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Tulac 11-12-2010 01:33 AM

Hey I may not always agree with this guy, but he undeniably nailed all the points. Watch this video.

Also the government is never your friend. Do not trust them, they work against their people and for their self interest, wikileaks is great for exposing the misdeeds of government and information that is kept from the people that themselves chose the same government.

I find the idea that people have something against the exposition of deeds of this (or any really) government that was elected by the people (and should therefore be accounted by the people that elected them cause they are the same people who are affected by their decisions) disgusting and perverse.

Government should be transparent and accountable to people, I can only wish there are more of these leaks for every government in the world, perhaps then the word GOVERNMENT would take it's true meaning.


"Which has resulted in the most deaths? Lying us into war, or the release of the WikiLeaks papers?"
This quote says it all really.

APFelon 11-12-2010 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 418699)
watching fox news much?


leaks in the past? no, fox news most probably doesn't cover that.

You get FOX News in Slovakia? Do people there watch it?


KrazeeXXL 11-12-2010 11:21 AM

@APFelon: In the times of internet and (dis)information... do you think FOX news' reputation which is well known in the civilized world stops @ the U.S. borders?

Knock, knock... someone there? anyone? :lol:

APFelon 11-12-2010 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by KrazeeXXL (Post 418786)
@APFelon: In the times of internet and (dis)information... do you think FOX news' reputation which is well known in the civilized world stops @ the U.S. borders?

Knock, knock... someone there? anyone? :lol:

I am always amazed that people have become so damned comfortable with insulting perfect strangers over the Internet.

Knock, knock indeed.


_r.u.s.s. 11-12-2010 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by APFelon (Post 418773)
You get FOX News in Slovakia? Do people there watch it?


nope, we fortunately don't have fox news. but everyone who knows something about it knows that it's a joke


Originally Posted by Aramazon (Post 418711)
I tried reading some of the leaks, but gosh are they ever dry...nothing exciting at all, just letters between diplomats. Some guy preparing to visit Germany got a nice long boring memo about the state of the country and whom he should say what to. (this one is not from diplomatic cables, but still)
and more. now, not even 1% of the cables have been released, there will be more of interesting things

Dave 11-12-2010 02:29 PM

Take it easy guys, just try to not ruin the pacific exchange of different points of view please. :)

There's a thing I'm sure about, Assange became a symbol, and it's very difficult to destroy simbols, even death is useless.
That's why I think arresting him is just stupid, on the contrary, you all have seen what's happening.

Don't know if this is the right way to obtain transparency though, I'm sure that even Assange actions can be manipulized by media.
I bet that most of the people who heard about Assange & Co didn't even bother to visit the site and accepted news as TV proposed them.

KrazeeXXL 11-12-2010 03:56 PM

Another side effect of globalization APFelon. But sorry if I've insulted you.

Truth hurts sometimes, I know...

APFelon 11-12-2010 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by KrazeeXXL (Post 418801)
Another side effect of globalization APFelon. But sorry if I've insulted you.

Truth hurts sometimes, I know...

Is there a reason that you must be continually insulting and fan flames?

Are you looking to provoke some sort of reaction?

All I asked is how you and R.U.S.S know about an American news organization and I get this from you.




KrazeeXXL 11-12-2010 05:15 PM

Dude you picked a quote out of _r.u.s.s.' post amid a discussion of a sensitive topic.
Don't act as you weren't aware of that.

You didn't ask about how we know about an american news organization in the first place but if ppl in Slovakia are able to watch FOX news. So you questioned parts of his statement and also his credibility.

This quoting cumulative with your question just left me over one interpretation. (you read it above)

So don't try to change your original intentions into something which makes me sound overreacting and even insulting. I'm certainly not. It's not charade here, it's a discussion.

edited: grammar

APFelon 12-12-2010 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by KrazeeXXL (Post 418808)
Dude you picked a quote out of _r.u.s.s.' post amid a discussion of a sensitive topic.
Don't act as you weren't aware of that.

You didn't ask about how we know about an american news organization in the first place but if ppl in Slovakia are able to watch FOX news. So you questioned parts of his statement and also his credibility.

This quoting cumulative with your question just left me over one interpretation. (you read it above)

So don't try to change your original intentions into something which makes me sound overreacting and even insulting. I'm certainly not. It's not charade here, it's a discussion.

edited: grammar

Sorry, I am not going to let you troll me. You'll have to have your tantrum all by yourself.


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