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Jwh Dar 19-01-2005 10:45 AM

Well, I dont want to be a pain but why did you put the BUY IT! games on the site? :not_ok:
One of the things I liked most about Abandonia was the fact that all the games you found could be downloaded. Needless to describe my dissapointment about Monkey Island, Indiana Jones or Simon the sorcerer and the fact that you'd have to buy them. :not_ok:
Maybe a change of name into :whistle:
Sorry, but this is my favorite abandonware site and the only one I visit frequently. I don't like seeing that kind of stuff.
If you have your financial reasons needed to keep the site going I'll understand.

mouse31e 19-01-2005 10:52 AM

It's because they are not abandonware and can't be offered for download!

They are not sold by the site and the site sees no money from any of these games being purchased.

The real question is why are there reviews for these games? I guess it's because they were reviewed before someone discovered they weren't abandoned but I don't know that for sure!

hanging 19-01-2005 11:26 AM

(i assume) it's because these games are classics and deserve to be highlighted - abandoned or not....

Eagle of Fire 19-01-2005 11:49 AM

I never seen buy-it tags on Abadonnia and would be glad that you provide a link for an example, because I completely share the oppinion of Jwd Dar and would be extremely disapointed to see this happen to Abaddonia. It would bring the site quality down by several points.

We already had a discussion about this some time ago.

mouse31e 19-01-2005 11:53 AM

The Monkey Island Games are one example

Eagle of Fire 19-01-2005 12:01 PM

I never noticed since the button looks so much like the "download it" button.

Two thumbs down for that. :not_ok: :not_ok:

FreeFreddy 19-01-2005 12:02 PM

Doom II also.

hanging 19-01-2005 12:06 PM

part of the ethos of abandonware is preservation.. which is why buy links are a good thing...

Abandonware Isnt about free games .. And if Abandonia just highlights those games that could be downloaded - there would be a lot of gaps..


Havell 19-01-2005 12:09 PM

Mostly the only games that have buy links are the one that the site would be incomplete without, such as Monkey Island and also there are buy links for any that once was for download but then we discovered that it was still for sale so we changed the link as it would be a shame to have the review go to waste.

Eagle of Fire 19-01-2005 02:33 PM

I know the main reason of Abadonware is preservation, but Abadonware values actually wants producer to continue to support their old games. So if a game was abandonned before and is not anymore, it's a good thing™.

However, this is not the point. The point is the quality of this site, which is very high... And I beleive, like others, that adding reviews of games you can't download on the site reduce that quality. No need to waste the review, just store it away in some place until the game get ABW again. If it doesn't, then it's just fine.

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