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Kosta 30-05-2004 12:23 PM

Ultima 7 - The Black Gate
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!


FreeFreddy 30-05-2004 01:05 PM

Hey, did I mention that I have all 4 parts of Ultima VII? The three other are: Ultima 7 - Forge of Virtue (expansion for Black Gate), Ultima VII Part 2 - Serpent Isle and Ultima VII - The Silver Seed (expansion for Serpent Isle). Would be perhaps good additive to the one already there. :)

mika 30-05-2004 04:37 PM

Cool! I only have Serpents Isle (and was gonna post that next). I definitely think the others should go in too! This is considered the best Ultima engine by most people and that's probably why there are 4 games written using it.

LotharGR 30-05-2004 08:25 PM

Yes it is considered as so, and many other games have been based on this engine too. Even some of the first massive multiplayer RPGs had.

Anonymous 31-05-2004 06:27 AM

I can't play teh game in DOS. Says somthing like "remove your expanded memory manager before running ultima VII"????

Can't play the game in windows XP either, says my "system is in protected mode".

mika 31-05-2004 06:46 AM

I mentioned in the review: try using Exult ( It's much better than in dosbox. Although you can play in dosbox but you need to go into the config file (dosbox.conf) and change the line that says "ems=true" to "ems=false"

Stroggy 31-05-2004 09:04 AM

yeh I'm playing it in exult now
great game
I played it before but the only help I got for the copy protection was a poorly scanned map (so I couldn't read the longtitude or latitude... if I could even decypher the names on the map)

mika 31-05-2004 04:18 PM

Well I included 2 maps, 1 just scanned and 1 (same as first) on which I translated the locations. The latitudes and longitudes are visible (although barely) too. Actually it was quite fun to translate as I didn't have the runes with me so I could remember 1 or 2 from memory (from Ultima 6) so I started from there and just figured out the rest.

Yeah. The good ol' days when I had time ;)

eric10051981 10-06-2004 05:32 AM

any chance the other three series will be included here soon? :P really looking forward for those series.. share with us fred :)

FreeFreddy 10-06-2004 05:57 AM

Ok, is underway, only one problem though: I didn't have a chance to play Ultima VII altogether (bought the collector's CD at E-Bay ~3 monts ago and didn't play it since then yet), so I cannot write a review that would fit for this nice game. :oops:
If perhaps someone who played it all could write it?

eric10051981 10-06-2004 10:31 AM

well, actually i finished all of them series (black gate - forge o virtue [bg-fv] and serpent isle - silver seed [si-ss]) before.. but it's like about 2-3 years ago.. :) that's why i wanted to play 'em again so bad.. IMO, they are just the same, only differs in inventory screen and couple of shortcut added (ie: F for food sharing in si-ss) and you can choose not only 1 picture for each gender but 3 for each.. not to mention smaller group.. hey.. am i writing review here?? :wink:

FreeFreddy 11-06-2004 07:00 AM

Ok, as I now will upload them, let's say I did it now.
One important thing though: The two games are actually connected to their addons and are one game, to make it more understandable, here is like the games exist on my CD:
1. Ultima VII - The Black Gate and Forge of Virtue - ONE game (not the game and separated addon, no way to install just Black Gate without addon).
2. Ultima VII - Serpent Isle and The Silver Seed - ONE game too (same here).
So like you see that means that the already existing game on this site have to be replaced with my version that is connected together with the addon and is actually one game in order to play with addon (sorry to negate you good work, Mika... :( )

But the good news for that are that you just need to download two games instead of four to play the two series together with the addons.

eric10051981 11-06-2004 07:18 AM

FYI, the black gate that i got from abandonia here already got forge of virtue in it. so i think it's not necessary to upload black gate - forge of virtue anymore.. well, maybe if you want to make sure it's the better or newer version..

and i can't think of any reason why people want to play the plain black gate or serpent isle while the addons offers much much stuffs that's helpful and useful.. for challange maybe?

besides, think about people that play plain black gate and after finished black gate he started to play serpent isle.. what will he found? a talking 2-handed sword.. now where did that thing come from if he played plain black gate??

* said too much.. time to buzz off * :P

FreeFreddy 11-06-2004 09:24 AM

Oh, well, then the Black Gate on this site has addon already, didn't knew that... :D
I still uploaded it just in any case, to be sure.

minime724 13-09-2004 11:51 PM

ok i have that dosbox thing and i have no clue how to work it. i remember this game from back in the day i have been searching for it for the longest. if you could help me it would be greatly appreciated

Durak 14-09-2004 02:02 AM

Read this site.

mika 14-09-2004 03:51 AM

While dosbox is great, ultima 7 is much better being played through exult
All you need to do is download it, and follow it's instructions in the readme file. It tells you where to put the game files and then all you do is run exult and choose which game you want to play.


FreeFreddy 14-09-2004 02:01 PM

Actually, on my PC it runs better with DosBox. Exult is little different from the original game even if it's little better, but in DosBox I play the original game which is more important for me. ;)

mika 14-09-2004 04:16 PM

As far as I know you can switch of all the "extras" and play in the normal resolution if you so wish in exult. Although the main point is to play the game and not fool around with how to play it ;)

minime724 14-09-2004 10:45 PM

hey thnx guys it works fine.

emanuele_qr 27-10-2004 01:23 AM

Hi everybody! I'm from Italy.
Exult is ok, but it's not the only way to play U7 - there are
free patches that allow you to play the game in Win 2000/xp.
Search the internet for "U7 windows" and you'll find them.

Anyway: I've played U6, U7 part 1, U7 part 2 - SI.

There are many people saying that U7 is the best rpg ever.
(I refer to part one - the black gate)


U6 is tons better than U7 for me.
Ok, graphics are older; but the storyline is very cool.
The plot of U7 is really, really stupid.
Right in the early game you get to know who are the bad
guys, what you have to do, and you get an almost clear
idea on how the story will go on; and it's terribly linear.
OK, you can go wherever you want and enjoy the virtual
world, but if you keep following the main plot you get no
alternatives - all is flat, very easy and boring.
Not to mention some absurd downsides of the game - things
that in U6 worked well, and in U7 are a disaster.

U6 has a great main plot, with a very surprising ending
(the title is "the false prophet", and you get to know its
meaning only close to the end); moreover, there are lots
of things to do, somehow related to the main plot, that you
can accomplish in any order (see taking the shrines back, for

Conclusion - play U6, don't even touch U7.
As far as U7 part 2-SI is concerned: well, this is a good game instead.
But it has nothing to do with the classic ultimas - it's more like
an arcade-adventure game with some rpg features. Really good,
but not an Ultima anymore. And the bad is that you cannot fully
understand the main plot without playing the awful U7 before. Worth playing, anyway.

Remember - there are only 3 real, great, true ULTIMAS:
U4, U5 and U6. From 7 to 9... ok, some of them may be good -
simply they're not Ultimas. So, if you're gonna try an Ultima game,
play U6 (I can't tell ya about 4 and 5 since I haven't played them -
but they must be very good too).

W Ultima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FreeFreddy 27-10-2004 07:25 AM


Originally posted by emanuele_qr@Oct 27 2004, 03:23 AM
play U6 (I can't tell ya about 4 and 5 since I haven't played them -
but they must be very good too).

W Ultima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Heh, try them out also, they're not bad too.
And I agree, Ultima 6 is really cool one of them. Though I didn't play Ultima 7 at all yet... :whistle: But I must add that Ultima 8 was also very good game. I almost died (not in the real sense) as I got to know the addon for it won't be out ever...

Mad-E-Fact 27-10-2004 02:46 PM

I agree that U6 storyline was better than black gate (actually one of the best stories overall in the whole genre) but it had other shortcomings and limitations and bugs (the murder in skara brae, suteks castle...) that you especially notice when replaying the games now, when you are not "overwhelmed" like you were when the games were new. :)

FreeFreddy 27-10-2004 02:48 PM

Actually, Sutek has his own story, but you need to have played Ultima 5. There you meet him, and there he's good magician yet. Though I didn't finish Ultima 5 and therefore don't know what happened to him there...

Mad-E-Fact 27-10-2004 02:53 PM

Yes, I played U5 long after U6... ;)

As far as I remember, Sutek was one of the mage council that you had to visit for the Power Words, and he was slightly mad then already... I was just confused about his push-me-pull-you machine, never found out what it did... and why was Gorn in the dungeon? A spy?

Schwanzus Longus 02-11-2004 02:28 PM

High everybody!
I think ultima 7 might be a good game but
it runs very slowly on my system(1.4GH,256 RAm)
I played it with a patch and dosbox but it scrolls in blocks
the guy walks really slow, any suggestions?

Mad-E-Fact 02-11-2004 03:48 PM will solve all your problems :)

Schwanzus Longus 02-11-2004 04:31 PM

dont know how to handle this exult doesnt
find the right path when i start it
im from germany and i hardly understand what they
say in this instruktion file :crazy:

Mad-E-Fact 02-11-2004 06:20 PM

musst du die pfade nicht schon bei der installation angeben?
wenn nicht, ist im exult ordner eine datei die exult.cfg heisst, die editierst du damit da zb steht:

f:\ultima/ultima 7\black gate


f:\ultima/ultima 7\serpent isle

pfade nimmst du natürlich deine eigenen. ;)
bin sicher da gibts auch ne config die das automatisch macht, aber so gehts auch.

Minimus Minus 03-11-2004 01:39 PM

WOW! :Brain: :w00t: :kosta:
Das ist ja was ganz anderes als dosbox und vdm sound
Vielen dank für deine Hilfe!
Ich hatte beim installieren den pfad wohl angegeben der
stand allerdings dann nicht in der cfg file und ich hatte auch
keine ahnung wo ich den pfad dann hinschreiben sollte. :crazy:
jetzt läuft das spiel jedenfalls wesentlich besser :ok:

Wenn wir schon bei deutsch sind:
weißt du zufällig wo ich ne deutsche version von dsa2 oder dsa3

Wie auch immer, besten dank für die hilfe und noch viel spaß beim zocken.

for the english people:
My problems are gone, thanks to the forum.

FreeFreddy 05-11-2004 01:08 PM

Kein Problem. Have fun yet. ;)
(Though it wasn't me who helped :whistle: )

madsara 11-11-2004 08:56 PM

If you HAVEN'T played this game, do so. I started with Ultima 3 and was amazed, then in 6th grade I received this for Xmas... wow, what a bloody way to start a holiday season. This is one of the *best* rpg's ever created, plain and simple. With a dark story, great HUGE world to explore (once you get out of Trinsic) this game just proved the supreme nature of the Ultima worlds. Try it...try it...try it...try it...

Guest 16-11-2004 04:51 AM

That is one happy German. LOL

FederationDude 20-11-2004 08:35 PM

:sniper: :Titan: :rifle: Whaddup guys......I'm an Ultima freak, i love U7 (greatest game of all time in my book) I am creating a comic series on my website (under construction) I'm starting after the events in Ascension. Theres a new avatar... he goes through the moon gate at the old avatars home(unintenionally)and winds up at lord British's Castle and He doesn't recognize him but he claims the man to be the avatar and asks for his help to restore order in Brittania.... The Guardian tries to come back by trying to take over the avatar's body... so the avatar must choose to follow the path of light or of darkness.... that's just one part of 4 of the series..I titled it ULTIMA XI:A NEW AGE:pt1 CHRONICLES,2 SWORD OF LIGHT,3 SWORD OF DEATH,4 VIRTUE.... I am open to suggestions on what to make in the series if you have a comment or a suggestion drop me a line at I should have my Website up and running soon.....

Fawfulhasfury 20-11-2004 09:10 PM

sounds cool :ok:

eric10051981 30-11-2004 08:52 AM

so still no Ultima 7 Serpent Isle n Silver Seed yet at this web??

been waiting so long now.. :cry:

Alemtris 21-12-2004 02:03 PM

Any update on the expansion packs being included on the site? I've been waiting years to find this game, and I can't believe it's here! But, I'd really like to get the "full experience," so... any word on Serpent's Isle, etc?

BTW... this site is amazing!

Strobe 21-12-2004 05:42 PM

i love the ultima-saga, too, having played it since the fifth part, including both
underworld games. the only game which has disappointed my quite alot was
ultima 9: ascension. ok, graphics and sound were much more developed in
comparison to the older ones of the series, but somehow u9 lacked the "magic"
i felt playing the prequels. and furthermore, it bugged me to death...even the
updates/patches were not of great help...

but anyway, this series is a milestone of RPG history!!! :kosta:

anybody played ultima online?

guardian 06-01-2005 07:20 PM

Ultima rocks
when i hear the music again after all these years i almost cry :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

MasterGrazzt 06-01-2005 11:51 PM


LordHogFred 07-01-2005 08:29 AM

If people want me to I can upload Ultima 7 Pt 1 and 2 with both expansions. Or just Pt 2 and expansion if thats all thats needed :D.

Ultima is just THE BEST set of of games ever period. I play Ultima Online and it is by far the best MMORPG out there it has everything in an Ultima universe what more could you want :bleh:.

I've played Black Gate and Serpent Isle and both are great. I also played Ultima 1 just cos I'm weird :whistle:

Borodin 07-01-2005 02:01 PM


Originally posted by LordHogFred@Jan 7 2005, 09:29 AM
I've played Black Gate and Serpent Isle and both are great. I also played Ultima 1 just cos I'm weird* :whistle:

It was the first game I saw demo'd in a store, but it was on a Commodore. When I asked the clerk (this was in 1981) whether it would be available on the PC, he said, "Probably in about a decade or so." Talk about trying to make a sale based on lies. :whistle: I think the series really picked up with Ultima IV, and each succeeding title was a huge leap forward through both parts of Ultima VII. With Ultima VIII, it was clear that the developers had lost interest in RPGs and moved onto action titles (something which was generally true in Origin Systems' other games around that time), but they persisted in mislabeling Ultima VIII and IX in the hopes of gaining an extra audience. It didn't work for them, but it certainly did when Blizzard's PR picked up and reversed the concept for their minimalist action title, Diablo, which they marketed as an RPG.

MasterGrazzt 07-01-2005 02:06 PM

Diablo was like a Roguelike with about 11/12ths of the interactivity removed.

You can really tell that Borodin here is right about Ultima 8 when you look at the fact that Crusader: No Remorse and it's sequel No Regret, (both awesome games by the way) two hardcore action titles are based on the U8 engine.

Ultima 8's idea was very interesting. Strand the Avatar in a hostile world. See what he would do to get out. Explore his dark side. Too bad they didn't focus on fleshing out the plot and concept of the game instead of jumping from platform to platform. And also, they forced you to be bad. At the very least they should have made the less virtuous actions the absolute last resort and have the Avatar express regret about the whole thing.

Borodin 07-01-2005 02:27 PM


Originally posted by MasterGrazzt@Jan 7 2005, 03:06 PM
Ultima 8's idea was very interesting. Strand the Avatar in a hostile world.* See what he would do to get out. Explore his dark side. Too bad they didn't focus on fleshing out the plot and concept of the game instead of jumping from platform to platform. And also, they forced you to be bad. At the very least they should have made the less virtuous actions the absolute last resort and have the Avatar express regret about the whole thing.
What you suggest--doing evil to progress, and considering the implications--would have been perfect: very much the kind of moral dilemna that Garriott was trying to put players in back in Ultima VI and VIIa. It's too bad as you point out that he decided to concentrate on non-stop activity. And such poor choices of activity, too: dying if you jumped and missed a rock in a small stream you had to cross; getting killed if your messy inventory backpack (which couldn't be organized, remember) didn't open correctly to have the right random attack spell scroll immediately available--since inventory checking occurred in realtime.

This wasn't anywhere near as bad as Ultima IX, though. Do you remember the insulting way monsters would walk around humming and whistling if you checked your inventory? Garriott's way of telling you how un-RPGish in his opnion your actions were. Breaking the illusion of reality to condemn players probably isn't the best way to sell a title, in my experience. And we won't even go into the braindead AI, aboslute linearity of the title, dull dialogs, absence of a party, and horrific bugs... ;)

Borodin 09-01-2005 05:27 AM

Another troll heard from. Back to the subject at hand...

I think Ultima VII would be far better known if Origin Systems' games at that time had not employed a form of proprietary memory management. This was towards the end of DOS, before the battle of the graphical user interfaces, and expanded and extended memory were necessary to handle all the coding in this huge game. As Garriott did with his other games, however, as soon as things changed, support was dropped. Origin Systems re-released Ultima VII, but they never bothered creating more than a sheet of suggested advice for a workaround. It's only thanks to the Exult people that we can really get the full flavor of the titles, today.

MasterGrazzt 09-01-2005 05:37 AM

I think another feature needed for U7 is inventory management of some sort. I'm not sure what kind, though

Mad-E-Fact 09-01-2005 09:13 AM

It's called realism. ;) When you drop everything in your backpack you don't expect it to be magically sorted. The way to do it is to have different bags, for food, armor, weapons etc...

Nice feature with exult is you have the keyring from SI throughout the whole game, that already helps a lot. :)

Borodin 09-01-2005 01:22 PM


Originally posted by Mad-E-Fact@Jan 9 2005, 10:13 AM
It's called realism. ;) When you drop everything in your backpack you don't expect it to be magically sorted. The way to do it is to have different bags, for food, armor, weapons etc...

That was how Garriott felt, too. But for all his claims of realism, they're flawed. First, by the assumption that people keeping things in their backpacks would not use some kind of arrangement and order for quick access. Second, by assuming his selection of portions of physical reality to include a game were automatically the right ones everybody would want. And third, by not realizing how constant access to an unsorted inventory with dozens of items for each party member would lead to buidling frustration on the part of players.

This also figures into Ultima VII's aggravating implementation of food needs. Healthy team members don't require it, but each will continually and individually shout for food as you wander until you give them some to consume. That's not realistic; that's annoying.

Nice feature with exult is you have the keyring from SI throughout the whole game, that already helps a lot. :)

Amen to that. :D

MasterGrazzt 09-01-2005 01:26 PM

Iolo: "Avatar, feed me! I am incapable of reaching into my own pack and consuming what I have myself! In fact, I'm going to need you to move my jaw with your hands to chew for me!"

Mad-E-Fact 09-01-2005 03:55 PM

Hmm, I don't recall having to feed partymembers constantly. I only played U7 with exult though, maybe that "feature" is not implemented there?

MasterGrazzt 09-01-2005 04:02 PM

They get hungry much less often with Exult. The constant empty stomachs of the companions was a classic complaint with The Black Gate, so they fixed it.

Borodin 09-01-2005 08:42 PM


Originally posted by MasterGrazzt@Jan 9 2005, 05:02 PM
They get hungry much less often with Exult. The constant empty stomachs of the companions was a classic complaint with The Black Gate, so they fixed it.
For this alone, the Exult folks deserve to receive stock options in Garriott's current company. ;)

Dark 09-01-2005 09:28 PM

i forgot this is a english site
if any of you saw my last post
i was saying if they are going to upload Serpent isle
it have been a long wait...

Modified by Omuletzu
Reason: extensive use of emoticons for the sole purpose of annoying members!

MasterGrazzt 09-01-2005 09:52 PM

Thank you, we know about all the wonderful emoticons already. You don't have to remind us.

Borodin 09-01-2005 10:09 PM


Originally posted by MasterGrazzt@Jan 9 2005, 10:52 PM
Thank you, we know about all the wonderful emoticons already. You don't have to remind us.

I have to wonder whether anybody will make as large and detailed a standalone RPG universe as Ultima VII or even BG2, again.* I was speaking recently with the project leader of Beyond Divinity; and it was his belief that the sheer cost of it all, thanks to all the art and animation required these days, simply makes it economically unfeasible.* On the other hand, one of the most encouraging signs was the development of Anito.* But that was done on-the-cheap, and the company has not been able to acquire a US distributor, which would helped bring in some greatly needed money.

LOL! I apologize for not knowing Croatian. I can manage German pretty well, but other than that (and English), I'm at a loss. And at the moment, I'd rather become much better in German, than pick up a third language. It would be nice to read Goethe without having to consult a dictionary.

I have to wonder whether anybody will make as large and detailed a standalone RPG universe as Ultima VII or even BG2, again. I was speaking recently with the project leader of Beyond Divinity; and it was his belief that the sheer cost of it all, thanks to all the art and animation required these days, simply makes it economically unfeasible. On the other hand, one of the most encouraging signs was the development of Anito. But that was done on-the-cheap, and the company has not been able to acquire a US distributor, which would helped bring in some greatly needed money.

Alemtris 10-01-2005 01:11 AM

I'm also wondering if there's any update on adding the expansion to the downloads so we have the "full version" of Ultima 7. Any word?

Thoralin 15-01-2005 05:10 PM

Excuse me, does anyone know how to get my characters to eat ? They keep complaining they are hungry and apparently I have to tell them somehow that all the food they are carrying can provide relief.

Mad-E-Fact 18-01-2005 10:13 PM

Double-click on something to eat and then on the character you want to feed, or his portrait. Or just press F and then on the character. The latter option is probably Exult-only.

jareth_chong 10-02-2005 07:55 PM

Ultima VII Part 2: Serpent Isle and its expansion The Silver Seed are available for download at GROG!

Serpent Isle is a better but more linear story than The Black Gate. The gameplay in Serpent Isle is also very linear and structured. NPC party members and all subplots are integral into the main storyline. Serpent Isle is less of a RPG and closer to being an adventure game. IMO, Ultima VII Part 2: Serpent Isle has the best storyline, the best characterization, and the best pacing in the entire classic series. (I have play through Ultima IV to IX, including both Underworld games and both Worlds of Ultima games.)

Exult supposingly is an open source project to update the Ultima VII game engine. However, Exult website indicates that the project is completed but the project does not update the entire engines, 100%. For example, hit points and damages do not work properly in Exult, and animals can open doors. Exults have quite a number of known issues, big and small. It does not seem that Exults will release newer versions to deal with those issues. So, I can't recommend using Exult to play Ultima VII.

Wired 11-02-2005 02:59 PM

So, I was thinking. Should I play The Black Gate and Serpent Isle using Exult or should I just stick to the plain old dos versions? On one hand I'd really like to experience the games as they were meant to be played but on the other I'm thinking maybe the changes in Exult makes the games better (I'm not sure what changes there are really).

Mad-E-Fact 11-02-2005 02:59 PM

IMO the advantages of Exult outweigh the disadvantages by a big margin.

Wired 11-02-2005 04:18 PM

Anyone know what changes there are, I've looked for a list or something. But found nothing... Maybe I suck at the Internet?

Grinder 28-02-2005 06:47 PM

I had to format my pc recently, and installed DOS so i could play everything i played when i was knee high to a grashopper. The problem with Ultima 7 is that runs so fast that it is nearly unplayable. do you maybe have a program to slow it down? I booted the PC using your bootdisk, but it was still too fast. please help me.

Jumjalum 28-02-2005 07:05 PM

Well you can play U7 on a modern windows PC with Exult, but if all you have is a DOS PC you will need to use a slowdown utility like Moslo.

There are probably better programs to use, but I think moslo is still a good one.

holmes85 28-02-2005 07:58 PM

:help: I recently downloaded Ultima 7 from abondonia and Im having a problem opening it up using DOS box. The message I get after typing 'ultima 7" is " Please remove the expanded memory manager before running ultima 7." Problem is, I can't get ahold of the Reference manual it refers you to. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Dreadlord 28-02-2005 07:59 PM

Just try playing it in Exult... Exult Sourcefourge (HERE)

FreeFreddy 28-02-2005 08:01 PM

Well, either play the game with the program that's mentioned below your post, or get DosBox from this site, install it and edit the file dosbox.conf as following:

Search for these lines:
# xms -- Enable XMS support.
# ems -- Enable EMS support.


and change the line ems=true to ems=false
After that you can play the game without problems (usually).

Helvan 02-03-2005 07:07 AM

Exult is ok, but the game runs subtly different from how I remember it playing back in the day. Basically combat feels faster and sloppier, and since there's so much combat in the game this can be a big issue...

I'd really recommend running it in Dosbox, if your computer is fast enough to run at a decent framerate and not have sound stutters. You might have to search the web for the stupid copy protection answers though.

Keylog 04-03-2005 01:06 PM

:ok: I remember buying this game when it first came out. YES I actually bought it :D .
This game still rules !!! I play a lot of games on the x-box and pc know but none even relate to the pleasure I had solving this game.

I never bought/saw the add-ons. How would I get these?

This site rules !!!!

Alemtris 04-03-2005 01:25 PM

They've just uploaded the add-on "The Serpent Isle." You can find it here:

Also, be sure to grab all the Ultima games (especially the Underworld games) here:

Borodin 04-03-2005 01:27 PM


Originally posted by Helvan@Mar 2 2005, 08:07 AM
Exult is ok, but the game runs subtly different from how I remember it playing back in the day. Basically combat feels faster and sloppier, and since there's so much combat in the game this can be a big issue...

Does it differ? From my recollections of Ultima VII, combat was always a bit sloppy: pathing was poor, and so was your control over your companions, even with the use of those combat directives (attack nearest, attack largest, etc). Just curious. Haven't played it since it first came out, and then I was entranced.

Guest 04-03-2005 06:00 PM


Originally posted by Borodin+Mar 4 2005, 02:27 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Borodin @ Mar 4 2005, 02:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin-Helvan@Mar 2 2005, 08:07 AM
Exult is ok, but the game runs subtly different from how I remember it playing back in the day.* Basically combat feels faster and sloppier, and since there's so much combat in the game this can be a big issue...

Does it differ? From my recollections of Ultima VII, combat was always a bit sloppy: pathing was poor, and so was your control over your companions, even with the use of those combat directives (attack nearest, attack largest, etc). Just curious. Haven't played it since it first came out, and then I was entranced.[/b][/quote]
I can't explain the difference exactly... it has something to do with the timing and the way character movements are synched up with melee swings when you're fighting. It just feels more solid under DosBox for some reason.

Grinder 05-03-2005 08:56 AM

What kind of PC must i have to run u7 under DOS without speed problems?
What was the originally required system configuration?

Grinder 05-03-2005 08:58 AM

sorry i just saw i posted a somewhat similar question here before.

Avatar 11-03-2005 09:16 PM

I have Searched everywhere for instructions on how to cheat in ultima7 black gate i found somethina bout a debug mode but when i tried it it didnt work anyone know?
and i dont cheat to get ahead i cheat for fun :whistle:

Borodin 11-03-2005 09:20 PM


Originally posted by Mad-E-Fact@Feb 11 2005, 03:59 PM
IMO the advantages of Exult outweigh the disadvantages by a big margin.
What disadvantages? Perhaps I missed this.

Avatar 12-03-2005 04:17 PM

how do i configure exult i tried it it said cant find game

megakat 18-03-2005 05:41 AM

its been a long time so forgive me if im wrong (the truth can most likly be found at a site such as gamefaqs.

ok here goes, to enable the debug mode you must launch from the or exe file
and add {ALT+255}abcd or something like that. then have fun removing and carring walls doors people parts of ships and the like.

mega Kat

megakat 18-03-2005 07:22 AM

ok sorry went and looked through me old scrps of paper and found the right code :ok:

ultima7 abcd<alt-255>

there you go

Grinder 20-03-2005 05:57 PM

Is There ANY Way you can play Ultima7 under DOS without removing your EMS Manager? I'd really like that!
I don'T want to use DosBOX or Exult because I just assembled a DOS PC
which I want to use instead. Is there a way?

Mr. E 26-03-2005 10:00 PM

Hey I keep trying to download the game, but Internet E insists on downloading it to my temp Inet folder. Anyway to change that? I tried right clicking and save target as, but to no avail :Titan:

Tuttle 27-03-2005 04:23 AM


Originally posted by Grinder@Mar 21 2005, 05:27 AM
Is There ANY Way you can play Ultima7 under DOS without removing your EMS Manager?
You must have the EMS manager unloaded; U7 came with its on system ("Voodoo"), and it doesn't play nice with anything else. Set up a menu system to pick, or just press F8 when DOS is starting and skip the EMM386 line.

beyond 27-03-2005 08:03 AM

just started playing it again, but i lost my old U7 handbook~

anyone knows the answers to the questions that finnigan asks at the start?

Reup 27-03-2005 09:55 AM

Did you try google at all?

found in 1 sec with google

Have fun though ;)

Yuni-ku 08-04-2005 02:36 PM

Wow, I'm so chuffed I found Ultima VII again, looked for it for ages and never found it and now I have...woo! :w00t: :w00t:

Definitely one of my favourite rpgs of ALL time, Morrowind's definitely taken some ideas from it. I know some people these days are only obssessed with the quality of the graphics on games, and I know that's important but for me it's not at all the most important factor. U7 has such a great storyline, music, characters, everything! Earliest rpg I remember playing :D

Just thought how cool it is that you guys like it too.

Peace+love out. :tomato:


Perun 30-04-2005 11:39 AM


Originally posted by minime724@Sep 13 2004, 11:51 PM
ok i have that dosbox thing and i have no clue how to work it. i remember this game from back in the day i have been searching for it for the longest. if you could help me it would be greatly appreciated
find dosbox.conf file where you have installed dosbox
open it with notepad
find ems
change ems from true to false (ems=false)
close dosbox.conf
when asked if you would like to keep the changes that you have just made (ems=false), say yes
start the program
type intro (everything is explained inthere, if not read further)
type mount c c:\"directory where you have unpacked UltimaVII" ( in my case it was c:\UltimaVII
type ultima7

and you are playing it.

when in dos mode type install if you would like to change sound settings
ctrl+F8 (decreases framerate); ctrl+F12 (increases framerate) - mine is set at cpu: 9000 cycles


tequilaman 06-05-2005 12:05 AM


a fellow ultima obsessor, i recently was reaquainted with the game, and desired to play again. i downloaded the game from this site and tried to install. immediately i was confronted with an error message from sys32 saying something about how my computer coudlnt support dos or windows, which is funny because i run windows xp. i was wondering if this is a complex problem to work through or if i am just an imbecile. if anyone knows how to work around this problem, i would be eternally grateful. i am really looking forward to playing again, thanks.

guardian 06-06-2005 04:04 AM

i don't see where you can dl u7 from abandonia. it says that the game(s) are esa protected and can't be dl. ? i'm lost.

A. J. Raffles 06-06-2005 07:13 AM


Originally posted by guardian@Jun 6 2005, 04:04 AM
i don't see where you can dl u7 from abandonia. it says that the game(s) are esa protected and can't be dl. ? i'm lost.
Isn't it obvious? You can't download the game because it's ESA-protected. Sorry.

Pwent 24-07-2005 07:33 AM

theres a secret area in the game which can get you very good magic items in tristram.

just pile up crates on the side of the blacksmiths house (the haunted one). pile them up like stairs, pile them up against the wall until they reach the roof. then put another pile infront of that, with one less crate, so on until you reach a pile with one crate. so you can walk up the crates like stairs. youll need to use all the crates in tristram to do this. walk on the roof (youll get cool music), and walk behind the chimney, youll reach a corridor. pull a lever and a door will open. there will be chests in the room. there will be great magical items in the chests, weapons and armour, gold, reagents, a full spellbook, a lot of nice stuff. there will be a lot of magic items, enough for your whole party to use.


Pwent 24-07-2005 07:34 AM

edit: I meant Trinsic, not tristram.

camieabz 22-08-2005 10:43 PM

Would a colour map be any use? I have it.

Arinor 23-08-2005 07:23 PM

Hey guys, how do I sell things in Ultima 7? I can't sell anything to Dell in Trinsic.

Blood-Pigggy 24-08-2005 12:57 AM

Holy jesus it took me seven hours to get out of the beggining town.

Borodin 24-08-2005 01:05 AM


Originally posted by Blood-Pigggy@Aug 24 2005, 12:57 AM
Holy jesus it took me seven hours to get out of the beggining town.
You've got to be kidding. There's stuff to look at in Trinsic--it's a beautiful bit of artwork--and the beginning quest is a nice way to get into the game, but it's relatively short, not more than 30 minutes, max. What took you so long?

Though I'll admit, it's very easy to get seduced by the sheer variety of incident built into the landscape and towns.

Blood-Pigggy 24-08-2005 01:09 AM

I wasn't really trying to finish the quest.
I did a bunch of freakin weird stuff.

I remember one that scared me out of my mind.
There's this house at the bottom left of the town, I built a staircase out of bricks or whatever up there, just because I had done it to every house. When I clicked on the chimney I was teleported to this crazy place and I had no idea what was happening.

There were chest full of crap and some weird rune thingies.

I didn't fool around too long before I went back into the town.

Any idea what that was?

Arinor 27-08-2005 06:55 PM

No one bothered to answer a simple question :angry:

Borodin 27-08-2005 09:35 PM


Originally posted by Arinor@Aug 27 2005, 06:55 PM
No one bothered to answer a simple question :angry:
I suspect because we don't know why you're having a problem. As I recall, any merchant that buys goods, should also them to you, and vice versa. It's a matter of selecting which to do off the conversational menu.

ShadowXIX 16-09-2005 06:13 PM

Argh I just just stuck talking to the mayor and he ask my question that the Cloth map is required to answer. I downloaded the map from the site I hope thats got the info i need to get the pass out of trinsic from this stupid mayor.

I was also wondering something looking at the screen shots on this site. They have in the lower part of the screen what look like blue and red health bars or something. I dont have that in my game at all. :blink: Is there some option to turn those bars on and off?

geron 16-09-2005 08:52 PM

Hey, does anyone here need any cheats for Ultima 7 or maybe a walkthrough for Ultima 8?

ShadowXIX 16-09-2005 09:04 PM

Thanks for the offer of the guide but im all set :ok:

For anyone eles that ran into the same problem as me and if you dont want to waste time translating the map pic I found this.

All the Ultima VII Copy-Protection Answers Is even in the Old Ultima Archives (hosted by Origin)

BTW anyone game look as good as this?

My game is not near that crisp the text is alot harder to read in my game :blink:

MV75 16-09-2005 11:55 PM


Originally posted by Blood-Pigggy@Aug 24 2005, 11:09 AM
I wasn't really trying to finish the quest.
I did a bunch of freakin weird stuff.

I remember one that scared me out of my mind.
There's this house at the bottom left of the town, I built a staircase out of bricks or whatever up there, just because I had done it to every house. When I clicked on the chimney I was teleported to this crazy place and I had no idea what was happening.

There were chest full of crap and some weird rune thingies.

I didn't fool around too long before I went back into the town.

Any idea what that was?

It was the cheat room. (Well one of them).


BTW anyone game look as good as this?
It could be several things.

1. It could be under exult.

2. It could be you're using an LCD monitor that has a bad dot pitch.

3. It could be due to the picture being a .jpg and by default it's been "smoothed". (Most likely).


No one bothered to answer a simple question
I wouldn't bother. The only things worth selling are gems to the jeweller in britain. You can just find stupid amounts of money without needing to sell stuff. The only things you actually do need to buy are spells and reagents, (and training). The rest is all found. (Slaughter gremlins for food). Need cash fast? Smash the parrot with a mallet and he'll tell you the coordinates of pirate treasure. Need more? Go and clean out dungeon destard.


Guest 24-09-2005 12:21 PM

How exactly am I supposed to download this? There's no link on the page. I searched for 10 minutes. :ranting:

My thanks to anyone who can help.

A. J. Raffles 24-09-2005 12:25 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Sep 24 2005, 12:21 PM
How exactly am I supposed to download this? There's no link on the page. I searched for 10 minutes. :ranting:

My thanks to anyone who can help.

You're not supposed to download this at all, I'm afraid. The game's ESA-protected and we lost permission to host it. Sorry about that. I'm sure you could still find a secondhand copy via ebay, though.

Guest 24-09-2005 01:15 PM

All right, I'll try that then. Thanks anyway.

Underworld fan 16-10-2005 10:53 PM

Alright I could never play ultima VII (because of the speed problems, too fast) but recently I just rebeat Underworld I and II (not as fun when you remember all the puzzles) and I'm looking forward to having new puzzles in Ultima VII

So I have Exult, and the game (while slightly rough on the movements) runs. But the characters need to bloody shut up. I also must be doing something wrong as they keep telling me "I'm wasting it" and to "turn it off". Its not a torch or anything else I can figure out.

Also is there an in-game map like Underworld? Or do you wander lost everywhere? I found that so useful, a map that you could write on whenever you wanted to keep important information...

Borodin 17-10-2005 02:09 AM

You might look at some of the strategy sites for maps, like GameFAQs, or possibly some sites dedicated to Ultima. The original box came with a cloth map (I've still got mine), but it was fairly generic in any case.

dwarfo 17-10-2005 01:54 PM

nice saga ultima :angel: :angel: :angel:

Travis 17-10-2005 06:21 PM

Anyone know where i can download ultima 7? I lost mine when i moved to my new house, and was hoping there was somewhere i could download it because its the best game ever.

Sebatianos 17-10-2005 06:46 PM

Maybe you can try and contact the makers of the game... In some rare cases (but I've heard about this), certain companies replaced old disks. Otherwise you're out of luck I'm afraid.
You'll just have to buy it again.

Doctadeth 18-11-2005 01:46 PM

W00t this game I discovered in a box in my attic. You can actually play it in XP, but it crashes after a while.... :cry: Anyways its the full 2 games with the expansion packs..

Oh man how much I love glass swords. Oh and BTW anyone heard that star trek shuttle music?

Borodin 18-11-2005 01:51 PM


Originally posted by Doctadeth@Nov 18 2005, 02:46 PM
W00t this game I discovered in a box in my attic. You can actually play it in XP, but it crashes after a while.... :cry:

Try this site. These folk have made a program that allows Ultima VII to run successfully on WinXP.

Doctadeth 18-11-2005 01:55 PM

Thanks dude,

inotoni 29-11-2005 02:46 AM

I'm replaying U7 just to see how Exult works. It's so great. I like character portrait at the bottom and the graphic scaling is fantastically high res! And those were just among other things :ok:

please help 19-12-2005 03:16 AM

how do i download the ultima 7 game, i get to this website
and then i do not know where to go from there to download the game

Borodin 19-12-2005 05:15 AM


Originally posted by please help@Dec 19 2005, 04:16 AM
how do i download the ultima 7 game, i get to this website
and then i do not know where to go from there to download the game

The game's no longer available here, because the rights are still owned, and protected by the ESA.

Spentrav Dragon 06-01-2006 02:42 PM


Who do I contact about my lost disks? I thought I had Ultima 7 back for a second there.... :cry:

Borodin 06-01-2006 03:20 PM

Because Richard Garriott sold all his assets (including rights to his past games) to EA when he got the money he wanted to make Ultima IX the game he desired.

It wasn't.

swiss 06-01-2006 05:22 PM


Originally posted by Spentrav Dragon@Jan 6 2006, 04:42 PM

Who do I contact about my lost disks? I thought I had Ultima 7 back for a second there.... :cry:

why not try eBAy ? The Ultima 7 and 8 versions are all available for less than 10 bucks ... so don't blame Origin or EA for copyrights .... :tai:

ja 18-04-2006 02:22 PM

ultima 7 was the first pc game i can ever remember playing...but they obvioulsy dont sell it in stores anymore...and all i can find is ebay...but i was wondering if anyone knew where i could download the game with the addons too?

gregor 18-04-2006 03:11 PM

i know where to get it for free. but we are not allowed to share warez. so all i can say is that you try something else

Han 16-06-2006 12:05 PM

Hi I'm just starting to play Ultima VII, and I need help! I am being chased by a snake and I've run into a building but it's waiting outside to get me... can someone please tell me how to fight/attack?

locool 23-06-2006 04:04 PM

I will simply state that I am astounded that the users only give this magnificent RPG 3.5, and can only imagine that perhaps they are comparing it with more recent RPG's on offer. In it's day the Ultima series were the creme de la creme of CRPG's, and the story, characters, and in particular detail of these hallowed games are breathtaking!

locool 23-06-2006 04:29 PM

Further to my above post I would like to recommend the following 3 games to CRPG fans, who may have missed them when they came out a number of years ago. The excellent Fallout series from the now defunt Black Isle Studios, and from the same people Planescape: Torment, a superb game that won numerous accolades and among its many qualities draws you in and makes you care about the characters whos lives you control. To the best of my knowledge these games are not yet abandonware, but they should be available fairly cheaply.

Happy Gaming!

The Fifth Horseman 26-06-2006 09:52 AM

Same can be said about Arcanum, which happens to be made by the same _people_ if not company.

Guest 23-07-2006 08:47 AM

with exult it says that it cant find the path to u7 blackgate, so please help me if possible a step by step instruction, i would use dosbox but it runs to slow so i am needing some help with exult so that i may be able to play it at a normal speed

swiss 23-07-2006 11:35 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Jul 23 2006, 10:47 AM) [snapback]244587[/snapback]</div>

with exult it says that it cant find the path to u7 blackgate, so please help me if possible a step by step instruction, i would use dosbox but it runs to slow so i am needing some help with exult so that i may be able to play it at a normal speed

did you ever take a look at the exult documention? :whistling:

you may find help here ...

Sith-Avenger 03-08-2006 03:46 PM

HI. I recently downloaded and ran Ultima 7 using the exult software. As the screen was very small I tried using the command to change the window size (ctrl KP+/-) but the game went very pale in colour, I tried changing the gamma settings but nothing happened. I re-started but the graphics were the same pale colour so I uninstalled exult and deleted my Utima files and started form scratch, but now I get no graphics at all, just music and a black screen, and so cannot start the game...

Any help would be appreciated

Many Thanks

Vaikunta 03-08-2006 08:50 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sith-Avenger @ Aug 3 2006, 12:46 PM) [snapback]246578[/snapback]</div>

HI. I recently downloaded and ran Ultima 7 using the exult software. As the screen was very small I tried using the command to change the window size (ctrl KP+/-) but the game went very pale in colour, I tried changing the gamma settings but nothing happened. I re-started but the graphics were the same pale colour so I uninstalled exult and deleted my Utima files and started form scratch, but now I get no graphics at all, just music and a black screen, and so cannot start the game...

Any help would be appreciated

Many Thanks
I'm not an expert with Exult, and I played it and wrote an walkthrough using Dosbox. It just went fine, no problems at all. You will play the original game and, for some reason, I liked it more...

Bye for now.

Random Tip: I recommend making the Avatar carry all keys you do not have a use yet and then, when you find its use, move it to someone like Spark. This saves tremendous time. (or use K in Exult, but it's not the same thing, to try every key on and on)

Vaikunta 16-08-2006 09:31 PM

Some say that having a small party is better, but I disagree. With a huge party, you have a much bigger killing power than with just 4 members. Imagine you with a double-handed sword, together with other seven with double-handed swords do much more damage than just 4 with swords, it's pure mathematics. (8x11=88, 4x11=44)

The only disadvantage of having a big party is food, but c'mon, food is cheap! It may get annoying, I know. There are loads of powerful magic weapons in the game, more than 8 surely, and if you search, all members will have a full set of magic armour.

Keep track of how many members you have in your party. Don't commit the stupidity of having a member killed and then forgotten in the middle of nowhere and you spend hours searching for him/her.

BrokenAngel 30-08-2006 06:53 AM

:ph34r: ammm could sum one pls help and tell me how to dis able sounds on exult? ive managed to get the game going in exult but its too slow...i wna try and disable the sounds maybe it would speed the game up. pls

Roadkill 08-09-2006 06:08 PM

Just dont download the sound patch (which is optional with exult and you have to download it to get sound) there is one trick I can suggest to make it speed up

press ctrl + alt + del

find the exult file that is running the game, right click on it and set the priority to high - do not and I repeat do not set the priority to realtime, it will most proabably crash your p.c.

if that doesnt work, run it in dosbox and set your cpu cycles up.

jslind 22-11-2006 03:18 PM

I have a few questions:

1) How do I open the metal door to Serpent's Hold's armory? I tried lock picks, but nothing happens (doesn't unlock, but the picklock doesn't break either, it just doesn't say anything at all). Poweder geg won't do anything either.

2) Food. My party members keep saying they're hungry, however I haven't fed them at all and they still haven't starved :) So am I missing something? What's the reason to feed them at all?

3) I'm trying to solve the murder in Trinsic. I did everything at Trinsic and then went to Britain as the Hook had taken the ship there. However at Britain I come to a dead-end. The shipwright guy says the ship hasn't come there afterall. Now what? (just tell me if I'm missing some lead, don't spoil the whole thing by just telling where the Hook is :ph34r: If I'm not missing anything and I'm just supposed to wonder around Britannia looking for him then that's fine)

4) How do I get more mana?? I just noticed my mana is down to 2, and even sleeping or eating won't reastore it :sos:

5) Then a bit of rant: The combat system is awful! :huh: I go to combat mode and before I barely know what's happening, I have either won the battle or I'm dead.

It just goes by so fast that I can't even dream about actually controlling my character there (expect by opening the inventory). Sometimes when I try to make my character to attack some specific target by double-left-clicking on one, my character just stops and doesn't attack anyone at all (maybe I miss the target because they just run around on my screen so fast!)

They should have just kept the combat system as it was in Ultima 6 :angry: There's a huge difference. In Ultima 6 you could actually think about what's the best action etc, now basically you can just WATCH (plus cast some spells every now and then) :not_ok:

Tervez 22-11-2006 04:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jsl @ Nov 22 2006, 04:18 PM) [snapback]268239[/snapback]</div>

1) How do I open the metal door to Serpent's Hold's armory? I tried lock picks, but nothing happens (doesn't unlock, but the picklock doesn't break either, it just doesn't say anything at all). Poweder geg won't do anything either.
If my memory serves me correctly, one of the fishes in the kitchen is facing other direction than the others. Open it up, take the key, and use it on the door.


2) Food. My party members keep saying they're hungry, however I haven't fed them at all and they still haven't starved :) So am I missing something? What's the reason to feed them at all?[/b]
They take damage ( I think) when their stomachs are empty enough. So yes, there is point in feeding them.


4) How do I get more mana?? I just noticed my mana is down to 2, and even sleeping or eating won't reastore it :sos:[/b]
Hmm. Have you trained you magical skills at some trainer?

Sorry, couldn't remember about the murder at Trinsic.

jslind 22-11-2006 04:30 PM

It seems that my mana is slowly restoring in time... Strange that it doesn't restore while sleeping though.

Another question:

6) What (stat?) affects on from which circles of magic I can cast spells from?

Edit: I found the key from the fish - however it does not unlock the armory door! :blink: What's going on?? :sos:
Edit 2: I did some googling and found this:

In the pub, open the fish (the only one looking up) for a key. Fly to (177S, 36E) and land (it is possible), now go into the cave. Go to the right and around all the water to get to the Locked Chest, which opens with the key we found in the fish. Take the key inside and go back to Serpent's Hold. Now using that key you can open the door to all those Magical Weapons![/b]
So that's solved :)

7) Stealing. It seems somewhat buggy... For example: I'm at some island (Valorian Islands I think) that's inhabited by hostile pirates. I turn on the combat mode and my party attacks and kills them. There's some food on the island, so I decide to eat it and feed it to my party members. This is when it gets strange: Some of my party members start complaining that I'm stealing! They say "Is that virtuous?" and "Avatar?!". I mean wtf... They had no problem with killing the pirates, they had no problem with me taking the pirates' gold, but if I take their food they complain that I'm stealing!! :blink:

Another example was when I rescued the baby from the shrine south from Trinsic. There were two bodies there so I thought I'd drag them to Lord British's castle and see if he could resurrect them (he couldn't). When I moved them in the castle, the jester and the guards started complaining, and eventually attacked me and took me to prison! :huh:

Edit: I just noticed a funny thing: When I scroll my mouse wheel, I can move the screen like with Mage's Eye spell :P Can scroll north and south as far as I want to without moving my party anywhere.

8) Can't you go into solo-mode in Ultima 7?? :blink: Like you could in Ultima 6...

For example I'm now in Serpents Spine and there's a lever which I have to pull. But there's fireballs coming out from near it so I have to go by the wall so I don't get hit. But my partymembers will get hit if they come with me in that triangle formation! :tai:

The Fifth Horseman 23-11-2006 10:29 AM

You can edit your own posts - like you did - and add the new questions to them. There is no need to triple-post like you did.

mika 23-11-2006 11:02 AM

Do edits appear on the "View new posts" page? If not then I prefer the triple posts. I think edits should be just for fixing something, not adding new content, otherwise people miss it.

(hehe - kind of like my spelling :P)

Tervez 23-11-2006 12:18 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jsl @ Nov 22 2006, 05:30 PM) [snapback]268249[/snapback]</div>

6) What (stat?) affects on from which circles of magic I can cast spells from?
I think it's only the magic skill.


7) Stealing. It seems somewhat buggy... For example: I'm at some island (Valorian Islands I think) that's inhabited by hostile pirates. I turn on the combat mode and my party attacks and kills them. There's some food on the island, so I decide to eat it and feed it to my party members. This is when it gets strange: Some of my party members start complaining that I'm stealing! They say "Is that virtuous?" and "Avatar?!". I mean wtf... They had no problem with killing the pirates, they had no problem with me taking the pirates' gold, but if I take their food they complain that I'm stealing!! [/b]
There's a plethora of tips how to steal properly here:


8) Can't you go into solo-mode in Ultima 7?? Like you could in Ultima 6...[/b]
Just talk to your party members, say leave. Make sure to say that they must stay at the place they're now.

jslind 23-11-2006 12:39 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Nov 23 2006, 01:29 PM) [snapback]268384[/snapback]</div>

You can edit your own posts - like you did - and add the new questions to them. There is no need to triple-post like you did.[/b]
So you had to delete the posts completely. How nice of you. :)

The Fifth Horseman 23-11-2006 12:45 PM

I haven't deleted them. I'm evil, but not that much.

None of the questions you posted are gone, as I copied the content of second and third post into the first one.

Only then the other two were split from this thread and moved into a location where only mods & admins can see them.

Guest 04-12-2006 11:28 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mika @ May 30 2004, 04:37 PM) [snapback]2566[/snapback]</div>

Cool! I only have Serpents Isle (and was gonna post that next). I definitely think the others should go in too! This is considered the best Ultima engine by most people and that's probably why there are 4 games written using it.
There are only two games written for it, the others are expansion packs for their respective games. This download includes Forge of Virtue; if it did not, there would be no earthquake at the beginning of the game. I have not yet checked the Serpend Isle file, and would not know how to tell.

Vaikunta 18-12-2006 06:41 PM

Just for a bit of self-promotion...

I have written a walkthrough for U7 The Black Gate with the forge of virtue. I wrote it as complete as I could, including NPC speech in a reduced manner. It is -very- boring to read in the beginning, but as I developed my writing, it should become better. I tried to not include any spoilers, except those necessary to continue. It can be found at Bootstrike, just go to U7 and walkthroughts. Ganesh was really kind of hosting my walkthrough. There are images included.

Justaguest 08-02-2007 06:16 PM

Hi There

Well, both parts of Ultima7, as well as u8 and Ultima Underworld 1&2 seem to be downloadable at abandonia now.

Ahh, the Joy!!!

Im rather a reguar at Abandonia, and was dumbstruck und quite happy, to see the "Esa protected" button gone for good.

Well, after hopping around a bit and being happy, i quickly assembled the game files, the map, the manual as well as two walkthrougs -and was dissapointed!
Half a year befor, i had Ultima7 set up with Dosbox (Defend GUI). There was no problem then, I used the old complete edition CD as described here before, which I had borrowed from a friend.
And there I was, finally set to finisch Ultima 7 after about a 10-year-break *g*

Well, As soon as I had it running , computer go boom on an unrelated issue.
So no I tried again on the new machine, and all I get when trying to start the Abandonia-files is
"illegal command u7.exe" or "illegal command SI.exe" respectively.


files crappy?
are they tested?
(And yes - EMS IS disabled, and yes, i could try Exult, but it seems rather complicatad, ad as told, I had this running on dosbox before... sadly, the frind now live abroad.)

Guest 17-04-2007 12:18 AM

I've downloaded the game from this site but i'm having problems installing it can someone help me out?

The Fifth Horseman 17-04-2007 12:12 PM

Without knowing what you have exactly done and what specifically is the problem, we cannot help you.
Until you post more detailed information about your problem, I can only refer you to this FAQ.

Please post a more detailed description of your problem including any and all error messages you encountered.

Also describe where exactly did you unpack the games and what commands have you entered in DosBox (exact syntax, please; it's important).

If you have made any modifications to your DosBox.conf, please post a copy of its contents.

Barcodes 18-04-2007 01:38 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Apr 17 2007, 05:12 AM) [snapback]287255[/snapback]</div>

Without knowing what you have exactly done and what specifically is the problem, we cannot help you.
Until you post more detailed information about your problem, I can only refer you to this FAQ.

Please post a more detailed description of your problem including any and all error messages you encountered.

Also describe where exactly did you unpack the games and what commands have you entered in DosBox (exact syntax, please; it's important).

If you have made any modifications to your DosBox.conf, please post a copy of its contents.
Actually, my problem is with installing Ultima 7 not playing it. I dont have DosBox because I plan on using Exult. When I click on the install icon this is what happens....
Changing the Configuration for Ultima VII - The Black Gate
(If you wish to re-install the entire game please run INSTALL from your original distribution diskettes.)
Press any key to continue or ESCape to abort...

I then press any key...ENTER

Please choose sound card, I choose no sound card.
If this is correct type y
I type "Y"

Something has put your computer in protected mode Ultima VII- The Black Gate cannot run in this mode demove (that is not a typo it says demove) the offending software and put your system in real mo (again typo) to play the game.

Press any key to continue, ESC to cancel...


Make a bootable disk?

It then tells me my computers configuration and all the stats check ok (they even say ok)
Press any key to continue...

I press ENTER and the screen disappears.
I am never asked where I want to install it. So I dont even know if it installed.

The Fifth Horseman 18-04-2007 12:47 PM


I am never asked where I want to install it. So I dont even know if it installed.[/b]

(If you wish to re-install the entire game please run INSTALL from your original distribution diskettes.)[/b]
This means that the game is already "installed". What the Install program now does is only changing the sound hardware.

Barcodes 19-04-2007 02:24 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Apr 18 2007, 05:47 AM) [snapback]287353[/snapback]</div>


I am never asked where I want to install it. So I dont even know if it installed.[/b]

(If you wish to re-install the entire game please run INSTALL from your original distribution diskettes.)[/b]
This means that the game is already "installed". What the Install program now does is only changing the sound hardware.
Im an idiot. Ok thanks, can't believe I didn't see that one.

Guest 19-04-2007 10:08 PM

Hi guys.

Both parts of Ultima7 can be downloadable at abandonia but i want know one thing they are RIP or FULL
with Intro, End (movie), ALL sounds, musics and speechs (U7 have speech?).

Sorry about my bad english thx guys i love this site! (U7 working 100% in dosbox and Exult)

Guest 21-04-2007 10:50 PM

Hey, in the screen shots i saw, there are pictures with the characters heads at the bottom of the screen and their hp/mp displayed. How come my version doesn't have that and how do I get it???? Somebody please enlighten me!!!

Pupnik 25-04-2007 09:07 PM


Hey U7 masters!

I am porting Exult to the Nokia 770 / 800 Internet tablets. Gameplay is excellent, with 800x480 graphics and Scale2x scaler for smooth fonts. I've got the MIDIs converted to mp3 for faster playback, and will have a playable test version uploaded soon.

I won't get into all the details of the porting here. Just check out the screenshots and beg me for a release :P

mika 26-04-2007 06:30 PM


Hey, in the screen shots i saw, there are pictures with the characters heads at the bottom of the screen and their hp/mp displayed. How come my version doesn't have that and how do I get it???? Somebody please enlighten me!!![/b]
The game was being played using Exult when those screenies were taken.

Guest 29-04-2007 03:10 AM

so, I downloaded the game from abandonia and tried to set it up with exult and have exhaustively perfected the config paths, but the program still claims the game data doesn't exist. What am I doing wrong?

_r.u.s.s. 29-04-2007 01:21 PM

whats the exact size of your downloaded archive?

Guest 30-04-2007 03:26 AM

The folder containing all the files is 19.7 megs

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(_r.u.s.s. @ Apr 29 2007, 01:21 PM) [snapback]288808[/snapback]</div>

whats the exact size of your downloaded archive?

_r.u.s.s. 30-04-2007 10:39 AM

archive seems to be right [19,7 MB (20 683 089 bytes)], so its probably os incompatibility. try running the game with dosbox (downloadable from the site)

Guest 30-04-2007 11:09 PM

even with DosBox (EMS Disabled), the game won't run because it claims that it can't find a file that is in the 'static' folder. Do I need to divide up the archive files into specified folders?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(_r.u.s.s. @ Apr 30 2007, 10:39 AM) [snapback]288893[/snapback]</div>

archive seems to be right [19,7 MB (20 683 089 bytes)], so its probably os incompatibility. try running the game with dosbox (downloadable from the site)

_r.u.s.s. 01-05-2007 01:06 AM

well um..
file tree:
..[u7] <directory>
..?[STATIC] <directory>
.....?all the other stuff, 193 files in it

Guest 01-05-2007 03:51 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(_r.u.s.s. @ May 1 2007, 01:06 AM) [snapback]288932[/snapback]</div>

well um..
file tree:
..[u7] <directory>
..?[STATIC] <directory>
.....?all the other stuff, 193 files in it
And that'll do it. Thanks!

Bobinator1992 23-05-2007 12:23 AM

:sos: Can somebody help me? Nobody gives a crud if I steal or not. I picked up a bunch of weapons from the shop (I didn't pay) and nobody said a thing.


TheChosen 23-05-2007 10:54 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bobinator1992 @ May 23 2007, 12:23 AM) [snapback]290941[/snapback]</div>

:sos: Can somebody help me? Nobody gives a crud if I steal or not. I picked up a bunch of weapons from the shop (I didn't pay) and nobody said a thing.

I never played U7 before, but Il guess that you already have done something bad and now you can do other bad things withouth nobody mentioning it.

Bobinator 25-05-2007 11:40 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TheChosen @ May 23 2007, 10:54 AM) [snapback]290997[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bobinator1992 @ May 23 2007, 12:23 AM) [snapback]290941[/snapback]

:sos: Can somebody help me? Nobody gives a crud if I steal or not. I picked up a bunch of weapons from the shop (I didn't pay) and nobody said a thing.

I never played U7 before, but Il guess that you already have done something bad and now you can do other bad things withouth nobody mentioning it.

No, see, in this game, you are the Avatar. You're basically supposed to be the best person ever. The only bad thing I can do is eat a cake (and all that does is make Iolo a little dumbfounded).

Borodin 28-05-2007 04:17 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bobinator1992 @ May 23 2007, 12:23 AM) [snapback]290941[/snapback]</div>

:sos: Can somebody help me? Nobody gives a crud if I steal or not. I picked up a bunch of weapons from the shop (I didn't pay) and nobody said a thing.

The game keeps track of things you do like that, over time. If you accumulate enough of them, your followers start to leave.

Guest_Brian_* 28-05-2007 04:07 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Anonymous @ May 31 2004, 07:27 AM) [snapback]2592[/snapback]</div>

I can't play teh game in DOS. Says somthing like "remove your expanded memory manager before running ultima VII"????

Can't play the game in windows XP either, says my "system is in protected mode".

I got your answer. email me at *EMAIL REMOVED*

Ill be glad to help you

Guest 28-05-2007 04:08 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Borodin @ May 28 2007, 05:17 AM) [snapback]291646[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bobinator1992 @ May 23 2007, 12:23 AM) [snapback]290941[/snapback]

:sos: Can somebody help me? Nobody gives a crud if I steal or not. I picked up a bunch of weapons from the shop (I didn't pay) and nobody said a thing.

The game keeps track of things you do like that, over time. If you accumulate enough of them, your followers start to leave.

Its if they SEE you... LOL really though. I used to steal all the time, as long as the guy wasnt there.

Mighty Midget 28-05-2007 04:08 PM

No e-mail addresses in the forum.

silz 02-07-2007 02:16 PM

is there a cheat function in ultima 7? I have just started the game on exult engine and there is a cheat enabled option on the menu screen but I don't know how to activate it. Please help.

The Fifth Horseman 02-07-2007 02:23 PM

On GameFAQs, the second one from the top explains how to do it.

silz 02-07-2007 02:51 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 2 2007, 02:23 PM) [snapback]297604[/snapback]</div>

On GameFAQs, the second one from the top explains how to do it.
I can't find the command line to type the alt+255 on. Sorry for being so clueless.

The Fifth Horseman 02-07-2007 03:23 PM

Perhaps Exult already does that... so try using the F-keys as described and see what happens.
If that doesn't work, read the Exult documentation and see if there is anything on the subject.
If there is any sort of official forum for Exult, ask there. If not - contact the people who made it and ask them directly.

Guest 17-07-2007 02:51 AM

For Exult, tryF2, its what works for me.
I think thisgame is insanely full of stuff to do, like robbing the Mint in Brittania, or poisoning someone with a poison vial, or even attacking a band of guards and using the Help spell to flee from the scene (yeah, im a maniac XD)

I only think the game needs more numbers. Like, knowing how mcuh DMG you are causing on the attack as you do it, monsters HP or DEF values for armors. Luckily a blue book in Trinsic has all the defense and attack values of the game, so get it right away.

See ya

salman 28-07-2007 03:01 PM

hi , i finish black gate and forge of virute last two week ago.

the game is ok , the storyline was slighty better than u6
have tons of secrets , chests , drawers and surrounding to check. that's the good thing about u7

but i found it , i like u6 more....

the reasons dat i like u6 more than u7 are :

1. combat system, i definetly dont enjoy so much everytime i battle with monsters. it was too quickly , not need to rely on yur magic attack. the only magic i used was death bolt against lich (i need to save game before i battle against lich coz he has death bolt too, quite annoying) , the final battle against batlin and co were also quick too, i tried to battle without black sword, equipped all the party member with normal equipment , no magic stuff and the battle is just slighty slower than before. no excitement in combat

2. dragons are easy to beat , seriously. before i had black sword , i use to raid dragons in dungeon destard.
they were threatless and unchallenge , manage to get plenty of gems , and might get 2000 gold pieces from selling gems. easy way to get money.

3. swamp, euuwwwhhh , it is ugly. i prefer u6 swamp. the swamp texture/terrain in u7 is so yucky , the combination color of the swamp was horrible to look.

4. why the caltrop isn't visible after i walk on it and taking damage from it.

5. we can look the items but we cant know the description or specification like weights , damage , etc

there is a several reasons dat i haven't list them but people might thinking i just try make small matter worse.

but as ultima fans , i really had fun time for discovering the main story and some secrets. as far i played, i never encountered bugs or errors. well this quite weird for me since every ultimas have their own bugs.
u7 has various land to discover. so it is worth to play for second time

Mr.Evil 26-08-2007 03:21 PM

I have got problem with Exult.

I run Black Gate, watch the intro, and after that... it skips to Forge of Virtue.

What to do about it?

Blood-Pigggy 26-08-2007 04:13 PM

No clue, doesn't do that with me.

Tell you what, use the program DosBox that's on this site in utilities if you haven't already, and try to run it with that. If it still does funky stuff like that, come back and tell me.

It'd be better if you played it with DosBox as well, all it does is emulate the environment the game plays in, Exult attempts to transform the engine itself into being compliant with Windows.

Guest 26-08-2007 04:52 PM

Well, i've tried, but it just doesn't work with dosbox. I see error message about some missing file.

Well, the other reason i prefer Exult is because it's just much easier to use. Dosbox makes me waste alot of time.

(sorry that i write as a guest - now i'm waiting for activation mail)

Blood-Pigggy 26-08-2007 05:01 PM

Mmm, strange, it does not do that for me, have you attempted to reinstall the game? Perhaps you ran the install file (if I remember it comes in the zip) and that might fudge up some things.

Otherwise try a reinstall of Exult and perhaps even DosBox and try it again.
It might take awhile, but a lot of my games have been screwed up because my installs weren't smooth, or I ran programs that I wasn't supposed to. Usually, you shouldn't use the install or setup files that come with the game unless you're told to in the review or in a note.

I don't know if that's the case with you though, if it is, post and it might explain a lot.

Mr.Evil 27-08-2007 10:24 PM

Well, i've ran the game in DosBox and... it still does it.

Well, now i will try this reinstallation thing but i think the problem is about game.

(sorry about mediocre english, i'm still learning...)

Blood-Pigggy 27-08-2007 10:28 PM

Right, right, erm, by the way, which Ultima 7 did you download? The Black Gate or Serpent Isle.

Mr.Evil 27-08-2007 10:36 PM


Blood-Pigggy 27-08-2007 10:43 PM

Well which one are you running, The Black Gate is first.
Also can you post a screen shot of the starting area as well?

The game might be loading up Serpent Isle for some reason first (which is bizarre, but it might be the case) I would recognize the area with a screenshots.

Mr.Evil 27-08-2007 11:03 PM

This is main menu screenshot:

But, as i've mentioned before, it's not loading Serpent Isle but add-on to Black Gate.

I also tried to run SI, but it also skipped to add-on after intro.

Blood-Pigggy 27-08-2007 11:06 PM

Well, what I'm asking, is that you give me a screenshot of the area you start the game in after you begin it.

I think the menu is going to tell you it's Black Isle regardless.
Does it start the game where expansion starts? Or does it start it in some random location.

Mr.Evil 27-08-2007 11:11 PM

Ok, here it is:

Blood-Pigggy 27-08-2007 11:23 PM

I don't see what you mean, that's Trinsic, the town you're supposed to start in at the beginning of Black Isle.

But where's the Avatar in that pic!? :blink:
Do you mean he appears in some weird spot on the map you can't get out of?

Mr.Evil 28-08-2007 10:38 AM

OMG, I just realized that the whole time everything was O.K :blink:.

another problem: where can I find Trinsic's mayor to give him report about my investigation? I've browsed entire town and haven't found him :blink:.,

Forfeit 28-08-2007 02:59 PM

He is in the middle of the city where there are two fountains. I think the house has a blue roof and a secret passage inside it.

Also, be aware that npc´s usually walk a lot, so he may be somewhere else. He may be in the church for example. This game is extremely interesting because it is one of the few where npc´s have routines (far before Morrowind or Oblivion tried to claim the title).

Also, have the manual in hand, because once you give the report, he will ask you some questions that you need to answer for him to allow you to leave the city. Without the answers you cant carry on the game.

Mr.Evil 29-08-2007 10:37 AM

I've played it awhile and noticed that it suffers from the same problem make previous Ultimas almost unplayable for me.

No automap... they should've implemented it in Exult. I really have hard time navigating and spend most of time on useless walking...

Forfeit 29-08-2007 12:32 PM

You can use a map and a sextant to find your position. You just need to have both in your inventory and double click on the map. You start with a map, and you can either buy a sextant or steal one (which is easier).

Personaly, without it, you really cant play this game.

But I heavily recomend you to keep playing: this game is awesome. Of course it has many flaws, but it is the best Ultima game you can play.

Also, the world is quite small. At least in the main land, you can learn how to travel around quite easily.

Fruit Pie Jones 29-08-2007 04:45 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Demeanor @ Aug 29 2007, 07:32 AM) [snapback]307479[/snapback]</div>

But I heavily recomend you to keep playing: this game is awesome. Of course it has many flaws, but it is the best Ultima game you can play.[/b]
I'm sure everyone has a different opinion on this, but I actually preferred Ultima VI, mostly because I was used to its more turn-based style rather than the real-time style of VII. This was especially noticeable in combat. I liked being able to control individual party members in combat, which was not an option in VII. They're both great games, though, with a really engaging plot.

Blood-Pigggy 29-08-2007 08:59 PM

Actually I liked 6 more because it was the last real traditional Ultima game, and besides, it had the most fun gameplay, which I wouldn't credit to its style (Real time or turn based) but because combat wasn't as dull is it is in number 7.

Forfeit 29-08-2007 09:30 PM

Ill have to get it then. I havent get it yet, because the graphics really turned me off.

But Ill get it after I finish some of the games I have been playing (like Betrayal at Krondor, that is awesome).

Blood-Pigggy 29-08-2007 10:23 PM

The graphics are easy to tolerate because it's top down and simple, same as Wasteland for example.
Although the worst thing are the archaic interfaces, which for the most part are far less troublesome than in other older titles, so it's a lot easier to get into them if you've never played them before.

Lee 15-09-2007 06:32 PM

Hey, does anybody know where to find the rune translations? I haven't played this game in ten years and I have no idea where the original fellowship book is. I searched for it through google but couldn't find them... I thought I could go without but I forgot about penumbras house.

On the other hand, I'm glad I'm asking these kind of questions instead of saying things I used to say when I bought the thing which were "Arrgh why won't the boot disk work/the game runs too fast/the game runs too slow/why wont the %^*&ing game work!!! Oh finally it's working WHAT NOBODY TOLD ME YOU CAN'T FLY THE STUPID CARPET OVER THE ISLAND *&^% YOU ORIGIN I'm gonna burn down your headquarters..."

Yeah this is better.

arw 13-10-2007 03:33 PM

Some miserable bug is keeping my Avatar from buying anything... Quite annoying... :tai:
Wasn't like this when I began playing (with DosBox). Now I already got into it, explroring that world again on a flying carpet :D
Only to be "thrown out" like this.

Any ideas how to fix it?
Could I continue my savegames in exult?

arw 13-10-2007 03:37 PM

It happens like this:
I choose to buy X dozen arrows for instance and the game hangs before the merchant says "done".
I have to quit Dosbox.

dirkrgently 22-12-2007 01:37 AM

I have Ultima 7 now! I really thought Ultima 4 rocked so I'm looking alot forward to trying this. I own PPC and just installed exult so now I need to install the U7 Black Gate data files. Most Linux users are able to install Ultima 7 through wine but this isn't possible on a PPC. If anyone has this installed, could I ask that they possibly give a directory listing of the installed files. It would definitely make this user very very happy.


RIPclass 26-12-2007 06:42 PM

This RPG is the best of the ULTIMA saga:D

Jerry123 27-12-2007 01:01 PM

For manuals (pdfs, look like the original) try:

gorkur 23-01-2008 12:41 AM


Anyone managed to install Exult on Vista? :confused:

blackboard 23-01-2008 07:10 AM

I have not tried it myself but I read the it works just fine. What issues do you have? Probably it is better to ask at the SourceForge page of Exult than here.

gorkur 24-01-2008 10:50 PM

Ah, never mind.. Got it working :)

slavestate 25-01-2008 09:58 PM

Man 20+ pages for an Ultima 7 thread???
My favorite is always going to be 5 because that was my first..
But thanks to Exult I get to FINALLY finish Serpents Isle.

Heres a couple of my favorite sites for help.. Alot of these were run by members of the Ultima Dragons club which began back on the Prodigy BBS waaaaaaay back before the internet came around. These are probably the most thorough sources for help, unless like me you still have a copy of The Official Book of Ultima and your hint books on the shelf.. :D

HRUMP- The Hi Res Ultima Map Project (And he REALLY means huge hi-res scans hehe)

The Ultima Online Archive - This is the big one.. Walkthroughs, cheats, patches, even links to the upgrades for the entire series.

aisforaquabat 09-07-2008 07:54 AM

Lookie what I got from Goodwill today for a cool five dollars! Never been opened!

Tervez 09-07-2008 11:20 AM

If that thing came with the Fellowship amulet and the other extra goodies, I'm going to scream, and long.

Borodin 09-07-2008 11:27 PM

Oh, hell, I've got that. And my copy has the ankh amulet and all those recopied original manuals, too. :D One of the few game boxes I never tossed.

IronShemp 19-09-2008 10:48 PM

Chest SW of Trinsic
Ok, I have a walkthrough with a list of items and their locations and I'm kind of stumped.

There is a listing for a chest SW of Trinsic (128S, 3W) and I'm in that locatio but all I see are some clumps of trees.

My question is this - is there really a chest there and if so, how can I access it?

I know this is kind of an old thread but a few nights back I was bored (and didn't want to play one of my new games with the awesome graphics and 'so-so' game play.) so I started playing around with this game.

Even after all these years, this game still holds up as being quite fun.

Thanks and all of that sort of stuff. :thumbs:

Nevermind- I figured it out. The chest is there but it's really, really well hidden.

joshua999 20-01-2009 06:28 PM

can somone make ultima work pls ill pay you

i have no idea how to make ultima7 and serpant isle work any chance of somone putting a playable version together and sending it to me, so i can just lanch the game with the exult and everything done cos im compleatly lost on how to do it.



red_avatar 20-01-2009 06:32 PM

It's not that hard - once you install Exult, you need to point it at the folder of Ultima VII part 1 & 2 so make sure you got both unpacked on your hard drive.

Luchsen 20-01-2009 06:37 PM

Merged the thread consisting of the last two posts into this one.

CrybKeeper 30-03-2009 03:49 AM

I just DL'ed Exult and am willing to make sure I know how to use it. U7 is worth it. I would say learning to configure Exult will be more meaningful.

Attempted it in DosBox, allowing the default settings to set up. U7 skipped frames -graphics and sound- so bad, we couldn't understand what was happening ingame. My nine year old daughter, is desperately, wanting to play U7. Can you believe it?! I had to show her how to use DOSbox last night!:)


Okay, I opened Exults .cfg file with PSPad editor and played with the sound and graphics until I liked what I saw. YES! Superb! It Works beautifully!

red_avatar 30-03-2009 04:40 AM

Ultima VII *always* ran poorly. It's the nature of its engine. Same with Ultima VIII. The Exult remake was an engine remake which is why it's not identical to the original. DOSBox simply emulates the original game which includes the rather odd behaviour of the game.

Sound skipping is due to an improperly set-up DOSBox though. I believe 10.000 cycles was about the optimal setting for Ultima VII.

Still, I went for Exult as well. You got the big bonus of seeing a lot more of the area around you which I find very handy and of course, the improved interface which was taken from the second part.

CrybKeeper 30-03-2009 05:05 AM

:drool:Think I'll have to agree with you Red Avatar, The ability to see so much is very nice. I am off to solve this murder. Poor fellow appears to be dismembered! EDIT: Lunch!:drool:

Geezer 30-03-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by red_avatar (Post 358156)
Ultima VII *always* ran poorly. It's the nature of its engine. Same with Ultima VIII. The Exult remake was an engine remake which is why it's not identical to the original. DOSBox simply emulates the original game which includes the rather odd behaviour of the game.

Sound skipping is due to an improperly set-up DOSBox though. I believe 10.000 cycles was about the optimal setting for Ultima VII.

Still, I went for Exult as well. You got the big bonus of seeing a lot more of the area around you which I find very handy and of course, the improved interface which was taken from the second part.

I will second what red_avatar has said. Exult is many times better.

red_avatar 31-03-2009 04:02 AM

The only downside of Exult, is that it alters the game so people who want an authentic experience should still go for DOSBox. Combat especially has been altered.

On the other hand, Ultima VII is very sensitive to bugs - I encountered many and Exult says to address some so that's a bonus. Nothing worse than being stuck at the end of a game which takes 50 hours to complete.

antifood 05-05-2009 11:32 PM

Ultima 7 is my absolute favorite game. Can anyone recommend any recent (last few years) titles that provide a similar feel?

BostonGeorge 06-05-2009 08:38 AM

Apart from the fact that a "game-feeling" is always a subjective expierence I can only quote "JazzOleg" from Mobygames who wrote an excellent review
on this jewel:

"[…]Today we hear a lot of such words as immersive world or interactive environment. They appear in game commercials and on many game box covers. They are used so often that they actually have no meaning at all. But they do have a meaning if applied to "Ultima VII". Of all games I know, this one has the most immersive world, and boasts the most truly interactive environment.

[…]The game satisfies one of the most important instincts of a gamer - curiousity. Any gamer is naturally curious and wants to see everything a game offers. But you'll never achieve this goal in "Ultima VII", unless you wish to dedicate it all the time you spend with other games - it has too much to offer.

[…] Ultima VII" is the most engrossing world you'll ever plunge into, it is a universe, a noble legend, a proper object of cult. […] you also begin to realize it is the adventure/role-playing experience of the century. It is a monster of a game, a veritable behemoth, a wonder of programming and of generous creativity. For me personally, "Ultima VII" is a milestone in my development as a gamer. It showed me aspects of gaming I never dreamed about. It made me richer as a gamer, and richer as a person."

no additional comments :)

Wolf Thug 09-06-2009 02:50 AM

Ok I just downloaded this game yesterday using exult system and err ye its fun but Wtf combat so lame? U just hit "C" and your men do all the fighting O.o and you just watch? FAIL.

Then In a cave fighting huge but very weak cyclops monsters I find a sack with bread in it so the kid says hes hungry and I give him the bread to shut him up and then one dude in my party calls me a thief and just walks away WTF? For taking cyclops bread????????God.

Not to mention the inventory that get so cramped you can park a car in there and it will get lost and no way of knowing your health points and total health points and not knowing who to heal cause u can't see hp anywere?

The manual is useless. ololol How about that chick Nastassia? Who can kiss a chick 4 minutes after meeting her? That chick drunk? Gawd Avatar is such a cassonova or Britannia has such easy chicks.

Borodin 09-06-2009 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Wolf Thug (Post 369110)
Ok I just downloaded this game yesterday using exult system and err ye its fun but Wtf combat so lame? U just hit "C" and your men do all the fighting O.o and you just watch? FAIL.

You can generally control each member of your team in combat, telling them whether to go after the strongest, nearest, or weakest opponent, to defend, to run away, etc. That noted, like you I considered it weak at the time when it first came out, since you couldn't directly control the combat actions of anybody. My thought was that they were trying to make up for the poor combat AI of their foes, by making it harder to focus your team. Arcanum does roughly the same thing.


Not to mention the inventory that get so cramped you can park a car in there and it will get lost and no way of knowing your health points and total health points and not knowing who to heal cause u can't see hp anywere?
I interviewed Garriott when the game came out and asked him precisely about this. Why didn't you allow for plenty of submenus to hold stuff, and auto-move objects into each? His answer was "I didn't want to." Then dead silence. Garriott did things his way, and he didn't like advice. ;)

Still a great game. Each town has its unique feeling and quests. The villainy feels real, rather than cartoonish, as is so often the case in so many RPGs. The environment is far more hands-on than in any subsequent RPG, too.

Wolf Thug 10-06-2009 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Borodin (Post 369157)
You can generally control each member of your team in combat, telling them whether to go after the strongest, nearest, or weakest opponent, to defend, to run away, etc. That noted, like you I considered it weak at the time when it first came out, since you couldn't directly control the combat actions of anybody. My thought was that they were trying to make up for the poor combat AI of their foes, by making it harder to focus your team. Arcanum does roughly the same thing.

I interviewed Garriott when the game came out and asked him precisely about this. Why didn't you allow for plenty of submenus to hold stuff, and auto-move objects into each? His answer was "I didn't want to." Then dead silence. Garriott did things his way, and he didn't like advice. ;)

Still a great game. Each town has its unique feeling and quests. The villainy feels real, rather than cartoonish, as is so often the case in so many RPGs. The environment is far more hands-on than in any subsequent RPG, too.

Rofl ya it does feel real but avatar at least cud have a notebook to write down his quests.

All in all its a great game, I overcame the inventory problem easy , I just gave all the keys,scrolls etc to the kid and weapons and armour to the stronger characters.

LurkingGrue 10-06-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by red_avatar (Post 358255)
The only downside of Exult, is that it alters the game so people who want an authentic experience should still go for DOSBox. Combat especially has been altered.

I've tried searching the Exult site for the info, but couldn't find it (maybe my search-fu is rusty), so I'll ask here. What, if any, changes were made to Exult that alter the story, dialogue or quests over the original U7?

Borodin 11-06-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by LurkingGrue (Post 369307)
I've tried searching the Exult site for the info, but couldn't find it (maybe my search-fu is rusty), so I'll ask here. What, if any, changes were made to Exult that alter the story, dialogue or quests over the original U7?

None that I could find. But they should have a list of all changes in the game over there. I recall seeing one, at one time.

Ranthalion75 18-06-2009 03:10 AM

This is one of my all-time favorites. I completed this one in 10 days I believe. It was the only game I played until it was finished. :-)

RocknRolla1-2 24-06-2009 09:36 PM

Are there any modern-day games with good stories like this series? Ultima 7, simply the best. I remember that when this game came out it had it's funny bugs. For example you could pull the roofs off of houses lol! There is also a treasure trove type room in trinsic? If you know where to find it. (should I tell where?)

Fruit Pie Jones 24-06-2009 09:57 PM

I remember one of the more prominent bugs (which may even be discussed somewhere in this thread, although I'm not going through all 23 pages to find out) was a disappearing dead body. Said corpse was rather important in advancing the main plot, too.

Suicide Boy 18-10-2009 06:03 AM

I really want to get into this game, but the fact that the party (and the Avatar himself, IIRC) is controlled by the computer in combat always puts me off. Sure, you can pick up damn near anything, cast a bunch of spells, explore the huge world, upgrade your gear, and mix potions (I think), but in my view, adequate combat control that makes you feel like you're an active participant is a crucial part of the RPG gaming experience.

Coupled with the fact that you can't even control character development (i.e., stats and skills) in this game, I still can't summon up the will to play it, even though people say it's amazing. I missed it back in the 1990s; when I first tried it a year or so ago, I thought it was totally awesome....

Until the first combat, that is. I was appalled. I turned the game off after that and haven't been back to it since.

Wasteland, Fallout, Morrowind, X-COM, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Jagged Alliance (i.e., turn-based micromanagement [except for Morrowind] and plenty of character customization) are all games I love. Ultima VII is just the complete opposite of all of that, featuring uncontrollable real-time action with no real say in character development.

Borodin 19-10-2009 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Suicide Boy (Post 385737)
I really want to get into this game, but the fact that the party (and the Avatar himself, IIRC) is controlled by the computer in combat always puts me off. Sure, you can pick up damn near anything, cast a bunch of spells, explore the huge world, upgrade your gear, and mix potions (I think), but in my view, adequate combat control that makes you feel like you're an active participant is a crucial part of the RPG gaming experience.

Exactly what I thought when I first reviewed the title. It was Garriott, stubborn as ever, who wanted this in. He said it made playing "easier." Personally, I think that level of detailed control was removed because the combat AI was so bad. It would have been extremely easy to beat it if you controlled everybody.

Arcanum tried the same thing, and it worked--surprise!--just about as well.


Coupled with the fact that you can't even control character development (i.e., stats and skills) in this game,
Huh? You control development whenever you level up, if I recall correctly. There were never many stats to choose from in the game, but you can choose one of three to increase. Unless I've forgotten how one went, which is always possible.

Fruit Pie Jones 20-10-2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Borodin (Post 385841)
Exactly what I thought when I first reviewed the title. It was Garriott, stubborn as ever, who wanted this in. He said it made playing "easier." Personally, I think that level of control was removed it was because the combat AI was so bad. It would have been extremely easy to beat it if you controlled everybody.

I don't think it had as much to do with the AI as it did with the shift from turn-based to real-time play. Making your party members computer-controlled does make gameplay easier when everything is happening in real time. Personally, going real-time took a lot of enjoyment out of the game for me. Ultima VI is still my favorite of the series, mainly for that very reason.

Borodin 22-10-2009 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Fruit Pie Jones (Post 385978)
I don't think it had as much to do with the AI as it did with the shift from turn-based to real-time play. Making your party members computer-controlled does make gameplay easier when everything is happening in real time. Personally, going real-time took a lot of enjoyment out of the game for me. Ultima VI is still my favorite of the series, mainly for that very reason.

I think we're speaking past one another, here. What Garriott did was implement realtime without precise commands, which is bad even if you can pause matters. I have absolutely no problem with a realtime-and-pause combat scheme; it works incredibly well in such titles as the BG series and PS:T. Turn-based, as in Fallout 1 and 2, works well, too. Garriott's implementation was at fault.

DarthHelmet86 03-12-2009 11:43 AM

I have never really liked Ultima, but then again I have never played 7. I am going to give it a go to see if it's as good as people say.

Hopefully it all goes well. :thumbs:

score100 22-02-2010 09:52 PM

I really like this game so far, but I oculdn't find a really good guide to the whole game yet. The manual is like 90% background information, but hardly anything about how the game works!

There's just way too much what I'd call "hidden data". I have no idea for example which armor is the best for my character, which weapon does more damage than others etc...its merely guessing.

"Huh? You control development whenever you level up, if I recall correctly. There were never many stats to choose from in the game, but you can choose one of three to increase. Unless I've forgotten how one went, which is always possible."

Apart from that there's nowhere shown that you get exp at all, you also won't hear anything about you're character going a level up. Haven't seen anything for stats increasing yet.

Or is this all because I'm playing in Exult??

Borodin 23-02-2010 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by score100 (Post 397663)
I really like this game so far, but I oculdn't find a really good guide to the whole game yet. The manual is like 90% background information, but hardly anything about how the game works!

There's just way too much what I'd call "hidden data". I have no idea for example which armor is the best for my character, which weapon does more damage than others etc...its merely guessing.

"Huh? You control development whenever you level up, if I recall correctly. There were never many stats to choose from in the game, but you can choose one of three to increase. Unless I've forgotten how one went, which is always possible."

Apart from that there's nowhere shown that you get exp at all, you also won't hear anything about you're character going a level up. Haven't seen anything for stats increasing yet.

Or is this all because I'm playing in Exult??

"How to play" was included in the quick start card, while the manual provided flavor and background. In those days, you never were told that Sword A was better than Sword B, or that Armor A gave you immunity against Monster C--you had to figure all this out on your own, if you wanted to. There was a guide that came out separately in book form which went over all the numbers, etc, but I never bought it. GameFAQs has walkthroughs with all of that.

Walsh234 10-04-2010 10:39 PM

I'm finding this game really enjoyable but hard to play. I don't know where to go because there's no map. I find myself wandering around for hours not knowing where I am or what I am meant to be doing. There is no quest log so I can't remember what I should be doing.

Dungy 09-01-2011 07:17 PM

Anyone interested in learning more about Ultima VII, can go to the Codex of Ultima Wisdom at

DarthHelmet86 17-02-2011 05:02 PM

I am now in much love with this game. While it is a bit too confusing at times and can be overwhelming it makes up for it in other ways.

Iolo stop stealing!

*Iolo stands there with his pack open while the Avatar stuffs it full of items*

Talkie 19-01-2012 11:21 AM


Some of my characters lost their bags, maybe through battles or I don't know how. I didn't notice for a while and would prefer to not have to restart from an old save. Basically, the seemingly important items that I miss are 4 of the stones of virtue, and some crystall ball found in Minoc that showed some room with lots of beds when looking at it.

EDIT: Ok, somehow I had completely forgot that the virtue stones are for "marking" and "recalling". I should have remembered that, but I'm getting old. So having only 4 only means that I can use less of them. Also, I didn't see the "crystal ball with a vision" in a list of essential items that I found elsewhere on the net.

My original question was:

Is there a way to locate or find a "lost bag". Should they still be there somewhere in the map or could they have completely vanished? I'm looking over the forest near Dungeon Destard, because the company rather panicked there when confronted with a Drake.

But since then I have met 2 other problems. 1) The Avatar's map doesn't show the yellow cross of his position anymore. 2) I just lost an important save. Dosbox just crashed at some point, and reopening the Black Gate, it doesn't see my save (though the Gamexx.U7 file is still in the folder). Googling about this "lost save", I found that it is a common problem and it doesn't seem like there is a great solution for it. So I might just as well restart from when I had all my items, even if that means doing a few quests all over again. What a drag!! (...on, because I'm having to do Dungeon Destard all over again...arrggh...).


Paco 05-03-2012 07:56 PM

just complete this game. This is now the second game after Ultima 8 - Pagan that i completed.

Amazing Game and a big World. ^^

For all other i would advise to use Exult (Its free!) and also get the Keyring Mod for it. It fix some bugs and some new stuff (like a Keyring, which is a bless, since you will hundred and thousand keys ingame and you often dont know for what its used for...)


RaptorZX3 24-04-2013 01:42 AM

Hi everybody!

i would like to know, does anyone here actually own the game on 5.25" floppies? i have the US english version, and i have disk 1, 4 and 8 that are corrupt, unfortunately :( (and the Ultima Underworld demo disk as well)

Can anyone help me please? (by either copying the content and ZIP them, or making Images in MagicISO or other softwares like that)

I do have 2 more Ultima games that i need to find replacement disks (Images, or by using healthy floppies with the right content), but i'll post in the right threads for them.

jasonmloh 17-07-2013 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fruit Pie Jones (Post 372279)
I remember one of the more prominent bugs (which may even be discussed somewhere in this thread, although I'm not going through all 23 pages to find out) was a disappearing dead body. Said corpse was rather important in advancing the main plot, too.

I think it is the one at Minoc. You are supposed to take a dagger item and talk to someone at Minoc and Jhelom about it.

arete 17-07-2013 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by DarthHelmet86 (Post 423192)
I am now in much love with this game. While it is a bit too confusing at times and can be overwhelming it makes up for it in other ways.

Iolo stop stealing!

*Iolo stands there with his pack open while the Avatar stuffs it full of items*

That <i>Fizzgig</i> avatar never fails to crack me up. XD

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