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robofish7591 21-06-2011 09:27 PM

Happy Birthday!
I love Abandonia because they provide me with so many games that I will eventually put on my old Windows 3.1 computer (when I stop being lazy and finally get a floppy drive for my desktop :lol:,) also because I love old role playing games!

Madmaxwell 21-06-2011 09:32 PM

Ode To Abandonia
Once I was a boy running dos
now I am man running Dosbox
my heart is that of an adventurer
my goal to see it all play it all
a pixel perfect paradise. Thank you
for giving me 12 years of adventures
letting me live out my childhood all over again.

gumpy 21-06-2011 09:52 PM

Playing games like Future Wars, SimCity, Carmen Sandiego were a big part of my childhood. Abandonia is a like a time machine that lets me go back and re-live those thrilling days of yesteryear.

In simple terms:
Abandonia is stinking awesome. 'nuff said.

Catwafer 22-06-2011 12:00 AM

I wrote a haiku:

When you've got a love for DOS
It's sweet nostalgia!

(should "nostalgia" be 3 or 4 syllables? Either way, I just want to play some X-COM and Commander Keen!!)

rabadi 22-06-2011 12:47 AM

I like Abandonia because...
It isn't about money, Abandonia provides games for free.
It isn't about warez, Abandonia removes games still sold elsewhere.
It isn't about seniority, Abandonia is open for old and new members alike.
It isn't about files only, reviews are insightful and box shots fascinating.
It isn't about walking alone, member-made walkthroughs will see you through.
It is about random, a daily quiz a day keeps you knowledgeable along the way.
It is about the past, but Abandonia brings it back for us to cherish today.
Happy birthday, Abandonia!

Slightly longer than 50 words, I hope you do not mind.
However, if the rule for 50 words or less is really imposed, then please use the following shorten version:

It isn't about money, Abandonia provides games for free.
It isn't about warez, Abandonia removes games still sold elsewhere.
It isn't about files only, reviews are insightful and box shots fascinating.
It is about the past, but Abandonia brings it back for us to cherish today.

Abandonia username: rabadi
GOG username: tarangwydion

Whale_Biologist 22-06-2011 02:22 AM

Abandonia is awesome. It's full of great games. It has brought many people happiness. It is just plain awesome. I would know. I'm a whale biologist.

Not Jabba 22-06-2011 02:44 AM

All the lights have gone out. She hobbles, blind, withered. They have gone ahead, and she is left far behind. But out of the black she feels the strength of arms, and the air begins to glow with candlelight. “Come, old one,” says a voice. “You will be cherished here.”

themanofsteel 22-06-2011 03:33 AM

Abandonia (In 50 Words)
Congratulations on 12 years of bringing retro back!!

My entry:
Abandonia provides an escape from the modern doldrums of gaming. It seems as though the only gaming nowadays consist of “ultra, hardcore realism”. Abandonia is a museum, more than merely being a download repository, it provides evidence that games once innovated and challenged the player. Retro games will never die!!

Retronator 22-06-2011 05:02 AM

The first game I bought was Bullfrog's Theme Park
Before that I pirated Alone in the Dark
My boss has a ringtone from Ski or Die
In Aces Over Europe I've learned how to fly
SimCity, Albion and Elder Scrolls
Abandonia is the home to our nostalgic souls


MrLesion 22-06-2011 06:03 AM

Back when it mattered
Waking up and starring out the window…reminiscing…looking back on a time where games didn’t need multiple plots, customizable characters or mind-blowing graphics… A golden age some would say, but I call it the only age… Horny as Larry or in search of the Moonstones, I go to my beloved Abandonia.

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