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Unregistered Carlo 19-02-2010 11:38 PM

sorry to ask, and maybe to spoil something
i've been playing the game several times, but i seem to be not able to go past the first stage:
i start the game (difficulty doesn't seem to affect anything but "clock speed") i find myself in bok street (or something similar)
to be short all i have to do is talking to those policemen, to dr phillips, go back to my study and "join" policeman who checked the place at 3.15 and policeman who found corpse 3.45
and then add this conclusion with dr phillips who siad he was on the body by 3.15

as i do this game ends with newspaper, scores etc and asks me whether i want to play again or not
no matter what i choose, only the first time i could access second stage, but i wanted to restart and lost it.. :'( it seems forever...
i even tried alt 2,3, etc in first window but they seem completely uneffective..

can anyone tell what i'm doing wrong?

BOUNCYCHEETAH 20-03-2010 09:12 PM

How do you get old Jack working in DosBOX?
How do you get it to run in dosbox? I've followed the instructions, but I can't change the directory to jack the ripper because the name is too long and the suggested abridged version: CD jack~1 ... is impossible to type in dosbox (it won't let me type the tilde).

Oh for the day when computers will just automatically do as you say, Star Trek like...

El Quia 20-03-2010 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by BOUNCYCHEETAH (Post 400464)
How do you get it to run in dosbox? I've followed the instructions, but I can't change the directory to jack the ripper because the name is too long and the suggested abridged version: CD jack~1 ... is impossible to type in dosbox (it won't let me type the tilde).

Oh for the day when computers will just automatically do as you say, Star Trek like...

For starters, in DOSBox you can start typing a directory or file name and then hit tab for autocomplete. If the suggested autocomplete isn't the one you wanted, continue pressing the tab key until it appears. It is a nifty and nice trick to save on the typing :p

But the real advice here is trying not to have directory names longer than 8 characters. Some old DOS games would freak out at that, ~ thingy notwithstanding. So, my advice is shortening the directory name to "jack" or "ripper" or whatever. BTW, it is easier to change the directory name from windows than within DOSBox. Sure, it can be done, but do it from windows to save you the trouble.

man1 05-06-2010 05:09 AM

Im not getting any sound, is this normal or do i have a configuration error?

Sherlock rule 28-06-2010 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Kon-Tiki (Post 112780)
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

I have a problem with the game. when I tried to play it I received a message: not enough high memory to load newspaper (and some more messages similar to that). I pressed escape to delede all the messages, but then I couldn't play the game!:headslap: What should I do to overcome the problem?

dosraider 28-06-2010 04:53 AM

.... dosbox?

theinternetismadeofcats 30-12-2020 12:25 PM

cases 4 and 5 ?
Hi, I realise I'm posting this 15 years after the start of the thread and 10 years since the last post. But, does anyone know how to access cases 4 and 5? Thanks!

Smiling Spectre 30-12-2020 05:55 PM

Ten years ago you asked how to access _solutions_ 4 and 5, no? And as I see, they are simply not in game - you are supposed to get them by mail.

How to access cases themselves, I don't know. Aren't there linear progression? I.e. solve case 3->get case 4? (I didn't play the game).

theinternetismadeofcats 31-12-2020 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre (Post 485562)
Ten years ago you asked how to access _solutions_ 4 and 5, no? And as I see, they are simply not in game - you are supposed to get them by mail.

How to access cases themselves, I don't know. Aren't there linear progression? I.e. solve case 3->get case 4? (I didn't play the game).

The game says you're supposed to get cases 4 and 5 by post. By registering with a company that doesn't exist anymore. I imagine, back in the day, many people will have done it, and so the full game may be available somewhere.

So I'm hoping someone can share a link where you can get the full game, including cases 4 and 5.

Or perhaps all you received by mail were instructions on how to unlock cases 4 and 5 without having to add any more files.

Iurius 17-12-2022 02:05 PM

My box of this game had no registration card...
But even if it had - it seems that Intergalactic Development has closed its doors soon after releasing this game in 1995.


Originally Posted by theinternetismadeofcats (Post 485566)
Or perhaps all you received by mail were instructions on how to unlock cases 4 and 5 without having to add any more files.

No - you had to send 5 USD to the developers, and they would send you a 3.5" disk with more mysteries to solve. Those files are definitely missing on the CD - they should have names like "ripper4.mbl", "jackev4.ev" etc. I am afraid they are lost forever - unless some of the developers have saved them and could be still contacted and talked into sharing...

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