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paulypoos 22-08-2006 04:36 PM

FIENDISHLY difficult adventure this one, and didnt they just know it!!! kept referring to the fact (and apologising tongue in cheek) in the sequel. The voices in the game (sadly not on this download) are superb, by the likes of Eric Idle, Jon Pertwee and Tony Robinson. I have this game for the PS1 and still havent completed it as I hate to look at walkthroughs! if theres one put on here though I'll probably be tempted.

I dont know what the legal status is of this download, its rare to find a site hosting it so well done ABANDONIA!!! Im sure it will prove to be a very popular addition.


Adamg 22-08-2006 05:16 PM

I like to think that people like us who download old games such as these for free are keeping memories and interest alive in games in a way that is beneficial to everyone. The majority of these games can't be purchased from their authors or publishers anymore, and in many cases not even the owners of the rights. Nobody in the games industry likes us much, but we really don't cause any damage here. Sites like this probably help actually, in some ways. ^_^

Fawfulhasfury 22-08-2006 05:48 PM

Question answering time:

Woopee! I am extremely excited that this finally went up. (I love this game, and Rincewind pwns)
As for the SAVE thing, I followed my own instructions and everything worked fine, so I dunno what to say bout that. (This version has no voices and probably never will, tis why its so small and able to even make it on ab). This game is abandonware because ESA has ceased to protect it. WOOPEE!

I'll leave you to have fun! :ok:

Quintopotere 22-08-2006 06:31 PM

This game is a milestone in the point and click funny adventures :brain:

T-Jack 22-08-2006 07:33 PM

Hey, isn't it possible to download just some files from the game at HOTU?

Guest 22-08-2006 11:44 PM

Hi there!
After unzipping I get some files and a setup file. but this file won't work, neither in XP directly nor using dosbox.
Could somebody please write here how to get the game working?

Thx a lot


thebes 23-08-2006 12:52 AM

I made mine soundblaster pro and soundblaster pro optl and I do not have music or voice. Any ideas? It looks like a cool game. Also let me know if anyone can save. :sos: :wallbash:

Norrec 23-08-2006 12:57 AM

No disrespect to the great people here at Abandonia... but the Home of the Underdogs version of this game is just better. Not only do they have a fix so that you can play it perfectly without even needing VDMSound(atleast on my computer, with XP SP 2), but it also includes speech and sound effects(as well as music, which the version here has).

Anyway, I got about half way through(in I don't know, 6-7 hours) and gave up. This games hard, I ended up using a guide I'll admit. I guess all the puzzles make since, its just there was so many people to talk to, places to go, items to pick up, items to use items on, and some items can be combined togather. If you have a lot of time and not a lot to do, you should enjoy this one.

#BlakhOle# 23-08-2006 07:30 AM

Excuse me while I go crazy with euphoria... ^_^ :) :D :w00t: :brain: :wacko:

Northowl 23-08-2006 08:31 AM

This game is one of the best adventures made at all time! It is unfortunate that they don't make humorsitic games like this any more. It certainly does not hurt that Rincewind, the unfortunate hero, is voiced by none other than Eric Idle. He is, as most knows, a member of the Monty Python team, and he certainly bring this game several notch closer to their level. (there is even a place I swear he gets inspiration from the "nudge nudge say no more"-joke) I too have read all the books and am a big fan of Terry Pratchett's extremely fun brittish humor. I advice all you guys to check out his books.

It even surpass it's successor, Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! Because that game hangs too much up into the more modern flat cell animation graphics. They did not put the same heart in the background and animations as they did in the predecessor.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Aug 22 2006, 11:24 AM) [snapback]250201[/snapback]</div>


BTW, there is a version on HOTU with full voices... even better :)
I advice everyone to get the speached voices for this game. The puns of Eric Idle is what made this game an instant hit. Not to mention the extremely fun voices of all the other characters and monkeys.

Wait... did I say "monkey"? Damn! I meant "ape". Ape! NOT monkey! Oh damn! Wait, WAIT AAAAARGH


Did you see where that donkey cart came from?

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