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tienkhoanguyen 25-02-2017 01:26 AM

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!
Today I am sad. I could not do anything for my own mother Vu Thi Thuyen Huong. On the other side of the coin my real mom gave something to me. My brand new laptop crashed because I downgraded it from Windows 10 to Windows 8. It does not have the drivers for Windows 8 internet because it is new. I am sad that I do not get to see too many people in my life. However I am happy that I have the things like electronics. The saddest moment in my life I believe is when my family passes away. I lost my grandma and my aunt and it was the worst for like months. God has filled that void somehow through a divine mystery I cannot understand. Anyways the sad periods are over thanks to GOD 0 AD!!! But I continue to be worried about the future. What I always say is "Thank you Jesus Christ." Thank you Jesus Christ.

tienkhoanguyen 25-02-2017 09:25 AM

Well now that the main portion of PingPong is complete... now I am working on the pure assembly section. It does not more so far than print out a cross in multicolor 10 times.

tienkhoanguyen 25-02-2017 10:05 AM

I brag that GOD 0 AD is the only good in life! After all he gave me my two real parents who taught me to take care of yourself the best you can when we are gone. My real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong and my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy gave me a head start in programming. They put me through school so I could study at my own pace. Did you know it took me 6 years of community college at L.C.C.C. to get close to a 2 year Associates Degree in Liberal Arts? I remember bodybuilding while going to school at the same time. My real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy is right... physical exercise will drain you of your energy for mental work. I remember in addition to doing those two things I worked part time at the computer room. So 3 tasks at the same time during a brief period of time. Once a school news reporter came in to do an interview with me and I was caught off guard sleeping and dozing off. hehe So the news reporter left annoyed that an interview was going to take place. Then out of school I studied and worked independently for 2 additional years plus maybe a year when I was 8 years old. So all together almost 10 years total in training for programming. I do not know if it did any good however I am happy thank you my The LORD of all hosts. Now a days after years of reading The Holy Bible I am religious to an extreme. I know I am not special and only GOD is special. However I am happy that I get to play with my toys. I might never get to be a NASA programmer and that is okay. For a drop out I am grateful to GOD through the original Jesus Christ that I am a nobody who gets to spend time with my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong when I get a chance. I take it for granted much of the time that having my mom is enough. I see a laptop and look at electronics and think it makes me happy. However without my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong and my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy I know I am not happy. Although I can get by alone like I just did yesterday night it is not the same. I feel a family part of me missing. She is my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong and my dad is my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy. Although my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy is only part of me now in spirit I remember him through programming daily. I am sad that my two sisters have grown so old. They are married now. Both Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi has families of their own now. I guess I should not be upset. My little sisters have to grow up sometimes.

tienkhoanguyen 25-02-2017 05:15 PM


tienkhoanguyen 26-02-2017 08:28 AM


tienkhoanguyen 26-02-2017 09:20 AM

I unofficially graduated.

Well did you know I went to school for programming for 6 college years only to end up a dropout? Furthermore I studied 3 years off the grid from college. So usually it takes 10 years to be a doctor. I have 9 years and I am just giving myself a break for a year so to speak. Therefore I graduated and I am a doctor of programming! Do you know it costs $500 per course plus $250 for each course book? So estimating $1000 for a fulltime load of 5 courses is $5000 per semester. That means my parents spent $10000 x 6 years on me plus my 3 years independent training. That makes my parents rich now if they would have kept the $100k for themselves and screw me over!!! Oh well there $$$ lost is my gain. I owe my parents big time. Now if only hehe

I just wanted to say Hello to all my professors and teachers whether from kindergarten or college. Whether my teachers are in or out of school I am grateful to have their help. I would not be a solid programmer today without all those who are there for me.

Also I would like to say hello to all the Sirs out there who helped me to be a good person like my parents always wanted me to be.

I also like to say thank you to the government for providing me assistance when I was in a bind. I thank not only the government but also the people who make the government possible.

You are all special to me. I would help out with the database error however I left that a long time ago. I made a database program for a golf course for $20/hr when I was just starting out. That was over 20 years ago. Now I am just a DOSBox 0.74 programmer.

tienkhoanguyen 26-02-2017 05:46 PM

My name is Nguyen Khoa Tien.
I was born December 26, 1973 in Vietnam, Saigon. Today that area is known to be Ho Chi Minh. It is the center of Vietnam and I am proud to be a Vietnamese citizen from birth to death and beyond! I am proud that I was never once a citizen of another country except Vietnam!!! My two greatest heroes are my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong and then my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy along with my two real sisters Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi. I have a crush on my only friend in life Ho Thi Nga and hope to have a daughter 40 years from now with her. So I am still young and in the mean time I am an aspiring great programmer. I play the board game chess for a hobby when I am bored.

My real family just mentioned came here in 1975 to reside in The United States of America. I am proud of how far we have come. I see my two real parents and two real sisters work hard along with my real friend putting themselves in danger working at a local mom and pop store. It is not fun to be gun pointed and robbed and beaten up because we lived in a poor neighborhood.

So now I am glad that all the bad and neutral points are over. We had a lot of conflicts over the years and ironed them out. Thank you to GOD 0 AD for giving the rest of our lives a happy lives and for infinity too.

Going through life I know resources are limited. When someone gives you something and you do not appreciate it you get angry.

tienkhoanguyen 01-03-2017 06:35 AM

I think GOD is the man!
Well I got pretty far in this one. It doesn't look like it with only 2 dots extra on the screen, but the pure dev coding is complicated. It took me 2.5 hard years of work after studying to get this far. Just imagine a trash pickup guy working on their job for 2.5 years. Well you get the point. At first they get tired after throwing in 2 trash bags. Well then they get tired after 10 boxes. Now they do a whole neighborhood a favor. hehe

By the way I give full credits to my papa and my mamma. They pretty cool brining my two sis and moi into the world of eww

twillight 01-03-2017 06:25 PM

Ur gawd is a joke
1Kings 18. I dare you.

tienkhoanguyen 01-03-2017 07:19 PM


The main program tested in MS-DOS 6.22 in VirtualBox on Windows 8.

The copyrighted mechanism file that is needed in order for PONG138.EXE to run.

Exodus 20:1-17.

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