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TheChosen 18-05-2005 05:20 AM

Its time for a poll!
We all have heard of Star Trek (What? You havent! Shame on you!). Do you like it? Do you think its the best sci-fi ever? Or do you hate it? Do you think that Mr.Spock is uqly?

So tell us. Do you like Star Trek??

a1s 18-05-2005 05:32 AM

stop. enough StarTrek threads/polls/films!!!
I like it but you guys are just going far over the limit!!!

efthimios 18-05-2005 07:37 AM

Yes, I love it.

Nick 18-05-2005 08:37 AM

Yeah, nice film, but now we, in Russia, have a serial film Star Trek: Enterprise. As I remeber, in original Star Trek was cpt. Picard and in Star Trek: Enterprise is now cpt. Archer. I watch every series. BTW, is there anybody, who know, where could I download title music in mp3 for ST: Enterprise, I mentioned?

Tulac 18-05-2005 08:43 AM

IMO Star Trek is a good SF show, I'm not a fan but I watch every time that I can, and Nick there are a few more shows than just the ones with Picard and Archer ;)

Quintopotere 18-05-2005 08:58 AM

I like it!

Especially i liked the Deep Space Nine series (with Picard).

Well, in the last series i like T'Pol :drool:

Tulac 18-05-2005 09:32 AM


Originally posted by Quintopotere@May 18 2005, 09:58 AM
Especially i liked the Deep Space Nine series (with Picard).

Errm dude, it's Sisqo in the DS9... :D

Quintopotere 18-05-2005 11:11 AM

what is the series with Picard? Next generation, maybe?

a1s 18-05-2005 11:20 AM

I was sort of wondering where James Kirk and (the not-exactly-elven :D )Spock(whatever his name is) could be found.

EDIT:yes picard was in TNG.

Reup 18-05-2005 12:46 PM

Where? Why on the bridge of the USS Enterprise off course! But only in The Original Series (TOS) off course! Homepage!

samtam90 18-05-2005 12:48 PM

I love Star Trek and all the many films with both Picard and Kirk. They're great!! :ok:

Flop 18-05-2005 01:05 PM


Originally posted by samtam90@May 18 2005, 02:48 PM
I love Star Trek and all the many films with both Picard and Kirk. They're great!! :ok:
Me too, except perhaps the one film with both Picard and Kirk (namely Generations). :D

omg 18-05-2005 04:25 PM

star trek original next gen an ds9 rock, voyager has its moments but is it just me or does janeway have a really annoying voice? the borg were the stars of voyager.

as for enterprise i stopped watching it, it seems to be all about wether or not archer is gonna end up shagging the vulcan bird. and the theme music makes my skin crawl.

singing: "its been a long tiime" (reaches for gun)

Don Andy 18-05-2005 05:49 PM

ST is one of my favourite shows. I like TNG the best (the one with Picard), DS9 sucks imo, but that's just my opinion, a lot of people seem to like it.

I've never seen much episodes of the original Star Trek with Kirk, but it don't like this one much, too. It's like old computergames, you're not used to such bad graphics after playing Halo, HL2, Doom 3 and stuff (also the Klingons in the original one just suck).

The one with Archer (don't know the name of the series either) is pretty cool, too ^_^

efthimios 18-05-2005 06:32 PM

My favourite thing on TV ever is/was TNG. As for ST, TNG is my first choice of course. Then all the rest. I like Enterprise and it is not all about T'pol and Archer. If you watch more episodes you will see that this is not where it is going. They *meep*ed up the timeline but in general it is a good series.

Danny252 18-05-2005 06:36 PM

yeah, the timeline is just meh...

Tulac 18-05-2005 07:02 PM

I hate when they play with time in Star Trek,it allways feels kind of illogical(I know there are many other illogical things, but this one annoys me), and also the whole show being set in the time before Kirk, is just repulsive, I want photon torpedos...

Doubler 18-05-2005 07:11 PM

The ship itself doesn't really have a pre-STOS feeling either, it could almost be a TNG ship, except for the lack of luxury and equipment.

omg 19-05-2005 12:20 AM

but as you say they messed up the timeline, it annoys me to be honest as i was looking forwards to the klingon wars + the romulan wars, and that theme is so untrek it amazes me, i think they were foolish to play with it as they did. they have lost a lot of there more hardcore fans because of it which has hurt there viewing figures, hence the imment cancellation.

Virgil 19-05-2005 07:06 AM

I don't like star trek .at all . Most of games based on ST universe are crap , except maybe Starfleet command & Elite Force .

Flop 19-05-2005 07:52 AM


Originally posted by Virgil@May 19 2005, 09:06 AM
I don't like star trek .at all . Most of games based on ST universe are crap , except maybe Starfleet command & Elite Force .
Most Star Trek games may be crap, but have you ever played STNG: A Final Unity or Star Trek: Bridge Commander? Those are pretty good too, IMO.

Virgil 19-05-2005 10:59 AM

Oh yeah , i meant Bridge Commander (not starfleet command) , just forgot the name.

TheChosen 19-05-2005 11:42 AM

Many old Star Trek games were crap. I think the best ST games a the interplays 25th anniversary and judgement rites.

omg 19-05-2005 03:57 PM

starfleet command 3 is really cool tho, going into battle in a modded galaxey class with a fleet thats under the command of picard!!, i lent that game out a coupla years back an never got it back, something that annoys me still, im on the lookout for a second hand copy.

Sebatianos 19-05-2005 03:58 PM

My favourite Star Trek game was The Rebel Universe (unfortunately the PC version has really crappy graphics).

efthimios 19-05-2005 04:15 PM

My favourite Star Trek game is Birth of the federation. One of my favourite strategy games too. I also like very much the Starfleet series from Taldren and the above mentioned games. Even the adventures in the mid early 90s were good enough. There are some bad Star Trek games, but I wouldn't say that the majority of the Star Trek games are bad, but perhaps one 40%. :max:

a1s 19-05-2005 04:36 PM

I've seen parts of TNG , Voyager and Enterprise. I liked the former two, but based on what I've seen (about 4 or 5 episodes) Enterprise kind of sucks, except for those alternative history epsiodes (called "black miror", or someting like that) about earth forming an empire instead of a federation- a great work of Sci-Fi, even if its a little bit un-startrek.

Wildcatsa 19-05-2005 04:47 PM

Hmmmmm ..... Do I like Star Trek ...... Lemme think about that ..............
I wish some one in RSA would put it on again from Episode 1 of Kirk .... "The Cage"
if you don't know ...... all the way through ..... I would be in heaven!!!!! :w00t:

omg 19-05-2005 04:53 PM

i wonder who the 2 people are who have never seen star trek? didnt think such a thing is possible.

a1s 19-05-2005 04:58 PM

I will bet you a pair of clean socks, that there are more than 3 billion people who haven't seen any startrek

Doubler 19-05-2005 05:04 PM


Originally posted by a1s@May 19 2005, 04:58 PM
I will bet you a pair of clean socks, that there are more than 3 billion people who haven't seen any startrek
I think that when you have acces to internet, and visit abandonware sites, the chances of never having seen Star Trek diminish rapidly...

a1s 19-05-2005 05:06 PM

er... how are those connected? :blink:

omg 19-05-2005 05:07 PM

youve got clean socks?? i wants em!

any startrek means not even a few seconds of channel hopping, it has been shown in pretty much evry country, ok countrys where people dont have a lot of tellys sure, but the rest?

i know in theory a lot of people havnt seen it or have and hate it but evryone i know is at least an occasional user. i have never met anyone who dont have an opinion on it, and i know a lot of people who are casual users, and who even like the new enterprise !!!

Doubler 19-05-2005 05:10 PM


Originally posted by a1s@May 19 2005, 05:06 PM
er... how are those connected? :blink:
Like OMG said. That's o m g, about the television thing. :D
It proves that you live in a reasonably developed country:
You have internet acces, which isn't that remarkeable, and you spend time looking for games, which pretty much proves you have your own computer, which is a bit more special.
Maybe you even have a gaming history!

omg 19-05-2005 06:22 PM

a gaming history? is that like a history of drug abuse? or a history of petty theft? or like are they monitering what copywrited games u are downloading so they can sue u later like the riaa? :ot:

Doubler 19-05-2005 06:25 PM



Rogue 19-05-2005 07:33 PM

No, I don't like ST. (no star treak nor atari ST :) - Amiga rules! :))

Also I do not whatch any ST (but I played some games on Atari ST computer ;)).

Nick 23-05-2005 09:25 AM

I 've got a problem. Just two days ago Star Trek: Enterprise ended on one of our Russian channels. But it is ended in such manner, that it is obviously hasn't ended. The last piece was about destroying a Xindi weapon and then, when Enterprise came to the Earth, there was WWII and cpt. Archer showed wounded in some sort of First Aid Tent. Then film showed some creature in Nazi uniform, then ended. But it wasn't the end! I would like to know, what was next (or maybe there isn't any next :blink: ), because on that channel is now a certain film Andromeda and it is not very clear, if ST will be shown again.

Iron_Scarecrow 23-05-2005 09:39 AM

I've seen the latest Star Trek movie, but haven't seen any of the series, so I still voted I haven't seen any.

efthimios 23-05-2005 10:41 AM

Nick, that wasn't the end. It still has another season before it ends. Would you like me to send you a PM with what happened after that so that people who haven't watched them yet but plan to, do not get upset with finding out what happens?

Nick 23-05-2005 12:50 PM

It would be very kind of you. :ok:

Nick 26-05-2005 09:04 PM

Which one of the Star Trek's series is your favourite?

efthimios 26-05-2005 10:40 PM

All of them have a special place in my heart but the favourite, top of the tops :-) Nothing even coming close ST or not, is The Next Generation.

omg 27-05-2005 11:50 AM

ive always had a soft spot for deep space 9, yeah there were some turgid episodes, an the last episode was a total letdown, but i think it also had some of the best writing, and sisko was THE MAN .
also the fleet battle in sacrifice of angels is my fave bit of sfx ever.

Nick 27-05-2005 05:14 PM

Well, as for me, from those few pieces, that I watched, while film was being showed on our channel, I liked most the series, when Dr. Flox (or maybe Flocks?) had to run Enterprise alone, while other crew was comatose. The most interesting moment, is that all of that journey doctor was chatting with hallucinated T'Pol. And "she" was replying him and just simply help him like real! It became clearly, that she is just an illusion, only in the ending, when doctor accompanied hallucination to her cabin and there he saw real T'Pol, lying comatose. I liked that very much.

DeathDude 27-05-2005 07:06 PM

I always love watching TNG, it's on from 11-1 here every weekday here so that's good then at 4 I can catch DS9 so that's good I really gotta start getting back into it again.

LOL 27-05-2005 07:27 PM

Well i newer whatched the old ones, but have seen some of next generation in tv and i liked it.

omg 27-05-2005 11:00 PM


Originally posted by Nick@May 27 2005, 05:14 PM
there he saw real T'Pol, lying comatose. I liked that very much.
mmm tpol comatose, i wonder why you liked that image?

BeefontheBone 27-05-2005 11:23 PM

Well, that's spoilt THAT episode for me - curse you and your spoilers!

omg 27-05-2005 11:27 PM

pretty tuff to spoil an episode of enterprise though isnt it, :D
because of the way it spat in the face of fans an the viewing figures slidf down paramount now consider it r.i.p

this is depressing
star wars R.I.P
star trek R.I.P
babylon 5 R.I.P
farscape R.IP
the outer limits R.I.P
red dwarf R.I.P

what is left in the world of good tv an movie sci fi? doctor who!!! agggghhhhhhhhh

BeefontheBone 27-05-2005 11:30 PM

Billy Piper? Ewwww *shudders*. Shame really, because it's not half bad otherwise - Simon Pegg was awesome the other week.

omg 27-05-2005 11:33 PM

"hey teenaged girl come with me into this police box and i take you on an amazing adventure"

intelligent teenaged girl *runs*
billie piper "yeah sure"

simon pegg rules in evrything. but i still think the docs a pede.

r.i.p startrek, we will miss you! (no pedes there, although i always thought riker was gay)

BeefontheBone 27-05-2005 11:34 PM

There's loads of fanfic sites with like erotic fiction based on Star Trek, and quite often Picard is to be found gettin' it on with Riker. There's some weirdos out there on that internet...

omg 27-05-2005 11:39 PM

hahahahah. i heard about that slash scene. one time when i was bored i went on a search for some...
i was unaware how many sick people there are out there. i thought dwarf porn was bad, but fanfic can be pretty gross, although thouroughly hilarios with enuff beer
some of the buffy fanfic i read written by red willow was suprisingly sensitive, an i guess realistic, she is (obviosly) female, so she can write about lespean relationships without being crude, although im gettin way off topic, but f it, i blame the beer an the 48 hours no sleep

picard riker loads of
spock kirk loads of
not so much about any of the star trek girls though.
just fakes
fakes are probably nice for 12 year olds ..

efthimios 28-05-2005 12:33 AM

Star Wars is not RIP, they are going to make TV series, that might be good.

Star Trek is not dead, just resting.

B.P. is out of Dr Who, she quit to pursue a career in Hollywood together with the guy that was originaly Dr Who in the first season of the new series.

B5 is dead for like ages now.

omg 28-05-2005 12:37 AM

b5 isnt dead in my heart
dam paramount sabotaged it, they feared competition, and now star trek is dead anyway, maybe with a larger sci fi market that would have been created had b5 not been so destroyed by there dirty politics there would be a bigger market for sci fi

there is one jewl though.
the new battlestar galactica!!!!!

a1s 28-05-2005 12:48 AM


Originally posted by efthimios@May 28 2005, 12:33 AM
Star Wars is not RIP, they are going to make TV series, that might be good.
please pardon my incompetence, but isn't that whay they've been doing for the past 30+ years? :eeeeeh:
EDIT: my mistake, I tought you meant star trek.

omg 28-05-2005 01:24 AM

:ot: a star wars tv series? could be horrific, generally speaking movies into tv series = crap
tv series into movies = good
dunno why it is , it just is, i am happy for sith to be the final starwars, for years i hoped they would then go into7, 8 , 9
but carrie fisher has turned into a grandmother
mark hamill , well his face is plastic, aging not as noticable
harrison ford has a big problem with working with lucas
so unless they use digitall puppets which in a few years they will probably be able to do its a no go. would be lovly if they have been making it in secret but i doubt it.
as for why starwars shouldent be a tv series check out revelations. it feels like a pilot for star wars the tv series. and the acting is actually wooden, rather than just forumites acusing it of being wooden.
i used to act a lot in am dram and i did performing arts at college. im not the best actor but i know wooden acting. hayden did a fine job with the typically lucas minamall source material. aslo in a star wars movie actors are often on there own in fron of a blue screen. talk about nightmare. a lot of people who have worked with lucas (harrison ford..) have hated his methods, he is an fx director, not an acting director.

as for people who dissed dark empire, ie: stroggy
u write a better follow on to return of the jedi then, go on.
dark empire was cool and would be an engaging series of movies. there were elements of this series of movies that seem to have been taken from fanfic ie: the clone wars.

lucas reads all he likes his position as god.
(amazing he isnt english) :ot:

hopefully they will make another startrek movie. personally i want to see another startrek movie. people accuse nemsis of being a fan wank. i rather enjoyed being physically manipulated by paramount, and i hope they will do it again.

efthimios 28-05-2005 01:54 AM

I am not sure I understand what you mean about Nemesis.

I liked Nemesis and is one of my favourite Star Trek movies, together with 6 and 2 and 8.

Star Wars TV series might be good.

Star Trek is not dead, just resting.

DeathDude 28-05-2005 02:30 AM

Last I heard the star wars tv series would be the events between episode 3 and 4 so in that time period.

a1s 28-05-2005 02:33 AM


Originally posted by omg@May 28 2005, 01:24 AM
generally speaking movies into tv series = crap
tv series into movies = good

I'm not as sure on that point, I remember enjoying The mask TV series as a kid, and the few episodes of "honey I shrunk the family" I saw were pretty nice too.
on the other hand I will forever hate the Spiderman movie (alltough that was a cartoon TV series, derived from comic books, so maybe that doesn't count)

Cyberpunk is not dead, it just smells that way.

Nick 28-05-2005 08:08 AM


Originally posted by omg+May 27 2005, 11:00 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (omg @ May 27 2005, 11:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Nick@May 27 2005, 05:14 PM
there he saw real T'Pol, lying comatose. I liked that very much.
mmm tpol comatose, i wonder why you liked that image? [/b][/quote]
Not that image, but all series!

omg 28-05-2005 12:55 PM

nemisis: like i said i enjoyed paramount wanking me. when people diss it i stand up for it.
ahh spiderman. if only it had never been made, although its let the door open for comic book movies, now we get sin city!!! hoorah!
(gonna be good to see bruce willis in a cool movie again)
if sci fi isnt dead then where is all the new sci fi shows at?
all we get on british tv is gardening an decorating shows and doctor who, but im pretty underwhelmed by it.

TheChosen 28-05-2005 02:21 PM

Woohoo! Theyre going to show the first Star Trek episodes in Finland!
Im so lucky.............

omg 28-05-2005 02:36 PM

its better than nothing.

Yobor 28-05-2005 02:39 PM

Personally I think all of the coolness of Star Trek is limited to Next Generation on the originals. I like Next Generation the most, because the plots are actually interesting, and there are plenty of :borg:

omg 28-05-2005 02:40 PM

if you like the borg you should like voyager they showed up a hell of a lot.

TheChosen 28-05-2005 02:41 PM

Another question:
Who is your favourite captain?
My favourite is James T. Kirk.

omg 28-05-2005 02:43 PM


efthimios 28-05-2005 03:30 PM

Picard, the epitomy of an excellent captain IMO.

a1s 28-05-2005 04:54 PM

I would have to say Janeway, because I believe I should pick the woman when in doubt, allthough Piccard is a proud 2nd :D

omg 28-05-2005 07:33 PM

janeways voice is soooo annoying though.
(why if in doubt pick the women??)
personally if in doubt i pick the big black man who looks like he could easily kick your head in.
i think if kirk an sisko got in a fight sisko would win
ditto all the other captains actually, sisko would beat them all in a fight.
(gets ready to duck from flaming projectiles)

Nick 28-05-2005 08:00 PM

I saw only a few with cpt. Picard, so I couldn't say, if he's good captain or not. As for Archer, I would say he is too linear in his decisions and mostly relies on his commanders. He isn't looks like a real commanding officer, IMO.

DeathDude 28-05-2005 08:22 PM

For me hands down it'd be Picard, he's really an excellent one oh yeah.

omg 29-05-2005 01:24 AM

picard could beat sisko in a game of poker. sisko would beat him in a fight though.

a1s 29-05-2005 01:37 AM

I was wondering, does anyone know a good resource on star federtion history?

Tulac 29-05-2005 10:26 AM

a1s 31-05-2005 06:03 PM


Originally posted by TheChosen@May 18 2005, 05:20 AM
Do you think that Mr.Spock is uqly?
No, that would be like saying that elves are ugly (and they're not!), in fact I believe that Spock is the perect vision of a vulcan. :D
Tuvac is seriously overdoing the whole emotionals upression thing, and he somehow doesn't look vulcan.
T'Pol, a vulcan? that is illogical! :)
I've never seen any Vulcans in TNG, did they actualy have any on board?
and I haven't seen DS9, but they probably messed up in some way too.
So no, while not being the vsion of beauty, Mr. Spock is most certinatly not ugly.

efthimios 31-05-2005 08:26 PM


Originally posted by a1s+May 31 2005, 06:03 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (a1s @ May 31 2005, 06:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-TheChosen@May 18 2005, 05:20 AM
Do you think that Mr.Spock is uqly?
No, that would be like saying that elves are ugly (and they're not!), in fact I believe that Spock is the perect vision of a vulcan. :D
Tuvac is seriously overdoing the whole emotionals upression thing, and he somehow doesn't look vulcan.
T'Pol, a vulcan? that is illogical! :)
I've never seen any Vulcans in TNG, did they actualy have any on board?
and I haven't seen DS9, but they probably messed up in some way too.
So no, while not being the vsion of beauty, Mr. Spock is most certinatly not ugly. [/b][/quote]
Jolene Blalock is nothing but beautiful IMO.

There were a few (5-6?) episodes of TNG where there were Vulcans. One was a dying man that mind melded with Picard, 2-3 were admirals/captains/high ranking officers. 1-2 were just crew members that you just happened to see them walking by in the ship, and there were 2 that I remember that were proper characters in an episode that were crew of the Enterprise D. Yes, I do like TNG very much. :-)

Xinithaous 01-06-2005 12:25 AM

This Topic is My Speciality, I own over 400 Episodes on Tape Mostly DS9 but alot of Voyager and TNG, Voyager Had a crude ending and DS9 had an awesome war theme

What abt favourite Character bring on Datha

omg 01-06-2005 12:34 AM

another ds9 fan!!! yes! im not alone in that wierd thing anymore!!

Doubler 01-06-2005 03:10 PM

OMG, you never were...

Malice Mizer 01-06-2005 03:15 PM

I enjoyed the next generation, and I like that chick with large breasts from voyager (I think?) apart from that they're pretty below average, I can't stand the current one, Enterprise I think. The captain guy, just really gets my back up, I wanna beat him to death with his own severed legs. Didn't really like the original series either.

There was another one, with that stupid alien with the forhead and the ears, I forget the name, but it was ok, if I remember rightly.

Doubler 01-06-2005 03:22 PM


that chick with large breasts from voyager
Seven of Nine?


There was another one, with that stupid alien with the forhead and the ears
Deliciously vague. DS9? The alien being Quark, the Ferengi barkeep?

Malice Mizer 01-06-2005 03:26 PM

I dunno, she had a stupid eye-thing, I think she was one of those robot guys....

I don't remember his name but I think he worked as a bar, and yeah i think it was DS9

You can tell i'm a huge fan can't you?

Doubler 01-06-2005 03:31 PM

Indeed Seven of Nine...
And yes, you seem to be a HUGE fan :bleh:

Shrek 01-06-2005 04:07 PM

Seven of Nine appears at the last episode of the 4th season of voyager, where voyager and the borg work together to fight some "guys" known as species 8472. that on is a good episode. :kosta:

voyager and tng are my favorites

Playbahnosh 01-06-2005 07:37 PM

:bump: I join you on that one! LOL

My favorite is Voyager. That has the most original inventions and the best actors!
Like 7/9! She can play a brutal and mindless borg, and a sensitive and sexy bar-singer too :drool: please assimilate meeee, yeeeeaaahhhh... :drool:

The new Star Trek: Enterprise is missing something. I don't know what, but is missing something important, that was in all the series... :blink:
Archer is an uncapable fool, T'Pol is sexy but not an actor (they tried to copy the 7/9 image...unsuccesfully :not_ok: ), the rest of the crew is pure nonsense. Something has gone wrong after Voyager. The Enterprise is just like the last Gene Roddenbery series(I don't know the title. Conflict Earth or somthing, dunno :blink: . Some wierd blue alien race came to earth to give tech to humans, they had a huge mothership orbiting earth. Sorry, I just saw 3-4 of it).
Something has changed since that series, Star Trek became more...uh...plastic. Yes, it feels something like plastic or linoleum...the original feeling is spolied... I'm alone with this one, or sombody else feel it too? :blink:

The Voyager is the best of it all. It offers a wide variety of perspectives unlike any series before. We can experiance thing through 7/9 the borg, the Doctor a hologram, B'Elana a klingon and so on. Janeway is another thing in this. Someone likes her, someone not. Personally I like her style, she is a real character! She is a coffee addict, agressive and egocentric person, but there is something in her that I like. I like that the ship is continuosly upgraded with different technology. That keeps up the interest! :D

Okay I finish up... Digest this one! :ok:

Doubler 01-06-2005 07:48 PM

I miss the 'Starfleet' and 'Federation' element in Voyager...
The 'being part of something bigger' feeling...

That doesn't meen I didn't like Voyager, I just liked DS9 and especially TNG better.

efthimios 01-06-2005 07:53 PM

I actualy think that Jolene Blalock's performance is good. As is of the rest of the crew. Though I like the Enterprise series very much I have to say this. From a technical perspective, some of the dialogue and script in general is very bad. I do not blame the actors/actresses for what could be seen as bad acting, but it is hard to act good when you have such terrible dialogue.
Also, some people accuse Jolene in particular just because she is (IMO) very beautiful and with a very nice body, and automaticaly (in a super ego level perhaps) assume or reach the conclusion that she "doesn't have it".

Playbahnosh 01-06-2005 10:55 PM

I didn't say that Jolene is "not up to it" to say it mildly. I only said that they tried to copy the 7/9 feeling of Jery Rian, and missed it, that's all. I like how Jolene looks like, but she make an awful vulcan, if you ask me. Possibly it's becouse the horrible dialogs, but the whole Enterprise is...whell...I don't know, but I don't like it as it is now... :blink: The story and the idea is great, but how they actually made it, its wrong...

Malice Mizer 01-06-2005 11:21 PM

*slurs drunkenly*

And i'll tell you something ELSE!

A captain. Of a ship no less - should NAY! would never leave his ship to go piss-arsing around getting shot at on some random planet recklessly putting his life in danger. He has a responsibiliy to look after his crew, surely?

That's why this Enterprise pisses me off. The original series got away with it. Kirk could do anything, but this captain of the current series is a prick. :sniper:

Playbahnosh 02-06-2005 07:42 AM

That's right. Archer doesn't have ultra-future life saving stuff on board, like on Enterprise D. Pickard could do, to go down on a hostile planet, get shot, get squished by some rock, the transported back on board and pached up by the doctor. And the Voyager had the Doctor there and lotsa borg tech! :D
Archer has nothing, just a uncompetent dr. Flox. Shame....

efthimios 02-06-2005 08:40 AM

Oh come on! Flox is funny, clever and a fine addition to the crew!

Doc Adrian 02-06-2005 08:50 AM

like it..yet don't like it. I like some series better than others

Playbahnosh 02-06-2005 08:14 PM

I think they should continue where the original series, like DS9 and Voyager finished, not making an entierly new series. <_<
If you ask me, they should continue the NG series. Continuing Voyager would be a bit hard...

a1s 02-06-2005 09:27 PM

a thing about Archer.
I had only seen parts of seson 4, so can anyone tell me if he had anything to do with naming the ship? why? see below.
I think, that as a kid Archer came across a very old SMDisk with all of the original series, and ever since then he wanted to be kirk, fly around the hostile space {EDIT: allmost forgot, fly around on the USS Enterprise} and go where no man with sane mind would ever go.
But he lacks the suff neede to be kirk, ie- he isn't perfect. he isn't lucky enough, and doesn't have looks to die for (half of the female crew had a crush on kirk, that is mention in the TOS).
Generaly I think it was a great Idea to make a series about the begging of space travel, build a brige between the times, so to speak, but it was poorly implemented.
And nobody says Jolene isn't preety, she'd make a perfect science officer. But she (and most of the other vulcans on the series) just isn't vulcany.

omg 02-06-2005 10:00 PM

they could do a movie set during the dominion wars. theres loads of that that was going on offscreen as it were, people just refeering to conflict a lot more than you actually saw conflict, i always felt ds9 deserved a movie.

Playbahnosh 03-06-2005 09:10 AM

That's right! :ok: DS9 deserves a movie. Just as Voyager, on my part. Say, what happened after they reached Earth? It was said that the Voyager became a museum or something like that, but that's just supid.
They wouldn't retire the most advanced ship in Starfleet with most experienced crew, that wouldn't make sense! :blink:
I think Voyger should continue like ST, exploring space and solving Confederate problems...

Tulac 03-06-2005 09:52 AM

I think that the production of Start Trek will stop for the next 20 years or so...

Shrek 03-06-2005 10:14 AM

personally, i don' t think DS9 would make a great movie as the plot would take place in a stationary space station. the "mobility" factor as a great impact in such kind of movies.

as continuing voyager would be a hard task, as all the crew was "promoted" so virtualy they all would be "out" :not_ok: .

omg 03-06-2005 02:42 PM

5 things shrek.
1: that stationary space station bs is what people always pull out when they dont like ds9. say something original.
2: babylon5 had a great plot and was on a space station.
3: ds9 had a great plot and was set on a space station. if you disagree u clearly didnt watch it.
4: a movie set during the dominion wars = multiple locations not just the station.
5: the defiant is the coolest ship in startrek e v e r she got the moves, and if i give her antimatter mines twin pulse phaser and photon i can take out a romulan warbird with her on captain difficulty on sfc3. she got the moves, check out sacrifice of angels episode of ds9.

is it just me or did the ships look better in ds9 than they did in enterprise? i think its because they were real models that were animated by computer rather than pure cg.

Playbahnosh 04-06-2005 10:16 PM

DS9 ships do look better than NG, becouse of technical advancement. My opinion is the ships look best in Voyager, probably becouse it's made after DS9 is finished...

a1s 05-06-2005 12:27 AM

what re you talking about? the ships looked great in everything but the original series (and those toy ships mosels in TOS give me a warm filling even despite not being realistic, guess I haven't really grown out of toy ships yet :angel: )

omg 05-06-2005 12:38 AM

pls noite, very drunk.
\wehat im talking about is thAT.
paramount used to make models and then photo tyhem in 3d. now what they do is they completly generate them in 3d. there ius a huge difference between a rw model that is digiatlally animated and a pure digitall model that is digitally animated.

Playbahnosh 05-06-2005 08:25 AM

Um... OMG you are drunk indeed....geeez you should see a doctor dude...
I think Comp animatinon is far better then tiny modells. After all this is the 21. century... :D

omg 05-06-2005 12:32 PM

ok im sober now so i can elocute a little more the concept im trying to get across here. there are two ways of doing startrek style fx. 1 way is to make a model and then photograph it using a special (and very expensive) 3d camera. u then use the computers to move it, ie: plot in the vectors the model will follow. it has a different , more "solid" look than pure cg. you can get a solid look from pure cg. but it takes a lot more renders than they bothered to do with the new enterprise show.

Playbahnosh 05-06-2005 02:33 PM

Yeah, they changed how they animate things in Enterprise... That is the problem. And the masking is too different if you ask me...

omg 05-06-2005 02:35 PM

it just doesnt look right.

Playbahnosh 05-06-2005 08:56 PM


Originally posted by omg@Jun 5 2005, 03:35 PM
it just doesnt look right.
Exactly! It looks too stupid and childish to me. Even the vulcans and klingons look too idiotic... Thats wrong.... :not_ok:

TheChosen 29-07-2005 09:39 AM

I had to resurrect this topic because i have to tell you something....

Im preparing for the 36 episodes long Star Trek marathon! :D

a1s 29-07-2005 12:20 PM

where are they showing it?

TheChosen 29-07-2005 12:21 PM

On a finnish television channel.

Shrek 01-08-2005 09:03 AM

hey, there' s a portuguese tv channel showing some TNG episodes... and they have an internet stream (if anyone' s interested type this URL "mms://" in you windows media player :D - i think it works outside Portugal, but i would like to confirm that). episodes are online every thurdays at 9:00 PM - Lisbon time

Last week' s episode, Picard and his crew just meet the borg by the first time :borg: "resistence is futile"

sgtboat 11-12-2009 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 103123)
Yeah, nice film, but now we, in Russia, have a serial film Star Trek: Enterprise. As I remeber, in original Star Trek was cpt. Picard and in Star Trek: Enterprise is now cpt. Archer. I watch every series. BTW, is there anybody, who know, where could I download title music in mp3 for ST: Enterprise, I mentioned?

I think you can get it off youtube. 11-12-2009 07:35 PM

I don't like Star Trek, BUT I found the adventure games of the series pretty interesting.

DarthHelmet86 12-12-2009 12:53 PM

Picard wins......hands down.......Kirk is good but Picard is Number One.


Maybe I should see a doctor about this.

ysorian 28-12-2009 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by DarthHelmet86 (Post 390769)
Picard wins......hands down.......Kirk is good but Picard is Number One.


Maybe I should see a doctor about this.

Picard is a nancy boy! I despise Next Gen, all this peace love and mungbeans crud really gets my goat. Janeway is unfortunately the best captain; while in order, Voyager, Enterprise then the later series' of DS9 when they finally get away from that goddam station! lol. Give me Bablyon 5 or Space - Above and Beyond before Next Gen anyday. :thumbs:

supa_mario 28-12-2009 04:13 AM

I'm more of a Stargate fan.. I haven't seen enough of Star Trek to really judge it though. I saw the new movie. But apart from a few odd episodes of voyager that I saw when I was like 7 my Star Trek knowledge is at zip.

Halindir 28-12-2009 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by DarthHelmet86 (Post 390769)
Picard wins......hands down.......Kirk is good but Picard is Number One.


Maybe I should see a doctor about this.

For some reason i've never liked Kirk, but I love Picard :3

ysorian 28-12-2009 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by supa_mario (Post 391851)
I'm more of a Stargate fan.. I haven't seen enough of Star Trek to really judge it though. I saw the new movie. But apart from a few odd episodes of voyager that I saw when I was like 7 my Star Trek knowledge is at zip.

Stargate is great. Theres a lot more eccentricities given to the characters, and i've always been a lover of character driven stuff. Next Gen, i don't know. All the characters seem wooden, ironically enuff the only interesting one would have to be Data lol.

Absolutely love the Q episodes tho

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