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Laurrriz 03-01-2005 03:19 PM

Does any1 know what to do? I played this game in the past, but I came to the point where I have everything I researched everything an so on. Sometimes a UFO passes me and I destroy it. I destroyed a couple of them bases on earth, and I heard thet there is one on mars. How can I reach it? PLZ HELP :help:

Eagle of Fire 03-01-2005 04:17 PM

You need to research the Alien Origins and build an Avenger. The mission to Mars will become available after that.

ultranewbie 03-01-2005 08:26 PM

did you capture live aliens?

the research tree shouldn't have been empty if you didn't have all the technology. not capturing live aliens is the only thing that i can think of that might have caused that...

Sectiods are girls 04-01-2005 05:15 AM


Originally posted by berkie1234@Dec 30 2004, 07:16 AM
I like ufo-enamy unknown.BUT I STINK!!! :help:

The aliens just wait outside my ship,i send 1 man out and thier forces just snipe me
from out of my range



There are worse things than snipers. Mind control's been mentioned, but I've been sniped iinside my skyranger before disembarking, with blasters. That sux. Big time.
I think the proximity of the aliens to your landing zone may have something to do with your difficulty level. So if you keep getting wasted, try starting a new game on gumby mode.
Other advice just boils down to keeping your men in little groups that allow each group to cover different areas and moving slowly with the "reserve snap-shot" (or autoshot, or whatever) button selected.
Two to three teams of four work well. And if everyone has an auto-shot of time spare, when them nasties leap out from behind the shrubbery, four guys unloading autofire into the sucker will probably make the sucker think twice before doing it again.

Eagle of Fire 04-01-2005 07:28 PM

Ufo: Ennemy Unknown Aliens AI is not that good, so if you actually managed to get a grenade thrown at you by them... Well, you so extremely obviously packed up that even the AI managed to see that you could be hit by a grenade..! :blink:

I don't remember having a single casualty due to grenade in all... Around 25 campains... (My own grenades excluded :whistle:)

I would say that if you have a problem with grenades, you need to rethink your squad strategy... Especially if you were planning to play TFTD after ending UFO! You'll see what a really good grenade AI can do... I still feel the pain of my first TFTD campain 10 years ago... :ranting:

Also, I really don't understand what the race of the Alien change. Would it be a mutant, a big tank or whatever... You'll get hit if you stay in the way. Yes, I lost at least two or three Squaddie still in the Skyranger in every game too, but then I never lost as much as you guys seems to be talking about. Being creamed? Never happened to me, at least not inside my own ship! I guess equiping the first squaddies with armor help with that...

I also don't recall losing more than half my own team in any given mission, and last time that happened it was in one of my first campains ever and I was retreating back to base... Having bad equipment and be low on ammo usually don't help much on the winning part... :whistle:

All in all, I would say that you need to expect a very high death ratio in your first two games, then it will settle up for good and you'll wonder how you managed to get the money to get all those new fresh recruits in the first place... Happened to me, happened to about every Xcom veteran, will happen to you too. ;)

xcom freak 08-01-2005 07:27 AM


Originally posted by berkie1234@Dec 30 2004, 07:16 AM
I like ufo-enamy unknown.BUT I STINK!!! :help:

The aliens just wait outside my ship,i send 1 man out and thier forces just snipe me
from out of my range

I only last a couple of ufos on the eaisiest mode.



Purchase tanks, you can use them to clear out the way for your squad believe me, this will make the game a lot easier!

Wischi 12-01-2005 02:20 PM

Hey fellas.

I downloaded XCOMUTIL, but I'm having troubles installing it. First, when I run xcusetup for the first time, it only gets to the question whether I want to enable fodder's loader. After that it tells me to create a shortcut for runxcom, but the other questions (as stated in the readme) are not asked.

And when I try to run it again, it says "Version 1.0 detected" but then "read failure on geoscape.exe".

I am using the UFO-Version I downloaded here on Abandonia. What is the problem? I'd really love to play a more advanced difficulty level; not to mention random ships etc.

Help would really be appreciated!

Eagle of Fire 12-01-2005 02:57 PM

The version on abadonnia is the "new" Windows version. It may not be compatible with a cheat program which is most probably designed to work with the DOS version of the game.

ultranewbie 13-01-2005 02:37 AM


I have about 5 avengers, and have researched alien origins
Have you captured the commander of an enemy base on earth? From what I hear, that is the way to get to Mars and complete the game... :bannana:

Guest 14-01-2005 08:43 AM

Seeing as we are talking about bugs.

How does one fix the bug where the game will crash if you click on a fighter tab (thats following a space ship)
i found if i went back to a previous mission, and completed it, the bug was still there.

infact the only way i found to get around this was to reload the game before any craft were chasing any UFOs but that sucks cause i usually am tight by keeping 3 save games but i dont wanna reverse 28 days, or more again.

anyone know how to fix this. I dont care if i have to edit the x-com craft out of the game, i just want the game to contunue.

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