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Kosta 18-09-2004 03:58 PM

Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

Tom Henrik 18-09-2004 04:43 PM

Good one Kosta :ok:

NeVeR 18-09-2004 04:49 PM

Great one, Kosta and Data!
Haven't played this game for years now.... :ok:

aaberg 18-09-2004 04:49 PM

Hmm, this looks interresting. It will probably take some time to download on my connection (128 Mb/s), but it looks like it's worth it. ;)

Havell 18-09-2004 05:10 PM

Damn, this is a good game! But one thing, how do you build shipyards? I have researched the technology to build them but they are not avaliblr to build in the display when you click on a tile on the planet.

Eagle of Fire 18-09-2004 05:44 PM

If I remember well, you have special slots for your planetary construction.

Havell 18-09-2004 06:33 PM

It's alright, I figured it out in the end, you have to build them on the left hand side of the screen, in space.

Havell 18-09-2004 11:16 PM

OMG, I just played this game for 6 hours straight without realizing it. I only stopped because I was ordered to go to bed. This has to be one of the best games EVER :w00t: .

Guest_qwisp 19-09-2004 01:31 AM

yeah its 2 here now. This game got me sucked in and im rubish at it.

Eagle of Fire 19-09-2004 02:39 AM

In fact, this game is not that great. I played it again, and again I been disapointed.

If only I could build a bigger fleet than only 2 ships... But no! The computer just flood me until I can't do anything about it (even with several missiles at the same planet) and conquer my planets one by one...

And the AI patch is not good either... All it does is make the computer "biased" diplomatically VS you, so they'll all end up at war with you no matter what.

I voted for a 3 on 5 on the site. I would rather play MOO. :not_ok:

aaberg 19-09-2004 06:29 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Sep 19 2004, 02:39 AM
And the AI patch is not good either... All it does is make the computer "biased" diplomatically VS you, so they'll all end up at war with you no matter what.

I voted for a 3 on 5 on the site.* I would rather play MOO. :not_ok:

That is why they made an AI patch. You can download it here on this website. Maybe that would help you ;)

FreeFreddy 19-09-2004 06:57 AM

Actualy he seems to meant this patch... <_<

aaberg 19-09-2004 07:07 AM

Maybe I should read the replies I quote a little more carefull, before I reply on them!!! <_<

Petter1979 19-09-2004 10:09 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Sep 19 2004, 08:39 AM
In fact, this game is not that great. I played it again, and again I been disapointed.

If only I could build a bigger fleet than only 2 ships... But no! The computer just flood me until I can't do anything about it (even with several missiles at the same planet) and conquer my planets one by one...

And the AI patch is not good either... All it does is make the computer "biased" diplomatically VS you, so they'll all end up at war with you no matter what.

I voted for a 3 on 5 on the site. I would rather play MOO. :not_ok:

You need control of more planets in several systems., then you can build more ships :)

Hydro 19-09-2004 12:22 PM

can anyone tell me how to "Help-click", I've researched loads of stuff
but I don't know what it does. Or if someone had the manual, that would probably be helpful

Havell 19-09-2004 12:48 PM

You hold shift and click on something, it says that in the very first tutorial (The only one I took), you have to click on the item you want to know about in the "build" menu, not on the planet's surface.

Havell 19-09-2004 01:07 PM

OK, I have the manual, and by "have" I mean "stole off the Underdogs".

Ascendancy Manual (.pdf)

Eagle of Fire 19-09-2004 02:48 PM

Hopefully that manual may help me get a better view on this game. I'll read it.

Havell 19-09-2004 02:51 PM

There's no need to read the manual really, the tutorials are so good and the interface is so well-designed that a manual is not necessary except for extremely complex things and troubleshooting.

Shaman 19-09-2004 08:05 PM

6 hours to download the game (brazilian free servers...) and now it simply says "can't find file DOS4GE to load"... <_<

Kosta 20-09-2004 10:58 AM


Originally posted by Shaman@Sep 19 2004, 08:05 PM
6 hours to download the game (brazilian free servers...) and now it simply says "can't find file DOS4GE to load"... <_<

Did you use DosBOX to run it?

unclefester 20-09-2004 01:54 PM


I like it without the patch. I like to develop my planets and reasearching before waging wars...

P.S Can we get stuff from hotu and then send them here. I could use some games ;) . But then again you would lose the sense of contribution :(

Guest 15-10-2004 10:05 PM

I'm trying to send my ship to a different star system but it won't let me. Help plz.

Havell 15-10-2004 10:22 PM

Your ship needs a star lane drive, then you need to double-click on the star lane.

Eagle of Fire 15-10-2004 10:38 PM

You need a Warp Drive to go to another system. You need propultion drive to move around the "planet map".

C3M 01-11-2004 06:36 AM


this game is worth it... cept its VERY paradoxal :)

i find i think ive played the game a long time, but i really dident (thats awsomly marvolus by the way XD)

but i notice people are having problems... so let me help (mind you i am having my own problems)

play a friendly, and very sparce galixy one with only 3 computers :) this way you get a chance to navigate the system... and maby have at some warfare...

another thing, so far the bigest fleet ive goten is 14 enormus ships,

my fav tactic is loading the large type ships with heavy shields and fast engins, then toping them out with point singulatiry weapons (black hole guns. short range brings the pain), also a good size of genorators... you fly in and put your shields on, then let loose 5 blackholes at your target, let him try and bust your shiled (and fail) and repeat

another tactic is to equip a large ship with 5 of thoes handy plasma cannons, this games sniper rifle XD, it gives you a nice platform to lay down fire on ships, plus they can take out orbital instalations in at least 5 days... 25 plasma cannon shots tend to work ^.^

Planitary defense:

very important, nocking out a planet with the right tools is to easy :S, but there are some things you can do... orbital missile batteries are nice, but get the close range satilites, there much better... and as you progress through technology, you may get a Tractor beam instalation, equip this on all your planets and equip all your planets with 2-3 shields and 1-2 close range defense satilites, tractor in your targets and cook them :cheers:

Eagle of Fire 01-11-2004 09:00 AM

The computer is so dumb you can beat it extremely easily without shields. In my first games, I kept installing shields on my ships but I never realised that I actually had to manually turn them on (!) for them to work... But still managed to kill whatever was in my way...

The key to this is the only long range weapon in the game (I don't remember the name). Just load your ships with faster engines than your opponent have access to, those weapons and a lot of energy to spare and voila, you're invincible!

For planetary defense, you don't need much as long as you have at least one ship with long range weapon defending the system. I recommend having two shields on every planet to prevent the computer from taking them over quickly, and one or two planetary defense just in case. The tractor beams are sure a must, but not absolutly needed.

Guest 01-11-2004 11:27 PM

i havent tried patch, not good nuff yet, im trying to get good with my species of choice :)

you know its a shame this game dosent have multiplayer, it smeams it would wok so wel, and besides. playing against a human is so much more fun :)

also i need tip for geting off the planet faster
what do i build first? i factory or a agricaulture building? how do you start?

Eagle of Fire 01-11-2004 11:52 PM

I usually go for agriculture first. The real point tough is never build structure unless you run out of specialised squares. It is really worth to build tube links all over your planet only to get to the last square(s).

When it is done, then you must decide what the planet primary goal is. In the early game you should concentrate on having a lot of research planets so you can get the best tech ASAP, but don't forget to have a "building" planet or two to build ships.

When you got safe control of your first few planetary systems, then it's your call. Whatever floats your boat as they say... :)

C3M 04-11-2004 12:46 AM

Yah... i found that your WHOLE game ends up been based on how well you started... Seriously!, if you start even slightly poorly your empire goes STRAIT to the crapper, (unfortunetly computer dosent deal with this)... anycase ive observed some seriouse changes (if i could graph it i would XD) one run it was 1000 year mark and i only had 1 system

another run it was 1000 year mark and i had plasmatics and a fleet of enormous ships with full out massive tech and i was dominating the galixy (this was in a sparce galixy mind you... i like it better :P)

my recomendation is to practice starting... learn to dominate as soon as possible

another thing i noticed... the shipyard... you start it to early, you lose time (and your empire is burned)... start it to late and your empire is FRIED, anycase 9/10 i get this wrong... any recomendations for when to build the shipyard?

also fav race? (mines the camichiens, the lizard guys... there special is any current topic you are researching will be finished in one day... if you set your research up right you can nock a good 500 years of research off... Also theres the chance of Super Advancing... should you find a xeno archiological site... it may lead to more tech... example... i found momentum conservation... and it lead to hyperwave... the big sweet genorator i use on almose all my big ships... i had it at year 600 XD )

Havell 04-11-2004 08:26 PM

My personal favourite race is the lava people (as they can build on the black squares on planets) and I quite like the lizard people as well.

Eagle of Fire 04-11-2004 09:52 PM

My favorite race is also the Charmathing you said. I beleive they have the only really usefull skill of all the bunch... :blink:

Q 12-11-2004 09:28 PM

I've played this game for a long time, and the best strategy I found was to choose the chamanches, and to start with maybe one science facility, and then build as many factories as possible. Build Agriplots only when necessary to boost population. For research, don't worry too much about what order to go in, but try to get the three special techs: Alien Hospitatlity, Scientist Takeover, and Endless Party. With a massive industrial base you can enact each of these states when necessary (Endless Party, which boosts your population growth, and Scientist Takeover, which boosts research, are usually the most useful). As far as ships go, I usually find it's productive to put up at least one shield and at least one missle platform (/ orbital whooper) around the planet before building a ship. When building ships, I usually put two star lane drives (which doubles your speed through lanespace), about 20% engines, 20% generators, one or two colonization modules, and maybe 10-20% weapons. I have thus far found no use whatsoever for shields. My favorite weapons are the hypersphere driver and the nano-gun, especially when combined with an accutron (which doubles their range). The best colonization strategy I've found is to colonize ( a ) planets alone in a system, ( b ) planets particularly large and filled with red squares, and ( c ) any planet w/ archeological ruins. When colonizing, try to put your colony base on a green square that's pretty close to a red one. When attacking another planet, if you need to move close to it before you can fire, try to move into orbit around a nearby planet. That way they won't get a free shot off at you.

Overall, the heavy-industry based strategy allows you to tailor your overall economy to what you need. If you need more research, start some scientist takeovers. If you need some population growth, instigate endless parties. If you need a ship, a mostly industrialized large planet can churn an enormous-class ship out w/full armament in around 5-10 days, and refits ususally take about 1-2.

Eagle of Fire 12-11-2004 10:49 PM

I have found in my later games that you can build a colony module on a Black square. Building there in the beginning of the game is advisable since the specialised squares is what makes your planet more productive than others, especially on small planets.

On later games it is less important as soon as you get access to the multi use buildings and double use buildings.

gregor 09-12-2004 05:57 PM

anyone knwos how to abandon ship that is in warp? i 've mistakinly sent ships with poor warp engines into red warp drive and they kept on bouncing back and fourth but never came out of it (weird).

also in later time a strange thjing happened - one of my ships coulnd't leave the system. hmm but i wish i could now check if it had those warp drives on (maybe i forgot to install them). ah now i already erased the save files.

one thing i am missing in this game is governors (like in Space empires). i really hated to keep on selecting what and where to build once i had a lot of planets.

also i've started off really bad but after playing a bit, knowing the game.... i realised i am much more advanced then any other computer player. it seem as if the game is setting the difficulty according to player.

Eagle of Fire 10-12-2004 01:40 AM

Not really. In fact the AI is extremely poor.

PrejudiceSucks 14-12-2004 08:49 PM

Wow... a fantastic game. LOL, on one of those multi-coloured, oh-so-useful planets I got 156 research, with 8 long range space whoopers. A handy planet indeed.

Shogun 26-12-2004 01:04 AM

This was the first game I ever got, it was a Christman present fom my dad back in 1995, 3 days after my first computer - I LOVED IT and played it a lot for a year or so.....

However, I remember 2 things that made the game kind of sick due to being "imbalanced" if used vs the Computer:

1.) Brunswik Dissipator, an equipment for your ships that empties an enemy ship for 1 turn with a single shot - use it as first thing in your turn in a 1 vs 1 situation, afterwards kill it as slowly as you want

2.) Room-Bomb or Spacebomb (I played german version back then), another equipment that can only be used once but deals a lot of damage to each enemy ship in the system - 5 or 6 of these always kill the complete enemy fleet of 25+ ships if you let the game last that long, while you never even lose one yourself

Once I realized that, there was no motivation left :-(

Hari Seldon 28-12-2004 08:40 PM

This was THE BEST computergame EVER in potential.

Sorry for the AI. Imagine this game with a mp-mode and consider this 3d engine even works on a 386 DX 40!!! :kosta:

There are rumours for years that Ascendancy II would be made. But I think after their deserved failure with the Tone Rebellion it is over, sadly enough.

But what a game.. what a game

Eagle of Fire 28-12-2004 11:13 PM

Altough I am often the first to bash down Ascendancy for it's numerous flaws, I just have to agree to the fact it has almost infinite potential. The problem here is that potential is not what makes a game good, it what makes sequels interesting...

Like you said, I don't think we are about to see a sequel quite soon... I am yet to see a successful sequel to Xcom! :(

goblins 28-12-2004 11:44 PM

it would be better if an active open source movement got a hold of this game - it was decent for its time but the sequel never happened i dont think.

Borodin 03-01-2005 02:02 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Dec 10 2004, 02:40 AM
Not really. In fact the AI is extremely poor.
I played the game quite a while when it first came out. While the sound breaks up a bit these days, it seems to play on my XP. I'm considering starting a new game, but I'm curious: has anybody tried the patch? Does it in fact make the AI smarter on the neutral setting?

Eagle of Fire 03-01-2005 03:52 AM

The patch doesn't make the AI any smarter, only more agressive. I personally did not notice a change in either trait, especially since the computer always seems to declare war when it less benefit them (when you are winning).

Borodin 03-01-2005 04:55 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Jan 3 2005, 04:52 AM
The patch doesn't make the AI any smarter, only more agressive. I personally did not notice a change in either trait, especially since the computer always seems to declare war when it less benefit them (when you are winning).
I'd expect the other players (except your allies) to gang up on you when you're winning. The same kind of "no person allowed to get too far ahead" mentality has been part of the Civ series and Alpha Centauri for quite some time.

But I'm sorry to hear they don't build better, or research more productively. The game had a lot of nice ideas, and the project leader was the same guy who put so much energy and creativity into producing Betrayal at Krondor, one of my RPG faves.

HaJo 04-01-2005 05:57 PM


I played the game several years ago, but did not finish it.
The alien races, ships and tech were all nice and original.

But I noticed several annoying things:

* there is no production queue - each turn you have to go thru all your planets,
which gets more and more tedious as you gain more planets

* Auto-building does not work properly - I discovered that it even demolished buildings that I had placed on 'optimal' (red,green,blue) squares for their type.

Even the placement of buildings on conquered planets looked quite random,
so I decided not to trust construction on my planets to this feature...

* the 3d-map of the star-systems looks nice, but is actually harder to use
than a 'good old' 2d-map (e.g. as in MoO2), because you can only see
a small part of the map and need to scroll around like in a maze.

* It takes forever to bring your ships thru the warp-lanes to some target-system.
You also have to be careful to send your ship into the correct star-lane or it can be stranded (one-way warp-connections, limited fuel/engine-lifetime...).
There is no auto-pilot, and you cannot attach notes to the ships,
so you must keep notes for each ship (by hand) - which means even more micro-management :-(

I was doing quite well (about half the galaxy was mine), but I could guess
"to conquer the next planet, I need x big ships, they will take y turns to build +
z turns to travel there", but that means going thru a lot of management-cycles during those turns.

So, basically, the game got too tedious to be fun anymore.


User42 09-01-2005 11:48 PM

Wow ive seen this game before...

I was over at a friends house, and his dad had this superfast computer, and he showwed me a game that hadnt even come out yet, accordning to him, his dad was a game designer and he was workin it, it was playable but not done yet..


The day I saw it, I decided not to go home, because (things sucked) and I was kind of running away, I ended up getting almost dragged out of that house by a policeman about 3 hours later.

Funny, I can specificly remember the 3 screens of that game I saw, but I cant even recall what state that was in at the time(moved alot).


And this game is allready abandonware.... I feel old now

Anyways, downloading now about to play it :)

goblins 10-01-2005 05:48 AM

LOL ive got the original CD and manual still here in a box somewhere - interesting game but youre right it has been replaced by much more advanced games - good for its time but suffered from the lack of smart AI etc.

And the tedious micromanagement might have been a big thing back then but nowdays it doesnt stack up

LuckyLlama 19-01-2005 09:37 PM

I don't think Ascendancy should be shunned just because of weak AI. I think the gameplay makes up for that. I mean, I never even heard of it before, and know I can't stop playing it. I'm hooked!

Eagle of Fire 19-01-2005 10:18 PM

Well lucky, Ascendency been considered as the best game of it's genre for newbies. So it's great that you have found it first, have fun with it. :ok:

Borodin 20-01-2005 12:50 PM


Originally posted by goblins@Jan 10 2005, 06:48 AM
* ive got the original CD and manual still here in a box somewhere - interesting game but youre right it has been replaced by much more advanced games - good for its time but suffered from the lack of smart AI etc.

This sounds like "decade old game = lousy AI." But there are 10 year old games with great AI, and some very popular modern titles (like the Age of Wonders series) that have truly awful AI. The problem with Ascendency's AI was that it had too many options to consider, and not enough time spent on that aspect of development. According to Sid Meier, a good AI really should take most of the development time on any game, but because it's behind the scenes, game designers focus on graphics, audio, etc. And when you get into features crawl--adding new features as the game progresses in pre-alpha stage--then the AI has to be reconfigured to allow for all that.

Jman4117 22-01-2005 08:13 PM

I'd have to say that Ascendancy had about the most potential for greatness of any such games that I've played. The massive galaxy sphere and competition among alien races comes to mind here. It's brain-dead AI and the micromanagement nightmare later in the game really bring it down a LOT. If only it had multiplayer....... :evil:

FlyByAl 29-01-2005 04:27 AM

This is a fantastic game and I heartily recommend it, just make sure you install the patch as the original AI is hopeless!

Ascendency has some really esoteric moments and some great ideas. The more you play the game the more you uncover its deep idiosyncracies and find yourself losing track of time. I personally believe this just pips the post when stood next to Master of Orion or its sequel, my only gripe with the version on offer here is it can start to chug a bit in DOSBOX although it rarely detracts from an altogether enjoyable game.

There is a sequel (of sorts) to Ascendency called The Tone Rebellion which like the older sibiling boasts some equally strange moments. its an RTS set in an ethereal alien setting and is an excellent title with some really well executed ideas. I've been trying to get another copy of it now for some time but to no avail! If any of you esteemed folk know where I could possibly find it please let me know, as I'm sure it must be Abandoware by now.

Nice one

fjuk 29-01-2005 05:54 PM

Well... This *IS* a great game!

The only thing I find bad is that it is too easy (which partly can be solved by the antag-patch, but still...) and the incredible annoying 'ding'-sound when you click the left mouse button :)
Managing many planets is not the most fun, but when one have developed the Endless Party, Scientist Takeover etc. this becomes a minor problem...

Clicking 'shift' or 'alt' enables a help-function which should help beginners.


If only I could build a bigger fleet than only 2 ships... But no! The computer just flood me until I can't do anything about it (even with several missiles at the same planet) and conquer my planets one by one...

Well... You surely have to learn how to make colonizers, starlane drives etc. More plannets makes you able to support more ships.
If you want to keep the enemy from taking your planets, orbital shields (and eventyally upgraded versions) and surface shields should keep them away.
Missile-defence will have to be launched manually.

That is all for now! I can do nothing but recommend this game, though it is quite slow compared to other computergames.

eolsunder 08-02-2005 12:27 PM

Has anyone found a site that lists what certain benefits certain buildings give?

Does scientific retreat actually give any benefit other than dividing your resources a differnet way

For instance. If you build a factory complex on a red square and a research building on a blue square. Is it worth building a metroplex instead. I need a list of what buildings give what bonus's.

Also, what use is productivity? only for faster replenishing of your working person? Most of my big planets are industry. For super fast ship bulding and placement. If i want research I simply turn all industry over to the scientists (no need for alot of research buildings). So with me, building alot of research and "food" buldings doesn't seem to do much. Industry is where you want.

But I like the game a lot, its a pretty version of Masters of Orion, without the AI.

Jman4117 08-02-2005 04:05 PM

I've found that the mixed versions of building are not as good as having just plain ones. Mainly from the added confusion. If I remember right the advanced versions of the labs, factories, etc give 2 in their field +what color tile they are on. Build a factory on blue you get 2 industry/ 1 science. Build the Engineering thingy on red, same results. Generally best to specialize the colony towards industry until you fill all the red squares with factories (+3) then go for the science structures when you can build them in like 5 days. :P (With enough prosperity in the meantime to grow your pop of course).

Guest 08-02-2005 08:55 PM

In beginning heaven,in end hell.
I really enjoyed this game first 1000round but then it turned into nightmare.I had 15 planets had buitl buildings in 2 turns so i have aproximetly 7 messages pro turn...(I am not counting planets with scientist takeover/endless party or less industious planets.....)It ended up when i realizied that in hour I made just 30 rounds.And i couldnt play after that.Micromanagment in this game just kills it great potential.
And of course its poor AI...I have won the game and i have realized that you must activate shields just now in this forum.And dont agrue about my grammatic i am slovak and i have been learníng english just for three years....

james 10-02-2005 03:51 AM

Yea you definitely want the advanced AI patch, because the normal game is very pretty, but very sucky gameplay. The first time playing I played normal mode (without AI patch) and after controlling like 50-100 planets, I ran into the enemy and saw they had maybe 10. So of course I was like, ok, they kinda suck.

The advanced AI patch is a MUST HAVE for decent gameplay. And beginners should play it on normal, while better players play it on hostile.

Yea we already know the downsides of the game are Micromanagement and sucky AI. The AI patch helps to make up for the latter, but Micromanagement is really a downside. Also, some of the races are kinda weak compared to the powers of others. A few races are extremely good to play, their special abilities really work to help. Other races on the other hand have special abilities that you might use a couple times max, which sucks.

For instance. One race lets you instantly learn scientific areas. Thus you can save a good 100-2000 research days every 85ish days. You will use this every time to your advantage. but another race can make their colonies invulnerable for 1 day every 85ish days. ooooooooooookkk. This is good ONLY if your being attacked, and unless the entire enemy fleet is attacking at the same time, you wont have its benefit except maybe against a couple ships. Big deal. Like I said, some are worth playing, others are pretty much useless.

Lastly in the bad department, you cant move resources from planet to planet. Which SUCKS! How sad is it if you have a huge developed planet, and right next to it, a sucky little barren planet that you cant do much with. It would have been so great to be able to trade resources back and forth.

Playing in Hostile mode (advanced AI patch) really is a big difference than playing in peaceful mode. You cant just run around and capture things to your hearts content. The enemy has the annoying habbit of running around capturing your colonies right back. You really have to emply a totally differnet method, and a much more fun and challenging one than simply capturing planets.

I agree that the special colony housing are kinda worthless, they really dont give much of a benefit over the basic buildings. After testing them out, I find the Engineer retreats, logic trees, etc to be worthless. Especially considering you don't get them early, and have to research them for a long time.

I also see that different planet "types" seem to benefit one area over another. Like Gaea planets, Mineral planets, etc. Ive seen planets where my productivity buildings were reduced -1, so basic buildings didnt get much benefit. I'll have to test it out and see what gives what.

TwoHedWlf 15-02-2005 09:42 AM

It sounds like most people have the game working with sound, but, I can't get the sound to work. I have a SB live 5.1 sound card and have tried just about every setting I can find to get the sound to work using dosbox. anyone have the same sound card with it working and can tell me what you're doing?

eolsunder 19-02-2005 11:16 PM

I have some basic FAQS made up for the great game, but I don't know if Abandonia takes FAQS, or if they do where they would put it. They are up on another gaming site, if anyone wants to take a look at some basic stuff in Ascendency.

If the staff at Abandonia does have someplace to put FAQs, they can take them off Gamefaqs and use them. If not, visitors can just download them for their own computer and use them.

Im a big masters of orion fan, and this game is very similiar to that one, better graphics but not as good gameplay. Even then, its still one of my current favorites to play.

dragonLancer 19-02-2005 11:19 PM

:blink: WOW this game looks complex :blink:
hurts my brain LOL :guns:

Lizard 19-02-2005 11:32 PM


Originally posted by dragonLancer@Feb 20 2005, 12:19 AM
:blink: WOW this game looks complex :blink:
hurts my brain LOL :guns:

If you have any questions just ask. :D
Like this game.Without that micromanagment and dumb AI it could be even superior to Master of Orion :whistle: :tomato:

Warlord Mk. I 24-02-2005 12:55 AM

I first played this game when I was ten years old. I loved it from the very beginning.

My favorite species are the Shevar (the evil many-armed power sappers) and the Marmosians (the insect people who can turn their enemies against one another). I have recently been playing as the Marmosians against a really tough opponent who has over 40 colonies and almost as many heavily armed battleships. (I only have two well-protected colonies, and I'm killin' as many of their gigantic starships as I can) :rifle:

Tip: put Orbital Shields around your planets as soon as possible...two or three will insure you against just about anything... and don't forget to build Long Range Orbital Whoppers once they are available...AI players hate that... :karate:

But what do a lot of the weird components you come across when you build ships do? I have some of them figured out, but if anyone knows how to use the special items, can you post instructions here?

This is definitely one of the greatest games ever made...since it didn't get the praise or popularity it should have (see, not all good games make it!), I consider it sort of a sleeper hit.

Lizard 24-02-2005 10:08 AM


Originally posted by Warlord Mk. I@Feb 24 2005, 02:55 AM
I first played this game when I was ten years old. I loved it from the very beginning.

My favorite species are the Shevar (the evil many-armed power sappers) and the Marmosians (the insect people who can turn their enemies against one another). I have recently been playing as the Marmosians against a really tough opponent who has over 40 colonies and almost as many heavily armed battleships. (I only have two well-protected colonies, and I'm killin' as many of their gigantic starships as I can) :rifle:

Tip: put Orbital Shields around your planets as soon as possible...two or three will insure you against just about anything... and don't forget to build Long Range Orbital Whoppers once they are available...AI players hate that... :karate:

But what do a lot of the weird components you come across when you build ships do? I have some of them figured out, but if anyone knows how to use the special items, can you post instructions here?

This is definitely one of the greatest games ever made...since it didn't get the praise or popularity it should have (see, not all good games make it!), I consider it sort of a sleeper hit.

Hold shift button and click on special item.Short description should pop-out.This can be used also on building.
Ascendaci rulez! :Titan:
The best races are Chamachies becouse of their special ability and any race that starts on Gaia planet.

TwoHedWlf 24-02-2005 11:35 AM

Yup, Chamachies are my favorite, I think they have the best looking ships too. Once I've got the enormous hulls I like to put about 8 of the shield that doesn't use any power, I forget the name, on battleships. That means the ship is effectively invincible:) No weapon in the game except for the destructotron? can damage it. Then just fill the rest up with guns, generators and the other required bits. Then you can just have another troop transport follow it around full of invaders, 1-2 generators and engines.:) Have that one stay out of the fight and let your invincible battleship clear away any defenses.

Lizard 24-02-2005 12:05 PM


Originally posted by TwoHedWlf@Feb 24 2005, 01:35 PM
Yup, Chamachies are my favorite, I think they have the best looking ships too. Once I've got the enormous hulls I like to put about 8 of the shield that doesn't use any power, I forget the name, on battleships. That means the ship is effectively invincible:) No weapon in the game except for the destructotron? can damage it. Then just fill the rest up with guns, generators and the other required bits. Then you can just have another troop transport follow it around full of invaders, 1-2 generators and engines.:) Have that one stay out of the fight and let your invincible battleship clear away any defenses.
My favorites are Govoroms.They can transform one of your colonies into gaia planets and start with gaia planet too.This can provide HUGE boost on productivity becouse on late games nearly half all of your colonies are Gaia (no matter what they were before).And they have very pretty ships too.

TwoHedWlf 24-02-2005 12:17 PM

Hmmm, I don't think I've tried the govorom...Ok, starting a new game next chance I get using the govorom.:) be nice if I could get my sound to work though.:(

Another thing I usually do is the first ships I make just put a hyperspace drive, an engine and a generator and fill the rest with colonizers and send them out searching for alien ruins. One game I hit the jackpot and the the first couple technologies I got from them were nanomanipulators, nanotwirlers and whatever the top level engine is. I shoulda bought a lotto ticket too.:)

Borodin 24-02-2005 02:38 PM


Originally posted by Warlord Mk. I@Feb 24 2005, 01:55 AM

I first played this game when I was ten years old. I loved it from the very beginning.

Ugh. I reviewed it for a now-defunct print magazine when I roughly 40. Let me put in my false teeth, and get my cane... ;)

My favorite species are the Shevar (the evil many-armed power sappers) and the Marmosians (the insect people who can turn their enemies against one another). I have recently been playing as the Marmosians against a really tough opponent who has over 40 colonies and almost as many heavily armed battleships. (I only have two well-protected colonies, and I'm killin' as many of their gigantic starships as I can) :rifle:

Out of curiosity, what level of gameplay are you using? Hostile universe? Are you using the patch? How do you find the AI? I've not found it too bad with the patch as others indicate.

This is definitely one of the greatest games ever made...since it didn't get the praise or popularity it should have (see, not all good games make it!), I consider it sort of a sleeper hit.

The helix universe was good in theory, but a lot of people found it a nuisance in reality. And the company never did have the bucks for PR. What they had instead was some very bright designers, including the man who was the brains behind Betrayal at Krondor, one of the all-time best RPGs.

Lizard 24-02-2005 04:05 PM


Originally posted by Borodin+Feb 24 2005, 04:38 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Borodin @ Feb 24 2005, 04:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Warlord Mk. I@Feb 24 2005, 01:55 AM

I first played this game when I was ten years old. I loved it from the very beginning.

Ugh. I reviewed it for a now-defunct print magazine when I roughly 40. Let me put in my false teeth, and get my cane... ;)

My favorite species are the Shevar (the evil many-armed power sappers) and the Marmosians (the insect people who can turn their enemies against one another). I have recently been playing as the Marmosians against a really tough opponent who has over 40 colonies and almost as many heavily armed battleships. (I only have two well-protected colonies, and I'm killin' as many of their gigantic starships as I can) :rifle:

Out of curiosity, what level of gameplay are you using? Hostile universe? Are you using the patch? How do you find the AI? I've not found it too bad with the patch as others indicate.

This is definitely one of the greatest games ever made...since it didn't get the praise or popularity it should have (see, not all good games make it!), I consider it sort of a sleeper hit.

The helix universe was good in theory, but a lot of people found it a nuisance in reality. And the company never did have the bucks for PR. What they had instead was some very bright designers, including the man who was the brains behind Betrayal at Krondor, one of the all-time best RPGs. [/b][/quote]
Yes as I already said this game has many flaws.But I like this game.It had great potential.I respect your opinion but you should know that when gamer like his game NOTHING can force him to change his opinion.(like me :D )

Warlord Mk. I 24-02-2005 08:16 PM

Sure, I have a few nitpicky complaints. First, we need more species to play at a time (there are a lot of different colors that could have been chosen). Second, there's no humor. The game is dead serious. Third, a map editor would be nice.

This game is great. It is NOT a copy of any other game (even modern games like Far Cry and Half-Life 2 fail to interest me) and it can be played repeatedly without me ever getting sick of it. Each new game is different from the previous. :sniper:

I love smilies. :cheers:

Colorblind 26-02-2005 03:47 PM


Originally posted by Hydro@Sep 19 2004, 12:22 PM
can anyone tell me how to "Help-click", I've researched loads of stuff
but I don't know what it does. Or if someone had the manual, that would probably be helpful

Push Shift and then the Help-Arrow will occur!!

eolsunder 01-03-2005 09:14 AM

also like I said before, I made up some lists of items and buildings in the game you can look at and get a little description on what it does. On type in the game name and look at my FAQS.

I have a ship building faq, planet building faq, and a little race description/playing faq. They give general ideas on what to expect when using items/races.

There is one major flaw I have found about the game I really hate, besides the micromanagement and AI. The fact that during a combat round, you can only perform 1 actoin. SUCKS!

Very bad programming there, if you have 10 ships, each with 3 weapons (30 weapons) each round you can only fire 1 weapon. Of course the enemy does it also, but it makes for a really stupid lopsided battle. Especially with someone who has a brain.

How sad? I have sat at the end of a long red stargate, with 1 big ship loaded up with area bombs and a few lane destabilizers. Once a bunch of enemy ships are in the lane, use a destabilizer. Next round, like 6 enemy ships appear, which I proceed to blow up with my 1 ship just because they can only shoot me once a turn. When my turn comes, I unload with a bomb that hits them all. 6 deat ships, I repair, and repeat as needed. 3 bombs usually destroys pretty much anything not supershielded.

TwoHedWlf 01-03-2005 10:37 AM

Yeah, I had something similar once. The chronomysts? would keep sending fleets of 30-40 ships to one of my planets. 2-3 smart bombs, 40 kills.:) Wheeee! :rifle:

pioki 02-03-2005 05:15 AM

Yeah, Ascedancy was one of the best I have ever played. I still launch it from time to time. The logicfactory website even said that they are working on Ascedancy II but their web site was dead for years... untill recently. Check it out
does anybody know whether it is the same team working there that created the original Ascedancy?

Lizard 02-03-2005 01:06 PM


Originally posted by pioki@Mar 2 2005, 07:15 AM
Yeah, Ascedancy was one of the best I have ever played. I still launch it from time to time. The logicfactory website even said that they are working on Ascedancy II but their web site was dead for years... untill recently. Check it out
does anybody know whether it is the same team working there that created the original Ascedancy?

Ascendacy 2 :blink: :w00t: :w00t:
It look like that there is chance that most of my favorite oldie strategies will have a sequel in the end!There is chance for Master of Magic 2,now even Ascendacy...
Cool! :Brain:

dam ass 18-03-2005 04:51 PM

LOL wow!cool game!just 26 more% LOL....i bet someone guna delete this reply :D ...and u can know this:i downloaded 44 games from this site

TaloN 18-03-2005 05:27 PM

i always found that the AI became seriously limiting after a while, this new patch sounds good though, might have to try it later

BeefontheBone 18-03-2005 05:42 PM

It's worth a try - it doesn't make the AI any better, just more agressive. For instance, it still builds too few ships early on, colonises too few planets and lays out its structures in an amazingly stupid way, but it's a BIT more difficult for the player.

Lindir The Green 10-04-2005 02:08 PM

It didn't work under WinXP. I extracted it, set up the sound, and added the patch. As soon as I added the patch I was taken to a black screen that I had to restart the computer to get out of. Then I kept getting these graphics card errors
(integrated intel graphics).

But it seemed like a fun games!

Jman4117 10-04-2005 04:22 PM

um......use DOSBox?

Lindir The Green 10-04-2005 04:57 PM

No. I couldn't figure it out. And I didn't want to memorize the location and name of the installer, the game, and the patch.

BeefontheBone 10-04-2005 05:42 PM

I can run ascendancy in XP, but it's unplayable because my mouse isn't properly supported by it. In DOSBox though it runs fine.

dirk 18-04-2005 04:50 PM

does anybody know why sometimes your ships when they are nearly through a red star lane 80 days long when their nearly at the end they have to begin all over again? and why you can sometimes can see enemy ships in a starlane and halfway they just disappear?

especcialy the first thing really irritates me

has it something to do with simple starlane drives in red links?

anybody knows?

Lizard 18-04-2005 05:15 PM

It is just an ugly bug...Happens often to me too...Especially when the traveling throught it a longer time (60+)...You must send a LOT faster ship there(Which make it in let, say 10 days...) and it help to fix it...Well sometimes...Sometimes just stuck second one too... :bleh:

Havell 18-04-2005 05:22 PM


Originally posted by dirk@Apr 18 2005, 05:50 PM
does anybody know why sometimes your ships when they are nearly through a red star lane 80 days long when their nearly at the end they have to begin all over again? and why you can sometimes can see enemy ships in a starlane and halfway they just disappear?

especcialy the first thing really irritates me

has it something to do with simple starlane drives in red links?

anybody knows?

The red starlanes are more complex than the normal ones, therefore your ships have problems going through them with simple stardrives.

BeefontheBone 18-04-2005 07:47 PM

It's not a bug, it's the Ungooma special ability which sends ships back to their destinations. They then automatically move back in the next turn if you don't notice and change their orders. It's worth avoiding red links if you can until you get starlane hyperdrives, although putting 2 standard starlane drives on a ship helps a lot. OTOH, it can be really useful to build a small planet on the other end into a weapons platform/advanced warning of invasion device.

See the Ascendancy FAQ.

Lizard 18-04-2005 07:55 PM

I must now just figure out who make it when they are no Ungoona in game :ph34r:

efthimios 18-04-2005 10:48 PM

I don't remember if the AI uses it or not, but there are also (apart from that cool special ability of that race) a weapon that makes the same thing. Yea, I am almost certain there is such a weapon. :crazy:

Lizard 18-04-2005 10:55 PM


Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 18 2005, 11:48 PM
I don't remember if the AI uses it or not, but there are also (apart from that cool special ability of that race) a weapon that makes the same thing. Yea, I am almost certain there is such a weapon. :crazy:
Lane Destabilizer? :whistle:

Jman4117 19-04-2005 03:53 AM

Go for a medium hull or larger with around 4-5 starlane drives. Should get you around rather quickly with your early colonization.

After you get the larger hulls, bring a few mega drives on your deep range scouts.

bahman 19-04-2005 04:18 AM

Is it a :ok: game or :not_ok: one?

Jman4117 19-04-2005 04:20 AM

:ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: for the game itself..... :not_ok: :not_ok: for it's AI

bahman 19-04-2005 04:36 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Apr 19 2005, 04:20 AM
:ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: for the game itself..... :not_ok: :not_ok: for it's AI
I don't understand :blink: . Is AI the famous patch? So how a patch could be :not_ok: when a game is :ok:? And why publisher should make a :not_ok: patch for a :ok: game? Why people should use a :not_ok: patch if the games is :ok:? :crazy: ....

Jman4117 19-04-2005 04:44 AM

the AI is :not_ok: ....not the patch to improve it :P

BeefontheBone 19-04-2005 08:12 AM

The AI is still the same (pretty awful) in the patch, it simply makes the computer players more aggressive to try and compensate. It's a good game, but the poor AI eventually gets on your nerves - before that point it's well worth playing.

efthimios 19-04-2005 09:09 AM

Definately a :ok: . Unless you use the old roman way, in which case it is a :not_ok:
Meaning it is a good game.

I played this game for hours 20-04-2005 06:24 PM

This was one of the best games I've ever played. Period. Bought it when it first came out and spent countless sleepless nights on it. It's awsome! I think I'll break out the CD and play again :P

ps - when is ascendancy 2 coming out haha

poor bastard 21-04-2005 11:02 AM

Help! I can't see anything on screen but randomw colors! does windows xp run dos games???

BeefontheBone 21-04-2005 11:21 AM

Nope, use DOSBox

TwoHedWlf 21-04-2005 12:36 PM

I don't actually like the patch. Yes, it does make the other races more aggressive. But in doing so it basically eliminates the whole diplomacy side of the game. It's not a huge part, but it's still nice to be able to at least make an alliance with the other races.

Jman4117 21-04-2005 07:55 PM

Only race I have played with they ever got me alliances was the Baflids (sps) and that was without the patch. :wall:

Lizard 21-04-2005 08:06 PM

There is one race(that which have spy power) and look like strange mantas with eyes that will make alliance with you almost EVERY time...Hmmm...I dont remember their name... :blink:
They could be even Baflids :blink:

Jman4117 21-04-2005 08:24 PM

Baflids are the three tongued rats :bleh:

BeefontheBone 21-04-2005 08:43 PM

oculons? they're the giant eye guys.

Jman4117 22-04-2005 04:39 AM

Dalriths or something like that...there have like this hair under a manta body.

Doubler 22-04-2005 11:13 AM

The Dubtaks.

Lizard 22-04-2005 12:21 PM


Originally posted by Doubler@Apr 22 2005, 12:13 PM
The Dubtaks.
Yeah Dubtaks...
I love this specie...From the time I saw their greeting:
what can we steal.....ermmm I mean do for you? LOL

Severinus 24-04-2005 09:31 AM

My mouse is too slow in the game. It's hell to move it around. Any way to change the sensitivity?

Jman4117 24-04-2005 04:42 PM

Are you running a slowdown program or DOSBox that might slow the machine itself down or are you just used to an extremely sensitive mouse?

BeefontheBone 24-04-2005 06:08 PM

That happened to me in XP - just run it in DOSBox.

Jim Badger 21-05-2005 01:29 AM

Hi; I DL'd the game but I cannot get it to run in Windows XP. Any advice? Thanks, Jim

SnowBlind <origional> 27-05-2005 06:35 AM

:help: OMG i cant believe you have this game here! I bought it when it was first released and spent days playing it. I've played as almost every race! It is not difficult at all to play but i guess thats because i had the manual <grins>

Anyhow, my favoret two races are the ones that instantly complete a project every so and so days, and the ones that instantly complete the research or have faster research <shrugs>.

I was a technology Fiend and had planets and in every sector I could get to! So my fleet was quite large! My 3 Flagships <over kill> would attack one star system at a time, while those long range Orbital Cannons would defend my planets, a defense fleet outfitted completely with shields and engines solved any troubles the Orbital Cannons couldn't handle. You just drop one into orbit so the enemy cant land, and have another refit for weapons.

This game needed Enhanced AI and Multiplayer Support to have stood a chance against the other overly <hard> space empire simulations in existance at the time of it's release.. hmm that was master of orion 3 at the time i believe..

efthimios 27-05-2005 09:35 AM

2, not 3.

BeefontheBone 27-05-2005 12:32 PM


Originally posted by Jim Badger@May 21 2005, 02:29 AM
Hi; I DL'd the game but I cannot get it to run in Windows XP. Any advice? Thanks, Jim
My advice would be to read the post above yours and run it in DOSBox.

Seen 27-05-2005 06:29 PM


Originally posted by BeefontheBone+May 27 2005, 12:32 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BeefontheBone @ May 27 2005, 12:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Jim Badger@May 21 2005, 02:29 AM
Hi; I DL'd the game but I cannot get it to run in Windows XP. Any advice? Thanks, Jim
My advice would be to read the post above yours and run it in DOSBox. [/b][/quote]
Ok, i got a new one then for you, how can i make it faster in dosbox :bleh: ?

samtam90 27-05-2005 06:30 PM


Originally posted by Seen+May 27 2005, 06:29 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Seen @ May 27 2005, 06:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by BeefontheBone@May 27 2005, 12:32 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-Jim Badger

@May 21 2005, 02:29 AM
Hi; I DL'd the game but I cannot get it to run in Windows XP. Any advice? Thanks, Jim

My advice would be to read the post above yours and run it in DOSBox.

Ok, i got a new one then for you, how can i make it faster in dosbox :bleh: ? [/b][/quote]
Add cycles in dosbox.conf.

BeefontheBone 27-05-2005 06:32 PM

or press f12 to increase while it's running.

Mordred 28-05-2005 01:04 AM

I have to step into defence of this game. Although i do agree that the routine for planetar development (e.G. autobuild) is suboptimal its not HORRYBLY off its goal. It leaves you with usable planets. If you prefer to do it all by yourself - hey ok, but issuing every build order manually get this game tendious very fast, if you want to do that i suggest a very small galaxy with lots of computer opponents. Due space limitations there won't be much colonies, in every other case i suggest you hit the 'M' key to activate auto management and concentrate on conquest and research, or automate research as well. As for the AI watching its planets just getting blowed to bits without responding... well, i downloaded the Antag AI patch, but found it somewhat choppy for odd reasons under dos box, so i dug out the Logic Factory site and dowloaded the maintenace patch. All i can say is after my experience, when running 1.6.5 response is swift, entire fleets are sent out to hit your ships and invasion ships are commited to take your colonies. If you really care that much about a preise planetary layout - keep the game small, do it yourself. If you don't skip it and focus on playing the game. Also, someone said it would be a great flaw that regardless how many ships are there turns each side gets one turn in each cycle and how unbalancing that is. Would be true if ships not only had movement but also energy restrictions as well as 'once a turn' weapon systems. Those bombs are one-shot weapons and have even to be refitted after use (if you got repair docks that is). All in all this game is a very good one, with its only flaw being a somwhat unclean auto-build routine. Not that it matters much. It may not be Master of Orion 2 but is damm close...

enwelz 01-06-2005 09:21 AM

HOwdy, It runs great in XP, except I can't get it to find my sound card. Any advice? If you say Dosbox, How the heck do i get it running on that program? :whistle:

efthimios 01-06-2005 09:45 AM

You run it by going to this site and reading through the tutorial there. That is how I did it :-)

You could also try to use VDMS to skip dosbox alltogether.

Tenno 24-06-2005 08:00 AM


Originally posted by enwelz@Jun 1 2005, 09:21 AM
HOwdy, It runs great in XP, except I can't get it to find my sound card. Any advice? If you say Dosbox, How the heck do i get it running on that program? :whistle:
I had the same problem when running the game the first time in XP...

To enable sound you have to run a special file first. I think its name was setsound or so...its in the same folder as the main executive.
There u should select Sound Blaster or 100% Compatible and then run the autodetect and it should work. :D :D

Just give it a few tries. Its worth it.

Milvom 01-07-2005 12:33 PM



Shadowbrother 09-07-2005 07:43 AM


Originally posted by R Havell@Sep 18 2004, 07:10 PM
Damn, this is a good game! But one thing, how do you build shipyards? I have researched the technology to build them but they are not avaliblr to build in the display when you click on a tile on the planet.
try to click in the uppe left corner...

Shadowbrother 09-07-2005 07:58 AM

:wall: DOINK!

laiocfar 09-07-2005 07:19 PM

Whitout shipyards, u havent played it!!!

G 10-07-2005 05:45 AM

Hello, I have played Ascendancy on and off since it was released way back. Can anyone recommend a recent or older game that is similar? I have tried a few war type simulators here and there, but I have found none that I became addicted to like Ascendancy. Thanks in advance.

Bobbin Threadbare 10-07-2005 07:41 AM

Command & Conquer
Red Alert
Command & Conquer: Tiberiun Sun
Red Alert 2
Warcraft: Orcs And Humans
Warcraft II: Tides Of Darkness
Warcraft III: Reign Of Chaos*
World Of Warcraft*

Your welcome in advance! :ok:


Guest 13-07-2005 08:09 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Sep 19 2004, 02:39 AM
In fact, this game is not that great. I played it again, and again I been disapointed.

If only I could build a bigger fleet than only 2 ships... But no! The computer just flood me until I can't do anything about it (even with several missiles at the same planet) and conquer my planets one by one...

And the AI patch is not good either... All it does is make the computer "biased" diplomatically VS you, so they'll all end up at war with you no matter what.

I voted for a 3 on 5 on the site. I would rather play MOO. :not_ok:

you have to create other colonies for more ships

Guest 13-07-2005 08:23 AM

i know a cheat if you create a new game and then want to build ships with real good engines or something all you have to do is after you have a shipyard and shipbuilding technology you can save game then load a beter gamae in the better game either refit or create a ship choose the item you want in the other game and then cancel construction go into the other game and then order construction of a ship and the item will be there at the top of screen PS if u click on another item if you still needed it you will need to start again, it only works with 1 item per construction but who can keep go back wards and forwards between the games after a refit, you can get really good ships like i did by adding a disarmer to one and in the early stages and neutralizing and weapons that entered my systems
b4 :sniper: :help: after :sniper: :tai:

Shrek 13-07-2005 01:34 PM


Originally posted by G@Jul 10 2005, 06:45 AM
Hello, I have played Ascendancy on and off since it was released way back.* Can anyone recommend a recent or older game that is similar?* I have tried a few war type simulators here and there, but I have found none that I became addicted to like Ascendancy.* Thanks in advance.
You should try:

Pax Imperia
Imperium Galactica
Imperium Galactica II
and maybe Galactic Civilizations

Doubler 13-07-2005 01:41 PM

Or Master of Orion off course. But I guess you'd already tried that one.
Stars! might suit you too, if you aren't too fond of graphical representations.

I can really recommend Imperium Galactica :w00t:
(IMHO the first is better then the second :max: )

red_avatar 13-07-2005 01:59 PM


Originally posted by Shrek+Jul 13 2005, 01:34 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Shrek @ Jul 13 2005, 01:34 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-G@Jul 10 2005, 06:45 AM
Hello, I have played Ascendancy on and off since it was released way back.* Can anyone recommend a recent or older game that is similar?* I have tried a few war type simulators here and there, but I have found none that I became addicted to like Ascendancy.* Thanks in advance.
You should try:

Pax Imperia
Imperium Galactica
Imperium Galactica II
and maybe Galactic Civilizations [/b][/quote]
You forgot Fragile Allegiance ;) it's one of the best games in that genre.

Shrek 13-07-2005 02:38 PM

yes, i forgot Fragile... it is pretty cool, but the inexistence of "research" is one big fault. besides that, its great to kick some aliens butts. :Titan:

krono 16-07-2005 01:59 PM

Hey there, you guys seem to know a bit.

I am encountering a problem in XP pro where my mouse moves extremely slow in game. Any idea on how to get rid of that so it goes fast.

It is a cordless microsoft intelimouse explorer

Haderach 20-07-2005 12:17 AM

Sorry for repeat info. I posted this in the Technical help section also. But it's hidden under SimCity200 post, but this solution works 100% for ALL DOS games iwth mouse problems (okay, maybe not 100%, btu 100% with games I've tried and I've tried a ton.)

Here is the repeat post:

First, thanks for your site. I love it as an alternative for faster downloads. And your tech support is outstanding. So here's one to add to your files.

Many DOS games have serious problems with slowdown of mice in Windows XP, even you if you use an slowdown/DOS emulator program like DoSBoX or VDMS.

Here is the complete solution to making games run smooth with your mouse in DOS games that have trouble. I had trouble with SimCity2000 and Ascendancy and decided to findout how to solve it.

Steps to take:

1. Download from the net...use a search engine so that I'm not responsible for getting people to leech off of private sites. Put in your C:\ directory.
2. Find autoexec.nt in your c:\\windows\system32 directory. Open it up with Notepad.
3. Add these two lines to the very end:

REM Ramps up mouse acceleration in Windows XP "fake" DOS mode
loadhigh c:\local\dos\mousectl 5,6,10,15,15,15,15,15

a. The values 5,6,10, etc. are speeds of the mouse. Multiply by 10 and you get the % of speed increase. You can change the numbers to your own taste. This setup has the aceleration ramp up to 150% very quickly and then stay there.
b. Works with DosBox and VDMS. Don't worry about this changing how your mouse behaves in your normal XP environment because autoexec.nt only loads when you run XP's fake DOS mode (yes, I call it fake...since it is).


Haderach 20-07-2005 12:20 AM


Where it said:
"loadhigh c:\local\dos\mousectl 5,6,10,15,15,15,15,15"

Change that to:

"loadhigh c:\mousectl 5,6,10,15,15,15,15,15"

I apologize for that error.


Eagle of Fire 20-07-2005 12:50 AM

I moved the posts you made in the troubleshooting section here. Thanks for the new thread. :)

krono 20-07-2005 01:42 PM

Thanks for the info. Right after this post i started doin some research and found that information to get it working. It seems you guys went to the same place as me :)

Guest 02-08-2005 12:27 PM

I thought it was pretty good, but like all expansion games like this and Space Empires and Civilisation, tends to get a bit dull as your empire expands and gets hard to run.

Dines Petersen 07-08-2005 08:43 PM

Interesting game..

But i am i the only one experiencing that shields make ships invulnerable ?
The thing is, that if you turn them on and on every turn, they are renewed, and unless the enemy has enough power to get throught your shields in one shot, he cant hurt you..

Im running the game with the ai patch


Eagle of Fire 07-08-2005 09:14 PM

I would not know, I never used shield for my ships. Full power I say and you will easily be able to blast your ennemy first without a problem.

Doubler 07-08-2005 09:16 PM

I never use shields either. I guess few people do.
Maybe you are the first to notice ;)

eolsunder 27-08-2005 11:35 AM

Well the problem with shields is not that they make you invulnerable, but that the computer AI isn't strong enough to have the brains to configure their ships to bypass your shields.

mmm i guess basically that makes you invulnerable <grin>

Having powerful shields is great, but if you were playing a computer opponent that had even a tenth of the brains you do, they would be able to do ok against you. Sadly the way the game works.

enemy ship enters area, you turn on shields, enemy ship fires a couple times, doing no damage. You turn off shields when they stop firing, and return fire yourself. Since the computer AI is basic, they always do the same thing. They don't try and "fake" you out, nor do they try and take advantage of weapon setups and stuff. They also never have good ship layouts themselves, so if they do have shields, they usually have weak ones, or not enough power to both defend and attack.

Its all about the computer AI in this game. It performs badly, so what ever YOU do seems very smart. There are weapons and techniques to get through your shields, but sadly the computer will NEVER have the brains to use them. Thats why I always play without shields, its more fun.

Borodin 27-08-2005 11:41 AM

Eoulsunder, have you tried the game with the patch, to see if this affects the way the AI deals with shields? My suspicion is that the patch wouldn't actually help matters, but still...

Eagle of Fire 27-08-2005 01:46 PM

The patch only make the AI more agressive, not brighter.

Somehow, I find this even worse.

Borodin 27-08-2005 02:05 PM

You sure of this? I've heard and read conflicting opinions about this, stated with all the decisiveness of a great general facing a huge battle--from both sides. I know the patch increases aggression, but one of the game's developers told me once at E3 that it also made the AI better. I'm sure you can see where this would leave the matter somewhat up in the air. ;)

Eagle of Fire 27-08-2005 02:21 PM

It's a matter of perception. Yes, the AI is better because it is more agressive, meaning that you will have a harder time winning because they always turn evil and declare war on your after a while for no good reason.

However, I always felt like it removed to the game because then diplomacy was going down the well big time. I never found a point in diplomacy in Ascendancy, except in the first few turns so you may build your empire. After that, you just build bigger and bigger ships, expand on your neighbors (very easily because the AI is so dumb), build some planet defense and do it again and again until you win.

I never entered a "big climatic battle" in Ascendancy ever. Perhaps it's only because the player, in that example, just waited way too long to attack. I usually can whipe out a system with only one ship, it only take a lot of time. I usually get very upset if I lose a single ship in mid game. It's always because of a stupid mistake of mine, never because of the AI intelligence.

Borodin 27-08-2005 09:37 PM

Let me ask you this: have you tried installing the patch, and then chosen to play the game on its normal (non-aggressive) setting? Just to see if the AI is any better, without the boost to anger?

Eagle of Fire 28-08-2005 05:18 AM

I never noticed a change. Either there is no change at all or the "upgrade" is so small it doesn't make a difference and doesn't really change a thing.

Borodin 28-08-2005 01:21 PM

Bah: too bad. I really liked the races, the planetary building strategies, research, dialog--just about everything, except the AI. Unfortunately, that's often the way in "soft" strategy games.

Eagle of Fire 28-08-2005 06:46 PM

I can but agree. A strategy game without a good AI it not really worth playing... :(

efthimios 28-08-2005 08:32 PM

Well, try Stars! Not the best graphics or sound but heck of a game!

Eagle of Fire 28-08-2005 10:35 PM

Try? I played it to no end a long time ago. And I would still do if I had a working copy of the game.

efthimios 28-08-2005 11:01 PM

Well, I have the game.....(CD serial number and all, just not the box anymore)...

Is it abandoned?

Eagle of Fire 29-08-2005 12:13 AM


Borodin 29-08-2005 12:42 AM


Originally posted by efthimios@Aug 28 2005, 08:32 PM
Well, try Stars! Not the best graphics or sound but heck of a game!
Dull as can be. I like building up worlds and engaging in diplomacy, as well as combat and trade.

efthimios 29-08-2005 02:14 AM

Well, there is always Supremacy and the original Reach For The Stars and Emperor of the fading suns and well, a few more that are not abandonware.

Borodin 29-08-2005 04:30 AM


Originally posted by efthimios@Aug 29 2005, 02:14 AM
Well, there is always Supremacy and the original Reach For The Stars and Emperor of the fading suns and well, a few more that are not abandonware.
Supremacy? Like I said, I like building worlds and diplomacy. There's nothing of either in that. Emperor of the Fading Suns isn't a 4x game, really, but more of an RPG: and I remember it being a very interesting and complex game with even less effective AI than Ascendency.

The original Reach for the Stars: now, there you're onto something. I remember how dreary the remake was, but I've just downloaded the older title, and it has possibilities. Thanks!

gregor 29-08-2005 08:19 AM

Space empires 4. Diplomacy, Building, combat (tactical, strategic), and trade (via trading alliances ...)

3rd part didnt' have too good diplomacy, but it was easier handling of units than in 4th part in my opinion.

5 is going to have 3d combat, beta testing version was already sent out.

efthimios 29-08-2005 09:45 AM


Originally posted by Borodin+Aug 29 2005, 04:30 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Borodin @ Aug 29 2005, 04:30 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-efthimios@Aug 29 2005, 02:14 AM
Well, there is always Supremacy and the original Reach For The Stars and Emperor of the fading suns and well, a few more that are not abandonware.
Supremacy? Like I said, I like building worlds and diplomacy. There's nothing of either in that. Emperor of the Fading Suns isn't a 4x game, really, but more of an RPG: and I remember it being a very interesting and complex game with even less effective AI than Ascendency.

The original Reach for the Stars: now, there you're onto something. I remember how dreary the remake was, but I've just downloaded the older title, and it has possibilities. Thanks! [/b][/quote]
There is no real diplomacy in Supremacy but there is building of worlds. Plus the graphics are much better that other games of its type of the time.

EFS is very much a 4X game. I don't know why you (anyone) would not see it as such. You start with a planet you do not have under your control, you must fight for it then build fleets and expand to other planets, destroying and capturing enemy. At the same time you have to be careful with diplomacy or get your behind kicked. You already know this so I just can't figure out how it isn't a 4X game. :blink:
Have you tried it with the patches, including perhaps the unsupported ones? (Hyperion and Nova patches)

Anyway, I am glad I told you about RFTS . :-)

Gregor I didn't mention SEIV for other reasons, including that we focus more on abandoware games.

Borodin 29-08-2005 01:04 PM


Originally posted by efthimios+Aug 29 2005, 09:45 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (efthimios @ Aug 29 2005, 09:45 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Borodin@Aug 29 2005, 04:30 AM

@Aug 29 2005, 02:14 AM
Well, there is always Supremacy and the original Reach For The Stars and Emperor of the fading suns and well, a few more that are not abandonware.

Supremacy? Like I said, I like building worlds and diplomacy. There's nothing of either in that. Emperor of the Fading Suns isn't a 4x game, really, but more of an RPG: and I remember it being a very interesting and complex game with even less effective AI than Ascendency.

The original Reach for the Stars: now, there you're onto something. I remember how dreary the remake was, but I've just downloaded the older title, and it has possibilities. Thanks!

There is no real diplomacy in Supremacy but there is building of worlds. Plus the graphics are much better that other games of its type of the time.

EFS is very much a 4X game. I don't know why you (anyone) would not see it as such.

Because one major part of the fun I find in such games is the making and breaking (or maintaining, if I can win that way) of alliances. It's a reason I enjoy Europa Universalis II so much. If anyone I find is going to automatically be my enemy, then it's a game of exploration, building and conquering, and even in turn-based mode, reminds me all-too-well of those annoying RTS clones I can't stand. :)

efthimios 29-08-2005 01:51 PM


Originally posted by Borodin+Aug 29 2005, 01:04 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Borodin @ Aug 29 2005, 01:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by efthimios@Aug 29 2005, 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Borodin@Aug 29 2005, 04:30 AM



@Aug 29 2005, 02:14 AM
Well, there is always Supremacy and the original Reach For The Stars and Emperor of the fading suns and well, a few more that are not abandonware.

Supremacy? Like I said, I like building worlds and diplomacy. There's nothing of either in that. Emperor of the Fading Suns isn't a 4x game, really, but more of an RPG: and I remember it being a very interesting and complex game with even less effective AI than Ascendency.

The original Reach for the Stars: now, there you're onto something. I remember how dreary the remake was, but I've just downloaded the older title, and it has possibilities. Thanks!

There is no real diplomacy in Supremacy but there is building of worlds. Plus the graphics are much better that other games of its type of the time.

EFS is very much a 4X game. I don't know why you (anyone) would not see it as such.

Because one major part of the fun I find in such games is the making and breaking (or maintaining, if I can win that way) of alliances. It's a reason I enjoy Europa Universalis II so much. If anyone I find is going to automatically be my enemy, then it's a game of exploration, building and conquering, and even in turn-based mode, reminds me all-too-well of those annoying RTS clones I can't stand. :) [/b][/quote]
Fair enough, it is just that I always considered EFS a game with heavy elements of diplomacy. I have no idea why someone would consider EFS not having diplomacy, but hey, it's a free world! :bleh:

Borodin 29-08-2005 10:22 PM


Originally posted by efthimios+Aug 29 2005, 01:51 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (efthimios @ Aug 29 2005, 01:51 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Borodin@Aug 29 2005, 01:04 PM

Originally posted by efthimios@Aug 29 2005, 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Borodin@Aug 29 2005, 04:30 AM




@Aug 29 2005, 02:14 AM
Well, there is always Supremacy and the original Reach For The Stars and Emperor of the fading suns and well, a few more that are not abandonware.

Supremacy? Like I said, I like building worlds and diplomacy. There's nothing of either in that. Emperor of the Fading Suns isn't a 4x game, really, but more of an RPG: and I remember it being a very interesting and complex game with even less effective AI than Ascendency.

The original Reach for the Stars: now, there you're onto something. I remember how dreary the remake was, but I've just downloaded the older title, and it has possibilities. Thanks!

There is no real diplomacy in Supremacy but there is building of worlds. Plus the graphics are much better that other games of its type of the time.

EFS is very much a 4X game. I don't know why you (anyone) would not see it as such.

Because one major part of the fun I find in such games is the making and breaking (or maintaining, if I can win that way) of alliances. It's a reason I enjoy Europa Universalis II so much. If anyone I find is going to automatically be my enemy, then it's a game of exploration, building and conquering, and even in turn-based mode, reminds me all-too-well of those annoying RTS clones I can't stand. :)

Fair enough, it is just that I always considered EFS a game with heavy elements of diplomacy. I have no idea why someone would consider EFS not having diplomacy, but hey, it's a free world! :bleh: [/b][/quote]
Reread what I wrote. ;) EFS I think of as more of an RPG than a 4x space strategy game. That, plus the poor AI were my only problems when I'm looking specifically for 4x space strategy games. :D

efthimios 29-08-2005 11:53 PM


Originally posted by Borodin+Aug 29 2005, 10:22 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Borodin @ Aug 29 2005, 10:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by efthimios@Aug 29 2005, 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Borodin@Aug 29 2005, 01:04 PM

Originally posted by efthimios@Aug 29 2005, 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Borodin@Aug 29 2005, 04:30 AM





@Aug 29 2005, 02:14 AM
Well, there is always Supremacy and the original Reach For The Stars and Emperor of the fading suns and well, a few more that are not abandonware.

Supremacy? Like I said, I like building worlds and diplomacy. There's nothing of either in that. Emperor of the Fading Suns isn't a 4x game, really, but more of an RPG: and I remember it being a very interesting and complex game with even less effective AI than Ascendency.

The original Reach for the Stars: now, there you're onto something. I remember how dreary the remake was, but I've just downloaded the older title, and it has possibilities. Thanks!

There is no real diplomacy in Supremacy but there is building of worlds. Plus the graphics are much better that other games of its type of the time.

EFS is very much a 4X game. I don't know why you (anyone) would not see it as such.

Because one major part of the fun I find in such games is the making and breaking (or maintaining, if I can win that way) of alliances. It's a reason I enjoy Europa Universalis II so much. If anyone I find is going to automatically be my enemy, then it's a game of exploration, building and conquering, and even in turn-based mode, reminds me all-too-well of those annoying RTS clones I can't stand. :)

Fair enough, it is just that I always considered EFS a game with heavy elements of diplomacy. I have no idea why someone would consider EFS not having diplomacy, but hey, it's a free world! :bleh:

Reread what I wrote. ;) EFS I think of as more of an RPG than a 4x space strategy game. That, plus the poor AI were my only problems when I'm looking specifically for 4x space strategy games. :D [/b][/quote]
I am not sure how re reading it changes anything? :blink:
EFS has strategy, is in space, has diplomacy, never mind, this is going nowhere. :D

efthimios 31-08-2005 03:56 AM

Just noticed one thing, in the downloads section of the game you do not have the patch for the game. Not the english language or the french language patch. I don't know exactly what they fix (lingering bugs says the readme) and you can't run them at the same time as the antag patch but it might help?

Borodin 31-08-2005 01:21 PM


Originally posted by efthimios@Aug 31 2005, 03:56 AM
Just noticed one thing, in the downloads section of the game you do not have the patch for the game. Not the english language or the french language patch. I don't know exactly what they fix (lingering bugs says the readme) and you can't run them at the same time as the antag patch but it might help?
That's what I was wondering. I've run the bug-fixing patch without running the aggression-increasing one, and it seemed to me to make the AI somewhat better at building and conquering.

efthimios 31-08-2005 01:55 PM


Originally posted by Borodin+Aug 31 2005, 01:21 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Borodin @ Aug 31 2005, 01:21 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-efthimios@Aug 31 2005, 03:56 AM
Just noticed one thing, in the downloads section of the game you do not have the patch for the game.* Not the english language or the french language patch.* I don't know exactly what they fix (lingering bugs says the readme) and you can't run them at the same time as the antag patch but it might help?
That's what I was wondering. I've run the bug-fixing patch without running the aggression-increasing one, and it seemed to me to make the AI somewhat better at building and conquering. [/b][/quote]
I hereby proclaim I will start a new game and see how it goes. I haven't played it for a long time but will see. I will play under normal conditions (with the patch, not the Antag) and hopefuly not getting kicked very quickly.
Hmm, shall I start a AAR for it in the 3blah section?

efthimios 31-08-2005 09:09 PM

Update. Something has happened and I am not in the mood to do this, or play anything else for that matter. When I have something new I will post it, hopefuly not too long.

Borodin 31-08-2005 09:55 PM

Good luck, Efthimos. A shame that reallife requires so much constant attention, isn't it? ;)

DSmidgy 01-09-2005 07:14 PM

You are always talking of a patch. There are two patches of Ascendancy: 1.8.5 and Antagonizer.

Both can be downloaded here.

EDIT: Looking closely at the post efthimios I guess that is already known.

Borodin 02-09-2005 01:14 AM

Yes, it is. We already discussed the pair of patches and what they do in the first few pages of this lengthy thread. ;)

bakterius 08-09-2005 07:30 PM

This game is a my top strategic game + warcraft 2
logic factory making Ascendancy 2 ...... i am impatient

ShadowXIX 08-09-2005 07:57 PM


Originally posted by bakterius@Sep 8 2005, 07:30 PM
This game is a my top strategic game + warcraft 2
logic factory making Ascendancy 2 ...... i am impatient

They have been saying the are making ASC2 for a long time now. They havent released a update on the production of it in very long. The logic factory seemed to have banked alot in its new Hydra development engine which hasnt produced a game yet. Thats a big investment for a little company.

Though it appears they are taking beta testers for their new game Seeker, so there might be hope still

Eagle of Fire 08-09-2005 08:40 PM

I am still amazed from time to time to see that some people consider this game one of the best... :blink:

ShadowXIX 08-09-2005 10:04 PM

I think its a really fun game in some ways more so then Master of Orion. The best though? I dont think so but it did easliy have the potential to be one of the best.

Some small tweaks to the A.I and late game planet micromangement and it could have been one of the all time best 4x strategy games

Blood-Pigggy 08-09-2005 11:07 PM

Nah, I don't think it's better than MOO.
It's not as polished.

ShadowXIX 09-09-2005 01:21 AM

I find Ascendancy's space combat , ship and planet building to be much more fun then MOO's. Though I addmit planet building becomes a pain later on. Plus ascendancy was a much prettier game :D

MOO has a much better A.I and things like its diplomacy feature trade,non-aggresion packs etc.. is just way cooler.

If I could combine the best of both those games :sneaky: throw in a dash of multi-player and I would have the ultimate 4x Strategy game :evil: mwhaaa!!!

Omega333 11-10-2005 10:10 PM

wow, started playing this yesterday...very addicting...

i started out in a neutral very dense galaxy with 7 peoples....and now, after about 1200 days i'm regretting it a bit. i've only found a few colonies of theirs, they're likely on the other side of the galaxy...

though i'm currently playing without the patch (wanted to get a feel for the game first), noone should be a real threat. i did make the mistake of underequiping my ships with just one weapon (it was the black hole generator thing...i learned its not too good), after getting in a fight and loosing a ship (which i could have avoided easily if i knew what i was was 3 meduim ships vs my underequiped 2 large) , i backed off to my nearest dockyard and upgraded to a nano thingy that seems to be much better...

i'm loving the customization of ships, most of my ships are colonizers (i named them 'gaia', though with the advent of war (and the fun large type), i developed an invasion type and assult type. i've shot ahead of everyone in colonies, and easily have more tech (i'm the lizard people....and i've found lots of ruins)

the game's quite fun...i expect my next game will go much more smoothly...i think i'll make it just a dense universe with max people and hostile mode...

dima 13-10-2005 12:15 AM

Wow!!! Great game. :ok:
But I have some trouble while playing - game crashes with message:
(blah-blah-blah) can not find ..\cosmos.cpp

Omega333 13-10-2005 01:12 AM

nvm.....figured out soon after that you could attack the planet....heh, the damn people i'm fighting are nearly defeated....i've taken most of their colonies and obliterated their fleet (they made a last stand of 4 mediums vs. 2 of my lesser larges meant to guard their path to my worlds....) they did some damage, but nothing major. soon, i'll be getting my first wave of gigantic ships, then the galaxy will be mine!

KoraxDC 18-10-2005 03:21 AM

As I remeber U have to hold Shift (or Ctrl or smthng) key and click on invention or building to get help. :ph34r:

coldwinter44 22-10-2005 12:04 AM

ascendancy rule :D :ok: a must for a space/simulation fan like me yeah :D

laiocfar 22-10-2005 03:54 AM

Truly a great game but too bad the ai in wars their ships just blow off when get in my sight and no speak when u organize your fleet in battle packs...

Guest 22-10-2005 12:50 PM

Game won't detect my sound card, what do I do?

Guest 22-10-2005 08:28 PM

My aplogizies as I did not read this long thread, but I wanted to mention that there was an upgrade ot this game designed to make it more difficult. The original is pretty stupid. You can use the "disarming" guns (whatever they are called) to remove all the weapons form enemy ships and they don't declare war!

Anyway, just tossing that out. Great game otherwise!

laiocfar 23-10-2005 08:36 AM

The pacth is like the civ difficult level, just cheats for the AI, if this game got a better ai i t could THE GREAT ONE, anyway it ´s a great game :kosta:

Borodin 23-10-2005 02:04 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Oct 23 2005, 08:36 AM
The pacth is like the civ difficult level, just cheats for the AI, if this game got a better ai i t could THE GREAT ONE, anyway it ´s a great game :kosta:
There are two patches. One makes AI opponents more aggressive, but the other does improve the way the AI "thinks."

laiocfar 24-10-2005 12:55 AM


There are two patches. One makes AI opponents more aggressive, but the other does improve the way the AI "thinks."
Are u sure? i was playing with a pacth that force the AI opponents to ally against you and that boost their production and science

Borodin 24-10-2005 01:58 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Oct 24 2005, 12:55 AM

There are two patches. One makes AI opponents more aggressive, but the other does improve the way the AI "thinks."
Are u sure? i was playing with a pacth that force the AI opponents to ally against you and that boost their production and science

I've tried both. I won't say that the one intended to improve the AI turned it into a rocket scientist, but it's certainly better.

Hey 24-10-2005 05:49 AM

I am in a war with the minions. I have the bafiflids helping me and my ally the dubtaks are sitting on thier lazy but not helping me anyways the minoins send me a message every turn asking me to call of the war and have peace. This gets so annyoing as I want to defeat the minoins but am tired of clicking out that box ever year. Any help would be nice. It is like a pop up on the net that just keeps coming back :( Peace.

hey 24-10-2005 06:00 AM

I am the kumbachka by the way. (Like to see where everyone starts out at)

Night. :Titan: :Titan: :Titan: :Titan: :Titan: :Titan:

laiocfar 24-10-2005 09:48 PM

This game got multiplay option?

BeefontheBone 24-10-2005 09:51 PM

Nope, SP only.

coldwinter44 24-10-2005 11:20 PM

ok trick for the noob take the lizard race(i don't remember the name LOL) with it you can have new technology very fast !!

hey 25-10-2005 12:24 AM

I am in a war with the minions. I have the bafiflids helping me and my ally the dubtaks are sitting on thier lazy but not helping me anyways the minoins send me a message every turn asking me to call of the war and have peace. This gets so annyoing as I want to defeat the minoins but am tired of clicking out that box ever year. Any help would be nice. It is like a pop up on the net that just keeps coming back Peace.

Petter1979 25-10-2005 08:58 AM

^^^^^^Use the Ignore command? at the diplomacy screen?

Guest 25-10-2005 05:10 PM

How? And Thanks.

Petter1979 25-10-2005 05:55 PM

^^^^ Oops, i may have been thinking of master of orion 2, when i suggested the ignore command :blink:

I have just loaded ascendancy, and i see that the ignore command isnt there

Eagle of Fire 25-10-2005 06:08 PM

The only game on this site I know which need to hit the ignore button is Settlers 2 Gold Edition.

hey 25-10-2005 08:47 PM

so when you get a message every turn asking you to end the war and have peace what do you do? Do you keep closing out of it like pop ups? or can you fix this? I aint using any patches btw.

Ascenadancy! :Brain: :Brain: :Brain: :Brain:

Eagle of Fire 25-10-2005 09:09 PM

I have absolutly no idea of what you are talking about.

laiocfar 26-10-2005 12:17 AM


so when you get a message every turn asking you to end the war and have peace what do you do? Do you keep closing out of it like pop ups? or can you fix this? I aint using any patches btw.
Well, as i see you have to make a peace teatry, they found your weak point :D

Guest 26-10-2005 12:33 PM

I installed the game and it works fine, but Ihave no sound. How do I get it to detect my sound card?

ALan_the_abandoned 26-10-2005 06:03 PM

I've already patched my game and i still can't build more than two missserable shipssssssssssssssssssssss???? :help: :help:

BeefontheBone 26-10-2005 06:05 PM

You need to settle more systems with them - the number of ships you can build is 2x the number of systems you control IIRC. Make sure they've got a starlane drive, engine, generator and colony modules or they won't be much use.

Petter1979 26-10-2005 06:16 PM

To get sound to work in Win XP with this game, use VDM Sound, get it here:

install the program, when done do this:

Go to the directory where you have installed Ascendancy, then rightclick on the file Setsound.exe, you get a small popup and then chose: "Run With VDMS" > chose standart settings for VDMS.
With setsound.exe you are starting the soundcard setup program for ascendancy, choose this soundcard in the setup:
Creative Labs Sound Blaster or 100% compatible
When done exit.

Now you start the game, rightclick on the file Ascend.exe , and chose "Run with VDMS" > chose standart settings, and you should be ok, the sound should now work in Win XP.

ALan_the_abandoned 26-10-2005 06:31 PM

:kosta: soooo much thanks?????????????????????????????????

hey 26-10-2005 06:54 PM

Will the patch fix the diplomacy pop up problem?

Example: I declare war on the minions.

Next Turn: They ask me to accept peace and stop the war.

My Allys are getting beat up why should I? What would you do?

I said NO!

So Next turn: Do you want to end the war and have peace? I TOLD YOU THE FIRST TIME NO! THE AWNSER IS NO!


Turn 500: Do you want to end the war and have peace?

Turn 1000: Do You want to end the war and have peace?


Sorry for S P E L L I N G it out for you but no one understood. I cannot get the AI patch to work. I am deleting ascendancy due to I cannot play it. Thanks for the help everyone and by this is my last post. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

efthimios 26-10-2005 08:21 PM

I don't think the problem is that people don't understand your problem. To solve the problem either accept peace or destroy them.

laiocfar 27-10-2005 12:39 AM


I don't think the problem is that people don't understand your problem. To solve the problem either accept peace or destroy them.
But the problem of part of the problem it´s that the problem...

Come on, there isn´t any solution or there isn´t any problem :tomato:

Taskmaster 27-10-2005 12:03 PM

Did I see an Ascendancy II in the works according to the web site? Man, there's nothing better than an whole new galaxy to explore, with loads of solar systems and planet's to inhabit and some but to kick.

Maybe I like Ascendancy because I could win. Spaceward Ho! for Windows is another really fun game, but my copy crashes on Windows XP about the 10th turn in. :ranting:

laiocfar 27-10-2005 06:04 PM

:help: Going back to patches, the patch "antag" is only for make an more hostile AI?
Where i can get the other one?

Petter1979 27-10-2005 09:21 PM

Yes antagonizer is the hostile AI patch, Maintenance patch should be the bit more improved AI(but i havent tested this much yet)

Maintenance patch:

laiocfar 28-10-2005 10:03 PM

Thanks petter, i will check it :ok:

Guest 30-10-2005 02:15 AM


Originally posted by Petter1979@Oct 26 2005, 06:16 PM
To get sound to work in Win XP with this game, use VDM Sound, get it here:

install the program, when done do this:

Go to the directory where you have installed Ascendancy, then rightclick on the file Setsound.exe, you get a small popup and then chose: "Run With VDMS" > chose standart settings for VDMS.
With setsound.exe you are starting the soundcard setup program for ascendancy, choose this soundcard in the setup:
Creative Labs Sound Blaster or 100% compatible
When done exit.

Now you start the game, rightclick on the file Ascend.exe , and chose "Run with VDMS" > chose standart settings, and you should be ok, the sound should now work in Win XP.

Thank you

Petter1979 30-10-2005 09:40 AM

I have another good suggestion, this is about mouse speed in dosgames, if the mouse speed in ascendancy for example is slow you can use a program to speed it up.

you need to create a bat file in the ascendancy directory, called ex: ascend.bat

then you copy this following text into it:


@echo off 5,6,7,8,10,10,10,10
ascend.exe program needs 8 values seperated by a comma.
Some suggestions for speeds:

If you have the game without any of the 2 patches, you have ascend.exe after in the .bat file.
If you have the antagonizer patch, you replace ascend.exe
with antag.exe or if you have the maintenance patch, you replace ascend.exe with
If you are using VDMSound, you just rightclick on the .bat file you have created, and chose:
"Run with VDMS"

you can get the program from here:
unzip the file into the ascendancy directory.

Blank_box 08-11-2005 09:47 AM

This is one of the great turn base game ever made (for the date it was made). :ok:

There are several problems in this game which very annoying. One of those is the micro-management that always draws my back from advancing in later years... :yawn: and makes me headache every turn.

I've to solve this by set all less important colonies to build only some orbit shields and use only large battle ship to protect the system then set all of them to Scientist take over or else. I usualy use only 1-2 ships to guard entire systems by post the ship at the lane that connect to enemy system (this would be easier if you can drive all of them out of your systems then manage them to enter your systems only throught red link only) :sniper:

And have only Gaia or any high industry planet to be your ship yard and others medium planet to be scientific planet. I'm sure that you can servive by your core industry planet and your mighty ship. :Titan:

This can reduce a little bit troble with annoying micro management.

laiocfar 09-11-2005 02:45 AM

U are very right Blank_box, very right.
Anyway best defense is a good ofense, ocuppy only enemy systems and don´t let nothing like shields, bases, yards, ships, etc. Anyway do this all turns is A REAL BIG problem of micro-management

Blank_box 09-11-2005 02:35 PM

Another one problem is the politic...

AI in this game act like a child... They plan every thing too straight. This make Ascedency too simple to me because I don't want to make war only. They don't have anything in there mind but to make war, however, not challenge enough too.

In my view, the best politic in turn base games I've played is Alpha Centuries, AI in that game was born for politic. :ok: I betray one another one betray me... I remember that I have been surprised by my ally's atomic bomb at my capital city then the. :blink:

I just think that if AI in this game are verry cunning in both combat and politic will make this game challenge enough to play all the time, not like now that if you can survive long enough to gain more powerful fleet you can end this game. :(

laiocfar 09-11-2005 04:13 PM

The thing that i hate of Alpha Centari was the graphic of the guy who carry a cart with a laser over it. I can´t explain why but i hate the guy with the cart. :angry:

Anyway Alpha Centauri, is a level more than Ascendancy. The last one lacks of decent AI so the game becomes boring when u are ruling the galaxy, even the alliance of all AIs with cheaper tecno and cheaper construction can´t set up some struggle to remind you that they are still a life. U can´t fail and lose only by getting the war against every opponents too early. :tomato:

Taskmaster 09-11-2005 08:12 PM

The thing I disliked in Ascendancy, beside the poor AI, is the 2/3 of the galaxy rule, or whatever it is. You are kicking behind and taking names, and then because you colonize one too many planets, suddenly the game is over and you've won. I want to be able to make use of that new planet and go on to anhiliate the rest!


laiocfar 10-11-2005 05:50 AM

Well, if u manage it to rule 2/3 of galaxy, it is better to end the game, simply cuz they didn´t got any chance

Blank_box 10-11-2005 06:05 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Nov 9 2005, 05:13 PM
The thing that i hate of Alpha Centari was the graphic of the guy who carry a cart with a laser over it. I can´t explain why but i hate the guy with the cart. :angry:

Yes, I agree... Beside the harmful graphic of Alpha Cen (I usualy confused when looking at the terrain of the planet) is the music... both can kill all your nerve!! :sick: espacialy the sound in that game. I always turn it off when play it... (If not, I can only play it for 2-3 hours NO MORE)

Ascendary has good graphic and good sound that encourages me to play long time enough (though, just advance only 10-20 years)


The thing I disliked in Ascendancy, beside the poor AI, is the 2/3 of the galaxy rule, or whatever it is. You are kicking behind and taking names, and then because you colonize one too many planets, suddenly the game is over and you've won. I want to be able to make use of that new planet and go on to anhiliate the rest!
Unlike SID's Mier's game that has configuration to modify the rule fo the game make this left no option fo victory to player. That why I can't play it agian again........ :yawn: (Imagine what you have to face with every time you play it)

Guest 13-11-2005 02:21 PM


Originally posted by Petter1979@Oct 30 2005, 10:40 AM
I have another good suggestion, this is about mouse speed in dosgames, if the mouse speed in ascendancy for example is slow you can use a program to speed it up.

you need to create a bat file in the ascendancy directory, called ex: ascend.bat

then you copy this following text into it:


@echo off 5,6,7,8,10,10,10,10
ascend.exe program needs 8 values seperated by a comma.
Some suggestions for speeds:

If you have the game without any of the 2 patches, you have ascend.exe after in the .bat file.
If you have the antagonizer patch, you replace ascend.exe
with antag.exe or if you have the maintenance patch, you replace ascend.exe with
If you are using VDMSound, you just rightclick on the .bat file you have created, and chose:
"Run with VDMS"

you can get the program from here:
unzip the file into the ascendancy directory.

How do I create a .bat file?

efthimios 13-11-2005 03:59 PM

Create a text file with notepad, then rename it to bat.

Guest 14-11-2005 10:58 AM

Is this still available for download? The link doesn't appear to work. I bought this years ago, but can't find the software anymore. I'd love to play it again.

Guest 14-11-2005 11:03 AM

Aah..disregard. The site just apparently doesn't like the firefox browser. Worked fine with IE ;)

A. J. Raffles 14-11-2005 11:08 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Nov 14 2005, 12:03 PM
Aah..disregard. The site just apparently doesn't like the firefox browser. Worked fine with IE ;)
It works fine with Firefox, actually, but we were having server problems earlier today. Maybe that's why the download wasn't working for you.

Guest 14-11-2005 11:56 AM

Could be. I was able to download it without issue. Do I actually have to go and hunt for the Dos drivers for the audio setup, or is there a workaround for XP?

Borodin 14-11-2005 12:24 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Nov 14 2005, 12:56 PM
Could be. I was able to download it without issue. Do I actually have to go and hunt for the Dos drivers for the audio setup, or is there a workaround for XP?
As I recall, DOSbox simulates old AdLib sound on its own. I'm using WinXP, and though its scratchy, the sound is still pretty good.

BeefontheBone 14-11-2005 12:43 PM

The game will run on XP, at least for me, but it doesn't like my USB mouse - running it in DOSBox works perfectly though.

Guest 14-11-2005 04:14 PM

Hm..Mine runs fine in XP, although I did set it for Windows 95 compatability. I don't get any sound though.

Taskmaster 15-11-2005 05:47 PM

Man... all this talk of Ascendancy "forced" me to install it and start a new game. I guess I had cross some MOO in mind my as I thought you could customize your own civilization, but apparently not. From the minimal description of each race that appears before you chose them it is hard to tell what bonus to research, industry or prosperity they may have.

I'll have to search for some detailed information on the races and such.

I managed to have a nice secure location with about three single star lane systems between my home planet and the outside world. Plenty of opportunity for defense.


Guest 16-11-2005 03:48 AM

It's weird. I send a ship to another species's planet with some invasion modules. Then it takes forever for it to go into orbit, and then they declare war on me and my ship is said to have been destroyed. I didn,t even get a chance to fight what's up with that? I was never told that my ship was in orbit.

Taskmaster 16-11-2005 11:58 AM

There are orbital cloakers that may prohibit you from seeing that they have shields up and/or orbital missle bases. You have to make sure you take those out. It has been a long time since I have played, and the new game I just started has not gotten me far enough down the tech tree to speak intelligently, but you need to use phase bombs, at the least, to soften up the planet!

I'm really looking forward to Ascendancy II!


EDIT: Sorry Phase Bombs only cause damage to planet-based facilities and not orbital items.

laiocfar 17-11-2005 03:02 AM


EDIT: Sorry Phase Bombs only cause damage to planet-based facilities and not orbital items.
Sure, so use any normal weapon to destroy orbital cloaking.


Blank_box 17-11-2005 08:32 AM

It will be easier if you are "Minion". Their ability help your invasion 100% sucessful. :ok:

I've tried even they have any planet defence (except, you must destroy orbitng shield) just only enter the planet's orbit you can conquer that world. :w00t:

The only disadventage is that they don't have any other effect to help you boost up your game... so you have to wait looooooong :yawn: time enough to delcear war (or long enough to survive war then counter them).

efthimios 17-11-2005 09:50 AM

Ascendancy II? For me the project is as good as dead. Logic Factory seems to be in grave financial problems, in fact I doubt they are even there any more. I know that their site is, but that is not what I am talking about.
Ascendancy II was going to be an online only multiplayer 4X game. Which was a dissapointment for me, but anyway it doesn't look that it is going to be done anytime.

At least the story behind it, is not as tragic as behind Stars! Supernova where the game is actually finished but they do not have a publisher for years now.

Taskmaster 17-11-2005 12:07 PM


Ascendancy II? For me the project is as good as dead. Logic Factory seems to be in grave financial problems, in fact I doubt they are even there any more. I know that their site is, but that is not what I am talking about.
Great... now you tell me, and after I sent an e-mail asking to be a beta tester! :D

This is :ot:, sort of, but does anyone play Spaceward Ho! (for Windows) at all? I loved that game, but it GPFs (crashes) on Win XP about the 10th turn in. I don't know if I have a "bad" version of it or if it is just not compatable with XP. I'll have to do a search on it.

EDIT: Removed a misplaced comma

Guest 17-11-2005 04:11 PM

As far as I know, I can't actually target the orbital structures. SO shouls I assume that my ship auto targets shields first?

Taskmaster 17-11-2005 06:38 PM

I'm too dumb to know I shouldn't post since I don't have a definitive answer. I think you have to select your weapon and target the planet. It is probably random as to what you will damage. Have enough weapons available to take the oribtal stuff out. Just my best recollection.

If I'm wrong... sorry in advance.


Guest 18-11-2005 03:39 AM

I guess I'll just have to use more than one ship though. I had a gigantic ship loaded with weapons and couldn't get rid of that measly normal orbital shield.

laiocfar 19-11-2005 12:55 AM

Maybe u cleaned the orbit and they still got surface cloaking shields. Try to get into orbit, only if u are sure of have used enough firepower. the big pain of cloaking for attacker it´s the didn´t know. Once i move four ships, the half of my fleet, to take over a cloaked planet :rifle: :Titan:, it was only a minimal colony mostly wasteland!!!! :wall: :ranting:

Guest 29-11-2005 08:50 PM

hey guys - is anyone cleverer than me able to tell me how I can extract the awesome music from this game from the game files? i know this is usually possible with games, but no idea how to do it...



Eagle of Fire 29-11-2005 10:43 PM

If you can't hear the music from this site version, it is most probably ripped already and you won't be able to extract it.

Guest 30-11-2005 07:48 AM

I'm not sure about the site version as I have the original on CD - and can certainly here the music. I'm sure the music is stored somewhere in the game files in some format, just no idea how to find it and extract it. Any clues anyone?


Taskmaster 30-11-2005 12:03 PM

Since the game can be played with out the CD by movoing the "COB" files, the music is obviously within the COB file. If it is extracted at play time it maybe dropped locally while the game is played, or more likely it is loaded into memory and played that way.

I have not looked in the COB file to see if it is "readable" in some fashion. If you look at the header for a MID, MOD, etc, so that you know the leading identifiers, you can search for that and possibly see where the music starts at in the COB. Then it is a matter of determining the length of the data and "ripping" it out. That's my weak understanding of it at least.

MrFoxTalbot 23-12-2005 02:20 PM


Originally posted by Hydro@Sep 19 2004, 12:22 PM
can anyone tell me how to "Help-click", I've researched loads of stuff
but I don't know what it does. Or if someone had the manual, that would probably be helpful

You have to Shift - Click on an item to get info about it.

SirPeter 23-12-2005 06:19 PM

The only thing I dislike about this game are the medals. I never seem to get the highest medal (frustrating). Also When you visited almost all systems and/or many planets the game ends bah :/

red_avatar 24-12-2005 07:10 AM


Originally posted by SirPeter@Dec 23 2005, 07:19 PM
The only thing I dislike about this game are the medals. I never seem to get the highest medal (frustrating). Also When you visited almost all systems and/or many planets the game ends bah :/
It depends on how you design the game from the start and victory conditions.

SirPeter 24-12-2005 01:05 PM


Originally posted by red_avatar+Dec 24 2005, 08:10 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (red_avatar @ Dec 24 2005, 08:10 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-SirPeter@Dec 23 2005, 07:19 PM
The only thing I dislike about this game are the medals. I never seem to get the highest medal (frustrating). Also When you visited almost all systems and/or many planets the game ends bah :/
It depends on how you design the game from the start and victory conditions. [/b][/quote]
Are there settings that can alter that? The only settings I see is load, save, new game etc and the player selection screen. No other screens present.

Eagle of Fire 24-12-2005 08:33 PM

By medal, do you mean research?

SirPeter 24-12-2005 11:29 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Dec 24 2005, 09:33 PM
By medal, do you mean research?
Nah when you finish the game you get some sort of medal. The medal can be very big and pretty.

laiocfar 25-12-2005 06:37 PM

I read here about Ascendancy II and i want facts!!!! :angry:

Cockroach 26-12-2005 08:29 PM

Great idea for a game....AI is completely braindead though. Just get a ship with loads of power and plasma cannons. You can outrun and outrange them on the battlefield. You will be invincible while you pummel the enemy fleet that just ran out of power following you around trying to get in range. They can't adapt to anything and just die en mass.

Another thing that was lacking was the combat system. You can have 1 ship, the enemy 6. You move your ship the enemy only can move one then it's your turn again. It would have been a lot better and more realistic if you moved all of your ships in your turn and would make that immortal tactic stated above a lot harder to pull off.

legolas558 28-12-2005 06:43 PM

Please help me!

I am looking for general info's about Ascendancy game files, .FNT file format for example. Is somebody around with this information?

I'm making a clone project with some enhancements (the enhancements Ascendancy players ever wanted), the game will be fully MODifiable and will accept Ascendancy game files by default.

If you could supply me with useful links, contacts or files please send me!

All that I have found on the net is a wiki spec for the .COB format, an old links page (, the GameFaqs page ( and nothing else! I also have a .SHP editor (by Chlanda) but all other links are broken.

This game is beautiful, even if a lot of better 4x games are around nowadays, I still want to re-create it as open-source (without using the copyrighted material btw).

Thank you

PostMan(NL) 03-01-2006 05:57 PM

Hi I played this game years ago and was SO addicted to it !!
Great Game, but yes the AI sucked.

Id love to play it again but when i start i have no sound and the mouse is very very slow.

Did anyone figire out how to fix that ?

Oh i did find a flaw/cheat in the game:
When you can build enormous ships everyone seemd to be adding the strongest shield there is...., side effect is that these take loads of power.

Now, there is 1 type of shield that uses NO power, but is very weak. So you add like half your ships full of these !! --> result --> nobody can kill you ships anymore becuase yr shield is to strong !

Using the above my tactics were 3 of these ships with "super shields".
1 war ship with only weapons added.
2 colonize ships.

You are simply invincible

Hope to helped out here, so if someone could help me out that would be great

Thx !


Guest 03-01-2006 05:59 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Dec 25 2005, 07:37 PM
I read here about Ascendancy II and i want facts!!!! :angry:
i did email the logic factory about a year ago, got a reply they were finishing some other game first.. but they promised me to advice me when they start testing it.

So far didnt heard anything.. to bad i love beta testing

Guest 03-01-2006 06:11 PM

ah ok, works nicely in the dos box

punch999 03-01-2006 06:16 PM

Yes this is a very good game!

laiocfar 04-01-2006 02:40 AM


Now, there is 1 type of shield that uses NO power, but is very weak. So you add like half your ships full of these !! --> result --> nobody can kill you ships anymore becuase yr shield is to strong !

PROBLEM: this cheap shield is too weak for use agaisnt some weapons. This shield consumes no energy to be active but to contain damage it use energy and by having to bad stats as shield it would deplet your power or fail to contain damage. So when building a ship, use better shields and more power units. :ok:

Cockroach 04-01-2006 02:55 AM

Or use big engines and loads of power to stay out of range. :D

Guest 04-01-2006 10:04 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Jan 4 2006, 03:40 AM

Now, there is 1 type of shield that uses NO power, but is very weak. So you add like half your ships full of these !! --> result --> nobody can kill you ships anymore becuase yr shield is to strong !

PROBLEM: this cheap shield is too weak for use agaisnt some weapons. This shield consumes no energy to be active but to contain damage it use energy and by having to bad stats as shield it would deplet your power or fail to contain damage. So when building a ship, use better shields and more power units. :ok:

not true, i used this tactic over and over again, i never run out of energy or power and the shields never fail even against the strongest weapons, ill just started playing again, as soon as i can build enomrous ships again ill send a screenshot of how the vessel layout should look like.
Trust me this works :)

Taskmaster 04-01-2006 01:00 PM

:D Suppose it does work, the game AI is so lousy that even with a hostile environment the computers barely blinked at me. You crush them easily. The computer ignores the Xeno ruins so finding a few of those puts you miles in front of the computer. The computer doesn't retrofit it's ships either, so if you disarm them, but don't destroy them, you can run around killing all the colonies at will.

Great game, great graphics, but the lousy AI and the micromangement make it painful to play sometimes, in my opinion.


legolas558 04-01-2006 03:39 PM


Originally posted by Taskmaster@Jan 4 2006, 02:00 PM
:D Suppose it does work, the game AI is so lousy that even with a hostile environment the computers barely blinked at me. You crush them easily. The computer ignores the Xeno ruins so finding a few of those puts you miles in front of the computer. The computer doesn't retrofit it's ships either, so if you disarm them, but don't destroy them, you can run around killing all the colonies at will.

Great game, great graphics, but the lousy AI and the micromangement make it painful to play sometimes, in my opinion.


Will somebody answer???
--> Previous Post

Thank you

punch999 04-01-2006 03:55 PM

Have you looked and seen if there are any already available tools to do so?

laiocfar 04-01-2006 04:48 PM

Well, in facts, even with the bettered AI, u don´t need shields or be out of range....


Great game, great graphics, but the lousy AI and the micromangement make it painful to play sometimes, in my opinion.
Very true.

Legolas: i can´t help u beacause i don´t know how do it.

Taskmaster 04-01-2006 08:24 PM

:D .FNT would seem like a font file, but not sure.

At one point in the past I opened one of the files and grab data on the research tree, such as how long each took to research, but that was years ago.

Good luck.

Guest 05-01-2006 10:32 PM

oh, I tested it again on what I said about the cheat/flaw
It works

Just add the shield that uses no power upto 4 full blue rounds and your undefetable.

When someone else is firing on you it does not consume power so you never run



Edit by punch- Rewrote whole post without all the caps :)

Tom Henrik 05-01-2006 10:39 PM

There is a nice key on your keyboard called Caps Lock - don't fear it. Even though it scared you the first (and appearantly only) time you clicked it... please click it again.

Thank you.

Guest 05-01-2006 10:48 PM

actually it was my shift key being *meep*ed up by gaming that got stuck again, and since i was typing without looking at the screen i realized to late....

you care if i type in capitals or not ?

Tom Henrik 05-01-2006 11:04 PM

Look, I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that, but after a couple of thousand posts written in Caps by newbies with no grasp of grammar - you tend to get fed up by it ;)

So sorry, for letting you feel my build up of frustration. Hope you won't think bad of me. :tomato:

Yobor 06-01-2006 12:58 AM

Its cool Tom. Just remember this picture (Kudos to Maddox once again)

laiocfar 06-01-2006 04:21 AM

and between the shift and the "a" no more than 3 cm

gregor 06-01-2006 08:21 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Jan 5 2006, 11:32 PM
Just add the shield that uses no power upto 4 full blue rounds and your undefetable.

I don't understand. what do you mean? what blue rounds? what shield that uses no power? don't they all use power?

Taskmaster 06-01-2006 12:02 PM

No, there is one shield that is weak, but uses no energy. I think it is a "passive" shield, although I believe you have to activate it before it takes effect, just like the other shields.

What I hate is the civilizations that put a recall device in every ship. As soon as I fire a single shot at them they "recall" back to mama. I just station a few ships in their home system then send out my fastest ships to met up with their roaming fleets and send them back to their home system one at a time for anihilation.


laiocfar 06-01-2006 09:54 PM


QUOTE (Guest @ Jan 5 2006, 11:32 PM)
Just add the shield that uses no power upto 4 full blue rounds and your undefetable.

I don't understand. what do you mean? what blue rounds? what shield that uses no power? don't they all use power?

The blue rounds are the sum of capacity of all shields in a ship. Each blue round got 4 levels. There is also a shield that gives u the lowest level of shielding but consumes no power to be active. He its talking of equip a ship with 16 of this shield to be undefeteable. Anyway, these shields are only usefull to don´t caught with your guard down, remember that u have to active the shields to make them work but be with the shields up consumes energy, so its better to get next to your enemy with the shields down, set them up when the battle start and et them down again if the enemy ship consumes all his power. If a ship whit an activated shield get shotted, the shield will use power to absorve the damage, even this shield that takes no power to be active, I prefer to have a better shield and more units of power in my ships

Guest 07-01-2006 11:33 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Jan 6 2006, 10:54 PM
If a ship whit an activated shield get shotted, the shield will use power to absorve the damage, even this shield that takes no power to be active, I prefer to have a better shield and more units of power in my ships

The blue rounds are the sum of capacity of all shields in a ship. Each blue round got 4 levels. There is also a shield that gives u the lowest level of shielding but consumes no power to be active.
exactly !, look at what you write: consumes no power to be active. which is correct


these shields are only usefull to don´t caught with your guard down, remember that u have to active the shields to make them work but be with the shields up consumes energy,
this is wrong, as you said yourself above it does not take energy/power !


If a ship whit an activated shield get shotted, the shield will use power to absorve the damage, even this shield that takes no power to be active.
not true, im not sure about other shields but these shields definitaly dont use power to absorbe the damage.


If a ship whit an activated shield get shotted, the shield will use power to absorve the damage, even this shield that takes no power to be active, I prefer to have a better shield and more units of power in my ships
so do I :D because you cant take so much cools tuff with so many shields onboard. but its a fact that the ships fitted with these shield i said are undefeatable.

Greetz !

Edit by Tom:
Fixed your quotes :)

Blank_box 07-01-2006 06:13 PM

Too much defense will take more time to attack or invade some system since you can't more very fast in the system and between lenses both and can't take more weapons on board...

I love to use balance defense and offense then emphasis on moving. This is very importance in later game (If AI have enough wit to do so) that powerful long-length plasma(sorry, I've forgotten the name) with cloaking sphere and the planet missile can delay or even stop you there if you can not manage to get out of length or occupy their orbit quickly. Moving fast between the lenses also help you dispatch more your reinforcement(if you would like to avoid micro management by building ship yard in every far and less important planets).

Equip your ship more than one powerful weapon types can help you much solve the slowly recharge or out of length problem.

"Hit and Run" is my favorite tactic. :sniper:. An army of flying turtles can not conquer the fortress. :sneaky:

Remember that tactic depend on your way, style, and situation so... choose your best! :ok:

P.S. Sorry, I forgot its name since I have play and addicted nethack sooooooo much :Titan:

laiocfar 09-01-2006 03:30 AM

The shields consumes power by being active per each battle turn. But there is a shield that takes no power to be active. Unactive shield do nothing. All the others shields also consumes power to avoid damage when being active and shotted, the shield can fail to avoid it if left no more power or if the weapon its too powerfull. I will check if the "no power to be active" shield use power to absorb damage but i belive that yes.

Guest 10-01-2006 11:54 AM

Sorry to be a smart behind again, but i can resist :D

None of the shields in the game use power to absorb attacks.
Only most shields use power each turn to be active. except for the one im talking about.

Each turn when a shield is activated your power levels drop, wether or not it took an attack in that turn does not effect the amount of power used.

check it out ! youll see

greetz !

Damn i have to register, im always posting as a guest :D

Guest 15-01-2006 06:59 PM

No sound, can't exit the game without it crashing my computer...

Bummer. Seemed like a good game too.

Gandalf 15-01-2006 07:45 PM

Use DOSBox to run this great game! Works perfectly. (Yes, with sound)

Menasor 01-02-2006 09:46 AM

WOW! ive had this game donwloaded for a while now but never attempted it coz i thought it would be too boring...i only started playing a few hours ago...its purely magnificent!! and the atmospheric music is a nice addition...

Taskmaster 01-02-2006 03:23 PM

:D Just give it a few more hours!

Menasor 01-02-2006 03:52 PM

ive been looking thru the pages to find a solution to my problem...but i gave up on page 6 and decided to just ask it...

ive got a ship with a colonizer, and i sent it to another planet to colonize...but now i dont know what to do with the ship...i returned it back to my original planet...but i can't seem to attach another colonizer on it...issit even possible to do this? and if i cant do this...what do i do with the ship? (its my first ship so its not really a heavy weapon or a scout kinda ship)

Menasor 02-02-2006 08:08 AM

loox like i gotta refer to the manual :blink:

gregor 02-02-2006 09:09 AM


Originally posted by Menasor@Feb 1 2006, 04:52 PM
ive been looking thru the pages to find a solution to my problem...but i gave up on page 6 and decided to just ask it...

ive got a ship with a colonizer, and i sent it to another planet to colonize...but now i dont know what to do with the ship...i returned it back to my original planet...but i can't seem to attach another colonizer on it...issit even possible to do this? and if i cant do this...what do i do with the ship? (its my first ship so its not really a heavy weapon or a scout kinda ship)

you might have to activate it when you come to the planet you wish to colonise. put the ship in orbit and colonise it.

If you wish to refit it can also be done, but you need free shipyard on the planet and then you can refit the ship.

Menasor 02-02-2006 09:36 AM

how do u refit it? ive brought my ship back...but i dont know where to go to refit it...i click on the ship and there are three options "leave orbit", "abandon", "cancel"...and ive only got one shipyard, but im not building anyships at the moment...and when i click on the shipyard it doesnt say much a bit lost...

Taskmaster 02-02-2006 12:34 PM

:D Research! You will eventually get to Orbital Platform or some such... different that the Orbital Shipyard. One only builds ships and one only refits ships.

Of course, once you get the larger hulls, you can just scrap the small ships since you are limited to how many total ships you can build. Although colonizing more planets increases the limit.

gregor 02-02-2006 01:23 PM


Originally posted by Menasor@Feb 2 2006, 10:36 AM
how do u refit it? ive brought my ship back...but i dont know where to go to refit it...i click on the ship and there are three options "leave orbit", "abandon", "cancel"...and ive only got one shipyard, but im not building anyships at the moment...and when i click on the shipyard it doesnt say much a bit lost...
sorry i am at work now and i really can't look into it, but i think you bring the ship to the planet with shipyard and then somehow refit it (maybe some icon or right click...) can't remember... wish they alowed games at work...

laiocfar 03-02-2006 04:31 AM

U have to click the ship and chose refit, if u dont got that oprion its cuz u didnt got orbitals docks(different of shipyard) at that planet. If u got the orbitals docks and cant make refit... u are doomed

Menasor 03-02-2006 04:42 AM

thanks guys...i didnt have orbital docks, i thought you could refit with the makes sense now.

Playgame. 03-02-2006 05:52 PM

Hi, I like the site. Cool idea.

Simple question regarding Ascendancy.

It runs decent enough, however, the mouse moves very slow across the screen. You have to move it right off the desk about 5 times to get across a full screen. Is there some sort of way to adjust mouse sensitivity in this game? Is having an optical mouse an issue? Is have a P4 instead of a 486 an issue???

Anyone have this problem? Help a brother out.


laiocfar 04-02-2006 06:33 AM

If this happens only in this game.... check options menu and if doesnt works hit the mouse until it works. If it also happens outside Ascendancy, the lifetime of the mouse is over, even in a third world country, mouses cost no more than 2 u$s. buy another

Menasor 04-02-2006 06:57 AM

any tips or hints about what to research? i seem to be going all over the place...

BeefontheBone 04-02-2006 07:01 AM

I get that mouse speed problem running the game in XP - it's very neatly fixed by using DOSBox.

Research the things you need to get off the planet and onto another one first, then Xenoarchaeology, then things which allow more research and let you get to Shipyards, then I tend to beeline for the enormous ships (the tech also allows the Metropolis, which is great) since you need them to really get a war going, and I'm a big fan of long range orbital whoppers - missiles don't cut it for defense.
Oh, Automation is a priority too, since without it your population cap will be really low.

vk0 04-02-2006 12:09 PM

I heard someone asking for data extraction tools, i found some, can't remember from where though. (using these you can extract the wonderfull music from ascendancy, it's in pure .wav format from ascend01.cob or ascend02.cob).
(Remember to don't run .exe files from random people on random forums).

also, i have a "experienced" user game instruction thing: (from vidruand)
This will change some research stuff around plus add some restrictions (nothing you actually have to do)

from the html instruction from
The following is the suggested play style to be used with the new cob for experienced players:
300 Turn start
Hostile Antag
3 species
Rules for setting:
1. Turn penalties, in addition to the 300 turn start penalty:
Dubtaks: +200 turns
Mebes, Govorom, Minions: +100 turns
2. Leave one space free for each colonization module placed on the ship. This means, one module needs 2 slots.
3. Only 1 planet allowed on micro management (MM), all others on self management (SM): Once you are allowed to switch this MM to another planet and place your home planet on SM. If the planet you are manually managing is invaded, you may switch to another planet. Ship building and repairing (re-designing) is allowed on the actual MM planet only.
4. Ship restrictions: No more than 4 attack ships in any system. No more than 10 ships at any one time.
5. (optional) Research Xenos last

playing with vidruand's rules and changed cob makes the game quite tough and therefore alot more fun to play, highly recommended. instalaltion:
backup your ascend00.cob, rename the "ascend00 changed.cob" from to ascend00.cob and place it where the original ascend00.cob used to be, done.

note that doesn't include any .exe files, just a cob datafile, which i don't think can execute maliciuosly code.
but ascendutils.exe can be filled with viruses and shouldn't be run unless you trust people calling themselves vk0 (which you shouldn't).

Puzzled 04-02-2006 05:33 PM

I have been playing the game a bit. Has anyone else noticed that some of the industrial structures don't work properly? The industrial megafacility, which is supposed to provide more industry than the factory, provides the same industry as the factory. The metroplex, which is supposed to provide industry, research and population, does not provide industry. Don't know about other advanced industry buildings.

Anyone know how to fix this? Is there a building stat editor or something?

laiocfar 04-02-2006 10:50 PM

Are u looking at graphic or are u reading the data? The graphic chnages every ten units. But in mine, Metro and I Complex works well.

Blank_box 14-02-2006 08:39 AM


Originally posted by vk0@Feb 4 2006, 01:09 PM
The following is the suggested play style to be used with the new cob for experienced players:
300 Turn start
Hostile Antag
3 species
Rules for setting:
* 1. Turn penalties, in addition to the 300 turn start penalty:*
Dubtaks: +200 turns
Mebes, Govorom, Minions: +100 turns
* 2. Leave one space free for each colonization module placed on the ship. This means, one module needs 2 slots.
* 3. Only 1 planet allowed on micro management (MM), all others on self management (SM): Once you are allowed to switch this MM to another planet and place your home planet on SM. If the planet you are manually managing is invaded, you may switch to another planet. Ship building and repairing (re-designing) is allowed on the actual MM planet only.
* 4. Ship restrictions: No more than 4 attack ships in any system. No more than 10 ships at any one time.*
* 5. (optional) Research Xenos last

playing with vidruand's rules and changed cob makes the game quite tough and therefore alot more fun to play, highly recommended.

Sound interesting :max: , perhaps, I should try it.

Are you sure that less important planet will become completely self-management? (I mean that no more pop-up every planet and every turn.) Also, if it were rule which AI have to take the effect too?

If this patch works fine, the game will be more fun.

vk0 14-02-2006 01:06 PM

all the patch itself does is change some research stuff around and make some buildings less good.
self managening plants is default in the game and can be toggled on or off by pressing the "M" key while in the planet display for the current planet. It says which setting the planet is set to if you press the main info panel of the planet (the box that display current populationg and maximum population).

The reason you have to put the planets on this setting is that the AI is so unbelieveable dump it will heavily weaken you and build a bunch of crappy planets.

Jug Head 25-02-2006 08:58 PM

Guys, quick question...

I am a self-confessed noob - not just to abandonware but pretty much to the computers scene. Ascendancy is my first attempted download, and boy did I not do it right.

I have set up the files, and got DOSBox up and running, but when I type 'install' as the DOSBox command I get the reply 'Illegal command: install'. What am I doing wrong? Any advice appreciated.

Apologies if these is a separate technical help thread for stuff like this, but I play my 'noob' card once again.


BeefontheBone 25-02-2006 09:51 PM

Well, you can't run install.exe without first navigating to the directory where it resides. Assuming you've followed the DOSBox tutorial (or figured out what it odes for yourself) and extracted the game to C:\Ascend (where C: is whatever you've mounted as drive C is DOSBox - in my config it's actually C:\DOSProgs\) then the command sequence you need to run it the first time is

cd ascend
<set up the game - autodetect should spot whatever DOSBox is emulating, the default being a standard SoundBlaster I believe)>

Hope that helps :)

Guest 26-02-2006 10:34 AM

Thanks for getting back to me Beef.

Well I've made it as far as being able to mount C: onto DOSBox (ie when I open up DOSBox it goes to 'C:' by default) - the last lines of my DOSBox config are:

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
mount C C:\DOSBox\CDrive
mount D D:\ -t cdrom

I have also extracted the game to the file marked 'CDrive', as instructed. In fact, when following the step-by-step tutorial, I was cruising until 'install' turned out to be an illegal command. Hope this explains my situation a little clearer.

Ascendancy was meant to be a dress rehearsal for my real Holy Grail - Mega Lo Mania! I'd be grateful as ever for your help.


BeefontheBone 26-02-2006 11:50 AM

You should have a folder in C:\DOSBox\CDrive called ASCEND, containing (among other things) install.exe and ascend.exe (it's also worth running the patch included in the archive, too).

Actually, looking at my CD I think you need to run SETSOUND not INSTALL. Gah! Basically, DOS games used to have their own setup programs to tell them what hardware you had (DirectX and the OS tend to handle all this for you now, which is nice). DOSBox can emulate a number of hardware configurations, defaulting to a SoundBlaster IIRC, but the games still need to be told what it's emulating, in this case by running SETSOUND.EXE. They usually had SETSOUND, INSTALL, SETUP or something similar to do it.

OK, assuming you've got the folder in the right place, run DOSBox then type:

cd ascend
<you should get to set the sound options - autodetect should work fine>

That should do it. If you get problems, try typing

dir -w

That'll list the contents of whatever folder you're in (shown on the left of the DOSBox screen). If you're in your mounted C drive it should list [ASCEND] for the ascendancy folder - if not, you've not extracted the game to the right place. If you're in C:\ASCEND then it should list a few folders and some executables, hopefully including ASCEND.EXE and SETSOUND.EXE. If not, you've created the folder in the right place but not extracted the game data there.

legolas558 26-02-2006 06:20 PM

Here is the dosboxhere.reg file to have always available a DOSbox shell from the folder context menu, copy & paste into a file called dosboxhere.reg and launch it.


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\DOSBox Here]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\DOSBox Here\command]
@="c:\program files\dosbox\dosbox.exe -noconsole -c \"@mount c %1\" -c "@c:\" "

Edit to have 'c:\program files\dosbox' as the folder path to Dosbox. I also advice you to edit the dosbox.conf file located in the DOSbox folder, this way (from the bottom):

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
@mount c c:\

And yes, if you asked, here it is another cmdhere.reg, a very handy tool for windows xp:


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Command Prompt Here]
@="&Command prompt"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Command Prompt Here\command]
@="cmd.exe /k cd %1 "

Enjoy the stuff and post any thanks if you have ... :cheers:

Guest 27-02-2006 11:40 PM


You should have a folder in C:\DOSBox\CDrive called ASCEND, containing (among other things) install.exe and ascend.exe (it's also worth running the patch included in the archive, too).
Well, the plot thickens. I do indeed have a folder in C:\DOSBox\CDrive called ASCEND, but the only thing in it is another folder called 'ASCENDANCY'. When I open that, then I find 23 icons - although none of them are install.exe or ascend.exe.


Actually, looking at my CD I think you need to run SETSOUND not INSTALL. Gah!
This inspired me, so I tried punching in 'setsound' as a command. No joy. Same with 'setup'. However, 'SETSOUND' is one of the 23 things in the 'ascendancy' file.

In a burst of genius, I thought that perhaps I needed to get to the ASCEND file in DOSBox, and then type in 'cd ascendancy'. Well well well...absolutely nothing happened. ('Unable to change to: ascendancy.')

Icon of the day is :help: .


Guest 27-02-2006 11:44 PM


When I open that, then I find 23 icons - although none of them are install.exe or ascend.exe.
Hold the I'm just confusing myself. Contrary to what I typed (above), there is actually an icon called 'ASCEND' in the 'ASCENDANCY' folder - but nothing for 'install'. Sorry for the mix-up.



vk0 28-02-2006 12:55 PM

My ideas:

2 guesses:
either ascendancy is meannig you have to unpack it first, although not sure if your os opens zip as normal dirs or opens a wizard to unpack.
if this is the case, unzip it ofc.

other thing is that dosbox is a dos emulator (;)), and ascendancy is too long a filename for dos, so:
after having started dosbox and having c mounted to your c:\dosbox\cdrive, type this in:
cd ascend
cd ascend~1
setsound (follow program guides)

ascend~1 is abit of a hassle to write so i suggest copying the files from c:\dosbox\cdrive\ascend\ascendancy to c:\dosbox\cdrive\ascend.

Jug Head 02-03-2006 12:46 PM


Yup, we're officially in business. The problem was indeed the fact that the DOS emulator couldn't access the ASCENDANCY file, so with a bit of slick cut-and-pasting I did away with that folder and put the contents in ASCEND. Worked a treat! Many thanks to vk0 and BeefontheBone for your help. Cheers guys. Mega Lo Mania, here I come...


Squalid Blaze 04-03-2006 04:09 AM

Hello, this has been my favorite download site for a while now, well done folks totally cool, so I thought it was time to regester and say thanks. I've been playing Acendancy for a week on and off and agree with the coments in this forum. Seems to be a brilliant game with appaling AI and the most tedious micro management I've ever seen. Can't even tell visually if something has been automated or not. If you think the end of a big Masters of Magic or civ 2 game was bad you ain't seen nothing. Somewhere else in this forum someone suggested that this would be a good one for the open source crowd, I agree - it would be one of the all time classics if only it was finished. Something similar to the way point system ( eg blaster bombs in X-com ) only done as development orders for planets would help, with maybe an ignore, resume or change function if interupted or out of population. In fact most games with resource management sections could use something like this. puzzles me why they don't. That said this game is excellent and definately worth a play. I do have one thing to offer as a game play hint, try playing the rodents. They are popular and their special ability is to make peace with all. I know that doesn't sound like much but I think that it makes them the best race in the game. Here's how. Do all the usual stuff but emphasise planet defences and exploration. Find everone else as fast as you can so given the choise between sending an empty ship home for more colonisers or exploring then explore. When you have found the others cuddle up to them, trade everything, go into the hotel trade. If anyone gives you trouble call in your mates. Then cherry pick the best of their planets, get an invasion force, or forces. ready and make sure it can take the planet, or planets, in one go. Also make sure that your special ability is charged up. Then hit them, they will declair war on the next round, hense the advice about defenses, after this happens force peace and build up for the next time the ability is charged up. If you're really fortunate you'll be up against one of the technology masters or planet improving types. This wouldn't work against a human or decent AI but ....nuf said. One cheeky rodent grin and they forgive anything. The buildings on all your new planets will be badly placed but it'll be a start and most of all it wasn't you that had to do all that tedious building work.

Lloyd Christmas 14-03-2006 06:54 AM

Ok, I am at the last step where I actually launch the game (Everything else I did it and it worked. The game I downloaded was FlashBack, and the folder was called Flash. now I typed in cd flash and install and did the sound stuff. I then saved it, and it said to type FB in the command prompt. I did, and it launches the game, but it gives this blurry messed up image and just freezes it. Now is this because I have a router and need to enable some ports, or my firewall (which I have disabled), or I messed up in a part I don't know about in the tutorial. Here is an image.

Eagle of Fire 14-03-2006 07:29 AM

I don't remember using DOSBox for Ascendancy, I used VDMSound with XP directly.

BeefontheBone 14-03-2006 09:06 AM

Erm, why ask about Flashback in the Ascendancy thread? No idea about your problem, but I don't see how it could possibly have anything to do with the router since it's a singleplayer game...

Guest 16-03-2006 01:09 PM


Originally posted by Squalid Blaze@Mar 4 2006, 05:09 AM
Hello, this has been my favorite download site for a while now, well done folks totally cool, so I thought it was time to regester and say thanks.
I've been playing Acendancy for a week on and off and agree with the coments in this forum. Seems to be a brilliant game with appaling AI and the most tedious micro management I've ever seen. Can't even tell visually if something has been automated or not.
If you think the end of a big Masters of Magic or civ 2 game was bad you ain't seen nothing. Somewhere else in this forum someone suggested that this would be a good one for the open source crowd, I agree - it would be one of the all time classics if only it was finished. Something similar to the way point system ( eg blaster bombs in X-com ) only done as development orders for planets would help, with maybe an ignore, resume or change function if interupted or out of population.
In fact most games with resource management sections could use something like this. puzzles me why they don't.

That said this game is excellent and definately worth a play. I do have one thing to offer as a game play hint, try playing the rodents. They are popular and their special ability is to make peace with all. I know that doesn't sound like much but I think that it makes them the best race in the game. Here's how. Do all the usual stuff but emphasise planet defences and exploration. Find everone else as fast as you can so given the choise between sending an empty ship home for more colonisers or exploring then explore. When you have found the others cuddle up to them, trade everything, go into the hotel trade. If anyone gives you trouble call in your mates. Then cherry pick the best of their planets, get an invasion force, or forces. ready and make sure it can take the planet, or planets, in one go. Also make sure that your special ability is charged up. Then hit them, they will declair war on the next round, hense the advice about defenses, after this happens force peace and build up for the next time the ability is charged up. If you're really fortunate you'll be up against one of the technology masters or planet improving types. This wouldn't work against a human or decent AI but ....nuf said. One cheeky rodent grin and they forgive anything. The buildings on all your new planets will be badly placed but it'll be a start and most of all it wasn't you that had to do all that tedious building work.

I havent played this game in about 7 years now, but i seem to remember a small "*" somwhere if the planet was automated.

However, automation tends to move planets towards metropolises instead of habitat/megafactory/the uber research thing and so i dont recommend it, for that reason.

Micromanage for fun and profit!

Nice guide :D .

legolas558 24-03-2006 02:56 PM

If you are looking for the lost Ascendancy I MODguide you can now download it from the

Trascendancy Project website

It is in the Downloads section, where you can get the older versions and the latest (version 0.5b updated by me)

If you make some cool MODs, tell me!

Adict 29-03-2006 03:56 AM

HELP no matter what i do i cant get the color to show up correctly. I have windows xp and i set the icon to run it in 256 colors but it still comes out with inverse colors so i cant read half of the writing. Please help me and tell me of any way you folks could think of how to fix this problem.


legolas558 29-03-2006 01:45 PM

Use DOSbox instead

SirPeter 29-03-2006 03:37 PM

Legolas maybe make a new thread in the programming subforum about the Mod on ascendancy. Maybe ppl are interested in joining this project :)

Guest 22-04-2006 04:42 AM

how do you use dosbox

legolas558 22-04-2006 07:28 AM


Originally posted by SirPeter@Mar 29 2006, 03:37 PM
Legolas maybe make a new thread in the programming subforum about the Mod on ascendancy. Maybe ppl are interested in joining this project :)
I opened such thread, 0 replies so far :(

Edit: The link

Old Woman 23-04-2006 04:42 AM

Starting Ascendancy

I love big games, very big, so I use Antagonizer and always set Ascendancy on: Very dense star cluster - Seven species - Neutral atmosphere. And now the female touch! You don't win with power or theft, try agility and speed for a change. My choice are always the Chronomyst and they have never disappointed me yet.

Every time you start a new game you play in a hole new universe. You get a home planet in a star system with between one and five planets. You need beside your home planet at least two huge planets and preferably one large planet none of them with only black squares, such a Husk planet is almost unusable for the Chronomyst. If the fourth or fifth planet is a Husk planet with an argeological dig that is great, an normal planet with such a dig is even better and Cornucopia planets are of course the best. An argeological dig early in the game gives an enormous advantage and on a Cornucopia planet you can build twice as fast as on a white planet.

If you start in a star system with only your medium home planet just start over again and again until you get a star system with at least your home planet and 2 huge and 1 medium or large planets.

Have fun.

Old Woman 23-04-2006 05:52 AM


You can't build as many starships as you want, the rules are:

For the star system with your home planet you are allowed 2 ships, even when you are not the absolute ruler, meaning one of the planets in your home system is occupied by an other race, you still have the right to build two ships.
For every star system where you are the absolute ruler, meaning only you occupy one ore more planets in that system, you are allowed to build an extra spaceship.
For star systems that are occupied by two or more races, nobody is allowed an extra ship. To know the number of ships you still can build, you count the star systems where you're the only ruler, or you klick on the word ship on the right of the main screen, on top of the new screen the game tells you how many ships you have and how many you still can to build.

So, if you have your home star system, 1 star system where you occupy three planets, 1 star systems where you occupy 1 planet, 1 star system where you occupy planet 4 and another race occupies planet 1, you are allowed to build 4 starships, as follows:

Home star system - 2 ships
star system with 3 occupied planets - 1 ship
1 star systems with 1 planet - 1 ships
1 shared star system - 0 ships
for a total of 4 ships

Strategic thinking !!!!

If in the above example you have four ships and another race invades one of your normal star systems and don't attack your planet but occupies another planet, you suddenly have one ship to many and if you can't take that planet in the same turn, Ascendancy shall remove your oldest ship from the game, and that can be very costly. You can use this strategy against the other races. And remember, if necessary build only in the beginning all the ships you are allowed and occupy some new star systems as soon as possible.

Have fun.

AllianceWeb 24-04-2006 09:55 PM

I'd just like to submit some cheat codes I have on my site:
Ascendancy cheat codes


legolas558 25-04-2006 09:44 AM

Thank you!

I have added your page to Trascendancy Project Links page

I hope there's no problem for that

Guest 26-04-2006 01:50 AM

this game has been giving me trouble in one regard: The mouse is screwy. it moves really slowly and and sloppily (though not in the config screens so it's just the app). I'd appreciate it... do you think another mouse (I've only tried USB) would work, or do I have to rewrite some code? I'm still going to try a ps2 and a serial mouse, though. thanks!

legolas558 26-04-2006 01:54 AM

try incrementing cycles using Ctrl+F12 (if you are using DOSbox)

ShadowXIX 26-04-2006 07:18 PM

I just started playing again this time with the Antag patch :blink: Man does it make the AI more agressive. I played the normal game quite a bit and owned with pretty much any race so I decided on a average galaxy in ANTAG with a Hostile atmosphere 7 species. In short order I had 5 species all at war with me and was losing colonies very early on. The AI also builds orbital defense very early on now, which makes invasion nearly impossible until you get some decent weapons tech that can outrange the orbital missile platforms.

Adds some new dimensions to a game I already had fun with

I havent bothered with the maintenance patch yet though. Anyone know exactly what that does and if you can run it with the antag patch? It says you have to type -ascend/patch to run the patch version, but to run anatg you must type ascend/antag?

Is the antag version already patched?

ShadowXIX 26-04-2006 07:40 PM


Originally posted by Taskmaster@Nov 9 2005, 09:12 PM
The thing I disliked in Ascendancy, beside the poor AI, is the 2/3 of the galaxy rule, or whatever it is. You are kicking behind and taking names, and then because you colonize one too many planets, suddenly the game is over and you've won. I want to be able to make use of that new planet and go on to anhiliate the rest!


There is a way around the 2/3 rule in a sense. The rule only applies to 2/3 of the galaxy if it is a connected empire. If you allow the enemy to keep a few junk worlds in the middle of your empire it breaks up your 2/3 empire and you can go on to conquere many more planets then normal.

laiocfar 27-04-2006 12:31 AM

If you control 1/3 of the galaxy or less the fight is over and lucky when you got 2/3 it ends.

ShadowXIX 27-04-2006 08:14 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Apr 27 2006, 12:31 AM
If you control 1/3 of the galaxy or less the fight is over and lucky when you got 2/3 it ends.
It all depends on what systems you let the AI control.

My current game for example. 7 species

I control 63 planets and 29 systems

The remaining 6 species control 3 planets each (18 planets) and actually control a total of 10 systems. There are I think 2 uncontroled systems left with tiny husk planets nobody has colonized.

I control far over the 1/3 limit of the galaxy

laiocfar 28-04-2006 02:47 AM

The AI only is a threat to small empires. When you get enought planets, they are walking deads.

ShadowXIX 29-04-2006 04:48 AM

Yeah too bad the AI wasnt better :yawn: If it was smarter and gameplay had a few little tweaks here and there "Ascendancy" could have been one of the best of the 4x space strategy games of its era, perhaps of all time.

The AI species are much tougher with the Antag patch but mainly because it allows the AI to cheat and gives it bonuses in Industry, Research ETC..

I have to give "Galactic Civilization II" a try, I heard its AI is hard to beat on higher levels and they claim it doesn't cheat at all.

BTW on the game I mentioned in the above post I got the Extinction ending :Titan: I managed to kill every species in a single turn (which wasnt that hard since they had only 3 colonies each). It gave me the Title "Interstellar Death-Dealer" at the ending screen.

Much more fun then the 1/3 ending

laiocfar 29-04-2006 06:53 PM

Interstellar Death-Dealer? wow, i never dreamed something like that, the problem with most of the space civilization games is that they were made to internet multyplay mode so they become very repetitive and the ai is just a lastminute add to the game.

ShadowXIX 29-04-2006 07:20 PM

Yeah making a hard to beat A.I in strategy games of this type is no easy task either (well unless you let them cheat). There are just so many variables to have the AI deal with. It takes Super computers to be able to make A.Is that can beat the best players in the world at Chess and Im pretty sure the variables in chess though massive pale when compared to every possible variable in a game like Ascendancy.

Thats one thing that has me interested in this new game GC II, Because they never created any multiplayer for the game and sank alot of time into the A.I.

Borodin 30-04-2006 12:04 AM


Originally posted by ShadowXIX@Apr 29 2006, 07:20 PM
Thats one thing that has me interested in this new game GC II, Because they never created any multiplayer for the game and sank alot of time into the A.I.
All the more shame they gave up the contract to make Master of Magic II. But really, MoM2 would probably have had too many variables for them to handle--so perhaps they were wise to abandon it.

help needed 06-05-2006 08:22 PM

my mouse is *meep*in slow...

ShadowXIX 07-05-2006 08:36 PM

Are you running the game in DosBOX?

I never had any problems with mouse speed in Dosbox though I do have to speed the game up with Ctrl-F12 to make it run smooth.

Abbu 21-05-2006 10:12 PM


well, I love the game, found it yesterday and researched with my Orfas already the whole tree.. getting annoyed by the micromanagement and the fact that I can demolish all my researching planets.. but so what..
but, I still have one problem: in order to win, what do I have to accomplish? destroy all the other races :eeeeeh: or what?


ShadowXIX 22-05-2006 03:20 AM

Well theres a couple of ways to win.

The 1/3 win- The easiest and the one most people get is what is known as 1/3 win. When you control 1/3 of the galaxy (it has to be connected) you win the game you expanded so far no other race can stop you. If you leave choice worlds in alien hands that break up your empire you can control much more then 1/3

The Peace ending- you get this one when you have a alliance with all living races in the galaxy and usher in a era of peace.

The Extinction ending- this happens when you completly wipe out all alien races.

There is also a ending when you take over all the other races home systems, though I can't remember what that ending is called.

Thats all the ways to win I have found in the game.

Guest 22-05-2006 09:04 AM

thank you :D

laiocfar 23-05-2006 11:52 PM


There is also a ending when you take over all the other races home systems, though I can't remember what that ending is called.
I know about peacefull and 1/3 endings, few ago ya told me about the extiontion one.
Any other? :D

vk0 24-05-2006 03:36 PM

from looking at the data files there are only 5 endings, but each have 10 ranks so one could imaging there be 50 endings. here are all of them (first is lowest rank):

--Capture alien homeworlds:
Home Wrecker.
Master Invader.
Hypercosmic Saboteur.
Lord of Subversion.
Interstellar Coup Master.
Insurrection Champion.
Galactic Infiltrator.
Supreme Invader.
Ascendant Invader.

--control 2/3 of galaxy:
Ambitious Beginner.
Interstellar Warrior.
Interstellar Subjugator.
Galactic Powermonger.
Cosmic Dictator.
Imperial Overlord.
Galactic Emperor.
Ascendant Emperor.

--killed all:
Unrighteous Neighbor.
Galactic Villain.
Interstellar Death-Dealer.
Supreme Killing Machine.
Cosmic Devastator.
Lord High Executioner.
Overlord of Cosmic Night.
Ascendant Destroyer.

--allied all:
Mover and Shaker.
Master of Diplomacy.
Interstellar Victor.
Galactic Unifier.
Cosmic Harmonizer.
Lord of Tranquility.
High King of Serenity.
Ascendant Overlord.
Supreme Master of Ascendancy.

Interstellar Pushover.
Space History.
Galactic Exile.
Cosmic Martyr.
Cosmic Ultra-Martyr.
Lord of Self-Sacrifice.
Existential Transcender.
Master of the Void.
Ultimate Scoremaster.
Ascendant Hyper-Cheater.

If you lack something to do for a few years you could try getting all of these ranks.

Roadkill 02-06-2006 05:42 PM

Very good game, glad the AI patch was added which makes it more interesting.

For some reason I think Civilisations is so ripped from this game :titan:

torg 07-06-2006 12:27 PM

What possibilities are there to destroy alien colonies? Can I only invade them or is there a chance to completely wipe them of the planet's surface?

vk0 07-06-2006 10:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(torg @ Jun 7 2006, 12:27 PM) [snapback]234968[/snapback]</div>

What possibilities are there to destroy alien colonies? Can I only invade them or is there a chance to completely wipe them of the planet's surface?
There is a one-use ship module that destroys stuctures on a planet.
But it doesn't destroy (atleast) outpost and the "main" colony building.

so it isn't possible to completely destroy a colony

edit: but if you do destroy nearly anything on a planet near endgamg, it's likely that the planet will be stuck building a ship with >10k turns left.

Mrdrofcrows 13-06-2006 02:02 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Havell @ Sep 18 2004, 05:10 PM) [snapback]14131[/snapback]</div>

Damn, this is a good game! But one thing, how do you build shipyards? I have researched the technology to build them but they are not avaliblr to build in the display when you click on a tile on the planet.
You build them in space!

Insectoid 14-06-2006 03:15 PM

Absolut amazing, incredibly brilliant, it worth to play, and its graphic better than Master of Orion 2. :brain:

Guest 19-06-2006 10:48 PM

Better than MOO2? <_< I don't think so
Maybe I'm too MOO2-spoiled but ...

Even at the smallest galaxy size, micro gets in the way of fun, the 3d lane stuff is weird and makes u need a huge amount of micro to take one ship from point a to point b (travel speed is another game aspect i think could have been improved)

There is no way u can move population from near population cap planets to new colonies.
The partial benefits a colony puts in the empire fund are a bit obscure, and you can't make the inverse step (investing on a colony from common fund)
You can't spy :ph34r:

If u like ASCENDANCY don't forget to try MOO2, maybe u change to the latter

vk0 23-06-2006 08:34 AM

you can set colonies to auto-manage, reducing some of the micro. But the way the turn-system is made there's found to be a rather big varriation of micro management (which isn't nessesary a bad thing).
The amount of time it takes a ship to move around can be increased by adding more star- or hyperlane drives, (but it still requries some micromanagement to move the ship through a system (This again is not neccesary a bad thing, it allows you to infiltrate enemy systems with the right tactic / ship).

colony polulation is how the game is made, changing it would mean ruining the way colonies are build. (Adding one-hit=kill headshots to quake3 wouldn't be a good idea as it would make everyone onle used machine gun (thereby destroying much of the game))

The removal of a common treasury is part of the simple gameplay, each planet only tributes 1 thing (research) to the "common fund", rest is rather basic stuff, manufactoring determines how fast the planet can build stuff, max polulation, population growth (such simple), investing in a colony from a common fond would probably be overpowered.

You can actually spy, it's merely a build-in feature of the simplified more open gameplay. Building a fast ship with alot of shield can easily penetrate deep into enemy systems. This will gives you information on borders, which systems have what planets, the all-important information of how the systems are connected (other of these types of games have their systems connected in a rather boring way or maybe not atall, meaning it can be a risky affeir having lines of defense. And all this optained information is your main diplomatic weapon, (diplomacy in ascendancy is also simplified, so you only really talk to people if they have stuff you need or make war with them if they have systems you need, it's common in ascendancy to have a little war, instead of being forced into a game-long war because you needed 1 system taking out of a AI hands due to usually border-defense-issues.

fleets... Why would you want fleets when you have the extremly open battle-system? just having 2+ ships with similar hyperlane drives fly together is a fleet, actual formation of a fleet with weird modifyers and some such stuff is not needed with a open enough battle-system.

Maybe you should play abit more ascendancy and then you can switch. :)

Roadkill 02-07-2006 08:07 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mrdrofcrows @ Jun 13 2006, 03:02 PM) [snapback]236435[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Havell @ Sep 18 2004, 05:10 PM) [snapback]14131[/snapback]

Damn, this is a good game! But one thing, how do you build shipyards? I have researched the technology to build them but they are not avaliblr to build in the display when you click on a tile on the planet.
You build them in space!

click on the spaces left of ur planet, that will allow u to have the 'build shipyard' option

one thing I really would wish for in this game is that you can send your ships to a certain galaxy without actually commanding the buggers each step of the way (it kinda gets old fast if u got more than 10 ships) I would like to click on a ship and say 'move to that galaxy because im a lazy Bas$%$^' and let the comp do the rest.

by the way - if you like this game check out Freelancer (on google.. its not an old game but well worth a look)

Guest 12-07-2006 10:34 PM

I've been playing this game since it came out, a few suggestions for stretching the fun out.

1.) The handicap

This is a great AI equalizer, give yourself a 2 - 6 hundred day waiting period before you build your first structure (aka no science) depending on your ability. Obviously if you play a race like the Dubtaks, Chanchamines etc, this does jack as a handicap really. Try a weak race like the Abryls.

2.) Alternate victories

Conquer all the home systems, and ONLY the homesystems

We all know this is an easy one. Don't stall enemy planetary attacks.

4.) The Reboot.

After you've dominated the galaxy, Abandon all planets other than your homeworld. On your homeworld abandon all structures other than your colony base. If you need to abadon it and recolonize it.

Fun tricks:


Build an enormous class ship, fill it with wave scatterers to the point that you have more shield bubbles than even a nano-twirlers can damage, nothing short of a disintigrator can take it out no matter how long a battle rages for.

Roadkill 15-07-2006 08:33 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Jul 12 2006, 11:34 PM) [snapback]242997[/snapback]</div>

I've been playing this game since it came out, a few suggestions for stretching the fun out.

1.) The handicap

This is a great AI equalizer, give yourself a 2 - 6 hundred day waiting period before you build your first structure (aka no science) depending on your ability. Obviously if you play a race like the Dubtaks, Chanchamines etc, this does jack as a handicap really. Try a weak race like the Abryls.

2.) Alternate victories

Conquer all the home systems, and ONLY the homesystems

We all know this is an easy one. Don't stall enemy planetary attacks.

4.) The Reboot.

After you've dominated the galaxy, Abandon all planets other than your homeworld. On your homeworld abandon all structures other than your colony base. If you need to abadon it and recolonize it.

Fun tricks:


Build an enormous class ship, fill it with wave scatterers to the point that you have more shield bubbles than even a nano-twirlers can damage, nothing short of a disintigrator can take it out no matter how long a battle rages for.
LOL what a age battle, thnx for the advice.

sent in my invunerable ship, had 1 crappy weapon onboard - a black hole maker thingumijig.

planetery defence wastes all its shots on my invuneraable ship then I go in for the invasion :)

Guest_joe_* 27-07-2006 11:33 AM

hi, this game is one of greatest, and i find that logic facktory works on ascendancy2 but for a year or two
their web pages are same.
Someone knows if ascendancy2 is definitely dead and even logicfacktory?

I cant find any other information about that.

Guest 09-08-2006 08:46 PM

my mouse works very very slow...anyone know the problem??? plzzzzzzzz my email ***FIZZZZZZZLE!!!***

The Fifth Horseman 10-08-2006 12:25 PM

Use Dosbox.

And don't post e-mail adresses in open.

blkebonics 19-08-2006 05:18 AM

How can I disable the *ping* that comes with left-clicking?

dcash 19-08-2006 10:46 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Aug 10 2006, 12:25 PM) [snapback]247735[/snapback]</div>

Use Dosbox.

And don't post e-mail adresses in open, bub.
ok sorry... what dos box? :sos:

Cockroach 19-08-2006 02:50 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(blkebonics @ Aug 19 2006, 01:18 AM) [snapback]249569[/snapback]</div>

How can I disable the *ping* that comes with left-clicking?
Are you talking about the ingame sound effects? Only way I know is to turn off sound completely...

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dcash @ Aug 19 2006, 06:46 AM) [snapback]249592[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Aug 10 2006, 12:25 PM) [snapback]247735[/snapback]

Use Dosbox.

And don't post e-mail adresses in open, bub.
ok sorry... what dos box? :sos:

It's a DOS emulator that allows you to run DOS games on other platforms.

watcher1307 20-08-2006 10:20 AM

WOW! I must say that I've been playing this game for many years now. I remember having it on my 486. All I can say is that I can still sit down and start a small, quick game, and have it be over in a few short hours. Then again, I can start a huge, drawn-out game, and have it last for days, if not weeks. Every move and every building is carefully considered before a decision is made.
I love this game! I've loved this game since it came out. I can never seem to get better then 25% as far as the end is concerned though. I'm going to keep working on it though.
I hope that "The Logic Factory" comes out with another great game soon.

Nibs 22-08-2006 01:38 AM

Love this game.... haven't played it since I owned it on CD back in the day.

I'm running it in DosBox and am having a problem... after a while, the colored squares on the planets vanish. I can still build things on the squares, but I can't see what color they are unless I click it first. No idea what caused this. Instead of a planet covered with buildable squares, I just see the planet, and structures that have already been built.

I am using the patch.exe. Anyone know know why this would happen?


Guest 22-08-2006 01:41 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Nibs @ Aug 22 2006, 01:38 AM) [snapback]250108[/snapback]</div>

Love this game.... haven't played it since I owned it on CD back in the day.

I'm running it in DosBox and am having a problem... after a while, the colored squares on the planets vanish. I can still build things on the squares, but I can't see what color they are unless I click it first. No idea what caused this. Instead of a planet covered with buildable squares, I just see the planet, and structures that have already been built.

I am using the patch.exe. Anyone know know why this would happen?


It never fails. I could spend hours trying to figure something out but it isn't until I break down and post a question that I figure it out on my own. Press "S" to toggle the squares. I have no idea why they included this "feature"!!!!

Chamachie 28-08-2006 11:18 AM

Check out the brand new Ascendancy fan-site.

Elward 31-08-2006 01:55 AM

Having played the game for years, I just learned about auto-management, but drastically prefer to do it personally.


Cockroach 01-09-2006 02:12 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Elward @ Aug 30 2006, 09:55 PM) [snapback]251993[/snapback]</div>

Having played the game for years, I just learned about auto-management, but drastically prefer to do it personally.

Yeah, the AI can't even manage it's own planets. Why let it manage your's? :P

laiocfar 04-09-2006 03:41 AM

AAAAHHHHH, this can be a huge leveler, AI managing all but your capitol planet from your empire. I should try it.

CmdKewin 22-09-2006 04:55 PM

Oh well :) I do use Auto-Management only in late-game: Medium and Huge Sized planets are still Microed (it's still a pain when you have 40+, but it's worth). Everything else is on automode.

Aphiberg 23-09-2006 01:17 PM

Wow the game seems so cool I have a quick question: does it work on windows 98 with 90 mb ram?

Also I really hope it works on my computer this is the only time im glad not to have a stat of the art computer.

another_guest 23-09-2006 03:30 PM

According to at least one site it should work on a win 95 pc with 8 MB ram...

Guest 03-10-2006 05:47 PM

Just downloaded the game a while ago, its an awesome game! Pity its dead, it has such a great potential, i dont mind the micromanagement, and the AI is bad but i dont mind that too. Its very sad that this game is dead and is abandonware. Ins't there any chance of a sequel showing up? Even if somebody spread the word about this game around somebody might get interrested in making a sequel? Its such an awesome game with great potential, its sad to see great games die out like that :(

The Fifth Horseman 04-10-2006 02:23 PM

Wasn't there something posted in this thread about a fan-sequel a while ago?

vk0 17-10-2006 09:39 PM


Disable/enable the view of planet squares is related to some obscure key.
I can't remember which exactly, but "m" is auto-mangement, so it must be one of the others :)

Cerebro-Megalomane 04-11-2006 02:01 PM


I've dl Ascendancy, but i've a problem.

When I click on Ascend.exe ; nothing happened.

I've dl the Patch, but i've the same problem.

I've dl DosBox but I don't understand what have I to do with it...

Thx for help :kosta:

ReamusLQ 04-11-2006 04:45 PM

Check this out; it's a DOSBox tutorial.

Cerebro-Megalomane 04-11-2006 05:55 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ReamusLQ @ Nov 4 2006, 06:45 PM) [snapback]265337[/snapback]</div>

Check this out; it's a DOSBox tutorial.

Very Thx ! :kosta: :kosta:

Guest 10-12-2006 04:28 PM

When i start the game on windows xp, i see the screen "cuteed", i mean, i see the drawings cutted, so i cant understand nor do anything... help please!

The Fifth Horseman 13-12-2006 03:24 PM

It seems you are trying to run the game in plain Windows. I strongly suggest you use DosBox instead.
You can download it here.

You might want to check out the official DosBox FAQ, and particularly this part of it. It is quite helpful for users unfamiliar with DosBox.

Winwood 21-12-2006 09:04 AM


there are 2 patches for Ascendancy. The 1.6 -> 1.6.5 maintenance Patch and the antagonizer. I think the maintenance Patch is the one, which makes the AI smarter (try "M", it works), and the antagonizer makes it more aggressiv (and cheating).

But how can i activate both patches together?

Greetings, Winwood

Guest 21-12-2006 06:49 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Dec 9 2004, 06:57 PM) [snapback]35367[/snapback]</div>

anyone knwos how to abandon ship that is in warp? i 've mistakinly sent ships with poor warp engines into red warp drive and they kept on bouncing back and fourth but never came out of it (weird).
I just ran into the same issue as above. I though I knew this game front and back but I guess not. My ships won't leave the red star warp and I can't figure out why or how to get them back. Once my ETA times reach zero the go back up again. Is this some kind of bug or what? :ranting:

laiocfar 30-12-2006 01:33 AM

Nope, i think that you can abandon the ship from fleet control room. The ship wont go out from the red star lane beacause it HASNT be equipped with the proper lane driver. Even when it is SF, most of times star lanes are like gravity holes with a spring at end of it, ships impulse himself deep in the hole to be launched with an amazing speed imposible to get with normal engines. The starlane´s drivers or navcoms or many other SF´s devices are used to get into the gravity holes and control the ship destination. Without the proper driver, your ship will be forever inside the hole coz it lacks of proper devices to use the spring and also lacks of power to get out of the hole.

Guest 30-12-2006 12:20 PM

Hello, IF your ships jumps back to the start of the starlane, bevor it enters ne new starsystem, then there could be two reasons for this problem. First reason could be, that another race has put a block-item on the one end of the starlane, thats an item with which you can equip your ship. Then the ship jumps back to the start, when it reached the blocked system.
And theres another force which can move your ship back to the start. One race has the skill to send all ships in starlanes in the galaxy to its start.

I hope I didnt fool myself, dunno if you already knew this things.
..and sorry for my bad english, i am from germany ;)

weaverka 31-12-2006 12:10 AM

any one know were to get a crack for this game? dosbox wont acknowledge the cd rom.

Also if another race put a block on the starlane the block shows up at both ends. And the ships always came out of the starlane when another race forced the ships back through the starlane but not when the engines couldn't push it through the red links.

weaverka 01-01-2007 01:54 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(weavis @ Dec 30 2006, 08:10 PM) [snapback]272836[/snapback]</div>

any one know were to get a crack for this game? dosbox wont acknowledge the cd rom.

I got it to work on my laptop with xp but it won't work on my pc. The screen goes back and it freezes, ctrl alt del bring up a box that says the driver failed, I have installed directX 9.0 but still won't work any sugestions?

Cosmonaut_Roger 02-01-2007 12:59 AM

This is my all time favorite game, I'm glad to see there is so much discussion of it here, good to know people are still playing it. I know it can be a pain to get running under XP, my suggestion is to use Dosbox. As for the CD problem, I had that to. I can't recall the fix I did, but I know I did not use a crack and I do not use an ISO or CD to play the game. In other words, I dont mount an ISO or use a CD, so there is a solution to install and run the game without a CD. In fact, I don't remember ever having to put in the CD, but I could be mistaken. Anyway, I suggest you search for Ascendancy on or at their tech support forums. That's where I found the solution to my problem with the CD.

Also, I found that the antagonizer AI patch just made the game annoying. Even with a peaceful setting, you will be attacked by every race, so I don't use it. I don't really mind if the enemy is boring, there are ways to handicap yourself to make it more challenging, like waiting 500 years before beginning to colonize, or waiting to research advanced weapons until later in the game to give the AI a head start.

skipjack 03-01-2007 10:31 AM

You dont need a crack to play the game! I had once an introduction how to play without the cd, but i lost it.
I'll try to explain:
You only need the 3 COB files which are on the cd. When you download the game here, you get them with the game. Then you have to change a file where the information is stored where the ascend.exe can find this COB-files. You have to change this file (I think its the ascend.cfg) and say where the new COB-files are now. They arent anymore on a cd, now they are on your hdd.
DUnno if this can help you. But make sure you have this files in your ascendancy directory: Ascend00.COB, Ascend01.COB, Ascend02.COB . You need them if you havnt got a cd.

weaverka 03-01-2007 04:39 PM

I don't have an ascend.cfg file but I do have a COB.cfg file. I couldn't download from this site, I spent 26 hours tring. It timed out regularly and finaly at 99% my system crashed and I lost it all.

I copied the cob files off the cd and put them into my ascend folder but it just replaced the existing files. How do I change them to be able to be read with out the cd?

Ydobon 09-01-2007 01:58 PM

How do you abandon planets?

I colonize small planets just to dig that archeology site for technologies, so i want to dump them after the digging. Someone might say to just leave it, but i use the race Chronos, that transforms planets with the least population to Gaias, and i don't want to spend my special ability on small planets.
I have read all 26 pages and haven't find an answer except that on page 24 someone suggested that abandoning can be done (Guest - post Jul 12 2006, 10:34 PM) and i wonder how.

Thank You!

Ydobon 09-01-2007 03:00 PM

I can't belive it. As soon as i posted my question i started to play Ascendancy again. In next couple of minutes i stumbled across an icon to abandon planet. I wanted to abandon my ship and noticed icon that was always there:)
For those that don't know it's an icon in bottom right corner in system display. Just select the planet and click on that icon.

Guest_Einer_* 10-01-2007 07:31 AM

I played this game many years ago and when a friend asked me for one I remembered it, my friend got it and he told me that since that moment he couldn´t stop playing it, I went to his house to play and is as good as I remember, it´s one of my favourites games ever. Enjoy it!
And one question.. there are two patchs? one that makes the game more difficult and one that makes the others species be in war with you? Because I only have one and I stop playing Ascendancy because it was too much easy.

Mighty Midget 10-01-2007 07:42 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_Einer_* @ Jan 10 2007, 09:31 AM) [snapback]274124[/snapback]</div>

I played this game many years ago and when a friend asked me for one I remembered it, my friend got it and he told me that since that moment he couldn´t stop playing it, I went to his house to play and is as good as I remember, it´s one of my favourites games ever. Enjoy it!
And one question.. there are two patchs? one that makes the game more difficult and one that makes the others species be in war with you? Because I only have one and I stop playing Ascendancy because it was too much easy.
Try The Patches Scrolls

weaverka 11-01-2007 08:17 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(skipjack @ Jan 3 2007, 06:31 AM) [snapback]273096[/snapback]</div>

You dont need a crack to play the game! I had once an introduction how to play without the cd, but i lost it.
I'll try to explain:
You only need the 3 COB files which are on the cd. When you download the game here, you get them with the game. Then you have to change a file where the information is stored where the ascend.exe can find this COB-files. You have to change this file (I think its the ascend.cfg) and say where the new COB-files are now. They arent anymore on a cd, now they are on your hdd.
DUnno if this can help you. But make sure you have this files in your ascendancy directory: Ascend00.COB, Ascend01.COB, Ascend02.COB . You need them if you havnt got a cd.

Any one know of a download site that works, I still can't get this game to work with dosbox or with out. I found a download on another site but it had no intall function once I unziped it. I have the cd but my computer crashes or rather the video driver crashes when I try to start the program. This is very frustrating trying to get this game to work!! Please help.

The Fifth Horseman 12-01-2007 09:18 AM

Without knowing what you have exactly done and what specifically is the problem, we cannot help you.
Until you post more detailed information about your problem, I can only refer you to this FAQ.

Please post a more detailed description of your problem including any and all error messages you encountered.

weaverka 12-01-2007 09:30 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jan 12 2007, 05:18 AM) [snapback]274516[/snapback]</div>

Without knowing what you have exactly done and what specifically is the problem, we cannot help you.
Until you post more detailed information about your problem, I can only refer you to this FAQ.

Please post a more detailed description of your problem including any and all error messages you encountered.

Thanks this should help, dosbox would not recognize my cdrom. I will try this later today to see if it works.

you are awsome thanks. It finally works.

Guest_lol_* 14-01-2007 01:43 PM

this game is FCUKING easy, but nevertheless fun to play :)

just focus on research, as soon as u get the "akkutron?!" whatever, if turned on u increases the distance ur weapons can shoot...research the best energythingys and some nice engines
well and...i dont know the names of the weapons in english...but one is big n called hypersomething,(2ndbest)
the best one though nano something, useing that one 2gether with akkutron man...u r invincible (cuz the cpu player is just stupid building their plantes, equipping their ships etc...)

for planetary defenes u just nee dlong range whopper n big shielp and enemys dont stand a chance just cuz they act tooo stupid in fight...

hf :)

Icewolf 15-01-2007 10:50 AM

Well... I think it's always as easy as you make it.
Did you ever have six or seven com-players? Then you're really into politics. Especially when you have to deal with a agressive or stubborn race.

Give it a try... :sneaky: :ok:

Eagle of Fire 15-01-2007 01:04 PM

Sorry to break it to you Icewolf, but if you are into politics then you are going to the loser side. The AIs are going to attack you eventually no matter what you do (especially with the patch), and whatever happen if you don't have a good defense then you're toast. If you have a good offense, you'll win. That's how the game is meant to be played... And since the computer AI is so incredibly weak in this game, as soon as you can take a big enough advance in tech and power you are sure to win the game. Just keep bashing until you win.

Ascendency is one of my favorite game for it's originality... But I class it sore loser at the last position for challenge and AI strenght.

If you want a real challenge, go play MOO, Civilization or way better yet, Stars!.

Cosmonaut_Roger 15-01-2007 05:09 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Jan 15 2007, 02:04 PM) [snapback]275006[/snapback]</div>

Sorry to break it to you Icewolf, but if you are into politics then you are going to the loser side. The AIs are going to attack you eventually no matter what you do (especially with the patch), and whatever happen if you don't have a good defense then you're toast. If you have a good offense, you'll win. That's how the game is meant to be played... And since the computer AI is so incredibly weak in this game, as soon as you can take a big enough advance in tech and power you are sure to win the game. Just keep bashing until you win.

Ascendency is one of my favorite game for it's originality... But I class it sore loser at the last position for challenge and AI strenght.

If you want a real challenge, go play MOO, Civilization or way better yet, Stars!.
I'm afraid Eagle is right about this. I've played literally hundreds of Ascendancy games ranging from small to huge galaxies with and without the antagonizer patch set to peaceful to hostile and you will always end up at war with the other aliens unless you are the Balifids which can force other species to make peace. If you use the antagonizer AI patch (which I don't recommend), you will be at war with each new alien species you meet only a few turns after you meet them, even when the galaxy is set to peaceful. Ascendancy is my favorite game of all time, and the last game I played of it was Wednesday of last week, but it is very weak in the diplomacy department. Here's what I do to have an enjoyable game of Ascendancy:

Let 500-1000 turns go by before you even begin to colonize other planets or research advanced technologies. Let the other species get a big head start, so they have more advanced weapons and ships than you when you begin expanding. This way, at least the first 3/4 of the game will be challenging and interesting.

Guest 18-01-2007 01:23 PM

I have a big problem in the game, maybe one of you can help me. I´ve played ascendancy when I was a child and found it last week again. But here is the problem: I can´t build bigger ships than small ones (or I don´t know how to do it), even I have the technology to build gigantic ships. So the game is definitely more challenging if you have only small ships and the computer large ones, but I like it if I have enormous ships and overrun stupid computer :sneaky:

Guest 19-01-2007 08:25 AM

I solved the problem by myself. Something was wrong with the game, after restarting everything was fine.

A 30-01-2007 02:43 AM

Namaste all,

Like the site!

I've read the whole thread and thought i should share an observation i haven't read...

if you save your game the day before a xeno-archeological dig is completed, if you dont like what you get, or have your eye on some tasty morsel of research far far away, most times you reload the game a different technology awaits. Great 'bug'.

I'm about to install the 'smart' patch, wish me luck.


Xinithaous 18-02-2007 03:13 PM

I still play this game time to time, and have done since back in about 1996. It's a great game, can play it for hours on end. I can still remember the cheat files too, :shameful:

Create a blank text document and then rename it (including extension) to...


You can then use keyboard shortcuts to finish construction quickly. I can only remember a couple off-hand as I was about 8/9 when I was playing this reguarly.

R - Claim Planet
T - Create Colony
I - Finish Construction

Then I think on the main systems view it's cycling thru 1-7 to choose the civilization you want to play as :D

EDIT: Also I still have the original disc :P

Toslan 11-03-2007 04:14 PM

Hi Folks!

I've been playing Ascendancy since it came out, and came to the same conclusion most of you have: the AI sucks!

NEVER play in a peaceful environment because your enemies' ships won't be destroyed regularyly by each other!
Why is that bad?
- You will never notice any technological advancement in your enemies fleets, since they are unable to abandon their ships or to refit them!
So, if their ships don't get destroyed they will still have tiny frames even in the endgame

-> It's imperative to kill off all ships smaller than 'big' to slowly get a challenge

I abandoned this game 5 ago, but reading this thread, i realised that i never got a different ending than the 2/3 one.
I think I'll try it again.. with the patches of course.
(with knowlege of automated management ('m' key) and fractured empire this time)
Thanks for the tips to prolong gameplay!

2 handicaps to get a bit more of a 'fair' game:
- don't colonize large planets (conquering is allowed of course ^^)
- only build metroplexes instead of industrail megafacilities - by far the biggest handicap

otherwise its easy to build planets which can churn out a gigantic ship with nothing but nano-technologie in 1-2 days
(cover the whole planets surface with automated industrial megafacilities (now you will realise a big flaw in the games graphics: you can't visually discern automated plants from manual ones))

flaws: same goes for the lush growth bomb.. have you ever tried to build it on all planets in a game with 150+ planets under your control?

last thing:
since i didn't know about the alternative endings i tried to achieve other things, e.g. biggest fleet (while not colonising or attacking)
-> my biggest fleet so far: 80 gigantic ships (60 fighters, 10 colonizers, 10 invaders; never needed more classes)
gamefaqs suggest to build gateships and supporters, but if you have anything in that game it's time.
(once in the endgame i set all my planets to party and left the computer alone, i hadn't lost a single system when i came back 4 hours later (but i think it was peaceful env))

-> fastest victory was on day 932 (small universe, max enemies)

-> most planets: 350+ (don't remember exactly, but less than 500 (was the goal, but won to fast))

ok, back to setting up dosbox..

c1f3r 05-05-2007 01:10 PM


boy of no imagination 06-05-2007 09:31 PM

hmmmmmm i think imperium galactica is a clone of this ive only played the second one but it deffinatly reminds me of this

Doubler 06-05-2007 10:19 PM

No clone, it's simply in the same genre ;)
They're both 4X games :)

Devilgrins 08-05-2007 06:48 AM

This game rocks!! that and MOO2 and non-spaced game Jagged Alliance..

ohh the good old gaming days.. i will have to try this dosbox emulator to see if i can play these old games..

i certainly miss them..

i would love to see ascendancy II but gosh there certainly is now news of it at all.............

Guest 13-06-2007 04:40 PM

ascendancy 2 is supposedly in development,go to the logic factory website and go to development,it shows it.but theve bin workin on it for like 10 years :omg2:
it better be an awsome game,hope logic factory makes tons for more games like ascendancy :D

Shaden 17-06-2007 05:10 PM

I been playing this for a while and at this moment I'm not sure which should be my next step. The races that declared war are already dead, and I don't want to start one. Does the ends at some time, how do I win, or it continues until you get bored?

dumbass 01-07-2007 04:25 AM

i know you guys will think im an idiot but how do you start the program

dumbass 01-07-2007 04:31 AM

also could you write your response in the simplest terms possible because i am a complete computer noob :kosta:

_r.u.s.s. 01-07-2007 11:24 AM

weeel, use dosbox for the game. download it from the site, run the program and type 'intro', there is everything explained :)

after mounting the drive, run 'setsound.exe', select soundblaster pro or 100% compatible, save it, and run 'ascend.exe'

The Fifth Horseman 02-07-2007 01:02 PM

A Beginner's Guide to DOSBox should help you. That's about as simple as it can get.

Shade 12-07-2007 01:07 PM

a immortal classic this one! sat up all night with it.
and i bet it will get better if i can get the sound on XD

Guest_LacyCat_* 15-07-2007 08:24 PM

When I try to finish the install, the game tells me I don't have any sound drivers installed. I don't know what to do.. Doesn't DosBox use the sound drivers I already have installed? Can anyone help me?

Mighty Midget 15-07-2007 08:28 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_LacyCat_* @ Jul 15 2007, 10:24 PM) [snapback]299549[/snapback]</div>

When I try to finish the install, the game tells me I don't have any sound drivers installed. I don't know what to do.. Doesn't DosBox use the sound drivers I already have installed? Can anyone help me?
DOSBox emulates the (fake) soundcard specified in the DOSBox config file. Default is a Soundblaster 16 card with settings addresse=220 irq=7 dma=1 hdma=5. When setting up sound in the game's setup, you need to match the selected options there with the ones in the DOSBox config file.

Guest_LacyCat_* 16-07-2007 02:30 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mighty Midget @ Jul 15 2007, 09:28 PM) [snapback]299550[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_LacyCat_* @ Jul 15 2007, 10:24 PM) [snapback]299549[/snapback]

When I try to finish the install, the game tells me I don't have any sound drivers installed. I don't know what to do.. Doesn't DosBox use the sound drivers I already have installed? Can anyone help me?
DOSBox emulates the (fake) soundcard specified in the DOSBox config file. Default is a Soundblaster 16 card with settings addresse=220 irq=7 dma=1 hdma=5. When setting up sound in the game's setup, you need to match the selected options there with the ones in the DOSBox config file.

Thank you for responding. Ascendancy doesn't let me get that far. I do understand that DOsBox usually emulates Soundblaster at the settings you mentioned , but when I type in "Setsound" at the prompt (I am in the Ascendancy directory) I get the Sound Configuration page with a message telling me there is an error.. no sound drivers were found. The game will not continue any further. I can't finish the install and I can't run the game , with or without sound. So why doesn't the game (or DosBox) know I really do have drivers and what can I do to convince the game (or DosBox) that they're there?

The Fifth Horseman 16-07-2007 07:53 AM

Sounds like a corrupted or incomplete copy of the game. Did you download it from Abandonia?

Guest_LacyCat_* 16-07-2007 11:25 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 16 2007, 08:53 AM) [snapback]299610[/snapback]</div>

Sounds like a corrupted or incomplete copy of the game. Did you download it from Abandonia?
Yes. I did. You think I should download it again?

Mighty Midget 16-07-2007 11:26 AM

Corrupted downloads happen sometimes, so yes: Try download it again.

Guest_LacyCat_* 16-07-2007 10:09 PM

Oh thank you guys for your help. I downloaded it again and this time the files all unzipped properly and i was able to complete the sound configuration and everything. I have no idea what happened the first time around but I'm glad you guys were here . :kosta:

Mighty Midget 17-07-2007 12:22 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_LacyCat_* @ Jul 17 2007, 12:09 AM) [snapback]299740[/snapback]</div>

Oh thank you guys for your help. I downloaded it again and this time the files all unzipped properly and i was able to complete the sound configuration and everything. I have no idea what happened the first time around but I'm glad you guys were here . :kosta:
Glad to see a happy member (feel free to log in :P :) ) and even happier to see the feedback. That is very valuable for others with similar problems. Happy gaming :)

Alyssa 22-08-2007 06:51 AM

I used to be sooooo addicted to this game, but I thought it could only run in the old DOS-based computers. When I upgraded my pc eons ago (and about 4x since then) I was unable to install and run the game. Am I missing something? :unsure: I really do miss playing it!! That's why I decided to google it to see if there was a newer version and I ended up here. :sos:

Mighty Midget 22-08-2007 06:58 AM

Even if someone is able to run this game on XP, I suggest you download and install DOSBox, which will allow you to play DOS games on modern computers. Please note that DOSBox needs quite a bit of resources, and that the games you run through it may be very slow to unlapyable on lower end computers.
Download DOSBox here

Then please read this tutorial for setting up DOSBox

Feel free to ask for additional help if needed :)

Eagle of Fire 22-08-2007 07:33 AM

Actually, this game is one of the few which work way past fine on XP as long as you use VDMSound for the sound.

Guest_eolsunder_* 22-08-2007 01:09 PM

I just want to know if anyone has figured out the forumlas for the type of star and planets that affect your different levels of production/research/growth.

I know of course the type of planet you are on, and the type of sun in the system affect your 3 areas of growth, but not by how much. Just wondering if anyone has looked at the game code to figure out how much each type of star/planet either negates or boosts certain production.

One of the few things Ive always wondered about the game but never found out.

Muad&#39;Dib 16-09-2007 07:32 PM

What other games on this genre do you advise me to play? I played moo, but are there any other games like this which are worth playing?

Doubler 17-09-2007 01:09 PM

Imperium Galactica, GalCiv, Sword of the Stars, just to name a few :)

another_guest 18-09-2007 12:16 PM

Oh yes, definitely the 3 above.
About Galactic Civilizations: I would recommend going to Galactic Civilizations 2 straightaway - by the way there's another expansion pack planned soon. Not that I'm in any way related to GalCiv, except that I'm addicted :)

Guest 24-09-2007 09:21 PM

Luv it!

oombaka 07-11-2007 01:32 AM

can someone please tell me why this game looks horrible on my brand new computer....i'm running a dual core with xp and a brand new graphics card but i can hardly make out anything on the screen...and i also don't think the mouse clicking works...

i remember this game from when i was a kid and i really really want to play it because i remember it being one of the best games i ever played...any tips on getting the resolution appropriate would be much appreciated...

oombaka 07-11-2007 01:49 AM

also i can't seem to download just keeps saying thank you for downloading dosbox but it's no where on my desktop...what the hell man? i really want to play this game but it looks too horrible to be playable right now....

The Fifth Horseman 07-11-2007 07:21 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(oombaka @ Nov 7 2007, 03:32 AM) [snapback]318501[/snapback]</div>

can someone please tell me why this game looks horrible on my brand new computer....i'm running a dual core with xp and a brand new graphics card but i can hardly make out anything on the screen...and i also don't think the mouse clicking works...

i remember this game from when i was a kid and i really really want to play it because i remember it being one of the best games i ever played...any tips on getting the resolution appropriate would be much appreciated...
This game looks every jot as it used to look when you were a kid. Memories are usually better than the real thing was.

Also, the game has a fixed resolution (like most of old DOS titles did). You can't change it.

There is a way to make the game look better, which is to run it in DOSBox with appropriate scaler settings.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(oombaka @ Nov 7 2007, 03:49 AM) [snapback]318502[/snapback]</div>

also i can't seem to download just keeps saying thank you for downloading dosbox but it's no where on my desktop...what the hell man? i really want to play this game but it looks too horrible to be playable right now....
Look in "My Documents".

PS. Too horrible to be playable? I can't agree. Been playing it recently and it's pretty good. Of course, I'm the kind of person who considers the graphics of Death Track and Mechwarrior 1 to be playable.

Argh! 18-11-2007 02:18 PM

how do I make an Xeno Archiological Dig?

I have found a planet with Xeno Ruins
I have colonized it
I have adv. factory, adv. farm and an adv. research facilities
I have, obviously, researched the Xeno Dig ability

why am I not able to start the archiological project (or as they (ourght) to say: "get dirty in the dust") ?
is there a trick to it?

The Fifth Horseman 18-11-2007 08:08 PM

Like any other building, Xeno-Archeological Digs can only be built next to an existing structure or a Transport Tube.

clockworkspider 14-03-2008 03:46 AM

Question: I downloaded DosBox 0.72, and I downloaded Ascendancy from this site...I'm not quite sure what do do next, though...thanks for your help!

Eagle of Fire 14-03-2008 04:10 AM

Download Ascendancy.
Download Dosbox.
Use DOSBox to run Ascendancy.
Have fun


clockworkspider 15-03-2008 04:46 AM

Thanks, I've got it now :)

alkyl 25-03-2008 09:41 PM

cant believe i found this! this game pwnzorz lol

jordos 02-04-2008 06:19 PM

The link to that ascendancy mod in this thread is down, would anyone by any chance still have it? (it's called
I also once had a mod for ascendancy from, but that site seems to be down nowadays. If anyone has that one please let me know too. Thanks! :)

Eagle of Fire 02-04-2008 06:26 PM

What does that mod do anyways? Does it make the game harder? The big downfall of Ascendancy is that the maximum difficulty level is laughable.

If you're talking about the antagonizer patch, it's already in the download. It doesn't change much in the game to be frank, ennemy races will simply attack you sooner.

jordos 02-04-2008 10:17 PM

No I already got the antagonizer patch. The mod on this forum ( only makes some minor modifications. Never tried it, but it seems it's mainly aimed at making the game more difficult (along with some player-only houserules :) ).
The mod at fanscendancy made some larger changes and added some things, can't really remember much of it, an orbital housing building and such... It helps to keep things fresh once you've seen all techs in the game already.

Eagle of Fire 03-04-2008 12:46 AM

Heh, I don't need all the techs in the game to win. I usually already know I've won by a long shot when I get about in the middle of the tech tree. Heck, I'm not even sure I already saw the complete tech tree even once!

But 'house rules' in mods is what I hate most of all. That's why I usually don't touch them...

tomisbo 02-09-2008 08:44 AM

Hey, i have found a free online game wich looks like to Ascendancy. It's a realy cool french game.

Borodin 03-09-2008 02:40 AM

I don't see any resemblance.

The Fifth Horseman 03-09-2008 12:47 PM

The graphics are different, but if you look at it carefully you see some similarities with Ascendancy (solar system fights, research tree, spaceship equipping.... even the planetary building screen is similar).

tomisbo 03-09-2008 01:30 PM

That's right. Also invasion and colonisation processes are similar. The graphics are different because it is a flash game. The main difference is that this a multiplayer game in a persistent world. As i had a discussion with the creators of this game, they told that Ascendancy is their main inspiration and they keep it in mind for the futur evolutions (music for example)

Borodin 04-09-2008 03:02 AM

Well, that's neat. I'm glad they liked a classic such as Ascendency. There are worse games you could use for a model, unless it's the relatively poor AI. ;)

tomisbo 04-09-2008 08:28 AM

The solar system fights are real-time fights what is a very stressful, because you can see your ennemies moving and fighting while you are trying to develop your own tactic. Expantion is a very addictiv game, realy.

Borodin 04-09-2008 11:35 AM

Realtime? Too bad. I don't do realtime. :D I prefer games that allow me to sit back, and gradually employ what few brain cells have survived the years. Turn-based strategy titles do it for me.

Melchizedek 24-12-2008 12:20 AM

If only . . .
Oh how I wish you could queue up commands for your planets in this game. The micromanagement becomes quite painful after a while.

The Fifth Horseman 24-12-2008 03:38 PM

I'd say after establishing a third colony.

wakeup 23-01-2009 09:40 PM

love that game! there a lot of alikes but this one is a really good one, evon tho it is old... chamancies or how ever they are spelled ftw!

cocochops 07-02-2009 12:33 AM

Good game at first but as mentioned by everyone else, crap AI. First time i played it lost my best colonies to comp but was able to easily win them back even though computer should have beaten me easily from that position, after that it quickly became apparent that my victory was an inevitability but would involve a long drawn out process of building, travelling through star lanes etc. So I could not be bothered to carry on playing. But it has got great ideas, kind of wish someone would do a remake or something.

Eagle of Fire 07-02-2009 03:06 AM

You are absolutely right Cocochops.

I always said that Ascendancy is a great game for the strategy game newbie.

And the antagonist patch doesn't change a thing.

laiocfar 07-02-2009 09:20 AM

In some way, it is good that Ascendacy lacks of a competent AI who can hold his ground until end of game: The lack of auto-management will result in a huge micromanagement problem if AI can put a serious fight.

Eagle of Fire 07-02-2009 05:36 PM

Why do you say until end of game?

As far as I am concerned, the AI can't hold his ground at all, coma. If they can't stand a chace early game when they colonize like crazy, why would they stand a better chance in late game when I already conquered more than half the galaxy?

4RANGER 10-02-2009 11:01 PM

Display issue
I have played this game since if came out years ago and still love it, especially with the enhanced AI engine. I do have an issue with the game on the newer hardware. The planetary grid disappears much like a cloaked planet but I can still see my buildings just not the colored grid markers for undeveloped squares. Has anyone else had this issue and how do I get around it?

The Fifth Horseman 11-02-2009 03:29 PM

Try running the game in DOSBox.

4ranger 12-02-2009 01:42 AM

display issues
Tried that with same results.

Eagle of Fire 12-02-2009 02:38 AM

Colonize non black planets? :p

_r.u.s.s. 12-02-2009 03:26 PM


Eagle of Fire 12-02-2009 11:53 PM

Neophyte. :p

Philos73 05-03-2009 01:01 PM

How to defeat the Arborils?
Hello guys,

I usually don't have trouble defeating any AI in this game but there are games where I simply cannot get my hands on the Arborils. Their Lane blockers seem to last indefinitely and I just cannot get to their systems.

This is especially nasty when you start in a cut-off region of the map and your only way out of that corner is through one single starlane that happens to be blocked by the Arborils.

I've tried firing Lane Destabilizers at the blocked Lane entries but that doesn't change anything - still can't enter those lanes.

Has anyone figured this out? If so - I'd like to know.

Juogo 05-03-2009 01:07 PM

Hi Guys,

some question, i dont really know which building is usefull for what, is there any description around?

it will be very usefull :)


Icewolf 05-03-2009 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Juogo (Post 354951)
Hi Guys,

some question, i dont really know which building is usefull for what, is there any description around?

it will be very usefull :)


I think right-clicking on an object in the building list opens a windows that tells what building is of what use.

Juogo 05-03-2009 02:29 PM

i tryed ^^

it closed the current window :/

Philos73 05-03-2009 09:57 PM


You can get that info when you enter the screen for building new structures - where you get the list of buildings you can build on a square. Then hover your mouse over an item in the list and SHIFT-CLICK (hold down shift and then click). This will display info on the building you are hovering the mouse cursor on. The Tutorial also tells you about the shift-click function. It's just not available for buildings that have already been constructed.

Of course you first have to research a new building type before you can get that information.

However there is something else available for buildings that have already been constructed. If you invade an enemy planet and left-click on an existing building it will tell you the color of the square the building has been built on. This is very useful since the AI builds all kinds of stuff on the wrong kinds of squares. So if you find a Hydroponifier on a red square you might wanna change that. You'll find just about everything on every type of square. There will be outposts on blue squares (where you would rather want to have a lab or a research campus). Even with the maintenance patch you find this kind of nonsense. I wonder why they ever called it a "maintenance" patch since it does not solve the AI maintenance problem.

I do like the Antagonizer patch though. Still does not solve the AI maintenance weakness but the bonuses they get make them harder opponents. ;)

Icewolf 06-03-2009 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Juogo (Post 354977)
i tryed ^^

it closed the current window :/

Sorry for the wrong advice, dude. LOL

Have you played the tutorial? I think it's mentioned in there.

Eagle of Fire 06-03-2009 10:28 PM

Like Philos73 said already, use the shift-click to bring the ingame help up.

Philos73 16-03-2009 08:20 PM

Ship Stats Display limits
Hello guys,

even though I answered Juogo's question I'm still a bit of a Newbie at this game myself.

So noone seems to have figured out my question on the Arbryls above? There is no way to unblock a lane blocked by the Arbryls? If they block the only lane out of a restricted area you cannot get out? Well, I abandoned the game in question and started a new one. Doesn't happen all of the time. Still kinda bugs me that I cannot get my hands on the Arbryls homeworld...

Now I have another question as well. The game limits the display on ship stats. If you build giant ships you can easily reach the limit of the display for energy supply and for weapon power. For instance if you put 8 to 10 Van Creek Hyper Splicers into a ship this will exceed what can be displayed in terms of generator power in the ship strength display.

My question now is - is that energy still available in battle just the same or does the program simply cut off what is in excess of what can be displayed? The extra energy is actually needed in battles. That way you can keep your shields up longer than the enemy does. The AI seems to tend to build underpowered ships.

It does work with the weapons though, since each weapon slot is handled separately. For example if you have more than 6 Hyper Drivers (or even stronger weapons) the weapon strength of your ship will exceed what can be displayed in the ship strength diagram. You can still use all these weapons as long as you have enough energy - but the question is - does it work likewise with the generator power?

The problem does not arise with shields and with propulsion speed though. I found out there is no use in putting more than 2 shields into any ship since it's more a question of having enough juice to keep them powered up than a question of absolute shield strength.

Same thing with the propulsion drives (intra starsystem drives). Once you have the Ion Banger (and that comes along early in the game) there is no need to use more than one propulsion drive on any ship. Normally only my very first ship will have the Tonklin motor. And that will be a small ship - since my homeworld will still be in the build-up process. As soon as I build my second ship I already have the Ion Banger - so I never need more than one propulsion drive. It is possible to bust the display limit for shield strength and propulsion strength as well - it just doesn't make sense to put in that many of these two. So the only problem is knowing whether generator strength actually gets wasted once you fit in more than can be displayed in the diagram.

Eagle of Fire 16-03-2009 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Philos73 (Post 356556)
Hello guys,

even though I answered Juogo's question I'm still a bit of a Newbie at this game myself.

So noone seems to have figured out my question on the Arbryls above? There is no way to unblock a lane blocked by the Arbryls? If they block the only lane out of a restricted area you cannot get out? Well, I abandoned the game in question and started a new one. Doesn't happen all of the time. Still kinda bugs me that I cannot get my hands on the Arbryls homeworld...

I'm not really sure of what you are talking about. You probably mean those red blockers which prevent you from entering a lane. Those things are lame: just shoot them down and get thru. If you can't it would simply be because you don't have strong enough weapons.


Now I have another question as well. The game limits the display on ship stats. If you build giant ships you can easily reach the limit of the display for energy supply and for weapon power. For instance if you put 8 to 10 Van Creek Hyper Splicers into a ship this will exceed what can be displayed in terms of generator power in the ship strength display.

My question now is - is that energy still available in battle just the same or does the program simply cut off what is in excess of what can be displayed? The extra energy is actually needed in battles. That way you can keep your shields up longer than the enemy does. The AI seems to tend to build underpowered ships.

It does work with the weapons though, since each weapon slot is handled separately. For example if you have more than 6 Hyper Drivers (or even stronger weapons) the weapon strength of your ship will exceed what can be displayed in the ship strength diagram. You can still use all these weapons as long as you have enough energy - but the question is - does it work likewise with the generator power?

The problem does not arise with shields and with propulsion speed though. I found out there is no use in putting more than 2 shields into any ship since it's more a question of having enough juice to keep them powered up than a question of absolute shield strength.

Same thing with the propulsion drives (intra starsystem drives). Once you have the Ion Banger (and that comes along early in the game) there is no need to use more than one propulsion drive on any ship. Normally only my very first ship will have the Tonklin motor. And that will be a small ship - since my homeworld will still be in the build-up process. As soon as I build my second ship I already have the Ion Banger - so I never need more than one propulsion drive. It is possible to bust the display limit for shield strength and propulsion strength as well - it just doesn't make sense to put in that many of these two. So the only problem is knowing whether generator strength actually gets wasted once you fit in more than can be displayed in the diagram.
I don't understand why you are asking the question. There is not much use for so much energy on a ship. There is also next to no use for shields in the whole game either. All you need is a big enough ship to be able to take damage in rare circumstances in which you happen to get in range of the ennemy plannets as soon as you exit the lanes (and even then I use those shields which don't use any power and are always on) and enough weapons to blow everything to bits.

The more engines you add, the further away you can go in one click. This is very usefull to get away from ennemy ships and out of range of planetary missiles... And thus why you don't need much shielding if any. The computer AIs are so lame... I often simply custom build ships with enough engines to slip past thru all the ennemy defense and colonise all their worlds they didn't bother to colonize themselves. The game is half won already.

Also, the more lane engines you put, the faster you will go in those lanes. Save a lot of time for long travel. Oftentime your home world and the surrounding worlds are very well developed while border worlds have trouble doing anything, so I often produce huge ships at my home worlds with a lot of lane engines and then retrofit them in the core worlds.

But believe me when I say this: even with the patch (which for me change absolutely nothing whatsoever), if you didn't win already before you even come close to getting to 2/3 of the total tech in the game then you are doing something wrong... This game is way too easy to win when you know what you are doing.

Juogo 17-03-2009 12:04 PM

i found it ^^

it was right: shift and the mouse arrow get a Help sign with left clit it opened a window to explain the Ship Technologies and Buildings now it is much easyar to play :clap:

thx a lot guys

red_avatar 17-03-2009 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Juogo (Post 356644)
left clit

:whistling: Someone had other things on his mind when writing that post:hihihi:

Philos73 20-03-2009 02:08 PM

@ Eagle of Fire

Aaaahhh! I can shoot at those darn lane blockers!! Will try that out. Wonder
what blocked my mind in this case. Already aimed at lane gates quite a few times accidentally. should have gotten the idea to try my weapons on the lane blockers. Just didn't get that idea.

Okay the ship stats display thing. You and I seem to have different battle tactics. I actually like a bit of a battle in this game. You just evade the battle - which is fine in terms of strategy - I understand it is possible to win that way. Still your strategy might be useful for some rare game where I really need to zip past the AI.

I do put quite a few lane drives on my ships if they have to get to a point
far away on the map - or if they have to go through a red lane before I have researched the lane destabilizer tech.

But one of the reasons I asked about this is that I like finding out more about game details in large 4x games - even when it is clear that Ascendancy is in no way as hard as MoO 1.

I noticed the various game displays reach their limits rather quickly. For Instance the planetary displays for research, industry production and prosperity reach their maximum state long before you have actually maxed out a large planet. Since you still get the correct figure when left clicking on one of the planet stat fields I figured that a higher amount of indurstry production or research would still be calculated correctly when calculating the totals.

There are other areas where the graphically displayed strength of a player maxes out. For instance in the intelligence display for the species. There is a maximum for the number of colonies in that display. Also the fleet strength of a player can be stronger than what this display can show at maximum. The correct strenght is shown in the saved games screen though.

So there seems to be a pattern throughout the whole game design that they did not make the displays to show the maximum values possible in the game but cut the graphics off at a certain point.

Using the weaker shields that consume no energy might actually not
be such a bad idea. Will try that out too.

Maybe I will still find out somehow if an amount of energy that exceeds the ship stats display is actually lost or still available nonetheless. The first question about the lane blockers was bugging me more than the second one.

By the way I now found out that the Antagonizer patch handles maintenance a bit better than the original maintenance patch. There are less structures built by the AI on wrong squares than with the "maintenance" patch - still not perfect but within reasonable range. Does anyone know whether the maintenance patch appeared earlier than the Antag patch? That would have given the author of the Antag patch the possibility to check the maintenance part in the other patch.

Thanks again for your answer Eagle of Fire - that cleared up quite a lot for me.

Eagle of Fire 20-03-2009 09:59 PM


Okay the ship stats display thing. You and I seem to have different battle tactics. I actually like a bit of a battle in this game. You just evade the battle - which is fine in terms of strategy - I understand it is possible to win that way. Still your strategy might be useful for some rare game where I really need to zip past the AI.
I think you got the wrong idea: I don't run from every battles. I really do destroy every ennemy ships I can intercept safely. I happen to be able to do that to 100% of the ships which enter my system past a certain part of the early game... That's the main problem.

I too like the battles... But I'd never go as far as to "badly" design my ships simply to give a chance to the AI.

Philos73 23-03-2009 07:20 PM

@ red_avatar

.... haven't seen a woman with 2 clits yet. Have mercy on Juogo
- his mothertongue is probably Spanish. 2 clits sounds like some alien
filly - might be an idea for a game character...... just imagine the effect of stimulating her...

@ Eagle of Fire

- ah, I see. But then my question was not useless because it is aimed
at designing better ships. The question whether there is a relatively tight limit of the amount of energy you can have on a ship is not irrelevant.

Having to struggle a bit during the early game phase when there are other species visiting your home system before you even build your first ship is actually the most interesting aspect of the game. Playing with the Antag Patch of course. That's the only phase that really poses a good challenge. Do I rather build an orbital shield and an orbital missile base first because they take less time to complete than the first ship? There where a few games where I actually needed a basic orbital defense in effect before getting my first ship. I just found out you are still allowed to have 2 ships if another species settles a planet in your home system before you even get to produce your first ship. So I put invasion modules on my very first ship. That was a fun game when that thing happened.

Borodin 24-03-2009 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Philos73 (Post 357000)
By the way I now found out that the Antagonizer patch handles maintenance a bit better than the original maintenance patch. There are less structures built by the AI on wrong squares than with the "maintenance" patch - still not perfect but within reasonable range. Does anyone know whether the maintenance patch appeared earlier than the Antag patch? That would have given the author of the Antag patch the possibility to check the maintenance part in the other patch.

Last time I spoke with the developers (admittedly several years ago, at an ancient E3 convention), they told me the antagonizer patch was the latest.

Oskatat 15-04-2009 01:15 PM

planets from the AI are still badly managed, research badly planned and ships badly designed. As mentioned, as soon as you can make more than a few ships, it's usually a cakewalk. It does depend on the race you choose though. The research or construction bonus races tend to be easier to play (chamanchy or something, and the cloud thingies), while some don't have a useful special ability

The Yawning Dragon 27-04-2009 11:22 PM


This is my first post here! Ascendancy was one of the first games I played (back in 1996) and enjoyed it immensely. I was playing it lately and I decided to write a small tool for viewing art assets from the game - Ascendancy Explorer. It can also serve as converter from Ascendancy internal formats to more common formats (i. e. raw music files to wav). If someone thinks that it could be useful, more information can be found on my homepage

The Yawning Dragon

PS Sorry for this shameless self-promotion :)

knurps 14-05-2009 07:44 PM

hi guys,

dumb question, I am unable to start the game. I extracted the zip moved the folder to my DOSbox, started Dosbox and could not find any executable to run except the UVconfig.

Downloaded again, same behaviour.

What did I miss?

Thanks in advance for any hint,

Chris 14-05-2009 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by knurps (Post 364428)
What did I miss?

ASCEND.EXE ?? :max:

dosraider 14-05-2009 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by knurps (Post 364428)
What did I miss?

You didn't gave any relevant details, OS? Program you used to unzip?
FYI: Ascend.exe is the file to run.

Originally Posted by knurps (Post 364428)
....I extracted the zip moved the folder to my DOSbox

Moved? Hmmmm, doesn't sound to good, try 7zip , freeware and damn good, at least with that one you can unzip directly where the folder belongs.
And: delete your old folder before doing a new attempt.

Originally Posted by knurps (Post 364428)
... started Dosbox and could not find any executable to run except the UVconfig.

Could you please state your mount lines and inputs in dosbox to get the game running?
95% of the problems with dosbox comes from badly mounted drives/folders.

Inquisitor 15-05-2009 09:10 AM

one of the most fascinating games I played ever. Especially the particular abilities of every civilization were unique. I never played another space-game which built up such a good atmosphere. On my opinion there is just one weakness in gameplay: after you have conquered more than five starsystems the micromanagement on every planet gets on your nerves, because for me it was difficult to overview all the projects for each planet.

knurps 15-05-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by dosraider (Post 364453)
You didn't gave any relevant details, OS? Program you used to unzip?
FYI: Ascend.exe is the file to run.

Moved? Hmmmm, doesn't sound to good, try 7zip , freeware and damn good, at least with that one you can unzip directly where the folder belongs.
And: delete your old folder before doing a new attempt.

Could you please state your mount lines and inputs in dosbox to get the game running?
95% of the problems with dosbox comes from badly mounted drives/folders.

Thank you for taking care. And sorry for the few details only.

I run DOSbox on an OSX 10.5 and the folder move did not affect the content of it. See this screenshot for my Ascend folder content:
As you see there is no other .exe except the UVconfig.

BUT you made the point with the zip tool. I used stuffit expander to extract the zip (with redownload etc.).

Two minutes ago I redownloaded and used OSX built-in extractor instead of stuffit and voila now I got more than one exe.

OK, now I am giving this game a try. According to the messages from other users it will take several hours till I will be back ;)

Thanks again for the hint,

jungwirsch 26-06-2009 11:34 PM

Eagle of Fire: a personal ascendancy
On March 16, 2009, he wrote:


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 356581)
But believe me when I say this: even with the patch (which for me change absolutely nothing whatsoever), if you didn't win already before you even come close to getting to 2/3 of the total tech in the game then you are doing something wrong... This game is way too easy to win when you know what you are doing.

Compare this to September 19, 2004:


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 12791)
In fact, this game is not that great. I played it again, and again I been disapointed.

If only I could build a bigger fleet than only 2 ships... But no! The computer just flood me until I can't do anything about it (even with several missiles at the same planet) and conquer my planets one by one...

And the AI patch is not good either... All it does is make the computer "biased" diplomatically VS you, so they'll all end up at war with you no matter what.

I voted for a 3 on 5 on the site. I would rather play MOO. :not_ok:

Talk about an obvious learning curve. Two thumbs up! :thumbs:

Hey, I'm pulling your leg! No offence meant :3:

Eagle of Fire 27-06-2009 12:57 PM

I don't really see the difference, except that now I know the loopholes one need to know to win...

I always said this game wasn't so great and that it didn't deserve it's 5/5 mark.

red_avatar 30-06-2009 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 372631)
I don't really see the difference, except that now I know the loopholes one need to know to win...

I always said this game wasn't so great and that it didn't deserve it's 5/5 mark.

I was 15 when I got this game. My English was spotty and yet I kicked AI ass from the start. The game may not be perfect, but if you follow standard 4X tactics (expand, explore, etc.), it's not very hard. The AI is pretty laid back and you can win the game easily by doing the following:

- get the research to build small ships + colonisation module
- get as many planets colonised from the start, even if they're small - it's free
- focus on defense of your planets, not ship weapons
- research better industrial & research structures

Doing this will quickly give you the edge since you'll be able to research a lot quicker and faster. The trade off is being weak early in the game but if your galaxy is large enough, that's not a real problem since your opponents won't declare war that quickly.

laiocfar 09-07-2009 01:36 AM

I disagree in one point: AI is so low that it almost doesnt matter what do you do or what dont do, you also can win by
-building only huge ships with lot of firepower and dont hesitate to declare war to some aliens just because they are ugly
-capture resourceful planets no matters how many invasions pods it takes you need new bases all the time. On minor planets wipe out the surface and capture it to deny it to enemy.
-dont build any defensive structure, use slow but heavily armed ships to block star lanes that connect to other empires and arent being used by the main fleet.
-research weapons, shields or armor. Also ship size is very important, the bigger they are, the harder they strike.

I was on my bad side of the bed but the ai of this game is a big deception

red_avatar 09-07-2009 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by laiocfar (Post 374922)
I disagree in one point: AI is so low that it almost doesnt matter what do you do or what dont do, you also can win by
-building only huge ships with lot of firepower and dont hesitate to declare war to some aliens just because they are ugly
-capture resourceful planets no matters how many invasions pods it takes you need new bases all the time. On minor planets wipe out the surface and capture it to deny it to enemy.
-dont build any defensive structure, use slow but heavily armed ships to block star lanes that connect to other empires and arent being used by the main fleet.
-research weapons, shields or armor. Also ship size is very important, the bigger they are, the harder they strike.

I was on my bad side of the bed but the ai of this game is a big deception

The AI doesn't coordinate its attacks either - they'll send ships to your planets but only one at a time so with a few shields and long range defenses, they don't stand a chance.

Mrylanxus 11-08-2009 05:13 AM

An Online Manual
If anyone is interested, I created an online manual here:


Hope y'all enjoy.


Borodin 12-08-2009 04:10 PM

Nice, Mrylanxus. Thank's for creating that.

I really do wish the Ascendancy team had done more with the AI, or that someone else would recreate the game with improvements in that respect. Otherwise, it's a classic.

Dewion 23-09-2009 03:33 PM

a stupid question
hey everyone, been playing this game for sometime and yet i haven't figured how to abandon a planet. it's probly very easy, i just haven't realized it and i believe i have tried every key and way it could possible be. i wonder how close i have been, i even tried to shoot my planet. :D

btw, this really is an awesome game, although i hate micro-management..

_r.u.s.s. 25-09-2009 08:30 AM

to leave the planet you have to kill yourself

kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself

Oskatat 28-09-2009 10:39 AM

go to the 'system screen' (you know, with the planets floating in space), select the planet and at the bottom right corner, click the fleet/planet with the red circle across

always useful if you just wanted that historical dig

also, at some point, you may just colonize some smaller plannets, or when you previously colonized them, and stop upgrading them. Maybe work on it untill you have defences up, but otherwise, it really adds to micromanagement. Next, dont work on more than 8 big planets at the same time (except the beginning of the game). Choose a few plannets for ship construction, make the rest science and ! stop building the science planets as soon as you researched everything ! . You may think more planets for ship construction is good, but if you need that many shipyards in the first place, you are doing something wrong

El Quia 30-09-2009 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 383874)
to leave the planet you have to kill yourself

kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself


Eagle of Fire 30-09-2009 03:53 PM

There is no point in abandoning planets. Even planets which are totally black can be terraformed once the right technology is researched.

Abandoning planets only reduce your efficiency in the long run.

Oskatat 01-10-2009 04:21 PM

well, that wasnt really the issue, was it? it was about cutting down micro management. I actually keep small planets. for what? missile bases. dont bother building anything else, it will just give you headaches and make you feel oblidged to improve the planet. Its almost the only thing the ai got right: dont devellop small planets, its not worth your time and effort. Where they miss out on is defensive insight.

And yes, early on, that one science station that you are able to build on your 8 square big planet, after 20 turns since there is only place for 1 factory, will really have a great impact and when you can terraform the whole planet (and automize) it will also really improve your efficiency

Eagle of Fire 01-10-2009 05:53 PM


Its almost the only thing the ai got right: dont devellop small planets,
I strongly disagree. That's one of the major reason why I think the AI in this game really suck: they simply can't do anything right.

I always colonize all the planets which are available for me. I of course colonize the most useful planets first... But leaving uncolonized planets in your systems only lead to big and even bigger problems in the long run.

Here is the list of the bigger problems in order of importance:
  • 1: Production, ressources and especially population in strategy games are exponential. Meaning that the better the start of your civilization, the higher the maximum end output will be. This can be reflected in mathematics as a linear graphic. The maximum possible is a straight line from the very start to the very end, while the real output would usually be lower with a lot of curves with human players.

    Leaving opportunities behind, those you can accomplish and which can't harm you in the short or long run, simply serve to lower your maximum output. There is no way around this fact, other that you of course don't need the maximum output to win most strategy games (especially not Ascendancy).

    Since you practically give out free resources and, more importantly, free research away by not colonizing all the planets that you have at your disposal... You are giving away part of your total production and speed of research.
  • 2: Not colonizing all the planets in a system right away often lead in having them claimed by an opponent. They can then in turn create an outpost and, if not taken care of swiftly, can be a real pain in the behind. Sometimes you need to take care of a huge territory with a small amount of ships and it's simply impossible or really hard for you to react fast enough, and you get stuck with the problem.

    Colonizing all your planets right away nullifies this problem since the AIs in this game are too dumb to colonize the most nearby worlds by force. They prefer to design and send "colonizers" to the nearest uncolonized system to "expand" their territory. This of course lead to even bigger problems for AIs since it is way harder to defend further colonies efficiently, and I always end up grabbing those colonies by force. To return to the subject at hand, it also mean in the early game that colonized planets are virtually invincible up to the point when you can actually afford to build ships which are not purely designed for colonization or for attack/defense. This leave you a long time before you can worry about being invaded, peace of mind and a winning strategy.
  • 3: If you look at the definition of strategy games in the dictionary, you will probably see micro management written right next to it. MM can't be removed from good strategy games because otherwise you would end up with an automated action game commonly referred as RTS games. If you really can't stand MM, strategy games are probably not for you...


Glyphstone 03-10-2009 01:07 AM

missing CD?
I'd love to be able to play Ascendancy again, it was one of the highlights of my long-ago gaming past, but it doesn't seem to be working. I downloaded and installed the game, downloaded DOSBOX, and followed the excellent how-to guide for setting it up. It worked perfectly, attempting to run Ascendancy exactly how my XP computer does - including the CD check, where it aborted and told me to insert my Ascendancy CD. I'm pretty sure this means I need to follow the alternate DOSBOX setup where it reads off a CD-image, but does anyone know where to find one?

Mrylanxus 05-10-2009 06:25 AM

To bypass the CD requirement, your COB.CFG file (in the C:\ascend folder)must read as follows:


with a CR/LF character at the end of each line (i.e. hit the <ENTER> key).

The file COB.CFG is a DOS ASCII text file. Altering this file within Windows Notepad may result in a file that won't work (since Notepad uses a Windows ANSI standard, unless you change it). I don't know. Because I do not use Windows Notepad for any reason. I use HTML-Kit 292 since its native format, regardless of added extension, is DOS ASCII text. And it will read UNIX/LINUX text correctly which Notepad will not. (I am a Linux and UNIX user and hate Windows...)

Each of the COB files listed above MUST be in the C:\ascend folder. If not, then simply move the files with your favorite file manipulator program.

Some further help is available on my website here:


I will be the first to admit that I need to do some more work on this site, but I think it is at least good. I will never admit it is the bestest and greatest. But I think it may help.


Mrylanxus 05-10-2009 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Dewion (Post 383613)
btw, this really is an awesome game, although i hate micro-management..

If you really hate and despise micromanagement, then best advice is:

Do Not Play.

Otherwise, you have to micromanage.

There is an alternative.

When in the planet view screen, hit Ctrl+m and the planet will self manage itself. However, you may not like what this does with the planet. It may put a Research Campus on a red square, et al.

Unfortunately, if you wish to maximize each planet, you will have to micromanage.



Eagle of Fire 06-10-2009 05:14 PM

If you allow the computer to manage your planets, then you can expect the same output than AI planets.

Which is very mediocre output, at best.


Glyphstone 11-10-2009 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Mrylanxus (Post 384739)
To bypass the CD requirement, your COB.CFG file (in the C:\ascend folder)must read as follows:


with a CR/LF character at the end of each line (i.e. hit the <ENTER> key).

The file COB.CFG is a DOS ASCII text file. Altering this file within Windows Notepad may result in a file that won't work (since Notepad uses a Windows ANSI standard, unless you change it). I don't know. Because I do not use Windows Notepad for any reason. I use HTML-Kit 292 since its native format, regardless of added extension, is DOS ASCII text. And it will read UNIX/LINUX text correctly which Notepad will not. (I am a Linux and UNIX user and hate Windows...)

Each of the COB files listed above MUST be in the C:\ascend folder. If not, then simply move the files with your favorite file manipulator program.

Some further help is available on my website here:


I will be the first to admit that I need to do some more work on this site, but I think it is at least good. I will never admit it is the bestest and greatest. But I think it may help.


Cool site - I loved how much fluff went into the manual, and you've copied a lot of it in.

unfortunately, your fix doesn't seem to work for me, so I'm doing something wrong. I edited the .CFG file with HTML-KIT 292 to read the following:


and it still wants the CD to run it. I also tried


removing Line 4 entirely, but the problem persisted.

Luchsen 11-10-2009 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Mrylanxus (Post 384739)
Each of the COB files listed above MUST be in the C:\ascend folder. If not, then simply move the files with your favorite file manipulator program.


Luchsen 11-10-2009 11:26 AM

In response to the config changes:


Originally Posted by dosraider (Post 385236)
Once again I repeat: the game runs fine in dosbox as is downable from AB.
The only thing I changed was the folder name, from ascedancy to ascend.
No problem whatsoever.
To conclude:
Delete your old folder and start over from scratch, you screwed up the cfg file.

Also tested: you even can dragdrop ascend.exe on the dosbox shortcut.

justkc 12-10-2009 07:26 PM

I've had some time trying to figure out the mechanics of this game w/o using a manual, but I've about got it down. It's a very imaginative game, but the interface....sigh. The galaxy map was cool, but quickly became cumbersome later in the game trying to find certain planets.

And, as said in the review, the AI can be spanked. Definitely try the antagonizer patch.

Eagle of Fire 13-10-2009 04:36 AM

I wish the antagonizer patch did anything more than simply turn the AI into crazy opponents who simply turn on you based on a timer.

It is however not like it changed anything for me at all except that I don't have to declare war to the AIs... They do that themselves for me, and they don't even threaten my space more because of it. I blow their ships up just as well.

Oskatat 16-10-2009 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 384502)
I strongly disagree. That's one of the major reason why I think the AI in this game really suck: they simply can't do anything right.

I always colonize all the planets which are available for me. I of course colonize the most useful planets first... But leaving uncolonized planets in your systems only lead to big and even bigger problems in the long run.

Here is the list of the bigger problems in order of importance:
  • 1: Production, ressources and especially population in strategy games are exponential. Meaning that the better the start of your civilization, the higher the maximum end output will be. This can be reflected in mathematics as a linear graphic. The maximum possible is a straight line from the very start to the very end, while the real output would usually be lower with a lot of curves with human players.

    Leaving opportunities behind, those you can accomplish and which can't harm you in the short or long run, simply serve to lower your maximum output. There is no way around this fact, other that you of course don't need the maximum output to win most strategy games (especially not Ascendancy).

    Since you practically give out free resources and, more importantly, free research away by not colonizing all the planets that you have at your disposal... You are giving away part of your total production and speed of research.
  • 2: Not colonizing all the planets in a system right away often lead in having them claimed by an opponent. They can then in turn create an outpost and, if not taken care of swiftly, can be a real pain in the behind. Sometimes you need to take care of a huge territory with a small amount of ships and it's simply impossible or really hard for you to react fast enough, and you get stuck with the problem.

    Colonizing all your planets right away nullifies this problem since the AIs in this game are too dumb to colonize the most nearby worlds by force. They prefer to design and send "colonizers" to the nearest uncolonized system to "expand" their territory. This of course lead to even bigger problems for AIs since it is way harder to defend further colonies efficiently, and I always end up grabbing those colonies by force. To return to the subject at hand, it also mean in the early game that colonized planets are virtually invincible up to the point when you can actually afford to build ships which are not purely designed for colonization or for attack/defense. This leave you a long time before you can worry about being invaded, peace of mind and a winning strategy.
  • 3: If you look at the definition of strategy games in the dictionary, you will probably see micro management written right next to it. MM can't be removed from good strategy games because otherwise you would end up with an automated action game commonly referred as RTS games. If you really can't stand MM, strategy games are probably not for you...


1: yes, but, as you mentioned it is important to get the bigger and better planets first. nothing i said gainsays that

2: read again. theword i used is devellop. I am very sure i mentioned the use of smaller planets as defence bases

3: this is not about not standing micro management. Have you played a game in which you had to mm60+ planets? that is what this is about, finding a balance between game enjoyment, and you cant tell me you enjoy 30 minutes of looking at "this planet completed this" screens, and strategy elements

as i mentioned, in the early game, the 1, 2 or maybe 4 science points from a small planet count, just like you say. Later on, they dont matter as much, and you can leave the micromanagement behind of updating those planets to your current tech and upgrading other small fry. They'll never be a big contribution, not compared to the other efforts.

The AI wont colonize small planets or moons, no fear for shared systems...

Zaru 14-11-2009 08:56 AM

I've not played this title for some time now until last week. The game is quite nice, I must say, but the micromanagement, while fun with less than 10 planets, gets really annoying and tedious when your empire reaches several dozens of them.
The planet auto-management is completely broken with the computer AI building structures on inappropriate squares and picking some crazy facility combinations. I just can't believe construction queue was not implemented here. I mean, the game just asks for it. And even hardcore strategy geeks will find it annoying to manually set construction orders for each planet every time a structure is build on them.

3: If you look at the definition of strategy games in the dictionary, you will probably see micro management written right next to it. MM can't be removed from good strategy games because otherwise you would end up with an automated action game commonly referred as RTS games. If you really can't stand MM, strategy games are probably not for you...
I will never agree with such a statement. The thing with the strategy games is they make you to think on your next moves. They force you to do a long time planning. But how can you do long time planning when you're constantly bothered by hundreds of tedious build reports coming from each of your hundreds of planets every single game day? And if you really want good colonies, you have to micromanage them because of said AI. But why micromanage when, from the very beginning of the game, you already have the idea from what structures each planet's surface should consist of? I just see no point in MM in such a wide-scale game.


1: yes, but, as you mentioned it is important to get the bigger and better planets first. nothing i said gainsays that
I think the planets you should get to with the highest priority are those with Xeno digs, even if such a planet is the smallest in the whole system. Xeno digs are uber-important, but I'm sure it's already been said here. With their help I've been able to reach the maximum technology level with my Govoroms by turn 1700 (and I'm sure that with aggressive expansion it can be achieved a lot, lot earlier). Right now I'm dismantling all my laboratories and building industrial mega facilities instead, to produce those hi-tech capital ships while other races are still using pulsers.

The Fifth Horseman 14-11-2009 10:55 AM

You could get faster on the tech tree with Chamachies.

Zaru 14-11-2009 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 388187)
You could get faster on the tech tree with Chamachies.

Are those the one with a special ability that allows you to instantly discover a technology that is currently being researched? Yeah, I guess they would let you reach the tek-peak real fast. Combined with xeno digs... it's scary to even think about it.:drool:

Speaking of races... What I like about this game is that it allows you to play very unique looking alien races. Also, that is one of the very few 4X games (if not the only one) that doesn't include humans.

Mrylanxus 25-11-2009 09:40 PM

Well, finally got around to fixing some errors on the Ascendency site I created.

-- Fixed an error in the Research Screen cheats.
-- Added an animation showing how the planets orbit the star.
-- Fixed numerous typo errors.
-- There are probably others I can't remember.



liamloga 09-12-2009 09:54 PM

how do i run this game? sorry i am a n00b(self insulting) i am using a vista

The Fifth Horseman 09-12-2009 10:12 PM


Borodin 10-12-2009 12:35 AM

We really should have a popup that appears whenever someone first visits the site, offering the words, "Whatever you want to ask, the answer is DOSBox," with an appropriate link. Would save time.

another_guest 10-12-2009 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Borodin (Post 390461)
We really should have a popup that appears whenever someone first visits the site, offering the words, "Whatever you want to ask, the answer is DOSBox," with an appropriate link. Would save time.

Indeed :) that and the "why are some games not available for download" response...
That being said, I'm amazed at the patience of some people here who keep answering nicely, e.g. The Fifth Horseman :thumbs:

The Fifth Horseman 10-12-2009 02:47 PM

You mean you didn't see my evil alter ego tear off his head? :p

Saccade 10-12-2009 03:12 PM

We have been playing with the idea of DosBox internment/concentration camps for people (mandatory 2 week stays for new sign-ups), but we still need to secure funding from the "re-education through labour" people...

Eagle of Fire 10-12-2009 05:19 PM

And I'm not nice enough to be mentionned? :(

Or am I the evil alter-ego? :p

liamloga 12-12-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 390456)

sorry about being so needy but how do i run games on dosbox using a vista? sorry:wall:

dosraider 12-12-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by liamloga (Post 390783)
sorry about being so needy but how do i run games on dosbox using a vista? sorry:wall:

Take a look at the tutorial section:

The Fifth Horseman 12-12-2009 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by liamloga (Post 390783)
sorry about being so needy but how do i run games on dosbox using a vista? sorry:wall:

What I linked you to was a tutorial for beginners.
You didn't bother to read it, did you?

Takahashi 08-07-2010 07:36 PM

Currently playin' the "unofficial soundtrack" I found the other day... draggin' me back to an age when I actually had time to do stuff I wanted to do... :max:

Silver Duran 10-07-2010 01:32 AM

I used to play this game a lot as a kid, and i still love it. and it can keep me busy for hours on end. I'm glad I was able to find it on this site :)

Oskatat 14-07-2010 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 390789)
What I linked you to was a tutorial for beginners.
You didn't bother to read it, did you?

if you didnt know yet, to add to the Horsemans post, you need dosbox to run most of the very old games. it simulates the old DOS environment for it. There are many programs around that simulate such "environments". Dosbox is one of the best for DOS games (not for high seas trader) but there are also simulators (called emulators) for, for example, playstation, nintendo or nintendo gameboy platforms. I assume the term platform is known to you

to reply/add to some old posts, galactic civilizations is in some ways very much the same, though quite different. the map, for example isnt 3d, you can just look at it from different angles. costumizing starships is fun, making em beatifull may take time though.

to add some advice for this game actually, i usually colonize ALL planets in a system. Even at the highest ai settings with some patches, the AI still ignores planets without improvements. Having only orbital batteries in place basically means they'll ignore it even as it is shooting at it. Having long range orbital whoppers in several orbits will destroy any enemy before he can invade. system defence batteries. Wont work when the planet revolves around the sun and cant hit the enmey, but its worth that posibility

expanding moon colonies to full colonies is NOT worth it, nor is it for any colony without significant bonuses, since by this time your economy and research dont need it anyway. Having a weapons platform being ignored can be wrth much more

note also that planetary shields have a HP total and any attack lowers it, and it never, or very slowly degrades/increases strength again. Once a planet has been attacked it is usually best to replace the shield. Having more whoppers (are you sure this game isnt sponsored by burgerking) is better than more shields, also since you wont know which one to replace

to be honest, even with ai patches etc, this was one of the easiest strategy games i played

Adenosine 16-07-2010 08:41 PM

It was a cool game and I really liked it when I was a kid.
Especially the ship design section and the assortment of highly original alien species got me :)

But it also got a lot of flaws:
Tedious colony managment with exponentially increasing overhead
Unfair , cheating , but nevertheless stupid AI
Fiddly and confusing navigation
NO MULTIPLAYER (that one really pissed me off)

But still a game of high nostalgic value for me :OK:

cizra 24-07-2010 08:07 AM

Tech tree
2 Attachment(s)
Hi there. I took the trouble of writing down the tech tree and generating a nice directed graph out of it, so I'm attaching it to this page. If you notice any mistakes, or if you even just find it useful or interesting, give me a message.

arakish 04-09-2010 01:32 PM

I have made some additions to the website I posted here.

I forgot my password and since use hotmail, had to make new profile.

The website is now hosted here.


Of course, this site is an OWIP (ongoing work in progress). As get new stuff to add, I'll do so and post here.


Oskatat 04-09-2010 07:48 PM

i read your guide only a bit and i already have 2 points of issue:

yes you can build more growth buildings, but it may take space that you cant spare and then, later on you'll have to demolish it. waiting some turns istn that much a hassle and actually keeps down your micromanagement

and your most powerful weapon? ridiculous, since it cant be used unlimited times and you still need weapons to kill someone. yes it works fine against an opponent who brings only one ship, BUT it doesnt actually guarantee a complete energy drain, so the ship may still fire on you. Its in the wrong category: most useful MISC, but not the best weapon, since it wont destroy anythin. I challenge you to destroy some orbital defences with a ship with only this "weapon"

also, habitats and similar structures are very, very, no not just very but completely useless as soon as you can automize structures. destroying them is again a pain in the micromanagement butt. And destroy them you should because they just take the space of actually productive units

i find it better usually to wait for that, and just use high industry or inherently large planets for my first shipyards

on the megaprojects: if your tiny planet will support only a few colonist, maybe you should first build a factory or farm, then the other from what you just had ans simply not worry about it. i know small planets are not "worth their effort" economic wise, but, as i said before, they make great system batteries, for an enemy will usually try the best planet first

I've found moon like planets to be extraordinairy good defensive platforms. dont even bothe with shields most of the time, those planets will be ignored

placing the colony on a green square also renders it useless to any farm you want to build on it, so consider carefully!

arakish 09-09-2010 05:00 AM

Thanks Oskatat. Good Points and thanks for pointing them out.

I edited those two pages on my site. I left the original text and added Errata.



Oskatat 09-09-2010 06:45 AM

wanted to clarify the green square thing:
if its a big planet and has only a few green squares (you know which type i mean) you'll be better off building farms there. Those planets, dispite their lack of bonus squares, are often great for shipyards for the sheer quantity of space available, which ofcourse is no longer an issue after you discover terraforming

one concession: those buildings that improve planet size can be useful. When you are playing in a smaller size galaxy, with fewer planets, it is a critical point in improving production. In larger galaxies, you'll gain more advantage by expanding to new colonies and leaving your older planets to plot along untill you can terraform and automate. Even then, your tactic is probably more powerfull, but as your empire grows, you dont want to spend an hour per turn on buildings, i hope

races: i'd like to see a description and your view on the races and their benefits
i usually prefer to play those gas clouds, the lizard thingies (chamanchy?) or the gaians, though the last one can be frustrating at times, since its power only affects your smallest pop. planet, not any planet you choose. If anyone can hack the game and code that they'd be insanely powerful!

also my view on misc:
molecular tie down; bring to a halt any enemy ship and take pot shots at it with orbitals and any other ships
positron bouncer; why drain a ships energy? this baby will bounce em so far away, by the time they are back they wont be able to fire weapons
myrmidonic carbonizer; Is actually a weapon, but its like an axe. enemy to close and they get hit with the wood, too far and you dont hit either, right range, instant kill often. If anyone wants to figure out right range, applause
Lane destabilizer; not only to get your ships there all at once, but also to get your enemy there when you're completely ready and dont feel like waiting ________
speeding up red lane travel: any red lane you control, put a ship with a lane destabilizer at one end and cut your journeys short by many, many turns, just make sure there is a refit nearby
Accutron; increases all weapon range, what more to ask?
Remote repair: useful yet not essential, mostly important for guarding ships that cant be allowed to withdraw for the time it takes to repair em

as for weapons... Range is of the essence, since there are so many ways to push someone away. It is also of the essence to bombard planets without getting whopped (is this game sponsored by BK or what? orbital whoppers?)
the only requirement is that you research energy sources enough to keep up with your weaopns. Since energy is kind of the most important to any ship, this was some useless advice. However, in energy provided and firepower shown, you dont have to play even with ship design
my favorites are the molecular disassosiator, the plasmatron and hypersphere driver, all for range, but good damage too. However, killing someone before they can hurt you is really part of the plan, or as mentioned before, pushing them away as soon as they get close enough and THEN killing them

defences: if you play it right, you will hardly need them

sensors: nice, but hardly needed, it wouls only be needed if you could actually use the data, but any weapons that destroy specials etc are all still random, even when you know what you want to target

again nice, but after a certain point not needed. When you can cross a star system in one go, you really dont need more engines (hardly ever more than two, one always)

hyperspace: all ships should have it, unless they are at a sector with a refit (if not a shipyard) where they are supposed to stay and die defending

computergoodguy 26-10-2010 08:43 PM

you build them in space

Sgt_V3n0m 19-02-2011 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by arakish (Post 413168)
I have made some additions to the website I posted here.

I forgot my password and since use hotmail, had to make new profile.

The website is now hosted here.


Of course, this site is an OWIP (ongoing work in progress). As get new stuff to add, I'll do so and post here.


When was the game put under the ESA again? Cause from what I've read you used to be able to DL it from Abandonia before. :cry:

DarthHelmet86 19-02-2011 04:35 AM

Either this was corrected when we got in trouble the first time and the download was removed or it has been found to be sold by a legitimate company and has been removed due to that.

The Fifth Horseman 19-02-2011 07:26 AM

We were sent a request to remove this title earlier this month. I forgot to leave a note about this.

VulcanTourist 20-03-2011 06:47 AM

There's a reason for the C&D:
They converted the original game recently into a mobile app (IIRC it was for the iPhone). I didn't save a link to it because I had no intention of encouraging them after 15 years of complete total apathy (and no promised sequel). That's why they're enforcing the IP so belatedly.

The Fifth Horseman 20-03-2011 08:08 AM

Oddly enough, they never confirmed their authorship of the C&D (as was requested - anyone can use the contact form).

Sgt_V3n0m 06-08-2011 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 424849)
Oddly enough, they never confirmed their authorship of the C&D (as was requested - anyone can use the contact form).

Hmmm, if they didn't prove that they own it, can't you contact them and ask them for proof then? Because if they didn't provide proof, maybe they weren't the owners of the Copyright, in which case it can be put back up on AB! :D

I kinda hope that that's the case, this game looks bloody awesome and I would love to try it out.

Borodin 08-08-2011 01:30 AM

Todd Templeton wrote me in January this year about Ascendancy, since I'd given them a very enthusiastic thumbs up review, many years ago, on its release. He was looking for a review of the mobile app, it turns out, and dropped the contact quickly when he found out I don't look at those.

Don't know if that helps, but it was from him, for what that's worth.

arakish 23-09-2011 06:56 AM

Well, been gone for quite awhile again. RL won't leave me alone.

I have moved my Ascendancy online handbook. Link below is the new official one.


Added a little addenda blurb about Logic Factory re-releasing Ascendancy for iOS. Wonder if this version is better. But I don't ever plan on owning any iOS thing again. Cool items, but I don't like them.

As requested, I have been working on adding my thoughts on playing each of the species and playing against them. I am only up to the Baliflids (I think). I will get to them all as I can and will post when I get ur done.

For all those who missed the chance, sorry you cannot get it free anymore. I still have the original CD.


MrGoatMonkey 31-01-2012 05:12 PM

So does anyone know if any of the legal (semi-legal?) download sites have this game available? I'm late to the party and just found out about sites like Abandonia, GOG, etc. I'm not a big video game person, so it's usually not worth paying a lot of money for them. I get bored after a few days. Still, I paid $5 for SimCity 2000, and that entertained me for a weekend.

Is this one of those issues where the copyright holder is going to refuse to release the original game because they think it would hurt sales of their stupid iCrap version? Bah.... Even if I had an iPhone, I wouldn't buy it.


The Fifth Horseman 31-01-2012 09:01 PM


Is this one of those issues where the copyright holder is going to refuse to release the original game because they think it would hurt sales of their stupid iCrap version?
It is. Unfortunately, if a there's a reason a game does not qualify as abandonware (and the copyright owners' interest in it certainly counts), it also prevents us from providing assistance for obtaining it in any other fashion.

My advice? Contact Logic Factory, ask them if they have any intention of re-releasing the PC version of the game - for example through

Oskatat 13-05-2012 03:48 PM

been playing a long time now in antag mod to make the ai smarter on using planets. Aside from them actively using the dig sites, I havn't seen much improvement

Eagle of Fire 14-05-2012 03:29 AM

You're unfortunately right. I never seen a difference either.

I think the only difference is that they are more prone to declare war early. This mean that in a game in which your home node have a lot of open nodes around then it might get a little hard to fight them all at once. But I most often than not start in a dead end style of system anyways and it really change nothing in the short or long run.

Borodin 17-05-2012 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 442383)
You're unfortunately right. I never seen a difference either.

Nor have I. They're more aggressive about declaring war. Otherwise, they're no wiser about planetary construction, battles, or diplomacy.

jamotide 26-05-2012 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Borodin (Post 442500)
Nor have I. They're more aggressive about declaring war. Otherwise, they're no wiser about planetary construction, battles, or diplomacy.

Well, the readme file of the antag patch says that it makes the AI more aggressive and gives it an advantage in industry and research. Pretty much standard difficulty increase in all strategy games.

Eagle of Fire 26-05-2012 09:58 PM

True. The problem is that it is completely unnoticeable in game for veteran strategy gamers like us.

I've always considered Ascendancy a great game for strategy game newbies.

Borodin 31-05-2012 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by jamotide (Post 442784)
Well, the readme file of the antag patch says that it makes the AI more aggressive and gives it an advantage in industry and research. Pretty much standard difficulty increase in all strategy games.

Indeed. A smarter AI would have needed a much more extensive rules set. The cheap way out is unfortunately giving the AI special benefits and making it more likely to declare war on the human player--which as you point out, is pretty standard on higher difficulty levels for strategy games.

I really do wish somebody somebody would redo Ascendancy.

Nicheal 17-07-2012 08:46 PM

Hi Folks!

Has anybody in here ever played the Logic Factories 2011 Android Version?
The Graphics look better, seems buggy, but is the AI better now?
Would be a Reason for me getting an iPad...


Tried that Sojurn Mod, does not work. Downloaded both, the no-CD
Ascendancy Version and the Antagonizer Patch. Own the Game itself,
but no-CD is better for me and my DOS-Box...


That Antagonizer had two Problems once, i think: No Internet available 1995,
and it does nothing better, but even worse. Yes, all the AI Enemies make
War, not Love, with the Human Player, but they love each other it seems...
Logic Factory thought perhaps, that will cause huger AI Fleets cause no
Ships are destroyed AI versus AI, that will cause much more Planet Buildings AI,
cause the less Effort of Ship-Building, and that will cause much more Science.

Wrong thought. Its boring that the AI makes War only versus Human Player,
and War AI versus AI moderns the destroyed AI Fleets, and builds up huger
AI Empires by Extinction of the others... and THAT causes huger AI Fleets,
much more Planet Buildings while the other Planets build Ships, and much
more Science... the Antagonizer is much more aggressive, but its Diplomacy
fails at last, and its Ship-Building is even worse, cause of the many Colonizer-
and Invader-only Ships. That all is my Opinion.

But what i wanted to say to you all, which dream about a better Ascendancy.
Try the NotePad-Editor and the Modification of the Ascend00.COB File.
There you can easily modify the whole Ship-Stuff, the whole Planet-Stuff,
Solar System Names, much more aggressive Diplomacy and so on!!!


My Ascendancy Mod is quite finished and a damned aggressive and super Game.
And what i dreamed about since 1996 when i played that classic Game first,
came true: These Enemies are damned aggressive like in Antagonizer,
but damned aggressive all versus all. I managed to create an Ascendancy Mod,
in which the damned stupid AI is even better than the Human Player, and while
its Ships are still damned stupid, ... or far beyond of even damned stupid...
it is a bit nasty being beaten by a huge AI Fleet and Weapons far better than the own...

i wanted to tell all the Ascendancy Fans out there: It is possible to modify
Ascendancy to get a much much much much better!!! Game.

And if there would be a legal Way to share my Ascendancy Mod with you,
i would do, cause a Dream came true!!!

My Mod is damned heavy and a real Joy and Challenge for an Ascendancy Fan like me...


O yes, and by the way... i use the original Ascend.exe, the no-CD Ascend.exe, and it is really great!

Eagle of Fire 17-07-2012 10:21 PM

Why would it take so much space? Simply copy the files you modded and offer your mod to those who already have the game.

This game has been up on the site for a very long time. Many if not most of the old members here have it already.

The Fifth Horseman 17-07-2012 10:37 PM

Edit that file using Notepad O.o
I'm not sure if you realise it's binary data and not just plaintext. Notepad will fuck that up completely.

What you should be doing is use COBExtractor to unpack the COB file and edit its' constituent files before using COBExtractor to repack them into a new COB.
You can get COBExtractor here: (just click the [V] icon, the detail pages are broken), and has instructions on using it. The Mod Guide explains a bit more about the actual files inside the COB and editing them:

Nicheal 17-07-2012 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 444083)
Why would it take so much space? Simply copy
the files you modded and offer your mod to those who already have the game.

This game has been up on the site for a very long time. Many if not most of
the old members here have it already.

no. Why is Ascendancy NOT available in here? "esa protected", that means,
that the Logic Factory is interested in its Deal "Ascendancy as Universal App",
and NOT interested in another Downloads "Ascendancy as poor old PC Game".
If it would be in the Logic Factories Interests, Ascendancy would be downloadable.
So it is NOT in the Logic Factories Interests, to make Ascendancy or Mods available,
and so it is illegal to "simply copy modified Files in here"... i think.

The Logic Factory probably asked Abandonia for stopping the Ascendancy Download,
for bringing the Deal with the AppStore on its Way as exclusive Product,
and so every modified File would probably be deleted by Abandonia.

If @The Fifth Horseman or if @Abandonia or @The Logic Factory
allow to upload my Modded Files, i would do. Not more than 1 MB.

@The Fifth Horseman


I'm not sure if you realise it's binary data and not just plaintext.
i do not know nothing about that binary data stuff.
But you should have visited the Ascend00.COB FIRST, and THEN tell yours...
the Ascend01 and Ascend02.COB are completely encoded Data Files,
including all Graphics, Sound and Programming Algorithms Stuff, but the
Ascend00.COB includes the specific Attributes and Values, Dude.

There you can simply change every Value, and you will get it into the Game!
For example to change the Turn Costs of MegaFacility, it is only necessary
to change a 120 into a 180, and if you change it into a 1200, like i did,
you have to change a blank Space into that new Sign to not getting the
Parameters malfunction, without compiling for sure.


Notepad will fuck that up completely.
that must be a modern day miracle, cause i played that already, and it kicked
my ass like i modded it in, Dude... but yes. The Programming Algorithms change
their Behavior caused by the new Data! But thats what i expected!!!

That COBExtractor did nothing, only to write a Text-Editor Notation, which
Files it found in 01 and 02.COB... and that i knew already by only reading them.
Believe me, Fifth Horseman, it damned WORX!


The Fifth Horseman 17-07-2012 11:31 PM


The Logic Factory probably asked Abandonia for stopping the Ascendancy Download,
for bringing the Deal with the AppStore on its Way as exclusive Product,

and so every modified File would probably be deleted by Abandonia.
No. As long as all you upload is the modded file, it's OK - they are useless if someone doesn't already have the game.


But you should have visited the Ascend00.COB FIRST, and THEN tell yours...
the Ascend01 and Ascend02.COB are completely encoded Data Files,
The COB format is itself a file system containing the actual data files. When editing it, you probably saw a bunch of weird symbols early in the file - that was raw binary data describing the locations of the files inside the COB.

that must be a modern day miracle, cause i played that already, and it kicked
my ass like i modded it in, Dude... but yes.
Then it is a minor miracle indeed. All it would take to mess things up is Notepad reading or saving a character or two wrong (been there, done that; using Notepad for editing something that is not plaintext is a bad idea) or merely changing the length of any file inside the COB by a single byte.


That COBExtractor did nothing, only to write a Text-Editor Notation, which
Files it found in 01 and 02.COB... and that i knew already by only reading them.
It seems you need to create directories named ascend00 ascend01 and ascend02 first. For some reason the program is unable to create them by itself.

Nicheal 17-07-2012 11:48 PM


No. As long as all you upload is the modded file, it's OK -
they are useless if someone doesn't already have the game.
then i could upload the whole Mod, without all primary Game Files?
Wrote a small README, wrote a small BATCH File for all the three Difficulty Levels,
created three Difficulty Levels "Kicking hard", "Kicking harder", and "Please stop kicking me"...



The COB format is itself a file system containing the actual data files.
yeah. And encoded it is damned Work to locate every single Data, true.


When editing it, you probably saw a bunch of weird symbols early in the file -
that was raw binary data describing the locations of the files inside the COB.
yeah, too.


Then it is a minor miracle indeed. All it would take to mess things up is Notepad
reading or saving a character or two wrong (been there, done that; using Notepad for editing
something that is not plaintext is a bad idea)
or merely changing the length of any file inside the COB by a single byte.
Totally right. To change binary encoded Material is senseless, and causes
a total Malfunction, for sure. To add only one Byte to the Ascend00.COB,
it causes the same. But i change Bytes without doing any other Changes,
and thats enough to give Ascendancy a new... Bite, and thats a Miracle,
i was so happy about, so i told you. That this little Ascend00.COB and this
little Modification causes a brandnew Feeling, and thats a Miracle, i could
have done ten Years ago...


It seems you need to create directories named ascend00 ascend01 and ascend02 first.
For some reason the program is unable to create them by itself.
nice Information...
but to change Graphics or Sound, THAT was never the Problem of Ascendancy.
To change the AI would perhaps be impossible for me, and to change what
i already changed is enough for a sweet new Bite.

I will take the whole Stuff without the whole primary Game Files, and upload,
next Days, and you will surely check...


here: a Supremacy Super Mod it seems...

here: another Guy had the same .COB Idea...

I call my Ascendancy Mod



Very proud of, and very very happy to at last be able to play Ascendancy like i ever dreamed.

Some Problems i have, cause the AI Plus in Factory/Sci must perhaps be
better balanced... it kicks heavily, and three actual Test-Games ended up with
one Extinction of the Human Player and one total Overthrow of... the Human Player.

Thats a big Problem:
I play Ascendancy not as hard as i could, a poor Practice
over the Years, but i should do, cause SUPREMACY! balances the Stupidity of the AI
by a huge Factory/Sci AI Plus, and that AI Plus might be too heavy.

I saw in Ascendancy, that to play Average Star Cluster and four/five Species will bring
a great AI Enemy perhaps, but for example the Nimbuloids in SUPREMACY! Average Star Cluster
and five Species made some bad Shots, extinct one two three, and now they are supreme,
and to win that Game will perhaps be impossible.

If you will play SUPREMACY!, you should know some Things:

-The AI is still stupid!!!
-Perhaps you will get a traditional boring Game
-Perhaps it will be a short Game (for you)
-You should play hard, SUPREMACY! is not the original Ascendancy

If i could edit the "AI Art of Ship-Building", in binary Stuff, so that the AI Ships would be better built,
less of all these special Weapons the AI does not use anyway, and more of Shields and Energy,
that would be a huge Thing to me. But now... hope you enjoy.

Take the and in your Main-Folder Ascend and unpack.
There should be 2 new Sub-Folders SUPREMACY and CRACY.
Sub-Folder SUPREMACY includes the Easy00, Middle00, PHeavy00, Heavy00, PSupreme00, Supreme00,
and Original00.COB, the RESUME.GAM, my Nougat.LF, plus the actual Ascendancy Logo, =10 Files.
Sub-Folder CRACY includes the CEasy00, CMiddle00, CCHeavy00, CHeavy00, CCCracy00, CCracy00,
TEasy00, TMiddle00, CTHeavy00, THeavy00, CTCracy00, TCracy00, and the RESUME.GAM, =13 Files.
In Main-Folder should be my BATCH File, its CHOICE.COM, my README Text, and the new SUPREME.EXE,
=4 Files.

An Absolute of 27 Files.

Unpacked, you have to choose your MOD out of these three: SUPREMACY, CRACY, TOTALLY CRACY,
and you have to choose the Difficulty out of their six available Difficulties.
To copy the chosen MOD Difficulty in Main-Folder and renaming it into ASCEND00.COB, you can use
the BATCH File, it will open by automatically using its CHOICE.COM, and offering the Options,
and automatically copy the required Files into the Main-Folder. By using the Directory:
BATCH and CHOICE must be in Main-Folder, and its required Files in Sub-Folders as i told above,
so that the BATCH can copy out of the Subs the chosen MOD Difficulty in Main-Folder and renaming it.

Or you can copy and paste one of these 3 MODs x 6 Difficulty 00.COBs in Main-Folder and renaming it
into ASCEND00.COB. You would have to take the RESUME.GAM with it, copy and paste without renaming.
But please remember, that well written and working BATCHES are a nice little Thing. Sounds complicated,
but will bring some nice Ascendancy Games.

+++Now you could play the SUPREMACY MOD Easy, Middle, Prometheus-Heavy, Heavy,
Prometheus-Supreme and Supreme Difficulty. I decided to create these new two Prometheus Difficulty Levels,
to increase the Human Players Factory Plus also. The Middle, Heavy and Supreme Difficulty Levels increase
the AI Factory Plus 20 > 30 > 40, and to increase in Prometheus 1 > 2 will bring the Human Player more Chances,
more FUN! Many Changes Ship-Stuff, Planet-Stuff, Diplomacy, Solar System Names.

+++Now you could play the CRACY MOD Easy, Middle, Cataclysm-Heavy, Heavy,
Cataclysm-Cracy and Cracy Difficulty. I decided to create these new two Cataclysm Difficulty Levels,
to increase the Human Players Factory Plus also. The Middle, Heavy and Cracy Difficulty Levels increase
the AI Factory Plus 20 > 30 > 40, and to increase in Cataclysm 1 > 2 will bring the Human Player more Chances,
more FUN! With redirected Prerequisites.

+++Now you could play the TOTALLY CRACY MOD Easy, Middle, Cataclysm-Heavy, Heavy,
Cataclysm-Totally Cracy and Totally Cracy Difficulty. I decided...
more FUN! CRACY MOD plus most Special Weapons disabled.

For Example the Lane Endoscope was useless in Original Ascendancy. You get that Special
at the End of the Tec Tree and Game, but at this Time all Solar Systems should be explored anyway...
That Special makes more Sense at the Beginning of the Game.

For Example the good old Ship-Stuff like Mass Barrage Gun or Ion Wrap, or even small Ship Hull.
All these Things i never used in Original Ascendancy. The CRACY MOD tries to redirect the
Prerequisites for some Ship-Stuff and Planet-Stuff to balance these Things.

For Example, who knows what the Gravity Distorter does, or the Fleet Disperser, or the
Gravimetric Condensor? Ascendancy includes many Specials, which are almost the same...
they are called like Sci-fantastic Super-Things, but even i forget who is who and which is for what,
and the stupid AI does not use all these Super-Things anyway... so i renamed some Stuff slightly.

And the TOTALLY CRACY MOD disables as the next and final Step the most of the Specials.
Wanted to try to change the AI Art of Ship-Building. All these Ships include many Specials,
which are never used. And all these Energy Weapons cannot be used, cause of the loaded Shields
and the less of Energy. To disable the most of the Specials brings a Plus of Energy into the AI Ships.

An old Game with a damned huge Lack in AI Planet Modernizing, Ship Modernizing, Ship Building,
Fleet Movement and Ship Battle-Actions which i cannot delete. These Things just arent programed.
The Logic Factory tells, that for Example Master of Orion 2 uses AI Cheats to increase the Challenge,
which Ascendancy does NOT, but there are only two Ways to get a Game welldone:

To program a welldone AI, or to damned cheat the AI up.
The Logic Factory tells, that in Ascendancy there are much Ways to succeed, and it is not necessary
to end up all in War, so the "damned huge Lack of the AI" is not relevant, but that Game is called
"Ascendancy", and every Game needs a Challenge, and the Lack of the AI and its Cause to kill the Game

is out of any Question, i think. I tried to increase the Games Aggression and AI Factory Plus,
tried to balance the Tec Tree and the Prerequisites of the balanced Ship-Stuff and Planet-Stuff, and
tried to do all i can modifiying just the Ascend00.COB to get a much better Game, and so
i could play the SUPREMACY MOD as basic MOD, or the CRACY MOD with redirected Prerequisites,
or the TOTALLY CRACY MOD with disabled Specials to increase the AI Ship Strength.
Did everything i could to make that old classic Game to a bite more Challenge, and to that Game, i ever wished to play.

Hm. 24.7.2012. I think, i call that sweet little MOD beta-done.
And now, for anybody who will play this...

Have Fun.


O yes, and a last Thing:
To get some Hints, or Error Messages, or Fun Messages, would be wonderful.

O yes, and a very last Thing:
Managed to do my Batch File 64bit also, hopefully it works on 64bit Systems now!!!


42/41 Downloads of Cracy, and Supremacy ZIPs. Thanks. BUT:

-REMOVED- 1.6, final Version, out now. 8.4.2013.

Passing Questioner 15-08-2012 04:38 AM

I have a question concerning this games invasion system (this was the only forum I found with an actual active thread on this old lad).

It happenend multiple times to me allready, that an enemy vessel warped into one of my perimeter systems, but stayed out of range of my orbital missile batteries. I couldn't do anything but to wait for the next day(/s - sometimes they wait), only to get a popup that my system has been invaded and taken over... .
Those perimeter planets are usually equipped with two orbital shields and three missile batteries, and yet they just sneak past them. (the last time that made me somewhat ragequit and search for solutions had even additional 2 ground shields for invasion resistence to counter this behaviour....)

I wouldn't even care so much, if it was that easy to take them back for me too (high developed production planets are bordering close to these, so I could quickly raise invasion and intercept vessels). But whenever I try this tactic, I get shot and destroyed. By the same cannons even, that just refused to shoot approaching enemys, because they belong to them now.
Every step that moves me closer to the planet is an opportunity for them to shoot, and I need multiple of them. I made the ships able to stand a bit under fire with one shield bubble, but they cannot last longer than the fourth round or so. Which wouldn't be that terrible again, since I usually reach the planets in the second round allready, but then I somehow can't enter orbit. Whenever I click the planet, my ship just vanishes and spawns around him again, as if it just left orbit. Of course the enemy is getting a free shot at me after any of these attempts.

So as a quick summary:
- My planets cannot make the same 'shot for every step they approach you' thing, that the enemy throws at me
- Instead they don't do anything to defend themselves, just let the enemy into orbit (which never worked for me in x^4 tries and fails) and get taken over so quick that I just get a notification in the next round, that something went wrong and I lost a fully developed colony, including all of their defenses to some lonely weasel marodeur ship .. nice!

So I guess I am doing something wrong - maybe some configuration I overlooked? Or is there a special commando tactic equipment - stealth maybe? (didn't research that one jet)

How to counter? What to do?

Oh, and of course I have tried enough to get these systems back by real force and just destroy all their defenses. But still being a few rounds away from large ships with allready available plasma weapons, my medium warships are just not capable of overcoming such heavily fortified planets.
So one time I assembled 3 warships at once, which is quite the armament considering, that I just owned around 10 systems at this point. ..And they failed miserably. Whenever one of them got hit, this ship and EVery other lost around 2,5 barrs of energy.
At first I thought it was some sort of unfortunate racial trait of my enemy, but then I found out.. it's not.
So jeah, I don't really get what the point of attacks with multiple ships is, since you can only use one for real - because if the enemy is able to fire back at the same rate, the rest of your ships cannot do anything anymore, since their energy is allready 'somehow' depleted.
I don't know how they are justifying such nonsense. I even had my ships coming from different lanes, so one them was far appart, but they still all loose energy. Area drain effects from mere Missile Batteries, yeah.. ok.

The game still seems to be pretty easy, but random jump-at-you border-conquering like this is really annoying. And unfair - I cannot do the same.

I hope somebody here is still fit enough in this game to help.

The Fifth Horseman 15-08-2012 11:19 AM

IIRC, the orbital weapons need to be fired manually.

Passing Questioner 15-08-2012 08:09 PM

I know, but that is not possible if the enemy stayed out of range. They wait on the edge of the system and then jump at you in one quick between turns time. You don't even see it happening.

While the player has to encounter an enemy planet stop and go wise, where every step provokes one weapon to fire, the KI is either shot with all weapons when within range, ..or just not.
So it seems, if they just have enough engines or energy to reach you in one turn, NOthing is ever going to stop them, or what?
But even if I would likewise be able to get to their planet without being shot, I would still not be able to enter orbit if there are cannons around, because that appears to be a KI only trait too.

..Different mechanics for human player and KI, I hate that. Natural unbalance.

Eagle of Fire 15-08-2012 10:17 PM

In fact, it is not even a different mechanic for the AI. It is simply that you need to be there to fire those guns manually and you are not when you end your turn.

The best way to prevent such a situation is to have a defensive ship of your own patrolling the system. The AI plain suck very big time in Ascendancy so it is more than easy to design a ship which can destroy anything in its path.

Another option would be to pass your tactical turn. I think there is an option to do that in the planetary system menu. This would take the opponent ship into range before they land to your planet and you'll get a chance to hit it.

Passing Questioner 15-08-2012 11:55 PM

Ah, thanks! Never thought of trying that out. As allways when something is obvious and easy.
I think that will do the trick \(OuO )/

Oskatat 19-08-2012 05:21 AM

It usually does. If the attacking ship has weapons it'll close in to fire, unless you outgun him a lot, usually only counting ships. If the AI is using molecular disassociators and you have orbital batteries you might be in trouble, since they'll outrange you, and however stupid, they'll sit there and shoot instead of comming within range. Where the AI then messes up is if a shorter ranged weapon got put in too, it'll now close in (if energy is left) so you can shoot it to pieces

Eagle of Fire 19-08-2012 03:40 PM

My normal tactic is to get excavations relics and get way, way ahead in tech than my opponents. Then I research weapons which outperform my enemies (early game it is the red gun) and gun them down from orbit, leaving the ship in the system to destroy whatever they try to rebuild orbitally. This prevent them from building up defenses and the AI is too stupid to build anything else so it deadlock that particular system up.

I hate shields which suck up energy as you activate them. I always use those which are way less powerful but are always active (simply don't forget to activate them when you build or refit the ship as they are built off by default) and try to stay out of range of harm. If the ship take a beating I get it back to a manufacture playet with a dock and refit the ship to get armor back (and/or better components upgrade at the same time) and rinse and repeat.

Once all the opponents planets in a given system are beaten up, a single ship firing on every planet every turn deadlock them. AI is terrible building ships too so they are not a problem either when I encounter them.

Doing this and securing checkpoints early game guarantee me the win in every single game.

Nicheal 16-12-2012 02:11 PM

Hey Guys out there!!!
Has anyone of you played my Ascendancy the Supremacy and Totally Cracy Mod?

The Download Files, and their including Batch File is 64bit now.
For sure, the Game is old, and Dos-Box, but i would think, there are still some
Gamers out there, who would like to play an advanced Ascendancy.

You have to download the two Files, HERE, and to paste the whole Stuff
into Main Directory Ascendancy and unpack. Then load the Batch
and choose one of the three Scenarios, Supremacy, Cracy, Totally Cracy,
choose one of the six Difficulty Levels, the Batch will automatically load
an Ascend00.COB, and the Resume.GAM, into Main Directory.

Then you can play Ascendancy by using the Supreme.EXE.
And then you have two Things:

-Are there new Names for the Solar Systems? If yes, lets play.
If no, my Mod was not loaded.

-Do NOT build any SciFactories, these Buildings are for stupid AI only.

Thats all.

If the Batch has not loaded automatically, look into a Sub Folder and copy
and paste one of the existing "00.COBs by renaming into Ascend00.COB,
and the Resume.GAM into Main Directory, thats all. You need only one of all
these "00.COBs renamed into Ascend00.COB, and the Resume.GAM in your
Main Directory, and Ascendancy will be whole new and much better.

And i would be happy to hear at least one Guy out there, who played the Game,
and tells me some Words, that would be fine! Have Fun.


Frank Reif 26-02-2013 06:53 AM

Better AI for Ascendancy
Hi Nichael !
Can we double or triple the generator-output for more ship-energy ?
Can we mod the ship-shields to permanently active without energy-use only if they are hit ? Can we mod that only one shield-generator is allowed to build in ?
What can we do that the AI use its ship-specials like "carbonizer" or the absolute killer
weapon "disintegrator" etc. ???
Here are my contact address and phone number:
e-mail: [SNIP]
Phone: [SNIP]

Frank Reif 27-02-2013 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Frank Reif (Post 449999)
Hi Nichael !
Can we double or triple the generator-output for more ship-energy ?
Can we mod the ship-shields to permanently active without energy-use only if they are hit ? Can we mod that only one shield-generator is allowed to build in ?
What can we do that the AI use its ship-specials like "carbonizer" or the absolute killer
weapon "disintegrator" etc. ???
Here are my contact address and phone number:
e-mail: [SNIP]
Phone: [SNIP]

Thank you Horseman for correcting my mistakes :)
Now I am registered and locked in to send a message to Nicheal.
Its easier for me to speak in German by Phone :)

Nicheal 10-03-2013 02:54 PM



For all Guys out there, loving the good old Classic,
but crying,
cause of the damned huge Lack of AI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That Guy, Frank Reif, had some damned good Ideas modding Ascendancy,
and we reached finally, that the damned AI Ships shoot with Disintegrator,
Brunswik Dissipator, Myrmidonic Carbonizer, and all the other Stuff.

Now, finally, the AI chooses the very Hard Weapons, too!!!
For all Fans of Ascendancy out there: They damned hit badly, by Disintegrator!!!
That caused me, to modd a new Mod. Coming soon (like Space Rangers HD...)


Ever read the Ascendancy, and Logic Factories Homepage News,
"they are currently working on Ascendancy 2"... i dont believe anything,
these Guys tell. Eighteen Years since their Antag.exe, and nothing else,
but an iOS Version of Ascendancy "including the Antag.exe"...............
whats that? A Poison Cake? I´ll never wait for Ascendancy 2, it´ll never come,
these Guys tell a crispy Nothing, "our current Progress depends on how
good the iOS Version makes"... hahaha!!! IF that depends on that,
after eighteen Years, that damned Hell is frozen, i think.

Dozens of better SciFi Games out there, nobody needs Ascendancy anymore.
A handful Guys working lowbudget on anything, and trying to reach the Train...
tuuut tuuut! Better, to modd the good ol´ Ascendancy, thats more intelligent,
than to wait for Ascendancy 2, which will perhaps never come.

-It would have been better anyway, for the Logic Factory, to ever and ever
release Addons and small Ascendancy Patches, Year by Year, than doing quite nothing.-


-At the Moment i wait for the excellent Space Rangers HD - A War Apart",
and Frank and me, we have finally reached to make possible, the damned
stupid AI Ships shoot with all the Hard Weapons, satisfying very much, Folks!!!

Have nice Days!!!



GOLDEN EDIT, 17.3., one Week later:

Folks... this Crazy Franky had some other most crazy (and working!) Ideas...
and it seems, that we got almost everything working quite Thunder!!!
The Antag.exe, of which i was no Fan EVER, cause it broke the Diplomacy,
and made many damned sad Mistakes in Ship Buildings, seems to rock now.
The Goods and Bads Antag.exe and Ascend.exe are:

+++Planetary Management
+++Ship Movement
---Diplomacy War only versus Human Player
---Ship Building

Ascend.exe (plus my MOD)
---Planetary Management
---Ship Movement
+++Diplomacy super
+++Ship Building

Now the Antag.exe works quite well in every Ways.
It is a real Joy, for a longtime Ascendancy Fan like me,
-having surrendered already, long time ago, playing that good ol´ Classic
quite badass-, and to see right now, that the Antag.exe rocks now,
and that almost EVERYTHING does, like i ever wished to play!!!

One of the most amazing Wonders, and a Kind of Modding,
i have never expected. Folks, that MOD will be Ascendancy,
like we (some true Ascendancy Fans out there) ever wished to play!!!




PLATINUM EDIT, 20.3., 1.3 Release:

Tweaking and tweaking, it was heavy enough.
Now Ascendancy and its Antag.exe work fine. The AI Ships shoot with
Disintegrators and Carbonizers, the Game is heavy to play now.

Did what we can, Crazy Franky and me, to mod that damned Thing.
You will find after unpacking the DELYXE.ZIP a Sub-Folder Delyxe, the two
.exe Antag.exe and Ascend.exe, one small Change in, Ascendancy into !!DELYXE!!,
the 64 bit BATCH FILE and the README Links.

These Things you have to copy into your Main Directory Ascendancy.
Open the BATCH FILE, follow the Options, to load the DELYXE MOD,
or the HEAVY DELYXE MOD. Both have redirected Prerequisites, so that the
Ship-Stuff and Planet-Stuff need another Tecs to enable. Both have the
whole Weapons and Special Weapons, but the HEAVY DELYXE MOD has
deleted unnecessary Specials, to increase the Strength of Energy of AI Ships,
and the Weapon Powers.

The BATCH FILE will automatically load the required MOD 00.COB into the
Main Directory, one of the six Difficulty Levels of both MODs:

Easy, EasyPlus, Middle, MiddlePlus, Heavy, HeavyPlus.

The Plus is increased Factory Output for Human Player.
The Heavy Difficulty is the most heavy one, without Factory Plus.

The Heavy Difficulty of the HEAVY DELYXE MOD is the most heavy one EVER.

So, unpack your DELYXE.ZIP, copy all into Main Directory Ascendancy,
load the BATCH FILE, follow the Options to load automatically one of the two
MODs and one of the six Difficulty Levels, and play:

Do NOT research the AI Steel and Armor Tec, for AI ONLY!
Do NOT build SciFactories, for AI ONLY!

Use the Antag.exe in Peaceful Mode.



And now, all the true Ascendancy Fans out there: Have Fun.



Bad Notice the 22.3.2013:


Get a DOMAIN ERROR SQRT Message, and a <..\race.cpp> Line 5683 Message,
then the Game crashes. Overwrote some Values too much.
Franky told me some good Ideas, after that, i got totally cracy, to mod
all that Stuff quite harder, BUT: You could SLIGHTLY change by Notepad++,
NOT too much! The Problem is:

If you add one single Bit by Notepad++, the Game crashes at the Beginning.

[If you google for Legolas Modding Tools, or Ascendancy Modding Tools, you´ll find

that. You can extract the 00., 01., 02.COBs, but by the Win Command
"HDD:\Folder\COBExtract.exe" ascend0x.cob /raw
and the Win Command
"HDD:\Folder\COBExtract.ext" ascend0x.cobfilelist /create

To unpack the 00.COB by raw Command, you´ll get all the Text Files. There you could edit
nearly every single Text, and by create Command, your 00.COB will work.]

Example: Weapon Power from 5 to 6. Thats ok. Weapon Power from 5 to 15.
Thats ok too, cause you delete one Space, and you write another Number instead,
WITHIN THE DOMAIN of that Chapter. But if you add between the Values too much,
you overstep a Domain Value, into another.
Example: Weapon Power from 5 to 105. Thats too much, cause you overstep
the maximum Domain, Chapter Size, it seems like. You surely could delete
one Bit later in the Line, so the Game opens. But the maximum Domain Size
is broken, so that the Mem is corrupted, sooner or later.

Result: The Game writes into Mem Stuff, it cannot read anymore.
You could CHANGE Bit per Bit, but you could not ADD one single Bit.
And you could add some Numbers WITHIN the Domain by changing a Space
into another Number, but you SHOULDNT overstep a Domain Value.
The Game will open and play, until the Mem is totally deadwritten.

[If you´ll use Notepad++, or Legolas COBExtractor, that will NOT help for the DOMAINS,
and that is my Problem right now: I can easily change the whole 00.COB, but i have
changed Things, i should not have. And so the Game opens, and plays, until the Mem is deadwritten.]

Thats what i did, after Frankys Ideas:
I overdosed all the Values, and the Antag.exe HATES that, by Crash at a Time.
The Ascend.exe plays along, with Tons of Illegal Reads, until it crashes at last.

End of the Song:
Franky and me, we reached to get ALL THE SPECIALS working!

The Antag.exe has now its usual advanced Planetary Management,
its advanced Dog Fighting, the Diplomacy of the Antag can work, if you
choose the Peaceful Mode, were the AI Enemies fight each other too,
and we reached to give the pure Colonizer and Invader Ships WEAPONS,
so that EVERY AI SHIP is fully loaded now.

The Antag.exe works now in every single Piece. ALL THE SPECIALS work now,
in every single Piece. And if i will succeed in re-writing the Domains,
the Game will be perfect. It is a damned old Game, i dont want to argue with that,
dying, but there is a Chance to get that perfect.


So i have removed my DELYXE AND HEAVY DELYXE MOD, caused by Corruption, Dudes,
but i hope, it will work. I prayed, i might have corrupted my whole 00.COB, by hard Work,
i prayed, it should be MY FAULT, rather than a Programmer Fault by changing the SPECIALS!!!
No, it seems, changing the SPECIALS works, and works quite well, thats a good Message!!!

Nice Days, and sorry!


Good Notice the 26.3.2013:

As i told:
You´ll need, to mod Ascendancy, only the Notepad++ Editor, modding the Ascend00.COB. These Tools

are well done, and with the COBExtractor i could change the Ascend00.COB even better,
but to change the Waves and Bitmaps, or .VOCs and .SHPs out of Ascend01.COB and Ascend02.COB,
by COBExtracting by /raw Order and Fred Chlandas superb Shp Edit, the Results are very sad, cause the
Shapes seem broken after that... i did not reach to get that perfect. Perhaps its the SHP Fix Button.

The Domain Error is NOT, to increase too dramatically the Costs and Values, as i told above!
Some Values you cannot exceed from 50 to 100, yes, but to increase the Costs of, for example,
Orbital Dockyard from x to 9000, is NOT the Problem. But the good Notice is:
Ascend.exe has no Problems with all these Domain Changes, and seems to work.

To use the Ascend.exe is not a Problem, cause my Planetary Management is... for the Ascend.exe,
good enough, the Ship Building is quite aggressive, and the Ships are quite aggressive, too.
Had it often enough in Ascend.exe Games, that AI Ships, which have not enough Energy or Weapon Power,
stand still and numb, and dont even try to hide. Having enough Energy and Weapon Power, they are little Tigers!

And the Diplomacy is better in Ascend.exe Games, cause i increased the Aggression of all Species much!
An Ascend.exe Game seems to work quite good enough, with all my changed Domains, cause it is written
much more simple. The damned File crashing by changed Domains, is perhaps in a .cpp of the more
complicated Antag.exe, sad that. But Franky has NO Crashes............ and i tested every damned Piece.

The Ascend.exe seems to work quite good enough.

Nicheal 28-03-2013 12:37 PM

Cry, Folks, ASCENDELYXE rocks!

It is very sad, that i got no real Response, to my MODs.

Like me, there ARE many Ascendancy Fans out there, still. It has smooth Gfx,
smooth Sfx, a smooth Atmosphere, and Style, and is a true DOS Classic,
and, if thats an Argument, still played on iOS.
To not getting any Response, is very sad, cause i cannot know, Errors,
Failures, perhaps OS Errors, which OS i dont have. The only Response
was Frankies, and THAT was the most amazing Wonder EVER Ascendancy!!!


The Fact is, that i succeeded finally, modding Ascendancy up, to a heavy
damned Bitch of a Game. Thats most incredible. The Upload is the Version 1.5


As i told:

Had a Domain Error in sqrt, in race.cpp, modding the Specials of Ascendancy up,
to real AI Function. It is very nice, the AI Ships shoot with Disintegrators now,
Brunswik, Carbonizer... but the Antag.exe perhaps includes a changed File
in .exe and in .cpp Module race.cpp, which collapses, and crashes the Game.
Sometimes never, but sometimes, and in my System, earlier and fore sure, sadly.

But the Ascend.exe, Patch from anno 1996, seems to work without Crashes.


So i wrote my ASCENDELYXE MOD for the Ascend.exe ONLY, and i had a
damned broad Grin in my ugly Face, playing that MOD, played the HEAVY DELYXE MOD,
which deletes up to 14 most unnecessary Specials, Difficulty Level 4, HDBrutal,
Galaxy Size Middle. And it IS quite brutal!!!




The includes the Ascend.exe Patch, slightly changed, a Batch File,
a README, and the Sub-Folder DELYXE, and all you´ll need playing my MOD.
Use this Ascend.exe Patch ONLY, please. You could use my Batch File,
loading an Ascend00.COB into Main Directory Ascendancy, which you´ll NEED,
out of Sub-Folder DELYXE, one of the eight 00.COBs

DBrutal00.COB, DHeavy00.COB, DMiddle00.COB, DEasy00.COB,
(DELYXE MOD Difficulty Levels!)
HDBrutal00.COB, HDHeavy00.COB, HDMiddle00.COB, HDEasy00.COB,
(HEAVY DELYXE MOD Difficulty Levels!)

copied out of Sub-Folder DELYXE and pasted into your Main Directory Ascendancy,
renamed to Ascend00.COB, and the Resume.GAM copied and pasted.

The Batch File would do that automatically. And if your brandnew Ascendancy,
appears with NEW STAR SYSTEM NAMES, it is the ASCENDELYXE MOD 1.5.

The DELYXE MOD uses new Star System Names, new Ship-Stuff Values, new Planet-Stuff Values,
redirected Prerequisites (Ship-Stuff and Planet-Stuff needs another Tecs to enable).
The Specials work now, the AI uses them now. You´ll get four Difficulty Levels.
The HEAVY DELYXE MOD deletes up to 14 most unnecessary Specials, to
increase the AI Ship Energy, the pure STRENGTH and AGGRESSION of the AI Ships.

Perhaps all that Stuff is not balanced enough, or i overlooked some Minor Errors.
So any Responses would be welcome!




-Dont research the Advanced AI Warfare Tec
-Dont build the AI War Center

-If you wonder, why Invader or Colonizer Modules, or all these sweet little
Special Weapons, dont appear in Specials List
, THATS the Reason:
Franky had the most glorious Idea, to simply change the Domain 5, all these
Specials have, into a 0, which means, they are used as Weapons now.
Thats the whole Trick. By changing a 5 into a 0, all Special Weapons are
true Weapons now, but still including their Special. So you´ll find the
Invader and Colonizer Modules, and all Special WEAPONS, in the Weapons List.

To change these Domains, caused some Problems:

For Example, the DisIntegrator, and the BackFirer (now called Cruzifier),
include a Special to destroy Ships totally, or to damage Ships.
To change the DisIntegrator Domain from 5 to 0, causes, it is used like a Weapon now.

Problem: The AI builds into its Ships the Weapon with the best Weapon Power...
the DisIntegrator, and the Cruzifier, include no Weapon Powers!
They include Special Effects ONLY. So, the AI will use every Mass Barrage Gun rather,
as first Weapon, than a Special without any Weapon Power.

Problem: If i would have given DisIntegrator, or the Cruzifier, Weapon Power,
they would be able, if i would enable these Functions, to shoot at Bubbles,
Orbital Structures, AND Ships, that would be great! BUT: IF a Special Weapon,
which includes a Ship Damage Special, and now includes a Weapon Power,
DESTROYS a Ship by Weapon Power, the Game crashes.

Example: The DisIntegrator includes a 30 Weapon Power, so it is built by
AI Ships as first Weapon. The Enemy Ship has a 20 Hull Defense.
The DisIntegrator will kill that Enemy Ship not by Special Effect, but by Weapon Power,
Game End.

To give all these Special Weapons Weapon Power, too, and to change their Domain
from 5 Specials into a 0 Weapons, would make possible to enable the Bubbles or
Orbital Structures Target. Only Weapon Power has Effect on these, but the most
Specials would be too special for that, sadly. BUT: Weapons like DisArmer, Brunswik,
Shield Blaster, Carbonizer, ... should i say more? Are true FIRST WEAPONS now.
It is a true Joke, to recognise myself laughing at, while the AI kills my own Ships,
booom booom booom, by heavy Firing. And Difficulty Level 4 HDBrutal... should i say more?
The AI Enemy has MORE Tec, MORE Ships, BIGGER Ships, BETTER Weapons, HEAVY Weapons,
booom booom booom, End of that Battle. It is a true Wonder!

>Every Special Weapon, which includes a Ship Damage Special, cannot include a Weapon Power, sadly.
>Every Special, like Tractor Beam, moving Ships around, cannot shoot at Planets. The next Code Error.
>And the Antag.exe includes some Files, perhaps, crashing by Domain Changes, perhaps.



Changes in my new MOD:

The SciFactory Invention, out of my Supremacy MOD, Laboratories had to be the AI Factory Plus,
is changed into the Cloning Plant, now called AI War Center. So the Game, to build Factory,
or AgriPlot, or Laboratory, is included in my new MOD, the Research will be much more heavy now.
The AI War Center is placed onto a Tec Slot called Advanced AI Warfare. Franky told to me,
that he likes to automatize Planet Building, and that is possible now. To not research this
Advanced AI Warfare, does not allow to ever build AI War Centers, thats all for the stupid AI ONLY.

The Special Weapons work. The Invader and Colonizer Modules include a Special Thanks(!!!).
Thats the Reason why they are listed in Weapons List (!!!).

And the four Difficulty Levels Easy, Middle, Heavy and Brutal are quite better, for both MODs:

But for now:
Have Fun, with that most incredible

ASCENDELYXE 1.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-REMOVED- 1.6, final Version, out now. 8.4.2013.

Eagle of Fire 29-03-2013 04:02 AM

The last time someone posted a "mod" for Ascendancy it didn't work.

If you do have a working mod which do work without changing vanilla then I'm all up for it. If your mod change a bunch of other things within the game though then I will consider it just like another mod. And I hate mods.

Nicheal 29-03-2013 09:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, the last Time a "Mod" for Ascendancy was posted, it was me,
and my Supremacy and Totally Cracy Mod, and actually it did work.

(Perhaps you were the Guy, not reading any Forum Post, or my README,
not knowing the NEED and the MUST HAVE of a working Ascend00.COB in Main Directory.
Had a Response, that "nothing has changed", since the Unpacking of my Mod...
that Guy was excited much, and after that damned Mod very frustrated and disappointed:

YES, if no single File was changed in Original Game, it can only be the Original Game...
the only Way to change the Lack of the Original Game, is to change Files... so you
HAVE TO use one of my Ascend00.COBs out of Sub-Folder pasted in Main Directory as
Ascend00.COB... and if the Solar System Names have changed... ET VOILA!)

What do you mean with "without changing Vanilla"?


If your mod change a bunch of other things within the game though
then I will consider it just like another mod. And I hate mods.
YES, my Mod changes the most Ship-Stuff and Planet-Stuff!!!
The Gfx and Sfx still are quite the same, only the Ascend00.COB was changed, MUCH!!!

But i dont know, what you mean exactly. IF you´d LOVE to get, finally,
a WORKING and HOT Ascendancy, but without Changes, you´d get the same old Lack.
And if you´d love to play Ascendancy like it should have been since 18 Years,
you could play this one. As i told often enough: ALL the Ship-Stuff and Planet-Stuff
is changed, and needs other Tecs to enable. The Weapons are much better now.
Everything is tweaked to a much better Gameplay. Example:

The Lane Endoscope. You get, in Original Ascendancy, the Lane Endoscope pretty late in Game...
this Gimmick allows to watch nearby Solar Systems, without moving in...
but at this Time of Game, you already WERE in. So this Gimmick is totally useless at this Time...
but two thousand Years earlier, it could have been worthy.
ALL the Ship-Stuff and Planet-Stuff is changed, to a much much better Gameplay.
The Special Weapons work now. The Diplomacy is MUCH more aggressive. So what.

If you´d love to play Ascendancy, finally, WORKING and HOT, you should play this one.
And if you´d like to cry for that good old Classic, cause of its pitiful Lack,
so do it, but it is not necessary anymore! The Answer is very easy:

Every true Ascendancy Fan out there, waiting since its Release for a working
Ascendancy, with all its Fun-Stuff working and fighting, COULD HAVE HIS JOY NOW!!!

Its your Decision. But i, would be damned happy, to play that finally!

The other Option would be, instead of playing a WORKING and HOT Ascendancy Mod,
with a DisIntegrator SHOOTING, to wait for the Logic Factory and its wonderful
Up to Date Releases, all these Year by Year Patches, which made me sooo happy,
or better: To wait for Ascendancy 2 MultiVerse, announced, 2025.

If any true Ascendancy Fan out there, would love to play a working Game,
he should use my Mod. The only other Option would be, to cry, while the boring Original sucks.

As i told: I cannot understand, your Doubts. That Mod IS Ascendancy, like it should be.
Its a true Wonder and Dream, for every true and sorely afflicted Ascend Fan out there!

Currently play my first real Testgame... and its pure Insanity!!! It is the best Ascendancy Game
i ever played... play HEAVY DELYXE MOD, Difficulty Level 4, HDBrutal... insane, totally insane.

Play as Swaparamans, Galaxy Size Middle, and the Marmosians sent Fleet by Fleet, while i was defending
a "Kings Cross", building up my last 6 Ships versus Fleets about 10, 12 Ships, building up, Step by Step,
Major Ships (Huge Hulls), then XenoArcheology, Gigantum Ships (Great Hulls). After the glorious Defeat
of the Marmosian Invasion Fleets at "Kings Cross" System (the Capelons were their bigger Enemy!),
we decided to push. Right at the Time, were we succeeded finally, on the other Border the Mebes
were extinct, and the Capelons almost conquered my Home System, 7 Gigantum Capelon Ships.

The Defeat of this Capelon Fleet, 2 of my 4 Home System Planets were shot down and conquered,
was a huge Victory. We tried to conquer the next Marmosian System... and four Gigantum Marmosian Ships,
were awaiting our 3 Gigantum Ships, firing at us by HyperSphere Drivers out of Range, and Shield Blasters...
EVERY DAMNED Marmosian Giant, has 1 HyperSphere Driver, and at least 3 Shield Blasters as Main Weaponry,
plus a Shield Blaster Special Weaponry... and, you know, these Weapons are FIRST WEAPONS, with heavy
Weapon Power, and the Disable Shields Special... we HAVE TO move back!!!

The Guy, being a big Ascendancy Fan, but NOT playing this Mod, what a Pity, its the best Ascendancy ever.
You have to face that: Currently, the Turn over 2000, we as Swaparamans have defeated the Marmosians,
but we are the THIRD EMPIRE, after Capelons and Frutmaka, the third out of four, three are gone.
Perhaps the second, cause we have 12 Ships, the Frutmaka only 10, but more Planets. And to have a Look
at Gigantum Frutmaka Ships, is quite a Shock: Up to 5 Brunswiks, three as Main Weaponry, plus.

Absolute Killers! These Guys would shoot my whole Fleets to Hell, without any Efforts... insane!!!


ironnails 29-03-2013 05:29 PM

need ascendency original to make this work
Now WHERE would i get ascendency to make this mod work? It's now a protected program due to them selling it as a i'app. I have the original CD-ROM but the damn thing is too scratched to be any worth :(. I used to LOVE this game over MOO :)

Eagle of Fire 29-03-2013 07:43 PM

If it's about the same than your last mod then it wasn't really worth all that cap letters and red stuff all over the place. It did work but I didn't see the difference and since you played with some buildings to make the AI cheat over the player I felt cheated. And all this for a difference so small in difficulty (if there was one) I didn't see it.

If it's the same again I'm not interested.

Nicheal 29-03-2013 08:13 PM

Well, @Eagle of Fire, i wont sell you a Car.

You perhaps did not see any Difference, cause there was none, as i told one thousand Times.

For that special Case, that NRTFM (noone reads the f**ing manuals), i wrote
in damned red huge Letters, that if the Solar System Names havent changed,
you simply NOT played my Mod. You need to change the Ascend00.COB,
therefor i wrote a BATCH and a README, and all these Posts in huge and red.

I NEED to "cheat" for the AI, cause it colonizes not every System, builds no
massive Empire, builds no special Fleets, and dont defends its Border Systems.
To give the AI an Industry-Boost causes a damned heavy, super Game.


And all this for a difference so small in difficulty (if there was one) I didn't see it.

If it's the same again I'm not interested.
It seems, you did not read the one thousand Hints in damned red huge Letters...
you simply downloaded the .zips, unpacked, and wondered why your Ascendancy Game,
seems to be "not so much more difficulty"... but i suppose, it was THE SAME,
cause you havent used my BATCH, havent read my README, and havent changed
the existing ASCEND00.COB into another. It was just the same Game as ever.
Or changed the Solar System Names into new ones?

You dont understand. My Ascendancy Mod is simply insane, awesome, incredible!
It is a super super super Game now. And if you dont want to play... just your Loss.

If you want to play my Mod, you have to use a modded ASCEND00.COB.
I have modded the ASCEND00.COB, and THAT FILE, you have to exchange
in your Main Directory Ascendancy. The old ASCEND00.COB out, one of my
00.COBs out of Sub-Folder DELYXE into Main Directory Ascendancy and rename
into ASCEND00.COB. Thats the last Time, i should write this damned Fact.

If there are no Changes, there are simply, no Changes.
And if you would succeed exchanging this simple File, you would be happy.


Google for Ascendancy free Download. A few Sites have that Game, but NOT Abandonia!

Could you delete in your Post that whole ugly Quote, please?

The Upload of my Mod is for all the Ascendancy Fans out there.
I hope to reach many of them, so that they could be happy too.


Eagle of Fire 31-03-2013 06:56 PM

You keep taking for granted I don't know how to install a game.

I do.

I played your "modded" game. And I didn't see a difference.

Do we need to continue this discussion again? :/

Nicheal 31-03-2013 07:12 PM

Ok, ok, Dude.

I know the wise Saying: Dont argue with Geniuses, cause they beat you.


But you could generously admit, there WOULD be a Change, obviously,
if an AI Ship shoots at you, with a DisIntegrator? There were big Changes already,
in my Supremacy and Totally Cracy Mod, but what i did now, by the amazing Ideas of Frank Reif,
is to enable almost all Special Weapons as MAIN WEAPONRY shooting at you.

Carbonizer, Brunswik Dissipator, Shield Blaster, DisArmer, DisIntegrator,
all these sweet little Specials are MAIN WEAPONS now, with a Special and Hull Damage!
The AI uses all these cute little Things as Main Weaponry, a lot in all Ships.
I currently work on Version 1.6, and i can say, it is LIGHTYEARS better than i ever hoped,
and worth every Effort, Sir!


And if you are an Ascendancy Fan, PLEASE, give yourself the Pleasure to play that Mod!!!


Eagle of Fire 31-03-2013 07:28 PM

I didn't see a difference because I play so fast that the AI have no way to react fast enough. If I get enough of the galaxy then it's too late, upgraded AI or not...

There is a real reason why I always said and continue to say that Ascendancy is a strategy game for newcomers to the genre. It is exceedingly easy and there is no difficulty levels...

Play any other strategy game out there, like Civilization, Colonization, SpaceWard Ho!, etc... You'll see what I mean.

Nicheal 31-03-2013 08:11 PM

I cannot believe.

My Supremacy and Totally Cracy Mod had the so-called SciFactory included.
The former Laboratory, then used for the AI only, as a huge Industry-Boost.
Only that caused, that you CANNOT be "fast enough", it is simply impossible,
playing Ascendancy the Supremacy on highest Difficulty Level, to being faster
than the AI. And caused by the aggressive Diplomacy of that Mod, an unbeatable
Enemy declares War on you... you played the Mod, with changed Solar System Names,
and you were "too fast"... i cannot believe.

Played MoO2, Pax Imperia, Civilization all, Colonization highest Difficulty,
Galactic Civilization II and Space Rangers 2 Revolution are good Advices.

But there ARE Difficulty Levels in Ascendancy! My current Mod 1.5 includes 4.
And, tell me, how would you defeat a Giant Fleet out of 6 Enemy Ships,
full to the damned brim with Brunswiks? I tell you that: Even IF you would
dominate that Game, you would grin like a drunken Idiot, like i do.


If I get enough of the galaxy then it's too late, upgraded AI or not...
Yes, i thought that, too. But since the AIs Giant Ships include 4 Brunswiks
Main Weaponry PLUS Brunswiks, Shield Blasters and DisArmers as Specials,
you cannot be sure to stand the next Century, Dude, even if you think,
you are good enough, thats my Experience with ASCENDELYXE 1.5, honestly.


I try to get up to four Difficulty Levels, and a Kind of "total Insanity"...
that you could get already in the 1.5.


Leonidusx 02-04-2013 02:27 AM

Problem with Ascendancy Mod
First of all thanks for the Ascendancy Mod.

Secondly the batch file was creating the necessary files OUTSIDE the folder (one directory before ascendancy) and once those were taken and placed inside the ascend folder, then the mod worked.

Thirdly, english is not your native language, and some good work could be done to make things sound much less weird if you would let a native english speaker rename some things (especially the technologies and ship parts).

Only played very briefly so far, but does seem like the computer will finally put up some kind of fight! Cannot wait to get into my first worthy interstellar ascendancy war!


Nicheal 02-04-2013 10:26 AM

Hi Leonidus!

It is a great Joy to me, that some Ascendancy Fans find their Way to my Mod.

Your Download includes a Sub-Folder Delyxe, the new Ascend.exe, which you
should use ONLY, and NOT the Antag.exe!!! and the BATCH and the README shortcuts.
The BATCH loads out of Sub-Folder Delyxe into one directory higher.
Thats the Cause, you should copy all my Mod Stuff into Main Directory Ascendancy.
The BATCH does nothing but to load one directory higher.
But if you succeeded in exchanging ASCEND00.COB and RESUME.GAM, welcome to my Mod!

You mean the HyperScorpoide Stinger? Or the PsiAgonic DisRaptorizer?
O man! Ascendancy was EVER a kind of a "dizzy" Fantasy SciFi Thing,
with psychedelic Sounds and Graphics, and Names. It is a Wonder that the Logic Factory
did a kind of a SciFi atmospheric Masterpiece, just to make everything wrong all the times later.
I gave such "weired Names", cause half a Year ago, i had only the Notepad++,
and had to rename some Stuff Letter by Letter, and i wanted to give
Ascendancy the Names as usual. For any Help and Hint i am thankful.

Had a Testgame yesterday, playing the Middle Size Galaxy, Seven Empires,
the Chamachies killed me, after a short struggling Battle with some Colonizers,
some new Colonies and a brutal small War versus many small Empires.
Built too less Orbital Shields and Missiles...

-You should know, that Colonizer and Invader are in the Weapons Menu now.

-You should know, NOT TO RESEARCH the Advanced AI Warfare, and NOT TO BUILD the AI War Center.

Have Fun!


Nicheal 08-04-2013 08:38 AM

7 Attachment(s)
8.4.2013 DONE-DATE
For all the Dudes out there, loving to play Ascendancy, i tried to accomplish
It is hard to get that damned Thing perfect while the Game lacks badly,
but i think its alright now. For all the Dudes out there, getting my MOD to work:


For all the others: :blush:.

>You´ll need to download all 7 Packs, and unpack.
These 6 .rars include the ASCEND01.COB and a few GFX Tweaks for better Gaming.

>You´ll find a Folder ´Delyxe´, a BATCH, a README, the ASCEND.EXE
(Patch from 1996) for USE ONLY, (the ANTAG.EXE crashes), and the new ASCEND01.COB.

>Backup your original ASCEND01.COB (but youll never need it anymore).
Then copy and paste the whole Stuff into your Main Directory Ascendancy.

>Load the Batch and choose a Game: DELYXE, with ALL Specials, HEAVY DELYXE,
without 14 deleted Specials, for totally crazy and most heavy AI Ships.

>If the Solar System Names have changed, you play an ASCEND00.COB by me.
If not, please read any Manual to finally succeed in getting that Mod to work. Patience!

>Dont research Advanced AI Warfare, that allows the stupid AI
to build AI War Centers for more Industry, and AI War Engine for more Ship Energy.

>Dont build AI War Centers on your Planets, and AI War Engine
on your Ships, thats for the stupid AI ONLY, to increase the AI Enemies pure Strength.

>Build up Planets with many Shipyards and one Orbital Dock,
to being able to build huge Ships fast enough, to face the AI Industry Plus.

>Look at the Weapons Menu for Colonizer and Invader Moduls.
The most once Super Special Weapons and Colonizer and Invader are Weapons now, firing.

4.8.2013 CHECK-DATE
After a really... hard Game, for Ascendancy, some Minor Tweaks like,
forgot to change 1.5 into 1.6 in the Batch File (:ph34r:), forgot to change
the Shift Info Text for Invader and Colonizer, changed Yr. into Year, o yes,
and made the Super Hard Weapons more expensive in Energy Need,
and made the Ship Building MUCH harder for the Human Player (:drool:).

The only Thing missing, is, to perhaps get any Feedback by all those,
succeeded in playing my Mod (:woot:), or perhaps all those, NOT succeeded in (:cry:).
The Lack of the Game, no Modder could ever beat off, but i think, for a
real Ascendancy Fan, my Mod is WORTH playing. Its a pity, that nobody knows it!
Its better than i hoped before, and a real and really TOUGH BadAss Joy (;))!!!

Have Fun!

Eagle of Fire 08-04-2013 10:03 AM

I think you should really split from this game thread and create your own specific thread in the gaming section. ;)

Nicheal 08-04-2013 11:17 AM

Which Section do you mean exactly?

Yes, already thought about opening a fresh new Thread, providing my Game.
Actually play a Testgame... :ouch::cry:
Pure Sadism on Difficulty Level 4, HEAVY DELYXE BRUTAL. A real "Joy".


Eagle of Fire 09-04-2013 04:51 AM

The Gaming Zone.

Nicheal 28-06-2013 10:30 AM

Any Comments?

Nicheal 17-12-2013 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Nicheal (Post 454087)
Any Comments?

Any Comments?

JustPassingBy 18-02-2014 03:53 AM

Just Downloaded both your Ascendelyxe Mod and the Sempremacy+Cracy Mod; Gonna Try them soon.

Meanwhile, found out that the page is being down for a while; after quite a struggle I found out another source where to download the COBExtractor that otherwise seems to be kinda unfindable on the web...

here the adress:

Nevertheless I couldn't manage to get it work....
Someone can restore/re-upload the the manual on how to use this tool?
Or maybe can just tell em where to find a functioning COB extracting tool?

Waiting for infos/help;

See ya ^^

Nicheal 18-02-2014 08:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello Dude!

It is not necessary to download the Supremacy and Totally Cracy Mod.
The only necessary Download would be the one of my Signature Link:

Ascendelyxe 1.6 Mod and all that Stuff.

Buts a good Hint, that LegolasPage is down, no matter how or why.
Yes, i tried that COBExtractor, 7 kb of Bullshit, i got that never to work.
The original one includes 430 superb working kb, done by Implode.

You seem to be a Modder, not a Player, Dude. I would tell a Player,
that its unnecessary to download anything but my Mod 1.6, i did the best
i could to get that damned Ascendancy Game to make War not Love.

Damned Thing: You mod a Game and youll never play it.
But: As i told in README, you could download the Notepad++ to mod
the Ascend00.COB. I did, by COBExtract, my Ascend00.COB Files,
so that another Dude could easily do anything to it. So play my Mod 1.6,
or try to mod the Ascend00.COB by Notepad++. But, if you want to
check out the whole Bunch of Load, here are the COBExtractor i used,
and the Shape Editor by Fred Chlanda.

Short Introduction:

1. COBExtractor by Implode.

Added his own README HTML. You need to copy and paste your needed
Ascend01/02/03.COB into that Folder. And by that Windows File, dont know
the Name in English, you need to open up that COB by COBExtract.exe
into an already existing SubFolder, everything i did in my .RAR:

You paste your COB into that whole Folder, and use the "Line of Fire",
to give Windows that Path to execute COBExtract.exe to extract into one
of these 3 SubFolders, and you should get a damned Bunch of Data out of it.
Then you have to create it again.

2. Shape Editor by Chlanda.

Added two known .PALs. Dont know which one. The one is my own... Ruin,
the other is the original done .PAL. You need that Palette File to load into that
Shape Editor to have the Ascendancy Colour Palette. Then you can exchange
Shapes and Bitmaps, it works, but you have to know how, it is a bit... nasty
first Time, but it works. What you HAVE to do, after exchanging Bitmaps
in your Shapes, is, to fix that Picture within the Shape Grid.
You cut out a Picture, out of the Shapes File, and you cut in a Picture,
and that Picture has to be fixed within the Shape Grid, so that it fits in again.

Basically, all i gave to download here, could be fairly enough.

Have Fun!


Nicheal 29-06-2016 10:52 AM

bing :OK:

Turbo Beholder 17-07-2016 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Guest (Post 235864)
I've been playing this game since it came out, a few suggestions for stretching the fun out.

1.) The handicap
[...] give yourself a 2 - 6 hundred day waiting period before you build your first structure (aka no science) depending on your ability.

5) Don't rush the ruins or grab the choke point systems right away - start to colonize/capture the next system only after you have finished with the previous one.
This limits the number of your ships - in fact, you colonize 1-2 (make the first ship without hyperdrive, if the home system has >2 free planets) and forces you to either stop colonization until you research Gravimetrics (to get Orbital Docks) or scrap perfectly good ships and rebuild them from scratch. Also, may make your planet list less messy. :smile2:

Originally Posted by Guest (Post 235864)
The planetary grid disappears much like a cloaked planet but I can still see my buildings just not the colored grid markers for undeveloped squares. Has anyone else had this issue and how do I get around it?

RTFM: "S - Toggle planet squares on and off".

arakish 14-11-2016 12:53 AM

I notice Ascendancy is not for download.

The Logic Factory has completely disappeared for the third time!

Ascendancy is abandonware once again.

The Domain name has been grabbed by another different company by the same name. At least I don't think it is the same The Logic Factory.

Check it out at this URL:

Hell, I don't even know if Ascendancy for iOS is still available. I never checked since I won't have anything based on the iOS. I much prefer Android.

Regardless, you can get Ascendancy at (, or my Dropbox ( Mine at Dropbox includes the Antagonizer and the nougat.lf files.

You can also download my HTML based Ascendancy guide book (, which I have decided to try and update. Still working on it.


Newby 27-01-2017 04:50 PM

Lane Blockers
Before I start my question, a possible answer to the previous query, is that the other race at war with you may have the energy or power draining specialty? No? Anyhow....Any one know if plunking Lane Blockers into Starlanes are stackable? Also how big a territory of Solar Systems can one control while still being at peace with everyone? I am in control of over 30 stars, but at the edge of my territory, 9 Baffilid & Afro ships (medium size) burst through into my colonized Flammifer System. I immediatedly 'plunked' a whole bunch of Lane blockers from several ships into the Starlane joining my other territory, but the next turn, they just seem to have busted through and on their way to Bosphorus. Are Lane blockers useless? What Gives ?!?! It would have been neat if Logic Factory created Mines (as in MoO2)...this way one could create a deadly defensive necklace around each Solar System or even planet. -Thnx

tristanzz 03-02-2017 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Newby (Post 466816)
Lane blockers

My memory is hazy, but I think lane blocks can get blown up if you fire at them enough. If you have a savegame just prior to when the ships break through your blocked lane, you should watch inside the system the day it happens. Click those 'pass time' icons in the system screen, and you will see the moves the enemy fleet makes.

/e come to think of it. If you watch them blow up a lane block, you can just exit that system screen without letting more turns pass, go to the system on the other end, and fire another one into the lane.

/e #2 as for Mines. Camp an empty ship with a self-destructotron at the starlane entrance. System defense is quite fun with the patched game (aggressive AI). Because you can refit ships quickly, you can use consumable modules like the invulnerablizer or hyperfuel, more easily.

Nicheal 11-05-2017 04:14 PM

I once figured out end of 2012, how to mod the old 1995 DOS-game Ascendancy - that was my favorite game when i was a child, and i thought to fulfill my childish dream of being able to play Ascendancy not versus a brain dead AI - my first attempt was the Supremacy and Totally Cracy Mod, a modification by the program Notepad++, but just some unsatisfying minor tweaks.

That i uploaded here, Abandonia. Then another german guy called Franky, wrote a PM to me, here, beginning of 2013, how to mod, and how to solve some other stuff. I answered, bored, that how to mod is easy, ASCEND00.COB and Notepad++, just dont mess around to actually ADD stuff, you just have to tweak stuff, and, that to solve some other stuff is obsolete, cause that game is fucked up.

Well, that guy found out, how to let the AI ships actually shoot with the special weapons! So, in my Ascendelyxe 1.6 Mod, the AI ships actually are wolfs versus your human players sheep ships. I did my very best to mod that game to a highly playable wolf game, like i ever wanted.

Now, four years later, i played some games of that Ascendelyxe 1.6 Mod, the Heavy Delyxe Mod on difficulty "Heavy" (3 out of 4), and the AI put up a fucking heavy fight. The own extinction is there, a bloody option.

Now, i found out, how to change the tec tree completely, so that, for a long long while, your battles will be middle class ship hulls, and after a long while, you ll get major class ship hulls, and after another long while, you ll get the gigantum class ship hulls - and that last tweak of that game, i will probably upload as a whole bunch of everything, so that just everything is included in one single whole pack: ASCEND.EXE, ANTAG.EXE, NOUGAT.LF, COBExtractor, Shape Editor, the original COB, my MOD, a Batch File, everything.

The Logic Factory is fucking DOWN, gone, faded away after another try for IOS, to sell the same poor brain dead game, just with GFX tweaks and touch screen - while the german guy Franky, found out, how to let special weapons shoot, the creators of that game, didnt, obviously. There is nothing to sell, nor develop anymore, nor to wait for anymore, nothing will come up, by The Logic Factory anymore.

And if a guy wants to play a most delicious SciFi game - play Gal Civ! :)

It is a hell of a joy, using Nougat.LF and Cheat Mode, to look at AI ships, full to the brim with DisArmers, and seriously ready to use them on you. We ll see, perhaps i will upload a final version, a version, to fulfill a childs dream. :) Ascendelyxe 1.6 was a brilliant MOD so far, but the 2.0 will be the high end of that poor modders development - and it will be a DOS game hell of a fun! :)

marko river 14-05-2017 11:09 PM

Sounds awesome, I didn't know your still into it :D but I'm glad you are. I liked Ascendancy, obviously not as much as you. Do finish it and upload it, we will host it gladly.

Nicheal 15-05-2017 11:23 AM

I didnt know either! As i told above, i left that alone for four years. Now, i just wanted a little game by the way and gave my Mod another shot.

I am a german guy, so, if i could modify my favorite game once, 1996, to a near perfection, i should do, cause it is a little effort to tweak around.

The only problem would be, that all inclusive, that game has 80 mb, packed, .rar or .zip, still 30 mb, and i remember that your site has a limit of 10 mb or something, for users, and .rar and .zip package limits. So what! Luckily, there are that many awesome games out there after twenty years, that nobody really needs Ascendancy! It is just a matter of... just tweak it ready and thanks for many lucky hours in my childhood. O, and to finally get something to work, what you ever wanted to get it to work, as a Modder, is highly satisfying, plus, i get that to work, like i ever dreamed of, as a child - even better!

We ll see! I tweak it ready. And then, i ll have a look, if, and where, to upload! :)

marko river 18-05-2017 12:36 AM

To correct you on size suubject, we have a limit of 300MB zipped. We could use even bigger, but we tend to store bigger ones (full CDs) in ISO Cellar. So 30MB packed is no prolem, there are much bigger games on sitw for years.

And nobody may need Ascendancy, but we are here to preserve. Your improvements will surely be welcome to whoever tries and likes Ascendancy. I, as one, remember I liked gameplay very much but got bored with bad AI after few games. So, if you are willing to tweak the game to near perfection, we are willing to host it.

Nicheal 18-05-2017 01:42 AM

O glad to get your reply, thanks! Then, your site gives wrong informations! In my upload pop up is listed, around 0,8 mb .rar, and 1,1 mb .zip as a maximum file size! I never even tried to top that.

One of the problems with Ascendancy was, that the enemies, had the tec for an advanced special weapon, even had their ships equipped with that, for example smart bombs, but just didnt use it. How boring is THAT? The AI does not understand to protect borders, to collect fleets, and sends one idiot ship by another, and they just stand still, dont use any special weapons, and are killed easily like numb idiots.

That problem is gone forever! In fact, i had enemy ships, entering your system, and trespassing it, under fire, to meet their whole fleet in the next system! It seems, that the AI just had never enough energy, to do smart things. That all is solved. Sometimes it is still an idiot, but very often, it became a real asshole!

But all of that exists since 2013, in my Ascendelyxe 1.6 MOD, all of that exists already since four years! I changed really much, for example, the special weapon of the "Container", i never remembered what the fuck that guy does again. You had much special weapons, the AI used and annoyed, like that catapult, and most, the AI didnt use and annoyed too, and many, i never remembered what the fuck they do again.

Well, i even changed the GFX of the Container and made him my favorite weapon called CI DisRaptor, Colonizer/Invader DisRaptor. If you are not able to kill the enemy ships, and you lose the battle, you can destroy all Colonizers/Invaders at least, so that they are not able to conquer anymore. That ll give you a little time. I improved all the stuff, and my "Most Like" is, that my informations about weapons and all of the stuff, give you every single value, exactly. You can read about any stuff, without testing it, what they do, and any value necessary to know.

So, i really changed things, but i loved that game once, and i still like it, so, a true Ascendancy Fanatic, at least, did the best he could, and yes, i really began to hate The Logic Factory, years ago, that they just do radio silence for decades, then announce somewhat dubious, just to turn radio silence on again, for another fucking decade, then it is IOS only... then their site is down... now radio silence again... that is highly frustrating... my patience with that dudes is just over!

They did true magic, but never got it right in the end. Now, i just tweak the tec tree in a way, i had never expected: You can play along for thousands of years not reaching its end, and you have to earn your tecs and to struggle on, that is... really... heavy. You dont get huge class ship hulls, and, like in Ascendancy Original, you never had problems, are the biggest empire since turn 1, and you have built two huge class ship hulls, and get the gigantum hulls already, and that game is OVER. Now, you suffer hell.

Just imagine, you crawl around with middle class ship hulls, get your ass beaten by your enemies and dance with your extinction, and if your enemy gets a better weapon by Xeno Archeology, you are fucked. For example, these Snovemdomas guys got the Shield Blaster. They have double size hulls, and just shoot you to hell, no matter what you do, you suffer losses and cry.


Let me tell that game. It was just like Master of Orion II higher difficulty, where, if you dont get over the first enemy soon, that slows down your progress too much and you stand no chance at all. The Chamachies were wardens of my side arm of the galaxy and had me close to extinction for thousand years. Once, the Snovemdomas had the whole centre of that middle size galaxy, they threatened the Chamachies hard, and brought them near to extinction. Once, i was standing right before these Chamachies after a thousand years war of bloody survival, at the end, to kill them down, to end that conquest, they offered peace and later alliance versus the Snovemdomas Empire, and i indeed needed their huge advanced ships to hold the line versus these badass guys.

My progress was good, i used the absence of the Snovemdomas fleets, to slowly conquer their colonies in that part of the galaxy, but, i was too slow, they had too much Surface Shields, and in my MOD, you have to go really down on a planet and shoot him down under fire, and you have to overwhelm a dozen of Surface Shields, so, i really had the Snovemdomas, and became the mightiest empire, but once, i was about to crush their centre, they got huge sizers, and little later, gigantum sizers, Shield Blasters, and... there was no progress, they were too huge, too heavy, too fast, and all their planets had dozens of Surface Shields.

I had them! But i quit the game, these guys are nearly impossible to kill, with their gigantum sizers and Shield Blasters, and i thought about Self Destruction Moduls, to crush their fleets. That was my last game, now i tweak again. I didnt want to struggle and see my fail coming versus my own MOD! I had more planets, they had more systems, 15 gigantum sizers Snovemdomas versus 14 huge sizers Frutmaka, and while their centre produced masses of ships directly to the front line, my reinforcements always came too late, good ships, really good ships, getting by small Snovemdomas fleets, Shield Blaster RIPs, trying to kill one single 80 hull size badass, that was... aaaaaaarg!

In fact, how i ever wanted to play Ascendancy - i defeated the Chamachies after thousand years near extinction, defeated the half of the Snovemdomas Empire, and became the biggest Empire by half conquering an old mighty Empire, tried to crush its centre, it got too good tecs, and all of my powers... tended to my defeat again around year 3000. I had not enough patience to see my end coming over another 1000 years, but to see that all happen, was amazing indeed!


To see actually the good old Shield Blaster, blast your ships away like nothing, is really both for Ascendancy Fanatics: Really a time to grin, and cry! I just can tell - it hell works!

Smiling Spectre 18-05-2017 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Nicheal (Post 467772)
O glad to get your reply, thanks! Then, your site gives wrong informations! In my upload pop up is listed, around 0,8 mb .rar, and 1,1 mb .zip as a maximum file size! I never even tried to top that.

There is some misunderstanding, I believe.

When marko river says about "site limit", he means limits of the hosting at the full-fledged game pages.

You are talking about attachment limits for the forum. It's the totally different thing.

And to circumvent attachment limits there are usually two ways used: full ISO with 300+ Mb hosted at the 3rd party file storing resources (like megaupload, 4shared, etc.) Check ISO Cellar for the examples. And lesser files stored temporary at the Abandonia FTP (and you need to get credentials from the supermod, of course, to be able to upload there).

Nicheal 18-05-2017 12:25 PM

Thnx for that explanation. A kind of that, i thought to myself already, but... i dont have any accounts on these great hosting sites, i dont trust them at all, and i wont do that at all.

Also, i wont do any ISO, seems a bit weired to create an ISO for a DOS-Game of 80 mb. I would prefer, just a whole .zip or .rar package about 30 mb, all inclusive, all about Ascendancy what i could find, all .exes, all Modding Tools (2), just all of the stuff necessary, just unpack, and use Batch File plus DOS-BOX, end of the story.

As i told, i ll see, if, and where, to upload! I wont do any further efforts. :)


It would be about 40 mb .rar. But is Ascendancy Abandonware again? There was a time before the IOS release, it was Abandonware, and still, it is to download in full, on some sites. My upload would include the whole original game, all modding tools, my mod, all .exes, just, all inclusive, and a Batch File for easy going. Just, the whole bunch, like i ever dreamed of, personally, just a perfect Ascendancy Gold Edition called Ascendelyxe. :)

marko river 22-05-2017 01:57 PM

Oh yes, silly me, this would be hosted as Extras, altough if you are providing whole game....

can you provide extras only without the game, since game can be downloaded from teh site and afterwards your extras can be added? Another option is to host your package in ISO Cellar regardless of not being ISO.

And check how big it is with 7zip. Should be smaller than rar.

Nicheal 22-05-2017 03:06 PM

My uploads 2013 for Ascendelyxe 1.6 Mod were Extras only, possible even here Forum, just as a small bunch necessary, without the whole game. Modding Tools, Mod, all as Extras, thats what i did once.

The problem is, that, the more blah blah you do as a Modder, the less dudes out there get the point and just download and say "what a bullshit that does not work".

If i would have to say, how these Extras would have to be implemented, that would be "too complicated at all". In fact it is super simple, but my experience tells, no one reads nothing at all. It would be easier, just to download a whole pack, to use Batch File, and then play DOS-Box.

I wrote a Batch File, which loads out of the sub-folder, into the main-folder, either the Original Game Files, ASCEND00.COB plus ASCEND01.COB plus ANTAG.EXE plus delete other stuff to prevent necessarily the data override, or the chosen Mod Files, another ASCEND00.COB plus ASCEND01.COB plus ASCEND.EXE plus delete other stuff, so, my Extras should be implemented as two sub-folders and two links, into the main-folder Ascendancy, so that my Batch File could upload the whole Original Stuff, or the whole Mod Stuff while it has to delete some data written by .exe which would override the new data.

That is too much for many dudes out there, just grab the stuff, and just want to play, saying annoyed: WTF, does not work, Nicheal idiot!

So i just wanted to create an all in one package, where the english version gets english .COBs and .EXEs, and where everything is implemented, so that it is an easy going. I was a child when i played Ascendancy 1996, and if a for example young dude is searching desperately for a better Ascendancy, he barely would read and understand my even simple stuff.

If my Batch wont work, he would have to do it manually, but he obviously would not have read the Manual in the first place, and would suffer just a fail.

It is much easier, to do an Ascendancy Gold Edition, a whole pack, about 40 mb .rar / .zip, than to tweak around by copy and paste, in my opinion. There i would KNOW, that everything is compatible and will work easily. You just could use a wrong .exe, and these english .COBs run into errors, for example a german guy would use his german game with german .exe, and, DOS, error, end.

I d just upload that whole pack to ISO Cellar as Ascendancy Gold Edition or Ascendelyxe, where the right english version uses the right .COBs and .EXEs of Antag and Ascend Patch, and where you just have to download, batchload and play by DOS-Box. And it would just work fine for everyone, fine, easy, either Original or Mod, everything, you could ever get.


And by the way, many old Ascendancy sites are down now. It might be a kind of tricky to find these two working magic Modding Tools somewhere in Internet, since Legolas site is down.

Tricky to find ANTAG.EXE or Ascend Patch, Modding Tools, this Mod, cause all these sites are down. To find somewhere, just the whole stuff, just, simply, working, as a whole bunch, perhaps, my effort is the last effort, standing in whole internet to rescue that stuff as a whole!

If i would not have uploaded the Ascendancy Modding Tools here, four years ago, they would be gone forever! But these Modding Tools plus Notepad++ just work to crack that 1995 DOS game open, and thats a kind of a miracle. Perhaps we should do an ultimate bundle, thats what i think.

That one guy could just grab one .zip, and that would be all he would need at all. And thats what i am working on, currently: Just one ultimate .zip bundle, all inclusive.

jordos 02-06-2017 07:41 AM

1 Attachment(s)

I've been doing some reverse engineering on the Ascendancy AI (the antagonizer version) in an effort to improve it a little bit. My focus has been on the AI's planet development and while it is by no means perfect, I decided to release what I have so far in a patch.
All it does for now is to assign a much greater priority on the prosperity of a colony, so it will develop faster. For example, in the original, the AI would get a free factory as it's first building. But then it would have to wait 50 days for a new colonist to become available, so it hardly matters. By giving it a free agriplot it can get going much faster.
For those interested, the decision flow on what the AI would build in the original game looks something like this:

1. getFreeTiles() (white tiles count as a tile for each color)
2. if allTechDone -> set free research tiles to 0
3. if popMax - population < 2 AND population - popInUse < 2 -> habitat
4. if IND < 3 and redTileFree -> industry
5. if RES < 3 and blueTileFree and !alltechdone -> research
6. if FER < 2 and greenTileFree -> fertility
7. if IND < 4 and redTileFree -> industry
8. if FER < 3 and greenTileFree -> fertility
9. if RES < 5 and blueTileFree and !alltechdone -> research
10. if FER < 1 -> fertility
11. if FER < 2 and popMax - pop < 1 and pop - popInUse < 1 -> fertility
12. if greenTileFree and
                100 / FER > 15 (?) and
                popMax - pop > 3 and pop - popInUse = 1 -> fertility
13. if allTechDone
        if redTileFree -> industry
        if greenTileFree and FER < 5 -> fertility
        else -> habitat
14. if !allTechDone
        if hasHyperPower -> RES =+ IND / 2
        if hasInternet -> IND += RES / 2
        if RES > IND and blueTileFree -> research
        if redTileFree -> industry
        if greenTileFree -> fertility
        else habitat

(point 14 looks a little off, it's been a while since I did this, I could be wrong)
I've changed it into something like this:

4.        if FER < 3 -> fertility
5.if IND < 3 -> IND
6.if RES < 3 -> RES
7.if IND < 8
8.if RES < 8

And that's it! There's still a myriad of other problems to solve, but you have to start somewhere :) Incidentally, this also aids the player's AI colony manager.

Just extract the archive to the folder you installed ascendancy in and run ANTAG2.EXE.

Nicheal 03-06-2017 09:59 PM

Thats awesome news, that actually a guy is able to rewrite the .exe of that game! Unfortunately i dont use the ANTAG.EXE for my Mod.

In my version of that .exe, it is biased by war, but just versus the human player, so, you get all versus you, all others are in peace. My Mod dont needs all that ANTAG.EXE stuff anyway. The Antagonizer just makes war, just versus human player, that is diplomatic crap, and it dont gets my new values to build up planets, and builds ships a kind of crap - one out of three is total crap.

Yes, it knows how to build on coloured squares, thats nice but not that games true problem if built on blue or not, rebuilds newer planet and orbital stuff, and gives a kind of a little industry and science boost.

But in my Mod, you get already an awesome AI industry and science boost, and the ASCEND.EXE patch of 1996 is fair in diplomacy - you can tweak the ASCEND00.COB to balance the diplomacy really well, but for ALL species. The Antagonizer can be used in original game and is nice - but it solves not, that the AI dont shoots with special weapons, and dont really gets advanced modding - even smaller changes crap the game up completely.

Just logical, cause the ANTAG.EXE is a tighter algorithm to focus on building and rebuilding, and just one bad change in ASCEND00.COB, and it plays John Snow and knows nothing. The ASCEND.EXE is free and just does what i mod - better ship building, better planet building, better diplomacy anyway, and it just works all the time.


For me, it would be of interest, how you managed to decompile the .exe of Ascendancy to actually be able to rewrite it successfully. A Modders Guide, a Manual how to do that, just in general, would be a lovely piece for me!

I would rewrite the ASCEND.EXE patch of 1996, just to copy and paste in, a part of the Antagonizer, to rebuild older planet and orbital buildings. All other stuff i solved anyway by ASCEND00.COB. And the ONE THING, to advance that crappy AI, to REALLY advance the AI species would be, to say that crappy AI to just colonize EVERY huge planet in the first place, and then, EVERY solar system in the second.

Just give a Modders Guide here, how to decompile the .exes of Ascend please! I would use the patch of 1996 anyway.

jordos 04-06-2017 11:21 AM


To mod the exe like I did you will need a disassembler, like IDA Pro Free 5.0.
When you open the ascendancy exe with IDA you should load it as an MS-DOS executable. When you continue it will say something like 'file has extra information at the end. Continue?'. (choose yes) This is because the ascendancy exe uses a 32 bit dos extender and IDA will only load this part. To get to the actual game code you will need to extract it. Once you have followed the instructions in that link you can add this LE file to the part you already loaded in IDA using File > Load file > Additional binary file... Once IDA is done loading you can start the real work of reverse engineering the game code to something meaningful. :)
Be warned that you need a lot of patience.

I decided to use the antagonizer version because I *think* it is the latest version. Diplomacy was never very good in the game to begin with so I don't miss it very much. Ofcourse, if the AI gets a huge boost like in your mod it would make sense to allow the player some peace :)

Nicheal 04-06-2017 01:59 PM

No, i wont use patience while raping it. :)

Thanks! Yes, that software i did download yesterday, to proof it. All the way, i already got, but that "extract", thanks! I will punish that .exe for twenty years malfunction. :)
"Why do you shoot at yourself?" - "Cause you made me to..." :)

No no! The Antagonizer just makes war versus human player, the AI players just are in peace, at least in my version of that .exe. Using the ASCEND.EXE patch of 1996, i was able to just make total war by tweaking the ASCEND00.COB. So, you meet a species > war, all versus all.

You have to earn peace and alliance. The problem is, what the Antagonizer was not aware of, that, if all the other AI players are in peace, they wont overthrow and conquer each other and stay small. It is better, you make a total war, so that one single huge badass enemy will come up to beat you badly, in my opinion.

So, the Antagonizers diplomacy makes it a bit more challenging in the beginning, cause all AI enemies just fight just you, but in the end you can just conquer small pieces instead of one enemy empire. War is most important, so that the AI conquers the AI, and builds better ships, by losing smaller ones. The Antagonizer fucked up the diplomacy, in my opinion, it wanted to do it better, but it just does it worse.


So, i would use the ASCEND.EXE patch of 1996, and just implement the Antagonizers better planet building and rebuilding lines. I would try to let the AI colonize much more planets and just EVERY solar system it could get. And i would try to let the AI build better ships. All the other stuff, i solved already by rewriting the ASCEND00.COB - to let the special weapons shoot, to make it much more challenging, and to get much smarter AI enemies.

In fact, the ASCEND.EXE patch of 1996 plus my new modded ASCEND00.COB are fully able, to just have solved the most annoying malfunction stuff of that game. Some minor tweaks in .exe would be fairly enough, to shoot that game over the top at all i guess! Thanks! :)
Perhaps, giving 2 instead of just one ships for a solar system would be nice.

jordos 06-06-2017 08:07 PM

Good point, are you sure the antagonizer AI never makes war with other computer opponents though? They do declare war on each other when using the flash.pop cheat (similar to nougat.lf, but when you add this file to the ASCEND dir it makes the game play by itself instead).

tienkhoanguyen 06-06-2017 09:35 PM

Wow! I didn't realize there were so many programmers. Locked in my small niave world of simplicity where everyone is a robot I thought no one else knew programming out there. I guess I was wrong. Well that is the end of my life aspiring to support my family now I know eBay has 500+ games for sale in the DOS section competing with mine once. I had to take mine off knowing it will never sale because I already gave it for free on Abandonia. Oh well my family will always be in poverty now. Poor me. Pity.

Nicheal 07-06-2017 01:40 AM

Hey, no cause to whimper! :)

Just create another crappy smartphone game app by adopting another 1995 game by polishing GFX to comic style 2D, and sell it to the numb people out there! :)

Perhaps you nail Tamagochi into a smartphone, so that all these soulless, brainless mechanical animal children have something to grow and die. :)


I failed to extract the ASCEND.EXE, cause the IDA Pro Free 5.0 i downloaded from, was just the one half of the medal, it spit out just another crappy gibberish.

The other half is the software "DOS/32 Advanced DOS Extender" which includes the SB.EXE, which i should use to extract by SB /U ASCEND.EXE. To copy the SB.EXE into the directory, which includes the ASCEND.EXE and to give that command into DosBox caused a line, that the whole DOS Extender is not properly installed. I would have to "set" the whole DOS Extender folder first, so that the SB.EXE will work.

I really dont know what these programmers talk about, how to "set" the whole folder, so that the DosBox realizes how to work with the SB.EXE! But anyway. Ascendancy got the special weapons shooting and the tec tree much better, and works fine for me.


The ANTAG.EXE i dont have the patience to check all the time. My check told, that it just crashes with my Mod, or dont gets to build planets correctly, or dont gets to make war correctly, so, i dont have the patience at all to tweak around til dead. I just take the ASCEND.EXE, and that works fine for me. Wished to tweak that .EXE itself, but have no patience at all, to crap around there! If extracting is that numb, i d prefer to watch a pile of dog shit to stop smelling. :)

tienkhoanguyen 07-06-2017 03:08 AM


I don't know if the game if any good. However I just downloaded all 7 attachments. Good thing it is not big. Thank you either way. I guess I'm in the mood to relax since I'm in a down moment and need a way to pick me up. Hopefully some nice scenary.

Nicheal 07-06-2017 01:21 PM

Well, i finally succeeded to get an ANTAG.LE out of that by unbinding. LE means linear executable, and these LE are bind by a DOS Extender to increase memory.

The "DOS/32 Advanced DOS Extender" seems to be made by idiots, and didnt work for me at all. Every time i tried to use the included SB.EXE to unbind my ASCEND.EXE, the DosBox told a "fatal error", that "it is not installed properly", and internet told that i would have to "set the DOS/32" blah blah blah bullshit. Why easy, or even complicated, when its better to make it malfunctional.

@jordos had the luck, that he was able to just grab the SB.EXE and get results by SB /U ANTAG.EXE - for me, it did not work at all and that whole software was just a numb idiot - no matter what and how i tried.

But i had the genius idea to grab PMODE/W, another DOS Extender, and i had to grab PMWBIND.EXE to get my ANTAG.LE by PMWBIND /U ANTAG.EXE - so, i had the luck one software later.

Then i opened by IDA Pro Free 5.0 the ANTAG.EXE and > Load file > Additional binary file > search for all files > ANTAG.LE, and tada! i got just an even huger pile of gibberish. I would have been lucky to find something like "if if if" but no. Just an even huger pile of fucking gibberish.

I am sooo close to lose my virginity! lol XD


Perhaps i should just suggest three things to change in .EXE perhaps:

- 2 ships per solar system

- AI colonizes ALL planets or, just much more

- better ship building

i am just a poor modder and no programmer! and i wont beat the shit out of me just to crap around. :)


I d even bet, that @jordos didnt even download / play my Mod actually, and that tienk didnt succeed in playing it! What has to be made clear is definitely: That the special weapons shoot, and the tec tree is much better, and the game is much better, just to tweak the ASCEND00.COB by Notepad++, nothing more needed! Not even to extract the .COB files, not even to tweak the .exes.

I ll see, to finish my Mod, but i want it to do, just... DONE once and for all, i ll see!


Another problem seems to be for me, with the IDA 5.0, that i dont get by type F5, the pseudo code. A plugin for IDA 5.0 to decompile into pseudo code and opening that option in software itself, works just version 6.4 and not for the Free 5.0, so, i dont get any pseudo code out of it.

Dont know how to find some "if orders", i understand a bit more now, after opening some .exes, how that is meant to be and meant to work, i even began to understand hex code a bit more now, but my hope to "just get" some true "if orders" out of that gibberish cake, crashed totally.

The good thing is, that, as i told, just my Mod is needed.


You dont have to tweak the .exe at all, if you use Notepad++ and tweak the ASCEND00.COB, you can do nearly EVERYTHING. To let the special weapons shoot, to change the tec tree, to change how the ships are built, to change diplomacy, all there! It is a really modern created DOS game, with open files to mod at all! Even if the AI is crap often, but if you tweak the ASCEND00.COB well, promise, it is much less crap at all!

FIRST download my Mod, and use Notepad++ to check out my ASCEND00.COB, to find out, easy, to tweak that stuff, THEN tweak the rest .exe! My suggestion.


8.6. / EDIT 21.7.

I did stop modding, right before i finished up my new version of ASCENDELYXE 2.0 - a kind of a good thing, cause a german fellow called "Franky", the guy who found out how to let specials actually shoot, tweaks around still, and gave me some ideas which i could implement now, or later. I could tweak the special weapon of the cannibalizer, to actually being used on friends or enemies! Looking forward to try that out. :)

kdb150 04-08-2017 02:07 AM

Hi, I am trying to make some edits to Ascend00.COB, but I can't get it to run after I edit it. All of the old guides have disappeared off the web, sadly, and I was wondering if anyone can explain how I can edit the COB file values and make it work using just a text editor.

I think I can leverage the free buildings the Antag gives the AI, and disable a bunch of useless stuff like scanners and cloakers and low-level weapons to basically give them a decent head start force them to build better early ships with more colonizers. An explanation of how to successfully tweak values and make the edited COB file run with the game would be really appreciated. Thanks.

tienkhoanguyen 04-08-2017 10:44 AM


Some tips from an old programmer. If you are going to edit with a simple text editor that is usually very hard. Try editing using a hex editor. The reason is a text editor shifts a character that you edit right or left (usually right) and that affects how the game reads the file. A hex editor on the other hand will replace the value instead of shifting the rest of the values and messing the positional section up! So for instance the game will scan a value at position 3 for a troop. If you shift the value to position 4 then it could be anything at position 3 and that would make the game crash!!! Well editing a file is usually hard depending on how the game was programmed. Most game has their own format and will only read uppercase values [ie A instead of a]. Other games might read shifted characters for encryption purposes so you do not mess with it or it is harder to tamper with. Most people in the industry are out for money so they will make it hard to decipher or mess with.

Anyways I could not get the game to work so I do not know. It could also be that the game did not work in the first place? Having "cheats" can be fun!!!!! However. Good luck in figuring it out.

I have given free advice from a programmer's point of view. However I need money to live too. If you find my advice useful try to reach me somehow and donate a few pennies. hehe Seriously, a few pennies may not be much however a little from everyone makes me rich!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways I am too paranoid to give out my address#

Take care and if you do not have enough money or just a kid just be safe and stick to your parents. Listen to your parents they worked hard. Just be good and graduate.

tienkhoanguyen 04-08-2017 12:02 PM

Remember my dad's advice: Always have a backup. - Nguyen Binh Thuy

If you hex edit your game data and it is messed up you could lose your game especially if you bought it. You will have to start all over or worst if it was bought online. Some places will allow you to receive free replacement for your lost if you have a receipt. Many places are hard about that I've found! I guess the idea is people could claim they lost it and get another one for their friend for free.

kdb150 04-08-2017 05:24 PM

Thanks, editing was really simple in the hex editor.

Has anyone tried to edit the iOS version? I'm assuming the COB values are probably kicking around in there somewhere where they could be edited, but I don't want to waste my time jailbreaking for access to the files if not. The ability to set ship destinations from the cluster view is something I don't think I could do without on dense and very dense clusters; moving all of those ships across the cluster manually is extremely tedious.

Mystvan 05-08-2017 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by kdb150 (Post 468481)
Hi, I am trying to make some edits to Ascend00.COB, but I can't get it to run after I edit it. All of the old guides have disappeared off the web, sadly, and I was wondering if anyone can explain how I can edit the COB file values and make it work using just a text editor.

I think I can leverage the free buildings the Antag gives the AI, and disable a bunch of useless stuff like scanners and cloakers and low-level weapons to basically give them a decent head start force them to build better early ships with more colonizers. An explanation of how to successfully tweak values and make the edited COB file run with the game would be really appreciated. Thanks.


Originally Posted by kdb150 (Post 468488)
Thanks, editing was really simple in the hex editor.

Has anyone tried to edit the iOS version? I'm assuming the COB values are probably kicking around in there somewhere where they could be edited, but I don't want to waste my time jailbreaking for access to the files if not. The ability to set ship destinations from the cluster view is something I don't think I could do without on dense and very dense clusters; moving all of those ships across the cluster manually is extremely tedious.

I think you should ask Nicheal. Nichael? Nichael Jackson? :clap: :dance: :band: :rimshot: :guitar:

I also used a hex editor to edit the location, status, etc. of the characters of the Lands of Lore. This is only for those who understand this, which is not my case... :blush:

Nicheal 06-08-2017 08:36 PM

Yes, ask Nicheal! The great. Always a fucking waste of my time when some noobs weave into the thread and make blah blah without reading nothing.

Notepad++ can just be used, if you dont change the end of line position, otherwise the game crashes, yes. Using a Hex Editor would be an option, using the CobExtractor itself, is the perfect solution, but it is a kind of a waste of my time, telling that every person again.

The iOS version is the same fuck just with touch screen. It was iOS only, another fault in that series of faults of these broke creators of that game, anyway, they did not solve any problems there - still a pity ruin of a game with a AI like an idiot. Still crap. Doesnt matter to me at all how to mod that. To play that on a pity smartphone touch screen is an idea of a wanker. Now that company is broke anyway, and the game is dead totally, caused by the wise decisions of wankers - they had twenty years talking bullshit, and did an iOS only smartphone version, with touch screen and some nice gimmicks without solving a single crap - amateurs!

And i could talk and talk, and that half a dozen guys out there, wont even recognize anything, so just crap around with your ASCEND00.CRAP and dont listen to me! Dont download my Mod, dont listen to me, just wank and crap around, go on!

The ANTAG.EXE crashes anyway caused by the Domain Error in SQRT, it is an unstable .EXE wich increases its pain in the ass by every change you make in ASCEND00.COB, especially if you do that wisest of all solutions and let the Special Weapons shoot - so, go on, dont download my Mod, dont read my comments, and crap around silly! Useless, if you dont get the Special Weapons to shoot by AI anyway, like i did! But if you do, the ANTAG.EXE grows much more unstable and loves to crash.

The ANTAG.EXE is made by total idiots anyway. Neutral gives a diplomacy all versus human player. War the same, plus industry and research boost for the AI. Problem: All versus human player ONLY, so that all of these idiot species just make war versus you. Problem: That is a hard code fucked up problem, the AI idiot species dont make war versus each other, mostly, and so, they dont build up huge empires versus you. The diplomacy of the unstable ANTAG.EXE is total crap. If you change much in ASCEND00.COB, the ANTAG.EXE crashes much more. I, the by far best Modder of that pity old game ruin, use the 1996 ASCEND.EXE patch. You get the ships quite good, the planets good, it does not crash, you can change everything, you lose the ability of a better planetary management, yes, but all of the other stuff is quite good, like diplomacy.

The only way to use the ANTAG.EXE is on Peaceful, where the diplomacy isnt total crap, just as usual. If you modify the diplomacy values in the ASCEND00.COB, you get more aggression anyway, like i did, so you could tweak it. The ANTAG.EXE Neutral and War hardcoded bullshit, just... sucks. Lucky, that if you change too much parameters, the ANTAG.EXE crashes anyway, no matter what you do. So i cannot use the ANTAG.EXE while modding and playing a good diplomacy. My Mod is fantastic, and every guy weaving into that thread, gives a damn and asks his bullshit - not even solving the problem, that the fucking Special Weapons arent even used by AI ships, what i -the fuck- DID!

blah blah end


O wow, Mystvan and tienk teach me, that i am unbalanced, aggro and insane..... clean up your own mess first! my suggestion. That i am totally right, is totally right. It does not matter to me getting banned! My only thing is here, that i try to mod Ascendancy to a "best possible stage", end.

It does not matter to me, that i "get visits or clicks". It is just insane, that kdb and Jordos for example, dont even download my Mod. Jordos, tries to hack the .EXE down, to tweak stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know how disgusting hard that is??? Instead of reading my comments, download my Mod, and get 99 % better results. And kdb begins to mod by Hex Editor, not even getting my solution, how to let Special Weapons shoot. That is NOTHING, if the AI ships dont shoot with the Disintegrator, it is just a childish tweaking, nothing more.

Read Nicheal FIRST. Download Nicheal Mod FIRST. THEN tweak around, fuck.

The most problems i solved already. The most stuff is solved already!

So all Specials shoot! The Tec Tree could be changed! Wow. THEN do your stuff. My suggestion.

But does not matter anyway. I try to finish up my Mod, and upload it - wherever.


The last weeks i gave the ANTAG.EXE another shot, cause the ANTAG.EXE builds nice AI ships, and uses the... english word... phase bomb? The ANTAG.EXE has a perfect planetary management, and uses the phase bomb. The ASCEND.EXE is stable, and merciful for Modders, the ANTAG.EXE really NOT. The ANTAG.EXE has a hardcoded diplomacy crap, and does not forgive Modding, and crashes if you get the Special Weapons actually to shoot at you. Pity. Pity. Pity.

We got two .EXEs with special faults. I would prefer the 1996 ASCEND.EXE patch, and a fairy gives into that, the ANTAG.EXE planetary management plus two phase bombs in every AI ship. That would be perfect. Perhaps Neutral much industry and research boost. War fucking much.

Diplomacy no hardcode, just to tweak in ASCEND00.COB, that would be lovely, but to hack the .EXE is just disgusting hard. So, i gave the last two months, the ANTAG.EXE another shot.

It failed again. But my Special Weapons grew... badass. The Molecular Tie Down has Weapons Ability now, so it stops your ship, plus damages your ship. That Positron Bouncer, another AI prancer teethless weapon, all Weapons, Special Weapons, disgusting once - the AI ships used just all of these Special Weapons, prancing around, kick you there, kick you there, manoeuvre, dont use weapons, dont use anything, stand still, die.

That was disgusting! Now my Positron Prancer is most lovely. It pushes you backwards, not really much, but just out of range, gives you a smart little ship damage, is used as main weapon, perhaps 3 of them in an enemy AI ship, is most disgusting for you, and is called Brutal Burst. A most lovely Special Weapon now, firing! You ll hate it.

ALL of my Special Weapons, are AI most functional cunts now! They dont waste time now, they turn to dust now. Ready for usage by enemy AI ships, MASSIVELY!

The diplomacy will be GREAT! Endless war, with options of alliance. All versus all.

The tec tree is completely modded, cause i found out, that you have to delete the RESUME.GAM, where the tec tree, once loaded by NEW GAME, or save game, is stored, like the solar system names, and does an override versus the ASCEND00.COB values! So, delete the RESUME.GAM, and let your ASCEND00.COB be loaded, fresh into game, so that the RESUME.GAM does not override your new written data.

I got 99 % of all of that, working, dudes!

So read my stuff, and download my stuff. Please.

Blake00 14-10-2018 10:17 AM

Thanks @Nicheal ! I love this game and have been thinking of replaying Ascendancy ever since I did a minor tribute to it on my Imperium Galactica and similar games website (been 20yrs so I want to play again and do a proper big tribute to it). Your AI mod should make it a more interesting experience!

Might interest you guys to know that Ascendancy's creator recently posted on the Ascendancy FB page for the first time in 4 years about how busy his life is etc but that he's never forgotten about the dream of creating a sequel. Can't find his post now but he's since posted a poll on whether fans would want humans as a faction in the sequel if it gets made.

Ps I can't believe I haven't logged into this forum since 2006.. what the hell lol!!

Nicheal 16-10-2018 09:12 AM

There is no thnx allowed, dude! I have to blame myself, I wasnt able til today, to just finish up my Ascendancy Mod, that was near perfect and I just quit, as always, the tragedy of a genius. That is really a problem to me. I just dig deep into the matter and explode by dynamics in any direction, put an effort into it, and after a while, it turns out, that the experience and fun is over, the first welcome, to take our virginity in a blast of orgies and orgasms, and now, to finish that huge amount of crappy work, it would be just a huge amount of crappy work left, and no fun at all, and then, I fucking leave. I ate the fun, and quit the work.

Right before I would finish up my vision, I lose grip and just leave, ALWAYS. So, just BLAME ME, for not doing the last two hours and finish up that Mod, since over a year. I do it myself.


Might interest you guys to know that Ascendancy's creator recently posted
No, it surely doesnt.

In Germany, there is a tale: Always a little child screamed, while being a shepherd: The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming! And all the people of the village came together in anger and fear, to kill the beast, and always, it was just a joke. The last time, when the child screamed, when the wolf actually appeared, no one came, and the child was dead.

I listen to Logic Factory announcements since 1995, and NEVER, the wolf appeared.

It might be a sad dream of a guy, long lost his momentum, his money, his crew, his company, to bad written and long gone ambitions.

Do you know, how much money, Star Citizen, got? A quarter billion. And even these guys are in an Alpha Stage still. To create, today, a huge game, and just watch Star Citizen Squadron 42 trailers on YouTube, to create such an enormous game, you need millions of dollars, you need actual support, actual... interests, greed, fire, burning, we want to eat and die! Such a thing.

The Logic Factory is down, sadly, and all of these announcements, every four years, just were bullshit, one by another. You wait for four years, get one single shot of a bullshit sentence, and then, you wait another four years, THAT, was the story of Ascendancy 1995 til now. To create a Multiverse Ascendancy 2, he would need support, and as long that guy does no Kickstarter, Crowdfunding, and a serious announcement "we want to collect at least 500.000 dollars to kickstart our ambitions again" that is ALL just steam in a toilet! :)


I really have in the dark backsides of my mind to finish up that Ascendelyxe 1.6 Mod of mine! I am just an asshole, not to! I solved nearly everything, and that game kicks asses now fulltime. The problem was two things:

1) I would have had to tweak some weapon stuff PLUS write the new values into the INFO, that was too much for me. To tweak a dozen of weapons, but PLUS, to compare all the actual values with the INFO values.

2) To compare the TURN entries of the NEW TEC TREE with the actual appearing turns in-game, caused by a slight hardcoded edge twisting turns a little.

These were my two "problems" I didnt want to go down on anymore. Brrrrrrrr. I hate compare tweak shit.


At least, I try to create a Total Conversion from time to time, I began end of 2015 to convert the Hex Game "Panzer Corps" by Slitherine into a Star General Total Conversion.

Star General, you know, one of the best Game ruins EVER, nobody knows. Panzer General. Fantasy General. Star General. Currently I worked on my Star General Total Conversion and I at least have a unit now called "Logic Factory", actually, a Logic Factory to destroy that building and to get money for. :) That will be fun! Every time my Khalian Stormtroopers will reach a fucking Logic Factory, they ll burn it. :) Yeah! Lets burn that fucking building, and earn money and buy another tank for our core troopers! :)



jambalaya 10-05-2020 08:57 PM

Ascendancy Jambalaya Mod v.1.0

Hi All,

I just finalized my version of Ascendancy. I edited the weapons, buildings, and research in CAB 0 as well as the alien pictures. Included is the Antag2 version of the exe found on this forum thread by that awesome swedish guy.
  • Now the AI benefits a lot from additional factory and research on orbital structures, and your planet can develop a lot smoother that way too.
  • Some of the later structures now also act as mega buildings that provide lots of productivity.
  • Almost all buildings are balanced for extra utility and compelling uses.
  • Weapons were changed to be more balanced but be careful, as early danger can appear from enemy missiles that reach farther than your orbital missiles! (I've never actually had this happen yet, though).
  • The research locations were changed to make key research harder to achieve and longer to discover.
  • New alien pictures

I've finally tweaked this enough that I think this will be as good as it will get, without reverse engineering the code.

Don't forget to delete the resume.gam file before starting this new version! The research time won't be changed until you do it once.

Download the Ascendancy Jambalaya Mod v1.0 here!!!

Nicheal 03-08-2022 08:34 PM


The idea to make research longer to discover I actually implemented in my new version. I made the Ascendelyxe 1.6 in 2013 after a guy called "Franky" found out how the Special Weapons actually shoot. After that I tried to enhance that into a 2.0 - but Ascendancy is not THAT good to play it often, and you need mood to actually play/testplay kind of a lot. My last effort was May 2020 - before all became a bit nasty for me. Now, a week ago, a guy commented my CivFanatics thread and it might be that I got my Ascendelyxe 2.0 done.

Antag2.exe for Ascendancy Vanilla

COBExtractor Most Potent Modding Tool

Old Ascendelyxe 1.6 Mod

CivFanatics Ascendancy Mod Thread

To the Jambalaya Mod, and please forgive my Germanhood (being direct and rude):

1) The Antag.exe is done by an Ascendancy alien, lol. The guy "jordos" to exceed its boundaries might be a great guy - but the guy CREATING the Antag.exe in the first place was definitely no fanatic player of Ascendancy, or, totally alien to that game, lol - otherwise he would have known that to totally hardcode halt ANY wars between AI factions and just boost THE ONLY POSSIBLE war, perhaps: versus the human player, has a consequence: Since the AI is too stupid to colonize most planets and systems, it stays a kind of weak, and since it doesnt extinguish other races via AI WAR, it doesnt develop an empire, simple is that. That WEAKENS the AI! NOT strongens.

Perhaps the Antagonizer is capable of repairing ships, yes, I saw that sometimes. But the best possible way to make AI strong is the bad old war. The AI conquers vast territory and gets its ships destroyed on a regular basis, so that it builds up an empire with modern ships, simple is that. No war - no empire.

2) It wouldnt have been necessary for me to change my beloved race pics.

3) The Special Weapons still are useless and wont be used by AI.

4) The Tec Tree seems a mess, and perhaps worse than in vanilla.

5) What the AI builds up on planets is a mess, too.

The values of my Ascendelyxe 2.0 are:

1) I use the Ascend.exe from 1996, no Antag.exe or even Antag2.exe. Yes. It is still stupid and wont colonize a proper territory, and wont exchange older buildings for newer ones, yes. BUT. I tweaked it to TOTAL WAR. Peace and even Alliances are still possible, but perhaps not with Frutmaka and other badasses, perhaps with some nicer guys, but Ascendancy is full of badasses.

If you get a slow weak start you just get wiped out. It is common stuff that you hear "EXTINCT" some times before year 1000, and perhaps one strong opponent gets 30 ships in year 1500.

2) My Tec Tree also includes maximum costs in time now. That is a great thing to exceed the timeline. But my Tec Tree is a smooth runnin beauty.

3) My Planetary Buildings are balanced. Since Planetary Buildings are COSTLY, and support "Self Managed Planets" with near no micro management, and since my Orbital Structures support SOME industry and A BIT research -like the Jambalaya Mod does too-, you can see how AI creates good planets, actually, nasty good planets. If you delay in a good way and let grow in a natural way by balanced building values - and I can see the results, that will be fine.

4) My Tec Tree is smooth runnin. My planet squares are balanced. My Planetary Buildings are balanced. My weapons and ship stuff is expensive and balanced and ALL WEAPONS DO THEIR MAGIC. No excuses.

Testgame story, super interesting:

I had a testgame with Frutmaka, I got the Chamachies extinct fast, I usually suppress planets until my Invaders arrive. It was a Middle Map Five Opponents game. After that Marmosians and Minions got extinct fast by the Nimbuloids. The ONLY THING saving my game was some cheese (not so nice advantages a human player can use in games): My scout found out, in a sudden shock, that the Nimbuloids had gathered 14 Middle Class ships in a system a bit away (still rather early game and outnumbering us) - my plan had been to wipe out the Minions by myself in their home system, then colonize that area beyond, then face the last race, but the Nimbuloids were faster. (As always!) So, a slight retreat, we let colonize that territory by Nimbuloids, let enter their whole fleet into the Minion home system and they wiped the Minions out - at the end of a red star lane. So - we sent a SMALL SLOW bull ship, lol, and the whole Nimbuloid fleet came to an infinite halt.

That system was a typical cycle of some systems with two red star lanes, capable of circumventing some systems, plus that home world and that Nimbuloid fleet via the other red lane and some systems, so, first, we thought about conquering these fresh colonized systems for us, building up a STRONG FLEET, and then facing that Nimbuloids, until one of my brain cell generals had the intriguing argument, that even IF we would build up a strong fleet to face and perhaps kill them off, then travel the territory along, then enter that red lane some systems away were they gathered in the first place, then enter their deep territory - they would have another fleet ready, the moment we would arrive! Better: To halt them infinite by bull ships, lol, the year the SLOW tiny thing enters their system, yet ANOTHER has to enter the red bubble, and so on and so on - while we build up relaxed, and conquer their defenseless territories, while these fools STAY trapped, without any problems. That was perhaps my only option to actually win.

Next idea of my best brain cell general was to send them a bull ship bomb, since they liked to use Tractor Beam to pull my bull ships to their loving warmth, we equipped any new bull ship with a Self Destructotron, kahahaha, nice idea. That device has a 6 damage and small range, so, more for fun than to actually destroy them, but after all we had defeated them anyway by advanced cheese. If that Nimbuloid fleet would have taken the LEFT system instead of the RIGHT, we would have fought a desperate defensive until perhaps game end!

Yes, we would have used OTHER red lanes and our good defensive planets to wear them down, but after all, they would have conquered just a vast territory and perhaps just beaten us in a hopeless fight. Our home was perhaps 10 systems, then a long red lane, then that 2 red lane system cycle and the middle territory of about 20 systems, then the Nimbuloid deep territory after their long red lane with another 20 systems, and IF we would have lost the middle 20, you could imagine game over.

If a guy like @jordos could change the Ascend.exe to colonize most planets and systems wave after wave, and to rebuild planets better like in Antag2.exe, nice! But even without that, my 2.0 is a by far superior game compared to the vanilla.

ASCENDELYXE 2.0 is finally done. If a guy wants to play Ascendancy the best possible way, download it.

Link in my Signature, down below:


Blake00 12-08-2022 07:58 AM

Nice work mate, good to see this project come back to life again!

Admiral Loknar 13-08-2022 01:31 PM

Balance feedback

Originally Posted by Nicheal (Post 486509)
ASCENDELYXE 2.0 is finally done. If a guy wants to play Ascendancy the best possible way, download it.

Hey there. I like everything about your mod and finally we have a vision of someone who actually understands the game. First the combat is so much better now in terms of balance. You can't beat AI on Energy advantage by kiting and waiting until they run out and shoot them afterwards. Fixing weapons range helps as well, cause previously you was invulnerable if you had speed advantage. Now you actually have to think and shields are useful, altho not balanced at all in terms of energy consumption.

One thing I don't understand is the Economy balance and Production Points cost in particular. How exactly does it help AI? Not only it ruins any semblance of balance for the player, but also hampers AI. I think the original intent was to make them build more advanced structures or ships more, but keeping these values close to vanilla achieves this and better. Many advanced structures cost is so absurd that you have no option to build them anyway. 600 PP is huge investment for such a small gains and there are no better structure at 600 PP than Orbital Shipyard and 2nd tier Research structure. And the later you usually build only after the planet completely developed by replacing Agripots and Factories/Labs. Basically you don't build anything except 100 PP structures until very late in the game where you basically won already.

Nicheal 14-08-2022 03:32 PM

Oh, you like everything and then a huge list of complaints. :omg:

I was a desperate Ascendancy fanatic player in my childhood so I know EXACTLY whats crap and whats to change - as far as I can. :)

> In what way the shields are not balanced? Energy consumption?

> I LOVE these expensive planetary buildings. Spares a lot of micro management. I always found it sad, that after 1800 turns the research is over, and after 2 turns any planet is completely built up, and you dont even build all ship stuff or Huge Class Ships cause all is built so easy and cheap and fast.

I wanted to make it more realistic and slow and beneficial - the AI benefits, cause it builds up slow, so, in middle game it has enough empty planet slots to build the good stuff, and in late game it has much bad stuff. :) That just hampers the human, not the AI, cause the AI has AI War Center to boost its industry. If you want the AI faster, use Ascend00 Heavy.cob! Or even brutal. :)

Admiral Loknar 14-08-2022 06:05 PM

Reply on Balance Notes

Originally Posted by Nicheal (Post 486518)
> In what way the shields are not balanced? Energy consumption?

Basically the way combat works now: AI have infinite energy effectively, so the Distance management doesn't matter vs enemy ships. You have two approaches:
- wait until AI comes at you in 30 sq distance to shoot first, enable shields and disable AI ships with powerful specials to pick them apart from Distance 40 or 60 depending on your weapons.
- load up with the most cost effective one range 40 and mostly range 30 weapons, and have enough energy to kill AI in the first turn.

That 1st part is possible in the midgame cause shields take unproportional amount of energy or you have to take the full hit. And as you can see you usually need shields only for a single turn.


Originally Posted by Nicheal (Post 486518)
> I LOVE these expensive planetary buildings. Spares a lot of micro management. I always found it sad, that after 1800 turns the research is over, and after 2 turns any planet is completely built up, and you dont even build all ship stuff or Huge Class Ships cause all is built so easy and cheap and fast.

I wanted to make it more realistic and slow and beneficial - the AI benefits, cause it builds up slow, so, in middle game it has enough empty planet slots to build the good stuff, and in late game it has much bad stuff. :) That just hampers the human, not the AI, cause the AI has AI War Center to boost its industry. If you want the AI faster, use Ascend00 Heavy.cob! Or even brutal. :)

I don't get how this benefits AI exactly. Also AI builds those War Centers around turn 1000, so usually I have to cycle through them and build War Center on their Home World at the very least. I beat Brutal on Sparse map under 100 turns, but I think your mod is meant to be played at Very Dense setting, so you can't steamroll AI as easily.

The way eco progression works now on the new planets: depending on the planet you build up your planet to 11, 13, 15, 17 or 20 Industry ASAP. Usually you have about 12 PP on average with natural development of the first POP row. At this point you will also have 4 Prosperity and 1 free POP to start building mandatory Orbital Shipyard. It takes 40-50 turns usually and your POP grows during that time. After that point you build Research and Prosperity (to get to 3-4) until 1 free POP left and then do your Small Hull Colony Ship. Repeat that process until full.

Your next step is replacing Agropots with Research buildings. After that replace Factories with Shipyards gradually. OFC insert new ships when you have free slots. Then its time to upgrade Research buildings to 600 Production Points versions. You never have time to build anything above 600 PP buildings. Especially stuff that costs more than 1200. Its absurd how 600 PP Shipyard basically the same as 1200 PP Mega Factory.

I believe you wanted to balance building cost around Ships, but what ended up happening is AI taking too much time to develop new colonies due to Shipyard cost and their love to build it when they have 5 Production Points per turn. Then if they have free ship slots what will happen is queueing up ships on those new planets as well as on the proper colonies with AI War Centers. Basically for the first like 1000 turns and sometimes more AI is very vulnerable.

If you want my suggestions I will up to provide some. I'm playing Master of Orion 2 and 3 at the highest level for more than 2 decades, so I have the gist on how to balance 4X games.

Nicheal 14-08-2022 06:51 PM

Wow, MOO2 on highest, wufff. Since I found out how MOO2 cheats on highest there is no point for me anymore to suffer cheat magic and no fun at all. So I mostly play the second hardest. I won Colonization on highest once, thats enough! :)

The problem with shields is, that the AI uses them hardcoded, it has zero, one, or sometimes, I think, two onboard, and their AI usage is dubious. My target is that human player uses these wisely, just at some spearhead occasions. I dont want them to be invulnerable for the human player - but that happens if you give them more defense and less energy - the human player builds three of them and AI FK OFF. :) No no no! Less defense and more energy, they might rescue some of your ships sending them back to dockyard highly damaged. I use the most specials like shields - they shall be a slight edge, no magic to fool the AI.

I suggest, if you have an interest to work that out, to make an account CivFanatics and write a PM - or same here, but Abandonia is a bit slow often.

Yes. The first encounter might be a pushover. Right. But I just am not capable to rescue ALL the Ascendancies stupidities, that would be a thing for programmer Hercules, some kind of greek mythological hero.

Playing MOO2 on highest you usually get a solar system gap so that you miss one early tec to reach out early to delay the human player under a booming AI steamroller. Right, the first encounter is a pushover, BUT, I played testgames Middle Galaxy size, the next encounter could be a challenge, and the huger the galaxy the more.

To be honest I dont think like a Legend player to calculate all to the last point. I want, that if you get a great building, that it is well deserved, I dont want all buildings to be cheap and easy and so, just a micro management spam, puke.

IF you want to change stuff use Notepad++ to change the Ascend00.cob to your satisfaction. Around line 7500 the planetary buildings are - I made sure you have space to change values, just dont change the endpoint, that 255, do not include more stuff over the available space or it crashes! :)

Admiral Loknar 14-08-2022 08:55 PM

Quick Answers [Detailed stuff later]

Originally Posted by Nicheal (Post 486520)
Wow, MOO2 on highest, wufff. Since I found out how MOO2 cheats on highest there is no point for me anymore to suffer cheat magic and no fun at all. So I mostly play the second hardest. I won Colonization on highest once, thats enough! :)

What I meant is Multiplayer and Optimal Runs. Single players is 0 challenge in any 4X game. You can win Huge Galaxy against 7 Impossible AI's with the best custom races in MOO 2 in under 100 turns consistently without wormholes.


Originally Posted by Nicheal (Post 486520)
The problem with shields is, that the AI uses them hardcoded, it has zero, one, or sometimes, I think, two onboard, and their AI usage is dubious. My target is that human player uses these wisely, just at some spearhead occasions. I dont want them to be invulnerable for the human player - but that happens if you give them more defense and less energy - the human player builds three of them and AI FK OFF. :) No no no! Less defense and more energy, they might rescue some of your ships sending them back to dockyard highly damaged. I use the most specials like shields - they shall be a slight edge, no magic to fool the AI.

I see. The thing is that shields completely useless now due to one simple fact: when you have enough energy to activate shields you better use it to use for speed advantage. By that I mean constantly keeping the distance and having enough firepower to kill the enemy with 40 range weapons. AI always moves to the max extent, so you can always figure out how to outrange them and shoot without being answered if they don't have 40 range weapons as well. You shoot, they respond by moving closer, you move away using extra speed, they move closer, but not close enough to answer your second shot. Repeat cycle until they die. Only possible if you have enough energy, therefore Barrage Gun can be your best weapon for a long time.

You can always include rules on the fair Shield usage and balance them properly. You will lose a lot of time if you go back repairing ships. Usually I only use Docks to refit ships. By that I mean producing ship on specialized world with all non-essential slots filled with Star Drives to refit them later.


Originally Posted by Nicheal (Post 486520)
Yes. The first encounter might be a pushover. Right. But I just am not capable to rescue ALL the Ascendancies stupidities, that would be a thing for programmer Hercules, some kind of greek mythological hero.

To be honest I dont think like a Legend player to calculate all to the last point. I want, that if you get a great building, that it is well deserved, I dont want all buildings to be cheap and easy and so, just a micro management spam, puke.

What I was trying to say that returns don't match investments at all. And think about it in terms of impact you get from a ship that costs the same or even less. I will write more specifics when I have free time on my hands.


Originally Posted by Nicheal (Post 486520)
IF you want to change stuff use Notepad++ to change the Ascend00.cob to your satisfaction. Around line 7500 the planetary buildings are - I made sure you have space to change values, just dont change the endpoint, that 255, do not include more stuff over the available space or it crashes! :)

Yes, I know bout that. I even used CobExtractors to look up Research point cost values. But I think there should be some hidden modifier I wasn't able to locate, but my best guess is that my planetary development strategy is the optimal one.


Originally Posted by Nicheal (Post 486520)
I suggest, if you have an interest to work that out, to make an account CivFanatics and write a PM - or same here, but Abandonia is a bit slow often.

The reason I write here is that its impossible for me to sign up on CivFanatics no matter the workaround I use. Admins there hate me. My account on the Abandonia still not confirmed, therefore I reduced to posting that way.

Nicheal 15-08-2022 11:13 AM

1) I prefer not to use "House Rules", that I NEED an AI Tec, AI Energy and AI Industry is clear, but that shall be all. AI Warfare Tec, AI War Engine, AI War Center, END. Even that is considered "cheating" already - that ALL AI in ALL games cheats, and that Ascendancy needs that most, who cares. :sick:

2) Yes, Research Points include a Multiplier somewhere, I think within the .exe, but anyhow my Tec Tree seems perfect to me, a beauty, and all well established.

3) HIGHLY appreciate that I can talk a little.

4) I did the best my brain could do enhance that as good as I can. Obviously, that result was my absolute best and maximum. I worked on advanced and by far superior diplomacy for my Ascendelyxe 2.1 version, perhaps next few weeks when another testplay I could finish that 2.1 up. But that is my personal best I was capable of, and I am satisfied within these boundaries.

5) IF you think to get that done better, feel free! If some guy out there would be capable of doing that even better, do it! Since you can use Notepad++, and since you used already COBExtractor, just change that into your prefered values and send it to me. I am expert enough to see what I will see then. :)

6) But as long no good Python programmer would open the accessible .exe to enhance stuff completely - my patience with Antag.exe wore zero, and my patience with all these lacks wore into a stage where I say: I did my best, not MY fault the lack of other kants. These Logic Factory guys were capable 2011 to do an IOS only version, so these sh**y guys had some years plus easy access to enhance that game and did NOTHING. We speak about Ascendancy, a highly frustrating and lacking game from 1995 its own creators didnt find worthy to change for 50 kb in its .exe, so, that I came that far is a nice touch for me! That the Disintegrator shoots finally, for example.

7) I currently fulfilled yet another dream of my childhood - a Star General SSI total conversion so that will be my fun now! :) Ascendancy is not a thing of my total focus, that cranc little kant. :)

8) Ooo, yes, what you forgot: The slots are not infinite. So, any planet shall build at least something, and the orbit has 10 slots, a planet far more. I actually dont care at all. A human player has to build up a basic colony, then shipyard, dockyard, weapons and shields, that limits the orbital structures, but it is INTENDED that the human player would build up shipyard dockyard super orbital facilities - if the human player wants to perfect that, he still has MORE slots on planet surface, but still not infinite, so, to increase quality he should increase quality, since he could do it.

To increase research is not necessary, but possible. To increase industry would be necessary and possible, the human player can build basic structures, and if possible or necessary, could build enhanced structures, and that is costly, simply. You increase the SLOT quality when all slots filled, if necessary, cause possible. But you dont need to. In huge til giant galaxies you should do it to match the huge AI enemies OR, on heavy or brutal, the huge advantage of AI industry boost. :)

I wanted the human player to be capable of enhancing quality, or to be capable of spare that micro management orgy completely. So! You can just build up basics, then orbit, then have fun, OR, you could enhance the slots by quality building specialized super planets. I just dont think that any human out there would mass spam micro managing all planets to the bitter death. :) So, you could do all you wish, but you could spare that either, to just game. But to enhance quality is costly and comes with a cost, both, time and micro management. It is an option to increase, sometimes necessary, often just the benefit of luxury. That is intended to work that way. :)

That are my thoughts about it. And Xeno Archeology, I even wanted to increase in time, NOT decrease! :) Or to delete it completely, cause that is in any case an OP thing giving OP stuff, at the moment.

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