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Titan 23-06-2009 06:17 PM


Time for a little challange:

Studentis promised to set us up with a new Merchandise-provider...
But, we'r missing the most essential part: Our own design!

The only thing REQUIRED is that the adress (www. is optional) is part of the logotype.

This is just a heads up for now, and i'll have to get back to you about the exact speciafications with colors and dimentions.

We'll probably use 4 or 5 different logo's, so be creative!

Post ideas and drafts as attachments and let the discussion begin.

Keep unrellated chatter to a minimum please and let this topic be only for questions about it and ideas/comments!

Good luck!

arete 23-06-2009 07:53 PM

I want a tshirt that says Abandonia Crew. :) It should be black, I think, with gold writing. Not loom, though. And then we should have different formats. Like an rpg version with calligraphic script and an ornate inventory button, and an fps version with gun and health-bar. Too bad they can't do on-demand printing, because the memetic possibilities are endless. ^_^ (I'llshutupnow)

Dave 24-06-2009 11:54 AM

Nice idea, is it possible to use some of the old T-shirt designs?
They used actual site style/logos, pretty cool.

The Fifth Horseman 24-06-2009 03:51 PM

We want ppl to go crazy making new designs for new t-shirts.
Not reuse old stuff.

Dave 24-06-2009 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 372192)
We want ppl to go crazy making new designs for new t-shirts.
Not reuse old stuff.

Old stuff? Abandonia official logo and banners are old stuff?! :mhh:
I'm not saying to re-use the same T-shirts.

I mean this is a T-shirt for AB not for HOTU, can't we use our logo to make a T-shirt?

Titan 24-06-2009 04:22 PM

Ooooooooook..... I feel we need to be a bit more detailed.

This is a competition to have users post NEW logos that will be printed on our NEW merchandise, that will be avalible for SALE.

The Abandonia logo WILL be changed, but that is beside the point here, since we want 4 or 5 UNIQE designes.

Post the sugestions as the LOGO ONLY, not how it would look on a TShirt (dosraider = fail).

This is a SERIOUS competition, and WINNERS will be chosen.

Either we all contribute or Studentis will do this for us w/o any chanse of us having any say how they will look...

Dave 24-06-2009 04:30 PM

Ooooooook, it's clear NOW :perv:
How about an announcement on main page?
That would bring here many people ;)

Panthro 24-06-2009 05:25 PM

I vote for my avatar (but obv. a higher quality version)

Titan 24-06-2009 07:29 PM

Care to suply it?
How will you incoperate (www.)

Japo 24-06-2009 09:52 PM

You can just print it below the pic, that's very usual.

Panthro 24-06-2009 10:37 PM

What Japo said :)

I can possibly manage a better version, I'll certainly look into it.

Will just require a little time.

_r.u.s.s. 26-06-2009 11:36 AM

at first i thought cool, i'm gonna try some design out but after seeing that dosraider got his post removed and warned because of a joke, this totally turned me off. i don't know if someone has some personal problems in life (or needs to compensate his ego here). this place has changed a lot and came to home like cool atmosphere, now someone comes from lurking and starts locking threads, deleting posts and giving warns

make your design for yourself titan

arete 26-06-2009 12:14 PM

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe detente has been overturned.

Kugerfang 26-06-2009 12:31 PM

Word of the day:


Anyways, I could prolly make a design and put it on a texture in HL2 to see how good it looks.

arete 26-06-2009 02:24 PM

Yeah, in a mudwrestling match, Titan would so win, _r.u.s.s.

But you're prettier, you'll get points for that.

Titan 27-06-2009 11:43 PM

_r.u.s.s.: You are free to not compeat if you like, but this is not a JOKE competition. These are the logos that WILL represent Abandonia for a good while in the future, in media, on merchandise and other forms of interaction with the world.
My ego is just fine, don't worry.
Sorry if you can't handle the changes that will come, but the train is allready moving.

Kugerfang & arete: Keep chatter elsewhere, please.

Panthro: Any progress on finding a hi-res or do you have to redraw it from scratch?

Panthro 28-06-2009 07:58 AM

@Titan: I have a higher res pic, but it still needs a lot of polishing.

The question is, how long do I have? I think I can make a good job of it in about a week or so (all about finding the time to sit and photoshop it).

I'll post it here next weekend (or earlier depending on when I finish) and then we'll see if it's good enough! I am open to other people doing a better version, I could really do with a graphics tablet or something really. Using a mouse is a quite a bit slower.

(I also have no scanner, so can't just draw it by hand...)

[edit] what size would you like anyway?

Titan 28-06-2009 05:20 PM

A week or two is no problem, since we haven't even recive the specification from the distributer/store Studentis is arranging the contract with.

Regarding res. 300 DPI or more would be good to have something to work with.

arete 29-06-2009 06:50 AM

Except I "borrowed" the picture, so I'll replace it with a game sprite of some kind. Probably a badass girl in armour. ^_^

Dave 29-06-2009 12:38 PM

I won't waste this opportunity :p
This is a work in progress, I can improve it adding the text and other nice things. Just tell me if you like it.

IMPORTANT: Invader has been done pixel by pixel from beginning taking inspiration by old site design, so don't say "ehy this is the old logo" or I'll stab you with a pen :cigar:

Titan 29-06-2009 07:32 PM

arete: Good start, but i'd imagen that picture beeing copyrighted :/ Remake it as a pixle-drawing, and you have a great start!

Dave: Keep it going! Good job!

Dave 29-06-2009 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Titan (Post 372927)
Dave: Keep it going! Good job!

Thank you, I'm going ahead in spare time...I can't wait to finish it :3:

Japo 29-06-2009 10:26 PM

Another suggestion into the bucket: what about a reference to a game? It's copyrighted content... just like the files we offer for download. :P

For example what would you think about this image

edited by replacing the hourglass with the Invader (or whatever symbol that will represent AB), and adding the text:

"BEHOLD!" (in the black void below the arch)
"" (below the image)

Hi res is not an issue (just resize), :D and pixelized pixel art nowadays is fashionable again (at least where I live).

Dave 30-06-2009 11:44 AM

Ok, beta version:

I'm not fully convinced by the text and some people said the picture is too much overdone.
I can prepare a less detailed version, but I won't probably change the style since I like it :)

zirkoni 02-07-2009 11:23 AM

My suggestion, something I made up in a few minutes.

El Quia 02-07-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by zirkoni (Post 373449)
My suggestion, something I made up in a few minutes.

It's nice, but I don't think this could be easily appreciated in a t-shirt. It looks better for a banner or something like that.

Japo 05-07-2009 09:41 AM

My entry, suggestions welcome:

The hi-res version (click to view/download) is 20 megapixels big (obviously that's relevant for the lettering basically, since the images are originally and purposedly pixelized).

Panthro 12-07-2009 09:24 PM

Larger, updated version of my avatar

How's that looking guys?

Titan 15-07-2009 08:19 AM

Looks realy good! Do you have an uncompressed version of it aswell? (bmp, tiff, esp)

Panthro 15-07-2009 04:55 PM

I have it as a PSD, its almost 5MB though.

Titan 17-07-2009 05:05 AM

Perfect! If your contribution is one of those we'll use, we'll need an uncompressed (raw) picture in high resolution for the printing.

Anyone else having ideas on design? :)

The Fifth Horseman 17-07-2009 07:01 AM

Quite, but I can't post mine... hell, can't make it in the first place... as long as my PC is nonfunctional.

Sean 21-07-2009 04:07 PM

Heyas Guys,

I'm interested in giving this a go. I don't really work on Logo/T-Shirt design so it'll be a challenge for me. Always a good thing.

Could I get some more information, on what you actually need?


Some helpful information, would be:

Image Dimensions (Pixels,inches,etc)

Colour Mode

Colour Restrictions (Amount of colours, for instance - thinking of printing costs mainly)

Lastly, from what I understand you are asking for a Logo, or 'graphic' as opposed to a Whole T-Shirt design.

So I should aim to design say an 'Emblem' or some such that captures the spirit of Abandonia, and classic gaming?


Sounds like an interesting contest, and I am glad to see the community playing a role in the 'image' of site merchandise.

Good job Titan/Studentis and whoever else is to thank for making that work.

Tomekk 11-08-2009 03:00 PM

I made this when I was installing my Wizardry collection and suddenly got some inspiration. :max: Arete suggested that I post it here, because a tuned-up version might be good for a t-shirt :D

Titan 11-08-2009 04:39 PM

I REALY like that!

arete 11-08-2009 06:37 PM

I'm still thinking up stuff. I liked that sig of Luchsen's: - no ghetto for old games! I don't think tulac's would promote the site well, however. *naughty grin* But if Lulu likes furrychan, that's her affair...

arete 14-08-2009 02:04 PM

I got this brainwave: Abandonware gamer for life! in as many languages as possible. Or retro gamer, possibly.


English, Swedish, Polish, Croatian, Estonian, German, Czech, Russian, etc etc.


rentheimpaler 11-09-2009 11:24 PM

Are we still looking for entries? I'd like to give it a go, I just designed two tshirts for my Rocky Horror shadowcast and I need more practice. Graphic design is a hobby of mine (hopefully a moneymaker someday), I'd like to try and help out.

Either way, I'll post at least some concept work soonish :D

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