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Kosta 04-12-2004 02:28 PM

Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review & Download

Data 04-12-2004 03:24 PM

which sound is missing exactly in dosbox ? as I get sound when i select
gus or soundblaster 16 or soundblaster pro. (sound on mouse clicks that is)

TaloN 04-12-2004 03:31 PM

the in game music, even then it only worked 1/3times with VDMS, so i ended up just playing my own music.

Data 04-12-2004 03:36 PM

in the archive isn't any music file ? the sound directory is only 700 kb...
not sure where it will fetch it music from. But you are right. there is no music in dosbox. only sfx

TaloN 04-12-2004 03:41 PM

yeh i couldnt find anything that looked like a music file. yet at times you would get some music playing, seemed to be one tune on a loop.

Danny252 04-12-2004 04:49 PM

maybe there just isn't music...

Data 04-12-2004 04:51 PM

Oh well it doesn't really matter. The game technically runs in dosbox. But enough about that.

It's really a great game ! Especially if you invent the flying units (as those bombards). Real fun

Danny252 04-12-2004 07:48 PM

how'd you get bombards to fire?

TaloN 04-12-2004 11:03 PM


Originally posted by Danny252@Dec 4 2004, 08:48 PM
how'd you get bombards to fire?
read the manuel attached (seperate download) should explain. i presume u mean the catapult like things and not the Bombardiers (grifen riders)

Obsidian 27-12-2004 12:51 PM

Fantasy General had one the BEST soundtracks I had ever heard! I used to pop the disk in my drive just to hear the music!

Nedo 29-12-2004 10:33 AM

Wonderful soundtrack in the background sorta LotR feeling on it iirc. I actually have the old cd somewhere so if someone should want sound files I could prolly fix it.

Guest 31-01-2005 05:36 AM

Great game only one music!! :cry: does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can remedy this?... :help:

jareth_chong 11-02-2005 08:43 AM


Originally posted by Obsidian@Dec 27 2004, 01:51 PM
Fantasy General had one the BEST soundtracks I had ever heard!
My old friend had the original game CD. The CD contained only one music track, and it repeated over and over again throughout the game.

Novaflare 14-02-2005 03:13 PM

Spoiler alert!:

Having said that, the attack system is RANDOM! Read as-If you reload and attack again, you get a better/worse result. Same for rewards(for liberating the towns/crypts/cathedrals)
I've read other online guides, and disagree with some strats. I like having archers. They add a defensive bonus when your units are attacked, often routing an assault. Downside-they must be surrounding the unit attacked. Which shouldn't be a prob. if you put archers first, then the heavies, then cavalry. Move archers frontline, backup with heavies, send in calvary in front of archers. One annoyance is when troops get pushed around and multiple attacked. The AI isn't bad. Road use is critical, leading to towns and stuff of interest. Blitzkreig! Most city monsters won't attack you one hex away, while the wandering ones definately will. The AI focuses it's magic attack on your "Best" unit.
Reloading can be a chore, but wounded vs death means you can take a round and heal. Reloading a captain is great, because the unit resists attack better, and takes only wounds. Slingers are fast scouts/cannon fodder/go keep that thing busy over there. Take out fast units with heavies or calvary. Hexes become blocked with any ground unit, but an attack with a beefy unit pushes them out of the way, exposing vulnerable pieces. Bombadiers do indeed rock, but they become target practice for their wizard :(
Overall, I give the game an awesome rating. The war grunts fx need some work tho, hehe :bleh: Extra bag of popcorn for the uploader!

zombie 02-03-2005 03:59 PM

really good game. i like the style. its a 5! for sure! :ok: :ok:

Spoonman 02-03-2005 04:27 PM

I've been playing this game for two nights long now, I like it very much. Works very well with the LOTR soundtacks playing in winamp :)

Swifferoth 27-04-2005 03:08 AM

the new-er version i guess acully had 10 soundtracks but my disk is so scratched... but nontheless i agree with the music. the game i think is one of the best (old) games i've ever played.

my preferred strat in arena is Archers all the way. the AI rarely attacks because 5 archers countering at a time is vicious.

campaign i believe lord marcus is the best hero because, all units he recruits start a star above everyone else. i'm currnetly trying infantry(both) and Calvary(calvary). and i'm on the second island. this is what they say to me :kosta: :Titan: :kosta:

The_Harlz 11-05-2005 11:40 AM


Originally posted by Danny252@Dec 4 2004, 08:48 PM
how'd you get bombards to fire?
Bombardiers can typically only fire when they are flying over an enemy unit. Not to be confused with Siege Weapons which can fire from a distance (most around 2-3 hexs away).

I've got the original cd here :) funnily enough I never played it much until recently. What a shame as it really is another gold oldie.

The sound on the original version is made up of 16 music tracks on the game cd which can be played on an ordinary music cd-player. Very orchestral/choir type of music. Very fitting indeed.

Now where was I? That's right, trying to finish the 4th (last?) island of the campaign... *he lines his Pistoliers up to open fire on the defending Lionmen* aaaarrrrgghhhhh!

Vudu 14-05-2005 08:52 AM

It's a pitty the game doesn't have the music. That music was fuc$%ng awesome, and I used to listen the music for hours, but I lost my original CD:(:(.
If someone has the music please contact me on my e-mail address: . Or if you want to share it through bittorrent I am willing to help.
This game just isn't the same without it's music...

endery2k 29-05-2005 06:03 AM

Just general query about Publisher...

SSI created some of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE strategy/war games

they sucked me in early with the D&D stuff but all the *.General titles were similar and awesome hours of play!!!!

I have some original CDs, but to my question...

Are they still around??? or did they get sucked up by EA (the software devourer) or sumpin?

Last coupla times I casually searched for 'em can't find any solid info??!! :wall:

Appreciate any info:: "I love ya man." :D

Argith Nuei 05-06-2005 08:24 PM

:bye: Dont know if ISS has been bought by EA or some other company. Cant say i agree that they have too many great games though. :whistle: I mean, the panser general series and fantasy general was fair enough, but like when they made Final Liberation they just messed everything up. Bugs bugs and more bugs.
Rites of war... Like all the other titles it was a good concept/idea or whatever you would call it. I for one love and chersish all Warhammer games, but seeing how ISS ruined them just made lose faith in their ability to produce good games. I believe they mad D&D Ruins of myth drannor too? Good game... Totaly bugged but good. :blink:

Magician 18-07-2005 06:38 PM

I seem to be encountering an error while trying to install Fantasy General. I've downloaded it twice, and each time I try to run "Install.exe", I get an error message saying: "Unable to open HELP.TXT". I even downloaded DOSbox, and I got the same error.

What could I be doing wrong?

A. J. Raffles 18-07-2005 07:11 PM

Have you tried running the game in DOSBox without installing?

Guest 19-07-2005 08:02 AM

Abandonia should remove the install.exe from a lot of games. Ppl tend to run install.exe just for fun :D

J. Lutes 25-07-2005 07:10 AM

Hey folks,

I'm relatively new to DosBox use, and though I am able to get Fantasy General to run with music and sound, the sound effects are really, really choppy. I have had no luck fiddling with the the sound settings. Would anybody have any idea how I might try to solve this problem?


Guest 10-08-2005 11:03 PM


Originally posted by endery2k@May 29 2005, 06:03 AM
Just general query about Publisher...

SSI created some of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE strategy/war games

they sucked me in early with the D&D stuff but all the *.General titles were similar and awesome hours of play!!!!

I have some original CDs, but to my question...

Are they still around??? or did they get sucked up by EA (the software devourer) or sumpin?

Last coupla times I casually searched for 'em can't find any solid info??!! :wall:

Appreciate any info:: "I love ya man." :D

they're sucked up by Ubi Soft...

Andrew Parsons 17-08-2005 09:51 PM

Just to confirm (I dug out my Fantasy General disc and had a look on my computer) - the game DOES come with full blown music - 15 audio tracks. You can actually play them through your normal stereo.

They wouldn't normally show up in Windows Explorer as they're not part of the "file structure".

However, I can rip them using EAC or other music ripping software.

Ahh... I forgot how great this music is!

Caius 04-09-2005 01:57 PM

pls help!
why i get VDDLoader.dll error message all the time!!!!

rummtata 04-09-2005 10:04 PM

Fantay General itself is great but I can't move my cursor properly ingame, it's far too slow. It makes playing the game a mess -_- I use a standard Logitech optical mouse with the default WinXP drivers. The problem occurs both when I start the game with DosBox and without.
Do you have the same problem? Any ideas how to solve it?

DSmidgy 05-09-2005 11:11 AM

In dosbox.conf change "sensitivity" to let's say 250.

Jorge35 17-09-2005 01:28 AM

The demo of this game had some art files related to hidden units that don't appear in the full version (unit icons and animations).

One of those units - a blue coated spearman - can be found in the screenchoot that appears in the back of the original Box.

Two years ago made a sort of expansion pack to include these units in the game. So, the art is original SSI and the stats are homemade. It contains 6 units.

If someone is interested I can send the files.
(Free, of course)

Works with version 1.0 also works with SSI's Mini-Campaign Add-On installed.

I would like to upload the files but currently don't have any webspace.


p.d. For those who could be interested in play Fantasy General by mail
check this site

Dirtdawg 23-09-2005 06:57 AM

I don't get it. I've tried every exe and bat file that came with this game and all I get are errors and a crashed Dosbox. Am I missing something?

Dirtdawg 23-09-2005 07:42 AM

I was missing something. The files didn't extract right.

strachwitz 18-10-2005 07:36 AM

Checking out my FG- CD I also found 15 musictracks. The last one also contains the narration from the intro. So I can't be sure that the music of the last track is identical for all country specific versions. Which country specific version of FG I do own?... take a quick guess, after reading.
As far as I was able to identify most of the music are slightly rearranged chorals, some in latin, some in english (latin with english accent gives me the creeps :P). I posetivly identified two tracks as beeing written by J.S.Bach (everyone should know him, cause there are at least two ringtones originally composed by J.S.B. on every cellphone).
Maybee somebody else could complete this research by also spreading to other composers (I would recommend Händel and Orff). This is how far I got:

track 1 - Data
track 2 - unknown
track 3 - unknown
track 4 - unknown
track 5 - unknown
track 6 - Dona nobis pacem (Give us peace.) Mass in h- minor BWV 232 Nr. 27
track 7 - unknown
track 8 - vocal of track 3
track 9 - vocal of track 4
track 10 - vocal of track 5
track 11 - vocal of track 6
track 12 - vocal of track 7
track 13 - instrumental (could even fit for Panzer General)
track 14 - instrumental variation of track 4
track 15 - instrumental variation of track 4
track 16 - Komm süßer Tod, komm selge Ruh (Come sweet death, come holy rest) - Cantata BWV 478

The game itself is another well-done representative of the SSI "General"- familie. The idea of adding items, which can be used by the units is a real hit. I recommend a cavallry/ Artillery based tactic (heavy cavallry equals tank- units, light cavallry equals reconaissance units). Equipped with some handy items those units can flank out the enemy leaving the rest for the infantery. Bowmen (Antitank/ AA-gun) are usefull for defense (only in second defense line!). Attacking some entrenched units they normally don't suffer damage (unless attacking bowmen), but if the attacked unit surviwes... In general every unit has its own advantages and disadvantages. Two big weakpoints of the game:
1. It is impossible to decide wether to research for regular, mechanical, magical or animal units.
2. It is impossible to upgrade mechanical, magical and animal units, making those units relativly uninteresting.

Guest 18-10-2005 01:41 PM

Great game with a lot more replay value than many new games.

Galahad 13-11-2005 06:13 AM

How comes that on Island 2 in my 6th battle (or about that) I get the Message:

"Unopposed the Shadowlord crusher her" or about a bit about what i did:

I had the opportunity to attack the castle on Island 2, but decided to attack another point first. I had 21 turns at the beginning to copmplete it. After the 3rd turn (17 to go) I had smashed the half of his army while staqnding right before a city, emptied by me, although not taken. Now as I ended the turn that strange message appeared??Ideas, anyone?Oh and ofcourse I lost the game when that message appeared...

laiocfar 13-11-2005 07:27 PM

next time take the castle

strachwitz 14-11-2005 01:04 AM


Originally posted by Galahad@Nov 13 2005, 07:13 AM
How comes that on Island 2 in my 6th battle (or about that) I get the Message:

"Unopposed the Shadowlord crusher her" or about a bit about what i did:

I had the opportunity to attack the castle on Island 2, but ....

I think you tryed to fight the "Sundered Plains" which has actually 20 turns :P.

The essential task here is to protect your own unoccupied village in the southwest (this is marked with a little red flag, indicating it to be a "victory point"!). I would presume that you were advancing eastward to the enemy village, rubbing up almost the entire enemy forces, while at least one enemy unit rushed to your village in the southwest and conquered it. For this unit it would take exactly three turns from starting positions to your unoccupied village.

If any of your own "victory points" are conquered, it will lead to automatically loosing the entire game at once! The Shadow Lord could loose any of his "victory points" without loosing; however after conquering the last one in a single battle the enemy proposes capitulation (reminds me of the "Black Knight" fighting against king arthur in some Monthy Python Movie.... *GG*)

Next time send at leas one fast unit (e.g. cavallery, light cav.) to your village, which can be reached within two turns from starting positions. Better send a whole corps (e.g. two cavallery, one light cav., one siege engines as one cavallery div, magicians, bowmen, one or two infantery as infantery div.) towards the shrine in the southeast. The cavallery can seek the enemy forces heading to your village (must be one or two divisions, if you count a single unit as a regiment). the Infantery division can clean up afterwards (Beware of the conjurer!).
Besides: If you are playing Marcas or Krell, you can find the Hero "Dreggo" conquering the shrine.

Guest 14-11-2005 11:53 AM

Whoops...nopw that you say it...that must be right...I never protected ANY city so far so I wasnt going to do that on this mission either...And yes I lost that city but I never really realized that I would have to defend it!Thank you for helping me there!

laiocfar 15-11-2005 01:55 AM


Better send a whole corps (e.g. two cavallery, one light cav., one siege engines as one cavallery div, magicians, bowmen, one or two infantery as infantery div.
8 unit? And u call it corp? It´s a half of the army and if they are the ones with more experience, it´s the better part of the army! With a few horsemens or light inf, he could deal with the rush attack.
Anyway u know the game very well

Strachwitz 16-11-2005 07:30 PM

Well 4 regiments equals one division, two divisions equals roughly one army- corps. Though two army- corps are usually bundeled into an army,.... you're right, it is one half of an army :D .
I played this game several times. It is really easy to play (like other derivates of the "Panzer General" serie), you hardly need to read the manual. After having read some walkthrough- and hint- files, I decided to write a comprehensive walkthrough in order to eleminate some "Maybees" (... do they fly and collect honey?). It's not complete yet, though I have to play, reread the other documents and write my own stuff simultaniously. After completing I still have to translate it in english.
Anyway there are some documents available at (site is in german and english). Especially a walkthrough file (german), which is not very accurate but at least sufficient and an excellent FAQ- file (english).

laiocfar 17-11-2005 02:59 AM


Well 4 regiments equals one division, two divisions equals roughly one army- corps. Though two army- corps are usually bundeled into an army,.... you're right, it is one half of an army biggrin.gif .
I played this game several times. It is really easy to play (like other derivates of the "Panzer General" serie), you hardly need to read the manual. After having read some walkthrough- and hint- files, I decided to write a comprehensive walkthrough in order to eleminate some "Maybees" (... do they fly and collect honey?). It's not complete yet, though I have to play, reread the other documents and write my own stuff simultaniously. After completing I still have to translate it in english.
Anyway there are some documents available at (site is in german and english). Especially a walkthrough file (german), which is not very accurate but at least sufficient and an excellent FAQ- file (english).

Well, it looks like u like the game pretty much and so u will done good with the walkthrough. Anyway it will be better a manual cuz a walkthrought will cut the gameplaying. Some other time, i defy u to a pbem game of Pz General

Mongi 08-12-2005 08:42 PM

Easy? This game is EASY???

Heh... I'm the hardcore veteran wargamer and strategy player, and this is the first wargame which I ever lost (playing as always on the most difficult level). Misassesed the concept of balance and this damned cavalry-infested 4th continent got my guts :angry:

laiocfar 10-12-2005 02:43 AM

Take it easy... he was saying that its easy to play

Guest 18-12-2005 05:19 AM

so there's a lot of talking about how good the music of FG is. I do agree, because a long time ago I had a chance to play it and now I managed to download three songs from the soundtrack.
Please, who has the original age and is willing and able to rip the music, please let me know, post it somewhere, send me it to my mail, I'll then upload it to .


rallier 10-01-2006 10:18 PM

About the music hehe......... well i have never played the game before so i don't know about the soundtracks. however if it's an instrumental like lord of the rings style then i can imagine something that resembles.....
u can play it on ur background in windows media player.....
try playing these:
Rhapsody : The legendary tales
King Arthur soundtracks (movie)

Miz 11-01-2006 01:39 AM


Originally posted by rallier@Jan 10 2006, 11:18 PM
About the music hehe......... well i have never played the game before so i don't know about the soundtracks. however if it's an instrumental like lord of the rings style then i can imagine something that resembles.....
u can play it on ur background in windows media player.....
try playing these:
Rhapsody : The legendary tales
King Arthur soundtracks (movie)

Actually, Dragonforce's new CD, "Inhuman Rampage", is much more awe-inspiring and fantastic sounding than Rhapsody's "Legendary Tales".
Or, if pompous classical is your boat, the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack is unstoppable. Admittedly King Arthur's soundtrack wasn't too bad, despite the movie.
I haven't played this game in over a year, and I don't remember the music at all (which, as a music junkie, is usually the most memorable thing for me). Fun game, though.

Ausstin 14-01-2006 02:54 AM

I can't even extract the files..everytime I do it a box appears and says this game is password protected...what do I do?

laiocfar 14-01-2006 05:15 AM

redonwload it, i should aks any password or key to extract. I used winrar and it works fine

Looping 15-01-2006 08:04 PM

I't is a Panzer General clone.

Fighter - Sky Hunter
Tactical Bomber - Bombardier
Artilery - Siege Engine
Mobile Artilery (without ranged attack) - Archer, Skirmisher
Tank - Cavlary
Recon - Light Cavlary
Heavy Tank - Heavy Inf.
Soldier - Light Inf.
Naval Units - NONE
NONE - Wizards

Leaders Bonuses - Magic Items Bonuses
Spells - NONE
NONE- Weather

Very good game, without a sequel.

laiocfar 15-01-2006 10:36 PM


Fighter - Sky Hunter
Tactical Bomber - Bombardier
Artilery - Siege Engine
Mobile Artilery (without ranged attack) - Archer, Skirmisher
Tank - Cavlary
Recon - Light Cavlary
Heavy Tank - Heavy Inf.
Soldier - Light Inf.
Naval Units - NONE
NONE - Wizards


Level bomber - none
mobile artillery - none
tank - cavalry
antitank - none
mobile antitank - none
Hv Inf - Hv Inf
Lg Inf - Lg Inf
none - Lg Cav
Recon - none
Paratroopers - none

Is the same game engine but is very different, in Pz u use tank or antitanks to stop tanks, by nothing in ther world u let your inf to confrot tanks in open terrains. In Fantasy u use heavy inf to stop cavalry.

Gurzit 19-01-2006 10:30 PM

This game is great & its music is legendary. Here is the group that stands behind it + all names of the "stuff": :band:

Group: Rush
Album: Chronicles
1.)Finding My Way
2.)Working Man
3.)Fly By Night
5.)Bastille Day
6.)Lakeside Park
7.)2112 Overture-The Temples
8.)What are you doing[live]
9.)A Farewell To Kings
10.)Close To The Heart
11.)The Trees
12.)La Villa Strangiatto
14.)The Spirit Of Radio
15.)15 Track 15

Btw this is from first CD of this album.

Enjoy with this challenging strategy (it can match with best of them), and its great music. :kosta: :kosta: :kosta:
:Titan: All hail FG :Titan:

Lennartos 25-01-2006 10:33 AM

Hi ..

My FG cd has been scratched to death...
but i would really like to get that music back..

i remember the voice acting before every new island... i wonder why nobody had mentioned that..?..
the last 5-6 tracks where the mission voices...
At least in my version (if i remember correctly it was german)

i found a whole iso of the cd once... but whithout a cue, to tell where the music starts and ends, it didnt matter...

so if anybody can please upload a iso, or make it available, i would gladly host it on my server, for alls enjoyment...


Bobbin Threadbare 25-01-2006 10:37 AM

People could probably give you the music. But sorry. No Warez. You also might want to de-spam your e-mail address. ([at]=@ [dot]=.)

Lennartos 25-01-2006 01:22 PM

I fail to see the difference between downloading a cd-rip version, and the iso version.

both would be in the "warez" + "abandonware" cathegoty, or is there a greater difference? :blink:

Would it be better to have the music and the data seperate?
like a music add-on?


Guest 01-02-2006 09:20 PM

music only...
will be up for aweek...

Brrrt 04-03-2006 08:29 AM

There appears to be a PBEM group for Fantasy General that is still active:

As most war games, it will probably be even more fun against a human opponent.

laiocfar 04-03-2006 09:01 AM

nice link Brrrt, i will checq it :ok:

Guest 07-03-2006 08:53 PM


is there any way to combine fg data & music, something like for loom (downloading data and music separately and then burn it to a CD)?

Brrrt 29-03-2006 08:57 AM

@guest: I think you can get the music here:

I imagine you could play it with any mp3-player while running the game in dosbox, did not try it yet though as I prefer to listen to my own music ;)

By the way, I just joined the Play-by-email group:

the group is alive, but some more active players would be welcome I guess.
So... give it a try!

Brrrt 02-04-2006 09:43 PM

And for those who want even more campaigning, a version of the official mini-campaign that does not require the CD (as some other versions do) can be downloaded here:

Guest 19-04-2006 10:03 PM

Having all five games of the 5 star general series (Panzer General, Allied General, Star General, Fantasy General, Pacific General), I have to say that Fantasy General was my favorite of the series.

SSI expanded on the abilities of units in Fantasy General compared to the other games. Some being closed and open formations, different "range" of attacks, and wounds.
Closed formation units, Heavy Infantry and Heavy Calvery fight the best in clear terrain, and are slow to move through any terrain other than clear or road.
Open formation units, pretty much everything else, aren't slowed by forests or rough as much.
Seige weapons, Bombadiers and Archers have what is called "range" attacks. That means when they attack or defend, they make almost all of their attacks before anyone else gets to attack, except other archers.
Skirmishers, Spellcasters and Light Calvery have what is called "skirmish" attacks. That means they attack after the archers but before everyone else.
Sky Hunters, Heavy Infantry, and Heavy Calvery have "melee" attacks. That means they go last.

To explain a little more:
If an archer attacks any unit other than another archer, the defending unit doesn't get to attack back.
If a skirmisher attacks an archer, the archer goes first than the skirmisher goes.
If a skirmisher attacks Heavy Infantry/Calvery, the Heavy Infantry/Calvery doesn't get to fight back. Really nasty since Skirmishers get bonuses when attacking closed formation units.
If a melee unit attacks archers or skirmishers, the archers/skrimishers attack before the melee unit gets to attack.

Japo 19-04-2006 10:29 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Apr 20 2006, 12:03 AM
Having all five games of the 5 star general series (Panzer General, Allied General, Star General, Fantasy General, Pacific General), I have to say that Fantasy General was my favorite of the series.
Yes, the combat system in FG is okay, but I must say, the one in PG was far richer. I think I'm not too partial, since I played FG a lot but with PG I played through the first two battles and then got too lazy to coordinate all those varied units. Some day I must get back to PG seriously...

This game (FG) was too repetitive though, I played it several times but every time I quitted it before completing it, out of boredom, not because I found it difficult at all. Every continent was the very same as the previous one, just bigger, with more battles and more units in each one... :yawn:

laiocfar 21-04-2006 07:00 AM

I never mind before but now that u say i never can play more than one scenarion per run. I find the game interesing but i dont know why, i can make many advance in a day and the AI isnt the problem.

Biges 23-04-2006 02:12 AM


Originally posted by Brrrt@Mar 29 2006, 08:57 AM
@guest: I think you can get the music here:

I imagine you could play it with any mp3-player while running the game in dosbox, did not try it yet though as I prefer to listen to my own music ;)

By the way, I just joined the Play-by-email group:

the group is alive, but some more active players would be welcome I guess.
So... give it a try!

Thank you, o great link provider! (bow)

blazer-glory 12-07-2006 11:04 PM

I dont get any sound at all from either DOSBOX or the VMD thingy. Does this have sound?

Mho 16-07-2006 10:26 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Brrrt @ Mar 29 2006, 08:57 AM) [snapback]218029[/snapback]</div>

@guest: I think you can get the music here:

I imagine you could play it with any mp3-player while running the game in dosbox, did not try it yet though as I prefer to listen to my own music ;)

By the way, I just joined the Play-by-email group:

the group is alive, but some more active players would be welcome I guess.
So... give it a try!

I got Into looks cool.

blazer-glory 16-07-2006 10:47 PM

wow thanks

Sai 20-07-2006 03:57 PM

hi -> just a few words ;) - wonderful game and cause of this i found the dosbox ;)

Guest 15-08-2006 06:02 PM

It is possible to run FG in fullscreen or in VDM?

melthas 15-08-2006 06:13 PM

Just hit alt+enter in windowed mode, it will be fullscreen. If you want you can edit the dosbox.conf file and set "fullscreen=true". You can check DosBOX FAQs. I haven't tried it but the game is shown as compatible with VDM Sound in the review page.

Guest 17-08-2006 09:02 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(melthas @ Aug 15 2006, 06:13 PM) [snapback]248760[/snapback]</div>

Just hit alt+enter in windowed mode, it will be fullscreen. If you want you can edit the dosbox.conf file and set "fullscreen=true". You can check DosBOX FAQs. I haven't tried it but the game is shown as compatible with VDM Sound in the review page.
Thx :kosta: An i cant run FG in VDM :whistling: , only in DosBox.

Guest 14-09-2006 05:52 PM

Oops, didn't mean to post yet.

I've liked this game since I got it, up near 10 years ago! I replay it every year, though I often get bored before finishing the whole campaign (usually by the time I get to lava continent). I didn't realize until recently the game will punish you for having unbalanced armies or unbalanced research. Strange. Currently playing two custosm difficulty level campaigns, plus one (experience)/plus one (gold) game and a 0/plus 2 gold game. I've played hard before, and those trolls get to be irritating on Maloch's icey continent. Gobs of them.

Anyway, some odd things in the game:

Barbarians are a beast unit for the good side only (how are they beasts?), but Barbarians Riders are a mortal evil-only unit. :huh:

Elf Archer and Elf Knights are good-only mortal units, but elf chariots are any-side magic unit.

Shouldn't all the undead technically be magical evil-only units?

Steamgunners are evil-only archers, but should really be mech. There are no mech archers, which I find strange. But I also find it strange their are magical bombers and no non-mortal light infantry.

I like naming the unnamed heroes (Sergeants, Lieutenants, etc.) and renaming the character you play. Mordra seems the hardest to play, and I've never even made it to the Shadowlord's islands with her.

Also, sometimes its fun to create themed armies in the arena. One army all had red or red accents vs. an army that was pure mech. Or all undead vs. all heroes or something.

I admit to shrine-cheating on the campaign sometimes. For example, on the random maps, there's gotta be at least 2 shrines. Those battles are slug fests and can be costly, so I need some rationale for putting my forces through the ringer. Also, saving a game before moving into a shrine. I hate "you search the site and find nothing of interest" messages, I'd almost rather have an enemy appear. The whole bloody point of the shrines/temples was that something was there...nothing of interest... :angry:

Dreggo rocks, he can attack air units (often with great effect), which apparently some consider a bug. I don't. He's just that good. :max:

laiocfar 17-09-2006 10:14 PM

Even with an unbalanced armies, dont youa think that experience is the center of most.

cmat 18-09-2006 03:27 PM

Great game---one of my old favorites. Big thanks for not only the game, but the music files.

I seem to remember the game coming with a hint guide. Anyone have this and can scan to pdf?

Guest_Bravo_* 18-09-2006 06:44 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cmat @ Sep 18 2006, 03:27 PM) [snapback]255842[/snapback]</div>

Great game---one of my old favorites. Big thanks for not only the game, but the music files.

I seem to remember the game coming with a hint guide. Anyone have this and can scan to pdf?

IIRC there was a strategy guide you had to buy seperately. Never owned it. Other than that there was a manual and the readme file.

cmat 29-09-2006 07:02 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_Bravo_* @ Sep 18 2006, 01:44 PM) [snapback]255878[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cmat @ Sep 18 2006, 03:27 PM) [snapback]255842[/snapback]

Great game---one of my old favorites. Big thanks for not only the game, but the music files.

I seem to remember the game coming with a hint guide. Anyone have this and can scan to pdf?

IIRC there was a strategy guide you had to buy seperately. Never owned it. Other than that there was a manual and the readme file.

Thanks---I seemed to remember having that at the time. Maybe I purchased it seperately.

Guest 17-11-2006 04:21 AM

You can play fg with vmd and it works perfect with sound and good speed. Much better then dosbox.

BUT, you need to make a personal bat file. containing the following

cd exe
mouse2kv 640 480 8 8 barena n

This means you also gotta have the mouse2kv prg from vmdsound ready.

Good luck


Guest 17-11-2006 04:24 AM

forgot to say, this means you gotta edit the fg.bat file to that text. and then make it run under vmd

horrorist 21-01-2007 02:01 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 14 2006, 06:52 PM) [snapback]254971[/snapback]</div>

Elf Archer and Elf Knights are good-only mortal units, but elf chariots are any-side magic unit.

Shouldn't all the undead technically be magical evil-only units?
All magic units can be purchased by both sides if the General has the magician- ability. The only exceptions are two magical heroes for each side. Undead is not a unit familie but a unit ability, i.e. those units cannot be affected by "Plague" (generals spell), but banned by "Bann undead" (unit spell of Sir Kalador).

In fact, I would not take those names too serious. The german designations are even more confusing.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 14 2006, 06:52 PM) [snapback]254971[/snapback]</div>

Steamgunners are evil-only archers, but should really be mech. There are no mech archers, which I find strange. But I also find it strange their are magical bombers and no non-mortal light infantry.
Those unit classes are not nescessary because both sides can purchase mortal ones. But it might be interesting to have those additional classes. Magical Bombers do offer some advantages to mortal ones. But the greatest disadvantage for all non- mortal units is: they cannot be upgraded!

BTW, steamgunners are mortal units but do mechanical damage (the little hammer in the stats)!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 14 2006, 06:52 PM) [snapback]254971[/snapback]</div>

Mordra seems the hardest to play, and I've never even made it to the Shadowlord's islands with her.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 14 2006, 06:52 PM) [snapback]254971[/snapback]</div>

Dreggo rocks, he can attack air units (often with great effect), which apparently some consider a bug. I don't. He's just that good. :max:
Right, it is not a bug. Dreggo is able to do ranged attacks (like archers) in addition to skirmish and melee attacks. Every archer and every unit capable of ranged attack (e.g. carrying a magic bow or crossbow) can defend against air attacks from sky hunters and can attack all air units directly above them. Though Dreggo does mech attacks, he is very successfull against magical units, but Dreggo does not know any spell and he is very expensive (in the arena- game).

BTW, there are some more strange things: The advanced mech heavy infantery is able to cast a spell, some magical air units seem to be mechs and do magic attacks, the steam tank is considdered as siege engine though tanks are usually connected with cavallerie, mortal armed cavallerie does mech attacks while cannons (siege engines) and firearms (archers) does not...
Well even a very good game is not perfect :bleh:

Torquemada10 31-01-2007 10:03 PM

Im not sure if link to the game musics have been posted, but you can download two music files from
I simply played these two on repeat in my media player while playing FG in dosbox.

horrorist 08-02-2007 10:55 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Torquemada @ Feb 1 2007, 12:03 AM) [snapback]277362[/snapback]</div>

Im not sure if link to the game musics have been posted, but you can download two music files from
I simply played these two on repeat in my media player while playing FG in dosbox.
Thats really interesting... :ok:

This soprano "Marisa Lenhardt" seems to be a talented and sophisticated singer. I read in her biography that she debued as "The Queen of Night" from W.A. Mozarts "Magic Flute"; this is a pretty difficult part for a vocalist, cause Mozart made it that way.
Unfortunately she (as the other vocalists) has an awfull accent, so it's even hard to figure out which language they are singing.

This track "Quantus tremor est futurus" is taken from a mediveal poem, which is included into the catholic luturgie. A lot of composers used these lyrics for vocal works. Unfortunately the original composers are not credited. This track seems to be a modern work.
The other track "Victime" is also sung in latin or maybe mediveal french. So far, i did not find further information.
Well still a few "maybes" :huh:

doncharle 02-04-2007 11:23 PM

I'm about to shoot myself. I ran DOS box but the game just won't load/install. So in DOS i type install in the appropriate dir. and I get this message "unable to open Help.txt" why is it doing this!!? I need to play this game now...PLEASE HELP!

Guest_Tom_* 06-04-2007 04:25 PM

Hi there, I hope someone can help me out. I`ve stubled across a pack of old game cds and one of them was FG. So I decided to give it a shot and installed dosbox. It runs quite nicely (without sound however) until the end of the first continent. After the screen with the Hero (and a speech if I recall correctly) he game hangs up and crashes as soon as the Worldmap apears.

Any ideas?

I am runnung WinXP SP2 with 2 gb ram, so there should be no problem with the system requirements for dosbox.

Guest_Tom_* 06-04-2007 04:27 PM

Oh, i forgot:

My copy is scrathced to death so the Version I am currently running is the one from Abandonia.

The Fifth Horseman 10-04-2007 10:30 AM

Without knowing what you have exactly done we cannot help you.

Please post a more detailed description of your problem including any and all error messages you encountered.

Also describe where exactly did you unpack the games and what commands have you entered in DosBox (exact syntax, please; it's important).

If you have made any modifications to your DosBox.conf, please post a copy of its contents.

Guest 11-04-2007 03:46 PM

I have the exact same problem when I`m running the game. I´ve downloaded the game from abandonia to the desktop and then extracted it in to the CDrive in Dosbox as suggested in the help section on this site. All that I have done to Dosbox is making it open up i C: as the help section also said.

:sos: :sos: I need help, It was my favourite game when I was little :sos: :sos:

Guest 11-04-2007 03:52 PM

In Dosbox I just wrote fg, and i have tried barena.exe too. When I wrote barena.exe the game crashed completely and dissapeared and when I wrote fg it just froze when the map of the planet came.

Please help.


The Fifth Horseman 11-04-2007 04:57 PM

And I presume all of you _did_ run the game's setup and configure it correctly?
If not, then do it.

In case you don't know what the settings should be, the default sound emulation for DosBox and VDMSound is Sound Blaster 16, IRQ 7, DMA 1, Adress 220 h.

See if the game still crashes after the sound has been reconfigured.

Guest 23-04-2007 01:26 AM


In Dosbox I just wrote fg, and i have tried barena.exe too. When I wrote barena.exe the game crashed completely and dissapeared and when I wrote fg it just froze when the map of the planet came.[/b]

Guest 23-04-2007 01:30 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Apr 23 2007, 01:26 AM) [snapback]288033[/snapback]</div>


In Dosbox I just wrote fg, and i have tried barena.exe too. When I wrote barena.exe the game crashed completely and dissapeared and when I wrote fg it just froze when the map of the planet came.[/b]
i had same problem with it crashing on the planet after first island was complete. I had my original disk in so i could hear the music and when i removed the cd it stopped crashing - but also took away the sound. hope that helps this is a great game and i am looking forward to playing it through again

_r.u.s.s. 23-04-2007 12:00 PM

do you guys have saves before the planet map appears? maybe we can try to look if we can do something then (i havnt played the game and didnt get to that part so..)

Zwischy 19-05-2007 06:49 AM

Some random clarifications and extra insight into the game:

Dreggo is so effective against flyers because he has all three attack types - Missile, Skirmish, and Melee. A unit which has any or all of these attacks always uses them in that order: missile rating, then skirmish rating, then melee. Effectively what Dreggo does is 'suck in' the flyers into attacking him by shooting them first...don't try him against Shadow Dragons on the final continent, though, that's asking to get him very dead very quickly, even at 5 shields of experience and with any magical weapon, be it axe or bow.

This is a great way to give other units a serious advantage in combat - give them a new attack type to add to their Melee ratings! I love to give magical bows and crossbows to my cavalry, as that gives them the exact same advantage as Dreggo - they can now initiate attack on flyers, and cavalry can absolutely decimate them with the +8 they get on plains hexes.

Consider giving skirmish weapons (or, yes, missile weapons) to your infantry, especially light infantry. It will greatly enhance their combat abilities, because the missile or skirmish attack which they initially launch allows them to score 'disruptions' on the enemy, which are hits you don't actually see in the battle report - you only see wounds and deaths. These disruption hits can greatly increase the damage your unit does. I especially like to do this with light infantry; they tend to need the help later in the game. Also a great way to defeat cavalry charges even if you already have Negate Cavalry Charge on, say, a Pikemen unit.

You might guess that Archers and Siege Engines don't really gain any benefit from missile or skirmish weapons - their melee/armor scores are too low to avoid a lot of damage anyway. On the other hand, I like to give archers a Staff of Fireball (which has a 3 hex range) or a wand of some sort if that's what I get - they can sidle up next to a unit, use their magical item, then allow your cav and infantry to surround them as they push back the unit you just hit with the archers' magical item. Storm Staff and Staff of Whirlwinds are excellent for archers and especially light cavalry, who can rush in from a fair distance off to screw up a sky hunter's morale before you attack them directly with your own air power.

Siege engines should attack enemy archers first when possible. Don't sacrifice road movement to do it, though. Stay on the road. :P And yes, of course, siege engines are a great aid to your fliers in attacking enemy fliers.

Archers should attack skirmishers - they'll usually do more damage than hitting infantry, plus skirmishers can't hit back. Of course archers get most of their experience from defensive fire, but some attacking does them good.

Skirmishers truly are nasty against units slower than they. They should always attack after siege engines and bombardiers do their thing.

Light cavalry will trade a lot of morale to reduce their wounds and deaths, so make sure your light cav always have retreat hexes available.

Malric the Dragon Rider is one of the best units in the game, at least for the first three or four continents. He can often single-handedly destroy a fresh full-strength unit within two turns, and has the mobility to get there.

Guest 23-05-2007 11:57 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Dec 18 2005, 06:19 AM) [snapback]190113[/snapback]</div>

so there's a lot of talking about how good the music of FG is. I do agree, because a long time ago I had a chance to play it and now I managed to download three songs from the soundtrack.
Please, who has the original age and is willing and able to rip the music, please let me know, post it somewhere, send me it to my mail, I'll then upload it to .

Would someone (admin?) please edit this post so my mail as "[BEEEP]" not that original format? Thanks.

Mighty Midget 24-05-2007 12:08 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ May 24 2007, 01:57 AM) [snapback]291093[/snapback]</div>

Would someone (admin?) please edit this post so my mail as xxxxxxxxxxxxx not that original format? Thanks.
I'm not an admin or mod, but please don't post email adresses in the forum. It's really for your own good, with all this snooping around.


Guest 04-08-2007 04:20 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rummtata @ Sep 4 2005, 11:04 PM) [snapback]151434[/snapback]</div>

Fantay General itself is great but I can't move my cursor properly ingame, it's far too slow. It makes playing the game a mess -_- I use a standard Logitech optical mouse with the default WinXP drivers. The problem occurs both when I start the game with DosBox and without.
Do you have the same problem? Any ideas how to solve it?
i've got the same problem, but i couldn't get fantasy general running in dosbox yet so raising mouse sensitivity there is no option... and even if i raise mouse sensitivity in windows to maximum the ingame-mouse is slllloooooooww... does anyone know a way to fix this?? thx!

The Fifth Horseman 06-08-2007 12:25 PM

Increase the sensitivity in Dosbox.conf.

old timer 06-08-2007 08:12 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Apr 23 2007, 02:30 AM) [snapback]288034[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Apr 23 2007, 01:26 AM) [snapback]288033[/snapback]


In Dosbox I just wrote fg, and i have tried barena.exe too. When I wrote barena.exe the game crashed completely and dissapeared and when I wrote fg it just froze when the map of the planet came.[/b]
i had same problem with it crashing on the planet after first island was complete. I had my original disk in so i could hear the music and when i removed the cd it stopped crashing - but also took away the sound. hope that helps this is a great game and i am looking forward to playing it through again

I have the same difficulty with the game crashing after the first continent. Unfortunately I do not have the original disk anymore. Is there anything about the downloadable program that can be changed to fix the problem (or a Dosbox fix)? I've configured the game correctly, and I have a brand new system, so it's not a sound or memory problem. It would be great if I can get it to work, I played the game a lot in my younger days (if only SSI still existed).

Guest 22-08-2007 07:59 PM

Hi there, sorry to ask this, but I just cant get this game to work. I've tried everything! I really want to play it again. I used have the CD many many many years ago, when I was still living back home (another continent).... and I am so greatful that I have found it again but I JUST CANT SEEM TO GET IT WORKING *CRIES*

I've tried DOSBox, not working - unless ive done something wrong - but I followed the instructions to the T.
I have also tried VDMSound thingy.

What happens is that as soon as I run any of the files (exe. etc) it tries to start up, but gets stuck at a blank screen... I then need to restart my computer each time...

Help. Please. Ure my last hope of sanity!

love love love,

Sebatianos 22-08-2007 08:13 PM

DOSBox works just fine.

Here's what I did and got the game to run:

1. Downloaded and unzipped the game.
2. Moved the FG folder I got into DOSGAMES folder on my E: drive (E:\dosgames\fg)
3. Started DOSBox and put in the following commands (press enter after each command line):
mount c e:\dosgames\

If you don't have a DOSGAMES folder I strongly recomend you make one and keep all the games you want to run with DOSBox in there.
If the DOSGAMES folder is on any other disk then E (you might have it on any hard-disk or partition with any possible letter) please change the letter E in the mount command.

Mighty Midget 22-08-2007 08:15 PM

What exactly happens when you try to run it DOSBox? What exactly did you do when setting up DOSBox? Where did you extract the zip file?

Guest 22-08-2007 10:18 PM

hey guys,

Thanks for trying to help - unfortunately still not working - please stick in there with me!

Firstly Sebatianos:

I don't have an E: drive, so substituted what you did with my C drive.

When I type in those commands, it says: "Drive C already mounted with local directory C:\dos\cddrive\"

and then wont let me continue with the next commands.

Any ideas?

Mighty Midget: What exactly happens? Nothing. I cant get far enough to allow it to start. It's like something just isn't right. Often I will get commands that say I can't do something - even though the tutorial says it should happen... so for a non-dos user like myself, quite confusing!

Appreciate all your help. Thanks.


Sebatianos 22-08-2007 10:23 PM

OK, are you using any programs to manage DOSBox?
Did you edit the DOSBox.conf file already (so that it automatically mounts the C:\DOS\CDDRIVE\)?

Guest 22-08-2007 10:37 PM

It appears that may be a yes, if I understand your question correctly. I remember when I first installed Dosbox from abandonia, and went through the online tutorial, it taught me to configure something or other. To be honest, I just did what I was told.

But what I have noticed, (if this helps) is that when I am in Dosbox and starting with the command: mount c c:\"my directory thingy ma mobby example" it says that "Drive C already mounted with local directory C:\DOS\CDrive\

Secondly, when I type in "dir", I dont get my folder showing where the game is saved... thats why I can't seem to find the files... but the folder IS there, it just doesnt show in my dosbox dir...

Thanks for the continued help.


Sebatianos 22-08-2007 10:39 PM

OK, look at your C: drive and try and find this folder C:\DOS\CDrive\
Copy the FG folder (from the downloaded Fantasy General zip file) into that C:\DOS\CDrive\ folder.
Then start DOSBox and type:

Guest 22-08-2007 10:52 PM

aah! Fantastic. U are my superhero.

Okay, so it's working, but without sound. Once I've dl the sound files from that other website, do I just put them in to my "fg" folder as is?

PS - thanks. I'm not presuming any more help (okay, I am).

Cheerz dude.

Sebatianos 22-08-2007 11:00 PM

Not sure. Are they in a seperate folder (like SND or something)?
You should place them in C:\DOS\CDRive\FG\SOUND (the files only, not the folder)

But first just try and run the SOUND file before playing the game. Select Soundblaster and attempt to autoconfigure.

The Fifth Horseman 23-08-2007 06:36 AM

IRQ 7, DMA 1, Adress (DRQ) 220

Guest 04-09-2007 11:43 AM

great game.

the only thing i dont like are some unit-names/decriptions - for example the stage AFTER Pikeman (heavy infantry) is LEGIONARII, and the next upgrade is then samurai or something ...

omg - what the *meep* !!!!??? legionarii and samurai replace my beloved and cool looking pikeman ??? ... --oh god, and the last stage of the skirmishers the "trail runner", roflmao - a fast running girl in short trousers or whatever ....

beside that, its a cool game, really. i love the idea of developing the units and the gameplay is overall much fun. pretty interesting the spell abilities and the magical items and that you can suffer dead and wounded, and with rest you can heal the wounded. thats nice. also the different abilities of the "general" and that stuff. really like the game.

btw, i played PGIID and PG as well (and edited also the EQP-Files and stuff, as well played mods etc) and must say that FG is NOT a PG clone, instead it is pretty original and different. however, the "look" is same - thats no bad thing though

the game is pretty entertaining, and i play it atm on hard difficulty, and the computer gives me a hard time sometimes, when he throws out 6 uberexpierienced-units per round or something. hehe, but my well developed army is fun to play with. and soon i wil have better and mightier units. really fun :)

Guest 04-09-2007 11:49 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Nov 17 2006, 06:21 AM) [snapback]267333[/snapback]</div>

You can play fg with vmd and it works perfect with sound and good speed. Much better then dosbox.

BUT, you need to make a personal bat file. containing the following

cd exe
mouse2kv 640 480 8 8 barena n

This means you also gotta have the mouse2kv prg from vmdsound ready.

Good luck

btw, this hint here is fantastic.

download the MOUSE2kv programm in the internet (search with google) unpack it into the exe-folder (in FG-folder) and then edit the *.bat file as decirbed ... voila -- finally you can play the game with a fast-moving mouse

in "original"-mode it is basically unplayable -- well i still did it, but it really annoyed me to death and i almost would have not longer played the game.

Sebatianos 04-09-2007 01:05 PM

Er... you can set mouse sensibilty in DOSBox (the higher it is, the faster the mouse will move) as well and it can get much faster then originally intended for DOS.

Guest 04-09-2007 05:20 PM

yes, i tried it, an it seemed that performance is improved. but for some unknown reason dosbox get a bit jerky, so i cannot use it atm.

(even with for example centurion, which i played before that, with no problem, has now problem - so dosbox is no option for me)

luckily the game works without dosbox, also sound works. all good i would say :D


Mabuse 04-09-2007 05:23 PM

.. maybe it was just because i had a lot of programs running in the back or whatever, no need to worry ;)

still i prefer running the game without dosbox and it works very good.

_r.u.s.s. 04-09-2007 05:41 PM

without sounds

Guest 04-09-2007 07:42 PM

in the exe-folder is for example a "set-sound" exe - run this and set your sound card. simply try all possibilties until you have sound ;)

_r.u.s.s. 04-09-2007 07:45 PM

on xp? only if you had roland music, which is with default midi-out terrible

Japo 04-09-2007 07:48 PM

Guess he has Win98 :omg2: :whops:

_r.u.s.s. 04-09-2007 07:54 PM

Ah. then why would somebod on win98 use dosbox at all? o_O

Guest 05-09-2007 06:15 PM

no, i have XP. and yes its roland or whatever it is called, and no, it does not sound terrible.

at least not to much disturbing, its just clicks and some sounds when you attack or are under attack. dont know where a better quality would make a complete different effect ;)

Guest 05-09-2007 06:16 PM

all ina l its cool and i am glad it works without dosbox

_r.u.s.s. 05-09-2007 06:30 PM

then try sound blaster on dos and you will find roland ones terrible

Guest 08-09-2007 04:22 PM

I loved FG and have never found a game to replace it. I've downloaded dosbox and installed it, but actually using it is beyond my pathetic technical skills, can someone write out a step-by-step simple English guide for how to install and play FG with dosbox? Thanks!

Japo 08-09-2007 04:34 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 8 2007, 06:22 PM) [snapback]309754[/snapback]</div>

I loved FG and have never found a game to replace it. I've downloaded dosbox and installed it, but actually using it is beyond my pathetic technical skills, can someone write out a step-by-step simple English guide for how to install and play FG with dosbox? Thanks![/b] ;)

Guest 08-09-2007 10:45 PM

basicall all you need is to start dosbox,

then type (always without the " of course):

"mount c c :/fg"
(this is for the case your fg-folder is on drive c, else type in every other path - this mounts the folder fg as if it would be drive "c" in dos)

and then

(to change to drive c (which is folder fg on c ;))

then type "FG"

(alternatively you may type "cd exe" and then "setsound" to start the setsound.exe - and set your sound.) - after that leave with "cd .." and type "FG")

in the dosbox.cof - file (you edit this file from XP (normal windows)) you can set the "sensitivity=100" to "sensitivity=200" in order to speed up the mouse.

as mentioned i still use FG in XP and it works good, so no real need for dosbox for this one though ;)

but this is as i use it fortoher games. if its to slow you may try to increase the "cycles" (in dosbox.conf)

Blood-Pigggy 09-09-2007 07:13 PM

How much is this like Panzer General?

Guest 09-09-2007 11:42 PM

its similar but different

Japo 10-09-2007 11:42 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Sep 9 2007, 09:13 PM) [snapback]309906[/snapback]</div>

How much is this like Panzer General?[/b]
It's very different in my opinion. Way simpler to start with. In PG you really have to create a strategy for every battle, but here every one is just same old just bigger every time. In PG there are many kinds of units and you really need them all for different purposes, FG's strategy is dumb in comparison. There are only melee and skirmish units (and the archers but those are supporting), and once your skirmish units are experienced the melee ones are worthless in comparison, but beforehand you need the melee ones because unexperienced skirmishers are even more worthless --a lame excuse to force you into having a varied inefficient army. Of course it's possible to like this game though.

Guest 10-09-2007 09:34 PM

LOL - only because you are not able to handle panzer general means that you need so more strategy ;).

i think you play FG on easy and medium, as what you say dont fit with my expierience. LOL.

i completely renounce (atm - current game) on skirms, archers and bombards and go mainly on Cavalry, Hvy.Infantry and SkyHunters. LightInfantry, LightCavalry and some Siege round it up.

not to mention there are mechUnits, beastUnits and magical units which may get more interesting once they are MUG (maxunitgrade). but still you can use them and try to finds out what works for you. of course on easy EVERYTHING works, on hard mode its simply hard.

also there are magical items and spells, and of course the combat system is different. so read the manual. and maybe search for some sites on the net

however, everyone his opinion, i played PG and its successors for years ;)
and i still like it of course, but FG is also fascinating.

i think the main difference and what makes it seemingly more difficult is that units can entrench heavily and that they get defnsive fire from artilery.
finally i think the defensive fire from artilery is the most important factor that PG seems more difficult to someone who is not used to that. so first you need to get rid of the artilery (or flak ... to get rid of the artilery with bombers) - then sofen up entrenchments

the fine thing in FG is that you can decide what you relly want to research and specialise a certain army combo. its of course fun to roam around with best equipped cavalry for example

in FG you also need some variety (for example your skirms will just get slaughtered by cavalry, sorry, but skirms only is not best) can chose what parts of the army you want to upgrade and research thoses upgrades), though you need of course at least some variety the units have their pro`s and cons. what you finally use for units may also depend on your starting charakter.

the combat system in FG is more richer than you may think ;), although there are no artilery that gives didensive fire (although those archers can be really annoying, so you may ahoot them with own siege-units to a pulp and its cool to optimize your strategy, however, its still very hard on hard mode -

in general keep cavalry and/or hvyinf at max upgrade-level, this is the backbone.
add other types as it may fit and keep them well/max upgraded.
and pay the *dirty word* game on HARD-difficulty, everything else is too weak.

this is an exception from manual, i do not agree with everything (for example "buy bombards from beginning", ok, surely they may be usefull, but it also works without (and use probably siege instead) but it is still interesting

From Manual:

Heavy Infantry
These are units that maneuver in close formation on the ground. They are slower than
other types of foot, but can deliver a devastating attack and their close formation can
withstand enemy assault.
Several Heavy Infantry Hero units, such as Sergeants and Lieutenants, are bound to join
your army. Keep them, and any other single entity units healed up. They are easy to rest
and will gain experience quickly. Mortal Heavy Infantry are easily killed at lower grades
and experience. Protect them with Archers and don’t throw them up against other Heavy
Infantry until they have gained some experience. Giving Heavy Infantry a magical sword
or ax is an effective use of the item. Try moving the item around to less experienced units
in between battles so they can catch up.
Magical and Beast infantry units can’t upgrade, so being careful is less important with
these units. Once you can buy higher grade Heavy Infantry, however, it’s time to start
protecting them better and have them gain experience. Don’t be afraid to disband an
experienced lower grade unit to make room for a new, higher grade unit, but use the new
unit cautiously for a while.

Light Infantry
These units maneuver in loose, open formation, relying on speed and flexibility to defeat
enemy formations. Light Infantry do well in bad terrain such as Rough, Mountain, Volcano,
Swamp, Woods, Jungle, and River, gaining a +3 to their melee attack in these hexes.
Effective at higher grades and with lots of experience, Light Infantry can be difficult to
keep alive. They are particularly useful as support troops or garrisons, or in bad terrain
where their attack bonus is good. Use them to finish off weak enemy units, or to pursue
units to prevent their resting. Avoid running them out beyond support unless necessary to
protect a more expensive unit.

Skirmishers are the light armored and loose formation troops. These units know the land
around them and have a high search range. These units do well in all terrain and have a
high movement rate. When attacking, the unit doesn't engage in melee, but instead, uses
short range missile weapons for a skirmish attack. If the Skirmisher is defending and the
attacking unit is slower, then 1/2 of the casualties it takes will be converted into a larger
morale loss. These units are very effective in bad terrain gaining a +3 to their skirmish
attack in Rough, Mountain, Volcano, Swamp, Woods, Jungle, and River hexes.
These troops are great with just a little experience. Keep them out of the way of Cavalry
and they will live longer. If they are at full or nearly full health don’t worry about attacking
almost any infantry unit. If they get attacked they usually don’t take much damage.
Don’t use Skirmishers if the unit they are attacking gets to counter attack (other
Skirmishers, Archers, etc.). They are best used against the tough Heavy Infantry, since
they can whittle them down without getting hurt, so your bigger units can take the enemy
out more easily. Do spend the money to upgrade them as soon as you can.

Archers are light armored infantry with missile weapons. Archers give support to friendly
units adjacent to them when the friendly unit is attacked. Archers are very effective
against Light Cavalry, Cavalry, and flyers gaining a +3 to their missile attack.
Archers are vulnerable. Use them almost exclusively as support units where they will be
protected and their ability to provide defensive fire is useful. At higher grades and experience
they can start taking on flying units, but be very careful to watch the expected
losses. Many Bombardier units can maul or kill attacking Archers. Positioning is the key
to the most effective use of Archers. Position flying units over Archers to protect both the
Archers and the flyers.

Mounted or fast moving shock troops are classified as Cavalry. These units have a high
offensive capability in the open, gaining a +8 against most units in Clear, Road, and
Shrine hexes. They are weaker in rough terrain types. Cavalry units are very effective
when attacking, but are vulnerable to Archers and flyers.
Cavalry are good all-around units, but they have serious weaknesses. Any attack by a
Heavy Infantry or another Cavalry unit is likely to badly to hurt your Cavalry. Move your
infantry up in front of Cavalry until you are close enough to take out the enemy. Don’t let
your Cavalry get out in front of your line, with no protection. At least keep an Archer or
two near them. The key with Cavalry is to keep an eye on your expected losses window.
If your unit can’t take the enemy, it will be obvious, and you should find another target.
Most Cavalry can take some damage and still be effective, but don’t be afraid to rest them
often since Cavalry can easily catch back up to the rest of your army.

Light Cavalry
Loose formation mounted troops and mounted skirmishers are represented as Light
Cavalry. These troops, like foot Skirmishers, have the ability to engage troops from a distance,
inflicting damage without engaging in melee. They are vulnerable to attacks by
Archers and flyers. If Light Cavalry are defending and the attacking unit is slower, then
1/2 of the casualties it takes will be converted into a morale loss instead of wounds.
Light Cavalry are very similar to Skirmishers in their use, but they are much more fragile.
Use them as finishers at first, and to scout ahead. With experience and upgrading they get
tougher, naturally, but they are always vulnerable to Cavalry. Again, try not to attack anything
with Light Cavalry that can counterattack.

Sky Hunters
These units represent flying creatures that attack with claws, wings, lances, and other
weapons. These units are very mobile and can melee adjacent enemy flying units or
ground units in the same hex. Sky Hunters can escort, but each unit may intercept only
once per turn. If the unit is attacked, then it may no longer intercept on that turn.
You are going to need Sky Hunters. Start buying them on the first continent. It doesn’t
much matter what kind you buy, although mortal units are recommended because they
upgrade, and the most important thing with Sky Hunters is experience. You don’t need a
lot of flyers unless you can’t keep them alive. Two level 3 experience flyers are better
than four 0-level flyers. Use Sky Hunters to finish off any badly damaged enemy troops
that might otherwise escape.
They are good against Siege Engines and should be used to take them out, since Siege
Engines can take out Sky Hunters given the chance to attack. Avoid Archers, and if possible
end a turn over friendly ground units to prevent being attacked from below.
Sky Hunters can usually handle Bombardiers without trouble, but keep an eye on the
expected losses — sometimes Bombardiers surprise you by fighting back. If you are going
to use a Sky Hunter to attack another Sky Hunter prepare for it by attacking the enemyunit with spells, Siege Engines, or Archers when possible. Attack with more than one Sky
Hunter unless victory is assured. If you don’t have these advantages, run as far away as
possible, or go hover over a friendly Archer unit. Caution is the better part of valor with
Sky Hunters, and if the odds aren’t in your favor, wait. Keep them healed up. Attacks from
enemy Sky Hunter can come from nowhere and kill an unprepared Sky Hunter!
Finally, Sky Hunters make excellent scouts. They can fly great distances and have excellent
spotting ratings.

Bombardiers represent flying units that engage by moving into a hex containing an
enemy ground unit and using a missile attack against them. They are very effective
against Cavalry or Light Cavalry gaining a +3 to their missile attack, but are vulnerable to
Sky Hunters because their missile attack is ineffective against that class.
Buy Bombardiers from the beginning, but be aware that they are only marginally effective
until they get a shield or two of experience. Be careful with your Bombardiers, they
are only good against some kinds of units. Don’t bomb an Archer unit unless it is severely
damaged. Stay over friendly Archers as much as possible, and stay over other ground
units if there are enemy Archer units in the area. Bombardiers are good at knocking down
Heavy Infantry and other tough units, just enough to give your Cavalry and Heavy
Infantry the edge. As more and more enemy Sky Hunters start showing up you’re going
to have to be very careful with your Bombardiers. You might want to not deploy them for
a battle where there are a lot of Sky Hunters, just let them rest and bring them out when
the danger’s over.

Siege Engines
These units act as missile artillery to attack at long range. Their offensive capability is very
high, however, this is balanced by a very low defense. Siege Engines do not give fire support
in defense of adjacent units as do Archers, but they are able to attack flyers at range
using the Fire and Move buttons. Siege Engines support units attacking town, keep, tower,
or castle hexes by adding +2 to the attack values of adjacent friendly units.
Siege weapons are excellent weapons against every type of unit. Since they can upgrade to
increase in grades and levels of experience, Siege Engines are able to soften up tough opponents,
or even kill weak units. When a siege unit has a number of possible targets, it is
advisable to shoot Sky Hunters first, because your own air force is probably vulnerable, and
needs the help. Then go for Archers; there are no other units that can easily damage Archers
without taking any damage themselves. Bombardiers are a good target if you don’t have many
other flyer defenses. If none of these targets are available, hit whatever is likely to do the most
damage to your attacking units. Don’t use Siege Engines deliberately to finish off very weak
enemy units unless you have no other targets. You will find that Siege Engines generally gain
experience very quickly, so save the easy kills for units that need more coddling.
Siege Engines are excellent against fortifications of any kind. Set them up one hex away
from the target city, they will launch support fire whenever one of your units that is adjacent
to the Siege Engine attacks the fortification. Siege Engines do have disadvantages
that must be taken into account. They are rather slow, although the ability to attack at
range does partially compensate for their limited mobility. It is good to put them in the
first or second line of deployment, and keep them on roads or in the open at all times. It
is better to pass by a possible target, and stay on a road, than move into the rough, kill the
enemy unit, and have to spend two or three turns inching the siege weapon back out of
the bad terrain. The main disadvantage, however, is that even high grade, high experience
Siege Engines can be taken out in a couple attacks by enemy troops. Protect them
well, they don’t need to get close to the enemy anyway.

The Spellcaster units are small groups wielding magic spells. With only ten life,
Spellcasters are weaker than regular units in strength of arms. Spellcasters can sting opponents
with skirmish attacks, but are vulnerable to attack. Spellcaster units have the ability
to cast a spell once per turn. Some spells are used to aid friendly units, which can only
be cast if adjacent. Other spells wound enemy troops or affect morale.
Each grade of Spellcasters has different advantages, but all of them should be well protected.
Almost any enemy unit can damage or kill an unprotected Spellcaster.
Apprentices are good for scaring the Archer away from the units it is protecting, and
pushing back enemies when you’re crossing over a river. Conjurers can give some added
punch, particularly to Cavalry or Heavy Infantry units. Healers are obviously useful, particularly
with single entity units, but they seem to be more of a focus of attack so protect
them even better! Druids are best at knocking down units like Light Infantry and
Skirmishers that have a huge advantage in rough terrain. Fire Wizards are able to damage
a pack of enemy units.

Heroes are single, powerful units that can be found but not purchased. Heroes are all
individuals which means that they never suffer kills from spells or combat and always use
their total number of attacks in combat. Some heroes will have the ability to cast spells
on themselves or on other units. Heroes also have the effect of bolstering morale for units
next to them; units adjacent to a hero gain a +10 morale bonus for each

General Unit Types:

Mortal Units
Mortal units are the backbone of the armies of the Council of Five. There are Mortal units
of every class, which is not true of the Beast, Mech, or Magical race. In addition, Mortal
units are capable of improvement through the upgrade process, while Beast, Magical and
Mech units are not. Mortal units generally have better armor values but lower attack
values than other races.

Magical and Beast Units
While all four characters have access to Mortal units, the Archmage and the Sorceress
focus more energy on their non-human allies. For these two characters the amount of
each reward invested in Mortal units is halved, rounding down, in the classes that have
Magical or Beast troops available. The full amount is spent on researching units in classes
that have no Magical or Beast equivalents.
Magical and Beast units do not offer the wide variety that the Mortal units have. They have
greater armor and attack values for their grade, which is balanced by their inability to upgrade.
Magic units are vulnerable to mechanical attacks, but have a greater magic defense

Mechanical Units
units are much less expensive than the other three races, but until "Engineer" is
available, damage they sustain is not repairable. Mech unit attack values are better than
Mortal, and their armor ratings are much better than those of the other three classes

in general keep cavalry and/or hvyinf at max upgrade-level, this is the backbone.

... and skyhunters. other at will wich is your strategy then

... instead of relying early on beast and/or magical units yu may chose another unit class (for example skirms) untill they are MUG

Japo 11-09-2007 01:01 AM

BTW with skirmishers I also included light cavalry, they're the same thing only faster and more expensive.

Guest 11-09-2007 03:23 AM

skirms are nice, no doubt. or better said i can imagine. maybe i play archmage krell soon and go heavy on skirms :)

as mentioned, even with my army that has no skirms at all and only 2 or 3 light cavs, i may use lt cav to "soften up" a target (more often to fish weak units though). skirmishers or archers take no damage when atatcking melee units. other things good to soften up "uber"units may be siege units, bombardiers and archers (archers are fragile though)

it maybe also possibel to completely renounce on skyhunters and just rely on archers and siege instead (to defend against flying units) although that woudl require that your armies stick close together and skyhunters are good scouts and can search/hunt down wounded enemies like no other because of their mobility

Japo 11-09-2007 08:28 AM

The system is that hand-to-hand combat always has two phases, skirmish and melee. If neither attacker or defender has a skirmish rating the first phase is bypassed, but the good thing about skirmishers is that they inflict damage and supress before melee units can respond. Alternatively if you equip a melee unit with a magical weapon that gives it a skirmish rating, it gets much more effective against other melee units since it gets to weaken it somewhat (the skirmish rating will be little) before the definitve melee phase. Also Legionarii for instance have a skirmish rating. Right now I'm not sure as to whether air units can't be engaged in skirmish and bypass that phase.

At the beginning when both are unexperienced melee units can deal much more damage than skirmishers, and that remains true to a lesser extent until the end, only that melee always has more casualties on the other hand. Rookie skirmishers inflict only 0, 1 or 2 damage on the initially more powerful melee units, but you should use them as much as necessary to make them gain experience, and research them. Once they're upgraded and experienced, they can really cut any melee unit to pieces without any possibility for it to respond. Try and you'll see, only at the beginning you have to baby-sit skirmishers because they're puny with no experience and can be easily killed, but afterwards they're the best assault troops and infantry lines supported by archers are more suitable for containment and so are much slower advancing even relative to their movement rating.

Also the attacker gets the initiative but only for each phase, so if a melee unit without skirmish rating attacks a skirmisher (i.e. skirmisher proper or light cavalry), it would get to attack first but it doesn't since it can't skirmish; then the skirmisher applies its skirmish rating; and then during the melee phase the attacker is too weakened to cause any damage. When the skirmisher is not experienced its first skirmish counterattack is not enough to save it from the subsequent pounding during the melee phase. But I've seen rookie enemy units that got themselves killed by attacking my elite skirmishers!

I wouldn't do without skyhunters, that's making your life too difficult if not impossible. You must get enough of them to always have aerial suppremacy, and as experienced as possible, so it's good to purchase them even before they're needed for them to gain experience in the meantime. Once you've killed all enemy air units they're very nice to disrupt the enemy at his weakest point or to crush archers hidden behind enemy melee, and if they get damaged they can retreat most easily. Plus even after you've killed all enemy air units, the enemy will recruit more in his remaining towns.

This game is nice but too repetitive in the end for me. I played it more than PG but the latter has a richer strategy, there are tons of things you must consider, terrain, entrenchment, close defense, rugged defence, hard, soft, etc. In FG it all comes down to melee and skirmish, missile (especially when alone not supporting) and of course magical attacks are secondary, anyway the system is really simple in comparison.

Guest 12-09-2007 12:07 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Japofran @ Sep 11 2007, 09:28 AM) [snapback]310160[/snapback]</div>

infantry linesare more suitable for containment and so are much slower advancing even relative to their movement rating.
btw, even hvy infantry can be really quick, unsing "force march" spell
hvy infantry with force march can pas with force march even two montain hexes in one round, or any other hex that absorbs all movement

when to use force march (at start f round or not) depend also if it uses road. if it use road then before, marching through heavy terrain first move normal then forcemarch.

what you said about skirmish and melee ("missile" attack needs also to be mentioned, which missile is even before skirmisch) is correct.

well, sure the game may be repetitive. i guess PG is also repetitive
stil there is the option to make arena battles, and test armies

(in the last year i never played any SCN only multiplayer with a friend via LAN, and we made something like ARENA (with certain umber of points and using custom MAPS and edited equip-Files (PG2)) and that was pretty fun. PG is surely a lot of fun. i must see if i can get PG 1 someday again and then play it also again.

Kulko 14-09-2007 06:47 AM

I am playing the game from my original CD bought 10 Years ago and I am experiencing problems when I finish a continent. The game basically freezes when it tries to show the pictures of the continents.

I am running from Dos-Box and the rest of the game works quite fine. Including the superb music :-).

But playing only the first 3 Scenarios is actually quite boring.

Guest 14-09-2007 07:51 AM

i can imagine that ;)

becasue continent 1 is the most easy, thats for sure.

the other have their own problems. For example continent 3 tends to be easier than 2 since on continent 3 you will have realy powerhouse units and your army is in egneral much more epierienced, so the enemy "expierience" kicks way less in.

in continent 2 you may have get a slightly better army via specialized research, but your troops are not that much expierienced and the enemy units will have a lot of expierience.

btw, its really worth to serach the internet about information about Fabntasy General - i will post some here.

to solve your problem i suggest just to try the version available here at Abadonis. play the Music from an external programm

the soundtrack is also available in the internet, btw

Mabuse 14-09-2007 08:01 AM

Hi, its me "the Guest"
finally i decided to register ;)

btw, after playing a bit PG1 again i must say that PG1 is old and slow.
if you know what to do its easy.

FG is newer and its combat system is deeper as you think.
this becomes important when playing other players

i recommend read this expert forum
(this archive contains tons of useful information)
(actual board)

but there are so many more things you may not realize when just play campaign against ai. special abilities like "heroic" or magic items as "amulett of resistance" get much more important. "cloak of invisibility" for archers ....

here is a FG league (and of course other PG leagues and stuff):

A little Strategy Guide (along with the Information form the Expert Forum) it should offer some help getting started:


A Beginner's Guide to Fantasy General PBM.
Version 2.1


By Sebastien Dupre - a.k.a. Ventura
Nick Vayn - a.k.a. BloodLord the Lich/Dark Mage

Feel free to distribute.


If you've never played FGpbm, you'll notice that the strategy is VERY
different from campaign or scenario games.

************************************************** ****************
-->This isn't meant to be a complete strategy guide, only a small
guide for beginners to avoid common mistakes. But remember,
there is no substitute for experience!
************************************************** ****************

Comments preceded by "**" are things on which we have different views,
but isn't that what makes this game fun? ;)

Each section contains short basic tips and detailed explanations for some
of the tips. These explanations are meant to benefit those players who
have played a few pbm games but have not mastered strategy yet.


You will often win or lose a match based solely on how good your purchasing
skills are. In fact a bad strategist can beat a good strategist just by
outpurchasing him/her. Therefore you should give plenty of though to what
units you want to put in your army. Here are some basic pointers.

-Heroes are usually not worth buying. They're WAY too expensive and they only
have 10 life. But if you are playing with max lv 3 or lower units AND you
have lots of money for the number of units you need to buy(roughly 1000/10
units or more) then a hero might be useful. The best ones to use are Valira,
Morg, Malkin, Witch of Icethorn, and Deathlord Rapax. Valira and the Witch
of Icethorn are inexpensive and offer support for your air units(Witch of
Icethorn can attack air units from below with her missile attack), Deathlord
Rapax and Malkin are expensive but have a strong magical attack and will
destroy enemy units that are lv 3 or below fairly easily. Morg has no
magical attack but his regular attack is among the strongest in the game
without exp and his defense is excellent. A good guage for heros is whether
the hero has a significantly better attack/defense than any other unit(s)
you can buy for that amount of money. If the answer is yes then the hero
is worthwhile, otherwise you are wasting your money. For example,
two monks are far better than Morg BUT Morg is a more worthwhile investment
than three legionarrii or two legionarrii with experience.

-You will usually need a good mix of unit types to win. Forget about light
infantry, spellcasters(except for druids), and bombardiers; these units
are only good in special circumstances and should be used as novelty
units. Concentrate on buying as many good heavy units(heavy infantry,
cavalry, and sky hunters) as possible, use a few light cav and skirmishers
for scouting purposes, a few archers for protecting your front-line units,
and a few seige engines for helping against enemy air units and archer

-You should rarely use units with 10 life because they are easy for your
opponent to kill with one or two attacks. The only ones that are worthwhile,
if their unit grade is the maximum and they have decent experience, are lv 3
and lv 5 mech units with amulets and earth elementals.

-It is crucial to win the air war. DO spend lots of money on your Sky Hunters.
Other ways to attack the enemy air force include ground units with magic bows
(esp. cavalry units), siege engines, archers, units with a storm staff or
whirlwind staff, and fire wizards. Make sure you can attack the enemy air
power both from the air and the ground and that your have enough anti-air
power to survive the loss of your sky hunters.

-Remember the units you loved to hate so much in campaign? Now you
can use them. Hmm, could I be talking about flying monkeys, wearbears
and shadow warriors? When playing at their level, they usually are a
best-buy. Here is the list of heavy units which are excellent choices
for their levels...

lv. 5: shadow knights, shadow dragons, shadow warriors, monks of meo*,
pheonix hawks**
*only if you are Krell or Marcus w/ Archmage
**only if you are Krell/Aelcar
lv. 4: sandmen, flame dragons, ghost riders
lv. 3: lionmen, ogre centaurs
lv. 2: werebears, shadow wings, harpies*
*if you cannot buy shadow wings, which are a better choice
lv. 1: barbarians
lv. 0: unicorns, flying monkeys/wing riders

The following heavy units are inferior to all other units of their type
at their level and should be avoided:

lv. 5: nightmare
lv. 4: samurai, power lancers
lv. 3: trolls, cataphractoi, black dragons
lv. 2: giant, chariots*, hydra*, mastadon*, silver dragons, eagles
*in other words, lv. 2 cav are not worth buying; get lv. 0 or lv. 1
cav with exp instead
lv. 1: ogres, swordsmen, heavy cav, green dragons, pegasus, gargoyles
lv. 0: warbands, orcs, wyverns, flying snakes

Get the impression that the neutral mortal sky hunters up to lv 4
are garbage? Well, that's right!

-6 spearmen (used carefully) should easily tear trough 10 samurais.
sometimes it is better to get a few less units, but better ones.

-Terrain should play an important role in your purchasing strategy.
If you buy tons of cav for a battle in the forest, you are wasting
your money as not only will the cav be less mobile than other units,
but they will not get their +8 charge bonus.

In open terrain, buy more cavalry and less skirmishers and light inf.
In forest and rough terrain, buy less cav, more skirmishers and light
inf, and avoid too many support units such as sieges, spellcasters and
archers as they will slow your army down in the rough/forest.

-Set up games with limited resources; this will teach you what
unit/items/exp combinations are the most valuable.

-TAKE YOUR TIME to choose your general, advantages, and army. Choosing a
general and advantages is just as important as choosing units because
those choices affect what units you can buy and what gold discounts you get.

Max unit grade should play an important role in your choice of general and
advantages. The reason for this is that at lower grades(0-3), the good units
tend to be better than the evil units while at higher grades(4-5) the
evil units tend to be better than the good units. The exception is sky
hunters... the evil ones are always better than the ones the good side can
get. Therefore try to pick a good character at low grades and an evil
character at high grades, and note that if you are playing a good character
you must figure out how to compensate for your lack of air power. Using
Krell's magic units is one way to compensate; amulets is another way

When choosing advantages, choose ones that complement each other. For ex,
choosing both archmage and beastmaster is somewhat counterproductive since
they both give you extra units that you can purchase, and it is unlikely
that using both beasts and magic units will help you more than choosing
another advantage. A good rule is to pick at least one advantage which
gives you extra units to purchase and at least one advantage which helps
your units in battle(healer, charisma, dwarven, forest) or helps economize
your gold (warlord, general).

-Compromise between more units/items/exp. You cannot win without a good
balance of all three.


-Always purchase a skull of krang (limit is usually one)... Duh!
Best units to give it to: light cav, heavy cav, skirmishers.

Because the cav have good movement while skirmishers can turn
invisible so you can hide your skull unit from the enemy. And both
skirmishers and light cav can convert wounds to morale loss, making them
harder to kill than most units.

-Remember the items you wish you had ten of them in campaign?
Now you can have ten of them (depending on the item limits)!
Items are usually a good way to screw up your adversary.
BUT, do the math! Is it better to get an axe or experience which
upgrades both attack and defense? (it depends on the price of xp
and if you suspect your opponent will use amulets of resistance...)

-Some items are vital and always worth the investment, including the skull,
healing staffs, storm staffs, and amulets of resistance.

-Another vital decision is which units to give various items to.

Items that act as spells or cast spells such as the skull, staffs and
wands should be given to light mobile units such as light cav or
skirmishers who have weak attacks and will be able to use the item
each turn.
Magic attacks are much stronger than regular attacks and simply giving
a unit a magic weapon can greatly increase its attack. Therefore, magic
weapons should be given to units who do not already have a magical
attack; heavy units should get preference over light units since they
can do more damage. However, magic bows should be given to cav or other
strong ground units(see "NICE UNIT/ITEM COMBINATIONS" below).
Boots of Rapid Movement should be given to slow units such as monks,
spellcasters, or archers.



Luckily, humans are far smarter than the AI in fantasy general, making for
a more interesting challenge. Here is what you can expect...

-Your opponent is (usually) as smart as you! In other words you cannot
depend on him/her to do all the stupid random moves the AI does. Usually
the opponent has a purpose to each move. That lonely archer sitting there
without protection just might be a trap!

-The AI usually picks on many of your guys. Your opponent will most likely
gangbang a few units until they die, or prevent them from resting (and so
should you!).

Take care of your wounded units. Versus the AI, units with only 10
life left could still used. Versus a human opponent, they will most
likely die.



If both players purchase armies that are similar in strength, then the battle
will be won or lost on the battlefield. Clever players have even been known
to get away with some poor unit selections through excellent battlefield
strategy, but the purchasing and strategy should be coordinated. You should
purchase an army with a particular strategy on how to use depending on what
the opponent has purchased.

-Plan your troops deployment carefully. This could give you a one turn
advantage on your enemy. Deploy slow units in the front lines and fast ones
in the back... it'll save you from waiting for slow units.

-DO NOT RUSH TO ATTACK. Place your army carefully and try to get
the first wave of attack. Always attack and defend in masse.

Position your units so that either you can attack the enemy with many units
at once, or you can counterattack with plenty of units when the opponent

-Scout ahead! You cannot plan your strategy if you cannot see the enemy
army. Therefore buy some light cav with the eagle eyes spell and use it.
Skirmishers and any worthless units you have also make good scouts.

Try to eliminate the enemy scouts so that he/she cannot see your formation.
You cannot underestimate how important it is to see the full layout of the
enemy army; if you do not see it, you might be ambushed by reinforcements
you did not see lurking behind enemy lines.

-Beware of your opponent making your units surrender and try to make his/her
units surrender! Note that only melee units can make the enemy surrender
and air units and shadow warriors(hint, hint...) never surrender.

Leave a break in the back of your lines(so that the opponent cannot send
units to stand in those hexes and block your escape) every two or three
units to prevent surrenders if you use formations where your troops are
all next to each other. Remember that you can send worthless troops to stand
in hexes that your enemy can escape to and block off their escape, thereby
forcing a surrender when you attack.

-Take all precautions necessary to prevent wounded enemy units from resting,
but don't follow them into unknown territory with a better unit unless you
know you can kill them because the enemy might be waiting in ambush. Either
scout the territory you are following into or use a unit that is expendable.

Sacrifice whatever you need to in order to keep the enemy skull unit from
resting and kill it. Killing the enemy skull bearer is always the most
important step in achieving victory.

-READ THE USER MANUAL AGAIN. Remember which unit gets which bonus
and when it gets it.

Playing with level 1 units? Peasants get a +3 bonus in forest and rough
terrain! This can make a HUGE difference for wimpy units.

Also make sure you understand the difference between "closed" and
"opened" troop formation. this greatly influences movement and bonuses.

Getting to know every bonus will let you know which units should attack
which enemy units and which terrain to use. For ex, cav attacking in open
terrain get a very useful +8 bonus and +4 defense(a little known fact
in terms of defense) BUT not against pikemen, legionarii or spearmen.
So do not charge into these units with your cavalry.



Here are some simple strategy tips that can prove invaluable in battle
but are not often used by most players.

-When you spent most of your gold on big strong units with items,
fill the rest of the army slots with slingers/goblins or wolf
riders/light cav maxed out in terms of exp.

Such units cost only 12-13 gold (for slingers/goblins) or 40-50 gold
(for wolf riders/light cav). They will be strong enough to really bother
your opponent, and won't cost you too much. PLUS they can can be used as
shields(see below) and can help to make enemy units surrender. Lots of
uses for such bargain units make them a good addition to any army when
money is tight.

-Shield your good units with your lesser units and scouts. Just placing a
wall of light cav in front of your main lines will prevent damage to
your good heavy units because your opponent will have to use 2-3 attacks
to kill each light cav screen before he/she can attack your valuable units.
Light cav/skirmishers are cheap, and you can easily purchase more as
reinforcements when they are killed, so you can use this strategy many
times in one battle.

-Learn the rules of where a unit retreats in a given situation(it is easy
to predict) and plan your attacks so that the enemy cannot retreat to where
you cannot finish them off with other units the same turn.

In general, PLAN OUT your attack BEFOREHAND so that you do not leave enemy
units with little life where they can rest or escape. Remember to account
for the worst case scenario when playing your attack. What if the expected
2 attacks are not as good as the expected losses? Do you have another unit
there just in case?

Try to attack with your farthest units first. that way, you'll still be
able to reach units who retreated or units that could not be reached
before you cleaned up some enemies.

-Two archers side by side make for a strong tandem. It is tougher for
sky hunters to attack them and any units next to both archers
are virtually invulnerable to sky hunter attack provided the archers
are decent grade and exp.

Just watch for surrenders; it is easy to make units protected by double-
archer fortifications to surrender. Leave a break in the lines when using
this formation.

-Why get a healer when you can get a light cav with a staff of
healing? Such a combo is faster, tougher and cheaper.



You can maximize the usefulness of items by giving them to the appropriate
units. Giving a magical axe to a skirmisher will be much less effective than
giving that item to a heavy inf unit. Experiment to find the right
the most useful ones are listed here to give you a start.

-Any melee unit(especially cavalry) with a magic bow/crossbow will inflict
major damage to flyers but occasionally other pbm players will have
rules against this sort of thing.

-Any sky hunter with an amulet of resistance.

-Cav or light cav with staff of healing. With their movement range, they
can reach more wounded units in time than other ground unit types(see above).

-Light cav or skirmisher w/ storm staff as extra anti-air defense. Again,
mobility is the key and these unit types are hard to kill so they are more
likely to be able to stay alive longer when under attack. A light cav with
storm staff can harass a flyer nine hexes away at the start of your turn
(6 movement + 3 hex range of staff), and makes for an invaluable unit in
the air war.

-Light cav with eagle eye(the spell, not the item) carrying cloaks of
invinsibility always make valuable spotters.

-Spellcasters with cloaks of invinsiblity. You can pick at the enemy units
without your opponent ever knowing.

Druids have a really powerful attack, and they can cast it on any unit in
any forest or swamp hex from anywhere on the map, so hide them in the
corners as they do not need to be close to the enemy...

**NICK: Spellcasters other than druids(who can stay far from the enemy)
are useless anyway, so why bother spending money on a cloak for them?
**SEB: Earthmasters can sometimes do wonders...


For 23 gold, this can be your most valuable item. It will offer great
protection against any magical attack or spell for the unit wearing it.

-Any unit with a magical attack(whether it has a magic weapon or regular
magical attack) will see its attack go down to a fraction of it's normal
power when attacking a unit wearing an amulet! Your unit gets 1.5 times
the armor against the magic attack which will usually reduce damage to
nil or close to it unless your units has a low armor rating.

-Remember that MOST bad guys have a magical attack!

Here's an example of an amulet-induced disaster:
one player [ Seb ;) ] got the bad guys and the other one got beasts with amulet
of resistance; the MOST damage player1 could do to player2 on any attack
was 1 wound !!!

-Magical units have superior attacks power to regular and beast/mech
units but always keep a few strong units with non-magical attacks in your
army just in case the enemy has plenty of amulets. This will prevent
instant losses such as the one described above.



After a few games playing with the regular victory conditions set by the AI,
you will be looking for a more interesting alternative. Well, here are some
rules designed to spice up your pbm games and give you new challenges or
even the odds by providing handicaps for the stronger player. Don't be
afraid to come up with your own twisted rules.

Here are some examples of alternate rules:

-"Kill the Leaders" (by Ed Henry - a.k.a. #Crow#)
Rule(s): Each side gets 3 "leaders" who cannot turn invisible (using heroes
is a good idea).
Victory Condition(s): The winner is the one who kills the other guy's
leaders first no matter what's left of his army.

-"The 3/5/1?3" Rules" (by Sebastien Dupre - a.k.a. Ventura)
max. unit grade = 2
grade 0 units get a max of 3 shields.
grade 1 units get a max of 5 shields.
grade 2 units get a max of 1 shields.
grade 2 units WITHOUT A SPELL get a max of 3 shields.

You set limited ressources AND the obligation to fill all army slots.
This will ensure that:
1) Cheap grunts stay cheap grunts (as opposed to overpowered
slingers for 13 gold)
2) Strong units are expensive
3) Units with a spell are a bit less powerful than units without a
Victory Condition(s): Same as usual

-"Pot Luck Rules" (by Nick Vayn - a.k.a. BloodLord the Lich/Dark Mage)
Rule(s): Real simple... Both players pick any warlord and let the computer
choose their army.
This eliminates players winning solely on purchasing and forces you to
beat your opponent with strategy and a little luck.
Victory Condition(s): Same as usual

-Here are some standard rules over which my opponents and I have agreed:
(Use them as you see fit, and come up with your own)

*Maximum 1 skull of krang (standard for everyone)

*Melee units cannot carry magic bows

*Limiting the number of amulets of resistance is a good idea because they
completely eliminate the effectiveness of magic units

*Play with a maximum of 20% sky hunters. These units are way too powerful
so you might want to limit their power with rules such as the following:
1) Sky hunters cannot carry any items
2) You cannot win a game if you have only flyers left in your army

*When playing with custom generals, mechmastery+engineer
together will only count as 1 advantage. Dwarven is
forbidden. There is no reason not to get it, so everyone
usually winds up with, and it takes all the fun out of the mountains.

**NICK: I agree that Dwarven should be prohibited if you are playing in
mountainous terrain, but for regular terrain I prefer Healer
over Dwarven, so I see no reason to ban it.



Although there is no way to police most of these things, it is a courtesy to
your opponent to follow most of these guidelines(ask your opponent about
the conventions that he or she adheres to like to use beforehand since both
players should be following the same rules of etiquette). Players who
disregard basic etiquette will have a hard time finding and keeping

-Restarting if your turn does not go well is cheating... ;)

-Hiding invinsible units is a cheesy and boring way to get a tie. Don't do it!
Similarly, it is in poor taste to run with your invisible units and make
your opponent chase them when that is all you have left and it is obvious
you have lost. In other words do not use invisible units as a way to worm
a tie out of a loss.

-when you set the game up, tell your opponent on what map your playing,
it's size, it's type. But DON'T tell your adversary what general you're
playing (at least not before turn1).

-If you only have flyers left and you can't kill the remnants of your
opponent's army, SURRENDER!

**NICK: No, I think it is a tie if you have just air units and your opponent
has just ground units; continuing such a game is pointless because
it is obvious that neither side can win unless one player still
has money remaining or the ground army is weak enough for the
flyers to kill.
**SEB: I think flyers are too powerful and we need to power them down
with rules.
**NICK: True, but if winning the air war is meaningless, why spend money on
sky hunters? Making them incapable of even earning you a tie in
effect eliminates them as useful units and greatly simplifies
purchasing decisions(in a negative way). I think it is better to
limit the number of sky hunters and the items they can carry

The important things with special rules is to agree on them BEFORE
the game...



We hope this guide has provided some useful tips whether you are a beginner
or intermediate player. Suggestions, comments, or questions are welcome.

Sebastien [used to] run the Fantasy General Cooperative.
Visit the Discussion Board for in-depth strategy discussions!
[err... it is now archived]

Nick runs the Fantasy General Ladder for the General's Guild Wargaming Club.
Compete in the only Fantasy General Tournament on the Net!
E-Mail: ""

Note: We will continue to add to and modify this strategy guide. The
Version Number attached to the guide(see very top of guide)
will let you know if modifications have been made since you last
viewed it. Each modification will result in a minor or major change
in version number.


btw, there is also an extra SCN add on (official, i will add this, as it is easy to install)
it adds another CAMPAIGN to play (completely new campaign)

so , here the official addon campaign.

its just a ZIP, and it support the cracked Version (and the good thing: its legal)
its an exe and you simply put it into your FG Folder and run it.

lool - muck - its too big. :(
will dig out a link

Japo 14-09-2007 08:03 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mabuse @ Sep 14 2007, 10:01 AM) [snapback]310845[/snapback]</div>

Hi, its me "the Guest"
finally i decided to register ;)[/b]
Hehe I knew you would. :D

Mabuse 14-09-2007 08:16 AM



its a zip containing an exe.


ok, another INFO that may be interesting:

in the File "MAGEQUIP.DAT" in the DAT Folder there are the Unit Information. you can alter them
(and perhaps even ADD new Units and stuff). to get help started, i found in the expert Forum some Information about it.

also search for "Fred Chlanda's shp editor" in the internet (google) as this may be helpful if you want to exchange graphics and stuff. the most obvious change you can do first is to alter the starting armies of the generals ;) for example.

of course dont cheat ;). calculate how much it is worth and then "buy" an army for that price and alter the units (unsing Grade 0 and one Grade 1 Unit). the information about starting armies is in the "barena.exe" but all you need to know first are in the following quote:


Edit / Modify FG files - Referential info

Hex Editor (WinHex, FrHed etc)

Fred Chlanda's shp editor (Version 0.49 or later):
If you will work with unit's art (See "Hidden Units on FG-DEMO" at bottom of this text).



Byte 0000: Number of units on the game. Default content: B7 (183)
Byte 0001: content: 00
byte 0002: 1st Unit's block starts here.

Unit's Block Size: 74

Unit's Block Structure:

shp #: N-31
Cost: N-29
Melee Attack: N-27
Melee type: N-25 (0=Phy;1=Mag;2=Mec)
Skirmish Attack: N-23
Skirmish Type: N-21 (0=Phy;1=Mag;2=Mec)
Missile Attack N-19
Missile Type: N-17 (0=Phy;1=Mag;2=Mec)
Siege Attack: N-15
Siege type: N-13 (0=Phy;1=Mag;2=Mec)
Own: N-11 (O=Good;1=Bad;2=Any)
Unit Type: N-1 (00...09)
Name: N+0 ... N+29
Unit Life: N+30
Attacks: N+31
Armor: N+32
Mag. Resistance: N+33
Movement: N+34
Spotting Range: N+35
Spell: N+36
Mov Method: N+37 (0=Ope;1=Clo;2=Cav;3=Sie;Air)
Spec. Ability 1: N+38
Spec. Ability 2: N+39
Spec. Ability 3: N+40
Race: N+41 (0=Mor;1=Mag;2=Bea;3=Mec)
Grade: N+42 (00...05)

N = Unit Name's 1st Byte

If sph# is xx:
Unit Fall animation: Animxx.shp
Unit Fire Animation: Fanimxx.shp (only Archers and Siege Engines)
Unit Drawing: Uifxx.shp
Unit icon number (Within uniticon.shp): xx+1 (*)

(*) Do not add +1 when using the transfer shp feature of Fred Chlanda's shp editor (Version 0.49 or later).


SPELLS (Hex values)

0b Armor
04 Animate Tree
13 Bless
0d Berserk
02 Summon Banshee
0c Dispel Undead
01 Death Wounds
0e Charm
08 Eagle Eye
07 Earthquake
0a Force March
03 Firestorm
06 Heal
09 Invisibility
11 Panic
10 Pathmasthery
05 Raise Dead
0f Restore Morale
12 Whirlwind



0a Blood Lust
0d Berzerker
08 Hero
07 Heroic
03 Inmune to Magic
0c Mystic
01 Negate Cavalry Bonus
06 Regenerates
05 Single Entity
09 Undead
0b Vulnerable to Magic
02 Vulnerable to Mechanical



Initial Army: (Campaign)

Version 1.0
Bytes: 1140B0 ... 1140BF (Calis)
Bytes: 1140C0 ... 1140CF (Marcas)
Bytes: 1140D0 ... 1140DF (Krell)
Bytes: 1140E0 ... 1140EF (Mordra)
Format: (Unit Byte,0)

With Add-On
Bytes: 1161ED ... 1161FC (Calis)
Bytes: 1161FD ... 11620C (Marcas)
Bytes: 11620D ... 11621C (Krell)
Bytes: 11621D ... 11622C (Mordra)
Format: (Unit Byte,0)

Hex Data:
2C 00 2B 00 2B 00 3F 00
3F 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 (Calis's Army)
0D 00 00 00 00 00 25 00
25 00 1F 00 FF FF FF FF (Marcas's Army)
17 00 16 00 16 00 35 00
25 00 3F 00 07 00 FF FF (Krell's Army)
A9 00 12 00 12 00 31 00
1F 00 06 00 FF FF FF FF (Mordra's Army)



Reinforcement (volunteers) on 1st scenario :

Version 1.0
Bytes: 06E400 ... 06E409

With Add-On
Bytes: 06E200 ... 06E209

Hex Data
00 00 00 0C 00 2B 00 3F 00 06




Version 1.0
Bytes: 10CDCB ... 10CF38 (Fight)
Bytes: 10CF5B ... 10D0C8 (Fall)
Format: (Sound Byte,0)

With Add-On
Bytes: 10EEC7 ... 10F034 (Fight)
Bytes: 10F057 ... 10F1C4 (Fall)
Format: (Sound Byte,0)


Sound Files

Dec value: file's name (xx.mel)
Hex value: Barena.exe

Dec Hex Sound-Description (Referential)

01 01 Atk CV HI Mec
02 02 Fireball
03 03 Atk SC
04 04 Heal
06 06 Atk Mag (CV / SK)
07 07 Unknow (Flamethrowing)
08 08 Earthquake
09 09 Anim. Tree / Dead Skeletons
10 0a Unknow (Breaking Wood)
12 0c Unknow (Metal)
13 0d Spell
16 10 Atk SG Catapult
17 11 Atk SG Cannon
22 16 Atk AR
23 17 Atk LI
24 18 Atk CV
26 1a Atk HI Bea
27 1b Atk SH Mor
28 1c Atk SH Mec
29 1d Atk BM
31 1f Dead
32 20 Dead CV
35 23 Dead Mec
41 29 Atk HI
47 2f Atk SG (Chaingun)
48 30 Atk Hero
49 31 Dead Hero
100 64 Button (off)
101 65 Menu Button
102 66 Unkonwn (Atk Inf/Cav)
103 67 Select
104 68 Movement
200 c8 Spell (Voice1)
201 c9 Spell (Voice2)
202 ca Spell (Voice3)
203 cb Spell (Voice4)
204 cc Spell (Voice5)


Hex data (unit's sound bytes in Barena.exe):


17 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 03 00 03 00
03 00 03 00 03 00 03 00 29 00 29 00 29 00 29 00
29 00 29 00 1A 00 1A 00 1A 00 18 00 29 00 17 00
17 00 1A 00 17 00 17 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 16 00
16 00 2F 00 2F 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00
16 00 16 00 16 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00
18 00 1A 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 1A 00
1A 00 06 00 06 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 18 00
18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 10 00 10 00 2F 00
11 00 11 00 11 00 2F 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 1B 00
1B 00 1B 00 1B 00 1B 00 1B 00 1B 00 1B 00 1B 00
1B 00 1B 00 1B 00 1B 00 1B 00 1C 00 1C 00 1C 00
1C 00 1D 00 1D 00 1D 00 1D 00 1D 00 1D 00 1D 00
1D 00 1D 00 1D 00 1D 00 1D 00 30 00 30 00 30 00
30 00 30 00 30 00 18 00 30 00 03 00 1B 00 16 00
30 00 1B 00 30 00 30 00 17 00 17 00 17 00 1A 00
01 00 29 00 29 00 29 00 1A 00 1A 00 29 00 06 00
16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 11 00 16 00 16 00
16 00 06 00 16 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00
06 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 10 00 10 00
1B 00 1B 00 1B 00 1B 00 06 00 1D 00 1D 00 1D 00
1D 00 29 00 11 00 03 00 18 00 30 00 30 00 1A 00
1B 00 30 00 18 00 1A 00 1A 00 1B 00 1B 00


1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00
23 00 23 00 1F 00 1F 00 23 00 23 00 23 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00
20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 23 00
23 00 20 00 20 00 23 00 23 00 23 00 23 00 20 00
20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 23 00 1F 00 1F 00 23 00
23 00 1F 00 1F 00 23 00 23 00 23 00 23 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 31 00 31 00 31 00
31 00 31 00 31 00 31 00 31 00 1F 00 1F 00 31 00
31 00 31 00 31 00 31 00 1F 00 09 00 1F 00 23 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 09 00 1F 00 09 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 09 00 23 00 1F 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 23 00 23 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00
1F 00 1F 00 02 00 1F 00 31 00 31 00 31 00 1F 00
31 00 31 00 31 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00 1F 00


Unit Number

Source: Magequip.dat (Unit's order)
Used in: Barena.exe / Gamexx.sav


00 Peasants
01 Militia
02 Auxilia
03 Javelinmen
04 Ashiguers
05 Berserkers
06 Apprentices
07 Conjurers
08 Healers
09 Fire Wizards
0A Druids
0B Earthmasters
0C Warbands
0D Swordsmen
0E Pikemen
0F Legionarii
10 Samurai
11 Heavy Spearmen
12 Lizardmen
13 Werebears
14 Lionmen
15 Elephantmen
16 Air Warriors
17 Treemen
18 Giant
19 Earth Elemental
1A Sandmen
1B Monks of Meo
1C Bronzeman
1D Iron Giant
1E Warlord Mechanus
1F Elf Bowmen
20 Longbowmen
21 Pistoliers
22 Gunners
23 Fire Archers
24 Royal Archers
25 Slingers
26 Staff Slingers
27 Scouts
28 Foresters
29 Huntsmen
2A Trail Runners
2B Squires
2C Heavy Cavalry
2D Chariots
2E Cataphractoi
2F Power Lancers
30 Phoenix Knights
31 Fire Beetles
32 Centaurs
33 Ogre Centaurs
34 Centaur Knights
35 Unicorns
36 Elf Chariots
37 Hydra
38 Turtle Dragon
39 Ghost Riders
3A Nightmare
3B Rolling Man
3C Steamphont
3D Rolling Fort
3E Thunder Tread
3F Light Cavalry
40 Elf Knights
41 Juns
42 Riders of the Bow
43 Spirit Riders
44 Knight Gunners
45 Catapults
46 Ballistae
47 Chain Guns
48 Cannons
49 Mortars
4A Pit Cannons
4B Spatter Guns
4C Mercury Guns
4D Steam Belchers
4E Wall Blasters
4F Eagle Riders
50 Griffon Riders
51 Ogre Griffons
52 Wing Riders
53 Pegasi
54 Dragon Knights
55 Flying Snakes
56 Wyverns
57 Green Dragons
58 Lion Dragons
59 Silver Hawks
5A Phoenix Hawks
5B Silver Dragons
5C Black Dragons
5D Screamer
5E Bronze Dragon
5F Steam Hawks
60 Seekers
61 Hawk Riders
62 Roc Knights
63 Dragon Riders
64 Pegasus Riders
65 Balloon Hangers
66 Balloon Riders
67 Bicycle Riders
68 Cloud Ship
69 Bronze Gliders
6A Naphtha Droppers
6B Sky Splitter
6C Steam Castle
6D Corporal
6E Sergeant
6F Lieutenant
70 Captain
71 General
72 Borric
73 Sir Kalador
74 Loric
75 Shandel
76 Valira
77 Krindel
78 Dreggo
79 Malric
7A Xyphon
7B Priest of Handola
7C Goblins
7D Skeletons
7E Ratmen
7F Gripper
80 Lava Warriors
81 Mummy
82 Orcs
83 Ogres
84 Cobramen
85 Trolls
86 Ogre Knights
87 Shadow Warriors
88 Slave Archers
89 Goblin Archers
8A Orc Archers
8B Orc Longbowmen
8C Skeleton Archers
8D Steam Gunners
8E Skeleton Slingers
8F Goblin Scouts
90 Orc Scouts
91 Shadows
92 Ogre Hunters
93 Serpent Riders
94 Undead Cavalry
95 Mastodon
96 Rhino Knights
97 Knights of Fire
98 Shadow Knights
99 Wolf Riders
9A Barbarian Riders
9B Boar Riders
9C Bear Riders
9D Flamer
9E Disease Throwers
9F Black Ice Throwers
A0 Flying Monkeys
A1 Gargoyles
A2 Shadow Wings
A3 Lava Dragons
A4 Shadow Dragons
A5 Serpent Griffons
A6 Lightning Throwers
A7 Fire Barge
A8 Zeppelin
A9 Barbarians
AA Air Slammer
AB Witch of Icethorn
AC Pale Marshal
AD Kraekvar
AE Claw the Assassin
AF Grimal the Rat Lord
B0 Malkin Nightwing
B1 Morg the Lasher
B2 Deathlord Rapax
B3 Leech King
B4 Goat King
B5 Eagles
B6 Harpies



No CD crack:

Version 1.0

Byte: From: To:
8E970: D8 DE
8E97D: 75 E9
8E97E: 32 67
8E97F: 0F 00
8E980: BF 00
8E981: 05 00
8F1B2: 15 19
8F1C0: 2F 21
8F1CF: 11 00
8F1D2: DC D8
8F1E3: F4 D8
8F1EB: FC D8

With Add-on:

Byte: From: To:
8F4B4: D8 DE
8F4C1: 75 E9
8F4C2: 32 67
8F4C3: 0F 00
8F4C4: BF 00
8F4C5: 05 00
8FCF6: 15 19
8FD04: 2F 21
8FD13: 11 00
8FD16: DC D8
8FD27: F4 D8
8FD2F: FC D8




Animxx.shp: Fall Animation
Fanimxx.shp: Fire Animation (Just Arch./Siege Eng.)(*)
Uniticon.shp: Unit's Icons (Needs shp Editor)
Uifxx.shp: Unit's Drawing (**)

(*) Not present, use Full game's versions.
Some fit well, some not.
(**) Not present, use Full game's drawings
Most fit very well.


Auxilia's "Blue" variant (Very fine icon, Noticeable Diff.)
Fall Animation: Anim12.shp
Icon Number: 12 / (12+1)

Heavy Cavalry's "Blue" variant (Beautifull icon IMHO)
Fall Animation: Anim9.shp
Icon Number: 9 / (9+1)

Staff Slinger's variant (Noticeable differences)
Fall Animation: Anim116.shp
Icon Number: 116 / (116+1)

Captain's Variant (Noticeable differences)
Fall Animation: Anim106.shp
Icon Number: 106 / (106+1)

Silver Hawks's variant (Looks like the Eagle)
Fall Animation: Anim147.shp
Icon Number: 147 / (147+1)

Steam Hawk's variant (This not have the gun)
Fall Animation: Anim150.shp
Icon Number: 150 / (150+1)

Air Slammer's variant (Small diff, not well centered)
Fall Animation: Anim151.shp
Fire Animation: Does not have it (*)
Icon Number: 151 / (151+1)
(*) Full game's version does not fit well,
but could be used.

Mercury Guns's variant (Small differences)
Fall Animation: Anim170.shp
Fire Animation: Does not have it (*)
Icon Number: 170 / (170+1)
(*) FullGame's version fits very well.

Disease thrower's variant (Very noticeable diferences)
Fall Animation: Does not have it (*)
Fire Animation: Does not have it (*)
Icon Number: 45 / (45+1)
(*) Full game's version does not fit well,
but could be used.

Screammer's variant (Landed vehicle, aims Up)
Fall Animation: Anim149.shp
Icon Number: 149 / (149+1)

Steam castle's variant (This aren't flying, noticeable diff)
Fall Animation: Anim106.shp
Icon Number: Does not have icon (*)
(*)First SHP image of Fall Anim164
(Demo version) could be used as icon.

Unknown Hero (Looks like lieutenant. Not well centered)
Fall Animation: Does not have it (*)
Icon Number: 153 / (153+1)
(*) Lieutenant's animation could be used.

If you want to add this units to the full game i highly recommend to use the "transfer SHP" feature present on Fred Chlanda's shp editor.


Good Luck with the edition

Jorge herrada
Info for share, exchangue or questions on this subject:

I don't have hacking skills (at least i don't think that). I just put a lot of time (and got a big pain in the a$$) looking around FG files. So i cannot help for editing other games or hacking other programs.[/b]

Mabuse 14-09-2007 08:28 AM


as a last Bonus here are some USER-SCN's dug out:

(note about user SCN. i searched a long time for a SCN-Editor, there dont seem to exist one.
what DOES exist is a prgramm named GEMPOLISH that enables you to edit SAVE games.

the USER-SCN arre made the following way: you set up an Arena game, and set uints and stuff. in the first round you SAVE the arena-Game

with gempolish you may edit this save game and alter hexes to victory hexes (which dont exist in normal arena game) and change ownership of cities (and whatever i dont know yet), also alter units give expierience or items or whatever (but that can be also done while stting up the troops)

so this is how custom-SCN in Fantasy General can be made.

here are some of them
so these are savegames, you need to alter the XX in the name as one SLOT-number you can afford.
read more in the descriptions

these SCN were part of an ARCHIVED site, i would upload the ZIP of the whole File, but its too big , and i cannot find the link atm :D

Mabuse 14-09-2007 09:10 AM




Our troops enter the mystic cave and find... a FAQ

Unofficial Fantasy General FAQ v2
Last Updated: Feb, '98


Preface: This is the second public draft of a FG FAQ. There are likely many errors still. I'd appreciate constructive input, particularly if I've made an error, or in the spots that I mention are still unfinished. I'm hoping this will evolve somewhat from input from the friends of the FGC. Some parts of this, particularly battle trees, are from other people's input.

JULY 9th 1999: Nevr mind the updates, the FGC is archived. Still, this FAQ should provide you with good info. Seb.
I haven't played it, what's it like? Is it any good?

It's great. The best place for general info if you don't own the game is the SSI-Online web site.

What is discussed by this FAQ? What is excluded?

In general, I'm trying to explore and clarify the game mechanics. This is NOT intended as a substitute for the manual, but rather as a supplement to it, and as errata for errors in it. There is a short section on strategy, but it's pretty basic, as I feel the best way to learn stuff like that is to play. There are a few tricks in there, though...

Where did the information from this FAQ come from? Is it accurate?

The information in this FAQ was figured out by observing the game. I haven't hacked the code, I don't have info from the publisher. It may be wrong, particularly as this is currently a kind of beta test FAQ. Comments, suggestions, corrections, and, yes, questions are welcomed. See information at the end of the FAQ.
Game Mechanics
Tactical information (on the battlefield)


It depends on the method of movement (MOD). Also, movement ends when the hex you move into is in enemy zone of control (ZOC-see manual pg. 54)

Road Clear Rough/Woods Mountain/Volcano River Jungle Swamp/Lava
Ope 2/3* 1 1 All All 2 3
Clo 2/3* 1 2 All All 3 All
Cav 2/3* 1 2 All 3 4 All
Sie 2/3* 1 2 All All All All
Air 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

* The 2/3 value for roads is only applied if travel is between two road hexes. Clear to road and road to clear movement both cost 1. Non-road to road appears to always cost 1, not 2/3. It doesn't matter if the graphics show the roads on the hexes as connecting or not.

Bridges are odd. My guess is that they cost as a road if you approach on road. It looks like you must move to the road hex adjacent to the bridge before crossing it. I got some weird results though; it's possible the 'find the best path' mechanism is broken, or something is very weird....


How do units with more than one type of attack work?

Combat appears to go through Missile, Skirmish, then Melee phases, stopping when the attacking unit finishes it's primary attack.

So, skirmishers will skip the Melee phase when attacking, Archers will skip Skirmish and Melee.

However, an infantry with a Crossbow will get both attacks in when it attacks (it's expected damage is higher than it would be if it got only a melee strike).

How do ambushes work?

An ambush occurs when a unit attempts to enter a hex occupied by an unspotted enemy unit. The 'defending' unit then ambushes the unit which is moving, getting an attack in without any return fire. This, incidentally, is the only way to get a bombardier to fight another bombardier...

What formulas are used to determine damage?

OK. I've tried to work this out, but it's either non-linear or the damage estimates are somehow fishy.

Damage is based on (attack strength-armor of defending unit). Amount of damage is not the same for attack and defense, nor is it the same across the three types of attack.

In general, defenders do slightly more damage than attackers (try identical grade 1 HI to see this.. the defender does more damage expected)

For total damage, (kills+wounds): (same attack and armor values)
melee > skirmish > missile

However, for just kills: (same attack and armor values)
missile > skirmish > melee

it follows that for just wounds: (same attack and armor values)
melee > skirmish > missile

15 life melee units never expect less than 1 wound or more than 3 deaths and 10 wounds.

An advantage(attack strength vs. armor) of more than 20 is irrelevant. I've seen a +45 advantage give the same expected casualties as +20.

The Official Strategy Guide is wrong. (I've leafed through it at the store; I didn't buy it partly because of this.) If you find the expected damage of a unit per advantage over the enemy it does not come out as linear, unlike the formula they describe. Admittedly, they're somewhat close. The other, perhaps more sinister, possibility is that they're right and expected losses is screwed. Also, I postulate 6 formulae, one for attack/defense for 3 attack types, yet they list just one. Which one is it?

When do archers get defensive fire?

Archers get defensive fire if an adjacent unit is attacked by a NON-MISSILE attack.
(unless they're Broken [ML])
Note: Defensive fire comes BEFORE any other attack.
So, if the archers kill 3 guys out of 15, the the attacking unit will only attack with 12 guys. When do units retreat? When will they surrender?

The manual says retreating is based only on 'current life and any losses' I suspect morale is involved. Almost whole units retreat a fair bit. They surrender if there is no hex for them to move to. They can move into the attacking unit's hex if it dies in the attack! (weird retreat, huh?)

What is the sky hunter's escort ability? (pg. 56)

It is essentially an interception of an enemy bombardier. If a bombardier attempts to bomb in a hex adjacent to a sky hunter which has neither defended nor already escorted that turn, the bombardier will fight the sky hunter in melee instead of bombing.

It is also the interception of an adjacent enemy sky hunter attacking an adjacent friendly bombardier.[ML]


What determines the base morale of a unit?

Base Morale = 100 +5/level of unit

What effects morale?

Units get +10 if they are adjacent to or if they are a Hero. Morale is modified by 20 for the Charisma attribute. Combat affects of morale:

-(4-9) per attack or defense[I haven't found a pattern here]
-5 per death the unit suffers
-3 per wound the unit suffers
When you rest, you regain up to base morale, modified by -5/death and -3/wound.

When do units become disordered or broken?

Morale is checked after each attack or defense by a unit. This happens during each type of combat. (pg. 50) A unit can become disordered or broken even if that unit suffers no losses (I guess that's a 'combat result'). Affects of disorder and breaking are described in the manual on page 51.


What determines how much experience a unit gets?

The formula is:

+5 per attack or defense (+3 if a single entity)
+5 additional if there is return fire (for both attacker and defender) (+3 for single entity)
+1 per wound and per death the unit SUFFERS.
Archer defensive fire gets the archer +5 xp(as return fire)
Extra return fire (from archers) does not increase attacker's xp.

Values for single entities aren't exact. They sometimes get less, for no apparent reason. My current theory is that 'deaths' a S. E. suffers become wounds, but don't give xp.

The amount of damage a unit INFLICTS, and how many kills it gets, appears to be irrelevant. This surprised me...

Also, for spells: (magic items give similar experience)

+1 per successfully cast non-damage, non-area effect spell
+3 per successfully cast single unit damage spell
+1 per unit affected by an area effect spell
There are a few exceptions(Berserk? I can't remember...)

How/when do units lose experience? How much do they lose?

This is described in the manual, but some people find it confusing. When a unit suffers deaths in combat, when the unit recruits to replace the dead parts of that unit it will lose experience.* If you don't recruit on the battlefield, you will automatically recruit after the battle. The formula:

(# still alive)*(present XP) + (# to replace)*(starting XP)
all divided by the maximum life of the unit(usually 15, 10 for spellcasters)

Since Marcas' units start with 100 XP, recruiting costs less xp for all his units throughout the game. A good advantage.

* If a volunteer with under 100 xp recruits for Marcus, it gains XP!

What's the limit for a unit's experience?

599. No experience is gained above 599.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of the unit types?

* Heavy Infantry

I tend to think of them as a sort of default troop.

Strengths: They are the strongest all around units. The most powerful Melee unit. Negate cavalry is a big plus.

Pikemen, Legionarii and Heavy Spearmen has the negate Cavalry bonus, which is very useful in the front line. Warlord Mechanus with Amulet of Resistance make great cannon fodder. Weaknesses: Speed. They're slow. Force March helps, but you can't spellcast and attack....

Opinion: Either H.I. or cavalry is necessary. A good, almost essential, unit.

Keeping a few Samurai around to fill the role of light infantry can work pretty well, as they are an open formation unit. (no negate cavalry bonus though!)

* Light Infantry

A somewhat faster, weaker version of heavy infantry

Strengths: Well, they do well in rough terrain.

helpfull on 3rd continent, upgrade them after, but do't buy anymore. Weaknesses: with low xp, or in open terrain, they're weak

* Skirmishers

Somewhat fast infantry which has a skirmish attack

Strengths: Skirmish attack which disallows return melee attacks. *Half Damage* is dealt to them, when they defend, by troops which move _as fast as_ or slower than they do. (see rulebook errata) They move well in rough terrain. Invisibility is neat, don't forget to cast it for a free xp.

Weaknesses: Cavalry can kill them quickly, as they do full damage (unless the skirmisher has a boots of rapid movement!) They're a little slow in open terrain.

Opinion: I like them a lot. I have a lot of either them or light cav. in every army. They are beefier than L.I. because of half damage rules, as well as skirmishing... A group of skirmishers will easily slaughter a group of Heavy Infantry similar in size and price.

Combined with archers, invis. gives a nice ambush attack- enemy tries to attack the apparently lone archer and moves into the skirmisher, giving an ambush plus defensive fire.[DWP]

* Archers

Slow infantry which has a missile attack and defensive fire.

Strengths: Missile attack which allows only missile return fire. Defensive fire, which is great on defense

Weaknesses: SLOW. This can be Very Annoying. They're pretty wimpy when attacked directly. They do less total damage, but get a fair amount of kills.

Opinion: Lukewarm. They're not necessary, but they're nifty if you can get them to the frontline. It is unclear to me if upgrading to Royal archers is a good thing. You don't get the 3 missile and armor, but fire archers move as an open formation, which can make the difference in getting into battle. defensive fire comes first which may soften the attack's strength The unlimited defense fire is very useful in the front line so I like to give them the boot to keep up the speed. Krindel is second only to Malric and actually more useful in the end game. The archers would get fire bombed in the 6th continent but that is much better than weakness on your HI.
* Cavalry

Melee unit faster than H.I. but somewhat weaker.

Strengths: Fast. +8 to melee if _attacked hex_ is clear, road, etc. Phoenix Knights Rule.

Weaknesses: not as strong as H.I., particularly early. Somewhat expensive.

Opinion: Thumbs up. Either Cav or H.I. is necessary in force. Their greater mobility slightly more than offsets their relative weakness when comparing to H. I. Raise Dead is the best spell in the game. Phoenix Knights, unless they die all the way, don't lose xp from deaths. Very Nice. And they're a mortal unit!

* Light Cavalry

Very fast skirmishing cavalry, somewhat weak.

Strengths: Very Fast. Skirmishing. Takes half damage from attacking units moving _as fast as_ or slower than they.

Weaknesses: They don't do that much damage. Pretty expensive.

Opinion: I like them; I wouldn't go without either them or skirmishers. Half damage is great, but watch out for Sky Hunters. I almost favor skirmishers, as L.C. are awfully wimpy, but I usually go for a unified mostly Cav or mostly Infantry theme. They don't have to fear (slower) Cav as much as skirmishers do.

Since they run fast, they are very useful to lay siege to faraway towns. However, two units are needed if the defender is a melee unit because of their tendency to retreat.
* Sky Hunters

Aerial Melee units.

Strengths: Flight, Very fast. Escort ability(see combat above)

Weaknesses: expensive, wimpy in comparison to other melee units.

Opinion: Absolutely Essential. I can do without any unit but Sky hunters. They are critical, and sometimes hard to keep alive. A _minimum_ of 25% of your forces should be S.H. IMO. Phoenix Hawks are a major reason to play Krell; as I said earlier, Raise Dead Rules.

* Bombardiers

Aerial missile unit.

Strengths: flight, fast. Missile attack.

Weaknesses: expensive, somewhat wimpy.

Opinion: Pretty good. Fast and flexible, useful in starting the attack on tough units as well as harrassing wounded units. Their weaknesses hurt, though, making them nice but non-essential to me.

* Siege Engines

Ranged attack unit with special siege attack

Strengths: Range of attack, siege attack on castles/towns.

Weaknesses: SLOW. Very wimpy in melee. SLOW. Attack doesn't get good until several upgrades. Oh, yeah, they're slow.

Opinion: Dislike. There are some situations where they're good, but it takes forever to get them forward, and you have to protect them too much.

They do get pretty nasty if you can cluster them near a town, as each one gets support fire for each attack.[ML]

Chain Guns is the upgrade much need to get to range 4, to compensate for their slowness.
* Spellcasters

Spellcasting skirmishers.

Strengths: Well, spells. Magical skirmish attack.

Weaknesses: Slow. Spells mostly suck. Wimpy. Only 10 life.

Opinion: Dislike. The earlier spells (healer, banshee) are pretty good but the later ones are poor. The 10 life per unit disadvantage hurts them a lot. As mentioned on the net, they'd be worth it if they kept all spells up to their grade, but as is, thumbs down.

Campaign management (outside of battlefields)


How much cash must I invest to get a certain grade of unit?

Roughly, it costs as much as the unit costs to buy(Not to upgrade) after you get the previous grade. There are discounts for some characters (Marcas for infantry, etc.)

How does non-mortal research effect this?

I think it's just additive. (big disadvantage.)
(note from Mabuse: i am not sure about mech units though)


What does X do?

The manual and on-line stuff seems to be pretty good. If you're curious, you can check them out in the arena by clicking on item on the unit screen when you're building your army.

Can you get multiples of the same item?

Yes. No restrictions, as far as I can tell.
except for skull of krang.

Errata to Rulebook

The rulebook is actually quite good, but it is occasionally inaccurate:

Skirmishers/ Light Cavalry in defense: (pg. 55, 56)

They take 1/2 damage to attacking units _as fast as_ or slower. If there's a morale penalty, it's very small. Much less than the morale loss they'd get if they actually took the damage, for example. Also, a clarification: apparently the probability of damage is halved, not the final damage. (This changes the probability distribution considerably; a 15 life unit will sometimes do 8 or 9 points, for example, though the mean can't go above about 6)

Spotting- 'The Spotting Trick' (see pg. 53/54)

If a unit moves into an enemy ZOC but not into an enemy unit, you get a free spot. You lose your ability to abort move but see enemy units within your unit's spotting range.

This has several implications:

You can never be ambushed if you move one hex at a time, cancel move, and then re-move to the next forward hex.

You can always find fleeing units(usually sky hunters for me) by trying a direction and, if you don't move next to the fleeing unit, aborting and trying another direction.

Is this Cheating?

It is my opinion that any game option other than reloading the game is part of the game, so is not cheating, although I'll admit this is getting iffy.

David [DWP] also thinks it's somewhat iffy, but thinks it is closer to cheating than not.

Make up your own mind. You might want to agree on this prior to PBEM games.

Retreating Pg.48

The manual claims retreating is based on "...current life and any losses..." yet I have seen a 15 life unit retreat. Something else is going on.

Unit pictures

Unit pictures examples are, well, way wrong.

Archers' defensive fire (pg. 46, 48, 56)

Archers don't get defensive fire against enemy missile attacks on units adjacent to the archer. This is not clear in the manual, IMHO.

Appendix 1 errors:

Valira has 17 armor, not 170.
Krindel's spell should be P, not PM.
Malkin's spell says VOD. (It's really Whirlwind -[PK])

Problems with the game:

Does the A. I. cheat?

(By cheat I mean does it do things with units a human cannot)

Yes. The AI will cast a spell(e.g. death wounds) early in the turn, I saw this in an all deaths unit(due to death wounds spell). I repeated to verify the unit always did only deaths. AFTER the unit which had had death wounds cast on it had moved and attacked the Conjurer moved. This is impossible for a player to do.

The Balanced Army check

Allegedly to force the players to have a balanced army, the A. I. goes nuts if you 'over-specialize' your army and research. I've seen 7 4-shield max grade units pop from a town when I had an unbalanced army on hard. I hate this. I don't know what the designers were thinking. If you want to force this, write scenarios needing varied unit types.

There is no good rationale why the Shadowlord should get cosmic recruits if you have a specialized army. This really pissed me off the first(well, as yet, only) time I played on hard. Do useless research and have a few token varied units if you want a specialized army, I guess.

Tactical Hints (basic)

Ideal matchups for attacking


skirmish vs. melee
missile vs. skirmish
melee vs. missile

maximizes advantages. Also, Cavalry vs. Skirmishers(the unit type, not L.C.) is optimum. Most of the time you won't actually do this though. Like attacking like is usually the _worst_ matchup(!), although frequently necessary.

When casualties are acceptable

the less xp a unit has, the less it loses when it suffers a death. I'm less concerned about inexperienced units' casualties for this reason. Recruit to full strength ASAP, however, else you get effectively diminished xp for the rest of the combat...

Raise dead units make deaths close to irrelevant, however.

When should I cast force march?

Force March is a spell castable by Heavy Infantry. The simplest way to use it is to cast it before you move, which gives you two extra movement points. You may cast it before or after your normal move.

Sometimes it's best to cast it before you move, for example:

You start on a road, and want to move through two more roads, across two clear hexes, and through two more road hexes. The cost is: 2/3 * 2 + 3 * (1)(road to clear, clear to clear, clear to road all cost 1) + 2/3 =5

You can move there for five movement points, but if you split the move in half (one 3 move and one 2 move) you won't make it, as you won't keep the fraction of a movement point between the two moves.

More often, however, taking two separate moves is to your advantage. You can cross rivers in a single turn, or move through two squares of mountains.

Toying with the enemy: maximize your xp

Especially early, don't be in too much of a hurry to finish off your opponent. You can get lots more xp if you let units retreat and rest. (this can get very boring, however.)

What should I research?
Everything. Otherwise the computer will screw you over for having an unbalanced army. (grrrrrr.)
(Note from Mabuse: or take the punishment, it also possoble eith this pounishment, only the second and early thrid may do prblems, later it should not matter too much, since your troops are also very expierienced, many good players will tell you NOT to research everything))

Of course, first get the stuff you use upgraded, but don't let your useless research lag too far behind.

The spotting trick

See errata. Questionably fair.

Which character is best?


Early in the campaign: Marcas, Calis, Krell, Mordra
Late in the campaign: Krell, Marcas, Calis, Mordra

Krell is great late in the campaign because of Phoenix Hawks. Beginners should have an easier time with Marcas and Krell. Experienced players will have fun with the other characters. All of the above is arguable.

What Now?

Who wrote this, anyway? Who helped?

Tim Firman - Primary author
This article is Copyright © 1996 by Tim Firman. All rights reserved.

[SD] Sebastien Dupre
[DP] David Pollock
[KMW] Kum Ming Woo
[GD] Gary Durfee
[ML] Mike Lay
[PK] Pekka Karjalainen
i dont guarantee that everything is right what stands in the lost scrolls. but it may be stil interesting to read.
make a picture on your own

Mabuse 14-09-2007 11:35 PM

btw, the official addon is definately worth playing and a lot of fun,
maps are good and a good level of difficulty. thumbs up for this
(ok, i am only at second SCN of the campaign, definately its not too easy ;))

about the user SCN: well, do not expect too much of it. for example "braveheart" is a disappointment, others also dont give a good feeling. there maybe exceptions, but i feel it could be done much better.

one disappointment also about gempolish:
it doesnt let you alter victory hexes, so no "pseudo"-SCN will never have Victory Hexes. big minus



i changed the starting armies. worked amazingly good. from technical side and what the "editing" guide says

i calculated the cost of the old one and then bought from that money a new one. used only as much grade 1 units as already used (usually only 1, only Krell uses 2) and usually it stays simply the same (true for all, but Krell keep one and change one other), as this is usually a good choice (and also it helps to get an individual look for the army).

looks and feels much better now. simply straighter (not nessessarily stronger). not such a weird mix of "everything", mainly (mortal) Cavalry, HeavyInfantry and Slingers are used as Base Army.

still its mportant to buy whatever you feel you need at start of the campaign, if you want add archers or lt infantry. but oyu are not forced to have it.

1 Heavy Cav
1 LtCav
3 Squires
2 Warbands

1 Swordsman
3 Warbands
2 Slingers

2 Treeman
3 Squires
2 Slingers

1 Barbarian
1 Warbands
3 Squires
3 Slingers

for mordra and krell is the question if they want to renounce on beast and magical units (only the leading level 1 units are still beast/magical), as baest and magical are somewhat stronger (but cannot be upgraded). if they want some more, they should buy them as mentioned. the main core army is now mainly mortal and can be easily upgraded through putting cavalry and/or heavyinfantry and/or skirmishers to 15%.

that makes it more easy to plan, and i need not to bother having a non-upgraded archer as a burden - as mentioned if i want to add archers i simply buy some at start - but i may buy siege or whatever as well. or more inf, or more cav .. whatever

Sid2 22-09-2007 02:44 PM

Regarding the sound problems, what worked for me was to use Dosbox to navigate to the Fantasy General sub-directory.

Then I typed:
to start the sound.bat batch file.

Then, I chose "Select and Configure Digital Audio Driver", then from the list I chose "Creative Labs Soundblaster Pro or 100% Compatible", then "Attempt to configure sound driver automatically" & then "OK" & then "Done".

And ... that was it. I get some nice sound effects whenever there is a battle.

In terms of hardware, I have a standard built-in soundcard .. no special sound-card or anything ... and I'm using Win XP & DosBox 0.70.

Guest 09-10-2007 09:43 PM

it is great to see people still playing this great game ...

I coming back after playing Fantasy War ....cheers

By the way , I only have the ripped version , anyone know where to get the music addon link ..the links posted here seem to be dead ...


Guest 10-10-2007 09:03 AM

Anyone can point out a link to the latest patch


The Fifth Horseman 10-10-2007 09:45 AM

There is a v1.1 at

Guest 10-10-2007 10:31 AM

the patch look for fantasy.exe but mine is the barena.exe so guess it is a different version ?

The Fifth Horseman 10-10-2007 11:59 AM


Guest 10-10-2007 01:47 PM

wonder what is the latest version , is the 1.1 the final one ?

The Fifth Horseman 10-10-2007 03:21 PM

Since that site doesn't list any newer ones, that's most likely.

egobent 25-03-2008 09:41 PM

Hey Guys...

This thread has been dead for a long time I see...

But just found this game and began playing it again and it rocks!

Some of you said you would like the soundtrack from the game, and that is the sole reason I joined the forum so I could bring it to you!

--> The Music you all need <--

Regards from Michael

hybrid_trooper 03-04-2008 12:15 PM

Hey thanks for the music michael (at least its not a dead link), im downloading it now :).

fraggie 18-09-2008 06:59 PM

Got my Fantasy General up and runnin' with Dosbox. Now, everything goes smoothly up until it's time to get into real action. When I've placed my units and it's time to go (i.e. when I click End Placement button), the game crashes and sends me back to the Dosbox command prompt. The message displayed is somewhat like this:

DOS 4GW professional error (2001): exception 01h (debug exception) at 180:000..
and so on.

I'm running Dosbox version 0.72. I've tried to tweak the sound settings, didn't have any effect. But somehow I'm quite sure this has nothing to do with sound..

Anyone outhere have any idea what's going on?

fraggie 18-09-2008 07:05 PM

And yes, my operation system is Windows XP. If that matters.

Japo 22-09-2008 05:13 PM

Did you download the game from here?

The different versions of DOS4GW had bugs that showed up in some machines, sometimes replacing it with the latest version (1.97 I think) makes the game stop crashing. (Happened to me with Syndicate.)

Anyway downloading the game from here and running with the latest version of DOSBox should work, almost sure, haven't checked though.

fraggie 26-09-2008 12:59 PM

Yes, I did download it from here. And thanks for the info!

Could be that the problem is with DOS4GW. However, I didn't try to update it, because I just ran the thing with VDMSound, as advised somewhere in this thread. The mouse pointer still works somewhat buggily - even though I use the mouse2kv.exe that comes with VDMSound. But, I can live with that.

And I must say that it's one hell of a game! Never played it before, didn't know what to expect, but damn it's a good one!

I've been itching to get a good strategy game for some time now. And that's because of Battle of the Gobwin Knob, of course :) 15-02-2009 02:07 AM

Very good game!!!!!!!!!!!!

laiocfar 16-02-2009 02:30 AM

Nice comic but in FG you lead the prince armies

drgreenbaumberg 22-02-2009 11:44 AM

Got a question: What happened to the download-button? Doesn´t work, only ads show up.

_r.u.s.s. 22-02-2009 11:49 AM

can you make a screenshot of what you see?

drgreenbaumberg 22-02-2009 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 353603)
can you make a screenshot of what you see?

I´ll try...


drgreenbaumberg 22-02-2009 12:08 PM

Sorry, didn´t work, but the "download the game" button with the little guy and the computer is not there... I had no problems downloading "Cannon Fodder"...

Mighty Midget 22-02-2009 12:13 PM

For posting images:
Upload your image to Imageshack or Photobucket or some site like that, then use the link you get there when posting here.
From what I see there, you tried to upload an image from your pc to this forum, and that won't work.

About the Download: This game has a "NO GO" icon instead of a download icon. That means the game is protected and can't be downloaded. Sorry.

drgreenbaumberg 22-02-2009 12:29 PM

Allright, thanks for your help.

I found it on another source.

drgreenbaumberg 24-02-2009 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by fraggie (Post 337087)
Got my Fantasy General up and runnin' with Dosbox. Now, everything goes smoothly up until it's time to get into real action. When I've placed my units and it's time to go (i.e. when I click End Placement button), the game crashes and sends me back to the Dosbox command prompt. The message displayed is somewhat like this:

DOS 4GW professional error (2001): exception 01h (debug exception) at 180:000..
and so on.

I'm running Dosbox version 0.72. I've tried to tweak the sound settings, didn't have any effect. But somehow I'm quite sure this has nothing to do with sound..

Anyone outhere have any idea what's going on?

Hello, it´s me again. Got the same problem using Windows Vista and the newest DOSBox (0.72).
Here´s what I see after finishing the army-placement (or after turn one or two, sometimes it even works up to five turns, but then crashes)

I tried to use dos4gw 1.97, but there´s no dos4gw.exe I could replace. Just running dos4gw anyway didn´t help...

laiocfar 24-02-2009 11:10 PM

Try an older version of dosbox.

I dont known why but for some reason i got two versions of dosbox and never use the one that appears on you pic.

drgreenbaumberg 18-03-2009 03:21 PM

Problem solved, I revived my old XP-system, works fine without DOSBox.

Solomanio 02-05-2009 04:55 AM

Multple drives?
Hi guys,
I sold all my old CDs before relocating overseas but for certain games, like Fantasy General, I created an image. I didn't think to check if it would work with magic-iso. Now the file mounts fine but the game wont install as it only looks at the D: drive (my cdRom is the J: drive).

Is there a way around this?


P.S. is there anywhere I can buy an electronic version of the game (as in no cd). Fantasy Wars has got me interested in playing Fantasy General again.

The Fifth Horseman 02-05-2009 07:10 AM

Yes, to get around this problem simply change the letter of the emulated drive.
If you have a D: drive, you'll have to also change its' letter.


P.S. is there anywhere I can buy an electronic version of the game (as in no cd). Fantasy Wars has got me interested in playing Fantasy General again.
Not as far as we know. It's in fact on the queque of games due to be unprotected.

solomani 02-05-2009 10:55 AM

Thanks for that. How does the whole unprotected thing work? Why are some games available and others not? Its just an age thing?

Mighty Midget 02-05-2009 03:13 PM

Short version:

Some companies decide their old titles aren't worth looking after once they've stopped supporting it, other companies are more reluctant to let their titles go. And: Some company first decide a game isn't worth any attention, then re-decide that they want to "withdraw it" from the abandonware scene. Note the quotation marks here as the abandonware "scene" isn't really an actual scene, legal-wise.

Anyway, as a result: Some game that was abandoned is suddenly re-protected (these are the games you find here that says NO GO).

As for age: According to a deal we made with the ESA, their members' games are off-limits for 15 years, others have a 10 years limit. But nothing is carved in stone. Some games have unlimited protection while some are unprotected before they're "officially" abandoned.

laiocfar 06-05-2009 09:20 PM

The worst is when a company buy a game´s license to study the chance of a remake or a second part

Solomani 15-05-2009 04:18 PM

No cdrom..
Using DOSBOX I keep getting this error whenever I try and run FG:

C:\> cd exe

C:\EXE>barena n
DOS/4GW Professional Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.96
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994

You Must Have A CD Drive.



Now I DO have a CD drive and I have the disk in the drive...

Chris 15-05-2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Solomani (Post 364688)
Using DOSBOX I keep getting this error whenever I try and run FG:

C:\> cd exe

C:\EXE>barena n
DOS/4GW Professional Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.96
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994

You Must Have A CD Drive.



Now I DO have a CD drive and I have the disk in the drive...

Did you mount your CD-Drive in DOSBox?

mount D X:\ -t cdrom [instead of X insert the letter of your CD-ROM]

solomani 15-05-2009 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Solomani (Post 364688)
Using DOSBOX I keep getting this error whenever I try and run FG:

C:\> cd exe

C:\EXE>barena n
DOS/4GW Professional Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.96
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994

You Must Have A CD Drive.



Now I DO have a CD drive and I have the disk in the drive...

Ignore. Got it. Sorry about that.

solomani 16-05-2009 12:23 AM

OK so I got FG working fine with sound. But no music (I have a similar problem with Panzer General except that has no sound at all). I have not read the whole thread yet (about halfway through it) but I noticed other people have this issue.

I have the original CD so its not something specific to the abandonia version or anything. Does anyone have any ideas for the music?


The Fifth Horseman 16-05-2009 09:22 AM

Have you ran the soundcard setup?
Per default, DOSBox emulates Sound Blaster 16 (backwards compatible with Sound Blaster Pro series and "plain" Sound Blasters), IRQ 7, DMA 1, HDMA 3, Adress 220.

dosraider 16-05-2009 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by solomani (Post 364756)
OK so I got FG working fine with sound. But no music .....
I have the original CD ....

Other helpful trick:
Create a BIN/CUE of the CD and use imgmount in dosbox.
imgmount d x:\path\name.cue -t iso

Keep your \path\name short.

solomani 16-05-2009 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by dosraider (Post 364869)
Other helpful trick:
Create a BIN/CUE of the CD and use imgmount in dosbox.
imgmount d x:\path\name.cue -t iso

Keep your \path\name short.

DOSRaider - great idea. Thanks! Currently I am pointing the cdrom to the original CD in my CD-Drive.

Fifth Horseman,
Yes I ran the setup and it said it auto-detected and the sound-fx work fine. Just no in game music. Should I reconfigure the sound to that specific setting? Do you have music out of interest?

Nice replaying it. This is a great game. It's spiritual successor is Fantasy Wars but I still think this is the better game.

Another question. I drop the resolution of my PC to 800x600 so the window isnt so tiny (full screening it to 800x600 or higher crashes the game). Is there a one click method to mount the drives and change my resulotuion?

The Fifth Horseman 16-05-2009 04:36 PM

Yes, you can do that by modifying the DOSBox config file.

ArchmagePeter 28-05-2009 05:26 PM

Bloody Hell I can't find download button, where it is?:no:

zirkoni 28-05-2009 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by ArchmagePeter (Post 367143)
Bloody Hell I can't find download button, where it is?:no:

BranjoHello 30-05-2009 07:04 PM

Good game this is.
Having trouble to make music work, but I guess I'll manage it somehow.

P.S. Does this ->[APPROVED?] <- mean the game will soon be available for download?

Paco 30-05-2009 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by BranjoHello (Post 367543)
P.S. Does this ->[APPROVED?] <- mean the game will soon be available for download?

Maybe, but we have to recheck first if the Game is sold.

brande 10-06-2009 09:53 PM

Love this game, fantastic^^

feihung99 02-08-2009 04:19 PM

I have the FULL CD copy , anyone need a copy , just let me know

RassaR 07-08-2009 06:57 PM

Hi Check your private messages inbox


Originally Posted by feihung99 (Post 378310)
I have the FULL CD copy , anyone need a copy , just let me know

Luchsen 07-08-2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by the rules (Post 280628)
Forum conduct
2. Do not link to, offer or ask for warez, oldwarez or console ROMs. Do not link to warez sites.
a) If a game is marked on the main site as "Sold" or "ESA Protected", any download link for it is considered oldwarez.

Warning points increased for the two of you.

blowingsand 22-09-2009 02:39 AM

I found the music files in .wma format.

Can someone tell me what was the original format of these files?

Luchsen 22-09-2009 11:49 AM


Hélio Sousa 12-11-2009 05:38 PM

Fantasy General 3D = Fantasy Wars

I´ve been playing fantasy general for a while.
But now i have found this game, that i think it is the 3D version of Fantasy General.

check it in here


Originally Posted by Luchsen (Post 383475)

Oskatat 13-11-2009 08:13 PM

i dunno, looks like i have to pay for it

PABBY 13-02-2010 07:34 PM

Crash! HELP!
Hi guys

First post to this forum, but what a great site for finding all those long-lost games from childhood! I actually had FG so have been playing it on the CD, using DOSBox as the platform.

But disaster! Every time I finish the first continent, the game crashes, on the bit where it goes to the world map.

I notice a few other people have had the same problem but I can't see a solution having trawled through the forum. Apologies if I've missed it, but otherwise...

ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! I love this game, and would love to have one more bash at it!


PABBY 13-02-2010 08:36 PM

More info
Having read some more posts, realise I should have provided some more info - sorry.

I don't get any error messages up, but the game just freezes (although you can move the mouse cursor, it's extremely slow to respond and you can't click through or escape the world map screen).

I've had to play it on about 15,000 CPU cycles, with the music playing through my stereo, although the sound effects work fine (so together - perfect).

I've not tried anything else to try to solve the problem as I just don't know what to do...



PABBY 13-02-2010 11:08 PM

Problem solved!
Just to let you guys know that the problem seems to have resolved itself. Because I was still able to move the mouse cursor, I left the game running in the background for a couple of hours tonight, suspecting it may just massively slow down for some reason.

Sure enough, returned just now and it's moved on to the next continent.

Apologies for any wasted time. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I could speed that part up, please feel free - although clearly it's not a massive issue by any means. Hope this helps some of you other guys who had a similar problem...



Gordon Overkill 14-02-2010 11:42 PM

Thanks alot for uploading this brilliant game! Actually it's maybe the best Hexx strategy game that I ever played and I really loved to play it back in the days.. so do I now :-)

Pex 02-03-2010 09:25 AM

Very good game. I played it when it first came out, but lost it somewhere, so I was very happy when it became available for download again. I was always a fan of fantasy and of turned based strategy games, so I was predisposed to like this one.

I want to add here that inspite programmers attempt to make the game more versatile by adding of 4 different types (mortal, magic, mech and beast) I still use almost exclusively mortal units, since you can upgrade those into better units once you research them and keep the experience.

humorguy 06-05-2010 11:03 PM

I have downloaded the wma music and converted to wav, put them in the SOUND folder but there is still no music. Can anyone help me to get the music working? Thanks.

Luchsen 07-05-2010 12:45 PM

Run the SOUND.BAT and change Digital audio: None to Digital audio: Creative Labs Soundblaster 16 or AWE32. Did you make sure that the files have the original filenames?

aphex 29-06-2010 02:46 PM

I cannot find the music wma-files some ppl talk about. I remember that I downloaded it long ago, but now there are only links for the manual, install instructions and boxshots. Isn't the music also free for downloading when the game gets abandoned?

woodkerne 22-08-2010 08:57 PM

Loading game

I hope someone can help me out... I dont know how to run this game...

I joined 'Abandonia' when I tracked the FG download here... I also downloaded DOSBox too.

The problem is that I dont know how to unzip the FG file and even if I could I dont know how to run it on DOSBox:blush:

I must sound like the newbiest nube in the tube but please help me with advise... much appreciated:oh:

The Fifth Horseman 22-08-2010 09:20 PM explains both.

Oskatat 23-08-2010 07:29 PM

for those whose game crashes as the result of a previously shown post.... i found the full-screen mode to be extremely buggy at transition screens. small screen dosbox works fine.

on tactics... well, you can ignore research in some area's, such as bombardiers and magicians. It will mean you need to come up with tactics to destroy their counter to your army, such as focusing on H I with anti cavalry special if your army is low on cavalry, and then something to eliminate enemy skirmishers

question, if an apprentice casts banshee on a unit that is surounded, does that unit surrender? I'm going to test this myself, anyway

Isbot 24-10-2010 04:00 PM

HELP PLEASE - Can't get the game to install
Just downloaded FG and when I boot up dos box it complains that there is no disk in the CD rom. Once I get past that message, go to the FG directory and type install it gives me the following error message.

Unable to open HELP.TXT

Any ideas what to do?



_r.u.s.s. 24-10-2010 04:19 PM

for the sound configuration you can run sound.bat, not sure why can't install exe find help.txt

what are your mount lines? where is the game located on your hard drive? didn't you accidentally unpack only part of the zip file?

are you running fg.bat?

Mizark 25-02-2011 06:59 PM

Bonus expansion
Does any remember the downloadable bonus pack for Fantasy General? I remember it was a bonus campaign, and it was very difficult. I'm sure I have it on an old harddrive somewhere, but if anyone knows of a link to it, it would be appreciated. Otherwise I'll dig it up!

_r.u.s.s. 05-03-2011 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mizark (Post 423599)
Does any remember the downloadable bonus pack for Fantasy General? I remember it was a bonus campaign, and it was very difficult. I'm sure I have it on an old harddrive somewhere, but if anyone knows of a link to it, it would be appreciated. Otherwise I'll dig it up!

finally got it for you :)

jamotide 27-05-2011 03:53 PM

Pretty good game, have been playing it for about a week now. But I must say that it is one of the rare cases where the remakes are much better than the original. I mean of course Fantasy Wars (edit:sorry!) and Elven Legacy. Despite the cheesy grafics I think they even have better atmosphere. They give much more feedback on the unit values and terrain boni. Fantasy General does not have that much tactical depth, I find terrain is mostly important for movement. The unit xp system seems more enjoyable. The only things FG has over FW is the research system for new units, and the campaign seems longer. FW has way better items and spells and more interesting szenarios.
I want those guys to make remakes for all the great games on abandonia, they do seem to have a knack for it, Kings Bounty remake is awesome,too!

Pex 28-05-2011 03:48 AM

I didn't know there's a remake of Fantasy General... What's FW short for?

Abandoned Witch 28-05-2011 04:47 AM

Fantasy Wars.

Pex 31-05-2011 10:30 AM

And is it an official remake or just someone using the same/similar idea?

Luchsen 01-06-2011 11:34 AM

It's not official but it's not a - how do they call it? - independent invention as well.

RRS 25-08-2011 05:28 PM

Regarding Fantasy Wars: Wargames converted to 3D perspective lose something in terms of "battlefield awareness". Stuff is usually zoomed in to show all the graphical bells&whistles. Top-down hex view or even isometric view allowed for easy range assessment, perspective distorts everything. This comment also applies to recent Settlers or new strategic map in Total War series and so on...

Fantasy General is probably my favorite in the 5-star-general series. I'm a self-taught military history buff, so I always had some problems with simplifications of Panzer/Allied/Pacific General, mainly regarding scale and units. You know, that "a unit of only AT guns defending whole city" thing. No such cases in more serious wargames like V for Victory.

Here we have a banner of knights, centaurs or Elven bowmen and tactical scale, so it makes more sense - despite fantastic setting, go figure! Also liked how wounds can make defeated units return to battle in just one turn - you have to be constantly on the offensive, never letting the enemy to fall back and regroup.

Pex 29-08-2011 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by RRS (Post 432913)
Regarding Fantasy Wars: Wargames converted to 3D perspective lose something in terms of "battlefield awareness". Stuff is usually zoomed in to show all the graphical bells&whistles. Top-down hex view or even isometric view allowed for easy range assessment, perspective distorts everything. This comment also applies to recent Settlers or new strategic map in Total War series and so on...

I found FW on a sale and decided to buy it. Haven't played it yet, though, still in middle of playing other games.


Here we have a banner of knights, centaurs or Elven bowmen and tactical scale, so it makes more sense - despite fantastic setting, go figure! Also liked how wounds can make defeated units return to battle in just one turn - you have to be constantly on the offensive, never letting the enemy to fall back and regroup.
Yes, that's so true. I remember getting desperate to finish off those units that would have only a few members remaining (and most of those missing wounded), so they couldn't come back and fight in the next turn, to the point where I would send my fliers against them or put my own unit into danger (hoping for it to get away only wounded). And those monsters with multiple wounds (like Lionman) were the worst.

jamotide 05-09-2011 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by RRS (Post 432913)
Regarding Fantasy Wars: Wargames converted to 3D perspective lose something in terms of "battlefield awareness". Stuff is usually zoomed in to show all the graphical bells&whistles. Top-down hex view or even isometric view allowed for easy range assessment, perspective distorts everything. This comment also applies to recent Settlers or new strategic map in Total War series and so on...

I prefer 2D as well, but in Fantasy Wars and Elven Legacy they did a good enough job on the graphics, there is no problem with any assessment.
Aside from graphics, which we abandonw(e)arers normally disregard anyway, I think they improved the game alot from the original,this year I have played both Fantasy General and the news ones extensively and think the new versions are much better.
Terrain is more important, the units are more interesting and diverse, the scenarios are a huge improvement over the rather bland FG ones.

sergente 30-09-2011 06:06 AM

For you guys FG fans, what do you think about Fantasy Wars and Elven Legacy? I haven't played those yet. Game reviews are not so good. I'm an FG fan, should I get these two games?
I'd like to know any opinions, thanks.

jamotide 06-10-2011 07:46 PM

Umm they are awesome, sergente, as I have been describing in the post right before yours and in another one 5 posts above that^^

HermitFromPluto 19-11-2011 05:06 PM

Fantasy General is one of my top five games of all time. Every couple of years, I find myself playing it through again. I showed my wife the game and she played it through as well!!!!

RRS 21-11-2011 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by HermitFromPluto (Post 436878)
I showed my wife the game and she played it through as well!!!!

..wait: a wife who plays old hex & turn-based strategy games?


HermitFromPluto 21-11-2011 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by RRS (Post 436937)
..wait: a wife who plays old hex & turn-based strategy games?


:smile2: I do consider myself a lucky guy!!! She loves RPGs as well. (I have to admit, I was surprised when she got addicted to this game)

Pangolin9999 09-12-2011 09:55 PM

Has anyone had any luck getting the Gem Polish editor to work, even within DOSShell or similar programs? I assume the W7 architecture is baffling the program in finding MAGEQUIP.DAT and the .SAV files.

I just want to see what kinds of wackiness one can come up with to start a game. In effect, I want to create more 'classes' of characters with which to play the game. The four champions they give you are fine, of course, but I crave yet more variety!

Pex 26-12-2011 11:15 PM

More variety in the champions would be cool :)

On another note, I finally got around to play Fantasy Wars and I loved it. I'm gonna write more about it in a separate topic once I get a chance.

Question 03-12-2015 03:48 PM

Is this game abandonware ...?
Is this game abandonware, since it is been sold in ?

arete 04-12-2015 02:08 PM

Oh. Oh dear. Not abandonware any more...

Schlumpf12 12-07-2017 07:38 AM

Knight Marshall Calis
Hi everybody,
I have a question concerning Knight Marshall Calis.
The Manual says:
KNIGHT MARSHAL CALIS has the following abilities:

¥ Limited Spell Caster: Once per battle, he can heal all wounds on all friendly units.
¥ Cavalry Recruiter: He purchases and researches Light Cavalry and Cavalry units at a discount
¥ Charismatic: Units under his command gain a +20 morale bonus, making them less
likely to become disordered or broken.

¥ Healer: Wounds received may be converted to a morale loss instead.

Now, what's about this last point "Healer"?
Does anybody know, how to use this ability?

Best regards to all friends of FG

*Happy* 16-01-2018 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Schlumpf12 (Post 468176)
Hi everybody,
I have a question concerning Knight Marshall Calis.
The Manual says:
KNIGHT MARSHAL CALIS has the following abilities:

¥ Limited Spell Caster: Once per battle, he can heal all wounds on all friendly units.
¥ Cavalry Recruiter: He purchases and researches Light Cavalry and Cavalry units at a discount
¥ Charismatic: Units under his command gain a +20 morale bonus, making them less
likely to become disordered or broken.

¥ Healer: Wounds received may be converted to a morale loss instead.

Now, what's about this last point "Healer"?
Does anybody know, how to use this ability?

Best regards to all friends of FG

It's used automatically; every time one of your units gets wounded, there's a chance each wound will be converted into a morale loss.

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