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jackstone 30-08-2007 12:44 PM

after playing the for a bit, whenever I try to loot a body, I never find anything of value. I even got to a place where I killed this guy(the grey guard- he looks just like a thug, only... gray) and I think I needed to get some key from him, but I still got the " conan finds nothing of value" msg.
is this a bug or just bad luck?
and, has this happend to anyone else?

some guy 30-08-2007 03:25 PM

Does anybody know how to kill the undead king?

marko river 04-09-2007 08:49 AM

OK, "here's goes" :D

whoever wants to beat game without hints shouldn't read this post!!!!!!!!!!!

@Guest that hated this game:
It is my personal oppinion but i think you should try it again, only in Shadizar you should get yourself into it in order to learn some paths in the city. It is not that hard after a while althoguh even when constantly playing this game I can't always find some locations without a minute of search. There some puzzles and side quests and I think game is well worth several hours of playing.

@Naito Jester
Well it is unclear what to do but as Milton said (and as it is written on that piece of paper) staff in hole... I'm not sure, it probably says that staff in hole opens pit or something. Well, you need to buy ordinary staff (do not use staff of power as it has slightly different usage :D) and using staff on that screen will result in Conan puting the staff in that hole beside him. That will open pit ant the center of the screen (there is some white stone block at the center). So, if you don do this when priest is in the middle of screen you're dead.

@Anonymus Coward
Iron demon in Toth Amon's palace is really unkillable. If my memory is correct, he is in the room wtith three doors. That means that there is three ways to get into that room and you should consider it as dead end - wich it really is. You have to avoid that room, so maze is only way left for you I guess :D

As horseman told you metal things are pulled toward monolith, so you haveto drop your items and have obsidian sword (some sort of wood i guess). Now, where would you drop your inventory. Well, it wouldn't be wise to drop it anywhere because they might dissappear. I'm not sure that houses, taverns or similar locations are safe ebough, but pit of Skeleton king surely is. So, get to place where you destroyed Skeleton king and drop all your items there.

No, it's not bad luck actually but only some bodies are useful for looting. Naturally, regular enemies won't have anything, but some special persons. If I'm not mistaken, only two bodies will have something useful. For now, I won't tell you which ones, but you'll figure out.

@Some guy
Undead king or Skeleton king (i'm not sure anymore) is killed using flint and steel. When entering his tomb you'll notice on the first location that there is a pile of wood and other junk in the middle of the screnn. proceed to the next screen, wait for the king to start approaching you go back to previous screen and beside the pile. Wait for the king to get near the pile and use Flint & steel to start a fire. Undead king is dead now :)

The Fifth Horseman 04-09-2007 10:39 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(marko_river @ Sep 4 2007, 10:49 AM) [snapback]308723[/snapback]</div>

some sort of wood i guess[/b]
Actually, it's volcanic glass. Wikipedia article.

UTunnels 16-09-2007 01:13 PM

Does anybody notice, the BGMs are not as good as those of amiga version? Maybe that is a sound card problem? I love the amiga version, but it runs slowly on an emulator.

You can dash in dos version, by pressing the mouse button quickly enough, that allows you to avoid many enemies(sounds like a bug), but you can get stuck easily in dos version(run into a wall or something).

marko river 28-09-2007 09:10 AM

You have to be a little careful since there is only one slot for saving. You can for example save in the pit where you need to use the rope. Well, if you don't have the rope you must load and go back to town to buy one, but you can also save although you don't have rope and.... start over, i guess....

PleaseMYOB 25-04-2008 08:38 PM

Map of Shadizar
I have the original game box, so I scanned the map that comes with it, and it's hosted HERE.

sigma 14-09-2008 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by PleaseMYOB (Post 324382)
I have the original game box, so I scanned the map that comes with it, and it's hosted HERE.

Thanks a lot! I kept getting lost...

Um, here's some help to those who can't figure out the commands (I couldn't so I had to figure this all out for myself):

To pause, click the small red button on the top right. To view the menu, press F1 or click the small blue button on the top left. Take note: there is only ONE game save slot so be careful!

On biggest view, press A and click the city you want to get to.

In a city, you can use the mouse to move (LMB to go where you click, hold RMB to keep moving) or the keyboard (arrow keys). To use or examine an object of your inventory, choose your fighting style, or drop something, press A or click the fist on the right (or just click Conan). To see your current status, press S or click the face on the right (the fighting style with a * before it is your currently selected fighting style). To view your inventory, press D or click the backpack on the right. To enter a building, get as close to the door as you can and either go into it with the up arrow key or right-click the door (can be tricky). To interact with a character, bump into them and a menu will show up. Some characters just stand still or walk around, but beware: those that follow you want to mug you and a fight will start as soon as you touch them (i.e. if your stamina is low run away from those!).

In a building or during a fight, you switch to side view. It's easiest to use just the keyboard then, but you can still use the mouse if you like. Use the left and right arrow keys (or hold the RMB and move it to where you want to go) to move. To unsheath your sword, use the down arrow key (sorry mouse lovers, there's no other way). To attack (be sure you've selected the correct fighting style, but you can change that during the battle by pressing A) use the up arrow key or LMB on your enemy. Be sure to search (LMB) the bodies of those you kill, they may have things you need in their pockets (like maps, money or keys). To search a room, click every object the might conceal something (including all pots, boxes, crates, barrels, stools, horns, carpets, et cetera) and an object might appear at your feet. To pick it up, just click it. Be careful: if your stealth is below 70%, valuable items (like gemstones, teleport spells and lotuses) you pick up might make a noise and attract passing guards. If this happens you'll go to jail and lose all your "hard-earned" money.

For a start, don't do any difficult quests right away. Rob all houses in sight, train as much as possible, spend wisely, sell all gems and precious things you find (EXCEPT YOUR SWORD AND THE JADE KEY!!!), and keep all the maps you get (selling them isn't worth it). Once you're learned Thrust, a good place to start is the Underground, but first go to the Temple of Adonis, the priest on duty will give you a map.


What? 24-03-2009 11:19 PM

When I try to run start.exe in DOSBox, it just gives me the message, "GAME.CFG not found, please change disks." Help!

marko river 24-03-2009 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by What? (Post 357557)
When I try to run start.exe in DOSBox, it just gives me the message, "GAME.CFG not found, please change disks." Help!

Ermmmm..... try using conan.exe instead..???

Also, make sure you start install.exe first and set up sound card... Also, game without sound should work even in XP without using dosbox... tested it personally...

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