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Evad 20-11-2005 02:26 AM

How do you know you're not dreaming right now?

moogle 20-11-2005 04:23 AM

In real life I am a moose.

Iron_Scarecrow 20-11-2005 02:16 PM

My latest dream was me and my friend were going to hire out a movie, and then his dad heard this went crazy and started killing everyone. Then all these weird alien/animal type creatures turned up at the house, so my friends dad could kill them. And then we ended up on his roof and and we took a lift, yes it was an actualy lift from his roof to his front door, down to the ground and ran away. Of course everything was a light/dull shade of grey again.

I got to stop dreaming about people going crazy and killing everyone. I think it was the room I was sleeping in, we visited my grandparents and she has a very big doll collection and I had to sleep in a room with these 200 or so dolls, that would make anyone go crazy. Of course the biggest doll up on the highest shelf overlooking the bed was a clown. Two nights I spent in that room, two nights. Comfortable bed though.

Sean 20-11-2005 05:52 PM

I doubt anybody would want to enter my dreams..


[Serious Tone]

The only dreams that I remember come true at some point. For example I had a dream about a funny looking red outline on a blue and black grid. It reminded me of the UnrealEd that I use but I knew that the shape that was made from the outline was not normal. However I made that EXACT brush earlier using the '2D Shape Editor' tool.

[/Serious Tone]

I have man boobs!

PrejudiceSucks 20-11-2005 06:31 PM

I'm an insomniac, but when I do actually sleep I usually dream. My dreams are actually strangely precognitive. I had one about 3 weeks ago and later that week the exact thing that happened in my dream happened in real life.

It wasn't anything big, it was just somebody saying something (I forget what) and then walking off that happened in my dream, followed up by that happening in school...

Iron_Scarecrow 21-11-2005 09:16 AM

Just last week I was talking to someone with the tv playing in the background. And I replied to something they said, and what I said was said on the tv at exactly the same time. Amazing. This has only happened to me a whole two times ever in my life.

jeppe93 21-11-2005 12:49 PM


Laitley im having this dream on, and on again and its driving me mad,

well it all starts with that im standing at a really large canyon in the grand canyons
the my father wants to take a picture of me and my sis ok, we step back and then he starts giving that... just a little more backwards... and strangely we just keep doing it, and at last we fall out, screaming and dieing and such a second before we hit ground i wake up bathed in sweat!

really wierd and yet so realistic... (uhh...)

until nexst time :bye:

Iron_Scarecrow 21-11-2005 01:02 PM

Anyone ever sleep walk?

I have done it once (that I know of), and I actually remember doing it.

I was sleeping over a friends house, and he was playing the computer before we went to bed and I was just watching. He was sleeping on the bed right beside the computer and I was sleeping on the bed on the opposite side of the room. Anyway when we went to bed I dreamed that I was still watching him playing the computer. But I had fallen asleep doing so and I dreamt that I woke up at the computer desk, and that he had turned it off and gone to bed. So I actually physically got up from the bed I was sleeping in, which was across the room from the computer, thinking (dreaming) that I was walking from the computer to the bed on the opposite side of the room, where I was going to be sleeping. When I got to this bed I found my friend sleeping in it and I poked him to tell him to get out of my bed, he didn't wake but he made a grunting sound and as soon as he made this sound I completely woke up and found myself standing at the bed beside the computer when I thought (dreamt) I was standing at the bed on the other side of the room.

Thing is I remember getting up from the bed I was sleeping in and walking across the room, and I think I knew at the time that I was actually walking from the bed to the other side of the room, but it looked as if I was walking from the computer on the opposite side of the room to the bed I was supposed to be sleeping in. I told my friend next morning and he remembered being poked and that I said something, but he didn't actually know what I said.

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