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Kon-Tiki 06-01-2005 12:31 AM

Here's a list of tutorials. Some people might find on better and more useful than another one, while others' preference could be the other way around. This is all a matter of personal taste and ways of learning. Find the one that suits you best, or use them as reference. Also remember that experience is the key to getting a full grasp of a language, so try to practice frequently and don't be afraid to tackle challenges.


Game programming
Java Cooperation's Game Applet Tutorial
VB Game Creation Tutorial
Alex Russell's Dos Game Programming in C for Beginners
Game Programming with DirectX

Feel free to list more free ebooks available from the net :ok:

Ioncannon 06-01-2005 12:48 AM

you got any for assembly language?

Kon-Tiki 06-01-2005 12:50 AM

Working on a second part: non-supported languages, which'll contain at least Delphi, Pascal, Python, Perl and ASM.

Ioncannon 06-01-2005 12:54 AM

also when fully done this should be made a sticky, with a section for submitted tuts all in the first post.

Kon-Tiki 07-01-2005 07:27 PM

Added an extra C tutorial, useful for those that want to make games. Diana Gruber's Action Arcade Adventure Set

Koen 07-01-2005 07:37 PM

I made a very very very simple VB tutorial:

Only for those who never heard of VB before...

Kon-Tiki 07-01-2005 07:43 PM

Added :ok:

Strobe 07-01-2005 07:49 PM

this is a very useful list, tiki!!! :ok:

i recently felt like searching some tuts like that, too!

i'm glad that you have supplied this selection here, so i can have
a try on one of those links you've provided!


twisted-mystic 07-01-2005 07:50 PM

I'm going to start putting my C++ notes and source from class up on mywebsite soon,, nothing there yet, but if your feeling ambitious you can check out the source code i have for my most recent assignment.
or the exe

Kon-Tiki 07-01-2005 08:17 PM

Heehee, cute tool. Got a similar small thingy like that, called Crappy Castle, very basic text-based RPG, all clichés slapped together (hence the name), and no story whatsoever :D

Anyways, added a link for AGS :ok:

Danny252 07-01-2005 08:23 PM

That Qbasic Kid's tutorial must be for 6 year olds... It even defines what a program is.. I'll stick with my current ones..

Kon-Tiki 07-01-2005 08:35 PM

There're tougher tutorials too. I've been trying to put at least three types of tutorials per language (although I failed for that in some... like Delphi).

1) A tutorial for utmost beginners with no experience whatsoever in any language or those that just have a terrible hard time learning
2) An almost overly-elaborate tutorial
3) A crammer

If you find the one for beginners too easy, you can always choose the elaborate one, or the crammer if you just need a few guidelines.

Danny252 07-01-2005 08:48 PM

If you want, I have another qbasic tutorial that is rather basic. I've done it so it must be easy ;)

Kon-Tiki 07-01-2005 08:51 PM

Post any you see useful and if they are, they'll be added :ok:

Danny252 07-01-2005 09:02 PM
thats got some..

Koen 07-01-2005 09:09 PM

Here, a nice C tutorial: :sneaky:

Danny252 07-01-2005 09:17 PM

Guess thats one way to do lines! I wonder if an IT teacher would let you do that..

twisted-mystic 07-01-2005 09:31 PM

LOL I've had that thing up in my cube for like the last 6 months or so

Kon-Tiki 07-01-2005 09:48 PM

Bwahahaha, a true classic, that one :D

Nick 12-01-2005 09:47 AM

Have anything about OpenGL? I haven't many good literature about this.

The Niles 12-01-2005 10:17 AM


Originally posted by Nick@Jan 12 2005, 10:47 AM
Have anything about OpenGL? I haven't many good literature about this.

It's in the first post.

Kon-Tiki 12-01-2005 02:35 PM

Actually, I've been looking for several decent OpenGL and DirectX tutorials that're for free and available on the net, but they're hard to come across when they're not explaining it for one specific language.

Btw... can this thread be stickied? I keep having problems finding it whenever I need to be in it :whistle:

Titan 12-01-2005 11:41 PM


Originally posted by Koen@Jan 7 2005, 11:09 PM
Here, a nice C tutorial: :sneaky:

LOL.... i'm NOT lying here, but in one class, a friend did that.. he was told to write "i will never disturb a class again" 150 times..
he did something like that, and with all of the class beeing a computer/programmer-class, he got away with it, after objections by the teacher was overruled BY the class... LOL... was hillarious.. and after that, well.. noone tried that on our class again..

now.. back from :ot: -session.. :)

feminista 13-01-2005 11:49 PM

For OpenGL, I recommend For SDL, is nice. Note that those are both game programming specific, and will require prior knowledge of the languages discussed (which is about any modern language you can name for the first, and C++ for the second.

Reup 14-01-2005 07:12 AM

I've said if before and I'll say it again :whistle: ;)

Andrew Davidson's free Ebook about Java Game programming

This covers game programming topics using Java3D (which is not the best 3D Api, JOGL is better and for games I'd still recommend LWJGL but the game-setup and programming techniques can be used with any API). It's self-published in the same way as Bruce Eckels books and it's pretty good. It's no getting to know Java book, but once you now a little OOP and Java it's pretty readable. :ok:

Kon-Tiki 14-01-2005 12:11 PM

Will add them later today (when I've had my cup of coffee... fuzzy head means bad editing) And yeah, I've heard that LWJGL (keep having trouble remembering the exact abbriviation :D ) is the best graphical library out there for Java, and that AGP (or whatever that other one's called) is conciderably slower.

Kon-Tiki 22-01-2005 04:36 PM

Took longer than expected to get around to add them. They're added nonetheless (and I must say... it'll be studying time after the exams... this time studying something that'll be useful, not some overdone maths :sick: )

Danny252 30-01-2005 04:54 PM

Now that I actually need to program something, this thread has come in really handy.. thanks, guys!

Evil_Warrior 05-02-2005 05:48 PM

Out of all programming languages , which is easiest to learn for a beginner?

Havell 05-02-2005 05:51 PM

Got to be basic, can be learn in about 5 minutes (really). Olny problem is that it's not to powerful, it's good to teach you how programming and computers work though.

Kon-Tiki 05-02-2005 05:52 PM

Visual Basic. It writes like English, but lacks the power of most other languages (not saying it's not powerful... just less powerful)

Evil_Warrior 06-02-2005 11:43 AM

K, thanks for info, now I got to wait for micosoft to reply to my query as to why windows update isn't working - the VB compiler I have needs service pack one installed =/

Reup 21-02-2005 08:31 AM

I've found this nice little tutorial about how to program Java in Eclipse (for those of you who know some Java, but no Eclipse :) )

Java in Eclipse

edit: typos :ranting:

Kon-Tiki 21-02-2005 02:52 PM

Hmm... Eclipse. That's something I have to know for school... and how to program Java in it :D In the list it goes.

aaberg 22-02-2005 09:03 AM

If you want to program C#.NET or VB.NET, and you don't want to pay a fortune for Visual Studio (Which is the IDE for C#.NET and VB.NET), you can use SharpDevelop. This is an open source program. With SharpDevelop you can make beautiful Windows applications very easy.

If you wan't to program ASP.NET, you can use WebMatrix, which can be downloadet from This is also open source, and supports both C#.NET and VB.NET.

Kon-Tiki 22-02-2005 09:09 AM

Wrong thread ;) The tools belong under Essentials. I'll add the ASP one, as that one seems to be lacking :ok:

aaberg 22-02-2005 09:23 AM

Sorry about that. :whistle:

Evil_Warrior 25-02-2005 02:55 PM

I downloaded that sharp develop and when I click to install I get the following message box : Microsoft .NET frame work 1.1 was not found on this system. Unable to continue this installation.

WTF is this all about? I thought it was free, do I need to buy something off microsoft?

NrmMyth 03-03-2005 09:16 PM

Hi, I was wondering where could I find throught C tutorials on creating a win app.

Kon-Tiki 03-03-2005 09:21 PM

Hmmm... tough one. I remember having some in my bookmarks quite some time ago. Also got the very basics in an ebook. Let's see if I can find some decent links again.

Woo! Found TheForger's again. That one was one of those in the bookmarks.
Some guy's notes from class (Powerpoint & PDF)
Reliable Software's tutorial, another one from in ye olde bookmarks.

Added those to the list.

NrmMyth 04-03-2005 07:38 PM

I don't want to be pain in the behind but can you find some tutorials on dynamic games programing. Lots of people will be happy. :angel: :ok:

Kon-Tiki 04-03-2005 08:02 PM

Hehehe, that's a bit specific :bleh: I do have that in an ebook, but dunno the legalities of putting such things up, so I prefer not to. There's also one 'bout game programming in Java that's posted somewhere in this forum. I'll look for that one and for more. Shouldn't be too hard.

Edit: Added. It's quite amazing how many fine results Google gives on that :D Also added Diana Gruber's tutorial, which seemed to still reside in my bookmarks.

NrmMyth 04-03-2005 09:28 PM

Thx I'll look sometime after. :bye:

Evil_Warrior 05-03-2005 09:31 AM

Is noone going to answer my question too?

Reup 05-03-2005 11:31 AM

You can get the .NET-framework at:

It is a free download. Mind that there's also a service pack for the 1.1. version. I've not yet tried version 2.0!

Unknown Hero 10-03-2005 10:41 PM

Put Pascal into supported languages in this thread also! :ok:

Kon-Tiki 10-03-2005 10:51 PM


Unknown Hero 10-03-2005 11:35 PM

Here are some of the most difficult exams ever!

If you consider yourself a good programmer, be sure to check it out!

PS what's the difference batween Essentials and Tutorials. I know what the tutorials are, but what are the essentials?

Kon-Tiki 10-03-2005 11:37 PM

Tutorials are tutorials on programming. Essentials are the tools to make the programs.

Bagerist 15-03-2005 08:10 PM

Did somebody speak Croatian (Hrvatski)?

I think I now take C++ for my program.

Do You have some Web page with C++ help?

Kon-Tiki 15-03-2005 08:34 PM

There're some links to C/C++ tutorials on the first page. As for speaking Croatian... Kosta, the owner of this site, is Croatian.

NrmMyth 15-03-2005 09:00 PM

:ot: Ima hrvata nisi sam, a ovo ti je ionako hrvatski web, recimo... :):

Sorry for the offtopic I couldn't help myself. :angel:

Tulac 15-03-2005 09:01 PM

I'm Croatian too...
Now , can someone help in finding good php tutorials?
There are none, on the initial list, html would be useful too, I think...

Kon-Tiki 15-03-2005 09:08 PM


Tulac 15-03-2005 09:16 PM

Thank you very much! :D

Rogue 15-04-2005 05:22 PM

i believe you missing bigest tutorial sites for open-source. :)


On their site you will not just find tutorials for different programming languages, but also tutorials to install and administer different software, and great user community.

And for those who like to learn Web Development, creating graphics, using different tools and programs, but are to lazy to follow the book, for a small fee they can check tutorial/training videos at

The Niles 30-04-2005 07:59 AM

Some good Open GL tutorials,

Better then the ones already mentioned.

Kon-Tiki 30-04-2005 11:04 AM

Will add them when I'm back from Scouts :ok:

Kon-Tiki 30-04-2005 09:52 PM

Seems like that OpenGL tutorial's already there, under tutorial or something like that.

Ioncannon 11-05-2005 03:42 PM

just want to know, I want to try and do some NES or APPLE II coding, read up on it and they both use "6502 Assembely" I am guessing this is different then x86 assembely, so any tutorials on 6502?

STFM 14-09-2005 01:53 AM

A good set of resources for Atari related - GEM, GDOS, GFA Basic, MC680x0 etc

GFA Basic Download Archive

Ioncannon: 6502 C Compiler

chickenman 06-10-2005 12:40 PM

Assembly - NASM

The free NASM compiler

Very good NASM tutorial
(Note: There is an error in the second part but i have emailed the writer.)


Nick 18-10-2005 08:41 PM

There's a dead link in OpenGL on Ultimate Game Programming tutorials.

Kon-Tiki 18-10-2005 10:06 PM

I'll check it out tomorrow :ok:

Kon-Tiki 20-10-2005 05:16 PM

Seems like there were some more that needed a new link, or just left the internet entirely, which slightly thinned out some parts, like the VB one. Please focus on those when looking for tutorials at the moment, so we can put some flesh back on their bones :ok:

BOOGIEMAN 30-10-2005 02:00 PM

I don't see anywhere Python language mentioned ?
It's much easier that C++ and it's 100% free multiplatform language

And it's addon for easy game programming with lots of source code:

Check this page too:

Xalo 02-02-2006 01:38 PM

thnx kon-tiki, maybe now i could learn somethin' more advanced than pascal, real thanks

skydruid 31-03-2006 11:25 AM

can't we write games in english hu? :blink: :tomato: hehe he

Onyx 02-07-2006 09:24 PM

Anyone interested in some Game Maker tutorials? I could write few of those...

The Fifth Horseman 27-05-2012 06:25 PM

This site is pretty handy in regards to sound and graphics:
Decent explanation of the stuff, along with some ready C/C++ code (with occasional inline ASM). Not what I was looking for at the time, but damn me if this won't come in handy. :D

A few more:

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