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Kon-Tiki 10-02-2005 10:35 PM

Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

gildedgirth 11-02-2005 04:30 AM

Way cool. I just remarked recently on the forums on how I much I liked the old Spellcasting games. Funny and lots of humor. I think in many ways a bit more witty than the Leisure Suit Larry series.

Also this is good timing, as I've been getting back into Interactive Fiction games like the old Infocom games and also re-discovered the wealth of free amateur made IF games, like Anchorhead, Photopia, Spider and the Web. Wow. IF games have come a long way with so many people creating new "Infocom" type games that are more sophisticated and cover a vareity of topics. Some include graphics and sound like the Spellcasting game, like the zombie IF game, Necrotic Drift, recently entered in the annual IF competition.

Anyway, looking forward to more games, especially more from Legend Entertainment, like more from the Spellcasting series. Also Mission Critical was one of my favorite sci-fi games that combined graphics, interactive fiction (infocom-type) play, with action sequences. The short 3D strategy sequence in the game was really cool and I'm sure it inspired Homeworld in some way.

Anyway, thanks again for putting this classic up on the site.

ultranewbie 11-02-2005 04:43 AM

the females in this game (from the screenshots) seem to be pretty realistic. or not!

Tom Henrik 11-02-2005 07:00 AM

Just keep your eyes clued on the site for Spellcastin 201, and Spellcasting 301 ;)

BlackMageJawa 11-02-2005 02:41 PM

Heh heh heh, my favourite genre combined with a genre that I love but have always been bad at! Mixing text adventures (the latter) with point & clicks (my fave) is a stroke of smegging genius.

I already have Eric the Unready, are there any other games with this sort of interface (apart from Spellcasting 201 and 301)?

maDbiL 11-02-2005 04:24 PM

U know what, this is a bit similar. A young socerer lock up in a room....just like Harry Potter who was lock in a cupboard. How I wish the Harry Potter series would be something like this....Kids would enjoy reading :D

gildedgirth 12-02-2005 01:21 AM

You know that' is a good idea.

Interactive Fiction with graphics to encourage kids to read. I remember playing Simon the Sorceror and while its not a text heavy game like Spellcaster, it did remind me a lot of Harry Potter in many ways and if you get the Cd-version with sound, it becomes very British as well, just like Harry Potter. I was think yeah, if this was a If (interactive fiction) game, kids would also love it.

you might have a good idea for a game there. =)

Havell 12-02-2005 10:18 AM

A minor but irritating problem with this game, when I started the list of commands is blank but if I scroll to the bottom they become visible, if I carry out any commands then they become invisible again and I have to scroll to the bottom to see them again. Is anyone else having this problem?

Data 12-02-2005 10:39 AM


Originally posted by BlackMageJawa@Feb 11 2005, 04:41 PM
Heh heh heh, my favourite genre combined with a genre that I love but have always been bad at! Mixing text adventures (the latter) with point & clicks (my fave) is a stroke of smegging genius.

I already have Eric the Unready, are there any other games with this sort of interface (apart from Spellcasting 201 and 301)?

time quest ?

Guest_Alex 12-02-2005 04:17 PM

Please help! What are the answers to the registration questions at the start of chapter 2? I can't get past them.


Antaeus 12-02-2005 04:19 PM

The card thingy on the games page under extras.

Tom Henrik 12-02-2005 04:35 PM

The answers to the registration form questions can easily be solved by downloading the registration form, located in the game's extras.

Syaped 12-02-2005 08:09 PM

Hmm, what exactly am I meant to be doing in this game? I'm wondering around campus doing pretty much nothing, getting killed by simulated dragons, looking at Hillary's bare leg, watching those crazy sports matches.... :crazy:

Guest 13-02-2005 12:55 AM

What extra's? I can't find them.

TheChosen 13-02-2005 10:46 AM

Now this is a classic. Too bad its not a campus simulation.

There are many these types of games made by legends. Like........damn, i forgot :cry:

Tom Henrik 13-02-2005 11:34 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Feb 13 2005, 01:55 AM
What extra's? I can't find them.
Here you are:

Omuletzu 13-02-2005 11:36 AM

Guest, please go here, and locate the little box entitled "extras".It has light brown borders, with a white filling.Under the first row within the box, the one entitled "Discuss this game", there is a row named "Registration form".Click on the second row(ie the one entitled "Registration form") to access the picture.A new window will pop up.Save the picture on your hard disk, using the context menu(ie right clicking on the picture).Open your file, and voila, you are done.

Hope this helps, happy gaming :cheers:

EDIT Damn Tom beat me to it :cry:

LuckyLlama 13-02-2005 06:53 PM


A minor but irritating problem with this game, when I started the list of commands is blank but if I scroll to the bottom they become visible, if I carry out any commands then they become invisible again and I have to scroll to the bottom to see them again. Is anyone else having this problem?
Yes, I seem to having that problem too. It really is minor, but very annoying at times.

unclefester 13-02-2005 08:33 PM

I am so incompetent...
I can't get through the first chapter...
I've only find the potty chamber...
:( :( :(

P.S waht's with the warn percentage under my stats?

Guest_Endop 14-02-2005 08:04 AM

Try taking the potty. That should help you in some way or another. It also seems you could get out of the window if you just could soften your fall.

However, that won't be the end of your problems! Write Help to see the commands, and try using the mouse mode (press Tab). It will sometimes show verbs you don't know or didn't think of. Also, Look At things often.

I got smashed by a whale, but can say that this game is VERY interesting. And, btw, you start the school on Tuesday, 1 p.m. Check the schedule to see where you should be. On the lesson, you might want to 'Wait Until 3', but follow the teaching.

Remember, 'me' is possible target, but not 'myself' or 'self'.

And remember to enable naughty mode (commandword: 'naughty') after you start the game... :D

Reup 14-02-2005 09:54 AM


Originally posted by unclefester@Feb 13 2005, 10:33 PM

P.S waht's with the warn percentage under my stats?

:ot: It's represent how naughty you've been in the forums lately. You only see your own percentage. It should be at 0% :)

LZD 14-02-2005 10:58 AM

Over all cool concept but WE NEED THE MAP TOO! I'm STUCK I NEEEEEEED the MAP!

Tom Henrik 14-02-2005 11:12 AM

Map coming.

Hang on :)

Tom Henrik 14-02-2005 02:30 PM

Uhm... what map? :unsure:

Map over what?

BlackMageJawa 14-02-2005 04:57 PM

This game runs perfectly in XP without DOSbox. No trouble with empty command lists.

TheChosen 18-02-2005 12:03 PM

You should also add an walktrough. Im having hard time at the island of lost souls, because i have to KABBAL dead people.

Getting trought the first chapter is easy, theres a grate under the potty. Use it to get out. After that youl have to find a way to open the shed door. Inside the shed, there are some overalls(a disguise) which will help anyone who are stuck in chapter one.

Guest 19-02-2005 10:08 PM

Will a walkthrough be coming our way in the near future?

Guest 20-02-2005 12:21 AM

not that i'm a fan of spoilers, but there is the walkthrough if you want it.


TheChosen 20-02-2005 09:06 AM

Thank you Mozleron,now i can finish my kabbaling. :w00t:

anon 26-02-2005 03:54 AM

I was stuck without the map (having gone thru everything at the
University but not knowing what to do with the Surfboard).

I found a walk thru that said
Dial 6 and Tick
So I'm going to try that...

Guest 27-02-2005 03:06 AM

Actually I got out the 1st room by a different method. Get the hay, drop it out the window. Then leap out of the other window into the cart of manure.

Sino 28-02-2005 01:14 AM

Im stuck at the Island of the Gods, since I cant find the key. (The walkthrough doesnt say either.)

Guest 02-03-2005 02:31 AM

You should get the key after you have KABBULed all of the islanders on the island of lost souls. The islanders give it to you as a reward.

whitestar 04-03-2005 03:58 PM

umm i cant get out the room.........

i love this game LOL mainly cuz i cant do anything :P

Parkingtigers 07-03-2005 12:34 AM

Oh happy memories ... I loved this game, and I have a little flush of pride at saying that I was able to complete this puppy way back when. Couldn't crack the 201 sequel, but this one I saw through to the end. Funny, saucy, and a real headscratcher at times. Huzzah!

dragonLancer 07-03-2005 12:36 AM

wow good job :ok:

coron 17-03-2005 10:31 PM

help! the programme crashes within the first campus description.
It took me some time to get through the form-check in DOS.
I finally made it but then it crashes before I can save again. :(
(in windows98 it crashes even before that and is unplayable)
it should work on dos71 (nearly all the other games do, if not all).
Can anybody help, please?

Guest 20-03-2005 03:23 AM

I'm wondering about some of these names.

I mean really, who names their kid "Gaylord".

Oh, and I suspect the dials on the surf board are copy protection too, since you seem to have a map in game which came with the disks.

Since the review mentioned it, does anyone know where to get this "Leather godesses of Phobos" thing?

Guest 04-05-2005 02:08 PM

HOW CAN I COPY THE GRAPHICS OUT OF THIS GAME(without a extra program). Because I want to make a cover for my CD-rom case.

GoodOldDay 14-05-2005 06:24 PM

Hi, you guys. The link for registration form now doesn't work. Who can show me the registration form or send it to my mailbox?

Thank you!

Guest 18-05-2005 05:03 AM


can anyone tell me where i can find the copy protection answers?


TheChosen 18-05-2005 05:32 AM

Heres the form!

Student:(You know him)
Status:Freshman,class of 41
ID number:9179
Advisor:Professor Otto Tickingclock
Living group:Frogkisser House
HomeTown:Port Gekko (Alumni sector 14)
Secondary school class rank:23
Sorcerer aptitude test score: oral:590 Anal:670
Dietary restrictions:none
Medical checkup completed:yes
Health score:none

All the courses are located in the Meltingwolf hall(Expect physical skills 101)

Spellcasting Wartytoad
General Magic Friendofsheep
Physicall skills Staff
Math & Science to be determined
Mythology Barleybreath
Ethics Hoppingturtle

Now i hope that they havent fixed the link........

sasokas 23-05-2005 01:33 PM

i can't answer questions i chapter 2
please help

Aubri 10-06-2005 03:56 AM

I have downloaded this game in WINRAR and DOSBOX and neither one will run the game! Is it a bad link or is there something that I am doing wrong? When I open it with WINRAR it goes to the opening screen with the little sorcerer and the two chicks but will not do anything else. If I hit any button on my keyboard it just closes. Can anyone tell me what I need to do differently?

A. J. Raffles 10-06-2005 06:12 AM

Erm, this may be bloody obvious, but have you tried extracting the file with WinRar rather than opening it?

unreg 24-06-2005 03:18 AM

It there visual pr0n in the game? cuz right now, I'm getting implicit sexual text messaged to death.

TheChosen 24-06-2005 10:30 AM


Originally posted by unreg@Jun 24 2005, 03:18 AM
It there visual pr0n in the game? cuz right now, I'm getting implicit sexual text messaged to death.

Apocalypse Dude 24-06-2005 12:49 PM

This is so frustrating, I have an origanl copy of the game including the mamaul and the map everybody is talking about but al I can find are the orginal games disks. :wall: :cry:

Guest 23-07-2005 07:56 PM


Originally posted by R Havell@Feb 12 2005, 11:18 AM
A minor but irritating problem with this game, when I started the list of commands is blank but if I scroll to the bottom they become visible, if I carry out any commands then they become invisible again and I have to scroll to the bottom to see them again. Is anyone else having this problem?

Also, I can't get out of the first room.

Taran_Wanderer 03-09-2005 05:37 AM

Here. The Map.

hoborg98 14-09-2005 09:32 PM

Ok, I've been playing the game, but so far the game has been completely different from the pictures on the review page on this website. For some reason the Amazons are making me do housework and I never saw a picture of Gretchen on the bed. Is there some sort of "G-rating" setting that I might accidently have the game on? I have to say that I felt a bit cheated by the time I got to the Amazon chapter...

Havell 14-09-2005 09:36 PM


Originally posted by hoborg98@Sep 14 2005, 10:32 PM
Ok, I've been playing the game, but so far the game has been completely different from the pictures on the review page on this website. For some reason the Amazons are making me do housework and I never saw a picture of Gretchen on the bed. Is there some sort of "G-rating" setting that I might accidently have the game on? I have to say that I felt a bit cheated by the time I got to the Amazon chapter...
Make sure you have "adult mode" turned on ;)

(Check the review/this thread for details on how).

Alegery 28-09-2005 03:52 AM

I'm having some trouble with the text in the game. After reading the first part of a long message, then I press any button for <more>, it skips to the end of the text. Meaning I can't read anything that appears in between. Is there a certain button I'm supposed to be pressing?

Blank_box 08-11-2005 10:04 AM


Originally posted by Alegery@Sep 28 2005, 03:52 AM
I'm having some trouble with the text in the game. After reading the first part of a long message, then I press any button for <more>, it skips to the end of the text. Meaning I can't read anything that appears in between. Is there a certain button I'm supposed to be pressing?
You should click your mouse to read more text. if you press any keyboard (like "enter") it means you have given command to the game then it will drag you the end of the paragraph (the arrow key as well... because the game will recognize you as you've chosen command in the list in command box).

When you would like to give command, you should ckick on DO button on the screen. It will not take you to the last line like press "enter".

It may be not so quick like typing but this is the only way to avoid that effect.

FB 29-11-2005 07:51 PM

This is a truly annoying game. I hate games where you die constantly for no apparent reason. I never managed to leave the city, even with a walkthrough. I have deleted the game, and I will never touch it again.

Lousy game.

Doctadeth 30-11-2005 04:57 AM

Ahh spellcasting 101, the fond memories. Tho I always loved the Discworld game.

"I am now going to say a series of words, tell me when I have reached the one that irritates you"




Blank_box 01-12-2005 09:03 AM


Originally posted by FB@Nov 29 2005, 08:51 PM
This is a truly annoying game. I hate games where you die constantly for no apparent reason. I never managed to leave the city, even with a walkthrough. I have deleted the game, and I will never touch it again.

Lousy game.

Be patient, guy... This one is very good text adventure game with a lot of humours and nice pictures to play. I guarantee that it's worth for playing. :ok:

There are a lot of jokes in it such as "D&D" that become "Mall&Muggers" in the dorm hall... :D This make me like this game so much.

If you try various command, you will find some answers or some jokes instead...

However, you said that you used walkthrough but coldn't pass chapter 1? Which one did you use? The same one posted at here? That walk through is very precise answer.

FB 01-12-2005 01:37 PM

At the start of the game, some guy with a whip comes along and drags me away. The game ends there. I have followed a walkthrough, I don't remember which one, but that is not important. The fact that I cannot walk around and explore at my own pace, but have to do things in a particular order, and perhaps even within a given time limit, is what has put me off this game. I don't want to keep saving games with every progress I make, and restore from the same point ten times before I get it right. I have played that kind of games before, and they are quite simply annoying. I don't mind dying in adventure games, but only if it's my own fault, and I usually learn by my mistakes, and don't make the same error twice. I have been dragged away by this guy ten times now, and I still don't know what I am doing wrong (other than palying this game).

Eslington 01-12-2005 01:52 PM


Originally posted by Alegery@Sep 28 2005, 03:52 AM
I'm having some trouble with the text in the game. After reading the first part of a long message, then I press any button for <more>, it skips to the end of the text. Meaning I can't read anything that appears in between. Is there a certain button I'm supposed to be pressing?
Try running it in Dosbox, it worked for me.

SupSuper 01-12-2005 07:14 PM


Originally posted by FB@Dec 1 2005, 02:37 PM
At the start of the game, some guy with a whip comes along and drags me away. The game ends there. I have followed a walkthrough, I don't remember which one, but that is not important. The fact that I cannot walk around and explore at my own pace, but have to do things in a particular order, and perhaps even within a given time limit, is what has put me off this game. I don't want to keep saving games with every progress I make, and restore from the same point ten times before I get it right. I have played that kind of games before, and they are quite simply annoying. I don't mind dying in adventure games, but only if it's my own fault, and I usually learn by my mistakes, and don't make the same error twice. I have been dragged away by this guy ten times now, and I still don't know what I am doing wrong (other than palying this game).
I also had this opinion at first. The beginning can be very annoying since there's no time for mistakes, but as soon as you figure out what to do it's quite fun (and funny) :)
Also, you can freely explore at your own pace after the beginning.

HINT: window, hay

FB 04-12-2005 12:03 AM

I tried both the hay+window and the hole under the pot. Same result. Once I'm out on the street I get dragged away.

paperbrain 04-12-2005 04:07 AM

QUOTE(FB@ Dec 4 2005 1:03 AM)
I tried both the hay+window and the hole under the pot. Same result. Once I'm out on the street I get dragged away.
There are two windows. Try looking out the window, and throwthe hay out of the window that the horse is standing underneath.

paperbrain 04-12-2005 04:10 AM

QUOTE(FB@ Dec 4 2005 1:03 AM)

I tried both the hay+window and the hole under the pot. Same result. Once I'm out on the street I get dragged away.

Paperbrain 04-12-2005 04:14 AM

Sorry about the last post, my mouse finger slipped.

TheChosen 04-12-2005 01:49 PM


Originally posted by FB@Dec 4 2005, 01:03 AM
I tried both the hay+window and the hole under the pot. Same result. Once I'm out on the street I get dragged away.
Dont waste any time.

FB 04-12-2005 03:01 PM


Originally posted by TheChosen@Dec 4 2005, 02:49 PM
Dont waste any time.
That's what I was afraid of. The thing is timed. You have to do things in a hurry, and not at your own pace. Definitely not a game for me.

Blank_box 04-12-2005 10:42 PM

Frankly, This game is really fun but also very annoying too. Since you can't do any mistake in some chapters. Don't be ashamed to use walkthrough. I remember how hopeless when I was in the isle of lost soul...

Guest 22-12-2005 09:11 AM


Originally posted by Doctadeth@Nov 30 2005, 05:57 AM
Ahh spellcasting 101, the fond memories. Tho I always loved the Discworld game.

"I am now going to say a series of words, tell me when I have reached the one that irritates you"




hey hey back up, wats this about a discworld game? arma luvin the books and now i hear about a game! can it be downloaded? pleez tell where if i can. wanna wanna now!

Guest 22-12-2005 07:33 PM

Nobody's mentioned this, so I must be missing something obvious: how the hell do you complete the island where time runs backwards? I reach a point where, according to the FAQ, I'm supposed to eat a small waybread, but despite the room description, there IS no small waybread to be found. Naturally, this causes a bit of a problem. I thought it was because I had a bugged copy, but alas, I downloaded the game from The Underdogs and played through to find very much the same problem. Any ideas?

To that FB fellow: there's this magical function I like to call 'saving your game'. It lets you explore your surroundings at your own pace by allowing you to retry a timed sequence as many times as you please, performing as many irrelevant acts as you like before the Automatic Death strikes. It's way cool and you should really check it out.

SupSuper 23-12-2005 11:01 AM


Originally posted by Guest+Dec 22 2005, 10:11 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Guest @ Dec 22 2005, 10:11 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Doctadeth@Nov 30 2005, 05:57 AM
Ahh spellcasting 101, the fond memories. Tho I always loved the Discworld game.

"I am now going to say a series of words, tell me when I have reached the one that irritates you"




hey hey back up, wats this about a discworld game? arma luvin the books and now i hear about a game! can it be downloaded? pleez tell where if i can. wanna wanna now! [/b][/quote]

Guest_Zach 27-12-2005 07:09 PM


Originally posted by Guest_Alex@Feb 12 2005, 05:17 PM
Please help! What are the answers to the registration questions at the start of chapter 2? I can't get past them.


For the answers to the registration questions at the start of chapter 2. click this link.
Registration form

Guest 03-01-2006 02:40 AM

Hello, Does anybody knows where the sorcerer university orientation guide is downloadable?


SupSuper 03-01-2006 08:07 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Jan 3 2006, 03:40 AM
Hello, Does anybody knows where the sorcerer university orientation guide is downloadable?


It's right above you. LOOK before you post ;)

Reverend Bizarre 10-01-2006 02:54 PM

I'm having the blank command list as well. I searched the DosBox site for supported games list and the problem was listed there as well, so it's probably a DosBox bug.
The game manual says:
"When installing Spellcasting 101 or 201, select EGA graphics (640x350 16 color) rather than VGA or SVGA."
DosBox doesn't seem to support EGA (not sure if that would make a difference anyway) so I switched the machine type in DosBox conf file from VGA to TANDY and that fixed the blank menus. Too bad it rapes the graphics as well.
Also tried running it under VDMSound which screws textmenus up and directly under XP where it runs fine until the first picture and then suddenly closes the application.
I had blank menus in 201 also but fortunately VDMSound saved me there.

If someone can make it work properly please post here.

Guest 12-01-2006 01:45 AM

You're not the only one, Reverend. It happens for me with DOSbox in every Legend game that uses this engine. VDMsound seems to be the best bet for now, unless somebody's got a clever fix I haven't heard of yet.

And just for the hell of it, I reiterate:

"Nobody's mentioned this, so I must be missing something obvious: how the hell do you complete the island where time runs backwards? I reach a point where, according to the FAQ, I'm supposed to eat a small waybread, but despite the room description, there IS no small waybread to be found. Naturally, this causes a bit of a problem. I thought it was because I had a bugged copy, but alas, I downloaded the game from The Underdogs and played through to find very much the same problem. Any ideas?"

nawade 31-01-2006 12:30 AM

so, i think i've missed something b/c i'm on the island of lost soles. I looked at a guide that mentioned a spell that i don't have, so i guess i missed it, but the guide is really just a list of commands. I got through everything thus far w/o help and I was wondering if someone could tell me where you get the spell that solves the puzzle on the lost soles island.

Kearnsy 31-01-2006 02:00 AM

The KABUL spell. Its not much of a puzzle just using it on everything (about 50 times in total!!!!! :ranting: ) kinda annoying!

nawade 31-01-2006 03:18 PM

nevermind, i figured it out. increase bust size... LOL. I can't believe i missed that!!

edit: stuck on the climax. joey pushes the button and i cant figure out what to do!!!

I've played enough adventure games to know that either i missed something, did something in the wrong order, or i need to use an item to get what i need done. The only items i haven't used are the purse and the stuff in the purse. I've tried using the flamethrower on the appliance, on joey, on l0la, on tickingclock... none of that works...

:help: :cry:

Zorbas 07-02-2006 09:35 AM

The registration form is not enough to play the game.
At the end of Chapter 2, you need to set the dials of the surfboard to go to a given destination.
These codes seem to be given by some map that was in the original box.

On Home of the underdogs, they have a manual that is common for the 3 Spellcasting games, but it does not include this map. I searched the Internet for this map, but to no avail.
The only thing I found was this:

and that does not compute, e.g. the island of lost soles (the first you're supposed to visit according to most walkthrough's) is not shown. I guess this file is for another SC game?

You need to read a walkthrough to get the correct codes, but that's a shame!

So, please, anybody knows where I can get this bloody map?


Zorbas 07-02-2006 01:01 PM

To elaborate on why the map I found is not the good one:

various walkthroughs say that you should set the dials to 6/Tick or 4/Pig at the end of Chapter 2 (This leads you to island of lost soles, or the time reverse island). But these two combinations (or the two islands I mentioned) do not appear on this map. So I think it's either incomplete or for another SC game.



Guest 09-02-2006 02:06 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Jan 12 2006, 02:45 AM

"Nobody's mentioned this, so I must be missing something obvious: how the hell do you complete the island where time runs backwards? I reach a point where, according to the FAQ, I'm supposed to eat a small waybread, but despite the room description, there IS no small waybread to be found. Naturally, this causes a bit of a problem. I thought it was because I had a bugged copy, but alas, I downloaded the game from The Underdogs and played through to find very much the same problem. Any ideas?"

You missed a step :)

Spoiler warning - read every other letter below to find out what you did wrong.


Guest 01-03-2006 01:55 AM

Mein Gott, that did it! Sir or Madam, I love you long time.

Kearnsy 01-03-2006 10:58 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Mar 1 2006, 02:55 AM
Mein Gott, that did it! Sir or Madam, I love you long time.
Nice that your thank you is along the same lines as the game!

j0yride 31-03-2006 07:05 AM


Originally posted by Guest_Alex@Feb 12 2005, 05:17 PM
Please help! What are the answers to the registration questions at the start of chapter 2? I can't get past them.


Have u got the answers? I can't past it too. pls let me know.. Thanks

Master MC 31-03-2006 05:01 PM

This one?

malthaussen 15-05-2006 09:37 PM

Scoring another girl at Sorcerer's U (SPOILER!!!!:

It's ungallant, or even evil, but when running the sim in the lab, unchaining the damsel is not your only option... you can also force yourself on her. Yeah, her old man will kill you, but it's one way to end the Sim. I found it useful the second time through, because when I followed the walkthrough and used the "out" command, I ended the game prematurely by dying. Not sure why this happened, maybe a random chance?

Another sort of spoiler: in chapter 2, you don't have all the time in the world to run around and explore, since there is a time-triggered event which will advance the plot. IMO, this weakens the game: I like to be able to open all the doors, talk to all the people, and try crazy things (like attacking simulated damsels).

-- Mal

Gaspode 22-05-2006 11:26 AM


Originally posted by malthaussen@May 15 2006, 09:37 PM
Scoring another girl at Sorcerer's U (SPOILER!!!!:

It's ungallant, or even evil, but when running the sim in the lab, unchaining the damsel is not your only option... you can also force yourself on her. Yeah, her old man will kill you, but it's one way to end the Sim. I found it useful the second time through, because when I followed the walkthrough and used the "out" command, I ended the game prematurely by dying. Not sure why this happened, maybe a random chance?

Another sort of spoiler: in chapter 2, you don't have all the time in the world to run around and explore, since there is a time-triggered event which will advance the plot. IMO, this weakens the game: I like to be able to open all the doors, talk to all the people, and try crazy things (like attacking simulated damsels).

-- Mal

i may sound like a complete idiot but i can't save during the game

Guesty 23-05-2006 08:19 PM


Originally posted by Aubri@Jun 10 2005, 03:56 AM
I have downloaded this game in WINRAR and DOSBOX and neither one will run the game! Is it a bad link or is there something that I am doing wrong? When I open it with WINRAR it goes to the opening screen with the little sorcerer and the two chicks but will not do anything else. If I hit any button on my keyboard it just closes. Can anyone tell me what I need to do differently?
Yeah, I am having the same problem, could someone help I cannot get it to run.

The Fifth Horseman 26-05-2006 01:53 PM

You... are... trying... to... run... this... game... through... WinRar???


EXTRACT the game, you dummy!!! That's what you need WinRar for!!!

THEN use DosBox to run it!!!

Guesty 27-05-2006 12:09 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ May 26 2006, 01:53 PM) [snapback]232387[/snapback]</div>

You... are... trying... to... run... this... game... through... WinRar???


EXTRACT the game, you dummy!!! That's what you need WinRar for!!!

THEN use DosBox to run it!!!
I would be laughing to if that were the case, but no I already extracted it. I am just a little lost on how to play it with DOSBox

guest 15-06-2006 07:40 PM

Can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong here but I can never seem to get FRIMP to recharge. Anyone else having this problem? I've waited, figuring that would be the "required" several minutes and have actually walked away to give the game several minutes in real time, but nothing seems to recharge the spell. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

twillight 03-07-2006 08:49 AM

I just started to play this awesmoe game, and I already found something new even in chapter 1!
So how to get out:
1. naughty (for naughty mode) - question: what is the difference between normal and naughty? if you don't turn it on, you will just lose some picture, or there are other things too?
2. open drawer, read all (with this you take and read the application and a love note). After your father comes in you should take the appolication again, because it will be droped.
solution 1.) open right window, throw out hay on right window, open left window, jump throu left window.
solution 2.) go north, open tiny door, take potty, take spider (opptional), take grade, enter hole
solution 3.) after you have the potty go south, empty potty on fire, climb chimney, go east (you climb down on the tree)

on the streets:
take flat rock, take rusty key, push miss B OR drop spider on miss B, take rusty key, unlock shed door, open shed door, enter tool shed, wear overalls, go through gate.

the chapter is time-limited at maximum 41 moves when the dragon-butcherer comes
you can die, if you try to open your roomdorr in the moment your faher do the same
kiss miss B
wait until miss B finds her glasses

I attach the beggining of the 1th day in U now.
You could walk around as you like, but it would be more interresing to do the crucial things. So, as you are a student:
take a newspaper for fun, and some information about a concert (take newspaper, read np, read art), than immediately go to the MH. sit down, wait until the lesson starts if needed, then "take notes" you will take notes continuously until the end of the lesson, no matter what you do in addition until you leave the room, so wait/examine/read all you can for fun.
After it ends go northeast to get an invitation (doesn't need to say anything), then south, sit on chair, cast the appropriate spells, and at the dragon "kill it with the sord". This dream-sequence is very time based, so save before sitting down. Do not abuse the damsel!
Return to the MH. Listen the lesson. Explore all other area. There will be 2 interresting things:
go up stairs in MH to take the "popular book". at the SS will take place a match. And the cooks stop working at the C at 7:30
here is a map for the school:
BC: the Batguard Court (courtyard)

from BC: north: C(affeteria) - north from C: where you made the registration, northwest: I Phelta Thi club (elit students), southwest: Tappa Keg Bru club (wild students), east: MH, south (and southwest from MH): FH, west: FF
from MH: northeast: prof Tickleclock's room, east (and south from prof T'Clock room): SL, and here is a trapdoor (too heavy to lift it)
from FH: east: your college room, southwest: harbor (backing direction is pure east), and here is a door to prof T'clock's daughter
from harbour: northeast: president's house (yet locked), north: SS

what you shouldn't do: cast bip on a lesson, kicking proffessors on lessons, doing seductive acts towards anyone (who doen't want it first), yelling on lessons.

More will come!

twillight 04-07-2006 12:17 PM

Until leaving the U:
So, we were at 7:30. Go to the Tappa and wait until 8:00. Then wait again, until som guy gives you a box (in boxes there are spells, you know). open the box. Go to the other club. wait until gretchen comes. say yes. go to your room with her. Put gretchen on bed. Search her 2 times, then get key. To spare time go to the dock, unlock door (of the President house if you wander), open it, than enter (go northwest).take another spell box. open it. return to your room and sleep.
Next day pick up all if you want, but only the books (spell, note) will be necesary. Go to your first lesson. When it ends go up (on stairs), grow the statue, climb on it, then take another spell box. Open it. climb down. Listen the next lesson. Cast BIP when said (many times). Go to SS. Wait until it starts - but you will letted go. Very good. go to the MH, cast levitating spell on trapdoor, but as it is too heavy still needs to open. go down, then go through the rooms in THISWAYOUT order. go down. Get box, open box, get out (go on the easiest way, no order restriciton). To get out you will need to open the trapdoor again as previously.
Do remember, that you have an appointment at 7:30 today. Go to the FH, and go up. It is possible to arrive 15 minutes earlier, if you want (and maybe late too, but I didn't try that).
In there sit down, say yes, then wait until the prof goes away. Here is a difference between the nice and the naughty mode. Try it out yourself!
You again can go to the student clubs from 8:00, but nothing will happen. And although you'd to see stars at 11:50 at the BC, but you will be absolutly sleepy at 10:50, so just go to your room.

One interresting things: if on this wednesday you are at BC really early (just after you woke up) the prof will remember you on the dinner.

take your books. Leave the key here, as there will be no more lock for it. Don't know what use have the cigarette pack above that after gretchen slept at you she will mention she took one when she left (on a note on your door, previous day). Go to your lesson. After it go east athan wait. You will be knocked out, and everyone else "disappears" a.k.a. dead. Sit on chair. Die in the dream sequence. No need to rescue the damsel again, or anything. Here are the possibilities for that: climb on a tree, get killed buy dragon, let the damsel die, molest the damsel, open trapdoor at damsel, try climbing down on ivy.
Nothing much to do around, but go to Hillary's room. cast dispell magic, get surfboard, go to the dock, put board on water, get in board, set left dial to 6, set right dial to tick, press red button.

One other thing: the scull on the dock is a collectible item, but to get it you have to put all else down, and I don't know the use of it.

ADaughen 05-07-2006 09:50 PM

I too am stuck in the backwards time land.. No teensy-weensy waybread. :wallbash:

And I saved over my previous KABBUL - island save...

Any help?

The Fifth Horseman 06-07-2006 08:56 AM

Check a couple posts back. Same question has been asked in February.

twillight 06-07-2006 07:56 PM

or wait till monday - I will play it through (I hope)
the island of the losts are pretty hard, if you ask me, if you're not a borned englishlanguaged :tomato:

Guest 10-08-2006 12:06 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Apocalypse Dude @ Jun 24 2005, 12:49 PM) [snapback]123231[/snapback]</div>

This is so frustrating, I have an origanl copy of the game including the mamaul and the map everybody is talking about but al I can find are the orginal games disks. :wall: :cry:
Please, pleeease scan it!
Or anyone, is there any way I could get a scan of the real map? That text version is no help at all! I found the restaurant at the end of the world, but I can't do anything there (aside from fail to get the spell box out of the pygmy shark), but I only did that by trying lots of coordinates. And it only proves to me that there are islands I'm supposed to be going to that the text version of the map doesn't show!

I really, really don't want to look up a walkthrough and just put in the next coordinates without having explore or figure it out, that takes all the fun out of it.

Guest_Hentai_* 10-07-2007 12:16 PM

Harry Potter :whistling:

The Fifth Horseman 10-07-2007 12:29 PM

I think Rincewind bears a closer similarity...

tormentor 03-08-2007 04:03 AM

Game looks really good but I was put off by the fact of having to rush through the first scene and the fact that every move you make is against a clock. I just wanna explore at my own place. Be cool if you couldn't die in this game.

Guest_Sabina_* 20-10-2007 11:23 AM

Has anyone managed to come as far as Fort of Blackwand? The level cannot be completed because of a glitch (probably corrupt copy of the game). There are no GUB, ZEM etc spells to use, which means you're pretty much stuck there. Or is it just me?

Kyran64 17-04-2009 04:47 PM

As many people have commented, the text version of the map that's been floating around seems to be incomplete..the only way to know where you're headed next are the walkthroughs.

Has anybody managed to secure a scanned image of the original map that they might be able to share?

Geezer 17-04-2009 06:07 PM

I can scan one if you can wait for a couple days.

Vinka 08-06-2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Taran_Wanderer (Post 144835)

I think I love you. :clap: THANK YOU!

Adenosine 19-07-2010 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 360340)
I can scan one if you can wait for a couple days.

That would be greatly appreciated.

With a great game like this I'd like to rely on walkthroughs as little as possible.:)

EDIT: Oh sorry , I just noticed that post is more than a year old :omg:

Anyway , could someone post a link with the actual map or upload a scan of said map?

Moonfleet 07-08-2011 02:49 PM

For anyone interested, you can find a scan of the original map of Spellcasting 101 at the Museum of Computer Adventure Game History:

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