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Kugerfang 10-12-2010 12:54 AM

Well, to be honest, my only gripe with linearity is the fact that the replay value goes down to 0 once you've finished the game. Also, I don't think that linear games are dumbing down society. In fact, I think the only reason why we're bashing the Ai in this game is because it's from Call of Duty, and we all now that CoD is only for the common gaming prole, and not us gamer elites.

_r.u.s.s. 10-12-2010 01:51 AM

well, back in the days "common" people's game was for example doom (not the third shitty one). it had really neat level design where you didn't just walk down the path and shoot everything. you really had fun exploring the maps and looking for the key cards back then

i don't say that there aren't interesting games nowdays, for example, just look at the brilliant psychonauts, but the majority of them dumbs down to "shoot all you see and walk forward". and they do it mostly wrong. a good example of doing this right is half life

btw, hey look, we changed the topic from the ai to maps

DarthHelmet86 10-12-2010 05:13 AM

See R.u.s.s I agreed with you all the way up to Half-Life....I find it to be an overhyped, rather boring and linear FPS game. The expansions are the only thing I like about it, and Blue Force is the only one I realy like to play anymore.

And I am not mocking this game cause its CoD and thats for the plebs, I am mocking it cause it's crud. The game is based around highly scripted events, meaning the levels have to be very linear to fit into these events and the player has to play a certain way. The single player in CoD isn't the selling poing anymore (same goes for MoH) it's the multiplayer that sells the game.

KrazeeXXL 10-12-2010 09:19 PM

Most of those "new" games like COD are just fast food. Nothing substantial.

But fast food sells well and satisfies the big need for something new. You might get a bang for your buck but not a game you can play over and over again.

So nothing which fits my taste in gaming. Same with fast food and eating.

TheFoxFence 10-12-2010 09:32 PM


I think your arguments is quite valid for the mainstream of the game industry, but there has also been a big increase in so called "indie games", which often is games with one "author"/creator. I guess these games are more likely to be "created as desired with fun and creativity" and "without time pressure and restraints from "above"".

However only a indie game maker can confirm if that's the case or not, but on a speculative level it seems reasonable.

dosraider 15-12-2010 10:01 AM

Got Borderlands from a friend to try out.
Could have been a pretty good game, but alas, it's completely dumbed down.
Close to retarded.
Oh look, goodies, and with extra laser light, we could miss something!
Here no HEADSHOT but 'CRITICAL' , the whole damn game through CRITICAL in ya face, damn boring.....
Aha, a box with goodies, and of course the obligatory laser lights, we could miss the whole box .......

Uploaded with

And so on and so on .... do this do that go there go here everytime you get low on ammo RELOAD RELOAD in ya face, pylons to save your game because we are to dumb to hit a key when we want to save, RELOAD RELOAD CRITICAL CRITICAL .... hit ENTER to do this hit ENTER to do that hit ENTER for something else RELOAD CRITICAL ENTER ENTER
OK, 15 minutes and it's uninstall, I've got it with that kind of dumb games.
Shame, because it could have been a good game.

_r.u.s.s. 16-12-2010 12:43 AM

man, and you didn't geven get into the half of the game yet. it's fun to shoot things around until you realize that the game is so unbalanced that you take any boss on 10 hits without a any trouble at all and every quest becomes "trivial" or "easy" difficulty in the quest list

if anyone wants to play borderlands and enjoy it properly he must not do every sidequest, he must just go after the main one so he doesn't overpower everyone halfway through. i didn't even finish playing it with my friends because of how boring it became

DarthHelmet86 16-12-2010 03:08 AM

Now see the first playthrough by yourself you do end up overpowered...and there is a reason for that, the game is meant to be played with friends. Every player who joins your game makes the game harder, and the game even tells you that. The bosses the mooks all get harder, and the ammo stays the same. So while you might have way to much now, when 4 people are picking over it after a big boss fight the game is a lot harder. Plus the first playthrough is rather easy, the second third fourth and fifth all get harder...and hey you stop leveling at 50 (or 60 I think with the DLC) you almost reach that level in the first playthrough. I have played the game on the "third" playthrough and got my but handed to me over and over.

The mistake here is pretty simple Borderlands is not a single player game, it can be played as such but is meant to be played MP. The game has it's faults don't get me wrong, but the fun that can be had with friends far outweighs them.

TotalAnarchy 16-12-2010 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by DarthHelmet86 (Post 419012)
Now see the first playthrough by yourself you do end up overpowered...and there is a reason for that, the game is meant to be played with friends. Every player who joins your game makes the game harder, and the game even tells you that. The bosses the mooks all get harder, and the ammo stays the same. So while you might have way to much now, when 4 people are picking over it after a big boss fight the game is a lot harder. Plus the first playthrough is rather easy, the second third fourth and fifth all get harder...and hey you stop leveling at 50 (or 60 I think with the DLC) you almost reach that level in the first playthrough. I have played the game on the "third" playthrough and got my but handed to me over and over.

The mistake here is pretty simple Borderlands is not a single player game, it can be played as such but is meant to be played MP. The game has it's faults don't get me wrong, but the fun that can be had with friends far outweighs them.

You can't just include SP and say it's an MP game. If there is an SP mode, you got to make it work as well as the MP, else it's a half-assed game, and it should seriously affect the overall score, or the conclusion in other words.

Plus, of course a game should be a lot harder when playing in coop. But the question is compared to what? I got the feeling when you were talking about the difficulty augmentation that you were comparing it with the difficulty in SP mode. If in SP the difficulty is 1, and in 4 Coop is 4, then what the heck has changed? Well never mind that, russ was talking about coop too, so I don't understand what you're trying to prove.

DarthHelmet86 16-12-2010 10:59 AM

No you misunderstand how the game works TA, it isn't supposed to be a SP game at all. The game can be played in SP or MP and is really intended that you will be playing online and people can drop into your world. Whenever anyone does drop into your world the game raises the difficulty, (two people need more challange then one person alone, three people need more then two). Borderlands has been rightly called the MMO of FPS games, thats the idea behind it. It was even how it was sold, as a online MMO style FPS game.

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