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Ioncannon 25-03-2004 06:52 PM

C&C is the BEST strat game! PEACE THROUGH POWER!!!!

Stroggy 25-03-2004 08:50 PM


C&C is the BEST strat game! PEACE THROUGH POWER!!!!
the technology of peace!

The Niles 26-03-2004 07:25 AM


As gameplay the two games are incomparable(C&C is much better i think).Also graphics are much more better in the second game.Sound is better... so i really don't see your point Picard.Dune II is a classic , an exceptional game for it's time;but it's incomparable with C&C.

You are of course intiteled to your own opinions about what you like but to say Dune2 and C&C are incomparable is untrue. The are virually identical in many respects. C&C has better graphics yes and better sound maybe even more options but then it was released years after Dune2. The reason I said C&C was a bad game was partly just to tick people off which needs to be done every once in awhile. The other reason was that although in many respects C&C is better then Dune2, Dune2 had one quality that is, for me, an overriding factor to for considdering a game good. Dune2 kept me interrested. I played C&C and even enjoyed it for a time but once I got to mid game I had seen all the levels already and the new units I got could not entice me to keep playing. Dune2 however I played out until the bitter end more then once. It's no doubt a matter of taste but for me Dune2 will always be better then C&C. I did like C&C Red Alert however, funny thing that.

Omuletzu 26-03-2004 11:13 AM


The reason I said C&C was a bad game was partly just to tick people off
You sure did :evil:

which needs to be done every once in awhile
Not true.I respect your oppinion about C&C, but as you said above you were only trying to annoy me.Not nice... :x

It's no doubt a matter of taste but for me Dune2 will always be better then C&C. I did like C&C Red Alert however, funny thing that.
Your oppinion, and i respect it, but don't try to change mine...

The Niles 26-03-2004 11:21 AM


I respect your oppinion about C&C, but as you said above you were only trying to annoy me.Not nice... *:x *

This is untrue. I said it was one of the reasons not THE reason. And annoying people by questioning their beliefs keeps people from becomming complacent.

Stroggy 26-03-2004 12:08 PM

Red Alert has always been seen as the game that finally got everything right
Dune 2 wasn't that much fun
C&C didn't have strange missions like in Red Alert.
the great thing about Red Alert were the missions
I remember in one mission you had one spy and you had to get through an entire enemy base filled with gods without being noticed

Omuletzu 26-03-2004 12:31 PM

hey picard i hope you ain't mad or something , cus this is only a conversation about games... no offense right? :wink:

The Niles 26-03-2004 02:24 PM


hey picard i hope you ain't mad or something , cus this is only a conversation about games... no offense right? *:wink:
I'm not offended at all. Only a little tired. I need a vacation.

Omuletzu 26-03-2004 06:42 PM

huh ... :roll: ... me too

Almigo 04-11-2005 10:17 AM

Truely one of the greatest games made in it's time :Brain:
It really showed WarCraft, what realtime strategy gamming is all about... :ok:

I have several cd's with C&C + addon's and such. But I don't have any trouple
running the game in XP pro :w00t:
I don't have any servie packs installed, that could be the reason. But if not, then i don't know.

To Stroggy: I agree that RA has some special mission with Tanja and such,
but they where in C&C to. In fact I remember that in the demo of C&C there's three missions.
1. Landfall on beach, build base and barracks. :sniper:
2. Special mission with a man like Tanja, think he's named Jack. Blow up anti-air
3. Establish Base and attack enemy base which got the ion-tower. :Titan:

Seems that my memory is okey, after all.. hehe :angel:

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