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temperamental 17-04-2006 11:47 PM

Man, I bought this game way back in '94 (or, so my dad did, I was quite young then...) and I just remembered I still had it. Being a bit nostalgic, I tried to install it from the disk again... it has this RETARDED copy protection thing where if it's installed on a previous hard drive it cannot be installed on another one, and unfortunately the old 486 I used to have this game on is well, long gone (I think).

I could upload the disk on yousendit or something, but somehow I doubt people would find use for it unless someone manages to find a way around this copy protection. The version's also hella old. Let me know though.

BeefontheBone 18-04-2006 08:30 AM

Seeing as this has been bumped already, how's the update going?

Neryam 24-04-2006 01:03 PM

Yay first post!
Wow what happened and why is it talking so long to come on the site? O_o

Btw, I love this game and I have the full version, but yeah the floppy has copy protection and if I try to copy everything off of it onto my HD the installer doesn't work anymore. :/
Plus, it only allows you to install on one computer. These guys did NOT want their game to be pirated. Ideas?

Eagle of Fire 24-04-2006 01:07 PM

At the very worse, copy the floppy as an ISO and send it to us with all the infos you can spare. The label of the floppy is one of those infos which could be important.

I don't beleives that it can't be cracked in a way or another. I always did find in my young days to pass copy protection, and this game is very old... I'm willing myself to give it a try.

The Fifth Horseman 24-04-2006 01:28 PM

ISO? EoF...

IMG, rather. You can use something like WinImage to read and write floppy images.

Neryam 24-04-2006 01:38 PM

Hmm, okay I will try WinImage and will put the image on my site. 200kb limit here..

The Fifth Horseman 24-04-2006 01:40 PM

Actually, you can put it up on or .

Neryam 24-04-2006 01:59 PM

Alright, I wasn't sure which format to save the image, but Rapidshare told me that there was already a duplicate file with a different name when I tried to upload the .vfd xD so here is the .IMA.

Eagle of Fire 25-04-2006 01:02 AM

What? You understood me... Use whatever mean necessary to do it... I just don't know how to call them, I'm not a hacker myself. :P ;)

Neryam 25-04-2006 02:41 AM

No that's the image of inner space I uploaded. :P I have a .vfd too but rapidshare says its the same as the .ima.

Ahh I forgot to give you all the info sry..
There was a sticker on the disk with 19762 handwritten on it. No idea what its for. Label says "To install, run A:/install.exe" and "Operation: Inner Space" with all that copyright stuff.

The installer installs a few files into C:/WINDOWS.. Config files and stuff. What else.. After I reinstalled, the installer had modified/created a file called "secure". ONLY this file. All the other files have not been modified since like 1996. :P

By the way, I uninstalled Inner Space first before making the image so the image is of a "Valid Install" disk ready for a clean new install.

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