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Guest 18-12-2004 11:39 AM

Hey, here`s a good way to balance the combats outcome, no more frigates getting beated by merchant ships :P

Horvendile 20-12-2004 07:57 AM

Another random praise:
I really like this game. It's been a tradition of mine to play one Colonization game every christmas (though it probably won't happen this year). By doing that, you get your yearly recommended dose of micromanegement.

I'm probably a lousy player, always playing on one of the easier settings, always with the Dutch, always playing in the same way. But since I'm doing it only once a year, I don't grow tired of it.

Oh, yeah... for some reason, playing this low-res VGA game on a 22" CRT looks even stranger than playing EGA Colonel's Bequest. :crazy:

soulblighter 22-12-2004 04:27 PM

It will be the biggest loss for players if Sid Meier doesn't make a sequel for Colonisation. I don't think there is a need to argue about Colonisation. Simply it is not one of the perfect games ever made; it is THE perfect game that has been ever made. Thanks for making this master-piece accesible for these soulless PC's.

Eagle of Fire 22-12-2004 04:34 PM

While I do agree that this game is very good, even tough I might have a little bias since it's the first real game I ever played on PC and that it even been my first PC game purchase ever, I don't think Colonization really need a sequel since it was already copied from Civilization.

If you like Colonization, you might want to try out Imperialism. Same story, better colony management, better fights. :ok:

goblins 27-12-2004 04:25 AM

you guys have version 2.25 is it possible to get version 3 or even version 4 for the DOS version (it fixes that annoying freeze bug) and at the same time expands the amount of colonies you can have on the map and also quite a few other gameplay issues - also the computer AI is boosted to be tougher

Still you can goto (open source) there is now a Coltoo (open source sequal that is at the beta stage not really playable to much but it is going forward)

goblins 27-01-2005 02:49 AM

guys goto this website for the colonization clone (called coltoo or col2) is actually an open source project - so if you are a programmer you can help out. Its not exactly a well advanced game yet but they are working on map generator at present and if you wish to follow this or help out goto

Its aimed at being a sequel / clone of col 2 with a lot of new features planned.

caesar007 22-02-2005 04:04 PM

it's a good game , but civ is better

combat is not random , i see some people have said it is , but it isn't

the only problem with this game is that at the higher levels you can't afford any sidelines like trying to conquer the other enemy colonies , your only goal is to prepare for war against your own king and the trade is too important in this game , you constantly need ships for trade and that get's boring

Harleqwyn 04-03-2005 12:26 AM


Originally posted by caesar007@Feb 22 2005, 05:04 PM
it's a good game , but civ is better

combat is not random , i see some people have said it is , but it isn't

the only problem with this game is that at the higher levels you can't afford any sidelines like trying to conquer the other enemy colonies ,* your only goal is to prepare for war against your own king and the trade is too important in this game , you constantly need ships for trade and that get's boring

I think the game has a sort of random generator to generate outcomes like combat, events etc. To get a different outcome say in combat, get some other unit to perform a task like moving or pioneer work, then attack with combat unit. This should also work with events like the treasure found in lost cities (good for getting those fountains of youth). I wonder if this applies to Civilisation as well? It's been awhile...

Once you get Peter Stuyvesant(?) you get to build custom houses so no need for ships to trade. It's nice to maintain a state of war with at least one other nation though, they are a good source of colonists and combat training. Keep some veteran dragoons parked outside an enemy town, when they foolishly send troops to attack you, rout them and ship them back with a waiting galleon or caravel. LOL

privateer 05-03-2005 10:37 PM

Yes, micromanagement in Colonization gets ridiculous. I usually either abandon my games half-way through or start cheating to help me out. I don't go crazy with cheating, but I just try to eliminate the micromanagement. I can't be bothered to move tools around for construction and to educate people, so what I do is let my factories produce tools/horses/muskets that spoil because I don't ship them out and instead of it I cheat for as many loads of tools as I produce every turn in any colony. :D Same with education. I keep trainers in the amounts I think I need, but don't actually put any students there. I just cheat to make a colonist into a pro whenever I need to. Those two things make life a lot easier when I have a lot of colonies.

civ2fan 10-03-2005 12:23 AM

Me and My friend Jarkko, and probably many other colonization players, noticed 8 years ago that you can play HOTSEAT in COLONIZATION.

This is not an official HOTSEAT because it is based on a bug and has only LIMITED possibilities.

Start game normally. When you are choosing your country CLICK THE EMPTY AREA BELOW the english flag. After that screen gets messy. Press Enter.

And continue game normally. After the harbour-leaving-animation, when you are in actual game, save the game and quit to dos(box).

Start the saved game. And voilá, you have 4-players/countries HOTSEAT-play.


- 4 countries are allways available (no less)
- Inca movement is visible
- You can't fight against other nations, except indians
- If ship reaches european port no message is given
- Diplomacy is still monolateral
- Four players sitting around of one computer not very comfortable, although social
- Number of Players: 2 or 4


- Indian massacre
- Independency rally
- Goldrush

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