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The Fifth Horseman 25-07-2006 02:48 PM

However... some people might have very negative opinion on this kind of laziness.
Please do your own checking from now on.

Dave 01-08-2007 04:10 PM

Lords of Chaos (1991) Published by Blade Software Ltd. & Developed by Mythos Games Ltd.

DeathsHead 01-08-2007 05:19 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David86 @ Aug 1 2007, 05:10 PM) [snapback]302311[/snapback]</div>

Lords of Chaos (1991) Published by Blade Software Ltd. & Developed by Mythos Games Ltd.
Can you provide a diret link? I cannot find it as you have stated. Thanks.

Dave 01-08-2007 06:03 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DeathsHead @ Aug 1 2007, 07:19 PM) [snapback]302319[/snapback]</div>

Can you provide a diret link? I cannot find it as you have stated. Thanks.
I never said it's on Abandonia.

I said it's Abandonware, and now we can put it on Abandonia.
We need the game, we need a review, some screenshots and maybe a manual.

Man_of_Mystery 01-08-2007 10:37 PM

a year later and you are still here with only one post outside this thread... wow I guess you are devoted to this game

Dave 02-08-2007 11:15 AM

eheh, he is he is... :)
Moved to Approved requests.

Pex 21-03-2009 08:40 AM

Lords of Chaos
... but I cannot remember its name :|

I used to play it on C=64 in like late 80s (maybe early 90s), but I believe there was a PC version as well.

Anyway, in game you controlled a wizard which could summon different creatures to fight for him. Depending on a level (as in map, not difficulty level) you select, you could play against other players (hot seat) or computer. Before the game you distribute points to 'buy' creatures you can later use in the game. There you also buy a level of spell, which usually meant the number of creatures that you would be able to summon during the game, casting that summoning spell.

Creatures varied - i remember vampires, pixies, goblins, etc. Some could fly, some could collect weapons that were on the map and use and some could even use some spells of their own. To summon them you needed mana, which you had at the beginning but after that you had to send creatures to collect some banana like things. You were able to move your wizard as well and fight with him, but it wasn't always the best choice.

View was top down and I believe it used hexagonal grid for playing. I remember that in game of more than 2 players, if your wizard got killed, you could've still controlled surviving summoned creatures, but you couldn't win the game, since as soon as one of the remaining wizards got killed, the last one standing would be the winner. But at least you could try to revenge your wizard by attacking the player that had him killed ;)

Anyway, google search yielded Master of Monsters, but somehow I don't think that was the one. I don't remember battles between monster happening in a separate (Mortal Kombat like) screen, and that is what the above mentioned game mentions. I could be wrong, though, it was a long time ago.

Any ideas?

The Fifth Horseman 21-03-2009 09:55 AM

Sounds a little like Archon or Archon Ultra.

Pex 21-03-2009 10:23 AM

Just checked those on the forum and it's neither of them. This game didn't have a chess board or anything like. Thanks anyway :)

Acethor 24-03-2009 03:30 PM

Was it by any chance Master of Magic?

Just a guess off the top of my head.

EDIT: Btw, do you know what genre the game belonged to? e.g RPG, Strategy, etc

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