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Javasmom 01-07-2011 09:15 PM

I love Abandonia because as a late-blooming (found you at 50) adventure gamer I am discovering what I've been missing all these years!

Oh yeah, and I have one advantage over a huge percentage of your other fans: I'm playing them for the VERY FIRST TIME!

zirkoni 02-07-2011 01:18 PM

In Abandonia I can find many of my old favourite games but also some titles I had never heard of. And they come with excellent reviews, extras and a friendly community that can help if I ever have any problems with the games.

eXtinct 03-07-2011 04:50 PM

Whether you’re zapping slugs in Commander Keen, discovering the magical world of Kyrandia or pimpin’ your pixels in Leisure Suit Larry, you’re experiencing a timeless classic. Abandonia is the key that opens the door into the world of childhood memories allowing you to relive them or experience them for the first time.

Allerbmu 03-07-2011 06:56 PM

Abandonware has always been a "grey area" when it comes to legality but without a place like Abandonia, older PC games would die off and be forgotten. Video games are timeless and always entertaining as well as added nostalgia and Abandonia will keep their memories intact by allowing us to download and play these gems from times gone by.

ttarp 04-07-2011 06:42 AM

It's great to have a website devoted to the classic games, back when graphics alone didn't sell the game, but it had to be creative and challenging. Abandonia has given me a second chance at those games I just couldn't beat growing up. From Wing Commander and Quest for Glory to Tyrian2000 and Colonization, thank you guys for bringing these games back.

marco101 04-07-2011 08:44 PM

It's hard to explain in 50 words, but really its the way abandonia makes me feel, like i've swallowed a rainbow. I dont even care about the prize, just keep it and reward yourselves because abandonia is reward enough for me.

tolkiens legacy 04-07-2011 09:48 PM

competition entry
hello, i've been an abandonia user from 2006. since i forgot my old account details i created a new one so i can enter the competition. anyways heres my entry, hope you like it and happy birthday abandonia!!!

When i was a little stinker, I used to spend my time, watching in awe, as my bro was playing games like: :doom: , sid meyer's :pirate: ,:guybrush: and many other computer gems. But now, thanks to abandonia, i have the same feeling of awe playing those games myself.

LionXavier 04-07-2011 10:02 PM

Abandonia, our hope
Today's prospect is so hollow...
current games produce distress:
just a big arrow to follow,
push win-button to success.

We, true gamers were so lost
but here's the solution, at last!
our future is in the past,
with quality at no cost.

If present games make you mope,
they are worse than you can cope,
do not be a NextGen slave:
Abandonia is your hope,
the best true-gaming enclave.

Lulu_Jane 05-07-2011 11:22 AM

Aaaaaaaaand that's all folks! Judging will begin shortly, stay tuned and check the front page for the announcement of the winner in the next few days :D

Lulu_Jane 13-07-2011 10:34 AM

And the results are in:

CONGRATULATIONS megkrichards! We will be in touch shortly to organize your prizes :)

Congratulations are in order too for Kalrak, you have won yourself our consolation prize of any $5.99 game of your choosing on GoG. Again, we will be in touch shortly to get this to you.

Thank you to every single one of you who participated, it was a pleasure to read each one of your entries.

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