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Romano 11-12-2008 06:21 PM

My dear friends!

Scatty 11-12-2008 07:18 PM

Uhh, I'm not sure what exactly happened there, but I don't think it's really very correct to ban such a long-time and dedicated member as Romano only for helping out. Of course I have no knowledge of what really happened there, so it's only my opinion as a stranger from the side and it probably doesn't weigh much but a simple warning or something like that would probably be more appropriate for a first-time occurence.

TheChosen 11-12-2008 07:36 PM

If this thread spawns another argument, I'l.....well. I'l just get more sadder.

Horseman, Romano....stop it.


All of as are dedicated to only one goal, that is to make Abandonia a place where somebody who come, would be attracted to come again!
For the last few days, clearly, you haven't gone for this direction. Your threads, the Seb's and Horseman's arguing, your fight for the "good"..etc. makes me want to leave this place. I could, actually. The HG101 forum has been drama-free for as long as I can remember, and there's some very smart people in there too.

Whats with you?! I know you're not hostile, nor you're acting like a hostile person, but now you're just plain annoying! Whats your goal with this? You want Horseman to leave? You want him to stop admin-stuff? Be straight. Enough of this freedom of speech shit (Im using swear words now, which indicate that Im angry).

Now that I got that out of my system, and while Im at it, I'l rant up at Horseman too.

You know, your idea of moderating the forums, removing the inappropriate threads, is crap. You want to show that Abandonia is nice, clean place, where we dont tolerate assholes. That fine with me, but why remove threads/posts? That doesnt mean we dont tolerate shit, that just means we sweep bad things under the rug. If someone crosses the line, the best choice is to publicly address to the thread/post, warn/punish the perpetrators and lock threads, if necessary. If you remove something, it only causes further questioning, argumenting and confusion.

If you intent to remove this thread for any purpose, youre making a wrong move. This thread hasnt violated anything, its not an (direct) attack against anyone nor its something that should be discussed "in secrecy". This is something that should be addressed in public, that both of you are acting childish/wrong. You two have caused nothing but two days of stupidity. Instead of arguing, you could have helped me with the Ghostbuster game, getting it to work or maybe something else constructive. Youre making this forum a bad place. Youre making me and some of us want to leave.

In fact, If both of you, or Seb or Arete (shame on you two for taking sides and shame on you Seb for taking this thing forward) or anyone else, continues this argumenting, I will leave. Call it childish, but I call it Ultimatum. Then you'l have another moderator, friend, gamer and game-updater gone.

The whole thing appearantly started when Pigggy crossed the line and caused argument. Now, Pigggy was banned briefly, he had his punishment and is now back. Done! Kaput! Now, shut the fuck up.

I have spoken, and to prevent anything, I lock this thread. Please Romano, dont start anything new threads and please Horseman, just stay quiet.

The Fifth Horseman 11-12-2008 08:29 PM

Let's keep this topic open and see how it goes.

Romano 11-12-2008 08:36 PM


Freyja 11-12-2008 11:44 PM

I almost agree with TheChosen.... except that I don't think this should be dealt with publicly. Some members here are acting very childishly...
I don't believe anybody's trying to harm the site on purpose. I just think people should handle stuff differently. This is a real turnoff... If I were a new member but not a returning old member here now, I'd have logged off and cleared the site from my history. But I know there are some great people here and that's why I'm hesitating... but I'll leave again if it continues like this.

AlumiuN 11-12-2008 11:44 PM

*whistles* I don't think I've seen Chosen that angry before...

Well, obviously, some heavy crap went down here that, as usual, I am oblivious to. Because I'm not sure what happened, I mean no offense in this, but, in all seriousness, I think maybe you were being a little over-the-top, Chosen, but I do have to agree with you. In all honesty, I think that now that Blood_Pigggy has 'served his sentence', seeing as that is what has apparently caused the problems here, that we should stop this puerile infighting and forget about it. Move forward. I can see that there is more to this than I know or understand, but from a neutral and mostly uniformed position, it simply seems like this was created over a user who has commonly overstepped the line, and commonly been punished for this - and therefore should be as swiftly forgotten about as with before and we should move forward as a community. No-one gains anything out of this, and, as you can see, it simply annoys those who have to put up with it, in this case TC. We are all valued members of this forum, and to even have the possibility of losing one or more is simply not worth the arguments.

And, unlike any other posts I've made of this nature, where I would make a cynical, self-referential comment here, I'm not going to. I'm serious, and whatever is going on, with all due respect, I suggest that for the future of this community, it ends.

Eagle of Fire 11-12-2008 11:47 PM

I always been against the dissidents forum. Is it that hard to understand how come our way of thinking clash when you also happen to be the closest we can have to the dissidents spokeman on this forum?

'nuff said. I don't have time for pointless debates right now.

Dino 12-12-2008 12:07 AM

There is no more dissident forum, EoF. Thus, nobody can be dissidents' spokesman.

Everyone needs to chill out, settle your differences privately and let the site prosper. After all, isn't that what we are all here for. To make Abandonia place where one can relax, enjoy and chat peacefully.

Titan 12-12-2008 12:12 AM

omg... not again...

Start to remond me of teen girls talking trash in 8:th grade behind eachothers back, and thinking it's all life and death.

It's an internetforum!

I'm staying the heck out of thisone, as usual.

Dino 12-12-2008 12:16 AM

Oh my, who do we have here?

And as ever, you're right. Hope to see more of your presence here.

Titan 12-12-2008 12:21 AM

I've always been arround, but i've moved to beeing a reader more then a writer...
But, as most of us, the whole Studentis-deal caused me to loose the spark realy.

Eagle of Fire 12-12-2008 12:48 AM

To be frank Titan, I have no idea what is Romano problem either. I am sure he would have been booted out of this place if he wasn't Kosta relative...

Being directly targeted in the first post made me react. No doubt it was for stating the obvious in another thread started by Romano...

arete 12-12-2008 05:50 AM

You're no friend to me and mine. :notrust: I agree with Chosen. This community is busy being ruined, and you're the one who's doing it.

Sebatianos 12-12-2008 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by AlumiuN (Post 344659)
We are all valued members of this forum, and to even have the possibility of losing one or more is simply not worth the arguments.

I'll just quickly reply to this part, although I think you make a lot of sense in your post generally.

Losing one or more members... yes, that's the point. There should never be a loss of members due to some arguing. But once it happens that hard-working, contributing and long time members are starting to leave, somethings have to be resolved. Until now they have always just been swept under the rug.

On a further note...
'serving a sentence' of temporary bans... if they're not such a big thing to get upset about it, why are they even issued and what's their purpose anyway?
I mean, da you really think they have the power to transform a user into becoming a different person, or are they simply annoying and frustrating to the person who got banned?
I can assure you that unless a person really feels he/she did something wrong, any form of punishment is pointless, since it will only frustrate the person.
On the other hand if the person realizes his/her mistake, no punishment is needed.

Of course there are cases where it is good that people in fear of punishment don't do certain things... A person might be angry enough to shoot you, but in the fear of haveing to carry the consequnces of murder, he/she does not shoot. But those are only extreme cases and it is questionable even in those cases if it is really this fear that prevents a person from acting upon impulse.

But surely forcing people to behave in any way through the element of fear is not (or at least I hope that people agree with me on this statement) acceptable.
Not to mention that this form of internet punishment is also not really harsh enough to be all too effective. Worst case scenario - you can't use a ceretain website, there are plenty more.
Yet there have been several member who left because of such things in the past... the earliest I remember was Yamcha, after the warns were implemented (for those who don't remember, or weren't here at the time, there was a little warn meter under the user's name, that showed how many times and how severely that person was warned and broke the rules).
Interesting enough that prior to all that this site had a lot of fun... but afterwards, people got warnings for so many different things... I mean, posting in good humor itself got risky. You could get warns for bringing old threads back to life, for making new threads if there were old ones (which you couldn't reopen anyway) to talk about something... So generally if you weren't there the first time around, you couldn't talk about certain things.

Lucky for the site the things have eased up, but I'm guessing here we go again, hopefully for the last time now.

And just to mention a few names of people who are gone and were in one way or another involved in such fights in the past...

Yamcha, Fawfulhasfurry, Wormpaul, Wendymarrie, Anubis, Kon-Tiki, Indignus IV (sure, he came with bells on, but one of the first things he started doing was to review games)... and those people never returned (there were others who left but came back), which is a loss for the site.

OK, so I wasn't as brief as I thought I'd be...

The Fifth Horseman 12-12-2008 09:29 AM


On a further note...
'serving a sentence' of temporary bans... if they're not such a big thing to get upset about it, why are they even issued and what's their purpose anyway?
A very strong warning for that person to stop their actions before a permament ban has to be issued - an equivalent to a bucket of cold water. And giving them time to calm down and reconsider their actions.
If you don't see point in that, I'll change it so that the third warning equals a permament ban. Makes no difference to me whatsoever.


But surely forcing people to behave in any way through the element of fear is not (or at least I hope that people agree with me on this statement) acceptable.
Not forcing them to behave in any single way. Forcing them to not behave in certain specific ways. Which, as it happens, is exactly how something called "law" operates.

Scatty 12-12-2008 09:32 AM

I think I have to agree that issuing bans or threats of any kind for doing some things that weren't meant to be offending in the first place, doesn't really serve the meant purpose on the "offending" person. I mean, ok there are sticky threads that should tell where every kind of post belongs and more, but there're always people who don't notice them at all.
And I also have to agree with Seb, the forum was more entertaining before that warn system, and I know many forums which have a lot more members and number of posts but where the mood can also be more relaxed and without fear of posting a wrong thing in a wrong place.

GTX2GvO 12-12-2008 09:32 AM

Can I kindly ask..


I have absolutely NO clue on the actual problem and it seems I now have a TheChosen on my own board who practically refuses to get back here..!!
(from what I understood of his post there)

Where the HELL is this unified front of admins and moderators when HALF of the people don't even know what this issue is ACTUALLY about!?

It's like beng sent to a war without being told weither you're fighting for the freedom of people or for the opression of people!

So what is all this actually about AND...


Scatty 12-12-2008 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by GTX2GvO (Post 344692)

I think I can tell you that. It will end when all of the members here stop seeing the mistakes of each other and will try to see things in a more relaxed way, together with the interest of aiding Abandonia in being what it was supposed to be - a nice and welcoming place for everyone interested in classic games and searching to talk about them or for help in playing them.
It's not about own hurt interests here after all, but about Abandonia and us helping out with it in which ever way possible. Or at least it was intended that way in the first place.

Sebatianos 12-12-2008 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by GTX2GvO (Post 344692)
It's like beng sent to a war without being told weither you're fighting for the freedom of people or for the opression of people!

Excellent. Now that's something I want to quote - may I?

The Fifth Horseman 12-12-2008 10:01 AM


HALF of the people don't even know what this issue is ACTUALLY about!?
Fine. You'll have a public announcement about it later today. PUBLIC public.

gregor 12-12-2008 10:52 AM

Law. heh... Laws are sometimes bent. ever had a policeman not giving you a ticket for speeding because you went 3kph over the limit?I have a different approach to banning and warnings. I mean really 95% of population uses the appliance before reading the manual, so how can you expect people to read and follow the forum rules to point?

Ugh things like necroposing as much as it can be annoying it also quite normal thing to do. I am just thinking what would happen if i kicked one of my client because they asked me a question that is explained or because i already told them that or warned them of that.

meh... i think people should chill. like titan said it's only a forum, not someone's life. or is it?

edit: take it "cum grano salis"

Japo 12-12-2008 04:16 PM

Holy shit this is intense. Look I know you don't need me to tell you to be friends, because if you could you would, and everybody has said it already. What I can tell you is that these differences--whatever they are, because I don't know the story--are too strong, period.

I've dwelt a couple of forums and nowhere have I found the kind of arguing you find over here again and again. Perhaps Abandonia made a mistake when heavy differences were allowed within the admin ranks. In other forums I've seen disagreeing admins and mods depart, sometimes with a handshake, sometimes with a door slam. But the admin ranks are not like the whole community: their primary aim is not to bring incompatible people together, but to function, so that the site functions and brings people together.

Tulac 12-12-2008 04:36 PM

No I think you're wrong. I'm a mod on a much bigger forum, and most of its members are under 20, and some mods can't stand each other and there are conflicts from time to time, but even that is not as bad as this.

arete 12-12-2008 04:58 PM

I think in a way this explosion happening was a good thing (in most other ways not, of course) but maybe the fact that we all have so much invested in the place emotionally is part of the problem. We need to sort out hierarchies. People need to know where they stand. You can't have staff members constantly undermining leadership decisions in public, and the fact that the head is missing while the shoulders keep the place going is the root of the problem. Not to mention the total lack of interest from Studentis, the official owners of the brand... Maybe it's good this has been aired. Probably not, but I still feel the way it was done was dirty and underhand, and that's why I was so angry.

Japo 12-12-2008 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tulac (Post 344775)
No I think you're wrong. I'm a mod on a much bigger forum, and most of its members are under 20, and some mods can't stand each other and there are conflicts from time to time, but even that is not as bad as this.

I still don't think it's good anyway. And over there you probably didn't take the discussion this far, over here it's been taken to actions.

Also there are several factors interacting, namely leadership absence as Arete points out. A site can drop dead if depleted of visitors, but if it lacks the leader it will get numb.

I'm an admin in another site where the leader went missing and the site functions wishlist is frozen, and that sucks, but there are no conflicts between us and when doing the work we can, nothing like this can possibly happen.

I'm also a mod in the forum of a big software company, and they wouldn't tolerate this shit for a second--not that I can picture this happening over there to begin with. And with the plain users they're far nicer than any private community forum you could possibly think of (the worst offence over there is noob bashing--since the company isn't interested in customers being scared away when not 133t enough). And no the company doesn't have to police the mods at all, we are best buddies on our own, it's as simple as filtering people before considering them for modship, even though it's ourselves who appoint new mods--but we don't accept requests, we just invite someone and if he doesn't accept we go for the following one.

Spoonman 12-12-2008 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Tulac (Post 344775)
No I think you're wrong. I'm a mod on a much bigger forum, and most of its members are under 20, and some mods can't stand each other and there are conflicts from time to time, but even that is not as bad as this.

It's more intense on a forum like this because it's smaller. Throw a rock in the ocean and nothing severe happens. Throw it in a glass of water and well.. your desk will probably get wet and possibly covered with shards. (I'm sure there's a better allegory for that, but what the heck :P)

Small communities are much more personal, and I think that's why emotions can intensify like this. I've been there myself as an admin on a different forum, which had lost some animo during endless discussions (like these, although I am as oblivious of anything going on as most of the relative newbies here), people growing old, forum changes. It's pretty much life on the internet, but if you manage to take it relative you can still enjoy it as much as ever.

AlumiuN 12-12-2008 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Spoonman (Post 344787)
It's more intense on a forum like this because it's smaller. Throw a rock in the ocean and nothing severe happens. Throw it in a glass of water and well.. your desk will probably get wet and possibly covered with shards. (I'm sure there's a better allegory for that, but what the heck :P)

That is a brilliant allegory. I must remember that one. I have seen one forum have similar things happen (not naming any names) that would have been roughly the same size as this, and constant quibbling over small, almost irrelevant things led to an entire next-gen game being scrapped and constant infighting between two conflicting groups of moderators. They didn't address such a crisis in the open like this, and so I couldn't stand it any more and left.
Using the allegory, in this case the shards of glass effectively cut the major arteries of the rock thrower. The site still continues, but there is always some hostility among the members. As such, I'm glad that we are able to discuss this, and hopefully not fall prey to the same fate as said forum. Which, thanks to this discussion, falling prey looks unlikely. :)

Eagle of Fire 12-12-2008 11:48 PM

I am not a newbie and I certainly don't know much about what is going on right now.

Here is what I see at the moment: Romano is an anarchist who's been trying for a long time now to recruit people on this forum who already follow his way of thinking or to convert them to his way of thinking. That by itself would be a bannable offense for me, but I know he's a relative to Kosta and that the end of time would come before he get removed or banned.

Then, there is a discussion on this thread about rules and such, of which I really have no idea from where it is originating from. But I've read people saying that rules are not good because they are not actually having an effect on the targeted person, and that's ridiculous. Laws are not made as to penalize or make the target realize what they did, laws are made to protect those who actualy understand why they are following them. Banning someone is simply the last step in taking that person away so he/she stops disturbing the community after being warned.

Having people like BP or Romano going unchecked simply serve the opposite to law: people see that they can get away with things which are usualy banned or repressed and they start to think that it's either OK to do it or they start doing it themselves. That is a very dark path to follow, and if left unchecked would eventualy lead to anarchy.

Romano post in this thread is one which I believe is very intelligent. He is calling upon the big guns on this forum for help. But help for what exactly? He wants me to call him friend? Why would I do that? I always opposed his views, actively or secretly. His gift economy site? I find it ridiculous. His concept on increased liberties on the 'net? I find it ludicrous.

Freedom of speech is fine... But when you begin to disturb a community so much as it turn it in turmoil, there is a big problem which need to be solved right away. That's why there is Admins around in the first place.

I must say very frankly that I became to like this place less and less in the last year. But it would certainly be mainly because of the acts of a few people, not because of the way it's run.

DoomYoshi 13-12-2008 05:23 AM

Seriously, Romano is just a crazy old man. How can you take him seriously? Oh well, he's an anarchist. I read his posts with a grain of salt. If you can't look past his beliefs to the core of what he is saying there really is a problem. Not with him. I have some Mormon friends. Anarchism makes about as much sense as being a Mormon but I tolerate them because they are gifted mathematicians. Romano provides stuff. Even on the most fundamental and greedy level, one should realize he is useful. I can't actually remember useful stuff he has contributed outside of gaming but that is the point I suppose.

As for Blood-Piggy, I would like you to forget everything you know about him for a moment. Then go and read the PC-Man review. Read the forum discussion after it. It is proof that he is a total idiot. But I'll be damned if that isn't some of the finest writing on AB. These days, I suppose that stuff qualifies for a ban. But it's priceless. Then, go watch his AB videos. I dunno. I suppose he took a turn for the worse in this past month or so, but he was antagonized.

This is sheer silliness. By the way did I miss the Public announcement? I am never on when all the big chatboxers are at it so I miss a lot:(

Lulu_Jane 13-12-2008 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by DoomYoshi (Post 344828)
dunno. I suppose he took a turn for the worse in this past month or so, but he was antagonized.

I agree. I also agree it's all gotten silly.

AlumiuN 13-12-2008 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by DoomYoshi (Post 344828)
By the way did I miss the Public announcement? I am never on when all the big chatboxers are at it so I miss a lot:(

AFAIK there hasn't been one yet. So much for today. :D

EDIT: Well, I found some arguing involving Fifth and Seb. Start at midday (page 14 when I posted this) in the Chatbox Archive.

GTX2GvO 13-12-2008 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by DoomYoshi (Post 344828)
This is sheer silliness. By the way did I miss the Public announcement? I am never on when all the big chatboxers are at it so I miss a lot:(

The Public announcement starts from around Here and pretty much outlines the situation.

Yes. @ a certain point (when Seb joins in) they are on the point to sidetrack away from explaining and back into argumenting against each other, but you WILL get a more decent grasp of the situation after reading this..
(And it's quite a read through, so take your time)

Eagle of Fire 13-12-2008 04:38 PM

Are all the problems originating from the shoutbox?

That chat mostly only been trouble ever since it went live. :(

arete 14-12-2008 12:32 PM

The problem wasn't in chatbox. The problem was mods not getting on, and doing it publicly instead of burying their differences for the good of the team. In any case, the boil has been lanced (in Troll, "The volcano has exploded") and at least the air is clear, if sulphurous.


Originally Posted by DoomYoshi (Post 344828)
dunno. I suppose he took a turn for the worse in this past month or so, but he was antagonized.

I think _r.u.s.s assumed I was somehow out to get Pigggy, whereas the Pigg and I have had a fun-hate relationship for some time, as we're both South African and therefore can indulge in swearing at each other in Afrikaans, which for us is the equivalent of knock-knock jokes. In any case, I think this mess was going to happen eventually: When you have massive personality clashes you don't have a team that works well anyway. What annoyed me is that Romano had no right to get Seb to remove our admins. No right at all. Only Kosta or Studentis have that right. It's a theft of prerogative. BIG time. But now I guess I'm over it; if they wreck the place, they'll have to answer for it.

Masterofmymind 14-12-2008 05:27 PM

pardon me, i know i'm probably a bit out of my league, only having been a member of this forum for.. -checks watch- an hour and a half, but i've been through more guild/outfit/clan drama than i care to recall, and know a thing or two about how to stop it.

everyone, shut up and go listen to some bob marley. stop taking shit so seriously, stop with the he said she said, stop with the internet pursefight. all you're doing is ruining each other's days, and giving unrelated people something to laugh about for roughly a week.

none of this matters. both sides, admit you were wrong, and move on. otherwise, you'll just end up tearing each other to itty bitty peices, and taking a wonderful forum with you.

now, someone post a funny youtube video or something. let's get on with our lives.

Masterofmymind 14-12-2008 05:29 PM

in fact, i think i have just the video:

(if you've got kids present that havent learned the word f-k yet, i'd suggest removing them from earshot.)

arete 14-12-2008 05:46 PM

*rolls around laughing* Pursefight? Beautiful image. *people owning each other with handbags* All in favour of closing this thread, say aye.

Masterofmymind 14-12-2008 05:52 PM


dunno why the mod reopened it in the first place.

The Fifth Horseman 14-12-2008 07:51 PM

Mod closed it. Admin reopenend it.
Knowing Romano, he'd just start two new ones in its place anyway, and complain about "restricting free speech" for the entire next week.

So if he loves free speech that much, this topic is going to stay open regardless how badly he's burned in it.
Like I said, no more Mr. Nice Admin.

PS. This isn't just a bit of "drama". Romano and Sebatianos took the site hostage. They'd probably do the same with the forum if it didn't have a separate database.

Sebatianos 14-12-2008 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Masterofmymind (Post 344920)
everyone, shut up and go listen to some bob marley. stop taking shit so seriously, stop with the he said she said...

:thumbs: All I ccan say is simply :thumbs:

Welcome to the site.

The Fifth Horseman 14-12-2008 08:08 PM

You forgot the important part.
Abandon real life all those who enter here!

Or was it perhaps...
Post freely and of your own will?


arete 14-12-2008 10:07 PM

Sorry, I changed it. Now it's Beware of the Nerds.

Sebatianos 15-12-2008 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 344936)
You forgot the important part.
Abandon real life all those who enter here!

Yup, this one might seem like something several peole around here have done...


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 344936)
Or was it perhaps...
Post freely and of your own will?


I can understand your laughing at it... wonder why :whistling:

arete 15-12-2008 01:02 PM

Stirring again, Didactikos? Maybe *I* should warn *you*.

:notrust: Trolls aren't welcome around here lately, or haven't you noticed?

The Fifth Horseman 15-12-2008 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sebatianos (Post 344959)
Yup, this one might seem like something several peole around here have done...

I can understand your laughing at it... wonder why :whistling:

I was just in mood to throw in some obscure horror references.
"Abandon hope all ye who enter here"
"I am Dracula, enter freely and of your own will"

Scatty 15-12-2008 02:29 PM

Come down, people. Being all grown up adults, I'm sure you can behave like ones too, without getting provocative and irresponsible :)
Besides you're looking silly, behaving like that, if you just could see yourself from the side. And that's not nice because I know you all as better people than that.

arete 15-12-2008 04:35 PM

Scatty, I agree. Personally I feel this thread is getting too trolled, and should be closed... *don't feed the trolls image* Peace is what everybody wants now... Or peeps are just going to start leaving. And I don't want that at all. :(

Sebatianos 15-12-2008 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by arete (Post 344960)
:notrust: Trolls aren't welcome around here lately, or haven't you noticed?

If every comment that isn't strictly on the topic, but can be seen as a humorous intermission is perhibited, the fun may die off... I have seen far too little of Horseman's humorous side, maybe that's a part of the problem as well.

Here, he has twice already shown that he knows how to have fun too :)

People are suppose to have fun too you know... and opening a new thread with an opening quote every time you want to make a little coment to bring a smile on the face of the reader wouldn't be all too practical either.

arete 15-12-2008 05:38 PM

*shrug* Sorry. You came across as a bit nasty, but maybe it wasn't intended. And Horseman's humorous side's been a bit preoccupied irl lately. So give all of us the benefit of the doubt. :p

Sebatianos 15-12-2008 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by arete (Post 344987)
So give all of us the benefit of the doubt. :p

We all each other, arete... since I'm guessing we shall still be all here and working together once the situation is cleared (counting the days until Kosta's plane lands in Zagreb and keeping fingers crossed).

Playbahnosh 15-12-2008 06:06 PM

Just what the HELL is going on here? :huh:

Bah, I don't have the time to read all the topics posted, but this doesn't make sense to me at all...

Japo 15-12-2008 07:41 PM

Don't feel aside, what I have found--shoutbox included--hasn't cleared the situation for me--and I've been here the whole time, have I? I'd ask something but since there's "peace" now and we're not to break it...

You promise? You'll be good fellas? No more sabotage, backstabbing and coups d'etat? Ooh cute. :bleh:

Seriously :confused:

Spoonman 15-12-2008 09:42 PM

I feel like hugging everyone, wheee :cheekkiss:


AlumiuN 16-12-2008 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Spoonman (Post 345000)
I feel like hugging everyone, wheee :cheekkiss:

Hug Fifth, I think he needs one. :D

dosraider 16-12-2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Spoonman (Post 345000)
I feel like hugging everyone, wheee :cheekkiss: ....

Keep your distance, punk.

Shrek 16-12-2008 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Playbahnosh (Post 344991)
Just what the HELL is going on here? :huh:

Bah, I don't have the time to read all the topics posted, but this doesn't make sense to me at all...

Like all the other fights before... And like all the other fights that are yet to come... We all should be having some fun around here, if not, then we are just wasting our time... :max:

Sebatianos 16-12-2008 01:15 PM

OMG... Shrek - you still here??? Say hi to Bruno too willya?

Frodo 16-12-2008 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by dosraider (Post 345036)
Keep your distance, punk.

Be nice, Dosraider, or my infamous army of Chickens will come for you. Mwahahahahahah.

sgtboat 16-12-2008 03:38 PM

Viewpoint from the kinda noob
This is absurd people. I have taken the time to read everything pertaining to this and its like my two kids bickering over some useless point. Ok both parties are wrong and right at times. A person should not preach here. Look if youre an anarchist cool, silly but cool ( i mean cmon in the total absence of any authority, only the smart mean and strong stupid people would rule. Its especially funny for a gamegeek to be an anarchist because geeks (usually) are not strong or mean and would be the first to get whacked)). But keep it to your dam self. You dont preach anarchy I wont preach Buddha, Fair right. Next Yall are taking this way too seriously, I come on this site for games and some light association with like minded people. Lets remember that People, Even though we all have differences......We also all came here for our love of Games and GAMESMANSHIP. Lets stop sniping at each other because of petty bullshit and remember what brought us all together in the first dam place.
I have to admit to a little bias here because horseman, alumiun and eagle of Fire have been the ones always there to help when I have Questions or problems. So Thanks yall Good lookingout.
However, as for banning etc. The only posts that should be removed are ones that are just too graphic or crude for the kids that come on this site ( like my son) other than that as intelleigent people we should welcome varying opinions ad if someone gets out of line, we as a group should jump on them with both feet. If you close a post cause its stupid I cant jump on and tell the offending person to stop being a Moron.

So I am saying it now Be calm, Be cool and remember all of our love for old games, this site and each other and STOP BEING MORONS AND ACT LIKE ADULTS. Sorry to shout but I am irritated.

TheChosen 16-12-2008 03:42 PM

Lets all put this behind and be friends again. Besides...

Christmas is coming!

Shrek 16-12-2008 05:14 PM

Yep, I'm still around, not as often as I used to be (been very busy :max:)
Unfortunately, I don't see Bruno very often... As you might remember, he was my brother-in-law, but he and my sister broke up about an year and a half ago, they got divorced, and Bruno moved away (it shouldn't be me telling you guys this, specially in this topic :whistling:). Nice to see you all still around too, and I'm sorry to hear that there's still some conflicts around :(

Guys, it's Christmas time - maybe some of you don't celebrate it, but I bet most people celebrates, if not Christmas, something similar - and the truth is: this is a time of peace and tolerance, you guys should at least try to be tolerant with each others... Like TC said, lets all put this behind and be friends again, or at least try to...

TC, I noticed from your avie you're coke addicted... here's something for you:
Stay cool, people :thumbs:

Now I have to run away from Frodo's "infamous army of Chickens"... I don't like chickens very much :bleh:

arete 16-12-2008 05:16 PM

I'm with Sarge. (btw, my great uncle was a flight engineer, flight sergeant 576 squadron, Lancaster bombers, WW2. Nice to meets you. Semper fidelis.) I also recommend everyone adding Sebastian Pedagogus to my ignore list. Because not only is he a disruptive influence, he acts and writes like a five year old. Just as the forum was settling down he dances in like a naked clown, p*ssing on everyone's battery again. Anarchist in control? That means he believes in authority. That means he's a traitor to his own beliefs. Can anyone say points of tension? I'll believe what he says when he acts it out. He should renounce all control he has and bugger off. This is getting bloody childish. If russ wanted to get his panties in a knot over a two day ban that Pigggy himself didn't give a sh*t about, that's his problem. No one's banned him and no one shall. He's welcome to his opinions, but as a member of staff, opening a thread that said '---- you' to the admin staff in 3xBlah before flouncing off in a huff was downright detrimental to this community. We don't need snakes in the garden. And I count the kindergarten Croat in that estimation for his forked tongue. And this is the last I'm commenting on the issue. Romano is a fool if he thinks he's endeared himself to Kosta by stealing admin power in this way. And at this point, considering how Seb's projecting negative motives onto Horseman, my guess is he's the one who wants control over all this. Pretty forum, hey, Seb? You couldn't build one of your own so you stole this one. Congratulations, we're proud. Look how you've stuffed up this community... You must sit behind your keyboard cackling and rubbing your hands together. You just love upsetting people and then taunting them till they lose it. Does it ease your real life inadequacies? Does it make you feel powerful? You've created Inferno. I hope it devours you. Slugs should be salted till they curl up and die. I feel like destroying you. Which goes against my every principle... But someone has to stand up to the beast. Someone has to look it in the eye. You should leave. No one wants you here. No one who knows you, anyway. And quite a few of us are finding out why, the hard way.

Shrek 16-12-2008 05:19 PM

And I thought this was close to and end :doh:
Oh well...:(

Lulu_Jane 16-12-2008 05:22 PM

Way to stir up the muck again.

I love how people keep posting that everyone should be nice to each other and get along, but then follow it up by insulting whichever particular person they think is in the wrong.

Luchsen 16-12-2008 05:22 PM

I just fell in love with the temperament of this woman three posts above. :love:

Tulac 16-12-2008 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Lulu_Jane (Post 345078)
I love how people keep posting that everyone should be nice to each other and get along, but then follow it up by insulting whichever particular person they think is in the wrong.

I second this.

And I'm loving all these "it's not for me, it's for the benefit of the site" motos.

The Fifth Horseman 16-12-2008 06:30 PM

I'll put it quite bluntly.
Several hours ago, Seb took it even further - he used his control over the main site to hijack control over my account.

Since he stooped that low, he shouldn't be surprised what the results will be for him.

bobson 16-12-2008 06:39 PM

War. War never changes.

Japo 16-12-2008 09:43 PM

I didn't want to say more since I don't have the full story but firstly as Horseman reports it's not over, hardly time to forget or get along since one side is taking its offences further instead of backing off.

Also Arete was very brave so I don't want to leave her and Horseman alone when everyone is being as nice as the Pope by telling us to turn the other cheek, or whatever. Sebastianos says we should get along and in the meantime he commits further sabotage. Arete says his tongue is forked. Well I could be sorry but until Sebastianos tells me something I don't know--and Sebastianos hasn't disputed the crucial accusations AFAIK--I say Arete is right on spot. The same goes for the title of this topic, spoken even while the coup was on due course.

About the ideology stuff, I don't want to get too into detail, and lend an opportunity for the topic to be taken astray--specially to those who would avoid to answer the questions at hand. But revolutionaries crave power, period. They need it to exert their changes that for them are a matter of life or death. There's no difference between the most idealistic and afable one and Robespierre, given the opportunity. "The passion for destruction is also a creative passion", said a psycopath called Bakunin, the prophet of anarchism.

I agree this is childish, however not discussing it, but starting it, and in a games website for that matter. The fact that they can't leave this site alone and apply their ideals to their own site, and they can't help coming here and ruining our F###### LEISURE time, proves that they crave control over everything not theirs.

Sebastianos was already involved in serious offences and was banned for a long time. Allowing him back needn't have been a mistake, but giving him admin powers was utter folly. If Russ's affair was enough excuse to start this aggression that's proof that an anomality isn't needed for them to start their crap. Personally I don't have any personal issue with Sebastianos nor Romano and will use normal cordiality if I talk to them again, but that's what I think about their deeds here, based on what I know--and yes what I just said above is what I think about their ideals too, I'm not turning to hypocrite mode now.

A regular user can have any disagreements with the staff, but the staff must be a team. If you have factions in charge you have civil war. And yes, again civil war in a games website is childish, but what I want to know is who started it.

verek_22 16-12-2008 10:26 PM

We need to stop fighting. We are not helping anybody by bickering between ourselves.
I refuse to choose a side in this war. I just want Abandonia to get back on its feet again. Just stop fighting, its not fixing anything. This problem needs to be sorted out properly.

And TheChosen is right . . . Christmas! Come on . . . :nuts:

Romano 16-12-2008 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Japofran (Post 345102)
"The passion for destruction is also a creative passion", said a psycopath called Bakunin, the prophet of anarchism.

Do you have any argument to call him psychopath???
If you have some time please read his essay on <strong>Free Associatons</strong> :

Dino 17-12-2008 12:14 AM

This will go on forever, right? Oh, well...

I really don't want to discuss this neverending issue anymore. However, I couldn't help but notice how a person who has been a member since May 2008 (for slower, Arete) takes her/himself the right to bash one of the senior members of this board and, without any doubt, one that contributed the most to the site (for even slower, that's Sebatianos). I'll quote:


Originally Posted by arete (Post 345076)
You've created Inferno. I hope it devours you. Slugs should be salted till they curl up and die. I feel like destroying you. Which goes against my every principle... But someone has to stand up to the beast. Someone has to look it in the eye. You should leave. No one wants you here. No one who knows you, anyway. And quite a few of us are finding out why, the hard way.

Even more, addressing one of the people closely involved with the very creation of the site as "kindergarten Croat with a forked tongue"? Now, come on.

I'll put it this way. Arete, neither you know the history of personal relations on the site nor you have the insight on how much have some of the senior members contributed to the community (being a member for only 7 months). Ergo, you have absolutely NO RIGHT to do that. For God's sake, do something for the site you love so much and for the people you think you know so much about. Contribute, be constructive, anything at all.

In my book... It's an F, sit down.

Note: This is not me taking sides. It's just my two cents. Sincere two cents, that is.

arete 17-12-2008 12:57 AM

Dino, you're partly right, and so I believe an apology is due. I'm sorry I completely lost my temper again yesterday. But at the same time, you don't know the full story of what's been happening behind the scenes. I do only because of my involvement with Fifth. Suffice for it to say that I'd just found out our dear Sebatianos had entered Fifth's profile and read some of his pm's. He then had the effrontery to call Horseman a liar in chatbox to his face. In my book, that's a guy you simply don't shake hands with. The forked tongue meant I was tired of him saying hurtful things and acting as if he has the right to take this place over. I'm sorry if you feel I should be seen and not heard here, but I hate injustice and I *can't* shut up. I've even challenged the CEO of this company I work for on occasion, because he deserved it. Needless to say I never get Christmas bonuses, but neither do most of my colleagues.... I will not keep silent. I'm sorry I threw my toys out of the cot, but I've been under a lot of pressure lately. And Seb's latest action was the final straw. *grinds her teeth* See? I'm losing it again. Length of tenure doesn't give you the right to be a childish, disruptive, hurtful influence while lecturing everyone else on how they are control freaks. Nevertheless, I apologise for being offensive and calling Romano a fool. It seems he only thought he was doing what was best. The rest of it I could have delivered in a calmer tone of voice and with fewer insults, yes. But I meant every word otherwise. And I won't be intimidated just because I haven't been here long. I have as much right to an opinion as you or the guy who registered yesterday, so please, give me that courtesy.

Dino 17-12-2008 02:50 AM

No problem, Arete.

First things first. I don't know anything about someone being childish, reading each other PM's, going behind each other's back or whatever. That is because I grew tired of all this and lost interest in this whole issue. Thus, I don't really try hard to read through everything and to understand all that happened. It all became pointless long time ago. So, please understand that I actually don't want to know what happened behind the scenes. This whole thing is ridiculous, no matter who's wrong or right.

I believe every member of this board to have right to express his or hers opinion. In no way I meant to shut you up or minorize your rights as a short-term member. It's just that I wanted to point out huge (and I mean really huge) contributions that some of those people gave to the site and I wanted somehow to protect them. You know, some credit is due. Nevertheless, I guess I did it in quite clumsy way, so sorry about that.

Otherwise, continue expressing your opinions, challenging the authoritie, fight for your right and stick to your beliefs. That's the way it should be and, afterall, it's the way I like to do it. Hope there's no hard feelings.

Eagle of Fire 17-12-2008 03:52 AM


...of the senior members of this board and, without any doubt, one that contributed the most to the site (for even slower, that's Sebatianos)...
Sebastianos is like a Damocles sword. Nobody is ever going to remove from him the quantity of work he've put on this site. But remember this: he wasn't banned for a while for nothing either.

I refuse to place Sebastianos on the winning podium like you do. He deserve respect, but he sure don't deserve that.

AlumiuN 17-12-2008 08:23 AM

There is certainly no doubt in my mind that Sebatianos has been important to this site. If the figures are correct, he has contributed by far the most to this site. However, I also believe there is a fine, almost indeterminable line between freedom of speech and hostility. That line, while not necessarily not by much, has been crossed recently and several times before by various users including the aforementioned. There is always a certain amount of juggling that has to be done between contributions and arguing for said users. Although apparently he's taken himself out of the loop, so...

Icewolf 17-12-2008 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by TheChosen (Post 345065)
Lets all put this behind and be friends again.


Does anybody realise that one of the youngest participants just said the best thing there is to say?

arete 17-12-2008 08:29 AM

This one is wise beyond his years. The Farce is strong in him. :3:

Freyja 17-12-2008 08:48 AM

I have to agree with Dino...

Then there's one question I have, but I'm kind of afraid of asking it so I guess I'll wait a moment....

Tulac 17-12-2008 01:35 PM

No freyja we won't post naked pics of russ on this forum, so don't worry about that.

Freyja 17-12-2008 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Tulac (Post 345167)
No freyja we won't post naked pics of russ on this forum, so don't worry about that.


You know me so well....

Doink 28-12-2008 08:49 PM

Have't been paying much attention to the site in awhile:(. What happened with Sebatianos? who banned him? Why?

Dave 28-12-2008 09:03 PM

You'll find many answers here:

Eagle of Fire 28-12-2008 09:25 PM


What happened with Sebatianos? who banned him? Why?
You mean, what happened so that he'd get banned... Again?

Pretty much for the same reason than the first time. When you fudge around the site without asking anybody else oppinion and try to destroy what you and others have done since several years, it's normal that it trigger a negative response.

Doink 28-12-2008 09:44 PM

Okay, thanks for the link read some posts got bored.

to all those who posted get a life.

and good night.

Scatty 29-12-2008 09:44 AM

Hard but true nevertheless :p

arete 29-12-2008 12:09 PM

Capetonians are such friendly people... :amused: And he banned himself, akshully.

Doink 29-12-2008 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by arete (Post 346261)
Capetonians are such friendly people... :amused: And he banned himself, akshully.

Hey it was late and that whole thread seemed pretty stupid at the time...... actually in the morning it still does.

but i'm always ready for a revolution.

Umshini Wami,Umshini Wami....

Japo 29-12-2008 05:04 PM

Why not merge both? -_-

AlumiuN 30-12-2008 01:41 AM

Did Sebatianos actually ban himself, or did he just disappear?

The Fifth Horseman 30-12-2008 02:00 PM

He banned himself.

arete 30-12-2008 02:31 PM

Self-pwnage. XD

Kugerfang 30-12-2008 04:01 PM

What the hell happened here?

Luchsen 30-12-2008 04:13 PM

You can ban yourself in this thread. Just say: "I ban me!", and voila!

dosraider 30-12-2008 05:38 PM

"I ban me!":nuts:

Oooooooooooow shit, can someone unban me plz?

The Fifth Horseman 30-12-2008 06:52 PM

It's absurd, but people with site admin powers can demote or ban themselves.

Japo 30-12-2008 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 346443)
It's absurd, but people with site admin powers can demote or ban themselves.

You should have foolproof software like this:

LOL (True story.)

Grinder 30-12-2008 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Luchsen (Post 346401)
You can ban yourself in this thread. Just say: "I ban me!", and voila!

Funny, I always thought the only way to ban yourself was to advertise Viagra and make Titan notice. Man, I miss those nukes.

Titan 30-12-2008 09:29 PM

I'm just waiting for a good topic, but the bot-filter is too damn good, and TFH is too hyper active, so i never get to catch i live one :/ No fun in beating up dead fish.

Dead cows, is however much more fun!:thumbs:

punch999 30-12-2008 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Titan (Post 346475)
I'm just waiting for a good topic, but the bot-filter is too damn good, and TFH is too hyper active, so i never get to catch i live one :/ No fun in beating up dead fish.

Dead cows, is however much more fun!:thumbs:

Dude you scare me.

Grinder 01-01-2009 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Titan (Post 346475)
I'm just waiting for a good topic, but the bot-filter is too damn good, and TFH is too hyper active, so i never get to catch i live one :/ No fun in beating up dead fish.

Dead cows, is however much more fun!:thumbs:

When did you get that paintjob?

_r.u.s.s. 01-01-2009 12:19 PM

hmm yes when? nice makeup on the cheeks indeed

Titan 01-01-2009 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Grinder (Post 346602)
When did you get that paintjob?

We have two tatoo-artist in the team, so getting someone to make a little paintjob is no problems.
One guy got a custom "Hello Kitty" on the grip. Looks... strange.

Grinder 01-01-2009 11:00 PM

It's not like the "hooligan" doesn't look odd as well. But that smudgy dirt-type-stuff on the revolver drum looks kickass.

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