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moogle 26-08-2005 09:24 PM


Originally posted by Chuck the plant@Aug 26 2005, 08:33 PM
That would be "Space Invaders" for Atari VCS 2600. Including the silly comic-book :<!--emo&LOL:--><!--endemo-->
Dude!?!? You have space invaders!?!?
Thats sooo cool, hang on to that :)

Borodin 27-08-2005 11:36 AM

LOL! I actually found my original copy of Crush, Crumble, Chomp (or something like that) the other day while we were doing a long-needed spring cleaning of the garage. No reason I should have retained it, but somehow, it got lost among the flotsam of a bygone age. :)

spooks17 27-08-2005 08:06 PM

i was boarn in 1991 and i plaed vido games and 5 so i can rembmer super mairo 3 i love that game i never beat it got to the last lvl but nope :ok:


moogle 27-08-2005 11:32 PM

I just went out and bought Command And Conqure, the first one, doesn't even run on my computer, but its nice to have something nogalistic. Maybe I should start collecting...

ShadowXIX 05-09-2005 05:35 AM

Oldest game I have still in the box is Altered Beast for the Genesis system in 1989 I believe.

Oldest without the box would have to be Super Mario brothers/ Duck hunt circa 1986. I dont have any of the boxes for my old NES games they where just weak cardboard or something.

Zakhal 05-09-2005 05:47 AM

My first original games are from 1989. Those were the golden days! Funny how new games cost only 5-8 € those days. The first games I bought were collections (Great games 1&2?). After 5 years I sold the tape 64 for 120€ and bought my first PC - 486DX33. It had a harddrive and everything! :D The main reason I bought PC was to play RPG and strategy games. 64 and amiga were limited when it came to those genres.

Year or two after that I bought my first soundcard (Soundgames?) and modem. Soon I was cruising along the boxes and bulletins playing VGA planets and Zombiemud.

Office_Monk 07-09-2005 12:49 PM

C-64 tapes: Yie-Ar Kung Fu, Kane, Kickstart, Samantha Fox Strippoker, Hercules, Kentilla (which was a damn text adventure but featured a nice cover) and Lazy Jones

PC Boxed (don't know which is oldest): The Chaos Engine (my first PC game), Motor City, Humans 1 and 2 (single box), Wing Commander II

The Fifth Horseman 07-09-2005 01:10 PM

Battle Isle 1.

MarkO 07-09-2005 03:17 PM

Most of my boxes have gone the way of the dodo.

However, I do still keep the Gabriel Knight 1 & 2 boxes.

Dave 09-09-2005 10:30 PM

My first original game is Nathan Never!
Amiga 600 rulez! I've got the box with the poster & an unpublished comic ! Wow...I loved it.. :kosta:

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