-2006 03:15 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(another_guest @ Sep 26 2006, 03:52 AM) [snapback]257450[/snapback]</div>

Exactly, especially when the terrain is a farm I always stripped entire buildings using laser weapons. Besides, there are typical spots where the aliens tend to lurk (1st floor just at the end of the stairs, ......)

Even at terror sites I tended to strip buildings especially when I was up against Chrysalids. Of course I was slightly more careful because of the civilians around...

As for UFO doors, just advance towards the door in enough stages so that one opens the door and walks in (preferably a disposable unit) then others enter the UFO and have time units left to shoot and for reaction fire.

I also use this this method a lot. I try to get Laser pistols manufactured ASAP and use them as side arms when a soldier is equiped with another weapon. Laser pistols fire so many times, even though they are weak it seems like a good use for them.

another_guest 02-10-2006 07:38 AM

I did it slightly differently, using laser rifles because of their superior fire power compared to pistols. But not as a side arm: I just sent out my troops in groups of 2-3, some with laser rifles, the others with plasma weapons (or auto cannon in the early stages).

Guest 03-10-2006 11:06 AM


I recently dowloaded this, for some reason won't work in DosBox but works in Windows XP fine, barring one bug that crashes the game to the desktop if I'm in the battlescape and try to move a HWP. It only happens every now and again, but enough to annoy me. Does anyone know of a patch/remedy for this.


Guest 06-10-2006 04:18 PM

You can download a patch at, but this site seems to be down. Dunno why. Who has a working link for the XP Patch?

Marut 07-10-2006 11:57 AM

I remember playing this game as a kid on my daddy's pentium 3. Now that I'm grown up it takes a diffrent light. All in All a good game but a few things about it really bug me, 1st of all is the fact that your rookie and squaddie grade troops have on average a 30% accuracy which wouldnt even pass for a basic firearms test in the army and these are supposed to be the best of the best..., Secondly the electro flares? WTF nobody has ever heard of night vision goggles. I think the troops should of been experience based instead of there level being based on how many troops are under your employ. Other then a few grief's still a classic game and I wish that good TBS games were still being made today because they are my favorite type, modern games are all fluff and no stuff

Guest Number 105397 11-10-2006 03:46 AM

Theres so many posts here, I'll have given up on trying to play it by the time I've finished reading all of the posts for an answer to my question. :wallbash:

Using the Window version of the game, I've tried both startups: Ufo Defense.exe and UFO.exe. I've even downloaded a patch from...somewhere and tried that to load the game. Everything works famously until I make it to my first battle scenario. I accept the challenge and the game looks like its going to the battle, but it quits on me...Just as the fun is about to start. :sos:

Everything else works: Base, Research, Geoscape, Intercept, etc... But I can't find a reason that the game is crapping out on me and it isn't nice enough to tell me either.

Again I'm running the CD version of the game on Windows XP. If anyone has any ideas on how I fix this little problem please let me know. At the very least point me to the pages in this forum where this exact question was answered a dozen times before.


Cockroach 12-10-2006 07:20 PM

From the way it sounds you are running the game straight from the CD without actually installing it. That's the only way I have EVER seen it play fine in the geoscape but never run in battlescape.

Stickfigurezilla 12-10-2006 10:00 PM

Guest 105397 here...liked the site so much I joined up.

Downloaded the game from this site, so I only got a zip file. No install file included. If I'm missing something, I'll be the first to tell me I'm stupid...that is unless you point my fault and call me stupid in the same post. But I digress.

Japo 13-10-2006 11:27 AM

Don't worry, you only have to unzip that into a folder of your choice and then the game will be ready for playing. It's not self-extracting as you say so you'll have to use WinZip or another program or the WinXP integrated ZIP feature.

Stickfigurezilla 13-10-2006 09:41 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Japofran @ Oct 13 2006, 11:27 AM) [snapback]261029[/snapback]</div>

Don't worry, you only have to unzip that into a folder of your choice and then the game will be ready for playing. It's not self-extracting as you say so you'll have to use WinZip or another program or the WinXP integrated ZIP feature.
Apparently, the first time I unzipped the folder, not everything was placed into the new folder. Didn't have missdata folder or the save game folders. Probably missed some other important type files. Everything seems to be in great shape. Thanks :brain:

Iceaw 18-10-2006 01:38 PM


sorry i couldy read all posts, there just roo many.

i love this game but i always have the problem, that it throws me on the desktop and shut the game down.

i am using win xp sp2. is anyone aware of this problem and knows a solution?


The Fifth Horseman 18-10-2006 01:47 PM

Sounds like you're trying to run a DOS version of the game under Windows.
I strongly suggest you use DosBox for this purpose instead.
You can download it here.

Guest 18-10-2006 06:04 PM

ok i tried DOSBOX.

i installed it as it was discibt at the readme.exe, but i still cannot start the game.
i mounted the directory as d:\. but if try to start the game with ufo.exe the program says that this game cannot be run in dos mod o_O

is there a special trick?

Horoma 19-10-2006 11:19 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iceaw @ Oct 18 2006, 03:38 PM) [snapback]261949[/snapback]</div>


sorry i couldy read all posts, there just roo many.

i love this game but i always have the problem, that it throws me on the desktop and shut the game down.

i am using win xp sp2. is anyone aware of this problem and knows a solution?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Oct 18 2006, 08:04 PM) [snapback]262007[/snapback]</div>

ok i tried DOSBOX.

i installed it as it was discibt at the readme.exe, but i still cannot start the game.
i mounted the directory as d:\. but if try to start the game with ufo.exe the program says that this game cannot be run in dos mod o_O

is there a special trick?
Then you have the windows version, so you shouldn't use dosbox. When exactly does the game boot you to the desktop ? If it closes down when you're going to a mission, you might have the same problem that was discussed a few post higher.

Guest 20-10-2006 03:53 AM

Man! What a great game, I'd like to see a remake that's nearly identical, except for compatibility issues, and an improved AI. Unfortunately the owners of the game (is it Atari now?) seem to dislike people using parts of their games, even though they never use the title either. As if they have some master plan to make the next x-com sometime in 2050... </rant>
So, I guess we're all waiting for xenocide to come out with a beta huh?

gregor 20-10-2006 08:49 AM

they are already making a remake with new graphics and weapons. they apperantly already solved the problems with missions, but now they are waiting for story and a bit of connections between the missions. i think they are now at version 2.something.

filedown 20-10-2006 03:23 PM

is the file down? I keep recieving a error404

The Fifth Horseman 20-10-2006 03:30 PM

Try again. Some joker has deleted several of our archives recently, but they should (SHOULD) all be back up now.

Guest 24-10-2006 12:58 AM



sorry i couldy read all posts, there just roo many.

i love this game but i always have the problem, that it throws me on the desktop and shut the game down.

i am using win xp sp2. is anyone aware of this problem and knows a solution?

I get his under XP too (using the download from this site), it randomly quits to the desktop every so often. Seems to only happen in ground battles. If you save at the start and every few turns, theres no harm done, given how quick and easy it is to launch the game with a modern PC :)

The CTD is rare enough for me to be able to keep playing. In fact ive been playing obsessively over the past few days after a 10-year break from this great game :) Now back to defending my base from the Snakemen...

Hypersniper 26-10-2006 05:47 AM

I insalled it from the CE edition CDRom and the game crashes on me too every now and then. Must be because it was made for DOS originally, or the game is just buggy. I shut down as many background tasks windows will allow and this seems to help a little. I'm running XP with SP1a.

I had a thought, maybe it depends on what chipset your computer has because I was using the Gigabyte K7 Triton Series and the game crashed quite often. Since I changed to the NF3 250 series, the game has been a lot more stable. Mind you this is only a thought.

XCOM RULES :kosta:

zepl 26-10-2006 07:49 PM

I'm having the issue with the mouse scrolling way too fast in the battlescape. I downloaded the windows version from here. I tried using Turbo (set it to 1%) and I adjusted the ingame scroll speed. I adjusted my mouse speed from windows and nothing slows it down even the slightest.

I tried to get the DOS version but.. what file is supposed to run it? I tried running most of them and the closest I got was a black screen with the title bar switching between geoscape.exe and battlescape.exe every few seconds. I was using DOSBox to run it.

Guest 27-10-2006 02:15 AM

I just wanted to say that, in my opinion, this along with Ultima 8 Pagan, is the best. game. ever! Can't find anything similar nowadays :-( Glad DOSBox is around. Cheers and have fun!

Hypersniper 27-10-2006 04:53 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(temporary @ Oct 27 2006, 07:49 AM) [snapback]263717[/snapback]</div>

I'm having the issue with the mouse scrolling way too fast in the battlescape. I downloaded the windows version from here. I tried using Turbo (set it to 1%) and I adjusted the ingame scroll speed. I adjusted my mouse speed from windows and nothing slows it down even the slightest.

I tried to get the DOS version but.. what file is supposed to run it? I tried running most of them and the closest I got was a black screen with the title bar switching between geoscape.exe and battlescape.exe every few seconds. I was using DOSBox to run it.

Sounds like you are using the ufo defence.exe. Don't, use the exe that looks like a yellow sun.

zepl 27-10-2006 06:52 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Hypersniper @ Oct 26 2006, 11:53 PM) [snapback]263753[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(temporary @ Oct 27 2006, 07:49 AM) [snapback]263717[/snapback]

I'm having the issue with the mouse scrolling way too fast in the battlescape. I downloaded the windows version from here. I tried using Turbo (set it to 1%) and I adjusted the ingame scroll speed. I adjusted my mouse speed from windows and nothing slows it down even the slightest.
I tried to get the DOS version but.. what file is supposed to run it? I tried running most of them and the closest I got was a black screen with the title bar switching between geoscape.exe and battlescape.exe every few seconds. I was using DOSBox to run it.
Sounds like you are using the ufo defence.exe. Don't, use the exe that looks like a yellow sun.

If you're referring to the windows version, neither executable, ufodefence.exe or ufo.exe (Yellow sun) does anything different so far as starting a new game and getting to a battlescape to test scroll speed. Nor is the scroll speed any different.

On the DOS version I have all these choices:
dos4gw.exe; Nothing
intro.exe; Nothing
setup.exe; Nothing; Displays splash screen of a complete installation exits to DOS instantly; Black screen; DOSBox title bar switches between geoscape and tactical; Displays splash screen of a installation "You need to specify the DRIVE and DIRECTORY [...]"; Displays splash screen of a installation "Please wait. Initialising ...." exits immediatly to DOS
cdsetup.bat; Sound config
full.bat; Black screen; DOSBox title bar switches between geoscape and tactical
install.bat ; Displays splash screen of a complete installation waits for keypress to return to DOS
small.bat; Black screen; DOSBox title bar switches between geoscape and tactical only much, much faster
ufocd.bat; Nothing

install c:\xcom actually does create a folder called xcom with the proper folders but only cdsetup.bat, dos4gw.exe, intro.exe, setup.exe, ufoc.d and ufocd.bat all of which do nothing.

Guest 01-11-2006 12:44 PM

Hello there!
I have a question. I'm trying to play x-com CE with the bugfix loader (the one that looks like a yellow sun). Everything's fine, except that the screen is tiny. I bet the game's running at a greater resolution than it's designed for. So my question is: is there a way around this?

Technical: Intel Dual Core 3.0 GHz, Radeon X1600 256MB.

Played the game on DOSBox, but the emulator slows my PC just TOO much (even my internet connection times out :) ). Played the CE from the loader on my older computer, and now that I think of it, it ran well back then.
Older computer: AMD Athlon 1GHz, GeForce MX440 64MB.

Maybe it's a ATI incompatibility issue with the loader?

laiocfar 05-11-2006 01:34 AM

i was just replaying the game without use PSI and i found myself without the alien commander to research the attack to Cydonia. During a base defend, i stunned an sectoid leader (first question, leader = commander), since i was using heavy firepower, fusion launchers, to kill the cyberdisks, i carried the stunned alien to inside the base and leave it in the alien contaiment facility guarded by 4 troopers with stunners.
second question, in the debriefing i saw the live alien captured and i am still looking for it to make the research. Where he was gone?

another_guest 05-11-2006 08:52 AM

This probably won't help you at all but I once had a version where this was a bug in the research tree, I could capure new kinds/ranks of aliens and not get them in the research selection screen...

laiocfar 05-11-2006 09:17 PM

About the leader, i found this in the net:
"Cause and solution: It appears that the alien containment is
limited to ten race/rank combinations of aliens. If you brought
back a eleventh combo, it will be "dumped" and you'll never see
it. Therefore, research each race/rank combo of aliens ASAP."
What do you thing? i started again from 0.

Japo 06-11-2006 04:14 PM

But the Ufopedia does inform you about that limit of ten aliens.

Cockroach 06-11-2006 07:22 PM

From my experience there isn't a limit. What version are you playing?

laiocfar 07-11-2006 03:01 AM

That limit is 10 LIVE aliens, when researched the alien is killed. Is against human rights but they arent humans. This last is the UFOpedia.
The limit of 10 alien combos looks like a bug. You can research many more than 10 Muton Navigators.
Version, the one who become ESA protected.

another_guest 07-11-2006 09:33 AM

What I also noticed was that alien containment facilities are still full after the live aliens have been researched.

Choranzanus 08-11-2006 04:02 PM

If you are playing this game, here is some advice: don't try to make one of your troopers into superhuman; if you reach 255 TUs you will have to start with 1... :blink:
1 TU is not even enough to move your troop, not to mention that you lose your superhuman-pretty solid bug.

laiocfar 08-11-2006 05:40 PM

1 TU? how it applies to fire? maybe it counts as infite shooting :sniper:

Mighty Midget 08-11-2006 05:48 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Nov 8 2006, 07:40 PM) [snapback]265943[/snapback]</div>

1 TU? how it applies to fire? maybe it counts as infite shooting :sniper:
Unfortunately not. It is a well known bug that when a unit goes "beyond" max, it loses it all and becomes pretty much useless.

Japo 09-11-2006 07:33 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Nov 8 2006, 07:48 PM) [snapback]265945[/snapback]</div>

Unfortunately not. It is a well known bug that when a unit goes "beyond" max, it loses it all and becomes pretty much useless.[/b]
Variable overflow. 1111 + 1 = 10000 --> 0000. Can´t believe the programmers let this classical bug through, tremendous lack of debugging. :(

another_guest 09-11-2006 07:40 AM

True, though it was solved in v1.1 or 1.2 (then all the stats were limited, e.g. TU couldn't go above 80, etc.)
It was awesome though playing with the old version and having 200+ TU and insanely high accuracy :)

Also, I remember if your throwing accuracy became too high in the old version, you couldn't throw anything anymore. No idea if the throwing range just decreased that much. In that case it's almost a sort of Heisenberg limit...

Guest 27-11-2006 03:54 PM

you have probaly heard this before, but seeing as theres nearly 200 pages i don't think i'd be able to look through to find the answer to it this week alone. I have just downloaded this game and used Winzip to open it, I went through and found 3 application files, 2 of which where EXE. one of them when I went to activate had no response other than a error msg. the other though when I opened seemed to be working, looked as if something had been loading up or the program had started as the screen went black for a few moments, but then I got a error msg and it closed on its own. Am I doing something wrong to download this game? If so, how could I correct it so that I can play this? Any help would be appreciated.

The Fifth Horseman 27-11-2006 03:57 PM

Did the one giving an error have a "bandage" icon?
What Windows version are you running?
Got all the updates?

Guest 27-11-2006 04:31 PM

I am running Windows XP. I'm not sure about the updates, I got the game directly from the site here by clicking 'get it' and following through w/ the download. as for the error msg what it said exactly was:

"X-Com: UFO Defence Gold Edition has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

If you where in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.

(the rest was about the option to send a error report or not, whether this could be considered a 'bandage or not idk, the only image shown i'm assuming was that of the game itself, looked like a streatched out pale face over a dark purple, or faded black backround)"

Guest 27-11-2006 04:33 PM

also the application I am activating when in WinZip that results in this error is titled: UFO Defence.exe

bruno 27-11-2006 11:41 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Nov 27 2006, 07:31 PM) [snapback]268941[/snapback]</div>

I am running Windows XP. I'm not sure about the updates, I got the game directly from the site here by clicking 'get it' and following through w/ the download. as for the error msg what it said exactly was:

"X-Com: UFO Defence Gold Edition has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

If you where in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.

(the rest was about the option to send a error report or not, whether this could be considered a 'bandage or not idk, the only image shown i'm assuming was that of the game itself, looked like a streatched out pale face over a dark purple, or faded black backround)"
Donwload now, it´s working :ok:

Guest 28-11-2006 12:04 AM

I just tried again, downloaded 2nd time from site. Opened w/ WinZip, clicked on 'UFO Defense.exe'

from there as before the screen went blank and once again I go the error msg. i'm starting to think i'm doing something wrong. especially since Bruno mentioned the current download should work. Anyone have any idea? btw, thnx for the help so far.

Guest 28-11-2006 12:18 AM

if there is anyway I can post a image on this forum showing the pg i'm getting, if that would help let me know and i'll do so, I have a screen shot already, have tried already to bring it directly to the sight through imageshack, and putting a link up going to the image, nothing happened on either occassion.

Japo 28-11-2006 12:50 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Nov 28 2006, 02:18 AM) [snapback]268996[/snapback]</div>

if there is anyway I can post a image on this forum showing the pg i'm getting, if that would help let me know and i'll do so, I have a screen shot already, have tried already to bring it directly to the sight through imageshack, and putting a link up going to the image, nothing happened on either occassion.[/b]
You can use BB code, and there's a button in the post editor to add web images, or you can attach files from your hard drive. At least you can if you're registered, not sure if you can as a guest.

Guest 28-11-2006 12:56 AM

don't think i can if not signed in... can't seem to get to this thread either when signed in 'nightfire'... LOL, i really am flat out horrible at this tech. stuff....

Guest_Mark_* 28-11-2006 02:34 PM

The UFO.exe is the one that works for my XP.

Japo 28-11-2006 06:04 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Nov 28 2006, 02:56 AM) [snapback]269004[/snapback]</div>

don't think i can if not signed in... can't seem to get to this thread either when signed in 'nightfire'... LOL, i really am flat out horrible at this tech. stuff....[/b]
Well if you've got it in Imageshack just post the URL and everybody will be able to see it albeit indirectly.

Guest 29-11-2006 01:23 AM

ok... i am honostly really confused now, I try to post the link and nothing happens, a blank screen comes up on these forums for me when I copy/paste, trying to type it up myself now, see if it works... :angry:

Guest 29-11-2006 01:23 AM

there are as u probaly figured now spaces in the address, same thing kept happening to me when I put the actual link in now matter what method I used so I did that to get around what ever was stopping me.

The Fifth Horseman 29-11-2006 12:05 PM

What was stopping you was the automatic anti-bot script we've got on the forum after some massed bot attacks.

Next time just use the [IMG] tags. I've edited your post to contain the image.

Guest 30-11-2006 12:38 AM

oic, i'll remember that in the future. thnx, the fifth horseman (seriously ur name reminds me of a metallica song :) )

does this shed any light on the subject? The picture regarding my error that is. sry if im being a pain here.

The Fifth Horseman 30-11-2006 09:08 AM

Try running the game in a Compatibility Mode. Right-click on the executable, [PROPERTIES], [COMPATIBILITY]. Choose Windows 95, then tick the boxes for running in 640x480 resolution and in 256 colors.
Does this work?

What version of Windows XP are you using, and did you patch it with the Service Packs? This might have something to do with the issue.

Carcaroth 01-12-2006 11:28 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Anonymous @ Jun 2 2004, 03:53 AM) [snapback]2663[/snapback]</div>

It's not a new game, it's a remake of X-Com1 by fans all around the world. Most of them a full-time software engineers or full-time engineering Uni students.

Work is still underway, but the graphics are breathtaking. Just looking at the geoscope (the earth) you can see extreme 3D mountiain ridges interacting with the lighting effects, the weather changes and clouds, the bright lights of major cities at night ............

wanna see the clouds?
or the lights?
or a movie clip of gameplay?
Does anyone have any news about this project? Or about the site or about anything related?

Guest 02-12-2006 10:20 AM

Sorry guys, can someone tell me whats about that "Y axis" problem? When I try to raid a base, after the briefing screen, an information comes out: "Couldn`t fit Y axis" and I can`t play cause major parts (rooms) of the base (these includes 2nd stage on Cydonia) are bugged, I can`t enter them, and they look... <tries to find a word> Well, they simply look bugged :(

This is a problem, cause I love this game (2nd part even more :sneaky: ) and I can`t play it. Do You have any ideas what to do? I`d be very grateful :)


velik_m 02-12-2006 04:53 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Carcaroth @ Dec 2 2006, 01:28 AM) [snapback]269734[/snapback]</div>

Does anyone have any news about this project? Or about the site or about anything related?
[/b] <_<

Carcaroth 02-12-2006 06:36 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(velik_m @ Dec 2 2006, 05:53 PM) [snapback]269846[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Carcaroth @ Dec 2 2006, 01:28 AM) [snapback]269734[/snapback]

Does anyone have any news about this project? Or about the site or about anything related?
[/b] <_<

I swear this was not working yesterday! :blink:

Guest 03-12-2006 03:37 AM

I can play the game just fine but it won't let me install it permanetly onto my computer. I have to play it through the zip file. How can I install it onto my computer cos I in the zip file I can't sae any games

Carcaroth 03-12-2006 10:19 AM

I never had any problem playing it in XP. It always worked just fine here. What happens when you try to install it?

Guest 03-12-2006 11:15 AM

Is there a way to play this in a window? :)

Carcaroth 03-12-2006 12:58 PM

I always play it in full screen. Never seen it working in a window.

Shoelip 03-12-2006 01:30 PM

Wow, so this is what all the hub bub is about. Love this game, but I've been having a weird problem and I don't want to go threw 181 pages to see if it's been mentioned already. Whenever I finish researching any live alien except for soldiers the game gives me a random bit of new information in the ufopedia and then when I click OK it crashes. Anyone else had this or know how to fix it?

Also, time goes really fast on the Geoscape, like two minutes per second in 5 second mode.

Carcaroth 03-12-2006 03:00 PM

About the time thing I have no idea, but about the crash, it happened to me. And what worked for me was a really weird solution: I run DosBox before running the game, and then when I run the game it doesn't crash anymore.

Guest 03-12-2006 08:24 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Nov 30 2006, 10:08 AM) [snapback]269387[/snapback]</div>

Try running the game in a Compatibility Mode. Right-click on the executable, [PROPERTIES], [COMPATIBILITY]. Choose Windows 95, then tick the boxes for running in 640x480 resolution and in 256 colors.
Does this work?

What version of Windows XP are you using, and did you patch it with the Service Packs? This might have something to do with the issue.

alright... thnx for the help but i'm thinking now i'll go for something a little easier to get working.

Shoelip 03-12-2006 11:36 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Carcaroth @ Dec 3 2006, 06:00 AM) [snapback]270034[/snapback]</div>

About the time thing I have no idea, but about the crash, it happened to me. And what worked for me was a really weird solution: I run DosBox before running the game, and then when I run the game it doesn't crash anymore.
Wait, you mean, run DB, but don't use it to run the game? Cause I tried using DB to run the game and it says it can't run in dos mode.

Carcaroth 03-12-2006 11:43 PM

Exactly. I run it, and right after i close it to run UFO through Windows. I know it's bizarre, but it works for me.

Shoelip 04-12-2006 01:41 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Carcaroth @ Dec 3 2006, 02:43 PM) [snapback]270099[/snapback]</div>

Exactly. I run it, and right after i close it to run UFO through Windows. I know it's bizarre, but it works for me.

Wow, there's no way that should work but whatever, its not like I've got anything to lose.

EDIT: Holy totally illogical solution, Batman! It worked!

The Fifth Horseman 04-12-2006 11:23 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Dec 3 2006, 05:37 AM) [snapback]269931[/snapback]</div>

I can play the game just fine but it won't let me install it permanetly onto my computer. I have to play it through the zip file. How can I install it onto my computer cos I in the zip file I can't sae any games[/b]
Unpack it. Doesn't take an Einstein to figure that one out.

Guest 05-12-2006 09:52 AM

hi, i just donwloaded ufo an until the fight against aliens it is scrolling too fast , what can I do to slow down the scroll ?

TheChosen 05-12-2006 11:11 AM

Click the '?' button. You can set the scrolling speed from there.

Guest 05-12-2006 11:24 AM

hehe, nice. big thanks, bye

Carcaroth 06-12-2006 10:05 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Shoelip @ Dec 4 2006, 02:41 AM) [snapback]270113[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Carcaroth @ Dec 3 2006, 02:43 PM) [snapback]270099[/snapback]

Exactly. I run it, and right after i close it to run UFO through Windows. I know it's bizarre, but it works for me.

Wow, there's no way that should work but whatever, its not like I've got anything to lose.

EDIT: Holy totally illogical solution, Batman! It worked!

Well, I told it made no sense, but it works. =)

laiocfar 07-12-2006 10:11 PM

Are you seeing the matrix?

Carcaroth 07-12-2006 10:38 PM

What is the Matrix?

StormTheGates 08-12-2006 12:05 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Dec 5 2006, 10:52 AM) [snapback]270356[/snapback]</div>

hi, i just donwloaded ufo an until the fight against aliens it is scrolling too fast , what can I do to slow down the scroll ?
Run in DOS box?

Or use CPUKiller or Turbo to lower the speed of your computer to match an older computer.

laiocfar 08-12-2006 09:08 PM

select to change scroll speed from the option menu (its the one of the "?" sign).

Shoelip 09-12-2006 04:00 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(StormTheGates @ Dec 7 2006, 03:05 PM) [snapback]270771[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Dec 5 2006, 10:52 AM) [snapback]270356[/snapback]

hi, i just donwloaded ufo an until the fight against aliens it is scrolling too fast , what can I do to slow down the scroll ?
Run in DOS box?

Or use CPUKiller or Turbo to lower the speed of your computer to match an older computer.

It doesn't work with DosBox. I tried it just to make sure. It would be nice to find a way to slow it down though. I tried turbo but I have an Athlon XP and it only says it's compatible with pentiums. It didn't seem to work.

another_guest 09-12-2006 09:30 AM

It seems you've downloaded the windows version of UFO then? I believe the DOS version is also available here at Abandonia, that one works fine through Dosbox...

Weird though that Turbo didn't work, I used to have an Athlon XP and I think it worked ok for me... What % did you set it on? I've had before that setting Turbo for example to 70% would nearly not slow down a game, whereas 65% was just perfect --> try finetuning the slowdown % first before you can be sure that it doesn't work.

Shoelip 09-12-2006 12:25 PM

I have no trouble running it in windows, it's just too fast in the geoscape. I tried turbo at 50% and didn't see any difference.

Guest_sam_* 12-12-2006 11:42 PM

I installed the game and used the XCOMUTIL patch which fixed the garbled video, but now I get this annoying blinking thing when I am playing. Has anyone seen this before or know how to fix it???


Morker 13-12-2006 12:34 AM

Hey guys,

discovered abandonia just two days ago and since then I am reliving my childhood and youth again. Great site! Have some proplems with running Ufo though. The Dos-Version does not run at all (with Dosbox) and the Windows version runs perfect until it should switch to a battlefield. Then I instantly get kicked from the game and a error msg appears. I tried to run it in combability mode for Win95, as suggested earlier, which gave me sound but no improvement about the situation when it is getting to the battlefield. Oh by the way, this only counts for the ufo.exe, the ufodefense.exe gives me some graphic errors
I have Windows XP and I have no idea what services packs I have.... I just dl it from the side, unpacked it and tried to run it. I have to install a patch or something just let me know.
Would be nice if you could give me any help, I´m playing Wing Commander until then... ;)


Guest 13-12-2006 01:21 AM

i have this problem with ufo enemy unknown... i saved the game two mounts before the ufos attacked my base (note this is the 1st time they attacked my base) and ever time it happens where they atk the game stops responding an i have to end task :wallbash: and i need a fix or a vrison that wont do it

Carcaroth 14-12-2006 01:00 AM

You guys should try my illogical solution that is in this same post, few pages behind. Look for it.

Halo 14-12-2006 10:10 AM

This is one of the most addicting games ever! I actually skipped studying for an exam the other night so I could play more UFO :D

Sorry, but I didn't read the whole thread.. The problem is GeoScape plays way too fast in the Win version and I swear I just cannot get this game running with DosBox. Apparently there are some programs for just slowing the game down? Where can I find one of these?

another_guest 14-12-2006 02:41 PM

It's quite normal that the windows version won't run in Dosbox...

Have you tried slowdown utilities like Turbo? Run one of those in parallel with the game and see if that helps.

Halo 14-12-2006 03:42 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(another_guest @ Dec 14 2006, 05:41 PM) [snapback]271702[/snapback]</div>

It's quite normal that the windows version won't run in Dosbox...

Have you tried slowdown utilities like Turbo? Run one of those in parallel with the game and see if that helps.
Heh, meant to say that I can't get the DOS version to work with DosBox.. Where can I find this Turbo?

another_guest 15-12-2006 07:46 AM

You can find Turbo and other slowdown utilities at

But the Dos version should work under Dosbox, plenty of people including me have already done so. You can always download D-Fend (just google for it) as a front end to Dosbox, makes adjusting settings a lot easier...

southwolf 15-12-2006 01:38 PM

This is overdoing it gosh one game with so many posts??

Morker 15-12-2006 02:01 PM

Hey guys,

sry, wasn´t able to make it run yet. The illogical solution, though quite fascinating idea, didn´t work. (you mean just open DosBox... close it again, run Ufo immedietly right?)
Still there is no way to get onto the battlefield, for then the game chrashes.
And still I also found no way to start the game in Dosbox. The screen just turns black when I start Ufodos by "go" and does not react to any other commands. But would prefer to run it in Windows anyway.
:sos: :sos: :sos:

I would love to toast some alien. Can anybody help me? By the way I have no problems with other games. Railroad Tycoon, Wing Commander or Master of Magic are running perfectly....


Carcaroth 15-12-2006 11:20 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Morker @ Dec 15 2006, 03:01 PM) [snapback]271774[/snapback]</div>

sry, wasn´t able to make it run yet. The illogical solution, though quite fascinating idea, didn´t work. (you mean just open DosBox... close it again, run Ufo immedietly right?)

Yeah, man. It's a shame it didn't work. Sorry.

probo 16-12-2006 12:40 PM

Hi, im running the windows version of the game and I get a severely "wide" screen in the game. With wide I mean the game is cramped into something similar to widescreen movies with black on the top and bottom, but its extremely much black or blank space on the top and bottom. The real gamescreen is actually only about 30% of my screen now everything looks extremely wide!

It obviously sucks and I wonder if there is any fix for it.

Shoelip 16-12-2006 02:59 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(probo @ Dec 16 2006, 03:40 AM) [snapback]271848[/snapback]</div>

Hi, im running the windows version of the game and I get a severely "wide" screen in the game. With wide I mean the game is cramped into something similar to widescreen movies with black on the top and bottom, but its extremely much black or blank space on the top and bottom. The real gamescreen is actually only about 30% of my screen now everything looks extremely wide!

It obviously sucks and I wonder if there is any fix for it.

Did you try adjusting your monitor's vertical size?

Can't think of anything else.

ash man 16-12-2006 06:04 PM

try ufocd.exe

Snake_Plissken 17-12-2006 01:34 AM

What can I say, excellent... everything. I can tell you, I played all the parts, but this one specially woke my interest on aliens. I've read all of Daniken books soon after. :) A masterpiece!

Nick Skylifter 17-12-2006 11:45 AM

I have the crashing problem, too, and the annoying bit is that if it crashes at some point, it will always crash at that point again. Running DOSBox did not seem to solve the problem, instead it just made the game have weird colours.

Any ideas what I can do? I´d really love to play this wonderful game, but I rarely get further than a few hours into the game (ie, maybe 5 or 6 actual fights) before it crashes.

Guest_Grim_* 17-12-2006 12:53 PM

I have problems playing the Windows version in two different computers. Both computers WinXP SP2, but the the problems are totally different. On the first computer, game crashes when I'm trying to involve in ground combat.

On the second computer, my keyboard doesn't work properly. The game starts ok, but when I try to name my HQ, nothing happens, the keyboard doesn't work. I usually have to reset my computer, because I can't exit the game normally. If I try to activate Windows by pressing e.g. ctrl-alt-del or ctrl-esc, the desktop flashes for a second, but it doesn't jump to Windows. Any solution?

laiocfar 21-12-2006 12:20 AM

About keyboar, its a totally new problem check the keyboard settings and language.
About random crashing. saving often is the only way to avoid it.

Zeng Zicong 22-12-2006 03:30 AM

Is there anyway to play this game in a higher resolution.

The Fifth Horseman 22-12-2006 02:07 PM

However, if you run it in DosBox, you can use scalers and DirectDraw output mode, which improves the graphics a bit.

Guest 23-12-2006 06:55 AM

Is there anyway to play this game in a higher resolution?

oxi 26-12-2006 01:02 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Dec 23 2006, 08:55 AM) [snapback]272418[/snapback]</div>

Is there anyway to play this game in a higher resolution?
Read the above post.

Oh, and hi everybody! Long time gamer, first time poster. :)

Noticed some people have been asking about the promotion system without getting a very clear answer. I have the manual here to make it clear to eveyone:

"Rookie - each new recruit begins at this level

Squaddie - in order to be promoted to squaddie a rookie must have had some combat experience (cowering in the back of a skyranger doesn't count!)

Sergeant - there is one sergeant per 5 soldiers. If a position is vacant the best available squaddie is promoted

Captain - there is one captian per 11 soldiers.

Colonel - there is one colonel per 23 soldiers.

Commander - Only one, and with atleast 30 soldiers. "

Oh yeah, i've read every page. You guys have covered pretty much every thing. Was planning on giving out tips and tricks, but you guys know everything I know, so no need for that :)

Ah, good luck with your alien hunting!

laiocfar 30-12-2006 01:48 AM


Oh, and hi everybody! Long time gamer, first time poster. :)

Noticed some people have been asking about the promotion system without getting a very clear answer. I have the manual here to make it clear to eveyone:

"Rookie - each new recruit begins at this level

Squaddie - in order to be promoted to squaddie a rookie must have had some combat experience (cowering in the back of a skyranger doesn't count!)

Sergeant - there is one sergeant per 5 soldiers. If a position is vacant the best available squaddie is promoted

Captain - there is one captian per 11 soldiers.

Colonel - there is one colonel per 23 soldiers.

Commander - Only one, and with atleast 30 soldiers. "

Oh yeah, i've read every page. You guys have covered pretty much every thing. Was planning on giving out tips and tricks, but you guys know everything I know, so no need for that :)

Ah, good luck with your alien hunting!
Hi, nice post but the question is about who gets promoted when the post is avaible. Also the manual got some mistakes like for example covering in the back of skyranger counts as combat experience; its true that you need to get an squaddie at least 3 missions without moving the trooper, and you can get into squaddie in first mission if you manage to kill an alien with him.

tamahck 02-01-2007 09:41 PM

well... this is my first post... i try play Ufo Enemy Unknown since 2 weeks (i think this is the BEST game i ever played) ... i played the xcom game that we can download here.. but there are too many bugs in windows version...

for example:
- 255 cap of scientist and tecnics...
- when i have tecnics that dont work dont help in building time..
- etc..etc...

i remember the version with all bug fixed (maybe the first patch, 1.2, fix them, but i dont remember..) .. but it was my dos version.. but with it i have many problems in graphics and in sound that i dont have in windows version...

i read a lot of posts.. topic.. guide.. i search patch.. i try f0dder... i try all i cant.. and know i need help!

plz.. can anyone of you post a little guide (with link where i can download the game and all the patch) so i can easily install all and re-try this beautiful game? plz plz plz.... only few words.. link of game, patch and how to install it.. for windows plz... to many problem running dos version.. if i cant play windows version without bug.. well... tell me all about dos version :ok:

:wallbash: plz plz plz :wallbash:
i am desperate... :sos: :sos:

tamahck 02-01-2007 09:43 PM

always me... :w00t:

PS: sorry for my bad english :bleh:
i am italian and dont speak so well english :kosta: hoping to be exaustive the same :max:

The Fifth Horseman 04-01-2007 02:03 PM


- 255 cap of scientist and tecnics...[/b]
I don't see how this is a problem at all.


- when i have tecnics that dont work dont help in building time..[/b]
Technicians do not affect the build time of base facilities. If you mean workshop production, you need to remember that you need to assign the technicians to the project first!


- etc..etc...[/b]
Please elaborate.

DudeWhoLovesXcomButCantGetItToWo 04-01-2007 02:49 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(temporary @ Oct 27 2006, 06:52 PM) [snapback]263893[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Hypersniper @ Oct 26 2006, 11:53 PM) [snapback]263753[/snapback]

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(temporary @ Oct 27 2006, 07:49 AM) [snapback]263717[/snapback]

I'm having the issue with the mouse scrolling way too fast in the battlescape. I downloaded the windows version from here. I tried using Turbo (set it to 1%) and I adjusted the ingame scroll speed. I adjusted my mouse speed from windows and nothing slows it down even the slightest.
I tried to get the DOS version but.. what file is supposed to run it? I tried running most of them and the closest I got was a black screen with the title bar switching between geoscape.exe and battlescape.exe every few seconds. I was using DOSBox to run it.
Sounds like you are using the ufo defence.exe. Don't, use the exe that looks like a yellow sun.

If you're referring to the windows version, neither executable, ufodefence.exe or ufo.exe (Yellow sun) does anything different so far as starting a new game and getting to a battlescape to test scroll speed. Nor is the scroll speed any different.

On the DOS version I have all these choices:
dos4gw.exe; Nothing
intro.exe; Nothing
setup.exe; Nothing; Displays splash screen of a complete installation exits to DOS instantly; Black screen; DOSBox title bar switches between geoscape and tactical; Displays splash screen of a installation "You need to specify the DRIVE and DIRECTORY [...]"; Displays splash screen of a installation "Please wait. Initialising ...." exits immediatly to DOS
cdsetup.bat; Sound config
full.bat; Black screen; DOSBox title bar switches between geoscape and tactical
install.bat ; Displays splash screen of a complete installation waits for keypress to return to DOS
small.bat; Black screen; DOSBox title bar switches between geoscape and tactical only much, much faster
ufocd.bat; Nothing

install c:\xcom actually does create a folder called xcom with the proper folders but only cdsetup.bat, dos4gw.exe, intro.exe, setup.exe, ufoc.d and ufocd.bat all of which do nothing.

Same problem here. It runs too fast in windows mode, the slowdown utilities don't work, and I can't get the DOS version to run in DOSBOX. Anyone know which executable to run for the DOS version?

tamahck 04-01-2007 04:07 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jan 4 2007, 03:03 PM) [snapback]273270[/snapback]</div>


- 255 cap of scientist and tecnics...[/b]
I don't see how this is a problem at all.
in dos version there is a patch that u can have without any problem 300/350 or 400 scientist and technicians.
it is really usefull have a base with 400 technicians! u can product laser cannon (that are the best production in make money, if I remember good, in few time and have a lot of money :bleh: .. and u can product avenger in little time, really usefull too, having elerium :w00t: !)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jan 4 2007, 03:03 PM) [snapback]273270[/snapback]</div>


- when i have tecnics that dont work dont help in building time..[/b]
Technicians do not affect the build time of base facilities. If you mean workshop production, you need to remember that you need to assign the technicians to the project first!
in the same version i had, technicians, that aren't worked in any project, affect the build time of base facilities! they help in production of hangar, radar and all the facilities of the base reducting the time to wait! with 100 or 200 tecnics u can have piece of base in something like half time!
it is very good have a workshop in 15 days and not in 32... and i think it's right this behavior! if i dont assign a project for tecnics i pay them for nothing <_<

another "bug" is that if i start 2 same research project in 2 different base (i usually start all the research with 0 scientists to have all project in the first list) when i finish a research in a base in the other base remain the research project (also if i dont start to put scientists in the project). so i can remove the project only if i research it another time!

in the dos version i had when i finish a research in a base all the same research in other bases will remove automatically!

hoping u all understand me :blink:

if i remember or find others bugs i write u!

plz help me if u can :sos:

laiocfar 06-01-2007 02:45 AM

And you call it bugs? Bugs are when your research stops coz the game dont loaded zorbita to research projects, or when the enemy spot you via an angle in a wall or when you cant capture aliens xoz they become invisible in the floor or when the tactical game hangs and after several minutes gives you the last mission outcome.

tamahck 07-01-2007 08:22 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Jan 6 2007, 03:45 AM) [snapback]273527[/snapback]</div>

And you call it bugs? Bugs are when your research stops coz the game dont loaded zorbita to research projects, or when the enemy spot you via an angle in a wall or when you cant capture aliens xoz they become invisible in the floor or when the tactical game hangs and after several minutes gives you the last mission outcome.
probably I have mistaken the term… call them implementations of UFO. i think they are so much interesting and i prefer play with them!!
if u prefer not call them bugs i dont have problems... all bugs i had i have resolved with backup of saved files and removing always the flags of "only reading" of a file (when any of these problems happens to me)!
can you help me the same?

if anyone of you have bugs.. try DosBox with Dos version of the game.. or try the windows version (I use it and is more stable).. try with any patch.. 1.2 and 1.4 for sound (there are a lots of version for Dos).. for the windows version i have found xcomut96 (it's the 9.60 version of an usefull utilities).. i think is a nice pack including many bugs-fix (and much more).
also f0dder is nice.... (i use it only with a particular pack includes in xcomut96... the other release i can't use because appears "Ufo version not accepted" and really dunno why)... also "turbo" patch is nice if u have problem with the speed of the game... other solutions i dont have :)
maybe in the site of xcomut96 i view a little guide to correct the source code of Ufo.. but i'm not sure if it was that site...

tamahck 07-01-2007 08:27 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DudeWhoLovesXcomButCantGetI tToWo @ Jan 4 2007, 03:49 PM) [snapback]273283[/snapback]</div>

Same problem here. It runs too fast in windows mode, the slowdown utilities don't work, and I can't get the DOS version to run in DOSBOX. Anyone know which executable to run for the DOS version?
I have Dos version of the game too..... and i can send to u or, probably better, re-send you on a link to download it.. i will register my-self now on abandonia :) too much unregistered post for me :)

tamahck 07-01-2007 08:38 PM

OK :) I am here :)
I have registered myself :) free for PM and for all :kosta: :brain:

Guest 09-01-2007 08:48 PM

Well guys - found your site one week ago and had some great time with all "my" old games - THX for that. But now I have a little problem - with UFO :(

1. Downloaded Windows-Version - can't play because my precious 2005'er hardware isn't able to display it. All I get after starting the game is black screen with a message on my monitor: "incompatible modus" (OK, I'm from Germany, so the exact message is "Modus wird nicht unterstützt")

2. Downloaded Dos-Version - can't play because after starting the game with DosBox i see another black screen. The program switches between "geoscape" and "tactical" all the time... that error was reported above but I found no solution within this thread.

Oh, I downloaded the files and unzipped them - nothing else. I'm using WinXP and DosBox 0.65.
Can someone help me?

The Fifth Horseman 10-01-2007 10:05 AM

To solve no.1: Use a CRT monitor to play the game. That seems to work for most people.

styer27 01-02-2007 05:00 AM

Here are some questions for the vets of the game ..

1. Does any attribute help to aviod reactive fire from enemy aliens, i notice my commanders and colnols seem to get shot at less than the rookies, could this be from a higher TU attribute or maybe a higher reaction rating?

2. When viewing the stats for the fusion ball launcher for the craft, i notice the accuracy rating is more than 100% yet they still miss, what range is this rating based on?

3. Does blasting alien crafts down with smaller weapons (cannon, stingray missiles) increase the chances for the craft to be intact on arrival, therfore providing greater chance for elerium, or is the status of the craft detirmined randomly on crashlanding, regardless of weapon used?

4. I notice that smaller craft shot down by the Avenger seem to be destroyed more often than craft shot down by firestorm or interceptors even when using the same 2 plasma cannons, does the avenger have a higher kill rating than other craft even when using same weaponry?

5. During a base attack by aliens, i find sometimes the only weapons i can use are laser pistols and rifles, but when i go to the stores, all my plasma weapons are there on the ground, does laser weapons prioritise over plasma weapons, and if so, is there any other way to aviod this apart from getting rid of all my laser weapons?

6. Is there any way to raise the reactions attribute? i never seem to get this upgraded.

7. Does building a base in snow or mountainous areas decrease the aliens chances of finding your base?

8. Does shooting down craft into water incur the same penalty as leaving an alien craft crashed on the ground, or is it treated as a destroyed craft?

9. Is it possible to tell exactly WHEN the aliens find the location of your base? what range must the craft be in to actually see the base with or without a mindsheild? and, if the alien craft on a retaliation mission is shot down before returning to base, are the aliens still informed?

10. I noticed that aliens can mind control a soldier multiple turns in a row, even when it seems they dont have a visual sighting, yet i can mind control an alien for only one turn, then i have to sight him again to control him again, any way to work around this apart from placing scouts everywhere?

11. Do mutants have a weakness against armour peircing shells?

Im also interested to know who has been the quickest to complete the game on the hardest difficulty level, ive done it in 6 months with only one base, maybe we should start up a compitition and get the winner to provide his savegame as proof.

permeant 01-02-2007 06:47 AM

I am running DosBox 0.65 on my powerbook G4 (mac). I've downloaded the DOS version of xcom from this site, but I can't get it running. I'm having the same sort of geoscape/tactical flipping problem, at best.

Can anyone please post line-by line instructions on how to run this game? :wallbash:

I have been craving some xcom for so long, and it's excruciating to be hung up here!

thanks! permeant

The Fifth Horseman 01-02-2007 11:18 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(styer27 @ Feb 1 2007, 07:00 AM) [snapback]277410[/snapback]</div>

Here are some questions for the vets of the game ..

1. Does any attribute help to aviod reactive fire from enemy aliens, i notice my commanders and colnols seem to get shot at less than the rookies, could this be from a higher TU attribute or maybe a higher reaction rating?

2. When viewing the stats for the fusion ball launcher for the craft, i notice the accuracy rating is more than 100% yet they still miss, what range is this rating based on?

3. Does blasting alien crafts down with smaller weapons (cannon, stingray missiles) increase the chances for the craft to be intact on arrival, therfore providing greater chance for elerium, or is the status of the craft detirmined randomly on crashlanding, regardless of weapon used?

4. I notice that smaller craft shot down by the Avenger seem to be destroyed more often than craft shot down by firestorm or interceptors even when using the same 2 plasma cannons, does the avenger have a higher kill rating than other craft even when using same weaponry?

5. During a base attack by aliens, i find sometimes the only weapons i can use are laser pistols and rifles, but when i go to the stores, all my plasma weapons are there on the ground, does laser weapons prioritise over plasma weapons, and if so, is there any other way to aviod this apart from getting rid of all my laser weapons?

6. Is there any way to raise the reactions attribute? i never seem to get this upgraded.

7. Does building a base in snow or mountainous areas decrease the aliens chances of finding your base?

8. Does shooting down craft into water incur the same penalty as leaving an alien craft crashed on the ground, or is it treated as a destroyed craft?

9. Is it possible to tell exactly WHEN the aliens find the location of your base? what range must the craft be in to actually see the base with or without a mindsheild? and, if the alien craft on a retaliation mission is shot down before returning to base, are the aliens still informed?

10. I noticed that aliens can mind control a soldier multiple turns in a row, even when it seems they dont have a visual sighting, yet i can mind control an alien for only one turn, then i have to sight him again to control him again, any way to work around this apart from placing scouts everywhere?

11. Do mutants have a weakness against armour peircing shells?[/b]
1. Think so.
2. It is possible that there are some modifiers the game applies to the accuracy ratings when calculating hits. So it may miss but it doesn't do it as often as a weapon with lower acc.
3. From what I remember, there appears to be some difference, but it's more or less negligible.
4. Peculiar, but not impossible.
5. That's the infamous "80 item cap" in action. No way around it that I know of.
7. Does sticking your head in a sand make you any less of a target? ^_^
8. Given the way this game works, I'm pretty sure it's treated as destroyed.
9.a) When they start attacking it.
9.b) I don't think it's based on actual exact range.
9.c) Definitely.
10. They have to have a visual sighting, otherwise you'd be totally screwed in every mission against Ethereals.
11. Zombies, you mean? They wear no armor. If you mean Mutons, that seems to be what the UFOpedia implies.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(styer27 @ Feb 1 2007, 07:00 AM) [snapback]277410[/snapback]</div>

Im also interested to know who has been the quickest to complete the game on the hardest difficulty level, ive done it in 6 months with only one base, maybe we should start up a compitition and get the winner to provide his savegame as proof.[/b]
There's a bunch of UFO maniacs around - feel free to post about it and start a ccorresponding thread in "Forum Games". :ok:

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(permeant @ Feb 1 2007, 08:47 AM) [snapback]277415[/snapback]</div>

I am running DosBox 0.65 on my powerbook G4 (mac). I've downloaded the DOS version of xcom from this site, but I can't get it running. I'm having the same sort of geoscape/tactical flipping problem, at best.

Can anyone please post line-by line instructions on how to run this game? :wallbash:

I have been craving some xcom for so long, and it's excruciating to be hung up here!

thanks! permeant
Without knowing what you have exactly done and what specifically is the problem, we cannot help you.
Until you post more detailed information about your problem, I can only refer you to this FAQ.

Please post a more detailed description of your problem including any and all error messages you encountered.

Japo 01-02-2007 12:32 PM

My two cents... :tomato:
  1. I guess so, but in my experience you can't possibly walk into an alien's line of sigh withuot getting shot, no matter your soldier's reaction rating.
  2. Each combination of weapon and shot (snap, auto, aimed, etc.) has an accuracy percentage as described in the UFOpaedia. If I remember right you must apply that percentage to the soldiers' accuracy rating and you'll get your base hit chance, which will display when you click on a weapon to select the shot. That figure is what you should pay attention to. (For example 90% [snap with heavy plasma] of 68% [a given soldier's accuracy] is 61%. A soldier's accuracy rating can be above 100 as high as 120 per cent.) I guess it could be modified because of distance, but when I had good marksmen so that their nett percentages were over 100 per cent for aimed or even snap shot, they hit even distant aliens without ever failing.
  3. Different weapons may very well make a different, depending not on the weapon itself but on the excess damage done besides the damage necessary to take the UFO down. Al least the manual states that if you assault an UFO that has landed on its own instead of been taken down, you'll find more booty --and more aliens.
  4. I thought it should depend on the weapon and your attack stance (cautious, standard, aggresive). Or maybe the damage you deal depends on the damage taken by your craft, and an Avenger is way sturdier than an Interceptor. Or maybe it depends on the craft itself as you say if you've observed it isolating other factors, I don't know.
  5. Of course there's a limit you must respect, but you decide which items to carry. In the base go to "equip" the transport craft and decide what's in and what's out, you'll be told about the limit. Then when already on the battleground you'll of course get to decide what each soldier carries in each hand etc.
  6. It may be innate, look in the manual. (If you have so many doubts about advanced topics you really should check the manual.)
  7. I don't think so, just build an hyperwave decoder and hunt down UFOs on Alien Retaliation missions as if your life depended on it --it does.
  8. I'm pretty sure it's destroyed and the game tells you about it.
  9. As I said just hunt down retaliating UFOs... I'm not sure at all but, as stupid as it may sound, I think that each retaliating UFO has to find you separately. This doesn't mean that it won't happen several times, I think they search around the areas where your craft have been active.
  10. I think it is for them just like it is for your team. So they only need to know where your soldier is, but the alien with line of sight is not the only one who can mind attach him, all the rest can as well. Also they're pretty good at it and at figuring which of your soldiers is the mentally weakest.
  11. Consult the UFOpaedia on which weapons are most effective against which aliens.

styer27 02-02-2007 03:52 AM

Awsome guys thanks!

I think ive figured out the problem i was talking about in question 10, heres an example:

I was fighting a small craft, a large scout, full of etherals. I killed all enemys outside the ship and walked 2 men inside the 1st compartment after the main hatch, the one with the two doors, one left, one right, no aliens in sight, one of my men entered the next door, into the navigation room where en etheral was hiding, i shot at him but missed so was forced to end my turn. The etheral mind controlled my soldier who then walked back into the 1st compartment and shot my 2nd man, ok, thats all normal, enemy had los.
I had two more men hiding outside the main hatch and i would walk in, see my mind controlled soldier, then walk back out again, i did this so i didnt have to kill my soldier. But everytime i walked back out of the craft and ended my turn, the aliens would mind control the same soldier every turn, even though he was secluded in the 1st room by himself. Now you could say that the etheral was walking in, mind controling my man, then walking back into the navigation room, but i hear no doors opening or closing, so that wasnt the case. After about 5 turns i gained control of my soldier again who was still in the same room, i then searched and found the only etheral hiding in the engine room by himself. How on earth could he have possibly had los to my man from two rooms away?

My conclusion is this:
An enemy alien MUST have los to mind control a trooper, but unlike our troopers who mind control an alien then they dissapear next turn caus of no los, i think the aliens still see thier target for one turn after the initial mind control. This is hard to put into words. Lets say i mind control a sectoid and then walk him into a room where noone can see him, :ph34r: on the next turn he will dissapear for me, but if i was an etheral, i think i would still see him, no matter where he is.

Hope everyone understood that.

Someone else must have an example of something similar. If not, i guess im taking too many drugs :wallbash:

Japo 02-02-2007 10:25 AM

That makes sense, as I said the aliens are pretty good at knowing where your soldiers are. More than once I got the impression that they knew withot having LOS but I didn't study any case as thoroughly as you.

So are you positive that it lasts only for one turn? You said that you spent 5 turns in retaking control of your soldier and the aliens didn't need to go into the same room at any time during those 5 turns. It may be a bug/design flaw, or maybe intentional to account for alien mind superiority, that LOS are recalculated for your turn but not for the aliens' turn, or stuff; so they would always get to mind attack any soldier who was mind attacked the previous turn. That would fit my experience.

The Fifth Horseman 02-02-2007 01:47 PM


An enemy alien MUST have los to mind control a trooper, but unlike our troopers who mind control an alien then they dissapear next turn caus of no los, i think the aliens still see thier target for one turn after the initial mind control. This is hard to put into words. Lets say i mind control a sectoid and then walk him into a room where noone can see him, brain_ph34r.gif on the next turn he will dissapear for me, but if i was an etheral, i think i would still see him, no matter where he is.[/b]
Makes sense, actually.

Also, the LOS calculations are not perfect and bugs sometimes occur. The alien may have been calculated to have LOS to your soldier by accident.

permeant 03-02-2007 10:33 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Feb 1 2007, 04:18 AM) [snapback]277475[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(permeant @ Feb 1 2007, 08:47 AM) [snapback]277415[/snapback]

I am running DosBox 0.65 on my powerbook G4 (mac). I've downloaded the DOS version of xcom from this site, but I can't get it running. I'm having the same sort of geoscape/tactical flipping problem, at best.

Can anyone please post line-by line instructions on how to run this game? :wallbash:

I have been craving some xcom for so long, and it's excruciating to be hung up here!

thanks! permeant
Without knowing what you have exactly done and what specifically is the problem, we cannot help you.
Until you post more detailed information about your problem, I can only refer you to this FAQ.

Please post a more detailed description of your problem including any and all error messages you encountered.

I'm running Mac OS 10.4.8 on PBG4. I've installed DosBox 0.65 (Mac version), which seems to be up and running fine in a window. It shows its colorful ASCII spash screen, sets some sound parameters at the command line, and sits at Z:\>

I've downloaded the DOS version of X-Com from abandonia, and it sits uncompressed in a self-generated folder "xcom" on my desktop.

In DosBox:
Z:\> mount d /users/x/desktop/xcom -t cdrom
"MSCDEX: Mounted subdirectory: limited support. Drive D is mounted as CDRom."

Z:\> d:

directory listing shows:
17 files (368,701 bytes total)
25 directories

file names:

(not clear to me which is the main executable... but seems to be


... DosBox window goes black, then a moment later shows some colored stripes along the top, title bar reading: "DosBox 0.65, Cpu Cycles 3000, Frameskip 0, Program: GEOSCAPE"... a couple seconds later goes black again with title "...TACTICAL", then switches between the two every couple seconds, ad infinitum, hung.

Any help?

verek_22 03-02-2007 11:08 PM

This game is really cool. I'll never stop liking it. :w00t:

permeant 04-02-2007 12:55 AM

OK, so I got it figured out. Had to MOUNT a C: drive, "INSTALL.BAT C:", then edit the "c:\UFOCD.BAT" file to include my "d:" drive in place of the "%1", as CDSETUP didn't replace the variables as it was supposed to. And XCOM runs!

Only problem is, it's quite slow and choppy. My latest hour was spent trying to figure out how to press CTRL-F1 on my mac without it controlling the brightness, so I can load the keymapper, so that I can reassign the CTRL-F8 to another combination, because @$#@ CTRL-F8 opens up my mac menu bar instead of changing the FrameSkip's. bloody h---. (BTW, mac users, pressing like all the ctrl-option-command-fn buttons plus F1 does it)

So now we'll see if it's even worth playing, or too slow :blink:

Japo 04-02-2007 02:38 PM

You know that you can increase cycles pressing Ctrl+F12, do yo? (Can't help you with Mac issues.) 3,000 may be not enough.

HomerDOHSimpson 04-02-2007 07:02 PM

In the dosbox folder is a .conf file you can edit the cycles dosbox start with.
You can also copy&paste and create a GAMENAME.conf file for every game and create a batch file to start with this file.

Here's my batch file for Ultima 8. (Ultima.bat)

C:\Programme\DOSBox-0.65\DOSBox -conf C:\Programme\DOSBox-0.65\Ultima8.conf Y:\DOSGAMES\Ultima8\u8.exe

1st part where dosbox is
2nd part (-conf) start game with specific conf file
3rd part where the exe of the game is

If this don't help. READ THE README.

The Fifth Horseman 05-02-2007 12:03 PM

3000 cycles is way not enough for this game. Increase to around 10000 and see if that helps.

deki86 09-02-2007 01:12 PM

Ciao a tutti!

vorrei sapere come si fa per promuovere i soldati, visto ke ho un colonello con oltre 100 uccisioni alle spalle e non riesce a d diventare comandante e altri soldati ke non riesckono a essere promossi, kome devo fare?

Mod-edit: Babelfish translation:

Hello to all! I would want to know like is made in order to promote the soldiers, approval ke I have a colonello with beyond 100 killings to the shoulders and it does not succeed in d becoming commander and other soldiers ke not riesckono to being promoted, kome I must make?[/b]

The Fifth Horseman 09-02-2007 01:21 PM

First, please post in English. That way people around here can actually understand you.

Second, there are more requirements than just kills and mission score for your soldiers to advance. You also need to have a certain number of soldiers (I _think_ that was 30 for a commander) and there are also restrictions to how many soldiers can advance beyond Squaddie. These are based both on your soldiers' mission/kill ratings and on how many soldiers you have (so the players don't have a strike team built entirely of Sergeants or Captains).

Guest 14-02-2007 05:19 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Nick Skylifter @ Dec 17 2006, 12:45 PM) [snapback]271906[/snapback]</div>

I have the crashing problem, too, and the annoying bit is that if it crashes at some point, it will always crash at that point again. Running DOSBox did not seem to solve the problem, instead it just made the game have weird colours.

Any ideas what I can do? I´d really love to play this wonderful game, but I rarely get further than a few hours into the game (ie, maybe 5 or 6 actual fights) before it crashes.
I have the same problem :( i played a few days and now it always crashed at the same point. i saved seconds before and tried it many times .. no change :crybaby:

is there any solution?

I love the game, plz help

(sry for bad english -.-)

P.S. where can i get the dos version?

rob 15-02-2007 01:58 AM

I got the windows versions from this site and it runs well but i have no music. Sound effects play fine just the musics missing anyway to fix it?

The Fifth Horseman 15-02-2007 10:54 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Feb 14 2007, 07:19 PM) [snapback]279244[/snapback]</div>

P.S. where can i get the dos version?[/b]

Kuemmel 20-02-2007 02:05 PM

Here are some answers from a relative vet of the game...
(I play the game at difficulty level 5). I simply play and
observe. I have no higher knowledge from the source or related.

1. No idea really. However, i am quite positive, that the
aliens have no chance of reaction fire to the instant
a soldier opens a door and steps through it.
2. Never bothered with FB. To little ammo. Plus there is
a bug: The instant a weapon runs out of ammo the plane
goes to maximal distance exceeding the maximum range
of the launcher. By the time the projectile reaches
the enemy craft the game seems to check this which
causses the last shot to miss 100%. Go to aggressive
Attack to avoid this (or use plasma guns).
3. I am quite positive that there is such a thing as
negative hit points for ufos. If your plane reduces
it to zero it will be found practically intact.
I base this on observation of the downing of medium
scouts. Is a scout downed by one single hit it seems
to be a given that the reactor remains intact.
If it takes two hits the UFO is destroyed most of the
times or at least badly damaged if found.
4. No idea.
5. The list of possible items on the floor (which includes
captured aliens and artefacts by the way) is finite.
The same holds true for the initial equipment available.
Simply sell of unneeded equipment!
Another hint: If the cruical alien commander keeps
disappearing after the stunning blow: Simply throw
a grenade on some equipment littering the floor (or
pick something up) to free some space in the game
6. UFO is a learning by doing game: Place your snipers
in positions where aliens are bound to appear and
let them wait.
7. I am quite positive that placing a base in areas
where UFOs rarely appear greatly reduces the chances
of being found. UFOs appear in the inhabited areas.
My favorite places for a three base game: The eastern
shores of the Black Sea, Cuba, Borneo.
8. There is a penalty?
9. There are such things as alien retaliation missions.
Down these UFOs at all costs. But I suspect that the
other UFOs have a detection chance, too.
10.You already seem to have understood that PSI-Power is
pivotal for a glorious victory (my opinion, at least).
Get yourself a PSI-Expert for every larger base. He
does some running, easy killings and lots of control
attacks. The running is for getting him/her more than
75 TUs. And yes. The rest is scouting. And yes. Aliens
seem to cheat. But hey: They invented the technology
centuries ago!
11.Mutons? Quite the contrary. Read the race description!
12.I finish the game by the end of august/beginning of
september. Depends on the time PSI-power is conquered.
Honor-Aim: Complete Science Tree -- Medics help with
difficult to catch alive aliens.
No, I do not compete.

Kuemmel 20-02-2007 02:20 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Feb 9 2007, 02:21 PM) [snapback]278622[/snapback]</div>

First, please post in English. That way people around here can actually understand you.

Second, there are more requirements than just kills and mission score for your soldiers to advance. You also need to have a certain number of soldiers (I _think_ that was 30 for a commander) and there are also restrictions to how many soldiers can advance beyond Squaddie. These are based both on your soldiers' mission/kill ratings and on how many soldiers you have (so the players don't have a strike team built entirely of Sergeants or Captains).
I seem to recall a strategy guide i read a long time ago:
There is one Sergeant for every 5 other soldiers.
One captain for every 10,
One Colonel for (i guess) every 20
I believe one gets a commander for a force of 30 soldiers. However (here i am sure):
there can always be only one commander.

The game promotes the "best" non-rookie soldiers regardless of their PSI-Strength.
So you should sack weak minded officers for their own protection!

Japo 20-02-2007 06:36 PM

(Now that I re-read this I see I misunderstood some of the questions but I guess they're answered now.) I've been replaying this and found that I hadn't mastered the tactic (of course most important) part of the game. The only game I had the time of patience to finish was the first I ever played. I've quitted, hopefully temporarily, even the game I was playing currently, but before I managed to learn some facts about tactics in the game. Well many people may have figured this out already but I guess I'm bored, so here are two more cents.

The "reactions" stat is not that important, I personally think now that it's one of the least important, far behind shooting accuracy, TUs, etc. It governs only things your soldiers do during the aliens' turn, and you must lead the squad so that the important things happen during your own turn. Don't leave them out in the open or in long non-cleared corridors, go from behind a corner to behind the next one each turn; if you can't avoid it, deploy some smoke in front.

As you can see when you make a soldier watch into an unexplored region, a soldier's line of sight (LOS) is 90 degrees wide. Whenever you encounter an alien during your turn and he's inside your moving soldier's LOS, you get to act first. No matter how low your reactions are, or how high the alien's, during a given side's turn that side always has priority. After the encounter, once you move further, or fire and the alien survives, or throw a grenade, or move a second man into the alien's LOS, though, the alien gets a chance to act provided you're within his LOS or you have called his attention shooting at him --I leaned to think that he could lose that chance if he failed a reactions check just like it works for you during the aliens' turn, but in my experience he always gets to act. Of course if you move in a way that you come into an alien's LOS without his being into your own LOS, even its being your turn you can't act if you don't see the alien and he'll blast you.

The only things you must keep in mind are the shape of the LOS, and that you must move in a way that nobody can see you without your seeing him beforehand or at the same time. Some examples (yes I know I've got too free time):


LOS of a man/alien looking north:

** .......
**** ...

It's bad to stay right behind a corner. A man (@) is looking north, an alien (A) comes from the east during his own turn:

**** A
**** |XXXX
**** |XXXX

Both see each other at the same time, it's the alien's turn, so the alien blasts the human. Looking north-east won't help since the corner prevents the human from seeing more to the east that if he's looking north.

It's best to end the turn one square behind the corner:

**** A
**** +----
**** |XXXX

If there's an alien beyond the corner, he won't see the human and therefore won't be able to harm him unless he turns the corner; and if the does the human will get a chance to shoot him provided a reactions check is passed.

When it comes to moving from cover, it's a bad idea to turn corners in the obvious way:

**** |XXXX

If there's an alien behind the corner but not right behind and looking west or north-west or south-west, the human comes into his LOS while the alien is outside the human's LOS --the alien blasts the human. It's the opposite case as the previous one.

The safe way to turn corners:

** . +----
**** |XXXX

The human moves north-eastwards and no alien will se him before he sees the alien. Being the human's turn, he gets to act first even if the alien is looking at him.

Of course motion sensors help big time in these situations. Also the LOS extends for 20 squares for both you and the aliens --even if you see the landscape farther away, there could be aliens there and you won't see them. So if you're advancing and see for example a cyberdisc far away, you know that if you shoot at it, it will shoot back even if you hit it --you won't kill it because it takes so many hits to kill. But if you shoot with soldiers who are farther away, or even if you step backwards one single square (until you're 21 squares away of the cyberdisc) and shoot with that same soldier, the cyberdisc won't fire back since it's not seeing you.

FoxURA 02-03-2007 06:30 PM

I downloaded this game for Win 95 and the X-Com exe does not work. Actually the exe does work but the colors are extremely blurred and I can make out about 4-5 images of the mouse arrow accros the width of the screen. Was my download corruped?

The other exe, UFO does work but I think the game timer seems to be going too fast. Has there been reports of this game running too fast on newer computers?

another_guest 03-03-2007 01:39 PM

Sure, it does run too fast on recent pc's.
You can either download the dos version and run it through Dosbox, or run a slowdown utility (Turbo for example) next to the windows version.

FoxURA 03-03-2007 10:24 PM

Just for the sake of comparison how fast is the game clock supposed to go versus actual time?

Oh, and is Turbo the slow down program you use? I would prefer to stick to stuff that has a good reputation as opposed to any random program on the net claiming to be a slow down program.
Also, could you post a link for Tubo? I am having trouble finding a link for it.

Nevermind, I found the Turbo download finally.

The only problem is that it says it is for Win 95, will it work fine with XP?

another_guest 04-03-2007 02:35 PM

I've got Turbo and it slows down my pc under XP. It's one of the best-known ones so I guess it's ok...

I think in geoscape view (when you see the globe) if you click the 5sec button, that the game time should increase with 5sec for every second real time.

FoxURA 05-03-2007 04:51 AM

Yeah... I am pretty sure that the time goes by faster than than that. I'll have to check the time with a stopwatch or something.

Sinan 05-03-2007 01:31 PM

Hello All.

I should express from my heart that this game is in my Top10 list of all video games I've played. I have played a zillion of games since beginning of '80s, believe me. :ok:

There might be ppl who find the initial start a bit hard to get used to, but they will be missing hell of an action if they give up. Just get some more scientist for research and get into the action, addiction is guaranteed in very short term once you get the basics.

After around 5 years, I have been restarted recently and played it for about 20 hours in total during last weekend, during which I had to prepare 2 essential presentations for work. I ended up hovering in PowerPoint around 3 a.m. on Sunday.

Quit the game after long hours' play to get back to real life and you might find yourself hesitating to use all of your Time Units while doing regular things at home! :D

Anybody else with this funny T.U. confusion in real life just after quitting, I wonder ???

Do not start playing this game unless you have 1 week's free time with no responsibilities. You can literally get fired from work.

another_guest 05-03-2007 03:14 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FoxURA @ Mar 5 2007, 06:51 AM) [snapback]281890[/snapback]</div>

Yeah... I am pretty sure that the time goes by faster than than that. I'll have to check the time with a stopwatch or something.
Oh well, it doesn't have to be exact, no worries if it goes twice that speed or so.
The idea is just that if you click '5 sec' that the in-game time advances so slowly that you have plenty of time to give commands to your aircraft, in time to intercept ufo's or land at a crash/terror site...

FoxURA 06-03-2007 01:32 AM

The problem is that the game time goes by so fast that when the attack menue appears I don't have enough time to even check what all my attack options are... The window only stays open for maybe 5-10 seconds max.

Does anyone know if there are any slow-down programs that slow down the program itself and not the system as a whole? I would rather not slow the system down because that would prevent me from starting new things in the background while the game is going on because the system resources are already used up.

another_guest 07-03-2007 01:25 PM

So far I didn't have any luck finding such programs.

I would suggest you use the DOS version and run it through Dosbox. This will cause the game to run at its designed speed, while hopefully not using too much of your system resources.

Japo 07-03-2007 03:45 PM

One of the versions of Mo'slo does just that, but not the free one so you'd have to pay.

Guest 08-03-2007 05:48 PM

hey guys im a massive fan of ufo enemy unknown. It is easily my favourite game of all time. I used to play it as a younger kid 7-8 years old on my old pc windows 95. I remember playing it allot before the computer went down which kinda sucked. But now i have a problem

I found it again this week from this site and downloaded all of the files. Problem is im a total noob when it comes to actually understanding what to do with it. So i extracted all of the files then double clicked on the ufo defense icon. It all comes up and i get the sounds and thought fantastic, But the screen goes completly black. Now it comes up with send error report everytime i rty to even start and run it

Is there anyone who can help, I'm not to accustomed with DOS either which doesn't help but i would love to learn. Please can someone point me in the right direction


The Fifth Horseman 08-03-2007 05:57 PM

Which exec are you running? You should use the patched one (bandage icon).

Guest 08-03-2007 06:07 PM

well there is a choice of two.

ufo star icon
and UFO defense hasbro

Clicked on both of them and neither work, just get music and a blank screen

Guest 08-03-2007 06:11 PM

IS there something i have done wrong? i'm using windows XP and running it from my laptop. Do i need to run it from dos, if so can someone give me the exact words to use?

The Fifth Horseman 09-03-2007 12:41 PM

Sounds like you've got a problem.

Download the DOS version, and use DosBox to run the game. You can download it here.

Guest 09-03-2007 03:09 PM

Ok ive got dos. I've gone through the step by step guide on another game. I tried to install it from there but literally im a total noob to this kinda thing. I tried everything to get it to run, its keep on telling me

To setup ufo enemy unknown

change directory to c\dos then enter
cd setup followed by your name of the drive

i do not understand this. Last night i had the introduction working but now i acn't seem to do it, Any step by step hints here?

The Fifth Horseman 09-03-2007 03:11 PM

In the directory where you put UFO, type in setup and press [ENTER] to run the game's setup program.

Guest 09-03-2007 03:17 PM

Right so if i put it in my

hdd C:
a folder called dos is there.
inside dos there is another folder called CDrive and its all in there,

Whats the directory i have to put in to get there

sorry about all of this

Guest 09-03-2007 03:27 PM

if you have msn please add [BEEEP] and help me out. I'm gutted but i want to learn how to do these things

The Fifth Horseman 09-03-2007 04:17 PM

You might want to check out the official DosBox FAQ, and particularly this part of it. It is quite helpful for users unfamiliar with DosBox

Guest 24-03-2007 07:44 PM

I wonder if it would be possible to give this game a forum of its own on Abandonia, instead of a thread?

Seeing as there's more posts in this one megathread than on two other Abandonia forums...

Japo 24-03-2007 07:54 PM

Sir, your request is highly irregular!

And I like it. :P

Daniel 24-03-2007 09:35 PM

Permeant - or anyone who knows...

Edit is not a part of DOSBox and TextEdit in OS X isn't seeing any text in UFOCD.BAT at all. How did you edit the batch file?


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(permeant @ Feb 4 2007, 01:55 AM) [snapback]277886[/snapback]</div>

OK, so I got it figured out. Had to MOUNT a C: drive, "INSTALL.BAT C:", then edit the "c:\UFOCD.BAT" file to include my "d:" drive in place of the "%1", as CDSETUP didn't replace the variables as it was supposed to. And XCOM runs!

Only problem is, it's quite slow and choppy. My latest hour was spent trying to figure out how to press CTRL-F1 on my mac without it controlling the brightness, so I can load the keymapper, so that I can reassign the CTRL-F8 to another combination, because @$#@ CTRL-F8 opens up my mac menu bar instead of changing the FrameSkip's. bloody h---. (BTW, mac users, pressing like all the ctrl-option-command-fn buttons plus F1 does it)

So now we'll see if it's even worth playing, or too slow :blink:

Guest 26-03-2007 02:07 AM

I managed to get the Dos version to run on Dos Box... But I have not figured out how to get the sound to work. What settings do I need in the set up to get things working?

Plato89 26-03-2007 05:44 AM

Wow, this has to be the biggest thread I have ever seen on any forum alive! I found this game installed on my old desktop (still attempting a download on my laptop with little success) and I booted up one of my old saves.

I was playing for a few hours until I made it to an alien base. A bunch of lousy Floaters. I'm planning on nabbing a commander. Anyways, I had 10 Power Suited soldiers with Heavy Plasma just decimating these guys left and right, I think I only lost two soldiers, and one of them to bleeding out (I didn't know he was wounded till he died). I get to the command centre, with about five guys waiting below the grav lift, when the Floater Commander kills himself with a freakin Blaster Launcher! I see a rocket go around the room and blow the entire damn thing to smithereens, killing my chance at nabbing a Commander. All I really get out of it was some Alien Entertainment and some E-115.

djurre 26-03-2007 11:28 AM

Right. it seems to be crashing allot on XP.

What are the pro's when it comes to running it on dosbox? As i recall, dosbox interface is rather user-unfriendly. then again, i hear a new version is out.

another_guest 26-03-2007 12:35 PM

Pro's: I always had the impression the Dos version was more stable than the Windows one (though crashes could still occur) + Dosbox causes the game to run at normal speed.

You could always download D-Fend (google for it) which is an extremely user-friendly front-end to Dosbox.

The Fifth Horseman 26-03-2007 12:52 PM


Edit is not a part of DOSBox and TextEdit in OS X isn't seeing any text in UFOCD.BAT at all. How did you edit the batch file?[/b]
Change the extension to TXT, edit it and then change back to BAT.

What settings do I need in the set up to get things working?[/b]
Sound Blaster 16, IRQ 7, DMA 1, Adress 220.

As i recall, dosbox interface is rather user-unfriendly.[/b]
Install Norton Commander on it and it becomes surprisingly user-friendly.

FoxURA 27-03-2007 04:40 AM

I heard that there is an X-Com fan remake. Does anyone know where I can find it? So many different things come up on google that I don't know which one is what I'm looking for.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 27-03-2007 05:43 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FoxURA @ Mar 27 2007, 06:40 AM) [snapback]285139[/snapback]</div>

I heard that there is an X-Com fan remake. Does anyone know where I can find it? So many different things come up on google that I don't know which one is what I'm looking for.
From that i Know there is at least 2 fan remake, one of this ( UFO Alien Invasion ) is already playable (IMHO, it's also very good :brain: ) but with some problem (for example : when i go on mission and enter the tactical screen, before that the mission beginnings i see a kilometric debug list :huh: but then it disappear and the death of the hated aliens can begin !! :sneaky: ).

Long time ago (1-2 year) i had found another remake, but i've lost trace of it. So I don't know if it's still alive and how much is developed :unsure:

The Fifth Horseman 27-03-2007 06:57 AM

There's a metric ton of remakes going on out there... I remember at least five to seven last time I checked.

GigaBass 27-03-2007 08:30 AM

Say, I'm needing a bigger challenge for this game! Getting too easy ^_^

So, I'm gonna try pass the whole game on superhuman with only ONE man, if it's even possible (nothing's impossible), anyone else wanna take the challenge? This is gonna be fun :max:

By the way, Incappucciato d'Ombra, quoted from the about section in, :

The game takes a lot of inspiration from the X-COM series by Mythos and Microprose. However, it's neither a sequel nor a remake of any X-COM or other commercial title. What we as a team wanted to make is a brand new experience that tries to surpass the quality of games from 1992, rather than simply recreate them with flashier graphics. [/b]
It's not quite a remake, more like a revamp (right word? forgot meaning but seems logical) I think... I'll have to try it, seems very good!

Guest 27-03-2007 04:42 PM

Would it be wiser to download the dos-version, if decide to run things on dos-box. or will that have no effect?

The Fifth Horseman 27-03-2007 05:13 PM

The Windows version will not work in DosBox, if that's what you want to know.

Adam 28-03-2007 02:33 AM

It would be interesting if the old gold box games had a combat system like this, the AD&D rules would translate extremely well to the UFO battlescape.

Think about it

Guest 28-03-2007 04:24 AM

First of all this site is *dirty word* awesome!

UFO defense brings back a lot of all memories.

I used to stay up all night playing this game when I was 12

Anyway, I can get the windows version to run and there is sound effects....but no music!

I have gone to the file directory and clicked on the various sound files and they play!

I do not understand why it is not working....I have searched the internet trying to find a fix.

Plato89 29-03-2007 09:52 PM

So, will this become its own section? There's a whole ton of aspects to this game that can be discussed and divided into sections. I think its a great idea! Sections on Finance, Tactical Theory/Discussion, and a General Section would suffice, wouldn't y'all say? Did I leave something out?

Xander 30-03-2007 01:09 AM

Ok, I had this game for the PC in 95 or so and I loved it. Played it all the time. But many years have passed and I do not have the game anymore and I want to play it so much. I understand there are many places to download it online. But I am not the best with computers. It is not straight forward to me how to install and play it.

Do I need an emulator because PCs now are too fast for it?

Where should I get a good copy from?

Can someone please please please help me and give me step by step instructions how to download and install it.


The Fifth Horseman 30-03-2007 02:04 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Xander @ Mar 30 2007, 03:09 AM) [snapback]285505[/snapback]</div>

Do I need an emulator because PCs now are too fast for it?[/b]
Yes, and not just because they're too fast. Windows XP is not compatibile with most DOS-era games and programs, and neither is most of modern computer hardware.


Where should I get a good copy from?[/b]


Can someone please please please help me and give me step by step instructions how to download and install it.[/b]
If you have any specific problems or questions, please check the Troubleshooting forum. As a number of questions regarding UFO has been asked and answered several times over, please use Search function before posting a new topic.

Japo 30-03-2007 02:04 PM

Here you can get the Windows version. If that works stick to it, if it doesn't you could try the DOS version but you'd need an emulator.

FoxURA 03-04-2007 03:52 AM

Help!!!!!!!!! The game keeps freezing when I try to start research and I still can't get sound even when the sound blaster 16 and other settings are selected!

I don't get why the game is freezing... I have been playing the game (without any sound) for a while and have never had a problem until now! What should I do?!?!?

I reloaded the entire game and it seems to work fine now... Still no sound though.


Is it possible to use VDM sound in DosBox? That might be the only way to fix the sound for the game.

Guest 04-04-2007 06:06 AM

Try setting your Sound Device in the game setup to SoundBlaseter 16, Base Port - 220, IRQ - 7, DMA - 1 and Sound Channels - whatever you like i guess, I set mine to 8.
For Music Device choose General Midi and leave Port on 330.

After that is done start the game using ufocd.bat batch file. That batch file will start an executable sndsound.exe (or something like that, I'm not at home now) witch operantly enables sound in the game, besides enabling sound it also launches teh awesome intro movie :)

Works for me on DOSBox 0.70 - default config.

The Fifth Horseman 04-04-2007 07:06 AM


Is it possible to use VDM sound in DosBox?[/b]
Nope. You either use one OR the other.

Do what the Guest said. It works.

FoxURA 04-04-2007 08:38 PM

I tried running the batch file through D-Fend (I haven't had the time to set things up through Norton Commander yet and the config file for DosBox is associated with D-Fend) and it didn't work. I was able to run the file in XP but the game runs too fast and Mo'Slo Basic doesn't work with batch files... Back to square one I guess.

Could D-Fend be preventing the batch file from running in DosBox or is it because it is labled as an MSDos file?

The Fifth Horseman 05-04-2007 01:10 PM

First things first, you don't have to use D-Fend.
In a WIP guide I posted here, I explain how to create custom shortcuts to games for DosBox with absolutely no need for D-Fend.
Also remember that the [autoexec] section of dosbox.conf acts exactly like a batch file.

FoxURA 05-04-2007 05:57 PM

I know I can create shortcuts with norton commander. I just haven't had the time to do it yet. Hopefully I should get around to it before this week is out.

The Fifth Horseman 06-04-2007 06:16 AM

Not with Norton ^_^

Point is, you can make shortcuts that start the game in DosBox (and quit it when you leave the game) right from your Desktop. :P

FoxURA 06-04-2007 05:05 PM

Really? I thought Norton was the only way to pull that off. I tried to open that guide you posted but I don't know what application I need to open the rar file.

velik_m 06-04-2007 05:45 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FoxURA @ Apr 6 2007, 05:05 PM) [snapback]286374[/snapback]</div>

Really? I though Norton was the only way to pull that off. I tried to open that guide you posted but I don't know what application I need to open the rar file.

FoxURA 09-04-2007 01:27 AM

Sound! I have sound!! I just changed a setting for the heck of it and the ufo batch file started working under D-Fend with sound! It's a good thing to because I haven't had a chance to do any work with setting up DosBox shortcuts. Let the war commence!!! :titan:

The Fifth Horseman 10-04-2007 09:44 AM


I thought Norton was the only way to pull that off. [/b]
Nope. Norton is simply a convenient way to get around in your games directory.
Now, these shortcuts... once you get the hang of them, D-Fend becomes obsolete.

Guest 11-04-2007 08:49 AM

:sos: i've the dos verison and DOSbox but what I have to do for play with x-com?
there are a lot of icons, there isn't a readme that explains what to do :sos:

The Fifth Horseman 11-04-2007 12:08 PM

You might want to check out the official DosBox FAQ, and particularly this part of it. It is quite helpful for users unfamiliar with DosBox.

I suggest you also read the pages about command line, internal programs (very important!) and the config file.

It's all easier then it seems. So remember:
DON'T PANIC!!! ^_^

Also, there are only three types of files that can be used to run anything under DosBox: EXE, COM and BAT, with the last being more like a shortcut or macro rather than an actual program.

Storm 16-04-2007 04:13 PM

I've been wondering this for a while: are there any differences between the PC version and the Amiga AGA version?

Incappucciato d'Ombra 16-04-2007 10:19 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Storm @ Apr 16 2007, 06:13 PM) [snapback]287180[/snapback]</div>

I've been wondering this for a while: are there any differences between the PC version and the Amiga AGA version?
Graphically it is slightly better, for the rest it is the same thing :)

Less than an Amiga without HD is used, in this case you can experience suicidal instincts :tai: (in other word : loading time will kill everyone)

nolifer 21-04-2007 05:29 AM

Finally had the time to iron man (no reloads of any kind except because program failure, and I only had one
in the whole game) this game through on superhuman. I just had to share it with
someone - and who is better than a bunch of fanatics who seem to do it regularily? :)

In the end the hardest part seems to get an alien who'll give you PSI abilities. If you don't want to reload at all during a battle, attacking a sectoid ship with leader (at least a medium ship) is most likely suicide - unless by pure luck you happen to have 80+ (or 70something+) PSI power for most of your guys without knowing it.
(Yup, I know you can field test you teams by feeding them to sectoids and getting home those guys who aren't falling for PSI attacks - but I've found the financial cost is too big, as you are unlikely to get anything in return.)

So most likely one will get PSI powers from a small ethereal ship. Still it will be hard. Ethereals are higly resistant to stun blasts (at least it seems so, took 4 direct hits the last time!), and as you need stun balls to capture it, your team will be highly vulnerable to PSI control. In the iron manned game I lost the whole team and the skyranger to just one puny and very lucky Ethie.

I've found I've developed a callous tactic. I name those soldiers who don't have a chance of developing into good ones "XP" for "expendable". They are always walking forward and opening doors. They take the first alien fire - then guys with goor Reaction (55+, 59-60 when available) jump in and take the credit. And yes, I'm firmly in the Reaction First camp. Small ships are financially the most important in the game - when money still is an issue - and guys with big reaction survive going through doors.

Japo 21-04-2007 11:15 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nolifer @ Apr 21 2007, 07:29 AM) [snapback]287792[/snapback]</div>

Ethereals are higly resistant to stun blasts (at least it seems so, took 4 direct hits the last time!)[/b]
I'd say it was just bad luck, you surely know that's possible. Actually I think that all aliens are equally affected by stun weapons, armour varies only for wounding weapons. The only thing that will make one alien more difficult to stun that other is how many remaining hit points it has and Ethereals are not punishment takers if you check their stats.

Guest 21-04-2007 12:44 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Japofran @ Apr 21 2007, 11:15 AM) [snapback]287827[/snapback]</div>

I'd say it was just bad luck, you surely know that's possible. Actually I think that all aliens are equally affected by stun weapons, armour varies only for wounding weapons. The only thing that will make one alien more difficult to stun that other is how many remaining hit points it has and Ethereals are not punishment takers if you check their stats.
Yes, I've read the stats, vulnerabilites etc. of the creatures. The thing with the Ethereals has just been
developing a long long time. I've had always trouble getting them stunned - compared to those other
less sturdy aliens. But of course when you get one idea in your head, you tend to read experience through
that bias...

laiocfar 25-04-2007 01:04 AM

Well, the engine of stuning works as in RPG, there are no-lethal wounds. So stronger the alien is, harder to kill/stun. Ethereals arent harder to stun than to kill but being flyers, they are harder to get into smoke clouds. Also the best way to capture an alien is to look for a nonfatalwounded survivor to an explosion, remember that he will have many no lethals for being into smoke cloud and if its a close enviroment cloud will be larger time; but normally you do everything to avoid an Ethereal spotted and alive during Alien´s turn. And the hardest to stun are the terrorist like aliens and the cockroachs beacause they are strong plus they cant be unarmed.

Guest 26-04-2007 07:04 PM

hello guys. I'm a real fan of the Xcom original game ufo enemy unknown. I have found it here again recently but cannot get it to work on my laptop? Its works fine on my desktop computer and freinds laptop but no luck on mine. When i load it all i get is a black screen and my computer usage skyrockets too 100%.

Can anyone give me any tips on whats going wrong please.


deVily 26-04-2007 11:09 PM

I've rarely even tried to stun any alien, except for commanders, because I've found them alive in every two-three missions... You can't expect to kill every last one of them..some survives

Was enough for me...

The Fifth Horseman 27-04-2007 10:56 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Apr 26 2007, 09:04 PM) [snapback]288556[/snapback]</div>

hello guys. I'm a real fan of the Xcom original game ufo enemy unknown. I have found it here again recently but cannot get it to work on my laptop? Its works fine on my desktop computer and freinds laptop but no luck on mine. When i load it all i get is a black screen and my computer usage skyrockets too 100%.

Can anyone give me any tips on whats going wrong please.

Are you trying to run the DOS or Windows version?
There is a patch for the Windows version that you need to use to get it to run right on XP.
The DOS version should be ran using DosBox, a DOS emulator.

Guest 27-04-2007 07:06 PM

I've tried both versions. I get nothing. Even using dos box it just dosn't want to work.

Where can i find this patch if i may ask?

Guest 27-04-2007 07:30 PM

Ok ive downloaded the two files that i needed to. But i get a new message now saying

"couldn't read process memory"

This is really bugging me as i need the game on the laptop not my desktop. I'm using the XP version now trying to get it to run.

Guest 27-04-2007 07:35 PM

I get a completly black screen when i run the standard version and i've looked at my computer performance and its well over 100% Mean anything to you guys?

Dark Piedone 29-04-2007 11:32 AM

What's with this ? everytime I start UFO, it minimize in Windows, I restore it, and everything is ok until I want to select a location for my base and it minimize back, restore it I move a bit the cursor, it minimize again and again... what could be the problem ? I have this problem with Terror from the Deep too, and the DOS version doesn't work at all.

The Fifth Horseman 30-04-2007 08:48 AM


I get a completly black screen when i run the standard version and i've looked at my computer performance and its well over 100% Mean anything to you guys?[/b]
One of the most common questions ever asked on this forum. You were trying to run the DOS version of the game in Windows, which ended in the typically catastrophic manner.
What you should have done is run the game in DosBox. If you have any problems with it, make sure to read the readme file - if that's not enough, there is always the official FAQ and Basic Setup and Installation guide.

Guest 30-04-2007 09:18 PM

too get comanders i recomend going to the alient bases use atleast 2 plasma tanks and at least 2 soldiers that can do psi with about 60 psi strength and skill also you need at least 2 soldiers with stun lancher and stun bombs and maybe 4 regular soldiers equip them with at least personal armour move all soldiers in the exit area and move out your tanks psi every alien you see check what kind it is if its the commander keep mind controlling him every turn while escorting him with your tanks near the exit area bring a stun soldier out stun him pick him up and bring him in then go get the rest of the aliens this way if you don't want to use your tus make him blow himself up with his grenade most aliens have one some people say you cant access the aliens belts and packs etc. but you can by clicking another soldier and click the switch soldier until you get the alient it will say its an alien but it will look like a human with no amour grab the grenade put it in its hands and use it on itself (this dosent always work on mutans since they have a lot of health to use it on them get 2 of them and kill them with both grenades if this still does not work use your tank)
remember never bring your soldiers out of the green exit area they geniraly safe there, aliens very rarely go there do this if you go out you will proubly get mind controled. accept tanks wont get mind controled so use them(only use plasma hovertank the other kinds are useless).

this is what i do to get the comander i stun it and bring it in the exit area but i never can reaserch it is there anything else i have to do?

laiocfar 01-05-2007 06:07 AM

2 plasma tanks? 2 psi spec? anything else like 100 veteran officer at max equipment? And you still have to avoid fusion ball lauchers, in short, you are discovering gunpower in 2007.

It is easier capture them on big ships like the battleship, they are always hidding inside the cabin so you can fight without worries and they cant use FB launchers while you are assaulting with laser rifles. At bases, their commanders are better guarded and is easier to use many FB blowing the control center than assaulting it. Well, at least for me, fighting battleships scenarios even assaulting and no siegeing is easier than assaulting the base.

Guest 01-05-2007 09:14 PM

Well i dont think i did. I downloaded the game from here. Gave it to a freind. It run from his laptop perfectly. I copied the exact files to my computer and it doesn't work(black screen, computer performance 100% ect). I'll try the dosbox version again. But i couldnt get it to work either

Guest 01-05-2007 09:25 PM

when i go to install i get

shell:redirect output to Nul

i got about 20-25 of them

By the way im sorry for taking up so much space with my noobish posts.

Guest 03-05-2007 10:04 AM

After playing Ufo Afterlight I have started another game of the original Ufo Enemy Unknown.

I have played and mostly enjoyed similar games as Fallout Tactics, Jagged Alliance, Silent Storm... The biggest problem I have found with all is that each member is essential and if you loose one of them I will keep reloading the game. For me it doesn't make sense, if I know I am going to finish all missions withouth anyone dying. That is why I keep comming back to the original Ufo.

Do you know of any other similar games like Ufo where you can easily use men as cannon fodder. Silent Storm and Jagged Alliance came close but still it was a very bad blow to loose a member.

jamie 09-05-2007 04:48 PM

anyone been able to get XCom/UFO running on DosBox or Guest PC for Mac OSX??? thanks!

raoul volfoni 11-05-2007 12:27 PM

Here is how I managed to run UFO on a iBook G5 laptop with Mac OS X (10.4):

What I used:Howto:
  • install properly the SDL lib, DOSBox and the Dapplegrey frontend (the first one can be a bit tricky but basically they are classic package installations, read the manuals)
  • create a folder where you'll put all the DOS related files (eg: I created a folder named "DOS Apps" in my user folder, so its path is: "/Volumes/My HD/Users/myself/DOS Apps")
  • in this folder create a folder to act as a hard drive for DOS (eg: I created a folder named "HD1", so its path is: "/Volumes/My HD/Users/myself/DOS Apps/HD1")
  • unzip UFO in "DOS Apps", this creates a "xcom" folder. This xcom folder is in fact the content of the original UFO CD-ROM.
  • launch Dapplegrey and configure it like this:
    • Drive C: "/Volumes/My HD/Users/myself/DOS Apps/HD1"
    • "Drives" tab:
      • CD-ROM: there is a bug in Dapplegrey when the CD-ROM pathname includes a space character (" ") so we'll use another method to specify it:
        - if your path does not include space characters, choose the "xcom" folder as the CD-ROM path and check the drive "D"
        - else: edit the autoexec.bat file (in the Dapplegrey menubar) and put this line: z:mount d "/Volumes/My HD/Users/myself/DOS Apps/HD1/xcom" -t cdrom -label CD-ROM
      • check "run autoexec.bat at startup"
    • "Display" tab: I chose "VGA", "Surface", "Full Res: 800x600", "Window Res: 800x600", check "Run DOSBOX in fullscreen mode" (optional)
    • tweak other options if you wish
  • click "Run" to launch DOSBox
    if everything goes fine you should have a DOS window with a prompt
  • first, you have to install the game. Type the following:
    install c:\ufo
    (or whatever directory name you want to use for the game installation)
    validate the installation screen, then type:
    if you are not already in the installation directory: cd ufo (or whatever directory name you used for the game installation)
    cdsetup d:
    setup the sound parameters (use the "soundblaster pro" with default params)
    launch the game: ufo
That's it ! :)

From now on you just have to go to the c:\ufo directory and type ufo to launch the game.

- swap Full screen on/off with CTRL-ENTER (UFO can run in both modes)
- if the mouse cursor doesn't appear in DOSBox, use CTRL-F10 to capture/uncapture it
- with trackpad or 1-button mouse, emulate the right-click with CTRL-APPLE-CLICK

laiocfar 12-05-2007 10:34 PM

Pretty clear and simple!

Sathanas 12-05-2007 11:45 PM

Old classic :3

guest 26-05-2007 05:30 AM

Does anyone know where I can download an english, Dos version of the game?

Incappucciato d'Ombra 26-05-2007 06:07 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(guest @ May 26 2007, 07:30 AM) [snapback]291400[/snapback]</div>

Does anyone know where I can download an english, Dos version of the game?
Obviously, in the best abandonware site of the world, this means ... here :D

guest 26-05-2007 07:17 AM

The version from here didn't work with dosbox. but anyway I got it to run.

however, it crashes everytime I finish building an Hyperwave decoder... how can I fix this?

guest again 27-05-2007 09:56 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(guest @ May 26 2007, 08:17 AM) [snapback]291408[/snapback]</div>

The version from here didn't work with dosbox. but anyway I got it to run.

however, it crashes everytime I finish building an Hyperwave decoder... how can I fix this?
nevermind, I had to restart anyway.

I killed all the snakemen and chrysalids attacking my only base... but the mission didn't end. so I spread out my guys to find any remaining aliens and lost them one by one to a chrysalid. ever noticed how those things stalk your guys when they're out of reach? you turn away, press next turn , and it jumps on him.

laiocfar 03-06-2007 02:51 AM

A tip, when fighting chrysalids with cheap human rifles, make everyone to carry an activated HE.
If your are using better equipment, specially in base defend mission or terror missions where you dont known who is surronding who, carry movement detectors.

PuttingtheNobinNoob 12-06-2007 10:48 AM

Hey guys, long time listener, first time caller.

I have UFO and Dos box, and have gotten as far as getting the dos prompt to the main folder of UFO Defense(The one with GEODATA, GEOGRAPH, GAME_1 etc.), but can't run the exe program or whatever. There's also no setup file for the sound.

This is driving me insane. I've already looked at Dosbox faq a few dozen times but can't figure it out. Please help me as I want to relive the glory days of killing floaters and snakemen.


The Fifth Horseman 12-06-2007 01:31 PM

Is there any error message?

Japo 12-06-2007 06:17 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PuttingtheNobinNoob @ Jun 12 2007, 12:48 PM) [snapback]294051[/snapback]</div>

Hey guys, long time listener, first time caller.

I have UFO and Dos box, and have gotten as far as getting the dos prompt to the main folder of UFO Defense(The one with GEODATA, GEOGRAPH, GAME_1 etc.), but can't run the exe program or whatever. There's also no setup file for the sound.

This is driving me insane. I've already looked at Dosbox faq a few dozen times but can't figure it out. Please help me as I want to relive the glory days of killing floaters and snakemen.

Enter UFOCD; I think GO will make it go as well, must be some difference between the two.

mightyteegar 12-06-2007 09:50 PM

Hey all, I'm having a problem with the Abandonia DOS version of UFO. I'm running Ubuntu Linux 7.04 (feisty) with DOSBox 0.65.

My problem is that when I try to start the game with the command "ufocd" in DOSBox, I have absolutely no mouse support at all. No cursor, no clicking, nothing. I don't know what other commands I could use to start the game -- "go" does nothing and neither does "full".

Can this be fixed?

Mighty Midget 12-06-2007 09:55 PM

Do you have the mouse working in any other games?

mightyteegar 12-06-2007 10:40 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Jun 12 2007, 10:55 PM) [snapback]294125[/snapback]</div>

Do you have the mouse working in any other games?
Odd... no, I don't. Tried Pizza Tycoon and Dominus and no mouse in either. And in the meantime I've been doing some Google digging, and it appears I'm the only person on the face of the planet with this problem. :wallbash:


Mighty Midget 12-06-2007 10:52 PM

Do you have a PS/2 mouse or a USB mouse? Try a PS/2 and see if that changes anything.

mightyteegar 12-06-2007 10:54 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Jun 12 2007, 11:52 PM) [snapback]294134[/snapback]</div>

Do you have a PS/2 mouse or a USB mouse? Try a PS/2 and see if that changes anything.
I fixed it. Setting "autolock=false" in my dosbox.conf made it work.

Guest 13-06-2007 12:21 AM

Wow, thanks for the fast reply guys!

I downloaded the DOS version instead on the UFO page and ran it than through DosBox and it works great. Oh man, it must have been eight or nine years since I've heard that delicious sound of a sectoid's dying scream.

I love the taste of laser in the morning... it tastes like... victory!

Thanks guy! Gone to blow up some floaters.

Oh P.S. had a nightmare about Xcom after playing it when I was asleep earlier. Ha!

Guest 15-06-2007 07:32 AM

[font=Comic Sans Ms] :titan: Well this is the Best game to date in the history of games
look at the genus of the strategy game, this is the Strategy Game Godfather
if you don't like this game i'll kill you!!!!

Guest 19-06-2007 10:39 PM

PLEASE: I have downloaded the XP version of UFO from this site. Ive been playing it for a few days, but i seem to have a horrible hanging problem within the game:

I research the sectoid medic. Once the results are complete you have two options: View report, and OK.

Clicking on either hangs the game!??

I've tried lots of things, including running in windows 95 compatibility etc, re-installing...


ANYONE any ideas??

_r.u.s.s. 20-06-2007 12:39 AM

try the same solution as this guy

Guest 21-06-2007 06:45 PM

Ok, anyone who suffered the same Sectoid medic problem as me two posts above, just to let you know a solution as i managed to find one myself (but thanks to russ anyway):-

Discontinue the research as soon as possible by reducing scientists to 0 (this stops time ticking away and accidentally finishing it).

If you have a sectoid leader, research him first and THEN the medic. For some reason doing it this way round solved the hanging problem.

Also note that i had tried to research other tech before by cancelling the medic, researching something new and the resuming - but it still crashed.

MAYBE it has to be a leader or a commander (i got my leader from a base) and possibly even the same race - i dont know.

Either way - problem solved :)

laiocfar 21-06-2007 07:30 PM

Remember back-ups are the only known solution to the game failures.

Guest 22-06-2007 06:55 PM

This is true - but im my case restoring a back up made from days ago (nearly when i first started) - didnt help.

But it IS sound advice...

Dave 26-06-2007 10:46 PM

I didn't want to finish I've captured about 700 Ufo's LOL
Nothing else to say...this game is the best :kosta:

T1980 27-06-2007 11:29 PM

How do i play this game in fullscreen?
I have win XP, i run the windows version, but all i get is a small screen in the center of my monitor, and lots of black space filling up the rest.

punch999 28-06-2007 12:33 AM

Probobly change resolution thru your monitor while in game or just stretch the screen.

T1980 28-06-2007 12:52 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(#Alex# @ Jun 28 2007, 01:33 AM) [snapback]296815[/snapback]</div>

Probobly change resolution thru your monitor while in game or just stretch the screen.
Well, resolution is fine.
Problem is only 30% in the center of the monitor is the game, the rest is black

The Fifth Horseman 28-06-2007 01:40 PM

1. Run it through the patched EXE ("bandage" icon).
2. Use Compatibility options to run it in 640x480 resolution.

I think this topic might be relevant to your problem, too.

T1980 28-06-2007 02:50 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jun 28 2007, 02:40 PM) [snapback]296916[/snapback]</div>

1. Run it through the patched EXE ("bandage" icon).
2. Use Compatibility options to run it in 640x480 resolution.

I think this topic might be relevant to your problem, too.
There is no bandaged icon.

The Fifth Horseman 28-06-2007 02:56 PM

There should be two executables. Are there?

If not, here you can get the neccesary file (it's the one on the very beginning).

ninjasan8 28-06-2007 06:20 PM

Hi everybody, I'm ninjasan8, I'm new here. I got UFO around a month ago, and I'm really hooked. I just started a new game, and I'm doing a lot better than before, and I have a quick question. I just finished my second month, and I have 8 soldiers with Plasma Rifles and Personal Armor. I have a pretty big base (80 scientists, 30 engineers, and a lot of other stuff). What would be a good move now? Is there something special I should do, like get a certain weapon, etc? Also, when should I build my second base? Thanks in advance for the help.

Dave 28-06-2007 06:30 PM

Nice job, Himo you should create a second base in another continent with a new you can cover a larger area...if you think it's early to do that, do lot of research first... :ok:

another_guest 30-06-2007 11:52 AM

However building another base takes quite some money, so be sure to have perhaps some $ 5 million at hand before you do that.
For the location of the second base, like David86 said, make sure it covers another continent. Have a look at how much each continent/country is donating to you --> you should try to cover the big investors (typically USA, Europe, Japan) to keep them happy.

If I were you I would recruit a few more soldiers, just in case you happen to lose a few after some time.
Remember to recruit soldiers in your second base as well, and supply that base with decent weapons in case it gets attacked.

But you seem to be doing really, really fine if you already have plasma rifles after 2 months!

ninjasan8 30-06-2007 09:40 PM

Thanks. I went ahead and made the base in Europe, and later after two UFOs and a terror mission, I went ahead and probably prematurely made another base in Japan. Right now my first base is fully operational, my second can shoot down UFOs (working on the second hangar), and my third one... well, it's there. Thanks for the help guys (I'll be sure to pick up some extra soldiers like you said (one of my wounded soldiers has a 47 day recovery waiting)), I'll be sure to come back in the (near) future with more questions. Thanks again.

laiocfar 30-06-2007 10:13 PM

I leave guards in bases without ufo recovery capacity. They are usefull until you install taht fusion ball defenses with the grav shield.

cjblaze36 01-07-2007 07:53 PM

I have read through a lot of the previous bug issues w/ the game. I am not that computer savvy though and would like to explain my problem and if somebody could explain a solution in idiot terms for me I would appreciate it.
I downloaded the game from this site and I will be playing and the game will just crash on me. It is usually when I attempt to land at a crash site.
I had this game back in the day and have no idea where it is now and just recently found out about abandonware, so if I could get to playing it would be a dream come true.

The Fifth Horseman 02-07-2007 01:24 PM

Unfortunately, it crashes for no apparent reason every now and then. Nothing can be done about that, I'm afraid.

roadwarrior 03-07-2007 06:02 AM

is there any "good" way to slow down the windows version of this game cause time passes by so fast and in combat when you move mouse it moves like its on fire or something.
and i have tested dos version of this game but that is too slow and "buggy" or
"laggy" and i know how to speed it up (ctrl+f12, ctrl+f8) but its no good :wallbash:
any suggestions? :unsure:

_r.u.s.s. 03-07-2007 11:33 AM

for slowing down the windows version- lookup for CPUkiller or mo'slo. there are few others slowing-down programs as well.

for the dosbox- set "core= dynamic" in your dosbox.cfg
and also, try using frameskip

Bahut 03-07-2007 06:04 PM

I'm not tech savy and I got the game to work by clicking the yellow colored icon in the UFO Enemy Unknown folder. The other one titled "Gold Edition" shows up all garbled.

It seems to work, except it constantly alt-tabs itself out to the desktop. I tried closing all windows and that seemed to help start the game. Except anytime my interceptors engage a UFO it alt-tabs to desktop. It does the same while trying to do a mission.

How can I get it to stop minimizing to desktop ? It isn't crashing... just constantly minimizes to my desktop, then I have to click on it to open it up again... but the game continues to run which makes me either lose UFO's with my interceptors or die horribly :P

Donald 12-07-2007 01:40 AM

Has anyone one ever gotten through the game without losing a country to an alien pact?
I was doing so well, but then all of a sudden, India was out at the end of the month. Then I found
out an alien base was right next to there, and no save game was further back enough to
save India... darn infiltrators.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 12-07-2007 03:32 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Donald @ Jul 12 2007, 03:40 AM) [snapback]299035[/snapback]</div>

Has anyone one ever gotten through the game without losing a country to an alien pact?
I don't think, it is normal to loose at least some countries during the whole game, this because the only way to avoid an alien pact is to shot down ALL the ufos that take contact with the "targeted" government.

With ALL i means :
1) shot down the ufo with recon mission : 1 very little and/or 1 little, plus 1 (or some ?) medium if player are doing very well or game are advanced (in term of time and difficulty level)

?) unable to remember, some years are passed from the last time that i've played Ufo enemy unknow, if sometime also some medium/big ufos can appear, if yes..... also these must be shotdown.

2) Shot down from 2 to 4 (or 5 ??) Battleship, depending ... see point 1) :)

If also only one of this is saved, next month the targeted government will sign an alien pact. In these conditions it is practically impossible to save ALL nations :ph34r:

Dave 12-07-2007 11:16 AM

It's a random thing, sometimes if you reload game you'll not lose a country...
I'm saying that because Europian nations can be protected very well...(for example Italy :whistling:)
I had a base in Italy (full of big radars) with 1 Avenger and 2 of those Ufo Interceptors always flying to protect the was impossible that ufos take contact with Italy government.
At the End of the month Italy was OUT! Damn...I reloaded the game and...surprise!

I've played the game until there was only one nation left...and then mission to Mars! :)

Incappucciato d'Ombra 12-07-2007 01:56 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David86 @ Jul 12 2007, 01:16 PM) [snapback]299073[/snapback]</div>

It's a random thing, sometimes if you reload game you'll not lose a country...
Yes, it's a random thing... but only the "decision of the alien to take contact with a nation (or not to take contact)". Therefore is a random thing only if you had a game saved before this decision was taken, otherwise you must to shotdown all ufo or say goodbye to the nation :tai:

I had forgot another important thing : Ufo must be shotdown on water otherwise is necessary a mission to destroy the ufo on land or, after few days, it take off and the nation... is lost !

Reassuming : ALL ufos must be shot down and TOTALLY destroyed (by recovering the ufo or shotdown it on water) or you loose the targeted nation. (reloading game is another thing :bleh: )

Dave 12-07-2007 02:47 PM

You can't Shotdown a Ufo on is a waste!
I prefer to kill'em all and stole precious things.

Riassuming: guys, remember to save game often LOL

laiocfar 13-07-2007 05:24 AM

The other option is to rush cydonia before they get those battleships to infiltrate... Also about killing ufos on water, last months of game you are mostly waiting for something (Avenger/Psi training/flying suits/hoovertanks/ammo) to go on mars and is quiet boring and useless to risk your veterans when recovering an scout.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 13-07-2007 05:54 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David86 @ Jul 12 2007, 04:47 PM) [snapback]299111[/snapback]</div>

You can't Shotdown a Ufo on is a waste!
*become mad*

Yes i can, because i'm the Incappucciato d'Ombra and from the shadows i can do all :ph34r:

*return serious*

Well, it's a waste, i agree, but only at the beginning, after the firsts 5-6 months it's however a waste..... but of time and not of precious thing. Consider that we are talking of :

1) shotdown at least 3-4 battleship (and various other minor Ufo)
2) send a transport to recover every Ufo
3) when alien attempt to sign a pact, all the ufos appears with little distance (in term of time) one from the other and always land in proximity of the nation capital.

This means : only in the best one of the cases, when all things goes well, you can do all of this. In the other cases (pratically always) you must use the bug (or trick) that prevent the disappearance of the ufo after some time.

Imho, a work so gigantic that it is not worth the pain :tai:

Finally, as far as saved games, i know that it's always better to save often but in this case it's useless.
Aliens tries to sign a pact with nations when player act well, therefore if you reload a previous saved game, can happens :

1) Aliens try to sign a pact with another nation (this happens often)
2) Aliens try to sign a pact with the same nation (very rare..... but if happens --> :wallbash: :wallbash: )
3) Aliens try to sign a pact next month. (in this case, sometimes with 2 nations, and this means --> :wallbash: but not in a symple wall, directly onto Hoover Dam :tai: )
4) Aliens do nothing, but only if after reloading player loses points, for example another Ufo appear with different mission (like harvest or terror mission) and it's successfull. In this case Aliens takes points, player loses points and there's no more need, for aliens, to sign a pact. But next month it's possible that some nations decide to lower subsidies to x-com :tai:

Dave 13-07-2007 11:58 AM

Ok, I know it could be difficult, but the secret is to have all bases equipped with Avenger, 20 soldiers (Min) and 2Firestorms (and maybe a Ranger for emergency)
Yeah, in the first year is impossible to stop them all, but then if you do a great job you can stop 5 or 6 big ufo's in a day without losing soldiers.
I've played 3 game years, captured over 700 ufo's and conquer 25 Alien Base...I've lost only one soldier (Sorry Micheal Davies :crybaby:)
I'm a little fanatic of this game, but I think I'm not the only one. :tomato:

This is my Commander (after some training :whistling: ):

And this is an example of Base:

You can see, I don't use defense weapons...I like Ufo's landings :)

Icewolf 13-07-2007 12:21 PM

Yep, I'm about to do a header dive into that game as well! :D
By now I'm a bad player but I always need some time to get the trick in strategy games. :sneaky:

Makes me think of Red Alert 2 I guess I'm a pretty good one at it. :sneaky:

Blake 13-07-2007 04:55 PM

Hey, I am new to this forum, but I do have some questions for this great game.

1: I know I have to find a leader of some sort in one of the alien bases to know where on mars they have there HQ, but how do I know witch Alien is the Commander/Leader???`

2: Is there a newer version of this game???

3: atm I am playing the DOS version on DOSBox but I cant get the sound to work.. enyone know what to do???


Japo 13-07-2007 05:29 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blake @ Jul 13 2007, 06:55 PM) [snapback]299302[/snapback]</div>

1: I know I have to find a leader of some sort in one of the alien bases to know where on mars they have there HQ, but how do I know witch Alien is the Commander/Leader???[/b]
Using a mind probe. You get it from the aliens and can equip it once you research it.


2: Is there a newer version of this game???[/b]


3: atm I am playing the DOS version on DOSBox but I cant get the sound to work.. enyone know what to do???[/b]
Run SETUP.EXE and choose Sound Blaster 16 at address 220, IRQ 7, DMA 1.

Blake 13-07-2007 06:01 PM

thx for the quick reply.. but there is still some problems with the sound..

I have done as u said I choosed Sound Blaster 16 at address 220, IRQ 7, DMA 1. but what about the Sound Channels and choose of music board???

_r.u.s.s. 13-07-2007 06:04 PM

sound channels- pick default, 4? music board- adlib

Blake 13-07-2007 06:19 PM

Damn it wont work :angry: ... well I will survive ^_^ .. but there is another thing that enoys me.. but that is on the forum here.. I cant start a new topic, when I try it says that I dont have acces to do that, enyone knows what that happens.
sorry for the off-topic reply, but it is enoying when u want to ask if enyone know where I can get a game that I have been looking for, for years now.

again sorry.

Mighty Midget 13-07-2007 06:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blake @ Jul 13 2007, 08:19 PM) [snapback]299326[/snapback]</div>

Damn it wont work :angry: ... well I will survive ^_^ .. but there is another thing that enoys me.. but that is on the forum here.. I cant start a new topic, when I try it says that I dont have acces to do that, enyone knows what that happens.
sorry for the off-topic reply, but it is enoying when u want to ask if enyone know where I can get a game that I have been looking for, for years now.

again sorry.
That's because you probably tried to start a new topic in "Games Discussion". This section is exclusevly for games that are on Abandonia. What you want is to open a topic in "Requests".

Blake 13-07-2007 06:35 PM

thx m8... but nvm now, it seems that the game that I was looking for is still being sold... so I cant download it.. and that makes my heart very sad :unsure:

Mighty Midget 13-07-2007 06:37 PM

Sad enough to buy the game? ;)

Blake 13-07-2007 06:47 PM

well I really really want this game... but I dont know if I can trust a site that I dont know.. and I dont know if they can ship the game to Denmark.. and it would be very sad to use a lot of money if the game wont work.

Japo 14-07-2007 09:35 AM

The music works for me choosing Adlib/Sound Blaster FM. I think the sound channels are just how many sounds can be reproduced at the same time, the more channels the more processing power or memory, I chose the maximum.

ninjasan8 14-07-2007 02:38 PM

Sorry, I can't help you with the first question, but for the latter two, head over to HotU and grab the collector's edition of the game, which is fully Windows compatible. I'm running it on Windows ME, and it works fine. If you're running XP, make sure you run xcom1fix.exe or the graphics will be garbled. Good luck!

Jim 22-07-2007 02:21 AM

Why do you have all those radar systems up when you have your 100% hyperwave decoder already.

Guest 23-07-2007 07:21 AM

Hey Gang,

I was wondering if someone could help me out? I downloaded the game and it crashes everytime I land my team. I am also unable to save the game. Is this version XP compatible?

Any ideas?

_r.u.s.s. 23-07-2007 11:17 AM

well, the "get it" button downloads XP version of the game, but if you have issues with it, there is also a link if you read a review.
and here are plenty of questions and solutions in this topic actually, try browsing if you have problems with the game

HumanHighway 26-07-2007 02:53 AM

Hey Guys!
I just got this excellent game. It's a real blast from the past and brings back so many memories (I had the game on CDrom when it was still readily available on Sold Out Software in UK).
One minor thing, is there any way to get the in game music to work? I've downloaded the Windows version and everything runs perfectly - Bar the in game music. The soundtrack is available on the site, curious as to if there is any way to impliment this into the game..

If not i'll just leave Winamp running!

Dave 26-07-2007 12:46 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jim @ Jul 22 2007, 04:21 AM) [snapback]300714[/snapback]</div>

Why do you have all those radar systems up when you have your 100% hyperwave decoder already.
Well...the Hyperwave is useful without a big number of radars, it only alerts you about the kind of Ufo and why the Ufo is on the Earth.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 26-07-2007 01:56 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David86 @ Jul 26 2007, 02:46 PM) [snapback]301435[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jim @ Jul 22 2007, 04:21 AM) [snapback]300714[/snapback]

Why do you have all those radar systems up when you have your 100% hyperwave decoder already.
Well...the Hyperwave is useful without a big number of radars, it only alerts you about the kind of Ufo and why the Ufo is on the Earth.

Whit the Hyperwave a single radar is enouhg to track UFO's, in other words :
single radar + Hyperwave = 100% sure to track any ufo and to keep it tracked + class specification of the ufo + ufo's mission & destination :sneaky:

Dave 26-07-2007 03:48 PM

Sure, but remember that more radars means much cover :ok:

The Fifth Horseman 26-07-2007 03:51 PM

IIRC the Hyperwave Decoder is completely separate from radars, so it doesn't.
HWD detects every UFO within detection radius.

laiocfar 26-07-2007 09:11 PM

Yep so if you build the Hyperwave Decoder, you may quit the radars to cut expeditures.

Dave 26-07-2007 11:28 PM

didn't know that, btw radar were in the base before the Hyperwave, so I wasn't able to understand it ^_^
Thanks for explanation.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 27-07-2007 04:11 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 26 2007, 05:51 PM) [snapback]301455[/snapback]</div>

IIRC the Hyperwave Decoder is completely separate from radars, so it doesn't.
HWD detects every UFO within detection radius.
Yes, i'm just a bit confused :whistling: I always dismantle all radar except 1, as an "insurance". In fact when alien attack an XCOM base, it can happens that some structures will be destroyed. If the destroyed structure is the Hyperwave, i've 1 radar ready... better then nothing :tai: Don't remembering this "little" particular i assumed that a radar is requested :tomato:

I think that it's time for me to play again with Ufo 1... :ph34r:

laiocfar 27-07-2007 10:46 PM

If you design a narrow passage inside your bases, you can easily ambush attacking aliens without risking vital zones as celds, labs, workshops or hyperwaves.

the idea is to got:


where H are hangas; AL is the access lift; L, W, H, C are import structures as labs, workshops, hyperwave and celds; and G + Q are importantless structures as stores and quarters.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 27-07-2007 11:56 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Jul 28 2007, 12:46 AM) [snapback]301663[/snapback]</div>

If you design a narrow passage inside your bases, you can easily ambush attacking aliens without risking vital zones as celds, labs, workshops or hyperwaves.

the idea is to got:


where H are hangas; AL is the access lift; L, W, H, C are import structures as labs, workshops, hyperwave and celds; and G + Q are importantless structures as stores and quarters.
Yes I known, i'd read the walktrohught of Ufo (and the design posted by you is taken from the same walkthrough ^_^ ).

All my bases are always designed in this way, but there is a problem :

on Ufo 1 (btw for Ufo 2 is the same) more you play well... more computer react agressively and this means : more often bases will be attacked --> more probability of soldier/s wounded on previous mission not yet ready for combat --> more probability of soldier not at the best (rookiees with bad stats, especially PSI) --> less "super" soldiers ready to counteract the alien, without some slight retreat on better position --> more probability that structures can be destroyed.

This means that also with the "perfect structure base" there's always a possibilty (even if effectively much low) that a structure will be destroyed, and if this happens to Hyperwave without a L.R. Radar as a backup the base become useless for at least a month :tai:

As a side note : the "perfect commander" must always act to prevent all bad events even if there's a little possibility of this events can occur ;)

Blittz 29-07-2007 06:12 PM

Ahh, fun game, I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. First time I raided a landing site was a disaster, I can't get the manual to work so I had no idea what I was doing. So, everyone was getting shot to pieces by black thingies, I didn't know how to shoot, everyone was panicking, and there was even a dude running around with no weapons for some reason.

I'll get it sooner or later ^_^

laiocfar 01-08-2007 06:11 AM

Blittz, the game best part is when you are completly loss about how fight them, so dont worry and enjoy.

Incappucciato d'Ombra, for my experience, the structures where most of the fight takes place like the lift or the hangars arent destroyables. Only a few times i lost structures to major damage during a base defense. From them, i get that: the damage only affects the structure when a reasonable part of the higher level is destroyed. So the damage at the lower level isnt risky and a few holes will not scrap your pod.

It happens that they break the line and the whole base get invaded but normally if the whole base was in real danger, it doesnt matters the total losses.
My playing style involes many troopers so i dont got bases without enought personel for the defense (There are undefended bases as radar stations but most of them got a security squad). But if i find that a base will be attacked and my defense arent up to the fight, lets sell/transfer most of it and leave it to the aliens with a few rokies carring armed bombs.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 01-08-2007 02:49 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Aug 1 2007, 08:11 AM) [snapback]302221[/snapback]</div>

My playing style
This is the key ;)

Some key point of my playing style :
1) I categorically refuse to lost a base (so, all my bases are defended "to the death")
2) Always i build 5 bases (no more) placed to obtain the best cover, generally 2 on the poles and 3 on northern emisphere; so all bases must be fully operative and "no dispensable". This means: sometime mission to raid ufo, alien base & counteract terror site can be require a bit more time then normal.
3) quality over quantity. This means less soldier in every bases, generally: 10 - 8 men required for "active mission" + 4-6 man as garrison/replacement for the active team + 2-3 tank ; therefore, sometimes happens that only 4-6 men and 2 tank are in charge (minus soldier wounded & tank/s in replacement) when UFO attack the base. But never i lost a base :max:
4) I always try to prevent even the less probable of the events. (in this case : the hypothetical destruction of a key structure as the Hyperwave)

This 4 points , added together, give that in a game i generally lost from 2 to 3 structures (in total & in the whole game ) :)

rlbell 02-08-2007 03:19 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Incappucciato d'Ombra @ Aug 1 2007, 02:49 PM) [snapback]302291[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Aug 1 2007, 08:11 AM) [snapback]302221[/snapback]

My playing style
This is the key ;)

Some key point of my playing style :
1) I categorically refuse to lost a base (so, all my bases are defended "to the death")
2) Always i build 5 bases (no more) placed to obtain the best cover, generally 2 on the poles and 3 on northern emisphere; so all bases must be fully operative and "no dispensable". This means: sometime mission to raid ufo, alien base & counteract terror site can be require a bit more time then normal.
3) quality over quantity. This means less soldier in every bases, generally: 10 - 8 men required for "active mission" + 4-6 man as garrison/replacement for the active team + 2-3 tank ; therefore, sometimes happens that only 4-6 men and 2 tank are in charge (minus soldier wounded & tank/s in replacement) when UFO attack the base. But never i lost a base :max:
4) I always try to prevent even the less probable of the events. (in this case : the hypothetical destruction of a key structure as the Hyperwave)

This 4 points , added together, give that in a game i generally lost from 2 to 3 structures (in total & in the whole game ) :)

Never lose a base?

4-6 men and two tanks?

You must spend a lot of time reloading.

Quality over quantity means that you are sacking/hiring lots of troopers.

My style is predicated on two axioms:

1) Bad Things ™ occassionally happen.

2) I should not be forced to save the world on a shoestring.

So while I jigger my funding to rediculous levels, I only save/reload between sessions.

When the base is attacked after a disasterous terror mission has wiped out the squad, I often lose it. I have even lost a couple of games (when I still tried to save the world on a shoestring). On the other hand, this style gave me the nail biting war story of trying to hunt down the sectoid commander of a battleship, before my last trooper died of his fatal wound.

Speaking of odd play styles, if you have not read all of the previous posts and already found my previous post on this topic, a friend of mine recovered from a desperate financial situation by selling nearly everything, except for a handful of alien grenades and a couple of laser rifles. He had already researched all of the alien weaponry. He arrived at a landing site with only a few armed troopers and the rest gathered weapons by looting the dead. Needless to say, casualties were horrific; unless they were compared to the penal battalions of the Soviet Union, during WWII (then they were merely discouraging). Except for the smaller UFO's, he made money, even after accounting for the cost of the butchers' bill.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 02-08-2007 05:07 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rlbell @ Aug 2 2007, 05:19 AM) [snapback]302379[/snapback]</div>

Never lose a base?

4-6 men and two tanks?

You must spend a lot of time reloading.

Quality over quantity means that you are sacking/hiring lots of troopers.

As for time reloading... yes quite a lot :) Every time that the game freeze or crash i need to reload, and this happen often :tai: (most of this, i suspect, were linked to O.S. that i use... that isn't exactly the best :whistling: )
Apart this... no, generally i avoid reloading, with few exceptions, just to give an idea :
1) if i lost a very high ranked soldier (generally commander & similar) but not always, only sometime, so this happen about 1 time each 2-3 game played
2) if i commit some error caused by external interferences (in other words : the real world breaks my balls :whistling: ). This happens more often : about 1-3 time each game :tai:

Therefore, in an entire game, probably i reload from 3 to 7 time (freeze and crash excluded :tai: )

As for sacking/hiring soldier, partially yes. I means :

1) if soldier had very very bad statistics (here, in italy we say "under the shoes"). Yes ! Sure ! I immediatly sack the moron ! This is a war not a picnic, XCOM need soldier not walking skeletons :ph34r:

2) if soldier had bad statistic, but not horrible, this soldier become an "Hero" ! :ph34r: And which it is the holy mission of the heroes? To dead in action for the glory of XCOM, for the liberty, for the democracy (etc etc) :sneaky:
In other words : i use puny rockies as scouts with light equip or disarmed when against Ethereal and Sectoid. Generally from 2 to 3 for each mission are scouts... and they carry out theirs "holy mission" with courage and with abnegation, and generally no one of this guy return to home :)

Weirdo 07-08-2007 02:39 PM

Sorry for my bad English :not_ok:

Always when I research Floater medic the whole game go off. What can I do? :sos:

laiocfar 07-08-2007 10:10 PM

Dont research it

Tainted Eon 07-08-2007 10:38 PM

Alright, I am sure this has been brought up before, but is there a way to slow down the DOS version of Xcom, as well as the EXE one? I tried using DosBox and even brought it to the low 100s, and nothing worked. It's on my fathers, since he loves the game, and he has to use DosBox since he has do I slow the two versions down so the Geography clock doesn't go so fast. One day = 10 Days and so forth, it's insane.

Mighty Midget 08-08-2007 04:36 AM

What monster computer does your father have? o_O Bringing the cycles in DOSBox down to the "low 100s", for that game, should rrreeeaaally slow things down. Are you sure you decreased the cycles (by pressing Ctrl + f 11)? Check the number at the top of the DOSBox window. I find it excrutiatingly hard to believe "the low 100s" still made the game run too fast.

The Fifth Horseman 08-08-2007 09:36 AM

Are you _sure_ you're running the game in DOSBox?

Try changing the Core to Normal or Simple in DOSBox.conf.

_r.u.s.s. 08-08-2007 10:45 AM

err you know, there is also this play in 'normal speed' and 'rewind' in-game button :P

Tainted Eon 08-08-2007 09:40 PM

He has Vista, I have XP, we both have 7600s, and 2gigs of ram...and yes I am sure he is running it on DosBox, since I installed it for him and I am sure it was in the 100s, if it goes any lower it lags...and where are the buttons?

ninjasan8 09-08-2007 02:54 AM

Since you have XP and Vista, you might just want to grab the Windows version (Collector's Edition), and it should run fine (runs fine on my XP system and my ME system).

UFO Whooper 12-08-2007 10:29 AM


I'm not coming to terms with this game: 1 month into the in-game-time, a very large UFO attacks my base and I'm GAME OVER. I restart the whole game, and same happens again. WTF? Any tipps? Plus, I'm having a lot of crashes to the desktop. Any tipps there, too?



_r.u.s.s. 12-08-2007 10:42 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tainted Eon @ Aug 8 2007, 11:40 PM) [snapback]303716[/snapback]</div>

He has Vista, I have XP, we both have 7600s, and 2gigs of ram...and yes I am sure he is running it on DosBox, since I installed it for him and I am sure it was in the 100s, if it goes any lower it lags...and where are the buttons?
i meant this but then i realised that you probably mean that even those are fast

Incappucciato d'Ombra 12-08-2007 06:04 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(UFO Whooper @ Aug 12 2007, 12:29 PM) [snapback]304306[/snapback]</div>

1 month into the in-game-time, a very large UFO attacks my base and I'm GAME OVER. I restart the whole game, and same happens again. WTF? Any tipps?
Simply be prepared. The first attack to a base always happens between first and second month (depending on how well you play and take in mind that this is a general statement). You know when "it's time" because of this general statement and you should see the Battleship (UFO) coming near to the base, then going away, then approaching again ... for some times, this can give you the time to prepare the defence.

IMPORTANT : this generally don't happens if you don't notice and shoot down the various UFO that come before as "scout", in this case Battleship can DIRECTLY go to base (or even don't appear at all and you receive the attack allert without see nothing, depending on numeber of radar in use)... :ph34r: Take in mind that also this it is a general statement.

Now some general tips :

1) when you know that "the time is becoming" (for the attack) don't send skyraider in mission with soldier, leave ALL soldier ready to defence, even if this means don't attack another UFO (and pray that UFO for terror mission don't appear or you lost an "hills of points")

2) If you have more than 80 item on base, be sure that are ALL usefull, otherwise load them on skyraider and send skyraider away on patrol mission. Be sure it can return only AFTER attack.

3) Now that you have (hopefully) at least 10-12 soldier, equip them with prox grenade (2-3 for each soldier) and other weapon (rifle, grenade, demolition charge )

4) Be sure to arm the prox grenade BEFORE turn begin (when you equip soldier if i remember well, or something similar)

5) Place some soldier on the upper level of magazines (if you have other stuff like prox grenade, rifle clip, grenade and so on) ready to act as "mobile reloading unit" for other soldier.

6) place some soldier quite away from access lift, especially if some of this are armed with rockets, ready to fire at long distance (see below point 8)

7) place about 50% of soldier near access lift and use them to launch the prox grenade on the middle of passage, at a block distance form door, next another about 4-5 block from access lift door and try to launch even in the middle of cross-roads. (i hope that this give the idea, sorry but my english is quite poor :bleh: )

8) retreat the soldiers that have launched grenade behind a corner wall or door, and use them as "spotter" (see point 6) and eventually as prime line, depend on how goes combat.

9) Pray........


I'm having a lot of crashes to the desktop. Any tipps there, too?[/b]
Little can be made for this, UFO 1 & UFO 2 crashes often :tai: First of all try to change version (like DOS version, using DOSbox, instead of the windows version or viceversa), or try playing with setting and pray...

but take in mind that you will however experience an high numbers of crashes... it's a fault of the game :tai:

Guest 13-08-2007 12:37 AM

hey so im not that good at this kinda muck so if someone could help me out

first of all i cannot figure out wat to open to run this in dosbox
i have dosbox and its all setup properly. i can run other games
but what do i have to do for the game to actually run like i tried setup and install but i cant figure it out

or is there a program to slow down the windows version becasue i can get it to run in windows but it goes way 2 fast.

thanks a lot

Guest 13-08-2007 12:49 AM

or maybe the game is just supposed to be this fast im not sure

in 5 second mode are the seconds supposed to be going by like really fast like i cant see them or is it supposed to be slower

in 5 second mode the time passes at about 2 minutes per second and if i press 1 day mode it just goes retardedly fast. is this the way it is supposed to be?

another_guest 13-08-2007 08:20 AM

In '5 second mode' every real time second you should see 5 seconds being added to the game time (more or less)

Normally the windows version should run at normal speed, but you can always download a slowdown utility (google for that or for Turbo, probably the best known one)

Guest 13-08-2007 02:57 PM

Molte grazie Incappucciato d'Ombra. I finally handled to kick the aliens behind when they came to invade my base. Must have had something to do with the tank I used plus the laser rifles I researched. Thank you for your detailed tipps.

UFO Whooper

_r.u.s.s. 13-08-2007 03:48 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Aug 13 2007, 02:49 AM) [snapback]304363[/snapback]</div>

or maybe the game is just supposed to be this fast im not sure

in 5 second mode are the seconds supposed to be going by like really fast like i cant see them or is it supposed to be slower

in 5 second mode the time passes at about 2 minutes per second and if i press 1 day mode it just goes retardedly fast. is this the way it is supposed to be?

Japo 13-08-2007 05:59 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Aug 13 2007, 04:57 PM) [snapback]304474[/snapback]</div>

Molte grazie Incappucciato d'Ombra. I finally handled to kick the aliens behind when they came to invade my base. Must have had something to do with the tank I used plus the laser rifles I researched.[/b]
Conventional firearms are worthless, you won't go far into the game if replacing them with new technology is not your TOP priority. Plasma is more powerful but laser has infinite ammo.

Guest 13-08-2007 11:25 PM

thanks for the video and tips

the video runs at about the same speed as my game but another_guest said that the game should run at 5 seconds per 5 real time seconds and that is definitely going a lot faster than that. also a lot of the messages seem to go by 2 quickly in battle

ive tried slowdown programs but they dont really work for some reason

if someone could just let me know what im sposed to run to run the dos version that would be great

again i have dosbox and i know how to use it i just dont know which files to run to make x-com run

thanks alot again

Incappucciato d'Ombra 13-08-2007 11:50 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Aug 14 2007, 01:25 AM) [snapback]304535[/snapback]</div>

i have dosbox and i know how to use it i just dont know which files to run to make x-com run
Launch Ufocd (i suppose that you use the dos version of UFO, downloadable from abandonia, i'm right? :ph34r: )

Guest 14-08-2007 12:08 AM

thanks friend

i never try .bat files i usually only try the exe's

but it is definitely working in proper time now so i can finally enjoy my life

and to the guy who sent the video thanks but you should know that you are also playing the game much 2 fast

but thanks all who helped

UFO Whooper 15-08-2007 04:36 PM

Now that I managed to survive the base attacks, I encounter once again the problem of having one particular base attack mission where the game crashes to desktop a couple of turns into the combat. The attack on the base seems to be scripted, because if I go back to an earlier savegame, it still occurs.

I really am amazed that all the people here seem to be able to play and finish the game, regarding bugs like this. Any help?



Guest 15-08-2007 04:38 PM

I forgot: I installed the DOS Version to see if it would solve anything and even managed to get my savegames running on it, but the game is so slow on my 1200 Mhz Laptop that it's unplayable....


_r.u.s.s. 15-08-2007 06:46 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Aug 14 2007, 02:08 AM) [snapback]304540[/snapback]</div>

thanks friend

i never try .bat files i usually only try the exe's

but it is definitely working in proper time now so i can finally enjoy my life

and to the guy who sent the video thanks but you should know that you are also playing the game much 2 fast

but thanks all who helped
wow i would never realise that :blink:

Incappucciato d'Ombra 15-08-2007 09:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Aug 15 2007, 06:38 PM) [snapback]304714[/snapback]</div>

but the game is so slow on my 1200 Mhz Laptop that it's unplayable....
Slow !?!? :blink:

However, use F11 - F12 to decrease or increase CPU cycles.

Eventually, in the DOSbox config file, search for this :


and change some of the setting. For major and detailed info seek for 5th Horseman's help, he is the expert of DOSbox :)

Icewolf 16-08-2007 07:20 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Incappucciato d'Ombra @ Aug 15 2007, 11:23 PM) [snapback]304775[/snapback]</div>

Eventually, in the DOSbox config file, search for this :


and change some of the setting. For major and detailed info seek for 5th Horseman's help, he is the expert of DOSbox :)[/b]
I think you should just read what the explanation in the DosBox.config says.
Mostly this is enough to make you aunderstand what you should change. :ok:

Dave 17-08-2007 01:16 PM

Link to my topic on "favourite oldies" about a great non-official remake called UFO: Extraterrestrial!;#entry305137

LordMoogat 27-08-2007 03:19 AM

I have a problem.

Whenever I shoot down an alien craft, my game crashes when my land troops get there!
How do I solve this problem???
Someone please help!!

Eagle of Fire 27-08-2007 05:09 AM

Make sure there is no other craft still in chase of an UFO. It's a known bug.

Icewolf 27-08-2007 08:12 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 27 2007, 07:09 AM) [snapback]306944[/snapback]</div>

Make sure there is no other craft still in chase of an UFO. It's a known bug.[/b]
Does this apply for the DOS-vesion as well?
Or only for the WIN-version?

Eagle of Fire 27-08-2007 05:50 PM

In all versions, as far as I am concerned.

And by "chase", I mean having a craft chasing an UFO, then minimizing the window and having a small icon at the top right corner of your screen.

Not "chase" as in "in the air on an intercept course". That is not a problem.

Guest 28-08-2007 09:30 AM

We've got 20000 votes for UFO! Congratulations Abandonia! ;)

rlbell 30-08-2007 02:05 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 27 2007, 05:09 AM) [snapback]306944[/snapback]</div>

Make sure there is no other craft still in chase of an UFO. It's a known bug.
This has got to be my least favorite bug. What I liked to do (after solving the problem of trying to save the Earth on a shoestring) was shoot down every alien craft. Downing a BB required the near-kamikazi effort of sending four interceptors with avalanche launchers to aggressivley attack it (it usually worked, with 25% to 75% casualties). Four successive interceptors was not enough, you had to keep them minimised; until, all four were standing off, and then charge in. As one interceptor was pounded/destroyed, eight avalanches seriously impeded the BB's efficient operation. Another six missiles usually brought it down. While doing this, I would often forget where the skyranger was.

Once you start arming your interceptors with plasma beams, you have to give up on the BB's, as the shorter range of plasma beams vs. avalanches makes it a futile effort.

deviant09 02-09-2007 03:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Sep 26 2004, 07:09 PM) [snapback]15047[/snapback]</div>

OK, here are the most common advices that I can give you. I'll try not to give any spoiler, and if I do without realizing it I give permission to the admins to censor me.

First, you need to build your base. That's the first thing you do in this game, and thus you need to do it from the start even before thinking about battles. The thing is, the first base supplied to you is a big free base, and is kind of nice for the eye. However, it would be more than a pain in the ... to defend would the Aliens decide to attack it, because it has hangars from both the bottom and the top of the base and the access lift if in the middle with other adjacent rooms.

In the best of worlds, all your base layout should generally be the same: your hangars at the very top or the very bottom of the base, then the access lift completely alone somewhere on the third line (the one directly above or under your hangars) then you begin to build your base on the fourth line after the access lift. That way, if the base get attacked, you will be able to defend it with ease with only a handfull of squaddies and a lot of grenades since the Aliens always come in the base from the access lift and the hangars. The third "free" line will act as a "chokepoint" preventing Aliens to invade the base too fast. If one or two aliens managed to get out from the access lift before you get there, kill them. You can be sure all the others will be ahead.

Battle and squaddies: obviously, you need to always try to keep your men alive. Moreover, you need to give your squaddies the best chances to overcome their target. The key points on this in tactical battle is visibility, speed and protection.

Visibility: I personnaly always go out with 12 squaddies and then break them down in three squads of four. The purpose of the squads is to always have at least two squaddies at "key" point when they advance in the black area so you have a good chance of seeing the alien before he do (or most of the time, at the same time he do so he don't have time to fire at will on your men) while the other two squad members advance faster (always keep enough time for a snap shot) and then they switch turn. Once an Alien is spotted, turn your four squaddie attention to it but do not forget to "scout" around for other Aliens, be in front, on the flanks or even in the back if that particular squad did not clear out the area behind them.
In night missions, you will have a very hard time trying to spot the Aliens because it's dark, while the Aliens will have a easy time spotting you because they have a way better vision at night. In that case, you need to use flares. I always bring in my Skyranger at least one flare per squaddie, just in case I run into a night mission. When you send your Skyranger, follow it and look at the map when it lands. If the map is at night (dark), then you'll need to equip the flares to your men. Would you forget, it is very important that you make them all take one flare before exiting the Skyranger (all the weapon you don't assign to your men before a mission are stockpilled at the entrance of the Skyranger).
To use a flare efficiently you only need to throw them far enough so the fartest visible spots are light. That way you will be able to spot aliens around the light just like if it was a day mission.
Use the flares liberally. They will save a lot of your men lives. And don't forget they can be reused; pick them back up and throw them away again.

Speed: never ever overload your men! It seems to be a very common newbie mistake. Your men need all the time units they can spare! I personnaly think that any squaddie under 60 TU is in danger because they lack mobility should they fall into an unexpected trap or need to clear out from an area quickly instead of keeping TU for their snap shot reaction time (like when spotting two aliens near him at end of his movement). If you start a mission and you notice one of your squaddie with less than 100% of his TU, then he's overloaded. Remove as much equipment from his inventory as you can spare, and you'll notice that next turn he'll have more TU to spare (if he did not recover them all). I also advise you to only take riffles (and/or handgun if you feel suicidal or want a challenge) in the first few missions until one of your men have enough strenght to take the bigger weapons without losing any or not too much TU. Most of the Aliens are easy to kill with a riffle anyways.

Endurance: research armors ASAP! I won't spoil the tech route to the first armor, but I'll tell you it's very easy to produce them by the end of the second month, should you know what you are doing. Once you have some armor, research the MediKit tech ASAP. The MediKits will allow the men who did not fall in one hit but are grievely wounded to survive the day and become stronger with time. It's always utterly annoying as a Commander (you) to lose men only because he had a fatal wound of 3 and dyied from blood loss after X turns because you had no medical support on the field... Especially if the man in question is your best soldier! <_< Before having all your men outfitted with armor, the chance of having a squaddie alive after he get hit will be extremely short, but with armor this will happen most of the time. I always equip all of my soldiers with one MediKit at the start of every battle but can part with one if the soldier is not strong enough to carry one and his equipment without TU loss.

I feel this is the biggest lines of the game. If you follow this to the letter you should have an easy time defeating Aliens... But it probably doesn't follow every style of play. I know some people love grenades, other use only Alien technology... I'll leave all those details and the leading of your squaddies to you. :)

deviant 02-09-2007 03:26 PM

hiya can any1 help out and tell of any sites where i can download the game for free. thanks

_r.u.s.s. 02-09-2007 03:36 PM

it is for free?

deviant 02-09-2007 03:41 PM

yeah but which sites? this one?

_r.u.s.s. 02-09-2007 03:42 PM

um, how did you actually get here?

gufu1992 02-09-2007 04:52 PM

14th May 1999
Snakeman and crysalids appear, my planes have no rocket ammo and aliens send out largew aircrafts I CAN'T shoot down!

deviant 02-09-2007 05:35 PM

iv downloaded it from here but i still cant get it to work. iv got windows vista is that the reason why?

rlbell 03-09-2007 05:35 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(deviant09 @ Sep 2 2007, 03:23 PM) [snapback]308386[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Sep 26 2004, 07:09 PM) [snapback]15047[/snapback]

Speed: never ever overload your men! It seems to be a very common newbie mistake. Your men need all the time units they can spare! I personnaly think that any squaddie under 60 TU is in danger because they lack mobility should they fall into an unexpected trap or need to clear out from an area quickly instead of keeping TU for their snap shot reaction time (like when spotting two aliens near him at end of his movement). If you start a mission and you notice one of your squaddie with less than 100% of his TU, then he's overloaded. Remove as much equipment from his inventory as you can spare, and you'll notice that next turn he'll have more TU to spare (if he did not recover them all). I also advise you to only take riffles (and/or handgun if you feel suicidal or want a challenge) in the first few missions until one of your men have enough strenght to take the bigger weapons without losing any or not too much TU. Most of the Aliens are easy to kill with a riffle anyways.

Endurance: research armors ASAP! I won't spoil the tech route to the first armor, but I'll tell you it's very easy to produce them by the end of the second month, should you know what you are doing. Once you have some armor, research the MediKit tech ASAP. The MediKits will allow the men who did not fall in one hit but are grievely wounded to survive the day and become stronger with time. It's always utterly annoying as a Commander (you) to lose men only because he had a fatal wound of 3 and dyied from blood loss after X turns because you had no medical support on the field... Especially if the man in question is your best soldier! <_< Before having all your men outfitted with armor, the chance of having a squaddie alive after he get hit will be extremely short, but with armor this will happen most of the time. I always equip all of my soldiers with one MediKit at the start of every battle but can part with one if the soldier is not strong enough to carry one and his equipment without TU loss.

I feel this is the biggest lines of the game. If you follow this to the letter you should have an easy time defeating Aliens... But it probably doesn't follow every style of play. I know some people love grenades, other use only Alien technology... I'll leave all those details and the leading of your squaddies to you. :)

An important note is that your squaddies have stats. Some stats are better than others. Heavy things should be given to strong soldiers. Scouting and door openning should done by soldiers with high reactions. Soldiers with low reaction are good for carrying heavy weapons (if they are strong enough). Reaction fire with a rocket launcher is one of those things that tempts one to reload.

Strength, endurance, firing accuracy, and throwing accuracy all get better if a soldier carries stuff, runs around, shoots weapons, and throws grenades. Reactions also get better if a soldier reacts to the sudden appearance of an alien, but only fast soldiers actually have much chance to get faster. At the highest difficulty level, against sectoids, none of your soldiers are fast enough.

Not every soldier needs a medikit. There can only be 85 things in the transport, so you bring stuff that gets used.

The assault cannon is nearly useless as a weapon, but it is useful to have in the transport. At night, with incendiary rounds, it is an adequite flare gun. In the jungle, with high explosive rounds, it is a good way to clear a path.

You can not fully appreciate grenades, before you have played TFTD. Those aliens teach you to properly use grenades-- by example.

Eagle of Fire 03-09-2007 06:16 AM


iv downloaded it from here but i still cant get it to work. iv got windows vista is that the reason why?[/b]
Download the DOS version (still on this site review page) and use DOSBox.

Nice to see that posts I've done three years ago are still usefull. ^_^

Ruststrong 03-09-2007 07:53 AM

The exact link to download DosBox is here. Click on 'Windows' at the top of the page to download it. :)

another_guest 03-09-2007 09:05 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gufu1992 @ Sep 2 2007, 04:52 PM) [snapback]308402[/snapback]</div>

14th May 1999
Snakeman and crysalids appear, my planes have no rocket ammo and aliens send out largew aircrafts I CAN'T shoot down!
1. For the rockets issue: you can buy them at your base through the "purchase/recruit" button. Make sure you always have spare rockets at your base, since it takes a few days for them to arrive after you order them.
2. What weapons did you research so far? And what size of ufo are you talking about (large, very large,...)?
Are you well on your way to research better aircraft?

gregor 03-09-2007 10:18 AM


An important note is that your squaddies have stats. Some stats are better than others. Heavy things should be given to strong soldiers. Scouting and door openning should done by soldiers with high reactions. Soldiers with low reaction are good for carrying heavy weapons (if they are strong enough). Reaction fire with a rocket launcher is one of those things that tempts one to reload.

Strength, endurance, firing accuracy, and throwing accuracy all get better if a soldier carries stuff, runs around, shoots weapons, and throws grenades. Reactions also get better if a soldier reacts to the sudden appearance of an alien, but only fast soldiers actually have much chance to get faster. At the highest difficulty level, against sectoids, none of your soldiers are fast enough.

Not every soldier needs a medikit. There can only be 85 things in the transport, so you bring stuff that gets used.

a good idea is also to use soldiers name (which you can modify) to help you with equiping. For example you can rename you soldier Pat Stevens MEDIC. what you do is first check his stats. you can see that he has a lot of time unit's but not enough strength (or maybe he just can't shoot streight). so why not give him a medkit and make him a medic? That way when you are equiping soldiers befor eth emission all you have to do is look at their name extensions. Luke HWDUDE for heavy weapons guy with maschine gun :D ;)

BabyFlem 03-09-2007 09:53 PM

So many postss......

gufu1992 03-09-2007 11:52 PM

[Ok - all is better now... well - there are sectoid and snakeman bases... I'll take car of them

The Reaper 04-09-2007 10:49 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(UFO Whooper @ Aug 12 2007, 11:29 AM) [snapback]304306[/snapback]</div>


I'm not coming to terms with this game: 1 month into the in-game-time, a very large UFO attacks my base and I'm GAME OVER. I restart the whole game, and same happens again. WTF? Any tipps? Plus, I'm having a lot of crashes to the desktop. Any tipps there, too?


This is strange... i`ve played this for months, i have even destroyed alien bases eithout being attacked :bleh: , it`s fun...

Dave 04-09-2007 01:04 PM

Did you select game difficulty = UltraEasynoob LOL??

Noutaja 04-09-2007 03:54 PM

Ehh... :whistling:

Dave 04-09-2007 04:54 PM

Ah ah, welcome to Abandonia Mr Reaper :P
By the way average difficulty isn't so hard, I suggest you to play it again, this game rocks :ok:

Japo 04-09-2007 05:16 PM

If it's your first time do play in the easiest setting, you'll get back to this game and you'll want a bigger challenge next time when you know what to do.

Eagle of Fire 04-09-2007 05:48 PM

UFO: Ennemy Unknown is quite notorious for having a bug which stop you from noticing any kind of big difference between difficulty settings...

The learning curve is quite high, but once you get going they can't stop you anymore. :)

Japo 04-09-2007 06:18 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Sep 4 2007, 07:48 PM) [snapback]308832[/snapback]</div>

UFO: Ennemy Unknown is quite notorious for having a bug which stop you from noticing any kind of big difference between difficulty settings...[/b]
I knew! :ranting:

Icewolf 05-09-2007 07:31 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Sep 4 2007, 07:48 PM) [snapback]308832[/snapback]</div>

UFO: Ennemy Unknown is quite notorious for having a bug which stop you from noticing any kind of big difference between difficulty settings...[/b]
What?! :blink: So settin it to easy to learn something doesn't actually take effect?!
Ah, so still a chance to revise that I'm a bad UFO-player.

I really think it's tough.
I've read through some of the basic hints on page 1-5, it helped a bit.
But this game EATS time. You do a few missions and like two hours are up. :omg2:

another_guest 05-09-2007 08:53 AM

I seem to remember the bug of "no difference between difficulty settings" was solved in later versions of UFO - Enemy Unknown.
The exact details must be somewhere in these 194 forum pages :P

Icewolf 05-09-2007 08:57 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(another_guest @ Sep 5 2007, 10:53 AM) [snapback]308948[/snapback]</div>

I seem to remember the bug of "no difference between difficulty settings" was solved in later versions of UFO - Enemy Unknown.
The exact details must be somewhere in these 194 forum pages :P[/b]
*Hopes for a patch* :tai:

Eagle of Fire 05-09-2007 06:19 PM

Hummm, maybe... I sure never noticed a difference, if you ask me...

It's all about placing yourself against the computer. Forget that those are squaddies, stop imagining they are real men that you don't want to see dying... And play like if it was an arcade game for those areas. You'll have a few casualties once in a while, but the more you play the more you know what to do and what not to do to keep your units safe.

Can't find a way to counter getting hammered when you get out of the Skyranger? Bring a tank with you. Can't figure a way to hit an alien hidding behind trees or bushes without getting hit when you turn around the corner? Blast the trees or bushes first then hit the alien. Or use grenades. Etc. ;)

another_guest 06-09-2007 01:29 PM

There is a clear difference in terms of armour and hitpoints of the aliens. But that's about it, I don't think there is any difference in aggression, in terms of when the aliens start attacking your bases.

Anyway, the "standard" difficulty in versions with the bug should be feasible. It may be hard the first game you try and in the first missions, but the learning curve is still ok.

gregor 06-09-2007 02:05 PM

what about aliens accuracy? it's probably also be increased on higher difficulties.

Icewolf 06-09-2007 02:09 PM

There's this support-site that some people might like to know... :unsure:

Link to UFO

I didn't look up if this has been posted before, so delete it if that is the case. :sneaky:

another_guest 06-09-2007 03:02 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 6 2007, 02:05 PM) [snapback]309265[/snapback]</div>

what about aliens accuracy? it's probably also be increased on higher difficulties.
Fair point, very likely they are more accurate on higher difficulties :)
But in terms of tactics and strategy, nothing changes on their side.

Japo 06-09-2007 03:04 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 6 2007, 04:05 PM) [snapback]309265[/snapback]</div>

what about aliens accuracy? it's probably also be increased on higher difficulties.[/b]
Haven't tested extensively about differences among levels, but even in Beginner any alien is a better marskman than the best of your possible rookies. If you give them even a small opportunity to shoot you more than necessary you'll be sorely sorry most times. One the other hand your supposedly world-class elite commandos are born losers and most of them will fail at 2 metres three times in a row. :not_ok:

velik_m 06-09-2007 03:50 PM

Like you wouldn't be nervous if an alien would be standing 3 metres from you...

Icewolf 06-09-2007 03:54 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Japofran @ Sep 6 2007, 05:04 PM) [snapback]309281[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 6 2007, 04:05 PM) [snapback]309265[/snapback]

what about aliens accuracy? it's probably also be increased on higher difficulties.[/b]
[...]One the other hand your supposedly world-class elite commandos are born losers and most of them will fail at 2 metres three times in a row. :not_ok:[/b][/quote]And the Aliens can hit you dead with auto-shot over two screens distance... :wallbash:

Japo 06-09-2007 04:57 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Icewolf @ Sep 6 2007, 05:54 PM) [snapback]309291[/snapback]</div>

And the Aliens can hit you dead with auto-shot over two screens distance... :wallbash:[/b]
Icewolf you've got to negate them the opportunity to fire first, always. Move always from corner to corner and avoid open terrain, and if you can't, make extensive use of smoke grenades. If you're having problems check my post about X-Com tactics:;#entry280255

Hope it helps. :boxing:

another_guest 07-09-2007 08:50 AM

Also quite ridiculous is that the earth's elite don't know the concept of night goggles...

Icewolf 07-09-2007 09:00 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(another_guest @ Sep 7 2007, 10:50 AM) [snapback]309465[/snapback]</div>

[...] the concept of night goggles...[/b]
Whoah! :w00t: How cool would that be?!
Imagine this greenish sight in night missions! :cool:

Steelie 08-09-2007 06:27 PM

Just stumbled across this accidently whilst wallowing in the nostalgia of my youth :D

Downloaded dosbox and the dos version...I'm effed it I can get it to work though!!

I've not a clue where to start with using dosbox and getting it to run...can anyone link me to an idiot proof guide?

Noutaja 08-09-2007 07:36 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Steelie @ Sep 8 2007, 09:27 PM) [snapback]309782[/snapback]</div>

Just stumbled across this accidently whilst wallowing in the nostalgia of my youth :D

Downloaded dosbox and the dos version...I'm effed it I can get it to work though!!

I've not a clue where to start with using dosbox and getting it to run...can anyone link me to an idiot proof guide?

gregor 09-09-2007 08:13 PM

Hey later you can make a shortcut:

"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.72\dosbox.exe" -c "mount c c:\yourgamesfolder\ufo" -c "c:" -c "ufo"

now back to the game. i have spome unfinished business with the aliens (cydonia needs to be destroyed). i postponed it for a long time now...

anyway my situation is this: i am basically awaiting for the soldiers to complete their first psi training to see who is capable of doing the final mission. now i already know some are crap and they are dedicated flare throwers :) that way at least i know who will get under control.

my problem is that i just noticed (and this i already forgot) that quite a few countries already canceled my funding. it's due to those alien infiltration missions. :( now i am afraid that next alien mission will be the end of Xcom. eventhough i have 3 bases and over 40million cash.

so i came to a point with the save game when everytime i load the alien infiltraiton misison ship comes up on screen. but everytime i want to intercept it i fail. no one can catch the damn thing not even the fastest ships. and they get launched form base that is usually almoust on the path of alien ship as well as form the base the alien ship is closing into. but they can not catch it. so, any advice?

It hardly ever happens in X-Com2, because the fastest ships can awalys cath their large ships i believe. but here i saw this the first time so what should i do? keep reloading and hope to succeed? cause i am kind of afraid it will be game over by the end of month and i actually only need to finish this month and i will be ready for FINAL ASSAULT.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 09-09-2007 10:43 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 9 2007, 10:13 PM) [snapback]309919[/snapback]</div>

my problem is that i just noticed (and this i already forgot) that quite a few countries already canceled my funding. it's due to those alien infiltration missions. :( now i am afraid that next alien mission will be the end of Xcom. eventhough i have 3 bases and over 40million cash.
If ... "few countries already canceled my founding" means from 2 to 4 countries ... don't worry, i'm unable to remember the exact number, but it is very high (perhaps all country must be lost in order to loose the game).


so i came to a point with the save game when everytime i load the alien infiltraiton misison ship comes up on screen. but everytime i want to intercept it i fail. no one can catch the damn thing not even the fastest ships. and they get launched form base that is usually almoust on the path of alien ship as well as form the base the alien ship is closing into. but they can not catch it. so, any advice?
First of all take a look at my previous posts (#2812 & 2814), in short word... don't get bored trying to prevent an alien infiltration mission.

But if you want :

after you had shoot down ALL of the Ufo's before the battleship (or sometimes battleships [not more than 2]) to engage battleship you need 3 or 4 interceptor, with this seek the battleship, only when ALL 4 are engaged (so minimize the firsts 3 interception windows and choose the appropriate mission [unable to remember the name :bleh: ]) launch the attack, from 1 to 3 interceptor/s will be lost but battleship will go down.

As i alredy wrote in previous posts you need to shootdown and recover (or shotdown in water) ALL the Ufo's otherwise nation will be lost...

By the way, i think that this trick is also described in the walkthrough (or at least in some F.A.Q. in the net) so if my words are unclear (probably since my english is quite bad :ph34r: ) take a look on it :)

gregor 10-09-2007 06:17 AM

i think it's more like 6 or 7 countries lost already... :D

my problem is not to shoot it down. the problem is to catch the UFO. because even if interception beginsby going towards it they still try to catch it from behind and fail. it doesn't even get me to the battle window.

Maybe i should try avenger craft... only in X-Com2 that other craft was quite sluggish... i have no problem in shooting down the aliens with the plasma or fusion balls... well i will still ive it a try next week... see what happens.

if read in one FAQ you can only survive with few countries, so i might stop carring about them :) afterall a single small downed UFO provides more money then any of them...

another_guest 10-09-2007 08:11 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 10 2007, 06:17 AM) [snapback]309975[/snapback]</div>

i think it's more like 6 or 7 countries lost already... :D

my problem is not to shoot it down. the problem is to catch the UFO. because even if interception beginsby going towards it they still try to catch it from behind and fail. it doesn't even get me to the battle window.

Maybe i should try avenger craft... only in X-Com2 that other craft was quite sluggish... i have no problem in shooting down the aliens with the plasma or fusion balls... well i will still ive it a try next week... see what happens.

if read in one FAQ you can only survive with few countries, so i might stop carring about them :) afterall a single small downed UFO provides more money then any of them...
1. Have you tried aggressive attack, since that reduces the chances of the UFO outrunning your interceptor/...? Though you risk sustaining more damage.

2. The avenger is by far the fastest craft (5400 km/h compared to 2100 for interceptors and 4200 for the lightning; forgot the name and speed of the fourth, probably 3100)

3. At least try to keep as many countries as possible: late in the game money is never an issue, but slowly losing countries can kill you no matter how good you are in the missions...

gregor 10-09-2007 08:21 AM

1. i did not even manage to get to that screen.

2. ah that's right!!! they are fastest only slow with acceleration.... yah i have to try them, they should be able to catch the big one then....

Incappucciato d'Ombra 10-09-2007 04:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 10 2007, 10:21 AM) [snapback]310020[/snapback]</div>

1. i did not even manage to get to that screen.

2. ah that's right!!! they are fastest only slow with acceleration.... yah i have to try them, they should be able to catch the big one then....
Easy to solve :

as already said using Avenger solve the problem, but if you had interceptor and/or Lightning you need to locate the targeted Nation before Battleship arrive on map. This means : seek the firsts scouting Ufo with "infiltration mission", continue to follow the UFO until his speed and altitude goes down (slow/very slow - low/very low) only at this point disintegrated the bastard ! :titan:

Now you know the Nation is near or very near (UFO's always land directly onto capital or very nearly to it).

When Battleship appear don't intercept it directly, but send all 4 interceptors near the capital and put them in patrol mission. When Battleship approach the targeted landing site, it will slow his velocity... at this point ...


Give interception orders at all of yours interceptors and manage to shotdown the ugly bastard :sneaky: (a little practic is required, nothing special).

Another note : I've re-read the manual and the walkthrought and i remembered well, game will be lost only if :


1) You were in debt for over $1,000,000 for two months.**Your
sponsors had had enough of your mismanagement and terminated the
XCOM project.**Earth was conquered by aliens not long after.

2) You had two consecutive "badly losing" months (big negative
score, see next section), and your sponsors had had enough and
terminated XCOM project.**Just how bad is a "badly losing" month
depends on your score and difficulty level (Scoring is explained
in OSG Chapter 1 and next section).

3) You lost all of your bases to the aliens.

4) You failed to complete the "final mission" (see above).

5) (from another F.A.Q.) you lost ALL the nation to alien

So, if you take in mind the advice of Another Guest (point 3 of his post) you are already near to victory :sneaky:

gregor 11-09-2007 05:45 AM

yah i checked the FAQ and saw that the Avenger has also the fastest acceleration (in Xcom the big craft had highest speed, but not acceleration). so that ship should do it. :sneaky:

so it seems you should lose all countries to actualyl lose the game... well that's cool. and a bit logical. well my problem was that ufo is having direction as Australasia, but in fact it is comming from Indian ocean, going over Asia to Europe and then up north where its tracking gets lost. must be it wan't to go to Australia over north. well not on my watch. Two Avengers are waiting in the hangar on their route with a bunch of lightnings and interceptors...

also i need one more month or maybe two finish the training in PSI labs and to get my best men (the terminators) healed. and ofcourse to transfer them all to one base. then we are off to Mars and may the AI help them cause god sure wont.... :titan:

Anonymous 13-09-2007 11:42 AM

I d/l'd the windows version of enemy unknown and I clicked the UFO link and the game works fine, but I can't see the very furthest right part of the screen. Any idea how to fix this please? Thank you.

Japo 13-09-2007 11:45 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Anonymous @ Sep 13 2007, 01:42 PM) [snapback]310611[/snapback]</div>

I d/l'd the windows version of enemy unknown and I clicked the UFO link and the game works fine, but I can't see the very furthest right part of the screen. Any idea how to fix this please? Thank you.[/b]
Try right-clicking on the link, selecting Properties, going to the Compatibility tab, and enable run in 640x480. Just a guess though, hope it works.

CaptainHowdy 13-09-2007 12:11 PM

Okay I am having a small problem and am looking for advice.
I read the 195 pages for about half an hour and finally gave up and decided I should just ask.
I would like to run the dos version of the game that I have downloaded from this website but I can not get anything to load.

I use dosbox portable that I have downloaded from PortableApps and I can get many other games to run without any problem however nothing will run with Xcom.

I can get the some of the files to load such as full.bat but then at the top of my dosbox window it switches from "GO" to "TACTICAL" to "GEOSCAPE" very quickly like multiple times per second and the window simply still remains black I can slow down dosbox to like 19 and watch it change almost every second

I read on the forum about using ufocd.bat but that didnt do anything at all

so I am looking for any advice on how to get this game to run because I really want it to be portable so I can just take it with me anywhere like to work or with me to school

also I have gotten the program to run with the regular version through windows xp but I dont know how to make it run in windowed mode which is what I need.

So anyway any help from anyone would be really great

CaptainHowdy :ok:

gregor 13-09-2007 12:31 PM

for windowed mode in normal dosbox you would need to give it command:


You can change it in the dosbox.conf.

dont' know about portable and why it doesn't work. not much benefit there as you can take the regular version and just use that one...

Anonymous 13-09-2007 12:38 PM

It didn't work. I'm not in that mode anyways. I'm in 1024x768 pixel mode. I changed my Icons on my desktop so that I could see them all though. Could that somehow be the problem? I'm using windows XP.

I tried getting the DOS version to work in DOSBOX, and it works fine except there's no sound. I suppose I have to use the long way to run it with sound? (Instead of just placing the batch file in DOSBOX)

The Fifth Horseman 13-09-2007 12:45 PM

Run the game's setup. Configure it to use Sound Blaster 16 (or Pro II, or Pro, or "plain" SB if none of he prior are pesent), IRQ 7, DMA 1, Adress 220.

CaptainHowdy 13-09-2007 03:04 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Sep 13 2007, 07:45 AM) [snapback]310642[/snapback]</div>

Run the game's setup. Configure it to use Sound Blaster 16 (or Pro II, or Pro, or "plain" SB if none of he prior are pesent), IRQ 7, DMA 1, Adress 220.
I feel so stupid I dont think I did that the first time, I tried after unzipping the file and I think I ran it but I couldnt seem to select anything so I tried to extract the files a second time and then I renamed the "xcom" folder to "xcom2" and then the setup wouldnt run at all.
I never thought about the folder name that might be the problem
But still I have it running now and everything seems fine

Just make sure to run setup.exe in dosbox and then to play the game run ufocd.bat and everything works great now
:brain: :brain: :ok: :w00t:

Thank you so much

Muad&#39;Dib 16-09-2007 06:02 PM

That's one of the best games ever!

It's so complicated and addictive at the same time.

Tho I have not tried the 2000 version and the aquatic version yet. I'm afraid I can get disappointed :S

The Fifth Horseman 17-09-2007 08:35 AM

Terror From the Deep will terrorize you. (bad pun, I know)
It's far more difficult than this one.

Also, make sure to try Apocalypse.

Dave 17-09-2007 01:28 PM

"Terror Form The Deep" dissappointed me.
About Apocalypse...well, I'm going to try it soon ^_^

gregor 17-09-2007 02:26 PM

Terror from the deep was much better to me than UFO. although largely same (very similar) it does have some new graphics. maps are a bit bigger and nicer. for example passanger boat terror site... with exploding kitchen (i wonder why so many aliens are there) and casino!

in UFO most maps look the same. over and over and over .... i got sikc of all the barns. ok occasionally there are some woods and desert. but mostly it's just same old barns.

and there is always a lot of aliens even if the ship is quite small. which is kind of a bonus :)

but people who say they weren't blown away with TFTD are right. gameplay is the same. graphics are improved but not as much as one might expect. there are new settings (underwatter - vulcanic, old ship, 2x "normal", gas pipes and underwatter drill facility, new terror sites - 2 ships, tropical islands, port (docking bay), two part missions - colony, alien artefact center, 3 part mission final assault). all in all it brings some new stuff. but aliens are very similar only look a bit different and wear a new name.

Oh strongest weapons no longer has auto fire, which kind of balances it.

well since i played Xcom2 first i was dissapointed with UFO for the similar reason other were disspaointed in Xcom2 :bleh:

Dave 17-09-2007 02:53 PM

Ok then...I'll give it another chance :ok:

Paco 17-09-2007 03:06 PM

@Horseman UFO 2000 is a multiplayer-only right? So i will not play it until i can play it alone. With aquatic version you mean Terror of the deep?.

i have played X-Force - Fight For Destiny but it is unbalanced and has some error. there is lot to do until it is complete. Is there another Remake or such that i can play?

@David but beware X-Com 2 is harder than UFO. Apocalypse is complet different from UFO 1+2. i didnt really like it. UFO is for me still the King of all time. ^_^

*runs away*

The Fifth Horseman 17-09-2007 03:58 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Paco @ Sep 17 2007, 05:06 PM) [snapback]311429[/snapback]</div>

@Horseman UFO 2000 is a multiplayer-only right? So i will not play it until i can play it alone.[/b]
I think there was some sort of basic AI you could play against.


With aquatic version you mean Terror of the deep?.[/b]
The only X-Com with underwater action there is.


Is there another Remake or such that i can play?[/b]
Extraterrestials or Alien Invasion, maybe. I think there were a few others, but didn't check on them for ages so can't tell which ones are still alive and which... well, you know, went the way of Dodo.

Dave 17-09-2007 07:04 PM

About UFO: Extraterrestrials.
(It's really great!!)


@David but beware X-Com 2 is harder than UFO. Apocalypse is complet different from UFO 1+2. i didnt really like it. UFO is for me still the King of all time. ^_^ [/b]
Yeah, UFO is great! About Terror From The Deep...don't worry :sneaky:

Forfeit 20-09-2007 07:22 PM

Damn. I´ve just started with UFO. I have the original Apocalypse, and I liked it a lot, but I never understood why so many people considered the original UFO to be much better.

I know now.

Too bad I suck at it. I try to use the same tactics I used in Apocalypse (which was damn easy) and now I`m getting my behind completely kicked.

Damn those soldiers, they die like flies... :( And those aliens look like damn snipers.

Guest 22-09-2007 07:46 AM

This totally sucks. Is there any way to play X-Com on XP simply by downloading it and clicking on the icon? I don't want to install a bunch of fan-made patches, I don't want to move folders around and rename them, I don't want to artificially slow down my duo processor with moslow.

And no, I don't want to install DOSBox and be stuck typing mount C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\X-Com Enemy Unknown\*meep* you DOSBOX\UFO.exe EVERY BLOODY TIME I want to play this awesome unbalanced piece of teasing game.

TheChosen 22-09-2007 07:50 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 22 2007, 07:46 AM) [snapback]312411[/snapback]</div>

This totally sucks. Is there any way to play X-Com on XP simply by downloading it and clicking on the icon? I don't want to install a bunch of fan-made patches, I don't want to move folders around and rename them, I don't want to artificially slow down my duo processor with moslow.

And no, I don't want to install DOSBox and be stuck typing mount C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\X-Com Enemy Unknown\*meep* you DOSBOX\UFO.exe EVERY BLOODY TIME I want to play this awesome unbalanced piece of teasing game.
Sorry, but there is no another way. You just have to go trough the hardway.

Guest 22-09-2007 07:52 AM

why is patch code timing out what is wrong with you WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU X-COM

Guest 22-09-2007 07:54 AM

Well, bollocks to that. I'd rather wait until 2012, when they finally come out with a remake. I bet it'll run on the Source engine. And it'll have 30% less moronic-looking purple bodysuit comic book reject character models.

Japo 22-09-2007 11:14 AM

There's a Windows version available here and it works in my XP. And about DOSBox you don't have to type that every time, you can configure it to mount drives automatically, even to launch the game automatically or whatever, by typing the appropriate commands in the appropriate place only once.

Guest 22-09-2007 06:23 PM

It doesn't work all that well on XP. It suffers from the fast-scroll problem.

Japo 22-09-2007 06:46 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 22 2007, 08:23 PM) [snapback]312525[/snapback]</div>

It doesn't work all that well on XP. It suffers from the fast-scroll problem.[/b]
I think you can change that in the game options.

Forfeit 22-09-2007 09:42 PM

It works very well in my XP too. The scroll isnt that bad, you can get used to it.

Also, there are two icons. One of them start the game, but it looks all weird, while the other acts perfect.

Well, almost perfectly, because every once in a while the game crashes (about once per hour).

Icewolf 23-09-2007 10:24 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Demeanor @ Sep 22 2007, 11:42 PM) [snapback]312553[/snapback]</div>

Well, almost perfectly, because every once in a while the game crashes (about once per hour).[/b]
^_^ Reminds me of the old days where game-crashing was usual and you took in account that it happens:
"Ah, it's about time, I'd better save, the game should crash within the next 15 minutes." LOL

Guest 23-09-2007 04:17 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(another_guest @ Sep 6 2007, 04:02 PM) [snapback]309280[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 6 2007, 02:05 PM) [snapback]309265[/snapback]

what about aliens accuracy? it's probably also be increased on higher difficulties.
Fair point, very likely they are more accurate on higher difficulties :)
But in terms of tactics and strategy, nothing changes on their side.

I dont think this is correct, i played the game over and over on the easiest setting when i 1st started playing before i was game enough to try the other levels, and i definatly noticed some differences.

1> The aliens seem to pack more soldiers into thier craft to accompany the navigators and engineers, this is mostly noticeable when downing a small scout craft, where there are usually 3-6 aliens there will now be 5-8, thats more than the seats on the craft! i was scared shitless when i opened the hatch on my 1st mission on the harder level to find a packed ship of 6 aliens waiting when there was usually only 2-3 inside.

2> Alien species seem to appear much faster, on the easier setting the 1st encounter is always sectoids, but on the harder settings floaters appear almost instantly and ive even had mutants appear in the 1st month! anyone else been so lucky? :brain:

3> This one isnt confirmed, but i think the aliens throw grenades alot more on the harder settings, i never had a problem with a nade throw into my skyranger on the easier settings, but now on hard mode it seems to happen alot more than i like, wiping out my whole squad in one scull filled blast. Ive had to change my strategy completely during terror missions as this can ruin the whole game, and i dont believe in reloading a dead squad.

Guest 23-09-2007 05:09 PM

I just installed Xcom from your site but im having problems.

I downloaded the windows version, it works perfect except for the sound, i really like the sound in xcom as it creates the atmosphere like no other game ive ever played ..... so:

I installed the DOS version in the Dosbox window but now i have no sound at all, not even effects, i do notice however that you have all music files available on the xcom page, is this to solve the problem or something?
if it is i dont know what to do or where to put them.

Anyway i tried searching these 200 odd pages of information, i found alot of people with the same problem have posted but no solution has worked for me, i tried making the sound settings 220, 7, 1 blah blah but that doesnt work, i tried starting with the go, full, short blah blah modes but none work either. Please help, all this reading about the game really gets you rearing to play it.

Im running XP if that helps.

gufu1992 23-09-2007 05:17 PM

Floaters = almost free stuff
Even rookie T-shirts have hard time dying...

BTW - I've yet to see floaters at all (I'm with mutons right now)!

Blackhawk441 23-09-2007 08:47 PM

This is my favorite game of all time; can someone help me?
I used to be able to play, it, I believe the version from here, but then my computer crashed and I had to format my drive. :ranting: Now I can't get the graphics to work properly, the colors get all screwed up, for example on the opening screen the "Microprose" letters are light blue instead of red. Also, the screen resolution is too big, it goes off the screen. I am using the Abandonia version, running it from the UFO with the sun logo. I have tried all the compatiability options, including 256 colors and 640x420 resolution. This is really frustrating :wallbash: as the busted graphics make it difficult to see bordering on impossible. Thanks!
PS. I am using a Intel 84845G/GL/GE/PE/GV graphics card.
PPS. Great game, otherwise.

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot this the first time- I have WinXP Home.

Japo 23-09-2007 09:20 PM

Make sure you're using the right executable. There are two in the Windows version, I think the yellow one is the right one for XP, not sure, if it doesn't work try the other. And for the DOS version you must run UFOCD.BAT.

Blackhawk441 23-09-2007 09:59 PM

Yeah, I am using the yellow sun. Thanks, though. This is really confusing because the screen is not compressed at the top or anything- just screwed up colors.

Japo 23-09-2007 10:56 PM

Have you tried that exe *without* the compatibility mode?

Blackhawk441 23-09-2007 11:16 PM

Yep, that's where original problem happened....

gufu1992 24-09-2007 12:42 AM

Tried DosBox?

Blackhawk441 24-09-2007 01:10 AM

Yeah... won't run.

Eagle of Fire 24-09-2007 01:14 AM

Download the DOS version, then use DOSBox to make it run. If it still doesn't run, look for a different .bat file to run the game after you're run the setup.exe file and set up the sound to default soundblaster support.

It can't fail. I did it numerous times, I have two or three "UFOTEST" folders in my game folder. Never failed to work for me. :)

Blackhawk441 24-09-2007 02:19 AM

Eagle of Fire, can you give me a link for the DOS version? Also, is there any difference in the gameplay between the versions? I feel like I am downgrading........
This is so painstaking! :hairpull: I used to be able to play it!! :wallbash:

Incappucciato d'Ombra 24-09-2007 04:45 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blackhawk441 @ Sep 24 2007, 04:19 AM) [snapback]312811[/snapback]</div>

Eagle of Fire, can you give me a link for the DOS version? Also, is there any difference in the gameplay between the versions?
From the same page where you had dowloaded the WIN version you can also download the DOS version (just at the end of the review there's the proper link).

As for the gameplay, no difference between version. :)

The Fifth Horseman 24-09-2007 12:29 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 22 2007, 08:54 AM) [snapback]312414[/snapback]</div>

Well, bollocks to that. I'd rather wait until 2012, when they finally come out with a remake. I bet it'll run on the Source engine. And it'll have 30% less moronic-looking purple bodysuit comic book reject character models.
Look up "UFO: Extraterrestrials". It's pretty much exactly what you described.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 23 2007, 06:09 PM) [snapback]312741[/snapback]</div>

I just installed Xcom from your site but im having problems.

I downloaded the windows version, it works perfect except for the sound, i really like the sound in xcom as it creates the atmosphere like no other game ive ever played ..... so:

I installed the DOS version in the Dosbox window but now i have no sound at all, not even effects, i do notice however that you have all music files available on the xcom page, is this to solve the problem or something?
if it is i dont know what to do or where to put them.

Anyway i tried searching these 200 odd pages of information, i found alot of people with the same problem have posted but no solution has worked for me, i tried making the sound settings 220, 7, 1 blah blah but that doesnt work, i tried starting with the go, full, short blah blah modes but none work either. Please help, all this reading about the game really gets you rearing to play it.

Im running XP if that helps.
A Beginner's Guide to DOSBox will have you playing the game in no time. ^_^

Blackhawk441 24-09-2007 06:40 PM

Does anybody know what .exe/.bat to use in the DOS version? Do they work in DOSBox? I couldn't figure out which one... Thanks

By the way Thanks everyone for the troubleshooting!

Mighty Midget 24-09-2007 06:53 PM

Did you try the file?

Japo 24-09-2007 07:16 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blackhawk441 @ Sep 24 2007, 08:40 PM) [snapback]312980[/snapback]</div>

Does anybody know what .exe/.bat to use in the DOS version? Do they work in DOSBox?[/b]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Japofran @ Sep 23 2007, 11:20 PM) [snapback]312779[/snapback]</div>

And for the DOS version you must run UFOCD.BAT.[/b]
:) Yes it works in DOSBox.

Blackhawk441 25-09-2007 12:09 AM

It says in DOSBox "CALL UFOCD.BAT." Nothing runs. In XP it says that it is not a valid Win32 app. Its size is 0 KB :blink:. Also it seemed like the graphics in DOSBox changed (in the red intro screen) so there is obviously something wrong with the XCOM/My Computer interaction..... I guess this defies your logic, EoF. Midget, with GO.exe the screen goes blank in DOSBox, on XP it says "Not enough memory on exec" a infinite number of times.

Eagle of Fire 25-09-2007 12:38 AM

No, it doesn't. But just like all other times, I'm going to download the DOS version again and try it. Give me a few moments and I'm getting back to you.

Edit: Okay, worked fine like all other times. Fired up DOSBox 0.72 and I needed to run setup.bat to set up sound support because it's set to none by default. Selected soundblaster and soundblaster/adlib for sound, then tryied full.bat. Sound didn't work, so I typed in ufocd.bat and then it worked like a charm.

I just don't understand why it would not work.

Japo 25-09-2007 12:39 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blackhawk441 @ Sep 25 2007, 02:09 AM) [snapback]313019[/snapback]</div>

It says in DOSBox "CALL UFOCD.BAT."[/b]
What says that, UFOCD.BAT? It tries to run itself? :blink: Well here's the right content for the BAT, paste in Notepad and save as UFOCD.BAT:


@echo off
%1ufoexe\geoscape**"0" %1
if errorlevel 2 goto begin
goto end
%1ufo2exe\tactical "1" %1
%1ufoexe\geoscape**"1" %1
if errorlevel 2 goto begin

Eagle of Fire 25-09-2007 12:47 AM

The command "call" is a command you'd use in a batch file (.bat) to call other programs while keeping the batch file running. You don't need to type that to run a batch file, but it should not prevent the file from running anyways.

If you have a 0kb file, you probably have a problem with corruption. I'd try redownloading the game. That, or your unarchiver is not working properly.

a 0kb batch file would be possible, but then it would be completely blank.

Blackhawk441 25-09-2007 12:47 AM

Tried that....still blank screen in DosBox and memory error in XP. It seems the XCOM gods are angry at me

Eagle of Fire 25-09-2007 12:53 AM

Please open a thread in the Troubleshooting section of this board. We'll take it on from there.

Your case might be individual.

Blackhawk441 25-09-2007 01:00 AM

OK. If anybody would like to help me, go to

Icewolf 28-09-2007 07:20 AM

When I did the research on the dead aliens, do I have to keep the corpses or can I sell them... :huh:

I have to say I'm doing well with all the tips and tricks that are listed here. :) I really DID improve! I have energy-suits now and killed one alien base on earth! :sneaky:
That sure sounds n00bish to all the pr0s. :D LOL

EDIT: Does it have any consequenses when I sell alien stuff? Do the countries benefit from it?

gregor 28-09-2007 08:02 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Icewolf @ Sep 28 2007, 07:20 AM) [snapback]313589[/snapback]</div>

When I did the research on the dead aliens, do I have to keep the corpses or can I sell them... :huh:


I have to say I'm doing well with all the tips and tricks that are listed here. :) I really DID improve! I have energy-suits now and killed one alien base on earth! :sneaky:
That sure sounds n00bish to all the pr0s. :D LOL
Carefull! watch the alien activity meter. i forgot and lost another country. anyway when it gets too high sent transport ship to patrol that country. probably there is a base near (especially if you manage to shootdown most crafts).


EDIT: Does it have any consequenses when I sell alien stuff? Do the countries benefit from it?
no sell. you benefit form it. in fact you get rich from it and can fford new bases. unnecessary alien equimpent later becomes main source of income.

i now have arround 40 millions cash as each large downed ship brings me a little over 1 million income and only a few thousand costs.

but like probably already mentioned - do not sell Ellerium! hard to find and much needed.

Icewolf 28-09-2007 08:30 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Sep 28 2007, 10:02 AM) [snapback]313594[/snapback]</div>

but like probably already mentioned - do not sell Ellerium! hard to find and much needed.[/b]
I always heed this. :ok:

Is there a possibility of speeding up the scientists? Is there a difference in how many alien artifacts I have in stock?

I need newer aircrafts, big UFOs easily shoot my jets down. <_<

gregor 28-09-2007 10:00 AM

UGH! First time i played TFTD (gameplay is same) and made a mistake of not hiring enough scientists. so i never could get pass the fourth month. :(

Anyway if you assign more scientists to one project they will reasearch it faster. it pays off assigning 100+ scientists to single project (especially most important ones - certain weapons, live allien commanders&navigators...).
But beware - more scientist requires more living qurters and if you run multiple projects at the same time they might clog up your lab space.

what i do is always have more lab space in begining and worry about manufacturing space later when i already discover ships. same goes for scientists and technicians.

for reasearch you only need one alien artifact. however you might want to hold on some, so you can use them later (accelertrs, navigation, alien grenades, plasma weapons, stun guns...). the rest you can sell. i play in config with 10 soldiers and 1 tank (in beinning). so you would want to keep about 10 heavy plasma, 12 plasma ammo 20 grenades and 2 or 3 stun weapons. IMPORTANT: Keep at least one plasma pisto and one plasma rifle as you need to research them both to get a better Plasma tank.

priorities that should get 100 or 150 scientis are Heavy plasma, Stun gun, alien grenade and some basic armor.
later on (or paralel if you have the space) it will be some highranking live aliens, important dead ones and ship components.

you can sell all those like alien entertainment etc... the unimportant ones. i actually don't see what is the point in reasearching certain components. probably to get you of the track for real reasearch. any one knows this?

Icewolf 28-09-2007 10:17 AM

Oh, about the tank:
I had to do without the tank for now, since he refused to load with his ammo.
I bought both SWT-ammos but when I wanted to load the tank on the ship he said "no ammo, blah...".
Any advice at this one? Or is it a bug maybe? :huh:

The Fifth Horseman 28-09-2007 10:25 AM

Did the ammo arrive at the base?

BTW: You'll quickly notice that you end up with way too much salvaged plasma weaponry compared to salvaged clips, especially if you're using plasma guns yourself. You can safely sell two-third of weapons (not ammo!) that you salvage.

Icewolf 28-09-2007 11:56 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Sep 28 2007, 12:25 PM) [snapback]313626[/snapback]</div>

Did the ammo arrive at the base?[...][/b]
Yeah, sure but it won't combine. I bought the first(upper) tank and bought first one ammo for it. Then I thought it was my mistake and bought the other ammo. Both not working. :not_ok:
Usually the weapon and the ammo is shown in the ship-armament-menu. Not the case in this case... ^_^ <_<

Dave 28-09-2007 12:05 PM

Sell it and buy a new one, maybe a rocket launcher, a laser tank or an overcraft with Plasma this time :)

Icewolf 28-09-2007 12:08 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David86 @ Sep 28 2007, 02:05 PM) [snapback]313649[/snapback]</div>

Sell it and buy a new one, maybe a rocket launcher, a laser tank or an overcraft with Plasma this time :)[/b]
I'm talkin about the first, number one, n00b ordnance tank. It oughtta work. :angry:
Or maybe not, because it's the n00b tank! :hysterical:

Dave 28-09-2007 12:18 PM

You can always use it to cover your soldiers in battle, like a wall :D
And maybe a day it will burst and you'll buy a new one (and maybe this time will work LOL)

Icewolf 28-09-2007 12:28 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David86 @ Sep 28 2007, 02:18 PM) [snapback]313651[/snapback]</div>

You can always use it to cover your soldiers in battle, like a wall :D
And maybe a day it will burst and you'll buy a new one (and maybe this time will work LOL)[/b]
It's not that I can't do the missions (I wouldn't have advanced "so far" then) but it's nice to have!
And I assume it's powerful, yes...? :sneaky:

Dave 28-09-2007 12:33 PM

Sure, it's powerful and I'm sure you know how to play, but probably it's a big bug, maybe if you sell it and buy a new one you'll solve the problem, IIRC the same thing happened to me with an Interceptor.
Another bug was that my Ranger didn't need fuel to Fly LOL

Japo 28-09-2007 01:31 PM

Tanks and ammo won't "combine", you have to load both into the craft.

The Fifth Horseman 28-09-2007 02:12 PM

Tanks are loaded automatically with full ammo complement.
If you didn't have sufficient rounds for re-arming, the game would not allow you to use the tank in the first place.

Japo 28-09-2007 03:35 PM

Ah yes wait it was like that, he's right. You've got to have enough ammo to put the tank into the craft, and if I remember right you couldn't put additional ammo. The ammo load for a rocket launcher tank was about 8 or so I think, for a machine gun tank it was around 50. But again I might be wrong.

The Fifth Horseman 28-09-2007 03:50 PM

You're correct.

studentparamedic 03-10-2007 02:49 PM

This is possibly the best game I have ever played. I had a copy on my old 486 back in the early 90s and I was so happy to see a copy available for download.

crwydryny 07-10-2007 09:13 AM

I just reciently found out some great news. appariently a company known as nightbird games are in the process of remaking UFO enemy unknown under the new name ufo cydonia's fall. from what i've seen it's the first true successor to the X-com name. with all the aliens, weapons and images from the original game recreated with better graphics.
if you're intrested look here
I can't wait until it's out. *jumps about like a sugar hyped kid on christmas morning* it even has the choice of isometric and first person modes so you can realy feel like you're an x-com trooper sneaking amoung farm buildings while trying to advoid being shot by a floater sniper on the roof of a building accross the map. I'm just hoping it lives up to the original as from what I've seen it has some great potential

Guest 14-10-2007 01:02 PM

is there any way to destroy ufo hull?i die waiting for them to come out

Paco 14-10-2007 01:22 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Oct 14 2007, 03:02 PM) [snapback]316044[/snapback]</div>

is there any way to destroy ufo hull?i die waiting for them to come out
Try to destroy it with Blaster Bomb. Other Weapon are to weak to penetrate UFO Wall/Hull. Even with Blaster it is no guarantee for working...

Tervez 14-10-2007 02:21 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Paco @ Oct 14 2007, 01:22 PM) [snapback]316045[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Oct 14 2007, 03:02 PM) [snapback]316044[/snapback]

is there any way to destroy ufo hull?i die waiting for them to come out
Try to destroy it with Blaster Bomb. Other Weapon are to weak to penetrate UFO Wall/Hull. Even with Blaster it is no guarantee for working...
I think that a heavy plasma might be able to break it too, but the chances for that happening are quite small.

Edit: The link crwydryny posted is very interesting indeed, I just registered at their forums.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 14-10-2007 11:04 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tervez @ Oct 14 2007, 04:21 PM) [snapback]316058[/snapback]</div>

I think that a heavy plasma might be able to break it too, but the chances for that happening are quite small.
Yes, but changes are very small.
Only few particular section of the ufo's can be targeted with plasma and be broken down successfully... and not always :angry:
If i remember well, some of the corner section of some ufo's type (not all the ufo) and some "special" section (special because are so strange that you need to fire at random millions time to found it :tai: ).
All of this only if sections are already weakened by the ufo's crash itself or nearest explosions (blaster or alien grenades only)... and finally, even if all of this succedes, sometimes you can broke down the section with a single shot or with dozen and dozen of shots, if you are lucky :ph34r:

Eagle of Fire 14-10-2007 11:52 PM

It is not worth blowing up the UFO walls to try to surprise aliens anyways. The best way to get the aliens by surprise is to catch them out of TU at end of turn so they can't react fire at you when you move in your own turn.

This is way easier to do if you act fact and swift in an intact UFO. In doubt, use grenades. The range is lower indoor, but it's still effective when you throw them around corners. :)

Best, safer way to deal with all the aliens swiftly is to fire blaster rockets in the command areas. It depend which kind of UFO you gunned down, but the smaller one often have small holes at the roof where the engine(s) exploded. If you don't care about salvaging anything and don't mind blowing things up, you can always send a missile thru the opening in the command center. Grenades can work out too if the hole is big enough, but sometimes it's only one tile wide.

gregor 15-10-2007 08:36 AM

does it really matter if you destroy alien stuff on the map? i somehow remember demolishing the whole sub with guided torpedoes and still getting stuff in the end of mission...

Tervez 15-10-2007 08:41 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Oct 15 2007, 08:36 AM) [snapback]316212[/snapback]</div>

does it really matter if you destroy alien stuff on the map? i somehow remember demolishing the whole sub with guided torpedoes and still getting stuff in the end of mission...
I'd say so, if you blast their engine for example, you wont get that thing salvaged.

another_guest 15-10-2007 10:00 AM

It does make a considerable difference.
- If the UFO doesn't have a hole in the roof (e.g. a landed UFO as opposed to one you shot down), the engines should be intact which will give you precious elerium at the end of the mission. Destroying the engine will deprive you of that elerium.
- Alien weapons and equipment lying around in the UFO can get blown up by your grenades / blaster launcher, as well as alien corpses (I don't care much about corpses except early in the game to boost my income, but weapons always come in handy).

You can still chuck grenades through the hole in the roof if it's 1 tile wide - you just have to experiment until you choose the appropriate tile on the ground level that will allow your soldier to throw the grenade.

The Fifth Horseman 15-10-2007 10:08 AM


Destroying the engine will deprive you of that elerium.[/b]
Some engines leave Elerium crystals when destroyed.

gregor 15-10-2007 12:39 PM

i never saw any engine on roof.... i always blast the roof to get in. and i have loads of elerium...

i know about weapons that dissaper as well as corpses.

once i remember (although this was on TFTD) i managed to demolish the whole lower floor of downed dreadnaught and still got considerable zrbite and other stuff (alien tech, ion accelerators...). ofcourse the roof got blasted away too so i can get in (i always do it).

but where do you see any engine? or how?

although it would all make sense i never noticed that. especially later when you use the heavy explosive stuff (blaster launcher) you shouldn't be getting much stuff. yet i do. so it always seemed like more of a random thing to me.

another_guest 15-10-2007 01:56 PM

Ah, but the engines are not on the roof. However blasting open the roof or side of a ufo can damage the engines inside the ufo. You can recognize them as orange cylinders.

Though I didn't know you can still get elerium from some destroyed engines... Or maybe it is because not all the engines of the ufo were destroyed?

Indeed there is a random factor of items disappearing after an explosion (whether it's a grenade or blaster bomb)

The Fifth Horseman 15-10-2007 02:15 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(another_guest @ Oct 15 2007, 03:56 PM) [snapback]316246[/snapback]</div>

Though I didn't know you can still get elerium from some destroyed engines... Or maybe it is because not all the engines of the ufo were destroyed?[/b]
Elerium crystals.
Actual pickuppable items.
Laying on the floor.
You can actually see them laying "inside" the device on the overhead map.


Indeed there is a random factor of items disappearing after an explosion (whether it's a grenade or blaster bomb)[/b]
Doesn't seem so random to me.
I think the items all have some sort of HP and are destroyed after it's depleted.
Point in evidence: fire a Blaster Bomb at some alien to kill it without destroying its weapons. Drop a second set of guns on the same square or MC a second alien to move into it and fire another Blaster bomb. One set will remain - the newer one.

Eagle of Fire 15-10-2007 06:18 PM

There is no engine on the roof of UFOs, but when you down them you sometime have a hole in the roof of the UFO where the engine exploded when you gunned it down.

gufu1992 18-10-2007 01:00 AM

How do you guys think, "Smash & Grab" missions work? ;)

*Saunakalja* 27-10-2007 11:54 AM

Hmm....i played this game when i was young and loved it. dunno where my version of UFO is nowadays :\ anyone know where i could download it? maybe for dosbox or windows? :sos: :sos: :sos:

Dave 27-10-2007 12:27 PM

Did you try on Abandonia main site?
UFO: Enemy Unknown

kaps 06-11-2007 07:53 AM

There is of course a semi cheap way to do this. On the hardest level towards the end game it was almost all muton/etherial battleships that appeared. I would follow them and land my ship when they did. I had 8 guys supertrained for psy attack and a few plasma tanks. Send out the tanks, mind control everybody, have them drop their weapons. and Be sure to send them to find their friends. Using this tactic none of my men ever leftthe craft. On a few occasions I got shot at right away but the tanks were always located at the exit so they took the attack. This was the only way I could ever compete on the toughest levels. Eventually I got to the point where even etherial commanders would fall to my psy attack and my men were virtually immune.

pay.c 06-11-2007 08:12 PM

Hi there!

First of all: :brain: UFO, UFO, UFO! I was feeling like falling back to 12 year-old time, this is so frickin cewl, highest thanks from my side!!! This site (I just know it since 2 days now) is ... *no words* just like -> :kosta: Thanks a lot!

Anyhow I got some *big* problem with running UFO: Everything started out very smooth (no graphic issues, some minor bugs & crashes, normal stuff, no need to worry at all - mostly stuff that´s known). But now I got some reeeeaally weird bug in-game: As soon as I try to transfer something between bases (which is more or less crucial in this game) and hit the done-button the game crashes with some Windows-screen. Anybody knows this problem?

btw: Abandonia Windows version of UFO, Win XP, nothing fancy.

THANKS A LOT (for possible answers *and* that sweet piece of gaming) !!!

The Fifth Horseman 07-11-2007 06:32 AM

Common bug, not much that can be done if it hapens to you. The only real option is to download the DOS version of UFO (its in the Extras) and run it through VDMSound or DOSBox.

Icewolf 07-11-2007 07:50 AM

I have this transfer problem: (i searched a bit and only found the "transfer-crash"-problem)

I have three bases: Europe, Asia, Southamerica. Tranferring equipment between the first two isn't a problem.
But when I try to tranfer equipment from Europe or Asia to Southamerica, it always arrives in Europe. :blink:

How can this happen? :huh: Southamerica has loads of storage left.

gregor 07-11-2007 08:01 AM

works fine with me... but i use the dos version.

have a base in Europe, Indonesia and Brazil. A 4th is opened now in Antarctica.

Icewolf 07-11-2007 08:02 AM

I use the DOS version as well... :(

I considered building bases in the polar regions as well... :sneaky:

Dave 07-11-2007 11:00 AM

Strange, I never had problems like this :huh:
IIRC my version crashed only using 3 or 4 Interceptors on the same UFO...

pay.c 07-11-2007 08:59 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Icewolf @ Nov 7 2007, 09:50 AM) [snapback]318519[/snapback]</div>

I have this transfer problem: (i searched a bit and only found the "transfer-crash"-problem)

I have three bases: Europe, Asia, Southamerica. Tranferring equipment between the first two isn't a problem.
But when I try to tranfer equipment from Europe or Asia to Southamerica, it always arrives in Europe. :blink:

How can this happen? :huh: Southamerica has loads of storage left.
LOL, now I tried using the DOS version as suggested and Transfer functions... somehow... If I try to transfer stuff from Europe to USA (my only two bases up to now) it arrives back in Europe. :bleh: Ah, whatever, I´ll perhaps try a third base for transfering somewhere else, anyhow the game´s still burner! :) Thanks for the DOS-tip!

Eagle of Fire 07-11-2007 09:48 PM

You may not have the installations to receive all what you are trying to transfer to the second base. Like live Aliens, for example, require Alien Contrainment Chamber (or whatever it's called).

Icewolf 08-11-2007 07:15 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Nov 7 2007, 11:48 PM) [snapback]318586[/snapback]</div>

You may not have the installations to receive all what you are trying to transfer to the second base. Like live Aliens, for example, require Alien Contrainment Chamber (or whatever it's called).[/b]
I just wanna transfer guns! ^_^
The guest has the same problem, see?

*Saunakalja* 09-11-2007 03:53 PM

Hi all, ill be very gratefull if someone know answer for this. So, i was playing hte game and everything went smoothly, but then i ran out of elerium, and i only had firestorms and avengers. Problem is that always when i attack an alien ship it blows up too badly and i lose the elerium and power sources.

The Fifth Horseman 09-11-2007 04:10 PM

Attack an alien base. There's usually some elerium to find there.
In the meanwhile, you might have to sell some of your advanced crafts and replace them with Skyrangers and Interceptors so that you can continue.

To avoid extensive damage to UFOs, use less destructive weapons. This means NO FUSION BALLS, unless you're going after a Battleship. The Avalanche missiles should be enough.

Also, perhaps you've been spending Elerium too happily? Remember that most of the time you don't need to produce Plasma weapons or Blaster Launchers for your troops, since there's plenty gained from salvage.
Other things you can spend Elerium on should also be considered very carefully as an option. If you are sure you can't win without it, take it. If it's not neccesary, don't waste resources.

another_guest 10-11-2007 09:12 AM

Great advise by The Fifth Horseman!

In addition, keep using Skyrangers and Interceptors to attack tiny, small and medium UFO's.
Go after landed UFO's (green X on the map) as much as possible since their engines are still intact.

gufu1992 10-11-2007 08:28 PM

don't use explosives in engine rooms - for your own economical good!

Eagle of Fire 10-11-2007 09:57 PM

In the beginning of the game, I always switch the starting weapons for my interceptors to a Stingray (I think it's already there) and I replace the long range missile with the weaker cannon. The smaller Alien crafts don't really need more, and when they get a little bigger I switch to two Stingray missiles. 6X2 Missiles is usually better than 2X3 missiles anyways, even if the long range missiles hit stronger. If they all miss, which may happen, you have nothing to fall back on.

It's only when big aircrafts start to pop up and I go a steps higher in aircraft armament.

dekaay 12-11-2007 07:19 AM

Hello Guys,
is there an version anywhere which is running on windows vista?
The windows compatibility mode is not running...
DOS Box says: This program cannot be run on dos mode!
I have no problem on my PC with xp, but on my laptop with vista it doesn't run :(
I would be pleased for some help...

Mighty Midget 12-11-2007 08:19 AM

You can download the DOS version here: and run it in DOSBox on Vista.

rlbell 13-11-2007 03:46 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Nov 10 2007, 10:57 PM) [snapback]318878[/snapback]</div>

In the beginning of the game, I always switch the starting weapons for my interceptors to a Stingray (I think it's already there) and I replace the long range missile with the weaker cannon. The smaller Alien crafts don't really need more, and when they get a little bigger I switch to two Stingray missiles. 6X2 Missiles is usually better than 2X3 missiles anyways, even if the long range missiles hit stronger. If they all miss, which may happen, you have nothing to fall back on.

It's only when big aircrafts start to pop up and I go a steps higher in aircraft armament.
The only downside to the big missiles (avalanches) is the amount of space that they take up in stores (1.5 points each). Three avalanches do more damage than six stingrays, especially when you factor in the relative accuracy. If you have money and interceptors to burn, you can even use avalanch armed interceptors against battleships (but you have to send them in fours and be prepared to lose some[ keep them minimised, until all four are in position, and then they all attack aggressively]). The long range of avalanches means that you only get return fire from lesser craft if you engage them aggressively. With normal and cautious attacks, only the battleship outranges them. Except for BB hunts, plasma beams are even better.

quin.55 27-11-2007 08:24 AM

very addicting!
i downloaded the game been a long time since i played these and the other ufo games (i didn't get to play apocalypse no cd rom drive yet :rolleyes: )

wow! a real fun game to play! i don't have any real strategies i got some in other sites about creating a base in the poles (for research only)

but initially i arm my squad with heavy cannons and auto cannons with HE (they can't aim but with HE they can blow up the area they're aiming) watch them blow up the place especially if its a terror site. i would be careful when getting ufos you need the alloys and eleriums. grenades are good also but as soon as you have heavy plasma you don't need the cannons. save and load again don't let them die they become better as they get promoted.

cya! congrats on the new site! :)

Wade61 28-11-2007 10:37 PM

Ok so..I've been playing this game since I was about 4 years old lol and it's only one of the most amazing games out there new or old. But I'm having a problem running it now..I downloaded it about 5 months ago (in June) but recently, just within the past few days, maybe a week, every time I've tried loading the game it says "patch code timed out" and it runs waaaay's done this all but once or twice in the past few days..has this happened to anyone else? And can somebody help? It's the Windows version..I have the Dos version but it won't run..can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with it either lol But any help would be greatly appreciated..Thanks!

The Fifth Horseman 29-11-2007 06:45 AM

You can run the DOS version with VDMSound or DOSBox.

quin.55 01-12-2007 10:10 AM

X-Com UFOpaedia

Check this all you need to know about the game stats and strategy.... :)

from the wiki:


Welcome to! This site is dedicated to X-COM, a computer game series introduced in 1994 by MicroProse.

Here you will find a wealth of information including strategy, tactical tips, and an in-depth look at how the game functions.

nessboy199x 01-12-2007 11:07 PM

please help
i d/l the game a week ago and when i first played it the geoscape had an unplayable flicker. then for some reason yesterday the map was fixed. but now the geoscape is starting to flicker again, i've turned off video accel. and changed compatibly to win 95. if anyone knows how to fix this i would really appreciate it.

The Fifth Horseman 02-12-2007 09:25 AM

Run the game using the patched executable.

lassedk78 07-02-2008 01:59 PM

ooooh Maan
And the summer came and went away igain... I played till my fingers bled :)

What a golden game this was (is)

humorguy 20-02-2008 11:12 PM

I prefer this in DOSBox. I think you get better AI for some reason, and you can obviously control the speed easier and the music and sound effects seem to sound better!

To give one example. I played the Windows version for a while, and in the battles, the AI always had one 'Please wait' screen, in DOS (at 10000 cycles) I will get 'please wait' then 'movement' then a shot at one of my men, then another 'wait' then maybe another shot from another alien... In other words, in Windows all aliens have there move and shots, in DOS, each alien get his AI move/shot - it just seems more dynamic! So if you are playing the Windows version, I recommend you try the DOS version in DOSBox with soundblaster 1, general midi, opengl and around 10000 cycles

Oh yea, and I have all the UFO games in their boxes with manuals AND the strategy guides and they are my prized possessions of EVERYTHING I own! That's how special these games are to me and how great they are! :)

Japo 21-02-2008 12:58 AM

I believe the DOS version has less bugs, it's what I'm playing. But I don't think the aliens move differently in the Windows version, only that DOSBox's cpu will always be slower than your real one specially at 10k cycles.

One of the worst failures of this game is that you can't shoot from cover. Figuring lines of fire out is like in Jagged Alliance, just draw the straightest imaginary line and if there's something in one of its squares then you can't shoot or be shot from there. In JA however the cover adjacent to you counts for blocking shots against you but not for blocking your own shots. That's a great feature, in UFO you can't shoot from cover and the safest practice is shooting from beyond the alien's spotting range, that means shooting with a different soldier than the one who spotted the alien and it doesn't really make sense. :/

By the way I've done math about selling manufactured items, not counting workshop space as an economic factor since it really isn't. Motion scanners are by far the most profitable item I'm able to manufacture so far (just started), likely there won't be many better items if any, at least not without using elerium up. Motion scanners make $18.0 per hour and engineer, medi-kits $9.3, laser rifles $7.5, and laser pistols $5.3. I haven't even researched heavy laser since they're worthless to use compared to rifles.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 21-02-2008 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Japofran (Post 319641)
I believe the DOS version has less bugs, it's what I'm playing. But I don't think the aliens move differently in the Windows version, only that DOSBox's cpu will always be slower than your real one specially at 10k cycles.

I totally agree, AI is exactly the same in each version of the game. First time i'd played UFO, i'd played it on the Amiga and AI is the same (but Amiga version is "bugs free" damned Windows!).


Originally Posted by Japofran (Post 319641)
One of the worst failures of this game is that you can't shoot from cover. Figuring lines of fire out is like in Jagged Alliance, just draw the straightest imaginary line and if there's something in one of its squares then you can't shoot or be shot from there. In JA however the cover adjacent to you counts for blocking shots against you but not for blocking your own shots. That's a great feature, in UFO you can't shoot from cover and the safest practice is shooting from beyond the alien's spotting range, that means shooting with a different soldier than the one who spotted the alien and it doesn't really make sense. :/

Well, while i agree that in JA (and even more in JA 2) this aspect had been developed better than in UFO :

1) even in JA / JA 2 you can use, and sometimes it's advisable to use, the UFO tactic of "spotter & sniper" (now i'm playing JA and Ivan had just killed an enemy, spotted by Grunty, without being able to see the enemy and 3-4 space "out of range" :D).

2) More important, i agree that this is a limitation of UFO but there is nothing strange in this tactic. With the proper equipment it's possible to see an enemy and send information to a buddy and then the buddy can shot at the enemy. Yes, ok, this equipment can't be materially see in game but we are talking of a high tech war so even if we can see... we can think that this equipment exist.:)

Japo 21-02-2008 11:10 AM

Yes I know that radio alone could make a bit of sense out of it. Besides that someone is too far to spot an enemy in the first place doesn't necessarily mean that he won't be able to see if he's indicated where to look. Still, the alien being shot should be able to spot where it's been shot from as well from farther away... Anyway it's a shame that this feature of shooting from cover isn't present in UFO, it's very cool in JA; in UFO if a soldier tries to shoot from cover he just shoots every time right into the cover that's just next to him.

The Fifth Horseman 21-02-2008 03:20 PM


I haven't even researched heavy laser since they're worthless to use compared to rifles.
Laser Cannons are the most profitable item to produce for sale.

humorguy 21-02-2008 03:36 PM

Well, I see what I see and have put a lot of hours over the years into this game, and I am going to stick with my opinion that the game does play differently in DOS. Whether the AI takes advantage of the processor or whatever, I am convinced the AI is better in DOS, with the multiple pauses for the AI in ground battles a lot richer.

Eagle of Fire 21-02-2008 03:41 PM


in UFO if a soldier tries to shoot from cover he just shoots every time right into the cover that's just next to him.
That is not completely true. It really depends on which kind of cover you're hiding behind. I particularly remember fences of any kind gave fair shot protection while allowing you to shoot thru it if you were at point blank range. UFO is a very old game anyways, such principles as shooting from behind cover was never even thought of in those days.


I haven't even researched heavy laser since they're worthless to use compared to rifles.
Well, I myself never research the laser weapons until way later in the game simply because I consider them useless coma. However, the heavy version of any weapon owns in term of firepower. You certainly would not want to equip a full squad with it, but you sure need the firepower once in a while.

Using laser VS plasma weapons always been a great source of argument for Xcom fans. Laser weapons are easy to use, available sooner and usually all have auto shot which is a feature a lot of people swear from. Plasma weapon however pack a bigger punch and usually have a higher accuracy, especially with aimed shots. What I do myself at the end of the game is to give all my crackshots plasma weapons (they almost never miss), and give my new recruits laser weapon and hope the auto shot will do it's job.

Anyways, what I always personally do is aim to research medkit then personal armor first of all, then look to get better weapons. No use to have uber weapons if you have nobody to fire them. :)

Japo 21-02-2008 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 319689)
Laser Cannons are the most profitable item to produce for sale.

You are right, thanks for the heads up. I have higher research priorities right now since I don't plan to use heavy laser nor laser cannon, but the laser cannon's return is really worth the little research effort: $61.9 per hour and engineer! Some more I've calculated today: alien alloys ˘27.8 (yes *cents*), personal armour makes you *lose* $2.9 per hour and engineer if you produce it for sale, and heavy laser earns you $6.7.


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 319696)
That is not completely true. It really depends on which kind of cover you're hiding behind. I particularly remember fences of any kind gave fair shot protection while allowing you to shoot thru it if you were at point blank range. UFO is a very old game anyways, such principles as shooting from behind cover was never even thought of in those days.

I wasn't of course counting fences, at least for shooting. And I doubt that they count for cover when being shot. Sure they can be hit instead of the soldier but only if the alien misses, and I don't have reasons to think they make it more easy to fail.


Well, I myself never research the laser weapons until way later in the game simply because I consider them useless coma. However, the heavy version of any weapon owns in term of firepower. You certainly would not want to equip a full squad with it, but you sure need the firepower once in a while.

Using laser VS plasma weapons always been a great source of argument for Xcom fans. Laser weapons are easy to use, available sooner and usually all have auto shot which is a feature a lot of people swear from. Plasma weapon however pack a bigger punch and usually have a higher accuracy, especially with aimed shots. What I do myself at the end of the game is to give all my crackshots plasma weapons (they almost never miss), and give my new recruits laser weapon and hope the auto shot will do it's job.

Anyways, what I always personally do is aim to research medkit then personal armor first of all, then look to get better weapons. No use to have uber weapons if you have nobody to fire them. :)
Laser weapons are not useless, the only weapons better than laser rifles are heavy plasma, I acknowledge that, but not plasma rifles: being more accurate in snap and auto shot, are a little less powerful, and if you want accuracy you have the aimed shot which is equally accurate in both laser and plasma rifle, but takes less TUs for the plasma rifle. Add to this that sectopods are specially resistant to plasma and at the same time specially vulnerable to laser, and no alien is resistant to laser. And that unlimited ammo doesn't mean only that you don't need to worry about clips and about possibly manufacturing them using elerium up, but it also means that without the need to carry clips in the ship, there's more room for other items. Like grenades which are really powerful and always land close enough, whereas guns may fail every time.

I plan to do just like you and equip my best men with heavy plasma, but for the rest of the men and until then, laser rifles are very good. About heavy laser, it isn't really worth it however you look at it. True each shot is more powerful, but with the same TUs that you spend to do a snap shot with a heavy laser worth 85 damage, you can make an auto shot with the laser rifle which means three shot worth 60 damage each, and each of the three has nearly the same accuracy as the single snap shot with the heavy laser. So laser rifles aren't only better than heavy laser overall, they're far more powerful (3x60=180 versus 85) at the end of the day.

For me the first research prorities are motion scanner and laser weapons then laser pistol then laser rifle. If you really know your stuff as to moving in a way that you deny the aliens the initiative (see my post about lines of sight some pages back), laser rifles (pistols are worthless) are actually more urgent than motion scanners, but the former need three research stages (weapons > pistol > rifle) whereas the latter need only one, so in the end it's probably a better idea to research motion scanners first. Plus they're the best to produce for sale until you research laser cannon much later. Still facing a terror attack without laser or plasma weapons is not nice, I just had to, you'd better pack lots of grenades if you have to.

Medikits aren't really a priority until you have personal armour since the likeliest occurrence when an unarmoured soldier is hit by plasma is instant death. So next could go alien alloys then personal armour, but not really before laser weapons in my opinion, first and foremost because normal weapons are good as toys but nothing else and it's really urgent to get something better, and also because after all a human loss is not that terrible this early in the game, but later when the soldiers have experience. After armour research medikits, and then I'd go for heavy plasma and clip (this is where I'm now). Don't bother about plasma pistols, they're worthless, and I won't bother about plasma rifles either. After heavy plasma I guess I'll research laser cannon (after heavy laser but only because it's necessary for the cannon) even though I won't use it (only avalanche then plasma cannon) but only produce it for sale.

By the way before I have laser weapons I only use pistols. Rifles are just plain worse and their power is only marginally higher. The bigger punch of heavy and auto cannons is not really worth the unreasonable amounts of TUs they spend. Pistols can shot lots of times in a turn (two pistol shots are together as powerful as a heavy cannon one) and one or two shots usually dispatch sectoids and floaters and if you plan to shoot at something tougher before you get laser or plasma weapons (and you won't have to outside terror attacks), you'd better use grenades instead.

alkyl 22-03-2008 05:01 PM

View sieze issue... help
When i load the game from windows, it is all askew to the right very far, I am unable to read any of the options ont he right hand side.

Is there a way to resize the game so it fits my monitor and isnt half way off of the damn thing? Im kinda new to emulating all these old dos games on new pcs and shit, but I got dos games to work with dosbox fine, just this xp version is giving me a headache. Really want to play it ! any advice would be much appriciated.


Eagle of Fire 22-03-2008 05:04 PM

Download the DOS version and use DOSBox.

alkyl 22-03-2008 05:24 PM

which exe do i run once i mount it?

gufu1992 22-03-2008 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by alkyl (Post 321773)
which exe do i run once i mount it?

1)Er... change you ravatar... it's bothersome.
2)Hm... I don't exactly know the name of the file (although I recall DosBox being able to run the windows edition, also). Try all of them - there is nothing to mess with, so you can just poke around (Then again, I haven't seen DOS version in ages). I guess it's either UFO.exe or UFO Defence.exe

Eagle of Fire 22-03-2008 06:07 PM

Alwayt try the .bat files first if there is any.

While in dosbox, you can restrict the search by typing dir *.bat or dir *.exe.

Humm... I never noticed the reply by Japofran. It's almost a month old...


So laser rifles aren't only better than heavy laser overall, they're far more powerful (3x60=180 versus 85) at the end of the day.
That's the very basis of the laser VS plasma argument. Those who swear by auto shots always count that the soldier can hit 3 times the same alien, which is next to impossible unless you're hitting from blank range... At which time it is just as possible to hit the alien 2 or three times with the fast shot with a plasma riffle for more damage. Point is, if you like to rely on luck then auto shot alway look more appealing to the player. Other people like me who hate to rely on luck and train all his soldiers to become snipers who throw grenades in case of emergency close combat find that plasma weapons are far more reliable than laser weapon, at the end of the day. Which, by that, I mean by the course of the whole game...

The true reason why I always prefered plasma over laser is that there is a small percentage of casualties I simply can't manage to overcome when my team primarily use laser instead of plasma. Sometimes it's because a squaddie don't have the accuracy and miss all his auto shots which would otherwise kill an alien who will kill one of my experienced men the next turn, sometimes it's simply because the auto-shots favorise a close quarter gameplay and you get unlucky... And I can't stand that when I know there is a better way to prevent all this since the AI in UFO don't take grenades in consideration 99% of the time.

As for motion scanners... I never bothered to play with them. I developped a more effective way of doing missions than to rely on wasting TU on scanners. In night missions, it mean using a lot of flares. In day mission, it mean being carefull and move all my squads as teams who cover each other all the time. On open terrain, the aliens can't do much against that... In close quarters, I use grenades.

About medkits, I know that the chance of someone surviving a plasma blast is minimal until you get some armour, but the chance is not nul. I can't stand to lose experienced squaddies so early in the game, and I always prefered to have the medikit technology available (and thus already manufactured and in stock) before the personnal armors were available so I actually can save those first few soldiers who get injured with a PA on. I find losing soldiers to wounds much more aggravating than losing them to alien fire. ;)

I also always use all the beginning weapons except for the pistol which is not powerfull enough. A starter riffle is able to down a Grey in one shot if you're lucky, two if you're not. A pistol need way more shots than that, and that's with the weakest alien ennemy while riffles are still decent against anything better than a flying corpse. Autocannons and the like are good too, but like you said they use a lot of TU and they are very heavy. I usually only equip two or three with those in my entire landing party, which usually consist of 12 squaddies.

I understand why you'd want to research better weapons ASAP if you use only the pistol... How can you even overcome the first terror mission without terrible casualties if you don't have the firepower of at least one or two autocannon? If you run into a flying disk, you're pretty done for, and reapers are tough enough by themselves...

_r.u.s.s. 22-03-2008 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by alkyl (Post 321773)
which exe do i run once i mount it?

ufocd.bat ____

The Fifth Horseman 22-03-2008 10:13 PM

I usually have 2 Autocannons and two Heavy Cannons on a mission.

alkyl 23-03-2008 11:12 PM

thnx for info :) ill change it so no one hates me lol

Japo 24-03-2008 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 321778)
That's the very basis of the laser VS plasma argument.

I wasn't comparing laser to plasma, but laser rifle to heavy laser. Auto shot with laser rifle means shooting three times with 46% accuracy each spending 34% of TUs for all three; snap shot with heavy laser (it doesn't have auto) means shooting once with 50% accuracy and spending 33% of TUs, or three times spending 99% of TUs. It's not difficult to realize that laser rifle is far better no matter the situation. Same goes for snap and aimed, the rifle's better accuracy (since you say you don't like to rely on luck) and less TU spending, more than makes for the greater power of a single heavy laser shot.

There's no such thing as relying on luck or not, you're always doing it. What you must do is choosing the tactic that gives you better odds. Sometimes it's better for the overall odds to shoot more times and sometimes to shoot more carefully, it depends basically on the range. (But the influence of range is not documented and sometimes the right decision is uncertain.)

As for rifles and pistols, I can't see why using the inferior rifles would give me better odds against tough enemies. Rifles are as useless against them as pistols and I of course use grenades every time if I don't have a more powerful alternative. One single rifle shot has a power of 30, and the pistol has 26 which is almost the same. Plus the pistol is cheaper in terms of TU and you'll be able to shoot more times, and so you can actually deal more damage in a turn with the pistol than with the rifle, even though each shot is slightly weaker.

Eagle of Fire 24-03-2008 03:30 PM

You are not looking at the whole picture though. I've never seen someone with a pistol down a Grey in a single shot (albeit I have to admit I hardly ever used the pistols) while I've seen it plenty of times with a riffle. It been a long while, but I think that riffles have more ammo in their clips too. Another point to consider is that if it take you more shots to down an ennemy, your odds to hit increase by firing more shots, but so does your chances of having extra casualties due to alien reaction shots in your turn. Does each weapon also have a reaction time too? It been too long since I last played so I don't remember well, but I think that it was also a factor for me since I rely a lot on reaction shots in the ennemy turn to catch those pesky aliens off guard. Having a more powerfull gun always help to be lucky and down them in one shot, saving the life of many men in the process. That's also where autocannons and the big gun come into play too. That, and the fact that they have specialised ammo like the inciendiary clip, which is a killer against the Night Ones (who turn civilians into zombies) and can also serve as a light source in night missions. :)

The only real advantage pistols have over riffles is that thrown item accuracy is way better with a one hand weapon than a two hand weapon like a riffle. Two hand weapons like the riffle also lose accuracy when the squaddie is holding something in his off hand, while pistols don't have such problem.

But even then, I too always look to change those beginning weapons ASAP. It simply that I tend to overlook laser weapons completly and research plasma weapons right away instead. You really don't need better weapons until about month 3 in the game if you know what you're doing.

From what you are saying Japofran, you seem to rely on grenades way more than I ever did. I prefer to kill the aliens with hand weapons instead, reducing the chance of destroying alien equipment that I then don't need to manufacture myself. I hardly ever need to make my own plasma clips, for example...

gregor 25-03-2008 08:55 AM

Cannons use explosive bullets - helps with the aiming and you can kill more in the same shot.

The Fifth Horseman 25-03-2008 12:35 PM

Yes, but HE ammo deals less actual damage than the AP type. It's better to use AP and target better - your soldiers' accuracy will improve more that way.

Japo 25-03-2008 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 321922)
You are not looking at the whole picture though. I've never seen someone with a pistol down a Grey in a single shot (albeit I have to admit I hardly ever used the pistols) while I've seen it plenty of times with a riffle.

Well maths don't lie, I already said that according to the UFOpedia the power of a single shot from a pistol (26) is nearly the same as from the rifle (30), while it's quite cheaper in terms of TUs. The only reliable way of deciding your equipment and tactics is paying attention to the UFOpedia's numbers, not to subjective impressions. These numbers tell me that rifles are never a good choice compared to pistols (however puny both these are compared to advanced weapons), that cannons' power don't make up either for their lousy accuracy and huge TU spending, that laser rifles are better than heavy laser, and that plasma rifles aren't superior to laser rifles, but heavy plasma are.

If an alien wasn't downed by a pistol shot with 26 damage (and one-hit kills are possible for the less tough ones as they are with rifles), chances are that it wouldn't be downed by a rifle with 30 damage either. If you shoot at an alien and don't kill it, it will retaliate, but the same with a pistol as with a rifle; if you fail it will retaliate the same, and you can always get unlucky with a damage roll and I've even seen sectoids survive one heavy plasma hit quite a number of times. That's why the only safe practice is shooting with a different soldier than the one who spotted the alien, so he's beyond the alien's sight. (I'm not saying this makes sense, but it's how the game's made.)

I'm not particularly fond of grenades, I only use them when they give me better odds than other weapons. At the start of the game they're particularly necessary, because pistols (and rifles alike) are puny against terror weapons such as cyberdiscs and reapers. Besides at that time your soldiers will be bad marksmen and a dozen of them may all fail when trying their luck shooting for a full turn at an alien far away. Once you get laser or plasma they're not that necessary, but they can still come in handy in particular situations. Moreover grenades are preferable to other area-of-effect weapons (except blaster launcher of course) because: they don't need a specific launher and every soldier can carry them; and even if they're thrown with bad skill they never land so far that the enemy isn't affected, whereas rockets and other explosive projectiles will simply fly by the enemy not damaging it in the least if you fail, unless you get lucky and hit another nearby obstacle, that is if you're not in the open. As for equipment, it's not burnt when you kill its bearer with grenades: it will be destroyed every time however if you cause a second explosion over the dead body and the dropped equipment.

Eagle of Fire 25-03-2008 10:24 PM

You guys always make me laugh when guys like you make such calculations and assume it's the absolute truth. :D Not that there is no truth to it, but anyways... If there is something I learned in my gaming days is that you never have 100% of the informations available to you in a game. For example, the fact that you win some extra accuracy if you kneel or lose some accuracy if you carry something in your offhand while holding a two hand weapon is extremely badly documented, if at all. Things like that throw calculation off most of the time.

I am certainly not dissing your way of playing, but it's certainly not the one I'd use. The Laser Vs Plasma argument, for example, been up since almost the first day UFO was released and is still raging on to this date....

By the way, did you know that most big aliens are particularly resistant to explosions? The only way to really hurt them with a grenade is to aim exactly where they are so the full blast hit them...

gregor 26-03-2008 06:32 AM

I like grenades. first turn i have some people throw flares and look arround (or just look arround) and then i spray the place with grenades. also for small rooms i throw one or two inside...

I haven't played UFO so much (mostly i played XCOM). in that one it is particulary useful to train them with grenades for terror sites (where oyu can't use rocket launchers). it pays a bit to have later you man being able to throw powerfull grenade through the whole map.

so i implied same tactics here in UFO. although i have to admit UFO has more obstacles. But i usually throw grenades to open walls r hit aliens that are hiding behind it. if you can't see it but you know they are there just throw a grenade inside and have someone aim in that place in case alien survives.

Also alines always hide in certain places so if you throw the grenades there chances are you will hit something. and that's also the reason why i use cannons a lot. i shoot in some place and if there is no sound i throw a grenade and then they die. :D

Japo 26-03-2008 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 322042)
You guys always make me laugh when guys like you make such calculations and assume it's the absolute truth. :D Not that there is no truth to it, but anyways... If there is something I learned in my gaming days is that you never have 100% of the informations available to you in a game. For example, the fact that you win some extra accuracy if you kneel or lose some accuracy if you carry something in your offhand while holding a two hand weapon is extremely badly documented, if at all. Things like that throw calculation off most of the time.

Well these figures are the same that the game uses to calculate your success or failure, so they are meaningful, you can disregard them if you want but then you won't be able to know which option is really better, of course you can rely on personal taste instead. About the bonus for kneeling and the penalty for one hand, it's too easy to calcuate them with the accuracy percentages provided when you click on the weapon, they're around 15% and 20% if I remember right. However they don't affect comparisons between different weapons since they're the same for whichever one; only if it's worth it to kneel in a given situation etc. And I don't think this gives pistols any advantage over two-handed weapons, it's only 2 TUs to drop whatever a soldier has in one hand (he can pick it up again later) whenever he must shoot so he's not penalized for the weapon in the other.

These calculations are the only way to know each weapon's worth and compare them, everything else is random rolls and range modifiers (again equal for all weapons). The fact that many people won't make them doesn't mean they're not the only objective measure of the weapons' usefulness.

Eagle of Fire 26-03-2008 11:52 PM

What you just said is exactly what make you mathematicians reasoning flawed. "It's only 2 TU to drop it". Yeah, but then you need to pick it up again. And then, you might actually need those 2 TU at that particular time to save the life of your other squaddy... Those odds, you fail to calculate. ;)

If we weed out both of our reasoning to what exactly make the difference between you and me, I'm willing to wage it all come down to the fact that all my own reasoning is done with suffering the fewer casualties possible, while you have effeciency in your top priority. ;)

another_guest 31-03-2008 11:17 AM

Well, if anything I think these discussions mean that they made most of the weapons well-balanced and besides that created a game that outlived its supposed successors by many years.

AnarchyMaster 31-03-2008 04:53 PM

this is possibly the best game out :)

I've had loads of fun with it for ages, would be awsome if it had a multiplayer option!

manyfingers 01-04-2008 02:09 AM

see ufo 2000 ?

Eagle of Fire 01-04-2008 02:44 AM

UFO 2000 on Abandonia Reloaded. :)

serif 13-04-2008 02:47 PM

compatibility issue?
I'm a long time fan of Enemy Unknown. I used to run it on a 75mHz PC! I'm now a Mac user and have got it to run using DOSbox. It's great playing it again after all this time. Late nights again too. It's running well except for sound effects. There is sound, that is, the soundtrack, but no sound effects. I can't find any other posts so I'd appreciate any advice. I would appreciate the DOS line commands too - it's slowly coming back to me but it took me a while to work it out!
I miss the sound of doors clicking open and shut and the clunking of your soldiers when walking in UFOs. Thank you for any help you can offer.

_r.u.s.s. 13-04-2008 02:56 PM

run setup.exe, select sound blaster 16 with default config and adlib for music (if you havn't reconfigured dosbox). then be sure that you are running ufocd.bat

serif 13-04-2008 04:48 PM

r.u.s.s. thank you very much. And so quick! I even remember the set up graphics, it's crazy. I was looking for settings within the game.

Dave 17-04-2008 04:07 PM

All your discussions made me playing it again :amused:
I have a doubt, are all kind of radar useless if you have an Hyperwave decoder? I don't remember :worried:

The Fifth Horseman 17-04-2008 04:12 PM

Yep, Hyperwave decoder automatically detects all UFOs within range.

Dave 17-04-2008 04:19 PM

Perfect, thanks :)

Ramidel 01-05-2008 07:09 AM

My answer to the pistol-rifle debate?

Who the hell cares? Prelaser weapons are useless anyway. If you want to go after crashed UFOs in the early game, use what you've got and don't worry about "no, the pistol's better! No, the rifle!" They're pretty equal. (Equally weak that is.)

The Fifth Horseman 01-05-2008 12:05 PM

A weapon is only as "weak" or "strong" as the strategy using it.
Pistols are better if using them for your Stun Rod / Grenade equipped shock troops, but that doesn't neccesarily mean they are always better than the rifles.

another_guest 01-05-2008 01:32 PM

Just avoid the discussion and go for auto cannons and a few rocket launchers in the early game. At that point I rarely if ever took the risk of using weaker weapons + stun rods (risky because it can endanger the success of the entire mission).
Research quickly towards laser rifles and you're off...

Ramidel 01-05-2008 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 324837)
A weapon is only as "weak" or "strong" as the strategy using it.
Pistols are better if using them for your Stun Rod / Grenade equipped shock troops, but that doesn't neccesarily mean they are always better than the rifles.

Possibly, but I can't see a use for any of pistol-rifle-cannon after you develop Laser Pistol or Laser Rifle, is what I meant. And I usually don't get to raid a UFO before I have at least Laser Rifles.

Never compared laser pistol to laser rifle if one-handing; my gut bets on the rifle but I could be wrong. (And, except on specific missions, I rarely do much with grenades or stun weapons anyway. I much prefer energy weapons.)

As for autocannon...too heavy, too much reloading, generally not worth it.

petetherovers 06-05-2008 11:19 AM

hey i ave got ufo enemy unknown and i have download it and unziped it but when i go to play the screen goes black and i can hear music!

i am on windows xp

The Fifth Horseman 06-05-2008 02:32 PM

If you're using Windows, then get the Windows version... The DOS one is for use with DOSBox or real DOS only.

agent cross 20-05-2008 08:52 PM

I have a big problem with x-com enemy unknown!

I downloaded and extracted the abandonia version for windows and run it now on my xp-machine. It works proper. But now i've occured one fatal error:

Always when i open the "transfer"-screen, i can choose the destination and arrange the cargo, but when i approve the transfer (press ok) i remain in the "transfer"-screen. Now aborting the "transfer"-screen (clicking cancel) makes the x-com enemy unknown crash immediatly.

Sorry for maybe bringing up old stuff, but i hadn't managed to get familiar with the search-engine now.:sick:

humorguy 20-05-2008 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by agent cross (Post 326441)
I have a big problem with x-com enemy unknown!

I downloaded and extracted the abandonia version for windows and run it now on my xp-machine. It works proper. But now i've occured one fatal error:

Always when i open the "transfer"-screen, i can choose the destination and arrange the cargo, but when i approve the transfer (press ok) i remain in the "transfer"-screen. Now aborting the "transfer"-screen (clicking cancel) makes the x-com enemy unknown crash immediatly.

Sorry for maybe bringing up old stuff, but i hadn't managed to get familiar with the search-engine now.:sick:

Would play the DOS version in DOSBox, that how I play it with no problems, it looks exactly the same and the sounds are the same, so you can adjust the speed etc with DOSBox or a front end, like D.O.G. The DOS version just gives you more flexibility, and personally, it feels as the the AI is different (and better) in DOS that Windows, but people on this thread disagree with me.

ShadowBlade 21-05-2008 03:55 AM

If I remember correctly, the DOS version of the game is considerably less stable than the Windows version, DOSbox or not. I remember getting flurries of green/blue text and crashes back to the DOS prompt.

The Windows version isn't hard to get working once you do a little bit of research and get the right fixes.

For UFO Defense (a.k.a. Enemy Unknown), check out the first two files here:

For the same fixes, but for Terror from the Deep, check this out:

humorguy 21-05-2008 05:45 PM

Shadowblade, all I can say is I have the original games of UFO Unknown, Terror from the Deep and Apocalypse , and never had any problems at all in DosBox with any of them - although your links are very helpful and useful - so thanks! :)

agent cross 21-05-2008 07:46 PM

Thank you sir!

I will check this links, but i' think the version i've got from abandonia is already patched for Windows and version 1.2.:wacko:

The Fifth Horseman 21-05-2008 08:32 PM

The newest is 1.4, IIRC.

ShadowBlade 21-05-2008 10:47 PM

I think the Collector's Edition is patched to the latest version, but I posted those links due to the Video Bug Fix for Collector's Edition and Sound Fix for Collector's Edition, should you have any problems running the games properly. :)

stu2000 22-05-2008 05:36 PM

I used to have problem after problem with the windows version... downloaded dosbox and the dos version of UFO and it has been running absolutely perfectly since then :) *touch wood* lol

Dadsa 25-05-2008 04:15 PM

Try to capture as many aliens as possible, you get more points and you interrogate them :)

The Fifth Horseman 25-05-2008 04:39 PM

No point doing that before you build an Alien Containment, though.
I don't generally capture aliens on purpose, unless there's a very good opportunity.

KieranCorrigan 01-06-2008 09:45 PM

One of my favorites from back in the day.
This is a game that I've been playing for years off and on. Simply love it, even if it is a real pain in the butt. Course maybe that's why it's so addictive. Course I've always known it as XCOM: UFO Defense, not these other titles, but *shrugs*

Only beaten it once though, cause I rarely have time to play. Watched a friend of mine almost beat it on the highest difficulty... kudos to him, I need a lot more practice before I could try that. Still I'm happy to see it still around to this day.

Eagle of Fire 01-06-2008 09:49 PM

I never been able to find the time to complete my games either. Then, I decided once that I'd play at least one tactical mission every day.

I've beaten the game after two months.

ruud316 19-06-2008 12:09 PM

I love this game reminds me of Rebel Star on my old Amstrad except far better!

I have a sad tale to tell in that I have completed this game but never seen the end because of a corrupt disk, it gets to the end on mars and you reach the final computer which says wait... then the screen goes all wonkey donkey and blue, what have I missed tell me! Or is it some kind of ironic end where you cant destroy the mind computer?????:mad:

This is apprently the CD version on here, but wheres the start?? If I complete this again and theres no end titles I'll go nuts I tell ya!

gregor 19-06-2008 12:28 PM

well the game does have the sequel.

i haven't managed to get my self to finish this game. maybe later. i kept the save files, so when i get the need i kill some aliens and then it get's boring (i already did X-com2 a couple of times through).

Japo 19-06-2008 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by ruud316 (Post 329167)
I have a sad tale to tell in that I have completed this game but never seen the end because of a corrupt disk, it gets to the end on mars and you reach the final computer which says wait... then the screen goes all wonkey donkey and blue, what have I missed tell me! Or is it some kind of ironic end where you cant destroy the mind computer?????:mad:

This is apprently the CD version on here, but wheres the start?? If I complete this again and theres no end titles I'll go nuts I tell ya!

You can download this, and then copy your saved game onto it.

Anyway if you want (ACHTUNG HEAVY SPOILERS), what I remember from the ending is that >>> you shot the master brain but then the game ended and you were taken instants before and told how the brain offered you a deal but you refused and shot. Pics of the brain being destroyed, and I don't really remember the rest, it wasn't so spectacular I think. <<< Select to read

Thraka 19-06-2008 02:39 PM

the reason it reminds you of rebel star is because it's from the same designer :) They did a "rebel star" game for the GBA though it's not really a rebel star game. It's more of just the tactical part of X-COM with cartoon style graphics. Pretty good though.

X-COM: UFO Defence is the name it was released as in America while the other is European.

Robsie 20-06-2008 02:28 AM

I have read there was a console version (playstation ?) of XCOM and that it had a very interesting difference, in which it was possible to open a door without actually going in (and possibly die from some alien opportunity fire).

I wish it was possible to mod this feature somehow in the PC version, it would allow more interesting tactics.

/me remember of Swat 3, Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear, throwing flashbangs in room while staying out of harm, then rushing in.

Eagle of Fire 20-06-2008 04:28 AM

You can open doors like you are describing in Xcom2: Terror from the Deep.

Ermuli 20-06-2008 09:35 AM

I have uploaded a PowerPlus ISO version of this game and
the link is available @ ISO Cellar.

ruud316 24-06-2008 11:51 AM

Saved games
I have all my saved games on disc, anyway I can import them into this version so I can finaly see the end? As my CD version crashes when you destroy the computer on mars!


The Fifth Horseman 24-06-2008 12:35 PM

I think there shouldn't be any problem doing that. Just copy the sub-directories whose names start with "Game" to the directory of this version and it should work just fine.

Eagle of Fire 24-06-2008 02:40 PM


I have all my saved games on disc, anyway I can import them into this version so I can finaly see the end? As my CD version crashes when you destroy the computer on mars!
Patch that version? Xcom was famous for that bug, there even were numerous rumors of the game installing a virus or trying to format your HD when you got there...

ruud316 26-06-2008 01:56 PM

Can't find any patches for original UFO anyone got a link cheers.

The Fifth Horseman 26-06-2008 03:34 PM

cicebear 17-07-2008 07:33 PM

Crashes in german version
Hi folks,
I like this game very much, but unfortunately it crashes every time when I finished a transfer of stuff to an other base an hit the Cancel button. This happens only in the german version, the english one works. Does anyone know help or can patch this?

The Fifth Horseman 17-07-2008 07:49 PM

In the post right above yours.

hobojo 23-08-2008 02:29 AM

I have a problem with the game crashing once I try to land a crew at a downed UFO. I can play the game completely normal until I attempt to land causing an error and forcing the game to close. Research, building, buying/selling, etc, all work completely fine.

I'm running XP but I haven't the faintest idea what is causing this problem.

Eagle of Fire 23-08-2008 02:45 AM


Download the DOS version and use DOSBox.

hobojo 23-08-2008 03:02 AM

I used the link from this same website to download the game and I also have dosbox, but I can't figure out how to work it.

The Fifth Horseman 23-08-2008 09:18 AM

A Beginner's Guide to DOSBox

crysta1 23-08-2008 09:45 PM

OOOH WOW! I played this game on my old 486 pc. Awesome. I completed it only once due to time limitations but it is easily The defining game of my childhood.

No other game can create the raw fear as you wait to see how your decision will affect your crew's life.


crysta1 26-08-2008 09:21 PM

I'm having issues with sound in the Dos version of UFO,(using dosbox 7.2)
and running problems with the windows version. any tips?

I can be more specific if needed.... just ask


The Fifth Horseman 27-08-2008 06:34 AM

As long as you don't provide a detailed problem description, we can't help you.

Please explain what exactly do those problems constitute. Post all error messages that occur, and in their exact text (or just screenshots of them, will do just as good).

crysta1 27-08-2008 03:10 PM

I have resolved the issues now.. Many thanks


Zomby 28-08-2008 01:37 PM

Hey I think that those links may be expired but anyway I had a question, actually a couple of them:
1. If there is a better version, a redo by fans then where could I get or at least get a look at it?
2. Is there a way how to make the windows version (that is currently uploaded here) run slower so that the animations would mach the original speed in the game?

In my opinion UFO Defense is maybe the best tactical-strategical game of all time considering the year of release :)

The Fifth Horseman 28-08-2008 03:14 PM


1. If there is a better version, a redo by fans then where could I get or at least get a look at it?
There are like a dozen different ones, some commercial and some not.
There's also the recent UFO series (Aftermath-Aftershock-Afterlight) and Ufo: Extraterrestrials. I'm pretty sure there was a more comprehensive list posted earlier...

Ah, found it:

Regarding the speed, set all speeds in the battlescape options (the ? icon on the battlescape control panel) to the lowest and see if that helps.

Zomby 29-08-2008 08:41 AM

Thanks for the links! I do know about the settings in game that you can change but it does not help much it is still crazy fast... I boutght myself this new PC, a quite fast one and well I almost wish it was not that fast.. There has to be a way to make that game run slower in windows..

The Fifth Horseman 29-08-2008 08:51 AM

Not really, unless you count running the DOS version (download link at the end of the review) in DOSBox.
This offers a much more controlled speed.

gregor 29-08-2008 10:39 AM

there is (apparently) an option for windows as well but you would have to pay for it:

EDIT: I just found a neat list of slowdown software here:

Zomby 29-08-2008 07:23 PM

Well as for DOS Box that is an option indeed, but I have a trouble getting the sound working - I have Intel 82801GB ICH7 Famely High Definition A-1 Audio and Realtek on Windows end...
How should I configure DOS Box and how should I configure game setup? So far I have not got sound working.... sound and music - always the nerveeating thing about old games..

dosraider 29-08-2008 08:29 PM

Default settings in dosbox (whatever your Win hardware is):
SB16 or better
ADR 220

Zomby 30-08-2008 06:29 PM

nope... no help, I keep on trieing and I can not get a positive result. Now the modified version does not have the option as a regular DOS program would have that could help a little bit perhaps and that would be to enable the Compatible Timer Hardware Emulation, cause I have no problem with sound with that one, only the speed problem and when I run the thing under DOS Box I get a perfect scielnce with the default settings, now when I run the setup for the game I do set the soundcard according to the DOS Box settings correct? I did try that and in that case either I have something wrong still in the settings or it does not work correctly as it should. My question would be this time:
Does the setting in autoexec.nt and config.nt matter how the DOS Box handles sound cause if it does then my default setting for SB in autoexec.nt is SET BLASTER A220 I5 D1 P330 T3,
how should I configure the game setup,
is there anything else that might be wrong with DOS Box itsself or it´s configuration?

GTX2GvO 30-08-2008 06:51 PM

The default DosBOX configuration settings are in the DosBox.conf file


There are ALL the DosBOX settings..

Zomby 30-08-2008 07:37 PM

Thank you, I know that and I have gone over them and it should work just fine and it does work JUST FINE except... ahhh for the sound :)

Zomby 30-08-2008 07:41 PM

So.. anyone..
Does the setting in autoexec.nt and config.nt matter how the DOS Box handles sound cause if it does then my default setting for SB in autoexec.nt is SET BLASTER A220 I5 D1 P330 T3,
how should I configure the game setup,
is there anything else that might be wrong with DOS Box itsself or it´s configuration?

dosraider 30-08-2008 07:45 PM

It's not the autoexec.nt that counts, it's the dosbox settings:

Originally Posted by dosraider (Post 334979)
Default settings in dosbox (whatever your Win hardware is):
SB16 or better
ADR 220

To know if they still are on default params type set at the dosbox prompt.

GTX2GvO 30-08-2008 07:49 PM

Well.. Depending on what you set up in Dosbox.
You should also "synchronize" those settings in the game's setup program..

Make sure that ADR;IRQ;(H)DMA you have selected in Dosbox are the same as what you choose in the game settings

And if you haven't altered the soundblaster section of your Dosbox.conf file.
It should be that what Dosraider has posted:
SB16 or better
ADR 220

Dosbox will only look @ it's own settings file for the EMULATED hardware settings.

You should NOT alter any of your Windows files..
Or even look in them for the same matter..

Zomby 30-08-2008 07:56 PM

ok and if I do that what I get is:

GTX2GvO 30-08-2008 08:08 PM


Think T6 means it's SB16 or better.. (not sure, but it's most likely)

Zomby 30-08-2008 08:22 PM

yes 16 or better and I do put the same stuff in game setup and I have even tried different options in game setup to see if I get a result and I have tried different options with Dos Box to see if I get a better result and I have even tried to go from a higher setting in DBox to a lower one in Game setup and still no result, I dont get not one sound I haven´t even got to trieing to get the music..

GTX2GvO 30-08-2008 08:29 PM

Could you then post a screenschot of the set up screen(s)??
(Audio set ups only)

Zomby 30-08-2008 08:40 PM

ok and if I do it then this is what it looks like:
I have tried this and it does not work for some reason and it does not work if I have DMA 5 or if I have diferent nuber of channels or if I try IRQ 5 and if I try it without changeing anything from DOS Box conf or without changeing it. So no matter if it is synchronised or unsynchronized I dont get anything I even tried to alter to autoexec for UFO by makeing a separate copy for it and then changeing the path for it´s executable to that copy and even then I did not get a result if I even SYNCHRONIZED THE AUTOEXEC to DOS Box or vice versa....
I dont know weather to cry or to laugh, now I am quite tired as I had was working earlyer today and it is late at night where I am. So perhaps there is a chance that I have missed somthing trivial and stupid.. I sure hope so - one of those rare times..
you see guys I dont get not even a crack from my speakers.. :S

GTX2GvO 30-08-2008 08:48 PM

Hmm.. those ARE the correct settings I see in your screenshot....

So it SHOULD work..

Maybe set the IRQ in the Dosbox.conf file (see MY previous screenshots) to 5 and thus the enemy unknown settings IRQ also to 5..
(ONLY the IRQ!!!)

That. Or your speaker cable isn't connected correctly.

Zomby 30-08-2008 09:32 PM

Well I already tried it earlyer and I tried it again but still zipo not a sound and the funny thing is that I have no problems with sound in windows so it has to be a problem between either Dos BOX and windows or between the game and Dos BOX. But I have an indea that might give another idea to think about! I suppose you have no problem running UFO Defense? RIght? So here is what I want to ask you to do - two things, if you are willing to help me:
1. go to the folder where you have UFO, then open setup files properties, then click program, then click advanced and tell me what do you see in your PIF settings, what is the path for AUTOEXEC.NT and CONFIG.NT?
2. (If it was under system32) then open/edit (WITH NOTEPAD!) the file AUTOEXEC.NT and tell me what do you see where it is written SET BLASTER, what are the settings for it after it?

I just want to know to compare with my settings and see if I have anything different.


Zomby 30-08-2008 09:38 PM

Do not change anything or save any changes in that file!

dosraider 30-08-2008 10:32 PM

Allright, let get things clear here.

Your autoexec.nt and config.nt has nothing, I repeat so that you understand well: NOTHING to see with dosbox sound settings.
You are mixing things up, really, it's been said before.

Dosbox uses his OWN settings stored in the dosbox config file.
The default settings to run a game with sound in dosbox are:
SB16 or better
ADR 220

Please, please, forget any 'pif' files when running dosgames in dosbox, those are windows files, shortcuts from the W3 era, nothing to do with dosbox.

Just tested the DOSVERSION from AB again:
Unzipped in e:\games\xcom (e:\games\ is my virtual C folder)
My mount/launch lines

mount c e:\games
mount d e:\games\xcom -t cdrom
cd xcom

Game runs with sound in dosbox , no problems, no problems whatsoever, game is configured to run in dosbox, dosbox with default settings.

First: delete your old ufo folder.
Download the dosversion from ab, adapt your mount lines to match your folders, done.

You'll find the dosversion at the bottom of the game sheet.

Zomby 31-08-2008 10:23 AM

Thanks guys, thanks to your help I figured what was wrong and I finally got it working :)

GTX2GvO 31-08-2008 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Zomby (Post 335118)
Thanks guys, thanks to your help I figured what was wrong and I finally got it working :)

Can you then tell us what it was??

So we (includes you) can help others who might have the same issue(s)..

The Occupant 01-09-2008 04:44 AM

I know this will sound strange to all you folk raring up to play this tournament, but I, who really has a love for the oldies of games, never got my head wrapped around this one. I have tried playing it, but the interface confused me, and I could barely get the hang of moving my soldiers, let alone fighting with them. Maybe I am not cut out for the turn based genre. It's not that I am a perpetual speed monkey, goodness no. I can while away an hour or two playing Rogue, Text graphics and all. I enjoy monkey island, and Leisure Suit Larry. Myst is a game I love almost every part of. So why can't I get X-Com?
Edit: And it is not as if I am a complete louse at turn based games. I enjoyed Mission Force Cyberstorm by Sierra.

The Fifth Horseman 01-09-2008 05:41 AM

X-Com might be complex at first. But once you get used to it, it's a breeze.

gregor 01-09-2008 06:02 AM

Huh?! YOu move them by pointing and clicking where you want them to go. You fight with them by selecting their weapon, type of fire and then click on where you want to fire while the X mark is on. and they will shoot. what is there to know?!

Zomby 01-09-2008 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by GTX2GvO (Post 335134)
Can you then tell us what it was??

So we (includes you) can help others who might have the same issue(s)..

Well as a matter a fact I felt almost embarraced for the simple thing that was wrong but I guess it is forgivable cause I was quite tired and so I missed it. The only thing that I had wrong was the path for cd drive and it would seeme that UFO gets it´s sound from there or at least the cd version, I can not figure anything else that was wrong that would have caused the problem cause I did everything else right and I had the game running well, it ismply did nit have any sound whitch is odd cause I would imagine that a problem like that would have maybe an affect on music but I lost both sound and music so there might have been something else also. Well anyway the best recomendation:
If you experience running a game via DOS Box then simply start from scrach by instlling everything over again and make sure that you follow every neccesary step precisely and you should have no problems...

Zomby 01-09-2008 08:01 PM

Hey one question still guys! What version of DOS UFO Defense do you have uploaded here is it the very first and original?

The Fifth Horseman 02-09-2008 06:56 AM

We've got both DOS and Windows versions.
Of course, as long as the FTP is down, neither download works.

Zomby 04-09-2008 07:42 AM

Yeah, but what was the number of the DOS version that I downloaded? 1.00 or is it pached alterd or updated in any way? And same question about the windows version, just how much is the windows version altered when it comes to gameplay?

The Fifth Horseman 04-09-2008 07:58 AM

I believe it needs a patch.
The Windows version has some patches, but apparently the last ones were only for DOS.

_r.u.s.s. 04-09-2008 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 335565)
The Windows version has some patches, but apparently the last ones were only for DOS.

:worried:? ___________________

The Fifth Horseman 04-09-2008 09:35 AM

I don't recall seeing a version of patch 1.4 for the Windows edition...

Ares 25-09-2008 08:17 AM

I need help. I downloaded this game form your site a loooooong time ago and never finished. why? because when I have everything researched, powerfull team and I want to land in crash zone to capture some important aliens, the game reloades an old save game (in which after 2-3 turns the game crashes). Is this some kind of bug?
a few days ago I've found this game on my cd and wanted to finish it but I couldn't (I've started a new game)

Please help me! : /

The Fifth Horseman 25-09-2008 10:29 AM

It's a bug, IIRC occuring if you enter a combat mission while having a combat craft in pursuit of an UFO.

STEVAN 29-09-2008 05:17 PM

I found an interesting bug in the game. After you transfer or build a plane and you take it for a ride it will have unlimited fuel for the first time. It is very good for finding alien bases.

Ares 01-10-2008 09:47 PM

yesterday I've finished UFO (level Experienced) and I have 2 questions.

1. Is there a web site where I can read the outro text? It's too fast to read it.

2. I play this game again ^^ (this time on Veteran level) and after 1,5 month I have flying suits and reserching heavy plasma. (I got lucky with the ships couse some of them were on ground which gave me Elerium). But before February was ended a very big UFO came to my base and they annihilated my whole crew - is it possible to have an attack so soon?

Dave 01-10-2008 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Ares (Post 338553)
2. I play this game again ^^ (this time on Veteran level) and after 1,5 month I have flying suits and reserching heavy plasma. (I got lucky with the ships couse some of them were on ground which gave me Elerium). But before February was ended a very big UFO came to my base and they annihilated my whole crew - is it possible to have an attack so soon?

Yes, it's related to Veteran level ;)

Ares 02-10-2008 07:31 AM

So I have to change my strategy - any suggestions? I have laser rifles and Flying suits.

Dave 02-10-2008 01:32 PM

There's a way to gain money faster, you can start mass production of a weapon, for example laser pistol/rifles and sell them.
They are fast to produce and you don't need too many engineers/space :OK:
Also, you could do special mix to optimize the production, but you need to study a bit for that :p
Flying suits are great, 6 men well equipped can easily clean a huge alien-battleship, the worst part are mind attacks, it's hard to train your unit at the beginning, but tanks are immune to those kind of attacks.

And remember you can save your progress, loading a savegame could save your base from huge attacks, they are random.

Japo 02-10-2008 03:51 PM

If you had that gear and yet you got wiped out, what is wrong must not be your strategy but your tactics. You'll never be much better equipped, and you'll have to face that kind of attacks some day.

another_guest 02-10-2008 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ares (Post 338587)
So I have to change my strategy - any suggestions? I have laser rifles and Flying suits.

Which enemies were you up against and what exactly caused you to lose? 1) Laser rifles might not be the best weapon of choice against specific enemies
2) The second part of the question is to see what you could improve in terms of tactics

The Fifth Horseman 02-10-2008 07:44 PM

Bring in some Auto Cannons and Heavy Cannons.

My general strategy is based on three four-man squads dividing into two pairs each. One man in each pair carries a rifle (or, later, an equivalent), the other carries the heavy weapon.
The thirteenth and fourteenth soldiers usually carry Heavy Plasmas.

In Terror missions it may be important to get the aliens fast to protect the civilians, but you always need to make sure that your men are ready to take on the aliens, and that your pointmen are well-covered by accurate shooters.

Sometimes it might be worth considering to take some HE ammo (altough not into terror missions, obviously).

Eagle of Fire 02-10-2008 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ares (Post 338587)
So I have to change my strategy - any suggestions? I have laser rifles and Flying suits.

I don't see why you should change your strategy only because you got attacked in one of your bases. The whole thing is, how come you got wiped out?

You should always have extra squaddies lingering in your base in case you get attacked. And at your point in the game, you should also be able to build plasma hover tanks... Build a few of them for base defense too!

Maybe you should study a little on base defense. Back in the days, the good base layout with 2 squaddies armed to the teeth with proximity and normal grenades could defend a single base all alone...

gregor 03-10-2008 06:43 AM

[quote=The Fifth Horseman;
Sometimes it might be worth considering to take some HE ammo (altough not into terror missions, obviously).[/quote]

i ues it at terror too and sometimes shoot randomly at hidden movement. helps a lot. As well as phosphorus ammos (to light up the area and maybe burn an alien or two). In fact in begining of game i use HE exclusively. that is because their aim is low and they get kills fast like that (one shot two or three kills).

Also aliens tend to likie certain areas so what i do is shoot a few explosive rouds in those areas. it usually causes alien massacre.

the next good thing is that sometimes you see an alie but they are not in the line of fire. well with HE ammo there is nothing more simple. you just shoot next to them and send them into alien hell.

Another plus is that you can afford to have a little lower aim %, and as a result you can have a primed grenade in the other hand.

sure there is "collateral damage" on terror mission, but afterall this is about survival of all man kind not some shop owners or tourists... :devil:

i do it even better in TFTD, because i know the maps and their "hiding" places better, so collateral damage there is much smaller. and i finish missions faster.

Ares 03-10-2008 03:34 PM

Tehy attacked me with sectoids (those little men) and cyberdiscs. A lot of both of them. I'll try again later ;)

The Fifth Horseman 03-10-2008 06:05 PM

Sectoids?! YOU... LOST... TO... SECTOIDS?!?!?!

Seriously, they're freaking wimps!

Cyberdiscs are another problem, but pack enough AP rounds there (Heavy Cannon/Auto Cannon), and they become a useful weapon themselves (the explosion on their death, see).

Japo 03-10-2008 07:53 PM

Strategically, one thing people usually do wrong (in my opinion) is enlisting as few soldiers as possible to get UFO raids done surgically. Myself, I fly 14 soldiers for every mission. There are other 6 at the base, basically as replacements, but if my base is attacked they'll help to defend (unless recovering from wonds). Defending a base with few soldiers is bad idea, far more so than in terror attacks, because you start so scattered and until you link your soldiers they're vulnerable and can be easily overwhelmed separately.

As for equipment, laser rifles are very good weapons, only second to heavy plasma--and you shouldn't equip all your soldiers with heavy plasma. Regarding armour, you're actually overdoing it. Equipping all your men with flying suits is a complete waste of resources. Equip only the best ones who can make the difference because of their accuracy, for the rest power suits is enough, and if there's someone who's worthless don't even waste a power suit and use him as cannon fodder up front--that is if you don't want to dismiss and hire a new one.

As for tactics, you must learn to be cautious. Don't try to advance as much as possible in each single turn making the most of TUs, rather play a greater number of shorter turns, move only from a safe position to another, never end a turn with your soldiers exposed. Think in terms of lines of sight for them and for the aliens. If you let them see you before you see them you'll be killed.

Ares 03-10-2008 09:38 PM

Thanks all for all of these tips. But what I don't do is sacrafice my own soldiers - each soldier killed will decrease morale.

Could you tell me what to buy/build at the very begining? Couse I'm always short on cash. (50 researchers, general store, living space (or sth like that), laboratory, large radar) and of course avalanche launcher/missiles + equipment (and soldiers). It all is very expensive if you want to buy everything.

And onother question - what level in UFO is the "beginer" level in TFTD?

Eagle of Fire 03-10-2008 11:09 PM

My own default team consist of 10 soldiers and 1 tank. The tank is basicaly the fodder. I use it mainly to scout, and it will seldomly fire at Aliens to kill them (I let my soldiers do that: I want them to improve their stats, what the tanks can't do). They are well armored (and the first basic AP tank is your most armored unit until you field power suits), thus able to get a few hits before going Kaput, and serve their first function very well: die and take shots instead of my real strenght, the squaddies themselves.

Plus, they are very usefull against bigger units like Reapers and Cyberdisk as their AP ammo is powerfull enough to soften them enough for the squaddies to get the kill with riffles.

I always designate 4 squaddies as "UFO Busters". Those squaddies have the best TU and Reaction combo of all my soldiers (accuracy is not that important in closed spaces) and their main purpose is to get inside the ufo and clean it out. They do help en route, but the other 6 squaddies are there to mop the rest of the map.

This combinaison usualy make a great, specialised result.

Edit: Ah yes... But you probably already know: Never leave the base without as many flares in your SkyRanger than you have squaddies. Look where your craft land, and if it's dark or night time then give one flare in the second hand of all your squadies. And don't forget to throw them to see the Aliens! Sectoids in particular see way better than your soldiers in night time. You need those flares to fight back and cut the advantage to your side...

The Fifth Horseman 04-10-2008 10:40 AM


But what I don't do is sacrafice my own soldiers - each soldier killed will decrease morale.
Who says anything about sacrificing them? Yes, you may have to risk them. Yes, every now and then your pointman goes behind a corner only to fave a Chryssalid. The risk is unavoidable.
But it's preferable to risk a single soldier than your entire team.


Could you tell me what to buy/build at the very begining? Couse I'm always short on cash. (50 researchers, general store, living space (or sth like that), laboratory, large radar) and of course avalanche launcher/missiles + equipment (and soldiers). It all is very expensive if you want to buy everything.
You don't need to have 50 scientists at the beginning of the game.
You don't need any engineers at the beginning either.
Wait with more expensive purchases till you get some UFO salvage - there will be a large surplus of alien weapons for you to sell (of course, never sell the clips).


And onother question - what level in UFO is the "beginer" level in TFTD?
The one on the top of the list. Unfortunately, TFTD is much harder than regular UFO (woe if you don't capture a live Deep One...)


My own default team consist of 10 soldiers and 1 tank. The tank is basicaly the fodder. I use it mainly to scout, and it will seldomly fire at Aliens to kill them (I let my soldiers do that: I want them to improve their stats, what the tanks can't do). They are well armored (and the first basic AP tank is your most armored unit until you field power suits), thus able to get a few hits before going Kaput, and serve their first function very well: die and take shots instead of my real strenght, the squaddies themselves.
Personally, if I take tanks (on the beginning, I usually do) it's the type armed with Rocket Launcher. Their accuracy sucks, but rockets are very handy at blowing away alien snipers.


I always designate 4 squaddies as "UFO Busters". Those squaddies have the best TU and Reaction combo of all my soldiers (accuracy is not that important in closed spaces) and their main purpose is to get inside the ufo and clean it out. They do help en route, but the other 6 squaddies are there to mop the rest of the map.
Personally, I do it a bit differently. That is, I secure entry points for the UFO and clear the rest of the map. Then all soldiers (switching to AP ammo to not destroy any artifacts) move into positions to flank anything that comes out the door. Kneel + reserve for aimed shot.
The aliens will keep coming for a while, so I just wait till there's about 10 turns without any alien sticking out their head. Motion Scanners are very handy in determining where the remaining few aliens (there usually are some) are holed up inside the craft. THEN I storm the craft itself.
Might not be the quickest way to do it, but it's mostly safe.

Eagle of Fire 04-10-2008 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 338897)
Personally, if I take tanks (on the beginning, I usually do) it's the type armed with Rocket Launcher. Their accuracy sucks, but rockets are very handy at blowing away alien snipers.

Snipers? There is no such things as "Alien Snipers"... They all can shoot your guys from the other side of the map, given the chance. And they usualy do (try to).

I don't like explosives in general. I only carry grenades on all my squaddies, but I seldomly use them. The only time a grenade is really usefull is when there is a whole bunch of Sectoids one next to the other (right... This happen so often. :laugh:) or at the beginning of the game to soften up a big ennemy unit like a Reaper or a Cyberdisk. Yeah, the Cyberdisk have too much armor to really hurt it much, but since the unit cover 4 spaces then the damage is x4... For the other situation, I've never met a situation in UFO where you could not put an Alien down with normal concentrated fire.


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 338897)
Personally, I do it a bit differently. That is, I secure entry points for the UFO and clear the rest of the map. Then all soldiers (switching to AP ammo to not destroy any artifacts) move into positions to flank anything that comes out the door. Kneel + reserve for aimed shot.
The aliens will keep coming for a while, so I just wait till there's about 10 turns without any alien sticking out their head. Motion Scanners are very handy in determining where the remaining few aliens (there usually are some) are holed up inside the craft. THEN I storm the craft itself.
Might not be the quickest way to do it, but it's mostly safe.

Ugh... That must be the most boring and time consiming method I've ever heard... I'd go crazy and stop playing after the first month if I was ever to do that. Plus, I barely have any casualties with my method either...

another_guest 04-10-2008 08:08 PM

During base defense, use 2-3 tanks to scout most of the areas, they can serve as cannon fodder. Have 2-3 soldiers follow each tank to have a good chance of shooting any alien the tank spots.
Make sure that you have a few soldiers with flying suits since often some aliens will stay on the second level of the access elevator and it's terribly annoying to try and shoot them from below.

Typical areas to find aliens in your base -apart from the corridors- are the hangars and the small rooms inside the hangars. Also those structures with a wide door in each direction; those seem to work like alien magnets. Crucial there is to gang up on these chokepoints; use a tank to drive through and open the doors, use soldiers coming from 2 directions to shoot whatever is inside. Don't be afraid to use some high explosives here...

To your question about what to build in the beginning of a game: 50 researchers and 2 labs is a bit expensive so early in the game. Better hire some engineers and have them produce medikits as soon as you researched those - they make for a good profit. Laser rifles are even more profitable.
Sell some of the loot you won't use or need. E.g. if you don't intend to use plasma pistols, sell all but 1 that you need to research. The same for alien corpses: sell all but 1 of a certain type. Early on you can even sell some plasma rifles or heavy plasmas since those will pile up fast - you won't need 20 of each until you have more than 1 base.
I would suggest not to sell the ammo though: you'll need it afterwards and producing it costs the ultra-rare elerium.

ianfreddie07 09-10-2008 12:03 PM

My simple strategy: I save in every turn in every mission.

I have 12 soldiers all in power suits, 5 with Laser Rifles, 4 with Plasma Rifles, 3 with Heavy Lasers (haven't researched Heavy Plasma yet). I have successfully defended my base with no casualties, I have invaded an alien base with no casualties either.

gregor 09-10-2008 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by ianfreddie07 (Post 339422)
My simple strategy: I save in every turn in every mission.

Yeah, but they consider it cheating. :notrust:

Eagle of Fire 09-10-2008 11:35 PM


My simple strategy: I save in every turn in every mission.

I have 12 soldiers all in power suits, 5 with Laser Rifles, 4 with Plasma Rifles, 3 with Heavy Lasers (haven't researched Heavy Plasma yet). I have successfully defended my base with no casualties, I have invaded an alien base with no casualties either.
You say that like you are proud of it. I don't save in a mission except for the first turn in case the game crash, and I more often than not end missions without a single casualty.

Yes, that include base attacks and defense. ;)

ianfreddie07 10-10-2008 10:47 AM

Well, I'm not up to par with your skill Eagle. I'll accept that. I'll try your strategy.

Eagle of Fire 10-10-2008 11:36 PM

Don't worry about that Ian. I used your save scumming strategy to get around the game the first time around. And I was probably your age too.

Strategy will only get you so far. The key here is patience. Always use the reserved quick shot and try to kneel your soldiers who have enough TU left to shoot at the end of the turn (you might want to use the reserved time to move instead, especialy if you're in a tight spot).

Then, try to keep your squaddies apart but a few squares of eachother max. This way they can cover themselves if something happen. You should never send a squaddie alone without support unless in special occasions. And most important of all: when you move somewhere and you expect an Alien behind the next corner, wait. Don't rush. You will get shot at less often if you have more TU to spend when the Alien spot you than the contrary.

AlumiuN 18-10-2008 05:10 AM

I think the link to the DOS version should probably be taken off the end of the review seeing as the game is sold now. :whistling:

The Fifth Horseman 18-10-2008 09:43 AM

Fixed. :)
Give the man a cookie. :)

dosraider 18-10-2008 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 340357)
Give the man a cookie. :)

He will have to take it from this one, good luck AlumiuN.


Originally Posted by gamesheet
but if you are looking for the DOS version, you can download it here

Is asking for a lot of posts where that 'here' is ......

AlumiuN 19-10-2008 07:45 AM

*grabs cookie*

I'm too fast for you.

Tank81 29-10-2008 09:43 AM

Great game but where is the link to download it ?

The Fifth Horseman 29-10-2008 09:58 AM


Now that you fell for my little joke, read the site FAQ and the forum rules- preferably before I hit you with a brick.

arete 29-10-2008 10:04 AM


*Hands Horseman a brick* :whistling: Be kind, darl.

AlumiuN 29-10-2008 07:43 PM


Hands Horseman a brick house. "Here, this should be plenty of ammo".

Spare52 10-11-2008 06:26 AM

Why can't you download

Why can't you download the game? What is the point of posting it up on your site if you cant download it?:notrust:

AlumiuN 10-11-2008 06:38 AM


A: It was downloadable until it was sold on Steam and

B: What the hey, it's a good game, a review is customary for good games. :thumbs:

The Fifth Horseman 10-11-2008 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Spare52 (Post 342075)
Why can't you download the game? What is the point of posting it up on your site if you cant download it?:notrust:

Perhaps it'll clear up the situation a bit when I tell you it was downloadable when it was added to the site.
We had to remove it recently, as we found out the copyright holder decided to re-release it on STEAM - offering sold games for download is against our site policy.

Another part of that policy is that the reviews remain on the site even if the actual game is not downloadable - Abandonia's primary purpose is to preserve the games, rather than being a free download site.
If we removed the review it would mean destoying the work of the person who wrote it - which would be a very stupid and asinine thing to do.

Furthermore, the status of any non-downloadable game may change. The copyright holder might release them as freeware to promote a new part of the series, for instance (Command & Conquer, anyone?). The source selling them might run out of copies or remove the game from its offer for a different reason. The protection period might expire. And so on.
So if we removed the review someone would have to write a new one from scratch when we'd be able to put the game up for download again, and adding it back in would take much longer - as opposed to five clicks in the admin control panel to correct the status of any game which has a review on the site.

laiocfar 28-11-2008 10:49 PM

Some where in the 318 pages of post it may be the reason to keep up talking about a game that isnt available to download

Picollo 03-12-2008 03:24 AM

i still play Ufo and X-com Terror From The Deep these days, two of my favourite games. Apocalypse sucks though.

djsc 06-01-2009 04:45 PM

hi, I'm new here; anyone know where to download this-it says 'download here' on the review page but can't see a link?
i also notice it is described as sold- steam has all except the 1st one though.

djsc 06-01-2009 04:47 PM

nevermind, sorry, didn't see the last post until I had posted.

AlumiuN 07-01-2009 06:56 AM

Yeah. Erm... admins, when I said it would be a good idea to remove the download link to the DOS version, I meant the whole line, not just the URL tags. :p

Dave 07-01-2009 11:01 AM

Fixed :p

riccso 31-01-2009 08:54 AM

UFO crashes on XP.How do I run it n DOSbox?

dosraider 31-01-2009 10:22 AM

riccso 31-01-2009 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by dosraider (Post 351067)

"This program cannot be run in DOS mode."
I have the Windows version, :doh:

Eagle of Fire 31-01-2009 10:46 PM

I always suggested in the past that people try to find the DOS version of the game and use it in DOSBox. Simply don't forget to save at the beginning of every battles (and possible before every battle too, on the Globe View): this game was a little buggy when it was released and it is prone to crashes.

Nothing to stop you enjoying it though. :)

laiocfar 02-02-2009 10:09 PM

You may save before the tactical starts. Crash inside the tactical battle rarely can be avoided by reloading.

Pint 14-02-2009 05:13 PM

Is there a patch that will let the game remember how you equiped your soldiers out from the last fight? Or change the order that they load in the transport? I think i remember reading about such a patch but cant seem to find it.

Thanks in Advance

jump 14-02-2009 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pint (Post 352741)
Is there a patch that will let the game remember how you equiped your soldiers out from the last fight? Or change the order that they load in the transport? I think i remember reading about such a patch but cant seem to find it.

Thanks in Advance

You need the xcomUTIL mod, just google it.

Pint 15-02-2009 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by jump (Post 352749)
You need the xcomUTIL mod, just google it.

Thanks for the info. I played a test run with this program and it added the statstrings to the names like it said but it still didnt save who had the rocket launcher or what not. Is there something I missed in reading the documentation or is there a setting that should be changed? I am playing the steam version currently.

Pint 15-02-2009 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pint (Post 352778)
Thanks for the info. I played a test run with this program and it added the statstrings to the names like it said but it still didnt save who had the rocket launcher or what not. Is there something I missed in reading the documentation or is there a setting that should be changed? I am playing the steam version currently.

Also instead of remembering where I set different weapons it changed it so that each soldier loads with a weapon in each hand if there are enough weapons to do so. 2 rifles for the win rambo style!

another guest 16-02-2009 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Pint (Post 352790)
Also instead of remembering where I set different weapons it changed it so that each soldier loads with a weapon in each hand if there are enough weapons to do so. 2 rifles for the win rambo style!

Be careful though because 1 rifle in each hand decreases your accuracy...

laiocfar 16-02-2009 02:33 AM

Thats on normal game, you can carry a rifle each hand but you can only fire once at time with decreased accuracy. But he is talking of using a mod to change the game. I am wondering how did he do to get the animation of the trooper carrying both rifles at time.

Pint 16-02-2009 04:07 AM

No the mod is xcomutil the weapon in each hand was a JOKE. What I want is a mod that will remember how I set up the equipment for each soldier, so this guy holds a heavy plasma has 2 clips in his belt and a high explosive on his left leg ect. Now xcomutil is supposed to do that, but after i set my troops up what happens instead of it remembering how I placed eq it gives weapons out and if there are any extra puts the extra in the off hand of the other soldiers. So I am wondering if it is because I have the steam version of xcom or if there is something I'm not setting. But the end result is not the set up as I laid it out the previous fight. Do I need to save in battlescape? Do I need to do something else to make this feature of xcomutil work.

Eagle of Fire 16-02-2009 04:39 AM

This is exactly how the original version of UFO should react.

There never was an option to allow the game to "remember" what to equip to whom. It was simply coded that way back in the days when it was a way simplier time.

The only way you could achieve something like this is with mods. Like XcomUtil.

I can't help you, I never use cheats...

leit 25-02-2009 06:58 AM

new game similar to UFO
There is a new game called gunrox That is very similar to ufo tactical part in gameplay. It is online multiplayer game, everyone has 3 soldiers and they can arm them as they want. When you gain levels you can allocate skillpoints and perks. Skillpoints make you better using a specific weapon group, damage and accuracy, and also allows you to use higher tier weapons. Perks can give you more health or more action points for example.

The game is free and you can play on a level field with players that do pay, but with cash you get some handy/nice options, like resetting skillpoints or perks, more item storage, customizable look of soldiers etc. You can also buy items with cash, but you can also loot items during games so if you are a decent player you dont really have to shop at all. Having said that, some builds require heavy shopping to work, for example you might be able to find one mine in one game average, so if you spec to mines you really need to shop them to effectively use them too.

You can also get veeery small amounts of ingame cash by reffing new people to the game, which is what I'm doing here but what I would really like is to make the game more known because the game is only fun if you have other people to play it with, and I'm getting so high level now its getting real hard :/ Anyway the game is awesome and you and your friends and mom should try it right away. Especially if you like jagged alliance or ufo or the like.

another_guest 27-02-2009 06:13 AM

There's also UFO: Alien Invasion which is being developed and whose beta versions are freely available.

I still have to try the copy of UFO extraterrestrials that I bought 1 or 2 years ago. Thanks to the crappiness of HP, its sub-par components and horrible drivers, even though I meet the minimum requirements the game won't work :rant:

Eagle of Fire 27-02-2009 11:08 PM

I have never found a UFO clone which was even close to a third as good as the Xcom serie...

I'd love to be proven wrong. Unfortunatly, I've already tried most clones.

ianfreddie07 27-02-2009 11:55 PM

Agreed with Eagle. I only played 10 minutes of UFO: Alien Invasion and got bored.

another guest 02-03-2009 04:49 AM

Yes, unfortunately UFO:AI doesn't have the same capturing atmosphere as the original series, though I find it to be a better clone than the afterlight, aftershock and similar releases.

Satans Son 02-03-2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Kosta (Post 283)
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

Is there a link to click on to download the game? I quite possibly am being dense, but I don't see a download option! I love this game, haven't played it since high school!


Mighty Midget 02-03-2009 01:12 PM

The game is a NO GO meaning it's protected/sold. Can't be downloaded, sorry.

The Fifth Horseman 02-03-2009 02:20 PM

The current copyright owner is selling the entire X-Com series on STEAM.

FUEL 03-03-2009 02:43 PM

it's only 14,99 for 5 games. shame it isnt free anymore but its an ok alternative t have all original :thumbs:games right?

Guest 06-07-2009 10:29 PM

Get it here :

For the Dos Version of the game.

UK_John 07-07-2009 08:30 AM

I have paid, over the years, about Ł100 to get the first three games when they first came out, paying full retail price. Yes that means I have the boxes and fat manuals, and they look good on my shelf, but the fact is I have got more entertainment out of these games over the last 10 years than any other Ł100 collection of games I have played!

Remember, games like X-Com have 100's of hours of entertainment in them, so you have to value them on that basis. I have never been a rich man, so gravitated to RPG's because they cost the same but gave 10 times the gameplay entertainment. It has always surprised me, given the greed of the games industry, that games like Morrowind and Oblivion and Fallout 3, with 100 hour gameplay minimums, aren't sold for Ł79.99! Mind you, maybe then the 12 hour games we get, like Left 4 Dead, Mirror Cracked and The Longest Journey: Dreamfall would have to retail at Ł9.99!!!!

Apocca 07-07-2009 07:48 PM

I bought X-Com with Master of Orion in 1 Box!
Both games where really worth the money. I replayed those games allot.

It's funny how those old games have such high replay value than those you have nowadays.

problems666 15-08-2009 09:28 PM

hey guys, i have windows xp and i cant dowload this game, it just says not compatable so can anyone please help a pc iliterate out.....

Luchsen 15-08-2009 09:42 PM

You can't download the game with any other operating system as well. Read the previous posts (so much for "PC" illiterate ^_^).

StevenC 17-08-2009 11:01 AM

Multiplayer version xcom ufo
Novadays there is also a free multiplayer version of this game (xcom ufo enemy unknown) called ufo2000. It enables players to fight against each other on the battlefield.

Luchsen 17-08-2009 11:27 AM

You mean the one we had a tournament for? ^_^

newbeeeee 21-08-2009 08:17 AM

help meeeeee
hey guys, i bought a laptop just so i could play this game, but i have windows xp and the cd i bought xcom on keeps crashing... and no sound... as im an idiot when it comes to pc,s i need help please

The Fifth Horseman 21-08-2009 11:20 AM

Here. :)

xuerebx 24-08-2009 08:51 PM

I was wondering how large is the actual game in megabytes? I still remember games just being a couple MB in size (heh, and they're around 7GB today!).

Thank you.

xuerebx 24-08-2009 08:53 PM

Sorry for this double post but I can't seem to find a way to edit my post.

Although my question is redundant now because I can't seem to find the download link on the webpage here I still would like to know how large the filesize should be.

TotalAnarchy 25-08-2009 05:23 AM

The size is specified there - 3322 KB.

The Fifth Horseman 25-08-2009 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by xuerebx (Post 380706)
Sorry for this double post but I can't seem to find a way to edit my post.

Although my question is redundant now because I can't seem to find the download link on the webpage here I still would like to know how large the filesize should be.

If the buylink feature was working correctly, you'd see a link to the STEAM online store where you can buy a legit copy of the game.

xuerebx 25-08-2009 11:00 AM

I see. Thank you lads.

aaberg 26-08-2009 11:43 AM

Wow, 322 pages of comments to this game!!

"Ufo - Enemy unknown" is truly one of the greatest and most popular games ever made. :thumbs:

Eagle of Fire 27-08-2009 02:49 AM

Welcome back Aaberg.

xuerebx 27-08-2009 12:09 PM

Well this is a great game indeed. I've got the Collector's Edition.

This turns hours into minutes...

Any other games in the series you would recommend? I know there's a lot of commotion when it comes to the other games (a major hate/dislike towards them).

hunvagy 27-08-2009 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by xuerebx (Post 381009)
Well this is a great game indeed. I've got the Collector's Edition.

This turns hours into minutes...

Any other games in the series you would recommend? I know there's a lot of commotion when it comes to the other games (a major hate/dislike towards them).

Terror from the Deep, the second game is still a pretty solid and nice game IMO. But it can get pretty hard if you don't pay attention :) The biggest problem is to know which weapons you can use in Land Operations, cause some of them only works underwater.

BranjoHello 31-08-2009 12:00 AM

I just don't see anything for my taste in this game. :oh:

Unregistered guest 02-09-2009 10:20 AM


You may be interested in those projects (in case you don't know them already): - open source x-com inspired game, stable version is quite outdated, look at forum for new builds - extender for original game, fixes bugs and adds new features - reimplementation of game engine, uses graphics from original game. Multiplayer (ufo vs x-com) is implemented. Author wants to implement single player in future.

Echelon117 08-10-2009 09:46 AM

Hey guys,

I am just wondering how many of you are totally bummed that UFO is no longer for download from here? I personally bought the game that is now for sale on STEAM and I have to say, their release of this game completely SUCKS.

It is slow, choppy, and the resolution looks horrible... The CE version that was for download on abandonia was MARVELOUS, it ran like a charm, its resolution was untouched, and it was just generally a hundred times better than what STEAM have released.

Could someone help me out? I really want to play this game again, I cannot play steams. I wish they had never obtained any rights to sell the game again..
It is not a matter of it being for sale... I would have purchased the Abandonia CE for anywhere up to $100.. I just feel STEAM have taken this game and ruined it.
If anyone knows where I can get this game, you can contact me on [EDITED] to discuss this, or if it is allowed to be discussed on this forum then just reply to my post.


Saccade 08-10-2009 11:23 AM

Have you played UFO: Afterlight..?

It's a good sequel to the XCOM/UFO games. I haven't got the older ones on cd, so I can't help. But I *do* have Afterlight, if you are running Windows...

I'll send you a PM when yr account's verified - Stick around, Echelon.

bobson 08-10-2009 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Echelon117 (Post 385020)
UFO is no longer for download from here?
is now for sale on STEAM

when game is available in a store - we do not host it, as it's not abandoned :)

Echelon117 08-10-2009 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by bob-satan (Post 385038)
when game is available in a store - we do not host it, as it's not abandoned :)

Yeah, I realize that. I'm just saying that I'm not very happy about it being sold on steam, because I purchased the game and it is very slow and choppy, and unplayable in my opinion.

When it was abandoned, the version that was free to download from this site was fantastic with no performance issues at all.
So I really hope their license to sell UFO runs out soon and it becomes abandonware again, and the original file can be put back on here!

I miss that original file immensely. STEAM can go to hell.

The Fifth Horseman 08-10-2009 03:47 PM

Check if the STEAM version uses DOSBox to run, please.
If it does, it's just a matter of some configuration tweaks.

justkc 12-10-2009 07:19 PM

Awesome old game, if you can find a copy, grab it. I'd prefer if an outlet that didn't require an internet connection sold it, but oh well, I have an old copy. DOS version > Windows in playability, stability.

This game really challenges me on higher difficulties - which is a good thing.

Suicide Boy 14-10-2009 04:42 PM

I'm fairly good with DOSBox and have been using it for years, but X-COM runs so fast, it's unplayable for me. (I got X-COM from Abandonia long before Steam started selling it; yes, I've been lurking for years, heh.) For example, the text entry cursor blinks so fast it's a blur, the Geoscape timer runs much faster than it should, and when I rotate the globe, it spins at ludicrous speed.

Unfortunately, turning the CPU cycles down never helps me in any games I play on DOSBox. Instead of slowing down smoothly, the video and audio start stuttering and skipping at intervals. The game does run more slowly, but obviously it doesn't matter at that point because the game play quality suffers too much.

I have a fairly powerful computer though, maybe it's just too doggone fast. Does anyone have any advice for me, though, for slowing down games on DOSBox without inducing skipping and such? Is there some obscure setting I don't know about?


Fortunately for me, I have the Amiga Forever emulator and I've got X-COM AGA installed on its hard drive. It runs 100% smoothly, just like on a real computer back in the day, but I'd still rather play the PC version because I hear there's a bug in the Amiga one that prevents finishing the game.


On a final note, I absolutely HATE how companies are "re-releasing" old MS-DOS games. Instead of reverse engineering them to run on XP, they just take DOSBox, run the original games on that, and charge money for it.

I used to be all for selling (former) abandonware commercially again, but all they REALLY seem to be doing is taking exactly what we already have in the abandonware scene, and charging money for it.

And the companies getting paid for it aren't even the original developers in almost all cases. AND, they screw up the DOSBox settings half the time.

The Fifth Horseman 14-10-2009 05:14 PM


I have a fairly powerful computer though, maybe it's just too doggone fast. Does anyone have any advice for me, though, for slowing down games on DOSBox without inducing skipping and such? Is there some obscure setting I don't know about?
If it runs too fast on the default dynamic core, change the config file with these values:


Then try adjusting the cycles up and down until you get an acceptable speed.


AND, they screw up the DOSBox settings half the time.
That's their problem, and since the people who paid for the "new" product are entitled to tech support for it... yeah. The companies will either make sure the employees responsible for the configs are semi-competent or quit the DOSBox re-release game.

Suicide Boy 14-10-2009 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 385538)
If it runs too fast on the default dynamic core, change the config file with these values:


Then try adjusting the cycles up and down until you get an acceptable speed.

I have, and I've also tried setting the CPU type to Pentium, 386, 486_slow, etc.

The globe rotation speed can get to around normal levels, but unfortunately, with the 5 SEC button pressed, time in the Geoscape still passes at 1 minute per real second, and the game in general is never smooth.

The Fifth Horseman 14-10-2009 08:24 PM

Hm. Tried wth core=full?

Suicide Boy 15-10-2009 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 385554)
Hm. Tried wth core=full?

I did, and tried a few other settings along with it. As before, the globe can get down to fairly normal speeds and the game isn't too choppy, but the clock runs two thousand percent faster than it should, and Tactical Mode doesn't work at all. I just get a black screen and the mouse cursor won't move. The music plays, but that's about it.

Speaking of, I checked and it seems I get a black screen and stuck mouse cursor in Tactical Mode on every setting. It's been awhile since I've tried to run X-COM (say about two years), and that's probably what caused me to abandon it back then after I tried a bunch of different tweaks and settings.

At first I thought maybe I had the Windows version and was trying to run it in DOSBox like a dunderhead, but I just double-checked and it's indeed the DOS version.

So my choices are to continue trying to configure it to run correctly somehow, buy the Windows version on eBay and hope I can get it to work properly, or buy the Steam version which, as far as I know, is the same one I have now.

All I can say is, I'm lucky that the Amiga emulator acts exactly like there's a little tiny Amiga sitting inside your computer screen. No "simulated" speed-up or slowdown needed, the virtual machine somehow runs at the same speed an actual, physical A500 or A1200 would. That includes long floppy loading times, heh. If not for that, I might not be able to play X-COM comfortably at all.


Oh, about what I said initially, I didn't mean that most games I use with DOSBox are either too fast or slow and choppy. I meant that there are some games I run that have extreme speed-up right off the bat, and I can never slow those down without ruining the gameplay with choppiness.

Thankfully I can run plenty of other games perfectly, or nearly so. Privateer, Martian Dreams, and System Shock are a few examples.

peedee 15-10-2009 08:38 AM


Here is the full dosbox config from the Steam version. (I cut out the REM statements to save space) :) Obviously, change the autoexec at the end to the correct path etc.

I have a quad core cpu and the game runs at exactly the speed I remember it on my 33MHz 486!!! :woot2:

Good luck, I hope this works!!!!

Steam version config

Integrated spoiler tags (they are not only useful to hide spoilers but also to keep the navigation intact when writing long texts ^_^ ). ~Luchsen

Suicide Boy 17-10-2009 06:43 AM

Hey, peedee, thanks a bundle, man... that configuration works almost without a hitch. I just had to set it to windowed mode and turn off graphics filters (I prefer unfiltered and windowed, that's all).

Looks like I still have a lot to learn about DOSBox configuration, I'll have to compare these and see what's different about them to learn how to slow down other games that cause problems.

Thanks again!

peedee 17-10-2009 09:28 AM

No worries! :)

Glad to be of service!!!! :max:

Unregistered michal 02-11-2009 09:47 AM


I would like to again introduce you to Ufo: The Two Sides project, which is remake of x-com.

This project has new website now:

Planned features (besides features from original game).

* Multiplayer – One person plays as humans, the other plays as Alien Invaders
* Singleplayer as either of sides. You can finally play as Ufo even in singleplayer mode
* Rebalanced and reworked tactical combat. Its no longer as much luck based as it was. Its more about tactics, positions and using some of the previously not popular items (smoke screen for example will be more useful)
* Extended research time for both sides. Earth weapons are no longer useful only for the first week or two of the game. Developing technologies in a smart and planned way counts!
* Reworked air combat making it possible to engage 4 vs 4 crafts at a time. Also, air battle is now determined not only by range of weapons, but also by speed of the craft. Even if you equip large distance weapons, you cannot hold enemy crafts away for infinite time.
* Keyboard shortcuts
* Small, yet interesting changes to races, mostly to give them more combat flavour, instead of just ufopedia flavor. Remember reading Celatid’s description? Their flavor text mentioned they can detect human brain waves. Celatids in Ufo: TTS will also! Making them act like a radar for Muton soldiers.
* Alien ranks gain more meaning. Medic will finally be able to help his mates.
* Game works on XP and VISTA (of the tested systems. Might work on other windows familiy systems)
* many, many more…

New screenshot from alien base:

Also some models of craft armaments:

You can see more models on main site.

Currently team is working on making new graphics for demo version.

Saccade 02-11-2009 01:03 PM

Nice - Thanks Michael. :OK:

another_guest 06-11-2009 12:37 AM

That looks very interesting indeed, I'll be keeping an eye on this!

I wish there were more of these projects out there, remaking and enhancing some of those golden oldies that were somehow never overshadowed by more recent titles...

me_lobo 06-11-2009 08:45 AM

Looks fantastic.

I've been searching for the remake of the X-COM:TFTD since I cant finish the original DOS game (waste maps makes it very slow and very often I cant find the last enemy).

Anyone knows about project related to the second part?

Eagle of Fire 06-11-2009 02:27 PM

I have never reloaded a game because I could not find an ennemy.

The thing is, you need to look in places you would not think about finding an ennemy. Like a hole in the deck of a ship trapping a NightOne, or an ennemy which spawned behind walls... That's when it is time to prime grenades and go Alien hunting. :sneaky:

Don't forget, Aliens usually always spawn at or around the same place...

Saccade 07-11-2009 02:18 PM

Or the "level display" thing makes them invisible, unless you're on that level...

Sometimes you have to choose to display all the different heights, as a disc or floater will be hovering (having run away) in some hidden corner that is not accessible by yr troops.
One that's not somewhere they can walk to, like they can on roofs or in buildings - shooting out the windows.

Then it's just one shot to take out the crippled foe and "WIN!".

Eagle of Fire 09-11-2009 08:44 PM

I also just remembered the crappy "motion sensors"... A lot of people take those motion sensor for cash... But in reality, they are more often an hindrance than any kind of help.

The motion sensors will only show you something which has moved the previous turn... It won't help you to find Aliens which didn't move at all. Not only does that happen often for Aliens but you could also fall on a case of an Alien panicking and doing nothing but losing all its APs... Which will tend to happen a lot after you have killed its 12 or so friends. The motion sensor won't help at all in such a case.

Another problem a lot of rookies have is that they don't understand how the LoS works. You need to right click around to make your squaddie look around, and every tick cost you one AP. A lot of rookies end up passing by Aliens because they supposedly want to "save on AP" that way... And either end up dead or miss aliens which now run amok behind the squaddies line.

Xcom is really a gem: easy to play but night impossible to master. :p

BiffaloBuff 20-11-2009 03:53 PM

Programming oversight
Hey! I just researched a reaper. Why can't I manufacture one now? I want to send a gift to the governor over here.

Eagle of Fire 20-11-2009 05:59 PM

Aren't Reapers big ugly yellow-orangeish aliens?

If you did an autopsy then there is nothing much to do with that...

Sarin 21-11-2009 07:07 AM

Yep, reapers are those ugly brown two-legged beasts. You can autopsy them or research a live one, but those are just ufopaedia entries. Nothing else. They'd be quite useless anyway.

BiffaloBuff 21-11-2009 10:27 PM

Thanks SO much for the insightful replies to the reaper query, which of course was completely serious. I'll send the governor a dozen Snakeman eggs instead. He'll like them.

Sarin 21-11-2009 11:52 PM

Send him a Chryssalid instead, you'll get back two :D

another_guest 22-11-2009 08:14 AM

Yeap, sometimes researching some alien life-form doesn't yield any result other than a bit more knowledge of how to best kill the thing... which is not so bad in itself :rocket::rifle:

I remember a friend of mine getting stuck with a savegame where he was up against mutons (those tough green & purple ones) using rifles. Yes rifles, not laser or plasma rifles but rifles.

The Fifth Horseman 22-11-2009 08:27 AM

That's not so bad, if you're carrying enough heavy weapons.

Zaru 22-11-2009 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by another_guest (Post 389066)
I remember a friend of mine getting stuck with a savegame where he was up against mutons (those tough green & purple ones) using rifles. Yes rifles, not laser or plasma rifles but rifles.

That may happen on higher difficulty settings. I remember that my rifle troops met mutons once but were able to make through due to the presence of auto and heavy cannons in the squad, which work quite well against those aliens. The problems began when ethereals arrived (in the first month) who, despite their description in ufopaedia, I find as physically tough as mutons. For me, ethereals are mutons armed not only with hi-tec weaponry but also with psi powers and super mechs aka sectopods. Now, -they- are the problem when you're still using projectile weapons and don't even know your soldiers' psi resistance.

another_guest 22-11-2009 03:36 PM

Exactly the reason why I always included a few autocannons and 2 rockets launchers early on. And made the switch to laser rifles as soon as possible.

The hardest point for me was always when heavy psi powers started being used + the first appearance of Chryssalids and those terrible disks. Though now that you mention sectopod, those were indeed really tough as well.

The Fifth Horseman 22-11-2009 04:20 PM

Personally I rely on having one heavy weapon per every three soldiers, with Autocannons and Heavy Cannons in equal numbers.
Also two clips of AP and two of HE ammo for each of these weapons per mission.

Eagle of Fire 22-11-2009 04:43 PM

Exactly. I often meet muttons and always meet flying disks and reapers when I still use the starting riffles. What you need to do then is to switch your heavy and autocannons to inciendiary ammunitions for reapers and explosive ammunition for flying disks.

It's all the matter of researching all the autopsy files and having a good memory when trying to beat the game to its own game. :p

mtuan 07-12-2009 02:45 PM

Hi all. Great to see this thread. Reading this topic bring a lot of satisfaction nearly as playing the game itself.

I started to play Xcom1 again last week and I was hooked again, as usual. 5 hours of playing non-stop.

And another thing: a lot of players have uploaded their X-com missions on youtube.

X-com: ufo defence - final mission (DOS): Victory in Cyndonia on first turn

X-COM Enemy Unknown #01 'Beginnings'

X-COM Enemy Unknown #02 'Sectoids'

X-COM Enemy Unknown #03 'Russian Terror!'

all from user Necroscope86

X-COM Enemy Unknown #55 'Busty'

X-COM Enemy Unknown #56 'Stocking up'

X-COM Enemy Unknown #57 'Failing and crashing'

X-COM Enemy Unknown #60 'The Great Research'

X-COM Enemy Unknown #63 'Damn Chinese...'

lots of them for you to watch... Really fun!:thumbs:

BiffaloBuff 15-12-2009 05:48 PM

The real treat about XCOM is applying game themes to real life situations. For example, I'm a born loser with women. But the psionic skills I've picked up enable me to convince the luscious local ladies that they adore me. And ever since I acquired my pet sectopod, previously unpleasant neighbors have been much less bothersome.

Unregistered michal 26-01-2010 12:10 PM


Sorry for interrupting this topic, but i wanted to give you small update of UFO: The Two Sides (x-com remake).

Thanks to new graphic artist, game is getting new remade tiles. He already remade tiles for sectoid, ufo, barn and cultivat.
Here are comparison screenshots, one with new old tiles, one with new (both versions feature new gui):

New graphics will be optional, there would be possibility to play with old one.

The Fifth Horseman 26-01-2010 12:20 PM

:OK: Awesome. :D

kad3t 19-03-2010 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by mtuan (Post 390292)

all from user Necroscope86


Now, these are awesome videos, man! I also found similar let's play's for Terror from the Deep done by the guy going by the name of kikoskia on YT. They're simillar in humorous approach and commentary. However even though being friends (supposedly) they both use tottaly different strategies and tactics in the game.

kad3t 19-03-2010 05:11 PM

I'm sorry for asking here but you're an unregistered user, so there's no way of getting in touch with you by PM, but are you Polish by any chance?

_r.u.s.s. 20-03-2010 01:19 AM

that peter griffin avatar does really go with you

kad3t 20-03-2010 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 400398)
that peter griffin avatar does really go with you

Let's say that him & I share the same hopes and dreams for the future.
Well, to clarify let me say that I wanna achieve what he did already. When I grow old, I'd like to be fat and stupid. ^__^

Cause it's fun. ^__^

Anyway, since we're still in a UFO thread I'd like to ask purely out of interest wether what spawn and when spawn in the game is based on any user controlled factors or is it tottaly random? What I'm talking about here is wether end of month ratings have anything to do what kind of encouters one has with UFOs (terror, ships or bases) and their frequence.

For instance I've had, if I remember correctly one OK month, one Good and then three Excellent ones in the row. And in corespondence to that at first I had mainly ships encounters then for about two maybe two and a half months virtually no ships just terror sites and alien bases and now I'm swarmed with loads (and I mean LOADS here) of ships, plenty of terror sites and some bases. To me it seems like the better one does the more game throws at him/her... But I have no proof hence my asking here. ^__^

The Fifth Horseman 20-03-2010 12:57 PM

That's correct. The game responds to how well are you doing by cranking up the enemy activity.

kad3t 20-03-2010 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 400433)
That's correct. The game responds to how well are you doing by cranking up the enemy activity.

Well, it's good that I sorted out the issue with money then. Pity the game still craps out my save files but it happens approx. every 5-10hrs of game time, so it's not tragic - at least not until it'll kill all the save files in one go. ^__^

Maestrotogo 27-03-2010 08:47 PM

I hate Chrysalids :omg:

This game needs to be remade like today! :lust:

I miss Microprose :dunno:

The Fifth Horseman 27-03-2010 11:27 PM

There are several fan projects aiming to do just that.

Also, this:

Also. There seems to be a Russian translation of Diane Duane's official licensed novel floating around:
It IS in Russian, but can be translated using Google Translate (not all at once, though - each time it's refreshed it goes a little further) http://translate.googleusercontent.c...Q8QRWFtvnQ84DQ

LordZsar1 30-03-2010 12:24 PM

And for those familiar with the german language also:

It is not really a remake, tough, rather a new game.

ianphillips2347 17-04-2010 10:52 PM

I've always really wanted to play this game and today, I decided to get buy it from GOG....I regret not getting it sooner.

It's an awesome game - I don't exactly have the best tactics (basically it involves rolling out the Rocket Tank to take down all the alien guys outside the ship and then sending in the 'marines' to do the clearing inside). It's not pretty but so far no fatalities for us.

I've found doing the ones in the cities a lot harder though (stupid side streets and alley ways too small for my tank!!! lol) but it's great fun going from building to building trying to find them while having civys running about.

Doing the alien autopsy's is really interesting too as you get the chance read a little about the buggers that nearly got you in the last battle (came across some floating disc things in the last one and they were pretty resilient - haven't completed the research on them yet so don't really know that much about them yet lol).

Thanks to research I've just managed to get my brave guys some funky personal armour and a medi-kit (yep, just the one...they have to share it among themselves....I like to think of the guy that starts with it as my 'medic'.......well, that's actually my excuse for being to tight to develop some more).

What a great classic. Really getting into it and cant wait to get some more research done.

Is there much variation in landscape, interiors, etc as the game progresses or does it stay pretty much as it is throughout?

kad3t 17-04-2010 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by ianphillips2347 (Post 402900)
I've always really wanted to play this game and today, I decided to get buy it from GOG....I regret not getting it sooner.

UFO is an AWESOME game and an old time classic. The balance between strategic planning and tactical team based gameplay is just perfect. If you're enjoying this, you'll also love the successor - X-COM Terror from the Deep.

[quote=ianphillips2347;402900]It's an awesome game - I don't exactly have the best tactics (basically it involves rolling out the Rocket Tank to take down all the alien guys outside the ship and then sending in the 'marines' to do the clearing inside). It's not pretty but so far no fatalities for us.[/QUOTES]

Well, I could give you a couple of tips if you'd like but honestly the best part of the game is to find out all those little yet important things by yourself. What is crucial though is to pick your team carefully when you start the game (based on soldiers stats - hire & fire if necessary) & then try to keep them all alive as much as you can cause the more missions they go through and more aliens they kill their stats will go up dramaticaly. I mean by the time I went on the final mission I had three out of my initial chosen eight soldiers still with me and all of them had like ~190APs & 85+ Accurancy...


Originally Posted by ianphillips2347 (Post 402900)
I've found doing the ones in the cities a lot harder though (stupid side streets and alley ways too small for my tank!!! lol) but it's great fun going from building to building trying to find them while having civys running about.

Terror missions tend to be a bit more demanding then the regular crash sites. However for me alien bases were initialy the toughest. On the other hand, after a while I had nearly two months (in game time) of just alien bases with no crash sites or terror missions at all and this sort of helped me develop my tactical approach towards these.


Originally Posted by ianphillips2347 (Post 402900)
(...) Thanks to research I've just managed to get my brave guys some funky personal armour and a medi-kit (yep, just the one...they have to share it among themselves....I like to think of the guy that starts with it as my 'medic'.......well, that's actually my excuse for being to tight to develop some more).

I think having one medic per 3/4 troops is a good balance however people here will probably advise you otherwise. ^__^


Originally Posted by ianphillips2347 (Post 402900)
(...) Is there much variation in landscape, interiors, etc as the game progresses or does it stay pretty much as it is throughout?

Well, most cities have same tiles just with a different layout. As for crash sites the graphics are dependant on the area you shot down the alien ship over. It will look different in Africa, North Pole or Central Europe and so on... There's also alien bases & your own, that is if you ever get attacked by them...

All in all I do agree with you that it's an awesome game! I just completed it again after years a week or so ago and am slowly preparing myself to jump into part two... ^__^

For some entertaining playthrough of UFO - use it more as an entertainment than actual tactical guideline - I'd like to direct you towards a guy called Necroscope86 on youtube. His playthrough is real fun.

eugene425 15-08-2010 05:01 PM

Great old game.:OK:

twillight 18-08-2010 06:43 AM

I HATE this game.
You just play all along to the end, WHEN it turns out you have a hidden score of mindcontrolling, and THEN you find out half of your elite crew has almost 0 in that, so therefor you just CAN NOT finish the game, because everyone at the alien planet start mindcontrolling. And no, you don't even have the chance train other guys instead, because after the 100th UFO-landing the game freezes out when you go to the crashsite.

Shitty design.

Japo 18-08-2010 08:13 PM

That you're not good at it doesn't mean it's bad ;)

BostonGeorge 18-08-2010 09:52 PM

@Japo Exactly :3:

Nothing can beat the mighty X-COM!

Panthro 18-08-2010 10:08 PM

Several remakes on the way, for those that are interested.

The one I'm currently beta testing is UFO: The Two Sides, which allows for multiplayer and single player as the Aliens!


another_guest 19-08-2010 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Panthro (Post 412139)
Several remakes on the way, for those that are interested.

The one I'm currently beta testing is UFO: The Two Sides, which allows for multiplayer and single player as the Aliens!


Would you happen to know if there's still room for more beta testers?
I asked twice on the TTS forum but never got any response, just like a few other people on there who would be willing to help out on testing.
It does look promising, especially seeing the discussions they are having on improvements over the original game.

twillight 19-08-2010 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by another_guest (Post 412165)
they are having on improvements over the original game.

I hope they'd insert showing the mind-skill right at the start. It's not fun when it turns out that only 3 of your 20 soldiers have enough mental power to not be controlled by the UFOs in the final mission... And of course all of them are only rookies instead of your highest-rank ones.

Unregistered_69gkjert 19-08-2010 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by another_guest (Post 412165)
Would you happen to know if there's still room for more beta testers?
I asked twice on the TTS forum but never got any response, just like a few other people on there who would be willing to help out on testing.
It does look promising, especially seeing the discussions they are having on improvements over the original game.

Those are open beta tests... you just download the game and play.

another_guest 19-08-2010 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered_69gkjert (Post 412182)
Those are open beta tests... you just download the game and play.

Thanks! Downloading it right now :)
Now I have to find the time to start playing this gem...

Panthro 19-08-2010 05:07 PM

Yup, open beta. Version 0.93 is the latest, just register for the forums if you want to contribute.

eugene425 19-08-2010 05:46 PM

full score

Originally Posted by Panthro (Post 412203)
Yup, open beta. Version 0.93 is the latest, just register for the forums if you want to contribute.

I have been download that file But game is not run/
What to do now?:wacko:

The Fifth Horseman 19-08-2010 07:59 PM

Unpack. Start extractor.bat and point it to where you've got the original game unpacked on your hard drive (it needs that for sounds and graphics). Press exit when it finishes. Run UFO.EXE to start the game.

Japo 19-08-2010 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by twillight (Post 412166)
I hope they'd insert showing the mind-skill right at the start. It's not fun when it turns out that only 3 of your 20 soldiers have enough mental power to not be controlled by the UFOs in the final mission... And of course all of them are only rookies instead of your highest-rank ones.

You have to react and improvise, marine. I think it makes sense from a story-telling point of view. What you say is like saying that Mutons are hax because they're far tougher than Sectoids and they aren't harmed by normal firearms, but they're revealed later well into the game.

My strategy implied three complete squads in three different bases. By the time I learnt the psi strength of my men, I just re-distributed them so that the psi-strongest are in one of the bases, from which I always launch missions against psi-enabled aliens (Ethereals or Sectoids).

You can learn which soldiers are psi-weakest even before you research psi. Any of your soldiers that is psi-attacked and fails to resist, mark him and transfer him to another base if necessary.


Originally Posted by Japo (Post 210721)
My strategy involves covering the whole world, and goes as follows. First base in Europe, second in Eastern Asia and Third in North America. The order is dictated by the addition of the covered countries' contribution to X-Com. In the long term all of them get full operational facilities and personnel.

Among my soldiers I select one third of them with the greatest psionic strength, and put them in Europe, which is closest to the other two. When the mission is against Sectoids or Ethereals, I launch from Europe and my squad is then impervious to psionic attacks.

The rest of the world is covered by cheap radar-only bases in Africa, South America, Australia and the North Pole, which can include stores so that I can free some slots occupied by storage facilities in the operational bases.

eugene425 20-08-2010 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 412220)
Unpack. Start extractor.bat and point it to where you've got the original game unpacked on your hard drive (it needs that for sounds and graphics). Press exit when it finishes. Run UFO.EXE to start the game.

Thank you very much, the Fifth.:woot: This is good advice. Now I'm going to do:idea: (We have morning, the day has just begun).

Unregistered_69gkjert 20-08-2010 07:22 AM

Game should run without the extractor too. If you can't run it, im afraid your pc is not enought (not having pixel shaders 2.0 or such)

another_guest 20-08-2010 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Panthro (Post 412203)
Yup, open beta. Version 0.93 is the latest, just register for the forums if you want to contribute.

Thanks, I've been around on those forums for a year now, contributing mainly in discussions about balancing, improvement and game music :idea:

eugene425 20-08-2010 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 412220)
Unpack. Start extractor.bat and point it to where you've got the original game unpacked on your hard drive (it needs that for sounds and graphics). Press exit when it finishes. Run UFO.EXE to start the game.

Done/I click, but the game freezes.:sick:
Started. It has long appeared to be running, but still started.

The Fifth Horseman 20-08-2010 05:57 PM

It takes a while to start up, yeah.

eugene425 20-08-2010 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 412304)
It takes a while to start up, yeah.

Another problem: the game run: working economic model, but only flies a ranger for a broken UFOs. Invitation to start the mission and the answer: yes the game freezes. At this time a long time.:whops:

Panthro 21-08-2010 12:27 AM

It would be best if you checked out the game forums, they'll be more likely to give you better help for your problem.

The Fifth Horseman 21-08-2010 02:56 PM

Eugene, it's a BETA. Not a finished game. They're still working on it. :)

eugene425 22-08-2010 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 412387)
Eugene, it's a BETA. Not a finished game. They're still working on it. :)

No, I think the whole thing in the system requirements: they are too high for me. Apparently I need to format the drive c and reinstall Windows.:OK:

The Fifth Horseman 22-08-2010 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by eugene425 (Post 412454)
No, I think the whole thing in the system requirements: they are too high for me. Apparently I need to format the drive c and reinstall Windows.:OK:

Whoever told you that has no idea what they are talking about. Or they told you that because they wanted you to mess up your machine.

another_guest 23-08-2010 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by eugene425 (Post 412324)
Another problem: the game run: working economic model, but only flies a ranger for a broken UFOs. Invitation to start the mission and the answer: yes the game freezes. At this time a long time.:whops:

As a reference: I'm able to run the game on a laptop (2.2 GHz, 2GB RAM, integrated graphics card, Vista) so if your pc's specifications are at least that, you should be able to play the game just fine.

eugene425 23-08-2010 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 412455)
Whoever told you that has no idea what they are talking about. Or they told you that because they wanted you to mess up your machine.

Not really, you're absolutely right, but I was referring to the format of the disc. So after this will also delete all the rubbish:OK: on the disc.

Originally Posted by another_guest (Post 412503)
As a reference: I'm able to run the game on a laptop (2.2 GHz, 2GB RAM, integrated graphics card, Vista) so if your pc's specifications are at least that, you should be able to play the game just fine.

Looks like the whole thing in RAM. For a comfortable gameplay needs a minimum of one gigabyte operatives.

another_guest 25-08-2010 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by eugene425 (Post 412558)
Looks like the whole thing in RAM. For a comfortable gameplay needs a minimum of one gigabyte operatives.

It will depend on your operating system and how much background services you're running.
I checked early in a UFO TTS game and it was taking up 372 MB of RAM.

Palocles 08-03-2011 04:44 AM

Wow, 330 pages, ostensibly, about XCom! And a few about remakes but whatever.

I only read the first 20 and last 10 though but there was some interesting discussion at the begining (five years ago, hehe).

I recently downloaded copies of Enemy Unknown, TFTD and XCom3 (they are easy to find if you ask the new god, Google.) and then DLed a dos version of XCom1. Turns out the XP version doesn't work on Vista.

I first got XCom 2 or 3 years ago and played it all night! Good to not have a job sometimes. But i didn't havee the trouble that some people seemes to have with getting their guys killed an stuff. I played for a month (gametime) or two before i started saving every round to keep my guys alive. It kinda feels like cheating but it sucks to lose all that experience they get.

It never occured to me to hire heaps of marines then sack the ones with poor stats though. I never seemed to have enough trouble with any of them but that's probably because of the turn by turn saves. I never quite got to the point of developing the psi training though either.

I also never realised you could change the marines names! I thought they were fixed and i really liked the character it gave, especially when you knew Kenji Ishi was your bad arse. In my new game i seem to have a couple of russian brothers and a husband and wife team. It is handy to append info to the end of their names though, like strength stats so you can see who'll be ok with heavy weapons.

I would always fan my squad out from the dropship as i covered the map. I check averywhere outside before moving inside to finish the mission. I make sure i have plenty of cover too though. I found it worked well to have marines leapfrog each other, with one a half move in front of the next, then move the back guy infront to clear more 'fog of war' and if he spotted an alien the second guy would have enough TUs to take it out.

I didn't use tanks all that often as i thought they were pretty expensive (which is contrary to a lot of people) and they don't benefit from kill XP while they do deny it from the marines. I do like to use them for clearing fog of war though, unkless they get destroyed.

A couple of strange things happened in that first play through too. I haven't played enough yet, this time to see if they repeat. The most distressing was when my base was attacked, which was fine, but none of my marines had any of their regular weapons! It's like the Skyranger dropped them off and left with their gear. I had to use the stuff in my stores, after crossing dangerous ground, unarmed to get it. The tanks helped here though.

The other thing was after i was using a Lightning. When i was on the battle scape i could make my marines walk out of any wall of the ship, as though they weren't there. This has to be a glitch, right?

Anyway, i'm really looking forward to playing again and hopefully finishing this time, it might take some time though. Anyone else playing again now?

I also tried out TFTD and XCom3 for a little while to see what they are like. TFTD seems pretty good (but it's the same style as XCom) with a nice twist. XCom3 seems like it should be good but i don't really like the interface. It seems to be a lot more difficult to use and the armour looks butt ugly too.

That XCom:TTS looks like it could be awesome too.

Eagle of Fire 08-03-2011 06:26 AM

Xcom3 has been designed for the real time mode. It is with this mode that it really get interesting.

I have found the turn based version of Xcom3 lacking in every aspect. The weapons are simply not balanced for that mode and a few well placed bazooka shots can take out an army with very few squad members as opposed to real time in which a big enough squad usually have enough time to concentrate firepower on the single guy and kill him in his track before he do much damage.

Other weapons such as the boomeroid also cause problems in the turn based mode since a single squaddie can make it move and explode while in real time your squad have time to fan out and avoid most of the damage... If not mislead the boomeroid completely.

Palocles 08-03-2011 07:15 AM

That's interesting. I only played it for two tactical battles, one on real time and one on turn based but i didn't want to get into it before finishing the previous two versions.

So i didn't see any boomeroids (that i know of) and got totally owned by some head eaters and spitting slug things that are on the loading graphic. I think the learning curve is steeper on real time than turn based. Though beng able to pause time helps.

I mean to say in the last post, which was long enough anyway, that i never bothered with laser weapons before. I researched the plasmas as soon as i could and took on all comers with plasma rifles.

The Fifth Horseman 08-03-2011 08:11 AM

Yeah, Brainsuckers permamently take over your troops.
UNLESS the trooper in question is an android. :D

Eagle of Fire 08-03-2011 05:37 PM

The thing is that the game prevent you from accessing inventory when someone have a brain eater on him... But there is two workarounds for this: 1) you should never send squaddies alone anyways. The other members of his group should have ample time to kill the thing, assuming you manually target the alien for them and you set them to autofire (quickfire).

Autofire work for every weapon in this game... What it really means is that the squaddie won't take time to aim and his aim may be drastically lowered when he does unless he have an incredibly high shooting skill. At the very end of the game most of my (old) squaddies can fire most weapons with normal or even autofire without even losing accuracy... It is then a matter of deciding how fast I actually want them to shoot versus ammo usage.

2) If you have more than one squaddie alive, simply pause the game and go into another squaddie inventory. Then click on the name of the poor soul on the right and you'll magically have access to his inventory. You can then switch weapon(s) for a grenade and set it to blow up immediately then drop it on the ground. The squaddie will probably be injured from this blast but the brain eater will without a doubt die in the explosion. This is of course better to use this strategy when you have a lone squaddie stranded alone somewhere... That's why I always equip all my squaddies with at least one explosion grenade. It saves lives, especially the lives of trained soldiers.

You have access to the best human made armor from the get go in this game. Marsec armor, which comes about one week later after starting the game, is too weak to be used on anybody short of those who have an awful strenght score. The torso can be useful if you want flying squaddies but the armor is not good enough to stand most Alien weapons hit to maximize survivability. And in this game, unlike other X-com games, you want your men to survive because their stats improve directly with their kills and fresh recruits always suck. In the mid game you should have your full trained squad with replacements and use training facilities to get recruits up to speed before sending them into the fray.

At the beginning of the game, the Aliens are quite weak and they have poor or no weapons at all. You should have at least one squad member per group with a machine gun, especially those who have poor accuracy. It fires so fast in auto mode that it won't matter if you spray the whole room while firing at close range. Squadies with high accuracy and high strenght should be given the sniper laser rifle and those with high accuracy and low strenght should be given the autocannon or whatever the name.

This setup may sound awkward but it is the best way to ensure that most of your squadies even up by the time you need them to fight real opponents. Use mainly sniper riffles for long range, autocannons for med range and machine guns for close range. Sniper rifles work best at long range with aimed shots, same for autocannons at med range and machine guns with autofire at close range. Change weapon mode liberally depending of the situation as even the earth weapons are subject to availability as far as ammo goes.

Palocles 09-03-2011 06:31 AM

I was under the impression the head eater thing permanently turned the trooper bad. Are you suggesting you can get the thing off and 'rescue' the trooper? Is it posible to do this by having another trooper throw a grenade at the turned troop?


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 424251)
And in this game, unlike other X-com games, you want your men to survive because their stats improve directly with their kills and fresh recruits always suck. ...

Unlike other XComs?! In all versions of the game you want the marines to survive! And they all get better in the same way. The experience system is rather good, i think.

A different question now.

In the few battlescape missions i have done since replaying XCom i have scored "OK". Is it posible to score "Excellent" or "Great"? I suppose it is due to the limited number of aliens on the ships you get at the beginning?

another_guest 20-03-2011 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Palocles (Post 424283)
... A different question now.

In the few battlescape missions i have done since replaying XCom i have scored "OK". Is it posible to score "Excellent" or "Great"? I suppose it is due to the limited number of aliens on the ships you get at the beginning?

Definitely and indeed, with smaller UFOs you simply don't get to an "excellent" score because of the few aliens involved. Wait until you meet your first battleships :OK:

Dinic 14-07-2011 09:19 AM

This is the best game, period.
I remember playing this to death.
My tactic was to keep the first team till the end of game(if someone died,load a savegame, and that's it), if I remember corectly you get 8 team members, and ship can carry 12, so first I bough 4 of soldiers. Then you get better ships and it can carry 14 men, but 12 was enough for me, and that little tanks or whatever they were caled were waste of money and time, they just sucked.

Dave 14-07-2011 12:45 PM

I think you understimated them, tanks can be a strong support to your soldiers if you know how to use them :p. They can't be scared or controlled by aliens and if you spend money on reserch you can also upgrade them with laser and plasma weapons. And plasma tanks are like hovercrafts and can even fly.
They can't substitute soldiers but they are a valid support IMHO. :)

The Fifth Horseman 14-07-2011 02:50 PM

Tanks are convenient to fill extra spaces in your transporters when you start running out of the item limit (and you will run out, seeing as an Avenger has a total of 22 transport spaces).
The Rocket Launcher one, in particular, counts as a single item and has no reload time vs the infantry version of Rocket Launcher - which would need a total of 9 items including the ammo to have as many shots as a tank has, and a single soldier could only carry 5 rockets at most (including having one loaded into the RL at the start.

twillight 14-07-2011 03:43 PM

I wonder how this game gained ANY popularity considering it has a hidden stat, if in what your soldiers lack you'll not be able to solve the final mission (the whole goal of the entire game), this stat can only be seen AFTER you hire a crew, and even then only at LATE PHASE of the game!

zirkoni 14-07-2011 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dinic (Post 430718)
little tanks or whatever they were caled were waste of money and time, they just sucked.

Later in the game I use the plasma tanks as scouts. All my men usually stay in the ship and use psionic attacks against the aliens. This way I could easily finish a mission on the first turn. And the stats of my men are usually almost maxed out at this point so there's no reason to risk losing them in battle.


Originally Posted by twillight (Post 430738)
I wonder how this game gained ANY popularity considering it has a hidden stat, if in what your soldiers lack you'll not be able to solve the final mission (the whole goal of the entire game), this stat can only be seen AFTER you hire a crew, and even then only at LATE PHASE of the game!

You'll always have some men with high psi strength (they usually have high bravery as well).
I don't see any problem with not knowing this stat from the beginning. In fact, I think it just makes the game more interesting.

twillight 14-07-2011 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by zirkoni (Post 430747)
You'll always have some men with high psi strength (they usually have high bravery as well).
I don't see any problem with not knowing this stat from the beginning. In fact, I think it just makes the game more interesting.

Oh, how COOL is when you have 3 GROUNT soldier in the final mission, and the oher 17 GENERALS are controlled by the aliens!
I wonder why people sometimes don't see any problem with the case.

Japo 14-07-2011 06:07 PM

I suppose if it weren't a game and aliens really invaded the Earth, you'd complain to them too, "No fair!" :P I guess an adventure game would also be bad if it had any surprise in the plot.

The USMC say, "Improvise, Adapt and Overcome."

zirkoni 14-07-2011 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by twillight (Post 430749)
Oh, how COOL is when you have 3 GROUNT soldier in the final mission, and the oher 17 GENERALS are controlled by the aliens!
I wonder why people sometimes don't see any problem with the case.

If that happens then you'll probably lose the game :ouch:

Also, don't take those weak minded generals in the final mission. By that time you should know which ones of your soldiers can be controlled by the aliens.

Eagle of Fire 14-07-2011 06:56 PM


I wonder why people sometimes don't see any problem with the case.
You simply don't know how the game works, that's all.

All the stats of a rookie are pretty much evened out when you hire one. This mean that if some stats are very high than others must be very low. If you keep hiring squaddies who have 60 aim and 60 TU and the other stats don't suck either...

Your own fault.

Panthro 14-07-2011 06:58 PM

As soon as I reach the later stages I always tend to make sure I have enough high PSI troops for the final bases and the end game.

If you're careful with your money (and selling lots of laser cannons or whatever), you can spend a lot of time sorting through your soldiers and hiring new ones until you have enough of a certain quality.

BostonGeorge 09-09-2011 11:14 AM

Now that's what I call a perfect Intro for a perfect game :D

The Fifth Horseman 09-09-2011 11:27 AM

Holy crap, that's awesome!

BostonGeorge 09-09-2011 11:32 AM

It is :)

Dave 09-09-2011 12:31 PM

Perfect timings, very nice :)

Eagle of Fire 09-09-2011 02:33 PM

I however miss the time when people actually used the Games Discussion forum to actually discuss the games themselves...

BostonGeorge 09-09-2011 03:45 PM

I think with 3,319 replies very much according the game itself was discussed here. So why don't use these threads as kind of shrines for the game, from time to time of course ;) especially when it is not any kind of random crap but instead a little video masterpiece?

Shouldn't game discussion not involve also the culture of the games? Sorry I have to much time right now ... *shutting up* :)

Japo 09-09-2011 05:03 PM

Great video :)

Eagle of Fire 09-09-2011 10:18 PM

WTG about totally missing the point... :suspicious:

But nevermind me. I'm only rambling.

Crysalids 24-01-2012 01:51 AM

I hate Chrysalids
Finnaly got ahold of this game. Real Gem and really addicting, It does seem slightly imbalanced in places but that is part of what gives it it's charm... like it was a tad more realistic. But enough about what rocks onto the real rant.

Are chrysalids immune to grenades or something? I recently dealt with terrormission where they were crawling out of the buildings like nuts. I finally thought I had narrowed it down to 3 in a ware house. so I nuked the place to the ground with alien grenades and rockets. after the smoke cleared... (metaphorically) I see 2 Crysalids still standing in the burning (litterally) remains as if to mock me. I don't know if the third one died and got obliterated or if it escaped but I came to the conclusion the only effective counter to crysalids was a flying suit.

In other news Colonel frankenstien's face has recovered from plasma wounds and NARC Guy went MIA thanks to mind control.

do MIA agents ever show up? That could have been a nice little feature.

anyways onto cydonia and then the deep sea... I looked into UFO 2000 but was disapointed by the asthetic.

I was really happy with the way X-com looked. Sometimes I look at oldergames and I think "now I know graphics were limited, but this looks bad" X-com isn't one of those games. It manages to balance detail with artistry and randomly generated landscapes makes up for any other failure. I do sometimes wonder about the beer-can towers in peoples homes, or the eternal lack of toilets but hey it's a game, and it makes for good cover.

My only complaint with the game graphically is the guy's chin in the opening... its weird.

ahh Chrysalids... you should have been a meme.

Eagle of Fire 24-01-2012 04:49 AM

I have never understood why so many people have trouble with the Chrysalids. That particular terror unit is ranked quite low in my "scary list" in this game. Its long range attack is somewhere between completely useless and impractical and the AI is so weak that it usually simply run in circle without really attacking you, even after seemingly charging you.

As long as you don't rush your team in then you are fine.

To answer your question, Chrysalids are all but invulnerable to anything. They do however have a hefty amount of HP and TU to spare and their melee attack are deadly. Do the math. They are also actually very vulnerable to fire. And it is also amusing to see them run in terror as they try to put themselves out. :lol:

The first thing which you should reconsider is using very heavy weapons like bazookas. It is bulky, weight a ton and a half and you need to spend a lot of the small amount of TU you have left to reload... Which usually mean a rate of fire of about one shot every two turns. That's more than pathetic considering that once you get anything even slightly more powerful than your starting riffles you can punch thru about any building in one shot. Heck, even the heavy cannon and the autocannon can punch thru a wall without much of a problem. Not to mention grenades.

Against Chrysalids, you need to keep your distances. So stay far, stay alert and use reaction fire to gun them down. Even if you only hit the thing once, a single injury can lower its total TU enough to prevent it from hitting you in its turn (if it ever get close) and then simply concentrate enough firepower in its direction to gun it down as they try to approach you.

If you do night missions then you should always have as many light sources as you have squaddies. That's a very basic rule to follow, especially since the vast majority of the Aliens see further than you in plain daylight... And they see even better than you in darkness, considering your squaddies see next to nothing in complete darkness. So keep those light sticks handy and use them liberally.

What I usually do in the beginning of the game is use one or two heavy cannons, two autocannons and the rest of my squad use riffles. With a total number of squaddies of 12 if I remember well. I don't use tanks for several reasons which are not important here. The number 12 is handy since I can make 3 squads of 4 squaddies each. Having squads which back each other back is quite important in this game since a soldier still have his chances at hitting an enemy from the other side of the map even if it is out of sight. Spot an enemy, concentrate your fire on it and gun it down. Squads should move in echelon or two by two to cover each other: always have at least two of them ready to return reaction fire. You move slower this way but you also reduce your chances of losing squaddies by a lot.

Simply make sure you have enough squaddies to replace wounded/dead soldiers and you're in business. Add new and stronger weapons as they get available. And try to research the first armor ASAP. Once you have armor, make sure all your squaddies carries medikits.

... I guess that would be enough for now. :p
Good luck.


do MIA agents ever show up? That could have been a nice little feature.
Nope. They are lost forever.

anyways onto cydonia and then the deep sea... I looked into UFO 2000 but was disapointed by the asthetic.
Cydonia is the end of UFO... And the deep sea is TtdD. I'm not sure I understand why you mention them. Already moving from one to the other?

UFO 2000 is simply a clone which primarily aim is to allow multiplayer play. I don't really like it either and I don't mean only the graphics.

Japo 24-01-2012 07:21 PM

The UFOpaedia has the stats for them after you make an autopsy. It actually asserts that Chryssalids are specially vulnerable to explosive ordnance, but some wiki I found says that this is false (according to the disassembly of the game?) in that it only applies after they're unconscious?.

Chrysalids 24-01-2012 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 438802)
I have never understood why so many people have trouble with the Chrysalids. That particular terror unit is ranked quite low in my "scary list" in this game. Its long range attack is somewhere between completely useless and impractical and the AI is so weak that it usually simply run in circle without really attacking you, even after seemingly charging you.

I know this is true, I have seen it happen in youtube videos and what not, but I always seem to be the lucky guy with the smart crysalids looking at him. Often the crysalid will not be satisfied with one zombie minion, it will often tag two or even three of my guys with it's infection before finnally running out of turn units. Since the infect skill doesn't seem to be a weapon, I don't think it uses turn units like a normal attack. As a result, as long as you are in the walking range of the bugger you are dead. Hence my conclusion flying suit > Chrysalid.

Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 438802)
The first thing which you should reconsider is using very heavy weapons like bazookas. It is bulky, weight a ton and a half and you need to spend a lot of the small amount of TU you have left to reload... Which usually mean a rate of fire of about one shot every two turns. That's more than pathetic considering that once you get anything even slightly more powerful than your starting riffles you can punch thru about any building in one shot. Heck, even the heavy cannon and the autocannon can punch thru a wall without much of a problem. Not to mention grenades.

Bazookas, rockets and the like, are in my opinion brilliant support weapons. Give them to the noob in your squad to garuntee an easy promotion. They are usually stuck in the back anyway and not much use if you only use a fraction of your squad. When Etherials and mindcontrol start becomming an issue I will never even look at a rocket launcher again, but until then I can use it to clear the terrain and blow away any aliens thinking cover is a good idea. The issue with punching through with beam is that it only takes away one square of terrain, and sometimes less than that. If you want the building intact for personal use that's great but if you just want to clear out the aliens... BOOOM. Accuracy is also not an issue as you can aim at the ground instead.
Maybe in the grand scheme of things Rockets aren't worth the effort. But they are alot more fun.

Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 438802)
Cydonia is the end of UFO... And the deep sea is TtdD. I'm not sure I understand why you mention them. Already moving from one to the other?

Not yet, but I will when the time comes. Although I might buy the playstation version of Terror from the deep. I generally perfer owning a disk to having a copy stored on my computer. And while retro gaming consoles have taken off, I haven't seen anystore attempt to resell computergames.


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 438802)
UFO 2000 is simply a clone which primarily aim is to allow multiplayer play. I don't really like it either and I don't mean only the graphics.

What do you not like about the game? I assumed the incomplete beta status excused the interface, for now. And I don't like how it has a variety of weapons, but it is missing most of the basic X-com arsenal.
just Curious...

Sorry for the uber long post replies but after reading your complaint about the game discussion forum getting off topic I decided, "hey why not?"

Eagle of Fire 25-01-2012 05:33 AM


I know this is true, I have seen it happen in youtube videos and what not, but I always seem to be the lucky guy with the smart crysalids looking at him. Often the crysalid will not be satisfied with one zombie minion, it will often tag two or even three of my guys with it's infection before finnally running out of turn units. Since the infect skill doesn't seem to be a weapon, I don't think it uses turn units like a normal attack. As a result, as long as you are in the walking range of the bugger you are dead. Hence my conclusion flying suit > Chrysalid.
As I said, the AI for the Aliens is quite weak. Just try to wait it out instead of rushing in and you'll realize that the Aliens come for you by themselves after enough turns passed rather than the opposite. And if you are in a close area without checking first then it is your own fault for getting caught off guard. Once you understand how the Aliens "think" you can very easily make good educated guesses at where they are and how to act and react. And this is where destroying specific walls with guns (I like autoshots for this) to "clear" buildings with sightings work great. With autoshots you can often destroy the wall and then have the remaining shots hit or kill the Aliens behind.

The way the Chrysalid zombie attack works is that if it kills one of your soldiers with a melee attack then it will automatically turn into a zombie. And their melee attacks are devastating. It is critically important not to enter melee with them in the very beginning of the game as you have no armor whatsoever and thus no protection. Later on, even the first armor is good enough protection to sustain a single hit and sometimes several hits if you are lucky.

Flying suits of course protect you from their melee attacks... But that's a very long way down the game. At that moment Chrysalids will be the least of your problems.


Bazookas, rockets and the like, are in my opinion brilliant support weapons. Give them to the noob in your squad to garuntee an easy promotion. They are usually stuck in the back anyway and not much use if you only use a fraction of your squad. When Etherials and mindcontrol start becomming an issue I will never even look at a rocket launcher again, but until then I can use it to clear the terrain and blow away any aliens thinking cover is a good idea. The issue with punching through with beam is that it only takes away one square of terrain, and sometimes less than that. If you want the building intact for personal use that's great but if you just want to clear out the aliens... BOOOM. Accuracy is also not an issue as you can aim at the ground instead.
Maybe in the grand scheme of things Rockets aren't worth the effort. But they are alot more fun.
The fact that they are way more fun is really undeniable... However, there really is a lot of downsides. One of those downsides is that it create smoke and fire, which in turn create more smoke... And Aliens love to hide in smoke as it hinder your vision more than it hinder them. Ever been in a situation in which the Aliens fire and you cannot see them? That kind of situation increase dramatically the chances that you end up with a dead squaddie since it get really out of your control.

Field of vision is really important in this game. You need to be able to spot enemies easily and fast, preferably before they spot you. If they need to spot you first then they expand TU before being in a position to shoot, which mean fewer pot shots at your own soldiers while you bring your full force once your turn begin. If you don't seem them then you get vulnerable and this is tenfold worse against units like Chrysalids. Once you get in close quarter with them you are pretty much dead meat.

Also... A squaddie with a rocket launcher will almost never fire on reaction. I would not want a squaddie to fire randomly on reaction fire anyways, to be frank. This mean that it will never train its reaction stat, which also mean that it will always sit and do squat when they are in range of an enemy and still have UT left to shoot. How reaction fire work is that the Alien need to have less TU left than the soldier have reaction fire for it to be able to shoot back... So if that number is low it will rarely trigger at all. I would not want my squaddies to train this way, reaction fire is way too important in this game.


Not yet, but I will when the time comes. Although I might buy the playstation version of Terror from the deep. I generally perfer owning a disk to having a copy stored on my computer. And while retro gaming consoles have taken off, I haven't seen anystore attempt to resell computergames.
Can't really help you here... However, a piece of advice: finish UFO before moving up to TftD. It is practically the same except that TftD is way harder and also actually have a decent grenade AI. In UFO you'll have an Alien toss a grenade to you once in a blue moon. In TftD, it is a dozain times a mission if you give them the opportunity. Really change a lot of things.


What do you not like about the game? I assumed the incomplete beta status excused the interface, for now. And I don't like how it has a variety of weapons, but it is missing most of the basic X-com arsenal.
just Curious...
I didn't like UFO 2000 because I have always pictured UFO as being some kind of Laser Squad variant. You get guys with guns and you exchange fire in an urban environment, or somewhere with a lot of cover, etc. A while ago there was a UFO 2000 tournament hosted here and I discovered very fast that the modified weapons can get very, very ugly very fast. In short, build a team consisting of spotters and one or two grenade launchers with flying suits... Have the grenade launchers sit tight at one side of the map while your spotters find the enemies and then have the launchers lob grenades from one side of the map to the other. The end. :sucks:

I didn't find it interesting as far as gameplay goes.

The Fifth Horseman 25-01-2012 07:05 AM

I find rocket tanks somewhat more useful than rocket launchers. If there's space in the craft for one, take one.

another_guest 25-01-2012 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 438843)
As I said, the AI for the Aliens is quite weak. Just try to wait it out instead of rushing in and you'll realize that the Aliens come for you by themselves after enough turns passed rather than the opposite. And if you are in a close area without checking first then it is your own fault for getting caught off guard. Once you understand how the Aliens "think" you can very easily make good educated guesses at where they are and how to act and react.

The exception is terror sites where it's usually not a good idea to wait for the aliens since it means they will slaughter all the civilians, causing your score to plummet.
I did have some difficulty with chryssalids in some games but the flying disks are far worse to give a mid-game example.

Eagle of Fire 25-01-2012 07:19 PM

Never understood why people hate Flying Disks either. Heck, I often get them on my first terror mission and I have to gun them down with riffles..!

It simply take the heck of a lot more ammo.

Actually, every big units in UFO suffer from explosion trauma because every explosion big enough to fully encompass them hit them 4 times instead of a single time. You simply need to get past their armor... And if you hit them consecutively on the same side it deplete over time so even a low power gun will eventually get thru.

Chryssalid 25-01-2012 09:25 PM

[quote=Eagle of Fire;438871]Flying suits of course protect you from their melee attacks... But that's a very long way down the game. At that moment Chrysalids will be the least of your problems.

I think you might overestimate the time it takes to reaserch some of these things. I had the ability to produce flyingsuits and power armor just as I was sighting the first snakemen. Course I didn't have nearly enough elerium, or weapons, or money. Heck I even had a shortage on alien alloys for a while. resource management seems to be the real challange. (I am aware of the laser cannon production/selling but I don't have enough capital as of yet)

But enough of that... back on topic, Is it possible to survive a chryssalid attack? I thought it would just always zombify the target and thats gg all.

I'll agree with you on the flying discs though... they only show up on terror missions so if you have trouble killing them, hide in a door. It's only when they spawn right outside that they really tick me off.

Eagle of Fire 25-01-2012 10:44 PM

It is probably possible to rush the flying suit research but it would be at the cost of everything else. It is not really wise to do that especially since the flying suit give marginal armor upgrade over the second armor. Only the flying is handy.

For the Chrysalids, as I already mentioned, your soldier become a zombie if he gets killed. I had soldiers resist 3-4 Chrysalid attacks in the same round before so it is definitely not an insta-kill attack.

Japo 26-01-2012 02:27 AM

I experienced with tanks but in the end I do not like them, considering their cost and survivability. Actually what I do is deploying as many soldiers as the transport craft can take without any tanks--tactically there is no such thing as having too many soldiers, even if it takes one extra turn to deploy them out of the transport craft, as long as cost is not an issue. And in UFO soldier costs are not an issue. Besides considering that they're getting training, and replacing them may be more expensive than maintaining them. Four soldiers with rifles or other weapons even not counting grenades, electro-flares etc. beat one tank hands down, that's a fact; heck (almost?) two soldiers would. I'm talking about the starting tanks, afterwards I didn't feel like trying the more technologically advanced ones, but I don't think I'm missing a lot compared to four human killing machines.

Cyberdiscs are specially vulnerable to Laser I think, which is too bad for them, as laser rifles are almost the best weapon in the game, close to heavy plasma, but they don't need elerium, or magazines at all for that matter, which frees up inventory space for useful stuff such as grenades. EDIT: No, it seems it's Sectopods who are vulnerable to Laser.

For me it's laser rifles and hand alien grenades for everyone. Perhaps one with that alien guided rocket launcher after I research it. But the human rocket launchers are worthless, specially considering you can use hand grenades instead while at the same time keeping your rifles, and hand grenades are more precise--if you miss a grenade toss it lands a square away and kills anyway, but if you miss a missile shot it flies completely off, killing no aliens at all but possibly civilians. Equipping say one quarter of the soldiers with heavy plasma instead of the standard issue laser rifle may not be a bad way to spend a little elerium in exchange for a little extra punch; but you can really do away without this, it makes no difference if once every five times you have to shoot once more to finish a kill. Not to mention that laser is the only ordnance in the game that no alien is resistant to (unlike plasma and everything else); and it's specially effective against Sectopods, who are otherwise somewhat tough.

By the way if you assume heavy laser does more damage than laser rifle, you haven't done the math: it does less (expected per turn), period. The only reason to research heavy plasma is so you can research laser cannon, whose only sensible use in turn is to sell for big cash. So it turns out you can research the best weapon in the game very early and without the need for anything alien.

Flying suits are not that useful compared to advanced armor, and they need more elerium. I think I end up using flight only to storm crash landed UFOs from the top, shooting and retreating up to safety in the same turn. So I equip only say two soldiers with flying suits and the rest use more economical armor.

And the soldiers whose stats are too lousy don't earn even that and I give them human armor: either I use them as medics (carrying weapons, but likely seeing little action) or I use them up front as scouts--risky but not really cannon fodder, someone has to do it, and since their TUs are useless because of their bad accuracy, I don't make them reserve any to shoot so they can move more and make better scouts in the end.

These are some gameplay facts I found in my latest game (a long time ago), and I mean they're not subjective impressions I got but things I determined positively (unless otherwise noted) by experimentation (loading the same game over again and doing different things several times each and isolating factors).

The line of sight is determined by two factors. First, a 90ş wide angle both sides of the soldier/alien's facing direction (i.e. +/- 45ş right and left). This is modified by concealment, that is bushes, trees, lampposts... and buildings (including whether the soldier is close to a wall and looking at its corner). Second, within this angle (up to one quarter of the 2D space) an enemy alien/soldier will be seen by the soldier/alien only if it's within a range. This is modified by darkness and smoke, but in perfect lightning and no smoke this range is 20 squares across if my memory serves me right, and I think it's the same for soldiers and aliens. This is in the direction of the squares, I'm not sure right now how diagonals count, whether it's the same as for movement (x1.5) or not.

EDIT: Google says I'm right and has further information:

The way reaction works is very simple: every time someone moves, it may happen that he spots an enemy (because the enemy was in the line of sight for the new position), that an enemy spots him (he moves into the line of sight of the enemy), or that nothing's up. In the first case he will ALWAYS (regardless of any reaction roll) get to shoot first in his turn, and in the second he may be fired at (if the enemy passes a reaction roll--at which aliens are far more proficient that humans, in my experience).

How the reaction stat influences this:

About smoke I didn't really investigate whether it's asymmetric (whether is conceals more the ones closer to it to the ones farther than vice versa), but I would assume it's not. That is, it seems logical that it impedes vision both ways equally independently on distance, but I didn't verify this. I just deployed it on any flank I had exposed while moving, and in following turns I would either keep in a safe area or sally forth from the smoke taking advantage on the fact that it was my turn so I would get to shoot first when aliens became suddenly visible. That is, I don't count on smoke being beneficial even if it comes from my grenades or is close to me, unless I make it tactically beneficial by how I move and use my TUs within it.

Of course vision aside, breathing smoke also gets anyone some stun points each turn. Just check your stats if you plan to spend a long time standing in it.


Eagle of Fire 26-01-2012 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Japo
The way reaction works is very simple: every time someone moves, it may happen that he spots an enemy (because the enemy was in the line of sight for the new position), that an enemy spots him (he moves into the line of sight of the enemy), or that nothing's up. In the first case he will usually get to shoot first in his turn, and in the second he will usually be fired at.


Originally Posted by UFO Wiki
What is not common knowledge is how the overall reaction level of any given unit is also influenced by the percentage of the unit's remaining TUs! So say an alien has 100 reactions but only has 60% of its remaining TUs. Its actual Reaction level is really 60, not 100. If it takes a Snap Shot, which costs 30% for any plasma weapon, the remaining TU percentage will drop to 30%, and so will the Reaction level. For more information, see Reaction fire formula. --JellyfishGreen 10:51, 25 Apr 2005 (BST)

That's what I was saying before. Really important.

For the tanks I remember I used to use them. Mainly to spot for Aliens when you disembark because they tend to see you disembark and take pot shots at you. Having good squaddies dying while disembarking always infuriated me, especially considering you have no say in the order your soldiers are at the start of the mission in the Skyranger. The rest of the time, after disembark, my lowly ranked soldiers goes to the front and take the brunt of the damage. :devil:

If you want to use tanks I'd recommend using solely the Hovertank/Plasma once it gets available. Good armor, it flies and its chance to hit something is actually decent. I usually used it to spot Aliens and in the occasional time when I needed to down an enemy and no other soldier was in range.

Japo 26-01-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 438890)
For the tanks I remember I used to use them. Mainly to spot for Aliens when you disembark because they tend to see you disembark and take pot shots at you. Having good squaddies dying while disembarking always infuriated me, especially considering you have no say in the order your soldiers are at the start of the mission in the Skyranger.

It's possible to exit the transport safely. The first thing I do is deploy smoke and wait a turn inside doing nothing (except looking outside as default of course, in case an alien appears amid the smoke I can shoot at him). After that turn firstly the smoke is up, and secondly aliens move and so I continue by using the motion detectors and learning where are the nearest stalking aliens.

Afterwards it's also possible to exit the craft safely without giving aliens who are farther the opportunity to shoot. It's like going around a corner, the most obvious and fast trajectory can make an alien see you before you see him, but with a little roundabout this can be made impossible.

It's not possible to exit the transport safely with a tank first, though. And losing a soldier is bad but losing a tank is damn expensive too.

Eagle of Fire 26-01-2012 10:10 PM

Well, not really. At a certain point in time you get so much money from selling heavy plasma that you don't really care. Human tanks don't cost much at all in the grand scheme of things in this game. Also, the Hovercrafts are tanks that you build so unless production space is important for you...

The Hovercraft does have some good armor and can usually withstand two direct hits without dying. And, as I said, it flies. It's great to spot around ahead of your soldiers, and that's all I need. I never bothered to use motion scanners in any of the Xcom games as they are far too unreliable (not to say they take way too much space in the Skyranger inventory for their usefulness) and the same thing can be said about smoke grenades. I don't even think scanners can even help you here because Aliens need to spend AP for them to register on the scanner and the biggest issue here is not Aliens right next to the door of the Skyranger (which never happen) but those just close enough to see you as you get out in the first turn...

If I ever wanted to do a smoke screen while disembarking the Skyranger, I'd use an auto-cannon with fire ammo with the first guy getting out then I would fire on the ground since you are in an elevated position when you get out. You don't have a say of the order of the squaddies but you do know who's going out first: they get sorted in the same order they are sorted in the soldier screen. When I start producing armor I actually give them to those who get out of the Skyranger first so they actually have a fighting chance if the worst happen and they get surprised... The same can be done about their weaponry.

I'd be interested to know if you ever used smoke bombs like you mentioned, Japo. For me this goes against everything I ever learned in this game: Aliens see better than you, using smoke does nothing more than hinder your own vision more than theirs and if you rush consciously or not without being able to see as far as you can then you get in trouble easily. If it does work then there ought to be a nice trick behind this, right?

Japo 27-01-2012 12:29 AM

Well I think money is indeed more or less scarce until late in the game, specially if you plan to build enough bases to cover the whole planet with radar and have at least three separate squads worldwide, which you should. Without any bad luck or doing anything wrong you can get a tank wasted every two missions, and replacing that is a huge expenditure (waste) that will slow down your development. Specially since as I said four soldiers beat any tank hands down.

Motion scanners are precious, and you only need, like, two (or one if you want) for the whole squad, it's not that every soldier needs one, the same with medikits. As you yourself note, exiting the Skyranger without knowing where the aliens are within ten squares, can be suicide.

The first thing you must do is of course not moving during the first turn. As you have noted aliens haven't moved yet at that point and wouldn't show up in the motion detectors. Obviously the best thing you can do is sit tight during that turn. Your only activity should be killing aliens that you've spotted before ever moving, and deploying smoke at the exit (more on this below).

I wouldn't use autocannons or any other explosive munition to create smoke, since smoke grenades are just fine and take little space and can be carried and used by soldiers carrying other weapons; and autocannons are worthless weapons.

I use smoke all the time, it's essential not to get killed when you don't have cover at every side. It's not true that aliens see through it better than you, you and them are equally impaired by it. It's night vision what's perfect for aliens.

The only nice trick is how you use smoke and your TUs and how you move. During your turn you move into the open (being careful to have line of sight into it so you would spot waiting aliens, not move into their field of vision without you being looking that way, because that would get you shot at). After you're done moving you deploy smoke on your uncovered flanks: this means that during THEIR turn, even if the aliens happen to move closer to you, they won't probably make up for the visual range smoke makes them lose. Then during your next turn you can move out of the smoke into the open again, etc. You control WHEN smoke appears, that way since this is turn-based, that gives you control on WHOM it benefits, and you keep the initiative always. During your turn you move in clear areas (and move in a way that guarantees you the first shot), but during their turn you're covered by newly deployed smoke.

There's a 100% safe tactic to exit the Skyranger with 0 probability of alien snap fire, but actually it can be done with soldiers only, not tanks since they're two squares wide and can exit only straight ahead. Here, numbers are soldiers, the A is an hypothetical stalking alien (facing east), #'s are the "walls" of the Skyranger, and ·'s represent your field of vision:


A ····

If you exit straight ahead you enter the alien's field of vision without seeing him, and bang you're toast:


A ·1·· bang!

But if you cross your two first soldiers exit paths and advance obliquely (in this case 2 goes NW instead of 1 going N) you expand your angle of vision, spot the alien first, and bang it's him who's toast:


· #34#

Now I know in this hypothetical scenario if it were 1 who exited facing NE (instead of 2 facing NW) he would be toast, but as I said if the alien were that close you would know, that is if you were smart enough to use motion detectors--and wait one turn for him to move and reveal himself.

And in that turn smoke has come into play. First, you know there are no aliens within ten squares, thanks to your motion detectors. Second, when you're exiting, the aliens' visual range towards you is less than ten squares because of smoke. It's 100% safe. Now it's your turn and you can venture out of the smoke little by little always keeping the initiative--opportunity to shoot first during both turns.

Still you need to exit obliquely in this way to go against nearby aliens spotted by the motion detectors. If the detector told you there are stalking aliens on both sides of the exit area... Well obviously you must wait another turn without going forth, until the aliens move randomly so they disable that inadvertent trap of theirs.

But deploying a whole squad out of the Skyranger safely takes many turns after that. In this game impatience kills, it's better to play quicker turns (in gamer's time) moving little by little, cautiously, and reserving TUs to spare. You have to use the little cover you may have at that point (the landing gear), and end the turn with soldiers facing in every direction. You have to decide what cover will jump to each of your soldiers, and in order not to expose them you can't move them en masse, but you have to pour them out in a thin train and group them near the cover. Always running from cover to cover during your turn and deploying smoke in unexplored exposed directions at the end.

And always take into account vision angles while moving. For example turning a building corner in the obvious way can get you shot at:


###  ··


### ····
###A ··· bang!
###  ··

You must do a slight roundabout from one square apart from the wall.

For the same reason never end a turn just at a corner, an alien coming around it would spot you and shoot you at point blank. Stay just one square short of the corner, and an alien coming around will get into your field of vision without seeing you, and you will get an opportunity to shoot.

Eagle of Fire 28-01-2012 04:18 AM

Well, I think we can agree that we play differently. From your explanations you have obviously put a lot of thoughts on your play style.

I myself simply prefer to engineer my own situations in which I don't have to take the chance in the first place. My soldiers get out in squads of 4 and cover themselves, when I get in a place in which it is likely an Alien is hiding without moving then I gun down the walls to surprise him, etc.

I still don't understand why you consider that you cannot scout well enough with a tank... They have plenty of TU to do it and I usually don't fire with them unless I absolutely need to. I don't remember getting into a situation the tank could not do its job well enough.

Oh well.

The Fifth Horseman 28-01-2012 11:38 AM

I usually send my troops out in fire teams of three - two with standard weapons, one with something heavier - and stagger their movement so that the light weapons cover each other while advancing and the heavy follows once the lights have their new position secured. This works quite well both in UFO and TFTD.

Japo 29-01-2012 07:59 PM

All this talk got me interested in playing again, and I think I'll also try Apocalypse and Interceptor, which I've never played yet. :)

In UFO I never favor heavy hand weapons (expect for one single blaster launcher), because by crunching numbers you easily reach the conclusion that they don't really deal more expected damage per turn at all. The best weapon is the laser rifle, and hand grenades are much better than rocket launchers. Only heavy plasma has better stats than laser rifles, but it needs ammo clips, which moreover take space in the Skyranger.

And I don't like HWPs because:

- They would make sense if they were like real tanks, I mean heavily armored, that is resistant to handguns. Their survivability is laughable.

- They're expensive to replace, and considering their low survivability it's ruinous. I don't even understand why are they so expensive, they can be destroyed by a single plasma shot just like a soldier, they must be made of cardboard, right?

- They are less stealthy than soldiers, specially at the time of exiting the Skyranger, when they're placed always up front. This makes it likely you will lose that tank during its first move, specially in terror missions it's almost guaranteed.

- Last but not least, if you like to fill the Skyranger to maximum capacity (as I do, and I don't think there's any reason not to, neither tactical nor money-wise) and so space is restricted, you can fly four kickass soldiers instead of a lousy HWP.

Eagle of Fire 30-01-2012 07:39 PM

Again, I don't understand.

Plasma/Hovertanks have 130 armor everywhere but for the underside. That's 20 more than any of your soldiers will ever get (with a flying suit. 30 if you use the power suit instead) and that's only from the front as the sides and behind are all lower armored than the tank who have a fixed rating all over. (source, look at the link at the bottom for the tank stats)

Now I know that Aliens only use Heavy Plasma (power 115) and that every shot get a random number from between 0% and 200% (0 to 230)... 230-130 = 100, -90 health for the total health of the tank = -10... So yes, an hovertank can theoretically get destroyed in a single shot. So can and will any of your soldiers. If you compare that to riffles (which is pretty much your standard human weaponry as far as normal humans are concerned) then you have power 30 (0 to 60 damage), which can't even penetrate the 130 armor. So it is effectively "pistol proof". ;)

The real problem here is the power of the Alien plasma weapons. They can destroy their own ship walls with them... And it's supposed to be full proof. :D

And to finish it, I know that tanks are less stealthy than squaddies: that's the whole point. I want it to attract and "soak" up the early shots and damage so the squaddies get safe. Squaddies can improve their stats after all, not the tank(s). The fact that it is a four square unit and is easier to hit simply help taking the shots. And when it gets hit and survive I do the same than I do with any soldiers: it goes back to the skyranger. For me it is only a support unit, not a super unit. ;)

I think our main play difference goes with how we load our skyranger. I load every single squaddie with a flare and a medkit every mission (flares stays inside the skyranger for day missions), I always bring four stun rods in every mission irreverently of if I use them or not (which eventually get replaced by stun guns + their ammo), I eventually equip some soldiers with stronger plasma weapons than the standard laser ones (which mean ammo), etc. All this take a lot of space in the skyranger (especially at the very beginning with riffles, autocannons and heavy cannons) and it is usually simply impossible to full the skyranger with fully equipped squaddies.

Thus, the tank. :p

We all do have one thing in common though: this discussion also made me want to play the game again. :lol:

Japo 30-01-2012 08:34 PM

Well of course the problem is the aliens' weapons... If they used wet towels I could just research armor made out of two sheets of cardboard, and I'd be invulnerable. :P

But sometimes (at least sectoids in small UFOs and non military missions) aliens do carry other weapons than heavy plasma, though I guess it may depend on the difficulty level. Not to mention the guys who carry blaster launchers... :E

Less soldiers in exchange for more equipment, not a good trade IMO. I try to avoid night missions of course, as they give you a huge handicap against the aliens even with flares, but when I have to only then I manually load the flares and I just pack less clips (that is laser for everyone if someone had plasma), or grenades.

I really need to look into XCOM3 Apocalypse, I hear it has cover (I miss that A LOT in UFO!) and I might like the real time...

Eagle of Fire 30-01-2012 10:38 PM

If you need help in Apocalypse then I'd be happy to help. I have mastered this game a while ago. ;)

You might see this calculation as "less soldiers for more equipment", but I don't see it that way. I rather see it as "less soldiers so they can be perfectly equipped and thus be safer and perform better".

I have ages ago determined that loading flares for night mission manually eventually lead to bad things to happen (tm). Most of the time it take so long for the Skyranger to get to the battle that you cannot truly guess the time of day. Most of the time I simply forgot to load those flares manually... Not to mention the hassle of having to do it every single time. I already have to look over and edit the name of every single squaddie after each mission, to check for armor etc... That's enough MM for me already.

Beside, I don't need the extra 3 soldiers (I count the tank as one soldier). Plus, more Aliens to kill per soldier mean a bigger increase in stats and this ultimately make this way better if I don't need those 3 extra soldiers. Especially since soldiers are going to die/get injured no matter what: rookies need their chances to get better stats sooner rather than later.

another_guest 31-01-2012 12:47 PM

For what it's worth, as soon as I can afford it (i.e. as soon as I'm capable of laser rifle overproduction) I seem to have a similar approach as Eagle of Fire, using a tank to exit the aircraft first and to scout ahead.

I tend to prefer tanks that don't use elerium though unless I've built a significant supply of it.

To come back on the flying disks, I just remembered a few missions where 2-3 flying disks turned my soldiers into minced meat when even concentrated laser rifle fire didn't manage to destroy them. Usually because of missed shots to which the flying disks responded with 100% accurate fire :whistling:

All this discussion makes me want to play the game again though I should also dig up one of the more recent competitors (UFO:AI?) and I still have 2 games of the X-Com series that I didn't try yet. Choices, choices!

Paco 09-02-2012 05:30 PM

Can i have a list or explanation for abbr those after Soldier name?

For example: "Rene Dujardin:c15/M" name like that exist in X-com. "c" mean the Rank so he is a Sergeant and 15 mean that he killed 15 Alien, but i dont have a clue about what is after /.

The Fifth Horseman 09-02-2012 07:25 PM

I don't recall any abbreviations like that. Where did you see them?

Paco 09-02-2012 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 439522)
I don't recall any abbreviations like that. Where did you see them?

In Game. This is also the first time i seen such abbreviations. Normally i play my own german Windows-version. But this time i am using the DOS-Version, so i am replaying "Xcom Total Pack" to create new better screens for AB.

Japo 09-02-2012 09:16 PM

I have never seen that either. I've played both the versions that were available here (DOS and Windows) and the Steam release. Bothif this is intentional or a bug, it has to been caused by modding.

Eagle of Fire 09-02-2012 09:35 PM


The vast majority of UFO players rename their squaddies to their liking. That look like a lot like someone who did just that.

If it has been done automatically by the game without you doing anything (short of loading a save game you didn't play) then I would guess this is some kind of cheat which allow you to see things you should not be able to see. Like MC, which is the Molecular Control rating of a squaddie.

Or maybe it is simply a mod which automate the edition of your soldiers to display some important data... Not that I'd consider having the rank and number of Alien killed important at all, mind.

Japo 09-02-2012 10:00 PM

I had assumed it happened with a fresh game, of course it's different if it was a game from someone else you loaded. Paco, you may have not realized that the game lets you rename soldiers at any time. This may have been done by anyone who saved a game you loaded, if that's what you did.

I usually only append one or two or zero +'s or -'s. The first one relates to the accuracy rating (if it's specially good or bad), and the second to the psi resistance, before it's visible when I research psi. I do that because even before then I can learn who are the -'s because the psi-weakest soldier is always targeted (and gained over) by the aliens. And my strategy is to transfer the psi-weak to the Asia or America bases, and concentrate the psi-strong in Europe. When I have set this up and the aliens start using psi more and more, if any mission is against Ethereals or Sectoids I send the European squad, no matter if the mission is in Japan or Chile.

The Fifth Horseman 09-02-2012 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Paco (Post 439527)
But this time i am using the DOS-Version, so i am replaying "Xcom Total Pack" to create new better screens for AB.

The "Total Pack" combines of both games with XComUtil. What you are seeing is an XComUtil feature called "namestats", which is not part of the normal game.

Paco 09-02-2012 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 439537)
The "Total Pack" combines of both games with XComUtil. What you are seeing is an XComUtil feature called "namestats", which is not part of the normal game.

That is it. a sohrt googling gave me the info i need to know about it. Thank for the Help.

Nuggista 20-02-2012 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Guest (Post 48239)
Seeing as we are talking about bugs.

How does one fix the bug where the game will crash if you click on a fighter tab (thats following a space ship)

I've had an issue with this as well. Though it went away after a reinstall. There must be some workaround though.

Eagle of Fire 20-02-2012 01:19 PM

By making sure you do not have crafts in chase of an UFO in close combat before you enter tactical mode. I think that's the only case in which the game will crash in this way.

Japo 20-02-2012 05:39 PM

Anyway, I think the Windows version has more bugs than the DOS one.

Eagle of Fire 20-02-2012 07:07 PM

I'm positive this particular bug happen in every version though. It is probably the most known bug of this game.

Oskatat 26-06-2012 12:37 PM

Back to playing this game again after a year or so, my tactical skills are still up to the job. I made the mistake of a low difficulty though and simply don't get enough attacks to keep the money coming in. Very annoying, but funny at the same time. I lost because the game was too easy...

The Fifth Horseman 26-06-2012 04:26 PM

Laser cannons. :p

Oskatat 27-06-2012 01:38 PM

I checked ufopedia, couldn't find it there...

I know civilians died in a terror mission. However, none show up in the score screen, only the saved ones. Is it because various explosions completely obliteratet them? An exploding cyberdisc kind of set a chain reaction at a tank station that included another cyberdisc.

Eagle of Fire 27-06-2012 09:12 PM

Those "dead" civilians were in fact only unconscious. They count as alive and well in your final score.

That's the reason I always bring tasers with me in terror mission. Don't wait for a civilians to run right into your friendly fire: taze them and move on.

Japo 28-06-2012 12:00 AM

Managing the economy, expanding as fast as possible but not overspending, is an important part of the game. :)

I don't remember this exactly, and I don't know if some of those civilians could be alive, although in that case I think they would count as saved. But I think civilians give you positive points only if not killed (saved), but they give you negative points only if killed by you. That is, you get no points, positive or negative, if they are killed by the aliens (not saved). I'm not sure about this right now, though.

Eagle of Fire 28-06-2012 04:02 PM

No, you do get some negatives for each killed civilians. But you get double if not even more negative if you kill them yourself!

But like I said, tazing them or otherwise any action which will stun them to the ground will save them. Short of having a grenade or bomb or anything explosive killing them. The Aliens will completely ignore them.

This is especially useful for the black ninja which name escape me.

The Fifth Horseman 28-06-2012 05:12 PM

Chryssalids AKA nightmare fuel on two legs.

Eagle of Fire 28-06-2012 07:30 PM

Even though their name escape me because I find their threat level minimal? :p

another_guest 29-06-2012 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Oskatat (Post 443487)
Back to playing this game again after a year or so, my tactical skills are still up to the job. I made the mistake of a low difficulty though and simply don't get enough attacks to keep the money coming in. Very annoying, but funny at the same time. I lost because the game was too easy...

Before you get to laser cannons, producing & selling laser rifles is the way to keep your economy in the green. Before that, it's medikits. And even before that, your workshops should be busy producing weapons that you need to survive :)

Japo 29-06-2012 10:31 PM

The most profitable items to produce for sale before laser cannons are motion scanners, at $18 per hour and engineer, taking into account price and all costs. Laser rifles are arguably the best weapon to use, but earn only $7.5, and medikits $9.3. Laser cannons earn a whooping $61.9 per hour and engineer, so they make a big difference, although they're useless for your craft and you also need to research heavy laser which is worthless for both using and selling. But motion scanners are the absolute second in profitability after laser cannons.

Eagle of Fire 30-06-2012 01:59 AM

Motion scanners are also useless for using as far as I'm concerned. Never bothered to build any.

The Fifth Horseman 30-06-2012 04:24 AM

I equip one, at most two, as backup equipment for my teams. Sometimes it helps a little with hunting down the last remaining aliens.

Japo 30-06-2012 10:53 AM

There's no point in having all soldiers carry one, but I have my two worst shooters carry one each. They're very useful. They tell you if there are aliens in any building without needing to enter, and exactly where, so you can avoid being ambushed by a lucky alien standing close to a wall. And the same goes for UFOs, and when exiting the transport ship.

It's such a long thread that we keep repeating old discussions... :P

Oskatat 30-06-2012 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 443549)
No, you do get some negatives for each killed civilians. But you get double if not even more negative if you kill them yourself!

But like I said, tazing them or otherwise any action which will stun them to the ground will save them. Short of having a grenade or bomb or anything explosive killing them. The Aliens will completely ignore them.

This is especially useful for the black ninja which name escape me.

Why didn't anything I ever read suggest this before? I usually brought those taser rods with me to see if I could nab a few aliens (extra points) and untill you get to plasmas they do pretty good in the walk through door... uh, hi! situation (large scout engine room is a good one for that), but I always left em behind on terror missions

as to the civvies: I cheat (a little) with saving and reloading if things go too far wrong. So I knew there were 12 civilians. You get at the end a report how many were saved, how many killed. 9 saved, 0 killed. Whut?

the ufopedia actually advices laser pistols above rifles, simply because you can get off 12 shots against 6, or even 9 vs 3. Even at worse accuracy and damage it's supposedly better.

Japo 30-06-2012 08:08 PM

I don't care about saving all civilians, I just do what I can.

It's for those uh hi situations that the motion scanner would have been useful. Anyway when you aren't ambushed and get to fire first, that's what auto fire is for.


Originally Posted by Oskatat (Post 443627)
the ufopedia actually advices laser pistols above rifles

Which one, the one in the game or this wiki? Neither do such thing, and the second says the laser rifle is "arguably the best weapon in the game", while it says of the laser pistol that it's "unfortunately highly inadequate for precision attacks", and "useful ... as a secondary weapon"


simply because you can get off 12 shots against 6, or even 9 vs 3.
How so? In XCOM1 there's no 2-handed advantage as in Apocalypse.

The objective score to assess a weapon is its expected damage per turn, along with its suitability for different situations (sniping, close range). The laser pistol is clearly worthless for long or medium range; the laser rifle is great at all distances. At close range if you use auto the laser rifle does 3 x 60 x 0.46 = 82.8 expected damage per burst, 82.8 / 0.34 = 243.5 per turn; whereas the laser pistol with its poorer accuracy and weaker punch does 38.6 expected damage per burst, and its faster firing rate only means 154.6 per turn.

Eagle of Fire 30-06-2012 10:06 PM


You get at the end a report how many were saved, how many killed. 9 saved, 0 killed. Whut?
In this case I'd be more inclined to say that those civilians might have been "lost in action". Probably because a or the Chrysalids. Or maybe they were mind controlled.

Likewise, if you end a mission with one of your squaddies mind controlled then they will be "lost in action". That's why I think it might apply here.


How so? In XCOM1 there's no 2-handed advantage as in Apocalypse.
That is true. But if I remember well, there is a 2-handed DISadvantage if you have something in your offhand and the weapon you are using is 2-handed.


It's such a long thread that we keep repeating old discussions... :P
True. And it is also why I need to point out (again :p) that it is very easy to do completely without simply by knowing where the aliens are likely to be and shooting down walls at key areas to make sure your LoS confirm there is no hidden alien, etc. And if you can do that then the scanner is nothing more than a waste of AP. Or at the very least a waste of space, which is a premium in this game in the Skyranger. :p

There is also the point of reliability. How the scanner work is that it show you an enemy who moved in the last turn. If you are hunting down an alien and he didn't move at all in the last turn then you'll get to think the area is clear when it is not and that's even worse than the reverse. I hate losing squaddies shot in the back simply because I wanted to save one or two turns.

Japo 01-07-2012 11:16 AM

Destroying walls is very time consuming and isn't so easy or reliable depending on your weapon choice, specially for UFO hulls which only blaster bombs can damage.


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 443637)
That is true. But if I remember well, there is a 2-handed DISadvantage if you have something in your offhand and the weapon you are using is 2-handed.

Yes it's -20% to accuracy. But the point is that if you shoot from both hands with whatever weapon you use the same TUs as if you shoot twice from one hand. Oskatat seemed to imply otherwise, and it's indeed different in Apocalypse in real time.

Because of this it's a non factor whether the weapon is 1- or 2-handed. If I have to fire with a soldier that's carrying something in his left hand I just drop it, the cost is 2 TUs which is virtually free, and it doesn't cause aliens to react. Picking it up again is a little more costly (8 TUs) but not so much, and I can do it in the following turn, and after the immediate area is clear I could waste a whole turn if I wanted.

Also if you think a laser pistol must be a better weapon than a laser rifle held with one hand: auto fire, laser pistol 38.6 expected damage per burst, 154.6 per turn; laser rifle held in one hand 82.8 x 0.8 = 66.2 per burst, 243.5 x 0.8 = 194.8 per turn. And again there's no reason that could force you to fire a rifle with one hand since you can drop what you're holding in the other one at no cost, as I said.

I'm mentioning values per burst as well as per turn because if an alien isn't killed by your attack it will fire back before you can fire a second time.

Eagle of Fire 01-07-2012 03:37 PM

Well, just to make things clear I know the rifle is better than the pistol. No issue here.

Also I don't bring down walls of UFOs either. But that's a completely new story. There is, however, always a way to make sure you can see or shoot the aliens before they can fire at you. One of my favorite tactic in UFO, since the AI is too clumsy to use grenades well, is to bunch a few squaddies reasonably far from the entrance and have only one of my high reaction tactical squaddie open the door. And quickly jump to the side if there is enemies inside.

The way reaction work, if my tactical squaddie is still full in TU there is a very, very slim chance he'll get fired upon at all. Then the other squaddies snipe the aliens.

I follow the same tactic for the rest of the UFO. It is only dangerous for your squaddies if you are low on TU and the alien don't move much and thus don't waste TU. Which mean that in this situation the scanner would be useless too anyways.

xFred99x 10-03-2013 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Kosta (Post 283)
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

Nice Game,

but how can I download it. I can´t find a downloadbutton for the Game or somthing else.


TheChosen 10-03-2013 10:04 AM

Yes, because there isn't one. There is a big "Buy it" button though, which means that you're going to have to buy this game if you want to play it.

Palocles 10-03-2013 11:59 PM

XCom is available as slightly illegal free downloads on the internet though.

Home of the Underdogs and Abandonware Paradise (if i have that name right) might have it, otherwise Google is God.

The Fifth Horseman 11-03-2013 05:48 AM

What HOTU has is this:

This game is not currently available. It is either still on sale or has been removed at the request of the owner.
"Abandonware" does not mean "aah, it's old, just pirate it".

Palocles 12-03-2013 08:10 AM

Maybe it can be DLed legally form that Steam thing?

The Fifth Horseman 12-03-2013 08:32 AM

Yup, it can:

Alexander93 17-03-2013 04:02 PM

I can't find the download button

The Fifth Horseman 17-03-2013 07:22 PM

We don't have one. Read the posts above.

heisant 19-03-2013 07:28 AM

Oh my! X-Com on Steam! This one I had to know!

Mr. Barman 22-09-2013 11:51 PM

Out of curiosity, what are people's preferred/standard loadouts for their soldiers?

I like to play Superhuman without alien infantry weapons technology. I use a team of 10 soldiers and a cannon/laser tank in three squads - two of four soldiers, and one of two.

For a Skyranger:

Squads A and B:
Scout - Laser Pistol, two smoke grenades, four grenades, medikit, stunrod.
Rifleman - Laser Rifle, smoke grenade, two grenades, medikit, stunrod.
Support 1 - Auto Cannon, 1 AP magazine, 1 HE magazine, (1 IE on night missions), smoke grenade, two grenades, medikit.
Support 2 - Heavy Laser, smoke grenade, two grenades, medikit.

Squad C:
Rifleman 1 - Laser Rifle, smoke grenade, two grenades, medikit.
Rifleman 2 - Laser Rifle, smoke grenade, two grenades, medikit.

For any mission where terror units are expected Squad C Rifleman 2 replaces the Laser Rifle with a Rocket Launcher, Laser Pistol, and three large rockets in their backpack. Rifleman 1 stays the same but takes an extra three large rockets their backpack too.

During missions I split Squads A and B into two fireteams each, with the Scouts and Riflemen pairing with either Support 1 or 2, and advance in such a way that the fireteams can provide cover for each other.

Squad C is overwatch and secures an elevated position ASAP. They stay as far back as possible (without losing LOS on Squads A and B, or any areas where there may be potential targets) and are always the first to fire on targets spotted, but double as Terror Unit Hunters during any missions they may be encountered.

The tank is an expendable armoured scout - if there is a large open area for the soldiers to cross it will advance first, once smoke is deployed, to draw fire and allow the fireteams to cross (usually) unscathed. Otherwise, it'll act as a blocking force by holding a strategic position near targets while a fireteam moves into a flanking position or secures other areas of the map.

Palocles 23-09-2013 04:36 AM

It's been a while since I played last but...

I usually give everyone a plasma rifle except for a couple of guys with the bigger guns. If I haven't got enough specimens yet, then i'll give a couple of guys plasma pistols and stun rods.

I'm sure I have a few guys with medikits and other random bits of kit but the main thing is to have a bunch of those glowy things incase I arrive before dawn.

I didn't use a tank very often, but I did use a bunch of save slots...

I'll send my guys out in pairs and fan outwards from the Skyranger after establishing a perimeter. The guy in front will only move for about half his AP and the second guy will stay still and cover. Next turn the guy behind will move in front and the first guy will become cover. I try not to move forwards too far at once, that way if an alien is revealed the second guy should have enough AP to move up for a shot.

I don't think i'll be playing again until I get The Bureau though.

zirkoni 14-06-2014 07:11 AM

OpenXcom 1.0 is out.

I might actually try this out.

Japo 14-06-2014 11:53 AM

Amazing :-)

SupSuper 14-06-2014 11:31 PM

Just like old times eh? ;)

neptunesnookgames 06-09-2014 11:26 PM

Let's Play X-Com: UFO Defense - YouTube video series
Hey everyone, I'm in the process of a YouTube playthrough of the game. You can check it out here YouTube Link
Let me know what you think, it's been super bloody so far... so many deaths I'm starting to run a bit thin on ideas.

Eagle of Fire 07-09-2014 04:13 PM

I've watched the first 7 minutes of the game... It was painful to watch. I think it is safe to say you have no idea of what you are doing.

Not even sure where to start. If I were handed your game and told to play it I would probably just start over from scratch. And that's without even looking at your first fight.

marko river 07-09-2014 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by SupSuper (Post 460327)

Yeah, that was amazing job and fun you folks had :)

mtuan 10-11-2014 11:29 AM

Now there is UFO loader software that helps you run this wonderful game on Windows 7 straightly without Dosbox. You guys can Google "UFO extender"

I am ecstatic to be able to play this again!

edit: There is a free remake of the game, named Openxcom at as well. Great works! Now you can play every Battle you want without having to play the full game.

zirkoni 02-03-2015 09:40 AM

I'm uploading a full playthrough of UFO:Enemy Unknown to Youtube. I used OpenXCom with a few options that improve the gameplay.

The videos contain only gameplay, no commentary so it might be a bit boring to watch...

Playlist link:

mtuan 18-08-2015 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by zirkoni (Post 462505)
I'm uploading a full playthrough of UFO:Enemy Unknown to Youtube. I used OpenXCom with a few options that improve the gameplay.

The videos contain only gameplay, no commentary so it might be a bit boring to watch...

Playlist link:

Love to watch it. It makes me want to play it all over again.

Mystvan 17-07-2017 02:00 AM

To be quite frank, I had never been interested in X-COM series. My brother loved the games and I believe he played all the games.

When there was a remake of the game (XCOM) on Steam, he also played.

I remember when he played the old X-COM series, he used the Game Wizard editor to raise money, speed up R&D and raise agent levels.

I thought it was funny when the alien ship shipwracked after being shot down. The team invaded the shipwracked ship and an agent could walk a lot in a single turn! That is, this agent looked for enemies, eliminated the enemies, and dodged from the laser fired by the enemy. The agent was “The Flash”! :rocks: :kuger:

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