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Sino 21-03-2005 11:39 PM

Hmmm...... I really dont get freaked out easily, only by psycoligical mindtwists, so I nominate Silent Hill. As far as movies go, Phantasm scared me to the brink of insanty, mostly cause of those damned orbs.

Yobor 22-03-2005 01:26 AM

I have played Silent Hill before, and while it may be somewhat creepy, the gameplay was mediocre at best. I mean, the head boss can be killed in one hit on easy mode.

Fawfulhasfury 22-03-2005 02:16 AM

Call me crazy, but I actually found Resident Evil 4 to be funny, and not all that scary. I mean come on, can you help but not laugh at a bunch of villagers screaming, "Ah Beal Abandonn!!" LOL It just sounded funny as all get out. And gore doesn't really scare me. As far as violent or scary, the only games that my jaw dropped at or I actually screamed was in Conker: Live and Uncut and Unreal Gold. Unreal Gold is very violent, but it didn't scare me. Just this one spot where there were giant spiders, and I saw a spider web and thought it was a spider and jumped out of my chair. Thats the only time I've gotten scared in a game. As far as Conker, its not scary, just gory. I mean, when a squirrle walks up to his arm with his arm socket dripping blood and tries to put his arm back on, or when a squirrel has his face blown off, its kinda a sick gore fest. But if you like that stuff, I recommend, 5 days a stranger and 7 days a skeptic, resident evil series, Conkers Bad Fur Day and Conker:Live and Uncut.

rabadi 22-03-2005 05:04 AM

For an oldie, I'd recommend Waxworks. Of course it was much more scary for me 13 years ago than it is now :D

DeathDude 22-03-2005 05:09 AM

Another underated game that didn't get much props that is a fairly scary game is Eternal Darkness for the gamecube, two words: bathtub scene a very scary part of the game....

Zarkumo 30-03-2005 07:16 PM

Check out this Top 10 List of the Scariest Games for the really scary muck. Why muck? I wrote muck!

Mad-E-Fact 30-03-2005 07:28 PM

Always the same crap with Gamespy, for each page of an article there's one page with ads...

Anyway, I'd like to suggest Vampire: Bloodlines from Troika, which I've been playing lately. It's not scary in a shocking way, but rather has some dark and twisted writing throughout it, touching themes like drugs, violence and child rape, which can be actually more disturbing than gory monsters.

Mickey Bitsko 30-03-2005 07:39 PM

My nephew and I were playing "The Dig" for the first time last week and were a little scared that Brink might appear at any moment to wreak revenge on Boston for sawing off his hand with an alien jawbone.

Boy, were we disappointed when nothing of the kind happened. In fact, not much more happened for the rest of the game! :cheers:

Lizard 30-03-2005 09:16 PM

Two words- Blackstone Chronicles OMG OMG OMG
I have nightmares from it even now :ph34r:

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