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Mystvan 03-04-2017 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Frodo (Post 467411)
Now this is really weird. :unsure:

The links didn't give any answers (although I appreciate you trying, thankyou :thumbsup:). The script error pop ups just kept coming. :wall:

Then it suddenly all just... stopped. Haven't had a pop up for 2 days now. :omg:

And The Precious is MINE! It belongs to ME! :bleh3:
*laughs manically, and runs away*

How mean! (Mi)Lady of the Rings, Gollum went crazy after hearing of your answer! :wacko:

Your old, dear and sweet friend


Originally Posted by Japo (Post 467412)
Hi Frodo I don't know what that is/was. That error message isn't enough to diagnose.

Maybe some Windows update fixed IE, no idea. Otherwise if it comes back you can try resetting all of IE's options to their defaults, or else go trough some troubleshooting procedure from MS to re-install IE somehow.

But it was for sure related to JavaScript. Not Java, which is different (and you probably don't need it installed).

With all due respect, Mighty Emperor, I think uninstalling the browser IE is impractical as there may be updates that are common to the browser and some other softwares. The ideal would be to re-install the Operating System (Windows) and back up using Acronis True Image before and after each installation or upgrade. It is much better than using Windows System Restore with all its limitations.


Originally Posted by arete (Post 467444)
I get script errors in Firefox, but only from gmail. And sometimes from ublock. I just restart Firefox. But my Noscript addon blocks all scripts usually. I have to whitelist webpages that I trust.

You know what they say about IE? It's the web browser you use to download other web browsers.

Well, Mighty Iron Maiden, at least the IE has its utility to download its competitors.

It would be best if before uninstalling browsers, you download their latest versions / updates so that you avoid using Internet Explorer for any purpose.


Originally Posted by Frodo (Post 467449)
Japo, it was a really weird situation. Still don't know what caused it. :mhh:

Arete, I'll never abandon my lovely IE! :smile2:
It will always be the best way for Exploring the Internet. :OK:

Danger! :nuke: Internerd Exploder! Whoa! Internerd Exploding! :omg: :bleh3:

Mystvan 29-07-2018 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Tseki (Post 467209)
Might be a issue with Javascript and not Java (they are different things).

Or you can try to disable Javascript in IE11:

I just came back to post this to inform you that disabling Javascript in browsers can be very problematic. :sick:

I would only recommend in browsers rarely used. So disabling Javascript in browser is a big no no. :nono:

In this case, if you want to improve your digital security and the browser has add-ons, extensions, you could install for example NoScript, ScriptSafe or something (besides Adblock Plus and similar).

Too bad that IE, as well as Windows Phone, lack a lot of functionality and convenience. :rifle: :XP: :rocket:

This is one of the reasons I do not regret getting rid of the iPad and iPhone :apple: (more cons than pros besides charging me US$ 1.00 for each freeware / free apps such as Firefox, Mercury, etc. after registering my financial data! :suspicious: :dislike: :sucks: :flame: :rant:), which have been replaced by Android. :borg:


Originally Posted by Mystvan (Post 482235)
I just came back to post this to inform you that disabling Javascript in browsers can be very problematic. :sick:

I would only recommend in browsers rarely used. So disabling Javascript in browser is a big no no. :nono:

In this case, if you want to improve your digital security and the browser has add-ons, extensions, you could install for example NoScript, ScriptSafe or something (besides Adblock Plus and similar).

Too bad that IE, as well as Windows Phone, lack a lot of functionality and convenience. :rifle: :XP: :rocket:

This is one of the reasons I do not regret getting rid of the iPad and iPhone :apple: (more cons than pros besides charging me US$ 1.00 for each freeware / free apps such as Firefox, Mercury, etc. after registering my financial data! :suspicious: :dislike: :sucks: :flame: :rant:), which have been replaced by Android. :borg:

I will explain better about the previous post.


Pro: Apple has sleeker Design, Rubberized Protective Cap, Lightning connector, etc.

Con: Meanwhile, Android has more interesting, varied and important Apps than Apple.


Pro: Apple has a better configuration than Android where all app settings are together. So, this gets more organized.

Con: However, App settings on iOS get a bit to be desired compared to the same Apps on Android.


Pro: Apple has a “perfect” Backup and Restore System, and better than Android.

Con: However, I’ve heard that this “perfect” Restore and Backup System works only with the same version of the Operating System iOS.


Con: Apple is more expensive than Android! :apple: $$$$$$ :banana:

Con: More Cons than Pros besides charging me US$ 1.00 for each freeware / free apps such as Firefox, Mercury, etc. after registering my financial data! :suspicious: :dislike: :sucks:


As for Microsoft Windows Phone and Microsoft Store, no comments. :headslap: :palm:

:rifle: :XP: :rocket:


Originally Posted by Mystvan (Post 482514)
I will explain better about the previous post.

Please no offense to Apple fans. :no: After all, I’ve been a former user of Apple products and migrated to Android.

Mystvan 16-01-2019 09:30 PM

Original Post


Too bad that IE, as well as Windows Phone, lack a lot of functionality and convenience. :rifle: :XP: :rocket:

I thought I had posted criticisms of Microsoft 2-Step Verification here in this post... Ugh... Apparently, I was wrong... *shrug* However, Microsoft 2-Step Verification remains really unreliable and very problematic. :wall: :hairpull: :sucks:

At that time, 30 days after contacting Microsoft, I was fortunately able to regain control of my Outlook Account (E-mails, Calendar and Contacts! *phew* *whew*). :clap:

Currently, Microsoft has problems with 02-Step Verification because I am often asked to validate my Account login, even though I have selected to keep the Account always on / active.

If this is not enough, when you are prompted for permission to the Microsoft Authenticator, this request is often not processed. :headslap: :palm:

So the other way to access the account would be through the password. Even if the Browser has saved / stored credentials, access also fails. Another problem! :sick:

So anyway, after a few attempts via Microsoft Authenticator, it finally asked about the access permission or the (credentials) access password worked! Otherwise, even so, I decided to type the address even if previous access attempts failed. And is not it amazing that I was able to access my Account? :clap:

Interestingly, Dropbox, in the early days of the its 02-Step Verification, took a long time (about 10 minutes! :yawn: :sleep:) to send the Verification Code via SMS. Now the system is really fast and reliable! :OK:

I have compiled a list of Services that allow 02-Step Verification:


• Apple ID / iCloud; :OK:

• Gmail; :OK:

•; :sucks: :wall: :hairpull: :headslap: :palm:

• Yahoo! Mail; :OK:


• Dropbox; :OK:


•; :OK:

• Origin; :OK:

• Steam. :OK:

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