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The Fifth Horseman 03-09-2008 09:45 AM

As the last episode ended, the team was about to embark on investigation of several buildings the UFOs may have deployed aliens into.
Unfortunately, most of our team is more or less out of the fight - it's all up to GTX2GvO, Paco, AlumiuN, Fortis and Data now.

Location: Rescue Three
We've been here. Twice. What the hell do the Aliens find so attractive in this place?

GTX: I've got some readings. Right under us.
We go, and find a Brainsucker.

GTX: Another reading.

Following the light on the scanner display, the team finds themselves facing a Multiworm.

Easily dispatched, altough Data is wounded in the process.

Seems those were the only two aliens here.

Searches in Utopia Mansions and Galactic Central yield no results. In Hypermart Zone, however...

Location: Hypermart Zone

We spot an alien creature right away... it's one of those damned eggs!

GTX: Watch out, people! We're supposed to bring this one alive!

From the lift, a Brainsucker and Hyperworm come at us... unfortunately for them. Then, another sight we've been expecting - a Spitter!

The team switches to Stun Grapples immediately, and the creature is overwhelmed as soon as it walks through the door.

GTX: Okay, I'll take care of that egg.

The egg is doused in stun gas, and almost instantly stops firing. But a commotion elsewhere in the mall tells our team their job is not quite done yet...

Anthropods - two of them. No match for our firepower.

Well, tell you what - we managed to bad both specimens our R&D boys asked for!
(and where the hell did the score screenshot go!?)

No aliens found in New Empire Tower, but there is a bunch at Lineage Foundation.

Locations: Lineage Foundation
Now, that's some comfy interior... pity we don't have such rich furnishings at the base.

We run in into a Popper, and... well, "pop" it. There is a Spitter, but it quickly loses us in the maze of corridors.

The team move to the park on the upper level of the building...

...and like if on cue, runs into trouble.

Facing no less than three Anthropods, Data decides to let caution and precision slip for the moment and switches to his Mini-launcher. This pretty much means the alien creatures are staring at the end of their short, brutal and ugly lives.

A Brainsucker jumps out on us, but is quickly shot down, missing one of the troops by mere inches.

Two aliens move in from two opposite sides - a Multiworm and a Spitter. AlumiuN is wounded. I believe his skull is made from titanium steel or something - that's second head wound in just as many days.
We kill the Spitter, and pursue the Multiworm which has slithered off somewhere.
Finally, we get it and pound the alien to death with bullets. This ends the mission.

Since we've sure we checked all buildings, and the team is not in the shape for any more missions at the time, we return to the base.

This is the score for today:

At 4 AM next day, we receive report on the Popper specimen.

Ten minutes later, we've got another alert - it seems the Scout we downed has managed to deploy some aliens. The infiltration graphs also prove it, so we'll have to run a shakedown operation later.

For now, we've got to clean up at a certain police station. Luckily, except for Eagle of Fire and Data, the team is in top fighting condition.

The Fifth Horseman 03-09-2008 09:50 AM
Location: Enforcer Academy
The interior of the station is cramped, with plenty of narrow corridors.
As soon as Capo turns on his motion sensor, multiple contacts show up.
Capo (roars): INCOMING!!!

The team assumes defensive positions, as angry hissing sounds approach. A group of Hyperworms is the first wave.

Then an Anthropod and a Multiworm,
And another Multiworm.

No more aliens show up, but there are some in the building - GTX goes hunting and nails two Spitters.
He roasts the first one with incendiary munitions, but the other manages to wound him.
The merc withdraws behind the corner, patches himself up with his medikit... and goes to roast the other Spitter.

On 15:55, the lab techs finish their research on the Anthropod. One hour later, the autopsy results on Multiworm are in as well.

The Quantum Physics lab has just finished their research of the alien propulsion system.

Score for today:

Next day, after checking the infiltration graphs - which have taken really worrying values - we're called to a Megapol arms factory in the Eastern area of the city.

Fortis 06-09-2008 01:13 AM

(((Let's get a little action going, shall we?)))

*A small device on Fortis’s belt beeps. Fortis grabs it a clicks a button on it.*

Fortis: Fortis here.
Scientist: (Over device) Ah, Fortis. Ve have recievedt fresh specimens. I couldt use some help taming dem.
Fortis: Not now, why don’t you pester Terves.
Scientist: I triedt, he is busy vid his carbonatedt beverages.
Fortis: Oh, fine.
Scientist: Vonderful! Albert out.
Fortis: Grumble Grumble.

*A short walk through the base later, Fortis arrived at the biological labs.*

Fortis: Very well, where are the new saps I need to lobotomize?
Scientist: Vell, you are in quite a moodt, Fortis.
Fortis: Where, Albert?
Scientist: Back in de new containment cells. Dis vay.

*Seconds later.*

Fortis: More anthropods? These aliens are none to bright are they.
Scientist: Actually, from initial scans, dese ones vere exhibiting advanced nervous systems, as vell as some previously unseen organs.
Fortis: New organs? What for.
Scientist: Ah, ve vill findt out soon, von’t ve. Anyvay, dese fellows have been rather silent.
Fortis: Heh, I’ll change that. Bring the first one to…Wait…
Scientist: Vat? Vat is-
Fortis: Shhh!
???: …sssssss…
Fortis: GET DOWN!!

*Fortis tackles Albert to the floor. The side of the containment cell glows a cherry red, the yellow, then white for a second before blowing out. A klaxon peals out through the lab.*

Fortis: Damn! They’re loose! Seal off the lab!
Alien: <Pitiful earthling.>

*Albert and Fortis dash for the alarm, but a huge anthropod leaps and slams down in front of them. Fortis knocks Albert down, draws his pistol and pumps several rounds into the anthropod. As Fortis turns to gun down another alien, another anthropod lands nearby and knocks Fortis across the room with a clawed fist.

Anthropod: <We will not be stopped by the likes of- ARRGGHH!>

*The Anthropod cluches at its head as Fortis turned his mind on the alien, tearing haphazardly through the Anthropod’s brain.*

Alien 3: <Stop! Or the old one dies!> *A second alien holds Albert by his coat in one hand, holding the claws of his other hand close to the scientist’s throat. A few seconds passed, then the Anthropod, stopped bellowing in pain as Fortis backed off. The anthropod collapsed, moaning and twitching. Several more aliens began began emerging from the ruined containment cell.*

Alien 3: <Release our brothers! Find all the weaponry you can!>

*At that moment, several members of the base received a telepathic message. Aliens loose in biology lab alpha. They’re advancing on level 1.

GTX2GvO 06-09-2008 09:26 AM


GTX2GvO: Hmm.. Nice just me and the food..
GTX2GvO: Guess either everyone else is still training or sleeping the last mission out.

Fortis: $Aliens loose in biology lab alpha. They’re advancing on level 1.$

GTX2GvO: Oh.. Shit!!
GTX2GvO (very hard thinking): $Shoot to kill??$
Fortis: $YES!!! Shoot to kill!!!$

*GTX2GvO Runs to he equipment bay. (closer then weapons bay AND bio lab)

GTX2GvO: Good thing I got some off the record weapons in my ship.
Ship: #What's the rush??#
GTX2GvO: Shoot ANY alien that comes IN this room!!
Ship: #??!!.. Then I'd suggest you'd get Weapon ISX23.9T.#
GTX2GvO: Already grabbing it.

*GTX2GvO grabs a pistol sized weapon out of a cabinet in the cockpit.*

GTX2GvO: Hmm... Guess the highest setting might blow up more then the aliens..

*GTX2GVO moves a slider on the gun to almost the front position*

Ship: #I scan that you want the aliens to be vaporised??#
GTX2GvO: Shoot to kill.. Period.

*GTX2GvO runs in the direction of the Bio lab*

Ship: #Ahh.. Finally.. I can test some of my weapons again..#
Ship: #Come on aliens.. Come to daddy..

TheChosen 06-09-2008 10:05 AM

*Bottom of the stairway*

TheChosen is once again having a nap. This time, we see that he's dreaming about being on a Hawaii. He's sitting on a lounge chair, sipping coke when suddenly Fortis appears right next to him.

Fortis: Aliens loose in biology lab alpha. They’re advancing on level 1.
TheChosen: What?
Fortis: Wake up TC! We got a situation over here!
TheChosen: Give me a break. Im dreaming!
Fortis: Im serious! WAKE UP NOW!

TC snaps back in reality. He quickly pulls out his rifle, turns around and gives Anthropod a lead poisoning. The alien has a slight look of confusion on his face before he drops on the ground.

Fortis: $See! I told you!$
TheChosen: Hmm...

TC loads up his rifle and runs up in the stairs to first floor. He runs up with GTX2GvO and Kugerfang.

TheChosen: What the hell is going on?
GTX2GvO: Some aliens have broke loose on the lab. Theyre all around the base now! There's even some on the ventilation shafts.

Kugerfang lifts up his right arm. His hand seems to be missing. There's only a small stub covered in bloody white cloth.

Kugerfang: One of the bastards took my hand! This sucks!

Suddenly, there's a sound of large explosion coming from downstairs.

TheChosen: Holy hell! Lets go!

Trio runs quickly to the downstairs and to the lab. At the entrance door, they ran up with Fortis and the german scientist.

GTX2GvO: Whats going on in there?
Fortis: The prisoners have broke loose. Someone managed to create some sort of explosives. Me and dr here managed to escape.
TheChosen: What about the hostiles?
Fortis: Theyre still alive. About 10 of them are in the room.
TheChosen: In my math, 1 soldier, one punk with balls-of-steel and two mercenaries are powerful that 10 E.T's. I say we go in.
GTX2GvO: Agreed.
Kugerfang: Hey! How the hell am I supposed to shoot?!
TheChosen: Use your left arm! You'l figure out how to use it soon enough.

There's a short silent moment (minus the grunts and sounds coming from behind the door). Everyone looks at each other. Then there's some nodding. Fortis then opens the door and quartet runs in.

Only to find out that the hostiles have seemingly increased in numbers. There's also a huge glowing green energy source behind them. There's a very loud and unknown voice going trough the room.

Kugerfang: Holy shit! I've seen that thing before!
TheChosen: What?
Kugerfang: Yeah! From Half-Life! Its some sort of portal!
GTX2GvO: What he's saying?
TheChosen: We should retreat!
GTX2GvO: What?!
TheChosen: RETREAT!!
Fortis: Mother....

Tervez 06-09-2008 06:17 PM

Tervez hears a bunch of people running down the corridor, shouting. He doesn't pay attention to this, and continues to drink his Cola. Then, he hears a bunch of people running in the corridor again, shouting and screaming, and decides he's had it. He opens the door and goes into the corridor.

Tervez: Will you shut up?! The sign says do-not-disturb, and it means not coming in or making a hell of a racket...

He is interrupted by plasma bolt nearly hitting his back, and he turns around to see a bunch of aliens advancing towards him.

Tervez: Holy... he manages to say, before another bolt flies, but he manages to jump into his room, and he locks the door.

Tervez: Okay, it may not have been a good idea to disable the intercom after all... damn, I don't have any weapons here.

There are loud thumping noises on the door, and he looks around his room, looking for an escape route. He manages to find one: the air ducts that are very large.

Tervez: Good thing this base was designed by the same guy who did the airducts for Aliens...

He grabs a crowbar, and starts to bend the grates with it. As he is doing it, the thumping stops, and he hears someone fire a plasma bolt into the door: after just one shot, the door is turning cherry red from heat.

Using the power of adrenaline, he twist the last grate from place, and crawls into the ducts, turning from the first bend so that the aliens can't shoot him.

Tervez: Enemy inside own base, no weapons allowed inside private quarters... If I get out of this one alive, X-Com will have to make a whole new department for complaints...

GTX2GvO 06-09-2008 07:09 PM

*@ the end of the corridors*

GTX2GvO: Guess Terves got their attention. What's the situation?
The Chosen: You think he's still in there?
Kugerfang: I'm almost out of ammo.
Fortis: He's above us.

GTX2GvO: So Terves is in the air ducks?
Fortis: Yeah can pick out his mind just around there.

*Fortis points somewhere @ the ceiling*

GTX2GvO: Good enough for me..
GTX2GvO: Just a minor settings adjustment and I'm set.

*GTX2GvO Shoots a hole in the ceiling making Terves drop down and the corridor blocked for the aliens.*

The Chosen: Ready to assist us Terves?
Terves: How am I bloody *cough* *cough* do that without weapons?

GTX2GvO: Ehh.. Hello!! Experimental weapons testing facility!!

*GTX2GvO opens the door next to him while everyone else either curses for not thinking about this or sighs out of relieve*

The Chosen: And now Let's see how good these weapons really are..

*The Chosen, Fortis, GTX2GvO, Kugerfang And Terves enter the experimental weapons testing facility*

AlumiuN: Ah.. There you are..
Arete: Finally.. :notrust:

GTX2GvO: What the..... Whatever! Guys Grab anything you can carry that can kill aliens!

The Chosen: Shit! Your little roadblock wasn't enough! There here!

*The Chosen shoots the firsts alien with a shot from his sniper rifle*

Kugerfang: I can only hold one gun.. :(
Terves: Then make it a big one. *While slamming a large rifle in kugerfangs left hand and strapping loads of weapons onto his body*

GTX2GvO: Guy's I hate to say this...
Fortis: Do we want to know?
GTX2GvO: We have to drive them to the Equipment bay!!
GTX2GvO: My Ship has enough firepower to nail All of them.

The Chosen: The Equipment bay!! Are you nuts!! Thats the other side of this base!!
GTX2GvO: I Know! But it's our only chance to nail all of them.
The Chosen: Then so be it..

Fortis 06-09-2008 09:24 PM

*Fortis grabs a particularly menacing looking weapon, from the experimental weapons testing facility.*

Fortis: Time to field test this thing.

*Fortis aims at an anthropod and pulls the trigger. An electrical arc flashes in between the gun and the anthropod for a split second, and a gaping hole appears where the anthropod’s chest once was.*

Fortis: I’ve got to get myself one of these.
Scientist: Be careful, dat veapon vill overheat if you fire too rapidly.
Fortis: What the? What the heck are you doing here, Albert?!
Scientist: No one vrecks my lab vidout getting avay vid it.
The Chosen: You crazy old man! You’ll get yourself killed.
Scientist: I know my vay aroundt a gun.
The Chosen: No. If you want to help, find some way to shut down that portal that those aliens are coming from.
Scientist: Very vell. Give me some time to bring the gamma ray projector online. I can control it remotely from de veapon room. If dat doesn’t disrupt de portal, it vill disrupt de alien’s cellular structure.
The Chosen: We’ll hold them off for that long.

*Albert runs into a nearby room, and the lights in the base dim briefly as something huge is powered up. An alarm sounds as radiation shields began closing around the lab. Fortis uses his electrical rifle to vaporize the head of a spitter.*

Scientist: Ahem. Begin recording: Scientific log Albert 23. The effects of concentrated high end radiation on inter-dimensional portals and alien physiology. Begin testing.
Fortis: Will you be alright?
Scientist: Fine, fine. De shields vill protect me and keep de radiation contained to de biology lab. Try to bring back some fresh test subjects.
Fortis: No promises doc.
Scientist: Hmph, very vell. (mumble) Beginning procedure vid 10 Sv of radiation.

*The lights dim briefly and a dull zap is heard*

Scientist: Portal fluctuated, but remains stable. Alien subjects exhibit severe nausea, burns, disorientation, and bleeding. Increasing pover to 20 Sv.
Fortis: You’re sure that the radiation will be contained?
Scientist: Yes, de base personnel vill not get even a mild sunburn. My lab vill be ruined however.
Fortis: You’ll get a new one, I’m sure. Do me a favor and contact Data and Eagle of Fire and tell them to herd the aliens to the Equipment Bay. I couldn’t reach them telepathically.
Scientist: *Sigh* very vell.

*Fortis leaves Albert, and a armored door closes over the experimental weapon testing facility.*

GTX2GvO 07-09-2008 03:00 PM

*Equipment bay*

Ship: # 45*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#
Ship: # 45*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You shoot one down, it splatters around.#
Ship: # 46*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#

Ship: # 46*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#
Ship: # 46*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You shoot one down, it splatters around.#
Ship: # 47*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#

Major Damage: Will you please shut up!! :notrust:
Capo: I find it an amusing tune
Paco: Only if we'd had anything to shoot @.

Major: Have you two cleared the equipment bay of damageable vehicles.
Paco & Capo: Yes, Sir! And we put that specific one on it's side as requested.
Major: Good.. Insurance will cover damage on that one.
Major: And it will insure that those aliens come where WE want them..

Paco: So now we have to wait?
Major: According to Fortis, those aliens will be driven here.
Major: Straight to the only ground exit.
Capo: We have another Exit??

Major: Yes, the roof.
Major: But I've ordered so many megapoll guards to it that there is no space left for aliens.

Major: And according to this flying sing-a-long over here.. :suspicious:
Major: IT can take on any number of aliens before they make it to the main door.
Bob: *Gasp* The door is closed and locked sir.. *Gasp*
Capo: Why are you gasping?
Bob: The main lock is ALL the way there..

*Bob points to the top of the main door*

Paco: Yikes.. Hope you took those stairs..
Bob: What stairs??
Major: Stop chit chatting and get behind this ship's main guns..

Ship: #May I??#
Major: Whatever.. :notrust:

Ship: # 47*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#
Ship: # 47*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You shoot one down, it splatters around.#
Ship: # 48*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#

Ship: # 48*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#
Ship: # 48*10^3 alien blood splatters.#
Ship: # You shoot one down, it splatters around.#
Ship: # 49*10^3 alien blood splatters on the wall.#


(MHmm... Did we miss anyone??)
(The Chosen, Fortis, GTX2GvO, Kugerfang, Arete, AlumiuN And Terves are exiting the experimental weapons testing facility. Driving aliens)
(Major "Max" Damage, Capo, Paco & Bob are in the Equipment bay waiting for those aliens)
(The androids Data & Eagle of Fire are somewhere on this base soon to be contacted by 'Scientist Albert' to drive aliens to the Equipment bay.)

TheChosen 08-09-2008 08:12 AM

In a Metal Gear-style, the team led by GTX2GvO & TheChosen run trough the hallway, shooting everything that moves.
TheChosen: Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fortis: What?
TheChosen: Its a japanese thing. Something cheerleaders would say.
GTX2GvO: So now youre a cheerleader (launches a grenade). I tough you were a cold-hearted mercenary.
TheChosen: SpeaBOOOM!self. I never allied with the space pirates.

Kugerfang screams for a while when he empties a room full of nasties. Lots of blood flying everywhere.

TheChosen: Where now?
Tervez: Grenade!

Everyone runs for cover. There's an explosion and junk flying around.

Tervez: Clear!
TheChosen: Okay, where now?
GTX2GvO: We'll take a shortcut!

GTX2GvO fiddles with his gun and shoots a hole trough wall.

More running-n-gunning. Team advances further. And then....they encouter a locked steel door.

GTX2GvO: Shit...does anyone got keys?

There's a moment of silence. It breaks out when Kugerfang starts to shoot. Whole team turns around and starts to shoot too.

TheChosen: What do you mean "does anyone got keys?". I tough this was going to be your escape-plan.
GTX2GvO: Okay, maybe I was relying on luck. I just expected that someone might have keys for this one friggin door!
Arete: Cant we just blast trough that thing. *Arete gives a mighty kick to one of the Anthropods.*
GTX2GvO: No. This is one of those doors that cant be destroyed.
Arete: Brilliant! Whats behind it?
GTX2GvO: More hallway I belive.
Tervez: Dammit! Everyone, follow me!

Tervez jumps up, like Michael Jordan, and manages to move one of the ceiling tiles, revealing a way to ventilation shaft. After few minutes, the team is crawling in the shafts with Tervez leading the way.

Tervez: Were going to the hangar, right?
GTX2GvO: Yeah? Is this the right way?
Tervez: Judging by the smell, were near the cafeteria right now, so yes, were almost there.

Suddenly, Tervez is face-to-face with an Anthropod. Tervez quickly responces with his gun, making the rest of the trip little messier.

Then, after crawling a while, someone tries to shoot the shaft from below.

Fortis: Aaach! Now were dead!
Eagle of Fire: #Oh. It seems that I almost made an error#

Tervez kicks the panel away, showing the face of the teams lovely android. Team exits the shaft and find themself's in the hagnar. GTX2GvO immediatly runs towards his ship.

Eagle of Fire: #Reporting for duty Commander. Whats the situation?#
TheChosen: Were being cut off. It appears that there are tons of hostiles at the base. Right now, we can just regroup and plan for our final assault.
Eagle of Fire: #Is the situation hopeless?#
TheChosen: Not really. Albert, one of the scientists, it shutting down their portal, so now we just have to....

Suddenly, the whole building rumbles.
Arete: Oh god! An earthquake?
Eagle of Fire: #No. Its something else. Something big is moving right at this base.#

After that, all hell breaks loose. Ground opens and a gigantic alien with thousands of tentacles comes trough.

Team regroups together. Everyone readies their weapons.

TheChosen: said your ship has tons of firepower. I think its time to use that now, right?
GTX2GvO: We have to battle withouth it. The last quake damaged it targeting system.
TheChosen: Cant you fix it?
GTX2GvO: Takes too much time!
TheChosen: Very well then...everyon...
Major Damage: Excuse me. I belive Im the one giving orders here!
TheChosen: Well excuuuuse me Major, I...

One of the tentacles hits right in the middle of the team, splitting the formation in half and crushing TheChosen under its weight.

The current time is 04:32 AM (GMT)

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