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Tom Henrik 16-11-2004 08:26 PM

X-Com 3 - Apocalypse
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

Eagle of Fire 16-11-2004 09:46 PM

Apocalypse is far from the perfect 5.

I noticed some screenshots are different from the Apocalypse I played. Even tough it was the cracked version I am about sure it was the DOS version... Is the one available for download the second version of it?

DiamondSoul 17-11-2004 03:57 AM

I think we might need some sort of a guide that will explain the basics of the game. I've played X-com 1&2 for a long time, but I can't understand a single thing of what's going on in this one... :blink:

Eagle of Fire 17-11-2004 05:08 AM

Feel free to ask, I will be happy to be the first game specialist for Apocalypse.

I played it to the end more than once and beated it square easily. I can help you with whatever problems you might encounter.

DiamondSoul 17-11-2004 10:22 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Nov 17 2004, 06:08 AM
Feel free to ask, I will be happy to be the first game specialist for Apocalypse.

I played it to the end more than once and beated it square easily. I can help you with whatever problems you might encounter.

Well here's my first question, did you enjoy Apocalypse more then the original? They look so different... (I absolutely LOVE Xcom - Enemy Unknown).

Eagle of Fire 18-11-2004 05:26 AM

No, I tottaly hated Apocalypse VS the original. Like many other games too (like Heroes IV).

The trick to still play the game and still have fun with it is to try to play it as if it wasn't really a sequel to the original game but as if it was a new game in itself. Then the game begin to be interesting.

BTW, the real time mode is in every way superior to the turn by turn mode. It's simply the way they made it. If turn by turn was made like the original it would be way better... But still I remember the developpers putting turn by turn only because they really needed to. Some fans were giving them problems with that... :whistle:

Real time mode is not that bad anyways. You can still pause the game as you wish (with the spacebar if I remember well) and make the game feel like an RTS but with some real strategy involved (unlike Red Alert and the like).

Ali Baba 18-11-2004 07:53 PM

Yes, another excellent add to this great site. :kosta:
But (there's always a 'but'), I can't figure out how I can get my agents out of a car for example anywhere else than a certain place (like a building) when I try to investigate a crashed ufo. Can I get them out elsewhere or do I have to take them out in a building and walk to get my agents where I want them? :blink:

Eagle of Fire 18-11-2004 11:38 PM


I got a quwtion though.... if an orginizeation is taken over by the aliens then can you get it back? so that they are not with the aliens anymore?
No. This mean that you are really in trouble if an important organisation get taken away by the Aliens (such as Transtellar, Marsec, the police force, the governement or the other company which sells you arms).

On the other hand it is often an opportunity to get points and items to sell when you attack those fallen organisations (Like the cult for example, which is usually the first to fall). The trick is not to lose too much soldiers when raiding them. If it is done well and without casualties (personal shields helps a lot) then it is very profitable.

If you become at war with Transtellar you won't be able to use taxis and thus won't be able to recruit personnels. In fact you will be able to recruit them but they won't be able to get to your base so you will never be able to use them. I think you can still recruit Squaddies and to fetch them yourself but the research and engineering personnel will sit in their recrutment spot until they go away by themselves.

Thus having good terms with Transtellar is a must at all time, and if it is taken by the Aliens you're pretty much dead unless you are really at the endgame.

jpnuar1 11-12-2004 05:54 AM

Is there a manual out there I could view?

The game seems pretty interesting, but it's as confusing as heck! :Titan:
Of course, for lack of a manual, all my questions will be dumped onto any of you who may read this.

Current issue: How do I equip agents into a vehicle, and once I have done that, how do I "land" at a UFO crash site? I figured I might get an idea by sending an empty car, but it just drives back and forth on the street next to the UFO. Would something have happned if there were agents in the car?

Sorry if I sound like a n00b. And thank you to anyone who has the patience to help me out.

Eagle of Fire 11-12-2004 09:37 AM

This is a normal issue and it actually got me several tries to figure it out.

Thing is that there is a strange "lag" when you try to take personnel "on" vehicles. You need to go to the vehicle screen, select your squaddie then drag and leave them on the desired vehicle. You can move several squaddies at the same time by selecting them all then dragging one to the desired vehicle.

Then, you need to select the vehicle in particular in CityScape mode and either send the craft to the desired building or to the crashed UFO.

The smaller and lesser UFO's are unmanned and won't require a fight. You'll just recover them. I usually only capture one of each of the smaller UFO's and then don't bother and make them explode in the air when I encounter them.

From past experiences, I am pretty sure that it does make a difference when you actually destroy Alien Ufo's. It doesn't take them much time to build new ones (perhaps a month max for the bigger ones?) but it does seem to buy youself some time and change the way the AI act. If you are very successful at the beginning, you will encounter a lot of bigger and bigger Ufo's until your current technology can't fight them without stupidly high losses. But then again, when you grab their own technology it really give you a boost!

The best strategy I have found so far to fight those Alien crafts is to take something like 5 Hover Bikes and set them to fight at the highest elevation possible and as close as possible to the target. You can change the stance of each craft when you select them on the CityScape. The Hover Bikes are stupidly hard to hit for the Aliens because they are so small and so maneuverable, and most of the time the Hover Bike will simply dodge the beams which would have teared your biggest ships appart without a problem. This allow your bigger ships (like the Phoenix Hover Car for example, which is cheap but virtually armorless) to stay further the front line and throw missiles from a further distance. Most of the time they won't even come under fire unless you are really fighting lots of UFO's at once. Also make sure that your Troop Transport is far from the action and safe. It's easy to lose it to bad luck if several Alien Crafts decide to fire at it at the same time.

Usually, I always make crafts which are 50% to retreat and repair. Crafts cost a lot in this game and losing them only to down a Ufo is not worth it. You can still use a craft being repaired on an emergency mission later on, and if Air Superiority fail then send your squaddie and eliminate the Alien threat from the ground.

The strategy mentionned above (with Hover Bikes) works quite well against Metropolis crafts as well, but is less effective due to them almost always having aiming missiles equiped and due to the fact that they are more maneuverable than most UFO's. They also really pack less of a punch, so unless you are unlucky retreating at 50% health will usually save your crafts anyways.

Don't overlook the Hover Bikes power. Their seemingly powerless guns really add up when they team up. Have 10 of them and you'll see them tear into a bigger UFO shield in no time. Plus they are really hard to hit and are cheap to replace.

Random tip #2: Always upgrade the biggest engine available to each of your craft. If you buy a bunch of crafts at the same time (or at the beginning of the game), you can actually take the engine of one craft and put it in another knowing it's the most powerfull one they can bear (because of the size of the engine square). For example, if I remember well the Phoenix Hovercar engine is the biggest engine a Hover Bike can be equipped with, so don't sell those and use them on the Hover Bikes you'll purchase. I think the same thing happen to your troop transport VS your Phoenix Hovercar but I don't remember well. Anyways, reason for this is that you want power and speed, and since you will be placing aiming equipment on those crafts and that it add weight and lower your engine power and acceleration (slightly), you have no choice if you don't want to suck the UFO's exhaust vapor trail. It also greatly help in combat. Maneuvrability is really your friend until you build your own crafts later in the game since your craft armor is very weak against the Aliens weapons.

Random tip #3: always make your crafts to fly and fight at the highest altitude unless you have a really good reason to do otherwise. Until you actually fight with beam weapons yourself, the aliens have the bigger guns... And a stray fire from those babies if it hit the base of a random building will usually result in having the building flattened completely. This will irritate the leaders of that faction to no end, taking their strance VS Xcom down each time. Plus the Government (which fund you) always get angry when anything on the city is destroyed and this goes against your weekly score. If you fly high the UFO usually fire at your upward, and you can save friendly fire this way.

Of course, some members of the "Cult of Cyric" sometime accuse Xcom to fly around their buildings in purpose when fighting bigger Alien Crafts... Which always been soundly refuted by the Xcom Leaders. That's what war is about, you will have friendly fire sooner or later... ... ... Ahem... :whistle:

Happy hunting!

[Edited for grammar and syntax errors... One of my earliest post... :wall:]

marko river 13-12-2004 12:44 PM

I remember that several organizations fall into aliens hands. Well, I made war with them for a while but found out that it's useless. So as I become better, I kicked some alien butts and slowly ALL organizations were allied with me, even the ones that were taken by aliens. Except that Cult offcourse.

Eagle of Fire 13-12-2004 07:58 PM

Any organisations could be taken over by the Aliens. Don't forget to check your charts and if an organisation goes above 50% and you know you probably won't have a warning mission message, go to their buildings and search for aliens. If you destroy all the Aliens the organisation will fall bellow 50% again and then will continue dropping unless the Aliens invade it again.

Micah 23-12-2004 08:07 AM

Apocalype manual, if anyone still wants it:

Guest 09-01-2005 12:19 PM

this games the bomb

i still got the cd version and its great and eagle on fire i tryed making personal shealds but as soon as i make one another on is destroyed so is there any wa of making them faster apart from getting engineers with 100

:ok: great work with this good adition. :ok:

ps. the only other x com game im awear of is interceptor and i work in a game store so i dont think there is another one coming but ill check the comp for a release date if someone can tell me the name of the game.

Eagle of Fire 09-01-2005 08:10 PM

Personnal shield is the best addition to your forces. The trick is not to make them, but to "steal" them from the Aliens. There is more than one way to take care of the Aliens without dropping their shields to zero. I'll let you discover those ways by yourself. :ok:

The Duke 09-01-2005 09:44 PM

Cool. do you get any new research from it also you know those big yellow aliens can you capture one alive.

:cry: theres marsec and phsyke and both say while x com opposes our alien friends negotiations are imposibe but there alien infiltration is set to 0%. :cry:

luckely i dont need marsec cos i have heaps of alien weapons :evil: :rifle:

bogem 12-01-2005 04:03 AM

i need help here...

i have destroyed the objective in alien dimensian building (alien maintenance building, a mission to destroy some kind of pyramid-like building), but the game never say anything \bout building disabled...!

has anyone face the same problem? any1 know how to finish this mission ? need help here ppl, pleaseeeee..... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Eagle of Fire 12-01-2005 07:00 AM

You need to destroy all the objects mentioned in the briefing. Then, you simply get out and the building crumble. You get to research the next building and raid it too etc. until you win.

You need to destroy the objects entirely or they won't count as destroyed. I only hope that you brought a lot of explosives with you because on some missions you might need a lot. Fortunatly the Aliens often carry grenades with them which are strong enough to destroy the installations.

bogem 12-01-2005 08:50 AM

thx for the quick reply.

the problem is, i have destroyed all 5 columns up to the ground with devastator canon. bt the game still doesnt trigger any winning i messed up somethin' or do i have to use vortex mine as the only firepower to blow up the thingy (i mean don;t use devastator or any other gun, except VM )? i'm little in short supply of VM here coz i have destroyed nearly all the alien transporter device (1 that make alien keep bugging).

Eagle of Fire 12-01-2005 08:57 AM

I fear I can't help you much on the matter since I can't see it visually. I remember one mission in particular in which I was wandering around aimlessly, killing waves after waves of Alien trying to figure out what to do... If I remember well there was one last object hidden somewhere on a kind of "cliff" that I did not noticed until then.

Anyways, if you really can't find out just save your game and try to exit the building to see if you succeeded in destroying the building. If everything fail try the mission a second time after realoading/healing your troops, the map will most probably be different and you might just win it the second time without problems.

bogem 14-01-2005 04:25 AM

hi eagle,

i finally passed the alien maintenance building mission (apparently, i have to destroy all rounded shape column, and i found 4 'missing' collumn near teleporter).

Rjak 14-01-2005 04:50 AM

quick tip for those face suckers... *those what takes your char under controll*

If you go prone, they cant jump to your head.

Sorry if this was old tip.

Eagle of Fire 14-01-2005 11:36 AM

Those brain suckers are the reason why you should always carry a grenade on you. I myself always team my squaddies in pair in minimum for the same reason, so if someone get attacked from behind and he have one of those aliens on the head his teamate can shoot it for him.

If this fail or he can't do it for any reason, just take a grenade from the guy who is being brain sucked, prime it to 0 second and drop it. Your squaddie might be slightly bruised (having a full hp armor help not to) but the Brain Sucker will die from the explosion.

Note that the human weapon which fire really fast can kill one of those Suckers in one shot, and it is a very good reason to have some of those guns equipped in the early game. And it also train your rookies aim a lot in the process...

What I usually do is give those kind of usi to the rookies with poor aim, those with average aim I give them the big guns and those with incredible aim I give them the sniper gun. Then as they get better I simply drop the usi guns, since they tend to become obselete quite fast anyways. Fortunatly, since they train accuracy so much I still use them sometime, until the Aliens bring some personnal force fields to protect themselves. Then they really become useless, and you should have very highly trained squaddies by then who should be able to kill a fly at 50 metters easily anyways. ;)

Eagle of Fire 22-01-2005 08:45 PM

Perhaps, but I never tryied it since it requires insane amount of money to make other organisations to get allied with you and that it's also extremely easy to lose that alied status. Just hitting a building owned by them might be enough to reconsider their stance, and you still lose the money you paid.

You certainly don't want to have organisations at war with you tough, especially Transtellar. Unless of course you like being attacked at your bases by those organisation and don't mind the extra challenge of needing to down all the organisation guards as well as the Aliens when you need to enter their buildings... :whistle:

As for Transtellar, if you get a war with them they refuse to allow you to use their transports or commuting system, effectively preventing you from getting new scientists, receiving new material and transfering material from base to base... Not something interesting to experience. :not_ok:

ultranewbie 25-01-2005 07:54 AM

heheh... I LOVE invading those temples... :manic grin: MONEY!

It's strange though.. I can kill hundreds of those green guys and their religion seems to keep having new converts...

Plus, it doesn't matter how poor they get - they still have enough money to buy those drugs.

And, your approval rating doen't really go down.

BUT as soon as you blow their temple up, you get told off for causing damage to the city. Humph.

CMI 01-02-2005 04:27 AM

OK... erm...

Can a road vehicle go off-road, like to a crash or something? I couldn't get it to, so I got mad and sold all the road vehicles.

Are security stations invulnerable? The aliens & co. shoot their little bombs at it, but it just keeps ripping them into tiny pieces.

Why do the interceptors suck in this game? In EU, a few interceptors could take down a battleship even with Stingers or whatever those wimpy missles were called, or one could do it with a plasma beam. But in this game, an interceptor would use all my money and just get blown up! I only use them for transport now.

Eagle of Fire 01-02-2005 10:15 PM


Originally posted by CMI Posted on Feb 1 2005@ 05:27 AM
Can a road vehicle go off-road, like to a crash or something? I couldn't get it to, so I got mad and sold all the road vehicles.
The answer is no, and I would say it was a good move to take the extra cash from the vehicles. I would suggest you not to sell the APC tough just in case your Skyranger get shooted down. It's still faster this way than to make your soldiers "walk" to the building.


Originally posted by CMI Posted on Feb 1 2005+ 05:27 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (CMI Posted on Feb 1 2005 @ 05:27 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Are security stations invulnerable? The aliens & co. shoot their little bombs at it, but it just keeps ripping them into tiny pieces.[/b]

Really depend of the Aliens weaponry VS your kind of security station. I've seen the default (first model available) version of the security station get destroyed so bad it actually destroyed the room and I had to rebuild it, so my answer to this question would be: they are not invulnerable.

<!--QuoteBegin-CMI Posted on Feb 1 2005
@ 05:27 AM
Why do the interceptors suck in this game? In EU, a few interceptors could take down a battleship even with Stingers or whatever those wimpy missles were called, or one could do it with a plasma beam. But in this game, an interceptor would use all my money and just get blown up! I only use them for transport now. [/quote]
Because they are not interceptors. First of all, your Skyranger should not even engage the UFO's unless you want a deadly disaster to happen to your soldiers. Most of the time in my game that ship don't even lift off before the UFO's are retreating.

Second, you are fighting over a city, not a hundred miles over the sea or the ground. Supersonic planes would not be welcome and allow me to remind you that you been hired by the Government of that city to get rid of the Aliens, so it does make sense that you don't use them. What you can use is armored version of civil fying cars and ships which can (in theory but not in this game) fly as well in space than in the sky, so it makes sense that they are also slower than supersonic planes.

Even tough, your ships easily outmaneuver the medium to large UFO's and the Speeder Bike can easily outmaneuver the small ones. Since you can't count on either stealth, power or endurance (like in UFO), you'll have to gamble on speed and agility to survive in this kind of duel. All the ships comes with an engine which can be "upgraded", depending of the available engine space. As a rule of thumb, all engines can be "upgraded" at least "once", meaning that for example the Speeder Bikes can get a turbo engine which is slightly bigger than the original, but still fit in the little engine square. I would advise you to get better engine for all your crafts (I always do myself).

Here is a quote of an earlier post of mine in this thread which could be usefull for you:

Originally posted by Eagle of Fire Posted: Dec 11 2004@ 10:37 AM
The smaller and lesser UFO's are unmanned and won't require a fight. You'll just recover them. I usually only capture one of each of the smaller UFO's and then don't bother and make them explode in the air when I encounter them.

From past experiences, I am pretty sure that it does make a difference when you actually destroy Alien Ufo's. It doesn't take them much time to build new ones (perhaps a month max for the bigger ones?) but it does seem to buy youself some time and change the way the AI act. If you are very successful at the beginning, you will encounter a lot of bigger and bigger Ufo's until your current technology can't fight them without stupidly high losses. But then again, when you grab their own technology it really give you a boost!

The best strategy I have found so far to fight those Alien crafts is to take something like 5 Hover Bikes and set them to fight at the highest elevation possible and as close as possible to the target. You can change the stance of each craft when you select them on the CityScape. The Hover Bikes are stupidly hard to hit for the Aliens because they are so small and so maneuverable, and most of the time the Hover Bike will simply dodge the beams which would have teared your biggest ships appart without a problem. This allow your bigger ships (like the Phoenix Hover Car for example, which is cheap but virtually armorless) to stay further the front line and throw missiles from a further distance. Most of the time they won't even come under fire unless you are really fighting lots of UFO's at once. Also make sure that your Troop Transport is far from the action and safe. It's easy to lose it to bad luck if several Alien Crafts decide to fire at it at the same time.

Usually, I always make crafts which are 50% to retreat and repair. Crafts cost a lot in this game and losing them only to down a Ufo is not worth it. You can still use a craft being repaired on an emergency mission later on, and if Air Superiority fail then send your squaddie and eliminate the Alien threat from the ground.

The strategy mentionned above (with Hover Bikes) works quite well against Metropolis crafts as well, but is less effective due to them almost always having aiming missiles equiped and due to the fact that they are more maneuverable than most UFO's. They also really pack less of a punch, so unless you are unlucky retreating at 50% health will usually save your crafts anyways.

Don't overlook the Hover Bikes power. Their seemingly powerless guns really add up when they team up. Have 10 of them and you'll see them tear into a bigger UFO shield in no time. Plus they are really hard to hit and are cheap to replace.

Random tip #2: Always upgrade the biggest engine available to each of your craft. If you buy a bunch of crafts at the same time (or at the beginning of the game), you can actually take the engine of one craft and put it in another knowing it's the most powerfull one they can bear (because of the size of the engine square). For example, if I remember well the Phoenix Hovercar engine is the biggest engine a Hover Bike can be equipped with, so don't sell those and use them on the Hover Bikes you'll purchase. I think the same thing happen to your troop transport VS your Phoenix Hovercar but I don't remember well. Anyways, reason for this is that you want power and speed, and since you will be placing aiming equipment on those crafts and that it add weight and lower your engine power and acceleration (slightly), you have no choice if you don't want to suck the UFO's exhaust vapor trail. It also greatly help in combat. Maneuvrability is really your friend until you build your own crafts later in the game since your craft armor is very weak against the Aliens weapons.

Random tip #3: always make your crafts to fly and fight at the highest altitude unless you have a really good reason to do otherwise. Until you actually fight with beam weapons yourself, the aliens have the bigger guns... And a stray fire from those babies if it hit the base of a random building will usually result in having the building flattened completely. This will irritate the leaders of that faction to no end, taking their strance VS Xcom down each time. Plus the Government (which fund you) always get angry when anything on the city is destroyed and this goes against your weekly score. If you fly high the UFO usually fire at your upward, and you can save friendly fire on the town this way.

Of course, some members of the "Cult of Cyric" sometime accuse Xcom to fly around their buildings in purpose when fighting bigger Alien Crafts... Which always been soundly refuted by the Xcom Leaders. That's what war is about, you will have friendly fire sooner or later... ... ... Ahem...** :whistle:

Happy hunting!

Guest 09-02-2005 11:33 PM

Well, after three earlier failed attempts to capture a personal shield bearing alien alive I decided to go for broke and assembled a special strike team to assault a ufo and either succeed or perish to a man/woman.
It was going quite well and I decided to move in close after taking out the poppers. Then I noticed a green missile cruising towards me :help:
Ironically, this was the time I met my first entropy missile. I succeeded in the end, but I lost three brave soldiers (including armor) to those damn missiles - tactic suggestions anyone ?

For those of you who wonder why I slugged it out close and personal with heavily armored and shielded aliens, you must stun one of the aliens with a personal shield otherwise you will never get it and you're basically doomed. Personal shields are also the only thing that protect against entropy missiles as far as I know. And the silly sods refused to come out of the ufo so I had to go in and get them :rifle:

On a side note, contrary to earlier posts I advise your vehicles to fly low instead of high when intercepting ufos. When firing at ufos they generally aim high and when they miss your laser/plasma whatever beam stands a much lower chance of accidentally blowing a building to bits. It generally saves me around $40000,- on bribes to transstellar after each battle :ok: Even better, the aliens will be firing downward, ensuring lots of damage to the city which is good for your public relations :evil:

A final tip, when engaging ufos, always use a pair of hoverbikes to lead the attack. The ufos will tend to engage them and they are extremely hard to hit. While the ufos are levelling the city shooting at and missing your bikes (which is good :D for your public relations) your heavily armed hovercars can move in and blast away at them at their leisure.


p.s Question : if I overclock my dosbox (say 20000 cycles), will this make the game run slower than if I run it at a lower rate ?

Eagle of Fire 10-02-2005 02:08 AM

Entropy missiles are overated. As soon as you will equip your squaddies with personnal shield you will never fear those again. When they hit a shield they don't do progressive damage, only hit once and bring the shield to about 2/3 or so. Also entropy missiles are guided to their target and it's extremely easy to lure a missile in a wall, an object or even sometime another Alien.

For the shields, you can actually carry more than one shield at a time. I don't remember well but I think that only one work at a time. If it fails then it get destroyed so I remember dropping the shields to the ground when they were about to die. By doing so only a grenade or something with enough explosive power could destroy the shield when it's on the ground and if you win the mission the shield will return as loot just like any other equipment at the end of the mission. Plus shields regenerate over time so if you find yourself low on shield just return back where you left it and you should have it back on full strenght. Either that or keep rotating soldiers with low shield to the back row so they can regenerate and keep those with still strong shield to the front so they soak up the damage.

Shields are also overated. They are not that hard to overcome and you can easily kill Aliens without damaging the shield with bio-toxins guns. I hardly ever need to make some myself once I get those guns. Usually I always have many in reserve.

If you want a destroyed city it's up to you but I myself hate to see highways destroyed and waiting forever for them to be rebuilt and to be able to get those new recruits to my bases... I never really noticed if the UFO destroying the city bring organizations to your side but I do know that it goes against your weekly score so I always tryied to have the city damaged to a minimum. This include as well my crafts than the UFO's. It really depend on your style since I usually don't kill UFO's unless it's needed or easily downed. By the end of the game it's something else though and your strategy should change accordingly.

Answer: if you overcycle your DOSBox then it will begin to go slower after reaching your CPU max power peak. You might experience sound sluttering too if you do so.

Mr. Barman 10-02-2005 02:44 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Feb 10 2005, 12:33 AM
And the silly sods refused to come out of the ufo so I had to go in and get them* :rifle:
you dont always have to go into the UFO to get the last of the aliens. what i do is sit outside each entrance to the UFO with my men and wait for them to come out. i wait till the flow of aliens charging out has stopped and then i send in 4 soldiers into to clear out the last few aliens.

by the way, how do you guys set up your squad at the very start of the game when you've got no alien technology at all? Personally, i get 11 humans and one sectoid/human. 4 of them get the Marsec Flying Suit Armour with the Laser Sniper Rifles, 4 get 2 machine guns each, 2 get dual mega-whatsit pistols, and the last 4 get auto cannons with 2 extra clips of AP, HE, and IE rounds.

and is it just me or is the mouse sensitivity in x-com crazy low?

Eagle of Fire 10-02-2005 03:19 AM

I usually go with 4 teams of 3 or 3 teams of 4 so it really depend of the amount of available soldier... But I usually go with 4 robots and 8 humans. The 4 robots are because at the very beginning they are really superior to humans and can soak up damage well so I ideally want one per team. It's usually the crazy soldier who cover his teamates while they flee and I often use robots in situations where a walking bomb can't be avoided. Robots have a lot of health and usually survive a walking bomb hit while normal human squaddies can easily die at the beginning because they don't have enough health (yet).

When the flying Marsec armor get available then the whole setup change. I buy 3 Marsec elerium guns and 3 psy guns along with a set of 3 Marsec armor (the red one) and fit a Mutant squad of 3 as my last (fourth) team. Mutants have nice Psy powers but are really defficient when it comes to physical training so having them kill easy targets from a distance (after I used their Psy powers) usually bring aim and endurance up to an acceptable level after several missions. The real reason why I outfit them with the Marsec armor is because they can fly with it and it weight almost nothing. If I were to equip normal armour to rookie Mutants they would have trouble walking instead of running like the others, being able to fly counter this. If I could I guess I would only equip the Marsec torso armor so they fly but the weight of the normal armor really makes a difference so I usually end up giving them full suits. Also it doesn't make much difference once you get the personnal shield technology.

For the guns I usually try to take a balanced loadout of small guns and big guns. I never take rocket launcher and I never did in any Xcom game either. I never even considered once to take those clumsy and inneficient weapons, I always wondered why others would. Probably because they are "cool". Anyways, back to the point: at the beginning I give weapons to squaddies depending of their attributes. If I spot a squaddie with high strenght and aim then I give him a big gun. If he only have high aim then he gets a sniper riffle. If they are lacking aim then I give them the minigun (the gun which fire red bullets really fast) so they can take care of the Brainsuckers on close range and gain aim points this way. And it works, I often get guys who used a minigun since the beginning to take a sniper rifle once they get veteran. Then there is usually lots of rookies to take the minigun for him anyways. :D

Also I always equip my squaddies with a medpack and a grenade. Then it depend if they can take more weight without hurting their speed too much. If they can take more then I add a stun grenade, then a second grenade and then a second stun grenade. I also always place them in the shoulders, the stun grenades to the right and the normal grenades to the left, but that's just me. I do know that it was less costly in Xcom 1 and 2 in TU to take something from the shoulders than from the belt but I don't think it actually change something for Apocalypse if you play real time...

The grenade is essential because it's the last trench of defense for a squaddie if he is getting brainsucked and without anybody to help him around. Poping a grenade with the timer at 0 and immediatly dropping it to the squaddie feet will probably injure the squaddie but the Brainsucker will die from the explosion. I prefer an injured squaddie to a new ennemy in any rate.

Anjinsan 12-02-2005 07:54 PM

I know this could be a noob question, but here it go:

How can I stop the Alien Infiltration in the Organizations? Like, Marsec has 17% infiltraded.
Turn them my allies will avoid the alien infiltration? I dunno really wha to do

Eagle of Fire 12-02-2005 08:26 PM

For an organisation to be taken up by Aliens they need an unit somewhere in one of the organization buildings. Aliens can't go around this, it must be done. What I usually do is check the graphs a lot and moniter infiltration very closely. I usually do everytime I finish a mission but most often than not it only take a second or two since I'm only spotting for organization with infiltration near 50%. Bellow 50% an organization is still pretty safe, above 50% you're in trouble and need to find that nasty Alien(s) who escaped your grasp. The trick is to find out where exactly the Alien(s) might be hiding.

More often than not if you are only a half decent spotter you will be able to see where exactly the UFOs beam down their friends. Once this is done the Alien(s) will usually try to infiltrate the attacked building but not all the time. Other times they will send small teams to also infiltrate adjacent buildings and speed is really the key here. The sooner you'll arrive with your team, the smaller the map will be (also influenced by the number of squaddies and Aliens on the map) and the smaller chance you will have for Aliens to get away to other buildings. Also do not forget that Aliens can flee the battlefield just like your squaddies. Sometimes they get away that way and flee to adjacent buildings.

So, what I usually do is to get to the city map and point at the last building which got Aliens beamed down to it. Then I select the half infiltrated organization so their buildings are highlighted on the map. If a building is near that point then it's pretty much that building you need to storm.

As long as there is Aliens in the building you storm then the organization won't mind much that you get there and kill them. If there is not, however, their standing VS you will drop a little each time you do this. It is worth checking all the buildings until you find the right one tough even if you need to make that organization hate you. You are there to defend the city after all, and you can always increase standing with donation money later on. It usually cost way less to bring an ennemy organization to like you than to try to get allied with one.

Anjinsan 12-02-2005 08:32 PM

Thnx for the exaplanation :D

So, I have to search for Aliens in the adjacents buildings from the mission? Ok, I'll do it, and before I will save.

But... can I decrease the percentage of the alien infiltration? like 20% to 5%?

hanut 13-02-2005 06:15 AM

This has got to be the best game i have played! I love X-COM games but this one is really the best of the UFO series. It marks a change from the world level to city level play . this basically means instead of controlling the world or planet you control the city. This is really fun as you can go and raid the building of the faction that hates you and watch them do a slow burn. Anyone got marshmellows?

Mentor 13-02-2005 06:23 AM

This was horrible. HORRIBLE. Everything about it just screamed slipshod and money-grubbing. The city-level thing was such a crappy reason to limit the environment, and the characters were lacking in the original two game's originality, as limited as that actually was. It was trying to be Syndicate with aliens, and failed miserably.

It was worse than UFO: Aftermath, and that's saying something.

Eagle of Fire 13-02-2005 06:30 AM

While Apocalypse is by far the worse Xcom game you are really far from reality by saying it was worse than Aftermath. Apocalypse is weak when related to Xcom but good enough a game in itself.

Anjinsan: the % will drop with time as long as there is no Alien trying to take the corporation over. With enough time it will go back to 0%.

Anjinsan 14-02-2005 03:18 AM

Thnx again for the help

Well, I really think that Aftermath is worse than Apocalypse

and don't think the 3rf edition is limited... the environment is much better than Enemy Unknow, u have lot of Organizations to deal, 3 races of soldiers and a more organized staff for researchs...

I sugest Mentor more patience and more hour of play to be envolved by Apoc.

- Yes... X-COM 1 are the best

Mentor 14-02-2005 03:56 AM

I played that game (Apocalypse) for six days, just to get it over with and beat it. Then I played a marathon of X-Com 1 and 2 and some Breach 3 for good measure to get the horrid taste out of my proverbial mouth.


EDIT: And I just remembered, it isn't the worst of the X-Com games. Anyone remember X-Com: Interceptor? The flight sim? THAT was the worst X-Com game. Apocalypse comes in a close second.

Eagle of Fire 14-02-2005 05:17 AM

In my book the Xcom serie stopped at Apocalypse just like the C&C serie stopped at the original. The others were only milking cows which borowed a name to boost sales and turned out to be awfull games.

sparaz 23-02-2005 02:46 PM

yeah eagle i made two new folders called save and saves just in case before i asked, but that didnt seem to work either, what exactly is the name of the save folder you have in your directory?

SoniG 23-02-2005 05:14 PM

if u dont mind.. il write few good tips for all u players...

if u want to be super player dont read this tips cause they are like cheats :D
if u really want to be better player at shorter time just read this

at the beginig 1st of all equip all ur agent to have both weapons and so on...
i have always at begining one squad of 6 units something like this:
1bomber (bombs and thins... light weapons)
2 psi (for capturing aliens, usaly whit some stun grenades and stun rifle)
1sniper (2 sniper guns whit good acc)
2 normal whit mixed weapons

about vehicles are 2 things:
1st: SELL ground units- maybe they are good but if u got super armored tank... if the road under him is detroyed, tank will be lost or any other units.. or traped
2nd: try to use as many pheonix and hoverbikes as u already say it cause of speed, later sell them and build hawks before u get something heavyer like retaliator or annihalator. us best weapons like:
dont use elerium powered weapons (they are really good, especxialy at begining but use a LOT of ammo and if u lose one ship whit 2 large elerium weapons whit 220 ammo togheter [cant remember name :crazy: ] they willl really drain ur reserves if u rebuild them) and try to use like weapons whit infinity ammo( laser), but never this one shoot rockets, they are good at ground targets only!!! not air, u will miss surly and hit a building cause of arc path and its hight possibilety to coalapse especlialy slums

About base :
NEVER use slums; they can be destroyed whit ONE hit and it will kill al agents and scienits in ur building.try to get warehouse whit biggest room (if u get slums at beggining just restart and it will be diferetn.. or same cause random function)
Plan base smart. u have to thing about later game when u egt big labs whit 2Ũ2 room so u can have all in one warehouse at beging. They are very often attacking base if u have new one. NEVER forget to defend the base. not only whit securety station but whit some good equipt agents. be prepared for coult raids later in game and organizations taken over by alines!!

later in game ul have to get 2 seperate squads of agents on missions, especialy in alien dimension. i usally use 3 teams in alien but 2 well equipt are also enaught (1 team = 6 agents) i recomend always to have a "bomber" at dispose to use it to destroy like walls and thinigs. he is usaly unarmed so protect it. one way iss to use marces flying armor (if u use only marces torso, it will fly even if other armor is from x-com (blue one) or megapol)

Use toxic weapons as soon as posible and devestator canon (the strongest of all agains buldings cause toxic gun is for alines strongest [toxin C])
equip 2 shields in inventory and agents will survive much longer. later use invisibilety

AND never forget about med kits against major injurys!

i thing thats most of it and im sorry about bad spelling :whistle:

if here are any thing that arent true or something like that just say it and i will try to "prove ti"
have a nice day :ok: ... or night :D

FaceInCrowd 04-03-2005 10:24 PM

I notice nobody mentioned the "strip-down" technique for victims of Entropy missiles...simple and easy, if you're in real-time and see an Entropy missile heading for you, hit the pause button strip off all your armor, gear and weapons and let your agent take the will take off some hitpoints but he can at least keep his armor.

If you're playing turn-based though you might not want to do this. :D

BeefontheBone 08-03-2005 03:15 PM

I always used to start out the same way - max out the engines in your hovercar and shuttle, dump the smaller things cos they're pants and find some better equipment for your agents (pistols? pah!) based on their attributes (f'rinstance, only give heavy weapons to the cyborgs - they can carry them and don't get brainsuckered either). then i usually go raid the Cult of Sirius' temples a few times to get money and experience while i wait for some aliens to show up. oh, and switch your scientists and engineers for the ones in the pool in order to maximise the total skill available. then get researching whatever you can, starting straightaway with Alien Containment. once you've got that, get a ground-based troop carrier with plenty of space for agents and aliens (and equipment) and put some more useful things on your flying ship (which you should put some better weaponry on straight off.)

oh, and don't use the snipy laser rifle things in turn-based mode unless you have a high accuracy - just use the machine gun. the rifles are better once you get better accuracy and in realtime (i always found, at least.)

erinker666 13-03-2005 11:34 PM

While playing XPOC, I got to a point where I was researching a live brainsucker. When the research finishes, the game asks me to insert the APOC CD.

Anyone seen this and / or know how to get past it?

Guest 15-03-2005 08:32 PM

Random Technical Opinions:

Personal shields take a long time to manufacture, but they are worth it. Use more than one on each soldier for extra protection.
Very nice to have when those Entropies start flying from the mist.

Make sure you mop up all the aliens that land in the buildings of the city. Don't wait until the alarm goes off; observe where the UFO's deploy their mega-bowels and funnel the troops down.

Before a UFO attack, save your game. Then ultraspeed until the UFO's appear and note the time at which they do so.
Now load your game. This time, deploy your combat vehicles before-hand so that you are better prepared to face the threat. Don't do it too early - that will consume more fuel that you might need - and obviously not too late.

When the Brainsuckers come, put all your weapons into auto fire mode and focus fire on the suckers. Experienced agents can take'em in the air like a clay pigeon.

Raid the snot out of the cult buildings. Reap the rewards; among other things the coveted PsiClones - those things usually (initially) sell for over 4000 credits a piece. The cultists are numerous, but have weak armor.
However, sometimes you may face one or two who wield the rocket launcher. This is extremely dangerous - watch out.

Auto Cannon with explosive - or even better (but more dangerous) - incendiary rounds are super-efficient against Hyper Worms in auto fire mode.

If you're feeling lucky, you can hurl enemy grenades back at the enemy. It may explode in your hands, but then again, it might also land right at the enemy's feet. Can you say 0wned-D'oh!

Nuts 27-03-2005 03:22 AM

After reading through this thread from start to finish it seems a lot of peeps are having un-necessary troubles running APOC in XP. Firstly although DosBox is a useful program it severely eats processor power, and I don't care how tough you think your machine is, it will still eat it. I use a 3.4GHz processor in an Alienware laptop and Dosbox is still using 65% of my processor resources just to tick over. So instead, for APOC anyway, I use XP to run it. Best method is to first install VDM sound if you haven't already, it can be found all over the net, just google it. Then open up your xcom folder and change the compatibility settings on xcomapoc.exe and on setup.exe to windows 95 compatibility, and 256 colours only. Then run setup.exe and choose a soundblaster card, settings as 220, IRQ 7, DMA 1. Save and exit, now to run the game, right click on the xcomapoc.exe file and select "run with VDMS". The intro video messes up but just hit enter or space to skip past it, and the rest of the game runs like a dream. The video's run in DosBox, but the rest of the game was very choppy to me, no matter how much I increased the cycles. :wall:

I hope this helps those who still aren't getting to experience this great game. I understand there are a lot of people better versed in X-Com than me as I've only ever played apocalypse, but from this stance, of playing the game as a unit in itself rather than a sequel to the previous games I feel it's a very good addictive game. :D

Scorstin 30-03-2005 10:06 AM

how can i get to research toxin C for toxiguns? i did it with A and B and i have researched everything that could possibly be researched (though i still havent visited alien dimension with squaddies, only the probe, could this be the problem?) and i still dont have it available for research. i have examined all the aliens, ufos and weapons that those slimes carry with them on trips to the city and still cant get to the C toxin
help me please!

Eagle of Fire 30-03-2005 09:41 PM

Hummm, I don't know. In some of my games I never had access to toxin A while in others it seemed like I never got access to toxin C...

All in all, toxin B is powerfull enough for every needs as it is only slightly less powerfull and still have all the advantage of toxin A (and thus, C).

Guest 31-03-2005 08:51 PM

To get Toxin C you have to capture the alien Queen alive. Its really difficult, because it takes dozens gas Grenades to stun her. Also I think you need an empty cell to keep her. When you have her you also get gas-grenades and rockets.

SoniG 03-04-2005 01:50 PM

yes and also one was is kill everything around it, than save!
after that u shuld try to shot it whit devestator cannon one or 2 times.. if u kill it, reload. than it will be ALOT easyer to capture it

after that, everybody in agency says: lets party :cheers:

Guest 11-04-2005 02:56 AM


Originally posted by enemy unknown@Mar 23 2005, 02:44 AM
i have played a lot of UFO and terror from the deep, but i cant understand this third game without a manual. where to find one?
The manual, along with hundres of other pc game manuals, can be found here:

Just click the little disk image to download

You better put aside a few hours tho, as this baby is 200 pages long!!!!

I myself have never played Apocalypse, but loved the 1st 2 games, so though I would give this a go.

For those that cant get it to run, try using the VDMS_Apoc.bat file to run the game and not xcomapoc.exe. Runs it fine me for me.

Anyhow, hope the link to the manual comes in handy. Have Fun :)

FishBone 22-04-2005 11:51 AM

Got a question. I remember looking in the folders of my X-com apoc (original CD version, long ago ;) ) and finding a folder with a load of images and pictures in it. Among those pictures were a load of guns and utilities I never had / found. They all had the design style of the toxic pistol, just bigger and looked awsome.

So I wonder, I read in the posts that you guys say "toxic gunS", does this mean I missed out on these superior weapons? When I finshed the game, I had nothing left to research, and all I had was the toxic pistol...

Filipsan 22-04-2005 02:03 PM


Originally posted by FishBone@Apr 22 2005, 11:51 AM
Got a question. I remember looking in the folders of my X-com apoc (original CD version, long ago ;) ) and finding a folder with a load of images and pictures in it. Among those pictures were a load of guns and utilities I never had / found. They all had the design style of the toxic pistol, just bigger and looked awsome.

So I wonder, I read in the posts that you guys say "toxic gunS", does this mean I missed out on these superior weapons? When I finshed the game, I had nothing left to research, and all I had was the toxic pistol...

I know what you mean :D

Yes, there are some really strange pictures, but they don't have any purpose (e.g. they aren't in the game)

I think that also picture for walls that are around city can be found there..

student 06-05-2005 08:42 AM

Ive used the hover bikes with the best engines and they set shoot + they die after an minute of fighting (game minute).They were flying at highest altitude. :ranting:
they got destroyed by 1 or 2 shots the same for armoredcars, tanks, hovercars, vakyries and Hawks.And one more thing WHY I CANT USE MY TANKS IN BUILDNINGS or in base defense.

efthimios 06-05-2005 09:46 AM

I think you are just not following the right tactics. Don't blame the game as arcade if you do not pay more attention to your tactics.

I do not recommend sending the valkyrie for shooting down ufos. If you check the posts in the thread you will find some very good strategies and tactics that may help you if you follow them.

AntarcticTiger 09-05-2005 01:47 AM

Try setting your vehicles to either Cautious or Evasive tactics. That way, they'll retreat once their constitution has been lowered a certain amount.

Stay at high altitude, and try to make use of the Justice/Retribution heavy missiles, or plasma weapons, if you've got elerium. I managed to fend off most alien attacks with a force mostly consisting of hoverbikes, until the battleships and motherships showed up.

Student 09-05-2005 06:25 AM

I tried but when they used defensive they were still blasted to bits and when they were set to evasive hmm... well they were not shot so often but they (The hoverbikes) didnt shoot at the ufos.
Oh BTW i managed to force down an transport (standard tactic) but ive lost six bikes (out of ten).
And another thing, to reaserch toxin B you need many alive and dead aliens (anthro...somthing,spitter,skeletoid).
As for the tactics, the solidiers always duck or prone on the ground.
I use devastator cannons and any grenades xept the smokes witch my soldiers only carry one at a time and never use them coz there is nothing worse than a pooper running out of the smoke 2 meters before you.
Ive got 2 bases (slums, warehouse) the warehouse is my research center and i defend it by wrapinding the entrance with 4 guard stations (PLASMA) and 6 cyborgs armed with devastator cannons and nades.In every batle i use cover even the johny can be my guard post.
And fialy i stoped raiding the cult of sirius in the second week because they dont have (now :evil: ) mutch money.

AntarcticTiger 09-05-2005 07:12 AM

You might wanna consider upgrading to Valkyries & War Hawks, equip them with Medium Beam weapons, Prophet or Janitor Missile Arrays & Disruptor Shields. If you don't have those, Lineage Plasma Cannons at the very least. Later on, advance to Disruptor Bombs and add on a Advanced System Control, if you can. If you're losing that many Hoverbikes just for one alien ship, you're wasting too much money.

Let's see, you need to have captured and autopsied all aliens up to Skeletoids (Spitters, Poppers, Anthropods, etc.) for Toxin B. For Toxin C, you'll need to research a living & dead Micronoid, Megaspawn, & Psimorph (the last 2 captures being fairly difficult tasks).

Try to research the Disruptor Bomb ASAP, that weapon can really change the tide in cityscape battles. The shields just enhance the survival rating of your craft.

Um, question. Does the motion scanner scan for movement at all levels? Or just the one the user is currently on?

With the introduction of the personal teleport, hunting down those last few aliens has went from difficult to hellish.

Guest 10-05-2005 06:55 AM


last time I played this was some 18 months back.. no cheat and in superhuman level.

Heres how i got good soldiers at the very first day:

Since Serus cult will prove to be the constant pain in the behind, I immediately attack their quarters armed with whatever weapons i could use.

Naturarally, sniping weapons is the best to train your guys for marksmanship. So too is a light powered pistol and a stun grenade. stun the enemy, remove their weapon, enclose him so he wont escape, and once he comes to, shoot using pistol. you get to hit him more with the pistol to gain more marksmanship.

after the mission, i restock and went back in again and again till most of my soldiers are so high ranking, they are all very ready for the Final Push.

money wont even be a problem - each raid gives you lots of $$$ selling off those loots - but I suggest to hold on to those loots and sell off in one big batch so price wont go down at once

Student 11-05-2005 08:42 AM

Whats the profit of being allied with an corporation?

efthimios 11-05-2005 09:18 AM

If they are allied with you they are not with the aliens. Plus you get more and cheaper (I think) equipment than you would otherwise.

AntarcticTiger 11-05-2005 06:12 PM


Originally posted by Student@May 11 2005, 01:42 AM
Whats the profit of being allied with an corporation?
Also, supposedly they won't hate you as much if you happen to cause a lot of property damage or accidentally kill a civilian when you're clearing a building of aliens.

Student 12-05-2005 06:01 AM

Its me again and i need :help: its the 4 or 5 week and the aliens are blasting my buildning with ufos they razed the slums and desintegrated half of the warehouse... :help: .:.::..::. :help:

AntarcticTiger 12-05-2005 07:27 AM


Originally posted by Student@May 11 2005, 11:01 PM
Its me again and i need :help: its the 4 or 5 week and the aliens are blasting my buildning with ufos they razed the slums and desintegrated half of the warehouse... :help: .:.::..::. :help:
Um, all I can say is I hope you have a Hawk Air Warrior or two. If you're desperate, outfit your remaining craft with Retribution or Justice Missile Launchers, and try to take down the strongest craft. With any luck, the missiles will be enough to take down that craft, and might convince the other crafts to retreat. Keep researching, your first goals should be to research the disruptor beams and shields. They'll help greatly.

Sinisa 16-05-2005 11:59 PM

I just wanted to say, that while I was downloading game on my slow conection, to make my time shorter, I have readed several forums abouth game and advices how to make it work on windows XP

But on my big supprise, after I installed game, it worked without any problems with all sound to, right from XP (didn`t used any other program)
just wanted to share my good fortune with you :)

Guest 18-05-2005 06:43 PM

I didnīt see it covered anywhere, so Iīll post my drop of wisdom: cleaning the city of bugs.

The aliens can obviously enter the city using ufos. They can be transported, or sometimes spread from a downed ufo. In the first case, a white... thing connects the ufo with the building, so make sure you monitor all the ufos and donīt miss those. After fighting the crafts, send your team(s) to that building and kill all the aliens.

After that, of after recovering a downed ufo, make the time advance somewhat and check the alien infiltration gaphs. Aliens donīt stay in one building, but they spread to nearby ones, so go to the map and check what buildings owned by those companies are near the building you just cleaned, or the downed ufos. Go to these buildings, check and clean them. Rince and repeat, and in no time youīll have a city without a single alien egg, giving you plenty of time to raid sirius.

Student 19-05-2005 07:53 AM

Yeah right but when i got the devastators and shealds its boring... the cultivists are defensles... and it never gives you mutch profit usualy 40 K.

Yeah Question the aliens recently captured the tehnocrats... they dont sell nothing and sutch... whats the diference :blink: .
They like to party with the ufo's or not :cheers:

Eagle of Fire 19-05-2005 09:08 PM

The Technocrats doesn't make much of a difference in the game but they are still part of the government so you'd want to protect them as a priority. Still a pretty safe faction to lose to Aliens tough.

Guest 20-05-2005 05:49 AM


Originally posted by Student@May 19 2005, 07:53 AM
Yeah right but when i got the devastators and shealds its boring... the cultivists are defensles... and it never gives you mutch profit usualy 40 K.

Yeah Question the aliens recently captured the tehnocrats... they dont sell nothing and sutch... whats the diference :blink: .
They like to party with the ufo's or not :cheers:

curiously, my cultists start getting alien tech (specially disruptor guns, devastator cannons, boomeroids and shields) just after a while I do. I think all those devastator cannons and shields I put in the matket found their way to their hands, or maybe they have a double agent in my labs :blink:

AntarcticTiger 20-05-2005 07:18 AM


Originally posted by Guest+May 19 2005, 10:49 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Guest @ May 19 2005, 10:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Student@May 19 2005, 07:53 AM
Yeah right but when i got the devastators and shealds its boring... the cultivists are defensles... and it never gives you mutch profit usualy 40 K.

Yeah Question the aliens recently captured the tehnocrats... they dont sell nothing and sutch... whats the diference* :blink: .
They like to party with the ufo's or not* :cheers:

curiously, my cultists start getting alien tech (specially disruptor guns, devastator cannons, boomeroids and shields) just after a while I do. I think all those devastator cannons and shields I put in the matket found their way to their hands, or maybe they have a double agent in my labs :blink: [/b][/quote]
Some say the equipment of all enemies are really based on your current score. I'd have to say this is true, as I know I've never sold off one disruptor shield, and I found gang members & cultists in battle armed with those. If the score of 'Student' continues to advance, soon his cultists will be armed with alien equipment.

I suppose other organizations have their own research labs and workshops. Perhaps they scour areas where recent battles took place for any alien equipment that might've been left behind by you.

Guest 27-05-2005 04:54 PM

How many toxin shots a shield can take ?

Eagle of Fire 27-05-2005 06:09 PM

Toxin shots goes totally thru Alien Shields and don't damage them. (Hint hint, nudge nudge)

Guest 28-05-2005 09:33 PM

This game was very laggy for me in the tactical combat.
Particularly when those alien used their smoke grenades.

But i dealt quite good with this problem and want to share my solution with you:

After some research I discovered that the dosbox setting "core=dynamic" can increase the performance. Unfortunately I the game crashes if i use this setting.
I further discovered that this can be solved by using dos32a .

Replacing the dos4gw.exe will not be enough. You have to set it internally, for each .exe file of the game.

I had success with the following actions:
Unpack the dos32a files (in my case "c:\progra~1\dosbox\dos32a\")
make backup of all .exe files and copy them to the \binw of dos32a (you need to run the sb.exe for each)
run command prompt
go to your binw folder and type the following commands:

set dos32a=c:\progra~1\dosbox\dos32a (but use your path;))
sb /r xcomapoc.exe
sb /r ufo2p.exe
sb /r smkp.exe
sb /r tacp.exe

Finished. The .exe files are now linked to the dos32a, copy them back to their origins.

Now there is a good chance that you can set cory=dynamic. Well, it worked for me and that means a lot :D

From 12000 cycles I could increase to 25000 with 1 frameskip. The tactical combat is a lot faster, hope it is good enough :)

Student 30-05-2005 12:25 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@May 27 2005, 06:09 PM
Toxin shots goes totally thru Alien Shields and don't damage them. (Hint hint, nudge nudge)
Are there any other weapons that go thru the shields.
Am i anoying. :bye:

konfliktPL 30-05-2005 01:39 PM

Stun grapples, stun granades. :)

Guest 31-05-2005 01:50 AM

I have a question...
I was playing then the new ufos appeared... One of then are like a medium pink disc, and the other is like a brown cake...
The problem is that my ships always got their behind kicked by those ships... :wall:
Someone has some tip :help:

AntarcticTiger 31-05-2005 02:01 AM


Originally posted by Guest@May 30 2005, 06:50 PM
I have a question...
I was playing then the new ufos appeared... One of then are like a medium pink disc, and the other is like a brown cake...
The problem is that my ships always got their behind kicked by those ships... :wall:
Someone has some tip :help:

Upgrade your aerial fleet? Hovercars and Hoverbikes won't last forever. Hawk Air Warriors armed with the best can hold off all but the Motherships and Battleships (trust me, you know'll those by their size). Keep your ships on Cautious tactics to increase their chances of retreat. Research the UFOs to gain better ships.

Student 01-06-2005 07:16 AM

Okay but i didn't found anything bout the godzilla like alien who charged out of nowhere and is destroying the city.
Ive blasted the SOB atd my question comes up.
How can i get him alive.
I seen the screen in the file.

Is there something i need to do in the alien dimension ?

Eagle of Fire 01-06-2005 12:54 PM

To have the big "Godzilla" Alien alive you must be very lucky. Second to that, you must have enough space in your Alien prison(s) to keep him alive. You can't do much to get him alive, all you have to do is hit him until he drops dead and if you are lucky it won't be a fatal wound. Killing him after the UFO's leave might help on this too.

The "Godzilla" might be a reall pain in the ... or might be a minor annoyance, depending of your luck at the time. Most of the time I encountered him he never had the chance to do anything more than destroy some of the outer walls of the city and the escorts were more the problem than him.

In almost all games, if you play a good games and deny the Aliens enough in your dimention then you should, in theory, never even meet the "Godzilla" Alien. You really need to allow the Aliens to get loose on your dimention to see him. I don't mean you play bad, but you should difinitly review your strategy and/or tactics if you see that guy often.

Student 01-06-2005 01:23 PM

Well ive seen him once but ive blasted him to bits as i said.
Ive let them loose? Yer right from the begining i shot down only those ships.

X - probes(x)
X - scout(s)
2 - Fast atack ship(s)
2 - asault ship(s)
2 - Escort(s)

X = I don't remember.

Thats all (In 12 weeks)

Recently ive shot down an large UFO (Waiting to raid)
Overspawn (ALIVE)

AntarcticTiger 01-06-2005 04:37 PM

I only happened to fight the Overspawn once, but, like some others said, that was before I decided my ships needed a whole change of tactics and armament. If you see the mothership (or battleship, I'm not sure which ones drop it), let it be until it deploys the Overspawn. I think you need an entire alien containment facility to keep it's cadaver after you kill it.

I can say that the Overspawn is the only reason I used the Griffon Tank.

...Don't you need to do the autopsy on the Overspawn to unlock something, though?

Student 03-06-2005 07:12 AM

The Megaspawn is droped from the batleship.

Ive got the large UFO it was the mothership ive sent the artefacts to my reasearch base but when it got there the base got flatened by ufos.
Next In response i shot down two batleships and two green ufos and captured one each (in the green one ive were atacked by an agresive pudle witc passed out when i used Fredy Krugers* PSI).

Whats that blue thing (SPORES?) droped from Motherships.
And what do i need to build an better combat ship.
+ How to defend my bases im equiped with 3 Hawks with Med Disruptors but i always loose at least one base AND alweys its the reasearch base full of artifacts :ranting: .

*It was his standard name !!! :butcher:

Guest 03-06-2005 07:20 AM


Originally posted by AntarcticTiger@Jun 1 2005, 04:37 PM
1 I think you need an entire alien containment facility to keep it's cadaver after you kill it.

2 I can say that the Overspawn is the only reason I used the Griffon Tank.

3 Don't you need to do the autopsy on the Overspawn to unlock something, though?

1 No only 60%

2 Yes tanks are useless against anything but i have 2 in every base so they can take some enemy fire instead the base
I dont use them on the overspawn coz the mutcha can walk of the road or eat your tank.
+ they are too slow to get to an disaster.

3 In my game it didnt unlock anything.

cake_baker 12-06-2005 07:53 PM

yes i know its bod of me 2 ask but are there any working cheat codes for the version of the game available on i have completed the game several times an would like some codes so that i can mess around in the game. All the codes i have found dont work so i'm at a loss...any help would be appreciated.

Great game by the way realt big fan of x-com series.

The Unknown 26-06-2005 10:09 PM

I red this thread from the beginning to the end. Lots of good tips and hints, thx for them. May I ask what i need to do to get those disruptor bombs and such... Im almoust completed researching that alien shield thing, and i have researched devastator cannon too... what else i need? And as a hint for the brainsucker problems, if a brainsucker pod is shot towards u, and it lands next to u ( in real time mode) stop the game when it hits ground and pick it up from the ground. the bs pod wont open. I should try the game on higher difficulty lvls, the first 5 or 6 weeks are so easy :roflol: im on 6th i believe. Im glad that i started to research the shield early, its 87% rdy and i encounter the enthropy missiles ( or w/e ) already.

Christian 28-06-2005 03:03 PM

I'm not entirely sure but I think the Fast Assault ships have disruptor bombs. The Bombers have Multi-bombs and the Escorts have Stasis bombs.

When you get the small aliens shields researched (the one for your ships) you can research the X-COM armor which will make your life a lot easier. It has superb defense and weighs like nothing. Get personal shields on top of that and your unstoppable.

And yes, the brainsucker pods can be de-activated by picking them up right before they crack open. I'm unsure though that right after you've picked them up, you can drop them and they still won't open.

pedro0930 28-06-2005 07:34 PM


Originally posted by christian+Jun 28 2005, 03:03 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (christian @ Jun 28 2005, 03:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-The Unknown@Jun 26 2005, 10:09 PM
I red this thread from the beginning to the end. Lots of good tips and hints, thx for them. May I ask what i need to do to get those disruptor bombs and such... Im almoust completed researching that alien shield thing, and i have researched devastator cannon too... what else i need? And as a hint for the brainsucker problems, if a brainsucker pod is shot towards u, and it lands next to u ( in real time mode) stop the game when it hits ground and* pick it up from the ground. the bs pod wont open. I should try the game on higher difficulty lvls, the first 5 or 6 weeks are so easy* :roflol: im on 6th i believe. Im glad that i started to research the shield early, its 87% rdy and i encounter the enthropy missiles ( or w/e ) already.
I'm not entirely sure but I think the Fast Assault ships have disruptor bombs. The Bombers have Multi-bombs and the Escorts have Stasis bombs.

When you get the small aliens shields researched (the one for your ships) you can research the X-COM armor which will make your life a lot easier. It has superb defense and weighs like nothing. Get personal shields on top of that and your unstoppable.

And yes, the brainsucker pods can be de-activated by picking them up right before they crack open. I'm unsure though that right after you've picked them up, you can drop them and they still won't open. [/b][/quote]
That's call Destoryer.....Fast attack ship is arm with meduim disruptor beam
Here's a pretty good web site with the full UFopidea

jimmy7512 03-07-2005 07:48 AM

No worries :ok: now I have downloaded the patch to stop the SVGA graphic card error and now it all works fine but I was wondering if there was a Wordpad or Microsoft word version of the rookies guide because I don't have adobe reader, the game seems quite complex and which combat is better timed based combat or real time based combat ?

pedro0930 04-07-2005 02:10 AM


Originally posted by jimmy7512@Jul 3 2005, 07:48 AM
No worries :ok: now I have downloaded the patch to stop the SVGA graphic card error and now it all works fine but I was wondering if there was a Wordpad or Microsoft word version of the rookies guide because I don't have adobe reader, the game seems quite complex and which combat is better timed based combat or real time based combat ?
It depend, in real time base the game is much more faster and you can also do some fanscy move like jump off a sky bridage to dodage a popper and stuff. Your agents also improve faster in real-time base combat.

Eagle of Fire 04-07-2005 03:08 AM

Everything is better in RT in Apocalypse. They added the turn by turn play only to satisfy the majority of the fans...

jimmy7512 06-07-2005 03:19 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Jul 6 2005, 12:10 PM
You don't want to do that. The corporation that you raid will gain a negative attitude towards you and soon you will have a visit from their lawyers.
Oh, is it ok if I raid Cult of Sirus because they seem to be helping the aliens and it's getting on my nerves and they don't supply anything so I was thinking it would be alright ?

The Fifth Horseman 06-07-2005 04:06 PM

Raiding CoS is absolutely justified. These punks worship aliens as gods and deserve to die. Besides, they will always be hostile to X-Com so a raid or two won't change anything for worse.

DakaSha 06-07-2005 07:29 PM

i always raid the 2nd strongest gang (psyke i think) from the get go... they can be a great cash giver... you can sell those drug thingies that they have laying around thier bases for 4500 a pop. they WILL attack your bases though so be prepared... you can also get weapons from them that arnt being sold yet

mini rocket launchers
plasma pistols

pretty cool. just have to be ready to fight them

AntarcticTiger 07-07-2005 11:44 PM


Originally posted by christian@Jul 7 2005, 02:14 PM
Someone said that he couldn't use a Blaster Launcher. That's correct, since those guns fires brainsucker pods which is pretty useless against aliens.
I wonder if it's possible to use those effectively in CoS raids...

...Do they affect androids? I never bothered to figure that out.

The Fifth Horseman 08-07-2005 10:01 AM

AFAIK, not. Droids have awesome PSI-defence, BTW.

PrejudiceSucks 08-07-2005 03:58 PM

Huzzah! Robots! Very, very useful due to their enormous strength and better shooting accuracy (to begin with, anyway).

Eagle of Fire 08-07-2005 06:20 PM

Yes. As stated somewhere in this thread way back, robots are extremely usefull at the beginning of the game. They are extremely sturdy and less prone to have fatal wounds. More importantly, they are also very likely to survive a walking bomb explosion from point zero, which make them extremely usefull to save the hide of the other human members around.

Usually I always take 3 squads of 4 in a mission. On each squad I always try to keep one robot for a minimum.

When you then manage to keep casualties low, robots slowly become obsolete because a human develop way further than any robots are built to be.

PrejudiceSucks 09-07-2005 06:55 AM

If they raid my base, do I fight a base defense mission?

If so, should I set up Security Stations all around my access lift?

Christian 09-07-2005 05:56 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Jul 9 2005, 06:55 AM
If they raid my base, do I fight a base defense mission?

If so, should I set up Security Stations all around my access lift?


It's hard to describe a good base defense without pictures but let me tell it like this: enemies often start in your hangars or at your access lift so you'd probably want to build a few of those around there.

PrejudiceSucks 09-07-2005 06:31 PM

Are Security Stations any good?

Christian 09-07-2005 07:02 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Jul 9 2005, 06:31 PM
Are Security Stations any good?
The first security stations aren't THAT good. They provide some extra plasma fire but plasma don't do that much damage in Apoc. The advanced security stations (which you'll get later) uses disruptor tech which is much more useful. One note about security stations is that they don't aim to well, but they shoot very fast, so if an enemy gets close, he'll surely die.

Overall: adv. sec. stations are pretty good.

pedro0930 13-07-2005 03:06 AM


Originally posted by christian+Jul 9 2005, 07:02 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (christian @ Jul 9 2005, 07:02 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-PrejudiceSucks@Jul 9 2005, 06:31 PM
Are Security Stations any good?
The first security stations aren't THAT good. They provide some extra plasma fire but plasma don't do that much damage in Apoc. The advanced security stations (which you'll get later) uses disruptor tech which is much more useful. One note about security stations is that they don't aim to well, but they shoot very fast, so if an enemy gets close, he'll surely die.

Overall: adv. sec. stations are pretty good. [/b][/quote]
er....without a security station you won't even get a chance to fight in your base
the whole base just disappear
and a single security stations can slow down the advancing aliens(or human) a lot
Sometime even wipe out the whole squard, it depend on the diffculty level you are playing

AntarcticTiger 13-07-2005 04:28 AM

Just keep 2-6 soldiers in each base. Leave them there in combat training, arm them with toxiguns, devastator cannons, and the usual, since toxiguns are worthless against human raids. Surround the Access Lift & and Hangars with Advanced Security Stations. Unless the enemy is packing some serious explosives, they're not likely to survive devastator shots from ALL directions.

Before the attack, put your engineers/scientists in groups together, your base soldiers in one (or two) groups. When the battle starts, evac all the scientists/engineers to the farthest areas. Place your soldiers just behind the security stations, get into the prone or kneeling position, equip a weapon, and pick the invaders/raiders off from a safe distance. There's a good chance that the enemy will be too occupied dealing with the security stations to notice your soldiers.

You could even use Dimensional Launchers to bomb the access areas if you wanted to.

Student 13-07-2005 07:41 AM

When i played on the easy lvl. those things didnt even shoot at the enemys and even when they did... they shot only one at a time with no amaizing ROF.
I placed them in many places but to no efect (around the lift and near the bay).

you dont need security stations to defend the base just troops.
you can have the whole base built up by those and you will still lose if you dont have any personel in your base.

Christian 13-07-2005 09:30 AM


Originally posted by Student@Jul 13 2005, 07:41 AM
When i played on the easy lvl. those things didnt even shoot at the enemys and even when they did... they shot only one at a time with no amaizing ROF.
I placed them in many places but to no efect (around the lift and near the bay).

you dont need security stations to defend the base just troops.
you can have the whole base built up by those and you will still lose if you dont have any personel in your base.

It's probably because you didn't play the game in Real Time. The security stations fire very fast in Real Time.

Christian 13-07-2005 09:33 AM


Originally posted by AntarcticTiger@Jul 13 2005, 04:28 AM
Just keep 2-6 soldiers in each base. Leave them there in combat training, arm them with toxiguns, devastator cannons, and the usual, since toxiguns are worthless against human raids. Surround the Access Lift & and Hangars with Advanced Security Stations. Unless the enemy is packing some serious explosives, they're not likely to survive devastator shots from ALL directions.

Before the attack, put your engineers/scientists in groups together, your base soldiers in one (or two) groups. When the battle starts, evac all the scientists/engineers to the farthest areas. Place your soldiers just behind the security stations, get into the prone or kneeling position, equip a weapon, and pick the invaders/raiders off from a safe distance. There's a good chance that the enemy will be too occupied dealing with the security stations to notice your soldiers.

You could even use Dimensional Launchers to bomb the access areas if you wanted to.

Yeah, Devastator Cannons are your best friends when defending your basses. You don't want to blow up too much since you'll be paying for the repairs (at least I think so) and because of the fact that your scientists might die if you don't keep them far away.

Try to evacuate all your scientists as fast as you can by the access lift. If it's too far away, hide them in some living quarters or storage facility so that they can't be found. This can be made really fast if you're playing Real Time.

pedro0930 14-07-2005 12:06 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Jul 13 2005, 03:25 AM

er....without a security station you won't even get a chance to fight in your base
the whole base just disappear

Completely false. The factor here is having Squaddies in the base at the time of the attack.

If you don't have any Squaddie then you will lose the base without a fight, even if you have security stations.

ya right, there's a time when I play in Easy level and my new base has no agents at all
just 1 ST, and that single ST wipe out all the alien (the aliens got force field by then) (I make all my scentist run for the access lift and control the last one to hide from the incoming a feeling of play some kind of RPG :bleh:)

Eagle of Fire 14-07-2005 12:37 AM

Well, Scientists and Engineers count as squaddies for the base defense mission.

If you are lucky enough to get all the Aliens killed by your defense system, you successfully defended the base.

Even at the lower difficulty setting tough I would never risk doing that.

Quazi_ru 24-07-2005 03:32 PM

dunno if this question was asked (it's lame to read about 20 pages :bleh: ):
Why doesn't Apoc load the saves? :yawn: (the saving process happens, but when i go to the loading list - it's empty)

P.S. I use VDMS

The Fifth Horseman 25-07-2005 11:37 AM

There are a few files in the Apoc directory where the path to the game dir is stored. If the one stored is different then the one you have, change it to match the current one.

Sharp 05-08-2005 07:01 PM

Well, Eagle of Fire was right, the game is good if you pretend it has nothing to do with UFO: Enemy Unknown. It is a bit stupid though, to be honest youd expect Marsec or Megapol to deal with the alien threat, seeing as they have more weapons and money and probably have better and more scientists. Also stupid as how your supposed to be a secret organisation, yet after start up if you buy lots of stuff like me you get the funny sight of having a flotilla of auto-trans going right to the base (but never coming out again :ph34r: )

"Hmm lots of auto-trans going into a slum, must be another secret base getting set up"

Fun tactics are using lots, i mean lots of hoverbikes.

Also, im not too sure why the game even bothered implementing ground vehicles, all they do are die, quickly, generally to the road being destroyed underneath them more then anything else.

Also, Valks are only useful against the first two UFO types you get, I only use the Valk really to stop the scouts from deploying troops right at the start.

First thing you do in the game, put your scientists into research. Equip all your soldiers with guns more related to thier attributes, then use your Wolfhound to raid your nearest Cult of Sirius building. Oh and dont forget to sell your Stormdog, its completly useless and money better used for better equipment.

One thing I found out the hard way, is that you need a vehicle with a cargo bay to get equipment from tactical zones, not much good sending in two pheonix's when neither of em had a cargo hold. Only way to get loot when using a vehicle with no cargo hold or if its just soldiers and no vehicles (talk about desperate) then you have to manually pick up items, big movement loss for soldiers which isnt good mid-battle (except for androids which you should weigh down just to slow em so they dont go to fast then the rest of the squad).

A good tactic when raiding cult of sirius, you only need 8 people, two squads of 4. Generally at the start of the raid the cultists will be above ground and most mainly in one or two rooms. Hopefully the squads should start nearby each other, clear out the first room you see, then get one squad to be in prone position nearby the door, not to close though. This creates a really good killzone, then get your second squad to go through the other doors (usually two doors in one room) and clear out that room, then send both squads to clear out the final room (there are usually 4 rooms i think) First time i raided though my squad who were in prone just got rid of all the cultists.

Now I dont know if anyone else was stupid as me, after my first few raids I thought the gravlifts in the temples were just for show, mabye some weird ceremony of sorts, after spending around 10mins clearing out one temple on the top floor searching for the last damned cultists I found out that the gravlifts actually lead to a basesment (even more stupid as I already found they do that in other buildings when trying to find aliens) anyway, there may be some skulking round there, but they tend to be in the top floor first.

When they were in the basement though they were just in one corridor right in the corner, there were around 4 of em which is why they werent retreating like what normally happens, however a good ol android (Matilda :bleh: , big ugle face as well but dont tell her I said that) armed with an autocannon and HE ammo made short work of em, nice narrow space and all clumped togther, one of em was the rocket launcher one as well, luckily he didnt fire and i got a free launcher and ammo :Brain:

Oh, one thing that i do disagree with Eagle here, the rocket launcher does kick behind, kills aliens and cultists in seconds (well early aliens anyway), however I found out on the recieving end, one of those damned cultists fired two rockets at Robbie (Robbie the Robot :cry: my favourite android) and managed to finally fell him.

Now, I used to use a lil cheatish trick on Apoc when I first played it, whenver aliens attacked or I saw an organisation which had any level of infiltration I then saved the game and sent hoverbikes with a single agent or a pehonix with 4 to every base the infiltrated organisation owns and see which one has the aliens in em, (sometimes trying to complete the mission with lone/team of agents sent if it it was the first base checked) means you dont lose rep if it was the wrong base, however it is a bit of a low tactic.

Now a fun thing to do is raid some of the major corps early on, one favourite of mine is Marsec, they have really really nice equipment, not good to war with megapol, thier fleet of cop cars can kick behind. And if you attack thier bases they send SkyHawks after you.

Sharp 07-08-2005 07:32 PM

Ive found an easy way to solve all elerium troubles, just go and raid Solmine, just keep on raiding em til you get the desired amount, then feel free to put plasma weapons on all your vehicles. Solmine dont do a lot to retaliate.

Also for fun you can try and go raid Transtellar, and they have lots and lots of cargo, all the real corps are much better for loot then Cult of Sirius, even the criminals have loads more, though I dont like raiding slums that much, quite tricky and lots of places to flush out.

Raiding Marsec is good as well, you get all the advanced weps and armour as well. Although Marsec armour isnt too useful (except the torso's but those are rarer in raids)

One thing ive yet too try is raiding corps like SuperDynamics, il probably try it by the time anyone awnsers but do you get anything from them like fusion powerfuel or engines, if so there probably worth raiding as well.

Its quite good turning the city into one big warzone, a warzone which aliens like to frequent often but a warzone nonetheless.

Eagle of Fire 07-08-2005 07:42 PM

The problem with raiding TransStellar is, unless I am mistaken, they also control the transit system of the city. This mean that if you are in war with them they'll refuse to let you use the mass transit system, which mean that you'll have to manually go get each of your recruit squaddies and that you will never receive your new scientists/engineers.

Acolyte 09-08-2005 11:56 AM

If you are at war with Trans stellar you cant transfer goods between bases and that can be anoying if you have the large lab in x and the : captured alien, superweapon etc. in base y.

X-COM Apoc is an good game even if you put it between the other games from the UFO just changed.
This change was needed.
It's still UFO but it was not an copy of Enemy unknown like Tftd.
Tftd looks like an MOD witch only changes some graphics and names.



chrisliss-deep one

Laser rifle- Gauss rifle

and so on.

the biggest modification gave some new tech and that some water weapons can't be used on the surface and surface weaps can't be used underwater.

Microprose was trying to grind more money from the same game with minimum cost.

strangelove 14-08-2005 11:28 PM

:D I love this game! :D

I even own the original but unfortunately the CD got scratched and I couldn't play it anymore. Thanks a lot guys, it's great to be able to play it again because this is my alltime favourite game. I know that other xcom addicts consider it the weakest of the series (ignoring the entirely non-xcomish spin off games which were dire) but this one really was the one that got me hooked. The graphics weren't anything amazing when it came out but they are still serviceable and you can quite easily tell what everything is, no ragged pixels the size of a fist here. The enclosed city location isn't quite as fun as the slowly spinning globe of the first two games but it's still a great setting and makes for some unique and interesting battlescapes! I'd have to say that this is one of the best games I've ever played and nothing has swallowed so much of my time other than maybe the various versions of Civ. Battles become incredibly tense as your squads face ever increasing alien forces as well as traitor human forces. I can't resist adding an anecdote just to demonstrate how utterly fantastic this game is, hope nobody will mind.

3am, I should have gone to bed four hours ago but I just can't stop playing. I've nearly researched everything I need to know to turn the fight back against the aliens and take the fight to them. All of a sudden Marsec and the police subvert to alien control. I guess I missed a few of those alien incursions! The next thing I know there's virtually no way to buy new equipment worth having and cops are shooting at anything that leaves my base. All of a sudden I'm sending squads of rookies into police stations and hurling incendry grenades everywhere while my tougher squads raid Marsec and face some pretty tough security guards. Fantastic, it wasn't scripted, it wasn't level 10 or anything rubbish like that. I'd just missed too many alien invasions and all of a sudden the city was as lethal as the aliens themselves. I was forced to battle the deluded or brainsuckered remains of humanity whilst scrambling to build sufficient forces to launch a counteroffensive. Needless to say, by the time I had turned the fight around the birds were chirping outside.

If you've never played it, or you've downloade crap versions in the past that don't work correctly rest assured this one is definitely worth a download, works perfectly. Thanks again guys, this is one piece of gaming nostalgia that will be remaining on my HD forever!

Stanley 20-08-2005 08:59 AM

:Brain: First of all I wanna thank Founder!!!
It has been 8 to 9 years since I been looking for this Dos game. Last time I was so regretted in lending my friend my cd as he said he lost it.....Any way I am from Singapore I thanking you from bottom of my heart u uploading it. Thanks a millon for All Time Favourite.

For those who using Dos box.. I figuring out that if u use a XP + Pet 4 Processor it would be slow and fast for some weird reasons after I optimize its performance.

I would recommend u to create an win98 OS in your PC/ (or you have more than one PC in your storeroom). It works just like 8 to 9 years ago when i playing after high school.

As for Regards of saveing games.. under the folder 'Xcom3' after unzip. Create a new folder call 'Savegame'.

Have fun. Cheers :ok:
God Bless Earth
And Lets kick some aliens behind.

Link 21-08-2005 11:37 AM

First of all i wanna thank everyone involved in providing downloadable version of this amazing game :kosta: (i accidentally throwed away my orig ver. during spring cleaning).
I've read this thread up to page 21 and havent found the answer to my problem. I always played the tact game in TB, i found it more managable and ammo friendly (tips: reserve some TU before ending the turn so you can kill those brainsuckers and poppers during alien turn and use aggressive stance). Now my problem is that the computer crashed/running real slow during alien turn only in alien dimension building. :cry: I was wondering if any of you have the same problem or might have solutions or possible solutions. Thx for the help. :ok:

oh btw i ran the game in xp and it ran smoothly (missing those amazing in game music :whistle: ) and if any of you having trouble with research / advance strategy try gamefaqs

Stanley 22-08-2005 12:33 PM

This is a version thats older slightly than its retail version, or perharps the creator remove the music to play some mp3s while playing.

"link" your faq is kinda disable....

if you have enquires of playing this game;

Cheat. Under research for bio storage to be manufacture by engineers. click the back button, and press enter, click the back button and press enter, u will see the $$ doubling itself. and you can also keep press the enter button consistently if u are only using PC and not laptop...

Runaway from your unit brainsucked. press the button lie down and furious mode. humans are quite weak in getting into battles. In your later games have your so-called robo cop(Arnoid), you will find them superheros not in killing aliens but not easily mind controlled.

Prevention to Aliens Incursion to city+ less alien infiltration+ less aliens to kill in your homeland. Use only Valkyrie, Hovercar, Tank + equipped with some weapon controls accuarcy. Plant them in the buildings that surrounds the prism. Once they came, Kaboom... the aliens are so *dirty word* shock you are holding an ambush against them.

Organization you dont wanna offend, transteller; noone will transfer your goods and x-com will so unoperational. Government, whois paying your wages. cult of suris, dont bother to rail their base so soon, make use of the later alien tech to destroy their buildings, keep doing that 20x and they will turn unfriendly to neutral.

If u do not want to end the game sooner, i suggesting your hold an attack using your new developed X-com aircraft to rail their home land's aircraft. So whois the alien now. hehehe :max:

Dear friends there will be extra items/weapons if you play Superhuman.


Eagle of Fire 22-08-2005 02:55 PM

As said somewhere earlier on this thread by me, fighting against brainsuckers is easy; when your unit is being brainsucked, quickly stop the game and go in another soldier inventory and switch to the soldier being brainsucked. Then give him a a small human grenade in his hand and prime it to 0 before droping it to the ground. All this will take no time and will happen miraculously in an instant.

Since your soldier is in armor, the grenade might injure him slightly but it will never kill him. The brainsucker won't have that chance tough, and this work even if you have a shield (in that case you take all damage to shield).

If you have a soldier which will get brainsucked no matter what, make sure you use the 3-5 seconds left to throw everything away which could arm your teamates. Either that or order him to remove his armor and shoot him.

Sharp 01-09-2005 02:17 PM

I love the ability to wield dual weapons, started a new game and after doing the initial buying/selling and equipping malarky I sent two agents to kill some Cultists and grab some loot.

The two agents were equipped with two law pistols and had a clip each spare, one set of grenades, and a medikit. I decided to make it sort of secret agent style so I had the agents in seperate groups, wasnt the greatest of ideas as all the enemies started in one room, and there were only two rooms, one with an agent each.

So in the first room my agent is just blasting away with dual weapons, its a 1 vs 5, but hardly any shots hit as the cultists are fairly crap shots, also seeing as there were so many targets for my agent it wasnt hard to hit one of em.

In the meanwhile my other agent is entering the battle room and all hell is breaking loose, smoke grenades everywhere (courtesy of cultists of course) one unlucky cultist happened to be by the doorway facing the wrong way and my other agent filled him with lots of bullets at short range.

Luckily the said cultist was also wielding a plasma pistol, so my agent puts away one law pistol and grabs the plasma pistol and starts giving out hot plasma death to the other cultists.

Though the other angry cultists were shooting a lot of shots at that agent, they also started chucking 3 grenades simultaneously which lead to my greatest scene in the battle, there was a hole blown from the wall in the top floor my agent jumped down just missing the deadly grenade blast.

Meanwhile my dual lawpistol wielding agent was running out of ammo as she was firing for a helluva long time, so my agent on the bottom floor graciously chucked a spare lawpistol with a fully loaded clip to my agent.

Unfortunately the agent on the bottom floor fell vitim to two well placed stun grenades, however due to all the stun and smoke grenades being chucked around the room most of the other cultists fell unconcious, this just left my one agent facing off 3 cultists.

However she then ran out of ammo for both weapons, running to the nearest dead cultists though she picked up one machine gun, then another machine gun and some spare clips, she then was dealing out lots of bullets very very inaccurately, however having two machinguns firing full auto, although not going to win the marksman award did lead to the agent to spraying hot metal slugs around the room, fortunately hitting the two remaining cultists, the last cultist standing did as all cultists do when getting thier behind whooped and started panicking, my sole concious agent then ran up to the panicking agent and pumped the doomed cultist with a helluva lot of bullets.

So the moral of the story, dual wielding is fun, as well as sending out few agents when raiding, this doesnt work well against alien raids as you dont want any aliens to flee and you usually have to search a huge area. Also, just remember when raiding to send a vehicle which can store cargo instead of a hoverbike so you only get what you pickup from the battle.

efthimios 01-09-2005 03:04 PM

If you use two weapons at a time (carry) then your accuracy should fall very much. I prefer to have one weapon and in rare cases also one grenade. It is fun wielding two but at what cost?

AntarcticTiger 01-09-2005 06:32 PM


Originally posted by efthimios@Sep 1 2005, 08:04 AM
If you use two weapons at a time (carry) then your accuracy should fall very much. I prefer to have one weapon and in rare cases also one grenade. It is fun wielding two but at what cost?
It may be costly ammo-wise, although that won't be a problem once you research devastator weaponry, since it's ammo self-regenerates.

It's quite fun to see a bunch of ammo streaks fly in the enemy's direction, as well.

Besides, auto-fire was used quite a lot in the original X-COM, due to general crappy accuracy regarding the use of aimed shots.

However, once you get ahold of those disruptor shields, chances are you'll stop using dual wielding.

I miss this game. I can play it on my computer, but, later on, the game freezes randomly in battles, both in buildings and in the air. Perhaps due to the introduction of a sound effect, a lot of things running at once, or a graphic, who knows, but, I'm forced to completely reboot my computer afterwards. It gets annoying, especially if it happens every 5 minutes.

Sharp 02-09-2005 07:05 AM

As far as I know dual-wielding pistols isnt actually that bad for accuracy, my agents were doing devestatingly well against the cultists, however it is very ammo consuming but it is really cool to do.

All i wish for now is that you can run and shoot when wielding pistols, that would look awesome.

Disruptor guns are good as they have no ammo, but they are terribly inaccurate if you dual wield them, however hold two together and go behind an unsuspecting enemy and it acts very much like a power sword in killing in a hit, also power sword kicks behind as well, useful for the lone agent, but unless your raiding MarSec early on then you wont get it for a few weeks, and against aliens at that time its quite useless, not to mention cultists will be rocket launchering you all the time. (Once youve got cloaking though, the weapon becomes very uesful again)

Also vehicles dont kill themselves, however you can set the altitude vehicles fly at, to do so select the vehicle and i believe it is on the middle in the vehicles tab button, next to the behaviour. High altitude stops debris from killing vehicles and allows makes aliens shoot up in the sky instead of blowing up the city shooting at the floor and damaging any roads.

Also later in the game you should not use the Valkyrie for combat, it will die really easily as it cannot manoevre well and gets shot easily, by later in the game i mean after the first week where you get new types of UFO's with more deadly weapons.

Also when launching vehicles if a hostile is nearby they tend to try and shoot through any buildings, this can cause nearby buildings to destroy your vehicle, especially if you have vehicles armed with say the retribution missile. To avoid cases like these, on launching select the ship that has the desructive weapon and tell it not to fire that weapon, to do this on the vehicles tab when selecting your ship just simply click on the weapon icon near the bottom left.

efthimios 02-09-2005 08:28 AM

I play the battle turn based. So far I have yet to be out of ammo for any of my troops. I will always have an extra clip but apart from some rocket launchers kind of weapons I don't remember ever having to reload a gun.
I don't know the % regarding drop in accuracy but since I can't use them at the same time I see no point in that. :blink:

Great game.

Guest 02-09-2005 09:10 AM

Thanks for the advice, sharp. I already experimented with the altitude control but the Skyranger stubbornly ignored me. I could swear that on the one or the other occasion the thing actually followed the roads intentionally :blink:

Anyway, I'm a poor chap so my fleet consists of rather primitive fighters:
1 APC Wolfhound (0 Kills apart from the occasional passing Sirius Taxi)
1 Stormdog (I really should sell the thing)
5 Hovercars (They are cheap and useful, also so far they have managed not to get killed (with 1 exception))
2 Valkyries (Number 2 was bought before the Hawks became available, I couldn't wait any longer for additional firepower)
3 Hawks, all armed with retribution, 1 with janitor and the small alien weapon and two with a lineage plasma cannon.

Still I had a hard time downing the ufo I'm just boarding; I suspect its type 6 or 7 and probably the first one with the green psiglobs lurking around. (Description: It's got at least two doors which are one storey high, the walls are radioactive green and there are 12 agents sitting / proning / standing in front of them waiting for something non-human to emerge :evil: )

Efthimios: The sole reason while you never had to reload is because the soldiers do it themselves :D
Anyway I only use one weapon (devestator at the moment, I'm just working at the biological warfare) since my soldiers fit in one of two categories:
A) Born marksman: Ridiculously accurate even when using automatic, also extremely strong and fast and thus packed with tons of explosives if the necessity for a ground zero should arise (I just drop loads of explosives from the top level since it costs nothing tu wise)

B) A complete behind: Can still miss the target when standing right next to it - preferably when it is vital to kill it - can only carry small amounts of extra equipment and would be unable to move if he / she / it wasn't wearing a complete marsec armour. Is also unable to throw explosives of any kind, grenades tend to get stuck in the agents nostrils blowing him and his squad to very tiny bits or, should the armour hold, they stay in one bleeding bruised dying bit which spends some time patching itself up and then leaving the combat area pretty damn quickly. Or, alternatively, they go sniff a stun grenade and spend the rest of the mission fast asleep while the other squad does all the fighting (I usually operate in 2 big squads to stop the B-class trooper from getting killed)

Sharp 02-09-2005 11:18 AM

Thats the one bad thing in the ammo consumption, the ammo you can buy is limited. Possible ways to solve the problems are, raiding Marsec (cant buy any more wepons or vehicles, cept Turbo Bike) or raid MegaPol (also, cannot buy some weapons) but the best way to get ammo is to raid the cultists.

When raiding cultists its better to use a squad of 4, that way you really only have two rooms to search and depending on the map there is only one room with gravlifts.

And guest (you should register, or at least put some name), im quite surprised youve managed to buy two valkryies to use in combat, when I use them, they tend to get shot a lot and if they dont die they take ages to repair. Also, a stormdog, thats just crazy, waste of ammo and fuel and it will die as well (not to mention getting roads destroyed so you wont be able to take your APC anywhere).

Apart from landing/taking off the valkyrie should conform with the altitude you put, just make sure your not mixing them around with the behaviour one, aggresive vehicles tend to be wreckless.

Also you should really get hoverbikes, armed with a rendor plasma gun and possibly a small accuracy unit, they do quite well en masse.

Also good to see you use the same tactics as me, camp outside the doors and wait for them to come out. Good way to avoid getting poppered as they usually come out first.

Nice to see you have born marksmen, just make sure thier psi-def is high as green blobs are scary psi powerful. They get taken out by androids quite easily though at close combat with full auto weapons.

Lt. Razak 02-09-2005 12:18 PM

Ok, I'm the ominous guest. I did enter my name the first time but I don't think it did any good...

Anyway, I personally keep from raiding Marsec and Megapol. I never had them as enemies but it was annoying enough to have psyke around raiding my base every two days when they were infiltrated. I can't begin to imagine if all those police cars - excellent decoys - would start shooting at me when I engage ufos. Also I think it would be quite a nuisance if every police car coming down the road past your base would take a few pot shots at it.

Besides Megapol has enough problems already, I just saw how Psyke levelled a hospital with 2 hovercars ... the whole hospital was gone before even the first police car arrived on the crime scene...

About the flyers:
There are several possible reasons for the survival of the fleet
- they are all set on 2nd lowest altitude and 2nd highest caution-thingie so they keep well away from the ufos
- I'm playing on medium since I never actually finished this game and since it has been a long time since I was last able to play it. All I remembered when starting again was "raid sirius" and "grenades! take plenty of grenades with you"

Apart from that, I always recall flyers as soon as they are moderately damaged or when they get themselves in trouble (i.e. they get surrounded by several alien craft) Also, I have too few vessels to attack multiple enemy craft at once, the whole fleet engages one target, if its downed and the other ufos decide to stick around in my town they get a walloping as well :evil:

Infantry tactics:
Well staying outside is the best way of removing poppers from the fray. I always want to go inside just for the feeling of it but then I have to wait outside as wave after wave of aliens crashes against the x-com cliffs :wall:


I seem to need some advice on the real time missions. I just tried it and floated around with a squad of 4 soldiers (the other 10 are wounded). The effect wasn't too amazing, I just told them where to go, tried to throw grenades (which went off too early or too late) and designated primary targets.
The result:
An entire apartment needs refurbishment and new windows
I almost lost one of my only two shield generators (still producing them like mad but it takes too long)
One of my soldiers will spend quite a while in the hospital
A civilian was incinerated when a vortex mine went off having travelled only a quarter of its route
And a panicked (!) anthropod made a viable attempt on the live of one of my Catergory A soldiers (which he regretted once the whole squad was right on top of him (literally) set to agressive auotmatic fire...)

Can you give me any hints how to reduce casualties and how to get organised more effecitvely... I doubt I'll be able to handle more than a single squad the way I do things now...

Abi79 02-09-2005 02:56 PM

OK. Here's a hint. When you first start a mission (it doesn't matter if real-time or turn-based) don't (I mean DON'T) enter a room. Just stay outside and wait at the door. After the aliens stopped coming advance very fast through the level to kill every alien. I usually enter in rooms with 4 or 5 guys while the other wait at the door. That's what I'm doing right now in a hospital. I don't know where the last alien hides, but I'll find him hahaha :evil:

NOTE: half of the hospital is destroyed due to my amunition (HE and IN). :evil: and I've still got three grenades for the last alien.

-Come out, come out where ever you are, slimy alien.
-Graah !
-Where did that sound come from ? Hmm... I know: the second floor. Everybody go there ASAP. Do I make myself clear ?
-Sir, yes sir !

Sharp 02-09-2005 03:26 PM

Pause, pause frequently in real-time, you can still give commands to all your troops while paused. One thing which can be good or bad depending on situations is that agents take initiative unlike turnbased where its very much you have control over all the agents.

Also for grenades, im pretty sure you can set them to explode on landing, I usually set them for around 1.75 seconds as thats enough time to tell my soldiers to get out of there if its a mis-throw.

Pausing is the way to make your squad survive. The good thing about real-time is that you can do more effective squad tactics such as pincer movements, and you clear rooms far more quickly.

Just run it on slow time and you should be fine. One good thing about real-time is that you dont have to be there for the battle either. I can remember when doing a mission against a crashed UFO I had four squads guarding the only exit, had a sniper team at the far back, a machine gun team nearby and a heavy weapons (Autocannons) team close by and my raid team (just incase any aliens decide to stay in the craft)

I saved when they were all in position and then put it on fastest and left to do some....erm....stuff.

End result as I came back, lots and lots of dead aliens, no casualties on my part, a good mission finish. :ok:

Another tip in real-time combat, when facing brain suckers, go into prone and they cant suck your brains, if you do it when they go-mid jump they fall unconcious on landing.

BeefontheBone 02-09-2005 05:19 PM

Use a medikit on him to stop the bleeding, or leave the combat area to stop him dying - that's one of my favourite little tricks in fact.

@Abi - I changed my mind, and reckon it might be good fun. Those two threads have made me want to play XCom again :D

Sharp 02-09-2005 05:44 PM

Only takes a few seconds to heal crit wounds using a medkit, just make sure you have the medkit selected and you click on the body part that is red. I was confused for quite a while when first playing Apocalypse as i kept trying to get other agents to heal my injured agents.

Agents can only heal themselves. When it shows green on the bodypart on the box in the top-right when you have a medkit selected then it means that the agent is healing that area currently, keep the agent inactive as in not moving and not shooting and in realtime a few seconds later you'll have an uninjured agent again.

The main reason why your agent didnt heal is as you said, he was hovering so im assuming you had him hovering in mid-air, ever tried to heal yourself in midair, it wont turn out pretty, soon he will drop to the floor, cept he will be dead.

I find its best to treat agents like vehicles, when they get moderatly damaged you should send them to the exits so they dont die or take ages to heal.


I hate searching for those last aliens, though I use motion scanners more now, except for its terrible on the maps which have like 8 floors.

Sarge: Ok where's that last Alien SOB then
Pvt. Peters: *whips out motion scanner*
Motion Scanner shows 3 dots advancing Aliens style
Pvt. Peters: erm Sarge, there coming right towards us.
Sarge: Ok you Alien bitches, time to go UFO:Enemy Unknown on your raggedy-behind (damn you forums for turning @ss into behind)
Sarge starts blasting at the roof with AP Autocannon
Popper lands through the ceiling
Sarge: ........ oooohhhhh Fuuuu**
Pvt. Peters: ... I love you Sarge

Lt. Razak 02-09-2005 06:28 PM

My midair-guy was actually healing (the body part was green) himself but he wouldn't stop / finish. Anyway, I think I'm getting the hang of realtime though it is draining my small amounts of toxine B rather quickly (So far I managed to make 3 Tguns, 9 Bclips which are gone already). Still, I lost one shield and was able to replace it thanks to a bit of marksmanship, a brilliant engineer and man's ingenuity when it comes to killing.

Mapwise my favourite are slums; especially the one with the bridge. Thanks to a hint I read earlier in this forum I now watch UFOs to see where they beam down troops and engage those ASAP, so ive got nice and small maps. Still, sometimes rather heated battles erupt if there are too many aliens in a small space so Diablo got rather pissed of when I tore down a bridge with the exception of half a stairway. Well, at least most of the anthropods literally dropped dead when most of the structure collapsed after taking several vortex mines. Tough luck, though, for those civillians (crowds of them) that were running around below the bridge.

Well, real time makes the camouflage-thingie a real necessity so I'm working on that now; in the meantime I'm still taking hits from everywhere while I can't see the (camouflaged) enemy. Well, onto battle :Titan:

Lt. Razak 02-09-2005 08:32 PM

Yeah, also watch ufos (on slowest time) once you have unleashed your fleet. You can see where aliens are beamed down and - once you recovered any downed ufos - you can clear them out before they spread or cause problems.
However, make sure you send enough soldiers. I just had a nightmarish mission with 3 soldiers (1 with shields) in the slum forest landscape. Entropy missiles melted the equipment of one soldier, the next got wounded and the third fell victim to a strange bug: His devestator was convinced it suddenly had 34 rounds and refused to fire... I had to abort, I'm trying again now, the same 3 soldiers but this time its the big building with a helipad and stairway further up on either side of it.

Wish me luck :sniper:

Edit: I finally did it. Turn out you were correct, sharp... he my trooper pretendet to be healing himself for a full 2 minutes before I lost patience and - ignoring the brainsuckers (the launchers seem to be in again in the alien community) - land. Ironically he was hovering right above a grave but once hel landed, it took him about 5 secs to get sorted and rejoin the fray... good thing, too because before that I was operating with one trooper...
Still the operation was costly enough; my last shield was destroyed and I have only one healthy soldier left (ignoring the 10 soldiers guarding base number 2, I hesitate to send them anywhere because they have 0 experience, inadequate equipment (i.e. no marsec body armour) and .. well .. I can't be asked to work with idiots again..)

Lt. Razak 03-09-2005 06:21 PM

I think so, yes... but sometimes its worth it :sneaky:

Edit: About real time:
Do you ever split up? So far I only sent in 1 squad of 6 (3 toxiguns, 3 devestators) so that my soldiers spawned together and then split them into 2 squads (1 per weapon type) and found a nice place to fortify my position. I'm wondering if there is another way, something more effective and safe. Turn based seems to be a lot safer in some respects, if it wasn't for those disruptor shield I captured thanks to the toxigun I'd have a lot of casualties during every mission.

Sharp 03-09-2005 07:56 PM

Ever get annoyed of having to clear out every UFO when it crashes? Sure you get lots of loot so its worth it, but sometimes you just dont have enough soldiers, a very simple solution I have devised.

When the UFO you dont want to investigate is low on health, by low I mean a little bit before it starts to crash, have a vehicle armed with a retribution or justice (make sure you have the weapon as off at the start) activate the missile. Then even if the UFO is crashing the missile will track (and the UFO wont be able to evade or shoot down the missile) and obliterate the target.

Also destroying Temple's of Sirius will lower your score, unless you are getting frequently attacked by them then you should really leave the Temples alone, heck Cultists are my main source of income, not good to destroy them.

Lt. Razak 03-09-2005 08:08 PM

Hmm what happens if you just ignore the crash site? I mean, the UFO wreck is destroyed by the crew (they proably eat it :D [Captain, I'm sick of the navigational array! - Oh shut up and eat faster!] ) and thats it for them. Or does that affect the score or infiltration in any way?

Mentioning infiltration: Is it possible that not only those organisations where you actually see aliens being beamed down but also a few random ones can get infiltrated with each UFO invasion? I'm just tearing down a synthemesh construction yard (for the good of the people of course :angel: ) although no UFO ever came near it.

About the temples: sure you get less loot if you ruin those freaks but where's the fun in it if you've just got a calendar telling you that every friday at 1500 hrs its time to raid sirius to earn some money? I'm actually thinking of buying some griffon armours to burn down a temple when I feel like it. Of course I have to wait until my quantum phyisicists get SOMETHING done; i.e. until i've got Annihilators.
By the way: Can anybody tell me what I need to research for the big quantum physics lab? I'm still stuck with the small one and my folks have been working on the cloaking device for days now and are just at 50 %

Abi79 04-09-2005 08:49 AM

Big quantum physics lab ? I didn't even know that something like that exists. :D

Now to my question: Energen got infiltrated by aliens 16%. I discovered which building was infiltrated (Corporate HQ) and went over there. I stunned every alien (I'm that good :Brain: ) and after I won I returned to base, but the infiltration level is still 16%. Why ?

Sharp 04-09-2005 08:57 AM

Might take a while for infiltration level to go down, if its still high then do another investigation.

And yes, if you leave a wrecked UFO then the aliens can still infiltrate, though on a smaller scale. They destroy the UFO and then attempt to go the the nearest building(s). Also if aliens do beam down to a building and you take a long while to get there, then they can go and ifiltrate other buildings, they will also attempt to infiltrate other buildings if they manage to retreat from a battle.

However just because aliens enter some buildings doesnt mean they manage to infiltrate it, some aliens just seem to die, once had a small scout beaming down on a corporate HQ, after getting some other UFO wrecks and battling I came back and investigated, no aliens there, investigated all buildings nearby, no aliens. Also on the alien infiltration graph there were no aliens, so I think that mabye the building security force managed to subdue the aliens. (Or possibly no-one was actually in the scout, or mabye there were beaming somebody up???)

Cant remember the tech for large quantum lab, i think its Alien Engines, Energy and Navigation, possibly some UFO's as well. Dont know how youve managed to get to cloaking before getting the lab, you must have some really bad pyhscists.

Abi79 04-09-2005 01:14 PM

Infiltration level going down. Yepeee.

*After 2 days*

-What ? THe infiltration level is going up ? Argh, I knew I should have intercepted that UFO first. Send some people over there now !
-We can't. They are all wounded since we raided that temple.
- :hairpull:

I think we should make a X-Com - Abandonian Apocalypse tread LOL

Lt. Razak 04-09-2005 02:17 PM

I finally finished the cloaking device and already fieldtested it in one of the local temples. Worked pretty well, now I'm engaging some aliens infiltrating S.E.L.F. or the Mutant alliance... can't remember. Anyway, they just appeared out of nowhere since the graph shows nothing and the city as been clean for days.
My new tactics are to fly to infiltrated buildings immediatly after the battle, then unload cargo / pick up ammo and fly to the downed ufo (I usually get only one). That way infiltration is at an all-time low and since there are less aliens to kill I actually managed to produce enough toxine B for permanent use... another dream comes true :evil:

Anyway, I've got the best scientists (total skill of 497 in a small lab) but there's too few of them. I'm working on the Ufo types again and I'm already recruiting more geeks and soon my second small lab should be finished. I want to get into that other dimension again.

Oh yes, about alien structures (I dimly remember some): When I destroy the UFO factory there won't be any new UFOs in the game right? So no more invasions in my city, no more giant fleets of UFOs cruising in the other dimension (provided Í shoot them down first :sneaky: ), correct? Right now I feel like giant dogfights and I'd hate it if the enemy ran out of craft before I've had enough fun...

Sharp 04-09-2005 05:34 PM

To get a large quantum physics lab you need to reseach alien energy sources. Quite suprised you havent got to it yet, especially seeing as most of the tech you will be getting needs a lage research facility.

If you get the cloaking device, you should arm one agent with it, have the agent equipped with a power sword and some High Explosives, then simply cloak, ambush some cultists, stab the lone ones, and the ones in groups just lay down an Explosive and run away.

Trust me, by the time you get to the UFO Factory, you will be wishing you wont get any more UFO's, Battleships are not very friendly.

Lt. Razak 04-09-2005 06:30 PM

I haven't met battleships yet :) Anyway, I'm getting very suspicious of the medium difficulty, the aliens seem to conveniently wait until the day after all the damaged x-com craft have been repaired. And since Valkyrie 2 was almost destroyed - the health bar was 1 pixel high - during the last encounter, I had a quiet and scientific week.
I'm working on the propulsion system at the moment, another wrong guess I suppose. I'll start on the energy source next, thanks for the hint.

After being able to use the cloaking field (I had a mere 100 pcfs in store by the time my scientists finally figured those things out) my real time tactics made the final transition towards the 'fat bastard'-mode; my 2 squads of 6 (now all with toxigun, pcf, disruptor shield and something for pyro effects) just find a nice tower or corner to sit on / around and wait. Then I switch of all the pause messages, set on double time and play a browser game on another computer. That usually sorts those aliens out :whistle:

Anyway, I don't ambush people, I just brutally gun them down with vastly superior firepower. Also, there is one Sectoid-Hybrid with a mind bender tied to her leg. When I need a scout I send her. She has been able to convince some aliens to drop all their stuff (explosives all armed) and run towards the rest of her squad.
Still, the psi control lasts less than a second, guess she needs more practice (Power 40, strenght 32, defence 38; she spent a lot of time in combat training so she could defend herself and keep up with the rest, now she's assigned to the psigym)

Edit: About battleships: What do they look like? Is it, by any chance, a purple disc (usual meaty texture) with a dome on top? By sheer coincidence I just have two of those and two green ones (with 2 domes) flying around my 2nd base burning it to the ground. So far I've lost the garrison of 10 soldiers (died when they tried to run to another building) and a few scientists (biologists) were killed when the building collapsed over their taxis (I transferred most of them to the main base, but quarters are full). Miraculously, those few scientists which had to stay behind in the building are still alive. After using almost all my heavy ordinance (including 2 retribution and 2 justice missiles) and heavy casualties (fortunately on megapols side, the attack was staged near a megapol arms factory and now there is a dozend (or was a dozend) police hovercars taking part) I've downed one purple UFO... now fire's being concentrated on a green one...
I'm just glad I have some financial reserves, I never really wanted to know how expensive repairs to a base are :ranting:
And there's nothing more depressing than loosing points for damage to the city and knowing that that was your base... :cry:

Now then, I have some alien invaders to repel :Titan:

....gits...morons... mongs....arghh :pissed:

Edit 2:
Final result:
One purple and one green UFO downed
A few Kilotons of alien equipment captured
A Megaspawn being gently encouraged to give me information as I write :whip:
10 dead soldiers - zero practical experience but they'd spent weeks in the training area...they couldn't have been that bad to deserve to die like that...
6 dead biochemists (4 got away via Taxi)
- 534 points for 'damage to city', that's a bloody third of the damage penalties I have accumulated so far :omg:

At least they didn't infiltrate anything, they were too busy burning down my base....

Edit 3:
My god! My god! My god! My god! The aliens are REALLY determined to flatten my base! Not 50m away from two really fat UFOs and one of the purple ones came out of a portal. How do I get rid of those fat bastards? (Description: Really fat, orangy-brown colour, have a big (!) red spot as a symbol on the static map). How on earth am I supposed to shoot them down? I just gave one of them all I had in store in terms of firepower (after a brave police car had downed their shields before being vaporised :eeeeeh: ) but I barely scratched them. After a while the aliens seemed to decide that they wouldn't want to risk the paintjob on their mothershipthingie and retreated :Brain: What am I supposed to do...? (5 days 'til I've got the big Qphysics lab, provided the base lasts that long :help: )

Abi79 05-09-2005 09:39 AM

Simple: just buy A LOT of vehicles which can shoot retribution and justice missiles (assuming you've got money). Also buy some ground vehicles and give them anti-air missiles. Also also ( LOL ) if you have many air vehicles tell them to go to that big space port thingy in the center or north of the town and when the UFOs come launch them from there.

EDIT: And next time play on novice, like me. It's strange, but aliens have stopped coming. I wonder why ? :evil:

EDIT EDIT: Ten to fifteen pink UFOs are heading towards my base. Scramble all vehicles.

Eagle of Fire 05-09-2005 10:09 AM

Don't try to tackle the biggest Alien ships until you are ready. And this usually mean when you have your own Xcom made crafts with Alien plasma tech to back you up. And don't forget the shields.

Until then, buying a lot of Hover Bikes to keep that big floater busy (and of course flying at highest altitude to get the shots from the Alien ships to the sky instead of the ground) might help you somewhat.

I just hope they don't want to level your base(s) right on because if it's the case and you can't defend yourself, you're pretty screwed. No base mean gameover.

P.S.: Don't use ground vehicles unless you really want to waste your money. I tryied them once and I don't see how they could even hit a barn in a corridor lost in the middle of nowhere while they are running straight at it. :rolleyes:

Sharp 05-09-2005 10:38 AM

Battleships, they are big and red and can kill most of your vehicles in seconds. The big purple one with a dome I believe is the Alien Escort Ship, it doesnt actually have any proper firepower except for a very annoying missile which disables your vehicles which make them easy pickings for any other UFO's in the area.

Also, 10 to 15 UFO's ???? You must be really bad at killing them then, UFO's which manage to retreat will just come back to haunt you with more buddies.

The only ground vehicle I use is the Wolfhound APC, and thats only for raids as it can hold a lot of equipment, its more efficent fuelwise then the valkyrie.

And I dont know how youve managed to make your valkyries survive in battle, they dont have a lot of armour and hitpoints and they get shot at easily, I suppose you could arm them with duel retributions and tell them to return to base after firing thier shots. Leaves more space for your skyhawks with more conventional weapons.

Abi79 05-09-2005 10:46 AM

After I deployed my Hover Bikes (~20) and my flying cars many of the UFOs retreated :huh: and only 2 brown UFOs and 3 pink UFOs remained. I downed the 2 brown UFOs and 2 pink UFOs, the other retreating. Now I'm attacking a downed brown UFO. Wish me luck.

BTW, they were trying to destroy my base. Every UFO was heading towards it, but their luck ran out.

@Sharp: I'm not bad at killing them, but I haven't been attacked 1 and a half week(s ?). (and I counted them again; there were only 9 UFOs; I looked on the minimap and saw ~15 because there were some Cult of Sirius vehicles around the city; I gotta attack them more often)

Lt. Razak 05-09-2005 01:10 PM

I couldn't agree more... play it, play it, play it :D

Anyway, THOSE are the battleships then, nice to have finally met them. My Valkyries had the occasional brush with death, still they were lucky so far.
Against the battleship I used
6 Hawks, weapons:
2 Retribution
2 Justice
6 Prophet
2 Lineage
5 small disruptor beams
1 rendor
2 Valkyries, weapons
Lancer 7000, Janitor
3 Hovercars, weapons
Bolter 4000, Janitor (Janitor has been replaced by rendor)
Well, thats my fleet. And I can't afford any more ships right now, I'm desperately working on alien UFO-tech and I'm still building the big Qlab. 4 days left.

P.S.: Stationing my fleet at the starport might be a good idea actually. However, once some UFO flew over it (a type looking not particularly dangerous) and leveled a quarter (2 Landing pads + road, launch sites an perimeter wall) of the starport. It took 5 days to rebuild and transtellar was pissed . And I still don't know what happened. The UFO just flew by while my fleet was still in the process of launching...

The Fifth Horseman 05-09-2005 01:24 PM

Well, I played the game a fair bit through the weekend. Go VDMSound!

Right now, I am on third week (second difficulty level) with a couple of killer soldiers and a lot of hardware, but all of the sudden a horde of UFO's is coming out. And more advanced ones too... ouch. I just hope my 23 soldiers will stand to the task (one psi-mutant freshly recruited, abour 14 humans - some with killer stats - and the rest androids).

The trick earlier described with the stun grapple raids on allied organizations did really work. It takes some time to do right, but... I did it a few times on Psyke. Lots of goodies.

Also, raid Sirius with four soldiers only with Medikits/Stun Grapples. They do really well, if you don't go right in the line of fire. CoS got really busted on the very beginning, these morons... And don't forget the "dirty" full-scale assaults on their temple... lots of kills, explosions and incendiaries... :evil:

Lt. Razak 05-09-2005 03:28 PM

I'm just finishing the 8th week. So far I have about 20 to 25 dead soldiers. The only recent casualties were those 10 poor soldiering souls hit by the collapsing northeast tower of my base during the alien attack. I can't decide who was worse off, those soldiers or the 4 top scientists sitting in their taxis trying to evacuate while the garage caved in. :cry:

I've just started researching the inter-dimensional probe, hopefully soon I will need neither valkyrie nor hawk, neither lineage nor retribution but all alien stuff mounted on an annihilator.
:boxing: bring it on, alien scum :karate:

Oh yes, if you want nice cityscape fights with lots of explosions, just watch the "illegal vehicles"; the raids staged by the criminal syndicates. Great fun without getting penalized for it.

Lt. Razak 05-09-2005 04:09 PM

Oh be quiet, you :D

Anyway, I have to report another Fat-Bastard-class UFO. Represented by a big red spot (on the tactical map) as well, but its a very flat cone or dome with kind of scales. Also there are things that look almost like lava flows on top of it... I wonder what that might be...

I've engaged it now, it appears to have good armour and unusally strong shields. And I can't decide, either either its wobbling up and down at a very high frequency or its... pulsating :eeeeeh:

Well, so far it doesn't seem to care about my base. A battle ship hovered over a school for a while - I was half expecting some independence day laser show flattening the entire building - but retreated to the other dimension.
Above the city, battle rages, brave warriors fight in merciless combat the enemy, the alien intruder from the 5th dimension :D

Victory! I took the SuperUFO down to 50 % before they were able to retreat. Just a little more firepower and I might be able to down one of those gargantuan craft :Brain:

Abi79 05-09-2005 06:32 PM

:kosta: <Lt. Razak> :kosta:

I decided after I captured those two UFOs to recruit more brave soldiers and to destroy those aliens infiltrating Energen. The aliens just keep coming and coming like they have no tommorow (which they actually don't :evil: , but that's another problem)

EDIT: I read somewhere that if you'll increase the difficulty you'll get more items. Is that true ?

Sharp 05-09-2005 06:52 PM

Having troubles with nasty aliens??? getting hassled by the odd cultist?? Being the victim of criminal attacks???

We have the anwser to all your problems. Buy the new MiniLauncher from Marsec. Its the lightweight gun which deals with multiple situations.

Not the most best shot in the firing range??

With the new Marsec MiniLauncher each missile homes into the target using advanced computer guidance chips meaning you dont need a lot of accuracy to kill with this baby.

Difficulty hitting moving objects???

The Marsec MiniLauncher has an incredible turnrate to chase your target round corners, those cultists have nowhere to hide.

Want to make those criminals suffer???

Buy the new IN missile from Marsec and make those criminals burn.

Aliens terrorising your hallways??? Citizens in peril nearby who shouldnt be shot at??

The Marsec MiniLauncher comes with upgradable missile types, use the new AG Missile and deal out biological warfare at those alien scumbags while keeping civillian casulaties at an all time low.

This mesage was brought to you buy Mars Security .Marsec do not garuntee that missiles will hit specified targets, also Marsec do not sell AG Missiles, those will have to be researched and produced seperately. Batteries not included

Lt. Razak 05-09-2005 06:56 PM

Well I'm only on my second run into the game (never finished the 1st one as the computer...died :cry: ) and I'm playing on medium difficulty. Knowing myself I won't have played that 'high' the first time but I wasn't missing any items back then as far as I know. I had X-Com-manufactured armour, toxiguns with c toxins, cloaking fields, disruptor shields, loads of insane flyer-weapons... I really doubt that there'd be fewer items in lower difficulty levels. If there was a rule like that, it would work the other way around, anyway... and I'm still missing the C-toxin... now you've got me really worried :crazy:

P.S.: Just realised something: Do you mean that with a lower difficulty level you get less loot? That might be possible if only because there'd be fewer aliens / mission and they'd have 'lighter' equipment. (Take my last psicontrol-victim for example: He had a devestator and 4 (!) Boomeroids on him. Well, 0.25 Seconds later he and 3 of his colleagues went out with an amazing quadruple-explosion but that's beside the point. Maybe on your difficulty level he would have had only 2 boomeroids and would have to be satisfied with a mere big explosion to perish in instead of very ugly and nasty explosion like I could offer. So you see, aliens, if you want to die properly come to me and I guarantee you the death of a lifetime! No refunds! :D

efthimios 05-09-2005 10:28 PM

I like those ads LOL.

I have a question, since the city in Apoc is the last one (I think) does this mean that there are no more habitable places left on earth? Is sea available? (not in the game of course but the "world" of xcom at this time frame)

Lt. Razak 05-09-2005 10:58 PM

Anyone got any hints on base defence? My 2nd base was just "infiltrated" by one of the volcano-UFOs... the dogfight is still continuing but I had to fight of the invaders. Lost 6 Scientistss which were hiding in the ablutions in one of the quarters, they were overrunned by 6 - 8 skeletoids. :cry:

I'd also like to comemorate that brave soldier who after going the wrong way assaulted the 9 humanoid aliens from the rear and dropped a vortex mine seconds before being killed by enemy as well as friendly fire. The explosion set of a chain reaction (whoever said poppers weren't good for anything, just as the mine went off, one entered the fray ) which killed all the aliens in that area and took down quite a few brainsuckers as well. :tnx: :bye:

Well, Volcanoclass-UFO has retreated, again I brought it down to 50 %. At least I've got people working on bigger weapons now... well I had people working on those new weapons but they had a little freak accident involving a small washroom, a toilet, 5 other colleagues and half a dozend skeletoids. Yes, a science career with X-COM certainly isn't boring... or lasting. :bye:

....and I spend weeks collecting such top scientists in anticipation of a bigger lab...

Eagle of Fire 06-09-2005 01:54 AM


Apparently you play on superhuman you get unlocked items, cant say ive actually tried that yet.
I'm not 100% sure, but the "unlocked items" are probably the teleporters and some minor items you don't have an absolute use for. Nice to have them anyways.


Anyone got any hints on base defence?
Defense rooms next to the lift usually help a lot. Keeping your repair bay together help a lot also, since the Aliens always come in the base from those two points.

The problem with defending a base is that you don't have the soldiers and the equipment you choose yourself, you have to do with what you've got. If you have a lot of scientists/engineers in the base, this could leave you with only two or maybe even a lone team of soldiers to defend the rest. You do, however, have a limited power on how to deploy them in the base.

Basically, you have two choices; you either sort the teams so all the engineers/scientists are in the last teams all together without any soldiers, or you assing a soldier to each team to defend the scientists/engineers and concentrate the rest in a "defense team" which roam the base. I myself prefer the first way.

By sorting the scientists/engineers in the last teams, they usually get deployed in secluded areas of the base like the restrooms or inventory rooms, which limit the danger they have to face. While keeping them "hidden", you can at the same time rush your team(s) of soldiers to the access lift to secure the area. Once this is done, secure the area your scientists/engineers need to cover to get to the lift (and to safety) and escort them out of the base. When completed, you can concentrate on killing the opposition like any other missions.

If you end up with very few soldiers in the base, intelligent use of boomarang will probably save your hide better than trying to 007 your way around the base. If you already have access to personnal shielding, you could 007 your way around the base anyways, taken you take your time and don't waste your shield(s).

The Fifth Horseman 06-09-2005 08:57 AM

I went on a couple _BIG_ raids to Psyke (raiding them gives most Psiclones of all gangs, see), and ended up with enough cash to buy out all Hawks avaible (_AND_ equip them with the best guns money can buy for them too). Well, that was enough to (after a couple reloads) send most of the UFO's crashing. One of those "bubble" thingies has managed to escape, but the other few were totally downed.

Sharp 06-09-2005 09:18 AM

Security Stations automatically target and fire on hostiles. If you have no agents in the base though you will not reach the battlescape, you will just lose the base.

I use a tactic where I dont have to worry about scientists or engineers, I haul em all in a base (with all the advanced laboratories and gizmos) and keep the acess lift surrounded by security stations (advanced when researched) and the base will not have a vehicle repair bay. All you have to do is send the skeleton staff to the security stations and barricade the entrance with mines and firepower.

Also Bases which dont activley attack dont seem to get attacked like in Enemy Unknown. However I do have a base which has the sole purpose of launching and repairing vehicles, 5 Repair Bays, 1 Adv. Security Station, 1 Living Quarters, 1 Store for weapons, ammo and fuel and two heavily armed androids as security. Now two soldiers as base defense might seem very weak, especially for a base which launches a fleet of vehicles actively. However the only way opposing forces can win is to defeat my lone squad of androids. These androids thanks to android super strength carry enough armaments between them to level Mega-Primus. And thanks to android superhealth they practically count as 8 soldiers by themselves. By heavy armaments I mean HE's, Grenades, Prox Mines, MiniLaunchers (available from your nearest Arms Factory), Boomeroids , Devestator Cannons, Heavy Launchers and once Tech increases, Dimension Missiles and Vortex Mines. Who needs Toxiguns when you can blow hostile forces into pieces.

Other hints for base defence, protect scientists by sending them to the nearest security station and telling them to crawl so they cant get spotted or shot at, leave one soldier crawling and looking at the entrance just incase. Try to keep active combat soldiers away from techies, if you have a security station which has soldiers on top shooting away but also has techies crawling then you may be met with the odd boomeroid or two which doesnt fare to well with scientists who have no armour.

Lt. Razak 06-09-2005 09:43 AM

Well I haven't got the advanced sec. stations yet - never had the time to put some research into those - but I though the scientists would always spawn in their labs (it always seemed to be that way in my last game) so when i built the big labs I left a gap between the main complex and all the scientists to be filled with sec stations. (Last time those stations didn't do any real damage, they just became a target for explosives, however, they kept the enemy occupied until they had an accident involving 2 X-COM squads and a heavy disruptor-barrage)

Well thanks anyway... I won't be able to play for a couple of days so I will put your theories to good use some time later... bye :bye:

Sharp 06-09-2005 10:03 AM

I think scientists spawn in squads in the laboratories and/or the living quarters. Agents spawn pretty much anywhere except for the repair bays and security stations i believe.

I dont like raiding Psyke much, as I hate slums, i do raid the odd Osiron warehouse time to time netting me some good armaments, and as another plus they tend to reciprocate and get mauled by my security stations while giving me lots of loot.

The Fifth Horseman 06-09-2005 10:30 AM

The trick is... I've allied with Psyke and equipped all my agents with Stun Grapples. This means about 23 or so people, some of them really crack stat ones. No ammo expenditure, Psyke doesn't get hostile or retaliate, and their dumb sentries just run around like headless chickens. When you nail down the correct "chock points" to move your troops, stunning all of the Psyke fools is just a matter of time. These raids net me a lot of weapons (in fact I have to sell some of the guns - but NOT ammo), AP grenades (I sell most, again), Psiclones (always sell) and an occasional part for Marsec armor too. A raid like that can easily crank out 20-30 k of cash.

AntarcticTiger 06-09-2005 02:15 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Sep 6 2005, 01:34 AM
They won't fire at all if you have no Squaddie inside the building. The base will simply be destroyed without a fight, just like in the 2 other Xcom games.
Is that so?

I remembered being raided once, having only scientists and engineers in that base, with the entrance surrounded by the advanced security stations.

Sharp 06-09-2005 04:01 PM

Mabye it will still work then in bases which have staff in them. Its rare for any one of my bases to be void of any xcom agents.

I dont think psiclones do anything, except for to be sold. To be honest ive never tried equipping one to an agent and using one. Who knows it might improve psi-skills or give a morale boost.

So Horseman, this stunning trick on allies, allied securtiy wont shoot at you? And they wont decrease in hostilities??? If so raiding Marsec's and MegaPol's arms factories should be fun, especially when they have weapons that may not be available to xcom yet.

Abi79 06-09-2005 04:16 PM

They have weapons that are not available to X-Com yet :w00t: I'm starting a raid right now :evil:

Sharp 06-09-2005 04:41 PM

Depends how far you are in the game.

For example in the first week you dont have access to Plasma Pistols, however raid cultists and you get them, raid MegaPol and you get even more.

Raid Marsec and you can get Heavy Launchers, MiniLaunchers and can even find the odd Marsec armour laying about. However one drawback with raiding is that the advanced weapons are usually being fired against you. Also you wont be able to buy ammo for your newfound guns and can only get ammo from raiding as well.

If you raid Marsec you get really cool weapons but having Marsec as an enemy is not a wise choice.

The Fifth Horseman 07-09-2005 11:31 AM


So Horseman, this stunning trick on allies, allied securtiy wont shoot at you? And they wont decrease in hostilities???
Exactly. I did that several dozen times.

A little question - can the androids be brainsucked? Logic dictates no, but then they shouldn't be vulnerable to sleeping gas either (and they are)

Sharp 07-09-2005 05:24 PM

Ive never had androids brain sucked. I also havent ever had androids requiring medi-kits. Either they dont need medkits or for some strange reason they never receive critical damage and can be killed without it.

Also androids are useful no matter where you are in the game. Early on they are easily your best agents against both aliens and raiding, midgame they make great sentries for research/manufacture/storage/vehicle bases, mid-game and end-game they are easily your best Heavy Weapons Agents as they can be fully loaded with heavy items yet still run faster then your human agents and when I mean heavy weapons im talking about missile launchers which dont require a great deal of accuracy.

Also Solmine give a lot of elerium :D

Honestly instead of corps you can be hostile with there is really a shorter list of corps you cant be hostile with. These corps are....

MegaPol - Police Cars shooting at your vehicles constantly is not good when trying to fight aliens. Also not being able to procure vehicle equipment.
Goverment - Unless you somehow are able to fund yourself the goverment should not be made hostile with or you will lose a lot of funding.
Marsec - Cant buy thier guns, armour and ammo, more importantly you cannot buy thier vehicles or equipment and you cannot get the latter two from raiding unlike the former three.
Transtellar - Cant transfer anything except vehicles between bases, also cannot get scientists/engineers to bases, although the Space Port is a goldmine for raiders.
Super Dynamics - You cant buy or loot fuel or engines which can force you to have to use the people tubes to get to aliens, and the only equipment you can get as loot is the equipment your agents manually pick up from the battlescene.

Some of the other corps are pointless to raid, although Solmine are a great way of getting elerium, and nanotech if for some reason medkits are becoming scarce.

efthimios 07-09-2005 08:48 PM

Is there a quick way to disable that damn blue creature that smokes from its behind and explodes when get next to your troops or when shot?

Christian 07-09-2005 08:58 PM


Originally posted by efthimios@Sep 7 2005, 08:48 PM
Is there a quick way to disable that damn blue creature that smokes from its behind and explodes when get next to your troops or when shot?
Armor-piercing and explosive ammunition detonates the Poppers explosives when firing on him, so use laser weapons or toxic ammunition. (or stun him, of course)

Sharp 08-09-2005 04:45 PM

Lasers, Plasma, Disruptor, Stun or Anti-Alien works against poppers without exploding them, of course when there in the doorway of a UFO and theres a bunch of other aliens nearby its always fun to try and blow em up.

As you should know, launchers dont actually require any accurcy at all, and most androids have extremly high stregnth, also when chucking grenades and HE's and other explosives they can launch it further.

Of course you can get troops near the end with really good stats, except for youll want them with devestator cannons to use with thier really good accuracy, also they probably wont have as much health, androids on the other hand start with near max health, meaning they can get into big firefights, launch big weapons and end the big firefights with a big bang without dying or suffering too much.

Dont bother equipping a conventional weapon to an android (unless it does have fairly good accuracy) and you can have a walking weapons platform, to me they replace the tanks in UFO: Enemy unknown, except for they are more agile, more accurate, and have far more firepower.

Also androids are immensly cool when duel wielding two heavy devestator cannons, although accurate veteran humans are much better as long as they have the stregnth to carry them.

Eagle of Fire 08-09-2005 08:43 PM


Is there a quick way to disable that damn blue creature that smokes from its behind and explodes when get next to your troops or when shot?
When you have a squad selected, right-clicking on an Alien will make the squad target that Alien in particular in priority.

The best way to keep Poppers down is Toxigun. Before that, kill it before it reach you. If it is impossible, select an Android and make it run toward the poper while the rest of the squad run away. This will hopefully keep everyone in your squad alive, tough most of them will be hurt. The Androids usually easily survive such a blast.

Sharp 09-09-2005 05:28 PM

Also when you press shift and click on an alien thats called force firing which seems to be quicker then reactions, though it might mean soldiers reactions dont train up as much. Its also good to use force firing when aliens start using smoke grenades to cover assaults, get 3 men armed with disruptors to force fire the entrance/where shooting is occuring from and you will hopefully get a lucky shot.

AntarcticTiger 10-09-2005 08:59 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Sep 9 2005, 10:28 AM
Also when you press shift and click on an alien thats called force firing which seems to be quicker then reactions, though it might mean soldiers reactions dont train up as much. Its also good to use force firing when aliens start using smoke grenades to cover assaults, get 3 men armed with disruptors to force fire the entrance/where shooting is occuring from and you will hopefully get a lucky shot.
Force firing is also good if you wanna blast walls or natural objects. This is best done with a Devastator Cannon, due to ammo recharging capability.

Useful in areas with thin walls, as you can make multiple entrances into a room and do pincer attacks.

Also good if you're uncomfortable about having your squad members entering a room 1 person at a time.

Note that you can also fire into the ground to blow a hole under you (provided there is another floor under you), or blow holes through the floor in the upper levels.

PrejudiceSucks 10-09-2005 11:11 AM

Or just blow up whole slums to kill off all of the aliens, although the Government doesn't like this.

Just throw a couple of demo charges around on the ground floor (and pray that there aren't any civilians around the corner) and job's a good 'un, really.

Stanley 11-09-2005 01:17 AM

A good x-com agent does not need high stats for his killing physical stats, in later part of game leadership and psi control makes the game more fun to play with.

PSI Advance theory - there are 3 kinds of psi humans possess. Strength, power, defense.

Strength refers to how long u can control the alien/enemy.

Power refers to how much sucessful % penetration you can achieve to succeed in mind bending.

Defense refers to mind defense control, example androids do get panic easily and mind control by brain suck is diffcult to achieve.

PSI = mind bender comes in 4 functions: mind control, Stun unit, panic unit, probe unit.

mind control- works succesfully with panic units.

stun unit- works pretty like stun grapple withour close combat to collect live specimens.

panic unit- the kind of panic you give can uncon and disable the unit. collect his weapon and stand on top of it.

probe unit- check out this stats and weapons, cool

Mind Shield can be raid in Marsec

works 100% defense against all attacks dealing PSI. 0% effect dud

Next topic shall be Tracer motion scan of units. TATA :cheers:

Sharp 11-09-2005 08:37 AM

Erm I thought it was Psi-Energy, Psi-Attack and Psi-Def, Psi-Energy being how long you can do your psychic attacks, Psi-Attack being the effectivness and Psi-Def being defensive against Psi-Attacks.

Apart from that looks good :ok:

Awaiting the next topic eagerly.

Sharp 11-09-2005 07:28 PM

And now I have the same number of posts as Abi79 :D

hmm, this looks too much like spam, not lets see what Apocalypse related stuff are hanging around in my head......

Ah here's one.

Pressing Shift+M when you have one of your vehicles selected will put the vehicle in manual, however apart from finding out that page up and page down increase and decrease speed, im a bit stumped on how to fly me vehicles.

Any expert pilots here???

Com Guard 13-09-2005 07:12 AM


Really great game. I loved UFO and spent many long hours and sleepless nights playing it. Not so keen on Terror from the deep.

I'm running this game on a pentIII 98SE machine and have had not problems with it apart from one major annoyance...... it won't save games!!! :cry:

I've tried in missions, I've tried on the main screen and it just won't save. Sure the screen pops up with all those empty spaces so I click on one do the enter and......

NOTHING!!!!!!! :ranting:

I look and see if it is maybe on the load game screen and..........


Can anybody help me please as I can't have my computer running 24/7 just for a game.


BeefontheBone 13-09-2005 10:12 AM

Yeah you need to create the SAVEGAME folder in the Apoc directory. For whatever reason we tend not to put the cunning blank text files to create those folders in the zips.

Sharp 13-09-2005 06:37 PM

Seriously, anyone know how to fly vehicles in manual (fly well I mean).

I know all you have to do is select the vehicle and press ctrl+m but all i seem to do is make by hoverbike go in circles, though it works well for making vehicles go loads faster by pressing pdg up, really useful when making vehicles go to UFO's or alerts or something.

Sharp 15-09-2005 05:05 PM

The best way to deal with incoming UFO's is to camp outside the dimension gates, once you get the funds, sort out 3 fleets (prefferably with thier own base just for ease later in the game), have each fleet at each dimension gate (not directly next to the dimension gate as both aliens and your ships have a tendancy of blowing up buildings and managing to kill all other vehicles).

Check every few hours or so to make sure the gates are nearby your fleets and the gates havent moved, then once the aliens strike just launch out your fleets at the UFO's, generally the UFO's only come out of one gate so get your spare fleet to either split and assist both other gates, or go for the highest priority target first.

Your highest priority should be infiltrating capable ships such as the early scout, the transport, assault transporter etc...

Then secondary objectives of the escorts i.e. alien probe, alien escort ship etc..

Check infiltration graphs and try and deduce buildings aliens have infiltrated by looking at previous infiltrations of buildings and see if the suspected corps are nearby, aliens move from building to building.

Gearz 15-09-2005 06:53 PM

Greetz! Great Site!

I am having some problems running Xcom3 in XP SP1.

I've tried DosBox 0.63 but it runs very poorly, even at 9000 cycles, more cycles don't help and the frameskip makes the mouse cursor choppy.

On win95 compatibility mode I can see the intro logos well and not choppy at all, but when the titles end, my monitor turns black and says "Frequency over range".

Please help me dudes. :help:

EDIT: I did check those other posts, there are different problems than mine.

SECOND EDIT: Problem solved with patch from Settlers 2 forum on Abandonia!


Just get the file winxpfix.exe from here and follow the instructions.

It's a Settlers 2 page but works for Xcom3. This game is cool, BTW. :max:

Don't forget to set the 5 executables in the folder to windows 95 compatibility and maybe 256 colors and 640x480 resolution, depending on your configuration.

Lt. Razak 16-09-2005 02:51 PM

Ahhh I'm back and I played on for a bit.

The results:
My taskforce consists now of 24 X-Com agents (highest rank captain, some stupid android who spent most of his time at basecamp replacing wounded soldiers... got no clue why he of all was promoted) and tours 2 dimensions in a biotransport
I briefly had a dimension probe, however it went K.I.A. when engaging a battleship over the city. (A last effort by the aliens, type 9 and 10 UFO together, both downed before they could beam anybody down :Brain: . When I briefly visited the other dimension there were a lot of probes around but nothing bigger than class 6 (or there about) was left)
Also I'm using partial disruptor armours by now (legs, primarily for the 10 new recruits I used for the biotransport since they are so light) and I've got a single retaliator cruising about. During the Class9/10 attack it took several potshots but it did its job very well although its only equipped with a notoriously empty disruptor inversion bomb launcher and 2 small disruptor beams... I'm building new weaps as fast as I can but my engineers can't cope with the immense workload they face.

By the way, I found some teleporters (by now 80) on "medium", disproving the theory that they are only available in superhuman. Still, I never heard of the "mind shield" before and its not available on the market. Could somebody give a description of it before I send an entire marsec security force to bed.

About androids: Later in the game they're just a nuisance, they stay comparatively slow and soon humans overtake them provided they live long enough. My casualties are at zero by now so I'm considering to kick out all those andros replacing them with humans and psihybrids.
About psi: I still got my single brave psitrooper, by now she's fairly capable although she can't keep the enemy under control for very long (all psis just above 50). What I always do with my psibuddies is make them look around and drop everything they have. Explosives are activated with 0.25 secs delay and I tried to fire a dimension rocket once. However I don't know whether I can keep control of people long enough to do that... the only attempt so far ended when the victim was shot by 4 aliens at the same time. :D Well, those 4 aliens spontaneously combusted .1 seconds later when about 8 boomeroids jumped at them at exploded with the enthusiams one usually can expect from them. :evil:

Nevertheless, the battle continues, the loot is big, the 3rd base under construction and the retaliator is planning an excursion to the other dimension... basically a worst case scenario, fully equipped it shall fight through 3 dozends of probes and other small ships boosting my morale while shattering that of the aliens... also, I expect quite a lot of loot when my biotransport cruises around and just collects all the debris (even if I have to fight, my agents are theoretically able to fight through 5 big ufos before running out of ammo... and then I still have explosives and any weapons I recover during those earlier missions. I could keep going forever or until the cargo hold is full :Titan: )

Christian 16-09-2005 04:20 PM

Is there actually anyone here that uses Marsec body armor in the latter parts of the game? In my opinion the X-COM armor makes the whole thing obsolete but same people might enjoy the flying part.

Eagle of Fire 16-09-2005 04:42 PM

Yes, the Marsed body armor is the only armor which allows you to fly. Basically, just keep the body part of the Marsec armor, fill everything else with Xcom blue Armor and make sure you have 2 shields in your backpack and you should not have a problem.

Those who wear those suits are usually my crackshot PSY mobile attack and retaliation squad. In resume, it's an all around purpose squad which can also attack with PSY. ;)
They usually carry plasma guns, at least at the beginning of the game.

Sharp 16-09-2005 04:51 PM

Mindshields are available from raiding marsec, though i think you have to be on superhuman or something. Basically the mindshield gives you super psi-defence making it an invaluable tool when facing psimorphs and micronoids, dont know the effect on brainsuckers though (dont think it has any).

Marsec Flying Suits are absolutely amazing, ive got a 4-man(machine) android squad with heavy weapons all with flying suits, they get around anywhere amazingly quick and can blow holes into most places making new and inventive points of entry.

The flying suits are amazing on levels such as the slums and the hydrofarms, however in most buildings raids its near useless as most are indoors, and on alien UFO levels its only really good for crossing trenches quickly, unless of course you blow a few holes in the UFO's armour :sneaky: .

Overall though they are quite useful but not really for a bulk amount of troops, they are also very good at escaping from brainsuckers and poppers (note brainsuckers can actually jump the whole height of the map, but i think they can only attatch onto a agents head if they are less then 3 height tiles away from the agents, also if there is a ceilng they cannot brainsuck agents (if they agents are just under the ceiling that is).

Androids may be outclassed eventually but they still have super stregnth and health and are the easiest way of dealing with psi-morphs and micronoids as well as being able to bring enough firepower to flatten a building solo while moving the same speed or faster then regular agents.

Christian 16-09-2005 06:07 PM

Well, I just equip my guys with X-COM armor and toxiguns (and LOTS of ammo) and that pretty much makes me unstoppable on alien missions.

The Marsec armor usually only comes when raiding other organisations since it lets you get around very easily, making it possible to surround your enemies.

"Mind shields"? Never heard of those, and I've played Superhuman multiple times. (But I haven't raided Marsec though)

Eagle of Fire 16-09-2005 06:40 PM

What's interesting in the Toxigun is it's size. Basically, all my soldiers carry, in addition to their own normal guns and ammo and grenades, a toxigun with several clips in their belt. They use the normal Alien guns to fight and when they happen to fall on tough Aliens or Aliens with personnal shields, I switch to the Toxigun. That's a pretty easy and safe way to get personnal shields if you ask me. ;)

Lt. Razak 16-09-2005 09:21 PM

I do that as well. Ever since the toxigun with toxine B (and now C) became standard issue, I have hardly used any explosives. I don't carry any sidearms (Hmm.... devestator cannon, now THATs one helluva sidearm :D ). Only few exceptions:
When Marsec turned hostile (briefly) and I had to cleanse a weapsfactory (that was why they were hostile in the first place, on one mission some missile went of laying waste to most of the factory-equipment) and all these martians were running around. So I used fearsome stungrenades on those.
And of course sirian soldiers which were caught in the crossfire when I cleaned out an infiltrated temple (2 actually). There I used a lot of vortex mines and boomeroids. I considered letting the aliens have Sirius so I could get both psiclones and expensive equipment in one raid but they'd infiltrate other organisations from there, wouldn't they?

Anyway, here is my standard assault trooper:

Marsec body armour, rest all disruptor (I'm still building all the parts, I have 44 soldiers now, 20 of those are defenders, though)
Power sword (Not everyone has got one yet)
Vortex mine
4 Toxi C clips
2 Megapol AP 'nades
2 Stun 'nades
2 Smoke 'nades
1 Disruptor shield
That's it for 21 soliders
No. 22 has no alien explosives but a 2nd disruptor shield and a mind bender
No. 23 and 24 have no vortex mine but a stun grapple instead

I'm thinking since I've got 24 assault troopers I might leave some of them airborne (I put them in 6 4-man squads) and give others a full disruptor armour and teleporters for use as shocktroops and close combat (Now if I was a sirian cultist, a teleporting, camouflaged trooper with a powersword and 2 disruptorshield would REALLY scare the muck out of me ... just a thought, not sure if I'll put that plan into action. :evil:

Eagle of Fire 17-09-2005 03:34 AM


Why not use Toxiguns all the time instead of heavier guns and such?
Because the ammo for the Toxiguns is time consuming to mass produce and you'll need more time for other stuff, like building your own ships for instance.

Second to that, if you end up in a building with agressive humans like in the Slums or against an agressive corporation, you won't do any harm if you don't have the big guns on you. I don't like bothering myself spotting such places, then switching weapons before going there everytime so since having a all around issue equipment is easily possible I jumped on the occasion.

Lt. Razak 17-09-2005 12:05 PM

As I said, blow up the lot of 'em if they happen to be human. And if push comes to shove, its "mount bayonets"... or in this case: draw powerswords. Especially with those extremely stupid cultists ("oh look, 6 x-com agents with powerswords just vanished around that corner" - "oh yeah, let's go have a look...") its great fun. Also they're very useful (not as good as the disruptor cannon, though) to cut through walls. Nothing pisses a sentry more of than the enemy just cutting through the wall right behind you while he's watching a doorway...

I personally prefer boomeroids since I started with realtime because I rarely get the timings right. If I know somebody is there I usually throw boomeroids with max range and 0.25 delay. If I suspect somebody is near a corner or up a lift (somewhere I can't see without going there and getting shot) I throw a boomeroid over there with followed by a vortex mine set to 7.5 secs to increase the explosive yield... if somebody triggers the boomeroid without luring it too far away (never happened) he'll loose his shields to the boomeroid, the vortex mine will finish him off.

This is what I do most of the time now since my elite assault squad is still travelling back from the other dimension. I have to use a 10 man squad with rather bad equipment in a wolfhound to deal with all the infiltrations. While my only retaliator and the biotrans were busy in the other dimension, the city was hit big time by the aliens...

Concerning the production of Toxiclips: I found it hard to keep up in the beginning as well. By now I've got 2 small workshops in my mainbase. If I run low on ammo, both mass produce C clips, otherwise the 2nd workshop builds disruptor armours. Still, there is always one workshop at least working on clips and that seems to do the trick. Anyway, I usually don't need more than 1 clip / agent / mission and since I've got very effective UFO/Infiltration control missions are very rare.

Oh yes, about manual control of vehicles: I didn't even know that was possible. But it works fine for me:
right click: set course to these coords
left click: all weapons (except those deactivated) fire
pg up: faster
pg dn: slower
home: higher
end: lower

Its great fun, I used the retaliator to smash lots of probes in the other dimension before they just overpowered it and I had to fall back. But I noticed that after a while the disrupor beams (2x medium) refused to fire... is there a kind of ammo restriction to it, so it has to regenerate for a bit?
And can you order groups of ships about like that? I'm building an annihilator right now. My intention is to make annihilators to gun boats (3 heavy disruptors if they fit, otherwise the biggest disruptors possible) while using retaliators as missile boats (3 missile launchers)

Talking about aircraft: Is it possible that the large disruptor shield is pretty useless for hawks and retaliators? Twice the shield capacity, yes, but I can't put fit any more heavy targeting systems in there if I use it..

Sharp 17-09-2005 04:22 PM


Originally posted by Lt.Razak
I personally prefer boomeroids since I started with realtime because I rarely get the timings right. If I know somebody is there I usually throw boomeroids with max range and 0.25 delay. If I suspect somebody is near a corner or up a lift (somewhere I can't see without going there and getting shot) I throw a boomeroid over there with followed by a vortex mine set to 7.5 secs to increase the explosive yield... if somebody triggers the boomeroid without luring it too far away (never happened) he'll loose his shields to the boomeroid, the vortex mine will finish him off.

You can just throw a vortex mine and not need to put a timer as the explosion from the boomeroid will set of the vortex mine, on the other hand if the boomeroid doesnt detect any aliens, it basically means the moment you agents move they will be getting a boomeroid flying towards them, the vortex mine would be able to detonate it instead, bit of a waste though.

Whats fun when assaulting UFO's is just laying explosives at the entrance. Plop a few unprimed AP grenades and High Explosive packs, the odd vortex mine, and then either lay a proximity mine, or if you are good with timings and want more control over the time of explosion get a agent to throw a primed AP grenade to set em all off. So much explosives can also blow holes into UFO's. I think you can get an agent to set off the explosives if you force fire on the explosive, but you need a pretty accurate shot, unless you use HE autocannon shells.

The best thing is that if you can get a group of aliens to get caught in the explosion, they all drop more explosives which can then be used to blow up even more aliens.

Well some of the manual control works, except for im left-clicking everywhere and its not shooting anything, mabye if I run it in Dosbox or get the mousepatch thingy.

Lt. Razak 17-09-2005 07:15 PM

Oh yeeeah the marsec heavy explosives.... I used them in the beginning before I had vortex mines and marsec body armour for everybody. I used to have great fun with them (turn-based); I gave them to my hovertroopers and if the squad got pinned down my hovertroopers set out to solve the problem.
Imagine you are a soldier putting down suppressing fire on a hedgerow (or something) knowing that the enemy is in there. You don't notice the shadow crawling towards you from behind, much less the trooper hovering 8 stories above you until you hear a distinct *clunk*. You turn around and there is a small suitcase, which seems to have appeared out of nowhere. On closer examination, the suitcase turns out to be a bomb... suddenly it goes *bleep* and *booom* and sends you off to blightey...

I also remember a mission (still turn-based) in a marsec arms factory where the aliens were about one screen away from my spawn point. My soldiers spotted them at once: a big clump of aliens (about 5x5 fields), everything up to anthropods and about 15 aliens alltogether.
I had 3 hovertroopers and although they were wounded due to reaction shots, they managed to drop a LOT of explosives:
6 AP nades
6 Marsec proxymines
4 suitcases aka heavy explosives
+ about a dozend AP nades from other soldiers.
The amazing thing is: When all that stuff went up, there were still survivors (those anthropods didn't have any vortex mines at that stage). However, above the alien position there 2 levels of solid concrete which then started raining down on the poor devils. In the end only 2 hyperworms survived, convieniently trapped in the resultant crater. They died shortly afterwards of natural causes... well, I think they were natural considering they had just taken a ton explosive yield plus several tons of rubble :D

About manual control: I can fire in 180 degree arcs, there or thereabouts and I guess thats the way it should be. However, I'm still prone to make mistakes. The aliens have taken a fancy of invading my city with class 1 and 2 probes once more so I sent out a few craft to every UFO except one so I could test my annihilator (2 medium, 1 heavy disruptor) on it. I knew at once that the test was successful when the UFO just said *poof* and vaporised :evil: and went on to the next UFO. However when that was downed by the other craft, I switched to the grid map to set a new course for another UFO... unfortunately, I left clicked instead of right clicking and so the damn thing fired...
and took about 600metres of highway and 300 metres of people tube down... (had that not happened then this would have been one of the few missions where no roads got smashed up... needless to say, transtellar is permanently pissed and most of its income these days consist of X-COM bribes... :whistle: )

Christian 20-09-2005 08:53 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Sep 17 2005, 03:34 AM
Because the ammo for the Toxiguns is time consuming to mass produce and you'll need more time for other stuff, like building your own ships for instance.

Second to that, if you end up in a building with agressive humans like in the Slums or against an agressive corporation, you won't do any harm if you don't have the big guns on you. I don't like bothering myself spotting such places, then switching weapons before going there everytime so since having a all around issue equipment is easily possible I jumped on the occasion.

Well, I can admit to the fact that your engineers should be doing something else than making B-clips but I have a small workshop in every base I got now where the 5 engineers makes clips. That way I have lots of ammo.

And well, if you don't like re-equip your men before every mission then that is your thing. I see no problem with it.

AntarcticTiger 20-09-2005 11:11 PM


Originally posted by Christian@Sep 20 2005, 02:38 PM
I know that the question has been answered already but I couldn't find the answer... is there ANY way to get a live Overspawn? (The huge Alien in the cityscape which the Mothership UFO drops)
Somehow I doubt that. You'll need a full alien container room for the corpse, though.

Guest 24-09-2005 03:40 PM

Uh the old UFO Tactical map generator was great. The weirdest map I ever had (enemy unknown) was a cityscape (terrorsite) with 0 civillians as there were no houses. It was just 2 streets crossing with lots 'n lots of flowers. So I went out into the night and started plucking floaters... great stuff, especially since the government got very keen on paying me more money as no civies died. :D

Still, the random maps on xcomapoc are really unimpressive, I know one building by heart from the first time I played the game 5 years ago! It's the office one where with about 5 or 6 stories of a big stairway followed by an entrance hall connecting to a meeting room, an elevator and a library... I went there sooo often and I got sooo sick of that map.... I almost aborted when I saw it again in the last game...

Anyway, I finished my medium game... moderately impressed by the dimension gate chamber, the first 20 seconds were spend massacering skeletoids... wave after wave...
I also discovered that about a dozend of the big disruptor/missilethingies were up and about... well actually, the 5th section discovered this shortly before being vaporised in a hail of dimension missiles... anyway, they lived through it as the dosbox went belly up under the stress - this proves that you actually CAN use too much firepower :tomato:

Still, I started a new game and the "superhuman" button had this kind of dark aura... so I play on hard now... lovely city, much denser, far less slums and useless stuff, a big 4in1-sirius temple which fell victim to my plundering troops within the first 5 minutes (although these sirians were SMART, I lost 6 people to stungrenades, 3 to critical wounds (retreat) and some of the sleeping folks would have bled to death if it wasn't for my mad dual-stunner trooper rampaging through the enemy ranks :guns: ... great fun).

The game is now 2 hours old and I've spotted the first alien... with half the platoon out of comission, I'm not sure how anybody is going to survive, but hey... I'll find out soon enough.

Lt. Razak 26-09-2005 06:24 PM

This time I actually remembered to log in.


QUOTE (Guest @ Sep 25 2005, 08:13 PM)
Transtellar is a bugger... I have problems with them all the time, too. Their main income source in my last game was me since during almost every UFO-raid, a big motorway ( basically 2 motorways next to each other, spanning half the city and resting on 2 lousy pillars) got chipped an collapsed as a result... probably a several kilometers long as well... so Transtellar would get pissed of and then, on the next morning when I hired new scientists the daily bribe would come in...

I must have paid more money for transtellar than I paid for the actual personell I hired**

"Oh, we're so sorry we destroyed the city yesterday... AGAIN... please accept this as token for our clumsiness with superior weapons"* quiet! :whistle:
After all its not my fault that them aliens use camouflage (which, with 10 % jamming effect is somewhat useless, at least when used in X-Com craft...?!) and that the best pilots with the best systems (50 % accuracy on average) seem to be unable to hit anything provided it is moving and that they are actually SUPPOSED to hit it... (say no more...)

By the way, just remembered something from my medium game... in the alien dimension I encountered a .. hm... class 8 ship (something like that) which seemed to be able to teleport itself a couple of times (nothing fancy, just about a screen's height) before being gutted by my ridiculously powerful transdimensional fleet (*brag*)... is there actually a teleporter for craft in this game?

Incidentally, I tried that "raid-your-ally-with-stunners"-strategy suggested earlier in this thread. I send my 2 dual-stun troopers to a megapol arms factory (literally next door, they could walk if they wanted to... [well ok, being soldiers under my command they could walk anywhere and would even if they didn't want to :evil: ]). It was a small map, about 4 "rooms slightly bigger than 1 screen, but there were plenty of megapolians running around like mad chicken. Unfortunately they kept waking up again so it took me ages to herd them together so that one of the 2 agents could keep watch (my people are still fresh meat and have the remarkable ability to screw up any attempt to throw a (stun)grenade unless you just drop it...).
What surprised me is that although no lethal shot was fired, no lethal explosives deployed, my two people were injured... occasionally a megapolian just chucked a random ammo clip around (not even at me) but thats about all they did... and still, my people were slowly drained of health... in fact, one of them is half dead (or half alive for the optimists among you :D ).
How is that possible? The only thing they had to do was a LOT of running , then walking...then running again..... now I admit that might have killed me but then I'm not a regular soldier (just a cadet who enjoys the occasional outburst of pure violence :angel: ) ...

Lt. Razak 29-09-2005 06:26 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Sep 28 2005, 11:24 AM
You don't get a corp out of alien control by killing them. You go to the corp's facilities, and begin Investigating for Alien Activity, one by one until all are clear. Comprende?

Exactly... and during these investigations the security personell usually perished in the crossfire... not my fault :angel:

Guest 29-09-2005 09:07 PM

how do you run it?

The Fifth Horseman 30-09-2005 08:27 AM

By running the game executable.

If you have any problems in launching the game on your system, please:
A. Read the previous posts in this thread. There is a good possibility that someone had a similar problem and managed to get a solution.
B. If that didn't help, run a search on Apocalypse in Troubleshooting section.
C. If you still have not found a solution, then post a new thread in Troubleshooting and describe your problem in a _detailed_ manner. The more exact is your description, the easier it will be to find a solution, as well as faster.

Hunter 30-09-2005 05:50 PM

i have a very important question. a friend of mine figured out that i downloadet x-com apokalypse here. he also wants this game but he is not able to speak english or even to understand. he would appreciate it if anyone knows where i can get the german version. its not possible to change the language with the version which is available on this awesome site.

Lt. Razak 02-10-2005 04:21 PM

A couple pages ago somebody said that hoverbikes en masse are quite good. In my current game my fleet consists out of a valkyrie, a wolfhound, a stormdog, 6 hovercars and about a dozend high end hoverbikes using the best engine, a light targeting system and a rendor or a lineage cannon. Now my hoverbike count peaked at fifteen but during the last attack I lost two bikes and several just made it... I'm wondering if you can really get through the dogfights using clouds of hoverbikes as at the beginning of the week I have to choose between five or six bikes plus equipment or a hawk air warrior. So far the bikes have proven that they are able to cream enemy UFOs quite efficiently, but... well, they're so fragile.. I can't begin to imagine the losses if I had to battle a mothership or a battleship.

Apart from that: What settings do you suggest for hoverbikes?
For all my craft I currently use the cautious mode (not the extreme one but the 2nd) and fly on the 2nd altitude setting so that my craft shoot up in the sky instead of shooting down on the city. I'm not sure whether hoverbikes are easier to hit (for UFOs) if they're right on top of them or if they keep their distance.

Eagle of Fire 02-10-2005 08:30 PM


Originally posted by Lt. Razak Posted on Oct 2 2005@ 12:21 PM
Apart from that: What settings do you suggest for hoverbikes?
I always use them setted on agressive, with the default gun plus a small aiming box in the equipment square with the best engine it can take. Plus to that, I always make them fly at higher height than the UFO's so the UFO's don't fire on the ground.

The trick with the Hoverbikes is that they are very fast but very weak. Only one hit can destroy one easily, so I always set them to retreat to base as soon as they are damaged. They are so small they are repaired very quickly, so having a lot of them damaged is usually not a problem. You also must not use them single handely because they don't really pack a punch, use other ships to finish the job.

The Hoverbikes have a certain timeline in which they are not as usefull because they are more vulnerable when there is more ships around, but as soon as the Aliens begin to send UFO's equipped with shields they are extremely usefull because they can take the shield down very fast. If you are concerned about losses at that point, hit and runs is what I'd suggest first.

Sharp 02-10-2005 09:23 PM

I dont like giving hoverbikes lineage plasma cannons, too expensive equipement for too fragile a ship. I was shocked though when i found out that the big huge lineage cannon actually fits on a titch hoverbike, more useful once you have explorers as then you use alien diruptor weapons instead of plasma tech so you can equip hoverbikes with the cannons then.

You should watch out for alien bombers though, they are evil on hoverbikes as they fire the dreaded multibomb, can easily kill a few hoverbikes on its own, although it sucks more when it uses the multibomb to down your hawk, for bombers i use hovercars, they combine firepower with constitution, can dodge more easily then hawk air warriors, and they are much more cheaper.

Smaller UFO's can be dealt with hoverbikes, troop-transports gets hovercars and air warriors while hoverbikes deal with escorts, and the mothership gets the whole armada on it, escort ships are laughable without anything escorting them.

Once you get shield tech though, then hovercars really shine, just send out fleets of em with shields and watch the UFO's hit the floor hard, and get your best ship fully equipped with shields and it can take a lot of hits, one manual controlled retaliator equipped with med disruptor beams and full shields (well, one matrix missile evasion) managed to wipe out 3/4 of the UFO's in the alien dimension, including a pesky mothership, (got to watch out for statis missiles though, in the alien dimension the escort ships get my full attention).

Also... one last thing.... a stormdog....really????

I found the only good thing a stormdog does is help the UFO destroy the road outside the cultists temples, stop whatever nasty deeds there up to.

Lt. Razak 03-10-2005 11:34 AM

Thanks for the advice, next time my hoverbikes will go right on top of those UFOs.
But I still prefer flying lower than the UFO... all those hoverbikes firing and missing can do a lot more damage to the city than the UFO they are pursuing.
Also, I have only 3 lineages between the (surviving) 12 HBs, the chance that they are taken down is reasonably low so I just deal with it.
I don't have any problems with bombers just yet simply because the aliens aren't that worried just yet.

About the cheap alien transporters: during the 3rd invasion, when they first appeared, my entire fleet was occupied taking down one transport plus two escort ships (not actual escorts but whatever it was they send along for protection)... the second transport (didn't know it was unarmed) was taken on - and downed - by a single megapol police car on the other side of city... lucky policecar ... the aliens didn't think of ramming it :bleh:

Ground vehicles / Stormdog:
I didn't have the heart to sell the stormdog.. maybe as a financial reserve one day or I might deploy it for base defence, since I'm going to avoid a second base for a while... I might actually be able to cram everything I need including advanced labs into my home base. Also I'm considering field tests of griffons, then deploying ground forces, parking them near dimension gates... hell, those things have to be good for something (And by that I mean something other than pissing sirius off :evil: )

Oh yeah, diplomacy:
Recently I spotted an illegal vehicle (aka 2 phoenix hovercars, dispatched by diablo) which attacked some corporation which disliked me after a civilian got killed by aliens in the crossfire while I was weeding them out...
I paused, gave the matter some consideration and came to the conclusion that I would be better off with Diablo hostile and other companies happy, especially since the worst diablo could do was bring some equipment along for sale (and give my agents the opportunity for some.. adventure training in the process).
So I dispatched a few hoverbikes; one enemy was destroyed by megapol and I got the other one.
But when I checked my diplomacythingie the result was rather shocking:
4 more corps had started to dislike me
The attacked corps couldn't care less what I did for them
Diablo didn't care either
Now don't tell me Diablo has alliances with corps such as the recyclingfolks... It just doesn't make any sense...

AntarcticTiger 08-10-2005 05:43 AM


Originally posted by Lt. Razak@Oct 3 2005, 04:34 AM
Recently I spotted an illegal vehicle (aka 2 phoenix hovercars, dispatched by diablo) which attacked some corporation which disliked me after a civilian got killed by aliens in the crossfire while I was weeding them out...
I paused, gave the matter some consideration and came to the conclusion that I would be better off with Diablo hostile and other companies happy, especially since the worst diablo could do was bring some equipment along for sale (and give my agents the opportunity for some.. adventure training in the process).
So I dispatched a few hoverbikes; one enemy was destroyed by megapol and I got the other one.
But when I checked my diplomacythingie the result was rather shocking:
4 more corps had started to dislike me
The attacked corps couldn't care less what I did for them
Diablo didn't care either
Now don't tell me Diablo has alliances with corps such as the recyclingfolks... It just doesn't make any sense...

Generally, if you attack anything or anyone, intentionally or otherwise, besides the alien forces on the cityscape map, everyone's opinion of you will go down.

///no name\\\ 15-10-2005 08:54 AM

I have finnaly finnished the game (hard).... I can just say that X-com Apocalypse is the funniest game i ever played. The game and the sound works perfekt in XP if u have dosbox.. (not musik sound)

*thanks God for Dosbox*

The Fifth Horseman 18-10-2005 10:59 AM

Try using VDMSound, then the game will work even better.

Acolyte 18-10-2005 12:20 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Oct 2 2005, 09:23 PM
Also... one last thing.... a stormdog....really????

I found the only good thing a stormdog does is help the UFO destroy the road outside the cultists temples, stop whatever nasty deeds there up to.

Later on i used 6 or so Dogs with rockets to defend the senate (parked it inside the buildings nearby and the senate itself) from an mother ship beleve me or not but the bastard turned back.
Griffons are not good cos they can take the same amount of damage (street)
usualy a single hit destroys it.

For downing UFO's 3 hawks with med Disruptors and Lineage's can take down an battleship.

DFP 18-10-2005 02:51 PM

is there any way to put the music from the demo in the game?

if i knew the original music filenames and location i might try it.

I made the mistake to lend the cd to my cousin who lives 200 km away. :wall:

DFP 18-10-2005 03:26 PM

I've managed to convert the demo music to wav and i now have them playing in the background, its still not perfect but oh well... unless someone is willing to send me the music files it'll have to do.

I converted with Goldwave, the original sampling rate is 22050 if anyone is interested in doing the same.

Acolyte 28-10-2005 11:23 AM

[quote]Originally posted by AntarcticTiger@Oct 8 2005, 05:43 AM

Recently I spotted an illegal vehicle (aka 2 phoenix hovercars, dispatched by diablo) which attacked some corporation which disliked me after a civilian got killed by aliens in the crossfire while I was weeding them out...
I paused, gave the matter some consideration and came to the conclusion that I would be better off with Diablo hostile and other companies happy, especially since the worst diablo could do was bring some equipment along for sale (and give my agents the opportunity for some.. adventure training in the process).
So I dispatched a few hoverbikes; one enemy was destroyed by megapol and I got the other one.
But when I checked my diplomacythingie the result was rather shocking:
4 more corps had started to dislike me
The attacked corps couldn't care less what I did for them
Diablo didn't care either
Now don't tell me Diablo has alliances with corps such as the recyclingfolks... It just doesn't make any sense...
Maybe you damaged their buildings in the process.

Is there a safe way to raid alien buildings without loosing too many craft while getting to them.
Coz i always loose at least one fighter to the dreaded stasis rocket and freands.
i tried to use Plasma defense arrays but they were 0% efficient (every rocket hit my craft).

Sharp 28-10-2005 01:43 PM

Best way to raid alien buildings is to have decoys with lots of shields who escort the Biotrans (which should have some shields) to the building, a much more suitable choice if you have it though is to simply use alien cloacking fields to transport your troops.

Decoys work well against stasis missiles, and if your having trouble, bring your own and stasis the aliens.

Plasma Defence Array is only more useful then Laser Defence Array as it has a longer range, both arent very good, get a matrix missile evasion thingy (only one, they dont increase jamming by having more).

colin 31-10-2005 04:35 PM

:help: i recently got xp and almost cried when i couldn't get xcomapoc to work. is there a simple patch i can download, as i don't speak techno babble?

Eagle of Fire 31-10-2005 10:15 PM

In short; no.

If you still want to run Apoc, head to the troubleshooting forum and we'll help you. :)

AntarcticTiger 01-11-2005 07:14 AM


Originally posted by Acolyte@Oct 28 2005, 04:23 AM
Maybe you damaged their buildings in the process.

Is there a safe way to raid alien buildings without loosing too many craft while getting to them.
Coz i always loose at least one fighter to the dreaded stasis rocket and freands.
i tried to use Plasma defense arrays but they were 0% efficient (every rocket hit my craft).

That's odd. I went into the dimension first, with my 5 Annihiliators, armed with the best stuff, and took out all enemy aircraft in one skirmish. Then, I retreated, came back with the biotrans. You could just do that, as it takes quite a while for the aliens to construct more UFOs.

SyDemon 02-11-2005 01:46 PM

First of all, thanks to all whose posts have provided me with priceless advice and tips, both on getting the VDMSound and the mouse to work well.

Thanks also to Abbandonia for providing me with the opportunity to finally play Apoc again (my CD vanished some many years back).

Someone mentioned that the hoverbikes are no good against larger (battleship class) UFOs...but my latest (and first) fight with one of them seemed to indicate that bikes are the thing to counter a battleship (probably not more than one though).

I had 15 bikes and 2 hawks focus fire on a single battleship, ignoring the 2 bombers escorting it. The main damage was done when it stopped to beam down troops on a recycle plant. All my bikes have Lineage Plasma Cannons, my Hawks have the light disruptors and prophets. The battleship went down as it tried to get back to the dimensional portal. As it fell, I turned to the bombers and finished them quick. All I lost were 2 hoverbikes and that's because they got crushed during launch. One stray projectile from the mothership hit my base side where the launch bays are.

However, I do not doubt that the bikes will become obsolete very soon. Do I sell them all away, or keep some for distraction purposes?

SyDemon 04-11-2005 06:59 AM

MY GOD I found my X-Com 3 CD!!!!!!!!!

Music at last!

Rorschach 06-11-2005 08:45 AM

@ Antartic: I did thew same raiding strategy*, and out of curiosity, saved the game, set the speed to fastest and let many days go by, and still didn't see any respawning of ships (before I destroyed the ship-building structure, that is). You mentioned they "take a while" to respawn, did you see them respawn at all eventually? If so, at what difficulty level?

* = Only I found 3 Annihilators packing Heavy Disruptor Beams and Disruptor launchers, with a double load of X-Com targetting systems and large shields each, did the job, at the second-to-last difficulty level. ;)

@ Sy: I haven't tried the hoverbike thing you suggested (I always go for the state-of-the-art equipment myself :P), so I'll take your word for it, but it might become costly due to losing a couple of units each time (and, more importantly, the weapons they pack). Retaliators and then Annihilators are the thing to go, both because they are the only ones capable of packing the heavier weapons and equipment (Annihilator specifically is the only one that can fit a heavy disruptor beam) and because they are the only (fighting) units able to go to the Alien Dimention, and that's where you're bound to take the fighting to.

When you figure out the research tree, try to build only 1, at most 2, Retaliators as you rush to complete research on the Annihilator: one doesn't quite make the other obsolete, but almost. :P

Lt. Razak 08-11-2005 06:23 PM

I personally have never seen an UFO actually spawn. However, new ones are occasionally spawned / built. Sometimes, when I started another raid on the other dimension, new UFOs were up and about, though it usually was only one (most frequently an escort ship, which is probably not the best craft to build if you have nothing to do damage ;) ). Incidentally, I prefer to fight through the alien dimension before letting biotrans anywhere near it. I first went in there with one Annihilator and a Retaliator and the biotrans... the biotrans decided to arrive first and limped back home while the other craft were still arriving. The fighters took a heavy beating, too, and it took several runs to get some breathing space around the portals. (Battle of Britain SciFi edition...)

Ships: I first played on medium and used heavy armament most of the time, i.e. I used plenty of Hawks and then switched to Retaliators (Missileboats with one stasis launcher) and Annihilators (Gunboats).

In my current game (second hardest difficulty) I command a fleet of bikes and some phoenixes mixed in between, one Hawk for ... eh .. demolitions tasks and the one and only Valkyrie one as a backup skyranger (usually my soldiers drive around in a wolfhound but since I get loads of missions at once most of the time the wolfhound just drives to the nearest one. The valkyrie then picks up the soldiers from there to move to the next hostile site provided the survivors are up to another mission)
Anyway, I'm very happy with those bikes, also I loose one or two during most of the heavier alien assaults they're cheap and easy to replace, the only problem is the enormous amout of elerium 10 - 15 lineage bikes use when they're berserking through the city.

SyDemon 08-11-2005 11:55 PM

This community provides too much love for me not to join... I'm finally a member now.

I'm now at the stage where my dimensional probe got back with data for the first alien building. I'm now rushing to complete research on all the alien weapons and the biotrans so that I can start taking the fight to the aliens' home turf. It seems like the aliens are getting fed up with using smaller craft and are sending in mothership/battleship/bombers now.

@ Rorschach:
Thanks for the advice. Yeah I'm getting a little fed up with replacing the bikes though my funds are fat through mass selling Toxigun B clips and Personal Cloaks. At this point I've stopped replacing bikes in anticipation of replacing my fleet with the transdimensional ships. Perhaps I'll keep about 8 just to help draw UFO fire and help deplete their shields.

@ Lt. Razak:
Your posts have been truly entertaining to read! You make them sound like exciting war stories that really adds meaning to the game. I've always thought your fleet sound amazingly large.

Qn: How many vehicles can a base hold?

Eagle of Fire 09-11-2005 09:07 AM

Illimited. Tough if you only have one repair bay it will take ages before it is completed because they are all repaired at the same time...

SyDemon 09-11-2005 01:22 PM

Thanks for the reply :D

Previous Fleet:
15 Hoverbikes
2 Hawks :yawn:

Current Fleet:
2 Retaliators
2 Annihilators
8 Hoverbikes
3 Biotrans :Brain:

Now motherships and battleships take about the same time to fall as my previous fleet took to destroy an UFO scout. :max:

Qn: What is the optimal configuration for retaliators and annihilators?
My current loadout....
Each retaliator:
2 medium disruption beams
1 disruption bomb

Each annihilator:
1 heavy disruption beam
1 disruption bomb
1 disruption multi-bomb

I'm thinking of outfitting each annihilator with a statis instead of disruption bomb. How effective are those? I'm still starting to make stasis bombs at the moment.

Another thing, something wierd happened today. Diablo suddenly said something like "If you continue to attack our UFO friends we will stay hostile with you, blah blah" and remained permanently hostile. Following which they consistently raided my second base as if they were born to do it. I checked Diablo's infiltration level and it was at 0%. What just happened? Is the only way to regain their cooporation be to pound them into submission?

PrejudiceSucks 09-11-2005 02:20 PM

Hmm possibly their allies are infiltrated, not them.

You could just annihilate them though...

SyDemon 09-11-2005 03:09 PM

I frequently check the graphs and no organisations were infiltrated at all, except for bloody Sirius which is already on their side. However, at least Sirius doesn't lay a finger on my stuff. Diablo, on the other hand, has raided me multiple times already. I am so tempted to just go raze their building to the ground.

Sharp 09-11-2005 05:52 PM

That is odd if Diablo are not infilitrated at all and give that message.

Are you sure you selected Diablo instead of checking the top 10 infiltrated, checking the top 10 will only give you the ones which are under 50% (and can still be saved).

Also if you were hostile with Diablo then when you try and bribe them they may reject the bribe saying until you stop attacking our alien friends we will continue hostilities, then that is perfectly normal, however you shouldnt get a random message saying that unless they are infiltrated.

Lt. Razak 09-11-2005 06:54 PM

I luv war :D

Anyway, some possible solutions to the Diablo problem:
- bribe them (if still possible)
- build lots of security stations around the base entrances and watch diablo-soldiers die a very very horrible and pointless, yet entertaining death
- send them a formal message: "Ok, get some" ... engrave it on a bomb and drop it over one of their buildings just to get their attention. Then you either go for the scorched earth strategy which involves random destruction of city blocks where anything diablolike is present, which might ... annoy the senate. Alternatively you can go for plastic surgery, selectively removing Diablo's buildings from the cityscape. The Senate still won't be too pleased but, hey... good fun isn't always for free...

How on earth did you produce so many high-tech craft so quickly. It took me ages to manufacture even one wing for trans-dimensional excursions (I.e. murder and mayhem)
My configuration (one wing):
One Annihilator (Gunboat):
- Weapons: Heavy Disruptor, 2 Medium Disruptors
- Equipment: Shields, X-Com and heavy target computers
- Mode: 2nd-aggressive as Annihilators can take a punch and since disruptors are easily evaded...

One Retaliator (Missileboat):
- Weapons: Dis. Inversion bomb, Multibomb, Stasis bomb
- Equipment: Light shields, 2 x-com targeting scanners
- Mode: 2nd-cautious as they rets are too fragile and since alien missiles are very very very effective no matter what range you're at. Also I control the stasis bombs manually, i.e. only one wing is allowed to deploy its stasis launcher at any given time so I don't run out in midbattle having wasted most of the missiles.

One Explorer (Decoy, Reinforcements, Artillery)
- Weapons: Medium Disruptor, 2 big missiles
- Equipment: light shield and all the targeting scanners you can cram in there
- Mode: 2nd-cautious as explorers are made of rice-paper. The sole reason I ever built an Explorer was to see whether I could fit the stasis-launchers on there. The big missiles ™ are those big human missile launchers with a single shot (I can't remember their name). I usually have them turned off as well to save them for motherships and the likes, should any turn up. Even then the missiles are only deployed if the battle is going badly or the shields of the target have deactivated. Also, the Explorer can be send in to close combat just to distract the UFOs while a more expensive / important craft retreats.

And possibly:
Biotrans 1 (the one and only)
- Weapons: Light disruptor, 24 underpaid, overequipped soldiers with a distinct lack of sanity
- Equipment: light shields, plenty of extra seats, some cargo holds and a containment unit
- Mode: Veeeery cautious, veeery low. Spends most of its in-flight time during battles either in manual-control mode or on a high-burn high-gee escape trajectory, meaning it flies in the direction with zero UFOs or a very promising opportunity for escape (a launch site or a dimension gate (provided it leads home, otherwise I'll take my chances with one measly invasion force...pff). The launch site-escape may have lasting consequences, though... the record holder is when the building where I landed including its only launch site were trashed; the biotrans was stuck for a day or two and the agents had to walk home due to the fact that the building in question belonged to transtellar and I couldn't be bothered to bribe them into happiness again)

That is the composition of my fleet, or at least it was at the height of the last game. It consisted of two wings and I still had my pre-dimensonal-fleet, i.e. 6 phoenixes, 2 hoverbikes, 2 valkyries and 8 hawks just to spice the home-matches up a wee bit.

And I don't mean to brag, but my fleet as described above had real problems shooting down motherships and battleships... they usually just were vaporised :bye:

Oh yes, one more thing about craft-equipment: I had to build a third base and specialise it on item-manufacture. Alltogether I had 2 small workshops mass-producing Toxi-clips / other small usefuls and three or four large ones continuously producing missiles and disruptor beams (med and heavy) and - when my ammo-supplies allowed it - a new craft. And I still had shortages! (Especially since I apparently reached the max. amount of engineers in the whole bloody city.) So maintaining a murderous high-tech fleet might be difficult at times unless you use a lot more disruptors than I did (lets face it, they're not THAT good after all... unless it comes to creaming X-com that's something they're good at) or just deal with them in the old-fashioned way :D [UFO spotted, what do we do now, sir? - Uhmm... first, fire an avalanche right into the engines and then... hmmm (*studying-the-menue-tone-of-voice*) ... oh yeah, melt them with some plasma... - Very well, sir.]

SyDemon 10-11-2005 12:09 AM


Originally posted by Sharp@Nov 9 2005, 06:52 PM
That is odd if Diablo are not infilitrated at all and give that message.

Are you sure you selected Diablo instead of checking the top 10 infiltrated, checking the top 10 will only give you the ones which are under 50% (and can still be saved).

Also if you were hostile with Diablo then when you try and bribe them they may reject the bribe saying until you stop attacking our alien friends we will continue hostilities, then that is perfectly normal, however you shouldnt get a random message saying that unless they are infiltrated.

Ah I see...what I meant was exactly what you've described. They were hostile with me for sometime already (I wonder why, I didn't do anything to them) and then when I wanted to bribe them back they gave me this "our alien friends" philosophy.

Now what I don't get is, if they're not infiltrated, how come they would refer to the aliens as friends. It's not like Diablo has the same ideas as Sirius... :blink:

SyDemon 10-11-2005 01:04 AM

Lt. Razak:
I took a pretty long time to produce my fleet too. Many days of 0 score went by as my engineers worked overtime.

The disruptors are indeed easily evaded. More so for my fleet since I didn't put as many targetting computers as you did. Most of the beams were off target to begin with, and wouldn't hit even if the UFO were stationary LOL

As for ship equipment. Both my retaliators and annihilators use the large shields. My annihilators are outfitted with cloaks and this makes space for only 1 targetting computer. Are the cloaks any good? I've only battle tested them once and didn't know if they actually make any difference. It's quite a large space wasted if they're useless.

As for Diablo, I'm gonna just pound them into submission!

The Fifth Horseman 10-11-2005 09:14 AM

Keep raiding Diablo. If their networth is negative, they won't be able to fund a retaliation strike against you.

Lt. Razak 11-11-2005 12:48 PM

Pounding into submission sounds good. Very good, in fact... me-wanna-have-piece-too *cry*

Anyway: I've always been suspect of equipment that has the chance that you can divert enemy projectiles. Chances are that your computer doesn't like you and, by pure chance the deflection of enemy weapons never works. Pure [/i]chance ... :ranting:

Still, this is my experience with cloaks on ships:
First impression: Brilliant, my smegging fleet doesn't hit the enemy AT ALL until the close combat stage begins. As a result, the city takes quite a beating but hey, who cares. I'm rich, I'm fat, I'm a smegging bastard and don't care about some weird government.
So I make all efforts to capture one of these magic devices and huzah! soon enough, a Transtellar transport lifts of and transfers a prototype to my main research base (Note that the Transtellar Mogul had a big smile on his face.. a smegging expensive smile as I have to keep bribing those chaps).
Next my sciencetists (overall skill 994) bash their heads against that cloak for a couple of days. The result, however was very disappointing: (for me anyway)
The cloak takes up ridiculous amounts of space and has a jamming effect
lower[i] than that of the "lowly earthican" missile jamming thingie which you can get for an apple and an egg in any good pawn shop in the city. So personally I was never too impressed with that thing, my Annihilators were equipped with the human version at some stage and it always did SOME good, but hey... these things don't work too well against computers. (Same thing with the personal cloak, where in THEORY I can camp wherever I want to and see any cloaked enemy as soon as he spots me. A barrage of dimension missiles hailing down on me quickly taught me otherwise... God bless two sets of shields and a full disruptor armour. [ 'Corporal...' - 'Seargant?' - '... what's those purple slivers comin' towards us over there.. are they...?' - 'Yes, Seargent' - 'Do you think we should ...' - 'Yes, Sergeant' - 'Right, Corporal, give the order to move... hey... come back!' ]

Oh yeah: One question: What were the best firefights you ever had (I.e. who vs who, equipment, situation, etc...)
Just curious because I got some really funny ones and some really good ones like realistic etc.

Jacal 13-11-2005 03:54 PM

Hi, there!

The problem occured when I've try to raid landed "bomber" - game can't find some files. (I don't know excatly the names - system didn't show them) Did you had these problems with game downloaded from Abandonia?

Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance.

Lt. Razak 13-11-2005 04:32 PM

Hmm... I downloaded the game from Abandonia, too, but I rarely have any problems (I run it with DOS-Box).

The only two problems I ever had:

1) I start a mission and suddenly the game decides to ask for the cd-rom
Solution: Restart DOS-Box and try again

2) The game freezes, DOS-Box starts mass-producing some errormessages in the 2nd DOS-Box window (the one with the cycles and everything)
Solution: Quite surprisingly, restart DOS-Box and try again :angel:

Anyway, I suspect you tried that anyway ... I never had any other problems with the game (at least none of technical nature ;) ).
I don't know how you run the game, if you don't use it already, try to use DOS-Box
Otherwise, make a backup copy of your savegames and unzip the X-Com apocalypse archive again to make sure everything is there and in one piece.

I hope this sorts your problem out... and don't kill the messenger, even if he has problems with shutting up and just keeps on talking...talking...talking :tomato:

werkon 14-11-2005 12:56 AM

Looks like x-com apoc can't be downloaded from site.
My CD-version does not run properly on dos-box + Win2k (no sound).

Jacal 14-11-2005 03:24 AM

2 Lt. Razak: Thanks for the help. I use VDMSound to run XCOM Apocalypce. Yesterday try to change some file names (just added micros.pcx made by renaming of micro-.pcx) and changed directory name to XCOMA - game halted and asked me to insert CD.

2 werkon: Holder imformed that downloading problem has host technical background and will be solved soon.

Lt. Razak 14-11-2005 07:59 PM

Jacal: Sorry, can't help you then...

werkon: I have the same problem with my own CD version, the abandonia version works fine in dos-box though... I dunno what exactly has been changed apart from the fact that I don't get any music (game freezes when you try to turn it on... don't try it) and that (999 out of 1000 times) the game does not ask for a CD but hey... if I can play it, I'm happy... no question asked.

Guest 15-11-2005 07:21 AM

Ok I downloaded DOSBox and i'm trying to play this game through windows XP.

I can't mount my c drive in DOS box though. i type mount c c:\dosprog like the info says but no matter what directory I put down the program says the directory doesn't exist!

Help please!

BeefontheBone 15-11-2005 07:30 AM

Well, have you actually created that folder on your HDD? If so, you need to change the drive in the emulator to C: by typing c:\ after mounting, otherwise it's not in a drive so it won't find anything.

Lt. Razak 15-11-2005 08:36 AM

There are two ways of using dosbox:

1) (This way any changes you make to dosbox config will be loaded and used)

Start dosbox

Mount D: C:\games\dosgames\Xcom3

The folder C:\games\dosgames\Xcom3 would then be mounted as D:
then just change to D: (type "D: ") and start the game ("xcomapoc")

2) (This way is foolproof (i.e. my favourite :) but any changes you have made to the dosbox config are disregarded for some reason)

Open the folder with the game
Open the folder with DOS-Box in a second window
Drag the executable from the game onto the DOS-box.exe file. Windows will then try to start the game using dosbox; the gamedirectory will be mounted as C: automatically and the game starts.. huzah! :Brain:

SyDemon 15-11-2005 11:42 AM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Nov 10 2005, 10:14 AM
Keep raiding Diablo. If their networth is negative, they won't be able to fund a retaliation strike against you.
Ah I see. Then this means WAR!!!! Can't say it's my fault. I do my best trying to save the world from aliens and this is the reward I get from Diablo. Their raids are extremely annoying.

I have to credit their bravery though; knowing that they'll be eating facefuls of disruption beams the moment they enter my base, they still come to face death.


So cloaks are useless? Then it's time for me to take them off my ships. Yes, they take up an awful lot of space indeed. I think I'll be better off installing targetting computers and extra shields.


As for those who have problems running apoc in dos box, please try VDMSound. It is way better in terms of performance.

Guest 16-11-2005 02:51 PM

Hey, can someone tell me how to save your game in DOSBox? Everytime I start the game there are no saved games, it keep reseting the saved files.

Please help someone! I like making progress in games!

The Fifth Horseman 16-11-2005 03:08 PM


Ah I see. Then this means WAR!!!! Can't say it's my fault. I do my best trying to save the world from aliens and this is the reward I get from Diablo. Their raids are extremely annoying.
As I said, raid them in return. You'll also get some gear & Psiclones that way, so it's well worth the effort.


Hey, can someone tell me how to save your game in DOSBox? Everytime I start the game there are no saved games, it keep reseting the saved files.
Already asked and answered, as I recall. Check the printable version of this thread or search through Troubleshooting.

Petter1979 16-11-2005 03:22 PM

look in your xcom directory there should be a directory called "SAVEGAME" without the "", if that dosent exist, create a directory called "SAVEGAME"

SupSuper 16-11-2005 05:21 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Nov 16 2005, 03:51 PM
Hey, can someone tell me how to save your game in DOSBox? Everytime I start the game there are no saved games, it keep reseting the saved files.

Please help someone! I like making progress in games!

Ummm... check if you have a "savegame" folder in Apoc's directory?

Guest 24-11-2005 11:27 PM

can the hawk beat the medium sized perple ufo. you know the 3rd type of ufo you meet? (poenix and interseptor get plasted :wall: )

Acolyte 25-11-2005 11:37 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Nov 25 2005, 12:27 AM
can the hawk beat the medium sized perple ufo. you know the 3rd type of ufo you meet? (poenix and interseptor get plasted :wall: )
"When fighting the real evil you have to cheat to win" :sneaky:

Yes he can but i advise to use pheanxes (defensive) and hoverbikes (standard) that could swarm him without being hit to often.

The Fifth Horseman 25-11-2005 02:26 PM

In a group - they definitely can.

FallTime 27-11-2005 04:19 PM

On medium level I finished the game before 7th week ... How about you?

BTW: Best attack force against aliens is by my opinion 1 annihilator, 2 retaliators and if you want, some explorers. They are all fully wielded with shields (anni has 2x big and 3x small, or missile evasion matrix is usefull as well). The explorers are more than phoenixes and valkyries, even the hawk isn't that good I think. And they are far cheaper. Even without the annihilator you are able to down every UFO. And with the Annihilator, you mostly don't have problem to clean up the alien dimension, leaving no surviving UFOs.

BTW: on w2k the game runs fine with VDMSound, MouseFix(mouse2kv) and crack.

For rookies:
Very good idea to start is to just after the game starts (and you equip your soldiers well enough) :Titan: raid the Cult of Sirius, using incendiary ammo to put their money low enough - and from the things you found there (plasma, psiclones, weapons) you can get a lot money (10 mins after the game starts(game time) you can actually have more than 300 thousans and plasma pistols to replace these baaad lawpistols)
Don't loose anyone to the aliens - it is very bad idea (except for siriuses). Almost every organization gives you bonus when allied and for example loosing Transtellar means you can no more transport between your bases and any agents or scientists have to move by feet - without taxis... Too bad! Loosing SELF means you loose ability to hire androids (good to have one per squad [against psionics]) and Mutant Alliance has the same with hybrids (though I always had just one or two as the "supermen").
As long as you don't have enough firepower to down the UFOs - use hoverbikes, use everything - and attack in one swarm, one UFO by other.
When ground attacking UFOs, let your agents lie before the doors - it means winning the battle almost without loses.
Use real-time! Turn based is almost useless in Apocalypse...
Don't use ground vehicles! They look good, but when you destroy the road, they go as well. Sell these you have on gamestart, you get some money, better than loosing them in battle they can't win.
In the Alien Dimension you don't have to kill everyone (if you don't need to get any captured/dead alien from the mission - pointing to Queenspawn, which researched both dead and alive gives you anti-alien gas - very useful!), just fulfill the mission (it will write "building out of order" or something like) and run away, if you could have losses.
Use personal shields! They can stop the entropy. If you get hit by the entropy launcher and you don't have shields, drop all of your armor and run to the exit of the building.
Never send anyone anywhere without armor. Unarmored need just one shot of disruptor gun to die and the armor is great against explosions. Disruptor armor is really great - if you don't stand against entropy launchers. My best soldier got 3 popper blasts, 2 vortexes without shield and managed to survive without being severely wounded (without the armor she would die after the first popper).
Hyperworms are really nasty. They can fairly quick cut even through shields.
As soon as you get Toxin B, use toxiguns - they can shoot through shields without damaging them and they only harm aliens. And they have very good firerate and damage. But they need a lot of ammo, so... Also, for the alien dimension you should also take some disruptors, because you have to destroy the objectives.
In alien buildings there are some orange pads, from where the aliens keep comming. One vortex bomb is enough to destroy one of them, sometimes even four at time.
As soon as you can, use teleporters - when popper or bomb hits your men, even after the explosion shows up, they aren't hit - that's time to teleport out of the range of the blast. Saving many shield points!
Personal cloaking is very good, ship cloaking is useless.
Guidance systems are useless - because the UFOs move. It doesn't matter how close you miss... if the UFOs are small, they can run even with 100% accuracy, while with 0% you rarely miss the bigger ones. So, only wasting space for shields.
Build security stations around vehicle repair bays and entrance lifts - if you block the attackers well enough, you just have to look on how they die blasted by the towers of securities. Sometimes 4 are enough, sometimes you have to build more extensive system of defense.
Don't let your men die too easily! (well, to be honest, when I finished the last game I only had one "real" veteran [the oldest one] and she wasn't there from the game start... My second best died in alien dimension and I let him to...)
First play it on the lowest difficulty. Superhuman is very difficult even for experienced players.

And - this game rocks!

MMN 28-11-2005 02:09 PM

Oh my god. My version of this game has over 500MB. You have taken out all the sounds or what?

Danny252 28-11-2005 03:59 PM

movies, yes. Music aswell.

SupSuper 29-11-2005 02:48 PM


Originally posted by Danny252@Nov 28 2005, 04:59 PM
movies, yes. Music aswell.
The movies hardly take up anything, though the music is about 300MB :w00t:

Guest 30-11-2005 11:56 AM

Ermh. Heya, all. I've browsed through the Troubleshooting thread on running games on DosBox, but I'm still experiencing some trouble. Here's the detail:

- Game runs, sound effects and all.
- Every time I enter a 9-stories high map or someone starts blasting away at my troopers with a rocket launcher, the game begins to lag very much. Can't move my soldiers or tactic at all. The lag is considerably lesser around the edges of the combat area. Don't know why.

I've currently altered DosBox to use 500 megabytes of memory and cycles are at 20k and my resolution in dosbox is 800 by 600 and the game is running under VGA setting. Still, every time there's a map with many floors or someone goes around shooting with a rocket launcher, the game almost freezes and it's impossible to play. Any tips or suggestions on how to fix this? Should I post my system specs?

Guest 01-12-2005 10:31 AM

Addition to the last post: I've tried downloading DOS32A v7.33 from the link provided on this thread, but I just get a page telling me that "This page cannot be displayed" and couldn't try that one out.

Captain Joe the Rocket attractor 01-12-2005 12:07 PM

Hey, I just found this game and I've been having trouble. The game works fine without DosBox, but I don't get sounds and my mouse is moving in slow motion. How can I fix these two? :help:

SupSuper 01-12-2005 07:11 PM


Originally posted by Captain Joe the Rocket attractor@Dec 1 2005, 01:07 PM
Hey, I just found this game and I've been having trouble. The game works fine without DosBox, but I don't get sounds and my mouse is moving in slow motion. How can I fix these two? :help:
To get sound you have to use either VDMSound or DOSBox.

Don't know about the sluggish mouse though.

Captain Joe the Rocket attractor 02-12-2005 09:38 AM


It worked! Thank you so much! The sluggish mouse isn't really a problem either (remembered that the screen can be moved with keys, so I pretty much keep the mouse centered on the middle of the screen). Just like old times...Thanks, SupSuper.

The Fifth Horseman 02-12-2005 01:10 PM

Use VDMSound, the game will work better then in DosBox.

Calabite 03-12-2005 12:55 AM

Man I need some help here. I'm a great fan of the x-com series. I maybe the only one who favours apocalypse the most.

I have a laptop which runs intel display drivers and it doesn't seem to want me to run apoc at all. I really need a wirehead to help me work this out. I can't play using dosbox without overheating this damn machine and while the program runs fine in xp, I can't get a true display. I get that weird "built in lines of static" deal that xp seems to make of old games.

So, anyone want some praise for their technical abilities or am I just sunk?


SupSuper 03-12-2005 03:57 PM


Originally posted by Calabite@Dec 3 2005, 01:55 AM
Man I need some help here.* I'm a great fan of the x-com series.* I maybe the only one who favours apocalypse the most.*

I have a laptop which runs intel display drivers and it doesn't seem to want me to run apoc at all.* I really need a wirehead to help me work this out.* I can't play using dosbox without overheating this damn machine and while the program runs fine in xp, I can't get a true display.* I get that weird "built in lines of static" deal that xp seems to make of old games.

So, anyone want some praise for their technical abilities or am I just sunk?


Have you tried disabling DirectDraw before running it? (sometimes it causes that problem)

Start > Run > dxdiag > Display > DirectDraw Acceleration > Disable > OK.

Don't forget to enable it again afterwards.

The Fifth Horseman 05-12-2005 01:14 PM

VDMSound should also help.

Guest 15-12-2005 01:38 PM

I used Dosbox to run apocalypse.
I tried as explained in dosbox
and also the drag-in method.

it comes as following (in dosbox)


but nothing happens.

I really want to try this game. Any reply will be appreciated, thanks.

Guest 15-12-2005 01:42 PM

sorry i mistyped


nothing happens and come back as

C:\ _


The Fifth Horseman 15-12-2005 02:11 PM

I'd suggest to avoid the drag & drop method. Instead read the DosBox readme and adjust the settings. You might want to use one of the avaible DosBox frontends to have it all nice and clean.

What is the path to the game directory? Dosbox cannot use paths longer then 8 characters.
What I do myself is that I put all the games in C:\Dosgames directory, and put an appropriate MOUNT command in the DosBox autoexec, followed by a C: command. This way, the directory is authomatically mounted every time I launch DosBox.
What is the sound card emulation set to? I'd advise using "sb1" (Sound Blaster 1).
Have you set the game configuration accordingly? In the past (ie before DirectX), you had to configure the soundcard setting manually in most cases.

What are the cycles set to? Default cycle setting is abysmally slow.

In general, VDMSound is much, much better then DosBox for protected mode games - Apocalypse among them.

PS. Register yourself an account on the forum. It will come useful - trust me.

colonyan 16-12-2005 04:17 AM

Thanks you for fast and precise response!

Ok I will try to if I get right I will write again. thanks

Guest 16-12-2005 05:57 AM

err... Im so confused now.
I dont see what should I configure.
It seems setup works just clicking exe directly not using dosbox.
But it says non of choice matches to my sound card... :cry:

I have no clue what to do.
I will read more on dosbox...

The Fifth Horseman 16-12-2005 10:57 AM

Run Dosbox first, then from it run the setup. That's because this game's setup has an autodetect function - which is both good and bad.

Still, using VDMSound will be a better choice - altough it's not really much easier then DosBox, it doesn't consume that much raw CPU power and thus the game runs better.

Ordos 18-12-2005 03:26 PM

Hey I really need some help

I downloaded and extracted everything. But when I try and run Xcomapoc.exe nothing happens. It just goes to a black screen and stops. Ive tried dosbox but that dosnt work either. Any ideas?

Pherdnut 19-12-2005 11:39 AM

Man, hadn't played this one for years. It's pretty sweet. I haven't read through the whole thread but a few tips on the game I don't typically hear from years of excessive play.

I actually like turn based and never play real time, so keep this in mind when looking at my evaluation of things.

Yes, raid the cultists. In medium difficulty, I hit every building at least three times a week. If you don't need the money right away, sit on the psiclone for a while and then just dump it all at the end of the week. Wait until it goes back up in price or you won't get nearly as much for it. This is a good approach for all highly valuable items, especially alien artifacts.

Starting Base

I like to set up my first base with two additional physics labs and one additional bio. Finish the first availabe bio transport research ASAP. The physics labs won't really be that useful until the following week unless you're playing on superhuman and they start showing up with the larger UFOs sooner. With two bio labs, You'll have everythign you need for Toxigun Bs before you've even started researching bio warfare in the advanced lab which you should research at the first opportunity (after researching any live alien IIRC). Hit the live and autopsy versions of Eggs, Multiworms, Hyperworms, and Chrysallises before moving on to other aliens. To get hyperworms just kill a multi from far away and then drop stun grenades in a wide area around them. Avoid killing multiworms close up as the offending agent isn't likely to suffer the resulting acid shower from these nasty little things.
The advantage of having three physics labs is that you can research all three alien ship components at once so you can get to the X-Com ships sooner and you'll quickly be able to identify less useful early alien weapons so you can sell them for a lot of cash. Be sure and research at least one of the components as soon as they become available since this will give you access to the advanced physics lab research. Once you start researching useful stuff in an advanced lab, you can still do UFO research and research any trinkets you have with the smaller ones.

General Strategy

Watch the allien ships carefully. At first, they will only send one class of transporter and one class of escort ship that drops aliens into buildings (you can see a little energy column when transporter ships stop to hover over a building). Of the first wave ships, the round ones are the transporters and the weird ovoid ones are the defenders. Try to take out two of the transporters before they drop aliens off so you don't have to clear three seperate buildings out. You'll want them to drop in at least one place so you can get your hands on some of the earlier tech. In medium difficulty, the aliens will only occupy one building when dropped from the smallest ships. I think in harder difficulties they'll occupy surrounding buildings even if you investigate immediately after a dropoff. All larger transports will tend to drop aliens in more than one building, so after you've investigated the one you know they dropped in, save the game and hit all nearby buildings just in case. You can reload to avoid needlessy pissing of the corporations
Once the larger ships show up, you can get all the tech you need from the shot down UFOs themselves since you actually have to kill all the survivors to recover them. For this reason, you should try to waste the transports before they get a chance to drop aliens off since it will likely mean multiple missions where you have to worry about property and civilians. I've had games where I did a lot of tweaking, saving and reloading. If you consistently prevent them from dropping aliens off and take out the majority of their ships, it will seriously slow the aliens down giving you time to get a leg up on bioweapons research.
The first manned UFOs that show up are the Transporter and the Fast Attack ship and in my games they tend to hit in the second week. The fast attackers can be deadly but taking one down early on can be a coup since they have Medium Disrupters which will give your Hawk Air Warriors the power you need to start dominating the aliens. The light disrupters for vehicles are kind of like the first personal disrupter. Nice for low ammo cost but not as good as Earth tech for damage. Once the aliens show up with shields, research this ASAP. With these, the Air Warriors can actually hold off just about anything if you stack a couple of them.
In the first week you should be able to get by just fine with hovercars, but I recommend raiding the cultists to get enough jink to buy every Hawk Air Warrior you can as the weeks go by. Don't buy more interceptors, in fact I tend to sell the first one I have so I can get better stuff in a lot of games. They don't have more firepower than air cars and they cost almost as much as the warriors. Once the bigger ships show up, I tend to phase the interceptor, cars, and any bikes I have out in favor of air warriors. Nothing else can handle the punishment that the Fast Attack ships dish out.
To take those transports out before they get a chance to land troops, park your vehicles in non X-Com buildings between alien attacks so that you can spread them out a bit more and always have some ships close to the action. Put each one in a seperate building so they can all take off faster.

My opinion on weapons:

Lawpistol - Short of putting on an agent as backup in case they run out of ammo for a launcher of some sort, I nevere saw a use for these. Mighty cool looking though.

Autocannon - These guys punch through armor nicely, but they have the same heavy weight, crappy accuracy/low ammo issues of the past. The explosive and incendiary rounds tend do more damage to the stuff I want to keep around than the enemies themselves, so I skip these. Careful with fire and explosives. It will set off ammo and destroy gear on the ground and that can hurt your profit/research options. I tend to watch the reaction fire of cultists with these a bit more carefully since even one shot can punch through Megapol armor and cause injury.

Incendiaries of all kinds - Fun but not practical if you want to preserve gear for tech and profit. Also, lighting things on fire can block your vision and make corridors impassable. I don't use them.

Marsec M4000 - Most consistently underrated weapon in all the strategy guides I've ever seen. The rate of fire on these things is insane. Accuracy is lousy and they don't penetrate armor without a lot of shots, but early on in the game shots at full auto only cost 1 TU. If you place your troops in positions where enemies are likely to come around corners the ROF really kicks in. I've seen guys get like 15 shots in reaction fire before. At close range, the Marsec is murder. I'll frequently run an agent right up to 2-3 enemies and just have him hose them all down with lead. Even if they have some TUs left for reaction fire, they're frequently dead before they get a chance to fire a single shot (you can see them raise their arm to shoot but never get a shot off). When fighting armored enemies the bullets will get blocked at first but they deplete armor rapidly. A good backup against brainsuckers is to keep one man at full auto close behind an exposed agent. I give all my guys Marsecs at the start of the game.

Laser Sniper Rifle - No power, lousy penetration in my experience, and takes too much time to fire. I was psyched when I first saw these things but they're not worth it, IMO. Cultists with these are probably the most negligible threat in the game. Maybe they're good for zapping poppers safely, but I prefer finding and blowing poppers while they're still next to their buddies.

Plasma - These are pretty nice if you want to play a more traditional game of X-Com where reaction fire and spotting enemies with one agent and shooting them with another that the enemy can't see (and consequently can't shoot back at) is your preferred strategy. They also cut through armor a lot faster than the Marsec does. Also, I think energy based weapons are less likely to cause poppers to explode. Not sure if this is the case with plasma, but when you hit them with alien disrupters they never seem to explode. I still find the Marsec to be more fun and effective in the early game though, since your agents tend to have lousy aim at first anyway.

Stun Grenades - Always buy every stun grenade available and never sell the ones you get from the cultists. These things are the secret weapon of Apocalypse. Normal grenades simply aren't powerful enough to kill quickly whereas stun grenades can drop 8 cultists if they're packed into a room, do no collateral damage, and can be dropped at key choke points to take out a lot of enemies. I wiped out all but 2 of an entire crew of aliens on the first Fast Attack Ship I took out the other night by throwing one of these up to the second level. All that was left was a half conscious anthropod and a spitter panicking upstairs. All the rest ran right into the cloud to try and get to my guys and it was over. They're also essential for multiworms, since you generally want to avoid killing those guys, especially if you're a close range Marsec assassin player like myself. Just dose the worms and pump them full of lead on the next round.

Regular Grenades - Great for splatting Brain Suckers and setting off poppers. These are my preferred weapon of choice for long range attacks early in the game since the Marsec can't hit the broad side of a mother ship from 5 squares away. I also use loads of these on clusters of enemies when I don't think I'll need to waste a stun grenade on them.

Proximity Mine - Not quite the super weapon they were in the original X-Com but they still have their uses for blocking of corridors and do considerably more damage than regular grenades for tougher enemies. Enemies almost always move when you've been spotted so you're guaranteed these will go off next turn if dropped at an enemy's feet. They're also handy when you suspect a popper will be coming through a choke point.

High Explosives - Haven't messed with these much. They seem too heavy to me, but I'll have to give 'em a closer look.

Smoke Grenades - Once every five hundred battles or so, I wished I'd held onto these, but if you play the game right you'll almost never wish you had one. Still, they can be handy for blinding that popper long enough to get an agent to safety.

Plasma Sword - You'll probably already have your hands on Devastator Cannons by the time you get enough of these to equip on all your agents, but they pack quite a mean punch and will cut through most walls for convenient shortcuts. If you've been using Marsecs well, the same close range strategies apply.

Disruptor Gun - It took me a while to realize just how bad these things suck. The only advantage is no ammo consumption. Stockpile these and sell them for a nice profit, but I'd rather stick with Earth gear than use these. They have lousy accuracy don't actually do all that much damage and take way too long to shoot.

Devastator Cannon - These are very nice, although usually short lived since I typically have Level B Toxiguns on the back burner by the time I get enough of them to equip everybody. They punch through walls like nobody's business and are more accurate than most weapons. Once you get these, you won't have to get in close anymore.

Toxigun - This is the ultimate alien killer until you get gas. It doesn't take long to get to level B clips so I usually wait for these before I start using them. Very accurate for a pistol, deadlier than the Devastator Cannon, and they shoot about as fast as the Marsec. The only disadvantage is that they can't punch through obstacles. The huge advantage is that they don't hurt humans in the event of friendly fire. Hold on to those cannons for the cultists, but these should be your permanent upgrade for taking out the aliens. You can work on getting these things ASAP the second you start capturing live aliens.

Heavy Launcher - These things do catastrophic amounts of collateral damage and while the blast radius will tend to evaporate all gear on the ground it seems to lose a lot of punch against enemies farther out. Since you don't want to be blowing the crap out of places you're protecting, and you don't want to be vaporizing all that psiclone on cultist raids, it really only comes in handy when defending your base or raiding alilen ships. I generally find that these things are more trouble than their worth. When I see cultists walking around with these I prefer to stun grenade them rather than risk a close range reaction shot.

Mini Launcher - Much less damage, same issues. I never bothered with these.

Vortex Launcher - This actually will kill large cluster of softer aliens, but the collateral damage issue is even worse. I usually only use these on particularly large UFOs, the alien dimension, or when I have plenty of money and want to have some fun with the cultists.

Boomeroid - More trouble than they're worth, IMO. They don't do a ton of damage and if you're not careful, you'll find them running down your own guys.

Vortex Mine - The ultimate grenade. I still keep stuns on all my guys for preemptive purposes and bypassing shields but I think these things have the most powerful explosion in the game for the purpose of destroying structures, and they can be extremely potent against tightly packed aliens. They're also the best weapon for destroying those orange floor panel gates that aliens get reinforcements through in the alien dimension.

Gas weapons - You can get gas weapons if you capture the alien queen and research her, so this is only a late game weapon but this is where you'll want to pull out those Heavy Launchers since the gas basically works about as well as stun grenades on cultists, only it kills all aliens outright and the Heavy Launcher version will create a huge cloud of the stuff, giving you massive visual cover while elimating anything that tries to come near. This stuff is even bettter than the Toxigun and once again, totally safe for humans.

Vehicle Weapons:

Lasers and Guns - Forget about it. Missiles and plasma are way better. If you don't believe me, watch the cops try to kill gangsters with these. It's pathetic. If money is in short supply the heavier lasers work decent on the first week but after that try to upgrade.

Janitor Missiles - These launchers are nice because they hold a ton of missiles. They work fine for the first week and I recommend using them exclusively until tougher ships start showing up since you start out with so much ammo for them.

Prophet Missiles - Much lower ammo capacity and only slightly more power than Janitors, but they get a nice range boost. If you're going to use bikes after the second week, this isn't a bad choice since they can stay farther back. Make sure you set the bikes to defensive. They'll die fast otherwise.

Rendor Plasma - Buy these and all elerium every chance you get. You won't need them for the first week, so don't waste the elerium, but they're nice to have on your air warriors once the bigger ships start to show up.

Plasma Multisystem - A great choice for the front slot of air warriors until better weapons become available. Their ROF dishes out damage faster than the Rendors and they keep firing even when you're not directly facing an alien ship to keep the heat on while turning.

Lineage Plasma - Until you have enough new X-Com ships, you'll want to buy these for all your air warriors since they can't fit alien weapons on the wing slots. These are a drastic improvement over the Rendor and will go a long way in taking out those first big ships.

The Heavy Missiles - I haven't really messed with these. The stats on them don't seem to impressive although I think the smaller ones might fit on hoverbikes which could make for a handy swarm strategy in a pinch since the range is so extreme. since the ammo cap is only 1 their potential damage is pretty lousy compared to most weapons, but might be worth it for cheap bike geurilla tactics. I don't the larger missiles will even fit on the hover cars so I don't know what the heck you would use those for.

Weapons Control - I buy these at every opportunity since they are always in short supply. I'm not sure if they help missiles at all but they definitely have a noticeable effect on beam weapons. You still miss the faster ships a lot but there are fewer stray shots leading to nasty collateral damage.

Light Disrupter - Look at the damage and the ROF. It's really not a very powerful weapon.

Medium Disrupter - This is the first alien weapon worth using and completely outclasses anything else you could but in the Hawk Air Warrior's front slot.

Heavy Disrupters - They only fit on Avengers but these things are incredible.

Alien Missiles - If you've got some brilliant financial scheme for affording all the ammo, I recommend not using these at all. Avengers with nothing but disrupters do just fine. The stasis missiles can be cool but are also very expensive, whereas a well armed and shielded Avenger can handle most situations with ease. Be extremely wary of alien ships that shoot stasis missiles though.


Motion Detector - I like giving these to all my agents for tracking down stragglers or just getting a good idea of where aliens are camped out on ship recovery missions.

Personal and Vehicle Shields - Having more than one of these on a unit will cause them to stack, and yes, personal shields work even when inside your backpack. Stun grenades are a great way to load up on extra shields and the Toxigun goes straight through them IIRC.

Personal Stealth Field - Use it. Even if you're using two handed weapons it's worth the tradeoff in accuracy since it will drastically reduce alien accuracy in a much bigger way. If I had to pick between these and shields, I'd pick these if I didn't like the fact that doubled up shields allowed me to be so careless with my men. If you're a careful player the Stealth Field is probably one of the most powerful items in the game.

Teleporter - Not a great item in turn based. I saw a FAQ saying you can get these things by researching shield tech. The only way I ever got them was by taking them from the aliens in the very last alien dimension mission and retreating to research them. Fun for playing pranks on the cultists but I don't think it would be that great since it takes so many TUs to use anyway.

Psionics - Psionics are weak against so many aliens in this game and they're so much more limited than in previous games, I don't really bother with them, although I haven't tried a team really focused on psi use yet.

Eh... oops. I guess that wasn't a short post was it?

sewen 19-12-2005 12:09 PM


Originally posted by Ordos@Dec 18 2005, 04:26 PM
Hey I really need some help

I downloaded and extracted everything. But when I try and run Xcomapoc.exe nothing happens. It just goes to a black screen and stops. Ive tried dosbox but that dosnt work either. Any ideas?

:help: I don't know, as I was strucked exactly with the same behaviour.

But from other games I think that it is memory error. (ie something with himem and emm386 or bad path), would be anyone so kind and send here the lines with emm386 - from config.sys and content of Xcom3.cfg, if he has something diferent here than the drive letter?

Of course, from running DOS installation of this game :)

Any other advice is welcomed too ;-)

Guest 19-12-2005 12:59 PM

To answer some earlier questions if anyone is still paying attention. The game's creator, Julian Gollop didn't feel that they had enough time to really make it the game they wanted it to be. The corporations were supposed to have a lot more personality and would make specific demands and treaties with you aside from just getting pissed when you blew up or stole their stuff. That would explain the ground vehicles sucking. Oddly enough, he said the same thing about the original X-Com, which is still one of my alltime favorites.

I think in the backstory, the military corps were too busy dealing with galactic strife with their fellow humans to handle the alien threat properly since humanity had moved on to outerspace and was mining elerium, etc...

I think I may have hit some sleeper element of the AI at one point in regards to this. In one game I was playing a mothership showed up after a long dry spell (I'd really been handing it to them). It approached the corporate headquarters of a nonmilitary corporation IIRC, but the corp suddenly launched an unbelievable number of small craft. Between them and my ships, we took it down right before it get to the gate, I cleared the aliens from their HQ and their status went from neutral to allied. I've never seen something like that happen before outside of Megapol helping you out.

For some reason, Julian or Mythos doesn't seem to want to release the original to abandonware status, but you can still find copies of it for the PlayStation fairly easily. It's in some ways better than apoc, but I love both for different reasons. Psionics were awesome in the original. You could leave your top psionicists in the back of the ship and mind control any unit that any of your other units could see. No line of sight necessary. You could actually finish a mission just by mindcontrolling every alien. Also, the lower level ships were much smaller and convenient if you just wanted to make a quick raid for the basics of ship tech or some Elerium (which could only be found on intact alien ships).

Didn't know about the mindshields. Guess I just enjoyed raiding the cultists too much to consider making new enemies. Do you have to be on Superhuman for that? One thing you guys didn't mention was the personal teleporters. I don't know if this "unlockable" or if you simply have to take it off corpses in the last of the alien dimension missions and then retreat to research it. That's how I found it for the first time after a solid year of play.

I think the cultists will actually raid you if you don't keep them down with regular raids. I seem to remember this happening like once. Once I start raking in the Devastator cannons and shields for sale I tend to leave them alone on Superhuman since their temples can be pretty huge and time consuming for a turn based player.

Karlina 19-12-2005 04:47 PM

It's game is COOOOOOL!!!!! :ok: :Brain: But my game HAVEN'T MUSIC !!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :wall:

Guest 19-12-2005 04:48 PM

It's game is COOOOOOL!!!!! :ok: :Brain: But my game HAVEN'T GOT MUSIC !!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :wall:

The Fifth Horseman 19-12-2005 05:26 PM

The download on Abandonia does not include music or movies. Deal with that.

sewen 19-12-2005 06:20 PM

See twice
Apocalypse Music

Ordos 19-12-2005 06:32 PM

Any ideas for the black screen problem?

sewen 19-12-2005 08:04 PM


Originally posted by Ordos@Dec 19 2005, 07:32 PM
Any ideas for the black screen problem?
Not yet. But I advance.

I was able to see an intro and x com welcome screen and then, hmm "please put your CD-ROM back", which was the end.

It looks like you are supposed to emulate CD, so no any other files on the same partition with xcom, so I will do it completely and then will see

btw I found this file:
no cd crack

from here:
another forum - only for xcom

and I use cutemouse as my
mouse driver, it's better.

gufu1992 19-12-2005 08:26 PM

OMG-disrupto weapons are great! :ok:
hmm-where did my laser rifle go? :cry:
snipers suck :sniper: :crazy:
Missles cost too much! :ranting:

sewen 19-12-2005 09:32 PM

OK. This will possibly fix the problem and moreover allow you to watch all videos when you will wish (all 3) no cd solution

Ordos 20-12-2005 02:49 AM

Is there a place where I can download the CD version? Becuase I bought it on CD a while ago and cant find it anymore. I think that if I had the cd version I could make it work.

Padraig 20-12-2005 11:48 AM

Hey every1

just started using this game, loved the previous 2

i had the same problem with the black screen, but i just waited for about a minute then hit enter, waited another minute and it worked.

might hav just been my one, but good luck

The Fifth Horseman 20-12-2005 12:02 PM


See twice
This music cannot be used in the game, though. So my point still stands.

Is there a place where I can download the CD version?

sewen 20-12-2005 01:34 PM


This music cannot be used in the game, though. So my point still stands.
No, it cannot - but it's music from the game :) I think that originally, at least part of music, was on game CD audio tracks.

Therefore it may be recreated and possilbly played again with the last no-cd patch which I mentioned. It wlll however require to know the structure of original game CD.

**or much easier, you may play this music outta emulator when you play the game.

The Fifth Horseman 20-12-2005 01:56 PM


I think that originally, at least part of music, was on game CD audio tracks.
And wrong. I have the CD version - the music is NOT in Audio-CD format, but locked up inside a pretty large data file on the CD itself.

sewen 20-12-2005 02:30 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Dec 20 2005, 02:56 PM
And wrong. I have the CD version - the music is NOT in Audio-CD format, but locked up inside a pretty large data file on the CD itself.
That's bad, but no one will do the patch which allows this if here was not any version on what it could be applied.

The question is, which one is on abandonia and if could be paired with this solution.

Anyway, do you have any idea why the game instead of showing the classic start menu says this?




or do the black screen?

* I tried to emualte only C drive, but it's not help either...

The Fifth Horseman 20-12-2005 03:41 PM

If you are using DosBox, then check the readme on how to mount CD-rom drives - it's a little different then normal mounting.

sewen 20-12-2005 04:20 PM

Thanks, but I don't.

I use qemu as it's much faster and capable to emulate true DOS. Sometimes however too authentically.

The Fifth Horseman 20-12-2005 04:53 PM

Then check on the additional parameters you can use for Qemu's drive mounting - especially low-level CD support.

Ordos 20-12-2005 06:41 PM

Ok solved the problem with the black screen, its just black because theres no opening movie, hitting enter to skip it will bring you to the menu screen.

sewen 20-12-2005 07:20 PM

I'm happy that it now works for you. But here IS intro movie :bleh:

It's located in directory smk and supposed to be played through /ufoexe/smkp.exe

if you wish to omit the ESC hitting simply write or do a bat file with xcomapoc.exe skip

: Yes, this looks like right way, but here are no more parametrs to be set in qemu. Perhaps in later releases (tested with qemu 8.0, released yesterday)

or I may start long way to achive an "expert on low level DOS drivers" status :cheers:

SupSuper 20-12-2005 09:57 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Dec 20 2005, 01:02 PM

See twice
This music cannot be used in the game, though. So my point still stands.

Actually, I extracted the music by opening up the MUSIC file on Adobe Audition and splitting it up into several mp3, so you should be able to reverse the process (put it all back together in one big raw sound file) :)

Acolyte 21-12-2005 09:56 AM

OK lets make it short.

Acolyte 21-12-2005 01:51 PM

Ok i know im duble posting but ive reacently played the first UFO EU and i saw that i can't buy any HWP in apoc how sad the game would be much more fun if i could cend a hwp on a megaspawn the new tactical options (Troopers hiding behind tanks) and destruction you could make with a toy like that. :evil:
I always liked to rush aliens with them watching the desperate aliens running away in disorder.

Why cant i build things availble on the market copy rights or what. :blink:

The Fifth Horseman 21-12-2005 02:16 PM

Kind of. But you can get more of these through raiding other corps. There is a raiding bug that has been discussed several pages back in this thread - allows for some really great loot, no hostility gain, and no ammo use as well.

Guest 26-12-2005 10:22 PM

As far as gear concerned though, you can get everything you want for your agents by hitting the Cult of Sirius who will go hostile on you the second you start destroying UFOs anyway.

In a 4 temple raid, I usually expect to get over a dozen psiclone dohickeys and you frequently get gear that won't be available for the first week or two. I just wish you could raid for better vehicle stuff.

I've been playing the original on PlayStation recently, and I just don't dig the HWPs like I used too. They're way too pricey (you can build a lot of workshops for cranking out the laser cannons with half a mil), they have a big come shoot me profile, and the starting tanks can get wiped out by a single shot of Heavy Plasma. They're good for getting your troops out of the transport initially if you're not into reloading games when they go awry, but agents are much more cost effective and ultimately much more deadly with indirect fire attacks (grenades) and a gun that is every bit as powerful as a tank's (heavy plasma).

About raids: Is there anything you can get from organizations other than the Cult that actually work? I thought I read somewhere that the elerium pods and mind defense devices don't actually do anything.

Pherdnut 26-12-2005 11:02 PM

That was me in the last post. I've been messing around with vehicles a lot. I've really been liking the hover car approach in the first couple weeks. At first you don't need anything but Janitors against the scouts and probes but buy up all the Prophet missiles since these will run out fast when you start using them exclusively. I also buy all the elerium and Rendor plasma guns I can get my hands on but save these for the next week.

Always set cars and bikes to cautious. They seem to do just fine at launching missiles while dodging and cautious makes them a lot less likely to get killed. The interceptor is convenient as a troop transport but aside from taking more hits and having more space, it offers no advantages over hovercars and costs over six times as much. I usually sell mine to get more cars. A single car with two janitors focused on a probe will always destroy it, so if you want one for research, be sure and turn off one of the missile systems after it takes the first shot and make sure you only have that car focusing on the probe (probes are the pill shaped UFOs that don't drop aliens). Be sure and raid all the temples at least three times in the first week so you can get enough money to buy Warhawks when they become available. I try and get 5 cars right off the bat and 6 by the end of the week.

My reasoning on cars vs. bikes is this: Cars only cost slightly more than two bikes, offer twice the weapon hardpoints, and have a 2x2 equipment space that can equip a shield or other useful system. AFAIK, targetting systems don't help missiles at all but putting a shield or missile evasion matrix in there could be a nice precaution. Also, Micromanaging 6 cars is a heck of a lot less hassle than 12 bikes. While bikes are noticeably better at evading alien attacks, a single hit from just about anything will kill it.

As far as general equipment is concerned, I alway put the best possible engines in all my vehicles. Also, I like to purchase any and all targetting systems until the X-Com ones become available. I don't think these effect the performance of homing missiles though, so if you have vehicles with guns, put all your targetting computers in these.

At week 2 in normal difficulty, your cars will start getting shot up by the transports and fast attack ships. Fortunately, a couple Warhawks are usually available at this point and they can soak a lot of damage. Warhawks turn like a pig and can't evade for crap, so just set them to aggressive. I think it might increase their ROF and they seem to get to the target a lot faster. To keep your cars alive, switch up to Prophet missiles which have considerably more range and better damage and sell all the janitors. You won't need them anymore. Set the cars to Cautious and they'll almost never get hit due to the superior range of the Prophet missiles and the maneuvering ability of the cars. Trust me on this one. Janitor vs. Prophet means the difference between dead cars and untouched cars once the first manned UFOs start showing up. I usually equip the Warhawks with Rendor and Multibeam plasma and then upgrade all the Rendors to Lineage as it becomes availabel.

At week 3 the prophets may start running out, but you should hopefully be moving up to 4 Warhawks at this point anyway. If the prophet missiles start getting too low, start equipping your cars with Justice missile systems. These are one shot missiles that do a great deal of damage and can be shot from an absurd range. While they won't get as much punch in the long haul, the damage your cars can do by launching one shot and then flying home is still considerable and much safer than engaging with closer range missiles. I have no idea what the UFOpaedia is talking about with the ground target thing. They work just fine against UFOs. In fact it's a lot of fun to watch six justice missiles melt the shields off of an alien bomber class ship while the cars that launched them are already on their way home.

In my current game, I had 4 Warhawks and 6 Hovercars in week 3 and through judicious saving and reloading, I was able to down every UFO up to that point with only a handful of successful alien dropoffs and most of the reloads were due to a ship getting away rather than actually losing a car.

The most dangerous ships vs. cars and bikes are ones with missile systems. As these start becoming more common, you'll want to be careful to only attack at long range with your supporting vehicles and keep these ships occupied with your warhawks and X-Com craft (I wouldn't recommend anything below Retaliator for attacking UFOs although the Bio trans does make a nice troop carrier). I haven't experimented with missile evasion matrixes yet but loading one of these in might make a prophet equipped hovercar viable vs. missile equipped UFOs. I've heard really good things about these.

Guest_guest 02-01-2006 12:47 PM

The one shot mistles you are talking bout dont fit on the car.

The Fifth Horseman 02-01-2006 04:46 PM

Oh, really? I checked and they do. JANITOR and PROPHET launchers.


all the temples at least three times in the first week so you can get enough money to buy Warhawks when they become available.
Better - thirty. And I've been there, done that... :P

acolyte 04-01-2006 06:28 AM


Originally posted by Pherdnut@Dec 27 2005, 12:02 AM
In fact it's a lot of fun to watch six justice missiles melt the shields off of an alien bomber class ship while the cars that launched them are already on their way home.

Im talking bout THOSE mistles not the janitor or prophet (they fit even on the bike)

Sharp 04-01-2006 10:51 AM

Yup, Justice and Retribution Missiles which do a heck load of damage wont fit on cars or bikes, they will fit on airships though, what is interesting is that the hoverbike can become lethal to enemies in week 2(I think) once you get the Lineage Plasma Cannon, such a heavy devastating weapon can actually fit on a hoverbike quite suprisingly, however it is a costly investment as it can be easily destroyed.

Once good tactic to use once you seem to start running out of Prophets is to use ground missiles, in the game after week 2 you wont really be short of cash, splurge out on buying all those nice ground vehicles which can actually do a fair amount of damage to UFO's, however I know what your all thinking, roads can be destroyed which instantly kills vehicles, however if you go :bye: HERE :bye: (Roadwar Mod not needed but is quite cool) and download j'ordos citymap file then roads become invincible :Brain: , meaning that Griffons actually become very powerful (they have same HP as Annhiliator).

Just park some vehicles in areas near Dimension Gates or important buildings such as Senate, or anywhere in a circle so the whole city is covered against the UFO threat.

@ Pherdnut - What are you thinking??? Selling your Valkryie Interceptor to buy more cars???? How do you plan to take on crashed UFO's?? With a 4/8 team in a hovercar? Only flying vehicles can recover UFO's so you wont be able to get an APC on the crash site even if it is on the road.

Targeting Computers are terrible, great you can fire more accurately where the UFO was 5 seconds ago before it moved. Sure it does save embarrising moments when you miss against a stationory UFO which is invading a building but it makes fighting against moving UFO's much harder, the only UFO's you will be able to hit are the slow ones with a targeting computer, but those slow ones are huge and you cant miss anyway.

Also the more you raid the bigger the score you get, the bigger the score you get the quicker the aliens get the better weapons, the quicker the aliens get better weapons the more men you lose etc... not to mention that your research will still be slow so you wont be able to keep up with thier weapons, and you still dont get all the best weapons from all the organisations yet so your stuck with mediocore weapons against very very heavily armed aliens.

Stun Raids are a technique where you attack a non-hostile organisation but you only use stun guns, now there are two paths you can go from this, one is to stun all the guards and get all the loot and no negative relations with the organisation, the other is to manually take the loot (stun a person if needed to take there guns) then drop your own obsolete weapons and escape, this means that you get the new advanced guns but you dont gain as much score as you dump your obsolete stuff so the aliens dont increase thier armament so quickly while you do.

When attacking UFO's you should be careful not to use too many of your vehicles, you might be wondering why use less when you can use more and decimate the UFO quickly, however when say you attack a single UFO with 12 hoverbikes, 6 cars and 2 Hawk Air Warriors (not Warhawks) all armed to the teeth, there tends to be a little bit of friendly fire so don't be suprised to see Hawk Air Warrior 1 destroyed Hoverbike 7. If you use the invincible roads download then you can use more ground vehicles which can soak up more UFO fire and have less chance of hitting your own guys if your using just missiles. One shot missiles work best at a medium range, short-range it tends to miss the UFO, circle round and hit the nearest MegaPol station, long range the UFO might even just escape by then or hide behind a building, at medium range it gets the tracking and the UFO doesnt have time to evade, always deactivate one-shot missiles until you actually want to fire them then and there, when UFO's attack your base you do a lot more damage to yourself when your Hawk blows up half your base with a mis-timed retribution as it is taking off.

Alex X-Com fan 08-01-2006 04:46 PM

Its probably been said hundreds of times but i couldnt find it, read alot of all the 44 pages, but no luck....

I've downloaded the game and it works, except for the sound... I got the game here so I have the vdm sound thing, I've also tried different sound card setups including the one people have said would work ; soundblaster 220 - 7 - 1

If anyone could tell me what to do now, I would appreciate it alot ;)

punch999 08-01-2006 10:19 PM

Is sound included in the game. Wouldn't that make it Gigantic.... Sorry cant help you on that

Alex X-Com fan 08-01-2006 10:35 PM

I tought the 2 folders SOUND and RAWSOUND was for sounds or ?

If not I got cd version too so maybe i could just copy paste something from it, or at least install sounds only from the cd, I have not tried too becouse im not very experienced in such thing and i dont want to ruin anything....

Flowbar 09-01-2006 12:19 PM

The music and background sound effects don't seem to be included in the cracked version, but basic sound effects like guns, grenades and stuff are (all important ones), so I put on the radio for music and think it's ok. The background music does add some feeling in the beginning, but as always, after a few hours you kinda know it.

What I wonder is what the fastest way in RL time is to play Apocalypse? Raiding CoS really lowers the in-game time, but then raids on turn based take like one hour for me to finish each (I try to lose no men and almost always succeed). Not downing all UFOs seem to keep UFO tech down a little, but as soon as Assault ships come, I tend to get involved in zillions of ground fights which raise my score by thousands per week. Shooting buildings in geoscape doesn't seem to do the trick for me, got total score of -47 and still aliens showed up with shields and devastator cannons. Any ideas?

Guest 11-01-2006 06:27 PM

Justice missiles fit on cars and bikes. They are smaller than the Retribution missiles. TRY it.

In the first week you don't need an interceptor since you don't do ground missions on the smaller UFOs and as far as I can tell, the larger UFOs never show up until week 2. You can split up your cargo, bio trans and crew modules between multiple cars, send them all to a building that's been invaded and investigate from multiple vehicles. I always buy Hawk Air Warriors when they become available in week 2 so if all I have is cars, it's not a big deal.

I've been messing around with different weapons and lots of trial runs and have come to this conclusion:

Missiles are not more powerful than guns by a longshot when you take ROF into account. They also, tend to be more, not less likely to do damage to friendly buildings. They are also hideously expensive compared to guns, especially guns that don't use ammo like the lasers. Seriously, lasers take ships out much faster, have equally good range, don't seem to do as much damage with stray shots, and you can buy a lot more vehicles if you sell all those janitors you start off with.

The only advantage of missiles is that they are more easily fired while evading. On medium difficulty you can really stretch the usage of those hovercars out to the third week or so by setting them all on cautious and giving them missiles with longer range. 2nd week, I give them prophets. Eight rounds are still sufficient and they get a lot more survivability off of that extra 100 meter range. Late third week and onward, I tend to go for justice missiles until I've started building my own ships or have enough money to field 5 or more Hawk Air Warriors.

On heavier vehicles that can't really evade effectively, you're better off sticking with guns and setting the vehicles on aggressive. Hawks don't dodge missiles and guns. Their defense is strictly health. Autocannons actually do damage comparable to the Rendors when you take ROF into account, but their range is shorter and the projectiles move a lot slower making it harder to hit the smaller scouts and probes. I like to get these on the second week to conserve elerium. Hawk Air Warriors with two 40 mils and a plasma multisystem do just fine until week 3 when you finally get Lineage Plasma. The game never gives you enough ammo for the autocannons at first, so the best approach is to buy bikes, strip the cannons off (they come fully loaded), and then sell the bikes back.

Targeting computers are still worth it IMO. Since you're usually chasing the UFOs, there isn't a lot of lateral movement. I also prefer the accuracy for avoiding damage to friendly structures and vehicles. If you're shots are just barely missing UFOs, it's not the same as them going wild, hitting the worst possible support structure of a slum and bringing the whole thing down. I don't think they do anything for missiles though.

In superhuman, just ditch the cars on the second week. The UFOs are too accurate at that difficulty and your cars will get pounded by the fast attack ships in no time. Bikes might still work but I hate all the additional micro involved in moving 8-12 bikes around. Also the buildings are too high to avoid running into constant trouble with missiles smacking into friendly targets to be worth the long range Justice approach.

Ground vehicles are still slow and they draw fire to wear you don't want it, the foundations of any nearby buildings. Too expensive and too slow even if you mod the streets to be indestructable.

Don't bother with Disruptors for vehicles until you get the mediums. The small disruptors are lousy weapons. The benefit you get from the range and ROF of lasers is far superior to the small disruptor and neither will cost you any ammo.

On the scoring more points and confronting higher tech sooner rather than later issue, that's the way I prefer it. Even when the aliens have all the tech they don't all necessarily equip it and I've never run into personal shields before I got Toxiguns going (got them at the beginning of week 3 in my current game). When you have toxiguns and shields the advantage to the aliens has been completely flipflopped since Toxiguns ignore the shields.

Shooting down more ships does appear to weaken the number of ships they send. For instance, if you shoot every single UFO from week 1 down, you'll be attacked by 2 transports and 2 fast attack ships rather than 3 fast attack ships at the beginning of week 2. I then shot all of those down in my last game and was attacked by a single transport and some scouts the next time. Then they left me alone for the rest of the week and came at me with an Assault Ship (the big long one), a transport, and three scouts. I think when there are 2 or more infiltration ships accompanied by scouts, the scouts just act as escorts and don't try to infiltrate. They do upgrade tech faster when you're really kicking their behind, but that's fine by me. The vehicle shields are a pain until you get that first advanced physics lab up, so you can research medium disruptors and then vehicle shields, but the nice thing is that you'll have plenty of shields in storage when you finally get the tech.

Some research tips:

Once you get bio transport modules, make sure you grab at least one intact brainsucker pod from your next mission if you can find one. They research much faster than any other live alien and you'll be able to start on advanced labs much sooner.

If you have 3 quantum physics labs and manage to fill them up with physicists by week 2, you'll have a much easier time researching ship tech to get advanced physics labs and manufacturing facilities sooner. In my current game, I expect to be building my first Bio Transporters at the beginning of week 4.

People Guns

I've been messing around with the different personal weapons (I play turn based primarily) and I gotta say, Marsec M4000s are the best choice if you use them properly as close range weapons. I don't think they're ideal for RTS though since you need to get in really close and your enemies will be firing on you as you do so.

Pherdnut 11-01-2006 06:29 PM

Heh. Sorry, that was me.

Alex X-Com fan 12-01-2006 01:01 PM

The Thing is I cant get the sounds to work, I knew music was not included but its okey, a little boring but.... Any way got my old laptop working so i now got both music and sound ;)

For gameplay i have just two things to say;

Against UFO's : Hooverbikes

Tactical turnbased : Marsec's launcher and Marsec's M4000

Having aboute 15 hooverbikes and the hoovercars in the second week i usually manage to down the UFO's, ofcourse is can be tricky if/when they send more then 2 fast attack UFO's.... i've probably playd trough the game 20-25 times and this is what has worked best for me, at least the first weeks....

Alex X-Com fan 12-01-2006 01:05 PM

My point was really, if you down all the UFO's you actually dont have to do any tactical missions, as llong as you can keep up the research.... :)

Flowbar 12-01-2006 02:21 PM

I noticed that if you shoot down a lot of UFOs the first week, for second week you'll be facing transports and fast attack ships with shields, so just downing a single scout and a single proble can actually help you keeping tech advancement down. The down side is of course that you'll have to do a lot of missions vs non-equipment aliens (worms, spitters, brainsuckers), so you don't get cash from the tactical battles.

I tried to use lasers and autocannons against fast attack ships with shields and I say it takes AGES to down them that way. The shields go down fairly quickly, but they are too well armoured, so the guns don't do enough damage. My next try will be using rendors and janitors, from what I remember that combo takes the FASs down much quicker. On the other hand, there is hardly any damage done to the city if I use lasers/guns.

I find the trickiest part being the tech research order. I usually go for disruptor gun, devastator cannon, personal shield and finally transporter with the highest priority, then if I have spare scientist I go for UFOs, power/control/engines, ship shields, ship guns, new craft, launchers in roughly that order and save boomeriods, vortex mines, cloaking devices and ship teleporters for last. This makes sure my foot soldiers get nice protection (shields and cloaking) as soon as possible, but I get well behind in the air combat. Is it worthwhile to shift focus to get medium disruptor beams ASAP?

(Edit: I only play on Superhuman, never even tried another level, this is because I thought I was so good with XCOM 1 on Superhuman, never knew at that time that the game played on Beginner whatever I chose)

Sharp 12-01-2006 07:48 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Jan 11 2006, 07:27 PM
Justice missiles fit on cars and bikes. They are smaller than the Retribution missiles. TRY it.

Ground vehicles are still slow and they draw fire to wear you don't want it, the foundations of any nearby buildings. Too expensive and too slow even if you mod the streets to be indestructable.

On the scoring more points and confronting higher tech sooner rather than later issue, that's the way I prefer it. Even when the aliens have all the tech they don't all necessarily equip it and I've never run into personal shields before I got Toxiguns going (got them at the beginning of week 3 in my current game). When you have toxiguns and shields the advantage to the aliens has been completely flipflopped since Toxiguns ignore the shields.

Wow, didn't really ever use justice's that much to notice, the only advantage when it comes to justice and retribution over other missiles are there devestatingly long range, the high damage, and the relative cheapness per launcher and missile. However if you are a cheapskate then you would be better spending money on lasers or plasma instead. The only way I can see justices doing really good is if you equip around 5 hoverbikes and fire off the round then go back to base (im not too sure how long it takes to reload but i doubt the UFO will still be there once you do).

Although ground vehicles are slow, UFO's seem to rarely miss them and when they do they dont do that much damage to the corp building, also when UFO's shoot buildings, its much better when you do, the more buildings the UFO's shoot the better the rep you get as the rep system has an invisible corp of Alien, and the rep system works in the whole, an enemy of my enemy is my friend, best way to make friends by getting aliens to blow em up. Also the ground anti-air weapons are suprisingly effective, especially the Griffon AFV's choices, the amazing armour it has means it can take a lot of fire as well.

On the whole scoring points, its good to score high points, however when you do the whole raid cult of sirius 500 times in one hour, you tend to get aliens turning up with devestators and shields sharpish as well as scouts and probes being equipped with shields. Alien craft once they escape back to alien dimension just stay there hanging around until the next invasion, the more ships the alien build and have in thier dimension the more often they attack I think, however I believe there is a limit on how many types of ships they will produce so dont worry you won't see 5 motherships when you enter the alien dimension for the first time if you are that bad at shooting them down. A good tactic in the alien dimension is to send a strike fleet, attack the nearest UFO(s) then before all the UFO's can reach to destroy you fleet you just escape out again.

If you keep your score down, it gives you time to research while aliens still use the same weapons. You can really level the playing field like this.

The best craft weapon in my opinion is the lineage plasma cannon (not inc. alien tech that is), although expensive and rare to get, elerium isnt so expensive for using these weapons, equip two in a hovercar along with a shield and you have an extremly powerful agile flying weapons platform which can run away if it looks in danger.

The Fifth Horseman 13-01-2006 05:08 PM


I noticed that if you shoot down a lot of UFOs the first week, for second week you'll be facing transports and fast attack ships with shields, so just downing a single scout and a single proble can actually help you keeping tech advancement down. The down side is of course that you'll have to do a lot of missions vs non-equipment aliens (worms, spitters, brainsuckers), so you don't get cash from the tactical battles.
Actually, the game adapts to your score. If you play a lot of Raids and get a high score before the first UFO appears, you can encounter Personal Shields and Devastator Cannons in your first mission.

Guest 17-01-2006 05:05 PM

the funniest and my most favourite thing to do is attack the cult of cyrius and bring many high explosives, and do as much damage as possible :D

Guest 17-01-2006 05:13 PM

how do you get sound working?

Bieningana 18-01-2006 11:20 AM

I have WinME and I know it sucks, but it has one advantage - X-com works on it without any magic or special software... I just click on the .exe button and there it is, with sounds and music ! Thats why I still use ME. :kosta:

bruno 18-01-2006 11:29 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Jan 17 2006, 07:13 PM
how do you get sound working?
i think you can use Vdm to have sound. :cheers:

Guest 18-01-2006 04:42 PM

I cannot download the game from this link:
How come everyone else doesn't have this problem? I keep getting a 504 gateway timeout message.

The Fifth Horseman 18-01-2006 05:38 PM

Try This one.

jacob 19-01-2006 03:56 AM

hey my x-com doesn't seem to work. I can get through the first video sequence but then it screws up and has random lines across the screen. Any ideas of how to fix this?

The Fifth Horseman 19-01-2006 09:52 AM

Check the previous posts in this thread and in Troubleshooting. I remember this has been discussed before.

*Happy* 20-01-2006 12:50 PM

Alright, I finally forced myself to try this game and i found it's not nearly as bad as I thought. Sure, it may not be as good as x-com 1 but I sure enjoy playing it.

However, seeing this game is quite different in many respects to the first two, I'd apprecite it if someone could help me with any of these questions:

1. How many soldiers do I need in each base? I've found that six soldiers is the optimum for most missions, but I often suffer injuries.

2. Research is way different. How many scientists/engineers do you suggest I should hire?

3. Do androids gain experience? It says they improve "very slowly". However, my most senior officer is an android and hasn't improved even 1 point in any skill!

4. Are mutants and psychic powers worth it? It seems almost all aliens have very high resistance or immunity to psionics.

5. How do I IMPROVE relations with organizations without bribery? Is there any benefit to being allied with an organization?

The Fifth Horseman 20-01-2006 02:43 PM


1. How many soldiers do I need in each base? I've found that six soldiers is the optimum for most missions, but I often suffer injuries.
I tend to use large numbers of troops, usually as many as I can pack onto the mission.


2. Research is way different. How many scientists/engineers do you suggest I should hire?
As many as you can stuff in your labs. If one much better then your worst one appears, sack the worst one and hire the new. You might want to keep some more skilled (90+ skill level) ones, for future labs.


3. Do androids gain experience? It says they improve "very slowly". However, my most senior officer is an android and hasn't improved even 1 point in any skill!
They don't improve. They do, however, score kills and missions - that's on what their promotions are based.


4. Are mutants and psychic powers worth it? It seems almost all aliens have very high resistance or immunity to psionics.
Nope. It all depends on the species - some just aren't conscious enough to be affected.


5. How do I IMPROVE relations with organizations without bribery? Is there any benefit to being allied with an organization?
Fight with their enemies. The relations will slowly rise. There are some benefits, but none too obvious.

*Happy* 21-01-2006 02:23 PM

Thank you for the help! Just one more thing - how do I see who are an organization's enemies?

On a side note - just had a ufo incursion that almost blasted both of my hovercars and my valkyrie out of the sky! What a change from the first two games - in this one the UFOs can really fight back!

Sharp 21-01-2006 07:32 PM

There is no way to tell the enemies of an organisation other then the ones that really hate each other will raid and attack buildings of each other.

Also some organisations start out unfriendly with each other, for example MegaPol and the gangs are unfriendly/hostile, MarSec and MegaPol are slightly unfriendly due to selling similar products, Psyke seems to be unfriendly with Diablos and Technocrats and Extropians are also unfriendly to each other I think.

You should never use valkyries to intercept UFO's once you get the Type 3 Purple transporter UFO's, Valkyries are great for troop transport but thier limited in combat as they are not manouverable so get shot easily, hovercars and hoverbikes are best initially for taking out UFO's, only use Valkyries as support (engage with bikes and cars first or have Valk use one-shot missiles and then retreat)

blue123 22-01-2006 01:28 PM

This game looks pretty good. I know someone's probably said this, but... you have to go to REALLY high cycles just to make it playable! It's still jerky, though. Same with TFTD...

*Happy* 22-01-2006 02:49 PM


Originally posted by Sharp@Jan 21 2006, 08:32 PM
There is no way to tell the enemies of an organisation other then the ones that really hate each other will raid and attack buildings of each other.

Also some organisations start out unfriendly with each other, for example MegaPol and the gangs are unfriendly/hostile, MarSec and MegaPol are slightly unfriendly due to selling similar products, Psyke seems to be unfriendly with Diablos and Technocrats and Extropians are also unfriendly to each other I think.

You should never use valkyries to intercept UFO's once you get the Type 3 Purple transporter UFO's, Valkyries are great for troop transport but thier limited in combat as they are not manouverable so get shot easily, hovercars and hoverbikes are best initially for taking out UFO's, only use Valkyries as support (engage with bikes and cars first or have Valk use one-shot missiles and then retreat)

Thanks for the advice about intercepting UFOs - it goes much better now that I have a swarm of hoverbikes and a few hovercars plus a valkyrie acting as support. Those escort ships sure are tough, though.

About raiding the organizations, if I raid an organization's building and steal lots of equipment, can I raid it again the next day and find stuff again or will there be significantly less booty? (I enjoy raiding the Cult's temples as a pastime :evil: ).


The game works much better with VDMSound.

Sharp 22-01-2006 05:28 PM

You can raid a corp as many times as you want and get lots of loot, loot is a bit random, sometimes there will be lots sometimes there will be little, also cargo modules work weird in the game, as long as a ship has one cargo module it can get any number of cargo from a battle, this effectivly means that you can just park your Valk at CoS and just keep raiding them again and again and again.

However beware, the more you raid, the more your score increases, the more your score increases, the better the equipment the aliens get, the better the equipment the aliens get the more you die. It is really bad when you have managed to get a disrutor gun from loot but before you finish researching aliens are coming in with dimension missile launchers due to you raiding so much.

blue123 23-01-2006 02:50 PM

Wait, happy. I'm running the program "VDMS_apoc" under dosbox. What do you mean?

*Happy* 23-01-2006 09:40 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Jan 23 2006, 03:50 PM
Wait, happy. I'm running the program "VDMS_apoc" under dosbox. What do you mean?
Don't run it under dosbox. I meant the VDMSound emulation program available for download on this site. Even if you don't have VDMSound you can run the game through "VDMS_apoc.bat" straight from windows, but there won't be any sound.

P.S. Note that the version of the game on this site doesn't have music and some sounds (to make the download smaller).

blue123 25-01-2006 04:35 PM

Ok, I did that. Only problem now is, my agents don't seem to get on a vehicle when I select both them and the vehicle and click on the investigate button. Help?

Sharp 25-01-2006 06:45 PM

To put agents in a vehicle, go to the assign screen (one which shows agents and vehicles). Then highlight your agents by clicking on them, then drag one of the highlighted to a chosen vehicle, they will be assigned to the vehicles, then make sure the vehicle is highlighted when you click the alien investigation button. Try and make sure the vehicle has cargo or it can be a bit of a waste.

The Fifth Horseman 26-01-2006 10:56 AM

Or - if two or more vehicles are used - one has a cargo hold and the other a bio-transport module. You need one of each alien species to research.

*Happy* 26-01-2006 08:25 PM

:help: I get creamed when fighting skeletoids with cloaking devices and entropy launchers - I cant even see them, and they fill me full of those @!*$ missiles in no time. It's especially bad if they're supported by lots of grenade-throwing anthropoids. Any suggestions on how to beat them? In enclosed areas waithing behing a corner with devastator cannons set on auto works well, but in open areas I have great difficulties.

The Fifth Horseman 27-01-2006 09:55 AM

Pretty simple - DON'T FIGHT THEM IN OPEN AREAS. Use smoke grenades for cover, then AP grenades, Hi-explosives and Proximity Mines to nuke them sky-high.

Hollyhockala 27-01-2006 10:01 PM

Hi all - I'm downloading a demo from Gamespot to try and get music files. Anyone want to clue me in to where I should put them when I'm ready? Sound or rawsound, or somewhere else? Thanks.

blue123 28-01-2006 10:19 AM

Uhh... if I click on one of the agents it either selects or deselects them. How do I drag? (Strange, I could put agents in at the start of the game)

*Happy* 28-01-2006 12:33 PM


Originally posted by blue123@Jan 28 2006, 11:19 AM
Uhh... if I click on one of the agents it either selects or deselects them. How do I drag? (Strange, I could put agents in at the start of the game)
You have to click on the agent's picture (not his name) to be able to "drag" him.

Acolyte 31-01-2006 12:55 PM

I found a bug that lets you reload one shot mistles in a second.
After your flyer lands in your base manualy strip of the launcher and place it back again and its fully armed (if you have some mistles in stock that is).
This way you can rearm all weapons dont do it with shields coz it levels them to 1.

Sharp 31-01-2006 10:28 PM

Wow, thats a pretty handy trick, sounds very useful for those potential long-scale battles, or just equipping a load of hoverbikes with justice's and getting them to re-arm every so often.

gufu1992 01-02-2006 01:50 AM

Note to self:
Even if battleship miss all of your 20 hoverbikes-your score won't be positive any time soon.(The thing destroyed literaly1/3 of the city while figthin hoverbikes.)


:help: I get creamed when fighting skeletoids with cloaking devices and entropy launchers - I cant even see them, and they fill me full of those @!*$ missiles in no time. It's especially bad if they're supported by lots of grenade-throwing anthropoids. Any suggestions on how to beat them? In enclosed areas waithing behing a corner with devastator cannons set on auto works well, but in open areas I have great difficulties.
Pull on your flying suit(u know - the second avalible armor),Fly up,And let your HE autocannnons lose! :evil: :guns: :rifle: :Brain: :monkey_dance:

Acolyte 01-02-2006 07:29 AM


Originally posted by gufu1992@Feb 1 2006, 02:50 AM
Note to self:
Even if battleship miss all of your 20 hoverbikes-your score won't be positive any time soon.(The thing destroyed literaly1/3 of the city while figthin hoverbikes.)


:help: I get creamed when fighting skeletoids with cloaking devices and entropy launchers - I cant even see them, and they fill me full of those @!*$ missiles in no time. It's especially bad if they're supported by lots of grenade-throwing anthropoids. Any suggestions on how to beat them? In enclosed areas waithing behing a corner with devastator cannons set on auto works well, but in open areas I have great difficulties.
Pull on your flying suit(u know - the second avalible armor),Fly up,And let your HE autocannnons lose! :evil: :guns: :rifle: :Brain: :monkey_dance:

If they have shields and enthropy they will spit you out of the sky in no time.
It would be best if you just send them a barrage of vortexes and long range devastator fire.

*Happy* 01-02-2006 10:09 AM

Hey, I found the answer to those damned skeletoids - a taste of their own medicine! Cloaking device + personal deflector shield (the deflector is really, really cool!).

Psychic powers are great vs. the Anthropods (and hostile organizations) and since my soldiers have improved their psychics even the Skeletoids are easy prey.

I've found the Flying suit works best with the hybrids - it's light (making their low strength less of a problem) and the shooting penalty because of flying makes no difference for psychic attacks.

But I still got 2 more questions:
1. When will the aliens start to send in bigger UFOs? For the last 3 weeks no new UFO types have appeared (my score is quite high)?

2. Do hybrids ever gain increases in strength?

P.S. I don't like using explosive ammo or missiles much - they usually destroy equipment I could otherwise capture and/or sell.

Guest 03-02-2006 10:58 PM

when i click to donwload the game there is only a reload of the current site. so i cant download the game. does anyone knows what i have to do?

Frodo 04-02-2006 01:05 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Feb 3 2006, 11:58 PM
when i click to donwload the game there is only a reload of the current site. so i cant download the game. does anyone knows what i have to do?
You can download if from here -

Click on the red 'Get It' sign.


Guest 04-02-2006 02:04 AM

sorry but the problem persists. Is only a reload of the same page one time and another.

Menasor 04-02-2006 07:01 AM

is this game really not as good as the first? the screenshots in the review looked contemplating whether to download it or not (its gonna take a few hours)...i played 10mins of the second one and did not like it whatsoever (the whole underwater sea thing seemed too far fetched...and the graphics werent as good for some reason)

Eagle of Fire 04-02-2006 07:47 AM

It is indeed clearly inferior to the original. The best way to play this game is to play it without thinking it's part of the Xcom triology. It's a pretty slightly above average game if not played as one of the successors to one of the best game of all time...

Geordy 04-02-2006 12:57 PM

"Guest" is right. The download/"Get It" link seems to be broken. It just loads the review site again. Please have a look into this.

*Happy* 04-02-2006 01:15 PM


Originally posted by Menasor@Feb 4 2006, 08:01 AM
is this game really not as good as the first? the screenshots in the review looked contemplating whether to download it or not (its gonna take a few hours)...i played 10mins of the second one and did not like it whatsoever (the whole underwater sea thing seemed too far fetched...and the graphics werent as good for some reason)
It's... different. At first I thougt it was a cheap attempt to get more money by sticking "X-com" into the title, but I soon changed my mind. You'll either love it or hate it - just don't expect it to be like x-com 1 or 2. And don't play it in turn-based mode, as real-time is far better and in fact easier (you can pause the game to give orders etc.).

Bottom line is you can't really be sure of it until you've tried it. I find it a very entertaining and interesting game (although not as good as x-com 1).

falconbe 04-02-2006 06:36 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie on this site. I can't dowload XCOM Apocalypse. I have still the original CD but it don't work with XP.

Could you please, make the dowload available.

See you

Eagle of Fire 04-02-2006 10:36 PM

The download is available. You are probably trying to use a multi-download program, which is why you can't download. Disable that and download it normally and it should work fine.

Geordy 04-02-2006 11:15 PM

For all having problems following the download link for this game: it is operational again.

falconbe 05-02-2006 01:13 PM

I confirm that the dowload is available. Thanks and enjoy the game !

Abi79 05-02-2006 02:13 PM

Oh, noes. I just redownloaded the game and started a new campaign on the medium difficulty setting. Diablo has just been taken over, and my sources confirm me that they will attack me at 17:05 hours. (it's 14:00 hours) Is there a way to regain Diablo's trust?

Eagle of Fire 05-02-2006 06:58 PM

No, it been taken over by the Aliens. There is not much to fear from them anyways.

Geordy 05-02-2006 09:21 PM

Sorry if Im repeating an already solved issue but I worked through the first 14 pages of this thread + searched the troubleshooting section without results.

I start the game via the VDMS batch file and everything works fine. Except the fact that the music is disabled by the game. Attention: sounds are running! It is just after I activated the music in the options screen revisiting this screen shows the music option disabled again. Now my question: is this version here on Abandonia a RIPed version without music? You know it is quite... boring to look at the cityscape without any music!

I played for a couple of hours reading the UFOpedia and watching the equipment screens a lot learning as much as I could. Driven by their unfriendly attitude to me I launched two hovercars equipped with two Janitor Missile Launchers each towards the Temple of this evil cult and flattened it. :w00t: The Metro got unfriendly afterwards cause I hit one of their stations in the process but I immediatly bribed them back to being neutral again. :whistle: Now my question: I know that destroying buildings is not good for relationships to Government and stuff but what else does it do? I mean did I erradicate the cult now? Without any HQ operations will become hard, no?

Abi79 06-02-2006 06:01 AM


Originally posted by Geordy@Feb 6 2006, 12:21 AM
I start the game via the VDMS batch file and everything works fine. Except the fact that the music is disabled by the game. Attention: sounds are running! It is just after I activated the music in the options screen revisiting this screen shows the music option disabled again. Now my question: is this version here on Abandonia a RIPed version without music? You know it is quite... boring to look at the cityscape without any music!
There's no music on AB's X-Com Apocalypse version...I wonder if one can find X-Com Apocalypse' ISO on the net...

Acolyte 06-02-2006 08:03 AM

Oh man megapol was allied with the aliens :angry: (allied not taken over) and they are hostile and send me that dont shoot our alien frends thing. Raided them a few times razed their buildings (Anihilator with disruptors :D ) Reduced their income to -14.000 and there my frends again :bye:

Is there a way to make the cluster mistle alien weap split ?

*Happy* 06-02-2006 12:19 PM


Originally posted by Geordy@Feb 5 2006, 10:21 PM
I played for a couple of hours reading the UFOpedia and watching the equipment screens a lot learning as much as I could. Driven by their unfriendly attitude to me I launched two hovercars equipped with two Janitor Missile Launchers each towards the Temple of this evil cult and flattened it. :w00t: The Metro got unfriendly afterwards cause I hit one of their stations in the process but I immediatly bribed them back to being neutral again. :whistle: Now my question: I know that destroying buildings is not good for relationships to Government and stuff but what else does it do? I mean did I erradicate the cult now? Without any HQ operations will become hard, no?
You cannot "eradicate" an organization. The destruction of their buildings will lower their money and income, though, making the organization's agents less well equipped and far less likely to launch raids on your bases. All buildings are rebuilt at the end of the day (i.e. the city completely regenerates when the score screen for that day comes up). At the beginning of the game make raids rather than demolition, as raids bring you equipment (which you can keep for yourself or sell for cash).

Good move with Metro - this is one of the few organizations which you must maintain good relations with until very near the end of the game. Lose them and it's no more transporting goods and newly hired scientists cannot get to you bases!

Geordy 06-02-2006 12:52 PM

Well I better start this over, hehe. After receiving the first weekly (or was it daily? It came after I hit "ridiculous fast") report the big fat -1400 for decorating the city anew was something undesirable. And if I cant erradicate them I better leave their buildings untouched. Clearing them is more like it :D

Is it possible to assign the staff of two laboratories to the same research project cummulating the research efforts? Like 2 biolabs of 5 scientists towards bio-containment-module?

Is there a chance to differ between messages about foreign vehicles and my own? Its just that I'd like to know if one of my vehicles is destroyed - but I dont care if any punk-driven ordinary car is destroyed by some police patrol.

Oh and about the Metro - didnt Eagle already mention the problem of newly recruited staff not able to use taxies after loosing Transandsoon? I wondered - if one of your bases is connected to those people tubes - why dont they use them instead?

The Fifth Horseman 06-02-2006 02:03 PM


Is it possible to assign the staff of two laboratories to the same research project cummulating the research efforts? Like 2 biolabs of 5 scientists towards bio-containment-module?
No. Later in the game, however, you'll gain access to large labolatory facilities. They occupy 4 squares, accommodate 10 scientists and can research projects that the normal (small) labs cannot.

Geordy 06-02-2006 04:41 PM

I find the time modes are useless. The only options that are useful are Pause and insanely fast. The other modes are just too slow. I mean comon at the second most fast mode you still can count the seconds running by! The problem with the fastest mode is if you run into an alert you dont know whats it about. (Alien sight, Ufo or what?)

Abi79 06-02-2006 07:12 PM

:ph34r: Delete this :ph34r:

Abi79 06-02-2006 07:14 PM

It's frustrating that one can't set the time when the time compression should stop. For example, one time I saved the game and used the fastest time compression. At 17:05 hours I was attacked by Diablo. Since I saved at 14:00 hours, I needed to wait and wait and wait... 'till the time would have been ~16:55 hours, as I think that every group needs to get a car with soldiers to another group to attack it, no? (and I would have liked to kill the damn Diablo's before they made the attack) After some time I got nervous and started a new game :ranting:

...but I got a lesson from all this: never ever select the normal difficulty setting :D

Pherdnut 06-02-2006 10:37 PM


Originally posted by gufu1992@Feb 1 2006, 02:50 AM
Note to self:
Even if battleship miss all of your 20 hoverbikes-your score won't be positive any time soon.(The thing destroyed literaly1/3 of the city while figthin hoverbikes.)


:help: I get creamed when fighting skeletoids with cloaking devices and entropy launchers - I cant even see them, and they fill me full of those @!*$ missiles in no time. It's especially bad if they're supported by lots of grenade-throwing anthropoids. Any suggestions on how to beat them? In enclosed areas waithing behing a corner with devastator cannons set on auto works well, but in open areas I have great difficulties.
Pull on your flying suit(u know - the second avalible armor),Fly up,And let your HE autocannnons lose! :evil: :guns: :rifle: :Brain: :monkey_dance:

The point in equipping Justice Missiles on cars and bikes is to keep them viable so they can fire from really far away, while your Air Warriors or self-built ships take on the bigger badder alien ships. You shouldn't be attacking anything that has missiles with cars or bikes exclusively. They'll get plowed. For medium Difficulty, this works for me:

First Week: Lasers

Second Week (or when the first fast attack and transporter ships show up): Prophets against the fast attack ships.

Third Week (or when the first Destroyer makes an appearance: Justice Missiles from far away while Air Warriors engage close range

Just a note: Valkyries are faster than any of the other human ships with the best engines, so they can be nice for running down those smaller ships. I like keeping one around until the first Air Warrior becomes available.

Pherdnut 06-02-2006 10:49 PM

I just read that thing about the Aliens showing up with better gear sooner if you raid the crap out of people enough times. Was just wondering: The Cult of Sirius seems to have less stuff if you raid them frequently. Does it ever get to the point where they only have like one guy with a pistol or can you always expect at least six Cultists?

The class of alien ships that show up doesn't seem to be a reaction to your score so much as how well you're doing at shooting them down. I've noticed that if you don't shoot down a lot of the ships in the first week, the first alien invasion the second week is typically 2 Transports and 3 Fast Attack Ships. In my games where I've shot down every single ship in the first week it was 2 Transports and 2 Fast Attack Ships. Then if I shot all of those down, it would be like a mix of tranports and scouts Until the aliens finally got peeved and sent in something bigger a week later.

Anyway, for research advice, the biggest limitation to research is the advanced labs. All you need for Adv. Bio Labs is to research a single Brainsucker Pod (much faster research than any other living alien). For Adv. Q. Physics, you have to research one of the UFO parts from anything bigger than the UFOs you see in week 1. I think one of the three researches faster but I forget which. Easy enough to find out by saving/reloading. To get the Adv. Workshops, just research the probe after you've finished the other two UFO parts (navigation, propulsion, power source). I usually build an extra bio lab and two extra Q. Physics labs. Check for scientists at the beginning of each day, especially Q. Physics guys as it can sometimes be hard to get enough for the three labs by week 2, which is when you'll want them.

Personally, I don't really think Devastator Cannons are all that. Shortly after they come into play, the aliens will have personal shields so you'll want to be using stun weapons on them until you can get the Toxigun anyway. Although they do show up faster in Superhuman, I guess.

Pherdnut 06-02-2006 11:18 PM


Originally posted by Abi79@Feb 6 2006, 08:14 PM
It's frustrating that one can't set the time when the time compression should stop. For example, one time I saved the game and used the fastest time compression. At 17:05 hours I was attacked by Diablo. Since I saved at 14:00 hours, I needed to wait and wait and wait... 'till the time would have been ~16:55 hours, as I think that every group needs to get a car with soldiers to another group to attack it, no? (and I would have liked to kill the damn Diablo's before they made the attack) After some time I got nervous and started a new game :ranting:

...but I got a lesson from all this: never ever select the normal difficulty setting :D

Lots of people losing organizations to infiltration. If you watch the alien ships carefully, you can see exactly where they are dropping off troops whenever they show up. They hover over the top of the building for a while and drop this little smoky/zappy white column thing. As long as you clear out the buildings after they show up, nobody should be getting infiltrated. Not all UFOs drop off troops.

UFO 1 - Probe: Acts strictly as an escort.

UFO 2 - Scout: Drops off troops, sometimes doesn't when with transports. One of the smallest ships, shaped more like a hubcap.

UFO 3 - Transport: Large purple UFO. Pancake shaped. Drops off infiltrators but not particularly dangerous. All infiltrator dropoff ships drop aliens off in the building they hover over and one of the buildings near it, so if you really want to be a perfectionist, save the game and investigate all the buildings near the initial site to figure out which one the extras are in.

UFO 4 - Fast Attack: Typically shows up with the Transport the first time. Looks like a larger, nastier scout. Very dangerous to your smaller vehicles at this time. Try to bag at least one when you first get the chance as these guys have Medium Disruptors.

I don't remember the numbers on the rest. The next is typically the assault ship. It's the one that's really long up and down. Not very dangerous, but a lot harder to kill and drops a lot of aliens off for its size.

Next is usually the Destroyer, which is the first ship to have missiles and it too can drop troops off. Great ships to raid since they mostly have humanoid aliens (lots of gear).

Then it's bombers which don't drop troops off. They have the multimissile which never does seem to split up and hit multiple targets but I'm guessing does a smidge more damage. If they show up by themselves it typically means they're just there to do damage to the city.

Then comes the Battleships and Motherships. Both are huge and can drop off infiltrators. Sometimes the mothership just shows up to wreck the city or drop off that Overspawn thing, which I've only seen once and am still trying to figure how to knock out without killing.

jadiel 09-02-2006 09:03 PM


Originally posted by *Happy*@Jan 26 2006, 09:25 PM
:help: I get creamed when fighting skeletoids with cloaking devices and entropy launchers - I cant even see them, and they fill me full of those @!*$ missiles in no time. It's especially bad if they're supported by lots of grenade-throwing anthropoids. Any suggestions on how to beat them? In enclosed areas waithing behing a corner with devastator cannons set on auto works well, but in open areas I have great difficulties.
You are in a tough spot in the game. Basically, you kind of have to tough it out until you can fight fire with fire, i.e. use those personal shields yourself. Here are a few tips that might help.

If you find yourself trapped by multiple incoming enemies, sometimes what I would do (before I got shields) was drop a few smokes to block their view. The enemy won't fire unless they can see you and so will wander into the smoke, until they are adjacent to your units. If you are lucky, you will gun them down before they know what hits them (may take a few reloads to achieve this). Don't sweat losing armors and equipment to entropy missiles. You will be producing your own x-com armor in a few days.

I saw alot of good tips in this thread but I just want to reiterate, you must race as fast as you can to get toxiguns and toxin level B as quickly as you can. The devastator cannons simply don't cut it after awhile. On the flipside, after you get toxiguns and personal shield generators will full x-com armor and marsec bodies, the game becomes kinda boring.

jadiel 09-02-2006 09:25 PM

More tips to help y'all get started, in no particular order at all.

1. When raiding the Cult of Sirius, take special care not to over-use explosives (AP nade). Stun and smokes are okay. This is because those explosions will destroy the equipment on the ground, which is the whole reason you are raiding in the first place! Their heavy rocket launchers will cause you much pain early on, both due to their effects on your units and their destructive effects on the "loot".

2. I'm not sure about easier difficulty levels, but on medium: trust me, you'll need to do a fair bit of cult raiding to boost your funds. Early on, the prized item is this drug that initially sells for 4500, which you will find as many as 8 or as few as 0 in a single run. After selling all the weapons as well, I'd get about 5000 to 25000 per run.

3. Try to avoid standing on dead cultist bodies when in a firefight (or for that matter, when you are fighting aliens as well). Cultists in particular, tend to be heavy launcher/HE autocannon/AP grenade happy and any explosion in your vicinity will ignite all the munitions on the ground, with disasterous effects on your units.

4. What did I use my money on? Probably aircraft, bribing organizations back to neutral level after collateral damage during UFO runs, base purchases and upgrades, then lastly everything else. The first is a good investment because you can always sell your aircraft for the same price if you need quick cash for some reason (it's just like money in the bank). The second is a terrible waste and avoid it if possible (don't bother attacking fast moving UFOs with too many missles.

5. You can manufacture items for cash, but don't expect it to be as profitable as it was in UFO1/2. Most of your cash will come from recovering motherships. After I finished researching personal cloaking devices, I sold all the ones I had in my base inventory for a sweet 1/2 million. Don't sell the personal shields, they are essential and time consuming to make yourself (they look like handheld mirrors).

6. On the topic of aircraft (we all know ground vehicles are trash), I decided not to use bikes because they are simply too fragile for me. I started with valks with a couple hovercars, then upgraded to all valks, and so on.

7. Unlike UFO1/2, you can let a few (theoreticall, all) UFOs do whatever the hell they want and not lose any support if you keep tract of where aliens were inserted and raid those buildilngs. Make use of the UFO influence graph and check it often. You don't want the level of influence to exceed that middle line in the graph.

The Fifth Horseman 10-02-2006 05:32 PM


I just read that thing about the Aliens showing up with better gear sooner if you raid the crap out of people enough times. Was just wondering: The Cult of Sirius seems to have less stuff if you raid them frequently. Does it ever get to the point where they only have like one guy with a pistol or can you always expect at least six Cultists?

No, you can always expect a certain minimum number and equipment.
Also, how many cultists you will encounter (and how large will the map be), is dependant on how many soldiers you send in.

Geordy 10-02-2006 08:59 PM

I wonder - why do those cultists drive around in vehicles and enter buildings? Are they preparing the ground for alien arrivals? Do entering cultists indicate next alien targets? What if I keep my ground vehicles and station them near temples so that they intercept all leaving cultist vehicles?

Eagle of Fire 10-02-2006 09:26 PM

Well, the cult of Sirius is a religion by itself. So they go around trying to "spread the word". ;)

The problem is, they have a right to beleive in whatever they wish. However, nothing tell you that they may be trying to work for the Alien cause even when they are not taken over by the Aliens.

That's usually my first faction taken over by the Aliens tough, so I often end up attacking them on sight afterward. And if I don't raid them and give them enough time when they are taken, they always end up attacking one of my bases.

Guest 10-02-2006 09:41 PM

I don't think they ever attack your bases if you don't let the aliens infiltrate them regardless of how many times you've raided the crap out of them.

Eagle of Fire 10-02-2006 09:43 PM

Any faction which is at war with you will eventually raid one of your base if you give them the time. Raiding them remove them the ressources to do so, so they don't attack you.

Guest_Hollyhockala 12-02-2006 12:21 PM


Originally posted by Hollyhockala@Jan 27 2006, 11:01 PM
Hi all - I'm downloading a demo from Gamespot to try and get music files. Anyone want to clue me in to where I should put them when I'm ready? Sound or rawsound, or somewhere else? Thanks.
Hi - still curious where I should put the music files from the X-Com Apoc demo to wed it to the version from Abandonia. I figure someone here took them out so they know where they should go back...


Guest 13-02-2006 10:40 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Feb 10 2006, 10:43 PM
Any faction which is at war with you will eventually raid one of your base if you give them the time. Raiding them remove them the ressources to do so, so they don't attack you.
Yeah, but usually by the fifth week, I'm making enough cash from missions and selling bio transports that I can totally leave them alone. I've left them alone for several weeks at this point and never been attacked. The only time I've actually been raided by the cultists was when they'd been infiltrated by aliens. I think the gangs and corporate orgs are just a lot more aggressive than the cultists are.

Sharp 13-02-2006 10:52 PM


Originally posted by Pherdnut@Feb 7 2006, 12:18 AM
Then it's bombers which don't drop troops off. They have the multimissile which never does seem to split up and hit multiple targets but I'm guessing does a smidge more damage. If they show up by themselves it typically means they're just there to do damage to the city.

The multimissile will split up if you attack with several vehicles.

Lost 4 hoverbikes to one of them :cry: (overall, killed 2 pairs with 2 missiles)


I don't think anyone knows where to put them, however if you download the Apoc Demo and see what file the sounds are stored then plom em in there.

Failing that stick em in the Sound Folder mabye.

Gurglurk 14-02-2006 01:52 AM

For the manual and a strategy guide (no idea if it's any good), try here:

omg farting is soo refreshing, i 14-02-2006 02:13 AM

wow, i think im gonna try this game. i could never get iunto the first x-com back when i had a 486 because my brother's friend let me borrow it without a manual and i was like wtf dude

Acolyte 16-02-2006 02:27 PM

Good luck. :bye:
Read the Manual or the rookie guide (preferably both).

Beryllium 21-02-2006 06:17 AM

A tip. You can always raid friendlies for loot and you won't loose any faction, and they won't shoot back, only as long as you stun them and not kill.

So equip a team with grapplers only and go get that gear. The friendly 'enemy' will run up to you and fall unconscious. Collect their gear then... all you can carry, If they come around your guys will stun them again, and gain experience from it.

Eventually abort the mission, and you keep whatever you are carrying.

The only problem is that stun grapples are hard to come by at the start of the game, but you can fix that by raiding their supplier. You can also pick up the occasional armor from Marsec, and their mini-launchers.

Be careful not to arm yourself with the stuff you pick up or you'll likely kill someone.

The Fifth Horseman 21-02-2006 12:07 PM

Actually, that tip has long since been posted here already.

Acolyte 24-02-2006 10:12 AM

OK here's a trick yet unposted.
Colect enemy vortex mines on the batlescape and use them with mines to get supermines how set a mine and throw it where you want then throw a deactivated vortex mine on it and wait for a sucker to step on it.
great for ambushing UFO's and catching aliens just replace the alien bomb with a stun nade and your combo stuner mine is ready.
This way you can use unreasearched alien bombs this way (But ye have to colect them during batle)

Guest_Indigo 02-03-2006 11:09 AM


I installed apocalypse and it starts off fine, but after the starts microprose screen the graphics go all twisted... I installed the svga graphics patch, which had the two .exes, but that did not help. So, now what? I tried to find an answer here andon other forums, but it seems that the patch has solved the problem for everyone else but m... :(

Thanks for any help :)

Abi79 02-03-2006 12:11 PM

What OS to do have? Do you use DOSBox?

You should try posting here.

Guest_Indigo 03-03-2006 09:12 AM

I have XP as OS, and I don't use DOSbox. Maybe I should give it a try?

The Fifth Horseman 03-03-2006 02:04 PM

Try VDMSound first, then DosBox. Apocalypse works better with VDMS - that is, if it will work on your machine that way.

DosBox is nearly guaranteed to work properly, but it is much slower then VDMS.

Guest 04-03-2006 07:22 PM

Hi im very happy i found this game had it on cd like... mmmm... 6 or 7 years ago and never found it on internet cuz i wrote Xcom apocalipsys instead of xcom apocalipse.... crappy ah?? :wall:

well i got it now the 86,059kb version and installed the VMDSound2 and it all work just fine :ok:

i only got 1 question. this game got music??? cuz i read ppl saying it has no music no video, but i got video and works just fine.

It would be nice to have music i still remember it and it was nice to play it with it :D

well i wait for someone response, and if it doenst have music anyone know how to put music to the game??? like downloading a music patch or something.

well have fun playing it btw i think is one of the best strategic games ever :ok:

The Fifth Horseman 06-03-2006 05:56 PM


well i wait for someone response, and if it doenst have music anyone know how to put music to the game??? like downloading a music patch or something.
You'd have to download the full CD version from some P2P network. That's how I got mine.

laiocfar 22-03-2006 09:43 PM

I just downloaded the game and started play it.
Maybe u already awnsered the same question many times but here i go:
-How do you load the vehicles with your people? How i take an X-com trooper and made him passanger of an APC or any another transport?

-How many cicles in DosBox? I found it inside this forum but i am not going to burn my eyes again. LOL

Eagle of Fire 23-03-2006 01:29 AM

1) Just drag and dop. You are going to slam your forehead into a nearby wall when you realise how easy it is to do.

2) Cycles are computer dependant, so anyone who give you such an information either don't know what he is talking about or is an idiot trying to play games with you.

laiocfar 23-03-2006 02:00 AM

Thanks :D
Now more rookies questionions:
-How works Medi Kit in real time combat?

AntarcticTiger 23-03-2006 07:26 AM

Place the Medikit into one of the wounded agent's hands (by dragging & dropping it into the hand slot in the inventory), click on it, then a small screen will show of the agent. One particular section of the body will be red. Click on the red section, and the medikit will start working automatically. Try to keep the agent out of harm, otherwise the medikit won't finish healing the wounded area.

laiocfar 25-03-2006 06:11 AM

The Senate is pleased with the preformance of X-COM and has increased funding accordingly.
Funding Adjustment > +48233
Unfortunately the Senate has to limit X-COM funding due to the poor state of government finances.
Funding Adjustment > -160366

Hahaha, maybe you damage to many city space.

More questions:
- How i should deal with an infiltrated organisation?
- Why make a raid?
- If an organization is economically broken, what happens to them?
- I can destroy buildings? I can build new ones?
- Androids goes to medical bay but doesnt seems to heal, why?
- Do you hear of "La Nueva Luna"?

thanks in advance and ll of you who awnsered me or tryed to do it. :tnx: :D

Eagle of Fire 26-03-2006 05:50 AM


- How i should deal with an infiltrated organisation?
The same way you deal with the Cult of Sirius.

- Why make a raid?
Same as above

- If an organization is economically broken, what happens to them?
Never happened to me

- I can destroy buildings? I can build new ones?
No and no. The worse you can do is flatten buildings, and the city will build them back slowly.

- Androids goes to medical bay but doesnt seems to heal, why?
A medical bay can take care efficiently of 10 squaddies at the same time. Androids have a lot of HP, so they seems to stay there forever if you don't have an adequate number of medical bays.

- Do you hear of "La Nueva Luna"?
I have no idea whatsoever about what you might be talking about.

laiocfar 26-03-2006 09:18 AM

Thanks again and dont worry about la nueva luna.
But now i am sure that androids dont heal or at least no as humans. I see three heavy wounded humans and mutans to heal completly more than 30 HP before the android heals a single HP.
1- How i should deal with the cult?
I got psyke infiltrated so they also launch attacks against me even they tryed to raid a base. I raided and razed them and left their econo ballance soen to 100K.
2- I can recover them?
3- Did Papa Noel or St Nicolas or St Claus exist?

Eagle of Fire 26-03-2006 07:08 PM

I have no idea what you are talking about for Androids. My own Androids always healed faster than normal humans. As I said, make sure you have enough facilities.
Anyways, Androids can still fight very well even injured. Just check their stats to make sure their aim is not too impaired, and if it's not the case then you can use it just like a normal squaddy... Just that it doesn't have full HP.

1- Like you want. But don't waste your time trying to get diplomaticaly in touch with them, that's wasted time and money. And you'll need your money.

2- No. They are gone for good, so make sure the Government never get infiltrated. They are easy to save anyways, there is only one real Government building in the city and it's the Senate.

Abi79 26-03-2006 07:22 PM

And 3 - Nope...

laiocfar 27-03-2006 03:48 AM

I get 12% infiltration in gov just by the warehouse in the industrial area.
1- I know that hostile organizations dont sell you weapons or anything that u need, but if i ally marsec i will obtain any discunt?
2- U get some money in raids or just stuff to sale?
3- Where is Rogger Rabit?

Papa Noel is my parents, mines not yours.

The Fifth Horseman 28-03-2006 04:07 PM


- If an organization is economically broken, what happens to them?


- I can destroy buildings? I can build new ones?
Yes (though they will be rebuilt). No.


1- I know that hostile organizations dont sell you weapons or anything that u need, but if i ally marsec i will obtain any discunt?

2- U get some money in raids or just stuff to sale?
Just the stuff - but it may be worth a lot if you play right. Cult of Sirius and one of the gangs in particular have Psiclones. The things are worth a big wad of cash apiece - all you need is luck to find them...

3- Where is Rogger Rabit?
What kind of spam is that?

laiocfar 29-03-2006 04:07 AM

And again, its me:
1- There is anyway to avoid the destruction of the city when chassing a big UFO?
2- If u were looking for elirium what building will you raid, i raided some flyers factories but no enought?
3- Wanna be John Malcovich?

Eagle of Fire 29-03-2006 04:12 AM

You can answer all your questions by looking in this thread. Not to say that those questions have so obvious answers that I don't even want to deem them with an actual response.

I'd suggest you stop spamming this thread and start trying to play the game.

The Fifth Horseman 29-03-2006 11:37 AM


1- There is anyway to avoid the destruction of the city when chassing a big UFO?
Fly high. However, your craft will get destroyed more easily.

2- If u were looking for elirium what building will you raid, i raided some flyers factories but no enought?
Solmine and Government facilities, likely.

3- Wanna be John Malcovich?
Cease the spam. This is your last warning.

laiocfar 30-03-2006 01:18 AM


I'd suggest you stop spamming this thread and start trying to play the game.

Cease the spam. This is your last warning.
What happened to you two? U were nice people...
well i stop spam, but i am making some real questions eagle and its true that some of them are easy answered by playing, but some others are just to let others talk about what they feel more suitable to do. Say that its already answered is for technical problems like "i can run a game from 1980 in a Pentium III with WinME", answer that its in the first page of topic: "use dosbox".
Letīs move to the game:

1- How chase an UFO avoiding loses and making less damage to city? Many small craft or a pair of big craft?
2- The relations with other human organizations looks to me like the less denveloped and more promising game issue. In X-COM Apc, they got some use, cuz i dont find it, its like a remake of any of the old ones. I am praying that it can be a more main strategical game than a tactical sim.

The Fifth Horseman 30-03-2006 11:28 AM

We are nice - as long as people aren't breaking the rules.
When you do - one of my duties as a mod of this section is preventing spam. This automatically overrides the usual "being a nice guy" routine.


1- How chase an UFO avoiding loses and making less damage to city? Many small craft or a pair of big craft?
Depends on your playing style, really. Both approaches have their own positive and negative sides.

2- The relations with other human organizations looks to me like the less denveloped and more promising game issue. In X-COM Apc, they got some use, cuz i dont find it, its like a remake of any of the old ones. I am praying that it can be a more main strategical game than a tactical sim.
My guess is that the makers didn't have time/money/manpower (choose your pick) to develop this aspect.

flipper 30-03-2006 02:17 PM

hi, i had xcom appocalypse quite a few years back, the original cd is now broken but i have a backup on one of my cds. the backup does not work as i didnt rename the cd to the same name as original (its called 'NEW', LOL) and also there appears to be no mp3's after searching the cd. can anybody who has the original please tell me what cd name appears when disk is inserted?

ive downloaded the mp3s as they dont appear to be on the disk (unless theyre in another format somewhere), any idea where i put them or why the original didnt copy them? are they supposed to be in mp3 format or do i need to convert them?

i know i can download the game legally as its abandonware, but would prefer to get it working again with the atmospheric music that i remember.

thanks for your time.


Guest 30-03-2006 02:26 PM

oh, and not sure if this makes a difference, but it was from the one in the redish and yellow coloured box, not the greyish box (theyre prolly the same just in different boxes, but i could be wrong)

The Fifth Horseman 30-03-2006 04:09 PM

You cannot convert the MP3's back into ingame music, sorry.

You'll have to download an ISO image of the game disc from the net - check the *Mule clients, especially, since that is how I got mine.

Hypersniper 03-04-2006 10:21 AM


Originally posted by flipper@Mar 31 2006, 02:17 AM
hi, i had xcom appocalypse quite a few years back, the original cd is now broken but i have a backup on one of my cds. the backup does not work as i didnt rename the cd to the same name as original (its called 'NEW', LOL) and also there appears to be no mp3's after searching the cd. can anybody who has the original please tell me what cd name appears when disk is inserted?

Hi flipper,

The name of the cd is call "XCOM APOC" type in capitals XCOM space APOC
There are no mp3s on the disk. It is just one big music file on the root of the cd called "MUSIC"
If you have this the music will work fine. :max:

Mister.D 07-04-2006 10:46 AM

Hi guys, I just installed the download from here at Abandonia for XCOM-APOCALPYSE dos version.

I've been able to play the game very well and had good luck with the actual gameplay so far.

Recently I've progressed in the game to where the tall (icecream cone) looking Ships start to appear, I've already shot down and captured everything from the smallest scout ships, all the way to the (purple disc) troop carriers, and the green fast attack ships.

I was able to shoot down the Icecream cone looking ship, its a very tall looking ship, with about the radius of the small scout ships that you first see.

Here is my problem, when I sent my troops in to capture this new ship, it begins to load the map and stuff for the enemy ship, then stops and asks for the Xcom Cd...

Isn't the install here at Abondonia a full install? or maybe some missing files?

I have the Windows 95-98 re-release of the game on 2 CD's, called Xcom collectors edition, but I can't get it to play in XP, or in Dosbox.

Like I said earlier, up to this point the Installed game from the Abandonia Database has run just fine..

Any suggestions guys?

The Fifth Horseman 07-04-2006 01:28 PM


I have the Windows 95-98 re-release of the game on 2 CD's, called Xcom collectors edition, but I can't get it to play in XP, or in Dosbox.
Copy the datafiles from the CD to a corresponding directory in the downloaded version from Abandonia. See if that changes anything.

As for the W9x version, try combining compatibility mode for Win95 or 98 (probably also 640x480 res and 256 colors) with VDMSound.

Mister.D 10-04-2006 12:20 AM

Naw, I just reinstalled it and now its working fine..
Must have been something odd happened when I downloaded it the first time.

Everything seems to run pretty good now, and I'm actually starting to kick the Aliens' asses.

I forgot how much fun this game was, I've been geeking out on this game every chance I get now :Titan:

By the way, if anyone else is playing this game and having trouble on the larger UFO attacks where you send in the troops.

Seems best way to deal with those super large troop ships is this, Set your guys up outside like a huge firing line.

Have 3 squads of at least 4 men each, and create a U shapred formation with them
so that 2 teams are opposite of eachother catching enemy in a crossfire, and have one team directly facing the door laying on the ground to spot targets.

Just let the enemy come out to you, and mow them down :sniper:
I've been having great sucess with this tactic so far, as the enemy will always come out to you.

laiocfar 11-04-2006 06:49 AM

I use the same tactic to most of UFO, 2 teams of at least 4 men to make cross fire in the door. Some ufos got more than one gate so i make 4 teams to ambush them when coming out.
There are 2 lager Ufos, the battleship or UFO type 9; and the mothership or UFO type 10. Both with 4 squares on cityscape. The fisrt of them got like windows in the side. The battleship assault is the hardest to made. The enter to the Ufo is under the land, u should go by the corridors, there is an exit just in front of this gate so go there fast or the aliens will escape into city. There is also two windows in NE and SW sides, only flying units can move by there, so the flying bananas(sketoids?) will attack your rear. An airbone strike using marsec armor its too risky cuz u will get in the heavy fire as the aliens do when comming out from normal ufos. U also will find that they both carry a complete army inside. If killed the flyers, the bears aliens(Megaspawns?), the antropod cohort and the walking bombs; u should enter cuz there are always some aliens without enough moral to go out and some other bears trapped. In short, 2 teams to cover the ufoīs gate from north and south(4 men and expect to lose 1 or 2 per team), 2 teams of three people for cover the enters to the corridors(they should sppot the flyers and when done reinforce the team that get in combat with the other); after the main battle, reagroup unwounded soldiers in an assault group to enter the ufo and end the mission, u should got at least 6 healty troopers... if not the risky of defeat is still great.
This was a battleship, unlucky, i only assaulted a couple of motherships and with heavy causalities. I still dont get how do this type of Ufo, but u shoul made some blows to the alien dimension preventing attacks for avoid most of motherships.

Eagle of Fire 11-04-2006 10:47 AM

Storming UFO's never been a problem for me. I beleives that it should not be a problem for you either as soon as you research the personal shielding technology as well as the dart gun...

Also, only the Marsec Armor torso is required to fly, you can (as I always do) take only the Marsec body and equip Megapoll standard armor for the rest of the body. It end up basically a Megapoll armor, with the torso slightly weaker and the ability to flly which greatly make up for the loss of armor. My flying assault team is usually my Martian Psy team. Having them flying counter the fact they are almost always too weak to actually wear any kind of armor, so when they get a few kills their strenght get up and I can begin to use them as normal squaddies on the ground too. And Psy attacks sometime make the difference with a walk in the park and a gruesome mission. There is nothing like taking control of an Alien, make him throw his usefull stuff at you and arm all his grenades and mines before making it run back toward his "friends"... And look at them all dying together. :twisted:

laiocfar 12-04-2006 05:05 AM

I only use Megapol products, Marsec hate me, the shield reduce your loses to 0 but they growth again when they deploy their alien bazooka.... this can banish a shield with only one partial hit or as area damge. The solution is the X-com armor but the shield protection is gone for ever. Psi attack dont prevent loses from Megaspawns (the big guy that look like a refrigerator), they are very tough and fire missiles and cannon beams. Plus they got the organic misile that eats the armor and other equipment. Its hard to deal with it.

Eagle of Fire 12-04-2006 05:23 AM

You can use more than one shield for the same units, this bring the shielding stronger if I'm not mistaken and my memory serve me right. Also, shields regenerate over time, so just keep rotating those squaddies and keep those with low shields on the back and it will do wonders. Also, you can use shields with the Xcom armor. For the rest, it's normal squaddie tactics management... If you see an alien with a "bazooka" then scatter and don't keep all your men packed up.

With the toxin B, you can kill about anything more than easily. Even those biological tanks. And it goes thru shields. It's harmless for your men and deadly for the Aliens, when I have enough to equip all my squaddies I usually only give them that unless I expect human resistance at the mission landing.

Gerg Neymores 14-04-2006 01:32 AM

Got the game running pretty smoothly by upping DOSBox to 13000. But I am not sure how to get the music working. the sound is set up but I get no music and when I attempt to turn it on via the ingame options menu, the game locks up. help me?

The Fifth Horseman 14-04-2006 11:07 AM

Check the soundcard settings in Dosbox.conf. Try changing the card to Sound Blaster Pro 2.
Check the settings in the game's install/setup program. It's a different executable then the one used to run the actual game. Try using Autodetect.

Eagle of Fire 14-04-2006 06:31 PM

There is no music in the downloadable version because it been ripped that way.

Beleive me, you are not missing much.

Gerg Neymores 14-04-2006 08:26 PM

Rock, thx for the info. Guess I'll just listen to my own music while I play.

Eagle of Fire 15-04-2006 01:24 AM

If you want an hint: you can hear Aliens closeby with the noise they make. This helps at lot, especially in the beginning. ;)

Guest 15-04-2006 02:08 AM

The Apocalypse music is roughly on par with the soundtrack to the first Resident Evil movie, only slightly worse. Not missing much at all.

Guest 15-04-2006 09:56 PM

Anyone care to help me with the VDMS?
I would play this game with DOSbox, but this computer can't handle it well resulting in massive lag during missions.
And any explosions in missions results in freezing of computer.
Now when I try to play this with VDMS, the intro comes out smoothly, but when it gets to main screen (new game, load game, etc) graphics are all twisted.

Any clue how I could fix this?

Eagle of Fire 16-04-2006 02:47 AM

Xcom Apocalypse is one of those games I never managed to run on this very computer. I'm sorry, but I can't really help you.

Sorce 16-04-2006 03:06 AM


How can i repair my vehicles??? i really don't get it. I sitting 2 hours now in front of the game only for finding out.

I havn't found it in the manual or net.

plz help :wall: :wall: :cry:

Eagle of Fire 16-04-2006 04:59 AM

As long as you have at least one repair bay in your base, your vehicles will repair themselves all at the same time. Obviously, having more than one speed up the process greatly.

I suggest you read the ingame Ufopedia thouroughly.

Mister.D 17-04-2006 04:58 AM

BTW, if any of you guys are having some serious difficulty getting the game to run smoothly without sound chopping and the game slowing to a crawl, this may be a good start.

Here are my settings for running Apocalypse at a descent speed.







Running up the Pre-Buffer so the sound is delayed by a second or even more can greatly reduce the strain that sound puts on the Emulation.

I was able to run just about all the in game fights, even the maps with up to 8 Height levels in it, almost perfectly smooth, just by setting my sound card buffers to run slower.

I also used the Render mode-Direct Draw, instead of just surface drawing.

You will still need to hand tweak the CPU speed to get it fine tuned between the City landscape and Fight levels, speeds seem to vary slightly.

Acolyte 17-04-2006 04:22 PM

Sometimes its just better to have two PC's just like me.
An athlon 3 Gig monster and a slow pentium 233MMX in another room for playin oldies :bleh: .
Still i to have seen the slowdown efect on my older PC but it only hapened in the batleship somewhere in the center of the map (It worked smoothly on the rest of the map).

Running the game.

Some times it helps if you set Win 95 emulation in the exe or bat file.

Catching ships.

The batle ship sometimes has an third entrance (or exit depending on the point of vision)
Its in the control room (breached wall) Its in the air so you need marsec suits.

Vortex mines destroy the ufo outer shielding so you can make your own entreance)

Fighting aliens.

Use flame nades cos aliens is fire wory about saving their skin instead of fireing at your troops (in result they fire less often and acurate).

dima 19-04-2006 08:52 PM

Does anyone have success to run this game under pure DOS?
Got DOS/4GW error. :help:

Acolyte 20-04-2006 01:19 PM

Well this is the windows version of the game so running it in DOS can be somewhat dificult (if not imposible).Probably it will say something about lacking memory [theres a solution in the Frontier - First Encounters txt files somwere inside the download (its in the download not is the manual under the forum just find it)but it requires some system files mangling]

lurkerblowin 21-04-2006 01:46 AM


Thanx for the game love you guys.

JB 06-05-2006 04:41 AM

I wanna run this in pure DOS (yes thís is the DOS version) but after the intro movie it just asks for the CD.. what to do? =/

Acolyte 06-05-2006 08:21 AM

Thats simple some cracked games must see a CD/DVD drive (it can be empty but you have to have one) otherwise its the please give me the CD routine coming (I dont know why it hapens i saw this problem in 1998 when my cd drive went for repairs and my cracked copy cesed to function without the cd).
Most probably you have a CD/DVD drive but your dos cant see it.
I dont remember entirely what to do but i think you had to make a boot disk witch enables the cd to make things run.

The Fifth Horseman 08-05-2006 12:41 PM

Pretty much so. DOS needs additional drivers for the CD-Rom to work. Like MSCDEX, if I remember the name right.

Guest 08-05-2006 01:31 PM

most likely any win95/win98 boot disk created by windows should be able to load the cd-rom drive. it has been a long time since i've seen mscdex being mentioned. :) good luck!

The Fifth Horseman 08-05-2006 01:52 PM

Oh, right, and you can use Win98 install CD to boot into DOS with CD-rom support.

AndresArce 16-05-2006 01:58 PM

The first tactics of the game is to gather a good squadron.

Everyday, all mansions of the Cult of Sirius must be raided.
This gives a lot of experience.

Itīs important to elevate the esteem from the organization of the handshake with the aliens, up to the maximum. This allows the recruitment of PSI operatives.

I will keep posting while I advance forward.

Andrew. Anytime.

The Fifth Horseman 16-05-2006 03:54 PM

That organization is Mutant Alliance, if I recall.

Personally, I don't find mutants too good soldiers.

S.E.L.F. or Sentient Engine Liberation Front on the other hand can supply you with androids. In the first stages of the game, they are incredibly powerful - far better then ordinary humans, in face. Increased strength, vastly improved accuracy and complete immunity from psionics make them quite the soldiers to send in when you have an alien psionic to deal with, too.

laiocfar 17-05-2006 04:01 AM

Yep, it is the Mutant Alliance. The Mutants are better at psi and can be trained as humans. My problem with androids is that they dont heal as fast as humans, maybe coz they have to heal 60hp and for a human a hit for 30hp is the death.
Cult of sirius isnt a good training you can have big losses when they are equiped with marsec launcher, the recruit dies and the equipment is lost in the explosion. If you can affroad it, buy extra people and left them in training until they got called to duty. Have a sort of reserve of trained people, it cost but you will got first class replacements.

BTW, the senate has gone in red and cutted my funding. I survive from stolen equipment and production. The funds will come back? What if i get the senate mad at me, noww they cant cut me off?

Eagle of Fire 17-05-2006 04:35 AM

The Androids and the Mutants are both very usefull for their own purposes. The Mutants are obviously a top choice if you want any psy users in your team for it takes way too long for a normal human to get decent psy rating with normal training. Even the Mutants are not that strong when they start out. The workaround for this is to train them with psy at the very beginning and equip them with the Marsec body armor (the red flying armor) which will allow them to fly. As they kill Aliens, their stats will jump very fast especially in strenght and stamina. What I usually do is equip them with a Marsec beam weapon (the small pistol one, if I remember well it's yellow but I may be mistaken) in one hand and a psy emiter in the other. The Mutant first try to stun or panic the Aliens in range and then kill them. Obviously, they must be backed up by the rest of your team in the beginning.

For the Androids, what make them important in your team(s) (I usually build teams of 4, 1 Android and 3 human along with a special lone squad of 2 Mutants) is that they can take on a walking bomb at close range without dying, what your normal humans can't do. So, if you see a walking bomb getting close to your squad, pause the game up and send the Androids running toward the blue walking bomb while the rest of the squad retreat. If you are only a little lucky, you'll end up with the humans only slightly injured instead of instantly dead and the Android will still be at around 1/3 health.

The Fifth Horseman 17-05-2006 11:28 AM

Cult of Sirius is a good training in the beginning. Just send in about four agents with dual wield Stun Grapples and have them skulk at the corners on auto-fire. Lots of EASY cash and gear.

Pea... tear... 18-05-2006 04:04 PM


How can I add OST or sound files to X-Com Apocalypse?

The Fifth Horseman 19-05-2006 11:13 AM

144613278944th time somebody asks about it in this thread.

You cannot.

Guest 24-05-2006 04:08 AM

I have the original x-com apocalypse cd, but it didn't like to work for me, so I installed it from here and imported music file from cd.
Works for me. With music/sound and all.

shh 25-05-2006 06:39 AM

hi, how to i get my squad leaders into the next rank? it seems so long and they haven't got promoted. its been about 30 days, 40 missions and over 150 kills. i have 14 agents, with 3 squad leaders already. i know that the Prerequisite for Sergeant are Squad leaders / (Sergeant + 1) is more than 2. i already got that.

i always send only 2 teams of 3 or 4 into battle.

ShadowXavier 25-05-2006 05:22 PM

Here I find the most perfect game ever made in computer history, and then the ESA has closed it for dowloading?!?! Are someone shitting me or is this just a very very poor joke?

Guest_guest 26-05-2006 10:05 AM

Wow, thats stupid, fortunatelly i managed to download the file 1 day before the ESA suckers took it out, but now the file is "ilegal" hehe

The Fifth Horseman 26-05-2006 03:02 PM

Actually, that's a result of recent connecting of the Oldwarez List with the main site and automatizing the status updates.

Guest 30-05-2006 12:43 AM

This is just amazing, one of the best strategy games EVER!!! im playing it everyday now, and its much more fun than those flashy new games like Doom 3 and HL2. Im fact im surprissed by the little details like when you thrown a grenade or explosive near dead bodies and the weapons and grenades of the body explode together in the explosion, little details like this make every game a lot better, i don't give a shi* about graphics in fact i think the Xcomapoc graphics are very good even for today standarts, im amazed, too bad i haven't played very much when it was released back in 1997, its was a VERY advanced game for its time

Guest 31-05-2006 09:31 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ May 30 2006, 12:43 AM) [snapback]233133[/snapback]</div>

This is just amazing, one of the best strategy games EVER!!! im playing it everyday now, and its much more fun than those flashy new games like Doom 3 and HL2. Im fact im surprissed by the little details like when you thrown a grenade or explosive near dead bodies and the weapons and grenades of the body explode together in the explosion, little details like this make every game a lot better, i don't give a shi* about graphics in fact i think the Xcomapoc graphics are very good even for today standarts, im amazed, too bad i haven't played very much when it was released back in 1997, its was a VERY advanced game for its time
Yes, the destructable terrain is especially cool!

It's really a pity they didn't quite finish the game (many unimplemented features).

laiocfar 01-06-2006 04:30 AM

The fire and the smoke in battle are realy well done. Most graphics are cool plus an old but sitll great game :ok:

The Fifth Horseman 02-06-2006 01:30 PM

The first time I found out how much better the physics and destroyable terrain were here in comparison to older X-Com games, I went rambling with joy. Really.

All that because one stray grenade has totally vandalised a hydropinic farm... :D

By the way, keep scanning Cult of Sirius for alien infiltration. Altough it might seem like you don't have to care about them, when CoS gets under alien control things take a sharp turn from bad to worse.

ABuster 02-06-2006 06:42 PM

Hi guys... I'm trying to get XCom3 working in my PC (Windows XP), but i have problems. I tried to manage it with this site , i made the batchfile and changed the options of the hyperlink i've mad, but Dosbox 0.65 doesnt start anything :(

can somebody help me?

The Fifth Horseman 05-06-2006 05:44 PM

Try using VDMSound instead. Apocalypse lags horribly on DosBox.

ShadowXavier 08-06-2006 11:29 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jun 5 2006, 05:44 PM) [snapback]234526[/snapback]</div>

Try using VDMSound instead. Apocalypse lags horribly on DosBox.
K.. i installed VDMSound.. and I run the vdms apoc file...
It says .DLL file loaded sucessfully... and then it does nothing.
Have tried a variety of other combinations of files and such, but I cant access the game.
Am I still supposed to run it trough dosbox after starting vdms_apoc?

Anyone give me a guide?
Have tried to read through the pages here, but I can only find peeps who said the made it work.

The Fifth Horseman 08-06-2006 03:15 PM

Right-click on the executable and choose "run with VDMSound" from the context menu.

Alternatively, use the command line (Windows XP has it somwhere under Accesories tab in the Start menu) to enter the game's directory, type in DOSDRV and then the name of the game's executable.
That worked for me.

ShadowXavier 08-06-2006 03:28 PM

tried it on every executable I can find.
On xcomapoc, it launches a dos window, and tries to load a .dll file. Then, nothing happens.

on vdms_apoc, it loads the .dll file sucessfully, but then stops doing anything after.

The Fifth Horseman 08-06-2006 03:39 PM

OK, so that doesn't work.

Go into the command line window and do what I said in the last post - enter the games' directory, use DOSDRV command and then run the game executable.

ShadowXavier 08-06-2006 06:39 PM

Nop.. dosent work.
Same fault.

Last line says sucessfully l"oaded and initialized". Then nothing happens anymore.
Frustradting! :wallbash:

The Fifth Horseman 08-06-2006 06:59 PM

Maybe your game is corrupt.
Try a different copy.

ShadowXavier 08-06-2006 07:15 PM

nop.. I play it via dosbox. But it lags.
And then it works fine,, with sound and all.
But, it lags as you mentioned earlier... tried to raid the CoS.
Fired of every gun with Xplosion and Incendiary ammo.
Mayhem! Poor computer...

The Fifth Horseman 08-06-2006 07:29 PM

Increase the cycles as high as your machine can handle.

You might want to experiment with CORE=FULL and CORE=DYNAMIC to allow for higher cycles. However, with CORE=DYNAMIC DosBox becomes less stable and might be prone to crashes.

Ahnassi 08-06-2006 11:58 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Canno @ Nov 19 2004, 08:48 AM) [snapback]27889[/snapback]</div>

:w00t: Yahh!
Finnly X-com Apoc YAHHH!!

I got a quwtion though.... if an orginizeation is taken over by the aliens then can you get it back? so that they are not with the aliens anymore?

Anyways time to go shoot somemore aliens!
:sniper: :sick:
:rifle: :sick:
:sniper: :sick:

P.s. this game works perfectly fine without dosbox or anything in win 98 :ok:
Yes! you should pay them a lot of money. And you need to check their buildings for alien presense and kill all spotted aliens.

laiocfar 09-06-2006 03:34 AM

Nope, when the organization got an alien take over (100% infiltration), it doesnt comes back.

The Fifth Horseman 09-06-2006 03:59 PM

Not sure.

If you manage to decrease the infiltration level in that organisation back to zero, you might turn them back to your side. And of course use a lot of bribes afterwards.

That's the theory. Don't remember if I ever did that, but usually I just prevented the aliens gaining any sort of foothold. No infiltration lasted for more then 24 hours.

laiocfar 10-06-2006 02:57 AM

If the aliens make a total takeover mission dont affect the infiltration rate and the org doesnt accept your money.

The Duke 12-06-2006 02:52 AM

Ok Its been a while since i read this and now its 55 pages long to save me from reading through all those can anyone tell me how to get the music working :sos: , i have sound and picture but no music even when i turn the option on, some times it freezes when i turn it on.

Abi79 12-06-2006 03:30 AM

The version on Abandonia is a rip, so it doesn't have any music. Sorry. :(

The Duke 12-06-2006 03:45 AM

Ok well i have the cd version as well is there anyway to get the music of the cd version and put it on this one cos the music makes the game

The Duke 12-06-2006 04:42 AM

I Also cant get the cd version to work, not even in dosbox, it use to work when i had windows ME

it shows the movie then shuts off, goes back to the command screen

The Duke 15-06-2006 12:39 PM

So Eagle of Fire any ideas?

Novaz 16-06-2006 10:41 PM

Hi, I was wondering about the cheats for X-Com - Apocalypse. It says to hold alt an then type "UFO CHEAT" an a message should appear saying that the cheats are enabled, but every time I try it the options menu opens up after I release the alt key. Plz Plz can someone help me with this problem, an I'm using dosbox for it.

Novaz :blink:

Eagle of Fire 17-06-2006 02:23 AM

I never managed to make the CD version of Apocalypse to work. I'm sorry. You should post in Troubleshooting for that.

As for the music: you are not missing much. The game is way better without music anyways... :whistling:

Ahnassi 17-06-2006 02:53 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Novaz @ Jun 17 2006, 09:41 AM) [snapback]237237[/snapback]</div>

Hi, I was wondering about the cheats for X-Com - Apocalypse. It says to hold alt an then type "UFO CHEAT" an a message should appear saying that the cheats are enabled, but every time I try it the options menu opens up after I release the alt key. Plz Plz can someone help me with this problem, an I'm using dosbox for it.

Novaz :blink:
IMHO the only cheat needed is MONEY. I just using any HEX editor to make myself a 1 200 000$.
As long as you have that million you can bribe all organizations(except Cult of Sirius) to make excellent relationship and buy yourself Valkyries and Marsec suits. The rest is not so critical to money.

BTW who knows how to get a lot of money in this game legally?
I found 1 way - to constantly attack Cult of Sirius, then sell their Psionic Chips(can't remember exactly the name of those things). BUT when you sell it a lot then price drops a lot and your profit drops.
I tried to accumulate more Psionic Chips before first sell but you need to buy some ammo after each raid.
So you are have to sell it.

I never sell Devastator Canons because everybody including Cult Of Sirius starts using it.

Is there another way to get a lot of money?
May there's some organizations that does not worth to bribe?
for ex. Gravity Ball League?

Ahnassi 17-06-2006 03:13 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ May 17 2006, 03:35 PM) [snapback]230917[/snapback]</div>

For the Androids, what make them important in your team(s) (I usually build teams of 4, 1 Android and 3 human along with a special lone squad of 2 Mutants) is that they can take on a walking bomb at close range without dying, what your normal humans can't do. So, if you see a walking bomb getting close to your squad, pause the game up and send the Androids running toward the blue walking bomb while the rest of the squad retreat. If you are only a little lucky, you'll end up with the humans only slightly injured instead of instantly dead and the Android will still be at around 1/3 health.
I never use this suicide method. Usualy I have 3 soldiers with plasma pistols so they can shoot Poppers before it blows up. Surely the toxic guns is perfect weapon because poisoned Poppers never blows up. I am rearming all my squad with it ASAP.

Usually Poppers appears at entrance to UFO so you just need to wait a bit and they will run under you fire.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jun 3 2006, 12:30 AM) [snapback]233788[/snapback]</div>

The first time I found out how much better the physics and destroyable terrain were here in comparison to older X-Com games, I went rambling with joy. Really.

All that because one stray grenade has totally vandalised a hydropinic farm... :D

By the way, keep scanning Cult of Sirius for alien infiltration. Altough it might seem like you don't have to care about them, when CoS gets under alien control things take a sharp turn from bad to worse.
Alien infiltration can starts only after alien landing . You can see alien landing - it is like smoke dropping from the UFO into the building. So if you noticed that then you need to raid this building ASAP and you should not wait for the signal like "Live Alien Spotted". Just keep an eye what UFOs doing.

Eagle of Fire 17-06-2006 06:10 AM


I never use this suicide method. Usualy I have 3 soldiers with plasma pistols so they can shoot Poppers before it blows up. Surely the toxic guns is perfect weapon because poisoned Poppers never blows up.[/b]
You don't have that kind of luxury in the beginning of the game, and that's when the Androids are usefull. In late game, they are only nuisance as they don't evolve like normal squaddies.

Guest 17-06-2006 10:12 AM

I can't be bothered to look through 56 pages of thread to see if this has already been said but: the game works without dosbox. Download from abandonia and merely set the game to run in windows 95 mode. The intro movie fails to run properly and the sound is moderately screwed up (definitely turn the music off) but the game runs fine.

Pherdnut 18-06-2006 07:43 AM

Explosive and AP weapons will explode poppers. Energy weapons like plasma and disrupters and gas/toxin weapons will kill poppers safely.

For money, hit the cult repeatedly until you start getting the bigger UFOs with more gear-equipped aliens. Destroyers are the best since they mostly carry anthropods and skeletoids. The other orgs start getting access to your technology regardless so you might as well sell it for the cash. Humans drop like flies to stun grenades no matter what they use so them having devastator cannons shouldn't be an issue.

While items decrease in value as you sell them, they only get so low, so you might as well sell psiclone at every opportunity. It's not like it costs you anything other than some ammo to get it. Raiding the cult excessively is a good way to get cash in the first couple weeks, especially since a single stun grenade can take out a whole cluster of them.

Build and sell items constantly. The Biotrans in particular is a really good money-maker.

Ground vehicles are mostly worthless. Sell them and all the ammo for them.

Janitors suck but are worth lots of money. Sell them and their ammo. Use lasers the first week, then prophets for cars and bikes on evasive on the second week (fast attack ships keep them too busy to use guns). Equip air warriors with plasma multi and autocannons week 2. Then upgrade to Lineage on week 3 and cars and bikes with justice missiles so they can shoot from far away when the first disruptor bomb UFOs show up.

Guns do more damage than missiles but missiles let vehicles evade while firing. Since there is no real point in the bigger vehicles evading, might as well give them guns.

Jian 20-06-2006 08:48 AM

How do you get the sound to work?

The Fifth Horseman 20-06-2006 12:07 PM

By running the game through VDMSound.

Ahnassi 21-06-2006 06:53 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pherdnut @ Jun 18 2006, 06:43 PM) [snapback]237475[/snapback]</div>

The other orgs start getting access to your technology regardless so you might as well sell it for the cash. Humans drop like flies to stun grenades no matter what they use so them having devastator cannons [/b]
Nope. I did not sell any disruptor guns. so cult of sirius does not have it. I checked this.

There's no endless source of stun grenades :(

The Fifth Horseman 21-06-2006 10:18 AM

Only time when any organization gets alien weaponry is when they are heavily infiltrated by aliens. Not neccesarily taken over, IIRC, but usually very close to that.

Eagle of Fire 21-06-2006 04:11 PM


There's no endless source of stun grenades :([/b]
I agree to that. And I tend to keep all the stun grenades stockpiled in my warehouses to use them against the Aliens until I find something better to deal with their Alien personnal shielding.

The Fifth Horseman 21-06-2006 04:56 PM

Technically, there is one.
IIRC, you can edit the savegame and change quantity of Stun Grenades available on the market.

Eagle of Fire 21-06-2006 05:10 PM

Well, this imply cheating. Not a viable solution for me.

bene 21-06-2006 05:45 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SoniG @ Feb 23 2005, 06:14 PM) [snapback]70861[/snapback]</div>

heavyer like retaliator or annihalator.

Use toxic weapons as soon as posible and devestator canon (the strongest of all agains buldings cause toxic gun is for alines strongest [toxin C])

When do i get these things: toxin C and the better crafts?do i have to explore all ufo types and alive aliens?

Eagle of Fire 21-06-2006 06:02 PM

You can't really have Toxin-C, it's a myth. You do can have it, but by the time you can you are so deep into the story and near the end of the game that it's not even worth the trouble to get the Alien Queen alive, research it and produce the new toxin for your squaddies. If you know how to do things right, you should end the game before that point unless you make a point in researching and producing it before you end the game. It doesn't matter much at that point because the Aliens can't attack you anymore: without their Queen they don't reproduce much and when you get to the Queen you already got thru the UFO maturation chamber, which mean they won't attack you much with UFO's either...

As for the better crafts: you don't have a choice. You need them to enter the Alien Dimention. Keep researching until you can research the new craft types and you'll eventually get there. Once you have a few bigger Xcom Crafts and enter the Alien Dimention, it's payback "shoot down every single UFO you see until you are low on ammo/life and get the hell out of there, rinse and repeat" time. :devil:

laiocfar 21-06-2006 07:05 PM

Watch out that you will have your craft unavaible for a whole day until it comes back from alien dimension.
Another tip, the interdimensional travel tooks place at midnight, so better go into gates at 11:55.

Guest 21-06-2006 07:13 PM

thanks but the problem is that i don't get the new x-com-vehicles and i don't know what i have to research to get them.i have the biotrans and the probe and made a short visit to get the infos about the mission.i also have researched all about the ufos and the last artifact was the it possible that i have to research all ufo types to get the new vehicles because that's last what it can be i think!?
in another game i had the vehicles and i did one mission in the alien dimension but i can't remember how i've got them...

Eagle of Fire 21-06-2006 11:49 PM

I am pretty sure you need to take your probe and enter the Alien dimention, then come back to "gather some vital informations" before the better crafts are unlocked. You don't need to take a tour in the Alien dimention, just go there and retreat back to Earth.

Ahnassi 22-06-2006 07:48 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Jun 22 2006, 05:02 AM) [snapback]238528[/snapback]</div>

You can't really have Toxin-C, it's a myth. You do can have it, but by the time you can you are so deep into the story and near the end of the game that it's not even worth the trouble to get the Alien Queen alive, research it and produce the new toxin for your squaddies.
Yep ! I tried to reload 4 times. Anyway the queen dies.
But my friend get her somehow alive.
and he get toxin C.
But this happens at the end of the game so to this time you are already have a good tactic strategy how to play with toxin B. So getting toxin C looks like changing PS/2 mouse with USB mouse.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Jun 22 2006, 05:02 AM) [snapback]238528[/snapback]</div>

As for the better crafts: you don't have a choice. You need them to enter the Alien Dimention. Keep researching until you can research the new craft types and you'll eventually get there. Once you have a few bigger Xcom Crafts and enter the Alien Dimention, it's payback "shoot down every single UFO you see until you are low on ammo/life and get the hell out of there, rinse and repeat" time. :devil:
By the time when you have 2 or three mega crafts to kick some alien ships they also have a tougher ships.
So you cannot destroy a lot of ships. They start to gather and attacking you with the whole bunch. An while you are repairing they reproduce their lost ships with new and more powerful.
And what is biotrans? a medikit or an alien containment?

The Fifth Horseman 22-06-2006 09:32 AM

Biotrans is a biological sample transport module. You can install it into vehicles much like crew compartments or cargo modules.

Biotrans is an absolute must for you to be able to research aliens, dead or alive. As is Alien Containment to store them in the base.

bene 22-06-2006 02:08 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Jun 21 2006, 11:49 PM) [snapback]238624[/snapback]</div>

I am pretty sure you need to take your probe and enter the Alien dimention, then come back to "gather some vital informations" before the better crafts are unlocked. You don't need to take a tour in the Alien dimention, just go there and retreat back to Earth.
i made this and researched all the following things and much more but there is no better craft unlocked :titan:
could you look what you have in your ufopaedia and in the quantum physics?anything is missing and i don't know what.

bene 22-06-2006 02:12 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jun 22 2006, 09:32 AM) [snapback]238696[/snapback]</div>

Biotrans is a biological sample transport module. You can install it into vehicles much like crew compartments or cargo modules.

Biotrans is an absolute must for you to be able to research aliens, dead or alive. As is Alien Containment to store them in the base.
you can also put a biotrans in your craft and you also will get the dead and alive alien, no?

Guest 22-06-2006 02:16 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jun 22 2006, 09:32 AM) [snapback]238696[/snapback]</div>

Biotrans is a biological sample transport module. You can install it into vehicles much like crew compartments or cargo modules.

Biotrans is an absolute must for you to be able to research aliens, dead or alive. As is Alien Containment to store them in the base.
oh ok sorry i misunderstood you are right but the extra vehicle you don't need.

The Fifth Horseman 22-06-2006 03:02 PM


i made this and researched all the following things and much more but there is no better craft unlocked brain_viking.gif
could you look what you have in your ufopaedia and in the quantum physics?anything is missing and i don't know what.[/b]
I had some files with research trees on them around. Seems that you need to research the UFOs in order to get the more advanced vehicles.

You can also put a biotrans in your craft and you also will get the dead and alive alien, no?[/b]
That's exactly what it does. When I said "an absolute must for you to be able to research", I meant that without Biotrans you wouldn't get the alien specimens to research.

but the extra vehicle you don't need.[/b]
Err? Which vehicle?

Eagle of Fire 22-06-2006 03:12 PM


i made this and researched all the following things and much more but there is no better craft unlocked[/b]
You really need to have researched everything you can, then have the biggest research modules and the new engeneering module too before you can build those new crafts. There is some research topics you simply can't research unless you initiate them in the bigger modules. Are you sure you did that already?

Like The Horseman said, there is also the research on the Alien craft themselves which you must also do before the new crafts are unlocked. This mean that you must not simply destroy the Alien UFO when they appear, you must allow them to crash and recover them at least once for each kind of ship, then research them.

somepeople 22-06-2006 03:15 PM

Ok i have downloaded this game and i can't do anything. I get into the game but can't do any battles :blink: it just don't make scence. :sos:

The Fifth Horseman 22-06-2006 03:46 PM

Check the extras. Manual, rookie guie et al.

bene 22-06-2006 05:57 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Jun 22 2006, 03:12 PM) [snapback]238827[/snapback]</div>


i made this and researched all the following things and much more but there is no better craft unlocked[/b]
You really need to have researched everything you can, then have the biggest research modules and the new engeneering module too before you can build those new crafts. There is some research topics you simply can't research unless you initiate them in the bigger modules. Are you sure you did that already?

Like The Horseman said, there is also the research on the Alien craft themselves which you must also do before the new crafts are unlocked. This mean that you must not simply destroy the Alien UFO when they appear, you must allow them to crash and recover them at least once for each kind of ship, then research them.
i have everything except of two types of ufos.type one whitch allways explodes and type 5 whitch i don't have and whitch won't come again i think because now there are only the bombers and seems to me that i have restart :wallbash:

bene 22-06-2006 06:03 PM

Err? Which vehicle?
there is an extra vehicle also called biotrans!discription:this inter-dimensional transport is designed to transporting alien life forms or alien technology captured during tactical missions in the alien-dimension.
but because of the module a kind of senseless!

bene 22-06-2006 07:03 PM


i have everything except of two types of ufos.type one whitch allways explodes and type 5 whitch i don't have and whitch won't come again i think because now there are only the bombers and seems to me that i have restart :wallbash:
i'm really bad in english sorry but the german forum too! ^_^

bombo 02-07-2006 10:47 AM

This is one of the best games I've ever played. I've been playing it occasionally since 1997 and I still find new stuff! This is awesome :ok:

The Duke 02-07-2006 11:54 AM

i managed to get the music working, it had something to do with VDM sound and some mouse thing, my cd version of the game and a cd crack. and it runs smooth as and with the music. Ive been playing for the last week (on and off, i do have to work :whistling: .) Any way if anyone with the cd wants to know how i did it get into contact me.

Roadkill 02-07-2006 08:23 PM

:sneaky: I love this game! :titan:

I have got the Cd version, when I heards that micropose went under I though I thought not many other people other than me would ever enjoy this game.... hell I was was wrong!
If u dont try this game then you will indeed regret it some time down the line, honest it is brilliant! ... accept the ending - I could have asked for more there.

Thank you Abandonia for contributing such a great game (one of the best ever) or should I day thank you Tom Henrik

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bene @ Jun 22 2006, 06:57 PM) [snapback]238888[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Jun 22 2006, 03:12 PM) [snapback]238827[/snapback]


i made this and researched all the following things and much more but there is no better craft unlocked[/b]
You really need to have researched everything you can, then have the biggest research modules and the new engeneering module too before you can build those new crafts. There is some research topics you simply can't research unless you initiate them in the bigger modules. Are you sure you did that already?

Like The Horseman said, there is also the research on the Alien craft themselves which you must also do before the new crafts are unlocked. This mean that you must not simply destroy the Alien UFO when they appear, you must allow them to crash and recover them at least once for each kind of ship, then research them.
i have everything except of two types of ufos.type one whitch allways explodes and type 5 whitch i don't have and whitch won't come again i think because now there are only the bombers and seems to me that i have restart :wallbash:

use masses of those crappy hoverbikes, you will take down ufo's but never blow em up :) and they dont get shot down so easily believe it or not. but if u have missed em first time round u are indeed screwed as u cant invade the alien dimension and get em there because when u shoot em down (even if u dont destroy them) when they land on the gorund they will blow up... crap aint it.

Oh yeah if u like this game try the first 2 before this one - ufo1 enemy unknown and Ufo 2 Terror from the deep (both Dos games)
I think I got em cluttering around somewhere and will send em to Abandonia when and if I find em.

To get this game running well under windows xp though u will need two things (mouse2k and vdmsound - check google for em)

laiocfar 03-07-2006 02:29 AM

Yep hoverbikes got an amassing evasion ability that makes them near undestructible for alien weapons, guns are the only weaponary able to get them in some reasonable time.

GarretNightwolf 03-07-2006 04:27 AM

ok i have a problem i can get th game to run in XP but i can't save and i get no sound. any one know how to fix this?

Eagle of Fire 03-07-2006 04:58 AM

Make sure your files are not flagged as Read-Only. Also make sure you do have a savegame directory.

GarretnightWolf 03-07-2006 05:00 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Jul 3 2006, 12:58 AM) [snapback]241139[/snapback]</div>

Make sure your files are not flagged as Read-Only. Also make sure you do have a savegame directory.
k where do i add the savegame directory?

laiocfar 03-07-2006 11:24 PM

C:\X-Com - Apocalypse\xcom3\Savegame

Each saved game will be in two files (an tactical one and another strategical)

Eagle of Fire 04-07-2006 12:36 AM


k where do i add the savegame directory?[/b]
In the game root directory.

GarretnightWolf 04-07-2006 01:11 AM

k well every thing is good but the sound is a little chopy. i am so happy i found it i didn't think i would seeing how its a dead game and i hope to find dungeon keeper 2 another 1995 dead game

GarretnightWolf 04-07-2006 06:42 AM

hey what is peoples strats on raiding the cult?

Sharp 04-07-2006 09:03 AM

In raiding the cult you should only be doing it for cash or cash and weapons or experience/fun, if it is just for weapons then it is much safer to stun-raid (raid a non-hostile organisation but stun instead of shoot guards so they won't shoot back) as other corps like Marsec and Megapol have much better weapons.

If you do decide to raid the cult small numbers work better, with smaller numbers the map size is smaller which means you don't have to search around everywhere to find the last few cult members. Usually I use 4 agents who start of as a squad so they start in the same room and then split them up individually. If starting in the room which has two gravlifts and stairs to the basement I keep one agent watching the grav-lifts (after destroying the curtains inbetween the gravlifts) and another watching the stairs. The remaining two agents go and actively pursue cult members, mainly using stun grenades which are quick at incapacitating cult members and do not destroy any loot.

Wiping out the cult members should be fairly easy and you can use the little ledges as cover by crawling underneath them, the only enemy you have to watch out for is the cultist with the heavy launcher, incredibly dangerous as a single rocket can badly injure or even kill your agents. A handy tool which can only be used in lucky situations is the jump tool, this is where you hold ctrl+J or alt+J and click on a square adjacent to your agent which should be thin air (e.g. your agent is next to a ledge, use the jump button and click on the square off the ledge and your agent jumps down). This is useful when dodging a heavy launcher rocket in real-time as you can avoid the blast but it does not work all the time.

The two agents who are attacking the cult members should split up once the leave the starting room, flank the enemy so they cannot use cover but try to make sure not to get outflanked by setting up a prox-trap or flanking from an unflankable position (i.e. no doors or lifts behind your agent where the enemy can pop out from). If this is an early raid without many researching done then marsec machineguns and grenades for the assault agents and autocannons for the guarding agents if you have high-tech then disruptor and devestators for everyone. If your agents start in a room with multiple points of entry which are hard to defend then you can use prox traps, a prox trap for me is when you lay down some unprimed stun or ap grenades then lay down an armed proximity mine on or next to the grenades, when an enemy walks over the prox mine is set off and in the resulting explosion the other grenades are also activated which can effecitvly kill or stun any cultists. I prefer using stun-grenades as it does not destroy any loot and you can tell easily when an enemy has activated it by the green gas let off, of course when using HE you can also tell by the extensive wreckage left behind.

The assaulting agents should sweep through the whole map including the basements, when fighting in open areas aimed or snap shots work the best (unless it is covering fire where auto-works the best) when in the basement auto is king as you can fill any cultist in the corridor with lead very quickly. The main reason why you have two agents guarding the stairs and gravlifts is so that cultists cannot out-flank you and also to provide a safe room for your assault agents to retreat to heal wounds or just to escape, if agents are wounded then you can swap the assault agents with the guard agents. This tactic works well as you can use limited numbers of agents and effectivly wipe out cultists with hopefully minimal losses. Just remember that in Apocalypse everything can be destroyed with enough fire-power so you don't ever have to send agents through a door which might have enemies waiting behind it when you can create your own and surprise the enemy.

The Fifth Horseman 04-07-2006 10:55 AM

If you want some fun against COS, take a couple (3-6) agents with Stun Grapples. Sometimes it's quite hard, sometimes ridiculously easy (just lurk at the side of the door and stun anything that walks through).


k well every thing is good but the sound is a little chopy. i am so happy i found it i didn't think i would seeing how its a dead game and i hope to find dungeon keeper 2 another 1995 dead game[/b]
Try VDMSound.

laiocfar 04-07-2006 10:11 PM

I never hear of jumping (Ctrl + J or Alt + J).... i expect that it would make easier to avoid missiles from CoSīs heavy launchers and Alienīs MegaSpawns.

Sharp 04-07-2006 11:57 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Jul 4 2006, 11:11 PM) [snapback]241569[/snapback]</div>

I never hear of jumping (Ctrl + J or Alt + J).... i expect that it would make easier to avoid missiles from CoSīs heavy launchers and Alienīs MegaSpawns.
It can only be used jumping off ledges, you can't use it just to randomly jump, also for some reason you can't use it to jump off grav-lifts, it is useful for avoiding heavy fire but timing is required a little bit against missiles, jump too early and the missile can track you and still hit you, jump too late and it hits you, however it does take a while for the unit to jump so it is best to jump as soon as you see the missile fire assuming you are next to the ledge otherwise it might be better just to try and duck for cover and pray. There are a few stuff which is not included in any Apocalypse documentation, like manual vehicle control as well (I think thats not included anyway) where you can control a vehicle in cityscape, very handy for destroying buildings or concentrating firepower quickly.

GarretnightWolf 05-07-2006 04:59 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sharp @ Jul 4 2006, 05:03 AM) [snapback]241363[/snapback]</div>

There are a few stuff which is not included in any Apocalypse documentation, like manual vehicle control as well (I think thats not included anyway) where you can control a vehicle in cityscape, very handy for destroying buildings or concentrating firepower quickly.
yeah you can destory the cult buildings with out them attacking you if you back up and use lassers they get up and then go back in

laiocfar 05-07-2006 06:58 PM

Jumping isnt too usefull about missiles coz most of times you cant jump.

GarretnightWolf 07-07-2006 01:26 AM

ok so i raided a lot in the first 20 min of the game and it appers that the alliens get very advaced they have tehre beam guns already on day one? is it becuase i bought a secound base?

The Fifth Horseman 07-07-2006 12:32 PM

That happens when you have suddenly got a huge score.
In later days they'll have their normal gear again, for now it's a good opportunity for you to mass Stun-Grenade the suckas and get a lot of their advanced gear before you are theoretically supposed to.

melthas 08-07-2006 02:04 AM

UFO-Enemy Unknown was my first ever favorite strategy game, i can tell that it's the reason why i can't play RTS games anymore. My hopes were a little bit down when i played X-Com: TFTD. But when i played X-Com Apocalypse i saw it was even much better than UFO. Perfect combination of TBS and RTS( anyway who cares about RTS :bleh: ). Any gamer should play this game as i've played it over and over. Superb story and fiction, perfect technologies (engineers, biologists...) and these insidious aliens(god damn braisuckers! can't still forget them). Can't even find a negative point. DON'T EVER MISS IT!

Sharp 09-07-2006 11:35 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(GarretNightwolf @ Jul 7 2006, 02:26 AM) [snapback]242034[/snapback]</div>

ok so i raided a lot in the first 20 min of the game and it appers that the alliens get very advaced they have tehre beam guns already on day one? is it becuase i bought a secound base?
The higher your score is the more advanced alien tech is. Keep on raiding and eventually you will get shielded UFO's and cloaked enemies with shielding and devestator cannons. The only way alien tech will go down is if your score decreases.

Depending on your difficulty mode depends when the aliens get thier tech. For example on Easy when you get 1000 points the aliens bring disruptor guns (just an example not sure if that is actual), on Superhuman aliens get disruptor guns when you get 500 points (another example). If your score goes over the mark then some aliens will use the new tech first, then most aliens will use it, if your score then goes down the aliens go back to using previous older guns.

I think UFO types and Alien types are time oriented though so you won't get psimorphs in your first day.

Tobu 14-07-2006 01:28 AM

Hi everybody.

Iīve playing the UFO I&II for a long time, and love them despite "Terror from the Deepth" was a copy of "Enemy unknown". So I downloaded X-com apocalypse and tried it. Itīs a wonderful game, but when I tried to save the game nothing happened. I just type the name of the "save-game" and press enter, then it seems that everything is ok, but just before the program exits from the savegame screen, the file is deleted, it simply disappears. I mean, when the screen is going black I can see how the saved game is replaced by an empty slot. Also, in the main menu screen, the "load game" button doesnīt work, but along the game, in the options screen, the same "Load game" button works, but obviously there is no a saved game to load. I run it with Dos-Box 0.62 o 0.63 and donīt have any other prob.

Iīd rellay love to play this game, so I was wondering if somebody could help me īcouse itīs very frustrating. Iīve made a little search and have found something on page 38, but this is different, my game doesnīt freeze. Iīd download it from another source, but I donīt find a full download anywhere. Thanks a lot.

The Fifth Horseman 14-07-2006 02:02 PM

manually create a subdirectory called SAVE in the game directory.

Also, run it with DosBox 0.65 - major improvements, I say.

Guest 14-07-2006 03:09 PM

That suited fine in other games; but it doesnīt work with this one, also I tried it before calling it Savegame instead. Creating the subdirectory seems to do nothing. Iīve tried to create it inside another subdirectory called Tacdata but nothing new happened.

This morning I noticed an error: an error mentioning "dosdrv" as a non-recognized intern or extern command, calling it "executable program or pack of files for MS-DOS "(or file by packs, I ignore the correct translation :whistling: but itīs the same name that appears below the VDMS_Apoc icon in the game directory). Iīve been lookin for a file called dosdrv but I found nothing, and I donīt think it refers to dos4gw (maybe that dosdrv file is lost?).

After the error and right below it, the Mouse2kv itīs executed properly and after that the game runs normally except the saving-game process. Also, reading the game readme I saw this:

Manual Amendments And Game Tweaks
P27 Saving Games
After saving a game you do not have to press OK as stated. The
game now automatically returns you to the game.

After saving a game the "Save Successful" message referred to on
these pages will not appear. This message is not implemented
in the game.

At first I didnīt think it was important, but maybe a bug with these implements could be the origin of the problem.

The Fifth Horseman 14-07-2006 03:38 PM

DOSDRV is a Windows command line command that initializes VDMSOUND enviroment emulation. It doesn't have to be in the game directory.

I'll have a look on my copy of the game and tell you what's there.

Tobu 14-07-2006 03:48 PM

Sorry for the double post. Finally it seems to be solved. Strangely, creating a new subdirectory for savegames dindnīt work, but after unzipping again the downloaded file a new folder and two files appeared. The Savegame subdirectory and the CXGGBWKF.NQD and PHQGHUME.AYL files were missing at the first unzipping. I dont know the reason... maybe was my old crappy computer <_< . Also Iīve noticed that the PHQGHUME.AYL file dissappears after setting up the game for sound test.

Thanks again Horseman.

Luberriaga 14-07-2006 05:30 PM

I have a question Im a newbie playing X com apocalypse and I wanted to know how can i recover the Alien Crafts after they are shot down.. Ive downed those ships hundreds of times but i cant get into them please help me!


laiocfar 14-07-2006 08:32 PM

You should send manned craft with the order of "go to location" and as destination chose the ufo. Better if iyou use a some big craft to carry more troopers and some cargo bay for captured equipment and a bio bay will be excellent.

Guest 15-07-2006 03:56 AM

WOW thanks but I have another problem now.. sorry for the newbish question but how do i fill the cars with people? and how many vehicles I need to carry 4 people a biotrans and a cargo?

Thanks a lot

Roadkill 15-07-2006 03:33 PM

double click on your base

highlight the people you want to put in your aircraft by clicking on thier name once,
then click and hold on one of the pictures of a 'highlighted name' and drag them across to the aircraft you want to put them in... then let go of your mouse button.

Hope that helps.

Ah yes another good tip:

If the Cult of Cirus starts getting cocky and demanding money - or threatening to atack you. Just raid them until there budget is in the minuses (eg -20 000), they wont be able to afford to attack you.

*The best way to get thier budget down is by sending in 1 single guy with 2 autocannons and filled to the brim with incidenairy ammo, incidenary grenades, high explosives and a hover suit if possible.hover up in the air, put your guns on auto fire and fire around randomly (laugh like a mental patient whilst you do it, it adds to the fun), setting as much of the building on fire and blowing up as much as possible. this causes alot of damage which they have to pay for :)*

The Fifth Horseman 17-07-2006 02:00 PM

How many vehicles for so few troops? One Valkyrie. And you can chuck in a couple more troops while you're at that.

Guest 20-07-2006 09:42 PM

Check what I made with the eye

Gotta love photoshop

[Image moved - check a few posts below]

duckpatch 21-07-2006 11:44 PM

It's a new alien!!!!!!!!!!!! That is quite nice photoshop work hehee

laiocfar 22-07-2006 03:20 AM

it doesnt looks dangerous...

melthas 22-07-2006 09:53 AM

It looks more like ET

Roadkill 27-07-2006 12:57 PM

Sorry about it being so damned dark, when I made it I had a 15 inch screen (quite old) that needed the Gamma set quite high in order for me to see anything :sos:
I really should have set the lighting up before I posted it.. but seeing as though I cant delete it and replace it there's no point.

Anyways I was just checking through the files on the apocalypse install cd and found a few guns I have never seen before in the game, they looked like really dangerous ones too. I did some reasearch and found out that microprose never really added some of the stuff they origonally planned.

Check :


I did however find that they left in the Psi-blockers by mistake (I have found them once but I dont think they work as I could still phycionically atack one of my own guys who was equiped with one, also it wouldnt say anything about them in the ufopedia) they still sell for alot though :ok:

The only way to get Psi-blockers is to Raid Marsec :whistling: and if you are lucky you will find one or two, be warned though - atacking marsec means they wont sell you stuff like thier armour,machine guns,pistols ect... and they counter atack pretty harshly too. I reccomend doing this towards the end of the game when you can make your own weapons and armour anyways.

I've never really tried Psi-blockers against aliens so if someone tries this tell me if it works or not :)

P.s pardon the really crappy spelling.

P.s.s the alien was not meant to be scary, it was a tribute to the Sectoid's in the 'Enemy unknown' series of the game - after all... I blew up so many of the poor buggers :ph34r: -> :titan:

The Fifth Horseman 27-07-2006 01:33 PM


The only way to get Psi-blockers is to Raid Marsec whistling.gif and if you are lucky you will find one or two, be warned though - atacking marsec means they wont sell you stuff like thier armour,machine guns,pistols ect... and they counter atack pretty harshly too. I reccomend doing this towards the end of the game when you can make your own weapons and armour anyways.[/b]
Two words: Stun. Raids.

No retaliation, no hostilities, no nothing in fact.

Roadkill 27-07-2006 05:33 PM

So you are saying if I do the following

1:equip all my agents with stun rods
2:stun all the security in the building ***and they wont atack back****
3:WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! free stuff

actually im just interested in point number 2, they wont atack back? or am I gonna have to use loads of saves and take an hour to stun all the guards?

oh yeah and heres the fixed lighting version of the alien in all its glory - sorry for using server space and posting it twice - if the admin would kindly remove the last picture I would appreciate it :)

A tribute to all the sectiods I've blasted in Ufo 1 - it was the first alien I saw too :)
Made with the eye from Xcom apocalypse.

Guest_Sharp_* 27-07-2006 08:23 PM

Stunned guards do not attack back.

Nor do mind-controlled guards as long as they do not get hurt under your mind-control. Be careful in stun-raids though, the guards do like playing throw the armed proxmine.

The Fifth Horseman 28-07-2006 10:37 AM


So you are saying if I do the following

1:equip all my agents with stun rods
2:stun all the security in the building ***and they wont atack back****
3:WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! free stuff

actually im just interested in point number 2, they wont atack back? or am I gonna have to use loads of saves and take an hour to stun all the guards?
Actually, you first need to ally yourself with that organization. Government and Marsec seem to be the best choices.


Be careful in stun-raids though, the guards do like playing throw the armed proxmine.[/b]
Happens once in a russian year.

Roadkill 28-07-2006 11:34 AM

Hehehe nice 1

This is great, marsec have great stuff and you even get urelium pods in most raids. My bank balace is smiling :)

I sent a guy with a hover suit, 2 autocannons and every available space filled with incidenairy clips. I levitated the guy in the air, switched to autofire and let loose in all directions - on the first raid thier bank balance was in the minuses - no more raids expected from these guys hehehehe. :ok:

The Fifth Horseman 28-07-2006 11:59 AM

And you just got them to be your enemy.
I said - ALLY - THEN STUN RAID. Anything else will get you hostile reaction.
Getting hostile with Marsec or Megapol is a very bad idea...

Mike_G 28-07-2006 06:16 PM

I used to love this game when it came out :)

I dont know if anyone else gets this but for me the mouse pointer in game seems to move painfully slowly.

Also, and this is something I find I get with a lot of old games, when I quit the game the graphics for windows go all screwy and I have to reset my PC to fix it. That really gets on my tits, is there any way to stop that from hapening?

Anyway, these two problems are kinda putting me off playing the game.

Guest 30-07-2006 03:55 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(zeluiz @ Mar 28 2005, 05:46 PM) [snapback]86137[/snapback]</div>

Hi everyone, I just downloaded x-com: apocalypse and it works fine on my PC (Win98). However, there is a problem. When I send my units to investigate some building the game should change to tactical level, but instead the screen goes black and there is nothing I can do except reseting the PC (Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Alt+Del, etc, doesn`t work). Please, anyone can help me? Thanks.
My problem is same. :wallbash:

Guest 30-07-2006 03:03 PM

the game ask for the cd wat must i do
:sos: :sos: :sos: now i am stuk :wallbash:

The Fifth Horseman 31-07-2006 11:25 AM


My problem is same. [/b]
DOS mode, kid.


the game ask for the cd wat must i do
brain_help.gif brain_help.gif brain_help.gif now i am stuk wallbash.gif[/b]
Detail your problem. Hardware, system, emulators used. And the exact error message.

Roadkill 31-07-2006 12:06 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 28 2006, 12:59 PM) [snapback]245633[/snapback]</div>

And you just got them to be your enemy.
I said - ALLY - THEN STUN RAID. Anything else will get you hostile reaction.
Getting hostile with Marsec or Megapol is a very bad idea...
No I did that with the cult of cirus, sorry I didnt explain it.

The Stun raids against allies are great, they run around like 'Fully armed helpless sheep' and at the end of it it looks like one big orgy went on.

Here's another good question, I read through the first 11 pages but just couldny bring myself to read to 60.

How do I developt the toxigun C clip and the Gas grenades. I've finished the game without these and could never get them developed. Do I need to catch a live 'Green blob thingy'? which I could never get to stun (I'm gonna send in 4 androids with stun rods this time and see what happens) or even a live Mega-spawn (the ones that atack the city not the ones you find in buildings. And if so how the hell do you stun a Mega-spawn with vehicle weapons??? :blink:

The Fifth Horseman 31-07-2006 12:30 PM

Stun Raids against CoS are somewhat risky, and not quite beneficial too. if you want Psiclones, one of the gangs has a lot - it was Psyke, I think?

Toxin C requires capturing a live Queenspawn. Alien Gas can be researched after getting Toxin C.

Roadkill 31-07-2006 07:23 PM

AAAh yes, I have captured a live queen before and reaseacrhed her (living and corpse) I did not recieve the technology to develop toxigun C clips and gas Grenades - Maybe it was just a clitch.
But thanks for the Tip, thumbs up :ok:

Also any idea on how to catch a live megaspawn (the relly big bugger that trashes the city not the one in Agent to Alien missions) :blink:

I'm quite sure it is possible because I read on a fan site what is said when you research a live one - it however didnt say anything about HOW to capture a live bugger... Oh maan I bed its gonna take up the space of 5 alien quarantine bays :(

Smaug 06-08-2006 02:11 AM

Hey there,

I seem to have run into some problems running Apocolypse on win 98 (should be fine since 98 is dos based, right?) -- first of all the intro "movie" and all the other movies don't play.

Second and more importantly-- I can save the game and all that... but right before I enter a mission (like a shot-down ufo) everything goes funky like this --

Imagine I sent a group of 5 people to the mission -- it says "are you sure you want to begin this mission with 5 agents" or something along those lines, I say yes...... and then it seems as if I have 10 agents (it gives me 10 agents to assign into squads), as if I never took the other 5 off of the interceptor. Okay, that's just weird, but still playable.

I complete the mission. Look around.... and suddenly I have the same amount of money as I did in the very beginning of the game. All of the vehicles that I bought/sold/decked-out are back to the beginning of the game -- EVERYTHING is exactly the same as it was in the beginning. Needless to say, this kind of hampers progress.

Any ideas why this could be happening? If you already addressed this issue, sorry, I didn't have the patience to read through the entire 2 years worth of responses on the site... Thanks a bunch,


The Fifth Horseman 07-08-2006 01:55 PM

As for the intro - movies and music were removed from the game to reduce the size of the archive.

Your other problems seem quite strange. Do you have a savegame subdirectory under your game dir?

Guest 07-08-2006 04:30 PM

Yeah, I figured as much for the movies, but I was just making sure.

Yea, I do have a save game directory and I can save games and all that good stuff.

The funky part is that I can run the game fine under DosBox under XP on a different computer. But I used to play the game on the Win98 computer about 4 years ago without any trouble. Back then I had the CD, so it may have been different... but this is extremely strange (and I checked, I'm not missing any game files).


Acolyte 07-08-2006 08:58 PM

I found an easy and quite safe way to get a live megaspawn (the bastard in found in ships). Blast down a battleship and secure all exits from the subway (sometimes wall parts is the control room are damaged so smaller aliens can get out but not back in) blast out everything trying to get out of the ship (combomines)
when they stop coming send 3 or 4 men inside and find two simetrical pink tubes with an gravity beam inside (its somewhere NE from the entrance)DO NOT enter the room there is the posibility that you will get in crosfire from two megaspawns instead use the main lift in the center to get higher find a place with two bridges leading to the tubes run with one of your men to the tube and slide down 2 levels down the megaspawn should see him and start blasting but the tube is indestructible so your guy will feel great even if you strap him of his armour.
While the big guy is blasting the invincible target the rest of your squad should start droping vortexes (two should be enough) and stun nades at the beast if after that he is still standing throw another vortex but be cautianous not to kill him.

combomines - thise are simple place a armed proxymine in the desired location and throw a dead item (it can be almost everything vortex stun, AP, smoke nades and even most guns).


Stun mine - Set the range to 2 3 meters and throw a dead stun nade the explosion is quite far so anthropomorphs should survive and become stunned

Killer mine - Set it to 1 1,5 meters and place two or if your feeling reckles three vortexes (dead of coarse)
Nothing will survive (even if its equiped with a shield) trigering this so make sure you keep your squaddies away.

Scorcher mine - lust place an incendary nade on it (aliens aim like muck when there on fire)

NOTE rocket launcher ammo never explodes.

Eagle of Fire 08-08-2006 01:08 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Jun 21 2006, 02:02 PM) [snapback]238528[/snapback]</div>

You can't really have Toxin-C, it's a myth. You do can have it, but by the time you can you are so deep into the story and near the end of the game that it's not even worth the trouble to get the Alien Queen alive, research it and produce the new toxin for your squaddies. If you know how to do things right, you should end the game before that point unless you make a point in researching and producing it before you end the game. It doesn't matter much at that point because the Aliens can't attack you anymore: without their Queen they don't reproduce much and when you get to the Queen you already got thru the UFO maturation chamber, which mean they won't attack you much with UFO's either...[/b]

myslead 08-08-2006 07:25 PM

i have a small questions, how do you put your soldiers IN vehicles so they can move on the map as the vehicle ?

Eagle of Fire 08-08-2006 11:30 PM

Drag and drop them in the vehicle screen. I think you can get there by right-clicking on one of your base.

laiocfar 09-08-2006 12:25 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Acolyte @ Aug 7 2006, 05:58 PM) [snapback]247273[/snapback]</div>

I found an easy and quite safe way to get a live megaspawn (the bastard in found in ships). Blast down a battleship and secure all exits from the subway (sometimes wall parts is the control room are damaged so smaller aliens can get out but not back in) blast out everything trying to get out of the ship (combomines)
when they stop coming send 3 or 4 men inside and find two simetrical pink tubes with an gravity beam inside (its somewhere NE from the entrance)DO NOT enter the room there is the posibility that you will get in crosfire from two megaspawns instead use the main lift in the center to get higher find a place with two bridges leading to the tubes run with one of your men to the tube and slide down 2 levels down the megaspawn should see him and start blasting but the tube is indestructible so your guy will feel great even if you strap him of his armour.
While the big guy is blasting the invincible target the rest of your squad should start droping vortexes (two should be enough) and stun nades at the beast if after that he is still standing throw another vortex but be cautianous not to kill him.

combomines - thise are simple place a armed proxymine in the desired location and throw a dead item (it can be almost everything vortex stun, AP, smoke nades and even most guns).


Stun mine - Set the range to 2 3 meters and throw a dead stun nade the explosion is quite far so anthropomorphs should survive and become stunned

Killer mine - Set it to 1 1,5 meters and place two or if your feeling reckles three vortexes (dead of coarse)
Nothing will survive (even if its equiped with a shield) trigering this so make sure you keep your squaddies away.

Scorcher mine - lust place an incendary nade on it (aliens aim like muck when there on fire)

NOTE rocket launcher ammo never explodes.

Very interesing...

Anyway, the problem with megaspawn comes when they are not trapped inside and come out. You can make a shower of toxin in autofire and you will lost equipment or mens so wait them isnt the best option. Most of time i try to ambush them inside the ship when they are comming out of elevator but still inside. Some porx mine or alien porx mine will make the first smoke. I keep a backup team covering the gate, and uses a grenadier team of 2-4 troops. After that i keep launching vortex in the shipīs gate corridor, the result is a lot of smoke in a close area. So they cant fight back. The risk is to run out of vortex before they are dead (it happens when they pull back until explotions stops). If they can come out of the corridor there is a tactical change that may result in the abort of the mission to avoid heavy losses. The smoke will cover them and the backup team only will shot while the grenadiers are reciving direct fire from the monsters. After that the backup will be blind. So better to got good aim. A potential solution is an scout to periodical observe the advance of the enemy troungh the corridor, is too risk but the bigger problem is the friendly fire, the vortex will kill te scout even when he avoid the megaspawns fire.

Guest 09-08-2006 02:20 AM

Kids, kids, kids. All you need for C toxin is a live Psimorph that you can pick up on any mothership. I don't know why people seem to have so much trouble capturing live aliens -- it's not that difficult, I'm not going to go into it because every situation requires its own approach, but even megaspawns aren't extremely dangerous if you have a toxin gun (with B if you still don't have C) and a stun gun or some stun grenades. Toxin C is very useful, in my opinion, because it saves you a lot of ammo. It's a one-shot kill against most of the smaller aliens (on hard) and makes killing the bigger, more dangerous buggers much quicker and simpler. I've found that equipping my squad with disruptor armor, shields, a devastator cannon in one hand, a toxin gun in the other makes for a very lethal combination in terms of firepower. Especially if you're like me and don't let your agents die at any cost, by now your agents should have accuracy of <80, meaning that you can put it on auto-shot and just blast anyone that walks close enough. If you control your own squads and manually shoot and pick your targets (SHIFT+click) then you should have no trouble taking care of any aliens on any difficulty level. Shields are the key to this game and maybe giving each agent 2 shields in the backpack is the way to go, by the way. But I guess if you're this far along in the game already, it's not too difficult and you've already got the aliens under control with Annihilators. The trick is really capturing as many live aliens as early as you can in the game and researching very quickly in the beginning to get the toxin guns and the personal shields. After that, it's over.

bandon 09-08-2006 02:34 AM

great game, however it runs too slow with dosbox so i probably wolnt play it much. when i put it through dosbox i chane the cpu speed too much it lags if i put it lower it slows alot to where the clock changes one second every 5 seconds on normal speed

The Fifth Horseman 09-08-2006 11:53 AM

You can use VDMSound, it makes Apocalypse run much faster.

Alternatively, use DosBox with Dynamic Core enabled, that allows you to increase the cyclecount about twice the normal value.

brandon 09-08-2006 06:01 PM

:kosta: holy crap i did not know that :wallbash: thx 4 the advice works better now :ok:

The Fifth Horseman 10-08-2006 12:25 PM

Hey, we learn new things every day. ^_^

laiocfar 11-08-2006 04:33 AM

Annihilators, 2 shields, toxin C, disruptor armors?
Move to next level kid.

Guest 11-08-2006 11:40 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Aug 11 2006, 04:33 AM) [snapback]247870[/snapback]</div>

Annihilators, 2 shields, toxin C, disruptor armors?
Move to next level kid.
what's this "next level"?

Guest 12-08-2006 06:13 PM

Sigh :whistling:

How do you catch a LIVE overspawn... not a megaspawn.

the easiest and most cost effective way to catch a MEGASPAWN is to hide in the cloud of a smoke grenade (well 2 spaces at the edge of one that has blown) you dont need any powerfull weapons to take one on, ive killed 2 with agents armed only with sniper rifles and machine guns)

Ps. An overspawn is the creature that destroys the city and is not found in any agent based battle.

Roadkill 12-08-2006 06:20 PM

above message is mine, oops forgot to log in.

Alos a hint of advice - if your mouse is runiing slow whilst playing xcom look in google for something called mouse2kv, it works great in conjunction with vdmSOUND.

if you need help writing the file for both to work at the same time, download both files. install vdmsound, copy mouse2kv to your xcom directory. go to start at bottom left of desktop, clikc on run and type cmd . then type cd xcoma
or whatever dirctory you installed xcom in.
then type edit Xcomstart.bat

then paste this in it and save.

cd\Program Files\VDMSound
mouse2kv 640 480 8 8 "xcomapoc.exe SKIP"

Then just double click on it and it should work fine.

Guest 13-08-2006 12:07 AM

I thake Stasis Bomb Launcher huh huh huh :sneaky:

Dr. Dimension 15-08-2006 05:21 PM

:titan: A very cool game :w00t: Personally i think its better than UFO Defense... Just my opinion :max:

C U on the flipside :ok:

Roadkill 15-08-2006 08:37 PM

A stasis bomb launcher eh?

Good idea I never thought of that one, cool I'll give it a shot and see what happens. thanks for the tip :ok:

Arendil 18-08-2006 07:17 PM


Creature called 'overspawn' does NOT exist in this game...megaspawn is a creature that destroys the city...

It only happens if you don't destroy a batleship quickly...then it can unleash a megaspawn on the city...sometimes...

Capturing aliens alive is fact the best weapon in the game is stun just have to know how to use it... :whistling: ...

Desperate kiddo 22-08-2006 06:22 PM

I have the original version of this game,but I simply cannot get it running-no matter what I do,I just end with a blank screen and when I press any button,I get kicked out.I tried everything I could think of-reinstalling,running with WIN95 compatibility,running with no sound,in Dosbox,with VDMSound,but its still the same.
Any ideas what to do with this?

The Fifth Horseman 23-08-2006 02:25 PM

It's at least odd.

Try copying the contents of your CD to the hard drive and running it from there. VDMSound should do the trick.

Redwyvern 27-08-2006 07:55 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Arendil @ Aug 18 2006, 07:17 PM) [snapback]249512[/snapback]</div>


Creature called 'overspawn' does NOT exist in this game...megaspawn is a creature that destroys the city...

It only happens if you don't destroy a batleship quickly...then it can unleash a megaspawn on the city...sometimes...

Capturing aliens alive is fact the best weapon in the game is stun just have to know how to use it... :whistling: ...
Wrong. The megaspawn is the large alien encountered on agent missions whilst the overspawn is the Godzilla-sized one which attacks the cityscape.

Guest 27-08-2006 07:58 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Desperate kiddo @ Aug 22 2006, 06:22 PM) [snapback]250328[/snapback]</div>

I have the original version of this game,but I simply cannot get it running-no matter what I do,I just end with a blank screen and when I press any button,I get kicked out.I tried everything I could think of-reinstalling,running with WIN95 compatibility,running with no sound,in Dosbox,with VDMSound,but its still the same.
Any ideas what to do with this?

are you using a dual core/hyperthreading system? Have you tried setting processor affinity to a single core

(ctrlaltdel->right click on apoc.exe process->set affinity->uncheck one of the boxes)

Works with System Shock 2 at the least...but I'd bet dual cores force a lot of older programs to have a fit too.

Roadkill 01-09-2006 07:50 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Redwyvern @ Aug 27 2006, 08:55 PM) [snapback]251274[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Arendil @ Aug 18 2006, 07:17 PM) [snapback]249512[/snapback]


Creature called 'overspawn' does NOT exist in this game...megaspawn is a creature that destroys the city...

It only happens if you don't destroy a batleship quickly...then it can unleash a megaspawn on the city...sometimes...

Capturing aliens alive is fact the best weapon in the game is stun just have to know how to use it... :whistling: ...
Wrong. The megaspawn is the large alien encountered on agent missions whilst the overspawn is the Godzilla-sized one which attacks the cityscape.

thank you very much for clearing that up, there is indeed an overspawn and it wasnt just my imagination.

... also (quote) in fact the best weapon in the game is stun just have to know how to use it... :whistling: ...

hows your mind? :blink:
you have to be quite errrm.. ummm .. slow not to catch onto how to use stun grenades by the time you get to the levels where you go up against megaspawnes... and oh yes... OVERSPAWNES. :bleh:

da_Russia 02-09-2006 12:48 AM

Hello, folks!
I have been enjoying this game back in 1997-98, and now I want some more action, but I'm facing real problems since I'm using Win XP SP2, AMD Athlon 64 3000+ CPU, USB mouse and a Creative SB X-FI soundcard.
I downloaded DOSBox and it solved some problems -- now I can at least install the game from my old CD and watch the intro movie (mouse is detected while installing, and sound is perfect as well), but I'm getting kicked back to the command prompt right after the intro ends.
Does anyone have any clue what else I can do to start playing? I will be very grateful!
I'm sorry if a similar issue has already been discussed - I tried, but couldn't find it in this thread.

Gilgamesh[R3] 02-09-2006 11:55 AM

There is something i need to know about the download of X-com apoc on Abandonia. Maybe some of you eggheads know.

First up, This is the europe version of the game, am i right (The US version has some crappy Green pic on the main menu, the europe version is a Red BG with a large flaming X on it)

Second, does the download come with working music or Intro movie?

Third, is there less bugs and mess ups with this version than the "Limewire" version i got a few years back. (i use VDMSound and win95 Compatability mode, but after a bit either it quits the game with no errors when i go back from a mission to cityscape or i get a load of blue ms-dos text and locks-up my computer)

Kudos to whomever tells me what i need to know.

Roadkill 02-09-2006 01:05 PM

there may be a full version out there on Limewire with music & sound... you will have to search for one with a .ISO filename (a disk image) then copy it to a cd with nero or make a disk image of it. It's well worth the trouble too, dont know how anyone can play this game without the ingame music, thats like eating a christmas dinner without the turkey.

Oh yeah

Da Russia - something simular happened to me in the past, try running the game in dosbox without sound or music (just for a test) if it works past the title screen then I reccomend using VDMSOUND and changing your sound settings to sound blaster 100% compatible... Also download something called Mouse2KV -search for it in google, the mouse wont work properly under VDMsound otherwise. Ive explained how to use them in conjunction a few messages up. Hope it helps.

da_Russia 02-09-2006 08:11 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Roadkill @ Sep 2 2006, 03:05 PM) [snapback]252446[/snapback]</div>

Da Russia - something simular happened to me in the past, try running the game in dosbox without sound or music (just for a test) if it works past the title screen then I reccomend using VDMSOUND and changing your sound settings to sound blaster 100% compatible... Also download something called Mouse2KV -search for it in google, the mouse wont work properly under VDMsound otherwise. Ive explained how to use them in conjunction a few messages up. Hope it helps.
Thanx m8, used vdmsound and no cd utility -- now the games works fine. Oh, and btw, my mouse is alright even without the program you mentioned. It's just a lil' slower than in XP, but since I have a Logitech G7, I just increase it's resolution to 2K dpi and it's perfect.

The Fifth Horseman 04-09-2006 11:04 AM


Second, does the download come with working music or Intro movie?[/b]

Gilgamesh[R3] 05-09-2006 11:15 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Sep 4 2006, 11:04 AM) [snapback]252679[/snapback]</div>


Second, does the download come with working music or Intro movie?[/b]

I downloaded the version here at abandonia and your half right, There is an intro (which i love) but no music):

I loved some of the combat music in x-com apocalypse.

With the downloadable music on abandonia, could you put the music in the game, or is there a raw data file the game needs for it?

Also, does someone also get a weird Ms-dos copy protection error in blue text sometimes? I get it after about 10-12 combat missions

Eagle of Fire 05-09-2006 01:41 PM

The music, like in most games, been ripped off to keep the size of the download as small as possible. If you really want the music, I suggest you find an .iso version and mount it with DOSBox.

Roadkill 05-09-2006 02:37 PM

Something wierd has happened during the course of the game :sos:

for some reason, Psyke, Orison , Marsec and a few others wont let me bribe them anymore, As you know at some point in the game when you re forced to use serious arsenal against alien ships... some do go off course and hit other buildings (even if you set your vehicles to low altitude), hence you have to pay a fee in the diplomacy screen to get them from 'hostile' to 'Neutral' again.

Every time I try and bribe them they say the same thing the cult of cirus says ' Negotiations are impossible ...blah.. blah ..blah until you stop atacking alien friends blah... blah'
But these organisations have not been taken over by the aliens... and I can still even buy stuff from them (eg... incidenary grenade)

if this carries on I'm going to have alot of hostile organisations that I cant bribe and basically am going to be in the crap come near the end of the game. :tai:

Any ideas where I can find a diplomacy editor (I've checked google but no luck) or any idea how to fix the problem?
(I repeat, these organisations have 0% infiltration, they are not under alien command but still show the same message the cult of cirus displays when trying to negotiate with them :blink: )

The Fifth Horseman 05-09-2006 02:49 PM

I remember reading a guide on editing diplomacy, but it was supposedly fairly complex. Gonna have a look on what exactly was going on.

laiocfar 06-09-2006 04:05 AM

Roadkill, you can try by attacking unusefull organizations like the Grav League. This wouldnt prevent the ocassionals raids agaisnt your infrastructure. Anyway you only can count with the selfdenveloped or the Megapol weaponary....
Aaahhhh, i forget you must get your own income by selling loot or selfmade equipment and weapons. The Senate will be out of founds in some time.

Guest 06-09-2006 11:26 AM

I did some searching and finally found something that might help after all...

There is a program called XED, found on this site

A very useful utility indeed, you can even tranfer your old characters, equipment ect... to a new game, which can be useful. It also has a handy diplomacy editor (which I havent quite figured out 100% yet but have used it to stop the organisations that who liked the aliens to now be bribe-able... henceforth my game is back on track, for some reason Marsec still wont let me bribe them even after altering them with the editor :blink:

oh well never mind, if I ever do need anything I'll just raid em :ok:

P.S - to get the editor to work you have to extract XED to your savegame directory and run with dosbox - you also have to mount c c:\xcoma ... as it wont work with mount c c:\xcoma\savegame ...
But I'm sure you guys already knew that :tomato:

Peter B. 06-09-2006 01:05 PM

I wish some compu-whiz or software company would just re-release the original Ufo Defense
with updated graphics/resoloution and sound.

John Jacobs 06-09-2006 01:07 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tom Henrik @ Nov 16 2004, 09:26 PM) [snapback]26879[/snapback]</div>

Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)
I wish some compu-whiz or game company would just
update the resolution for the ufo defense and release

This site used to have it but they removed it.



Guest 08-09-2006 05:42 PM

Im proably going to get Boo'd for saying this but I honestly thing that Xcom apocalypse was the best in the xcom series. I played Ufo 1 and 2 and did indeed enjoy them, however I really got tired of that 1 music file that would constantly repeat itself in agent missions - drove me insane :blink: :bleh: :w00t:

The thing I did like over ufo 1 & 2 was the reasearch tree (damn there where loads of weapons to be unlocked) and all the new weapons werent all based on alien technology (the gausse rifle and laser weapons for egsample) I really would have like that in Xcom apocalypse but hell its still one of the best Golden oldies I've played (the other golden oldie in my best books is Blood which can be found on abandonia)
Also the diplomatics in Xcom apocalypse was a great idea, so was the fact you could raid enemy organisations.

I honestly hope they make something very simular to 'Xcom apocalypse' in the future... also maybe mixed with 'deadly games' (I loved how you could modify weapons with a chunk of steel, put a scope on your weapon and even put frag greanades in a canister of petrol to make an Eagle Fearbomb!!!)

mix that with modern day graphics, music and sound effects and you have one kick behind game - no doubt! :titan:

Roadkill 08-09-2006 05:43 PM

oh yeah, by the way the above post is mine... forgot to log in. so was the the one 2 above it :wallbash:

Gilbert 14-09-2006 03:42 AM

Hi, i would like to know how i do for setup the sounds, because i downloaded all files but it doesnīt work

:sos: :sos: :sos:

The Fifth Horseman 14-09-2006 12:39 PM

This question has been asked ten thousand times before. The answer is always the same:
Use DosBox. Or VDMSound. Whichever works better on your system.
You can get them from our programs page.
Before you start complaining about being unable to use them, read the godforsaken readme files and appropriate FAQ's in Troubleshooting and Troubleshooting Archive forums.

Roadkill 14-09-2006 07:48 PM

Found a game very simular to Xcom

Its called Fallout Tactics - Damnation its good.
However it is a modern game and does not support dosbox, vdmsound. its runs under windows XP so there is no reason to try run it under any other program anyways.

There are so many weapons to choose from, you can even plant land mines, timed explosive, remote explosives, you have a choice of loads of grenades (Acid greandes are ace :ok: ) Heavy weapons, Small weapons like sniper rifles, hunting rifles, pistols (alot of guns comes with diffrent ammunition like in xcom :eg.. Armour piercing, hollow points - no incidenary ammunition so far though <_< ) energy weapons , drive diffrent vehicles and alot more. there are so many diffrent enemies too its insane.

Definately something to look into if you like Xcom :titan:

laiocfar 17-09-2006 10:36 PM

Roadkill, do you got a link.

And what is that fool down you?

Roadkill 18-09-2006 11:07 AM

I bought it from a place called Gamestation.

EDIT: Reference to warez removed!

The Fifth Horseman 18-09-2006 03:25 PM

Roadkill, if the game is still sold then obtaining it the way you described is warez.

We don't condone warez here, consider it a verbal warning.

G ESQ 18-09-2006 09:29 PM

Hi everybody.

Reading thru the thread, I didn't see anyone mention the free $$$ bug in the game.

To do it you assign an object to be manufactured, hit enter, then click the beaker with an X thru it to unassign the manufacture, then assign it again, then unassign it, etc.

Each time you do it, you get the $$$ in your bank for the cost to manufacture the item. e.g. the alien invisible shield costs $2000 to build, you get $2000 in the bank each time you do this. Two minutes of this, and you have an extra $100,000 in the bank.

I played this game when it came out years ago, it's great this site has the game available to download. I use a mix of turn based and RT missions. More RT missions as the game goes on and I have shields for the agents. Also use RT when I raid Marsec or Megapol with stun grapples to steal armour and weapons early in the game.

Guest 23-09-2006 11:25 PM

Hi, im really new at this and some help would be nice. I downloaded DOSbox went through the whole set up on the tutorial but when it gets to the point where i have to type "Install" it says "Illeagle command: Install". After failing that way i installed the VDMsound thing and when i right clicked and clicked Run with VDMS it says access is denied... any ideas? and fyi the game works fine but the sound doesn't work

Guest 24-09-2006 01:37 AM

Nvm i got it!

aerziel 30-09-2006 09:55 AM


I am new to this forums so sorry for the newbness anyway to my question can anyone help me getting raw sound for apocalypse I cant seem to turn on music. Anyone's help will be most appreciated. :sos:

BTW all I know is that the mp3 files in the main site can be used with adobe auditor? anyway I dont have the program and I dont know how to change it to raw I want to hear the music in game can anyone help.

SupSuper 01-10-2006 05:43 PM

Technically, you should be able to get the music working if you merge all the mp3 on the website into one file (by the same order), save it as PCM Raw Data with filename "MUSIC" in the game folder, and then enable the music in-game.

If that doesn't work, well, get an original CD. :P

The Fifth Horseman 02-10-2006 01:32 PM

You can download X-Com Apocalypse from various P2P networks, if you search for a minute or two. Very convenient, that.

Eagle of Fire 03-10-2006 01:28 PM

Indeed. What does those link have to do with Apocalypse anyways? <_<

tags 05-10-2006 12:12 PM

hi i just downloaded xcom from here (after alot of looking) unzipped it but when i tryed the install command it just tells me it is illegal and that but when i try to play it through dos box as is it starts up but the sound is broken up and slow and there arn't any vissuals, if any one could lend a had that would be awesome

tags_11 05-10-2006 12:25 PM

i just did the tutorail for flash back game and it works perfectly could the download be courupt or something?

Abi79 05-10-2006 12:29 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tags_11 @ Oct 5 2006, 03:25 PM) [snapback]259577[/snapback]</div>

i just did the tutorail for flash back game and it works perfectly could the download be courupt or something? [/b]
Do not install. Just run a setup utility if there is one and then start the game. Games at Abandonia usually don't need to be installed. ;)

Guest 05-10-2006 12:34 PM

i tryed to do that but it just sits there and doesnt do any thing for some reason

tags_11 05-10-2006 12:48 PM

its kool man i fiddled around and its all sweet now thanks for the help

Ivanzypher 05-10-2006 03:01 PM

I heard someone on here say you need to research the queenspawn to get toxin C, this is not true. you simply need to research the live and dead versions of all the standard aliens. ie. not the queenspawn or overspawn(the one that attacks the city). In fact, ive never reached the queenspawn and all my units use toxin C

Guest_Adrian_* 10-10-2006 11:21 PM

To get personal shields from the aliens, shoot them with toxguns. This babies fire so fast that I get aliens piled up and when I put a soldier there there are a couple of shields to pick up. Just don't let any mines blow up nearby or the shields will be blown up too.

Guest_Lt. Razak_* 12-10-2006 02:51 PM

Hello once more... I just started playing X-com apoc again after a long break (I had overplayed it a little). For some reason, however, I can't log in to my account or request my password (the account is still there, you can click on the profile, but the forum claims otherwise when I ask for my password).

Anyway, first of all: The Queenspawn

Three things you should know about the queenspawn:

1) It is a real pain in the lower backside

2) Its meaner than anything except dimension missiles... when apporaching it, stay in cover (when I engaged it to capture it alive, I actually cut through the wall behind it but don't try it, the damn thing is in a cage which is open only to the front and cannot be cut open. Just advance quickly towards it with a few troopers, tons of stunning equipment and always stay in cover.
You may want to try to injure it with heavy weapons first. Save, then see how much punishment it can take. Damage it as far as you dare and then stun it (all other aliens should be dead by then).

3) When / if you research a live queen you can research toxi-grenades. Basically its a stun grenade using the toxins from the toxi-guns, so its only lethal to aliens but very much so. Unfortunately I found it to be a little late in the game to deploy this improvement, the dimension gate chamber blew up before I could even field-test the first prototypes...


Now to my list of problems. My newly started game is my first on 'superhuman' so I certainly am careful and paranoid. In fact, the game-time is 12:15 on day 1 (i.e. 15 minutes after start) and already my stats are quite impressive:
- Sirius has been hit 3 times in the first 2 minutes, at least 30 dead enemies, 1 dead agent :tomato:
- Megapol has been victimised using the 'stun-only' raidmethod, marsec has been in for it twice now
- My infantry consists of 12 soldiers (no more available)
- My fleet has been upgraded with the best technology available, I own all elerium and prophet missiles in the city and I have 5 additional hoverbikes, all armed with bolters
- I captured a metric ton of infantry equipment which left me with 40.000 credits, 4 replacement weapons for sniper and heavy and light mg, all the ammo and explosives you can eat
- I was also left with several large rocket launchers, a mini launcher, a marsec armour torso and one of the famed mindshields

Has anyone ever figured out what the mindshield is good for? When I try to call up the ufopedia-entry I always end up with the info about the stunner. It appears to be infantry equipment, has no value and seems to have no effect... is it maybe a piece of equipment the programmers didn't finish?

Also I'm having some trouble with the stun-raids. Being only 15 minutes into the game, I only own 7 stunners and can't get all of them. Since the defenders usually are about batallion-strength I just CAN'T keep them all down with seven people with stunners, so usually I just move in with the seven armed only with a stunner and carrying nothing except that stunner and their armour (I was considering to drop it but then an autocannon went off and the trooper carrying it nearly killed himself hadn't he been wearing his armour).
So what I do is I search the facility stunning and disarming guards as I pass them. This, however, can be very annoying as I not only have to rearm troopers to work as stun-troopers for one of these mission. Also, I have to let them drop all the equipment once I return to my homebase, which can be quite time consuming. Also I have to check every room if there is no equipment laying about which needs stealing. So usually I probably miss a good deal of equipment just because the guards keep running off, hiding etc. I'd prefer it if I could just stun the whole lot to win the mission and get all the equipment (and more) that way... much easier.
Is there any advice on how you can stun an entire factory full of people without them waking up all the time? Note: I'm pressed for manpower, 12 soldiers, 7 stunners.

Finally, something I haven't tried ... ever... for some reason:
Raids with multiple vehicles. I'm trying to put together a large (!) squad since I'm on superhuman. However, they won't fit into one vehicle or, if they do, I don't have any cargo modules available. Can I actually send several vehicles (A cargo Wolfhound, an PC wolfhound etc.) and tell both of them to raid the building / UFO? I.e., when it comes to select which soldiers to send in, can I select both vehicles so that the cargo holds and bio-modules on both vehicles will be used for the loot? If that doesn't work I might be in trouble but at least I can save the money for a second ACP.

The Fifth Horseman 13-10-2006 01:48 PM


Has anyone ever figured out what the mindshield is good for? When I try to call up the ufopedia-entry I always end up with the info about the stunner. It appears to be infantry equipment, has no value and seems to have no effect... is it maybe a piece of equipment the programmers didn't finish?[/b]
Yup, they never finished it.


Is there any advice on how you can stun an entire factory full of people without them waking up all the time? Note: I'm pressed for manpower, 12 soldiers, 7 stunners.[/b]
Play in real-time, for starters. The fools always - ALWAYS - congregate into some sort of bottleneck, which is where you can stun them easily. Whichever of them won't do that, you'll hunt down with motion scanners.

Factories are not the best raid locations at the beginning, and also note that the size of the building varies according to how large and well-trained your squad is.

Guest_Lt. Razak_* 13-10-2006 05:12 PM

Re: Mindshield

That's good to know, I guess I'll scrap it then :)

Re: Raids

Well, I do play realtime and I do miss it that you can't throw bodies around anymore (like in Enemy Unknown, where I just stacked stunned aliens or carried them around in my backpack so I'd know when they wake up (Chryssalids excepted ;) )). Anyway, these almost smart securitans refuse to be rounded up and stunned.
I once managed to use the architecture - i.e. a narrow corridor - and lock a couple enemies in between 4 troopers. Unfortunately one securitan actually dropped under one of my soldiers. When he woke up he stood on the outside of my perimeter... to make it worse a bit later one of my troopers was hit by a stunner and the 'herd' escaped. I suppose I just need more stunners.

By the way, what are the most lucrative targest for raids, assuming I do any variation of the stun-raid (either I pick the equipment up or I manage to stun all enemies, doesn't matter)

I have made three or four raids and the arms factories seem to yield the most loot, especially since there is the occasional armour to be found... in marsec's case this is unfortunate since I intend to play with a 'handicap' if you like, which includes no bioweapons and no flightsuits. If I can I might even try to fight without hand-held disruptor technology. Basically, this time round I want to do almost everything I can different from the last time :)

Eagle of Fire 13-10-2006 06:19 PM

Use stun grenade. They continue to stun even after the ennemies are on the ground. You can't go wrong with that unless you really, really take your time around.

chainsoar 14-10-2006 12:50 AM

I found an old guide book for this game the other day that came free with a PC gaming magazine my brother bought years ago. I remember reading it and wanting to play the game SO badly.

The Fifth Horseman 16-10-2006 12:54 PM


By the way, what are the most lucrative targest for raids, assuming I do any variation of the stun-raid (either I pick the equipment up or I manage to stun all enemies, doesn't matter)[/b]
For a squad of 7, like you described, the Government-owned Apartments seem the best target. You get a lot of weapons out of that, for instance, and Elerium also happens every now and then. The very construction of these areas includes multiple bottlenecks for you to exploit.

Guest_Lt. Razak_* 16-10-2006 08:12 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Oct 16 2006, 12:54 PM) [snapback]261548[/snapback]</div>


By the way, what are the most lucrative targest for raids, assuming I do any variation of the stun-raid (either I pick the equipment up or I manage to stun all enemies, doesn't matter)[/b]
For a squad of 7, like you described, the Government-owned Apartments seem the best target. You get a lot of weapons out of that, for instance, and Elerium also happens every now and then. The very construction of these areas includes multiple bottlenecks for you to exploit.
Eeeexcellent, thank you! I am experiencing the superhuman difficulty on 'half' now, I guess... on the one hand I was hit (i.e. my base was raided) during the second alien incursion but then I live quite happily, I've got stacks of money, my base took no damage and I haven't suffered any casualties (apart from one victim to the sirians) so far. Basically, I'm a fat cat and when I've spent it all the neighbours pay for me. I build base defences, new quarters and a training area so now I run around with 3 squads (each assigned to a seperate APC) and kill anything alien in sight. The rest gets stunned and that is that... easy :)

Incidentally I've made some decent plunder from some syndicate slums, if somebody else is looking for good locations... three raids total and I actually managed to stun everyone on each raid. Although, twice the defenders actually herded themselves, first time they spawned in a sort of corral with hedges in, so there was almost no space to move (not with 15 soldiers, anyway) so I just had to block the entrance and stun the lot of them, the other time they all spawned in a narrow alley between a perimeter wall and the edge of the map (width one field) ... again, locked 'em in, stunned 'em and nicked their stuff :D
Also, the syndicates LOVE explosives according to the two dozend heavy and light launchers plus ammo I collected during those raids.. plus lots of other gimmicks :)

One problem remains, though:
The horrible politeness of my soldiers. This sometimes bugs me when I'm clearing out infiltrators, some civie comes along and just bumps into my soldiers and they start running around just to make way for some panicked git ...
This is REALLY bad though when trying to herd enemy defenders together. I had it time and again that before an enemy was stunned he managed to bump into my soldier who then got up to move out of the way instead of firing. So far I always had to send to soldiers around with stunners (one will get up, the other one will fire befor the enemy can escape... hopefully) but that's not helping since I'm so short on stunners (I can't use stungrenades by the way, I haven't got any left, they're too valuable for real missions). Is there any way to stop this 'politness'? It would make my job a lot easier :) By the way, my soldiers are always set on aggressive... they're still the polite types...

Thanks again and in advance, too :)

Eagle of Fire 16-10-2006 10:36 PM

You needs to set your squaddies stance to "agressive". If you do so, they'll (almost) never disobey you and they will stop trying to dodge bullets by moving around while firing. Extremely usefull.

The Fifth Horseman 17-10-2006 02:16 PM

Some of the Slums sectors are very easy to raid, but the buildings are bloody annoying.

Tell you what - a few times I was thinking to try and bring down the entire buildings with explosives... except never really got around to doing that :D

laiocfar 24-10-2006 03:05 AM

if you place your troopers near cover, they can dodge incoming fire pretty well but when in open they start to move without sense and without firing back.

Guest_Lt. Razak_* 25-10-2006 04:06 PM

I thought of demolishing a slum building once. The one resting on massive pillards with the elevator in the centre of the map and a stairwell on the side. However, I burned one or two of those pillars away with devestators and 'boxes' (the heavy marsec explosives) with no effect. I suppose I would have had to tear it down from the top, floor by floor but I couldn't be bothered after that rather long 'burn the foundations'-operation...

Anway, these days I'm facing the old dosbox problem once again, its too slow to cope with say 18 troopers, lots of fire and a UFO or house. I have tried VDMsound and it appears to be working okay. I didn't get very far with my tests, though, seein that the mouse moves veeeeeeeery slowly. Too slow for real time games, anyway. Is there a way around that, too?

And here's another question: How do I recover my three (fortunately empty) APCs? They were engaging a UFO and driving around on the highway with two roads stacked on top (superhuman city, ring road) of each other. That road must've taken a hit or something, one way or another they fell onto the lower level of the highway which, for some reason, doesn't seem to have any ramps connecting it to the rest of the streets. So right now the APCs are going round in merry circles. (If X-com agents were anything like women they'd be really really mad, they were waiting for hours to be picked up by those APCs until I finally got fed up and brought the lot back home via Hawk and Valkyrie. Should have done that in the first place, really, since it was those planes who dropped the troopers off in the first place, but hey... :whistling: )

Oh yeah, I heard some rumours about a road map with indistructible roads, something among those lines? A lot earlier on in this threat there was even an abandonia link where - in theory - one could download it.. however, that link doens't work, if you could drop me a hint where I can find that roadmap I'd be grateful :)

The Fifth Horseman 25-10-2006 04:11 PM

As for your speed problem... use Dynamic Core, increase the cycles, set frameskip to 1. Should help.

Guest_Lt. Razak_* 25-10-2006 09:32 PM

Thanks! I'll give the frameskip a shot, in my limited undestanding it shouldn't mess the graphics (...? well, you may laugh :) ) up too much and if that be the case its good :)
For the record, I have Dosbox running at memsize 64 or 63 MB (for another game, i.e Strike Commander), tampered a little with the resolution (no visible effect) and run dosbox at 18,000 - 20,000 cycles at all times. Experience shows that this is somewhere near my computer's limits (mp3 player and other programs may stutter occasionaly) but does not start slowing the dosgame itself just then.
I just attempted a 'dynamic core', the result was a discouraging bunch of error adresses etc., i.e. it doesn't work for me. I reset the core to normal, is there any 'better' setting?
Also I checked the dosbox page, I still use 0.63 since it works, I decided NOT to upgrade right now since X-com Apoc is not specifically listed for DosBox, at least not in the 0.65 version and among the comments of 0.65-users trying to play the game there are mostly problems listed. Right decision?

Thanks again!

The Fifth Horseman 26-10-2006 09:04 AM


Thanks! I'll give the frameskip a shot, in my limited undestanding it shouldn't mess the graphics (...? well, you may laugh smile.gif ) up too much and if that be the case its good smile.gif[/b]
Well, it will display every other frame at Frameskip 1 - gives a minor speed boost, but the graphics aint as smooth as they used to be.


For the record, I have Dosbox running at memsize 64 or 63 MB (for another game, i.e Strike Commander), (...)[/b]
Are you sure Strike Commander needs 64 MB RAM? Most DOS games run under eight, the most demanding I know of was Fallout with 16 meg requirement.


(...) and run dosbox at 18,000 - 20,000 cycles at all times. Experience shows that this is somewhere near my computer's limits (mp3 player and other programs may stutter occasionaly) but does not start slowing the dosgame itself just then.
I just attempted a 'dynamic core', the result was a discouraging bunch of error adresses etc., i.e. it doesn't work for me. I reset the core to normal, is there any 'better' setting?
Also I checked the dosbox page, I still use 0.63 since it works, I decided NOT to upgrade right now since X-com Apoc is not specifically listed for DosBox, at least not in the 0.65 version and among the comments of 0.65-users trying to play the game there are mostly problems listed. Right decision?[/b]
Dynamic Core approximately doubles the maximum cycle count your machine can handle (exact value differs from system to system and game to game).
While it caused frequent crashing in 0.63 of DosBox, it has been heavily improved in 0.65 and does hardly ever crash anymore.
Remember that you can have multiple copies of DosBox installed on your system without any conflicts between them - so give it a try. ^_^

Guest_Lt. Razak_* 26-10-2006 03:04 PM

Gee, I could have thought of that. Dosbox .65 it is, thanks :)

For the RAM: Let me quote one of the programmers from the strike commander 'magazine' (more than just a handbook :) ) : "We weren't even sure if there'd be any computer which could cope with the demands of the game" (It's not the exact quotation but it gets the meaning across :D . It's a bit like what Bill Gates supposedly said once, that noone would ever need more than 500KB RAM :) )

When we first tried SC it lagged stupendously. Once we found the RAM setting we just boosted it to maximum taking no chances. It seemed to work so we just went on play the game, no questions asked :)

The frameskip is indeed.. odd. In some respect, the game is a lot faster but it reaches its limit very quickly. An airborne missle (Sirian) plus a Sirian trooper being gutted by the combined fire of 13 troopers (draw your own conclusions, I tend to bunch my troopers up too much :wallbash: ) and there we go... or rather don't, quite the opposite. Well, 0.65 coming up, thanks again :)

P.S.: Dynamic core does indeed work in .65 :) And at 40,000 cycles the game runs soooo much smoother, even without the frameskip :) Thanks very much!

laiocfar 27-10-2006 05:26 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_Lt. Razak_* @ Oct 25 2006, 01:06 PM) [snapback]263551[/snapback]</div>

And here's another question: How do I recover my three (fortunately empty) APCs? They were engaging a UFO and driving around on the highway with two roads stacked on top (superhuman city, ring road) of each other. That road must've taken a hit or something, one way or another they fell onto the lower level of the highway which, for some reason, doesn't seem to have any ramps connecting it to the rest of the streets. So right now the APCs are going round in merry circles. (If X-com agents were anything like women they'd be really really mad, they were waiting for hours to be picked up by those APCs until I finally got fed up and brought the lot back home via Hawk and Valkyrie. Should have done that in the first place, really, since it was those planes who dropped the troopers off in the first place, but hey... :whistling: )

Oh yeah, I heard some rumours about a road map with indistructible roads, something among those lines? A lot earlier on in this threat there was even an abandonia link where - in theory - one could download it.. however, that link doens't work, if you could drop me a hint where I can find that roadmap I'd be grateful :)
hahaha, you have to wait until the repairs go on. This go faster if are out of city view, it never happened to me so it cant tell if you can arrange a "pick up" by some air units. I see Megapolīs patrols be on the highway making circles by months. So next time arrange a sort of old and good skyranger to move your troops. Also, its easiest to reach ufos

The Fifth Horseman 27-10-2006 08:51 AM

Why are you using ground vehicles in the first place?

Guest_Lt. Razak_* 27-10-2006 10:30 PM

Well, my APCs recovered themselves after a while. I don't know how it works but stuck or semi-stuck vehicles seem to reappear at the base if they've been out for a long time. I'd still be interested in that legendary indistructable road map :)

I use APCs, those trusty pieces of hardware, as it makes it somewhat easier to oversee troop deployment. I use 24 soldiers now split into alpha and beta (Standard assault squads of 6) and charlie (Specialists and heavy duty equipment, the likes of psionics and rocket launchers, also some hand-to-hand fighters which are eagerly awaiting the development of pers shields, plasma swords, teleporters and disruptor armour but currently equipped with stunners and heavy explosives in case they won't make it out of a hand to hand engagement :titan: )
Each squad has its own apc so I always know where which squad is and where it's going just by checking what the apc is doing. This is especially useful since beta is just a replacement squad for alpha. My troops spend most of their time in sickbay in a near-death state so it helps to have a backup squad ready. Charlie, unfortunately, just has to cope. Poor sods..

I can't afford to use airborne transports yet, though. The APCs save me having to reassign troopers every time I need to intercept enemy craft. While the battle is still raging the APCs go to the alien beam sites (so I don't forget where they are :) ) and if UFOs need recovery I have to reequip my hawk anyway when it returns to my base (with passenger modules it can just about carry 18 people plus cargo and bio modules) and then pick up the soldiers in one of the buildings.
My fat years are over, I'm nearly broke, half the city hates me due to stray shots or a peculiar incident AFTER a dog fight when a building collapsed nearly burying my Hawk and ripping down a few billion dollars worth of highways and tubes etc. And Transtellar wants a mere 105k $ just to be 'unfriendly' again*... well, I've got the five ^^

*It didn't help that I had to do a clearance job there killing more guards than aliens....

laiocfar 28-10-2006 01:50 AM

never used APC, i will see how they do.

Guest_Lt. Razak_* 28-10-2006 01:23 PM

Well, okay, they're not absolute magic before you get too excited :) But useful to move around troops and they can pack quite a punch against lesser UFOs. I had a dimension gate hovering right on top of my base for several days (and alien waves) and then the apcs actually were magic. The first time, the aliens took me by surprise so my valkyrie was launched from the base, the rest of the force scattered in the city. The valkyrie almost was downed during launch and had to flee but the apcs actually turned the tables when they rolled out of my hangar... all in all they must have downed five or six UFOs by now and drew a lot of fire away from the base itself. Just don't forget to unassign your soldiers if you have to send the APCs into battle :)

Zaru 29-10-2006 05:22 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Oct 28 2006, 02:50 AM) [snapback]263943[/snapback]</div>

never used APC, i will see how they do.
Speaking about erm... "unconventional" vehicles, try hooverbikes. In packs, armed with plasma, they will intercept every large ufo ship. Just be sure to keep those Elirium-115 suplies sufficient to meet the needs of the voracious plasma guns. :rifle: These goddamn bikes are small like bees and thus they rarely get hit by large enemy cannons. But... if one's hit, you'll have to chop yourself another bike. Just be sure not to use them against more mobile/smaller enemy vessels.

Eagle of Fire 29-10-2006 10:56 PM

What's so unconventional about hoverbikes? I always purchase a bunch at the beginning of every game and they are always present in my main attack force until very late in the game when all my big ships have ship cloacking and shielding...

The hoverbikes is about the best airborne craft you can purchase in the whole game in term of cost VS efficiency.

Zaru 30-10-2006 03:06 PM

What I meant by unconventional is that in X-COM series the most ultimate vehicles were always the most advanced and biggest ones (like Avenger). Here we have something that's available at the very beginning, is very small sized and cheap, which could suggest that's weak but it's on the contrary. And some players don't even use them.

G ESQ 30-10-2006 04:04 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_Lt. Razak_* @ Oct 12 2006, 02:51 PM) [snapback]260895[/snapback]</div>

Also I'm having some trouble with the stun-raids. Being only 15 minutes into the game, I only own 7 stunners and can't get all of them. Since the defenders usually are about batallion-strength I just CAN'T keep them all down with seven people with stunners, so usually I just move in with the seven armed only with a stunner and carrying nothing except that stunner and their armour (I was considering to drop it but then an autocannon went off and the trooper carrying it nearly killed himself hadn't he been wearing his armour).
So what I do is I search the facility stunning and disarming guards as I pass them. This, however, can be very annoying as I not only have to rearm troopers to work as stun-troopers for one of these mission. Also, I have to let them drop all the equipment once I return to my homebase, which can be quite time consuming. Also I have to check every room if there is no equipment laying about which needs stealing. So usually I probably miss a good deal of equipment just because the guards keep running off, hiding etc. I'd prefer it if I could just stun the whole lot to win the mission and get all the equipment (and more) that way... much easier.
Is there any advice on how you can stun an entire factory full of people without them waking up all the time? Note: I'm pressed for manpower, 12 soldiers, 7 stunners.

I raid Marsec a bunch of times at the start of each game the chief prize is the Marsec body unit which you get once every 5 or 6 raids, but also to get plasma pistols, rocket lauchers, all sorts of weapons to sell off to raise funds. What I do is raid with 12 troops, real time, set each squad to fast speed and agressive mode. There is 15 or so defenders at the Marsec arms factory. with 7 stun grapples what you do is have the 5 squaddies who don't have a stun grapple to stand on top of a stunned Marsec guy, this keeps him from getting up and running around again. Also combine this with putting one of your guys with a stun grapple in the middle of 3 downed Marsec defenders, he'll keep stunning them. You'll be left with 1 or 2 of your guys with stun grapples to hunt down the 1 or 2 remaining Marsec defenders who are hiding, stunning them all and winning the raid, getting all the stuff in the factory.

The other thing I do is raid the Megapol arms factory (same tactics) right at the start of the game to get more stun grapples. There are more defenders at the Megapol factory, so it's a bit like herding cats trying to keep all defenders down. But you can do it with the same tactics - having your unarmed guys stand on the downed defenders leaving your armed guys to stun the defenders who are running around and hiding.

I use this same trick of standing on a stunned enemy to capture live aliens too.

G ESQ 30-10-2006 06:39 PM

... and when I do have all 12 squaddies equipped with stun grapples, I use the same trick, I'll have some of my guys stand on stunned defenders while the rest of my raiders hunt down everyone else. This works really well when raiding the Marsec arms factory, they have the same number or only 1 or 2 more defenders than the 12 squaddies I'm sending on the raid.

One squaddie can stand on a pile of 2 or 3 stunned guys, and they'll all stay down.

Not sure anyone mentioned this either, if you raid Marsec and Megapol with only stun weapons, XCOM's relationship with either organization is not damaged. You can raid them 50 times and they still will be allied to you.

laiocfar 01-11-2006 03:24 AM

The hoverbikes are superbe, they can avoid near anything, the problem is that they carry too low firepower so they are like mosquitos to biggest aliens. About stuning, i use stun grenades, they works well in closed areas like UFOs

Dogmeat 03-11-2006 10:45 AM

Have to admit the standing-on-the-stunnies is a pretty useful tactic. Have to try that one to make sure I get the good aliens back to base.

Guest 03-11-2006 10:37 PM

I like cars better than bikes. Buy up and save the elerium for when lineage and multisystems become available for your Hawks.

Bikes are a fine supplemental unit but once fast attack ships show up, one lucky hit is death for a bike. I don't like losing any vehicles in my games. Week 1 - Cars and valkyrie with lasers. Week 2 - Cars go full evasive with prophet missile systems (janitors seem better but prophets give more range which ='s more survivability) and I've usually raided enough for at least one Air Warrior which gets the multisystem and autocannons (buy/sell bikes for ammo). End of Week 2, Cars usually get upgraded to the weaker of the two single-firing missile systems. All they do is pop up, fire from really far away, and then hide. Once alien missile systems come online it's not worth wasting money on replacing smaller craft. Hawks usually do just fine with the extra missile barrage against harder targets. Once lineage becomes available, everybody gets an upgrade to that until medium disruptors and new X-Com craft.

Guest 12-11-2006 03:56 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ May 10 2005, 06:55 AM) [snapback]105847[/snapback]</div>


last time I played this was some 18 months back.. no cheat and in superhuman level.

Heres how i got good soldiers at the very first day:

Since Serus cult will prove to be the constant pain in the behind, I immediately attack their quarters armed with whatever weapons i could use.

Naturarally, sniping weapons is the best to train your guys for marksmanship. So too is a light powered pistol and a stun grenade. stun the enemy, remove their weapon, enclose him so he wont escape, and once he comes to, shoot using pistol. you get to hit him more with the pistol to gain more marksmanship.

after the mission, i restock and went back in again and again till most of my soldiers are so high ranking, they are all very ready for the Final Push.

money wont even be a problem - each raid gives you lots of $$$ selling off those loots - but I suggest to hold on to those loots and sell off in one big batch so price wont go down at once

Need money?? 1 easy tip from me:
Go to buy/sell store then buy stuff (not all but as much as possible). After buying ur stuffs then sell them back and u will gain $$. :brain:

Robert Gerrity 13-11-2006 04:21 AM

I recently started playing this game again, making my first attempt at super human. For some reason, right from the start (and into week 3) I have been unable to recruit androids or psionic mutants. My relationship with the two organizations is neutral, but none ever appear in my recruitment pool. Any suggestions? I'm using the version of the game downloaded from abandonware played through dosbox.

The Fifth Horseman 13-11-2006 12:55 PM

Changing your relationship with them to Allied might help. Did for me.

Robby Gerrity 14-11-2006 12:13 AM

Shouldn't some sectoid hybrid mutants and some androids still be offered at the netural state? (or even at unfriendly?)


I will try boosting to allied and see if this helps, thanks!

laiocfar 14-11-2006 12:24 AM

not at superhuman, i got my first hybrid after saving the delicatesen sectoids and still waiting for the androids,

Gacu666 16-11-2006 02:41 PM


I've got a technical question.

I have to versions of the game. One with the red background and a X on it (the one downloaded from abandonia), a CDrip version and also I have a full CD version with different menu (which looks like this [except the russian and the microprose logo):

(The funny thing is that at the bottom there are the trade marks and etc. and there is a mistake in "Microprose" where they typed "MiOprose", that doesn't occur in the red X logo background version.)

Now the question is. Are those just different versions (US/ Euro) or is this some kind of an alpha or something? The full cd version works fine (but you have to copy the 59 and 60 maps too...) I finished the game once on it and Im wondering if the other version is different or not. Dunno if Ill have time to check it myself and the CDrip version lacks music so the game is like half fun and all ;).


EstonianMan(mE/ST) 17-11-2006 07:20 AM

Y haven't know that X-Com series have X-Com:Apocalypse. Y see Apocalypse first time in there abandonia :ph34r:
But that game is really good... :ok:

The Fifth Horseman 17-11-2006 12:00 PM


Are those just different versions (US/ Euro) or is this some kind of an alpha or something?[/b]
Different versions, AFAIK. Don't know whether they have any changes in the actual gameplay, though.

Have both, too.

Petter1979 18-11-2006 01:13 AM

Have anyone had problems running this game with dosbox? I remember when i used dosbox on this game it ran slow, really slow mouse orientation, game would crash a few times.

Atm i have pulled out a old rig i made for the game, celly 366Mhz SB AWE64 value isa soundcard, and so on. But im using the keyboard/mouse/monitor for my 2nd pc, so i am unable to use my 2nd pc then.

Is there still these problems with dosbox and the game or have they been fixed?

Gacu666 19-11-2006 03:49 AM

Thanks for the reply ;].

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Petter1979 @ Nov 18 2006, 03:13 AM) [snapback]267436[/snapback]</div>

Have anyone had problems running this game with dosbox? I remember when i used dosbox on this game it ran slow, really slow mouse orientation, game would crash a few times.

Atm i have pulled out a old rig i made for the game, celly 366Mhz SB AWE64 value isa soundcard, and so on. But im using the keyboard/mouse/monitor for my 2nd pc, so i am unable to use my 2nd pc then.

Is there still these problems with dosbox and the game or have they been fixed?

You dont need the dosbox anymore. Just use the VDMS_apoc.bat and the VDMS sound drivers. You just install the drivers which is an emulator of old sound cards and you use the .bat to play, simple as that and works awesome.

In my example I have an old laptop (266mhz 64mb ram, 3gb hdd 8xCD) and works like a charm, except for the movies (which are slowed down and theyre skipping, but I always had that on old comps), but its nice to lay in your bed and enjoy the old games :P.

Petter1979 20-11-2006 06:47 PM

Well im going to keep my old custom rig for now as a new 2nd pc, since most of the old games works flawlessly on it, here is a few im playing now.

Xcom Apocaplypse
Master of Magic
Pirates Gold

I have used VDMSound before on Xcom Apocaplypse, but my experience were mixed. Sometimes the game worked a whole day, sometimes i had some locups in the game.

The Fifth Horseman 21-11-2006 11:08 AM

Indeed, I can confirm that Apocalypse has a tendency to freeze in VDMSound.
I suspect that this is related to the fact that VDMSound's enviroment simulation is not as extensive as that of DosBox.

Roadkill 22-11-2006 10:23 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Nov 21 2006, 01:08 PM) [snapback]267960[/snapback]</div>

Indeed, I can confirm that Apocalypse has a tendency to freeze in VDMSound.
I suspect that this is related to the fact that VDMSound's enviroment simulation is not as extensive as that of DosBox.
I wrote a pretty damn good way around getting errors on page 38 of this forum, try that and see if it helps... You may also have to set the amount of Ram Vdmsound uses to a bit higher if it's still running slow.

Tip- Get to allied status with Pyske, stun raid them - most of the time you get 7 Pyclones (31.5k per mission) and afew extras like mini rocket launchers ect... well worth it. Raiding Marsec some times gets you PSI blockers (only 1 or 2 if you are lucky) they sell for 4.5k a pop - Has anyone found a use for em, they dont seem to have a use all the times I've tried em?

Tip2- If you dont want organisations to get angry with you every time you fight a battle with the UFO's, set all your vehicles to LOW altitude, henceforth your shots shoot upward and will rarely hit a building and the ufo's missed shots will hit buildings causing the organisations to be unfriendly towards the alien scum and in some cases automatically makes the organisations more simpathetic to your cause.

The Fifth Horseman 22-11-2006 12:39 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Roadkill @ Nov 22 2006, 12:23 PM) [snapback]268172[/snapback]</div>

Tip- Get to allied status with Pyske, stun raid them - most of the time you get 7 Pyclones (31.5k per mission) and afew extras like mini rocket launchers ect... well worth it. Raiding Marsec some times gets you PSI blockers (only 1 or 2 if you are lucky) they sell for 4.5k a pop - Has anyone found a use for em, they dont seem to have a use all the times I've tried em?[/b]
Psi Shield was discussed here a few times. It wasn't fully implemented in the game (like several other items), the developers either lacked time to finish it or phased it out at some late development stage.


Tip2- If you dont want organisations to get angry with you every time you fight a battle with the UFO's, set all your vehicles to LOW altitude, henceforth your shots shoot upward and will rarely hit a building and the ufo's missed shots will hit buildings causing the organisations to be unfriendly towards the alien scum and in some cases automatically makes the organisations more simpathetic to your cause.[/b]
Yes, but remember that all damage to the city will drop your score.

Robby Gerrity 03-12-2006 11:51 PM

I am well into a game on super human (just finished trashing the second alien building), but I have noticed an unusual event that I've seen before. For the last couple of weeks, many of the aliens (arthropods and skeletoids) have not had any equipment. The same was true of many aliens in the building. While this makes it very easy to slaughter them all (especially fun using the Marsec power sword), it makes the game a lot less fun.

Has anyone else witnessed this? What seems to cause this alien equipment shortage? It would make sense if I had destroyed their manufacturing building already, but I haven't.

laiocfar 07-12-2006 09:13 PM

Maybe they are stockpiling to finish you off, the easy battles are to make you feel confident and powerless when they deploy all their firepower :P.

No, never heard of something like that until now. In my superhuman game, i blowed near the half of alien city and still found they armed to teeth. And still have many problems with that Megaspawn that can kill a whole team if caught uncover or ambushed.

Another point against flying low to avoid damage, is that the destruction to the city will result in the economically collapse of Goverment so no more Senate fund and you will have to survived from seized weaponary (forget of use heavy weapons in general and ambush or semidefensive tactics) or from selfmanufactured weaponary (each veteran trooper killed will result in the lost of a very valuable amor).

lololycos 08-12-2006 12:09 PM

I've a problem my 1995 versio of x-com apocalypse dont work on windows Someone help me precisely please.(Note:I dont speak english verry well so can you use simple vocabulary)

laiocfar 08-12-2006 09:20 PM

Maybe someone can speak your native language and sent you a pm in it. Anyway, tryed DosBox?

The Fifth Horseman 13-12-2006 02:52 PM

As you already found out, trying to run the game in plain Windows is not a good idea.

I strongly suggest you use DosBox or VDMSound. You can get them from our programs page.

Guest_mike_* 14-12-2006 06:54 PM

hey i have a couple of questions and some suggestions
first suggestions dont move too far away from where you start and if you do so try to get infront of doors and acces sites this way the aliens will get out and get killed as soon as they appear in your screeen
second to get the toxin c you must research allthe biped aliens (the ones with two legss i dont remember all of them just go to google and type x com apocalypse strategy and click where it shows the gamespot page)

and during combat save the game when you start the combat then as soon as you feel that you are making good progress save the game again (at the start of the combat with your agents you will now know where the aliens are and plan your strategy that is how i do it ) and if any of your agents die just laod the game again where you felt that you where making good progress and replan your strategy

now questions how can i get the disruptor weapons for my crafts (i capture the fast atack ship but that was it i couldnt get their disruptor weapon i dunno why) and any good strategies to get more money by atacking sirio (i have a bad time atacking them and no psiclone only one peer atack not worthy for my agents )

laiocfar 15-12-2006 05:39 PM

About disruption weapon, it doesnt worth to be used.
About raids, for psiclone look in the gangs and there are plenty of tactics above. Anyway i prefer the risk and the emotion of losing sometimes, its not like i get happy when an elite squad get caught in close formation by missile lauchers of the stupid guard of a temple but it has to happens sometimes.

Snake_Plissken 17-12-2006 01:31 AM

Although I played a game first time looong ago, in '98, I have an advice for those who always end up with no cash... At the very start of the game attack the cult that worships aliens, no one will hate you cause of that. In the raid, take an item that I can't quite remember of, but I know it's quite expensive on the market and SELL IT. Ain't a cheat, bug neither... excellent, ha? Just don't take it on me that I can't think of the name of that object

Guest_Jake_* 18-12-2006 09:44 PM

I'm playing on superhuman and got the dimensional probe, went to the alien world and came back. Now I can't get there with any troops. What activates the bio transport and other ships that can go the alien dimension? Icant seem to get the research to activate.

Eagle of Fire 19-12-2006 02:22 AM

Make sure you have researched all the UFO types.

Iczelion 06-01-2007 12:38 AM

Ok so here is mai delima, well first off i'd like to apologize to anybody if this ? was already answered because i searched thru all 45 pages and well couldn't find the answer i needed. So here i go..... i did what this 1 person suggested about VDMS and the 256 colors things and such and i finally gawt sound but... my color is all screwy and i dunt know how to fix it i run it in the lowest colors i can and still nothing changes i have a fairly new comp with 2gb ram 300gb HD etc.. so iunno if mai comp is way to new to run this game properly anymore. either or i cant get the color to run properly on any mode.. can anybody help me solve this so i can enjoy the game i love in the full experience?

Thx ALOT!!!!,

HUNGH0RSE 06-01-2007 07:41 PM

I have a question for someone

How exactly do you get the game music to run for Apocalypse after you download it off the site?


Eagle of Fire 06-01-2007 08:30 PM

You can't. The music been ripped off from the game to decrease the size of the archive. Most games are ripped in some way of sound, music or videos when they are added to ABW site because otherwise the game size would be way too high and this over time cost a lot of bandwith to the site.

I have the original CD here and let me tell you that the game might actually be more enjoyable without music than with... So you are not missing much anyways. <_<

The Fifth Horseman 08-01-2007 09:38 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iczelion @ Jan 6 2007, 02:38 AM) [snapback]273519[/snapback]</div>

Ok so here is mai delima, well first off i'd like to apologize to anybody if this ? was already answered because i searched thru all 45 pages and well couldn't find the answer i needed. So here i go..... i did what this 1 person suggested about VDMS and the 256 colors things and such and i finally gawt sound but... my color is all screwy and i dunt know how to fix it i run it in the lowest colors i can and still nothing changes i have a fairly new comp with 2gb ram 300gb HD etc.. so iunno if mai comp is way to new to run this game properly anymore. either or i cant get the color to run properly on any mode.. can anybody help me solve this so i can enjoy the game i love in the full experience?

Thx ALOT!!!!,
You might consider using DosBox.
You can download it here.

Iczelion 08-01-2007 09:28 PM

Ok i used dosbox and the color looks good, but now it runs uber slow..... >.> juss seems there is no winning with me trying to enjoy this game :( is there anyway to speed the game up using dosbox so its not soo slow and jumpy?

The Fifth Horseman 10-01-2007 10:23 AM

Dynamic core
Cycles increase
And frameskip

Works wonders, but you want to use v0.65 of Dosbox for this (v0.63 was crashing almost constantly when you tried to run it in Dynamic core mode... ugh).

Iczelion 16-01-2007 05:39 AM

ok thx for everything guys tha game runs awsome now :D gawt it set to 20000 on dosbox LOL.... runs perfectly, but i was wondering.... since i did love this game with the music cuz it sets the mood... anychance can sumone please copy their music folder in this game and make a link to d/l it... or if anybody knows any links to a working music folder fer this game i would greatly appreciate it so i can d/l it and set this game up with music for the full experience :P

Thx again everybody ur all awsome,

The Fifth Horseman 17-01-2007 10:34 AM

The music took up several hundred MB. Just can't be done.

If you want this game so much, stay around until you earn 100 posts - that will give you access to ISO Cellar forum, where -if you are lucky- you may find a link to an ISO image of this game.

Tom Henrik 17-01-2007 10:52 AM

X-COM: Apocalypse has been changed into Protected status. This is simply due to the fact that it had slipped us by that MicroProse was a subsidiary of Atari - and thus is under ESA Protection.

Don't worry too much, though. The game should be up and running again in just one year's time.

crwydryny 20-01-2007 02:44 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tom Henrik @ Jan 17 2007, 11:52 AM) [snapback]275331[/snapback]</div>

X-COM: Apocalypse has been changed into Protected status. This is simply due to the fact that it had slipped us by that MicroProse was a subsidiary of Atari - and thus is under ESA Protection.

Don't worry too much, though. The game should be up and running again in just one year's time.
wow must be my lucky week I must have downloaded it the day before it was chainged to protected good thing too as i lost my old copy I had when my computer died. not as good as the original but for some reason I just love the diversity of this game. now if you'll exscuse me my small fleet of ships are about to go up against the combined forces of the aliens and psyke, and to think they were my alies just yesterday *mumbles something about backstabbers* LOL

hellokits 22-01-2007 10:28 AM

Can anyone help me out, im having trouble browsing abandonia, as it is too slow (no idea why). I need help with the Organic Factory, using the search function, there is a mention of the factory, but I have no idea which thread page. If anybody be kind enough to browse through and link me to it, then i'll be thankful. Or maybe copy paste the message if it is there.

Eagle of Fire 22-01-2007 12:36 PM

Maybe if you just tell us what the problem might be, we could be able to help you out? :huh:

Jakub Daniel 28-01-2007 01:12 PM

Hi i'm sorry if this has already been discussed here but i didn't find solution for me. i wonder if it's possible to recover vehicle+personal teleporter if i have already destroyed some alien buildings.
I would like to have everything researched

I have destroyed:
Sleeping chembers
Food chamber
Alien farm
Maintenance factory
Control chamber
Spawning chamber

and i am waiting with destroying the Organic factory cause i hope it will still produce some tech.
but at least 3 weeks after last building of the list above was destroyed still no ufos has appeared

in my researches i'm missing only: personal teleporter, vehicle teleporter, overspawn, owerspawn autopsy

i'm sorry for my english

i would be thankful for advices how to recover these tech.

Eagle of Fire 28-01-2007 10:00 PM

It's too late. The Aliens don't regenerate their buildings, and at that point there is no more UFO which can be produced... So you are pretty much screwed.

I don't understand how come you don't have both teleporters tough. I usually have them way before I even consider going in the Alien dimention. As for the Overspawn, it only happen when the Aliens are doing relatively well. If you played an Uber game (especially if cheating), it's normal that you never seen it.

Jakub Daniel 29-01-2007 03:27 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Jan 29 2007, 12:00 AM) [snapback]276920[/snapback]</div>

It's too late. The Aliens don't regenerate their buildings, and at that point there is no more UFO which can be produced... So you are pretty much screwed.

I don't understand how come you don't have both teleporters tough. I usually have them way before I even consider going in the Alien dimention. As for the Overspawn, it only happen when the Aliens are doing relatively well. If you played an Uber game (especially if cheating), it's normal that you never seen it.

sorry? hey i'm not cheating ... it is first time i play it and i know how to research the ufos so i rather played it on the lowest difficulty level. i have played it several times before but only know i found out how to make some progress .. i might have some save from earlier stage of game so i hope they will make it ... I have cleared whole city and have 3 bases so everything goes quite fast now :) especialy if i destroy all enemies even before they can make it through the gates to our city

thank ya for quick reply :)

Eagle of Fire 29-01-2007 06:44 PM

Well, there is a money trick in this game in which you can go raid friendly factions and stun all the guards, then you "win" and get all their equipment free without a reputation drop.

I consider that cheating.

There is also a way to save at all time in your missions. Some people reload their game as soon as one of the soldiers they like get killed (or even injured too much), so they end up with "Super Soldiers" very fast.

That's what I'd consider a way to get a "Uber game".

If you played at the lowest difficulty rating and you are really, really good tough, it's possible to have a game like you just described. An extreme case, but possible.

Guest 14-02-2007 12:42 PM

IS the link to d/l this game broken ?

The Fifth Horseman 14-02-2007 03:49 PM

No. We found out that the publisher of this game is an ESA subsidiary, and therefore the download had to be removed, at least for the time being (we have certain agreements with ESA, including one that we don't put up any of their games within less then ten years of publication).

We will be able to put it back up on the beginning of next year, though.

wajid 16-02-2007 11:56 AM

I hate this game

herrloffel 16-02-2007 12:00 PM

I dont hate...
but I like more the 2 others Terror From the Deep and UFO Defense...
damn good days... *sigh*

The Fifth Horseman 16-02-2007 12:29 PM

There is no reason to hate it.
Enemy Unknown and Terror From the Deep have their own advantages, but Apocalypse builds on them quite a lot too.
It plays and feels a bit differently, but once you get used to that it's much more interesting than the first two games.

Fallen Angel 21-02-2007 08:24 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Feb 14 2007, 04:49 PM) [snapback]279235[/snapback]</div>

No. We found out that the publisher of this game is an ESA subsidiary, and therefore the download had to be removed, at least for the time being (we have certain agreements with ESA, including one that we don't put up any of their games within less then ten years of publication).

We will be able to put it back up on the beginning of next year, though.
The release date for X-Com Apocalypse was 14th February 1997. Technically speaking it has been over 10 years since it's release. Does this not mean you can now re-add the game to the list?

The Fifth Horseman 21-02-2007 01:17 PM

According to the information on Mobygames, it was released 15th July 1997.
May I ask where did you get your information from? It is possible Mobygames might be wrong, but I'd like to verify that source myself first.

Fallen Angel 22-02-2007 02:52 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Feb 21 2007, 02:17 PM) [snapback]280338[/snapback]</div>

According to the information on Mobygames, it was released 15th July 1997.
May I ask where did you get your information from? It is possible Mobygames might be wrong, but I'd like to verify that source myself first.
Arg, after doing a little more checking up the date is indeed wrong. What I was looking at must of possibly been a release date that didn't make it. Wikipedia lists the date of release as 30th of June.

Guest_The Wolf_* 09-03-2007 08:42 PM

Hi to all. It may sound stupid but I can`t figure out how to make a dimensional probe with a transport module on it.
:kosta: Please help me!!! :kosta:

Thank you very much :D

Hadiel 09-03-2007 08:58 PM

Does apocalypse have dimensional probes :blink:
My god i need to start playing this...

But i'd probably end up completing Terror From the Deep first. :)

Anyway, what is known about the latest title in the X-com series?

Eagle of Fire 10-03-2007 02:12 AM


Hi to all. It may sound stupid but I can`t figure out how to make a dimensional probe with a transport module on it.
worshippy.gif Please help me!!! worshippy.gif

Thank you very much biggrin.gif[/b]
You can't as far as I remember. All you need to do is to bring the probe to the Alien Dimention and come back with the recorded data (done automatically). Assuming that you have everything unlocked in the research tree, you'll be able to research and eventually build more powerfull Xcom crafts. :)

Guest 10-03-2007 06:14 AM

Thank you but i`ve reasearched all i could and i even went into the alien dimension.

:sos: Could it be beacause i need to research more UFO`s? :sos:

I really wanna know cause i have some information from the alien dimension.

I have my way to discuss with aliens. All it takes is a very skilled soldier, a personal sheild, personal cloaking field, and a "the best laser wapon you can find" (you know what i mean). Then just shoot the bastards. :rifle:


If i can`t use alien dimension probes with transport module hoe could i take my men into the alien buildings? Please answer.

P.S. The Guest is me and i forgotten to write my name.


Hi to all i will daily come here to talk about X-Com Apocalypse.

I always have questions (tell me if I am anoying).

Can you built your own ships? :blink:

How can i transfer an alien unresearched weapon from a base to another? I really can`t figure it out. Please help me.

How many alien dimensions are?

Please someone leave me an Yahoo ID cause i really need help.

My Yahoo ID is [BEEEP]

Please help me. :D

The Fifth Horseman 12-03-2007 01:36 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Hadiel @ Mar 9 2007, 10:58 PM) [snapback]282690[/snapback]</div>

Does apocalypse have dimensional probes :blink:
My god i need to start playing this...

But i'd probably end up completing Terror From the Deep first. :)

Anyway, what is known about the latest title in the X-com series?[/b]
Enforcer. <_< Which also happens to not be a strategy at all but some lousy TPP shooter...
Interceptor was the last to have strategy elements.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Mar 10 2007, 08:14 AM) [snapback]282731[/snapback]</div>

Thank you but i`ve reasearched all i could and i even went into the alien dimension.

:sos: Could it be beacause i need to research more UFO`s? :sos:[/b]
Do you have the large research facilities? Did you research the data on Alien Dimension? Did you research each of UFO types?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_The Wolf_* @ Mar 10 2007, 08:33 AM) [snapback]282737[/snapback]</div>

If i can`t use alien dimension probes with transport module hoe could i take my men into the alien buildings? [/b]
With more advanced ships that you will build later.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_The Wolf_* @ Mar 10 2007, 08:51 PM) [snapback]282822[/snapback]</div>

Can you built your own ships? :blink:[/b]
Vide my last answer: Yes.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_The Wolf_* @ Mar 10 2007, 08:51 PM) [snapback]282822[/snapback]</div>

How can i transfer an alien unresearched weapon from a base to another? I really can`t figure it out. Please help me.[/b]
It should be at the transfers screen.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_The Wolf_* @ Mar 10 2007, 08:51 PM) [snapback]282822[/snapback]</div>

How many alien dimensions are?[/b]
One. Why more?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_The Wolf_* @ Mar 10 2007, 08:51 PM) [snapback]282822[/snapback]</div>

Please someone leave me an Yahoo ID cause i really need help.
My Yahoo ID is [BEEEP]
Please help me. :D[/b]
Posting your e-mail adress or contact details for instant messenger programs on the forum is not allowed.

Guest_The Wolf_* 12-03-2007 04:17 PM

Please help me!!! (again) :D

In didn`t researched UFO type 2, 3 and 4 I think. but now they wont apear no more. What can i do? :cry:

I researched information from alien dimension.

How can you make your own ships?

I really want to go with men into the alien dimension. Please tell me what UFO`s do you need to make those inter dimensional transport probes.

I managed to transport the alien artefacts thank you very much. :D

I play at easy (the lowest dificulty level) cause I`m new on the game and I want to increase the level, but i want to finish what I`ve started.

I wanna BLAST THE ALIENS!!! :rifle:

The Fifth Horseman 13-03-2007 12:17 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_The Wolf_* @ Mar 12 2007, 06:17 PM) [snapback]283221[/snapback]</div>

Please help me!!! (again) :D[/b]
Stop repeating that. It makes you sound childish.

In didn`t researched UFO type 2, 3 and 4 I think. but now they wont apear no more. What can i do? :cry:[/b]
According to Gamespot's strategy guide, you do not need to research those, so don't worry. :ok:

How can you make your own ships?[/b]
Same way as Dimension Probes.

I really want to go with men into the alien dimension. Please tell me what UFO`s do you need to make those inter dimensional transport probes.[/b]
Research tree. You need Advanced Workshop to be researched before researching a Biotrans.

If you have any further questions, you might want to have a look at these three links first:

Guest_The Wolf_* 13-03-2007 03:10 PM

I have the dimension probe and advanced workshop so why can`t I research that biotrans?

P.S. I am a 13 year old kid :D

Please don`t mind.

I think that X-Com Apocalypse is the best of its searies cause it has the RTS in it. Plus you don`t control the entire world but you control a big city and that is much harder. I love RTS games.

I wanna research that biotrans that you are talking about and I have the advanced workshop and the dimension probe. Please help me. :kosta:

I would be happy to go to the alien dimension with my men and destroy the aliens!!! :titan:

But until the Please help me (if you can and have time cause you are older people and I understand you) :sos:

The Fifth Horseman 13-03-2007 03:21 PM


I have the dimension probe and advanced workshop so why can`t I research that biotrans?[/b]
:huh: According to Gamespot, you should be.

Now... the guide on Gamefaqs says otherwise. It claims you need to research UFO type 3. If that's correct, you'll have no other choice but to restart the game.

Guest_The Wolf_* 13-03-2007 03:29 PM

I don`t have UFO 3. I have looked at those sites. They`re cool.

I restarted the game at mediun difficulty now instead of novice where i was playing.

At me now is 18:30 i leave in Romania. Please then me when you will be on this site (in my hours if you can) cause i will ask some question along the game. For example i didn`t found that personal teleporter but i had the cloaking field. What does it do (the teleporter)? It really teleports you? If yes it`s cool.

The Fifth Horseman 13-03-2007 04:05 PM

Not really sure, never got it. I just didn't play far enough into the game to find it.

I'm usually online between your 12:30 and 18:30 (I'm in Poland, so its a similar timezone).

Guest_The Wolf_* 13-03-2007 07:14 PM

Thank you very much.

I ussualy am online between 16:30 and 22:00. Cause in the morning i have football training (I`m a football player) and then I have school and when I come home I do my homework, eat, then I play X-Com Apocalypse (my favourite game). I have a pentium 1 with only 32 RAM but even if I had a pentium 4 i think this game would be my favourite.

The Fifth Horseman 14-03-2007 12:39 PM

I've played it on a 100-mhz 486 with 24 megs of RAM a few years ago. :D

Hey, if you think you're going to visit this forum often, why not register an account? There are a few benefits that come from doing that, like being able to post in several other forums.

Guest 19-03-2007 02:04 AM

Does anyone know where to download the alien map files? My game hangs when trying to get into the sleep chamber. boots me back to DOS (or DOSBox in this case).

Guest 19-03-2007 02:24 PM

I had some problems with the keyboard so i couldn`t speak.

If i register a message will come the my Yahoo ID? Say.

I managed to start a new game and i caught that UFO type 3.

See you all. :brain: :D :brain:

Guest_The Wolf_* 19-03-2007 06:54 PM

I`m back. :D

I couldn`t speak cause i had some problems with the keyboard.

Thank you The_Fifth_Horseman for your help. I restarted the game at medium difficulty and i finaly caught that UFO type 3. The more difficult it is the more fun you get. I`l try the superhuman after I complete the game at medium difficulty.

I will return often now. I will register but please tell me what are the benefints. :max:

See you all. :D

The Fifth Horseman 21-03-2007 11:31 AM


I will register but please tell me what are the benefints. [/b]
First of all, you will be able to see (and post in) more parts of the forums than now.
Second, you'll be able to edit your own posts (which may be useful when you'd like to add another question before your old one was answered).

Guest_The Wolf_* 21-03-2007 07:39 PM

That is cool. :D

But tell me the steps for registering (i know how but i want to make it good).

Do you remember when you told me to catch the UFO type 3? It worked and now I`m working on the anihilator. It is hard to get rid of that sleeping chamber. There are a lot of aliens there. What do you recomend? Please answer to this one.

I wanna get a personal shield and for that i must , in another way to catch an alien alive, no? :sos: And alien that has a personal shield I mean. Is it good to use a toxigun? It has low accuaracy.

Thank you for your help.

Eagle of Fire 21-03-2007 08:47 PM

The Toxigun is the best weapon in the game. As soon as you have toxin B, it's easily the most effective weapon and it does go thru the ennemy shields. Plus, it's lightweight and take no space in your squaddies inventory. To counter the fact that I always end up out of ammo for those guns, I usually equip my squaddies with normal equipment and give every squaddie one Toxigun with one or two clips. When they are in groups, they can use the Alien weapons to bring the Aliens down easily enough and they get the Toxigun out in case of emergencies, when I want to capture shields or in dangerous short range combat.

If you don't, can't or don't want to use Toxiguns for a reason or another, you can always stun an Alien and steal the shield while he's sleeping (or end the missing while he's still knocked out). Stun Grenades is the best grenade in the game for that reason, I always keep using them until the very end of the game.

The Fifth Horseman 22-03-2007 06:40 AM


But tell me the steps for registering (i know how but i want to make it good).[/b]
Just remember that you need to make sure that your e-mail address is entered correctly (you'll have to activate your account using a link sent to that adress). The rest is typical.


There are a lot of aliens there. What do you recomend? Please answer to this one.[/b]
My favorite tactic: Incendiaries and explosives in ungodly amounts. LOL


I wanna get a personal shield and for that i must , in another way to catch an alien alive, no? brain_help.gif And alien that has a personal shield I mean. Is it good to use a toxigun? It has low accuaracy[/b]
As EoF said, Stun Grenades are your friends.

Guest_The Wolf_* 22-03-2007 07:24 PM

Let`s say that now there are 3 users online (on this postin site I mean). If the others 2 are reading the older posts and I write a new one they will know that I wrote or must I be lucky?

I wanna know this cause I am here and it says that there are 3 users and I write but the others wont respond.

I use devastator cannon and a toxigun with a few B clips now. Thank you for your help.

After i catch a few personal shields I`m gonna devastate those Aliens cause now i have that...........better version of retaliator, and I`m gonna go to destroy that sleeping chamber but i wanna know what is that X-COM armor that I`ve read about in older posts and how can i get it? Is it that red armor that you can fly with? I just don`t know what the X-COM armor is.

Please reply. Thank you. :D

guest 23-03-2007 01:22 AM

i cant get xcom to work on my windowsXP, i tried the how to site but i didnt get it or it didnt work, anyone have a solid way to do it with viable instructions?

The Fifth Horseman 23-03-2007 07:04 AM


If the others 2 are reading the older posts and I write a new one they will know that I wrote or must I be lucky?[/b]
You must be lucky. If they don't reload the page, they won't notice your post.


i wanna know what is that X-COM armor that I`ve read about in older posts and how can i get it? Is it that red armor that you can fly with?[/b]
1. Really tough and flexible armor. Sometimes referred to as Disruption Armor, IIRC.
3. Nope, that's Marsec armor. X-Com armor is blue.

Guest 23-03-2007 09:02 AM

I wanna get that X-COM armor but I don`t know what to research. I don`t understand too much the research tree on gamespot.

Can you please tell me what does it has special (the X-COM armor)?

I hope the armor is light and hard and please tell me how does it lookes like. :D

The Fifth Horseman 23-03-2007 03:28 PM

1.You need to research:
Personal Shield
Disruptor Gun --> Devastator Cannon
Light Disruptor Beam --> Medium Disruptor Beam --> Small Disruption Shield
This allows you to research X-Com Armor.

2. No special abilities as such, if you hoped for any.

3. It's nearly twice as hard as Megapol armor and weighs almost nothing (1/8th of Megapol suit weight or 1/5th of Marsec suit weight).

4. It's really hard to describe. A picture of it can be found here, near the bottom of the page.

Guest_The Wolf_* 23-03-2007 08:55 PM

Wow!!! :D

I`ve tryed the X-COM Armor and it`s cool. I`ve tryed it with 2 personal shields and you`re almost invincible.

What must i research fore the teleporter? I`ve researched all that it is to research.

I understand the research tree now. I don`t know how to make the aliens have teleporters at them.

Should I try to increase score by attacking the Cult of Sirius? I really wanna try the teleporter. :D

Thank you. Please reply. :D

Dave 24-03-2007 11:12 PM

Is this game a good sequel of the other 2 XCom? Should I have to try it? The first was really the best! But
I didn't like terror from the deep too much... <_<

Guest_The Wolf_* 25-03-2007 11:31 AM

Yes. You should try it cause it is different from the other 2. :D
You must defend just a city, not the whole world, and this is much harder and more cool. Another thing is that X-COM Apocalypse has a Real Time Strategy option and a Turned Based Game option. And this makes it more cool. I`l let you discover the other cool things of the game, but this if you only play it.

Come here daily cause I`l be here too (only if I don`t have a problem). :D

Eagle of Fire 26-03-2007 05:05 AM

Xcom 3 is nothing compared to UFO: Ennemy Unknown. All the development of the game been sent thru the real time combat system, so much that it's not really worth playing the game in turn per turn mode even tough you do have the choice to use either mode before every battle.

As a standalone game, Xcom 3 is allright. It's is a very pale imitation in comparison to the first one tough.

The Fifth Horseman 26-03-2007 01:05 PM

It depends. Personally, I find the fact that this one has _finally_ had any sort of enviroment physics implemented in the tactical mode a big plus. Remember the "levitating first floors" in UFO 1?


I understand the research tree now. I don`t know how to make the aliens have teleporters at them.
Should I try to increase score by attacking the Cult of Sirius? I really wanna try the teleporter. biggrin.gif[/b]
That, and you can also try the "stun raids" - it's been explained a few times before in this thread, and it's a safe and fast way of increasing your score (and weapon stockpile) through the roof.

Dave 26-03-2007 10:55 PM

Ok thanks! I'm gonna give it a try... :ok:

Guest_The Wolf_* 31-03-2007 11:23 AM

Please reply fast at this one. :D

:sos: What score must I have for the teleporters to apear? Cause i wanna see those things. :sos:

Goldenbird05 01-04-2007 07:06 PM

have anyone an german patch for it?

The Fifth Horseman 02-04-2007 02:10 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest_The Wolf_* @ Mar 31 2007, 01:23 PM) [snapback]285620[/snapback]</div>

:sos: What score must I have for the teleporters to apear? Cause i wanna see those things. :sos:[/b]
Geez. Just use the stun raid trick to rack in thousands of points worth of score and you'll eventually get them.

XCOMLOVER 14-04-2007 10:29 AM

I tried to install X-com 3 in my computer. I'm using a win xp so I install dosbox. I have the game in an old cd so I took the folders of my cd to a carpet in the dosbox and I installed. The installation program suggest a mistake with the cd speed but I could install it.
Nevertheless when i put xcomapoc.exe in my dobox it told me...
"DOS/4GW professional protected mode run-time version 1.97
Copyright Đ Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994"

And it doesn't run, what I have to do?

The Fifth Horseman 16-04-2007 02:51 PM

Apocalypse needs a bucketload of CPU power to run well. I've got a Sempron 2500+ running at 1,75 Ghz, and set DosBox to dynamic core, 24 000 cycles plus frameskip 2 - and that still gets choppy at times.

What are your machine's hardware parameters?
Are you trying to run the game DosBox' default settings? If not, please post a copy of your CONF file.

I've been playing Apocalypse again lately, so I might help.

(to other participants of the discussion) So yes, you've heard it right. I'm playing Apocalypse again after a 1,5 year break (since the failure known otherwise as Abandonia Apocalypse).
Started a game on Medium, and am using the usual stun-raid trick to gather tons of quick cash.
So far, I'm in third week and the only problem is I was a bit too late to stop Cult of Sirius from being overtaken but this doesn't mean I take no pleasure in constantly raiding them and demolising their temples with Devastator Cannons.
When I started using these babies I was a bit cautious, but they turned out much better than I thought - now all my Workshops are chucking them out at a constant rate, to have one for each of my agents. This kind of firepower is something I really enjoy tossing around.
And I think I found something that might be a Personal Teleporter.

Guest_The Wolf_* 19-04-2007 08:06 PM

If you have found a personal teleporter please tell me what score have you got and what have you researched so far. :sos:

I destroyed 2 buildings in the alien dimension so far and i still haven`t found that teleporter. It is so anoying. :D

If someone needs help about the game maybe i could help. :D

Eagle of Fire 20-04-2007 01:44 AM

If you didn't find a teleporter on a dead Alien yet and you're already fighting in the Alien dimention, it's most likely that you won't see it at all in that particular game.

The Aliens do need their buildings for production and reproduction. They mainly concentrate on UFO's, so if you shoot them all down they tend to scale down everything else. Once you're in the Alien dimention, I've realised a few times that they mostly concentrate on heavy weapons to try to drive you out (and, incidentaly, give you all the explosive mines you need to complete most of the missions... <_<).

The Fifth Horseman 20-04-2007 10:22 AM


If you have found a personal teleporter please tell me what score have you got and what have you researched so far.[/b]
I think my score is about 25000 now, and I researched about everything I got my hands on.
However, turns out that this artifact actually wasn't the teleporter at all.

And, I just tested the latest version of DOS32A with the game... The version I tried two years ago not only made the game completely unstable but also tinted all screenshots green (!!!). The newer one is a bit better, but still not sufficient to play the game.
Everything runs about 2-3x faster than it did with DOS4GW - the graphics display, scrolling etc go silky smooth without any lags - but the unfortunate thing is that after a few minutes it just freezes and doesn't accept any user input anymore. I also get some error messages when tryng to start tactical combat.

Guess that's something to report to the author of the program and I'll just have to stay with DOS4GW for the time being. Shame.

UfoMan 14-05-2007 02:58 AM


Okay, this required like about a million steps to get it right and hours of experimentation. This may not work for you, and you may have to spend hours or days trying your own experiments to find what works for you. But, this is what worked for me!!

1) I started by finding the XCom Apoc CD that I bought long ago. Mine is the original DOS and Win95 stand-alone version. I got it 10 years ago.

2) I used windows explorer to create a folder called c:\xcom3i

3) I copied the contents of my Xcom Apoc CD to this c:\xcom3i folder, and I then went into that folder from Windows XP Explorer and right clicked "INSTALL" and told it to run in Windows 95 Compatability mode.

4) Then I installed the game from Windows Explorer. It complained about a few things but allowed me to install. I installed to the default C:\XCOMA subdirectory. I'm installing from the hard drive to the hard drive. It goes rather fast, and you don't have to worry about CD speeds or any of that.

5) I then while inside the install program, I used Setup to set the sound - SOUNDBLASTER 16/AWE, BASE 220, IRQ 7, DMA 1 -- what DOSBox defaults to. Ended up going with SOUNDBLASTER PRO, as SB16 didn't provide any sound at all.

6) Lots of problems here, actually. You have to guess right to get the sound right the first time, as it took me days to figure out how to run SETUP.EXE from XP. First of all, if you choose incorrectly, I was able to actually run C:\XCOMA\SETUP.EXE from Windows Explorer after I had created a PIF that set the program to run in Windows 95 Compatibility mode.

I soon found myself right clicking each XCOM3 program that I wanted to run and setting it to run in Win95 Comapability mode, using the compatability tab.

7) After I finally got XCOM3 running way down below on step 15, I actually had to go back in and set it to SOUNDBLASTER PRO, BASE 220, IRQ 7, DMA 1 -- the SB16 mode gave no sound, but I did get sound out of SOUNDBLASTER and SOUNDBLASTER PRO.

SOUNDBLASTER is mono sound, though, no stereo, so I eventually ended up going with SOUNDBLASTER PRO as my final setting. I mention that here just in case you want to select SOUNDBLASTER PRO from the start and save yourself the trouble.

8) Now, you have the core installed in C:\XCOMA, but that is only the beginning.

9) Notice that your XCOM3.CFG file has this in it "<space>C:\XCOM3I\". It is extremely important that the <space> be there before the path name or you won't get music. It looks like this " C:\XCOM3I\", whenever you edit XCOM3.CFG.

10) Now you got to download goodies to fix the video and crack the CD copy protection, or you can't get it to go. I was never able to run the APOC game on XP from the XCOM3 CD that I purchased 10 years ago! It just won't work for me.


This one here was an important link.

FORGET about the It never worked for me no matter what I tried, although it has a good batch file that might come in handy later.

What you need on this forum is the file. Download that one! It fixes the VGA problems so that you won't get black screen of death. Unzip it.
Follow the instructions. Copy the two patches to the appropriate folders TACEXE and UFOEXE in C:\XCOMA.

These patches won't run from DOSBox. You have to set them to Windows 95
Compatability, and run each one of them from Windows Explorer in Windows XP.
There, now your video should work, when you finally get all the rest of the stuff done.

12) You have to download DOSBox 0.70 from here:

Install DOSBox 0.70 to the default directory.

I found that to get ALL of my purchased DOS games to run right under DOSBOX
0.70, I had to go into START, ALL PROGRAMS, DOSBOX 0.70, DoSBoX.conf, and edit that file so that cycles=max.

Iirc, it set cycles=auto, and that just plain makes everything stutter and lag and music choppy. BAD!

Go into dosbox.conf and make cycles=max, and save. Then all seems to be well.
This was a tip that my son taught me. And, it made all the difference between DOSBoX 0.70 being total crap to sheer perfection!

Then you want to copy the DOSBox shortcut from Windows Explorer, rename it do DoSBox X-Com Apocalypse, right click on it, Select properties, and then copy this into Target:
"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.exe" "C:\XCOMA\DARXCOM3.BAT" -fullscreen -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.conf" -exit

The quotes have to be there. It won't work, yet, but now you are ready with a shortcut to run the thing in DOSBox!

Make sure you have a space before every –command and a space before every line as it all becomes one line.

13) Now, it's time to break that copy protection, as it won't run otherwise.

Select the X-Com Apocalypse v1.00 YCG - no CD. That's the one that worked. I tried the others, but they didn't work for me.

The same crack was found here as well:

I'm not even going to debate the morality of the cracks. The fact is that this method that I'm listing here won't even work for you unless you have an original CD. You have to copy and get the install from an original CD.

But, after you have installed from the original XCOM3 CD that you have purchased and own, then it still won't run in DOSBox or in WIN95 compatability or with anything until you crack the copy protection. Cracking the protection is essential to break its dependence on the CD, so you can run from the hard drive. And, even with my orginal CD in the drive, I could never get anything to recognize that CD ever again. It's an anchor that has to be gotten rid of, if you want to have any hope of running XCOM APOC on Windows XP. There's something there on the original CD that just simply kills the running of XCOM3 on XP. I have never been able to run the X-COM Apoc CD from XP, never ever.

Okay, follow the instructions in that crack you downloaded.

You must find and copy the SMK folder to C:\XCOMA. That folder is on your CD under XCOM3 folder, or over there in C:\XCOM3I that you created. You also copy the MUSIC file to C:\XCOMA. And, you either copy the MAP folder from your CD or from C:\XCOM3I. You have to get the two missing maps copied over, or it will die when it comes time to go to the alien dimension. There's more mentioned about that here:


I ran the CRACK program in Win95 compatability mode, and it didn't give me much feedback, but I could sense errors. That crack program won't run right from Windows Explorer. That's my guess, although I didn't get to see the feedback long enough to know for sure.

So, I ran it from DOSBox.

Copy the CRACK files to C:\XCOMA.

Run the original DOSBox prompt.

Inside DOSBox type these



Run the CRACK.BAT. It should then tell you that it succeeded and that you can now run "XCOMAPOC.EXE SKIP" to get it to work. It's important to use the SKIP command, but still it won't work.

14) I was unable to run XCOMAPOC.EXE SKIP from my DosBox shortcut. It gives the black screen of death.

So, I had to do one last little trick. I had to go into C:\XCOMA and create a batch file. This is where copying some other batch file comes in handy, so that the thing is set as a batch file in Windows Explorer.

Anyway, find a 'working' batch file, the old CRACK.BAT will do, rename it to

Then you can set DARXCOM3.BAT to Win95 Compatability mode, by right clicking on it and doing the Compatability tab, but it wasn't necessary, so I didn't set this one to win95 compatability.

Right Click DARXCOM3.BAT from Windows explorer, select Edit, select ALL and delete it all, and then copy the following into DARXCOM3.BAT:


@echo off

xcomapoc.exe SKIP


That's all.

Then save it. Okay, your DOSBox Xcom Apocalypse shortcut was set to run the batch file DARXCOM3.BAT, if you run that DOSBox XCOM APOCALYPSE short cut now, you should come up with a running X-Com Apocalypse. Of course, your mileage may vary, and maybe it won't work for you. But, it finally worked for me!

I can't run "XCOMAPOC.EXE SKIP" directly from DoSBOX 0.70, but I could run that DARXCOM3.BAT batch file just fine from a DosBox shortcut, and it calls what you need and runs XCOM3 just fine for me.

In fact, I was able to run XCom Apoc from Windows Explorer just by clicking DARXCOM3.BAT, by this point in the process. Of course, the music doesn’t work and the mouse is a bit jittery. But, it runs. Run from DOSBox shortcut you created if you want the mouse stable and want it to play the music right from XP.

15) You may need to run the SETUP.EXE in win95 compatability mode a bunch of times and run your DOSBOX Shortcut to XCOM3 to get the sound right in the XCOM APOCALYPSE game. I have a Soundblaster Live 24-bit card in my machine. And, like I said, I had to use SETUP.EXE and set XCOM3 to SOUNDBLASTER PRO, B220, I7, D1, in order to make it work. SB16/32AWE didn't work, although that has worked for other DOS games I installed and created DoSBox shortcuts to.

16) Again, like I said, this is what finally worked for me. The first time I have ever had XCom Apocalypse running on XP, despite years of try. It only took five years for me to finally get something that worked on XP! Hope that it doesn't take you as long.

17) When I was done, I went in to C:\XCOMA and changed XCOM3.CFG to this:
" c:\xcoma\".

It is very important to have that little space in there. If not, no music will play. That's "<space>c:\xcoma\" inside the XCOM3.CFG, where <space> is the space key. I hope that it stays there for you.

Now, if you were able to follow all the instructions and apply the crack and get all the missing folders and MUSIC copied over to C:\XCOMA, it will now run from your DOSBox shortcut out of the C:\XCOMA folder just fine, and give you sound and music just fine and the mouse will be at a tolerable speed, and all will be well.

Now, you can safely delete the C:\XCOM3I folder that you had installed from as now the C:\XCOMA\XCOM3.CFG file with its space up front is now pointing to " C:\XCOMA".

You shouldn't need the C:\XCOM3I folder any more.

18) Hopefully, it is working for you. This is where that XCom Apocalypse manual that you purchased ten years ago should finally come in handy. Hope it worked for you too! It only took me five years to get something that worked for me. Hope it’s a lot less time for you. Realizing that the XApoc CD will never ever start up on XP was the key. You have to move on to the hard drive and work from there. Hopefully, one of the cracks will work for you.



The DoSBox Forum and Mark's forum refers you to the various cracks as well.

You are going to have to crack it in order to get XP and DoSBox to recognize it. I found no other way.

I tried everything I could think of to install without the crack, and nothing worked. Once I cracked, then up it came, in both DoSBox and Windows Explorer.

The CD itself breaks Windows XP and prevents XP from running.

I don't have the Windows Collector Edition, I have the original 1.00 CD that came with the original game 10 years ago, along with the nice manual. That original CD just won't startup or autoplay or run right on XP.

But, a crack can fix it so that you can skip the CD and just run from the hard drive, which seems to be essential to getting your original copy of XCom Apoc to run under DOSBox and Windows XP.

It only took me five years to find something that finally worked. Now, I can actually play XCom Apoc on my Windows XP machine. It's been a long time in coming!


Mine was the original v1.00 X-Com Apocalypse that I purchased 10 years ago. That CD has something on it that breaks XP so that XP cannot run it with the CD. Even if you crack the CD and try to run from th CD, it still doesn't work. You have to run from the hard drive! And, to run from the hard drive, again, you have to crack the CD. I found no other way. The original CD that came in the box with the game just won't AUTOPLAY or startup in PLAY or work at all on XP. It has something there that is broken when XP tries to run it. Crashes every time. The only way is to run off the hard drive. Then DOSBox works wonderfully!

I'm not trying to promote the cracks. They have been around for years and never worked.

When it comes to the original X-Com Apocalypse, the key to it all is to get it all onto the hard drive, as there is something on the original 1.0 CD that prevents XCom from running at all on Windows XP.

Even if you crack it and try to run from the original CD that you purchased, it still won't run. The CD breaks it or prevents it from running on XP. The Play button isn't offered as part of Autoplay, even after you have installed from the CD. The Autoplay is broken for XP or doesn't run with XP or isn't compatible with XP. So, running from the original CD is impossible!

You have to be running it all from the HARD drive.

That's why the Windows Collector's version worked for some people, as it apparently all ran from the hard drive. Then you didn't encounter the Autoplay thing on the CD that broke it.

For those of us with the original version, the only hope is to get the whole thing onto the hard drive and running from the hard drive. And, to do that, you have to crack it. I found no other way.

If you find a way to do it without cracking it, let us know. But, every place that I went to made it clear that the only people who got it to run were running with Window's Collector Edition and running it all on the hard drive.

There is a way for those of us with the original XCom Apoc v1.00 to run on the hard drive too, but it requires the crack to break the dependence upon the CD and to get it to run without encountering the thing on the CD that breaks XP compatability.

You have got to get past the CD, as the original Apoc CD is not compatible with XP, no matter what you do with it.

Hopefully, they will let this stay up here, as it would have saved me days and years of grief if I would have known from the start that I was never going to be able to get it to run on XP from the original CD.

UfoMan 14-05-2007 10:56 PM



In the subsequent time, I found that the default "cycles=auto" in DoSBox 0.70 dosbox.conf file might actually work a bit better on some of the machines that "cycles=max", when it comes to X-Com Apocalypse 1.0. This was the only game though, where the default 'cycles=auto' appeared to work better than 'cycles=max'. All the other games required 'cycles=max' to run their best.

It's a simple exercise to create a custom dosbox.conf file in the C:\XCOMA folder and adjust the shortcut to point to it. Just be sure that you make a copy of the real dosbox.conf file and not the shortcut that is on the start menu. If you do the one on the start menu, that's the shortcut, and it will have you modifying the real thing.

I actually have two separate X-Com Apocalypse shortcuts now, one for the default cycles=auto and one for my updated master cycles=max that I use for MOO, MOM, Empires Deluxe, X-Com, and TFTD.

I have also taken the results of this whole thing and put it on two other XP SP2 machines in the house here, and XCom Apoc runs just fine. I don't need to play X3 right now, but my son is done with college and in between tasks, and he has been playing my copy of X-Com on his XP machine with DOSBox 0.70, and I wanted him to be able to have a go at my copy of Xcom Apoc. Anyway, the gist of this is that XCom Apoc is now working on my son's WinXP SP2 machine just fine now. And, I also backed it up onto my secondary WinXP work machine that I have in the office, and again, it ran just fine.

So, the process seems to work on more than just my main XP machine. Good news.

It seemed like a whole bunch of the guys here had the original XCom Apoc and could never get it running on XP. There were pieces of the puzzle, but nothing that ever combined the whole complex mess into something that worked. Hopefully, they will now be able to take their CD and get it going, if they so desire.

The key to it all is that you have to get it all onto the hard drive and running from the hard drive. If you don't, if it the startup or Autoplay accesses the original CD even for one second while starting the game, it will crash every time on XP. Only Win 95 and Win 98 and Win ME could seem to access the original CD without it crashing. It's as if the XCOM APOC CD startup checks the operating system, and when it runs into XP, something that it has never seen before, then it just automatically quits to the prompt and you are done before you start.

I was pleased at how nicely it ran under DoSBox 0.70 on XP, when I got it all on the hard drive. The music is still a bit choppy at times, but then XCom Apoc music was always a bit choppy and weird, even running from the CD. You can turn it off if you want. Or you can make cycles=auto in dosbox.conf. You will have to experiment around to see what works best.

Also, so far, none of the other XP machines that I have tried this on worked for SB16/AWE32 emulation. None of them. The other machines had onboard sound. My main machine is the only one with a Soundblaster card. I had to set them all to SOUNDBLASTER PRO. I tried to see if any of them would work as SB16. No go. There's something broken there too. Other DOS games will run SB16 mode under DoSBox 0.70, just not X3 Apoc.

But, they also all work with the SOUNDBLASTER mono setting too.

XCom Apocalypse is the hardest one to get going on XP. It had a dozen different bugs and glitches that all interfere or intervene to prevent it all from running right. It's like you need to line up all the dominoes just right in order to have it run. Maybe now you can imagine how shocked I was the first time that it ran and ran right. I was stunned. I sincerely believed that I would never be able to crack the thing or figure the thing out.

But, I did. It's working really well, and the process has now been tested on other machines too.

I also played around with the thing to see if I could somehow get it to run from the CD. I never could get it to run from the CD. I don't think changes anything. It isn't really a CD crack but a CD substitute, but it didn't work for me. That's another part of the process that I never mentioned, as I don't think it did anything, but I mention it now, just in case one of you goes through the whole process and discovers that it still isn't working for you.

Tried to be thorough.

The Fifth Horseman 15-05-2007 11:39 AM

Actually, the cycles=max setting is not the best idea either - it uses an autodetection script to figure out the maximum cycle count your machine can handle.
The script itself is far from perfect, so it's better to gauge the optimal value by yourself (maximize the game with resource monitor running in the background, then use trial and error to find the value where CPU usage is just below 100% in fullscreen mode). Increasing frameskip (I use Frameskip=2 for this game) also can increase the speed, as can do disabling the scalers and using [b]output=ddraw

Also, since v 0.70 DOSBox can use multiple config arguments:
"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.exe" -fullscreen -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.conf" -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\XCOM3.conf" -noconsole
This means that dosbox.conf will be loaded first, after which XCOM3.conf will be loaded and any settings in it will override those of dosbox.conf (so XCOM3.conf doesn't have to include all the content of DosBox.conf, onyl the differences). -noconsole will disable the status box, so that DosBox runs only in a single window.

Guest 25-06-2007 03:15 AM

umm any one know when ESA will release apocalypse again??

i tried to use the guide above to install my cd version of it but,

i use vista and you all can guess what the result were... :angry:

The Fifth Horseman 25-06-2007 12:34 PM

Next year.

But, the CD version is definitely installable in DosBox. I did so myself.
You might want to read the A Beginner's Guide to DOSBox.

If you have any questions, I'll gladly answer them.

Zann 25-06-2007 11:27 PM

i have used the dosbox and masterd it but vista dont work like xp...

unless a new dosbox that work properly with vista is made i ca get it to work.

worst part is that even though i can use my os to simulate install in win 95 and then run the game in win 95
it just dont start.

keeps bugging about it dont supprt fullscreen which i tried to bypass with having it running in a window but that didnt work either...

btw i read earlier that the game is on p2p servers so im loading it now and hope it will work that way.
and the file is 83.65 mb large and i dont remember how large the file from here was so if you just could check it for me that it is in the right size ill owe you.

havent played this game for 3 months and the shakes (which i got after 4 days) is really pissing me off now, im addicted and i can shake it. MUST have the game again.

sides while im at it who owns the rights for the x-com series?
might wanna plop them a letter asking if they ever wonder if they should bring this game back to life with a new step in the history or a face lift of the older ones.

The Fifth Horseman 26-06-2007 11:39 AM


unless a new dosbox that work properly with vista is made i ca get it to work.[/b]
What's the exact problem? Does DOSBox refuse to work under your Vista altogether?


worst part is that even though i can use my os to simulate install in win 95 and then run the game in win 95
it just dont start.[/b]
In that case, I suggest Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. It's free, and unlike so many M$ programs it actually works like it's supposed to. Try it.

Zann 26-06-2007 04:09 PM


unless a new dosbox that work properly with vista is made i ca get it to work.
What's the exact problem? Does DOSBox refuse to work under your Vista altogether?

dosbox can start but as soon as im trying to do anything beyond mounting my c drive such as starting the game it crashen with the exeption does not support fullscreen.

just as if i havent used the box at all..

ill try the virtual pc now and ill be back if it works, or not..
(seems like i actually have to piece my old machine back up can't get fallen haven to work either)

The Fifth Horseman 27-06-2007 12:29 PM

Using D-Fend with DOSBox may get around that problem.

Zann 27-06-2007 02:09 PM

well virtual pc does not work in vista,
dosbox is a nightmare on me,
VDMsound dont start alltogether,
d-end dont even install

and this is after i also tried reinstalling vista.

this is a nightmare do i actually have to play C&C 3 now *shivers*
thank god that civilization:call to power is working...

btw im dl x-com now from p2p.

and im starting to piece together my old faithfull machine
its soo extremly fast with its whooping 800 mhz and 64 mb ram.. god i miss the days i could say that

that was the age computers WORKED, not like nowdays... :titan:

well as soon as i got the game downloaded and unzipped(i remember that the file i got here worked on my brothers vista) ill say how it works in the meanwhile ill try to resurect my old faithfull. :unsure:

The Fifth Horseman 27-06-2007 02:20 PM


well virtual pc does not work in vista,
dosbox is a nightmare on me,
VDMsound dont start alltogether,
d-end dont even install

and this is after i also tried reinstalling vista.

this is a nightmare do i actually have to play C&C 3 now [/b]
The way I see it, no M$ operating system should be used until it's at least two years old. By then most of the bugs and compatibility issues should have been resolved.

Maybe there is a point in suggesting you actually move back to XP? :P


its soo extremly fast with its whooping 800 mhz and 64 mb ram.. god i miss the days i could say that[/b]
Hey, it _is_ fast. :D

Zann 27-06-2007 03:24 PM

i used win2k with some *minor* pirate improvements.

i could run anything on it even xbox games.

to bad i cant get it back though,

my friend that has the cd got raided by APB, they tend to hunt down filesharers and pirate users and so on.
i have eluded them so far

Hint APB is operating inside sweden only and is a goverment wing.

btw i have gotten 3 % of the zip file from p2p now its only been 1 and half day....

btw my cpu stats are:
ati Radeon Sapphire 9800xt
Dual prescott 3 Ghz
512mb DDR ram
2k Gb hard drive (when counted as total, yes i have tonnes of usb hard drives all connected :max: )

i doubt it can be my problems but maybe,
but i kinda ned more RAM ^_^

The Fifth Horseman 27-06-2007 03:30 PM

What you need is a different OS. :P
3 Ghz should run Apocalypse just fine.

Zann 29-06-2007 09:33 PM

The old faithful beast is now up and running.

though i kinda have a hard time remembering that a fan cooled pc made so much noise but whatever,
i got all my classic games running now and it is heaven, now i have saved lots of money that otherwise would go to cover the costs at the pub ^_^

well im off to kick alien behind and i still remember my favorite weapon.
powerswords :titan:
if your hiding around corners and using power swords u kill cost effective.

and i still remember the day i landed my first mothership.
all was going wel untill the giants came when one of my guys that i thought had a stun grapple was sent forward killed 4 of them without geting his shield knocked out. and he was a Rookie. :ok:

well ill be back some time maybe but now im gonna fall into a trance of x-com that not even my girlfreind can take me out of (unless its a blackout).

Guest 14-07-2007 06:04 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Sep 24 2006, 02:37 AM) [snapback]257016[/snapback]</div>

Nvm i got it!

The Fifth Horseman 16-07-2007 08:44 AM

Just run the thing in DOSBox. VDMSound keeps crashing on it anyway.

Guest 06-08-2007 02:59 AM

I installed in Vista no problem... except for the fact that the installer insisted I only had 105 megs of free space on my mounted hard drive... so I could only install "standard" >.<

The Fifth Horseman 06-08-2007 12:42 PM

Adding -freespace 700 parameter to your mount command will make DOSBox report 700 megabytes of free space to the installer.:ok:

Guest 07-08-2007 03:18 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Aug 6 2007, 01:42 PM) [snapback]303119[/snapback]</div>

Adding -freespace 700 parameter to your mount command will make DOSBox report 700 megabytes of free space to the installer.:ok:
That helps a lot, thanks! I'll keep that in mind for furthur additions to the mix... like Quake :)

Guest 07-08-2007 03:19 AM

Oh, and all I did was make / take an ISO of the disc, mount it in dosBox with imgmount, and installed off that, no problems (except the size limit, oh well).

Base commander 10-08-2007 04:20 AM

Wow. I like the new RTS style. Has anyone seen those weird yellow things (i'm new in this game). They look disturbingly like headcrabs from halflife2. I got this for free!!!!!!!!! only problem is music and sound doesn't work. But free stuff is fine with me.

I forgot to add the n in base commander. Now I'm stuck like this.

Eagle of Fire 10-08-2007 04:51 AM

You should try running the game either with VDMSound or DosBox. :ok:

The Fifth Horseman 10-08-2007 08:59 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(base commader @ Aug 10 2007, 06:20 AM) [snapback]304015[/snapback]</div>

Has anyone seen those weird yellow things (i'm new in this game). [/b]
You mean Brainsuckers? They're a pain through most of the game... but wait till you get to Poppers! Now those are helluva nasty...

Base commander 11-08-2007 05:08 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Aug 10 2007, 02:59 AM) [snapback]304046[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(base commader @ Aug 10 2007, 06:20 AM) [snapback]304015[/snapback]

Has anyone seen those weird yellow things (i'm new in this game). [/b]
You mean Brainsuckers? They're a pain through most of the game... but wait till you get to Poppers! Now those are helluva nasty...

Yup that's right. (played for a good amount of time) Brainsuckers look like headcrabs (but with differences). And correction... I hate poppers more than brainsuckers now. poppers are tough only if you charge in. poppers don't seem to patrol so if you crawl around and wait for aliens to come in you can pick off all the others so you can dispose of poppers without the auto AI being distracted. poppers seem to get you only if your men are busy fighting off something else.

hint: pressing 1 selects all of squad one so that you can order more than one person (may have already have been mentioned)

The Fifth Horseman 11-08-2007 10:48 AM

The F-keys switch fire mode, stance and behavior setting of your soldiers. :)

Oh, and IIRC Poppers don't explode when killed with Laser Rifles or the Disruptor weaponry.

Base commander 12-08-2007 12:18 AM

Poppers aren't really a problem for me any more since I use distrubtor cannons now. Does anyone know how to stop crazy aliens who throw grenades even at close range?

Apocalypse is slightly harder than Xcom terror of the deep. But aliens who throw grenades like that make apocalyse even harder than it should be. The alien weapon that melts armor is also a cheap weapon that could make you have to reload and try again.

Eagle of Fire 12-08-2007 01:42 AM

Stun grenades or Androids usually get me around those... Once you get better tech and armor, you won't notice the difference anymore. ;)

Base commander 12-08-2007 02:45 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 11 2007, 07:42 PM) [snapback]304284[/snapback]</div>

Stun grenades or Androids usually get me around those... Once you get better tech and armor, you won't notice the difference anymore. ;)
Which, guys who throw grenades or guys with weapons that melt armor? Guys with sheilds die just as quick.

Speaking of guys who kill your men quick... is it really okay to lose a few men a battle. they seem to die really really quick.

The Fifth Horseman 13-08-2007 09:03 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(base commader @ Aug 12 2007, 04:45 PM) [snapback]304319[/snapback]</div>

Which, guys who throw grenades or guys with weapons that melt armor? Guys with sheilds die just as quick.
I think he meant both.


is it really okay to lose a few men a battle. they seem to die really really quick.
It never is. As a rule of thumb, I try to never lose a soldier, if I can avoid it.

BTW, give Laser Rifles to all your soldiers and order them to fire with aimed shots (preferably kneeling) in agressive stance. Their accuracy will skyrocket!

Base commander 13-08-2007 02:04 PM


BTW, give Laser Rifles to all your soldiers and order them to fire with aimed shots (preferably kneeling) in agressive stance. Their accuracy will skyrocket!
Laser Rifles? you mean devastator cannons. You could also mean sniper rifles too because they're are laser type. Anyway you get accuracy penalties for holding weapons that require two hands with one hand. Are devastastor cannons 2-handed or 1-handed weapons? They don't seem to say.

The Fifth Horseman 13-08-2007 02:10 PM

I mean the sniper rifles.
And AFAIK, the Devastator Cannons are two-handed (though nothing should stop you from using them in pairs - massive urban renewal becomes a possibility) :P

Base commander 13-08-2007 06:13 PM

Will sniper rifles dispose of aliens qucikly? the ones with sheilds are becoming a problem....

I'd do anything to get some personal sheilds (I only have 3).

Eagle of Fire 13-08-2007 09:13 PM

At the beginning of the game, stun grenades will dispatch and save you the Alien shield at the same time. ;)

If you didn't noticed yet, stun grenade is one of my prefered weapon in that game. I use it from the beginning to the end. Always!

To prevent squaddie death, try to make them move in squads. I usually send them in squads no smaller than 3, my usualy strike team consist of 12 men: 3 squads of four. Having different payload for each of those four men can also make a big difference. You have a squaddie with low aim but high reaction? Give it the minigun and make it target in priority the Brainsuckers and the immediate area. Your sniper should off course try to focus his attention far away, while the two other men use weapons in the middle and are the usual grenade throwers or use mind attacks.

Boomeroids can also be of a great help against Alien. As long as you don't move but they do, they'll invariably jump toward them and explode at their feet. :)

Base commander 13-08-2007 10:57 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 13 2007, 03:13 PM) [snapback]304517[/snapback]</div>

At the beginning of the game, stun grenades will dispatch and save you the Alien shield at the same time. ;)

If you didn't noticed yet, stun grenade is one of my prefered weapon in that game. I use it from the beginning to the end. Always!

To prevent squaddie death, try to make them move in squads. I usually send them in squads no smaller than 3, my usualy strike team consist of 12 men: 3 squads of four. Having different payload for each of those four men can also make a big difference. You have a squaddie with low aim but high reaction? Give it the minigun and make it target in priority the Brainsuckers and the immediate area. Your sniper should off course try to focus his attention far away, while the two other men use weapons in the middle and are the usual grenade throwers or use mind attacks.

Boomeroids can also be of a great help against Alien. As long as you don't move but they do, they'll invariably jump toward them and explode at their feet. :)
I found out something cool while playing. If you use turn base at the begining of the game most likely you'll be killed by brainsuckers. But when brainsuckers stop appearing and aliens with shields start coming in, turn mode is very effective.

BTW are you saying human weapons can still be very effective agansit aliens even near the end of the game?

Eagle of Fire 13-08-2007 11:06 PM

Most weapons, no. Especialy when the personnal shield kick in. But stun related weapons, as long as the Alien shield is not in the way, are always as effective even in the late game. The only difference is that you don't need live specimens for research in the late game, so I usually just stun them for their shield or obliterate them. Not to say that there is a finite amount of product the humans can produce, so you probably will be in short supply of the stun grenade by the mid game anyways... So don't neglect research. ;)

Base commander 13-08-2007 11:51 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 13 2007, 05:06 PM) [snapback]304532[/snapback]</div>

Most weapons, no. Especialy when the personnal shield kick in. But stun related weapons, as long as the Alien shield is not in the way, are always as effective even in the late game. The only difference is that you don't need live specimens for research in the late game, so I usually just stun them for their shield or obliterate them. Not to say that there is a finite amount of product the humans can produce, so you probably will be in short supply of the stun grenade by the mid game anyways... So don't neglect research. ;)
The aliens aren't so tough if you use turn mode late in the game. Stun weapons rock. Is there anything that can shoot down UFO's well. I am losing lots of vehicles (type 5) to UFOs. Even with sheild the aliens don't stand a chance in ground combat turn mode. I did so good that I had a whole two days to keep raiding the cult of sirus. Their defenses are so bad I had no damage even after 10 raids!

Eagle of Fire 14-08-2007 12:17 AM


Is there anything that can shoot down UFO's well. I am losing lots of vehicles (type 5) to UFOs.[/b]
Yup. Use the flying bikes as decoy, attacking them at close range. Then use the rest of your flying vehicles to hammer the UFO down.

Base commander 14-08-2007 12:46 AM

This is a question that is about xcom's history. Why does Xcom keep getting disbanded? I was reading the ufopedia and it says earth was poisoned air and water and that this is the only city on earth that exists. i don't know if it has been asked all ready but could someone please explain what happened. or when exactly this game took place? Sorry if it seems like I'm causing trouble...

Eagle of Fire 14-08-2007 01:21 AM

In the year 1999, strange UFO's were spotted in the sky. After some investigation from the numerous world governments, it was found that the people of Earth was indeed under some kind of attack from outside the planet. To react to the problem and prevent the loss of human life, a special project code named "X-Com" was created and funded by all the major governments of Earth. This is where X-Com first appear in Earth history.
Eventually, X-Com commanders succeed in containing and fighting the Aliens, and end up striking deep in Alien territory on Mars: Cydonia. The X-com kamikaze attack succeed, and Earth is saved. Being an organization funded exclusively by the numerous governments of Earth, they get disbanded rather quickly as normal Earth relations return between each governments. Receiving no funds anymore, they have no other chance to to comply.

In the years 20XX (sorry, I don't remember the date by hearth), a new threat emerge but this time from the depth of the oceans. Same story short: after an investigation the real threat is found and catalogued, and the code named project "X-Com" reinstated to provide as first line of defense for the whole planet. After a long fight and huge research projects spent in creating submarines and armor able to wisthand the pressure of the deep oceans, the X-com organization finnaly launch an attack on Atlantis, the main base of operation of the Aquarians. Same story short again, they succeed, lose funding and get disbanded.

Much, much later in the future, Earth is a very poluted wasteland. All minor cities are practically eradicated from the surface of the Earth, and the only thriving city is Megapolis - the city you play in. Because of the incredible breakthrus of the first two initial wars, Earth managed to explore space and colonize other planets, mostly for mining purpose. It is then that some strange portals appear above Megapolis, and some strange, long time forgotten Aliens pop out from nowhere again to attack the few remaining human population. Searching in the archives of history, the Government of Megapolis recreate an obscure project code named "X-Com" to fight and save the only hope left for Earth, which is this city.

I won't tell you how it end tough. :P

Base commander 14-08-2007 03:29 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 13 2007, 07:21 PM) [snapback]304544[/snapback]</div>

In the year 1999, strange UFO's were spotted in the sky. After some investigation from the numerous world governments, it was found that the people of Earth was indeed under some kind of attack from outside the planet. To react to the problem and prevent the loss of human life, a special project code named "X-Com" was created and funded by all the major governments of Earth. This is where X-Com first appear in Earth history.
Eventually, X-Com commanders succeed in containing and fighting the Aliens, and end up striking deep in Alien territory on Mars: Cydonia. The X-com kamikaze attack succeed, and Earth is saved. Being an organization funded exclusively by the numerous governments of Earth, they get disbanded rather quickly as normal Earth relations return between each governments. Receiving no funds anymore, they have no other chance to to comply.

In the years 20XX (sorry, I don't remember the date by hearth), a new threat emerge but this time from the depth of the oceans. Same story short: after an investigation the real threat is found and catalogued, and the code named project "X-Com" reinstated to provide as first line of defense for the whole planet. After a long fight and huge research projects spent in creating submarines and armor able to wisthand the pressure of the deep oceans, the X-com organization finnaly launch an attack on Atlantis, the main base of operation of the Aquarians. Same story short again, they succeed, lose funding and get disbanded.

Much, much later in the future, Earth is a very poluted wasteland. All minor cities are practically eradicated from the surface of the Earth, and the only thriving city is Megapolis - the city you play in. Because of the incredible breakthrus of the first two initial wars, Earth managed to explore space and colonize other planets, mostly for mining purpose. It is then that some strange portals appear above Megapolis, and some strange, long time forgotten Aliens pop out from nowhere again to attack the few remaining human population. Searching in the archives of history, the Government of Megapolis recreate an obscure project code named "X-Com" to fight and save the only hope left for Earth, which is this city.

I won't tell you how it end tough. :P
oh I know all of that... I was just thinking there was more to the polution because the manual sugests aliens caused that. I downloaded all of the three games for free. lucky me :brain:

And the date for the water threat is 2040 I beleve.

Thanks for the info!

Base commander 15-08-2007 06:09 PM

I just noticed something today. In this game psi attacks are pointless. Your units don't seem to get anywhere in terms of exp (get better at it) if you use psi attacks. training doesn't seem to work either. Now can any of you tell me if you have ever gotten a unit with psi attack defense and energy above 50.

Psi attacks was what made UFO enemy unknown so fun. You could make enemy's that were 2x2 shoot themselves or etherals pull out their grenades and kill themselves (this method is a glitch). Psi attacks made difficult situations easy (which also means it also is boring if you keep doing that often). Please prove me wrong, I don't want psi attacks to be nerfed by the lack of exp you get. It really would be a shame if psi attacks were useless.

Eagle of Fire 15-08-2007 06:44 PM

In Apocalypse, Psy training take a long time. To raise it in combat, you must succeed in doing whatever you try. There is one kind of unit who is particularly good at Psy attack, the half human half Alien race you must have good relation with before you can recruit any of them. They really suck in physical combat tough, so what I usually do is give them the best armor I have but give them the Marsec flying red torso. They should not go too fast at first, but when they fly their speed is regulated so they won't get so tired so fast. I always give them my best one hand pistol (usually Marsec plasma pistol at first) and they fly around doing pot shot Psy attacks and using their gun when needed (usually specially on Brainsuckers. If you're not high enough they can jump you, but otherwise they're out of reach and will still always try to get you.

Only the half Alien race have psy skills high enough to be able to field immidiatly for Psy attacks. The best shot is, of course, when you take control of another Alien. What I usually do is remove the shield, throw it away on the ground in my direction and make it fire on his friends. :D

Base commander 17-08-2007 04:31 AM

Hey I just found a neat useful trick. IF you raid an alien infested building sucessfully the aliens inside will disappear without you fighting them.

This way you can buy yourself time to research your ultimate weapon (the best weapon or item you really could use right now) agansit the aliens or just to buy time so your men can rest and heal up. Whatever it is this trick can save your mens lives and if you stun raid you can also get money without organisations getting angry.

WARNING: doing a raid is like doing a alien investigating mission and after a certain quota the aliens will get new weapons or units. So remember to do some raids as well as alien mop ups or you'll end up having to just raid all the time to even get pass a week in the game.

Psi training from the beginning can make antropods with shields have no shields(aka you made it throw it off)

has someone already noted this or posted this?

Eagle of Fire 17-08-2007 04:59 AM

Didn't I just say this about psy training? :huh:

Base commander 17-08-2007 04:23 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 16 2007, 10:59 PM) [snapback]305017[/snapback]</div>

Didn't I just say this about psy training? :huh:
The main point of my last post was to let people know that they can stall for time without much of a penalty. Personal sheilds take almost two months to invent on easy and on supergenuis two months is like hell when it comes to protecting the city from aliens (they will most likely injure or kill at least one of your units per battle). If you raid your men are at less risk to die and so you can remove the alien threat from that building as well as raid it getting exp(human world).

And I can't see if my last post even had something you posted about psi training. tell me if I'm wrong (I'm not a good reader)

EDITATION: OH WAIT you wrote "The best shot is, of course, when you take control of another Alien. What I usually do is remove the shield, throw it away on the ground in my direction and make it fire on his friends."

AND I wrote "Psi training from the beginning can make antropods with shields have no shields(aka you made it throw it off)"

The Fifth Horseman 17-08-2007 04:26 PM

Two months? :blink:
I remember having them around third or fourth week.

Base commander 17-08-2007 09:48 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Aug 17 2007, 10:26 AM) [snapback]305163[/snapback]</div>

Two months? :blink:
I remember having them around third or fourth week.

With or without advanced physics lab?

Capturing umaned ufo's do not seem to yield the power source research and thus for some reason I had to deal with aliens with sheilds while I had to research sheilds and the adv lab.

Maybe it's some kind of computerized dice roll to decide what kind of UFO's come in.

Eagle of Fire 18-08-2007 01:59 AM

Shields are really overrated (on the Alien side, of course) when you know how to deal with it. Like I said, stunning (I usually always use stun grenades) works wonder and you capture the shield at the same time, which mean you don't have to manufacture it and you can use it right away. Also, if you use two shield in the inventory of the same person, the shield efficiency will double also if I remember well.

The Fifth Horseman 18-08-2007 08:48 AM


Capturing umaned ufo's do not seem to yield the power source research and thus for some reason I had to deal with aliens with sheilds while I had to research sheilds and the adv lab.

Maybe it's some kind of computerized dice roll to decide what kind of UFO's come in.[/b]
All is based on the player's score, AFAIK. Use the stun raid trick.

Base commander 18-08-2007 04:03 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 17 2007, 07:59 PM) [snapback]305210[/snapback]</div>

Shields are really overrated (on the Alien side, of course) when you know how to deal with it. Like I said, stunning (I usually always use stun grenades) works wonder and you capture the shield at the same time, which mean you don't have to manufacture it and you can use it right away. Also, if you use two shield in the inventory of the same person, the shield efficiency will double also if I remember well.
The main problem is close quarters battle. The aliens (computer who plays them) tend to throw grenades at your men usually killing your men and destroying alien equipment which is very very bad. Depending on how well you do (new information I just learned) you can have aliens with a whole arsenal of weaponry just on the first few weeks giving you little time to research and power up. I had to restart twice because I did so well I had no time to research!

No not really. just the sheilds health bar will double. But when it reaches half health one of the sheilds will dissapear so if you don't mind them destroying themselves then put 2 if you really mind then put one in. Or maybe 2 but just make sure it doesn't reach halfway in terms of opening shield power. Any ideas on capturing alien UFO shields?

Who knew sheilds can block the entropy cannon?

Eagle of Fire 18-08-2007 09:32 PM

Me. Shields block everything the Alien can throw at you.

For UFO shield, you still need to down them first so it's more of a luck game than anything else. But as long as you use the bike trick, you won't really need them if you stay long range.

Base commander 18-08-2007 10:03 PM

Any ideas how to deal with giant mobile tanks called megaspawns?

My tactic: using toxiguns and cloaking generators, Sneak behind the megaspawn and open fire. Strangely just like antropods it regards itself as expendable and fires missles at close range.

You only need at least 10 bikes and the rest air hawks and other such vehicles (till you are maxed out). I find that the plasma linage cannon is the best human weapon I have seen so far. Raiding a goverment slum to get elerium is no trouble for me.

I miss my plasma hovertank!

Base commander 20-08-2007 02:51 AM

Hey I just got personal teleporters I don't have a picture to show (because people have had touble getting it) because I haven't researched it yet but it must be a teleporter because it's preresearch description is an alien teleporter and I don't know how to put in pictures anyway.

Strangely I haven't seen micronoids at all. Anyone know where they start popping up?

Eagle of Fire 20-08-2007 03:10 AM

At the end of the game, but before you get to fight the Aliens on their own turf.

The Fifth Horseman 20-08-2007 08:24 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(base commader @ Aug 18 2007, 06:03 PM) [snapback]305369[/snapback]</div>

Depending on how well you do (new information I just learned) you can have aliens with a whole arsenal of weaponry just on the first few weeks giving you little time to research and power up. [/b]
Personal Shields & Devastator Cannons on the first mission. ^_^

Base commander 21-08-2007 04:46 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 19 2007, 09:10 PM) [snapback]305575[/snapback]</div>

At the end of the game, but before you get to fight the Aliens on their own turf.
Nope still haven't met them. Blew most of the buildings there in the alien deminsion. Where are the alien's common sense? They fire rocket launchers with no regret or second thought in thier own home.

Note: you can use this to your advantage by making the enemy shoot their own teleportaions pads.

And yeah (response to fifthhorsemens's post) like I posted about being careful not to raid often because it contributes to your score (a jist of what I said) and will most likely make you pay for it later when the aliens have super weapons.

What do micronoids do?

Eagle of Fire 21-08-2007 06:04 AM

Nothing much. They are simply good at psy attacks if I remember well. And they are very resistant to physical attacks, especially stun if my memory don't fail me.

Nice story on the autopsy tough.

Base commander 21-08-2007 07:14 PM

I"VE DONE! I'VE DONE IT! I have 100 on psi atk, def and energy. MUHAHAHAHA! Now only if mind control actually lasted longer (unit mind controled in turn based mode will have low tu to spend anyway).

Eagle of Fire 21-08-2007 08:05 PM

Problem here is that the game didn't been designed for turn based combat. It was first designed for real time, and they patched a turn based system on it. I never bothered to play turn based because I felt that it never been balanced that way.

The game works fine in real time. It's similar in play anyways, since you can pause the game whenever you wish.

Base commander 22-08-2007 12:34 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 21 2007, 02:05 PM) [snapback]305928[/snapback]</div>

Problem here is that the game didn't been designed for turn based combat. It was first designed for real time, and they patched a turn based system on it. I never bothered to play turn based because I felt that it never been balanced that way.

The game works fine in real time. It's similar in play anyways, since you can pause the game whenever you wish.
Turn based mode is all on how much damage you do on your turn VS what the com does to you. I like this mode because the aliens can't and won't start throwing grenades close range. Aliens shoot very few times with a high miss rate, giving your men the advantage in ranged combat. It's just unbalanced since most soldiers come with low to lame reaction scores (Psi attack raises faster then that attribute). I haven't gotten it to 70 yet ever, even with the soldiers I had since the start of the game.

Edit: You don't have to play turn-based. the only reason I like it is because I won battles that weren't winnable in RTS mode even with causalties whereas I won in turn based with out a single wounded person. It's all how you play really.

Eagle of Fire 22-08-2007 01:10 AM

I almost never lost a battle in RTS mode. But like you said, it's two completly different worlds. What is premium in RTS probably don't work in TB.

Base commander 23-08-2007 03:39 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Aug 21 2007, 07:10 PM) [snapback]305954[/snapback]</div>

I almost never lost a battle in RTS mode. But like you said, it's two completly different worlds. What is premium in RTS probably don't work in TB.
Exactly. It also depends on how you play too, if you would rather exploit how easy it is to kill isolated troops or use all round fire power (In prone mode as well) then play RTS mode.

If you would rather exploit aliens who walked right out of the open and stood there as the turn ended (or he could have been shooting at your men but was unable to do damage), in this mode as long as you have a good plan, useful positions then you'll most likely win without damage. alien antropods walk straight out in the open fire off shots that miss at med to long range. All it takes is 3-5 shots from a devastator to kill an antropod (with sheilds of course). I used this mode when I trying to last out to get sheilds.

Best thing about TB is easy it gets when you can fly. Staying at long range is always the best because antropods are bad at aiming (even though they are surposed to have 100% aim) so they'll have to dodge shots from your elite men :tomato:.

Base commander 03-09-2007 04:52 PM

It's been quite some time now even blew up some alien buildings and I haven't seen a mirconoid at all. Nor have I captured a type 7 ufo. Any ideas?

EDIT: At this rate I'll never find out what the real alien threat is...

Guest 13-09-2007 02:56 PM

It has been 10 years since the games release, am I correct in saying that it is no longer under ESA protection? I remember reading that this site has a deal with the ESA that after 10 years the game is free to be put up on the site, or am I incorrect.

The Fifth Horseman 13-09-2007 03:18 PM

Techically yes... but we don't have any information on the month of its release, and that complicates things.

wordscankill 13-09-2007 04:57 PM

June, apparently! :brain:

The Fifth Horseman 14-09-2007 08:15 AM

:brain: Check the review page... :max:

Guest 22-09-2007 03:24 AM

I didn't feel like digging through 53 pages of posts to see if this info has been posted.

Hostile Organizations and the Consequences

Government - Lose Weekly Funding and Can't Buy New Bases
Megapol - Police attack you and Can't Buy Most Human Made Weapons
Cult of Sirius - Cult of Sirius attacks you more often
Marsec - Can't Buy Most Human Made Weapons and Can't Buy Flying Vehicles
Superdynamics - Can't Use the People Tubes or Buy Engines (flying vehicles)
General Metro - Can't Buy Ground Vehicles or Buy Engines (ground vehicles)
Cyberweb - Can't Buy Various Computer Devices (Motion Detector, Targeting Systems)
Transteller - Scientists and Engineers can no longer get to your bases when recruited
Solmine - Can't Buy Elerium 115
Sensovision - Aliens can Infiltrate Organizations faster
Lifetree - Aliens can Infiltrate Organizations faster
Nutrivend - Nothing
Evonet - Nothing
Sanctuary Clinic - Aliens can Infiltrate Organizations faster
Nanotech - Can't Buy Medkits
Energen - Nothing
Synthemesh - Nothing
Gravball League - Nothing
Psyke - Psyke attacks you
Diablo - Diablo attacks you and you can't Buy Incendiary Grenades
Osiron - Osiron attacks you
Sentient Engine Liberation Front (SELF) - Can't Recruit Robot Soldiers
Mutant Alliance - Can't Recruit Hybrid Soldiers
Extropians - Aliens Infiltrate Government faster
Technocrats - Aliens Infiltrate Government faster

Remember that your vehicles will attack the vehicles of a hostile organization on sight, wasting ammo and damaging the city in the process.

Hazardeus 28-09-2007 06:46 AM

Heh, been a while since i played this game... I will never forget the great times i've had with the aliens (Of course, they did'nt think it was that funny, but who cares what they like :bleh: ) Anyways... how many of you all get a buzz by totally overpowering the aliens hiding in the UFO's? Aaaah... all the fond memories of standing with a battalion of soldiers ready to kill everyone coming into view in less than 3 seconds :rifle: :max: :D

Guest 07-10-2007 11:35 AM

ok I might be an idiot... I can't get the game to work it just gives me a black screen...

_r.u.s.s. 07-10-2007 12:01 PM

use dosbox 0.72 and dos version of the game

Guest 07-10-2007 12:35 PM

Thank you r.u.s.s.

and how does that work?

_r.u.s.s. 07-10-2007 12:41 PM

there is a nice faq about dosbox on the site=) or type in "intro" after you run the dosbox

The Fifth Horseman 08-10-2007 11:07 AM

Even better, we've got The Beginner's Guide to DOSBox

_r.u.s.s. 08-10-2007 12:58 PM

i think that the lenght of the text scares peopel away :tomato:

The Fifth Horseman 08-10-2007 01:20 PM

Can't be helped, I'm afraid. Only way to shorten it would be to dumb down a lot of the text... and we know what results this had the last time round.

navarro 15-10-2007 02:50 PM

Don't "shoot" me if this has been asked before, but:
I have win xp, and if i try to use dosbox - don't work. If I try to run "xcomapoc", the application, it worx (sound's a bit dodgy but what the heck), BUT... the mouse cursor moves incredibly slow in the game... is there any way I can fix that?

The Fifth Horseman 15-10-2007 03:53 PM

Yup. Increase mouse sensitivity in DOSBox.conf.
Sound stuttering can also be fixed (scalers to none, output to ddraw, core to dynamic, IIRC there was some fix with blocksize/prebuffer settings).

navarro 16-10-2007 05:14 PM

Problem iz it does NOT workin dosbox. The error message I get: it cannot open xcom.cfg on drive L (whaterver the heck that means, there's no drive with that letter on my pc. The drive letter i used for the "mounting" part (with d-fend) is D.
The VDM-apoc apllication in my xcom apocalypse folder worx - but - no sound. And (like I said.. xcomapoc.exe worx fine - except for the slow cursor part. So... looks like whatever I choose, something's to my disadvantage. :D

Since I haven't actually used this type of programs or played such games in long time, I'm pretty much back to "noob", so don't laugh if I don't undersand proprerly all the stuff you tell me. :cheers:

Done with the mouse problem. But the sound still stutters. (Again, I want to make 1 fact clear: NOT using dosbox)

The Fifth Horseman 17-10-2007 12:19 PM

1. Don't use D-Fend!!! It's known to case trouble!
2. Open Dosbox.conf and find the line that determines mouse sensitivity. Double the value. It's what I did and the mouse worked smooth in Apoc ever since then.
3. VDMSound might help regarding mouse and sound, but with Apocalypse it tends to crash every so often..
4. Regarding drive letters, look into the game directory. There were some CFG or INI files there, one of which had a drive letter. Replace that drive letter with the path to the game directory in DOSBox.

Talix_splinterscale 25-10-2007 12:33 PM

after setting up dosbox i am able to play X-Com - Apocalypse once more. :w00t: :brain:
Thank you ever so much :kosta: :kosta: :kosta:

navarro 26-10-2007 12:30 PM

Well... I just Ignored the other problems, the game worked ok. But sometimes after a tactical mission, less then 1 sec after I clike the "ok" button on combat window message that appears before the debriefing screen (the message that says "all hostile unit are deat, etc" or "all your units have fled the combate zone" or whatever, the game just crashes and exits to windows. The game window closes right on the spot, too. As I usually save my game quite often, that never actually posed a problem, as a I renterd, reloaded the game and finished the mission without the game crashing again.

BUT... now, after having destroyed some of the allien buildings, It just started crashing and exiting every time. Every time the mission ended, after cliking "ok" to go to the debriefing screen it *****n crahed (pardon my french). I tryed reloading from an earlyer point in time, in strategy mode, and not saving ang just going through the tactical mission, finnished it but STILL - Same result.

It' very very disappointing AND annoying. :( :( :(

guest 29-10-2007 07:57 AM


Finally got the music to work.

I own the Windows-95 CD version of Xcom Apocalypse.

This is what I did.

I simply copied the 304 meg music file into a folder, mounted the folder containing the music file to be drive F in dosbox, and loaded up the game with dosbox, clicked the music icon next to the volume bar inside the game options. Pow Music. :brain:

Now the music is slightly choppy, and I just have to tweak some settings to make it flawless.

This is what I named the folder containing the music file

Then mounted the drive

*Dosbox config file*
# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
mount c d:\dosbox
mount d f:\ -t cdrom
mount f D:\dosbox\apoc\apocmusic
cd apoc
cd apoc

Guest 29-10-2007 07:59 AM

I forgot to mention, the CD version of the game I could not get to run.

I used the downloaded version here from ABANDONIA, and copied only the music file from the CD.

Hope this helps some people.

Danny252 03-11-2007 05:25 PM

I got Apoc telling me "Please insert Xcom CD" while loading up a battle earlier, yet I'd been playing battles before. There was no way I could get past this, and I had to close down Dosbox...

I lost all that beautiful work :(

Is there any way to avoid this happening?

The Fifth Horseman 05-11-2007 11:47 AM

Happened to me too. Seems the configuration files got messed up.

The only sure way is to completely replace the config files in the root of the game directory (don't bother with subdirs), running the setup and then making backup copies of all relevant files.

The good news is: your savegames are completely safe.

jedimasterbazz 13-12-2007 02:21 PM

My favourite game of all time
This game has got to be my favourite game of all time. I can't explain why but it just rocks in so many ways! People can't really complain about the real time game play versus the turn based game play of the previous xcoms because at the beginning of every tactical mission you get the option of playing in either. I also know a handy little cheat for getting loads of cash and having completed the game a couple of times without using it I can safely say I'm allowed to.

sportster 08-01-2008 08:35 AM

xcom3 music

i have just downloaded xcom3 and the music (mp3) from abandonia. May
i know how to combine the music (mp3) into the game ?

The Fifth Horseman 08-01-2008 12:26 PM

There is no way you can do that.

Eagle of Fire 08-01-2008 12:58 PM

That's what I thought too, but I waited for someone to confirm.

The version on this site is a ripped version with the music ripped off. There is no way to get the music back on this version. To get the music playing at the same time, you'd need to find an iso or a full version somewhere else.

However, as I said everytime someone asked my oppinion about the matter... You're not missing much. It's way better not to be distracted by the music and listen to the steps the Aliens make when you're in a tactical mission, and the music itself is far from stellar...

laiocfar 11-01-2008 06:12 PM

Or he can play it on a mp3 player while playing.....

_r.u.s.s. 11-01-2008 10:29 PM

i'd simply give laiocfar a cookie if i could

Quake 04-03-2008 05:08 PM


weiß jemand vlt. wo ich mir ne deutsche Version runterladen kann?

mein englisch ist miserabel:(

Paco 04-03-2008 08:01 PM

Hier wird englisch geschrieben.

Google ist dein Freund. Emule auch!


English only please

Google is your friend. emule too!

esgmaster 17-03-2008 10:10 PM

Mind Shield
If you are having trouble knocking out psi-morphs and microids, raid MarSec and sooner or later you will get a Mind Shield, and it does work!

The Fifth Horseman 18-03-2008 10:47 AM

Supposedly bugged, though. It's one of the loose ends that didn't get quite finished before the game's release.

Eagle of Fire 18-03-2008 03:32 PM

I do not quite understand why you would have such problems knocking out those Aliens though... They are pretty easy to kill and their Psi powers are not that great once you have trained your own Psi team...

gufu1992 25-03-2008 08:33 PM

Since I don't really want to search through 81 pages of topic... anyone knows how to fix the problem with the freeze of the game, if you try to activate music? Is it DosBox only, problem?

Eagle of Fire 25-03-2008 10:11 PM

The version of this site is a ripped version. There is no music to listen at...

gufu1992 26-03-2008 12:03 AM

Sad, so sad... oh well. There are alernatives.... dunno what are they though. :/

KillerFrogs 28-03-2008 02:06 AM

Can someone tell me why whenever i start up the game and it gets to the menu and the color is messed up? the cutsence worked fine but the menu color is all inverted and such

Eagle of Fire 28-03-2008 03:25 AM

Use DOSBox to run the game...

The Fifth Horseman 28-03-2008 09:42 AM

Or VDMSound, altough the game is a little unstable on this one.

esgmaster 28-03-2008 04:57 PM

Ship speeds
Sorry about the mistake with the mind shield.
Here are all the ship speeds;
Alien Probe: 14
Alien Scout: 12
Alien Transporter: 8
Alien Fast Attack Ship: 20
Alien Destroyer: 12
Alien Assault Ship: 8
Alien Bomber: 14
Alien Escort: 16
Alien Battleship: 12
Alien Mothership: 8
Dimension Probe: 19
Biotrans: 15
Explorer: 16
Retaliator: 15
Annihiilator: 18
SD Standard: 10
SD Deluxe: 11
SD Sports: 12
SD Turbo: 13
SD Elite: 14
SD Special: 15
Metro Roadhog: 3
Metro Roadgrav: 4
Metro Turbograv: 5
Metro Powergrav: 6
Metro Multipower Plus: 7

Also the bikes gain 4 in speed, but no ground vehicle can outrun a UFO.
Also here is a way to edit stats with a hex editor. Find the name of the agent after the agent is the starting stats after the starting stats are the current stats, the last hex is the psi-defense, give that at most a 64, after that is the aim, but the lower the better.
Do not edit a Robot because a robot crashes whenever you select them.
Do not edit a Hybrid because it gains more than 100 becoming unstable whenever you start a mission it crashes.

esgmaster 03-04-2008 03:53 PM

The reason that people seem to think that aliens are their friends
I have found the cause of people thinking that aliens are their friends.
Yes, they are perfectly sane. Has an alien ship hovered strangely over the organization's building? Has it looked as if it was watering the building? If so then they are not friends of the CoS, but rather they have been hit by "Micronoid Rain". The only way to solve this is to attack their enemies. (which is usually Psyke.)

The Fifth Horseman 03-04-2008 04:17 PM

[quote]I have found the cause of people thinking that aliens are their friends.
Yes, they are perfectly sane. Has an alien ship hovered strangely over the organization's building? Has it looked as if it was watering the building? If so then they are not friends of the CoS, but rather they have been hit by "Micronoid Rain".[quote]
After an alien ship hovered over a building, you should always send in a strike squad to investigate for alien activity. Then keep an eye on the infiltration graphs for the factions who own the neighboring buildings, and investigate these if the graph as much as twitches.

The only way to solve this is to attack their enemies. (which is usually Psyke.)
Did you ever get an organization back from under alien control that way?

esgmaster 04-04-2008 01:00 AM

[quote=The Fifth Horseman;322621][quote]I have found the cause of people thinking that aliens are their friends.
Yes, they are perfectly sane. Has an alien ship hovered strangely over the organization's building? Has it looked as if it was watering the building? If so then they are not friends of the CoS, but rather they have been hit by "Micronoid Rain".

After an alien ship hovered over a building, you should always send in a strike squad to investigate for alien activity. Then keep an eye on the infiltration graphs for the factions who own the neighboring buildings, and investigate these if the graph as much as twitches.

Did you ever get an organization back from under alien control that way?
No, but you can get allied status.

esgmaster 08-04-2008 12:53 AM

I have recently found out there is one organization that you can free from the Micronoid rain:Mutant Alliance, before you start the food chamber mission. Here are armor hexes:
Megapol:3D 64 3C 3D 3F 3E 40
Marsec:3E 52 46 47 48 4A
X-COM:5F 62 41 42 44 43 45
Here are the alien psi-defense stats:
Multiworm egg:100
Here are the alien attack stats:
Megaspawn's Disruptor:70
Megaspawn's Launcher:100
Spitter's Vomit Funnel:34
Multiworm's Spit:36
Alien Egg's Vomit Funnel:30
Hyperworm's Bite:40
Queenspawn's Tentacles:255
Popper's Bomb:130
Here are the number of aliens in each alien building:
Incubator Chamber:
Alien Eggs:4
Spawning Chamber:
Food Chamber:
Megapod Chamber:
Sleeping Chamber:
Organic Factory:
Alien Farm:
Control Chamber:
Maintenance Factory:
Dimension Gate Generator:
Brainsucker Pods:15
Sell all smoke grenades that you get because all aliens are immune to smoke. (why do you think they carry Megapol smoke grenades around?)

esgmaster 13-04-2008 12:11 AM

I have found out how people get the alien equipment you haven't sold. They have either been hit with micronoid rain or are under alien control. I have also tried to find ways to control aliens permanently...without success. If you need a particular game stat let me know, and I'll get it.

Eagle of Fire 13-04-2008 12:21 AM

What do you mean by "micronoid rain"? I am guessing you're refering to the alien ships transport beam, but that rain thing really sound silly.

esgmaster 13-04-2008 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 323316)
What do you mean by "micronoid rain"? I am guessing you're refering to the alien ships transport beam, but that rain thing really sound silly.

Micronoid rain is when a ufo goes over a building and looks as if it's a ufo rain cloud. ("Micronoid rain" is the name from the game's coding.) Micronoid rain occurs on a difficulty other than the easiest difficulty. The transport beam is different from the micronoid.

esgmaster 15-04-2008 12:58 AM

I've found some of the unofficial stuff:
The following people have been reported dead:
has been reported dead.
Dank Dingy Reasonable OK Nice Good Pleasant Pleasing Expensive Luxurious Exclusive
Observation Duty
Searching for
#The applicants were given a variety of agility and speed tests; the combined result is shown.
#Stamina was tested with an 'until you drop' style assault course.
#Reaction times were carefully tested, using both electronic and traditional methods.
#A selection of exercises were monitored to obtain the strength rating of the applicants.
#This is an initial estimate of the applicants' psychic abilities.
#The applicants were tested with a selection of traditional firearms to see how they would fare in a basic sniper situation.
#The applicants were tested using advanced simulator technologies; a combined result is shown for on road/off road/flying vehicles.
#Perception is the ability to spot small, but occasionally vital, details that others may miss; it was tested using an extensive observation test.
#Biochemistry - the ability to perform research furthering understanding of the chemistry of living organisms.
The values shown below were obtained from the governing body for Biochemistry.
#Quantum Physics - the ability to perform research leading to a greater understanding of the area of physics exploited by Alien technologies.
The values shown below were obtained from the governing body for physics.
#Engineering skills - repairing cars/flying vehicles, as well as the production of weapons or devices.
Piloting Perception
#There is no help available for this item.
#Keeps the changes you have made and returns to the previous screen.
#Cancels (forgets) any changes you have made on this screen and returns to the previous screen.
#This displays a list of agents available for recruitment, or currently employed at the selected base.
#This displays a list of engineers available for recruitment, or currently employed at the selected base.
#This displays a list of Bio-Scientists available for recruitment, or currently employed at the selected base.
#This displays a list of Quantum-Scientists available for recruitment, or currently employed at the selected base.
#When the agility button is set the bar graphs show the relative agility of the listed agents.
#When the stamina button is set the bar graphs show the relative stamina of the listed agents.
#When the reactions button is set the bar graphs show the relative reaction ratings of the listed agents.
#When the strength button is set the bar graphs show the relative strengths of the listed agents.
#When the Psi button is set the bar graphs show the relative Psionic ability of the listed agents.
#When the accuracy button is set the bar graphs show the relative ability to use ranged weapons for the listed agents.
#When the piloting button is set the bar graphs show the relative driving/flying skills of the listed agents.
#When this button is set, the graph shows the relative perception levels of the listed scientists.
#When this button is set, the graph shows the Biochemistry competency level of the listed scientists.
#When this button is set, the graph shows the Quantum mechanics competency levels of the listed scientists.
#When this button is set, the graph shows the engineering skill level of the listed scientists.
You do not have enough parts to make this item.
#You need to select the agents you want to put on observation duty.
Weekly Salary
Alien corpse found.
The owner does not wish to sell this building.
An illegal road vehicle has been detected.
Staff resign at:
Alien attacks VIP.
Crazed VIP attacks VIP.
Dimension gate spotted.
Acquisition of:
Acquired by:
To secure and research large or dangerous Alien life forms.
A device based on disruption field research which could be used to disable Alien disruption shields.
Transports a vehicle between Dimensions.
We must discover a way to beat the Aliens once and for all
Dimension Shifter
Dimension Destabiliser
The Senate considers X-COM to be a worthy ally.
The Senate is content with our mutually beneficial relationship.
The Senate is less favorable to the X-COM organization and thereis a danger that the relationship could deteriorate.
The Senate is now openly hostile to X-COM and no further funding will be available.
Ammo Clip
Structure Probe
Vortex Analyser
Mind Shield
Dimension Force Field
Adjust Wage
No advice at this time.
You have to reduce wages to become profitable.
You should take on more staff if you wish to be productive.
Increase wages to attract more staff.
Cut wages to improve your profit margin.
Economic Information
Current mean wage
Mean income per head:
Fixed costs at building:
Weekly revenue generated:
Current staff level:
Aliens in building
Charted Gates:
Uncharted Gates:
Total Gate count:
Reload time:
Blast radius:
Laser guided
Recharge rate:
Enter defensive diplomatic negotiations with:
Enter aggressive diplomatic negotiations with:
is currently owned by:
Would you like to take part in this auction?
Building up for auction:
Auctioned by:
Bidding begins at: $
Last chance to bid...
: sold to:
No buyers found for this building.
Cost to recruit all applicants:
An alliance with X-COM has been requested by:
Dimension shifts
Apprentice Worker Admin Security Management Director President
Wage: Residence: Unknown Hang out: Work Place:
VIP spotted: Spotted by Agent: . Do you wish to tail this VIP?
VIP spotted
Diplomatic relations for:
Espionage by Agent:
Do you wish to continue espionage?
Diplomatic relations determined
Item required:
Amount required
Amount in stores
Orders Required
Observe VIP's
Dimension Map
Spy on Organization
Psionic Blast
It's both sad and interesting to know the stuff that didn't make it into the game, and I belive micronoid rain is a unofficial feature. Oh yeah, and I've finished a single mission against 30 megaspawns

Deathsangel 02-07-2008 07:38 PM

Okay, I just got in to the X-com series though I did not do X-Com Terror of the Deep, seeing the reviews. Though with X-COM: UFO Defense I have no problems (currently genius level, never a soldier lost, now in april and making my first avenger, having plasming beams, laser rifles, heavy plasma and personal armor), I do have some difficulties with the x-com 3 game.

I have read a few of the post, but they generally deal with later in the game seeing all kinds of weapons I haven't got yet and fighting styles in the air (I do not look at ground combat, for as with X-Com: UFO Defense - I have never any losses (turn-style combat)).

The following points I wanted to ask:

I) I get a report every day of my score, with also a balance count. This states that my money should go down due to base maintance and salaries. I am fine with it, but .... it does not happen. My bank account the same, is this because I play currently at easy (as to learn the game) or is this later deducted at an end of the week

2) I see no income. Now I noticed I should have it according to the UFOpedia, but I only get it from heavily raiding the cult of Sirius and selling the loot the money. Not that I loose money, due to bug 1 but still.

3) What are ways to get organisations to look at you differently. I only can get them angry :p (invading buildings in search for aliens due to 19% infiltration (apparently bad idea)). I have noticed the bribe button, but I wonder if their isn't a more better/normal friendlier way (besides the tip I read of letting Aliens wrack buildings as you fly low). For some reason the mutant allience is happy with me, but I have 2 hybrids and 3 androids but S.E.L.F. is not impressed

4) The speed of the game. Now my computer isn't that quick I give in, but I can run games like BG2 without slowing down, but one battle here takes me more than an hour, with alien/enemy turns lasting 2 minutes or so. And civilians when in sight... oh brother.
(Dosbox setting -> cycles:max (auto lowered the speed even more))

5) UFO intrusions score incredibly high and they are gone in a flash, with the current map. I was extremelly lucky to down 2 (well 1 got destroyed). This only works by sending in every air unit of the start of the game (probably heavily laughable) - meaning the interceptor and two hovercars. The rest comes to late. which means my personal carrier joins the fight.

6) At novice for my first 2 days of getting the controls right megapol helped to down UFO's. In easy they just... are never in sight when UFO's are around. Is this correct? Or just coincidence? I ask this as the people say megapol helps to down them, but if they stop already at easy...

7) I do a lot of raids to get points per day as there seems to little to score by otherwise and alien intrusions score quickly down as with forementioned 5 & no help due to 6 they happen a lot without me downing them.

That was all for now.

P.s. I noticed a lot of other spin-offs on Wikipedia when you search for X-Com: UFO Defense for those interrested.

The Fifth Horseman 02-07-2008 09:33 PM


I) I get a report every day of my score, with also a balance count. This states that my money should go down due to base maintance and salaries. I am fine with it, but .... it does not happen. My bank account the same, is this because I play currently at easy (as to learn the game) or is this later deducted at an end of the week
This is deducted immediately.


2) I see no income. Now I noticed I should have it according to the UFOpedia, but I only get it from heavily raiding the cult of Sirius and selling the loot the money. Not that I loose money, due to bug 1 but still.
Income enters your account at the end of each week.


I only can get them angry (invading buildings in search for aliens due to 19% infiltration (apparently bad idea)).
Newb error, one which I also made the first time. Raid building = attack the organization. Invesitgate = search for aliens.


I wonder if their isn't a more better/normal friendlier way (besides the tip I read of letting Aliens wrack buildings as you fly low).
IIRC, you could do it by attacking the organization's enemies.


The speed of the game. Now my computer isn't that quick I give in, but I can run games like BG2 without slowing down, but one battle here takes me more than an hour, with alien/enemy turns lasting 2 minutes or so. And civilians when in sight... oh brother.
(Dosbox setting -> cycles:max (auto lowered the speed even more))
That is worth a topic by itself. First, before running the game you need to shut down every program you've got running in the background. EVERY ONE, that includes virus scanners, instant messengers and whatnot.
I go as far as to shutting down Windows Explorer, for that extra percent of boost. :p

Second, it takes some messing with the DOSBox config to get the max efficiency. I'll name the settings, but they're a little scattered inside DOSBox.conf, so you'll have to find them yourself

For the graphics, we have to make the game run in fullscreen, at its native resolution and without any scalers or aspect correction (neither is neccesary here). Also, Frameskip must be set to at least 1. (2 is faster but the graphics may become a little choppy):

Second, disable all unneccesary sound emulation components. It's a small gain, but one nonetheless

Third, you need to set
Play around with increasing the cycles value during the game to see what's the max your machine can handle, then change cycles=20000 to that value (in my case, about 35000 does the trick). The max setting auto-detects the maximum speed, but is far from perfect - manually adjusting the value got X-Com 3, Quake and Duke Nukem 3D running much faster than on the automatically detected maximum for my machine.

Sound lagging can be fixed by adjusting blocksize and prebuffer settings in the config file. Forgot to mention this part before so I'm editing it in. These values were recommended by Data to someone else a long time ago, but work for me just fine:


5) UFO intrusions score incredibly high and they are gone in a flash, with the current map. I was extremelly lucky to down 2 (well 1 got destroyed). This only works by sending in every air unit of the start of the game (probably heavily laughable) - meaning the interceptor and two hovercars. The rest comes to late. which means my personal carrier joins the fight.
Hoverbikes. Use them. Love them.
They're cheap and expendable, so you can use them to swarm the enemy.
Also, don't forget to arm yourself with some better weaponry whenever possible.


6) At novice for my first 2 days of getting the controls right megapol helped to down UFO's. In easy they just... are never in sight when UFO's are around. Is this correct? Or just coincidence? I ask this as the people say megapol helps to down them, but if they stop already at easy...
This is more or less correct. Megapol may assist you on Novice (and probably higher difficulties too, except less frequently).


7) I do a lot of raids to get points per day as there seems to little to score by otherwise and alien intrusions score quickly down as with forementioned 5 & no help due to 6 they happen a lot without me downing them.
Don't forget that by raiding a corp you'll earn yourself it's hostility.
But - and here's a trick to massive cash, as long as you use real-time combat for this - if you're allied with a corp and your attack is ONLY done using Stun Grapples as weapons, you're going to get plenty of loot without any drop in your relationship with the corp. The three most frequently suggested are Marsec, Megapol and Government. Also, do the same to gangs - Psyclone implants can be sold for major cash.

laiocfar 03-07-2008 03:19 AM

Also, we may add that hoverbikes dodge most of enemy fire, they are the first defense line. Even when selfdesigned aircraft is avaible, no other unit will dodge so much enemy fire.

Deathsangel 03-07-2008 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 330116)
This is deducted immediately.

I would have expected that, but it is not deducted. As said my cash remains the same. Example:

I have $140.000, due to salary it says I will drop to $110.000. I hit the OK button -> I still have $140.000


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 330116)
Income enters your account at the end of each week.

Ah, that may be it than due to slow speed.


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 330116)
Newb error, one which I also made the first time. Raid building = attack the organization. Invesitgate = search for aliens.

Sorry, but not a newb error. Why? I do search for aliens, but it says no aliens were found and that the organisation did not the intrusion. It is not like the raid where you go in the building and got to handle the security guards. The alien infiltration was 19% and I had little to do so I wanted to kick their ass, but as I did not find them the organisation was not happy. Probably 19% isn't that much, but the building is next to portals and is already targeted like three times by those unmanned ufo's.


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 330116)
IIRC, you could do it by attacking the organization's enemies.

Yeah, so there is no friendly way like I asked. :p. I wonder what the enemy is of mutant allience though. I had only though an allien attack at diablo and they started to like me.


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 330116)
That is worth a topic by itself. First, before running the game you need to shut down every program you've got running in the background. EVERY ONE, that includes virus scanners, instant messengers and whatnot.
I go as far as to shutting down Windows Explorer, for that extra percent of boost. :p

Second, it takes some messing with the DOSBox config to get the max efficiency. I'll name the settings, but they're a little scattered inside DOSBox.conf, so you'll have to find them yourself

For the graphics, we have to make the game run in fullscreen, at its native resolution and without any scalers or aspect correction (neither is neccesary here). Also, Frameskip must be set to at least 1. (2 is faster but the graphics may become a little choppy):

Second, disable all unneccesary sound emulation components. It's a small gain, but one nonetheless

Third, you need to set
Play around with increasing the cycles value during the game to see what's the max your machine can handle, then change cycles=20000 to that value (in my case, about 35000 does the trick). The max setting auto-detects the maximum speed, but is far from perfect - manually adjusting the value got X-Com 3, Quake and Duke Nukem 3D running much faster than on the automatically detected maximum for my machine.

Okay, first of all thanks for so much info.
I have seen many topics on this but tips tend to vary, which also leads to the second part of the reply to this.
If I do all these changes... what happens to my other simulated games? I have other games I run with DosBox, most noteably MoM and that is 200x320 resolution if I remember correctly. Won't that go screwy with these setting.
Also putting off sound emulation, won't that disable some sounds to be played in this or other games? If so I rather not touch it.
I might be annoying over this, but I rather have a dosbox working for all games that just focused on one.

P.s. I am using my slow laptop as my PC is a bit down and out for the count...


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 330116)
Hoverbikes. Use them. Love them.
They're cheap and expendable, so you can use them to swarm the enemy.
Also, don't forget to arm yourself with some better weaponry whenever possible.

Okay, that sounds like a plan than. The game seems lovely but in comparison to X-COM: Enemy Unknown this has so many options it boggles me...


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 330116)
This is more or less correct. Megapol may assist you on Novice (and probably higher difficulties too, except less frequently).



Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 330116)
Don't forget that by raiding a corp you'll earn yourself it's hostility.
But - and here's a trick to massive cash, as long as you use real-time combat for this - if you're allied with a corp and your attack is ONLY done using Stun Grapples as weapons, you're going to get plenty of loot without any drop in your relationship with the corp. The three most frequently suggested are Marsec, Megapol and Government. Also, do the same to gangs - Psyclone implants can be sold for major cash.

Ah, I won't do this. Why? I hate real-time combat... I love it in Lords of the Realm 2, but in here? My soldiers with their poor accuracy start to shoot immediatly when they see the enemy through glass (like the poor AI) destroying the building, making tactics poor and stuff. Even if real-time combat ran more smoothly - It is a bit of cheating doing that and I am not into cheating, trainers and the like.
I rather just go the normal way.
On the not of Psyclone implants... can you use them on your soldiers actually? Reading the description I had hoped to get my soldiers with little bravery a bit boost in it due to different stimuli, but I can't seem to get it done (after all bravery is so hard to get up in X-Com (whichever version)).

The Fifth Horseman 03-07-2008 12:09 PM


Sorry, but not a newb error. Why? I do search for aliens, but it says no aliens were found and that the organisation did not the intrusion. It is not like the raid where you go in the building and got to handle the security guards. The alien infiltration was 19% and I had little to do so I wanted to kick their ass, but as I did not find them the organisation was not happy. Probably 19% isn't that much, but the building is next to portals and is already targeted like three times by those unmanned ufo's.
I drop in to check at the slightest sign of contamination. Can't be too cautious.
The aliens drop in on specific buildings and then spread from there, so in order to find them you need to crossreference the UFO trajectories from most recent intrusion with buildings owned by that company. Works 99% of the time.


Okay, first of all thanks for so much info.
I have seen many topics on this but tips tend to vary, which also leads to the second part of the reply to this.
If I do all these changes... what happens to my other simulated games? I have other games I run with DosBox, most noteably MoM and that is 200x320 resolution if I remember correctly. Won't that go screwy with these setting.
Also putting off sound emulation, won't that disable some sounds to be played in this or other games? If so I rather not touch it.
I might be annoying over this, but I rather have a dosbox working for all games that just focused on one.
This might sound a little complex, but there is a way of having several different DOSBox configurations, associated with specific shortcuts.
Go to Start menu/Programs/DOSBox. Right-click on the DOSBox shortcut and choose copy. Right-click on your desktop and choose Paste.
Now right-click the new shortcut and rename it to X-Com 3, then right-click it again and choose Properties.
Under Target, you'll have something like this (might differ slightly depending on where you installed DOSBox and what version it is):
"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.exe" -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.conf"
The second part dictates which config file the shortcut uses. So change it to C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\xcom3.conf , then go to DOSBox directory and create a copy of dosbox.conf, renaming it to xcom3.conf . Changes made to that config will not affect your main one, while you'll be able to run DOSBox under the altered configuration instantly by clicking the modified shortcut on your desktop.


On the not of Psyclone implants... can you use them on your soldiers actually? Reading the description I had hoped to get my soldiers with little bravery a bit boost in it due to different stimuli, but I can't seem to get it done (after all bravery is so hard to get up in X-Com (whichever version)).
Nope, Psyclones can only be sold for cash.


My soldiers with their poor accuracy start to shoot immediatly when they see the enemy through glass (like the poor AI) destroying the building, making tactics poor and stuff.
Give them sniper rifles, set them to kneeling position and fire mode to aimed. They won't shoot too often, but they'll hit most of the time and their accuracy will rise through the roof.


It is a bit of cheating doing that and I am not into cheating, trainers and the like.
I rather just go the normal way.
You may be interested in knowing that the game automatically reacts to such a massive increase in your score and sends out more and better equipped aliens against you.

Deathsangel 04-07-2008 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 330158)
This might sound a little complex, but there is a way of having several different DOSBox configurations, associated with specific shortcuts.
Go to Start menu/Programs/DOSBox. Right-click on the DOSBox shortcut and choose copy. Right-click on your desktop and choose Paste.
Now right-click the new shortcut and rename it to X-Com 3, then right-click it again and choose Properties.
Under Target, you'll have something like this (might differ slightly depending on where you installed DOSBox and what version it is):
"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.exe" -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.conf"
The second part dictates which config file the shortcut uses. So change it to C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\xcom3.conf , then go to DOSBox directory and create a copy of dosbox.conf, renaming it to xcom3.conf . Changes made to that config will not affect your main one, while you'll be able to run DOSBox under the altered configuration instantly by clicking the modified shortcut on your desktop.

Haha, not complex at all. It is simply a multi-install.
So the answer was; no - but I suggest cloning using this technique. Okay, I can do that. I have done so before. Thanks a bunch.

The Fifth Horseman 04-07-2008 10:48 AM

Also, you can declare multiple config files, like this:
"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.exe" -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.conf" -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\apocalypse.conf"
The first config file needs to be full, but the subsequent can be incremental - ie only have those settings they're meant to change and nothing else. Autoexecs of both configs are executed in the order in which the configs were declared, so you can have the first config mount your games directory and the second run a specific game.
This is how I've been doing this - now I have over a hundred games set up this way, and just keep adding more. :D

Deathsangel 04-07-2008 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 330208)
Also, you can declare multiple config files, like this:
"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.exe" -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\dosbox.conf" -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.70\apocalypse.conf"
The first config file needs to be full, but the subsequent can be incremental - ie only have those settings they're meant to change and nothing else. Autoexecs of both configs are executed in the order in which the configs were declared, so you can have the first config mount your games directory and the second run a specific game.
This is how I've been doing this - now I have over a hundred games set up this way, and just keep adding more. :D

Who, I don't have that many games. Though it has to be said I have downloaded about... 50 (?) and through many many away again. Some after finishing, some not my style, some to aggrevating... Also my dad threw out a lot of old MS-DOS games once - and we had quite a few... :(
Which remains me once again, I need to look up the floppy's and use them before I get a computer without floppydrive even... Sometimes I get distracted into to many things :mad:

Anyway bit more back on topic. I did it using the first suggestion, added it all and played with the cycles.
Now don't get scared, but I have to run it at 10000 cycles (less than 1/3 of you). This means the game is still slow, but only in this setting the intro movie for example goes fine enough. However, in game I also hit twice f11 (in total, after fiddling around) and it got to its best - so I set it to 8000 cycles now. However, I don't if this is true, as in game f11 and f12 also have functions... do these keys when the game is running also change the cycles?
If not than I have 10000 cycles, otherwise 8000 cycles.

Apart from this I do wonder if I should go down even more. This as the intro still doesn't pray properly (which at first it did) and it did became better in sound at least when I went down in cycles; and sometimes I get video artefacts => Like half of my medi-kit dissappears when moving it around in combat, for two seconds a black beam across the screen when loading.
However, combat goes smoother, quicker and loads faster.

A bit of playing got me another few questions.
Is it possible to heal another character with the medikit, instead of only yourself. I have, as I do within X-COM: UFO Defense, specialised troops. Some are appointed medics, but if they can't heal another person... I had the medikit and one soldier was critically wounded and had a blooddrop at her lifebeam -> clearly I need to apply aid. Aside from the incredible 21 TU's this costs... double the old amount, and even more when you consider the less TU's you now have, I simply constantly get a screen of a healthy soldier.. I assumed the one carrying it. I saved the wounded one by killing all hostiles the next round.

I) Unlike you I still adore turn-based combat, as it allows for better placement of troops and that is quite needed in this game.

II) Not my snipers but my poorest shots are going up the fastest due to a technique of mine;
Cover fire on distant of better shooters, with aimed shot or snap shots, giving some pre damage. From around the corners stand nex to the other guy and unload for 2 TU per shot your law pistol. This is doable for the Sirius guys and the weak aliens. It seems the game lets you increase accuracy by a formula including number of times shot, and hit percentage of those times of shot (quite like JA).
This tactic does not always work, for instance using it with a Multiworm = death for the soldiers (and probably other tough aliens I haven't seen yet, but multiworm has got an unfair amount of HP -> over 200).

III) Still the money is not taking from me after each day... still have to play till end of the week.

IV) On your advice saying it was good to attack organisations that were being infiltrated I retried the hospital - this time I did find aliens
(three - yay (in sarcastic tone))

V) Can building be build in this game from other organisations... I have raided two temples of the Cult twice, and all of a sudden I find a third. Have I overlooked or is this normal?

VI) Nice for hybrids they inherited PSI, but why did they have to inherit weak strength? :confused: :p Or is that just coincidence?

VII) To bet hearing is not implemented as in JA. 3 Sirius guys attacked from behind (I have no clue where they came from, as I had looked down all corridors... probably sneaky around a corner).
P.S. They were stupid enough to run out of TU's when they came through the door though... I thought "nice" untill I shot them down and they appeared to have high explosives primed... that hurts.

dosraider 04-07-2008 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Deathsangel (Post 330215)
.....I also hit twice f11 (in total, after fiddling around) and it got to its best - so I set it to 8000 cycles now. However, I don't if this is true, as in game f11 and f12 also have functions... do these keys when the game is running also change the cycles?
If not than I have 10000 cycles, otherwise 8000 cycles......

CTRL+F11 to slow down and CTRL+F12 to speed up.
CTRL+xxx as for all the dosbox comm keys.
And yes they work when the game is running, you can read the CPU cycles in dosbox's menu bar when running windowed.

The Fifth Horseman 04-07-2008 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Deathsangel (Post 330215)
However, in game I also hit twice f11 (in total, after fiddling around) and it got to its best - so I set it to 8000 cycles now. However, I don't if this is true, as in game f11 and f12 also have functions... do these keys when the game is running also change the cycles?
If not than I have 10000 cycles, otherwise 8000 cycles.

F11 and F12 only alter the cycles in combination with CTRL.


Apart from this I do wonder if I should go down even more. This as the intro now plays okay for the voices, but the sounds still lags a tiny bit (got better and better as I turned the cycles down);
Sound lagging can be fixed by adjusting blocksize and prebuffer settings in the config file. Forgot to mention this part before.
I remember Data recommended the following values:


Is it possible to heal another character with the medikit, instead of only yourself.
Not as far as I know.


I) Unlike you I still adore turn-based combat, as it allows for better placement of troops and that is quite needed in this game.
It's better for placement, sure. But dual-wield devastator cannon mayhem still works better in realtime. Send eight such troops into a CoS temple and you'll see what I'm talking about - Kneel, Full Auto, Agressive Stance and the sheer volume of fire won't let any cultists survive (and the property damage is simply icing on the cake!)


II) Not my snipers but my poorest shots are going up the fastest due to a technique of mine;
Cover fire on distant of better shooters, with aimed shot or snap shots, giving some pre damage. From around the corners stand nex to the other guy and unload for 2 TU per shot your law pistol. This is doable for the Sirius guys and the weak aliens. It seems the game lets you increase accuracy by a formula including number of times shot, and hit percentage of those times of shot (quite like JA).
This tactic does not always work, for instance using it with a Multiworm = death for the soldiers (and probably other tough aliens I haven't seen yet, but multiworm has got an unfair amount of HP -> over 200).
Not sure. I'll have to try that, tho.


V) Can building be build in this game from other organisations... I have raided two temples of the Cult twice, and all of a sudden I find a third. Have I overlooked or is this normal?
Other organisations never build new facilities, at least as far as I could tell. Note that when you're on the city map (the simple display mode, not the isometric one), selecting an organization's icon on the list highlights their properties.


VI) Nice for hybrids they inherited PSI, but why did they have to inherit weak strength? :confused: :p Or is that just coincidence?
This is on purpose so that the Hybrids are balanced with humans and androids (who are completely Psi-resistant, so you can use them safely as forward scouts in brainsucker-heavy areas)


VII) To bet hearing is not implemented as in JA. 3 Sirius guys attacked from behind (I have no clue where they came from, as I had looked down all corridors... probably sneaky around a corner).
P.S. They were stupid enough to run out of TU's when they came through the door though... I thought "nice" untill I shot them down and they appeared to have high explosives primed... that hurts.
The explosives didn't have to be primed. When you fire at a square which has any ammo/grenades/explosives in it, there is a chance those materials will explode (possibly setting off a chain reaction). The chance depends on what you hit with, obviously. Fire detonates explosive materials after a while too.

Deathsangel 04-07-2008 05:19 PM

Answering quick as I have to go to two parties in a few minutes.

Okay, will give later the results of the sound setting, but I also have problems now with the movie lagging and stuff, which I did not have in the beginning. Not a big problem in my eyes as it is about the game not the intro movie.

I find that a major flaw of medi-kit by the way. I dropped a few of the regular troops to save weight... now I need to toss them to them. Though picking up from the ground nowadays does not cost a thing or putting something in a backpack and such... kind of weird, it did cost TU (logically) in X-com I and II.

I do like the fact people can take hiding while under cover fire, but the bad thing is they also do it when out of TU, as does the comp. One time it actually nearly killed my soldier, as I was covered and the CoS dude came around the backdoor to find he was being cornered... needless to say I did not get shots, he did a lot. Oh, well live and learn.

I got the manual from way back in the topic by the way, but can't seem to find a certain thing I want. In the UFOpedia they mention about GRAV ball players getting out of the league when having more than 50% non-human parts... can I give my soldiers some as to perfect them, as well as the androids seeing you can't train them (logically, but annoying)?

As well, as to what medals are there and when you get them. I got this deadskull medal now on a few soldiers, with more than 10 kills, however an android of mine with 12 kills has got none... I would like to see the requirements for getting one.

raven_milicon 11-07-2008 02:38 AM

Why cant I save in apocalypse?

_r.u.s.s. 11-07-2008 04:23 AM

because your computer is racist

seriously, we're not fortune tellers to know your pc specs, os, how did you try to run the game, etc..

The Fifth Horseman 11-07-2008 05:59 AM


I got the manual from way back in the topic by the way, but can't seem to find a certain thing I want. In the UFOpedia they mention about GRAV ball players getting out of the league when having more than 50% non-human parts... can I give my soldiers some as to perfect them, as well as the androids seeing you can't train them (logically, but annoying)?
First, sorry for late response.

Unfortunately, that text is just a blurb. It's not actually possible to cyborgize your soldiers or modify your androids.
Regarding the latter, remember they are completely immune to psionics: if you're confronting aliens with mind control abilities or large amounts of Brainsuckers, make them your forward scouts.


As well, as to what medals are there and when you get them. I got this deadskull medal now on a few soldiers, with more than 10 kills, however an android of mine with 12 kills has got none... I would like to see the requirements for getting one.
I believe the medals are based not just on kills but also the mission count and service time. Possibly also the improvement percentage for the specific soldier.


Why cant I save in apocalypse?
You can save in this game, this is 100% verified.
You're probably doing something wrong.

ObiMark 15-07-2008 02:52 PM

I recently managed to get apocalypse working, thanx to new version of dosbox. I really loved it back in the days and even now it still has a lot going for it. Anyway one of the things always enjoyed was destroying whatever I was raiding, be it Marsec, Transtellar, any of the gangs (most commonly osiron) even Extropians.
In my latest raid vs Osiron I really out did myself. I raided the slums and got the map with large square building that sits on top of 7 pillars with eight pillar in the middle housing the lift and staircase on one side.
I had the idea of bringing down the entire 6 story house. Using disruptors and vortex mines I blew 3 rightmost pillars along with staircase. Entire eastern section started to fall apart. From the bottom to top it was literally raining buliding. It was fascinating. Among the wreckage it rained 7 or 8 osiron soldiers as well. they didn't make it.

The Fifth Horseman 15-07-2008 03:21 PM

I once tried doing something to the extent, except arming all my agents with dual-wield Devastator Cannons. Was funny to watch buildings fold like card houses. :)

ruud316 16-07-2008 01:48 PM

What the hell, is going on?!
What the hell, is going on?!:wacko:

Some blobs come out of a hole, I chase and shoot down said blobs, how do I land and start a mission, are there no instructions?! Why god damb it why?

Why I tells ya!!!!



The Fifth Horseman 16-07-2008 02:36 PM

In order to begin crash site recovery, you need to load several troopers to a flying vehicle (don't forget to equip them!!!) and send said vehicle to the crash site.

And the manual is here:

Dumblor 15-08-2008 05:29 AM

Guys, i've got a big big problem. At the start of the game the Aliens get their asses kicked badly, but later they bring a big angry cannon and send my hovercars to hell. Im hopeless! Although I used to play EU on SuperHuman, I play this one on novice and still my ass is red from being kicked by alien ships!
Latter in game, when those pesky Selectoids or something come in to greet me, some new type of alien ship comes out and kicks my hovercar's ass so bad, his engine started crying. I bought That Hawk Warrior thingy, equiped it with the missile evasion matrix (why is a matrix SO BIG ???) and that thingy which gives you more chances to hit the target. And it still gets sent to hell.

Im hopless. What to do ? (I didn't mentioned that I have only six soldiers because every time they get kicked they're asses on a battle field they're grand parents from mars start crying so much, that mars was once again a ocean world. But never the less, now I'm okay with ground battles, but ships are still a thick in the ass.)

The Fifth Horseman 15-08-2008 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Dumblor (Post 333560)
Guys, i've got a big big problem. At the start of the game the Aliens get their asses kicked badly, but later they bring a big angry cannon and send my hovercars to hell. Im hopeless! Although I used to play EU on SuperHuman, I play this one on novice and still my ass is red from being kicked by alien ships!

Hoverbikes. Use them, love them. Upgrade their engines, load in targeting modules, upgrade their weapons (laser cannons, if you can afford the Elerium go for plasma guns, don't forget about a few Janitor and Prophet launchers.
A large enough swarm will eat most UFO types alive. :amused:
There's one UFO type which uses swarm-type ammunition, though, and for that you'll need Hawks.

Hovercars do best with long-range, high-accuracy weapon systems - like Prophet missiles.


Latter in game, when those pesky Selectoids or something come in to greet me, some new type of alien ship comes out and kicks my hovercar's ass so bad, his engine started crying. I bought That Hawk Warrior thingy, equiped it with the missile evasion matrix (why is a matrix SO BIG ???) and that thingy which gives you more chances to hit the target. And it still gets sent to hell.
Only one Hawk? Lulz. I'm always buying two. Sometimes more. Raid Cult of sirius for extra guns, ammo and Psiclones to sell, if you need money.

Then equip each hawk with at least one evasion Matrix - altough two wouldn't hurt - and as many targeting systems as you can ram in there. Remember that it's best to load the large ones there first, since the more you put in the less increase in accuracy you get. 2 large targeting modules give you a 45% accuracy boost.


Im hopless. What to do ? (I didn't mentioned that I have only six soldiers because every time they get kicked they're asses on a battle field they're grand parents from mars start crying so much, that mars was once again a ocean world. But never the less, now I'm okay with ground battles, but ships are still a thick in the ass.)
Six??? That's suicidal. In some of my games of Apocalypse I've used as many as 24 soldiers on a single mission. Six is a minimum strike-team that's only effective in the beginning.
Hire every recruit you can. You need a 12-man team ready for missions and a 6-man backup unit to rotate in for any troopers who lose more than 25% of their health.

Dumblor 16-08-2008 09:05 AM

Thanks for the answers, but I still don't understand one thing. When you say swarm the Saucers with HBikes, how many do you mean ?

P.S. Yes, I raid Cult, and ussually get ~4-5 psyke thingies, but that ussually isn't enough. And later they get those mini-rocket-launchers, which kick my soldiers back to baby status, because I don't have PShield yet :(.

P.P.S. Six soldiers are enough for me even when skeletoids or whatever come out. And I don't have any choice. Even though i'm allied with MAlliance and S.E.L.F., I don't have many recruits. By the way, is that normal that sectoids ussually outpower humans IN ALL WAYS. Even strength !

The Fifth Horseman 16-08-2008 09:42 AM


When you say swarm the Saucers with HBikes, how many do you mean ?
As many as you've got.


Yes, I raid Cult, and ussually get ~4-5 psyke thingies, but that ussually isn't enough. And later they get those mini-rocket-launchers, which kick my soldiers back to baby status, because I don't have PShield yet .
You raid them once. I raid them several times. Usually five to eight in a single go.
Also, there's one uber-easy way of getting cash: stun raids against organizations you're allied with.


P.P.S. Six soldiers are enough for me even when skeletoids or whatever come out. And I don't have any choice. Even though i'm allied with MAlliance and S.E.L.F., I don't have many recruits. By the way, is that normal that sectoids ussually outpower humans IN ALL WAYS. Even strength !
I'm 99% sure that your heavy losses are caused by a too-agressive playing style. If you're careful enough, you shouldn't be losing any troops at the lowest difficulty level.

Dumblor 16-08-2008 03:15 PM

thanks for the answers again :). And about stun-raids, I read about them today in UFOpedia. I was quite interested :). I will give it a try. I also read that the best organization to stun-raid is Diablo because if you collect everything on ground you'll get lots of Psiclones. (~40).

zilla59 20-08-2008 12:46 AM

help installing the game on vista
i have just brought thie game, x-com apocalypse, when i go to install it i get an error that say's; in top heading bar "16 bit DOS subsystem" in main window "this system does not support fullscreen mode.chose 'close' to terminate the application." and i can then chose to close it, or click ignore, of which if i ignore it, it just comes back to same message, i am running with a laptop, pretty much brand new, using vista. can anybody help me with this please?

dosraider 20-08-2008 03:58 AM

This can help you if you have the dosversion:
>A beginner's guide to DosBox<
>wtf IS dos bOX AND DOES IT WORK ON wIN xp?<

_r.u.s.s. 20-08-2008 09:50 AM

or the original...

Dumblor 21-08-2008 11:57 AM

The dude said he's runing it on vista, not xp, Raider.

The Fifth Horseman 21-08-2008 11:58 AM

Doesn't matter: DOSBox works on Vista too.

dosraider 21-08-2008 12:32 PM

Would even say more: dosbox 0.72 works perfect in Vista 32 ānd Vista 64.
Only thing that's different compared to XP:
Use to install dosbox and for your virtual C:
-> or your own personal folders as Vista is much more protective then XP
-> or another partition then C:

BTW, if you don't have a partitioned HD you can eventually use a USB key to install dosbox ānd your virtual C, works fine.

Dumblor 21-08-2008 01:47 PM

Anyway, is that normal that Organizations that you are allied with attack your enemies ? When Mutant Alliance attacked Cult of Sirius i thought it's just they're not popular at parties, but when Super Dynamics (also my ally) attacked them, I was confused. So do allied organizations help you against other organizations or it's just EVERYBODY raiding Cult of Sirius ?

The Fifth Horseman 21-08-2008 02:42 PM

Yes. It also works the other way.

Dumblor 21-08-2008 03:04 PM

You mean that everybody is hostile to the cult ?

The Fifth Horseman 21-08-2008 03:19 PM

No. I mean that organizations allied with your enemies may become hostile to you.

Tomekk 10-09-2008 02:53 PM

Best strategy game ever!
It's just so perfect! At one part it's a pretty nice SimCity like game, and the other part it's a great tactical/action game!
If you like strategy games, then this is a must!

TeKila78 12-09-2008 02:04 AM

Hi im new on the bussines, pleese return xcom series :cry:
Hi every body I`m from Mexico and my english writing is not good but i try to explain.

I like very much x-com series, my first game I have is abomination and in this moment I play only byb games (built and batlle). Colet resourses and then begin the war.

Before i play UFO Afthermath and i love a lot of the concpet and my travel to x com end here and play xcom 1 and 3. I have to say thank you abandonia because I think the probabilities to play this game when Micropose has desapair is iqual to cero. And you make the oportunity.

And at las I`m very sad to kwon the game has sold. :( and other like my donīt have the same oportunity to play this games.

Tomekk 12-09-2008 05:53 AM

Check your inbox later...

The Fifth Horseman 12-09-2008 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by TeKila78 (Post 336400)
Before i play UFO Afthermath and i love a lot of the concpet and my travel to x com end here and play xcom 1 and 3. I have to say thank you abandonia because I think the probabilities to play this game when Micropose has desapair is iqual to cero. And you make the oportunity.

And at las I`m very sad to kwon the game has sold. :( and other like my donīt have the same oportunity to play this games.

It's sold, yes, but on STEAM. It's online - you just pay and download it from them. :D

Furry 15-09-2008 07:12 AM

How ?
Hellow everyone...please can anyone tell me how download this excellent game ?

This game alive ?

The Fifth Horseman 15-09-2008 07:52 AM

It's sold. You can buy it here:

Tomekk 15-09-2008 01:13 PM could offend the U.S.A's copyright Laws and ***** *** **** ****! :bleh:

The Fifth Horseman 15-09-2008 01:22 PM

I think he should rather *** ** *******. ^_^

Eagle of Fire 20-09-2008 10:13 PM

Are you asking for a ban buddy? :notrust:

STEVAN 24-09-2008 04:20 PM

Hi. I love this game but i cant get DOS box to work. Im having problems with CPU cycles ( or something like that). Any suggestions?

The Fifth Horseman 24-09-2008 06:06 PM

Halfway through this post.

Tomekk 24-09-2008 06:32 PM

Ultimate BUG Abuse
This is a neat little bug I discovered, and it gives you lots of $$$.
1)Research the Bio Transport Module.
2)Assign your Engineering team to make one.
3)Now click the assign button again get your money back. Do it again and again, and you'll always get that money back.
4)If it doesn't work, cause you did something else, cancel the assignment, and re-assign it and it will work again!

Have fun!

STEVAN 29-09-2008 04:08 PM

Did enyone buy the x-com series from steam. I was wondering if it works on xp or do you still have to use dosbox

The Fifth Horseman 29-09-2008 07:38 PM

It works on XP, because it's integrated with a streamlined version of DOSBox.

Likesgoodgames! 22-03-2009 03:30 AM

little help?
the message on the x-com a page says no-go, im assuming that the download is down? but i checked about 2 weeks later and here i am still disappointed. this is one of my favorite games and i like to consider myself quite the avid oldschool gamer.

little help here? if someone could upload or fix the download thatd be much appreciated. also, i've finished this game at least a few times on every difficulty, so if anyone has any questions, just reply here or email me at *email removed*


Lulu_Jane 22-03-2009 03:53 AM

Please don't post your email in forum posts, it's for your own good. We have a private messaging system which you can use to communicate with other members, and then you can tell them your email :)

AlumiuN 22-03-2009 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Likesgoodgames! (Post 357171)
the message on the x-com a page says no-go, im assuming that the download is down? but i checked about 2 weeks later and here i am still disappointed. this is one of my favorite games and i like to consider myself quite the avid oldschool gamer.

little help here? if someone could upload or fix the download thatd be much appreciated. also, i've finished this game at least a few times on every difficulty, so if anyone has any questions, just reply here or email me at *email removed*


Unfortunately, the game is sold on Steam. As such we cannot host it here. We only keep the review as a matter of archiving, and if, at some point, the game becomes abandoned again e.g. not sold, the download will be available again. :)

WilliamC23 22-03-2009 08:56 AM

I honestly dislike programs like Steam. Luckily I never got rid of X-Com Apoc, or any of the X-Com games.

WilliamC23 22-03-2009 08:58 AM

Anyways, I wonder what X-Com Apoc would have been like if EA hadn't rushed it. There was supposed to be a more fleshed out political system along with more conflict within MegaPrimus, instead of only being against the aliens, and political fights between the two political parties, etc. It would have been a lot more colorful.

Batmanifestdestiny 11-04-2009 10:50 PM

So, a friend of mine gave me his old 98 with this game on it, but when I try to open it, it wants a CD to be in drive D. Should I just pop in any old CD, or does it have to be THE CD?

Eagle of Fire 12-04-2009 01:02 AM


Why are you asking us? :oh:

AlumiuN 12-04-2009 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Batmanifestdestiny (Post 359489)
So, a friend of mine gave me his old 98 with this game on it, but when I try to open it, it wants a CD to be in drive D. Should I just pop in any old CD, or does it have to be THE CD?

I'm guessing it would have to be THE CD. You could try and find a crack for it.

The Fifth Horseman 12-04-2009 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Batmanifestdestiny (Post 359489)
So, a friend of mine gave me his old 98 with this game on it, but when I try to open it, it wants a CD to be in drive D. Should I just pop in any old CD, or does it have to be THE CD?

If a game's copy protection requests a CD, it's asking for the CD. Not for any other disc.

Batmanifestdestiny 12-04-2009 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 359557)
If a game's copy protection requests a CD, it's asking for the CD. Not for any other disc.

hmmm....well, darn it, I was hoping on trying this game out.

At least I still have Descent 1-3 ;)

AlumiuN 13-04-2009 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Batmanifestdestiny (Post 359628)
At least I still have Descent 1-3 ;)

And expansions? IMHO, D2 Vertigo was the best part to all of the Descent games. Mercenary was also very good.


The Fifth Horseman 13-04-2009 09:43 AM


hmmm....well, darn it, I was hoping on trying this game out.
I just remembered something that worked for me way back. Try editing Xcom3.cfg using Notepad and change the letter/path to correspond with the game's location on the hard drive.

Fubang 15-04-2009 08:48 AM

I'm having issues with this game so I'm trying to get the cheats to work but can't manage it. From the main cityscape screen i'm holding alt and typing ufo cheat. but I can't manage to get it to activate. There something I'm missing?

Fubang 15-04-2009 09:16 AM

nevermind. I found an editor instead. no need for cheats anymore.

jasonmloh 26-06-2009 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Batmanifestdestiny (Post 359489)
So, a friend of mine gave me his old 98 with this game on it, but when I try to open it, it wants a CD to be in drive D. Should I just pop in any old CD, or does it have to be THE CD?

The game is being sold, otherwise I would be more than happy to upload the game :sneaky:

AnbuxD 28-08-2009 05:24 PM

I have a question!
I have taken X-Com last year!
But I have a new Pc and, unfortunately, is my mirrow broke down the conversion!
And now I want to know where I can download X-Com Apokalipse!?

TheChosen 28-08-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by AnbuxD (Post 381188)
I have a question!
I have taken X-Com last year!
But I have a new Pc and, unfortunately, is my mirrow broke down the conversion!
And now I want to know where I can download X-Com Apokalipse!?

passerby 30-08-2009 02:15 PM

I do remember that game... Spending every week giving 40K to trans because the alien portals were right next to the spaceport, and they got a stray shot that grazed an antena... until 3 week when I have a base with 20 bio and 20 chemists, and another with 20 which point I stoped raiding the cultists and started going after trans... God I felt good after that...
The wierdest part was, half of the organisations then became hostile, and the other half became ally!!! not sure why...
Also, my endgame fav tactic, in realtime mode, mind you, was teleport + 2swords.... no shields, no other weapons, just, 2 blades then fill every other space with teleporters... even megaspawns became easy to kill like that

lookigotanewusername 18-09-2009 12:45 AM

I use DOSBox .73 I have an ISO CD of the game, I mount it installs fine, starts with the into just fine, but after the into (wether i let it run its course or skip it) it cuts back to the command prompt then DOSBox crashes. Any suggestions? ive looked through some sites but no solution to this problem, and I dont know where else to turn, can someone please help?

The Fifth Horseman 18-09-2009 07:19 AM

Try with 0.72 first.

Torquemada10 23-09-2009 01:50 AM

I've played Ufo:Enemy unknown and Terror from the deep, but this game is in my opinion the must fun.
You must give it time to sink in to enjoy it. What makes it so fun is ability to buy all kinds of vehicles and fit it with just about anything, research better ships and better weapons, engines, shields and so forth.
You might find it best to have one or two slow hard hitting ships in the rear to take down the big alien ships while your smaller faster moving ships swarm the alien ship.
Shooting down alien ships takes much more tactic than it did in the former games. During your first encounters the police might be a valueable ally but after awhile their weak machine guns start to do minimized damage.

There's also diplomacy in the game, you donīt want to screw the transport company or else you must manually move your stuff between bases. Other companies can declare war on you either by grudge or because of alien influence, so you arenīt only fighting aliens here.

There is one noticeable nuisance in the game however, the really annoying brainsuckers. In tactical combat your biggest concern should always be those tiny balls of terror, if you see one of those suckers shoot it, explode it, flame it, gas it, nuke it what ever, donīt let it get close to you as it takes over one of your guys with 95% certainty (on superhuman difficulty). As the name suggests the brainsuckers sucks the brain of your guy, so it's worse than mindcontrol.

In short: The ability to further customize your ships and vehicles and the more in-depth air battles really puts this game above it's predecessors.

Guestfromouterspace 25-09-2009 12:01 AM

:No space on map: bug
Has anyone ever got this kind of bug ?:

1) Going into ground combat after shooting down alien ship (That fast flying, attacker ship, i guess it was 4th ship that appears)
2) everything loads up ok, i choose real-time or tactical, then the map loads.
3) When map is loaded, gray window pops in middle of screen saying that there is not enough space on map for soldiers (even if i have only one soldier).
4) after that, game runs endlessly...turn-based fights are neverending alien turns.
P.S.) turn-based tactical fights in that 1st transport ship (that purple one, 3rd ship) very often 'hangs up' at the point where aliens have nearly finished their i 'fix' that by playing in real time ( i dislike real time very much :[ ).

I got my Xcom Apoc a long time ago, it was on a collection of strategy games, the standart installation from the cd is very weird, it installs, but you can see that extractor 'skips' all files, and in the directory later you cant see any gamefiles, but there is uninstall in control panel -> add remove. So i usually just manually extract files from archive. Maybe my installation files are corrupted ? But i remember playing this same game from this same CD, years ago, and everything went fine till the end of game.

I'll check up on answers, thanks for reading :p , couldnt find anything on google.

The Fifth Horseman 25-09-2009 06:14 AM

Sounds like a corrupted copy.

Guestfromouterspace 25-09-2009 12:13 PM

I remember playing the same version, but i guess it was the holy win98, and then the installation went fine. *sigh* game hangs up not only in that alien ship fight...i have a feeling that some alien type gets stuck somewhere and thus cant finish its move, so it could trigger the end of alien turn. :[
btw, I'm using DosBox0.73

thx for reply.

sprsoldier 21-10-2009 09:24 AM

This is certainly a 5 in my book. I prefer the turn based tactical combat also because i have such large and high leveled groups of agents, i need to be able to give each one careful instructions. This is especially true when facing poppers and brainsuckers.

Artifice 18-11-2009 01:48 AM

I'm having an odd fatal error.

I'm on sunday of week 3. When it hits midnight all my cash goes through, yay, but when the payment summary window closes, the game freezes.

I've played through 3 times now just to see if it's random - Every time week 4 starts, the game freezes. Now i have seen another error when leaving a tactical mission which crashes the game, but that appears to be an XP related crash.

Is anyone else having this same week 4 issue? It's entirely possible that my old copy is finally rooted, but everything else runs fine. The game crashes whether running it through dosbox or XP. I am stumped, and frustrated :wall:

arete 25-11-2009 12:39 PM

Could your copy be corrupt? What are your settings?

laiocfar 29-11-2009 02:35 PM

Last time that i did play this game, was a lot time ago. Now, I got a problem when trying to run the xcomapoc, it ask me for the original cd... i used dosbox, win98, dosbox with drive d:, folder mps, vdm and i runned out of ideas. Do someone got any idea?

Syrius 29-11-2009 08:32 PM

I've seen that Steam sells every X-Com episode at 4,99€ (quite expensive isn't it?): is it legal that we still have them avalaible on our servers?

El Quia 29-11-2009 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Syrius (Post 389600)
I've seen that Steam sells every X-Com episode at 4,99€ (quite expensive isn't it?): is it legal that we still have them avalaible on our servers?

We don't have them for download... we only have the review, some extras, some screenshots and then a link to steam where they can buy it. If you check it, the button says "Buy it", not "Get it"...

Syrius 29-11-2009 09:02 PM

sorry :(

El Quia 29-11-2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Syrius (Post 389605)
sorry :(

No problem. Sometimes, I get them mixed up,too. I am just too used to the "NoGo" Icon :p. Give it some time :)

laiocfar 30-11-2009 12:05 PM

Nobody remembers how to run this game?

El Quia 30-11-2009 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by laiocfar (Post 389644)
Nobody remembers how to run this game?

Hi, compatriot! I am trying to make it run, but so far no success, either.

And now I really want to play this game again... :(

If I make a breakthrough, I will post it here...

arete 01-12-2009 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Micah (Post 38595)
Apocalype manual, if anyone still wants it:

See if this helps ;) Otherwise, pm Eagle of Fire, he seems to be quite the expert.

Eagle of Fire 01-12-2009 04:03 PM

Use DOSBox? Worked well for me.

Otherwise, I remember that Apocalypse was quite a pain to run on my Windows 98 machine. I had to reboot in DOS mode for it to work.

If you absolutely want to go the Windows 98 route, you will need to edit your autoexec.bat and config.sys files. This guide will be able to help you with that.

jordos 15-01-2010 01:22 AM

This looks like a good spot to promote my very own kick-ass xcom apocalypse editors!
If you'd like to fix the useless road vehicles, try roadwar, a tool that can make roads invulnerable, or at least very tough, along with a bunch of other tweaks like reducing air vehicle availability.
Xcomufo forums (needs registration, but since I can upload the files myself it tends to be slightly more up to date)

And if that's not enough you can do it yourself with the exe editor apoc'd. It also sports some savegame editing capabilities but won't beat XeD or Midnight there yet!
Xcomufo forums (same as above)

Have fun!

telles0808 30-08-2010 01:42 PM

This is my very first strategy game what I loved and shared with friends, before it I played all the serie XCOM, WC, etc and nothing is near of the quality of this game. This game is well made, veryvery advanced for that year and ultra very nice ambient of terror with a nice selection of sounds.

My five stars is for this game with certain!

Mendisal 05-09-2010 07:25 PM

Anyone has succeded in playing music for the game? I have dl a backup from internet but I think it dont have any music.

Any idea of a site where download the music?

jasonmloh 08-12-2010 06:59 AM

A small tip
You can use proximity mines on poppers. The moment they move KABOOM and they have a very wide radius, so steer clear.
Arizona Dispensary

Japo 06-02-2012 12:23 AM

I have played only a tiny little, and it's hard to tell which weapons are most effective from the numbers... From what I read, if you have the ammo it always improves your odds to use the weapons with the highest firing rate, even though they will have the lowest accuracy per shot, and even to wield one rifle in each hand... It seems a bit off.

A question: Is there a point in fighting alien infiltration in the Cult? Considering that they'll end up hostile sooner or later, and that they don't have anything to sell anyway? And that even before they're infiltrated cultists fire on you on sight! Even though they're listed as just "unfriendly", not "hostile". And considering how much they like explosives, and cultists will happily run towards a whole squad firing at them to get the opportunity to toss a grenade before dying. I've found that mission very dangerous compared to any other at this point (right at the start).

Eagle of Fire 06-02-2012 12:57 AM

Do you play turn based or real time? The game is really balanced only for real time.

In real time, every main weapon is useful. I always bring them in a fight. At least until I find (research) better ones.

The minigun is useful at close range. Especially against mindsuckers. The laser sniper rifle is (surprise) quite useful at long range and the autocannon is your power gun, in the middle.

What is important when you equip your squaddies is not really the weapons themselves but rather what they can use effectively. First of all, you should always bring the Megapol armor on you as your most basic protection. This is a break in the traditional X-com gameplay as you normally have no armor and you need to research some ASAP. In Apocalypse, you already have armor... And a good one at that. The only downside is the weight and you need to trade speed for it.

I am used to send a 12 members squad team into the fray, so I plan 4 guns of each of those three types I mentioned above. So, first of all the autocannons should be used only by units with quite high strenght so their TUs (speed) don't fall too much because of it (robots are usually great for that). Then I usually equip the soldiers with highest accuracy with the riffles and the soldiers with the lowest accuracy with the miniguns.

I never used the other types of guns very much. The pistol is virtually useless as a minigun have more ammo and a bigger punch. The launchers have the exact same problem than the previous X-coms. The plasma pistol is very useful but its ammo is very hard to come by so I usually reserve those for half breeds (half alien, half human) because they have such a ridiculous strenght rating: the plasma pistol pack a good punch, is lightweight and don't take much inventory space.

The plasma pistol and the Marsec armor turn available after the first week. The red armor is nice for the half breeds because it allows them to run around (and fly) decently with still a decent protection... But for your normal soldier the protection is not enough to protect well enough against grenades and the Alien guns so don't bother even though it make them run faster. With the Megapol armor at least when one of your soldiers get a bad hit he will survive long enough to heal himself (medkits can be used by the soldier having to heal himself in Apocalypse) while the same cannot be said for the Marsec armor.

The most important thing you need to learn is how to defend you well enough against brainsuckers. Especially at the beginning of the game, those little guys will attack you often and in numbers. Once they latch on the head of a squaddie you will only have a few moments before you lose your soldiers permanently... Worse, it will turn hostile and try to gun your other soldiers. To prevent that you either have to move in squads so they can cover eachother or use the Eagle of Fire BS proof (tm) way to get rid of a brainsucker: have every single of your squaddies carry at least one grenade and when the sucker latch on your soldiers pause and go in the inventory of another soldier. Find the right one in the list and make him hold the grenade so it can prime it to explode immediately. Make it drop the grenade then unpause. Your soldiers will most likely be hurt but the armor will save him easily and the brainsucker will be dead.

Then you will eventually learn about those blue smoking balls of death... As soon as you spot one have every squad in range concentrate their fire on it until it either explode or die. Make it a priority every single time. If you cannot gun it, have a high HP unit run toward it so it take the brunt of the explosion while the others run away, hopefully alive. Again, robots are great for this since they have very high HP and usually (barely) survive the blast.

Just ask if you need something else. ;)

Japo 06-02-2012 06:53 PM

OK but what about organizations and the Cult? If I got it right, the downside of an organization being infiltrated is that you won't be able to trade with them any longer, and that they might attack you. But since the Cult has nothing to trade, is apparently hostile from the start, and anyway will hate me more every time I kill an alien, is there a point in investing any effort in fighting alien infiltration in their organization? The problem is that to fight infiltration at any other organization I have to fight the aliens only, but at a Cultist location there are guards attacking me, and they're much tougher than the aliens at this point, and this is before they're infiltrated (1%) and they're listed only as "unfriendly", not "hostile".

I haven't even tried turn-based battles. The experience I've had so far is that at long range I'm untouchable, it's when enemies come close that I'm at risk. And most of my soldiers had machine guns, but enough bullets hit the targets before they came close, even though my soldiers had no training at this point.

12 men 12 guns? Then you don't equip a weapon in each hand as many people seem to do? Have you tried it?

What's the problem with missile launchers? I previous XCOM games I didn't like them because they had terrible accuracy, and it was always better to throw a grenade, that always lands at least near instead of flying by. But the missiles in Apocalypse are homing (unlike explosive auto-cannon ammo), they look like a sweet deal. The only downside I see would be damaging property inside the city?

And how do you go about stunning aliens? It seems to be absolutely necessary to capture lots of them for research.

Do you use psi (I guess so if you recruit half breeds), if so how?

The Fifth Horseman 06-02-2012 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Japo (Post 439383)
But since the Cult has nothing to trade, is apparently hostile from the start, and anyway will hate me more every time I kill an alien, is there a point in investing any effort in fighting alien infiltration in their organization?

1. When truly taken over, they also have alien weapons.
2. When not taken over, fighting them gives you useable loot.
3. It is my understanding that once an organization is taken over, they help aliens spread in the city. Do you really want that?


I have played only a tiny little, and it's hard to tell which weapons are most effective from the numbers... From what I read, if you have the ammo it always improves your odds to use the weapons with the highest firing rate, even though they will have the lowest accuracy per shot, and even to wield one rifle in each hand... It seems a bit off.
It does nothing to aid or train your troops accuracy, especially at full auto. (to reiterate: from what I've seen, using aimed fire seems to develop your troops' accuracy stat faster)

12 men 12 guns? Then you don't equip a weapon in each hand as many people seem to do? Have you tried it?
Been there, done that.
Dual wielding is OK when you don't NEED accuracy (autocannons with incendiary or explosive clips, mini-launchers, alien guns used for demolitions).
Nowadays I'm much in favor of the sniper rifles used when kneeling or prone, on maximum accuracy, by 4-man squads.

And how do you go about stunning aliens? It seems to be absolutely necessary to capture lots of them for research.
Stun grenades (the cone-shaped yellow ones), as long as the alien is exposed long enough to the gas. Stun Grapples up close (they're not point-blank, fortunately). Or Psi - allegedly.

Do you use psi (I guess so if you recruit half breeds), if so how?
The hybrid needs to have the psionic amplifier device equipped (the name of the blasted thing escapes me right now). This will be one of the available modes of attack. Rookie hybrids (before spending a LOT of time in psi gym) are not very reliable for much beyond panicking the target.

Oh, and as for brainsuckers? Be friendly with S.E.L.F. Androids can't be brainsucked.

Eagle of Fire 06-02-2012 09:57 PM

Yeah but androids cannot evolve their stats either. They really suck for that except at the very beginning when all your soldiers suck anyways.

Dual wielding? Having anything in your second hand for a weapon requiring two hands destroy your accuracy. I never actually even thought about using two weapons at the same time unless they are pistols (which only require one hand). The problem here is that pistols suck and the plasma pistol, which don't, have very little available ammo. And you cannot produce them.

The best use of your accuracy is the weapon status. Place it on autoshot to fire fast and reduce accuracy. Normal mode is the mode you'll use most often. Aimed shots will greatly increase your accuracy but you'll fire way slower.

The most important aspect of the weapons at the early game is the ammo. Even minigun ammo will eventually run out if you use too much of it. Since you cannot produce anything human made this mean that you either need to stop wasting it or move fast to Alien guns which auto recharge after every battle. Once you have your own X-com guns then it is the matter of producing enough ammo for all your squaddies at once, which is not a small matter to begin with if you consider you'll also want to produce your own armor, own crafts, etc.

To answer Japo question on organizations, you want none of them to be infiltrated by the Aliens. Even the Cult. I think Fifth explained it well enough why. Beside, attacking the cult for the loot is one of the most abused cash milking method in this game. To prevent an organization to be infiltrated is easy enough anyways: go in map mode and select the organization in question. You'll have yellow markers indicating all the owned locations of those organizations in the city. If you are the least successful in preventing the Aliens to enter the city then you can simply guess from the nearest UFO beaming area which building would most likely be hit by the Aliens. If you miss the organization will dislike you a little more but then again if you do nothing you'll lose them completely anyways while you can always buy them back to your side later.

For missile launchers, as I said they have all the same problems than old X-com games: they are big, ugly, costly, slow to fire and reload and in real time they are even easy to dodge as long as you don't ask your soldiers to kneel in front of them. Moreover, once you get better armor you can even easily withstand a few missiles dead on before getting worried.

I think Fifth covered everything else pretty well.

Japo 06-02-2012 11:46 PM

OK but I wish the government would close the Cult down for shooting at me while I'm just doing my job. :P

It's just that the aliens are so easy in the first missions, but the temple was a veritable war zone. The grenades can "only" wound whole squads--and the cultists use them with no regard for their own life--but they also use heavy missiles which are almost twice as powerful and can be fired from any distance, and can take out a rookie in Megapol armor--or nine of them for that matter.

Can you dodge missiles? How, running sideways? I have to try it.

The Fifth Horseman 07-02-2012 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 439389)
Yeah but androids cannot evolve their stats either. They really suck for that except at the very beginning when all your soldiers suck anyways.

Humans can (and do) get better, but they need to survive long enough first. A droid is meanwhile ready to kick ass from the get-go. YMMV on what's the best way to exploit that.


Dual wielding? Having anything in your second hand for a weapon requiring two hands destroy your accuracy. I never actually even thought about using two weapons at the same time unless they are pistols (which only require one hand).
Which is where HE autocannon rounds come in. It doesn't matter if your shots miss two meters to the left or one to the right when it still frags everything in the same zip code.


Aimed shots will greatly increase your accuracy but you'll fire way slower.
Which is why i trade actual rate of fire for volume of troops shooting at the same target. Same resulting firepower but greater accuracy and faster accuracy gain for the soldiers.


The most important aspect of the weapons at the early game is the ammo. Even minigun ammo will eventually run out if you use too much of it.
The stun raid trick is invaluable for remedying that. Of course, that is an exploit so YMMV.

Eagle of Fire 07-02-2012 12:40 AM

Hum... What does YMMV mean exactly?


Which is why i trade actual rate of fire for volume of troops shooting at the same target. Same resulting firepower but greater accuracy and faster accuracy gain for the soldiers.
Erm... Don't worry, I do the same thing. :unsure:


The stun raid trick is invaluable for remedying that. Of course, that is an exploit so YMMV.
I agree. I often raid the Cult but I never do the stunning trick. That's really a bug exploit and destroy the fun for me.


Can you dodge missiles? How, running sideways? I have to try it.
You can dodge anything as long as you specifically tell your soldiers to move the right way and the target is far away enough. ;)

Japo 07-02-2012 01:01 AM

I've read about stun raids on the wiki, and although they look like a cheat and boring and I don't plan to do them, you could possibly argue that they're not a meta-game exploit, but just another corrupt practice of just another Mega-Primus cartel, that is XCOM, who as an officially authorized monopolist of enforcement is able to trample on other cartels' rights and they have nowhere to appeal. I'm not saying the game makers intended it, of course. ;) But I guess if the stun trick prevents the worsening of your relations with that cartel it's an explot.


Eagle of Fire 07-02-2012 02:35 AM

Naw, it is really a bug and an exploit. You see, you can raid any organization this way. Normally attacking and raiding an organization would net you a huge reputation loss but if all you do is stun the guards you'll still collect their equipment without the guards reporting you as hostile for the encounter. So all you get is a slight decrease in reputation because you raided the place without finding Aliens.

That clearly was not meant to be.

Darabka 16-02-2012 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by DiamondSoul (Post 25167)
I think we might need some sort of a guide that will explain the basics of the game. I've played X-com 1&2 for a long time, but I can't understand a single thing of what's going on in this one... :blink:

I could of not have said it better. I played X-com extensively and loved it. Apocalypse seems to have added unnecessary complexity. I love how you can now set your movement so that you have not to do snap shot AND duck, that was a great innovation. I don't know how to send your troop transport ATV to a crashed UFO (Something so basic should be simple, I could understand everything else). Still its a true X-com game, but not as good as the previous too, with some polish it could have been a gem.

Also how is the real time option. I haven't tried it out yet, but Im afraid that it might be a mess. Any Thoughts?

Eagle of Fire 16-02-2012 03:38 PM

To send your transport to a downed UFO you simply need to go in map mode and select the transport ufo interception button. I don't remember which one exactly but you should be able to do it easily. Simply don't forget that the smaller UFOs don't have an Alien crew so if you see your transport get there and return immediately then you don't need to worry: you'll still recover the downed craft and everything in it.

The problem with Apocalypse is that the game really only been balanced for real time. They worked on this aspect of the game in priority and then added turn based only to appease the fans. But if you really want to play Apocalypse to its full potential you don't have much of a choice than to go real time.

The game is still great... But I started to enjoy this game only after I began to take it as a game which is not related to X-com 1 and 2.

The Fifth Horseman 16-02-2012 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Darabka (Post 439743)
I don't know how to send your troop transport ATV to a crashed UFO (Something so basic should be simple, I could understand everything else).

Only flying vehicles can be sent on UFO recovery.

Nuggista 20-02-2012 08:15 AM

I was a huge fan of X-Com 1 and 2. And have sunk days of play into it.

I've tried to get into playing Apocalypse at least 10 times over the last 15 years, but I've always bounced after 15 mins of play.

Apocalypse was a sad sequel in my opinion.

zirkoni 20-07-2014 01:02 PM

I can't start a mission.

I click on the crashed UFO to send my troops (in a flying vehicle) to the crash site but the mission never starts. When I click the UFO the line that shows the path my vehicle takes doesn't become red as it should but stays yellow as shown in the screenshot:

And this is not the 1st time this has happened either.

Is this a common bug in the game and is there some way to fix it or prevent it from happening? Or maybe there's an alternative way to start the mission?

marko river 20-07-2014 08:30 PM

Did you sign a temporary truce with aliens?

Just kiddin' :) Sorry but no idea. I finished this version from abandonia without problems

zirkoni 22-07-2014 03:31 PM

Guess I'll just have to ignore this crashed UFO then, again...

marko river 23-07-2014 12:17 AM

Which is very bad since those crashed UFOs are really important... Well, not necessary to beat the game, but you loose some fun for sure. Can you at least get some of them, or all of them same behavior?

The Fifth Horseman 23-07-2014 08:51 AM

IIRC this happens with unmanned UFOs? Double check if there are troops in your vehicle too.

marko river 23-07-2014 11:48 AM

YES! 5th is correct. If it is early in the game, small UFOs are more often than big ones. Small ones are unmanned and there cannot be any battle with your squads. IIRC you can only "collect" them for later research. You need vehicle with some sort of cargo, not sure which one exactly.

zirkoni 23-07-2014 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by marko river (Post 460580)
Can you at least get some of them, or all of them same behavior?

Yes I can. This has happened about 4 times during the game, which is only a small percentage of all the UFOs I've destroyed.


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 460583)
IIRC this happens with unmanned UFOs? Double check if there are troops in your vehicle too.

Definitely not an unmanned UFO, it's one of those huge alien battleships. And my own vehicle is manned also. In fact I had this UFO and another crash earlier, sent my troops to the other UFO, played the mission, returned to base and then tried this one.


Originally Posted by marko river (Post 460584)
YES! 5th is correct. If it is early in the game, small UFOs are more often than big ones. Small ones are unmanned and there cannot be any battle with your squads. IIRC you can only "collect" them for later research. You need vehicle with some sort of cargo, not sure which one exactly.

I'm only a few missions away from completing the game. So, I can "safely" ignore this UFO because I don't really need any points or alien equipment to sell for money.

Just wanted to know if there's a way to fix it since it's damn annoying when it happens in the beginning of the game. Taking down a UFO always costs you some money (and possible makes some organisations hostile) and when you can't start the mission you loose all the equipment you could sell or research.

Tried ignoring that UFO but now the fast forward button doesn't work. Maybe crashed alien battle/motherships are a special case which prevent you from using the fast forward (forcing you to deal with them)?

I can put the game on quadruple speed and then DOSBox to fast forward but it would still take several hours to finish a day in the game (and you'd have to keep the fast forward buttons pressed all the time).

Sigh, guess there's no other way than to revert back to an earlier save. :cry:

EDIT: Reverted to an earlier save, shot down the same UFOs again and everything works now. Seems like some kind of bug corrupted the game at some point which caused my problems...

OpenApoc is an open source remake of XCom3 (like OpenXCom for XCom1&2). The project is still very much under development but it was playable the last time I checked. I'm not sure if the game can be finished in OpenApoc yet.

Japo 06-03-2019 08:24 AM

I am playing this now. :D I had never got into it even though I loved the first X-com. Like many other people I found this game hard to start learning. I'm not sure why it feels so unwelcoming; once you take the effort to learn and start playing, you realize how similar the combat and base management engines are to the previous games.

All in all I'd say it's not a bad X-com game, other than this startup feeling, and the fact that the graphics SUCK so badly. I've seen the screenshots of this OpenApoc look much better, dunno if it's finished enough to play to the end. I might look at it for later replays.

I don't mind the city scenario, although I miss the global planet scape. The dystopian background politics are a very nice addition. I even found this fun play journal written as fan fiction.

I'm playing turn based tactics, even though I realize it makes some enemies much harder, such as brain suckers and hyperworms. I think real time might be ok and fun but would push me to band my soldiers together, while I like to save time by dividing them in 3 or 4 teams to scout the locations. I can't see myself managing separate squads in real time, scrolling back from one to the other as they are done moving; perhaps I just have to try it. I wish there was the option to switch back from turn-based to real-time in the middle of the battle, not just chosing either at the start.

I like that the starting Megapol armor is much tougher and gives my guys much better survivability than in X-com 1, specially at the start.

Just started kicking alien and Sirian ass, almost no technology... Like Trump says, "we'll see how it goes." :p

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