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Japo 19-09-2012 07:36 PM

OK TC you win

Superfunky 20-09-2012 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by PaulBearer (Post 441872)
Manos - The Hands of Fate
The Beast of Yucca Flats
are probably the worst ones I ever saw. I actually like bad movies, they're usually funny, but those two shouldn't even be called movies, watching them just made me aggressive since nobody involved had any bit of talent or at least tried to do something more than the absolute minimum.

Manos was filmed with a camera that could only record 32 seconds of film, that explains the quality of the movie a bit. No, that's no joke.

Yea, Manos was shot on a Bolex. Now there are many fun movies done with a Bolex over the years, this was not one of them.

Honorable mention:

Troll 2
Superman 4
Anything made by Ewe Boll
Big Gus What's The Fuss (Lloyd Kaufman has written volumes about how horrible this one was and I finally got it and my God, it was horrible.)

TheChosen 21-09-2012 04:24 PM

This is what me and Midget watched yesterday

I think Cinema snob said it best about this film


“GODDAMNIT!! I can’t even fall asleep! This movie is so fucking boring that my urge to sleep has fallen asleep.”

Mighty Midget 22-09-2012 01:08 AM

TC did indeed surprise me with a movie completely void of anything, Now, this next flick has been mentioned everywhere as the worst ever. I still think there are far FAR worse movies out there, some of them mentioned in this topic but to stay true to what Mr and Mrs Everybody and their dog say, here's "the worst movie ever". Enjoy

EDIT: In TC's defence, it must be said that I tricked him into watching this "masterpiece" I do believe he had hired stand-ins to do the chatting when he was already sound asleep. It was Orgy Of The Dead however that caused him to promise to himself "damn! Someone WILL pay for this!"

Double Edit: Ok, I found the Turkey. It's arguable if it is the worst ever made, now with decades of turd making but it certainly is no Citizen Kane

TheChosen 22-09-2012 02:43 AM

I honestly didn't think Mesa of Lost Women was that bad. It had that B-movie quality which was cheesy and enjoyable and that soundtrack was unforgettable in many ways.

Orgy of the Dead though....yeah, I had to find a movie more boring than that as a "thank you" to you.

Mighty Midget 22-09-2012 10:27 AM

...and I must say you surpassed my wildest expectations.

DarylCooper 22-09-2012 12:43 PM

These all are really worst movie. I never heard about some of them. Why do they make such kind of movies?

Mighty Midget 22-09-2012 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by DarylCooper (Post 446207)
These all are really worst movie. I never heard about some of them. Why do they make such kind of movies?

Interesting signature you have there. Oh here's one I never heard anything good about

It is also downloading here so Christmas should be all sorted.

Superfunky 22-09-2012 06:17 PM

Bad movies are usually more fun than good ones. Case in point, Poultrygeist!!!

Mighty Midget 22-09-2012 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Superfunky (Post 446216)
Bad movies are usually more fun than good ones. Case in point, Poultrygeist!!!

Poultrygeist I haven't seen but I couldn't agree more on the first bit! That is, if I'm not struggling to keep my finger off the Stop button. Some movies are so godforsakenly awful I can't say I enjoyed them, rather I forced myself through them just to be fully aware THAT was a terrible mistake. I will rewatch Plan 9 and Teenagers From Outer Space but never ever again will I watch Shark Attack 3 or SW Holiday Special.

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