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The Fifth Horseman 10-02-2005 01:27 PM

I don't have my dosbox.conf on me ATM, but you can set the full screen mode to work at a fixed resolution and then you can set what resolution it is.

Mad-E-Fact 11-02-2005 03:03 PM

Thanks, I found the setting in the config. Problem is, Boxer doesn't support the advmame3x scaler yet, so I'd have to run Dosbox manually every time. Will have to wait for a new version I guess. :)

Phett 11-02-2005 05:19 PM

I've noticed some of the graphics on the games are poorer than what they used to be back in the day.

e.g Aces over europe I've run it and it's alot more 'blocky' than what i remember same with xwing some of the detail is missing.

Is there a way I can correct this by changing some values in dosbox if so what?

Or am I just gonna have to live with it thnx for any help/advice

Ty for a great site brings back loads of my childhood memories playing these games again

Guest 12-02-2005 05:05 AM

Im trying to get wing commander privateer to work on dosbox, and yes i have xp. I already found out the basic commands, but some sites said u need to change ems=false (i think) in dosbox.conf. I found dosbox.conf, but how do i open it? :wall:

Mad-E-Fact 12-02-2005 04:00 PM

You can open the config file with any editor, or you use a frontend (like Boxer, or d-fend) which is more comfortable to use.

Jerry 15-02-2005 08:29 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Feb 12 2005, 06:05 AM
Im trying to get wing commander privateer to work on dosbox, and yes i have xp. I already found out the basic commands, but some sites said u need to change ems=false (i think) in dosbox.conf. I found dosbox.conf, but how do i open it? :wall:
Hi - I'm also trying to get Privateer to work in DOS Box - did you have any success? I have used the ems=false option in the config file but there is still an error in loading in DOS Box. Stating that EMS must not use NOEMS but "RAM". Did you succeed (Also XP)

Mad-E-Fact 27-02-2005 11:00 AM

Every DOS game runs in dosbox, its just an emulation for windows XP which doesn't have a dos command... thingy. If you have troubles setting the dosbox config, just download a front-end like d-fend, it's much easier to set-up. and read the stickies in this forum! :P

sam 16-03-2005 05:30 PM

hey dudes i cant seem to get dosbox to load up my 'animal' game i keep getting this message on the dosbox thing hmmmm and do u still need the cd to play the game in dos box?

BUFFY 17-03-2005 04:23 AM

Hey Sam

Before anyone can help you, you really need to say what the error message is as that will help identify the problem.

Also it helps to state the spec's of your computer such as the Operating System, Mhz, ram etc.

Is the game simply called Animal? State the full name of the game incase there is a specific solution to the game.

Thanks :ok:

sam 17-03-2005 04:01 PM

yeh the game is called animal u know the peperomi game the message that comes up is......cannot open file D:\gfxpalette\pep.pal then it sez go on be a animal play the game again then it sez C:\animal

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