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Kosta 18-03-2005 05:19 PM

Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review & Download

Ka 18-03-2005 06:25 PM

this one IS (in my humble opinion) the BEST turn based strategy game i have ever played. the handling of the GUI is superb and gives you a very smooth feeling, the strategy aspect is great and the style unique. i´m still batteling TITAN-NET nowadays regulary and i´m full of enthusiasm about battle isle II. as u can read between the lines. ka ::

Rogue 18-03-2005 07:39 PM

Ever heard of Civilization series? (best turn based games :))

I have BI2200 and I'm not sure if this game is completely the same. It looks simillar.

Liked the series at the time I had amiga, but special place in my gaming had History Line 1914-18. (based on BI series gameplay)

Guest 18-03-2005 07:54 PM

Dammit this is one of best.Its only turn based i played where i just felt how it feels when two huge forces pound each other into dust.No taking experienced units to next mission,which is sort of bonus here - you can go berserk all you want and kill off most of your army as long as you win.Muhaha.

BI 2200 is same stuff,only different name.Euro release difference or something.

Rogue 18-03-2005 08:20 PM

I got BI2200 here, in the USA. :) SO must be USA release.

Flop 19-03-2005 12:35 AM

This game is great. Does it include the add-on, though? I bought this and the add-on several times and still have the disks, but whenever I install the add-on and try to start the game it tells me that it's a pirated version (which it obviously isn't).

Yobor 19-03-2005 02:01 AM

Holy Crap, this game is like Military Madness. Exactly LOL LOL LOL LOL

arctangent 19-03-2005 09:21 AM

Probably the best game made in Germany ever.
Get this one, a real must have!

Film11 19-03-2005 10:16 PM

I take it this version doesn't have those movies that I think the original had...
I remember playing the demo and laughing out loud at how amazingly bad they were acted and dubbed.

Film11 19-03-2005 10:33 PM

Sorry for the double post but I can't extract the zip file fully, PowerArchiver seems to think it is invalid... :(
I've tried to download multiple times all with the same result.

JJXB 19-03-2005 10:41 PM

i just downloaded it and it worked fine.

Guest 20-03-2005 03:23 PM

BI2 didnt have movies,you are probably thinking BI3.

Flop 20-03-2005 03:25 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Mar 20 2005, 05:23 PM
BI2 didnt have movies,you are probably thinking BI3.
Yes it did. Beside the intro, there were small in-game movies of your advisors.

red_avatar 20-03-2005 03:48 PM

Battle Isle 2 had a disk and CD version - the CD version had animated in-game movies of vehicles and actions (like invading a building).

Yes this game is great - I bought it back in 1994 and while it takes quite a bit of effort to really get the hang of this (think Shogun Total War but turnbased in terms of complexity) it really pays off.

I really want to add a note though: Advance War on GBA was very popular a few years back but when you play Battle Isle 2 you'll immediately see how heavily Advance Wars was based on Battle Isle 2. Ammo, resupplying, fuel, movement types, buildings, battle screen - all copied from Battle Isle 2.

lgonggr 20-03-2005 04:49 PM

I've played this game for quite some time and just a word of warning. Some of the missions are HARD. Nevertheless, very highly recommended as it is indeed one of the best strategy games around and heaps of fun.

As it is bloody HARD (I don't know if I've actually managed to finish it), so here are some pointers.

Units can be repaired (altough they will lose experience in accord to the amount of damage they have sustained), but they can often NOT be replaced. Try not to get your units killed, especially your irreplacable ones, but withdraw and repair them instead.

Correspondingly, your ammuniton, fuel and repair vehicles are priceless. Guard them at all costs. And of course destroy the enemies support vehicles any chance you get, especially the easy to kill fuel trucks. Many times I've won a no-win scenario because the enemy ran out of fuel. The ammunition trucks can take a lot of punishment. Use them to block the enemy in a pinch.

Experience is vital. The exterminators (A-10 tank killer like planes) are absolutely devastating once they reach elite level. Use them to blow up easy-to-killl targets and make sure they stay alive when they are elite. They can kill almost anything.
Another devastating unit are the buggies which can move in and fire FROM A DISTANCE of one square and get out safely. When these guys are elite they are incredibly usefull.
Correspondingly, don't hurt the enemy, but KILL the enemy, so he will not have experienced units to confront your elite ones. Be extremely wary of experienced artillery units. Use air power to take them out. Use artillery to soften up units and wipe them out with regular units. When your artillery is elite you have a good chance of stopping anything the enemy throws at you. Be wary of air attacks.

There are lots of other delicious units in the game, like the holy railgun, but most require careful planning to be used to their best advantage. Example : The mines are pathetic, untill you use a cloaking vehicle to hide them. Suddenly they are deadly due to their first shot ability. Always make sure units support each other.

If you control the air you generally will win. Make sure the enemy's AA units don't get experienced or you'll be in trouble. Wipe out his fighters ASAP.

Sea battles are very tough. Go for the carriers and battleships if you can. Always move in groups guarding two support vessels (so they can support each other).

Capture any building you can. A nice tick is to hurt all the units guarding an enemy building. Next turn he will withdraw most of them for repairing. Now smash trough and capture the base. You will have captured a lot of units :ok:
Make sure the enemy never does this to you :)

Intelligence is very important. Guard you radars and radar-planes carefully and kill the enemy's any chance you get. If you can see him and they can't see you, you'll get first shot. Deploy them as far to the forntline as you dare. Lose all your radars and you're dead.

When you are on the offensive (like always) you are at a disadvantage. Select your goal and smash trough. Make SURE you don't overextend your lines or you're dead. Make sure the enemy overextends its lines, isolate and annihilate them.

The terrain may change, use this to your advantage and be ready ! For example, when the river freezes, the impassable bridge can be bypassed over the ice, isolated and taken with a rear attack or the enemy's support lines devastated with a kamikaze mission. Always keep a reserve force if you can to deal with oppertunities and contigencies.

Strangely enough, no one has mentioned this game is incredible fun for multiplayer. Many is the time I've gloated supreme when another friend's forces were obliterated :evil:

Summary : one of the best strategy games ever made.

Guest 21-03-2005 06:02 PM

Anybody got/know a site which has the manual for this thing?

das_M 22-03-2005 01:49 PM

BI2 is defintively one of the best strategy games ever. But it can be really frustating, when you´ve smashed the enemy and your time is up and you have to start again, I had to play the level "WABIKDO" about four times.

And I have a question. Does anybody know what to do with the crystals, what is the use of them?

DSmidgy 22-03-2005 04:02 PM

Crystals are for transfering materials from shops that produce them to shops that don't produce them - so you can build units there.

Ka 27-03-2005 06:07 AM


Originally posted by Anubis@Mar 18 2005, 08:39 PM
Ever heard of Civilization series? (best turn based games :))

civilisation ..
yes, i should have written: "the BEST turn based stratagy WARGAME", okay..
but: i dont play Civ anymore, even the new releases and version, BUT i do play BI2.. so..

ahm.. except alpha centauri, for sure, but thats another .. legend.


Faidros 03-04-2005 04:41 PM

Remeber this as a good game. I know I have the original disk somewhere but I cant find it. Reason I havent played for a long time is that I didnt get DOSBox until now and since I couldnt find my disk I downloaded a copy from this site.

I got problems with the game though. After winning the second scenario the game returns me to the begining of the same scenario and doesnt let me move on to the third.

Are anyone familiar with that problem or do anyone have a suggestion on how to solve my problem?


Guest_guest 19-04-2005 01:19 AM

yes you have to leave training difficulty and at least win the scenario at easy difficulty.

Buwwelknurps 19-04-2005 09:35 AM

hi there fnas of this great game. i´m searching for the manual, maybe in pdf-format and/or the units list, with stats an this stuff. has anyone an idea where i can get this documents?

Guest 30-04-2005 09:46 AM

i got the manual in pdf. send email to *snip* to obtain it.

E-mail removed - Havell (I'm actually doing you a favour you know)

Faidros 06-05-2005 11:45 AM


yes you have to leave training difficulty and at least win the scenario at easy difficulty.
Thank for trying Guest - but I tryed that and it didnt work. I run it on Difficult and still it throws me back to the begining of the scenario when it is complete.

Could someone help me?


The Fifth Horseman 06-05-2005 12:55 PM

Maybe you did something wrong...

Guest 18-05-2005 12:33 PM

there is also a turn limit in the game ...

k9 ( 05-06-2005 06:27 PM

BI2 is one of the best games I've ever played. Along with UFO:Enemy Unknown and Bubble Bobble ;)

I bought it when it first came out (cd version) and at the time was playing it on a 486 sx25 (no math co-pro ;). The game ran fine until my LG 4x (or was it 2x?) cd player died.

Years later, after I'd sold the original game box, I picked up the Battle Pack (BI2 + Expansion, BI3). Of these, only BI3 would work on my more modern computer. As someone else here has already said, there is a problem whereby the game runs for about 8 turns (with invincible AI units), then quits with the handy message:

"This is an illegal version!" Of course, noone at Ubi Soft had any idea (they never do - Ubi must be one of the most useless publishers ever). A couple years later I also bought the Battle Isle Platinum Pack (talk about being a sucker!). The only thing I was interested in was playing the BI2 Expansion. Of course, I got the same illegal product message as before.

So if anyone has any idea how to fix or bypass this, I'd love to know =) Since I own the product twice over, and have bought it three times in my life, I'm a bit peeved that it won't let me play!


zitelli 08-06-2005 01:32 PM

Ever heard of "History Line 1914 -1918"? It was released between BI 1 and BI 2. It looks just the same. The story of course is different (WW1). I'm writing this because "History Line 1914-1918" is my all-time favourite PC game. I don't play games on PC very often, but this one really amazed me.
It's not on this page yet, maybe becaue it's not that popular. But you should really take a look at it. You can find it via Google. Or maybe it'll be released here soon. I hope so, 'cause this game deserves a place on this great site. :ok:

stijnelijn 23-07-2005 06:00 PM

usefull units:

The scoutlike buggies(not the 2 space shooters), they can capture buildings, ride fast and far and have a good sight. They work best way out off the frontline, use a group of 2 of them to capture buildings all over the map quickly and get out before the enemy has time to react. Annother trick with them is to wait near empty buildings, wait till the comp captures the building and take it right back off him with a little bonus inside.

They off course can do nice things in the frontline too, hide them behind the strong units until its time to strike.

About the game:
The fog of war sight is holy, the computer which is NOT cheating in this game will fight a lot better when he knows where you are, get those long sight units out whenever you can quickly.

Guestman 25-08-2005 10:36 AM

The review needs an update. This game has multiplayer capabilities. You can play in hot seat mode or via Network. :)

Sorry for my bad english. :angel:

Guest 09-09-2005 09:05 PM

Interesting game, but I'm going bloody nuts. I have no idea what is going on besides the obvious. I've yet to figure out exactly what the supply bars mean, in that I can't tell which is good and which is bad. My units are stopping dead for no apparent reason. I lost a fully repaired unit when it attacked a mine, with no explosions going on. Units are disappearing for no apparent reason that I can determine, although I suspect supply has something to do with it. Other units are sitting still and dead. The information screens are giving me a bunch of numbers and disjointed words which mean nothing to me. My advisors come out once in a while and jabber away, giving me no useful information. I'm told to utilize supplies in buildings, but I don't know how. I think my current mission is to attack and conquer a city, but I can't do that with any of the units I have. It's a moot point, anyways, because all of my units are currently dead in the water due to lack of fuel, I'm guessing. A little help, please? The manual would be a slice of heaven.

DSmidgy 10-09-2005 07:48 AM

No supply has nothing to do with dissapearing ... mostly.
If you run out of fuel the unit cannot move (or is it is a plane it is destroyed). If you run out of ammo, the unit cannot fire and it is more vonurable (it cannot backfire).

You have sth. like "show enemy turns/moves" turned on?
Your units are probably dieing because of enemy artillery fire (buggies, ordinary art. or rail). Move your radar closer to see which units the enemy has. Buggies (hit and run) are good for destroying artillery.

spearor 12-09-2005 02:39 PM

Anyone knows where to get the add-on disk/CD? Titan's Legacy it's called, or Das Erbe des Titans in german. I'm looking for a long time now, if you got the original, i want to even buy it from you.

bottom feeder 13-09-2005 04:51 AM

the fuel bar is a horizontal bar on the bottom of the screen, under the horizontal health bar. if you can no longer move your unit it is because of weather conditions affecting the terrain or because you are out of fuel. some units disappear if they are out of fuel long enough like airplanes...

hope that helps

The Fifth Horseman 13-09-2005 10:04 AM

Remember also the ammo - it can be really annoying sometimes...

ShuwiX 09-10-2005 10:28 PM

U can set dif. easy, normal, hard or something like that.
U'll soon find out, that it affects strategy aspects.
Playing hard dif. u'll need to attack from both sides, it gives u advantage. Also Artillery & buggy ain't that effective.
Long long time ago i'll would be able to tell u more bout that, but i don't remember.
Battle isle 3 is the same but lil better. Especially the part, where u don't see enemy movement, so the turn will change alot faster. And BI3 got the best intro. The one u'll find on cd1, great song from Still patient - Shadow of the Emperor, and the submarine beginning.
Must see.

JimmyJ 26-11-2005 11:38 PM

Yes, btu where can I get BI3?

JimmyJ 26-11-2005 11:42 PM

Yes, btu where can I get BI3?

Guest 07-12-2005 11:47 PM

The game LOOKS GREAT......BUT HOW THE /#$&t!!!! I MAKE IT WORK?

JimmyJ 08-12-2005 03:10 AM

Tryyyyy. Dosbox. Always good for problems :)

Guest 01-01-2006 06:14 AM

can someone upload for me the weapon book plz ?
favored in german if someone can

Xenophile 12-01-2006 04:18 PM

I played this game almost as much as Civ when it came out but over time lost the original game. Bought the expansion pack years later but had the 'Illegal Copy' problem with both CDs and couldn't get any useful support. The Abandonia download does at least let me play the original campaign - I haven't tried loading the expansion CD into dosBox yet but I'll let you know if I have any success.

I think I still have the original manuals but I get the impression that making them available may be legally dubious. I imagine that the expansion CD isn't available here because it isn't yet 'abandoned' but I would happily upload a copy if and when it is.

I'd need to confirm this but my recall is that you could designate some units for campaign play. It was one of the options when you had a unit in a repair shop? Once you get to know the game this is probably too much of an advantage, experienced units are much more effective than fresh ones. A level 1 buggy may not do any bombard damage to a tecnotrak but it becomes much more useful once it gets 'wings' (by picking on demons to get early experience).

I didn't enjoy Battleisle 2220 nearly as much, strangely, though the gameplay was very similar. Sound and graphics were certainly improved and the storyline and some of the dubbed dialogue was almost as strange as the text in BattleIsle 2!

hennef 08-02-2006 12:58 PM

i love this game. it is teh best together with panzer-general.

Guest 06-04-2006 02:51 PM

Superb game! I love it and I play it year after year, also I play BI3, but it's not so balanced and easier.
BI2 addon is very hard game, much, much harder than BI2 itself.
Also, I was at nightmare with this damn message "cracked version". Then I found a solution - burn a CD (or even a virtual image) with label BATTLEISLE2 - capital letters. My original CD - sent from the developer was Battle Isle 2 and it won't work... Shame! :)

Kong_Harry 10-04-2006 01:08 PM

I've been searching for the addon - Titan's Legacy. Anyone know where to find/buy/download it? I have played the whole original campaign, need more :=)

Gerwin 17-04-2006 10:53 PM

I have uploaded the BI2 manual in pdf (not a scanned one, but an original pdf) to the site below, but it is still pending for being listed:

for some other tips see my post and some more in german on this forum:

I finally bought BI3 too, but it is a dissapointment really. It is windows based so easier to run. But the user interface is clumsy, the controls not nearly as easy as in BI2. the new units are overkill. They have been messing with the pallette so your units are colored ugly. BI2 is a masterpiece, with BI3 they managed to almost ruin it...
Also available is a opensource game in the same style: "advanced strategic command" yet it did not strike me as being very polished, and I began missing my BI2 units.

I have been looking for the BI2 scenery CD: Titan's legacy for some time too. finally managed to get me a used copy! it is a very nice addon really, patching the game slighly to run easier and faster. It adds multiplayer, 6 new units, a new campaign.

Though despite having the new campaign I somehow felt like starting with the original campaign again. These first missions (up around 6) are nice, not too difficult and fit in a few hours. I have to watch it though because these later missions are just as addictive but actually a bit too time consuming.

Gerwin 17-04-2006 11:08 PM

Oh another thing, the CD versions of the game are very tricky to get running since the
copy protection of the game checks if the cd-rom driver MSCDEX is loaded. then it checks for CD with the proper name.
I will upload a guide on this issue to the download section of my homepage soon.
Also I have been working on a unit overview with images and specs which will be added once it is finished.

Guest_Eddie 01-05-2006 04:22 PM

Recently demo version of BI2-like game was released. Brutal Wars - the turn-based strategy (looks like Battle Isle) for Pocket PC & PC.


Guest 18-08-2006 01:17 PM


take a look on this site:

There you can download a patch for Windows XP and the missions from bi2 + scenery disk playable in bi3.

have fun

das_M 12-09-2006 10:32 AM


I´ve a question. I´m in a mission, which seems to be much too hard, I can´t actually remember the scenario-password(must be the 8th or 9th, think it´s the mission after capturing the airport, in the level before). I´m starting with some untis and the enemy has more than the double fire power at land, at air and at sea.The yellow is my alllied, the red has the green and the grey as partners. Usually after 5-6rounds my lines are broken...

I see a factory, but can´t reach it, too many red units there.

Does someone know which level i mean, and more important has someone a hint how to manage that level?

Guest 17-09-2006 12:44 AM

I have downloaded tthe copy available and run it on DOSBox, latest version.

Problem is: artillery damage - it is too low. Buggies wont hurt small tanks (techno-whatsoever) and do little amount of damage to Small Infantry (about 1 point). What to do?

Bubster 17-09-2006 12:08 PM


You have to attack with your artillery units several times, they will become every time a bit more experienced.
A fully experienced buggy will destroy a technotrax-unit with one hit(when I remembered right).

Chad 04-03-2007 06:44 PM

I have been replaying this game for a couple months after looking through my old CD's and then stumbling on DOSBOX so that I could actually play the game. Anyway I got to the last level again (GEKE..) on Medium difficulty, which I think is where we gave up. I have done everything I can think of but cannot seem to be able to take over Titan-Net. There are no enemies left but nothing can get into the building on the red road. Has anyone figured this out? If not no big deal I guess but just was interested in actually finishing the game.

A great game though and one of my favorites.

Guest 29-04-2007 10:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Chad @ Mar 4 2007, 07:44 PM) [snapback]281868[/snapback]</div>

I have been replaying this game for a couple months after looking through my old CD's and then stumbling on DOSBOX so that I could actually play the game. Anyway I got to the last level again (GEKE..) on Medium difficulty, which I think is where we gave up. I have done everything I can think of but cannot seem to be able to take over Titan-Net. There are no enemies left but nothing can get into the building on the red road. Has anyone figured this out? If not no big deal I guess but just was interested in actually finishing the game.

A great game though and one of my favorites.
Jsut before the control centre, pound this hex with your heavy artillery and it will break open then put an infantry unit into the building.

Guest 02-05-2007 08:00 PM

A great game though and one of my favorites.
Jsut before the control centre, pound this hex with your heavy artillery and it will break open then put an infantry unit into the building.

With what unit? I have Pulsars, Archemdes, Imperator, Buggies, and the rocket tanks and nothing is able to attack the red road or the hex before the Titan Net HQ. There only unit left is the Radar behind the HQ. :wallbash:

Guest 30-05-2007 05:53 PM

this game is one of my favorite games :ok: god bless that it was ever created :kosta:
buggies rule all the way, and later on these Ghost-airplanes (which i always call "the buggies of the air") :brain:

Guest 31-05-2007 01:16 AM

its not running. and the file "Layr000.lib" exist twice.... which one is the correct file????

The Fifth Horseman 31-05-2007 01:09 PM

Are you trying to run this in Windows or in DOSBox?

Guest 05-07-2007 07:04 PM


can anyone tell me, how to start bi2 with VDM-Sound? I could play battle isle 2 with VDM on my old computer, but since i have a new one, i can´t get it started with VDM.
It always says, that it lacks EMS, but it is turned on. I tried it with several configurations, but no matter what I did, it always said, EMS is is needed.

It works also with dosbox, but the problem is, it is much to slow. So needs the ai in the 7th level or so about 5minutes till the computerturn is over...

So if anyone knows the problem and how to solve it, i'd be grateful for help.

The Fifth Horseman 06-07-2007 04:15 AM

Run with VDMSound.
Set up a custom configuration.
Then keep going to the next window until you see one that says "TODO: Add stuff here" and has a button labeled "Advanced" in the bottom right corner.
Click the button. This will open the advanced configuration window where you can configure things like EMS, XMS and so on.

As for DOSBox being slow for it... increase cycles. Increase frameskip. Set Core to Dynamic.

Guest 06-07-2007 02:43 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 6 2007, 05:15 AM) [snapback]298090[/snapback]</div>

Run with VDMSound.
Set up a custom configuration.
Then keep going to the next window until you see one that says "TODO: Add stuff here" and has a button labeled "Advanced" in the bottom right corner.
Click the button. This will open the advanced configuration window where you can configure things like EMS, XMS and so on.

As for DOSBox being slow for it... increase cycles. Increase frameskip. Set Core to Dynamic.
Thanks for your reply.

But as I said, i tried different configurations already, with or without xms/ems/etc.. It just wont work. :( No matter what I did, it always "lacks" EMS, althuogh its turned on...
Maybe you have a functional configuration?

The problem is, my pc is damaged, so i´m using an old laptop from a friend of mine. I can´t increase cycles over 7000, it slows down from there. I think, this laptop is to old, to emulate the DOS-environment properly.

What will change if I set the core to dynamic? Never tried that.


rsetiawan 07-07-2007 06:10 AM

This game run properly in DOSBOX for me :)
If you feel it too slow just press ctrl+f12 till it reach 12000 cycle... that will save lotta time...

Now I have one problem with the High level bomber. Did anyone know how to use it ? I only can bomb terrain with it, not unit :(

Also, I found I can play the multiplayer maps alone, :brain: and AI still evil even in those maps every side have same number of unit... You can even fight alone against allied 3 opponent if you want (Im not try it, that is masochistic :tai: )

yuritch 08-07-2007 08:03 PM

High level bombers are good for 2 things: attacking other aircraft (esp. low-level ones, since they cannot retaliate) and destroying roads. That's all, they cannot attack ground units.

Just some guest... 22-09-2007 03:05 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(zitelli @ Jun 8 2005, 02:32 PM) [snapback]117437[/snapback]</div>

Ever heard of "History Line 1914 -1918"? It was released between BI 1 and BI 2. It looks just the same. The story of course is different (WW1). I'm writing this because "History Line 1914-1918" is my all-time favourite PC game. I don't play games on PC very often, but this one really amazed me.
It's not on this page yet, maybe becaue it's not that popular. But you should really take a look at it. You can find it via Google. Or maybe it'll be released here soon. I hope so, 'cause this game deserves a place on this great site. :ok:
Replying to something VERY long time ago :wacko: But still...
Yes I know that game, played it, and, indeed, it wakes up some old memories: I used to play that game with a friend of mine long time ago, and now he is 750km away (including an ocean). So, because of this game, I acutally think of hacking some "remote" code into Dosbox - i.e., two players virtually sit on the same console. Just so that we can remember old times ;.) That'll be some nice/stupid/ugly/needless/ hack. Any easier idea how I can share the game with this friend of mine?


The Same Guest As Before 22-09-2007 03:07 AM


and IF someone should find "Das Erbe des Titan" on the web, please let us know. I actually OWN the game (CD - quite annoying, I wish I had bought the Disk version as it doesn't challenge the CD-ROM all the time), but it's the same 750km away as the afore mentioned friend of mine ;-)

The Fifth Horseman 24-09-2007 11:09 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Just some guest... @ Sep 22 2007, 04:05 AM) [snapback]312384[/snapback]</div>

Replying to something VERY long time ago :wacko: But still...
Yes I know that game, played it, and, indeed, it wakes up some old memories: I used to play that game with a friend of mine long time ago, and now he is 750km away (including an ocean). So, because of this game, I acutally think of hacking some "remote" code into Dosbox - i.e., two players virtually sit on the same console. Just so that we can remember old times ;.) That'll be some nice/stupid/ugly/needless/ hack. Any easier idea how I can share the game with this friend of mine?

WinVNC or something similar should help.


and IF someone should find "Das Erbe des Titan" on the web, please let us know. I actually OWN the game (CD - quite annoying, I wish I had bought the Disk version as it doesn't challenge the CD-ROM all the time), but it's the same 750km away as the afore mentioned friend of mine ;-)[/b]
You can rip it to ISO and run from HDD (DOSBox can mount ISO images like if the were normal drives). Then it shouldn't be hard to find a mutually agreeable way to transfer the ISO to your friend.

kmonster 01-12-2007 12:03 AM

Is the game beatable at hardest level if you don't use the advantages of campaign mode (transferring experience) ?

kmonster 31-01-2008 11:49 AM

Already answered the question myself. Finished the campaign at expert level without having to use the campaign bonuses. I expected it to be more difficult.

Wicky 14-03-2008 01:47 PM

I remember some tips for Battle Isle 2, which you might want to try:

Support a minefield with fueltrucks - Only that the mines can go two hexes before running out of fuel. So, a carefully placed fueltruck can however do the following: Produce 2 mines in a factory and move them out 1 hex and 2 hexes respectively the following turn. They should be adjactent to a fuel truck who refills them, allowing them to move another 2 squares next turn.
This way you can push out a long line of mines that look like a snake crawling out of the factory. When every mine at the tail where it begins is replaced by 2 new mines. This is a very funny thing to do :)

WhiteFalcon 28-01-2009 07:15 AM

The music
The music IS very nice and with better equipment (Roland Sound Canvas) is sounds beautiful, really. As was stated, a unique and somewhat pioneering game.

Wicky 31-01-2009 05:31 AM

Could somebody give me a little bit of help?
I am stuck in the last mission. When I reached the final mission I try to capture Titan Net, but it won't let me occupy the field. The field looks like a normal capturable base (the big red square dot) where one can normally send a scout or a infantry. However, the field is darkened and I can't.
We are talking about the big building on the northern edge of the map (the map starts in the south) with 2 ION cannons and 2 small bunkers.
Is the map goal to capture Titan Net or something else pls?

The Fifth Horseman 31-01-2009 03:36 PM

This is the answer to the same question from a while back:

Originally Posted by Guest (Post 281170)
Jsut before the control centre, pound this hex with your heavy artillery and it will break open then put an infantry unit into the building.

Wicky 01-02-2009 06:40 AM

Ahhh, didn't see that post. Thanks!

Wicky 25-03-2009 06:28 AM

Does anyone have the add-on scenery CD, called "Das Erbe des Titan"?

Wicky 28-03-2009 12:45 PM

After doing some research I found out that the scenery CD is called "Titan's legacy" (in english) and it's due to unprotection in 2009 this year! :clap:

Does anyone have it and would upload it here?

Auroraborealis 21-07-2009 11:34 PM

Download corrupted?
I've tried downloading the BI2 package ten times, and tried extracting using windows built in extractor, also tried using winrar. I always get the same "unexpected error" when extracting these files:


I'm running Vista.

Of course trying to play without these files results in a crash just after the intro scenes and the laptop-style thing opening up (which i assume to be the start of miss000)

dosbox gives me a "Error: 2 - LOAD FILE"

Any help would be appreciated as I always wanted to play BI2 but my old amiga packed in before I could get ahold of a copy.

TotalAnarchy 22-07-2009 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Auroraborealis (Post 376993)
I've tried downloading the BI2 package ten times, and tried extracting using windows built in extractor, also tried using winrar. I always get the same "unexpected error" when extracting these files:


I'm running Vista.

Of course trying to play without these files results in a crash just after the intro scenes and the laptop-style thing opening up (which i assume to be the start of miss000)

dosbox gives me a "Error: 2 - LOAD FILE"

Any help would be appreciated as I always wanted to play BI2 but my old amiga packed in before I could get ahold of a copy.

Have you tried deleting the temporary internet files and trying again?

skillz 25-07-2009 01:38 PM

I have Titan's legacy
It's included on the CD that also has BI1 AND BI2(BI2 has great music by the way)
Sadly it's 500mb...thats way to big for abandonia to host

Wicky 25-07-2009 03:54 PM

Woot! You really have it WOOOOOW! Cheers I can't believe it, I've been searching for it for monthes.
Don't worry about the disc size, I know how to rip the videos and useless extras so it does fit in an 97mb archive.

I beg you nicely, make an image of the CD and upload it somewhere, ie
or hopefull the abandonia staff can tell you what to do.

skillz 25-07-2009 05:44 PM

I'll see if i can rip the entire folder with Titans minus the music and videos
There's not point uploading the whole CD in iso cellar..It dosen't give any benefit to the site anyways
I guess the iso cellar is really for collectors or/and some games u must have voices..other than that it serves no real purpose
I'll rip it and see if it works in dosbox
I'm pretty sure it will work aslong as u mount the folder as CD
Like i said though no music or video's to save space so it can go on the ftp
I'll upload it in a few hours
And since it's not an iso...U could do a review of it.

Wicky 25-07-2009 06:22 PM

Agreed about the review!

Btw I know that it should fit in a 97mb archive because I'm trying to download the german version from eMule since a few monthes (There are so little sources it's only half complete) and for the english version I estimate the same size.

I also have the instructions here, to remove the cd-check with a few byte changes in the hex editor. A clean install to hard-disc, then compressed into an archive would be great, could you do that please?

Your offering of bi2 scenery disc has really made my day! :)

skillz 25-07-2009 06:27 PM

Umm i was gonna include the entire this way it will keep most everything..and ya if u wanna hex out the cd check perfect
I can upload it to 4share then u grab it fix it up Wicky style :)
Then maybe upload it to the ftp so everybody can enjoy it would be great
I'll PM u the upload link ok

Wicky 26-07-2009 10:56 AM

Yay, I got it thanks!
Well well well that was a lots of work

First the game didn't work, until I found out that it requires the scenery disc to be installed into the same folder where you previously installed the original BI2 because it relies on those files. FIXED

Secondly I used the BI2 files from this site as a base, to install the scenery disc over it just to find out: The sounddriver from Abandonia's version of BI2 were not correctly set, so there was no clicking, scrolling and other effects to be heard. FIXED

Thirdly the expected bug with normal infantry defeating a heavy Samurai without any losses showed up. That was the copy protection, if no CD was present in the drive. FIXED

Hahaha, it all works now! :whistling:

By the way, I was really shocked by the size of your 7zip archive, only 65mb!
I first thought that, half the files must be missing! But when I tried to recompress the whole thing with WinRar on "very high" settings the resulting file size showed up as the expected 82mb. D'oh!!!!
Really, is 7zip that good?? Wowowow

I'm bidding you farewell for now, must play the game, got enemies to kill.. and if the missions are really as hard as everybody is telling me, it's going to be a blast!

skillz 26-07-2009 01:33 PM

Thats awsome u got everything working
And i noticed u offered to upload it so all abandonias can enjoy it :thumbs:
Looking forward to our review

Wicky 27-07-2009 06:45 PM

Uffz, I've been playing map 2 all day long.. on easy.
In the end I got utterly defeated lolz.
The original BI2 had 24 maps and with each map the difficulty level increased. And the difficulty level of scenery disc starts like it was map 25 of the original campaign!! Ohhh! Somehow I have to give up on my plan to write a review with playing it through first. :wall:

porchek 01-08-2009 11:14 PM


so just to be sure i understand -

what will happen is wicky's new compilation will replace the current version? or will it appear in ISO cellar? or must i search for it some other way?

thank you!

Wicky 02-08-2009 07:34 AM

*) what will happen is wicky's new compilation will replace the current version?

It's a stand-alone game and will have it's own entry.
The game somehow still accepts the campaign code "AMPORGE" which means, you could start the orginal campaign within the expansion. But since the change that artillery can no longer bombard map decorations, it is impossible to finish the last mission, where you have to destroy the square before titan's nets entrance to get in, so it's no longer possible to beat the original campaign within the expansion.

*) or will it appear in ISO cellar?

Nope, it's small size fortunately made it on Abandonia

*) or must i search for it some other way?

you can find it in eMule too, I have it permanently shared.
Seach for "Battle Isle 2 - Titan's Legacy, fully working.rar"

Tarl Cabot 24-08-2009 12:56 AM

Last Mission (GEKEFZU - The last Strike) is INDEED BUGGED

Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 351107)
This is the answer to the same question from a while back:


Seems several folks have had trouble completing the game. I think the last mission (GEKEFZU - Level 20 The Last Strike) is bugged. There is no way to capture Titan-Net and see the final victory screen. One person posted an answer which didn't work for me.

>>Jsut before the control centre, pound this hex with your heavy artillery and it will break open then put an infantry unit into the building.<<

I can NOT target the sealed doors to the complex with any type of artillery or indeed any unit whatsoever. The artillery units don't have any available target and merely have the move option. The timer on the game expires and you lose :(

After putting in a lot of hours on expert mode, this is a bummer. I couldn't even find the final victory screen and/or animations posted on Youtube like the ending of Battle Isle 1 was posted. If anyone has any other suggestions or perhaps a working save just before the end, please let me know. I have 10 saves before the end but none are working. I am loathe to run the mission again to get stuck again. I will see if I can at least target the doors into titan net in a two player game by quickly racing artillery up there and moving red units out the way.

Tarl Cabot

Tarl Cabot 24-08-2009 04:14 AM

Last Mission (GEKEFZU) BI2200 capture bug RESOLVED

This one was annoying me as I had put too many hours into the game to be denied my victory/credits screen. I read two posts up where this is a known bug in the BI2200 (US) version but not in the Battle Isle 2 (Euro version).

You can NOT complete the US version because you can't destroy the blast doors guarding Titan-Net. Apparently, the blast doors are coded as scenery and in the US version you can't shoot at scenery. In the Euro version, you can shoot at scenery so long as you HAVEN'T installed the scenery disk yet.

I downloaded the Euro version at the Abandonia link from the original poster of this thread(which btw works w/o the CD I needed for the US version).

1. Install the Euro BI2 into its own directory
2. Replace the \sav folder and the sndstup.dat
3. Run DOSbox and now you can destroy the blast doors and get the credits screen. (I did need to make a copy of my BI2200 dosbox shortcut and then change the target to the BI2 directory instead of BI2200)
4. An added bonus, I can now play like 16 more bonus missions once I install the scenery disk

Hope you old schoolers find this useful. I scoured google w/o success until I came to this forum. There are no walkthroughs, only the level passwords. I saw others with the same problem here but the solution didn't work for me until I saw the other post about this being a bug in BI2200(US), but not in Battle Isle 2(euro).

I remember starting the game when it came out and trying to get back into it earlier this year only to run into the invincible UNDOCUMENTED, antipiracy 'feature'. The AI units couldn't be beat. I got no error message or piracy message. Fortunately, somewhere on google I read it was an antipiracy 'feature'. I dug through the closet and dug up the CD and got back into it. I must say it was enjoyable although it spanned about 14 years when I first bought the CD hehe..


Tarl Cabot

Cheeky one 10-04-2010 01:11 AM

GEHAUWA - Port to the World

I capture all the cities and such. I use my artillery to pound the building outside the wharf to (hopefully) gain access for capture. However, I am never able to capture the wharf with a ranger or infantry unit - it is always greyed out.

I've read this entire thread and, in the later levels, the suggestion to pummel whatever with artillery (to make a building capturable) was given many times. I also don't have BI2200 installed anywhere and downloaded BI2 from this website - idk if this is the euro or US version. This doesn't seem to be working however. Eventually, I loose the mission due to, I assume, a turn limit.

Any suggestions?

EDIT: just in case you would like to see...this is what the artillery in the middle of the screen can shoot at (highlited - wharf is greyed).

Also, I run into a patrol boat in the top right corner of the map that can not be fired at :(

Guest 20-07-2010 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Cheeky one (Post 402337)
GEHAUWA - Port to the World

I capture all the cities and such. I use my artillery to pound the building outside the wharf to (hopefully) gain access for capture. However, I am never able to capture the wharf with a ranger or infantry unit - it is always greyed out.


Any suggestions?

Yes: you need to capture the harbour from the sea-side. This means using a Vader (amphibious vehicle) loaded with a Demon or Troll (infantry). The cool thing about this is that the enemy will never be able to take it back from you.

Don't worry about the patrol boat. You don't have to destroy it in order to win this scenario. If you would have had to do so, the only way would be to make sure you see a hex next to the patrol boat but not the boat itself, then send a unit to that visible hex. The patrol boat would then automatically attack you and you would return fire; repeat if necessary.

I only got back to playing this game yesterday, after a pause of about two years, and I actually never made it beyond OLARIBU in campaign play (actually because I never tried it), but boy did I have a lot of fun messing around with single maps! :-) I am currently having my first serious attempt at OLARIBU, but the computer's turns last dreadfully long, so once I lose any campaign, I think I will stop playing ;-)

novaworld 21-08-2010 12:19 PM

battle isle 2
if anyone is really having difficulty with a level u can always semi cheat at the game. when u start a new map, set difficulty level to training, move and fight your units then set the difficulty level to easy,medium or hard then end your go. the computers turn will be in the difficulty level u chose (they will expend fuel and ammo too), once its your turn again, change the difficulty to training and move a unit to get rid of the fog, and repeat!

i downloaded the addon titans legacy from here and run it. i had no problems till about the 4-5th map,i got half way through the total amount of turns, i'd wiped out the green comp player, i ended my go and the red and yellow computer players took their turns without problem but then green had its go, and it just kept beeping out "computers turn over" or what ever it shows when the computer player finishes its go, over and over again endlessly, i have to shut down dosbox to end the program! anyone know what the problem may be? :blush:

Frodo 16-03-2011 02:49 AM

Sold on GOG

Biges 08-04-2011 12:39 PM

Sorry about a slight OT, but could anyone tell me in more detail the story of the Battle Isle 3 (aka Battle Isle 2220). Or point me to a page where it is described, I have been unable to find one.

I had played the game a long time ago and remember being annoyed by the story, I'd rather play for the Drulls.


gerwin 25-04-2011 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by novaworld (Post 412376)
i downloaded the addon titans legacy from here and run it. i had no problems till about the 4-5th map,i got half way through the total amount of turns, i'd wiped out the green comp player, i ended my go and the red and yellow computer players took their turns without problem but then green had its go, and it just kept beeping out "computers turn over" or what ever it shows when the computer player finishes its go, over and over again endlessly, i have to shut down dosbox to end the program! anyone know what the problem may be? :blush:

I got the same beheviour in map 2 of titan's legacy after the yellow allie was driven off the map. Could only fix it by putting the battle2.exe file from the floppy version of battle isle 2 in the game folder, and use that one to run the game until after the computers turn is over. Then the problem is gone. :)

Battle isle 3 is quite lame: lame new units, no keyboard control, inferiour color palette.
well you can find out for yourself with the demo:

guest 26-06-2011 10:02 AM

combat bars
does anybody know what 4(5) bars that appears at the bottom of the screen during combat of 2 units represents?

BTW best war strategy IMO


Wicky 29-06-2011 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by guest (Post 429530)
does anybody know what 4(5) bars that appears at the bottom of the screen during combat of 2 units represents?

BTW best war strategy IMO


I have the original manual from BI2 in original german, there is no description of the 4 bars in it.
The 5th bar is probably the sum of combat strength, which indicates how many units you will loose. These factors will modify the combat strength of any units you have:
1) Terrain bonus: Units which are positioned in forests take less damage.
2) Flanking bonus: Units, which are outflanked by 2 or more enemy units, take more damage.
3) Entrenchment bonus: Units, which are positioned in a fortification/forest/fence receive less damage
4) Stats: Units, which have 2x as much attack than the defender has armor deal 2x as much damage.

i only ever watch the 5th bar, this one tells whether I loose too many units to win, or whether it is going to be a cheap victory. Loosing my own units in a fight is, however, out of question :)

Guest 29-06-2011 03:45 PM

RE: combat bars

Originally Posted by Wicky (Post 429681)
I have the original manual from BI2 in original german, there is no description of the 4 bars in it.
The 5th bar is probably the sum of combat strength, which indicates how many units you will loose. These factors will modify the combat strength of any units you have:
1) Terrain bonus: Units which are positioned in forests take less damage.
2) Flanking bonus: Units, which are outflanked by 2 or more enemy units, take more damage.
3) Entrenchment bonus: Units, which are positioned in a fortification/forest/fence receive less damage
4) Stats: Units, which have 2x as much attack than the defender has armor deal 2x as much damage.

i only ever watch the 5th bar, this one tells whether I loose too many units to win, or whether it is going to be a cheap victory. Loosing my own units in a fight is, however, out of question :)

Thank you!

Somewhere on web I found this:
1. attack bonus
2. deffence bonus
3. unused
4. surrounding units (flanking) bonus

but I don´t know if it refers to BI2 :-)

Watching these bars while playing, I am sure about second bar defence bonus.
Flanking bonus I think is both third and fourth bar. At least on Difficult level, I did not try Expert level.

Of course attack and defence strenght and number of vehicles are taken into account, they modify all 4 bars.

Fifth bar is sum and determines result of battle.

But when unit goes through unexplored terrain and is ambushed by hidden enemy unit, ambush is not taken into account and result is the same as in normal attack.
This is strange and you can actually use it for your advantage. For example move and attack with Nashorn tanks or attack multiple units in same turn. Of course you must know about those hidden units.

irregular guest 08-06-2014 12:54 PM

Hi guys,

I have some questions, maybe one of you know the answer.

I'm wondering, if the lastly mentioned bars are of any use? I mean, i see them, when i launch an attack but not before, which seems somewhat useless to me, since not a second later i have the battle results. Is there any way to watch those bars *before* starting an attack?

In the (very meger) manual i read, that surrounding an enemy unit is granting an attacking bonus, or for precisements sake a defensive malus -> how strong is the impact? And does that mean, the more units are surrounding an enemy the more mali does it get?

Last but not least, what's the point of "blocking" (moving units adjacent to own units) which is mentioned in the manual too? Does it give defensive boni? How strong are them? Does they multiply? (I watched for that during the missions and it seemed to me that it doesnt have any impact on the battle results at all. 2 demons were behind my technotrax when it was attacked by another technotrax und the bars indicated equal chances....)

Thank for any answers in advance. Have a nice day. :)

Torquemada10 27-10-2015 07:30 PM

My units don't seem to carry over their experience in campaign mode however I get xp points to distribute for land air and sea units. Is there any way to influence the amount of points I get after each battle?

Turbo Beholder 17-07-2016 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gerwin (Post 216248)
Also available is a opensource game in the same style: "advanced strategic command" yet it did not strike me as being very polished, and I began missing my BI2 units.

This depends on what exactly you are playing, doesn't it?
ASC got more than one ruleset.
Also, it obviously doesn't contain copyrighted BI data as such, since it's FLOSS, but can import on the fly BI data (art and scenario) you have and enable BI rules (more relaxed resources-wise). The compatible unit set you may need is mk4 (it got "Demon" infantry unit and so on).
The maps also can be converted with two clicks in map editor using .ascmapxlat files (which is a bunch of resource ID substitution lists in plain text) into default resources with Mk1 unit set (native ASC campaign), Mk3 (the one trying to be slightly more "realistic") or your own custom resources (which you may neatly pack in a single whatever.ascdat file if you want to).

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