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Sameeralord 14-01-2006 10:40 AM

Hey Guys,
Shady Yashy and I have decided to make a story telling thread. This time we have a title to our story and our main goal is to end the story properly unlike last time. I think most of the people know how this goes. Basically you just start a story and everyone can join . Co-Op project of Shady Yashy and Me and we hope many of you would join. We hope this would be a success. Thank you!!

Hope fully at the end we can make a list of all the people who have contributed.

the story beginning was made by both of us

Shady Yashy 14-01-2006 10:51 AM

The Quest Begins .....

I was scrambling along the muddy plains to the destination I longed for. There were lights cruising every where. Then I struggled and went on to the barbed fence. Then i took out my Wire Cutter and cut the Strong Barbed Walls of the Area 51.

1 hour Later .....

The ship I was flying was running smoothly. I was enjoying the mere surroundings that I was enjoyin for the first time in this stray world where I had never set foot before. But then the space ship started to weave and go astray. The Log Screen in front of the cockpit was flashing +Error On Engine Pipe 2+.

The world started to go on. I was going to crash land. I knew I didn't have any choice. The Plane hit the ground with a smack.

2 Hours Later .....

I realised what happened. 2 hours ago i crash-landed on a planet with living species that was far extinct on earth. Dinosaurs, Aliens, they were all there......

3 Minutes Later ......

Wolf Thug 14-01-2006 01:50 PM




Tulac 14-01-2006 02:09 PM

That it was all an illusion, and that I am actually...

Shady Yashy 14-01-2006 03:14 PM

... staring at a dark bluish tree with metallic leaves and flowers. I couldn't believe the fact that I was in some Planet a billion light years away from earth. The tree wasn't the only alien thing in the area....

There were animals like Predators but only the size of my thumb running all around me in small groups. I looked around me and realised I was in some of metallic tree jungle. My Space Ship lay beside me with the two engines flaming up smoke, broken. I took some Ammo for my weapon from the ship. Just in case i encoutered something unfriendly....

I started to walk along among these unusual trees and plants. They were all dark bluish arond me. I continued to see the strange small predators scattered here and there. Then my lips started drying. I was in the verge of dehydrating. I was in the need of water....

I continued on my journey. The unusual jungle kept on coming. There was no end. I wasn't able to find some water. It was my will that kept me on. I looked everywehre. There was no well, no river nothing.....

Then darkness flooded my eyes ......

Yobor 14-01-2006 03:39 PM

I opened my eyes to find myself totally naked. I was in some form of cave. After a few moments of disorientation, I realised that there were shadows moving on the ceiling! But these weren't ordinary shadows. It was the reflection of water playing gayfully on the roof of the cave. I then started examining my surroundings......

Sameeralord 15-01-2006 01:10 AM

The cave was pretty dark with the brightest area been the ceiling. It was not a friendly environment at all. There were bats flying everywhere, sounds of creatures I could not even recongnize. Then there it was. BRIGHT BULGING EYES.Oh no

side note: Thanks for the contributions so far guys. The idea of this is to have fun.

gufu1992 15-01-2006 01:13 AM

...I opened fire and...

Sameeralord 15-01-2006 01:16 AM

the un known creature still kept coming at me. Oh NO this is not good.

gufu1992 15-01-2006 02:03 AM

...It was creating sounds like it was saying something...

Sameeralord 15-01-2006 02:38 AM

I couldn't figure out what it was saying at all. It was all so foreign.I realized that this is my chance of escape.

Shady Yashy 15-01-2006 05:28 AM

... but the problem was there was no place to. I was trapped between the alien and me. And it reached out it's hand ....

andput it on my shoulder. By the time i was shaking like hell. Then, it made me sit down.... I was too powerful for me to resist. Then it went somewhere and after about 5 minutes it cam back with some kind of jug or something. And it put it into my lips...

I couldn't resist.... It forced some juicy liquid into my mouth....

Side Note: Thanks again for the contribution guys. :kosta:

Quintopotere 15-01-2006 09:10 AM

... the juce was tasting too sweet... I tried with all my forces to not gulp down that liquid, but I was too weak to resist to the beast...

The juce made turn my head and in a few moments I fell to the metallic, smooth and cold floor.

I don't know for how many hours or days I slept without dreams, but when I opened my eyes I was still in that cave...

omg 15-01-2006 09:43 AM

i began to realise i was very very far from the nearest burger king.
"why god , why!" i screamed punching the air with my fist.
unfortunatly my screams disturbed the slumber of something in the cave ..

TheChosen 15-01-2006 11:37 AM

....that "something" screamed. It was an high pitch sound that reminded me of an nuclear bomb.

I felt that it was moving towards me.

With my last powers, i kneeled and started to pray.

Suddenly, i felt something strange.

The cave dissappeared and i was in a strange room with guys wearing yellow, red and blue shirts.

One guy wearing yellow shirt walks from the crowd and says: Welcome. You have been beamed up aboard the....

Playbahnosh 15-01-2006 09:36 PM

...USS Leviathan, we came to..." but the words faded out and my vision blurred to darkness. I barely felt when I hit the ground....

When I woke up I was on a strange rectangular bed. I sat up and looked around with a mild headache, possibly from the shock. I was in the ship's sickbay, as far I could tell from the beds and the strange Star Trek-like medical equipment around me. I noticed two metallic wristbands on my arms with red lights flashing slowly. I tried to get up from the bed but I couldn't move. The wristbands were holding me fimly, although I didn't saw any chain or band that attached it to the bed.

Suddenly a man in blue uniform came in and walked to my bed holding a strange device emitting faint beeping noises.
- I'm glad you are awake Mr. Black. How do you feel?- he asked and moved the device starting from my head along my body watching the small display.
- Uhh...good...I guess... But how do you know my name? - I mumbled as I watched the man with the gadget.
He just smiled and said:
- You gave us a hard time finding you Mr. Black. Arthemus Black is it? Well, you got some things to stand for. You stole a US Military property and flew two hundred light-years into the Proxima System. Thank God we found you in time.. - he said and put away the gadget.

Another man in red uniform walked into the sickbay and came to my bed.
- Captain... - said the man in blue and stood aside.
- Thank you Doctor - he said and turned to me - I see you alright. I am...

Sameeralord 16-01-2006 01:37 AM

"Sephiroth" the captain of the Ship. You might not know me.

HA HA HA HA HA :angry:

As we got the device we needed. What shall we do to you? :tai:

HA HA HA HA HA :angry:

Sameeralord 16-01-2006 03:24 AM

I'm pleased to inform that I have created the first cartoon clip of our story.
I know it is not that good but it is something. :ok:

Side note: Nice to see you back Playbahnosh.

Quintopotere 16-01-2006 07:56 AM

The laugh of the captain was not so reassuring, expecially because I had heard many frightening stories about the tortures made to the ones captured by those secret bureaux of the Area 51... I was feeling in a trap and the headache was rising like my heartbeat...

Sephiroth looked at me more serious: - You have seen too many things and we can't leave you free, you know...-
Suddenly a man entered in the room shouting: -CAPTAIN! WE ARE IN A BIG TROUBLE!-

Eva02Soul 16-01-2006 09:06 AM

"Rosie O'Donnell has trapped us in her artificial gravity!" Sephiroth spun around "The O'Donnell beast?? This was all we needed" He muttered, walking towards the exit. Just before he left, he gestured to me. "Make sure he doesn't leave the room..." He stated coldly...

Sameeralord 16-01-2006 09:56 AM

Inside my head I was thanking Rosie O'Donnell though I knew for sure the beast won't be any better than SEPHIROTH!!. I was very smartly and tightly trapped. I remembered the early part of my military career. I was quite a young boy then, an immature person who didn't understand the purpose of enemy defense lessons given at that time. After 12 years I finally see the purpose. It is time to put breaking combo 123666 in to action!! :ok:

Side note: Nice to see you finding time to contribute to this story Quintopotere. Keep them coming. :ok:

Welcome to the new story telling thread Eva02Soul :ok:

Shady Yashy 16-01-2006 10:49 AM

.... the most basic rule that I learned in the Primary Military School is that to take the opponent unprepared. In this case thats what i did.

there was a laser gun in the captain's hands. and I was very aware of that ...

Side Note: Cool Animation work there Buddy :ok:

TheChosen 16-01-2006 01:27 PM

.....I yelled "What the hell is that!!?" and pointed at the west wall. Everyone turned to look. Then, i pulled the Sephiroths nose and kicked him in groin.

Quintopotere 16-01-2006 03:31 PM

Then I had just the time to think that I was doing a good job, and I felt like houndred hands immobilizing me, I was not even able to open my mouth to shout... but the captain was shouting even for me: "F***ing b*****rd... You'll not leave this room with you legs..."

A couple of crew dragged out him, while another one was approaching me keeping a strange weapon pointed to me, he said to me smiling: "How do you you feel, dude? Maybe a bit immobilized?" he laughed "You did a very stupid thing, dude! The captain doesn't like those kind of jokes..."
He pressed a button in the panel near the bed and a needle sting my neck...

Playbahnosh 16-01-2006 11:29 PM

...I felt sharp pain as a syringe-load of greenish liquid flowed into my body. The solider started to laugh.
- Have a good death, sucker...HAHAHAHA... - he said as he walked out of the room.

I felt as if I were stinged by a thousand bees as the liquid flowed through my veins. The pain was unbearable and I cryed out in pain. MY whole body was burning in cramp and my vision started to blur...again. But something was different. Suddenly a strange sensation flowed through my body, like when you dip in a pool of water. Cold... and calm... The pain was gone and I felt... good... better than ever actually...
"Am I dead?" I thought...

"No. You are alive..." came the answer from the abyss. Suddenly a vision appeard before my eyes. The alien from the cave! He was loking at me with his glittering eyes.
- I'm here to help you. The liquid you drank earlier detoxicated your body from the poison. Now you must do as I say if you want to live!" -the alien said.

I had no choice but to cooperate.
- Tell me what to do!

Sameeralord 17-01-2006 12:09 AM

Well!! first of all I have to tell you I am not in anyone's side. I come from a planet that is miliions and millions light years away from the proxy system. One day a meteror crashed into our planet. It was so huge and destructive and destroyed our whole planet in one blow.

You might ask how I survived? I was doing some research on behalf of my planet in this proxima system at that time . I got the message from the UNIVERSE NEWS media. My parents,friends everyone died in that crash and after years of research I know who casted meteor. The person who casted meteor is Sephiroth.

Sameeralord 17-01-2006 12:49 AM

Hey guys,
Here is our 2nd cartoon clip. Enjoy

Quintopotere 17-01-2006 08:34 AM

I was feeling like in a dream and all that story sounded just... unbelievable...
How could it be possible for Sephiroth using a meteor like a missile?

-What could I do? I'm lonely in this spaceship!-, I protested, -And I'm just a prisoner...-

-No, in this moment they think you are a dead! They're bringing your body in the fridge cell and you'll wake up there. Then you'll help me sabotaging the ship!-

TheChosen 17-01-2006 12:14 PM

....When they open the cell, jump and headbutt the scientists. Grab their stun guns and stun armed guards. Then, go to the air-vent, and i will instruct to the reactor.

-Youre about to awake now. Do as i told you.....

Wolf Thug 17-01-2006 05:18 PM

They open the cell you jump up and punch the scientists teeth in grab a stun gun and blast open the air vent someone grabs you from the back you slam the gun in his face he falls unconcious and you turn in time to see him slump to da feel a shiver run through your muscled body...action at last you think...but another guard comes into sight with he fires his stun gun at you but misses and hits a guard behind you instead you fire like mad and hit your target only twice taking a quick glance around you see no more guards to fight you quickly search the guards before making for da vent and....

Shady Yashy 17-01-2006 07:22 PM

.... and took two stun guns from two of the guards in both of my hands like the terminator. :evil: The Vent Looked like it would just squeeze me through, and my guns....

Sebatianos 17-01-2006 07:25 PM

...could stop the blades from slicing my toes and fingers off, thus I decided to go forth.

Wolf Thug 17-01-2006 10:38 PM

You squeeze through as you hear footsteps approaching... the guards must o heard the commotion... you quickly crawl through and in no time you are far inside.. in the dark you see somthing jump at you...oh its just a rat ...

you continue crawling as you think to yourself -self- you think -how the hell did rats get on this continue further...

Playbahnosh 17-01-2006 10:48 PM

I shot the propeller with the stun gun and the blades fell off. I continued to go forth. "The Hangar" the alien echoed in my head. I went forth turning left, right and left if I always knew where I was going.
After a short journey in the vents, I stopped at a grate. I looked through the grilles and saw my stolen ship waiting in the bay. They probably beamed up that too along with myself. From there it looked like it was fully repaired, though the hull was dotted with deep scratches.

I kicked open the grate and shot the solider guarding the ship. I hopped in the cockpit and started the engines...once...twice...for the third time it stayed running, but it was emitting strange cluttering noises. It was probably not fully repaired. I shot open the bay doors with the ship's weapons a nd blasted into outter space.

I saw the leviathan getting smaller until it vanished into the abyss.
"where to now?" I thought. But the alien appeared again and said....

Sameeralord 18-01-2006 12:52 AM

Here is the 4th cartoon clip

Sameeralord 18-01-2006 01:48 AM

"You haven't fully accomplished the misson" . We haven't defeated Sephiroth yet.
"WHAT :angry: you mean I have to go back to the ship. NO WAY!! :angry:" I protested . Well I don't think you would archieve anything good by not obeying me. I'm lot powerful and advanced than you . "Well it seems that I got no choice" I replied.

The Alien gave me 3 new tech gadgets to help me with my mission. I have never seen those gadgets before and didn't even know how to operate them. In other words I had no idea of these gadgets. After getting fully packed and ready the Alien gave me a map of the univese. You can find many popular and useful places in the univese with the help of this map but my no means this is a complete map of the universe. UNIVERSE IS INFINITE AND EXPANDING said the alien and dissapeared. Oh he also said something about DARK MATTER which I didn't have any clue about. I went to cockpit started the engine.

JUST THEN I saw a sparkling light emitted by something that is getting closer and closer. I read the text in my spaceship screen. "WARNING O'DONNELL THE BEAST CLOSING IN".

Playbahnosh 18-01-2006 09:37 AM

I cried out in terror. I was trying to get the wapons online but is seemed to me there is a problem with some of the ship's systems, judging by the numerous error displays. With my last sane thought I fired up the engines and bursted into outter space. Just when I thought I was safe, I felt a huge quake running through the ship. Something hit the hull. And another, and another. Good lord, I'm in the middle of an asteroid field!

The weapons were offline beyond repair and the shield is draining. "I can't turn back, the O'Donnel beast will get me! What now?" - the thoughts were swarming in my head. Quikly I rummaged through the gadgets the alien gave me, in hope for finding something that can save my life.

Suddenly a pretty large meteor hit the hull and the computer said: "Shields offline" with a particularly calm and charming voice. Ironic isn't it? And just before another large meteor hit the cockpit I found something...

#BlakhOle# 20-01-2006 03:20 AM

A little green button, just above a couple of complicated flashing lights, with the word "Help". Well I guessed i needed help, so I pushed it and the annoying voice came up, "You have requested HELP. Now scanning for problem and solution..." BING "You have just entered an an asteroid field. We suggest immediate evasion. Have a nice day." I screamed in frustrated rage at the board, and started hitting buttons at random in an enraged frenzy. The ship went into several loops and lights flashed everywhere, and at one point a mechanised arm popped out and started waving about for some reason. but nothing could budge the ship from the path of the ever-largening meteor. I pushed a button a bit to the right and suddenly ewverything went calm. The voice popped up again. "Auto-pilot engaged. Engines fully functional. Sheilds and weapons are down. Ship control is malfunctioning. Now entering hyperspace..."

Eva02Soul 20-01-2006 09:03 AM

Unfortunately with no shields or any form of ship control, in hyperspace I was absolutely screwed. I prepared myself, thinking back to all the calming techniques of my youth. Finally, I settled on the "Wet my pants and scream for uncle Bob" routine...

Shady Yashy 20-01-2006 11:32 AM

.... but as i was engulfed in where to find uncle bob, the alien had sort of appeared in front of me. With no help, I screamed to him - You, YOU! and he said - Just calm down. You are in no danger at all. I'm here to help you.

There's nothing more there to help. I'm going to be dead in 1 minute if I dont do anything. The Screen beeped - HAZARDROUS ERROR IN ENGINE_TERMINATION IN PROGRESS.... SELF DESTRUCT IN 56 Seconds... 55... 54...

I Had to bail out!....

Playbahnosh 20-01-2006 08:28 PM

Frenzied in terror, I tried to find the Eject button, but it was nowhere to find. Suddenly I reached for the button with the flashing lights, and I pressed it. "You have requested help. Now scanning for problem and sloution..." The gadget started to emit light-rays accross the cockpit, probably scanning for problems. "You are in immediate danger, you have to bail out" and the gadget silenced. I thought I was done for, but the gadget started again "The ejecting device is under the seat" It said with a particularly mocking voice. I reached under the seat and pulled the red strap.

Suddenly two strong seatbelt swung accross my shoulders and pessed me in the seat, I felt like it was goning to strangle me to death. I heard a loud mechanic "CLANG!" and I started to fall. I landed in a dark space. Another mechanic "CLANG!" and it was all dark. Suddenly a huge detonation shook the ship and everything around me started to shake like hell. I lost conciousness for a second, when I regained my control I was in the escape pod straped firmly in my seat an I was driftin away from the debris field I called once my ship. I felt empty. Drifting in space in an escape pod...

Suddenly the green button started to flash and beep, like it was calling for me to push it. I saw no other choice but to comply....

Sameeralord 21-01-2006 01:00 AM

I pressed the green button and nothing seemed to happen. At the same moment I saw another meteor closing in towards my escape pod. OH MAN LEAVE ME ALONE !! I screamed :tai: . . Some new text appeared on my screen. WORMHOLE created it read. It seems that the green button has created a wormhole. I didn't know where in the world the worm hole would take me but it is lot better than waiting for the meteor to crash. I directed my pod towards the worm hole. The meteor was coming at a very fast rate. OH NO :cry: AM I TOO LATE!!

#BlakhOle# 21-01-2006 01:53 AM

I willed the pod forward as much as possible, and i felt the very atoms in my body and the pod under my fingers stretch forwrd towrads the hole. It didnt hurt, more like a little tingle. The meteor drifted at an alarming rate. I was almost all in the hole, my whole figure stretched like elastic... and the meteorwent past, but not before it just nicked the rear part of the pod. The ship went into a slight spin, but because it was being stretched at the time, all the atoms that'd been stretched snapped back into place with the equivelent of an atom whiplash. The pod spun into the hole, but i didnt notice because my whole body was on fire, to the core, and the atoms in the ships were red hot. The pain was unbearable, the air turned to flames in y throat. I couldnt breathe. I fell unconscious, the pod drifting through abyssal unkown...

TheChosen 21-01-2006 09:51 AM

I was unconsicous.

I saw a very weird dream.

Mr. Black, Sephiroth was in that dream.

"Thanks to you, you ruined my plan to destroy the earth"

I looked at him without saying anything. Then he continued.

"Worm-hole caused a sling effect, which hurled the asteroid towards my ship. I and everyone else aboard died."

I still kept looking at him.

"However, my spirit managed to escape. I will find you and kill you..."

Then, he attacked me.

I waked up screaming and sweating.

Then i noticed, that the pod has landed.

Playbahnosh 21-01-2006 05:05 PM

I opened my eyes and looked out. I saw a metallic wall, nothing else. The green button was on the floor, not showing any sign of life. Creating a wormhole was probably too big bite for a little button, mushave been depleted or something. The pod itself was dead too. I took whatever equipment I could salvage and put them into a backpack, opened the pod's door as I saw the air is clear outside (In every meaning). I crawled out of the pod and looked around. I was in a big metallic hall. I saw deep space behind the pod but the athmosphere was in, so there must be some forcefield there. The hall was dark and simple, I saw nobody around. I took out the scanner from my backpack and scanned my surroundings. The scanner showed that the hall was made from some unknown alloy.
"Hello?!...Anybody home?!" - I yelled. My voice echoed through the hall but no response. Okay at least I tried. The scanner shows no lifesigns. I went to the forcefield and looked at the stars outside. I touched the field. Like I was touching glass, soft waves ran through where I touched it.

It seems I'm on a deserted space station. Maybe the pod's auto-pilot system took me here with it's last breath. Hmm... I have to look around...

#BlakhOle# 23-01-2006 09:40 AM

I took a closer look at my surroundings. The whole place was empty. Completly empty. Nothing. Not a single speck of dust, except me and the pod. The walls were flat, with ridges going right round the sides, stopping at the edge leading to space. There didnt appear to be any way out.I gazed into the space beyond through the field. I was going to die here. Then a shiver ran down my back, ever so slightly, and the sound of a breath...

TheChosen 23-01-2006 03:15 PM

I sat down on the floor. I was just thinking about eating my toes for breakfast, when suddenly someone said something:

"Welcome to the Edge of the space, visitor"

I turned back and saw two persons.

"Um...hello. Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Vincent Valentine and this is my partner, Cammy White. Were the guardians of the Edge of the Space" Said the tall man.

#BlakhOle# 25-01-2006 07:24 AM

"Dont let Cammy's skimpy leotard put you off, we want to help" said the vincent guy.
"How can you help me" I said, unable to avart my gaze from Cammy.
"Sephiroth must be stopped, and you are too weak and poorly equipped to make any sort of attack on him." said Cammy, looking down on me coldly. I got up, in a desperate attempt to make myself look less pathetic. She pushed me back down and i landed hard on my bum. It hurt. I satrted to cry. so much for macho.
"Get up and come with us"

Shady Yashy 25-01-2006 08:22 AM

They helped me up and I went following them. They walked up to the wall. Then they got out some metallic gizmo gadget and hit a blue button. And the wall and the force field sort of glided away. And there was thin space aorund us. Then Vincent hit another button and a dark blue space ship appeared before us. It was relatively big. Enough for about 4 people. Cammy opened the door and said 'Get in.'

Sameeralord 25-01-2006 09:10 AM

Ok!! show me the skills you have said Vincent. I was bit shocked with this. I did learn some shooting skills in the military camp but it was nothing compared to the shooting show that was put upon by Vincent. Vincent didn't take long to understand me. Ok you are going to need lot of skills to beat Sephiroth. I'm going to teach you Shooting skills. After that I'll give you the location of LIU KANG to learn the PHYSICAL KOMBAT. Ok then shall we begin our first shooting lesson....

#BlakhOle# 26-01-2006 02:11 AM

"This is the dangerous end. You point that at what you want to die"
"When you want them to die, you pull this little sticky thing here, like this..."
"...and theres your shooting lesson. I hope youve learned something"
"Yes, I've learned that bullets just go straight through Cammy." I said, having never averted my gaze as the bullet whizzed through her arm and clattered on the wall, not even leaving a mark.
"Well when you're a guardian of space, you have to learn to stay alive for a long time..."
"Anyway dont be stupid i know how a gun works just gimme some useful tips."
"Aim and shoot" he said, shrugging. " ok now for flying this ship..."

Playbahnosh 02-02-2006 10:54 AM

"You are joking right?" I asked with an ironic smile.
I just thought back to days I spent on F-21's in the army. And the ship I stole from Area 51's landing strip. I thought I know everything there is to be known about flying....

Boy, I was wrong. When I got into the cockpit of Vincent's ship my eyes opened wide. There was only a pilot's chair in the cockpit, nothing else. No buttons, no displays, no nothing. Not even a rudder or wheel to control the ship.
"Now what?" I asked with anticipation.
"Sit down" said Cammy and pushed me into the chair.

As my body touched the seat a strange sensation flow through my body. A display appeared in front of my eyes, just as the alien did earlier. I saw many displays and informations before me, certainly about the ship. I felt strange, like my body was the ship itself.
"Hello, Athemus. I'm Sybill. Wellcome aboard" said a calm and beautiful female voice in my head.
"Woah! I'm getting used to the voices in my head, but this is new" I smiled
"I'm the ship's main computer. What can I do for you?" said Sybill and I was just about to drop the hammer.
"You are a speaking computer?" I said smiling
"What's so funny about that? I'm a living creature just like you, but on a different plane"

"Okay dude, now show us how can you fly!" said Vincent with and ironic smile as he closed the ship's hatch.
I was more than eager to try:
"Sybill, start the engines!" I issued the order
"As you wish Arthemus." said the cyber girl and the ship started to lift from the ground...

Playbahnosh 03-02-2006 09:34 PM


Sameeralord 04-02-2006 10:17 AM

I'm back sorry for letting this topic die for a while:ok:

Side note: Thanks for the very good contributions Playbahnosh, blak hole and chosen.

__________________________________________________ _______________

It seems that I'm flying the ship using teleppathy. Sybill was asking me various questions concerning directions,speed and so on. It was very easy. I thought of relaxing a bit.......

1 hour late........

Playbahnosh 05-02-2006 09:27 AM

...the ship landed back at the dock in the space station. I was amused of the ship's capebilites of flying and manuvering. With telepathy, this ship is actually ME, as I think of a direction or a manuver the ship is going that way before I realise it, amazing.
Cammy spotted an asteroid field for target practice. The weapons-system is as easy as controling the ship itself. Not harder than pulling the trigger of a pistol. I shot asteroids to smitherines one after another only using my thoughts. I used the blaster, the missiles and the arclite cannon too, some extremly robust firepower for a ship of this size.

"well now you know almost everything about this ship now" said Cammy and excanged a sinister look with Vincent as we were outside the ship.
"huh?" I was confused. There is MORE?
"Sybill...activate cloaking field!" said Vincent with a shady smile

Suddenly the ship's plating seemed to blur before my eyes and a moment later the ship...was GONE! Seeing my obvious frown Vincent and Cammy laughed. I went closer to the ship's earlier place and I bumped my head. The ship was actually there, but I couldn't see it. All I could say was: "wow... :omg:"

"Now you are ready to go" said Vincent "but there is someone you need to meet first..."

Shady Yashy 21-02-2006 12:06 PM

"Ripheses! come here ", said Vincent and a girl came, carrying a gun with a laser beam in it.

"This is my daughter", said Vincent. Now I want you 2 to get together and defeat Sephiroth. I looked around and realised there was another ship similiar to the one he was in from where Ripheses must have come....

Shady Yashy 21-02-2006 12:43 PM

except that it was dark violet unlike mine, which was dark blue. Then Ripheses smiled at me and I smiled back too.....

Mousazz 19-01-2009 04:51 PM

(i know this thread is dead for 2 years, but i couldn't resist :amused:. Hope this thread gets revived :(.)

You look at Ripheses and notice she's very hot. Vincent smiles, Ripheses goes into her ship and Cammy calls for herself and Vincent's third ship, but suddenly you feel an unbearable headache and pass out...

You awake in the alien's lair, which is much different now, because there are some glowing crystals in the wall around what seems to be a teleporter. The alien quickly takes your hand and pulls you near one lone crystal, which hangs over a pool of water. You see in the water what appears to be a reflection, however, for some reason you see an almost built identical teleporter, with people building the teleport.

"Everything is going just as I anticipated. The teleport is almost finished, which will connect both our dimensions. I tried to get you in contact with Ripheses, she's the key."
"The key to what?" you ask.
"To everything. To the expansion of the universe, the creation of Sephiroth, Rosie O'Donnell monster and most importantly..."

However, Sephiroth appears in the cave and unleashes a swarm of mini predators at you. The alien says:

"Go! Destroy the portal! it will create a time distruption explosion and..."

The predator's are almost upon you, and, losing balance, you fall into a pool...

The current time is 06:39 AM (GMT)

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