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Marquis Celt Dragon 26-04-2005 07:39 PM

Ty on that info on the symbols of the gods. I am stuck there and i think that this info will allow me to figure out the symbols. Ty.

Haradrim 26-04-2005 09:33 PM

This is what I did for the riddles:

I typed the exact riddle on google search and it came up with riddle sites with the same exact riddle asked on game :D

For Fatima I didnt take notes on the symbols so I decided it was better to make a new game. Anyways heres some help with symbols:

Athene: (looks like a + sign with a triangle on top of it)

Vesta: (looks like a table with a U on top of it)

Isis: (a smily face thing with horns)

Astarte: (Same as Isis except it has a triangle split in two below it)

Ceres: (looks like a pirate hook)

Venus: (stick figure with no legs)

Now that you know the symbols when Fatima tells you the clue, google it word for word and you should find the answer pretty quick. Hope it helps :D

ps. Make sure to play conquests of the longbow---awesome stuff

adamcoxoff 27-04-2005 02:29 AM

A couple of years ago I tried to copy this game from the 5 1/4 in. disks that I have to a regular floppy that I could actually use. After afternoons of fruitless file bypassing and renaming I came up short. But it doesn't matter now.

Like someone else said, i have searched all over for this game, to no avail. I am elated to find it here finally... too bad I have so much damn homework...

After this game, all I need to complete my childhood game repetoire is superfly and Arctic Adventure.

thanks a bunch, can't wait to play it again.

Ana Lingus 27-04-2005 12:37 PM

[size=4]Two thumbs up! More fun than a night of fellating oxen!

Marquis Celt Dragon 28-04-2005 09:57 PM

:help: I need help majorly. I am fighting that stupid stinking little saracen. It like majorly cant do. In like 10 swings you guy is so tired that it takes like a minute for him to swing, on top of his retarded style that allows the saracen to know he is attacking before he even actually swings his sword. HOW in the world am i supposed to beat a guy who can block like all my swings? Lost in this stupid unrealistic battle that follows no trained fighting style.
Signed medieval freak.

temis 13-05-2005 04:18 PM

how can i dpwnload the whole game?

A. J. Raffles 13-05-2005 05:10 PM


Originally posted by temis@May 13 2005, 04:18 PM
how can i dpwnload the whole game?
You can't, I'm afraid. See this thread for details:

Marquis Celt Dragon 13-05-2005 11:33 PM

I beat this game finally. :D It was hard to do someplaces and i had to reduce the game challenge level down to beat those areas, but for the most part it was perty easy even on the hardest challenge level. :bleh:

Doc Adrian 17-05-2005 01:03 AM

I love the game, but I hate crossing the ice lake with the heart.
The message of the rose makes it alot easier, but I am not sure how it effects the points

Scott 24-05-2005 01:00 AM

I remember when I was little it took me probaly 10 tries just to get out of the castle at the begining... those were the days

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